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  • Recycling Essay


Essay on Recycling

The process of converting waste materials into a new material or object that is useful is known as recycling. It prevents the wastage of some useful materials and is responsible for reducing the consumption of the new material. Recycling is a process that acts as an excellent help for the earth's environment as it reduces energy usage, air pollution, and water pollution. In order to have a clear overview of recycling, one should give a read to the below-recycling essay.

A Long Essay on Recycling

With the increase in pollution every day, the world should develop different ways of securing the earth's environment for future generations. Recycling can be considered as one of the ways to control pollution because recycling is the key to reducing the wastage of some useful materials. Recycling aims at environmental sustainability by substituting raw material inputs into and by redirecting waste outputs out of the ecosystem. This paragraph was meant for giving a recycling essay introduction to the readers. While reading this article, one will understand the importance of recycling essays in the process of gaining knowledge.

Recyclable Materials

Recyclable materials are those materials that can be recycled easily. Recyclable material is an important topic in the essay on the recycling of waste. Some of the recyclable materials are many kinds of glass, paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, tires, textiles, batteries, and electronics. The process of composting or reusing biodegradable waste like food and garden waste can also be termed recycling. Material that is meant to be recycled is either given to a recycling center or is picked up from the garbage bins. The recyclable material is then sorted, cleaned, or reprocessed and transferred into a new material, which is then used for manufacturing new products. These materials that are used for manufacturing new products are also known as recyclates.

Recycling Consumer Waste

Different governments have established a number of systems around the globe for collecting the recyclates from the general waste team. One can gain knowledge on these different systems through this essay on recycling. The three main systems for collecting recyclates are drop-off centers, buy-back centers, and curbside collection.

Curbside collection is a service provided by the government to different households to collect their household waste and other recyclables. This type of recycling collection is mostly seen in urban and suburban areas. One may have learned about this in recycling at school essays.

Drop-off centers are collection sites where the recyclates are collected by a person and are delivered into designated containers. This is some extra knowledge that you can gain from this recycling essay in English.

An essay about recycling also describes buy-back centers. It is a center where recyclates are purchased from the customer and are sent for recycling. These centers buy materials like aluminum cans, glass, and paper.

Recycling Industrial Waste

Most of the waste that is generated all around the globe comes from industries. It is said that almost 64% of waste in the United Kingdom comes from industrial waste. Many industries try to perform recycling in a cost-effective way through different recycling programs. One of the most recycled products in industries is cardboard, as it is used in a huge quantity for packaging. Manufacturers that use materials like glass, lumber, wood pulp, and paper directly deal with recyclates. This is some new knowledge that one has gained from this recycling essay. Recycling industrial waste has become a necessary need for today's world in order to save the environment from deteriorating.

A Short Essay on Recycling

A Short Paragraph on Recycling in English

In this short essay about recycling, a person will be able to gain the required amount of knowledge about recycling. Recycling, in simple words, means converting waste materials into useful materials. The objective of recycling is to reduce wastage in the world and bring pollution under control. The materials that can be recycled are known as recyclates. This short paragraph on recycling is enough for understanding the concept of recycling.

Industrial waste holds the maximum part of the total earth's waste. So, industries should plan how to reduce it, and the best way to do that is by using materials that can be recycled. Governments are also taking initiatives to recycle a massive number of consumer waste.

The above recycling essay talks about recycling in short. Recycling is very important because it is the only way that can restrict pollution to some extent. In order to have a better future, it is very crucial to understand the impact of recycling on the environment.

How to prepare for Exams with This Topic?

Exam preparation is not complete without Vedantu. One simply needs to register with Vedantu or download the Vedantu app. At Vedantu one can find notes and other practice questions with solutions that are some of the best resources available to ace exams. The learning resources provide a thorough understanding of the topic.

Recycling is the need of the hour as pollution is at a peak, and it is very much important to control it as soon as possible. Recycling is one of the ways to minimize pollution, so it should be implemented in every country by creating proper awareness among the people and industries. The above article is the best recycling essay example to understand what recycling is and how it can affect us. New policies should be incorporated to accelerate the recycling process in every country. Governments of many countries have already started it, the faster, the better.


FAQs on Recycling Essay

1. What are the three types of Recycling?

Recycling is the conversion of waste materials into a usable material that can be utilized for manufacturing a new product. Recycling is of three types: primary recycling, secondary recycling, and tertiary recycling. These three types are involved in performing the same function, but the way of doing that differs in each case, and that is what makes them different from each other. This means, in the case of primary recycling, the same material, and the same product is recycled such as paper made of recycled paper. In the case of secondary recycling, a product is manufactured out of recycled paper which is not paper. Finally, in the case of tertiary recycling, the recycled paper is broken down chemically into such an ingredient that it is no longer paper but still can be used for a product.

2. What are the five things that can be Recycled?

The process of transforming waste material into new material and products is known as recycling. The five things that can be recycled are rigid plastics, paper or cardboard, metals, glass, and polystyrene foam cups. These are the materials that are recycled in massive amounts all over the world. These types of materials are mostly recycled by industries because they use recyclates in their operations. Other examples of recyclates are fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) recyclates which are predominantly used for construction purposes.

3.  How does recycling reduce pollution?

Recycling is the incorporation of waste materials into daily practices. The reuse of waste materials avoids the further generation of pollutants from the manufacturing factories. These pollutants may be either air- or water-borne. The majority of such waste is discharged into water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and harmful landfills. Such an approach is cost-effective and supplies commodities made of recycled materials among different economic groups within the society. A classic example is the manufacture of textile apparel from recycled plastics.

4. What are the three main systems of collecting recyclates?

The government around the globe has three main systems of collecting recyclates- curbside collection, drop-off centers, and buy-back centers. The government has provided curbside collection to gather household waste in urban and suburban areas. Drop-off centers employ a person to collect recyclates and deliver to designated containers. Buy-back centers purchase from customers and send for recycling of items such as aluminum cans, glass items, and paper. These systems of recycling collection boost awareness among the citizens to support the cause and reduce the waste collectively.

5. What is the benefit of recycling cardboard and paper?

Cardboard and paper are made from the bark of trees through a series of sophisticated engineering. The trees are cut over a large scale in plantations. The bark is extracted and undergoes chemical processes such as bleaching. Such processes generate toxic waste and reduce the green cover, whenever there is a need for paper. Thus, recycling previously used cardboard and paper protects deforestation and wildlife habitat. As a result, the flora and fauna are maintained, leading to possible control of global warming.

Thus, recycling is an important process that can help us to save our environment. It is an important topic for the students as they can write different topics related to this topic for writing an essay in the exam. Students can prepare on other topics related to this topic such as the benefits of recycling, how recycling can help to save the environment etc. Students can get suitable information on the topic from Vedantu. Vedantu provides detailed information on Recycling in a simple and easy language. Students can read the essay given on Vedantu and can prepare similar points for writing an essay.

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Essays About Recycling: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Essays about recycling raise awareness regarding the planet’s destruction; see our top essay examples and prompts to create a powerful piece.

An American disposes of about 1,800 pounds of garbage annually into a landfill. To visualize it better, one mature male cow has the same weight. Because there are at least 332 million Americans in the country , it’s no wonder there’s an ongoing problem with garbage disposal. 

Recycling is an excellent way to deal with this dilemma. Through recycling, used materials can be salvaged and reprocessed to create new products. However, there are specific steps to follow to recycle each material the right way. Regardless, recycling helps a lot in the preservation of natural resources and benefits many aspects of human lives.

Below are essay examples to read to know what a great essay about recycling looks like:

1. Essay on Recycling for Students and Children by Anonymous on

2. essay on recycling- concept, benefits & importance of recycling by anonymous on, 3. reuse reduce recycle by anonymous on, 4. recycling of materials by anonymous in studycorgi, 5. the value of recycling by anonymous on, 1. my way of recycling, 2. how to recycle, 3. why we should recycle, 4. recycling in different countries, 5. generating income from recycling , 6. why people don’t recycle, 7. if we stop recycling, 8. eco-warrior inspirations.

“…recycling is a small step by humans to save the environment. But this small step is very effective in the long run.”

The author briefly explains what recycling is, ensuring the definition is straightforward so the readers can easily understand it. This essay delves into why recycling is necessary, especially for its role in saving the planet. It also discusses the recycling process, focusing on common materials such as paper and plastic. Finally, the essay concludes with what people can do to participate in recycling.

“Given the fact that we are living in a world that is predominantly surrounded by a host of climate issues. We need to focus [on] recycling for [a] better, safe and clean environment.”

The essay blames overpopulation and industrialization for ruining the environment. It also mentions that recycling is critical to saving the Earth before listing five of its benefits. Finally, the author concludes by urging the readers to do their part in protecting the planet through recycling.

“The importance of reduc[e] reuse recycle is ever-increasing with the rising pollution levels in the world… With so many benefits, the human race needs to realize its significance to save the world for its coming generations.”

After an impactful introduction shifting the readers’ attention to the fact that recycling saves the environment and helps man produce without the need to sacrifice more resources, the essay goes on to explain three other great benefits of this practice. These are: conserving energy, reducing pollution (global warming), and saving money. The writer also demands teaching younger generations about the current environmental problems so they can help the older age group in saving the planet.

“The present world is faced with complex environmental problems, and there is general misinformation on environmental concepts… Advocates of environmental consciousness must strive to stop the complex explanations, and focus more on unvarnished terms which will give Americans an easy description of what is expected of them.”

Acknowledging that both developed and developing countries are affected by waste disposal, the author then looks for the causes. They start by analyzing man’s garbage disposal habits, which weren’t a problem at the beginning of time since most trash was organic. That is until the start of the agricultural revolution, followed by the rapid population increase. The essay shares studies and cites them throughout the piece as the writer discusses relevant points connected to the topic. 

“Recycling is the process of making use of waste or used materials in a more effective manner. Actually, if we want to leave this planet productive and healthy for the future generations, recycling is mandatory or crucial in [the] modern world.”

The writer is adamant about instilling in his readers the reality that recycling is not an option. Instead, it’s a requirement that we must do to keep something for the future. They mention how negligent people are in wasting this planet’s little resources, opening the entire human race to many risks. The essay also mentions recycling’s importance to the environment and the economy, saying it should start at home and, when done by everyone, will make a massive difference to the world. 

You need excellent grammar and syntax to create an engaging and readable piece. See our guide on grammar and syntax to improve your writing.

8 Prompts on Essays About Recycling

Try these prompts to jumpstart your essay writing:

For this writing prompt, talk about what you can do as an individual to help in recycling. It can be the small things, such as segregating reusable materials at home or posting about the benefits of recycling on your social media pages. You can also mention that writing your essay about recycling is a way to contribute to this vital movement by spreading knowledge and awareness.

Essays about recycling: How to recycle?

Many know what recycling is, but not everyone understands the steps they should follow to achieve recycling’s goals. So, in your essay, explain how to recycle correctly. You can also add how recycling can be a fun activity for anyone of all ages. For instance, you can put instructions on how to assemble a bowling game with recycled bottles. Doing so will give family members something to bond over during holidays and weekends. Additionally, interview data or surveys to gather public information on how the average person recycles.

Because there are already many pieces explaining why recycling is essential, make your essay stand out by connecting it to relevant events. For example, you can start your essay with recent news about global warming, such as a severe storm in your area that affected many. Then, link your article to how recycling can help prevent these disasters.

Countries have ways of dealing with scarce resources and executing garbage disposal practices. For this prompt, discuss how different communities recycle their trash. First, discuss the best recycling countries like Germany and South Korea and their practices. Then, pick out what the rest of the world should apply in their recycling regimen.

There are many ways that recycling products can be turned into a business. From selling reusable materials like metals and plastic bottles to opening a vintage clothes store, show the opportunities recycling offers. Don’t forget to add eco-friendly business practices and encourage your readers to support those that promote sustainable living.

Although recycling has many advantages for the environment, some cons prevent everyone from infusing recycling into their everyday lives. Openly discuss the lack of programs educating people on how to recycle, why many think recycling is inconvenient, and other restraints. Remember to include possible solutions to these limits.

In this prompt, create an imaginary scenario where no one recycles. Detail what will happen to the community, environment, and nature. Aside from losing space due to garbage, we’ll also have to deal with health hazards and possibly new diseases. You can also debate a positive sequence, where people may find a way to control garbage through new technologies or operations.

In this essay, discuss a person, business, or organization that is an eco-warrior and inspiration. It can be your school, office, or someone at home. Talk about how they carry out proper recycling, who pushed the ideas to fruition, and what they do with the materials they recycle. You can also comment on what facets of their recycling program you want other places to copy or which parts they could improve. Use anecdotes and research data to support your opinion for a compelling essay.

Read these essay writing tips to use them in your writing.

recycling for environment essay

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Recycling - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Recycling involves the process of collecting, processing, and reusing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash. Essays could discuss the benefits of recycling on the environment, economy, and communities, the challenges and solutions to effective recycling systems, and public policies that encourage or mandate recycling. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Recycling you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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How to Write an Essay About Recycling

Understanding the concept of recycling.

Before writing an essay about recycling, it's important to understand what recycling is and why it's important. Recycling involves the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Begin your essay by explaining the basic process of recycling and its significance in environmental conservation. Discuss the types of materials that can be recycled, such as paper, plastic, glass, and metals, and how recycling these materials helps reduce waste, conserve natural resources, cut down on pollution, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on recycling should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about recycling. For example, you might argue the benefits of recycling for the environment and economy, analyze the challenges and limitations of current recycling practices, or advocate for increased public awareness and policy support for recycling initiatives. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your topic.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from various sources, including environmental studies, governmental reports, and case studies. This might include statistics on recycling rates, research findings on the environmental impact of recycling, or examples of successful recycling programs. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. Be sure to consider different perspectives and address potential counterarguments.

Analyzing the Impact of Recycling

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing the impact of recycling. Discuss how recycling helps in waste management and conservation of resources, and explore the economic benefits of recycling, such as job creation and revenue generation. Also, consider the challenges in recycling, such as contamination of recyclable materials, the complexity of recycling certain products, and public participation levels.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the importance of recycling as a key component of environmental sustainability. You might also want to suggest ways to improve recycling practices or encourage greater public participation in recycling programs.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and refine it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers, educators, or environmental experts to further improve your essay. A well-written essay on recycling will not only demonstrate your understanding of the topic but also your ability to engage with and analyze important environmental issues.

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  • Social Impact

How Does Recycling Help the Environment? (& 10+ Materials to Recycle)

Recycling is great, and we all know it. but, how does recycling help the environment here are the important benefits of recycling..

Christian Eilers

Why is recycling important? What are the benefits of recycling?

We’ve all heard of the Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle . 

As a slogan, it’s about perfect—it is short, can’t be misunderstood, and has the pleasant ring of alliteration.  

To reduce is to cut down on what is produced and what we consume.

To reuse is to find ways to repurpose items which otherwise are designed to be discarded.

To recycle is to submit items to be broken down into base materials and converted into future products.

Though this catchy phrase makes an easy-to-live-by rule, it only makes us question further. So, in this guide, we’ll look at ways recycling helps the environment. Shortly after, we’ll discuss common materials you can separate and recycle, as well as why those materials are important to recycle.

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How Does Recycling Help the Environment?

Recycling is one of the best ways to fight climate change .

Here are a few ways recycling helps the environment and fight climate change:

1. Recycling Conserves Resources

When we recycle plastic, we reduce the need for more plastic to be manufactured. By recycling paper, we do our part to lessen deforestation and save trees from being cut down . Separating cans and other metals helps to cut down on damaging mining and our growing need for raw materials. 

2. Recycling Saves Energy

It takes much more energy to create industrial-grade materials from scratch than it does just to reform old materials and reuse them. For example, it is estimated that “recycling aluminum saves 90% to 95% of the energy needed to make aluminum from bauxite ore.” Recycling saves energy because recycled materials don’t require factories to expend so much greenhouse gas emissions than they would if they had created the same item again from scratch using raw materials.

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3. Recycling Protects the Environment

When we cut down on the amount of new materials and natural resources we need to extract from the earth, whether through farming, mining, logging, etc., we protect vulnerable ecosystems and wildlife from harm or eradication and allow them to exist for generations to come. Recycling materials emits way less greenhouse gases into the environment than primary production.

According to the Inventory of Average Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Denmark, Norway and Sweden , here are the differences in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from primary production vs. production from recycling:

* Unit used is kg CO2-equivalent/kg material.

4. Recycling Slows the Spread of Landfills

In the United States alone, there are 2,000 active landfills all full of solid waste and emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as it all slowly decomposes. This doesn’t account for the many that have been closed due to reaching capacity, or the future landfills that’ll have to be created when the active landfills become land full .

5. Recycling Creates Jobs

That’s right: believe it or not, one of the benefits of recycling is that it actually helps create jobs! A study by Friends of the Earth determined that reaching a 70% home recycle rate would create 51,400 jobs in the United Kingdom alone. In the US, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) found that reaching a 75% recycling rate nationwide would create 1.5 million new jobs.

6. Recycling Supports the SDGs

Our future and the future of all generations after us depend on sustainable production and consumption. As such, recycling is one of the best ways to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals .

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What Should Be Recycled?

So, we’ve covered some top ways on how recycling helps the environment. 

Here are the most common materials to recycle and how to go about it:

1. Plastics

Plastics are the absolute worst .

Your flimsy plastic grocery bag? It takes 10–20 years to decompose.

That single-use water bottle you bought? It can take up to 450 years to break down in a landfill. 

Other, more durable plastics? Up to 1,000 years!

Plastics are difficult for the environment, sure, but unfortunately they are difficult to recycle, as well. Not all plastics can be recycled, first of all. Then, there are different types of plastics which require varying processes and considerations.

The Resin Identification Coding System ( RIC ) separates plastics into seven different types. These seven types of plastic are:

  • Polyethylene terephthalate (PETE or PET)
  • High-density polyethylene (HDPE or PE-HD)
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or just V)
  • Low-density polyethylene & Linear low-density polyethylene (LDPE & PE-LD)
  • Polypropylene (PP)
  • Polystyrene (PS)
  • Other plastics (OTHER or O)

The number above also corresponds to the recycling number of a plastic, which you can most often find on the bottom of the item, along with an abbreviation (in parentheses above).

When you recycle plastics, you cut down on the long degradation time, while helping to make sustainable new products. According to Weill Cornell Medicine , “recycled plastic bottles are used to make carpet, clothing and even auto parts.” 

Paper products are relatively simple to recycle. 

Depending on your country, city, and district regulations, you may separate all paper together, or separate simple paper products from plastic-coated paper products, such as a Starbucks cup or orange juice carton. In the latter case, this is because it takes special chemicals and an extra step to remove the glue, plastic, and other residue from the paper in order to reuse it.

Glass is just about the longest-lasting man-made material, taking up to 1 million years to degrade in the environment!

If that’s not enough reason to recycle your glass bottles, there’s also the sand loss. Sand is the key ingredient in most glass, but the supplies are dwindling. Yes, believe it or not, sand is not as infinite as you might imagine—in fact, scientists are saying we’re facing a growing sand shortage, some going as far to call it a sand crisis.

The good news is that it’s one of the easier materials to recycle. First, a treatment plant sorts them by colors. Then, they give them a wash and remove stickers and other impurities. Finally, they melt down crushed glass pieces and shape them into new bottles and jars ready for us to purchase again.

Metals must be mined from the earth, which damages the areas and environments those mines are dug. 

Recycling metals can be tricky, as there are dozens of metals. However, the good news for the average person is that most metals can be recycled together, as recycling plants sort them into their respective categories.

5. Organic Materials, Food & Compost

Organic waste such as food is the most biodegradable of the lot. The best way to recycle your own organic waste is to start composting it. Compost is organic material that has broken down, and it may appear to you as rich, dark soil. 

Making compost is simple, and all you need is the passage of time. Then, when you’ve transformed past eggshells and orange peels into nutrient-rich dirt, use it for planting, gardening, or dump it in a public park (check your local laws first!). In some cities, such as New York , brown bins for organic waste are available, since there’s not much room to dispose of compost you create.

6. Electronics

Known as E-waste (short for electronic waste ), this includes all discarded electronic items, whether broken, unwanted, or at the end of their working lives. 

The hard part of recycling electronics comes down to their constituent parts—there are dozens of gadgets and gizmos on the average circuit board, made out of a variety of metals, epoxy, glass, and other materials.

However, the good news is that almost all of the components can be reused. According to the EPA , “for every million cell phones we recycle, 35 thousand pounds of copper, 772 pounds of silver, 75 pounds of gold and 33 pounds of palladium can be recovered.”

To recycle your used electronics, there are often bins at large retailers, such as Best Buy or Staples, where you can donate. 

7. Batteries

Batteries require special consideration when discarding them, as they contain toxic chemicals and heavy metals which shouldn’t decompose at your average landfill. Though there’s a potential for great harm to the environment should batteries end up there, there is also a lot of value in recycling batteries. 

For the general public, we don’t have to worry too much about the various metals, chemicals, or battery types, such as lithium, alkaline, or zinc. Rather, just as with consumer electronics, there are often used battery receptacles located at many big-box stores around town.

8. Tires & Commercial Rubber

When a tire goes flat or the tread wears off, that’s about it, even though about 99% of the tire remains. Not only is there a lot of waste in this type of waste, but they take up lots of room at landfills, as well, with 75% of their volume being void space.

Many tires, and other commercial rubber materials, are difficult to recycle, so much of them have been burned to get rid of them, even when properly discarded. However, as technology advances, there have also been advances in the materials used for tires, with an increasing amount of biodegradability and reuse potential.

When getting rid of your tires, avoid the landfill. Instead, Google around for a recycling facility which specifically takes care of tires. If they can retread the tire, it could go back on the shelf for you or the next consumer. Otherwise, at least they’ll dispose of it in a way which won’t poison the ground and the creatures around.

Got a little time to kill and some DIY spirit? Here are some fun, funny, and creative ways to recycle your old tires .

9. Clothing & Textiles

Textile recycling, which includes clothing, rags, sheets, curtains, linens, and other similar materials, is a key way to reduce municipal solid waste (MSW). According to the EPA , the US generated 16,890 tons of textiles in 2017, of which just 2,570 tons were recycled.

If they make their way to landfills, clothing and other fibrous materials can take up to several hundred years to break down. But, recycling these textiles helps the environment by skipping the landfill and sending the clothing to plants to be sorted, cleaned, shredded, and respun.

To recycle clothing, check your local mall or retailers, such as H&M, as they often have bins where you can donate your used and unwanted garments. And an added bonus—many often give you a shopping discount for turning in your old clothes! 

10. Fiberboard & Paperboard

First, is there a difference between fiberboard and paperboard? 

Usually, most people use the term cardboard to refer to both items, but there’s a difference, according to some sources (though nothing official). 

Paperboard is thin and formed of one layer, like paper, but thicker, less foldable, and more rigid than paper (think of a greeting card). Corrugated fiberboard is the three-layer kind you may be familiar with in shipping boxes, consisting of two rigid layers sandwiching a wavy middle one for strength.

In some recycling programs, there’s a differentiation between fiberboard recycling and paperboard recycling—some accept paperboard with paper, others accept paperboard with fiberboard separate from paper, and a few want all three to be separated. 

So, to sum up on the benefits of recycling and how recycling helps the environment—well, there are plenty of reasons, as you have seen. From reducing carbon emissions to conserving natural resources, recycling is one of the best ways we can fight climate change.

Have any feedback, questions, or other ways recycling protects the environment? Let us know in the comments below! 

Oh, and if you have any recycling ideas, large or small, share them with the Goodwall community to help it get the visibility, traction, and support it deserves! Not a member of Goodwall yet? Sign up quickly and easily with the links below.

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Hi Christian, I have read your blog about recycling and it is very useful information. I would like to start recycling more as well, as I have a deep passion for marine mammals and planet earth. I am new to this but I’m willing to learn more. I have my own website as well about recycling and was wondering if we can both share each others information to benefit our communities and learn more about how it may be beneficial to many individuals. Please don’t hesitate to reach out! Thanks! 🙂

Working to bring developers, builders and homeowners cutting edge green technology would really help in our advocacy to green living. Informative article. Lets go green!

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Management Recycling of the Waste Reflective Essay

Collection of data, management skills, inventory and storage management, social and ethical responsibility, potential business enterprises, recycling centers and cost factors, collectivism, plastic issue.

Over the past ten weeks, a recycling project took place. The requirement of this assignment was to collect and recycle different kinds of household items from the trash. Various options were given to select from and make a research report on it. In equal quantity plastic and metal was collected to complete the assignment.

After collecting all the recyclable items, it was required to find out their market value and to sell them. So, that one can differentiate that how much is the difference between the real product and the recyclable waste.

In the first week five plastic cups were collected, which were kept in the storage area. In the second week, six tin cans of a carbonated beverage were collected to recycle. In the third week, five plastic water bottles were collected.

In the fourth week, four metal candle stands were collected. In the fifth week, seven plastic hair combs were collected. In the sixth week, four side panels of a window were collected which are made of aluminum metal.

In the seventh week, five plastic tin-tin toys were collected for this assignment. In the eight week, three frying pans were collected which are found almost in every house. In the ninth week, twelve plastic bowls were collected, which are found in every house. In the last week of this assignment, six metal strainers were collected.

After all the items were collected, it was necessary to keep an account of them. All of the items were arranged in sequenced manner and then the counting was done. All the items were of different sizes and types in the inventory.

Management of the storage area was necessary to complete this assignment. Otherwise, there was a possibility that the recyclable items might get mixed up and then it will become a problem to count them in the end. The most important priority was to keep the storage area clean.

Every week a new item in the inventory was being added therefore plastic and metal items were kept separately. Plastic items were kept on the floor whereas metal products were kept on the table in an organized manner. Since, keeping the storage are clean was also a part of the assignment therefore it used to be cleaned after every three days.

Social and ethical responsibility of every person in this world should be to keep it clean. Recycling should be one thing which everyone is aware off. People need to be aware of how much can change if they start recycling. It is a social responsibility of every human being to recycle plastic as much as possible since it is very harmful for this planet.

It’s hard to calculate the number of companies who use such products and recycle their plastic and metal waste and use it for functional things. There are restaurants, organizations which use recycled metal and plastic materials. For example, the SS plastic dining room is a restaurant which is made up of recycled plastic bottles (Tree hugger, 2010). This is one good way of minimizing the plastic from this world.

Recycling center of America is one of the biggest recycling centers of plastic in America. They recycle at a very large scale and have their factories set up in most of the states. If we talk about metal recycling centers then Metal Source America, Inc. is a very big firm which recycles metals at a very large scale. They have recycling centers established in most of the states. Recycling metal is very expensive.

Collectivism is the opposite of individualism. People who are individualist believe in doing things for themselves and not for the entire society.

Collectivism is something in which people work together and for the whole society rather than just for themselves. It varies in cultures; there are some cultures in which people believe in acting as collective society and fighting for the betterment of the people but at the same time there are some cultures in which people do not really care about the betterment of anyone else except for themselves (via-web, 2011).

Plastic is a very big issue of this entire world. Plastic bags are light in weight and they are easy to carry but there is one thing that everyone should know about them and that is they are very harmful to this world. Plastic is a non-biodegradable product, it takes about hundreds of years to decompose. Plastic bags if burned become the cause of poisoning the air with toxic. There is no proper solution for the plastic issue but it is a person’s duty to use plastic products as less as one can. If we cannot stop it then at least we can reduce the use of it (Ezine articles, 2011).

During the past ten weeks while completing this assignment, a thing was realized that how important is to recycle and keep the world clean. Since, all these items were picked from within the house therefore it somehow made the house looked cleaner. Every person in this world should realize his role in how to keep this world clean and not destroying the atmosphere by the trash they throw out on the roads. It is our social and ethical responsibility in keeping this planet clean and green.

From the beginning to the end what all was required to produce the recyclable items can be explained through the following lines: Firstly, recycling is not a one man job therefore many employees were hired those who could go around and collect different types of plastic and metal waste and bring them to the factory to be recycled. For all this employees, trash collecting trucks, heavy machineries and workers who knew how to use the machineries were needed.

Supply chain of recyclable items can be explained in three points. First of all, when the trash gets recycled they are to be moved from the factory to the warehouse of the factory. Second, from the warehouse of the factory it is send to the distributors of recycled products. Third, the distributors sell it to different factories or customers who have something to do with recycled metal or plastic.

If a person is collecting and supplying the recyclable items then the chain would be like the following: Since, collecting recyclable items is not a one man job therefore many employees were hired to collect the recyclable items. After the collection was done, these recyclable items were brought to the storage area where all of these items were to be stored. From the storage area these items were to be sold to different factories or customers who pay a price for it.

For collecting these recyclable items on a commercial scale a lot of workers are needed, who could go out on the streets and collect trash, then a lot of trash collecting trucks and drivers are needed those who would bring all the recyclable waste back to the warehouse. Once the recyclable waste is at the warehouse then the distribution process starts in which trucks are again needed so that the products can be supplied to factories those who would recycle these items.

All of the recyclable items will be stored in a warehouse because it will be a place where only recycling items will be getting collected and no other work will be able to interrupt this process.

Starting with one distribution is obviously needed but as soon as more factories ordering for the plastic and metal waste then yes, there will be need of at least two or three distribution centers so that the different distribution centers are easily able to distribute the plastic and metal waste to different factories easily and not getting mixed up. This will be a local operation because it is necessary to clean the society first. Focus will be to collect the recyclable items locally.

Since, the supply load will be generating a lot therefore it will become necessary for outsourcing the parts of supply chain to different providers. Recycling is also a business; therefore, gaining profit is the aim of every business. By outsourcing the parts of supply chain, the work will be distributed and more work will be done in less time.

Ezine articles. (2011). The Effect of Plastic Bags on Environment . Web.

Tree hugger. (2010). Floating Plastic Dining Room is Taking Orders . Web.

Via-web. (2011). XIII. Individualism versus collectivism . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 28). Management Recycling of the Waste.

"Management Recycling of the Waste." IvyPanda , 28 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Management Recycling of the Waste'. 28 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Management Recycling of the Waste." December 28, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Management Recycling of the Waste." December 28, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Management Recycling of the Waste." December 28, 2023.

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Argumentative Essay on Recycling

Have you ever seen a water bottle or an empty Doritos bag on the floor, and you just kept walking? Next time, take it and see how much it can make a difference. Recycling is crucial and necessary because it minimizes the need for landfills, lowers pollution levels, and protects the environment and wildlife habitats. This problem affects the whole planet, and this is a big problem because if people do not work again, conditions can worsen, and people do not grind it often in the right way.

First, recycling reduces the need for landfills. When we recycle, things do not have to go to landfills because people still use them. (Mid City Scrap) This shows that recycling reduces the need for waste disposal. Next, 60 -75% of the waste in the landfill can be recycled (Mid City Scrap). Finally, if we recycle more, more landfills would not need to be built near cities, which affects the environment and wildlife. (Conserve Energy Future) This indicates that more recycling means less waste disposal and safer areas as an additional bonus.

Second, recycling reduces the amount of pollution. When you recycle old products, you will need less to buy new products, which means you will be saving energy. (Conserve Energy Future) Since energy is a major pollution problem, energy conservation means less pollution. Second, timber converting to paper is the most demanding industrial process in the United States. However, paper recycling mills almost always use less water and less pollute it. (Princeton) This shows that if we re-processed the paper repeatedly, we would not be so dirty. Finally, the heaters emit a wide range of pollutants so that recycling can reduce the need for heating equipment. (Princeton) This indicates that the heat would not be so frequent that pollution would not be so common.

Finally, recycling protects the environment and animal habitats. First, because we always have to make new paper because the paper is not recycled, part of the world’s trees no longer exists. About 90% of the original forests in the United States are cleared. (Princeton) Since many animals need trees to survive, trees are needed to protect the environment and the ecosystem. Second, recycled materials reduce the need to use natural resources such as wood or mineral ores. (Conserve Energy Future) Since many animals also need these to survive, they need to be kept alive. Eventually, humans felled trees and demolished wildlife habitats to make landfills and garbage dumps. That means that if we recycle it, animal habitats and habitats can be protected.

Some would say that recycling is a waste of time. However, recycling is not a waste of time because if one person recovers and other people start recycling, it will all come together. Opponents may claim that recycling will not get us anyway. However, recycling will take us somewhere because we will have less litter, less pollution, and a better environment.

Reducing the need for landfills, reducing the amount of pollution, and protecting the environment and animal habitats are all reasons why recycling is important and why we need to do it. The next time you see an empty water bottle on the floor, dump it in a nearby trash can, and you could save an animal, the environment, or the entire planet.

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Opinion Can the world really engineer its way out of climate change?

Readers are skeptical. They’re also eyeing their recycling bins with dismay, dreaming of gardens full of native plants and cheering on the EPA.

It was reckless of the Editorial Board to describe large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s climate systems as “cheap and potentially game-changing.” Moreover, the sort of diplomacy the editorial called for is occurring; it just isn’t producing the results The Post prefers.

The Editorial Board criticized the failure to adopt a Swiss proposal at a recent United Nations Environment Assembly. However, the board failed to note that at the same meeting, 54 African countries, with the support of Colombia and other Global South countries, called for a mechanism to ensure that solar geoengineering would not be used. Their objections include concerns that the continent could be used as an experimental zone whose people and lands are harmed first and worst, and worries that such mitigation efforts are just an excuse for wealthy countries to continue consuming in the same damaging ways, and at the same rate.

This echoes the call by more than 450 scholars for an International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering , which notes the unacceptable risk posed by solar geoengineering and the impossibility of fair and effective governance in our current world order. These unproven technologies carry incredibly dangerous risks, among them altering weather patterns across the globe with unknown impacts to ecosystems and biodiversity. Agricultural patterns could be upended, threatening food and water supplies for many millions.

Geoengineering is the ultimate dangerous distraction from bringing about what is unambiguously necessary: a just and equitable fossil fuel phaseout. Our governments don’t need to regulate solar geoengineering. For the sake of a truly sustainable future, they need to permanently ban it.

Benjamin Day , Boston

The writer is a senior campaigner with Friends of the Earth’s climate and energy justice team.

I found the April 28 editorial, “ Who gets to decide to re-engineer the weather? ,” somewhat troubling. Sending sulfur up into the air could increase the possibility of acid rain and harm to plants that remove carbon dioxide and feed people. But we do need creative solutions for managing extreme weather.

Some years ago, I sent an idea to NASA about releasing a test dose of biodegradable iron particles into the atmosphere. These would concentrate near Earth’s magnetic poles to protect the ice caps yet allow solar rays to help crops and forests to grow in temperate and tropical zones along the equator. I never heard back, which reflects domestic inertia, not only the lack of international effort mentioned in the editorial. We need an open forum of ideas, supported by carbon taxes, as it seems today’s world is headed toward the disastrous solution of nuclear winter.

Henry Chang , Bethesda

One word: Plastics

Regarding Eve O. Schaub’s April 23 Tuesday Opinion essay, “ How to celebrate Earth Day? Just dump this toxic stuff. ”:

What a disheartening piece on the futility of plastic recycling. I’m not saying it’s incorrect, just sad.

This is not the first time I’ve heard that recycling plastic might be ineffective. Opinions seem to range from the argument that recycling plastic is well-intentioned but useless, to suggestions that the process is pure hype for marketing purposes (so-called greenwashing). Yet my recycle bin overfloweth!

Given this situation, reducing plastic use is critical, and I suggest a good target is packaging. The amount of entirely unnecessary plastic bags, wraps, ties and fillers that come with every consumer item is staggering. In my experience, Apple is a huge abuser in this regard, with even a simple USB cable packed as though it’s a Christmas gift going to the moon. Another example everyone encounters is bedding that comes in sturdy plastic zipper cases. They might look cute lined up on store shelves, but the case could easily be replaced with cloth or cardboard. Take your own inventory; across every type of product and use, excessive plastic packaging is a scourge on the environment and our health.

Of course, a major change would affect the plastics and packaging industries, the workers they employ and the whole supply chain. Somehow we must take that into account as we move toward environmentally friendly solutions.

Eric Wenocur , Olney

Eve O. Schaub’s argument that recycling plastic is a waste of time took a zero-sum approach to an issue that is complicated — and continually improving.

“Plastics” is a broad category of materials with differing chemical compositions and mechanical properties, all of which affect potential recyclability. That is why the recycling rates for different plastic resin types vary significantly, and why the average recycling rate for plastics is low despite some categories of plastics having high recycling rates.

Over the past several years, the recycled-materials industry has made significant investments in technology, education and partnerships to improve plastics recycling rates, and we are seeing improvements as a result for certain resins.

According to the U.S. Plastic Recycling Study , in 2022, more than 5 billion pounds of post-consumer plastic were recovered for recycling (though that figure does represent a slight decline in volume from the previous two years). More than 95 percent of recovered bottles stayed in North America to be remanufactured into new products.

There is still a long way to go, but manufacturers are increasing the use of recycled content and making products that are easier to recycle. They are recognizing the societal value and the demand from their customer base. My organization, for example, is working closely with Colgate-Palmolive, Starbucks and others to address product recyclability and find ways to strengthen recycling across all material categories.

Making a real difference will require a broad commitment from consumers, manufacturers, scientists, engineers and policymakers. This effort is worth everyone’s time.

Robin Wiener , Washington

The writer is president of the Recycled Materials Association.

Regarding the April 26 news article “ Massive volunteer-aided study reveals biggest known plastic polluters ”:

I was disappointed to read that U.S. negotiators at international meetings concerning plastic pollution have been resistant to an agreement that would limit plastic production.

I was a child in the 1940s, and I remember the milkman delivering milk in glass bottles to our house and retrieving the empty bottles for reuse. It was common practice. I drank my share of soft drinks then, but always from glass bottles. We have tried a plastic recycling approach for many decades, and it is apparent this is not working from an environmental perspective. It is time to phase back into the approach that was better for the environment by putting the emphasis on using, and reusing, glass. And if the glass cannot be reused, it can be recycled with a better outcome than trying to recycle plastic.

Robert F. Benson , Silver Spring

Bring back the birds

Regarding Dana Milbank’s April 28 Sunday Opinion essay, “ This tiny flower teaches us all we need to know about growing old ”:

I enjoy reading about Mr. Milbank’s adventures on his new homestead in Virginia’s Piedmont region. This essay about native wildflowers and tree planting was wonderful.

As an avid birdwatcher, I spent more than 20 years in Northern Virginia watching a lot of great habitat being bulldozed and turned into five-acre “estates," a fancy term for a fairly good-sized house with a lawn that was usually mowed down to the nubbin. One maple tree or dogwood would pass for landscaping. Often, streets in these neighborhoods would be named for the birds that used to live there but that no longer had places to nest and feed: Cardinal Court, Bluebird Lane, etc.

I hope Mr. Milbank’s essay will inspire more homeowners to plant trees and wildflowers that are native instead of invasives such as Bradford pears, which are illegal in a growing number of states. This change could do wonders for all the birds that are under threat from increased development.

Rich Rieger , Schuylkill Haven, Pa.

Good for the EPA

Regarding the April 26 Economy & Business article “ EPA rules would slash pollution from power plants ”:

The Environmental Protection Agency’s new rules limiting coal-fired power-plant emissions will ensure that the United States remains competitive in the renewable-energy economy as well as protect human health and all life. The power industry and its friends have protested that the new rules will be “unrealistic” and “unachievable” and don’t allow enough time to comply. But this argument ignores the fact that the industry has dragged its feet in reducing emissions in the 15 years since the EPA labeled greenhouse gases a health hazard.

Moreover, the power and fossil-fuel industries have both wasted decades of precious time since scientists concluded fossil fuel emissions drive climate change. Given the “pro-life” Republican Party’s opposition to alleviating this threat to life, the outcome of November’s election could very well determine whether power plants will finally clean up their acts — or climate change will be “baked in” to our future.

Michael Wright , Glen Rock, Pa.

About letters to the editor

The Post welcomes letters to the editor on any subject, especially those that expand upon the ideas raised by published pieces and those that raise valuable questions about The Post’s practices and choices. Letters should run no more than 400 words, be submitted only to the Post and must be published under your real name. Submit a letter .

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Recycle Mate

Recycle Mate provides free information about localised recycling and waste reuse options and safe waste disposal options.

Recycle Mate is a national education platform, developed by the Australian Council of Recycling.

The Queensland Government is supporting the use of Recycle Mate by Queensland councils and charities.

Participating Queensland councils will be able to provide point-of-truth information to communities and respond to enquiries about kerbside and non-kerbside waste disposal and recycling, supporting the diversion of valuable resources away from landfill.

Participation of charitable organisations via Recycle Mate is important as key centres for the reuse of good quality clothing, textiles and household goods.

This initiative is supported by the Queensland Government’s Recycling and Jobs fund.

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One day collection events.

The City offers household hazardous waste collection events every spring and fall as a convenient way to dispose of hazardous materials and prevent them from ending up in the Miramar Landfill.

Items accepted at these events include oil, antifreeze, oil filters, car batteries, household batteries and fluorescent bulbs. If you have other Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) to dispose of, please check the City's HHW webpage for information on proper disposal options.

Recycling events are funded by the Environmental Services and Public Utilities Departments and a grant from the State of California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).

Visit the CalRecycle website  for more information on recycling and to find a used oil and oil filter recycling location near you.

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These students were published in the journal of science policy and governance.

People walk past a panther statue on Pitt's campus

Undergraduate students in the University of Pittsburgh’s spring 2023 Environmental Law and Policy class published papers in the April issue of the Journal of Science Policy and Governance.

The class’ goal was for students to identify a science policy problem and create something new in recommending potential solutions. The teams of students in environmental studies, environmental science and other Pitt majors were published alongside graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty from highly ranked science departments, medical schools and policy programs.

Yasmine Florent, Mackenzie Nemoto, Ana Rowley, Vanessa Pratt and recent graduate Maria Isabel Villegas (A&S ’24) wrote “Dangers of Oxybenzone in Sunscreens on Coral Reefs: Proposed Policy Approaches.” The second paper, “Mitigating the Invasive Method of Hydraulic Fracturing Through a Phase Out Policy Plan,” was written by Ashlynn Moretti, Madilyn Cianci, Mina Kimak and Savannah Johns (A&S ’23).

Employees, benefits open enrollment is May 1-15

Pitt is launching an office of sustainability in the health sciences, help shape pitt it’s 10-year horizon plan.

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Guest Essay

Bird Flu Is Our Fault

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By Alex Tey

Ms. Tey is a freelance reporter studying journalism and the environment at New York University.

We don’t yet know if H5N1 bird flu will spill over from animals to infect a large number of humans. Based on the few cases of transmission so far, the World Health Organization has expressed concerns that infection in humans “can cause severe disease with a high mortality rate.”

But already it has wrought devastation upon so many lives. The deaths of millions of birds and mammals around the globe in the last few years directly and indirectly from this outbreak should be enough to spur urgent action to stop the spread of the virus, as well as remind us of the role humans play in the proliferation of infectious diseases.

It’s my belief that humans have an obligation to the nonhuman life we share this planet with to mitigate the harm we’ve enabled this virus to cause. Our unsustainable activities — factory farming, climate-warming emissions and habitat destruction, to name a few — have helped turn bird flu from a natural phenomenon into an anthropogenic disaster. But even if you don’t share that conviction, it is still in our best interest to keep this virus from spreading.

Disease has always been part of avian natural history. Wild birds are routinely exposed to mild viruses, but are seldom killed by them. Humans, however, have introduced factors that favor disease: A warming climate can weaken avian immune systems, and infections spread more easily when birds come into more frequent contact while sharing what little habitat remains.

And factory farming makes things even worse. When farm animals are kept in large numbers and close quarters in poultry and dairy farms, viruses can spread and mutate more easily. It’s a human-facilitated training ground for diseases. The progenitor of today’s H5N1 strain, for example, emerged in 1996 when a virus infecting farmed geese in Guangdong Province in southern China spilled back into wild populations.

Maintaining the health of their animal holdings and their businesses — not to mention the potential risk to farm workers and the ever-present threat of human spillover — requires farmers to act quickly. And when bird flu hits farms, often the only real way to contain it is the precautionary culling of entire flocks, which has resulted in tens of millions of dead hens since 2022. The United States Department of Agriculture recommends that farms use killing methods that avoid suffering. But as many as 66 million chickens and turkeys have been culled with a technique that animal welfare groups call unnecessarily cruel: ventilation shutdown, which kills over several hours through overheating.

Given the animal suffering at stake, minimizing interactions between wild and captive birds is all the more important in preventing the spread of bird flu in both populations. But it’s a daunting task for the agriculture industry, given how difficult it can be to isolate dense animal populations kept in close quarters. When biosecurity measures at farms fail — or aren’t even properly attempted — wild populations take an extremely hard hit.

Though wild bird deaths are harder to tally than poultry culls, the numbers that we do have are disturbing. The strain of bird flu coursing through North America ignited a season of plague for Atlantic seabirds when it first appeared in late 2021 at a Newfoundland farm. From April to September 2022, bird flu killed about 41,000 wild birds in Canada. At least 17 percent of northwestern Europe’s breeding population of Sandwich terns — over 20,000 birds — died. And from November 2022 to January 2023, the virus killed thousands of wild Ross’s and snow geese in North Dakota , Kansas , Indiana and California .

The overall death toll may lie in the millions , with millions more threatened by potential infection thanks to the long-range migrations of waterfowl.

Under normal circumstances, most bird populations can bounce back from die-offs. But climate-warming human activity could impair future recoveries in North America.

When bird flu caused “ unprecedented reproductive failure ” at a Newfoundland breeding colony of northern gannets in 2022, it was probably worsened by a marine heat wave that coincided with the outbreak. Heat stress weakens birds’ immune responses , and is likely to become more common as the planet warms. Warmer temperatures can also make recovery from H5N1 more difficult by deepening the effects of decreased food supplies, pollution and habitat loss.

None of this is encouraging for North American birds, which have already lost billions in the last half-century because of habitat loss and other forces. We contributed to the conditions that helped bird flu mutate into a highly pathogenic form. “Now it’s taken off, and it’s totally out of our control,” said Samantha Gibbs, the lead wildlife veterinarian at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Worse may lie in store. If the virus spreads unencumbered, it could spell further disaster for species like the beloved Atlantic puffin or the regionally endangered roseate tern. Colony-nesting seabirds like these nest in close quarters and in high numbers, reducing predation but magnifying the effects of disease. Recent asymptomatic cases in Adélie penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula have spurred fears of outbreaks in tight-knit penguin colonies. The blurring of the lines between the wild and the domestic, as infections spill over and back again, also heightens the threats to livestock — and humans.

But to fret only about the prospect of human infection betrays an ecological narcissism. We must not ignore the nonhuman suffering for which, through factory farming, anthropogenic climate change and habitat destruction, we are responsible.

While you most likely need not worry about catching bird flu from meat, eggs or dairy, this is as good a time as any to cut down on products that contribute to climate change (like greenhouse gas-intensive beef) or perpetrate cruelty (like eggs from caged chickens). The same factory farms that cause excessive animal suffering can also function as a reservoir for disease.

An enduring commitment to nonhuman life on Earth would bring down the risk of zoonotic disease spreading to humans. But saving the planet for our own benefit is only by degrees less shortsighted than destroying it to our own detriment. As its most influential and destructive denizens, we owe a duty of care to all of nature — not just its human inhabitants.

Alex Tey is an editor at large of New York University’s student newspaper, Washington Square News.

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recycling for environment essay

  • Environment
  • Environmental permits

GL8 8YL, McCarthy Marland (Recycling) Limited: environmental permit application advertisement - EPR/LB3700LZ/V002

Environment Agency

Published 10 May 2024

Applies to England

recycling for environment essay

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Details of the application

The Environment Agency has received an application to vary (change) an environmental permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 from McCarthy Marland (Recycling) Limited.

The proposed variation changes a standard rules permit into a bespoke permit.

Application number


Regulated facility type

Household, commercial and industrial waste transfer including treatment.

This variation is to change the current standard rules (SR2008No3_75kte) to a bespoke permit. The site also proposed to make the below changes: • Increased in tonnage from 75,000 to 100,000. • Green waste, waste wood, fines and plastics to be stored externally. • To include 19 12 12 waste code.

Regulated facility address

Valley Trading Waste Recycling Facility Babdown Airfield Beverstone Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8YL

How to view and comment on the application

If you have any comments on the application send these by 10 June 2024.

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Online: view and comment on the application using Citizen Space

Via email: [email protected]

For advice about how to make a representation or if you are unable to make a representation via e-mail, please call 03708 506 506.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Recycling — Recycling Is Harming the Environment


Recycling is Harming The Environment

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Words: 2530 |

13 min read

Published: Apr 11, 2019

Words: 2530 | Pages: 6 | 13 min read

Works Cited

  • Veolia. (n.d.). Why is recycling important? Retrieved from
  • Aadland, D. (2004). Recycling and waste reduction: An analysis of curbside recycling programs. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 47(2), 227-246.
  • Catlin, J. R., & Wang, S. (2012). Recycling and consumption. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 64(1), 87-101.
  • Jesson, D., & Stone, R. (2009). Recycling behaviour in households: A review of the evidence. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 66(6), 737-758.
  • Morgan, K. (2006). The unintended consequences of recycling: The case of newspaper. Journal of the American Planning Association, 72(2), 173-187.
  • Silverman, J. (2008). Spillover and rebound effects of environmental behavior: An environmental psychology perspective. Environment and Behavior, 40(3), 447-474.
  • Schmitz, T., Domagala, D., & Haag, K. (2006). Environmental impacts of material substitution and recycling in a plastic packaging system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 14(3-4), 307-315.
  • Walker, R. (2007). Plastics recycling: Challenges and opportunities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1526), 2115-2126.
  • Westervely, A. (2012). The business of recycling. Environmental Law, 42(4), 1103-1130.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (n.d.). Recycling and waste reduction. Retrieved from

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