Apply to Aalto

How to apply for doctoral studies.

A man with a doctor's hat on celebrating his promotion as a doctor with other doctors

Table of contents

Your path to doctoral studies.

  • Check the required basic qualifications
  • Find the right research field and professor
  • Read about funding for doctoral research
  • Find out how to apply
  • Read about what are doctoral studies like

A gold-plated cryostat sits half open with many cables coming out from the bottom.

Doctoral education pilot

We are hiring 178 new doctoral researchers - get your doctorate from Aalto

Two doctors raising their glasses to celebrate their promotion to doctors

What are doctoral studies like?

As a doctoral student, you are part of an international academic community. The doctoral research and studies develop you into an expert of your research topic and build your professional capacity.

Black and blue illustration of quantum world

Research & Art

Our research focuses on seven key areas combining four core competences in the fields of ICT, materials, arts, design and business together with three grand challenges related to energy, living environment, and health.

How to apply?

Two routes to doctoral studies and research.

  • Applying for a doctoral researcher’s salaried position first and then applying for the study right in a doctoral programme after the recruitment process. This route is more common in the field of technology.
  • Applying for the study right in a doctoral programme and either being hired as a doctoral researcher by the Department later or having funding for doctoral studies from another source. This route is more common in the fields of art and design as well as business.

Application instructions (study right in a doctoral programme)

Each doctoral programme has their own processes, schedules, requirements and instructions for their applicants.

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Finance (BIZ)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Chemical Engineering (CHEM)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Electrical Engineering (ELEC)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Engineering (ENG)

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Science (SCI)

After reading the application instructions you may contact the Doctoral education services of the Doctoral programme you are interested in for more information.

Application schedules (study right in a doctoral programme)

Feb-March annually, 2 phase in April-May Admission results in June, start of studies in Aug/Sep
Dec-Jan annually Admission results in Feb, start of studies in Aug/Sep
4 times a year
in 2024: Jan, June, Sep, Dec
within two months
continuous within a month (excluding July)
Twice a year
In 2024 four times a year: March, June, Sep, Dec
within two months
continuous within a month (excluding July)

Schools can decide about additional application periods if necessary.

Applying for the salaried position of a doctoral researcher

Salaried doctoral researcher positions are applied for separately from the admission process to the doctoral programme. If you get accepted to a salaried position first, do note that you will need to separately apply for the study right in a doctoral programme to be able to complete the doctoral degree. 

When salaried doctoral researcher positions are open, they are advertised at  Aalto University Open positions . Any questions regarding the advertised salaried positions should be directed to the professors and HR personnel only, not to admission services or Doctoral education services.

Aalto has a great community and infrastructure to conduct research.

General eligibility and academic evaluation

The general eligibility criteria are fulfilled if the application includes

  • a degree granting eligibility to apply;
  • an accepted proof of language proficiency and
  • all the required application documents by the deadline.

Application fulfilling the general eligibility criteria are evaluated based on the academic evaluation criteria of the doctoral programme.

Master's degree grants eligibility to apply

To be eligible to apply in doctoral admissions, you must have a relevant Master’s degree or equivalent.

  • The degree must have been awarded by a higher education institution (university or university of applied sciences in the Finnish education system).
  • The degree must give eligibility to apply for doctoral degree studies at university in the awarding country.
  • The awarding higher education institution has to be a recognised part of the official national education system of the country. It has to be accredited as a degree-granting higher education institution by the country where it is located or by a relevant international organisation (such as UNESCO).

Generally an acceptable master’s degree has been carried out in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process (3+2 years). As a rule, a higher education degree (or degree combination) earned abroad in a country that does not follow the Bologna Process should include a minimum of 4 years of studies and a master’s thesis.

The degree as a basis for doctoral studies needs to provide the student with an adequate knowledge and skills needed for doctoral studies in the programme chosen. The university may require a student admitted to complete the necessary supplementary studies in order to meet this requirement. 

Read more about eligibility in the application instructions of the doctoral programme you are interested in.

Academic evaluation criteria

The academic evaluation of the applicant is based on school-specific scientific considerations, the schools’ strategic focus areas, and the applicant’s individual educational potential. Examples of evaluation criteria include: earlier academic performance, capacity to conduct research, the applicant’s possibility to complete studies within the target time, the relevancy of the research, the applicant’s possibility to receive supervision, and the applicant’s study motivation.

Language requirements in doctoral admissions

Aalto University's doctoral programme are taught in English, Finnish and Swedish (Doctoral programme in Business, Economics and Finance is taught in English and in some majors in Finnish). To be eligible to apply, applicants are required to be proficient in one of the languages of the programme, and demonstrate their proficiency by passing a language test, when necessary. The language test scores must meet the minimum requirements set by Aalto University.

Demonstrating proficiency in English with a language test

You must demonstrate your proficiency with an official language test, unless you are exempt from the language test requirement.

Recognised language tests and their minimum score requirements

  • IELTS  Academic:  6.5, and 5.5 for Writing ;
  • iBT (Internet-based Test):  92, and 22 for Writing   or
  • PDT (Paper-Delivered Test):  Reading 22, Listening 22, and Writing 24
  • Pearson Test of English Academic  (PTE A):  62, and 54 for writing
  • C1 Advanced (formerly known as Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, CAE):  A, B or C
  • C2 Proficiency (formerly known as Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, CPE):  A, B, C or Level C1

Aalto University accepts also  TOEFL iBT® Home Edition test and  IELTS Indicator (Academic)  tests.

No language tests other than those mentioned above are accepted. 

Please see more detailed instructions in the application instructions of the doctoral programme you are interested in.

Exemptions from the English language test requirement

An English language test is not required if:

  • you have earned a higher education degree taught in Finnish, Swedish or English at a university or university of applied sciences  in Finland ;  or
  • you have earned a higher education degree in an English-medium programme at a university or university of applied sciences in an  EU/EEA country  while residing in that country, in which case the language of the degree must be stated unambiguously in the degree certificate or its appendix, or in the transcript of records or other official document issued by the awarding institution;  or
  • you have earned a higher education degree in an English-medium programme at a higher education institution in  Australia ,  Canada ,  New Zealand ,  South Africa ,  Switzerland , the  United Kingdom  or the  United States  while residing in that country;  or
  • you have received your primary and secondary education in English in an  EU/EEA country ,  Australia ,  Canada ,  New Zealand ,  South Africa ,  Switzerland , the  United Kingdom  or the  United States  while residing in that country;
  • You have completed the Aalto Executive Education MBA, EMBA or DBA degree

A minimum of one half of the degree  must be completed in a  country and higher education institution  that meets the requirements for exempting the student from taking an English language test. Make sure to note this requirement if your degree includes many transfer credits or if it is a double or joint degree.

Some of our doctoral programmes allow other exemptions to the list of examptions, please see the application instructions of Doctoral programme in Engineering and Doctoral programme in Science for more information.

Proof of Finnish or Swedish proficiency

In the admission 2024 you can prove your proficiency in Finnish or Swedish in the following ways:

Higher education degree or studies

You can demonstrate proficiency in Finnish or Swedish with a higher education degree or studies, if you have completed one of the following:

  • an approved maturity essay in Finnish for a degree at a higher education institution in Finland or an approved maturity essay in Swedish at a higher education institution.
  • as part of a degree at a higher education institution in Finland, a language test in Finnish/Swedish or language studies that serve to demonstrate proficiency in oral and written Finnish/Swedish (as the second national language) with a grade of at least Good .
  • an academic thesis (or written final project) written in Finnish/Swedish (at a higher education institution in Finland or abroad)
  • a study module of at least 60 ECTS credits (or 35 older credits, i.e. ‘study weeks’) in the Finnish/Swedish language as an academic subject (at a higher education institution in Finland or abroad)

Basic education and upper secondary school education

You can demonstrate Finnish/Swedish proficiency with basic education or upper secondary  school education, if you have one of the following:

  • Basic education, an upper secondary school final examination or other examination conferring eligibility for higher education completed in Finnish/Swedish
  • The certificate awarded for the studies referred to in the Basic Education Act (628/1998) or the Act on General Upper Secondary Education (629/1998; 714/2018), or studies corresponding to them, with a passing grade in Finnish/Swedish in the subject of "mother tongue and literature" or the "Finnish/Swedish as a second language and literature" syllabus
  • passed an amount of studies equivalent to Finland’s basic education syllabus in the subject of Finnish or Swedish through the Kulkuri School of Distance Education / Nomadskolan.

You can demonstrate language proficiency with any of the following studies (without having completed the whole matriculation examination):

  • Finland's matriculation examination test of mother tongue and literature in Finnish/Swedish or the ‘Finnish/Swedish as a second language and literature’ test with a grade of at least approbatur (A);
  • the test for Finnish/Swedish as the second national language of Finland at the advanced syllabus level, as part of Finland’s matriculation examination, with a grade of at least eximia cum laude approbatur (E);
  • the test for Finnish/Swedish as the second national language of Finland at the intermediate syllabus level, as part of Finland’s matriculation examination, with a grade of at least laudatur (L).

International examinations

You can demonstrate your Finnish/Swedish skills without having completed the whole matriculation examination, if you have one of the following:

International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma with one of the following:

  • Language A, A1 or A2 syllabus in Finnish/Swedish with a grade of at least 2
  • Language B syllabus in Finnish/Swedish with a grade of at least 5

European Baccalaureate (EB) diploma with one of the following:

  • Language 1 (L1) or Language 2 (L2) syllabus in Finnish/Swedish with an approved grade (a grade of at least 4.00, if the exam is completed before 2021, a grade of at least 5.00, if the exam is completed in 2021 or after)
  • Language 3 (ONL) (L3, Other National Language) syllabus in Finnish/Swedish with a grade of at least 8.00

Reifeprüfung (RP) or Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA)  diploma with one of the following:

  • the written test in "Finnish as a mother tongue" with a minimum grade of 4
  • the "Finnish as a second language" test at the CEFR level B2 with a minimum grade of 8
  • the written test in Swedish with a minimum grade of 4

Language tests

You can demonstrate Finnish/Swedish proficiency with one of the following language tests:

  • National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) (Finnish/Swedish) intermediate-level test at a proficiency level of at least 4 in all subtests (reading comprehension, writing, listening comprehension, and speaking). Alternatively, completing at least three of the subtests of an advanced-level test (proficiency levels 5 and 6). Subtests from different test sittings may be combined.
  • Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificate (Finnish/Swedish) with a grade of at least Good on the written and oral component.
  • A combination of National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) and Civil service language proficiency certificate (VKT), if you have: completed the National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) with proficiency level of at least 4 in the reading comprehension and writing subtests, plus the oral component of the Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificate with a grade of Good; OR completed the National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) at a proficiency level of at least 4 in the listening comprehension and speaking subtests, plus the written component of the Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificate (VKT) with a grade of Good.
  • TISUS test (Test i svenska för universitetsstudier), if you have passed all parts of the test.

The most common ways to fund doctoral studies are

  • working in a salaried doctoral researcher position
  • personal grant(s) or scholarship(s) from foundations or funding agencies

Most Aalto doctoral students combine different funding sources during their studies. 

How to find and apply for funding for doctoral studies and research?

Generally Aalto University does not offer scholarships for doctoral studies. However, there is an on-going scholarship scheme until 2024 for students from African and South American countries, read more below.

During the academic year 2024-2025, the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture is funding 178 new doctoral researcher positions at Aalto University through a doctoral education pilot.

Doctoral education pilot: 178 doctoral researchers' salaried positions

Fees and costs

Aalto University doctoral studies are free of tuition fees. Aalto University does not charge fees for enrollment to the University. Doctoral students are welcome to join the Aalto University Student Union. The membership of the Student Union is subject to an annual fee. Read more about the membership for doctoral students .

If you need a residence permit for research in Finland, please see more information about income requirement at the Finnish Immigration Services .

Finland Fellowships for doctoral students

Aalto University awards Finland Fellowships to doctoral students as part of a national scholarship programme funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The programme runs from 2022 to 2024. Applicants from Africa, Central or South America can apply for the fellowship.

Terms of the Finland Fellowship

Finland Fellowship is awarded to those applicants from Africa, Central or South America who rank best according to academic criteria in the admissions process at Aalto. Applicants for Finland Fellowships must be citizens of a country in Africa, Central America or South America. Applicants with dual citizenship in Finland and one of the target nations may receive a Finland Fellowship only if their domicile is not Finland.

Some of the terms of the fellowships to be granted have been changed. The amount of the fellowship per person is €2800/month for 12 months in addition to a €2000 arrival grant for moving expenses . Aalto scheme covers altogether 10 doctoral students annually. Each School has a quota (ARTS 1 student, BIZ 1 student, CHEM 1 student, ELEC 2 students, ENG 2 students and SCI 3 students), but in case there are not enough eligible applicants in some school, the funds will be used for applicants from other schools, if possible. 

Finland Fellowships are paid in accordance with Aalto University Human Resources processes to Finnish bank accounts. Students who are absent for reasons permissible by law during the first year, who are prevented from beginning studies in Finland due to force majeure circumstances, or who already have funding for the next two years, may postpone their Finland Fellowship for a maximum of two academic years.

Students apply for Finland Fellowships when applying for doctoral studies at Aalto . Finland Fellowships are awarded only by application. Decisions on Finland Fellowships are made only for those students who have applied for them. The dean decides on the recipients of the fellowship. During 2024, fellowship decisions can be made throughout the year, on first come, first served -basis.

By signing the employment contract, students confirm their acceptance of a Finland Fellowship with its monthly pay and its arrival grant. Students may also choose to decline a Finland Fellowship. This situation may arise for students who have funding from an external sponsor, for example. In such cases, the student declares to Doctoral Education Services in writing that he/she is declining the Finland Fellowship.

Contact information

If you don't know which doctoral progamme is relevant for your, read more about discovering your research topic and finding a professor .

If you have questions about applying for the study right in one of your doctoral programmes, please contact our Doctoral education services staff. Before contacting us, please read through the instructions for applicants .


Doctoral education services

We support doctoral students, supervising professors, thesis advisors and doctoral programme directors in matters related to doctoral studies.

  • Published: 10.4.2018
  • Updated: 21.8.2024
  • PhD Study in Finland – A Guide for 2024

Written by Kirsty Smitten

Straddling northern Europe and the Scandinavian Peninsula, Finland’s striking situation and magnificent landscapes provide natural beauty and excellent research opportunities. The development of modern facilities supports an excellent higher education system that is very popular amongst international PhD students.

This page covers everything you need to know about studying for a PhD in Finland , including an overview of the higher education system, an explanation of Finnish PhDs and information on how you can successfully apply for one.

On this page

Why study a phd in finland.

Finland’s amazing scenery, safe cities and high quality of life make the country a friendly and welcoming place to spend time on a PhD. In fact, the capital of Finland, has been voted one of the safest cities in the world . On top of this the majority of Finns speak English and Finnish universities offer a large number of English-taught degree programmes.

Today Finland’s universities are rapidly developing, with a number of globally ranked institutions and policies that encourage international students to apply. Here are a few reasons why Finland could be the place for you to begin your PhD this year:

  • No tuition fees – you won't pay fees for doctoral study in Finland, regardless of your nationality
  • Research and development – with many PhDs including an industrial link, you may be able to apply your research skills in a working environment
  • Easy access to post-graduate work – There is no restriction on working for EU, EEA and Nordic citizens in Finland, and international students from other countries can extend their visa for a year to find work
  • An illuminating experience - the northern lights are visible every other clear night between September and March in Lapland, and in southern Finland 10-20 times a year

Also, don’t forget that Finland is a brilliant country to be in around Christmas time, being home to Lapland, and Father Christmas himself.

PhD Study in Finland - Key Details
4 years
September to June

PhD life in Finland

Want to know more about life for international PhD students in Finland ? Our detailed guide covers everything from accommodation and living costs to culture and entertainment.

Where to study a PhD in Finland?

There are two-types of higher education institutions in Finland, but only one offers doctoral level degrees.

Finland’s higher education system includes the following:

  • Finland's 13 universities offer PhD programmes and promote independent academic research and provide higher education based upon research
  • Finland's 22 universities of applied sciences do not offer PhD programmes. They provide higher education for professional expert jobs and carry out applied research and development in activities that promote industry

As an international doctoral student you will be applying to the standard universities.

Finnish university rankings

Finland has a number of globally recognised institutions; there are eight universities ranking in the top 500 of major university league tables. These include the country’s oldest university – the University of Helsinki.

Top Finnish Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
University of Helsinki 121 =106 92
Aalto University 201-250 =116 301-400
Tampere University 301-350 415 401-500
301-350 291 401-500
University of Jyväskylä 401-500 =347 701-800
University of Vaasa 201-500 - -
Åbo Akademi University 501-600 601-650 -
University of Eastern Finland 501-600 =338 -
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do ranking matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.

Finnish university cities

Finland has a relatively small number of institutions, but all reside within thriving cultural hubs with plenty for international students to do.

The following are the main hubs for higher education in Finland: Helsinki , Turku , Oulu , Tampere and Jyväskylä .

Structure of a PhD in Finland

In 2005 Finnish higher education qualifications were made compatible with the Bologna Process ; as part of this framework a Finnish PhD is a third-cycle qualification.

The Bologna Process

The Bologna Process brings together a range of countries to form the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Members of the EHEA share a common three-cycle framework that allows degrees from one country to be easily recognised within others.

The licentiate degree

In Finland there are actually two degrees available after a Masters, one is a doctorate ( tohtorin tutkinto ) and the other is a licentiate ( lisensiaatin tutkinto ).

The licentiate degree is a shorter research degree, roughly comparable to a UK MPhil . It takes two-years and is recognised as a pre-doctoral qualification. It includes the coursework from the doctoral degree and a dissertation that amounts to half the work of a PhD student.

As with a standard PhD programme you will have pass a public thesis defence in order to obtain the licentiate qualification.

A licentiate could be a good choice if you want to complete a shorter project or plan to pursue a professional - rather than academic - research career. Otherwise, you'll be better off studying a full PhD - and that's what the rest of this page is about.

Types of Finnish doctorate

There are two types of doctorate in Finland: the more common national doctoral programme and the standard research PhD.

The national doctoral programmes are designed to bring together researchers and facilities in each discipline nationwide. Each discipline within Finland has an associated doctoral programme adopted across all institutions. These programmes are typically fully funded.

If you don’t want to study within a doctoral programme, you can do a tailor-made research PhD . Similar to other countries you will propose your own research topic and pursue it independently - though you may need to find your own funding .

Programme length

The Finnish academic year begins on the 1st of August and finishes on the 31st of July .

Universities are autonomous in organising their semesters, however there are typically two: an autumn and spring semester. Some institutions will also have a third semester during summer-time, depending upon their courses.

You will study for your PhD in Finland for 4 years as a full-time student.

The Finnish PhD process

PhD students in Finland tend to be very independent, with the main focus of your doctorate being your research project , which you will start from year one.

In parallel to your research project you may be required to attend courses , seminars and conferences . All of these will be decided upon by the graduate school or your supervisor and must be related to your research.

You'll produce an original doctoral thesis during your research and this will be the main component of your final PhD assessment.


You will typically be assigned one supervisor who is an expert in your field of study.

In addition to this it is common in Finland for PhDs in appropriate subjects to have links with industry. Therefore, you may also be advised by an instructor from outside your university, with relevant professional or enterprise experience.

Alternatively, you may be part of a joint-degree PhD programme, where your PhD will be co-supervised by an academic at a partner institution .

PhD supervision

The supervision process is an important part of a doctoral degree - wherever you study it. To learn more, read our guides to working with your supervisor and what to expect from them .

Assessment and examination

Finnish PhDs use the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in accordance with the Bologna Process. Your doctoral degree will be worth 240 credits in total, all of which must be obtained to gain your doctoral qualification.

You will have to complete coursework and examinations on the courses and seminars set for you in your PhD programme. In addition, you will be expected to write regular reports on your research and write papers detailing your results.

The final form of assessment for your doctoral studies is the submission and evaluation of your dissertation. There are two stages to this process:

  • The preliminary exam – two experts evaluate your manuscript and produce a written statement declaring that it meets the standards set for dissertations
  • The public defence – up to two external examiners debate your dissertation with you before an audience (some of whom may also contribute questions)

Your dissertation will be published and made available at least 10 days before your defence.

Finnish PhD grades

Most Finnish doctorates are graded on a pass-fail basis (you either graduate with the degree, or you don't). However, some receive an additional grade ranging from pass ( approbator ) to oustanding ( laudatur ).

Fees and funding for a PhD in Finland

Generous higher education policies make Finland a very affordable option for your PhD study abroad. There are currently no doctoral fees for any students regardless of nationality .

This is different to Finnish Bachelors and Masters qualifications where non-EU students are typically required to pay fees.

Living costs

Even though there are no tuition fees for doctoral students, the cost of living in Finland can be relatively high compared to other countries.

It is recommended you have between €700-1,250 available per month, depending on the city you choose to study in.

In addition to your living costs you will need to pay a student’s union fee to the university which ranges from €80-100 annually.


Although you won’t be paying tuition fees there are several scholarships out there to help fund your living costs whilst completing your PhD within Finland.

The following are available for international students:

  • Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) Fellowships – open to doctoral students from all countries, providing €1,900 per month for 3-12 months
  • Fulbright Grants – providing €1,000-1900 per month for 9-months to US students studying abroad in Finland

University funding

Check with your institution for funding opportunities as some offer their own scholarships or provide accommodation for international students.

Employment contracts

You may be funded by your university as a doctoral student employed under a contract. This is typically applicable to students involved in national doctoral programmes.

As with any other member of staff you will receive a salary plus social security benefits. However, you will have to pay income tax.

In return for your salary you will typically be expected to assist at the university, whether this be teaching undergraduates, carrying out administrative work or demonstrating within the labs. It is best to check directly with the university what their terms of an employment contract are.

Applying for a PhD in Finland

The application process in Finland is different to other countries, as you won't typically be applying for advertised projects. Instead, most institutions now have a graduate school with multiple doctoral programmes. You will typically be applying directly to one of these programmes, in order to study for a PhD within it.

Finding a programme

If you can’t find a PhD programme that interests you, try contacting the relevant department at your chosen university to discuss other PhD options they might offer.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements To be admitted onto a PhD programme in Finland you will be required to have a Masters degree (or equivalent) from a recognised institution.

Other requirements will depend on the topic you are applying to research and the specific processes used by your university. If in doubt, check with your department.

Language requirements

The language requirements for your PhD will vary depending upon whether you choose a programme taught in English or Finnish.

For programmes taught in English you will be required to take an English language proficiency test (such as IELTS and TOEFL). There is no national test score limit, these will be set depending upon your institution, check these directly on their admissions webpage.

For courses taught in Finnish you are expected to have the required language skills before applying. You will be required to have an intermediate-advanced level qualification in the Finnish National Certificates of Language Proficiency (YKI).

Application process

You should apply directly to your university for admission to one of its doctoral programmes. It's usually a good idea to contact them in advance and discuss the opportunities they have available.

Once you have done this you can complete your application. The required documents will vary depending upon your discipline and institution, but most will need to see the following:

  • Academic records – you may need to provide full academic transcript from your previous institution, as well as your degree certificates . These documents may need to be officially translated into Finnish and approved by a lawyer.
  • References – you will need to provide at least two references with your application. These should be from academic members of staff who have worked with you previously.
  • Cover letter – sometimes referred to as your statement of purpose (or personal statement ). This should explain why you are interested in a specific PhD programme and describe your suitability for it.

Application deadlines will vary: some universities have specific application windows, others will be happy to hear from students throughout the year.

Interviews and examinations

Applications for a Finnish PhD are often competitive, as universities don’t charge fees and will only have the resources to fund a certain number of students. Therefore, you may have to complete an interview as part of the selection process.

Interviews for international students will typically be conducted over a webchat facility such as Skype.

What happens during a PhD interview?

Your interview for a PhD in Finland will follow a fairly standard format (apart from the fact in may take place online). Our guides give advice on what happens at a PhD interview and an overview of some questions you might be asked.

Student visas for a PhD in Finland

Visa information for uk students in finland.

UK students will no longer be EU citizens from the 2021-22 academic year onwards. This means you may be considered as an international student when studying in Finland. You may be subject to different visa requirements and fee rates, unless otherwise stated.

Depending upon your nationality you may need a visa or residence permit to live in Finland whilst studying for your PhD.

EU, EEA (and Nordic) citizens

If you are from the EU, EEA you will not need a visa to enter Finland and can remain in the country for up to 90 years without registering your presence. If you are from one of the other Nordic countries (Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) the same applies, but you can remain up to six months before you need to register as a resident.

Once these periods expire you will need to register your residence with the Finnish Immigration Service ( Migri ). In addition, as your stay will exceed a year you must also register at a local police staton

Non-EU / EEA citizens

Students from other countries will need a student residence permit to study in Finland. This allows you to enter the country and remain there long enough to complete a PhD.

You should begin the application process online and then take the following materials to your nearest Finnish embassy :

  • The official letter of admission from your institution
  • Proof of funds (showing that you will have access to at least €6,720 per year during your degree)
  • A valid passport
  • Valid travel and health insurance

You can find more information on these requirements on the Migri website .

Health insurance

The Finnish Government requires all students to have valid health insurance whilst studying in Finland.

If you are from an EU or EEA country your European Health Insurance Card will suffice. Otherwise, you may need to purchase a policy that meets the following conditions:

  • The excess must no exceed €300
  • If your studies will take less than two years, your insurance must cover medical expenses up to €120,000.
  • If your studies will take two years or more, your insurance must cover pharmaceutical expenses up to €40,000.
  • Your insurance must be valid for at least one year without any breaks (and you must renew it when it runs out, assuming you will be in Finland for longer than one year).

Remember that you'll need to have arranged your health insurance before you can apply for a student residence permit.

After studying in a thriving country, with a developed higher education system designed to make you a skilled independent researcher, you will have a very strong CV for future work.

Can I work in Finland after my PhD?

Students from the EU and EEA (including other Nordic countries ) will not need a permit to seek work in Finland after they graduate.

For students from other countries there is a generous extension scheme to help you find work. You can apply to extend your residence permit by one year whilst you seek work. You must do this whilst your original student residence permit is still valid.

Your extension year will begin after your graduation. If you find work in this time you can apply for residence permit based on employment.

Find a PhD in Finland

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in Finland ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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PhD in Finland 2024: Scope, Universities & Scholarships

  • German Universities

Updated on 18 July, 2024

Neha Uppal

Sr. Content editor

Neha Uppal

In  2024, Finland’s universities welcomed around 53800 students of non-Finnish nationalities, with approximately 80% from outside the EU/EEA area. The country offers high-quality education at all levels of study.

Did you know that most universities in Finland offer PhD programs for free?Not only this, the students also get stipends to cover their living costs. Not only this, the students also get stipends to cover their living costs. 

In this article, we have formulated an ultimate guide to pursuing a PhD in Finland, including the scope of PhD, specializations offered, admission requirements, top universities, career prospects, and much more. for students wanting to study abroad.

Table of Contents

  • PhD Opportunities in Finland

What is Scope of PhD in Finland

The licentiate degree, national doctoral program, the standard research phd, phd in finland program length, free phd in finland for international students, engineering, computer science, social sciences, natural sciences, top 5 universities for phd in finland, documents for phd in finland application, cimo fellowships, university of helsinki doctoral program scholarships, edufi fellowships, aalto university school of business doctoral scholarships, career prospects after completing phd in finland, phd opportunities in finland .

The key details of opportunities for PhD in Finland are mentioned in the table below:

Nobel Prizes


Oldest University for PhD PhD at the University of Helsinki
International Students 53,800
PhD Span Four years
Fees Free or Self-funded 
Academic Year 2024-2025
  • Finland offers a unique and enriching experience for students wanting to study abroad for higher education, particularly a doctorate. The Finnish education system is known for its high-quality education, top universities in Finland for PhD, innovative teaching methods, and research-oriented approach.
  • Students are encouraged to take ownership of their research projects, develop critical thinking skills, and contribute to the academic community. Doctoral studies in Finland usually take four years to complete, and students during the program are expected to deliver a doctoral thesis based on their research.
  • Studying for a PhD degree gives access to the   finest research facilities and equipment. Finnish universities in   Finland for PhD are well-funded and equipped with modern technology, providing students with the resources to conduct their research effectively. The multicultural environment and welcoming community also make it an ideal place for international students.
  • Another interesting aspect of pursuing  a PhD from Finland is that there is no tuition cost involved.

PhD in Finland Structure (The Bologna Process)

The Bologna Process started in 2005 in Finland. It brought structural changes to higher education in Finland. Through this process, changes are made in degree structure and curriculum.

Finnish universities changed to a new system of the number of teaching hours, which were equivalent to one ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit. This transition was possible through special projects with special coordination across the universities.

Students aiming for higher education abroad can rely on research universities and universities of applied sciences in Finland. The reforms that came with the Bologna Process gave universities independent legal status and increased autonomy in finances and management. Finland's PhD programs are research-focused, with universities responsible for a significant portion of the country’s research output.

In Finland, there are two degrees available after a master's. Here is a brief discussion of both degrees.

In Finland, the licentiate degree is the initial research degree, offering a smaller thesis than a doctoral dissertation and compulsory classes. This final work of the licentiate degree proves the capacity of independent research, which can be monographic or based on articles.

 After the examination, it should be submitted and published in the university’s database. Two doctoral-level examiners evaluate the thesis within two months, awarding the grades denoting their performance- distinction, pass or fail. 

Since August 2020, licentiate studies require 40 ECTS credits, including discipline-specific and transferable skills studies. The thesis must be submitted for plagiarism analysis before viva vacation.

A doctorate in Finland comprises a dissertation and 40 ECTS credit hours of coursework. Generally, it takes four years to complete this degree. The emphasis is on a research component and engagement in the academic community. Discipline studies encompass compulsory ones, amounting to 30 ECTS credits, and optional transferable skills, totaling 10 ECTS credits.

Every course is different and has different ways of completion, such as lectures, exams, and seminars. It is important to note that the existing curricula are reviewed every three years. The students are also urged to participate in scholarly activities such as international conferences and research visits. 

Types of Finnish Doctorate

A PhD in Finland typically takes 4 years and is offered by universities. Finnish doctoral programs emphasize research excellence and student involvement. Each university has its own specific admission criteria and application timelines that candidates should review.

The two types of Finnish doctorate are as follows:

The National Doctoral Program in Finland includes fully-funded doctoral positions salaried by different entities. The Helsinki Doctoral Educational Pilot is one such initiative where the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland, funds the positions completely. It offers a 36-month employment to the selected candidate with three intake periods. The selected individuals in this PhD program in Finland require no additional Finland PhD Scholarships to finance their doctoral endeavors. 

In Finland, paying for doctoral studies through grants or self-funding is possible. Self-funding students mostly work on the dissertation part-time while holding another job or doing other tasks.

Ideally, work related to the dissertation topic can be negotiated with the employer. If the work is unrelated, study leave or adult education allowances might be options. 

Usually, it takes about four years to complete a PhD if the candidate works full-time, but if they work part-time, the time can extend beyond this. Despite the scholarships, the doctoral researchers are accorded several facilities funded by the universities, such as electronic services, library services, concessional diets, and UniSport services.

The regular process for obtaining a PhD in Finland lasts four academic years for a full-time candidate. The first part of the curriculum, often completed within the first one and a half to two years, comprises major subjects, general methods, and philosophy of the discipline. During the program, the students are exposed to teaching and key competencies required in a postdoctoral discipline. Annual registration requires filing several achievements and outlining future aims and objectives for research projects with one's supervisor.

Many PhD programs are fully funded in Finland, and the candidates are expected to cover only their living expenses. Adequate funding sources are universities' departments that also provide information on paid doctoral positions and scholarships.

In other words, they offer starting money for up to one year of doctoral study while the university's departments administer and apply for these fellowships on your behalf through EDUFI fellowships.

Specializations Offered in PhD in Finland

There is a wide range of specializations in various fields of study PhD in Finland. Some of the popular disciplines include:

Pursuing a PhD in Engineering in Finland will let you learn with some of the leading engineers in the world. Universities in Finland for PhD offer specializations in fields such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.

A PhD in Business in Finland will provide you with the opportunity to join forces with leading academics in the field. Finnish universities offer specializations in fields such as Marketing, Management, and Finance.

Finland is home to the leading computer science programs in the world. Pursuing a PhD in Computer Science in Finland allows you to collaborate with professionals in the field and contribute to groundbreaking research.

Universities in Finland for PhD   offer specializations in fields such as Educational Psychology, Educational Leadership, and Curriculum Studies. Pursuing a PhD in Education in Finland offers you the prospect of working with top academics in the field and contributing to the education system's development.

Finland has the top Social Science programs in the world. Getting a PhD in Social Sciences in Finland allows you to partner with specialists in the field and conduct unexplored research.

PhD programs in Finland in Natural Sciences focus on chemistry, physics, and mathematics research. Students in these programs undertake independent research, attend seminars and workshops, and publish their research in academic journals.

Finland has several top-ranked universities offering PhD programs. Here are the top 5 universities for PhD in Finland based on the QS World University Rankings, their specializations.

University of Helsinki



PhD in Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Health and Medicine, Humanities

Aalto University


PhD in Technology and Engineering, Business and Management, Arts and Design 

University of Oulu


PhD in Natural Sciences

Tampere University


PhD in Arts and Humanities

University of Turku


PhD in Social Sciences, Humanities, Health and Medicine, Natural Sciences 

Source: QS World University Rankings 2025

PhD in Finland for International Students: Admission Requirements for 2024 

The admission requirements for a PhD in Finland vary depending on the university and the field of study.

General Requirements for PhD in Finland:

  • A master's degree or equivalent in a related field of study
  • Proof of English language proficiency (TOEFL iBT, 92 with minimum score of 22 in each section, and for IELTS, overall score 6.5 and minimum 6.0 in writing section), or equivalent)
  • Letters of recommendation from academic referees
  • A statement of purpose outlining your academic goals and research interests
  • Application form (hardcopy or softcopy as per the requirement of the university/ college)
  • Transcripts of records
  • Upper secondary-level educational documents
  • Degree certificates/ officially certified copies awarded by the main university
  • Score reports of IELTS/ TOEFL/ PTE/ Cambridge Proficiency
  • Score reports of SAT/ GRE/ GMAT
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Other documents such as portfolio/ sample work, etc.
  • Proof of finances
  • Medical tests

The application process for PhD programs in Finland involves the following steps:

  • Find the universities and PhD programs in Finland   you are interested in.
  • Check the admission requirements and application deadlines for each program.
  • Prepare your application materials, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a research proposal.
  • Submit your application materials online or by mail.
  • Wait for the university to inform you of their decision.

The application deadline varies depending on the university and the field of study PhD in Finland.

Scholarships for PhD in Finland

There are various scholarships available for PhD in Finland for Indian students   and international students pursuing a PhD in Finland. Scholarships offer financial assistance to students and can help cover tuition fees, living expenses, and research costs. Here are the top scholarships for PhD in Finland:

The CIMO Fellowships are awarded by the Finnish National Agency for Education to pursue a doctoral degree in Finland. The scholarship covers the living expenses and provides a monthly allowance of €900 to €1200.

 To be eligible for the CIMO Fellowships, students must submit a complete CV, a motivation letter, and a short research plan (between 2 and 5 pages). They will also have to send out two printed and signed copies of the application form with the required attachments.

The University of Helsinki offers several doctoral program scholarships to both domestic and PhD in Finland for Indian students and international students. As part of the national Finland Scholarship program, the University of Helsinki awards Finland Scholarships that cover 100% of tuition fee and also includes a €5000 relocation grant. Students must have an acceptance letter from the University of Helsinki to apply.

The EDUFI Fellowships are awarded by the Finnish National Agency for Education to pursue doctoral studies or research in Finland. The scholarship covers living expenses, travel costs, and insurance and provides a monthly allowance of €19,00 per month. To be eligible for the EDUFI Fellowships, students must have a Master’s degree, be proficient in English, and have a research proposal that aligns with the research interests of a Finnish university.

The Aalto University School of Business offers several doctoral scholarships to highly qualified international students. The scholarship is awarded as a tuition fee waiver. 

In the first two years, students will receive around €25,000 per year after taxes. This money comes from a mix of salary and grants from foundations. Starting from the third year, students are responsible for finding their funding. 

They can do this by getting paid jobs as researchers or by applying for grants from foundations. The school may also provide fully paid positions to top applicants. Usually, students find funding for the third and fourth years of their studies.

Also, PhD in Finland for Indian students must have a research proposal and an acceptance letter from the Aalto University School of Business to apply.

Completing a PhD in Finland can open up various career opportunities, both in academia and industry. Here are the top career prospects for PhD graduates in Finland:


Research scientists conduct research in their field of expertise, publish research papers, and teach students. 


Postdoctoral researchers conduct research under the supervision of a principal investigator, publish research papers, and mentor graduate students. 


Data scientists analyze complex data, build predictive models, and develop algorithms. 



IT Consultants provide expert advice to organizations in the technology field.


Source: Payscale(as of July 2024)


Pursuing a PhD in Finland can be a rewarding experience academically and professionally. The country’s high-quality education system, supportive academic environment, and ample research opportunities make it an ideal destination for international students seeking to advance their education and career prospects. If you are considering a PhD in Finland, explore the universities in Finland for PhD requirements, scholarships, and funding opportunities available. With the right preparation and research, you can unlatch the doors to a successful academic and professional future in the ‘Land of a Thousand Lakes.’

Can Indian students apply for PhD programs in Finland?

Yes, Indian students can apply for PhD programs in Finland. However, they must meet the same academic and language proficiency requirements as other international students.

Which universities in Finland offer PhD programs?

Many universities in Finland offer PhD programs across various fields, including the University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Turku, and Tampere University, among others.

Is it difficult to secure funding for a PhD in Finland?

While funding opportunities for PhD students in Finland can be competitive, many scholarships and grants are available to help support international students pursuing a PhD in Finland. Researching and applying for funding opportunities early is important to increase your chances.

Neha Uppal is a passionate content creator and editor. She carries 7.5+ years of experience working with leading edutech companies where she worked as a Faculty, Community Manager, and Content Marketeer. At upGrad, she is helping out people keep informed about the scopes and opportunities of studying abroad via informational articles/blogs.

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5 countries offering the highest PhD stipends

PhD stipends

Did you know that as a PhD student, there is a difference between salary and PhD stipends?

This is just one of the many things you should know when deciding to do a PhD .

As the highest level of education, a Doctor of Philosophy or PhD can take anywhere from four to 12 years to complete .

Embarking on a journey towards a PhD is an intellectually rewarding pursuit, but it often comes with financial challenges.

So, how do students cope?

If you receive a salary, you are likely an employee the school hired to carry out a job like leading a class.

Like most jobs, salaried workers get a set wage based on their hours and often have employee benefits like subsidised healthcare or compensation.

A PhD stipend is a financial support system for doctoral students to cover living expenses, tuition, and research costs during their academic journey.

There are three types of PhD stipends :

  • Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTAs): For this, you are required to assist by delivering one or more courses over a number of years. You would also need to take on other responsibilities, such as marking student tutorials, supervising lab experiments, and providing support to undergraduates during office hours.
  • Research Assistantships (RAs): In this role, you will assist a departmental professor with their research. If you are lucky, the professor will be your PhD supervisor, and their research (and the support you give) will relate to your own doctoral project.
  • Stipend via Studentship: This is a non-repayable grant for doctoral students. Unlike the other two stipends, this one rarely has additional suits, but you must progress with your degree.

Have PhD stipends always been like this?

PhD stipends have a rich history that mirrors the evolution of higher education.

Our current understanding of a PhD originated in 19th-century Germany , but doctoral degrees were awarded long before this.

Over time, PhD stipends have evolved into a cornerstone of doctoral education, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder the pursuit of advanced knowledge.

Fun fact: The term “stipend” itself has Latin origins, coming from “stipendium,” which refers to a soldier’s pay.

This etymology underscores the idea that stipends are a form of financial support for individuals committed to advancing knowledge, akin to soldiers committed to a cause.

Sometimes, these PhD stipends are not enough.

In January 2023, The Guardian reported about how PhD students in Australia were barely earning enough to survive.

“Through Melbourne’s winter, I know people forced into less than suitable housing who weren’t turning on their heat,” said Tara-Lyn Camilleri, who lobbied to raise the stipend at Monash University from 30,000 AUD to A$37,000 while completing her PhD last year.

It was eventually raised to A$33,000, about A$4,500 less than the minimum wage after tax.

As PhDs can take years to complete, it is always easier to do one when you have money saved away instead of relying entirely on the PhD stipend.

PhD stipends

Eric Schmidt, former CEO and Chairman of Google, has a PhD in electrical engineering.

Forbes even released a list of the most popular PhDs among billionaires :

  • Former CEO of Google. Eric Schmidt (estimated net worth: US$16.2 billion), UC Berkeley
  • The man behind Garmin GPS, Min Kao (US$4.2 billion), University of Tennessee
  • Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer and Chairman of Broadcom, Henry Samueli (US$7.7 billion), UCLA
  • Founder of D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P., David Shaw (US$7.9 billion),  Stanford University
  • Co-Founder & Co-Chairman of Two Sigma, David Siegel  (US$6.8 billion), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • The man behind some of Microsoft’s most successful software, including Word and Excel, Charles Simonyi (US$5.2 billion), Stanford University

And while having these PhDs doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on your way to the list of richest people in the world, it definitely makes you more knowledgeable than most. Having a PhD stipend will simply make this journey to the top easier.

In fact, some universities around the world have increased their stipends recently to attract more talent.

  • The Canadian government has pledged 825 million CAD (approximately US$603 million) to support next-generation researchers by increasing both the number and value of stipends over the next five years. This would increase annual PhD stipends from 24,000 CAD to 40,000 CAD.
  • Vanderbilt University, one of the most expensive universities in the world , will increase its PhD stipends to a range of US$34,000 to US$38,000 beginning in the 2024-25 academic year.
  • De La Salle University is offering full tuition and fees with monthly stipends of 35,000 PHP (approximately US$600) for full-time students in any PhD academic programme through the Saint Miguel Febres Cordero PhD Scholarship Programme.

Now, if you’re a promising PhD student hoping to secure your stipend, try checking out these countries with some of the best offers:

PhD stipends

The University of Vienna is a public research university located in Austria. Source: University of Vienna

Top 5 countries with the highest PhD stipends

  • Average PhD stipend: US$104,328
  • Average cost of living: US$1,705.67

Boasting over 50 institutions of higher education, it is no surprise that Austria is a top choice for a PhD.

Its rich cultural and academic heritage offers competitive stipends, with institutions like the University of Vienna leading the way.

This is because of the country’s commitment to academic excellence and research.

Universities often collaborate with international partners, contributing to a vibrant research community.

Government funding and a focus on supporting doctoral research contribute to the attractiveness of stipends in Austria.

Here are some of the best universities in Austria:

  • University of Vienna
  • Vienna University of Technology
  • University of Innsbruck
  • Medical University of Graz
  • Salzburg University
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by UvA: University of Amsterdam (@uva_amsterdam)


  • Average PhD stipend: US$74,163
  • Cost of living: US$861.45  to US$1292.17

The Netherlands, known for its innovation and research-driven culture, offers competitive stipends, with institutions like Delft University of Technology providing substantial financial support.

About 10 Dutch research universities are ranked in the top 200 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022.

The Netherlands is also highly ranked internationally for the number of publications per researcher (second) and for the impact of research publication (fourth).

“The PhD salary in the Netherlands is one of the best in the world,” a former PhD says to Dutch News .

“In the UK, the salaries are just 1,000 pounds and PhD students need to work at weekends. I was able to buy a house while being a PhD student here.”

Here are some of the top universities in the Netherlands :

  • University of Amsterdam
  • Leiden University
  • University of Groningen
  • Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam

PhD stipends

The University of Helsinki has one of the highest PhD stipends. Source: University of Helsinki

  • Average PhD stipend: US$46,537
  • Cost of living:  US$646.09 to US$969.13

Renowned for its high-quality education system, Finland offers competitive stipends, with institutions like the University of Helsinki providing substantial financial support.

Government funding often supports stipends in Finland, reflecting the country’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of researchers.

Students are also encouraged to take ownership of the research in Finland.

Here are the top universities in Finland :

  • University of Helsinki
  • Aalto University
  • University of Oulu
  • Tampere University
  • University of Turku

PhD stipends

Universities in Denmark often offer industrial PhDs. Source: University of Copenhagen

  • Average PhD stipend: US$53,436
  • Average cost of living: US$11,45.62

Denmark strongly emphasises education and research, and the country’s social welfare system ensures that stipends are sufficient to cover living expenses.

The country also offers an Industrial PhD option if you want to conduct a research project with commercial perspectives.

Denmark is also popular for the balance of robust academics and a great living standard, giving international students the best of both worlds.

Here are the best universities in Denmark:

  • University of Copenhagen
  • Technical University of Denmark
  • Aarhus University
  • University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
  • Aalborg University
  • Average PhD stipend: US$42,618
  • Average cost of living: US$2,512.13

The land of innovation and Vikings beckons ambitious scholars with competitive stipends and one institution that stands out is the renowned Karolinska Institute.

Sweden’s commitment to pioneering research and its unique blend of modernity and tradition make it an alluring destination for those pursuing a PhD.

Most universities in Sweden offer salaries instead of stipends.

Here are some of the leading institutions in Sweden :

  • Blekinge Institute of Technology
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Dalarna University
  • Halmstad University
  • Jönköping University

*All figures were converted as of the time of writing on December 7, 2023.

Disclaimer: This article was last updated on May 23, 2024.

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PhD in Finland for International Students 2024: Scholarship, Online, Requirements, Salary


  • Updated on  
  • Dec 26, 2023

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Finland ranks #1 for its higher education according to the World Economic Forum. The North European country attracts students worldwide with its top-notch universities, cutting-edge research, and stunning natural beauty. So if you have made up your mind to pursue your research, this blog will be your one-stop guide to pursuing your PhD in Finland in 2024. We will look at the country’s top universities, best PhD programs , scholarships, entry requirements and application process. So, lace up your boots, prepare for an intellectual expedition, and let’s unravel the secrets of securing your dream PhD in Finland!

National Doctoral Programmes (funded, multi-institutional) 
Standard Research PhD (tailor-made)
Free for all international students (including non-EU)
National Doctoral Programmes generally cover salary and research costs 
Standard Research PhD – depends on specific projects and supervisors 
Scholarships and grants available from national agencies and universities
September to June
(or equivalent) from a recognized institution 
Excellent academic record 
and CV for Standard Research PhD
4-5 years
Science, Technology, Social sciences, Humanities)

Also Read: Study in Finland for Indian Students  

This Blog Includes:

Why pursue a phd in finland in 2024, top universities offering phd in finland, phd in finland: program structure, tuition fees and funding, scholarships for phd in finland, entry requirements, documents required, application process, future scope.

Finland is one of the most popular choices for international students to pursue a PhD. The #1 reason is that Finnish universities don’t charge a dime for tertiary education from any of its learners, international or otherwise. Its capital is also one of the safest cities in the world, with its breathtaking natural beauty and high living standards for students. 

The majority of Finnish people speak English and the universities also offer numerous programs in the English language. Moreover, international students can extend their visas post studies to search for work. Let’s go ahead and explore the country’s top institutes offering research opportunities

Finland has 13 universities and 22 universities for applied sciences (UAS). The former offers PhD in Finland supporting academic research and providing higher study opportunities based on the same. The latter, however, carries out applied R&D in activities that promote a specific industry. Given below is the list of top institutes offering research

=109 , Business and Management, Arts and Design 
115PhD in Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Health and Medicine, Humanities
=313PhD in Natural Sciences
=315PhD in Social Sciences, Humanities, Health and Medicine, Natural Sciences 
=436PhD in Arts and Humanities

Also Read: Study In Finland At The University of Helsinki

There are 2 types of PhD in Finland that students can enrol for a standard research PhD and a national doctorate program. In the national doctorate program, each discipline has an associated doctoral program across all the Finnish universities. These doctorates are generally fully funded. 

A standard research PhD, however, has a structure similar to a normal doctorate. You put a research proposal before a committee and pursue it independently by funding it yourself. 

The duration of a PhD in Finland is 4 years, with the academic year starting on 1 August and lasting until 31 July every year. Students usually have 2 semesters in autumn and spring, but they might have a third semester in the summer as well, depending on the course they are pursuing their doctorate in.

While the Bachelor and Masters programs might charge tuition fees from international (non-EU) students, PhD in Finland is currently tuition-free for all. But there are living expenses of EUR 700-1,250/month that students have to bear (varies for every Finnish city). There’s also a student union fee ranging from EUR 80-100 that doctoral candidates must pay to their institute. 

Also Read: Masters Programs in Finland

Even though PhD in Finland is completely free, there are some scholarships you can avail of as an international student to reduce your living costs there. Some of them are as follows with their eligibility and benefits:

Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) Fellowships Open to PhD students from all nationalitiesEUR 1,900/month for 3-12 months
For US studentsEUR 1,000-1900/month for 9 months

To be eligible to pursue a PhD in Finland, students need to fulfil the following criteria. These are some general entry requirements that doctoral candidates must meet. For more program-specific information, you must check the university’s official website.

  • A Masters degree (or equivalent) from a recognised institute.
  • Language Proficiency tests: English ( IELTS , TOEFL ) or Finnish (YKI).

PhD in Finland without IELTS

Students can also pursue a PhD in Finland without IELTS through the following mediums:

  • Previous degrees obtained from English-medium institutions.
  • Standardized tests like TOEFL or PTE.
  • Research publications or presentations in English.
  • An interview in English by the university admissions committee.

Doctoral candidates need to have the following documents translated into Finnish and submitted during the application process for their PhD:

  • Academic Transcripts from your previous institutions
  • Degree certificates
  • CV / Resume
  • Letter of Motivation
  • Research proposal
  • 2 Reference letters
  • Statement of purpose / Personal statement

Also Read: Finland Student Visa

Unlike other countries that advertise research projects, students must apply to a graduate school for a PhD in Finland. These schools offer multiple doctoral programs to students, who can choose a field of study to conduct their research. You should contact the university directly in advance to find out more about the programs they offer. After that, fill out the application form and submit it to the chosen institute along with the documents mentioned above.

Universities also fund students as doctoral candidates under a contract during their PhD in Finland. They receive a salary with social security benefits like other members of staff. In return, doctoral students assist the university by teaching undergraduates, demonstrating within labs or doing administrative work. Other roles and responsibilities are specified in the student’s contract and vary for each institute.

Ans. You can find your perfect PhD program through these resources: University websites National research databases (TUTKAS) – lists ongoing research projects across the country. Academic networks and societies

Ans. Although Finnish is the official language, the country offers most PhD programs in English, especially in science and technology fields. Universities often offer intensive Finnish language courses for international students who wish to learn the language during their studies. However, some humanities and social science programs require Finnish proficiency due to the nature of their research.

Ans. Yes, international students in Finland can legally work part-time (up to 25 hours per week) during their studies. This is a great way to gain practical experience, supplement your income, and blend into Finnish society. Universities often have student job boards or career centres that can assist you in finding suitable part-time work opportunities.

Related Reads:

We hope that you got a complete understanding of pursuing a PhD in Finland as an international student in this blog. Stay tuned to Leverage Edu to explore more courses and destinations to study abroad . Thank you for reading!

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Disha Kaira

Disha is an electrical engineer turned writer passionate about bringing a spark (and accuracy) to whatever content she comes across. Whether it's UI/UX Design or writing blogs on abroad education, she relishes every chance to learn and test the limits of her creativity.

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1,000 Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Finland in 2024 (Apply Now)

Finland has spread the Great News. The Finland Ministry of Education and Culture allocated EUR 255 million to Finland universities to provide one thousand Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Finland in 2024–2027. This new Pilot program is available in 12 Finnish universities. Take advantage of a high-quality education. This pilot program is just more than education. It also includes a three-year employment contract.

This is the first call offering a 3-year employment doctoral researcher contract in various fields such as AI, education, circular economy, cancer medicine, and more. The program aims to increase the number of PhD graduates in Finland significantly. It is expected to address a shortage identified by the government in various sectors. The list of the Participating universities and the links to their websites are given below.

List of Participating Universities, the No of Scholarships, and the Application Links

This new Pilot initiative is available in 12 universities in Finland. Each university is allocated several scholarships and funding. The name of the university along with links to their PhD website are given below.

  • Aalto University : 178 Positions
  • University of Helsinki : 236 Positions
  • University of Oulu : 98 Positions
  • University of Turku UTU : 136 Positions
  • Lappeenranta University of Technology : 44 Positions
  • The University of Eastern Finland UEF : 11 Positions
  • University of Jyväskylä JYU : 85 Positions
  • Tampereen yliopisto TUNI : 106 Positions
  • University of Vaasa Uwasa : 7 Positions
  • Åbo Academy University : 26 Positions
  • Lapin yliopisto (University of Lapland) : 11 Poistions
  • Svenska handelshögskolan (Hanken School of Economics) : 3 Positions

All of the universities given above include a three-year PhD pilot program. One thousand fully funded PhD scholarships in Finland universities.

What is this New Doctoral Education Pilot

This is a new initiative by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. They are offering 1,000 fully funded PhD positions with a three-year employment contract. The pilot program will run from 2024–2027.

Application Process for the New Pilot PhD Scholarships in Finland

  • Check your designated program.
  • Choose the university and check the number of open positions.
  • Select your desired course, and read the requirements and the deadline.
  • Prepare Documents according to the requirements.
  • Apply via the university’s portal or as instructed on their website.


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45+ PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for international students in Finland

Full list of PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for International students in Finland- eligibility criteria, deadlines, application form, selection process & more!

[Updated 3 days ago] PhD Scholarships for International students in Finland are below:

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  • CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 |
  • more scholarships below
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Nokia Foundation Scholarship programs

Nokia Scholarship 2024-25

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The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Scholarship programs

CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025

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Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) Scholarship programs

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024

Momeni Foundation Scholarship programs

Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024

FinancialCAD Corporation Scholarship programs

Women in Finance Scholarship by Numerix 2024

Roberto Rocca Education Program Scholarship programs

Roberto Rocca Fellowships 2024

The Center for Cyber Safety and Education Scholarship programs

Center for Cyber Safety and Education Certification Scholarship 2024

Croucher Foundation Scholarship programs

Croucher Scholarships for Doctoral Study 2024

Facebook Scholarship programs

Facebook Emerging Scholar Program 2023

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones Scholarship programs

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024

Australian government Scholarship programs

Roberta Sykes Scholarships 2024

The Leakey Foundation Scholarship programs

Leakey Foundation Research Grants 2024

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Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Momeni Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to applicants of Iranian descent

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the university . 30 Jun is the deadline to send applications for Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024. Any institution across the world. You may apply on Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Momeni Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Germany nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedicine. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024. Renowned research laboratories all over the World except their home institution and city.. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF)

Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the UniCredit Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to nationals of all countries where UniCredit is present

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Economics, Banking or Finance. 15 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024. Anywhere across the globe . You may apply on Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by UniCredit Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedical research. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024. Any Internationally leading laboratory. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 application form .

John Monash Scholarships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the John Monash foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Australian nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the universities. 01 Jul is the deadline to send applications for John Monash Scholarships 2024. Universities around the world. You may apply on John Monash Scholarships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by John Monash foundation

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Anthropology. 01 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024. Any research institution around the World. You may apply on Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Wenner-Gren Foundation

Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Marc Sanders Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationalities

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in History of Early Modern Philosophy. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024. Any institutions across the world. You may apply on Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Marc Sanders Foundation

Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Social Policy. 01 Dec is the deadline to send applications for Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024. Institutions/Universities across the World. You may apply on Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

Nokia Scholarship 2024-25 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Nokia Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Information, Communication technology. 18 Sep is the deadline to send applications for Nokia Scholarship 2024-25. Any university in Finland or abroad. You may apply on Nokia Scholarship 2024-25 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Nokia Foundation

CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationalities

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Physics and Mathematics. 29 Nov is the deadline to send applications for CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025. Any overseas or interstate institution, such as a university or research establishment of international standing... You may apply on CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

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Degree Based Scholarships

  • High/Secondary School Scholarships in Finland
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  • Masters Scholarships in Finland
  • PhD Scholarships in Finland
  • Post Doc Scholarships in Finland
  • Diploma Scholarships in Finland
  • Training & Short courses Scholarships in Finland
  • Conferences & Travel Grants Scholarships in Finland
  • Research Fellow/ Scientist Scholarships in Finland
  • MBA Scholarships in Finland
  • Other Scholarships in Finland
  • Medicine (MBBS/ MD) Scholarships in Finland
  • Sports degree Scholarships in Finland
  • Nursing degree Scholarships in Finland
  • Civil Engineering degree Scholarships in Finland
  • Mechanical Engineering degree Scholarships in Finland
  • Film degree Scholarships in Finland
  • Pharmacy degree Scholarships in Finland
  • Medicine degree Scholarships in Finland
  • Law degree Scholarships in Finland
  • History degree Scholarships in Finland
  • Computer science degree Scholarships in Finland

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  1. Finland Government Scholarship 2023-24 in Finland (Fully Funded)

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  2. Government of Finland Scholarship 2024-2025 Study in Finland for the Free Bachelors, Masters, PhD

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  3. Government of Finland Scholarship 2024-2025 Study in Finland

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  4. Finland Scholarships for Master and Doctoral Studies, 2024-25

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  5. Finland Government Scholarship 2023

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  6. Finland Scholarships 2023 to Study in Finland Free Now Open

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  1. Scholarships in Finland, high school then undergraduate study

  2. Paid PhD Positions in Finland 2024-25

  3. How To Apply For University of Helsinki Scholarships| Study In Finland| Complete Process| Master's|

  4. How to find PhD in Finland / Requirements / Benefits / Salaries of Researcher / Study in Finland

  5. My Journey through Finnish Education in 2015. Read more at

  6. PhD in #finland 2400€-2800€ salary #studyabroad #studyineurope #studyinfinland #lifeineurope


  1. Study in Finland

    Navigating Doctoral Funding Options. In Finland, there are no tuition fees for doctoral students, but you must finance your own living expenses. Start at university departments for funding guidance. They provide insights into paid doctoral positions and scholarships that align closely with your field of study.

  2. Funding your doctoral studies

    The most common ways to fund doctoral studies are. work contract (s) as an employed doctoral researcher in a research project, research group or department, see open positions (availability depends on the School) personal grant (s) or scholarship (s) from foundations or funding agencies. Some Aalto schools also offer funded doctoral researcher ...

  3. How to apply for doctoral studies?

    Applicants with dual citizenship in Finland and one of the target nations may receive a Finland Fellowship only if their domicile is not Finland. Some of the terms of the fellowships to be granted have been changed. The amount of the fellowship per person is €2800/month for 12 months in addition to a €2000 arrival grant for moving expenses ...

  4. How to fund a doctorate?

    At the University of Helsinki, a doctoral degree can be completed through full-time or part-time study. Approximately a quarter of our doctoral researchers complete their doctoral research in an employment relationship with the University. The rest fund their studies with grants or, for example, by working in tandem with conducting their research.

  5. PhD Study in Finland

    There are two-types of higher education institutions in Finland, but only one offers doctoral level degrees.. Finland's higher education system includes the following: Finland's 13 universities offer PhD programmes and promote independent academic research and provide higher education based upon research; Finland's 22 universities of applied sciences do not offer PhD programmes.

  6. Study in Finland

    Doctoral Studies in Finland. Begin your doctoral journey in Finland by exploring programs through the portal, or by contacting universities directly for detailed information on doctoral study and research opportunities. Ensure you're familiar with each university's application timelines, eligibility criteria, and specific requirements.

  7. Funding options for doctoral researchers

    Funding options should be discussed with the supervisor already when planning to apply for a doctoral study right and creating a research plan. Doctoral studies can be funded for example by a scholarship, by working as a researcher in a research project, by working as a doctoral candidate at the University of Eastern Finland (doctoral student ...

  8. Apply to doctoral programmes

    Apply to doctoral programmes. The University of Helsinki Doctoral School has 33 doctoral programmes. Doctoral study rights are applied to from the programmes. Study rights are applicable 2-5 times a year, depending on the doctoral programme. Call for applications for new university-funded doctoral researcher positions is opened once a year.

  9. EDUFI Fellowship

    Applicant: a Finnish university department For whom: a doctoral student or a young researcher from outside Finland Purpose: initial funding for completing a doctoral research project in Finland, completion of a double degree or a study visit on exceptionally compelling reasons Application deadline: rolling deadline.You should apply for the grant five months before the start of the fellowship.

  10. Doctoral programmes

    The University of Helsinki Doctoral School has a total of 33 doctoral programmes. The doctoral school and programmes cooperate in research and doctoral education, and the structure of doctoral education encompasses all of the University's disciplines and doctoral researchers. Doctoral programmes in environmental, food and biological sciences.

  11. Ph.D scholarships in Finland for International students 2024-2025

    You are been lucky to be invited to apply for University of Helsinki Full-tuition international scholarship in Finland for 2021-2022 academic session. This award comprises of fully-funded grants and full-tuition fee. This scholarship is highly competitive and applicable for internationa. Published: 07 Jun 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Finland ...

  12. PhD in Finland 2024: Scope, Universities & Scholarships

    Aalto University School of Business Doctoral Scholarships. The Aalto University School of Business offers several doctoral scholarships to highly qualified international students. The scholarship is awarded as a tuition fee waiver. In the first two years, students will receive around €25,000 per year after taxes.

  13. Study in Finland

    Scholarships. Universities in Finland offer a range of options for scholarships both for bachelor's and master's level international students. Funding options also exist for doctoral level. Studying in Finland is a great value for investment. With flexible study paths, affordable student prices, and a stable society with equal opportunities ...

  14. Scholarships and tuition fees

    The Finland Scholarship covered the tuition fee and included a separate 5,000 € grant for expenses in starting the studies in Turku, Finland. The 5,000 € grant was paid to a Finnish bank account during the first semester, after the student had enrolled as an attending student at the University of Turku and moved to Finland. ...

  15. Scholarship programmes for Doctoral-level studies and research in Finland

    Finnish National Agency for Education Hakaniemenranta 6 P.O. Box 380, 00531 Helsinki, Finland Telephone +358 29 533 1000 Fax +358 29 533 1035

  16. 5 Phd Scholarships in Finland

    Check what disciplines, subjects and specialisations are covered by the phd degree scholarships available in Finland. Select from plenty of college scholarships for studies in business administration, engineering, computer science and IT, law, medicine, chemistry, social sciences and more. The diverse forms of financial aid are provided by ...

  17. Education in Finland: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Finland is an excellent choice for all internationals and especially for EU/EEA students who can study at local public universities for free. The beautiful Nordic country has one of the best education systems in the world and ranks among the safest and happiest nations in the world. You can also choose from over 400 English-taught programmes.

  18. 5 countries offering the highest PhD stipends

    Finland. Average PhD stipend: US$46,537. Cost of living: US$646.09 to US$969.13. Renowned for its high-quality education system, Finland offers competitive stipends, with institutions like the University of Helsinki providing substantial financial support. Government funding often supports stipends in Finland, reflecting the country's ...

  19. PhD in Finland for International Students 2024: Scholarship, Online

    PhD in Finland: Program Structure. There are 2 types of PhD in Finland that students can enrol for a standard research PhD and a national doctorate program. In the national doctorate program, each discipline has an associated doctoral program across all the Finnish universities. These doctorates are generally fully funded.

  20. Fully funded scholarships in Finland for International students 2024

    Tampere University Scholarships Programme is available for application for students who are required to pay tuition fees in bachelor's and master's degree programmes offered in English. Scho. Published: 04 Dec 2023 Type: Undergraduate Study in: Finland Deadline: 17 Jan 2024.

  21. 1,000 Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Finland in 2024 (Apply Now)

    April 2, 2024. Finland has spread the Great News. The Finland Ministry of Education and Culture allocated EUR 255 million to Finland universities to provide one thousand Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Finland in 2024-2027. This new Pilot program is available in 12 Finnish universities.

  22. Scholarships for Microbiology in Finland

    Merit-based. Read more about eligibility. IvyPanda. Location not available. 1 of 1. Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Microbiology studies in Finland. Search and apply online today.

  23. 45+ PhD Scholarships in Finland 2024-25 [Updated]

    45+ PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for international students in Finland. Full list of PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for International students in Finland- eligibility criteria, deadlines, application form, selection process & more!