Student Essays

Essay on Personal Hygiene

Essay on Personal Hygiene | Importance & Purpose of Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene is the practice of keeping oneself clean and free from germs and diseases. Personal Hygiene is very important for good health and to prevent illness. Practicing personal hygiene can help in preventing body odor, bad breath and other digestive disorders like constipation.

The human body has various organs like the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and the reproductive organs which help in eliminating waste or toxins from our body. The tongue is designed to scrape off food particles stuck between the teeth, but it also collects bacteria and dead cells as well as other debris that stick within its crevices.

Essay On Personal Hygiene & Its Importance

Personal hygiene is keeping oneself clean by washing, brushing teeth, shaving etc. It is the responsibility of every person to maintain good personal hygiene for both physical and mental health. Maintaining good personal hygiene means keeping one’s surroundings and living conditions in a hygienic condition and preventing the spread of diseases which can be transmitted through unclean surroundings or through lack of personal cleanliness.

Essay on Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene & Personality Development:

Personal hygiene can play a very important role in personality development. It is very significant for the person who wishes to be successful in his personal and social life. Personal hygiene helps to keep our minds free from worries of other persons’ germs, diseases etc., thereby making us happy and contented.

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On the other hand, seeing unhygienic persons gives us a feeling of disgust. As such, we conclude that if we keep ourselves clean and tidy, we can gain respect in the eyes of society and others will be pleased to meet us.

Importance of Personal Hygiene?

Personal hygiene gives us freedom from diseases and infections. When we keep ourselves clean there is no chance of bacteria, germs or virus multiplying in our bodies.

When we go out to meet persons for any purpose (whether it be work or pleasure) they may transmit their diseases through saliva, nasal discharges etc., which would otherwise get transmitted to us if we are not careful about our personal hygiene. It is therefore, the duty of every individual to maintain good personal hygiene for his own sake as well as that of other people.

Maintaining good personal hygiene is a very simple task but it needs regularity and perseverance. The body has natural means of cleansing itself in the form of skin, nails, mouth, teeth and bowels. These must be given proper attention in order that they may remain healthy and work properly.

The overall objective of hygiene is to make the conditions conducive for leading a healthy and fruitful life. The ultimate goal of personal hygiene is to ensure search and destroy the harmful microorganisms present on our body surfaces to the maximum extent possible.

The idea of keeping oneself clean has become very fashionable now-a-days. The personal hygienic products are available in the market are meant for every age group, whether it is a baby, an adult or an old person. Even if some basic hygiene measures are taken regularly by all persons it will lead to healthy living.

Benefits of Personal Hygiene

Regular personal hygiene can ensure a longer life. There are many people who have lived long lives despite having been very sick, simply because they maintained good personal hygiene. When we work or study along with maintaining good personal hygiene, the results will be better and quicker. The memory also improves if we maintain a clean body and mind.

Maintaining good personal hygiene also helps us to be more confident. If we look and feel clean and tidy, we will certainly be more confident than those who are not. Maintaining good personal hygiene is a social habit. If everybody practices it, there will be no need for any special regulation or supervision of public places by the local authorities.

The general impression about people who maintain good personal hygienic is that they are honest, clean and more cultured than the rest of the community. There will be no decrease in industrial production or efficiency of work due to their absence from offices or factories on account of sickness.

Hence, it can be seen that there are many benefits of maintaining good personal hygiene. It should become a habit to practice proper personal hygiene for prevention of many diseases, appearance and personality development.

Personal hygiene is a very important factor of modern life. It is the need of every individual to keep himself clean and tidy in all respects. The most common causes of lack of personal hygiene are: lack of time or energy, dullness etc., such that we do not feel like taking bath daily, brushing our teeth twice a day etc. These can be brought under control by proper planning and fixed timings for taking these measures as was advised in the beginning.

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Short Essay on Personal Hygiene For Class 1,2,3

As humans, we have all learned about personal hygiene from a young age. We are constantly reminded to wash our hands, brush our teeth, and take showers or baths regularly. However, the importance of personal hygiene goes beyond just being polite and looking presentable.

Maintaining good personal hygiene is crucial for our health and well-being. Our bodies are exposed to various bacteria and germs on a daily basis, and proper hygiene practices help protect us from getting sick. Washing our hands regularly with soap and water removes harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can cause illnesses such as the flu or food poisoning.

In addition to preventing illness, personal hygiene also plays a significant role in maintaining good mental health. Poor personal hygiene can lead to feelings of embarrassment, low self-esteem, and even social isolation. On the other hand, practicing good personal hygiene can boost our confidence and improve our overall mood.

Personal hygiene is not just limited to taking care of ourselves physically; it also includes taking care of our surroundings. Keeping our living spaces clean and organized helps prevent the spread of germs and promotes a healthy environment. This is especially important during times of pandemic outbreaks, where maintaining a clean and hygienic environment can help prevent the spread of diseases.

Furthermore, personal hygiene habits are essential for preventing the spread of diseases to others. By practicing good hygiene practices such as covering our mouths when coughing or sneezing and disposing of used tissues properly, we can protect not only ourselves but also those around us.

It is also worth mentioning that personal hygiene habits are not just for our own benefit but also for the well-being of society as a whole. By practicing good hygiene, we contribute to building a healthier and cleaner community.

In conclusion, personal hygiene is not just about keeping up appearances; it is an essential aspect of maintaining good physical and mental health. By practicing good personal hygiene habits, we not only protect ourselves from illnesses but also contribute to creating a healthier and happier society. So, let’s continue to prioritize our personal hygiene and spread the importance of it to those around us. After all, staying clean and healthy is a win-win situation for everyone.

What is Personal Hygiene?

Personal hygiene is the practice of cleanliness that reduces the number of microorganisms on the body. It is important for general health and well-being to wash your hands after using the bathroom, before eating or preparing food, and after handling raw meat

What is healthy & hygiene?

Health is the state of being free from any disease, illness or abnormal condition. Hygiene means practices that are necessary to maintain health, cleanliness etc.

Why Personal hygiene is Important?

Personal hygiene is very important for a healthy and happy living. It helps us to maintain a clean body, mind & soul. If we practice personal hygiene regularly on daily basis then our life becomes full of happiness and joy from inside out side. What are the best ways to improve your mental health? How can I get help with depression or anxiety? How can I get help to deal with stress?

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  • Health and Hygiene Essay


Introduction to Health and Hygiene

The term "Health" refers to the body's natural and healthy state. It is a wonderful source of calm and joy. A healthy state of mind and a physically fit body are considered to be free of disorder, illness, or disease. Health refers to a person's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being in basic terms. Cleanliness, adequate wastewater disposal, and safe drinking water supply are all examples of hygiene practices that help to avoid disease and promote good health. It encompasses all activities aimed at enhancing, preserving, and maintaining excellent health.

Health and Hygiene

Health is a positive state of being in which all components of the body and mind are in proper balance and harmony with one another. As a result, all of the body's organs are in good working order. It is well believed that only those people may be considered healthy if they have a healthy mind and a healthy body. For a healthy and happy existence, health and cleanliness are essential. In terms of community hygiene, health education is critical. To avoid disease and have a positive attitude about health, you must have accurate and comprehensive health knowledge. 

Hygiene is another word for sanitation and cleanliness. Great personal hygiene is essential for health reasons. One must practice good hygiene. We must cover our mouth while sneezing and immediately wash our hands to prevent the germs from spreading. This shows our consciousness about health through hygiene. Keeping a decent standard of cleanliness prevents the spread of disease. Social awareness must be spread amongst the civilians so that they would realize the importance of hygiene.

What Exactly is Health?

Health is a quality of life that enables you to live a longer life. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a condition of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and communal well-being, rather than only the absence of illness."A person is not regarded as healthy if he is free of sickness or in good bodily shape but is stressed, tense, angry, greedy, or in any other way.

Aspects of Health

Let's look at the health concerns for a moment.

Physical well-being

Mental well-being:

Emotional wellness

The well-being of the community

Spiritual well-being

Hygiene is the science and art of maintaining and improving one's physical and mental well-being. Hygiene enables people to have a healthy interaction with their surroundings. It is applicable to both individuals and communities. Recognize the importance of hygiene and sanitation in maintaining good health.

Our hands keep touching so many surfaces such as handrails, smartphones, steering wheels while driving, etc. Hands are the part of the body that spreads germs the most easily. It takes less than a minute to wash our hands; still, many people refrain from doing this. Good hand hygiene is proven beneficial in preventing the spread of diseases amongst society and family. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), washing hands with soap and water is sufficient to prevent the spread of certain diseases by almost 50%. The next important part of the body that needs proper hygiene is the eye. We are all aware that the eyes are the most delicate part of the body. So taking care of it is not only essential but a necessity. We are surrounded by thousands of electronic things which have a bad impact on the eyes. Keeping the eyes clean must be a frequent task in our daily routine.

While playing in the school, kids must take care of their belongings, such as their water bottles. It is important to keep such things in a clean place. Keeping the bottle here and there and then drinking from the same water bottle is harmful to health. Parents and teachers play a vital role in creating awareness about hygiene in kids.

Hygiene is like a preventive measure that keeps us away from diseases and various other health ailments. No matter how much you care about cleanliness, if the potable water itself is not clean, then it is of no use. Water needs to be not only clean but also healthy. Water is used throughout the day, from drinking, cooking to cleanliness activities. Hence, it is important to use clean water. 

Civilians must be made aware of how to maintain hygiene in public places like hospitals. Hospitals are generally crowded with patients and it is obvious that the place will be a hotspot of bacteria and viruses. Hence, it is important to use hand sanitisers and maintain a safe distance from visibly sick people. The next critical step towards a healthy life is oral hygiene—proper oral hygiene wards off gum diseases, bad breath and many infections. Understanding the importance of hygiene will make it easier to eradicate the disease from the world.

How Do You Keep Your Hygiene?

The only thing that helps a person feel healthy is good hygiene. Otherwise, bacteria developing in the dirt generate a slew of ailments, and our health suffers as a result.

When we are surrounded by cleanliness, it makes us feel happy and motivates us to complete our tasks. If there is dirt surrounding us, no matter how focused we attempt to work, we will not be able to complete the task successfully. Our health will decline as well.

Hygiene is Crucial!

It helps to lessen the need for medical assistance: we are all susceptible to a variety of ailments around the world. Diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, gastrointestinal problems, asthma, and lung disorders affect a large portion of the world's population. Some of these diseases are deadly, and there is no treatment that can save a person's life. There are extremely few sicknesses in a sanitary living individual. This person will not require medication to remain healthy. It protects against numerous germs and viruses by preserving personal cleanliness.

Health is more valuable than money, and everyone's health is paramount. It has a strong link to hygiene and health. There will be good health when there is cleanliness. Our health is heavily influenced by our surroundings.


FAQs on Health and Hygiene Essay

1. What are some of the ways to maintain personal hygiene?

We come in contact with millions of germs and viruses every day, all of which can make us sick. Some methods for maintaining personal hygiene and preventing the spread of germs and viruses include Toilet and Bath Hygiene: After using the restroom, we should always wash our hands. To maintain our nails clean, we must avoid biting them and trim them on a regular basis. Bacteria and viruses can quickly enter our bodies through the mouth, nose, and eyes. When handling garbage, touching animals, cleaning, etc., we should always wash our hands with soap and water.

2. Why is hygiene important for good health?

It is important to maintain good hygiene in order to avoid the spread of germs and infectious diseases. Coming into close contact with patients, handling contaminated food, and unclean surfaces or things can all pass on germs that cause many diseases. Poor hygiene can readily spread diarrhea, respiratory ailments, tooth decay, and other diseases. Seasonal flu, viruses, and other bacterial illnesses can all be aided by good cleanliness. As a result, sustaining good health requires a high level of hygiene.

3. Where can I find a well-written essay on Health and Hygiene?

You can find a well-written essay on the topic ‘Health and Hygiene’ on many online educational sites such as Vedantu. Vedantu offers well-curated study materials and articles on various topics. Students can find free essays on Health and Hygiene and other commonly-asked topics in exams.

4. Why is it important to train young kids on the importance of hygiene and sanitation?

Antibiotics and vaccinations are becoming less effective against viruses and bacteria. Many of these viruses are now being encountered all over the world, and the world is enabled to cope with them. Germs can readily spread among children because they play outside without paying attention to their health. To avoid getting sick, parents must educate their children on the value of cleanliness. In addition, basic personal cleanliness will help them feel more confident and self-assured. As a result, it is important to teach children about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.

5. Is writing the Health and Hygiene Essay for Students in English difficult?

Regular practice and back to back sessions on essay writing can help students to write proper English essays. The Health and Hygiene Essay for Students in English requires some prior knowledge about health and hygiene and hence one should study about the same before writing it. After you've grabbed the concepts, the writing part isn't difficult. Vedantu can help you in framing proper English sentences with proper grammar, tone, clarity, and essay.

10 Lines on Cleanliness

We all want to stay healthy and happy throughout our life. This is the best and the only way to live a life. It is obvious that cleanliness leads to a healthy and happy life. Let’ read other aspects of cleanliness through the sets of 10 lines below.

Ten Lines on Cleanliness in English

Some well worded sets of 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Cleanliness for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are given below to help them in their study , exams and school assignments. Just go through these lines and select the one of your choice:

1) Cleanliness is the absence of dirt, dust and a state of complete hygiene.

2) A clean and pure environment is the necessity for survival.

3) Most of the diseases and epidemics cause due to unhygienic conditions, and cleanliness helps to avoid these situations.

4) Apart from health benefits, cleanliness also reflects the face of a civilized human being.

5) A clean body and clean surrounding help the inception of pure thoughts and provide peace of mind.

6) Cleanliness exhibits your good character and leaves a positive impact on the minds of others.

7) Personal hygiene, well-groomed and clean attire enhances the overall personality of an individual.

8) Mahatma Gandhi highly emphasized the necessity of cleanliness and used to say that “Sanitation is more important than independence”.

9) Cleanliness should not only be limited to own home or surroundings, but a clean environment is also important for a healthy ecosystem.

10) The ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ is one of the most important steps taken towards making a clean India.

10 Lines and Sentences on Cleanliness

1) Cleanliness is essential for a healthy body, mind and soul.

2) It is essential to follow a strict hygienic routine to prevent diseases.

3) Unhygienic conditions have caused a high number of deaths across the country many times.

4) Jaundice, Cholera, Ringworms, Scabies etc. are few diseases caused due to eating of contaminated food and living under unhygienic conditions.

5) Washing hands before having food or after coming from outside are the best habit to save us from many diseases.

6) Cleanliness has got importance in almost all the religions and has got important virtue in all the holy books.

7) According to ‘Bhagwat Puran’, cleanliness is one of the qualities which is very important to obtain the blessings of God.

8) It is the prime responsibility of every citizen to clean their surroundings and avoid littering by using dustbin.

9) Construction of toilets in villages is one of the most significant steps taken by the government to stop open defecation and clean the environment.

10) If we want to see a clean India, we need the unanimous support of every citizen working in a responsible way to keep our surrounding clean.

10 Sentences on Cleanliness

1) In general terms, cleanliness refers to keeping our body and surroundings clean and tidy.

2) Cleanliness, in a way, relates to hygiene and prevention of diseases.

3) We must take the responsibility of cleaning our houses as well as locality.

4) Cleanliness is essential for a healthy and disease-free living.

5) Cleanliness has many aspects such as neatness of body and proper sanitation.

6) Cleanliness is also essential for a person’s social recognition and status.

7) Bhagawad Gita recognizes cleanliness as a divine quality which one must possess.

8) Hindus believe that cleanliness brings prosperity and the blessings of God.

9) We should also keep our water bodies and other natural resources neat and clean.

10) A neat and clean body is the basic requirement for a healthy and happy mind.

5 Lines on Cleanliness

1) Cleanliness refers to proper hygiene.

2) Cleanliness is a good habit.

3) Cleanliness keeps diseases away.

4) We should bath daily and hand wash regularly.

5) We should keep our surroundings clean.

10 Lines on Cleanliness

20 Lines on Cleanliness

1) Cleanliness, in many religions, has been placed equivalent to godliness.

2) Usually, cleanliness refers to a neat and tidy appearance of a person, place or thing.

3) Sometimes, cleanliness also refers to the cleanliness of mind and soul.

4) Only a clean society can be free from diseases and progressive.

5) The state of cleanliness of a house represents the moral values of its inhabitants.

6) Most of the great personalities of India supported cleanliness.

7) People befriend those who have clean and healthy habits.

8) A clean home leads to a clean society and, finally, a clean and progressive nation.

9) Bathing daily, washing hands before and after meals are some of the clean habits.

10) Cleanliness of body and surroundings is very necessary to maintain throughout the day.

11) Cleanliness always benefits us in many ways.

12) In a broader perspective, it can also refer to the purity of thoughts and soul.

13) Cleanliness is an essential prerequisite for a healthy and happy life.

14) Cleanliness refers not only to a clean body but also a clean surrounding.

15) Cleanliness also includes a clean environment and natural resources.

16) Cleanliness of the environment is very important for flora and fauna of the planet.

17) Without cleanliness, the world would suffer from diseases and infections.

18) Cleanliness should be a habit to follow strictly every day.

19) Bathing daily, washing hands with soap before meals are some of the symbols of cleanliness.

20) Cleanliness is considered essential for the religious rituals in all the major religions.

We are listening from very old times that ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’. It requires the attention of everyone towards keeping the city and surrounding clean and healthy. If we start by cleaning our houses, localities and then streets, we can expect a big change. It is something that doesn’t have any specific time to start; besides anybody can start it anytime and from anywhere.

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Essay on Cleanliness: Free Samples for School Students

personal hygiene essay for class 2

  • Updated on  
  • Feb 22, 2024

Essay on Cleanliness

Let us go green to get our planet clean ! Cleanliness refers to the state of being germ-free. Some of the everyday examples of cleanliness are brushing teeth, regular bathing and showering, brushing teeth, etc. Everyone knows the importance of cleanliness. It significantly contributes to personal hygiene, social interactions, self-esteem and confidence, etc. However, if you are told to write an essay on cleanliness, you must the importance of cleanliness, how it can contribute to a better life, and what would happen if we don’t follow the basis of personal hygiene and cleanliness practices. In this article, we will discuss samples of essay on cleanliness for students.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Cleanliness in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Cleanliness in 200 Words
  • 3 Essay on Cleanliness in 250 Words

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Essay on Cleanliness in 100 Words

As a student, we all have been taught that ‘cleanliness is health’s best friend.’ We must consider cleanliness as a fundamental aspect of life that protects us from harmful germs and dirt. It goes beyond the mere absence of dirt; it embodies a state of purity and order that fosters both physical and mental harmony.

Whether it pertains to personal hygiene , environmental sanitation, or societal upkeep, cleanliness plays a pivotal role in shaping our daily experiences and overall quality of life. We must develop habits like personal hygiene, ensure environmental sanitation, and advocate for societal cleanliness. This way we can create a world where individuals thrive, communities prosper, and societies flourish.

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Essay on Cleanliness in 200 Words

Cleanliness is considered a gateway to health and happiness. The first step towards cleanliness is personal hygiene. Personal hygiene prevents the spread of diseases and fosters a positive self-image. We need to regularly wash our hands and take a bath. These are simple and effective measures that contribute to overall well-being. By instilling these habits from an early age, we can cultivate a strong foundation for a healthy lifestyle and build confidence in our daily interactions.

‘Spread love, not germs’

A broader concept of cleanliness is environmental cleanliness. To lead a germ-free life, we must keep our environment clean and maintain its safety. Waste material belongs to the dustbin, not on the streets. Regular cleaning and proper waste management not only prevent the proliferation of harmful pathogens but also create a conducive environment for growth and development. When communities collectively prioritize the cleanliness of their surroundings, they foster a sense of unity and shared responsibility, contributing to a vibrant and thriving society.

By investing in infrastructure and policies that prioritize cleanliness, communities can ensure the safety and prosperity of their members, fostering a sense of unity and collective responsibility for the greater good. 

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Essay on Cleanliness in 250 Words

‘in public places, there are two types of dustbins: Green and Blue . The green dustbin belongs to wet waste and a blue dustbin is used for dry waste. In the blue-colour dustbin, only recyclable waste is dumped, for example, cardboard, magazines, food tin, plastic bottles, etc. These are some of the best basic steps towards cleanliness.

From personal hygiene to environmental safety, cleanliness is a broader concept. It encompasses a range of practices that are crucial for maintaining physical well-being, fostering environmental sustainability, and promoting social harmony. From personal hygiene to environmental sanitation, cleanliness plays a pivotal role in shaping our daily lives and overall societal development.

We all must set our personal hygiene goals, starting with regular handwashing, and proper grooming. To prevent the spread of contagious diseases and contribute to a positive self-image and mental well-being, we must follow personal hygiene practices. When we cultivate habits of personal cleanliness, we not only protect ourselves but also create a safer and more hygienic environment for people around us.

Environmental cleanliness is another step towards cleanliness, as it is vital for the sustainability of Earth. Implementing practices like proper waste management, recycling practices, and pollution control measures are essential for preserving the natural environment and reducing the detrimental impact of human activities. 

Achieving environmental cleanliness requires collective efforts from communities. Collectively, we can contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the mitigation of environmental degradation, fostering a healthier and more sustainable ecosystem for future generations.’

Ans: Cleanliness refers to the state of being free from dirt, germs, and unwanted matter. It is a term that encompasses personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, and overall tidiness. Cleanliness is crucial for maintaining good health and preventing the spread of diseases.

Ans: To raise awareness about cleanliness, you can conduct educational campaigns, such as workshops, seminars, and educational campaigns in schools and workplaces; use social media platforms to share informative posts and videos; Organize community clean-up drives and encourage active participation; Collaborate with local authorities and organizations to implement effective waste management.

Ans: Cleanliness refers to the habit of keeping yourself and your surroundings clean. Everyone must follow this important hygiene rule.

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Essay on Cleanliness And Hygiene Practices In School

Students are often asked to write an essay on Cleanliness And Hygiene Practices In School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Cleanliness And Hygiene Practices In School


Cleanliness and hygiene are key to maintaining good health. In schools, these practices are even more important. Schools are places where we learn and grow, and a clean environment helps in this process.

The Importance of Cleanliness

A clean school provides a healthy and safe environment for students. It reduces the spread of germs and diseases. When a school is clean, students can focus better on their studies. It also teaches students the value of cleanliness.

Hygiene Practices

Good hygiene practices in schools include washing hands regularly, keeping classrooms clean, and maintaining clean toilets. Schools should also educate students about the importance of personal hygiene.

Role of Students

Students play a key role in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in schools. They should avoid littering, clean up after themselves, and follow good hygiene practices. They should also encourage their peers to do the same.

Role of School Staff

In conclusion, cleanliness and hygiene practices in schools are essential for a healthy learning environment. Everyone in the school, including students and staff, should contribute to maintaining cleanliness and promoting good hygiene.

250 Words Essay on Cleanliness And Hygiene Practices In School

Importance of cleanliness and hygiene in schools.

Cleanliness and hygiene play a vital role in maintaining a healthy environment in schools. It is essential to keep the school clean to prevent the spread of germs and diseases. A clean school also creates a positive atmosphere for learning.

Role of Students in Maintaining Cleanliness

Students can contribute significantly to keeping the school clean. They should throw away their trash in dustbins and avoid littering the school grounds. It is also necessary to keep the classrooms tidy. By taking care of their personal belongings, students can help in maintaining cleanliness.

Hygiene Practices for Students

Personal hygiene is as important as cleanliness in schools. Students should wash their hands regularly, especially before eating and after using the restroom. Using hand sanitizers can also help in killing germs. Students should also learn to cover their mouths while sneezing or coughing to prevent the spread of germs.

Role of School Authorities

School authorities should ensure that cleaning is done regularly. They should provide dustbins in every corner of the school and ensure they are emptied regularly. Restrooms should be cleaned frequently, and soap should be available for students to wash their hands.

Benefits of Cleanliness and Hygiene

In conclusion, cleanliness and hygiene practices in schools are essential for the health and well-being of students. Both students and school authorities should work together to ensure a clean and hygienic environment.

500 Words Essay on Cleanliness And Hygiene Practices In School

Cleanliness and hygiene are two important factors that greatly affect our health and well-being. They are even more important in a place like school where many students come together to learn and grow. This essay will talk about the importance and benefits of cleanliness and hygiene practices in school.

Germs and diseases can easily spread in a dirty environment. If a school is not clean, students may fall sick often. This can lead to missing classes and falling behind in studies. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in schools is important to keep students healthy and ensure their regular attendance.

Hygiene Practices in Schools

There are several hygiene practices that schools can adopt. Firstly, schools should ensure regular cleaning of classrooms, toilets, and other areas. Dustbins should be placed in every corner and students should be encouraged to use them.

Schools should also ensure that their water and food facilities are clean. The water used in schools should be safe to drink and the food served should be prepared in a clean environment.

The Role of Students

While schools have a major role in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene, students also have a big part to play. They should keep their classrooms and surroundings clean. They should not litter and should use dustbins for disposing of waste.

Students should also follow personal hygiene practices. They should wash their hands regularly, especially before eating. They should keep their belongings clean and should not share personal items like combs, towels, etc., to prevent the spread of germs.

In conclusion, cleanliness and hygiene practices in school are extremely important. They not only provide a healthy and positive environment for students but also teach them the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. By adopting these practices, schools can prevent the spread of diseases and ensure the overall well-being of their students. Students, on the other hand, can learn valuable habits that they can carry into their adult lives. Therefore, every school should prioritize cleanliness and hygiene and make it a part of their daily routine.

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Personal hygiene for children

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What is personal hygiene for children?

Your child needs to keep themselves clean to remain healthy and to feel good about themselves. Good personal hygiene will help boost their self-esteem and confidence.

Teaching your child good hygiene habits

We all need to keep clean to avoid harmful germs and avoid getting sick. Good personal hygiene also boosts confidence by dealing with problems like bad breath or body odour.

For children, the basics of good personal hygiene are:

  • washing their hands
  • covering their mouth when they cough
  • having regular baths or showers
  • brushing and flossing their teeth

You may have to help your child learn and practise good personal hygiene habits. These will become even more important as they grow older and approach puberty .

Being able to talk openly and honestly about keeping clean is important. This will help you manage more difficult personal hygiene issues that are likely to come up when they are teenagers.

Washing hands

Most germs are spread through hand contact. Regularly washing hands will prevent your child and others from getting sick.

Encourage your child to wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds:

  • when their hands look dirty
  • before eating or making food
  • after touching raw meats, including chicken and beef
  • after touching any body fluids like blood, urine (wee) or vomit (sick)
  • after touching animals (including cats and dogs)
  • after blowing their nose, sneezing or coughing
  • after going to the toilet

Showering and bathing

Children need regular baths or showers. You can include a bath or shower at the end of the day as part of their bedtime routine. Your child’s hair should be washed 1 to 2 times a week. If their hair is very oily, it might need washing more often.

Make sure your child washes all of their body, including:

  • under their arms
  • their genital area
  • their anal area
  • between their toes

Make sure that their body is thoroughly dry before they get dressed.

Brushing teeth

Children should brush and floss their teeth twice a day (in the morning and before they go to sleep).

They should brush with a pea-sized amount of children’s toothpaste that contains fluoride. You will need to help your child brush their teeth until they are about 7 years old.

Clothes and shoes

Doing the laundry uses significant quantities of water, energy, and chemicals. It is also the most demanding stage of clothing's life cycle. This use of resources needs to be balanced with the need for children to wear clean clothes. That is clothes that are not obviously dirty and don’t smell.

Socks and underwear should be changed when dirty and at least every day.

Once your child starts school, they can hang up their uniform to air at the end of each day.

More information

You can call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 . A registered nurse is available to talk with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content .

Last reviewed: July 2022

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personal hygiene essay for class 2

Hygiene and Environmental Health Module: 3. Personal Hygiene

Study session 3  personal hygiene, introduction.

The exercise of proper personal hygiene is one of the essential parts of our daily life. Many people in rural areas may not understand what good or bad personal hygiene is. The prevention of communicable diseases, like diarrhoea, trachoma and many others is highly possible through the application of proper personal hygiene. You need to learn the proper practice of personal hygiene and use this for the prevention and control of important public health diseases that are prevalent in your locality. This study session will also help you to understand the links between personal hygiene and one’s dignity, confidence and comfort.

Learning Outcomes for Study Session 3

When you have studied this session, you should be able to:

3.1  Define and use correctly each of the key words printed in bold .(SAQ 3.1)

3.2  Describe the public health importance of personal hygiene. (SAQ 3.3)

3.3  List and describe the components of personal hygiene. (SAQs 3.1 and 3.2)

3.4  Describe what are acceptable and poor personal hygiene practices. (SAQ 3.4)

3.5  Prioritise the components of personal hygiene that are critical for public health concerns. (SAQ 3.3)

3.6  Explain hygienic handwashing using standard procedures, and list the critical situations for effective handwashing. (SAQs 3.4 and 3.5)

3.7  Explain the elements and activities that are needed for planning personal hygiene promotion. (SAQ 3.6)

3.8  Describe the criteria that are used for evaluating the effectiveness of personal hygiene application. (SAQ 3.7)

3.1  What is personal hygiene?

Personal hygiene is a concept that is commonly used in medical and public health practices. It is also widely practised at the individual level and at home. It involves maintaining the cleanliness of our body and clothes. Personal hygiene is personal, as its name implies. In this regard, personal hygiene is defined as a condition promoting sanitary practices to the self. Everybody has their own habits and standards that they have been taught or that they have learned from others. Generally, the practice of personal hygiene is employed to prevent or minimise the incidence and spread of communicable diseases.

3.2  Difference between cleanliness and hygiene

The term cleanliness should not be used in place of hygiene. Cleaning in many cases is removing dirt, wastes or unwanted things from the surface of objects using detergents and necessary equipment. Hygiene practice focuses on the prevention of diseases through the use of cleaning as one of several inputs. For example, a janitor cleans the floor of a health centre using detergent, mop and broom. They might also use chlorine solution to disinfect the floor. The cleaning process in this example is the removal of visible dirt, while the use of chlorine solution removes the invisible microorganisms. Hygienic practice encompasses both cleaning for the removal of physically observable matters and the use of chlorine for the removal of microorganisms. The hygiene practice in this example aims at preventing the spread of disease-causing organisms. Cleaning is a means to achieve this task.

3.3  Public health importance of personal hygiene

The knowledge and practice of personal hygiene are vital in all our everyday activities. The purposes are:

Preventing faeco-orally transmitted diseases

The fingers may get contaminated with one’s own faeces, either directly or indirectly. Activities during defecation and child bottom-washing are additional opportunities for the contamination of the fingers that facilitate the transmission of infections.

Aesthetic values of personal hygiene

A person with clean hands is proud while eating because they feel confident of preventing diseases. A teacher in a school is always happy to see their students with clean faces and eyes, and dressed in clean clothes. A mother is mentally satisfied to feed her infant with clean hands because she ensures the preservation of her child’s health. Generally, cleaning oneself produces pride, comfort and dignity at home and in public places. Caring about the way you look is important to your self-esteem.

Social impact

A person with poor personal hygiene might be isolated from friendship because telling the person about the situation might be sensitive and culturally difficult. The success of a job application or the chance of promotion could be affected by poor personal hygiene; no company wants to be represented by someone who does not appear to be able to look after themselves.

3.4  Components of personal hygiene

3.4.1  body hygiene (skin care).

The body has nearly two million sweat glands. Moistened and dried sweat and dead skin cells all together make dirt that sticks on to the skin and the surface of underclothes. The action of bacteria decomposes the sweat, thereby generating bad odour and irritating the skin. This is especially observed in the groin, underarms and feet, and in clothing that has absorbed sweat. Skin infections such as scabies, pimples and ringworm are results of poor body hygiene. Figure 3.1 shows ringworm of the scalp ( Tine a capitis ).

Scalp Tinea capitis

The first task in body hygiene is to find water, soap and other cleansing materials. Taking a bath or a shower using body soap at least weekly is very important to ensuring our body stays clean (Figure 3.2). Bathing can be every day or after periods of sweating or getting dirty. The genitals and the anal region need to be cleaned well because of the natural secretions of these areas. Dry the body with a clean towel after thorough rinsing. Change into clean underwear after a bath. Changing sweat-soaked clothes after each bath is advised. Cleaning the ears after every bath is also necessary. Avoid sharing soaps and towels because of the danger of cross-infection.

Body washing

3.4.2  Oral hygiene (oral care)

The mouth is the area of the body most prone to collecting harmful bacteria and generating infections. Our mouth mechanically breaks food into pieces. This process leaves food particles (food debris) that stick to the surface of our gums and teeth. Our mouth cavity is full of bacteria and is a good environment for bacterial growth.

Why is the mouth a good environment for bacterial growth?

It is at the optimum temperature (37 º C) and is often rich in food particles that support bacterial growth.

The decaying process that takes place on the surface of the teeth eventually produces a build-up called plaque (a sticky deposit on which bacteria grow) that is then converted into tartar (a hard, yellowish, calcified deposit on the teeth, consisting of organic secretions and food particles). The result is tooth decay. In addition, unpleasant smelling breath ( halitosis or stinking odour ), teeth and gum infections could be a result of poor oral hygiene.

Advice for keeping the mouth clean (Figure 3.3) is:

Oral hygiene

  • Rinse the mouth after each meal.
  • Brush your teeth with a fluoride-containing toothpaste twice a day – before breakfast and before you go to bed. Cleaning the mouth with twigs is possible if done carefully.
  • During the day, fill your mouth with water and swish it around to get rid of anything sticking to your teeth.
  • In addition to regular brushing, it is advisable to floss your teeth at least once a day, usually before you go to bed.

3.4.3  Handwashing (hand care)

The cleanliness of our hands is very important in all our daily activities. In our normal activities our hands frequently get dirty. There are many situations in which microorganisms are likely to attach to our hands along with the dirt. There are many communicable diseases that follow the route of faeco-oral transmission. Hand hygiene plays a critically important role in preventing this transmission.

Hygienic hand washing involves the mechanical removal of microorganisms from contaminated hand surfaces using soap or detergent. Handwashing should involve more than a quick rinse under a tap (faucet) or in running water.

The following handwashing technique (also shown in Figure 3.4) ensures that the hands are properly washed and it doesn’t take long to complete:

Step by step handwashing technique

  • First wet your hands with clean water and lather with a bar of soap.
  • Next rub your hands together vigorously and scrub all surfaces up to your wrists.
  • Clean under your fingernails.
  • Continue for 15–30 seconds or about the length of a little tune (for example, the ‘Happy Birthday’ song). It is the soap combined with the scrubbing action that helps dislodge and remove germs.
  • Rinse your hands well with clean running water (pour from a jug or tap).
  • Dry your hands in the air to avoid recontamination on a dirty towel – do not touch anything until your hands are dry.
  • Wood ash will also rub off any dirt and smells. The slight irritation you feel when you wash your hands with ash shows the cleansing power of ash.
  • Local seeds such as indod (Lemma’s plant), which are known to be good cleaning agents, can also be used for regular handwashing.
  • Clean sand with water can be used for handwashing to help to rub off dirt.

If you don’t have soap, you can use alternatives. These serve the same purpose as the soap, to help ‘scrub’ what is stuck on your hands, so the running water can brush it off. To get clean hands, you must POUR the water over your hands (no dipping in a bowl!). The soap or ash ‘lifts’ the dirt, and the water then washes off the visible dirt and the invisible germs. Various options for handwashing are indicated in Figure 3.5.


As well as routine personal hygiene that applies to everyone, your daily work will include many situations when you may ask yourself when you need to wash your hands. To know when to wash your hands at home and at work, you must first identify critical situations ; that is, situations, activities or incidents that indicate the possibility that pathogenic microorganisms are present on hands, fingers and nail surfaces.

Critical situations in everyday activity include:

  • After using the toilet (or disposing of human or animal faeces)
  • After changing a baby’s diaper (nappy) and disposing of the faeces.
  • Immediately after touching raw food when preparing meals (e.g. chicken or other meat).
  • Before preparing and handling cooked/ready-to-eat food.
  • Before eating food or feeding children.
  • After contact with contaminated surfaces (e.g. rubbish bins, cleaning cloths, food-contaminated surfaces).
  • After handling pets and domestic animals.
  • After wiping or blowing the nose or sneezing into the hands (respiratory hygiene).
  • After handling soiled tissues (your own or others’, e.g. children).

Critical situations in healthcare activity include:

  • Before and after contact with an infected wound.
  • After contact with blood or body fluids (e.g. vomit).
  • Before and after dressing wounds.
  • Before giving care to an ‘at risk’ person (e.g. attending delivery, attending a baby).
  • After giving care to an infected person.

3.4.4  Face hygiene

Our face reveals our daily practice of personal hygiene. Face hygiene includes all parts of the face. The most important area to keep clean is the eyes. The eye discharges protective fluids that could dry and accumulate around the eye. They are visible when a person gets up in the morning. The organic substance of the eye discharge can attract flies and this is dangerous because the fly is a carrier (vector) of trachoma and conjunctivitis.

A person should wash their face every morning in order to remove all dirt that they have come in contact with during the course of the day. This will keep your face clean all day. Children are advised to wash their face frequently. Never share your face towel with others.

Why is it inadvisable to share a face towel?

Because some diseases, such as conjunctivitis and trachoma, can be transmitted easily from person to person in this way.

3.4.5  Fingernail and toenail hygiene (nail care)

A nail is hard tissue that constantly grows. Long fingernails tend to accumulate or trap dirt on the underside. The dirt could be as a result of defecation or touching infected and contaminated surfaces. Keeping nails trimmed and in good shape weekly is important in maintaining good health. Clip nails short along their shape but do not cut them so close that it damages the skin. Razor blades and fingernail cutters or scissors are used to cut nails. Nail cutters should not be shared with others.

Why is it inadvisable to share nail cutters?

Because some diseases, such as fungal infections, can be transmitted easily from person to person in this way.

3.4.6  Ear hygiene

Ear wax accumulates in the ear canal that leads from the outer ear to the ear drum. As the secretion comes out of the ear it collects dust particles from the air. Daily washing with soap and water is enough to keep the outer ear clean. Do not reach farther than you can with your little finger into your ear. Putting in hairpins, safety pins or blunt-edged things for cleaning purposes might harm the ear. If you feel wax has accumulated and is plugging your ears and interfering with hearing, consult your doctor.

3.4.7  Hair hygiene (hair care)

The hair follicles from which the hair grows produce oil from the sebaceous glands that keeps the hair smooth. The scalp (the skin covering the head) also has numerous sweat glands and is a surface for the accumulation of dead skin cells. The oil, sweat and dead cells all add together and can make the hair greasy and look dirty unless you wash it regularly.

Poor hair hygiene could cause dandruff and skin infections such as Tinea capitis (see Figure 3.1). Dandruff is dead skin on the scalp that comes off in tiny flakes when sebaceous glands produce too much oil and accumulates on the scalp.

Hair cleaning

Head hair is a good harbour for head lice ( Pediculus humanus capitis) and nits (eggs of head lice). The head louse is a tiny insect that lives by sucking blood. Children are especially prone to lice infestation. Lice spread from one head to another when there is close contact as in school environments. They make the scalp itchy and are a cause of annoyance, irritation and embarrassment. Shaving of the head hair is possible in cases of heavy lice infestation. Sharing of blades with others, however, should be discouraged.

Hair cleaning (Figure 3.6) is important to ensure it stays clean, healthy and strong.

The recommended procedures for cleaning the hair are:

  • Use clean water to wash your hair regularly (at least twice weekly, preferably once every other day) with body soap or shampoo, whichever is available.
  • Massage your scalp well. This will remove dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt.
  • Rinse well with clear water.
  • Conditioner is helpful if you have longer hair as it makes the hair smoother and easier to comb, but hair doesn’t need to have conditioner.
  • Use a wide toothed comb for wet hair as it is easier to pull through.
  • Dry the hair and the head with a clean towel. Never share a towel with someone else.
  • Comb the hair to look beautiful for the day.

3.4.8  Foot hygiene (foot care)

We spend a lot of time on our feet. Our feet sweat as we walk day and night and the sweat accumulates on all foot surfaces and between the toes. The sweat may stain the shoes and can produce an awful odour.

What causes sweat on the skin to produce an unpleasant odour?

The action of bacteria as they decompose the sweat.

As well as bacteria, sweat also encourages fungal growth between the toes. This is called athlete’s foot. The symptoms of athlete’s foot are scaly skin and sores or blisters, which start between the toes but can often spread to the soles of the feet. This is a minor irritation and often disappears by itself but sometimes these cracks and sores become the site for other infections. The feet should be washed daily, or at least twice weekly.

Foot hygiene is also important in the treatment of podoconiosis , sometimes known as mossy foot. This disease causes swelling in the feet and lower legs and is common in certain parts of Ethiopia. It is a reaction in the body to very small soil particles that have passed through the skin of the feet. Podoconiosis can easily be prevented by wearing shoes at all times but, if someone is affected, careful washing and drying of the feet is an important part of the treatment.

Toenails do not have much role in the transmission of diseases. However, they can accumulate dirt and this can increase the potential for bacterial and fungal breeding e.g. athlete’s foot.

3.4.9  Armpit and bottom hygiene

These are body parts that easily get sweaty and where ventilation is very poor. After puberty, our sweat gains a specific and unpleasant odour which may be offensive to others. The armpits and the bottom should be washed daily.

Anal cleansing is the hygienic practice of cleaning the anus after defecation. The anus and buttocks may be cleansed with clean toilet paper or similar paper products. Water may be used. Hands must be washed with soap afterwards. The use of rags, leaves, stones, corn cobs, or sticks must be discouraged as these materials can damage the skin.

3.4.10  Clothes hygiene

We usually have two layers of clothing. The internal layer is underwear (or underclothes) such as pants, vest and T-shirt. These are right next to our skin and collect sweat and dead skin cells, which can stain the cloth. Bacteria love to grow on this dirt and produce a bad smell in addition to the specific odour of the sweat. Underwear must be washed more frequently than the outer layer of clothing.

Clothes hygiene is an important aspect of one’s dignity. Changing used clothes for clean ones every day is recommended. Washing dirty clothes requires adequate clean water, detergents (solid or powdered soap) and washing facilities (Figure 3.7). If possible, the washed clothes should be ironed to help the destruction of body lice and nits. Boiling water or insecticides can be used to destroy clothes infestation.

Washing clothes in rural areas

Frequent changing into clean clothes might not always be possible in poor households. However, the frequency of changing is advised to be twice a week for internal wear and 12 times per week for outerwear. The frequency mainly depends on the intensity of dirt on the clothes, and that depends on the climate and type of activity.

3.4.11  Menstrual hygiene (Personal hygiene for women)

The vagina is able to clean itself; no special care is needed other than washing the external genitals. Washing the outer genital area with clean water must be a daily practice. Change tampons and sanitary napkins or pads regularly. Always wash your hands before and after handling a tampon or pad. Clean and soft cloths can be used in place of sanitary pads. The use of dirty cloths must be discouraged. Menstrual blood-absorbing items must be properly disposed of in a burial pit or other appropriate method.

3.5  Planning for the improvement of personal hygiene

You will find further details of hygiene promotion activities in the Health Education, Advocacy and Communi ty Mobilis ation Module.

As a Health Extension Practitioner, educating the community members on personal hygiene is one of your main duties. You may ask yourself: what educating, educating whom, where, and how? You may further ask yourself: how do I monitor or evaluate my success in the promotion of personal hygiene? The following section will answer these questions.

3.5.1  Preparing a plan of action for personal hygiene promotion

You need to make a baseline survey of your community to help you understand the extent of personal hygiene problems. Villages and schools can be surveyed for this purpose. Designing a health survey will need collaboration with others but your input is valuable for structuring the questions so they relate to local knowledge, attitude and practice (abbreviated as KAP). Interviews with the respondents, group discussion and observations are all useful for exploring the practice of personal hygiene. From the results of the survey you should be able to identify the priorities and interventions for improving personal hygiene in your community. You can then design a plan of action knowing the key themes that need to be covered. The plan should include the themes, objectives, type of audience, key messages, etc. This is illustrated in Table 3.1. The first few rows of the table have been completed to demonstrate how you could use a plan of this type.

Table 3.1  Plan of action for personal hygiene education.
Themes of personal hygieneObjectives*Type of audienceTeaching aidPlaceDate    Responsible person
Body hygieneTo understand the importance for healthStudents in elementary schoolPoster and oral communicationSchool XDate XMr X
Face hygieneTo prevent trachomaMothers with childrenPoster and oral communicationVillage XDate XMr X
Hand hygieneTo prevent diarrhoeaMothers with childrenPoster, oral communication, demonstrationWomen’s Association Office X
Oral hygieneTo keep teeth healthySchool childrenPoster, oral communication, demonstrationSchool X
Hair hygiene
Women’s hygiene
Clothes hygiene


3.5.2  identifying the audience.

There must be a good reason why you want to educate the community on personal hygiene. You should identify which group of people you want to target so that you can prepare appropriate health messages and teaching materials (Figure 3.8). School children, women, elders, adults, teenagers and patients seeking medical help are some groups that you might decide are priorities.

Children with hygiene education cards

3.5.3  Sites for personal hygiene promotion

Whenever you have an outreach visit you can take the opportunity to promote personal hygiene to individual household members. Group meetings and mass gatherings (market, church, holiday) are also good opportunities, as are schools and patients in health facilities. Remember that the type and number of your audience will differ from site to site.

3.5.4  How to promote personal hygiene

This is a basic question that you need to address carefully. The most important point is that you must be prepared for the theme you want to cover. The preparation must focus on gaining detailed knowledge and adequate information on that theme. This requires reading materials, collecting appropriate teaching aids and knowing the audience (educational background, their needs, behaviour, habits, etc.). Fixing the site, date and time is also important. You should identify the key messages you want to get across to your audience.

3.5.5  Evaluating the status of personal hygiene

You will need to measure the success of your effort in the promotion of personal hygiene. It is not always a simple task to identify the absence of proper hygienic practice. Some of the methods that could be used widely are described as follows.

The presence of hygienic handwashing procedures

You should look for an instruction manual for handwashing procedures that should be available in public facilities (Health Post, health centre, hospitals). It’s a good idea for the procedure to be posted on a wall where everyone can see it as an easy reminder.


This is the easiest and most reliable method. In order to say if the surface of an object (body surface, eye, table top, floor, etc.) is clean or not, you should first understand what ‘clean’ means for those objects because the degree of cleanliness is judged in different ways. It may be clean or not clean; acceptable or not; or it may be categorised using a five-point scale: not clean, somewhat clean, clean, very clean, and super clean. You have to understand that the degree of cleanliness may vary between your own and someone else’s observations of the same object. Such judgement, however, is only applicable to visible dirt. It is important to realise that a surface that looks clean is not necessarily free of microorganisms.

Indirect way of assessing

You need to ask yourself why some infections are more prevalent in one village than another.

What could be the reason if you get reports that diarrhoea is a frequent problem in one out of ten villages?

You must suspect that poor personal hygiene practice might be one of the factors for the sustained transmission of the disease. Lack of adequate water for handwashing or open defecation could be other factors.

Post-baseline surveying

The behaviour of your community can be surveyed again to find out if your efforts in personal hygiene education have been successful. The design of any follow-up survey should be based on the original baseline survey so you can compare your survey findings with the baseline. The timing of a post-baseline survey will depend on the local circumstances. It should be long enough to allow time for behaviour to change but not later than one year after the initial survey.

Summary of Study Session 3

In Study Session 3, you have learned that:

  • Personal hygiene is a necessity for our daily activities. It is very important for the protection of our health and helps to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
  • Personal hygiene has social and aesthetic values. An individual who follows the practice of proper personal hygiene gains confidence, pride and dignity.
  • Personal hygiene applies to all parts of the body, but hand hygiene is probably the most important for public health.
  • The procedures that apply in personal hygiene (such as handwashing and oral hygiene) need to be followed strictly to gain the best results.
  • The promotion of personal hygiene should aim to change human behaviour. The provision of hygiene information first impacts on knowledge and then practice.
  • The promotion of personal hygiene must be well planned in order to bring positive changes.

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 3

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions. Write your answers in your Study Diary and discuss them with your Tutor at the next Study Support Meeting. You can check your answers with the Notes on the Self-Assessment Questions at the end of this Module.

SAQ 3.1 (tests Learning Outcomes 3.1 and 3.3)

Identify the components of personal hygiene that are numbered in Figure 3.9.

Numbered body parts

1 Hair hygiene; 2 Face hygiene; 3 Body hygiene; 4 Hand hygiene; 5 Feet hygiene; 6 Nail hygiene; 7 Armpit hygiene; 8 Oral hygiene; 9 Eye hygiene.

SAQ 3.2 (tests Learning Outcome 3.3)

Write the names of one or two communicable diseases or conditions and the recommended frequency of washing or cleaning for the following respective components of personal hygiene.

Components Diseases/conditionsRecommended frequency of cleaning
Eye hygiene
Hair hygiene
Body hygiene
Oral hygiene
Feet hygiene
Hand hygiene
Clothes hygiene
ComponentsDiseases/conditionsRecommended frequency of cleaning
Eye hygieneTrachoma, conjunctivitisDaily every morning and when the face is dirty
Hair hygieneDandruff, , infestation (lice, nits)Twice weekly; preferably once every other day
Body hygieneBad smell, scabies Once or twice a week
Oral hygieneTooth decay, gum infection, bad breathBrushing twice a day; rinsing after each meal
Feet hygieneAthlete’s foot, woundEvery day
Hand hygieneDiarrhoea, typhus fever, dysentery, ascariasisEvery time after touching contaminated surfaces; every time before eating and touching clean surfaces
Clothes hygieneBad smell, unclean, relapsing fever, typhusOnce or twice a week

SAQ 3.3 (tests Learning Outcomes 3.2 and 3.5)

Given your answer for SAQ 3.2, which components are most important for your locality?

Your choice of components of personal hygiene depends on the burden of communicable diseases in your area. If diarrhoea and trachoma are prevalent in your locality, then hand and eye hygiene will be important to you. Many other answers are possible.

SAQ 3.4 (tests Learning Outcomes 3.4 and 3.6)

One day at a wedding, you observe some guests lining up for handwashing, while other people have started to eat the feast without handwashing. Among those who washed hands, some used soap, while others just used running water without soap. Are these acceptable or poor handwashing practices?

Handwashing with soap is a good or acceptable personal hygiene practice, while not washing with soap and only washing with running water is poor handwashing practice. Not washing the hands at all is obviously not good!

SAQ 3.5 (tests Learning Outcome 3.6)

The purpose of handwashing is to get rid of microorganisms from our hands. Suppose you want to educate family members on proper handwashing and demonstrate the correct procedure to follow. What will you tell them to do? What are the critical situations for proper handwashing they should be aware of?

The stepwise procedure is:

  • Remove visible dirt with running water. Always wash hands under running water, preferably with hot water.
  • Apply soap after wetting the hands. Bar, powdered and liquid soaps can be used. Lather well.
  • Rub hands vigorously together for 15–30 seconds, paying particular attention to fingertips, thumbs, under the fingernails and between the fingers. Effective handwashing also includes the backs of the hand, palms and exposed portion of the arm.
  • Rinse the hands with clean running water.
  • Dry with a clean cloth or disposable towel, or let them dry in the air.

Critical situations include:

  • After using the toilet (or disposing of human or animal faeces).
  • After cleaning a child’s bottom.
  • Before preparing or handling cooked/ready-to-eat food.
  • Before and after coming in contact with an infected wound.

SAQ 3.6 (tests Learning Outcome 3.7)

SAQ 3.5 addressed educating household members. What activities would you consider for the planning of personal hygiene promotion at community level?

Here are some of the elements and activities you should include in your plan for community hygiene promotion:

  • Identify which components of personal hygiene need to be promoted.
  • Identify the target audience.
  • Prepare teaching and educational materials.
  • Identify who to involve in hygiene education.
  • Engage actively in hygiene education.
  • Identify indicators for monitoring and evaluating hygiene promotion performance.

SAQ 3.7 (tests Learning Outcome 3.8)

Go back to SAQ 3.5 and your answer. Imagine that you have given this handwashing promotion to a group of households. How will you evaluate whether the promotion was effective?

To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your promotion, you would need to identify indicators to show you if the performance of personal hygiene was correctly done or not. You would need to observe people’s behaviour towards handwashing or ask them about their practice. If you can see that the household members are handwashing before and after critical times, i.e. good hygienic practice, then you could say your promotion had been successful. If not, and you observed poor hygienic practice by some people, then you should consider how you might improve the situation. This might be more promotional work with the group of households, perhaps taking a slightly different approach if the initial training had had limited success.

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Teaching Personal Hygiene: A Step-by-Step Lesson Plan for Educators


Teaching personal hygiene is an essential aspect of education that often gets overlooked. While academic subjects like math and science are important, personal hygiene is equally crucial for a child’s overall well-being. Incorporating personal hygiene lessons in education can have numerous benefits, including promoting good health, preventing illnesses, and fostering positive social interactions. In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step lesson plan for educators to effectively teach personal hygiene to their students.

Step 1: Introduce the concept of personal hygiene

Before diving into the specifics of personal hygiene, it is important to introduce the concept and emphasize its significance. Personal hygiene refers to the practices that individuals engage in to maintain cleanliness and prevent the spread of germs. By teaching personal hygiene, educators can instill lifelong habits that contribute to overall health and well-being.

During this step, it is crucial to discuss the importance of maintaining good personal hygiene habits. Students should understand that personal hygiene not only affects their physical health but also has an impact on their mental and emotional well-being. By practicing good personal hygiene, individuals can feel more confident, have better self-esteem, and develop positive relationships with others.

Step 2: Identify different aspects of personal hygiene

Personal hygiene encompasses various aspects, and it is important to break them down for students to understand. Some key aspects of personal hygiene include oral hygiene, hand hygiene, and body hygiene. By explaining each aspect and its role in maintaining health, educators can help students develop a comprehensive understanding of personal hygiene.

For example, oral hygiene involves brushing teeth, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly. Educators can explain the importance of oral hygiene in preventing tooth decay, gum diseases, and bad breath. Similarly, hand hygiene, which includes proper handwashing techniques, is crucial for preventing the spread of germs and reducing the risk of infections. Body hygiene, such as bathing or showering regularly and using appropriate products, helps maintain cleanliness and prevent body odor.

Providing examples and visuals can enhance students’ understanding of each aspect of personal hygiene. Educators can use images, videos, or interactive demonstrations to illustrate the importance of these practices.

Step 3: Demonstrate proper personal hygiene practices

Once students have a clear understanding of the different aspects of personal hygiene, it is essential to demonstrate how to practice them effectively. Educators can start by showing students how to brush their teeth properly, emphasizing the correct technique and the importance of brushing for at least two minutes. They can also discuss the role of toothpaste and dental floss in maintaining oral hygiene.

Proper handwashing techniques should also be taught, including the use of soap, warm water, and thorough scrubbing for at least 20 seconds. Educators can explain when it is necessary to wash hands, such as before eating, after using the restroom, or after coughing or sneezing.

In addition to oral and hand hygiene, educators should discuss bathing or showering routines. They can explain the importance of using appropriate products, such as soap or body wash, and emphasize the need to clean different body parts thoroughly.

Step 4: Reinforce personal hygiene habits

Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining personal hygiene habits. Educators should emphasize the importance of practicing personal hygiene regularly and consistently. Students should understand that personal hygiene is not a one-time event but a lifelong commitment to their health and well-being.

During this step, it is important to discuss the consequences of poor personal hygiene and the benefits of good habits. Educators can explain that neglecting personal hygiene can lead to various health issues, such as bad breath, body odor, skin infections, or dental problems. On the other hand, practicing good personal hygiene can help individuals feel fresh, clean, and confident.

Encouraging students to develop a personal hygiene routine and set goals can further reinforce these habits. Educators can guide students in creating a daily or weekly schedule for practicing personal hygiene and encourage them to track their progress. Setting achievable goals, such as brushing teeth twice a day or washing hands before every meal, can motivate students to maintain good personal hygiene habits.

Step 5: Address common challenges and misconceptions

Teaching personal hygiene may come with its own set of challenges. Some students may face barriers to practicing personal hygiene, such as lack of access to clean water or hygiene products. Educators should be aware of these challenges and provide strategies to overcome them.

For example, if a student does not have access to clean water, educators can suggest alternative methods like using hand sanitizers or wet wipes. They can also collaborate with school administrators or community organizations to ensure that all students have access to basic hygiene resources.

It is also important to address any misconceptions or myths related to personal hygiene. Educators should clarify common misconceptions, such as the belief that using excessive amounts of soap or cleaning products is beneficial. By providing accurate information, educators can help students make informed decisions about their personal hygiene practices.

Step 6: Engage in interactive activities

Learning about personal hygiene does not have to be boring. Educators can incorporate interactive activities to make the learning process engaging and fun. Hands-on activities, games, role-plays, or simulations can help reinforce personal hygiene concepts and make them more memorable.

For example, educators can organize a “handwashing relay” game where students compete to wash their hands correctly in the shortest amount of time. Role-plays can be used to demonstrate proper toothbrushing techniques or bathing routines. These interactive activities not only make learning enjoyable but also encourage students to actively participate and apply their knowledge in real-life situations.

Open discussions and questions should also be encouraged during these activities. Students should feel comfortable asking questions or sharing their experiences related to personal hygiene. This promotes a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students can learn from each other and develop a deeper understanding of personal hygiene.

Step 7: Evaluate and assess personal hygiene knowledge

Assessing students’ understanding of personal hygiene is crucial to ensure that the lesson plan has been effective. Educators can conduct quizzes or assessments to gauge students’ knowledge and identify areas that need further reinforcement.

Feedback and guidance should be provided based on the assessment results. Educators can offer individualized feedback to students, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. They can also provide additional resources, such as books, websites, or videos, for students to further enhance their personal hygiene knowledge.

Teaching personal hygiene is a vital part of education that can have a lasting impact on students’ lives. By incorporating personal hygiene lessons in the curriculum, educators can promote good health, prevent illnesses, and foster positive social interactions. The step-by-step lesson plan outlined in this blog post provides a comprehensive approach to teaching personal hygiene effectively. Educators are encouraged to implement this lesson plan and make a positive difference in their students’ lives.

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Personal Hygiene Lesson Plans

  • Doug Curtin
  • January 30, 2024

Hand washing like pictured here is part of personal hygiene.

The dreaded topic of personal hygiene has most students rolling their eyes and zoning out in class. But with simple and straightforward personal hygiene lesson plans, teachers can cover the basics of good hygiene habits and support students as they become young adults building their own personal hygiene plans. We break down the basics of personal hygiene lesson plans and provide 3 free lesson plans to sample.

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Importance of Personal Hygiene Lesson Plans

Personal hygiene is the behaviors and steps we can take as individuals to maintain health and prevent disease for ourselves and the people around us. The primary goal of personal hygiene is to be healthy!

While the primary focus of personal hygiene is health, the impact on our social and personal lives cannot be ignored. Many of the steps to personal hygiene also help people in a world filled with social interactions. By taking regular steps to support personal hygiene, we can also improve things like the smell of our breath and body odor.

But we shouldn’t assume that good personal hygiene habits come naturally to students. Like anything other topic, hygiene practices are best served when taught through the lens of what, why, when, and how. Here lies the importance of personal hygiene lesson plans!

Challenges of Personal Hygiene Lesson Plans

Personal hygiene concepts can be taught at almost any age and grade level. Young children learn the fundamental importance of things like washing their hands and brushing their teeth at an early age.

However, a bulk of the personal hygiene lesson plans are taught at the middle school level. As middle school students start to hit puberty and experience bodily changes, there lies an opportunity (or more of a necessity) to cover the basic concepts of personal hygiene.

And that means talking to middle school students about things that will likely garner a large swath of eye roles. While some teachers feel confident introducing personal hygiene activities and lessons to students, many look for an alternative route for students to learn personal hygiene topics.

But most of the resources for personal hygiene are anything but engaging and inspiring. Typically, teachers have the following options to choose from:

Option 1: Outdated stock videos.  Picture 1990’s grainy videos showing “real people” doing things for a daily hygiene routine.

Option 2: Cartoon videos . To avoid the awkwardness of real humans on camera, many personal hygiene lesson plans opt for a cartoon version in the hopes of making it more engaging for students.

While both have merits and drawbacks, there never seems to be a perfect solution for teaching students about good hygiene.

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3 Free Personal Hygiene Lesson Plans

One way or another, personal hygiene lesson plans need to be covered by most school districts across the country. PLT4M has developed a painless approach to teaching good hygiene practices via PE lesson plans. These lessons are great for middle or high school students, but we recommend introducing these by the middle school level!

PLT4M’s personal hygiene unit covers the following topics:

What Is Personal Hygiene

Hand Washing

Oral Hygiene


Facial Hygiene

Wearing Clean Clothes

Menstrual Hygiene

Daily Personal Hygiene Routine Reflection

Each lesson contains the topics’ what, why, when, and how via a written lesson. Each written lesson is complemented with a short, honest, and sometimes silly video. Finally, each lesson concludes with 3 reflection questions to check for students’ understanding. Below are 3 free personal hygiene lesson plan samples from PLT4M’s Personal Hygiene Unit.

Lesson 1: What Is Personal Hygiene? 

Written lesson.

Welcome to an exploration of personal hygiene! Before we dive into the specific topics and lessons of personal hygiene, let’s begin getting onto the same page about what personal hygiene is, how it impacts our health and daily life, and how it relates to us as students and young adults. 

What is Personal Hygiene? 

Hygiene is the conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness. 

And we can take hygiene and apply it to food, environment, home, and more. For example, food hygiene would be how we prepare, cook, and store food to prevent food from going bad and spreading illness. Or home hygiene is how we could disinfect and clean parts of our house to prevent bacteria and germs from building up.

With these examples, we can begin to understand what we mean by personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is the behaviors and steps that we can take as individuals to maintain health and prevent disease for ourselves, and the people around us. The primary goal of personal hygiene is to be healthy! 

Personal hygiene refers to things like washing and cleaning your hands, mouth, body, and more. We will explore all the different elements of personal hygiene in future lessons! 

Why is Personal Hygiene Important? 

Personal hygiene is important because it can keep us healthy and prevent disease. Without personal hygiene, we put ourselves at risk of different health issues both short and long term (and small and big problems). 

For example, if a person doesn’t regularly shower/bath, they can increase the risk of different skin irritations or infections. And while a rash might not seem like a major life-altering problem, rather just an annoyance, we can still reduce the risk through personal hygiene.

Without proper regular personal hygiene, we also open ourselves up to bigger issues. For example, when it comes to oral hygiene, people who don’t regularly brush and floss can have major dental issues that are both costly and painful.

While these are just two examples, we can begin to understand the importance of personal hygiene for our health both short and long term. 

Personal Hygiene and Social Interactions 

While the primary focus of personal hygiene is how it relates to our health, the role of personal hygiene in our social and personal lives are deeply connected. 

Many of the steps to personal hygiene also help support people in a world filled with social interactions. By taking regular steps to support personal hygiene, we can also improve the smell of our breath, body odor, and more. While good personal hygiene doesn’t raise many eyebrows, the opposite does. People who fail to take care of personal hygiene can find themselves in difficult and uncomfortable social situations, causing those around them to be uncomfortable. 

Long story short, as we become young adults in school, work, and social settings, taking care of our personal hygiene is important to functioning within society. By tackling bad breath, body odor, and more, we are putting ourselves in a position to operate and exist within society whether it is school, social settings, home life, and more. 

Personal Hygiene and The World You Live In 

These lessons are meant to serve as a general understanding of personal hygiene. There is no one size fits all solution to taking care of yourself and your hygiene.

Personal hygiene in a lot of ways is a chance to explore your interests and opportunity to choose your own adventure. From different types of soaps, toothpastes, deodorants, hair and nail styles and more, personal hygiene is a chance for self expression. 

But, personal hygiene is deeply connected to family, money, resources, culture, and other factors that might not always be in your control. It is important to learn about the basics of personal hygiene and then apply them to your life. For example, you might not get a say or choice in the type of soap, detergent, or other personal hygiene products in your house. Or because of your schedule or situation, your personal hygiene plan might be different from your peers. All of this is okay! 

Lastly, personal hygiene is for anyone and everyone. Notice that throughout these lessons we don’t talk about things like race, ethnicity, or gender. Yes, these things might dictate our preferences on personal hygiene, but can all come to the topic of personal hygiene knowing we are all humans that have basic needs for health and hygiene. 

That is why we keep this high level. If you have more specific questions, talk to someone that you know and trust to help further explore personal hygiene and how it relates to you as an individual! For example, taking care of your hair and scalp is important for everyone, but it may look very different depending on what type of hair you have. Seeking out salons, barber shops, or mentors could be helpful in understanding how to take care of your hair.

In conclusion, learning about personal hygiene gives us all an opportunity to learn about the basics of health and wellness, while also finding the right fit for our personal lives. 

Let’s Be Serious…Personal Hygiene Is Kind Of Funny!  

As we start to dive into personal hygiene, let’s all prepare ourselves to read and watch things that might seem sort of silly or funny. For example, when we talk about showering, we have a dedicated paragraph on our butts. BUT, while personal hygiene might seem a little funny or awkward to learn and talk about, remember that these elements of personal hygiene support our health, wellness, and social interactions on a daily basis. So let’s do our best to take a SERIOUS look at what might feel like a silly subject. 

And you might be asking, I brush my teeth every day so why do I have to learn about it? Even if things like washing your hands or brushing your teeth seem like a no-brainer, we are still going to talk about them so we can all get on the same page about personal hygiene 101. Because as you grow up from young adults into the “real world” it is essential to have a basic understanding of why and how to take care of your bodies. So, let’s dive in! 

Chapter Questions

1) What is the definition of hygiene? 

2) Give one example of how health promoting personal hygiene supports our social interactions? 

3) What are some ways that you currently take care of your personal hygiene?

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Washing Your Hands 

Written lessons.

Handwashing is a simple yet highly effective practice that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. Our hands are constantly in contact with various surfaces and objects, accumulating germs and bacteria throughout the day. It is a habit we learn from an early age, and while it may seem like a routine task, the impact it has on preventing the spread of infections and diseases is crucial. In this article, we will explore why washing hands is important, the science behind it, and the proper techniques to ensure effective hand hygiene.

All The Things We Touch 

People touch a wide variety of surfaces and objects throughout the day, often without realizing the potential for germ transmission. Commonly touched items include doorknobs, light switches, elevator buttons, keyboards, smartphones, tablets, pens, pencils, and other school supplies.

In public spaces, individuals may come into contact with handrails, shopping carts, door knobs, and restroom fixtures. 

At home, commonly touched items include remote controls, kitchen appliances, faucets, and light fixtures. Personal items like money, wallets, keys, and purses also frequently pass through hands. 

And this is not an exhaustive list of things we touch! The diversity of surfaces encountered underscores the importance of regular hand washing to minimize the risk of spreading germs and prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.

How Germs Spread: 

The CDC says thata few common times germs can spread from person-to-person or from surfaces-to-people include when you: 

  • Touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Prepare or eat food and drinks with unwashed hands
  • Touch surfaces or objects that have germs on them
  • Blow your nose, cough, or sneeze into hands and then touch other people’s hands or common objects

Therefore, the CDC recommends washing hands during key times in the day to help minimize the threat of spreading germs: 

  • Before, during, and after preparing food
  • Before and after eating food
  • Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick with vomiting or diarrhea
  • Before and after treating a cut or wound
  • After using the toilet
  • After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
  • After handling pet food or pet treats
  • After touching garbage

5 Steps To Washing Your Hands The Right Way 

Washing your hands is an easy and effective way to prevent the spread of germs to keep you and the people around you healthy! And while you might have “washed your hands” by turning on the faucet and letting your hands just get wet, the CDC outlines 5 key steps to washing your hands the right way every time: 

Follow these five steps every time.

  • Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  • Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  • Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

And while washing your hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs, if this isn’t possible, hand sanitizer can be a helpful alternative. While hand sanitizers don’t get rid of all types of germs, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can help to reduce the risk of germ transmission. 

In the battle against infectious diseases, handwashing stands out as a powerful and accessible tool to good hygiene and healthy living. By understanding the importance of hand hygiene and adopting proper handwashing techniques, individuals can contribute to their own well-being and the health of their communities. As a simple yet effective practice, regular hand washing serves as a cornerstone in the foundation of public health and disease prevention.

Helpful Links:  

– Hand Hygiene – Keeping Your Hands Clean 

– Frequent Questions About Hand Hygiene

– Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings

– Training and Education

– Global Handwashing Day

– Personal Hygiene During an Emergency

1) List three common times that germs can be spread through hands: 

2) How long should you scrub your hands for when washing your hands? 

3) True or False – Hand sanitizer is an equally effective alternative to washing your hands with soap and water?

Oral Hygiene 

Oral hygiene, as defined by the Cleveland Clinic, is the practice of keeping your mouth clean and disease free. It is an essential aspect of overall health and personal hygiene that often goes beyond the simple act of brushing our teeth. It encompasses a range of habits and practices aimed at maintaining the health of the mouth and preventing various dental issues. 

Understanding Oral Health 

The CDC states that oral health refers to the health of teeth, gums, tongue and the entire oral-facial system that allows us to do things like speak, smile, and chew. So as you can see, it is about more than just brushing your teeth! Instead, oral hygiene refers to the practice of keeping the entire mouth clean and healthy to prevent dental problems such as cavities (tooth decay), gum (periodontal) disease, bad breath, and more. 

Moreover, good oral hygiene and health doesn’t just support your mouth. In fact, oral health is also linked to whole-body health. 

“For example, if an infection is present in your mouth, your bloodstream can carry the bacteria to other areas of your body, leading to other health concerns like heart disease and stroke. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is an important part of long-lasting overall health.” – Cleveland Clinic 

The Components of Oral Hygiene 

We can take care of our oral hygiene in a variety of ways. From brushing, flossing, and mouthwash at home to regularly visiting the dentist, oral hygiene is a long-term commitment. 

1) Brushing:

The foundation of good oral hygiene begins with regular and proper brushing. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride or hydroxyapatite toothpaste ( More on this here ). Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and employ gentle, circular motions to clean all surfaces of your teeth. Don’t forget to brush your tongue or even use a tongue scraper (more on this here ) to eliminate bacteria that can cause bad breath. When you brush, place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle toward your gums. This helps sweep away plaque and bacteria at the gum line. Be sure to brush all teeth surfaces, including the backs and sides. Set a timer for two minutes and get brushing! 

2) Flossing:

Flossing is crucial for removing plaque and food particles from between teeth and below the gumline, where toothbrushes may not reach. Make flossing a daily habit to maintain optimal oral health.

3) Mouthwash:

Incorporating an antimicrobial or fluoride mouthwash into your routine can help reduce bacteria, strengthen enamel, and freshen breath. However, it should not replace brushing and flossing but instead complement them.

4) Professional Dental Care:

In addition to our at-home oral hygiene routine, regular visits to the dentist are an integral part of oral hygiene. Dental professionals can identify early signs of dental issues, perform thorough cleanings, and offer guidance on personalized care. It is recommended to schedule dental check-ups at least twice a year to maintain optimal oral health.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices To Support Oral Hygiene 

1) Balanced Diet:

A nutritious diet not only benefits your overall health but also plays a vital role in maintaining oral hygiene. Limit sugary and acidic foods, as they can contribute to tooth decay. Instead, focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy.

2) Hydration:

Drinking plenty of water is not only beneficial for your overall health but also for your oral health. Water helps wash away food particles, bacteria, and acids that can contribute to tooth decay.

3) Avoid Tobacco:

Tobacco use is a significant risk factor for gum disease, oral cancers, and other dental issues. Quitting or avoiding tobacco products is crucial for maintaining good oral health.

4) Protect Your Teeth:

If you engage in contact sports or grind your teeth at night, consider using a mouthguard to protect your teeth from potential damage.


Oral hygiene is a multifaceted approach to maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. By incorporating daily habits, seeking professional dental care, and making healthy lifestyle choices, you can achieve and preserve your smile while contributing to your overall well-being. Prioritizing oral hygiene today can lead to a lifetime of healthy smiles and improved quality of life.

Helpful Links: 

  • CDC Basics of Oral Health 
  • Oral Health Conditions 
  • American Dental Association – Home Oral Care 

1) Define oral hygiene in a sentence or two. 

2) Provide an example of how oral hygiene impacts overall health. 

3) What are three ways you can practice oral hygiene at home?

Key Takeaways On Personal Hygiene Lessons

Covering the basics of personal hygiene doesn’t have to be complicated! Students can explore the key elements of a daily hygiene routine like brushing teeth, hand washing, showing, using deodorant and so much more through basic written and video lesson materials.

Want to check out the full unit of personal hygiene lesson plans and more from PLT4M? Reach out to schedule a free consultation to unlock lots of awesome materials for middle school and high school students!

What other health education topics does PLT4M have?

Check out more health education lesson plans from PLT4M here! Different topics include: 

  • Drug and Substance Education
  • Underage Drinking Prevention
  • Physical Literacy
  • Digital Citizenship 
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For Grade 2 On Personal Hygiene

Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - For Grade 2 On Personal Hygiene .

Some of the worksheets for this concept are Teachers guide germs prek to grade 2, Grade 2 science work, Personal hygiene work, Personal hygiene health and routine, Personal hygiene work for kids, Module 2 personal health social and safety skills, Lesson personal hygiene, Dental hygeine activity.

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1. Teacher's Guide: Germs (PreK to Grade 2)

2. grade 2 science worksheet, 3. free printable personal hygiene worksheets, 4. personal hygiene: health and routine, 5. printable personal hygiene worksheets for kids, 6. module 2 personal, health, social and safety skills, 7. lesson: personal hygiene, 8. dental hygeine activity.

Personal hygiene - Diagram

Grooming and maintaining cleanliness are vital for a pleasing appearance as well as a healthy body. Keeping oneself clean will invariably make one free of infections. Poor hygiene is directly related to illness. Here, let’s look at some ways to maintain personal hygiene with a diagram.

Personal hygiene diagram

Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene is widely practised at home or individual level. It mostly involves maintaining a clean body and clothes. It is generally employed to minimise or prevent the spread of communicable diseases .

  • Washing hands is the first and foremost step toward personal hygiene. Fingernails carry millions of germs, and thus they must be trimmed and kept dirt-free. Washing hands is important before and after every activity. Especially, before and after eating food, after handling animals, after using the toilet, etc.
  • The food particles left in the mouth can lead to bad breath and also cavities. Thus the use of mouthwash and regular brushing is vital to maintain oral hygiene . Also, rinse the mouth after every meal to get rid of the tiny food particles.
  • Bathing regularly will help in keeping body odour in check. Maintaining body hygiene will also invariably increase one’s self-esteem.
  • Shampooing and using proper body cleansers are also necessary for maintaining personal hygiene. Cleansing the hair with shampoo and combing it regularly will get rid of dandruff and keeps scalp health in check.
  • The most neglected part of body hygiene is foot hygiene . When feet remain closed inside shoes, they do not get air and accumulate sweat and bad odour. Thus one must wash the feet regularly and wear washed and dried socks.
  • Wearing clean clothes is also a part of personal hygiene.
  • The accumulation of ear wax should also be kept in check. The ear wax secretion collected at the outer part of the ear has the ability to collect dust particles. Thus it should be cleaned at regular intervals.
  • Medical hygiene is also a part of personal hygiene. Open wounds should be properly dressed, and bloodstains must be cleaned as they can become a breeding ground for germs.

Most of these personal hygiene practices involve water. Thus, the acronym WASH (water supply, sanitation and hygiene). Enhancing access to WASH services has a direct positive impact on personal hygiene.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of hygiene given by who.

WHO (World Health Organization) defines hygiene as conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases.

What is the importance of personal hygiene?

Sanitation and personal hygiene are vital for several reasons like social, personal and psychological health. Maintaining personal hygiene will prevent the spread of infections and diseases.

What is WASH?

WASH stands for – water, sanitation and hygiene. Affordable, sustainable and universal access to WASH is vital in maintaining public health and also personal hygiene. Access to WASH services can invariably reduce illness, poverty and death.

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    For Grade 2 On Personal Hygiene. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - For Grade 2 On Personal Hygiene. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Teachers guide germs prek to grade 2, Grade 2 science work, Personal hygiene work, Personal hygiene health and routine, Personal hygiene work for kids, Module 2 personal health social and safety ...

  22. Personal hygiene

    Personal hygiene is widely practised at home or individual level. It mostly involves maintaining a clean body and clothes. It is generally employed to minimise or prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Washing hands is the first and foremost step toward personal hygiene. Fingernails carry millions of germs, and thus they must be trimmed ...