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College personal statement examples and writing tips.

A crucial step in your nursing journey is learning how to write a personal statement that resonates with admissions committees and vividly portrays your passion for healthcare. This collection of amazing personal statement examples is curated to guide and inspire you as you articulate your aspirations, experiences, and motivation to pursue nursing.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a written narrative that typically forms a significant part of an application to universities, colleges, or professional programs, particularly in fields like nursing. It’s an opportunity for junior year applicants to present themselves beyond test scores and grades, offering insights into their personalities, experiences, goals, and motivations.

In a personal statement, applicants explain why they are interested in a specific field of study or profession, what they hope to achieve through the program, and how their background and experiences have prepared them for this path. It’s a chance to highlight unique attributes, significant life experiences, challenges overcome, or special achievements that make them an ideal candidate for the program.

Why Read Personal Statement Examples?

Reading personal statement essay examples is immensely beneficial for several reasons, especially when preparing your own statement for applications to nursing programs:

  • Inspiration and Ideas: Examples can inspire you and provide ideas on structuring your statement, what kind of content to include in your application essay, and how to convey your story and passion effectively.
  • Understanding Expectations: They offer insight into what admissions committees look for, helping you understand the level of detail, tone, and approach that resonates successfully in such applications.
  • Learning from Others: Seeing how others have articulated their experiences, challenges, and aspirations can guide you in reflecting upon and articulating your own journey and motivations.
  • Avoiding Common Mistakes: By examining a range of examples, you can identify common pitfalls and clichés to avoid, ensuring your statement stands out and feels genuine.
  • Gaining Confidence: Reading successful common app essays can boost your confidence, showing you that crafting a compelling narrative that combines personal experiences with professional aspirations is possible.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Examples offer a glimpse into the diversity of paths and motivations that lead people to nursing, potentially broadening your perspective and enriching your own approach to writing your statement.

How Long Should a Personal Statement Be?

The length of your personal statement should ideally align with the guidelines provided by the institution or program you are applying to. Personal statements are expected to be concise yet comprehensive, often ranging around 500 to 650 words , translating to about one to two pages. 

This word count allows enough space to clearly articulate your experiences, motivations, and aspirations without overloading the reader with information. It’s important to always adhere to the program’s specific word or character limits to demonstrate your ability to follow instructions and present your thoughts.

What Should a Personal Statement Include?

A well-written college admissions essay should include several key elements to effectively communicate your suitability for the program or position you are applying for. Here’s what to typically include:


Your personal statement should begin with an engaging introductory paragraph that captures the essence of your motivation for pursuing your chosen field. This could be a brief narrative of a defining moment, an experience that ignited your passion, or a clear articulation of your interest and enthusiasm.

The introduction sets the tone and should intrigue the reader, providing a glimpse into your unique journey and motivation. It’s important that this section hooks the reader’s attention and provides a compelling reason to continue reading your statement.

Academic and Professional Background

In this section, brainstorm and detail your relevant academic and professional experiences that have prepared you for this next step. Highlight key academic achievements, coursework, research, or projects that align with the field you are pursuing.

Also, include any relevant work experience, internships, or positions that have given you practical skills and insights. This part of the statement is crucial for showcasing your foundational knowledge and preparedness for advanced study or professional development and gaining a scholarship in your chosen area.

Extracurricular Activities and Volunteering

Your involvement in extracurricular activities and volunteering can significantly enrich your personal statement. This section should reflect how these activities have contributed to your personal growth, skills development, or understanding of your field.

Whether it’s a hobby, leadership roles in clubs, participation in sports teams, or volunteer work in community organizations, these experiences demonstrate your broader interests, commitment, and ability to balance multiple responsibilities. It’s an opportunity to show aspects of your character and values that academic achievements alone might not convey.

Personal Qualities and Skills

Reflect on and draft the personal qualities and skills that make you suited for your chosen path. This might include traits like resilience, empathy, critical thinking, or effective communication. Use specific examples or experiences to demonstrate how you have developed and applied these traits.

This personal reflection not only provides depth to your statement but also gives the admissions committee a clearer picture of who you are as an individual, beyond academic and professional achievements.

Career Goals and Aspirations

Discuss your career aspirations and how the program or position you are applying for aligns with these goals. This section should convey a clear vision of where you see yourself in the future and how the specific program or role will be a stepping stone toward that vision.

It’s important to show that you have a direction and purpose and that you see this opportunity as integral to your career journey. This not only demonstrates foresight and planning but also shows your commitment and seriousness about the path you are choosing.

Reasons for Choosing the Specific Program or Institution

Clearly articulate why you are applying to this particular program or institution. Discuss what specific aspects of the program, faculty, institution’s philosophy, or opportunities available are particularly attractive to you and why they resonate with your goals and preferences.

This shows that you have done your research and are making a well-informed decision. It also indicates that you have a genuine interest in what the program or institution uniquely offers, rather than a generic application.

Conclude your statement with a strong, memorable closing that encapsulates your main points and reaffirms your enthusiasm and suitability for the program or career. This is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression, summarizing why you believe you are an ideal candidate.

The conclusion should tie back to your opening, creating a cohesive narrative that leaves the reader with a clear understanding of your passion, commitment, and readiness for the next step in your academic or professional journey.

What Does an Admissions Officer Look for in a Personal Statement?

When reviewing a personal statement, admission officers are looking for several key elements to assess the suitability of a candidate for their program:

  • Clarity of Purpose: Admissions officers want to see a clear understanding of why the applicant wants to pursue a particular field or program. The statement should convincingly articulate the candidate’s passion, motivation, and how the program aligns with their career goals.
  • Personal Insight and Self-Reflection: A strong personal essay offers insight into the applicant’s personality, experiences, and the factors that have shaped their decision to pursue a specific path. Admissions officers look for depth of reflection and a sense of how past experiences have driven the candidate’s current ambitions.
  • Relevant Experience and Skills: It’s important for the statement to highlight any relevant academic, professional, or volunteer experiences that demonstrate preparedness for the program. Admissions officers are interested in how these experiences have contributed to the development of skills and knowledge pertinent to the field.
  • Writing Quality and Structure: The ability to communicate effectively and coherently through writing is crucial. Admissions officers pay attention to the overall quality of writing, including grammar, clarity, coherence, and the ability to organize thoughts logically.
  • Individuality and Authenticity: They seek to understand what makes each applicant unique. A personal statement should reflect the individual’s authentic self, showcasing unique perspectives, diverse experiences, and personal growth.
  • Commitment and Passion: Demonstrating genuine enthusiasm and a strong commitment to the field is essential. Admissions officers look for candidates who are likely to thrive in the program and contribute positively to their field.
  • Alignment with Program Values and Goals: Candidates who show that their personal and professional values align with those of the program or institution often stand out. Admissions officers look for indications that the candidate has researched the program and understands how it fits into their broader aspirations.
  • Future Potential: Finally, they are interested in the applicant’s potential for future success and contribution to the field. A compelling statement should give a sense of the candidate’s ambition to go to college and how they intend to utilize the education and opportunities provided by the program to achieve their long-term goals.

The Best Personal Statement Examples

Here are some nursing statement examples that illustrate effective writing styles, clear articulation of goals, and the ability to connect personal experiences to broader career or academic aspirations:

Personal Statement Example #1 

Personal statement example #2, college essay example #3, personal statement example #4, application essay example #5, personal statement example #6, personal statement example #7, personal statement example #8, personal statement example #9, personal statement example #10, personal statement example #11, personal statement example #12, personal statement example #13, personal statement example #14, personal statement example #15, child nursing personal statement examples, community nurse personal statement examples, key takeaways for writing a great personal statement.

When reflecting on the nursing personal statement examples provided, several key takeaways emerge that are crucial for anyone crafting their statement. These insights are vital for effectively conveying your passion, commitment, and suitability for a career in nursing:

  • Clearly articulate your personal motivation for choosing nursing.
  • Highlight your relevant healthcare experiences and achievements.
  • Specify your interest in any particular nursing specialty.
  • Showcase qualities and skills that make you suitable for nursing.
  • Outline your long-term professional aspirations in nursing.
  • Acknowledge the challenges and rewards in the nursing profession.
  • Express dedication to ongoing learning and professional development.
  • Ensure clarity, structure, and coherence in your statement.
  • Customize your statement for each specific nursing program.
  • Maintain authenticity and genuineness throughout your statement.

Final Thoughts: Personal Statement Essay Examples

These nursing personal statement examples and key takeaways provide valuable insights for anyone aspiring to enter the nursing freshman year. They demonstrate the importance of a well-crafted statement that blends personal motivation, relevant experiences, and a clear understanding of the nursing profession’s demands and rewards. 

An effective personal statement is not only a reflection of your qualifications and aspirations but also a testament to your passion, empathy, and commitment to the field of nursing. It’s a unique opportunity to showcase your individuality and suitability for a career that is as challenging as it is rewarding. 


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Tips on Writing a Nursing School Admission Essay

When it comes to getting into nursing school, a good admission essay is at the center of the decision. An admission essay can help or hurt students who wish to get into nursing school. The essay is not only about the content but about other important components that let the admission board know that students are serious about entering their programs and that they will be valuable assets as well. It is important for potential nursing students to know that there are important elements needed to write the perfect admission essay to get into nursing school.

How to Write a Nursing School Application Essay

The application essay is a requirement that applicants must complete as a part of the admission packet. Some call this essay the personal essay, letter of intent, or statements of purpose. In essence, the application essay is the applicant’s chance to plea with the admission board for admission into their nursing program. Applicants explain their reasons for becoming nurses and explain why this program can help them achieve their dreams.

It is important to know what elements are needed to write a successful application essay. One of the most important things that applicants need to remember is to plan the essay carefully. Making an outline of important items to include is very important to the success of the essay. It is important to adhere to the length of the essay so that the board does not throw it out. If the application says 500 to 1000 words, it means just that and nothing more or less. The applicant should include information about accomplishments in the applicant’s life and the hopeful accomplishments for the future.

Applicants should only include a short personal statement about them and reserve the majority of the essay for information about experiences that have shaped them. They should use other parts of the application to cover information that does not make the applicant stand out from other applicants. Remember, admission officers read numerous essays so it is important to stand out from other applicants.

Provide a structurally sound application. Make sure that the application essay has the proper spelling, format, and grammatical structure before turning in the finished product. An essay with errors will make the officers believe that the applicant may not be a desirable nurse. Keep the paragraphs short so that they are easy to read for the officers.

What to Include in a Nursing School Essay

A nursing school applicant should include the following in the nursing school essay:

  • Things that interest the applicant about the nursing industry
  • Reasons for choosing the specific nursing program
  • A clear view of the future vision of the applicant
  • Previous preparation to become a successful nurse
  • Superior personal accomplishments and standouts (test scores, transcripts, etc.)
  • Experience with medical training and patient care (volunteer opportunities, internships, etc.)
  • Academic interests
  • Character traits that focus on desires and strengths to become a nurse
  • Reasons the officers should accept the application

Tips on How to Write a Nursing School Application Essay

The purpose of the admissions essay is to prove that the application is a worthy selection for the nursing program. Applicants are only allowed a few words to tell their personal stories, but their rejection or acceptance depends on it. The following tips will help applicants write a successful nursing school application essay:

  • Choose information wisely. Make sure that the information included paints a vivid picture of past and future accomplishments so that the admissions officers are impressed.
  • Select a strong essay topic. Applicants want to be remembered for their essay well after the officers have read it. Make sure to stay on the topic and provide strong supporting information within the paragraphs.
  • Provide a glimpse of the applicant’s life. The admissions officers do not want to be bored with the mundane details but rather the important things that make the applicant unique.
  • Intrigue the reading in the first few lines. Capture the essay reader within the first few lines so that they want to continue reading.
  • Make sure the essay has structure. The essay should include an introduction, body, and conclusion that is easy to read and understand. Make sure to add a memorable statement to the conclusion so that the essay readers do not forget the essay.

The application essay is a very important aspect of the nursing school application process. It can make or break the chance that an applicant gets into nursing school. The applicant should plan accordingly before writing the essay and make sure that it is rich with intriguing information. It is important to make sure that the essay is error free. This is the only chance that an applicant has to impress the admission board.

Thinking about going to Nursing School?

Are you contemplating going to nursing school, or are you actually in nursing school right now? Nursing school can be challenging, especially if you do not know what to expect. Here is a great guide by S. L. Page BSN, RN called “ How to Pass Nursing School “. This book gives you detailed information about how to pass nursing school from beginning to end. S.L. Page, the creator of this website, complied all the information students what to know about nursing school into one easy to read guide. She gives in depth information on how to succeed in nursing school.

S.L. Page graduated from nursing school with honors and passed the NCLEX-RN on her first try. In this ebook, she reveals the strategies she used to help her succeed.

Here is what the book looks like:


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Essay Sample on Why I Want to Be A Nurse

Nursing is a rewarding and challenging career that has the power to make a real difference in people’s lives. Whether your motivation is to help others, attain financial freedom, or both, writing a “Why I Want To Be A Nurse” essay is an excellent opportunity to express your passion and commitment to the field.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you might want to become a nurse and provide you with helpful tips and inspiration for writing a powerful and persuasive essay .

Why I Want to Be A Nurse (Free Essay Sample)

Nursing is a career that offers a unique combination of hands-on care and emotional support to those in need. There are many reasons why someone might choose to become a nurse, including:

The Empathy and Altruism of Nursing

I have a strong desire to help people and hope to become a nurse. I think nursing is the best way for me to make a difference in other people’s lives because it combines my natural empathy and desire to help people. Nursing gives me a chance to positively touch people’s lives, which has always attracted me to the thought of doing so.

I saw the beneficial effects that nurses may have on people’s life as a child. I have always been moved by the kindness and concern they have for their patients. The small gestures of kindness, like holding a patient’s hand or speaking encouraging words, have always touched me. I think nurses have a special power to change people’s lives and leave a lasting impression, and I want to contribute to that.

Additionally, I think that becoming a nurse is a great and selfless job. To provide for their patients and ensure they are secure and comfortable, nurses put their own needs on hold. I absolutely respect this kind of dedication to helping others, and I aim to exhibit it in my own nursing career.

The Economic Benefits of Nursing

The financial stability that comes with being a nurse is one of the reasons I wish to pursue this career. Nursing is a field that is in high demand, which translates to a wealth of job opportunities and competitive salaries.  This profession offers the chance for a stable income, which makes it a good choice for people who want to secure their financial future.

Nursing not only gives economic freedom but also a flexible work schedule that promotes a healthy work-life balance. Many nurses can choose to work part-time or in a variety of places, such as clinics, hospitals, and schools..

A Love for the Science and Art of Nursing

To succeed in the unique field of nursing, one must have both artistic talent and scientific knowledge. This mix is what initially drew me to the thought of becoming a nurse. The human body and its mechanisms have always captivated me, and I enjoy learning about the science that underpins healthcare. But nursing requires more than just a scientific knowledge of the body. It also requires an artistic understanding of the patient and their needs.. Nursing is a demanding and fulfilling job since it combines science and art, which is why I’m drawn to it.

I saw as a child the effect nurses had on patients and their families. Their compassion and understanding have motivated me to seek a profession in nursing because they frequently offer comfort and help in the hardest of situations. My enthusiasm for the science and art of nursing will undoubtedly help me to have a good influence on other people’s lives. I want to work as a nurse and improve the lives of the people I take care of, whether it be by giving medication, educating patients, or just being a reassuring presence.

Continuous Professional Development in Nursing

I think the nursing industry is dynamic and always changing, which gives people a lot of chances to learn and grow. I would have the chance to continuously advance my knowledge and abilities in this sector if I choose to become a nurse. In turn, this would enable me to better care for my patients and stay abreast of professional developments.

There are several different nursing specialties available as well. There are many options, including critical care, pediatrics, gerontology, and surgical nursing. Because of the variety of disciplines available, nurses have the chance to develop their interests and find their niche. 

I am certain that a career in nursing will provide me the chance to pursue my passion for healthcare while also allowing me to grow professionally.

Nursing is a fulfilling and noble career that offers a mix of hands-on care, emotional support, and professional growth. I am inspired by the positive impact nurses have on patients and their families and aim to offer my own empathy and compassion. The nursing industry is constantly changing, providing ample opportunities for growth and job prospects with financial stability. The ultimate reward in a nursing career is the satisfaction of making a difference in people’s lives.

Tips for Writing A Compelling Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Now that you understand the reasons why someone might want to become a nurse, it’s time to learn how to write a compelling essay. Here are some tips and strategies to help you get started:

Create an Outline

Before you start writing, it’s important to identify the main points you’ll discuss in your essay. This will help you stay organized and make your essay easier to read.

Start with an Attention-grabbing Introduction

Your introduction is your chance to make a good first impression and engage the reader. Start with a hook that captures the reader’s attention, such as a surprising statistic or personal story .

Be Specific and Personal

Rather than making general statements about why you want to become a nurse, be specific and personal. Share your own experiences, motivations, and passions, and explain why nursing is the right career choice for you.

Highlight your Skills and Qualifications

Nursing is a demanding and complex profession that requires a wide range of skills and qualifications. Be sure to highlight your relevant skills, such as compassion, communication, and problem-solving, and explain how they make you a good fit for the nursing field.

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nursing admission essay samples

Home — Application Essay — Medical School — My Nursing Admission: Nurturing Dreams

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My Nursing Admission: Nurturing Dreams

  • University: Virginia Commonwealth University

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Words: 283 |

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

Words: 283 | Pages: 1 | 2 min read

As my thoughts drifted through Geometry class, I was startled with a loud “BANG!” My classmate slams to the ground like a sack of potatoes, after crashing her head onto her desk. Her body begins shaking uncontrollably; her legs and arms were like jelly in an earthquake. Foam rumbles from the sides of her mouth and all over her new Forever 21 tank. I was commanded to hold down her limbs as they violently shook beneath me. The scene was exhilarating; the way I handled such a high-pressure situation was yet a new inspiration in my passion for nursing.

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Since I was a child, I’ve always had a passion for caring for others, whether it was taking care of my sick brother or pretending to take the pulse of my Barbie dolls. In fact, a room full of stuffed animals all patiently waiting for their care from nurse Madi was a childhood reoccurrence of mine. I realized as I grew that this love of caretaking could be in my everyday life. This has led to my dedication to earn my degree in nursing at VCU.

In order to pursue my lifetime dream, I plan to create study groups with peers, and also work on my major outside out of the lecture hall through community activities directed towards nursing. I have already begun my studies through an EVMS mentoring program, where we learn how to care for patients in an emergency. This experience has fed the fire for my passion for caring for others. Studying in a school that places a spotlight on medical endeavors will motivate and assist me in becoming a nurse who is a friend, a companion, and a superb professional.

As I look forward to my nursing admission at VCU, I envision myself embracing every opportunity to learn and grow in this field. The classroom and clinical experiences that lie ahead will not only strengthen my knowledge but also enhance my ability to provide compassionate and skilled care to those in need. Nursing is not just a career choice for me; it's a lifelong calling, and I am excited to embark on this journey at VCU.

In my pursuit of a nursing degree at VCU, I am driven by a deep sense of responsibility and empathy towards those who are in need of care and support. My experiences in the EVMS mentoring program have already exposed me to the challenges and rewards of nursing. I have learned the importance of remaining calm under pressure, making quick and informed decisions, and providing comfort to patients and their families during critical moments.

One crucial aspect of nursing that I am particularly drawn to is the opportunity to build strong and meaningful connections with patients. Being able to offer not only medical assistance but also emotional support and a listening ear is something I consider essential in the field of nursing. During my time in the mentoring program, I had the privilege of witnessing the positive impact that a compassionate nurse can have on a patient's journey to recovery. It reinforced my belief that nursing is not just about treating illnesses; it's about caring for the whole person.

As I prepare for my nursing admission at VCU, I am committed to continuously enhancing my knowledge and skills in the field. I understand that nursing is a dynamic profession that requires lifelong learning and adaptation. I am eager to engage in rigorous academic coursework, hands-on clinical experiences, and collaborative learning opportunities that VCU has to offer.

Moreover, I aspire to contribute to the nursing community at VCU by actively participating in extracurricular activities and community service initiatives related to healthcare. I believe that being involved in these activities will not only broaden my perspective but also allow me to give back to the community and make a positive difference in the lives of others.

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In conclusion, my journey towards nursing admission at VCU is driven by a genuine passion for caregiving, a commitment to excellence, and a strong desire to make a meaningful impact in the field of healthcare. I am excited about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to becoming a dedicated and compassionate nurse who strives to provide the highest quality of care to patients. VCU's esteemed nursing program aligns perfectly with my aspirations, and I am eager to embark on this transformative educational journey.

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Nursing admission essay: Best guide on how to write

Have you finished your high school education and want to join the nursing college of your dreams? You might be required to produce an admission essay to the school to which you are applying. This article provides a complete guide on how to write a nursing admission essay.

While writing a nursing admission essay, you need to show your goals, accomplishments, personal memories, and reasons for joining a nursing career. you should do it perfectly to be the most outstanding applicant among the others. Before looking at the guide, it is important to know the definition and tips for writing a nursing admission essay.

What is a nursing admission essay?

An admission essay for nursing school is a type of writing that you submit to the nursing school you are aspiring to join for study purposes. A nursing admission essay gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your level of interest in taking a nursing career and explain why you are interested in joining that particular college or university.

To win a chance in your dream college, you should write a nursing school admission essay that shows your worthiness in joining the school. Your admission essay should also stand out from those of the other applicants.

How to start a nursing school admission essay

  • Get started

The first section is the most difficult. When it comes to writing a graduate nursing admission essay, getting started as early as the summertime before your senior year is crucial.

Later, you can worry about your college essay’s size and word restriction. If you can complete your paper before the end of that time, you’ll have plenty of time to revise or modify it and start working on future essays. Plus, you’ll be able to apply for fast decision dates in winter, which is always a great idea.

  • Look for ideas where you can

Admission essays are more often than not a cause of trepidation than inspiration. The subjects for most universities’ essays and the standard application will be published online.

Find nursing admission essay samples online and start looking for inspiration anywhere and everywhere. You also can look for nursing college admission essay examples on the internet to help you get started. It’s usually a good idea to draw inspiration from your own life experiences. Consider your accomplishments and what you believe identifies you.

Consider the aspects of your past that have impacted your life. Finally, every nursing admission essay you submit will be about you because it will be the most straightforward story to write about and will provide admission officers with an understanding of who you are.

If you’re stuck, don’t be hesitant to seek nursing admission essay help. Start with the people closest to you, such as friends and family, and don’t forget about your teachers. If you’ve previously written documents for them, they’ll be familiar with your weaknesses and strengths and can direct you to essay subjects that will suit you.

  • Plan for your nursing admission essay

It might be tempting to go right in and start writing as if removing a bandage. However, strategizing is a better option. Make sure you have a significant point in mind and that it is consistent throughout the essay.

What is the purpose of your story? What is the one item you want the reader to take away from that too? So, how long does it take to write a college essay? Most college admissions or application essays must be between 200 and 900 words in length.

You’ll want to get the most of your restricted word count, so prepare a rough outline of what you want your essay to look like. It may be a standard outline, or it could just be a question of dividing the essay into sections and working on one at a time.

“If you are having trouble getting going, you should concentrate on their initial sentence,” according to U.S. News & World Report. The first sentence, or hook, should pique the reader’s interest.” It’s also a good idea to plan on writing numerous revisions. Going with your gut is a brilliant idea, especially since you are the essay’s topic. You owe it to yourself to assess and edit your drafts, significantly demonstrating that the first time was the best. Make time in your schedule for that procedure.

What to include in your nursing school nursing admission essay?

You can include the experiences that have shaped you professionally, academically, or personally in your personal essay for nursing admission. This can be an anecdote of your past life, life events, experiences, or future goals.

Check some examples to include in your essay for nursing admission:

  • Reasons why the nursing industry interests you
  • Why did you choose nursing as your career?
  • Your goals and visions for a successful career in nursing
  • Your accomplishments in life, like the tests you have scored exceptionally
  • Past medical experiences, internships, volunteer opportunities, and personal health trials
  • Academic interests and character traits
  • other reasons that should make your application successful

How to write an essay for nursing school admission

If you want to apply for nursing in your dream college that requires you to deliver an admission essay, follow these nursing admission essay tips to come up with an outstanding one:

  • Read the instructions carefully

Depending on how many nursing schools or programs you apply to, you may have to write multiple versions of your nursing admission essay. This is because each school may have different standards or directions to follow. Read all of the instructions carefully and make a note of any word limit requirements or specific themes that must be covered. Following guidelines is an excellent first step in producing a decent application essay, and customizing each one shows your dedication and ambition.

  • Decide on the direction you want your nursing admission essay to take

Choose the facts you want to present in your nursing admission essay with significant consideration. Some ideas may include your successes so far, what you hope to accomplish in a nursing program and profession, or a memorable instance about how nursing has touched you or your family. Record your past, current, and future achievements and objectives based on any word count limits.

If you have been provided with a word count limit, concentrate on the most significant aspect you can write about that reflects your personality in regards to nursing. Brainstorm different topic ideas and try asking for advice from family and friends.

  • Create an outline for your essay

You can start with a draft outline and adjust as you organize your thoughts and ideas. An admission essay outline helps organize your essay and stay focused on the topic of discussion. A wrong nursing admission essay format will make you lose a chance of admission to your dream college.

Consider outlining different paragraphs or sections you want to include in your admission essay and specific matters as directed by the admission officers. Ensure you include:

  • An introduction

A good introduction gives the reader an understanding of the entire nursing admission essay. It also captures their attention, motivating them to continue reading your essay.

The body part includes a part where the main points are highlighted and explained. Expand your facts, story, or ideas in this part of your admission essay. Also, place any pieces of evidence you may have.

This is the last section of your nursing admission essay. In this part, combine all your key points to summarize your essay.

  • Make your nursing admission essay personal

Do you want your nursing admission essay to sound authentic and have a candid look? Include personal examples. Be careful not to use cliches and overused phrases. Ensure you come up with vulnerable, honest, and fresh content for the reader.

  • Describe your skillset and empathy

Empathy, caring, and kindness are some of the essential personalities of the nursing profession, and a strong admission essay must possess these qualities. Consider giving a story that shows you have demonstrated the grades in the past. For example, you can talk of how you have worked as a volunteer or cared for an old person or a sibling in their illness and recovery journey .

  • Prepare your first draft

At this point, you can write your first draft. As you write your admission essay, ensure you maintain short paragraphs to make reading easy and also to break up information into small sections.

  • Edit and proofread your nursing admission essay

Go through your essay to ensure your formatting, spelling, sentence structure, and grammar are ok. You can use computer error detection tools to be more accurate. You can also ask a family member or a friend to read your nursing admission essay.

A third party will probably spot errors that you cannot. Submitting a nursing admission essay full of mistakes can make you lose a chance in your dream college. You can meet your guidance counselor to read through your application material before submitting them to your dream college or university.

What you should not do in your nursing admission essay

We don’t just mean that you shouldn’t make up life stories. Don’t fake the details. If you don’t, don’t claim to have a black belt in Muay Thai kickboxing in your paper. It’s not for you to use someone else’s life story, no matter how riveting it is. You can cite someone in your writing, and you should do so if the quotes are relevant to you. But don’t overdo it.

Everything you write should be accurate, backed up by evidence, and the vast bulk of this should be your words. Do you realize how simple it is to learn the truth about others by looking at their social media pages? You can fact-check yourself with an admissions officer or the school’s admissions office.

  • Do not joke

You would be right to imagine that after finding their way through a big pile of nursing admission essays, the individuals reading yours could use a nice laugh. That said, comedy is difficult in such an essay.

You have no idea who will read your nursing admission essay, let alone their comedy senses. As the Princeton Review advises, “What you think is humorous and what an adult employee in a college think is hilarious are probably very different.” Although if you are absolutely confident in your comedy, go your way. Remember kidding too much in this situation may create a misleading image.

You don’t want a university or college to assume you are too concentrated on your study and so that you can’t have fun. But the professors also need to understand you will be pursuing your schooling professionally. A short joke at the introduction or finish of your essay should be more than enough. Further than that, keep everything neat and businesslike.

  • Do not be redundant

Keep in mind that your readers will have access to your credentials and the remainder of your applications, which will reveal your scores as well as a list of clubs, sports teams, musical groups, and voluntary organizations to which you belong. Try not to fill the nursing admission essay with your entire life narrative or your finer aspects.

Concentrate on one-of-a-kind experiences or activities and select the ones that stand out. Also, be as explicit as possible. “Don’t simply mention a truth to get an idea through, such as ‘I like to surround myself with people with a range of different backgrounds,'” advises College Board.

To develop your views, give precise information, examples, reasons, and so on. Choose the aspects of yourself that are most essential to you and leave the rest out of the essay. Ensure that you do not contradict anything you have written elsewhere in your resume. Keep the facts accurate, but if there’s something you want to divulge in the essay, make sure this is about your views and feelings, not a piece of the crucial information you overlooked elsewhere.

How to make your college admission essay stand out

  • Try to think differently

Make your nursing admission essay stands out from the others. As previously stated, something that will help break up the monotony of reading thousands of essays is appreciated by college admissions officers or admissions counselors. It’s still worth performing, even if an inappropriate joke is not the ideal method to accomplish it.

So, when you have figured out the bones of what you want to communicate, try delivering it from a different perspective. Instead of explicitly addressing an essay prompt, we recommend responding to it in the negative: tell the reader what you are not going to accomplish with the paper before informing them what you want to do.

If the inquiry asks about your future goals, mention what you don’t want to achieve and what it says about you. According to many studies, you may make a nursing admissions essay more intriguing by writing it as a bit of an autobiography and fiction.

You can choose to start with a question. By speaking directly to the reader, you are challenging them. (Or) place the reader in the thick of everything, in media res. “Place the reader in the middle of a situation or a discussion. For example, you can start with, “So there I was, in front of a thousand persons, and my legs were trembling so much that I could hardly touch the keys,” if you wish to relate the narrative of a piano recital.

Then explain how you arrived at that conclusion and what it means to you. You can explore with your presentation if what you write is reasonable, easy to follow, and phrased correctly. Your readers will appreciate the variety in your writing.

  • Edit and proofread as many times as possible

It should be self-evident, yet far too many people make the error. As a result, we’re saying it twice. Always go through your nursing admission essay as many times as possible.

It is all too easy to overlook minor errors when writing, so take a break and examine your essay with new eyes. But don’t only check for grammar or spelling mistakes. Read your writing aloud to get a sense of how it sounds. Cut, rewrite, or remove too-long sentences that don’t make sense or don’t seem intriguing enough.

Editing is just as vital as writing, and it is the only way to guarantee the best results. Try reading your essay backward, starting with the last section first and reading it aloud. This may seem odd, but while reading in chronological order, your brain prefers to put together missing information or fill in the blanks. Reading each line independently and backward might reveal typos and grammatical errors and whether you have forgotten an article like ‘a’ or ‘the.’

  • Consider seeking professional writing help

The challenge with devoting so much energy to what could be a brief essay is that it begins to lose its meaning for you after a while. So, just as you must read your essay aloud or backward, you should also enlist the help of another set of eyes and ears. Look for the best nursing essay for admission for sale online.

A new viewpoint can make a lot of difference in preventing you from settling with something dreadful. A close friend, parent, or, better yet, a teacher can read what you have written and provide you with some perspective.

Urge them to be productive. It is better if they tell you what you have come up with isn’t good, as long as they can give you some suggestions on how to improve it. Request that they determine whether the text honestly sounds like you are speaking. Don’t allow them to get away with simply claiming your article is “excellent.” Don’t let them go until they’ve given you at least one item you can improve or particular things they enjoyed.

Tips for formatting your nursing admission essay

  • Write your essay like a story

A great story has three parts: a beginning, a middle, and a conclusion. Have the first paragraph of your college admission essay as an introduction and the last section as a concluding piece. In between, include the main points of the essay.

Allow the story to develop and flow naturally to its conclusion. Check nursing school admission essay samples from the school you want to join to see what they want from you.

  • Stick to the topic of discussion

Because you won’t be able to convey your complete life narrative in a 650-word essay, choose one story that best represents how you become the remarkable individual you are currently and use it as your essay subject. Check any sample application essay for nursing school admission online to understand this well.

  • Use examples and analogies

Allow specific analogies or nursing admission essay examples from your personal experiences to be told in your article. Make a list of significant events in your life that have shaped who you are today. Success stories, triumphs over adversity, and leadership qualities can help you write a standout college nursing admission essay. Use them as evidence or supplementary information to back up your primary thesis.

  • Use a standard font

The font choices in most internet apps are limited. Avoid utilizing fancy typefaces when writing your college nursing admission essay. Use simple typefaces in 12-point types, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The content, not the typeface, is the most significant factor. Online applications may also reject formatting such as bold and italics. Avoid using emoticons, underlines, hashtags, and ALL CAPS in your writings.

  • Revise your formatting

When filling out the application form online, you may be requested to enter your essay into a specified online place or box. Double-check your input to ensure that the entire piece has been included because the box settings can change the formatting you worked so hard to create. Also, check that formatting like bold or italic words was not removed and that line spacing and paragraphs are still maintained.

  • Follow the college submission instructions

Each institution or university has its own formatting rules for college essays , which you should adhere to. Some may request that your application ID number be printed on the title page, while others may need that page to be numbered and each page to have a heading. Use the Microsoft Word or Google Docs toolbar to check the word limit. Unless specifically requested, do not mention your name.

  • Ensure you submit the correct file format

The file types that are approved or supported will be specified in the essay submission instructions. Check to see if you’re using the correct version of Microsoft Word and that you are submitting the file with the right file suffix, for instance. You could save your paper in a PDF format that cannot be modified to be secure.

  • Use online application

While some institutions still accept paper applications, we generally recommend that you use the online university application method instead. This will give you more confidence that your essay will be delivered and received promptly. In addition, most colleges and universities prefer that you submit your application form online.

  • Write your nursing admission essay on your computer

Write your nursing college admission essay in Microsoft Word or Google Docs on your computer. Refrain from typing it directly into the online application box. Make use of the spellchecker and word counter tools. You can upload your paper or copy and paste it into the online box when it is finished.

  • Have someone else read your nursing admission essay

Allow someone you trust to read your essay and provide feedback once you feel you have completed your finest work. Request that they read for readability, content, and flow while keeping an eye out for spelling issues, punctuation, and grammar. A new viewpoint and constructive feedback can help you improve your college admission essay.

If you have good grades and want to pursue nursing as your career, you must be smiling now. This article has provided a complete guide on writing a nursing admission essay, right from topic selection, to formatting your essay. Follow the guide to secure a chance in your dream nursing college and university.

While writing your nursing admission essay, first read and understand the instructions provided by your professor or instructor. Choose an eye-grabbing topic that is interesting to you and the reader. Follow the correct outline so that you do not go out of topic.

Ensure you demonstrate all your talents, abilities, and skills that qualify you to take a course in nursing. You can choose to give a story about your life that shows how responsible you are. After writing your nursing admission essay, edit and proofread to ensure there are no errs, typos, and poorly constructed sentences.

Seek professional assignment help

If you are still stuck and need help writing a good nursing admission essay, do not worry. We offer assignment help writing services to students at all levels at affordable rates.

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How to Get Into Nursing School: 7 Steps for Success

July 02, 2024 - 7 minute read

nursing admission essay samples

Nursing is a career unlike any other. The general public highly respects nurses , and with good reason. Nurses make it their life’s work to help others. If you’re considering a career switch, why not become a nurse?

Nursing offers diverse specialties — from oncology to pediatrics and beyond — and room for advancement. Plus, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , it boasts a consistently high job growth rate and excellent salary potential. What’s more, getting started can be easier than you might think.

At Concordia University Irvine, our Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program helps make the transition to nursing possible. Our ABSN program prepares students to become caring, compassionate, competent nurses, ready to serve their community.

Let’s take a closer look at how to get into nursing school as a transfer student or career switcher. 

1. Determine if You Qualify for Accelerated Nursing School

To qualify for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®), you need to earn a nursing degree, such as a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The BSN degree is traditionally a four-year program that combines core college classes (such as English and math) with the nursing curriculum. However, if you’re a transfer student or an established professional thinking of transitioning to a new career, you may be able to graduate sooner.

You can apply for an accelerated BSN program if you meet the qualifications. These programs confer a BSN in far less than four years. Most ABSN programs take less than two years to complete; for example, Concordia University Irvine’s ABSN allows you to graduate in as few as 15 months.

Imagine the benefits of graduating with your nursing degree in as few as 15 months. Graduating sooner means you can begin earning a nursing salary and contribute to your community faster than with a traditional BSN program.

However, before applying to an accelerated nursing program, you’ll need to confirm that you meet the qualifications. Each ABSN program has its own admissions requirements, but, in general, you'll need a non-nursing bachelor's degree or a minimum number of non-nursing college credits. There are also typically minimum GPA requirements. 

Concordia University Irvine’s ABSN program admissions requirements include a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in any discipline or a minimum of 65 non-nursing college credits from an accredited institution. You must also have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 (on a 4.0 scale).

To determine whether you qualify for Concordia’s ABSN program, contact one of our specialized admissions counselors, who will walk you through the application process and ensure your application is competitive.

2. Research Your Nursing School Options

When determining how to get into nursing school, such as an ABSN program, you should research your options thoroughly. What should you look for in a nursing school? 

Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Accreditation
  • NCLEX pass rate
  • Dedication of the faculty
  • Nursing philosophy and mission

You’ll want to choose an accelerated nursing program with a recomprehensive curriculum covering everything you need to succeed as a licensed registered nurse, from pathophysiology to nursing research, and beyond. A challenging curriculum will more thoroughly prepare you to tackle the modern challenges you’ll encounter in your nursing career.

A school’s nursing philosophy and mission may also influence which program is right for you. At Concordia University Irvine, our ABSN program is informed by Christian values and founded on the mission to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to become competent and compassionate nurses. 

3. Reach Out to an Admissions Counselor

Once you’ve settled on the right nursing school, you can begin the actual work of getting into nursing school by contacting an admissions counselor. It’s best to have a copy of your unofficial transcripts on hand, as your counselor will review your prior non-nursing college credits to determine eligibility.

You should also have a list of any questions about the program. Before concluding the call, your admissions counselor will help you put together a plan for applying based on your current situation. That application plan may include taking some prerequisite courses.

4. How to Get into Nursing School by Completing Prerequisites

Not every prospective nursing student needs to complete the prerequisite courses. It ultimately depends on your prior college education. Prerequisites are often required to ensure that nursing students begin the program with a solid academic foundation. It’s essentially a success strategy designed to support your progress.

Concordia’s ABSN program requires prerequisites such as chemistry, microbiology, statistics, and lifespan development psychology. As a Christian school, we also require courses in Christian Theology and the New Testament.

[CALLOUT: Wondering how to become a nurse online ? Read more to learn what to expect.]

5. Gain Entry-Level Experience in Patient Care

While you’re completing prerequisite courses, it’s a good idea to gain entry-level experience in the healthcare field. Having some experience can help your nursing school application stand out from the rest. Furthermore, some ABSN schools, such as Concordia University Irvine, require it. To apply to our ABSN, you’ll need at least 75 hours of patient care experience to be completed at the time of submitting an application. 

You can’t work as an RN just yet, of course, but there are other possibilities to explore, such as the following:

  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
  • COPE Health Scholar/Clinical Care Extender
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • Medical Assistant (back office)
  • Home Health Aide
  • Physical Therapy (PT) Aid

6. Complete and Submit Your Application Package

Once you’ve completed the required courses and obtained patient care experience hours, you should be ready to finish your application package. Your admissions counselor will be an invaluable resource as you assemble your materials. 

At Concordia, you can submit your application prior to completing the prerequisite classes if you only have three remaining and they are in progress.

Each school has different requirements for its application package. At Concordia, the application materials include:

  • The application itself, plus the fee
  • Statement of intent/essays
  • Background check waiver form
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Official college transcripts

7. Research Financial Aid Options for Nursing School

Now that we have established how to get into nursing school, the next step is to research financial aid options . Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for each year you’re a student to determine what federal aid you qualify for, such as federal grants and student loans. You should also look into private student loans and apply for any eligible scholarships.

Quick Tips for Getting into Nursing School

By this point, you know how to get into nursing school, but you can do a few other things to increase your chances of success. 

Consider the following quick tips:

  • Always re-read the application instructions for each component of your application package and follow them to the letter.
  • Don’t hesitate to reach out to your admissions counselor if you have any questions. You can even ask for tips on making a competitive application.
  • Take your time with the essay questions. Your essays should reflect your unique voice and genuine goal of becoming a nurse. However, they should also be well-edited. After writing your essays, set them aside for a few days and re-read with fresh eyes.
  • Get certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at the American Red Cross.
  • Gain volunteer experience in the healthcare field.

[CALLOUT: What was nursing like at the height of the COVID pandemic? Explore one Concordia alumna’s story in frontline nursing .]

Apply Today at Concordia University Irvine

At Concordia, we make getting into nursing school easier with help from our specialized admissions counselors, who will take the time to work with you one-on-one throughout the admissions process and answer all your questions .

We welcome transfer students and military members to apply to our ABSN program, which allows you to graduate in as few as 15 months.

Our dedicated nursing instructors strive to graduate highly competent and compassionate future nurses who stand out for their dedication to their patients’ welfare. Take the first step toward becoming a registered nurse today and contact our admissions counselors .

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Nursing School Application Essay Example

What do you guys think of my essay? Please comment it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Nursing Students Pre-Nursing Article

  • Nursing School Application
  • School Essay
  • School Application


When we look up the word "nurse" in the dictionary, we will read something like "somebody who cares for a sick person." Thinking about it seems easy; however, I believe that there is more into nursing than that simple definition. Being a nurse is a very influential and rewarding profession. Nurses care for people through illness, injury, pain, loss, dying, grieving, birth, growth, aging and health. They not only care for people through illness, but they also promote health, prevent diseases and educate the public.

We all know that nursing is a field that is concerned with helping people, yet I believe that in becoming a nurse, a person needs more than that desire to succeed. It is essential for a nurse to be open, strong, determined, thoughtful and caring. These qualities would reflect on the nurse and would make caring for the patient easier.

I believe that I belong to this field because ever since a child I always wanted to make a positive influence in peoples lives. I always felt the need to care for someone since I know that I have the power and the choice to do so. Growing up in the Philippines has greatly influenced my desire to care for people. All throughout my life, I see all different kinds of people in poverty, may it be infants, children, elderly people and even disabled people. Every day I would see them on the streets begging others for money just so they could treat their ailing relatives. Whenever I see them, I felt so weak. I wanted to help them, yet I didn't know how since I was just a child. It wasn't until I moved here in the United States that I realized that nursing is truly the right profession for me. Moving here made me realize how other countries like the Philippines are in great need of health care. It made me more aware of the situation and now that I am more mature, I know that I could my part to help the situation. Becoming a nurse wouldn't get rid of poverty; however, it would at least help some people who are suffering. Another reason for my decision to become a nurse is my sister, who is a nursing assistant. She suggested that I become one. Her stories from the hospital just inspired me and made me realize that nursing is truly for me. She says that the feeling of giving yourself to a complete stranger in their greatest time of need is like no other feeling on earth.

I truly believe that I am suited to become a nurse. I am honest and open to communication, and these are also important traits that a nurse needs. Nurses are the main communication link between the patient and the doctor. They also often interact with family members by being empathetic to their loved one's illness. Personally, having the opportunity to impact someone every day is very powerful. The words I use, my actions, and my attitude can help another human being to heal and that is something that I will remember all throughout my life. Nursing is one of the few careers that does not only help others but it also helps yourself. It is a profession that is exciting, ever-changing, diverse, and allows an opportunity for learning something new every day. The work is tough but in the end of the day, I will say that this is that path that I chose and I am proud of it, then I will remember that feeling of helping a complete stranger and at that moment, I will feel rewarded.

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What is your prompt for the essay?

I would take out the beginning part, you don't need to describe what a nurse is. I would also put something in about why you would be a good nursing student and not why you want to be a nurse. They are going to admit you to a program based on your chances of making it through and passing NCLEX. So what qualities do you have that will ensure your success?

But then again, this all sort of depends on what your prompt for the essay is.


It depends on what the school is looking for. I would start out with a short Bio. Then I would write about why I want to become a nurse, then I would kiss their butts a little and mention why I have "chosen" their school to pursue my goal. That can simply be done by looking up the schools mission statement philosophy and work it into your essay (in your own words).

Finish with" I don't want to just be a nurse, I want to be a graduate of "school name" school of nursing " This is a good essay, but I might rearrange your essay to put your Bio first and edit the first 2 paragraphs into the 1 paragraph and make that the middle...the conclusion can be the more personal "why I want to be a nurse and why I chose your school."

Good luck and let me know how you do!!!

I agree that you need to tell them why you will be a good candidate for their program..Its good, but It gives the appearance of a speech.

Who you are?

Why you want to be a nurse?

Why you chose their school?

Why you are a good candidate for their program?


Since I was returning to school for a second career, I thought it would be important for them to know why I had chose to pursue nursing, what it would mean to me, and what I thought I could bring to the nursing profession.

I think trepinCT had some great feedback on your essay. I sent mine in a few months ago, but it was composed in practically the same order as trepinCT mentions.


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Quote We all know that nursing is a field that is concerned with helping people, yet I believe that in becoming a nurse, a person needs more than that desire to succeed. It is essential for a nurse to be open, strong, determined, thoughtful and caring. These qualities would reflect on the nurse and would make caring for the patient easier. I believe that I belong to this field because ever since a child I always wanted to make a positive influence in peoples lives. I always felt the need to care for someone since I know that I have the power and the choice to do so. Growing up in the Philippines has greatly influenced my desire to care for people. All throughout my life, I see all different kinds of people in poverty, may it be infants, children, elderly people and even disabled people. Everyday I would see them on the streets begging others for money just so they could treat their ailing relatives. Whenever I see them, I felt so weak. I wanted to help them, yet I didn’t know how since I was just a child. It wasn’t until I moved here in the United States that I realized that nursing is truly the right profession for me. Moving here made me realize how other countries like the Philippines are in great need of health care. It made me more aware of the situation and now that I am more mature, I know that I could do my part to help the situation. Becoming a nurse wouldn’t get rid of poverty; however, it would at least help some people who are suffering. I would have chosen to become a doctor, yet I believe that being one would make me feel numb about the patients feelings and be more concerned with treating their diseases. I chose nursing because this allows me to interact more with people. When we look up the word “nurse” in the dictionary, we will read something like “somebody who cares for a sick person.” I believe that there is more into that simple definition. Nursing is a very powerful profession, it allows people to influence and touch lives. I am very willing to achieve this big responsibility. I am eager to be there for the patients through illness, injury pain, loss, grieving, birth, growth, aging and health. Another reason for my decision to become a nurse is my sister, who is a nursing assistant. She suggested that I become one. Her stories from the hospital just inspired me and made me realize that nursing is truly for me. She says that the feeling of giving yourself to a complete stranger in their greatest time of need is like no other feeling on earth. I am very eager to care for someone and experience that great feeling. I felt that I was helpless for some time, and I believe that now is the time to be there for others and help them through their challenging times. I truly believe that I am suited to become a nurse. I am open and honest to communication, and these are also important traits that a nurse needs. Nurses are the main communication link between the patient and the doctor. They also often interact with family members by being empathetic to their loved one’s illness. Personally, having the opportunity to impact someone everyday is very powerful. The words I use, my actions, and my attitude can help another human being to heal and that is something that I will remember all throughout my life. Nursing is one of the few careers that does not only help others but also helps yourself. It is a profession that is exciting, ever changing, diverse, and allows opportunity for learning something new everyday. I chose the College of Health Professions of Temple University because I believe that this would significantly educate and prepare me for my future in nursing. The College of Health Professions also stands out as a national leader in the education of health professionals. I am very pleased with my experience as a Temple undergraduate and I believe that the College of Health Professions would be consistent with that or be even better. Being a nurse is tough, but in the end of the day, I will say that this is that path that I chose and I am proud of it, then I will remember that feeling of helping a complete stranger and at that moment, I will feel rewarded.

Is there a min word requirement for your essay?? Try to be more brief, I was given advice from a few instructors and directors of nursing schools and they said to keep it brief.

Avoid defining "nurse".

Keep it as I mentioned before...

Who you are, why you want to be a nurse, why you chose their school and why you are a good candidate for their program. It would even help for you to show your essay to a writing professor at your school. Did you already take composition? Maybe ask that professor to check it out, even your college counselor can look over your essay.

You have the skill to write a great essay, you really know how to put your feelings into words, you just need to edit it a bit more, they want more of you in the essay(should be more of a bio).

You can start by saying that you were born in the Philippines and grew up there before coming to the us. Mention that seeing the poverty and lack of good health care drove you to the desire to become a nurse that is a few of your sentences rolled up into one brief explanation of your experience in the Philippines) edit and everywhere you defined what a nurse is or should be.

Instead of defining what a person should be to become a nurse (its subjective), tell them that those are your qualities and you believe those are why you feel you are a good candidate for their program. I would love to help you out and go through the whole essay with you because it has so many strong points.

I hope I am not offending you with my critique.

When is the essay due???? Let me know if you would like more help. My brother in law is an RN and now an administrator, he also spent time as an instructor as was another RN friend of mine and they really helped me clean up my essay, shorten it and still make it powerful.

Let me know...good luck!!!!

PS. Don't mention why you did not decide to become a doctor. If they think you view them as cold, they may feel you wont work well with them!!! You want them to know that you are a team player and can work well with anyone..aides, doctors, etc.

Don't mention that your education with them would be consistent or better. Leave out the "or better" part. My mind is flowing with ideas!!!!

Let me know of you need more!!!! ?

There, i revised it again! I'm so thankful that you're here giving me ideas! Thank you so much! I believe that there is no minimum requirement for the essay, it doesn't say in the application. All it says is that i should attach a 1 page essay saying why i chose this career path. I have exactly 1 page so all i have to do is edit and just try to make the best essay. Here it is...

Quote We all know that nursing is a field that is concerned with helping people, yet i believe that in becoming a nurse, a person needs more than that desire to succeed. All throughout my life, I see all different kinds of people in poverty, may it be infants, children, elderly people and even disabled people. I was born and raised in the Philippines, where poverty is very evident. Everyday I would see people on the streets begging others for money just so they could treat their ailing relatives. Whenever I see them, I felt so weak. I wanted to help them, yet I didn’t know how since I was just a child. It wasn’t until I moved here in the united states that I realized that health care is truly the right path for me. Moving here made me realize how other countries like the Philippines are in great need of health services. It made me more aware of the situation and now that I am more mature, I know that i could do my part. Seeing the poverty and lack of good health care gave me more than the desire to become a nurse, it gave me the passion and determination to achieve that career. I believe that passion and determination are important elements in becoming a nurse. I chose nursing because this allows me to interact more with people. When we look up the word “nurse” in the dictionary, we will read something like “somebody who cares for a sick person.” i believe that there is more into that simple definition. Nursing is a very powerful profession, it allows people to influence and touch lives. I am very willing to achieve this big responsibility. I am eager to be there for the patients through illness, injury pain, loss, grieving, birth, growth, aging and health. I consider myself as very determined and strong. When I start something, I always try my best to finish it. When I want to achieve something, I always have the determination to do so. I am also thoughtful, caring and open. Ever since a child, I always wanted to make a positive influence in peoples lives. I always felt the need to care for someone since I know that i have the power and choice to do so. I believe that my drive and qualities would reflect on me being a nurse and would make me successful one. Another reason for my decision to become a nurse is my sister, who is a nursing assistant. Her stories from the hospital just inspired me and convinced me that nursing is truly for me. She says that the feeling of giving yourself to a complete stranger in their greatest time of need is like no other feeling on earth. I am very willing to care for someone and experience that great feeling. I felt that I was helpless for some time, and I believe that now is the time to be there for others and help them through their challenging times. I truly believe that I am suited to become a nurse. I am honest and open to communication, and these traits would help me interact with not only the patients but also their family members. Personally, having the opportunity to impact someone everyday is very powerful. The words I use, my actions, and my attitude can help another human being to heal and that is something that I will remember all throughout my life. Nursing is one of the few careers that does not only help others but also helps yourself. It is a profession that is exciting, ever changing, diverse, and allows opportunity for learning something new everyday. I chose the College of Health Professions of Temple University because I believe that this would significantly educate and prepare me for my future in nursing. The college of health professions also stands out as a national leader in the education of health professionals. I am very pleased with my experience as a temple undergraduate and i believe that the college of health professions would be consistent with that.

Leave out.."when I start something, I always try my best to finish it" leave a hint of the possibility of not finishing. Everyone has their own personal "best" didn't elude to actually finishing anything, just trying to..just leave that statement out...leave out first sentence..its subjective,esp using the "we all know"..unless you know for a fact that the readers feeling and perspective is the same as yours... I hope i am not too critical, but essay writing is my strong area..anyone else have input????

Start here with something like” I am currently an undergraduate at temple completing my pre nursing studies.”

i was born and raised in the Philippines, where poverty is very evident. Throughout my life,i have seen all different kinds of people in poverty, may it be infants, children, elderly people and even disabled people. Everyday I would see people on the streets begging others for money just so they could treat their ailing relatives. Whenever I saw them, I felt so weak. I wanted to help them, yet I didn’t know how since I was just a child. It wasn’t until I moved here in the united states that I realized that health care is truly the right path for me. Moving here made me realize how other countries like the Philippines are in great need of health services. It made me more aware of the situation and now that I am older, I know that I could do my part. Seeing the poverty and lack of good health care gave me more than the desire to become a nurse, it gave me the passion and determination to achieve that career. I believe that passion and determination are important elements in becoming a nurse.

I chose nursing because this allows me to interact more with people. Nursing is a very powerful profession, it allows people to influence and touch lives. I am very willing to achieve this big responsibility. I am eager to be there for the patients through illness, injury pain, loss, grieving, birth, growth, aging and health. I consider myself as very determined and strong. I have the drive and determination to achieve my goal of being a nurse. I am also thoughtful, caring and open. I believe that my drive and qualities would reflect on me being a nurse and would make me successful one.

Another reason for my decision to become a nurse is my sister, who is a nursing assistant. Her stories from the hospital inspired me and convinced me that nursing is truly for me. The feeling of giving yourself to a complete stranger in their greatest time of need is like no other feeling on earth. I am very willing to care for someone and experience that great feeling. I truly believe that I am suited to become a nurse. I am honest and open to communication, and these traits would help me interact with not only the patients but also their family members. Personally, having the opportunity to impact someone everyday is very powerful. The words I use, my actions, and my attitude can help another human being to heal and that is something that I will remember all throughout my life. It is a profession that is exciting, ever changing, diverse, and allows opportunity for learning something new everyday. I chose the college of health professions of temple university because I believe that this would significantly educate and prepare me for my future in nursing. The college of health professions also stands out as a national leader in the education of health professionals. I am very pleased with my experience as a temple undergraduate and I believe that the college of health professions would be consistent with what I have learned so far and prepare me to become a nurse who is prepared for the ever changing healthcare field.

What does anyone else think about this?? I edited out the "repeat" statements in later paragraphs that reflect what you stated in the first paragraph. I noticed that you like the "definition" of a nurse, but they are not wild about that..they see that so often. Most of the people screening for the program are nurses, they know what it takes..they want to know if you have what it takes.good luck..let me know if you need more help or if you are all set.


I agree with trepinCT, I think you should leave out the "definintion of a nurse" part, because it's not "somebody who cares for a sick person." There's actually several definitions in the dictionary. If you wanted to use a definition, I would use the actual definition, citing the dictionary you got it from, and explain how you fit into that definition. I'm just saying that, because they may be sticklers about that kind of thing.

Another part I would suggest is changing the wording in "Throughout my life,I have seen all different kinds of people in poverty, may it be infants, children, elderly people and even disabled people." to something like "Throughout my life, I have seen all different kinds of people in poverty, including infants, children, and elderly people, many with disabilities." I'm only saying that because "even disabled people." is setting people with disabilities apart from other people, including infants, children, elderly people, when they're actually included in those age groups. A lot of nurses I know use People First language, where you put the person first, disability, and/or diagnosis, second.

I think your essay is coming out really good, and you have seen a lot of things, so you have a unique perspective, which I think will set you apart.


Did the question for the essay ask "Why do you want to be a nurse" or does it ask "Why are you considering this school for nursing" Mine asked the latter... just wanted to make sure.


ggabri07, BSN, RN

I was reading your post and opinions on her essay and you seem very knowledgeable to write an essay could I possibly email you or post mines for you to review as well

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Nursing Admission Essay Help with Examples

A nursing admission essay comprises an application paper that a prospective nurse writes to express their interest in studying nursing. Once you have made up your mind on studying nursing, the first step you have to take is identifying various institutions that offer nursing. Thereafter you should make an application in the institution you wish to join while expressing your interest for studying nursing. We usually offer nursing admission essay help where we provide all the required writing guidelines to prospective nursing students. 

A nursing application essay provides an individual with the opportunity to express themselves with regard to their intent and passion for studying nursing. According to Science Direct , the information that is provided in a nursing admission essay can be critical in determining whether the applicant’s decision is well-informed. We are going to discuss various details that can be critical in writing a good application while providing examples.

Alternative Terms for a Nursing Admission Essay

There exist various terms that can be used interchangeably while referring to a nursing admission essay. Understanding these terms will be critical in clearing any controversy that may arise due to encountering conflicting terms.

Nursing Application Essay

When required to come up with a nursing application essay, you should apply the same guidelines that one should provide in writing a nursing admission essay. The two terms can be used interchangeably and, in both instances, an individual is required to express their interest for the nursing profession. The examples that are provided below will provide clear insight into how a good application paper should be written.

Nursing Entrance Essay

In some cases, you may be required to write a nursing entrance essay while enrolling for a position in a nursing school. It is critical to note that such a prompt requires you to write an application essay. Although the instruction that are provided may differ from one institution to another, the motive for write is similar in all instances. Therefore, when requested to write a nursing entrance essay, it is important to express yourself with regard to your decision and passion for nursing.

Appropriate Statements for a Nursing Admission Essay

To come up with a good nursing application essay, it is important to have insight into statements that you should provide. Providing examples of these statements will enable readers brainstorm and even reflect on the decision made regarding studying nursing. 

Nursing admission essay

The following are some of the statements that can be synthesized to come up with a good nursing entrance essay. These statements have also been applied in coming up with the nursing application essay examples that have been featured below. 

  • Nursing is not just a profession for me; it is a calling that resonates with my core values of compassion, empathy, and service to humanity.
  • I am driven by an unwavering commitment to alleviate suffering and promote healing, both physically and emotionally, for patients from all walks of life.
  • The opportunity to make a profound impact on someone’s life during their most vulnerable moments is a privilege that fuels my passion for nursing.
  • I am fascinated by the intricate workings of the human body and the incredible resilience of the human spirit, and I aspire to play a vital role in nurturing both.
  • Nursing allows me to combine my intellectual curiosity, critical thinking skills, and attention to detail with a deep desire to provide personalized, holistic care.
  • I am drawn to the dynamic nature of nursing, where every day presents new challenges and opportunities to learn, grow, and adapt to ever-changing situations.
  • The ability to form meaningful connections with patients and their families, offering support and guidance during their most vulnerable times, is a profound responsibility that I embrace wholeheartedly.
  • I am passionate about advocating for patient rights, promoting health education, and empowering individuals to take an active role in their own well-being.
  • Nursing offers a unique opportunity to witness the remarkable journey of healing, from the initial diagnosis to recovery, and I am humbled by the privilege of being a part of that process.
  • I am driven by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in medical technology and best practices to provide the highest quality of care.
  • The nursing profession aligns seamlessly with my values of integrity, dedication, and a strong work ethic, which I believe are essential for delivering exceptional patient care.
  • I am passionate about collaborating with interdisciplinary teams, leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients.
  • Nursing allows me to combine my analytical skills with a deep well of empathy, creating a harmonious balance between scientific knowledge and compassionate care.
  • I am inspired by the idea of being a beacon of hope and strength for patients and their families during their most challenging times, offering guidance and support every step of the way.
  • The opportunity to contribute to the advancement of nursing research and evidence-based practices excites me, as it has the potential to revolutionize patient care on a global scale.
  • I am drawn to the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the nursing profession, which demands continuous learning, adaptability, and a commitment to personal and professional growth.
  • Nursing allows me to merge my love for science and technology with my profound respect for the human experience, creating a unique and fulfilling career path.
  • I am passionate about promoting preventive healthcare and educating communities on the importance of healthy lifestyles, as I believe that prevention is key to improving overall well-being.
  • The nursing profession offers a diverse range of specializations, and I am excited by the prospect of exploring various areas of expertise to find the perfect fit for my skills and interests.
  • Above all, I am driven by a deep-rooted desire to make a positive difference in people’s lives, and I believe that nursing provides me with the ultimate platform to achieve this noble goal.

With these statements, in mind, we are going to provide details on various parts of a nursing application essay.

How to Write a Nursing Application Essay

If you are have difficulties with how to write a nursing application essay, you can apply guidelines in this section for writing your essay. There exist various requirements that are critical to meet when writing an admission essay for nursing. We are going to discuss this information in detail to provide applicants with insight into how they can come up with a good application. A good nursing entrance essay should have three main sections that include the introduction, body, and conclusion where details to be included in each of this sections are as follows: 

Nursing Entrance Essay Introduction

You should ensure that you come up with a captivating title for your application essay after which you should then come up with an introduction.

  • The introduction should capture the interest of the reader and introduce them to the applicant.
  • One can begin with a general statement regarding the nursing profession as an opening prose.
  • It is also important to identify oneself while identifying the interest one has for studying nursing.

To obtain clearer insight into how to come up with this part, you can request for nursing admission essay help where we are always ready to offer the guidance that is needed.

Nursing Entrance Essay Body

This is the main section of a nursing entrance essay where one should provide various details on why they want to study nursing.

  • It is important to note that information provided in this section may vary based on the instructions provided by a specific institution.
  • However, some of the essential details that one should capture include information about experience, passion, competence, and opportunities for growth.
  • At first, you can begin by capturing details about your desire for building a profession in nursing.
  • If you have worked in a related profession or field, you can provide information regarding such details as seen in the nursing application essay 2 capture below.
  • It is important to show that you understand the nursing profession and therefore, you can provide details on some up the responsibilities you wish to build competence in.
  • Other details on goals you hope to achieve are also important to provide.

Considering these details and including them in your paper can help come up with a good nursing school entrance essay.

Nursing Entrance Essay Conclusion

This section should give closure to your essay as seen in the nursing application essay below.

  • You should not provide new information but details provided should summarize your application.
  • Apart from summarizing the main details put across, it can be important to express optimism towards being accepted in the institution you are applying.

With these details in mind, it can be possible to come up with a good entrance essay. However, if you need nursing admission essay help, we have a perfect solution for you. Additionally, the following are samples that will enable you come up with a good application essay.

Nursing Application Essay Samples

We have provided tow nursing application essay samples that will offer prospective nurses insight into how they can write a good application. By combining the guidelines above with these samples, it will be possible to come up with an entrance essay that meets required thresholds.

Nursing Application Essay Examples

Nursing Application Essay Example 1

A calling to heal: my journey to nursing.

From a young age, I was drawn to the idea of alleviating suffering and promoting healing. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the profound impact that compassionate and skilled nurses had on my family during times of illness and hardship. Their unwavering dedication, expertise, and empathy left an indelible mark on me, igniting a passion that has only grown stronger over time – a passion for the noble profession of nursing.

As I reflect on my path, I recognize that my interest in nursing stems from a deep-rooted desire to serve others and make a meaningful difference in their lives. Nursing is not merely a career choice for me; it is a calling that resonates with my core values of empathy, compassion, and a commitment to excellence. Through this profession, I have the opportunity to merge my intellectual curiosity with a genuine concern for the well-being of others, creating a harmonious balance between scientific knowledge and compassionate care.

My academic journey has been a testament to my unwavering dedication and determination to excel in the field of nursing. I have immersed myself in a rigorous curriculum, consistently achieving outstanding academic results while actively seeking out opportunities to gain practical experience. Through volunteering at local hospitals and clinics, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact that skilled and compassionate nurses can have on patients and their families.

During my time as a volunteer, I had the privilege of working alongside experienced nurses, observing their meticulous attention to detail, critical thinking skills, and ability to navigate complex situations with poise and professionalism. These experiences not only reinforced my passion for nursing but also provided me with invaluable insights into the multifaceted nature of the profession.

One particularly memorable experience that solidified my commitment to nursing was caring for an elderly patient who had recently undergone surgery. Despite the challenges of her condition, the nurses remained unwavering in their efforts to provide not only exceptional medical care but also emotional support. Their gentle touch, reassuring words, and genuine concern for her well-being made a profound impact on me. It was in those moments that I truly understood the transformative power of nursing – the ability to heal not just the body but also the spirit.

As I embark on this journey to become a nurse, I am keenly aware of the immense responsibility that comes with this noble profession. I am committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct, patient advocacy, and evidence-based practices. I am driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and I am excited by the prospect of continuous learning and professional growth that the field of nursing offers.

Throughout my academic and personal endeavors, I have cultivated a unique set of competencies that I believe will serve me well in my nursing career. My strong communication skills, coupled with my ability to empathize and connect with people from diverse backgrounds, will enable me to build trusting relationships with patients and their families. My analytical mindset and attention to detail will ensure that I can provide comprehensive and personalized care, while my resilience and adaptability will allow me to navigate the ever-changing landscape of healthcare with poise and professionalism.

Nursing is not just a profession; it is a calling that demands unwavering dedication, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. I am humbled by the opportunity to contribute to this noble field and to play a role in improving the lives of those in need. With my passion, commitment, and unique set of competencies, I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful impact as a nurse, and I eagerly await the opportunity to embark on this rewarding and fulfilling journey.

Nursing Application Essay Example 2

Admission essay: my passion for nursing.

From an early age, I felt drawn to careers focused on helping others. My grandmother spent her life as a nurse, and I admired her caring spirit and dedication to her patients. As I got older, I had the opportunity to work as a nursing assistant and experience firsthand the fulfillment that comes from providing compassionate care. It solidified my desire to pursue nursing as my life’s work.

Over the past three years as a nursing assistant, I have had the privilege of interacting with hundreds of patients across multiple healthcare settings. While providing basic care like bathing, feeding, and transporting patients, I aimed to treat each individual with the dignity and respect they deserve. Forming connections through small acts of kindness made difficult situations more bearable for my patients. Simple gestures like remembering their grandchildren’s names, singing favorite songs from their youth, or just lending an empathetic ear brought moments of joy during trying times.

One patient interaction that solidified my passion for nursing occurred last year. Mrs. Jones was an elderly woman confined to bed, awaiting placement in a skilled nursing facility. Initially combative due to dementia, she would lash out at nurses and aides, making her care challenging. However, I made an effort to connect with her on a human level beyond her illness. I learned she was a retired schoolteacher and a lifelong avid reader. I brought books from the library for her, and we discussed the stories which rekindled her calmer nature. By treating her as a whole person rather than just a difficult patient, I helped make her last days as comfortable as possible. Advocating for her needs exemplified how nurses can dramatically impact patient lives.

My passion for nursing stems from the merging of science and human compassion. The intellectual stimulation of pathophysiology and pharmacology excites the part of me that loves biology and physiology. However, the human aspect of developing relationships with patients, providing emotional and physical support, and being a calming presence during traumatic health events gives deeper purpose to my work. Nursing is the perfect synthesis of these aspects that both engage my intellectual curiosity and satisfy my calling.

After working as a nursing assistant, I recognize that entering the field of nursing is not just pursuing another job – it is answering a vocation. The nurse’s role of supporting the healing process for patients through expertise, empathy and care management is a sacred trust. It requires vigilance, stamina, and a steadfast commitment to advocacy. While the nursing career is challenging, I have seen that it brings a profound sense of meaning to answer such a noble calling. My role as a nursing assistant cemented my respect and admiration for the nursing profession. It also gave me clarity that by becoming a nurse, I can best live out my life’s purpose – to heal, to nurture, to care for others unconditionally.

In conclusion, my experience as a nursing assistant has shown me the tremendous impact nurses can have on patients’ lives through committed, compassionate care. More than just a job, nursing is a calling that allows you to merge scientific knowledge with humanitarian service. It is a sacred trust to advocate for patients when they are at their most vulnerable. While the nursing path is challenging, I have witnessed how it brings profound fulfillment to answer that calling. Nursing is the perfect vocation to live out my passion for helping others and working in a profession of service. I have a deep respect and admiration for the nursing profession cultivated during my time as an assistant. I am committed to upholding nursing’s hallmark values of human dignity, integrity, autonomy and social justice for all patients in my care. With my diverse experiences, I am prepared to embrace the intellectual and emotional demands of nursing wholeheartedly. I am confident that I can be an asset to your exceptional nursing program and make a positive impact on patient lives for years to come.

Nursing Admission Essay Help

Individuals can obtain nursing admission essay help if they are experiencing difficulties in coming up with their application. Our team of highly experienced experts is always ready to meet any guidelines learners may need in writing their applications. We have provided details and examples that are critical in enabling applicants come up with a good nursing school admission essay. However, if you need to obtain any guidance, we will be glad to offer insight into how you can go about in coming up with a good application essay.

We specialize in providing learners with the resources that can enable them succeed as they pursue their academics. Individuals are free to contact us to request for any guidance they may need in writing. You can check out various resources we have provided for students in various academic levels. With such resources, it is our desires to see that learners succeed. In this regard, feel free to apply the nursing application essay examples above along with the guidelines provided in writing.

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Nursing Application Essay Examples: Best Practical Tips

3 typical problems in writing a nursing application essay.

Although writing a nursing application is a complicated process, there is only a limited number of crucial problems you can face. I am sure you can easily deal with grammatical errors. However, many students struggle to find nursing application essay examples and more content-related tips. So, let’s cover these issues here and discuss particular nursing college application essay examples.

Problem #1: Generic content

A nursing application essay must always be specifically written for each particular college and program you are applying to. The admission committee and clinical employers have already seen tons of generic examples of the applicant’s experience and skills.

Students often write nursing application essay samples as a list of all their related interests in the field. To make your nursing college application essay examples more persuasive, saturate your letter with as many well-aimed arguments as possible.

Here is an example of overly monotonous arguments for a nursing application essay:

“I am eager to pursue a nursing career as it is well-respected, socially acknowledged, and meaningful. Nurses are often regarded as the unsung heroes of healthcare, and the respect extends out of the frames of the medical community. I have dreamed about becoming a nurse since a young age and did not change my decision over the years.”

This sample presents a nursing career similar to the reasoning of any other student who wants to get a degree. However, professional nursing school application essay examples must have more sincere reasons to pursue a career. For instance, you can briefly explain your personal story or the eagerness to understand the functioning of the human body for your and your family’s health.

Problem #2: Lack of good examples

Nursing common application essay examples are sometimes similar to the bold statement of your positive traits. For instance, essay examples may contain something along the lines of “being recommended as a good student by your school, having some experience in helping people, and having a great mission in mind.” While all these points may remain in the college application essay examples, nursing is a more demanding field than any other.

As a prospective nurse practitioner, you should be more specific about your experiences, reasons, and motives. For example, here is how you can present your career choice even if you have no related experience yet:

“I am applying for nursing school with quite vivid memories about my way to this field. Now, as I think back to my custom of thinking about body cells in literature class, it makes sense. As I think about every overly extended paper I wrote for my biology class, it makes perfect sense now. I set my mind on nursing on the day when my friend got diagnosed. But as it appears now to me, it was not a recently made decision.”

Problem #3: Lengthy or disorganized content

If you just google “essay examples nursing application,” the results may be as chaotic as the request. Then, the student may try changing the request a little bit to something like “examples nursing application essay,” or simplify it to “essay examples nursing.” But here is the moral of this analogy: the chaotic change of the variables still leads to chaotic results.

It’s the mistake many students make when they write application letters. If you see that some parts of your essay seem out of place or disorganized, please do not just move them randomly around the text. Instead, ask yourself what you want to say in this part. What are the key messages and the impact you want to make? Try again placing your content in the right spot after answering these questions.

3 Methods to Beat Common Application Mistakes and One Useful Inspiration Trick

Okay, I will be brief here to pay more attention to more examples later. I will just leave my best practical ideas on what you can do to avoid severe mistakes in application writing.

Generic content Think about how common reasons apply to your case.
Lack of good examples Think about the ideas or situations that always directly appeal to your emotions. These ideas are your true reasons that will make good examples.
Lengthy or disorganized content Do not randomly switch it to something else or change the sequence inside the text. Instead, create the structure first and the content second.

Can I use the essay samples from other fields similar to nursing application essay examples?

And here, we have a trick for finding inspiration for your application essay. For instance, here is an example of a college admission application letter for The University of Iowa’s Master in Fine Arts program. Does it relate to nursing in any possible way? No, not at all. Can it be a perfect structure or content sample for you? Yes, absolutely!

Professional Nursing School Application Essay Examples: From Theory to Practice

I believe the most in the power of practice, both in nursing and writing. So, after examining the bad examples nursing applications, let’s dive into the good examples. I will name one good tip to use in your letters for the introduction, body, and conclusion sections and one good sample nursing application for each. If you are ready for a little practice, carefully check the explanations first and then look them up in the text.

Nursing application essay example: Writing a good introduction

A tip for your application’s introduction: You can start a nursing essay example by connecting the storytelling about your motivation for studying with the program you are applying to.

Example: “In the nursing field, I am the most drawn to the ideas of patient-centered care and community outreach. These terms are buzzwords nowadays for their overuse in all relevant medical fields, but not for me. I am solemn in my desire to study the medicine that treats, heals, and sees people, not disease blanks in the records. And that is what I found in the [ Program’s title].”

Nursing application essay example: Writing good body paragraphs

A tip for writing a good body paragraph: If you want to write a good nursing care essay, do not share your experiences and skills separately. Instead, make the causal relations between the two and showcase how you learned your lessons from those experiences.

Example: “Volunteering at [Hospital/Healthcare Facility/NHs (nursing houses)] taught me one thing for sure. I have worked with a woman in her twenties who has diabetes. The medical team did a good job treating the patient’s coronary artery disease but she was anxious about taking a sedative to relax. She had a history of medical mistakes in the family when her father had an unknown allergy to the medicine. At that moment, I understood that the patients always need to clearly understand what is happening to them and what the team does to ensure their safety. I patiently explained all the procedures step by step, including the allergy testing, and the woman’s shoulders relaxed.”

Nursing application essay example: Writing a good conclusion

A tip for writing a good conclusion: End on a positive note and talk about your desired contribution to the field or patient’s life. A nursing essay should include a circular loop of a good hook in the beginning, strong arguments in the middle, and an eye-catching conclusion.

Example: “As any other person on this planet these days, I feel anxious about politics, wars, and climate change. However, as much as I cannot influence these large processes, I can help by being in my place and doing what I can. I believe that will make enough of a positive impact to make this world a little bit better.”

UW Nursing Application Essay Examples. 3 Tips to Adjust Your Application to a Particular University’s Requirements

Let’s say you want to apply to the University of Washington, so you are searching for UW nursing application essay samples. However, the better option is to write your most sincere application letter and then see how your priorities match the university’s requirements. Here are some ways to do that:

Write a list of the university’s requirements. In another column, write all the points that match the requirements well and think about what can compensate for the lacking points. If you must write a standard essay on why you want to be a nurse, you can at least make it more customized and well-thought-out.

Imagine your application is uploaded, and breathe the stress out. Now, after you imagine it uploaded, can you think of anything else you can do to make it better?

If you take too long writing the application, you can’t see the forest for the trees. Instead, search for some other genres similar to nursing application essay and check what you can pick from them.

Job Applications Are Similar to Nursing Application Essay Examples. Here Is How You Prepare Them

Nursing job application essay examples are indeed similar in structure and content requirements to those for university admission. More frequently, the clinic will request your CV, resume, or portfolio rather than an essay. However, you can use an essay application form to prepare your presentation in the interview.

Here is an example of a real job description from LinkedIn that shows how to do it:

I hope these tips and examples will help you get into the university of your dreams! See you soon with new insider information for your studying!

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University of Notre Dame

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Tips from Counselors

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Tackling the Personal Essay: Tips from a Notre Dame Admissions Counselor

Published: August 30, 2024

Author: Zach Klonsinski

If you ask almost any admissions professional which part of reading applications is their favorite, it’s likely their answer will be a resounding, “The essays!” Essays are where we get to engage with students’ hopes, fears, dreams, life experiences (and more) in their authentic voice. We are humbled every year getting to “meet” all the incredible young people who are applying to Notre Dame through their essays!

Tackling the Personal Essay: Tips from a Notre Dame Admissions Counselor graphic

Yet, writing an essay introducing yourself can be really hard. Maybe you’ve never done so before, or you haven’t for a really long time, and often it will seem really awkward. That’s OK!

It feels hard because it is–or at least it can be.

Don’t worry, though! I love sharing tips with applicants about the personal essay that will hopefully help you see it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and then share that discernment with the colleges who will be fortunate enough to receive your application!

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is by simply brainstorming! I love using pen and paper (I’m anti-pencil, though I realize that may be a divisive opinion). The physical materials help me feel less constrained by technology, though you may find the technology comforting.

Use bulleted lists or short phrases to capture ideas, life experiences, values, and more. Every day, set aside five minutes to write about yourself or your college discernment process without stopping to think. Where does your mind lead you when you get out of your own way?

Ask your friends and family to help you identify values that are important to you or things that make you.. well… you! Often it’s easier to highlight and say nice things about someone else than it is ourselves, so lean on those who know you well!

Group these collective nuggets to see if any patterns or stories emerge. Do you see any prompts on your application that align with your brainstorming? The Common Application, for example, has seven to choose from, including a make your own prompt! Start writing on one that makes you pause, as that means you might have something to say! Don’t be afraid to go longer than your word count or to use an atypical form of writing.

While that specific level of chaos may not work for you, I always recommend staying away from sentences and avoiding constraining yourself while writing because…

Editing is more than spelling and grammar!

When we want to “edit” something, it can be tempting to start–and just as quickly end–with spell check. (Yes, your essay should have proper spelling and grammar, but please know we are not reading your essay with a red pen “grading” every single comma.)

What is far more important–though also far more intimidating–is your essay’s content.

What really improved my writing actually had nothing to do with me–rather, it was finding trusted editors to give me honest and constructive feedback. While it’s tempting to have your best friend or family member read your essay, I’ve found my best editors possess a strong rhetorical mind, ask thoughtful questions, and are not afraid to tell me when something isn’t working the way I think it is.

This may describe someone close to you, but maybe not. Maybe there’s a classmate or teacher who you have always admired, even if you don’t know them that well. Editing is an incredibly vulnerable process; don’t be afraid to lean into that vulnerability! I promise that a strong editor who works with your voice and style–rather than rewriting your essay how they would have–will help bring forth an authentic essay you didn’t even realize you could write!

Speaking of, authenticity will lead to your best essay

The best application essay is the one that helps us get to know you. Period. Full stop. Any topic can be a good topic, any topic can be a bad topic. At the end of the day, the topic you choose to write about is only a gateway to help us get to know you!

Let’s think of it another way. Say you printed out your essay at your school, without your name or other identifying information on it, and someone who knows you picked it up and read it. If they said, “I bet this is (your name)’s essay,” I can already tell you’re on the right track. There’s something truly you about it!

Where can I find more about writing application essays?

I’m so glad you asked! On our On-Demand Sessions webpage , you can find a number of helpful recorded sessions from our College Application Workshop series. One of them, co-presented by yours truly, is called “Crafting the Perfect College Essay”. My colleague Maria Finan and I present our own tips and tricks for about 20 minutes and then take questions from a virtual audience for the remainder of the 45 minute session. I invite you to check it out, as well as the other sessions we have recorded!

Ready to Write Your App Essays? Advice from an Admissions Counselor on the Notre Dame Supplement

Zach Klonsinski

Zach Klonsinski is a senior assistant director with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

He is the regional counselor for Minnesota, Missouri (Kansas City), Wisconsin, Rwanda, Kenya, France, Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Monaco, and China - Beijing

  • Read Zach's profile.


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