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109 Medical Marijuana Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Medical marijuana has been a hot topic of debate in recent years, with many states legalizing its use for various medical conditions. If you are tasked with writing an essay on medical marijuana but are unsure of where to start, we have compiled a list of 109 topic ideas and examples to help inspire your writing.

  • The history of medical marijuana: How has the perception of medical marijuana changed over time?
  • The benefits of using medical marijuana for chronic pain management.
  • The role of medical marijuana in treating epilepsy and seizures.
  • How can medical marijuana benefit cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy?
  • The impact of medical marijuana on mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.
  • The potential of medical marijuana in treating PTSD in veterans.
  • The use of medical marijuana in alleviating symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
  • How does medical marijuana help with glaucoma?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with HIV/AIDS.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating Alzheimer's disease.
  • The potential of medical marijuana in managing chronic migraines.
  • How does medical marijuana help with arthritis pain?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with Crohn's disease.
  • The role of medical marijuana in treating Parkinson's disease symptoms.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in managing fibromyalgia pain.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on inflammatory bowel disease.
  • How does medical marijuana help with insomnia and sleep disorders?
  • The benefits of using medical marijuana for muscle spasms and tremors.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing chronic respiratory diseases.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating eating disorders.
  • The potential of medical marijuana in reducing opioid use for pain management.
  • How does medical marijuana help with nerve pain?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with autism spectrum disorders.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing Tourette syndrome symptoms.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating substance use disorders.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on patients with chronic kidney disease.
  • How does medical marijuana help with bladder control issues?
  • The benefits of using medical marijuana for patients with spinal cord injuries.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of endometriosis.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating hormone-related conditions.
  • The potential of medical marijuana in reducing muscle stiffness and spasms.
  • How does medical marijuana help with chronic fatigue syndrome?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with Lyme disease.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of lupus.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating chronic pelvic pain.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on patients with chronic pancreatitis.
  • How does medical marijuana help with liver disease symptoms?
  • The benefits of using medical marijuana for patients with chronic migraines.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating fibromyalgia pain.
  • How does medical marijuana help with chronic pelvic pain?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with liver disease.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of chronic pancreatitis.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating chronic kidney disease.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on patients with bladder control issues.
  • How does medical marijuana help with endometriosis symptoms?
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of hormone-related conditions.
  • The potential of medical marijuana in reducing muscle spasms and tremors.
  • How does medical marijuana help with autism spectrum disorders?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with nerve pain.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of Tourette syndrome.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating chronic respiratory diseases.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on patients with opioid use disorder.
  • How does medical marijuana help with eating disorders?
  • The benefits of using medical marijuana for patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of fibromyalgia.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating Parkinson's disease.
  • The potential of medical marijuana in reducing symptoms of Crohn's disease.
  • How does medical marijuana help with arthritis?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with multiple sclerosis.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of glaucoma.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating chronic migraines.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
  • How does medical marijuana help with epilepsy and seizures?
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating PTSD in veterans.
  • The potential of medical marijuana in reducing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
  • How does medical marijuana help with chronic pain?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with epilepsy.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of anxiety.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating PTSD.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on patients with Alzheimer's disease.
  • How does medical marijuana help with cancer pain?
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of epilepsy.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating anxiety disorders.
  • The potential of medical marijuana in reducing symptoms of PTSD.
  • How does medical marijuana help with Alzheimer's disease?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with cancer.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of chronic pain.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating epilepsy.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on patients with anxiety disorders.
  • How does medical marijuana help with PTSD?
  • The benefits of using medical marijuana for patients with Alzheimer's disease.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of cancer.
  • The potential of medical marijuana in reducing symptoms of epilepsy.
  • How does medical marijuana help with anxiety?
  • The benefits of medical marijuana for patients with PTSD.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating cancer pain.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on patients with chronic migraines.
  • How does medical marijuana help with epilepsy?
  • The benefits of using medical marijuana for patients with anxiety disorders.
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of PTSD.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating chronic pain.
  • How does medical marijuana help with cancer?
  • The role of medical marijuana in managing symptoms of chronic migraines.
  • Exploring the use of medical marijuana in treating anxiety.
  • The impact of medical marijuana on patients with PTSD.
  • The benefits of using medical marijuana for patients with cancer pain.

With these 109 medical marijuana essay topic ideas and examples, you are sure to find inspiration for your next essay on this important and timely subject. Whether you are exploring the potential benefits of medical marijuana for specific medical conditions or examining its impact on public health and policy, there is no shortage of interesting and relevant topics to explore. Happy writing!

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103 Marijuana Legalization Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best marijuana legalization topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on marijuana legalization, ⭐ most interesting marijuana legalization topics to write about, ✅ simple & easy marijuana legalization essay titles.

  • Reason Why Marijuana Should Be Legal This is an important consideration since data on the prevalence of Marijuana indicates that the US is still the world’s largest single market for the drug.
  • Legalizing Marijuana: Pros and Cons The focus of this paper will be on the impact of the legalization of the U.S.economy with possible positive and negative sides of the matter.
  • Analysis of Arguments: Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Pro Arguments: The majority of Americans agree on the necessity to legalize marijuana. This initiative is accompanied by concerns regarding the actual use of marijuana.
  • The Issue of Legalization of Marijuana The issue of the legalization of marijuana in the territory of the state is not unambiguous, therefore it is analyzed by a large number of specialists.
  • Marijuana Legalization: Controversial Issue in Canada Canada became the second country in the world to legalize the cultivation and consumption of cannabis in 2018. Besides, the substance is addictive, and it is challenging to stop consuming it.
  • Marijuana Legalization and Issues to Consider If marijuana is fully legalized, there might be a rise in use among youth, which is dangerous from the physiological point of view, and there will be no legal justification to end it.
  • The Relationships Between Marijuana and the Legal System The most common ideas discussed within a framework of this debate are connected to the issues of permission to keep marijuana at home for personal needs such as medical needs, and a total ban on […]
  • Pros and Cons of Legalization of Medical Marijuana It is evident that medical treatment with the use of marijuana would be beneficial for both: patients and the government because of the opportunity to earn on taxation.
  • Legalization of Recreational Use of Marijuana The role of the Supreme Court in the specified case boils down to stating the conditions, in which the prescription and the following use of marijuana by the patient, can be deemed as legitimate.
  • Marijuana Legalization: Chronic Seizure Treatment With that said, despite numerous states already having legalized one or both applications, the federal government remains opposed to either form of legalization, and marijuana possession and use remain federal offenses.
  • Legalized Marijuana: Negative and Positive Sides The economy and finance from the very beginning were anticipating that this law will bring the largest income to the state’s budget and create plenty of job opportunities under the rule of law.
  • Ethical Perspective of the Legalization of Marijuana In spite of a popular view of the medical benefits of marijuana, doctors insist that the use of marijuana provides the same dangerous effect as other drugs.
  • Marijuana Legalize: Advanatages and Disadvantages The truth that marijuana is illegal and prohibited is suitably caused by the number of funds invested in the war against drugs.
  • Medical Marijuana Legalization Concerns This change raises political concerns and requires the government to review its economy to adapt to the use of MM. The representation of the legal process highlighted the history of previous legislations and reported on […]
  • Medical Marijuana: Legal and Research Concerns However, while the purpose of recreational marijuana is often disconnected from its long-term effects on people’s health in scholarly discussions, the use of medical marijuana is viewed from the point of patient’s health and the […]
  • Marijuana Legalization in California The muscle relaxation effect of marijuana also appears to be a positive effect that should be used to argue for its legalization.
  • Medical Marijuana Legalization by National Football League However, it must be realized that some of these players are usually in excruciating pain to the point that some may have lost consciousness.
  • Medical Marijuana Legalization Rebuttal The claim of fact is that A.C.A.continues to be beneficial despite the arguments of Republican politicians and current challenges. The claim of policy is the appeal to Republicans and Democrats to work together on the […]
  • Legal Marijuana Market Analysis and Taxes Impact Consequently, the primary goal of this paper is to understand the impact of taxes on the financial stability of the market for legal marijuana with the help of the law of supply and demand and […]
  • Controversy Around Medical Marijuana Legalization The consideration of the problem of marijuana legalization from the perspective of public safety involves such points as crime rates and traffic accidents. The fact of economic benefits of the Cannabis legalization is also apparent: […]
  • The Legalization of Marijuana: Regulation and Practice It is imperative to note that legalization of marijuana is a topic that has been quite controversial and has led to numerous discussions and disagreements.
  • Concepts of Legalizing Marijuana Although in most cases, most individuals associate Marijuana with numerous health complications and social problems, for example, brain damage, and violent behavior hence, supporting its illegalization, such individuals take little consideration of its significance in […]
  • Marijuana Legalization in Illinois The case for legalization of marijuana in Colorado evidences the need to alter federal laws prohibiting marijuana for its legalization law to have both statutory and federal backing in the state of Illinois.
  • Public Safety and Marijuana Legalization Some of the states have failed to tax marijuana. Hence, it is difficult to get the precise figures in terms of tax values that states could collect from marijuana.
  • History and Effects of Legalization of Marijuana As predicted, the legalization of marijuana in several states has led to an increase of marijuana abuse among youngsters Studies have shown a pattern of the use of cannabis and risky behavior of the individuals.
  • Debates Around Legalization of Medical Marijuana The supporters and opponents of the legalization of marijuana have opted to focus on either the positive or the negative aspects of the effects of the drug to support their views on policies to legalize […]
  • Should Marijuana Be Legal? It is perhaps very essential to be acquainted with an account of laws that surround marijuana in order to understand the reasons why the drug ought to be legalized.
  • How New York Would Benefit From Legalized Medical Marijuana The arrests resulting from possession of marijuana in New York is quite huge compared to those in California and New Jersey states in America.
  • Should Be It Legal to Sell the Marijuana in the United States? What I want to know is the reasons of why so many people use such serious psychoactive drug as marijuana of their own accord and do not want to pay special attention to their activities […]
  • Supporting of Marijuana Legalization Among the Adult Population Proponents argue that legalization of marijuana will lead to increased revenues for the government amid economic challenges. Legalizing marijuana will not lead to cancer and deaths but will spark the debate for apparent effects of […]
  • Marijuana: The Issues of Legalization in the USA To understand all the possible effects of the marijuana legalization, it is necessary to pay attention to the definition and classification of the drug with references to determining the most important social and legal aspects […]
  • Reasons for Legalization of Marijuana The legalization of the drug would bring to an end the discrimination of the African Americans in marijuana-related arrests, reduce the sales of the drug and its use among teenagers, encourage the development of hemp […]
  • Legalizing Marijuana: Arguments and Counter-Arguments On the other hand, many groups have outlined that the legalization of marijuana would lead to an increase in the rate of crime in addition to opening up of the gateway to the abuse of […]
  • Should We Legalize Marijuana For Medical Use? In addition to that, the use of Marijuana especially by smoking either for medical reasons or to heal ailments, is a social activity that will help bring them together and improve their social ties.
  • Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized? The government should save that money it uses in prohibiting the use of marijuana as it has no proved harm to the users.
  • Arguments on Why Marijuana Should Be Illegalized The greater part of the population believes that the sustained use of this product is beneficial in numerous ways. Therefore, it is clear that the negative effects of the drug outdo the constructive ones.
  • A Case for Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is one of the drugs that the government policy targets and as it currently stands, the government uses a lot of resources in prosecuting and punishing marijuana consumers through the legal system.
  • Federal Government Should Not Legalize the Use of Marijuana On the other hand the use of marijuana actually increased in the country. It is not only the DEA or the federal government that is reluctant in the legalization of marijuana.
  • Issues with Marijuana Legalization in the United States This is the reason why the debate on the legalization of marijuana has been on the increase since the past 10 years.
  • Does Legalizing Marijuana Help or Harm the United States? The latter measure is not merely being advocated by the proponents of marijuana use since the legalization of marijuana has been supported by NAACP not because it fully backs the smoking of marijuana.
  • The Debates on the Legal Status of Marijuana This means that the use of marijuana encourages the consumption of other drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes. Additionally, the use of marijuana is associated with increase in crime and consumption of other illicit drugs.
  • Argument About Legalizing Marijuana in America Therefore, if at all the government of the United States is to prohibit the use of marijuana in the country, it should be ready to cater for the high costs that come in hand with […]
  • The Moral and Ethical Reasons Why Marijuana should be legal It is my humble opinion that the billions of dollars being spent on the war against marijuana should be diverted to more useful projects like feeding the less fortunate in the society.
  • The Problem of Legalization of Marijuana and Hemp Many individuals tend to believe that the use of Marijuana is morally wrong as it alters the mental state of the user and leads to dangerous addictions and actions in the end.
  • Minor and Major Arguments on Legalization of Marijuana Premises 1: If marijuana were to be legalized it would be impossible to regulate its’ sell to, and use by the minors. Making marijuana illegal is denying them a right to the use of this […]
  • The Reasons Why Marijuana Should be Made Legal Among the reasons that support the legalization of marijuana include: the medical basis that marijuana has some benefits and that the state could gain revenue from the trade of marijuana as opposed to the costs […]
  • Why Is Marijuana Legalized In Some States And Not Others? I consider the legalization of marijuana to be a positive step as its prohibition entails intrusion of personal freedom and just like any other substance it is only harmful when it is not taken in […]
  • Marijuana Legalization and Crime Rates The possible outcome of this effort will be the safe consumption of the drug, easy monitoring, and creation of awareness to the public on the dangers of excessive use of the drug and lastly the […]
  • The Effect of Legalization of marijuana in the Economy of California It has been predicted that if the government legalizes the drug, there will be a lot of changes pertaining to the demand for the drug in the market and as a result, there will be […]
  • Marijuana Must Not Be Legalized According to the national institute of drug abuse, the active chemical in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, act on the region of the brain responsible for time awareness, sensory, attention, thoughts, memory and pleasure.
  • Policy Brief: Why Marijuana Use Should Be Legalized in the Us In this perspective, it is valid to argue that marijuana users may be undergoing long incarcerations in US jails due to the misconceived fantasies that took root in the public mind in the 1930’s, and […]
  • Analyzing Arguments Against Marijuana Legalization
  • America Requirements Medicinal Weed: Marijuana Legalization
  • Arguing for Medical Marijuana Legalization
  • Benefits Associated With Marijuana Legalization
  • Analysis of Marijuana Legalization in Canada
  • The Relationships Between Marijuana Legalization and the DEA
  • Governmental Regulation of the Marijuana Legalization
  • Exploring the Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization
  • Defining the First Steps Toward Marijuana Legalization
  • Going Green: Analyzing Marijuana Legalization
  • How Marijuana Legalization Will Affect Public Health
  • Debate on Whether It’s Time for Marijuana Legalization
  • Economic Benefits of Marijuana Legalization
  • Marijuana Legalization and How It Affects the GDP
  • Link Between Marijuana Legalization and National Debt
  • The Relationships Between Marijuana Legalization and Taxation
  • Marijuana Legalization: Arguments and Criticism
  • Benefits of Marijuana Legalization for Society
  • Marijuana Legalization: Cause and Effect
  • Benefits of Marijuana Legalization for Medical Purposes
  • Marijuana Legalization Could Lower Crime Rates
  • Social Issues Associated With Marijuana Legalization
  • Marijuana Legalization: The Reasons for Legalizing Marijuana and for Keeping It Illegal
  • Medical Marijuana Legalization and Controversy
  • The Link Between Modern Liberalism and Marijuana Legalization
  • Marijuana Legalization Could Reduce the Amount of Money the Government Spends on Prisons
  • Principles of State and Federal Marijuana Legalization
  • Marijuana Legalization: Good for the Nation?
  • Support for Marijuana Legalization Against First Age
  • Marijuana Legalization: Growing the Economy or Destroying Lives?
  • The Controversy Over Marijuana Legalization
  • Marijuana Legalization: Implications for Property or Casualty Insurance
  • The Cross-Border Spillover Effects of Recreational Marijuana Legalization
  • Marijuana Legalization: Should the Federal Government Legalize the Use of Marijuana?
  • The Debate Over the Controversial Subject of Marijuana Legalization in the U.S.
  • Marijuana Legalization: PREPARE and IMAGINE Models
  • Overview of Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative
  • Marijuana Legalization: Adverse Health Effects
  • The Problem of Marijuana Legalization and Criminalization
  • Analysis of Marijuana Legalization and Possible Effects
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IvyPanda. (2023, September 26). 103 Marijuana Legalization Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marijuana-legalization-essay-topics/

"103 Marijuana Legalization Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Sept. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marijuana-legalization-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '103 Marijuana Legalization Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "103 Marijuana Legalization Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marijuana-legalization-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "103 Marijuana Legalization Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marijuana-legalization-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "103 Marijuana Legalization Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marijuana-legalization-essay-topics/.

Catchy Marijuana Essay Topics for Students

Topics about marijuana are on high demand today among students, and they are writing many works concerning this theme. To meet this demand, EssayShark essay writing service has prepared a list of topics on legalization, cultivation, and distribution of medical and recreational cannabis. The theoretical works and research dedicated to the history of marijuana legalization help to make scientific progress and exclude unconfirmed attacks on prohibition or legalization of this kind of psychotropic drug.

With the help of the list of marijuana essay topics, students can share their unique point of view and write about it through an expanded answer on any controversial question.

Ideas for Topics About Marijuana for Students to Write a Great Essay

  • Why isn’t marijuana legalized in the US? Should the government change this position towards medical or recreational cannabis?
  • How can we reduce addiction to smoking marijuana and drinking among students in their first year in college?
  • Smoking among students and problems with the law in Kentucky.
  • The lens of marijuana and the social norm that is breached among youth in the US.
  • How is the deviance of smoking controlled among children? Why do some people diverge from the norm?
  • What are the challenges of marijuana legalization?
  • The way the US government combats smoking: education and taxation policies.
  • How are psychological problems related to smoking marijuana?
  • The way a person’s thought patterns change after a long period of smoking marijuana.
  • What problems do behavioral patterns cause with a person after long-term smoking of marijuana?
  • Long-term marijuana use and its impact on people around.
  • Psychological changes after long-term marijuana usage. How does it get in the way of accomplishing a person’s goals?
  • How has the legality of marijuana changed worldwide in the last five years?
  • The conflict between federal and state marijuana laws in the US and its possible solution.
  • What is more harmful to the human health and body: tobacco or marijuana?
  • How does quantitative and qualitative research in counseling affect the legalization of marijuana?
  • Legalization of marijuana in British Columbia.
  • Why is tobacco legal throughout the US but marijuana is illegal in most states?
  • Health benefits of medical marijuana, including treatment of pain, Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsy.
  • The healthful and harmful effects of marijuana on the heart, brain, and lungs.
  • Does marijuana legalization have an impact on the level of crime in any country?
  • Dangers of marijuana and the effect it has on students’ studying process.
  • Should the Australian government approve the use of medical marijuana throughout the country?
  • Why is Texas less prone to accepting the legalization of marijuana than Colorado?
  • Does recreational marijuana use affect performance and motivation in young adults during education?
  • Should marijuana be legalized in Canada, and why?
  • The subsequent social impact of marijuana prohibition initiatives in the US.
  • Do the benefits of medical marijuana justify its legality?
  • Should individual states have more or less power compared to the federal government when implementing laws dealing with the legalization of marijuana?
  • The social construction of marijuana.
  • Does marijuana use affect the transition to heavier drugs?

EssayShark is an essay writing service with a global approach to help students with their homework. Our team doesn’t do your tasks instead of you, but we do give you a simpler way to deal with it. Use our suggestions on marijuana essay topics from this list and get inspiration for your next writing.

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Marijuana Legalization - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Marijuana legalization is a contentious issue with implications for health, economy, and society. Essays might explore the arguments for and against legalization, the experiences of regions where marijuana has been legalized, and the legal, economic, and social ramifications of legalization. Additionally, discussions might extend to the medical uses of marijuana, its impact on the criminal justice system, and its societal perceptions. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Marijuana Legalization you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Marijuana Legalization and Regulation

Medications/Drugs are a part of everyday life. We take medications for various ailments, to return ourselves to good health. Yet, as time and healthcare technology have moved along, we have discovered that some medications or drugs are inherently good (i.e.: antibiotics, cancer medications, and insulin) and some are inherently bad or, at least, can be used for bad purposes (i.e.: mind altering substances such as LSD, and cocaine). The "bad" drugs can be deadly. They have effects that can addict […]

Medical Marijuana and Marijuana Legalization

Thursday, June 09, 2011 Much debate has been conducted regarding the legalization of marijuana, with an unusual amount of contradicting research. There are many perspectives to take into account, and they always seem to come down to the personal motives of the debater. Whether it's being argued from a medical, political, or economical perspective; it continually comes down to whether Federal Government should be our dictators or we should be responsible for our actions. The Canadian medical Association Journal reports […]

Marijuana should be Legalized?

We are living in an era where noxious things like alcohol, rum and cigarettes -that lead us to nothing but a dreadful death- are legal, and a plant which has no obnoxious effects on our body and mind is illegal. For years and years, marijuana has been used as a mean to achieve elation. The criterion to impose a ban on something, or to term it illegal, is that its cons should overshadow its pros; and that it will have […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Medical Marijuana Legalization the Good Bad and Ugly

The legalization of medical marijuana has been discussed amongst the country's states for decades. Medical marijuana legalization has taken a positive shift throughout these years and is now legal in 20 states and the District of Columbia. The initial drug, marijuana, was band for the dangerous effects it brought to people. Throughout the year's people have turned to marijuana to ease anxiety, pain, and stress. Legalizing marijuana has brought multiple perspectives on the topic. Differences such as medical marijuana legalization, […]

Medical Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana legalization has become a topic of relevance in the United States as recent changes in various state legislations fuel the controversial issue relating to its effects on society. With more than thirty states legalizing marijuana for medicinal or recreational uses, the once taboo topic has reemerged into the spotlight for policymakers to consider the benefits and adverse effects of cannabis for state legislation. Although the legal status is changing nationwide, the uncertainties surrounding marijuana today stem from the political […]

Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana

When we first picked our topic for our presentations I had an idea of what we were going to do. Ideas from school shootings to you and human trafficking were some I was thinking of. The drug epidemic was what first came to thought but I felt that was to broad of of a topic. With state after state legalizing Medical or Recreational Marijuana it is becoming more likely within the near future will become federally legal. Today there are […]

Against Marijuana Legalization

In my high school years I met a lot of people, I’ve meet hundreds of people who ruined their lives by just “trying” a drug. One of those friends is named Carmen, my dear friend Carmen smokes marijuana recreationally everyday, she’s tried everything under the rainbow; pot brownies, gummi bears, cookies, anything that you can think of is probably an edible. She’s even forced me to try marijuana when we were in high school once. It was the worst experience […]

Marijuana Legalization in Texas: an In-Depth Examination of the Ongoing Debate

The contentious issue of marijuana legalization has engendered fervent discourse across the United States, resulting in a patchwork of divergent legislation among different states. The state of Texas, renowned for its traditionally conservative ideology, is now grappling with a pivotal juncture as it engages in more prevalent deliberations around the legalization of marijuana. The primary objective of this essay is to critically analyze the complex and intricate discourse pertaining to the subject matter in the state of Texas. This analysis […]

Legalization of Marijuana: Good or Bad

The legalization of marijuana is a hot topic these days. Marijuana has been legalized in many different states. Colorado legalized marijuana for recreational use in 2012. Since then, Texas has been talking of legalizing it as well. Although the legalization of marijuana has brought quite a bit of controversy over the nation, I believe the good outweigh the bad. Marijuana is used for different medical reasons, ranging from anxiety all the way to helping some side effects of cancer. Many […]

Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

Marijuana, also known as pot, weed, kush, or dank, is a debated topic nationwide. Surveys have shown that " more than half of American adults have tried marijuana at least once in their lives ...nearly 55 million of them, or twenty two percent, currently use it"(Ingraham). Many people believe that there are only few negative effects affiliated with smoking weed, but there are many poor and preventable outcomes that are not always taken into consideration. The effects of marijuana on […]

A Legalized Drug in the United States

In the United States, marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs that should have been legalized a long time ago along with alcohol. Although, 15 states in the United States have already legalized the use of marijuana, many others still lag behind at the thought of even legalizing Cannabis. In addition, many people think that marijuana is a bad drug, while on the other hand, people like myself believe for many reasons that it should be legalized. Marijuana […]

Pro-Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana has always been a much-discussed subject that has sparked heated discussions among experts and officials, in addition to a perpetual dialogue among family and associates. This is primarily due to the fact that people are still divided on whether cannabis should be legalized or not. While many people are aware of the dangers of cannabis for recreational purposes, many states are pushing for the legalization of medical cannabis. Several studies of cannabinoid elements have revealed its medicinal qualities, which […]

Proposal One: Impact on Warren, MI’s Future

Proposal One is the allowing of individuals age 21 and older to purchase, possess and use marijuana and marijuana-infused edibles, and grow up to 12 marijuana plants for personal consumption. Impose a 10-ounce limit for marijuana kept at residences and require that amounts over 2.5 ounces be secured in locked containers. Creating a state licensing system for marijuana businesses including growers, processors, and transporters. Ryan Mainer (Libertarian party) supports proposal one. How do we know this is true? He has […]

The Legalization of Marijuana Today

Over the last decade, there has been plenty of speculation revolving around the whether the legalization of marijuana is even ethical, well it is here, and it is legal. For the time being it happens to be in only a select number of states. Despite some people not agreeing with various laws that have decriminalized marijuana because they still believe it is a harmful "drug" for humans. Well when the facts reveal the real benefits from marijuana and how it […]

Legalization of Marijuana: the Current Situation

Scholars are increasingly exhibiting interest in matters concerning marijuana legalization especially considering laws related to healthcare. The increments in interest emanate from concerns that legalization of this drug is not in alignment with existing health-related laws according to the federal government (Kilmer et al., 2010). According to Hopfer (2014), the government has failed to fully support legalization because few studies have been conducted to prove its medicinal worth. Nonetheless, medical legalization of this particular drug is increasingly gaining support. A […]

Marijuana Decriminalization in all States

The government should legalize marijuana on the federal use due to the multifaceted health, economic, and criminal benefits now outweigh the outdated downsides of use. Many researchers have come to the conclusion of outdated research not being correct. "One function of government is to protect citizens from harm, whether it is from foreign enemies or from internal causes such as poisonous food or contaminated water." Researchers believe that legalizing marijuana will not help the people only harm them and the […]

The Cost and Benefit of Legalization of Marijuana

In recent years, marijuana has become a controversial topic, and the United States government has been struggling to find a solution for the legalization of marijuana. Some argue that the government should legalize marijuana because it is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. They also believe legalizing marijuana will decrease crime rates, especially drug trafficking. It is because marijuana is illegal in most states, and its penalties are often quite harsh, which can deter people from committing related crimes. Others […]

Legalization of Marijuana Throughout States

Legalization of marijuana use is spreading throughout states in the nation. There are many people who want to make recreational marijuana legal in the state of Texas. Some opponents of keeping marijuana criminalized argue that it would decreased alcohol and tobacco consumption, makes people passive and peaceful and that it aids those who are in pain. However after researching the effects that long-term marijuana use has on people, one will find that those are not realistically always the case and […]

The Impacts of Legalizing Marijuana

The impacts of legalizing marijuana have been far reaching. Legal or not, there are health issues to consider when it comes to medicinal purposes or recreational purposes. Studies show that non-medical marijuana users are at an increased risk for physical ailments involving the respiratory system and pulmonary functions. Psychological problems are also a concern, involving depression, insomnia, anxiety, and drug addiction. Other things associated with marijuana use are criminal justice involvement and lower academic achievement and functioning (Lankenau, et al., […]

Legalization of Marijuana and Economic Growth

These would make occupations as well as set the ball moving for financial action in the pot business in these regions. On account of states like California and Nevada where such foundation as of now exists, the financial effect has turned out to be more quantifiable as the part has developed. A RCG Economics and Marijuana Policy Group consider on Nevada says that legitimizing recreational marijuana in the state could bolster more than 41,000 employments till 2024 and produce over […]

Marijuana as a Psychoactive Drug

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used for medical or recreational purposes. It is sold in the form of dried leaves which can be smoked. Recreational marijuana was introduced in the U.S in the early 20th century by immigrants from Mexico. Marijuana is a controversial topic in the United States because many people think it shouldn't be legalized . Some will agree on making it legal throughout the United States, and some would think otherwise. Many debates […]

Persuasive Speeches on Legalizing Weed: Exploring the Benefits and Concerns

Introduction Legalizing marijuana is a controversial topic for many states. If marijuana is legalized, it would save prisons and jails funds because they could release people who have been convicted of felonies with the dealing of this incidental drug. This means that the government would have more money to use towards education on the safe use of the product and the prosecution of dealers who control the use of extremely dangerous hard drugs. However, people against legalizing marijuana argue that […]

The Case against Legalizing Marijuana: Health Social and Economic Concerns

Marijuana legalization sparks intense debates with folks arguing fiercely on both sides. Yet the case against it packs a punch when you weigh up the potential health risks social changes and economic fallout. While some sing praises for legalizing pot it's crucial to dig into what all this could mean for us. First off you can't brush aside the health risks tied to using marijuana. Loads of studies link it to serious health problems especially among young folks. Regular use […]

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How To Write an Essay About Marijuana Legalization

Introduction to marijuana legalization.

When embarking on an essay about marijuana legalization, it's crucial to begin with a comprehensive overview of the topic. Marijuana legalization is a multifaceted issue that encompasses legal, medical, social, and economic dimensions. Your introduction should briefly touch upon the history of marijuana use and its legal status over time, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of the arguments for and against legalization. Establish your thesis statement, outlining the specific aspect of marijuana legalization you will focus on, whether it's the potential medical benefits, the social implications, or the economic impact of legalizing marijuana.

Examining the Arguments for Legalization

In this section, delve into the arguments commonly made in favor of legalizing marijuana. These arguments often include the potential medical benefits of marijuana, such as its use in pain management and treatment of certain medical conditions. Discuss the viewpoint that legalization could lead to better regulation and quality control of the substance, as well as potentially reduce crime rates related to illegal drug trade. It's also important to consider the economic aspect, such as the revenue generated from taxing legal marijuana sales. Provide well-researched evidence and examples to support these arguments, ensuring that your essay presents a balanced and informed perspective.

Exploring the Counterarguments

Next, address the arguments against marijuana legalization. These may include concerns about the health risks associated with marijuana use, such as potential impacts on mental health and cognitive function, especially among young people. Discuss the fears that legalization might lead to increased usage rates, particularly in adolescents, and the potential for marijuana to act as a gateway drug. There's also the argument regarding the challenges of enforcing regulations and controlling the quality and distribution of legal marijuana. Like the previous section, ensure that you present these counterarguments with supporting evidence and a fair analysis, demonstrating an understanding of the complexities of the issue.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points from both sides of the argument. This is your opportunity to reinforce your thesis and provide a final analysis of the issue based on the evidence presented. Reflect on the potential future of marijuana legalization, considering the current trends and policy changes. A well-crafted conclusion should provide closure to your essay and encourage the reader to continue contemplating the nuanced aspects of marijuana legalization. Your concluding remarks might also suggest areas for further research or consideration, underscoring the ongoing nature of the debate surrounding marijuana legalization.

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173 Marijuana Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on marijuana, ✍️ marijuana essay topics for college, 👍 good marijuana research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot marijuana ideas to write about, 🎓 most interesting marijuana research titles, ❓ research questions about marijuana.

  • Marijuana and Its Use in Healthcare
  • Policy Brief: Marijuana Policy
  • The Legalization of Marijuana
  • Pot for Pain: Medical Marijuana for Veterans
  • Benefits of Legalizing Medical Marijuana
  • Marijuana Legalization: Cannabis Use Among US Adolescents
  • Marijuana Policy: Analyzing Ideology and Compromise
  • Legalization of Marijuana as Controversial Topic The paper determines whether or not marijuana should be legalized. It is a very controversial topic, and many factors must be considered before deciding.
  • The Controversy Surrounding Marijuana Legalization Hashish, weed, marijuana, and hemp are all common names for a plant from Central Asia, which today is used not only in textile production and medicine.
  • Supporting and Opposing Recreational Marijuana Legalization Approximately 28 million years ago, on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, the cannabis plant underwent evolution, as revealed by a pollen study released in May 2019.
  • The Marijuana Use Impact on the Brain Activity Marijuana exposure has a severe effect on the structural parts of the brain, transforming the functioning of receptors and changing the natural work of individual parts.
  • Marijuana Effects on Risk of Anxiety and Depression The current paper aims to find out whether medical cannabis can positively affect anxiety and depression and the process of their treatment.
  • Legalization of Marijuana in the US The legalization of marijuana is one of the longest-running debates in the United States that has attracted public attention.
  • The Marijuana Impact on Biopsychology of the Brain The influence of marijuana on the neurobiology and biopsychology of the brain is one of the critically significant issues in the field of biological psychology.
  • The Marijuana Use Effects on the Human Brain This paper explores the theory that marijuana use causes structural changes in the human brain hemispheres, amygdala, and hippocampus.
  • Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized The paper is designed for adolescents and adults who are concerned with the issue of whether marijuana legalization is needed in the USA.
  • The Impact of Marijuana Studies The impact of marijuana has been researched for a long time, yet society’s perceptions of its practicality vary because of cannabis’s unclear effects.
  • Legalization of Marijuana in the Commonwealth of Virginia This paper focuses on marijuana legalization in the Commonwealth of Virginia compared to the states of Colorado and Washington and the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Legalizing Marijuana: Analysis of Arguments Marijuana legalization has negative and positive impacts on the health of the people and society. This paper analyzes both sides of the argument.
  • Discussion of Legalization of Marijuana From View of Law The review discusses and evaluates some of the existing perspectives on the legalization of marijuana, as well as to argue in favor of the initiative.
  • The Marijuana Legalization Arguments Analysis Despite the increased debate about marijuana legalization, countries should not pass laws that permit its medical and recreational use.
  • Discussion: Marijuana and the Federal Law There is a need for the federal government to establish laws that aim at regulating cannabis use in states where the drug is legalized.
  • Marijuana Legalization in Texas The problem of marijuana legalization in Texas is a recurring public discussion that includes various and sometimes polarized opinions.
  • Legalizing Medical Marijuana Marijuana has medical and scientific importance for patients suffering from such health issues as chronic pains, cancer symptoms, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Medical Marijuana and Governmental Policies in the US Permitting the administration of medical marijuana is a necessary policy that should be sustained on various governmental levels.
  • Marijuana Abuse: Annotated Bibliography Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that the COVID-19 pandemic had a highly negative impact on the nation’s overall health and well-being.
  • Marijuana Legalization Issues in the USA Recreational use of marijuana should still be considered an unreasonable solution due to the harm that uninhibited consumption of marijuana will entail.
  • Why Marijuana Should Be Legal? There are many arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana, including that marijuana is used for medicinal purposes, it is safer than other drugs.
  • Legalization of Marijuana in the United States The main objective of this study is to look at the problem of legalizing marijuana in the United States from different angles.
  • Prohibiting Legalization of Marijuana in the US The purpose of this paper is to define the conditions under which the legalization of marijuana should be prohibited regardless of its potential help.
  • Issue of Legalizing Marijuana Legalizing marijuana is a necessary step for the United States to provide people with the medical and recreational means they need.
  • The Pros of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana should be legalized because it has numerous medical benefits, it will boost the economy, lower the crime rate, and create employment opportunities.
  • Marijuana: Benefits of Legalization The government’s control can help to monitor the composition of the drug and reduce the number of health problems linked to it.
  • Discussion of Marijuana Legalization The paper argues that legalizing marijuana has some advantages and disadvantages and analyzes its effects on society.
  • Marijuana Addiction: A Sociological Perspective Marijuana use issues are frequently connected with reliance in which an individual feels withdrawal manifestations when not taking the medication.
  • Marijuana Use: Positive and Negative Effects Marijuana has both positive and negative effects – it can both help to relieve chronic pain and can make certain people uncontrollable and violent.
  • The Position Concerning the Legalization of Marijuana The paper argues in different ways for the position concerning the legalization of marijuana. They differ in the approaches to the analysis of this problem.
  • The Legalization of Marijuana in Canada Legalizing marijuana improves the Canadian economy, allows the government to control marijuana sales, and increases the criminal justice system’s inequalities.
  • Marijuana Use: The Impacts Among College Students The significant impacts of marijuana use include mental challenges which inhibit cognitive development and psychological growth among college students.
  • Legalization of Marijuana in Canada In 2018, Canada became the first industrialized nation to legalize marijuana, which resulted in both positive and negative consequences.
  • Marijuana: Limitations of Individualistic Explanations Medicinal Marijuana its wide use and the fact that the drug is addictive, several studies have been undertaken by scholars to have a deeper understanding of marijuana.
  • Adverse Effects of Smoking Marijuana on Probation The smoking marijuana is associated with many possible negative health effects. Despite the initial euphoric state, panic attacks, confusion and anxiety are common.
  • Legalization of Marijuana and Prostitution Every state should develop ways of controlling the influence of selling marijuana and prostitution before establishing a conclusion on legalizing it.
  • A Controversial Issue About Using the Marijuana The issue connected with the use of marijuana has passed through many generations and has been discussed in many cultures from different points of view.
  • Arguments Against the Legalization of Marijuana I am persuaded to state that legalizing marijuana is a serious mistake if committed by a state and it’s not only morally wrong but it’s a time bomb.
  • Marijuana Legalization and Its Use Among American Teenagers Opponents against the liberalization of marijuana counter that marijuana is not a munificent drug and that its use can attract various problems to an individual.
  • National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws This paper is about the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, which advocates for the legalization of the use of marijuana for recreational and medical purposes.
  • Does Marijuana Use and Misuse Cause Cancer? The purpose of this paper is to review two studies that have attempted to define the possible link between marijuana use/misuse and lung cancer.
  • Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado and Washington The legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington has raised a lot of controversy in American society in the recent past.
  • Rhetorical Qualities of the 1969 Marijuana PSA This mini-essay will assess the anti-marijuana PSA from 1969. Due to the presence of several logical fallacies in it, presently produces the exact opposite effect of the intended one.
  • The Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act The Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act, which will unify the rules for the use of marijuana and promote the development and price reduction of this healthcare service.
  • Legalization of Recreational Marijuana In recent years, the United States public has seen a strong debate about the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.
  • Perspectives of Legalizing Marijuana in Texas Marijuana has the capability of becoming an important substance in the world today. The government must take the responsibility to legalize it.
  • Analysis of Legalization of Marijuana A focus on the reasons for marijuana legalization and its integration into medical practice. The first reason for cannabis legalization is its efficiency in relieving fibromyalgia pain.
  • The Use of Medical Marijuana in the Fight Against Various Diseases The use of medical marijuana can have a significant positive impact on the health of people with chronic pain. They can reduce anxiety, get rid of depression, and overcome insomnia.
  • Is Marijuana Consumption Allowed for Medical Purposes? In the United States, the use of marijuana has been subjected to critics from the government and social organizations. Today, it is prohibited by the U. S. law.
  • The Challenges and Benefits of Medical Marijuana Cultivation The paper aims to discuss medical marijuana and analyze the challenges and benefits of medical marijuana cultivation.
  • Miami-Dade Marijuana Abuse The project was interesting and practical, providing me with useful insights regarding community health centers.
  • Marijuana Legalization in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota The current essay discusses how federalism relates to the legalization of marijuana and argues that the legalization of marijuana is an example of the states as “laboratories of democracy.”
  • Reasons for Banning Marijuana Use The primary argument against the legalization of Marijuana is the common belief that it may lead to psychological disorders.
  • Legalization of Marijuana and Other Illegal Drugs The essay relates both the pros and cons of legalizing drugs, but since there is a solid argument for both sides, a conclusion cannot be reached unless more research is conducted.
  • Legalization of Marijuana Essay Example The nationwide legalization of marijuana is not a positive option since it can contribute to motor vehicle crash fatalities, does not reduce crime rates, and affects teenagers’ health.
  • Decriminalization of Marijuana: Advantages and Disadvantages This research paper discusses different sides of the problem through the profound study of certain marijuana cases, and the drug-related laws were also used as examples.
  • Opioids and Marijuana for the Chronic Pain Conditions Treatment Chronic pain accompanying a variety of conditions is an important issue when it comes to the provision of healthcare services.
  • Opposing the Use of Medical Marijuana Arguments on the benefits of medical marijuana can be negated by many research studies concerning the harmful effects of its use, whether for medicinal or recreational purposes.
  • Legalization of Marijuana: The Pros and Cons of the Drug From an evaluation of the pros and cons listed in the paper, it is clear that marijuana holds more harm than the risk to society.
  • Remedies for Marijuana Addiction Every community has a given limit of tolerance that is accorded to the behavior and conduct of its people and this is guided by moral, spiritual and legal principles.
  • Should Marijuana Be Legalized? This paper analyzes two research articles in an attempt to present arguments for the legalization of cannabis.
  • Opposition Towards Legalization of Marijuana The international community has not yet come to the consensus as to the legalization of soft drugs, and marijuana, in particular.
  • Decriminalization of Marijuana Laws Decriminalization of marijuana law is replacing “current criminal penalties for marijuana processions with civil penalty and fines”.
  • Economic Effects of Legalizing Marijuana The paper will concentrate on looking at the economic benefits of legalizing the drug and also the possible negative effects that may result.
  • Decriminalizing Marijuana: Pros and Cons It has been suggested, that legalizing or at least decriminalizing marijuana can help to reduce violent crimes and significantly decrease the number of people incarcerated for drug use.
  • Contradiction for Universal Legalization of Marijuana Some people insist on marijuana legalization not only in medical sphere but also in every day life. The legalization of marijuana should never be allowed.
  • Marijuana Should Be Legalized in the United States It can be clearly seen how the legalization of Marijuana if only for medical purposes can bring the United States some much-needed revenue in these dire economic times.
  • Recreational Marijuana Consumption and Acceptance Marijuana use is generally associated with younger people, but people of any age may employ the drug for recreation.
  • The Controversy Over Marijuana Legalization The topic of marijuana legalization has been debated at the global level for numerous decades. It is important to have a certain idea about the subject of discussion.
  • Marijuana Legalization Controversies: Arguments For and Against The topic of marijuana legalization has always been a subject of numerous heated debates for decades. The legislative measures and methodological tools to study both positive and negative effects are present.
  • Recreational Marijuana Should Be Legal and Regulated This argumentative paper offers powerful reasons that explain why the federal government should legalize and regulate recreational marijuana.
  • Recreational Marijuana Is Beneficial in America The debates over whether recreational marijuana should be legalized provide various arguments that were propounded by both supporters and opponents.
  • Marijuana Use Education: Policy Brief Discussions about cannabis and its legalization within the state have been prolonged and resulted in several states declaring the use of marijuana legal.
  • Marijuana Legalization and Possible Effects The media discusses the necessity of legalizing marijuana to be used for medical purposes and to help patients deal with chronic illnesses.
  • Concepts of Legalizing Marijuana Considering the many economic, health, and social gains, which may result as a product of legalizing Marijuana, it is very important for the federal government to weigh such gains, hence legalize its usage.
  • Marijuana Convictions Reversal: Innovative Policy This paper proposes a policy that the government may adopt to reverse marijuana conviction among those who were sent to prison for distribution or possession of marijuana.
  • Marijuana Legalization and Criminalization The government can introduce awareness programs to sensitize the citizens on the dangers of excessive use of the drug.
  • Medical Marijuana: Treatments and Legislative Change Medical marijuana can be listed among controversial drugs that are viewed through the prism of negative stereotypes.
  • Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative This paper at hand will analyze the Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, Amendment 2, which was passed in the state of Florida on November 8, 2016, and came into legal force on January 3, 2017.
  • Marijuana Legalization: Adverse Health Effects Legalization of recreational marijuana consumption has garnered much support in recent years as the movement spread across several states in the US.
  • New York City Marijuana Legal Policy Issuing tickets to people smoking marijuana in public places will free up police resources and will decrease racial disparities.
  • Marijuana Legalization: PREPARE and IMAGINE Models Marijuana is a common drug that is present in many regions around the globe. This research uses the PREPARE and IMAGINE model to evaluate the legalization of marijuana.
  • Legalization of Marijuana: Reasons Marijuana is a psychoactive substance that is classified as an illegal drug in the United States. This study analyzes the reasons why should legalize marijuana.
  • Marijuana Social and Health Effects on Teenagers Consumption of illegal drugs among teenagers or adolescents is a problem that has serious health and social concerns.
  • Medial Use of Marijuana in Texas: Pros and Cons Medical marijuana is a topic that has gained much attention in Texas. It should be observed that the policy has attracted both supporters and opponents.
  • Marijuana Use and Governmental Regulation in the US Most of the US population has felt that the use of marijuana should not be under government regulation. But, until now any unauthorized handling of marijuana is illegal.
  • Should Marijuana Be Legal in United States? Most Studies reported that around 60% of all Americans consider that marijuana should be legalized, and the remaining 40% considers that marijuana should be prohibited.
  • Marijuana Popularity, Its Causes and Consequences The primary cause of marijuana’s popularity is its availability due to legalization and advancements in production.
  • Legalization of Marijuana: Pain Management Media discusses the necessity of legalizing marijuana to be used for medical purposes and help patients deal with chronic illnesses.
  • Medical Marijuana Bill, Its Pros and Cons This paper reviews the pending of Bill 1397, concerning particular issues associated with the medical use of marijuana, which has already been declined several times.
  • Bioethics: the Use of Marijuana for Medical Purposes Bioethicists should use the best ideas in order to deal with the controversies associated with medical marijuana. Some health practitioners support the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
  • Should the Federal Government Legalize the Use of Marijuana? Such fear and the need to exploit the numerous benefits of marijuana are what have triggered a very controversial debate on whether the government should legalize its use.
  • Marijuana Legalization Debate: Arguments Against Legalization Article posted by the Editorial Board of the Washington Post newspaper, the rush to legalize the use of marijuana should be rejected by Washington D.C voters.
  • Legalizing Marijuana in Washington and Colorado Legalizing marijuana will definitely make it cheaper in the market in spite of the associated taxes that will be levied by the respective state authorities.
  • Marijuana Rules and Regulations in Colorado Marijuana legalization has been a major issue in the U.S. for quite a while. The arguments of both proponents and those opposed are very legitimate.
  • Health Law: Legalization of Marijuana in the US Marijuana is a useful drug that can have a lot of benefits to the society contrary to the common belief that it is a harmful drug.
  • Legalization of Marijuanas: Essay Example Also known as cannabis, Marijuana primarily consists of dry leaves of the hemp plant that people chew or smoke in order to experience euphoric effects.
  • Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized and Crack or Cocaine Remain Illegal Marijuana (cannabis) has varied medicinal uses, and many States in the Americas have allowed the possession and use of small quantities of marijuana for medicinal purposes only.
  • Abnormal Psychology Problem: Excessive Use Of Marijuana And Alcohol
  • What are the Medical Causes and Effects of Marijuana Use
  • War Against Marijuana Legalize it
  • The Benefits and Advantages of the Legalization of Marijuana
  • The Long Term Effects Of Marijuana
  • United States Government’s False Portrayal of Marijuana
  • United States Senate and Medical Marijuana Card
  • The Controversy Surrounding the Legalization of Marijuana in the U.S
  • State vs. Federal Marijuana Legalization
  • Reasons for the Legalization of Marijuana
  • The Top Ten Reasons Marijuana Should Be Legalize
  • Argument for the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Use
  • Speech: Drug Addiction and Marijuana Law
  • Good and Bad Efficacy of Marijuana
  • The Uncommon Facts That People Don’t Know About Marijuana
  • Smoke Signals and Mixed Messages: Medical Marijuana & Drug Policy Signalling Effects
  • The Pros and Cons of the Legalization of Marijuana and the History of the Criminalization of Marijuana
  • Should States Have Legal Control of Medicinal Marijuana
  • Hemp and Marijuana Eliminating the Confusion
  • Differences Between Hemp and Marijuana
  • Drug Addiction and Responsible Marijuana
  • How Gender and Age Effects Marijuana Usage and Brain Function
  • Physical, Emotional and Social Impairment Caused by Marijuana
  • The Positive and Negative Impacts of the Legalization of Marijuana
  • Rogerian Argument for Marijuana Legalization
  • Justin Trudeau and the Reasons Why Teens Should Have Access to Legal Marijuana
  • The History and Possible Legalization of Marijuana
  • Recreational Marijuana Should NOT Be Legal
  • Decriminalization Policy And Marijuana Smoking Prevalence: A Look At The Literature
  • Historical Context Paragraph for Marijuana
  • The Cross-Border Spillover Effects of Recreational Marijuana Legalization
  • Perceived Racial Discrimination and Marijuana Use a Decade Later; Gender Differences Among Black Youth
  • The Green Need for the Fight for Marijuana Reform
  • Modern Liberalism and Marijuana Legalization
  • The Fight for Marijuana Legality
  • Medical Marijuana Packaging Market – Global Industry Analysis
  • The Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana
  • Marijuana Prohibition Has Failed United States
  • The Debate Concerning the Legalization of Marijuana
  • Late Adolescent Development Should Marijuana Be Legalized
  • Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes Should Be Legalized in the United States of America
  • What Is the Impact of Marijuana Decriminalization?
  • What Are Some Misconceptions About the Usefulness of Marijuana?
  • What Is the Rebuttal Argument Against Legalization of Marijuana?
  • Should Canada Legalize the Use of Recreational Marijuana?
  • Should Governments Legalize and Tax Marijuana?
  • Should the Medical Use of Marijuana Be Legal in the US?
  • What Are the Benefits and Advantages of the Legalization of Marijuana?
  • What Are the Common Symptoms and Side-effects of Medical Marijuana?
  • What Are Cardiovascular System Effects of Marijuana?
  • What Are the Acute and Chronic Effects of Marijuana on Individuals?
  • What Types of Marijuana Users Are There by Longitudinal Course?
  • Why Synthetic Marijuana Is Considered as the Legal Way to the Grave?
  • What Form of Treatment of Marijuana Dependence Are There in Medicine?
  • Do Medical Marijuana Laws Increase Marijuana Use?
  • What Are the Dangers and Consequences of Marijuana Abuse?
  • Why the Demand for Cocaine and Marijuana by Youth Is So High?
  • What Are the Differences Between the Recreational Drug Marijuana and Its Medical Oil?
  • What Will Federal Marijuana Reform Look Like?
  • What Are the Primary Effects of Marijuana?
  • Is Effective Treatment of Tourette’s Syndrome With Marijuana Even Real?
  • What Are Dose-related Neurocognitive Effects of Marijuana Use?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Marijuana Initiation and Dropping Out of High School?
  • What Should Marijuana Prohibition Was Racist From the Start?
  • What Health Problems Are Derived From Marijuana?
  • Why Some Countries Will Never Legalize Using Marijuana?

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"173 Marijuana Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 18 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/marijuana-essay-topics/.

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Marijuana Legalization Protests on Trump’s Inauguration

Why i changed my mind on weed, the consequences of legalizing marijuana.

Hire an expert to write you a 100% unique paper aligned to your needs.

Why Marijuana should be Legalized

The negative effects of using marijuana while pursuing a college education.

Words: 1160

Should Marijuana be legalized?

Words: 1139

Why should we legalize Marijuana?

Words: 1201

Conservative New Jersey lawmaker wants to allow residents to grow marijuana

Legalizing marijuana: pros and cons, benefits and hazards of medical marijuana.

Words: 1958

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What Is a Marijuana Essay

Let us start with the marijuana essay definition. What do we mean by this article? What should it look like?

Considering the name, this topic is rather understandable. It is usually a five-paragraph article that discusses medical uses, advantages or disadvantages, or other points concerning cannabis. This topic is rather controversial. So, you can choose your own perspective. Depending on what perspective you choose, make sure that you have scholarly articles and statistics to prove your point.

As it is an academic medicine essay , any student probably knows that the minimum length for such a paper is five paragraphs. Therefore, you have one paragraph of introduction, three paragraphs of the main body, and one of conclusion.

Marijuana Essay Examples Making Your Writing Stand Out

Here you can definitely find an excellent example of marijuana essay in pdf. However, we’re not here only for samples. We also have several tips that will be useful for you without further ado.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how any student can write a medicinal marijuana essay.

  • Check samples that a student can find here.
  • Choose an appropriate topic. It should be narrow enough to discuss using students’ word count.
  • Do proper research. Use only academic materials and resources.
  • Create an outline.
  • Start drafting, preferably from a thesis and the main body.
  • Later you can finish your introduction and conclusion as they are very similar.
  • Edit and proofread your article about cannabis!

As you can see, these steps are very easy and anyone can write a successful academic essay about this topic. But, please, don’t skip the steps of creating an outline and proofreading. They are crucial for the quality of the students’ work. Need some inspiration? Browse different examples we have on our platform, such as drugs essay or drinking and driving essay .

Medical Marijuana Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay on medical marijuana is the first type of article that we can discuss with you. You probably know how to write argumentative papers by now. Therefore, we will focus more on the topic itself. 

For instance, our argumentative essay about medical marijuana can discuss its legalization.

So our main argument is that cannabis can be legalized, especially for medical reasons. To develop a believable argument, you definitely must provide evidence.

Evidence can be taken from academic journals, newspapers, governmental websites, and other scholarly sources. Even if you’re sure that your argument is great, you should use evidence anyway. It will help you to prove it to your readers. Browse any example of argumentative essay to get some inspiration.

Medical Marijuana Persuasive Essay

Persuasive essays on marijuana are the next type that you can definitely consider. As it is a controversial topic and many have mixed thoughts on it, you can work on persuading the audience. For instance, cannabis should be banned. 

Once more, there are those who are for legalization and those against it. Try considering both opinions and persuading people that your point of view is correct. Many students use evidence and statistics for persuasion. Do not forget that persuasive essay marijuana requires persuasive language. Even though it should be academic and professionally written, it should never be dry.

It is challenging to get the tone, academic voice, and persuasive essay format properly. So, students reach for our samples that were donated by other students.

Marijuana Essay Outline

Apart from samples, we also want to give you an outline for essay on medical marijuana . It is always good to remember that an outline is not an essay. So all evidence or information you use must be shortened. Moreover, students definitely include their thesis statements here. 

Example of marijuana essay outline


  • Include statistics on how many people have prescriptions for medical cannabis.
  • Mention that legalization is very popular now and not only in the United States.
  • Thesis: Legal cannabis helps greatly with pain, yet might have several negative effects.
  • What countries continue legalizing hemp.
  • Uses of hemp for medical purposes.
  • Possible negative effects of hemp on the human body.
  • Even though there are several negative effects of hemp, a lot of countries vote for its legalization.
  • Summarize a topic and close with a final statement.

Students should definitely create their own outlines because it will save them lots of time during writing. It also makes an overall article possess a better quality. 

Marijuana Essay Introduction

The introduction for marijuana essay is the first thing that readers see. However, we do recommend students write an introduction after an outline. Before, prepare a draft of the main body as well. Introduction was proven to be more clear and concise after students already have other parts, except for conclusion. 

Introduction normally consists of a hook, background, and thesis statement. These are crucial elements to any introduction. As we are talking about a specific topic,  students can mention general statistics in their introduction. Say how many people use medical cannabis there. Later they can talk about the origin of this herb and present their main argument.

As you will see from our donated samples, our introduction captures attention. But you should never be afraid of it!

Example of introduction to marijuana essay Environmental strategies are broadly applied in the prevention of substance abuse. Moreover, the strategies are mostly a necessity of the program for prevention for beneficiaries of public health aid. The strategies are geared towards fostering personal behavior change. Approaches based on the environment can be applied at the levels of the community as well as national and regional level. The approach involves community mobilization, community connectedness, and neighborhood changes, policy changes, communication campaigns and changes in enforcement.

Marijuana Essay Thesis Statement

Medical marijuana thesis will present the main arguments and points to students. These arguments will further be discussed in body paragraphs. However, the thesis should always be concise, clear, and informative enough to understand the overall purpose of students’ articles. 

If your essay uses three separate points to prove your argument, one’s thesis should reflect that. We will give you a good sample so you can see everything for yourself. In any case, you can try our easy-to-use thesis generator free any time.

Marijuana thesis statement

Cannabis is widely known for its medical uses, including pain relief. Yet, there are countries that vote against its legalization because of its accessibility, negative effects, and connection with drug use. 

Marijuana Essay Body Paragraph

We have finally come to a marijuana essay paragraph. If you wrote articles before, you know that each paragraph requires at least three sentences. If you write a five-paragraph article, the main body takes up to 80% of the overall work. So, you have lots of opportunities and places to use evidence. It helps properly develop your argument too.

If students write a persuasive or argumentative article, they should definitely start their paragraphs with an outline. It is one of the best ways to keep track of evidence and focus on the main point. Otherwise, students might get lost in all the resources they have found prior. You will see that donated examples are clear and understandable. It is all because every sample contains its outline. 

Example of marijuana essay body paragraph

The existing strategy on enhancing evidence-based approach and policies, and improving the usage of environmental level mechanisms, has influenced leaders of the community to consider direct decision making. The direct decision making should be based on applicable environmental approaches. Also, community leaders should put an effort in matching particular environmental approaches towards the hindrance of specific substances. For example, heroin and cocaine or patterns of substance use for instance conspicuous periodic consumption.  

Marijuana Essay Conclusion

The final part of any article is obviously a conclusion for marijuana essay. We always recommend students write a conclusion right after they have finished their introduction. In several ways, both parts are very similar to one another. So, combining and finishing them together saves students lots of time. 

A normal conclusion has 10% of the overall word count. It also consists of a rephrased thesis statement, a quick summary, and a closing statement.

Closing statements are usually the most important parts of any conclusion. It is up to students what they want to write there. We usually advise thinking about the importance of their topic. Research on how other thoughts can be used by other people. 

Marijuana essay conclusion examples

Maybe just as important as what is available in the existing literature is what is lacking. Due to the wide difference in norms of the culture, laws of the country and local policies regarding marijuana usage, the prevention sector is lacking some consensus on what method of non-medical usage of marijuana is challenging, for whom as well as on what basis.  Rates of marijuana usage and relationships of marijuana usage resulting from certain countrywide research do not justify for marijuana usage as lawfully recommended for medical reasons, for instance, the Countrywide Survey on Drug Consumption and Wellbeing. Thus, it results in an attempt to scrutinize the effect of laws on medical marijuana and other related policies regarding medicinal usage on rates of general consumption.

Marijuana Essay Topics That Will Blow Your Mind

Are you looking for a marijuana topic that will make time spent on writing about them worth it? We have lots of them here. They will inspire you to write your own article. Besides, you are not obliged to use them word for word. Experiment, change, and be inspired.

Marijuana argumentative essay topics

  • Should cannabis be decriminalized?
  • What are the possible consequences of cannabis?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of prescribing medical cannabis.
  • The economic value of cannabis.
  • Correlation between cannabis and violence.
  • Possible effects of hemp on mental and physical health.
  • What country might benefit from cannabis legalization most at this time?
  • Netherlands: Lessons to learn on legalization.
  • Should hemp be allowed for individuals younger than 18 years old?
  • Cannabis as a powerful pain reliever: Hidden disadvantages. 

We hope these topics will inspire you to start writing right away!

FAQ About Medical Marijuana Essays

Yes! All our free marijuana essays don’t require payments or credit cards. We have mentioned this before, but they were donated by other students. That is why we tried sharing them with as many people as we can. Therefore, you don’t need to register, fill in personal information or deal with hidden fees and payments. Use this service as much as you need and as many times as required.

An essay about marijuana often discusses the advantages and disadvantages of cannabis. There must be a solid reason why cannabis is legalized in several countries, including the United States. Here are some benefits students can include in their article:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Destroys cancer cells.

Students can start with these benefits for their article.

It is an article that discusses the positive and negative effects of marijuana essay. Cannabis has both effects on the human body. Students will find these ones to be mentioned in academic articles:

  • Pain relief
  • Heightened senses
  • Distorted sense of time
  • Lowered motor skills.

We are sure, there are many more than students can research on their own. These are just several ideas to start with.

Essays on marijuana normally start with a hook. It is the first sentence of the introduction. This hook can be anything. In this case, students can, for instance, mention how many countries legalized this herb for medical procedures. As long as it draws attention, hooks can be a lot of things. Rhetorical questions are also popular.

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  3. 211 Marijuana Essay Topics & Examples - IvyPanda

    Compose an eye-catching title. Marijuana essay titles are already intriguing, so do your best not merely to draw your readers in but to prepare them for your argument by demonstrating your stance on the topic. If you are still not sure how to begin your paper, look for sample ones online.

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  6. 30 Marijuana Research Topics for Students - EssayShark

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  8. 173 Marijuana Essay Topics & Research Titles at StudyCorgi

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  9. Winning Marijuana Essays: Full Writing Guide & Free Examples

    For instance, our argumentative essay about medical marijuana can discuss its legalization. So our main argument is that cannabis can be legalized, especially for medical reasons. To develop a believable argument, you definitely must provide evidence.

  10. 12 Smart Sources to Support Your Medical Marijuana Essay - Kibin

    Writing a medical marijuana essay? Gathering credible sources is the first step in the research process. Get a head start by checking out these 12 sources.