IELTS Preparation with Liz: Free IELTS Tips and Lessons, 2024

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics & Questions

A list of common topics and questions for IELTS speaking part 2. Speaking part 2 is called:

“The Talk”

A face to face talk with the examiner (3-4 minutes)

You will be given a topic card (cue card). You will have 1 minute to prepare your talk and then you will need to speak for 1-2 minutes. Start preparing as soon as you are given the card, paper and pen. The examiner will let you know when to start talking. Keep talking as long as you can. Most topics are stories about yourself or something that happened in your life.  The common topics are: an object (thing), a person, a place, an event (occasion) or an activity . See the examples below to help you prepare.

Art (object)

Describe a piece of art you like. You should say: what the work of art is when you first saw it what you know about it and explain why you like it.

Book (object)

Describe a book you have recently read. You should say: what kind of book it is what it is about what sort of people would enjoy it and explain why you liked it.

Communication (event/occasion)

Describe a piece of advice you recently received. You should say: when this happened who gave you the advice what the advice was and explain how you felt about the advice.

Daily Routine (event/occasion)

Describe a time of the day you like. You should say: what time of day it is what you do at that time who you are usually with and explain why you like it.

Embarrassment (event/occasion)

Describe a time you were embarrassed. You should say: when it was who you were with what happened and how you coped afterwards

Exercise (activity)

Describe an exercise you know. You should say: what it is how it is done when you first tried it what kind of people it is suitable for and explain why you think it is a good exercise.

Family (person)

Describe a member of the your family you get on well with. You should say: who it is what relationship you have to that person what that person is like what you do together and explain why you get on so well.

Gift (object)

Describe a gift you recently gave to someone. You should say: who you gave it to what kind of person he/she is what the gift was what occasion the gift was for and explain why you chose that gift.

Hobby (activity)

Describe an interesting hobby. You should say: what it is what kind of people do it how it is done and explain why you think it is interesting.

Internet (object)

Describe a useful website. You should say: what it is how often you visit it what kind of site it is what kind of information it offers and explain why you think it is useful.

Journey (event/occasion)

Describe a journey that didn’t go as planned. You should say: where you were going how you were travelling who you were with what went wrong and explain what you would do differently.

Kindness (person)

Describe a person you know who is kind. You should say: who it is how you know this person what sort of person he/she is and explain why you think they are kind.

Language (object)

Describe a language you have learned. You should say: what it is when you started learning how you learned it what was difficult about it and why you decided to learn that language.

Law (object)

Describe a good law. You should say: what it is who is affected by it and why you think it is good.

Music (object)

Describe a song you like. You should say: what kind of song it is what the song is about when you first heard it and explain why you like it.

News (event)

Describe some good news you recently received. You should say: what the news was how you received the news who gave it to you and explain why this was good news.

Old people (person)

Describe an old person you know. You should say: who this person is how old he/she is what this person is like and explain why you like this person.

Peaceful Place (place)

Describe a place that you find peaceful. You should say: where it is when you first went there what you do there and why you like it

Photograph (object)

Describe a photograph you like. You should say: what can be seen in the photo when it was taken who took it and explain why you like it.

Relax (activity)

Describe something you do to relax. You should say: what it is where you do it when you first did it and why you find it relaxing.

Respect (person)

Describe someone you respect. You should say: who the person is how you know about this person what this person does what this person is like and explain why you respect this person.

Sport (activity)

Describe a sports you would like to learn. You should say: what it is what equipment is needed for it how you would learn it and explain why you would like to learn this sport.

Time of Day (event/occasion)

Describe your favourite time of day You should say: when it is what you like to do  and why it is different to other parts of the day

Travel (place)

Describe a place you have recently visited. You should say: where you went who you went with how you got there and explain why you enjoyed it.

Unexpected (event)

Describe an unexpected event.

You should say: what it was when it happened who was there why it was unexpected and explain why you enjoyed it.

Vocation (object)

Describe a vocation you think is useful to society. You should say: what it is what it involves what kind of people usually do this work and explain why you think it is useful to society.

Water (place)

Describe a place near water. You should say: where it is how you get there how often you do there what you can do there and explain why you like it.

Your Favourite Shop (place)

Describe your favourite shop. You should say: where it is how often you go there what it sells and explain why you think it is a good shop.

Zoo (place)

Describe a place with animals. You should say: where it is how you heard of it what animals can be seen and explain why it might be an interesting place to visit.

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IELTS Speaking practice: Education

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This is a full IELTS Speaking sample with questions related to Education topic .

See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Education topic >

You probably know what do such phrases as " bookworm " or " bachelor's degree " mean. However, it's not enough to simply know the meaning! In IELTS Speaking test you are assessed for your fluency and coherence , and thus you have to accurately use your advanced vocabulary while speaking. In this IELTS Speaking sample we collected various questions + model answers on Education Topic that you may encounter on the speaking test.

Our special formatting styles:

Useful linking phrases are in blue IELTS speaking vocabulary is in bold (put your mouse over such text to see explanations).

Do you work or are you a student?

At the moment I'm studying. I’m doing a graduate degree in molecular biology in the Vanderbilt University.

Why did you choose that subject?

I've always loved life sciences, particularly biology... And when I received my bachelor's degree An undergraduate course which usually lasts 3 or 4 years. I took a research internship in a laboratory where I studied interactions between proteins... And then I understood that I want to pursue my career in To continue career path in. biochemistry or molecular biology.

Can you describe yourself as a good student?

Well , overall I think I am a good student. ... I am not an eager beaver A very enthusiastic and hard-working person. , nor the teacher's pet Student whom teachers like the most. ... but I'm good at scientific subjects and, most importantly , I like studying.

Do you study English now?

Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school?

I've never really liked school... I'm not a bookworm A term to describe someone who really likes to read and spends a lot of time on it. and a lot of humanities subjects seemed too boring to me. However , the workload An amount of work one should do in a specific time period. was not too big... The other good thing about school is being able to see your friends. And fortunately , I had wonderful classmates.

Now, have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.

  • When it was
  • Why was it hard
  • What you were doing at that time

I would like to talk about my last school year. It was really diffucult due to enormous amounts Very big amounts. of homework I had to do and all the exams I had to prepare for... Em, so I studied hard, having no time to goof around Spend time doing nothing important. ... Moreover , I forgot a lot of things from the school curriculum, that's why I had to do a lot of revision... But despite the tough preparation, I managed to set aside some time To take some time. to rest and interact with my friends and family... After all , my efforts were not in vain Without result. ... I passed all the exams well and was admitted to the university of my dream.

What are some essential qualities every teacher should have?

As for me , every teacher should be able to catch student's attention To interest someone. . It is very important to make your subject interesting to the others... Also , teacher should be a subject specialist A person who is very talented in one specific field. and a kind, helpful person. .

What are some pros of studying on a distance learning course?

To be honest , I think it's very advantageous to study in such way... It gives you more time flexibility, especially if you have a job... Not to mention that it is fairly cheap Not very expensive. , compared to face-to-face classes A traditional way of studying: in a classroom with a teacher. ...

Does everybody get equal opportunities to study?

Definitely not . I think it really depends on a country you live in... Moreover , it depends on your financial capabilities An ability to pay for something. ... Some schools and universities are just too expensive... Only a small fraction Small part. of people can afford to study there.

IELTS Charlie

Your Guide to IELTS Band 7

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Questions, Topics, Tips and Preparation Advice

Here is my essential guide to Part 2 of the  IELTS Speaking test . In this guide you can find out everything you need to know.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: what is it?

  • In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you give a  talk .
  • You should be prepared to speak for   2 minutes (the examiner will ask you to speak for 1 to 2 minutes: ignore this! Aim to speak for 2 minutes. )
  • It’s your chance to show the examiner how well you can talk for an extended period .
  •  Many people call it “ The Long Turn ” because it is your turn to speak for a long time.
  • 2 minutes doesn’t seem like a long time, but if you’ve never done it before, it can seem like forever! Even for native speakers. So practise speaking for 2 minutes!

So get prepared! Keep reading…

IELTS Speaking Part 2: what happens?

In IELTS Speaking Part 2, the examiner will ask you to speak for between one and two minutes on a topic.

  • The IELTS examiner will give you a topic card . On the card, there will be a short description of a topic, with some ideas for what to include. The topic will be related to  personal experience , for example a person you know or an event you participated in.
  • The examiner will give you exactly  one minute to prepare your talk. The examiner will give give you a piece of paper and a pencil to write down some ideas. You could make a list of ideas and keywords, or draw a mind map.
  • After one minute, the examiner will ask you to  you to start your talk.
  • You give your talk. You are expected to speak, without interruption from the examiner, for up to  two minutes . The examiner will listen and say nothing, but she/he might nod and gesture in order to encourage you to continue talking.
  • After 2 minutes the examiner will interrupt you. They will probably ask you one extra question about the topic (sometimes they will ask 2, and sometimes 0ne question). You only need to give a short answer to this question.
  • Then, you go straight into IELTS Speaking Part 3

NOTE: during the IELTS Speaking Test, the examiner will write some numbers down on a piece of paper. These are the times that different parts of the test started. For example, one time they write down is the start of your 1 minute preparation. Don’t worry about these numbers! They have nothing to do with your band scores!

What is the IELTS examiner looking for?

In IELTS Speaking Part 2, the IELTS examiner will assess your speaking task against the IELTS assessment criteria . There are 4 areas: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation.

To get a band score of 8.0 , this is what you must achieve in these 4 areas:

  • Fluency and Coherence : you should speak fluently. Occasional hesitation for language or ideas is acceptable. Your talk should be coherent and well-structured. Your talk should also be relevant to the topic given.
  • Lexical Resource : you should use a wide range of language appropriately with some idiomatic language (some mistakes are accepted). Your vocabulary needs to show that you can talk about a variety of different topics. This is what is meant by flexible use of language.
  • Grammar : you should be using a wide range of grammatical structures with only very rare errors.
  • Pronunciation : your pronunciation should be easy to understand throughout, and you should use a variety of pronunciation features, such as intonation, connected speech, word and sentence stress and a steady pace of speech (not too slow and not too fast). Speaking too fast will hold your band score down.

For more details, read my article on IELTS speaking band scores and how to get an 8.0 .

Typical IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics

IELTS Speaking task 2 topics are related to personal experiences and life events. Typical topics include:

  • school, study and work
  • important events or changes in your life
  • places you’ve been to or want to visit in the future
  • hobbies and free time activities
  • goals and ambitions

Here are 5 typical IELTS speaking part 2 topics here. Think about how you might talk about these things.

A Beautiful Place

Describe a beautiful place to visit in your country.

You should say:

  • where it is
  • how to get there
  • what there is to do when you are there

and explain why you recommend this place.

An Artist or Entertainer

Describe an artist or entertainer you admire.

  • Who they are and what they do
  • How they became successful
  • How you found out about them

And explain why you admire them.

School Subjects

Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school.

  • When and where you started studying it
  • What lessons were like
  • What made the subject different from other subjects

And explain why you enjoyed the subject.

An Important Choice

Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.

  • When you had this choice
  • What you had to choose between
  • Whether you made a good choice

And explain how you felt when you were making this choice.

Describe a job you have done.

  • How you got the job
  • What the job involved
  • How long the job lasted

Describe how well you did the job.

Tips for IELTS Speaking Part 2

Now you know all the basic information about IELTS Speaking part 2. Now it’s time for some tips.

1. Make notes before you talk

The examiner will give you one minute to prepare your talk. You should write down some notes. Write down a list of words related to what you want to say, or draw a mind map. If you have to think about what to say when you’re talking, you will not be able to think about your language, so you are more likely to make grammatical mistakes. It’s also very common for candidates to panic when they are talking, and forget what to say; if you have notes, you won’t forget what to say if you panic.

MOST candidates don’t do this well. They write just 2 or 3 things on the paper, and they spend most of the preparation time thinking about what to say. The problem with this approach is that as soon as they start speaking, they forget what to say! SO MAKE DETAILED NOTES! Practise making notes as part of your preparation for the speaking test.

2. Memorise a good opener

Starting your talk is difficult, so memorise an opening phrase.

Here are some good examples:

  • “I’d like to talk about…”
  • “Well, there are many _________ I could talk about, but I suppose the __________ I’ve experienced/had is/was….”

(The second example will help you get a better score than the others because the language is more advanced, but use the first example if the second sentence is too difficult to remember.)

For example, if your topic is “describe your favourite teacher”, you could say:

  • “I’d like to talk about my favourite teacher.”
  • “Well, there are many good teachers who I could talk about, but I suppose the favourite teacher I’ve had was…”

If your topic is “describe a beautiful place to visit in your country”, you could say

  • “I’d like to talk about a beautiful place in my country.”
  • “Well, there are many beautiful places which I could talk about, but I suppose the most beautiful place I’ve been to is….”

A good opener will impress the examiner, but the next tip will impress them even more…

Here are some more useful expressions for the IELTS Speaking Test (with a free download and practice activity).

3. Paraphrase the topic

When referring to the topic, don’t use the words from the topic card. Instead, use your own words. This is called paraphrasing .

So, if the topic is “describe a beautiful place to visit in your country” don’t say:

“I’m going to describe a beautiful place to visit in China.”

Instead, say, for example:

“I’m going to talk about a stunning destination, which people can travel to in the north-east of China.”

Paraphrasing lets you show the examiner how much vocabulary and grammar you know. In the paraphrase above, I changed “ place ” to “ destination ” and changed the adjective “ beautiful ” to “ stunning “. I also used a relative clause “ which people can travel to…”. I also added in some extra information: “the north-east of China.” Remember, together, grammar and vocabulary make up 50% of your marks, so it is very important to use a wide range of grammar and vocabulary.

4. Keep talking

Try to keep talking…and talking…and talking. Don’t worry about the time. The examiner will stop you after 2 minutes.

5. Don’t speak too quickly

Try to speak at a steady, natural pace. DO NOT speak too quickly – this will hold down your band score for pronunciation. Also, don’t speak too slowly. This will hold down your band score for Fluency and Coherence.

6. Decide what to talk about quickly (Lie if you need to!)

Sometimes it’s difficult to think of something to talk about. Let’s say you have to talk about your favourite teacher. Remember you have a minute to prepare your talk.

The wrong way : spend your preparation time thinking about who your favourite teacher was.

Was it Mr Smith? Or was it Mrs Jones? What was Mrs Jones like? She was quite interesting, but Mr Smith was quite kind. Oh, but what about Miss Brown, she was quite nice. I’ll talk about her…..

Finally, with only 10 seconds before you must talk, you suddenly remember Mr Black.

Oh, Mr Black. I remember! Yes, he was fantastic! I’ll talk about him!

But now you have to start talking!

The right way : choose a nice teacher you had. Any nice teacher will do. Then write down some words to describe him, and maybe some words to help you describe a story about him that you remember.

Being honest is not one of the assessment criteria . The examiner doesn’t care who your favourite teacher was. The examiner only cares about the language you use in your talk, your pronunciation and your fluency and coherence.

In fact, you could even lie. You could invent an amazing teacher to talk about. However, it is better to think of someone or something from your own experience because it’s usually easier to talk about, but if you can’t think of something to talk about from your own experience, invent it.

The key thing is to decide what to talk about in the first few seconds, then make notes about it.

7. Ask for clarification

If you don’t understand a word on the topic card or your task, you can ask the examiner to explain. But, don’t just say “I don’t understand.” Instead, use some more advanced phrases.

For example, you could say:

  • “By…., do you mean…..?”
  • “If I understand correctly, it means that….”
  • “So, in other words, I should….”
  • “So, is it ok if I talk about…?”

If you ask for clarification using good language, you will really impress your examiner!

IMPORTANT: ask for clarification quickly. Ask BEFORE the examiner writes down the time for the start of the 1 minute preparation. Otherwise the clarification will be included in the 1 minute preparation time.

How to prepare for the speaking test

1. get a preparation buddy (or a tutor).

It’s a good idea to find a preparation buddy to practise speaking with. Better still, find an IELTS tutor – a good tutor will show you how to do speaking task 2 in the best way, and will give you tips on how to improve. Then, with your preparation buddy, choose a topic from the slideshow above. Give your talk, then ask your buddy to ask you one or two questions on the same topic.Simply2. No buddies? Then just talk to yourself…or your cat

You can practise alone too. Simply choose a topic and talk to yourself in the mirror. Or give your talk to your pet. When you’re walking outside, or cleaning your house, choose a topic that you’ve practised before, and talk about it for 1-2 minutes. Any practice is better than nothing.

2. Record yourself on your phone or computer

Another good way to prepare is to record yourself giving your talk on your phone, either audio or video. Then listen to it afterwards. Then think about how you could improve.

3. Practise making notes

You should make notes for your talk in task 2 in the test, so you should also practise this before the test. Look at the topics in the slideshow above and practise making notes for each topic. At first, don’t time yourself, just practise making notes. Later, you can time yourself: give yourself two minutes, and then later practise making notes within one minute.

4. Watch some high level speaking tests

The British Council and IDP have created some videos of candidates taking the IELTS Speaking Test.  Watch these and listen carefully to the answers given by high level candidates. In particular, listen to candidates just above the level you are currently at, or at the level you are aiming for. So if you are aiming for a Band 7 in Speaking, don’t listen to a Band 9 candidate; listen to a band 7 or Band 8 candidate.

Here is an example of a very high level candidate.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 vs CAE Speaking Part 2

Some of you may be familiar with another Cambridge exam, C1 Advanced or CAE. The CAE also has a speaking test and Part 2 of the CAE is also called the long turn. So what are the main differences between IELTS and the Advanced? I asked an expert in the Cambridge Advanced exam, Cambridge Rory to describe the CAE Speaking Part 2 Long Turn, and the tips he gives his students. This is what he told me:

In the Cambridge Advanced Long Turn:

  • You are given 3 pictures with 2 questions above them.
  • You need to talk for 1 minute about 2 of the pictures, preferably without stopping.

Rory’s CAE Speaking Part 2 Tips

  • Do not describe what you see in the pictures.
  • Compare and contrast the pictures while answering the 2 questions at the same time.
  • Talk about the similarities and differences between the pictures.
  • Mention one point about one picture, then use a linking word to compare the same point for the other picture.
  • Think of some topics beforehand which could apply to many different situations. This will help you if you freeze and can’t think of anything to say in the exam. Some topics I suggest are: solo or group activities, indoor or outdoor events and money.
  • Find out and try to remember how the examiners mark your speaking tasks.
  • Practice Practice Practice. Practise with a friend. Practise recording yourself. Practise shouting your answers from the rooftop of the highest building where you live 😉

The main differences between the IELTS Long Turn and the CAE Long Turn are:

  • You are given pictures as prompts in the CAE. In the IELTS you are given a topic card (text only)
  • In the CAE you need to talk about the similarities and differences between the pictures.

The Cambridge Advanced is aimed to test English language learners at a C1 level on the CEFR. This is equivalent to IELTS Band 7 to Band 8, so although the Long Turn has some differences, the language required is no easier than the IELTS Speaking Test.

Have you got any more tips and advice? Do you have any questions about IELTS Speaking Part 2? If you’ve done the IELTS test before, tell us about your experience. Write in the comments section below!

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About the author

Charlie is a former IELTS Examiner with 25 years' teaching experience all over the world. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 100,000 students in over 160 countries around the world.

27 thoughts on “IELTS Speaking Part 2: Questions, Topics, Tips and Preparation Advice”

Thanks for sharing ^^

Hello Charlie,

Thank you for the explanations and the tips! I’d like to report a few typos I’ve found in this guide: 1. “The key thing is to decide what to talk about in the first few second” should be “The key thing is to decide what to talk about in the first few seconds” 2. “Any practise is better than nothing” should be “Any practice is better than nothing” 3. “Looks at the topics in the slideshow” should be “Look at the topics in the slideshow”

I hope this helps!

Regards, Klinsman

Thanks very much for the corrections!

I would very much like to download your free eBook; The Essential Guide to the IELTS. Cheers.

Its nice guidance about speaking part 2. cue card topic

Hello, Charlie. Thanks for your helpful tips. I would like to download your free Guide to the IELTS if it is still available. Thank you in advance. Have a great day.

I’ll send it now. Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply,

I want more tips for my ilets speaking examination

Good advice

This was interesting .

Please share some more information about note making in one minute

Hi! I want to take also speaking topics. Thank for your sending

very informative and useful

Very informative and useful tips

Your tips were great.would you please send me your book?

thanks forthe useful lessons

Very good information!

I went through your postings on practising and improving the IELTS score. To me, they’re higher value. To acquire more knowledge of IELTS and improving the candidates who dreamt to sit for the exam, I believe your ebook will contribute a lot.

Best wishes to you.

Thank you for the most useful tips

Dear maam/sir Thank you for the useful tips. I wonder if can have more advice on ielts .

this was very helpful.. can’t wait to download the book

Really amazing site!

#Your tips were very useful.

I liked the speaking tips provided in your website. Thanks a ton for sharing this valuable piece of information, which could improve the holistic performance in IELTS.

Hello. Extremely useful tips! Thank you. I had no idea about strarting my speech. Now I got it.

Great piece of advice

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IELTS Speaking Part 2

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“Get IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics, tips, and model answers which will help you prepare and practice IELTS Speaking Part 2 test “

In the IELTS speaking part 2, you get a chance to shine! You'll be given a topic card with a question or statement. You'll have one minute to prepare your thoughts, and then you'll speak for 1-2 minutes about the topic entirely on your own. This will showcase your fluency and speaking skills.


In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you'll receive a  cue card with a topic followed by some questions. After 1 minute of preparation time, you must speak continuously for 1-2 minutes on the given topic until the examiner stops you. This tests your ability to speak at length, using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and discourse structure. Regular practice is key to feeling confident and expressing yourself clearly during this extended response.

Understanding IELTS Speaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2 is designed to assess your ability to speak at length on a given topic. Here's a concise guide to help you understand this IELTS speaking part 2:

  • Format : You'll be given a task card with a topic and points to cover. You'll have one minute to prepare and then speak for up to two minutes.
  • Preparation : Use the minute wisely. Jot down key points and ideas to organize your thoughts. Focus on the prompts on the card to ensure you cover all aspects of the topic.

Understanding the IELTS Speaking format and practicing regularly will boost your performance in IELTS Speaking Part 2.

Assessment Criteria of IELTS Speaking Part 2 

Your IELTS Speaking score is based on 4 criteria:

ielts speaking part 2 criteria

  • Fluency and Coherence - How clearly and logically you speak. Use linking words, extend your answers, speak continuously with appropriate pausing.
  • Lexical Resource - Your vocabulary range. Use a wide range of relevant, accurate vocabulary including idiomatic language.
  • Pronunciation - How clear and natural your pronunciation is. Articulate words clearly, use correct stress, intonation and try to be easily understood.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy - Your grammatical ability. Avoid mistakes and use a variety of advanced grammar structures correctly.

Scores from 0-9 are given for each criteria. The total score is the average of the 4 scores, rounded to the nearest 0.5.

Top Tips for Success in IELTS Speaking Part 2

Here are top tips to ace IELTS speaking part 2:

  • Practice Regularly:
  • Speak on various topics to build confidence.
  • Record yourself to identify areas for improvement.
  • Use the Preparation Time Wisely:
  • Jot down key points and structure your response.
  • Think about examples and personal experiences to include.
  • Stay On Topic:
  • Focus on the prompts given on the task card.
  • Ensure you cover all points within the time limit.
  • Expand Your Answers:
  • Provide detailed responses with explanations and examples.
  • Avoid short, yes-or-no answers.
  • Work on Fluency and Pronunciation:
  • Speak at a natural pace and enunciate clearly.
  • Practice linking words and phrases to improve flow.
  • Use a Range of Vocabulary and Grammar:
  • Incorporate varied vocabulary and sentence structures.
  • Correct minor mistakes and keep talking to show confidence.

Advanced Techniques for IELTS Speaking Part 2

  • Use Connectors and Transition Words:
  • Link your ideas smoothly with words like "however," "moreover," and "for instance."
  • This makes your speech more cohesive and easier to follow.
  • Incorporate Idiomatic Expressions:
  • Use idioms and phrases naturally to show language proficiency.
  • For example, "break the ice" or "hit the nail on the head."
  • Vary Your Sentence Structures:
  • Mix simple, compound, and complex sentences.
  • This demonstrates a strong command of English grammar.
  • Paraphrase the Question:
  • Start your response by rephrasing the question or prompt.
  • This shows you understand the topic and helps frame your answer.
  • Use Examples and Anecdotes:
  • Personal stories and specific examples make your speech engaging and relatable.
  • They also help illustrate your points clearly.
  • Practice Stress and Intonation:
  • Emphasize key words and use varied intonation to convey meaning and emotion.
  • This makes your speech more dynamic and interesting.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Speaking Part 2

Here are five common mistakes students often make during the IELTS Speaking exam:

  • Memorizing Responses:
  • Avoid memorizing answers to common topics like your educational and family background. The examiner can easily spot rehearsed answers, which can negatively impact your score. Focus on demonstrating genuine fluency and understanding.
  • Lack of Confidence:
  • Mumbling or not speaking clearly can create a poor impression. While you don't need to speak like a news anchor, maintaining eye contact and speaking confidently is crucial.
  • Going Off Topic:
  • Stay focused on the given topic. If your response doesn’t address the question, you’ll lose marks. Straying from the topic can indicate a lack of understanding or knowledge.
  • Giving Short Yes/No Answers:
  • The IELTS Speaking test evaluates your English proficiency. Providing one-word or yes/no answers makes it difficult for the examiner to assess your skills. Elaborate on your answers to show your language ability.
  • Overusing Transition Words:
  • While transition words like "for example" and "on the other hand" are useful, overusing them can waste valuable speaking time. Be concise to ensure you have enough time to discuss the main topic thoroughly.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Preparation

Common topics in ielts speaking part 2.

The Common topics in IELTS speaking part 2 include an object (thing), a person, a place, an event (occasion), or an activity. Here are some examples to help you prepare.

Art (object)

Describe a piece of art you like.

You should say:

  • what the work of art is
  • when you first saw it
  • what you know about it
  • and explain why you like it.

Book (object)

Describe a book you have recently read.

  • what kind of book it is
  • what it is about
  • what sort of people would enjoy it
  • and explain why you liked it.

Communication (event/occasion)

Describe a piece of advice you recently received.

  • when this happened
  • who gave you the advice
  • what the advice was
  • and explain how you felt about the advice.

Daily Routine (event/occasion)

Describe a time of the day you like.

  • what time of day it is
  • what you do at that time
  • who you are usually with
  • and explain why you like it

Family (person)

Describe a member of your family you get on well with.

  • what relationship you have to that person
  • what that person is like
  • what you do together
  • and explain why you get on so well.

Gift (object)

Describe a gift you recently gave to someone.

  • who you gave it to
  • what kind of person he/she is
  • what the gift was
  • what occasion the gift was for
  • and explain why you chose that gift.

Hobby (activity)

Describe an interesting hobby.

  • what kind of people do it
  • how it is done
  • and explain why you think it is interesting.

 Looking for more examples? Check out the 50 Recent IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 Topics with Model Answers for IELTS 2024

Tips for Specific IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics

Below are some tips for addressing topic-specific questions in IELTS Speaking Part 2:

  • Understand the Prompt: Read the topic carefully and identify key points to address.
  • Brainstorm Ideas: Take a moment to jot down relevant examples or anecdotes related to the topic.
  • Structure Your Response: Organize your thoughts into an introduction, main points, and conclusion.
  • Use Descriptive Language: Paint a vivid picture with words to engage the listener and convey your ideas effectively.
  • Stay Relevant: Focus on the topic and avoid going off on tangents. Keep your response concise and on point.
  • Practice Speaking : Rehearse speaking about specific topics to improve fluency and confidence.

How to Handle Difficult Questions in IELTS Speaking Part 2?

Stuck in Speaking Part 2? Here's How to Handle Tough Topics. Don't panic! Even if you get a tricky question:

  • Buy Time: Ask for clarification if something's unclear. A moment to think can help.
  • Start Basic: Begin with a simple answer, then add details as you remember them.
  • Relate it Back: If you can't think of a specific example, connect the topic to something familiar.
  • Be Honest: Let the examiner know you're taking a moment to gather your thoughts.
  • Keep Talking: Avoid silence. Even if you say "um" or "well," it shows you're still thinking.

Remember, the examiner wants to see how you handle challenges. Stay calm, keep talking, and you'll ace it!

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Samples

Here is the list for IELTS Speaking part 2 Samples answers.

  • IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card Samples
  • Describe a present you received which was made by hand
  • A quiz program or game show on tv
  • A time when you got up early
  • A water sport you would like to try
  • An occasion when the vehicle broke down
  • Describe a healthy lifestyle you know
  • Describe a prize you want to get
  • Describe a singer that you like
  • Describe a time you found something someone lost
  • Describe a time you advised others
  • Describe a tv program that made you laugh a lot
  • Something you do to help you study or work
  • You invited family or friends to have dinner
  • Describe an advice you received on your subjects or work .
  • Talk about good news that you heard/ read on the internet

Want to know more about IELTS speaking tasks? Check these out!

  • IELTS Speaking Part 1: Types, Commonly Asked Topics & Tips
  • IELTS Speaking Part 3

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to talk for two minutes?

What happens if I cross my time limit?

Do I need to follow the prompts on the cue cards?

Can I change the topic in part 2?

How many questions will be asked in part 2?

Recent Articles

Describe a Live Sports Match that you watched Cue Card Sample Answer

Raajdeep Saha

Describe a Monument That You Like – IELTS Cue Card

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Ielts speaking part 2 70+ questions.

These IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions have been organised into more than 14 different topics with more than 70 questions. 

The IELTS Speaking Part 2 requires the candidate to speak for 2-3 minutes about a given subject. 

Practice the questions as much as you can so you are confident on the day of your exam. 

Part 2 Topics (Updated April  2023)


Food/Restaurants 2 Answers People NEW |   Sample answer Gifts/possessions Education NEW |   Sample answer

The environment and nature Behaviour Hobbies/ interests Family Friends Decisions/ memories Important buildings Work NEW Trips New

Your neighbourhood NEW

Housework NEW

TV and Entertainment NEW

Machines NEW

Animals NEW

IELTS Speaking Part 1100+ Questions

IELTS Speaking Part 3 100+ Questions 

IELTS Speaking Band 9 Sample Answers

IELTS Speaking Tips

All you need to know about the IELTS

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Essays

Parties/events/ celebrations

1. Describe an event that you attended recently

2. Describe a holiday that you have celebrated recently

3. Describe a festival that is celebrated in your country

4. Describe a party that you attended recently


5. describe your favourite meal.

6. Tell me about an embarrassing experience you've had with food.

7. Talk about a restaurant you like to go to.

8. Tell me about a particularly good meal you had.  

9. tell me about someone you think is important

10. Describe a famous person from your country

11. Describe a person you admire in your life.

12. Describe a person who has had a significant imp act on your life.


13. Describe a gift or present that someone gave you recently

14. Describe a gift you have received that was important to you

15. Describe a possession that is important to you.

16. Describe something difficult you learned to do.

17. Describe a teacher from your past that you remember

18. Describe a subject you enjoyed at school

19. Describe a project or assignment you completed in school that you are proud of.

20. Describe a course or subject you wish you had taken in school.

The environment and nature

21. Describe a plant in your country that you think is very important.

22. talk about a time when you visited a natural park 

23. Tell me about an outdoor activity you enjoy

24. Describe a time when you or someone you know did something wrong

Hobbies/ interests

25. Describe a hobby you enjoyed when you were a child

26. Talk about a game you used to play 

27. Describe a sport you liked to play when were a child.

28. Describe a sport you like watching on TV

29. Describe a sport you would like to play in the future

30. Describe a hobby or interest you have now.

31. Describe a competition you participated in. 

32. Describe a relative who you are like.

33. Describe a close friend from your childhood

Decisions/ memories         

34. Describe a decision that you made that was important to your life.

35. Tell me an important piece of advice you were given.

36. Describe a photograph of you that you like.

37. Describe a funny story that happened to you. 

38. Describe a time when you did something well. 

Important buildings

39. Describe a museum that you visited

40. Describe an important building in your country

41. Describe a job you would like to have

42. Describe a memorable day at work

43. Describe your first day at work

44. Describe a job that you have had in the past.

45. Describe a difficult work situation that yo u have faced in the past and how you overcame it.

46. Describe a memorable coworker t hat you have worked with in the past.

47.  Describe a time when you had to work in a team to achieve a common goal.

48.  Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision at work.

49. Tell me about a trip you went on that you enjoyed.

50. Describe a trip you would like to take in the future.  

Your neighbourhood

51. Describe your neighbourhood.

52. Describe a place of interest in your neighbourhood.

53. Describe a local business in your neighbourhood.

54. Tell me about a household chore you enjoy or hate doing. 

55.  Describe a time when you had to clean something that was particularly difficult to clean.

TV and Entertainment 

56. Tell me about a program that you enjoy watching. 

57. Tell me about a TV show or film you watched recently.

58. Describe a live performance or concert you attended and enjoyed.  

59.  Describe a video game that you enjoy playing.

60. Tell me about a memorable trip to the cinema. 

61.  Describe a movie that made you think deeply.

62. Tell me about an important machine in the home.

63.  Describe a machine that you find interesting.

64. Describe a house or apartment that you would like to live in?

65. Describe a house or apartment that you have lived in.  


66. Describe an intersting animal you have seen

67.  Describe your favourite animal.

68. Describe a pet you know

69.  Describe an experience you had with animals.

70. Describe a wild animal you have seen in its natural habitat.

Parties/ events/ celebrations

Describe an event that you attended recently

You should say:

What and where the occasion was

Who was there

What happened

Describe how you enjoyed it

Part 2 

Describe a holiday that you have celebrated recently

What the purpose of the holiday is Who you celebrated with Why this holiday is important to you

Describe some activities that you did as part of the celebration

Describe a festival that is celebrated in your country

When you celebrate it Why it is celebrated How people in your country celebrate it How do you feel during this festival?

Describe a party that you attended recently

And describe how you enjoyed it

Food/ Restaurants

describe your favourite meal

What's in the meal?

How often do you have it?

Who prepares it?

How do you feel when you have it?

Tell me about an embarrassing experience you've had with food.

Where did the incident happen?

What was the problem and what happened?

How did you feel about the incident?

Band 9 Audio and Tapescript Sample Answer: Tell me about an embarrassing experience you've had with food. 

Talk about a restaurant you like to go to 

Where it is What the restaurant looks like, in and out What kind of food they sell and what kind of food you order Why you like the restaurant.

When is a good time to go?

Band 9 Audio and Tapescript Sample Answer: Talk about a restaurant you like to go to. 

Tell me about a particularly good meal you had. 

You should say :

Where you were  Who you were with  What you had

Why did you enjoy it so much?   

I'd like you to tell me about someone you think is important

You should say: 

Why you think he/she is important?

Describe him/her

Band 9 Audio and Tapescript Sample Answer:

Someone you think is important.

Describe a famous person from your country

What this person is famous for How people in your country feel towards him/her How you feel towards this person

Describe a person you admire in your life.

Who this person is

How you know them

What qualities they possess that you admire

What they have accomplished or done that you find impressive

How they have influenced your life

And explain why this person is important to you.

Describe a person who has had a signifi cant impact on your life.

What they have done for you that has had an impact

What you have learned from this person

How your life has changed as a result of their influence


Describe a gift or present that someone gave you recently

What the occasion was

Who gave it to you

What it looked like

Explain how you felt about receiving it

Describe a gift you have received that was important to you. 

Who gave it to you. 

What it looks like and how you use it

Why is it important to you

Describe a possession that is important to you. You should say where you got it from. What you do with it. Why it’s important to you.

How you would feel if you were to lose it.

Describe something difficult you learned to do.

- What you learned to do

- How you learned to do it

- Why it was difficult

And explain whether you're glad you learned to do this or not.

Describe something difficult you learned to do

Describe a teacher from your past that you remember

What class the teacher taught and how old you were. What the teacher’s special qualities and characteristics were. 

Why you remember this teacher. 

Describe a subject you enjoyed at school

How old you were Why you liked it. if you found it easy or difficult

Describe a project or assignment you completed in school that you are proud of.

What the project or assignment was

When and where you completed it

How you went about completing the project or assignment

What you learned from completing the project or assignment

Why you are proud of this project or assignment ​

And explain how this project or assignment has influenced your education or your life.

Describe a course or subject you wish you had taken in school.

What the course or subject is

Why you did not take it at the time

Why you wish you had taken it

How this course or subject could have helped you in your personal or professional life

Whether you plan to pursue this course or subject in the future

And explain how taking this course or subject could have impacted your education or your life.

The Environment/ nature

Describe a plant in your country that you think is very important.

What is it?

Where is it grown?

How is it used?

Why is it important to your country?

talk about a time when you visited a natural park 

Say who you were with Describe the park When you went What you did there 

How you felt while you were there

Tell me about an outdoor activity you enjoy

What the activity is. Where you do it. if you do it alone or not

How you feel when you do this activity.

Describe a time when you or someone you know did something wrong

Who were you with?

Where were you?

What happened?

How did you feel about this incident?

Hobbies and interests

Describe a hobby you enjoyed when you were a child

What was the hobby?

How old were you?

How often did you do it?

Why did you enjoy it?

Talk about a game you used to play 

You should:

Explain the game Say who you used to play it with Say where you used to play it Say how often you played it Say why you liked the game 

Describe a sport you liked to play when you were a child. You should say:

What the sport was. Where you played it Who you played it with Why you liked playing this sport.

Describe a sport you like watching on TV

What the sport is When you watch it If you watch it alone or with other people

Why you like watching it.

Describe a sport you would like to play in the future

What the sport is When you first became interested in it Why you don’t play it now.  

Why you would like to play it.

Describe a hobby you have now.

How often you do it When you started What the hobby involves

How you feel when you do it

Describe a competition you participated in. 

You should say What the competition was Who was involved Any moments that stand out How you did How did you feel once it was over?

Describe a relative who you are like.

Describe them physically Describe their personality Why you think you two are alike.

How do you feel when you two are together.

Describe a close friend from your childhood  

Where you met this person Why you liked him/her What you used to do together 

Do you still have contact with them, why, or why not?,

Decisions/ memories

Describe a decision that you made that was important to your life.

What the decision was. Who you were with when you made it The consequences of your decision

How you felt after you had made it.

Tell me an important piece of advice you were given.

When you received the advice. Where you were Who gave it to you.  

If you followed the advice.

Describe a photograph of you that you like. 

where it was taken

when it was taken

who took it

and explain why you like it.

Describe a funny story that happened to you. 

  When it happened

Where you were

Who you were with 

What happened 

How you felt after

Describe a time when you did something well 

What did you do? Was it difficult?   How did you feel about it afterwards?  

Describe a museum that you visited

Where the museum is What’s in the museum Who you went with How was your overall experience?

Describe an important building in your country

You should say: What the building looks like What the building is used for and why it’s important When it was built

Would you like to visit this building?

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Work

Describe a job you would like to have You should say:

What the job involves What qualifications you need  

Why you would like to have this job

Describe a memorable day you had at work You should say:

When and where it was Who you were with  What happened and it was memorable  

How you felt after. 

Describe your first day at work You should say:

When it was What the job was What happened How you were feeling   

if you think this was a good or a bad first day

Describe a job that you have had in the past.

What the job was When and where you had the job What your responsibilities were How you felt about the job

And explain why you decided to leave the job or why you would like to leave the job.

Describe a difficult work situation that you have faced in the past and how you overcame it.

What the situation was

When and where it occurred

What you did to resolve the situation

How you felt about the experience

And explain what you learned from this experience and how it has helped you in your work since.

Describe a memorable coworker that you have worked with in the past.

You should say

Who the coworker was

When and where you worked with them

What their job was

What made them memorable

How they influenced your work experience

And explain why you remember this coworker and what you learned from them.

Describe a time when you had to work in a team to achieve a common goal.

What the goal was

Who was in the team

What your role in the team was

What challenges you faced and how you overcame them

Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision at work.

​ What the decision was

What factors influenced your decision

How you arrived at your decision

What the outcome was

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Trips

Tell me ab out a trip you went on that you enjoyed.

Where you went Where you stayed Who you went with

What did you do there?

Describe a trip you would like to take in the future.

Where you would like to go on this trip

What you would like to do and see on this trip

Why you would like to take this trip

Who you would like to go with (if anyone)

When you would like to take this trip

And explain what preparations you would need to make for this trip.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Your neighbourhood

Describe your neighbourhood

What it looks like What you can find there What you like to do there

How do you feel about your neighbourhood?

Describe a place of interest in your neighbourhood.

What the place of interest is

Where it is located in your neighbourhood

What it looks like

What activities or events take place at this place of interest

Why this place of interest is significant or interesting to you

And explain whether you would recommend this place of interest to others.

Describe a local business in your neighbourhood.

What the business is and what it sells or provides

Where the business is located in your neighbourhood

What the atmosphere of the business is like

How long the business has been operating

Why this business is significant or interesting to you

And explain whether you would recommend this business to others.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Housework

Tell me about a household chore that you enjoy or hate doing. 

What the chore is When and why you do it How often you have to do it

Why you enjoy or hate doing it. 

Describe a time when you had to clean something that was particularly difficult to clean .

What the item was

Why it was difficult to clean

What tools or methods you used to clean it

How long it took you to clean it

How you felt after completing the cleaning

IELTS Speaking Part 2: TV and Entertainment

Tell me about a program you enjoy watching

What the program is What time it's on How often you watch it if you watch it with someone else

Why you enjoy watching it

Describe a TV show or movie that you recently watched.

What the TV show or movie was

What the storyline was about

Who the main characters were

Why you enjoyed or didn't enjoy watching it

Whether you would recommend it to others

Describe a live performance or concert you attended and enjoye d.

What the performance or concert was

Who the performers were

What the venue was like

What your favorite part of the performance was

How you felt during and after the performance

Would you go again?

Describe a video game that you enjoy playing .

What the video game is called

What type of game it is (e.g. action, adventure, puzzle)

Who developed and published the game

What the objective of the game is

Why you enjoy playing it

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Cinema

Tell me about a trip to the cinema that was memorable

What you watched Who you went with Why you wen

Why it was a memorable experience

Describe a movie that made you think deeply.

What the movie was called

What the plot of the movie was

What themes or issues the movie explored

How the movie made you think deeply

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Machines

Tell me about an important machine in the home

What it is Who uses it Why it's important

How do you feel about this machine?

Describe a machine that you find interesting.

What the machine is

What it does

How it works

Where you saw or learned about the machine

Why you find it interesting

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Houses

Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in. 

Where it is or where it would be What you would like to do there Who you would or would like to live there with

Why would you like to live in this place?

Describe a house or apartment that you have liv ed in.

Where the house/apartment was located

What the house/apartment looked like

What kind of rooms and features it had

Who you lived with

What your experience living there was like

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Animals

Describe an interesting animal you have seen. 

What animal it was When and where you saw it

Explain how you feel about this animal

Describe your favourite anima l.

What the animal is

What its behavior is like

Where it lives

Why it is your favorite animal

Describe a pet you know  You should say:

What it is  Whose it is What it looks like How it behaves   

and how you feel about this pet

Describe an experience you had with animals.

What kind of animal(s) were involved

Where and when the experience took place

What happened during the experience

Describe a wild animal you have seen in its natural habitat.

What kind of animal it was

Where and when you saw it

What the animal was doing

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics and Questions

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The IELTS Speaking topics for IELTS Speaking Part 2 can seem intimidating at first. After all, it’s the one part of the interview where you need to give a long solo speech.

Fortunately, Magoosh is here to help! Right below, we have a PDF that includes IELTS Speaking Part 2 topics you can practice with, and a great video tutorial from Eliot. And right after that, you can read on for plenty of additional help with IELTS Speaking topics Part 2.

Download the Magoosh IELTS Speaking Topics PDF

(NOTE: This post and its featured PDF are great supplements for anyone who’s following an IELTS study schedule with Magoosh . As a matter of fact, we specifically mention this article as a resource in our one-week IELTS study plan.)

Table of Contents

Ielts speaking part 2 topic card: main features, sample ielts speaking part 2 questions and answers, ielts speaking topics for part 2.

  • The Takeaway

In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you will receive a “topic card” that contains a detailed, multi-part question. Take a look at this official IELTS Speaking topics sample prompt , script , and recording of a Task 2 question to get a sense of what to expect. You will have one minute to prepare a short speech in response to the topic card. Then you should speak for 1-2 minutes.

Preparing for Part 2 can really pay off. As noted above, Magoosh offers a great list of Part 1 and Part 2 IELTS Speaking topics to use as you practice. Obviously, it is impossible to predict the exact questions you will receive on exam day. However, the structure of Part 2 questions is very consistent. Each Part 2 card has three basic features that you should know well:

Feature 1: Topic Introduction

Feature 2: 3 Detailed Points

Feature 3: Discussion

The right side of the card below shows the typical appearance of a Part 2 question. The notes on the left (not included on an actual IELTS topic card) highlight the three main features of this question type.

Go back to the top of our IELTS Speaking Part 2 tutorial.

Below is a sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 question and response. And for more example IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions, with answers, consider a subscription (or a 1 week free trial) to Magoosh IELTS .

Speaking Part 2 Topic Card

Describe a time when you gave someone advice.

You should say:
      to whom you gave the advice
      what the advice was
      whether that person took your advice

and explain why you gave the person that advice.

Notes and Preparation

You have one minute to plan your response before you speak. That may not seem like a long time to think of a response to all of these questions, but fortunately, planning a Part 2 response is simpler than it may look at first.

You will be provided with a pencil and some paper to plan your response. I advise students to read Feature 1 and Feature 2 first BUT to avoid writing notes about these questions. The best approach is simply to use these points on the card as reminders about what you need to say. At the beginning of your short speech, go through each point one by one with a brief response.

You should use most of your one-minute preparation time to plan your response for Feature 3. This point requires more detail and depth than the other talking points on the card. As you prepare, your goal should be to come up with at least two main points for Feature 3.

Hopefully, you can also think of some details and examples to support these points during your one-minute prep time. Keep in mind that you won’t have time to write detailed notes with complete sentences. Just write down a few words as reminders of what you plan to say.

Below is a sample of some notes related to the topic card above. For clarity in this blog post, I added more language on these notes than you would have time to include on the real exam.

Sample Notes:

The Situation/Who I gave advice to

  • Future in danger: almost kicked off basketball team, risk of not getting into college
  • Had ability: knew answers in class, but not doing homework

What advice was

  • take more time on homework
  • watch less TV, play fewer video games

Did friend take advice?

  • got to stay on team
  • got into college
  • kept good study habits in college

Sample Response

Here is a sample response to the topic card shown above.

“When I was in secondary school, my best friend was doing very poorly in her classes, and she definitely needed some advice. She was about to be kicked off the basketball team for her low grades, and I was worried she might not get into college.

She wasn’t struggling from lack of ability. Actually, she was smart and always knew the answers in class. The problem was that she hated homework and often wouldn’t do it; instead, she would instead watch TV all evening. I told her she needed to take her studies more seriously and spend more time on her homework.

I suggested she could get that extra time by watching less TV. I’m happy to say she took my advice, and it really helped her. She was able to keep her grades up and continue playing basketball on the school team. She also got into uni, and she kept her good study habits in her college classes. I feel proud that my advice helped her.”

This simple response answers each of the questions listed in all three features of the topic card directly. Without much planning or thought, you can go down the list and supply the necessary information to cover these points. Once you start expressing these points out loud in complete sentences, it’s not as hard to fill 1 to 2 minutes as you might think!

Now, let’s look at a number of other possible topic cards (these come from our IELTS Speaking Topics PDF). You can use the tips from this tutorial as you practice these topics.

1. Free Time

You should address:

  • What the activity is and what it involves.
  • When you first started doing the activity.
  • Whether you do the activity alone or with other people.

And explain why you enjoy the activity.

  • When you took the class.
  • Where you took the class.
  • The subject of the class.

And explain why the class was so useful.

  • What the method of travel is
  • How often you travel by this method.
  • Whether this travel method is cheap or expensive.

And explain why this method of travel is your favorite.

  • What the job is.
  • The job requirements.
  • The activities that are done on the job.

And explain why this job is your dream job.

  • What the tradition is.
  • How it’s celebrated.
  • When it’s celebrated.

And explain why the tradition is important to your family.

6. Hometown

  • Do you prefer to spend time at places in your hometown, or explore new places elsewhere?
  • How often you go there.
  • What you do there.

And explain why you enjoy going to this place.

  • Who this person is.
  • How you met your best friend.
  • How often you see this friend.

And explain why this person is your best friend.

  • Which season it is.
  • What the weather is like during the season.
  • What you like to do during the season.

And explain why this season is your favorite.

  • What the food is.
  • What it tastes like.
  • How often you eat it.

And explain why you enjoy this food.

10. Music, Movies, Books, Television

  • The name of the song.
  • Who sings it.
  • What the song is about.

And explain why the song is meaningful to you.

11. Recreation, Exercise, Sports

  • What the sport is.
  • Whether you play the sport, watch the sport, or both.
  • How long you’ve been interested in the sport.

And explain why you think the sport is interesting.

12. Holidays

  • What the holiday is.
  • Who you celebrate the holiday with.
  • How you celebrate the holiday.

And explain why you celebrate this holiday with other people.

13. Technology, Internet, etc….

  • What the device is.
  • What it can do.
  • Whether you use the device for fun, for work, or both.

And explain why you purchased the device.

14. On a typical day…

  • What you do.
  • Why you do it.
  • How important it is.

And explain why you do this thing at the beginning of the day.

15. Household

  • What the piece of furniture is.
  • How long you’ve had the furniture.
  • Where it is in the house.

And explain why that piece of furniture is important.

16. News and Current Events

  • What happened.
  • When the story happened.
  • Where the story happened.

And explain why you found this news story surprising.

17. Shopping

  • Where this place is.
  • What you can buy there.

And explain why you often shop at this place.

18. Decisions

  • What the decision was about.
  • What you decided to do.
  • Why you made the decision.

And explain why you feel you made a good decision.

  • What kind of art it is.
  • What the art looks like.
  • Where you saw the art.

And explain why you think this piece of art is good.

  • Who gave you the gift.
  • What the gift was.
  • When you received the gift.

And explain why the gift was given to you.

21. Kindness

  • What you did.
  • Why you did it.
  • How the person or people responded to your kind act.

And explain the reasons that the act was kind.

22. Language Learning

  • What language you were learning.
  • What the difficulty was.
  • Whether or not you overcame the difficulty.

And explain why you found learning the language so difficult at the time.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: The Takeaway

Ultimately, timing is key to IELTS Speaking Part 2. The most common challenge my students face with these IELTS Speaking topics is either not speaking enough, or speaking too much and running out of time. Do practice responses and time them. This will help you figure out how to write notes that really do fill at least one minute of time, but less than two. Above all, take advantage of the flexibility of the timing. You have one or two minutes to speak, and that’s a really nice range that allows for a variety of answers.

And remember, the topic IELTS Speaking Part 2 is also the basis for Part 3 of IELTS Speaking . But Part 3 is formatted a bit more like Speaking Part 1 , because you give conversational responses rather than giving a “long turn” speech. You can also read about the “big picture” of these three parts by looking at our complete guide to common IELTS Speaking topics . And for general advice on how to navigate the entire IELTS Speaking section, check out our top 10 IELTS Speaking tips !

David Recine

David is a Test Prep Expert for Magoosh TOEFL and IELTS. Additionally, he’s helped students with TOEIC, PET, FCE, BULATS, Eiken, SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. David has a BS from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and an MA from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. His work at Magoosh has been cited in many scholarly articles , his Master’s Thesis is featured on the Reading with Pictures website, and he’s presented at the WITESOL (link to PDF) and NAFSA conferences. David has taught K-12 ESL in South Korea as well as undergraduate English and MBA-level business English at American universities. He has also trained English teachers in America, Italy, and Peru. Come join David and the Magoosh team on Youtube , Facebook , and Instagram , or connect with him via LinkedIn !

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IELTS Speaking: The Ultimate Guide to IELTS Speaking Part 2

by Nick | How To | 0 Comment

IELTS Speaking: The Ultimate Guide to IELTS Speaking Part 2

Part 2 of the IELTS speaking exam seems to worry students the most. This ultimate guide provides both beginners and experienced students with the expert tips you need to do well. 

1. beginner’s guide, if you clearly know the test format you can skip this part and jump straight to the expert tips below., what will happen in part 2, for those who aren’t so confident, let’s quickly run through the basics:, you will be asked to talk about a personal topic for 1-2 minutes., you can’t see the clock during the exam, but the examiner will check the time., the examiner will give you the question booklet, a pencil and some paper., the examiner will read out the question then start the time., you will have one minute to make notes., after one minute the examiner will ask you to start speaking., most examiners will give you the whole two minutes to speak., if you stop speaking very early, the examiner will ask if you’ve finished, or they will ask you to talk more., if you stop speaking slightly early, the examiner may wait silently until the two minutes is finished., you will be asked one or two follow up questions after you’ve finished the two minutes., what kinds of topics, part 2 topics are usually personal so it could be:, an object e.g. a gift you bought someone, a person e.g. someone famous who you admire, a place e.g. somewhere you know where people go to read, an event e.g. a time you worked in a team, some part 2 topics are about your country rather than about you personally:, an environmental problem in your country, a traditional product made in your country   , the topic could be in the past, present or future:, past e.g. a toy you had when you were a child., present e.g. an activity you usually do to keep fit, future e.g. a country you would like to visit, sample question , each question card always contains one main topic and four question prompts. here is the topic and the four questions for  the example below (taken from cambridge 10):, main topic:  a local shop you sometimes visit, question prompts, 1. what does it sell, 2. what does it look like, 3. where is it, 4. why do you go there, 2. expert tips, note-taking 1 – copy the questions from the booklet, you should think of your part 2 as a two minute ‘story’ about the main topic. you should stick closely to the topic (e.g. a local shop) but you don’t need to answer the four question prompts, as they are just there to help you. , however, some grumpy examiners might get annoyed if you ignore the question prompts completely, so my advice is quickly cover these points first before moving on to other aspects of the topic. , one note-taking strategy is to spend the first 20 seconds of the one minute note-taking time doing the following:, read the question card, drawing a spider diagram / mind map, make notes (in your own words) of the four question prompts., you can write whatever kind of style of notes you want (writing in english or your own language), so long as you understand your own notes. number these prompts or underline/circle them to remind you to do them first., the notes below relate to the following questions:.

ielts speaking task 2 education

Later, when you start speaking you DON’T need to spend A LOT of time talking about these 4 things. You can just talk about them quickly and move on to other parts of your ‘story’, but it’s a good idea (re: grumpy examiners) to try and cover these first.

Note-taking 2 – write more questions, here’s one strategy to make sure you never run out of things to say. for the next 20-30 seconds of your note-taking time, think about as many different questions that the examiner could ask you about the topic (your local shop)., write down these questions and quickly think of the answers (in your head). see the example below which relate to the following questions:, who works in the shop / who are the staff, when/what time do you usually visit the shop, how do you usually get there, who do you go to the shop with, what is your favourite thing about the shop, how long has it been open, this strategy will give you lots of things to talk about.  you don’t  need to talk about all of them – just choose them one at a time and talk about each one for as long as you want., don’t worry if you pause for a few seconds between ‘questions’. that is a natural thing to do. the examiner doesn’t expect you to talk constantly for the whole two minutes., here’s another example with an event (taken from cambridge 12), rather than a place:.

ielts speaking task 2 education

Note-taking 3 – Write down the Verbs

An alternative strategy for part 2 topic that are in the past (which is very common), is to write down all the past simple verbs that you might want to use., see an example question (taken from cambridge 12) and notes below. check out more information about this strategy here ., go back to an earlier point., following these note-taking tips, it’s very unlikely that you will run out of things to say, but if this does happen, then naturally go back to something you said before and talk more about that.  , so if you have been talking about a trip to singapore with your sister, then tell the examiner more about your sister. you could use ‘as i said earlier’ to reference back to that point., “as i said earlier, i went to singapore with my sister. she’s a really good person to travel with because…”, talk for the whole two minutes, as with all parts of the speaking exam, the examiner is assessing four parts of your speaking: fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation., you are asked to speak for 1-2 minutes, so if you dry up completely (stop speaking) in the first minute then your fluency score will be affected (this doesn’t affect your vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation scores), so the best thing to do is just keep talking for the whole two minutes, until the examiner stops you  (apart from natural pauses or to quickly look at your notes)., don’t worry if you’re at the beginning, middle or the end of your story when the 2 mins is up. it doesn’t matter – just keep talking until the examiner stops you so they can give you a good score for fluency..

ielts speaking task 2 education

Don’t repeat the topic. Start simply and confidently

In all my experience as an ielts examiner, i noticed that students always struggled with starting their part 2 in a natural way. for the local shop topic students would say.

“I’m going to talk to you about a shop near where I live that I sometimes use.”

By repeating the topic in this way, you are starting your part 2 in kind of a boring way, which won’t impress the examiner at all.  The examiner knows the topic (they have a copy of the question booklet and they read the topic to you), so you don’t need to repeat it. It would be much better if you started like this:

“I’m gonna talk to you about a shop called Home Mart.” “I’m gonna talk to you about Home Mart, which is a shop near my apartment.”

I’ve never been to a shop!!!

The part 2 questions are designed in a way that they should be suitable for everybody, but what if the questions don’t relate to your experience., for example, what if you live on a mountain, in the middle of the countryside with no shops, or you have spent your entire life in bed on facebook, and you’ve never been to a shop in your life….what do you do, you can’t change the topic, so just be honest and t alk for two minutes about why you’ve never been to a shop, and then talk about one you saw on tv or heard about from a friend., now it’s your turn put your answers in the comments., try out some of the expert tips and strategies with the question above (taken from cambridge 12). let us know how it goes., recommended for you.

ielts speaking task 2 education

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100 TOPICS for ielts Speaking Part 2 with Band 8 Sample

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 with band 8 sample.

1. Describe a foreign country you would like to go to

2. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others

3. Describe an interesting song

4. Describe a creative inventor or musician

5. Describe an interesting animal

6. Describe a meal you had with your friends

7. Describe a small business that you would like to open, (or, start or run or own or have) if you had the chance

8. Describe a time you needed to use imagination

9. Describe what you think would be the perfect job for you

10. Describe a magazine or newspaper that you like to (or, often) read

11. Describe a sport stadium that’s important in your city

12. Describe an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in your country

13. Describe a difficult decision that you made

14. Describe a place you have visited that has been affected by pollution

15. Describe a product you bought that you were (or, are) happy with

16. Describe a person (you know), much older than you, who you admire

17. Describe a television program that you like to watch

18. Describe a Good Friend

19. Describe a good part of your personality or character

20. Describe a happy family event from your childhood

21. Describe a time when someone apologized to you

22. Describe a story or novel you have (recently) read that you found particularly interesting

23. Describe some local news that people in your locality interested in

24. Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate

25. Describe an occasion when you helped someone

26. Describe a useful app or computer program that you have used

27. Describe a garden you visited and like

28. Describe an area of subject that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics)

29. Describe a sport that you have learned

30. Describe a wild animal

31. Describe a time when you were very busy

32. Describe a new skill you would like to learn

33. Describe a short holiday (vacation) that was special for you

34. Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness

35. Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time

36. Describe a time when you made a mistake

37. Describe a time when the weather caused you to change your plan

38. Describe a situation (or time) when you received some useful advice.

39. Describe an important conversation that you had with someone

40. Describe a street that you like to visit.

41. Describe what you would do if you had a day off, free from work or study

42. Describe a person you were friendly to, although you did not really like them (him or her)

43. Describe an experience you had as a member of a team

44. Describe an outdoor activity you like to do

45. Describe an advertisement you have seen

46. Describe a website that you like to visit

47. Describe a big company that you would like to work in

48. Describe something that you have shared with others (or another person)

49. Describe a photograph in your home

50. Describe a place where you read and write (not your home)

51. Describe a café restaurant that you like (to go to).

52. Describe a place where you (usually / often) go to relax. (Not your home)

53. Describe an occasion when you got up very early.

54. Describe a long car journey you went on

55. Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child

56. Describe a change that you think would improve your local area

57. Describe a law about the environment that you would like to see

58. Describe an historic building that you have visited.

59. Describe a long walk that you went on

60. Describe a person you know who dresses well

61. Describe a person you know who speaks a second (or foreign) language well.

62. Describe a person (you know) who travels a lot by plane

63. Describe the member of your family who you spend the most time with

64. Describe a wedding that you have attended

65. Describe a time when you tried a new food for the first time

66. Describe an occasion when you were surprised to meet someone you know

67. Describe a time when you waited for (or, had to wait for) something (or someone)

68. Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise

69. Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting

70. Describe a film you watched at home or in a cinema

71. Describe a (recent) time when you looked at the sky (either day or night)

72. Describe a recent event (or something you did) that made you happy

73. Describe a polluted place

74. Describe a piece of good news that you received

75. Describe something special that you saved money to buy

76. Describe a situation that made you a little angry

77. Describe your favourite season or time of the year

78. Describe someone you know who recently moved to new accommodation

79. Describe the first time you used a foreign language

80. Describe a free-time activity that you like to do after you have finished your study or work

81. Describe an educational TV program that you have seen.

82. Describe a new skill you would like to learn/(Something that you cannot do now)

83. Describe an art or craft activity that you did at school

84. Describe a famous person in your country

85. Describe an article you read in a magazine or on the internet about healthy living

86. Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something

87. Describe a team project for study or entertainment

88. Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work

89. Describe an interesting public place in your hometown, or where you are living now, that you like to go to

90. Describe an item that you received and made you happy

91. Describe an item of electronic equipment that you would like to have

92. Describe a time when you forgot something important

93. Describe a time when you borrowed something

94. Describe a place with a lot of water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting

95. Describe a family (not your own family) that you like

96. Describe a person you know whose job is important to society

97. Describe someone in the news who you would like to meet

98. Describe a special toy you had in your childhood

99. Describe a skill you learned when you were a child

100. Describe a short trip that you frequently make (or, take) but dislike

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How to get a high IELTS speaking score

Free IELTS Speaking Test: Prepare with IELTS Speaking Topics and Templates for IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, & 3

In this guide, you'll take a free IELTS speaking test and practice with the most frequently used IELTS speaking topics with answers . You'll learn how to answer IELTS speaking part 1, IELTS speaking part 2, and IELTS speaking part 3 using our fully tested speaking templates.

Get free IELTS speaking sample answers after completing an IELTS speaking practice test.

Below is our full list of IELTS speaking questions with sample answers. Note: The red links are our most popular and recommended speaking questions rated by our students and you can practice them free anytime you like.

You should say

Explain why you think that advertisement made the product seem attractive.

You should say:

and explain why you want to have it in your home.

And say if you would like to read something else similar or not, and why

And say how you think it will compare to other books you have read

You should say:

and explain why you want to start this business.

and describe how it affected you later in life.

And the major attractions in this city are

and explain why the decision was so important.

and explain why you would like it.

You should say:

and describe why it is important to you

You should say:

and explain why you find this piece of electronic equipment useful.


You should say:

And explain what made this experience especially exciting.

And say if you would like to do the same thing again soon or not, and why

And say why you think you have a good relationship

And say which other relative of yours they are most similar to

And say why you think it is famous

And explain why this person has been important in your life

And say whether you are still in contact with that person or not, and why

And explain why it is your favorite piece of clothing.

You should say:

and explain why you like it.

And say how that present compares to other presents you have given that person or other people

and say how do you feel about it now.

You should say:

and explain why you think doing this is healthy.

and describe your experience of the place.

And say whether you also enjoyed doing that when you were a child or not, and why

And say if you would recommend that holiday to a friend or not, and why

And say if you ever think you will go on a holiday like that or not, and why

And say how likely you are to do what you have planned, and why

and explain why this person has had such an influence on you.

And say if you will use that same method in the future or not, and why

And say if you would use a similar book again or not, and why

And say if you think the test was a good indicator of your language level or not, and why

and explain what happened because you were late.

And say if you have become more or less interested in that hobby since you were a child, and why

And explain why it is so important to you to you.

You should say:

and explain how you would feel about getting so much money.

And say if you think you will ever try to play that instrument or not, and why

You should say:

and explain why this news story was interesting to you.

And explain what it requires to be good parents.

and explain what made it so enjoyable.

And say how it was different from other birthdays you have had before or since

And say if that is your favourite celebration or not, and why

And say how that festival or celebration compares to others in your country or abroad

And say whether you are looking forward to it or not, and why

And say whether there are any other options for what you could do which might be just as good

And say if you think you will achieve that goal or ambition or not, and why

You should say:

and explain why your country produces this thing.

And say why you like it

and explain why this rule is important.

and what happened if students broke the rule.

And say if you think it is a good school building or not, and why

And say if you think you will start studying it soon or not, and why

And explain how this area of science helps you

and explain how this subject helped you in your life.

And say if you think shopping there will become more or less popular in the future, and why

And, if you think it will be popular or not in the future, and why

and say what can be done to solve or reduce the effects of this problem.

And say if you think it is an easy sport to do or not, and why

And say if you think you will do this sport in the near future or not, and why

And say if you think you will ever do this sport or not, and why

You should say:

And explain why it is important to you.

And say if you think most people are happy with the transportation system or not, and why

And say if you think you will use that means of transport more or less often in the future, and why

And say whether you think it was easy to take this journey or not, and why

And say if you think it will become more popular or less popular in the future and why

And say whether you would like to go back to the same place again or not, and why

And say how you first became interested in going to that place

And say how you first became interested in going to that place

And say if you think that programme is better than other TV programmes that are on at the same time or not, and why

And explain why it is important for your country.

You should say:

And say if you think you will be able to get a job like that or not, and why

You should say:

And say if you think you will ever work in a place like that or not, and why

You should say:

And say if you think it is a satisfying job to do or not, and why

You should say:

And say if you think that person enjoys their job or not, and why

You should say:

And say if you think it is a good place to work or not, and why

You should say:

And say if you think you will be able to get that job or not, and why

IELTS Speaking Success Guide

Welcome to the official BestMyTest IELTS speaking test guide. The remainder of this guide will focus on learning the most frequently used IELTS speaking topics for speaking part 1 - 3, listening to band 9 speaking sample answers, and learning important IELTS speaking tips and resources for your success. Use the table of contents below to quickly find what you're looking for.

Table Of Contents

  • IELTS Speaking Test Introduction
  • IELTS Speaking Topics for Part 1
  • IELTS Speaking Topics for Part 2 & 3

How to Tackle IELTS Speaking Part 1

How to tackle ielts speaking part 2, how to tackle ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking practice for your success, how ielts speaking questions are scored, free ielts speaking test resources.

  • IELTS Speaking Test

The IELTS speaking test can be a little intimidating at first, especially because you'll be tested live in front of your examiner. Due to this live format, finding free speaking topics with sample answers can be difficult, but don't worry we have you covered. Before practicing with our IELTS speaking topics, let's take a quick look at the speaking test and see how it works.

Speaking Test Format

The speaking test lasts about 11 - 15 minutes , consisting of 3 parts. Please note the speaking topics for Greeting and Part 1 are the same, so they are considered only 1 part, but we have separated them for your convenience.

  • IELTS Speaking Test Greeting
  • IELTS Speaking Test Part 1
  • IELTS Speaking Test Part 2
  • IELTS Speaking Test Part 3

The Greeting

When you take the IELTS speaking test and walk into the examination room, the examiner does not start off with tough IELTS speaking questions, instead, they start slow with greetings. Please note, you WILL BE graded on your ability to greet, so it's important you're prepared for it. Having said that, let's take a quick look at a simple greeting and answer.

  • The examiner will introduce themselves and ask what your name is. You'll reply "My name's _______".
  • Next, you'll be asked "What can I call you?", in which you can reply "You can call me_______". You may use your English name here, if you have one. This may sound odd, but some people cannot pronounce their own English name. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE . If you cannot pronounce it, you're better off not using it.
  • Following your name, they'll ask where you're from. Just say "I'm from_____". That's enough. You don't need to give any extra information about your answers at this stage.
  • Finally, you'll be asked for identification. After showing it, you'll begin the test.

IELTS Speaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking part 1 lasts between 4-5 minutes , includes around 8-10 IELTS speaking questions , and about 2-3 familiar IELTS speaking topics such as your job, your studies, your family, your hometown, your accommodation, etc. These topics are easier than the topics from IELTS speaking part 2. Below are some examples of what you could be asked.

Part 1 questions might best be described as questions that imitate small talk between two strangers or acquaintances. They are not very in-depth, but don't let these questions fool you into thinking you don't need to prepare for them. Just a little preparation can go a long way and you'll thank us for making you do it! You'll also find some tips on how to prepare for part 1 questions later in this post.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

In part 2, you'll talk about a particular IELTS speaking topic. The topic is selected for you and will be given to you on a card (Candidate Task Card). You will then have 1 minute to prepare your answer and then a maximum of 2 minutes to speak . A pencil and paper will be provided for you to make notes. Below is an example IELTS speaking part 2 question:

Once your two minutes of speaking time is finished, it's possible the test examiner will conclude this part of the test by asking you a couple of simple questions related to your part 2 answer. These are sometimes known as rounding off questions , since they help "round off," or complete your conversation. Let's look at some IELTS speaking questions that could be asked. For instance, perhaps the IELTS speaking topic you discussed in part 2 was "Describe your favorite form of public transport". The examiner might round off your conversation by asking: - Are the buses cheap in your city? - Did you travel to the test today by bus?

Typically, these rounding off questions are simple, so it will only be necessary for you to respond with simple answers. Long, complex answers are not required here, as the examiner will likely be ready to transition into part 3. For example, you can answer a rounding off question with a short response like this: - Yes, about 2 dollars for a single journey. - No, actually I came by taxi.

On the other hand, there are instances when the examiner might skip the rounding off questions altogether and will, instead, proceed directly to part 3. If this turns out to be the case during your IELTS speaking test, don't worry; This indicates that your speaking part 2 answer was long enough, and that your 3 minutes speaking time for part 2 has already run out.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

In part 3, you'll be asked about 4-8 more IELTS speaking questions which are connected to the IELTS speaking topics discussed in part 2. The examiner will also ask you a few questions based on your answers, so the entire part 3 is a two-way discussion with the examiner and will last 4 - 5 minutes . Here are some general speaking questions the examiner could ask you based on the above IELTS speaking part 2 topics:

IELTS Speaking Topics

Now that you've been introduced to how the IELTS speaking test works, you can see there could be any number of topics asked. It's important you familiarize yourself with some of the more frequently used IELTS speaking topics. Not only have we created a comprehensive list, but each one also includes an IELTS speaking sample answer.

The below bar graph represents the most popular speaking topics used in 2015 to 2017. The y-axis shows the percentage they were used, while the the x-axis represents the topics. Finally, starting from left, each bar represents a year: 2017 , 2016 , and 2015 , accordingly.

IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 & 3 From 2015 to 2017

IELTS Speaking Topics Part 1

The below list contains more than just questions, it also shows speaking topics examiners have asked people in the past. A great tip is to answer these IELTS speaking part 1 questions in a mirror or with a friend. The table below shows the frequency each topic is used:

Topics Frequency
Hometown/Accommodation/Country High
Friends/Family/Housework/Children High
TV/Reading/Music/Newspapers & Magazines/Films High
Technology/Computers/Internet High
Work/Jobs/Career Planning/Volunteer Work High
School majors/High School Medium
Sports/Outdoor Activities/Indoor Activities Medium
Travel/Lifestyle Medium
Season/Rain/Sunny Days/Weather Medium
Fashion/Shoes/Bags/Clothes Medium
Transportation/Boats/Buses/Taxis Medium
Celebrities/Advertisements/Media Medium
Photos/Photography/Colors/Art Low
Noise/Patience/Politeness Low
Mirrors/Gifts Low

Next you'll go through the first three speaking topics

  • Accommodation

and included with each topic are IELTS speaking test sample answers.

Want to see our complete list of our IELTS speaking topics? You can check them out here: See complete list of speaking topics

Are you looking for IELTS speaking samples with answers? You can start practicing free now by clicking the button below. Free IELTS Speaking Mock Test - Part 1

IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 & 3

Now you'll learn some of the more commonly used topics from speaking part 2 & 3 and go through a few speaking questions related to the topics (included with each question is a band 9 sample response) .

Broad Category IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3
Media & Entertainment Advertisements/Art/Books/Internet/News/TV
Object Clothing/Electronic Devices/Food/Furniture/Gifts
Machine/Money/Musical Instruments/Traditional Products/Vegetables
People Teacher/Family/Friends/Influential People/Good Parents
Place City/Company/School/Museums/party/Shopping Places
Events A change in life/Decision/Exciting Experiences/Holiday/Illness Experiences
Helping People/Memorable Experiences/An Experience of Being Late/Travel Experiences
Society Environment/Traffic Rule/Society/Transportation
Others Leisure Activities/Language/Sports

Speaking part 2 and 3 will test you on similar topics, so the topics advertisement, art, and books below will have sample questions and responses for both parts included.


Speaking part 2, candidate task card.

Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.

You should say

What advertisement it was

Was it shown on TV, radio or newspaper

What was good about that advertisement

Explain why you think that advertisement made the product seem attractive.

Speaking Part 3

Talk about a painting you would like to have in your home.

You should say:

how you know about it

how much it would cost you

and explain why you want to have it in your home.

Talk about a book you are reading now or have read recently. You should say:    

How and why you got it

How long you it took you to read it or how long you have been reading it

What kind of book it is

And say if you would like to read something else similar or not, and why

Are you looking for IELTS speaking samples with answers? You can start practicing free now by clicking the button below. Free IELTS Speaking Mock Test - Part 2

As noted before, IELTS speaking test part 1 questions are like daily conversations with native speakers. If you're comfortable having basic conversations with a native English speaker, part 1 should not be too much trouble, however, you should still prepare for it.

When answering IELTS speaking topics from part 1, your answer shouldn't be too short or too long. . For example, if you're asked "Do you like sports?" Saying "No. I don't like sports." is not a good enough answer. Always remember, you're here to prove you can speak English, so you need to give the examiner longer answers in order for them to grade you. An acceptable response would be "I understand the benefits of being in sports and the entertainment of watching it, but even as a child, I could never get into sports. I prefer to sit down and read an engaging book.". As a general rule, a part 1 answer should have about 3-4 sentences.

Fortunately, there are some simple ways for you to extend your IELTS speaking answers naturally, without running the risk of using any difficult or unfamiliar grammar. Here, you can find 5 easy ways , with provided examples, of how to effectively extend your answers when taking IELTS speaking part 1.

1. Providing Reasons

I am really into swimming, so I like to swim in my free time. I suppose the influence of my parents who both like swimming.

My favorite TV programmes are dramas, I don't have to think too much when I watch them. They're a little over dramatic at times, but that's part of the fun.

I like watching films with my family and friends, afterwards we can talk about our favorite parts and figure out what we think the plot was about.

My favorite teacher in high school was my English teacher. she was my favorite teacher is that she taught very well, and spent time making sure we understood new words.

I enjoyed several subjects, but the one I liked the most was probably science. I my love of science I grew up in a family where my parents love science and I was taught to have an inquiring mind.

I like pop music mostly that kind of music motivates me and makes me happy. I'll listen to almost anything with a good beat and upbeat lyrics.

It's hard to say, we're all so close. I guess I probably get on best with my mother, we are the most alike. We're both very chatty and warm people.

I prefer to go out to restaurants I can feel like a guest and it is much more comfortable to eat at restaurants than at home. Not to mention that the food there tastes better than home-cooked meals.

2. Providing Examples

Yes! I like to keep fit. I am keen on sports! , I play basketball every week and use the gym whenever I have the chance

Yes! I really do! learning English . I love reading English magazines and listening to English podcasts.

Well.. my least favorite thing about it is that there aren't too many fun things to do or see. shopping centres and restaurants close too early.

I mostly listen to music on my phone, with headphones. , when I take the train, I like to listen to something to pass the time.

Well.. volunteering means spending your free time to help others. , helping children to learn a useful new skill if their families don't have the money to pay for classes.

Well..yes, there are some drawbacks to the Internet. , there are some online predators who try to harass people online through social media. That can be very upsetting.

3. Providing Details

My hometown, Delhi, is the second largest in India. The capital of the country, New Delhi, is also there. There is an international airport in Delhi, so it's easy to travel in and out of the country from there.

I live in a rented room in a paying guest accommodation. It is a superb building equipped with all the facilities. Round-the-clock security, access to free Wi-Fi, medical room and a common room all are made available to the guests living in the building. Every major part of the city is accessible from our building.

It is a book shop near where I live. It's on the main street. I often go in there to browse and have a look through all the books they have.

You know was about a year ago now, but I still remember it fairly well. My first day at work was slightly hectic and overwhelming, and I actually made a lot of mistakes. Fortunately, my co-workers and supervisor were patient with me, and I got through it okay. Things at work improved quite a bit once I learned my way around.

My greatest responsibilities at work are negotiating and maintaining relationships with our clients. I also need to stay organized and be sure to make sure I understand the products I'm promoting.

4. Talking About the Past or the Future

I am currently living in Delhi, which is the second most populated city in India. I've lived there for a couple of years, but I used to live in Bangalore, which is also a big city in southern India.

No! Not at the moment. I am unemployed now, but I am planning to apply for some internship positions this summer. Hopefully things will change soon.

No. I've never been to a concert before, but I think I will. Concerts are always happening around where I live, so I will try to go check them out when I can.

5. Making Speculations

I'd be happy to leave my country offered a job abroad that was interesting.

ever go there, but I'd love to go to Africa to see the wild nature. Right now I don't have money for vacation. If I had more money, I would probably go with my girlfriend.

You know.. working as a software engineer in Google if I managed to pass Google's interview.

You know.. I am, but that depends on what it means to be polite. I think being polite means respecting others, and I try my best to do that.

Hmm..the job I have now is overall acceptable, but there aren't many opportunities to move up the ladder. If I was a senior manager, I would probably advise my boss to change the way that the company is managed to allow for more upward career mobility.

Another key tip to keep in mind is to talk naturally like you were talking to a good friend. When you feel uncomfortable or stressed its natural to do the following

  • Look down when talking
  • Talk in a monotone voice
  • Talk quietly
  • Give one word answers ("No.")

The above list are things you MUST NOT DO! Let's look at a list of things you should do :)

  • Make natural eye contact with the examiner
  • Talk with passion. Be excited and happy to answer the questions.
  • Talk loud enough, so the examiner will have no problem hearing you.
  • Give descriptive answers.

Part 2 is the individual part of the IELTS speaking test. You'll be given a candidate task card, pen and paper and will be expected to speak a monologue for around 2 minutes. As you can see from the candidate task card example below, there is an IELTS speaking topic that the examiner will expect you to talk about and bullet points to help guide you, but are not requirements for your speech. This card is your IELTS speaking question for part 2.

  • Where you got it from
  • How long you have had it
  • What you use it for.

You'll have 1 minute to prepare your speech. Use the pen and paper to write down your notes in point form. You can use your notes during your speech. The examiner will then start a timer and you will begin your 2 minute monologue.

IELTS Speaking Tips for Success - Part 2

Due to IELTS speaking part 2 requiring you to speak for 2 minutes straight and potentially talk about an unfamiliar topic, many IELTS students get nervous and stress out during their speech and run out of things to say. In order to help you overcome these problems, we have come up with 4 IELTS speaking tips that can help you feel confident and relaxed during your speech.

1. Don't let bullet points on the cue card limit your answer

A common misconception is that students have to talk about exactly what is written on the card, but that is not true. In the Official Marking Criteria there is nothing stating that you have to talk about every bullet point. The bullet points are only there to help you, so if there are one or two that you don't like or you don't feel comfortable talking about, leave them out and talk about something else.

The rule is that you must talk about the general topic, but you don't have to talk about all of the bullet points. So what does this mean to you? It means you can choose to talk about some of the bullet points you are comfortable with and other things unrelated to the bullet points but related to the topic. This will help you give a better and a more fluent answer.

2. Plan your answer during the 1 minute preparation time

You will have one minute to prepare before you start talking. During this 1 minute, You should layout your speaking response's structure and put down some keywords to help you remember what you want to talk about during your speech. Remember! You need to speak for 2 minutes and that's a lot of time, so planning what you want to say and your structure is important to getting a high IELTS speaking test score.

3. Prepare a structure to plan out your speaking answer

There's nothing worse then having an idea in your mind, but failing to express it into words that's easy for the listener to follow and understand. This is typically the case when you aren't practiced in speaking with structure. It's recommended you have a structure in mind to answer all IELTS speaking questions. Here we recommend two strategies to structure your answers:

First Strategy

  • Introduction: In the introduction, you can rephrase the question a little, and then use a sentence to introduce what you will talk about. Just a simple introductory phrase like, "I'm going to talk about..." or "I'd like to talk about..." will work just fine. The introduction usually takes up around 10 seconds. Or you can say something like, "Hmm..this is an interesting topic. My first thought is.." or, "That's a tough question for me, but if I had to choose, I'd choose.." . Then, you'll want to move on to talk about the main points.
  • Main points: When you've decided what you want to talk about, the first thing you'll want to do is to think about question words like "who," "what," "where," or "when," and then you can start coming up with basic responses to these questions. You can write down a few of your ideas on your paper. Next, you can start looking at the bullet points, and then choose two of them to talk about. Again, you can write down a few ideas for each bullet point on the card. Finally, you want to focus on questions that start with "why" . Usually there is a "why" question on the question card.
  • Extension: If up to this point, you have still not used all 2 minutes of your time, you can extend your answer by talking about how you feel overall and what you might like to do in the future in regards to the topic. Doing that should help you add another 20 seconds . You can always start with sentences like "Overall, I feel .. , and "I think in the future I will...." .

IELTS Speaking Question Part 2 Example:

  • what you used it for
  • how long you have used it
  • and describe why it is important to you

IELTS Speaking Sample Answer:

This is an interesting topic . My first thought is that I find a lot of electronic equipment useful, but today I am going to talk about the laptop I have.

My laptop computer is manufactured by HP. This laptop has a good configuration and it supports most of the latest software. It came with the Windows 8 operating system and a warranty for three years. I remembered my mom bought it for me as a present. We bought it at Best Buy. I remember it was black friday, so the computers were on sale and we got a great discount.

As for what I use it for, I'd say it is useful in virtually all aspects of my life, including studying, and entertainment. For instance, I use my laptop to take notes. I remember I used to take notes by hand in highschool. It was extremely time-consuming. Now with my laptop, I can type notes directly into a document. It is just much faster and much more flexible. I also use my laptop for entertainment purposes. For example, when I get home from school, I listen to music on my laptop. On weekends, I like watching my favorite TV shows on Netflix. If I didn't have my laptop, I would have to use my phone to watch videos, and I think the phone's screen would be too small for me to really enjoy the programme.

With regards to how long I have used it, well, I had my old laptop for over 5 years, but I finally decided to upgrade and bought my current one a year ago.

Finally, I want to talk about why the laptop is important to me. As I said earlier, this laptop has become an essential piece of equipment for me in almost every aspect of my life. I use it to watch movies and listen to music. I also use it to take notes. I even use it to write a blog, and play games occasionally.

Overall, I feel I am a bit emotionally attached to this laptop as it has become a part of my life. I think in the future, I will continue to use it until it stops working. Even if it breaks, I'll probably still keep it and treat it as a valuable.

Second Strategy

  • Who they are
  • How you met them
  • Why you think they are good parents
  • And explain what it requires to be good parents.

4. Don't Worry About Making Mistakes

The last IELTS speaking tip is not to worry about making mistakes. Everybody taking an IELTS speaking test makes both grammar and vocabulary mistakes. The examiners are actually expecting you to make some mistakes. What's important is getting the message across; making a few small mistakes will not hurt your overall message. What will hurt your message is thinking about the mistake because you'll lose your train of thought and that is very dangerous. If you can correct it immediately, then it's fine to correct it, but if you struggle or it takes a little bit of time to think of the correction, then please forget it and move on.

In part 3 of the IELTS speaking test, the examiner will ask a broader range of questions which are based on the topics discussed in part 2. These questions are more general and require you to develop your answer further with explanations and examples. It is going to be a discussion with the examiner that will last for about 4-5 minutes. The examiner wants to see that you can fluently express your opinions and that you are able to justify them by giving reasons and examples.

IELTS Speaking Tips for Success - Part 3

Ok, let's just say that the IELTS speaking topic question in part 2 is "Describe a book that you read recently". In part 3, the questions you are going to be asked are related to the topic "book". So, here are some general and abstract questions that could be asked in part 3 based on this topic:

  • What kind of books are considered good reads in your opinion?
  • Why do you think so many people read on tablets nowadays?
  • Do you think that traditional books will be replaced by tablet reading in the future?

If you have done some research on IELTS speaking questions for part 3, you might think they are unpredictable, making them challenging to prepare for. However, if you look at them closely, you can see patterns among the questions. Generally speaking, questions in IELTS speaking part 3 ask you to

  • give your opinion on a topic
  • express your preference on a topic
  • compare and contrast two things
  • make a prediction on something in the future
  • make a comparison with the past
  • talk about a hypothetical situation
  • talk about your ideas about people in society
  • talk about causes and effects
  • provide solutions to a problem
IELTS Speaking Question What do you think cities will be like in 50 years time?

I think cities in the future will be more densely populated. At the same time, people will still require transportation, so I think the transportation in future cities will be more modern, fast, and convenient.

In fact, I think there is a growing trend across the world of futuristic cities emerging where transportation is becoming more convenient to meet the growing demands of population. This trend will probably continue going forward.

I personally like this trend as more futuristic cities will emerge. A good example of a futuristic city is I think I will say it is Tokyo, where people have access to clean transportation, and live in compact spaces, like high-rises.
IELTS Speaking Question How has teaching changed in your country over the past few decades?

In the past few decades, there have definitely been some noticeable changes in education through generations.

I mean ..most notably, students today can no longer be punished physically by teachers, while in the past, that was pretty common.

Another way that education has changed is teacher student interaction. Today, it’s more normal to see students answering questions and having discussions, while in the past, the teacher simply lectured, and the students listened silently.

Overall, I think education is making progress in my country.
IELTS Speaking Question What are the differences between living in the city and the countryside?

For me, there are quite a few differences between life in the city and life in the country. Life in the city and in the country is vastly different.

First of all, the way people interact with each other is different. For example, in a small town, people usually wave to say hello, and notice strangers in town. But in a big city, most people ignore each other and try to give each other space in public.

Another big difference between the two is the amount of noise, which is higher in cities, and lower in small towns.

Overall, life in both places varies.
IELTS Speaking Question How can we stop violence on TV?

I think violence on TV is the most problematic for children, but there isn’t really a simple way to make it stop, because there is a demand for action, horror, and excitement on TV.

The way I see it, there are two possible ways to deal with violent TV shows. The first is to make policies that actually ban that kind of programming altogether, although that would likely not be popular.

The second way could be to educate people on why violent TV shows are problematic, and see if they will stop watching the shows to lower the demand for them.

I mean either way, I think this problem probably isn’t going to disappear with just one simple solution.
IELTS Speaking Question What are some of the causes of water pollution?

Water pollution definitely has more disastrous effects on our health

From what I understand, water pollution is caused mostly by human activity, so it seems like the likely sources of water pollution would be factories, runoff from farms, and sewage from cities.

For instance, I’ve seen a few studies recently that declared the Australian Great Barrier Reef to be dead due to man-made pollutants and garbage in the water.

I think it’s quite sad, as that probably could have been prevented if people paid more attention to the effects big industry has on the environment.
IELTS Speaking Question How popular is watching television in your country?

As far as I know, watching TV is probably one of the most popular pastimes for people in my country.

For example, in the evening, almost every home I pass has the TV in the living room switched on, and families will be sitting around together watching shows. I think most people like watching the news, or watching dramas.

As for me, I also watch quite a bit of TV when I’m at home. For instance, I watch sitcoms on Friday nights after work.I guess other people in my country probably do the same thing as I do.
  • Give your opinion on a topic
  • Express your preference
  • Talk about a hypothetical situation
  • Answer the question
  • Explain the reason
  • Give examples to support your reasons
IELTS Speaking Question Do you think people spend too much money on electronic devices?

If you ask me, yes, I think that some people spend too much money trying to keep up with the latest trends in technology.

However, I can understand why they do it, because these days devices become obsolete almost immediately after they are purchased.

For example, a new smartphone might have some great new camera today, but tomorrow, another one will appear with an even better camera. Then, everyone will want to upgrade to the new device. As for me, I am satisfied with using a slightly outdated device in order to save money until I really need a new one.
IELTS Speaking Question Do you generally read a lot of books or do you prefer watching T.V?

Even though I love to read, the reality is I spend quite a bit more time watching TV.

I think the main reason I watch more TV is because it’s lazier, which is unfortunate. But at the same time, there are some great shows to choose from.

For instance, one of my favorite shows is “Dexter”, which has great writing, an interesting plot, and well-developed characters, just like a book. I think in the age we live in now, TV is just going to keep getting better and better, so I am going to probably continue watching more TV.
IELTS Speaking Question If you could influence or had the power to change the world with your writings what would you want to change?

If I could change the world with my writings, my biggest priority would probably be to educate people about how and why they need to make changes to what they buy, what they eat, and consume to help save the environment.

The main reason is that people nowadays are using so much disposable plastic and products. This has led to many environmental problems. If my writing could change our consumption habits, that would have a drastic effect on our environmental footprint.

For example, I’ve seen a few studies recently predicting that, by 2050, the mass of plastic in the world’s oceans will exceed the mass of all the fish that live there. If that happens, the entire food chain will be severely damaged.

BestMyTest is an online IELTS preparation course built for your convenience. Our IELTS speaking test questions were designed to look and feel identical to the official IELTS speaking test (We did our best to simulate an interview like scenario for you). We made sure everything was the same including difficulty, formatting, and even how the test functions. Please note we offer 4 simulated IELTS tests with never before seen questions and a completely free IELTS speaking test sample. You can start practicing now: IELTS Speaking Practice 1 part 1

These IELTS speaking topics were created with the most recent year's topics, so our IELTS speaking samples are relevant to your IELTS speaking preparation! Make sure you complete them all and you'll achieve a high IELTS speaking band score.

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In the IELTS speaking test, your speaking ability will be scored based on four categories. These are known as Fluency and coherence, Lexical resource, Grammatical range and accuracy, and Pronunciation . Read on for an opportunity to get more familiar with each of these categories. For more information, you can also refer to these band descriptors which IELTS examiners use to score the Speaking section of the test. Now, let's look at these four categories in detail.

Fluency & Coherence

Can you discuss your thoughts in a clear, logical way? Fluency refers to your ability to get your ideas across rationally, and coherence refers to the extent to which others can understand your ideas. To get a Band 9 score in the Fluency and Coherence category, you should be able to speak continuously without stopping to remember words or grammar, while simultaneously developing a complete, practical response to IELTs speaking questions.

If you are frequently hesitating to put a grammatically correct response together, your fluency will be negatively impacted. You should be focused on using English to effectively communicate the content of your message at all times, not on finding the right words themselves. To score well in the area of coherence, your ideas need to flow together sensibly to your listener. You can make use of cohesive features, like transitions, and common discourse markers to improve your cohesion, and also buy yourself a little more time to think of your best response.

Lexical Resource

Your lexical resource concerns your ability to effectively tap into your "mental dictionary" or lexicon. If you tend to speak with an expansive, varied vocabulary, you will surely do well in the lexical resource category. Note that both the appropriateness and accuracy of your vocabulary choices are considered here, so you must be sure to choose the correct word for both its meaning AND the context in which it appears.

On the other hand, if you have a limited vocabulary, or are inexperienced with finding the right context for some words, you may need some additional practice in this area. Remember, just knowing what an English word "means" does not ensure that you are using it correctly, as English words often have connotations which are not necessarily found in the dictionary. By the way, you'll understand what we're talking about more as you go through our IELTS speaking samples. Continuing on, repeating the same words that you are comfortable using again and again is another common mistake to avoid, as it will indicate to the examiner that your lexical resources are limited. Finally, the examiner will expect you to be able to correctly paraphrase IELTS speaking questions by using your own words to repeat the question. That means listening and understanding the phrasing of questions is important, too.

Grammatical Range

Unsurprisingly to most, your grammar will also be considered as part of your IELTS speaking score. To do your best in this category, you should become familiar with as many IELTS speaking topics as you can, so you can focus more on your grammar, then you can attempt to demonstrate your grammatical ability and range as naturally as possible. Avoiding mistakes will not be enough to get a high score in this area, as the examiner needs ample opportunities to hear you using more complex or difficult grammatical structures and features. Your goal should be to show off your grammatical knowledge while appearing comfortable using a variety of sentence constructions and verb tenses.

However, as many second-language speakers know, this is easier said than done. If you're confused about how to use some grammar points, or you aren't sure whether you're making mistakes when speaking, consider recording your spoken responses next time you practice answering IELTS speaking test questions. While listening, you may find that there are some mistakes you didn't even know you were making. Discovering these will allow you to figure out how to break bad habits BEFORE the examiner hears you making them on the test. If possible, get a native speaker, instructor, or a friend with good English to help you correct your mistakes and explain grammar rules. Be sure to go back and review as well - even the most basic grammar lessons.


Last but not least, examiners will score your pronunciation. Those with the highest scores in this category will pronounce words well enough for native speakers to understand them perfectly at all times. Pronunciation problems which limit your ability to be understood when speaking will reduce your score.

It's important to remember that English pronunciation involves more than just the sounds of words. Native speakers will also be listening for proper tone, stress, and flow in your words as well as within sentences. When test-takers are unfamiliar with the natural rhythm and intonation patterns of English, the only surefire way to improve is to hear and use as much spoken English as possible throughout the day. You can speak English and listen to your response every day right here at BestMyTest with our IELTS speaking practice questions.

Realistically, doing this may not be possible for everyone. Even so, you can still make the most of your limited time by listening to recordings of native speakers. To practice improving your pronunciation, you'll need to channel your inner parrot. Try stopping the recording and repeating short portions exactly the way you heard them a few times. Listen for rising and falling tones, pauses, and even the speaker's emotion. Doing this will allow you to develop your own pronunciation within different contexts, as well as train yourself to hear and replicate the real sounds of native-like English.

Improving your speaking skills with free resources is a little more challenging than the other three IELTS sections. It's true that speaking English can help you improve, but what really helps is having conversations with a fluent English speaker. Someone that can help correct your mistakes. Of course, a fluent English speaker isn't always available, so we'll go to the next best thing. Free IELTS speaking resources.

To get an idea of what the IELTS speaking test is like for each part, you can watch the official IELTS YouTube videos below completely free. They contain a ton of useful information and IELTS speaking samples.

  • YouTube Video: IELTS Speaking 1 (Kenn, Band 8.5)
  • YouTube Video: IELTS Speaking 2 (Tina, Band 5)
  • YouTube Video: IELTS Speaking 3 (Kopi, Band 8)

Below are a few amazing free resources you can use to train and maintain your IELTS speaking skills.

1. Google Speech-to-Text

This is a great tool for teaching yourself to speak at a good pace and to pronounce correctly. What you'll notice is if you make a mistake, Google API will write down what it thinks you said. We actually have something similar in our IELTS speaking question section under the "SAMPLE" tab, but you'll need Google chrome on desktop to use it.

YouTube has tons of free resources related to IELTS speaking test practice. Some videos even offer IELTS speaking samples with answer.

3. Google Play Store

There are loads of free English speaking fluency apps from Google play store. You really can't go wrong with these free apps. Just download them and start. With the right app, you should be able to improve your IELTS speaking skills, at least, a little bit.

IELTS Practice Tests

  • IELTS Listening Test
  • IELTS Reading Test
  • IELTS Writing Task 1 & 2

All information on this page was referenced from the official IELTS website:

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 - New Questions and Topics in 2020

  • IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 - New Questions and Topics in 2020

In January 2020, new topics and questions were added to the Speaking part. There are also new topics in the 2nd and 3rd parts. We have compiled a detailed list for you. Speaking part 2 card + Speaking part 3 questions related to the topic from the card.

ielts speaking task 2 education

In January 2020, new topics and questions were added to the Speaking part. Here you can explore new topics in the first part of Speaking: There are also new topics in the 2nd and 3rd parts. We have compiled a detailed list for you. Speaking part 2 card + Speaking part 3 questions related to the topic from the card.

Part 2 Describe a toy you liked in your childhood.

You should say: What it was Who gave it to you What it looked like Explain why it was a special toy for you

Part 3 Do you think children learn something from toys? Do the parents spend too much on buying toys for their children? How do the media attract the children towards toys? What should be preferable toys for children? Do you think it is good for children to play many computer games? Do you think playing with electronic toys has a good influence on kids? How do you think a child can benefit from playing a child’s game? Which do you think is better, for children to play with toys alone or with other kids?

Part 2 Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child. You should say: what the game was where you played it who played this game with you and explain why you enjoyed playing this game.

Part 3 What sorts of games are popular in your country? How do games influence our life? Do people in your country prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games? What are the benefits of indoor games? What are the drawbacks of indoor games?

Part 2 Describe a place where you read and write, apart from your home You should say: What kind of place it is Where it is How often you go there Explain why you choose to go there Part 3 At what age do children start reading and writing? Is it the sole responsibility of school to take care of reading and writing? Is home better for reading and writing? Or other places? What is more important, reading or writing? Who needs to have good writing skills? From what can people get more information – words or pictures?

Part 2 Describe a small and successful company you know. You should say: the name of the company how you learnt about it what kind of business this company does and explain why you think this company is successful.

Part 3 Business Do most people in your country work for small or large businesses? What kind of businesses need the most help? Should the government help businesses or leave them alone? How important is regulation of large businesses? What rights do large companies have? What do you think can be considered as emerging industries? Is market research important for export business? In business, do companies need to be competitive? Should companies promote competition and why? What should be the government’s role in how small businesses are run? How can businesses benefit the community in which they are located? What kind of small businesses are most popular?

Careers What are the most common professions among young people today? What influences young people in their choice of career? Should young people follow their role models? Should the age of retirement be raised? How can people still contribute to society after retiring?

Part 2 Describe a job you would not like to do in the future You should say: what the job is how much training would be necessary what is so special about this job and explain why you are not attracted to this job.

Part 3 Difficult Jobs Why do some people see their jobs as very difficult? Should jobs with high degrees of difficulty earn more money? How do people choose their jobs? Do companies do enough to train employees for difficult jobs? What incentives can governments offer for those taking on difficult jobs?

Jobs What kind of jobs do young people prefer? What kinds of jobs are poorly-paid in your country? Which do young people generally prefer — boring jobs with a higher pay or interesting jobs with lower pay? Do people who have different levels of income feel happy about how much they earn? Which is better: physical work or work involving thinking? Do you think it is good to change jobs frequently?

Part 2 Describe a goal that you hope to achieve in the future You should say: what this goal has to do with your life when you started thinking about this goal how you will achieve it and explain why this goal is important for you.

OR: Describe a goal that you set for yourself Part 3 Do you think people should talk to others about their goals? What is more rewarding, working towards the goal or achieving it? Do you think it’s important to have realistic goals? Is it always necessary to have something to aspire to in the future? Setting Goals How important is it for people to set goals? Do people set different goals at different stages of life? Are personal goals more important than professional goals? What sort of goals do young people today set? Are people becoming more pessimistic about their life goals?

Part 2 Describe a product made in the region you come from or a popular product from your home town. You should say: What it is, how it looks like, What is it used for How is it made Explain why your country makes it and why is it popular

OR: Describe a famous product from your region of your country

Part 3 Shopping Do people in your country shop at malls or street markets? Is online shopping common? Is it better to shop alone or with friends? Why is online shopping becoming more popular? Is shopping a waste of time?

Part 2 Describe a friend or a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal You should say: Who this person is What this person encouraged you to do What this person helped you with And explain why this encouragement helped you to achieve this goal

Part 3 Is it important for teenagers to have goals? What do you think would encourage young children to learn more? Should children have clear goals? Do you think people should talk to others about their goals? Do people need to write down goals or simply memorize them? When do young people start setting goals for themselves?

Part 2 Describe a performance you recently watched You should say: what the performance was where and when you watched the performance who was performing and explain why you enjoyed the performance

OR: Describe a colorful play that you visited Part 3 Do you think traditional performances are important? Do you think people generally prefer to go to a concert or to listen to recordings of music? What do you think is the difference between watching a live performance and watching it on TV? How do you think watching a dance performance or a stage play influences children? Do you think art forms such as ballet and drama are important in life? Do you think the theatre should be run as a business or as a public service? Do you believe the government has a responsibility to support cultural activities in society?

Part 2 Describe a person in the news that you want to meet. You should say: Who he or she is Why this person showed up on TV for? What you know about this person? and say why you want to meet him.

Part 3 News/Celebrities What type of people can be seen on TV? Do you think there is too much news about celebrities? Are the stories about celebrities in the news always true? Is the news on celebrities mostly positive? Do you think negative information in the news can have negative influence? Why do people like negative news? What is usually in the news in your country? Is that information always true? What’s the difference between broadcasting news in the past and in the present? Looking up to People Do you think kids today grow up differently than in the past? Are famous people good examples for children? What can children learn from bad examples? Should companies use celebrities to advertise their products? Do people really trust celebrity endorsements? Why do you think many young people tend to copy their favourite celebrities? Do you think that celebrities can be good role models? Why do you think the media in most countries often carry stories about celebrities?

Websites What Internet sites do people in your country use for entertainment? Why is more and more news now published on social media websites? What can we do to stop the spread of unreliable news? How have websites changed in the last decade? Should there be tighter regulation on websites? Online Information Is online information reliable? Do you think there is too much information online? How can people consume online news responsibly? Is the information provided on television useful? What’s the difference between news in newspapers and online news?

Part 2 Describe a uniform you wear (at your school or company) You should say: what does it look like when you wear it who bought it for you and explain how you felt about it

Part 3 What kinds of clothes do people wear after work? What kinds of clothes should people wear at work? Do you think it is necessary for children to wear school uniforms? Where do people in your country buy clothes? When do people wear formal clothes? Do people wear formal clothes more often or less often than the past? Will the way we dress influence the way we behave?

Part 2 Describe the happiest day you had You should say: where you were who were with you what you did and explain why you think it was the happiest day.

Part 3 What makes people happy? What is the relationship between money and happiness? Do most people in your country think that money is important? Why are children generally happier than adults What do people do make themselves happy?

Part 2 Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone You should say: who you helped and why how you helped this person what the result was and explain how you felt about helping this person.

Part 3 Helping Should developed countries help developing countries? What kind of help is best to provide? Can help be harmful in some cases? How should parents help their children? Are there any advantages to not helping someone? Should children be taught to help others? Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past? Do people trust others as much as they used to in the past? How do people in your community help one another? How do students such as high school students help each other? How can charitable organizations help people? What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers? How do you think the volunteers benefit themselves?

Part 2 Describe a beautiful sky/sunset you observed (saw). You should say: where you were what you were doing who you were with and say how you felt about it

Part 2 Stars/Space Do people in your country often look at the stars? Why is it important to explore space? How can learning about space impact the daily lives of people? Will we find life on other planets? When will humans live on other planets?

Part 2 Describe a time when someone apologized to you. You should say: who apologized to you why they apologized where it happened and explain how you felt (or what you said) after this person apologized.

OR: A time you apologised to someone

Part 3 Is it important to say sorry? In what situations do people say sorry? Why do some people hate to say sorry? In what situations should we apologize immediately? When do people say thank you?

Describe an occasion when you lost something and then got it back You should say: what it was how you lost it why it was important to you and explain how you felt when you lost it

Part 3 Why do people always forget things? How can people avoid forgetting things? What is the best action to take if you find something or lost something? In our modern world, people tend to forget their culture. What are the reasons for that? Losing Things Why do people lose things? Which things do people usually lose? What should parents do when children bring home something they found? How can people better remember things? How important is memory?

Part 2 Describe an event that you attended recently that you enjoyed. You should say: What the purpose of the event was Who you attended the event with What was unique or enjoyable about the event

Part 3 Celebrations What kind of celebrations are common in your country? How much do people typically spend on their wedding? Are there big differences between the way that young and old people celebrate their birthdays? Do all people in your country take part in the same celebrations? What is the importance of national holidays?

Part 2 Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone else . You should say: who this person was where you met this person what you talked about why it was interesting

OR: Describe an important conversation you had with someone

Part 3 Speaking and Listening What is the difference between a good speaker and listener? How can someone be a good listener? Is it more important to be good at listening or speaking? Why are some people not good listeners? How important is listening to political leaders? Public Speaking Why is public speaking important? What qualities make someone a good public speaker? What kind of people are usually asked to do public speaking? Has the way people speak in public changed much? Why are people so scared of public speaking?

Part 2 Describe a person who often travels by plane You should say: Who he or she is Where he or she goes Why he or she travels by plane And explain how he or she feels about it

Part 3 Airports Is it a difficult job to work at an airport? Why do airports tend to get larger in size? What makes travelling by air such a popular form of transport? What are the advantages of travelling by plane? What are the disadvantages of plane travel? What are the disadvantages of living near an airport? Would you prefer the airport to be built inside the city or in the outskirts? What do people consider when they buy a plane ticket, the cost or comfort?

Part 2 Describe a gift you gave that took a long time to choose. You should say: What it was Who you gave it to How you chose it And explain why you spent a long time choosing it or explain how the receiver of the gift reacted

Part 3 Money and Gifts Is money a good gift? What is the difference between buying with cash and a credit card? What are the advantages of buying with cash? Should people include receipts when they give gifts? Is it common to return gifts in your country? Arts and Crafts Why do people undervalue art? Are artistic skills innate? Should cities have more art in public spaces? Why do people admire art and artists so much? What is the difference between good and bad art?

Part 2 Describe a time when you did not tell the truth to a friend You should say: When it was Where it happened Why you did not tell the truth And explain how you felt about it

Part 3 Lying In which situations is it ok to lie to friends? Why do some people feel comfortable telling strangers the truth but not friends? Do politicians have to lie? Why? How should politicians who have been caught lying be punished? Is lying common in your country? Do you think people need to tell the truth all the time? What should parents do if their children tell lies? Why is it easier for people to tell the truth to strangers than family or friends? Truth in Crime Why do witnesses of crimes sometimes disagree in their accounts? How can modern technology help solve crimes? Will teaching children to be honest reduce crime in the future? Should there be more severe penalties for crimes like libel? How will the detection of lies change in the future?

Part 2 Describe a photograph that you have hanging up in your home You should say: What it is and where it is in your home Where it was taken How you got it And explain why you like it What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos using a smartphone? Do you think photographers are artists? Do you think art should be sold or preserved? Why do you think some artworks like paintings or sculptures are expensive? Part 3 Art Should kids be taught art from a young age? Is it important for all people to get the opportunity to make art? Should art be sold or kept in museums for the public to see? Why is art sold for such large sums of money? What is the attitude to art in your country?

Part 2 Describe a time when you used the internet to solve a problem You should say: What the problem was How you solved that problem How long it took you to solve it And how you felt about it

Part 3 The Internet How often do most people use the internet? Do you think many people waste their time online? Are there drawbacks to its overuse? What kind of information can people find online? How has this changed the way that people get their information? What impacts does the internet have on students? How will the internet change society in the future?

Part 2 Describe a film you would recommend to your friends You should say: Where you watched it What it was about Who you watched it with and explain why you want to share with your friends. Part 3 The Film Industry Do you think actors should make as much money as they do? What makes a good actor? How can a film benefit the country where it is made? Should countries invest more in their film industry? How has the film industry changed in recent decades?

Part 2 Describe an occasion when you borrowed something from someone You should say: What it was When it happened Who you borrowed it from What you did with it And explain why borrowed that thing

Part 3 Borrowing What kind of celebrations are common in your country? Is patriotism a kind of celebration? Why do people care so much about national sports teams? Do all people in your country take part in the same celebrations? How has the ways people celebrate changed? Borrowing and Lending Have you ever borrowed a book from someone else? Do you like to lend to others? Would you ever lend a friend money? Would you lend someone your phone to make a phone call?

Other topics of Part 2

Describe something that technology has helped you to achieve Describe a trip with your friends that you enjoyed a lot Describe a famous person from another country you would like to meet Describe a quiz or game show Describe a time you received advice regarding a profession or field of study Describe a time when you met someone again after a long time not seeing them

How to master IELTS Writing: Task 1 & Task 2

  • How to write an answer to ANY type of Essay task
  • How to write an answer to ANY type of Graph task
  • How to structure your answer
  • What to write in each paragraph
  • What grammar to use
  • How to link your ideas
  • What vocabulary to use
  • What you should write to get a high score

Bonus: IELTS Punctuation PDF Guide Everything you want to know to have correct punctuation in your IELTS Writing for 7.0-9.0 Score (31 pages, .PDF)

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How to – IELTS Part 2 Speaking – How to do your best?

By on 25 April 2021 0

Preparing and Practising for the long turn in IELTS speaking 

This is the second section of the IELTS speaking test and its the area that can be the most worrying and the most challenging. 

Students see the main point to this task as being able to speak for two minutes on a topic they have never seen before.

Now that is a challenge!

Yet, it shouldn’t be like this!

Why do I think so?

Well, my first thoughts are, it’s the perfect opportunity to display what you can do in terms of language, with no examiner interruptions.

I also think because there is only one question, which is the prompt, even if you go off topic, you shouldn’t get penalised.

Once you have understood the advice I give, there are practice cards for the most recent and popular topics as well as a checklist for the understanding the marking criteria and assessment.


You can practice these questions by yourself, but it’s even better to practice with a partner or a teacher.

Remember, when you practice you need to focus on the four Speaking Band scores and not just being able to talk for two minutes!

What do the IELTS Speaking Criteria mean?

If you want to get a high score in the IELTS Speaking test, it is very important to understand how you will be assessed.

This will help you to improve your speaking performance and maximise your score.


How are you assessed in the IELTS speaking test?

There are four IELTS speaking criteria:

  • Fluency and Coherence (FC)
  • Lexical Resource (LR)
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA)
  • Pronunciation (PRON)

These four IELTS speaking criteria each relate to a different area of your spoken English skills.

Understanding what the examiner is looking for in these these criteria will help you improve your speaking performance in Part 2. 🙂 

What is Fluency and Coherence?

In this section, the examiner is considering easily and how well you can respond to the examiner’s questions, for example;

  • How easy is it for you to keep speaking?
  • Do you pause or hesitate often when speaking?
  • Do your ideas relate to the question?
  • Can you link your ideas together?
  • Can you explain what you mean, even if you forget the right word?

What is Lexical Resource?

This section is related to your knowledge and ability to use vocabulary which doesn’t  draw attention. The examiner will be thinking,

  • How wide is your vocabulary?
  • How accurately do you use words?
  • Do you use collocations accurately?
  • Do you use some less common words?

What is Grammatical Range and Accuracy?

Among other things, the examiner is understanding how grammar is used to explain complex ideas, and whether the use structure and tense is natural or obvious or does it lead to confusion, for example,

  • Do you use a range of structures?
  • Do you get the word order right?
  • Do you use the right tense?
  • How often do you make mistakes?
  • Do your mistakes make it difficult to understand what you mean?

How is Pronunciation assessed?

Finally, the examiner considers how well you modal a standard English, not whether you use British or American features. Questions the examiner will be asking are;

  • Do you speak clearly?
  • How easy are you to understand?
  • Does your first language cause problems in your English?
  • Do you use stress and intonation accurately?
  • Do you use connected speech or link your words together?

How the band scores are awarded?

You will be given a band score in each of the four areas based on your performance across the whole speaking test.

Each area is assessed and given a complete band score by the examiner.

T o achieve an overall band score overall, you must be assessed in all four areas.

The final overall band score can be a complete score or a half-band score .

For example; FC 7, LR 7, GRA 7, PRON 7 would give you an overall IELTS Speaking Band Score of 7, but FC 7, LR 7, GRA 6, PRON 7 would give a half band lower score of 6.5.

So, if you need to get Band 7 for speaking then you have to aim for 7 in each of the four IELTS speaking criteria.

Other Speaking Guides

Complete Guide to IELTS Speaking

101 Task 3 Speaking Questions

101 Task 1 Speaking Questions

How to Respond and Practise for an IELTS Task 2 question

Part 2 questions consist of a discussion area with a number of prompts around common topic areas. These topic areas are extended for Part 3 of the test. 

Part 2 questions are a monologue and require you to speak in some detail around the topic area and around the prompts for 2 minutes. 

In everyday conversation, while it is perfectly natural to give short answers and not speak for a long time, expecting an interruption, a mistake often made in this section is to give the most basic answer possible when it’s important to extend the discussion topic and extend or elaborate on the prompts.

The greatest challenge to speak for the full 2 minutes. If you can’t do this, then there’s a good chance that you will be penalised.

Plan you response

  • Use your planning time to make some notes
  • Make a note for each prompt
  • If you naturally speak quickly, slow down a little
  • Add an extra prompt in case you still have speaking time

Remember, this part of the test is

  • to demonstrate your fluency and coherence
  • to give the examiners a chance to think about more complex language you’re using

This part of the test is a good opportunity to display your knowledge of word and sentence stress and u sing natural intonation will make your delivery more interesting.

Things to remember and do

The most important thing you can do is to keep speaking in a natural way .

You don’t want to give the examiner an opportunity to ask you any questions until you have finished! 

  • When you are speaking, give yourself extra time to think with fillers , such as ‘ erm ‘, ‘ hmm’ , ‘ let me think ‘ 
  • Don’t ask the examiner any questions and keep speaking until they say ‘Thank you’.

I’m often asked whether all the prompts have to be used, and if I’m honest, the advice I give is ‘no, they don’t’.

In fact, relying on the prompts too much can produce language that might seem too rigid or unnatural .

It’s also quite possible to not use any prompts as long as you are ‘ more or less ‘ on topic. 

Practise makes perfect

So you get a feeling for how long two-minutes speaking time is, and so you don’t run dry, it’s a real good idea to do some practice. 

That’s why you can find some common questions and prompts in this post.

Remember, when practicing, if you can record yourself you can notice the language you use and any errors you make!

There are some great apps that you can use to do this.

My particular favourite at the moment is Flipgrid. It’s really easy to use and share your recording with others for feedback.

I’ve  used this in class and in speaking feedback groups.

Here’s the link.

Final points

The most important thing I could say about this area of the test is not to worry.

As long as you know what to expect and have some idea of the question categories, you can focus on the providing language for the assessment.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Common Questions Categories


Describe a decision that was difficult to make.

You should say
  • what you had to make a decision about
  • where and when you made the decision.
  • How long it took you to decide

and explain why this was a difficult decision for you to make.

Describe something you have taught someone.

You should say:
  • what the situation was
  • what you taught
  • who this person was

and explain how this may have helped this person

Describe a good law in your country.

  • what the law is
  • how you first learned about this law
  • who benefits from this law (or, who is affected by this law)

and explain why you think this is a good law.

Describe a time when you took a risk

and you knew something bad might happen but it had a positive result.

  • What risk you took
  • What bad thing you thought might happen
  • Why you decided to take this risk

and explain why the result was positive

Describe something you have been taught .

  • what you were taught
  • who taught you 

and explain how this has helped you.

Describe something you did with a group of people that you really enjoyed

  • What you did
  • Who the people were
  • Where and when you did this

and explain why doing this with a group of people was enjoyable

Describe an occasion where you received good service from a company or shop.

  • what the service was
  • when and where you received the service
  • whom you were together with

and explain why you think it was a good service

Describe a large company that you think is interesting

  • What the company does
  • How do you know about the company
  • Whether you think it would be a good place to work

and explain why you think this company is interesting

Describe a practical skill you have learnt e.g cooking, driving.

  • what the skill is
  • how you learnt it
  • why you learnt it

and how this skill has helped you

Describe an occasion when you waited for someone.

  • who you waited for
  • when you waited for the person
  • where you waited for the person

and explain why you waited for the person.

Talk about a television channel that you like

  • What the name of the channel is
  • What types of programmes it shows
  • When you usually watch this channel

and explain why you like this channel.

Describe something that you learned from television

  • What you learned
  • When you learned it
  • Which show or channel it was

and explain if what you learned was useful.

Describe a book that you remember well

  • What the title is and who wrote it
  • What the books is about
  • Why you read it

and explain why you remember it well.

Describe a magazine or newspaper article that you read

  • When and where you read it
  • What the article was about

and explain if you enjoyed it or not.

Describe a book/magazine that you enjoyed reading.

  • what it was
  • what it was about
  • why you read it
  • how often you read it

and explain what effect the book had on you.

Study and Work

Describe a subject you took in high or secondary school.

  • what the subject was
  • how the teacher taught this subject
  • how long you studied this subject

and explain why you didn’t like it.

Describe a job that you think is hard to do

  • Who usually does this job
  • Where you learned about this job

and explain why you think it is a hard job to do.

Describe a time that you helped someone

  • Who you helped
  • When you helped them
  • What you helped them with

and explain if it was difficult to help this person.

Describe a subject you didn’t enjoy (like) in high or secondary school.

Describe your favourite family tradition

  • How the tradition started
  • When it occurs
  • What you do

and explain why it is your favourite tradition.

Describe someone in your family who you admire

  • How this person is related to you
  • What this person looks like
  • What kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like this person.

Playing Sport

Describe a sport or physical activity you did as a child

  • Where you usually did the sport or activity
  • How often you participated in it
  • What it involved

and also say if you like this sport or physical activity or not.


Talk about a sports event that you would like to attend

  • Where the event usually takes place
  • How often it occurs
  • Who you would like to attend with

and also explain why you would like to attend this sports event.

Describe a conversation you had which changed your life

  • When the conversation took place
  • Who you had the conversation with
  • What the conversation was about

and explain why the conversation changed your life.

Describe an important letter/email that you sent to someone

  • When you sent the letter/email
  • Who you sent the letter/email to
  • What the purpose of the letter/email was

and explain if this was a difficult letter/email to write.

Describe a memorable experience with an animal

  • What type of animal it was
  • When it happened
  • What happened

and explain why you remember it.

Describe an animal you dislike

  • What type of animal it is
  • What it looks like and where it lives
  • How you know about this animal

and explain why you dislike it.

Describe an app or a programme that you like using on your phone or computer

  • What this app or programme does
  • When you use this app or programme
  • How you found out about this app or programme

and explain why you like using this app or programme

Describe a form of technology that is important to you

  • What the technology is
  • What you use it for
  • How often you use it

and explain why the technology is important to you.

Describe a device that you often use

  • What the device is and what it looks like
  • How you got it

and explain if you like this device or not.

Describe something you do to keep healthy.

  • What the activity is
  • When you do it
  • How often you do it

and explain why you think it is a good way to look after your health.

Describe a time when you were not well

  • When this was
  • What your symptoms were
  • How long the illness lasted

and say how it affected your life at the time.

Describe somewhere you like to shop for food

  • Where this place is
  • What this place is like
  • What you buy there

and explain why you like buying food at this place.

Describe a meal that you enjoyed eating in a restaurant

  • Where the restaurant was
  • What you ate
  • Who you had the meal with 

and explain why you enjoyed eating the meal so much.

Describe an experience abroad that you have had.

  • where you went
  • why you went
  • how long  you went for

and describe what the experience was like.

Describe an interesting journey you have been on

  • Where you went
  • How you travelled
  • Who you went with

and say how the journey affected your life.

Describe a city you know well and that has changed a lot.

  • were this city is
  • why it has changed
  • how it is changed

>and say it has changed for the better

Describe an occasion when you got lost in a place that you didn’t know

  • Where you were going
  • When you knew you were lost
  • How you found the right way

and explain how you felt about getting lost

Describe a place you have visited that is affected by pollution

  • Which place you visited
  • Why you visited it
  • What kind of pollution there was

and explain how you felt about the pollution in this place

Describe a foreign country which you would like to learn more about

  • What you already know about this foreign country
  • How you would like to learn more about it
  • How different it is from your own country

and explain why you would like to learn more about this foreign country

Describe a tourist attraction you visited

  • When you visited it
  • Why it is a tourist attraction

and say what you liked and didn’t like about the experience.

Describe a city you have visited which you would like to return to

  • Which city you visited
  • When you visited the city
  • What you did there

and explain why you would like to go back to this city again

Describe a beautiful place where you would like to live.

  • where this place is
  • how you know about this place
  • why you would like to live there

and explain why you would choose to live there.

What do you think of my advice?   Have you found it practical or useful?

Have you any experience of Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test?

Is there anything I’m missing?

Please share, it’s really useful, and you can comment with any suggestions or Task 2 questions I’ve not included.

I’m Jonathan

I’ve taught IELTS and University English in more than a dozen universities and schools around the world.

I’m a parent, traveller and passionate about language teaching and helping students achieve their dreams.

Whilst living in Austria or working in Asia, I run IELTS courses to help students get to where they want to be.

If you are serious about IELTS, connect with me to see how I can help you.

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IELTS Speaking Part 2: Cue Cards, Topics and Answers

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Speaking Part 2
  • IELTS Speaking Test Overview Parts 1-3
  • About IELTS Speaking Part 2
  • IELTS Speaking Part 2 – IELTS Cue Cards – What are they?
  • IELTS Cue Card Topics
  • IELTS Speaking Part 2 – IELTS Questions & Sample Answers
  • Tips and Tricks
  • How to practise IELTS Speaking Part 2
  • IELTS Speaking Part 2 – FAQs

1. Introduction to Speaking Part 2

Check out an overview of the IELTS test and a detailed guide to the IELTS cue cards and questions in this part of the IELTS test. Learn some useful tips and tricks that can improve your score and get the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

This part of the exam is your chance to show your fluency and knowledge of vocabulary in specific subject areas. Whether it is referred to as ‘a monologue’ or ‘a talk’, it is your opportunity to speak without interruption. It is your time to shine!

2. IELTS Speaking Test – Overview Parts 1-3

The whole speaking test will take about 12-14 minutes to complete. You will meet the examiner(s) and introduce yourself. They will ask for your identification and then take you through each part of the test.

The test consists of 3 parts:

IELTS Speaking Part 1 : Answer questions about you and topics you know

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Prepare and present a cue card monologue

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Answer more complex questions about the monologue topic

The examiner is marking your speaking ability using the following criteria:

  • Fluency & Coherence
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical range and accuracy
  • Pronunciation

Each area is worth 25% of the total speaking score. Let’s take a look at IELTS Speaking Part 2 in more detail.

3. About IELTS Speaking Part 2

This part of the test will only take a few minutes in total. You will be given some time to prepare your talk and then asked to speak about it for 1-2 minutes.

The examiner will give you all the information you need and a IELTS cue card. You will have 1 minute to prepare that topic and will be given a pen and paper to help with this.

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4. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Cue Cards – What are they?

A cue card, or a candidate task card, is information and helpful points about a subject that you can prepare from. It will include 3-4 questions to help you plan your monologue. IELTS Speaking Part 2 cue cards will look like this:

Cue Card Talk about a website you find useful: You should say:

  • How often you use it
  • What you use it for
  • Why it is helpful

Cue Card Describe an important letter you received: You should say:

  • When did you receive it
  • Who sent it to you
  • What was it about
  • How did you feel after reading it

Cue Card Talk about a celebration you have attended: You should say:

  • When it was
  • What you were celebrating
  • How you felt about attending the event

Cue Card Describe an activity you do in your freetime: You should say:

  • When you started doing it
  • Who you do it with
  • Why you like it

IELTS Cue Card Preparation

You will have 1 minute to prepare what you want to say about the subject. You can write down some keywords to help you. Like this!

Wikipedia, encyclopaedia, online, often, study, research, talking with friends, find out, look up information, quick, accessible, not always accurate

Exam results, summer, university, excited, apprehensive, envelope, good news, celebrate, proud

Last summer, wedding anniversary, 40 years, grandparents, extended family, homemade cake, good mood, laughing, dancing, admiration, emotional, delighted

Golf, last year, golf course, clubs, colleague, amazing views, relaxing, 18 holes, exercise and fitness, relieve stress, improving skills.

The examiner will ask you to start speaking after 1 minute. With good planning, 1-2 minutes speaking will feel like no time!

5. IELTS Cue Card Topics

Before the exam, think about the most common themes you will be asked to discuss. Here are a selection of IELTS cue card topics for Part 2, based on past exam questions. Click on the cue card topics below to see some sample questions and answers for each:

Study the IELTS speaking cue card topics but don’t memorise a monologue as it is impossible to predict which subject you will be given. In the next part, you can look at some candidate task card questions and suggested answers so you know what to expect in the exam.

6. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample – Questions and Answers

Take a look at two IELTS Speaking Part 2 samples:

Candidate Task Card Sample 1

Cue Card Describe an item of clothing you received from somebody: You should say:

  • What it was
  • When you received it
  • Who gave it to you
  • Explain why they gave it to you

I received a winter coat as a gift a few years ago. It was really luxurious , thick and warm and it was red, my favourite colour. It was a great present and I still have it in my wardrobe now.

It was Christmas a few years ago when I received it. It was a complete surprise as I thought it was a dressing gown or some slippers . When I opened it, I realised it was this red coat that I had seen in a really posh department store.

It was given to me by my husband for Christmas. He usually asks me what I would like before Christmas, but this time I didn’t have a clue what it was. Much better than the usual gifts like perfume or a gadget. This was really thoughtful and sweet because I had been complaining that I needed a new coat for months.

My husband gave me the coat because he knew I was fed up with wearing my old one. He also wanted to surprise me and he certainly did. He remembered me looking at one in the window of the shop when we were out shopping one Saturday. I can’t believe he remembered it and got the correct size. I was really touched and have always enjoyed wearing it.

(Link to full exam question set with glossary)

Candidate Task Card Sample 2

Cue Card Talk about a time when you tried to persuade somebody to do something: You should say:

  • Who the person was
  • When and where it was
  • How did they respond to your suggestion
  • Explain what happened in the end

I am going to talk about a time I persuaded my brother to come on holiday with me to France. It was a few years ago after I had graduated when I had the opportunity to spend the summer in France helping out at a campsite. The problem was I was a bit shy back then so I was a little reluctant to go on my own. So I decided to try and persuade my brother to come along with me for the ride .

We met in the pub and I brought up the subject immediately. At first he was opposed to the idea as he had a steady girlfriend that he didn’t want to be away from all summer. I argued that we would have a good time and his girlfriend could come and visit, we would get paid and have the holiday of a lifetime at the same time. After much to-ing and fro-ing , he eventually gave in and said he would fly out to France with me and see how it goes for a month or so.

A few months later, we arrived in France and started work at the campsite which was a beautiful place and I did feel a bit smug . My brother and I had a great time working a few hours and having the freedom to go off camping and exploring. I didn’t say ‘ I told you so ’ but I was glad it worked out in the end. My brother ended up splitting up with his girlfriend anyway.

These IELTS speaking part 2 sample answers include some advanced vocabulary -make a note of any appropriate words and phrases in your plan.

7. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Tips and Tricks

Follow these tips and tricks and you will be prepared for the exam!

Plan! Plan! Plan!

Within the IELTS cue card reading, you have one minute to plan – take advantage of it! Note down words and phrases that will help remind you what to say. Try and note some advanced vocabulary and phrases related to the subject.

Use your speaking time to the full

When the examiner asks you to, start talking immediately. Don’t think too long about the ‘correct answer’ – there are no extra points for honesty! Try not to hesitate or pause too much. If you make a mistake, correct it or move on! Make sure you continue talking for the full 1-2 minutes – the examiner will stop you or give you a sign that you have said enough.

Speak slowly and clearly

Speak at a natural and steady pace. This will help you focus on your pronunciation and the examiner will be able to understand and follow your monologue well.

Memorise a good opening line

Getting starting can be the difficult part – so take away the worry by memorising a simple introduction statement. For example:

I’d like to talk about…

I’m going to talk about X because…

These expressions can then be applied to any object, experience or activity you need to talk about. Before you know it…you’re doing it!

Paraphrase the candidate task card

Use the information you have been given on the cue card to form your answer. Introduce the information by paraphrasing – saying the same thing in different words. For example:

“Describe a beautiful place you have visited.”

“I am going to talk about when I spent the day at  a spectacular castle…”

You can practise this skill by making notes, planning and preparing from our exam cue cards.

8. How to Practise IELTS Speaking Part 2

Practice making notes.

Your planning will be the key to being organised during your monologue, so practise making notes. Take one of the example cue cards and time yourself making notes on this subject. Do this for as many of the common themes as possible. You can choose to make lists or draw a map. Either way, it will soon become second nature.

Read lots of cue cards

Reading a variety of cue cards will help you to know what to expect when you take the test. In addition, read our IELTS reading test with answers.

Watch videos or listen to audio example

You can watch videos online of example speaking tests. Some of them demonstrate advanced fluency and vocabulary. Make notes of interesting phrases they use for different subjects or words that connect the different parts of the monologue.

Time and Record Yourself

This part of the exam is timebound, 1 minute to prepare and 1-2 minutes talking. Practice timing yourself during note taking and speaking. By recording yourself on your phone or computer, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and get a feel for what 1-2 minutes feels like. There is more information about identifying your strengths and weaknesses here .

Practice with a buddy or tutor

Practising with somebody else can be more realistic and you can get some useful feedback. Why not book a time slot for a practice test with one of our friendly, expert team members? You will get individualised feedback guaranteed to improve your speaking skills. Book a practice test today!

9. IELTS Speaking Part 2 – FAQs

Any doubts about IELTS Speaking Part 2? Here are some frequently asked questions:

What happens in Speaking Part 2? The examiner will give you a cue card which includes a topic and some points to help you. You will have 1 minute to read the cue card and make notes. The examiner will then ask you to start – you have 1-2 minutes to talk about the topic. The whole section will take about 3-4 minutes.

How long should my answers be in Part 2? You have 1-2 minutes to discuss the topic and 3-4 points to help you. Start you talk with an introduction to what you are talking about and then progress through the points using your vocabulary notes and examples. When the time is up, the examiner will stop you or give you a sign (a smile, not or a hand) to indicate you have said enough.

What if I don’t understand all the words on the cue card? It might be possible that you don’t need to understand every word in the context. It is unlikely that the cue card will have very difficult words. However, it is ok to ask for clarification. Try to do this before your minute planning starts. Use polite question forms such as ‘Would you mind clarifying this part?’

What if I don’t have an appropriate example Lie! There are no points for honesty so if you need to invent an example – do it! It is easier to use an example of your own but in order not to waste time, choose your example quickly and start making notes.

Do I need to answer all the questions on the cue card? Yes. You will be scored on answering the question completely so make sure you talk about all the points – although you don’t need to spend equal time on them.

Where can I get more help? Book a speaking test simulation with our expert team!

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics & Cue Cards with Answers

Are you preparing for the IELTS Speaking Part 2 ? Look no further! We have compiled a list of cue cards on the most common topics, such as travel, sport, hobbies, movies, family, education, and technology.

Additionally, we have provided sample answers to each cue card to help you improve your speaking skills and gain insight into what examiners are looking for.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Travel

Describe a place you have visited that you would like to go back to..

You should say:

  • where the place is
  • what you did there
  • why you enjoyed it

and explain why you would like to go back

Sample Answer:

The place I would like to go back to is Bali, Indonesia. During my stay there, I visited a lot of beautiful beaches, tried surfing, and also went trekking to explore the island’s lush greenery. What I enjoyed the most was the laid-back lifestyle and the warm hospitality of the locals. They were always eager to share their culture and traditions with me. The reason why I wish to return to Bali is because of the unforgettable experiences I had during my stay, coupled with the desire to explore more of the island’s natural beauty and cultural richness.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Sport

Describe a sports event you enjoyed watching..

  • what event you watched
  • where you were
  • who you watched it with

and explain why you think this movie had such an impact on you

Last week, I watched a tennis match between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. I was at my friend’s house, and we watched it together. The match was incredible because both players are so talented and it was hard to know who would win. I enjoyed watching the match because of the high level of play and the competitive spirit of both players. It was also great to watch it with my friend and discuss the different tactics and strategies used by both players. Overall, it was a really fun and engaging experience.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Hobbies/Activities

Describe a hobby or activity you enjoy doing in your free time..

  • what the hobby or activity is
  • how often you do it
  • why you enjoy it

and describe how it benefits you

I enjoy hiking in my free time. I usually try to go at least once a month, but sometimes I’ll go more often if I have a free weekend. I enjoy hiking because it’s a great way to get outside and enjoy nature. It’s also a good workout, and I like the feeling of accomplishment I get from reaching the top of a mountain or finishing a long hike. Hiking also benefits me by reducing my stress levels and helping me clear my mind. Being out in nature is a great way to disconnect from technology and focus on the present moment.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Movies

Discuss a movie that had a significant impact on you..

  • what the movie is about
  • how the movie made you feel
  • how it made you see the world differently

The film that had a significant impact on me is “Before the Flood”, a documentary about climate change. The film follows Leonardo DiCaprio as he travels around the world to learn more about the impacts of climate change and what we can do to stop it. Watching the film made me feel scared and helpless, but also motivated to take action. It made me see the world differently by showing me the real-life consequences of climate change and how it affects people and animals all over the world. I think this film had such an impact on me because it presented the issue of climate change in a clear and urgent way and made me realise that we all have a responsibility to take action to protect our planet.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Family

Describe a person in your family whom you admire..

  • who the person is
  • why you admire them
  • how they have influenced or inspired you

and describe how your relationship with them has changed over time

The person in my family whom I admire is my father. He has always been a hardworking and dedicated person who puts his family first. I admire him for his work ethic and his ability to balance his professional and personal life. He has always been an inspiration to me in terms of his values and his approach to life. Over time, my relationship with him has deepened as I have come to appreciate the sacrifices he has made for our family and the lessons he has taught me about the importance of family and community.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Education

Describe a skill you learnt outside of school that has helped you in your education..

  • what skill it is and how you learnt it
  • why you decided to learn it
  • how it has helped you in your education

explain how this skill could be useful for other students as well

A skill I learnt outside of school that has helped me in my education is learning how to code. I learnt it by taking online courses and attending coding boot camps. I decided to learn it because I wanted to understand how software worked and how I could create things on my own. This skill has helped me in my education by allowing me to automate tasks, analyse data, and create interactive projects. It has also opened up opportunities for me to pursue a career in technology. This skill could be useful for other students as well because it develops problem-solving abilities and helps them understand how technology works, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s world.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Technology

Describe a device that you find useful..

  • what the device is and how it works
  • when and where you got it
  • how you use it in your daily life

and explain how this device has improved your daily routine

One of the most helpful devices I own is my fitness tracker. It is a small device that tracks my physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns. I got it as a gift last year and use it every day to monitor my fitness goals. It helps me stay motivated, reminds me to move more, and tracks my progress. It provides me with insights into my sleep quality, which helps me adjust my sleep routine. It has improved my daily routine by making me more active and aware of my physical health. It motivates me to push myself towards achieving my fitness goals. Overall, my fitness tracker is a great addition to my life that I would highly recommend to anyone who wants to improve their fitness and health.

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IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers

Ielts speaking mock tests - speaking topic part 1, 2 & 3: speaking samples.

IELTS Speaking test has 3 sections, and it takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete. The sub-test consists of an interview with a trained examiner, and the whole conversation is recorded for later evaluation. There are 3 main parts of an IELTS Speaking test (part 1: Introduction & Interview, part 2: Cue Card/Candidate Task Card & part 3: Details discussion), and the assessment of the examinees is done twice for clarity.

This section contains IELTS Speaking Topics that are taken from original IELTS tests. It gives you both the IELTS Speaking Topics with their model answer so that you know how to answer those speaking topics.

This section gives you more than 110 complete IELTS Speaking Samples that are taken from the real IELTS tests. Read through as many speaking samples as you want to familiarise yourself with three different sections of the IELTS Speaking test, and learn how to answer these questions. This would enhance your speaking ability as you would be challenged by unfamiliar and unpredictable questions quite often. These tests prepare you for the real questions that you might be asked on a real test in section 1, section 2 and section 3 of the speaking exam.

Resources for IELTS Speaking Test:

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IELTS Sample Speaking Test

This IELTS sample speaking test is on the topic of education.

Time: 4-5 minutes

Now, in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.

Lets talk about shopping.

  • Do you enjoy shopping?
  • How often do you go shopping and what do you buy?
  • So you prefer to go shopping alone or with other people? (Why?)

I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about food.

  • What is you favourite food? (Why?)
  • What kind of restaurants do you like to eat out at?
  • What would your perfect meal be?

I'd like to talk now about your hobbies.

  • Tell me about any hobbies you have.
  • Are there any hobbies you would like to have in the future?
  • Do you think hobbies should be relaxing or should they be exciting? (Why?)

Time: 3-4 minutes

Now, I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for 1-2 minutes.

Before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Ok, here's some paper and a pencil to make notes, and here is your topic. I'd like you to describe something you own which is very important to you.

Describe a course you have done that you found useful:

You should say:

  • What you learnt
  • What you enjoyed about the course
  • What you didn't enjoy

And explain why it was useful to you.

Follow up questions:

  • Are you in touch with anyone from the course now?
  • Would you like to go on a course like this again?

We've been talking about a course you have done that you found useful and I'd now like to ask you some questions related to this.

First, lets consider homework..

  • Do you think it is important that children are given homework?
  • How much homework should they be given?
  • Do you think parents should help their children with their homework or should it be done alone?

Now we'll discuss the relationship between education and work.

  • How important is it to have a university education to get a job in your country?
  • Does having a degree from another country enhance employment opportunities in your country?
  • What impacts do students who have studies abroad have on their country of origin when they come home?

Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test for IELTS.

More IELTS Speaking Questions & Samples:

ielts speaking task 2 education

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Samples: Questions and Answers

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Common IELTS Speaking Topics and Questions for Part Two

View IELTS speaking topics for part 2 of the test. In this section you have to talk on a topic for 2 minutes.

Sample IELTS Speaking Test - Teaching & Education

View a sample IELTS speaking test to help improve your score in the exam. This is on the topic of teaching and education.

Full IELTS Speaking Test Example

Full IELTS speaking test example including questions for parts 1, 2 and 3. View more sample tests on the following pages.

Speaking Test For IELTS

View a complete speaking test for IELTS - Many more speaking tests and practice exercises available to improve your speaking.

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IELTS Speaking Questions & Topics for the Test

View IELTS speaking questions and topics for part 1, 2 and 3 of the test. The questions vary depending on which section you are on.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answers

These IELTS speaking part 2 sample answers cover a mix of topic that may come up in the long turn section of the test.

Listen to an IELTS speaking sample of a candidate taking the test

Listen to a live IELTS Speaking Sample - hear recordings of candidates taking IELTS practice tests, with assessments of their answers.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample: Listen to a candidate taking the test

Listen to an IELTS speaking part 2 sample audio, with comments on the performance of the candidate.

IELTS Speaking Examples - Answers for Part 2 of the Test

View IELTS Speaking Examples for Part 2 of the speaking test. Sample questions with example answers.

IELTS speaking questions with answers

These IELTS speaking questions with answers will help you to successfully prepare for parts 1,2 and 3 of the speaking test

IELTS Speaking Long Turn Samples

IELTS Speaking Long Turn Samples: View examples answers for IELTS Part 2 speaking topics

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions for Part 3

View IELTS speaking sample questions for part 3 of the test. Questions in this part are of a more abstract nature than parts 1 and 2.

Full IELTS Speaking Test - The Environment

View an IELTS speaking test on the topic of the environment. In parts 2 and 3, the topics are usually connected in some way.

IELTS Speaking Samples: Questions and Model Answers

IELTS speaking samples to help you learn the best way to answer questions from this part of the exam. Questions and answers from parts 1, 2 and 3 of the test.

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Các dạng bài & cách viết ielts writing task 1, các dạng writing task 2 thường gặp và định hướng làm bài, ielts speaking part 1: các chủ đề thường gặp và bí quyết trả lời, tổng hợp bộ từ vựng ielts writing task 1, từ vựng ielts theo chủ đề phổ biến, bảng quy đổi điểm toeic sang ielts chi tiết nhất, cách viết ielts writing task 1 dạng line graph, cách viết writing task 1 dạng bar chart chỉ với 3 bước cực hiệu quả, cách viết writing task 1 dạng map đạt điểm cao, hướng dẫn viết dạng bài writing task 1 process/diagram chi tiết.

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ielts speaking task 2 education

IELTS Speaking chủ đề Education Part 1,2,3: Từ vựng & bài mẫu

Bài viết này sẽ gợi ý những từ vựng cần thiết và cấu trúc ngữ pháp áp dụng hoàn hảo cho chủ đề Education, cùng IDP xem qua nhé!

Chủ đề bài viết

Với những bạn thí sinh còn đang là học sinh, sinh viên thì chủ đề về Education (Giáo dục) sẽ cực kỳ gần gũi và khá thường gặp trong phần thi IELTS Speaking. Việc chuẩn bị trước những chủ đề phổ biến này không chỉ giúp bạn phản xạ nhanh với đề thi, mà còn mở rộng vốn từ và nâng cao cách lập luận trong bài. 

Bài viết dưới đây sẽ gợi ý những từ vựng cần thiết và cấu trúc ngữ pháp áp dụng hoàn hảo cho chủ đề D escribe your Education , cùng IDP IELTS xem qua nhé!

1. Các câu hỏi về chủ đề Education trong IELTS speaking

Nếu bạn bắt gặp chủ đề Describe your Education trong phần thi IELTS Speaking, bạn sẽ được hỏi về việc học tập hoặc thảo luận về những vấn đề, quan điểm liên quan đến lĩnh vực giáo dục, điển hình như là: 

Did you go to a co-educational school?

What was your most favorite subject when you were a kid?

What is special about your major?

Describe your favorite subject at school 

What are the advantages of studying a distance learning course?

2. Từ vựng ghi điểm chủ đề Education

Từ vựng về các cấp trường học.

Primary school

/ˈpraɪ.mə.ri ˌskuːl/

Trường tiểu học

Secondary school

/ˈsek.ən.dri ˌskuːl/

Trường THCS

High school

/ˈhaɪ ˌskuːl/

Trường THPT



Trường đại học

Public school

Private school

/pʌb.lɪk ˈskuːl/

/praɪ.vət ˈskuːl/

Trường công

Trường tư

Boarding school

/ˈbɔː.dɪŋ ˌskuːl/

Trường nội trú

High school for the gifted

Trường chuyên

Từ vựng về các hoạt động giảng dạy

Acquire knowledge

/əˈkwaɪər ˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/

Tiếp thu kiến thức

Carry out/do an experiment

/ˈkær.i ɪkˈsper.ɪ.mənt/

Thực hành một thí nghiệm

Extracurricular Activities

/ˌek.strə.kəˈrɪk.jə.lər/ /ækˈtɪv.ə.ti/

Hoạt động ngoại khóa

Review study’s notes

Xem lại ghi chú học tập

Sign up for a course

Đăng ký một khóa học

To bury oneself in tasks/ assignments

Vùi mình vào bài tập

Từ vựng khác liên quan đến chủ đề



Tò mò, ham học hỏi



Cổ hủ, lạc hậu



Có kỷ luật


Tạo động lực thúc đẩy bản thân

Explore each other’s perspectives

Khám phá sự khác nhau/giống nhau và quan điểm của người khác 

3. Idioms chủ đề Education

Hit the books

Chăm chỉ học tập

Passed my test with flying colors

Đạt điểm cao trong bài thi

Learn by heart

Học thuộc lòng

Get off to a good start with sth

Có khởi đầu tốt với cái gì

Have a good command of sth

Am hiểu về điều gì

Make oneself understood 

Khiến người khác hiểu được cái mà mình muốn truyền đạt

Live up to one’s fullest potential

Phát huy được toàn bộ năng lực

To fall behind with your studies

Tiếp thu chậm hơn so với người khác

To work your way through university

Vừa học vừa làm để trang trải học phí

Wealth of knowledge

Lượng lớn kiến thức

Put your thinking cap on

Suy nghĩ về một vấn đề nào đó 1 cách nghiêm túc

Xem thêm: Từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Education

4. Tổng hợp bài mẫu chủ đề Education

Phần thi ielts speaking part 1.

What do you like about your major?

What I especially like about my major is that it covers a lot of economic knowledge, so I can have a wide range of career options. I can work as a banker or a purchaser at giant companies. That’s not to mention, I can make friends with a lot of brainy people.

Would you prefer to study alone or with others?

I consider myself an easily distracted person, so I prefer to study alone. To be honest, I can’t focus on studying at all when there is a noise around, be it loud or small.

What kind of school did you go to when you were a kid?

I attended a public school for my education from preschool to sixth grade. During my time, it was the best and most well-known primary school.

Phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe your favorite subject at school (Mô tả môn học bạn yêu thích ở trường)

Of all the subjects at school, history has always remained my favorite. In every history class, we were introduced to many key historical occurrences. It was a dull topic for some of my classmates, but I really liked it.

I recall at our first meeting, our teacher handed out a syllabus, which served as a roadmap for the key topics we would cover each week. Several novels and other reading materials were given to us as homework. We discussed notable personalities, including soldiers, philosophers, and artists. We also discussed the ancient peoples' religions, traditions, and customs.

Unlike many other subjects, history requires not only a good memory but also the ability to connect all the dots of past events to draw important lessons. 

It was a difficult topic for me and my classmates at the time since memorizing so much of it took up so much of our time. But I find history to be quite fascinating. I've always been interested in how people lived in the past. I've always been curious to learn how our generation's past shaped who we are now. It intrigues me.

Phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3

Is a good education more important to a boy or a girl? Why?

I think it is equally important for both boys and girls to pursue a good education. In today's culture, women have repeatedly demonstrated their ability to handle duties and obtain positions that were previously solely held by men in a variety of sectors, including politics, science, athletics while males have started working in certain fields that were formerly thought to be reserved only for women, like fashion, housework, and cooking. It is obvious that anyone can only live up to their fullest potential if given an opportunity regardless of their sex.

Bài viết trên đã tổng hợp bí kíp giúp bạn hoàn thành phần thi Speaking chủ đề D escribe your Education bao gồm câu trả lời mẫu và list từ vựng chủ chốt có thể áp dụng cho cả ba phần. Hy vọng rằng bài viết sẽ hữu ích và giúp bạn ôn tập IELTS hiệu quả ngay tại nhà. 

Chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi IELTS Speaking cùng IDP!

Với kinh nghiệm dày dặn trong việc giúp thí sinh chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi IELTS, IDP luôn hỗ trợ bạn truy cập miễn phí vào các nguồn tài liệu luyện thi hữu ích bao gồm các bài viết, video chia sẻ bí quyết làm bài từ chuyên gia quốc tế để nâng cao khả năng làm bài.

Bên cạnh đó, bạn có thể đăng ký trải nghiệm thi thử tại các trung tâm khảo thí IELTS của IDP, tham gia Hội thảo sự kiện IELTS do các chuyên gia IDP trực tiếp hướng dẫn để hiểu hơn về những lỗi phổ biến cần tránh, nghiên cứu một số câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu cùng video hướng dẫn luyện thi từ chuyên gia.

Đăng ký thi IELTS cùng IDP tại đây!

IELTS Speaking chủ đề Food

IELTS Speaking chủ đề Study

IELTS Speaking chủ đề Hobbies

Về bài viết

Published on May 22, 2023

Quỳnh Khanh

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The ultimate guide to mastering the detailed approach to writing ielts writing task 2: introduction.

Writing a captivating IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction is one of the topics that many IELTS test takers are interested in while preparing for the exam. How can you create an effective IELTS Task 2 introduction to impress the examiner during the actual IELTS test? Refer to the article below to fully grasp the art of writing an Introduction for Writing Task 2!

The ultimate guide to mastering the detailed approach to writing IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction

I. Structure of the IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction

1. writing the general statement, 2. writing the thesis statement.

In writing the introduction for IELTS Writing Task 2, it is important to adopt a mindset of being concise and avoiding excessive elaboration and vague statements. The primary objective of the introduction is to effectively introduce the content of the essay and provide a clear direction for the reader regarding the upcoming discussion.

Firstly, it is crucial to understand the components of the introduction. The introduction in Task 2, known as the IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction, consists of two parts: the General Statement and the Thesis Statement.

  • General Statement: This introductory sentence or two serves to introduce the topic of the essay. It should provide enough context to orient the reader and establish the relevance of the chosen subject matter. However, it is important to avoid going into too much detail or introducing specific arguments at this stage. Instead, focus on providing a broad overview that sets the stage for the subsequent discussion.
  • Thesis Statement: Following the general statement, the thesis statement provides a roadmap for both the writer and the reader. It succinctly outlines the main points or arguments that will be addressed in the essay, serving as a preview of the forthcoming analysis. The thesis statement should be clear, concise, and directly relevant to the essay prompt, outlining the writer's stance or position on the topic.

Structure of the Introduction in IELTS Writing Task 2

For further reference, please consult the following article:

  • How to Write a Topic Sentence in IELTS Writing Task 2!

II. How to Write an IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction

The topic sentence in IELTS Writing Task 2 introduces the topic of the essay. Since the essay topic is provided in the task's prompt, you can simply paraphrase it to write the General Statement.

Task: Some people think that children must be given homework everyday to be successful at school. Others think they should be allowed to enjoy their leisure time after school without homework. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Writing the General Statement

For the given prompt, which presents two contrasting views, you can use the following structure to incorporate both views into the General Statement in the IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction:

There is an argument about whether SV

Since the prompt discusses two opposing viewpoints but generally focuses on the same subject (in this case, "young children"), this structure allows you to express both ideas in one sentence without repeating the subject. Applying this structure to the prompt, we have the following sentence:

➡ There is an argument about whether young students should be assigned homework on a daily basis or allowed to enjoy their leisure time free of extra work from school.

The Thesis Statement serves as a roadmap for both the writer and the reader. In this sentence, when writing the IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction, you have two options:

Task: Some people think that children must be given homework every day to be successful at school. Others think they should be allowed to enjoy their leisure time after school without homework. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


  • For prompts that ask for personal opinion (e.g., "Discuss both views and give your opinion") ➡ Express your personal standpoint. A note to consider is that we often write a contrasting sentence to indicate that we acknowledge viewpoint A but still support viewpoint B. The following sentence uses the structure "Although SV, SV" to convey this idea: ➡ Although some may advocate the latter view, I would contend that the practice of accomplishing given homework is highly beneficial to students.
  • For prompts that do not ask for personal opinion (e.g., "Discuss both views") ➡ Simply outline the plan for the essay without expressing a personal opinion ➡ This essay will discuss both sides of the issues before a conclusion is drawn.

Hopefully, the insights on writing an IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction shared by PREP above will be helpful for IELTS test takers. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the knowledge presented in the above section, please leave a comment below the article to receive the most helpful response from PREP.

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    Speaking test part 2: candidate task card. Describe something you own which is very important to you. You should say: where you got it from. how long you have had it. what you use it for; and. explain why it is important to you. You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.

  7. IELTS Speaking Part 2

    70+ Questions. These IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions have been organised into more than 14 different topics with more than 70 questions. The IELTS Speaking Part 2 requires the candidate to speak for 2-3 minutes about a given subject. Practice the questions as much as you can so you are confident on the day of your exam.

  8. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics and Questions

    In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you will receive a "topic card" that contains a detailed, multi-part question. Take a look at this official IELTS Speaking topics sample prompt, script, and recording of a Task 2 question to get a sense of what to expect. You will have one minute to prepare a short speech in response to the topic card.

  9. IELTS Speaking test: How to prepare for Part 2

    Set up your timer to time yourself for 3 minutes (1 minute preparation, 2 minutes long turn). In the first minute, take notes on the topic. Start your long turn on the second minute and see if you can keep speaking for 2 full minutes. Listen to your recording and pay attention to breaks, pauses, hesitations and the use of fillers.

  10. IELTS Speaking: The Ultimate Guide to IELTS Speaking Part 2

    Note-taking 1 - Copy the Questions from the Booklet. You should think of your part 2 as a two minute 'story' about the main topic. You should stick closely to the topic (e.g. a local shop) but you DON'T need to answer the four question prompts, as they are just there to help you.

  11. 100 TOPICS for ielts Speaking Part 2

    Describe an interesting animal. 6. Describe a meal you had with your friends. 7. Describe a small business that you would like to open, (or, start or run or own or have) if you. 8. Describe a time you needed to use imagination. 9. Describe what you think would be the perfect job for you.

  12. IELTS Speaking Test

    IELTS Speaking Part 1. IELTS Speaking part 1 lasts between 4-5 minutes, includes around 8-10 IELTS speaking questions, and about 2-3 familiar IELTS speaking topics such as your job, your studies, your family, your hometown, your accommodation, etc. These topics are easier than the topics from IELTS speaking part 2.

  13. IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3

    In January 2020, new topics and questions were added to the Speaking part. Here you can explore new topics in the first part of Speaking: There are also new topics in the 2nd and 3rd parts. We have compiled a detailed list for you. Speaking part 2 card + Speaking part 3 questions related to the topic from the card. Part 2.

  14. IELTS Speaking Examples

    IELTS Speaking Examples - Cue Card 4. Describe an environmental problem that has occurred in your country. You should say: The cause of the problem. What effect it has had on your country. The steps, if any, that have been taken to solve this. Explain why you think this problem is so important to solve.

  15. How to

    How to Respond and Practise for an IELTS Task 2 question. Part 2 questions consist of a discussion area with a number of prompts around common topic areas. These topic areas are extended for Part 3 of the test. Part 2 questions are a monologue and require you to speak in some detail around the topic area and around the prompts for 2 minutes.

  16. IELTS Speaking Part 2: Cue Cards, Topics & Answers

    The test consists of 3 parts: IELTS Speaking Part 1: Answer questions about you and topics you know. IELTS Speaking Part 2: Prepare and present a cue card monologue. IELTS Speaking Part 3: Answer more complex questions about the monologue topic. The examiner is marking your speaking ability using the following criteria:

  17. IELTS Speaking Part 2: sample answer

    IELTS Speaking Part 2: sample answer. Here's the question we've been looking at in recent weeks: Describe a subject that you think should be removed from school education programmes. You should say. - what the subject is. - why you think it is unnecessary for children to study it. - and explain what you would replace it with.

  18. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics & Cue Cards with Answers

    Are you preparing for the IELTS Speaking Part 2? Look no further! We have compiled a list of cue cards on the most common topics, such as travel, sport, hobbies, movies, family, education, and technology. Additionally, we have provided sample answers to each cue card to help you improve your speaking skills and gain insight into what examiners ...

  19. IELTS Speaking Part 3: Education

    Answer: The primary role of a teacher should be to teach his/her students the curricular lessons of the school. But, at the same time, a teacher should also act as a "mentor" or "role model" in the classroom so that his/her students can learn many other important "lessons of life", such as the value of discipline, punctuality, hard ...

  20. IELTS Practice Speaking Test 2

    IELTS practice Speaking test 2 - part 2. In the IELTS speaking part 2 test you will be given a task card on a particular topic, and this will include key points that you should talk about. This section of the Speaking test gives you the opportunity to speak for longer on a topic. You will be given one minute to prepare to talk about the topic ...

  21. IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers

    IELTS Speaking test has 3 sections, and it takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete. The sub-test consists of an interview with a trained examiner, and the whole conversation is recorded for later evaluation. There are 3 main parts of an IELTS Speaking test (part 1: Introduction & Interview, part 2: Cue Card/Candidate Task Card & part 3: Details discussion), and the assessment of the examinees is ...

  22. IELTS Sample Speaking Test

    These IELTS speaking part 2 sample answers cover a mix of topic that may come up in the long turn section of the test. ... Teaching & Education. View a sample IELTS speaking test to help improve your score in the exam. ... IELTS Writing IELTS Speaking IELTS Listening IELTS Reading All Lessons Vocabulary Academic Task 1 Academic Task 2 Practice ...

  23. Topic Describe Your Education

    IELTS Speaking chủ đề Education Part 1,2,3: Từ vựng & bài mẫu. Bài viết này sẽ gợi ý những từ vựng cần thiết và cấu trúc ngữ pháp áp dụng hoàn hảo cho chủ đề Education, cùng IDP xem qua nhé! Với những bạn thí sinh còn đang là học sinh, sinh viên thì chủ đề về Education ...

  24. IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction Tips & Examples

    II. How to Write an IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction 1. Writing the General Statement. The topic sentence in IELTS Writing Task 2 introduces the topic of the essay. Since the essay topic is provided in the task's prompt, you can simply paraphrase it to write the General Statement. Task: Some people think that children must be given homework ...