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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Children and Students

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Summer holidays are considered to be the best time for students to explore themselves and their surroundings more as they have no study pressure and mental stress. This also gives them the much-required respite from the scorching heat. How I Spent My Summer Vacation

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Different students have different ways of spending their summer holidays. While some visit their grandparents, others join summer camps, yet others like to stay at home and catch up on their studies. Here are essays of varying lengths on How I Spent My Summer Vacation to help you with the topic of your exam. It is written in very easy and understandable language. It may be a better reference point for you, and you can also add your own experience to make your essay the best.

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Long and Short Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation in English

Below are short and long essays on how I spent my vacation essay in English.

The essays have been written in simple yet effective English so that you can easily memorize them and present them when needed.

After going through these how I spent my vacation essay, you will know what I did during vacation, what was our experience at our grandparent’s place during summer vacation, what I learned during vacation, etc.

The essays will be useful for your school and college assignments when you need to speak on something or give a speech on the subject.

Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation At Home – Essay 1 (200 words)


Summertime is a treat for all the students struggling the whole year with exams and assignments. This is when they can spend their days doing whatever they want without restrictions and pressure from parents or teachers. Most students and their parents or friends prefer to go to some hill station or village or for other outings to relax. But holidays can also be fun when they are spent staying at home.

Things I Did Staying at Home

This summer, I decided to stay at my home during summer vacation instead of going anywhere for the trip. To spend my time fruitfully, I joined classes where I learned canvas painting, and along with it, I also started learning table tennis. I helped my mom in the kitchen afternoons and assisted my dad with some accounts-related tasks. This was the best time when I felt close to and involved with my family. Then, for the remaining time, I went out with friends. I also spent some time watching movies and web series. Besides entertainment, these shows and movies also taught me some life lessons.

So, this summer vacation was spent getting closer to myself and my family, which I couldn’t do during my academic year. I realized how fruitful and satisfying it could be to spend holidays at home.

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Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation with My Grandparents – Essay 2 (300 words)

Summer vacation is the most awaited time in a student’s life. It is the time to relax and explore the world around us. This time I decided to spend my summer break with my grandparents. Here’s a brief account of my stay at my grandparents’ house during my summer vacation.

Our Experience at our Grandparents’ Place

My sister and I decided to spend summer vacation with my grandparents this year. They live in a small village near Kutch district, Gujarat. We were unsure about this trip because we had never visited any town before and knew nothing about their lifestyle. But as days passed, we adjusted to their way of living and enjoyed it.

Our stay was full of fun. My grandmother told us funny incidences about my dad as a little mischievous and a notorious kid. She told us how he used to play pranks on his school teachers and their neighbors. She also told us how my sister and I behaved when we were young. She told us we were as notorious as our dad.

One day my grandfather took us to the Great Ran of Kutch, located in the Thar Desert and one of the world’s largest salt deserts. We took a camel ride and stayed there till the sunset. After spending some quality time there, we went to the main market. My grandma told us about Kutch’s unique handicrafts and how many women make their living by selling different embroidered clothes. We bought an embroidered kurta for dad and a sari for mom. After this, we headed back home and helped grandma with dinner. The next day we went with our grandpa to a farm, and he taught us various farming techniques, which was fun. We indulged in different activities each day.

This was one of the best trips where we had loads of fun and learned about Kutch’s culture and heritage. I am looking forward to more trips like these.

Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation in My Village – Essay 3 (400 words)

For those living in metropolitan cities, summer holidays mean watching movies and television series, hanging out with friends, or surfing the internet. This consumes all of our time. But, this summer, spending time at my aunt’s place in Bhiwani village was an enthralling experience. It seemed like a different world to me.

Knowing Village Culture

The houses in the village are as big as palaces, but still, people are emotionally attached and aware of what is going on in each other’s life. Eating together, understanding situations and opinions of other people, and working together are some of the small things that add to beautiful village life .

Waking up early in the mornings is a practice that most villagers follow. It keeps them healthy and makes their day more productive. So, all the people in the house are required to be awake by 6 in the morning, which initially seemed like a curse to us. My uncle owns a kitchen utensils shop; he opens it at 7 in the morning daily. He left for work before 7 am each day. Most people were seen heading for their work around the same time.

I spent my mornings in the kitchen with all the ladies of the house, doing preparations for breakfast and lunch. I also helped them clean up the house after the kitchen tasks. In the afternoon, my brother and I took a round of the village and delivered lunch at my uncle’s shop. The rest of the afternoon was spent in slumber after having a heavy diet and loads of gossip.

The evening time in the village was the time for which I waited with a lot of excitement. One evening we went to the village well where women went to fetch drinking water. It was great to see them balance the pots full of water and walk back in a row. But the main treat was to see the confidence and happiness on their faces. The village also encompassed a big playground that used to be full of kids during the evening hours.

Our aunt and uncle also took us to the farm to show us the beautiful process of growing and nurturing fruits and vegetables. Looking at the farmers putting so much effort into their harvest and faces during the harvesting time was a great sight.

I also went to one of the panchayats going on in the village under a banyan tree, where issues of the village were being solved by the elders of the village with the consent of all other people of the village. This is where I witnessed a small example of democracy.

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The simplicity of life in the village is where its beauty lies. My visit to the village always teaches me compassion and love towards our family.

Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation in Hill Station – Essay 4 (500 words)

The summer season is mainly known for the heat waves and holidays we students get. It’s a great time for students to go for a stress-relieving trip and to be closer to nature, for which they don’t get time during their hectic schedule throughout the year.

We Decided to Go to a Hill Station

Our family decided to go for a summer trip to a hill station this year. Many beautiful places in India are known for their scenic beauty, such as Mussoorie, Ooty, Wilson Hills, Kufri, Nainital, Manali, Kerala, and Rishikesh. After a long discussion about which hill station to go for, we finally settled for Shimla.

Our Trip to Shimla

We all went there via road in our car and reached there in the morning. Then, we directly went to the hotel that we had already booked. Shimla has everything to lure the tourists, from lavish hotels to picturesque locations and mall roads to shopping streets full of people from different cultures.

We had planned the trip for 5 days. So in the evening of our first day of the trip, we went to the mall road and Jhaku hills which are known as the main tourist spots in the city. In the evening, many different activities are going on there. It was amazing to witness the nightlife of Shimla. We visited the Footloose Discotheque, full of vibrant people and buzzed with great music.

Our next day included traveling on the toy train. This toy train here runs from Kalka to Shimla. There are only 3 such trains in our country, and one of them is here. It’s an amusing experience to travel through them irrespective of the fact that they are slow. The evening was spent doing snow adventures such as skiing and bungee jumping.

The next days were spent visiting places near Shimla, such as Chail, Kufri, and Chitkul. These places can be visited for some snow adventure besides enjoying their beautiful scenic beauty.

Shimla is also a good treat for foodies like me. A bizarre thing about Shimla’s food is – that tiny diners or cafes are offering just fast food, a variety of teas and cold drinks, or fancy eateries that have overpriced alcohol on the menus – there is no ground in between. We had salami burgers at Beekays, which were delicious.

During all these days filled with loads of activities to do, we used to get tired in the evening, but the nightlife there or just staring at the starry sky gave us an immense sense of joy and filled us with new energy. There is enchanting music from tall trees standing upright there, curvy roads that make one look at those beautiful hills from all angles, and that lively breeze that fills one’s soul and heart with ecstasy.

We came back to Delhi after spending five fun-filled days in Shimla. The memory of this trip is fresh in my head. Shimla is indeed the queen of hill stations. I would love to revisit the place.

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Essay on How I Spent My Last Summer Vacation – Essay 5 (600 words)

Summer is the most awaited time in any student’s academic year. Despite the scorching sun and blazing heat, these months have always brought a peculiar type of calmness to my soul that oozes freedom from monotony and dullness. As it is time for vacation, it is the time to explore, wander, plan, and much more. Summer vacations are always fun, but my summer holidays were especially memorable. What made it special was that it was my first advent on foreign land or, I might say, “lands.”

My First Foreign Trip

The year 2017 was my last academic session in school. So, before going to college, a complete family gateway to exotic lands was the gift I got from my family. I could not have asked for more. Our travel plan was a perfect mixture of fairy Disneyworld and glamorous Hong Kong and then to the multi-ethnic country island of Malaysia.

On the very next day, when my summer vacation began, I found myself at terminal 2 of Chhatrapati Shivaji airport, Mumbai, looking for my flight boarding pass and posting stories about it on my social media accounts. My parents, siblings, and cousins surrounded me. There was excitement on everyone’s face. Being a full extended family vacation with all my cousins, aunts, and uncles, it seemed super fun from the time we set out in cabs to the airport. It was not my first time being amidst the clouds, but it was my first international flight giving a magnificent view of the night lights of the complete city, and looking at that, I knew that this trip was going to be a one-of-a-kind experience for me.

Landing in Hong Kong, I was taken aback by the mere sight of their airport. I think they lived to the “first impression is the last impression.” I was amazed beyond imagination, but somewhere, I knew this was just the beginning. The first day at this beautiful place mainly consisted of exploring the streets of this breathtaking city, which was rich in fashion, food, tech, and everything that screamed modern and at the same time archaic in their way of life.

The next place we visited was what all of us had dreamed of visiting for a long. It was the mesmerizing Disneyland. The first thing that caught my attention was not the people around dressed in Disney characters or the marvelous expanse of the space and rides and shops but the castle at the far end – The Disney Castle. It was just spectacular. The very charm and enchantment of it knocked me out of breath. The fireworks at night after a complete parade show make you wonder if you had crossed a line and entered the fantasy world. It had been much more than I imagined, even in my make-believe.

The next was a traveling day as we moved to our next destination Malaysia. The City gateway was the complete opposite of where we came from. This city did not have many skyscrapers, but the beautifully spread horizontal city was rich in culture and diversity. The exquisiteness of mosques, museums, and heritage sites perfectly blend with the city’s modern lifestyle and layout. The hilltop parts of the country, like Genting Highlands, could be called heaven on earth. The beaches here offer a perfect place to relax and rejuvenate. I am glad we choose this as our last destination during this trip.

This has been one of the best holidays I have ever gone on. I saw so many beautiful places, had great experiences, and spent a lot of time with my loving family. My last summer vacation was indeed the best so far.

Long Essay on How I Spent my Summer Vacation – Essay 6 (800 Words)

Summer vacation is the most awaited time of the year by the students. With almost a year of classes, schedules, tests, and examinations behind them, they look forward to a joyous and relaxed month. Summer vacation could be spent in many ways, depending on your choices and preferences—some like playing and visiting places, while others prefer watching TV and their favorite movies.

I wouldn’t say I like watching TV, even when my parents don’t object. My heart craves the woods and the serenity of nature, away from the hustle-bustle of everyday existence. I have always wanted to visit forests and similar landscapes in the lap of nature.

Below I have narrated a journey to a few places I took during my last summer vacation. Though I returned and joined the school after that, the memories of the journey and the places are deeply engraved in my heart.

The journey started with a visit from my town to my ancestral village and then to a wildlife reserve, which I am sure you too will plan to go on this vacation, after going through my experiences.

At Village with my Grandparents

The journey began on the next day of my summer vacation. My father made these arrangements well in advance, supposedly when I was preparing for my exams. When I came back home after writing my last exam, my mother and sister were already packing for the journey. Though I knew we would visit our grandparent’s village and stay there for a couple of days, I had no idea about the further planned trip.

The journey to the village was smooth. We started well ahead of the train’s arrival time and reached the platform before its arrival time. It is three hours of a train journey from my city to the grandparent’s village, passing through lush green agricultural fields and glimpses of village life.

When we got off the train, I saw my grandfather waving and walking toward us, accompanied by my cousins. After exchanging initial greetings, we walked towards our house a couple of kilometers from the station. Though there is a road to reach the house, we took rather secluded trails, passing through the fields.

Something is mesmerizing about an Indian villages ; the cool breeze, the peace and calm, the smell and sound of cattle, and the distant sound of a pumping set from the fields entices you and makes you cherish every passing moment.

The food, milk, and even water taste much better in the village than in the city. We stayed in the village for four days, during which I met many of my relatives, elders, and friends from the village. I even went to our family’s agricultural field and learned a few tips for farming. Four days passed quickly, and the day soon arrived when we had to move on a further journey. However, it appeared that a few surprises were waiting for me.

Trip to the Dudhwa National Park

When the day arrived, I was in for two surprises firstly, that we were going to “Dudhwa National Park” and secondly that my grandparents were also going with us.

Dudhwa tiger reserve is a protected area spanning over 1280 sq km in Uttar Pradesh. It stretches across the districts of Lakhimpur Kheri and Bahraich, sharing the northeastern boundary with Nepal.

We boarded the train to Bareilly from Varanasi, an unforgettable overnight journey spent with family and like-minded wildlife enthusiasts, traveling to the same destination as us. From Bareilly, we took a connecting train to Dudhwa, which is approximately a distance of 12 kilometers.

We reached the park in the evening and stayed in a simple yet comfortable resort, having all the comforts and basic amenities. The staff was accommodating, and the food was simply delicious. The resort was securely surrounded by forest on all s, use and was well guarded. We fell to sleep listening to the voices of jungle fowls and animals from a distance.

The next morning we all woke up early and got ready for the jungle safari. The forest deforests deforest department organized the safari in anth a guard and an experienced guide onboard. As soon as we entered the forest, we started seeing birds and animals, which we had only seen in books and television. Birds like Bengal Florican and great slaty woodpecker were a delight to watch. Different species of lizards were also seen crawling to cover.

As we progressed deeper, many species of deer- swamp deer, barasingha, and chital came into view. We were also lucky enough to spot barking deer, which is very difficult due to its shy nature. We were lucky enough to spot a tiger lurking in the bushes on our third and last day. With this last sighting, our journey ended, and we headed back home on the same evening.

Summer vacation is the best time in any student’s life. A month or more of a fun time at your disposal is nothing less than a blessing. There are several ways to spend a summer vacation, although we must spend it in such a way that we learn new things and gain new experiences. Also, take care not to harm or disregard anyone during your enjoyment.

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  • How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Kids

Summer vacation is the most awaited time of the year in the lives of students. It gives them an opportunity to take a break from their daily routine, relax and enjoy their time with family and friends. Every year, students eagerly await their summer vacations with the hope of doing something worthwhile that liberates them from the monotonous and regular routine of school and studies. For kids, writing an essay on how I spent my summer vacation gives them a wonderful opportunity to reminisce and express what they enjoyed about their vacation.

In this article, we bring you – How I spent my summer vacation essay that mentions the essence of summer vacation in a student’s life and the experiences that they share after enjoying a wonderful vacation away from their hectic schedule.

Download FREE PDF of How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay For Kids

How i spent my summer vacation essay for kids.

  • I have a lot of fun during my summer vacation. I do new things.
  • I love doing art work and playing with my friends.
  • During my summer vacation, I visited my grandparents.
  • My cousins and I played outside all day.
  • Our grandfather loves gardening. We help him water the plants.
  • Our grandmother makes tasty food.
  • Our grandmother tells us stories at bedtime.
  • We play hide and seek on the terrace.
  • Our grandfather tells us stories about the moon, stars and the sun.
  • I love visiting my grandparents.
  • I love spending time with my family during our vacations.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay 100 Words

Holidays are an incredible time for us to visit hilly destinations with the family. The summer season is an excellent time for us to take stress-free excursions and get close to nature, which we are unable to do in our busy schedules for the entire year. Last year I visited my grandparents and stayed there for 15 days. The cool thing about the summer holidays is discovering and creating new things in the village. While enjoying my stay, I also learned some new things that expanded my knowledge. I spent the rest of the holidays playing games and cooking under my mother’s supervision.

Liked the above How I spent my summer vacation paragraph? Children can also attempt to write a few lines or a paragraph on how I spent my summer vacation and mention what they loved about their vacation. Want to explore more such mind-boggling stuff? Are you wondering where you can find more such interesting English essay topics for kids ? We’ve got you covered! You can visit our Kids Learning section, where you can find a huge array of resources such as worksheets, stories, poems for kids, GK questions, etc. and make your child fall in love with learning.

essay on how did i spend my summer vacation

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Essay On How I Spent My Summer Vacation

essay on how did i spend my summer vacation

Table of Contents

Short Essay On How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is a much-awaited time for students, as it provides a break from the routine of school and a chance to relax and recharge. This summer, I had a memorable and enjoyable vacation that I will never forget.

I spent my summer vacation in the countryside with my family. We rented a cabin by a lake, and spent our days fishing, hiking, and exploring the surrounding area. The countryside was beautiful, with rolling hills, dense forests, and sparkling lakes. We spent most of our days outdoors, soaking up the sun and enjoying the fresh air.

One of the highlights of my summer vacation was going fishing with my father. We would rise early in the morning, pack a picnic, and head out to the lake with our fishing gear. I had never been fishing before, and I was amazed by the beauty and tranquility of the lake. We spent hours fishing and chatting, and I was thrilled when I finally caught my first fish.

In addition to fishing, we also went on several hikes in the surrounding hills. The hikes were challenging, but the views from the top were breathtaking. We would stop and rest along the way, taking in the beauty of the landscape and enjoying a snack. The hikes were a great way to stay active and get some exercise while also enjoying the great outdoors.

In the evenings, we would return to our cabin and spend time together as a family. We would cook dinner on the barbecue, play games, and tell stories around the campfire. These evenings were some of my favorite moments of the summer, as they provided an opportunity to bond with my family and create new memories.

In conclusion, my summer vacation was a wonderful and memorable experience. I spent time with my family, enjoyed the great outdoors, and made new memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. Whether it was fishing, hiking, or simply spending time together, my summer vacation was filled with fun and adventure, and I can’t wait to do it all again next year.

Long Essay On How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is a time for relaxation, exploration, and adventure. Whether you’re visiting a new country or staying at home and enjoying the warm weather, there are so many different activities to partake in during this special time. In this essay I will discuss how I spent my summer vacation and what I learned from it. From exploring new places to learning more about myself, read on to find out more about my unforgettable summer!


It was a hot, humid summer day when I took my last final exam of the year. As I walked out of the school building, I was finally free! No more classes, no more homework and no more tests! I had the whole summer ahead of me to relax and enjoy myself.

I spent the first few days of my vacation sleeping in late and catching up on some much-needed rest. It felt great to not have to set an alarm clock and wake up early for school. For the next few weeks, I hung out with friends, went to the beach and just enjoyed my time off from school.

One of the highlights of my summer was definitely going on a family vacation. We went camping in a beautiful forest area and it was so much fun! I got to go hiking, fishing and even got to roast marshmallows by the campfire. It was a great way to spend time with my family and create some wonderful memories.

All too soon, summer came to an end and it was time to return back to school. Although I was sad to see the warm weather go, I was excited to start a new school year fresh and ready to learn. Looking back on it now, I had a great summer vacation and am already looking forward to next year’s break!

Overview of my summer vacation

I had a great time on my summer vacation! I went to the beach, saw some amazing sights, and ate some delicious food. Here’s a brief overview of what I did:

I started off my vacation by going to the beach. I spent a few days relaxing in the sun, swimming in the ocean, and just enjoying the beautiful scenery. After that, I took a trip to see some of the local sights. I visited some ancient ruins, went hiking in the mountains, and saw some stunning waterfalls. Finally, I ended my vacation with a bang by indulging in some of the local cuisine. I tried everything from fresh seafood to traditional dishes, and it was all absolutely amazing.

Overall, I had an incredible time on my summer vacation. I got to relax, explore, and eat lots of great food. It was definitely a trip to remember!

Activities I did during the vacation

I spent my summer vacation doing a lot of different activities. I went to the beach, swam in the ocean, and played in the sand. I also went hiking and camping in the mountains. I explored different caves and saw some amazing rock formations. I also took some time to relax at home and read books and play video games. Overall, it was a great summer vacation!

Places I visited over the vacation

I had a great time over the summer vacation visiting different places. I went to the beach, the mountains, and even the city. Each place had its own unique sights and sounds that made for a memorable experience.

The beach was my favorite place to visit. I loved feeling the warm sand between my toes and listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The mountains were also beautiful, with their towering peaks and lush forests. And finally, the city was a fun place to explore, with its tall buildings and busy streets.

Overall, I had a wonderful time on my summer vacation and would love to do it again sometime soon!

Highlights of my summer vacation

I spent my summer vacation at the beach. It was so much fun! I got to swim, sunbathe, and build sandcastles. I also got to eat lots of delicious food. The best part of my vacation was spending time with my family and friends. We laughed, we danced, and we made great memories together.

Challenges faced during the vacation

One of the challenges I faced during my summer vacation was finding ways to entertain myself. I live in a rural area, so there are not many options for things to do. Another challenge was dealing with the heat. It can get quite hot here in the summer, and there are not always a lot of places to cool off. Finally, another challenge was staying motivated to do things. It can be easy to just relax and not do much when on vacation, but I tried to find ways to stay active and productive.

Reflections and lessons learned from the experience

It’s been a little over two weeks since I got back from my summer vacation in Europe. Overall, it was an amazing experience that I’ll never forget. I got to see some incredible sights, try new food, and meet new people.

There were definitely some challenges along the way, but that’s all part of the adventure. I’ve come away from this trip with a better understanding of other cultures and a greater appreciation for what I have at home.

Here are some of the key reflections and lessons I’ve taken away from my summer vacation:

1. Slow down and enjoy the journey. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget to appreciate all that life has to offer. Seeing all the incredible things Europe has to offer was a powerful reminder to slow down and savor the moment.

2. There’s so much beauty in diversity. One of the things that struck me most about Europe is the diversity of its cultures and people. It’s truly a melting pot of different traditions and beliefs, and it’s something we should celebrate instead of fear.

3. We have more in common than we realize. Despite our differences, there is so much that we share as human beings. At the end of the day, we all want to be happy and loved, and that’s something we should remember when interacting with others.

4. Cherish your time with family and friends. Spending time with my family and friends was the highlight of my trip. It’s easy to take our loved ones for granted, but being away from them was a stark reminder of how special they are to me.

Overall, this experience has reaffirmed my faith in the power of travel and taught me many valuable lessons. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to see the world and experience all that it has to offer.

My summer vacation was an amazing experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. From attending a concert to exploring new places, there was never a dull moment during my time off from school. I learned so many valuable lessons about myself and the world around me, and am grateful for these memories that will stay with me forever. Whether you had an incredible adventure or stayed home to relax, make sure to take some time to enjoy your summer break – it goes by too quickly!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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How to Write an Essay on How You Spent Your Summer Vacation

Last Updated: January 4, 2020

This article was co-authored by Alexander Peterman, MA . Alexander Peterman is a Private Tutor in Florida. He received his MA in Education from the University of Florida in 2017. This article has been viewed 57,541 times.

Writing an essay on how you spent your summer vacation is a classic way of starting a new school year. Think about this essay as an opportunity to tell a story about your summer while reflecting on the experiences you had. Choose a memorable moment you had this summer and start crafting your essay, giving as many details as possible.

Choosing a Topic

Step 1 Look back on mementos you kept from the summer.

  • These can also make nice visual aids if you are asked to present your essay.

Step 2 Make a list of the things you’ve done over summer vacation.

  • A list might be full of things like babysitting, attending a camp, working at a local store, taking a road trip, etc. This type of brainstorming can help you pick major events and other important moments from your summer.

Step 3 Write about a memorable moment.

  • For example, maybe you spent your summer traveling around Japan. Think of a memorable moment you had while traveling — maybe you walked up a mountain in the pouring rain — and write about this moment, adding lots of details.

Step 4 Create an outline...

  • For example, if you're writing about spending time at the beach, your outline could remind you to talk about the sandcastle building contest you entered, the dolphins you saw, and the ice cream you ate every day.
  • Details might be what the other sandcastles looked like, how far away the dolphins were, and what kind of toppings were on your ice cream.
  • Your outline is just to help you organize your thoughts — it can be written by hand or typed.

Crafting the Essay

Step 1 Focus on your feelings, interactions, and thoughts.

  • Instead of saying that you worked in a pet store, ate a PB&J sandwich, and walked home every day, talk about more than just your actions. You could talk about which pets are your favorites to work with, how it felt to eat the same sandwich every day, or what you thought about on your walk home.

Step 2 Use your 5 senses to explain your experiences.

  • Using sensory details like these will help your readers visualize and engage with your writing. These help your audience make your experiences feel real to them, even though they weren't there.

Step 3 Describe activities you did in each place you went.

  • For example, instead of saying “I went to the beach this summer,” try saying “I spent my summer swimming in the frigid water at Virginia Beach.” The more details you can provide, the more engaged your reader will be.

Step 4 Choose precise, descriptive adjectives.

  • Instead of saying “the burger was really good,” you could say, “the burger was juicy and filling.”

Step 5 Revise and edit your essay carefully.

  • Don't just rely on spellcheck. It will help catch some errors, but it will miss some things, too.
  • Ask a parent or other adult to read over your essay too, if you'd like.
  • Setting your essay aside for a little while will give you a fresher perspective when you go back to revise it.

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Alexander Peterman, MA

If you need to write an essay on how you spent your summer vacation, there are simple ways to take your writing to the next level. Choose a moment that stands out to you, like playing at the park with your friends or watching a movie you enjoyed. Think about all the feelings and thoughts you had, and use them to write sensory descriptions that will take the reader on the journey with you. Use your introduction to set the scene and draw your reader in. Then, use each paragraph to explore different aspects of your favorite moment. For example, if you won a video game competition with your friends, you can talk about the rivalry between you, the rounds of the game, and how you celebrated. For more tips from our Education co-author, including how to edit your essay, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Home Essay Samples Life Vacation

My Unforgettable Summer Vacation: a Tapestry of Memories

The most unforgettable summer vacation i have ever had.

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Essay on My Summer Vacation

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Summer Vacation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Summer Vacation

Planning the vacation.

My summer vacation was a great mix of fun and learning. I visited my grandparents living in the countryside.

Travelling and Arrival

The journey was long but exciting. On arrival, I was welcomed with warm smiles and delicious food.

Fun Activities

I spent my days exploring the farm, playing with pets, and learning to cook.

Learning Experiences

I learned about different farm animals and plants. It was truly an enriching experience.

Returning Home

250 words essay on my summer vacation, embracing the unpredictable.

Summer vacations are usually perceived as a time of relaxation, a break from the rigors of academic life. However, my summer vacation was a dynamic blend of learning, adventure, and self-discovery.

Exploring the Wilderness

I spent the initial weeks of my vacation in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The experience was far from the conventional beach vacation. It was a deep dive into the wilderness, a realm where nature dictates the rules. The rainforest was a living classroom that offered lessons in ecology, conservation, and survival.

Internship and Skill Development

Post the Amazon adventure, I embarked on an internship with a local non-profit organization. This stint was not merely a resume booster, but a platform to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. It honed my problem-solving skills, fostered team spirit, and instilled a sense of social responsibility.

Embracing Cultural Diversity

The final leg of my vacation was spent backpacking across Europe. This journey was a cultural immersion, a celebration of diversity. Each city was a unique tapestry of history, art, and cuisine. It broadened my perspectives, encouraging me to appreciate and respect cultural differences.

Reflection and Growth

In retrospect, my summer vacation was an enriching journey of self-growth. It was a period of stepping out of my comfort zone, embracing challenges, and learning from them. The experiences gained during this time have shaped my worldview, preparing me for future endeavors.

500 Words Essay on My Summer Vacation


Summer vacations are a cherished part of student life. They offer a respite from the academic rigors and provide an opportunity for rejuvenation. This essay will delve into my summer vacation, which was a blend of relaxation, exploration, and self-improvement.

Planning is an integral part of any vacation. Given the freedom and time summer vacation affords, I ensured to strike a balance between relaxation, fun, and self-improvement. I allocated time for travel, reading, learning new skills, and spending time with family and friends. A well-crafted plan was crucial to make the most of my vacation.

Exploring New Destinations

Learning and self-improvement.

Summer vacations are not just for fun and relaxation; they also provide an opportunity for learning and self-improvement. This summer, I enrolled in an online course on data science, a field that has always intrigued me. This course not only expanded my knowledge horizons but also equipped me with a new skill set, making my vacation productive.

Relaxation and Recreation

While vacations are a time to learn and explore, they should also include ample relaxation. I dedicated a significant portion of my summer to leisure activities, such as reading novels, swimming, and gardening. These activities provided a mental break from the academic pressure and helped rejuvenate my mind.

Spending Time with Loved Ones

In conclusion, my summer vacation was a fulfilling blend of exploration, learning, relaxation, and bonding with loved ones. It was a period of personal growth, cultural enrichment, and mental rejuvenation. The experiences and skills I gained during this vacation have not just enriched my life but also prepared me for the academic year ahead. As students, we should strive to make our vacations not just enjoyable but also meaningful and productive.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation for all Classes | 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words 

Summer vacation is super fun. It’s that awesome time when we get a break from school and can do all sorts of cool stuff. Here, we’re going to talk about how kids from different classes spend their summer breaks. Whether it’s going to the beach, having adventures, or just chilling with family and friends, summer is all about making awesome memories. Here are essays of all sizes from short to long for all class students.

Table of Contents

Essay on how i spent my summer vacation 100 words.

This summer, I had so much fun! My family and I went to Goa beach. The sand was warm and the water was cool. I built big sandcastles and found pretty shells. We also had yummy ice cream. One day, we went to the zoo named 

Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary. I saw lions, elephants, and monkeys. The monkeys were funny and made me laugh. In the evenings, I played with my friends in the park. We played tag and hide-and-seek. I also read some cool storybooks. My favorite was about a magic treehouse. Summer was great because I made lots of happy memories. I can’t wait for next summer!

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Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation 150 Words

This summer was amazing.  I went to my grandma’s house in the countryside. It was so beautiful with lots of green trees and colorful flowers. Every morning, I helped Grandma in her garden. We planted new flowers and watered the plants. I learned how to grow vegetables too. In the afternoons, I played outside with my new friends. We ran around in the fields, flew kites, and even went fishing in the nearby stream. The fish were slippery but catching them was exciting. Grandma taught me how to bake cookies and we shared them with our neighbors. At night, I looked at the stars and listened to Grandma’s stories. She told me about adventures from when she was young. This summer, I didn’t just play; I made wonderful memories and learned new things. It was a summer I’ll always remember. 

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Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation 200 Words

This summer was an adventure like no other.  I joined a summer camp where we did so many exciting things. Every day was a new adventure. We started with nature walks in the forest nearby. I saw different kinds of birds and learned about trees. We even had a treasure hunt, which was super thrilling! We had to follow clues to find the hidden treasure. I felt like a real explorer.

We also had art and craft days at the camp. I made a colorful kite and a pretty picture frame with shells and pebbles. It was fun getting messy with paint and glue. One of the best parts was the storytelling sessions under the big old tree. We would sit in a circle, and the camp leader told us fascinating stories from around the world.

On the last day of camp, we had a small party. We sang songs, danced, and ate lots of tasty snacks. I made so many friends at summer camp. We promised to write to each other and share our adventures even after summer ended.

This summer taught me to try new things, be brave, and make friends. It was full of laughter, learning, and lots of fun. I can’t wait to see what next summer brings!

Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation 300 Words

This summer was a journey of discovery and making new friends that I’ll never forget. It all started when I decided to join a local community project aimed at beautifying our neighborhood park. The project was not just about planting trees and flowers, but also about bringing the community together.

Each morning, we gathered at the park, armed with gardening tools and buckets of colorful paint. Our mission was to transform the old park into a vibrant space for everyone to enjoy. We started by cleaning up the litter, which taught me the importance of taking care of our environment. Planting new trees and flowers made me feel like I was contributing to something bigger than myself. It was amazing to see how a small seed could grow into a beautiful plant.

The most exciting part of the project was painting a mural on the park’s wall. We brainstormed ideas and decided on a theme that represented unity and diversity. Everyone contributed their artistic skills, and I was amazed at how our individual pieces came together to form a stunning masterpiece.

Through this project, I made friends with kids from different schools and backgrounds. We shared stories, laughed, and worked together towards a common goal. The sense of community was strong, and it was heartwarming to see how our hard work made a difference in the neighborhood.

As the project came to an end, I realized that this summer vacation was about more than just having fun. It was about learning new skills, making a positive impact, and building friendships that would last a lifetime. This summer taught me that even small actions can create big changes, and I’m proud to have been a part of this amazing journey.

Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation 400 + Words

Introduction: summer prelude.

Summer has always been a beacon of freedom, a time when the regular routines of school and work pause, giving way to endless possibilities. 

This past summer promised to be an unforgettable chapter in my life, filled with the anticipation of new adventures and experiences. As the days grew longer and the air warmer, I found myself dreaming of distant lands, eager to embark on a journey that would not only refresh my spirit but also expand my horizons. 

The thought of exploring unknown places, meeting new people, and making memories filled me with excitement. Summer was not just a season; it was a promise of adventure, relaxation, and discovery.

Planning: Vacation Blueprint

The journey to an unforgettable summer vacation started with careful planning. First, I had to pick a place that had it all: adventure, culture, and chill vibes. After looking around, I chose Bali. It’s famous for its stunning views and rich culture.

Next up, making a plan that mixes fun outings with chill time. I looked up travel blogs, asked on forums, and chatted with friends who’d been to Bali. They gave me some great tips.

Then, it was time to think about money. I made sure I had enough for important stuff like where I’d stay and how I’d get around. But I also saved some for cool experiences and unexpected finds. Planning was a big task, but it set the stage for a summer trip I’d never forget.

Destination: Bali Highlights

The heart of my summer adventure was Bali, a place where bright blue skies meet stunning views all around. Bali is more than just a spot on the map; it’s a burst of nature, history, and lively spots all in one. 

I found myself on peaceful beaches that go on forever and explored old ruins that tell stories from long ago. Every spot in Bali was a new surprise. The big moment was seeing the Tanah Lot Temple, a sight that shows off Bali’s deep history and amazing designs.

Wandering through the Ubud Market, I was surrounded by a mix of colors, scents, and sounds. Each stall had a little bit of Bali’s heart to share. Whether it was watching the sunset at Uluwatu or walking around the streets of Ubud, Bali kept showing me beautiful sights, one after another.

Adventures: Thrills & Fun

My summer vacation was truly made by the exciting adventures that filled my days. Bali was the perfect place for heart-pounding fun and chill explorations. I pushed my limits by going paragliding, a rush that had my heart racing as I soared over stunning views.

Another adventure I won’t forget was snorkeling at Menjangan Island. The clear waters and colorful fish made it an amazing day. But it wasn’t all about the adrenaline. I also had deeper moments, like spending a day with a local family. Learning about their life and traditions touched my heart.

Every adventure, big or small, added to the rich story of my summer, mixing discovery, bravery, and loads of fun.

Cultural Immersion: A Vibrant Journey

Getting to know Bali’s culture was like stepping into a living museum full of traditions and customs. Every place had a new story and every person had a unique tradition to share. It was more than just a trip; it was a deep dive into a world alive with the beats of its history and today’s vibes.

Traditions Unveiled: Festivals and Celebrations

One of the highlights was joining in on a local festival in Bali. The atmosphere was filled with music, and the ground shook with the rhythm of dances. Everyone was in colorful traditional clothes, showing off their culture with happiness and pride. It was a beautiful sight that really showed the spirit of the community.

Heritage Explored: Landmarks and Legacies

Checking out places like the Uluwatu Temple took me way back in time. Each stone and old object seemed to whisper stories from long ago, about the people and events that made Bali what it is. This visit made me feel a strong connection to the place and its past.

Connection and Community: Shared Moments

The real heart of Bali was in the laughs and meals shared with locals. These times together went beyond any language or cultural differences, making friendships that added so much to my trip. It was in these simple but meaningful moments that my vacation turned into an unforgettable cultural journey.

Growth: Lessons Learned

This summer was more than a break; it was a journey of growth. Every day taught me something new, from navigating new places to overcoming language barriers, teaching me to be adaptable and resilient. Meeting different people widened my view of the world, boosting my empathy and understanding. 

The challenges, from planning to unexpected adventures, built my confidence and problem-solving skills. This summer, I learned the value of embracing new experiences, the strength found in uncertain moments, and the joy of simple pleasures.

Conclusion: Lasting Impressions

As summer changed to fall, I realized my trip to Bali gave me more than just memories. It was full of new experiences, growth, and making friends. Bali is now an important part of my life story, marking a summer full of new chances. The lessons I learned and the friends I made there have really changed me, helping me see things differently and know myself better. The good times from this summer will guide me in the future, showing me how travel can really make a big difference in our lives.

How can I spend my summer vacation meaningfully?

What interesting things can be done during summer? 

1. Learn Something New: Pick up a new skill or hobby, like playing an instrument, cooking, or coding. 2. Read Books: Dive into some good books. They can take you to new worlds and teach you new things. 3. Help Out: Volunteer at a local charity or help around the house. It feels good to make a difference. 4. Get Active: Try a new sport or go for daily walks. It’s fun and good for your health. 5. Explore Nature: Spend time outside, like going to a park or beach. Nature is relaxing and beautiful. 6. Start a Project: Work on a project, like building something, gardening, or starting a blog. It’s rewarding to see your ideas come to life. 7. Visit Places: Check out local attractions or museums. You can learn a lot and have fun too. 8. Spend Time with Family and Friends: Make memories by doing fun things together. It’s a great way to bond. 9. Rest and Relax: Take it easy and enjoy some quiet time. Everyone needs a break to recharge. 10. Set Goals: Think about what you want to achieve next and make a plan. It’s a good time to dream big!

What should students do during summer vacation?

What is the best productive thing to do during summer break?

How do you spend your summer vacation in a wise manner?

Students can use their summer vacation as a strategic time to think about their future. Here’s a practical plan:

1. Future Mapping: Spend some time picturing where you want to be in 5 to 10 years. Consider your career, lifestyle, and personal achievements. 2. Research Role Models: Once you have a clear vision, look for people who are already living your dream. They can be professionals in your desired field, authors, entrepreneurs, or anyone who inspires you. 3. Connect and Network: Reach out to these role models. You can use platforms like LinkedIn to send a polite message asking for advice or a virtual meet-up. Remember, not everyone may respond, but it’s worth trying. 4. Prepare Questions: Think about what you want to learn from them. Prepare thoughtful questions about their journey, challenges, and what helped them succeed. 5. Follow Up: After your meeting, send a thank-you note. Express how their insights were valuable and keep in touch to build a lasting connection.

This approach can give you a clear direction for your future and motivate you to start working towards your goals from now.

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Essay On How I Spent My Summer Vacation

essay on how did i spend my summer vacation

My fun-filled summer vacation

I was happy as soon as school ended. The summer sun welcomes me in its warm embrace. I spent the first few days relaxing at home, playing with my toys, and enjoying the freedom of not having to wake up early for school. I felt like a bird flying in the sky.

One of the best things about my summer vacation was family trips to the beach. The beach was magical, with its golden sand and fresh sea breeze. We built sand castles, played beach volleyball, and splashed around in the waves. It was so much fun, and I couldn't stop laughing.

Besides the beach, my family and I went on a short camping trip in a nearby forest. We pitched our tents under the starry sky and had a campfire. We roasted chicken and told ghost stories, which made us laugh and shudder simultaneously.

When we weren't travelling, I spent quality time with my friends. We would ride our bikes around the neighbourhood, go to the park, and play hide and seek. It felt like we were a group of adventurers exploring our little world.

Apart from all the fun, I also got involved in some activities that helped me learn and grow. I joined a local library's summer reading program, and I read a bunch of exciting books. It improved my reading skills and opened up new worlds for my imagination.

In the scorching afternoon, I spent time indoors engaging in creative activities. I drew colourful pictures, did cute crafts, and even tried my hand at baking cookies with my mom. Expressing my creativity and sharing the joy with my family is great.

As my summer vacation ended, I felt a mixture of happiness and sadness. I was happy because I had a wonderful time filled with unforgettable memories. However, I was sad because it meant returning to school soon. But I reminded myself that more adventures and learning await me in the new school year.

In conclusion, my summer vacation was a mix of exciting adventures, joyful moments with family and friends, and exploring my creative side. It was a time of freedom, laughter, and growth. I will always cherish these memories and look forward to the next summer vacation to create more beautiful moments.

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay in English

essay on how did i spend my summer vacation

  • Updated on  
  • Jun 24, 2024

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay

It’s the month of May and the most anticipated time has finally arrived. Do you know why students wait all year for May? It’s summer vacation and your family has planned a trip to a hill station in Himachal Pradesh. Well, this is just a common summer vacation plan most families plan for, but I am sure you might also have a somewhat similar plan for your summer vacation. In this section, we will provide samples of how I spent my summer vacation essay in English. This will also help students in their academic writing.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample 1: How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay
  • 2 Sample 2: How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay
  • 3 How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay: Sample 3

Sample 1: How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay

This summer vacation I visited the Ram Temple in Ayodhya with my family and cousins. For our journey, we booked the Vande Bharat tickets and embarked from New Delhi Railway Station. It was an 11-hour-long journey and was full of excitement. I witnessed so many beautiful spots throughout the journey and people were continuously chanting God’s holy name. It was one of the most beautiful journeys I have ever experienced.

When we reached the Lucknow Central Station, the Ticket Collector told us that we’d reached halfway. 
It took us another 5 hours to reach the holy city of Ayodhya. After reaching our destination, My brother and I stepped outside to explore the city. Following that, we headed to the Ram Mandir. The temple was huge and very beautiful. It was decorated with colourful lights and flowers. All the people there were looking overwhelmed with emotions.

Inside the temple, we saw the idol of Lord Ram. It was adorned with beautiful jewels made of gold, diamond, and silver! The priests were singing bhajans, and the atmosphere was very peaceful. We prayed and spent some time sitting quietly, feeling the divine presence. My parents told me stories about Lord Ram, and I felt very happy to learn more about him.

After visiting the temple, we explored the city of Ayodhya. We visited other historical places and temples. Each place had its own unique story and charm. We also enjoyed the local food, which was very tasty. My favourite was the special sweets they made in Ayodhya. It was a really special summer break in my life.

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Sample 2: How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay

This summer vacation, I planned to work on my physical and mental health. I joined a fitness centre which was close to my locality, where I was assigned a personal fitness trainer. She was a qualified trainer who asked me about my goals and drafted a fitness and diet routine accordingly. Initially, I took a 1 month- subscription, as I was not sure how good or bad it would turn out to be. The first week was very challenging as I had to work out for 2 hours straight and then practice yoga for 30 minutes. Every day after coming from the fitness centre, I used to complete my homework and read the newspaper. 

Within a week, I was able to do 20 pushups in one set and I wanted to set the bar high. So, I planned on doing 40 pushups before completing 1 month at the fitness centre. The trainers were very helpful there and taught me the right way to do each exercise. They made sure I was practising safely and enjoying myself. They also encouraged me at each step, which improved my confidence.

One of the best parts of joining the fitness centre was making new friends. There were many kids my age, and we quickly became friends. We exercised together, cheered each other on, and had a lot of fun. We even played games like tag and basketball in the centre’s sports area. Having friends around made exercising even more enjoyable.

Joining the fitness centre was a fantastic experience. It helped me become stronger, healthier, and more confident. I made new friends and learned a lot about staying fit and healthy. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to continuing my fitness journey. 

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How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay: Sample 3

This summer vacation, my family and I planned a trip to Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh. But before that, I decided to finish my homework early so that I could enjoy the rest of my vacation without any worries.

Every morning, I dedicated a few hours to studying and completing my assignments. My mom and dad helped me whenever I needed it. They explained difficult concepts and made learning fun. By the end of the first week, I had completed most of my homework. This made me feel very accomplished and ready to enjoy my vacation fully.

After finishing my homework, we were ready to embark on this relaxing journey. I was very excited because I had never visited a hill station before. We packed our bags with warm clothes, as it was cooler in the hills, and set off on our journey.
We booked train tickets, and the journey was amazing. As we reached midway of our destination, I was amazed to see the mountains, and the scenery became more and more beautiful. We saw tall trees, flowing rivers, and even some waterfalls. The air was fresh and cool, and I enjoyed every moment of the drive. We stopped at several viewpoints to take pictures and enjoy the breathtaking views.

After reaching Dharamshala, I was in awe of its beauty. The town was surrounded by green hills and tall pine trees. Our hotel was cosy and offered a stunning view of the mountains. The people there were very friendly and welcoming.

Every day was an adventure. We visited many tourist spots like waterfalls, temples, and parks. One day, we went for a hike in the forest. It was a little tiring but very exciting. We saw different kinds of birds and even spotted some monkeys playing in the trees. 

The trip to Dharamshala was fun and educational. I learned about the local culture and traditions. We visited some old temples and my parents told me interesting stories about the history of the place. I also learned about different types of plants and animals that are found in the hills.
This is how I spent my summer vacation. I completed my holiday homework, stayed disciplined throughout the trip, and spent quality time with my family.

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Ans: This summer vacation, my family planned a trip to Sikkim, which is one of the most beautiful and peaceful states in India. This small state, located between the Himalayas, is home to just 5 lakh Indians and is renowned for its rich biodiversity. We booked flights from New Delhi to Gangtok and after landing, I would feel the fresh atmosphere around me. People in Sikkim speak English, Nepali, Sikkimese (Bhutia), Leptcha, and Hindi, and it was very exciting to explore places that I’ve only seen on the National Geographic Channel.

Ans: This summer, I visited a famous hill station; Nainital with my family. It is a small town in the mountains of Uttarakhand, India. We booked a traveller and the journey was long but very exciting. As we drove up the winding roads, I saw tall trees, green hills, and cool streams flowing down the mountains. We also visited a place called Snow View Point. We went there by a ropeway, which is like a cable car that goes up the mountain. From the top, I could see the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas. It looked like a picture from a storybook!

Ans: This summer vacation, I planned a trip to Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh with my family. My holiday homework assignments were in math, science, and English. I decided to finish my homework early so that I could enjoy the rest of my vacation without any worries. Every morning, I dedicated a few hours to studying and completing my assignments. My mom and dad helped me whenever I needed it. They explained difficult concepts and made learning fun. By the end of the first week, I had completed most of my homework. This made me feel very accomplished and ready to enjoy my vacation fully.

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Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Every year, as the school year comes to an end, children across the country eagerly await the arrival of summer vacation. It’s a time when we can break free from our textbooks, homework, and classrooms to explore the world and create unforgettable memories. In this essay, I will share how I spent my summer vacation and argue that it was a valuable and enriching experience.

Educational Adventures

One of the most exciting aspects of my summer vacation was the opportunity to embark on educational adventures. I visited museums, historical sites, and science centers. According to a study by the National Summer Learning Association, such activities help students retain knowledge and even gain new insights during the break. For example, I learned about the history of our country at a local museum, which deepened my appreciation for our nation’s past.

Outdoor Exploration

Summer vacation also allowed me to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors. I went camping with my family, and we explored the wonders of the natural world. Research published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology suggests that spending time in nature improves mental well-being. I can attest to this, as I felt more relaxed and happier after spending time in the woods, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Creative Pursuits

During the summer break, I had ample time to pursue my creative interests. I took up painting and writing as hobbies. These activities not only enhanced my artistic skills but also provided an outlet for self-expression. Research from the National Endowment for the Arts suggests that engagement in the arts can boost cognitive abilities and promote creativity. I found that expressing myself through art and writing was not only fun but also mentally stimulating.

Family Bonding

Summer vacation offered a unique opportunity for my family to bond. We spent quality time together, strengthening our relationships. Research from the American Psychological Association shows that strong family bonds contribute to children’s emotional and psychological well-being. Through family outings, picnics, and game nights, we created lasting memories and developed a deeper understanding of one another.

Community Involvement

Another enriching aspect of my summer vacation was giving back to the community. I volunteered at a local food bank and participated in neighborhood clean-up events. According to a study by the Corporation for National and Community Service, volunteering can foster a sense of responsibility and empathy in young individuals. Through my volunteer work, I gained a greater appreciation for the importance of helping others and making a positive impact on society.

Lifelong Learning

My summer vacation was not just a break from school; it was an opportunity for lifelong learning. I read books that piqued my curiosity and expanded my knowledge. I discovered that learning can be enjoyable outside the classroom. A report by the Pew Research Center suggests that individuals who read regularly tend to have higher levels of education and greater knowledge retention. My summer reading not only entertained me but also broadened my horizons.

Conclusion of Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation

In conclusion, my summer vacation was a valuable and enriching experience that encompassed educational adventures, outdoor exploration, creative pursuits, family bonding, community involvement, and lifelong learning. The evidence from research studies supports the idea that summer vacation can be a time of growth and development for students. It is not merely a break from school but an opportunity to explore, learn, and create lasting memories.

As I look back on my summer vacation, I am grateful for the diverse experiences it offered and the lessons I learned. I believe that summer vacation is a time when young individuals can thrive by engaging in a variety of activities that contribute to their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. So, the next time someone asks, “How did you spend your summer vacation?” I can proudly say that I spent it in a way that enriched my life and prepared me for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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Essay On Summer Vacation For Children And Students – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay

Shaili Contractor

  • Key Points to Remember When Writing An Essay on Summer Vacation
  • 10 Lines on Summer Vacation
  • Paragraph On Summer Vacation

Short Essay On Summer Vacation

Long essay on summer vacation, what will your child learn while writing an essay on summer vacation.

Summer vacations are every student’s favourite time of the year. Children eagerly wait for months for their summer vacation to start and do all the fun things they have planned with their friends, siblings and families. It is the school term’s longest vacation of the year, so students enjoy a good break from their daily routine. They can sleep late, spend more time playing with their friends, go on holidays with their family or use the time to learn something new. While they get a break from the regular classes, students get homework from their teachers to be completed during the holidays. A commonly assigned holiday homework is to write an essay on summer vacation. While older kids may find it easy to write on this subject, younger children of classes 1, 2 and 3 may find it tricky to express themselves on pen and paper.   

Here are some samples of summer vacation essays in English that will help young kids write this essay independently.   

Key Points to Remember When Writing An Essay on Summer Vacation   

Before children start writing about their summer vacation, they should know what to include in the essay. Here are some ideas that will help them in the assignment:

  • Describe what summer vacation means for you.
  • List the reasons why you like it.
  • Write about the activities you did in your summer vacation.
  • Write about the places you visited during your summer break.
  • Write about the people you met during your summer vacation.

10 Lines on Summer Vacation 

Younger children may find it easier to compose an essay by breaking it into simple sentences. They can start by writing their ideas in individual sentences and then sequentially arranging them to form a complete paragraph. Here is an example of how to write a summer vacation essay in 10 lines:   

  • Summer vacations are my favourite time of the year as I can do all the things I enjoy during these days.
  • During these holidays, I get a chance to learn new hobbies like painting, dancing or gardening and spend more time with my friends.
  • During my summer vacations, I visit my grandparents, who live in a village.
  • All my cousins visit my grandparents during the summer holidays and together, we have a lot of fun!
  • My grandparents have a beautiful garden, and they teach us gardening.
  • My grandmother is an excellent cook and makes lots of delicious dishes for us every day.
  • In the evening, all of us cousins listen to stories from our grandmother.
  • We play many games like carrom, hide-and-seek and ludo.
  • We also paint, draw and do our summer homework during the afternoons.
  • Every year I enjoy my summer holidays with my cousins and grandparents.

10 Lines on Summer Vacation

Paragraph On Summer Vacation   

Small paragraphs are a great way to teach kids how to communicate their thoughts concisely. Here is an example of how you can write a ‘my summer vacation’ paragraph:    

Summer vacation is a highly anticipated time for many people, especially students. After a long and often stressful school year, summer offers a welcome break to relax, recharge, and enjoy the warmer weather. During this time, people can take trips, spend time outdoors, participate in fun activities, and create lasting memories with family and friends. Whether it’s a week-long getaway, a day at the beach, or simply lounging in the backyard, summer vacation provides a chance to step away from the daily grind and embrace the carefree spirit of the season. For many, this seasonal break is a cherished time to rejuvenate the mind and body before returning to the responsibilities of the next academic or work year.   

Writing a short paragraph about summer vacation in English can be daunting for students of lower primary classes. They are still learning to form sentences, so expressing their views in a section may be difficult. This short summer vacation essay sample will help them through the assignment:   

Summer vacations are my favourite time of year because I get to do all the activities I enjoy. During these vacations, I also get the opportunity to learn new things and spend more time with my friends. I visit my grandparents during my summer vacations, who live in a far-off village. During the summer holidays, all of my cousins visit my grandparents, and we have a lot of fun together. My grandparents have a lovely garden, and they teach us how to plant saplings and water the plants. My grandma is a fantastic cook who prepares various delectable dishes for us daily. All of us cousins gather to listen to our grandmother’s stories in the evenings. During the day, we play games like carrom, hide-and-seek, and ludo. All this fun makes summer vacation my most enjoyable time of the year.

Students in grade 3 are adept at writing sentences. However, they may still find it challenging to write a descriptive essay about ‘ M y S ummer V acation. ’ Here is a sample essay on summer vacation class 3 students:   

Advantages of Summer Vacation  

Summer vacations are the happiest time for all students. During this time, they get freedom from getting up early for school and doing homework. They also get to sleep late and wake up late with no classes to attend in the morning. Summer vacation starts just after commencing a new grade or after the final exams, making it the perfect time for students to relax after loads of studying. So, it’s no wonder every student anticipates summer vacations every year.

Most of us have elaborate plans on how we will spend our vacations. Some kids plan to go on holidays with their families, while some take up new hobbies or visit their grandparents or relatives they can’t meet during school days. And some kids get to do all of these things during their summer vacations.

My Summer Vacation  

I am one such lucky kid as my parents take me to visit my grandparents’ house in the village every summer vacation. There, I get to meet my cousins, uncles and aunts. Together we all spend a few days enjoying relaxed village life.

During the day, I play many games with my cousins, and we complete our school holiday homework. In the evenings, we help our grandfather in the garden. We water the plants and learn to plant new saplings. At night, my grandmother tells us interesting stories. She is also an excellent cook. We all get to enjoy her delicious dishes daily. My aunt is a good painter. Every year, she teaches drawing and painting to all of us kids. We also go to a nearby dance school to learn dancing.

After spending a few days with my grandparents and cousins, my parents take me on holiday. Every year, we visit different tourist places, and this year, we plan to go to Goa and spend a few days enjoying the sun, sand and the sea . We plan on exploring the lush waters while trying out some fun new water sports and activities. We also want to walk around old Goa, taking in the architecture and natural beauty and shop from street vendors. We usually return home a few days before the summer vacation ends. I use that tim e to complete my school work and prepare my books for the school reopening. I also spend time playing with my neighbourhood friends in the evening. We all enjoy playing cricket in the colony playground.  

Places To Visit During Summer Vacation  

Here are some of my favourite places to visit during summer vacation:  

  • Goa: Known for its beautiful beaches, water sports, and vibrant culture, Goa is an ideal destination to enjoy the summer sun.  
  • Mysore: Mysore is a city in Karnataka famous for its palaces, temples, and wildlife sanctuaries.  
  • Darjeeling: Darjeeling is a hill station in West Bengal, famous for its tea plantations and toy train.  
  • Kerala: The Kerala backwaters are a network of waterways that offer kids a unique experience.  
  • Andaman And Nicobar Islands: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a tropical paradise known for their pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and rich marine biodiversity.  

While writing an essay on summer vacation, your child will improve their English vocabulary and grammar. To express their views and write about their activities during holidays, they will have to learn new words and improve their sentence construction. Once they write their essay, they will grasp how to write about related activities, giving them the confidence to write compositions more easily.

1. What is the importance of writing an essay on summer vacation? 

Writing an essay on summer vacation helps students reflect on their experiences, improve their writing skills, and express their thoughts creatively. 

2. What is the purpose of writing an essay on my summer vacation?

Writing an essay on your summer vacation allows you to reflect on your experiences, practice your writing skills, and share your adventures with others. It can also help you organise your thoughts and memories from the break.  

3. What are some interesting themes for a summer vacation essay? 

Summer vacation themes can include a memorable trip, a new experience, a lesson learned during the vacation, a favourite summer activity, or how you spent time with family and friends.   

Summer holidays are most kids’ favourite time. Writing an essay on summer vacation is both enjoyable and educational for them.   

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essay on how did i spend my summer vacation

Shaili Contractor

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Essay on Summer Vacation

Narayan Bista

Updated February 16, 2023

Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation

(Image Source: Freepik)

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Amidst the scorching heat, everyone wants to take a break from the monotonous life and relax. We kids want to enjoy vacation time. Summer vacation is one of the best places to enjoy at hill stations, explore new activities, eat your favorite fruits, and gulp loads of ice creams! (Although we might have to come back and write an extended essay on summer vacation , the enjoyment part makes this project breeze).

Here is how I spent my summer vacation!

Firstly, I’d like to share my personal experience and the conversations I had with my friends.

This time I wanted to do something special, I took up a new hobby! There is a small garden outside my home, and I’ve always wanted to learn gardening to grow some lovely plants there. So, that is what I did –

Firstly, I talked to my parents, who helped me explore some DIY gardening videos on YouTube. I learned from those videos that gardening is one of the best things to develop our skills and educate ourselves. Gardening helped me understand the following –

  • Chance to learn more about nature and its benefits for us
  • Instilling responsibility and care for plants
  • Understanding the different effects and causes of my activities
  • Indulging in a productive and fun activity
  • Learning about the actual source of food
  • Finding some unique ways of growing plants
  • Achieving goals and boosting self-confidence

As I kept watching different YouTube videos, I understood some essential aspects of gardening –

  • Always use the right gardening tools and equipment
  • Keep the process simple and not experiment in the beginning
  • Take care of an elder if you are handling sharp tools
  • Dig up the dirt (it would be so much fun!)
  • Initially, plant flowers that are easy to grow
  • Use manure and fertilizers safely
  • Do not overwater the plants

As I watched different YouTube videos and started growing small plants in my home garden, I became more attached to nature and started enjoying it. I practiced every day, and the habit gave me so much more than an undying love for gardens. It improved these skills –

  • Responsibility: As I am still learning to be responsible, gardening has helped a lot. It gave me a project I was solely responsible for and encouraged me to take care of it. Now I always take up responsibilities and take pride in accomplishing them!
  • Nutrition: Gardening has taught me the importance of fruits and vegetables. As I started growing small plants, I realized how nutritious they are and how many great things they can give us!
  • Creativity: I got creative as I learned new ways of growing plants. I found new ways and new types of plants to grow! As I explored, I realized that the garden could be a great place to grow and build new skills.
  • Discovery: Throughout my summer vacations, I spent most of my time outdoors. I learned a lot about nature, its plants, different weather conditions, and their importance.

What Else Did I Do?

Gardening gave me a lot of time to spend with myself and boosted my self-confidence. But apart from that, I spent my summer vacations doing many more things. I visited my grandmother’s house, and she introduced me to many new dishes! She and I went for strolls in the park daily, and I told her about my gardening skills!

I even enjoyed new outdoor games with my friends, and we spent every evening exploring the streets and trying out fresh food. I did so much for a month, and I have so much to share. When I visited the school, my friends and I talked about our different hobbies. Some of my friends tried their hands at lawn tennis, while some learned yoga and meditation!

I had no trouble writing this essay on summer vacation thanks to such amazing stories . Now I can’t wait for my winter break to take up a new activity and share that with you!

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How to Write a Summer Vacation Essay

Summer break is a great time to kick back, relax and enjoy yourself and, if you’re lucky, to go on an awesome trip! But how can you translate your amazing vacation into a narrative essay for English class or work it to fit a common application prompt? Here’s some tips to help you out:

Save Mementos From Your Summer

Even if you’re not the sentimental type, make sure to document your summer travels. Take pictures, write diary entries, save train stubs. This is the best way to ensure that you’ll remember your summer well enough to look back and write about it later.

Write an Outline Before Writing Your Essay

Regardless of whether you spent your summer break in Madison, Wisconsin or Madrid, Spain, you should plan out what you’re going to write before diving in. Make a list of what you’ve done over the summer so that you can later narrow down a focus for the essay itself. Keep in mind that the best essay topics aren’t always on the most exciting activities an essay about getting stuck in traffic on the way to the airport on the way to Denver could work better than an essay on hiking the Grand Canyon and looking out at the incredible view.

Be Specific

Since you’re going to keep a record of your trip and come up with an outline before writing your essay, you should be able to put some detail into your essay. Be as specific as possible when it comes to your word choice. If you’re talking about some gelato that you ate in Italy, don’t say that it was “delicious.” Instead, say that it was “creamy and chocolatey, with a note of vanilla.”

Focus on Feelings About Your Trip, Not What You Did

If you spent the summer on the beach in Cape Cod, you shouldn’t write about what you did. You should write instead about how you felt while there. An essay that reads “I went to beach, then had lobster for dinner” is not quite as exciting as one that goes, “As I went for a walk on the beach, I thought about how lucky I was to be able to enjoy nature.” Feelings translate better into text than events, and you should try to place those feelings into context.

Stick to Writing About a Small Moment

With any essay you write especially a short one it’s important to focus a narrow moment in time. Don’t write about your entire week in Paris. Instead, write about the moment you got lost in the city at midnight and fumbled your way home in the dark. You don’t have to pick a particularly glamorous moment from your trip, but you should pick one that meant something to you.

Edit Your Essay Carefully

The shorter the essay, the more important precision is. Regardless of length, make sure to carefully read over what you’ve written to make sure every sentence conveys the message you most want displayed. The editing process matters just as much as the writing process, even if it seems less so.

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  • Summer Vacation Essay for Students in English


Summer Vacation Essay on English


Summer vacation is a time when students can relax and enjoy their free time. It is a time to catch up on rest, spend time with family and friends, and explore new hobbies or interests. For many students, summer vacation is also a time to continue learning and improving their English skills. This article will provide information about Essay on Summer Vacation, ways to spend Summer Vacation. Parents should encourage their children to read, write and practise speaking English during the summer break or take them for an outing to have fun and enjoy the sun.

Essay on Summer Vacation

Summer holidays have an important place in every person's life. especially in children's lives.

Summer is the hottest season of the year, children enjoy it very much. It is a very interesting and entertaining season for them as they get a chance to eat their favorite fruits and ice cream. They also enjoy long school closures during the summer holidays.

Summer vacation is an important time for children. This is a very happy time for them. During these holidays, children can do all that they are interested in. They have fun living with their parents, brothers and sisters through the holidays. Summer holidays are the happiest of students' lives. Because they got some rest from going to school for some time.

There are many other important things in summer vacations along with getting relief from the heat. After the exams are over, the students feel exhausted and are not interested in studying, hence, they need rest to improve their health and viability after a long year of study.

Everyone gets to learn something in the summer holidays, whether they are grown-ups or children. Everyone has their own way of celebrating the summer vacation, some like to go on a picnic with their family, some go to foreign countries and some go home and enjoy it.

Most of the girls like to play badminton, football etc. during summer vacation while boys like to play cricket in the open field. During the season there are many fruits which can be enjoyed only in summer. These fruits help to make the summer holiday more interesting, drinking fresh fruit juice and drinking fresh fruit in the body produces freshness in the body.

Everyone already plans something for the summer holidays. Especially kids start making new plans a few months in advance to make their summer holidays exciting. The summer holidays are a great relief for everyone, that's why everyone tries to make it memorable.

Ways of Spending Vacation

Some children make good use of leave by applying tutoring in their weak subject and make it better. Summer holidays become a summer fun for children who are happy when the last bell rings at school. Summer holidays become the happiest moments for children as they get a long break from the daily busy lives of school and school work. Some people go to the countryside for vacations or to visit some historical and recreational places. The time has come to get away from homework and be entertained by a good trip from home to the city, hill stations, and other quiet places to happily defeat the heat.

Benefits of Summer Vacation

The purpose of summer vacations is to give the students a little rest from the summer season. Excessive heat can cause a lot of damage, so summer vacation is the best option to study and give them a break from the heat and assist the children to recover in weaker subjects See you. Everyone usually has their own way of spending the summer vacation, but most people prefer to go to cold places. Summer vacation gives the students an opportunity to visit new places, increase their general knowledge, and get time for school project work.

Children get an opportunity to spend time with their family members as well as to understand and have fun with them.

Overall we can say that the summer vacation is very important for the complete development of all.

A Place to Visit During Summer Vacations

There are a number of destination options to visit and spend quality time with family. You can book your vacation ticket online via the reputed portals make my trip,, go ibibo etc. some good place falls in: 

Kullu Manali

Munnar (Kerala)



Above are a few options to choose your destination for summer vacation. It's good to spend special quality time with family and loved ones once a year apart from any workload.

Every child looks forward to the summer holidays as a time of rest and relaxation. Summer vacations provide an opportunity for children to catch up on schoolwork, visit new places and spend time with family members. Children can also improve their skills by taking tutoring classes during the summer break. There are many places to visit and enjoy during summer vacations. The most important thing is to enjoy and make the most of this time.


FAQs on Summer Vacation Essay for Students in English

1. How Can Parents Make Summer Vacation Enjoyable for Kids?

Parents should plan some fun activities and take their children to interesting places. They can also arrange for a tutor to help the child prepare for the next academic year. Parents should also ensure that the child gets plenty of rest. The summer vacation is usually quite long. Parents should plan activities that are suitable for all family members to ensure that they have a great time together. This will also help the parents to spend time with their children. Exploring new places and spending quality time with family is a good way of making the summer vacation memorable. This will make a positive impact on the child's academic performance when school resumes because the child will have had a good break with family and will, therefore, be ready to work harder and succeed academically.

2. Where Should One Go for Summer Vacations?

There are a number of places that one can visit for summer vacations. Some people prefer to go to the countryside, while others prefer to go to the city or visit hill stations. There are also a number of places in India that are worth visiting during the summer vacation. Some of these places include Kullu Manali, Shimla, Chandigarh, Darjeeling, Nainital, Munnar (Kerala), Ooty and Kodaikanal. These places offer a variety of activities that are perfect for summer vacations. They also offer a respite from the heat. People can enjoy sightseeing, trekking, boating, fishing and a lot more while enjoying their summer holidays. Doing physical activities in cooler climates is a good way to beat the heat and have some fun. Parents can also take their children to historical sites like museums, art galleries and zoos. All these places provide an interesting and educational experience for the whole family.

3. What Kind of Activities Can Children Do in Summer Vacation?

There are a number of fun activities that children can do during the summer vacation. These include going to the beach, swimming, playing games, visiting amusement parks, going for hikes and camping. Children can also read books, watch movies or play computer games. It is important for parents to ensure that their children get plenty of rest and exercise during the summer vacations in order to stay healthy. The activities will improve the child's physical and mental health. The child will also get to know his or her family members better and have some fun memories to cherish for a long time.

4. How Can We Make Summer Vacation Interesting for Kids?

There are a number of ways in which parents can make summer vacation interesting for their children. One way is to plan activities that are suitable for all family members. This will help the family to bond and have some fun together. Parents can also take their children to interesting places that offer a variety of activities. These places include theme parks, hill stations, beaches and historical sites. Children can also participate in summer camps that offer a variety of activities such as sports, arts and crafts, music and dance. These camps provide a lot of fun and learning opportunities for children. They also help the children to make new friends. These activities will help the children to stay active and have a great time during the summer vacation.

5. What Are the Advantages of Summer Camps?

Summer camps offer a variety of advantages for children. These include learning new things, making friends, developing skills and having fun. Children can learn new things such as how to swim, play a musical instrument or ride a bike at summer camps. They can also develop important skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication skills. Children can also have lots of fun playing a variety of games, doing arts and crafts or singing songs. In addition to learning new things and developing skills, children will also have the opportunity to meet other children from different backgrounds. This diversity will help them learn about different cultures and broaden their minds. Parents should encourage their children to participate in summer camps as it helps the child's physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.

6. Why Summer Vacation is Good for Students?

Summer Vacation is quite recreational activity for children, it gives them a break from regular routine i.e. homework, school, classwork etc. a kind of quality time spent with family rejuvenates children mind and make them fresh for further studies post vacations. In that case, both parents and children get a break from their busy life. This is why summer vacation is important and its really meant to celebrate by any means.

7. Importance of Summer Camps for Children?

summer camps enhance children inner traits so they can come forward to as a volunteer to perform. There are the modes to make them extrovert and make them socialize with others, during camping they explore new things, find adventure, also experience some basic home activities.

8. What Makes Summer Vacation Apart From Winter Vacation?

In summer vacation children have ample time to indulge in various activities of their choices, whereas in winter vacation there is no such options left.  During summer vacation you can plan for long holidays while in winter vacations because of the short span of time you can plan to move out of city as well.

Paragraph Buzz

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay 100 Words

Here are a few short essays on ‘my summer vacation’. These essays are only 100 words long. I am sure that you will love them. If you are looking for a short essay on summer vacation, then these are really perfect for you.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay (100 Words)

My summer vacation was really awesome. I spend my time with my family. We went into a summer vacation in Bihar. There is my grandfather home. We spend around 15 days there. I did so many exciting things that I won’t forget ever in my whole life. I met with my grandpa after a long time, I love him very much. We had a great time in the nearest jungle. We went there a few times to do camping and picnic. There is a small hilly river near the jungle. I love that scene a lot. I love to spend my next summer there, again.    

In my last summer vacation, we spend the whole time is a village near Sylhet, Bangladesh, Sylhet is the most beautiful place in the country. I loved spending time there. My father has a good friend here and he was inviting us to visit his place a long time ago. He and his family have visited us a few times. And finally, my father decided to visit his place in the summer vacation. We went there on a journey by train. I love the train journey . The cutest and amazing thing was the tea gardens there. I loved the place so much.    

My Summer Vacation (100 Words)

I spend my summer vacation in a bungalow in the middle of a tea garden. I went there with my parents. One of my uncles was working a tea estate manager in Darjeeling. We went there to visit his place. I was really amazed and thrilled to see the natural beauty of Darjeeling. I and my few cousins have enjoyed it a lot. We got a car to see the whole estate. There are so many monkeys in the jungle. There is a reserved area for wildlife. We went there and saw so many types of wild animals.    

Summer Vacation Short Essay (100 Words)

My name is Vinay, I am from Kerala. This summer, I visited the city of Joy, Kolkata. We have lots of relatives there. My mother is a Bengali woman and that’s why I have a deep connection with West Bengal. My uncles are living in the main city. Their neighborhood is really beautiful. I spend two weeks there. I have seen so many beautiful places there. I wish to visit Kolkata again. I believe, there are many more things to see. I have got a few awesome cousins, who love to take me several places.  

Disclaimer: This Summer Vacation short essay is written by an expert writer. You can use this essay in your academic study without any problem or hesitation.

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Essay on Summer Vacation for Students and Children

500+ words essay on summer vacation.

During the middle of the summer season , a holiday period is called summer vacations. Also, all the colleges and schools become closed due to high temperature during the summer months (Half may and complete June and sometimes first one or two weeks of July). Also, the kids relax and enjoy this time of the years as they do not have to go to school or colleges. Most of the children either go to a cool place like a hill station or visit their native village to have fun with cousins, and friends. Apart from that, some kids choose to stay at home and join hobby classes or learn new skills. In this essay on summer vacation, we are going to discuss various ways of enjoying summer vacation.

Essay on Summer Vacation

Things You Can Do In Summer Vacation

Overall summer vacation is a long period of time for someone to get bored with them. But you can do a lot of things that will keep you interested and busy during the holidays. Here we are going to discuss various activities that you can perform in your summer vacation apart from going on trips.

  • You can join any activity classes or summer camp. Also, they will give you activities on a daily basis so that your interest remains with you.
  • Also, you can make a new habit like reading , writing , collecting, and observing. These habits not only prove useful in your future life but also improve your knowledge.
  • Apart from that, you can join sports clubs to learn your favorite sports like swimming, athletics, boxing, and taekwondo, etc.

Places That You Can Visit

Most of the people either visit their native village or go to the cool hill station with the family. But visiting the same place multiple times can become quite boring after a few years. Also, if you go to different places every summer vacation then you can learn new things about those places. Also, you can see new and famous things or places of that location.

essay on how did i spend my summer vacation

Summer is a month of hotness and you want to stay indoors as much as possible. But if you will show a little courage to stand in the sun then you can travel a lot of places in your life. Also, the vacation covers a period of almost 2 months and within this time you can visit your native village or town and also can travel to a new place.

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Ways Of Enjoying Summer Vacation

Anyone can enjoy summer vacations the way they like but according to me the best way to enjoy summer vacation is to learn or read something. Also, learning and reading not only help you in your school and college life but also proved very useful in the future. But everyone has their opinion about enjoying the summer vacation. On one hand, there are people who like to go outdoor and on the other, there are people who like to spend their entire time indoors.

Summer vacation is a quality time of the year for children. So, they should try to utilize that time not only in playing games but also doing some activities that will make them more active. Also, at this time they can do anything they want to do. They can enjoy this quality time with their parents, friends, and neighbors.

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How i spent my summer vacation.

Mike McVay

(By Mike McVay) At some point during grade school, you likely had a homework assignment during the first week back to school to recap what you did over the summer and share it with the class. I was among the few that liked the assignment. It gave me a chance to reflect on the summer, question how my life was changing, and think about what was ahead in the next year of school.

I also relished – like many on the content side – the opportunity to have the spotlight on me. While that essay went away as I progressed through school, I still keep in the habit.

This past summer was one that I absolutely enjoyed in both my work and personal life. Time with family made it good personally, while working with a new generation of content creators made it fantastic professionally. The excitement young Millennials and Gen Z have for all forms of media harkens back to the early career days experienced by many of us in radio.

The excitement to hear a new song, break a story, be part of an event, and entertain. This was before dreams were dashed or detoured, families uprooted, and expectations failed for some from the Baby Boomer, Gen X, and Gen Y generations. 

Radio, Podcasting, Digital, Streaming, Satellite, and social media are the outlets of the modern-day broadcaster. The audience doesn’t discern between mass media and niche media. It’s the ubiquity of the medium that excites the next generation. Why are they excited? They understand their message is being heard on multiple platforms. This generation also understands that they are their own brand, and their development benefits the development of the brand they represent.

What is most similar across generations? Those that respect the audience are the most successful. They understand that satisfying an audience is what it’s all about. 

This summer I witnessed firsthand the excitement of attendees to multiple conferences and seminars. I spoke at nine different conventions, seminars, summits, and regional gatherings. The enthusiasm witnessed was spectacular. The attendees were engaged. They took notes, pictures of screens, verbalized voice-to-text, and they attended the sessions. They paid attention.

Seeing such a commitment gives me great hope for what they’ll create, what mistakes we made they’ll learn from, and what they’re going to do or create that to date has been unimagined. 

Watching those under 35 create events around the Taylor Swift Eras Tour, bring back the promotional tool of The Street Team, using TikTok to magnify their brand, and participate in parades and community activities, was fulfilling. There’s value to being everywhere and being seen everywhere. It reminded me of some of the most amazing physical assets I’ve ever seen in my career. The difference being that today because of digital and social media, and everyone has a device on their person most hours of a day, you can connect directly with the audience and prospective listeners. 

WLRS in Louisville, a legendary Rock station in the ’70s and ’80s, had a blue firetruck that went to every event. They sold the naming rights to a soft drink company, and it became The WLRS Pepsi Pumper. It went everywhere. WLTF in Cleveland was an AC station with an ice cream truck that drove through neighborhoods in the summer. In Greensboro, WMAG morning star Bill Flynn created a replica Andy Griffith Show Mayberry Sheriff’s car and drove it in parades.

Those things were memorable. Imagine them being magnified with today’s digital and social media. There are many more examples.

What youth bring ideas without guardrails to the table. Combine that exuberance with the knowledge of time on earth , and you have the skeletal structure of a strategy. Being at conferences and seeing their enthusiasm, working with them, listening to what they have to say, and not living in the past made this a great summer.

I never want to be one of those people that believe it was better before, because it wasn’t. It’s better now. Carly Simon was right. These are “the good old days.” I hope that your summer was as good as mine.

Mike McVay is President of McVay Media and can be reached at [email protected] . Read Mike’s Radio Ink archives here .


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How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Dragonfly Books)

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Mark Teague

How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Dragonfly Books) Paperback – Picture Book, July 8, 1997

  • Part of series Dragonfly Books
  • Print length 32 pages
  • Language English
  • Grade level Preschool - 2
  • Lexile measure NP
  • Dimensions 10.13 x 0.14 x 8.06 inches
  • Publisher Dragonfly Books
  • Publication date July 8, 1997
  • ISBN-10 9780517885567
  • ISBN-13 978-0517885567
  • See all details

Editorial Reviews

From the inside flap, from the back cover, about the author, product details.

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ 0517885565
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Dragonfly Books; Reprint edition (July 8, 1997)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 32 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780517885567
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0517885567
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 6 - 10 years, from customers
  • Lexile measure ‏ : ‎ NP
  • Grade level ‏ : ‎ Preschool - 2
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.99 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 10.13 x 0.14 x 8.06 inches
  • #104 in Poetry for Early Learning
  • #107 in Stories in Verse
  • #684 in Children's Action & Adventure Books (Books)

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Customers find the illustrations great and the story cute. They also praise the writing style as well written and gorgeous.

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Customers find the story cute, funny, and creative. They also say the pictures support the story.

"...Great illustrations and silly theme ." Read more

"...The rhymes are natural and flow nicely. The pictures support the story , rather than being an integral part of the story as they are in some books...." Read more

"This is a very cute story . I used it at the beginning of the school year as part of my getting-to-know-you lessons." Read more

"...The book fits well with the theme, and the kids should enjoy the rhyming tall tale ...." Read more

Customers find the writing style of the book well-written and fun to read. They also say it's perfect for a back-to-school read aloud.

"...The rhymes are natural and flow nicely . The pictures support the story, rather than being an integral part of the story as they are in some books...." Read more

"...I love just about all of Mark Teague's books as they are well written and the pictures capture the imaginations of my children (ages 5 and 7)...." Read more

" Great read aloud for all ages . Then you have the kids write and illustrate their summer vacation...." Read more

"My 4th grade students loved this book! It was a great read-aloud to start the year!" Read more

Customers find the illustrations in the book great.

"... Great illustrations and silly theme." Read more

"...of Mark Teague's books as they are well written and the pictures capture the imaginations of my children (ages 5 and 7)...." Read more

"He is 2 and this is his favorite story. The illustrations are really fun and the text is rhyming while carrying on a really cute story...." Read more

"This is one of Mark Teague's better books. The pictures are always great . The story makes it one of my kids' new favorites." Read more

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essay on how did i spend my summer vacation


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    Summer Vacation Short Essay (100 Words) My name is Vinay, I am from Kerala. This summer, I visited the city of Joy, Kolkata. We have lots of relatives there. My mother is a Bengali woman and that's why I have a deep connection with West Bengal. My uncles are living in the main city. Their neighborhood is really beautiful.

  23. Essay on Summer Vacation for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Summer Vacation. During the middle of the summer season, a holiday period is called summer vacations.Also, all the colleges and schools become closed due to high temperature during the summer months (Half may and complete June and sometimes first one or two weeks of July). Also, the kids relax and enjoy this time of the years as they do not have to go to school or colleges.

  24. How I Spent My Summer Vacation

    This past summer was one that I absolutely enjoyed in both my work and personal life. Time with family made it good personally, while working with a new generation of content creators made it ...

  25. How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Dragonfly Books) Paperback

    This wildly funny twist on the "How I spent my summer vacation" school-essay ritual details one child's imaginary adventures over the summer and is perfect for back-to-school reading! Most kids go to camp over the summer, or to Grandma's house, or maybe they're stuck at home. Not Wallace Bleff. He was supposed to visit his Aunt Fern.