global thesis uniba 2023

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  • Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
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Diploma thesis

Diploma work.

Final thesis - the diploma thesis is a part of the study. In the diploma thesis, the student is supposed to demonstrate his/her abilities to work creatively in the chosen study discipline completed within his/her study programme. The principal characteristics, which the final thesis has to contain, shall be regulated by the by the internal provision of CU published by the Rector.

The diploma thesis is written under the guidance of the leader of the final thesis (the supervisor).

The student is required to prepare the diploma work during the 4th and 5th year, because the defense will be at the beginning of the 6th year.

The thesis shall be reviewed by a objector (or objectors in case of the doctoral study). The objector elaborates a written review of the final thesis. The student who has elaborated the final thesis has the right to make the acquaintance of the reviews of the thesis (review of the leader of the final thesis and the objector/objectors) three days before the defence at latest.

The deadline for submitting the diploma thesis is 10.11.2023

The term for the defense of the thesis is 6.11.2023-15.12.2023

The defence of the final thesis is considered to be a state exam. The result of the final thesis defence shall be evaluated by the grades from A to Fx. If the leader of the final thesis or the objector/objectors is not member of the exam commission, they shall be invited to the defence of the final thesis and have an advisor vote by its evaluation. About the result of the final thesis defence decides the commission by voting.

The final thesis can be elaborated in the Slovak, Czech language or another language, usually English, if the Dean approves it. In case of a thesis written in another language, this thesis shall contain a summary in the Slovak language in scope of one page at least.

Information concerning administration of all of theses

Changing the thesis topic will only be possible by the end of the winter semester of the academic year in which the student is enrolled in the fifth class. The student must request the change in writing form.

Because the degree documents (diploma, certificate, Diploma Supplement) are pulled with the data from the AIS, it is extremely important that the topic of theses are written correctly. The topic in the English language is written with a capital letter in all fully significant word, except conjunctions and prepositions, which are written with a small initial letter.

The committee for the defence of the diploma theses

Prof. Juraj Payer, MD, PhD, MPH, FRCP, FEFIM

Prof. Andrej Dukát, MD, PhD, FRCP, FESC Assoc. Prof. Peter Jackuliak, MD, PhD., MPH, FEFIM Assoc. Prof. Zdenko Killinger, MD, PhD. Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Koller, MD, PhD. Assoc. Prof. Martin Kužma, MD, PhD.

Submission of the diploma thesis

Deadline for submission of diploma thesis, in accordance with valid schedule of full time study, is September  15th . Student submits 2 copies of diploma thesis in hardback version to the clinic/department, where was the diploma thesis elaborated. Clinic/department will keep one copy of diploma thesis.

In the same date is student required to uploaded electronic version of diploma thesis to the AIS2. After this term it won’t be possible to upload diploma thesis to the AIS2! Format of diploma thesis has to be PDF (instruction to transfer text to PDF), including all attachments, if the thesis consists. File cannot be password protected and it has to be convertible to the plain text. Electronic version of the diploma thesis has to be identical with the printed version.

Before you upload your diploma thesis to the AIS2 is necessary, that your supervisor confirm your final version and give permission for submitting of your diploma thesis . When you will be sure, that your version is the last and you do not need to do any changes, mark in AIS2 your diploma thesis as a final . You can do it only ONCE! After this step, diploma thesis will be sent to the control of originality, and it won’t be possible to uploaded thesis for the second time    In case, that changes compared to the original of diploma thesis assignment have been made, is necessary to print and sign new assignment, which is required part of the diploma thesis. Details in the diploma thesis assignment have to be identical with diploma thesis details. Please note, that diploma thesis has only supervisor not a trainer.

Student, who won’t submit diploma thesis till September 30 th 2017, has to deliver official written request for prolongation of diploma thesis submission. This request must contain statement of diploma thesis supervisor and head of department, organizing defence. Diploma thesis has to be uploaded to the AIS2, at least 21 calendar days, but at most 90 calendar days, before diploma thesis defence.  

All documents (the title in AIS, acceptance letter, printed title of the diploma work assignment /mandatory part of a thesis/) have to be IDENTICAL!

Information for students, defence of the diploma thesis.

The defence of the diploma theses will be on 


global thesis uniba 2023

  • Comenius University
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
  • Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
  • Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology
  • Evangelical Lutheran Theological Faculty
  • Faculty of Management
  • Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences


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Diploma Theses

Thesis defence timetable.

Please check this timetable   for your date, time-slot and the place of your meeting.

Thesis defence meeting

On the day of your face-to-face thesis defence meeting, you will need to submit printed copies of the following documents to the committee administrator or the chairperson

  • a copy of your thesis assignment (please print the Slovakian version from AIS. The document is called “ Zadanie záverečnej práce ”)
  • a title page
  • your power-point presentation (in electronic format)

Submission deadline for the 5th year students 

Submission deadline: 5th August 2024

As per the Rector´s Directive No. 32/2023 on Theses, the earliest you can upload your Diploma Thesis (DT) to the AIS system is 90 days before the state exam (diploma thesis defence). In the AY 2023/24, the earliest you can upload your DT to AIS is 15th June 2024. 

Licence Agreement  

After uploading your Diploma Thesis to AIS, you will be required to sign a Licence Agreement (LA). The LA needs to be  signed electronically;  there is  no need to print  your LA and thesis as a hard copy. Please follow this link to a short video that demonstrates the online signing process. To watch the video, you will be asked to sign in with your AIS credentials.

Important information

All universities in Slovakia are required by law to deposit diploma thesis and students’ final work at an open access repository called Centrálny register záverečných prác (CRZP). If you wish to delay the open access to your work for longer than 12 months, please contact Ms Dullová at katarina.dullova   before you upload your thesis to AIS .

Uploading your documents

Before you upload your thesis to the system, please ensure that the thesis title and the thesis assignment title  are identical.  There is no need to sign the electronic version of the thesis assignment page. 

Please note that it is only possible to upload your thesis to AIS once . It is not possible to make changes to the document, once it has been marked as “final”.

The thesis must be submitted electronically in PDF format (with the option of having it converted to Word via the AIS system. Once submitted, please the committee administrator immediatel (details to be published in due course). 

Useful guides and resources

Internal Regulation of CU No. 32/2023 on Theses

How to submit your thesis - manual

Diploma Thesis Defence Committees AY 2024-25


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Graduate Thesis and Dissertation 2023-2024

Synthesis, characterization, and application of clay-zwitterion hybrid material.

Suvash Ghimire

Bentonite, Zwitterion, Betaine, Membrane, Ion-conduction, antimicrobial

The increasing use of non-sustainable materials in technology has led to severe environmental consequences, prompting a global search for more sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives. Clay, with its low cost, non-toxicity, recyclability, natural abundance, and versatile properties, has emerged as a beacon of hope for a greener future. Since prehistoric times, clay has found extensive use in the pharmaceutical, petroleum, biomedical, and energy industries. Its high surface area, cation exchange capacity, intrinsic porosity, and ease of functionalization make it a versatile and sustainable choice for a variety of applications.

The dissertation focuses on synthesizing hybrid clays functionalized with zwitterionic molecules for antimicrobial and ionic membrane applications. It also studies the rheological properties of bentonite clay modified with betaines of different carbon chain lengths. The research aims to investigate the flow and stability of these functionalized clays. In addition, it offers valuable insights into how carbon chain length and pH affect the rheological properties of clays. This is followed by engineering pathogen-resistant clay composites embedded with antimicrobial agents like silver ions and terbinafine hydrochloride against pathogens ( viz. S. aureus , E. coli , and C. albicans ). Another part of the dissertation focuses on developing and investigating flexible and durable betaine-functionalized clay membranes as ion-conducting separators for batteries and fuel cells. The low-cost membranes exhibit excellent ionic conductivity, chemical-thermal stability, recyclability, and ease of engineering making them an exceptional material for such applications.

Overall, this dissertation presents a comprehensive study of the structure-property relationship of hybrid clays, bridging the fields of chemistry, materials engineering, electrochemistry, and biology. The research is poised to inspire the scientific and industrial communities with the potential of novel clay-based materials, encouraging them to embrace cleaner technologies and reduce their carbon footprints.

Completion Date

Committee chair.

Mukhopadhyay Kausik

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Material Science and Engineering

Degree Program


In copyright

Release Date

August 2025

Length of Campus-only Access

Access status.

Doctoral Dissertation (Campus-only Access)

Campus Location

Orlando (Main) Campus

STARS Citation

Ghimire, Suvash, "Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Clay-Zwitterion Hybrid Material" (2024). Graduate Thesis and Dissertation 2023-2024 . 407.

Accessibility Status

Meets minimum standards for ETDs/HUTs

Restricted to the UCF community until August 2025 ; it will then be open access.

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Mikhail Lomonosov

Born: Denisovka, Archangelsk Province - 19 November 1711 Died: St. Petersburg - 15 April 1765

Mikhail Lomonosov was the great polymath of the Russian Enlightenment. Born in the deepest provinces of Northern Russia, he managed to gain a first-class education through a combination of natural intelligence and sheer force of will, and went on to make significant advances in several fields of science, as well as writing one of the first Russian grammars, several volumes of history, and a great quantity of poetry. In short, he was instrumental in pulling Russia further into the modern world, and in helping to make St. Petersburg a centre of learning as great as almost any in Europe.

Lomonosov was born in the village of Denisovka (now Lomonosovo), a village about 100 kilometers south-east of Arkhangelsk on the Severnaya Dvina river. His father was a peasant fisherman who had grown rich transporting goods from Arkhangelsk to settlements in the far north. His mother, the daughter of a deacon, died when he was very young, but not before she had taught him to read. From the age of ten, he accompanied his father on voyages to learn the business.

In 1730, however, determined to study, he ran away from home and walked over 1 000 kilometers to Moscow. Claiming to be the son of a provincial priest, he was able to enroll in the Slavic Greek Latin Academy, where he studied for five years before being sent on to St. Petersburg's Academic University. The following year (1736), he was a select group of outstanding students sponsored by the Academy of Sciences to study mathematics, chemistry, physics, philosophy and metallurgy in Western Europe. Lomonosov spent three years at the University of Marburg as a personal student of the philosopher Christian Wolff, then a year studying mining and metallurgy in Saxony, and a further year travelling in Germany and the Low Countries. While in Marburg, he fell in love with and married his landlady's daughter, Elizabeth Christine Zilch.

Due to lack of funds to support his young family, Lomonosov returned to St. Petersburg at the end of 1741, and was immediately appointed adjunct to the physics class at the Academy of Sciences. In 1745 he became the Academy's first Russian-born Professor of Chemistry, and in 1748 the first chemical research laboratory in Russia was built for him.

Throughout his career at the Academy, Lomonosov was a passionate advocate for making education in Russia more accessible to the lower ranks of Russian society. He campaigned to give public lectures in Russian and for the translation into Russian of more scientific texts. In this, he found himself in conflict with one of the founders of the Academy, the German ethnologist Gerhard Friedrich Miller (whose views on the importance of Scandinavians and Germans in Russian history Lomonosov also hotly disputed). By composing and presenting at an official Assembly of the Academy in 1749 his ode to the Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, Lomonosov gained considerable favour at court and a powerful ally in his pedagogical endeavours in the form of Elizaveta's lover, Count Ivan Shuvalov. Together, Lomonosov and Shuvalov founded Moscow University in 1755. It was also thanks to Shuvalov's influence that the Empress granted Lomonosov a manor and four surrounding villages at Ust-Ruditsa, where he was able to implement his plan to open a mosaic and glass factory, the first outside Italy to produce stained glass mosaics.

By 1758, Lomonosov's responsibilities included overseeing the Academy's Geography Department, Historical Assembly, University and Gymnasium, the latter of which he again insisted on making open to lowborn Russians. In 1760, he was appointed a foreign member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, and in 1764 he was similarly honoured by the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Bologna. The same year, he was granted by Elizaveta Petrovna the rank of Secretary of State. He died 4 April 1765, and was buried in the Lazarev Cemetery of St. Petersburg's Alexander Nevsky Monastery.

Much of Lomonosov's work was unknown outside Russia until many years after his death, and even now it is more the extraordinary breadth of his inquiry and understanding, rather than any specific grand advancements in a particular field, that make him such a seminal figure in Russian science. Among the highlights of his academic career were his discovery of an atmosphere around Venus, his assertion of the Law of Conservation of Mass (nearly two decades before Antoine Lavoisier), and his development of a prototype of the Herschelian telescope. In 1764, he arranged the expedition along the northern coast of Siberia that discovered the Northeast Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. His works also contained intuitions of the wave theory of light and the theory of continental drift. He made improvements to navigational instruments and demonstrated the organic origin of soil, peat, coal, petroleum and amber. Without knowledge of Da Vinci's work, he developed a working prototype of a helicopter.

He wrote the first guide to rhetoric in the Russian language, and his Russian Grammar was among the first to codify the language. His Ancient Russian History compared the development of Russia to the development of the Roman Empire, a theme that would become increasingly popular in the 19th century. His poetry was much praised during his lifetime, although it has been largely ignored by posterity.

Lomonosov is remembered in central St. Petersburg in the names of Ulitsa Lomonosova ("Lomonosov Street"), Ploshchad Lomonosova ("Lomonosov Square") and the adjacent bridge across the Fontanka River. During the Soviet Period, his name was given to the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, and hence to the nearby metro station, Lomonosovskaya. The Soviets also renamed the suburban town of Oranienburg as Lomonosovo. In 1986, a magnificent monument to Lomonosov was unveiled in front of the Twelve Colleges, the main campus of St. Petersburg State University, acknowledging the enormous debt that institution owes the great polymath who is rightfully considered the father of Russian science.

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Premio di studio Global Thesis a.a. 2021-2022

È indetto, per l'anno accademico 2021/2022, concorso per titoli per l’assegnazione di premi di studio agli studenti dell’Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro per lo svolgimento di un periodo di studio all’estero finalizzato alla preparazione della tesi di laurea magistrale o a ciclo unico, dalla durata minima di 2 fino a un massimo di 6 mesi continuativi, presso università o centri di ricerca internazionali di eccellenza.

Per l’a.a. 2021/2022 è stabilito un unico turno di selezione.  Scadenza presentazione domande: 30 settembre 2022.

-  Bando premio di studio Global  Thesis    ( D.R. n. 2692 del 20/07/2022)  

- Domanda di candidatura

- Commissione esaminatrice  (D.R. n. 3609 del 10/10/2022)

- Approvazione atti e graduatoria   (D.R. n. 4485 del 13/12/2022)


  • Co-tutorship Bilateral Agreement
  • Fac-simile Parere scientifico
  • Modulo di accettazione
  • Accordo finanziario Global Thesis_2021_22
  • All. II - Condizioni generali   
  • All. III - Codice di comportamento UNIBA  
  • Certificate of arrival
  • Richiesta di prolungamento
  • Emendamento Accordo finanziario
  • Statement by the host institution
  • Valutazione relatore
  • Rinuncia mobilità


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  2. Premio di studio Global Thesis a.a. 2022-23

    Premio di studio Global Thesis a.a. 2022-23. È indetto, per l'anno accademico 2022/2023, concorso per titoli per l'assegnazione di premi di studio agli studenti dell'Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro per lo svolgimento di un periodo di studio all'estero, finalizzato alla preparazione della tesi di laurea magistrale o a ciclo ...

  3. Premio di Studio Global Thesis

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  5. Link Bari

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    8 likes, 0 comments - unidea_medicina on January 17, 2024: " PREMIO DI STUDIO GLOBAL THESIS A.A. 2023/2024 È stato indetto per l'anno accademico 2023/2024 un concorso per titoli per l'assegnazione di premi di studio agli studenti dell'Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro per lo svolgimento di un periodo di studio all'estero, finalizzato alla preparazione della tesi di laurea ...

  10. Diploma thesis

    The diploma thesis is written under the guidance of the leader of the final thesis (the supervisor). The student is required to prepare the diploma work during the 4th and 5th year, because the defense will be at the beginning of the 6th year. The thesis shall be reviewed by a objector (or objectors in case of the doctoral study).

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  12. Diploma Theses

    Submission deadline for the 5th year students. Submission deadline: 5th August 2024. As per the Rector´s Directive No. 32/2023 on Theses, the earliest you can upload your Diploma Thesis (DT) to the AIS system is 90 days before the state exam (diploma thesis defence). In the AY 2023/24, the earliest you can upload your DT to AIS is 15th June 2024.

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    Bandi pubblicati nell'anno solare 2023. Bando Tutorato a.a. 2021/2022. Scadenza: 03/02/2023 ore 14:00. Bando Premio di Studio Global Thesis a.a. 2022/2023. Scadenza interna per il primo turno di selezione: 18/05/2023 ore 12:00. Selezione pubblica, per titoli e discussione pubblica, per la copertura di un posto di ricercatore universitario a ...

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    Born: Denisovka, Archangelsk Province - 19 November 1711. Died: St. Petersburg - 15 April 1765. Mikhail Lomonosov was the great polymath of the Russian Enlightenment. Born in the deepest provinces of Northern Russia, he managed to gain a first-class education through a combination of natural intelligence and sheer force of will, and went on to ...

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  22. bando-global-thesis-2020-2021.pdf

    bando-global-thesis-2020-2021.pdf. D R Bando GLOBAL Thesis 2020_2021.pdf — 273.7 KB « agosto 2023 » agosto 2023 »

  23. Premio di studio Global Thesis a.a. 2021-2022

    Premio di studio Global Thesis a.a. 2021-2022 È indetto, per l'anno accademico 2021/2022, concorso per titoli per l'assegnazione di premi di studio agli studenti dell'Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro per lo svolgimento di un periodo di studio all'estero finalizzato alla preparazione della tesi di laurea magistrale o a ciclo unico, dalla durata minima di 2 fino a un massimo di 6 ...