7 Affordable Ways to Further Your Education After College

By michele debczak | feb 2, 2016.


Once you've walked across the graduation stage—after spending most of your life as a student—the thought of continuing your education after college is likely banished to the dusty corners of your mind. But a diploma is no excuse to stop learning, even if your formal education has come to an end. There are plenty of ways to continue broadening your horizons as a post-grad without adding to the mountains of student debt you’ve already accrued. 


Online education tends to get a bad rap, but some of the most prestigious universities in the world now offer college courses through the Internet to anyone who wants to take them. And the best part? A lot of them are completely free. 

One major example is edX , a MOOC (massive open online course) provider that hosts courses from dozens of respected schools, including Harvard and MIT (the platform's founders), Columbia, the University of Texas, and the Sorbonne, to name a few. Classes starting this spring include Finance for Everyone: Smart Tools for Decision-Making  (University of Michigan), World of Wine: Grape to Glass  (University of Adelaide), and Mastering Quantum Mechanics Part 3  (MIT). And if you’re looking for something to show potential employers, you can pay a small fee to receive a certificate verifying your completion at the end of the course.


A college classroom isn’t the only place you can go to hear educational lectures. Bookstores and museums often host talks, readings, and discussions that are likely much more stimulating than what you experienced in your 9 a.m. lecture hall. Whether you’re interested in social media or the World Refugee Crisis , there’s an expert out there who’s waiting to share their knowledge with you. 


Field trips were hands-down the best part of being a student, but that doesn’t mean adults can’t take them, too. Gather together a group of like-minded friends and set aside a day to visit a museum, aquarium, planetarium, or historical landmark in your area. Or better yet: Go alone and really take your time soaking in the sights.


After college, you no longer have a professor assigning you books to read and deadlines to finish them by. This can feel freeing at first, but finding the time to read for pleasure amidst the chaos of adult life isn’t always as easy as it looks. Joining a book club will motivate you to stick to your reading habit and also give you a forum to discuss your thoughts on the book once you’ve finished it. If you live in a larger city, you may even be able to find clubs that are tailored  specifically  to your favorite type of literature. And unlike formal literature classes, you won’t need to show up with a 10-page report in hand.


If you miss the structure and one-on-one engagement that comes with a traditional classroom setting, there’s still a way to get that experience without breaking the bank. Most community colleges offer semester-long courses for just a few hundred bucks, which is roughly equivalent to what a handful of class sessions would cost you at some private universities. That’s a great deal considering any credits you earn at the end will have real value when hunting for jobs or eventually pursuing your formal education even further. 


Ideally, being an adult means being able to form educated opinions about what’s happening in the world around you. Instead of hearing about the latest scientific breakthroughs through blogs and misinformed tweets, give yourself the power to interpret the findings on your own by going straight to the source. Scientific papers aren’t structured like articles or blog posts, and learning how to read and comprehend them is a skill that needs to be learned. This article from the Huffington Post does a good job of explaining how to navigate a primary research article if you have no experience doing so. Once you have that skill mastered, you’ll be ready to tackle any scientific study with confidence.


The best resource for a free and enriching education is still your local library. In addition to the wealth of nonfiction, literature, and instructional materials available to anyone with a library card, many libraries also offer a variety of services that extend beyond books. Some locations offer resume help , digital downloads, tax assistance, ancestry information, cooking classes, and even telescopes for members to check out. Next time you visit your town’s library, ask the librarian about some of the less conventional resources they may offer.

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25 Reasons To Continue Your Education

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If you want more for your life, it may be time to continue your education. Here are 25 reasons you should go back to school to continue your education.

According to the United States Census Bureau, 90 percent of Americans have a minimum of a high school diploma. Similarly, a report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows that citizens who have technical training, like electrical technicians, medical assistants and nurse aides, have the highest projection for job growth over the next 10 years. These facts alone provide solid reasons to continue your education.

Those who hold certificates above the high school diploma are more likely to earn higher pay and possess greater satisfaction with life. And the best part is, no matter where you are in your life right now, it’s never too late to continue your education. 

What to do as a career is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It’s best if you can choose a profession where you enjoy how you spend your days. 

The best way to do that is to enroll in a program where you will get the education and the training you need to get a job involving advanced skills. 

That’s why continuing your education is so important. Education is the key to the life you deserve. Here are 25 great reasons you should continue your education: 

To Get A Better Job

To further your education and reach personal goals, make more money , become certified and more qualified at work, secure your future by gaining competitive skills, live a better life style, finish a degree that you abandoned in the  past, to challenge yourself and gain confidence, social  networking, improve your business network, open doors to new opportunities, improve your discipline , to become a nurse aide , learn about business administration , to become a welder, to become a commercial motor vehicle operator, to become an hvac technician, to become an automotive service technician, to become an electrical technician  , to become a cosmetologist, to be a medical billing and coding specialist, become a computer support specialist, become a pharmacy technician, become an administrative assistant, to satisfy your passion for change, southern careers institute.

To continue your education in one of these fields or another that interests you, contact us to begin the enrollment process.  Southern Careers Institute can prepare you for a bright future if you have a passion for change.

https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2017/educational-attainment-2017.html https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2017/article/occupational-projections-charts.htm

Blog Disclaimer: Information stated in this blog is for general information purposes only. SCITexas.edu does not assume or guarantee income earning potential or salary expectations based on the programs offered at Southern Careers Institute. Career and program information stated in this blog does not guarantee that programs and specifics are offered at Southern Careers Institute.

This article was published on: 02/27/20 6:03 PM

* SCI does not guarantee employment or a starting salary upon graduation, completion, or withdrawal from SCI. As an accredited post-secondary institution, SCI has various federal financial assistance programs available for students who qualify and are enrolled in SCI programs. This does not apply to seminar students.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill .

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Furthering your education: advantages of being a life-long learner.

Furthering Your Education: Advantages Of Being A Life-Long Learner

Learn the benefits of furthering your education and being a life-long learner, whether for better career prospects or new opportunities.

If you’re finding your life has come to a bit of a standstill, you need to think about what you can do to help improve it.

Whether it’s a standstill in your education, your career, your personal life or your overall happiness – there are lots of different ways you can help make yourself feel better.

While we’d love to cover everything in this post, we just don’t have the time. Instead, we’ll focus on what are the benefits of education and how you can improve your education level.

Whether you’ve been to university or you’ve not been back to school since your last exams, there are so many adult education courses available that you’ll definitely find an option that’s right for you.

With that in mind, here is a complete guide to furthering your education and becoming a life-long learner.

What Does Furthering Your Education Mean?

For those that have never come across the term, furthering your education basically does what it says on the tin.

If you’re looking to improve your knowledge or learn a new skill, you will need to go further your education in one way or another.

Whether it’s taking a course or going back to University for your Master’s – becoming a life-long learner is definitely an incredible journey to take.

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Who Should Further Their Education?

To put it simply, absolutely anyone can further their education. Whether you’ve not studied for years or you’re fresh out of university, the option to continue studying and learning are not restrictive.

Ideally suited to those that are looking to better themselves and the skills that they have, it really is open to everyone. For a guide on who should further their education, you can visit this site here .

Why Should I Further My Education?

Although the importance of education in our life, as well as the reasons why you should be furthering your education, maybe obvious to most people, others may need a little more convincing.

For those that need a few reasons why education is important, here are five advantages of education that will help you decide if you want to consider furthering your education.

1. Improve your career prospects

Firstly, one of the best reasons to further your education is the career prospects it can open up for you.

Whether you know your dream job requires a certain level of education or your employees has asked you to improve your skills – improving your knowledge could lead to a much better career.

Not only does adult education lead to a better job position, but it also means your earning potential increases too. What more could you want?

2. Learn a new skill

If you’re not furthering your education to increase your earning potential and your career prospects, learning a new skill is also a pretty incredible feeling.

Throughout your life, you should always be striving to learn something new every single day, but becoming an expert in something is an incredible feeling.

Common skills you can learn include communication skills , social media skills, arts and crafts skills, performing arts skills and fitness skills. What would you learn?

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3. Open up to opportunities

Although learning a new skill and furthering your education could lead to a higher paid job, it can also lead to some incredible opportunities.

Whether it’s giving you the opportunity to travel or allowing you to meet new people that become lifelong friends, the opportunities for lifelong learning skills are endless.

4. Start your own business

If you’re thinking of starting your own business then improving your education could be the final step you need to take.

Whilst you may have an incredible idea and a business mindset, having the knowledge could give you exactly what you need to run an incredibly successful business.

Whilst you may not need a degree in order to do this, there are lots of business courses that can teach you the ins and out of running your own business. From finances to marketing to writing a business plan , you want to be sure you know it all.

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5. Improve your quality of life

Having a better education will not only do wonders for your quality of life, but a study from Harvard Medical School and Harvard University found that people with more than a high school diploma can expect to live up to seven years longer than their less-educated counterparts.

Whether it’s improving the work that you do or opening up new doors and opportunities, it will definitely lead to you feeling much happier with yourself and your life. When it comes to something you’re doing every single day, you need to ensure it brings you joy.

Think about whether or not you can see yourself in the industry for years to come and if not, consider furthering your education in a new and exciting area of interest.

Adult Education

6 Incredible Ways To Further Your Education

Now that you know you definitely want to further your education, it’s time to think about what you’re going to do it. To help, here are 6 incredible ways to get started:

1. Taking an accredited course online

If you’re in an industry where there is an accredited governing body, the likelihood is that they’ll offer courses that you can take alongside your career. This will be something you can do yourself at home, but you may find that the competitive exams are set for specific dates.

Having an accredited course to showcase on your resume will show that you have the appropriate qualifications to be considered a qualified professional in your industry.

Whether you’re in marketing in health and social care, the best way to find these courses is to either speak to your manager or Google what your governing body is. If you don’t find they have courses, there may be free online courses with certificates from top universities you can take.

2. Specialise in a field of study

Whether you’ve just finished university or you’ve been graduated for years, going back to specialise in a field of study or get an advanced degree is a great adult learning initiative. If this is not an affordable option, you can even study online for free and become an expert in your field.

With in-depth studies, practical assessments and time spent in the industry – you really do get a full understanding of the industry you’re studying. For more information on starting your advanced degree and the funding that may be available to you, you can visit this guide here .

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3. Complete your Master’s degree online

If you want to further your education with a degree but you don’t want to uproot your life to move to a new city, there are Master’s degrees and courses you can take online . Not only does it mean you don’t have to move, but it also means that you can take the course at your own pace.

Again, the exams may be on a schedule but the course material will be available to read at your own pace. Online education is ideal for those that want to stay in full-time work as they study, you really do get the best of both worlds.

For more information on furthering your education with a degree no matter what subject – whether it be marketing or counselling – you can visit online Master’s school counselling here.

4. Take a local class or workshop

If your idea of studying doesn’t involve going back to school, there are lots of local classes and workshops you can attend that make the whole experience much more enjoyable.

While University is an incredible experience, classes and workshops can have a much more relaxed feel. Whilst you may not come away with a qualification, you will come away having learnt an incredible new skill. For tips and tricks to find classes near you, you can visit this site here .

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5. Attend industry events & conferences

If you ware wanting to learn more about the industry you’re in, or you want to improve a certain aspect of your business, attending industry events and conferences are a great place to start.

Most conferences will have professional speakers sharing their expertise and if you want to learn from the best, this may be your greatest possible opportunity. Entrance to these kinds of events doesn’t come cheap, but it is definitely worth it for those that want to step up their game.

Industry events are a little different to conferences as they don’t necessarily have back to back workshops and sessions, but they may have the occasional speaker session you can attend. While these will be much cheaper in price, the value you take away will be considerably lower.

6. Hire a coach or mentor

Finally, one of the most effective approaches you can have to further your knowledge on a subject is to hire yourself a coach or a mentor .

They will personally be able to tailor your study program to you, helping you learn the skills you need in order to achieve your goals. Whether it’s furthering your business or landing that dream job , a mentor will definitely help you get there.

If you’re having concerns about hiring a coach due to their high costs, you may want to consider joining memberships or a support group online. They will cost a lot less than 1-to-1 support, but you will receive similar advice.

While you won’t come out with a qualification from either of these options, you will be learning something new every single day – something you can’t put a price on in a business.

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So are you considering furthering your education? What benefits could it bring to you? What route will you take in your quest to learn for life? Let us know in the comments section below.

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About the author:

Priya Florence Shah is the Group Editor at SHEROES and author of Devi2Diva, an emotional self-care book for women .

Furthering Your Education Advantages Of Being A Life-Long Learner

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10 Reasons Why Further Education Makes Sense At Any Age

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There’s no denying that the digital age has created a raft of employment opportunities in the job market. However, it has also meant that many people have found their existing roles have evolved, with some requiring expertise in new technologies and technology systems.

As you can imagine, it makes sense to have formal training and qualifications for many job roles these days.

One of the best pathways into a well-paid role is by having further education, either in the form of online master programs with degree qualifications, or certification in specialist and niche areas.

Did you know that there are many other reasons why it’s a good idea to have a further education, and why it makes sense to do so whether you’ve just left high school or have done so a long time ago?

Take a look at the following ten examples to see why you’re making the right decision by boosting your education:

1. You’ll Be Less Likely To Become Unemployed

One of the most significant worries that anyone will likely have is becoming unemployed. As you can imagine, having no job means you’ll find it challenging to lead a normal lifestyle, and you’d have to assume that the government can provide you with financial assistance.

Therefore, it makes better sense to be in stable employment, and one way you can almost guarantee that outcome is by investing in yourself with some further education such as a degree qualification or industry-specific certification.

2. You’ll Earn A Higher Salary

Who doesn’t want to earn lots of money? As you can appreciate, the more money you earn, the less you have to worry about things like paying your monthly household expenses and covering any emergency costs or repairs.

The trouble with leaving high school without considering any further education is you significantly diminish your chances of earning lots of money in your career.

Almost all well-paid roles advertised on the jobs market require candidates to have some formal industry training or a college education with qualifications in specific fields.

3. You’ll Feel More Confident In Yourself

One interesting point to keep in mind about further education is that you’ll feel more confident in yourself.

If you’ve got a college education or even industry certification from a vocational institution, you’ll have proved to yourself that you’re capable of achieving anything in your life.

That’s why many people who gain their first qualification or industry certification go on to pursue other further education opportunities. It’s something you could also do.

4. Competition With Other Job Applicants Is Lower

It doesn’t matter whether a commonly-available unskilled job gets advertised or a role requiring specialist skills and qualifications. There will always be people applying for all roles advertised on the job market.

The trouble is, competition can sometimes be fierce for some jobs, and employers will understandably only shortlist candidates with resumes that stand out from the crowd.

You can make yourself stand out from other applicants by pursuing a further education and having one or more qualifications and certifications.

5. You’ll Find Yourself Getting Headhunted

Imagine if you seldom had to apply for jobs because you kept getting offered them by companies looking for top talent like you? It might appear to be a dream, but it’s a reality for many people that have pursued further education – either after high school or later in life.

You’ll find that hiring managers and even CEOs from top businesses approach you because they want talent like you as part of their teams!

6. You’ll Increase Your Transferable Skills

As you know, it’s always a good idea to have a skill set that you can use in various roles and industries. Unfortunately, that won’t always be possible – at least not in-depth – if you don’t have any further education.

College degrees, industry certifications, and more will help you increase the skills that you can transfer to roles in other niches and industries – a must in today’s highly competitive job market .

7. You’ll Better Compete In Global Job Markets

It’s no secret that many people have aspirations to travel the world, take in new cultures and sights, and generally learn more about other nations. For many people, traveling the world involves saving money to go on a vacation each year.

But, what if you could travel the world as part of your work? Having a further education means you can be a viable choice for employers looking for skilled and reliable talent to grow their brands in overseas markets.

8. You’ll Learn More About Your Preferred Industry

Another reason to gain a college degree or industry certification is that you will have greater exposure to various roles within your niche, but that’s not all!

You’ll also learn more about your preferred industry, such as discovering how other industry processes interact with your role.

For example, if you have a job as an automotive engineer, you could learn about mechanical engine technology, body panel molding, robotic vehicle paint spraying , and more.

9. You’ll Feel Motivated To Expand Your Skills Set

If you have a thirst for knowledge, completing your first college degree or industry certification course will satisfy that thirst for a while. But, the fact you’ve decided to further your education and skill set means you’ll want to keep doing so.

Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you will want to pursue other educational opportunities and highlight those qualifications and certifications on your resume. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new!

10. You Feel A Massive Sense Of Achievement

Last but not least, it makes no difference whether you’re fresh out of high school or have several decades of commercial experience. You will always feel a massive sense of achievement when you pursue further education opportunities.

In some ways you may even feel like your life has a new meaning or purpose because you’ve equipped yourself with the tools to follow your career ambitions – even if they seemed impossible to achieve before you completed your first degree or certification course!


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11 Unique Ways to Continue Your Education

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Whether you consider yourself a lifelong learner or you’re looking to harness new skills for your career, there are many diverse ways to continue your education beyond enrolling in a university or college. Today, the internet makes learning easier and more accessible than ever.

Developing soft skills like critical thinking, communication and teamwork is particularly useful as you embark on your educational journey. Often, traditional academic programs do not help students evolve these essential skill sets despite how highly beneficial they are in life and work.

Explore these 11 unique ways to continue your education:

1. Consume Educational Content

Consuming content about the topics you are interested in is one of the easiest ways to expand your knowledge and sharpen your skills. A major upside of social media that is often overlooked is having free access to many amazing educational resources at your fingertips.

A few examples of valuable free content include:

YouTube: This video platform offers millions of educational videos about all types of industries. TED Talk videos are a particularly incredible tool for harnessing soft skills and learning more about self-development.

Podcasts: Podcasting has exploded in popularity over the last few years. You can find endless shows and episodes about educational topics from industry leaders and experts.

TikTok: Learning on the go is fun and easy with TikTok. You can find creators that specialize in certain topics or fields and explore different communities interested in the same topics as you.

2. Read or Listen to Informative Books

With educational books, you can familiarize yourself with new topics and learn at your own pace. You don’t have to read stuffy academic texts. You can gain new perspectives and understandings from all kinds of genres, from historical fiction to self-help. Reading is a great way to work on yourself and find new opportunities for growth.

Explore the following genres to see what piques your interest:

  • Mystery/thriller
  • Current events
  • Literary fiction
  • Science fiction
  • Historical fiction

If you find it challenging to stick with your reading goals, consider joining a book club to hold yourself accountable and discuss the details of each book with others. For those who don’t have the time or patience to sit down with a book, consider listening to audio versions in the car, on a walk or when you’re doing work around the house.

3. Visit a Museum or Participate in a Guided Tour

You can also take yourself on an exciting field trip to a museum or gallery. A quick online search can help you discover collections and exhibits related to your interests. For example, if you’re interested in art, you can find a local art museum. Some museums have virtual tours and exhibits to explore from home as well.

Guided tours can offer more detailed information about a particular topic or time period. Whether you sign up for a guided museum, battlefield or city tour, there are many opportunities to learn from people who are well-versed in different subjects.

4. Learn a New Language

Learning a new language is on many people’s bucket lists. However, you don’t have to take a class or hire a tutor to start speaking a new language — all of the necessary tools are accessible from your laptop or smartphone. Online programs like Babbel or Duolingo allow you to take lessons on your time via an app. They are also more affordable than most in-person language courses.

5. Take Classes or an Online Course

You can take classes even if you are not a full-time college or university student. There are endless courses and learning opportunities available for non-students, including:

  • Photography classes.
  • Creative writing workshops.
  • Acting classes.
  • Classical studies.
  • Business seminars.

Taking a class is an excellent way to explore a topic in greater depth. Some educational institutions offer non-degree certificates for individuals who don’t want to commit to a full course load.

6. Watch Documentaries and Interviews

Those documentaries you watch on Netflix before bed offer more than entertainment. When you watch them, you gain a deeper understanding of a person, place or topic. Plus, you can make a fun movie night out of it!

You might watch a nature documentary, learn about an important historical event or get an insight into an influential historical figure.

When you watch documentaries and interviews, you can learn from people with first-hand experience or expertise. If you stumble upon a subject that interests you, you can also read related articles to dive deeper.

Whether you’re interested in exploring current events, self-development, social issues or historical figures, documentaries and interviews are incredible educational resources.

7. Explore New Cultures

Travel is one of the richest educational experiences available for dedicated lifelong learners. If you are looking to continue studying beyond traditional schooling, consider saving up for a vacation where you can explore a new culture and become immersed in its traditions.

Traveling somewhere new doesn’t have to break the bank. Instead, explore inexpensive vacation ideas in your desired destination. When you get your travel plans together and find local accommodations, you can dedicate the rest of your trip to learning more about the culture.

8. Engage with the News

Staying current with the news allows you to continuously gain new perspectives and knowledge. Consider taking time each day to comb through important headlines or sitting down to watch the latest news stories with your coffee each morning.

Engaging with the news allows you to make more informed decisions and learn about topics you may have otherwise not explored. You could learn about a current event that inspires you to further research the subject matter.

9. Find a Mentor or Conduct Informational Interviews

Mentorship is an incredibly valuable learning experience. If you are interested in understanding an industry, business or cause better, reach out to someone who is respected in their field and politely request an informational interview.

You can learn how they got to where they are and ask burning questions about their work. If you’re lucky, you may connect with someone who becomes your mentor for ongoing learning opportunities.

10. Volunteer

Volunteering is an incredible tool for expanding your horizons, giving back to your community and learning valuable interpersonal skills that will help you in other areas of your life. The information and insights you can gain from donating your time to a cause may be one of the most educational experiences you will have in this lifetime.

Find a cause that is meaningful to you and allow yourself to absorb the experience. You may wind up sharpening soft skills, such as:

  • Effective communication.
  • Leadership.
  • Project management.
  • Time management.
  • Working with others.

11. Attend a Conference or Webinar

Attending a conference or signing up for a webinar is another awesome way to continue your education. Attending these events is especially beneficial for people looking to take their careers to the next level and meet others with shared interests.

You can learn exclusive details about the work of industry professionals and leaders. Hearing from practitioners in your field will help you uncover interesting new trends and findings that you may otherwise not have known.

The Skills You Need Guide to Personal Development

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Personal Development

Learn how to set yourself effective personal goals and find the motivation you need to achieve them. This is the essence of personal development, a set of skills designed to help you reach your full potential, at work, in study and in your personal life.

The second edition of or bestselling eBook is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their skills and learning potential, and it is full of easy-to-follow, practical information.

Seek New Education Opportunities

Educational opportunities are always around the corner for people who want them and are willing to get a little creative. Explore some of these options to further your education!

About the Author

Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist , a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life.

When Ava is not writing you'll find her in a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy.

Continue to: Study Skills Continuous Professional Development

See also: Planning Your Education and Career in the Age of AI and Machine Learning 5 Strategies for Enhancing Your Personal Development Top 10 Tips on How to Study While Working

Advance Your Education: Top Strategies


Learn A New Skill

Take business-related courses, look into local free classes, go back to university or college, use youtube to teach yourself something new, take an online course, keep up with industry news, read as much as you can.

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Embarking on a journey to further your education opens a world of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Whether you’re aiming to advance in your current career, pivot to a new field, or simply quench a thirst for knowledge, understanding the right strategies can make all the difference. From online courses and workshops to traditional degree programs, this guide provides valuable insights to help you navigate the myriad options available, ensuring you make informed decisions that align with your goals and aspirations .

One of the best ways to further your education is to learn a new skill , especially if you’re looking to learn more on a budget . With various different ways to teach yourself a skill, you don’t actually have to go back to college or university to learn something new. 

Whether you’re taking a day-long course or you’re spending the day shadowing an expert, you may find it’s easier to learn a new skill than you think.  Even if you don’t use all of the skills you’re learning , the more you know the better. 

Taking business-related courses can significantly bolster your career by equipping you with a broad range of skills and knowledge essential for navigating today’s dynamic corporate landscape. These courses offer insights into critical areas such as management, finance, marketing, and operations, enabling you to understand and contribute to your organization’s strategic objectives more effectively.

Furthermore, acquiring business acumen can enhance your decision-making abilities, leadership qualities, and understanding of market trends, opening up opportunities for advancement and innovation. Whether you aim to climb the corporate ladder, pivot to a new industry, or launch your own venture , business education serves as a cornerstone for success, providing a competitive edge in the global job market.

If you’re managing your finances carefully, exploring local free classes can be a valuable strategy. While these opportunities might require a bit more effort to discover, numerous professionals often host free or reduced-cost classes within their communities, covering a range of subjects and skills. These sessions not only offer the chance to learn without a significant financial commitment but also provide networking opportunities with experts and peers alike.

Should free classes prove elusive in your immediate vicinity, it’s worth assessing your readiness to extend your search radius. Consider how far you’re willing to travel to access these educational opportunities. Expanding your search area can significantly increase your chances of finding valuable learning experiences that fit your budget , ultimately enhancing your skillset and professional network without straining your finances.

Another great way to further your education is to go back to university or college , depending on the level of education you’re looking to gain. Whether you’re looking to improve your knowledge when it comes to nursing or you want to improve your photography skills with a degree, it’s important you take the time to look at all of your options. 

Whilst it can be expensive to go back to school, the benefits outweigh the cost. From increasing your earning potential to opening up a world of career opportunities, you may be surprised at what you can achieve with a degree behind you.

For a guide to going back to university after a long break from studying , you can visit this site here. 

If going back to university isn’t for you and you want to learn something in a short period of time, YouTube is a great place to start. No matter what you’re looking to learn, chances are there is going to be a YouTube video out there to help you. All you need to do is start searching! 

Another great way to further your education is to take an online course . Although they can time and can often be pricey, an online course is a great way to gain a qualification without having to uproot your entire life. Whether you’re taking an online course in health and wellness or you’re looking into a course on data science, you need to ensure you’re finding the right course for you. Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to ensure exactly that: 

  • Do as much research as you possibly can when it comes to course catalogues
  • Read course reviews online to see if they’re positive 
  • Speak to people who have already taken the course before
  • Check what qualification you receive at the end of the course
  • Find out what you can go on to do once the course is over

If you’re looking to find the right course for you or you want to start a great data science course for beginners, you can visit this site here. 

Another great way to further your education is to keep up with industry news. No matter what industry you’re in, chances are there are going to be news reports daily that will keep you up to date. Whether you read them in the morning before you head to work or you read them once a week during a coffee break, it’s important you know what is going on in your industry as and when it happens. If it helps, you might want to think about setting up alerts for certain keywords on your phone. 

Finally, you want to ensure you’re reading as much as you possibly can. This doesn’t mean reading industry news but instead reading everything that surrounds you. Whether that means reading your local paper or buying a non-fiction book to read on your commute, the more you read the more chances you have to learn.

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Explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of adult and continuing education settings.

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How to further your education as an adult

continuing education

As parents, we sometimes pause our own education by solely dedicating our time and effort to furthering our children’s education. Did I say pause!? Yes! We often choose not to continue our education and forget that furthering our own careers and education benefits our kids.

Getting an education is too often put at-side and not a priority. I am here to tell you why getting an education can benefit everyone and serve as an example to others.

Consider your education status.

Figuring out what to do to further your education can seem like a huge task. However, setting career goals is the first step to deciding how to proceed. Once you decide to return to school, you’ll want to determine your education level.  In most countries, you’ll see that education follows a trajectory that may look like this:

continuing education

Most college degrees take at least two years to complete. If you completed a high school diploma, you might want to consider starting an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program. Remember that associate’s and bachelor’s degrees are the only two degrees you might be able to interchange. Some community colleges offer associates-only degrees hence why they are called community colleges. Larger universities offer bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Determine a career you want to pursue

Once you determine your educational level, you’ll want to determine your career interests. Think about what you enjoy doing the most. Are you attracted to health, education, social work, technology, or marketing? There are unlimited professions offered across colleges and universities. Your career interest influences the college or university you will want to pursue.

For example, if you enjoy medical work, you may want to look into nursing, medical assistance, physical therapy, or radiology. Selecting an area you are interested in is key to getting to the finish line!

What to do if you have a High School Diploma

A high school diploma will automatically allow you to register for a community college within your area. Many community colleges have open enrollment for students that graduate from high school. Community colleges are two-year schools that provide affordable postsecondary education as a pathway to a four-year degree. Some attend community college to obtain an associate’s degree in two years but may never continue school. This may be because, for some careers, an associate’s degree may be enough.

Universities that Welcome Undocumented Students

College students experience vocational training in a community and obtain certificates, diplomas, or an associate’s degree. Diplomas and education certificate programs may last weeks or several months. Students who may want to learn a particular skill are candidates for certificates or diplomas.  

Some popular programs you’ll find in a community college are nursing, law enforcement, and web technology. However, some medical programs may have additional requirements for entry. Did you know that in the fall of 2012, 12.8 million students were enrolled in community colleges?

Applying for Community College

An application is part of the entry requirement to attend a community college. Most community colleges have an online application process that requires basic information and proof of a high school transcript or GED. Additionally, there is an application fee that varies depending on the institution.

Associate degrees come with textbooks and tuition fees. Some community colleges offer scholarships to local high school graduates. Financial aid is also available to families that may qualify based on their income.

To apply for a community college, you’ll want to schedule an appointment with a college counselor or complete the online application. If you choose to complete the online application, the school will follow up with an email and eventually schedule you to come in person. An advisor will provide you with program information and course options. Come ready to ask questions and inquire about financial aid and scholarships. 

Why continue education in a Community college?

  • Improve GPA to pursue a Bachelor’s degree
  • transfer into a four-year college (save money)
  • convenient location
  • obtain enough credits to become a police officer
  • complete a trait or training in a specific area

What if you have an Associate’s Degree?

If you already have an associate’s degree, the next level of education to pursue is a Bachelor’s degree.  Four-year universities offer a wide variety of educational focus. A university is an institution of higher education and research that awards academic degrees in various academic disciplines.

According to Wikipedia, Universities typically offer both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. In the United States, universities must offer graduate degrees; institutions offering only undergraduate degrees are colleges. Some popular programs in a University are Business administration, liberal arts, registered nursing, psychology, technology, and much more.

Consider whether you’ll like to expand your associate’s degree education into a Bachelor’s degree to continue your education. An advisor can review your associate’s degree courses to determine which classes can transfer into a Bachelors’s program and which classes may not. You’ll want to know this information before enrolling in a 4-year university. 

The number of classes a university accepts influences the courses you’ll need to take to obtain a Bachelor’s degree. The more classes, the higher the number of credits you’ll have to pursue a Bachelors’s degree. 

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How to apply 

To apply to a 4-year university, you’ll need to review the university’s admission policy on its website. All universities have an admissions office that you can call and visit to inquire about their application process. A 4-year university will most likely have more requirements than a 2-year college. Most universities require a minimum of 2.5 GPA, recommendation letters, a written essay, and entrance exams.

Master’s Degree

If you have a Bachelor’s degree, the next level of education to pursue is a Master’s degree. A Master’s degree takes two years to complete. A  master’s degree  is an academic degree awarded by universities or colleges upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery or a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice.

Completing a Master’s degree makes someone a specialist in a certain area. For example, the most common areas that require a master’s degree are education, business management, computer science, psychology, and counseling.  

Most people pursuing a master’s degree aim to move up in their current position or sometimes may want to change careers. A person with a Business administration degree may experience a change of heart and sometimes switch to teaching. Completing a master’s degree is a new start and does not require any transfer of credits. 

How to apply

You’ll need to review the university’s admission policy on the website to apply for graduate school. All graduate programs have an admissions office that you can call and visit to inquire about their application process.  Most universities require a minimum of a 3.0 GPA, recommendation letters, a written essay, and entrance exams. However, please remember that these requirements vary depending on the education programs. 

Funding options to continue education

There aren’t many scholarships available to fund Master’s degrees. However, scholarships are readily available to fund bachelor’s degrees. Some jobs provide tuition reimbursement to fund related classes with certain stipulations. Graduate-level courses are much higher than undergraduate courses. For instance, a graduate-level credit can cost twice as much as undergraduate credit. Consider your funding options as you review academic programs and educational institutions. 

I hope this information has given you an idea of what to do next to continue and pursue higher education. It is never too late to obtain an education and reach higher career goals. Remember that our desire to educate ourselves will show our kids the importance of obtaining an education.

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About The Author

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Dr. Sugely (soo-heh-lee) Solano

2 thoughts on “how to further your education as an adult”.

'  data-srcset=

I totally agree with you when you said to pursue what you enjoy doing the most. My brother just got out of rehab and he was looking for continuing education to restart his life. I’m going to recommend him to pursue a career in architecture because designing houses was his passion back then. Now it’s just all about finding the right continued education institution that will perfectly fit him.

'  data-srcset=

I agree. And it’s never late to start. When we do what we enjoy the most it doesn’t feel like a job.

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6 Ways You Can Benefit From Furthering Your Education

Sarah harris.

Sarah Harris takes care of the customer support requests at Workast. She is also an avid writer.

6 Ways You Can Benefit From Furthering Your Education

Education is one of the most important things you can give yourself. It opens up opportunities, allows you to learn new things, and gives you a better chance at achieving your goals in life. But many people don’t think they need more education after they finish high school or college. They might feel like they’re too old, or that their skills are good enough as they are. However, there are many reasons why furthering your education can be beneficial for you, no matter what stage of life you’re in. Here are six of them.

1. Increased Job Opportunities

Having more education can lead to better job opportunities . Companies are often looking for employees who have higher levels of education because they tend to be more qualified and have more knowledge. This can help you get a job that you’re interested in, and that pays well. For example, if you want to work in a specific field, like healthcare or education, you’ll likely need to have a degree in that area.

Enrolling in a training institution that offers courses in your desired field can help you get the education and skills you need to qualify for the job you want. And, if you’re already employed, furthering your education can help you get promoted.


Another benefit of furthering your education is that it can give you more flexibility. This is because there are often many different ways to further your education. For instance, you can visit  exam-labs.com  and explore the numerous certified online courses to enhance your education. You can also take classes at night, on the weekends, or during the day. This means that you can often find a way to fit furthering your education into your busy schedule.

2. Higher Earning Potential

In many cases, people with more education also earn more money. This is because companies are often willing to pay more for employees who have higher levels of education and skills.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, people with a bachelor’s degree earned a median weekly salary of $1,137 in 2019, while those with only a high school diploma earned a median weekly salary of $712. That’s a difference of $425 per week or $22,100 per year. So, if you’re looking to increase your earnings, furthering your education can be a good way to do it.

3. Improved Skills

Critical thinking skills are important in all aspects of life. They allow you to analyze information, make decisions, and solve problems. When you further your education, you’ll have the opportunity to develop and improve your critical thinking skills. This can be helpful in both your personal and professional life. For example, if you’re a parent, you might need to use critical thinking skills to solve problems with your children. Or, if you’re an employee, you might need to use these skills to figure out solutions to work-related issues. By pursuing an associate degree in health science , you'll not only gain valuable knowledge in the field but also have the chance to hone your critical thinking abilities, which are indispensable for navigating the complexities of healthcare and addressing various challenges that may arise in your career.

Enhanced Communication Skills

Communication skills are important in all facets of life. When you further your education, you’ll have the opportunity to develop and improve your communication skills. This can be beneficial in both your personal and professional life.

For example, if you’re a parent, you might need to use communication skills to talk to your children about difficult topics. Or, if you’re an employee, you might need to use these skills to communicate with your co-workers and boss.

4. Greater Knowledge and Understanding

When you further your education, you’ll also gain more knowledge and understanding. This can be helpful in many different areas of your life. For instance, if you want to be more informed about current events, enrolling in a political science class can help you learn about different governments and how they operate. Or, if you’re interested in history, taking a history course can give you a better understanding of the past. As you gain more knowledge, you might find that you have a better understanding of the world around you. Also, as you learn new information, you might be able to apply it to your life in different ways.  For instance, you can get more time to study if you take help from an essay writer to complete your assignment.


Lifelong Learning

This is the ability to continue learning throughout your life. When you further your education, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge that can help you learn new things more easily. This can be beneficial in both your personal and professional life. For example, if you want to learn a new language such as Korean, enrolling in  effective lessons of Korean  can help you dive deeper into their culture and acquire the skills you need. Or, if you want to learn how to use a new piece of software for work, taking a computer class can give you the knowledge you need.

5. Increased Confidence

Furthering your education can also lead to increased confidence. When you accomplish something, like getting a degree or certificate, it can boost your self-esteem and make you feel more confident. This increased confidence can then carry over into other areas of your life.

For example, if you’re more confident in your abilities, you might be more likely to take on new challenges. Or, if you’re more confident in yourself, you might find it easier to make new friends. Additionally, if you have a higher level of education, you might feel more confident when applying for jobs or interviewing for positions, especially in nursing programs Columbus Ohio.

6. Networking Opportunities

When you further your education, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet new people. This can be beneficial because you might make connections that can help you in your personal or professional life.

For instance, you might meet someone who can give you advice about your career. Or, you might meet someone who knows somebody who’s hiring for a position that you’re interested in. Networking can be helpful in many different ways, so it’s definitely something to consider if you’re thinking about furthering your education, especially in an online PsyD program.

Furthering your education can provide you with many different benefits. These benefits can be helpful in both your personal and professional life. Some of the benefits of furthering your education include enhanced critical thinking and communication skills, greater knowledge and understanding, lifelong learning, increased confidence, and networking opportunities. So, if you’re thinking about furthering your education, consider all of the ways it can help you.

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If you’re transitioning from high school to college, exploring technical certifications, or you’re interested in furthering your education but you’re not sure what’s next – We can help!

At Next, we can help you: 

  • Research and identify local colleges and programs that fit your goals. 
  • Assist you with completing your application. 
  • Help you connect you with financial aid, scholarship programs, and help you navigate FAFSA.
  • Assist you with funding technical certifications in careers sectors that are in demand. 

We also have connections with local colleges and universities including Clark College, Lower Columbia College, and Washington State University.

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Christina Tiplea

Conquer Overwhelm. Live Intentionally.

Free Resources to Further Your Education

July 29 by Christina Tiplea Filed Under: Saving Money

Learning new skills and furthering your education should continue beyond just your years of schooling! Use these free resources to further your education and build a skill set that will help you challenge yourself and succeed in life!

Our brains are like sponges, and they tend to thrive when we challenge them and allow them to soak up information that we expose them to.

While many of us enjoy challenging ourselves and learning new skills, I think that it’s not always feasible with everyday life to expect yourself to enroll in classes you have to attend in-person or pay thousands of dollars for.

That’s why I’ve compiled a list of completely free (yes, free !) resources to help you further your education. You can learn new skills in the comfort of your own home without even having to pay a dime to do so.

Now you have no excuses to work that brain of yours and challenge yourself to learn something new today! I hope you enjoy and have fun furthering your education while building up your skill set 🙂

Free resources to further your education:

Learn a new language, learn technical skills.

Have you ever been interested in learning how to build websites, programs, applications, games, etc?

You can use Code Academy to learn HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Python, Ruby, and API to be able to have the skills to create these things!

Prestigious universities that offer open education programs

  • Carnegie-Mellon
  • Harvard’s Medical School

Another open education program

Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. They offer classes on a wide array of subjects!

I love TED Talks. Nothing gets me feeling more fired up and passionate about an idea than listening to someone give a powerful TED Talk on that very subject.

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less).

You can find an archive of all TED Talks here , but these are some great ones to get you started:

  • How to buy happiness
  • How to run a company with (almost) no rules
  • How to make a splash in social media

Is there something you’ve been wanting to learn lately but haven’t wanted to spend money to do so?

[photo source: Ashley Ella Design ]

further your education

July 29 at 5:18 am

I’ve always wanted to study graphic design but it’s so expensive to go back to school! My brother is studying it at the moment, so I plan on borrowing his notes and eventually ask him to teach me some of the stuff he learns. Also, Duolingo is highly addictive! Thanks for these resources, Christina.

Christina Tiplea

July 30 at 11:17 am

J – I would LOVE to learn graphic design too. It would be so beneficial for me with my business, and just plain old fun too! And you bet!


July 29 at 11:37 am

These are GREAT resources! I have heard a couple TED talks, and they are so inspiring! I also used duolingo at one point for Spanish. Such a fun way to learn the basics of a new language 🙂

July 30 at 11:18 am

That’s awesome that you have personal experience with duolingo, I’m thinking of using it soon to sharpen up my spanish from high school that I’ve completely lost! If you don’t use it, you lose it unfortunately lol.


July 29 at 3:49 pm

This is a great post Christina! I’m try to watch a TED talk once a day, they are so interesting and get me excited about different subjects. I’m going to check out livemocha I want to learn Spanish and didn’t realize their were free resources 🙂

That’s great Mary! TED talks are so inspiring!!


July 29 at 11:49 pm

I would definitely would love to learn some coding. So far I have just learnt myself by googling and reading and experimenting and so on.. But I wish I could do so much more!

July 30 at 11:19 am

Me too Reelika! I’m also self-taught by Google University 😉 I’m going to try this one out though to learn from a legitimate source. The little I do know has been so beneficial in running this blog!


July 30 at 10:15 am

Great list. I didn’t realize that there were TED talks on such specific business subjects. I guess I’ll have to check that out. Coursera sounds interesting too. I’d also add that local libraries typically offer free educational online resources. Our family is studying Russian with a great online program through our local library (mango languages).

July 30 at 11:07 am

They are AWESOME Janeen! Definitely take a look at them. And great tip, that’s so cool that you’re learning Russian!


July 20 at 9:14 am

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Useful Tips On How To Further Your Education

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Do you have the desire to expand your knowledge on a certain topic? Do you wish to learn new skills, including how to do tasks that are necessary, but which you have never had the time or knowledge on how to do? You may find yourself pondering these questions as well as ones regarding what some of the best ways are for you to further your education. In addition to various learning methods, you might also consider utilizing the  best assignment writing service  to assist you in managing your study load more effectively.

Learning is an important part of life, however many people neglect it due to work and family obligations. Even if you are unable or unwilling to attend college classes, there are still some great options out there where you can continue learning in order not to fall behind on certain things. Here are some useful tips on how to further your education at home.

Take Online Courses

One of the most convenient ways to learn is by taking an online course. Many websites will offer you access to video tutorials as well as other materials to help educate yourself on a topic. This is perfect for those who work full-time or those with families, as you can take these classes at your own pace and even watch them in any order you wish. Many colleges have also recognized the potential of the internet and started offering their digital courses, mostly for higher levels of studies that require special attention. So if you want to pursue further education in the field of your choice, online edd programs might be the right solution for you. When assessing the quality of the course, check if it has any accreditation or approval from other reputable institutions.

Use Free Educational Websites

Not all websites that offer courses cost money to use. There are some great sites out there that provide an abundance of learning materials for people who wish to further their education. Some examples would be Khan Academy and Coursera, whose founders are both passionate about educating people around the world through innovative means. They offer a variety of free courses in different areas including mathematics , language, and even social sciences such as history and political science. While these sites do not offer the same caliber of education that you might find at an official university, they are still a great way to expand your knowledge base.

Attend Workshops And  Seminars

Most communities have workshops and seminars offered by local businesses or organizations that provide a variety of skills to people who attend them. You can learn how to do something, such as how to cook a certain meal, decorate your house in a style you prefer or even how to fix your car. What's great about these events is that you can interact with other people who also want to learn what they offer so it's a great way for networking and making new friends. The other advantage is that you can attend them as often as possible to master a certain skill. So, if you want to keep yourself busy while learning something new, then seminars might be a great option for you.

Attend Professional Development Classes At Work

If your company offers professional development classes to its employees, this might be a great way for you to learn something new and at the same time earn some credit from it. Make sure that it meets the criteria set by your employer so that you can get credit for taking the class. This also means that they will have more confidence in your abilities which can help with future promotions or salary increases. If you are an entrepreneur, then attending a business course would be a good idea if there is one offered locally where you could attend it during weekends or after work hours.

Enroll In A Part-time Degree Program

Many institutions allow you to take a full degree program and spread it out over several years. This means that you can choose the time for studying, as well as how many courses (if any) you want to attend per semester or year. If you don't want to do this on your own, then try talking with your employer about sending their employees who wish to study further at night classes. Some companies may even be willing to pay some of your tuition fees. If you find the perfect course for you, but it is offered during the day, then attending a part-time program would be a great thing to consider.

Education should be an important part of anyone's life, but what makes it especially important is that there are numerous ways for you to learn something new and put into practice your knowledge in real-world situations. If you thought that the only way for you to further your education is by attending a local college or university, then these options will help you broaden your horizons and explore other possibilities.

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6 Reasons You Should Consider Furthering Your Education

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When it comes to furthering your education it can difficult to know whether it is the right decision for you. With some many different things to consider before making your final decision, you need to be sure it’s the best route for you to take. Yes, it can be expensive and take up a lot of your time and your energy, there are also lots of benefits to furthering your study.

With that in mind, here are 6 reasons you should further your education:

1. It Can Lead To A Better Career.

One of the best reasons to further your education is that it can lead to a better career in the future. Whilst it may not happen instantly, career progression following a postgraduate or undergraduate degree is pretty much inevitable. Further education will give you the skills and knowledge that you need in order to succeed, showing any current or future employers that you have commitment and dedication to the industry. For more tips and tricks on furthering your career, you can visit this site here .

2. It Could Increase Your Earning Potential.

Not only could you gain a better career, but you could also increase your earning potential. Whilst it may seem obvious, a new career often means an increase in pay as they are paying you for your skills and your expertise. The further into education you go, the more you are likely to be paid.

3. It Could Give You The Opportunity To Start Your Own Business.

If you’re looking to start your own business, furthering your education could be a good option. Whether you’re furthering your knowledge on your area of expertise or you’re studying business to give you the skills you need to go it alone, an undergraduate or postgraduate degree could be that push you need to get started. For more information on starting your own business,  you can visit this site here .

4. You Will Gain Skills And Knowledge.

Furthering your education is a great way to gain new skills and increase your knowledge on a particular subject. If it’s for your career or for personal gain, gaining new skills is always a good thing. Whether you’re studying marketing or a Master’s in social work online , a little bit of knowledge can go a long way.

5. It Will Improve Your Confidence.

Gaining new skills and improving your knowledge is a great way to improve your confidence when it comes to your professional life. Furthering your education will give you the confidence you need to apply for your dream job, start your own business or start accepting speaking opportunities in your industry. No matter what it is you want to do, the further you go, the more confident you will be.

6. It Can Improve Your Business Network.

Studying an undergraduate or postgraduate degree is a great way to meet new people. Having the opportunity to meet people in the industry will certainly improve your business network, potentially leading you to opportunities once you graduate.

Are you thinking of furthering your education? What benefits could it bring you? Let me know in the comments section below.

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Five reasons why education helps to advance your career at any level.

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When it comes to self-improvement, we know a lot of methods. To get fit, you eat right and exercise. To grow in physical strength, you train and lift weights. To improve your memory, you get enough sleep and intentionally learn new things.

But what can you do to improve and grow in your career?

Regardless of where you’re at—whether you’re a senior manager or an entry-level employee on the front lines—you can continue to grow and advance your career and professional goals.

And higher education gives you the shoes to take that next step.

A Forbes article by Jacquelyn Smith states that many adults return to school to enhance their career. The article cites author Laura Vanderkamp in saying that many believe “additional education will help them achieve their career goals, like making more money, advancing in their current occupation, or starting in a different one.”

Additionally, the article mentions from career coach Nancy Collamer that most return to school “to bolster their range of marketable skills and credentials, which, in turn, makes them more competitive—both at their current employer and in the overall job market.”

And, according to 2014 Pew Research , college graduates ages 25-32 earn $17,000 more each year than those with just a high school diploma.

Education is an influential step in staying competitive and enhancing your skills. Whether you’re starting out in your career or returning to continue to build upon your years of experience, pursuing educational training helps you keep moving forward.

Here, we share five reasons why pursuing education can advance your career at any level.


This reason may be a given. When you pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree, you’re equipped with practical skills and knowledge that you can apply to your workplace. For example, in a business administration degree program , you’ll learn best practices in accounting to understand the financial aspects of your work. In a management program , you’ll learn leadership principles and how to deal with conflict.

This knowledge can be both factual and practical. This means that the information you learn is not just interesting to know but will be of great use in your current role and to where you hope to go.

And just because you’ve reached a high-level management position doesn’t mean you should stop learning. Undergraduate and graduate degrees can help build upon your experience and broaden your skillset.


When you return to school, you learn far more than just different management styles or how to create an influential presentation. You also learn more subtle, but equally important, skills.

These so-called “soft skills” include strong abilities in areas like communication, teamwork, critical thinking and problem-solving. Each of these talents can add value to your organization, wherever you are. And, such skills can give you the experience to be prepared and equipped to take that next step toward achieving your goals.


Pursuing education in addition to your normal work routine will most likely not make your schedule easier. It takes work and determination to achieve a degree. But doing so will demonstrate a strong work ethic to your team and your supervisors.

In an article from Six Sigma Online at Aveta Business Institute, the author notes the positive message continuing your education sends:

Education is always something that supervisors and business executives like to see. When their employees have the drive and initiative to expand their knowledge, it is a good sign that they will be able to benefit the company further.

Demonstrating a strong work ethic and a commitment to your goals gives management hope that you can continue to be successful in your work environment. And, if you’re already in management, a committed and dedicated attitude sets an example for your co-workers and your direct reports.


When you earn a degree, you accomplish a big step. You gain knowledge, skills and experience to help you both in your career and in life in general. On top of that, by gaining additional skills in communication and problem solving and achieving your goals, you can also increase your confidence .

And studies have shown that greater confidence leads to greater career advancement.

According to a study from the University of Melbourne cited in an article from Science Daily , there’s a strong correlation between confidence and success. In the study, participants ranked their confidence at various education levels, and findings showed that those who reported higher confidence levels earlier on earned better wages and were promoted quicker.


No, we’re not talking about adding more friends on Facebook. In a classroom setting, you have the opportunity to interact and meet with fellow students who may come from a variety of professional backgrounds.

In being exposed to a broader professional network through continuing your education, you can get to know people who may be in similar situations as you or have been in the spot you’re in and have continued to advance their career.

Your network, grown through earning a degree, can be a wealth of insight and information as you advance your own career.

Grow your career through education

To grow your physical strength, you need to train and work at exercising and lifting weights. To grow in your career, you’ve got to put in the work to deepen your knowledge, gain skills and develop a network that will help you take that next step toward where you want to be.

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How to Get a Degree Without Debt

Student debt in the United States looms large. But with strategic planning, graduates can avoid overwhelming debt and overcome financial challenges at the beginning of their career journey.

Updated: November 18, 2023

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In 2021, the average student loan debt in the U.S. was $37,693. As the cost of college continues to skyrocket, the prospect of obtaining a degree without accumulating substantial debt may seem daunting. However, graduating debt-free is within reach if you start planning early. With careful planning, informed decision-making and a comprehensive understanding of available resources, you can pursue your degree while managing your debt burden effectively. Below you will find strategies and tactics that can bring you closer to your goal of graduating without the burden of student debt.

Ways to Pay for College Without Loans

Student loans are one of many options when considering how to pay for college . From using savings plans and choosing affordable schools to taking advantage of financial aid opportunities and earning income, you have a variety of available tools. Explore the following sources of funds and strategies before deciding to borrow money .

1. Start Saving Long Before College

Starting your financial planning for college early can make a significant difference in managing your education costs. Kick-start your savings as soon as possible and enroll in programs that allow you to earn college credits in high school.

Start a College Savings Plan

Starting a college savings plan early can significantly reduce the need for loans. Consider a 529 plan , a tax-advantaged savings plan designed for future education costs, offering benefits like tax-free growth and withdrawals for qualified expenses. As a student, you can contribute to your own plan, and once you become of legal age, you can take control of the 529 plan. You can also open a bank account and start saving from part-time work. Many banks offer youth accounts for those under 18.

Earn College Credit Early

You can lower the overall cost of a degree by earning college credit early. One way to achieve this is through dual enrollment courses, which let high school students take actual college courses and get college credit during high school. Another strategy is Prior Learning Assessments (PLAs), which provide college credits for knowledge and skills gained outside the classroom, such as work experience or self-study. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are a popular form of PLA, allowing high school students to take college-level courses and earn credits if they perform well on the AP test. Taking dual enrollment and PLAs together can potentially help you save thousands of dollars and graduate in less time once you reach college.

2. Look for Affordable Schools

The choice of school plays a significant role in managing your college expenses. There are various factors to consider when choosing a school, but if you want to graduate debt-free, it's important to consider affordability when making this decision. Here are some affordable school alternatives to consider to help keep your debt low.

In-State Public University

In-state public universities often offer lower tuition rates for state residents. This can be a cost-effective option for students who want a four-year degree without the high price tag of out-of-state or private universities. Researching and comparing the tuition rates and financial aid opportunities at different in-state public universities is important to find the best fit for your budget and educational goals.

Community College

Starting at a community college and later transferring to a four-year institution can significantly reduce overall college costs. Community colleges typically have much lower tuition rates than four-year colleges and universities. Students can often complete their general education requirements at a community college and then transfer those credits to a four-year institution to complete their degree.

Online College

Online programs can offer more flexibility and lower costs than traditional on-campus programs. They eliminate the need for commuting or relocating, which can save a significant amount of money. Many online programs offer asynchronous classes, allowing students to work part-time or full-time while earning their degree. Ensure the online program is accredited and that the credits will be recognized by employers or other educational institutions if you plan to transfer.

3. Explore Financial Aid Options

Financial aid is crucial in making college affordable and minimizing student loans. Various options exist, from scholarships and grants to work-study programs and military benefits. A key step in accessing these resources is filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) , which can qualify you for a wide range of financial aid options.

Scholarships and Grants

Scholarships and grants are invaluable sources of financial aid that don't require repayment, making them ideal for funding your education. Scholarships are often merit-based, rewarding academic or athletic achievements, while grants are primarily need-based. The federal government offers grants like the Pell Grant for students with substantial financial need. This need-based award is worth up to $7,395 for the 2023-24 school year. Grant money is also targeted at students with specific career plans or family circumstances.

In addition to grants from the government and states, billions of dollars in private scholarships are awarded to students each year. Private scholarships cover many causes, so you can likely find one that aligns with your situation. Organizations grant scholarships based on various qualifying conditions, including student majors, disabilities and residency. Scholarships are available for women , veterans, minorities and other specific groups, providing vital support for students seeking higher education.

According to financial aid expert Mark Kantrowitz, former senior vice president and publisher of Edvisors.com , winning a scholarship can be as much a matter of luck as it is of skill. To improve your chances of success, he advises applying for as many scholarships as possible. Seeking out smaller scholarships and essay contests can boost your odds.

Check out MoneyGeek’s scholarship resources to find scholarship and grant programs based on your specific needs.

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Military Benefits

If you're a current or former member of the military or a dependent of one, you may be eligible for education benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). If you served on active duty after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks and were honorably discharged, you may qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill . This benefit provides up to $26,381 for annual tuition plus money for housing and books. If your tour ended before 9/11/2001, you might qualify for the Montgomery GI Bill , which can give veterans as much as $50,000 or more for tuition over several years. These are just two of the many grants and education assistance programs available to veterans.

Tax Credits and Deductions

The U.S. government offers several education-related tax breaks through the IRS to support individuals pursuing a degree. Families with income levels below specific thresholds can benefit from various tax credits. The American Opportunity Tax Credit provides up to $2,500 per year for four years, available to individuals with adjusted gross incomes below $80,000 ($160,000 for couples). Smaller credits are available for higher-income individuals.

Additionally, the Lifetime Learning Credit offers up to $2,000 for those with modified adjusted gross income below $64,000 ($128,000 for couples). Unlike the American Opportunity Tax Credit, there's no limit on the number of times you can claim this credit, and it applies to undergraduate, graduate and professional degree courses. These tax breaks aim to encourage individuals to pursue higher education and ease the financial burden of college expenses.

Employer Tuition Reimbursement

Whether you have already graduated, secured a job or remain on the job hunt, check with your employer or potential employer to see if it offers a tuition reimbursement program. A tuition reimbursement program presents an affordable way to further your education while you are working. With the job market becoming increasingly competitive, employers are using tuition reimbursement as a means to attract and retain skilled employees. Employees typically seek approval before enrolling, pay upfront and receive reimbursement after completing the course. Some employers may require a minimum grade to qualify for reimbursement.

4. Earn Extra Money in College

Earning income while attending college can be a practical way to offset education costs and reduce the need for student loans. From on-campus jobs to part-time work or internships related to your field of study, there are various opportunities to earn while you learn. Balancing work and study requires good time management, but it can provide financial benefits and valuable work experience.

Work-Study Programs

Reduce your student loan debt by securing a federal work-study job through your school's financial aid office. These part-time positions, based on financial need, are available both on-campus and off-campus, often in community service roles with nonprofits or government agencies, paying the federal minimum wage. The benefits of work-study pay are twofold: it doesn't impact your financial aid eligibility like private-sector part-time jobs, and it accommodates student schedules, avoiding conflicts with classes. Applying early for a work-study position is also to your advantage because the number of work-study positions is limited.

Independent Part-Time Jobs

Waiting tables, lifeguarding and working retail are time-tested ways for students to pay down some of their college costs. Students who work can make up to $6,660 a year without affecting their financial aid eligibility. In other words, earning too much will reduce the amount of financial aid you receive. You'll have to gauge the costs and benefits of part-time work.


Internships are work-experience programs that allow you to gain practical experience in your field of study. They can be paid or unpaid, and some offer academic credit. Internships can be an excellent way to put classroom learning into practice in real-world scenarios.

However, some internships are unpaid, which won't help with immediate college costs, and they may require a significant time commitment, which can interfere with classes or study time. Despite these potential challenges, internships provide opportunities to network with professionals in your field, which can be beneficial when you're ready to start your career. Some internships may even lead to job offers after graduation.

Crowdfund Your Education

The growing popularity and acceptance of crowdfunding are giving cash-strapped students a new way to raise money for their tuition and educational costs. Typically conducted online, crowdfunding allows students to seek out small cash donations from many individual contributors. By pooling together these individual donations, students can amass large enough sums to pay for school costs. With an effective online pitch, you can persuade friends, family members and even strangers to contribute to your cause — in this case, your education.

Numerous donation-based crowdfunding websites are available; however, it's essential to be cautious. Crowdfunding sites take cuts of up to 9%, and payment processing can add another 3%. Additionally, some popular crowdfunding platforms restrict student-funding campaigns.

Two of the main sites that permit student campaigns are GoFundMe and Indiegogo:

  • GoFundMe.com : This site claims to have helped fundraisers bring in over $1 billion. Although GoFundMe no longer charges its 5% platform fee for U.S. users, it still collects a 2.9% payment processing fee plus $0.30 per donation.
  • Indiegogo.com : Indiegogo charges a 5% fee and advises users to expect payment processing fees of 3%.

Practical Strategies to Minimize College Costs

While exploring different ways to fund your college education is important, it's equally crucial to consider how you can manage and reduce your overall college costs. There are several strategies you can employ to keep your expenses in check. Remember, every dollar saved is a dollar less you need to borrow or earn.

The number of schools offering free tuition has decreased over the years due to financial difficulties, but a few no-fee alternatives still exist. However, they tend to be highly selective. Keep in mind that while the tuition may be free, additional expenses such as room and board, books and fees may still apply, so it's crucial to consider the total cost of attendance.

Source: EduRank

Graduating from college without the burden of student loans can open up a world of opportunities. Without the cloud of debt and countless monthly payments hanging over your head, you can pave the way for a more financially prosperous life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Achieving a debt-free college graduation can be a complex journey, and you may have several questions about how to achieve this. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about graduating without debt:

What does it mean to graduate debt-free?

Graduating debt-free means completing a college education without the burden of student loans. This can be achieved through a combination of scholarships, grants, personal or family savings, work-study programs or income from part-time work. It means the student has managed to cover their tuition, room and board, books and other college-related expenses without borrowing money that needs to be repaid after graduation.

Is it realistic to graduate debt-free?

Graduating debt-free is achievable, but it requires careful planning, dedication and a bit of luck. The feasibility of graduating without debt depends on several factors, including the cost of tuition, the availability of scholarships and grants, the student's personal or family savings and the student's ability to work part-time or during summers. Although tuition costs are rising, many students still manage to graduate with low or no debt by attending affordable schools, receiving substantial financial aid or working while studying.

Which majors have the least debt?

According to the Education Data Initiative , students graduating from International and Comparative Education with a bachelor's degree have the smallest median debt, totaling $9,530. At the associate's level, Biological and Physical Sciences have the smallest median debt, amounting to $7,590. However, the level of debt a student graduates with depends on the cost of the institution, the availability of financial aid and personal financial circumstances. For instance, students attending public in-state institutions typically have less debt than those attending private or out-of-state institutions.

Which major has the most debt?

Degrees in law and medicine often lead to the highest levels of debt. These programs are lengthy, often requiring many years of study beyond a bachelor's degree, and tuition costs are high. However, these degrees also tend to lead to high-paying careers, which can make the debt more manageable over time. Students considering these fields should understand the potential return on investment and plan their finances accordingly.

What is the most expensive career to study?

Medical careers are often the most expensive to pursue due to the extensive education required, including undergraduate studies, medical school and residency programs. Other high-cost fields of study include law, dentistry and veterinary medicine. While these careers require a significant upfront investment, they also tend to lead to high earning potential, which can help offset the cost of education over time. Students should carefully consider the long-term financial implications of pursuing these careers.

Additional Resources

  • AmeriCorps : AmeriCorps offers education awards that can be used to pay for college or to repay student loans in exchange for community service.
  • Cappex : Cappex provides tools for students to search for scholarships, colleges and financial aid opportunities.
  • CareerOneStop : CareerOneStop is a U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored website offering a variety of resources to explore careers, find education and training opportunities and access job search strategies and labor market data.
  • Chegg : Chegg offers a variety of resources for students, including textbook rentals and online tutoring services, helping reduce the cost of course materials and academic support.
  • College Affordability & Transparency Center : This site ranks colleges and universities by tuition costs and net prices in its effort to promote transparency.
  • College Greenlight : College Greenlight is a platform that supports first-generation and underrepresented students in their college search and scholarship applications.
  • College Scorecard : This website, provided by the U.S. Department of Education, offers data on colleges and universities, including costs, graduation rates and average debt incurred by students. It can help students make informed decisions about where to apply.
  • Fastweb : Similar to Scholarships.com, Fastweb is another platform that connects students with scholarship opportunities tailored to their profile.
  • Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) : The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a crucial resource for students seeking financial aid. It determines eligibility for federal grants, work-study programs and loans. Students can complete the FAFSA online at fafsa.gov.
  • Finaid.org : This website provides a comprehensive overview of financial aid options, including scholarships, loans and savings plans.
  • National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) : NASFAA provides resources and guidance on financial aid and college affordability.
  • National Student Clearinghouse : This nonprofit organization provides educational verification and financial aid services to students and educational institutions.
  • SALT : SALT is a free resource that provides financial literacy tools and advice for managing student loans and expenses.
  • Scholarships.com : This website helps students search for various scholarships based on their interests, academic achievements and other criteria. It's an excellent tool to find scholarships that can offset college costs.
  • StudentAid.gov : This official U.S. Department of Education website provides comprehensive information on federal student aid programs, loan repayment options and financial planning tools.
  • TEACH Grant : The TEACH Grant is a federal program offering grants to aspiring teachers in high-need fields who commit to teaching in qualifying low-income schools.
  • U.S. Department of Education : The U.S. Department of Education is a federal agency providing information and resources on federal student aid, grants, loans, education data and initiatives to promote access to quality education.
  • Your college's financial aid office: Many colleges and universities have dedicated financial aid offices that can provide personalized guidance and resources to help students manage their college expenses effectively.

About Nathan Paulus

Nathan Paulus headshot

Nathan Paulus is the Head of Content Marketing at MoneyGeek, with nearly 10 years of experience researching and creating content related to personal finance and financial literacy.

Paulus has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He enjoys helping people from all walks of life build stronger financial foundations.

  • American Association of University Women . " Women & Student Debt ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • CollegeBoard . " Trends in College Pricing and Student Aid 2022 ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • Education Data Initiative . " Student Loan Debt by Major ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • Federal Reserve Bank of New York . " The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . " Gender and Racial Disparities in Student Loan Debt ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • Federal Reserve System . " Consumer Credit Outstanding (Levels) ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • Federal Student Aid . " Federal Pell Grants ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • Federal Student Aid . " Federal Student Loan Portfolio ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • Internal Revenue Service . " American Opportunity Tax Credit ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • Internal Revenue Service . " Lifetime Learning Credit ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics . " Chemical Engineers: Occupational Outlook Handbook ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs . " Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (Chapter 30) rates ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .
  • U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs . " Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) rates ." Accessed July 27, 2023 .

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8 Teacher Interview Questions to Help You Prepare

Whether you're a recent graduate applying to your first teaching position or an established teacher looking for a new role, it helps to be aware of the types of questions you may get in a job interview.

[Featured image] A young Black woman with short hair sits on a couch with a tablet computer.

During a teacher interview, school leaders will want to find out more about your teaching style, lesson planning, and classroom management, among other things. In this article, we’ll review the general themes during a teacher interview and review eight specific questions you can use to practice.  

What types of questions are you asked in a teacher interview?

In a teacher interview, you can expect a mix of questions designed to understand who you are, how you approach your work, and how you handle hypothetical situations. These include: 

Common interview questions 

Behavioural interview questions 

Situational interview questions

These standard interview questions will likely be geared towards teaching. For example, a corporate interview might include questions like, "How do you stay organised?" But in a teacher interview, the question could shift to something like, "How do you organise your lesson plans each week?" or "How do you stay organised when it comes to grading?"

You can also expect questions about the position, school, and how you approach teaching, students, and your classroom. 

8 teacher interview questions

Let’s go over eight different questions, specifically about teaching. We’ll discuss what your interviewers want to know and how you can form the best answer to showcase your experience and knowledge. 

1. What is your educational philosophy? 

You likely submitted your educational or teaching philosophy as part of your application, and now you’re being asked to go into more detail about it. An educational philosophy is how you approach teaching and what you hope to achieve (aka your teaching objectives). It should be unique to you and your goals in the classroom. 

The interviewer wants to confirm that you have a teaching philosophy and better understand how you’d fit their school culture. Pick a talking point or two from your philosophy and expand upon it. You might discuss the ideal learning environment, how you foster diversity in the classroom, how you believe students learn best, or even why education is important. If possible, share a moment when you were able to put your teaching philosophy into practice. 

2. What do you enjoy most about teaching?

Everyone has different reasons for pursuing a teaching career, and the interviewer wants to understand yours. Connect one of your reasons to the school or role you’re applying to. For example, "I’m really excited about how you approach language arts here. It aligns with the innovative way I like to approach my time in the classroom." 

Also, if you’re applying for a subject-specific role, this question can be an excellent opportunity to share your passion for it. For instance, you may love science and the sense of discovery students experience when learning it, or you may enjoy teaching students to express their creativity through drawing, painting, or sculpture. 

3. How would your students describe you?

With the two questions above, the interviewer wants to learn about your approach to teaching, but now they want to know how your style comes across to your students. This question is a chance to share an anecdote or two about a time when you connected with a student or had a valuable impact. 

For example, "I try to make lessons exciting by integrating more tactile activities into the classroom, and my students have responded. When almost everyone raises their hand with an answer to my question, I know I’m on the right track."

4. Why do you think you are a good fit for this school?

Preparing for a teaching interview often involves researching more about the school where you’ve applied and getting a sense of its mission, students, and curriculum. You’ll want to show that you’ve taken the time to understand the school and its needs so you can highlight how well you’d fit. 

Now might be a good opportunity to discuss: 

The sense of community and culture within the school

The extracurricular activities available to the students

The school's diverse student population

When you get your answer, please consider how your interests, qualifications, and teaching experience can benefit the school, and how you hope to grow during your time there. 

5. Tell me about your behaviour management strategy.

Your ability to manage your classroom, including your students’ behaviour, is essential to creating an environment where they can learn. The school leaders you meet with may want to know how you plan to make this happen or have made it happen in the past. 

Discuss the strategies you’ve used to keep students engaged and on task. These can include: 

Introducing lessons that include various activities

Emphasising respect in the classroom

Allowing students to contribute to the rules they're expected to follow

Being consistent with consequences for misbehaviour 

Establishing open communication with students and parents

6. How do you engage with parents to ensure they’re involved in the learning process? 

You may spend most of your day with students, but building relationships with parents is equally important—and the interviewer wants to see how you’ve done this in the past. 

When parents are involved, students are more likely to have academic success, better behaviour, and higher attendance and social interaction [ 1 ]. Here are a few talking points to consider as you discuss the way you’ve worked with parents in the past:

Inviting parents to volunteer in the classroom or on field trips

Informing parents about school-related activities through emails or texts

Creating a monthly newsletter with information like lesson themes and upcoming events

Providing parents with resource materials to help their kids with homework or studying

7. How do you ensure equality and inclusion in your classes?

Your interviewer wants to learn how you'll treat every one of your students equally so they feel safe in your classroom. Think of a specific time when you’ve done this and explain the outcome. 

You might start by sharing how you’ve created lesson plans to accommodate all learning styles, or you could mention that you’ve chosen books and films that feature people of different ethnicities, genders, abilities, and socioeconomic statuses. Finally, you might describe how you’ve introduced activities that foster student collaboration and cooperation. 

8. What do you feel are current issues in education?

The field of education has evolved considerably over the last century as teachers, parents, and community members identify modern problems and look for solutions. The interviewer likely would like to know how you stay up-to-date on new issues or developments, showing a proactive engagement with the field of education. 

One of the top issues is equality and inclusion. Other potential issues worth discussing include: 

Remote learning

Mental health

School funding

Teacher-student ratios

Social media

4 ways to prepare for a teacher interview

You won’t know precisely what your interviewers will ask, but there are ways to prepare for your interview. Let’s go over four of them. 

1. Practice answering questions.

While your interviewers may not ask the exact questions above, the general themes of learning, classroom management, lesson planning, student behaviour, and more will likely arise during your interview. 

Practice answering the questions outlined throughout this article, and review the prompts below for additional talking points.   

Give further details about your education and your favourite classes/teachers

Describe your preferred teaching methods and how students benefit from them

Explain ways in which you'll encourage interactive learning in the classroom

Expand on your feelings about in-class assignments and homework

Talk about how you would integrate technology into your classroom

Explain how you stay on top of current teaching information and practices 

2. Review the selection criteria.

Review the job description, which should contain the selection criteria—or the qualifications, knowledge, and experience the school hopes to find in top candidates—and be prepared to answer related questions demonstrating how you meet each. 

Some examples include: 

Skills and/or teaching experience

Ability to create a positive learning environment for children with diverse needs 

Experience working with students, parents, teachers, and school administrators

3. Research the school.

It's essential to research the school where you’re interviewing to know if it's a good fit for you. Your research also shows the interviewer that you've already taken an interest in the students and community. 

Information to research might include the school's mission statement, how many children attend the school, and how the school involves families in a student's education. Here are a few ways you can get information:

Check out the school's website.

Look for recent news stories about the school.

Reach out to any teachers you know who work at the school.

Reach out to any parents you know with children at the school.

4. Prepare your questions.

At the end of the interview, you may be asked if you have any questions. It would be best if you came prepared to ask at least two or three questions to convey your interest in the role and learn about topics the interviewer may have yet to cover. 

These can include:

Information about the school's culture

Ways the school fosters professional development

Extracurricular activities the school offers

School achievements the interviewer is proud of

Noteworthy spaces like computer labs or libraries

Explore further 

If you've got a teacher interview, check out the University of Maryland’s Advanced Interviewing Techniques for tips on structuring your responses, ace a telephone interview, or end your interview with impact. 

Suppose you're looking for tips on becoming a better teacher. In that case, you can also find courses like How to Be a Together Teacher and Practical Teaching with Technology from leading learning institutions on Coursera. 

Article sources

Policy Institute for Family Impact Seminars. " Family Involvement in Education: How Important Is It? , https://www.purdue.edu/hhs/hdfs/fii/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/fia_brchapter_20c02.pdf." Accessed April 2, 2024. 

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Thousands of parents of two-year-olds benefit from 15 hours free childcare - here's how

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We’re making the  biggest investment  by a UK government into childcare in history, doubling the amount we expect to spend over the next few years from around £4 billion to around £8 billion each year.  

We've already started to rollout the first phase of the expansion. As of April 2024, eligible parents of children who have turned 2-years-old before 1 April are getting help with their childcare costs by accessing 15 hours of government-funded childcare.

The rollout of support is part of our plan to help families – freeing thousands of couples from having to choose between having a family and a career.

This builds on existing government-funded childcare and later in the year the support will be extended to include some children from when they turn 9-months-old.

  • Currently, eligible working parents of 3 and 4-year-olds can access 30 hours of childcare support.  
  • Eligible working parents of 2-year-olds are also now able to access 15 hours childcare  support.
  • From  September 2024 , 15 hours childcare support will be extended to eligible working parents with a child from 9-months-old.  
  • From  September 2025 , support will reach 30 hours for eligible working parents with a child from 9-months-old up to school age.  

When can I apply?  

Applications are now open for eligible working parents whose children will be 2 or older by the 31 August to receive 15 hours childcare, starting from September 2024.

And from 12 May, eligible working parents whose children will be aged between 9- and 23-months old on 31st August, can apply to receive 15 hours childcare starting from September 2024.

It’s important to remember that codes need to be renewed every three months, so parents applying close to 12 May will need to renew their code prior to the offer starting in September.

You are able to claim your place the term after your child turns the relevant age. This gives local authorities and childcare providers enough time to prepare.

How do I apply?   

You apply online here on   Gov.uk once you have checked our  eligibility criteria .  

You’ll need to make sure you have the following information to hand before starting the application:  

  • your national insurance number (or unique taxpayer reference if you are self-employed)  
  • the date you started or are due to start work  
  • details of any government support or benefits you receive  
  • the UK birth certificate reference number (if you have one) for your child.  

You may find out if you’re eligible straight away, but it can take up to 7 days.  

Once your application has been approved, you’ll get a code to give to your childcare provider.  

Eligible parents are also able to access Tax-Free Childcare through the same application system. You can apply for Tax-Free Childcare at any time. However, you don't need to apply for Tax-Free Childcare to be eligible to apply for the 15 hours childcare scheme.   

What happens once I receive my code?  

Once you receive your code, you’ll need to take it to your childcare provider, along with your National Insurance number and your child’s date of birth.  

Your childcare provider will process the code to provide your place.  

Places will be available for September in every area of the country, but a significant minority of settings hold waiting lists of over six months. If you have a preferred nursery for September, you should reach out now to secure a place for your child ahead of receiving your code.  

Your local authority can provide support for finding a government-funded place in your area.  

What if I’m already registered for Tax Free Childcare?  

Parents must reconfirm that they are still eligible for Tax-Free Childcare every 3 months.  

Parents who are already claiming Tax-Free Childcare and need to reconfirm their eligibility between 1 April and 12 May will be automatically issued a code in the post from HMRC soon after the 12 May.   

This is to ensure every parent can give their code to their provider in good time. This code will be valid to apply for 15 hours of government-funded childcare from September.   

If I receive a code in a letter from HMRC, does this make my code on my Childcare Account invalid?  

No. Both codes will be valid.   

Do I need to wait for my reconfirmation window to add another child to my account?  

A parent who is already using the childcare service for another child can add a new child to their account at any time.  

Your reconfirmation cycle for your current Tax-Free Childcare will not affect this.  

How are you making sure there will be enough childcare places for eligible parents?  

Parents that have a preferred place for September should reach out now to their local provider to secure a physical place for their child ahead of time.  

To make sure there are enough places available, we’re investing over £400 million in 2024-25 to increase the hourly rates paid to local authorities.  

The Institute for Fiscal Studies has independently reported that the average funding rates for two-year-olds and under 2s paid by government from April 2024 are projected to be substantially higher than the market rate paid by parents last year, and we have committed to further increases to provider rates for the next two years.  

We have also committed to increasing hourly funding rates over the next two years by an estimated £500 million, to make sure providers can increase places at each phase of the rollout.    

You may also be interested in:

  • Budget 2023: Everything you need to know about childcare support
  • Before and after school childcare: Everything you need to know about wraparound care
  • Free childcare: How we are tackling the cost of childcare

Tags: 15 hours free childcare , Applying for 15 hours free childcare , Childcare , Free childcare 2024 , Free childcare eligibility , tax-free childcare , When to apply for 15 hour free childcare

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The European Qualifications Framework

The EU developed the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) as a translation tool to make national qualifications easier to understand and more comparable. The EQF seeks to support cross-border mobility of learners and workers, promote lifelong learning and professional development across Europe.

What is the EQF?

The EQF is an 8-level , learning outcomes-based framework for all types of qualifications that serves as a translation tool between different national qualifications frameworks. This framework helps improve transparency, comparability and portability of people’s qualifications and makes it possible to compare qualifications from different countries and institutions.

The EQF covers all types and all levels of qualifications and the use of learning outcomes makes it clear what a person knows, understands and is able to do. The level increases according to the level of proficiency, level 1 is the lowest and 8 the highest level. Most importantly the EQF is closely linked to national qualifications frameworks , this way it can provide a comprehensive map of all types and levels of qualifications in Europe, which are increasingly accessible through qualification databases.

The EQF was set up in 2008 and later revised in 2017 . Its revision has kept the core objectives of creating transparency and mutual trust in the landscape of qualifications in Europe. Member States committed themselves to further develop the EQF and make it more effective in facilitating the understanding of national, international and third-country qualifications by employers, workers and learners.

Which countries are involved?

In addition to the EU Member States another 11 countries work towards implementing the EQF, namely Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (European Economic Area countries), Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Türkiye (candidate countries), Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo ** (potential candidates) and Switzerland.

Who else is involved?

EQF Advisory Group (AG),established in 2008, is the central forum for discussion between the Commission, countries and stakeholders from the world of education and training, employment and civil society. The role of the AG is to ensure overall coherence and promote transparency, and trust in the process of referencing. Minutes and documents of the EQF Advisory Group meetings are published on the Register of Commission Expert Groups

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the European Training Foundation (ETF) , as European Agencies, play an important role in supporting the implementation of the EQF.  

The ENIC/NARIC network  is a network of national centres set up to directly support institutions and citizens with the recognition of academic qualifications.

Man comparing EQF levels

The EQF works together with other European and international instruments supporting the recognition of qualifications.

  • The Council Recommendation of 26 November 2018 on promoting automatic mutual recognition of higher education and upper secondary education and training qualifications and the outcomes of learning periods abroad refers to the EQF as a way to foster transparency and build trust between national education and training systems
  • Directive 2005/36/EC addresses the recognition of professional qualifications in the EU , enabling professionals to move across borders and practise their occupation or provide services abroad
  • The Lisbon recognition convention is an international agreement administered by UNESCO and the Council of Europe that allows for the recognition of academic qualifications in Europe and beyond;
  • The EQF is compatible with the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area and its cycle descriptors. The framework was agreed by education ministers of the intergovernmental Bologna Process in 2005.

What is the referencing process?

The EQF Recommendation invites Member States to reference their national qualifications frameworks or systems to the EQF, in order to establish a clear and transparent relationship between their national qualification levels and the eight EQF levels. Member States are recommended to review and update, when relevant, the referencing of the levels of the national qualifications frameworks or systems to the levels of the EQF.

Each country wanting to relate its national qualifications levels to the EQF has to prepare a detailed referencing report that follows the 10 EQF referencing criteria agreed in Annex III to the revised EQF Recommendation.  National referencing reports are presented to the EQF Advisory Group which endorses them if they satisfy the referencing criteria.

Once national frameworks are referenced to the EQF all newly issued qualifications (e.g. certificates, diplomas, certificate supplements, diploma supplements), and/or qualifications databases should in principle contain a clear reference to the appropriate EQF and NQF level.

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Professional qualifications in the eu, european higher education area and bologna process, cedefop-eqf, you may be interested to read.

Billiard ball with numbers 1 and 8

Description of the eight EQF levels

Two small spirit levels

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National Qualifications Frameworks

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