Definition of Oxymoron

Common examples of oxymoron, usage of oxymoron in speech or writing, famous oxymorons, difference between oxymoron and paradox, writing oxymoron.

Here are instances in which it’s effective to use oxymoron in writing:

Demonstrate Linguistic Skill

Enhance drama.

Oxymoron can enhance drama in writing. This is especially achieved if the word pairing reveals intensity or a great difference in quality. For example, if a character receives a  painful smile,  this creates a significant dramatic effect. Smiles are rarely associated with pain. Therefore, the reader is left in some suspense to wonder what events or feelings would result in such a response received by the character.

Create Humor

Indicate irony, examples of oxymoron in literature, example #1: romeo and juliet (william shakespeare).

Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow , That I shall say good night till it be morrow.

Example #2:  Don Juan  (George Gordon, Lord Byron)

It is an awful topic–but ‘t is not My cue for any time to be terrific: For checker’d as is seen our human lot With good, and bad, and worse, alike prolific Of melancholy merriment, to quote Too much of one sort would be soporific;– Without, or with, offence to friends or foes, I sketch your world exactly as it goes.

In this poem , Lord Byron uses the oxymoron “melancholy merriment” to describe the feelings and connections between sadness and joy. This oxymoron is symbolic of the human condition as reflected in the poet’s mention of “our human lot.” In addition, this oxymoron supports and complements the balance of oppositions featured in the rest of the poem’s structure, such as good and bad, without or with, and friends or foes.

Example #3:  Funeral Blues (W.H. Auden)

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

In this poem, Auden utilizes the oxymoron “juicy bone.” Of course, a bone is generally considered dry and the opposite of juicy. However, a bone may seem juicy to a dog that is salivating at the thought of chewing it. Also, this oxymoron is ironic in the context of a poem in which a funeral is the subject . The “juicy bone” is a contrast in its own phrasing, as well as a contrasting image with the coffin and the implied corpse’s bones inside.

Example #4:  The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger)

I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life.

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64 Examples of Oxymorons in Sentences

Oxymoron signs placed side by side

Oxymorons are figures of speech in which two contradictory terms are combined in order to create a rhetorical effect by paradoxical means. The word oxymoron is derived from the Greek for pointedly foolish (oxys = sharp/keen and moros = foolish). Oxymorons are extremely useful in written English because they can make effective titles, add dramatic effect, add flavor to speech, and can sometimes be used to achieve a comedic effect. Here is a comprehensive list of 64 examples of oxymorons in sentences. In each example, the oxymoron is underlined.

Examples of Oxymorons in Sentences

  • This is another fine mess you have got us into.
  • There is a real love hate relationship developing between the two of them.
  • Suddenly the room filled with a deafening silence .
  • The comedian was seriously funny .
  • You are clearly confused by the situation you have found yourself in.
  • Her singing was enough to raise the living dead .
  • Do you have the original copies that we requested?
  • This is a genuine imitation Rolex watch.
  • I really would like to try that new jumbo shrimp restaurant.
  • His new girlfriend really is pretty ugly .
  • Sorry, I can’t help you out right now, I am involved in my own minor crisis .
  • Give me the fifty dollars you owe me or pay for dinner, it’s the same difference .
  • My trip to Bali was very much a working holiday .
  • I let out a silent scream as the cat walked through the door carrying a dead bird.
  • You are going to have to use proofreading services, it is your only choice .
  • The seventies was the era of free love .
  • I will ask the professor for his unbiased opinion .
  • The constant variable is the one that does not change.
  • The sermon lasted for an  endless hour .
  • We laughed and cried through the  tragic comedy.
  • Parting is such  sweet sorrow.
  • They couldn’t wait to get out  alone together.
  • We’ll use plastic glasses at the picnic.
  • The  student teacher  explained how to complete dissertation editing.
  • The gossip is old news.
  • The lady he eventually married is painfully beautiful .
  • Wow! This ice cream is disgustingly delicious .
  • Be careful in the playground, run slowly .
  • Your apple pie is awfully good .
  • A small crowd gathered to watch the concert.
  • It’s an open secret that they have been having an affair for the past six months.
  • He has a real passive aggressive personality.
  • You were awfully lucky to escape the car crash unscathed.
  • Stop being a big baby .
  • I am sure I am growing smaller as I get older.
  • She is my least favorite relation.
  • The story was based on the concept of  a true myth .
  • That is an example of the typically weird behavior she continually demonstrates.
  • He has become an extremely unpopular celebrity .
  • I’m on a heavy diet until my wedding day.
  • I am a deeply superficial person.
  • I like a smuggler. He is the only honest thief .
  • Good grief , we’re really late.
  • I can’t make any promises but it’s a definite possibility .
  • She was terribly pleased with her Birthday present.
  • The army returned friendly fire as the enemy approached.
  • He installed the new wireless cable in the television room.
  • He was forced to stand down from his position as president.
  • There will be zero tolerance in the future.
  • I had no choice but to do what I was told.

Funny, Sarcastic and Cynical Oxymorons:

  • Microsoft Works
  • Military intelligence
  • Government organization
  • American history
  • Business ethics
  • Temporary tax increase
  • Twelve-ounce pound cake
  • Express Mail
  • Marital bliss
  • Congressional ethics
  • Airline Food
  • President Bush
  • Peace Keeper Missile

Can you think of any examples of oxymorons in sentences? Leave a comment and share them with us all.

For more figurative language examples, see our guide to onomatopoeia .

112 thoughts on “64 Examples of Oxymorons in Sentences”

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How is “free love” an oxymoron?

the seventies of the era was free love

ahhhhhhhh funny!!!

wht are the different types of oxymoron

Happily Married! 😛

Love it! Thanks.

Does we have different types of oxymoron

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“oxymoron” is itself an oxymoron it means – clever foolishness.

Your an oxymoron….haha…anonymous….but you leave a photo!!

Political correctness has to be the biggest one of all! (or is it just a plain lie?)

Define a “good christian trump supporter”?

I watched the event from the dangerous safety of a tower

love is always an investment in another :—)

What abt bitter truf?

unconscious people are the living dead. Brain atrophy sets in as the brain is not used. Recovery is an erring process. The divine feeling of the promotion for servicing the queen and the social science of abduction, brake vandalism solitary confinement until property developers arrive. They do the pro motion together while divinely and scientifically opposed to the tango.

I’ve learnt something atleast

is uninvited guest an oxymoron?

Humane slaughter.

Common Sense (it’s so rare!!!)

She shouted! If my father were alive he’d turn in his grave at the sight of you 😂

“Texas justice” (in the cynical category)


It would be similar to “morally superior hiLIARy supporter”.

I went for tech help. He spent the entire 30 minutes telling me what a good listener he was!

Liberal think tank.

(Golf) Metal wood

Is victim´s rights an oxymoron?

I really love this site cus it stirredup my brain immune system

Really helped me

is mere yard an oxymorn

Black is my favorite color.

Is “I disagree to agree” an oxymoron?

Is “I disagree to agree” an oxymoron??

Donald J Trump, President of the Divided States of America = Oxymoron

government worker and religious scholar

intellectual rubbish

Illegal immigrant. By definition, “immigrants” arrived in the destination country legally.

is heroic travesty an oxymoron


Problobly, Yeah it shuold

Can oxymorons be true

Don’t know

Depressed Gay

Informed Democrat

NICE answer!

My daughter must’ve been hungry last night; I gave her half a pizza and she ate the whole half!

Or that trump is a truthful liar.

Agnostic Christian.

The party was simply superb!

He was deadly calm

It’s you’re NOT your david


I just bought a new antique!

I just bought a new antique

You need to know proper grammar if YOU’RE going to insult someone.

Semi permanent, more uniqe, most unique

To SHIVA : * DO we have not DOES we have.

* Do we have, not DOES we have.

Bitter sweet Lead Balloon plastic sliver wear negative income paper towel

Going up to the Downs

Religious Freedom


Boom roasted David

*cough* teachers pet *cough*

“Clean” coal


That’s what I was thinking!!?

My comment has not been posted to where I was replying!!?

Conservative Democrat, Pop Punk, Silent Drums, CNN News, 2019/2020 Bipartisan President Impeachment, Soft Rock, Educated Guess, Honest Politician, Snops Fact Checking, Weather Forecast

She is regular irregular to the school

After a futile search, she turned up missing.


Daily Express readers

Positively melancholic

Washing one hand with the other

What about “of course not”?

Without doubt the Moor’s Murderers were ‘pure evil’.

liberal logic, critical acclaim and democratic socialism.

A socially-distanced get-together!

Customer Service

The “intellectual dark web”

deadly alive

Trump library

When in Rome (travel bans) I did, no I didn’t Beach Ball (as in formal dance, which you can not have on the beach, unless you got council permission, which would probably vary from state to state, country to country. You could google it for your local area. There’s one; in on)

@David Ransom: Your first one nailed it however, you don’t seem to have grasped the concept in your 2nd attempt. Nice try. Keep at it.

Can you put a piece of toast in the toaster for me?

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Ethical Hacking

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I have the Oxymoron flu. It’s pretty ugly

Bruh it’s do we have

lmao poor david

‘You’re’ not ‘your.’ Your is possessive whereas you’re is an abreviation for you are.

Yeah uh… no.

🤣😂🤣 I wondered the same thing 🦋

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examples of oxymoron figure of speech

Oxymoron Definition

What is an oxymoron? Here’s a quick and simple definition:

An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two contradictory terms or ideas are intentionally paired in order to make a point—particularly to reveal a deeper or hidden truth. The most recognizable oxymorons are adjective-noun pairs, as in the phrase "proud humility." But oxymorons can also occur over the course of a clause or sentence, as in "That silence after your joke was deafening." In both examples, the oxymoron joins opposite ideas to make a point (such as that an awkward silence can have a presence comparable to a loud sound).

Some additional key details about oxymorons:

  • The word "oxymoron" is itself an oxymoron. It comes from the Greek words oskús , meaning sharp or keen, and morōs meaning dull or foolish.
  • If you're referring to oxymoron in plural, both oxymorons and oxymora are correct. Oxymorons is now more common in print than oxymora, but you'll find the latter listed in most dictionaries.
  • The words in an oxymoron don't need to to be glued together, as in "heavy lightness" or "serious vanity." They can be spaced out, as in, "His honor rooted in dishonor stood," which is a line from Tennyson's "Lancelot and Elaine."

How to Pronounce Oxymoron

Here's how to pronounce oxymoron: ahk-see- mor -on

Oxymoron vs. Related Terms

Oxymoron is often confused with other related terms, such as "contradiction in terms," "paradox," and "antonym." Read on to find out how oxymoron is distinct from each of these terms.

Oxymoron vs. Contradiction in Terms

Today, many people use the term "oxymoron" as a synonym for any expression whose components contradict one another, even contradictions that are unintentional or come up in casual conversation (also called a "contradiction in terms"). However, an oxymoron is more specific than a contradiction in terms: it must be crafted intentionally in order to suggest that two contradictory ideas go together because their unlikely combination reveals a deeper truth.

For example, someone might (wrongly) call the phrase "business ethics" an oxymoron, simply to make the claim that business is always unethical. However, while it's possible to argue that "business ethics" is a contradiction in terms, the phrase is not an oxymoron. The beauty of an oxymoron is that it deliberately combines two words or ideas that contradict one another, not simply to point out how those ideas don't fit, but for the purpose of showing that a contradiction actually does make sense or reveal a deeper meaning.

For instance, a true oxymoron occurs when Juliet says to Romeo in Romeo and Juliet that "Parting is such sweet sorrow." Shakespeare has purposefully created this contradiction to capture the deeper truth of the simultaneous pain and joy of departing from a loved one—he's trying to communicate that being separated from your beloved is painful and yet, precisely because it's painful, parting reminds you of your love and joy.

To sum up, an oxymoron is not simply a contradiction in terms. A true oxymoron must be deliberately crafted in advance, with the goal of creating a rhetorical effect or revealing a deeper figurative meaning.

Oxymoron vs. Paradox

It's also helpful to understand the relationship between oxymoron and paradox. Both have to do with using contradiction to reveal deeper truths, but they differ in an important way: an oxymoron is a device, while a paradox is an idea.

A paradox is a concept that is simultaneously counterintuitive and truthful or revealing. Thus, an oxymoron might be a configuration of words that expresses a paradox, but the oxymoron is not, itself, the paradox. An example might help: the oxymoron "sweet sorrow" speaks to the paradox that love and pain can go together, but the oxymoron is not, in and of itself, the paradox that it expresses.

Oxymorons vs. Antonyms

Words that are antonyms have opposite meanings from one another. For example, "good" and "bad" are antonyms. Some people mistake pairs of antonyms for oxymorons, but they are not the same.

  • Oxymorons take two contradictory words or ideas and bring them together to create a single, deeper meaning. The oxymoron "darkness visible," for instance, captures the sense of darkness being not just the lack of light, but also a tangible, terrible thing.
  • Antonym pairs—such as good and bad, light and dark, or strong and weak—do not create a new, deeper meaning. Instead, each pair of words describes a range of possible traits on a spectrum, such as from good to bad, or from light to dark.

Oxymoron Examples

Oxymoron in prose.

Oxymorons can add color, humor, and meaning to language in all sorts of ways. Oxymorons are useful tools for authors and poets because they're based in contradiction, which makes them capable of describing complex or conflicting emotions.

Oxymoron in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare used a great many oxymorons in his plays. Here's one more example from Romeo and Juliet . In these lines from Act 1, Scene 1, Romeo tells his cousin Benvolio about his feelings for a woman named Rosamund who doesn't love him back:

O heavy lightness, serious vanity, Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! This love feel I, that feel no love in this.

This cascade of oxymorons, placed one after the other, heightens the contrast between Romeo's idea of love and what he's actually experiencing. Because there are so many oxymorons, the paired words take on a clichéd tone that reflects on the quality of Romeo's "love" for Rosamund, which (we know from the title, "Romeo and Juliet") is fleeting and hasn't anything to do with the love affair that drives the rest of the play.

Oxymoron in Shakespeare's Macbeth

The following oxymoron occurs repeatedly throughout Macbeth . This first example is from the play's opening scene and it is part of a charm chanted by witches:

Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.

In this particular scene, the oxymoron "fair is foul, and foul is fair" speaks to the witches' evil character. They have an inverted moral code that values "the foul" and dislikes "the fair." On top of establishing the witches' cruelty, the line is also a signal to the audience to be on guard throughout the play—a warning that characters who seem fair may be foul, and vice versa. There's a drama and simplicity to the "fair is foul" oxymoron, which becomes a refrain as the play goes on and characters begin to act according to the witches' moral code.

Oxymoron in Vladimir Nabokov's Ada

Nabokov's novel Ada tells the story of Van and Ada, a sister and brother who meet as teenagers and fall in love, believing that they are cousins. In this example, Nabokov describes Ada, seen through Van's eyes, absorbed in one of her favorite activities:

On those relentlessly hot July afternoons, Ada liked to sit on a cool piano stool of ivoried wood at a white-oilcloth'd table in the sunny music room, her favorite botanical atlas open before her, and copy out in color on creamy paper some singular flower...Or else she combined one species with another (unrecorded but possible), introducing odd little changes and twists that seemed almost morbid in so young a girl so nakedly dressed.

The "nakedly dressed" oxymoron immediately follows the description of Ada's drawings, in which she combines together unlikely species: just as oxymorons conjoin unlikely words and ideas. The contradiction contained in "nakedly dressed" echoes the impossibility of the hybrids Ada draws, and more importantly, it expresses both Van's feeling that he can see into her soul despite the clothes covering her body, his yearning for her such that her clothes only suggest to him her body beneath them, and at the same time (because it's an oxymoron and the words contradict) the impossibility of the siblings' relationship. This example is similar to the lines above from Romeo and Juliet, in that both use the contradictory terms of an oxymoron to reflect the characters' experience of thwarted love.

Oxymoron in Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls

These lines from Chapter 7 of For Whom the Bell Tolls describe an encounter between Robert Jordan, a young American soldier fighting in the Spanish Civil War, and his lover María.

She held herself tight to him and her lips looked for his and then found them and were against them and he felt her, fresh, new and smooth and young and lovely with the warm, scalding coolness and unbelievable to be there in the robe that was as familiar as his clothes, or his shoes, or his duty and then she said, frightenedly, “And now let us do quickly what it is we do so that the other is all gone.”

The couple's relationship becomes a bright spot for both of them in the midst of war, but ultimately also a source of pain and confusion for Jordan, as he struggles to balance his obligation to fight with his desire to live happily by Maria's side. The contradiction contained within the oxymoron "scalding coolness" emphasizes the couple's conflicting emotions and impossible situation.

Oxymoron Examples in Poetry and Song Lyrics

Oxymoron in alfred lord tennyson's "lancelot and elaine":.

The following lines refer to Lancelot, who is in love with Guinevere, King Arthur's wife. In the poem, Lancelot is tempted by another woman, but he remains "true" to Guinevere.

The shackles of an old love straitened him, His honour rooted in dishonour stood, And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.

The sequence of oxymorons in this example (honour/dishonour, "faith unfaithful," "falsely true") emphasizes the contrast between Lancelot's "faithful" love for Guinevere, and the fact that his relationship with Guinevere makes them both unfaithful to Arthur.

Oxymoron in "The Sounds of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel:

Paul Simon wrote the song The Sounds of Silence about the difficulty people have in communicating with one another, but the lyrics were later interpreted as a reference to the Vietnam War (a war that many would say was full of contradictions):

Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence

Why Do Writers Use Oxymorons?

Some of the greatest truths lie in contradiction, and oxymoron is one of the best figures of speech for expressing contradiction. For example, as we covered above, Shakespeare used oxymorons to describe strong, opposing emotions that often occur together, and also to show how the friction between those two feelings—love and hate, or love and pain, for example—can coexist and shape characters' experiences. However, oxymorons aren't always so serious. The following example is from Alexander Pope's poem, "Essay on Criticism":

The bookful blockhead ignorantly read, With loads of learned lumber in his head, With his own tongue still edifies his ears, And always list’ning to himself appears.

In this case, the oxymorons "bookful blockhead" and "learned lumber" add humor and spice to Pope's writing. Even so, Pope uses oxymoron to emphasize that people who are well-read are not necessarily original thinkers.

Other Helpful Oxymoron Resources

  • The Wikipedia Page on Oxymoron: A very thorough explanation which also discusses the use of oxymorons for comedic effect.
  • The Dictionary Definition of Oxymoron: A basic definition and etymology of the term.
  • Oxymoron List: An extensive list of oxymorons and paradoxes, also the online home-base for an international community of oxymoron-lovers. Note: many of these examples are actually contradictions in terms and not actual oxymorons, but it's still a helpful resource if you pick and choose carefully.

The printed PDF version of the LitCharts literary term guide on Oxymoron

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Literary Devices

Literary devices, terms, and elements, definition of oxymoron, difference between oxymoron and paradox, common examples of oxymoron.

There are many examples of oxymoron that have become common phrases, such as:

Other languages have contributed oxymora to English, such as the Chinese concept of yin-yang. The famous black and white circular symbol that expresses yin-yang shows a drop of white in the black and side and, conversely, a small bit of black in the white side. This is meant to represent that even opposites contain a bit of each other. The yin-yang symbol is thus also a visual representation of oxymoron.

Significance of Oxymoron in Literature

Examples of oxymoron in literature.

Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still, Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will! Where shall we dine?—O me! What fray was here? Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all. Here’s much to do with hate but more with love. Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate, O anything of nothing first created! O heavy lightness, serious vanity, Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! This love feel I, that feel no love in this.

Shakespeare used many oxymoron examples in his works, and his famous tragic play Romeo and Juliet contains several oxymora. In just this one short excerpt there are many oxymora back to back. For instance, “loving hate,” “heavy lightness,” “feather of lead,” “bright smoke,” “cold fire,” and “sick health” are all oxymoron examples. So too are the slightly longer lines, “O anything of nothing,” “Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms,” and “This love feel I, that feel no love in this.” The interesting function of these many oxymora is to illustrate the difficult dualities of love and the extremes that a person may feel when in love. The theme of Romeo and Juliet is, of course, that of tragic love and the very relationship of the two lovers is an oxymoron, as Juliet states, “My only love sprung from my only hate!”

Down the close darkening lanes they sang their way To the siding-shed, And lined the train with faces grimly gay. Their breasts were stuck all white with wreath and spray As men’s are, dead.

(“The Send-Off” by Wilfred Owen)

As for believing things, I can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

In George Orwell’s famous satire Animal Farm , the animals kick out the human owners and attempt to govern the farm themselves. At first, the leader Napoleon creates seven commandments for them to follow, the most important of which is “All animals are equal.” However, as time goes on the commandments begin to change, just as Napoleon’s demeanor toward the rest of the animals starts to change. Eventually he changes this key commandment to the quote above: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Of course, this new commandment is one of many examples of oxymoron in the new leadership system. Some animals being “more” equal than others is not actually possible if one is to believe the first half of the statement. Orwell used this quote precisely to highlight the hypocrisies of the Russian Revolution. He wrote Animal Farm to critique the form of communism adopted in Russian after the revolution, showing that there was, indeed, no real equality in the new system.

Test Your Knowledge of Oxymoron

2. Which of the following statements is an oxymoron example? A. Deliberate mistake B. Rotten banana C. Foolish idiot [spoiler title=”Answer to Question #2″] Answer: A is the correct answer. A mistake, by definition, is something that a person does not mean to do, while being deliberate is the opposite. However, one can imagine how this situation might arise, such as if an embezzler makes a “mistake” in the accounting so as to confuse the flow of funds.[/spoiler]

4. Which of the following lines from Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 72” contains an example of oxymoron? A. For you in me can nothing worthy prove B. Unless you would devise some virtuous lie C. My name be buried where my body is [spoiler title=”Answer to Question #4″] Answer: B is the correct answer, as a “virtuous lie” is an oxymoron.[/spoiler]


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60 Easy Oxymoron Examples + Analysis

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Despite what it might sound like, no—an oxymoron isn’t something you can call your little brother when he’s bugging you. Rather, an oxymoron is a cool literary device you can use in your creative writing.

We’ll go over exactly what an oxymoron is and then show you four oxymoron examples from pop culture and literature. We’ll also provide you with an extensive list of oxymorons so you can get a better feel for what oxymorons look and sound like.

What Is an Oxymoron?

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory or opposite ideas to create a certain rhetorical or poetic effect and reveal a deeper truth. Generally, the ideas will come as two separate words placed side by side. The most common type of oxymoron is an adjective followed by a noun.

One oxymoron example is "deafening silence," which describes a silence that is so overpowering it almost feels deafening, or extremely loud—just as an actual sound would.

Oxymorons are often used in everyday conversation and in a breadth of writing, such as literature, poetry, and songwriting.

You might’ve heard of another literary device called the paradox , which is similar but not identical to the oxymoron. While an oxymoron is the combination of two contradictory/opposite words in a single sentence, a paradox is an entire phrase/sentence that appears contradictory but, upon further investigation, could be true or plausible.

One of the most famous examples of a paradox is the sentence, "This statement is false." If this statement is indeed false as it says, then this would actually make it true. But if the statement is true, then it can’t be false, despite the fact it claims to be!

Now, don't let your brain start to hurt just yet —up next, we take a look at oxymoron examples in sentences from literature and pop culture. 

4 Oxymoron Examples + Analysis

Now that we’ve gone over what an oxymoron is, let’s take a closer look at four famous oxymoron examples in sentences to better understand how this literary device actually works.

Note: All bold emphasis in the following quotations is my own.

Oxymoron Example 1

This famous quotation from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet contains an equally famous oxymoron.

In this scene, Juliet utters the phrase "sweet sorrow" to describe the feeling she has when having to say goodbye to Romeo. Although the adjective "sweet" evokes a giddy, romantic emotion, the word "sorrow" calls to mind the much less happy, far more depressing aspect of having to bid farewell to someone you'd rather not leave.

Thus, as the oxymoron suggests, this scene is  happy since Juliet and Romeo are in love, yet it's also sad because they must say goodbye  and cannot stay together through the night.

Oxymoron Example 2

                    — William Butler Yeats, "Easter 1916"

This excerpt from Irish poet William Butler Yeats’ famous poem "Easter 1916" has the prominent oxymoron "terrible beauty," which is repeated again at the end of the poem.

The main topic of this poem is the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin , an event during which numerous Irish nationalists rebelled against the British government in Ireland. The violent display ultimately led to thousands of deaths and injuries.

Despite the "terrible" things that happened and the many lives lost, Yeats uses the term "beauty" to bring attention to the positive ideals of independence that gained ground as a result of this event:  this desire for self-government is what spurred the Irish War of Independence just a few years later. 

In this sense, the uprising was simultaneously terrible (in that it led to death) and beautiful (in its romantic aspirations for independence).


Oxymoron Example 3

                    — Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Lancelot and Elaine" in  Idylls of the King

This stanza, from Lord Tennyson’s retelling of the tale of King Arthur, uses several oxymorons for poetic effect and as a way to emphasize the conundrum that Lancelot, Arthur’s most loyal knight and friend, finds himself in.

The oxymorons here point to Lancelot's contradictory existence in regard to his relationships with both Guinevere and King Arthur: Lancelot is a "faithful" and "honorable" lover to Guinevere yet also an "unfaithful" and "dishonorable" knight to King Arthur, Guinevere’s husband, whom he is essentially betraying by carrying out a love affair with the queen.

Oxymoron Example 4

                    — John Legend, "All of Me"

These lines come from the hit 2013 song "All of Me" recorded by John Legend. The lyrics of this powerful piano ballad make use of several oxymorons.

With the first oxymoron,  "p erfect imperfections," the speaker is making it clear that his lover’s flaws are ultimately what make her the perfect partner for him.  The other two oxymorons emphasize the fact that no matter what happens —for example,  no matter how sad or defeated the speaker might feel — there will always be a silver lining in that he's with the love of his life.


List of 50+ Oxymorons You Can Use

Below, we provide you with an extensive list of oxymorons. These 50+ oxymoron examples are listed alphabetically and arranged by category (i.e., the type of oxymoron word combination).

Feel free to look through this vast list of oxymoron examples if you’re in need of an oxymoron for something you're writing or if you simply want to learn some of the most common ones.

Single-Word & Compound-Word Oxymorons

  • Bittersweet
  • Frenemy (friend + enemy)

Adjective + Noun

  • Bigger/larger half
  • Controlled chaos
  • Crash landing
  • Cruel kindness
  • Deafening silence
  • Definite possibility
  • Deliberate mistake
  • Exact estimate
  • Foolish wisdom
  • Friendly fire
  • Friendly foe
  • Hateful love
  • Heavy lightness
  • Honest thief
  • Living dead
  • Loud whisper
  • Loving hate
  • Open secret
  • Organized chaos
  • Original copy
  • Peaceful war
  • Perfect imperfections
  • Random order
  • Same difference
  • Silent scream
  • Sweet misery
  • Sweet sorrow
  • Terrible beauty
  • Unbiased opinion
  • Virtuous lie
  • Wakeful sleep
  • Walking dead
  • Working holiday/vacation

Adverb + Adjective/Adverb

  • Alone together
  • Awfully good
  • Definitely undecided
  • Falsely true
  • Painfully beautiful
  • Perfectly imperfect
  • Seriously funny
  • Strangely familiar
  • Strangely normal
  • Terribly good
  • Truly false


  • Act naturally
  • Agree to disagree
  • Kill with kindness
  • Make haste slowly

What’s Next?

Want to learn more about figures of speech, besides oxymorons and paradoxes? Then check out our in-depth guide to the 31 literary devices you must know .

Oxymorons are an excellent, thought-provoking tool to use in writing, but they're certainly not the only device you should work with. Learn all about effective imagery and what personification is with our expert guides.

Preparing to take the AP Literature test? Then you'll need to know what to expect on exam day , including what kinds of questions you'll be asked and how much time you'll have.

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Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

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  • Literary Terms
  • Definition & Examples
  • When & How to Write an Oxymoron

I. What is Oxymoron?

My room is an organized mess, or controlled chaos, if you will. Same difference.

The above phrase is packed with oxymorons, including “organized mess,” “controlled chaos,” and “same difference.” For something to be organized, it cannot be a mess. Chaos is anything but controlled! And how can something be different and the same? The answer is the oxymoron.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that puts together opposite elements. The combination of these contradicting elements serves to reveal a paradox, confuse, or give the reader a laugh.

The word oxymoron is derived from the Greek phrases oxus and mōros , meaning a mix of “sharp and keen” and “dull and dumb.”

II. Examples of Oxymoron

We use many oxymoronic phrases in everyday speech, oftentimes to add some humor to an otherwise ordinary sentence.

For instance, imagine a woman who has a thirty-five year old son who still lives in her attic, playing video games and refusing to get a real job. An oxymoronic name for him could be used in this way:

That’s my adult child . Poor thing still can’t get himself into the real adult world.

An “adult child” literally does not make sense—you cannot have an adult who is also a child. This oxymoron, though, serves to describe an adult who refuses to act like an adult.

Consider the common snippet of advice:

Act naturally.

When sneaking around, causing trouble, or entering a stressful situation, we often advise people to “act naturally.” Of course, if one is acting naturally, one is not acting. Still, we understand the phrase because, despite its contradictory elements, it makes sense.

III. The Importance of Using Oxymoron

Oxymora are important in a variety of ways. For one, they spice up everyday conversation with wit and humor. On the other hand, they also challenge audiences in speeches, poetry, and prose with confusing phrases that apparently contradict themselves, but upon further inspection, make sense. Oxymora encourage audiences to think beyond everyday logic in order to critically think about and understand paradoxes.

IV. Oxymoron in Literature

Oxymora provide literature with comedic, thought-provoking, and dramatic phrases.

Read this excerpt from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet :

Why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate! O anything, of nothing first create! O heavy lightness! Serious vanity! Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! This love feel I, that feel no love in this.

Upon realizing his love is for an unavailable woman, Romeo releases a slur of oxymora including: “loving hate,” “heavy lightness,” “serious vanity,” and “bright smoke.” The use of oxymoron here serves to highlight the discord that Romeo experiences between his strong passion for a woman, and the logic which tells him he cannot love her.

Consider this excerpt from Alexander Pope’s “ Essays of Criticism”:

  The bookful blockhead ignorantly read, With loads of learned lumber in his head, With his own tongue still edifies his ears, And always list’ning to himself appears.

Pope’s “bookful blockhead” who is “ignorantly read” serves to wittily describe someone who reads a lot but learns little from his reading.

V. Examples of Oxymoron in Pop Culture 

Ne-Yo describes a woman as a “ Beautiful Monster ,” an oxymoron meaning that a woman is simultaneously attractive and beautiful as well as terrifying and dangerous. This is further emphasized by the song’s other lyrics:

You’re a knife Sharp and deadly And it’s me That you cut into But I don’t mind In fact I like it Though I’m terrified

The speaker in this song is simultaneously satisfied and terrified when faced with this oxymoronic woman.

Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sounds of Silence.” Throughout this song, the speaker describes the mysterious “sounds of silence.” Of course, silence is by definition a lack of sound, so the “sound of silence” is an oxymoron.

The lyrics further explain what this phrase means:

And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more. People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening,

The following is a cover by Disturbed :

Disturbed "The Sound Of Silence" 03/28/16

People who talk without speaking and hear without listening serve to oxymoronically describe people who live without meaning and connection in their lives. The performer uses an oxymoron in this song to meaningfully describe a complicated idea of people who communicate but are not truly connected.

VI. Related Terms: Oxymoron vs. Juxtaposition

Juxtaposition is the placement of two different or contradictory elements in close proximity to one another. Oxymoron, too, is the placement of contradictory elements side by side. The difference between juxtaposition and oxymoron is one of specificity: oxymoron is specifically a phrase containing two contradictory elements, whereas juxtaposition may refer to the position of two different characters , settings , or other plot elements. Oxymoron is a specific type of juxtaposition.

For an example of juxtaposition versus oxymoron, consider a trip to a restaurant:


The waitress serves a small appetizer of shrimp cocktail alongside a huge appetizer of jumbo shrimp, fried and dipped in three different sauces. The person who ordered shrimp cocktail laughs, and says, “Who knew jumbo shrimp were so much bigger? They must have the poor shrimp lifting weights!”

The juxtaposition of a small shrimp appetizer beside a large one is comedic, as the great difference in size is unexpected for two things that are, in name, both shrimp. The example of oxymoron, on the other hand, may be found in the same passage:

Jumbo shrimp

Another reason why this passage is comedic is the idea of “jumbo shrimp,” a phrase which is oxymoronic. Shrimp, by definition, are considered small, as we call wimpy people “shrimp.” Jumbo, on the other hand, implies that something is particularly large. The phrase “jumbo shrimp” is a comedic example of oxymoron.

List of Terms

  • Alliteration
  • Amplification
  • Anachronism
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Antonomasia
  • APA Citation
  • Aposiopesis
  • Autobiography
  • Bildungsroman
  • Characterization
  • Circumlocution
  • Cliffhanger
  • Comic Relief
  • Connotation
  • Deus ex machina
  • Deuteragonist
  • Doppelganger
  • Double Entendre
  • Dramatic irony
  • Equivocation
  • Extended Metaphor
  • Figures of Speech
  • Flash-forward
  • Foreshadowing
  • Intertextuality
  • Juxtaposition
  • Literary Device
  • Malapropism
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Parallelism
  • Pathetic Fallacy
  • Personification
  • Point of View
  • Polysyndeton
  • Protagonist
  • Red Herring
  • Rhetorical Device
  • Rhetorical Question
  • Science Fiction
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  • Synesthesia
  • Turning Point
  • Understatement
  • Urban Legend
  • Verisimilitude
  • Essay Guide
  • Cite This Website


Oxymoron: Definition, Usage and Helpful Oxymoron Examples

Oxymoron is a type of figure of speech that will be heard in spoken English many times. It is also found in a literary sense in works such as songs, poems, and fiction. But what exactly is an oxymoron and how can it be used? In this article, we are going to discuss the meaning of oxymoron and look at how it is used in both spoken and written language. We will do this by taking a look at some examples of times in which oxymoron has been used in literature and in everyday conversation.

What Is an Oxymoron?

Oxymoron definition.

An  oxymoron  is a figure of speech that combines seemingly contradictory terms or ideas. This rhetorical device is used to emphasize a particular point, often revealing a deeper or hidden truth. It can be found in various forms of literature, poetry, and everyday language. Elements of an oxymoron may include contrasting words or ideas, placed side by side for effect. While an  oxymoron  may seem nonsensical or contradictory, its main purpose is to provoke thought and convey complexity.

Oxymoron is a type of figurative language that involves the use of two words that appear to contradict one another but when used together make a true and sometimes positive statement.

It is a rhetorical device that can be used in order to reveal a paradox by using two self-contradicting terms. It is also used in a literary sense in order to add a more complex feel to the text and in order to cause the reader to think in a more profound way about the situation at hand.

The term “oxymoron” itself is derived from the Greek words “oxy” meaning “sharp” and “moron” meaning “dull.” It describes the interplay of opposing terms in a word or phrase, essentially creating a “sharp-dull” idea that captures the attention of the reader or listener.

Different Types of Oxymorons

  • Adjective-noun pairs : The most recognizable oxymorons often include an adjective followed by a noun. These combinations create striking mental images and challenge conventional thinking. Examples include “bitter sweet,” “deafening silence,” and “open secret.”
  • Verb-noun pairs : In this type, a verb contradicts the noun it modifies, as seen in phrases like “to freeze a burn” or “to organize chaos.”
  • Adverb-adjective pairs : These oxymorons involve an adverb modifying a contradicting adjective, such as “incredibly ordinary” and “clearly confusing.”
  • Phrasal oxymorons : These are multi-word expressions that contain contradictory elements. Examples include “living death,” “hurry up and wait,” and “peaceful war.”
Type Example
Adjective-noun Bitter sweet
Verb-noun Organize chaos
Adverb-adjective Clearly confusing
Phrasal oxymoron Peaceful war

In conclusion, understanding oxymorons requires recognizing the deliberate juxtaposition of contradictory terms to create thought-provoking expressions. Through the use of oxymorons in various forms and combinations, writers and speakers can engage the audience’s intellect and encourage deeper exploration of the ideas they present.

Oxymoron Examples in Literature

Shakespeare and oxymorons.

Oxymorons have been widely employed in literature to emphasize contrasts and evoke deeper meanings. One prominent author who made excellent use of oxymorons is William Shakespeare. In his play  Romeo and Juliet , Shakespeare frequently uses oxymorons to express the complexity and contradictory nature of emotions. For example, in Act 1, Scene 1, Romeo says, “O brawling love, O loving hate,” which highlights the paradoxical relationship between love and hate.

Shakespeare’s utilization of oxymoronic phrases showcases his mastery of language and allows him to convey intricate emotions to his audience.

Oxymoron Examples in Notable Works and Authors

Other esteemed authors have incorporated oxymorons in their works as well. Some notable examples include:

  • Alfred, Lord Tennyson : In his poem  Idylls of the King , Tennyson uses oxymorons to describe the melancholic character of King Arthur. An example from the poem is the phrase “faith unfaithful,” which reflects the struggle between trust and betrayal that characterized Arthur’s reign.
  • Lord Byron : The famous Romantic poet, Lord Byron, also employs oxymorons in his writings. In the poem  Don Juan , for instance, he pens the line “melancholy merriment” to display the character’s conflicting emotions between sorrow and amusement.
  • Oscar Wilde : Another literary master, Oscar Wilde, artfully employs oxymorons in his works. In  The Picture of Dorian Gray , he writes, “the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it,” skillfully illustrating the contradictory nature of human desires and choices.

Other Examples of Oxymorons in Literature

We often see oxymorons used as a literary device , for the purpose of encouraging the reader to think more deeply about the meaning of a statement. We are now going to look at some examples of times that oxymoron has been used within the written text.

  • In the play, Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, we see many examples of an oxymoron being used, in such phrases as ‘in heavy lightness’ and ‘bright smoke.’ There are other examples in the same play such as ‘in sick health’ and ‘the cold fire.’
  • In Lancelot and Elaine written by Alfred Lord Tennyson , we see an example of oxymoron in the phrase ‘his honour which was rooted in dishonour.’
  • In ‘Petrachs 134th sonnet written by Sir Thomas Wyatt, there is an example of the use of oxymoron in the line ‘I burn like ice.’ We see further examples in the same piece of writing in the lines ‘I find no peace but all my war is finished.’ and ‘I flee above wind and yet I cannot rise above.’ These examples are written in a more old English style but still fall under the category of oxymoron.
  • In ‘essays of criticism’ written by Alexander Pope, we can see an example of oxymoron when we read the line ‘the bookish blockhead who ignorantly reads.’
  • In the play Hamlet written by William Shakespeare, we see many examples of oxymoron, one of these examples comes in the line ‘I must be cruel in order to be kind.’
  • Once again, in the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, we see further examples of oxymoron in the lines ‘what a beautiful tyrant’ and he is a damned saint and an honourable thief.’
  • In a speech made by a president of Egypt, we see the use of oxymoron in the line ‘it is a step forward even though there was no progress.’
  • In a speech made by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, we see an example of oxymoron in the sentence which reads ‘there was nothing taken, I had an honest thief.’
  • A statement made by the singer Isaac B, we can see an example of oxymoron in the line ‘we have to believe in free will because we have no other choice.’
  • In the poem entitled ‘the send off’ by Wilfred Owen, we see an example of oxymoron when he describes something as ‘grimly gay.’
  • In ‘A picture of Dorian Grey’ written by Oscar Wilde, we see another example of the use of oxymoron in the statement which reads ‘I can believe in anything provided that it is incredible.’

These examples illustrate how oxymorons in literature have been used to create nuanced and thought-provoking illustrations of emotions, ideas, and themes. Through the careful use of language and the juxtaposition of seemingly opposing words, authors have employed this figure of speech to enhance their storytelling and engage the reader.

Oxymoron Examples in Everyday Language

Common phrases and sentences.

Oxymorons are often found in everyday language, enhancing the impact of a statement or adding a touch of humor. These are phrases or sentences that combine contradictory or opposing ideas to create a unique image or idea in the reader or listener’s mind. Some examples of oxymorons frequently used in everyday speech include:

  • Sweet sorrow
  • Cruel kindness
  • Alone together
  • Same difference

These phrases demonstrate the versatility of oxymorons and their ability to capture life’s incongruities in a succinct and memorable way.

Additionally, there are many common oxymoron examples that have integrated themselves into the fabric of the English language:

  • Bittersweet
  • Deafening silence
  • Jumbo shrimp
  • Original copy

These expressions might be used in conversation or texts to convey an idea, emotion, or situation that wouldn’t be as effectively communicated using different words.

Oxymoron Examples in Pop Culture

Oxymorons are a prevalent rhetorical device in various forms of pop culture, including music, film, and literature. They can elicit a range of emotions from love to humor, or even create thought-provoking statements about society, relationships, and the human experience.

A famous example of an oxymoron in pop culture can be found in the song “All of Me” by John Legend. The lyrics contain the phrase “perfect imperfections,” which highlights the beauty and complexity of loving someone despite their flaws.

Within literature and films, oxymorons are often used to heighten drama or create a sense of irony. For example, phrases like “pointedly foolish” and “seriously funny” might be employed to emphasize a character’s qualities or actions in conflict with their intentions or expectations.

Oxymorons are also prevalent in various forms of media and everyday conversation, particularly when discussing modern technology, innovations, or societal trends. Examples include:

  • Virtual reality
  • Business ethics
  • Keen laziness

These oxymorons underscore the inherent contradictions and complexities within the subjects being discussed.

In conclusion, oxymorons are a powerful and versatile literary device that frequently appear in everyday language, pop culture, and various forms of media. They enable individuals to effectively communicate complex ideas and emotions, creating memorable imagery and thought-provoking statements.

More Examples of Oxymorons in Everyday Speech

There are many times in which oxymoron is used in day-to-day conversation. It is a common form of figurative language found in informal conversation. We will now take a look at some examples of the use of oxymorons in a conversational sense. The use of oxymorons will be highlighted in bold.

  • He showed a cruel kindness .
  • The  living death .
  • The walking dead .
  • It was an open secret .
  • The play was a  tragic comedy .
  • We saw a comedian last night, he was seriously funny.
  • The model who won the competition was awfully pretty .
  • He had an air of  foolish wisdom  about him.
  • These are the original copies  of the manuscript.
  • The substance was a liquid gas .
  • The couple seemed to have a love-hate  relationship.
  • We wore our virtual reality  helmets to play the game.
  • The workers were actually paid volunteers .
  • She kept telling me the same thing, it was old news .
  • I am going to need an  exact estimate  of the cost.
  • Many fighters were killed in friendly fire.
  • I was  absolutely uncertain  of the cause.
  • We will have to agree to disagree  on the subject.
  • She was regularly irregular .
  • She always felt as though she was alone in a crowd.
  • We came up with an approximate solution  to the problem.
  • After the children had gone to bed, there was a deafening silence .
  • If I had to give my unbiased opinion…
  • We were awfully lucky  to have avoided any damage from the flood.
  • There were a lot of unpopular celebrities  at the award ceremony.
  • We are going to a slumber party.
  • We are suffering from increasing losses .
  • She is a real earth angel.
  • He helped to perform assisted suicide .
  • I prefer to eat jumbo shrimp .
  • I told him to just  act natural .
  • There was something about the town which was oddly familiar .
  • The work that the builders did was partially completed .
  • He is known to behave badly.
  • There is a large minority  within the company.
  • She is a fairly nasty  person.
  • The woman we saw today was pretty ugly.
  • My favorite subject at school is modern history .
  • He lives in a mobile home .
  • His part in the play is the sad clown .

Functions and Effects of Oxymorons

Emphasis and contrast.

Oxymorons serve as a literary device to draw attention to a contradictory or incongruous nature within an idea or concept. By joining two conflicting words, like “sharp-dull” or “civil war,” they create a contrast for the reader to process. This can help highlight specific aspects of the subject, emphasizing particular details or elements that may otherwise be overlooked. For example, the phrase “organized chaos” underscores the paradoxical nature of seemingly chaotic situations that still follow some form of structure.

Humor and Irony

Another function of oxymorons is their ability to convey humor and irony in a clever, concise manner. By pairing words that seemingly oppose each other, such as “awfully good” or “working vacation,” oxymorons create a surprising or entertaining effect that engages the reader. This contradiction in terms often elicits laughter or amusement, as it goes against our expectations. Some notable comical oxymorons are “military intelligence” and “passive-aggressive,” which provide a new way of looking at these familiar concepts by highlighting their inherent contrasts.

Uncovering Deeper Truths

While oxymorons can be a source of humor or emphasis, they can also serve a more profound purpose in revealing deeper truths about the subject at hand. When Alexander Pope, a famous poet, used the oxymoron “terrible beauty” to describe the Atlantic Ocean, he intended to capture the dualistic nature of this vast body of water: its enchanting allure and its potentially dangerous power. By using an oxymoron, writers can challenge and invite readers to dive deeper into the subject and consider different facets or layers that might be overlooked in other forms of figurative language.

In conclusion, oxymorons are a versatile literary device that can serve various functions, from emphasizing contrasts and highlighting incongruities to providing humor and irony or unearthing deeper truths. Whether applied to a poetic description or a comical phrase, oxymorons can communicate complex ideas in an engaging, entertaining, and thought-provoking manner.

How to Use Oxymorons in Your Writing

Creating impact with oxymorons.

Oxymorons, a rhetorical device that combines two contradictory words, can be a powerful tool to create impact in writing. They can evoke strong emotions or provoke thought and can be used to emphasize a point, highlight irony, or add a touch of humor. For example, phrases like “wise fool” and “friendly fire” can bring attention to the inherent contradictions within these concepts.

One way to use oxymorons effectively in writing is to pair an adjective with a noun that has a seemingly opposite meaning. The result is a surprising and thought-provoking image, like the example “deafening silence.” This juxtaposition of words can help express complex ideas that might be difficult to convey otherwise.

Tips for Effective Use

To integrate oxymorons into your writing and make them impactful, follow these tips:

  • Choose words carefully : Select words that have a clear and substantial contrast in meaning. For instance, “student teacher” brings out the paradox of being both a learner and an instructor at the same time.
  • Use appropriate context : Ensure that the oxymoron fits the context of your writing. An oxymoron that conveys humor may not work well in a serious or formal piece.
  • Avoid overuse : While oxymorons can be powerful, using too many within a limited space can make your writing feel cluttered or forced. Remember, the element of surprise is key to their effectiveness.
  • Explore different forms : Oxymorons can be plural, like “living dead,” and can also serve as antonyms for other words. Experimenting with different forms can help you convey your ideas more effectively.

Here’s a concise table summarizing the tips for using oxymorons in your writing:

Tip Description
Choose words carefully Select contrasting words that create thought-provoking combinations.
Use appropriate context Fit the oxymoron within the tone and context of your writing.
Avoid overuse Use oxymorons sparingly to preserve their impact.
Explore different forms Experiment with plurals, antonyms, and other forms to create variety in your writing.

Remember, the use of oxymorons can be a creative and engaging way to enhance your writing. By thoughtfully selecting words and considering their placement in your text, you can make a memorable impact on your readers.

After looking more in-depth at what an oxymoron is and how it can be used, we have discovered that the rhetorical device is formed by using two contradicting words or terms in order to convey a deeper, more positive meaning.

Oxymoron is used frequently in both a conversational sense and in written works such as poetry, song, and stories. When used in this sense it gives a greater complexity to the piece of writing and can cause the reader to have to think more deeply about what they are reading.

Oxymoron Infographic


FAQs on Oxymoron

What is an oxymoron.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines contradictory words with opposing meanings to make a point, reveal a deeper truth, or create a unique word or phrase. Examples of oxymorons include “old news,” “deafening silence,” and “organized chaos.”

How are oxymorons used in literature?

Oxymorons can be used in various ways in literature, such as:

  • Creating an interesting contrast for emphasis
  • Highlighting the complexity or ambiguity of a situation
  • Adding humor, wit, or irony to a text
  • Revealing a hidden truth or deeper meaning

What is the difference between an oxymoron and a paradox?

While both oxymorons and paradoxes involve contradictions, they have distinct differences:

  • Oxymoron : A figure of speech combining contradictory terms or ideas, usually in the form of adjective-noun pairs, e.g., “proud humility.”
  • Paradox : A statement or argument that seems contradicting or against common sense but might still be true, e.g., “less is more.”

Are there any famous oxymorons in literature?

Yes, many famous literary works contain oxymorons. For instance, in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” the line, “Why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate!” features an oxymoron.

Is “oxymoronic” a word?

Yes, “oxymoronic” is an adjective derived from “oxymoron,” describing something that is or involves an oxymoron.

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Defining Oxymoron (Figure of Speech)

Table of Contents

Introduction, what is an oxymoron, why do writers use oxymorons, oxymoron vs. paradox.

Oxymoron and paradox are both literary devices that involve the juxtaposition of seemingly contradictory elements. While they share similarities, they serve distinct purposes in language and literature.

Combines contradictory words for effect.Presents a statement or situation that appears contradictory but may reveal deeper truth.
Evokes emotion, emphasizes contrasts.Challenges conventional thinking, provokes thought, reveals deeper truths.
“Bitter sweet,” “deafening silence.”“Less is more,” “I can resist anything except temptation.”

Examples of Oxymorons in Everyday Conversations

Jumbo shrimpThe restaurant boasted about its famous jumbo shrimp, a favorite among patrons.
Act naturallyIn the audition, she was instructed to act naturally while delivering her lines.
Same differenceWhether you take the highway or the scenic route, it’s the same difference.
Clearly confusedHis explanation left everyone clearly confused about the project’s goals.
Original copyThe museum displayed an original copy of the ancient manuscript.
Awfully goodDespite the simple ingredients, the dish turned out to be awfully good.
Small crowdThe intimate concert venue attracted a small crowd of dedicated fans.
Seriously funnyHis deadpan delivery made the joke seriously funny to everyone in the room.
Bitter sweetGraduation day was a bitter sweet moment as they celebrated and said goodbye.
Only optionIn the deserted town, taking the old road was the only option available.
Random orderThe books on the shelf were arranged in a seemingly random order.
Found missingAfter an exhaustive search, the lost keys were finally found missing in the car.
Virtual realityThe video game provided a captivating virtual reality experience.
Open secretEveryone knew about the surprise party; it was an open secret among friends.
Passive-aggressiveHer passive-aggressive comments made the atmosphere tense during the meeting.
Living deadThe zombie movie depicted a world overrun by the living dead.
Deafening silenceThe courtroom fell into a deafening silence as the verdict was announced.
Pretty uglyDespite her unconventional style, some found her fashion choices pretty ugly.
Tight slacksHe struggled to sit comfortably in the tight slacks he wore to the meeting.
Freezer burnThe ice cream had been in the freezer for too long, showing signs of freezer burn.

Examples of Oxymorons in Literature

Oxymorons are frequently used in literature:

Juliet Sweet, so would I, Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow. From “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
Romeo Here’s much to do with hate, but more with love. Why, then, O brawling love, O loving hate, O anything of nothing first created, O heavy lightness, serious vanity, Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms, Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, Still-waking sleep that is not what it is. This love feel I, that feel no love in this. From “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
Sweet scorn, sweet anger, and sweet misery, Forgiveness sweet, sweet burden, and sweet ill; Sweet accents that mine ear so sweetly thrill, That sweetly bland, now sweetly fierce can be. Mourn not, my soul, but suffer silently; And those embitter’d sweets thy cup that fill With the sweet honour blend of loving still Her whom I told: “Thou only pleasest me.” Hereafter, moved with envy, some may say: “For that high-boasted beauty of his day Enough the bard has borne!” then heave a sigh. Others: “Oh! why, most hostile Fortune, why Could not these eyes that lovely form survey? Why was she early born, or wherefore late was I?” By Francesco Petrarca
“Lady Russell had only to listen composedly, and wish them happy, but internally her heart revelled in angry pleasure, in pleased contempt, that the man who at twenty-three had seemed to understand somewhat of the value of an Anne Elliot, should, eight years afterwards, be charmed by a Louisa Musgrove.” From “Persuasion” by Jane Austen
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50 Examples of Oxymorons

Krystal Craiker headshot

By Krystal N. Craiker

What is an Oxymoron?

Do you know what an oxymoron is? No, it's not an insult!

An oxymoron is a common rhetorical device that combines two or more words with contradictory meanings into a single phrase.

They appear in literature and pop culture, and you probably use them all the time in your day-to-day life.

Today, we are taking a deep dive into the definition of this literary device . We'll also take a look at many fun and often funny examples of oxymorons.

The definition of an oxymoron

What Is an Oxymoron?

What are examples of oxymorons, what's the difference between oxymoron and paradox, what's the difference between oxymoron and irony, what's the difference between oxymoron and antithesis, what are some examples of oxymorons in literature, what are some examples of oxymorons in pop culture.

An oxymoron is a combination of words, typically just two words, with contradictory meanings. Even though the two words are often antonyms (words with opposite meanings), they don't negate each other.

However, if you think too hard about the meaning, you'll realize that on the surface it doesn't quite make sense.

When these words are combined, they create a figure of speech with a whole new meaning.

The word oxymoron is derived from a late-Greek word. In Greek, oxys means sharp or keen, and moros means foolish or dull. Together, oxymoros meant "pointedly foolish".

Now that we know the definition of oxymoron , let's take a look at some examples.

Examples of everyday oxymorons

There are many oxymoron examples that you might come across in your everyday life. If you enjoy seafood, you might have tried jumbo shrimp .

Shrimp means small and jumbo means large, but when they are combined, this oxymoron just refers to larger-than-average shrimp.

When you order your jumbo shrimp, you might hope that there is an open bar .

This oxymoron means unlimited free drinks, but, by definition, a bar keeps something closed off—the opposite of open.

Have you ever played on an Oculus Rift? It's a virtual reality system.

Virtual reality is an oxymoron because "virtual" implies that something isn't real, but reality implies that it is. Together, these words mean a very realistic virtual world.

Virtual reality is an oxymoron

An elderly woman might talk about her adult children who live in a mobile home .

If you're in school to become an educator, you might have to spend a semester as a student teacher .

Or if you would prefer to get your master's degree, you'll be a graduate student .

My high school mascot was a stallion, so our female athletes were called the Lady Stallions . If you didn't know, a stallion refers to a male horse.

You might eat vegan bacon and fresh frozen fruit when you take a working vacation . Just try not to get freezer burn .

Even if you're a wise fool you can show real potential .

Maybe you've told a joke only to get deafening silence in response.

You'll also find examples in history and current events. You'll have definitely heard some in everyday conversation.

Countries engage in civil war or fight holy wars to defend those with blue blood .

On the nightly news, you might hear about an escaped prisoner or a controversy with a foreign national .

Perhaps a soldier was killed by friendly fire . Some of the stories might even be old news !

As a kid, you might have attended a slumber party where you played practical jokes on your friends.

You probably tried to act natural so no one would know what you were up to. We just hope you were never an uninvited guest !

Oxymoron Examples

As you can see, there are tons of oxymorons in our lexicon. Here are a few more for your list:

  • Same difference
  • Terrible beauty
  • Only choice
  • Honest thief
  • Silent scream
  • Minor crisis
  • Small crowd

Can you think of any other examples?

Do Oxymoron and Cliché Mean the Same?

Many oxymorons are so commonly used that they have become cliché. However, oxymorons themselves are not automatically clichés.

While they can be effective if used intentionally, clichés can make your writing feel stale and unimaginative.

ProWritingAid's Cliché check can help you identify them as they are easily overlooked.

In the below example, perhaps I could have said "aristocrats" or "high born", which both convey an identical meaning without being clichéd.

ProWritingAid highlights cliche oxymoron

Try the Cliché Report with a free ProWritingAid account.

What Is an Oxymoron in Literature?

Oxymorons are often used in literature. As a literary device they can serve many functions. They can be used for emphasis, dramatic effect, or to highlight irony.

An oxymoron can confuse a reader intentionally, or paradoxically, it can offer clarity. It can be used for serious poignancy or for humor.

The function of an oxymoron

In short, an oxymoron is a versatile literary device . However, it's easily confused with other devices that involve contrast or contradiction.

An oxymoron uses opposing or contradictory terms to create a figure of speech.

A paradox is when two contrasting ideas are put together for the purposes of creating a comparison. At first, a paradox may not make sense, but it causes deeper reflection.

An example of a paradox in literature is from George Orwell's Animal Farm .

The quote "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" might appear true at first, but nothing can be more equal than something else.

It causes the reader to really think about the nature of equality.

Oxymorons versus Pardoxes

Irony is the difference between what a reader thinks should happen in a situation versus what is actually happening.

It plays with readers' expectations to demonstrate themes or build tension.

You might use an oxymoron to highlight irony, but irony isn't specifically related to a combination of words. It can also be more situational.

An example of dramatic irony comes from the play Oedipus Rex . Oedipus curses his father's killer, but he is unaware that he is actually his father's killer and has cursed himself.

Oxymoron versus Irony

An antithesis also uses opposing words or phrases like an oxymoron, but it plays with syntax to create emphasis on an idea.

Antithesis isn't just one phrase. It uses parallel structure in conjunction with opposing or unrelated words.

William Shakespeare uses antithesis in this quote from Hamlet : "Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice; take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment."

Each line uses parallel structure and contrasting ideas.

Oxymoron versus antithesis

Oxymoron is used frequently in literature because it can serve so many functions. In fact, certain literary genres are oxymorons themselves.

Science fiction , magical realism , and historical fiction are all oxymoronic. These phrases combine to create a whole new concept.

Shakespeare was a master of using oxymoron in his plays and poems. There are several examples in Romeo and Juliet , like the following quotes.

Oxymoron in Romeo and Juliet

"Parting is such sweet sorrow ." Sorrow and sweet, while not directly antonyms, are contradictory in their connotations.

Here's a longer passage from the famous tragedy that uses multiple examples of oxymoron:

"Why, then, O brawling love ! O loving hate ! O anything, of nothing first create! O heavy lightness! Serious vanity ! Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms ! Feather of lead , bright smoke , cold fire, sick health ! Still-waking sleep , that is not what it is! This love feel I, that feel no love in this."

In Animal Farm , George Orwell uses an oxymoron in the midst of a paradox: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

By definition, it is impossible for something to be more equal than another because equal means the same.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson uses three examples of oxymoron in one sentence in Idylls of the King . Here's the famous quote about Lancelot:

"His honour rooted in dishonour stood, And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ."

It illustrates his dilemma in the story. To be loyal to King Arthur, his friend, he must betray his love Guinevere, or vice versa.

Oxymorons are good for character dilemmas

In Charlotte Brontë's classic Jane Eyre , St. John describes his love Rosamond as " delicious poison ".

Like the Tennyson example above, this oxymoron highlights St. John's dilemma in choosing between love and honor.

In Fairies and the Quest for Never Land , Gail Carson Levine describes the character Vidia as a " loyal traitor ".

Oxymorons aren't just for classic literature. Keep reading for some more modern examples.

Artist Andy Warhol once described himself as a deeply superficial person. Technically, one cannot be deep and superficial, as these words are opposites.

There are plenty of other oxymoron examples in pop culture. The book and HBO hit series Big Little Lies has an oxymoron right in its title. There is a book by Kirker Butler called Pretty Ugly .

Oxymoron movie titles

In 2018, a documentary about undocumented immigrants in the United States came out. It was called Waking Dream .

Hollywood hits Night of the Living Dead , True Lies , and Definitely, Maybe are all examples of oxymoron.

The John Legend song "All of Me" has a catchy verse with an oxymoron:

"All of me loves all of you

All your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections ."

Nineties kids might remember the oxymoronic (and often outright moronic!) show CatDog .

Those same kids might have grown up to listen to Fall Out Boy's song " Alone Together " or Kelly Clarkson's " Beautiful Disaster ".

Their parents probably preferred Simon and Garfunkel's " The Sound of Silence " or the Beatles' " Hard Day's Night ".

In fact, the Simon and Garfunkel classic contains some powerful oxymorons in its lyrics:

"People talking without listening

People listening without hearing "

These are just a few oxymoron examples from pop culture. Listen for more examples from your music playlists or Netflix queue.

Dear reader, parting is such sweet sorrow, but hopefully now you understand how oxymorons take opposing words and turn them into new figures of speech.

From William Shakespeare to Fall Out Boy, you can see just how versatile oxymoron is as a literary device . Can you think of any more fun examples?

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examples of oxymoron figure of speech

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Krystal N. Craiker

Krystal N. Craiker is the Writing Pirate, an indie romance author and blog manager at ProWritingAid. She sails the seven internet seas, breaking tropes and bending genres. She has a background in anthropology and education, which brings fresh perspectives to her romance novels. When she’s not daydreaming about her next book or article, you can find her cooking gourmet gluten-free cuisine, laughing at memes, and playing board games. Krystal lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband, child, and basset hound.

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  • English Grammar
  • Figures Of Speech

Oxymoron - Meaning, Definition and How to Use Them with Examples

In this article, you will be introduced to the figure of speech called ‘oxymoron’. You will get to know all that you need to know about oxymoron, its meaning, definitions and how it has to be used. You can also check out the examples given in the article to understand clearly and use the figure of speech correctly.

Table of Contents

What is oxymoron – meaning and definition, how to use an oxymoron in a sentence – points to remember, examples of oxymoron from literature, some other common examples of oxymoron for everyday use, check your understanding of oxymoron, frequently asked questions on oxymoron in english grammar.

An oxymoron is a rhetorical device that uses two opposite or contradictory terms one after the other in order to project an effect. According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, oxymoron is defined as “a phrase that combines two words that seem to be the opposite of each other.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines an oxymoron as “two words or phrases used together that have, or seem to have, opposite meanings.”

An oxymoron, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as “a combination of contradictory or incongruous words.” The Collins Dictionary defines an oxymoron as “a figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined.”

An oxymoron, as already discussed, is the combination of two contradicting terms. There are some points you have to remember when forming and using oxymorons in sentences. The first point you have to keep in mind is that you have to combine two opposite words, only then can it be considered an oxymoron. Also, do not just use any two opposite terms. Not every combination would make sense. You have to carefully analyse which two words would create an effect on your audience.

Taking a look at some examples will help you understand clearly. There are some frequently used oxymorons as well. You can also go through them to have a good idea about how they can be formed and used.

Examples of Oxymoron

Take a look at the following examples of oxymoron to clearly understand what it is and how it can be used.

Here are a few examples of oxymoron as used in different forms of literature.

  • “His honour rooted in dishonour stood, And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.” Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Idylls of the King
  • We can see multiple instances where William Shakespeare uses oxymorons in his famous play, Romeo and Juliet.
  • “Parting is such sweet sorrow. ”
  • “Why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate !
  • O anything, of nothing first create!
  • O heavy lightness ! Serious vanity!
  • Mis-shalien chaos of well-seeming forms!
  • Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health !”
  • In the poem, Don Juan by Lord Byron, he uses oxymoron to connect the emotions between sadness and happiness.
  • “With good, and bad, and worse, alike prolific

Of melancholy merriment, to quote

Too much of one sort would be soporific;”

  • William Butler Yeats uses an oxymoron in his poem, Lapis Lazuli
  • “One asks for mournful melodies ;

Accomplished fingers begin to play.”

  • John Donne makes use of an oxymoron in his poem, The Ecstasy.
  • “Our eye-beams twisted, and did thread
  • Our eyes upon one double string;

So to’intergraft our hands, as yet

Was all the means to make us one,

Here are a few commonly used oxymorons that have been in the English language frequently. Examples of sentences using those oxymorons have also been given in the following table for your reference. Check them out.

Pretty ugly I feel these patterns are and not up to the mark.
True fiction Sam likes reading works of
Original copy They asked us to submit the
Whole piece Chester demanded that he wanted the of cake.
Virtual reality Technological advancement in the educational department is completely based on
Cruel kindness Euthanizing their pet dog was considered as an act of
Small crowd There was only a in front of the grocery store.
Sweet sorrow There is always such in witnessing each and every farewell function.
Awfully good The movie seemed to be
Open secret Dharini, moving to France, is an
Clearly confused I could see that he was clearly confused because he did not answer my questions satisfactorily.
Organised mess My work desk is an
False truth This is just the
Friendly fight My sister and I had a
Completely unfinished Santana left the painting
Painfully beautiful The process of giving birth is
Awfully pretty Lalu looked at the party today.
Alone together They seemed to be enjoying each other’s company
Growing smaller My brother feels that I am every time he comes back after a trip.
Only choice Taking up this job offer was my
Working holiday Tomorrow is a
Unbiased opinion The teacher asked the students for an
Walking dead After an entire day of continuous practice, the participants looked as if they were
Foolish wisdom Everyone was amazed at her
Seriously funny The final dance was

Identify the oxymorons in the following sentences.

1. It is always a love-hate relationship between us.

2. I can never manage such a deafening silence.

3. The company faced a minor crisis in the last year, which affected the company to a great extent.

4. Their restlessness was projected like a silent scream for help.

5. I have zero tolerance for dishonesty.

6. My mom asked my brother to stop behaving like a big baby.

7. Trigonometry is my least favourite topic in Maths.

8. There was a definite possibility for us to be late due to the traffic.

9. We use plastic glasses so we can just dispose of them after use.

10. Mazeeka was on a heavy diet owing to her wedding.

Now, find out if you have identified the oxymorons correctly from the answers given below.

2. I can never manage such a deafening silence .

6. My mom asked my brother to stop behaving like a big baby .

What is an oxymoron?

An oxymoron is a rhetorical device that uses two opposite or contradictory terms one after the other in order to project an effect.

What is the definition of an oxymoron?

According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, oxymoron is defined as “a phrase that combines two words that seem to be the opposite of each other.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines an oxymoron as “two words or phrases used together that have, or seem to have, opposite meanings.” An oxymoron, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as “a combination of contradictory or incongruous words.” The Collins Dictionary defines an oxymoron as “a figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined.”

How can we form an oxymoron?

The first point you have to keep in mind is that you have to combine two opposite words, only then can it be considered an oxymoron. Also, do not just use any two opposite terms. Not every combination would make sense. You have to carefully analyse which two words would create an effect on your audience.

Give some examples of oxymorons from literature.

Here are some examples of oxymorons from literature.

Give some common day-to-day examples of oxymorons.

Here are a few examples of oxymorons that can be used in everyday life.

  • My brother feels that I am growing smaller every time he comes back after a trip.
  • Santana left the painting completely unfinished.
  • My sister and I had a friendly fight.
  • Technological advancement in the educational department is completely based on virtual reality.
  • Soumia seems to be clearly confused.

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Oxymoron Figure of Speech

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examples of oxymoron figure of speech

Oxymorons aren’t just a quirk of the English language; they’re a powerful figure of speech that can make your writing more compelling. These unique phrases bring together conflicting ideas in a way that adds depth and intrigue to your prose. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a newbie, understanding how to use oxymorons can make your text pop. For a more detailed understanding, you can explore these oxymoron examples from various sources.

What is an Oxymoron Figure of Speech? – Definition

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory or opposite words or ideas to create a new, often complex meaning. For example, phrases like “jumbo shrimp” or “deafening silence” are classic oxymorons that invite readers to explore the tension between the conflicting concepts. If you’re interested in how oxymorons are used in literature, you can check out this article on oxymorons in literature .

What is the best Example of an Oxymoron Figure of Speech?

One of the most iconic examples of an oxymoron in literature is “O brawling love! O loving hate!” from Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” This line perfectly encapsulates the conflicting emotions of love and hate, creating a complex emotional landscape that resonates with readers even today. For those who enjoy poetry, you might find oxymorons in poetry equally fascinating.

100 Oxymoron Figure of Speech Examples

Oxymoron Figure of Speech

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  • Deafening Silence – William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • Living Dead – George A. Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead”
  • Original Copy – Common parlance
  • Act Naturally – Oxymoron in common speech
  • Passive Aggressive – Psychological terminology
  • Alone Together – Title of a book by Sherry Turkle
  • Seriously Funny – Stand-up comedy jargon
  • Small Crowd – Reported by news outlets
  • Virtual Reality – Tech industry term
  • Same Difference – Colloquial expression
  • Old News – Common phrase in journalism
  • Random Order – Mathematical term
  • Found Missing – Police reports
  • Awfully Good – Popular critique term
  • Minor Crisis – News headline
  • Growing Smaller – Economic terminology
  • Clearly Confused – Educational language
  • Exact Estimate – Construction jargon
  • Freezer Burn – Culinary term
  • True Myth – C.S. Lewis writings
  • Only Choice – Philosophical discussion
  • Open Secret – Political term
  • Rolling Stop – Traffic terminology
  • Paid Volunteer – Nonprofit sector
  • Jumbo Shrimp – Culinary arts
  • Liquid Gas – Scientific term
  • Constant Change – Business jargon
  • Passive Resistance – Social activism
  • Plastic Glasses – Eyewear industry
  • Bittersweet Symphony – Song by The Verve
  • Controlled Chaos – Military term
  • Definite Maybe – Everyday conversation
  • Civil War – Historical events
  • Crash Landing – Aviation term
  • Actively Waiting – Customer service jargon
  • Terribly Pleased – British colloquialism
  • Negative Growth – Economic reports
  • Tragic Comedy – Shakespearean plays
  • Detailed Summary – Academic papers
  • Lesser Evil – Political debates
  • Cautiously Optimistic – Media interviews
  • Painfully Beautiful – Art critique
  • Virtual Community – Online platforms
  • Harmless Lie – Moral dilemmas
  • Random Pattern – Design term
  • Unbiased Opinion – Journalism ethics
  • Seriously Joking – Social interaction
  • Quiet Riot – Band name
  • Passive Income – Financial planning
  • Old Boys – Elite social clubs
  • Ill Health – Medical reports
  • Awfully Pretty – Fashion industry
  • Walk-on star – Theater term
  • Definite Possibility – Scientific jargon
  • Pretty Ugly – Pop culture phrase
  • Known Secret – Espionage term
  • Passive Leadership – Management studies
  • Silent Scream – Horror genre
  • Advanced Basics – Educational curriculum
  • Fuzzy Logic – Computer science
  • Larger Half – Common expression
  • Holy War – Religious text
  • Restless Sleep – Sleep studies
  • Same Opposite – Philosophical discourse
  • Living Fossil – Paleontological term
  • Recorded Live – Entertainment industry
  • Student Teacher – Educational field
  • Brief Speech – Public speaking
  • Genuine Fake – Art forgery
  • Constant Variable – Mathematical terminology
  • Passive-aggressive – Psychological studies
  • Minor Miracle – Religious discourse
  • Friendly Fire – Military terminology
  • Growing Smaller – Environmental context
  • Organized Mess – Personal description
  • Original Spin – Political jargon
  • Partially Complete – Project status
  • Soft Rock – Music genre
  • Liquid Solid – Physics term
  • Rising Fall – Market trends
  • Accurate Rumors – Gossip circles
  • Seriously Silly – Children’s books
  • Tight Slacks – Fashion paradox
  • Controlled Freedom – Political studies
  • Qualified Success – Career lingo
  • Working Vacation – Corporate culture
  • Virtual Friend – Social media term
  • Light Darkness – Religious texts
  • Fresh Rotten – Food quality
  • Painful Pleasure – Emotional complexity
  • Quiet Noise – Sound studies
  • Sad Smile – Emotional state
  • Dry Humor – Comedy style
  • Active Retirement – Lifestyle choice
  • Complex Simplicity – Artistic expression
  • Planned Spontaneity – Social dynamics
  • Thoughtless Consideration – Moral dilemma
  • Brave Coward – Character analysis
  • Blind Sight – Metaphysical discourse
  • Near Miss – Aviation reports

Parody Oxymoron Figure of Speech Examples

Dive into the amusing world of parodies where oxymorons play a pivotal role in heightening humor and satire. These contradictory yet compelling phrases are key to crafting parodies that are not only entertaining but also intellectually stimulating.

  • Act Naturally – Source: Comedy Skits
  • Seriously Joking – Source: Satirical Articles
  • Awfully Good – Source: Parody Songs
  • Same Difference – Source: Comedy Shows
  • Virtual Reality – Source: Tech Parodies
  • Organized Chaos – Source: Political Parodies
  • Passive-Aggressive – Source: Social Commentary Memes
  • Original Copy – Source: Artistic Parodies
  • Small Crowd – Source: Theater Performances
  • Known Secret – Source: Spy Parodies

Oxymoron Figure of Speech Examples for Class 10

Incorporate oxymorons into your class 10 syllabus to make learning more engaging and multi-dimensional. These phrases help students develop analytical skills while appreciating the complexities of language.

  • Deafening Silence – Source: Literature Textbook
  • Open Secret – Source: Social Studies
  • Passive Resistance – Source: History Book
  • Tragic Comedy – Source: Drama Class
  • Liquid Gas – Source: Science Textbook
  • Bittersweet – Source: Poetry Assignment
  • Freezer Burn – Source: Home Economics
  • Civil War – Source: History Lessons
  • Controlled Chaos – Source: Philosophy Discussions
  • Living Dead – Source: English Literature

Oxymorons in Various Contexts

Oxymorons captivate us by marrying contradictory terms into one fascinating expression. This figure of speech is a staple in both literature and everyday language, offering intriguing complexity within simple phrases. Recognizing and understanding oxymorons can enrich your reading experience and elevate your own writing. For a lighter take on the subject, you might enjoy these funny oxymorons .

What Do Oxymorons Represent?

Oxymorons are not mere quirks of language; they are a robust literary tool that embodies paradox and complexity. When two contradictory words are placed together, an oxymoron often captures a more profound truth or complexity that either word couldn’t achieve independently. They are particularly useful in exploring dichotomies, highlighting contradictions, or adding a layer of depth to your thoughts and expressions.

For instance, in the term “deafening silence,” the oxymoron is used to express a silence so intense that it feels almost loud or overwhelming. This helps in capturing the essence of a situation that is too complex to describe with a single word or phrase. So, oxymorons serve as compact vessels that contain within them multifaceted ideas, making them ideal for both literary and everyday usage.

Oxymorons are not mere quirks of language; they are a robust literary tool that embodies paradox and complexity. When two contradictory words are placed together, an oxymoron often captures a more profound truth or complexity that either word couldn’t achieve independently. They are particularly useful in exploring dichotomies, highlighting contradictions, or adding a layer of depth to your thoughts and expressions. If you’re interested in the emotional depth that oxymorons can offer, you might want to read about emotional oxymorons .

What is an Oxymoron Figure of Speech for Kids?

An oxymoron for kids is essentially a simplified version of the complex figure of speech we commonly encounter. Teaching oxymorons to kids can be both educational and entertaining, helping them appreciate the richness and complexity of language at an early age. For more on this, you can visit oxymorons for kids .

Let’s take the example of “bittersweet.” At first glance, “bitter” and “sweet” seem like complete opposites. But when you taste dark chocolate, you realize it’s both! Here, the oxymoron serves as a wonderful introduction to the complexities of flavors, emotions, and situations kids might face. Hence, introducing oxymorons at a young age can serve as a building block for critical thinking, language development, and even emotional intelligence.

In summary, oxymorons for kids aren’t just child’s play; they’re a gateway to a more nuanced understanding of language and life itself.

How do you write an Oxymoron Figure of Speech? – Step by Step Guide

Oxymorons can add depth and nuance to your writing or speech, but how do you craft the perfect oxymoron? Here is a simple, step-by-step guide to help you master this intriguing figure of speech. If you’re looking for a more comical approach, you might find these comical oxymorons interesting.

Step 1: Identify the Context

Before you start, understand the context in which you intend to use the oxymoron. Knowing the theme, subject, or tone can guide you towards choosing a fitting oxymoron.

Step 2: Brainstorm Opposing Concepts

List down words or phrases that are inherently contradictory but could make sense when put together. For instance, “deafening” and “silence” are opposing ideas, but they work in unison to describe an overpowering quietness.

Step 3: Test the Pairing

Before finalizing, see if the words you’ve chosen truly create an impactful oxymoron. The terms should bring a new layer of meaning when combined.

Step 4: Use it in a Sentence

An oxymoron is most effective when it fits naturally into a sentence or phrase. Test out your oxymoron in a full sentence to check if it enhances your point.

Step 5: Review and Revise

Read the sentence out loud or get a second opinion. Make any necessary revisions to ensure the oxymoron adds value to your communication.

Tips for Using Oxymoron Figure of Speech

While oxymorons can be engaging, using them too frequently can lessen their impact. An oxymoron should be pertinent to the subject you are discussing. A misplaced oxymoron can confuse the reader or listener. For more everyday examples, you can check out everyday oxymorons .

Tip 1: Don’t Overdo It

While oxymorons can be engaging, using them too frequently can lessen their impact.

Tip 2: Keep it Relevant

An oxymoron should be pertinent to the subject you are discussing. A misplaced oxymoron can confuse the reader or listener.

Tip 3: Aim for Subtlety

Sometimes the most effective oxymorons are those that aren’t immediately obvious but require a second thought to fully grasp their complexity.

Tip 4: Use in Titles or Headings

Oxymorons catch attention and provoke thought, making them excellent for titles, headings, or slogans.

Tip 5: Experiment with Variations

Don’t hesitate to modify or coin new oxymorons that suit your purpose. Innovation can make your writing truly stand out.

By incorporating these tips and following the step-by-step guide, you can proficiently utilize oxymorons to enrich your writing or speech, adding layers of meaning and drawing your audience into a deeper engagement with your work.


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100 Awfully Good Examples of Oxymorons


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  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
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  • B.A., English, State University of New York

An oxymoron is a figure of speech , usually one or two words, in which seemingly contradictory terms appear side by side. This contradiction is also known as a  paradox . Writers and poets have used oxymorons (or oxymora) for centuries as a literary device to describe life's inherent conflicts and incongruities. In speech, oxymorons can lend a sense of humor, irony, or sarcasm .

Below is a bit of background on the use of oxymorons in the English language, and 100 examples you may have come across or even used.

Using Oxymorons

The word oxymoron is itself oxymoronic, which is to say, contradictory. The word is derived from two ancient Greek words: oxys , which means "sharp," and moronos, which means "dull" or "stupid." Take this sentence, for example:

"This was a minor crisis and the only choice was to drop the product line," (Todd 2007).

There are two oxymorons in this sentence: "minor crisis" and "only choice." If you're learning English as a second language, you might be confused by these figures of speech. Read literally, they contradict themselves. A crisis is defined as a time of serious difficulty or importance. By that measure, no crisis is unimportant or minor. Similarly, a choice implies more than one option, whereas the word only implies the opposite.

But once you become fluent in English , it's easy to recognize such oxymorons for the figures of speech they are. As the example's author, Richard Watson Todd, said, "The true beauty of oxymorons is that, unless we sit back and really think, we happily accept them as normal English."

Oxymorons have been used since the days of the ancient Greek poets. William Shakespeare was known to sprinkle them throughout his plays, poems, and sonnets. In Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 1, we have a full 13 of them!

O brawling love! O loving hate! O anything of nothing first create! O heavy lightness, serious vanity! Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! This love feel I, that feel no love in this.

Oxymorons also feature in modern comedy and politics. The conservative political writer William Buckley, for instance, became famous for quotes like, "An intelligent liberal is an oxymoron." Likewise, in 1975 comedian George Carlin popularized a few notable ones, including "military intelligence" and "business ethics."

100 Examples of Oxymorons

Like other kinds of figurative language , oxymorons are often found in literature. As shown by this list of 100 awfully good examples, oxymorons are also part of our everyday speech. Here, you'll find common figures of speech, plus references to works of classic and pop culture.

  • absent presence (Sidney 1591)
  • alone together
  • beggarly riches (Donne 1624)
  • bittersweet
  • brisk vacancy (Ashbery 1975)
  • cheerful pessimist
  • clearly misunderstood
  • comfortable misery (Koontz 2001)
  • conspicuous absence
  • cool passion
  • crash landing
  • cruel kindness
  • darkness visible (Milton 1667)
  • deafening silence
  • deceptively honest
  • definite maybe
  • deliberate speed
  • devout atheist
  • eloquent silence
  • exact estimate
  • extinct life
  • falsely true (Tennyson 1862)
  • festive tranquility
  • found missing
  • freezer burn
  • friendly takeover
  • genuine imitation
  • growing smaller
  • historical present
  • humane slaughter
  • idiot savant
  • impossible solution
  • intense apathy
  • joyful sadness
  • jumbo shrimp
  • larger half
  • lascivious grace (Shakespeare 1609)
  • lead balloon
  • liquid marble (Jonson 1601)
  • living dead
  • living sacrifices
  • loosely sealed
  • loud whisper
  • loyal opposition
  • magic realism
  • melancholy merriment (Byron 1819)
  • militant pacifist
  • minor miracle
  • negative growth
  • negative income
  • one-man band
  • only choice
  • openly deceptive
  • open secret
  • original copy
  • overbearingly modest
  • paper tablecloth
  • paper towel
  • peaceful conquest
  • plastic glasses
  • plastic silverware
  • poor health
  • pretty ugly
  • properly ridiculous
  • random order
  • recorded live
  • resident alien
  • same difference
  • scalding coolness (Hemingway 1940)
  • seriously funny
  • shrewd dumbness
  • silent scream
  • small crowd
  • "The Sound of Silence" (Simon 1965)
  • static flow
  • student teacher
  • "sweet sorrow" (Shakespeare 1595)
  • terribly good
  • theoretical experience
  • transparent night (Whitman 1865)
  • true fiction
  • unbiased opinion
  • unconscious awareness
  • upward fall
  • working vacation

On first appearance, oxymorons may seem like the result of a thoughtless writer or speaker—but in fact, they're a wonderfully useful figure of speech that can add complexity and humor—which may or may not be an unbiased opinion.

  • Ashbery, John. Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror . Viking Press, 1975.
  • Byron, Lord. "Don Juan." 1819.
  • Donne, John. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions . 1624.
  • Hemingway, Ernest. For Whom the Bell Tolls. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1940.
  • Jonson, Ben. "Poetaster." 1601.
  • Koontz, Dean. One Door Away From Heaven . Bantam Books, 2001.
  • Milton, John. Paradise Lost . Samuel Simmons, 1667.
  • Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet . 1595.
  • Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 40." 1609.
  • Sidney, Philip. Astrophel and Stella . 1591.
  • Simon, Paul. "The Sound of Silence." Tom Wilson, 1965.
  • Tennyson, Alfred. " Lancelot and Elaine." Idylls of the King . 1862.
  • Todd, Richard Watson. Much Ado About English: Up and Down the Bizarre Byways of a Fascinating Language. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2007.
  • Whitman, Walt. "When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d." Sequel to Drum-Taps . 1865.

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Literary Devices

Last updated on: Jun 28, 2024

Oxymoron: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

By: Barbara P.

12 min read

Reviewed By:

Published on: May 27, 2023


Imagine a place where 'dark light' illuminates our path, 'organized chaos' reigns supreme, and 'clearly confused' minds find solace. Welcome to the world of oxymorons!

Oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines contradictory or opposite concepts to create a unique effect. They can add a touch of intrigue, humor, or emphasis by merging conflicting concepts, such as 'bittersweet' or 'open secret,' in a concise and impactful way.

Let’s learn about oxymorons, and how you can use them to make your writing powerful.


On this Page

What is an Oxymoron? 

An oxymoron is a literary device that brings together contradictory or opposite terms. This figure of speech combines words that seem incompatible at first glance. However, when used together, they evoke a unique feeling or idea in the audience. 

For instance ,

  • Deafening silence.

It merges "deafening" (a loud and overpowering sound) with "silence" (the absence of sound, conveying a powerful and profound stillness that captivates attention.

The term "oxymoron" originates from the Greek words "oxus" (meaning "sharp" or "clever") and "moros" (meaning "foolish" or "dull.") So oxymoron can literally mean "clever-fool.” The word itself is an example of the concept it represents. 

Oxymorons play with the tension between opposing ideas, adding depth and complexity to the language. They are commonly used in literature, poetry, speeches, and even everyday conversations. 

Here’s a short video about oxymorons that you can watch:

The Purpose of Oxymorons 

Oxymorons serve various purposes in communication, enhancing expression and conveying nuanced meanings. Let's explore some of the main uses of oxymorons.


For Rhetorical Impact and Emphasis 

Oxymorons are frequently employed as rhetorical devices to amplify the impact of a statement or emphasize a particular idea. They catch our attention by creating unexpected and striking word combinations. 

Moreover, they stand out from ordinary language, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. 

For example,

  • Cruel kindness 

Emphasizes the paradoxical nature of an action or behavior, creating a sense of ambiguity and moral complexity.

  • Sweet sorrow

Combines opposing emotions to convey the complexity of human emotions, suggesting that sorrow can also hold elements of fondness. 

  • Living dead

Evokes a sense of emptiness or the feeling of being trapped in a life that lacks vitality, purpose, or meaning.

For Humor and Wit 

Oxymorons can be funny. Well-crafted oxymorons add a playful and light-hearted touch to language, bringing entertainment and joy to everyday speech and written works.

  • Clearly confused

Creates a humorous effect by suggesting a state of being both clear and confused at the same time, which sounds absurd and funny.

  • Seriously funny

A funny way to declare that something or someone is genuinely amusing.

  • Jumbo shrimp

Juxtaposes the idea of something being large (jumbo) with something small (shrimp), highlighting the irony and absurdity of the combination. 

For Creating Vivid Imagery and Contrast 

Another function of oxymorons is to create vivid imagery by juxtaposing contrasting elements. They paint mental pictures that spark the imagination and engage the senses. 

Here are three examples:

  • Freezing hot 

This oxymoron combines the sensations of extreme cold and intense heat, creating a vivid contrast that evokes a feeling of intense temperatures.

  • Awfully good

By merging "awful" (negative) and "good" (positive), it refers to something that exceeds expectations or is strangely satisfying.

  • Open secret

This oxymoron presents the notion of something being widely known yet not officially acknowledged.

For Conveying Complex Emotions and Paradoxes 

Oxymorons are particularly effective in expressing complex emotions and paradoxical situations. They capture the essence of experiences that seem contradictory or defy conventional logic. 

Through the fusion of opposing terms, these devices disrupt conventional thought, pushing us to think beyond boundaries. 

  • The bittersweet nature of love, 
  • The tumultuous calmness of a storm,
  • The painful beauty of nostalgic memory

The Difference Between Oxymoron and Paradox

Oxymorons and paradoxes both involve the juxtaposition of contradictory ideas or terms. However, they work differently:

Oxymorons are concise and compact, consisting of two contradictory terms juxtaposed within a short phrase or expression. 

They mostly aim to evoke emotion or grab attention, and do not always have a deeper meaning or logical reality. They're just a figure of speech.

Such as, “bittersweet” or “pretty ugly. 

On the other hand, 

A paradox is more extensive and involves a more elaborate structure. They often require context to fully understand the apparent contradiction and the underlying truth it reveals. 

Also, paradoxes reveal a deeper truth or  insight. They present an idea or concept that challenges conventional thinking and presents a seemingly self-contradictory proposition.

For instance, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength”(George Orwell in “1984”) is an example of paradox. 

Examples of Oxymoron

Here are a few examples of oxymorons:


Virtual reality

Sweet sorrow

Awfully good

Alone together

Original copy

Seriously funny

Silent scream

Pretty ugly

Open secret

Cruel kindness

Wise fool

Perfectly imperfect

True myth

Old news

Friendly enemy

Can you think of more examples? Hint: you’ve heard and read countless oxymorons in books, movies, and daily conversations. 

Oxymorons in Literature and Popular Media 

Oxymorons have long been utilized in literature and popular media to add depth, evoke emotions, and captivate audiences. Moreover, oxymorons are most naturally used in poetry and poetic expression. 

Here are some notable oxymoron examples in literature and popular media:

Consider these lines from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet:

The terms and are oxymorons.

Another example comes from Lord Byron’s epic poem “Don Juan”:

The term “melancholy merriment” is an oxymoron.

Tips for Using Oxymorons Effectively

You can’t just learn a few oxymorons and then throw them around whenever you want. That would make it hard for others to understand you. 

But don’t worry, with the following tips, you can incorporate oxymorons in your writing and speech successfully.

  • Keep it natural: 

The most important tip: avoid forcing oxymorons into your sentences solely for the sake of using them. Instead, let them come naturally when they can enhance the meaning or add a touch of wit.

  • Consider the context: 

Take into account the tone, theme, and purpose of your writing or conversation. Choose oxymorons that align with the overall message and atmosphere you want to convey.

  • Don’t use them excessively: 

Too many oxymorons can overwhelm the reader or listener and dilute their impact. Aim for a subtle and well-paced use of oxymorons. Use them sparingly to create a lasting impression rather than overwhelming the audience.

  • Emphasize the contradiction: 

When using an oxymoron, make sure the contradictory elements are highlighted. This can be achieved through word choice, sentence structure, or punctuation. By emphasizing the contrast, you draw attention to the underlying tension or paradox, enhancing the impact of the oxymoron.

  • Consider the audience:  

Keep your audience in mind when using oxymorons. Consider their familiarity with the concept and their ability to grasp the intended meaning. Use oxymorons that resonate with your audience's cultural references, background, and level of language comprehension.

  • Be creative:

Embrace the creative potential of oxymorons by exploring unique and imaginative combinations of words. Don't be afraid to experiment and think outside the box. New word combinations can often spark curiosity or engage the audience's attention.

Other Literary Terms

  • Alliteration
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Personification

Wrapping Up

Oxymorons bring a unique flavor to linguistic expression with their contradictory nature and clever wordplay. In this blog, we explored the fascinating world of oxymorons - understanding their definition, functions, and examples.

So, the next time you find an oxymoron in a book, movie, song, or everyday conversation, take a moment to appreciate the creativity behind it. Finally, with the tips provided above, you can also Incorporate oxymorons into your own communication. 

So try it out and witness how they can enhance your expression, engage your audience, and add a touch of linguistic charm. 

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Barbara P.

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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What’s an Oxymoron? (Explanation, with Examples)

  • February 18, 2024

What's an oxymoron?

What is an oxymoron?

Bittersweet , jumbo shrimp , and virtual reality all share something in common. Can you guess what it is?

If this blatant subtlety ( cough ) weren’t already obvious enough-we’re talking about oxymorons . Let’s get surface deep, literary .

The meaning of oxymoron

“[oxymoron] A figure conjoining words or terms apparently contradictory so as to give point to the statement or expression,” 1650s, from Greek oxymōron [ oxys “sharp, pointed” + mōros “stupid”]. . . The word itself is an illustration of the thing. Now often used loosely to mean “contradiction in terms.””

Put in plain English, an oxymoron is a literary device or figure of speech which uses opposing phraseology to emphasize or embellish writing.

Common examples of oxymorons

Oxymorons have become regular phrases and terms that people use all the time, (whether or not they realize they’re oxymorons)

  • deafening silence
  • only choice/option
  • bittersweet
  • alone together
  • exact estimate
  • awfully good
  • cruel kindness
  • clearly misunderstood
  • unbiased opinion
  • same difference

Are oxymorons and paradoxes the same?

Oxymorons mention opposing words or terms; paradoxes mentions opposing concepts or ideas. For example, the idea that “you must spend money to make money”, is paradoxical; it mentions something with opposing concepts.

We can also classify them by kind: because oxymorons apply to individual words, they’re a literary technique rather than a literary element. Paradoxes, on the other hand, can become a theme throughout a piece of work, and so are better understood as a literary element.

Read about other literary devices

  • What is Alliteration?
  • What is Irony?
  • What’s a Pun?
  • What’s a Portmanteau?
  • What’s a Cliché?
  • What’s a Hyperbole?
  • What’s an Idiom?
  • Etymonline, oxymoron.

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An oxymoron is a kind of figurative language in which two contrasting things are connected together.

These ideas contradict one another but are combined in order to make a larger point. They are used for any number of reasons but usually add drama and interest to the language or a description of a particular place or experience. They can often tap into an emotional quality that a reader might not have otherwise assigned to the subject . An oxymoron can speak to two different, but equally, important qualities of one thing at the same time.  

A writer or speaker might use an oxymoron to make speech feel new or original. The endless number of oxymorons that can be created allows for creative and striking new ways of describing similar experiences. The best writers take these opportunities to make the normal feel new again.  

Oxymorons are also used for the simple pleasure of language. Those interested in the various aspects of their language can turn to oxymorons to create witty statements and memorable phrases. At other times, oxymorons might be used to add simple humor to a written work. They can be created in order to make a reader laugh or make an experience seem even more outrageous or foolish than it is.  

Explore the term 'Oxymoron'

  • 1 Oxymoron or Paradox
  • 2 Popular Examples of Oxymorons 
  • 3 Examples in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare 

Oxymoron or Paradox

These two literary devices are similar but they are not the same. It is easy to get confused as to when one or the other is functioning. A paradox is longer. It consists of a phrase, sentence, or even a paragraph while an oxymoron is generally just two words linked together in an unusual way. A paradox feels contradictory, but it has at its heart something truthful while oxymorons are used in order to create drama.

Popular Examples of Oxymorons  

  • Alone together  
  • Growing smaller  
  • Sweet sorrow  
  • Awfully good  
  • Jumbo shrimp  
  • Original copies
  • Only choice  
  • Foolish wisdom
  • Open secret  
  • Painfully beautiful  
  • Walking dead  
  • Small crowd  

Examples in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare  

Example #1  .

One of Shakespeare’s best-known plays, Romeo and Juliet tells the story of two “star crossed lovers” who come from dueling families. The dramatic plot is filled with several examples of novel words and literary devices which were used for the first time or in an entirely new way. There is a great example of an oxymoron in Act I Scene I. The line is:  

Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all. Here’s much to do with hate, but more with love. Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate…

In this short excerpt, Romeo is talking to Benvolio and his obsession with Rosaline. Romeo exclaims these words and concludes with the oxymoronic “loving hate”. This phrase expresses the possibility that love and hate can interact at the same time. One can feel parts of each.  

Example #2  

There is another example later on in the play, in Act II Scene II. In this section, Juliet is saying goodbye to Romeo during the famous balcony scene. She says:  

Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow

The oxymoron is quite clear in these lines, “sweet sorrow”. She knows she’ll only be parted from him temporarily but it is still a sorrowful occasion. She remains hopeful for the future and a change in their present situation.  

Example #3  

One final example can be found in Act III Scene II. In one of the most dramatic scenes of the play, Juliet discovered that Romeo has murdered Tybalt. She is shocked beyond belief and says:  

O serpent heart, hid with a flow’ring face! Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave? Beautiful tyrant, fiend angelical!

The last line of this excerpt contains two great examples of oxymorons. She calls Romeo a “Beautiful tyrant” and “fiend angelical”. These contrasting words strike at the heart of Juliet’s surprise. She did not expect Romeo to be capable of killing and is now dealing with what she feels is duality inside him.  

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Oxymoron — Definition and Examples

What is an oxymoron.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech created by combining two contradictory terms to present logically accurate ideas, such as "larger half". Oxymorons typically serve to emphasize conflict or contradictions, create humor or satire, and accentuate characteristics.

Emphasize Conflict/Contradiction: Writers make use of oxymorons as a rhetorical device to present conflicting ideas and add dramatic effect. They demonstrate the friction that exists between two opposite words.

"Fiend angelic": In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Juliet uses several oxymorons, including "fiend angelic," after hearing that Romeo has killed her cousin, Tybalt. The oxymorons highlight Juliet's conflicting thoughts regarding Romeo; she loves him yet finds him wicked due to his murderous actions.

Humor/Satire: When writers use oxymorons sarcastically, they create rhetorical oxymorons. Ultimately, these word combinations have a humorous effect. Typically, the literal meanings of the words in a rhetorical oxymoron are not contradictory; instead, they contrast figuratively.

Good morning: "Morning" often carries a negative connotation since not everyone feels refreshed and full of energy upon waking up. Therefore, combining the negative connotation of the word "morning" with "good" makes the phrase oxymoronic.

Airline food: People typically criticize the meals provided by airlines for not being of the highest quality. Presenting the phrase "airline food" as an oxymoron suggests the meal provided on a plane is the opposite of food.

Purposes of oxymoron

Accentuate Characteristics: When juxtaposing two contradictory words, the characteristics of the words intensify.

Bittersweet: Using an oxymoron like bittersweet, instead of synonymous words such as sentimental or sorrowful, intensifies the emotion. Combining both bitter and sweet is a description that carries positive and negative characteristics.

The English word oxymoron comes from the Greek words “oxy,” meaning sharp or keen, and “moros,” meaning foolish.

Oxymoron examples

The following list contains well-known examples of oxymorons:

alone together

clearly misunderstood

deafening silence

found missing

freezer burn

genuine imitation

intense apathy

jumbo shrimp

larger half

original copy

random order

small crowd

unbiased opinion

virtual reality

Oxymoron in literature

The following literary works contain examples of oxymorons:

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare:

Feather of lead, bright smoke , cold fire , sick health , / Still- waking sleep , that is not what it is! / This love feel I, that feel no love in this.

Oxymoron in literature

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte:

And now it is deluged with a nectarous flood--the young germs swamped-- delicious poison cankering them.

The Call of the Wild by Jack London:

With the aurora borealis flaming coldly overhead, or the stars leaping in the frost dance, and the land numb and frozen under its pall of snow, this song of the huskies might have been the defiance of life…

Oxymoron in poetry

Poets tend to use oxymorons more than novelists, as the device allows poets to use fewer words to say more, as is evidenced in the following examples:

"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night" by Dylan Thomas:

...who see with blinding sight / And you, my father, there on the sad height / Curse, bless , me now...

Oxymoron in poetry

"A Prayer for my Daughter" by William Butler Yeats:

Imagining in excited reverie / That the future years had come, / Dancing to a frenzied drum, / Out of the murderous innocence of the sea.

Paradise Lost by John Milton:

No light, but rather darkness visible / Served only to discover sights of woe, / Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace / And rest can never dwell, hope never comes.

ESL Grammar

Oxymoron: Definition, Examples, and Usage

Whether used in a sentence or as a standalone phrase, an oxymoron can be a powerful tool for communication. It can help to create a sense of tension or contrast, and can leave a lasting impression on the listener or reader. Understanding the use of oxymorons is an important part of literary analysis, and can help readers to better understand the deeper meaning behind a piece of writing.

Oxymoron Definition

Oxymoron The Art of Combining Opposites

An  oxymoron  is a figure of speech that combines two contradictory or incongruous words to create a meaningful expression. It is derived from the Greek words “oxys” meaning “sharp, keen” and “moros” meaning “foolish.” By juxtaposing opposing ideas, oxymorons can evoke a deeper or hidden truth and are often used for emphasis, humor, or thought-provoking purposes.

For example, phrases like “deafening silence,” “bittersweet,” and “original copy” are all oxymorons. They may appear illogical or paradoxical at first glance, but when considered within context, they often serve to illustrate a particular point or enhance the intended message.

In a dictionary, an oxymoron is typically defined as a combination of contradictory terms, which may include adjective-noun pairs or other forms of word pairing in a phrase. While some oxymorons are commonly used in everyday language, others are crafted intentionally by writers to enrich their work with striking imagery and thought-provoking concepts.

Overall, oxymorons are a versatile figure of speech that can be employed in various ways to heighten the impact of language and convey complex ideas through a concise and memorable expression.

Oxymoron Examples

Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which seemingly contradictory terms appear side by side, creating an interesting and sometimes humorous effect. These rhetorical devices can often be found in literature, conversation, and everyday speech. Oxymorons in sentences often illustrate the complexity of human emotions or situations and can add depth to characters or situations in a story.

Shakespeare  was proficient at using oxymorons, particularly in his play  Romeo and Juliet . The famous scene where Juliet speaks to herself about her love for Romeo features several poignant examples. She says, “O brawling love, O loving hate,” describing the conflicting emotions she feels towards the Montague family. This juxtaposition of contradictory terms highlights the emotional turmoil Juliet is enduring.

Moreover, other well-known oxymoron examples in literature and speech include:

  • Bittersweet
  • Deafening silence
  • Passive-aggressive
  • Awfully good
  • Original copy

In each of these instances, the words have opposite meanings, yet their combination creates a striking and evocative image or situation that engages the reader or listener. For example, the term “deafening silence” paints a vivid picture of a situation that is so quiet that it feels loud or significant.

Oxymorons serve various purposes in language and rhetoric. They can emphasize an irony or paradox, add humor to a situation, or simply create memorable phrases that engage the audience. While some oxymorons are intentionally created for a particular effect, others arise naturally as language evolves and adapts to new ideas and situations.

In conclusion, oxymoron examples in speech and literature abound, offering insight into the intricacies of human emotion, thought, and language. These contrasting terms may appear contradictory, but they serve as potent rhetorical devices that add depth, humor, and clarity to both casual conversations and renowned works of literature.

Origins of Oxymoron

The term “oxymoron” has its roots in ancient Greek. It is derived from the Greek words “oxys,” meaning sharp or pointed, and “moros,” meaning foolish or stupid. The combination of these two seemingly contradictory words gives the term its meaning of a figure of speech that combines two contradictory ideas.

The use of oxymora can be traced back to ancient Greek literature, where they were used to create vivid and memorable images. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus, for example, used the phrase “the way up and the way down are one and the same” to express the idea that opposites are interconnected.

The use of oxymora continued throughout the centuries, with examples appearing in the works of Shakespeare, Dickens, and other famous writers. In more recent times, oxymora have become a staple of advertising, with phrases such as “jumbo shrimp” and “deafening silence” used to catch the attention of consumers.

The term “oxymoron” itself was first recorded in Latinized Greek as “oxymōrum” by Maurus Servius Honoratus in the 5th century AD. The word was used to describe the combination of sharp and dull, or foolish and wise, in a single phrase.

Today, the use of oxymora is widespread in literature, advertising, and everyday speech. While some may see them as a contradiction in terms, others see them as a way to express complex ideas in a simple and memorable way.

Oxymoron in Literature

Oxymoron is a literary device that has been used by many famous writers throughout history, including Shakespeare, Tennyson, Alexander Pope , Lord Byron, and Oscar Wilde. It is a figure of speech that combines two contradictory terms or ideas, often resulting in a striking or humorous effect.

In Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet,” Juliet uses an oxymoron when she says, “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” The combination of “sweet” and “sorrow” creates a bittersweet feeling that perfectly captures the emotions of the characters in the scene.

Tennyson’s poem “Lancelot and Elaine” also contains an example of oxymoron when the narrator describes the “cold fire” of Lancelot’s love for Elaine. The contradictory terms “cold” and “fire” convey the conflicting emotions that Lancelot feels towards Elaine.

Alexander Pope, a famous poet of the 18th century, used oxymorons frequently in his work. In his poem “An Essay on Criticism,” he writes, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” The combination of “fools” and “angels” emphasizes the contrast between the two and highlights the foolishness of those who act without thinking.

Lord Byron, another prominent poet of the Romantic era, also used oxymoron in his work. In his poem “Darkness,” he writes, “The bright sun was extinguish’d, and the stars / Did wander darkling in the eternal space.” The combination of “bright” and “extinguished” emphasizes the sudden and complete darkness that has enveloped the world.

Oscar Wilde, a famous playwright and novelist of the late 19th century, also used oxymoron in his work. In his play “The Importance of Being Earnest,” the character Algernon says, “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” The combination of “pure” and “simple” emphasizes the complexity of the truth and the difficulty of discerning it.

In literature, oxymoron is used to create a striking effect, convey complex emotions, and add depth to characters and themes. It is a powerful tool that has been used by many writers throughout history to enhance their work and captivate their readers.

Common Oxymorons

Oxymorons are a popular literary device that combines two contradicting words to create a unique phrase. These phrases are often used to add humor or emphasize a point, and they can be found in literature, pop culture, and everyday speech. Here are some of the most common oxymorons:

  • Sweet sorrow : This oxymoron was popularized by Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and refers to the bittersweet feeling of saying goodbye to someone you love.
  • Cruel kindness : This phrase is used to describe an action that is meant to be kind but ends up causing harm.
  • Jumbo shrimp : This oxymoron is a classic example of contradictory words used to create a phrase that is both humorous and memorable.
  • Business ethics : This phrase refers to the moral principles that guide business practices. The use of the word “ethics” in conjunction with “business” creates an oxymoron because many people view business as inherently unethical.
  • Deafening silence : This phrase describes a situation where there is complete silence, but the silence is so loud that it feels overwhelming.
  • Alone together : This phrase describes a situation where people are physically together but emotionally distant.
  • Original copy : This oxymoron is used to describe something that is both unique and a duplicate.
  • Same difference : This phrase is used to describe two things that are essentially the same but have minor differences.
  • Civil war : This oxymoron is used to describe a war that is fought between two factions of the same country.
  • Heavy lightness : This phrase is used to describe a feeling of weightlessness or lightness that is accompanied by a sense of gravity or seriousness.
  • Serious vanity : This oxymoron is used to describe a person who takes themselves very seriously but is also vain and concerned with their appearance.
  • Misshapen chaos : This phrase is used to describe a situation that is chaotic and disorganized but still has some underlying structure or order.
  • Well-seeming forms : This oxymoron is used to describe something that appears to be good or desirable but is actually harmful or dangerous.
  • Feather of lead : This phrase is used to describe a feeling of heaviness or burden that is accompanied by a sense of lightness or weightlessness.
  • Bright smoke : This oxymoron is used to describe something that appears to be bright or colorful but is actually insubstantial or lacking substance.
  • Cold fire : This phrase is used to describe something that appears to be hot or passionate but is actually cold or unfeeling.
  • Sick health : This oxymoron is used to describe a situation where a person appears to be healthy but is actually sick or unhealthy.
  • Still-waking sleep : This phrase is used to describe a state of being where a person is both asleep and awake at the same time.

Oxymorons are a powerful literary device that can add humor, depth, and complexity to any piece of writing. By combining two contradicting words, writers can create phrases that are memorable, thought-provoking, and impactful.

Oxymoron in Language and Grammar

Oxymorons are figures of speech that combine two contradictory terms or ideas, often for comical or ironic effect. They are commonly used in literature, but also have a place in language and grammar.

In writing, oxymorons can be used to create a sense of tension or contradiction. For example, the phrase “proud humility” combines two seemingly opposite adjectives to create a paradoxical statement. This can be a powerful tool for writers looking to convey complex or layered meanings.

In grammar, oxymorons can be used to describe antonym pairs, which are words that have opposite meanings. For example, the words “hot” and “cold” are antonyms, as are “light” and “dark.” When used together, these words can create an oxymoron, such as “icy hot” or “bright darkness.”

Oxymorons can also be used to describe tautologies, which are statements that are true by definition. For example, the phrase “free gift” is a tautology, since a gift is already something that is given without charge. When used in this way, oxymorons can be a useful tool for clarifying language and avoiding ambiguity.

According to Cambridge Dictionary editors, oxymorons can be used for punning, which is a form of wordplay that involves using multiple meanings of a word or phrase. For example, the phrase “jumbo shrimp” is an oxymoron that plays on the multiple meanings of the word “shrimp,” which can refer both to a small sea creature and a person who is weak or insignificant.

Overall, oxymorons are a versatile tool for writers and speakers looking to create complex, layered meanings in language and grammar. By combining incongruous terms, oxymorons can create a sense of tension, irony, and humor that can be used to great effect in a variety of contexts.

Oxymoron in Context

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two contradictory words or phrases to create a new meaning. It may seem illogical at first, but in context, it can reveal a deeper or hidden truth. Here are some examples of oxymorons in different contexts:

Love is often associated with positive emotions, but it can also be painful and complex. The following oxymorons capture the paradoxical nature of love:

  • Bittersweet love
  • Sweet agony
  • Beautiful chaos

Life is full of contradictions, and oxymorons can help express this complexity:

  • Living dead
  • Jumbo shrimp

Oxymorons can also be used to describe economic and social inequality:

  • Homeless shelter
  • Poverty line

Oxymorons can also be used to describe grammatical concepts, such as plural forms:

  • Singular plural
  • Irregular regulars
  • Controlled chaos

Oxymorons can also be used to describe colors and visual art:

  • Colorless color
  • Beautifully ugly

The meaning of an oxymoron is often dependent on the context in which it is used:

  • Open secret
  • Virtual reality

Finally, oxymorons can be used to describe the complexities of death and mortality:

  • Final draft
  • Sweet sorrow

Overall, oxymorons can be a powerful tool for expressing complex ideas and emotions. By combining contradictory words and phrases, they can reveal deeper truths and paradoxes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of an oxymoron?

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines contradictory words or phrases to create a new meaning. It is a literary device that is used to add depth and complexity to a piece of writing. Oxymorons often seem illogical or contradictory at first glance, but in context, they can make sense.

Can you provide some examples of oxymorons?

Some examples of oxymorons include “jumbo shrimp,” “sweet sorrow,” “living dead,” “open secret,” and “pretty ugly.” These phrases combine words with opposite meanings to create a new meaning.

How are oxymorons used in literature?

Oxymorons are often used in literature to create a sense of tension or to add depth to a character or a situation. They can also be used to create irony or to highlight a theme. For example, Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” contains the oxymoron “loving hate,” which highlights the conflicting emotions that the characters feel.

What is the purpose of using oxymorons?

The purpose of using oxymorons is to create a new meaning that is greater than the sum of its parts. They can add depth and complexity to a piece of writing and create a sense of tension or irony. Oxymorons can also be used to highlight a theme or to add humor to a situation.

What are some common misconceptions about oxymorons?

One common misconception about oxymorons is that they are always humorous or illogical. While some oxymorons are used for comedic effect, others are used to create tension or to add depth to a situation. Another misconception is that oxymorons are always two words, but they can also be longer phrases.

How can oxymorons be used for comedic effect?

Oxymorons can be used for comedic effect by combining words with opposite meanings to create a humorous image or situation. For example, the phrase “jumbo shrimp” creates a humorous image of a large shrimp. They can also be used to create puns or wordplay, which can be entertaining for the reader or listener.


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Oxymoron Figure of Speech

Figures of speech are literary devices which are used to convey ideas that go beyond their literal meaning. In English, there are more than 200 different  types of figures of speech .

Oxymoron Figure of Speech is one of them.


Oxymoron Figure of Speech Meaning

An oxymoron is a figure of speech where two opposing words are conjoined. This conjoining of opposing words may seem ridiculous if literally interpreted, but it may be meaningful if it is figuratively understood.

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  • Seriously joking – The words ‘ joking ‘ and ‘ serious ‘ are contrasting, but they are brought together to mean that someone was actually joking.
  • Bittersweet – The word is made of contrasting adjectives ‘bitter ‘ and ‘ sweet ‘. Both are conjoined to refer to a taste which is both bitter and sweet.

Oxymoron Figure of Speech Examples

Following are some famous examples of Oxymorons:

O  heavy lightness !  Serious vanity ! Mis-shapen  chaos of  well-seeming  forms! Feather of lead,  bright smoke ,  cold fire ,  sick health —Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

“I am a  deeply superficial  person.” — Andy Warhol

“Why then, O brawling love, O  loving hate “ —Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

“And lined the train with faces  grimly gay “ — Wilfred Owen , The Send-Off

“And faith unfaithful kept him  falsely true .” — Alfred Tennyson

“conventionally unconventional, suggesting a  tortuous spontaneity “ — Henry James , The Lesson of the Master


  1. Figures of Speech: Oxymoron

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  2. Figure of Speech: Oxymoron

    examples of oxymoron figure of speech

  3. Oxymoron: Definition, Usage and Helpful Oxymoron Examples • 7ESL

    examples of oxymoron figure of speech

  4. eAge Spoken English on Instagram: “Figures of speech

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  5. Oxymoron Figure Of Speech

    examples of oxymoron figure of speech

  6. Oxymoron Figure Of Speech

    examples of oxymoron figure of speech


  1. Oxymoron (figure of speech) Definition with examples

  2. What is Oxymoron in English Literature ? 🤔 #oxymoron #figureofspeech

  3. Oxymoron

  4. 'Oxymoron' a figure of speech |English EdTech #literarydevices #literaryterms #literaryinsights

  5. Oxymoron#Figure of speech#English grammar#Alankar in hindi#Durga Sir



  1. Oxymoron

    Oxymoron is a figure of speech pairing two words together that are opposing and/or contradictory. This combination of contrary or antithetical words is also known in conversation as a contradiction in terms. As a literary device, oxymoron has the effect of creating an impression, enhancing a concept, and even entertaining the reader.

  2. 64 Examples of Oxymorons in Sentences

    Oxymorons are extremely useful in written English because they can make effective titles, add dramatic effect, add flavor to speech, and can sometimes be used to achieve a comedic effect. Here is a comprehensive list of 64 examples of oxymorons in sentences. In each example, the oxymoron is underlined. Examples of Oxymorons in Sentences

  3. Oxymoron: Definition and Example

    An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines contradictory words with opposing meanings, like "old news," "deafening silence," or "organized chaos.". Oxymorons may seem illogical at first, but in context they usually make sense. Oxymorons can be clearly confusing (see what we did there?), so this article explains everything you ...

  4. Oxymoron

    An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two contradictory terms or ideas are intentionally paired in order to make a point—particularly to reveal a deeper or hidden truth. The most recognizable oxymorons are adjective-noun pairs, as in the phrase "proud humility." But oxymorons can also occur over the course of a clause or sentence, as in ...

  5. Oxymoron Examples and Definition

    Definition of Oxymoron. An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two seemingly opposing and contradictory elements are juxtaposed. In literature, oxymora, also known as oxymorons, often reveal a paradox. The word oxymoron is in itself an oxymoron. It comes from the Ancient Greek word oxumoron, a compound of the words oxus, meaning "sharp ...

  6. 60 Easy Oxymoron Examples + Analysis

    An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory or opposite ideas to create a certain rhetorical or poetic effect and reveal a deeper truth. Generally, the ideas will come as two separate words placed side by side. The most common type of oxymoron is an adjective followed by a noun. One oxymoron example is "deafening ...

  7. Oxymoron: Definition and Examples

    The answer is the oxymoron. An oxymoron is a figure of speech that puts together opposite elements. The combination of these contradicting elements serves to reveal a paradox, confuse, or give the reader a laugh. The word oxymoron is derived from the Greek phrases oxus and mōros, meaning a mix of "sharp and keen" and "dull and dumb.".

  8. Oxymoron: Definition, Usage and Helpful Oxymoron Examples

    An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines contradictory words with opposing meanings to make a point, reveal a deeper truth, or create a unique word or phrase. Examples of oxymorons include "old news," "deafening silence," and "organized chaos."

  9. Exploring The Art Of Oxymoron: A Comprehensive Guide To This Figure Of

    An oxymoron as explained above is a figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory or opposing words to create a paradoxical effect. They are used to evoke emotion, emphasize contrasts, and highlight the complexity of a concept or situation. Examples: "Bitter sweet," "deafening silence," "jumbo shrimp."

  10. What is an Oxymoron? Definition, Examples of Oxymoron in Literature

    An oxymoron is a figure of speech. Therefore, the language itself is not literal, but figurative. An oxymoron is a phrase that seems to use contradictory terms to express a particular thought or sentiment. Example of Oxymoron: jumbo shrimp. By definition, the word "shrimp" refers to something very small. To describe a shrimp as "jumbo ...

  11. 50 Examples of Oxymorons

    An oxymoron uses opposing or contradictory terms to create a figure of speech. A paradox is when two contrasting ideas are put together for the purposes of creating a comparison. At first, a paradox may not make sense, but it causes deeper reflection. An example of a paradox in literature is from George Orwell's Animal Farm.

  12. Oxymoron

    An oxymoron, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as "a combination of contradictory or incongruous words." The Collins Dictionary defines an oxymoron as "a figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined."

  13. Oxymoron Figure of Speech

    An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory or opposite words or ideas to create a new, often complex meaning. For example, phrases like "jumbo shrimp" or "deafening silence" are classic oxymorons that invite readers to explore the tension between the conflicting concepts. If you're interested in how ...

  14. 100 Awfully Good Examples of Oxymorons

    An oxymoron is a figure of speech, usually one or two words, in which seemingly contradictory terms appear side by side.This contradiction is also known as a paradox.Writers and poets have used oxymorons (or oxymora) for centuries as a literary device to describe life's inherent conflicts and incongruities.

  15. Examples of Oxymorons

    Oxymoron examples can be awfully fun to point out. Find different common and well-known examples with our list, and learn what purpose they can serve. ... An oxymoron is a figure of speech containing words that seem to contradict each other. As with other rhetorical devices, oxymorons are used for a variety of purposes. ...

  16. A Complete Guide to Oxymoron

    Oxymorons are concise and compact, consisting of two contradictory terms juxtaposed within a short phrase or expression. They mostly aim to evoke emotion or grab attention, and do not always have a deeper meaning or logical reality. They're just a figure of speech. Such as, "bittersweet" or "pretty ugly.

  17. What's an Oxymoron? (Explanation, with Examples)

    Put in plain English, an oxymoron is a literary device or figure of speech which uses opposing phraseology to emphasize or embellish writing. Common examples of oxymorons. Oxymorons have become regular phrases and terms that people use all the time, (whether or not they realize they're oxymorons) civil war; deafening silence; only choice/option

  18. Oxymoron

    An oxymoron is a type of figurative language that combines two opposite words or ideas to create a striking effect. In this article, you will learn the definition, history, and examples of oxymoron in poetry and literature. You will also discover how oxymoron can enhance the meaning and beauty of language.

  19. What Is an Oxymoron?

    An oxymoron is a figure of speech that uses two opposite or contradictory ideas together to create a new and often thought-provoking meaning. Oxymorons typically involve an adjective - noun combination, like in "old news" or "alone together.". However, they can also be formed using sentences, such as "the sound of silence," or ...

  20. Oxymoron

    Examples; What is an oxymoron? An oxymoron is a figure of speech created by combining two contradictory terms to present logically accurate ideas, such as "larger half". Oxymorons typically serve to emphasize conflict or contradictions, create humor or satire, and accentuate characteristics.

  21. What Is an Oxymoron? 12 Oxymoron Examples

    An oxymoron is a literary device combining oppositional words to create a unique word or phrase. An oxymoron can seem absurd yet make perfect sense at the same time. For example, "virtual reality" consists of contradictory terms that form a new meaning. The word "oxymoron" is an oxymoron itself and derives from the ancient Greek words ...

  22. Oxymoron: Definition, Examples, and Usage

    Oxymoron Examples. Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which seemingly contradictory terms appear side by side, creating an interesting and sometimes humorous effect. These rhetorical devices can often be found in literature, conversation, and everyday speech. Oxymorons in sentences often illustrate the complexity of human emotions or situations ...

  23. Oxymoron Figure of Speech

    Oxymoron Figure of Speech Examples. Following are some famous examples of Oxymorons: O heavy lightness! Serious vanity! Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather of lead, bright smoke , cold fire , sick health. —Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. "I am a deeply superficial person.". — Andy Warhol.