
Essay on Tourism In The Philippines

Students are often asked to write an essay on Tourism In The Philippines in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Tourism In The Philippines

The beauty of the philippines.

The Philippines is a beautiful country with many islands, beaches, and mountains. It is a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world.

The Friendly People of the Philippines

The people of the Philippines are very friendly and welcoming. They are always willing to help visitors and make them feel at home.

The Delicious Food of the Philippines

The food of the Philippines is delicious and unique. There are many different dishes to choose from, and they are all made with fresh ingredients.

The Affordable Prices of the Philippines

The Philippines is a very affordable country to visit. The cost of food, accommodation, and transportation is very reasonable.

The Many Things to See and Do in the Philippines

250 words essay on tourism in the philippines, tourism in the philippines: a land of beauty and diversity.

The Philippines is a beautiful country with rich history, culture, and natural resources. It is a popular tourist destination for people all over the world. The country has many beautiful beaches, lush rainforests, and unique wildlife. Tourists can also enjoy the warm hospitality of the Filipino people.

Natural Wonders

The Philippines is home to some of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. The country has over 7,000 islands, each with its own unique landscape. Some of the most popular tourist destinations include Boracay, Palawan, and Bohol. These islands are known for their white-sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush rainforests.

Cultural Heritage

The Philippines has a rich cultural heritage that dates back centuries. The country is home to many different ethnic groups, each with its own unique traditions and customs. Tourists can learn about the Filipino culture by visiting museums, attending festivals, and trying the local cuisine.

Outdoor Activities

The Philippines is a great place for outdoor activities. The country has many hiking trails, biking trails, and water sports. Tourists can also enjoy swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving.

The Philippines is a beautiful country with something to offer everyone. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing beach vacation, an adventure-filled jungle trek, or a cultural experience, the Philippines is the perfect destination for you.

500 Words Essay on Tourism In The Philippines

So much to see, so much to do, beaches and islands.

The Philippines is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. From the white sand beaches of Boracay to the turquoise waters of Palawan, there’s a beach for everyone. You can also explore the many islands that dot the archipelago, each with its own unique charm and beauty.

Mountains and Rainforests

For those who love the outdoors, the Philippines has plenty to offer. The country is home to some of the highest mountains in Southeast Asia, including Mount Apo and Mount Pulag. There are also many rainforests to explore, where you can see a variety of plants and animals, including monkeys, snakes, and birds.

Culture and History

The Philippines has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by its many different ethnic groups. The country is also home to many historical sites, including the Intramuros Walled City in Manila and the Banaue Rice Terraces. You can learn about the Philippines’ history and culture by visiting these sites and by talking to the local people.

Food and Nightlife

The Philippines is known for its delicious food, which is a blend of Asian and Western influences. You can find everything from traditional Filipino dishes like adobo and kare-kare to international favorites like pizza and pasta. The country also has a vibrant nightlife scene, with bars and clubs to suit every taste.

A Warm Welcome Awaits

The people of the Philippines are known for their warm hospitality and friendliness. They’re always willing to help tourists find their way around and to make their stay as enjoyable as possible. So come and experience the beauty and diversity of the Philippines for yourself. You’re sure to have a memorable vacation.

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Essay: Tourism in the Philippines

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  • Subject area(s): Hospitality and tourism essays
  • Reading time: 9 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 22 April 2020*
  • Last Modified: 22 April 2020
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 2,365 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 10 (approx)

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Tourism is recognized as an important industry in the Philippines. Its significance as main driver and contributor to socio-economic growth is acknowledged in Republic Act 9593 or the Tourism Policy Act of 2009. It has seen an increasing direct contribution to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and employment over the years and peaking in 2017 at 12.2% and 13.1%, respectively (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2018). Prior to the launch of the campaign, the Philippines was struggling to compete with its neighboring Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Singapore in terms of tourist volume (Bosangit, 2014). The Philippine Department of Tourism (DOT) developed the Philippine National Tourism Development Plan (NTDP) 2011-2016 that sought to address issues of the tourism industry , and aim achieve 10 million foreign tourist arrivals and 35 million domestic tourists by 2016. With a national policy and plan at hand and an increasing importance to the economy, the Philippine government easily put tourism as one of its main priorities for development. Then-President Benigno Aquino III, approved a budget of 3.1 billion Philippine pesos to establish a tourism marketing campaign to reach the NTDP targets by 2016, the largest the Department received for marketing (Bosangit, 2014). The establishment of a new marketing campaign was opened for bidding to advertising agencies in the country that was eventually won by BBDO Guerrero, the Philippine chapter of one of the world’s largest advertising agencies, BBDO. The winning campaign was called “It’s more fun in the Philippines” and was launched in January 2012. The Department of Tourism revealed an accompanying logo which included a pixelated weaved image of the Philippines with a color palette representing the three main colors of the Philippine flag (Figure 1). Simultaneous to the launch of the campaign was also the launch of the now-defunct website www.itsmorefuninthephilippines.com that showcased the different destinations and attractions around the country. One of the highlights of the campaign was crowdsourcing, where they encouraged people to create their own ads or memes that would showcase what makes the Philippines “more fun”.

Figure 1. It’s more fun in the Philippines official campaign logo. (Department of Tourism, 2012b) At the onset of the campaign, DOT launched three sample memes to set as an example (Figure 2), along with the hashtag #ItsMoreFuninThePhilippines in all online posts relating to the campaign. DOT also launched an application and the guidelines for submission of memes on the website. With an estimated 27 million Facebook users at the time of the launch, the campaign became a viral hit online (Valdez, Tupas, & Carol Tan, 2017). Within 30 minutes of the launch, the hashtag was also trending on Twitter worldwide (Bosangit, 2014).

Figure 2. Sample image released by the Department of Tourism (Department of Tourism, 2012b) Then-DOT Secretary Ramon Jimenez Jr. described the campaign as “grounded on basic, truthful communication between two persons; a campaign for people who haven’t seen the Philippines yet; with a new tourism line that allows the Filipinos to take the line and own it to themselves; and it is not a manufactured line; it is drawn from the way Filipinos have touched the lives of tourists” (Metro Manila Directions in Bosangit, 2014, p.151). A year after the launch of the campaign, foreign visitor arrivals hit a 9.07% increase from the previous year, marking the first time that the country surpassed the 4 million mark (Bosangit, 2014). While no actual measurement has been done on the online success and impacts of the campaign, DOT perceived the continuous increase of tourist arrivals (Figure 3) as an indicator of the campaign’s success.

Figure 3. Foreign visitor arrivals in the Philippines from 2010-2016 (Compiled from: Department of Tourism, 2011, 2012a, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) However, while the campaign encouraged to generate “fun” things about the Philippines, DOT could not also stop people from generating memes that emulated negativity about the Philippines (Figure 4) (Della Corte & Sepe, 2016). After a year, the meme generator application was discontinued. However, people are still able to produce memes containing the official font, the Harabara Mais, that is available to download for free in several sites across the internet. This makes memes look like it was generated from the online application, despite its closure. Thousands of photos were and are still being generated online and continue to be searchable on the internet. Despite these negative photos being produced, the campaign continues to run in the present.

Figure 4. An example of a negative meme resulting from the campaign (“Being poor. More fun in the Philippines,” 2013)

2.6. Retirement tourism in the Philippines The Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) is the mandated government agency to “develop and promote the Philippines as a retirement haven” (Philippine Retirement Authority, n.d.). The PRA only became an attached agency of the DOT upon the enactment of the Republic Act 9593. Their mission is to “provide a globally competitive retirement program in the Philippines for foreign nationals and former Filipinos” as part of the socio-economic development of the country (Philippine Retirement Authority, n.d.). The PRA enjoins DOT’s efforts in promoting their services in various fairs, sales missions, expositions and conferences in the Philippines and abroad (Philippine Retirement Authority, 2017). Retirement tourism is identified as one of the core tourism products within the NTDP. According to the Plan, retirement tourism is “capable of delivering strong future growth with long average length of stay and expenditure” (Department of Tourism, 2012c, p. ix). The Plan identifies the European, Middle East, and North American markets as main targets for this tourism segment. Since the inception of PRA in 1985, it has seen increasing number of foreign retirees in the Philippines (Table 1) that mostly came from China, South Korea, India, United States of America, and Taiwan (Philippine Retirement Authority, 2017). Table 1. Cumulative count of foreign retirees in the Philippines from 1985 to 2017. Year Cumulative count 1985-2012 28,890 2013 32,697 2014 37,485 2015 42,516 2016 48,072 2017 53,933 Despite the PRA not being directly involved in the “It’s more fun in the Philippines” campaign, DOT produces material that are targeted towards retirees. In 2017, DOT launched a video entitled “Sights” that featured M. Uchimura, a Japanese retiree in different destinations in the Philippines (available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3xeB4-qv8I). At the end of the video, it was revealed he was not only a retiree, but also a blind man. It was met with criticism online leading to DOT pulling out the commercial following claims around social media that it was strikingly similar to a South African tourism ad (Rappler.com, 2017). However, during the earlier stages of the campaign, only images with older adults as subjects were produced from the campaign and did not necessarily aim to attract older adults to retire in the country. Nevertheless, these photographs contribute to the images and perceptions of the Philippines as a retirement destination. 3. Theoretical Framework Like DOT, many destination marketing or management organizations (DMOs) use photographs to represent and promote destinations and attractions. Photographs play a crucial role in promoting destinations as they set expectations of quality and experience (Garrod, 2009). Images that are portrayed and actual experience could determine tourist satisfaction and possibilities of recommending to others and returning back (Britton, 1979; Fakeye & Crompton, 1991; Garrod, 2009; Tuohino & Pitkänen, 2004). Choosing images to represent destinations and projecting how they will be received and perceived prove to be a difficult endeavor for researchers and DMOs alike owing to multiple social realities and even more complex feedback loops among multiple senders and receivers (Blichfeldt, 2018; Crick, 1985; Garrod, 2009; Hunter, 2008; Jenkins, 2003). In the advent of social media, actors and stakeholders are better able to communicate to and with amongst themselves, producing complex interactions than ever before that stimulate experiences, images, and even satisfaction rates (Oliveira & Panyik, 2015). Visual representations help build a destination image that has been referred to as both the actual image represented and possible metaphorical implications of the image and are subject to a wide range of interpretations by different tourism stakeholders (Beerli & Martin, 2004; Edwards, 1996). In this view, photographic representations of tourism destinations has three directions of inquiry: the extrinsic direction which looks into the difference between representation and reality, the intrinsic direction which deals with the message and the style of the image itself, and the dynamic direction which focuses on the ability of the image to influence perception, lens, and experience of a place (McGregor, 2000). As such, photographic representations of tourism destinations have “multiple signifiers for the endless purposes of various combinations of senders and receivers” that contribute to the complexity of a destination image in itself (Hunter, 2008, p. 356). These representations and interpretations can evolve through time, through a process called resemiotization. It deals with “how meaning-making shifts from context to context, from practice to practice, or from one stage of a practice to the next” (Iedema, 2003, p. 41). That is to say, representations and meanings are subject to different interpretations as it is communicated in varying contexts and through different media. The translation of meanings within different contexts is affected by the various social realities, and might be eventually detached from its original intentions (Mehan, 1993). Scollon (2008, p. 233) explains that these meaning-making alterations are “always mediated by the actions of social actors as well as through material objects of the world”. He describes nine processes of resemiotization which he labels as discourse itineraries – action, practice, narrative, authorization, certification, metonymization, remodalization, materialization, technologization or reification. As an example, he took the word “organic” and described the complex transformation of meanings and definitions associated with it as a result of the actions, brands, and history coming along with it. He mentioned that organic can refer to the actions and practices of farming, or to the lifestyle, to an operational definition by a national entity, to certified products, or even the narrative of a brand. This way, he illustrates how meanings sought in language, texts, photographs, and other media are inevitably a result of past actions and experiences and can even anticipate future outcomes. With co-creation as the underlying concept in the “It’s more fun in the Philippines” campaign, it involved various actors and stakeholders that not only created content, but also selected, authorized, and disseminated. Analyzing representations of the Philippines within this campaign and how their meanings are transformed across different stakeholders and contexts allows a good grasp of “the developer’s intentions, the consumers’ interpretations and the interactions among them” (Herbert, 2001, p. 317). 4. Methodology Milner (2012, p. 11) describes memes as “multimodal artifacts where image and text are integrated to tell a joke, make an observation, or advance an argument”. Internet users can create, recreate, produce and reproduce different variations of one image which allows it to be a “quintessential participatory artefact” that is “open, collaborative, and adaptable” (Milner, 2012, p. 12). Huntington (2013, p. 1) argues that internet memes are “a form of representational discourse that subverts dominant media messages to create new meaning”. As such, analyzing memes “requires an understanding of representational conventions associated with specific groups or individuals” (Milner, 2012, p. 90). These representations are best understood by taking a constructivist approach as it takes into account that interpretations are “not constructed in isolation, but against a backdrop of shared understandings, practices, language, and so forth” (Schwandt, 2003, p. 197). With co-creation behind the “It’s more fun in the Philippines” campaign, the outcomes reflect different contextual situations produced by different worldviews, experiences, and realities experienced by the different actors and stakeholders. Taking a constructivist paradigm for this study allows the researchers to delve into materials constructed by the different actors and stakeholders who took part in the campaign. Hall (1997) notes two approaches to analyzing different representations that are exemplified in memes—semiotics and discursive approach. Semiotics , as an interdisciplinary study of signs, is rooted in “how meanings are made and how reality is represented (and indeed constructed) through signs” (Chandler, 2018, p. 2). Signs may refer to images, verbal language, texts, and other media of communication that can symbolize parcels of realities, worldviews, and perceptions (Jensen, 2015). Chandler (2018) further explains that signs play a mediating role in constructing social realities and as such, it is through these signs that perceptions and realities are expressed. On the other hand, discourse analysis deals with language-in-use or how “meaning is constructed and interpreted” in different settings through the written and spoken language (Bhatia, Flowerdew, & Jones, 2008, p. 1). However, the digital world has now more than ever enabled people to communicate beyond the written and spoken language. Kress and van Leeuwen (1996) argues that textual information is not necessarily at the essence of constructing meanings. Iedema (2003, p. 33) emphasizes further that the “blurring of boundaries among different semiotic dimensions of representations” needs to bring about a multimodal approach to discourse to better understand the interplay of signs across multiple modes of communication. This multimodal approach allows the researchers to delve both into the semiotics and language-in-use”. The memes selected for analysis contain images of older adults and are mainly categorized into memes released by DOT and those that are generated by internet users. Memes released by DOT are taken from the official Facebook page of the DOT (www.facebook.com/ DepartmentOfTourism) and the official Facebook page of the campaign (www.facebook.com/itsmorefuninthephilippines) that DOT also handles. On the other hand, internet user-generated memes were scoured on Google Images using keywords “It’s more fun in the Philippines” combined with words such as “aging”, “old age”, “old people”, and “growing old” to extract memes that have older adults as subjects or are relating to older adults. The original link of the photo is also followed if still available and contextualized to the post when applicable. In addition, the memes must also follow the guidelines released by DOT. This should include a word or a phrase that describes the image followed by the phrase “More fun in the Philippines”. The font used must be Harabara Mais and divided into two lines with only the word “Philippines” in the second line (Department of Tourism, 2012b). However, some of the memes released by DOT remain undisclosed whether they are produced by DOT or by internet users. A total of 6 memes are analyzed, where 3 are released by DOT and 3 are searched from Google Images. The memes are analyzed in three parts: the image, the accompanying text, and the relationships between the two. The images are broken down to its subject and stylistic conventions to capture how older adults are portrayed visually in the memes. The accompanying texts are then explained as to the references made in the image. The relationships are then analyzed by describing the context and underlying discourses.

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Essay Sauce, Tourism in the Philippines . Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/hospitality-tourism-essays/tourism-in-the-philippines/> [Accessed 29-08-24].

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Couple at a white sand beach in Coron, Palawan, Philippines

13 Reasons Why You Should Travel to The Philippines Now

Jessa Tek-Ing

1. Summer Weather in the Philippines Almost All-Year

2. friendly and warm filipinos, 3. budget-friendly destination, 4. philippine beaches and islands, 5. natural wonders unique to the philippines, 6. colorful and fun philippine festivals, 7. delicious filipino cuisine, 8. incredible diving and snorkeling spots, 9. exciting outdoor adventures, 10. encounter wild and rare animals, 11. unique philippine transportation: jeepney, 12. preserved history of the philippines, 13. fun nightlife with filipinos.

Female traveler on a boat in Palawan, Philippines

Before deciding where to spend your next vacation, be sure to read our top 13 reasons why visit the Philippines. Learn about what makes the Philippines unique and what makes visitors return and explore more of this tropical getaway.

The Philippines  is an archipelago found in Southeast Asia comprised of more than 7,000 islands dotting the Pacific Ocean. Thanks to the  geographical features of the Philippines , the country is gifted with stretches of  pristine white sand beaches surrounded by crystal-clear waters.

In fact, several Philippine islands and beaches, like Boracay , Palawan , and Siargao , have been consistently named as the best in the world by major travel publications.

But there’s more to the Philippines than just being an idyllic tropical destination for island-hopping getaways  and  beach adventures .  

  • Explore the widest selections of Philippine tours  and best Philippines tour packages for your trip 
  • See destinations for solo travel in the Philippines
  • Read our article on the best golf courses in the Philippines

The Philippines is also home to world-renowned natural wonders like an underground river and rice terraces, incredible diving spots rich in biodiversity, colorful public transportation in the Philippines , unique cuisine , vibrant festivals that showcase its colorful culture, and friendly locals regarded as some of the happiest in the world.

The country's official tourism slogan is “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” because whatever type of travel adventure you’re looking for, you’re bound to discover a fun experience in the Philippines. Read on to find out why visit the Philippines and why it deserves to be on top of your travel bucket list:

See our popular Best Philippines Itinerary Tour Packages

Stunning 5-day beach & nature package to palawan island from manila city, exciting 1-week vacation package to scenic beaches and nature spots in the islands of cebu & palawan, 10-day beautiful palawan beaches tour package to puerto princesa, port barton, el nido & coron.

Coconut trees in a Siargao beach in the Philippines

If you want to escape winter, a trip to the Philippines is a must. As a tropical country, the Philippines only has two seasons: dry and rainy seasons.

  • Check out our  2-week Philippine itinerary packages

The dry season covers November to May, while the rainy season is usually from June until October. It’s still sunny and warm during the rainy months, except when there's a typhoon warning in the area. You can still enjoy outdoor and indoor rainy season activities in the Philippines like surfing, waterfalls tours, river adventures, food tours and more, with cancellations only necessary when there’s a typhoon.

See our popular Boracay Vacation Packages

Refreshing 3-day boracay package at 5-star crimson resort with flights from manila & transfers, best-value 4-day vacation package to crimson resort in boracay island from manila city, refreshing 4-day beach holiday package to boracay island from manila city.

Kalanggaman Island in Leyte

The warmest months are during the Philippines' summer season, covering March, April, and May. January and February are ideal months for travel as the sun shines on, but the weather is cooler overall. Island and beach destinations in the Philippines, such as Boracay, Palawan, and Cebu , are best enjoyed during the dry season. 

Smiling Filipina in Sinulog Festival, Cebu, Philippines

Aside from the Philippines' picturesque spots, the Filipinos' warmth and hospitality is a reason itself for you to visit the country. In fact, the Philippines often rank as the  friendliest country in Asia . The moment your plane lands here, you will be greeted with the genuine and loving smiles of Pinoys. 

  • Find unique cultural experiences that you can try in the Philippines

Filipinos are very proud of the beauty of their country and their culture. That’s why when they meet travelers who are visiting the country, the locals will go out of their way to help you experience this. Filipinos acting like tour guides come naturally, from teaching you local words to pointing out the best places to visit or delicacies to try.

Communicating with locals is not a problem. English is one of the Philippines' official languages, and most Filipinos speak and understand it.

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  • 1-week Philippines itinerary tour packages
  • 8 days in the Philippines itinerary tour packages
  • Philippines 1-month itinerary tour package

Filipinos are very hospitable too. The concept of the "extended family" is an important aspect of their culture. If you have Filipino friends who invite you to their home, they will treat you like you’re a part of their family. Don't be surprised if they regularly prepare a feast of home-cooked Filipino food for you.

This reason alone will make you feel like the Philippines is your home away from home. Check out this video by the country’s Department of Tourism that showcases the warmth of the Filipino:

See our popular Cebu Vacation Packages

Relaxing 3-day cebu package at dusit mactan resort with airfare from manila or clark & transfers, relaxing 3-day cebu package at bluewater maribago resort with airfare from manila.

Habal-Habal, a local transportation in the Philippines

Cost is one of the major considerations of a traveler. Good thing, traveling in the Philippines is very affordable. For example, there are plenty of day tours that just cost around PHP1000 (USD20).

You will find that there’s a lot of cheap accommodation options for you in the Philippines as well: from dorm-type hostels to bed and breakfast homestays that are both perfect for budget-conscious travelers. For those looking for a better value, resorts also come in a whole spectrum of pricing. Oftentimes,  package deals can be found if you know where to look. You will also have plenty of option when planning a Philippines staycation .

  • Check our article on the best private resorts near Manila
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  • See our picks of the top affordable resorts near Manila

Food in the Philippines is cheap too. For roughly around PHP100-150(USD2-3), you will find yourself a decent breakfast place that offers classic Filipino food with coffee. The same goes for your lunch and dinner.

See our popular Food Tours

Manila binondo & intramuros full-day tour with guide & transfers, coffee farm tour at amadeo cavite near manila & tagaytay with live brewing & tasting sampler, iloilo city heritage & historic churches tour with lunch & transfers.

Even alcohol is cheap, so you can have a fun nightlife while traveling without breaking the bank. Local transportation doesn’t cost much as well, and you might find them a lot cheaper if you’re traveling with a group so that you can divide the costs.

Chicken inasal with rice in the Philippines

Services, such as spa treatments, haircuts, massages, and fine dining are also relatively cheaper in the Philippines, even those from the top wellness resorts in the Philippines .  Make sure to pack these into your itinerary when visiting.

If you’re lucky, you might have some money left after your trip that you can use to buy unique locally-made souvenirs in the Philippines.

Island hopping in El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

The Philippines consistently tops the best beaches and islands lists in the world by international publications. With over 7,000 islands and white sand beaches that stretch from coast to coast, you can’t deny the fact that the Philippines is gifted with the magic of nature’s wonder. It's no surprise many couples choose to have their honeymoon in the Philippines  for vacation packages for couples  and enjoy island hopping in the Philippines .

  • Browse our list of the best beaches in the Philippines

You will not run out of islands to visit in the Philippines. The majority of these best islands in the Philippines are untouched by modernities, offering travelers their much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of life. There are also many beach resorts in the Philippines that will give you the best ocean and sunset views. 

See our popular Philippines Tour Packages

Affordable 4-day vacation package to mithi resort in bohol island from manila city.

The Philippines is home to the most beautiful islands globally, including Boracay, Palawan, and Siargao. Boracay, one of the best tourist spots in Visayas  and also one of the best places to visit in the Philippines , is home to the White Beach, a long stretch of powdery white sand where you can enjoy water activities including Boracay helmet diving aside from enjoying the sunset views that you can visit by booking Manila to Boracay packages . You will also have plenty of options for 5-star hotels in the Philippines .

  • Check Boracay White Beach activities  and Boracay tours for your vacation
  • Find hotels and resorts in Boracay

White Beach in Boracay, Philippines

Two towns in Palawan are always included in travelers' must-visit list: El Nido and Coron, both home to pristine islands with majestic towering limestone rock formations that you can visit with El Nido island hopping packages  or El Nido tours  and El Nido tour package and Coron island-hopping trips  included in Coron tour packages .

See our popular Island Hopping Tours

Boracay island hopping tour with lunch & snorkeling, best coron island hopping tour with lunch & transfers, el nido island hopping tour to the best lagoons & pristine beaches.

On the other hand, Siargao, a must-visit Mindanao tourist spot , is fast becoming a hub for surfers and beach lovers and features untouched islands that you can visit by joining a Siargao island-hopping adventure  and booking Siargao tour packages . Aside from surfing in Siargao , it is also a popular destination for workation  or to book  extended stay in hotels .

  • Check out our list for the best honeymoon resorts in the Philippines
  • Find hotels and resorts in El Nido  and Coron resorts

If you're staying in the Philippine capital of Manila, beaches are around 2 hours away when you go to the beach resorts in Batangas . There are also countless beach resorts near Manila . You can rent a car in Manila for a hassle-free vacation.

Underground River in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines

The Philippines is blessed with unique natural wonders and these are some of the best places to visit in the Philippines . Be in awe when you do the Puerto Princesa Underground River tour , which will take you to the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park.

It’s the longest navigable underground river globally and is both a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. The Puerto Princesa Underground River features an underground river cave system with impressive stalactites and stalagmites formations and one of the best caves in the Philippines .

  • Check other Palawan experiences  aside from the Underground River
  • Find resorts and hotels in Puerto Princesa

Chocolate Hills in Bohol, Philippines

The Philippines is also home to the Chocolate Hills in Bohol , thousands of hills that look like giant chocolate Kisses (like the chocolate brand). Chocolate Hills in Bohol  actually resulted from coral deposits through rain and erosion. Check out our Bohol hotel and tour package for an all inclusive trip.

  • Check out our list of the best farm stay resorts in the Philippines  to experience agritourism in the Philippines

If you want to see the mounds in their brown color, it is best to go on  Chocolate Hills tours  during the dry season of November to May. They turn green during the rainy season of June to October. 

See our popular Bohol Vacation Packages

Budget-friendly 3-day vacation package to mithi resort in bohol island from manila city, 4-day premier bohol beach club resort package with breakfast & airport transfers.

  • Find other  Bohol activities  that you can add to your itinerary
  • Discover hotels and resorts in Bohol

Rice Terraces in Cordillera Region, Philippines

If you’ve ever wondered what it was like to live back when modernization hasn’t taken place in the Philippines yet, a trip to the Cordilleras in North Luzon will give you an idea. You will see the Rice Terraces of the Ifugao, an indigenous group of people living in the Cordillera mountains.

This spectacular mountain landscape with terrace after terrace of man-made rice fields dates back to pre-colonial Philippines and is considered a repository of Philippine culture, tradition, and craftsmanship and is one of the must-visit Luzon tourist spots .

  • Explore North Luzon with activities in Benguet

Kawasan Falls in Cebu, Philippines

The waterfalls in the Philippines are also an enchanting sight. You can explore some of the Philippines' best waterfalls by joining tours to Kawasan Falls in Cebu, Pagsanjan Falls in Pangasinan, and Bomod-ok Falls in Sagada.

  • Find more waterfall excursions for your trip.

Mayon Volcano in Legazpi, Albay

Other natural wonders in the Philippines include the Taal Volcano in Batangas, the smallest active volcano globally, and Mayon Volcano in Legazpi City of Albay province , which has the world’s most perfect cone. 

  • Plan your trip with this detailed travel guide to the Philippines with a sample itinerary, the best time to go, how to get around, and top things to do.

Sinulog Festival in Cebu, Philippines

Filipinos sure know how to throw a street party, and they do it in colors and full costumes. Festivals in the Philippines are some of the most joyous, fun, and loud in Asia. Make sure to have your camera ready to snap the wildest smiles and happy faces.

Festivals (or fiestas ) in the Philippines are either religious, historical, or cultural. Religious festivals honor Roman Catholic figures, historical festivals celebrate significant events, while cultural festivals celebrate a bountiful harvest or promote products. 

One of the religious festivals includes Ati-Atihan Festival celebrated in Kalibo, Aklan, every January in honor of the Santo Niño (Child Jesus). Watch performers with extravagant costumes and celebrate with the locals as they anticipate the parade and go crazy over food stalls and a lot of street dancing.

  • Check Aklan tours that you can add to your Ati-Atihan Festival itinerary

Yet another much-awaited festival every January is the  Sinulog Festival in Cebu , also in honor of the Santo Niño, which attracts millions of festival-goers.

The annual Grand Street Parade features street performers doing the Sinulog Festival Dance while clad in colorful costumes. You'll be treated to a fireworks display and get to join street parties that will make you feel like you’re a part of one big community.

  • Find Cebu trips and experiences  that you can add to your Sinulog Festival itinerary
  • Discover hotels in Cebu City, Lapu-Lapu , Mandaue , Cordova , and Talisay

Sinulog Festival in Cebu, in honor of the Santo Niño

Filipinos’ love for merrymaking is also evident in the Panagbenga Festival, the pride of Baguio City . If you love flowers or gardening, this one is a must-see. Check out our Baguio hotel promo package for the best deal.

See our popular Baguio Vacation Packages

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Panagbenga Festival is an annual flower festival celebrated every February featuring life-sized floats that come in all shapes and sizes, all made with real flowers!

  • Check out tours in Baguio  and read up on Baguio tourist spots for your Panagbenga Festival trip.
  • Discover hotels in Baguio City

Filipino food

If there’s one thing to describe the Philippines that will set it apart from neighboring Asian countries , it’s being the melting pot of different cultures having been colonized by Spain, the US, and even Japan.

Not only that, the Philippines has deep ties to the Malays and the Chinese. This rich history and diverse cultural influence is evident in Filipino cuisine , which is unique to its neighbors.

  • Find Filipino food trips for your vacation in the Philippines

Despite having food that has either taken its roots from another culture or has been recreated to fit the Filipino taste, the Philippines has still successfully carved its own space in the gastronomic scene.

Some most notable Filipino foods include adobo, chicken or pork meat cooked in soy sauce and vinegar, and lechon or roasted whole pig, which the late Anthony Bourdain swore by as the best pig he has ever tried.

There's also balut (duck embryo), a Filipino street food perfect for those who like trying exotic dishes, and halo-halo, a famous summer staple with crushed ice, milk, and sweetened fruits.

Halo-halo ice dessert in the Philippines

Your trip to the Philippines won’t be complete without feasting on fresh (but really affordable!) seafood. If you can’t get enough fresh crabs, shrimps, and other tasty seafood dishes, do a food tour in Roxas City in Capiz, the Philippines' Seafood Capital.

Want to taste the sweetest mangoes? Add a Guimaras Island day exploration  to your itinerary. 

Island-hopping in the Philippines usually includes lunch in one of the islands, served boodle-fight style with freshly-cooked seafood and tasty tropical fruits.

For another culinary destination, join Pampanga trips , the Philippines' Culinary Capital, which is just a few hours away from  Manila . 

  • Discover hotels in Pampanga

See our popular Manila Vacation Packages

Fancy 3-day crimson hotel alabang package with daily breakfast & one-time dinner, family-friendly overnight lime resort manila staycation with buffet breakfast & dinner, enriching 10-day nature & heritage tour package to cebu, bacolod, negros & iloilo from manila.

Diving in Tubbataha Reef, Philippines

Diving spots in the Philippines offer an underwater experience like no other. In 2006, a team of marine conservationists declared the Philippines as the geographic center of marine biodiversity in the world. You will find that the Philippines is more than just its beaches and islands; it’s also a paradise for underwater life.

Palawan is home to Tubbataha Reef diving , a UNESCO World Heritage Site , which boasts more than half of all known corals. Here you will find yourself swimming with turtles, black and white-tip reef sharks, and manta rays, among others, and admiring the beautiful corals under the water.

  • Check diving tours in the Philippines . including learn to dive and fun dive  for certified drivers
  • Read our guide on diving in Coron

Sardine run in Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines

Cebu prides itself on diving spots that are at par with the world’s best. You can visit Cebu's  Moalboal sardine run , where you can do the sardine run experience  and swim with millions of sardines.

See our popular Philippine Scuba Diving Packages & Courses

Boracay island scuba diving with instructor & equipment, boracay introductory scuba diving with divemaster, gear & underwater photos, coron palawan discover scuba diving with guide, equipment, lunch & drinks.

Another renowned diving spot in Cebu is diving in Malapascua , where thresher sharks are more commonly seen. Other species you’re sure to see in Cebu diving spots are lionfish, batfish, tunas, and many more when you book a Cebu tour package .

Also located in Visayas is the diving spot called Apo Island Dumaguete  where you can swim with giant sea turtles.

Another worth checking out is the diving package in Anilao , Batangas, only hours away from Manila. Diving in Anilao is perfect for travelers who have limited time to explore diving spots in other islands or provinces and are looking for scuba diving holidays for beginners . Another spot near Manila is diving in Puerto Galera  located in Mindoro. Puerto Galera diving spots are known for incredible marine life because of its location in the heart of the Coral Triangle.

Osmena Peak hiking in Cebu, Philippines

The Philippines has a wide range of picturesque mountains and trails for hiking adventures  that you can choose from, and they all come in different sizes. So whether you’re a beginner or a pro,  hiking in the Philippines will be a great adventure for you. One thing is sure, you will be rewarded with beautiful sceneries, may it be a sea of clouds, picturesque landscapes, or even majestic waterfalls.

  • Read our article on travel insurance in the Philippines

Some of the must-try hiking tours include the Mount Pulag hike in North Luzon, Mount Pinatubo day hike in Tarlac with 4x4 trail ride, Mount Pico de Loro hiking tour in Batangas, and the highest in the country, Mount Apo in Davao .

Wherever you are in the country, there is surely at least one mountain to hike.

Mt. Pinatubo 4x4 trail ride in Tarlac, Philippines

The country also doesn’t run out of exciting and adrenaline-pumping watersports that are also the best places in the Philippines for family vacation . Join the fun canyoneering in Cebu , white water rafting tour in Cagayan de Oro , and parasailing in Boracay .

  • Cagayan de Oro whitewater rafting package
  • Cagayan de Oro city tour
  • Seven Seas Waterpark Cagayan de Oro day pass with transfers
  • Cagayan De Oro Sinulom Falls & Bolao Cold Spring tour
  • Book a  Cagayan de Oro airport transfer

There’s absolutely no reason for you to stay indoors and not enjoy these activities outside when in the Philippines. Even more perfect is if you get to share the thrill with your friends or fellow travelers. 

Loboc River Cruise in Bohol, Philippines

If you’re an advocate of ecotourism, the Philippines offers experiences tailored to fit just for you. You can avail yourself of eco-friendly tours in  Batanes , Bohol, Palawan, Camiguin , and Cebu.

See our popular Siargao Vacation Packages

Stunning 4-day siargao package at himaya resort with airfare from manila & island hopping tour, hassle-free 4-day budget siargao island package with accommodations & airport transfers, 5-day fun siargao package at himaya resort with airfare from manila & inland tour.

Tarsier in Bohol, Philippines

The Philippines is rich in biodiversity and is home to many unique animals. One of these is the Philippine tarsier, which is one of the smallest primates in the world. These nocturnal creatures have distinct big eyes and can be found in Bohol province. You can also visit the Abatan River in Bohol, which is home to some of the rarest fireflies in the Philippines and in the world.

Whale shark in Donsol, Philippines

The Philippines is also rich in marine biodiversity, which makes it one of the best diving destinations in the world. The sardine run in Moalboal and diving with thresher sharks in Malapascua are some underwater experiences you can book.

A once-in-a-lifetime experience is swimming with whale sharks (locally known as butandings). Oslob in Cebu province and Donsol in Bicol province are destinations known for this experience. It's best to experience them in their natural migratory route, where you can see and swim with them at a safe distance to reduce the stress to these giant gentle creatures.

See our popular Whale Shark Tours

Another beautiful creature not to miss when visiting the Philippines is the majestic Philippine Eagle, its national bird.

Philippine eagle in Davao, Philippines

It’s one of the largest and rarest eagles, and you can visit them Davao’s Philippine Eagle Center when you join a Davao City trip , a must-add to a Davao itinerary .

  • Find hotels in Davao

Philippines jeepney

Once you arrive in Philippine airports , you’ll notice colorful vehicles plying Manila's roads and other busy centers in the country. These are called jeepneys or jeep and are unique to the Philippines as one of the main local public transportation. The fare is quite cheap too.

Riding a jeepney is considered by many travelers as a must-do when in the Philippines because of the local and cultural immersion. 

Manila jeepney

Jeepneys are usually painted in loud colors, with their route plastered in front of it. Take note of local words like “para” (stop) and “bayad po” (here’s my payment) if you’re riding a jeepney.

The Filipinos’ culture of being helpful is also reflected as they help one another transfer payment to the driver, especially if you’re seated right at the door of the jeep.

Tricycle in the Philippines

Another interesting transportation mode is the Philippines’ version of a motorized rickshaw known as the tricycle or trike. This is similar to Thailand’s tuk-tuk, only it is a motorbike with a sidecar attached to it.

There’s another version of the tricycle which uses a bicycle; the locals call it pedicab. These two vehicles are meant for shorter drives and are usually found in provinces with narrow roads and fewer jeepneys.

Make sure to take a photo of yourself as you experience these unique transport vehicles because no trip to the Philippines is complete without riding like a local. Some places in the Philippines are best explored through  tricycle transport tours for a more rugged travel experience. 

Baluarte de San Diego in Intramuros, Manila

The best way to get to know one place is to understand its history, and the Philippines has its fair share of stories as it played many roles in the history of the world.

Learn about the Philippines’  historical and heritage tours and experiences from the precolonial period to the Spanish, American, and Japanese occupations to find out about the events that shaped the country into what it is today. 

See our popular History Tours

Private tour to bohol island's chocolate hills & tarsier monkey sanctuary, private tour to bohol island's chocolate hills with lunch on a river boat cruise & transfers, bike tour around intramuros old town in manila city.

The Walled City, Intramuros, is a gem situated right at the heart of the Philippines' capital — Manila. It was built starting in 1521 and was the seat of power in the Philippines during the Spanish era and houses some of the most important architectural landmarks in the Philippines .

As you walk around Intramuros, you will see the proof of Filipino resilience embedded in each ruin.

Ride around Intramuros on a bamboo bike ride with a guide  or a horse-drawn carriage tour , and you will find some of the best repositories of the past, including two of the oldest churches in the Philippines: San Agustin Church and Manila Cathedral.

Binondo Chinatown in Manila, Philippines

One of the best Intramuros escapades  is a trip to Fort Santiago in Manila, a magnificent Hispanic stone fortress that houses Philippines museums .

See our popular Intramuros Tours

Manila intramuros shared half-day walking tour with guide, manila intramuros half-day shared walking tour with guide.

Another must-see is the Rizal Shrine, which pays tribute to the Philippines’ national hero from the Spanish era, Jose Rizal.

Nearby is the oldest Chinatown in the world, Binondo, where you can do a  Binondo day trip  and feast on tasty Chinese dishes. 

Ruins of Corregidor Island in Cavite, Philippines

  • Learn about the Philippines’ history when in Manila with tours to the National Museum Complex
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Another must-try for history buffs is a tour of Corregidor Island, where you will find ruined buildings and tunnels, all reflections of the past, including the tragic Bataan Death March during the American-Japanese War.

Calle Crisologo in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Philippines

For a more vibrant experience, join Calle Crisologo trips located at the New7Wonders Cities of Vigan , Ilocos Sur, with well-preserved Spanish-era cobble-stone streets and houses.  Check out our guide on how to create an Ilocos itinerary to explore more of this region. 

See our popular Vigan Tours and Activities

Sightseeing tour of vigan city with horse-drawn carriage & transfers, vigan historical sightseeing city day tour with transfers & kalesa ride, fascinating 7-day history, heritage & nature tour package to laoag, pagudpud & vigan ilocos.

If you are interested in digging deeper into Philippine history beyond the colonial era, joining the  Tabon Cave exploration  in Palawan is necessary. It’s known as the Cradle of Philippine Civilization because of the significant archaeological artifacts found here. 

Live music at a nightclub in the Philippines

As one of the happiest people globally , Filipinos know how to throw the best parties, be it in the city or the pristine white sand beaches and islands.

Want a beach party under the stars? Head over to the island of Boracay, where you can do a pub crawl or enjoy the famed Boracay nightlife . Do you like partying while overlooking the city scrapers? Check out the bars in Bonifacio Global City (BGC), Taguig.

Are you more into hip speakeasies and laid-back bars? Visit Poblacion, Makati’s strip of nightclubs and bars. Whether you like your parties loud or low-key, Filipinos sure know how to do it.

  • Discover hotels in Makati  and Taguig
  • Read up on things to do in Makati

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Discover for Yourself Why It’s More Fun in the Philippines

Couple at a white sand beach in Coron, Palawan, Philippines

The Philippines as a travel destination isn’t just about its beautiful beaches and islands. It marries everything a traveler is looking for: culture, history, natural landscape, and most importantly, people. You will not run out of things to do, and you will not get tired of exploring something new.

Wherever you go, no matter how long you’ve got, the Philippines has a lot to offer, and you won’t even have to spend that much. As long as you know where to go and how to live like a local, it will feel like home. Read our article on the best cars to rent for a road trip in the Philippines if you want to explore on your own. 

Don’t think twice about whether it’s worth booking a trip to the Philippines: it surely is, and you will most likely find yourself looking forward to your next trip here again.

Start planning your trip, check out the best Philippines tours packages , and read up on Philippine travel guides for the best adventure you’ll ever have. If you want to indulge during your trip, book a stay at one of the luxury hotels in the Philippines  or try glamping in the Philippines .

Book the best  Philippines guided tours  with Guide to the Philippines, the leading  Philippines travel agency  and travel booking website  for hassle-free  online trip booking  services. Check out our  best Philippines tour packages ,  Philippines vacation packages all inclusive , and  honeymoon package  to top destinations like Boracay, Siargao, Cebu, Bohol, and more top tourist destination in the Philippines and find out why visit the Philippines is a must, especially for beach lovers. 

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Tourism in the Philippine Society: Conclusions and Looking Forward

  • October 2022
  • In book: Tourism in the Philippines (pp.171-176)

Richard S. Aquino at University of Canterbury

  • University of Canterbury

Brooke A. Porter

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Tourism in the Philippines: Conclusions and Implications for Management

  • First Online: 28 September 2022

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essay philippine tourism

  • Richard S. Aquino 5 &
  • Brooke A. Porter 6 , 7  

Part of the book series: Perspectives on Asian Tourism ((PAT))

168 Accesses

Tourism plays a significant role in the Philippines’ socio-economic development. However, an array of management issues persists in achieving the desired sustainable and inclusive development of the tourism industry in the country. This edited book uncovered some of these contemporary tourism management issues organized under broad themes. This concluding chapter articulates the practical findings and implications of the contributions in this volume. Key findings from the contributions are discussed as they relate to the identified broad themes. Implications for applied management are considered and future research directions building from the contributions are discussed.

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University of Canterbury, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

Richard S. Aquino

Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Brooke A. Porter

Coral Triangle Conservancy, Taguig City, Philippines

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About this chapter

Aquino, R.S., Porter, B.A. (2022). Tourism in the Philippines: Conclusions and Implications for Management. In: Aquino, R.S., Porter, B.A. (eds) Tourism in the Philippines. Perspectives on Asian Tourism. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4497-0_10

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4497-0_10

Published : 28 September 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-19-4496-3

Online ISBN : 978-981-19-4497-0

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International tourism has become an important industry in many developing countries. Fully aware of the potential contributions of an expanding tourism industry to economic growth and development, the Philippines embarked on an intensified tourism development. The economic benefits of the tourism industry have been generally measured in terms of tourist arrivals and foreign exchange generated by the industry. These measurements provide only a partial picture of the total economic effects of tourism. The study on the impact of international tourism on the Philippine economy has been conceived in order to reveal the interrelationships of the tourism sector with various production sectors of the economy and assess its direct, indirect and induced effects. The study drew heavily upon input-output analysis as a tool to ascertain whatever benefits there are to be derived out of an expanded tourism industry.

The measurement of the contribution of tourism to the Philippine economy is most difficult because of the unique nature of the industry and the inherent limitations present in the national data bases. However, the study was able to present an assessment of the substantial contribution of international tourism to the Philippine economy which could serve as guide to government planners in formulating policies and programs beneficial not only to the tourism industry but for the entire Philippine economy.


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essay philippine tourism

Issue 12, 2014 4 International Conference on Tourism Research (4ICTR)
Article Number 01032
Number of page(s) 8
Published online 19 November 2014

Philippine Tourism: Evolution towards Sustainability

Cherry Pilapil-Añasco 1 and Joy C. Lizada 2

1 Institute of Fisheries Policy and Development Studies, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas, 5023 Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines 2 Department of Management, College of Management, University of the Philippines Visayas, 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines

Tourism industry in the Philippines has been identified as one of the powerful engines for a strong and sustained economic growth. To determine whether the Philippine tourism industry is moving towards sustainable development, this paper explores the evolution of the tourism industry in the Philippines by tracing its historical transformations and determining its typology. Four major periods has been recognized, namely: 1] pre-martial law era (years before 1972); 2] martial law era (1972-1986); 3] post-martial law era (1986-2000); and 4] 21st century era (2001-present). The eras are based on the country’s major political regimes. Corresponding events and numerous initiatives undertaken by the government agencies, non-government organizations and private sectors that significantly affect the tourism industry are described and analyzed. It is concluded that tourism is a well established industry in the Philippines that contributes to an inclusive economic growth of the country. The continued concerted efforts of all the stakeholders of the industry in the implementation of all these initiatives will surely lead to a sustainable Philippine tourism.

© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014

Licence Creative Commons

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