50 Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts that are Printable for Free

Victory Ihejieto

  • February 22, 2024

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Table of contents, personal narratives:, creative stories:, opinion pieces:, descriptive essays, expository essays, book reviews, research projects, journal entries:, exclusive 6th grade writing prompts , 6th-grade writing prompts , creative writing topics for grade 6 , 6th grade writing prompts with reading passages , recommendations.

For sixth graders, imagination can be the key to creative expression. It’s a strong weapon. With specialized 6th Grade Writing Prompts, you can have an insight into the distinctive thoughts of these young authors and inspire a wide range of creative and inventive ideas.

As a student, every prompt offers you the chance to use narrative to explore new aspects of yourself, from ones that take them to far galaxies to those that delve deeply into your feelings and experiences.

In this article, we will take you through 50 exclusive 6th grade writing prompts that are printable for free. Carefully read through!

  • Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts
  • 6th-grade Writing Prompts
  • Creative Writing Topics for Grade 6
  • 6th Grade Writing Prompts with Reading Passages

What Should a 6th Grader Write about?

A sixth grader’s writing can cover a wide range of subjects, contingent upon their experiences, interests, and the particular assignment or goal of the writing work. Some possibilities for topics a sixth grader could write about are as follows:

Students are encouraged to explore their own experiences and share them with others through the use of personal narratives.

They can relive with vivid detail special occasions, like the time they overcame their fear of heights by scaling a mountain, obstacles they’ve overcome, like learning to ride a bike without training wheels, or memorable times spent with loved ones, like a touching holiday celebration or an adventure that strengthened their bond with siblings.

Students acquire insight into their own lives and ideals by thinking back on these experiences and expressing them in writing, in addition to honing their storytelling abilities.

Students can express their imagination and ingenuity via creative stories. Authors can showcase their storytelling skills by creating inventive stories with captivating characters, compelling narratives, and unique settings.

Students are free to let their imaginations run wild, whether they go on an exhilarating journey through a magical kingdom, solve a mystery in a chilling haunted mansion, or explore the depths of space in a futuristic starship.

They hone their narrative abilities, create gripping stories, and bring their imaginative ideas to life on paper via the process of storytelling.

Students can express their opinions on a variety of subjects that are important to them through opinion pieces. Students can use persuasive writing to communicate their ideas, advocate for their beliefs, and express their perspectives on a variety of topics, from pop cultural phenomena to environmental issues to school laws.

Students gain the ability to effectively express their thoughts, provide evidence to back up their claims, engage in critical thinking, and debate—whether they are advocating for tighter environmental rules, defending their favorite book or movie, or suggesting changes to school procedures.

Descriptive essays require students to use language to conjure up vivid images in the readers’ minds and arouse their senses. They can paint a detailed picture of a location they have been to, such a busy city street, a calm beach at dusk, or a comfortable lodge in the woods.

As an alternative, individuals can use rich descriptions and striking pictures to delve into the sensory nuances of a beloved memory, a favorite dish, or an interesting object. Students who practice descriptive writing are better able to arouse readers’ emotions, appeal to their senses, and produce immersive writing.

Expository essays educate students how to present facts and provide a clear, structured explanation of difficult subjects.

They can delve into a variety of topics, including historical events, cultural customs, how-to manuals, and scientific ideas.

Whether they’re breaking down a cultural ritual, exploring the history of ancient civilizations, or explaining how photosynthesis works, students learn how to effectively research, analyze, and present information. This helps them improve their writing, research, and critical thinking abilities.

Through the skillful use of language and images, poetry provides students with a unique means of expression, enabling them to explore themes such as nature, emotions, friendship, and identity. They can play around with various poetry forms, including limericks, sonnets, haikus, or free verse, and investigate the lyrical and rhythmic aspects of language.

Students learn how to use words to express emotions, generate images, and build meaning in their poetry, whether they’re writing a whimsical limerick, a heartfelt sonnet, or a haiku that captures the majesty of a sunset.

By giving students a platform to express their ideas and opinions about books they’ve read, book reviews support the growth of their analytical and critical thinking abilities.

They can assess the book’s advantages and disadvantages, character and topic analysis, and storyline summary.

Students gain the ability to engage with literature thoughtfully, express their opinions clearly, and participate in literary discussions and debates—whether they are analyzing a classic work of literature, suggesting a favorite novel to their peers, or delving into the themes of a recent bestseller.

Research projects allow students to explore interesting subjects in-depth, gather data, and present their results in an orderly and systematic manner. They can delve into a variety of topics, such as social issues, cultural customs, historical events, and scientific occurrences.

Whether they’re looking into the origins of climate change, studying the past of ancient civilizations, or examining how social media affects society, students gain important research skills from these projects.

These skills include how to collect data from trustworthy sources, assess the validity of the data, and effectively and persuasively present their findings.

Keeping a journal gives students a private place to consider their feelings, ideas, experiences, and observations. Journaling allows them to keep track of their daily activities, examine their feelings and responses to situations, and think back on their development and education.

Regular journaling helps kids develop self-awareness, introspection, and mindfulness. This can be done by having them write down their ideas before going to bed, reflect on their experiences after a difficult day, or capture moments of inspiration and insight.

Read ALSO:  107+ Creative Writing Prompts For Middle School Students

  • Write a tale about a time-traveling excursion to a significant historical occasion.
  • Describe a world in which all people’s dreams come true.
  • Which historical figure, and why, would you want to meet if you could?
  • Ten years from now, write a letter to yourself.
  • Consider being able to teleport to any location on Earth. Which place would you visit first?
  • Describe a superhero’s typical day in the life of a neighborhood resident.
  • If you could communicate with animals, how would you respond?
  • Write a story about a magical item that, although granting desires, has drawbacks.
  • Describe a future society in which all aspects of existence are governed by technology.
  • What superpower, if any, would you choose to have, and how would you use it?
  • Write a tale about a bunch of pals figuring out a mystery in their community.
  • Describe an unruly world. How would that feel?
  • What exactly does being a good friend entail? Write about an instance where you showed friendship.
  • Which disciplines would you include in your own curriculum, if you could create one?
  • Write a letter expressing your admiration for the writing of your favorite author.
  • Tell about a moment when you had to make a tough choice and how you came to an answer.
  • Consider being able to travel to any fictitious place from a book. To what place would you go?
  • Write about a moment when, despite the difficulty, you stood up for what you believed in.
  • What would you alter, and why, if you could, in the world?
  • Write a tale that takes place in a bleak future when humanity is about to perish.
  • Write about a day in the life of your favorite movie or book character.
  • For you, what does success mean? Write about a moment when you felt accomplished.
  • Consider being able to speak with extraterrestrials on a different world. How would you respond?
  • Write a letter expressing your admiration for your role model.
  • Describe a society in which mind reading is a common skill.
  • What new technology, and how might it help civilization, if you could create it?
  • Write about a failure you’ve had and the lessons you took away from it.
  • Describe a civilization that is utopian and in balance with the natural world.
  • What would you change if you could travel back in time to alter one particular historical event?
  • Write a tale about a party of adventurers finding a lost culture.
  • Describe a world in which magic exists but is kept out of the public eye.
  • What does being brave really mean? Write about a brave moment in your life.
  • Which historical period—past or future—would you like to live in, and why?

Read ALSO:  140 Exclusive Writing Prompts For Adults

  • A Magical Land : Describe a world where magic is real and part of everyday life.
  • Time Travel Adventure : Write a story about traveling back in time to a significant historical event.
  • Superhero Origins : Create the origin story of a new superhero, including their powers and motivations.
  • Mystery Mansion : Describe a spooky mansion and the mysteries hidden within its walls.
  • Animal Kingdom : Imagine a world where animals can talk and interact with humans.
  • Dream Vacation : Describe your ideal vacation destination and what you would do there.
  • Invent a New Planet : Design a planet with unique geography, inhabitants, and customs.
  • Lost in the Wilderness : Write about being lost in the wilderness and the adventures that follow.
  • Sports Star : Imagine becoming a professional athlete in your favorite sport. Describe your journey to success.
  • School of Magic : Enroll in a school for wizards and witches. Describe your experiences learning spells and potions.
  • Alien Encounter : Describe an encounter with an alien species and the impact it has on Earth.
  • Underwater Adventure : Dive deep into the ocean and explore an underwater world full of wonders and dangers.
  • Robot Revolution : Write about a future where robots have become sentient and demand equal rights.
  • Time Capsule : Imagine burying a time capsule with items representing your life. What would you include and why?
  • A Day in the Life of a Celebrity : Describe a day in the life of a famous celebrity of your choice.
  • The Quest for a Magical Artifact : Write a story about a quest to find a powerful magical artifact and the challenges faced along the way.
  • Haunted House : Explore a haunted house and uncover its dark secrets.
  • Space Exploration : Describe a journey to explore a distant planet in search of new life forms.
  • Future Career : Imagine your future career and what a typical day in that profession would be like.
  • Invisible Friend : Write about having an invisible friend and the adventures you have together.

Read ALSO:  50 Exclusive 4th Grade Writing Prompts That Are Printable For Free

  • Prompt : Imagine you are one of the characters in the passage below. Write a diary entry describing your thoughts and feelings about the events that unfolded.

Reading Passage : “The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. As Sarah packed her bag, she couldn’t shake off the feeling of dread. She knew she had to face her bully on the bus ride home.”

  • Prompt : After reading the passage below, write a persuasive essay arguing whether or not schools should implement a dress code policy like the one described.

Reading Passage : “As students entered the school gates, they were greeted by the sight of their peers dressed in a rainbow of colors and styles. Some wore jeans and T-shirts, while others donned skirts and blazers. There was no uniform requirement, allowing students to express their individuality through their clothing choices.”

  • Prompt : Use the information from the passage to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing your opinion on the issue discussed.

Reading Passage : “The town council is considering banning plastic bags in an effort to reduce pollution and protect the environment. Many residents are divided on the issue, with some arguing that it would inconvenience shoppers and hurt businesses, while others believe it is a necessary step towards a greener future.”

  • Prompt : After reading the passage below, write a narrative describing a day in the life of the protagonist, using details from the passage to inspire your story.

Reading Passage : “Jake woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. As he stretched and yawned, he glanced at the clock and realized he was running late for school. He quickly dressed, grabbed his backpack, and raced out the door, eager to start the day.”

  • Prompt : Based on the information provided in the passage, write a summary of the main arguments presented by each side of the debate.

Reading Passage : “The school cafeteria is considering replacing unhealthy snacks with nutritious options. Proponents of the change argue that it will improve student health and academic performance, while opponents worry about increased costs and decreased student satisfaction.”

  • Prompt : Use the passage below as inspiration to write a descriptive essay about your favorite outdoor activity.

Reading Passage : “As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sarah and her friends gathered around the campfire. They roasted marshmallows, told stories, and gazed up at the starry sky, feeling at peace in the great outdoors.”

  • Prompt : After reading the passage below, write a compare and contrast essay discussing the similarities and differences between the two characters.

Reading Passage : “Emily was outgoing and adventurous, always eager to try new things and meet new people. In contrast, her sister Olivia was shy and reserved, preferring to spend her time lost in books or exploring nature alone.”

  • Prompt : Using the information provided in the passage, write a persuasive speech arguing for or against the proposed changes.

Reading Passage : “The city council is considering implementing a curfew for teenagers in an effort to reduce crime and keep young people safe. Supporters believe it will decrease juvenile delinquency, while opponents argue it will unfairly restrict the freedoms of law-abiding teenagers.”

  • Prompt : Write a narrative inspired by the passage below, imagining yourself as the protagonist navigating the challenges described.

Reading Passage : “Mark stared at the blank page in front of him, feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the task ahead. He had a history essay due tomorrow, but he had no idea where to begin. With a sigh, he picked up his pen and started writing, determined to conquer his writer’s block.”

  • Prompt : Based on the information provided in the passage, write a response discussing your opinion on the topic and providing evidence to support your viewpoint.

Reading Passage : “The debate over homework continues to divide educators, parents, and students alike. Some argue that it reinforces learning and teaches responsibility, while others believe it causes stress and detracts from family time. What is your stance on the issue?”

Yes, these writing prompts are designed to be age-appropriate and engaging for all 6th graders.

Yes, these writing prompts have been carefully crafted to align with common core standards for 6th grade writing.

It’s recommended to introduce a new prompt regularly, such as once a week, to keep your students inspired and practicing their writing skills consistently.

Engaging with a variety of creative and thought-provoking prompts can definitely help enhance your students’ writing abilities over time.

These varied subjects for sixth-grade writing assignments are sure to stimulate young writers’ creativity and critical thinking. Teachers and parents can easily include these prompts in their lesson plans or home-schooling activities because they are free to print.

Students will be able to convey their own views and perspectives while practicing a variety of writing abilities by responding to these prompts.

These writing prompts can be used as homework assignments, daily warm-ups, or creative writing exercises. They are an invaluable tool for supporting the development of young writers.

  • Journalbuddies.com
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< Writing Prompts

6th grade writing prompts.

creative writing activities for grade 6

Welcome to our 6th grade writing prompts! Sixth grade brings more opportunity for learning, growing, and maturity. It’s important to ignite a love of writing through a variety of writing opportunities and topics that are both relevant and thought-provoking. Use the categories of “Adventure,” “Video Games,” “Music,” “Patience,” “Self-Awareness,” and “Personal Narrative” to embrace the magic of writing. Writers are encouraged to plan and review their work. Keep in mind that some prompts may demand contextualization depending on the learner’s background and needs. Check out our printable lined paper too – free to download and over 100 different themes!

6 th Grade Writing Prompts

Category 1: Adventure

Whether it’s a mysterious journey, a scientific discovery, or the voyage to find a lost cat, let these creative writing prompts take you further into adventure. Writers can use these prompts to imagine encounters with adversaries, kings, cats, and more.

  • Identify an adventure or quest of interest for you and your classmates. Create a list of items that everyone will need to bring in order to survive the journey.
  • Illustrate a dangerous scene from an adventure. Explain, in a detailed caption, what is happening in the picture and invite the reader to finish the adventure story.
  • Write a poem about the spirit, or feeling, of adventure.
  • Write a story about a group of friends who go on an adventure to help solve a mystery. They face a mild adversary, a local police officer, who doesn’t want their help.
  • Write a story about a science student who discovers a meteor will hit the earth in three days!
  • Write from the perspective of a teen living in Ancient Egypt who is tasked with returning one of the King’s favorite cats, Locust. Create several journal entries about the teen’s quest to track down the cat.

Category 2: Video Games

Video gaming, be it on consoles, computers, or cell phones, is an important part of many people’s everyday lives. These games demand strategic thinking, creative planning, and skill. Writers can use these prompts to craft stories about video games, create infographics, write poetry, research, and more!

  • Create an infographic that explains the history of video games. Which games were most popular in the arcades of the 1970s and 1980s?
  • Design a comic strip featuring a character who becomes addicted to a video game. How do they balance their passion for the game with their life responsibilities?
  • Design and illustrate your favorite video game setup. Explain what you’d need in the space where you play your video games and why each component is essential.
  • Research a famous video game developer and write an article about them. How did their career/ journey into video game development begin? To what degree were they successful and how did they face challenges?
  • Write a poem about a talented gamer who becomes sponsored (paid to play video games professionally).
  • Write a story about a character who is transported into their favorite video game. Explain if/ how they are able to make it to the next level and through what methods they can emerge victorious.

Category 3: Music

Music is an important part of many people’s everyday lives; many of us enjoy listening to music all day long and we owe much thanks to those who produce our favorite tunes and beats. Writers can use these prompts to craft stories, write poems, conduct research, and even write social media posts related to the world of music.

  • Create a comic strip featuring a band that plays different, and sometimes unique and unusual instruments. What kind of music do they play? In what regions and with which audiences are they most popular?
  • Design an infographic that explains the history of a particular genre of music. Who are some significant artists that have contributed to this genre? Where can people find more information and listen to this style of music?
  • Research a famous musician and write an article about their career. What is their legacy (what impact did they have on the music industry)?
  • Write a poem about your favorite song. What does the song make you think and feel?
  • Write a social media post that promotes a new album from your favorite artist. What do you like about the album, and why should your followers listen to it?
  • Write a story about a character who hears music that no one else can hear. How does this affect their life? Describe the music by likening it to certain genres, artists, or songs.

Category 4: Patience

As we mature, we negotiate with our ability to practice patience. While childhood drives our impulses to want everything immediately, young adulthood ushers us into the need to slow down and exercise patience. This can be challenging! Let these creative writing prompts inspire reflections on patience.

  • Create an infographic that explains different strategies for practicing patience. What are some tips for calming and refocusing?
  • Illustrate and write a children’s book about patience. Include a character who learns the value of patience.
  • Reflect on a time when your patience was tested. Write about this time in a short story.
  • Research a famous inventor, scientist, or athlete who had to exercise patience as they navigated their own failures. What did they learn? Did they give up? How did they keep their momentum and passion from completely dwindling?
  • Write a social media post that promotes the importance of resisting impulsive actions and thoughts.
  • Write a story about a character who struggles to be patient as they attempt to achieve their goal. Include the character’s experience as they learn to master their impulses.

Category 5: Self-Awareness

As we age, our sense of self-awareness becomes more acute. We sometimes feel insecure as we come to understand our unique attributes and identities. Let these creative writing prompts inspire personal reflections on self-awareness.

  • Create a bold and eye-catching infographic that explains at least 3-4 ways to increase self-awareness. What are some strategies for better understanding your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? Be sure that your infographic is easy to read and proofread.
  • Design a comic strip featuring a character who struggles with insecurity and self-doubt. Where do their doubts come from? How do they learn to dispel (quiet; challenge) their own doubts?
  • Research a leader whose self-awareness allowed them to become successful. You may want to review interviews where the person reflects on their leadership style or identity.
  • Write a poem about the importance of self-acceptance. The poem can be personal or focus on a character who learns about self-admiration.
  • Write a social media post that promotes the value of self-reflection. Include helpful resources for viewers.
  • Write a story about a character who learns an important lesson about themselves. What do they discover? How does this knowledge change or help them?

Category 6: Personal Narrative Writing Prompts

As we grow older, we reflect more often about our past and present. Let these creative writing prompts inspire empathy and reflections about fears, triumphs, instinct, and role models.

  • Imagine that you could trade places with someone for a day. Write about who you would choose and what you believe a day in their life would be like.
  • Now that you’re older, your role models may have changed. Write a comparative essay about who you used to look up to, or once admired, and how/if your role model has changed and why.
  • Research one career or job you hope to someday have. Explain why you feel you’d be a good candidate for this field and also what challenges, related to the work, you might face.
  • Write about a day you would choose to relive over and over again.
  • Write about a time when you overcame a fear or challenge.
  • Write an article about the importance of trusting your gut-instinct (intuition). Why is this important? What are the consequences of rejecting your instincts?


6th Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

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The 9 Best Creative and Argumentative Writing Prompts for 6th Grade

5 creative writing prompts for 6th grade.

Prompt: When you become disappointed, what do you do to manage your emotions?

2. Flying Superpower

3. letter to future self.

Tell students that they will be writing a letter to themselves to read when they are older. You can either pick an age/milestone (graduating from college, getting their first job, having children, etc.), or allow students to pick. Ask students to think about what they believe would be important to know at that juncture in their life and include it in their letter.

4. No Internet for a Month

This could be a fun one to do with middle schoolers who are so dependent on technology and the internet. Before students begin writing, get them to brainstorm a list of all the ways their lives are dependent on the internet.

5. Genie in a Bottle

This is another great creative writing prompt for sixth graders. They’ll have fun thinking about a talent they would like and what they would like to do with that talent.

4 Argumentative Writing Prompts for 6th Grade

I like this writing prompt for introducing students to argumentative writing. The topic of pets is something all students are familiar with, even if they don’t personally own a pet.

You can also use this topic to introduce students to providence factual reasons, versus opinions, to support their answers. For example, if students want to say that a cat is the best pet, a factual reason can’t be that cats are cute. However, they could say something like cats are the best pet because they do not have to be taken outside to go to the bathroom on a cold or rainy day.

2. Teaching Math in School

3. screen time limits.

However, once they start thinking about reasons to limit screen time and examine evidence showing the impact of too much screen time on children, they may change their mind.

4. Conserving Energy

Prompt: What is the most important thing all households should be doing to conserve energy?

However, for this writing prompt, students must decide which one thing is the most important and provide evidence to support their opinion.

Writing Standards for 6th Grade

Sixth grade is a critical year for students in regards to writing and other subject matters. They are transitioning from elementary school to the upper grades and will need the right supports to help them master the grade-level standards.

Writing Process

Students should receive instruction and practice on each stage of the writing process. They should independently implement each of the stages when producing their own written work.

The stages of the writing process that sixth graders are expected to know and use include:

Writing Purposes

Writing evaluation, conventions, research and inquiry.

Research and inquiry is another important standard for sixth graders to show proficiency with. By the end of the year, students should be able to:

Advantages of Writing Prompts at the Lessons

Got to sub in 6th grade today, the predictions were coming fast and furious for today’s writing prompt. Got to love engaged students! pic.twitter.com/nBfzMxxP0T — Nick Jurrens (@NickJurrens) February 20, 2021
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10 Creative Writing Activities That Help Students Tell Their Stories

Lower the stakes and help them get started.

Share your story message written on three post it notes

“I don’t have a story. There’s nothing interesting about my life!” Sound familiar? I don’t know a teacher who hasn’t heard students say this. When we ask our students to write about themselves, they get stuck. We know how important it is for them to tell their own stories. It’s how we explore our identities and keep our histories and cultures alive. It can even be dangerous when we don’t tell our stories (check out this Ted Talk given by novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and share it with your students for more on that). Storytelling is essential for every subject, not just English Language Arts; students dive deeper and engage when they practice thinking about how their own stories intersect with historical events, civic engagement, and the real-world implications of STEM. These 10 creative writing activities can work in every subject you teach:

Here are 10 of our favorite story telling activities that inspire students:

1. write an “i am from” poem.

A students I Am From creative writing activities

Students read the poem “I am From” by George Ella Lyon. Then, they draft a poem about their own identity in the same format Lyon used. Finally, students create a video to publish their poems. We love this one because the mentor text gives a clear structure and example that students can follow. But the end result is truly unique, just like their story.

2. Design a social media post to share an important memory

collage of historical images creative writing activities

How can you use your unique perspective to tell a story? We want our students to learn that they are truly unique and have stories that only they can tell that other people want to hear or could relate to or learn from. In this activity, students watch two Pixar-in-a-Box videos on Khan Academy to learn about storytelling and perspective. Then, they identify an interesting or poignant memory and design a social media post.

3. Create an image using a line to chart an emotional journey

creative writing activities for grade 6

How do you show emotion using a single line? In this activity, students watch a Pixar in a Box video on Khan Academy to learn about how lines communicate character, emotion, and tension. Then they experiment with these aspects as they write their story. We love using this for pre-writing and to help students explore their story arc. Also, for students who love to draw or learn visually, this can help them get started telling their story and show them that there are many different ways to tell a story.

4. Tell the story behind your name

creative writing activities for grade 6

Sharing the story behind our name is a way to tell a story about ourselves, our culture, and our family history. And if there isn’t a story behind it, we can talk about how we feel about it and describe what it sounds like. In this activity, students use video to introduce themselves to their classmates by discussing the origin of their name. This project asks students to connect their names (and identities) to their personal and familial histories and to larger historical forces. If you’re looking for a mentor text that pairs well with this one, try “My Name” by Sandra Cisneros .

5. Develop a visual character sketch

Give students the time to create a character sketch of themselves. This will help them see how they fit into their story. In this lesson, students create a visual character sketch. They’ll treat themselves like a character and learn to see themselves objectively.

6. Create a webpage to outline the story of your movie

creative writing activities for grade 6

Building a story spine is a great way to show students how to put the parts of their story in an order that makes sense. It’s an exercise in making choices about structure. We like this activity because it gives students a chance to see different examples of structure in storytelling. Then, they consider the question: how can you use structure to set your story up for success? Finally, they design and illustrate an outline for their story.

7. Respond to a variety of writing prompts

Sometimes our students get stuck because they aren’t inspired or need a different entry point into telling their story. Give them a lot of writing prompts that they can choose from. Pass out paper and pencils. Set a timer for fifteen minutes. Then, write 3-4 writing prompts on the board. Encourage students to free-write and not worry about whether their ideas are good or right. Some of our favorite prompts to encourage students to tell their story are:

  • I don’t know why I remember…
  • What’s your favorite place and why?
  • What objects tell the story of your life?
  • What might surprise someone to learn about you?

8. Create a self-portrait exploring identity and self-expression

creative writing activities for grade 6

Part of what makes writing your own story so difficult for students is that they are just building their identity. In this activity, students explore how they and others define their identity. What role does identity play in determining how they are perceived and treated by others? What remains hidden and what is shown publicly?

9. Film a video to share an important story from your life

creative writing activities for grade 6

Encourage students to think about how to tell the story of a day they faced their fears. Students consider the question: How can you use different shot types to tell your story? They watch a video from Pixar in a Box on Khan Academy to learn about different camera shots and their use in storytelling. Then, they use Adobe Spark Post or Photoshop and choose three moments from their story to make into shots. We love using this to help students think about pace and perspective. Sometimes what we leave out of our story is just as important as what we include.

10. Try wild writing

Laurie Powers created a process where you read a poem and then select two lines from it. Students start their own writing with one of those lines. Anytime that they get stuck, they repeat their jump-off line again. This is a standalone activity or a daily writing warm-up, and it works with any poem. We love how it lowers the stakes. Can’t think of anything to write? Repeat the jump-off line and start again. Here are some of our favorite jump-off lines:

  • The truth is…
  • Some people say…
  • Here’s what I forgot to tell you…
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22 Writing Activities To Help Kids Hone Their Writing Skills

Written by Maria Kampen

  • Prodigy English

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  • Fun writing activities
  • Creative writing activities
  • Academic writing activities
  • At-home writing activities
  • Daily writing activities
  • Simple writing prompts for kids
  • How writing activities can bring reluctant writers out of their shells
  • Try some other educational activities

When kids start writing, they’re unlocking a whole new world of imagination to explore. It’s a great way for them to be creative, express themselves and practice key reading and writing skills. 

But as most kids — and adults — will tell you, writing is hard! It can be intimidating to put pen to paper for the first time, and sometimes the challenge of a blank page seems like too much to overcome. 

Writing shouldn’t be scary for kids. These 22 fun writing activities can help them:

  • Use their imagination
  • Think up new stories and ideas
  • Share their writing with friends and family

Use them in your classroom or at home to get kids excited about writing!

Three students complete fun writing activities at school.

Writing is supposed to be fun! Use these activities to help kids stretch their imagination and record their thoughts on paper in a fun, low-stress environment.

1. Try online ELA games like Prodigy English

Great for: Grades 1 to 6

Online games are a great way to engage students in the learning process — and Prodigy English is bringing the power of game-based learning to language and reading skill practice!

As students build and create, they’re always practicing key reading and language skills that help them write clearly and effectively. Every correct answer gives players more energy to gather resources, complete daily tasks and earn Wishcoins.

Plus, you can send questions about the topics you want them to practice and collect insights about their learning.

2. Poetry scavenger hunt

Great for: Middle and high school students

Words are all around us, so encourage your students to take inspiration from the real-life writing they see every day. Have students collect printed words and phrases from the world around them, including:

  • Magazine ads
  • Graphic novels
  • Newspaper headlines
  • Social media captions

Students can collect and arrange their words on a piece of paper to make a unique piece of poetry. Encourage them to find a key idea and expand on it in creative ways, then have students share their work with the class. 

3. Create your own comic strip

Great for: Grades 4 to 10

Students learn in all sorts of ways. For visual learners, creating a comic strip to accompany their story can help them express themselves in a visual medium. 

Give students a set number of panels and challenge them to come up with a quick story — just a few sentences. Then, they can illustrate their scene in the style of comic books. 

Remind students the point isn’t to be the best artist — it’s to write a story that’s short and exciting. 

4. Create your own Madlib

Great for: Elementary and middle school students

Give students vocabulary practice and help them write a silly story at the same time!

Fill a sheet with the outline of the story, then remove key words like:

For younger students, add a word bank to get them started. As students fill in words, they’ll craft a unique story filled with unexpected twists and turns.

Young student sits at a table with pencil and paper during creative writing activities.

Once students start getting in the habit of writing, these creative writing activities can pull new ideas out of their heads and encourage them to experiment with different genres. 

5. Acrostics

Great for: Grades 3 to 8

Acrostic poems are a great way to introduce your students to poetry! Start with a meaningful word or name and use it as a theme for the poem. 

Writing the word vertically, students can go down the letters and write a short word or phrase that starts with each letter. Acrostic poems help students write within a structure and theme, so it’s easier for them to get started. 

6. A letter to your future self

Great for: Middle school and high school

Where do your students see themselves in a year? Five years? Ten years?

A letter to their future selves is a great way for students to explore their own story, and brainstorm what they want to achieve. Not only can students practice their letter-writing skills, they can use their imaginations to develop a growth mindset . 

For extra nostalgia, store the letters for students and mail them out once the right amount of time has passed. 

7. Write a “Choose your own adventure” story

Great for: Grades 5 and up

Whether it’s a fairy tale, detective story or drama, chances are you’ve had a student tell you they don’t know how their story is supposed to end. 

A “Choose-your-own-adventure” story lets students brainstorm different storylines and endings. Once they’re done, encourage them to share their stories with the class so their peers can go on the adventure too.

8. Write a fake advertisement

Great for: Grades 6 and up

Good writing doesn’t just happen in books — it’s all around us!

Whether students are writing advertisements on their own or as part of a project-based learning assignment , this activity helps them build key media literacy skills and practice their snappy storytelling. 

Have students make up a new product and advertisement, or encourage them to re-imagine an ad for something they love. It’s also a great way to bring media literacy and interdisciplinary learning to your classroom. 

9. Make a story map

Great for: Grades 2 to 8

Not every student is going to be comfortable putting pen to paper right away. Story maps can help students brainstorm details like plot, characters and setting in a way that makes sense for visual learners. 

Have students use charts to set out the beginning, middle and end of their stories. Mind maps can also help them plot out details about their characters or setting. 

Encourage students to present their story map as a finished product or use it to start writing!

Students works with a textbook, pencil and paper in the classroom.

Writing isn’t all fairy tales and short stories — it’s also an important part of learning in middle school, high school and college. Use these academic writing activities to help students understand proper essay structure, grammar and more. 

10. Story chains

Great for: Grades 4 to 8

Stories are better when they’re enjoyed with friends and classmates. And story chains encourage every student to get involved!

Put students in small groups of three to six. Give each student a blank piece of paper and have them write the beginning of a story. Then, pass it to the next student in the group so they can write what happens next. 

For extra educational value, have students work together to summarize a story from your lesson or an important historical event. 

11. Persuasive essays

Sometimes writing is about more than just telling a story. It’s about convincing your readers of your point of view. 

Have older students practice their debate skills with persuasive essays. Start with a prompt, then let students make their case. Some of our favorite prompts for this writing assignment include:

  • Is it more important to be right or to not hurt someone else’s feelings?
  • What important historical figure do you think belongs on the ten-dollar bill and why?
  • Do you think you’re born with your personality traits, or do you gain them as you grow up?

Most importantly, make sure students back up their opinions with solid facts and arguments that convince readers to care. 

12. Solve a real-world problem

Great for: Grade 6 and up

Climate change, litter, bullying, bad cafeteria food — no matter what students pick, there are lots of real-world problems for them to solve. 

Challenge students with a writing assignment that addresses a problem they see in their world. How would they fix it? Whether it’s a short paragraph or a longer essay, encourage them to find something they’re passionate about. After all, that’s where good writing comes from!

13. Vocabulary challenge

Great for: Elementary school students

Vocabulary challenges combine vocabulary strategies with student writing to make your next language arts lesson plan even more engaging. 

Give students a new word (or two or three). Once you’re done practicing it and they know what it means, challenge them to use it in a story as creatively as possible. 

14. Teach citations

Great for: Grades 1 to 12

Footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies are the least exciting part of writing, but they’re essential skills. As students write more complex research papers, they need to know how to give credit where credit is due. Thankfully, there are lots of online resources to help!

The Purdue Online Writing Lab offers teachers and students resources for all stages of the writing process, including citations. To practice, students can write an annotated bibliography as part of a project-based learning assignment or the first step in writing a longer research paper. 

Young girls works with her father on writing activities on their couch.

Writing isn’t just something happening in the classroom. These at-home writing ideas can help you support your child as they experiment with prose and poetry.

15. Write letters to a pen pal

Great for: Grades 3 and up

Everyone likes getting mail! Got a friend with kids in a different part of the country, or far-away family members? A pen pal can be a great way for kids to build friendships and practice their writing skills at the same time. 

16. Bring a home object to life

“It’s as big as a mountain!”

“That’s the fluffiest thing I’ve ever felt!”

The ways kids describe things can crack us up sometimes. Full of wonder and hyperbole, it’s the perfect spark for creative writing, too.

Encourage kids to practice their figurative language skills with a description of something in your home. Let them pack as much alliteration and exaggeration into the description as they can, then do a dramatic reading out loud.  

17. Write reading reactions

If you want to boost reading comprehension and writing skills at the same time, this is the perfect activity. After your child is done reading, encourage them to write a few sentences about what they just read. 

Did they like it? What do they think happens next? Which character was their favorite and why? Learning how to express opinions in writing is a valuable skill. 

18. Document family stories

Great for: Grades 4 and up

Every family has a unique story, including yours. Make memories with your child when you share stories about important family events or your childhood. 

Kids can even interview grandparents, aunts and uncles to record their memories. When you’re done, store them in a shared space so everyone can go back and reminisce.

A person sits at a desk with a notebook, paper, pen and coffee cup.

Writing is a muscle, and you have to flex it every day to get stronger. Use these daily writing activities to make writing part of your everyday routine. 

19. Journaling

Great for: Everyone

Sometimes, you’ve just gotta write it out. 

Whether you’re trying to make sense of life or just need a place to organize your thoughts, journaling is a great way to unwind, practice mindfulness and build social emotional skills . 

All kids need to get started is a notebook and a pen. Let them know you’re not going to read it, but they’re welcome to come to you if there’s something they want to talk about. 

20. Blog about your interests

Great for: High school and up

Everyone’s passionate about something. Whatever your students love, encourage them to share it with the world! Blogging is an accessible and fun way to express themselves, nerd out about the things that bring them joy and share their opinions with the world. 

Sites like WordPress and Wix offer free website builders to help students get started. This is a great way for kids to build computer skills and digital literacy .

21. Free writing

Write, write, write and don’t stop. That’s the premise behind free writing, a writing practice that can help unlock creativity, discover new ideas and take the pressure out of a blank page. 

Give students a five-minute timer and challenge them to write continuously, without worrying about formatting, spelling or grammar. They can write about whatever they want, but there’s only one rule: don’t stop. 

22. Answer daily writing prompts

Make time to exercise your brain with daily writing prompts! At the start of the day or as a quick brain break , set aside time for students to respond to a quick daily writing prompt. 

Students should have a dedicated journal or binder to make it a seamless part of your lessons. Whether or not you choose to read their writing is up to you, but it’s important to build good daily habits. 

Teacher and child sit in the classroom and work on writing activities together.

A blank page can be a scary sight for a student who doesn’t know what to write about. 

Use writing prompts to:

  • Kickstart a student’s imagination
  • Start your lesson with a fun writing activity
  • Give students a topic to debate in writing

Some of our favorite simple writing prompts include:

  • Write a story about a wooden door, a can of soda and a blue shoe. 
  • If you met a monster looking for new friends, what would you do?
  • What’s your favorite season? What makes it the best?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  • Describe your dream birthday cake. 
  • Write a story about being cold without using the word “cold.”
  • If you could decorate your bedroom any way you wanted, what would it look like?
  • Is it better to have lots of friends or just a few really good friends?
  • Write a story in 10 words or less.
  • Write a story about the best surprise you’ve ever received. 

For more writing prompts you can use in and out of the classroom, check out our full list of 225 writing prompts for kids .

Writing activities can bring reluctant writers out of their shells

Writing is hard and can be intimidating for a lot of students. 

But even the quietest and most reluctant students have lots of stories to tell! You just have to encourage them to get their words out. 

Writing activities help remove some of the pressure and give students:

  • A fun way to approach writing 
  • A starting point for their stories
  • Chances to share their writing with students

No two stories are the same, just like your students. Every story can start in a different way, and that’s the beauty of writing prompts.

Whether it’s writing activities or math problems, there are lots of ways to get reluctant learners excited about your lessons with educational activities. 

Here are some of our favorites:

  • 37 Quick & Easy Brain Breaks for Kids
  • 30 Virtual School Activities Students & Educators Love  
  • 27 Best Educational Games for Kids to Play Sorted by Subject  
  • 15 Geometry Activities to Engage Students Across Grade Levels
  • 36 Fun Word Games for Kids To Help with Vocabulary & Literacy
  • 15 Fun, Free & Effective Multiplication Games For Your Classroom
  • 20 Exciting Math Games for Kids to Skyrocket New Math Skills On-The-Go
  • 21 Classroom Games to Boost Teacher Effectiveness and Student Learning
  • 25 Social Emotional Learning Activities & How They Promote Student Well-Being

Which ones can you use in your next lesson?

Prodigy English is a brand-new game-based learning platform helping students build key math skills. As students explore and build a world of their very own, they’ll answer curriculum-aligned reading and language questions that help build essential skills and encourage a love of learning. 

Sign up for your free teacher account and get access to teacher tools that help you differentiate learning and track student progress as they play.

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Printable Creative Writing Worksheets

Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #1

In this summer writing prompt worksheet, children will imagine and describe a day spent in nature.

Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #8

Free Printable Creative Writing Worksheets for 6th Class

Creative Writing: Discover a world of imagination with our free printable Reading & Writing worksheets for Class 6 students. Enhance your students' skills and creativity with Quizizz's diverse resources.


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Explore printable Creative Writing worksheets for 6th Class

Creative Writing worksheets for Class 6 are an excellent resource for teachers looking to engage their students in the world of reading and writing. These worksheets provide a variety of activities and exercises designed to help students develop their skills in fiction writing, as well as other forms of creative expression. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can provide a structured and supportive environment for students to explore their creativity and improve their writing abilities. With a focus on reading and writing, these Class 6 worksheets offer a comprehensive approach to developing students' literacy skills, ultimately preparing them for more advanced writing tasks in the future.

Quizizz is a fantastic platform that complements Creative Writing worksheets for Class 6, offering teachers a variety of interactive and engaging activities to further enhance their students' learning experience. This platform provides a wide range of quizzes and games that can be tailored to specific topics, such as reading and writing or fiction writing, allowing teachers to reinforce key concepts and assess their students' progress. In addition to its extensive quiz library, Quizizz also offers a variety of other resources, including flashcards and interactive presentations, making it an invaluable tool for teachers seeking to create a dynamic and immersive learning environment for their Class 6 students. By incorporating Quizizz into their lesson plans, teachers can ensure that their students are not only developing their creative writing skills but also having fun in the process.

Night Zookeeper

Year 6 Writing Prompts

Inspire creative writing.

creative writing activities for grade 6

These Year 6 writing prompts are the perfect way for your child to consolidate knowledge gathered on different styles of writing and enhance their writing skills! Here are the categories covered on this page for story inspiration and more:

Character, Setting, Object

  • Metaphor Story Starters

Story Titles

  • Opinion Writing
  • General Prompts

Character, setting, and object prompts are excellent for sparking creativity in story writing. Try out some of these ideas with your child and see just how imaginative they can get.

  • A wizard, a high school, and a golden key
  • A scientist, a house on wheels, and a time machine
  • An explorer, a dark jungle, and a magical hat
  • A storm chaser, a town in England, and a flying car
  • A sports star, a stadium, and magic shoes

Metaphor story starters

Metaphor story starters are a powerful writing stimulus for learners. This different style of prompt offers vivid imagery that helps students develop their creativity and craft compelling narratives.

  • His eyes were ice and…
  • There was a weight on her shoulder. She couldn’t…
  • The room was a hot furnace. She had never felt…
  • Hold on to your dreams because…
  • Life is a rollercoaster, you have to…

Using creative headings for story titles helps children generate interesting stories. Inspire young writers to craft engaging and imaginative narratives with these title suggestions!

  • The Magical Eletiger
  • Volcano Disaster
  • The Cloud Explorer
  • Mystery In The Night Zoo
  • The Primary School Penguin

Opinion prompts are great for helping a child develop their point of view. These prompts are excellent for practicing persuasive writing, as students learn to argue their points effectively.

  • Discuss deforestation and the impact it has on the environment.
  • Who is the most important historical figure and why do you think so?
  • Are video games a positive or negative influence on people?
  • Which morals do you think society should believe are most valuable?
  • Are fiction or non-fiction stories better?

General prompts

General prompts are excellent for sparking creativity and improving writing skills. General prompts help students quickly engage with an idea, making writing more enjoyable and effective for everyone.

  • What is your favorite website or app and why?
  • Write a report about your favorite scientific fact.
  • What is your favorite book and why?
  • What would make the world a better place?
  • What goals would you like to achieve in the next ten years?

How Night Zookeeper can help

Night Zookeeper logo, displayed on tablet screen.

Night Zookeeper makes writing fantastically fun for children aged six to twelve!

Our writing program has been created improve children's skills while keeping them engaged, focused and entertained! Night Zookeeper will transform your child's attitude towards writing with thousands of creative writing prompts, skills challenges, and interactive lessons available.

Sign up today and get a 7-day FREE trial!

More writing prompts & activities

  • Year 6 Writing Activities
  • Creative Writing Prompts for Kids
  • Primary Writing Prompts
  • Primary Writing Activities
  • Picture Writing Prompts

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Make Reading & Writing Fantastically Fun!

  • Award-winning reading & writing program for kids
  • Improves spelling, grammar, punctuation & vocabulary
  • Over 1,000 different learning games and activities


Teacher Worksheets

6th Grade Writing Worksheets

Free 6th grade writing worksheets: writing worksheets practice workbook writing prompts worksheets practice workbook, writing worksheets.

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  • Free Worksheets

Writing Worksheets Monthly Workbook

Writing Worksheets Monthly Workbook

Writing Prompts Weekly Workbook

Writing Prompts Weekly Workbook

Finish the Story Writing Worksheets

Finish the Story Writing Worksheets

Language Arts and Grammar Worksheets

Language Arts and Grammar Worksheets

This Week's Sixth Grade Read and Writing Workbook - PDF and No Prep

This Week's Sixth Grade Read and Writing Workbook - PDF and No Prep

Writing worksheets for sixth grade.

In the sixth grade, the writing curriculum should focus on producing error-free, cohesive, multi-paragraph essays. At this age, students are expected to write increasingly complex essays and narratives that include a formal introduction, ample supporting evidence, and a solid conclusion. The language arts worksheets on this page are a great way to give your sixth grader a chance to practice these skills. They're fun to work on, so kids actually enjoy doing them!

What's in These Writing Worksheets?

It takes years to become an effective writer. So the more practice you can give your students the better. The 6th grade writing worksheets on this page are an endless resource full of fun exercises, puzzles, and writing prompts. They ask students to do things like write a topic sentence, practice grammar, properly use your vs. you're, pick a viewpoint on a topic, and write an opinion piece for a newspaper. Give your sixth-grade child a chance to show you how imaginative they can be with their writing! This page offers a virtually endless supply of writing prompts and exercises that can be printed out and used anywhere you can take a pen and paper. Once printed, there's no need for an internet connection, and writing longform is a great way for kids to practice their penmanship and fine motor skills, something that digital tools don't offer. These easy, no-prep worksheets are perfect for parents and teachers who want to give students more writing practice. Try one today and see how much fun your sixth graders have completing these worksheets!

creative writing activities for grade 6

25+ Creative Writing Activities + Projects GRADES 6-12 (Digital Included)

$ 16.00

This Creative Writing Workbook includes 25+ different creative writing projects + activities for students to complete! It is designed for grades 6-12 and includes student descriptions, student examples, brainstorming pages, and rubrics for each project!

This resource provides teachers with a unique way to present creative writing projects to students. The journal is organized by fiction and non-fiction, and allows students to work independently while simultaneously creating a portfolio of their written expression. Students will strengthen their writing and language skills with each creative writing activity.

This resource includes a DIGITAL version for distance learning. It is compatible with Google Slides and Google Classroom!

— OR —


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This resource includes:

  • Teacher directions
  • EDITABLE version included
  • Personalized
  • Non-fiction
  • Student directions for each project
  • Student example for each project  (serves as an answer key since each project will be different)
  • Rubric for each project
  • Project brainstorming page for each activity
  • DIGITAL version compatible with Google Slides and Google Classroom for distance learning purposes
  • Writing reflection piece
  • Section breakdown/outline for reference

Below are the various creative writing activities included in the journal

  • Children’s book
  • Screen play
  • Graphic novel
  • Short (horror) story
  • Short (sensory) story


  • Personal mantra
  • Book review
  • Travel blog
  • One-word essay
  • Newspaper article
  • Personal biography
  • Podcast Script
  • Career-Readiness Essay
  • College-Readiness Essay


  • Art analysis
  • Nature essay
  • Modern day hero
  • Elevator speech
  • Social media campaign
  • Marketing plan
  • Infographic
  • Theme essay
  • Persuasive essay
  • Research essay


  • OPTION ONE:  Give students the creative writing portfolio at the beginning of the school year or semester and have them select 3-6 projects to complete throughout their time with you.
  • OPTION TWO:  Assign each student the same number activity/project and have them complete it simultaneously.
  • OPTION THREE:  For a creative writing unit, have students choose one activity from each of the sections.
  • OPTION FOUR:  Use these activities as extra practice or reinforcement for struggling or advanced students.
  • OPTION FIVE:  Have a fiction writing unit and a separate non-fiction writing unit and give students the opportunity to CHOOSE their project.

Please download the preview for more information. The preview provides images of the CREATIVE WRITING WORKBOOK pages in action.

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NOTE: All resources are digital downloads designed to be printed and distributed by the teacher. You will not receive a physical hard copy of the product. This saves in shipping costs and allows teachers the flexibility to assign the materials when convenient for them. Enjoy!

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creative writing activities for grade 6


  1. Creative Writing Activities For 6th Grade

    creative writing activities for grade 6

  2. Daily Writing Prompts For Kids

    creative writing activities for grade 6

  3. Creative Writing Activities

    creative writing activities for grade 6

  4. Creative Writing Essays, Creative Writing Worksheets, English Creative

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  5. Descriptive Writing Worksheets Grade 6 Creative Writi

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  6. 30+ Fun and creative 6th grade writing topics

    creative writing activities for grade 6


  1. 6th Grade Writing Worksheets

    These writing worksheets were created specifically for 6th grade students that are putting a great deal of effort into their written expressive language. Students will find some deep thinking prompts and situations that they must assess and adjust to. Many teachers tell us that students find this work engaging and enjoyable.

  2. Creative Writing Worksheets for Grade 6

    Sixth Grade Creative Writing Worksheets. Authored by: TeacherVision Staff. Last edited: November 9, 2022. Let your sixth-grade students show you how imaginative they can be, with our most popular creative writing printables. We have plenty of poetry and short-story activities for them to enjoy, plus many other types of lessons!

  3. 19 Great Sixth-Grade Writing Activities

    15. Mythological Adaptations. Have students choose a myth or legend from a particular culture and adapt it to a modern-day setting, incorporating relevant themes and issues. 16. Opinion Editorial Pieces. For more advanced sixth-grade writing activities, doing op-ed exercises is a great idea.

  4. 6th Grade Writing Worksheets (Free Printables)

    More Free Grade 6 Writing Resources. 6th Grade Journal Prompts — Here you will find a wonderful list of 31 prompts and writing ideas for your grade 6 child.. As sixth graders enter middle school and prepare to become teenagers, many kids find themselves struggling to understand their emotions and to express their changing, unique personalities.

  5. 50 Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts that are Printable for Free

    Creative Writing Topics for Grade 6. A Magical Land: Describe a world where magic is real and part of everyday life. Time Travel Adventure: Write a story about traveling back in time to a significant historical event. Superhero Origins: Create the origin story of a new superhero, including their powers and motivations.

  6. Free Printable Creative Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

    Creative Writing worksheets for Grade 6 are an excellent resource for teachers looking to engage their students in the world of reading and writing. These worksheets provide a variety of activities and exercises designed to help students develop their skills in fiction writing, as well as other forms of creative expression. ...

  7. 100 Entertaining 6th Grade Writing Prompts

    Choose from 100 prompts, story starters, research topics, and poetry ideas to start the writing process in a sixth-grade classroom.

  8. 6th Grade Writing Prompts

    6 th Grade Writing Prompts. Category 1: Adventure. Whether it's a mysterious journey, a scientific discovery, or the voyage to find a lost cat, let these creative writing prompts take you further into adventure. Writers can use these prompts to imagine encounters with adversaries, kings, cats, and more.

  9. 6th Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

    Discovering Adjectives 6. Give children practice in identifying adjectives. Browse our printable 6th Grade Creative Writing Worksheets resources for your classroom. Download free today!

  10. Printable 6th Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

    Worksheet. Summer Creative Writing Prompt #1: Secrets of the Sand. Worksheet. Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #7. Worksheet. Summer Creative Writing Prompt #2: The Campfire Commotion. Worksheet. Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #3. Worksheet.

  11. 25 Exciting Grade 6 Writing Prompts

    25 exciting sixth grade writing prompts. These Grade 6 writing prompts are the perfect way for your child to consolidate knowledge gathered on different styles of writing! Here are the categories covered in this page: Character, Setting, Object. Metaphor story starters.

  12. PDF Creative Writing Activity Packet

    Creative Writing Activity Packet. tha. are simple, engaging, and fun. While students are at home, their imaginations are stil. active and can f. ourish with a little prompting. The following activities require nothing m. re than a pencil and paper, can be done alone or in pairs/groups, and are app. opriate for w.

  13. Printable 6th Grade Writing Worksheets

    In this sixth-grade worksheet, students hone their narrative writing skills by practicing identifying and removing irrelevant details to strengthen a story. Map Your Essay: Graphic Organizer. Worksheet. Young writers map out their essays with the help of this graphic organizer. Graphic Organizer: Informational Writing.

  14. The 9 Best Creative and Argumentative Writing Prompts for 6th Grade

    This writing prompt will really tap into students' creativity and imagination. Since flying is something they clearly have never done, they will have to think about all the things that would be possible and choose a few to write about. 3. Letter to Future Self. Prompt: Write a letter to your future self.

  15. Creative Writing Activities To Help Students Tell Their Story

    Here are 10 of our favorite story telling activities that inspire students: 1. Write an "I am from" poem. Students read the poem "I am From" by George Ella Lyon. Then, they draft a poem about their own identity in the same format Lyon used. Finally, students create a video to publish their poems.

  16. Free 6th grade creative writing projects

    It is complete with tips and printable resources. This writing project introduces students to understanding and creating a PSA. Product Includes: 6 Steps for Writing a Persuasive PSA PSA Critique Checklist PSA Planner (a graphic organizer. 2 nd - 6 th. Creative Writing, Writing. FREE. 4.7 (76) Add to Cart.

  17. 22 Writing Activities To Help Kids Hone Their Writing Skills

    Once students start getting in the habit of writing, these creative writing activities can pull new ideas out of their heads and encourage them to experiment with different genres. 5. Acrostics. Great for: Grades 3 to 8. Acrostic poems are a great way to introduce your students to poetry!

  18. Printable Creative Writing Worksheets

    In this summer writing prompt worksheet, children will describe their dream summer vacation. Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #2. Worksheet. Give students an opportunity to flex their descriptive writing muscles with another engaging picture prompt! Summer Creative Writing Prompt #1: Secrets of the Sand. Worksheet.

  19. Grade 6 Writing Activities

    Step 1: Ask children to write 10 questions that they would like to ask an alien about their planet and way of life. Step 2: Share questions with the group allowing children that may be struggling a chance to borrow ideas from others. Step 3: Find each child a partner.

  20. Free Printable Creative Writing Worksheets for 6th Class

    Explore printable Creative Writing worksheets for 6th Class. Creative Writing worksheets for Class 6 are an excellent resource for teachers looking to engage their students in the world of reading and writing. These worksheets provide a variety of activities and exercises designed to help students develop their skills in fiction writing, as ...

  21. Year 6 Writing Prompts

    These Year 6 writing prompts are the perfect way for your child to consolidate knowledge gathered on different styles of writing and enhance their writing skills! Here are the categories covered on this page for story inspiration and more: Character, Setting, Object; Metaphor Story Starters; Story Titles; Opinion Writing; General Prompts

  22. 6th Grade Writing Worksheets

    The 6th grade writing worksheets on this page are an endless resource full of fun exercises, puzzles, and writing prompts. They ask students to do things like write a topic sentence, practice grammar, properly use your vs. you're, pick a viewpoint on a topic, and write an opinion piece for a newspaper. Give your sixth-grade child a chance to ...

  23. Creative Writing Activities for Sixth Graders

    Help your students recognize the five elements of a good story: plot, voice, setting, characterization and sensory language. Define and discuss these terms, then ask your sixth graders to list what a favorite book's author did to use these five elements in the story. Lead a group discussion, allowing students time to share their ideas.

  24. 25+ Creative Writing Activities + Projects GRADES 6-12 (Digital

    This Creative Writing Workbook includes 25+ different creative writing projects + activities for students to complete! It is designed for grades 6-12 and includes student descriptions, student examples, brainstorming pages, and rubrics for each project! This resource provides teachers with a unique way to present creative writing projects to students.