Die Bewerbungsschreiber

Cover Letter

cover letter bewerbung

Ein Beitrag von Ben Dehn


Anrede Bewerbung

Betreff der Bewerbung


cover letter bewerbung

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Kostenlos als Word-Datei

cover letter bewerbung

Einleitungssatz Bewerbung

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Formulierungen in der Bewerbung

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cover letter bewerbung

Gehaltsvorstellung Bewerbung


Hauptteil der Bewerbung

cover letter bewerbung

Jobwechsel begründen

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

cover letter bewerbung

Schlusssatz der Bewerbung

cover letter bewerbung

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

Video & Tipps

Soft Skills


Inhaltsverzeichnis (ausklappen)

Was ist ein cover letter, kontaktinformationen & datum, anrede & betreffzeile, einleitung des cover letters, hauptteil des cover letters, schlussteil des cover letters, bewerbungs-editor - cover letter online erstellen, cover letter muster - kostenlose vorlagen, vokabeln & beispielsätze für den cover letter, weitere wichtige tipps zum cover letter.

Der Cover Letter ist das englischsprachige Äquivalent zum deutschen Bewerbungsschreiben  und somit oft die erste Seite einer internationalen Bewerbung. Im Cover Letter stellst du dich und deinen bisherigen Werdegang vor, erläuterst deine Motivation und gibst einen Überblick über deine wichtigsten Qualifikationen, Kenntnisse, Soft Skills und Erfolge .

Dabei gibt es leichte Unterschiede zwischen dem amerikanischen „Cover Letter“ und dem britischen „Covering Letter“ . Bewirbst du dich in Großbritannien oder bei einem britischen Unternehmen, solltest du diese unbedingt beachten.

Wir gehen in diesem Artikel daher an den jeweiligen Stellen kurz auf diese Abweichungen ein. Auf den Cover Letter folgt das Résumé (USA) bzw. CV . Deine Zeugnisse und andere Anlagen werden bei der internationalen Bewerbung meist nicht benötigt oder können später nachgereicht werden.

Mirko Bettenhausen Fachautor von bewerbung.net „Bewirbst du dich bei einem internationalen Unternehmen in Deutschland , kann ebenfalls eine englische Bewerbung gefordert werden. Wurde die Stellenausschreibung auf Englisch veröffentlicht, solltest du dich auch mit englischsprachigen Unterlagen bewerben. Oft werden Anschreiben und Lebenslauf jedoch nur übersetzt und die Struktur gleicht der einer deutschen Bewerbung . Du solltest dich daher im Voraus informieren, ob ein Cover Letter benötigt wird.“

Der Cover Letter wird ähnlich aufgebaut wie das deutsche Anschreiben. Neben Kontaktdaten und anderen Formalitäten gliedert er sich in Einleitung , Hauptteil und Schluss . Besonders bei der Angabe der Kontaktdaten, des Datums sowie der Formulierung einer Anrede sind hier jedoch einige Besonderheiten zu beachten. In den folgenden Abschnitten gehen wir ausführlich auf die einzelnen Bestandteile des Cover Letters ein.

Wichtig: Ein Cover Letter sollte maximal eine DIN-A4-Seite umfassen.

Cover Letter Briefkopf

Beispiel für den Briefkopf eines Cover Letters

Im Kopf des Cover Letters gibst du zunächst deine eigenen Kontaktinformationen an (linksbündig, rechtsbündig oder zentriert). Dazu gehören dein Vor- und Nachname , deine E-Mail-Adresse und deine Telefonnummer . Ein Jobtitel sowie deine Adresse sind optionale Angaben. Darüber hinaus können Verweise auf Social-Media-Kanäle ( LinkedIn oder Twitter), eine Homepage oder das eigene Portfolio integriert werden. 

Nach 1-2 Leerzeilen folgen linksbündig die Daten des Unternehmens . Hier gibst du den Namen und Jobtitel deines Ansprechpartners sowie Namen und Adresse des Unternehmens an. Das aktuelle Datum wird eine Zeile unter den Kontaktdaten des Unternehmens rechtsbündig platziert. Bei der amerikanischen Datumsangabe wird der Monat vor dem Tag genannt: 01.09.2021 wird zu 09-01-2021. Um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, solltest du den Monat ausschreiben . Zudem steht vor der Jahreszahl ein Komma. 

Beispiele für die amerikanische Datumsangabe: 

September 1, 2021 

September 1st, 2021

Beispiele für die britische Datumsangabe: 

01 September 2021 

1st September 2021

Dieses Team bringt 4 von 5 Personen ins Vorstellungsgespräch! Durch mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung und Expertise aus über 50.000 erstellten Bewerbungen verhelfen Die Bewerbungsschreiber auch dir mit einer professionellen und individuell auf dich zugeschnittenen Bewerbung zum Erfolg . Klicke hier und hol dir die beste Bewerbung deines Lebens

Deinen Cover Letter solltest du nach Möglichkeit immer an einen konkreten Ansprechpartner adressieren. In der Regel findest du diesen über die Stellenanzeige oder die Unternehmenswebsite heraus, in Ausnahmefällen ist eine telefonische Kontaktaufnahme notwendig. 

Männliche Personen werden mit „Mr.“ adressiert, weibliche mit „Ms.“ (allgemeingültig) oder „Mrs.“ (nur bei verheirateten Frauen). In der britischen Variante wird der Punkt weggelassen. Im Gegensatz zum deutschen Anschreiben ist das Komma nach der Anrede optional .

Beispiele für die Anrede im amerikanischen Cover Letter: 

Dear Mr. Doe 

Dear Ms. Doe

Dear Mrs. Doe

Beispiele für die Anrede im britischen Cover Letter: 

Dear Mr Doe

Dear Ms Doe

Dear Mrs Doe

Kannst du keinen Ansprechpartner in Erfahrung bringen, sind z.B. folgende Formulierungen möglich: 

Dear Hiring Manager 

Dear Sir/Madam

Dear [Abteilung] Team

Im amerikanischen Cover Letter wird die Betreffzeile weggelassen . In der britischen Variante steht sie dagegen zwischen der Anrede und der Einleitung.

Die Einleitung des Cover Letters besteht aus einem Absatz, in dem du dich kurz vorstellst und deine Motivation für die Bewerbung erläuterst.

Cover Letter Einleitung

Bist du begeistert von den Produkten des Unternehmens, vertrittst ähnliche Werte oder möchtest mehr Verantwortung übernehmen ? 

An dieser Stelle kannst du bereits 1-2 deiner Kernqualifikationen (z.B. relevante Berufserfahrung ) einfließen lassen.

Außerdem kannst du angeben, wie du auf die Stelle aufmerksam geworden bist oder auf ein vorangegangenes Gespräch (Telefon, Messe etc.) Bezug nehmen.

Wenn du einen persönlichen Bezug zu dem Unternehmen hast, kannst du in der Einleitung des Cover Letters darauf eingehen.

Wie beim deutschen Anschreiben gilt auch hier: Verwende keine Floskeln !

Die Einleitung des Cover Letters ist oft das Erste, was ein Personaler liest. Daher ist es wichtig, dass du hier Interesse weckst und einen guten ersten Eindruck hinterlässt .

Beispielformulierungen für die Einleitung eines Cover Letters: 

„Having read the job listing at website XY, I was excited about the opportunity to work at Example Company, a company I have always admired for its innovative use of Social Media Marketing. As an Online Marketing specialist with over 3 years of professional experience supervising the content creation process at Previous Company, I am looking forward to joining your team as a Content Manager.“  

„Becoming a game designer at Example Company has been a lifelong dream of mine that I have worked towards the past 4 years. While in university, I have finished and contributed to multiple different game projects in various genres.“

Im Hauptteil des Cover Letters geht es darum, dich als bestmöglichen Kandidaten für die ausgeschriebene Stelle zu präsentieren.

Cover Letter Hauptteil

Identifiziere zunächst die wichtigsten Anforderungen an einen Bewerber , welche fast immer in der Stellenanzeige zu finden sind.

Im Cover Letter solltest du auf die geforderten Qualifikationen Bezug nehmen . 

Achte jedoch darauf, dass du nicht bloß Stichpunkte aus der Ausschreibung wiederholst . 

Nutze außerdem andere Quellen wie z.B. die Unternehmenswebsite oder dein persönliches Netzwerk, um dich über dein zukünftiges Aufgabenprofil zu informieren.

Wird in der Stellenausschreibung relevante Berufserfahrung vorausgesetzt, solltest du in deinem Cover Letter auf frühere Beschäftigungen eingehen und die Tätigkeiten nennen, die für die Position, auf die du dich bewirbst, am relevantesten sind.

Belege sowohl deine fachlichen Qualifikationen als auch deine Soft Skills mit Erfolgen, praktischen Erfahrungen (z.B. Projekte) oder sogar Hobbys . Die Nennung konkreter Zahlen und Fakten ist sinnvoll, sofern diese aussagekräftig sind. Wichtig ist, dass du im Cover Letter deutlich machst, inwiefern du dem Unternehmen einen Mehrwert bietest. 

Bei Bewerbungen in den USA ist es üblich, noch selbstbewusster aufzutreten als wir es in Deutschland gewohnt sind. Stelle daher im amerikanischen Cover Letter deine  Erfolge in den Vordergrund . 

Spätestens im Hauptteil solltest du außerdem deutlich machen, weshalb du zur Unternehmenskultur passt . Wenn nicht bereits in der Einleitung geschehen, nennst du hier deine Motivation und gehst darauf ein, inwiefern du die Werte des Unternehmens teilst und/oder mit deiner Arbeitsweise besonders gut in das Team passt. 

Beispielformulierungen für die Angabe der Berufserfahrung & Erfolge:

„As an online marketing manager at Example Company, I have managed to increase the effectiveness of our paid advertising campaigns significantly.“  

„As a Sales Representative at Example Company, I managed to beat the KPIs by more than 30%, generating an average of $50,000 in sales per month.“

„Since 2015, I successfully grew Example Company’s client base by more than 40%.“

„During my final year at Example University, I was in charge of managing the budget for the film festival held at my university every five years.“

Beispielformulierungen für die Angabe deiner Soft Skills: 

„As a part of the customer service team at Example Company, I have been successful at solving problems with my strong communication skills and the ability to cater to the specific needs of our customers.“  

„With my track record of commercial success as well as strong leadership and mediation skills, I am confident that I will be able to contribute to your team’s success immediately.“

Beispielformulierungen für den Unternehmensbezug und die Angabe deiner Motivation:

„I have recently learned about Example Company’s plans to promote the new product line on several Social Media platforms. With my experience managing various channels at my previous job, I would love to leverage my knowledge to turn this project into a groundbreaking success.“ 

„My time spent in the service industry has prepared me for this opportunity, and I look forward to working as a member of your team.“

Versuche, im Hauptteil deines Cover Letters auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse des Unternehmens einzugehen . Sucht das Unternehmen Verstärkung für ein anstehendes Projekt? Dann mache deutlich, welche Rolle du dabei einnimmst und wie du mit deinen Fähigkeiten zum Projekterfolg beitragen kannst. Das gilt besonders im Anschreiben einer internationalen Initiativbewerbung , auch als „letter of interest“ bezeichnet. 

Beende deinen Cover Letter mit einem „Call to Action“ , indem du deine Bereitschaft zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch ausdrückst und ggf. auf die Möglichkeit einer Kontaktaufnahme hinweist.

Cover Letter Schlussteil Grussformel

Außerdem kannst du dich für das Sichten deiner Bewerbungsunterlagen bedanken . 

Wenn du unsicher bist, ob Zeugnisse o.ä. benötigt werden, kannst du erwähnen, dass du gern dazu bereit bist, diese nachzureichen . 

Das amerikanische und britische Äquivalent zum deutschen „ Mit freundlichen Grüßen “ lautet „Yours sincerely“ .

Mit dieser Grußformel machst du nichts falsch. Als Alternative sind auch „Best Regards“ oder „Kind Regards“ möglich.

Wenn du kein Komma nach der Anrede gesetzt hast, solltest du es auch hier weglassen.

Beende deinen Cover Letter mit deiner handschriftlichen Signatur (empfohlen) oder deinem Namen.

Beispielformulierungen für den Schlussteil des Cover Letters: 

„Thank you for reviewing my application. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have further questions. I look forward to discussing this position and my qualifications in detail during a personal meeting.” 

“I look forward to discussing how my specific skill set can provide value to Example Company’s customers.”

Du wechselst den Beruf oder bewirbst dich in einer neuen Branche? Dann solltest du im Cover Letter deutlich machen, inwiefern du als Quereinsteiger mit deinem möglicherweise ungewöhnlichen Profil einen besonderen Mehrwert für das Unternehmen bietest. Fokussiere dich nicht auf deine fehlende Berufserfahrung , sondern frage dich: Welche Qualifikationen bringe ich mit, die ein „normaler Bewerber“ nicht vorweisen kann? An dieser Stelle darfst du gern kreativ werden. Vor allem Soft Skills wie Kundenorientierung sind sehr gut übertragbar.  

Vollkommen kostenlos!

Mit unserem Bewerbungs-Editor kannst du deinen Cover Letter direkt in deinem Webbrowser verfassen . Die eingerahmte Bewerbungsvorlage kannst du vollständig nach deinen Vorstellungen umschreiben – probiere es doch direkt mal aus! Nachdem du alle gewünschten Änderungen vorgenommen hast, kannst du deinen Text ganz einfach kopieren und in ein Textverarbeitungsprogramm (z.B. Microsoft Word) einfügen. Wir wünschen dir viel Spaß!

Maria Mustermann Musterstraße 123 12345 Musterstadt [email protected] 0171 23456789

Good Employer Inc. Mr. John Doe 123 Main Street 12345 Springfield

Musterstadt, TT.MM.JJJJ

Application as Production Manager

Dear Mr. Doe As a pro-active management expert with 20 years of professional experience, I am now in search of a new challenge that allows me to realize my full potential. A position as Production Manager at Good Employer Inc. offers me the opportunity to utilize my complete expertise. Joining an innovative company that I have come to know as a trustworthy employer with high standards in sustainable production processes truly motivates me. Most recently I was employed as Team Leader at Not So Good Employer Corp., where I created and implemented new standards in customer service and was responsible for technical support along the entire production chain. Working closely with various manufacturers, suppliers and global trade partners, I have accumulated a lot of experience in the production industry, which includes planning, coordinating and supervising production safety, as well as technical support and quality standards. I deeply understand all aspects and complexities required for an effective production management. As far as my personal attributes are concerned, my flexibility and quick perception allow for an easy adaption to new tasks and work environments. Always looking for ways to improve and gain a competitive edge, I am motivated to bring new ideas and processes into reality. You may also assume native German and even advanced knowledge of the French language. Exceedingly motivated, I look forward to the chance to support your company. Thank you very much for taking the time to review my application. In order to convince you of my capabilities, I would welcome the opportunity of a personal interview! Kind regards


Ein ansprechendes Bewerbungsdesign verleiht deiner Bewerbung den letzten Schliff, sodass diese aus der Masse heraussticht und die Aufmerksamkeit der Personaler erregt. Wir haben dir zwei kostenlose Vorlagen inkl. Mustertexten im Microsoft Word-Format bereitgestellt, welche du als Inspiration für die Erstellung deiner Unterlagen verwenden kannst. Lade sie dir jetzt herunter!

Anschreiben Vorlage Amerika


Anschreiben Vorlage Großbritannien


Neben den oben gezeigten Vorlagen findest du bei uns viele weitere kostenlose Muster für Anschreiben, Deckblatt und Lebenslauf einer Bewerbung.

In diesem Abschnitt findest du verschiedene Vokabeln und Beispielsätze , die du in deinem Cover Letter verwenden kannst. Bedenke jedoch, dass jeder Cover Letter individuell und auf die jeweilige Position zugeschnitten sein sollte. 


„(mehr als) fünf Jahre Berufserfahrung als...“ = „(over) five years of experience working as...“

„umfangreiche Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet…“ = „extensive experience in the field of...“

„Als Social Media-Manager...“ = „In my role as Social Media Manager...“

„Ich war für die Kampagne verantwortlich“ = „I was responsible for the campaign“

„Ich konnte zum Projekterfolg beitragen, indem...“ = „I was able to contribute to the success of the project by...“

„Als Teamleiter konnte ich unseren Umsatz um 20% steigern“ = „As team leader I was able to increase our sales by 20%“

„(äußerst) erfolgreiche Kampagnen“ = „(highly) successful campaigns“

„unmittelbarer Erfolg“ = „immediate success“

„ein Ziel erreichen“ = „meeting a goal“

„verbessern“ = „improve“

„Erfolge“ = „achievements“


„umfangreiche Kenntnisse“ = „extensive knowledge“

„fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse“ = „advanced knowledge“

„Ich habe mich auf E-Mail-Marketing spezialisiert“ = „I specialized in email marketing“

„Fachkenntnisse“ = „expertise“

„Qualifikationen“ = „qualifications“

Soft Skills: 

„Führungsstärke“ = „strong leadership skills“

„Belastbarkeit“ = „resilience“

„Teamfähigkeit“ = „ability to work as part of a team“

„Kreativität“ = „creativity“

„Zuverlässigkeit“ = „reliability“

„Stressresistenz“ = „stress tolerance“

„Geduld“ = „patience“

„Sorgfalt“ = „diligence“


„Chance, zum Wachstum/Erfolg des Unternehmens beizutragen“ = „opportunity to contribute to the company's growth/success“

„spannende Gelegenheit“ = „exciting opportunity“

„Begeisterung für das Marketing“ = „passion for marketing“

„Herausforderungen“ = „challenges“

Verwende eine seriöse E-Mail-Adresse: Deine E-Mail enthält im Idealfall lediglich deinen Vor- und/oder Nachnamen. Außerdem solltest du nicht die Adresse deines Arbeitgebers benutzen – das gilt als unhöflich. 

Achte auf deine (Selbst)Darstellung im Internet: Auch internationale Arbeitgeber überprüfen oft die Social Media-Profile eines Bewerbers. Private Inhalte sind auf Facebook, Instagram und co. natürlich unproblematisch, dennoch sollte hier kein unprofessioneller Eindruck entstehen.

Vermeide Wiederholungen und unwichtige Informationen: Alle Informationen in deinem Cover Letter sollten für die Stelle, auf die du dich bewirbst, von Relevanz sein. Achte zudem darauf, dass du nicht lediglich die Inhalte aus deinem CV oder Résumé auflistest, sondern die wichtigsten Stationen nennst und genauer erläuterst.

Stelle einen individuellen Unternehmensbezug her: Zeige in deinem Cover Letter, dass du dich ausführlich mit dem Unternehmen beschäftigt hast. Erwähne z.B. nicht nur, dass ein Unternehmen als „innovativ“ gilt, sondern nenne konkrete Produkte.

Passe deinen Cover Letter sprachlich an das Unternehmen an: Bewirbst du dich bei einem Start-Up in einer kreativen Branche, kannst du deinen Cover Letter lockerer und persönlicher formulieren. Nutze alle verfügbaren Quellen, um mehr über die Unternehmenskultur herauszufinden und achte auch auf die in der Stellenanzeige verwendete Sprache.

Achte darauf, dass dein Cover Letter fehlerfrei ist: Rechtschreib- und Grammatikfehler sind in keiner Sprache gerne gesehen. Achte daher auf einen fehlerlosen Text, welchen du mehrfach Probelesen solltest. Frage auch Familie oder Bekannte (bestenfalls einen Muttersprachler), ob sie einen Blick auf deinen Cover Letter werfen können.

Ein Foto von Ben Dehn

Autor: Ben Dehn

Ben entschied sich nach seinem Lehramtsstudium dazu, seinen Weg zunächst im Journalismus zu bestreiten. Nach sieben Jahren bei Print, Online und Radio heuerte er 2013 bei der webschmiede GmbH an und betreute im „Die Bewerbungsschreiber“ Team Personen auf sämtlichen Hierarchieebenen. Durch seine Tätigkeit konnte er sein Know-how im Karrierebereich stetig vertiefen. Heute schreibt Ben Dehn hilfreiche Fachartikel, hält Vorträge und gibt Interviews, Workshops & Seminare.

Zu Bens Autorenprofil

cover letter bewerbung

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Mit der Anmeldung zum Newsletter erhältst du in den nächsten 4 Tagen täglich eine neue Folge unserer exklusiven Video-Serie zum Start, danach den Newsletter mit wertvollen Impulsen, praktischen Karrieretipps und Hinweisen zu genialen Deals. Du kannst die Einwilligung zum Empfang jederzeit widerrufen. Dazu findest du am Ende jeder Mail einen Abmeldelink. Die Angabe des Vornamens ist freiwillig und dient nur zur Personalisierung. Deine Anmeldedaten, deren Protokollierung, der Versand und eine Auswertung des Leseverhaltens werden über Klick-Tipp, UK verarbeitet. Mehr Infos dazu findest du in unserer Datenschutzerklärung .

Startseite » Bewerbung » Cover Letter: Tipps + Beispiele zur englischen Bewerbung

Cover Letter: Tipps + Beispiele zur englischen Bewerbung

Für die englische Bewerbung benötigen Sie einen Cover Letter. Er entspricht dem deutschen Bewerbungsschreiben und bildet – zusammen mit dem Curriculum Vitae (CV = Lebenslauf) den Kern Ihrer Bewerbungsunterlagen. Beim Schreiben des Cover Letter sollten Sie auf feine, aber wichtige Unterschiede achten. Auch zwischen der britischen und amerikanischen Variante. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung auf Englisch erstellen und einen professionellen Cover Letter formulieren…


Jochen Mai

ist Gründer der Karrierebibel sowie Autor mehrerer Bestseller, Jobmentor, Speaker und Experte für Jobwechsel & Online-Business.

Cover Letter Anschreiben Bewerbung Englisch

Cover Letter Deutsch: Bedeutung + Synonyme

Der Cover Letter (auch „Covering Letter“ oder „Application Letter“) entspricht dem deutschen Anschreiben und gehört zwingend zu der Bewerbung auf Englisch . Wer sich für einen internationalen Job im Ausland , speziell in Großbritannien oder in den USA bewirbt, muss allerdings mehr tun, als das deutsche Bewerbungsschreiben ins Englische zu übersetzen. Es gibt zahlreiche Unterschiede und Besonderheiten. Das geht schon beim Begriff selbst los…

Cover Letter Übersetzung: Bezeichnungen

Falls Sie sich auf eine internationale Stellenanzeige bewerben, achten Sie bitte genau auf die folgenden Bezeichnungen. Sie klingen ähnlich, meinen aber unterschiedliche Dokumente:

  • Cover Letter = American English (AE)
  • Covering Letter = British English (BE)
  • Motivation(al) Letter = Begleitschreiben
  • Letter of Motivation = Motivationsschreiben
  • Curriculum Vitae = Britischer Lebenslauf
  • Resume = Amerikanischer Lebenslauf

Cover Letter: Aufbau + Inhalt

Wie ist ein Letter of Application aufgebaut? Wie in Deutschland ist auch der englische Cover Letter nicht länger als eine DIN A4 Seite. Klassisch wird er in fünf Abschnitte unterteilt:

  • Briefkopf Absender, Empfänger, Datum, Betreffzeile
  • Einleitung Anrede, Einstieg
  • Hauptteil Motivation, Bezug zum Unternehmen, Alleinstellungsmerkmale
  • Schluss Hinweis auf persönliches Kennenlernen, Call-to-action
  • Grußformel & Unterschrift

Erinnert im Kern an das deutsche Bewerbungsanschreiben. Die Tücken lauern allerdings in den Details. Um die kümmern wir uns jetzt. Schritt für Schritt.

Der Cover Letter beginnt mit den persönlichen Kontaktdaten : Vor- und Nachname, Anschrift, Wohnort, Telefon und eMail-Adresse. Weil es sich um eine internationale Bewerbung handelt, sollten Sie die Postleitzahl (PLZ) um den Zusatz „D“ für Deutschland ergänzen (falls das Ihr Wohnort ist) sowie bei der Telefonnummer die internationale Vorwahl (+49) hinzufügen, damit man Sie erreichen kann. Beispiel:

Max Muster Beispielweg 1 D-12345 Musterstadt Deutschland / Germany Phone: (+49) 2345 – 67 89 00 Mail: [email protected]

Wer mag, kann zusätzlich 1-2 Links zu seinem Linkedin-Profil, einer Bewerbungshomepage oder einem Bewerbungsvideo ergänzen.

Den Empfänger und dessen Anschrift entnehmen Sie der Stellenanzeige oder recherchieren diese im Impressum der Unternehmenswebsite. Ob Sie Ihre Adresse linksbündig, rechtsbündig oder mittig arrangieren, bleibt Ihnen überlassen. Der Adressat wird allerdings immer linksbündig gesetzt.

Hier lauert bereits der erste größere Bewerbungsfehler . Im Deutschen folgt das Datumsformat der Regel TT.MM.JJJJ – mit TT für Tag, MM für Monat und JJJJ für die Jahreszahl. Alle drei werden mit einem Punkt voneinander getrennt. Im Englischen gibt es gleich mehrere Varianten – allerdings immer OHNE Punkt dazwischen!

  • 06 November 2022
  • 6th November 2022
  • 06 Nov 2022
  • 6th Nov 2022

ACHTUNG: In den USA werden Tag und Monat vertauscht. Das Datum 06-11-2022 entspräche in Europa dem 6. November 2022 – in den USA ist aber der 11. Juni 2022 gemeint! Zudem können Sie das Datum im amerikanischen Anschreiben auch ausschreiben. Dann wird die Jahreszahl mit Komma abgetrennt. Beispiele:

  • November 6, 2022
  • November the 6th, 2022


Die Betreffzeile heißt im Englischen „subject line“ und kann – im Gegensatz zu Deutschland – auch mit dem vorangestellten Wort „SUBJECT:“ beginnen. Im amerikanischen Cover Letter fällt der Betreff allerdings grundsätzlich weg.

Auch bei der englischen Bewerbung sollten Sie den Cover Letter immer persönlich an einen Ansprechpartner adressieren. Falls der nicht in der Stellenanzeige steht: unbedingt recherchieren ! „To Whom it May Concern“ ist tabu!

Wichtig bei der englischen Anrede : Nach ihr folgt KEIN Komma (wie im Deutschen). Also zum Beispiel:

  • Dear Mr Johnson (= „Sehr geehrter Herr Johnson,“)
  • Dear Ms Graham (= „Sehr geehrte Frau Graham,“)

„Dear Mrs Wright“ schreiben Sie wiederum nur , wenn Sie wissen, dass Ihre Ansprechpartnerin verheiratet ist. Sollte sich partout kein Ansprechpartner ermitteln lassen, schreiben Sie als Pendant zu „ Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren „: „Dear Sirs“ oder „Dear Sir or Madam“. Alternativ gehen auch: „Dear hiring Manager“ oder „Dear Recruiter“.

ACHTUNG: Akademische Titel – falls bekannt – müssen in der Anrede unbedingt genannt werden. Im Britischen Englisch werden diese ohne Punkt geschrieben: „Dear Dr Johnson“. Der erste Satz nach der Anrede beginnt zudem immer mit einem Großbuchstaben.

Der Einleitung kommt auch im Cover Letter besondere Bedeutung zu: Sie sollte wie in Deutschland Interesse wecken sowie originell und individuell verfasst sein. In der Regel werden Sie sich im ersten Absatz kurz vorstellen und erklären, auf welche Stelle Sie sich bewerben. Geben Sie einen kurzen Überblick: Welche Abschlüsse haben Sie? Auf welchem Gebiet besitzen Sie Expertise? Beispiele:

  • „It was with great interest that I read the advertisement for…“
  • „I see from your advertisement in (newspaper) that you are looking for a…“
  • „Please accept this letter as my enthusiastic application for the position…“
  • „I am very interested in pursuing this exceptional opportunity…“

Formulierungen für originelle Einleitungssätze

Besonders professionell wirkt, wenn Sie die Einleitung nicht mit einem „I“ (= Ich) beginnen. Das wirkt häufig zu selbstbezogen. Alternativ können Sie sich an folgenden bewährten Einleitungssätzen orientieren:

🇬🇧 🇩🇪
„For the past four years I have…“ „In den vergangenen vier Jahren habe ich…“
„Having graduated last year, I now will…“ „Nachdem ich im vergangenen Jahr meinen Abschluss gemacht habe, will ich jetzt…“
„During my time at Fantastic Inc., I have…“ „Während meiner Zeit bei Fantastic Inc., habe ich…“
„My current assignments allow me to…“ „Mein derzeitiges Aufgabengebiet erlaubt es mir…“
„At present my tasks include…“ „Derzeit gehört zu meinen Aufgaben…“
„At a recent meeting, I learned that…“ „In einem Meeting habe ich kürzlich erfahren, dass…“
„In brief, my relevant experience includes…“ „Kurz und knapp: Zu meinem relevanten Erfahrungsschatz gehören…“
„When I discovered Dreamjob Inc. was hiring, I knew I had to apply.“ „Als ich feststellte, das Dreamjob Inc. zurzeit einstellt, wusste ich: Ich muss mich bewerben!“
„Although I am happy in my position as Head of Marketing at HoM, seeing your job ad for a Marketing Director stopped me in my tracks. I have been using your products for many years now and…“ „Eigentlich bin ich zufrieden mit meiner Stelle als Marketing-Chef bei HoM. Doch als ich Ihr Stellenangebot sah, bin ich ins Stutzen gekommen. Ich verwende Ihre Produkte schon seit vielen Jahren und…“

Einstiege für die Initiativbewerbung

🇬🇧 🇩🇪
„I recently read on your website that your organization offers a 12-month internship program…“ „Ihrer Website habe ich entnommen, dass Ihre Organisation zurzeit ein 12-monatiges Praktikum anbietet…“
„I am writing to enquire about the possibility of working for your organization…“ „Mit diesem Schreiben möchte ich herauszufinden, ob die Chance besteht, für Sie zu arbeiten…“
„With five years of experience as a brand manager at one of Europe’s leading PR companies, I would like to enquire about possible opportunities in your organization.“ „Mit fünf Jahren Erfahrung als Brand Manager bei einer der führenden PR-Firmen Europas, möchte ich mich über etwaige Berufschancen in Ihrer Organisation erkundigen.“
„I have always had a knack for both IT and fashion — and I’d love to bring my unusual skill combo to the IT Support Manager position at…“ „Ich habe schon immer ein besonderes Händchen für IT wie auch Mode gehabt. Diese ungewöhnliche Paarung möchte ich nun gerne als IT Support Manager für … einbringen.“

Wie im Deutschen kommt jetzt der anspruchvollste Teil: Sie müssen Ihre Vorzüge für den Arbeitgeber herausstreichen, ohne nur den Lebenslauf zu wiederholen. Nur so bietet die Lektüre auch einen Mehrwert. In 2-3 Absätzen führen Sie jetzt aus, warum das Unternehmen Sie einstellen sollte und worin der Vorteil liegt.

Belegen sollten Sie das Ganze mit Beispielen aus Ihrer Vita: Was haben Sie in welcher Zeit mit welchen Mitteln erreicht? Liefern Sie messbare Fakten, Ergebnisse und Erfolge. Das überzeugt am meisten – lieblose 08/15-Formulierungen nicht. Gute Beispiele zur Inspiration:

  • „I have been working at (Firmenname) for four years now and gained valuable experience in (Tätigkeiten)…“
  • „It is a challenging position for which I believe I am well qualified…“
  • „My particular area of effectiveness is (Expertise)…“

Deutsche Bewerber sollten zusätzlich beschreiben , warum sie im Ausland arbeiten wollen oder einen Auslandsaufenthalt planen. Speziell was sie sich davon erhoffen, interessiert Personaler.

Beispiele für berufliche Erfahrung

🇬🇧 🇩🇪
„You will see from my CV that my skills and experience reflect the criteria in your advertisement.“ „Meinem Lebenslauf können Sie entnehmen, dass meine Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen die Kriterien aus Ihrer Stellenausschreibung widerspiegeln.“
„I am certain that I have the necessary training and skills needed for the position.“ „Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass ich die nötigen Fähigkeiten und Anforderungen für die Stelle mitbringe.“
„At present, I am finishing up my MBA and am keen to put my newly acquired skills to use.“ „Ich befinde mich aktuell in den letzten Zügen meines MBA und bin extrem motiviert, meine erworbenen Fähigkeiten in der Praxis anzuwenden.“
„During my internship at TTC, my responsibilities included both … and …“ „Während meines Praktikums bei TTC, gehörten zu meinen Aufgaben sowohl … als auch …“
„I also have extensive experience in leading international sales teams, and solid knowledge of the German and Belgian markets.“ „Ich besitze umfangreiche Erfahrung darin, internationale Vertriebsteams zu führen und fundierte Kenntnisse über den deutschen und belgischen Markt.“
„I gained extensive experience with project management in the past three years.“ „Ich habe in den vergangenen drei Jahren umfangreiche Erfahrungen im Projektmanagement erworben.“
„After six years of providing outstanding customer services to our banking clients, I believe my experience and qualifications would benefit your organization.“ „Nachdem ich sechs Jahre lang außergewöhnliche Dienstleistungen für unsere Bankkunden erbracht habe, bin ich davon überzeugt, dass meine Erfahrung und Qualifikationen ein Gewinn für Ihre Organisation sein werden.“
„My most recent accomplishments as a key account manager are:“ „Zu meinen größten Erfolgen als Key Account Manager gehören:“
„Relevant experience and knowledge include:“ „Diesbezüglich relevante Erfahrung und Kenntnisse sind:“
„In my past employment at …, it was part of my role to…“ „Im Rahmen meiner letzten Position bei … gehörte es zu meinen Aufgaben…“

Ziel der Bewerbung ist natürlich die Einladung zum Vorstellungsgespräch . Deshalb sollten Sie am Ende des englischen Anschreibens einen sogenannten Call-to-action formulieren. Also eine Handlungsaufforderung, die den Personaler aktiviert.

  • „Thank you for considering me for this very important position.“
  • „If you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at (E-Mail-Adresse) or call on (Telefonnummer). Thank you for taking the time to read my application. I look forward to hearing from you.“
  • „I look forward with enthusiasm to an opportunity for an interview.“
  • „I look forward to meeting you in person and hope to hear from you soon.“

Wer seine Bewerbungsunterlagen schlank gehalten hat , kann im Schlusssatz noch einen Hinweis ergänzen, auf Wunsch weitere Dokumente nachzureichen. Die entsprechende englische Formulierung dafür lautet: „Please let me know if you require any additional information.“

Weitere Beispiele für den Schlusssatz

🇬🇧 🇩🇪
„I will be happy to supply any other details you may require.“ „Sehr gerne stelle ich Ihnen bei Bedarf weitere Informationen zur Verfügung.“
„I will be happy to discuss further matters at an interview.“ „Ich freue mich darauf, weitere Details während eines Vorstellungsgesprächs persönlich zu besprechen.“
„I am looking forward to have an interview opportunity with your organization.“ „Ich freue mich auf die Gelegenheit zu einem persönlichen Gespräch in Ihrem Unternehmen.“
„In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further questions.“ „Sollten Sie noch weitere Fragen haben, scheuen Sie sich bitte nicht, mich zu kontaktieren.“
„I can make myself available for interview at any time.“ „Ich stehe jederzeit für ein Vorstellungsgespräch zur Verfügung.“
„I look forward to hearing from you and to a favorable reply.“ „Ich freue mich von Ihnen zu hören – mit einer positiven Rückmeldung.“
„I will be glad to meet with you to discuss how my experience could benefit Fantastic Inc. and look forward to hearing from you soon.“ „Ich freue mich auf die Einladung zu einem persönlichen Gespräch und darauf mit Ihnen zu besprechen, wie meine Erfahrung für Fantastic Inc. von Nutzen sein kann.“
„If I am offered this position, I will be ready to hit the ground running, helping Fantastic Inc. exceed its targets in the years to come.“ „Bekomme ich die Stelle, stehe ich bereits in den Startlöchern, Fantastic Inc. dabei zu unterstützen, die anvisierten Ziele in den nächsten Jahren zu übertrumpfen.“

Den Cover Letter beenden Sie mit einer knappen Grußformel : „Yours sincerely“ entspricht dem deutschen „Mit freundlichen Grüßen“. Falls Sie keinen Ansprechpartner finden konnten ist die Schlussformel „Yours faithfully“ (= „Hochachtungsvoll“) üblicher.

ACHTUNG: Das Komma nach „Yours sincerely“ oder „Yours faithfully“ ist optional, sollte aber nur verwendet werden, wenn Sie auch in der Anrede ein Komma gesetzt haben. Ansonsten lassen Sie es in der englischen Grußformel weg. In jedem Fall müssen Sie hierbei konsequent bleiben.

Danach folgt nur noch eine eigenhändige Unterschrift. Bei der eMail-Bewerbung reicht natürlich auch eine eingescannte.

Bewerbung Unterschiede im Überblick: UK vs. USA

Englische Bewerbung Cover Letter Unterschiede UK USA

Fehler im Cover Letter vermeiden

Cover letter: sample (vorlage word).

Gerne stellen wir Ihnen hier ein kostenloses Muster als Download zur Verfügung. Das Cover Letter Sample können Sie sich hier als Word-Vorlage herunterladen:

Download: Cover Letter Vorlage Word

Wann brauche ich einen Cover Letter?

Die englische Bewerbung brauchen Sie nicht nur bei der Jobsuche im Ausland. Zahlreiche internationale Unternehmen, die in Deutschland angesiedelt sind, verlangen ebenfalls ein Bewerbungsschreiben oder Lebenslauf auf Englisch. Nutzen sollten Sie die Bewerbung auf Englisch hierzulande natürlich nur, wenn sie explizit verlangt wird. Darüber hinaus eignet sie sich in diesen Fällen:

  • Universität im Ausland ( Auslandssemester , Praxissemester)
  • Praktikum im Ausland (= Internship)
  • Bewerbung als Au-Pair
  • Stelle im Ausland
  • Stelle im Inland (globales Unternehmen)

Englische Bewerbungsunterlagen: Regeln für Anlagen

Auch in den USA und UK ist die Online-Bewerbung auf dem Vormarsch. Sollten Sie dort vollständige Unterlagen einreichen wollen ( Initiativbewerbung ) oder müssen (Stellenanzeige!) sollten Sie folgende Regeln beachten:

  • Der Lebenslauf ist die wichtigste Anlage, die im Cover Letter genannt wird.
  • Kein Deckblatt – bei der englischen Bewerbung unüblich.
  • Keine Arbeitszeugnisse – umso wichtiger sind 1-3 Referenzen .
  • Referenzliste angeben – der Ort dafür: der CV beziehungsweise das Resume.
  • Personal Achievements – Liste mit erfolgreichen Projekten ist optional.

Was andere Leser dazu gelesen haben

  • Vorstellungsgespräch auf Englisch : Tipps zur Vorbereitung
  • Englisches Arbeitszeugnis: Darauf sollten Sie achten
  • Englischkenntnisse: Wie wichtig sind sie?

cover letter bewerbung


Bewerbungstipp Bewerbungstipps Abc Ratgeber


Anschreiben Bewerbung Muster Vorlage Beispiel Aufbau Inhalt

Angaben im Lebenslauf

Lebenslauf Angaben Weglassen Welche Wichtig Regeln

Layout & Design

Bewerbung Schreiben Anleitung Aufbau Reihenfolge Tipps


Initiativbewerbung Schreiben Vorlage Kostenlos Muster Beispiel Tipps


Qualifiziertes Arbeitszeugnis Formulierungen Anfordern Vorlage Muster

Bewerbung als…

Bewerbung Aushilfe Vorlage Muster Beispiel Tipps Aufbau Anschreiben Lebenslauf

Nach der Bewerbung

Dankesschreiben Nach Vorstellungsgespraech Muster Vorlagen

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Cover Letter: Das Anschreiben für die englische Bewerbung.

Cover Letter: Das Anschreiben für die englische Bewerbung.

  • Cover Letter Bewerbung
  • Tipps für dein Auslandsstudium
  • 7 Tipps zum Anschreiben auf Englisch
  • Cover Letter Schreiben
  • Beispiele & Muster
  • Wo brauche ich eine Englische Bewerbung?
  • Karriere-Check
  • Freie Jobangebote

Für eine englische Bewerbung brauchst du immer einen Cover Letter. Zusammen mit dem Curriculum Vitae bilden sie deine Bewerbungsunterlagen für eine Stelle im englischsprachigen Ausland. Der Cover Letter kann im Deutschen mit dem Anschreiben bzw. Motivationsschreiben gleichgesetzt werden. Dennoch gibt es kleine Unterschiede. Welche das sind, sowie feste englische Ausdrücke, die dir bei deiner englischen Bewerbung im Cover Letter helfen, verraten wir dir hier hier.

Cover Letter in der Bewerbung.

Der Cover Letter wird manchmal auch als Covering Letter oder Application Letter bezeichnet und ist das englische Anschreiben in deinen Bewerbungsunterlagen . Wenn du dich also für einen Job im Ausland oder für eine Stelle mit internationalem Bezug bewirbst, wird ein Cover Letter verlangt. Bei Unternehmen , die international arbeiten, wird in der Stellenanzeige darauf hingewiesen, die Bewerbung in Englisch zu verfassen. Hierbei reicht es jedoch nicht einfach, dein deutsches Anschreiben ins Englische zu übersetzen, denn ein Cover Letter weist einige Besonderheiten auf.

Weitere Tipps für dich:

Tipps für dein auslandsstudium..

Du bist noch nicht bereit für das Arbeiten im Ausland? Dann versuche dich doch erstmal an einem Auslandsstudium!

In 10 Schritten zum Auslandsstudium

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Cover Letter: 7 Tipps zum Anschreiben auf Englisch.

Umfang: Maximal eine DIN-A4-Seite, 3–5 Absätze.

Anrede: Direkte Ansprechperson im Unternehmen ausfindig machen.

Inhalt: Kurz und präzise schreiben, welche Fähigkeiten und Motivationen dich für die Stelle qualifizieren.

Stil: Keine plumpen Aufzählungen, stattdessen überzeugende und authentische Beispiele verwenden.

Sprache: Auf Aktivformen und ausdrucksstarke Verben zurückgreifen, Kettensätze meiden.

Form: Auf eine einheitliche Formatierung von Schriftart, Schriftgröße und Farben von Cover Letter und CV achten.

Ausdruck: Fehlerfreies Englisch! Bewerbungsunterlagen sind immer die erste Arbeits- und Sprachprobe.

Wie beim deutschen Bewerbungsschreiben solltest du auch deinen Cover Letter Korrektur lesen lassen . Gerade in einer Fremdsprache kommen schnell mal Rechtschreib- oder Grammatikfehler rein.

Cover Letter Schreiben: Schritt für Schritt.

Cover Letter Schreiben: Schritt für Schritt.

Der erste Unterschied zwischen Cover Letter und dem in Deutschland üblichen Anschreiben bzw. Motivationsschreiben liegt auf der Hand: die Sprache. Bewerber:innen* verfassen den Cover Letter komplett auf Englisch. In formeller Hinsicht bietet sich ein vierteiliger Aufbau deiner englischen Bewerbung an:

1. Adressierung.

Zunächst trägst du im oberen Bereich des Anschreibens links- oder rechtsbündig das Datum und deine Kontaktdaten (Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Anschrift, Telefonnummer usw.) ein. Darunter folgen mit zwei Zeilenumbrüchen versetzt die Daten der Empfänger bzw. des Unternehmens, bei dem du dich bewirbst.

Gib deine Telefonnummer unbedingt mit der deutschen Vorwahl +49 an, sonst erreichen dich die Personalverantwortlichen aus dem Ausland nicht.

2. Anrede auf Englisch.

Hier kannst du mit „Dear Sir or Madam“ starten, allerdings solltest du lieber die direkte Ansprechperson im Unternehmen herausfinden, um den Cover Letter mit der direkten Anrede („Dear Mr/Ms...“) zu beginnen.

Hier noch ein paar wichtige Hinweise zur Anrede:

  • Falls du dir nicht wirklich hundertprozentig sicher bist, dass deine Ansprechpartnerin verheiratet ist und mit Mrs angesprochen werden kann, verwende lieber das neutrale Ms.
  • Akademische Titel müssen in der Ansprache unbedingt berücksichtigt werden. Im Britischen Englisch werden diese übrigens ohne Punkt geschrieben ("Dr Smith").
  • Beachte, dass in Geschäftsbriefen und Bewerbungsschreiben im British English kein Komma nach der englischen Anrede gesetzt wird. Im American English lässt du das Komma auch weg oder setzt einen Doppelpunkt nach der Anrede. Der Satz danach beginnt immer mit einem Großbuchstaben.

Beispiele für Begrüßung und Einleitung:

„Dear Prof Miller Ms Smith has informed me that you are looking for a new [Jobposition].“

„Dear Hiring Manager I am inspired to pursue my interests for [Branche] at [Unternehmen] due to the [Begründung der Unternehmenswahl].“

3. Einleitung.

Niemand in einer Personalabteilung möchte zu Beginn des Cover Letters einen langweiligen 08/15-Einstieg. Ziel des Cover Letters muss es sein, sofort positiv aufzufallen und HR-Manager neugierig auf die weitere Bewerbung zu machen, anstatt sie mit Bewerbungsfloskeln zu langweilen, die sie schon tausend Mal gelesen haben. Deswegen:

  • Nimm in deinem Cover Letter direkt Bezug zur ausgeschriebenen Stelle
  • Begründe deine Bewerbung mit deinen Qualifikationen
  • Gib an, was deine Motivation ist und wie du dem Unternehmen nützen kannst

Ein dicker Pluspunkt ist es in der Regel auch, wenn man im Anschreiben eine Kontaktperson angeben kann, die einem eine Bewerbung für den Job empfohlen hat.

4. Der Hauptteil.

Im Hauptteil des Cover Letters führt man seine Qualifikationen und Berufserfahrung näher aus. Hier geht man genau auf Fachkompetenzen ein und belegt sie an passenden Beispielen. Wichtig:

  • Wiederhole nicht einfach stur deinen Lebenslauf.
  • Führe nur die überzeugendsten und für die Stelle passendsten Praxisbeispiele auf.
  • Mache deutlich, warum du genau zu diesem Unternehmen willst.
  • Begründe deine Qualifikationen mit deinen Erfahrungen.

Wer selbstbewusst ist, kann hier auch schon auf seine persönlichen Erwartungen an den Job eingehen.

Bewerber aus Deutschland können beispielsweise ausführen, weshalb sie einen Auslandsaufenthalt in England planen und was sie sich von dem Schritt ins Ausland erhoffen.

5. Schluss und Verabschiedung.

Im Schlussteil des Cover Letters solltest du schreiben, dass du dich auf eine Einladung zum Vorstellungsgespräch freust. Im Gegensatz zur Einleitung sind hier (Verabschiedungs-)Floskeln wie „ I look forward to hearing from you “ oder „ I look forward to meeting you in person and hope to hear from you soon “ in Ordnung. Sie unterstreichen gleichzeitig das Interesse an einem Jobinterview.

Möglich ist am Ende auch ein Satz wie „ Please let me know if you require any additional information “, wenn dem Unternehmen trotz vollständiger Bewerbungsunterlagen noch wichtige Informationen fehlen sollten.

Die Verabschiedung im englischen Anschreiben erfolgt mit einer Kombination aus der Grußformel „ Yours sincerely “ und deiner handschriftlichen (bei der E-Mail-Bewerbung : eingescannten) Unterschrift.

Beispiele & Muster für deine englische Bewerbung.

Damit du schnell eine Übersicht hast, welche deutschen Ausdrücke wie im Englischen zu übersetzen sind, haben wir anbei Vokabellisten für dich zusammengefasst:

Für die Stelle als ... möchte ich mich bewerben. I wish to apply for the position of ...
Nach Abschluss meines Studium der ... suche ich nun nach einer Trainee-Stelle in der ...-Branche. Having graduated from ... with a degree in ... I am looking for a graduate programme in the ... industry. 
In der Internet-Jobbörse habe ich mit Interesse gesehen, dass ...  From the Internet job exchange I note with interest that ...
Auf Ihrer Webseite habe ich Ihr Stellenangebot gesehen.  I am responding to your recent job listing on your website.
Hiermit möchte ich mich nach der Möglichkeit einer Mitarbeit in Ihrer Firma erkundigen.  I am writing to inquire about the possibility of working for your company.

Begründungen im Hauptteil.

Gern möchte ich neue Verantwortung in einer anspruchsvollen Stellung übernehmen. I am eager to take on new responsibilities in a challenging post.
Ich möchte meine Fremdsprachenkenntnisse anwenden. I wish to make use of my knowledge of languages.
Ich bin sehr daran interessiert, meine Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet/im Bereich von ... zu vertiefen. I am keen to broaden my knowledge in the field of …
Gern übernehme ich Verantwortung und freue mich auf die Herausforderung durch neue Situationen. I like to take on responsibility and enjoy the challenge of new situations.
Ich möchte für ein größeres Unternehmen mit internationalen Beziehungen arbeiten. I wish to work for a larger organisation with international connections.

Arbeitserfahrungen im Hauptteil.

In meiner bisherigen Position bei … gehörten … zu meinen Aufgaben.  During my previous role at …, I was responsible for …
Ich habe in den letzten drei Jahren umfangreiche Erfahrungen mit Projektmanagement erworben …  I gained extensive experience with project management in the past three years …
Im beigefügten Lebenslauf können Sie sehen, dass .../ Wie Sie aus dem beigefügten Lebenslauf lesen können, ... As you will see from the enclosed curriculum vitae/résumé .../ From the enclosed curriculum vitae/résumé you will see ...
Ich bin mit dieser Arbeit sehr vertraut. I have considerable experience of this kind of work.
Seit drei Jahren bin ich bei ... beschäftigt und habe wertvolle Erfahrung in ... gesammelt. I have been working at ... for three years now and gained valuable experience in ...
Ich bringe die erforderliche Ausbildung und Kompetenz für diese Stelle als ... mit. I have the necessary training and qualities needed for the position as ...
Es gehört zu meinen Aufgaben, jährlich acht Projekte zu betreuen. I am responsible for overseeing approximately eight projects each year.

Der Schlusssatz auf Englisch.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Zeit und die Berücksichtigung meiner Bewerbung. Thank you for your consideration and time.
Für ein Vorstellungsgespräch stehe ich jederzeit zur Verfügung. I can come to an interview/to be interviewed at any time.
Ich freue mich, von Ihnen zu hören, und auf eine positive Rückmeldung. I look forward to hearing from you and to a favorable reply.
Beigefügt/In Anlage finden Sie ein Exemplar meines Lebenslaufs, dem Sie weitere Einzelheiten über meine Qualifikationen/meinen bisherigen Werdegang entnehmen können. You will find enclosed/attached a copy of my curriculum vitae which will give you further particulars/more complete details of my qualifications/ career to date.

Unterschiede GB und USA beim Cover Letter.

Obwohl der Cover Letter für Bewerbungen in den USA und in GB im Inhalt identisch sind, gibt es formale Unterschiede, die du bei deiner englischen Bewerbung beachten solltest.

Welche das sind, haben wir für dich im Überblick zusammengefasst:

Datum 14-07-20 (Tag-Monat-Jahr) oder14 July 2020 Linksbündig, nach Empfänger 7-14-20 (Monat-Tag-Jahr) oderJuly 14, 2020 Linksbündig, nach Absender
Betreffzeile Zwischen Anrede und erstem Absatz Keine Betreffzeile!
Anrede „Dear Sir or Madam“, „Dear Sirs“, „Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs“ Kein Komma nach Anrede „Dear Sir or Madam“, „Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs.“ Doppelpunkt nach Anrede
Schlussformel "yours sincerely", “yours faithfullly" Kein Komma nach Schlussformel "yours sincerely", "respectfully yours" Komma nach Schlussformel


Auch die Gestaltung des Lebenslaufs differiert etwas. Während der Lebenslauf im British English „ Curriculum Vitae “ oder kurz „CV“ heißt, spricht man im American English vom Résumé . Letzterer ist etwas kürzer und wird deshalb stichpunktartig erstellt, der CV beinhaltet z. B. ganze Sätze. Es gibt aber auch Gemeinsamkeiten: Weder in Großbritannien noch in den USA schickt man unaufgefordert ein Bewerbungsfoto mit.

In den USA kann dies mitunter sogar für einen sofortigen Ausschluss von weiteren Bewerbungsrunden sorgen. Der Grund liegt darin, dass Diskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz verhindert werden soll. Diese Regelungen reichen sogar so weit, dass auch Geburtstag und Geburtsort, Religion oder Ethnie nicht erwähnt werden dürfen. Die genaue Ausgestaltung des „Anti-Discrimination Act“ wird von den jeweiligen Bundesstaaten festgelegt und kann daher von US-Staat zu US-Staat variieren.

Wo willst du arbeiten?

Hier brauchst du oft eine englische bewerbung..

Viele Berufsfelder setzten fundierte Englischkenntnisse Voraus, zum Beispiel die IT. Deshalb gilt: Je nach Internationalität des Arbeitgebers und der Branche brauchst du oft auch schon eine englische Bewerbung. Tipps zur jeweiligen Bewerbung findest du in der folgenden Liste:

Beruf Bewerbungstipps Jobs

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Cover Letter

Du brauchst Hilfe bei deinem englischen Cover Letter ? Kein Problem! In unserem Beitrag und im Video erklären wir dir Schritt für Schritt den perfekten Aufbau anhand von Beispielen und Mustern. 

Was ist ein Cover Letter?

Wann brauche ich einen cover letter, wie ist ein cover letter aufgebaut, muster & formulierungen: cover letter for job applications, dos & don’ts: cover letter for job applications, cover letter – häufigste fragen, lebenslauf auf englisch.

Der Cover Letter ist ein englisches Anschreiben , also die erste Seite deiner Bewerbung. Hier hast du die Chance, direkt einen positiven Eindruck zu hinterlassen. Du beschreibst nämlich deine beruflichen  Erfahrungen , deine Fähigkeiten und deine Ziele . Anders als beim Lebenslauf ( CV / Resume ) präsentierst du die Informationen aber in einem Fließtext .

Der Cover Letter ist in Unternehmen aus den USA oder Kanada beliebt. In Großbritannien gibt es hingegen den „ letter of application “ oder den „covering letter“. Nicht nur die Bezeichnung ist eine andere, sondern auch der Stil weicht ab. Beim amerikanischen Cover Letter solltest du etwas weniger als eine Seite schreiben und den Fokus auf die Highlights deiner Karriere legen.

Gleich erfährst du, welche Besonderheiten noch zu beachten sind, wie ein Cover Letter aufgebaut ist und mit welchen Formulierungen du überzeugen kannst! Sieh dir zunächst unser Muster an:

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Der Cover Letter ist in der Regel Teil einer Bewerbung auf Englisch . Diese brauchst du beispielsweise, wenn du dich auf eine Stelle oder einen Praktikumsplatz im Ausland bewirbst. Aber auch in Deutschland fordern Unternehmen mit internationalen Kontakten häufiger englische Bewerbungsunterlagen , unter anderem den Cover Letter. Welches Dokument von dir erwartet wird, kann die genaue Bezeichnung verraten:

  • Cover Letter: amerikanisches Anschreiben
  • Covering Letter / Letter of Application: britisches Anschreiben
  • Curriculum Vitae: britischer Lebenslauf
  • Resume: amerikanischer Lebenslauf
  • Letter of Motivation: Motivationsschreiben

✅ Du kannst zeigen, dass deine Persönlichkeit zum Unternehmen passt. ✅ Deine Erfahrungen, Stärken und Interessen kannst du ausformulieren. ✅ Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, deine Motivation zu betonen. ✅ Du kannst beweisen, dass du dich gut über den Arbeitgeber informiert hast. ✅ Deine Argumente zeigen, dass du dem Unternehmen einen Mehrwert bietest. 

Der Cover Letter ist im Grunde eine kurze Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Informationen über dich und deinen Werdegang. Damit er übersichtlich bleibt, solltest du dich auf maximal eine DIN A4 Seite beschränken und eine klare Struktur nutzen:

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Der typische Aufbau eines Cover Letters erinnert also an das deutsche Anschreiben. Trotzdem solltest du dieses nicht einfach 1:1 übersetzen. Im amerikanischen Cover Letter überzeugst du beispielsweise mehr durch selbstbewusstes Auftreten und das Hervorheben deiner größten Leistungen . Außerdem solltest du dich möglichst kurzfassen . 

1. Kontaktinformationen

Bevor du dir Gedanken über den Inhalt machst, solltest du alle wichtigen Informationen oben auf der Seite angeben. Nenne zunächst deine Kontaktdaten , damit das Unternehmen dich erreichen kann:

  • Name und ggf. Jobbezeichnung
  • ggf. Anschrift
  • Telefonnummer & E-Mail Adresse
  • ggf. Verweis auf eigene Homepage oder Profil in sozialem Netzwerk

Tipp: Bewirbst du dich im Ausland, gibst du bei der Anschrift am besten die Postleitzahl mit dem Buchstaben D (für Deutschland) davor an. Bei deiner Telefonnummer ergänzt du noch die Vorwahl +49 . 

Mit 1-2 Leerzeilen Abstand nennst du dann die Daten des Empfängers:

  • Name des Empfängers
  • Name des Unternehmens
  • ggf. Anschrift des Unternehmens

Anschließend setzt du das aktuelle Datum rechtsbündig über den Text. Beachte, dass sich britische und amerikanische Datumsangaben voneinander unterscheiden:

  • amerikanische Datumsangabe: July 5th , 2024 07 / 05 /2024  
  • britische Datumsangabe:  5th July 2024 05 / 07 /2024

Tipp: Es gibt noch weitere Möglichkeiten, das Datum auf Englisch anzugeben. Mehr dazu erfährst du hier . 

Du kannst gleich am Anfang deines Cover Letters punkten, indem du dich an einen konkreten Ansprechpartner  richtest. Den Namen findest du meist auf der Website des Unternehmens oder in der Stellenanzeige. Achte auch darauf, ob die Person einen bestimmten Titel (z. B. Doktortitel) hat. Diesen solltest du in der Anrede auch nennen.

  • Dear Mr. Smith / Dear Ms. Smith / Dear Dr. Smith (amerikanisch)
  • Dear Mr Smith / Dear Ms Smith / Dear Dr Smith (britisch)

Für den Fall, dass du den Namen nicht herausfinden konntest, gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten. Die allgemeinen Formulierungen „Dear Sir or Madam“ oder „To whom it may concern“ werden öfter genutzt, gelten jedoch teils als veraltet oder zu formell. Gute Alternativen sind:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Abteilung] Team

Einen Betreff gibst du im US Cover Letter nicht an. Im britischen „covering letter for a job application“ ist das üblicher. Betreff nennst du hier „subject“ . 

Tipp: In Großbritannien wird nach der Anrede und Grußformel meist kein Komma gesetzt. In den USA dagegen schon. 

4. Einleitung

Mit einem spannenden Einleitungssatz weckst du das Interesse des Lesers. Verzichte deshalb lieber auf Standardfloskeln. Hier sind ein paar Möglichkeiten für einen interessanten  Einstieg :

  • Beschreibe deine größten bisherigen Erfolge.
  • Betone deine Motivation und Begeisterung für das Unternehmen.
  • Stelle einen persönlichen Bezug zum Unternehmen her.
  • Nenne ein Ereignis oder eine Person, die dich auf die Stelle aufmerksam gemacht hat.

Gleichzeitig erklärst du, wer du überhaupt bist und worauf du dich bewirbst. Hier siehst du zwei Beispiele : 

  • As a great admirer of the […] Inc., I was excited to see your offer for a […] position. I would like to use my skills as an experienced […] and contribute to your company’s success on the global market.    
  • In my previous position as […] I was responsible for the development of […] which is now widely used in the field of […]. I have a large repertoire of innovative plans and ideas that I would love to share with your company.  

Tipp:  Eine große Portion Selbstbewusstsein darf im amerikanischen Anschreiben nicht fehlen. Sei also nicht zu bescheiden!

5. Hauptteil

Im Kern des Cover Letters präsentierst du deine:

✅ beruflichen Erfahrungen ✅ Qualifikationen ✅ Fähigkeiten ✅ Interessen ✅ Motivation ✅ Ziele

Ziel ist es, zu zeigen, dass du am besten für den Job geeignet bist. Orientiere dich beim Schreiben an diesen zwei Fragen:

  • Was sind die Grundvoraussetzungen , die ich für die Stelle erfüllen muss?
  • Was sind zusätzliche Vorteile , die ich dem Unternehmen bieten kann und mit denen ich mich von anderen Bewerbern abhebe?

Dafür ist es wichtig, dass du die Anforderungen und Prioritäten des Unternehmens genau kennst. Sammle also vorab wichtige Informationen, z. B. auf der Website der Firma. Das macht es einfacher, dich auf Relevantes zu beschränken und die Gemeinsamkeiten von dir und dem Arbeitgeber hervorzuheben. Sehr sinnvoll sind übrigens konkrete Beispiele, Zahlen und Fakten , die deine Aussagen zusätzlich belegen. 

  • I have used the […] tools for three years and even led workshops to teach my former colleagues. My technical knowledge was required in various departments. Therefore, I have worked on different tasks in all areas of the company.    
  • I know that you are looking for someone with creative ideas. When I was a student of […], I used my free time to work on the university’s own podcast. I planned weekly episodes and always looked for new topics that would entertain my fellow students.  

Tipp: Betrachte deinen Text zwischendurch aus der Perspektive des Unternehmens . Wird deutlich, dass du ihm einen Mehrwert bietest?

Soft Skills sind Eigenschaften, die über fachliche Kompetenzen hinausgehen. Du kannst sie nutzen, um deine Persönlichkeit zu beschreiben:

  • creative → kreativ
  • empathic → empathisch
  • responsible → verantwortungsbewusst
  • versatile → vielseitig
  • team player → teamfähig
  • ambitious → ehrgeizig
  • motivated → motiviert 
  • communicative → kommunikativ
  • curious → neugierig
  • charismatic → charismatisch
  • confident → selbstbewusst

Zum Schluss richtest du das Wort direkt an den Personaler. Mit einem sogenannten „ Call to Action “ (→ Handlungsaufforderung) bittest du um eine Rückmeldung und um ein Vorstellungsgespräch . Du kannst dich außerdem für die Aufmerksamkeit bedanken und noch einmal deine Motivation betonen. 

  • Thank you for taking the time to look into my application. I would very much appreciate an invitation to a job interview. Feel free to contact me regarding any further questions.  
  • I would love to join your team and support your company as soon as possible. I am willing to answer any further questions in a personal interview. Thank you for taking my application into consideration.

7. Grußformel

Zu guter Letzt beendest du dein Anschreiben mit einer freundlichen Grußformel . Am besten eigenen sich dafür:

  • Best regards
  • Kind regards
  • Yours sincerely

Anschließend setzt du deinen Namen darunter. Ob du das handschriftlich machst, ist dir überlassen.

Unsere Muster-Cover Letter kannst du kostenlos herunterladen und als Inspiration nutzen:

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Brauchst du noch weitere Ideen? Wir haben hilfreiche Formulierungen für dich gesammelt: 

Berufliche Erfahrungen:

  • I have years of experience working as a (Ich habe jahrelange Erfahrung als …)
  • As an experienced … I know how to … (Als erfahrener … weiß ich wie / kann ich …)
  • In my position as … I worked on tasks such as … (In meiner Rolle als … habe ich an Aufgaben wie … gearbeitet)
  • I was responsible for… (Ich war verantwortlich für …)
  • During my time at … I learned how to … (Während meiner Zeit bei … habe ich gelernt, …)

Qualifikationen & Fähigkeiten:

  • My area of expertise is … (Mein Fachgebiet ist …)
  • I have a bachelor’s / master’s degree in … (Ich habe einen Bachelor / Master Abschluss in …)
  • I am a trained … (Ich bin ausgebildeter …)
  • I have specialized in … (Ich habe mich auf … spezialisiert)
  • I have advanced knowledge in the field of … (Ich habe fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse im Bereich …)

Interessen & Motivation:

  • I am particularly interested in … (Ich bin besonders interessiert (dar)an …)
  • I am very passionate about … (Ich habe eine Leidenschaft für …)
  • I admire your company for … (Ich bewundere Ihre Firma für …)
  • I am looking for a challenge (Ich suche nach einer Herausforderung)
  • My goal is to … (Mein Ziel ist es, zu …)
  • I aspire a position as … (Ich strebe eine Position als … an)
  • I intend to support you as … (Ich beabsichtige, Sie als … zu unterstützen)
  • I wish to develop new skills by… (Ich würde gerne neue Fähigkeiten entwickeln, indem ich …)

Damit du mit deinem Cover Letter wirklich überzeugst und nicht in Fettnäpfchen trittst, beachte diese Dos & Don’ts:

✅ Gib eine seriöse E-Mail Adresse an. ❌ Veröffentliche nichts in sozialen Netzwerken, das negativ auffällt. 

✅ Passe Inhalt und Sprache an das Unternehmen an. ❌ Vermeide Wiederholungen und unwichtige Details.

✅ Lass jemanden deinen Cover Letter Korrektur lesen. ❌ Wechsle nicht zwischen britischem und amerikanischem Englisch hin und her.

✅ Zeige ein gesundes Selbstbewusstsein. ❌ Übertreibe nicht bei deinen Fähigkeiten, das fällt spätestens bei der Arbeit auf.

  • Was ist ein Cover Letter im Deutschen? Auf Deutsch heißt Cover Letter Anschreiben . Dieses wird beispielsweise verlangt, wenn du dich auf eine Stelle im Ausland oder bei einem internationalen Unternehmen bewirbst.  
  • Wie ist ein Cover Letter aufgebaut? Der Cover Letter enthält wichtige Kontaktdaten sowie die drei Hauptabschnitte: Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss. Er sollte maximal eine DIN A4 Seite bzw. 3-5 Absätze lang sein.   
  • Wie lang sollte ein Cover Letter sein? Ein guter Cover Letter (deutsch: Anschreiben) ist kurz und aussagekräftig. Deshalb solltest du die Länge von einer Seite nicht überschreiten. Verzichte aber darauf, einfach die Schriftgröße immer kleiner zu machen — das fällt auf. 

Sehr gut, jetzt bist du bestens darauf vorbereitet, einen US Cover Letter oder UK Covering Letter zu schreiben! In der Regel folgt auf den Cover Letter das CV oder Resume — also der Lebenslauf. Wie du hier ebenfalls überzeugst, erfährst du im nächsten Beitrag !

Zum Video: Lebenslauf Englisch

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Simple Germany

German Cover Letter Guide [With English Sample]

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Researched & written

by Yvonne Koppen

May 27, 2024

A cover letter ( Anschreiben ) might be the least important thing of the application in some countries; however, not so in Germany. Depending on the company and recruiter receiving your application, a German cover letter might be the most essential part after your CV.

A  survey  of HR Recruiters in Germany states that 42% ignore an application without an individual cover letter. The same survey also shows that for 71% of HR, a cover letter is an essential document in a job application. A job application letter conveys your level of professionalism, research capabilities, and ability to sell yourself without much fluff. 

🖌️ Table of Contents

Simple German cover letter sample in English

A cover letter in Germany ( Anschreiben ) needs to complement  your CV , but not repeat it. You can regard a cover letter as a letter of motivation filled with examples and facts. A cover letter in Germany is a very formal document that should follow a particular layout.

Read Our Related Guide

German CV Template in English

Our German-Style CV Template In English helps you to craft a killer CV. We have also created a German cover letter sample in English for you to understand what your finished document should look like.

cover letter for job application in Germany in English

To save you loads of time, you can download our German cover letter template . Simply go to ‘file’ and select ‘ make a copy ‘. You can then edit it to your needs.

How to write a cover letter in Germany?

We will walk you step-by-step through the areas you should include in a German cover letter. You will also learn about what the content of the cover letter should convey. 

German cover letter formal format

As mentioned before, the German cover letter is a very formal letter that should follow the following format for it to look familiar to the German eye:

  • Maximum one page and don’t fill it up completely. Leave enough white space when glancing over it.
  • Put your full address, including email (ideally including your name) and phone number, in the top right corner.
  • Put the company’s full address on the left with one paragraph below your address. Include the name of the contact person in the second line.
  • Place the date of your application right-aligned underneath the addresses.

As you might know already, Germany has tons of rules, regulations, and guidelines. Naturally, there is also a guideline for professional letter writing and correspondence, the so-called  DIN 5008 norm . It states the following margins on a DIN A4 (standard German letter paper format):

Left margin: 2,5 cm Right margin: 2,0 cm Top margin: 4,5 cm Bottom margin: 2,5 cm

Please take this information with a grain of salt. Not following this layout does not mean that any German manager or recruiter will ignore your cover letter; however, the German eye is trained and used to reading this format. Anything appearing too much out of the ordinary might get noticed negatively. Again, you can shine with your cover letter’s content, but don’t try to stand out with the format unintentionally.

1. Subject Line

The subject line in a German cover letter needs to stand out. It needs to convey with one look what position you are applying for, and you should bold it. 

2. Salutation

The salutation is extremely important – the more personalized, the better. Reflect your understanding of the company’s culture by using the first name or last name; however it is appropriate. If you can’t find enough information or are unsure, always refer to the last name. If you can’t find the relevant person’s name, don’t be shy and pick up the phone to find out more. This shows initiative and determination.

When it comes to the cover letter’s main body, you should try to stick to four paragraphs. Remember to point out what value you will bring to the company, not what you can get from the company. Your cover letter’s content needs to reflect the expectations and requirements mentioned in the job ad. So make sure to connect the dots and position yourself ahead of other candidates.

Introduction (3 – 4 lines)

The introduction should answer why you are applying for the position and how you became aware of it (through a friend, an employee at the company, a job portal, etc.). Be confident in your word choice. Don’t use insecure words such as ‘I think I would be a good fit’ but rather ‘I am confident that I will contribute to …’.

Second paragraph (5 – 6 lines)

Now it is time to shine with your skills, experience, and qualifications. Never just list things, but choose the relevant achievements and prove them with results. Don’t only refer to achievements in your work life, but if relevant, also mention efforts with private projects. This will show your personality, drive, and willingness to learn and grow beyond what you get paid for. It is absolutely ok to also write in bullet list style in this part, as long as you don’t just list things.

Third paragraph (5 – 6 lines)

After you have showcased yourself, it is time to translate how these experiences and skills will contribute to the role and company. Convey that you have taken the time to research the company by referring to the company culture, possible awards the company has won, or projects that inspire and motivate you. Be authentic and confident.

Closure (3 – 4 lines)

To close your cover letter:

  • Reemphasize your eagerness to join the company in the relevant position.
  • Describe your future goals and the value you can bring to the company.
  • State when you will be available to start work.
  • Emphasize that you’d be happy to answer any questions via phone or in a personal interview . 
  • Only mention salary expectations if they are asked for in the job ad.
  • Be sure to sign the cover letter with your name. 

4. Attachments

Add the word ‘Enclosure’ ( Anlage ) underneath your signature. List all the additional documents you will hand in with your application, like your CV, certificates and diplomas, reference letter, etc.

Further cover letter and job applications tips

Don’t use the same CV and cover letter for different applications. As mentioned above, you must individualize your application to each company’s needs and requirements.

If you send your application directly by email, you have two options. You can either make the email body your cover letter. In this case, remove the address and date part from the email and place the subject line in the email’s actual subject. The body of the email remains a formal letter, though.

Or you can attach the cover letter to the email and briefly point out your application to the specific position in the body of the email, referring to the attachments. 

Ensure that any attachment always has the pdf format, regardless of whether you send it by email or upload it to an online application system. Also, pay attention to the naming of the attachments and keep it clear and professional.

Your job application, namely your resume and cover letter, should answer the recruiter’s main three questions:

  • Can you do the job? (Skills)
  • Will you do the job? (Motivation)
  • Will you fit in with the company culture? (Personality)

Be sure to evaluate your documents based on these questions before you hand them in. The goal of your CV and cover letter is to get an invitation for a job interview .

Job Interview In Germany [How-To + Tips In English]

We hope that you now have a better understanding of how a German cover letter looks and feels like. But never forget to adapt your cover letter and application to the style of the company you are applying for. There is a big difference in culture between a young international StartUp and a big traditional German enterprise. 

Download the Cover Letter Template

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About the Author

Yvonne Koppen is a researcher and writer at Simple Germany, focusing on demystifying German bureaucracy for international skilled workers.

She has lived and worked abroad, which helps her understand how difficult a move to a new country can be. Beyond her professional pursuits, Yvonne loves to plan and go on road trips, puzzle, and do a triathlon here and there.

She is committed to creating accessible, empowering content through her writing and YouTube videos. Yvonne's passion for continuous learning and her ability to simplify complex topics make her an invaluable resource for expats seeking to navigate their new life in Germany.

Create your Europass Cover Letter

Europass helps you to develop a structured, consistent and professional cover letter guiding you through each step. You can create new cover letters or edit existing ones using the Europass tool to create and edit cover letters.

How does Europass help?

Europass will guide you step by step through the process to help you create a good cover letter with all the essential information. You can create, store and share cover letters in 31 languages , choose from different templates to customise your application and share them easily from your Europass Library . 

Create your Europass

How to write a good cover letter

A cover letter should highlight your motivation to apply for a specific job or opportunity, and demonstrate why you consider yourself to be the best candidate. Your cover letter should refer to particular examples in your CV and describe why these are relevant for the job vacancy you are applying for.

Read carefully

Read the vacancy notice carefully and highlight the skills that relate to the requirements of the position in your cover letter.

Use keywords

Use the keywords when you list your soft skills as mentioned on the vacancy notice (punctual, organised, team-player and so on).

Have short and clear paragraphs that show different aspects clearly.

Get to know the employer

Take time to research the employer to gain valuable insights into the culture of their organisation and make references in your cover letter to one or two key points.

Keep it short

You cover letter should not be longer than one page.

  • First paragraph - why you are motivated to apply for the position,
  • Second paragraph - how you are the most suitable candidate for the position, and
  • Third Paragraph - why the company is a good match for you.

Use formal tone

Use a formal, polite tone and make sure there are no spelling mistakes.

Use simple fonts

Use simple non-decorative font styles, normal font-sizes (11-12) and optimal spacing (1 or 1.5).

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Employment guides & Tools

Cover letter in germany (anschreiben).

Cover letter in Germany (Anschreiben)

Together with your CV ( Lebenslauf ) , the cover letter is a key component of any job application in Germany. Far more than a mere formality, a cover letter is an important means of presenting yourself to a prospective employer. It would be difficult to land a job in Germany without one. This page walks you through the process of crafting a job-winning cover letter, with a few hints and tips about what is expected in the federal republic. 

Cover letter in German ( Anschreiben )

First things first: what is a cover letter? Although it may be tempting to send in your job application without one, a cover letter is an important part of job applications in Germany, and most hiring managers will expect to receive one, even if the vacancy listing does not explicitly specify this. 

A cover letter is a short (usually no more than one page) document that you submit together with your resume as part of your job application. Rather than simply repeating the information contained in your CV, its purpose is to expand upon it, summarising your skills and experience, explaining what makes you a good fit for the role, and (hopefully!) piquing the hiring manager’s interest. While a CV lays out the facts, your cover letter conveys more personality. You can expect to be asked about both if you make it to a job interview .

In Germany, a cover letter ( Anschreiben ) generally follows a prescribed format, which makes it easier to structure your own. 

Cover letter templates

Using a template can be a good way to get started, and will also ensure your cover letter is well-formatted. If you used a template for your CV, it’s a good idea to use the same design for your cover letter, to make your application look professional and consistent. 

The following websites offer cover letter templates: 

  • Novorésumé

How to write a cover letter in Germany

German cover letters are not fundamentally different to those in other countries, with the only possible difference being they are rather formal and matter-of-fact, with no credit given to pomp, exaggerations or overly flowery language. 

As with elsewhere in the world, your cover letter in Germany should be succinct - no more than one side of A4 in size 12 font. You also do not want to present the hiring manager with a dense wall of text, so make sure to break it up into sizeable paragraphs. 

It may be time-consuming, but you should also write a unique(ish) cover letter for each job you apply for. Recruiters don’t like to receive form letters - and sending off a generic letter is a sure-fire way to ensure your application ends up in the bin. You need to explain why you want this specific position , and what makes you particularly suited for it - so tailor your cover letter based on the responsibilities and requirements outlined in the job description, and what you know about the company. 

Cover letter format

If you’re not sure where to start, it can help to break the letter down into a few sections. Almost all cover letters are structured around the same tried-and-tested format: 

  • A header with your contact information
  • A greeting to the hiring manager
  • An opening paragraph that will grab the reader’s attention
  • A second paragraph that explains why you’re the perfect fit for the job
  • A third paragraph that outlines why you’re a good match for the company
  • A formal closing

How to start a cover letter: With a header

Writing your contact header is a good way to ease yourself in, and ensure you’re not staring at a blank page. As with a CV, it’s important to include some basic contact information on your cover letter. You should include: 

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Name of the hiring manager
  • Name of the company you’re applying to

You might also consider adding your social media profiles or the address of your personal website, if these are relevant in your field and to the job you’re applying for. 

Address the hiring manager

This is where you can score some easy marks. You’d be surprised how many people open their cover letters with, “Dear Sir or Madam.” That’s one way to turn off a hiring manager. It’s much better to address your letter to them personally. That means you need to do some research. 

If you’re lucky, this information is included in the job description. You should also check the “Team” or “About us” page on the company’s website. Alternatively, you could turn to LinkedIn to find out who’s head of the relevant department. If in doubt, call up the company and ask who you should address your application to. It might make your name stick out when it comes to sifting through CVs. 

As a last resort, if you really can’t get hold of a name, address your cover letter using one of these greetings:

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Department or Company Name] Team

Write your introduction

This is worth taking your time over. Companies typically receive hundreds of applications for single positions, and so they’re not going to be reading every cover letter from top to bottom. You need to grab their attention from the first paragraph. 

The key here is to not be too generic - most applicants will probably have similar work experience and interests. Instead, you need to explain what makes you unique. What is your bottom-line USP? That’s what the recruiter wants to know. 

Explain why you’re a good fit for the job

Next, it’s time to get into the meat of your letter, by outlining your professional skills, and explaining why this experience makes you better-qualified than the other applicants. It’s a good idea to have the job description to hand when you write this section. Match the requirements listed by the company to elements from your own skill set and work history, and elaborate on them. 

But there’s no way you’ll have space to cover every single detail. Instead, pick two or three of the most important requirements and use them to spin a couple of compelling stories from your own experience. 

Explain why you want to work for the company

The final section of your cover letter is just as important: explaining why you want to work for this specific company. Hiring managers want to know that you’d be a good fit for the company culture - that you want this job, not just any job - otherwise you’d be a risky hire. 

This might require you to do some extra research - what do you know about the company and its products or services? What’s the work culture like? What about that enthuses you? It pays to be super specific. 

Wrap things up

That’s it - you’re almost there! Now you need to finish with a conclusion that wraps up your letter. If you have anything else you want to say, now’s your chance. Finally, thank the hiring manager for their time (it’s only polite). 

Then, it’s time to sign off with a formal closing. You could use: 

  • Best regards
  • Kind regards
  • Yours sincerely

Once your cover letter is finished and proofread, you’re ready to send off your application. Put your feet up and wait for a response. 

Should I write my cover letter in German?

Whether or not you should write your cover letter in German depends on a few factors, namely: 

  • The language requirements of the job
  • What is specified on the job description
  • Your own language ability

If a job description specifies that applications should be made in German, it’s best to follow this advice. If your language ability isn’t up to the task of writing a CV and cover letter in German, it may be that the job itself is also beyond your language capabilities. 

However, an increasing number of companies in Germany, specifically international companies , are now offering English-speaking roles, although some still require you to apply in German. In this instance, it’s worth submitting your documents in German (you can ask a German-speaking friend to help, at least by checking your finished CV and cover letter over). To really show off your language skills, you could submit both English and German versions of your application. 

Cover letter examples

Not sure where to start? It can be a good idea to read some example cover letters to give you an idea of what is expected. But don’t be tempted to copy them word for word - you want to convey your own, unique personality, not someone else’s.

English cover letter sample

The internet is full of examples of cover letters written in English. Check out popular websites like Novorésumé, Monster.com, Reed, Indeed, and LiveCareer. 

German cover letter example

Checking out a German cover letter example can also be a good way of getting started, especially if German is not your native language. Look at websites like Karrierebibel, Bewerbung.net and Staufenbiel, or simply search “ Anschreiben Beispiel ”, to get a good idea of how German cover letters are structured. 

Cover letter tips

  • Make sure your cover letter is correctly formatted and free of spelling and grammatical errors - ideally, have a friend check it over for you before sending it. 
  • Include your personal details at the top of your letter.
  • Do your research to address the hiring manager by name.
  • Always tailor your cover letter to match the job description.
  • Use specific, concrete examples from your work history to back up your points.
  • End with a formal signing-off.
  • Make sure your letter is no longer than one side of A4. 

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The 46 Best Cover Letter Examples: What They Got Right

Amanda Zantal-Wiener

Published: May 22, 2024

I’ve sent plenty of cover letters throughout my career, so I know it isn’t usually fun to write one. Fortunately, the cover letter examples I painstakingly gathered below show that it’s possible to have a little fun with your job search — and maybe even make yourself a better candidate in the process.

 person types of a cover letter

I was shocked upon learning 45% of job seekers don’t include a cover letter when applying for a job. I definitely don’t recommend following the crowd on this matter because your cover letter is a chance to tell the stories your resume only outlines.

It’s an opportunity for you to highlight your creativity at the earliest stage of the recruitment process.

Are you ready to showcase your unique skills and experience? Or are you looking for more tips and cover letter inspiration?

Keep reading for 40+ cover letter examples, then check out tips for cover letter formatting and what makes a cover letter great.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

Table of Contents

Customizable Cover Letter Examples

Best cover letter examples, short cover letter examples, creative cover letter examples, job cover letter examples, career cover letter examples, what is a good cover letter, what’s on a cover letter, what makes a great cover letter.

cover letter bewerbung

5 Free Cover Letter Templates

Five fill-in-the-blank cover letter templates to help you impress recruiters.

  • Standard Cover Letter Template
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter Template
  • Data-Driven Cover Letter Template

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In a hurry for a cover letter example you can download and customize? Check out the ones below from HubSpot’s cover letter template kit .

1. Standard Cover Letter Example

good cover letter examples, standard

good cover letter examples, short and sweet

In an increasingly digitized world, where customer-centric strategies are vital for business success, I am thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] position at HubSpot."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Introduction:

"To Whom it May Concern,

I am applying for the [Job Title] position at HubSpot. I have some experience in marketing and can help your clients grow their businesses."

Relevant Professional Experience

It can be tempting to use the same cover letter for every job. After all, it‘s about your experience, isn’t it? But it's not enough to rephrase the work history in your resume.

Recruiters and hiring managers are looking to fill a specific role, so you need to show how your experience translates to their unique needs.

So, the body of a great cover letter should showcase the specific professional experiences that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Emphasize your accomplishments and skills that directly relate to what the job needs.

To speed up this part of the cover letter writing process, start by creating a list of your transferable skills . Drafting this list can help you quickly focus on the skills to highlight in your cover letter.

Then, use AI tools to summarize job descriptions and narrow in on where your experience and the needs of the role you're applying for overlap. This post is full of useful AI assistant tools if you're new to AI.

Helpful Cover Letter Experience:

“At [Company Name], I had the opportunity to assist a global ecommerce retailer in enhancing their online customer experience. By conducting in-depth market research and customer journey mapping, I identified pain points and areas of improvement in their website navigation and user interface.”

Unhelpful Cover Letter Experience:

“I also worked with an ecommerce retailer to improve the customer experience. We did some surveys and training, and they were happy with the results.”

Useful Examples

To make your cover letter stand out, add specific examples that show how you've solved problems or gotten results in past roles.

Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible, using data to give the reader a clear understanding of your impact.

Helpful Cover Letter Example:

“I lead a team of five content writers while increasing website traffic by 18% year-over-year.”

Unhelpful Cover Letter Example:

“I have a great track record of leadership and achieving fantastic results.”

Research and Company Knowledge

Hiring teams aren‘t hiring anyone with the skills to do the job. They’re hiring a person they'll work alongside at their specific company.

So, to show that you‘re not just looking for any job anywhere, share your knowledge of the company’s industry, values, and culture in your cover letter.

Spend some time on the company website and take notes on what makes this business interesting to you and why you would want to work there.

Then, explain how your skills align with the company's mission and goals and explain how you could add to their chances of success. This will showcase your interest in the company and help them see if you are a good cultural fit.

Helpful Cover Letter Research:

“I was particularly drawn to HubSpot not only for its industry-leading solutions but also for its exceptional company culture. HubSpot's commitment to employee development and fostering a collaborative environment is evident in its recognition as a top workplace consistently. I strongly believe that my passion for continuous learning, self-motivation, and dedication to contributing to a team will make me a valuable asset to HubSpot.”

Unhelpful Cover Letter Research:

“I have been inspired by HubSpot's commitment to inbound marketing and its comprehensive suite of solutions. HubSpot's dedication to providing valuable content and fostering meaningful relationships aligns with my own values and aspirations.”

Clear Writing

Your cover letter needs to pack in a lot of important information. But it's also important that your cover letter is clear and concise.

To accomplish this, use professional but easy-to-understand language. Be sure to remove any grammar or spelling errors and avoid lengthy paragraphs and avoid jargon or overly technical language.

You may also want to use bullet points to make your letter easier to skim. Then, proofread your cover letter for clarity or ask a friend to proofread it for you.

  • Guide to Becoming a Better Writer
  • Tips for Simplifying Your Writing

Helpful Cover Letter Writing:

"In addition to my academic accomplishments, I gained valuable practical experience through internships at respected law firms.

Working alongside experienced attorneys, I assisted in providing legal support to clients. This hands-on experience helped me develop a deep understanding of client needs and enhanced my ability to effectively communicate complex legal concepts in a straightforward manner."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Writing:

"Furthermore, as a complement to my academic accomplishments, I have garnered invaluable practical experience through internships at esteemed law firms.

Throughout these placements, I actively collaborated with seasoned attorneys to conduct due diligence and furnish clients with comprehensive legal support. Notably, these experiences fostered a profound comprehension of client necessities, whilst honing my legal acumen to articulately convey intricate legal principles within a lucid and concise framework, adhering to applicable precedents and statutes of limitations."

Genuine Interest and Enthusiasm

Find ways to convey your passion for the role and how excited you are to contribute to the company you're applying to. At the same time, make sure your interest feels authentic and outline how it aligns with your career goals.

Your ultimate goal is an enthusiastic letter that feels honest and leaves a lasting positive impression.

Showing excitement in writing doesn't come naturally for everyone. A few tips that can help you boost the genuine enthusiasm in your letter:

  • Record audio of yourself speaking about the role, then use voice-to-text technology to transcribe and add these sections to your letter.
  • Choose your words carefully .
  • Write in active voice.

Helpful Cover Letter Tone:

“I am genuinely enthusiastic about the prospect of joining [Company/Organization Name] as an accountant. My combination of technical proficiency, eagerness to learn, and strong attention to detail make me an ideal candidate for this role. I am confident that my dedication, reliability, and passion for accounting will contribute to the continued success of your organization.”

Unhelpful Cover Letter Tone:

“Honestly, I can hardly contain my excitement when it comes to reconciliations, financial statement analysis, and tax regulations! Engaging in spirited discussions with professors and classmates has allowed me to foster an unbreakable bond with the fascinating world of accounting, and I'm positively bursting with enthusiasm at the prospect of applying my skills in a professional setting.”

Memorable Conclusion

End your cover letter on a strong note. Summarize your top qualifications, restate your interest in the position, and express your interest in future communication.

Then, thank your reader for their time and consideration and include your contact information for easy follow-up.

To make your conclusion memorable, think about what parts of your letter you‘d most like the hiring manager to keep top of mind. Then, consider your word choice and phrasing. If you’re feeling stuck, this list of ways to close an email can help.

Helpful Cover Letter Conclusion:

"Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to further discuss how my qualifications align with the needs of Greenpeace. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to arrange an interview.

Together, let's make a lasting impact on our planet.

[Your Name]"

Unhelpful Cover Letter Conclusion:

"Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further and how I can contribute to Greenpeace's mission. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to arrange an interview.

I’d like to add another stage to the job search: experimentation.

In today’s competitive landscape, it’s so easy to feel defeated, less-than-good-enough, or like giving up your job search.

But don’t let the process become so monotonous. Have fun discovering the qualitative data I’ve discussed here — then, have even more by getting creative with your cover letter composition.

I certainly can’t guarantee that every prospective employer will respond positively — or at all — to even the most unique, compelling cover letter. But the one that’s right for you will.

So, get inspired by these examples and templates. Write an incredible cover letter that shows the hiring team at your dream job exactly who you are.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

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320+ Free cover letter examples (+expert guides)

320+ Free cover letter examples (+expert guides)

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A general cover letter example can serve as a great starting point for your application. If you’re feeling stuck, check out this copyable cover letter sample that you can copy and paste to modify for your own experience. You can also change the cover letter template at any time.

Dear Mr. North,

My experience of managing teams through change has taught me that if you put people first, everything else will fall into place. I led a team through a turbulent 18 months of downsizing at Labsworth, while a blistering period of growth at Pine Inc. provided an entirely different experience. No matter what the trajectory of the company is, there are lessons to be learned. Upon the completion of my MBA last year, I understood that I wanted to pursue a management role with an international dimension. I have never used my native Spanish in a business context and feel that your expansion into South America will allow me to employ my change management skills in a cultural setting that is familiar to me. In a start-up, it is important to employ people with both operational and commercial expertise. I have negotiated contracts worth $9.5m, improved delivery efficiencies by 12%, redesigned warehouse packing flows, overseen staff disputes, and driven profitability to industry-leading levels. In my last year at Pine, I spearheaded three initiatives to improve the net profit from 5.2% to 6.1%. Profits improve when everything is considered. I believe in letting my teams dictate the direction of their development. I have experience working with HR to design training modules, something that is particularly useful in a start-up. I enjoy the creativity and challenge of working out how to get the most out of a diverse set of professionals. 60% of my former team have enjoyed promotions over the past five years.

I cannot wait to find out more about your international expansion plans and hope that I am well-placed to assist.

Lara Fernandez

Our best sample cover letters

Check out our most popular cover letter samples below.

Internship cover letter example 

Use this Internship cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Internship positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Internship cover letter example

Accounting cover letter example 

Use this Accounting cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Accounting positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Accounting cover letter example

Graduate cover letter example

You’re a newly minted college graduate. After years of hard work, you have your diploma in hand and are ready to leap into the workforce. Congratulations! It’s time to get your job applications in order, but it can be a daunting task. Relax! Our graduate cover letter example and writing guide will make it easier to apply for your 2024 dream job.

Graduate cover letter example

Administrative assistant cover letter example

A great administrative assistant cover letter is your key to making a personal connection with the employer and landing a new job. This guide and complete cover letter example will walk you through the steps needed for success.

Administrative Assistant cover letter example

Teacher cover letter example

You know how to introduce yourself on parent-teacher nights, but how best to introduce yourself to the principal when you want a new job? The guide below will show you how to write an A+ teacher cover letter that makes the grade.

Teacher cover letter example

Nursing cover letter example

If you're empathetic, practical, and caring, the world of nursing is calling your name. Here's how to write a nurse cover letter that will turn the hiring manager's head.

Nursing cover letter example

Software engineer cover letter example

Use this Software Engineer cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Software Engineer positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Software Engineer cover letter example

Perfect cover letter structure

The perfect cover letter should have a clear and organized structure to make sure it highlights why you’re the right candidate for the job. Here’s what you should include to impress employers and increase your chances of landing the interview:

  • Header: The cover letter header is the space at the top, or sometimes the side, of your cover letter that contains your name, contact information, and any relevant links. The header serves a vital role in identifying your cover letter and helping to create an attractive presentation.
  • Greeting: The greeting of the cover letter is the way you address the person who will be reading it. We recommend using the hiring manager’s name whenever possible to establish a friendly, yet professional tone.
  • Introduction: The introduction consists of the opening lines of your cover letter that serve to grab the hiring manager’s attention and encourage them to read the rest of your cover letter. The introduction should also include the company name and the role for which you are applying.
  • Body (middle part): The body paragraphs are the middle part of your cover letter that give you the space and flexibility to discuss your accomplishments and key qualifications for the role.
  • Conclusion & sign off: The conclusion is the final sentence of the cover letter that generally includes a call to action. This sentence expresses your enthusiasm for the job and politely encourages the hiring manager to schedule an interview.

You can also view our full guide on how to write a cover letter.

Science Teacher cover letter example

What makes a good cover letter example

A good cover letter example contains a combination of factors that work together to present you as the best possible candidate for the role. Remember that a cover letter sample is a starting point and should always be customized for your specific experience and the job you are applying to. In general, here are a few things to pay attention to that will make your cover letter stand out from the rest:

  • The right template : An attractive cover letter is more likely to be noticed by employers. The best cover letter template is one that combines your own professional personality with the brand and image of the company you’re applying to. Our adaptable cover letter sample can serve as a reference when creating your header.
  • Proper formatting : The right formatting makes your cover letter easier to read, and in turn, keeps the hiring manager interested for longer. Here are a few do’s and don’ts for great cover letter formatting .
  • Keep a balance of white space to text
  • Use paragraph breaks and proper punctuation
  • Create an attractive header at the top of the page
  • Adjust the margins to cram in more text
  • Go overboard with flashy colors unless appropriate in your industry
  • Forget to proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes
  • A customized greeting : Your cover letter greeting should use the hiring manager’s name whenever possible. If you can’t find the name of a specific person, make sure to customize the greeting for the company or team.
  • A professional email address : Your email address should be a combination of your first and last name (with numbers if you have a common name). Unprofessional email addresses are a big mistake.
  • Clear structure : Even though a cover letter is one of the more freeform parts of your application, it should still appear organized. Use the sections of our cover letter example above as a model for your own.
  • Detailed examples : The writing of your cover letter should give concrete examples of your skills, qualifications, and accomplishments. Make sure to use numbers and statistics whenever possible.

Cover letter examples FAQs

What to write in a cover letter.

Your cover letter is an opportunity to expand on the skills and experiences described in your resume. Instead of simply repeating what’s written there, make sure to add new details and examples that are relevant for the role and will encourage the hiring manager to contact you for an interview. 

How do you start a cover letter?

There are plenty of ways to start a cover letter , including with an anecdote, a statement about your skills or passion, or your connection to the company. Check out our adaptable cover letter samples for more ideas to get you started writing your own cover letter.

What are 3 things you should include in a cover letter?

Three things that should always be included in a cover letter are:

  • Your name and contact information
  • The hiring manager’s name
  • The name of the company and the role you for which you’re applying

How long should a cover letter be?

Ideally, a cover letter's length should be between 250-400 words. A shorter cover letter may not be able to capture your skills, while a longer one may become tiresome to read. A cover letter should always fit on one page. See our adaptable cover letter examples for details.

What are common cover letter phrases?

Every cover letter should be unique but a few phrases you may find useful are:

  • I am excited to apply to the role of (Job Title) at (Company Name).
  • I am looking forward to the possibility of an interview.
  • Feel free to contact me by phone or email at (Your Phone Number) or (Email Address).
  • Sincerely, (Your Name)

What words should not be used in a cover letter?

We recommend avoiding “ To Whom It May Concern ” as it sounds impersonal and outdated. You should also avoid any language that sounds cold, arrogant, or entitled. Our cover letter samples can serve as an example of the right tone to use.

What does an employer look for in a cover letter?

Employers use cover letters to gauge whether you’re truly interested in the position and if you’ve understood the requirements. Make sure to consult the job description before writing your cover letter.

What is a simple example of a cover letter?

If you’re looking for a simple example of a cover letter, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some of our favorite simple cover letter samples:

Student cover letter example

Use this Student cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Student positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Student cover letter example

Driver cover letter example

A driver cover letter goes far deeper than the mechanics of the job. Share the personality that makes you great at what you do.

Driver cover letter example

Customer service representative cover letter example

Use this Customer Service Representative cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Customer Service Representative positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

Customer Service Representative cover letter example

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  • Cover Letters

10+ Cover Letter Examples (+ Different Types & Formatting Guide)

10+ Cover Letter Examples (+ Different Types & Formatting Guide)

Whether you’re looking to land your first job, changing careers, or simply exploring new job opportunities, writing a great cover letter might seem daunting at first. However, once you read this comprehensive guide and check out our superb cover letter examples, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert cover letter crafter.

Cover Letter Examples (By Career Situation and Seniority)

Our resume cover letter examples are just what you need if you’re going to learn how to write one for yourself. Keep in mind that all cover letters have a similar structure that you should follow:

  • Contact Info –  Add your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Greeting – Always start with a professional greeting that addresses the hiring manager by name.
  • Introduction – Grab your reader’s attention with a first paragraph in which you introduce yourself and state your intention to apply for the open role.
  • Body paragraphs – Write one or two paragraphs that highlight your professional experience, achievements, skills, and education.
  • Closing paragraph – Insert your call to action and ask the hiring manager to invite you for an interview. Don’t forget to sign your name at the end.

With this information in mind, let’s check out some of the best cover letter examples!

Cover Letter Example 1: Returning to Work after a Job Gap/Relocation

Dear Mr. Hennessy,  My name is John Young, and I’m applying for a software engineering position at your company. I’m excited about your organization’s mission to change the world, and I’m passionate about your tech stack that includes Scala, Java, React, and Python, all languages I’ve used in the past. 

Recently, I took a year-long hiatus to aid my friend who launched a startup accelerator. During that time, I learned quite a bit about business strategy and going from zero to one hundred while working on a very limited budget. I’m confident that I can turn those skills into new products for your company. 

I’m prepared to get back into the game and restart my career as a software engineer in your beautiful city. I’m positive that I’m the perfect person to lead your middle-out engineering team. I would love to schedule a meeting and discuss this further. 

Our Take: The candidate starts by expressing his excitement about the company’s goals and then seamlessly proceeds to highlight the programming languages that he excels in. This way, he showcased that he is the right person for the job. He then explains that the job gap that appears in his resume was due to working on a personal project that has taught him some valuable new skills.

Cover Letter Example 2: Changing Careers

Dear Ms. Garcia,

Blending a formal background in marketing with proven success in retail sales and customer service roles, I am looking to transition into public relations and believe I would make a great fit for the advertised position of Public Relations Specialist at your company.

Having both used and sold your products, I am already well versed in your brand and both present and past years’ offerings. I have followed with excitement as you launched in European and Asian markets and incorporated an international feel into your product line. I would bring both passion and expertise to championing your company with the press and public.

I am already trained in creating buzz and awareness through social media channels including Twitter and Facebook. When my sales team decided to participate in Walk for a Cure three years ago, we used social media to heighten our sponsorship support and raised more than $20K for the event.

Confident my transferable skills make me a solid candidate for this opening, I respectfully submit my resume for your review and request a meeting to discuss the opportunity further. I will make myself available at your convenience and look forward to your call to arrange a time. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Our Take: This candidate leads off with a strong statement about her career change goal and her fit for the specific position at hand. She uses the rest of the letter to discuss her interest in the company and some of her key transferable skills/experience.

Cover Letter Example 3: New Graduate/Entry Level

Dear Ms. Morris:

I am writing in response to your listing in the Memphis Gazette for a nurse’s aide. Please accept my enclosed resume for consideration.

As a CPR-certified lifeguard and an LPN student at Memphis Community College, I have the formal training necessary for this position. Additionally, with two years of experience in retail sales, I have excellent customer service skills that can translate well to patient relations.

After you have reviewed my resume, I hope to meet with you to discuss how I can be beneficial to your team. I look forward to hearing from you to schedule an interview at your earliest convenience.

Our Take: Nice concise approach for an entry-level candidate. She doesn’t have years of nursing experience to point to, so she highlights her training and how her non-nursing work experience has also helped to prepare her.

Cover Letter Example 4: Professional

Dear Mr. Carter,

As an Accounts Payable & Receivable Specialist , I offer a proven ability to accurately process invoices, payments, reimbursements, and tax reports. I quickly learn and adapt to software changes and updates and help team members resolve issues and problems they are having with data input and processing.

Examples of my accomplishments include:

  • Handled biweekly accounts payable processing of checks and ACH payments; reconciled payments made to accounts payable software and addressed any discrepancies that arose.
  • Created a spreadsheet that listed bank and routing numbers to expedite the processing of expense reports.
  • Uploaded and reconciled monthly phone bills for approximately 200 branches and 4 operational centers; total billing amounts were coded for various departments and branches as required.
  • Confident I will prove valuable to your company, I respectfully submit my resume for your review. I would also like to request a personal meeting to discuss your upcoming goals and how I can help you achieve them. I will make myself available at your convenience and look forward to your call. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: For an experienced candidate, a bit more detail is expected. This candidate customized the bullet points to specifically communicate his experience with the position responsibilities listed in the job description.

Cover Letter Example 5: Manager

Dear Ms. Nguyen,

As a Human Resources Manager with a strong customer service background, I offer expertise in employee relations, benefits administration, and generalist duties. I have made significant contributions to succession planning and workforce engagement as well as ensuring compliance with employment and labor requirements.

I am also known for my ability to help identify and implement key technology and process improvements. I am well-versed in Six Sigma methods and have led projects which produced significant and sustainable savings. Other examples of my work include:

  • Creates positive employee engagement for 2,000+ personnel at Company XYZ via proactive communications, prompt issue resolution, and fair/equitable treatment.
  • Led Six Sigma project related to FMLA administration and online orientation programs for Lean Belt training.
  • Proved instrumental in the deployment of an E-recruitment system that serviced a Fortune 200 company; defined policies, procedures, and communication planning for the project.

Confident I will make a positive impact on your organization, I respectfully submit my résumé for your review. I would also like to request a personal meeting to discuss your goals for this position and my potential contributions. I will be available at your convenience and look forward to your call to arrange a time. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: This cover letter highlights the applicant’s relevant accomplishments as a leader and manager. It goes beyond stating familiarity with the required job duties and emphasizes results in key projects. Remember that you don’t want to copy and paste your whole resume into the cover letter. Think about the key selling points that you want to feature prominently. The goal is to make them excited to learn more about you.

Cover Letter Example 6: Senior-Level Executive

Dear Mr. Jones,

As a Senior-Level Finance & Operations Executive , I offer proven success in maximizing productivity and improving profit margins. My work spans companies and business units at various stages of growth, including start-up, established, and turnaround settings.

Believing profitability requires strong revenue generation and cost controls, I monitor budgets and sales performance closely to identify areas for improvement. I am known for enhancing overall performance through technology upgrades, advanced employee training, and implementation of best practices.

Examples of my work include:

  • Drove successful launch of start-up company by hiring a talent team, defining product development plans, and leading go-to-market strategies to achieve $35M+ revenue and 50% margins within two years.
  • Managed daily operations of a $150M subsidiary that provided a complete suite of manufacturing solutions in the US and Canada; improved profit margins on overall product line by 10%.
  • Proved vital to reorganization leadership that cumulated in a 10% productivity improvement in the sales and service organization and a 20% improvement in support organizations.

As CPA and MBA, I am confident I will prove valuable to your company and respectfully submit my resume for your review. I would also like to request a personal meeting to discuss your upcoming goals and how I can help you achieve them. I will make myself available at your convenience and look forward to your call. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: This cover letter nicely distills years of experience into a concise overview that really “sells” achievements most relevant to the specific advertised role. Each bullet presents a compelling high-level overview of a specific position, complete with impressive data points. It’s hard to be this concise when talking about a long career! However, a concise letter is always more effective — make the most exciting information jump out of the letter and grab the recruiter’s attention.

Cover Letter Examples (By Industry)

Teacher cover letter example.

Dear Principal Townson,

With five years of experience in teaching high school and a master’s degree in Chemistry, I believe I am an ideal candidate to fill the science teaching position you have open with the retirement of Stacy Jones. My teaching experience was at John Smith High School in Smallville where I taught all levels of Chemistry and helped host the science fair each year.

I keep up with all developments in teaching and chemistry by reading literature and attending conferences hosted by the American Association of High School Science Instructors. I have also volunteered my time at the community center, tutoring all levels of students in general sciences.

I look forward to working in this community and teaching at Rosewood High School. Please review my attached resume. I will be contacting you next week to schedule an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: We love how this cover letter emphasizes the applicant’s relevant qualifications in the first line. This puts emphasis on her ability to do the job. Later, she briefly explains how she has kept current with industry developments and shows passion for her career by mentioning her volunteer work.

Nursing Cover Letter Example

Dear Dr. Manning,

Five years ago, I worked my first shift as an emergency room nurse and have never before left the workplace more fatigued and fulfilled. Today, I am proud to declare that I am still an ER nurse. I love this work partly because I flourish in a fast-paced environment. I also take great pleasure in the opportunity to care for patients every day and be there for their loved ones. This is not easy work, but I can’t see myself doing anything else which is why I am applying for the position of Emergency Room Nursing Lead. I believe that I can be a great asset to your team and that I have a proven track record when it comes to patient care as further shown in my attached resume. 

I have reviewed the qualifications required for this position. I am confident to say that I possess all the skills and experience needed. I have a BSN in nursing and have held a nursing license in good standing for over five years. I have experience working in emergency rooms at several large hospitals, and I fully understand all of the regulations that are in place. I also have the kind of team leadership that you need to ensure that even the busiest nights in the emergency room go as smoothly as possible. 

I would love to sit down with you and discuss my qualifications along with your needs when you are free. Meanwhile, please review the rest of my application package. There you will find all the information you need. 

Our Take: The candidate starts by stating her experience and expresses how difficult a nursing job can be. However, she then turns it around by stating that the rewards are worth the effort. We like her storytelling approach and how she highlights her passion for working with patients and transitions into why her abilities qualify her for the job.

Business Analyst Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Sousa,

I am applying for the advertised business analyst job at your company that was posted on your website. I am a data-driven critical thinker with excellent interpersonal skills who holds teamwork in high esteem but can also function independently. I am always searching for fresh ideas and solutions that I can bring to the table to increase the company’s efficiency. 

During my time at XYZ Group, Ltd., my previous employer, I developed and implemented a new program designed to drop needless business expenses. In just one year, the costs were reduced by 15%. Apart from project management, I spearheaded the collection and analytics of business processes and data toward creating more efficient business models. Thanks to my achievements, I was ranked as one of the best employees in the company and received recognition from top stakeholders.

I would be delighted to join your team because I believe that the experience, skills, and vast knowledge that I bring to the table could improve the company’s operational performance. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to speaking to you soon. 

Our Take: Adopting a confident tone in your cover letter is a good way of showing the hiring manager that you have the necessary skills and experience to shine at the job you’re applying to. It’s also great when candidates state their accomplishments and showcase the contributions they can make to a company if hired.

Cover Letters: Basic Rules to Follow

What is a cover letter and how do you write one? It can feel like a chore but it’s actually one of the surefire ways to get an actual job interview.

There are five simple rules to follow if you want to write cover letters that make hiring managers giddy with excitement before meeting you:

1. Your cover letter should be grammatically correct and error-free

Avoid making grammar and formatting mistakes to give your cover letter a professional appearance (regardless of the job you’re applying for). If you’re not a particularly good writer, use a tool such as Grammarly to clean up your text, or kindly ask someone to read and edit your document.

Hiring managers get turned off when noticing mistakes in your cover letter. It sends them the wrong message about your professionalism and attention to detail.

2. The maximum length of your printed cover letter should be one page

If an employer asks for a physical cover letter, make sure it’s only one page long. You’ll want to add essential information highlighting your professional experience and best personality traits. The letter should also be printed on high-quality paper just like your resume.

If you send your cover letter digitally, cut and paste it into the email and attach your resume. Make sure that the letter is easy to read with minimal scrolling. Get to the point and be succinct. 

3. The letter should include examples of your qualifications

You can write a cover letter in paragraph or bulleted formats, but either way, you should include examples of your achievements and credentials. While you want to be brief, you also want to encourage the reader to review your resume for greater detail. The best way to do that is to call out two or three things you have done professionally to catch their attention and make them want to know more about you.

4. Your letter should address a specific person

Whenever possible, do some research and learn a few things about the person who will be reading your cover letter. This is a minor detail and some hiring managers won’t care, but it can distinguish you from your competition all the same. More importantly, don’t send an obviously-generic letter that has not been customized for the company/position.

5. Your letter should end with a call to action

When you close your letter, be sure to ask for a meeting. It is obvious that you want an interview when you submit a cover letter and resume, but job hunting is usually helped along with a proactive approach. Therefore, at every point in the application process, you should seek to move along to the next stage of consideration.

Don’t miss the opportunity to encourage a meeting with the hiring manager when ending your letter. Also, be sure to thank them for their time and consideration.

Do You Need a Cover Letter?

Second chances to make good first impressions in the job search are scarce. Adding a great cover letter at the beginning of your resume gives you the opportunity to “wow” the hiring manager. It also helps you influence their opinion prior to meeting you. Remember that your resume cover letter will be reviewed by a real live person who will be deciding whether or not you are worth their time to interview. It makes the difference between your resume going to the “yes” pile rather than the “file for future opening” (or the real or digital garbage can).

Even though there are times when a recruiter or hiring manager will skip right over your cover letter and focus on the resume, other screeners won’t even look at your resume if the cover letter doesn’t get their attention. Why take a chance? Write a strong cover letter and you’ll know that you’re doing everything possible to get past the gatekeepers and score an interview.

There are plenty of resources on the internet that you can learn from. A simple Google search might take you a long way when looking for a job. But once you find one you really want, you start thinking that you’re not ready to go get it.

A strong cover letter can give you confidence in your application. Send one along with your resume and you’ll know that you might have already stirred a potential employer’s curiosity.

If you’re struggling with writing your cover letter, the samples that you’ve seen so far will supplement Big Interview ’s Resume Curriculum. Everything you need to know about writing persuasive resumes and cover letters can be found there including structure formatting, writing great summary statements, and meaningful ‘Thank You’ notes.

It’s really easy to use. Just log in to your Big Interview account, select ‘My Resume’, and press the ‘Watch Lessons’ button under Resume Curriculum.

Cover Letter Examples - This is a photo showing you how to access Big Interview's Resume Curriculum.

You’ll then be taken to the lessons page where you’ll have access to some great advice like how to add high-value details to your letter, how to follow a job application’s requirements, and how to turn them into advantages.

Cover Letter Examples - This is a photo of Big Interview's Resume Curriculum video lessons list. The selected lesson is 'Writing Persuasive Cover Letters'.

Three Situations When a Good Resume Cover Letter is Critical

1. when you need to include information that should not go into the resume.

A resume is a formal business document with strict rules that must be followed. These rules include not writing in the first person or including personal information like your desire to relocate.

However, there are times when you need to communicate this type of information in order to make the case for your fit for the position.

​​ Example: Your cover letter can be used to communicate your intention to make a transition in your career or move to another city/state. Recruiters receive thousands of unqualified resumes for every position. They will look at your resume and cover letter and immediately trash them if they don’t see a fit — assuming that you are another one of those annoying applicants who applies for every job posted. This is always a challenge for career changers and individuals looking to relocate and a good cover letter can make a big difference.

Example: Your cover letter can also explain away other aspects of your particular career situation that might not be appropriate to include on your resume. For example, if you took some time away from the workforce, but have kept your skills and knowledge up-to-date.

In some job ads, the company will ask for specific information to be included in your cover letter. This technique is used to make screening easier – if someone can’t follow simple application directions, why waste time on an interview? Pay careful attention to the information they request and be sure to address it.

One problematic area is if they ask for salary requirements to be included in your cover letter. Companies make this request to help them rule out individuals with higher salary requirements than they have budgeted for the position, but it can also lock you into a lower pay range than they might offer you otherwise.

However, ignoring the request could disqualify you as well. Ergo, I suggest you research the average salary for the position you are applying to in the state of the opening and include a range slightly above and below that number .

2. When you want to reference a network connection

There is no right way to include in your resume, “Our mutual associate John Smith referred me to this role and says he thinks I will make a great fit for the job opening.” That is a reference line reserved solely for the opening paragraph of a cover letter. There are multiple ways you can mention a network connection or mutual friend in a cover letter, but such a statement has no place in a resume whatsoever.

Note: In professional resume writing, it has become passé to include a list of references on your resume or even the line “references available upon request.” Such information takes up valuable real estate on your resume (which should be 1-2 pages max) and it is best to focus on your achievements and qualifications instead. Besides, the hiring managers know you will give them references when they request them.

Rather than waste space on your resume, prepare a reference sheet with the same header as your resume and give it to the interviewer at the end of your meeting.

This sheet should include the first and last names of your references, their titles and company names, city and state, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses if possible.

You can even be proactive and have letters of recommendation ready to hand to the hiring manager at the end of your meeting, but don’t send them prior to that initial interview.

3. When you want to emphasize why you’re interested in the company

One way to distinguish yourself as a job candidate is to research the company you are interviewing with and talk about things you like or ask questions about the work they have coming up. This demonstrates your interest in their particular organization as opposed to them being just another job ad you responded to in your desperate attempt to find employment.

You can use your cover letter to show that you’ve done your homework and see a strong fit with the organization. Within the second or closing paragraphs of your cover letter, you can mention being interested in the specific work the company does, recent grants they have been awarded, a product they recently released, etc.

Again, this is not appropriate for inclusion on your resume, but adding it to your cover letter can help you stand out from the stack of applications the hiring manager is sorting through on the day your resume passes by him/her.

Cover Letter Format Examples

When choosing a cover letter format, consider what stage your job search is in and how you want hiring managers to perceive you. Cover letters are used for many different reasons and the proper format for each one varies.

The three main types of cover letters are the application cover letter, the prospecting cover letter, and the networking cover letter. You may also send cover letter emails which are an effective and increasingly common way to introduce your resume.

Let’s take an in-depth look at each type of cover letter and see exactly what sets them apart.

Application Cover Letter

This is the most common cover letter used alongside a resume during a job application. It’s geared toward a specific job, and it is designed to highlight the skills and specifications listed in the job posting.

The application cover letter is a vital instrument that gives you the ability to sell yourself as a job candidate. It rounds off your resume and expands on relevant parts of your work history and qualifications.

Application Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Osbourne,

I am writing this letter to express my interest in the graphic designer opening as advertised on your website. 

If hired, I believe I can begin making valuable contributions to the design team of your company from day one. I possess a wide range of abilities that combine fresh art and design principles. Furthermore, my knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, HTML, and CSS will allow me to play a pivotal role in the implementation of your design initiatives. 

During my previous job, I led a team of six designers to develop and implement the graphic, layout, and production of communication materials while helping clients cut their costs by an average of 17%. I also oversaw the efficient use of production budgets running from $3,000 – $20,000 and developed a myriad of marketing programs including advertisements, presentations, infographics, newsletters, brochures, and logos that have improved client transactions by an average of 35%.

I look forward to discussing face to face how my skills and strengths can best serve your company. In the meantime, please review the enclosed resume and portfolio. Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Our Take: In the first paragraph , the candidate is quick to mention all the tools they employ to bring value to the company. They use the second paragraph as a canvas on which to paint all of their accomplishments and relevant experiences.

Prospecting Cover Letter

Prospecting cover letters are also known as letters of inquiry or cold call letters. They are useful if you’re looking to apply to a company that isn’t actively hiring or isn’t widely advertising. A prospecting cover letter shows your interest in learning about available positions while at the same time demonstrating eagerness and initiative.

If the company decides to expand its talent pool, sending a prospecting cover letter could put you at the top of the list of desirable candidates.

Prospecting Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Patel,

Your company recently came to my attention while reading a very interesting LinkedIn article about how you’re becoming innovators in the industry. I’d very much like to embark on this journey with you. I haven’t seen any open positions on your website, but I’d like to be considered for open positions in the future. I’m interested in pursuing a career in software engineering. The hybrid work model that your company employs couples well with my extensive remote experience. 

I have a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering, and in the following months, I will obtain a certification from the Institute of Certification of Computing Professionals. In addition to my two years as a freelance software engineer, I also have four years of software engineering experience at a publicly traded corporation. 

Please review the resume I’ve attached which contains additional information on my skills and experience relevant to your company. I’d love to discuss any openings you may have coming in the near future. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  

Our Take: This candidate took the bull by the horns and went straight to knocking on the company’s door. Even if there is no open position, their chances will grow when a job becomes available.

Networking Cover Letter

Networking is a highly effective method of finding a job. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of all jobs are found through networking. It can help you discover job opportunities that might not be advertised yet or it can provide you with a job opportunity that was previously non-existent.

Sending a networking cover letter during your job search is a good idea if you need help from a contact in your industry or career field to introduce you to a potential employer.

Networking Cover Letter Example

I hope this letter finds you well. I’m reaching out about possibly meeting to get some information from you as a top professional in our field. 

As you might remember from our time as co-workers at our previous company, I have always thrived when working in client-facing positions. I’m looking for a new career opportunity in that direction and I wanted to ask for your advice. 

As I’m aware of your experience and your vast area of expertise in working with job seekers on a more personal level, I feel confident that you are the right person to discuss this matter with. 

I know that it’s a busy period for you right now, but I’d appreciate it if you’d let me buy you a drink and pick your brain. I’d also value your thoughts on the matter via reply if we can’t meet. 

Our Take: This candidate knows that a networking cover letter has a casual tone. He uses an informal greeting but still sounds professional throughout. He makes sure to emphasize his former co-worker’s skills and success before asking for a casual meeting and some friendly advice.

Email Cover Letter

This simple, short, and professional cover letter is sent over email when a formal cover letter is not requested in a job posting. It does not follow a specific format but usually includes a greeting and a simple body of text explaining your experience and interest in the company. You should also include a closing with references to any attachments such as your resume, portfolio, samples, or any other necessary documents.

An email cover letter should be a maximum of two paragraphs long and the writing style should be casual but still professional. Remember to create a subject line that includes the position you’re applying for.

Email Cover Letter Example

Subject line: Following Up on Your Content Writer Job Posting on LinkedIn

Dear Mr. McClane, 

This letter is being submitted as an introduction. I am applying for the position of Content Writer with your company. I believe my verbal skills and writing style would be of great value to your team and I can guarantee that if hired I would offer original content with a quick turnaround time. 

I’ve been writing content for over six years and have contributed to several notable blogs in the IT, Finance, and Cryptocurrency industries which I’ve mentioned in my resume. I would like to continue my passionate journey toward advancing my writing career within your company. I am adept at writing SEO (search engine optimization) articles that convert efficiently which would suit your article marketing business model well. I also write highly engaging copy for social media campaigns as seen in my portfolio. 

I read in your job posting that you’d like a candidate who possesses in-depth knowledge of working with keyword research tools. I’m happy to say that I’ve been using Semrush successfully for the last four years. 

Please review my attached resume and portfolio. I’m looking forward to meeting you and discussing my writing skills and history in more detail. 

Our Take: The candidate keeps it short and sweet. They shed light on their relevant skills and then guide the hiring manager towards the resume and portfolio.

Cover Letter Examples – Bottom Line

Adding a cover letter to your resume is the best way to connect with a potential employer from the get-go. Hiring managers get a glimpse of your accomplishments and experience as soon as they open your email or letter.

By analyzing good resume cover letter examples, and understanding their purpose, it will become simpler for you to write one yourself.

Make sure to stick to the structure and include only the best things about your career. Also, remember that your cover letter should only include valuable information that does not repeat itself in your resume.

Stay fresh, always.


Need a hand? There are 2 ways we can help you:

1. Learn how to turn more job interviews into job offers here . (Rated with 4.9/5 by 1,000,000 users) 2. Learn how to successfully negotiate a better salary. (Take a sneak peek of one lesson for free here )

cover letter bewerbung

Pamela Skillings

Turn interviews into offers

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Cover Letter Templates

/ any level of experience

Choose a Matching Cover Letter Template

Looking to create a cover letter that will help you stand out from the crowd? Try one of our 16 professional cover letter templates, each created to match our resume and CV templates. Pick a cover letter template that suits your needs and impress the hiring manager with a flawless job application!

Graphic Cover Letters image


Minimalist Cover Letter Template


General Cover Letter Template


Combined Cover Letter Template

Learn More About Cover Letters

Ultimate Cover Letter Guide

How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024 + Examples

Cover Letter Format Graphic 1

Cover Letter Format (w/ Examples & Free Templates)

Cover Letter Format Graphic 2

60+ Cover Letter Examples in 2024 [For All Professions]

Free Cover Letter Sample to Copy and Use

Subject Line: Cover Letter for [Position], [Candidate Name]

[Company Address]

[Company City, State]

[Hiring Manager Email]


Introduce yourself, give a brief professional summary, and optionally, a top achievement. E.g. “My name is [Name] and I’m a [Role] with over X years of experience in [Activity]. Over the past years, I’ve helped X companies achieve [Goals]”

Express your interest in joining their firm. E.g. “I’m looking to join [Company] as [Role] and I’m very excited to help you with [Activity]”

Optionally, if you were referred or you just know someone at the firm, you can mention this here. E.g. “I learned about [Company] from a friend that’s currently working there as [Role], [Friend’s name]. I really like everything I’ve heard about the company and I think I would make a good fit.”

This is where you talk about your work experience and achievements at length. Mention how you excelled at your previous roles, what your most important responsibilities were, and so on.

Look at this as an opportunity to expand on whatever you wrote in your resume, and give the reader a better picture of what kind of tasks you worked on, what you accomplished, and so on. E.g “At my previous jobs as [Role], my duties were [Major 3 duties], and I specifically excelled at [Top accomplishment]. This accomplishment helped the company [Results driven].”

Want to really impress the hiring manager? You can mention what you know about the company and its culture here. E.g. “I’ve read a lot about [Company] and I really think I’d enjoy your democratic leadership style.”

Optionally, you can include a bulleted list of your top 3 accomplishments. For example:

[Example Box]

Some of my top achievements in recent years include:

Launching a successful online ads marketing campaign, driving 100+ leads within 2 months.

Overhauled a client’s advertising account, improving conversion rates and driving 15% higher revenue.

Improved the agency’s framework for ad account audits and created new standard operating procedures.

Conclusion & Call to Action:

Re-affirm your desire to join the company, as well as how you can contribute. E.g. “I’d love to become a part of [Company] as a [Role]. I believe that my skills in [Field] can help the company with [Goals].”

Thank the hiring manager for reading the cover letter and then wrap it all up with a call to action. E.g. “Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you and learning more about the position. Sincerely, [Name].”

Match Your Resume & Cover Letter

Want your application to stand out?

Match your cover letter with your resume & catch the recruiter’s attention!

Matching Cover Letter

Why Novorésumé?

Matching Cover Letters

To keep your job application consistent and professional, our Cover Letter templates perfectly match the resume templates.

Creative & Standard Templates

Whether you apply for a conservative industry like banking or a hype start-up, you can tailor our cover letter templates to fit your exact needs.

Expert Reviews

Oana Vintila

Career Counselor

Cover Letters are usually synonymous with formal and bland rambling that you write down hoping for an invite to a job interview. I just love it how Novorésumé has enhanced that and is offering you a tool to build proper arguments and structured discourse about who YOU ARE and what YOU CAN DO.

A real confidence booster, I tell you, seeing your motivation eloquently written!

Gabriela Tardea

Career Strategist, Coach & Trainer

The best thing about this platform when creating a Cover Letter as an addition to your resume is that the documents will match each other's design and font, creating eye-catching documents that recruiters/hiring managers will love.

You will be initially judged based on your papers, so why not make a first great impression?

Cover Letters Resources

What is a cover letter.

A cover letter is a one-page document that you submit alongside your resume or CV for your job application.

The main purpose of your cover letter is to:

Show your motivation for working at the company

Bring special attention to the most important parts of your work history

Explain how your work experience fits whatever the company is looking for

What your cover letter is NOT about , is rehashing whatever you already mentioned in your resume. Sure, you should mention the most important bits, but it should NOT be a literal copy-paste.

Keep in mind that recruiters will usually read your cover letter after scanning your resume and deciding if you’re qualified for the position.

Our cover letter templates match both our resume templates and our CV templates ! Make sure to check them out, too.

Why Use a Cover Letter Template?

A cover letter can complement your resume and increase your chances of getting hired.

But that's only if it's done right.

If your cover letter isn't the right length, is structured the wrong way, or doesn't match the style of your resume, it might do the opposite and hurt your application.

By using a cover letter template, you get a pre-formatted, professional, and recruiter-friendly document that’s ready to go. All YOU have to do is fill in the contents, and you’re all set.

What to Include in Your Cover Letter?

Every good cover letter has the following sections:

Header . Start your cover letter by writing down your own contact information, as well as the recruiter’s (recruiter name, company name, company address, etc…).

Greeting . Preferably, you want to address the recruiter by their last name (e.g. Dear Mr. Brown) or their full name, in case you’re not sure what their pronouns are (e.g. Dear Alex Brown). formal greeting for the recruiter.

Opening paragraph . This is the introduction to your resume. Here, you summarize your background info (“a financial analyst with X+ years of experience”), state your intent (“looking for X position at Company Y”), and summarize your top achievements to get the recruiter hooked.

Second paragraph . In the second paragraph, you explain how you’re qualified for the position by mentioning your skills, awards, certifications, etc., and why the recruiter should pick YOU.

Third paragraph . You talk about why you’re a good match for the company. Do you share common values? Is the company working on projects you’re interested in? Has this position always been your dream role?

Formal closing . Finally, you end the cover letter with a quick summary and a call to action (“I’m super excited to work with Company X. Looking forward to hearing from you!”).

How to Write a Great Cover Letter?

There’s a lot that goes into writing a great cover letter. If you want to get the full picture, you can check out our guide on how to write a cover letter .

For a quick summary, though, here are our top 4 cover letter tips :

Avoid Fluff . You want to be as specific as possible with your cover letter. Avoid vague statements like “I’m a good fit for the company because I’m a good critical thinker!”

Do Your Research. Most companies don’t like people who “spray and pray” - applying for dozens of jobs without giving them much thought. What they ARE looking for is someone who’s passionate about their field, the position, and even the company. So, research the companies you apply for as much as you can and show off your knowledge in your cover letter.

Don’t Use a One-Fits-All Cover Letter . As much as you can, try to tailor your cover letter to the job you’re applying for. Even if it’s something small, like addressing the hiring manager by their last name instead of “Dear Sir/Madam,” or mentioning something specific about the role or the company that you’re passionate about, it can help you prove that you’re not using the same generic cover letter to apply to dozens of jobs.

Back-Up Your Achievements with Data . When possible, back up your experience with data. Instead of saying, “I improved company revenue”, say “I managed to hit and exceed sales KPIs for 5 months in a row.”

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

Most recruiters agree that a cover letter should be brief and concise .

Optimally, that’s about half a page to one full page, and between 250 to 400 words long.

How Can I Write a Student Cover Letter?

You should write a student cover letter pretty much the same way you’d write a regular cover letter, with one key difference.

To make up for your lack of work experience, you should talk about the following:

Why do you want to work for the company and the position you’re applying for.

How your educational background has prepared you for the job.

How your skill set can help you stand out and excel at the job.

You also want to mention anything else that’s relevant to the job and that can prove your abilities, such as any internships, awards, honors, and the like.

In case you’re writing a cover letter for an internship , make sure to check out our guide.

How Can I Write a Cover Letter With No Experience?

If you’re an entry-level candidate, writing a cover letter might seem super scary. If you don’t have any work experience and professional accomplishments, what are you supposed to talk about in your cover letter?

Here’s some good news—you can focus on these topics instead:

Education highlights

Relevant skills

Independent projects

Volunteering experience

Extracurricular activities

Passion to learn and grow as a candidate

For a complete guide on how to write an entry-level cover letter , check out our guide.

How to Format a Cover Letter?

Here’s what you need to know on how to format a cover letter the right way:

Choose the right cover letter template for your industry . The better fit the cover letter, the less you’ll have to play with the layout and format.

Use colors sparingly . Don’t go overboard with creativity unless you work in an industry where that’s valued (marketing, advertising, design, and the like).

Select professional font styles and sizes.

Set the margins to 1 inch on each side to make sure there is enough white space and the document doesn’t look crowded with text.

Get Inspired with Our Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter templates faq, do i need a different cover letter for every job.

While you don’t need to write a different cover letter from scratch for every single job you apply for, it’s good to tailor your cover letter contents as much as you can to the company and position you’re applying for.

Hiring managers will always go for an applicant who’s interested in their specific position over a candidate that’s sending the same application to dozens of roles.

If you tailor your cover letter to the position, even if it’s something small like addressing the hiring manager by their name or explaining how you possess the right skills for the specific job, your chances of getting hired are going to be much better!

How to Make a Simple Cover Letter for Your Resume?

Simply pick one of our 16 effective cover letter templates above to get started.

We’d recommend matching your cover letter template to the resume template you picked.

Not only will it make your application package look more sophisticated and professional, but it will also make you more memorable for the recruiter who’ll go over your application.

Who Created These Cover Letter Templates?

Novoresume cover letter templates were created in cooperation with professional recruiters and hiring managers.

This means they’re up to date with the latest industry trends and job market requirements. With a Novoresume cover letter template, you can rest assured that your cover letter will look professional and modern at the same time.

When Should I Email My Cover Letter Instead of Using a Template?

As a rule of thumb, it’s always better to use a cover letter template instead of including it in the body of your email as plain text. By using a well-designed and effective cover letter template, you’re guaranteed to look like a more serious and professional candidate.

So, you should only email your cover letter if the job ad specifically asks you to.

Should I Use a PDF or Word Cover Letter Template?

We recommend going for a PDF cover letter template instead of Word.

All types of Operating Systems and devices can open PDF formats without ruining the formatting, design, or layout.

The same, however, cannot be said for Word templates. If, for example, you’ve used a 2021 Word cover letter template and the hiring manager opens it using an MS Word 2016 software version, there’s a chance your formatting will get messed up, or that your font will be unreadable.

To err on the side of caution, we always advise using a PDF cover letter template.

What is the Best Cover Letter Template in 2024?

There’s no such thing as the “best cover letter template.”

After all, every single recruiter has their own personal taste. Some might like a shiny and flashy cover letter template, while others might think it’s tacky. As a rule of thumb, though, we usually recommend customizing each cover letter for the company you’re sending it to.

Do I Really Need a Cover Letter in 2024?

Yes, you definitely need to submit a cover letter with your resume in 2024.

Even if the hiring manager never reads your cover letter or if the job description doesn’t specifically ask for one, a cover letter can still help strengthen your application and make you look like a more serious and proactive candidate.

As such, it’s always a good idea to include a cover letter with your resume.

How to Make a Cover Letter With Novoresume?

To make a cover letter with Novoresume, simply scroll up and pick a template that you like best. Then, register or log in to your Novoresume account. From there, you can add your cover letter contents, as well as personalize and edit them as you see fit.

The Novoresume builder is very intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to create your cover letter lightning-fast.

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How to Start a Cover Letter: 30 Creative Opening Sentences Recruiters Will LOVE

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Wondering how to start a cover letter? Traditional cover letter wisdom might tell you to begin with something like, “Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the marketing manager position with the Thomas Company.” But we say: A cookie cutter cover letter intro feels as outdated as a Hotmail address.

A cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to a hiring manager—who you are, what you have to offer, and why you want the job—but you have an extremely limited amount of space to do it. If you really want to get noticed, you’ve got to start right off the bat with something that grabs your reader’s attention.

What do we mean? Well, we won’t just tell you, we’ll show you. Keep reading to find tips on how to start a cover letter, along with 30 creative cover letter opening lines and sentence examples.

Still looking for that perfect next role? One of these open jobs on The Muse just might be the one »

5 tips on how to start off a cover letter

Here are a few pointers to guide you as you use our example cover letter openings—we’re getting there, we promise!—to craft your own:

1. Avoid boring or overused openers

Recruiters have read cover letters that start with lines like “I’m excited to apply for the front-end engineering position,” or “Your job posting on The Muse prompted me to…” so often they could wallpaper their homes with them. While those are OK and still acceptable, you'll have a better shot at impressing potential employers with a less cliché opening line.

2. Be lively and personable

People like reading interesting, engaging stuff—the kind that paints a picture, tells a story, and maybe even makes them smile. People like it when you’re human, genuine, and memorable. So figure out something about yourself and your background that relates to the company or position you're interested in, and use that to build a connection.

3. Show what you bring the company

You’ll get more into the details after your opening paragraph, of course. But your cover letter opener should still tell the reader, “This person can do something for us,” rather than, “This job would really help them.”

4. Stick to the point

Your opener, while creative, should still be relevant to the job. Don’t begin by highlighting an unrelated accomplishment or recounting an anecdote that never connects back to why you’re applying for the job. Part of writing an effective cover letter is curating key information that relates to that specific job opportunity and shows the reader that you're a good fit for the role.

5. Don't start with “To Whom It May Concern”

Find an alternative to “ To Whom It May Concern .” Seriously, banish those five words from your cover letter vocabulary forever. Nowadays, this phrase is seen as outdated, overused, and even rude—especially when better options exist.

30 cover letter opening sentence examples

We’ve come up with 30 creative cover letter opening sentence examples and separated them by the method they use to grab the reader’s attention. We don’t recommend copying and pasting because, well, your cover letter should be unique to your stories, background, and interests.

But you can most definitely use these examples to get inspired for your next application. (If you’re looking to see what an entire cover letter might look like, check out our article on the best cover letter examples for every type of job seeker .)

Start with passion

Employers want to hire people who care about what they’re doing. If you start your cover letter off talking about your passions and how they relate to the job, you’re telling the reader that you’ll be an engaged and motivated employee who’s likely to stick around. Plus, it’s a good way to tell the company a bit about who you are as a person right off the bat. Just be honest and realistic.

If truly loving data is wrong, I don’t want to be right. It seems like the rest of the folks at [Analytics Company] feel the same way—and that’s just one of the reasons why I think I’d be the perfect next hire for your sales team.

I’ve been giving my friends and family free style advice since I was 10, and recently decided it’s time I get paid for it. That’s why I couldn’t believe it when I found an open personal stylist position at [Company].

After about three years of trying out different roles at early-stage startups around San Francisco, watching more “ find your passion “ keynotes than I’d like to admit, and assuring my parents that, yes, I actually do have a real job, I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that I’m happiest when I’m doing two things: writing great content and getting it out into the world.

The other day, I took a career assessment , which told me I should be a maritime merchant. I’m not quite sure what that is, but it did get me thinking: A role that combines my skills in business development with my lifelong passion for the ocean would be my absolute dream. Which is how I found this role at Royal Caribbean.

As a kid, I once gave up a day of a family vacation to transport an injured lizard I found by our hotel two hours each way to the nearest animal hospital (and talked my dad into driving me pre-GPS!). When I was a bit older, I found out I could care for animals every day for a living, and I’ve been working toward that goal ever since.

I am constantly checking my LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds—and not because of FOMO. Because I’m someone who wholeheartedly believes in the power of sharing ideas in online communal spaces, and I’m positive that I can help spark meaningful conversations as your next social media assistant.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be one of those people who pretend to be statues on the street. Thankfully, my career goals have become a little more aspirational over the years, but I still love to draw a crowd and entertain the masses—passions that make me the perfect community manager.

Start with admiration

Companies often want to hire people who already know, love, eat, and sleep their brand. What better to kick off your cover letter than a little flattery? Of course, remember when you’re telling a company why you love it to be specific and genuine. Because while everyone likes a compliment, no one likes obvious self-serving B.S.

I pretty much spent my childhood in the cheap seats at Cubs games, snacking on popcorn and cheering on the team with my grandfather. It’s that memory that’s shaped my career—from helping to establish the sports marketing major at my university to leading a college baseball team to an undefeated season as assistant coach—and what led me to apply for this position at the Chicago Cubs.

It was Rudy, my Golden Retriever, who first inspired me to apply to your operations assistant opening—not only have we used your app to find other dogs to play with in our neighborhood, he’s really excited about the prospect of coming to work with me every day. As I learned more about how [Company] is using modern tech to help pets thrive in cities, I couldn’t help but get excited to be part of it, too.

Example 10:

When I was seven, I wanted to be the GEICO gecko when I grew up. I eventually realized that wasn’t an option, but you can imagine my excitement when I came across your events manager position, which would have me working side by side with my favorite company mascot.

Example 11:

When I attended SXSW for the first time last month, I didn’t want to leave. So I decided I shouldn’t—and immediately went to check out job openings at the company.

Example 12:

If I could make the NYC apartment rental process better for just one person, I would feel like the horrors of my recent search would all be worth it. So a customer service role at [Apartment Search Company], where I could do it every day? I can’t think of anything more fulfilling.

Example 13:

[Vacation Rental Company] is synonymous with luxury and escape, known for spaces that inspire. I’ve felt this firsthand every time I’ve stayed at one of your properties—whether I was throwing a bachelorette party or working from home in a new locale—and I would love the chance to contribute to this reputation as your destination manager.

Example 14:

I was an hour out from hosting my first big dinner party when I realized I had forgotten to pick up the white wine. In a panic, I started Googling delivery services, and that’s when I first stumbled across [Delivery Service Company]. I’ve been hooked ever since, so I couldn’t help but get excited by the idea of bringing this amazingness to nervous hosts like me as your next social media and community manager.

Example 15:

Though I’m happily employed as a marketing manager, seeing the job description for your company’s PR director position stopped me in my tracks. I’ve been wearing your glasses for many years, and have always been impressed by the way the company treats its customers, employees, and the community at large.

Example 16:

A group of us IT folks were sitting around talking about our favorite Pacific Northwest companies this morning (coincidentally, over coffee). As you might figure, Starbucks was among the first names that came up. What makes you such a standout among Seattle-based corporations? Here’s the list we compiled:

Start with accomplishments

For any given job, you’re going to be competing with a lot of other job seekers—presumably, a lot of other similarly qualified people. A great way to stand out in your cover letter is to highlight something about yourself—a character trait, an accomplishment, a really impressive skill—that’ll quickly show how you stand out.

Example 17:

My last boss once told me that my phone manner could probably defuse an international hostage situation. I’ve always had a knack for communicating with people—the easygoing and the difficult alike—and I’d love to bring that skill to your open office manager position.

Example 18:

Among my colleagues, I’m known as the one who can pick up the pieces, no matter what amount of you-know-what hits the fan. Which is why I think there’s no one better to fill this customer service leader position.

Example 19:

Last December, I ousted our company’s top salesperson from his spot—and he hasn’t seen it since. Which means, I’m ready for my next big challenge, and the sales manager role at your company is exactly what I’m looking for.

Example 20:

After spending three years managing the internal communications for a 2,000-person company, I could plan a quarterly town hall or draft an interoffice memo in my sleep. What do I want to do next? Put that experience to work as a consultant for executives looking to level up their communications strategy.

Example 21:

While you won’t find the title “community manager” listed on my resume, I’ve actually been bringing people together online and off for three years while running my own blog and series of meetups.

Example 22:

If you’re looking for someone who can follow orders and doesn’t like to rock the boat, I’m probably not the right candidate. But if you need someone who can dig into data, see what’s working (and what’s not), and challenge the status quo, let’s talk.

Example 23:

I recently relocated my family to Texas. As we neared our new home, I noticed with intrigue the many wind turbines dotting the landscape. Suddenly, it hit me: “This is the career for me.” After unloading the moving van, I promptly researched companies in this sector that may benefit most from a skilled field engineer with expert electromechanical skills. And I discovered that [Company] is where I want to be.

Example 24:

You might be wondering what a 15-year veteran of the accounting world is doing applying to an operations role at a food startup. While I agree the shift is a little strange, I know you’re looking for someone who’s equal parts foodie and financial expert, and I think that means I’m your person.

Example 25:

Over the last 10 years, I’ve built my career on one simple principle: Work smarter. I’m the person who looks for inefficient procedures, finds ways to streamline them, and consistently strives to boost the productivity of everyone around me. It’s what’s earned me three promotions in the supply chain department at my current company, and it’s what I know I can do as the new operations analyst for [Company].

Start with humor and creativity

OK, before you read any of these, we have to stamp them with a big, blaring disclaimer: Do your homework before trying anything like this—learn everything you can about the company and the hiring manager to gauge whether or not they’d appreciate some comedic relief or a bit of snark. If it seems like they would, it’s a great way to make them smile (then call you). If they don’t? Try a different approach.

Example 26:

Have you ever had your mom call five times a day asking for a status update on how your job search is going, and then sound incredulous that you haven’t made more progress since the last phone call? That’s my life right now. But I’m hoping that soon my life will revolve around being your full-time social media manager. The good news is, I bring more to the table than just an overbearing mom. Let me tell you more.

Example 27:

Thank you so much for offering me the marketing manager position at [Company]! I wholeheartedly accept. OK, I know we’re not quite there yet. But if we were, here are just a few ideas for what I would do once in the role.

Example 28:

I considered submitting my latest credit card statement as proof of just how much I love online shopping, but I thought a safer approach might be writing this cover letter and describing all the reasons I’m the one who can take [E-Commerce Company]’s business to the next level.

Example 29:

I never thought that accidentally dropping my iPhone out of a second story window would change my life (it’s a funny story—ask me about it). But thanks to my misfortune, I discovered [Phone Repair Company]—and found my dream job as an expansion associate.

Example 30:

If we were playing “Two Truths and a Lie,” I’d say: I’ve exceeded my sales quotas by at least 20% every quarter this year, I once won an international pie-eating contest, and I have an amazing job at [Company]. The last, of course, is the lie. For now.

Frequently asked questions

How do you start off a cover letter.

When unsure how to open a cover letter, a good rule of thumb is to steer clear of clichés or overused opening lines. Instead, start by highlighting a passion or accomplishment relevant to the company or role you're applying for. You could also mention something about the company that caught your attention. Get creative, but keep it professional and make sure your narrative makes sense in that context.

How to start a cover letter greeting?

Try to find the hiring manager's name on LinkedIn or the company's website and address them directly, like “Dear Jane Doe”. If you can't find their name, “Dear Hiring Manager” is a good alternative. Avoid using “To Whom It May Concern” as it sounds outdated and impersonal.

How do I introduce myself in a cover letter?

Introducing yourself in a cover letter is straightforward: just share a bit about yourself. For example, “I'm a copywriter with seven years of experience in online content writing. At least officially. Since my first year of college I've been working on personal projects and keeping a track record of my accomplishments throughout the years.” No need to repeat your name since it's already in your contact information at the beginning of the letter.

How to start a cover letter without a name?

If you don't know the name of the person receiving your cover letter, start with “Dear Hiring Manager” or similar. Other possibilities include: “Dear Hiring Team”, “To the Hiring Team”, “To the Hiring Team”, “Dear Recruiter/Recruiting Team”, or “Dear Hiring Committee” if your industry evaluates cover letters and applications through a board.

Jenny Foss , Erica Breuer , Regina Borsellino , Amanda Cardoso also contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

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Short Cover Letter Samples: Effective Examples for Job Applications

10 min read · Updated on September 11, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Sometimes, a short and simple cover letter is all you need.

Today's hiring managers are inundated with resumes and cover letters, making it an impossible task to read everything that comes across their desks. Because of this, you need to make a great first impression as quickly as possible. 

However, it can be a difficult task to condense years of experience, education, and career achievements into something concise. But you've come to the right place. Here, you'll find some short cover letter samples that will help you win the day. 

Less is more

A lot of job seekers fall into the trap of trying to fit everything they've ever done into their resume and cover letter under the false impression that will help them land an interview. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

The fact is, there isn't a hiring manager alive who is reading your resume and cover letter. Each document they get is quickly skimmed for pertinent information – details that prove the job seeker is the right person for the role they have open. 

This is where the concept of a short cover letter comes into play. Don't be confused, though. Short doesn't mean that it lacks value. The idea is, instead, to relay only what's most important to the hiring manager to ensure you land a coveted interview.

Related reading: What is the 6-second test?

Get their attention

The goal is to grab the hiring manager's attention within six seconds. Once they come across something they find interesting, they'll slow down and read what you've provided. When it comes to writing a cover letter that sings your praises in a clear and precise manner, it's best to follow an outline. 

Even in a short cover letter, structure is important as it makes it easy for the hiring manager to quickly find what they're looking for.

Start your letter with the hiring manager's name , if possible. You can use LinkedIn to try to find their name, or perhaps it's listed in the job description. If you absolutely can't find a person's name, then you can use a general greeting like “Dear Hiring Manager.” 

The opening paragraph

This is your first opportunity to hook the hiring manager into reading. State your value proposition and let them know why you feel you'd be a great fit for the role. Be specific and mention the position by name – this is part of what's called tailoring your cover letter . 

Try to avoid using redundant language. If you perform an online search for cover letter templates, it's a fair bet that most of them will start with some form of “I'm writing to express my interest in [job].” No kidding! There's no need to use “I'm writing to express my interest” because that's completely obvious.

Instead, use more impactful language like “My career is punctuated by the ability to lead companies through complex transformations to drive sustainable growth.” Here, you've immediately stated something of value that you bring to the table. 

The middle paragraph

Since your focus is on writing a short cover letter, you don't have a lot of space to go into great detail about your achievements. Therefore, you should find something in the job description the company is really keen on getting from a new hire. Match that thing with an achievement from your past and write a blurb about it. Always try to use metrics – numbers – to prove your point. 

For example, “In my previous role, I increased sales by 15% in just 6 months by building lasting relationships with executive decision-makers at client companies.” 

Alternative to using a middle paragraph

It might be easier to make your point and keep it short if you replace the middle paragraph with a series of bullet points to break down your accomplishments. Even if you do this, you still want to focus on the parts of your career history that are relevant to the job you're applying for. 

Bullet points keep things clear and readable, making it virtually impossible for a hiring manager to miss the point you're trying to make. Also, bullet points add white space which improves how easily someone can skim through what you've written. 

Case in point:

Sentence in paragraph form:  

“In my previous role as a Sales Manager, I led a team of 15 sales reps to increase revenue by 20% year over year.” 

Sentence in bullet form:

Led a team of 15  sales representatives

Increased team revenue by 20% annually

You've said the exact same thing in both instances, but you make your point way faster in the bullet format than in the paragraph form. 

The closing paragraph

Now, you express your enthusiasm for the role and the company – if you know enough about the company to be passionate about what they do. Don't forget to invite them to contact you and thank them for their time. Sign your name (or type your name) beneath this last paragraph. And, yes, it's okay to include your contact info on a line beneath your name. 

Related reading: How to Write Your Ideal Cover Letter Closing Statement

Short cover letter samples

The beauty of writing a short cover letter is that you can do so whether you're fresh out of college or have decades of experience under your belt. Though admittedly, it does get more difficult the longer your career. To give you some ideas of what yours could look like, here are some short cover letter samples for different roles and experience levels. 

Avoid copying and pasting these as your own because no two careers are alike, and your cover letter needs to be properly targeted to the job you want. But you can absolutely use them as inspiration for writing your own short cover letter. 

Entry-level short cover letter sample

First & Last Name

Bennington, NE 68007 | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]

Marketing Assistant

Dear Mr. Richardson:

I've always been fascinated by what it takes for companies to connect with potential customers in a way that encourages sales. So, I went to school and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, where I developed a strong foundation in digital marketing, social media management, and content creation that I know will benefit [Company Name]'s team. 

One of my proudest moments came during an internship at Digital Horizons, where I partnered with the Social Media Manager to oversee campaigns and analyze audience engagement. I created a new strategy for Instagram that resulted in a 25% increase in followers within three months. This experience not only sharpened my ability to create compelling content but also taught me how to interpret analytics and adjust strategies to drive better engagement.

I may be new to the industry, but I'm ready to make an impact with [Company Name] in [insert a keyword from the job description]. Thank you for taking the time to review my candidacy. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to your team's success.

One of the reasons this short cover letter works is the conversational tone. Your cover letter doesn't have to use the same stuffy language that your resume does. When you write your cover letter like this, it feels more approachable and engaging. Other than the tone, this short cover letter instantly highlights your degree and talks about practical skills you've gained. Even though there's not a lot of experience to draw from, it's still possible to find a way to inject an achievement.  

Professional, experience-based short cover letter sample

Queen Creek, AZ 85142 | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]


Dear Hiring Manager:

After leading HR operations across 7 locations in the Southwest and Pacific Northwest, I've developed an understanding of managing complex, multi-site HR functions while fostering a cohesive and positive work culture. My ability to drive continuous improvement in diverse environments will make me a great addition to [Company Name]'s team. 

It took me less than a year to transition from an administrative role into a leadership position in my last job, and since I'm a jump-in-with-both-feet type of person, I quickly founded and chaired a Culture Committee and led company-wide events. One such event was attended by over 300 people. In fact, it was so well-received that I earned leadership buy-in on additional programs that supported employee engagement and professional development, including a Rosetta Stone Language program. 

I am eager to bring my capabilities in motivating staff and managing change to your team, and I know that an employer/employee relationship will be a mutually beneficial endeavor. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with your needs. I look forward to hearing back from you.

This short cover letter works because it gets to the point in just a few sentences. There are key accomplishments – like leading HR operations across multiple locations and founding new committees – and enough detail to make the point without overwhelming the reader. On top of that, the tone is engaging without being verbose. There's even a polite yet confident call to action at the end. 

Executive-level short cover letter sample

Orlando, FL | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]


I would like to present 3 decades of experience in anti-money laundering and fraud prevention/management to you in response to the open [Job Title] at [Company Name].

If you're looking for someone to take the reins on innovating fraud prevention tactics and complying with the many regulations imposed on the banking industry while simultaneously leveraging transformational leadership as a member of the Board of Directors, then I'm your person. Not only have I restructured BSA and Fraud departments, but I've also implemented cutting-edge programs that automate reporting and compliance processes, saving upwards of $1.2M annually. Over the years, I've built a reputation as someone who can quickly solve complex problems, even if the answer involves building new programs. In fact, some of the programs I've built have won awards multiple years in a row. 

All of this is easily repeatable for [Company Name]'s team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and achievements align with your team's needs.

Even at the executive level, this short cover letter works because it is bursting with value. It immediately zeros in on the amount of experience you have in a niche, highly regulated field and quickly talks about achievements. It also shows hiring managers that you're capable of leading both at the strategic and operational level by mentioning Board of Director experience. It may be written in a conversational tone, using phrases like “take the reins,” but it does so in a way that conveys confidence without sounding arrogant. 

Short is still impactful

As you write your short cover letter, remember the focus should be on clarity and professionalism while keeping it concise. It's easy to relay the value you can offer a new team without presenting a wall of text that is not only tedious to read but overwhelms the hiring manager into skipping your application altogether. Short doesn't mean less effective; it means more targeted. 

Did you know that TopResume can help you fine-tune your cover letter ? Since more than 50% of employers want to see a cover letter, you should think about getting one written that'll help you stand out from the crowd.

Recommended reading: 

Essential Cover Letter Elements for Job Success

The Right (and Wrong) Ways to Show Personality in Your Cover Letter

9 Cliches to Cut From Your Cover Letter Right Now

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Everything about a cover letter

What is a cover letter for a job.

A cover letter is part of a resume that concisely presents more information about you as an applicant. A good cover letter has several short paragraphs, shows your interest in the job and any relevant experience you have. As you discover how to write a cover letter, we have some answers to commonly asked questions.

The type of cover letter you use depends on the job description, the company at which you are applying and your personal goals. As you revise your cover letter, highlight your knowledge about the company’s mission, values and culture, and show how you fit into their long-term vision.

An application letter is not always required for job applications. However, looks more professional and shows effort on the applicant’s part. There are four types of cover letters:

  • Value proposition letter: this gives a summary of why you are unique and is similar to the “tell me about yourself” interview question.
  • Letter of interest: this type of letter shows that you are interested in working for a company even if they don’t have current open positions, and shows why you are qualified and an asset.
  • Referral: this format is ideal when you know someone at the company who referred you to the position.
  • Application: the most common cover letter, this provides details about relevant experience and education, and allows you to delve into things that aren’t appropriate in a resume .

Why is a cover letter important for a job application?

A cover letter is important for a job application because it gives more insight into your personality and qualifications than are listed on your resume. It’s an important tool to present yourself as an asset to the company. A great cover letter helps you stand out from the competition when a hiring manager may go through hundreds of applications for each job.

Your cover letter is the initial introduction a company has of you. If it’s well-written and covers your most important strengths, it may propel you to the top of the applicant pool. It emphasizes your core competencies to catch the hiring manager’s attention.

A good job letter also shows personality. Because of space constraints, resumes can often be blunt and to the point with no room for the reader to get a sense of your personality. Therefore, your cover letter highlights the personality traits that make you a good candidate. These traits include things like being self-motivated, a good leader or organized. In your cover letter, elaborate on why you want to make an employment change and why this opportunity is for you.

You can also show your passion for the industry or job. A well-written cover letter emphasizes your understanding of the company’s vision and how you fit into it. A powerful letter shows how the company benefits from your impact.

Finally, a cover letter highlights your writing ability. Employers value those who can articulate their thoughts in writing, and this shows excellent communication skills.

How should a cover letter look in 2024?

A good cover letter is both formatted and flexible. Using cover letter templates can help ensure that you get the right information across to the hiring manager, but it’s still important to adjust and tailor each letter to the specific job application.

Heading: This section should include your name, physical address, phone number and email address. Furthermore, you can use a professional email and include links to an online portfolio, your professional website or relevant social media sites.

Salutation: If you know the name of the hiring manager, use it for a personalized touch. If not, a generic "Dear Hiring Manager" can suffice.

Opening Statement: The first paragraph is an strong opening statement about who you are, what job you want and when you are available. You can skip specific details like the company name in this section.

Company Alignment: Here, dive into why you're drawn to the particular company and the role. Emphasize your passion for the industry and how you see yourself contributing to the organization's goals.

Motivation: The third paragraph is for motivating why you believe you are the best candidate for the job. Here, mention any relevant experience you’ve had, and why you will excel in this job. While your past employment and education are included in your resume or CV , this is the place to add one or two experiences that stand out and make you a good candidate. 

Conclusion: The final paragraph is an outro, and should stay simple and concise. Mention your attached resume, specify where and when you can be reached, and mention that you’d love the chance to discuss the opportunity more.

Should I customize my cover letter for every job application?

Using cover letter and resume templates is a great way to get a basic outline to start and takes save a lot of time as all the formatting is taken care for you. However, it is highly recommended that your cover letter should be customized and tailored for each specific job and role that you're applying for.

A personal cover letter shows you’ve done your research on the company and the position and it provides you with a great opportunity to stand-out from the rest of the competition.

There are several ways to make a cover letter more personal. One way is to connect your personal value to the company’s values. This requires time and research on your part. Read the website and browse their social media profiles to get an idea of what is important to them. Some companies value the bottom line while others focus on their long-term effects on the world, and if you understand that, you can tie your personal values and work ethic into their goals. 

When possible, use the hiring manager or recruiter’s name. Not only does this personalize your letter, it also ensures that your application goes to the right person. 

Share your professional goals. Discuss how the job directly impacts your career path and what you’ve done to create a solid foundation. Pinpoint how the job you’re applying for matches your long-term goals and how you will be an asset to the company.

As you do research to personalize your cover letter, you learn more about every company. This can also give you insight into companies that you don’t want to work for, whose values don’t align with yours.

How do I use Jobseeker’s cover letter generator?

Jobseeker offers CV and resume examples , as well as templates for resumes, CVs and cover letters. Our tool is easy to use and has several free options. Simply click Get Started on our website and click on create a new cover letter to begin.

You can choose from a formal letter, or email and digital text. Input a photo if you choose, your personal information, email address and phone number. There is a spot to fill in the recipient, the date and subject, the introduction, your current job situation, what your motivation is for the job and a closing paragraph. These spots include drop downs that help guide you through the creating process.

Simply fill in these spots and our tool will populate the cover letter. Choose from 12 different styles including Elegant, Professional, Modern and Simple. Adjust the font, size and color to create a cover letter that reflects your goals and personality. 

Jobseeker also allows you to digitally attach a signature, upload your resume and create a custom paragraph for any other information you want to add. This tool is available in a variety of languages and can be downloaded (in PDF format) or printed. You can use the same template to personalize a cover letter each time you apply for a new job.

Can I format my cover letter with Jobseeker’s cover letter generator?

Our convenient tool allows you to not only choose your format, spacing and font, but you can also move each section to where you feel is appropriate. To change the order, simply hover over the section and click the six dots to the left of the text. Use the mouse to move the section where you want it. 

While our examples and templates are a good guideline, we recognize that ultimately it’s your opinion that matters most. We recommend that your personal details, date and subject, recipient and introduction remain in the order we’ve provided, but ultimately you can change the order to fit the job.

Our system mimics that of other word processing programs (such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word) to make it easy to use. Within the Introduction section, our system guides you to choose between four types of applications: open application, response to ad in newspaper or magazine, response to online ad, and other. 

Once you’ve chosen from the dropdowns in each section, the text automatically populates on the cover letter. Our text gives you a starting point, but you can edit any information to match your purposes. As each paragraph is added and you make edits, read through the information and check that your tone and writing style match.

How can I send the cover letter after it is created?

Once your cover letter is done and all applicable fields are filled in, you can download the document as a PDF and send it along with your resume or CV to the recruiter or hiring manager. We also offer an option to receive the cover letter as a plain email if that option works for you.

When writing your cover letter, don’t forget to attach your resume before you send it to the hiring manager or recruiter. Proofread your cover letter every time you change it, and browse our samples to find a professional tone with appropriate language.

What makes Jobseeker’s cover letter builder the best?

When it comes to cover letter, resume and CV templates and resume templates , we have many great options to choose from. However, ease-of-use is where our builder shines above the rest. We strive to keep Jobseeker’s tools updated and customized to match your needs. The benefits of using Jobseeker include the following:

  • Our user-friendly interface makes the creation process simple for those with basic technology experience.
  • Our tool allows you to build a cover letter, CV or resume in more than 20 languages.
  • We provide diverse options when it comes to templates, with more than ten styles to choose from.
  • We allow you to adjust your text, font and spacing to be more exciting, which helps you create an eye-catching cover letter.
  • With our easy formatting tool it is simple to add, remove or move various sections.
  • When you use Jobseeker, you can match your cover letter template to your CV or resume template.

As you browse resume, cover letter and CV examples on our website, you can run through our cover letter maker to see for yourself how easy it is to use, and how quickly we can help you create an eye-catching, attention-grabbing cover letter. Present your best professional image with a well-written, personalized cover letter created with the the Jobseeker tool.

How many words should a cover letter be?

The appropriate length of a cover letter can vary depending on the position and industry, but as a general guideline, it is recommended to keep it concise and focused. A well-crafted cover letter typically ranges from 250 to 400 words. It is important to remember that hiring managers often have limited time to review applications, so it is best to convey your qualifications and enthusiasm in a clear and succinct manner. Instead of writing lengthy paragraphs, aim to highlight your most relevant strengths and accomplishments, using bullet points or short sentences. By keeping your cover letter within this word count range, you can ensure that it remains engaging and impactful without overwhelming the reader with excessive information.

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  1. Download Cover Letter Professional Sample

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  2. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2024? (+Examples)

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  3. How to Write a Cover Letter in 2021

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  4. Cover Letter Header Examples for 2024 (+Heading Templates)

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  5. How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

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  6. How To Write A Cover Letter: Useful Tips, Phrases and Examples • 7ESL

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  1. Das Anschreiben

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  4. Lesen16 #b1 #deutsch #germany

  5. 28. Juli 2024

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  1. Cover Letter

    Der Cover Letter ist das englischsprachige Äquivalent zum deutschen Bewerbungsschreiben und somit oft die erste Seite einer internationalen Bewerbung. Im Cover Letter stellst du dich und deinen bisherigen Werdegang vor, erläuterst deine Motivation und gibst einen Überblick über deine wichtigsten Qualifikationen, Kenntnisse, Soft Skills und Erfolge. ...

  2. Cover Letter: Tipps + Beispiele zur englischen Bewerbung

    Cover Letter Deutsch: Bedeutung + Synonyme. Der Cover Letter (auch „Covering Letter" oder „Application Letter") entspricht dem deutschen Anschreiben und gehört zwingend zu der Bewerbung auf Englisch.Wer sich für einen internationalen Job im Ausland, speziell in Großbritannien oder in den USA bewirbt, muss allerdings mehr tun, als das deutsche Bewerbungsschreiben ins Englische zu ...

  3. Cover Letter: Anschreiben in der englischen Bewerbung

    Cover Letter: Das Anschreiben für die englische Bewerbung. Für eine englische Bewerbung brauchst du immer einen Cover Letter. Zusammen mit dem Curriculum Vitae bilden sie deine Bewerbungsunterlagen für eine Stelle im englischsprachigen Ausland. Der Cover Letter kann im Deutschen mit dem Anschreiben bzw. Motivationsschreiben gleichgesetzt werden.

  4. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  5. Cover Letter • Aufbau, Inhalte & Muster · [mit Video]

    Der typische Aufbau eines Cover Letters erinnert also an das deutsche Anschreiben. Trotzdem solltest du dieses nicht einfach 1:1 übersetzen. Im amerikanischen Cover Letter überzeugst du beispielsweise mehr durch selbstbewusstes Auftreten und das Hervorheben deiner größten Leistungen. Außerdem solltest du dich möglichst kurzfassen.

  6. How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

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  7. How to Write A Cover Letter In 2022 (6 Tips And 3 Templates)

    The cover letter is a tool to help introduce yourself in a memorable, personal way during a job application. A well-crafted cover letter goes over information on your resume and expands this information for the reader, taking them on a guided journey of some of your greatest career and life achievements.. Its purpose is to elaborate on the information contained in your resume while infusing ...

  8. German Cover Letter Guide [With English Sample]

    Naturally, there is also a guideline for professional letter writing and correspondence, the so-called DIN 5008 norm. It states the following margins on a DIN A4 (standard German letter paper format): German Cover Letter Format Example. Left margin: 2,5 cm. Right margin: 2,0 cm. Top margin: 4,5 cm. Bottom margin: 2,5 cm.

  9. Create your Europass Cover Letter

    Europass will guide you step by step through the process to help you create a good cover letter with all the essential information. You can create, store and share cover letters in 31 languages, choose from different templates to customise your application and share them easily from your Europass Library. Create your Europass.

  10. How to write the perfect cover letter

    Here is an example of a cover letter: Include your address and contact details in the upper part of the cover letter. Include a subject line with a reference to the position you are applying for. If a contact person is mentioned address it to him/ her. First part: The opening. Express your interest for the job opening you would like to apply for.

  11. 60+ Cover Letter Examples in 2024 [For All Professions]

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  12. Cover Letter Samples and Templates

    A cover letter should include the following parts: Header. Salutation. Introduction. Body paragraph. Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. The following cover letter samples and examples will show you how to write a cover letter for many employment circumstances. Browse cover letters by job title for inspiration.

  13. Cover letter in Germany (Anschreiben)

    Use specific, concrete examples from your work history to back up your points. End with a formal signing-off. Make sure your letter is no longer than one side of A4. Our expat guide looks at how to format, structure and write a cover letter in Germany, with plenty of tips, and links to examples and templates.

  14. Cover Letter Template (With Tips and Examples)

    Cover letter example. Examples statements in the first paragraph of your cover letter that will showcase the value you bring to a company, and express your excitement. Here is an example cover letter following the above template. Please keep in mind that your cover letter will vary depending on the employers and jobs you're applying for.

  15. The 46 Best Cover Letter Examples: What They Got Right

    6. The Cover Letter with H.E.A.R.T. HubSpot has a lot of H.E.A.R.T. — Humble, Empathetic, Adaptable, Remarkable, Transparent. Our Culture Code is the foundation of the company's culture, the driving force behind our mission to help millions grow better, and serves as the scaffolding for our hiring practices.

  16. Free Downloadable Cover Letter Templates (Word & Google Docs)

    How to Use a Free Cover Letter Template. To use one of our professionally-designed cover letter templates, simply: Select the template you like and click on "View Template."; Download it as a Word Doc or Google Doc, and select the option of your choice under "How to download this template" (If you want to use a Google Doc, make sure to select the color option you want before making a ...

  17. 300+ Free Cover Letters Examples by Job [Full Guides]

    Production. 1. No matter your role in the manufacturing process, make your application stand out with our industry-specific cover letter examples. Share your story and strongest assets, then put your application together in a flash with our hassle-free builder tool and professional, customizable designs. Production.

  18. 10+ Cover Letter Examples (+ Different Types & Formatting Guide)

    Prospecting cover letters are also known as letters of inquiry or cold call letters. They are useful if you're looking to apply to a company that isn't actively hiring or isn't widely advertising. A prospecting cover letter shows your interest in learning about available positions while at the same time demonstrating eagerness and initiative.

  19. Cover Letters

    Cover Letters. Crafting a great cover letter can set your application apart and help you get your foot in the door. But where to start? We've got tips, templates, and examples to get you going—from great opening lines to real samples that actually worked.

  20. How to write the perfect cover letter (With examples)

    To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2. Mention your skills and qualifications.

  21. 16+ Cover Letter Templates [Get Started in 1 Click]

    From there, you can add your cover letter contents, as well as personalize and edit them as you see fit. The Novoresume builder is very intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to create your cover letter lightning-fast. Build a professional cover letter within minutes. Pick one of our 16 top templates, fill it in online, and download it in ...

  22. How to Start a Cover Letter: 30 Creative Opening Sentences

    1. Avoid boring or overused openers. Recruiters have read cover letters that start with lines like "I'm excited to apply for the front-end engineering position," or "Your job posting on The Muse prompted me to…" so often they could wallpaper their homes with them. While those are OK and still acceptable, you'll have a better shot at ...

  23. Short Cover Letter Samples: Effective Examples for Job Applications

    Avoid copying and pasting these as your own because no two careers are alike, and your cover letter needs to be properly targeted to the job you want. But you can absolutely use them as inspiration for writing your own short cover letter. Entry-level short cover letter sample. First & Last Name. Bennington, NE 68007 | (123) 456-7890 | email ...

  24. Write an impressive cover letter in minutes

    A good cover letter is both formatted and flexible. Using cover letter templates can help ensure that you get the right information across to the hiring manager, but it's still important to adjust and tailor each letter to the specific job application.. Heading: This section should include your name, physical address, phone number and email address. . Furthermore, you can use a professional ...