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Chemistry In Everyday Life

Chemistry in Everyday Life

If you are studying chemistry, then you must have wondered about the importance of chemistry in everyday life . Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with the investigation of the properties and changes of matter. From the way how our body exchanges oxygen to how our universe was created, all have a part of chemistry associated with it.

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Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

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Chemicals of Food in Everyday Life

The following chemicals are widely used in food materials.

  • Colouring agents
  • Artificial preservatives
  • Flow stabilisers
  • Binding substance
  • Artificial sweetness
  • Antioxidants

These substances do not have nutritional value except vitamins.

Also Read:  Important Questions on Chemistry in Everyday Life

Artificial Preservatives: They prevent spoilage of food by stopping the growth of microorganisms. For example, sodium benzoate and sodium meta bisulphate.

Artificial Sweetness: They do not impart any calories to the body since these substances are excreted through urine. For example,

  • Aspartame: It is used in cool drinks and ice creams.
  • Alitame: It is 2000 times sweeter than sucrose.

Antioxidants: They prevent the spoilage of food by preventing the oxidation of food. For example,

  • Butylated hydroxyl tolerance (BHT)
  • Butylated hydroxyl anisole (BHA)

Dyes are coloured organic compounds that are used to impart colour to various substrates, including paper, leather, fur, hair, drugs and cosmetics. Dyes are classified into natural dyes and s ynthetic dyes.

Chemistry of Cleansing Agents in  Everyday Life

What are soap and detergents.

Soaps are sodium or potassium salt of higher carboxylic acid such as stearic acid, palmitic acid and oleic acid, whereas detergents contain a long chain of alkyl groups. Detergents, in comparison to soaps , can also function in hard water.

Saponification: Alkaline hydrolysis of triesters of glycerol to form soap is known as saponification. Soap does not function in hard water since they precipitate in it.

How do soaps work?

Soaps are generally sodium or potassium salts of long-chain fatty acids. Soap molecules have a hydrophobic as well as a hydrophilic part. While the hydrophilic part clings to the water when washing, the hydrophobic end clings to the dirt particles. Thus, when we pour away the water, the dirt particles wash away with the soap molecules.

Also Read:  Cleansing Action of Soaps and Detergents

Types of Soaps

  • Toilet Soaps: Potassium soaps are softer than sodium soaps.
  • Floating Soaps: They can be prepared by beating soap bubbles.
  • Transparent Soaps: They contain soap dissolved in excess of alcohol, and it is evaporated.
  • Medicated Soaps: They contain soaps by adding little amounts of Dettol, Savlon, etc.
  • Laundry Soaps: They mainly contain sodium rosinate and borax.

Types of Detergents

Anionic Detergent: In this type, anions act as detergents. For example, sodium lauryl sulphate

Cationic Detergent: In this type, cations act as detergents. For example, cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide.

Types of Detergents

Non-ionic Detergent: They are neutral. The whole molecule acts as a detergent. For example, polyethylene glycol stearate.

Chemistry of Cosmetics in Everyday Life

Cosmetics contain the following categories of chemicals:

  • Emulsifiers: They increase the stability of the emulsion . For example, potassium cetyl sulfate.
  • Preservatives: They are added to cosmetics to increase their shelf life. For example, benzyl alcohol and salicylic acid.
  • Thickeners: They give an appealing consistency. For example, cetyl alcohol and stearic acid.
  • Emollients: They soften the skin by preventing water loss. For example, glycerine and zinc oxide .
  • Glimmer and Shiners:  For example, mica, bismuth oxychloride.

Other Examples of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Let us now discuss some common examples of chemistry in everyday life which most of us never knew about.

The Expiration Date on Bottled Drinking Water

Have you ever wondered why there is an expiration date on a bottle of drinking water? After all, it is just water, isn’t it? Well, most of us haven’t even noticed that there is, in fact, an expiration date on the bottle. The idea behind instilling an expiration on bottled drinking water is to standardise its packaging quality.

What the actual expiration date signifies is if the expiration date is up, the taste of the water will be different as there is a chance that the chemicals in the packaging material may ruin the quality of the water.

Elements in the Human Body

We all know that our body is about 60% water, but then what composes the rest of it? Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen. These elements compose 96% of the human body. Whereas the rest 4% is composed of about 60 elements. Some of these elements include calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur.

Chemistry in Everyday Life

Sunblock and Sunscreen

There are two kinds of rays from the sun which are particularly bad for us, UV-A and UV-B. A sunscreen’s action, as the name suggests, functions as a screen and offers protection from sunburn which is caused by UV-B. Whereas, a sunblock has more of reflective nature and blocks both UV-A and UV-B radiations.

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Which artificial sweetener is used in cool drinks and ice creams, give an example of an anionic detergent., which chemical is added to increase the shelf life of cosmetics, give an example of cationic detergent., which rays do sunscreens block.

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10 Examples of Chemistry in Everyday life

If I ask you what comes to your mind the instant you hear the word CHEMISTRY, I am pretty sure you are going to envision yourself standing in a chemistry lab and holding different laboratory instruments. Is it not? But if you look closely at the world around you, infinite chemical reactions are occurring at any second. Thus, it can rightly be said that chemistry forms a large part of your daily life. Chemistry and chemical reactions are not just limited to the laboratories but also the world around you. The element carbon forms the basic unit of organic, inorganic, and organometallic compounds. Right at the moment when you go to sleep till you wake up, infinite chemical processes are taking place in each cell of your body. Even processes occur when you wake up, all your daily activities like drinking water, taking a shower, cooking your food, cleaning your car, laughing or crying are guided by different chemical processes. Let’s discuss some examples of chemistry which occur around us:

1. Body Composition

Your body is a fascinating place. Carbon and oxygen are the two most essential elements of the body. The other elements which are present in your body are nitrogen, phosphorous, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, etc.

Oxygen (O)65• Primary solvent
• Regulate temperature & osmotic pressure
Carbon (C)18• Energy source
• Building blocks of the body
Hydrogen (H)10• Present in water and all organic molecules
Nitrogen (N)3• Found in proteins and nucleic acids
Calcium (Ca)1.5• Critical for muscle contraction
Phosphorous (P)1.0• Acts as a buffer
• Provides strength and structure to bones and teeth
Potassium (K)0.35• Crucial electrolyte
• Helps in transmission of nerve impulse
• Regulates heartbeat
Sulfur (S)0.25• Renders shape to the proteins which aid in proper functioning of proteins
Sodium (Na)0.15• Important electrolyte for regulating the amount of water
• Helps in nerve signaling
Magnesium (Mg)0.05• Required in more than 300 biochemical reactions
• Builds muscle and bones
• Chief cofactor in many enzymatic reactions
Iron (Fe)0.006• Help in blood production
Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn),
Selenium (Se), Molybdenum (Mb),
Fluorine (F), Iodine (I),
Manganese (Mn), Cobalt (Co)
Total is less than 0.70• Copper is a micronutrient for the growth and development, and also essential for various metabolic functions
• Zinc plays an important role in cell growth, cell division, wound healing, and the breakdown of carbohydrates
• Selenium protects the body from oxidative damage
• Molybdenum removes toxins from metabolism of sulfur containing amino acids
• Fluorine is responsible for mineralization and formation of tooth enamel
• Iodine is essential for formation of thyroid hormones
• Manganese helps in the formation of connective tissues, bones, blood-clotting factors, sex hormones in addition to being critical in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regulation

Lithium (Li), Strontium (Sr),
Aluminium (Al), Silicon (Si),
Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As),
Vanadium (V), Bromine (Br)
Present in trace amounts• Lithium is essential for maintaining neurological health
• Strontium aids in bone formation and prevent bone loss; the radioactive form of strontium can also kill some cancer cells
• Aluminum is responsible for chromatin compaction
• Silicon helps in promoting firmness and strength in arteries, connective tissues, tendons, skin, and eyes
• Vanadium plays a role in metabolizing enzymes

2. Chemistry of Emotions

3. chemistry in food production.

Plants produce food for themselves through photosynthesis; which is a complex chemical reaction in itself. The chemical reaction that takes place in photosynthesis is the most common and vital chemical reaction. Animals also release energy for carrying out daily activities through similar respiratory chemical reactions.

6 CO 2  + 6 H 2 O + light → C 6 H 12 O 6  + 6 O 2

4. Chemistry in Hygiene

5. the chemistry of an onion, 6. chemistry in baking, 7. chemistry in food preservatives, 8. chemistry in digestion, 9. the working of a sunscreen, 10. chemistry in rust formation.

Fe + O 2  + H 2 O → Fe 2 O 3 . XH 2 O

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I would have loved to offer this page as a resource for my students to get some ideas for an assignment, but the picture of the marijuana plant means I can’t recommend this one. Shame. It has some good information.

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Chemistry in Daily Life

10 Examples of Chemistry All Around You

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  • Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
  • B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College

Chemistry is a big part of your everyday life. You find chemistry  in foods, the air, cleaning chemicals, your emotions, and literally every object you can see or touch.

Here are 10 examples of everyday chemistry. Some common chemistry might be obvious, but other examples might surprise you.

Elements in the Human Body

Guido Mieth / Getty Images

Your body is made up of chemical compounds, which are combinations of elements . While you probably know your body is mostly water, which is hydrogen and oxygen, can you name the other elements that make you?

Chemistry of Love


The emotions that you feel are a result of chemical messengers, primarily neurotransmitters. Love, jealousy, envy, infatuation, and infidelity all share a basis in chemistry.

Why Onions Make You Cry

They sit there so harmless-looking on the kitchen counter. Yet as soon as you cut an onion, the tears begin to fall. What is it in onions that makes them burn your eyes ? Everyday chemistry is the culprit.

Why Ice Floats

Can you imagine how different the world around you would be if ice sank? For one thing, lakes would freeze from the bottom. Chemistry holds the explanation for why ice floats while most other substances sink when they freeze.

How Soap Cleans

Soap is a chemical that mankind has been making for a very long time. You can form a crude soap by mixing ashes and animal fat. How can something so nasty actually make you cleaner ? The answer has to do with the way soap interacts with oil-based grease and grime.

How Sunscreen Works

Sunscreen uses chemistry to filter or block the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays to protect you from a sunburn, skin cancer, or both. Do you know how sunscreen works or what an SPF rating really means?

Why Baking Powder and Baking Soda Make Foods Rise

You can't interchange these two important cooking ingredients , even though they both cause baked goods to rise. Chemistry can help you understand what makes them different and what to do if you run out of one but have the other in your cabinet.

Does Some Fruit Ruin Gelatin?

Jell-O and other types of gelatin are an example of a polymer that you can eat. Some natural chemicals inhibit the formation of this polymer. Simply put, they ruin Jell-O . Can you name them?

Can Bottled Water Go Bad?

Richard Levine / Corbis / Getty Images

Food goes bad because of chemical reactions that occur between food molecules. Fats can become rancid. Bacteria can grow that might make you sick. What about products that don't contain fat? Can bottled water go bad ?

Is It OK to Use Laundry Detergent in the Dishwasher?

Cherayut Jankitrattanapokkin / EyeEm / Getty Images

You can apply chemistry to decide when and where to use household chemicals. While you might think detergent is detergent, so it's interchangeable from one application to another, there are good reasons why laundry detergent should stay in the washing machine.

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Examples of Organic Compounds in Everyday Life

Examples of Organic Compounds

There are many examples of organic compounds in everyday life. Organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen , often with oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and other elements . In contrast, inorganic compounds may contain carbon, but it is not bound to hydrogen. Here is a list of familiar products and some of the organic compounds they contain:

Products That Contain Organic Compounds

Most products include organic compounds. Exceptions (inorganic compounds) include water, air, glass, rocks, salts, and metals.

  • Asphalt (petroleum hydrocarbons )
  • Candles (wax, tallow)
  • Coal (mixed hydrocarbons)
  • Detergent (alkylbenzene sulfonates)
  • Drugs (e.g., acetaminophen, caffeine, penicillin)
  • Dyes (compounds from plants or petrochemicals)
  • Enzymes (papain, catalase, amylase)
  • Fabrics [cotton and linen (cellulose), wool (keratin), silk (sericin and fibroin), nylon, polyester, rayon)
  • Food and many food additives (meat, vegetables, grains)
  • Gasoline (mixed hydrocarbons)
  • Leather (keratin)
  • Lotion (oils, alcohol, fragrances, glycerol)
  • Mothballs (naphthalene)
  • Nail polish ( nitrocellulose , butyl acetate)
  • Nail polish remover (acetone, toluene)
  • Natural gas (mostly methane)
  • Paint (inorganic pigments in resins and organic solvents)
  • Paper (cellulose)
  • Perfume (alcohol, mixed hydrocarbons)
  • Plastics (hydrocarbons)
  • Rope (cellulose, nylon)
  • Shampoo (sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, cocamidopropyl betaine, polyethylene glycol)
  • Soap (fatty acid salt)
  • Solvents (ethanol, toluene, butanol, xylene)
  • Wood (cellulose)

A solution is a homogeneous chemical mixture.

Examples of Chemistry in Daily Life

Everyday life includes both inorganic and organic compounds. Here are some examples.

More Examples of Organic Compounds

Here are some more examples of familiar organic compounds.

  • Cardboard (cellulose)
  • Carpeting (keratin, acrylic)
  • Feathers (keratin)
  • Humans (numerous compounds)
  • Pets (numerous compounds)
  • Plants (numerous compounds)
  • Skin (keratin)
  • Sugar (sucrose, fructose)
  • Vegetable oil (mixed lipids)

The four main classes of organic compounds are carbohydrates (sugars and starches), lipids (fatty acids, fats, and oils), proteins (amino acids, peptide, proteins, enzymes), and nucleic acids (RNA and DNA). Many organic compounds are polymers, which means they consist of many subunits bonded together.

How to Recognize Organic Compounds

Most compounds containing both carbon and hydrogen are organic compounds. Nearly all compounds obtained from plants or animals are organic. However, living organisms also contain some inorganic molecules, too (mainly water and skeletal components). Probably the easiest way to identify whether or not something is organic is to rule out whether it is inorganic. Did it come from a plant or animal? It’s likely organic. Was it made from petroleum? It’s probably organic. Does it only consists of metals, salts, or minerals? It’s probably inorganic.

  • Borysov, Stanislav S.; Geilhufe, R. Matthias; Balatsky, Alexander V. (2017). “Organic materials database: An open-access online database for data mining”. PLOS ONE . 12 (2): e0171501. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171501.g004
  • Seager, Spencer L.; Slabaugh, Michael R. (2004). Chemistry for Today: General, Organic, and Biochemistry . Thomson Brooks/Cole. ISBN 9780534399696.

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Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life: The scientific study of matter’s properties and behavior is known as chemistry . It is a natural science that studies the elements that makeup matter, as well as the compounds, made up of atoms, molecules, and ions: their composition, structure, qualities, and behavior, as well as the changes that occur when they mix with other things.

In this article, we have provided the importance of chemistry in everyday life, including the uses and applications of various compounds of chemistry and how Chemistry affects our daily life.


Table of Content

What is Chemistry?

How chemistry is important in everyday life, importance of chemistry in food, importance of chemistry in medicines, importance of chemistry in cosmetics, importance of green chemistry, importance of chemistry in soaps and detergents, importance of chemistry in textiles, importance of chemistry in building and construction, importance of chemistry in fuel, importance of chemistry in battery, importance of chemistry in agriculture, importance of chemistry in wars, articles on importance of chemistry in everyday life, cbse class 12 – chemistry in everyday life important articles.

Chemistry is a discipline that falls somewhere between physics and biology in terms of scope. It is also referred to as the “core science” since it provides a fundamental framework for understanding both basic and applied scientific disciplines.

Chemistry, for example, explains aspects of plant chemistry (botany), the formation of igneous rocks (geology), how atmospheric ozone is formed and how environmental pollutants are degraded (ecology), the properties of lunar soil (cosmochemistry), how medications work (pharmacology), and how to collect DNA evidence at a crime scene (criminology) (forensics).

Chemistry is a discipline of science concerned with the study of matter, including its structure, composition, and changes that occur when it is exposed to various situations. As a result, chemistry not only investigates the qualities of matter, but also how and why it changes.

Chemistry is like our everyday lives unseen behind-the-scenes wizard, quietly influencing everything around us in a myriad of ways. It is found in the air we breathe, a mixture of gases that chemists comprehend and control for a variety of uses, including carbon dioxide for photosynthesis in plants and oxygen for human survival.

Every time you prepare food, chemistry is at work, changing the taste, texture, and appearance of raw components to create delectable dishes.

Below are the importances of chemistry in various fields:

Importance of Chemistry in Food Importance of Chemistry in Medicines Importance of Chemistry in Cosmetics Importance of Green Chemistry Importance of Chemistry in Soaps and Detergents Importance of Chemistry in Textiles Importance of Chemistry in Building and Construction Importance of Chemistry in Fuel Importance of Chemistry in Battery Importance of Chemistry in Agriculture Importance of Chemistry in Wars

Chemicals are the fundamental components of everything. Chemical molecules make up all food, including carbs , vitamins , lipids , proteins, and fiber, which are all safe and often desirable.

chemistry in everyday life assignment

Food Additives

Chemicals have an important part in the manufacturing and preservation of food. Food preservation chemicals have tremendously aided in the preservation of food for a longer duration. Cans of food additives, flavourings, and nutritional supplements can all contribute to improve the quality and quantity of meals.

Chemistry has provided the globe with vital f ertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides to aid in the production of healthy and nutritious crops, fruits, and vegetables. Urea, calcium superphosphates, ammonium sulphate, and sodium nitrate are all significant fertilise rs.

Medicines or pharmaceuticals are chemical substances that are used to treat diseases and relieve pain. Chemistry has made significant contributions to health care. Chemistry, for example, aids in the manufacture and application of surgical materials (sutures, artificial skin, and sterile materials).

For analysis, clinical laboratory tests employ a wide range of chemical procedures and substances.

Some important drugs in chemistry-

  • Analgesics are pain relievers that are used to treat a variety of ailments.
  • Tranquilizers are medications that are used to treat mental illnesses. Take, for instance, tension.
  • Antiseptics are used to destroy or prevent the growth of microorganisms on the skin, wounds, and cuts.
  • Disinfectants- These are chemicals that destroy microorganisms but are dangerous to humans.
  • Antibiotics- Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by some microorganisms that can be used to kill bacteria that cause infections.
  • Antacids- These are the compounds that are used to eliminate excess acid from the stomach and increase the pH to a healthy level.

In our daily lives, we use lotions, fragrances, talcum powder, and a variety of other cosmetic goods. All of these items are developed in laboratories using chemicals for our health and skin. All cosmetic items, from babies to adults, are made up of chemical components.

As a result, chemistry is important in maintaining the pH of our skin, keeping it healthy, and removing any marks.

Green chemistry contributes to environmental protection by monitoring, protecting, and enhancing the conditions in which we live, such as air, water, and soil. Many methods and strategies have been created to ensure that all types of pollution in the environment are measured and prevented from depleting.

To make the air cleaner, many non-polluting fuels and compounds that can easily absorb contaminants from the air are being researched and tested. The replacement of CFC in refrigerators is one such example.

For interpreting health impacts, controlling emissions, and creating pollution-reduction devices, chemistry gives a complete understanding of contaminants.

Chemists test the water and soil for contamination on a regular basis and offer pollution results as well as long-term prevention for ecological balance and human health.

Soaps are sodium and potassium salts of fatty acids with greater molecular weights, such as stearic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acid. Sodium salts of long-chain alkyl hydrogen sulphates or sodium salts of long-chain alkyl benzene sulphonic acids are commonly used as detergents.

Detergents and soaps are used for washing, cleaning, and bathing, among other things. The saponification method is used to make them in chemical companies. As a result, chemistry plays a significant role in the development of molecules, chemicals, and procedures for the production of soaps and detergents.

Wool, silk, jute, cotton, flax, glass fiber, polyester, acrylic, nylon, and other raw materials are used in the textile industry to create usable items such as clothing, bags, carpets, furniture, towels, nets, and so on.

Raw materials go through a number of chemical procedures during which cleaning and smoothing reagents are employed to clean and smooth the fabric.

Other chemical processes including dyeing, bleaching, scouring, printing, and finishing are also involved. In addition, chemists seek to increase a product’s quality.

Chemical items such as bricks, cement, pipelines, and other building materials all play an essential part in the quality of construction. Floor and wall tiles are constructed of heat-resistant polymers that also add strength to the structure.

Ceiling and roof materials are also designed to be heat resistant and give cooling to the structure. All of the pipes and switches are composed of polymers, which are both heat and stress-resistant.

As a result, chemistry enabled the use of all of these goods for the development of structures and people’s lives.

Fuels are the sole thing that allows us to travel by land, sea, and air nowadays. Petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG, kerosene, oils, and other fuels are all obtained through sophisticated refining procedures from harsh oil found beneath the Earth’s crust.

Petrochemistry is a discipline of chemistry concerned with the study of petrochemical processes and how to use fuels in a way that is both pollution-free and long-term.

Batteries power our automobiles, electronic devices such as watches, laptops, mobile phones, and a variety of other power storage applications.

The electrochemistry concept governs the operation of batteries. Chemical energy is stored inside a battery and is transformed to electric energy through electrochemical processes.

  • Chemistry enhances agricultural productivity and sustainability by enabling innovative solutions to feed a growing population while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Soil health optimization is achievable through chemistry, analyzing and adjusting nutrient levels to ensure crops receive necessary nourishment.
  • Pesticides and herbicides, formulated with chemical principles, safeguard crops from pests and weeds, reducing crop loss.
  • Chemistry contributes to the development of fertilizers that boost crop yields, ensuring a consistent food supply.
  • Sustainable farming practices are developed with chemistry’s aid, reducing agriculture’s environmental footprint through responsible chemical use.
  • Overall, chemistry is indispensable in modern agriculture, driving increased food production, resource efficiency, and environmental stewardship.

TNT, RDX, HMX, gun powders used in bullets, and other explosives used in conflicts are all chemical compounds. It was the chemistry that allowed these chemicals to be used during the war. Nuclear weapons, which have become more well-known in recent years, are also chemical chemicals.

The important articles on uses & applications of chemistry in everyday life are provided in the table below:

In the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry curriculum, the “Chemistry in Everyday Life” unit is designed to highlight the connections between chemical principles and their applications in daily life. This unit covers various topics that explain how chemistry affects our health, environment, and various industries.

Chemistry in Everyday Life: Important Articles

Conclusion of Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chemistry quietly shapes our world, delving into what things are made of and how they transform under different circumstances. It’s integral to our food’s nutrition and preservation, our clothing, medicines, and cosmetics. It engineers materials for homes, fuels vehicles, and enhances farming for healthier crops while mitigating pollution. Chemistry’s influence is pervasive, enriching our lives with improved quality, safety, and comfort every day.

Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life – FAQs

What is the importance of chemistry in engineering.

Chemistry impacts engineering across production, fuel research, and materials for construction. Understanding compound and element properties aids in comprehending mechanisms, fostering innovation for the future.

What is the Importance of Chemistry in Society?

Everything in our environment is formed of matter. Chemistry is significant in our civilization because it affects our basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air, water, and soil, among other things.

What is the Importance of Chemistry in Agriculture?

Chemistry boosts agriculture with vital fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, promoting healthy crop growth. Key fertilizers like urea, calcium superphosphates, ammonium sulfate, and sodium nitrate are instrumental in this process.

What is the Importance of Chemistry in Medicine?

Chemistry is vital in medicine, producing pharmaceuticals that treat diseases and alleviate pain. It facilitates the creation of surgical materials like sutures and artificial skin. Clinical lab tests rely on chemical procedures for analysis.

What are Some Examples of Chemistry in Daily Life?

Toothpaste, lotions, facewash, the food we eat, pharmaceuticals, batteries in watches, mobile phones, cars, laptops, and other electronic devices, and fuel in our vehicles are all instances of chemistry in our daily lives.

Why is Chemistry Important in Food?

Chemicals are essential components of all food, from nutrients like carbs, vitamins, and proteins to additives and flavorings that preserve quality and prolong shelf life


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The Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chemistry supports understanding and progress in nearly every field of science and technology, economics, commerce, and industry. There are many reasons why we study chemistry. Let's find out why chemistry is important and useful in everyday life.

Why Should We Study Chemistry?

Chemistry is a science that deals with the study of elements and compounds, their properties, the composition of each of them, and the reactions they undergo in terms of producing or absorbing energy for their occurrence.

The science of chemistry is concerned with the study of atoms as they constitute the cornerstone of chemicals, as well as the study of the complex cohesion of materials and interactions leading to the formation of new materials, and the study of the structure of different materials.

The science of chemistry consists of five main branches, namely:

  • Analytical chemistry. 
  • Physical chemistry. 
  • Organic chemistry. 
  • Inorganic Chemistry. 
  • Biochemistry.

Chemistry is often called the central science

Chemistry is often referred to as a central science because it links mathematics and physics together, biology to medicine, and earth sciences to the environment. Therefore, knowing the nature of chemicals and chemical processes gives insights into many different physical and biological phenomena, And knowing a little about chemistry is useful for building a base for understanding the universe around humans.

Develop an understanding of the world

Chemistry enables people to understand changes that occur in the natural and physical world and provides them with the understanding needed to make informed decisions about consumer products, manage resources, determine the properties of different materials, and be able to transform these into new and useful materials. In addition to providing explanations about various phenomena, such as: why leaves change color in autumn, why plants are green, ow cheese is made, and how soap works.

Develop useful materials

The study of chemistry is important because it enables people to develop a wide variety of useful materials, such as medicines for the treatment of diseases, materials that can be used as sources of alternative energy, materials that protect the environment, and structures that are advanced in building technology. Chemistry also helps in understanding climate change.

Chemistry plays an important role in drug discovery

Organic chemistry has been the driving force for drug discovery since ancient times. Where the chemical composition of the compound is responsible for the possibility of using the element in the drug. Therefore, many studies in the field of chemistry were needed to contribute to the medicinal chemistry required to improve chemical compounds for use as human medicines. Chemical research should also contribute to the development of organic chemistry to reach compounds with ideal physical and chemical properties, by developing new synthetic methods.

Provide a variety of professions

The study of chemistry opens the way for people skilled in it to take up positions in a variety of useful, interesting, and rewarding careers in industry, public services, and education.

A chemistry degree is also an excellent basis for advanced study in a number of related fields. Even in times of high unemployment, a chemist is one of the most sought-after researchers for various jobs. This is because the study of chemistry provides knowledge in physics, medicine, biology, mathematics, earth, and environmental sciences, and determines the nature of materials and chemical processes. 

Chemistry provides a perspective on a variety of physical and biological phenomena, and an excellent basis for understanding the physical universe.

A chemist who understands different phenomena is also able to confront the different problems facing modern societies; Such as measuring the number of pollutants in drinking water, comparing protein ratios between different meats, as well as developing a new antibiotic.

Read Here: The Importance of Green Chemistry in Real World

The importance of chemistry in our daily life

There are many reasons why studying chemistry is important and useful in everyday life, including:

  • Chemistry is useful for learning useful skills, such as objectivity and problem-solving.
  • Chemistry helps to keep the person safe by knowing which household chemicals are safe and which ones are dangerous when mixed with other chemicals so that they can use them safely.
  • Studying the basics of chemistry helps to read and understand the labels of different products.
  • Chemistry is a very important factor in cooking. If a person understands the chemical reactions to increase or balance acidity levels in baked goods, or in thickening a sauce, he or she is likely to become a skilled chef.
  • Chemistry is found in the basic elements of food, as it is found in proteins consisting of complex molecules of amino acids, and in carbohydrates consisting of starches and sugars, and chemical reactions occur between them and the body so that the cells of the body can do their work, and essential fats to moisturize the cells of the body.
  • Chemistry can help a person make informed decisions because they will have enough knowledge to determine the quality of a product, and whether that product really has the properties that have been promoted, or is it just propaganda.
  • Agrochemists are interested in studying agricultural crops and the possibility of increasing their productivity and protecting them from pests by using chemicals. In addition to their interest in studying animal genetics to understand its reproduction and work to increase the efficiency of animal production and its freedom from diseases.
  • Chemical engineers work to innovate and develop new materials that increase the efficiency of products at a lower cost, in addition to designing processing plants, ensuring the safety of handling dangerous chemicals, and supervising the manufacture of all products.
  • Environmental chemists are interested in studying chemical reactions in nature, in the soil, and in the air, and the impact of human activities on environmental pollution. Where they check the water quality by testing the water coming from the rivers for its content of minerals, the percentage of dissolved oxygen in it, its acidity, and whether it needs fluorine and chlorine treatment.
  • The study of organic chemistry is very important because it studies life and chemical reactions in living organisms, and understanding the interactions of carbon compounds such as polymers that form many materials around us, including: nylon and acrylic, and various petrochemicals such as gasoline, medicines, detergents and many others, and cosmetics are organic chemicals. . It is important to study the effect of its interaction on the skin and the possibility of developing it to treat various skin problems.

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Essay on Chemistry Importance In Daily Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Chemistry Importance In Daily Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Chemistry Importance In Daily Life

What is chemistry.

Chemistry is like a secret recipe that makes everything around us. It is the study of matter, which means anything that takes up space and has weight. From the air we breathe to the food we eat, chemistry is a big part of our everyday lives.

Chemistry in Cooking

When we cook, we use chemistry. Mixing ingredients causes reactions that make our food taste good. For example, baking a cake changes liquid batter into a fluffy solid because of heat causing a chemical change.

Medicine and Health

Chemistry keeps us healthy. Doctors use medicines to fight sickness, and these medicines are made using chemistry. Even our bodies use chemistry to turn food into energy, which keeps us going every day.

Cleaning Our Homes

Cleaning products are full of chemicals that help us get rid of dirt and germs. Soaps and detergents break down grease and stains, making our clothes and homes clean thanks to chemistry.

Environment and Recycling

250 words essay on chemistry importance in daily life.

Chemistry is like a secret recipe that explains everything around us. It is the science that tells us what things are made of and how they work together. Every time we cook, clean, or even breathe, we are part of a big chemistry experiment.

When we cook food, chemistry is at play. For example, when bread rises, it’s because of a chemical reaction. Heat changes the food, making it taste different and easier to digest. Without chemistry, we wouldn’t have bread, cheese, or even yummy chocolate.

Cleaning products are full of chemicals. Soap helps wash away dirt because it can stick to both water and grease. It’s like a magnet that pulls the dirt off our clothes and dishes. Chemistry helps us keep our homes and ourselves clean and healthy.

Medicines and Health

Medicines are chemicals that help our bodies fight sickness. When we are hurt or ill, the medicine makes the pain less or helps us get better. Chemistry is behind the vitamins we take to stay strong and the vaccines that protect us from diseases.

Every Breath We Take

Every time we take a breath, we are living chemistry. Air is a mix of gases, and breathing is a chemical process that gives our body the oxygen it needs. Plants use chemistry to turn sunlight into food, which is a process called photosynthesis. This is how plants help make the air clean for us to breathe.

500 Words Essay on Chemistry Importance In Daily Life

Chemistry is like a secret language of everything we see, touch, and feel. It’s a part of science that tells us what stuff is made of and how different things work together. Imagine being a detective, but instead of solving mysteries, you’re figuring out the secrets of the world around you. That’s what chemists do. They study substances and how they change when they mix.

Chemistry in the Kitchen

Every day, we use chemistry when we cook. Have you ever baked a cake? The ingredients like flour, sugar, and eggs are mixed and heated to make something delicious. This is because of chemical reactions, which are like tiny events where the ingredients change and become a cake. When you cook eggs, they change from liquid to solid, and that’s chemistry at work too!

Cleaning Made Easy

Chemistry is super important for keeping us healthy. Medicines are chemicals that can fix or prevent health problems. For example, if you have a headache, you might take a painkiller. This medicine is made from chemicals that stop the pain signals in your body. Vaccines, which protect us from diseases, are also made thanks to chemistry.

Breathing and Living

Did you know that even breathing is a chemical process? When we breathe in, we take in oxygen, and when we breathe out, we release carbon dioxide. Plants do the opposite; they take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. This exchange is all because of chemical reactions that are essential for life on our planet.

Clothes and Materials

Technology and gadgets.

Our phones, computers, and TVs all work because of chemistry. The batteries that power them have chemicals that store electricity. The screens use chemicals to light up and show us pictures and videos. Without chemistry, none of these gadgets would work!

So, you see, chemistry is everywhere! It’s not just something that scientists think about in labs. It’s part of our everyday lives, helping us cook, clean, stay healthy, breathe, dress, and even use technology. Understanding chemistry helps us know more about the world and how to make our lives better. Next time you see something happening, like a cake rising in the oven or a bubble popping, remember, it’s all chemistry!

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Science In Everyday Life: 50 Examples Showing How Science Impacts Our Daily Activities

Science plays a vital role in our daily lives, even if we don’t always realize it. From the alarm that wakes us up to the phones we scroll through before bed, advancements in science, technology, engineering, and math touch every aspect of our routines.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer on examples of science in daily life: Science gives us technology like smartphones, WiFi, microwaves, and virtual assistants . It brings us medical treatments, weather forecasts, and green energy solutions.

Fields like chemistry, biology, and physics explain the world around us and advancements that enhance how we live.

This comprehensive guide provides over 50 examples demonstrating the many amazing ways science impacts our lives. We’ll cover common technologies, healthcare innovations, environmental applications, and insights science provides into the world around us.

Read on to gain appreciation for just how integral STEM is to our modern lives.

Technology Innovations from Science

Smartphones and wifi.

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, and we can thank science for their existence. These devices combine various technologies, such as wireless communication, touchscreen displays, and powerful processors, all made possible through scientific advancements.

With the advent of WiFi technology, we can now connect our smartphones to the internet seamlessly, allowing us to access information, communicate with others, and stay connected wherever we go. According to a report by Statista, there are over 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide, highlighting the widespread impact of this technology.

Virtual Assistants and AI

Virtual assistants, like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, have become an integral part of our daily lives. These AI-powered technologies are the result of extensive research and development in the field of artificial intelligence.

They can perform a wide range of tasks, from answering questions and setting reminders to controlling smart home devices. Virtual assistants have revolutionized the way we interact with technology and have made our lives more convenient.

According to a study by Pew Research Center, around 46% of Americans use voice assistants, showcasing the widespread adoption of this technology.

Streaming Entertainment

Gone are the days when we had to wait for our favorite TV shows or movies to air on traditional television networks. Thanks to scientific advancements, we now have streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video that allow us to enjoy a vast library of entertainment content on demand.

Streaming services rely on technologies like high-speed internet connections and video compression algorithms, which have made it possible to deliver high-quality content to our devices. According to a report by Conviva, global streaming hours increased by 57% in 2020, highlighting the growing popularity of streaming entertainment.

Kitchen Appliances

Science has also revolutionized our kitchens with innovative appliances that make cooking and food preparation easier and more efficient. From microwave ovens and induction cooktops to smart refrigerators and programmable coffee makers, these appliances utilize scientific principles to enhance our culinary experiences.

For example, microwave ovens use electromagnetic waves to heat food quickly, while induction cooktops use magnetic fields to generate heat directly in the cookware. These advancements have saved us time and energy in the kitchen, allowing us to focus on creating delicious meals.

Healthcare and Medicine

Medical treatments and drugs.

Science plays a crucial role in the development of medical treatments and drugs. Through extensive research and experimentation, scientists are able to discover new medications and therapies that help treat diseases and improve the quality of life for patients.

From antibiotics to cancer-fighting drugs, science has revolutionized the field of medicine. For instance, in recent years, breakthroughs in immunotherapy have provided hope for patients with previously untreatable cancers, offering them a chance at a longer and healthier life.

Medical Imaging and Scans

The advancement of medical imaging technology has greatly contributed to the field of healthcare. X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds are all examples of medical imaging techniques that allow doctors to visualize the internal structures of the body without invasive procedures.

These imaging tools aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of various conditions, such as broken bones, tumors, and organ abnormalities. With the help of these technologies, doctors can make more accurate and timely diagnoses, leading to better treatment outcomes for patients.

Prosthetics and Implants

Science has also revolutionized the field of prosthetics and implants, providing individuals with enhanced mobility and improved quality of life. With advancements in materials science and robotics, prosthetic limbs have become increasingly sophisticated, allowing amputees to regain functionality and perform daily activities with greater ease.

Additionally, advancements in medical implants, such as pacemakers and artificial joints, have significantly improved the lives of individuals with chronic conditions, enabling them to live longer and more fulfilling lives.

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing is another area where science has had a significant impact on healthcare. With advancements in DNA sequencing technology, scientists are now able to analyze an individual’s genetic makeup and identify potential genetic disorders or predispositions to certain diseases.

This information can be used for early detection and prevention, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about their health. Genetic testing has also paved the way for personalized medicine, where treatments can be tailored to an individual’s specific genetic profile, leading to more effective and targeted therapies.

Energy and Environment

Renewable energy.

Renewable energy plays a crucial role in reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the environment. Solar power, for example, harnesses the energy from the sun and converts it into electricity, providing a sustainable and clean alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

Wind power is another example, where the kinetic energy of the wind is converted into electricity through wind turbines. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy accounted for 26% of global electricity generation in 2018, and this number is expected to rise significantly in the coming years.

Harnessing the power of renewable energy sources not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also leads to economic growth and job creation in the renewable energy sector.

Water Filtration and Conservation

Science has greatly contributed to improving water filtration systems and promoting water conservation. Advanced technologies such as reverse osmosis and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection are used to remove impurities and pathogens from water, making it safe for consumption.

These filtration systems are essential in areas where access to clean drinking water is limited. Additionally, scientific research has led to the development of water-saving devices and techniques, such as low-flow showerheads and rainwater harvesting systems.

These innovations help conserve water resources and reduce water wastage, ultimately benefiting both the environment and our daily lives.

Weather Forecasting

Weather forecasting relies heavily on scientific advancements to accurately predict and analyze weather patterns. Meteorologists use a variety of tools and technologies, including satellites, radar systems, and computer models, to collect data and make predictions about future weather conditions.

By understanding atmospheric phenomena and analyzing historical data, scientists can provide crucial information regarding upcoming storms, hurricanes, and other weather events. Accurate weather forecasts not only help us plan our daily activities but also play a vital role in disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts, potentially saving lives and minimizing damage.

Recycling and Waste Management

In today’s world, proper waste management and recycling have become essential for the health of our environment. Science has played a significant role in developing efficient recycling processes and waste management systems.

Recycling helps reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserves valuable resources. Through various scientific methods, materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal can be recycled and used for the production of new products.

Furthermore, advancements in waste management technologies, such as waste-to-energy systems, enable the conversion of waste materials into renewable energy sources. These innovations not only reduce the environmental impact of waste but also contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy.

Science continues to drive innovations and advancements in the energy and environmental sectors. By embracing renewable energy, implementing efficient water filtration and conservation methods, improving weather forecasting accuracy, and promoting recycling and waste management, we can create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Transportation Innovations

Aircraft technology.

Aircraft technology has come a long way since the Wright brothers’ first flight. Today, we have advanced and sophisticated airplanes that allow us to travel to any corner of the world in a matter of hours.

From the use of composite materials to improve fuel efficiency, to the development of quieter engines and advanced navigation systems, science has played a crucial role in revolutionizing air travel. The aerodynamic design of modern airplanes allows them to achieve incredible speeds while maintaining stability and safety.

This not only makes air travel more convenient for passengers but also reduces the environmental impact of aviation.

Automotive Engineering

The field of automotive engineering has witnessed tremendous advancements, making our cars safer, more efficient, and more comfortable. Science has enabled the development of innovative safety features such as airbags, ABS brakes, and collision avoidance systems, which have significantly reduced the number of accidents and saved countless lives.

The use of lightweight materials and aerodynamic designs has made cars more fuel-efficient, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the integration of GPS technology and smart infotainment systems has made navigation and entertainment more convenient for drivers and passengers alike.

Traffic Optimization Systems

With the increasing number of vehicles on the road, traffic congestion has become a major issue in many cities around the world. Science has played a vital role in developing traffic optimization systems that help manage and reduce congestion.

These systems use advanced algorithms and real-time data to analyze traffic patterns and suggest the most efficient routes for drivers. By optimizing traffic flow, these systems not only save time for commuters but also reduce fuel consumption and air pollution.

Examples of such systems include smart traffic lights, intelligent transportation systems, and traffic management apps.

Supply Chain Logistics

Supply chain logistics involves the management and coordination of the flow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption. Science has revolutionized this field by introducing innovative technologies and processes that improve efficiency and reduce costs.

For example, the use of barcode scanning, RFID tags, and GPS tracking has made inventory management more accurate and streamlined. Advanced analytics and predictive modeling help optimize routing and scheduling, ensuring timely delivery while minimizing transportation costs.

These innovations have transformed the way goods are transported, making supply chains more efficient and responsive to customer demands.

Insights into Our World

Science plays a fundamental role in our daily lives, often in ways we may not even realize. From the stars in the sky to the products we use, science provides us with valuable insights and understanding. Let’s explore some examples of how science impacts our everyday activities.

Astronomy and Space Science

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and marveled at the stars? Astronomy, the study of celestial objects and phenomena, helps us understand the vastness of the universe. Through telescopes and satellites, scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries about galaxies, planets, and even the origins of the universe itself.

Websites like NASA offer a wealth of information and breathtaking images that bring the wonders of space closer to us.

Physics Principles at Work

Physics is the study of matter and energy, and its principles can be found in many aspects of our daily lives. For example, the laws of motion explain why objects fall to the ground, why vehicles move, and why we can ride a bicycle.

Understanding these principles allows us to design safer cars, build sturdy bridges, and even enjoy thrilling roller coaster rides. Physics is not just for scientists in labs; it’s all around us!

Earth Sciences – Climate, Seismology

Earth sciences, such as climatology and seismology, provide us with valuable knowledge about our planet. Climate science helps us understand the changes happening in our environment and the impact of human activities on the Earth’s climate.

Seismology, the study of earthquakes, allows us to monitor and predict seismic activity, helping to save lives and minimize damage. Websites like climate.gov and USGS offer comprehensive information on these topics.

Chemistry in Everyday Products

Chemistry is present in countless products we use every day, from cleaning supplies to personal care items. For instance, the chemical reactions that occur in batteries power our smartphones and other electronic devices.

Additionally, the development of new materials and pharmaceuticals relies heavily on chemical research. Understanding the principles of chemistry allows us to create safer and more efficient products. Websites like American Chemical Society provide valuable resources on the role of chemistry in our daily lives.

Science is an integral part of our lives, providing us with knowledge and improving our understanding of the world around us. Whether it’s exploring the mysteries of space, harnessing the power of physics, studying our planet’s climate, or utilizing chemistry in everyday products, science impacts our daily activities in profound ways.

As this extensive list of examples shows, science fundamentally shapes our daily lives in modern society. Cutting-edge innovations that enhance how we live, work, communicate, travel, stay healthy, and understand the world all stem from scientific discovery.

Fields like physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and engineering create astounding technologies, life-saving medications, and solutions for sustainability. They also unlock deeper insights into our own bodies, the environment, and the universe around us.

So whether you’re video chatting on your phone, cooking dinner, driving your car, or just breathing – you have science to thank! Our modern world simply would not function without the dedicated work of scientists pushing boundaries every day.

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chemistry in everyday life assignment

Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Investigating a simple and sustainable photoluminescence improvement approach of highly applicable perovskite-zif-8 composite by using water.

Photoluminescent materials' importance for daily human life attracts researchers to develop them. As one of the high applicability photoluminescent materials, cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr 3) perovskite phosphor must be designed to overcome its instability toward the water. Herein, we utilized zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) to support the perovskite photoluminescence intensity and stability to prepare a hybrid perovskite-ZIF-8 composite to perform better. This material was developed by improving its photoluminescence uniquely by stirring in the water as perovskite is unstable toward the water. Here, we also focused on the possible reasons to explain this phenomenon. Energy transfer from ZIF-8 to perovskite, zinc from ZIF-8 ability to dope and de-dope perovskite crystal, perovskite re-crystallization into another type, size, and morphology of perovskite, and some supporting byproducts formation after stirred in the water might be responsible for this enhancement and in the composite. The stability of this improved photoluminescence composite reached three months, and even its luminescence intensity could be repaired when decreased by stirring it in water and drying it again. Finally, this approach can contribute to green technology implementation as it does not need harmful chemicals, instead only water and is applicable for photoluminescence-related applications such as light emitting diodes and fluorescence sensors.

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A. M. G. Muchlis and C. Lin, J. Mater. Chem. A , 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4TA04310C

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Trump Reposts Crude Sexual Remark About Harris on Truth Social

Though the former president has a history of making crass insults about opponents, the reposts signal his willingness to continue to shatter longstanding political norms.

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Former President Donald J. Trump framed by American flags.

By Michael Gold

  • Aug. 28, 2024

Former President Donald J. Trump used his social-media website on Wednesday to amplify a crude remark about Vice President Kamala Harris that suggested Ms. Harris traded sexual favors to help her political career.

The post, by another user on Truth Social, was an image of Ms. Harris and Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump’s opponent in 2016. The text read: “Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently…”

The remark was a reference to Mrs. Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, and the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and a right-wing contention that Ms. Harris’s romantic relationship with Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco whom she dated in the mid-1990s while he was speaker of the California State Assembly, fueled her political rise.

Mr. Trump’s repost was the second time in 10 days that the former president shared content from his personal account making sexually oriented attacks on Ms. Harris. Though he has a history of making crass insults about his opponents, the reposts signal Mr. Trump’s willingness to continue to shatter longstanding norms of political speech.

The image Mr. Trump shared on Wednesday morning was another user’s screenshot of a post on X, and it was a reply to an unrelated video clip Mr. Trump had posted on Tuesday night.

Mr. Trump reposted the image as part of a series of 30 reposts he made on Truth Social between 8:02 and 8:32 a.m. on Wednesday, including several posts with references to the QAnon conspiracy theory movement and its slogan. Mr. Trump also reposted photos that called for the prosecution or imprisoning of top Democrats and members of the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. The former president has vowed to direct federal prosecutors to investigate his political enemies if elected.

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Separating viruses from saliva with sound waves for therapeutic studies


“Acoustofluidic Virus Isolation via Bessel Beam Excitation Separation Technology” ACS Nano

Developing antiviral therapeutics and vaccines requires close study of the viruses that cause disease. But how can these small germs be isolated from complex biological samples like saliva? Researchers in ACS Nano describe a platform that uses sound waves as acoustic tweezers to sort viruses from other compounds in a liquid. In demonstrations, the method quickly and accurately separates viruses from large and small particles in human saliva samples. 

A computer-generated image of four green coronaviruses.

Isolating, identifying and genetically sequencing a virus provides important information to scientists about how it causes disease and how to develop effective therapeutics. Current methods for separating viruses from other particles in biological samples include time-consuming ultracentrifugation and cell culture procedures. To speed up and simplify the process, Luke Lee and Tony Jun Huang looked to acoustofluidics: a technology that uses sound waves to sort particles by size in a liquid . They chose a specific type of sound wave, called a Bessel beam, because it can be tuned to sort specific nanosized particles, and multiple waves remain tightly focused over long distances — like a pair of tweezers.  

The Bessel beam excitation separation technology (BEST) platform that Lee, Huang and colleagues developed consists of a rectangular chip with a sample-loading inlet at one end and separate virus and waste outlets at the other end. Two acoustic Bessel beams were applied across the chip, perpendicular to the sample flow. By tuning the beams’ wavelengths, the system sorted particles of different sizes:

  • Large particles larger than 150 nanometers (nm) in diameter were trapped on the chip.
  • Small particles smaller than 50 nm left through the waste outlet.
  • Viruses of intermediate sizes (50 to 150 nm) were collected via the virus outlet.

The team tested the BEST platform on human saliva samples loaded with SARS-CoV-2. Liquid collected from the chip’s virus outlet contained 90% of viral genetic material, while liquid from the waste outlet contained no viral genetic material, showing that the platform successfully isolated the virus. The researchers confirmed the results with electron microscopy, finding viruses only in liquid sampled from the virus outlet. Although BEST cannot yet separate waste particles from viruses that are smaller than 50 nm, such as parvoviruses, the researchers are working to broaden the technology’s range to enable its use in developing new therapeutic targets for numerous viral diseases. 

The authors acknowledge funding from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation (NSF) and NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

Some authors have competing financial interests in Ascent Bio-Nano Technologies Inc., to commercialize technologies involving acoustofluidics and acoustic tweezers, and equity in Liquid Diagnostics.

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chemistry in everyday life assignment

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  1. Chemistry in my everyday life

    chemistry in everyday life assignment

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  3. Chemistry in Everyday Life Handwritten Notes for Class 11th Physics

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  4. Chemistry in everyday life

    chemistry in everyday life assignment

  5. 10 Examples of Chemistry in Everyday life

    chemistry in everyday life assignment

  6. Chemistry In Everyday Life Class 12 Handwritten Notes

    chemistry in everyday life assignment


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  2. Chemistry in Everyday Life: Full Chapter in 45 Mins

  3. Study vlog 📖 Daily life of a Chemical Engineering student 🧪, Assignments, Aalto University, Finland

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  1. What Are Some Examples of Chemistry in Daily Life?

    Chemicals make our clothes clean. We use chemicals when washing utensils. —swetha. Fertilizers are one of the best examples of chemistry in everyday life. —savita. Food is all about chemistry. The ingredients are chemicals. Cooking is a set of chemical reactions. Even the spoon you use is a chemical. —Satya ranjan jena.

  2. Examples of Chemical Reactions in Everyday Life

    Chemical reactions are common in daily life, but you may not recognize them. Look for signs of a reaction. Chemical reactions often involve color changes, temperature changes, gas production, or precipitant formation. Simple examples of everyday reactions include digestion, combustion, and cooking.

  3. Chemistry In Everyday Life

    If you are studying chemistry, then you must have wondered about the importance of chemistry in everyday life. Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with the investigation of the properties and changes of matter. From the way how our body exchanges oxygen to how our universe was created, all have a part of chemistry associated with it.

  4. 10 Examples of Chemistry in Everyday life

    Let's discuss some examples of chemistry which occur around us: 1. Body Composition. Your body is a fascinating place. Carbon and oxygen are the two most essential elements of the body. The other elements which are present in your body are nitrogen, phosphorous, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, etc. ELEMENT.

  5. Why Is Chemistry Important in Everyday Life?

    Chemistry is important in everyday life because: Everything is made of chemicals. You are made of chemicals. So is your dog. So is your desk. So is the sun. Drugs are chemicals. Food is made from chemicals. Many of the changes you observe in the world around you are caused by chemical reactions.

  6. Examples of Chemistry in Everyday Life

    Chemistry is a big part of your everyday life. You find chemistry in foods, the air, cleaning chemicals, your emotions, and literally every object you can see or touch. Here are 10 examples of everyday chemistry. Some common chemistry might be obvious, but other examples might surprise you. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "Chemistry in Daily ...

  7. Why Study Chemistry? Importance of Chemistry

    Here are some examples of the ways chemistry is important in everyday life: Food: Understanding chemistry helps decipher food labels. Understanding vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins is the same as understanding chemistry. Agriculture: Whether crops are grown for food or as a source of other products, such as ethanol, their ...

  8. Chemistry Is Everywhere

    Chemistry Is Everywhere. Everything you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch involves chemistry and chemicals (matter). And hearing, seeing, tasting, and touching all involve intricate series of chemical reactions and interactions in your body. With such an enormous range of topics, it is essential to know about chemistry at some level to ...


    COMMENTS This document was created by the authors of 'Chemistry in Everyday life' Unit and it is. meant for teacher's education purposes only, it being designed and piloted within UAB TED Master's Degree in the academic year 2009-2010. This document has been elaborated with images available on the Internet.

  10. PDF Chemistry y in in Everyday Everyday L L ife ife

    443 Chemistry in Everyday Life C:\Chemistry-12\Unit-16.pmd 28.02.07 Drugs that bind to the receptor site and inhibit its natural function are called antagonists. These are useful when blocking of message is required. There are other types of drugs that mimic the natural messenger by switching on the receptor, these are called agonists.

  11. Examples of Organic Compounds in Everyday Life

    Here are some more examples of familiar organic compounds. The four main classes of organic compounds are carbohydrates (sugars and starches), lipids (fatty acids, fats, and oils), proteins (amino acids, peptide, proteins, enzymes), and nucleic acids (RNA and DNA). Many organic compounds are polymers, which means they consist of many subunits ...

  12. Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

    Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life: The scientific study of matter's properties and behavior is known as chemistry.It is a natural science that studies the elements that makeup matter, as well as the compounds, made up of atoms, molecules, and ions: their composition, structure, qualities, and behavior, as well as the changes that occur when they mix with other things.

  13. PDF Chemistry in everyday life

    This PPT was created by the authors of „Chemistry in Everyday life‟ Unit and it is meant for teacher‟s education purposes only, it being designed and piloted within UAB TED Master‟s Degree in the academic year 2009-2010. This PPT has been elaborated with images available on the Internet.

  14. (PDF) Chemistry in Everyday Life

    Abstract. We human beings are knowingly or unknowingly surrounded by chemistry. Morning to evening, life to death, it is a big aspect of our day- to -day life. One may think that it is a branch of ...


    CHEM102: CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE Spring 2013 Syllabus Meets W 4:45-7:25, CON 242 Dr. Cielito "Tammy" DeRamos King ... Writing assignment (1-2) 10 % Homework and Quizzes 30 % Class participation & Attendance* 10% *Attendance policy : Attendance is mandatory! Anyone who misses three or more lecture meetings

  16. PDF Chemistry in Everyday Life

    Chemistry in Everyday Life 2. y The function of the enzyme is to provide functional groups which will attack the substrate to carry out the chemical reaction. y This function is carie out by some other amino acid residues of protein present on the active site of the enzyme. These provide free amino groups to attack the substrate and

  17. The Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

    The importance of chemistry in our daily life. There are many reasons why studying chemistry is important and useful in everyday life, including: Chemistry is useful for learning useful skills, such as objectivity and problem-solving. Chemistry helps to keep the person safe by knowing which household chemicals are safe and which ones are ...

  18. Essay on Chemistry Importance In Daily Life

    Chemistry is super important for keeping us healthy. Medicines are chemicals that can fix or prevent health problems. For example, if you have a headache, you might take a painkiller. This medicine is made from chemicals that stop the pain signals in your body.

  19. Science In Everyday Life: 50 Examples Showing ...

    Whether it's exploring the mysteries of space, harnessing the power of physics, studying our planet's climate, or utilizing chemistry in everyday products, science impacts our daily activities in profound ways. Conclusion. As this extensive list of examples shows, science fundamentally shapes our daily lives in modern society.

  20. Carbohydrate polymers could be a sweet solution for water purification

    The Society is a global leader in promoting excellence in science education and providing access to chemistry-related information and research through its multiple research solutions, peer-reviewed journals, scientific conferences, e-books and weekly news periodical Chemical & Engineering News. ACS journals are among the most cited, most ...

  21. Investigating a simple and sustainable ...

    Photoluminescent materials' importance for daily human life attracts researchers to develop them. As one of the high applicability photoluminescent materials, cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr 3) perovskite phosphor must be designed to overcome its instability toward the water. Herein, we utilized zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) to support the perovskite photoluminescence intensity and ...

  22. Trump Reposts Crude Sexual Remark About Harris on Truth Social

    In the parody song, the singer says Ms. Harris "spent her whole damn life down on her knees," at which point a photo of Mr. Brown appears onscreen. The Harris campaign, which has largely ...

  23. Measuring microplastic pollution in the marine food chain

    Testing for levels of microplastic contamination in marine plankton aims to help develop new ways to assess and manage the rising global pollution problem, Flinders University experts say.

  24. Separating viruses from saliva with sound waves for therapeutic studies

    The Society is a global leader in promoting excellence in science education and providing access to chemistry-related information and research through its multiple research solutions, peer-reviewed journals, scientific conferences, eBooks and weekly news periodical Chemical & Engineering News. ACS journals are among the most cited, most trusted ...

  25. Carbohydrate polymers could be a sweet solution for water purification

    Water polluted with heavy metals can pose a threat when consumed by humans and aquatic life. Sugar-derived polymers from plants remove these metals but often require other substances to adjust ...