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Capstone - Front-end (v1.6) Revised 4/5/2022

This is a guide on how to build the front-end, capstone project. It will not be a step-by-step tutorial but a general guide of which Angular objects to create in what order.

Create the project.

  • Starting in the repos folder
  • Change folders to the PRS folder where the back-end project should exist.
  • Use the ng tool to create the Angular project. Be sure to include the switch to include routing ( --routing ). Optionlly you can include the switch to exclude the test files ( --skip-tests ) from being created. A good name for the project is prs-client but you can call it anything you want.
  • This will create a new folder in the repos/prs folder and create all the files and folders in that new folder.

Start up the binding (ng serve) process on ths project so it begins running. The browser should open and a tab will show the url " http://localhost:4200 ".

Using Visual Studio Code, open the project folder.

Edit the app.module.ts file and add the imports and the class names to the imports key for the HttpClientModule and FormsModule . You will need them later.

Edit the app.component.html file and clear all the template html that came with the generated file. Add the pseudo-html tag <router-outlet></router-outlet> so that all routed components are rendered in the app.component.html . It should be the only line in the app.component.html.

Create subfolders under the app folder to stored all the classes, services, pipes, and components for the user , vendor , product , request , and requestline .

Create a folder under app called core to hold miscellaneous components, services, and pipes.

Using the ng to generate components in the core folder for: home , about , e404 . You must be in the app folder or anywhere inside the app folder. To make sure these components go into the core folder, the command should be something like: ng g c core/home .

Using the ng , generate the system.service.ts service in the core folder. ( This will be used to share the logged in user with all components )

Create a folder called menu under app

To create the application menu, you'll need to create a menu.class.ts that defines the data for each menu item. The menu class will have properties for: display and route . Both are strings. display is what shows on the page to the user and route is a route path defined in the app-routing.module.ts .

There will be a menu component and (optionally) a menuitem component which will work together to create and render the menu on the page. You may render the menu without the menuitem component if you wish.

In the menu.component.ts , create an array of menu.class.ts data with every item in the array representing a single item in the menu. Make sure to include a menu item for the home and about components.

In the menu.component.html , add the required HTML to render the menu horizontally on the page using the <nav> , <ul> , <li> , and <a> tags. Make sure to space the menu items apart evenly. If you will be using the menuitem component, some of these HTML elements will go in that component.

You will need to apply some CSS styling to the HTML in order to make the menu display correctly. The general style should be:

  • It is pinned to the top of the page and span the entire width of the page
  • The height should be just one normal text line
  • The background color should be in contrast to the rest of the page's background color
  • The menu items text color should be in contrast to the menu background color
  • The menu items should be evenly spaced apart

To the app-routing.module.ts , add the imports and routes for the home , about , and e404 components.

Fill the routes array with the special first and last route paths. Navigate to these components with these routes:

  • The path /home navigates to the home component
  • The path /about navigates to the about component
  • The path ** navigates to the e404 component

Home, About and E404 Components

  • Edit the home , about , and e404 components and add the pseudo-html tag to render the menu at the top of the html of each component

Creating the basic user , vendor , product , request , and requestline folders along with the model, service, and component objects within each one. For the requestline , only the requestline-create and requestline-edit components are required.

In this section, the instructions will use the user as an example. But these will need to be applied to the vendor , product , and request items also.
Each of these four objects would be created similarly. They each one needs: a class, a service that, at a minimum, contains functions for (list, get, create, change, remove), and the standard components (list, detail, create, edit).

Create the user.class.ts file

  • Make sure to set default values for all non-nullable properties like numbers and booleans. All numbers should default to zero, all strings should default to an empty string, all booleans should default to FALSE except on booleans like active which may default to TRUE.

Generate the user.service.ts . Some services like user and request will required additional functions. The minimum functions needed are:

  • list() : get all rows
  • get(id) : get a single row by primary key
  • create(user) : insert
  • change(user) : update
  • remove(user) : delete

Generate the user-list component

  • Activated when the user clicks the Users menu item
  • Displays all the user instances in a table as soon as the component displays
  • On each row, displays actions for DETAIL and EDIT.
  • At the top of the page, displays an action for NEW (create a new one)
  • Optionally, can include a search function
  • Optionally, can include sorting by columns
  • Add the component to the routes array in the app-routing.module.ts

Generate the user-detail component

  • Activated when the user clicks the detail link on a user instance in the user-list.component.html
  • The component must read the id from the route
  • Using the id , call a function in the service to read by primary key
  • The user is rendered using a table with two columns where the left columns are the labels and the right columns are <input> tags that display data for the user.
  • The component includes a button named Delete which will delete the user instance and return to the user-list.

Generate the user-create component

  • Activated when the user clicks the Create link at the top of the user-list.component.html
  • Display an empty user form containing the user properites
  • The user data is filled in by the user
  • The Save button is clicked and the user instance is added. When successful, the component navigates back to the user-list component

Generate the user-edit component

  • Activated when the user clicks the edit link on a user instance in the user-list.component.html
  • The component reads the id from the route
  • Using the id, a read by primary key returns the instance of the user
  • The user is rendered using a table with two columns where the left columns are the labels and the right columns are <input> tags that display data from the user.
  • The user data is modified by the user
  • The Save button is clicked and the user instance is changed. When successful, the user-list is displayed

Additional service and component functions required

This section displays additional objects beyond the standard objects that need to be added to complete the capstone

Sorting the list of items

Generate the sort.pipe.ts (optional).

  • This pipe will provide sorting of the list pages by clicking on one of the column headings. This one pipe can be used for all list components.
  • The first time a column is clicked, that column data is sorted in ascending sequence.
  • If the same column is clicked again, the same column data is sorted but in descending sequence. Every time the same column is clicked, the order of the sort on the column is reversed
  • When a different column is clicked, the data is sorted by that column value is ascending sequence.

Add a login(username, password) function to the user.service.ts

  • Pass in a username and password
  • The function reads for a single user with the specified username and password.

Generate the user-login component

  • Displays a textbox for username and a textbox for password and include a Login button
  • The username and password is entered and the Login button is clicked
  • If found, returns the user instance which is stored in a property in the system.service.ts then navigates to the request-list component.
  • If not found, returns a 404 error and the the page remains on the user-login.component .

Generate the user-search pipe (optional)

  • This will be generated in the user folder.
  • This pipe will be added to the user-list.component.html to allow the user to do an incremental search on the list of users.

No additional methods are needed

Create a requests(int id) function in the service to retrieve all requests in review status but not owned by the user whose primary key is id . The URL is api/request/reviews/5 .

Create a review(int id, Request req) function in the service to set the request req to review or approved based on the request total. The URL is api/request/review/5 .

Create a approve(int id, Request req) function in the service to set the request req to approved unconditionally. The URL is api/requests/approve/5 .

Create a reject(int id, Request req) function in the service to set the request req to rejected unconditionally. When rejected, a request must include text in the rejectionReason property. The URL is api/request/reject/5 .

Create a request component called request-lines .

This component is called from an action called lines on the request list of each request.

This is the heart of all the components. It allows the user to maintain the requestlines on a request. The user interface is a combination of data from both the request and requestlines .

This component will be started from an action called lines on the request-list component and it will display some properties from the selected request. At a minimum, the request properties id , description , status , total , and the username from the user that owns the request should display. It should be displayed in the format of a table with two rows with all the heading column names in the first row and all the data from the request in the second row.

After the request data is displayed, all the requestlines attached to the request are displayed in a typical list format with a table, a row of column headings, and multiple rows of the requestline data

Id Description Status Total User Action
1 Request 1 NEW $510 abc Review
Id Product Quantity Price Linetotal Action
1 Echo 3 $100 $300 Edit / Delete
2 EchoDot 2 $40 $80 Edit / Delete
3 EchoShow 1 $130 $130 Edit / Delete
To be fully functional, this component requires that the RequestLine class, service, and create and edit components be generated.

At the top of this component, there should be a Create link that navigates to a requestline-create component. The link should include the in the route (i.e. /requestline/create/:requestId). See Create the requestline-create component below for details.

On the component, there should be a Review button. It can be placed in the area of the request properties or at the bottom of the page. When clicked, the component should call the review(Request req) function in the service.

In addition, all the requestlines attached to the request are displayed in a list format with each line having actions: edit and delete .

Clicking edit will call the component that edits a requestline .

Clicking delete will allow the user to confirm the delete then remove the requestline or lineitem from the request

Create a request-review-list component.

This component will be executed by clicking the REVIEW

This component will display a list of requests in REVIEW status though none of the requests can be owned by the logged in user.

Each request will have an action called 'Review' which when clicked will navigate to the request-review-item component.

Create a request-review-item component

This component will display a request and its lines in the same display as the request-lines component except that no maintenance links are allowed. In essence, the changes are permitted to the request data or the lines on the request. There is no Review button on this component.

Two additional buttons are displayed at the bottom of the page: Approve and Reject

The Approve button will call the approve(res) function causing the status of the request to change to APPROVED

The Reject button will call the reject(res) function causing the status of the request to change to REJECTED . If a request is rejected, the reviewer is REQUIRED to enter some text in the rejectionReason property. A textbox for this data must be provided to the reviewer either displaying constantly on the page or can be revealed dynamically when the Reject button is clicked.


The Requestline does NOT need a list component that displays every Requestline on a page nor does it need a detail component that displays all the properties of a requestline. Requestlines will always be display for the request they are attached to. The request-lines component fulfills the roll of displaying a list of requestline items

Create the requestline-create component.

This component will create a new requestline and attach it to the request from where it was called. The component will display only a select list of products and a textbox quantity to the user along with a Save button.

Note: Because the new requestline is attached to the request automatically and is not selected by the user, the requestId must be passed to this component via the route. This requires that the route to this component include a variable for the request id . The requestId foreign key in the requestline must be set using the value passed in via the route. Without doing so, the requestId will be zero and the create will fail.

When the requestline is created successfully, navigate back to the request-lines component.

Create the requestline-edit component

  • This is a standard edit component which displays the requestline, allows the user to change the product and/or quantity, click the Save button, and, when successfully, navigate back to the request-lines component.

capstone project upgrad github

Credit Card Fraud Detection: Capstone Project (DA)

“Fraud detection is a set of activities that are taken to prevent money or property from being obtained through false pretenses.”
Fraud can be committed in different ways and in many industries. The majority of detection methods combine a variety of fraud detection datasets to form a connected overview of both valid and non-valid payment data to make a decision.Clone transactions are often a popular method of making transactions similar to an original one or duplicating a transaction.This can happen when an organization tries to get payment from a partner multiple times by sending the same invoice to different departments.

Problem Statement

In the banking industry, detecting credit card fraud using machine learning is not just a trend; it is a necessity for banks, as they need to put proactive monitoring and fraud prevention mechanisms in place. Machine learning helps these institutions reduce time-consuming manual reviews, costly chargebacks and fees, and denial of legitimate transactions.

Importing Libraries

Andre Bhaseen

E-commerce capstone, tags: ui/ux, css, html, design, full-stack.

This project was my capstone project. The goal was to develop an E-Commerce website.

Showcase of the Project

This was a chunky project loaded with various features.


List of features:

  • User Login System
  • Admin System
  • File Uploads for images
  • Database to store inventory
  • Cart and Checkout System

For a full list of details and other functionality check out the readme on the Github Repo

Skills Used and Things I Learned

Learning experience.

This project was a group project that required creating both a working front-end and back end. It really put my skills to the test as it required some complex things like uplaoding dynamic files and setting up a clean looking front-end that is both accessible and visually apealing. Additionally, setting up a cart and checkout that works with the rest of the site was also a challenge.

Skills Used

Source code.

The source code for this project can be found on my Github: Source Code

Online Programming Lessons, Tutorials and Capstone Project guide

List of Completed Capstone Projects with Source code

Our team has put up a list of Capstone Project ideas in this article. The capstone projects indicated below are finished, and the source code is available as well. The information in this article could aid future researchers in coming up with distinctive capstone project ideas.

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Choosing a topic is the most important and first stage in your capstone project journey as a student or researcher. If you choose a topic without giving it much thought, you may fail. To begin, make sure you’re passionate about the topic and convinced that the research portion will never tire you. Second, make sure it aligns with your curriculum and allows you to show your teacher what you’ve learned in class while still being applicable in the real world. The finished capstone project title ideas with the source code listed below may be useful to future researchers.

  • Vehicle Franchise Application Management System

A vehicle has become a large part of our daily commuting needs. People use a vehicle to get to work, visit places, and for moving around to run errands. The capstone project, entitled “Vehicle Franchise Application Management System”, is a system designed to automate the process of applying for vehicle franchises. This project will eliminate the manual method which costs a valuable amount of time and effort and is also prone to human errors.

  • Medical Equipment Monitoring System

The extended use of technology and smart devices in medical fields has brought a huge effect on the world’s health care. Hospital now uses medical tools not only for the services they render to their patients but also for the betterment of the hospital’s medical equipment. Medical equipment is essential especially since they are used for treating different medical conditions. The capstone project, titled “Medical Equipment Monitoring System” is designed to automate the process of monitoring medical equipment in the hospital. This is to ensure that they are in a good condition and will not suddenly malfunction and wear out. The system will also help track and monitor numbers of medical equipment in the hospital to tell whether it has enough that can support the needs of the patients.

  • First Aid Mobile Application

The capstone project, “First Aid Mobile Application” allows users to provide first aid during an emergency. The mobile application will provide the step-by-step process of doing the first aid for the specific injury or illness. By definition, first aid is immediate medical attention or treatment for anyone who has suffered a sudden illness or injury. Knowing first aid is essential to respond to emergency cases and be able to relieve pain, maintain life, promote recovery and prevent the patient’s condition from worsening until professional medical help arrives. The application is available for download and use in emergencies. The user just has to input the injury or illnesses that occur unexpectedly, and the application will provide them with the step-by-step process of administering first aid.

  • Mobile Learning Application (Math, Science, etc)

eLearning is an excellent opportunity to broaden the scope of the learning experience, as it allows learners to carry on learning while they’re on the move. However, their needs and expectations are not the same as when they are in a classic e-learning setting. One of the key challenges of mobile learning is how to articulate mobile learning and e-learning seamlessly so that the learning experience remains coherent and fluid.

The purpose of the said application is to promote the learning about different subjects such as math, science, and other subjects. This application offers a variety of subjects that the user can learn from when they use the application.

  • Ticket Support Management System

The project entitled Ticket Support Management System is an online platform designed to manage issues, concerns, questions, and conversations between customers and the support team. It is used to control and monitor queries from customers and to provide a proper and effective way of communication to provide feedback and solutions to customers.

The said project was designed in Bootstrap and then converted into a PHP file. The ticket includes a code, description, and the assigned support member which is the role of the moderator. The process of conversation will be recorded in the system for archiving purposes and once the issue has been solved the moderator will send a message to the client that the query has already been solved and it will be marked as closed. Closed tickets will not be entertained and the customer will need to create or request another ticket if new issues will arise.

  • Web and Mobile Based Brgy Management System

The core function of this study is to offer a detailed reliable and secure keeping of all data. Web-Based Barangay Management System with Mobile App Support Application hopes to enhance the way of managing, issuing a certificate, and keeping all the resident’s confidential records.

This system facilitates Barangay management by enabling the client barangay to maintain their resident records as complete and up-to-date as possible and as easily accessible for verification, monitoring, and reference purposes based on the available residents’ census data kept by the client Barangay. Data provided by this system in the form of comprehensive reports are invaluable for planning, program implementation, and related purposes .

  • Veterinary Scheduling and Sales Management

The capstone project entitled “Veterinary Scheduling and Sales Management System” is an online platform that caters to the needs, requirements, and business processes of a veterinary clinic. This article is about the use case diagram of the said capstone project. As presented in the image below, the Veterinary Scheduling System has 6 core modules and 3 actors can access the modules according to their roles.

The client can access the client profile, product management, services offered, payment, and schedule appointments. Secretary can access the entire core modules of the project while the veterinarian can only access the scheduled appointment and reports module.

  • Person with Disability Information System

The capstone project entitled “Person with Disability Information System” is an online platform to manage and archive records about the person with a disability or PWD per barangay in a city. A standard profiling form will be used and it will be encoded into the system for a digital record of the PWD. With the implementation of this project, the researchers are hopeful that the system would be a great help not only for monitoring purposes but for information dissemination as well.

  • Medical Dictionary Application

Medical Dictionary Application is a capstone project designed to serve as a source of information in terms of medical terminologies. The application will contain medical terms, abbreviations, and their meaning. The application can be used by both iOS and Android users. The application will help the end-users put in their own hands the information they wish to know. This medical dictionary will be of great help for those who seek to gain knowledge. The application will also help medical students in their studies, they will have an accessible source of information if they have difficulty understanding some terms in their lessons.

  • Elearning System with SMS Notification

The new learning paradigm in the educational system encourages students to be in control of how they learn, and the teachers to let go of their control over the learning process in the classrooms and begin to function as designers and facilitators of learning. Teachers assist their students to develop independent learning skills, understand the strengths and weaknesses of open learning, and be able to develop and deliver educational materials more creatively, effectively, and efficiently.

The purpose of this study is to provide an IT-based solution in the field of education. The researchers will create and develop an eLearning platform that will allow their faculty members to upload their lecture material and assess their students using the test and exam module of the project. In addition, the application is very helpful on the student side since they can now view and download their modules and take their examinations at their home.

  • HerbalCare Mobile Application

The project entitled “Herbalcare Mobile Application”, is a mobile application designed and developed in JQuery Mobile and Phonegap Build. The said project is a compilation of herbal medicines found in the localities of the Philippines which can be useful in some minor ailments such as cough, skin allergies, and others.

The project includes information about the herbal plants, their uses, benefits, and preparation.

  • Entrance Examination with SMS Notification

The entrance examination is a web/lan-based application that will run even if there is no internet connection. PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap were used to design and develop the said project. The project will be set up in a secured server or computer unit in which an authorized person can only access the physical and software components of the server. The examination module can be accessed on the computers in the laboratories.

The project can also be accessed on mobile devices and SMS notifications and reports are automatically generated.

  • Reviewer Mobile Based Application

The mobile-based reviewer app is another method for learners to study and review their lessons using their mobile devices. The said project is available on both Android and iOS devices, it was written in Framework 7 and Apache Cordova, it is a hybrid type of mobile development where the HTML, CSS, and JS files can be converted into a mobile application.

The application contains lecture materials in a form of text, pdf, and video format. Assessment for every lesson in a form of multiple choices is also one of the functions of the mobile app. Scores and progress results are stored in the local storage of the device but the scores are also submitted to the instructor for monitoring purposes. The application can be used offline which means that the users can still open their lessons and take quizzes even if their device has no internet connection.

  • Vehicle Impoundment Records Management

Vehicles are held in impounding yards if used as a sanctionable offense. Impounding officers faced difficulties in managing different records and information of impounded cars. The development of computerized systems and applications eases up operations of different sectors. The use of the systematic approach will ease up the management processes and operations of the vehicle impoundment management.

The capstone project, entitled “Vehicle Impoundment Records Management System” is designed to record, process and monitor impounded vehicles. The system will electronically manage all impounded vehicle-related information. From impounding up to releasing the vehicles. The system will eliminate manual processes done to complete transactions between the impounding officers, yards, and vehicle owners.

  • Network-Based Laundry Management System

The capstone project entitled “Network-Based Laundry Management System” is a web-based system that allows shop owners to automate the process of records management. It is also intended to properly record the payment of customers to generate accurate reports of income. It is a database-driven application that manages the records and transactions of the laundry shop. The said system helps smoothen and improvise the dry cleaners and laundry business management service workflow like laundry record-keeping, laundry billing, and report generation.

  • Doctor Appointment System

The project entitled Doctor Appointment System is an online platform that allows the customers/patients to register their information online. After the approval of the account, they can now log in and request an appointment with their doctors. The admin will serve as the middle man or secretary between the doctor and patient. The admin can manage the records of the system.

The said system was designed and developed in PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. Our team is willing to help you modify the project based on your specific requirements.

  • Parish Record Management with SMS

The Parish Office is offering the usual services that many of the parishioners have availed of or can avail of. Such services are mass scheduled for the city chapels and center chapels, baptism services, wedding services, and blessings for houses and other acquired properties. With the computer-based record-keeping, every transaction on the said services will be beneficial considering that automation of services is the key feature of the system.

With Parish Record Management with SMS, inputs of data will be made faster, scheduling of masses will be easier, baptism and wedding and special blessings services can be reserved and scheduled quickly by the personnel of the said office. Furthermore, reports can be generated correctly and efficiently, such as baptismal certificates, pre-Cana seminar certificates, and marriage contracts.

  • Web-Based Event Scoring Application

The capstone project entitled “Web Bases Event Scoring Application” will allow automated tabulation of scores during events or competitions. The system will allow the judges to electronically input their scores and the system will automatically tabulate the scores and provide the results of the contest. The proposed system will streamline the process of tabulating scores. Judges will use the system and enter their scores for every contestant in the competition. The system will electronically tabulate the scores and generate a result of the competition. The said project will make the tabulation process easy, fast, accurate, and convenient.

  • Mobile Application on Student Handbook

This project study is all about converting a handbook into an android application which is the researchers’ solution in preserving the handbook in a way that it will not be torn easily and protect it from water during the rainy season. An android based handbook that is accessible anytime and will be installed on android devices.

At the end of the study, we were able to create an android application for our school’s college department which outlines student rights, privileges, and responsibilities and provides information about how to get help with appeal requests, processes and procedures, and resources available from school system personnel.

  • Financial Management System with SMS

The capstone project, entitled “Financial Management with SMS” will allow organizations to electronically manage financial activities. The said project will serve as a platform where organizations manage and store information, especially financial reports. The financial management system will also have an SMS feature to notify members of the organizations of updates. The proposed system will streamline the process of managing and storing organizations’ information related to their finances, especially during events. The system will serve as a repository of information such as members’ information, events, financial records, and other related information. By using the system, records will be electronically safe and secured. The system will ease up the job of the finance department and the system will help them in lessening the errors encountered in carrying out the task. The system is easy, reliable, and convenient to use.

  • Salary Notification System with SMS

The researchers of this project aim to design and develop a system wherein employers and employees will have a private platform wherein they can provide updates about the employee’s salaries. The system will let employers manage and notify the employees about the summary of their salary and the details about the deductions in their salary. The system will also notify the employee about the amount deducted from their salary to avoid complaints and confusion as to why the salary is not intact. By having this platform, the employers and employees can discuss details about the salary in a confidential, convenient and fast way.

  • Faculty and Student Clearance Processing System

The capstone project entitled “Faculty and Student Clearance Application” is a web and mobile-based project that aimed to replace the manual method of processing the clearances of students and faculty. Clearance processing is very important to determine if the students and faculty members had complied with the requirements set by the school. The project was developed in PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap, the following stated tools are usually used to design and develop a responsive application that can be accessed using a browser (desktop, laptop, mobile devices).

  • Employee Personal Data Sheet Information System

The project entitled Employee Personal Data Sheet Information System is a web-based project using PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, Visual Basic, and MySQL version is also available.

The system includes the profiling of personnel, keeping track of their academic achievements, seminars attended, and many more.

The said project is for the HR or human resource department which will help them in the record and archiving of their employee’s profile.

  • 4 Pics One Word Mobile App Game

The project entitled  4 Pics 1 Word Game in JQuery Mobile  is a web and mobile-based game application similar to the famous game of 4 pics 1 word. This can be installed on a stand-alone computer that can be accessed by the modern browser. It needs to be uploaded on the web directory of your server (xampp, uwamp, or wamp) since the application is powered by javascript. The application uses a hybrid development which is a type of mobile application development that uses front-end web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript, the project will be converted into a mobile application using Phonegap Build or Apache Cordova.

  • Web-Based Voting Application

The voting system especially with the contribution of a mobile application to our system has attracted lately the attention of many schools as manual voting to automatic voting with the hope the student’s to increase their participation and reduce the cost. While participation initiatives have been deployed across the schools with mixed results from the students. As the internet is highly known by everyone and used, a voting system with mobile application came as an alternative and easier way to vote automatically and thus was rapidly accepted.

Recent efforts to implement automated voting in schools faced many challenges, such as a lack of information communication technologies. The lack of trust in automated affects very seriously any effort to migrate from the manual voting procedures to an electric voting system since voting is a fundamental process in any school.

Technology is known as the catalyst for change that took place in different industries and institutions. Information Technology has changed the world dramatically. As of today, it is hard to imagine any sector or institution that has not benefited from the advancements in technology. The most common role that IT played in these sectors is the automation of different operations and transactions to increase efficiency and improve the overall experience and satisfaction of the people. The aforementioned capstone project ideas will be a great help in various industries.

You may visit our  Facebook page for more information, inquiries, and comments. Please subscribe also to our YouTube Channel to receive  free capstone projects resources and computer programming tutorials.

Hire our team to do the project.

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🏥👩🏽‍⚕️ Data Science Course Capstone Project - Healthcare domain - Diabetes Detection

This is comprehensive project completed by me as part of the Data Science Post Graduate Programme. This project includes multiple classification algorithms over a dataset collected on health/diagnostic variables to predict of a person has diabetes or not based on the data points. Apart from extensive EDA to understand the distribution and other aspects of the data, pre-processing was done to identify data which was missing or did not make sense within certain columns and imputation techniques were deployed to treat missing values. For classification the balance of classes was also reviewed and treated using SMOTE. Finally models were built using various classification algorithms and compared for accuracy on various metrics.Lastly the project contains a dashboard on the original data using Tableau.

You can view the full project code on this Github link

Note: This is an academic project completed by me as part of my Post Graduate program in Data Science from Purdue University through Simplilearn. This project was towards final course completion.

Bussiness Scenario

This dataset is originally from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The objective of the dataset is to diagnostically predict whether or not a patient has diabetes, based on certain diagnostic measurements included in the dataset. Several constraints were placed on the selection of these instances from a larger database. In particular, all patients here are females at least 21 years old of Pima Indian heritage.

Build a model to accurately predict whether the patients in the dataset have diabetes or not.

Analysis Steps

Data cleaning and exploratory data analysis -.


There are integer as well as float data-type of variables in this dataset. Create a count (frequency) plot describing the data types and the count of variables.

count plot of data types

Check the balance of the data (to review imbalanced classes for the classification problem) by plotting the count of outcomes by their value. Review findings and plan future course of actions.

class imbalance

We notice that there is class imbalance . The diabetic class (1) is the minority class and there are 35% samples for this class. However for the non-diabetic class(0) there are 65% of the total samples present. We need to balance the data using any oversampling for minority class or undersampling for majority class. This would help to ensure the model is balanced across both classes.We can apply the SMOTE (synthetic minority oversampling technique) method for balancing the samples by oversampling the minority class (class 1 - diabetic) as we would want to ensure model more accurately predicts when an individual has diabetes in our problem.

Create scatter charts between the pair of variables to understand the relationships. Describe findings.

Pair plots

We review scatter charts for analysing inter-relations between the variables and observe the following

Perform correlation analysis. Visually explore it using a heat map.

correlation matrix plots

Observation : As mentioned in the pairplot analysis the variable Glucose has the highest correlation to outcome.

Model Building

Confusion Matrix


Note: ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) Curve tells us about how good the model can distinguish between two things (e.g If a patient has a disease or no). Better models can accurately distinguish between the two. Whereas, a poor model will have difficulties in distinguishing between the two. This is quantified in the AUC Score. Final Analysis Based on the classification report:

Data Reporting

Dashboard Tableau

Tools used:

This project was completed in Python using Jupyter notebooks. Common libraries used for analysis include numpy, pandas, sci-kit learn, matplotlib, seaborn, xgboost

Further Reading

🏡🏷️ california housing price prediction using linear regression in python.

Summary- The project includes analysis on the California Housing Dataset with some Exploratory data analysis . There was encoding of categorical data using the one-hot encoding present in pandas. ...

🔎📊 Principal Component Analysis with XGBoost Regression in Python

Summary- This project is based on data from the Mercedes Benz test bench for vehicles at the testing and quality assurance phase during the production cycle. The dataset consists of high number of...

💬⚙️ NLP Project - Phone Review Analysis and Topic Modeling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation in Python

Summary- This is a Natural Language Processing project which includes analysis of buyer’s reviews/comments of a popular mobile phone by Lenovo from an e-commerce website. Analysis done for the proj...

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  4. PDF Capstone Overview Document

    Problem Statement: Overview. Cred Financials is a leading credit card company that offers credit cards to its customers, who use them for transactions across the world. Nevertheless, in today, fraudulent transactions occur, which need to be analyzed in real-time so that they can be eliminated, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.

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    Summary- This is comprehensive project completed by me as part of the Data Science Post Graduate Programme. This project includes multiple classification algorithms over a dataset collected on health/diagnostic variables to predict of a person has diabetes or not based on the data points. Apart from extensive EDA to understand the distribution and other aspects of the data, pre-processing was ...

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    This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. master. Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. 3 Commits. Capstone Project - Final.pptx. Capstone Project-backup.ipynb.

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