The problems on this page are copyrighted by the Mathematical Association of America's American Mathematics Competitions and the solutions on this page are directly taken from the Art of Problem Solving AoPS Wiki.

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How to Prepare for the AMC 10 Math Contest


What is the AMC 10 Contest

The AMC 10 is a math contest organized by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA).  The AMC 10 contest contains 25 multiple choice questions that must be completed within 75 minutes. You get 1.5 points for every question that is left blank, so remember to not guess blindly. 

The top 2.5% (approximately) students on the AMC 10 are invited to take the American Invitational Mathematics Examination  (AIME) .

Who can tak e the AMC 10

Students in grade 10 or below and under 17.5 years of age on the day of the contest can take the AMC 10. Note that even students in elementary schools are eligible to take the contest.

Where can you take the AMC 10

Many middle/high schools host the contest in their school. If your school doesn't offer the contest, you can try requesting your math teachers or principal to consider becoming a hosting site. You can also search for nearby locations hosting the contest using this zip code search .

The Mathematical Association of America also requests its member institutions of higher learning to consider offering the AMC 10 to students whose schools will not be offering the contest. You can find a list of alternate locations in your area here.

If you are in a school which does not host the contest, you can also reach out to math teachers in nearby high schools and check if any of them will allow outside students to take the contest. 

How to score high on the AMC 10

So, how can you score well on the AMC 10? Here are four key things to focus on:

Understanding all the content : The problems go beyond the school curriculum, so if you're new to competition math you will need to learn a variety of concepts from Algebra, Number Theory, Combinatorics, and Geometry

Being able to apply concepts to tricky problems :  AMC 10 problems are not straightforward like in school math, so the problems require creative thinking and that's something that can only be achieved with significant practice

​ Solving the problems accurately : You need to simulate test conditions to learn how to avoid common mistakes like calculation errors, silly mistakes, misreading the questions, etc 

​ Working quickly : You need to finish 25 problems in 75 minutes, and you need to learn good time management so you can attempt most of the questions without getting stuck.

How to prepare for the AMC 10 contest

Step I: Reviewing the Basics

If you are new to competition math or taking the AMC 10 for the first or second time, you need to ensure that you have a good understanding of the fundamental mathematical concepts. You can use th e following resources to get started:

1.  Free Maste ring AMC 8  Book : If you are new to competition math, then this free book can help you get started. This is a 400+ page hybrid book with video lectures for every topic and hundreds of practice problems. 

2.  Free AMC 10/12 Fundamentals Course : A free course that covers the most basic concepts for the AMC 10/12 like Expected Value, Modular Arithmetic, Diophantine Equations, Power of a Point, etc.

3.  Volume 1 book by AoPS : The Volume 1 essentially provides a summary of the Introduction Series by AoPS, covering many important concepts.

Step II  (If time) : Build Str ong Fundamentals

If you are really serious about AMC 10 preparation, it is highly recommended that your work through the AoPS Introductory series books. They are quite comprehensive, but they take a long time to complete. If you are just starting your preparation less than 2 months before the contest, I recommend you skip to Step 3.  ​

4.  Introduction Series books by AoPS  (In order of importance)

    a.  Introduction to Counting & Probability

    b.  Introduction to Geometry

    c.  Introduction to Algebra

    d.  Introduction to Number Theory

You can also use Alcumus for extra practice along with these books. 

In addition, you can also check out paid classes from Alphastar Academy , Art of Problem Solving , and many other organizations

Step III : Maste ring AMC 10 Concepts

In the last 1-2 months before the contest, it is important to review and refresh all the concepts that are important for the AMC 10 test. Moreover the AoPS Introduction books do not cover some of the topics that have come up in recent AMC 10 tests, which need to be studied from other sources.

5.  Mastering AMC 10/12 Ch apters 1 - 40: This free book will help you learn and practice advanced concepts useful for AMC 10 problems such as Linearity of Expectation, Markov Chains, Cyclic Quadrilaterals, etc. 

Step IV: Practice Contests & Mocks

In order to practice speed and accuracy, it's important to take full AMC 10 tests. 

Some tips w hen mocking AMC 10's:

1. Don't br ush off silly mistakes:  Rather than treating a silly as something that's not a big deal, analyze why you made that silly and what you will do not to make that mistake again. Here is a video with tips to avoid sillies .

2. Peek but not read: For problems that you are not able to solve, don't just "read the solution". Rather, try to look at a few lines of the solution and then solve the rest of the problem on your own.

3. Build speed gradually:  At first, try to work at a pace that you can achieve high accuracy with. Then, try to gradually increase your speed while still maintaining high accuracy. Never rush or work carelessly to increase speed as this will only reduce your accuracy significantly. 

List of Mock Contests

1.  Official AMC 10 from previous years with solutions : Use these tests with a 75 minute timer to simulate test taking situations. The AMC's are increasing in difficulty every year, so only AMC 10 contests from 2021 Fall and after are representative of the difficulty of recent AMC 10.

2.  AoPS Created AMC 10 Mock Contest 2023 : A high quality mock contest created by Art of Problem Solving problem writers

3.  AoPS Created AMC 10 Mock Contest 2022 : A high quality mock contest created by Art of Problem Solving problem writers

4.  AoPS Created AMC 10  Mock Contest 2021 : Another high quality mock created by Art of Problem Solving problem writers

5.  AoPS User created AMC 10 Mock Contests : These mock contests are created by users on the AoPS forums and are of varying quality and difficulty levels. Still a good practice if you have completed all the previous year’s AMC 10 c ontests.

6.  AlphaStar AMC 10 Practice Tests Book : A book with some high quality mock contests created by the problem writing team at AlphaStar Academy.

7. CMC Mock Contests : Nearly all of the tests created by CMC (even the ones from 2017) are extremely high quality and close in difficulty to AMC's nowadays. 

8. DMC Mock Contests : Another site with high quality mock AMC 10s. 

9. OMC Mock Contest : A good AMC 10 mock from 2023.

Problem Trainers

For even more practice, there are some useful  websites which help you practice specific topics and improve problem solving speed.

1.  Alcu mus : Free resource by AoPS to practice problems from specific topics.  

2.  AMC Trivial : This site generates problems from past contests. You can even make custom mocks from older questions and it can give problems from specific topics or difficulty levels.

3.  MAATester : This site makes it easy to search for problems related to any topic from various contests.

4.  For the Win : Practice speed and accuracy by playing head to head against other players to answer questions quickly

5. Math Llmlab :  Take past AMC's in a digital format or practice questions related to a specific concept

By using these resources and practicing regularly, you can improve your skills and increase your chances of success on the AMC 10.


Crucial Tips for improving your score on the AMC 10

1. Bring colored pencils/pens . For Geo metry prob lems, sometimes it may help to use colors to mark different regions or draw similar triangles. Colors can help you visualize things better and make geometric observations.

2. Double check what the question is asking for. When you finish solving a problem, take a quick glance at the last sentence in the question to confirm that you are marking what the question is asking for. For example: You solve a complex Geometry problem and correctly calculate the side length of a square, mark that answer and move on…but the question was asking for the area of the square. You don’t want to ma ke that mistake. 

3. Double check the bubbled answers . Towards the end, don’t forget to double check the answer sheet to make sure that the answers you have bubbled match up to the answer you have marked in the question paper. 

One time I actually forgot that I h ad skipped a problem and then for all the subsequent problems the answers were shifted up by one so then all of those problems got marked wrong. Here is an important tip to check the answers - don't just check it as “A C D B”. Always try to associate the question number like “ 15 A, 16 C, 17 D, 18 D, etc.”

Also don’t leave this task to the last second, as you may be in the middle of solving a problem and won’t like to waste time in checking. Try to double check a few minutes before the end, maybe around the 65-70 minute mark. Most test centers will announce a time warning a few minutes before the end, so plan to check things at that time.

4. Don’t get stuck on any question . All questions have equal points, so your goal is to solve as many questions as possible. The questions are usually in increasing order of difficulty but some questions can be misplaced. Don’t get stuck on any question. If you are not making progress or the problem looks too bashy, then just mark it and skip it during the first pass. You should come back to it later. You should not have the mindset that oh it's the number five I should be able to solve it but I'm not able to solve it. 

5.  Don’t be intimidated by the questions at the end . There are 25 questions and 75 minutes to finish the test, so you have an average of 3 minutes per question which is not a lot of time. So make sure you budget your time wisely and leave enough time for the end questions which are typically harder. But some of them may be misplaced or from one of your stronger subjects, so depending on how much time you have left, try to solve the ones that are from your strong subjects or that look doable

6.  Sleep well, eat healthy, Stay c alm . This seems like common sense, but it is important to emphasize it again. Don’t try to cram till 4am on the day before the contest. A good night’s sleep and relaxed mind can be more helpful in making sure that you don’t make silly mistakes. 

One simple meditation trick that is worth trying just before the test: Just close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths and it will help to calm your nerves. 

Some people recommend eating dark chocolate before the test as it is considered a mood enhancer.

7. Don’t guess blindly . Remember you get 1.5 points for any question left blank, so don’t guess blindly as the chances of getting it right is only 20%. But you can use meta solving techniques to improve your chances of  finding answers to problems without actually solving them.

8. Timed Test Practice . Since only a few days are remaining for the AMC 10, try to take at least one timed test - either previous year’s AMC 10 contest or a mock test, and remember to keep a 75 minute timer to simulate real test conditions. And try to apply the tips mentioned here during that practice test. This will make you become used to handling the stress of the test and help you with learning the time management that works best for you.

9. Review, Revise, Refresh . On the day before the test, try not to stress and don’t start learning new topics. Just review concepts and formulas for topics that you already know.   

Good Luck on the AMC 10.

What materials are allowed on the AM C 10 contest

According to MAA Guidelines , during the competition, students are only allowed:

Writing utensils ( Note: colored pens/pencils are allowed )

Blank scratch paper

Prohibited materials include:



Computing devices


Graph paper

Mock (Practice) American Mathematics Competitions AMC 8 Problems and Solutions
(Note: Mock AMC 8 contests are much more difficult than actual AMC 8 contests)
ProblemsAnswer KeysSolutions
American Mathematics Competitions AMC 8 Problems and Solutions

The primary recommendations for preparation and study for the AMC 8 are past AMC 8 contest problems and solutions and the Art of Problem Solving Series Books.

I recommend the AoPS books be studied in the following order:

  • Prealgebra by Rusczyk, Patrick, and Boppana, AoPS, 2012.
  • Introduction to Counting and Probability (2nd edition) by Patrick, AoPS, 2007.
  • Introduction to Number Theory (2nd edition) by Crawford, AoPS, 2008.

Additional Recommended Problem Solving and Review Books for preparation for the AMC 8:

  • Competition Math for Middle Schools by J. Batterson, CreateSpace, 2009.
  • Challenge Math for Elementary and Middle School Student (2nd edition) by Edward Zaccaro, Hickory Grove Press, 2005.
  • Creative Problem Solving in School Mathematics (2nd edition) by George Lenchner, Math Olympiads Press, 2005.
  • Mathcounts Handbooks (typically over 300 new problems per year)

"It is better to give than to receive - especially advice" - Mark Twain

And remember - be respectful to your superiors, if you have any. Good Luck! - DP

2024 AMC 10B Problems/Problem 18

The skibidi sigma in Ohio has +2048 aura. If there are 1434 skibidi sigmas in Ohio, how much total aura do they have?

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art of problem solving mock amc


  1. The Art of Problem Solving: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Skill

    art of problem solving mock amc

  2. Art of Problem Solving: 2019 AMC 10 A #23

    art of problem solving mock amc

  3. Art of Problem Solving: 2018 AMC 12 A #22

    art of problem solving mock amc

  4. The Art of Problem Solving

    art of problem solving mock amc

  5. Art of Problem Solving: 2020 AMC 10 A #23 / AMC 12 A #20

    art of problem solving mock amc

  6. The art of problem solving 2018 :: Behance

    art of problem solving mock amc


  1. AMC Problems and Solutions

    AMC Problems and Solutions. You can find problems and solutions from the math contests run by the American Mathematics Competitions on the following pages: AMC 8 / AJHSME Problems and Solutions. AMC 10 Problems and Solutions. AMC 12 Problems and Solutions.

  2. Art of Problem Solving

    A Mock AMC is a contest intended to mimic an actual AMC (American Mathematics Competitions 8, 10, or 12) exam. A number of Mock AMC competitions have been hosted on the Art of Problem Solving message boards. They are generally made by one community member and then administered for any of the other community members to take.

  3. Mock Amc 12

    A Mock AMC is a contest intended to mimic an actual AMC (American Mathematics Competitions 8, 10, or 12) exam. A number of Mock AMC competitions have been hosted on the Art of Problem Solving message boards. They are generally made by one community member and then administered for any of the other community members to take.

  4. AMC 10 2021 (Mock) Problems

    Problem 6. Two glass containers stand on a tabletop. The first one is a solution consisting of water and alcohol. The second solution consists of water and alcohol. A third container is placed on the same table and must be a mixture of the first and second solutions in a particular ratio. After the third container is filled as per these ...

  5. Mock AMC 10A 2017 Art of Problem Solving reun

    Mock AMC 10A 2017 Art of Problem Solving Page 4 of 6 (A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 8 (E) 16 13.Let a bbe de ned as a! b! where aand bare both positive integers and a>b:What is the least possible value of bsuch that the digits of ahave a sum of 2;and a bis divisible by 100?

  6. Art of Problem Solving: 2020 AMC 12 A #22

    Art of Problem Solving's Richard Rusczyk solves the 2020 AMC 12 A #22.

  7. AMC 12 Problems and Solutions

    Train for the AMC 12 with outstanding students from around the world in our AMC 12 Problem Series online class. LEARN MORE AMC 12 Problems and Solutions. AMC 12 problems and solutions. Year Test A Test B ... Art of Problem Solving is an ACS WASC Accredited School. aops programs. AoPS Online. Beast Academy. AoPS Academy. About. About AoPS. Our ...

  8. AMC Trainer!

    A FREE interactive 👆 trainer which generates math problems for your specific AMC level 📈 (such as AMC 8/10/12/AIME). ... Association of America's American Mathematics Competitions and the solutions on this page are directly taken from the Art of Problem Solving AoPS Wiki.

  9. AMC 12

    The AMC's are increasing in difficulty every year, so only AMC 12 contests from 2021 Fall and after are representative of the difficulty of recent AMC 12. 2. AoPS Created AMC 12 Mock Contest 2023: A high quality mock contest created by Art of Problem Solving problem writers 3.

  10. 2019 Mock AMC 10B Problems/Problem 8

    2019 Mock AMC 10B Problems/Problem 8 Solution 1: the probability for each point will be the same if the points are equidistant from the origin because it will take the same amount of moves.

  11. Art of Problem Solving

    Art of Problem Solving AoPS Online. Math texts, online classes, and more for students in grades 5-12. Visit AoPS Online ‚ Books ... 2021 MECC Mock AMC 10. Contents. 1 Problem 1; 2 Problem 2; 3 Problem 3; 4 Problem 4; 5 Problem 5; 6 Problem 6; 7 Problem 7; 8 Problem 8; 9 Problem 9;

  12. Trivial Math Practice

    Free AMC trainer and math learning: AMC practice problems, problem sets, mock tests with real questions from the AMC 8, AMC 10, AMC 12, AIME, and more.

  13. AMC 10

    The AMC's are increasing in difficulty every year, so only AMC 10 contests from 2021 Fall and after are representative of the difficulty of recent AMC 10. 2. AoPS Created AMC 10 Mock Contest 2023: A high quality mock contest created by Art of Problem Solving problem writers 3.

  14. 2019 Mock AMC 10B Problems/Problem 17

    2019 Mock AMC 10B Problems/Problem 17 Solution 1 The amount of ways to choose a quadrilateral is 8C4 and then the amount of ways to rotate the shape you choose such that it is the same is 7 times so 8C4/7=70/7=10

  15. Instructional Systems, Inc

    2019 Mock AMC 8: 2019 Mock AMC 8 Answer Key: 2018 Mock AMC 8: 2018 Mock AMC 8 Answer Key ... primary recommendations for preparation and study for the AMC 8 are past AMC 8 contest problems and solutions and the Art of Problem Solving Series Books. I recommend the AoPS books be studied in the following order: ... Creative Problem Solving in ...

  16. Mock AMC 8

    The Mock AMC 8, introduced in 2006 by jclarkemathL314159, is a competition designed to imitate the AMC 8. It is typically posted in the Classroom Math Forum. Similar to the Mock AMC, it serves as practice for the real AMC. Art of Problem Solving is an. ACS WASC Accredited School.

  17. AMC 10 Problems and Solutions

    AMC 10P. 2001. AMC 10. 2000. AMC 10. Art of Problem Solving is an. ACS WASC Accredited School.

  18. 2019 Mock AMC 10B Problems/Problem 10

    2019 Mock AMC 10B Problems/Problem 10 The length of time from Tuesday 6:09 PM to Thursday 6:09 AM is 1.5 days, and a week is 7 days. Therefore we are looking for an option that leaves remainder 1.5 after division by 7.

  19. Art of Problem Solving

    Learn with outstanding instructors and top-scoring students from around the world in our AMC 12 Problem Series online course. CHECK SCHEDULE 2021 Fall AMC 12A Problems. 2021 Fall AMC 12A ... Art of Problem Solving is an ACS WASC Accredited School. aops programs. AoPS Online. Beast Academy. AoPS Academy. About. About AoPS. Our Team. Our History ...

  20. 2019 Mock AMC 10B Problems/Problem 16

    2019 Mock AMC 10B Problems/Problem 16. Solution by excruciating: For each of , they all need to be at least , so we have: ... Art of Problem Solving is an ACS WASC Accredited School. aops programs. AoPS Online. Beast Academy. AoPS Academy. About. About AoPS. Our Team. Our History. Jobs. AoPS Blog.

  21. Art of Problem Solving

    2024 AMC 8. 2024 AMC 8 problems and solutions. The test was held from January 18th, 2024 to January 24th, 2024. The first link contains the full set of test problems. The second link contains the answer key. The rest contain each individual problem and its solution. 2024 AMC 8 Problems.

  22. Art of Problem Solving

    Resources Aops Wiki 2024 AMC 10A Problems/Problem 2024 Page. Article Discussion View source History. Toolbox. Recent changes Random page Help What links here Special pages. ... Art of Problem Solving is an ACS WASC Accredited School. aops programs. AoPS Online. Beast Academy. AoPS Academy. About. About AoPS. Our Team. Our History. Jobs. AoPS ...

  23. Math Message Boards FAQ & Community Help

    Art of Problem Solving AoPS Online. Math texts, online classes, and more for students in grades 5-12. Visit AoPS Online ‚ Books for Grades 5-12 ...

  24. 2024 AMC 10B Problems/Problem 18

    Resources Aops Wiki 2024 AMC 10B Problems/Problem 18 Page. Article Discussion View source History. Toolbox. Recent changes Random page Help What links here Special pages. ... Art of Problem Solving is an ACS WASC Accredited School. aops programs. AoPS Online. Beast Academy. AoPS Academy. About. About AoPS. Our Team. Our History. Jobs. AoPS Blog ...