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16 Inspirational Speeches for Career and Life Lessons (+ Speaker Traits)

Erika Giles

Erika Giles | July 9, 2020 | Inspiration | 11 min read

The Most Inspirational Speeches of All Time

  • 1.  J.K. Rowling – Harvard University
  • 2.  Jim Carrey – Maharishi University
  • 3.  Steve Jobs – Stanford University
  • 4.  Al Pacino – Any Given Sunday
  • 5.  Tony Robbins – TED Talk
  • 6.  Will Smith – The Pursuit of Happiness
  • 7.  Matthew McConaughey – University of Houston
  • 8.  Sylvester Stallone – Rocky Balboa
  • 9.  Denzel Washington – University of Pennsylvania
  • 10.  Yoda – The Empire Strikes Back
  • 11.   Elizabeth Gilbert – TED Talk, 2009
  • 12.   Michelle Obama – Eastern Kentucky University
  • 13.   David Goggins – Driven
  • 14.   Peter Dinklage – Bennington College
  • 15.   John Roberts – Cardigan Mountain School
  • 16.  Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson - LA Lakers

Being motivated at work and in life is crucial for your performance. This is true when you have an approaching deadline, an important meeting, or customers depending on you.

The power of words can physically and emotionally rejuvenate you. Inspirational speeches can guide you to keep performing at your best and drive your team to achieve their goals . The right words at the right time can change you and challenge you.

No matter what is thrown at you in life, you can use these speeches to stay motivated. 

How Inspiration Impacts People

Inspiration helps propel people forward. It pushes apathy away and awakens people to new and exciting possibilities. They're able to transcend their limitations and mundane lives. 

It can help all people to become more creative and help them to progress toward their goals if they are open to it. 

Although inspiration impacts people in several meaningful and often magical ways, it is not something as elusive as it seems. Inspiration is everywhere, and it can be captured, activated, and manipulated. 

Most often, inspiration is found in others who say something or do something thought provoking and meaningful. 

What Makes a Speech Inspirational?

Great inspirational speeches all include one key thing – emotions . Emotions motivate actions and beliefs in any given aspect of life. Inspirational speeches are often loaded with tales of struggle, resilience, trials, endurance, and breakthroughs. All things that most people can relate to.

The philosopher, Aristotle, once said that people tend to believe in people who can be perceived as trustworthy or in those who have proper values and morals. This means that speakers who understand the concerns their audience has and empathizes with them are more likely to connect with their audience and gain their trust. 

Speakers who select emotional themes and talking points that people can relate to are more likely to inspire those in the audience with their stories. 

The key to this is making others feel as though they aren’t alone, and that they too can overcome the roadblocks in their way because someone else has. Hope is one of the most powerful emotions that sparks inspiration. 

Next, comes an excellent oral delivery. Facial expressions, tone of voice, and appropriate pausing all help to make a speech that much more effective and inspirational. 

7 Qualities of the Best Motivational Speakers

Here are seven traits, qualities, and characteristics that some of the best motivational speakers have.

1. They Tell Great Stories.

The ability to tell a great story is one of the core qualities that a motivational speaker needs to help add value to the lives of listeners. Motivational speakers tell original stories to provide the audience with fresh and relevant information. 

More importantly, the best motivational speakers paint a picture that lets the audience put themselves into the story so they can feel the emotions to understand the lesson better. 

2. They Are Passionate About What They Do.

Great speakers are often passionate about wanting to change others for the better, and the amount of passion a speaker has translates into their presentation. The audience can tell when a speaker is passionate about their subject matter because it will reflect in the speaker’s enthusiasm and excitement when they perform. 

Passion is infectious, and when a great speaker is passionate, it inspires the audience to cultivate passion as well. 

3. They Are Confident.

It is essential that motivational speakers have confidence in themselves and in their message.

Audience members can tell when speakers are nervous or unsure about what they are doing or saying. This automatically causes the audience to doubt the speaker, and it may invalidate the message. 

Great speakers have confidence that reflects in their speech and gestures while they are on stage, which in turn inspires confidence in the audience. It helps to engage them and makes them believe in what the speaker is saying. 

4. They Are Self-Aware.

A great motivational speaker understands who they are and knows exactly what they stand for. They are also aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

They use their strengths to make a speech more effective, and they work on improving their weaknesses.

5. They Show Empathy.

A defining mark of a great motivational speaker is their ability to put themselves in the shoes of those in their audience. They do their best to understand their audience’s motivation, fears, hopes, challenges, and worries. 

This helps them tailor their speech to appeal to and inspire their audience. Empathetic speakers are also individuals who have gone through what they talk about. 

They have been where the audience is, and they understand what that is like, which helps make a pure connection with them.

6. They Possess Knowledge.

Any motivational speaker must remain up to date and knowledgeable in their area of expertise. Motivational speakers aren’t born; they are made.

This means that they must grow and learn to become an expert with great knowledge and insight to share with others. 

7. They Have a Sense of Humor.

Motivational speeches tend to discuss serious topics, and great speakers know how to add fun anecdotes or jokes when it is appropriate to do so. 

Humor often makes a speech more memorable. Plus, it enthralls listeners, and everyone likes someone with a good sense of humor. 

16 of the Best Inspirational Speeches of All Time

We all need some inspiration from time to time. If you are in need of inspiration, look no further than these 16 best inspirational speeches of all time. 

1. J.K. Rowling – Harvard University

It's well known that J.K. Rowling's famous Harry Potter series was turned down by several publishers before it was finally accepted. But before her success, she was in a dire situation and was on the brink of bankruptcy.

Despite constant rejection, she kept trying and finally her efforts paid off. Her Harvard speech delivered some valuable life lessons about not fearing failure and persevering no matter how bad things get.

2. Jim Carrey – Maharishi University 

Actor/comedian Jim Carrey gave one of the most unique and emotional commencement speeches ever at Maharishi University in Iowa.

In his speech , he offered the students powerful and inspiring words about life, the future, and urged them never to settle for anything less than what they want. His message: Never give up and follow your dreams!

3. Steve Jobs – Stanford University 

This is one of the greatest inspirational speeches! In his commencement speech , Jobs discussed how he dropped out of college after six months, then took another 18 months to figure out what his life's work would be.

He quit college because his parents were struggling financially, and he couldn't see the value in an education that was draining his parents life savings.

His speech talked of the setbacks in life, including death, and how being aware of death can help you make better choices in life. At the time, Jobs was dying of pancreatic cancer, and his inspirational words on the importance of acquiring knowledge and following your dreams was the best life lesson he could bestow upon the graduates.

4. Al Pacino – Any Given Sunday

This movie features an inspirational speech about how even the simplest things can inch you closer to your dream.

Pacino's speech motivated the players on his football team to do whatever it takes to win. The takeaway? The little things you do every day will lead you to success.

5. Tony Robbins – TED Talk

Tony Robbins is one of the most famous motivational speakers around. This TED talk is particularly inspirational. It's topic, “Why We Do What We Do,” asks two key questions: What drives you? What motivates you to do your daily tasks?

By asking these questions, we're able to explore ourselves and appreciate others. The takeaway? We are our own path to success!

6. Will Smith – The Pursuit of Happiness

Considered one of the best motivational speeches in film, this scene starts with Smith and his son playing basketball. When his son shouts “I'm going pro,” Smith decides to try and temper his son's expectations, telling him he never excelled at basketball, so he shouldn't expect to.

His son is visibly disappointed, and Smith launches into his speech proclaiming, “Don't ever let somebody tell you that you can't do something, not even me.” He tells his son, “You got a dream, you gotta protect it. You want something, go get it. Period.”

The takeaway? Only you can decide to chase a dream. No one can stop you besides yourself. 

7. Matthew McConaughey – University of Houston

McConaughey delivered some pertinent points in his speech to the graduating class, but the one that really stuck out was "joy being a constant approach." He said, ”Joy is always in process; it's always under construction."

He spoke of how he takes everything one step at a time when he's making a film, and how when he truly enjoys his craft, things just fall into place. The takeaway? “Define success for yourself.” Figure out what you want to achieve and enjoy the entire journey.

8. Sylvester Stallone – Rocky Balboa

In the sixth film in the Rocky franchise, Stallone gives one of the most inspirational speeches of all time. He starts with, “The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows,” and goes on to talk about the value of hard work and commitment.

“It ain't about how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” The takeaway? Even when your back is up against the wall, winners never give up!

9. Denzel Washington – University of Pennsylvania

In this commencement speech, Denzel Washington speaks about how nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks, adding that when you fall in life, fall forward . He speaks of embracing failure and using it as a chance to learn.

This is especially true when it comes to being an entrepreneur. The most important thing isn't winning or losing, it's getting out there and giving it everything you've got!

10. Yoda – The Empire Strikes Back

Ok, you can't have a list of inspirational speeches without at least one offering from Yoda!

In this speech from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back , Yoda is teaching Luke about the ways of the force. The key teaching? Whether or not something can or can't be done is all in your head and your heart. If you believe in yourself, anything is possible!

The takeaway? In the words of Yoda, “Do or do not. There is no try.”

11. Elizabeth Gilbert – Ted Talk

Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the bestselling book Eat, Pray, Love , gave an inspiring Ted Talk about the "genius" in all of us.

In her speech, she mentions that everyone can be a creative genius in their work and that the best years of our work and creativity are never behind us if we think of creative genius as something we borrow. 

The key takeaways from Gilbert's speech are to not be daunted or afraid of success. Just keep showing up and doing the work that you love without the anguish of what it will turn into. 

12. Michelle Obama – Eastern Kentucky University

In 2013, Michelle Obama addressed the graduating class of Eastern Kentucky University. She encouraged them to continue learning to challenge their perspectives, and she told them to find a way to turn their weaknesses into strengths. 

The key takeaway from her speech is that the defining moments in your life will not be the moment you get the promotion or breakthrough to a classroom. They will be the days that you have to claw through to keep going.

As long as you keep working and pick yourself up when you fall down, then you will develop skills to apply to anything you do in life. And your resilience can be used in service to others. 

13. David Goggins – Driven

David Goggins is a former Navy Seal and Army Ranger who participates in ultra-marathons. In his talk, he discusses suffering and how you can turn hurt into strength. He talks about how you can still be successful and happy without guidance if you just stay true to who you are because you define greatness. 

The takeaway from Goggins' talk is that we all have greatness no matter what. You just have to find the courage through hard work and discipline. 

14. Peter Dinklage – Bennington College

Peter Dinklage is an actor who is known for his role as Tyrion Lannister on Game of Thrones . He gave the 2012 commencement address at Bennington College.

In his address to the graduates, he discusses persistence and doing whatever it takes to get to where you want to be. He also mentions that you shouldn't wait until you are ready to do what you love. 

The key lesson from his speech was to give yourself permission to fail early instead of waiting for permission. Show the world you're ready by doing it. 

15. John Roberts – Cardigan Mountain School

John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States, gave the commencement address at his son's high school in 2017. In his speech, he wishes the graduates bad luck instead of good luck.

He tells them that he hopes they will be lonely, fail, and lose from time to time. He says all of this to say that these things are the greatest teachers of compassion, true friendship, and sportsmanship. 

The key takeaway from Roberts' speech is that there is always a message in your misfortunes, and you should not be afraid to fail. If you fail, you should get up and try again. 

16. Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson - LA Lakers

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, tenured WWE superstar & mega Hollywood performer, gave an incredible speech to the Los Angeles Lakers in 2019.

He speaks from the heart, about remembering where you came from, and letting that fuel the hard work you will put in to become successful. 

Per usual, pure gold from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

These 16 inspirational speeches touch on three main themes. It's important to love what you're doing. Failure is only bad if you don't learn and continue to move forward. And finally, you need to want it!

Life is hard. If you want something bad enough, whether it's a job, a relationship, or a successful business, you need to prove it!

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General FAQ

An inspirational speech will create a positive emotional experience for the audience that will resonate with them. Similarly, a motivational speech can inspire an audience by motivating them to take action on something.

What Are the Qualities of an Inspirational Speaker?

To be a great inspirational speaker, you should have:

  • A strong speaking voice
  • A good story to tell

How Do You Write an Inspirational Speech?

It's important to know who your audience is and what your message is going to be when writing an inspirational speech. Use should also employ storytelling techniques to evoke emotion into your speech.

Who Is the Most Motivational Speaker in the World?

It is often said that Tony Robbins is the most motivational speaker. Tony Robbins is known best for his TED talks and self-help books.

Erika Giles

Erika Giles

Erika is a Marketing Copywriter at Bluleadz. She is a huge fan of houseplants and podcasts about conspiracy theories. She spends most of her free time reading, writing, and enjoying the outdoors.

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Top 25 Best Motivational Speeches About Life: Short Motivational Speeches to Take Massive Action

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Best Motivational Speeches About Life

These are the top 15  best motivational speeches  about life to help motivate and inspire you!

Every day our motivational levels will waiver but if you can figure out how to stay motivated you will set yourself for an incredible amount of success in life.

Tony Robbins talks about this as push vs. pull motivation . Push motivation is usually where you have to push yourself to do something and oftentimes include a lot of willpower. Pull motivation is much easier, more natural, and flows easily as you want to do the specific event.

In this Psychology Today article it says that “Pull-based motivation is about tapping the desire to achieve something. It’s about establishing a quest and taking action not to remove a current pain, but to bring yourself closer to a deeply desired end. Maybe it’s completing a marathon or learning to play guitar.”

Ultimately you want to find activities in life that have you being pulled to do them. That usually happens when you begin to align your life with your goals, values, and daily routines. 

Motivation will determine how great your life ends up being. If you want to change your life you have to get moving, change your physiology, and create powerful habits. I listen to one of the videos as morning motivation every single day!

Here are the 15  best motivational speeches to help you get inspired!

Table of Contents

Top 15 Best Motivational Speeches

1.) tony robbins – why we do what we do (tedx speech).

Imagine speaking in front of the most wealthy and successful individuals in the world — what advice could you possibly give to billionaires and CEO’s? Tony Robbins is one of the few people that can motivate and inspire them as some of his top clients are those exact people. This TedX speech will help you understand why you do what you do.

2. Steve Jobs – 2005 Standford Commencement Speech

Steve Jobs Harvard commencement speech is one of the best motivational speeches of all time, not to mention the best commencement speech ever. While many of us admire Jobs and love his work, he was often very misunderstood by the masses. This rare and candid speech will show you how to follow your passion and create a life you love.

And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever that somehow the dots will connect in the future.” — Steve Jobs

3. Les Brown – Georgia Dome Speech

Les Brown has some of the best motivational speeches ever. He is a world renown speaker, author, and trainer that has accomplished amazing feats in his life.

While his list of accolades is impressive when you learn where he came from it’s even more so. Enjoy this amazing speech live from the Georgia Dome in front of 30,000 people!

This is one of my favorites of all time. When things aren’t working, I listen to this inspirational speech about success to overcome challenges.

4. David Goggins – Driven

David Goggins is arguably the most badass human being ever. He’s been a Navy Seal, Army Ranger, ultra-marathon runner, and holds the pull-up record for most pull-ups in a 24 hour period (4,030)! When I think of the best motivational speeches I can’t help but add David Goggins!

5. Arnold Schwarzenegger – 6 Rules of Success (Commencement Speech)

Regardless of your political views, it’s hard to admit that Arnold has not accomplished an incredible amount in his lifetime. From moving to Austria to America to becoming a bodybuilder, Mr. Olympia champion, top-grossing actor, and governor of California.

6. Tony Robbins – New Year, New You

This is probably the video that will get you to reshape your life and vision more than most. If you’ve ever set a resolution only to fail while it’s still January (who hasn’t done that?) this video is for you.

Most of all, Tony talks in-depth about how to make lasting changes in your life. Instead of focusing on resolutions or abstract goals, focus on what really matters to make the change you need!

This is one of the best motivational speeches about life I’ve ever heard. Anytime I’m in a rut or feeling stuck, I always play this and get super inspired.

7. Mel Robbins – Secret to Self-Motivation

Mel Robbins is a top speaker and best-selling author after creating “ The 5-Second Rule ” and sharing it with the world. After getting to meet her in person, I can say she is incredibly inspiring and loves to help people.

8. Terry Crews Motivational Speech

Terry Crews is well known by many but his backstory & route to success is even more impressive!

9. Denzel Washington – Commencement Speech at Dillard University

Who doesn’t love Denzel Washington? His acting is incredible but his speech about succeeding in life is one of his truly epic performances. If you feel lost or disappointed with your life, this is a great video to get you motivated!

10. Admiral William H. McRaven – University of Texas At Austin

Do you make your bed each morning?

Admiral William McRaven shows why making your bed as part of your morning routine will give you discipline and start the day winning.

Let’s be honest, there are way too many amazing motivational speeches about life to only include ten. Here are some other incredible speeches that can change your life!

More Motivational Speeches About Life

11. extreme ownership with jocko willink (tedx speech).

Jocko Willink is a retired, ex-Navy Seal and also the best-selling author of “ Extreme Ownership .” If you don’t follow him on Twitter I highly recommend it as he seems like one of the most disciplined human beings alive.

After seeing him at a “ Success Live ” seminar I can say his intensity his second to none. Jocko gives one of the best motivational speeches ever with this TEDx talk!

12. J.K. Rowling – Harvard Commencement Speech

J.K. Rowling has an incredible story. From a broke waitress barely able to survive turned into one of the best-selling authors of all time. She has gone on to publish the Harry Potter series that also turned into one of the most successful movie franchises ever.

I love this quote from her epic motivational speech:

We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.”

13. Inky Johnson – One of the Most Epic Speeches About Life

Inky Johnson gives one of the best speeches about life challenges ever. After working his entire life to make it to the NFL, a freak injury in college paralyzed his right arm entirely. But instead of letting this injury ruin his life he turned his pain into passion by becoming a motivational speaker.

14. Eric Thomas – Motivation Addicts Speech

Eric Thomas aka “ET the Hip Hop Preacher” is one of the world  best motivational speakers of all time! In fact, if you type in motivational videos on Youtube his videos almost always come up first.

He is so passionate it’s hard to not love his message. His motivational speeches have taken over and this is one of my all-time favorites!

15. Jim Carrey Commencement Speech at Maharishi University of Management

Jim Carrey is often portrayed negatively in the media as of late but I think he’s incredible. He genuinely understands what’s important in life and wants to help others find the way to success. Jim used his vision to create an epic life and shares his gift with the world in this inspirational speech about life.

This might be the best motivational quote I’ve ever heard. Never forget, always follow your passion:

I learned many great lessons from my father — not the least of which is that you can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you  love .”

16. Ellen DeGeneres: Tulane University Commencement Speech

Ellen DeGeneres has overcome a lot of odds in her life and created a truly epic life. I love how much wisdom, inspiration, and humor is in this amazing speech about life. She is an incredible person who continues to inspire millions of people around the globe.

Really, when I look back on it, I wouldn’t change a thing. I mean, it was so important for me to lose everything because I found out what the most important thing is … to be true to yourself. Ultimately, that’s what’s gotten me to this place. I don’t live in fear. I’m free. I have no secrets and I know I’ll always be OK, because no matter what, I know who I am.”

17. Sheryl Sandberg Commencement Speech

Sheryl Sandberg is another amazing motivational speaker and COO of Facebook. Her speeches and words have helped inspire women worldwide.

18. Oprah Winfrey – Harvard Commencement Speech

Oprah is one of my favorite inspirational stories about perseverance of all-time. She had such a difficult childhood it’s nearly impossible for most people to even believe.

Yet she went on to become one of the most successful, wealthy, and influential people the world has ever seen. I love her message of positivity and fulfilling your dreams in life.

19. Will Smith Inspirational Speech – Pursuit of Happiness

This movie is phenomenal and really invokes a ton of emotion and feelings in this particular scene. Remember, never listen to anyone telling you what’s possible!

Don’t ever let somebody tell you … you can’t do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream. You gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.”

Best Sports Motivational Speeches

Sports have created some of the best motivational speeches ever. Fake or real, these are some of the most popular motivational speeches from Hollywood!

20. Al Pacino – Any Given Sunday Speech

As a huge movie fan, I love this speech and consider it the best sports motivational speeches of all time. Al Pacino is an amazing actor and he delivers an incredible speech to motivate his team to victory.

“ On this team, we fight for that inch. On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us to pieces for that inch. We CLAW with our fingernails for that inch. Cause we know when we add up all those inches that’s going to make the fucking difference. Between WINNING and LOSING…between LIVING and DYING. ”

21. Herb Brooks – Miracle Speech

While the speech is great it’s even better because it’s based on a true story about the Olympic team in the 1980’s! This speech propelled the U.S. to beat the Soviet Union and become the gold meal champions!

As Herb said, “ Great moments are born from great opportunity .”

22. Rocky Motivational Speech

Rocky might be the best motivational video ever. While the original is a little outdated there have been so many sequels it continues to stay relevant in mainstream culture.

If you learn about the story behind the movie it’s even more inspirational. At the time Sylvester Stallone was so broke he had to sell his dog and was sleeping on park benches. After watching a boxing match he got motivated and wrote the script that would change his life.

Check out my favorite quote from the Rocky motivational speech:

The world ain’t’ all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a mean and nasty place. And I don’t care how tough you are it’ll beat to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! “

23. Ray Lewis & Eric Thomas – “Beast” Motivational Speech

This inspirational speech is from two icons – Ray Lewis and Eric Thomas. Ray is a former hall of fame NFL player who knows how to generate hype, excitement, and enthusiasm from his teammates. This was a no-brainer when selecting the best sports motivational speeches.

Remember as Eric Thomas said, “ Sleep, sleep is for people who are broke. I got an opportunity to make a dream become a reality. ”

24. Best Motivational Sports Speech 

The crazy thing about this inspirational speech is that it’s a true story!  This epic speech was delivered to a group of high school football players.

25. Tom Brady – Best Motivational Video To Prove Haters Wrong

Tom Brady is the greatest player of all time. He was doubted from the moment he walked into the NFL combine. Yet, he is still playing the game 20+ years later and is arguably the best quarterback of all time.

He’s proven the haters wrong with his relentless work ethic, consistent performance, and longevity in a physically challenging sport. I love this motivational video!

Remember what Tom Brady said, “ To me what separates good players from great players is to execute under pressure. ”

Enjoy the best motivational speeches to give you the momentum to take the next step!

Are you ready to make this the year that will change your life forever? Quit waiting and start creating success today!

Never give up, this is your year to create success! 

Do you think these are some of the best motivational speeches about life ? Which one of them is your favorite?

Did I miss a motivational or commencement speech that you love? Let me know in the comments! 

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About Michael Leonard

My name is Michael and I'm the creator of Inspire Your Success. My goal is to give you the tools, resources, and inspiration to build an epic freelance writing business.

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January 30, 2018 at 2:07 am

Love these and wanted to add 1 more from Eric Thomas, literally one of the most motivational people to so many people.

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February 7, 2018 at 7:10 am

Damn great call I totally forgot about ET — he’s one of the best!

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January 30, 2018 at 3:04 am

Glad you included Jocko. Highly recommended podcast.

February 7, 2018 at 7:09 am

Thanks Drew — Jocko is the man! After seeing him live I was ready to run through a wall haha inspiring guy!

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April 17, 2018 at 6:43 am

Amazingly informative and helpful post. Everything is good enough and website is very well designed. I am very glad that I have come across to your blog because you have shared a one of a kind blog which has all the things in a very pleasant manner. Basically I’m a writer I would like to share my website here and sometimes I wait for your post to get more this type of blogs. A good blog always comes-up with new and exciting information and while reading I have feel that this blog is really have all those quality that qualify a blog to be a good one. What a great post, love this education related post! Great blog you have Thanks for sharing.

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December 2, 2020 at 6:31 am

All are best speeches. Many i have listed but remaining i will listen soon. It is really motivational. Arnold speech is really motivational.

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December 2, 2020 at 6:33 am

JK Rowling speech is my favorite. She is a wonderful author and worked very hard to get success. Remaining all are best.

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