Free Advertising Essay Examples & Topics

The advertising industry plays a critical role in modern society. We can see ads everywhere. They make us create opinions about all that we see, from food to politics. It is also the main source of income for most of the media, from newspapers to Facebook.

What can you write in an essay on advertisement?

In essence, your task is to compose an advertisement review. You have to analyze an ad or a few and explain how it promotes the product. Who does it appeal to? Tell about its aim and target audience. Then describe the main points and how it impacts people, providing your opinion. Write about the influence of advertising and your own impression.

To make it easier for you to decide on a topic for your advertising essay, our team has created a list of ideas for you. We also analyzed the structure of this type of academic paper and prepared some advertising essay examples.

Advertisement Essay Structure

When you’re writing a standard academic piece, your essay on advertising should be five paragraphs long. In the table below, we will analyze what you should describe and how to do so in detail.

  • Introduction: Describe the product and provide some background information about it. You should state what exactly you will analyze. Include your personal opinion in this part. Explain why the company needs a commercial for the product. Summarize the content of the ad.
  • Thesis Statement: Mention the main descriptive points that will appear in the body of your essay. There is no need to introduce your personal opinion in the thesis . Focus only on the vital aspects. Don’t write more than two sentences — preferably stick to one.
  • Body Paragraphs: Here, you should describe the target audience of the commercial in any essay on ads. Besides, in the paragraphs, write about the concept of the brand and advertised product. Provide a visual analysis of the ad: colors, lighting, actors, and props and their meaning. Then switch your focus to the pros and cons of the ad.
  • Conclusion: Try to keep it short and logical, covering the most significant points. Summarize the information about the targeted audience, the aim of the ad, and if they achieved it.

The structure above can serve as an outline for your argumentative essay on any chosen topic. But that’s not all. To write a successful essay, you need to take a few steps before writing:

  • Select a topic . Try to remember some ads that you have recently seen. Think of your reaction to them and choose the one that strikes you the most. You can also use one of the topics from this article instead.
  • Carry out research . Make a semiotic analysis of the ad. Search for the psychological techniques, values, and tricks used in the ad. Also, focus on the purpose of the advertisement.
  • Determine the audience. Your essay should be interesting to your readers. Make sure you highlight the aspects that are valuable for them. Avoid mentioning unsuitable details or using a wrong writing tone.

Don’t hurry.

Spend some time planning your essay and create an outline. Try to understand what the creator of the commercial is aiming to say. Think of the advertisement is successful or not and make your analysis simple and involving. Of course, highlight the positive and the negative aspects of the ad.

13 Advertising Essay Topics

As we mentioned above, choosing the right advertisement essay topic is a vital part of the job. In this section, we will provide a few ideas, among which you can find a suitable one for your assignment.

Try one of the following advertising topics:

  • Should alcohol advertisements be banned entirely?
  • Nike feminist commercials and their significance to women.
  • How Coca-Cola commercials became a symbol of Christmas.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of Internet ads.
  • What is wrong with shampoo ads?
  • Advertising strategies on social media.
  • The adverse effects of violence in the media.
  • How does advertising affect children?
  • The ethical side of the advertising industry.
  • Marketing strategies in the political advertisement.
  • How does advertising affect the economy?
  • What are the main media and advertisement techniques of Netflix?
  • Unethical aspects of using women objectification in ads.
  • Hybrid marketing model as a way of reducing costs for a company.

Thank you for reading this article! You can also find some useful advertising essay examples below. They will help you to see how to use all these tips.

436 Best Essay Examples on Advertising

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Facebook’s Negative and Positive Effects on Children

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“Open that Coca-Cola”. Advertisement Analysis

Nivea: analyzing and evaluating an advertisement, print and broadcast computer advertisements.

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Water Advertisement

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Coca-Cola Company’s Advertising Effectiveness

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7Up Advertisement Campaign

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Feminism in Advertisements of the 1950s and Today

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PepsiCo Inc.’s Kendall Jenner Advertisement

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The Nivea Skin Care Product Advertisement

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  • Words: 1392

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The Effects of Facebook and Other Social Media on Group Mind and Social Pressure

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Gucci Company Advertising

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  • Words: 5448

Location-Based Marketing and Advertising

  • Words: 1910

Television Commercial

Ban on all advertising of alcohol.

  • Words: 1238

Social Media and the Hospitality Industry

  • Words: 3093

“Moms Demand Action” Print Advertisement

Communication dilemma: johnson & johnson tylenol crisis.

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Ralph Lauren’s Printed Advertising: Semiotic Analysis

Bmw company’s advertising strategies.

  • Words: 1183

Ethical Dilemma of a 2016 TV Commercial for Milk by Juhayna

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Motion Pictures and the Media

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Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising History in the American Media

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Teen Fashion Advertisement

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McDonald’s ”I’m Lovin’ It”: The Illustration

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Marriott’s Advertising Campaign

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Mango Juice Advertising in Mexico

Lexus car advertisement, can advertising to children be ethical.

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Absolut vodka.

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Analysis Of Shampoo Advertising

Filed Under: Essays

Everywhere you go advertising is all around us. Whether it is in town with billboards and banners, or at home via the media with T. V. or radio. Advertising is important to study as it tells us about how the mind reacts to pictures, colours and words and how the right mix of these tools can subconsciously force us into buying products which we would usually not consider buying. One example of this would be to buy a particular food because of advertising suggesting that you could lose weight, showing very attractive slim people but in small print on the product it says only as part as a calorie controlled diet.

In this piece I shall discuss an advert for a shampoo manufactured by Clairol called Herbal Essences. The main picture in the advertisement is of the bottle at an angle with the shampoo exploding out of the top into flowers. I believe that this is trying to suggest when the bottle is opened, you are hit with a sudden powerful aroma of fresh flowers. The bottle is bursting with a natural fragrance. The background of the advertisement has been kept quite plain and off-white in colour. I think that this has been chosen because it shows off the dark coloured bottle and flowers and makes it the main focal point (easily recognisable at the shop).

Secondly it is a natural colour, fitting with the organic theme and not a false colour that perhaps purple might suggest, these rich colours indicate luxury. The advertiser, Clairol, will have wanted to keep this natural image throughout the advertisement due to the current trends of the day, as it is at the moment fashionable to eat organic foods, drink organic drinks and now it is becoming fashionable to wash your hair with organic shampoos. The name of the product is Herbal Essence which suggests that the shampoo contains lots of different natural essences. The lettering is in a simple, small font and in the colour green on part of the advertising, again to look natural and healthy. Herbal Essences is positioned on the advert at the far right hand side and in the centre, this is because when published in the magazine, the brand name will be on the outside of the page, increasing the visibility, however the actual size of the words are the second smallest on the advert, this may have been done to make the reader continue to read all the way through the advert before they are told what the name of the product is. One of the slogans used in the advertisement is a totally organic experience.

The Essay on Advertisement Analysis

ADVERTISEMENT ANALYSIS Advertisements goal is mainly to communicate to an audience. But the goal does not stop with the mere conveyance of a message. Ads have the main objective of arresting audiences attention. Brand of the product is the value proposition between the user and the unique experience offered by the product (Rucah Humnabadkar, Mather and Vogel). Brands display a vital relationship ...

I believe this was chosen due to its sensational meaning and its sexual connotations. The word organic is used to remind us that natural herbs and botanicals are used. Organic is written in dark green with a totally and experience in a shade lighter emphasising the importance to the reader it is organically made. Around the shampoo exploding around the bottle are the words yes! yes! yes! These are introduced to try and describe what the user might say whilst washing their hair. They are also the largest in font size on the picture and again are green. They start in a light shade and the gradually increase in size and boldness.

This might suggest the increase in pleasure as you shampoo. Another slogan used within the advert is start an affair with your hair which rhymes. This also uses alliteration with an affair and by putting this with the rest of the slogan with your hair it nicely flows as you read or say it. These words are suggestive and might invite the consumer to introduce some excitement into their lives by using the shampoo. The shape of the bottle for the shampoo is simple with curved corners. The plastic is transparent so that the actual shampoo can be seen and it also enables you to see the very attractive flowers and herbs on the back of the bottle to give the effect of herbs and flowers being inside the bottle.

The Essay on Semiotic Analysis of Sunsilk Media Campaign for Covered Hair

This ad shows a beautiful woman in a colourful Hijab (a Muslim headscarf) next to a bottle of what seems to be shampoo with limes, water and a lotus flower surrounding it. There is a paragraph in Arabic with the only English words being “Lively Clean and Fresh”. After some investigation I discovered that this ad was part of a campaign for “Covered Hair” by the Western Hair Care Company Sunsilk in ...

The bottle looks original and exclusive with a rich deep golden colour. The advertisement has tried to create a natural image with the use of appropriate colours and words whilst also suggesting excitement and fun. This is achieved by using several different slogans to appeal to a variety of different people. Someone may be interested in the product because of its natural properties, herbs, mountain spring water etc, or alternatively someone might purchase the shampoo for a thrilling experience.

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shampoo advertisement essays

11 Creative and Impressive Pantene Shampoo Advertisement Design

shampoo advertisement essays

What is your first impression of a shampoo ads? Beautiful women with long, shining and smoothly hair? 80% Shampoo Advertising ends up like this. However, there are still some unusual and creative work which Pantene is a good example. I am not saying it has better shampoo, but Pantene does put some extra effort to make its ads more attractive, impressive and eye-catching.

Pantene – Dandruff Salt Shaker

It may force you to lose your appetite, but this campaign by Pantene sure is effective. Salt shakers, in the design of a woman’s head, were placed in bars, restaurants, and canteens. When shaken, salt crystals trickle out in the shape of dandruff. Check, please!

Pantene - Dandruff Salt Shaker

Pantene: Door Handle

Pantene makes a promise of strong hair. A poster with a real plait hanging from the back of a head was stuck on the doors of malls, supermarkets and beauty salons. The plait served as the door handle and each time patrons ‘pulled’ the hair handle, the core benefit of Pantene was communicated in an interesting manner.

Pantene: Door Handle

To demonstrate the benefits of Pantene shampoo, professional climbers climbed a giant ponytail attached to a building in Toronto.

Pantene Building Advertisement - Anti-Breakage Shampoo

Media establishments received a variety of information on Pantene’s latest products and most recent events in a branded envelope. The string that seals the envelope appears to be coming from the woman’s hair on the flap. To seal or unseal it means putting pressure on the string effectively dramatizing strong hair.

Pantene: Envelope

Unusual Pantene shampoo advertisement was placed between two escalators in Shanghai, China.

Pantene: Escalator

This campaign took advantage of the lamppost shape to express the physical aspect of split end hair.

Pantene - Stops split ends

I guess, the hair is so strong and healthy, so you can grow it as long as you want then finally wear it???

Pantene Pro V: Redhead - The haircare collection

Restores age-damaged hair

Pantene Time Renewal: Mona Lisa

I am not very comfortable with this idea. For that is a Serv-safe violation. If you work in a kitchen, you can’t have your hair down. A lack of forethought on the part of the designers. Notice everyone else has there hair up. Pick a more appropriate setting.

Pantene: Kitchen - Pantene Hair fall control

A great “below the line” ad for Pantene done by Grey in Malaysia, Showing a hanging Girl Mobile and a window Sign, that claims “Making hair 10x stronger”. The way they are made, as if they are actually hung by one single hair-line of the girls head looks amazing! It just can’t be ignored without getting your attention.

Pantene - Hang up the line

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I Was Using The Wrong Shampoo—Until I Learned This

By Laura Solla

Image may contain Person Bathing and Indoors

When it comes to hair washing, my modus operandi is pretty straightforward: Get into the shower , wet my entire head, apply shampoo all over, and rinse. Then, apply a conditioner or hair mask . The end.

A routine procedure, simple enough. Or, so I thought. Because as it turns out, I’ve actually been washing my hair all wrong. And, not just that—I’ve been using the wrong shampoo, too.

Mind-blowing information, at least for me. And maybe for you, too. It comes courtesy of Lena de Pons , a pharmacist based in Spain who just so happens to be an expert on the science of skin-, hair-, and scalp-care. She advocates for the importance of knowing how—and most importantly, with what—to wash our hair. And, she swears that the secret to getting what she calls “ a hair glow ” is actually all about the type of shampoo we’re using and not much more. Her main mane recommendation? Use a shampoo with an acidic pH in order to seal the cuticle and help reflect light.

How an acidic shampoo seals the cuticle to add shine

If a shampoo with an “acidic pH” sounds like it would fry your hair , it might be helpful to first get a baseline understanding the structure of your hair. “The hair cuticle is made up mainly of keratin; it is the outermost layer of the hair, and therefore the one that protects the internal structures of the hair—the cortex and the medulla—from physical and chemical damage,” de Pons explains. “If we look at the cuticle under a microscope, we will see that it is made up of a set of flat cells that, due to their arrangement, are very reminiscent of the tiles on a roof.”

This visual analogy is helpful when thinking about how pH affects our hair. “The pH of the environment we are in can completely modify the structure of our hair. If we place ourselves in a pH gradient from acidic to alkaline, we will see that in a completely alkaline pH—the opposite of acidic—the cuticle of the hair is completely open,” de Pons says. “With an alkaline shampoo, the ‘shingles’ of the cuticle become completely perpendicular, looking more like the branches of a fir tree projecting from the trunk.”

The effect of pH is super obvious when hair is bleached or subjected to permanent hair color treatments: “Ammonia, which is alkaline or basic, opens the cuticle to allow bleach or dye to penetrate the hair cortex. The application of shampoos, conditioners, masks and other treatments—which are generally acidic—allows those “shingles” of the cuticle to contract,” de Pons says. “When the tiles are stacked alongside each other so much so that they become almost imperceptible, which makes our hair shine. In the end, it’s the smoothness of the cuticle that reflects light.”

Your new ritual for shampooing

“When a formulator creates a shampoo, he thinks about the correct application of the product. As a user, it’s important to use that formula as it’s intended; as it has been designed to be used,” de Pons explains, adding that most shampoos are actually formulated to clean the scalp and therefore should be applied to the scalp and nothing else. “Advertising has done a lot of damage in this sense; we tend to imitate the fancy gestures seen on television commercials. We scrub and scramble our hair, which is completely incorrect,” reveals de Pons.

So, no more scrubbing. But why, exactly? De Pons says it again comes down to the actual structure of the hair. “Physiologically, the root of the hair has nothing to do with the rest of it; the pH is different there than on the ends, and the amount of sebum is also completely different.” To that end, she says the correct modus operandi for hair washing is this: first, take care to ensure that all your hair is fully wet before applying just a small amount of shampoo. Then, emulsify the shampoo before applying it to create a foam and with your fingertips, massage that foam into the scalp for a minute or more. “When you rinse the shampoo, it will slide down the rest of your hair, cleaning the ends on its way to the drain.” And don’t worry about your hair not getting clean enough: “Your hair will not stop being clean by doing it this way,” de Pons explains. “In fact, after just a few correct uses you will notice that the appearance of your hair improves significantly.”

How to know which shampoo is right for your hair?

The million dollar question has a simple, logical answer. “This is the same question that we must ask ourselves when forming our skincare routine —we must be clear about our needs and objectives,” de Pons says. “Therefore, we should choose a shampoo according to the needs of the scalp and choose the conditioner and the mask according to the needs of the actual hair.”

Are shampoos with parabens and silicones bad?

When it comes to the question of parabens —and if they’re actually harmful for hair—the expert is clear: “Absolutely not,” she says, noting that the European Multidisciplinary Scientific Committee (SCCS), which is solely dedicated to investigating the concerns of European cosmetics consumers, has done “tons of paraben testing” and still hasn’t found cause for concern. “Europe has some of the strictest regulations that exist for formulating and bringing foreign cosmetics to the market,” de Pons explains. “After numerous tests and studies, there is no evidence that parabens are bad.”

Question answered, but it remains to be seen if the same is true for silicones. “Silicone is a separate issue,” de Pons says. “First we must understand that there are two types: volatile silicones and non-volatile silicones. Volatile ones, as their name suggests, evaporate quickly after application; they disappear and do not remain in the hair leaving a feeling of hydration and even freshness. Non-volatile silicones, on the other hand, remain in the hair.” Because they add weight to the hair, these silicones are best used by those with straight hair but should be avoided by those with curly hair who don’t want their spirals to lose definition.

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De Pons says there’s another problem with silicones—one that’s more visually displeasing than actually unhealthy. “There is the infamous build-up effect with silicones. If you use them too often, eventually the hair can appear dirty.” She recommends removing the build-up with a weekly scalp exfoliation which, when rinsed, will slide down the length of the hair to remove the excess. “Silicones are not bad and have clear aesthetic benefits, but we must take this step into account at least once a week,” reports the expert.

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Meryl Streep Says That ‘Out of Africa’ Shampoo Moment With Robert Redford Is a ‘Sex Scene in a Way’: We’ve Seen ‘People F—ing, but We Don’t See That Loving Touch’

Meryl Streep at the 77th Cannes Film Festival held at the Palais des Festivals on May 14, 2024 in Cannes, France.

Reflecting on her illustrious career at Cannes Film Festival , Oscar winner Meryl Streep opened up about one of her most iconic on-screen moments — the shampoo scene from “Out of Africa.”  The 1986 Sydney Pollack film starred Streep and Robert Redford as a baroness and a big game hunter who fall in love in a lush desert romance. In what is considered one of the most intimate moments in movie history, Redford gives Streep a steamy salon scrub in a South African river. The actress went so far as to call the moment a sex scene.  “It’s a sex scene in a way, because it’s so intimate. We’ve seen so many scenes of people fucking, but we don’t see that loving touch, that care,” Streep said to big applause during a conversation at Cannes’ Théâtre Debussy.  In an interesting wrinkle, Redford needed some coaching on precisely how to give Streep a shampoo to remember.  “The animal that kills the most men in Africa is the hippopotamus, especially when you come between them and the river,” Streep recalled being warned by production. Nervous for their safety, Redford shampooed Streep as if he was kneading bread on her temples.  “It was not good,” she said. Streep’s longtime hair and makeup artists Roy Hellund took Redford aside and gave him a few pointers. His game improved significantly. “I was in love by take 5,” Streep said of her co-star. 

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“That was not an unrealistic expectation for actresses at that time,” she continued. “And the only reason that I’m here tonight and that it continued is because of the very gifted artists with whom I’ve worked.”

The iconic and prolific actor has received a record-setting 21 Oscar nominations over her nearly five-decade-long career and has won three, for her performances in “Kramer vs. Kramer” (1980), “Sophie’s Choice” (1983) and “The Iron Lady” (2012).

Streep joins several other industry heavyweights who will be appearing at this year’s edition, including “Star Wars” stalwart George Lucas, who will receive an honorary Palme d’Or at the closing ceremony; Francis Ford Coppola, who is presenting his new film “Megalopolis” in competition; and Paul Schrader, whose “Oh, Canada” is also competing for this year’s Palme d’Or.

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Best in Show: Sage Beats Out an ‘Absolutely Glorious’ Lineup

A miniature poodle outlasted a favored giant schnauzer and a crowd-pleasing German shepherd to win the top prize at Westminster.

A small black dog looks up at a man in a blue suit while standing on green turf.

By Sarah Lyall and Callie Holtermann

Reporting from Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens

  • May 14, 2024

Sage, an extravagantly coifed miniature poodle with a certain winsome mystery about her, won the 148th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Tuesday night, prevailing over a tough field of competitors including a majestic German shepherd, a silken Afghan hound and a proud giant schnauzer.

The competition began with some 2,500 dogs from more than 200 breeds, then eventually pared down to a field of seven group champions who vied against each other for the top prize. The best-in-show judge, Rosalind Kramer, who remained sequestered during the proceedings so that she could emerge fresh for the final round, selected Sage over what she called an “absolutely glorious” lineup of dogs.

Sage, a 3-year-old bitch whose full name is GCHG Ch Surrey Sage, was a surprise win. Before the show, which was held for a second consecutive year at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing, Queens, she was ranked just 39th of all show dogs on the country — based on points amassed in previous shows — and only fourth in her group, non-sporting dogs. But she had something about her.

Like all show poodles, Sage appears to be about 75 percent hair, with a sumptuous coiffure that rises to a huge pouf above and around her head, surrounds her body in a kind of puffball, and reappears again as topiary-ed pompoms on the end of her tail and at the bottom of her skinny legs, as if she is wearing après-ski boots. She trots daintily, as if running was slightly beneath her.

It was the 11th time a poodle of one size or another has won the competition. In 2020, the title was won by Siba, a standard poodle ; in 2002, it was won by Spice, another miniature poodle who happens to be Sage’s great-grandmother. Sage (and Spice’s) handler, Kaz Hosaka, said that this was his 45th Westminster and that it was time for him to retire.

Mr. Hosaka, who is known for his poodle hairdressing expertise, — a Times profile in 2009 called him “an artist who tends his poodles’ poufs as if they were bonsai trees from his native Japan” — carried Sage into the ring for the best in show competition, and again into the post-show news conference, positioning her in front of a yellow-and-purple ribbon twice the length of her body. “She’s heavy,” he said.

“I was not expecting anything,” Mr. Hosaka, 65, said. “She did it for me today.”

He said that Sage, too, would retire now that the show is over. He plans to go to happy hour more often, he said, and Sage will finally be allowed to venture outside in the rain without anyone worrying about what it will do to her hairstyle. “She’ll be like a normal dog.”

Mr. Hosaka has a towering reputation in the dog world for his way with poodles. A recent article in Edge , a lifestyle magazine, said that Mr. Hosaka “is to the poodle world what Michael Jordan is to basketball. Smooth, clever, elegant and nearly unbeatable.”

Reserve best in show — Westminster’s title for second place — went to Mercedes, a German shepherd, who won the herding group and was a crowd favorite because of her flashy good looks and the graceful and ebullient way she loped around the ring. Monty, a dark and dignified giant schnauzer who won the working group, came into the show the No. 1 ranked dog in the country and had been considered a favorite to win before Sage’s surprise victory.

Other finalists were the winner of the hound group, Louis, a 6-year-old Afghan hound with such silky hair he looked like an animate shampoo commercial; Comet, a 3-year-old Shih Tzu who won the toy group and who sported a fetching blue bow in his hair; Micah, a spry black cocker spaniel, who defeated a formidable field of pointers, setters and retrievers to take the sporting group; and Frankie, the colored bull terrier who won the popular, if crowded, terrier group.

Sarah Lyall is a writer at large for The Times, writing news, features and analysis across a wide range of sections. More about Sarah Lyall

Callie Holtermann reports on style and pop culture for The Times. More about Callie Holtermann

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How I learned to make the most of summer reading

The leisurely season, I came to realize, offered me the freedom and time to delve into classics like “The Brothers Karamazov” and “Invisible Man.”

It’s hard to tell this story without sounding pretentious, but here goes. Not too long ago, I reached for my old copy of “The Brothers Karamazov.” (I wanted to refamiliarize myself with the Grand Inquisitor sequence.) Opening the pages, I was startled to see a tiny rivulet of sand spill out. I could be even more pretentious and call the moment Proustian, because in the next second, I was lofted back over a span of decades to the place where I first read that book.

It was a beach in Duck, N.C., where my mother liked to rent a house every summer. Like many other English people I’ve met, she welcomed unfiltered sunshine wherever she could find it, and I was happy to go along because, more than the ocean or the salt air, I was drawn to the emptiness, which I knew I would be able to fill with reading.

By then I’d ventured into some approximation of post-collegiate adulthood, and it had dawned on me that reading was no longer a thing the world rewarded. It had to be carried out on the bounce, on the sly, when the day’s drudgery was done or before it had begun. So a week at the beach was the kind of gift I was in no mood to squander. I can still see myself, collapsed in a folding chair beneath a rented beach umbrella. Every part of me is covered or lotioned up (half-English kids burn easy) except for my feet, which are buried in the sand. From time to time, I look up, stare at a sandpiper or a garland of kelp. If there’s no breeze to cool things down, I might get up and wade out in the water, execute a few halfhearted body surfs. Then it’s back to the chair.

I was in a family that valued the written word, which meant that nobody bothered me or expected me to do anything other than what I was doing. The hours didn’t so much fly by as condense into a tidal pool. And it was precisely because I’d been given this expanse of freedom that I couldn’t see spending it on what are normally called “summer books.” This wasn’t snobbery: I was a way-back lover of mysteries and thrillers, which I read and enjoyed throughout the year. But where else would I have the leisure to read, yes, “The Brothers Karamazov”? Or “The Magic Mountain,” “Invisible Man,” “Lord Jim,” “Wuthering Heights” or “Sense and Sensibility”?

It had to be summer because that was the only route to immersion. When I learned, for instance, that I had two months after my college graduation to be idle, I didn’t lounge by a pool — I started reading Henry James and kept reading. “The American,” “The Portrait of a Lady,” “The Bostonians,” “The Golden Bowl”: I plowed through them like sand castles. The more byzantine James’s syntax grew, the harder I pushed, because I had never encountered a sensibility of such infinite subtlety and nuance. (In later months, I would learn that James was both a great writer and a terrible writing model, but the original enchantment lingered.)

Summer reading

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I suppose you’d call all these books warhorses now, or else tokens of overstriving, but when I think back to that ardent young man, I don’t believe he was trying to impress anybody. He was operating on the assumption that had driven him since childhood, that people out there knew things, and if he wanted to know them, too, he had to come knocking. And that innocence, that hunger, was part and parcel with summer, because he was entering his own life’s summer.

I sit now, in effect, at the tail end of that summer. The future, which once seemed an endless plain of possibility, is now a peninsula. So many things have changed, including my relationship to the written word. I couldn’t possibly sit down today and read — or do anything — for six consecutive hours. Books are now inseparably tied to my work. When I’m not reading for research, I’m reading for a review or a writer’s workshop or some other professional obligation. Now and again a book fills me with the old engine roar of wonder — I cherish that — but even then, I’m still, consciously or unconsciously, poking under the hood to see how it’s happening. The authorial eye never relaxes. In my mind, I edit the instructions on shampoo bottles.

So I miss, even envy, that disinterested lad on the beach, swathed in towels and sunblock, and I wonder if, by the time my life’s autumn and winter roll around, I’ll be ready to rejoin him. Not on the beach, perhaps, but the nearest best thing. All the deadlines and contracts will be cast to one side, and I’ll be able to say once more, and mean it: Tell me a story . The Karamazovs will be there waiting.

Louis Bayard, a Book World contributing writer, is the author of several novels, including “Jackie & Me” and the upcoming “The Wildes.”

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