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Returning a Security Deposit

Image for security deposit returns.

In this article:

What is a security deposit return letter?

What should you include in a security deposit return letter, what can a landlord deduct from a security deposit, when should you return security deposit interest, free security deposit return letter.

The amount of time a landlord has to return a security deposit to a departing tenant depends on the state . Security deposit returns generally range from a couple of weeks to more than a month, and the countdown to refund the deposit usually starts after the tenant has moved out.

You’ll want to inspect the property as soon as you can and document any reason for withholding funds in a security deposit return letter. Don’t wait until the last minute. If you’re unprepared, you may get stuck with a property damage bill or run into issues like security deposit disputes and delayed move-in times for new tenants.

A security deposit return letter is provided by the landlord when a tenant moves out. It documents the amount of the security deposit that is being refunded and itemizes all funds used to cover damages or repairs for which the tenant is responsible. It’s basically a detailed receipt. Many states require that the landlord provide a security deposit return letter before taking any portion of a tenant’s security deposit.

Many states require an itemized list of causes for withholding security deposit funds, but even if your local laws don’t require that, it’s still a good practice to itemize deductions in a security deposit return letter. The tenant can dispute your reason for withholding part of their deposit, and if you don’t have documentation — and receipts — you could be held liable for the funds.

Your itemized security deposit deduction letter should include:

  • A sentence noting that a financial statement of deductions is attached
  • The amount of each deduction
  • An explanation of each deduction
  • The total amount of the deductions
  • Copies of any repair and cleaning bills
  • Either an attached check for the amount owed to the tenant or a request for the tenant to pay the amount due

Your lease should clearly specify the situations that would allow you, as the landlord, to keep all or part of the security deposit . Some state laws outline reasons why a landlord might withhold funds from a security deposit, but your lease should still be clear on what can be deducted to avoid disputes or legal proceedings.

Some common security deposit deductions that you may want to consider adding to your lease include:

  • Recovering past-due rent
  • Damage to the property
  • Damage that exceeds normal wear and tear
  • Removal of abandoned property
  • A penalty for early termination of the lease
  • Unpaid utilities

What is considered normal wear and tear?

Renters are not responsible for normal wear and tear , meaning damage that results from everyday use may not be deductible from a security deposit. This includes:

  • Light stains, markings and wear on the carpet due to regular use
  • Paint or wallpaper that has been faded by sunlight
  • Scuffed walls that can be easily cleaned or touched up
  • Pin and nail holes in walls (as long as they’re not excessive)
  • Broken plumbing caused by normal use
  • Dirty blinds or curtains
  • Dirt, dust and grime (that is not excessive)
  • Warping of doors or floorboards due to age, temperature or moisture
  • Appliances or hardware that have broken as a result of age
  • Broken lightbulbs

Pro tip: Use our rental walkthrough checklist to inspect the property or unit when tenants move in and move out so both you and your tenant have a record of the rental’s condition. After you’ve documented any damage and determined the cost of repairs, you can fill out a security deposit return letter to accompany the rental deposit return.

Depending on the type of account the security deposit is held in (which your local laws may require to be an escrow type of account), the security deposit may accrue interest. Some states require you to return the security deposit interest that accrues, while others require it only after a certain length of tenancy — and some don’t specify whether the interest must be returned. Check your state and local statutes or consult a local attorney to be certain of the regulations on security deposit interest.

Use our security deposit return letter as a receipt for the refunded portion of a tenant’s security deposit.

Check out this preview of our template and then download the full security deposit return letter as a PDF.

A security deposit return letter used to refund a security deposit to a tenant.

For more articles, tips and trends about being a landlord and managing properties, visit our Rentals Resource Center .

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Security Deposit Return Letter

Last Updated: August 1, 2024 by Roberto Valenzuela

Security Deposit Return Letter Template_1 on iPropertyManagement.com

A   Security Deposit Return Letter   is a letter sent by a landlord to a tenant indicating how much of the original security deposit is being returned at the end of the tenancy, as well as itemized information for any deductions made.

Note:   Some states require a landlord to provide this letter before withholding any of the tenant’s security deposit.

Why Write a Security Deposit Return Letter?

At the beginning of a lease, tenants are typically required to provide a refundable security deposit. The security deposit is commonly provided to secure payment for potential damages the landlord might incur during a tenant’s lease.

When a lease agreement expires, the landlord must finalize several items to comply with the terms of the agreement. One important task is returning a tenant’s security deposit. However, unpaid bills, past due rent, or the condition of the property may result in the landlord being entitled to keep a portion of the security deposit. Here are some specific reasons to write a security deposit return letter when returning this deposit to a tenant:

  • Documentation –   Providing a letter when returning a security deposit provides written documentation that the landlord returned a tenant’s security deposit. If a former tenant later claims that they never received their security deposit, this letter can come in handy for a landlord to dispute the tenant’s claim.
  • Itemize Deductions –   If a landlord is going to withhold any portion of the security deposit, it is important (and sometimes required by state law) to provide the tenant with an itemized list of those deductions. This will help the tenant understand why they are not receiving their full deposit. It also serves as supporting documentation if there is a legal dispute over the amount of security deposit that was withheld.
  • Legal Requirement –   In some states, it’s illegal to withhold any portion of a tenant’s security deposit without providing a detailed explanation.

What to Include in a Security Deposit Return Letter

A Security Deposit Return Letter will provide details on the return of a tenant’s security deposit and should include the following:

  • Tenant’s name and current address
  • A friendly greeting to the tenant
  • The Lease End Date –   The landlord should check the first box if the lease ended on the date provided in the lease agreement. The landlord should check the second box for leases terminated early, for whatever reason
  • An introduction to inform the tenant of the purpose of the letter
  • The date the tenant provided their security deposit
  • The security deposit amount (include any accrued interest if state law requires the landlord to maintain the security deposit in an interest-bearing account for the benefit of the tenant)
  • The date the lease agreement was signed
  • The rental property address
  • Briefly describe the actions taken to determine the amount of the security deposit to return to the tenant
  • Itemized Deductions –   The letter should itemize all deductions that the landlord is taking from the security deposit. Those can include things such as past due rent, late fees, and damage to various parts of the rental property
  • Amount Due to Owner –   This is the total amount that the landlord is deducting from the security deposit.
  • Tenant Balance –   This is the remaining amount of the security deposit that will be returned to the tenant.
  • A closing paragraph that indicates what additional information is included with the letter such as supporting documentation for any deductions and payment for the balance of the security deposit
  • Landlord’s contact information
  • Landlord’s name and signature

It is helpful to include any documentation that will support the content of this letter. For example, you can provide a copy of the   inspection   that was performed, pictures that highlight any damages, invoices for repairs, or proof of unpaid rent and fees by providing a copy of the landlord’s   rent ledger . 

When to Send this Letter and Return a Security Deposit

While many states do not have a specific requirement for when this letter must be sent, almost all states have a specific requirement for when a security deposit must be returned after a lease agreement has ended or been   terminated . See the chart below for every state’s requirements for returning a tenant’s   security deposit .

Alabama 60 days
Alaska 14 days with proper notice, 30 days without proper notice, or if the landlord is deducting any amount from the security deposit
Arizona 14 days
Arkansas 60 days
California  21 days
Colorado 1 month, unless a longer period is provided in the lease agreement (no more than 60 days)
Connecticut 30 days, or within 15 days of receiving the tenant’s forwarding address (whichever is later)
Delaware 20 days
Florida 15-60 days (depending on whether the tenant disputes any deductions)
Georgia 30 days
Hawaii 14 days
Idaho 21 days
Illinois 7 days
Indiana 30-45 days (depending on whether the tenant disputes any deductions or if the landlord provided any statements or receipts)
Iowa 30 days
Kansas 30 days
Kentucky 30-60 days (depending on whether the tenant disputes any deductions)
Louisiana 1 month
Maine 30 days for a written agreement and 21 days for a tenancy at will
Maryland 45 days
Massachusetts 30 days
Michigan 30 days
Minnesota 21 days
Mississippi 45 days
Missouri 30 days
Montana 10 days
30 days (if there are deductions)
Indefinite, subject to court order
Nebraska 14 days
Nevada 30 days
New Hampshire 30 days
New Jersey 30 days
New Mexico 30 days
New York 14 days
North Carolina 30 days
North Dakota 30 days
Ohio 30 days
Oklahoma 45 days
Oregon 31 days
Pennsylvania 30 days
Rhode Island 20 days
South Carolina 30 days
South Dakota 14 days (45 days for an itemized accounting if requested by the tenant)
Tennessee No statute
Texas 30 days
Utah 30 days
Vermont 14 days
Virginia 45 days
Washington 30 days
Washington D.C. 45 days
West Virginia 60 days, or within 45 days of the occupancy of a new tenant (whichever is shorter). The deadline can be extended by 15 days if damage exceeds the amount of the security deposit and the landlord has to hire a contractor to fix it
Wisconsin 21 days
Wyoming 30 days (an additional 30 days are allowed if there are deductions due to damage)

This letter should be sent simultaneously with the return of a tenant’s security deposit. Deliver it in a way that requires signature confirmation when received, such as certified mail. Even better if a landlord sends it by restricted certified mail which requires the tenant to be the only person that can sign for the letter.  

The letter should be sent to the tenant’s forwarding address. If none was provided, it is advised to send it to their last known address and via email to ensure receipt. A copy of this letter should be filed with a notation of the means used to deliver the letter and any other relevant information.

Reasons for Deducting from a Security Deposit

There are several reasons a landlord can deduct from a tenant’s security deposit. Most   lease agreements   will provide those specific reasons. When a lease term ends, it’s important to conduct a   final inspection   and make sure all required payments have been made. Reasons a landlord can deduct from a security deposit typically include:

  • Unpaid rent
  • Property fees
  • Unpaid utilities
  • Cost of repairs beyond   normal wear and tear
  • Cleaning costs – This should not be used for general house cleaning. A tenant is only obligated to return the property in the same condition as when the tenancy began. Cleaning costs may only be deducted from a security deposit if the rental property needs excessive cleaning (e.g. pet stains).
  • Early termination fee
  • Any costs associated with the breach of a lease, including if a tenant unlawfully terminates a lease before it expires
  • Brokerage fee
  • Restore, replace or return personal property

It’s important to note that, while landlords may deduct from the security deposit to return the property to its original condition, they cannot charge the tenant for repairs they originally authorized.

This section [relating to security deposit return timelines] does not apply if a rental agreement is terminated pursuant to 70-24-427 or 70-33-427 and the landlord has a pending claim for actual damages filed in court.

Within 30 days after the termination of the rental agreement and vacation of the premises or, if the tenant abandons the premises as defined in RCW 59.18.310, within 30 days after the landlord learns of the abandonment, the landlord shall give a full and specific statement of the basis for retaining any of the deposit, and any documentation required by (b) of this subsection, together with the payment of any refund due the tenant under the terms and conditions of the rental agreement.

The landlord complies with this subsection if these are delivered to the tenant personally or deposited in the United States mail properly addressed to the tenant’s last known address with first-class postage prepaid within the 30 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Relevant end-of-lease links.

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Security Deposit Law

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Lease Termination Letter

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Tenant Move Out Checklist

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Week-to-Week Rental Agreement

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Month-to-Month Lease Addendum

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  • Notices & Letters

Security Deposit Return Letters

50 effective security deposit return letters [ms word].

It’s common practice that before a tenant occupies a rented apartment, the landlord requests from the tenant a security deposit. This amount gives the landlord the assurance that any damages made in the apartment during the tenant’s tenure get paid for. In case there is little or no damage, the tenant requests the landlord a refund on his security deposit through a security deposit return letter.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Security Deposit Return Letters
  • 2 When do you need a security deposit return letter?
  • 3 Security Deposit Refund Forms
  • 4 Writing a security deposit return letter for your tenant
  • 5 Security Deposit Return Forms
  • 6 Including a financial statement with your security deposit return letter
  • 7 Free Security Deposit Return Letters
  • 8 Reasons for not returning a tenant’s security deposit
  • 9 How to justify your reason for not returning your tenant’s security deposit?

Free security deposit return letter 01

When do you need a security deposit return letter?

Leaving an apartment for a new residence can often time be very hectic as you need to supervise the move. This is where the security deposit return letter can come in handy. You may not have the time to talk to your landlord, so the best way to handle this issue is sending him a letter. Use the security deposit refund form or letter if:

  • You’re leaving your apartment and have to inform your former landlord of your new address where he can send the deposit.
  • You’re the landlord and you want to have move-out documents available to your tenants.

Before the landlord sends you your return deposit, he will inspect the apartment. At this point, you may have already left the premises and if you didn’t inform him where to send the return deposit, he wouldn’t know where to send it.

Remember that the security deposit is your money. Therefore, you must make sure that you get it. The security deposit return form specifies your new address to will ensure that you get your money back, and quickly.

Security Deposit Refund Forms

Free security deposit return letter 10

Writing a security deposit return letter for your tenant

For a landlord, writing a security deposit return letter should include the financial statement of the tenant during his stay at the apartment. This is the letter’s most important section and must include:

  • An introductory paragraph which mentions that returning the deposit is a requirement of law minus the legitimate charges.
  • A statement in the letter which contains the financial statement of deductions from the security deposit.
  • Specify in detail, the amount of each deduction and a brief explanation for the deduction.
  • Copies of cleaning and repair bills if applicable.
  • A check for the amount owed to the tenant or a request from the tenant to pay the amount due as soon as possible, including the date by which he must make the payment.

This is a simple transaction between the landlord and the tenant and won’t have to be so meticulously detailed. A simple letter containing the financial statement, the deductions, and the amount of the security deposit given to the tenant will suffice. The landlord can either write this in letter form or as a financial statement.

To ensure that you’re doing it right, check your state laws for compliance with the local requirements. If as a landlord you aren’t sure about how to make the security deposit refund form, you can always hire a professional to prepare the document. Or you can download a template from here and use it as a reference.

Security Deposit Return Forms

Free security deposit return letter 20

Including a financial statement with your security deposit return letter

It’s highly recommended to send your tenant a financial statement about his return request along with the security deposit return form. The statement should contain the following information:

  • The name of the tenant and his new address, or the address given for the return of the security deposit.
  • The start date and the end date of the lease.
  • The amount of the security deposit given by the tenant when he moved in.
  • The amount of accrued interest.
  • Any legitimate deductions including cleaning costs, unpaid rent, damages, repairs, late fees, unpaid utilities, and other expenses.
  • The total amount of deductions.
  • The balance due to the tenant or the amount due to the landlord if any.
  • The signature of the landlord and the date of signing
  • Copies of the bills if any.

Free Security Deposit Return Letters

Free security deposit return letter 30

Reasons for not returning a tenant’s security deposit

As mentioned earlier, it’s a common practice for a new tenant to pay a security deposit before occupying the premises. This money belongs to the tenant and is only held by the landlord. Then it’s returned when the tenant decides to leave or until the end of the lease term.

Every state has its own specific laws regarding security deposit that must be strictly followed by both tenants and landlords. This includes the reasons why the landlord may keep the security deposit of his tenant. These are the instances when the tenant won’t get the security deposit:

  • Breaking or terminating a lease before its expiration Since the tenant broke the lease agreement, the landlord has the right to keep all or only a part of the security deposit to make up for the costs associated with the breach. But the outcome can also depend upon the wordings of the agreement and the tenant-landlord laws of the state. If an early termination clause was part of the agreement, then the parties have to follow these terms. If either the landlord or the tenant brings the case to the court, the landlord can charge his tenant for the necessary court and lawyer fees.
  • Non-payment When tenants don’t pay their rents , the landlord has the right to either keep all or a part of the security deposit as coverage of lost rents. This applies to most states. The act alone is already considered a breach of the agreement, where the tenant cannot fulfill his contractual obligations to pay the monthly rent as stipulated in the lease.
  • Damages One of the main reasons why landlords require security deposits is for the payment of damages to the apartment during the tenant’s tenure. But you have to correctly distinguish damages to the normal wear and tear. Here are samples for each instance: Wear and tear small or few nail holes in the walls small or few carpet stains a small amount of mildew which formed in the shower tiles grout tarnish on the bathroom fixtures loose doors or handles a reasonable amount of dust, grime or dirt on the walls, appliances or floors Damage: several or big holes in the walls several or big carpet holes or stains extensive water damage missing covers of outlets damaged or missing carbon monoxide or smoke detectors cracked countertops broken doors, windows or appliances not returning the keys at the end of tenancy
  • Cleaning Generally, the landlord won’t charge the tenant extra cost for cleaning the apartment when the latter leaves. Normal cleaning isn’t a reason for deductions. However, if the cleaning the apartment needs excessive cleaning, then the landlord may keep a part of the security deposit for this. For instance, you can have a tenant who leaves a bag of trash when he vacates the premises. This is normal and there won’t be any deductions on his security deposit. But if the tenant leaves plenty of trash, spoiled food in cupboards or in the refrigerator, and a lot of other items within the property, the landlord has the right to keep a part of the deposit to cover his cleaning bills. A second example concerns pets in the apartment. If the tenant’s animal has frequently defecated on the carpet throughout the tenure, the landlord can charge the tenant for the cost of having the carpet cleaned or replace it if necessary.
  • Utilities The landlord may also keep the tenant’s security deposit if the latter has not paid his service utilities. This will cover the non-payment of utilities that the tenant neglected to settle which were part of his responsibilities as stated on the lease.

Free security deposit return letter 40

How to justify your reason for not returning your tenant’s security deposit?

Charging the tenant for a security deposit is common in all states before the new tenant moves into a leased apartment. In some states, the landlord must deposit this amount in a separate interest-bearing account, although not all these states require the landlord to return the interest accrued with the deposit.

When the tenant leaves the apartment, many states give the landlord between 30 – 45 days to return the security deposit. Some, however, require that the deposit gets returned between 14 – 15 days after the tenant left the apartment. Even without the number of days, the landlord has an obligation to return the security deposit.

The returned security deposit comes with a security deposit return letter detailing how much the landlord will give back and how much deductions, if applicable, he made from the original amount. Providing a financial statement is the recommended way of settling the return, where the landlord can show in a more detailed manner the same information.

In rare occasions, the landlord will return the entire security deposit. This applies to really good and clean tenants. Most of the time, however, the landlord makes deductions and the tenant only receives a part of the deposit. In the worst cases, the tenant may even owe the landlord money.

The landlord must give justifications for any deductions made. Otherwise, the tenant can sue in a small claims court. If the landlord can justify that the tenant warrants such deductions from the original deposit, then the former need not return the full amount.

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Security Deposit Return Letter (Format & Examples)

A security deposit return letter is a formal document written by a landlord outlining the necessary use of the tenant’s security deposit and an amount due or deposit amount returned. Every landlord should have a basic security deposit return letter. This letter should be utilized when a tenant moves out to formally document the costs of cleaning and repairing the vacated property. These costs are generally partially routine, such as painting, and partially tenant-specific, such as repairs to the property not generally required through normal wear and tear.

The letter should provide spaces a landlord can use to complete with costs for common requirements like cleaning and painting expenses. Many landlords find that attaching copies of receipts to these letters can make disputes less likely. Although informing a previous tenant that part or all of their security deposit will not be returned is unpleasant, offering a detailed list of costs can make the job less problematic.

Important: This letter should be written in professional language and printed on property management’s letterhead, like any formal document you write for your properties. Be sure to include all costs that impact the security deposit return amount. If the cost to the tenant is higher than the security deposit, include information about where the amount due should be sent.

What to Include

Here is a list of the information a detailed security deposit return letter should include:

  • Property address
  • Security deposit amount
  • Interest percentage and amount paid on deposit
  • First and last month property was inhabited
  • Monthly rent amount
  • Late fees currently due
  • List of common cleaning and repair items
  • Space for other expenses
  • Total expense amount
  • Landlord’s amount due
  • Tenant’s amount due
  • Amount tenant needs to remit
  • Amount refunded to tenant
  • Address for tenant to send amount due

Security Deposit Return Letter Format

{ Your name }

{ Property name }

{ Your address }

Leave this line blank.

{Recipient name}

{Recipient address}

RE: Security Deposit Return

Dear { Recipient name }:

I am writing regarding the security deposit you paid for the property below.

Address of Property:

{ Property address }

Security Deposit: { Amount of Deposit }

Interest on Deposit: { Interest percentage }% { Interest amount }

Total Security Deposit: { Total amount with interest added }

Rent Due: From { date occupancy began } To { date occupancy ended }, { Monthly rent amount paid }

Late Fees Due: { Amount currently due }

Cleaning: { Expense amount }

Carpets: { Expense amount }

Painting: { Expense amount }

Window Coverings: { Expense amount }

Other: { Expense amount }

Total Charges: { Total expense amount }

Balance Owner: { Amount owner pays }

Balance Resident: { Amount tenant pays }

Balance Due: { Current Amount Due }

Security Deposit Refund: { Amount refunded }

Please remit balance due, if any, to:

{ Property name and Address }

{ Landlord’s signature }

{ Landlord’s name }

{ Contact information }

Enclosures: { Note any enclosed receipts, refund if any }

Sample Security Deposit Return Letter

Elysium Properties

2006 South Louis Road

Athens, GA 28657

Abigail Newsome

3278 West Lansing

Athens, GA 28658

June 1, 2020

Dear Abigail Newsome:

Security Deposit: $1,200.00

Interest on Deposit: 6%, $152.59

Total Security Deposit: $1,352.59

Rent Due: From May 1, 2018 To May 1, 2020, $1,200.00 Monthly

Late Fees Due: $0.00

Cleaning: $125.00

Carpets: $0.00

Painting: $125.00

Window Coverings: $45.00

Other: $0.00

Total Charges: $295.00

Balance Owner: $150.00

Balance Resident: $145.00

Security Deposit Refund: $1,207.59

Balance Due: $0.00

[email protected]

Enclosures: Receipts, Refund Check

Security Deposit Return Letter Examples and Templates

Property owners and managers frequently find themselves in the difficult situation of writing previous tenants about their security deposits and how these deposits were used. A basic format for a security deposit return and a sample letter to read can make this unpleasant job easier. Modifying the above letters can provide you with a clear, concise, professional document that is easy to use – regardless of the deposit status.

Letter to Request Security Deposit Refund

security deposit refund application letter

Damages Exceeding Security Deposit Letter

security deposit refund application letter

Security Deposit Acknowledgement Letter

security deposit refund application letter

Deposit Acknowledgement Letter

security deposit refund application letter

Security Deposit Return Letter Templates

Security deposit return templates are customizable documents sent by a landlord to a tenant at the end of a rental period to address the security deposit. You can use the template to return, deduct from, or retain the amount. Remember, you must fill in the correct details per the lease contract.

Security Deposit Return Letters #1

Security Deposit Refund Forms

A tenant fills out a security deposit refund form to request that their landlord refund their security deposit. It is sent if, within a specified period after the end of your lease, you have not received your deposit. If your deposit was wrongfully deducted, you could also use it to request a full refund.


Security Deposit Return Forms

Security deposit return forms are receipts sent by a landlord at the end of a rental period to accompany the tenant’s security deposit. The form indicates whether the amount is being returned in full or if the landlord has made some deductions. If the latter is true, the landlord must explain why.

Itemized Security Deposit Return Letter

Landlords rely on their tenants for their livelihood, making professional communications paramount. Whether a previous tenant has a security deposit refund due to them, or their former landlord has a payment due to them, a basic format for a security deposit return letter works. The format provided above can produce an effective and professional letter either way.

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How to write a security deposit return letter [Free template]

woman happily reading a letter

When you rent your property, you’ll likely collect a security deposit from your tenants. This is money that they give you to ensure that they take good care of the property while living there and that they’ll leave it in the same condition as when they moved in.

Once your tenants have moved out, it’s time to send them their security deposit return letter. This document tells them what portion of their security deposit you’re keeping and why.

Here are some tips on how to write a great security deposit return letter, plus a free template you can download and customize for your own use.

Key takeaways

  • A security deposit letter is a document that outlines damage done to a rental unit and how much of the security deposit the landlord plans to keep to cover the cost of repairs.
  • It’s important to be as specific as possible when listing damages, including dates, descriptions, and estimated cost of repairs.
  • Be sure to take photos or videos of the damages to include with the security deposit letter.
  • The letter should be sent within the legally required timeframe of the tenant’s move-out date.
  • The security deposit letter should be sent by certified mail with a return receipt requested so you have proof that the tenant received it.
  • The letter returning a security deposit should be kept on file in case of a dispute later.

The security deposit return letter: what it is and why you need one

A security deposit return letter is a document a landlord uses to return the security deposit to a tenant. This letter outlines the amount of money being returned and the total amount of any deductions made for damages or unpaid rent.

business woman working on computer 1

A security deposit return letter protects the rental property owner from liability if there are any disputes over the return of the security deposit, and it also provides documentation for the tenant in case they need to file a claim with their security deposit insurance company.

In addition, a security deposit refund letter can help protect the landlord’s interests by documenting the rental unit’s condition at the end of the tenancy.

How to write a security deposit return letter

The letter should state whether the deposit is being returned in full, partially returned, or not returned at all. It should also explain the reason for any deductions. For example, if the landlord deducts money for damages, they should specify what those damages are.

The general structure of a security deposit return letter includes:

  • Landlord’s name and contact information
  • Tenant’s name and contact information
  • Date of the letter
  • Amount of security deposit being returned to the tenant
  • Breakdown of any deductions made from the security deposit, including an explanation for each deduction
  • Enclose any relevant receipts or documentation with the letter, such as a repair quote from a qualified repair person or photos of the items damaged
  • A copy of the lease or deposit agreement to remind the tenant what they agreed to
  • Signature of the landlord or authorized representative

Free security deposit return letter template

To help make your life as a landlord a little bit easier, we’ve created a security deposit return letter template that you can download for free and customize for your individual needs. Download the security deposit return letter here .

Also included is the wording you may wish to use if you are withholding all or part of the security deposit:

security deposit return letter

You can also download for Google Docs . After you open the document, save it by another name so that you always have the original to go back to.

How to send a tenant a security deposit return letter

It’s always a good idea for landlords to send a security deposit return letter to their tenants by certified mail or another method with proof of delivery to the tenant’s forwarding address.

Doing so provides documentation that the landlord did return the deposit and is professional and attentive to detail, and is taking responsible steps to comply with state and local laws regarding security deposits.

Mistakes to avoid when writing a security deposit return letter

While writing a security deposit return letter is relatively straightforward, it’s still possible to make a mistake. Here are 5 common errors to avoid when writing a letter to return a security deposit to a tenant:

  • Not itemizing deductions: When landlords deduct money from a security deposit, they must provide a detailed, itemized list of all charges along with the corresponding receipts. Without this documentation, tenants may have difficulty understanding why they are being charged for certain items and may contest the deductions.
  • Making unauthorized deductions: Landlords can only deduct from a security deposit for damages that exceed normal wear and tear. If a landlord tries to make unauthorized deductions, the tenant may be able to get the money back by filing a complaint with the state or local consumer protection agency.
  • Withholding the full amount of the security deposit: In some states, landlords can only withhold a portion of the security deposit, even if there are damages. For example, if the total damages are $500 and the security deposit is $1,000, the landlord can only withhold the $500 deposit. In a situation where the amount of damages exceeds the security deposit amount, the tenant is responsible for any remaining damages, but it is up to the landlord to collect the balance due.
  • Failing to return the security deposit within the required time frame: In most states, landlords have between 14 and 60 days to return the security deposit to the tenant unless they provide a written explanation of why they are withholding part or all of the deposit. If the landlord does not return the deposit within the prescribed time frame, the tenant may be able to sue for double the amount of the deposit.
  • Not having a written policy on security deposits: Landlords should have a policy outlining when and how the deposit will be returned to the tenant. This policy should be provided to the tenant at move-in and included in the lease agreement. A written policy can deter misunderstandings between landlords and tenants about the security deposit return.

If you find yourself struggling coming up with wording for the letter, here’s a free template to customize .

Remember that security laws are different for each state. The legal resource website Rocket Lawyer maintains a state-by-state guide to security deposit laws outlining the requirements and restrictions that may apply to landlords and tenants.

Closing thoughts

There are a few things that landlords should keep in mind when the time comes to write a security deposit return letter. First and foremost, it is important to be clear and concise in the letter. Landlords should avoid using jargon or legal terms that tenants may not understand.

Also, landlords should list any damages that were found during the move-out inspection, as well as the cost of repairs. Finally, landlords should sign and date the letter before sending it to the tenant.

By following these simple tips, landlords can ensure that their security deposit return letters are clear and easy to understand.

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Free Security Deposit Return Letter Template

As a landlord, returning a tenant's security deposit is an essential part of your responsibilities at the end of a lease agreement. A security deposit refund letter is a crucial document that outlines the deductions made, if any, from the deposit and serves as proof that you have returned the deposit to the tenant. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of a security deposit refund letter, how to write it, what to include, what not to do, and various scenarios where a landlord may be justified in not returning the full tenant's security deposit. Additionally, we will also provide a template for a security deposit refund letter.

Why a Security Deposit Refund Letter is Needed

A security deposit refund letter is a necessary document that landlords use to return a tenant's security deposit after they have vacated the rental property. It serves as proof that the landlord has returned the deposit and outlines the deductions, if any, that were made from the deposit.

How to Write a Letter to Refund a Security Deposit

When writing a security deposit refund letter, the landlord should include the following details:

  • The tenant's name and current address
  • The date the security deposit was received
  • The date the lease agreement ended
  • The total amount of the security deposit
  • Any deductions made from the deposit and the amount deducted
  • The total amount being refunded to the tenant
  • A request for confirmation of receipt from the tenant
  • The landlord's signature and contact information

What to Include in a Security Deposit Refund Letter

A security deposit refund letter should include all necessary details to ensure that the process goes smoothly. In addition to the above details, landlords should also include the following information:

  • The reason for any deductions made from the deposit
  • The condition of the property upon the tenant's departure
  • Any outstanding balances owed by the tenant
  • Any legal requirements or regulations for the refund process in the state or jurisdiction where the rental property is located.

How the Security Deposit Return Letter Should be Sent to a Tenant

Landlords should send the security deposit refund letter via certified mail or hand-delivery, with a request for confirmation of receipt. This serves as proof that the tenant has received the letter and the enclosed refund.

What Not to Do

Landlords should avoid the following actions to ensure that they do not violate any regulations or requirements:

  • Failure to create itemized deductions
  • Unauthorized deductions from the deposit
  • Not returning the deposit within the required time frame
  • Not having a written security deposit agreement in place. ‍

When Can Not Returning a Full Tenant's Security Deposit Be Justified

A landlord may be justified in not returning a full tenant's security deposit in various situations, such as:

  • Unpaid rent
  • Damages beyond normal wear and tear
  • Cleaning fees
  • Non-compliance with lease agreement
  • Early termination of lease. ‍

Sending a Financial Statement in Lieu of a Security Deposit Letter

In some cases, landlords may choose to send a financial statement instead of a security deposit letter. A financial statement includes all necessary information regarding the security deposit refund, such as the amount of the deposit, any deductions made, and the total amount being returned. However, it may not include a request for confirmation of receipt.

Template for a Security Deposit Refund Letter

[Tenant's Name and Address]

Dear [Tenant's Name],

I am writing to inform you that your security deposit of [amount] has been processed for refund. The security deposit was made on [date] and your lease ended on [date]. After a thorough inspection of the property, the following deductions were made from your security deposit:

  • [List of deductions and their corresponding amounts]

The total deductions amount to [total amount]. The remaining balance of the security deposit, [refund amount], is enclosed in this letter. Please confirm receipt of this refund by signing below and returning this letter to me.

By signing below, you confirm that you have received the enclosed refund and agree that this refund constitutes the full and final settlement of any and all claims that you may have against me or the rental property.

I hope you have enjoyed your stay at the rental property and wish you the best in your future endeavors.

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

[Tenant Signature]

In conclusion, returning a tenant's security deposit is an important aspect of being a responsible landlord. It is a legal obligation that must be fulfilled, and failure to do so can result in legal consequences. Therefore, it is important to understand the guidelines set forth by your state or local laws regarding security deposits.

Writing a security deposit refund letter can be a simple process as long as you follow the necessary steps and include all required information. By providing a detailed itemization of deductions and sending the letter via certified mail, you can ensure that both you and the tenant are protected in case of any disputes.

Remember to keep accurate records of all transactions and communications related to the security deposit return, and always follow the appropriate procedures to avoid any legal complications.

By following these guidelines and being diligent in your communication and record-keeping, you can ensure a smooth and successful security deposit return process for both you and your tenant.

My name is Nick Caucci and I help run the Rentroom blog. Over the years, I have seen and helped many different property managers and owner-operators streamline their daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly workflows.

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Security Deposit Return Letter [Sample]

security deposit refund application letter

It’s common practice for landlords to collect a security deposit from a new renter at the beginning of a lease. Unless there is unpaid rent or damages to the property beyond normal wear and tear, the landlord returns the security deposit when the renter leaves the property . Typically, the landlord provides the renter with a security deposit return letter at the end of the rental agreement in addition to the full, partial, or retained security deposit.

What is a security deposit return letter? 

A security deposit return letter is an official letter from the landlord to the renter that (a) states how much of the security deposit the landlord will return and (b) itemizes any deductions the landlord is making to cover repairs, damage, or unpaid rent. Some states require the landlord to send a security deposit return letter to the renter before they can keep or use the renter’s security deposit. Each state has different laws concerning rental properties and security deposits. Always check the rules for your state to ensure you’re meeting all your legal obligations as a landlord. 

What deductions can a landlord make? 

The rental agreement should clearly state what qualifies as normal wear and tear and what situations may cause security deposit deductions. Most leases define the reasons for deductions to prevent disputes or legal action when the lease ends. Some states detail the condition(s) that must be met before a landlord can keep a renter’s security deposit, though a few other states do not have specific rules. Here are common situations that warrant security deposit deductions: 

  • Damage done to the rental property
  • Cleaning costs above normal expectations
  • Removal of renter’s abandoned belongings
  • Early lease termination penalty or fee
  • Recovery of unpaid or past-due rent
  • Unpaid utilities

Why do you need a security deposit return letter? 

Whether you’re returning all, part, or none of the renter’s security deposit, it’s important you send the renter a security deposit return letter. If you aren’t returning any of the deposit, you can explain why in the letter. Perhaps you’re returning only part of the renter’s security deposit. In that case, you can list the deductions and show how much of the deposit you’re returning. Additionally, if you’re giving back the entire deposit amount, you’re not obligated to send a letter alongside the security deposit, but sending one is still a nice touch.  

When mailing a security deposit return letter, you should send the letter and deposit (if you’re mailing a check) through certified mail. With certified mail, you have proof that you followed through on your obligation. Hopefully, your renter provided a forwarding address when they moved out. If not, you’ll need to contact them by phone or email to obtain their new contact information. If you can’t get your renter’s forwarding address, you may send the letter to the renter’s last known address — i.e., your rental property — and hope it’s forwarded by the post office. 

What should you include in a security deposit return letter? 

Depending on the state, some laws require landlords to include specific information in the security deposit return letter, while other states don’t have any rules about the letter’s content. Normally, you want to include an itemized list of why you’re withholding funds and the amount of each line item. You can also preemptively provide documentation in the form of pictures or receipts if you think the renter might dispute your reasons. Some states hold the landlord liable if the renter makes a dispute and the landlord can’t produce documentation.

Here is a list of what to include in a security deposit return letter: 

  • State that you’ve attached a financial statement of deductions
  • List each deduction, including its amount, and add an explanation
  • State the sum of all the deductions 
  • Include copies of any documentation, like cleaning or repair bills
  • Provide a check with the renter’s remaining balance, if there is one

Example security deposit return letter for a full refund

Mr. John Miller

789 Park Street, Orlando, FL 32810

RE: Security Deposit Refund 

Dear Mr. Smith, 

This letter is regarding your security deposit in the amount of $1,000 for the rental unit at 543 Main Street, Tampa, Florida, from your one-year lease period of 06/01/2020 to 05/31/2021. 

I’m pleased to notify you I am refunding your entire security deposit for the full amount of $1,000. 

You were a wonderful renter, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors. 


Mark Williams

Example security deposit return letter for a partial refund 

I’m deducting $300 from your $1,000 security deposit to pay for the following: 

  • $200 for carpet cleaning per pet policy in the rental agreement. 
  • $100 for repainting the living room because of marks on walls. 

I am refunding your partial security deposit in the amount of $700. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. 

Example security deposit return letter for no refund

I will not be returning your $1,000 security deposit in order to cover the following: 

  • $900 for one month’s rent due to failure to pay May 2021’s monthly rent before moving out. 
  • $100 for electric bill due to failure to pay May 2021’s electric bill before moving out. 

The total cost to cover these unpaid expenses is $1,000. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. 

One of the easiest ways to collect rent and return security deposits is to use Zumper’s rent collection service . Our online tool streamlines rent collection, tracks and schedules payments, provides bank-level security, and offers next-day payments.

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How to write a security deposit return letter to your tenant

Landlords must return full or partial security deposits to their tenants, with a check and a letter explaining why the entire deposit isn't being returned. See what information to include and what deductions are allowed.

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How to justify not returning the entire deposit

Security deposit refund financial statement, security deposit letter to tenant.

Man woman and child moving in or out

As a landlord, you collect security deposits from your tenants before they move into your building. Some states require you to keep the security deposit in a separate interest-bearing account, although not all states actually require you to return the interest along with the deposit.

Many states give you 30-45 days to return the security deposit, but some states require you to return the deposit within 14-15 days of the tenant's vacating the apartment. Alabama, Arkansas, and Kentucky have a window of 60 days to return a security deposit. 

No matter how long you have to do so, you must return the security deposit, though you can deduct money from the original amount, as long as you provide a reason in writing.

A returned security deposit should be accompanied by a letter explaining how much money the landlord is returning and what, if anything, the landlord deducted from the original amount. A landlord can also use a security deposit return receipt or a financial statement to show the same information. You must send either a letter or financial statement whether or not you owe the tenant money.

Sometimes landlords return the entire amount of the security deposit to the tenant. Other times, the tenant gets only part of the deposit or even owes the landlord money. However, landlords must justify the amount deducted, if any, from the deposit, otherwise, the tenant can sue in small claims court.

You can justify not returning the full amount of a security deposit when the tenant:

  • Left the apartment still owing rent
  • Caused major damage to the apartment
  • Created extremely filthy conditions in the apartment, requiring extra cleaning
  • Left possessions in the apartment, necessitating removal
  • Terminated the lease prematurely
  • Stuck you with unpaid utility bills

As long as you can show what the tenant did to warrant deductions from the original deposit, you don't have to return the full original amount. Be sure to have proof, such as photos of the apartment or receipts for unpaid bills, in case the tenant takes you to small claims court.

If you decide not to write a letter to the tenant, you can send a financial statement instead. The statement must include the:

  • Tenant's name and new address, or address he gave for return of the security deposit
  • Commencement date of the lease and date it ended
  • Amount of the security deposit when the tenant moved in
  • Amount of interest accrued
  • Legitimate itemized deductions, including unpaid rent, damages, cleaning costs, repairs, unpaid utilities, late fees, and other expenses
  • Total amount of deductions from the security deposit
  • Balance due to the tenant or amount due to the landlord, if any
  • Landlord's address for the tenant to send any money owed
  • Landlord's signature and date of signing
  • Copies of repair bills

If you want to write a letter to the tenant, include the financial statement as well, as that contains the most important section. Also, include the following:

  • An introductory paragraph, explaining that by law you're required to return the security deposit minus any legitimate charges
  • A sentence that the letter contains a financial statement of deductions from the security deposit
  • The amount of each deduction and an explanation of why each is being deducted
  • Copies of repair and cleaning bills
  • Either a check for the amount owed to the tenant or a request for the tenant to pay the amount due immediately, including a date by which payment must be made

A security deposit return letter doesn't have to have fancy language or a lot of details other than showing what deductions are coming out of the deposit. It's your decision whether to write this in letter form or as a financial statement, but check the laws in your state to make sure you comply with local requirements.

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WTO / Letters and Emails / Demand / 12 Free Security Deposit Return Letters | Word, PDF

12 Free Security Deposit Return Letters | Word, PDF

As a landlord, it is essential to provide your tenants with a security deposit return letter once they have moved out. This letter serves as the official document regarding the deposit that the tenant had initially paid to move into the property. It is crucial to include an itemized list of all the funds used from the tenant’s security deposit to cover repairs and damages. In addition, the letter should include a check for any remaining funds.

Such a letter serves as a detailed receipt outlining how the funds from the tenant’s initial deposit were used. In many states, it is mandatory to itemize all the reasons for withholding the security deposit funds. Even in states where it is not mandatory, it is advisable to provide this information to the tenant to avoid any future disputes.

It is crucial to include as many details as possible in the security deposit letter. It is best to include the amount of each deduction from the deposit and an explanation for each deduction if necessary. Additionally, it would be helpful to include the total amount of all the deductions and copies of any necessary cleaning and repair bills.

If the tenant is owed any money after these deductions, a check should be attached to the letter. However, if the tenant did not take good care of the rental property, this letter might request more money from the tenant instead of returning the check.

Security Deposit Return Letter Templates

Writing a security deposit return letter does not have to be complicated. The more items you need to deduct from the deposit, the longer it will be. If you are worried about writing this letter, then downloading a standard template can make things easier.

Great Editable Security Deposit Return Letter Template 01 for Word Document

What You Can and Cannot Deduct From Security Deposit

As a landlord, it is essential to know what you can and cannot deduct from a tenant’s deposit when they move out. The rules for deductions are often outlined in the lease, and it is crucial to adhere to them. Generally, the tenant will receive some or all of their security deposit back, depending on how well they have taken care of the property.

If the tenant is past due on rent, you can use some or all of their deposit to cover this amount. Normal wear and tear is expected, but excessive damage that requires significant repairs can be deducted from the security deposit. Additionally, the tenant may be charged for early termination of the lease , unpaid utilities, and costs associated with removing any property left behind.

It is important to note that tenants cannot be charged for normal wear and tear or damage resulting from everyday living on the property.

Light stains on the carpet, faded wallpaper or paint, scuffed walls, pin and nail holes that are not excessive, and dirty curtains and blinds are all considered normal wear and tear. Similarly, dust, dirt, and grime that are not excessive should not be charged to the tenant.

Even some damage or broken components of the property can fall under the category of normal wear and tear. For instance, warped floors or doors from moisture or age, broken light bulbs, or an old appliance breaking are not expenses that can be charged to the tenant’s security deposit.

What to Include in a Security Deposit Letter?

As a landlord, it is essential to provide your tenants with a security deposit letter once they have moved out. The letter serves as the official document regarding the deposit that the tenant had initially paid to move into the property.

Here are the essential components that should be included in the letter:

Tenant’s personal details

Begin the letter with the tenant’s personal details, such as their name, address, and phone number. Ensure that all the details are accurate and up to date.

Rental period

Include information on how long the tenant stayed at the property or the duration of the rental period. This information helps the tenant and landlord to keep track of the rental term.

Total security deposit

Mention the original amount of the security deposit near the top of the letter. This helps both parties see the original amount of the deposit to avoid confusion once the deductions are taken out.

Interest on deposit

Depending on your location, you may need to add interest accrued on the security deposit to the amount being returned to the tenant. Provide clear details on the interest accrued and how it is being handled.

Legitimate itemized deductions

You can deduct certain expenses from the deposit and add them to an itemized list , including an explanation and the amount used for each deduction. Ensure that each expense is legitimate and appropriately explained.

Total amount of deductions

Add up the total sum of deductions to show how much of the deposit is being used. This helps the tenant to understand how the deductions were arrived at.

Security deposit paid

Subtract the total sum of deductions from the original security deposit amount to determine the balance being returned to the tenant. If the deductions are higher than the deposit, request that the tenant pays the outstanding amount.

Landlord’s address

Include your address and contact information on the letter. This helps the tenant to get in touch with you if they have any questions or need to remit additional payment.

Landlord’s signature and date

Sign the letter and include the date it was written. This helps to provide a paper trail of when the letter was sent out and when you expect the money to come back.

You can choose to add receipts of any deductions you make in the security deposit. You can either itemize the deductions and add them to the letter, or include the additional receipts and information for the tenant’s convenience.

Below are samples of the security deposit letter that you can use as a guide for writing yours:

template 01

Dear [Tenant],

I am writing to confirm that we have received your security deposit in the amount of [original deposit amount] for the property located at [property address] during the lease period of [lease period].

We would like to inform you that after conducting a thorough inspection of the property, we have found that there are no outstanding balances or damages that need to be deducted from your security deposit. Therefore, we are happy to inform you that we will be returning your full security deposit in the amount of [full deposit amount].

Please allow [number of days] for the refund to be processed and appear in your account. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your cooperation and for being a responsible tenant during your stay with us. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

[Your Name]

[Property Management Company]

template 02

Dear [Tenant’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to discuss the return of your security deposit for the rental property located at [Property Address], where you resided during the period of [Lease Start Date] to [Lease End Date].

As a responsible landlord, it is my obligation to provide you with an itemized list of any deductions made from your security deposit. After a thorough inspection of the property, I have deducted [Deduction Amount] from the original deposit of [Original Deposit Amount] to cover the costs of the following expenses:

[Expense 1]

[Expense 2]

[Expense 3]

The remaining balance of your deposit is [Remaining Balance], which I have enclosed in the form of a check with this letter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

I would like to express my gratitude for your tenancy and cooperation during your stay at the property, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Best Regards,

[Landlord’s Name]

Sample Letter

If you are in search of a tangible example for the proper communication of security deposit returns, the subsequent segment presents a sample letter from a landlord, illustrating a professional and clear approach to the matter.

Dear Emily Johnson,

I hope this letter finds you well. This letter is in reference to the security deposit of $1,000 you made for the property located at 789 Pine Lane, Anytown, AN, which you rented from January 1, 20XX, to December 31, 20XX.

I am pleased to inform you that after conducting a thorough inspection of the property upon your move-out, I found it to be in good condition, consistent with the terms of our lease agreement. Therefore, I will be returning the full amount of your security deposit.

Enclosed with this letter is a check for $1,000. Please deposit this check within 30 days of receipt.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a responsible tenant and for maintaining the property in excellent condition during your tenancy. It was a pleasure having you as a tenant, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me at (555) 123-4567 or [email protected].

Thank you once again for your time at 789 Pine Lane. Your prompt and courteous behavior as a tenant was greatly appreciated.

Key Takeaways

This letter is a useful guide for landlords who wish to write a similar letter for several reasons:

  • The letter maintains a professional and respectful tone throughout. This is crucial in maintaining good relations with the tenant, even after the tenancy has ended.
  • It clearly specifies the subject at the beginning (the security deposit) and mentions specific details like the amount ($1,000), property address, and rental period. This helps in avoiding any confusion.
  • The landlord acknowledges the tenant’s good condition of the property and their responsible behavior. This positive reinforcement can be encouraging for the tenant and is a good practice in tenant management.
  • The inclusion of a check and instructions for its deposit within a specific time frame (30 days) provides clear next steps for the tenant.
  • Expressing gratitude and well wishes for the tenant’s future endeavors helps in ending the relationship on a positive note, which can be beneficial for future references or interactions.
  • By providing contact details, the landlord remains approachable for any future queries or assistance, which is a sign of good customer service and professionalism.
  • Recognizing the tenant’s promptness and courtesy reinforces positive tenant behavior and sets a good example for future tenants.

Overall, this letter is an effective sample for landlords to communicate effectively and professionally with former tenants, especially regarding security deposit returns and expressing appreciation for responsible tenancy.

Return Periods

Every state has different rules about when the security deposit needs to be returned, with some requiring it done within 10 to 14 days and some giving you a maximum of 60 days to complete. You should aim to get the deposit back to the tenant as soon as possible to avoid issues with local statutes and complaints from your tenant about how long it is taking to get their security deposit back. Sometimes it is possible to write a check to the tenant after the final walk-through if you can estimate the costs of cleaning and repairs at that time.

AL – 60 days (§ 35-9A-201)
AK – 14 days ( )
AZ – 14 days ( )
AR – 60 days (§ 18-16-305)
CA – 21 days ( )
CO – 1 month (§ 38-12-103)
CT – 15 days (§ 47a-21)
DE – 20 days ( )
FL – 15 days (83.49(3)(a))
GA – 30 days (§ 44-7-34)
HI – 14 days ( )
ID – 21 days ( )
IL – 30 days ( )
IN – 45 days (§ 32-31-3-12)
IA – 30 days ( )
KS – 30 days (§ 58-2550(b)
KY – 60 days ( )
LA – 1 month ( )
ME – 21 or 30 days ( )
MD – 45 days (§ 8–203)
MA – 30 days ( )
MI – 30 days ( )
MN – 3 weeks ( )
MS – 45 days (§ 89-8-21)
MO – 30 days ( )
MT – 10 days ( )
NE – 14 days ( )
NV – 30 days (NRS 118A.242)
NH – 30 days (RSA 540-A:7)
NJ – 30 days (§ 46:8-21.1)
NM – 30 days ((§ 47-8-18)
NY – 14 days ( )
NC – 30 days (§ 42-52)
ND – 30 days ( )
OH – 30 days ( )
OK – 45 days (§ 41-115)
OR – 31 days (§ 90.300)
PA – 30 days (§ 250.512)
RI – 20 days (§ 34-18-19)
SC – 30 days (§ 27-40-410)
SD – 2 weeks ( )
TN – 30 days (§ 66-28-301)
TX – 30 days (§ 92.103)
UT – 30 days ( )
VT – 14 days ( )
VA – 45 days ( )
WA – 21 days ( )
WV – 60 or 45 days (§ 37-6A-1(7))
WI – 21 days ( )
WY – 30 or 15 days (§ 1-21-1208(A)) 

Detail of security deposit return periods is given in this table.

Final Thoughts

A security deposit letter is the final thing you need to do to work with your tenant. It helps them take back the deposit they gave you from the beginning and helps keep you cover any of the excessive damage or unpaid rent that they left behind. There are different rules for when to return the deposit, and it can depend on whether the tenant is owed the money or owes you more money for the damage they caused. Take a look at the security deposit refund letter writing tips explained above to help you get this done.

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Terry M. Keller

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Sample request letter for refund of security deposit.

This pack contains different easy formats of applications for the subject matter . For more information, please reach out to us using our email or the comment box.

Refund Letter due to moving to Another Location

 To, —————— (Name), Address: ————— —————————

Date: __________

From, —————————— (Name) Address: ——————- ———————————

Subject: Request for a Return of the Deposit

I would like to, humbly, request that you please return the security deposit that I had submitted to you when I had first started my tenancy. I had come to your residence in ______ and had deposited a sum total of rupees, _______, in the form of a check. I have attached a photocopy of the check with this application, and the informal contract which took place between us is a testament to the fact that I had been asked to present the copy of my check in order to receive the amount I had deposited. I understand if, upon inspection, you find any property damage and decide to deduct some money from the deposit, though I am sure that would not be the case. I am sorry to spring this onto you so quickly, but I have to move out of my residence before this month ends, and will be shifting to another place soon. Thank you for proving to be a wonderful landlord for all these years, and I am sorry to be leaving you so soon. Regards.

Refund of Security Deposit Letter from College

The principal California School of Contemporary Arts, California.

I am a final year student of  fine arts  in your school. I have recently taken final year exams, and I passed with good marks. Now I have completed my studies at your college I am submitting this application for the reimbursement of my deposited security that I have given at the time of admission.

I have filed my  clearance certificate  with the admin officer earlier this month. I am requesting you to please issue me the security reimbursement cheque at your ease. I will be very grateful to you.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours truly,

Request for Return of Caution Money from University

I am Momina, a student of MBA Marketing writing to request you to refund my security deposit. The security deposit was charged me at the time of admission, and now my studies are completed. I have received my degree in the convocation held last month.

The accounts department asked me to write this application, and get it signed by the relevant department. Furthermore, my clearance certificate from all the departments is also attached to this letter. Please approve this refund on a priority basis. I will be thankful to you.

Warm Regards, Enrolment No. 456789

Letter for Refund of Admission Fees

I am a student of biotechnology, semester third. I am writing this letter to you so that I can submit a complaint against the accounts department. They have clearly sent me the letter of fees refund in my first semester but I haven’t received it yet, after many reminders.

So I am requesting to you that please Refund it and solve my issue as soon as possible. I will be very thankful to you for this.

Hoping for the positive response

Application for Refund of Money from College

Dear Madam,

I sent this letter to request a   Refund of the confirmation fee for course enrollment. Yesterday, my visa got rejected by the embassy so I will not be coming to the university this semester. I have dropped all my courses before the deadline so kindly refund that amount back to the bank from which the transfer was made. I am aware that 10% of the amount would be cut as the administration charges.

Furthermore, I have attached the confirmation slip of the payment made with this email. You may contact me in case of any further queries. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Sample Letter Requesting Refund of Earnest Money

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Real Estate Agency or Seller’s Name]

Subject: Request for Earnest Money Refund

Dear [Recipient’s Name or Title],

I am writing to formally request the refund of the earnest money deposit in the amount of $[Amount] that I submitted on [Date of Earnest Money Payment] for the property located at [Property Address].

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I am unable to proceed with the purchase of the property as outlined in our purchase agreement dated [Date of Purchase Agreement]. After careful consideration, I have decided to withdraw my offer on the property, and I understand that this may result in the forfeiture of the earnest money deposit as stipulated in the agreement.

I kindly request that you process the earnest money refund at your earliest convenience. I understand that there may be certain administrative processes involved, and I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Please find attached a copy of the purchase agreement for your reference. If there are any additional forms or information required from my end to expedite the refund process, please do not hesitate to inform me.

I appreciate your understanding in this matter and look forward to receiving confirmation of the earnest money refund. You can reach me at the provided contact information should you have any questions or require further clarification.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.

[Your Full Name]

Application for Security Refund from Company

[Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Security Refund Application

Dear [Company Name],

I am writing to formally request the refund of my security deposit, which was submitted on [Date of Security Deposit Payment]. The deposit pertains to [Specify the nature or purpose of the security deposit, e.g., a rental property, service agreement, etc.].

Here are the key details of my security deposit:

  • Amount Paid: $[Amount]
  • Date of Payment: [Date of Payment]
  • [Any additional relevant details]

I have fulfilled all the requirements and obligations associated with this security deposit, as outlined in our agreement. I kindly request that you process the refund without delay.

Please find attached any necessary documents, including a copy of the agreement and proof of compliance with its terms.

I would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and request that you communicate the status and timeline for the refund to the contact information provided above.

Thank you for your cooperation, and I look forward to the swift resolution of this request.

Refund Letter due to Job Transfer and Subsequent Shift

To, Address: ————— —————————

Subject: Request for the Deposit

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

My name is ________, and I live in apartment number ______. I have been a long-time tenant of yours, and am saddened to inform you that I will soon be leaving your acquaintance. I’d like to sincerely request that you return the security deposit I handed you when I first started my rental period. I had arrived at your house in ______ and had left a check for a total of ______ rupees there. My agreement also stated that property damage would be deducted from the total security fee, but I ensure you that after all thorough inspections, there is no need for any such measure. Furthermore, the agreement stated that I would need to inform the landlord around two weeks in advance before I would have to leave, and I am well within that time frame. The formal agreement that was made between us attests to the fact that I was required to submit a copy of my check in order to be paid the amount I had deposited, and I have attached a photocopy of the check with this application.

Lastly, I would like to thank you for all your troubles.

Requesting an Early Security Deposit Refund

To, ————— Address: ————— —————————

Subject: Deposit Return Request

I am _______, from house no. _______. I have been a tenant of yours for the duration of _____ to _____ and would like to inform you that I will be terminating my contract this coming month. The reasons for my leaving are personal and have nothing to do with you or the dwelling. I recall that my verbal contract had stated that I would need to inform you _____ days in advance in order to get a refund for my security deposit, and I understand that I am a bit late. However, I would like to appeal to your good nature and like to request that you keep our years’ worth of goodwill and refund my amount as quickly as is convenient for you. The reason I am in such a hurry regarding the matter is that I intend to shift to my new place as soon as can, and I cannot do that without wrapping up my matters here.

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Home » Letters » School » Request Letter for Refund of Security Deposit from School

Request Letter for Refund of Security Deposit from School

security deposit refund application letter

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The Principal, ____________ (School Name), ____________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Refund for security deposit

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I am __________ (Name) and I am a pass-out student from you prestigious school i.e. _________ (School Name). My admission number is __________ (Admission Number).

Respected, I have completed my __________ (Class/ Standard) and I have also received the school leaving certificate. Therefore, I request you to kindly refund the amount that was paid as a security deposit. I believe, the total amount was __________ (Amount).

As per the norms, I have taken no dues from ________ (details of no dues – if applicable).

I shall be highly thankful.

Thanking You, ______________ (Signature), ______________ (Name), ______________ (Class)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Write a formal letter addressed to the school principal, clearly stating your name, admission number, and class, along with the request for the refund and the amount paid as the security deposit.
  • Yes, including your admission number helps the school administration identify your records and process the refund efficiently.
  • It's advisable to attach a copy of your school leaving certificate and any other relevant documents that support your request for the refund.
  • It's important to obtain a no dues certificate from the school administration to confirm that all outstanding matters, such as library fines or pending fees, have been cleared before requesting the refund.
  • The processing time for refunds may vary depending on the school's administrative procedures. However, it's recommended to follow up with the school authorities if you haven't received the refund within a reasonable timeframe.

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  • sample letter requesting a refund of the security deposits from school
  • letter for refund of security deposit from school

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  1. Sample Letter: Refunding and Not Refunding the Security Deposit

    Security deposits are collected by landlords or property managers before the start of a new lease agreement. These deposits act similarly to an insurance policy for both parties, in the event of debt, damage, or debris. State legislation requires landlords to return security deposits within a certain period after the lease's end, usually from 30-60 days after the lease ends.

  2. Security Deposit Return Letter

    Use our security deposit return letter as a receipt for the refunded portion of a tenant's security deposit. Check out this preview of our template and then download the full security deposit return letter as a PDF. For more articles, tips and trends about being a landlord and managing properties, visit our Rentals Resource Center.

  3. Security Deposit Return Letter [2024 ]

    Sources 1 Mont. Code § 70-25-202(2) . This section [relating to security deposit return timelines] does not apply if a rental agreement is terminated pursuant to 70-24-427 or 70-33-427 and the landlord has a pending claim for actual damages filed in court.

  4. Free Security Deposit Return Letter

    Create Document. Updated August 12, 2024. A security deposit return letter is sent to a tenant after a lease terminates that outlines their refund. If deductions are made, an itemized list of the damages should be included. This letter should be sent along with the refund amount. Security Deposit Demand Letter - For a tenant requesting to get ...

  5. 50 Effective Security Deposit Return Letters [MS Word]

    When the tenant leaves the apartment, many states give the landlord between 30 - 45 days to return the security deposit. Some, however, require that the deposit gets returned between 14 - 15 days after the tenant left the apartment. Even without the number of days, the landlord has an obligation to return the security deposit.

  6. Security Deposit Return Letter (Format & Examples)

    Here is a list of the information a detailed security deposit return letter should include: Property address. Security deposit amount. Interest percentage and amount paid on deposit. First and last month property was inhabited. Monthly rent amount. Late fees currently due. List of common cleaning and repair items.

  7. Free Security Deposit Return (Refund) Letter

    The Security Deposit Return Letter is traditionally executed at the end of a lease agreement's term. When a lesser begins their tenancy, they are typically obligated to provide a certain amount of funds upfront to protect the landlord from potentially enduring the cost of damages. These funds are accepted by the lessor and kept in an account ...

  8. How to write a security deposit return letter [Free template]

    The general structure of a security deposit return letter includes: Landlord's name and contact information. Tenant's name and contact information. Date of the letter. Amount of security deposit being returned to the tenant. Breakdown of any deductions made from the security deposit, including an explanation for each deduction.

  9. Free Security Deposit Return Letter Template

    When writing a security deposit refund letter, the landlord should include the following details: The tenant's name and current address. The date the security deposit was received. The date the lease agreement ended. The total amount of the security deposit. Any deductions made from the deposit and the amount deducted.

  10. Sample Demand Letter for Return of Security Deposit

    Sample Letter Demanding Security Deposit. March 1, 20xx. Dear Mr. Woods: As you know, until January 31, 20xx, I resided in Apartment #9B at 37 Dunn Street and regularly paid my rent to your office. When I moved out, after giving you 30 days' written notice, I left the apartment cleaner than it was when I moved in.

  11. Security Deposit Return Letter Template

    This letter will be used to inform a tenant about the return of security deposit they will receive after moving out of a rental property. This document should be used in order to provide the tenant with a record of their deposit and any deductions that were taken out by the landlord. The letter should include contact information for the tenant ...

  12. Security Deposit Return Letter [Sample]

    Example security deposit return letter for no refund. 05/31/2021. Mr. John Miller. 789 Park Street, Orlando, FL 32810. RE: Security Deposit Refund . Dear Mr. Smith, This letter is regarding your security deposit in the amount of $1,000 for the rental unit at 543 Main Street, Tampa, Florida, from your one-year lease period of 06/01/2020 to 05/31 ...

  13. Free Security Deposit Return Letter

    WY - 15 or 30 Days (§ 1-21-1208 (a)) A security deposit return letter is used after a tenant moves out to relay the status of their security deposit. It states the refund amount and explains the reason for any deductions made by the landlord. In some states, a return letter is required if some or all of the deposit is used to pay for ...

  14. How to write a security deposit return letter to your tenant

    If you decide not to write a letter to the tenant, you can send a financial statement instead. The statement must include the: Tenant's name and new address, or address he gave for return of the security deposit. Commencement date of the lease and date it ended. Amount of the security deposit when the tenant moved in.

  15. Request Letter for Refund of Security Deposit from Company

    When writing a request letter for the refund of a security deposit from a company, it's important to be clear, polite, and provide all necessary details. Begin with a respectful greeting and introduction, stating your name, position, and duration of employment. Clearly mention the date of resignation and the amount of the security deposit.

  16. Security Deposit Return Letter Guide (+ Free Templates)

    However, you can send it electronically as a backup. Here are the steps to send the return of a security deposit form through the mail: Fill out our free security deposit return letter template. Gather an appropriate-sized envelope and address labels. Get print copies of the letter, invoices, and receipts.

  17. 12 Free Security Deposit Return Letters

    Dear Emily Johnson, I hope this letter finds you well. This letter is in reference to the security deposit of $1,000 you made for the property located at 789 Pine Lane, Anytown, AN, which you rented from January 1, 20XX, to December 31, 20XX.

  18. Sample Request Letter for Refund of Security Deposit

    Subject: Security Refund Application. Dear [Company Name], I am writing to formally request the refund of my security deposit, which was submitted on [Date of Security Deposit Payment]. The deposit pertains to [Specify the nature or purpose of the security deposit, e.g., a rental property, service agreement, etc.].

  19. Request Letter for Security Deposit Refund from School

    When writing a request letter for a security deposit refund from school, it's essential to be clear and polite. Include personal details like your name, class, and roll number. Specify the amount of security deposit paid and the date of completion of schooling. Request the refund in a respectful manner, acknowledging the school's norms.

  20. Security Deposit Refund Letter

    When writing a request letter for a security deposit refund from school, it's essential to be clear and polite. Include personal details like your name, class, and roll number. Specify the amount of security deposit paid and the date of completion of schooling. Request the refund in a respectful manner, acknowledging the school's norms.

  21. Request Letter for Security Deposit Refund

    When drafting a request letter for a security deposit refund, it's essential to maintain clarity and politeness throughout the letter. Clearly state the reason for the request, mention the duration of your stay, and provide your contact details for communication.

  22. Request Letter for Refund of Security Deposit from School

    When drafting a request letter for the refund of a security deposit from a school, it's crucial to maintain clarity and politeness. Begin with a formal greeting, clearly state your purpose for writing, including your personal details such as name, admission number, and class. Specify the reason for requesting the refund and mention any relevant ...