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Clinical Psychology Research Topics

Stumped for ideas? Start here

Clinical psychology research is one of the most popular subfields in psychology. With such a wide range of topics to cover, figuring out clinical psychology research topics for papers, presentations, and experiments can be tricky.

Clinical Psychology Research Topic Ideas

Topic choices are only as limited as your imagination and assignment, so try narrowing the possibilities down from general questions to the specifics that apply to your area of specialization.

Here are just a few ideas to start the process:

  • How does social media influence how people interact and behave?
  • Compare and contrast two different types of therapy . When is each type best used? What disorders are best treated with these forms of therapy? What are the possible limitations of each type?
  • Compare two psychological disorders . What are the signs and symptoms of each? How are they diagnosed and treated?
  • How does "pro ana," "pro mia," " thinspo ," and similar content contribute to eating disorders? What can people do to overcome the influence of these sites?​
  • Explore how aging influences mental illness. What particular challenges elderly people diagnosed with mental illness face?
  • Explore factors that influence adolescent mental health. Self-esteem and peer pressure are just a couple of the topics you might explore in greater depth.
  • Explore the use and effectiveness of online therapy . What are some of its advantages and disadvantages ? How do those without technical literacy navigate it?
  • Investigate current research on the impact of media violence on children's behavior.
  • Explore anxiety disorders and their impact on daily functioning. What new therapies are available?
  • What are the risk factors for depression ? Explore the potential risks as well as any preventative strategies that can be used.
  • How do political and social climates affect mental health?
  • What are the long-term effects of childhood trauma? Do children continue to experience the effects later in adulthood? What treatments are available for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) in childhood?
  • What impact does substance use disorder have on the family? How can family members help with treatment?
  • What types of therapy are most effective for childhood behavioral issues ?

Think of books you have read, research you have studied, and even experiences and interests from your own life. If you've ever wanted to dig further into something that interested you, this is a great opportunity. The more engaged you are with the topic, the more excited you will be to put the work in for a great research paper or presentation.

Consider Scope, Difficulty, and Suitability

Picking a good research topic is one of the most important steps of the research process. A too-general topic can feel overwhelming; likewise, one that's very specific might have limited supporting information. Spend time reading online or exploring your library to make sure that plenty of sources to support your paper, presentation, or experiment are available.

If you are doing an experiment , checking with your instructor is a must. In many cases, you might have to submit a proposal to your school's human subjects committee for approval. This committee will ensure that any potential research involving human subjects is done in a safe and ethical way.

Once you have chosen a topic that interests you, run the idea past your course instructor. (In some cases, this is required.) Even if you don't need permission from the instructor, getting feedback before you delve into the research process is helpful.

Your instructor can draw from a wealth of experience to offer good suggestions and ideas for your research, including the best available resources pertaining to the topic. Your school librarian may also be able to provide assistance regarding the resources available for use at the library, including online journal databases.

Kim WO.  Institutional review board (IRB) and ethical issues in clinical research .  Korean Journal of Anesthesiology . 2012;62(1):3-12. doi:10.4097/kjae.2012.62.1.3

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."


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10 Clinical Psychology Research Topics to Explore

Whether you’re working toward a PsyD or a PhD in Clinical Psychology , landing on a research paper that will sustain your interest throughout your doctoral program can be both thrilling and challenging.

Should you go with a niche you know well or branch out to another psychology specialization ? Should you choose a research topic you’re passionate about or opt for something more topical and needed in the broader realm of behavioral and mental health?

Only you can answer these questions—however, this blog may provide you with some inspiration and direction. Let’s walk through 10 of the most fascinating clinical psychology research topics and how they might bring you closer to your educational and professional objectives.

Explore Clinical Psychology Programs

10 Emerging Research Topics in Clinical Psychology

One of the benefits of clinical psychology is that it’s far from a static field.

With each passing year, we gain more and more insight into the brain and how it affects behavior. In the last few years alone, for example, we’ve obtained a clearer picture of the negative effects of digital media on mental health and behavior. But we’ve also seen how digital media (specifically, mobile apps) can enhance mental health when used correctly. 1

Put simply, clinical psychology is a dynamic, exhilarating realm with seemingly boundless possibilities for further research.

Nonetheless, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when settling on a clinical psychology research paper topic, especially when it’s one that you may be intimate with for years. To that end, consider these top 10 psychology topics to get you started in your research area:

#1. Mental Health Technology and Digital Interventions

The pandemic dramatically altered how healthcare practitioners interact with their patients and clients. Whereas psychotherapy and other forms of counseling were once performed almost exclusively in person, COVID-19 turned mental telehealth into our new reality.

But what might the long-term effects of this be? And will it persist as we march into the future?

Exploring the impact of digital mental health interventions (such as apps, other digital tools, and teleconferences) on well-being may open up a world of possible clinical psychology research topics and questions. 2 For instance, it may compel you to ask and research thoughts like:

  • How will AI alter mental health treatments, if at all?
  • Will digital mental health interventions ultimately cause or worsen isolation?
  • What are the downsides and perks of turning to social media for mental health information?
  • What is the relevance and value of in-person counseling sessions, post-pandemic?
  • Do clients feel safer in online sessions?
  • How can technology be employed to monitor patients outside of sessions?
  • How does mental telehealth affect the elderly?

Technology is rapidly and constantly changing. In other words, psychology and technology may be exciting subjects to explore as you work towards starting or completing your doctorate.

#2. Cross-Cultural and Global Mental Health 

Globalization has its pros and cons. Studies indicate that while it may have its advantages, it can also heighten: 4

  • Discrimination

Each of these may have lasting effects, including increasing the risk of mental disorders like addiction, depression, and anxiety. In other words, it needs to be examined by experts from multiple standpoints.

As a doctoral student, you’re in an ideal spot to investigate this complex issue. It also emphasizes the need to gain cultural competency and a global mindset as a mental health practitioner, which is another possible research topic in and of itself.

#3. Neuropsychology and Cognitive Processes

The field of neuropsychology and cognitive processes continues to grow, particularly with the advent of digital tools and their ability to monitor cognition. 5 Exploring our advancing knowledge of how the brain affects behavior may allow you to look at a wide range of mental health disorders and the newest clinical interventions that are being made available, such as treating:

  • Alcohol use disorder (AUD)
  • Eating disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

#4. Trauma and Resilience Studies

Psychologists and psychiatrists ranging from Bessel Van der Kolk to Peter Levine forever altered our understanding of trauma. What was once thought of as a purely psychological issue is now understood as a bodily ailment. 6

But how might this look as we move forward in time and gain an enhanced understanding of neuroplasticity? Will somatics continue to play a role in treating trauma, or will technological advances send practitioners and their clients in a completely different direction?

You may be in a position to dig deeper and find out.

#5. Behavioral Health and Chronic Conditions

The unique relationship between chronic conditions and behavioral health is also up for exploration. Growing research indicates that chronic conditions (such as diabetes) can trigger mental health complications like depression, which can then perpetuate the cycle of the chronic condition.

This topic may be especially timely and relevant as it emphasizes the need to bridge the gap between a patient’s full healthcare team and points out flaws in treating chronic conditions solely from a pharmaceutical stance.

#6. Psychotherapy Process and Outcome Research

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and other forms of traditional “talk therapy” have been mainstays in the field of clinical psychology for decades. But this, too, isn’t static, especially as clients continue to look more toward body-based therapies and technology-fueled solutions, like: 8

  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
  • Neurofeedback therapy 
  • Brainspotting
  • Somatic Experiencing (SE)

Is it too soon to know if these and other fresh forms of mental health treatments have the same staying power as, say, cognitive behavioral therapy? This might be optimal for exploration.

#7. Social Determinants of Mental Health 

Social determinants of mental health (SDOMH) refer to the external circumstances that may impact an individual’s mental well-being and make them more vulnerable to conditions ranging from depression to addiction. SDOMH includes: 9

  • Unemployment 
  • Social isolation
  • Urban crowding

How will SDOMH change as we move forward? Will it? Additionally, what is a clinical psychologist’s role in addressing these issues? What are the most effective strategies for working with those who have been disadvantaged?

This is an important topic as we, as a society, continue to address long-buried issues of race and class.

#8. Addiction and Substance Use Disorders

Addiction remains a prevalent topic: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) affects roughly 10.5% of the population, while 46.8 million Americans wrestled with a substance abuse disorder in 2022 alone. 10

Analyzing the most recent treatments and the future of treatments might not only pave the way for your own work after completion of your PsyD or PhD but also do a tremendous service for those who suffer from addiction (and their loved ones and families).

#9. Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Numerous studies indicate that kids and teens now have unusually high rates of: 11

  • Substance use

What plays into this? Is social media entirely to blame, or can social sites also be a resource for youngsters? And how can clinical psychologists tweak their methods to resonate with kids and teens?

These are just three of the many questions you might ask if you decide to adopt this topic for your clinical research.

#10. Ethics and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology

Last but not least, consider the value of examining both the main and more subtle ethics and professional issues in clinical psychology at work today, such as:

  • Privacy 
  • Informed consent
  • Cultural sensitivity 
  • Termination of counseling

Shape the Future of Mental Health with Alliant International University 

From making a substantial difference in the lives of others to eradicating the stigmas that surround certain mental health conditions, clinical psychologists are in a prime position to fuel lasting change. Selecting a clinical research topic that ignites your spirit and works toward solving larger social issues takes this notion to the next level.

Alliant International University may get you closer to becoming the type of clinical psychologist who can make an impact. Whether you’re exploring our PsyD in Clinical Psychology or have just started college, we’re proud to offer doctoral programs for psychology that can help you excel in your future profession. And with online and in-person classes and training, you might find the flexibility your life requires.

Learn more about our clinical psychology programs today.


  • “Exploring the Latest Frontiers in Clinical Psychology Research.” The Clinic, March 25, 2024. https://theclinicca.org/exploring-the-latest-frontiers-in-clinical-psyc… .
  •  Park, Susanna Y, Chloe Nicksic Sigmon, and Debra Boeldt. “A Framework for the Implementation of Digital Mental Health Interventions: The Importance of Feasibility and Acceptability Research.” Cureus, September 19, 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9580609/.  
  • Bond, Raymond R., Maurice D. Mulvenna, Courtney Potts, Siobhan O’Neill, Edel Ennis, and John Torous. “Digital Transformation of Mental Health Services.” Nature News, August 22, 2023. https://www.nature.com/articles/s44184-023-00033-y.  
  • “Cross-Cultural Mental Health.” CMHA British Columbia, July 14, 2016. https://bc.cmha.ca/documents/cross-cultural-mental-health-and-substance-use-2/.  
  • “New Research Looks at the Promise of ‘Digital Neuropsychology.’” McLean News | New Research Looks at the Promise of “Digital Neuropsychology,” January 7, 2019. https://www.mcleanhospital.org/news/new-research-looks-promise-digital-neuropsychology.  
  • Kuhfuß, Marie, Tobias Maldei, Andreas Hetmanek, and Nicola Baumann. “Somatic Experiencing - Effectiveness and Key Factors of a Body-Oriented Trauma Therapy: A Scoping Literature Review.” European journal of psychotraumatology, July 12, 2021. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8276649/.  
  • “The Intersection of Mental Health and Chronic Disease.” Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Accessed April 17, 2024. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/the-intersection-of-mental-health-and-chronic-disease.  
  • Theodora Blanchfield, AMFT. “What to Know about Brainspotting Therapy.” Verywell Mind, January 16, 2024. https://www.verywellmind.com/brainspotting-therapy-definition-techniques-and-efficacy-5213947.  
  • Social Determinants of Health and Mental Health. Accessed April 17, 2024. https://www.ncsc.org/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/70864/Social-Determinants-of-Health.pdf.  
  • “Alcohol and Drug Abuse Statistics (Facts about Addiction).” American Addiction Centers, April 4, 2024. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/addiction-statistics#.  
  • “Data and Statistics on Children’s Mental Health.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 8, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/childrensmentalhealth/data.html.  

David Stewart

David Stewart

Dean, California School of Professional Psychology

David G. Stewart, PhD, ABPP, is a board-certified clinical child and adolescent psychologist and Dean of the California School of...

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Clinical Psychology Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page provides a comprehensive list of clinical psychology research paper topics , designed to support students navigating the complexities of mental health studies. Aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of psychological assessment, therapeutic methods, and the myriad issues faced by individuals with mental health disorders, these topics cover a broad spectrum of areas within clinical psychology. From exploring the efficacy of different therapeutic approaches to examining the impact of cultural and social factors on mental health, this list serves as a vital resource for students seeking to contribute meaningful research to the field. Whether you are interested in the latest trends in neuropsychology, the intricacies of forensic psychology, or the challenges of mental health in children and adolescents, these carefully selected topics offer a rich foundation for your academic inquiries and research endeavors.

100 Clinical Psychology Research Paper Topics

Clinical psychology plays a pivotal role in understanding, diagnosing, and treating mental health issues, standing at the forefront of efforts to improve psychological well-being and quality of life. This field combines rigorous academic research with practical therapeutic applications, making it essential for students to engage with a wide range of topics that reflect the diversity and complexity of human psychology. The topics listed here span foundational theories, cutting-edge therapeutic interventions, and the nuanced interplay between mental health and societal factors, offering students a comprehensive overview of the landscape of clinical psychology.

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  • The history and evolution of clinical psychology
  • Major theoretical approaches in clinical psychology
  • The role of clinical psychology in integrated healthcare
  • Ethics in clinical practice and research
  • The impact of technology on clinical psychology
  • Psychoanalytic theories and techniques
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: Foundations and evolutions
  • The scientist-practitioner model
  • Measurement and evaluation in clinical psychology
  • Training and professional development in clinical psychology
  • Psychological testing and assessment tools
  • Neuropsychological testing for cognitive disorders
  • Behavioral assessment strategies
  • The DSM-5 and diagnostic criteria
  • Cultural competence in psychological assessment
  • The role of functional assessments in clinical settings
  • Innovations in diagnostic methodologies
  • Assessing risk and protective factors
  • Personality assessment instruments
  • Challenges in diagnosing complex cases
  • Comparative effectiveness of psychotherapeutic techniques
  • Mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions
  • The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic therapies
  • Innovations in cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy dynamics and outcomes
  • Teletherapy and digital interventions
  • Integrative and holistic therapeutic models
  • The therapeutic alliance and outcome research
  • Psychotherapy for chronic illness
  • Ethical considerations in therapeutic practices
  • Advances in understanding and treating depression
  • Anxiety disorders: Phenomenology and treatment
  • Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
  • Personality disorders: Challenges and therapeutic strategies
  • Eating disorders: From etiology to recovery
  • Bipolar disorder across the lifespan
  • Substance use disorders and dual diagnoses
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder and trauma-informed care
  • Child and adolescent mental health disorders
  • The psychology of chronic pain and its management
  • Developmental psychopathology
  • Behavioral interventions in schools
  • Autism spectrum disorders: Diagnosis and intervention
  • Adolescent mental health and identity formation
  • Parent-child interactions and therapy outcomes
  • The impact of technology on youth mental health
  • Eating disorders in adolescents
  • Childhood anxiety and depression
  • ADHD: Contemporary approaches to assessment and treatment
  • The role of family therapy in treating childhood disorders
  • The brain-behavior relationship
  • Cognitive rehabilitation strategies
  • Neuroimaging techniques in clinical assessment
  • Neuropsychological impacts of neurological disorders
  • Aging and cognitive decline
  • Pediatric neuropsychology
  • Concussions and traumatic brain injury
  • The neuropsychology of emotion
  • Memory disorders and dementia
  • Psychopharmacology for neuropsychological disorders
  • The psychology of chronic illness management
  • Behavioral interventions for physical health
  • Psychoneuroimmunology: Stress and immunity
  • Health behavior change models and strategies
  • The role of psychology in pain management
  • Psychological aspects of cancer care
  • The impact of sleep on mental and physical health
  • Eating behaviors and nutrition psychology
  • The psychology of addiction and substance misuse
  • Mind-body interventions in health care
  • Psychological assessment in legal contexts
  • Competency and insanity evaluations
  • The psychology of criminal behavior
  • Treatment of offenders and risk assessment
  • Victimology and psychological impacts of crime
  • Eyewitness testimony and memory reliability
  • The role of psychology in law enforcement
  • Ethical dilemmas in forensic psychology
  • Child custody and family law
  • Psychological interventions in correctional settings
  • Cross-cultural psychology and mental health
  • The impact of socioeconomic status on mental health
  • Gender and sexuality issues in clinical psychology
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in mental health care
  • The psychology of immigration and acculturation
  • Indigenous mental health and healing practices
  • Stigma and mental illness
  • Community psychology and social change
  • The role of religion and spirituality in therapy
  • Cultural competence in therapeutic settings
  • The future of psychotherapy: Trends and predictions
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality in therapy
  • The use of artificial intelligence in mental health services
  • Digital phenotyping and mobile health
  • Genomics and personalized medicine in mental health
  • Ethical considerations in the use of technology
  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • Neurofeedback and biofeedback
  • E-mental health interventions and apps
  • Integrating technology into traditional therapeutic models

The depth and breadth of clinical psychology research paper topics reflect the field’s dynamic nature and its critical role in addressing mental health issues. These topics not only offer students a wealth of areas to explore but also the opportunity to contribute meaningful insights and advancements to the discipline. By delving into these diverse areas of clinical psychology, students can play a part in shaping the future of mental health treatment and understanding, enriching their academic journey and the field at large.

What is Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychology Research Paper Topics

Introduction to the Field of Clinical Psychology

Clinical psychology merges the science of psychology with the treatment of complex human problems, making it one of the most critical areas within the realm of psychological study and application. It encompasses a wide range of practices, including assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. Clinical psychologists employ various therapeutic approaches to treat individuals across the lifespan, dealing with everything from minor stress and life transitions to severe psychopathology.

Importance of Research in Advancing Clinical Practice and Understanding

The bedrock of clinical psychology lies in rigorous research. Research in this field serves multiple purposes: it enhances our understanding of the etiology and progression of mental disorders, evaluates the efficacy of therapeutic interventions, and tests new treatment approaches. Without research, clinical practice would lack the empirical basis necessary for effectively treating patients. Research ensures that clinical interventions are both safe and effective, thereby safeguarding the well-being of clients and advancing the field.

Exploration of Diverse Research Topics in Clinical Psychology

Research in clinical psychology is as diverse as the field itself, covering a wide array of topics that reflect the complexity of human behavior and mental health. These topics range from understanding the neurological underpinnings of mental disorders to exploring the effectiveness of new psychotherapeutic techniques. Research in this field also investigates the social, cultural, and environmental factors that influence mental health, thereby contributing to more holistic approaches to treatment and prevention. This diversity not only broadens the scope of clinical psychology but also ensures that the field remains responsive to the changing needs of society.

Recent Advancements and Innovations in Clinical Psychology Research

The field of clinical psychology has witnessed significant advancements and innovations, thanks in part to technological progress and a deeper understanding of psychological processes. Recent research has explored the potential of teletherapy, digital interventions, and mobile health applications, providing access to mental health services for individuals who might otherwise face barriers to treatment. Additionally, advances in neuroimaging and psychopharmacology have offered new insights into the biological aspects of mental disorders, leading to more targeted and effective treatments. These advancements underscore the dynamic nature of clinical psychology and its continuous evolution in response to scientific discoveries and societal changes.

Ethical Considerations in Clinical Psychology Research

Ethical considerations hold paramount importance in clinical psychology research, given the vulnerability of the populations often involved. Ethical guidelines ensure that research is conducted in a manner that respects the dignity, rights, and welfare of participants. This includes obtaining informed consent, ensuring confidentiality, and minimizing potential harm. Ethical research practices are crucial for maintaining trust between researchers and participants and for upholding the integrity of the field.

Future Directions for Research in Clinical Psychology

Looking ahead, the field of clinical psychology is poised to explore new frontiers that promise to further enhance our understanding of mental health and improve treatment outcomes. One area of future research may focus on personalized medicine, tailoring interventions to the unique genetic, biological, and environmental factors of each individual. Another promising area involves integrating clinical psychology more closely with other disciplines, such as neuroscience and public health, to develop more comprehensive and effective approaches to mental health care. Additionally, as society continues to evolve, ongoing research will be necessary to address the psychological impacts of emerging societal challenges.

The Impact of Research on the Evolution of Clinical Psychology Practices

The trajectory of clinical psychology is indelibly shaped by research. It is through the diligent efforts of researchers that the field continues to advance, offering new insights into the human psyche and more effective treatments for mental disorders. Research in clinical psychology not only enriches our understanding of mental health but also plays a critical role in shaping policies, therapeutic practices, and public perceptions of mental health issues. As we move forward, the continued emphasis on research will ensure that clinical psychology remains a vital force for good in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide, epitomizing the profound impact that research has on the evolution of clinical practices.

iResearchNet’s Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we recognize the unique challenges and complexities involved in crafting research papers within the field of clinical psychology. That’s why we offer specialized writing services tailored specifically for clinical psychology students and professionals. Our mission is to support your academic and research endeavors by providing custom, high-quality papers that reflect the latest advancements and ethical considerations in clinical psychology. Whether you’re exploring novel therapeutic interventions, dissecting complex case studies, or examining the societal impact of mental health issues, iResearchNet is your partner in navigating the intricacies of clinical psychology research.

  • Expert Writers with Advanced Degrees in Clinical Psychology : Our team consists of professionals who not only have advanced degrees in clinical psychology but also possess extensive research and writing experience in the field.
  • Custom Papers Crafted to Meet Individual Academic Requirements : We understand that each research project has unique requirements, and we tailor our services to meet your specific academic needs.
  • Comprehensive Research Incorporating the Latest Studies and Findings : Our writers stay abreast of current research trends and findings in clinical psychology to ensure your paper is informed by the latest insights.
  • Adherence to All Academic Formatting Guidelines : Whether you need your paper formatted in APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard style, our writers are experts in adhering to academic formatting guidelines.
  • Unwavering Commitment to Producing Top-Quality Work : Quality is at the heart of what we do. We’re committed to delivering papers that meet the highest standards of academic excellence.
  • Personalized Solutions for Each Research Topic : We offer customized writing solutions, ensuring that your paper is tailored to the specific requirements of your research topic.
  • Competitive Pricing Designed with Students in Mind : Our pricing model is designed to be affordable for students, balancing high-quality services with competitive pricing.
  • Capacity to Meet Even the Most Urgent Deadlines : We understand the pressures of academic deadlines and are equipped to handle urgent requests, ensuring timely completion of your project.
  • Assurance of On-Time Delivery for All Projects : Timeliness is crucial, and we guarantee the on-time delivery of your research paper, allowing you to submit your work with confidence.
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  • Money-Back Guarantee if Expectations Are Not Met : We stand by the quality of our work. If your paper does not meet your expectations, we offer a money-back guarantee.

At iResearchNet, our dedication to supporting students and professionals in their clinical psychology research endeavors is unwavering. We understand the critical importance of your academic and professional contributions to the field of clinical psychology. By providing high-quality, customized research papers, we aim to help you advance your academic journey and make meaningful contributions to the field. Choose iResearchNet for your clinical psychology research paper needs and experience the difference that professional, tailored writing services can make in achieving academic excellence.

Advance Your Academic Journey with Custom Research Papers!

Embark on a path of academic distinction in the field of clinical psychology with iResearchNet at your side. Our expert writing services are meticulously designed to cater to your unique research paper needs, empowering you to delve deeper into the complexities of mental health and therapeutic practices. Whether you’re tackling the intricacies of psychological assessments, exploring innovative therapeutic approaches, or analyzing the societal implications of mental health policies, our custom research papers are your gateway to academic excellence.

We invite you to take full advantage of the unparalleled support and expertise offered by iResearchNet. Our process is streamlined for your convenience, ensuring that ordering your custom research paper is as straightforward as possible. From the moment you reach out to us, you’ll experience the comprehensive support that sets us apart. Our team is dedicated to your success, offering personalized assistance every step of the way, from initial consultation to the final delivery of your project.

Don’t let the opportunity to elevate your academic and professional prospects pass you by. Choose iResearchNet for your clinical psychology research paper needs and step confidently into your future, armed with insights and knowledge that will distinguish your work in the field. Your journey towards academic and professional excellence in clinical psychology begins here, with iResearchNet’s commitment to providing you with top-quality, customized research papers.


research topics in clinical psychology


Exploring 200+ Psychology Topics to Research: Unlocking the Depths of the Mind

psychology topics to research

The world of psychology is as vast as the human mind itself. Delving into the intricate workings of the human psyche can be both fascinating. For students, academics, or anyone with a curious mind, choosing the right psychology topics to research is paramount. In this blog, we’ll navigate through the labyrinth of psychology topics, helping you find your way to a captivating and meaningful research endeavor.

How To Select Psychology Topics To Research?

Table of Contents

  • Follow Your Interests: Start with what you love. What aspects of human behavior or the mind fascinate you the most? It’s much easier to research something you’re passionate about.
  • Consider Relevance: Think about how your chosen topic fits into your academic or career goals. Does it relate to what you’re studying or the job you want? If it does, great!
  • Balance the Scope: Don’t pick a topic that’s too broad or too narrow. Find that sweet spot in the middle. You want a topic that’s focused enough to research effectively but not so narrow that there’s no existing information.
  • Explore Different Areas: Research the various branches of psychology, like cognitive, social, clinical, developmental, or biological psychology. See which one resonates with you the most.
  • Seek Advice: Talk to your professors, mentors, or peers. They can provide guidance and suggestions based on your interests and goals.
100+ Innovative For Students In 2023

200+ Popular Psychology Topics To Research: Category Wise

40+ cognitive psychology topics.

  • The role of working memory in problem-solving.
  • Cognitive effects of sleep deprivation.
  • Neural basis of attention and focus.
  • Influence of language on cognitive development.
  • Decision-making biases in economic behavior.
  • The psychology of learning and memory.
  • The impact of stress on cognitive performance.
  • Cognitive decline in aging populations.
  • Emotion and memory recall.
  • False memories and eyewitness testimony.
  • Cognitive processes in creativity.
  • Cognitive aspects of decision-making in healthcare.
  • The psychology of expertise and skill acquisition.
  • Cognitive factors in reading comprehension.
  • The role of schemas in information processing.
  • Cognitive development in infants.
  • Cognitive rehabilitation after brain injury.
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and executive functions.
  • Neural mechanisms of perception and visual attention.
  • The psychology of problem-solving in artificial intelligence.
  • Cognitive aspects of mathematical reasoning.
  • Neural plasticity and cognitive recovery.
  • Cognitive load and its impact on learning.
  • Memory consolidation during sleep.
  • Attentional disorders and their impact on cognitive functioning.
  • The influence of music on cognitive processes.
  • Cognitive development in bilingual individuals.
  • Cognitive aspects of decision-making in criminal behavior.
  • Neural correlates of cognitive control.
  • The psychology of cognitive biases in politics.
  • Cognitive effects of mindfulness meditation.
  • The part working memory plays in academic success.
  • Cognitive processes in language acquisition.
  • Cognitive factors in problem gambling behavior.
  • The psychology of cognitive development in children with autism.
  • Cognitive aspects of spatial navigation.
  • Memory distortions and the courtroom.
  • Neural basis of cognitive dissonance.
  • Cognitive aspects of social perception.
  • Cognitive rehabilitation in Alzheimer’s disease.

40+ Social Psychology Research Topics

  • The impact of social media on self-esteem.
  • Groupthink and decision-making.
  • Stereotype threat in academic settings.
  • Bystander effect in emergencies.
  • Cross-cultural perspectives on conformity.
  • Online dating and self-presentation.
  • The psychology of social influence.
  • The role of empathy in prosocial behavior.
  • Social identity and intergroup relations.
  • Aggression and video game exposure.
  • Prejudice and discrimination in modern society.
  • The influence of social norms on behavior.
  • Attitudes and attitude change.
  • Social support and mental health.
  • Obedience to authority figures.
  • Social comparison and self-concept.
  • The psychology of attraction and relationships.
  • The bystander intervention model.
  • Body image and social media.
  • Political polarization and social psychology.
  • The psychology of fake news and misinformation.
  • Emotional contagion and social interactions.
  • Stereotyping in the workplace.
  • Consequences of cyberbullying.
  • The impact of group dynamics on creativity.
  • Gender roles and socialization.
  • The role of humor in social interactions.
  • Social factors in decision-making and risk-taking.
  • Altruism and volunteerism.
  • The psychology of leadership and authority.
  • Social exclusion and its effects on individuals.
  • The relationship between religion and prosocial behavior.
  • Social influence in marketing and advertising.
  • Online activism and social change.
  • The psychology of online communities and forums.
  • Attachment styles and adult relationships.
  • Social perceptions of beauty and attractiveness.
  • Social isolation’s negative consequences on mental health.
  • The psychology of public speaking anxiety.
  • The role of forgiveness in interpersonal relationships.

40+ Clinical Psychology Research Topics

  • Effects of childhood trauma on mental health in adults.
  • Efficacy of virtual therapy for treating anxiety disorders.
  • Exploring the genetics of schizophrenia.
  • Effects of mindfulness meditation on depression.
  • Cultural factors in the diagnosis of eating disorders.
  • Examining the link between sleep disorders and mood disorders.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of group therapy for substance abuse.
  • The role of attachment in borderline personality disorder.
  • Investigating the stigma surrounding mental illness.
  • Treating PTSD in veterans through exposure therapy.
  • Neurobiological basis of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
  • Parent-child relationships and their impact on conduct disorder.
  • Gender differences in the prevalence of depression.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder.
  • Psychopharmacology and treatment-resistant depression.
  • The psychology of self-harm and self-injury.
  • Internet addiction and its connection to mental health.
  • Assessing the efficacy of art therapy for PTSD.
  • Personality disorders and their impact on interpersonal relationships.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in treating borderline personality disorder.
  • Factors contributing to the rise in adolescent depression.
  • Exploring the link between childhood abuse and dissociative identity disorder.
  • Cross-cultural perspectives on the diagnosis of ADHD.
  • The role of serotonin in mood disorders.
  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction in chronic pain management.
  • Impact of family dynamics on eating disorders in adolescents.
  • Examining the long-term effects of child neglect on adult mental health.
  • Psychosocial factors in the development of schizophrenia.
  • Gender dysphoria and psychological well-being.
  • The psychology of resilience in cancer patients.
  • Attachment styles and their influence on adult relationships.
  • Virtual reality exposure therapy for phobias.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of equine therapy for trauma survivors.
  • Autism spectrum disorders and early intervention.
  • Body image dissatisfaction and its link to eating disorders.
  • The psychological impact of chronic illness.
  • Cognitive rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury.
  • Sleep disorders in children and their impact on academic performance.
  • The role of social support in recovery from substance abuse.
  • Neuropsychological assessment in Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis.

40+ Developmental Psychology Research Topics

  • The impact of parental divorce on child development.
  • Adolescents’ self-identity and social media.
  • Long-term effects of early childhood attachment on adult relationships.
  • Gender identity development in children.
  • The influence of birth order on personality development.
  • The role of genetics in language development.
  • Autism spectrum disorder interventions for toddlers.
  • Adolescent peer pressure and substance abuse.
  • The impact of bullying on psychological development.
  • Sibling rivalry and its long-term effects.
  • Parenting styles and their influence on children’s behavior.
  • The development of moral reasoning in children.
  • Influence of cultural factors on child development.
  • Attachment theory and foster care outcomes.
  • The impact of technology on cognitive development in children.
  • Children’s understanding of death and grief.
  • Cognitive development in bilingual children.
  • The role of play in early childhood development.
  • Attachment disorders and interventions in adopted children.
  • The development of emotional intelligence in adolescents.
  • The impact of poverty on child development.
  • The relationship between nutrition and cognitive development.
  • Bullying prevention and intervention programs in schools.
  • The role of grandparents in child development.
  • Developmental aspects of sibling relationships.
  • Child prodigies and their psychological development.
  • Gender stereotypes and their influence on children’s aspirations.
  • The effects of early education on academic success.
  • Cognitive development in children with learning disabilities.
  • The impact of divorce on young adults’ romantic relationships.
  • Parent-child communication about sex education.
  • Adolescents’ body image and its influence on self-esteem.
  • Influence of peer relationships on early social development.
  • The role of extracurricular activities in adolescent development.
  • Long-term outcomes for children in same-sex parent families.
  • Cognitive development in children with ADHD.
  • The effects of early exposure to screens on cognitive development.
  • The role of attachment in adolescent mental health.
  • Identity development in multicultural children.

40+ Biological Psychology Research Topics

  • The neural basis of addiction and substance abuse.
  • The role of genetics in personality traits.
  • Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function.
  • Exploring the gut-brain connection and its impact on mental health.
  • Neural mechanisms of stress and its long-term effects.
  • The relationship between brain structure and intelligence.
  • The impact of exercise on brain health and cognition.
  • Neurobiological factors in eating disorders.
  • Neural pathways involved in fear and anxiety.
  • The influence of hormones on behavior and mood.
  • Neuroplasticity and its implications for recovery after brain injuries.
  • The biology of memory and amnesia.
  • Understanding the neurological basis of schizophrenia.
  • The role of neurotransmitters in depression.
  • The impact of aging on brain structure and function.
  • Neural mechanisms underlying aggression and violence.
  • Brain imaging techniques and their applications in research.
  • The effects of prenatal exposure to toxins on brain development.
  • Neurological aspects of autism spectrum disorders.
  • Brain changes associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • The genetics of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Neurobiology of consciousness and altered states of consciousness.
  • The role of the amygdala in emotional processing.
  • Neural mechanisms of sexual attraction and orientation.
  • The impact of nutrition on brain development and function.
  • Brain regions involved in decision-making and impulsivity.
  • Neurological factors in Tourette’s syndrome.
  • The biology of reward and motivation.
  • Neural correlates of empathy and social cognition.
  • Genetic predisposition to addiction.
  • The influence of hormones on maternal behavior.
  • The neurological basis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Adolescent brain development and the effects on behavior.
  • The prefrontal cortex’s function in executive tasks.
  • Linguistic disorders and language neuroscience.
  • Neuroinflammation’s effects on mental health.
  • Mechanisms in the brain that affect sensory perception.
  • Neurological and genetic influences on bipolar disorder.
  • The impact of persistent pain on brain development and function.
  • The endocannabinoid system’s function in controlling mood.

Research Methodology for Psychology Topics

Understanding various research methodologies is key to conducting a successful study. Whether you opt for experimental designs, surveys, case studies, or sophisticated data analysis, each method offers unique insights. Choose the methodology that aligns with your research questions and objectives, ensuring a robust and reliable study.

Resources for Psychology Research

In the digital age, a wealth of resources for psychology topics to research is at your fingertips. Utilize academic journals, databases, books, and online courses to enhance your understanding. 

Engage with professional organizations and attend conferences to stay updated with the latest research trends and network with fellow enthusiasts.

Tips for Successful Psychology Topics for Research

  • Choose a Fascinating Topic: Select a research topic that genuinely interests you. Your passion and curiosity will drive your motivation and engagement throughout the research process.
  • Narrow Your Focus: Refine your research question to ensure it’s specific and manageable. A focused question will lead to more meaningful and in-depth findings.
  • Conduct a Thorough Literature Review: Familiarize yourself with existing research in your chosen area. This helps you build on prior knowledge and identify gaps in the literature.
  • Hypothesize and Predict: Develop clear hypotheses and predictions for your study. This sets the direction for your research and provides a framework for data collection and analysis.
  • Choose the Right Research Method: Select the research method that best suits your research question, whether it’s experiments, surveys, interviews, or case studies.
  • Ethical Considerations: Prioritize ethical guidelines in your research, including obtaining informed consent, ensuring confidentiality, and avoiding harm to participants.
  • Sample Selection: Carefully choose your sample to make sure it’s representative of the population you’re studying. Consider factors like age, gender, and cultural diversity.
  • Data Collection: Collect data systematically and ensure its accuracy and reliability. Use well-established measurement tools when applicable.
  • Data Analysis: Employ appropriate statistical techniques to analyze your data. Make use of software like SPSS or R for thorough analysis.
  • Interpret Results Objectively: Avoid confirmation bias and interpret your results objectively, even if they don’t align with your initial hypotheses.
  • Discuss Limitations: Acknowledge the limitations of your study in your research paper. This demonstrates your awareness of potential weaknesses and strengthens your research’s credibility.
  • Contribute to the Field: Highlight the significance of your research and how it contributes to the broader field of psychology. What does it add to existing knowledge?
  • Write Clearly and Concisely: Communicate your findings in a clear, concise, and well-structured manner. Use APA or other relevant style guides for formatting.
  • Peer Review: Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or professors. Peer review can help identify blind spots and improve the quality of your work.
  • Stay Organized: Maintain detailed records of your research process, including notes, data, and references. Organization is key to successful research.
  • Time Management: Plan your research timeline carefully, allocating sufficient time for each stage, from literature review to data collection and analysis.
  • Persevere: Research often involves setbacks and challenges. Stay persistent, adapt when necessary, and remain dedicated to your research goals.
  • Publish and Share: Consider presenting your research at conferences and seek opportunities for publication in academic journals . Sharing your findings contributes to the advancement of the field.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest research trends and developments in psychology. Attend conferences and join professional organizations to stay connected with the academic community.
  • Collaborate: Don’t hesitate to collaborate with other researchers, as teamwork can lead to valuable insights and more significant research outcomes.

Choosing the psychology topics to research is akin to embarking on an adventure into the depths of the human mind. Each topic holds the potential to unravel mysteries, challenge assumptions, and make a meaningful impact on individuals and society. 

As you venture into this realm, remember that your curiosity and dedication are your greatest assets. Embrace the journey, learn from every step, and let your research contribute to the ever-expanding tapestry of psychological knowledge. Happy researching!

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research topics in clinical psychology

Research Topics & Ideas: Psychology

100+ Psychology Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Research

Research topics and ideas in psychology

If you’re starting out on the dissertation or thesis journey for your psychology degree, the very first challenge you’ll face is finding a solid research topic . In this post, we’ll help get the topic ideation process started by providing a meaty list of research ideas, spanning a range of psychology sub-disciplines. We’ll also look at some examples from actual theses and dissertations to give you an idea of what these look like in the real world.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps (which we’ll explain a little later). Therefore, it’s important to recognise that this post is only the first step in finding a high-quality psychology-centred research topic. To develop a research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this all sounds a bit intimidating, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course , which covers the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from A-Z. You can also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, have a look at our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Psychology-Related Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • Behavioural psychology
  • Clinical psychology
  • Cognitive psychology
  • Developmental psychology
  • Educational psychology
  • Forensic psychology
  • Social psychology
  • Sports psychology
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics
  • Free Webinar : Topic Ideation 101
  • Where to get extra help

How To Find A Research Topic

In the video below, we explain how to find suitable research ideas (in psychology or any field), and how to then refine those into well-articulated potential topics for your dissertation or thesis. We also discuss a few important evaluation criteria to help you make the right choice for your project.

Below you’ll find a list of research ideas to get your thinking started. Please note that these research topic ideas are intentionally broad and generic, so you will need to refine them a fair deal using the techniques we discussed in the video above.

We’ve grouped the topic ideas based on a few popular areas of psychology to make it a little easier for you to find something in your particular field of interest. That said, there is naturally some overlap between topics, so keep this in mind.

Research Ideas: Behavioural Psychology

  • Cultural variation in behaviour and mental health of adolescents during a disaster: a case study
  • The impact of parental drug use and risky behaviour on early child development
  • The effects of video game violence on aggressive behaviour among teenage boys in school
  • The relationship between adverse childhood experiences and adult risk-seeking behaviour
  • The impact of physical exercise on anxiety and health-harming behaviour
  • The relationship between personality traits and addiction behaviour
  • The effects of reinforcement schedules on decision-making and associative learning
  • The effects of daily mindfulness practice on stress and anxiety in middle-aged women
  • The use of behavioural interventions in the treatment of eating disorders in poorer communities
  • Understanding implicit cognitive processes involved in the over-consumption of fast food
  • The use of cognitive behavioural therapy for alcohol addiction treatment
  • The impact of extensive technology use in children on long-term attention and focus
  • The impact of social media on self-destructive behaviour and poor mental health outcomes
  • Exploring the role of sleep and sleep deprivation on healthy behaviours

Research Topic Mega List

Research Ideas: Clinical Psychology

  • The use of mindfulness-based approaches in the treatment of anxiety disorders among college students
  • The use of technology in the delivery of psychological services in war-torn countries
  • The effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder
  • The use of virtual reality technology in the treatment of phobias and PTSD among war veterans
  • The role of childhood adversity on adult mental health in immigrant populations in the USA
  • The role of genetics and epigenetics in the development of bipolar disorder in Pakistani women: an integrative review
  • The effectiveness of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of social anxiety among hikikomori in Japan
  • The perception of healthcare workers and patients on the use of teletherapy for the delivery of psychological services
  • The impact of social support on mental health outcomes among single parents.
  • The effectiveness of integrative therapeutic approaches in the treatment of schizophrenia
  • The effectiveness of trauma-focused therapies on post-traumatic growth in domestic abuse survivors
  • The role and use of cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression among first-generation students
  • The effectiveness of family therapy in addressing childhood trauma and depression
  • The impact of cultural mistrust on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues in culturally-diverse populations
  • The effectiveness of group therapy on post-traumatic stress symptoms among survivors of sexual assault

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Research Ideas: Cognitive Psychology

  • The impact of lifelong aerobic exercise on cognitive function in old age
  • The effects of evening screen use on cognitive development in preschool children
  • The impact of sleep deprivation on decision-making among graduate students
  • The use of neuroimaging to understand the neural basis of memory retrieval
  • The effect of conservative religious homes on social functioning in LGBT+ adolescents
  • The role of positive emotions in working memory among high school learners
  • The neural basis of decision-making and problem-solving during undergraduate statistic assessments
  • The neural basis of language processing among adults learning English as a second language
  • The role of technological tools in improving working memory in older adults
  • The role of attention in emotional face processing among adult males
  • The impact of depression on cognitive function during ageing The impact of daily meditation and mindfulness practice on cognitive function
  • The relationship between increased protein intake and improved cognitive function
  • The effects of stress on cognitive function among final-year learners

Research topic evaluator

Research Ideas: Developmental Psychology

  • The impact of maternal affection on cognitive, social, and emotional development
  • The effects of parenting styles on children’s executive function
  • The impact of late-night screen use on child development
  • The role of digital play on child development outcomes
  • Exploring the impact of poverty on early child development in Brazil
  • The trauma-informed care as moderating the impact of trauma on child development
  • Evaluating the relationship between peer relationship quality and child social development
  • The impact of child-targeted media and advertising on child behavioural development
  • The role of parental attachment in child resilience
  • The moderating impact of culture on bullying and child social development
  • The impact of single-parenting on child development in India
  • The impact of early educational interventions on child socio-emotional development
  • The impact of digital technology use on adolescent development and mental health
  • The impact of socioeconomic status on child executive function
  • The role of genetics and epigenetics on child neurodevelopmental outcomes linked to depression

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research topics in clinical psychology

Research Ideas: Educational Psychology

  • The relationship between self-regulated learning and academic performance in asynchronous versus synchronous learning environments
  • Exploring effective parental involvement strategies and their impact on student achievement
  • The role of intrinsic motivation in formative assessment in the classroom
  • The impact of classroom management and practice on student learning and behaviour
  • University students’ preference regarding online learning environments
  • The effects of gentrification on student achievement in traditionally poor neighbourhoods
  • The impact of teacher expectations and academic self-concept on K12 student mathematics performance
  • The use and effectiveness of game-based learning in a high school biology classroom
  • The impact of prejudice on the relationship between student motivation and academic performance among Black university students
  • The impact of culture on second language English student learning preferences
  • The effects of student self-efficacy and engagement on academic performance in secondary school mathematics
  • The role of metacognition in learning musicality in hip hop
  • The role of small group instruction on teacher efficacy and stress in early childhood education
  • The perception and use of multimedia among high school biology teachers in France
  • The use of augmented reality applications and its impact on student learning, motivation and attitude

Research Ideas: Forensic Psychology

  • The impact of trauma on the psychological functioning of police officers and first responders
  • Understanding cultural considerations during forensic psychological assessment and treatment of trauma
  • Ethical considerations of the use of AI in forensic psychology in the legal system
  • The psychological factors related to recidivism among white collar female offenders in the USA
  • The psychological factors related to false confessions among juveniles
  • Understanding the use of psychological assessment in the evaluation of eyewitness testimony in criminal courts in England
  • The impact of trauma on the reflective functioning of adult female sexual assault victims
  • The use and effectiveness of psychological interventions in reducing recidivism among non-violent criminals
  • The impact of domestic violence on the mental health and forensic evaluation of men
  • Exploring the ethical considerations and use of behavioural analysis in the study of criminal behaviour
  • The use and limitations of neuropsychological assessment in forensic evaluations
  • The use of social media forensics in evaluating criminal behaviour in violent crimes
  • The racialised use of psychological assessment in the evaluation of competency to stand trial in Canada
  • Exploring the use and availability of virtual reality technologies in forensic psychology in Spain
  • The impact of motivational interviewing-based interventions among criminalized drug users

Research Ideas: Social Psychology

  • The impact of prejudice and discrimination on social behaviour among African immigrants in South Africa
  • The impact of social networks on behaviour and well-being among young adult females
  • The effects of social identity on non-conformity in University students
  • The effects of group dynamics on risk-seeking behaviour in adult men
  • The impact of social media on the quality of interpersonal relationships among high school learners
  • The impact of parental emotional intelligence on pro-social behaviour in children and adolescents
  • The effects of conformity and deviance on social attitudes and behaviour during a global recession
  • The effects of Tik Tok on social comparison and self-esteem among teenage girls
  • Understanding gendered differences in social influence and algorithms on impulsive decision-making
  • The effects of social support on mental health among healthcare workers in the UK
  • The effects of gender roles on social behaviour among trans teens
  • The impact of perceived power and social status on the behaviour of social media influencers
  • The impact of social norms on prosocial behaviour among women
  • The effects of community participation on aggression and violence in middle-aged men
  • The impact of culture and gender on social behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic

Research Ideas: Sports Psychology

  • The moderating role of cultural factors on the relationship between mental health and sports performance in team sports
  • The role of mindfulness practice in addressing stress and anxiety in young national athletes
  • The relationship between team cohesion and performance in cricket teams
  • The effect of transformational leadership on female sports teams in Canada
  • The effect of positive self-talk on athletic performance and motivation among Olympic athletes
  • The use and perception of hypnosis in New Zealand team sports Understanding stress and burnout in University team athletes
  • The efficacy of personalised nutrition and diet on athletic performance among sprinters
  • Exploring mental preparation techniques and their effect on athletic motivation and resilience among team-sport athletes
  • Exploring the perception and understanding of goal-setting characteristics on athletic performance among team coaches
  • The effects of motivational feedback on the performance of female gymnasts
  • The perception and use of visualization and imagery among coaches as a means to enhance sport performance
  • The impact of sports injuries on mental health and recovery in high school athletes
  • The moderating role of sleep on mental toughness and sports performance in Olympic athletes
  • The use and perception of technology in sports training and performance in little league softball

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Psychology-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in psychology, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various psychology degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Effects of a Patient Question Prompt List on Outpatient Palliative Care Appointments (McDarby, 2022)
  • The role of affect and exercise goals in physical activity engagement in younger and older adults (Stojanovic, 2022)
  • Lay Theories about Whether Emotion Helps or Hinders Reasoning and Well-being (Karnaze, 2022)
  • The effects of blast-induced traumatic brain injury on two transgenic models of Alzheimer’s Disease (Gann, 2020)
  • Understanding the parental mind: Examining the stability of parental reflective functioning across the birth of a child and associations with maternal mind-mindedness (Pitzen, 2021)
  • An investigation of ineffective ally behaviours (Collier, 2019)
  • Response Inhibition-Related Beta Power: Distinguishing Cognitively Intact Elders by Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease (Evans, 2021)
  • Recognition Memory of Extremely High-Frequency Words (Miller, 2019)
  • The Relationship between Dementia Caregiver Burden and Caregiver Communications in a Memory Clinic Setting (Martin, 2021)
  • Examination of Maternal Versus Paternal Ratings of Child Pre-Injury Functioning in Predicting Child Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms (Sayer, 2021)
  • Electromyography As A Means of Predicting The Rubber Hand Illusion (Teaford, 2021)
  • Linking Diversity Climate and Feedback Seeking Through Interpersonal Processes and Race Effects (Flores, 2021)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are far more specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Topic Ideation

Still unsure about how to find the right topic for your research project? Check out our private coaching services , where we work with psychology students on a 1:1 basis to help them find the perfect topic.


Mariam Nakamanya

Great insight

Tom Byaruhanga

A very interesting site that offers a variety of options regarding research topics.

Derek Jansen

You’re most welcome

Aiman Kanwal

A good platform to get information

Chiemerie Lucy Okolo

Amazing and interesting options 👌

Mahwish Haris Awan

Very useful but had not any field of research in health psychology


I feel honored going through this lovely stuff put together. Thank you so much

Olaniyan Olatunbosun

I need counseling psychology research topics

Pooja Singh

Thank you this is the good information for research topic and help us my research topic

Fiso Ncube

very empowering and insightful presentations. Can I be assisted in crafting a school psychology-related research topic about African context

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research topics in clinical psychology

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Clinical Psychological Science

Clinical Psychological Science  publishes advances in clinical science and provides a venue for cutting-edge research across a wide range of conceptual views, approaches, and topics. This bimonthly journal encompasses many core domains that have defined clinical psychology, but also boundary-crossing advances that integrate and make contact with diverse disciplines and that may not easily be found in traditional clinical psychology journals. Among the key topics are research on the underlying mechanisms and etiologies of psychological health and dysfunction; basic and applied work on the diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and prevention of mental illness; service delivery; and promotion of well-being. Articles are published OnlineFirst before they are assigned to an issue. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) .

Read Editor Jennifer Tackett’s interview in the Observer .

Read about Clinical Psychological Science ‘s updates related to transparency and open practices .

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Jennifer Tackett
Print: 2167-7026
Online: 2167-7034
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Featured research from clinical psychological science.

research topics in clinical psychology

New Research From Clinical Psychological Science

A sample of research on personality pathology and momentary stress processes, stereotypes and OCD-symptom presentations, threat appraisal and pediatric anxiety, and much more.

Thumbnail Image for APS Editorial Fellows to Help Build a Pipeline of Diverse Editors 

APS Editorial Fellows to Help Build a Pipeline of Diverse Editors 

Meet the six psychological scientists representing different cultures and nationalities who have been named inaugural APS Editorial Fellows.

A sample of research on the role of shame in the sexual-orientation disparity in mental health, moving toward anti-racism, profiles of risk in low-income children, and much more.

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Clinical Psychology Research

clinical psychology research

Clinical psychology research is as important to the nation’s health and well being as medical research. In the same way that medical scientists work to understand the prevention, genesis, and spread of various genetic and infectious diseases, scientists conduct rigorous psychological research studies to understand, prevent, and treat the human condition as it applies psychologically to individuals, couples, families, cultures, and diverse communities.

Empirical results gathered from psychological research studies guide practitioners in developing effective interventions and techniques that clinical psychologists employ – proven, reliable results that improve lives, mend troubled relationships, manage addictions, and help manage and treat a variety of other mental health issues. Clinical psychology by definition marries science with practical knowledge, integrates the two, and produces a field that encourages a robust, ongoing process of scientific discovery and clinical application.

Trained at how to evaluate this large body of research, clinical psychology students continue to make significant professional contributions to the field even after graduation, staying current and up-to-date with psychological research taking place at universities and research labs across the world. Some decide to stay in research, investigating new ways to understand the human mind, and developing solutions to enrich the lives of all others.

Research in the area of clinical psychology is vast, containing hundreds if not thousands of topics. However, most of these research studies generally fall within one of three main areas integral to clinical psychology:

A large part of a clinical psychologist’s job, and therefore clinical psychology research, involves assessment – or developing valid and reliable tests. Assessments take the form of written tests, such as intelligence and achievement tests, vocational tests, and other tests designed to measure aptitude and skill levels for specific jobs, careers, interests, and personality types.

Clinical psychologists also interview individuals, review their medical records, and conduct clinical observations as part of the assessment process. A comprehensive assessment approach ensures that psychologists apply the most effective and appropriate psychological treatments and interventions.

In addition, assessment research in clinical psychology also involves developing valid and reliable ways to measure the outcome of specific treatments and interventions. Michael C. Roberts and Stephen S. Hardi state in their article, “Research Methodology and Clinical Psychology: An Overview,” that improvements in therapy and psychotherapeutic effects rest on targeted research informed by scientific methodologies.

“Measurement of treatment procedures, treatment integrity, behavioral changes, functional performance, objective measurements, perceptions of change, and satisfaction from a variety of sources, follow-up assessment, etc., are needed to establish the ‘scientific credentials’ of each therapeutic approach,” Roberts and Hardi state.

They also stress the importance of robust research assessments to measure the costs and benefits associated with psychotherapeutic outcomes and prevention interventions.

After gathering assessment data, psychologists consult the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-R), which lists criteria and standardized definitions for mental illnesses and conditions. Categories of symptoms differentiate one mental illness from another, and the usual course of each illness.

Beyond the DSM-IV-R, however, research in the area of diagnosing mental health problems remains one of the most exciting research areas in the field today – thanks to rapid advances in technology. Numerous brain imaging techniques that map brain structure and function now give researchers “images” of both normal and abnormal brain functioning. Scientists are using computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) to come up with greater precision and accuracy in diagnosing various mental illnesses.


The number of psychotherapies – a set of procedures or techniques that evaluate psychological problems, and come up with alternative ways of thinking, behaving, or feeling – has exploded in popularity since the middle of the last century. Most psychotherapies fall within one of the four main psychotherapeutic frameworks:

What is Psychodynamic Therapy?

Psychodynamic therapy explores an individual’s unconscious, seeking reasons or explanations for the individual’s current behavior. This therapy, also called insight-oriented therapy, attempts to bring underlying factors grounded in early life to the individual’s attention, increasing self-awareness and self-understanding.

Psychodynamic therapy stems from Sigmund Freud’s focus on psychoanalysis, making it the oldest form of psychotherapy. As a result, a large body of research exists to either support or refute the effectiveness of this approach.

Because the results of psychoanalysis research are harder to measure than behavioral-oriented therapies, research methodologies and outcomes of treatment have been questioned – especially those of the earliest studies. Psychodynamic therapy requires long-term treatment, sometimes a year or more, also complicating the research process. However, researchers today apply the most rigorous scientific processes, including meta-analysis studies completed over a number of years, to study of efficacy of psychodynamic practice and techniques, and many studies report significant positive outcomes.

In 2008, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) used a meta-analysis process to examine studies published between January 1, 1960, and May 31, 2008, identifying the possible effects of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. JAMA reported positive outcomes – especially for those with complex mental disorders, such as patients with personality disorders, chronic mental disorders, multiple mental disorders, and complex depressive and anxiety disorders .

Current Sample Topics in Research Psychodynamic Therapy Include:

  • Psychodynamic therapy with addicted individuals.
  • Childhood neurosis and adult mental health.
  • Dreams and emotions in situations of childhood abuse.
  • Psychodynamic psychology and sexuality.
  • Structure and function of the psyche.
  • Psychoanalytic play therapy.
  • Psychic suffering.
  • The practice and art of psychotherapeutic dialogue.
  • Treating schizophrenia with psychodynamic therapies.
  • Individuation and wholeness.
  • Psychodynamic psychology and human development.
  • Transference and psychodynamic psychology.

What is Humanistic Therapy?

According to the Association of Humanistic Psychology (AHP) , humanistic psychology today emphasizes “the independent dignity and worth of human beings and their conscious capacity to develop personal competence and self respect. This value orientation has led to the development of therapies to facilitate personal and interpersonal skills, and to enhance the quality of life.”

Humanistic therapy, founded by psychologist Carl Rogers, grew out of a reaction to psychoanalysis and behaviorism, two schools of thought that Rogers considered too “pessimistic.” Through psychoanalysis, Freud dwelled on unconscious motivators for behavior, while behaviorism, which followed developments in psychoanalysis, attributed behaviors to learned conditioning processes.

Instead, Rogers believed in downplays the pathological dimensions to an individual’s life, and alternatively, focusing on healthy aspects or behaviors. Rogers emphasized human potential, inherent goodness, the ability to self-direct by making choices; his form of psychotherapy came to be known as client-centered therapy. Self-actualization and developing a strong “sense of self” became the groundwork for this psychological framework and area of research.

AHP also acknowledges that negative and destructive forces in society can affect the mind, causing harm and dysfunction. Therefore, many humanistic psychologists also stress the importance of social change, modifying institutions and organizations to support human development, and acknowledging and building connectedness throughout a globally interdependent world.

Research, therefore, in humanistic psychology focuses not only on finding appropriate interventions toward helping individuals find their purpose and meaning in life, but also on peace and social justice issues within communities, nations, and the world. Transpersonal and quantum psychology, metaphysics, politics, economics, neuroconsciousness, and the environment are examples of topics explored in humanistic psychology research.

Some of the Current Research Topics in Humanistic Therapy and Theory:

  • Feminism and psychology.
  • Issues of Identity.
  • The self and authenticity.
  • The connection between people, the environment and spirituality.
  • The psychology of climate change.
  • Diet: physiological, psychological, and spiritual growth.
  • Creative, empathetic, and critical thinking with self-reflection.
  • Finding meaning in one’s work and career.
  • Finding meaning in suffering.
  • The psychology of creativity.
  • Community-building.
  • Evolving consciousness.
  • Spirituality and personal growth.
  • Existential psychotherapy.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

As the name implies, this therapy addresses both cognition – thoughts, feelings, emotions – and behaviors, attempting to change dysfunctional ways of thinking or misguided thought patterns that often lead to dysfunctional and sometimes harmful behaviors.

The therapy focuses on the present, current thought patterns, identifying distortions, and applying interventions that specifically target those errant thoughts. These interventions and techniques are problem-solving solutions, first guiding individuals in how to evaluate and modify beliefs, and then, how to change correspondingly unhealthy behaviors and interactions. Metaphorically, CBT interventions resemble a step-by-step “how-to” manual, giving instructions, and then empowering the individual to follow the steps, observe how they feel, and report back to the therapist the successes or challenges encountered. Typically, this type of therapy is short-term and goal-oriented, with occasional “checkups” to gauge progress and help in correcting any missteps.

CBT is “evidence-based” therapy, meaning that psychologists seek interventions that have been proven empirically through rigorously controlled experiments. The National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists bases its definition of evidence-based therapy on the following explanation by Aldo R. Pucci, MA, DCBT:

  • an approach to therapy that emphasizes the pursuit of evidence on which to base its theory and techniques, as well as encourages its patients or clients to consider evidence before taking action; or
  • an approach to therapy is supported by research findings, and those findings provide evidence that it is effective.

Because cognitive behavioral therapists base their applications on evidence-based research, the amount of CBT research surpasses the amount of psychotherapeutic research in nearly all other areas.

Some of the Popular Research Topics that CBT Addresses:

  • Controlling chronic pain
  • Treating anxiety and panic disorders
  • CBT techniques for criminal offenders
  • Using CBT for substance abuse and addiction disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Trauma from abusive relationships and situations
  • Seasonal Affect Disorder
  • Agoraphobia

**In addition, CBT research often addresses the management and treatment of a number of medical conditions through cognitive behavioral therapies and interventions, including: side effects of cancer; sickle cell; disease pain; irritable-bowel syndrome; obesity; asthma; rheumatic disease pain; temporomandibular disorder; erectile dysfunction; infertility; chronic fatigue syndrome; pre-menstrual syndrome.

What is Family Systems Therapy or Family Therapy?

Family systems therapy is psychotherapy that treats families, couples, and close-knit groups of people or extended families, as a system. This means that the psychologist treats the family, couple, or group as a unit, which scientists believe function as one organism or system, operating with a distinct set of communication and interaction patterns, and internal rules – all directly affecting behaviors. Rather than focus on the dysfunction or problems of one individual, the entire system receives therapy.

Over the past 20 years, this form of psychotherapy that began with a focus on the traditional family unit has expanded to include therapy for all types of familial relationships, including gay and lesbian couples and families, extended families related through divorce and re-marriage, and other groups that resemble family systems, such as church or religious groups.

For this reason, researchers of family systems theory and therapy have experienced an exponential growth in the number of topics and issues for study and investigation.

Family systems research projects fall within the following categories:

  • School and learning difficulties
  • Adjustments to bereavement
  • Adjustments to geographical location
  • Adjustment to physical or mental illness or disability
  • Marital or relationship problems
  • Divorce issues
  • Substance abuse and behavioral disorders
  • Nutritional, physiological and health issues

Within each research category, researchers study specific issues, issues that often cross into other categories as well. Below are some additional research topics studied today in family systems therapy

Eating Disorders Research:

  • Is family therapy or individual therapy most effective for treating adolescent anorexia nervosa?
  • Does dysfunctional family communication and relationship patterns cause eating disorders? Or does the stress associated with raising a child with an eating disorder cause dysfunctional family problems?
  • What is the impact of eating disorders on families?
  • How do family dynamics affect individuals with eating disorders?
  • How does the mother-infant relationship affect future eating disorders?
  • How does the Maudsley Method of treating eating disorders work compared to other more traditional forms of family systems therapy? (Maudsley takes a behavioral approach of giving all family members responsibility of ensuring that the suffering individual eats, finishes each meal, and receives incentives and rewards for eating.)

School and Learning Research:

  • How do learning disabilities of one family member affect the entire family? Parents? Other siblings? And how the family functions?
  • Should the assessment and treatment of a person with ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ) occur in the context of an individual’s family system?
  • What are effective family therapies for childhood behavioral disorders?
  • What are the psychological effects on parents and families of autistic children?

Adjustments to Bereavement Research:

  • What are the needs of bereaved families?
  • What are the long-term effects of a child’s death on a family?
  • How do social/cultural influences affect how families cope with the loss of a family member?
  • How does disenfranchised grief affect families? (Disenfranchised grief is grief not acknowledged by society, such as loss of a pet, an aborted or miscarried pregnancy, the loss of a child to adoption, the death of a celebrity, or a fictional character.)

Adjustments to Geographical Location Research:

  • Re-location effects on military children and spouses.
  • Re-location effects on civilian children: social, behavioral and cognitive development.
  • Immigration and family emotional process.

Marital or Relationship Research:

  • Does emotion-focused couples therapy work and facilitate forgiveness?
  • Does a couple-based approach work to reduce the effects of post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)?
  • How can couples restore emotional intimacy and passion?
  • What are the most effective interventions for aiding better communication between couples?
  • The interplay between healthy relationships and reproduction.
  • Genetics, physiology and relationships

Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorders Research:

  • How does family structure and functioning affect drug abusers?
  • How does drug abuse by a family member affect siblings/parents/family functioning?
  • What is the importance of parent-child relationships on preventing drug use and abuse?

Adjustment to Physical and Mental Illness or Disability Research:

  • Family involvement in the treatment of mentally ill relatives.
  • Multimedia interventions for families where one or more members suffer with a genetic disease.
  • What are the effects of family network support and mental health recovery?
  • Family functioning and depression in low-income Latino families and couples.
  • Implications of violence and abuse on the family.
  • The effect of AIDS on the family.

Nutritional, Physiological and Health Research:

  • Cancer prevention for families.
  • Family functioning and the effects of obesity.

Divorce Research:

  • Does therapeutic divorce mediation work? (Divorce mediation is a therapeutic intervention for helping highly conflicted parents resolve disputes about their children.)
  • What are the effects of divorce on young children, adolescents, and young adults?
  • Reconciliation issues after divorce.
  • Inter-parental conflict and its effects on children of divorce.
  • How to establish healthy co-parenting roles.

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Clinical Psychology Dissertation Topics

Published by Owen Ingram at January 3rd, 2023 , Revised On August 11, 2023

Clinical psychology is a highly popular area of research for Masters and PhD nursing students. A well-thought-out and appropriate clinical psychology dissertation topic will address trending issues in the field of clinical psychology. You can develop a clinical psychology dissertation topic or idea by addressing a certain clinical experience.

If you are a nursing student looking for an intriguing topic in clinical psychology, you will find all the necessary information on this page. So without further ado, here is our selection of clinical psychology dissertation topics that you can choose from.

Related Links:

  • Cognitive psychology dissertationtopics
  • Educational psychology dissertation topics
  • Counselling psychology dissertation topics
  • Forensic-psychology-dissertation-topics
  • Social Psychology Dissertation Topics
  • Criminal Psychology Dissertation Ideas
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  • Consumer Psychology Dissertation Ideas
  • How to Identify and Differentiate Treatment-Resistant Depression?
  • Understanding the Reasons People Join the Military
  • Comprehensive Treatment for Postpartum Mood Disorders
  • Using a Meaning-Making Process to Cope with Death
  • What Kind of Relationship Do Teenagers Have with Video Games?
  • Depression vs ADHD in Young Children
  • Severe and Chronic Mental Illness and Life Quality
  • Analyze the views of cancer patients suffering from advanced stages and their partners
  • What therapy is available to treat panic attacks and anxiety disorders?
  • What treatments and medications work best to treat addiction?
  • Describe the many medical approaches to treating insomnia
  • Analyze the efficacy of antidepressant medications in therapeutic interventions
  • Describe the most successful depression treatments
  • How does post-traumatic stress disorder develop?
  • Antidepressants: are they addictive? Describe their efficacy and any possible negative effects
  • Is behavioural therapy the ideal kind of care for offenders?
  • How could psychology be used to treat persistent pain?
  • What clinical and demographic factors cause individuals with obsessions and compulsions to have poor insight?
  • The educational process for clinical psychologists who sought out personal therapy: a narrative assessment
  • Dialysis patients’ psycho-social adjustment to their cases of renal failure and the resulting treatment
  • Within a bio-psycho-social paradigm of a psychosis episode, the experiences connected to the psycho-social formulation
  • The experiences and how they relate to eating habits in maturity
  • A cognitive paradigm for assessing major depressive disorder
  • The difficulties in communicating sexual dysfunction symptoms after a heart injury
  • What are the main causes of adult anorexia?
  • Examine major depressive disorder (MDD) in the context of cognitive theory
  • Describe the communication obstacles caused by sexual dysfunction after cardiac trauma
  • What relationship exists between adult eating habits and experiences?
  • Investigate the idea of body image and identity in people who have had a heart or lung transplant
  • Describe the clinical and demographic characteristics that predict insight in people with compulsions and obsessions
  • Define schizophrenia and list possible treatments
  • What drugs and therapies can be used to treat phobias and paranoia?

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Something is mesmerising about the human mind. By writing clinical psychology-based dissertation papers, students can engage in formally conducting research on a variety of topics, including intellect, personality, addiction, relationship dynamics, and so on. Use these clinical psychology dissertation topics to start your academic research now!

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How to find clinical psychology dissertation topics.

To find Clinical Psychology dissertation topics:

  • Study recent research in the field.
  • Focus on emerging therapies or disorders.
  • Address gaps in current literature.
  • Consider ethical and practical aspects.
  • Explore diverse populations or age groups.
  • Seek topics aligning with your passion and expertise.

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80 fascinating psychology research questions for your next project

Last updated

15 February 2024

Reviewed by

Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L

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Psychology research is essential for furthering our understanding of human behavior and improving the diagnosis and treatment of psychological conditions.

When psychologists know more about how different social and cultural factors influence how humans act, think, and feel, they can recommend improvements to practices in areas such as education, sport, healthcare, and law enforcement.

Below, you will find 80 research question examples across 16 branches of psychology. First, though, let’s look at some tips to help you select a suitable research topic.

  • How to choose a good psychology research topic

Psychology has many branches that break down further into topics. Choosing a topic for your psychology research paper can be daunting because there are so many to choose from. It’s an important choice, as the topic you select will open up a range of questions to explore.

The tips below can help you find a psychology research topic that suits your skills and interests.

Tip #1: Select a topic that interests you

Passion and interest should fuel every research project. A topic that fascinates you will most likely interest others as well. Think about the questions you and others might have and decide on the issues that matter most. Draw on your own interests, but also keep your research topical and relevant to others.

Don’t limit yourself to a topic that you already know about. Instead, choose one that will make you want to know more and dig deeper. This will keep you motivated and excited about your research.

Tip #2: Choose a topic with a manageable scope

If your topic is too broad, you can get overwhelmed by the amount of information available and have trouble maintaining focus. On the other hand, you may find it difficult to find enough information if you choose a topic that is too narrow.

To determine if the topic is too broad or too narrow, start researching as early as possible. If you find there’s an overwhelming amount of research material, you’ll probably need to narrow the topic down. For example, instead of researching the general population, it might be easier to focus on a specific age group. Ask yourself what area of the general topic interests you most and focus on that.

If your scope is too narrow, try to generalize or focus on a larger related topic. Expand your search criteria or select additional databases for information. Consider if the topic is too new to have much information published on it as well.

Tip #3: Select a topic that will produce useful and relevant insights

Doing some preliminary research will reveal any existing research on the topic. If there is existing research, will you be able to produce new insights? You might need to focus on a different area or see if the existing research has limitations that you can overcome.

Bear in mind that finding new information from which to draw fresh insights may be impossible if your topic has been over-researched.

You’ll also need to consider whether your topic is relevant to current trends and needs. For example, researching psychology topics related to social media use may be highly relevant today.

  • 80 psychology research topics and questions

Psychology is a broad subject with many branches and potential areas of study. Here are some of them:







Controversial topics

Below we offer some suggestions on research topics and questions that can get you started. Keep in mind that these are not all-inclusive but should be personalized to fit the theme of your paper.

Social psychology research topics and questions

Social psychology has roots as far back as the 18th century. In simple terms, it’s the study of how behavior is influenced by the presence and behavior of others. It is the science of finding out who we are, who we think we are, and how our perceptions affect ourselves and others. It looks at personalities, relationships, and group behavior.

Here are some potential research questions and paper titles for this topic:

How does social media use impact perceptions of body image in male adolescents?

2. Is childhood bullying a risk factor for social anxiety in adults?

Is homophobia in individuals caused by genetic or environmental factors?

What is the most important psychological predictor of a person’s willingness to donate to charity?

Does a person’s height impact how other people perceive them? If so, how?

Cognitive psychology research questions

Cognitive psychology is the branch that focuses on the interactions of thinking, emotion, creativity, and problem-solving. It also explores the reasons humans think the way they do.

This topic involves exploring how people think by measuring intelligence, thoughts, and cognition. 

Here are some research question ideas:

6. Is there a link between chronic stress and memory function?

7. Can certain kinds of music trigger memories in people with memory loss?

8. Do remote meetings impact the efficacy of team decision-making?

9. Do word games and puzzles slow cognitive decline in adults over the age of 80?

10. Does watching television impact a child’s reading ability?

Developmental psychology research questions

Developmental psychology is the study of how humans grow and change over their lifespan. It usually focuses on the social, emotional, and physical development of babies and children, though it can apply to people of all ages. Developmental psychology is important for understanding how we learn, mature, and adapt to changes.

Here are some questions that might inspire your research:

11. Does grief accelerate the aging process?

12. How do parent–child attachment patterns influence the development of emotion regulation in teenagers?

13. Does bilingualism affect cognitive decline in adults over the age of 70?

14. How does the transition to adulthood impact decision-making abilities

15. How does early exposure to music impact mental health and well-being in school-aged children?

Personality psychology research questions

Personality psychology studies personalities, how they develop, their structures, and the processes that define them. It looks at intelligence, disposition, moral beliefs, thoughts, and reactions.

The goal of this branch of psychology is to scientifically interpret the way personality patterns manifest into an individual’s behaviors. Here are some example research questions:

16. Nature vs. nurture: Which impacts personality development the most?

17. The role of genetics on personality: Does an adopted child take on their biological parents’ personality traits?

18. How do personality traits influence leadership styles and effectiveness in organizational settings?

19. Is there a relationship between an individual’s personality and mental health?

20. Can a chronic illness affect your personality?

Abnormal psychology research questions

As the name suggests, abnormal psychology is a branch that focuses on abnormal behavior and psychopathology (the scientific study of mental illness or disorders).

Abnormal behavior can be challenging to define. Who decides what is “normal”? As such, psychologists in this area focus on the level of distress that certain behaviors may cause, although this typically involves studying mental health conditions such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and phobias.

Here are some questions to consider:

21. How does technology impact the development of social anxiety disorder?

22. What are the factors behind the rising incidence of eating disorders in adolescents?

23. Are mindfulness-based interventions effective in the treatment of PTSD?

24. Is there a connection between depression and gambling addiction?

25. Can physical trauma cause psychopathy?

Clinical psychology research questions

Clinical psychology deals with assessing and treating mental illness or abnormal or psychiatric behaviors. It differs from abnormal psychology in that it focuses more on treatments and clinical aspects, while abnormal psychology is more behavioral focused.

This is a specialty area that provides care and treatment for complex mental health conditions. This can include treatment, not only for individuals but for couples, families, and other groups. Clinical psychology also supports communities, conducts research, and offers training to promote mental health. This category is very broad, so there are lots of topics to explore.

Below are some example research questions to consider:

26. Do criminals require more specific therapies or interventions?

27. How effective are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in treating mental health disorders?

28. Are there any disadvantages to humanistic therapy?

29. Can group therapy be more beneficial than one-on-one therapy sessions?

30. What are the factors to consider when selecting the right treatment plan for patients with anxiety?

Experimental psychology research questions

Experimental psychology deals with studies that can prove or disprove a hypothesis. Psychologists in this field use scientific methods to collect data on basic psychological processes such as memory, cognition, and learning. They use this data to test the whys and hows of behavior and how outside factors influence its creation.

Areas of interest in this branch relate to perception, memory, emotion, and sensation. The below are example questions that could inspire your own research:

31. Do male or female parents/carers have a more calming influence on children?

32. Will your preference for a genre of music increase the more you listen to it?

33. What are the psychological effects of posting on social media vs. not posting?

34. How is productivity affected by social connection?

35. Is cheating contagious?

Organizational psychology research questions

Organizational psychology studies human behavior in the workplace. It is most frequently used to evaluate an employee, group, or a company’s organizational dynamics. Researchers aim to isolate issues and identify solutions.

This area of study can be beneficial to both employees and employers since the goal is to improve the overall work environment and experience. Researchers apply psychological principles and findings to recommend improvements in performance, communication, job satisfaction, and safety. 

Some potential research questions include the following:

36. How do different leadership styles affect employee morale?

37. Do longer lunch breaks boost employee productivity?

38. Is gender an antecedent to workplace stress?

39. What is the most effective way to promote work–life balance among employees?

40. How do different organizational structures impact the effectiveness of communication, decision-making, and productivity?

Forensic psychology research questions

Some questions to consider exploring in this branch of psychology are:

41. How does incarceration affect mental health?

42. Is childhood trauma a driver for criminal behavior during adulthood?

43. Are people with mental health conditions more likely to be victims of crimes?

44. What are the drivers of false memories, and how do they impact the justice system?

45. Is the media responsible for copycat crimes?

Educational psychology research questions

Educational psychology studies children in an educational setting. It covers topics like teaching methods, aptitude assessment, self-motivation, technology, and parental involvement.

Research in this field of psychology is vital for understanding and optimizing learning processes. It informs educators about cognitive development, learning styles, and effective teaching strategies.

Here are some example research questions:

46. Are different teaching styles more beneficial for children at different times of the day?

47. Can listening to classical music regularly increase a student’s test scores?

48. Is there a connection between sugar consumption and knowledge retention in students?

49. Does sleep duration and quality impact academic performance?

50. Does daily meditation at school influence students’ academic performance and mental health?

Sports psychology research question examples

Sport psychology aims to optimize physical performance and well-being in athletes by using cognitive and behavioral practices and interventions. Some methods include counseling, training, and clinical interventions.

Research in this area is important because it can improve team and individual performance, resilience, motivation, confidence, and overall well-being

Here are some research question ideas for you to consider:

51. How can a famous coach affect a team’s performance?

52. How can athletes control negative emotions in violent or high-contact sports?

53. How does using social media impact an athlete’s performance and well-being?

54. Can psychological interventions help with injury rehabilitation?

55. How can mindfulness practices boost sports performance?

Cultural psychology research question examples

The premise of this branch of psychology is that mind and culture are inseparable. In other words, people are shaped by their cultures, and their cultures are shaped by them. This can be a complex interaction.

Cultural psychology is vital as it explores how cultural context shapes individuals’ thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions. It provides insights into diverse perspectives, promoting cross-cultural understanding and reducing biases.

Here are some ideas that you might consider researching:

56. Are there cultural differences in how people perceive and deal with pain?

57. Are different cultures at increased risk of developing mental health conditions?

58. Are there cultural differences in coping strategies for stress?

59. Do our different cultures shape our personalities?

60. How does multi-generational culture influence family values and structure?

Health psychology research question examples

Health psychology is a crucial field of study. Understanding how psychological factors influence health behaviors, adherence to medical treatments, and overall wellness enables health experts to develop effective interventions and preventive measures, ultimately improving health outcomes.

Health psychology also aids in managing stress, promoting healthy behaviors, and optimizing mental health, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.

Here are five ideas to inspire research in this field:

61. How can health psychology interventions improve lifestyle behaviors to prevent cardiovascular diseases?

62. What role do social norms play in vaping among adolescents?

63. What role do personality traits play in the development and management of chronic pain conditions?

64. How do cultural beliefs and attitudes influence health-seeking behaviors in diverse populations?

65. What are the psychological factors influencing the adherence to preventive health behaviors, such as vaccination and regular screenings?

Neuropsychology research paper question examples

Neuropsychology research explores how a person’s cognition and behavior are related to their brain and nervous system. Researchers aim to advance the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral and cognitive effects of neurological disorders.

Researchers may work with children facing learning or developmental challenges, or with adults with declining cognitive abilities. They may also focus on injuries or illnesses of the brain, such as traumatic brain injuries, to determine the effect on cognitive and behavioral functions.

Neuropsychology informs diagnosis and treatment strategies for conditions such as dementia, traumatic brain injuries, and psychiatric disorders. Understanding the neural basis of behavior enhances our ability to optimize cognitive functioning, rehabilitate people with brain injuries, and improve patient care.

Here are some example research questions to consider:

66. How do neurotransmitter imbalances in specific brain regions contribute to mood disorders such as depression?

67. How can a traumatic brain injury affect memory?

68. What neural processes underlie attention deficits in people with ADHD?

69. Do medications affect the brain differently after a traumatic brain injury?

70. What are the behavioral effects of prolonged brain swelling?

Psychology of religion research question examples

The psychology of religion is a field that studies the interplay between belief systems, spirituality, and mental well-being. It explores the application of the psychological methods and interpretive frameworks of religious traditions and how they relate to both religious and non-religious people.

Psychology of religion research contributes to a holistic understanding of human experiences. It fosters cultural competence and guides therapeutic approaches that respect diverse spiritual beliefs.

Here are some example research questions in this field:

71. What impact does a religious upbringing have on a child’s self-esteem?

72. How do religious beliefs shape decision-making and perceptions of morality?

73. What is the impact of religious indoctrination?

74. Is there correlation between religious and mindfulness practices?

75. How does religious affiliation impact attitudes towards mental health treatment and help-seeking behaviors?

Controversial topics in psychology research question examples

Some psychology topics don’t fit into any of the subcategories above, but they may still be worthwhile topics to consider. These topics are the ones that spark interest, conversation, debate, and disagreement. They are often inspired by current issues and assess the validity of older research.

Consider some of these research question examples:

76. How does the rise in on-screen violence impact behavior in adolescents.

77. Should access to social media platforms be restricted in children under the age of 12 to improve mental health?

78. Are prescription mental health medications over-prescribed in older adults? If so, what are the effects of this?

79. Cognitive biases in AI: what are the implications for decision-making?

80. What are the psychological and ethical implications of using virtual reality in exposure therapy for treating trauma-related conditions?

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Insights in: Psychology for Clinical Settings 2022

research topics in clinical psychology

Original Research 14 September 2023 Beyond recovery: toward rights-based mental health care — A cluster randomized wait-list controlled trial of a recovery and rights training for mental health professionals with or without first person accounts Francisco José Eiroa-Orosa 1,584 views 0 citations

Original Research 03 August 2023 Acceptance and adherence to non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a grounded theory study Eleonora Volpato ,  1 more  and  Francesco Pagnini 999 views 0 citations

Opinion 12 July 2023 Patients' representation of oncological disease: psychological aspects in the cancer journey Ilaria Durosini  and  Gabriella Pravettoni 1,625 views 4 citations

Brief Research Report 03 July 2023 Improving disease management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: the potential role of self-concordant health goals Barbara Horvát ,  7 more  and  Tamás Martos 1,543 views 1 citations

Original Research 29 June 2023 Dissociating cognitive and affective empathy across psychopathy dimensions: The role of interoception and alexithymia Carlos Campos ,  1 more  and  Fernando Barbosa 2,846 views 1 citations

Correction 22 May 2023 Corrigendum: Personality traits and transition to psychosis one year after the first assessment Francesca De Salve ,  6 more  and  Osmano Oasi 636 views 0 citations

Original Research 02 May 2023 The influence of COVID-19-related resilience on depression, job stress, sleep quality, and burnout among intensive care unit nurses Sojin Hwang  and  Jungmin Lee 2,068 views 2 citations

Original Research 18 April 2023 Videoconferencing analytic psychodrama in treating young adults’ psychological suffering: preliminary results Roberta Biolcati ,  2 more  and  Giovanni Di Stefano 1,232 views 1 citations

Opinion 03 April 2023 Clinical intuition in psychology through the prism of personalized psychiatry Christophe Gauld ,  1 more  and  Pierre Fourneret 1,271 views 0 citations

Original Research 28 March 2023 The qualitative study of intentional self-harm in Thailand: Focusing on predisposing child-rearing environments and self-harm cessation Nida Limsuwan ,  5 more  and  Punjaporn Waleeprakhon 2,280 views 1 citations

Loading... Brief Research Report 14 March 2023 Examining the associations between difficulties in emotion regulation and symptomatic outcome measures among individuals with different mental disorders Libby Igra ,  4 more  and  Ilanit Hasson-Ohayon 2,550 views 6 citations

Loading... Mini Review 02 March 2023 Psychological issues in breast cancer survivors confronted with motherhood: Literature review and a call to action Valentina Elisabetta Di Mattei ,  7 more  and  Massimo Candiani 2,554 views 7 citations

Systematic Review 23 February 2023 The psychological consequences of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) for the family system: A systematic review Gabriella Gandino ,  6 more  and  Giulia Di Fini 3,412 views 1 citations

Loading... Hypothesis and Theory 13 February 2023 Neuroscience-based psychotherapy: A position paper Davide Maria Cammisuli  and  Gianluca Castelnuovo 7,081 views 6 citations

Original Research 10 February 2023 Latent classes of eating disorders and addictions by sex: Implication of alexithymia and stressful life events in youths Laura Macía ,  5 more  and  Ana Estévez 2,272 views 1 citations

Loading... Review 06 February 2023 Rethinking the risk for depression using the RDoC: A psychophysiological perspective Carola Dell’Acqua ,  2 more  and  Simone Messerotti Benvenuti 3,281 views 6 citations

Original Research 19 January 2023 Personality traits and transition to psychosis one year after the first assessment Francesca De Salve ,  6 more  and  Osmano Oasi 2,118 views 3 citations

Opinion 09 January 2023 How to address the body after breast cancer? A proposal for a psychological intervention focused on body compassion Valeria Sebri ,  1 more  and  Gabriella Pravettoni 1,899 views 2 citations

Brief Research Report 23 December 2022 The mediating effect of cognitive and emotional processing on PTSD and depression symptoms reduction in women victims of IPV Rossella Procaccia  and  Marco Castiglioni 2,232 views 2 citations

Original Research 16 December 2022 Therapists’ experiences of remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic Andrew Morgan ,  4 more  and  Peter Fisher 2,433 views 1 citations

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Psychologists examine the relationships between brain function and behavior, and the environment and behavior, applying what they learn to illuminate our understanding and improve the world around us.

Science of Psychology


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  1. 61 Interesting Psychology Research Topics (2024)

    Examples of systemic racism-related psychology research topics include: Access to mental health resources based on race. The prevalence of BIPOC mental health therapists in a chosen area. The impact of systemic racism on mental health and self-worth. Racism training for mental health workers.

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    Clinical Psychology Research Topic Ideas. Topic choices are only as limited as your imagination and assignment, so try narrowing the possibilities down from general questions to the specifics that apply to your area of specialization. Here are just a few ideas to start the process:

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    Nonetheless, it's easy to feel overwhelmed when settling on a clinical psychology research paper topic, especially when it's one that you may be intimate with for years. To that end, consider these top 10 psychology topics to get you started in your research area: #1. Mental Health Technology and Digital Interventions.

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    100 Clinical Psychology Research Paper Topics. Clinical psychology plays a pivotal role in understanding, diagnosing, and treating mental health issues, standing at the forefront of efforts to improve psychological well-being and quality of life. This field combines rigorous academic research with practical therapeutic applications, making it ...

  5. Spotlight Articles in Clinical Psychology

    from Practice Innovations. August 3, 2023. It is time for a measurement-based care professional practice guideline in psychology. from Psychotherapy. July 31, 2023. Methodological and quantitative issues in the study of personality pathology. from Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. April 26, 2023.

  6. 200+ Psychology Topics to Research Right Away

    40+ Cognitive Psychology Topics. The role of working memory in problem-solving. Cognitive effects of sleep deprivation. Neural basis of attention and focus. Influence of language on cognitive development. Decision-making biases in economic behavior. The psychology of learning and memory.

  7. Research Topics In Psychology (+ Free Webinar)

    Research Ideas: Clinical Psychology. The use of mindfulness-based approaches in the treatment of anxiety disorders among college students. The use of technology in the delivery of psychological services in war-torn countries. The effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder.

  8. Current Issues and Future Directions in Clinical Psychological Science

    We bring together eminent scholars from across the world to contribute target articles on cutting-edge advancements and ongoing issues that encompass rhetoric in science, structural models of psychopathology, experimental psychopathology research, sociopolitical values in the multicultural movement, positive illusions about societal change ...

  9. Clinical Psychological Science

    Clinical Psychological Science publishes advances in clinical science and provides a venue for cutting-edge research across a wide range of conceptual views, approaches, and topics. This bimonthly journal encompasses many core domains that have defined clinical psychology, but also boundary-crossing advances that integrate and make contact with diverse disciplines and that may not easily be ...

  10. New Ideas in: Psychology for Clinical Settings 2022

    The achievements made by scientists over the last years have contributed to exceptional advancements in the fast-growing field of Psychology for Clinical Settings. We are organizing a series of Research Topics to build on the new and novel content within the section of Psychology for Clinical Settings. This editorial initiative is focused on new insights, novel developments, latest discoveries ...

  11. Frontiers in Psychology

    Bright and Dark Sides of Creativity: The Role of Personality. Massimiliano Palmiero. Marco Giancola. Laura Piccardi. Maria Kozhevnikov. 657 views. The most cited journal in its field, exploring psychological sciences - from clinical research to cognitive science, from imaging studies to human factors, and from animal cognition to social psych...

  12. 207673 PDFs

    Luisa Soares. This work presents a clinical case of Mrs. T., a 48-year-old female patient referred by the family doctor at the health center in her area of residence for control of right ...

  13. PDF Clinical Psychology Handbook

    The purpose of this document is to outline and describe the philosophy and structure of Harvard University's Clinical Psychology Program and to provide students with information about the courses, research, and clinical training required to earn a Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology. The Department of Psychology provides a Graduate Student ...

  14. 60+ Psychology Research Topics 2024+

    When choosing a good psychology research topic, it is important to consider the practicalities of conducting your research. For example, you need to make sure that you will be able to access the necessary data or participants for your study. 6. Make sure your chosen topic is ethical. It is important to choose a topic that is ethical and ...

  15. Research areas in the Clinical Psychology

    Research in the area of clinical psychology is vast, containing hundreds if not thousands of topics. However, most of these research studies generally fall within one of three main areas integral to clinical psychology: Assessment. A large part of a clinical psychologist's job, and therefore clinical psychology research, involves assessment ...

  16. Clinical Psychology Dissertation Topics

    Clinical psychology is a highly popular area of research for Masters and PhD nursing students. A well-thought-out and appropriate clinical psychology dissertation topic will address trending issues in the field of clinical psychology. You can develop a clinical psychology dissertation topic or idea by addressing a certain clinical experience ...

  17. Clinical Psychology

    Clinical psychology is the psychological specialty that provides continuing and comprehensive mental and behavioral health care for individuals, couples, families, and groups; consultation to agencies and communities; training, education and supervision; and research-based practice. It is a specialty in breadth — one that addresses a wide ...

  18. Psychology Research Questions: 80 Ideas For Your Next Project

    Cognitive psychology is the branch that focuses on the interactions of thinking, emotion, creativity, and problem-solving. It also explores the reasons humans think the way they do. This topic involves exploring how people think by measuring intelligence, thoughts, and cognition. Here are some research question ideas: 6.

  19. Clinical Psychology Solves Complex Human Problems

    The application of their research and the science behind their work make clinical psychologists invaluable in mental health and health care settings alike and in hospitals, schools, courts, the government, the military — almost anywhere you can imagine. 1 Compas, Bruce & Gotlib, Ian. (2002). Introduction to Clinical Psychology.

  20. Insights in: Psychology for Clinical Settings 2022

    This Research Topic is part of the Insights in Psychology series.<br/><br/>We are now entering the third decade of the 21st Century, and, especially in the last years, the achievements made by scientists have been exceptional, leading to major advancements in the fast-growing field of Psychology. Frontiers has organized a series of Research Topics to highlight the latest advancements in ...

  21. Clinical Psychology

    Clinical Psychology - Science topic. Clinical Psychology is a group for those interested in understanding and treating psychological disorders. Questions (531) Publications (207,673) Questions ...

  22. Psychology topics

    Psychology topics Psychology is a diverse discipline grounded in science, but with nearly boundless applications in everyday life. Scientific research conducted by psychologists can inform and guide those seeking help with issues that affect their professional lives, family relationships, and emotional wellness.

  23. (PDF) Clinical Psychology: Chosen Topics

    PDF | On Oct 31, 2019, Jesús Dueñas Becerra published Clinical Psychology: Chosen Topics | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

  24. "Evidence-based practice" in clinical psychology really means

    Reviews the books Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Psychology, Vol 1: Child and Adolescent Disorders (see record 2012-17356-000) and Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Psychology, Vol 2: Adult Disorders (see record 2012-17357-000), both edited by Peter Sturmey and Michel Hersen. The volumes are exhaustive in terms of topic breadth and depth, replete with a plethora ...