Reported Speech Exercises – Reported Speech Worksheet

Strengthening your understanding of reported speech is key to effective communication in English. Our specially designed worksheet provides a thorough exploration of reported speech, featuring a variety of exercises that will help you practice and master the concept of relaying information as it was spoken by others.

Remember to go back and study the articles mentioned below to better your knowledge of reported speech

  • Direct Speech
  • Direct and Indirect Speech
  • No Change in Verb Tenses
  • Changes in Time and Place
  • Introductory Verbs
  • Pronouns in Reported Speech
  • Reported Questions
  • Reported Commands & Requests

Reported Speech Worksheet

Reported Speech Exercises – Reported Speech Worksheet

Reported Speech Exercises

Reported speech exercise 1: converting direct speech to reported speech.

  • “I am going to the market,” said John.
  • “We have finished our homework,” the students said.
  • “Will you join us for dinner?” she asked.
  • “I can’t drive you to the airport tomorrow,” he told her.
  • “I saw a strange animal in the forest,” the hiker reported.
  • “I will help you with your project,” Tom promised.
  • “I don’t like spicy food,” she admitted.
  • “I didn’t hear the doorbell,” he explained.
  • “I’ll be moving to a new city next month,” Anna announced.
  • “We won’t be able to attend the meeting,” the delegates stated.
  • “I have been feeling unwell since yesterday,” the patient told the doctor.
  • “I used to live in Spain,” he mentioned.
  • “I may start a new course in September,” she pondered.
  • “I must finish this assignment by tomorrow,” the student realized.
  • “I can meet you at 3 PM,” she offered.
  • “We should have taken a different route,” the driver suggested.
  • “I would like to visit Japan one day,” he dreamed.
  • “I have never seen such a beautiful sunset,” she exclaimed.
  • “I might go for a hike if the weather is nice,” he thought aloud.
  • “We did not understand the instructions,” they complained.
  • John said that he was going to the market.
  • The students said that they had finished their homework.
  • She asked if I/you/he/she would join them for dinner.
  • He told her that he couldn’t drive her to the airport the next day/tomorrow.
  • The hiker reported that he had seen a strange animal in the forest.
  • Tom promised that he would help me/you/us with my/your/our project.
  • She admitted that she didn’t like spicy food.
  • He explained that he hadn’t heard the doorbell.
  • Anna announced that she would be moving to a new city the following month.
  • The delegates stated that they wouldn’t be able to attend the meeting.
  • The patient told the doctor that he had been feeling unwell since the day before.
  • He mentioned that he used to live in Spain.
  • She pondered starting a new course in September.
  • The student realized that he must finish his assignment by the next day.
  • She offered to meet me/you at 3 PM.
  • The driver suggested that they should have taken a different route.
  • He dreamed that he would like to visit Japan one day.
  • She exclaimed that she had never seen such a beautiful sunset.
  • He thought aloud that he might go for a hike if the weather was nice.
  • They complained that they had not understood the instructions.

Reported Speech Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns

  • Sarah said, “I am going to the store.” Sarah said that ___ was going to the store.
  • Mike told me, “You can come over tomorrow.” Mike told me that ___ could come over the next day.
  • “He doesn’t like the movie,” said Jane. Jane said that ___ didn’t like the movie.
  • The teacher told the class, “You must submit your homework.” The teacher told the class that ___ must submit ___ homework.
  • “We will finish the project on time,” the group leader announced. The group leader announced that ___ would finish the project on time.
  • “She will be here soon,” Tom thought to himself. Tom thought to himself that ___ would be there soon.
  • “It’s not my book,” said the boy. The boy said that it was not ___ book.
  • “They have been to the new museum,” Emily told her mother. Emily told her mother that ___ had been to the new museum.
  • “I don’t want to go outside,” the child told her father. The child told her father that ___ didn’t want to go outside.
  • “You should wait here,” the officer told the citizens. The officer told the citizens that ___ should wait there.
  • “I will handle the situation,” Mark promised. Mark promised that ___ would handle the situation.
  • “You need to finish your assignment,” the tutor said to Jake. The tutor told Jake that ___ needed to finish ___ assignment.
  • “We are not ready to present,” the students admitted to the professor. The students admitted to the professor that ___ were not ready to present.
  • “She can join us for dinner,” they insisted. They insisted that ___ could join them for dinner.
  • “I have seen that movie several times,” she mentioned. She mentioned that ___ had seen that movie several times.
  • “You must apologize to your sister,” Mom instructed. Mom instructed that ___ must apologize to ___ sister.
  • “They won’t be able to come to the party,” John said. John said that ___ wouldn’t be able to come to the party.
  • “It might rain later,” the weatherman predicted. The weatherman predicted that ___ might rain later.
  • “I’m feeling very tired today,” the athlete confessed. The athlete confessed that ___ was feeling very tired that day.
  • “You shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet,” the teacher warned the students. The teacher warned the students that ___ shouldn’t believe everything ___ read on the internet.
1. she 2. I 3. he
4. they, their 5. they 6. she
7. his 8. they 9. she
10. they 11. he 12. he, his
13. they 14. she 15. she
16. you, your 17. they 18. it
19. he 20. they, you

Reported Speech Exercise 3: Multiple Choices

Reported Speech Exercise

Choose the correct reported speech form for each sentence.

1. He said, “I am watching a movie.”

  • A) He said he was watching a movie.
  • B) He said I am watching a movie.
  • C) He said he is watching a movie.

2. She said, “I will call you tomorrow.”

  • A) She said she would call me tomorrow.
  • B) She said she will call you the next day.
  • C) She said she would call you the next day.

3. “I have finished my homework,” he told her.

  • A) He told her he had finished his homework.
  • B) He told her he finished his homework.
  • C) He told her he has finished his homework.

4. They said, “We are going to the market.”

  • A) They said they were going to the market.
  • B) They said they are going to the market.
  • C) They said they go to the market.

5. “Do you like pizza?” she asked him.

  • A) She asked him if he liked pizza.
  • B) She asked him does he like pizza.
  • C) She asked him if he likes pizza.

6. “Why did you go out last night?” the mother asked.

  • A) The mother asked why had he gone out last night.
  • B) The mother asked why he had gone out the night before.
  • C) The mother asked why did he go out last night.

7. “Can you help me with my project?” he asked his friend.

  • A) He asked his friend if he could help him with his project.
  • B) He asked his friend can you help me with my project.
  • C) He asked his friend if he can help him with his project.

8. “I might visit France this summer,” she mentioned.

  • A) She mentioned that she might visit France this summer.
  • B) She mentioned that she might visit France the coming summer.
  • C) She mentioned that she may visit France that summer.

9. “We have been waiting here for over an hour!” they exclaimed.

  • A) They exclaimed that they have been waiting there for over an hour.
  • B) They exclaimed that they had been waiting there for over an hour.
  • C) They exclaimed that they were waiting there for over an hour.

10. “Don’t touch that!” he warned.

  • A) He warned not to touch that.
  • B) He warned to not touch that.
  • C) He warned not to touch it.

11. “I have lost my keys,” she said.

  • A) She said she had lost her keys.
  • B) She said she has lost her keys.
  • C) She said she lost her keys.

12. “We didn’t go to school yesterday,” the boys said.

  • A) The boys said they didn’t go to school the day before.
  • B) The boys said they hadn’t gone to school yesterday.
  • C) The boys said they hadn’t gone to school the day before.

13. “I will be traveling to Japan next year,” he told his colleagues.

  • A) He told his colleagues he will be traveling to Japan next year.
  • B) He told his colleagues he would be traveling to Japan the following year.
  • C) He told his colleagues he would be traveling to Japan next year.

14. “You should try the new restaurant,” she suggested.

  • A) She suggested that I should try the new restaurant.
  • B) She suggested that you should try the new restaurant.
  • C) She suggested that you tried the new restaurant.

15. “I can’t attend the meeting tomorrow,” John informed his boss.

  • A) John informed his boss that he can’t attend the meeting tomorrow.
  • B) John informed his boss that he couldn’t attend the meeting the next day.
  • C) John informed his boss that he could not attend the meeting tomorrow.
1. A 2. C 3. A
4. A 5. A 6. B
7. A 8. B 9. B
10. C 11. A 12. C
13. B 14. A 15. B
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NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

April 25, 2019 by Veerendra

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English . Here we have given CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech.

1. There are two different ways in which we can report the words of a speaker : (a) Direct Speech or Direct Narration. (b) Indirect Speech or Indirect Narration.

2. (a) Direct Speech contains the actual words of the speaker ; as— Sarla said, “My father has a roaring business in Mumbai.” He said to me, “I am feeling unwell today.” In these sentences, actual words of the speaker are given within inverted commas without any change.

(b) Indirect Speech gives the substance of the speaker’s actual words and not the exact words spoken by him or her ; as— Sarla said that her father had a roaring business in Mumbai. He told me that he was feeling unwell that day.

3. The actual words of the speaker, given within ‘inverted commas’ are called the Reported Speech. In the same way, the Verb which introduces the Reported Speech is called the Reporting Verb. In the sentence above ‘said’ is the Reporting Verb and ‘My father has a roaring business in Mumbai’ is the Reported Speech. Reporting Verb and Reported Speech. Look at the following sentences : Radha says, “I shall finish my home-work today.” Sushma said to Pushpa, “Show me your dolls.” The verbs ‘says and said’ in the above sentences are ‘Reporting Verbs’. The exact words of the speaker given within the inverted commas are ‘Reported Speech’.

4. Here are some distinctive points regarding the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech : In the Direct Speech 1. The Reported Speech is put within Reported (Inverted) Commas. 2. The Reported Speech and the Reporting Verb are separated by a Comma. 3. The first word of the Reported Speech begins with a capital letter.

Transformation of Direct Speech into Indirect Speech

I. Rules for the Change of Tense

Rule I. If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech does not change.

Examples 1 Direct: Rajesh says, “She has brought lame to her family.” Indirect: Rajesh says that she has brought fame to her family. 2. Direct: ohit has said, “I cannot displease my friend.” Indirect: Rohit has said that he cannot displease his friend. 3. Direct: I shall say, “I went to Agra on Monday.” Indirect: I shall say that I went to Agra on Monday. 4. Direct: She will say, “I have sent him a present.” Indirect: She will say that she has sent him a present.

Rule II. If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech must be changed into the corresponding Past Tense.

Examples 1. Direct: I said, “I am speaking the truth.” Indirect: I said that I was speaking the truth. 2. Direct : The teacher said, “Boys fail because they do not study regularly.” Indirect: The teacher said that boys failed because they did not study regularly.

Exception to Rule II (i) If there is a Universal Truth or Habitual fact in the Reported Speech, the Tense of the verb is never changed ; as— 1. Direct: He said, “Face is the index of mind.” Indirect: He said that face is the index of mind. 2. Direct: The teacher said. “The earth rotates round its axis.” Indirect: The teacher said that the earth rotates round its axis. 3. Direct: Horatius said, “Death comes sooner or later.” Indirect: Horatius said that death comes sooner or later.

(ii) The Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech does not change if the reported speech states a past historical fact ; as— 1. Direct: He said, “India became free on 15th August, 1947.” Indirect: He said that India became free on 15th August, 1947. 2. Direct: She said. “Her father lived at Lahore for ten years.” Indirect: She said that her father lived at Lahore for ten years.

(iii) If two such actions are given in the Reported Speech which take place at the same time, the Past Indefinite or Continuous Tense does not change. Direct: He said, “Mohan was singing a song while Gopal was playing on a flute.” Indirect: He said that Mohan was singing a song while Gopal was playing on a flute. Examples 1. Direct: She said, “I am a top-class singer.” Indirect: She said that she was a top-class singer. 2. Direct: We said, “He is writing a poem.” Indirect: We said that he was writing a poem. 3. Direct: He said, “It may rain tonight.” Indirect: He said that it might rain that night. 4. Direct: He said, “A devil ever remains a devil.” Indirect: He said that a devil ever remains a devil.

The future tense of the reported speech is changed as under : Future Indefinite—would/should Future Continuous—would/should be Future Perfect—would/should have Future Perfect Continuous—would/should have been

Examples 1. Direct: You said, “He is a very good athlete.” Indirect: You said that he was a very good athlete. 2. Direct: I said, “I have finished my work.” Indirect: I said that I had finished my work. 3. Direct: He said, “Her parents will pay a visit to Delhi.” Indirect: He said that her parents would pay a visit to Delhi.

Interrogative Sentences Conversion of Interrogative Sentences A From Direct Into Indirect

1. The Reporting Verb is changed, into ‘ask, enquire, inquire or demand etc.
2. No conjunction is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the question begins with (an interrogative) word ; such as—what, who, whose, which, when, where, why, how, whom etc.
3. If or whether is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the reported speech has no question word.
4. Change the questions into statements. Put full stop in place of mark of interrogation (?).

Examples (a) Questions beginning with a Helping Verb 1. Direct: He said to her, “Shall I accompany you to Agra ?” Indirect: He asked her if he would (should) accompany her to Agra. 2. Direct: She said to him, “Had I been absenting myself from school for a month ?” Indirect: She asked him if she had been absenting herself from school for a month. 3. Direct: He said to us, “Has she been spinning since yesterday ?” Indirect: He asked us if she had been spinning since the previous day. 4. Direct: They said to you, “Shall we be going on picnic tomorrow ?” Indirect: They asked you if they would be going on picnic the next day. 5. Direct: I said to her, “Will you have ironed your clothes ?” Indirect: I asked her if she would have ironed her clothes.

(b) Sentences having ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ 1. Direct: “Are there any more files ?” He asked. “Yes, sir,” said the peon. Indirect: He asked the peon if there were any more files. The peon replied respectfully in affirmative. 2. Direct: The teacher said to Lila. “Did you break the window pane ?” “No, sir.” said Lila, “I did not.” Indirect: The teacher asked Lila if she had broken the window pane. Lila replied respect¬fully and refused it (to have done it). 3. Direct: “If you find my answers satisfactory, will you give me five rupees ?” said the astrologer. “No.” replied the customer. Indirect: The astrologer asked the customer whether he would give him five rupees if he found his answers satisfactory. The customer replied in negative. 4. Direct: I said to him. “Do you want to go to Chandigarh ?” He said, “No, sir.” Indirect: I asked him if he wanted to go to Chandigarh and respectfully he replied in negative. 5. Direct: He said to me, “Does Mohan still play ?” I said, “Yes, sir.” Indirect: He asked me if Mohan still played and I replied in positive.

(c) Questions beginning with Interrogative Words 1. Direct: He said to me. “Whom does she want to contact ?” Indirect: He asked me whom she wanted to contact. 2. Direct: They said to her, “Whose house are you purchasing ?” Indirect: They asked her whose house she was purchasing. 3. Direct: You said to him “Why are you making mischief ?” Indirect: You asked him why he was making mischief. 4. Direct: They said to us, “How have you solved this sum ?” Indirect: They asked us how we had solved that sum. 5. Direct: We said to them, “Who has misguided you ?” Indirect: We asked them who had misguided them.

(d) Questions beginning with modal auxiliaries 1. Direct: I said to him, “May Sunita come in to discuss with you something ?” Indirect: I asked him if Sunita might come in to discuss with him something. 2. Direct: The traveller said to me, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn ?” Indirect: The traveller asked me if I could tell him the way to the nearest inn. 3. Direct: He said to me. “Must I leave for Mumbai tomorrow ?” Indirect: He asked me if he had to leave for Mumbai the next day. 4. Direct: I said to her, “Could you give me your notes ?” Indirect: I asked her if she could give me her notes. 5. Direct: I said to him, “Need I go to him ?” Indirect: I asked him if I had to go to him.

Exercise 1 (Solved)

Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : 1. He said to her. “Do you want to go home ?” 2. He said to you. “Where are you going ?“ 3. I said to him, “What brings you here ?” 4. You said to us, “How do you solve this sum ?” 5. She said to me, “How are you getting on with your studies ?” 6. I said to my friend, “Have you been to England ?”

Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : 1. She said to me, “Who taught you English ?” 2. He said to his mother, “Why did you not wash my school dress ?” 3. The mother said to the child, “Did you have your breakfast ?” 4. Anil said to his sister, “How did you fare in the interview ?” 5. The policeman asked me, “Had the thief stolen your watch ?” Answers: I. 1. He asked her if she wanted to go home. 2. He asked you where you were going. 3. I asked him what brought him there. 4. You asked us how we solved that sum. 5. She asked me how I was getting on with my studies. 6. I asked my friend if he had been to England.

II. 1. She asked me who had taught me English. 2. He asked his mother why tehe had not washed his school dress. 3. The mother asked the child if he had his breakfast. 4. Anil asked his sister how she had fared in the interview. 5. The policeman asked me if the thief had stolen my watch.

Exercise 2 (Solved)

Change the following into indirect speech : 1. He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with me.” 2. They wrote, “It is time we thought about settling this matter.” 3. The teacher promised. “If you come to school tomorrow, I will explain it.” 4. “What do you want ?” he said to her. 5. He said, “How’s your father ?” 6. “Don’t you know the way home ?” asked I. 7. “Do you really come from China ?” said the prince. 8. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher. 9. “Run away, children,” said the mother. Answers: 1. He told me that he had often told me not to play with him. 2. They wrote that it was time they thought about settling the matter. 3. The teacher promised to me that he would explain it if I went to school the following day. 4. He asked her what she wanted. 5. He enquired about my father. 6. I asked if he did not know the way home. 7. The Prince asked him if he really came from China. 8. The teacher asked the boys to sit down. 9. The mother asked the children to run away.

Exercise 3 (Solved)

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along with the correction. Do not forget to underline the error. Her mother said that you must go straight to (a) your grandmother. There was a wolf (b) _______ in the wood through which she are (c) _______ going. But if she keep the road, he (d) _______ will not do any harm. The mother (e) _______ asked her to do as she tells her. (f) _______ Answers: (a) you—she (b) your—her (c) are—was (d) keep—kept (e) will—would (f) tells—had told

Exercise 4 (For Practice)

Police told Maninder that he is entitled (a) _______ to have a solicitor present. He denies (b) _______ that he knows anyone by the name of (c) _______ Surinder. Maninder confirmed that he has been (d) _______ in the vicinity of the factory last Monday. (e) _______ However, he said that he is visiting his mother. (f) _______ He maintains that he is innocent. (g) _______

Exercise 5 (For Practice)

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

Exercise 6 (For Practice)

Each of the pair of sentences given below is a dialogue between a man and a woman. Change each pair into one simple sentence. Complete the answers. The first one has been done as an example. Question 1. “Shall we get married ?” “Yes, let us.” Answer: They decided to get married.

Question 2. “Please help me”. “O.K.” Answer: She agreed

Question 3. “May I help you ?” “No, thanks.” Answer: He offered

Question 4. “Let’s meet after the class.” “O.K. fine.” Answer: They arranged

Question 5. “What’s your name ?” “I won’t tell you”. Answer: She refused

Question 6. “I have stood first.” “Congratulations”. Answer: She congratulated

Multiple Choice Questions Exercise 1

Read the dialogues given below and then complete the report by choosing the correct options from the ones given below the dialogue : 1. Judge: Why don’t you speak the truth ? Witness: I have spoken only the truth. Judge: Were you really present at the scene ? Witness: Yes, sir.

The judge asked the witness (a) ……… the truth. The witness replied that (b) ……….. only the truth. At this the judge asked (c) ………….. at the scene. The witness replied in positive. (a) (i)why don’t you speak (ii) why didn’t he speak (iii) why you didn’t speak (iv) why he did not speak

(b) (i) he had spoken (ii) I have spoken (iii) I had spoken (iv) he has spoken

(c) (i) if you are really present (ii) that you were really present (iii) if he was really present (iv) that he was really present

2. Mother: What is the matter ? Son: Grandfather has shot a policeman. Mother: Why ? Son: He was a deserter. Mother asked the son (a) ………… The son replied (b) …………. a policeman. The mother demanded (c) ………… To this the son replied that he was a deserter. (a) (i) that what is the matter (ii) what is the matter (iii) what the matter was (iv) if what was the matter

(b) (i) that the grandfather has shot (ii) that Grandfather had shot (iii) if grandfather had shot (iv) why Grandfather had shot

(c) (i) why (ii) why Grandfather has shot (iii) that why grandfather had shot (iv) why Grandfather had shot

3. Merchant: How much have you collected ? Accountant: Twenty thousand in cash and the balance on paper. Merchant: Where have you deposited the cash ? The Merchant asked the accountant (a) …………. collected. The accountant replied (b) …………. and the balance on paper. Then the merchant wanted to know (c) …………. . (a) (i) how much you have (ii) how much have you (iii) how much had he (iv) how much he had

(b)(i) that I have collected twenty thousand in cash (ii) that he has collected twenty thousand in cash (iii) that he had collected twenty thousand in cash (iv) he had collected twenty thousand in cash

(c)(i) where have you deposited the cash (ii) where he had deposited the cash (iii) where had he deposited the cash (iv) where the cash had been deposited

4. Son: How are you feeling now? Father: Much better, son. Son: Are you taking the medicines regularly? Father: Yes, my dear. The son asked his father (a) …………. then. The father replied that (b) …………. much better. The son further asked (c) …………. the medicines regularly. The father replied in affirmative. (a) (i) that how he was feeling (ii) how he was feeling (iii) how you are feeling (iv) how was he feeling

(b) (i) I am feeling (ii) I was feeling (iii) he is feeling (iv) he was feeling

(c) (i) if you are taking (ii) if he is taking (iii) that he was taking (iv) if he was taking

5. Ram: Do you shave every day? Mohan: Yes. Don’t you? Ram: No. I shave only once a week Ram asked Mohan (a) …………. everyday. Mohan replied in positive and asked (b) …………. the same. Ram agreed that he didn’t and said (c) …………. only once a week. (a) (i) do you shave (ii) did he shave (iii) if he shaved (iv) that if he shaved

(b) (i) don’t you (ii) you don’t (iii) if you don’t (iv) if he didn’t

(c) (i) I shave (ii) that he shaved (iii) if he shaved (iv) if I shaved

6. Sue: What is it dear? Johnsy: The leaves. Sue: Are you counting the leaves? Johnsy: Yes. Sue asked Johnsy (a) …………. Johnsy replied that (b) …………. Sue further asked (c) …………. the leaves. Johnsy replied in positive. (a) (i) what it is (ii) what is it (iii) what is was (iv) what was it

(b) (i) that it was the leaves (ii) it is leaves (iii) that it are leaves (iv) that it had leaves

(c) (i) are you counting (ii) that she was counting (iii) was she counting (iv) if she was counting Answers: 1. (a) (iv) why he did not speak (b) (i) he had spoken (c)(iii) if he was really present 2. (a) (iii) what the matter was (b)(ii) that Grandfather had shot (c) (iv) why Grandfather had shot 3. (a) (iv) how much he had (b) (iii) that he had collected twenty thousand in cash (c) (ii) where he had deposited the cash 4. (a) (ii) how he was feeling (b) (iv) he was feeling (c) (iv) if he was taking 5. (a) (iii) if he shaved (b) (iv) if he didn’t (c) (ii) that he shaved 6. (a) (iii) what is was (b)(i) that it was the leaves (c) (iv) if she was counting

We hope the CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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"Do you play tennis"?

She asked me if I played tennis.

She asked me if I had played tennis.

She told me if I had played tennis.

"Did you play tennis"?

"will you play tennis"?

She asked me if I would play tennis.

"What will you play "?

She asked what I will play

She asked what I would play

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"What do you play "?

She asked what I played.

She asked what I play

"What did you play "?

She asked what I had played.

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reported speech live worksheet for class 8

Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect) Exercise with Answer

Reported Speech   – Reported speech refers to recording the speaker’s speech, whether it is done directly by recording the speaker’s words or indirectly by recording the speaker’s words but changing them.


For example Shyam said, “Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.” Shyam said is the reporting verb. “Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.” is the reported speech.


Direct Speech

It refers to reporting the exact words spoken by the speaker. There is no change in the verb or the sentence.

Rules of Direct Speech  

  • Speech should be opened with quotations or inverted commas. 
  • The word said is used to connect two sentences. 
  • Reporting clause should be used at the end of the sentence. 
  • At the end of the sentence full stop should be placed.

Let us look at some examples

  • Neha said, “Roger Federer has won the match against Rafael Nadal.”
  • Shivani says, “I am having my lunch.”

Indirect Speech

It is the speech that tells what someone has said but it does not explain the actual words spoken by the person. It just conveys the basic narration of what is being said to the third person.

Rules of Indirect Speech 

  • Past tense is used when the situation is uncertain. 
  • The present tense of the sentence is changed to the past tense in indirect speech. 
  • Universal facts tense remains the same. 
  • The use of the word “that” connects the reported verb and reported speech.
  • Gargi said that she enjoyed watching the movie Avatar.
  • Shiva says that he is eating an apple.

Changing direct speech into reported speech

Change of Pronouns

change of pronouns

Change in Tenses

change in tenses

Change of Adverbs of Place and Adverbs of Time

change of Adverbs of Place and Adverbs of Time

Change of Modal Verbs

Let us look at some examples using comic strips-

comic strips

Exercise on Reported Speech (Practice Questions)

Convert the following sentences into reported speech.

  • Mohini said to her mother, “The ladies have been making pickles for 10 years.”
  • The teacher said to us, “Water boils at 100°C.”
  • Mr Gupta said, “All the flights are delayed due to heavy rains.”
  • Radhika asked me, “When are you leaving?”
  • She said, “He likes Mughlai food.”
  • He said, “Her dress is ready.”
  • Dronacharya said to Arjun, “Shoot the fish’s eye.”
  • He said to her, “You are an understanding person.”
  • The teacher said to Shelly, “Why are you laughing?”
  • Rashi told him, “Your bag is new.”
  • Meera said, “I’m reading a comic.”
  • The old man said to the sailor, “The sea will be rough according to the weather forecast.”
  • My father said to me, “Please wait here till I return.”
  • Rita told her, “Your friend likes you.”
  • “Call the ambulance,” said the woman.
  • The chef said to the helper, “Chop the vegetables quickly.”
  • Robert said to me, “I shall do my homework.”
  • The student said to the librarian, “Please allow me to go to the library.”
  • Grandma said to Kishore, “Avoid drinking chilled water as it will further harm your sore throat.”
  • He said to her, “Go there.”
  • Mohini told her mother that the ladies had been making pickle for 10 years.
  • The teacher told us that water boils at 100°C.
  • Mr Gupta said that all the flights were delayed due to heavy rains.
  • Radhika asked me when I was leaving.
  • She said that he liked Mughlai food.
  • He said that her dress was ready.
  • Dronacharya ordered Arjun to shoot the fish’s eye.
  • He told her that she was an understanding person.
  • The teacher asked Shelly why she was laughing.
  • Rashi told him that his bag was new.
  • Mera said that she was reading a comic.
  • The old man informed the sailor that the sea would be rough according to the weather forecast.
  • My father requested me to wait there till he returned.
  • Rita told her that her friend liked her.
  • The woman urged to call the ambulance.
  • The chef ordered the helper to chop the vegetables quickly.
  • Robert said to me that he would do his homework.
  • The student requested the librarian to allow him to go to the library.
  • Grandma advised Kishore to avoid drinking chilled water as it would further harm his sore throat.
  • He ordered her to go there.

Convert the dialogue in the comic strip into indirect speech-


Answers –


B Convert the following paragraph into reported speech.

  • Mother said to Rahul, ”Drive slow”. He replied, “I always drive slow.” Handing over a packed lunch she said, “Keep me updated about your whereabouts.” Raghav hugged her goodbye and took off for Manali.

Ans. Mother said to Rahul to drive slow. He replied that he always drives slow. Mother gave him a packed lunch and asked him to keep her updated about his whereabouts. Raghav hugged her goodbye and took off for Manali.

  • “Do you want to know something cool?” Preeti asked Rama. Rama said, “Why not.” Preeti said, “Did you know “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with one vowel?” Rama seemed surprised. Preeti said, “According to the Guinness Book of World Records, “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with one vowel. The word contains nine letters, eight of them being consonants.” 

Ans Preeti asked Rama if she wanted to know something cool. Rama replied that why not. Preeti asked her whether she knew that “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with one vowel. Rama seemed surprised. Preeti said that according to the Guinness Book of World Records, “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with one vowel. The word contains nine letters, eight of them being consonants.

  • She said, “You should eat your vegetables.” Raghav replied, “I don’t like brinjal, I want to have fries.” His mother said, “If you’ll have your vegetables throughout the week, then I will treat you with fries on the weekend.”

Ans She said to Raghav that he should eat his vegetables. Raghav replied that he did not like brinjal, he wanted to have fries. His mother told him that if he’d have his vegetables throughout the week then she would treat him with fries on the weekend.

  • Robert asked Paul, “Are you a potterhead?” Paul excitedly replied, “Yes, a big one!” Robert asked, “Did you know actor Daniel Radcliffe went through nearly 70 wands and 160 pairs of glasses during the making of the Harry Potter films?” Paul was amazed to know this.

Ans Robert asked Paul whether he was a potterhead. Paul excitedly replied that he was a big one. Robert asked whether he knew that actor Daniel Radcliffe went through nearly 70 wands and 160 pairs of glasses during the making of the Harry Potter films. Paul was amazed to know this.

  • Vinay said, “Good afternoon, sir! May I come in?” His boss replied, “Yes Vinay, please come in.” Vinay said, “Actually, I wanted to speak to you about something, so do let me know when you are free!”  his boss said, ”Yes, Vinay please have a seat. What do you have to say, please do tell me!”

Ans Vinay wished good afternoon to his boss and asked whether he could come in. His boss said yes and requested him to go in. Vinay said that he actually wanted to speak to him about something so could he please let him know when he was free. His boss replied yes and asked him to have a seat and to tell him what he had to say.

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Worksheet: Reported Speech - Class 8 PDF Download

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Q.1. Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : (i) He said to her. “Do you want to go home ?” (ii) He said to you. “Where are you going ?“ (iii) I said to him, “What brings you here ?” (iv) You said to us, “How do you solve this sum ?” (v) She said to me, “How are you getting on with your studies ?” (vi) I said to my friend, “Have you been to England ?”

Q.2. Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : (i) She said to me, “Who taught you English ?” (ii) He said to his mother, “Why did you not wash my school dress ?” (iii) The mother said to the child, “Did you have your breakfast ?” (iv) Anil said to his sister, “How did you fare in the interview ?” (v) The policeman asked me, “Had the thief stolen your watch ?”

Q.3. Change the following into indirect speech : (i) He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with me.” (ii) They wrote, “It is time we thought about settling this matter.” (iii) The teacher promised. “If you come to school tomorrow, I will explain it.” (iv) “What do you want ?” he said to her. (v) He said, “How’s your father ?” (vi) “Don’t you know the way home ?” asked I. (vii) “Do you really come from China ?” said the prince. (viii) “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher. (ix) “Run away, children,” said the mother.

Q.4. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along with the correction. Do not forget to underline the error. Her mother said that you must go straight to (i) ____ your grandmother. There was a wolf (ii) _______ in the wood through which she are (iii) _______ going. But if she keep the road, he (iv) _______ will not do any harm. The mother (v) _______ asked her to do as she tells her. (vi) _______

Q.5. Read the dialogues given below and then complete the report by choosing the correct options from the ones given below the dialogue : Judge: Why don’t you speak the truth ? Witness: I have spoken only the truth. Judge: Were you really present at the scene ? Witness: Yes, sir. The judge asked the witness (i) ____ the truth. The witness replied that (ii) ____ only the truth. At this the judge asked (iii) ____ at the scene. The witness replied in positive. (i) (a) why don’t you speak (b) why didn’t he speak (c) why you didn’t speak (d) why he did not speak (ii) (a) he had spoken (b) I have spoken (c) I had spoken (d) he has spoken

(iii) (a) if you are really present (b) that you were really present (c) if he was really present (d) that he was really present

Mother: What is the matter ? Son: Grandfather has shot a policeman. Mother: Why ? Son: He was a deserter. Mother asked the son (i) ____ The son replied (ii) ____ a policeman. The mother demanded (iii) ____ To this the son replied that he was a deserter. (i) (a) that what is the matter (b) what is the matter (c) what the matter was (d) if what was the matter

(ii) (a) that the grandfather has shot (b) that Grandfather had shot (c) if grandfather had shot (d) why Grandfather had shot

(iii) (a) why (b) why Grandfather has shot (c) that why grandfather had shot (d) why Grandfather had shot Merchant: How much have you collected ? Accountant: Twenty thousand in cash and the balance on paper. Merchant: Where have you deposited the cash ? The Merchant asked the accountant (i) ____ collected. The accountant replied (ii) ____ and the balance on paper. Then the merchant wanted to know (iii) ____ (i) (a) how much you have (b) how much have you (c) how much had he (d) how much he had

(ii) (a) that I have collected twenty thousand in cash (b) that he has collected twenty thousand in cash (c) that he had collected twenty thousand in cash (d) he had collected twenty thousand in cash

(iii) (a) where have you deposited the cash (b) where he had deposited the cash (c) where had he deposited the cash (d) where the cash had been deposited

Son: How are you feeling now? Father: Much better, son. Son: Are you taking the medicines regularly? Father: Yes, my dear. The son asked his father (i) ____ then. The father replied that (ii) ____ much better. The son further asked (iii) ____ the medicines regularly. The father replied in affirmative. (i) (a) that how he was feeling (b) how he was feeling (c) how you are feeling (d) how was he feeling

(ii) (a) I am feeling (b) I was feeling (c) he is feeling (d) he was feeling

(iii) (a) if you are taking (b) if he is taking (c) that he was taking (d) if he was taking

Ram: Do you shave every day? Mohan: Yes. Don’t you? Ram: No. I shave only once a week Ram asked Mohan (i) ____ everyday. Mohan replied in positive and asked (ii) ____ the same. Ram agreed that he didn’t and said (iii) ____ only once a week. (i) (a) do you shave (b) did he shave (c) if he shaved (d) that if he shaved

(ii) (a) don’t you (b) you don’t (c) if you don’t (d) if he didn’t

(iii) (a) I shave (b) that he shaved (c) if he shaved (d) if I shaved

Sue: What is it dear? Johnsy: The leaves. Sue: Are you counting the leaves? Johnsy: Yes. Sue asked Johnsy (i) ____ Johnsy replied that (ii) ____ Sue further asked (iii) ____ the leaves. Johnsy replied in positive. (i)  (a) what it is (b) what is it (c) what is was (d) what was it

(ii) (a) that it was the leaves (b) it is leaves (c) that it are leaves (d) that it had leaves

(iii)  (a) are you counting (b) that she was counting (c) was she counting (d) if she was counting

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Reported Speech ESL Games, Activities and Worksheets

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But he told me...

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But he told me Preview

Double Trouble

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Double Trouble Preview

ESL Reported Speech Game - Grammar and Speaking: Reading and Responding to Statements, Forming Sentences, Controlled Practice - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 35 minutes

Oh Really? Preview

You said...

Esl reported speech game - grammar and speaking: miming, guessing, forming sentences - group and pair work - pre-intermediate (a2) - 25 minutes.

You said... Preview

Report This

Esl reported speech activity - grammar and speaking: asking and answering questions, forming sentences - pair work - intermediate (b1) - 25 minutes.

Report This Preview

Reporting Modal Verbs

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Run and Report

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Run and Report Preview

Somebody told me that...

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Somebody told me that... Preview

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Telephone Messages Preview

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Trip Around the World Preview

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What did they say? Preview

What did you ask me?

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What did you ask me? Preview

I asked you not to...

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I asked you not to... Preview

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Infinitive Clauses Practice Preview

Listening In

Esl reported speech game - grammar: sentence completion, guessing - group and pair work - upper-intermediate (b2) - 25 minutes.

Listening In Preview

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Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ Test (Online Available)

Free mcq test, table of content, reported speech test 4, reported speech test 3, reported speech test 2, reported speech test 1.

The chapter Reported Speech is one of the important chapters in class 8. The highly qualified experts of Selfstudys developed these Reported Speech class 8 MCQ to test what students have learnt and also helps them to identify their strengths and weaknesses. 

These MCQ on Reported Speech history class 8 are developed as per the latest pattern of CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). If a student wants to secure good marks in their exams, then they should attempt Reported Speech class 8 MCQ. 

The MCQ on Reported Speech history class 8 is created with detailed explanation of concepts which can help students understand the concepts better and also increases their objective knowledge. 

Format of Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ 

By regularly practising the MCQ on Reported Speech History class 8, the students will get to know about the most common repeated questions. They will also get to know about the HOTS Questions (High Order Thinking Skills). The Reported Speech class 8 MCQ also helps the students to do a thorough revision for their final examinations. 

The Reported Speech class 8 MCQ is developed as per the question papers of the last 5 years to help the students to give an idea about the most repeated questions and also about the pattern of the examination. 

Steps To Attempt The Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ 

If students want to attempt Reported Speech class 8 MCQ, they need to follow the following steps: 

  • The first step is to go to the official website of selfstudys i.e. selfstudys.com.

Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ, Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ Test, Reported Speech Class 8 Online MCQ, Reported Speech MCQ Test, MCQ on Reported Speech Class 8

  • Click on the three lines on the upper left side, and then tap on the ‘CBSE’ Option, scroll down and click on the option stating ‘MCQ Tests’.

Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ, Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ Test, Reported Speech Class 8 Online MCQ, Reported Speech MCQ Test, MCQ on Reported Speech Class 8

  • A page will appear in which there will be options for choosing classes. 
  • Choose class 8.

Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ, Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ Test, Reported Speech Class 8 Online MCQ, Reported Speech MCQ Test, MCQ on Reported Speech Class 8

  • Now, you have to choose the subject and the chapter. 
  • Now, you can attempt Reported Speech History Class 8 MCQ.

Instructions To Attempt Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ 

Before starting the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ, it is advisable for all the students to go through the instructions to attempt the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ; 

  • The total number of questions in the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ is 10. 
  • Out of 4 options in the MCQ on Reported Speech history class 8, only 1 is correct. 
  • The duration in the Reported Speech history class 8 MCQ will be 10 minutes to ensure time management among the students. 
  • For each correct answer, the students will be given 1 mark. 
  • After submitting the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ, all the students can have a look at the answers with detailed information. 
  • On the basis of the marks scored in the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ test and time taken by the student to complete the test, the rank will be calculated. 

How To Prepare for The Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ? 

All the students should prepare for Reported Speech class 8 MCQ in the following way to secure good marks in their examination: 

  • Start by memorising the important notes: The first step is to brush up all the important notes to create a strong base for the learning if a student is preparing for Reported Speech history class 8 MCQ. Multiple choice questions is one of the most effective methods to test the skills of students and also it helps to know how well prepared a student is for the exam. 
  • Make Acronyms: Another effective method which is advisable for all the students is to make acronyms to prepare for Reported Speech class 8 MCQ. The procedure for that will be taking the first alphabet of the word and relating it with a word so that it becomes easy for you to remember. 
  • Make flashcards: Making flashcards is also an effective way to prepare for the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ which can help you to explain and relate key terms and names. Flashcards are a great tool if a student wants to do revision after the completion of their preparation. It also helps to recall all the important concepts which is a very important skill in the case of MCQ tests. 
  • Put important information into a song which you like: Take a musical tune that is easy to memorise and replace the words with important dates, names and other important things. 
  • Quiz yourself: Develop your own questions after going through the CBSE Class 8 syllabus and important notes. After creating 10 questions, test your knowledge to see how well you know the topic and also to identify your strengths and weaknesses. 

How Regular Practice of Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ Can Help Students Improve Their Scores 

The first thing which a student wants to know after completing the preparation of Reported Speech history class 8 MCQ, they want to know how well are they actually prepared for the exam

The benefits of Reported Speech class 8 MCQ are huge, a student can get to know about their strengths and weaknesses and also the areas where they lack. 

Benefits of The Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ 

There are numerous benefits of Reported Speech history class 8 MCQ can help students to improve their marks in examinations. Some of them are: 

  • Flexible Questioning Technique: Flexible questioning technique is used in the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ which can promote effective learning among the students and as MCQ questions are versatile, students can learn them with critical thinking. 
  • Time Management: The Reported Speech class 8 MCQ helps the students to manage their time effectively. Time management reduces the chance of procrastination which can increase the chances for scoring well in the examination for all the students. As the time duration of the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ will only be 10 minutes, it can be helpful for students as they will have more time for other important study materials. 
  • Fast: The Reported Speech history class 8 MCQ is fast as compared to other modes of exam available. Examples include offline (pen and paper) etc. This can be beneficial for students as they will get the status of their exam preparation fast. 
  • Developed by the Subject Matter Experts: These Reported Speech class 8 MCQ are developed by the subject matter experts of selfstudys.com who have years of experience in the educational field and are aware of the most common questions which can be asked in examinations. 
  • Give the idea of the pattern of the exam: The Reported Speech class 8 MCQ gives the idea of the pattern of the exam to the students which can make them confident and also help them to score well in the exam. 
  • Improve the skills of the students: The Reported Speech history class 8 MCQ can significantly improve critical thinking, management skills and time management skills. 

Hacks to Score Well in the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ

If a student want to score well in the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ, they can try the following hacks: 

  • Read the complete question: It is advisable for students to read the entire question of the MCQ on Reported Speech history class 8 completely as it helps them to understand the requirement of the question. Students often feel that they know the answer by looking at the question and without reading the complete question, they choose the most logical answer. This mistake is very common among the students. 
  • Answer it in your mind first: Answer the question in your mind after reading the Reported Speech history class 8 MCQ without looking at the options. Try to answer it without looking at the options as it will help you to be completely sure about the answer. 
  • Attempt the questions you know first: Students are advised to attempt the questions for which they are completely sure that they know the answer whereas if a student doesn’t know the particular answer, they can skip it. By doing this, no unnecessary time will be wasted and time management will be ensured. 
  • Make a guess: Students should make a guess while attempting the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ because there is no negative marking. So, there is no need to skip any questions. 

How To Select The Correct Answers To The Reported Speech History Class 8 MCQ?

  • Use the process of elimination: After reading the entire questions and all the four options, students can use the process of elimination for the options for which they are 100% sure that they are incorrect. Even if they know the correct option, students are advised to use the elimination process. 
  • “All of the above” and “None of the above”:  While attempting the Reported Speech class 8 MCQ, if you see options like “All of the above” and “none of the above”, prefer not to choose them unless you are 100% sure as students think that this is the correct option.
  • Find the answers hidden in the Question: A lot of times, the answers are hidden in the given questions so, try to find the answers hidden in Reported Speech class 8 MCQ. Try decoding the questions by rereading them as you can find them in the questions itself. 
  • True or False Test: Doing a true or false test in Reported Speech English Class 8 MCQ can be very beneficial as it can be easier for a student to not consider all the false answer options and choose the correct answer.
  • Possibility of two correct answers: If in case, two answers look correct with all of the above options while attempting the Class 8 Reported Speech of History MCQ, then there is a strong possibility that it is the correct answer option. 

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Reported Speech Class 8 Worksheet

Reported Speech Class 8 Worksheet: Hello Students, welcome to Net Explanations. In this page we have posted Reported Speech Class 8 English Grammar Worksheet Extra Questions Answers. For more CBSE Board Class 8 Grammar Worksheet you can check this page.

Reported Speech Class 8 English Grammar Worksheet – Change Sentences into Indirect Speech

2.) He said to me, ” My name is Ram”.

4.) The girl said, ” A bot stole my purse.”

8.) She said, “I do not know English.”

14.) Fauji Baba said, ” My son loves me very much”.

4.) Radha said to Hari, “ Where is my book?”

5.) You said to her, “ what is your name?”

9.) Ram said to her, “How do you cook rice?”

12.) Hari said to me, “ where do you live?”

Answer Sheet – 

4.) The girl said that a boy had stolen her purse.

5.) Dadaji told me that I was a  lazy boy.

2.) He asked if he could sleep.

6.) Gopal asked Seema when could come to her.

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Reported Speech: Exclamatory Sentences Practice Questions with Answers

  • Post last modified: 10 April 2022
  • Post category: Grammar Exercises / School Grammar

Learn how to change Exclamatory sentences into indirect speech. We are giving here rules of as well as some practice exercises to help learners master the direct and indirect transformation of sentences. watch the video tutorials also to learn how to change a direct speech exclamation into its indirect speech exclamation.

New exercises are added from time to time, so keep coming here .

Click here for rules of Reported Speech

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Narration: Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences:.

Sentences which express some sudden feelings ( such as pleasure, anger, surprise ) about something which has been said or done, are called Exclamatory sentences.

Exclamatory sentences or expressions take a mark of exclamation (!) at their end.

  • Hurrah! we have won.
  • Alas! he is ruined.
  • What a lovely flower!
  • How foolish he is!

Exclamatory Sentences: General Rules

  • Use ‘exclaimed’ in place of ‘said’ in the reporting verb in the indirect speech: Sometimes Exclamatory sentences contain exclamations like Hurrah! Alas! Oh! Heavens! Bravo, etc. Such exclamatory words are removed in the indirect speech and we use ‘ exclaimed with sorrow’, exclaimed with joy, exclaimed with surprise, applaud, pray etc. instead of ‘said’.
  • Generally, Indirect speech begins with that the Conjunction ‘ that’
  • Use ‘wish’ and ‘pray to God’ in sentences involving wish and prayer.
  • Convert the exclamatory sentence to a statement i.e. end with a full stop dot ( . )
  • Direct: Kohli said, “Hurrah! We won the match.” Indirect: Kohli exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
  • Direct: Reena said, “Alas! Sheela’s mother is suffering from cancer.” Indirect: Reena exclaimed with sorrow that Sheela’s mother was suffering from cancer.
  • Direct: My mother said, “May God bless you!” Indirect: My mother prayed to God for my wellbeing.
  • Direct: He said, “What a pity!” Indirect: He exclaimed that it was a great pity.
  • Direct: I said, “How stupid he is!” Indirect: I exclaimed that it was a very stupid of him.

Solved Exercises -1

Q. Change the following sentences into Indirect narration.

  • He said, “Alas! I am undone.” 
  • She said, “Hoe clever I am!” 
  • He said, “Bravo! You have done well.” 
  • “Oh, help me, Heaven!” he cried, “I will never steal again.” 
  • She said, “May you succeed, my son.” 
  • He said, “What a great misery!” 
  • The captain said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.” 
  • Sita said, “Goodbye, my friend!” 
  • The spectators said, “Bravo! Well played, Rahul!” 
  • The merchant said, “Alas! I am ruined.” 
  • He exclaimed sadly (with sorrow) that he was undone. 
  • She exclaimed that she was very clever. 
  • He applauded him saying that he had done well. 
  • He called upon Heaven to witness his resolve never to steal again. 
  • She wished success for her son. OR She prayed for the success of her son.  
  • He exclaimed that it was a great misery. 
  • The captain exclaimed with joy that they had won. 
  • She bade her friend goodbye.  
  • The spectators applauded Rahul saying that he had played well. 
  • The merchant exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined. 

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Analytical paragraph practice questions class 10 english grammar, subject verb agreement rules, determiners english grammar practice questions, rearrange and form meaningful sentences: english grammar, this post has 7 comments.

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Thank s and it is very helpful ffor me

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Thank s and this is useful examples

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Direct And Indirect Speech Worksheet For Class 8 CBSE

by Manjusha · Published February 22, 2022 · Updated May 3, 2024

Sentences are given in the direct speech. Change them into the indirect speech.

1. Ravi said, ‘I am trying to find a job here.’

2. She said, ‘I am doing my homework.’

3. She said, ‘I ate an apple in the morning.’

4. Ram said, ‘I have posted the letter.’

5. Suma said, ‘I will pass the test.’

6. Rahim said, ‘Where can I find a cobbler?’

7. The teacher said, ‘Everyone must submit their work by Friday.’

8. Mother said, ‘You are lazy.’

9. The officer said, ‘No one can leave without permission.’

10. He said, ‘I was watching a movie at 8 pm last night.’

11. Susie said, ‘You are a liar.’

12. Mother said, ‘I will call you when dinner is ready.’

1. Ravi said that he was trying to find a job there.

2. She said that she was doing her homework.

3. She said that she had eaten an apple in the morning.

4. Ram said that he had posted the letter.

5. Suma said that she would pass the test.

6. Rahim asked where he could find a cobbler.

7. The teacher said that everyone had to submit their work by Friday.

8. Mother said that I was l azy.

9. The officer said that no one could leave without permission.

10. He said that he was watching a movie at 8 pm the previous night.

11. Susie called me a liar.

12. Mother said that she would call me when dinner was ready.

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Tags: direct and indirect speech worksheet reported speech exercise reported speech worksheet

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rewrite these sentences ,using reported speech.

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    2. When the Reporting Verb is in Past Tense. When the reporting verb is past tense, the change of reported speech takes place as shown below. Read the following examples. Direct The man said to the boy, " You are not serious about your studies.". Indirect The man told the boy that he was not serious about his studies.

  5. Reported Speech Exercises

    Reported Speech Exercise 3: Multiple Choices. Reported Speech Exercise. Choose the correct reported speech form for each sentence. 1. He said, "I am watching a movie." A) He said he was watching a movie. B) He said I am watching a movie. C) He said he is watching a movie. 2. She said, "I will call you tomorrow." A) She said she would ...

  6. CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

    Here are some distinctive points regarding the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech : In the Direct Speech. 1. The Reported Speech is put within Reported (Inverted) Commas. 2. The Reported Speech and the Reporting Verb are separated by a Comma. 3. The first word of the Reported Speech begins with a capital letter.

  7. reported speech, class 8

    reported speech, class 8 quiz for 8th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! reported speech, class 8 quiz for 8th grade students. ... Worksheet Save Share. Copy and Edit. English. 8th. grade. reported speech, class 8. Ludmila Mandatari. 1.2K . plays. 15 questions. Copy & Edit. Save

  8. Grade 8

    In this Grade 8 English video lesson we will be teaching you about Direct and Reported Speech.We've sourced highly-qualified and experienced South African te...

  9. Reported speech

    Reported speech 2. Reported requests and orders. Reported speech exercise. Reported questions - worksheet. Indirect speech - worksheet. Worksheets pdf - print. Grammar worksheets - handouts. Grammar - lessons. Reported speech - grammar notes.

  10. Reported speech online exercise for Grade 8

    Reported speech statements interactive activity for Grade 8. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf.

  11. Reported Speech for Class 8 English Grammar

    Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect) Exercise with Answer. Reported Speech - Reported speech refers to recording the speaker's speech, whether it is done directly by recording the speaker's words or indirectly by recording the speaker's words but changing them. Shyam said, "Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.".

  12. Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers

    1. Use conjunction 'that' to connect the speech with reporting verb. 2. Change tenses according to the rules learnt in PART-II. 3. 'Said' is mostly changed into 'exclaimed' (sometimes 'applauded saying') 4. Replace 'what' or 'how' with 'very' (sometimes 'big' or 'great'). 5.

  13. Worksheet: Reported Speech

    The "Worksheet: Reported Speech Class 8 Questions" guide is a valuable resource for all aspiring students preparing for the Class 8 exam. It focuses on providing a wide range of practice questions to help students gauge their understanding of the exam topics. These questions cover the entire syllabus, ensuring comprehensive preparation.

  14. Reported Speech ESL Games Activities Worksheets

    In this entertaining reported speech speaking activity, students interview each other giving true or false answers and then use reported speech to compare what the interviewees said. First, students read ten questions on the worksheet and write one true answer and two false answers for each question. Next, students use the questions to ...

  15. Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ Test (Online Available)

    Steps To Attempt The Reported Speech Class 8 MCQ. If students want to attempt Reported Speech class 8 MCQ, they need to follow the following steps: The first step is to go to the official website of selfstudys i.e. selfstudys.com. Click on the three lines on the upper left side, and then tap on the 'CBSE' Option, scroll down and click on ...

  16. Reported Speech Class 8 Worksheet

    Reported Speech Class 8 English Grammar Worksheet - Change Sentences into Indirect Speech. Q1.) Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech. (15 marks) 1.) Ram said, "I attend the class every day.". 2.) He said to me, " My name is Ram". 3.) He said to me, " I am listening to the radio.".

  17. Reported speech online exercise for Grade 8

    Reported speech. Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. ... Level: Grade 8. Language: English (en) ID: 129918. 26/04/2020. Country code: LT. Country: Lithuania. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958 ...

  18. Reported Speech: Exclamatory Sentences Practice Questions with Answers

    Use 'wish' and 'pray to God' in sentences involving wish and prayer. Convert the exclamatory sentence to a statement i.e. end with a full stop dot (.) Examples. Direct: Kohli said, "Hurrah! We won the match.". Indirect: Kohli exclaimed with joy that they had won the match. Direct: Reena said, "Alas! Sheela's mother is suffering ...

  19. Reporting Questions

    Report the questions given below. 1. He asked me, 'Why did you insult my brother?'. 2. 'Where did you go yesterday?' the man said to his servant. 3. 'When will your classes start?' the father said to his daughter. 4. The teacher asked, 'Why were you absent yesterday?'.

  20. Reported Speech

    Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.

  21. Direct And Indirect Speech Worksheet For Class 8 CBSE

    10. He said that he was watching a movie at 8 pm the previous night. 11. Susie called me a liar. 12. Mother said that she would call me when dinner was ready. See also. Direct and indirect speech worksheet for classes 7 and 8; Changing yes/no questions from direct speech to indirect speech; Direct and indirect speech worksheet for class 8

  22. Reported speech online exercise for Grade 8

    Reported speech. Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. ... Level: Grade 8. Language: English (en) ID: 2163291. 03/10/2022. Country code: VN. Country: Vietnam. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958 ...

  23. Reported speech online exercise for Grade 8

    rewrite these sentences ,using reported speech. Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. ... Grade 8. Language: English (en) ID: 1931810. 11/03/2022. Country code: VN. Country: Vietnam ...