PowerPoint Rubric

* Primary sources can include original letters and diaries, personal observations, interviews, first-hand accounts, newspaper articles, magazine articles, journal articles, Web pages, audio recordings, video productions and photography.

Examples of Other Rubrics

  • Presentation Design

Presentation Rubric for a College Project

We seem to have an unavoidable relationship with public speaking throughout our lives. From our kindergarten years, when our presentations are nothing more than a few seconds of reciting cute words in front of our class…

Image contains kids singing

...till our grown up years, when things get a little more serious, and the success of our presentations may determine getting funds for our business, or obtaining an academic degree when defending our thesis.

Image contains a person speaking with a microphone

By the time we reach our mid 20’s, we become worryingly used to evaluations based on our presentations. Yet, for some reason, we’re rarely told the traits upon which we are being evaluated. Most colleges and business schools for instance use a PowerPoint presentation rubric to evaluate their students. Funny thing is, they’re not usually that open about sharing it with their students (as if that would do any harm!).

What is a presentation rubric?

A presentation rubric is a systematic and standardized tool used to evaluate and assess the quality and effectiveness of a presentation. It provides a structured framework for instructors, evaluators, or peers to assess various aspects of a presentation, such as content, delivery, organization, and overall performance. Presentation rubrics are commonly used in educational settings, business environments, and other contexts where presentations are a key form of communication.

A typical presentation rubric includes a set of criteria and a scale for rating or scoring each criterion. The criteria are specific aspects or elements of the presentation that are considered essential for a successful presentation. The scale assigns a numerical value or descriptive level to each criterion, ranging from poor or unsatisfactory to excellent or outstanding.

Common criteria found in presentation rubrics may include:

  • Content: This criterion assesses the quality and relevance of the information presented. It looks at factors like accuracy, depth of knowledge, use of evidence, and the clarity of key messages.
  • Organization: Organization evaluates the structure and flow of the presentation. It considers how well the introduction, body, and conclusion are structured and whether transitions between sections are smooth.
  • Delivery: Delivery assesses the presenter's speaking skills, including vocal tone, pace, clarity, and engagement with the audience. It also looks at nonverbal communication, such as body language and eye contact.
  • Visual Aids: If visual aids like slides or props are used, this criterion evaluates their effectiveness, relevance, and clarity. It may also assess the design and layout of visual materials.
  • Audience Engagement: This criterion measures the presenter's ability to connect with the audience, maintain their interest, and respond to questions or feedback.
  • Time Management: Time management assesses whether the presenter stayed within the allotted time for the presentation. Going significantly over or under the time limit can affect the overall effectiveness of the presentation.
  • Creativity and Innovation: In some cases, rubrics may include criteria related to the creative and innovative aspects of the presentation, encouraging presenters to think outside the box.
  • Overall Impact: This criterion provides an overall assessment of the presentation's impact on the audience, considering how well it achieved its intended purpose and whether it left a lasting impression.

“We’re used to giving presentations, yet we’re rarely told the traits upon which we’re being evaluated.

Well, we don’t believe in shutting down information. Quite the contrary: we think the best way to practice your speech is to know exactly what is being tested! By evaluating each trait separately, you can:

  • Acknowledge the complexity of public speaking, that goes far beyond subject knowledge.
  • Address your weaker spots, and work on them to improve your presentation as a whole.

I’ve assembled a simple Presentation Rubric, based on a great document by the NC State University, and I've also added a few rows of my own, so you can evaluate your presentation in pretty much any scenario!


What is tested in this powerpoint presentation rubric.

The Rubric contemplates 7 traits, which are as follows:

Image contains seven traits: "Organization, Subject knowledge, mechanics, eye contact, poise, elocution, enthusiasm".

Now let's break down each trait so you can understand what they mean, and how to assess each one:

Presentation Rubric

Image contains the presentation rubric

How to use this Rubric?:

The Rubric is pretty self explanatory, so I'm just gonna give you some ideas as to how to use it. The ideal scenario is to ask someone else to listen to your presentation and evaluate you with it. The less that person knows you, or what your presentation is about, the better.


  • 21-28 Fan-bloody-tastic!
  • 14-21 Looking good, but you can do better
  • 7-14 Uhmmm, you ain't at all ready

As we don't always have someone to rehearse our presentations with, a great way to use the Rubric is to record yourself (this is not Hollywood material so an iPhone video will do!), watching the video afterwards, and evaluating your presentation on your own. You'll be surprised by how different your perception of yourself is, in comparison to how you see yourself on video.

Image contains a person using a whiteboard

Related read: Webinar - Public Speaking and Stage Presence: How to wow?

It will be fairly easy to evaluate each trait! The mere exercise of reading the Presentation Rubric is an excellent study on presenting best practices.

If you're struggling with any particular trait, I suggest you take a look at our Academy Channel where we discuss how to improve each trait in detail!

It's not always easy to objectively assess our own speaking skills. So the next time you have a big presentation coming up, use this Rubric to put yourself to the test!

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Higher Education

How to (Effectively) Use a Presentation Grading Rubric

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Almost all higher education courses these days require students to give a presentation, which can be a beast to grade. But there’s a simple tool to keep your evaluations on track. 

Enter: The presentation grading rubric.

With a presentation grading rubric, giving feedback is simple. Rubrics help instructors standardize criteria and provide consistent scoring and feedback for each presenter. 

How can presentation grading rubrics be used effectively? Here are 5 ways to make the most of your rubrics. 

1. Find a Good Customizable Rubric

There’s practically no limit to how rubrics are used, and there are oodles of presentation rubrics on Pinterest and Google Images. But not all rubrics are created equal. 

Professors need to be picky when choosing a presentation rubric for their courses. Rubrics should clearly define the target that students are aiming for and describe performance. 

2. Fine-Tune Your Rubric

Make sure your rubric accurately reflects the expectations you have for your students. It may be helpful to ask a colleague or peer to review your rubric before putting it to use. After using it for an assignment, you could take notes on the rubric’s efficiency as you grade. 

You may need to tweak your rubric to correct common misunderstandings or meet the criteria for a specific assignment. Make adjustments as needed and frequently review your rubric to maximize its effectiveness. 

3. Discuss the Rubric Beforehand

On her blog Write-Out-Loud , Susan Dugdale advises to not keep rubrics a secret. Rubrics should be openly discussed before a presentation is given. Make sure reviewing your rubric with students is listed on your lesson plan.

Set aside time to discuss the criteria with students ahead of presentation day so they know where to focus their efforts. To help students better understand the rubric, play a clip of a presentation and have students use the rubric to grade the video. Go over what grade students gave the presentation and why, based on the rubric’s standards. Then explain how you would grade the presentation as an instructor. This will help your students internalize the rubric as they prepare for their presentations.

4. Use the Rubric Consistently

Rubrics help maintain fairness in grading. When presentation time arrives, use a consistent set of grading criteria across all speakers to keep grading unbiased. 

An effective application for rubrics is to apply a quantitative value to students across a cohort and over multiple presentations. These values show which students made the most progress and where they started out (relative to the rest of their class). Taken together, this data tells the story of how effective or ineffective the feedback has been.

5. Share Your Feedback

If you’re using an electronic system, sharing feedback might be automatic. If you’re using paper, try to give copies to presenters as soon as possible. This will help them incorporate your feedback while everything is still fresh in their minds. 

If you’re looking to use rubrics electronically, check out GoReact, the #1 video platform for skill development. GoReact allows you to capture student presentations on video for feedback, grading, and critique. The software includes a rubric builder that you can apply to recordings of any kind of presentation.

Presenters can receive real-time feedback by live recording directly to GoReact with a webcam or smartphone. Instructors and peers submit feedback during the presentation. Students improve astronomically. 

A presentation grading rubric is a simple way to keep your evaluations on track. Remember to use a customizable rubric, discuss the criteria beforehand, follow a consistent set of grading criteria, make necessary adjustments, and quickly share your feedback.

By following these five steps, both you and your students can reap the benefits that great rubrics have to offer.

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This is a grading rubric an instructor uses to assess students’ work on this type of assignment. It is a sample rubric that needs to be edited to reflect the specifics of a particular assignment. Students can self-assess using the rubric as a checklist before submitting their assignment.

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Grading Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation

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Creating and using rubrics for assessment, in this section, tools and ideas for creating your rubrics.

Many of these rubrics grew out of a long-term commitment to building alternative assessments in our Instructional Design , and Math Specialist  and Teaching and Assessing Writing online courses.

What's New?

Video Conferencing Rubric

Our Top Five Rubrics

  • Online Discussion
  • Video Project
  • Middle School/High School Group Work
  • Elementary Teamwork

Quick Links to Rubrics

  • Discussion, Teamwork, and Group Work Rubrics  
  • ePortfolio and Web Page Rubrics  
  • Concept Map and Graphic Organizer Rubric  
  • Video and Multimedia Project Rubrics  
  • Math and Science Rubrics  
  • Virtual Simulations and Games Rubric  
  • Research Process Rubrics  
  • Writing Rubrics  
  • Rubrics for Primary Grades  
  • Presentation Rubrics  

Tools for Creating Your Rubrics

Presentation rubrics.

Video Conferencing Rubric Maggie Rouman's rubric assesses real-time sessions to foster community, present topics, and enhance learning.  

Podcast Rubric Ann Bell's rubric helps students assess what makes a good podcast. 

PowerPoint Rubric 10 performance categories

Oral Presentation Rubric  (Word doc)

VoiceThread Participation Rubric  (pdf) Michelle Pacansky-Brock's general formative assessment is used when students view a mini video lecture/presentation. Contributions are rated on originality, comprehension, and clarity.

Oral Presentation Checklist 4Teachers.org provides an online tool to customize the checklist for your grade level

Effective Project Presentations Buck Institute for Education (BIE) rubric for high school presentations

Poster Rubric

Speaking and Writing Rubrics  bilingual education (English and Spanish) Spanish Partial-Immersion Program Rubrics for Writing and Speaking in English and Spanish for Grades 1-5

Social Media Project Rubrics

Wiki Rubric Criteria for assessing individual and group Wiki contributions.

Blog Rubric Assess individual blog entries, including comments on peers' blogs.

Twitter Rubric Assess learning during social networking instructional assignments.

Discussion, Teamwork, and Group Work Rubrics

Online Discussion Board Rubric Criteria for assessing the ability to share perspectives, refine thoughts through the writing process, and participate in a meaningful discussion Primary Grade Self-Evaluation Teamwork Rubric  (PDF) Features of a sandwich to graphically show the criteria

Upper Elementary Teamwork Rubric Karen Franker's rubric includes six defined criteria for assessing the team and individual responsibility

Middle School/High School Collaboration Rubric Six defined criteria for collaboration with strong performance descriptors

ePortfolio and Web Page Rubrics

These rubrics are related to our Instructional Design courses.

e-Portfolio Rubric Electronic portfolio rubric created by Joan Vandervelde includes 7 categories with 4 levels of achievement

Web Page Rubric Joan Vandervelde's rubric details 9 categories for evaluating a web page

CyberFair Peer Review Student Web Page Rubric Online feedback form for CyberFair Project.

Concept Map and Graphic Organizer Rubric

Graphic Organizer and Mind Map Rubric   Concept map diagram rubric to assess a visual storyboard of a final project or to chart a flow of work and ideas by Karen Franker

Storyboard Rubric Concept map and/or storyboard specification of instructional sequencing and messaging details.

Video and Multimedia Project Rubrics

These rubrics are related to our Elearning and Online Teaching course and flipped classroom  course.

Video Project Rubric   Joan Vandervelde lists criteria for video production and editing

Multimedia Project Rubric   Rubric developed by Caroline McCullen, Jamie McKenzie, and Terrie Gray

Virtual Simulations and Games Rubric

Assessing Student Learning in Virtual Simulations and Serious Games A grading rubric created by Ann Bell with 6 performance criteria

Research Process Rubrics

Research Process Rubric - Elementary Karen Franker's rubric to assess planning, gathering, organizing and citing information in grades 3-5

Research Process Rubric - Middle School Karen Franker's rubric assesses performance with the research process

Rubric for Research Process   Joyce Valenza's rubric assesses 5 research performance areas for high school students

Research Process Reflection Joyce Valenza's Question Brainstormer encourages students to ask focus questions and reflect on the research process

Academic Research Writing and APA Formatting Rubric Kay Lehmann's rubric for high school or college level

Writing Rubrics

These rubrics are related to our Teaching and Assessing Writing courses .

Student-Friendly Writing Rubric

Samples of Student Writing, Scored With a 6+1 Trait Rubric An extensive archive of assessment materials associated with the  6-Traits assessment  approach.

NWREL's Six Traits of Writing Rubric English and Spanish versions of the 6-Traits of Writing Rubric and other rubrics for listening, public speaking, and reading

Writing Rubrics K-12 - Opinion/Argument, Narrative, and Informative/Explanatory

Research Paper Rubric   (Word doc)

Rubric for Scoring Effective Writing  (Word doc)

Persuasive Essay Rubric  (Word document)

Reflective Writing Rubric  (PDF)

Reflection Paper Rubric (PDF)

Historical Fiction Essay Rubric  (pdf) Blake Green's history class rubric.

Rubrics for Middle School Includes invention report, book talk, persuasive essay,  and autobiographical event essay

Autobiographical Rubric (PDF)

Math and Science Rubrics

These rubrics are related to our Math Specialist courses .

Math Rubrics 4 levels of math understanding with performance criteria

NCTM Math Standard Rubric  (pdf) Performance criteria for problem-solving reasoning and proof communication connections representation

Science Rubric  (pdf) Performance criteria for the use of scientific tools, science reasoning and strategies, science concepts and use of data and communication Scientific Report Rubric Easy to modify for any kind of high school research report

Physics Project Rubric A good example of a performance rubric tuned a specific project. Easy to adapt to other subjects.

Rubrics for Primary Grades

Kindergarten Rubrics Assess literacy development

Kindergarten Rubrics Evaluates communication, fine muscle development, emergent reading and writing, large muscle development, math development, creative arts, personal development, and work habits, play, and social skills.

Primary Grade Self-Evaluation Teamwork Rubric  (PDF) Features a sandwich to graphically show when all criteria are met

Third Grade Venn Diagram Rubric

These tools are explored in our e-learning course .

Rubistar Choose a topic and create a new rubric based on a template. Save and edit your rubric online.

Rubric Template Insert the task and criteria into this template.

Rubric Template  (Word doc) Word document template to download and modify to meet authentic assessment needs (University of West Florida).

Quick Rubric

iRubric  develop rubrics and access them from anywhere

Single-Point Rubric  (Word doc)

Rubric Generator Build your own grading rubrics online by filling out a form. You can include a graphic and print the rubric.

Readings about Authentic Assessment Helpful background information about rubric design and implementation in the classroom.

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Evaluation Rubric

It seems that you like this template, evaluation rubric presentation, free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

Are you familiar with the concepts of "rubrics" in the academic sense? It's like a table where assignments (and the work behind them) are graded. This is a very simple description, so we think that it's best if you see it yourself. Check out this pack of evaluation rubrics! Completely editable and printable, these are ready to be used by educators or teachers who are also tired of using just white paper. A little bit of design makes the difference!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 26 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • A4 format optimized for printing
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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Create a new presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint

Note:  This feature is available to customers with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 license or Copilot Pro license.

Create a new presentation in PowerPoint.

Screenshot of the Copilot in PowerPoint button in the ribbon menu

Select Send . Copilot will draft a presentation for you!

Edit the presentation to suit your needs, ask Copilot to add a slide , or start over with a new presentation and refine your prompt to include more specifics. For example, "Create a presentation about hybrid meeting best practices that includes examples for team building.”

Create a presentation with a template

Note:  This feature is only available to customers with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 (work) license. It is not currently available to customers with a Copilot Pro (home) license.

Copilot can use your existing themes and templates to create a presentation. Learn more about making your presentations look great with Copilot in PowerPoint .

Selecting a theme for a new presentation on Office.com.

Enter your prompt or select Create presentation from file to create a first draft of your presentation using your theme or template.

Screenshot of a warning in Copilot in PowerPoint about how creating a new presentation will replace existing slides

Edit the presentation to suit your needs, ask Copilot to add a slide , organize your presentation, or add images.

Create a presentation from a file with Copilot

Note:  This feature is only available to customers with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 (work) license. It is not currently available to customers with a Copilot Pro (home) license.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

With Copilot in PowerPoint, you can create a presentation from an existing Word document. Point Copilot in PowerPoint to your Word document, and it will generate slides, apply layouts, create speaker notes, and choose a theme for you.

Screenshot of the Copilot in PowerPoint prompt menu with Create a presentation from file option highlighted

Select the Word document you want from the picker that appears. If you don't see the document you want, start typing any part of the filename to search for it.

Note:  If the file picker doesn't appear type a front slash (/) to cause it to pop up.

Best practices when creating a presentation from a Word document

Leverage word styles to help copilot understand the structure of your document.

By using Styles in Word to organize your document, Copilot will better understand your document structure and how to break it up into slides of a presentation. Structure your content under Titles and Headers when appropriate and Copilot will do its best to generate a presentation for you.

Include images that are relevant to your presentation

When creating a presentation, Copilot will try to incorporate the images in your Word document. If you have images that you would like to be brought over to your presentation, be sure to include them in your Word document.

Start with your organization’s template

If your organization uses a standard template, start with this file before creating a presentation with Copilot. Starting with a template will let Copilot know that you would like to retain the presentation’s theme and design. Copilot will use existing layouts to build a presentation for you. Learn more about Making your presentations look great with Copilot in PowerPoint .

Tip:  Copilot works best with Word documents that are less than 24 MB.

Welcome to Copilot in PowerPoint

Frequently Asked Questions about Copilot in PowerPoint

Where can I get Microsoft Copilot?

Copilot Lab - Start your Copilot journey


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How-To Geek

6 ways to create more interactive powerpoint presentations.

Engage your audience with cool, actionable features.

Quick Links

  • Add a QR code
  • Embed Microsoft Forms (Education or Business Only)
  • Embed a Live Web Page
  • Add Links and Menus
  • Add Clickable Images to Give More Info
  • Add a Countdown Timer

We've all been to a presentation where the speaker bores you to death with a mundane PowerPoint presentation. Actually, the speaker could have kept you much more engaged by adding some interactive features to their slideshow. Let's look into some of these options.

1. Add a QR code

Adding a QR code can be particularly useful if you want to direct your audience to an online form, website, or video.

Some websites have in-built ways to create a QR code. For example, on Microsoft Forms , when you click "Collect Responses," you'll see the QR code option via the icon highlighted in the screenshot below. You can either right-click the QR code to copy and paste it into your presentation, or click "Download" to add it to your device gallery to insert the QR code as a picture.

In fact, you can easily add a QR code to take your viewer to any website. On Microsoft Edge, right-click anywhere on a web page where there isn't already a link, and left-click "Create QR Code For This Page."

You can also create QR codes in other browsers, such as Chrome.

You can then copy or download the QR code to use wherever you like in your presentation.

2. Embed Microsoft Forms (Education or Business Only)

If you plan to send your PPT presentation to others—for example, if you're a trainer sending step-by-step instruction presentation, a teacher sending an independent learning task to your students, or a campaigner for your local councilor sending a persuasive PPT to constituents—you might want to embed a quiz, questionnaire, pole, or feedback survey in your presentation.

In PowerPoint, open the "Insert" tab on the ribbon, and in the Forms group, click "Forms". If you cannot see this option, you can add new buttons to the ribbon .

As at April 2024, this feature is only available for those using their work or school account. We're using a Microsoft 365 Personal account in the screenshot below, which is why the Forms icon is grayed out.

Then, a sidebar will appear on the right-hand side of your screen, where you can either choose a form you have already created or opt to craft a new form.

Now, you can share your PPT presentation with others , who can click the fields and submit their responses when they view the presentation.

3. Embed a Live Web Page

You could always screenshot a web page and paste that into your PPT, but that's not a very interactive addition to your presentation. Instead, you can embed a live web page into your PPT so that people with access to your presentation can interact actively with its contents.

To do this, we will need to add an add-in to our PPT account .

Add-ins are not always reliable or secure. Before installing an add-in to your Microsoft account, check that the author is a reputable company, and type the add-in's name into a search engine to read reviews and other users' experiences.

To embed a web page, add the Web Viewer add-in ( this is an add-in created by Microsoft ).

Go to the relevant slide and open the Web Viewer add-in. Then, copy and paste the secure URL into the field box, and remove https:// from the start of the address. In our example, we will add a selector wheel to our slide. Click "Preview" to see a sample of the web page's appearance in your presentation.

This is how ours will look.

When you or someone with access to your presentation views the slideshow, this web page will be live and interactive.

4. Add Links and Menus

As well as moving from one slide to the next through a keyboard action or mouse click, you can create links within your presentation to direct the audience to specific locations.

To create a link, right-click the outline of the clickable object, and click "Link."

In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click "Place In This Document," choose the landing destination, and click "OK."

What's more, to make it clear that an object is clickable, you can use action buttons. Open the "Insert" tab on the ribbon, click "Shape," and then choose an appropriate action button. Usefully, PPT will automatically prompt you to add a link to these shapes.

You might also want a menu that displays on every slide. Once you have created the menu, add the links using the method outlined above. Then, select all the items, press Ctrl+C (copy), and then use Ctrl+V to paste them in your other slides.

5. Add Clickable Images to Give More Info

Through PowerPoint's animations, you can give your viewer the power to choose what they see and when they see it. This works nicely whether you're planning to send your presentation to others to run through independently or whether you're presenting in front of a group and want your audience to decide which action they want to take.

Start by creating the objects that will be clickable (trigger) and the items that will appear (pop-up).

Then, select all the pop-ups together. When you click "Animations" on the ribbon and choose an appropriate animation for the effect you want to achieve, this will be applied to all objects you have selected.

The next step is to rename the triggers in your presentation. To do this, open the "Home" tab, and in the Editing group, click "Select", and then "Selection Pane."

With the Selection Pane open, select each trigger on your slide individually, and rename them in the Selection Pane, so that they can be easily linked to in the next step.

Finally, go back to the first pop-up. Open the "Animations" tab, and in the Advanced Animation group, click the "Trigger" drop-down arrow. Then, you can set the item to appear when a trigger is clicked in your presentation.

If you want your item to disappear when the trigger is clicked again, select the pop-up, click "Add Animation" in the Advanced Animation group, choose an Exit animation, and follow the same step to link that animation to the trigger button.

6. Add a Countdown Timer

A great way to get your audience to engage with your PPT presentation is to keep them on edge by adding a countdown timer. Whether you're leading a presentation and want to let your audience stop to discuss a topic, or running an online quiz with time-limit questions, having a countdown timer means your audience will keep their eye on your slide throughout.

To do this, you need to animate text boxes or shapes containing your countdown numbers. Choose and format a shape and type the highest number that your countdown clock will need. In our case, we're creating a 10-second timer.

Now, with your shape selected, open the "Animations" tab on the ribbon and click the animation drop-down arrow. Then, in the Exit menu, click "Disappear."

Open the Animation Pane, and click the drop-down arrow next to the animation you've just added. From there, choose "Timing."

Make sure "On Click" is selected in the Start menu, and change the Delay option to "1 second," before clicking "OK."

Then, with this shape still selected, press Ctrl+C (copy), and then Ctrl+V (paste). In the second box, type 9 . With the Animation Pane still open and this second shape selected, click the drop-down arrow and choose "Timing" again. Change the Start option to "After Previous," and make sure the Delay option is 1 second. Then, click "OK."

We can now use this second shape as our template, as when we copy and paste it again, the animations will also duplicate. With this second shape selected, press Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, type 8 into the box, and continue to do the same until you get to 0 .

Next, remove the animations from the "0" box, as you don't want this to disappear. To do this, click the shape, and in the Animation Pane drop-down, click "Remove."

You now need to layer them in order. Right-click the box containing number 1, and click "Bring To Front." You will now see that box on the top. Do the same with the other numbers in ascending order.

Finally, you need to align the objects together. Click anywhere on your slide and press Ctrl+A. Then, in the Home tab on the ribbon, click "Arrange." First click "Align Center," and then bring the menu up again, so that you can click "Align Middle."

Press Ctrl+A again to select your timer, and you can then move your timer or copy and paste it elsewhere.

Press F5 to see the presentation in action, and when you get to the slide containing the timer, click anywhere on the slide to see your countdown timer in action!

Now that your PPT presentation is more interactive, make sure you've avoided these eight common presentational mistakes before you present your slides.


  1. Grading Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation

    powerpoint presentation rubric doc

  2. Evaluation Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation Team by Jovenil Bacatan

    powerpoint presentation rubric doc

  3. “PowerPoint Presentation Rubric” · "PowerPoint Presentation Rubric" 1

    powerpoint presentation rubric doc

  4. 22 Free Rubric Templates (Word Format) ᐅ DocFormats

    powerpoint presentation rubric doc

  5. PowerPoint Rubric

    powerpoint presentation rubric doc

  6. PPT

    powerpoint presentation rubric doc


  1. Gamification Rubric Standards Examples

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  3. PowerPoint RUBRIC unit 6 Test Review CP BIOLOGY Ch13 14 15 2024

  4. Урок по Powerpoint. Текст с комментариями. Рисунок с комментариями

  5. Структура презентации в PowerPoint 2010 (11/50)

  6. Урок по Powerpoint. Способы вывода сложной схемы


  1. PDF Grading Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation

    Grading Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation Rubric. Information is organized in a clear, logical way. It is easy to anticipate the type of material that might be on the next slide. Most information is organized in a clear, logical way. One slide or item of information seems out of place. Some information is logically sequenced.

  2. PDF Research Presentation Rubrics

    The goal of this rubric is to identify and assess elements of research presentations, including delivery strategies and slide design. • Self-assessment: Record yourself presenting your talk using your computer's pre-downloaded recording software or by using the coach in Microsoft PowerPoint. Then review your recording, fill in the rubric ...

  3. PowerPoint Rubric

    PowerPoint Rubric. Note cards indicate you accurately researched a variety of information sources, recorded and interpreted significant facts, meaningful graphics, accurate sounds and evaluated alternative points of view. Note cards show you recorded relevant information from multiple sources of information, evaluated and synthesized relevant ...

  4. PDF Sample Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation

    Choice of background foes not fit project. 1. Background makes it difficult to see text or competes with other graphics on the page. Font formats have been color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content. All content throughout the presentation is accurate.

  5. Presentation Rubric for a College Project

    A typical presentation rubric includes a set of criteria and a scale for rating or scoring each criterion. The criteria are specific aspects or elements of the presentation that are considered essential for a successful presentation. The scale assigns a numerical value or descriptive level to each criterion, ranging from poor or unsatisfactory ...

  6. PDF Rubric for Presentation: PUBH 5900 Graduate Project

    Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations: Example #1 Author: Testing and Evaluation Services Created Date: 8/10/2017 9:45:03 AM ...

  7. PDF Evaluation Rubric for Design of Presentation Slides

    Evaluation Rubric for Design of Presentation Slides. Slides support speaker's message without being distracting; they are simple yet striking. Visuals used are best choices to communicate meaning and information. Good balance of text and graphics. Slides are too complex or busy, distracting audience from speaker's words.

  8. How to (Effectively) Use a Presentation Grading Rubric

    1. Find a Good Customizable Rubric. There's practically no limit to how rubrics are used, and there are oodles of presentation rubrics on Pinterest and Google Images. But not all rubrics are created equal. Professors need to be picky when choosing a presentation rubric for their courses. Rubrics should clearly define the target that students ...

  9. PowerPoint Presentation Rubric Examples

    The first category for this type of rubric focuses on delivery, which looks at the skills needed for presenting ideas. Since a PowerPoint is meant to be shared with an audience, a part of your ...

  10. Editable PowerPoint Presentation Rubric

    The grid of the PowerPoint Presentation Rubric measures the focus areas that you choose to add on a four-point scale. It can be used for any subject and can be used as a template across a school to bring cohesion and consistency to the assessment process. You may choose to use this as a teacher assessment tool, or you can share the template ...

  11. Grading Rubric For Power Point Project 5 4 3 2 1: Content

    Power Point Rubric - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This rubric evaluates PowerPoint presentations on a scale from 1 to 5 in several categories: content, slide creation, slide transitions, images/graphics, mechanics, and presentation skills. A score of 5 represents an excellent presentation that fully meets all requirements, while a ...


    CONTENT SCORE COMMENTS. The presentation meets the information requirements of the assignment. Information is presented in logical sequence/structure. Information on slides reflects understanding and effective summarization. Information has not simply been copied and pasted from another source. There is not too much text on a slide.

  13. PDF Microsoft Word

    This analytic rubric is used to verify specific tasks performed when producing a PowerPoint presentation. If the task has been successfully completed, all points are awarded. No points are awarded if the task is not complete. This slide features the title of the presentation and includes the author's name. A graphic or picture is included that ...

  14. PDF Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation

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  15. PDF Five Slide Presentation Rubric

    The presentation was between 2:36 and 2:45 minutes OR between 2:24 and 2:15 minutes. The presentation was between 2:46 and 2:55 minutes OR between 2:14 and 2:05 minutes. The presentation was over 2:56 minutes or under 2:04 minutes. Number of Slides The presentation has five narrated slides. The presentation consists of four narrated slides.

  16. PDF RUBRIC -Examples and Speaker Notes.ppt

    A rubric is a tool for scoring an assignment that breaks the work into the component parts (which reflect objectives) The rubric provides a score (at a minimum) or a detailed description (ideally) of good or bad performance on each component part. R ub ri cs can be used to grad e st ud ent s. and combined for an overall score.

  17. Group presentation rubric

    Group presentation rubric. This is a grading rubric an instructor uses to assess students' work on this type of assignment. It is a sample rubric that needs to be edited to reflect the specifics of a particular assignment. Students can self-assess using the rubric as a checklist before submitting their assignment.

  18. PDF Microsoft Word

    Assessment Rubric for Presentations. The presentation has a concise and clearly stated focus that is relevant to the audience. The presentation is well-structured with a clear storyline. Ideas are arranged logically; they strongly support the presentation focus. Sections are well- connected with smooth transition.

  19. Grading Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation

    Grading Rubric for PowerPoint CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Effectiveness Project includes all material needed to gain a comfortable understanding of the topic. Project includes most Project is missing material needed to more than two key gain a comfortable elements. understanding of the material but is lacking one or two key elements.

  20. Creating and Using Rubrics for Assessment

    PowerPoint Rubric. 10 performance categories. Oral Presentation Rubric (Word doc) VoiceThread Participation Rubric (pdf) Michelle Pacansky-Brock's general formative assessment is used when students view a mini video lecture/presentation. Contributions are rated on originality, comprehension, and clarity.

  21. Evaluation Rubric

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Are you familiar with the concepts of "rubrics" in the academic sense? It's like a table where assignments (and the work behind them) are graded. This is a very simple description, so we think that it's best if you see it yourself. Check out this pack of evaluation rubrics! Completely editable ...

  22. PDF Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

    Oral Presentation Grading Rubric Name: _____ Overall Score: /40 Nonverbal Skills 4 - Exceptional 3 - Admirable 2 - Acceptable 1 - Poor Eye Contact Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes or slides. Consistent use of direct eye

  23. PDF Oral Presentation Rubric

    Oral Presentation Rubric 4—Excellent 3—Good 2—Fair 1—Needs Improvement Delivery • Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes • Speaks with fluctuation in volume and inflection to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points • Consistent use of direct eye contact with ...

  24. 46 Editable Rubric Templates (Word Format) ᐅ TemplateLab

    A grading rubric template includes the criteria you will use to assess a specific task. This can be anything from writing a paper to giving an oral presentation, and more. Rubrics permit teachers to convey their expectations to students. You can also use them to track the progress of a student from the start of the task to the end of it.

  25. Create a new presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint

    Select the Copilot button in the Home tab of the ribbon. Enter your prompt or select Create presentation from file to create a first draft of your presentation using your theme or template. Copilot will replace your current presentation with a new one. If needed, save a copy first and rerun the steps above. If you already have a copy, confirm ...

  26. 6 Ways to Create More Interactive PowerPoint Presentations

    Then, with this shape still selected, press Ctrl+C (copy), and then Ctrl+V (paste). In the second box, type 9. With the Animation Pane still open and this second shape selected, click the drop-down arrow and choose "Timing" again. Change the Start option to "After Previous," and make sure the Delay option is 1 second.