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Industry 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Published by Lillian Hines Modified over 6 years ago

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Industry 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution


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Industry 4.0 PowerPoint Presentation PPT

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Industry 4.0 has revolutionized the way businesses operate by incorporating automation, data exchange, and technology to create a smart and interconnected manufacturing environment. To help professionals understand and leverage the power of Industry 4.0, this PowerPoint presentation PPT offers a comprehensive overview of the key concepts, strategies, and technologies driving this fourth industrial revolution.

The Industry 4.0 PowerPoint presentation PPT is designed to provide valuable insights into the latest trends and developments reshaping the manufacturing landscape. Whether you are a seasoned industry expert or a newcomer looking to explore the potential of Industry 4.0, this presentation will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to stay ahead of the curve.

Featuring high-quality graphics, data-driven charts, and detailed explanations, this presentation covers a wide range of topics, including the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics, and cybersecurity. With a user-friendly layout and visually engaging design, this PowerPoint presentation makes complex concepts easy to understand and communicate effectively to your audience.

Key features of this Industry 4.0 PowerPoint presentation PPT include:

1. Fully editable templates: Customize the content, colors, and layout to suit your specific needs and branding requirements. 2. Data-driven charts: Visualize complex data and trends with easy-to-edit charts and graphs. 3. Comprehensive coverage: Explore all aspects of Industry 4.0, from smart factories to digital supply chains. 4. Professional design: Impress your audience with a sleek and modern presentation design that showcases your expertise.

In conclusion, the Industry 4.0 PowerPoint presentation PPT is a valuable resource for professionals looking to gain a deeper understanding of the fourth industrial revolution and its implications for the future of manufacturing. With its fully editable templates and comprehensive coverage of key topics, this presentation is sure to enhance your knowledge and communication skills in the rapidly evolving world of Industry 4.0.

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Industry 4.0 Examples PPT

Industry 4.0 introduction.

In today's rapidly evolving landscape, Industry 4.0 is a buzzword that commands attention across sectors worldwide. This paradigm shift signifies the fusion of digital technologies with traditional industrial processes, ushering in a new era of manufacturing excellence. From smart factories to interconnected supply chains, Industry 4.0 promises unprecedented levels of efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Embracing this revolution isn't just a choice; it's a necessity for businesses striving to stay competitive in the digital age.

powerpoint presentation on industry 4.0

What are Industry 4.0 Examples

Examples of Industry 4.0 span a wide array of applications, from autonomous robots on factory floors streamlining production to cloud-based analytics optimizing supply chain logistics. Smart sensors embedded in machinery collect real-time data for predictive maintenance, while augmented reality tools enhance worker training and safety protocols. Blockchain technology ensures transparent and secure transactions within interconnected supply chains, while 3D printing revolutionizes traditional manufacturing processes.

Industry 5.0 Examples

Looking beyond Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 envisions human-machine collaboration at its core, with examples such as wearable exoskeletons aiding workers in physically demanding tasks and AI-powered assistants enhancing decision-making processes. Advanced biometric authentication systems ensure secure access to sensitive data, while drone technology transforms inventory management and warehouse operations. Personalized mass production becomes a reality with the integration of flexible manufacturing systems, heralding a new era of consumer-centric production.

Industry 4.0 Examples

Industry 4.0 examples continue to redefine the manufacturing landscape, with initiatives like digital twins creating virtual replicas of physical assets for real-time monitoring and simulation. Cognitive computing systems optimize production schedules and resource allocation, while self-driving vehicles navigate factory floors for material handling tasks. Collaborative robots, or cobots, work alongside human workers, increasing efficiency and safety, while energy-efficient technologies reduce environmental impact and operational costs.

What is Industry 4.0 Meaning

At its core, Industry 4.0 represents a fundamental shift in how industries operate, leveraging advanced technologies to create interconnected, intelligent, and autonomous systems. It signifies the convergence of digital and physical realms, blurring the lines between the virtual and real worlds. Industry 4.0 emphasizes data-driven decision-making, agility, and innovation, driving unprecedented levels of efficiency and productivity. Ultimately, it's about harnessing the power of technology to transform traditional industrial processes and unlock new opportunities for growth and competitiveness.

Industry 5.0 PPT

Presentations on Industry 5.0 delve into the future of manufacturing, highlighting human-robot collaboration, personalized production, and the ethical implications of AI integration. Visual aids illustrate concepts such as augmented reality workstations and AI-driven quality control systems, captivating audiences with glimpses into the next phase of industrial evolution. Interactive slides engage viewers with case studies showcasing successful Industry 5.0 implementations and potential societal impacts, fostering discussions on the role of technology in shaping our collective future.

Examples of Industry 4.0 Technologies

Industry 4.0 technologies encompass a wide range of innovations, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices, big data analytics platforms, and cloud computing infrastructure. Smart sensors embedded in machines collect and transmit data for predictive maintenance, while machine learning algorithms optimize production schedules and energy usage. Advanced robotics and autonomous vehicles streamline material handling and logistics processes, while additive manufacturing techniques revolutionize prototyping and customization capabilities.

Industry 5.0 Meaning

Industry 5.0 represents the evolution of Industry 4.0, emphasizing the harmonious coexistence and collaboration between humans and machines in the manufacturing environment. It signifies a shift towards more empathetic, human-centric approaches to automation, with an emphasis on creativity, intuition, and emotional intelligence. Industry 5.0 seeks to empower workers with technology while preserving the unique skills and capabilities that distinguish human labor from machine labor. Ultimately, it aims to create a more inclusive, sustainable future where technology serves humanity rather than replacing it.

What Does Industry 4.0 Mean

Industry 4.0 embodies the fusion of digital technologies with traditional industrial processes, ushering in a new era of interconnected, intelligent manufacturing systems. It represents a paradigm shift towards automation, data-driven decision-making, and decentralized production networks. At its essence, Industry 4.0 is about leveraging technology to drive efficiency, agility, and innovation across the entire value chain. It heralds a future where machines communicate and cooperate with each other autonomously, transforming the way we design, produce, and distribute goods and services. 

Industry 4.0 Applications Examples

Applications of Industry 4.0 are diverse, ranging from predictive maintenance systems that optimize equipment uptime to digital supply chain platforms enhancing transparency and agility. Smart factories leverage real-time data analytics to optimize production processes, while digital twins enable virtual simulations for design optimization and troubleshooting. Augmented reality tools support remote maintenance and training, while blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent transactions across the supply chain.

E xamples of Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing

In manufacturing, Industry 4.0 manifests in transformative ways, such as fully automated production lines that adjust in real-time to demand fluctuations and quality standards. Collaborative robots work alongside human operators, handling repetitive tasks and improving overall efficiency and safety. Advanced manufacturing techniques like additive manufacturing enable rapid prototyping and customization, while sensor-equipped machinery provides valuable insights for continuous process improvement.

powerpoint presentation on industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 Technologies Examples

Industry 4.0 technologies encompass a broad spectrum, including artificial intelligence for predictive analytics and machine learning for autonomous decision-making. Internet of Things devices connect machinery and equipment for seamless data exchange and monitoring, while cloud computing facilitates centralized data storage and analysis. Cyber-physical systems integrate digital and physical processes, enabling real-time control and optimization, while advanced robotics automate tasks traditionally performed by humans.

What is an Industry 4.0 Presentation

An Industry 4.0 presentation typically provides an overview of the key concepts, technologies, and implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It may include case studies highlighting successful implementations in various industries, as well as future trends and challenges. Visual aids such as slides, videos, and infographics help convey complex ideas and engage the audience, fostering discussions on the opportunities and risks associated with Industry 4.0 adoption.

Industry 4.0 Presentation PPT Free Download

Accessing Industry 4.0 presentation materials can be invaluable for businesses and professionals seeking to understand and harness the potential of this transformative paradigm. Free downloadable PowerPoint presentations on Industry 4.0 offer a convenient way to explore key concepts, technologies, and case studies without the need for extensive research or investment. These resources often provide comprehensive overviews of Industry 4.0, including its origins, core technologies, and practical applications, making them ideal tools for educational purposes or internal training sessions. By offering these resources for free, organizations and educators can democratize access to knowledge and empower individuals to drive innovation and change within their respective industries.

I ndustrial Presentation PPT

Industrial presentation PowerPoint templates are essential tools for professionals in the manufacturing, engineering, and industrial sectors, enabling them to create visually compelling and informative presentations. These templates typically feature industry-specific designs, such as machinery, factories, and supply chains, enhancing the relevance and impact of the content. With customizable layouts and graphics, industrial presentation PPTs streamline the creation process, allowing presenters to focus on delivering engaging narratives and insights. Whether used for project proposals, business pitches, or training sessions, industrial presentation templates help convey complex information effectively and professionally.

Is Industry 4.0 Still Relevant

Despite the rapid pace of technological advancements, Industry 4.0 remains highly relevant and impactful in today's industrial landscape. As industries continue to digitize and embrace automation, the principles and technologies of Industry 4.0 provide a roadmap for achieving greater efficiency, agility, and competitiveness. Moreover, emerging trends such as AI, IoT, and advanced robotics further underscore the importance of Industry 4.0 concepts in shaping the future of manufacturing and production. By staying abreast of these developments and actively leveraging Industry 4.0 principles, businesses can position themselves for sustained growth and resilience in an increasingly digital world.

Industry 4.0 Company Example

Numerous companies worldwide serve as prime examples of successful Industry 4.0 adoption, demonstrating the transformative potential of digital technologies in manufacturing and beyond. For instance, German engineering conglomerate Siemens has implemented Industry 4.0 principles across its operations, leveraging IoT, AI, and data analytics to optimize production processes and enhance product quality. Similarly, multinational automotive manufacturer BMW utilizes smart factory concepts to enable flexible and efficient production lines, responding swiftly to changing customer demands and market trends. These companies exemplify how Industry 4.0 strategies can drive innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness in today's dynamic business environment.

Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing

The integration of Industry 4.0 technologies has revolutionized the manufacturing landscape, enabling unprecedented levels of automation, connectivity, and efficiency. From intelligent robotics and cobots enhancing production flexibility to data-driven predictive maintenance systems minimizing downtime, Industry 4.0 initiatives have reshaped traditional manufacturing processes. Real-time monitoring and analysis of production data optimize resource utilization and quality control, while digital twins facilitate virtual simulations for process optimization and innovation. By embracing Industry 4.0 principles, manufacturers can unlock new opportunities for growth, innovation, and competitiveness in an increasingly digitalized global economy.

What is Industry 4.0 PDF

An Industry 4.0 PDF provides a comprehensive resource for understanding the core concepts, technologies, and implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. These documents often delve into the historical context of Industry 4.0, its key pillars, and practical examples across various industries. By offering insights into emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities, Industry 4.0 PDFs empower readers to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and harness its potential for driving business success. Whether used for academic research, professional development, or strategic planning, Industry 4.0 PDFs serve as valuable guides for individuals and organizations seeking to thrive in the digital age.

Industry 4.0 Presentation PDF

Industry 4.0 presentation PDFs distill complex concepts and insights into a concise and visually appealing format, making them ideal resources for sharing knowledge and fostering discussions. These documents often feature compelling visuals, data visualizations, and case studies to illustrate the transformative impact of Industry 4.0 across industries. By providing downloadable PDFs, presenters can reach a wider audience and facilitate self-paced learning and exploration of Industry 4.0 topics. Whether used for educational purposes, internal training, or stakeholder engagement, Industry 4.0 presentation PDFs facilitate meaningful conversations and inspire action towards embracing digital transformation.

Industry 4.0 Technologies PDF

Industry 4.0 technologies PDFs offer in-depth insights into the cutting-edge tools and solutions driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution. These documents cover a wide range of technologies, including IoT, AI, cloud computing, and advanced robotics, highlighting their applications and benefits in industrial settings. By exploring real-world examples and case studies, Industry 4.0 technologies PDFs help readers understand how these innovations are transforming manufacturing processes and business models. With downloadable PDFs readily accessible, individuals and organizations can stay informed about the latest advancements in Industry 4.0 and explore opportunities for leveraging these technologies to drive innovation and growth.

What Are the Industry 4.0 Standards

Industry 4.0 standards are essential guidelines and protocols that ensure interoperability, security, and efficiency in the implementation of digital technologies across industries. These standards cover various aspects, including data exchange formats, communication protocols, and cybersecurity measures, to facilitate seamless integration and collaboration between different systems and stakeholders. Organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) play crucial roles in developing and promoting industry standards, fostering trust and reliability in Industry 4.0 solutions. Adhering to established standards enables businesses to mitigate risks, enhance interoperability, and accelerate the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies, driving collective progress towards a digitally connected future.

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Industry 4.0

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Product details

Industry 4.0 is used interchangeably with the fourth industrial revolution and represents a new stage in the organization and control of the industrial value chain. Cyber-physical systems form the basis of Industry 4.0. They use modern control systems, have embedded software systems and dispose of an Internet address to connect and be addressed via IoT.

This way, products and means of production get networked and can communicate, enabling new ways of production, value creation, and real-time optimization. Cyber-physical systems create the capabilities needed for smart factories. These are the same capabilities we know from the Industrial Internet of Things like remote monitoring or track and trace, to mention two.

Industry 4.0 has been defined as a name for the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies, including cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, cloud computing and cognitive computing and creating the smart factory

Most Industry 4.0 initiatives are early-stage projects with a limited scope. The majority of digitization and digitalization efforts, in reality, happen in the context of third and even second industrial revolution technologies/goals.

In essence, the technologies making Industry 4.0 possible leverage existing data and ample additional data sources, including data from connected assets to gain efficiencies on multiple levels, transform existing manufacturing processes, create end-to-end information streams across the value chain and realize new services and business models.

The cyber-physical systems are the basis and enable new capabilities in areas such as product design, prototyping and development, remote control, services and diagnosis, condition monitoring, proactive and predictive maintenance, track and trace, structural health and systems health monitoring, planning, innovation capability, agility, real-time applications and more.

The first slide of this template allows you to describe the main stages of the emergence of a new technology. This template can be used by CEOs of startups when preparing to meet with investors. The next slide will be useful for leaders in the implementation of new technologies in production. You can describe in detail the main benefits of the company when using new technologies.

University professors can use this template to prepare courses on industrial innovation or industrial technology history. You can also use this template when preparing technology structure information. Engineers can use this template to prepare innovative solutions to modernize production with new technologies. For example, you can make a proposal to optimize the operation of a production line or remotely configure machines for machining metal workpieces.

Industry 4.0 Template consists of five professional and stylish infographic slides. If necessary, you can independently change the size and color of the text, the position of the blocks on the slide, the color and size of the infographics in accordance with your corporate requirements. Industry 4.0 The template will be useful for startup managers, product managers, specialists in the implementation of new technologies. The slides of this template will organically complement your old presentations and will take their rightful place in your collection of professional presentation templates.

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Industry 4.0 PowerPoint Template

Facts and figures which show how Industry 4.0 concepts can make production processes more efficient

Quantity of slides32
Price / Slide1,53 €
Format of slides16:9 + 4:3
LanguagesDE + EN

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Our PowerPoint slides show how machines of Industry 4.0 can independently communicate with each other to optimize your production process.

Networked Manufacturing

The Internet of Things has laid the foundations for a “smart factory”. The concept of Industry 4.0 is simple – in a variety of devices, small data storage is installed which can be read and written wirelessly. This data is then linked together and further processed via the Internet or other networks. After applying this technique to the machines and equipment at a factory, the "cyber-physical system" (CPS) or infrastructure emerges, in which all machinery in the manufacturing process can communicate independently with one another.

Increase Efficiency

Industry 4.0 technology leads to an "intelligent" networking of the production and logistics fields. "Smart Networking" means that within a manufacturing facility, the individual machines can automatically swap data and check the status of other steps. With this information, it is possible for them to bring their own activity dynamically. In other words, they can learn autonomously in the broadest sense. This is called a "vertical" integration of a concept or, that is to say, within a particular company. It can also apply "horizontally" across the entire value chain. Upstream or downstream industries can exchange related data automatically and independently optimize the flow of material and logistics.

In this PowerPoint set, we have summarized the most important information for industry 4.0 from diagrams on the possible structure of a smart factory to recommendations for practical implementation, including possible advantages and disadvantages of the concept. Furthermore, a range of statistics and data on predicted development and research requirements provides a future outlook. Use our presentation templates to update your customers, employees or supervisors about the technology of networked manufacturing.

With Our Industry 4.0 Template, You Can

  • get the most important facts about smart factories
  • convey technical implementation options in your company
  • make the pros and cons of autonomous communicating machines

This PowerPoint Template Includes:

  • a definition of Industry 4.0
  • slides for vertical and horizontal integration
  • IoT as a basis for Industry 4.0
  • the future structure of a smart factory
  • the influence of technology on businesses and employees
  • developmental phases from the first steam engine to Industry 4.0
  • actions and recommendations on the implementation of networked manufacturing
  • case studies (e.g. sudden change of supplier)
  • advantages and disadvantages by way of comparison
  • future outlook and expert opinions

Industry 4.0

Internet of Things

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Industry 4.0 Revolution PowerPoint Templates

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  • Vector graphics 100% fully editable
  • Based on master slides
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Industry 4.0 Roadmap PowerPoint Template and Keynote Slide

Industry 4.0 roadmap powerpoint template and keynote

Industry 4.0 PowerPoint Template

Revolution in industry is an ongoing process or never ending process. Recently, the manufacturing industry has been more revolutionized using the modern technologies bring forth by the IT industry. Our industry 4.0 roadmap PowerPoint template is a common circular diagram template, but showing the concept of recent trends in the industrial development. These trends are geared up by automation and information technology. The presenters can display the elements of second industrial revolution through this simple and enchanting visual graphic. This PowerPoint graphically exhibits advancement in manufacturing and technology. Industry 4.0 is basically a makeover concept for manufacturing market. It includes almost all concepts of modern industrial development. The diagram is not showing the layout of a typical roadmap, it’s a circular roadmap template ideally distributed the concept of industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 is a term given to the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber and physical systems, the internet of things, clouding computing and cognitive computing. The industry 4.0 PowerPoint template contains a circle diagram with nine modern technologies, it includes; additive manufacturing, system simulation, system integration, advanced robotics, internet of things, cloud computing touch interfaces, augmented reality and cyber security. The users can use this diagram as an introductory slide, which combined all elements of the industry 4.0 concept. Users can create a detailed explanation of the concept using the other PowerPoint templates. The explanation of each topic needs more textual and oral descriptions. For instance, if you deliver a lecture about cloud computing you need excellent visual graphics connected to the theme, go through slide bazaar gallery and download our cloud computing PowerPoint template for an exclusive presentation.

Industry 4.0 PowerPoint template for presentation is crafted with editable objects and shape. Here, the roadmap template is a self-explanatory PowerPoint providing small description along with the iconic graphics. Th. This template of industry 4.0 facilitates professional to explain smart networking, business intelligence and business automation.

You can access more Roadmap PowerPoint Templates here Grab the free ppt now!

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Editable Industry 4.0 Diagram PowerPoint Template

The Editable Industry 4.0 Diagram PowerPoint Template is a presentation layout of strategic IT transformation model. Industry 4.0 is an industrial automation and data exchange concept to aid manufacturing technologies. This concept is also known as fourth industrial revolution. This industrial revolution involves artificial intelligence, robots, automation, and the Internet of Things. However, this revaluation is more about digital technology assisting human ability and experience. Since there have been many debates about robots and automation taking over jobs. Therefore, the industry 4.0 model prepare humans with continuous education, learning, and training.

The PowerPoint diagram template shows a strategic model of industrial revolution in circular process cycle. It is a flat vector diagram design of chevron arrows with three sub-process levels. This diagram is a collection of factors from digital, virtual, ad physical worlds. The set of 16 infographic icons in a cycle visually represent these factors. Whereas, the outer layer of circular diagram encapsulates transformation of industry into 5 simple steps. Such as strategy, opportunity, pilot, learn, and adapt.

The Editable Industry 4.0 Diagram PowerPoint Template contains 2 presentation slides. These slides use light and dark blue shades for presentation themes. This slide option will enable professionals to copy a desired slide according to their presentation’s original theme. Furthermore, users can change background colors, edit text and apply shape effects to create more appealing and personalized designs.

The Industry 4.0 template in PowerPoint is a useful presentation tool for business and technology professionals. This template could assist academic professionals to create a learning and training template about business and technology.

PowerPoint Technology Diagram Template

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Industry 4.0

Published: 2023

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#Fourth Industrial Revolution   #Digital transformation   #Innovation ecosystem

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powerpoint presentation on industry 4.0

Everything you need to know about Industry 4.0

Picture of Luke Garbutt

  • ·   August 23, 2024

To say that Industry 4.0 has momentum would be a significant understatement.

With an estimated 160.74 billion market size , growing to 885 billion by 2034, the great leap forward in manufacturing brought by machine learning, AI, and the Internet of Things is clear to see.

So what is Industry 4.0? And how will a new digital strategy impact your business?

In today’s blog, we’ll cover:

What is Industry 4.0?

Why is industry 4.0 important for you, industry 4.0 in supply chain management, how to become part of industry 4.0, mlean & industry 4.0.

Let’s take a look!

Though by now a well-worn subject for many in manufacturing, it’s understandable if you’re a little unclear on the exact meaning of ‘Industry 4.0’.

The manufacturing sector as a whole remains relatively technologically underdeveloped. Though around 80% of US-based firms are now implementing a digital strategy, companies and individual plants across the world still lack a tech edge.

So it’s worth recapping what exactly Industry 4.0 is, primarily to prepare yourself and your factory for the transition that will soon become mandatory for any business that wants to stay competitive.

In short, Industry 4.0 describes how manufacturers will work once new technology has been adopted and embedded within their processes.

This includes robotics, smart connected tech, AI, and a whole host of new tools and enhancements that promise boosted productivity, efficiency, and profitability.

The Industry 4.0 factory is connected from top to bottom. Its workforce and machinery feed into data stores that learn from operations and suggest improvements.

Factories in a group share best practices gleaned from the field, improving operations across the corporate level.

New hardware is combined with software platforms that allow managers and workers to get more from labour and materials.

It’s a whole new way of doing business, even if your product and personnel remain the same.

Which brings us neatly on to our next question.

We’ve all seen how technology has captured everyone’s imagination. You only have to spend a few minutes on LinkedIn to find a multitude of opinions and stories about how AI and digital tech are changing the business landscape.

As we’ve noted, so far the manufacturing industry is a little behind others in making use of these new tools.

But it’s critical you get a handle on them now before it’s too late.

Think about your nearest competitor. Now imagine they start a 6-month project to embed a new AI-powered software in their lines to streamline production and reduce waste.

The impact might not be felt overnight, but their newfound agility will mean they’re much better placed to take advantage of new market opportunities or to navigate sudden crises more safely.

In time, your new competitor can expect productivity gains of around 10% thanks to emerging technologies.

And adopters of digital tech are more likely to predict revenue growth of 10% or more, meaning that your competitor will be gaining a key competitive advantage in the long run.

Even if the upfront costs of implementing technology seems prohibitive right now, Industry 4.0 and its potential should be very high on your priority list moving forward.

Let’s take a look at how Industry 4.0 could transform your operations from office to shop floor and beyond.

Clarity of information

By connecting your materials and processes through digital technology, you’re making your factory a farm for data.

Over 70% of businesses are planning to invest more in data management tools over the next 2 years. And for manufacturers, you can see why.

With a digital information management system, every sensor you have across your line is gathering real-time insight. And this insight is being collected in a platform that not only makes this information available when you need it but is able to handle a lot of the analysis itself.

Information management is no longer a full-time job. It’s just another byproduct of a connected system.

This will have a huge impact on the culture of your company as well as its material effects.

Yes, you’ll be able to use insights to reduce waste, but more broadly, having reliable information across your whole line will make every decision-making process data-driven.

This leads us onto the second benefit you’ll get from your new 4.0 plant.

A stitched-up supply chain

This wealth of information you’re now benefitting from has effects beyond the physical production space.

When your product makes its way to market, you can much more effectively respond to how the market receives it.

Is Head Office reporting higher demand for one variant over another? Is one region or supplier performing better than another?

Insights like these can be acted upon much more quickly and allow your company to take full advantage of market knowledge in a leaner way.

For 55% of companies , improving manufacturing and supply chain visibility is the number 1 priority. And Industry 4.0 tech helps deliver this visibility.

When your hardware and labour are connected to smart software, you can much more easily move from start of production processes to quality control, ensuring your line is optimised at every step.

And this allows you to take full advantage of a core practice perfect for Industry 4.0.

Continuous improvement

Juggling analogue displays, lengthy reporting cadences, paper-based monitoring systems, and poorly deployed staff has kept continuous improvement practices out of reach for many factories.

For too long, the headaches of running such a system outweighed the potential benefits.

Thanks to Industry 4.0 tech, you could implement continuous improvement practices without the limitations of analogue technology.

As we discussed, your information gathering is now top-notch, allowing you to spot where to make adjustments.

But continuous improvement isn’t just about tightening up loose ends. It’s also about unlocking the talent you have at your disposal.

One-size-fits-all onboarding and training produces an uneven workforce. And standardisation without employee input weakens morale.

Digital tech that helps upskill your workers , and a program for continuous improvement that values their input, means you’re getting the natural benefits of enhanced tech and the added bonus of incentivised, well-deployed staff.

You might be sold on the benefits of Industry 4.0, but have no idea where to start. This is very common.

Whatever your level of tech maturity, you need to lay the groundwork first to allow new tech to bed into your processes without too much disruption.

Let’s go through a few pointers to get you started. And it starts with a very important question.

How well do you know your factory?

No large-scale upgrade of your tech infrastructure should happen unless you have a very clear picture of your factory as a whole.

You need to prioritise some metrics to begin with, otherwise the effort will be unfocused and less likely to have a measurable impact.

Get a bird’s eye view of your operations. Pull in reports from different sections of your line. Meet with other stakeholders.

You’ll be certain to find at least one priority area to fix. From here, you’ll find a multitude of tools and options to get started.

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, here’s your first port of call.

Create a scaffold

If you want to update your machinery, or even your productive processes, you need to have a digital scaffold to help link your parts and lines together.

In other words, you’ll need some software.

Industry 4.0 software is what allows you to get up to date information from different parts of your factory, becomes your machine for reporting, and is what your workers will interact with on a daily basis.

This software can have many different purposes, depending on what you want to achieve. For instance, if you want to standardise your factory’s work , you’ll need a tool for that.

If your goal is to correct issues in your start of production , you’ll need a different tool for that.

The same principle applies to auditing, shop floor management, or any other frontline process you want to change.

Some software specialises in handling one process, and others take a more comprehensive approach.

Make sure you pick one that fits your circumstances. Soon, it’ll be an indispensable part of your daily operations.

Always measure results

It takes courage to be a pioneer. This applies just as much to the industrial environment as anywhere else.

If you introduce some new technology, new processes, or new systems of work, you’re putting your head above the parapet.

Senior stakeholders are likely to lose patience with something new if it’s not supported by evidence. The pull of ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ can be too tempting, especially when shareholders want to see consistent returns.

So it’s on you to record and measure results regularly, and really allow your new technology to speak for itself.

Know that any investment will be expected to produce a return .

You just need to have faith that, after an initial bedding-in period, your new innovation will produce some excellent results.

Get everyone engaged

As we’ve mentioned, Industry 4.0 isn’t just about technology. It’s also about creating a better relationship between your factory and its workers .

If you plan on introducing a new tool or process, be mindful of the people that will be working with it.

Your new project will feel like an imposition if staff aren’t bought in. So make them understand that they’re just as much a part of it as you.

From the start of implementation, be open to new ideas. Listen to your frontline staff. Their insights will help you make the best use of your tools, and will help you produce the reports and feedback that will help you convince senior management of the work you’re doing.

We’ve been on the frontlines of Industry 4.0 from the beginning.

Our lean manufacturing software, the mlean Production System (mPS), is currently helping over 500 factories grasp the gains of digital technology, from start of production to maintenance.

It’s a modular system designed to fit the needs of your factory, no matter your goals.

To find out more, book a discovery call with us to find out how we can adapt the mPS to your needs.

Book your call here!

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MOBILE LEAN SL en el marco de su Programa de Internacionalización cuenta con el apoyo del Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León (ICE) y con la cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER.

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industry 4 0

Industry 4.0

Jan 04, 2020

800 likes | 1.47k Views

Industry 4.0. Future of J. ref. R. Anderl, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2015. Industry 4.0 - The 4 th . Industrial Revolution. The Impact of Information and Communication Technology(1). The Impact of Information and Communication Technology(2). Approaches for smart systems.

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Presentation Transcript

Industry 4.0 Future of J ref. R. Anderl, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2015

Industry 4.0 - The 4th. Industrial Revolution

The Impact of Information andCommunication Technology(1)

The Impact of Information andCommunication Technology(2)

Approaches for smart systems

Industry 4.0 as a Smart Ecosystem

Cyber Physical Systems

Industry 4.0: Internet technologies Internet of Things, Services and Data

Fundamental Approaches of Industry 4.0 Technology • RAMI 4.0 – The Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0 • Cyber-Physical Systems • Internet Technology • Manufacturing Objects as Information Carriers • Holistic Approach for Safety, Security, Privacy and Knowledge Protection

Assignment • Automated Warehouse, Zero Downtime, • Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) • Siemens Smart Factory

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Industry 4.0 and International Relations Leading to Globalisation 4.0

  • First Online: 19 August 2024

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  • Sachin Kumar 9 ,
  • Ajit Kumar Verma 10 &
  • Amna Mirza 11  

Part of the book series: Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications ((FAIE))

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This chapter examines the relationship between Industry 4.0 and international relations, with a focus on their role in shaping Globalisation 4.0. It explores how the Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterised by the integration of digital technologies and automation in manufacturing and other industries, is reshaping global economic, social, and political dynamics. It discusses how the digitalisation of industries is enabling global connectivity, cross-border collaboration, and the emergence of new economic and trade patterns. It examines the impact of Industry 4.0 on global value chains, labour markets, and the distribution of economic power. It examines how the digital transformation of industries and the increased interconnectivity of economies are shaping global governance, diplomatic relations, and international cooperation. In conclusion, Industry 4.0 and international relations are intricately linked, influencing and shaping Globalisation 4.0.

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Kumar, S., Verma, A.K., Mirza, A. (2024). Industry 4.0 and International Relations Leading to Globalisation 4.0. In: Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Society. Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications. Springer, Singapore.

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  • Published: 23 August 2024

Integrating industry 4.0 technologies for the administration of courts and justice dispensation—a systematic review

  • Hitesh Bhatt 1 ,
  • Rajesh Bahuguna 1 ,
  • Siddharth Swami 2 ,
  • Rajesh Singh 3 ,
  • Anita Gehlot 3 ,
  • Shaik Vaseem Akram 4 ,
  • Lovi Raj Gupta 5 ,
  • Amit Kumar Thakur   ORCID: 5 ,
  • Neeraj Priyadarshi 6 &
  • Bhekisipho Twala 7  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  11 , Article number:  1076 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Criminology
  • Science, technology and society

The judiciary is a foundation of democracy, upholding the rule of law and protecting rights. Efficient court administration is vital for public trust, justice, and timely proceedings. Currently, courts face challenges such as inconsistencies, adjournments, and absence of transparency, undermining the justice system. Traditional manual processes and paper-based documentation cause significant backlogs, slow resolutions, and limited public access. As case volumes and complexities rise, modernizing court administration through digital transformation is progressively critical. Currently, many countries are integrating technologies in the courts for its administration and other activities. In recent years, courts and judges have been subjected to pressure to improve performance, uplifting judicial effectiveness to a top priority. Subsequently, several countries have integrated simplification and digitization strategies in judicial initiatives to enhance court efficiency. Switzerland’s Justitia 4.0 and Brazil’s PJE are notable initiatives that focused to strengthen court administration through digitalization. These aspects motivated this study to examine the detailed integration of industry 4.0 technologies such as the Internet of things, cloud computing, blockchain, big data analytics, robotics, drones, Metaverse, digital twins, and artificial intelligence for court administration with digitalized infrastructure. According to the study, integrating these technologies in less complex cases helps minimize expenditures and save time, making to resolve cases conveniently, efficiently, and superiorly. The study also identified the challenges and issues associated with industry 4.0 technologies such as evidence gathering, evidence preservation, robot judges for pre-judgment analysis, and judgment delivery, which future studies need to be explored.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are crafted on the core principle that sustainable development can be meaningfully attained once a global alliance is formed to combat the vices obstructing humanity’s advancement in all realms and all aspects (Adshead 2019 ). Justice is an essential requirement unquestionably justly forms the basic denominator of fairness and impartiality in life that touches base with everyone. The static court’s administration, plagued with several vices untouched thus far, prepares the ground for a string of inchoative technological measures to help better the justice delivery system and, in turn, overhaul the administration of justice. The SDGs’ goals 9 (resilient infrastructure and foster innovation) and 16 (access to justice and building effective systems) serve as good representations of the requirement for a revitalized and resilient infrastructure in the concept of access to justice (Hope 2020 ).

Currently, a study addressed that the integration and investment of digitalization for the courts has a significant impact on the federal and state courts of Brazil (Gomes et al. 2018 ). However, a study concluded in the Brazilian context indicated that the use of digitalization alone is inadequate to minimize the duration of judicial proceedings when it relates to the speed and timeframe of a lawsuit (Procopiuck 2018 ; Relling 2011 ; Greacen 2019 ). The preceding study also adds that legislation is another crucial element that affects judicial performance in addition to management and technology. The former is true, given any technological embrace must necessarily receive statutory recognition; otherwise, infractions of rights and cases thereto will become a commonplace platitude. Databases and technological resources improving the extant justice system form an inextricable part of robust judicial quality.

Courts may be able to boost access, transparency, fairness, and equality with the increased acceptance of digitalization and may significantly benefit from the positive effects and usufructs that technology inevitably induces. Still, there remains a tangible chance that the justice system will become less humane because justice induces the humane and rational adjudication of tightly contested issues (Meyer 2014 ). The efficacy and potency of the procedural measures affecting the litigant’s interaction with the justice system serve as an undeniable indicator for evaluating the speed and productivity of the court. Fundamentally, under the ambit of constitutional and legislative lawmaking, everyone has the right to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law (Arias and Maçada 2021 ). The adoption of digitalization has delivered eminent outcomes in different countries such as international criminal court, hague, Barzil, Hague, Singapore, Portugal, and North American states for the various applications such as electronic evidence management, electronic case analysis in appellate court, online dispute resolution, online based trials, e-discovery and electronic case management (Dilon and Beresford 2014 ; Magnuson and Thumma 2014 ; Pangalos et al. 2014 ; Rosa et al. 2013 ; Carlson 2007 ; Contini 2000 ).

The various applications in the administration of courts are achieved by integrating industry 4.0 technologies that can create a resilient and sustainable infrastructure in the courts that is in tune with the intentions ingrained in the SDGs. The compelling reasons paving the way for integrated assimilation of Industry 4.0 technologies in any field is to achieve digitalization with automation, real-time monitoring, predictive analytics, virtual representation, and ledger-based security for information (Malik et al. 2021 ). Industry 4.0 enabling technologies such as the Internet of things, cloud computing, block chain, big data analytics, robotics, drones, Metaverse, digital twins, and artificial intelligence have unique features. Through Fig. 1 , the authors have delineated the manifestation of courts’ administration in a pervasive digital era wherein interconnected but reliable and robust technologies may influence the justice dispensation process. Amid the constant technology wave bringing a slew of unrivalled technological crème-de-la-crème measures prompting courts to dabble with digitalized apparatus, courts are bound to embark upon an alteration in the status quo, therefore promoting a rejuvenated cyber ecosystem towards digitalization and modernization to achieve and bolster the enhanced access to justice.

figure 1

Court’s administration in the digital era.

The authors have analyzed the erstwhile available literature based on the preceding reasons and motivation to pursue the present study. However, the available literature is scanty and skeletal, but wherein most Industry 4.0 technologies showing technological reverberations in the court administration are discussed. However, the review process also showcases a glaring picture that a single consolidated study is unavailable, which has compiled the industry 4.0 effects on the justice system in its various attendant facets. Ref (Agrawal et al. 2022 ) study analyzed the various aspects of Industry 4.0 technology in the legislative institution and administration. As a result, it is concluded that the significance and role of industry 4.0 technologies in the enhancement of court administration is critical to provide knowledge and a path for its widespread adoption by the courts of different countries in the industry 4.0 era. This study provides an overview of the possibility, challenges, and future scope of implementing these technologies in court administration. The main contribution of the study is as follows:

The study addressed the perceptions of incorporating industry 4.0 technologies into judicial administration, as well as the implications and influence on court administration for the resilience infrastructure in the judicial system.

The significance of Industry 4.0 technologies for the legal process, pre-judgment research, augmenting the court’s administration, and strengthening the justice dispensation are presented in detailed.

The study will help as a reference point for future researchers and help create a sustained academic dialogue on vexed issues like evidence gathering, evidence preservation, robot judges for pre-judgment analysis, and judgment delivery, which are awaiting academic exploration in so far as their dalliance with court administration is related

The article’s organization (Fig. 2 ) is as follows; Section 2 presents the methodology of the study. Section 3 discusses a legal overview of the administration of courts juxtaposed in technology times; Section 4 addresses the technology integration for administration of courts, Section 5 discuss the European Union Legislative Architecture for Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) and Section 6 presents the recommendations.

figure 2

Organization of the study.


This study identifies the possibilities and challenges of integrating Industry 4.0 technologies for the court’s administration. The primary research question framed in this study is “How do industry 4.0 enabling technologies impact the performance and enhancement of court administration?” Based on this question, this study has investigated the different research articles related to law, judicial, Industry 4.0, and sustainability. The authors have adopted a qualitative legal research method to analyze the issue of socio-legal importance comprehensively. The papers have been accordingly reviewed given the developments of technological apparatus with the administration of justice does not follow an apple-fie assorted order, and in essence, developments are strewn in randomized order; thus, the selection of articles necessarily follow a randomized selection model to fathom the otherwise untraceable patterns.

The research articles are obtained from the Scopus, and Web of Science databases by using different Boolean operations for the different keywords. “Judicial AND Industry 4.0”, “Law AND Industry 4.0”, “Court administration AND Sustainability”, Court administration AND digitalization”, “Court management AND Industry 4.0”, “SDG AND Judicial infrastructure”, “IoT AND court administration”, “AI AND Court administration”, “blockchain AND Court administration”, “big data AND Court administration”, “Cloud computing AND Court administration”, Digital twin AND Court administration”, “Metaverse AND Court administration”, “ecourt AND Industry 4.0”. These keywords are used in search filters of Web of Science and Scopus database through Boolean operations.

The study considered 174 references along with a few articles on the operation and influence of laws’ in its interaction and segue with technology from high-quality journals such as IEEE Security & Privacy, IEEE Access, Journal of Computational Social Science; Asian Journal of Law and Society; Social & Legal Studies; IEEE Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society; IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering; IEEE Potentials; Computer law & Security Review; Journal of Risk and Financial Management; IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials; Smart cities; Multimedia Tools and Applications; Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Modernization, and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

Technological aspects of the administration of courts

The ever-changing legal apparatus bolsters the recognition of the changing tunes of the times. Modern times are technological times that give an unrestrained impetus to electronic times, where society and the accompanying systems are becoming paperless and digitalized. The legal hustle and bustle of today’s day and age enforce tremendous respect for privacy and data security, given the continuously changing technological phenomenon and its extensive and penetrative usages (Xu 2014 ). Technology has revamped how, as humans, we hold the discernibility to acknowledge and recognize legal administration. The Justice administration can no longer perceive technology as a pariah because society is globally unified through electronic and digital means. It automatically signifies the emanation of concerns, forming the groundwork for unavoidable legal intervention.

The contours and dimensions of technology require an emphatic asseveration while deciding the disputes founded on legal complexities, niceties, and intricacies. With the onset of the virtual world and the inception of a technology-laden juggernaut in the likes of block chain (Dang 2018 ), Cloud computing (Dillon 2010 ), big data analytics (Perera 2015 ), machine learning (Sengupta 2022 ), etc., it becomes legally imperative to acknowledge the changes brought about by the technology. It is only on the back of an overwhelming acceptance of these times that the administration of courts and justice dispensation amid this digital transformation and technological messianic zeal needs to be amended, molded, and transformed to serve the public (Merchant 2011 ).

In Fig. 3 , the authors exemplify a wide array of technologies that influence the court’s justice dispensation and administration. The figure depicts a conglomeration of 8 technologies that will genuinely overhaul the justice delivery system. Amongst the significant issues are data privacy (Krueger 2015 ), evidence gathering (Rajamaki 2013 ), evidence protection (Schwank 1998 ), smart courts (Zheng 2020 ), speedy trial (Nir 2022 ), and data interception, etc. which face the wrath of a massive technological tour de force cooking up an unavoidable digital storm. With the greater interpolation of technologies in the legal system in the name of digitalization, the issues of fake video identification (Guera and Delp 2018 ) and fake evidence detection (Flegel et al. 2010 ) have also seen the light of day. There are issues relating to the server’s storage capacity and preservation. Since the users’ sensitive personal information and personal information are stored in social media and other applications, data leakage and data interception pose a significant legal challenge, bringing contractual concerns (Gatteschi et al. 2018 ), privacy concerns (Zarouali et al. 2022 ), data mining (Gul et al. 2021 ), data harvesting (Rikalp and Lundvall 2020 ), and data aggregation (Banafa 2017 ). Therefore, it is imperative to address these concerns considering the spirit embedded in Goal 9 of SDGs, i.e., by creating a robust digital infrastructure that stands the scrutiny of modern times.

figure 3

Technologies influencing the court’s administration.

The legal system is facing problems with how big tech companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo treat customers’ data. Data is the new oil and the gravity of all these concerns also emanates from the importance of data in influencing human behavior and consumer choices. Through data, big tech companies control and manipulate human decisions using an array of technologies and, most prominently, big data analytics (Wu et al. 2013 ). The issues of governmental control over data, especially in countries like China (Jiao et al. 2015 ) and Russia (Vendilpallin et al. 2017 ), become even more prominent since the government carries a heavy hand in manipulating social choices and other behavioral mechanisms. Given the technological interruptions in the justice delivery system, a compelling legal groundswell galvanizes the need to move on the bandwagon of Administration of Courts 4.0 bandwagon to achieve robust, reliant, and sustainable judicial digitalization in tune with Goal 9 of SDGs.

IoT is advanced technology that empowers to implement with intelligent systems and communication systems. IoT reflects a network of physical objects related to sensors, software, and other technologies to share data with other devices connected over the internet. It is an aggregation of physical and digital devices intimately connected and helps extend the borders of the technological cosmos (Sadiku 2014 ). Cloud Computing represents a landmark disruption in the realm of information technology. It comprises a set of services offered through the internet, where the web is conceived as a preinstalled space through which services are extended. The web is a service that provides a portal of other associated platforms, which makes the computing age holistic and interconnected (Wu et al. 2013 ). Big data Analytics typifies a congregation of digital data crumbs and a massive convoke of voluminous data sets with multiple anonymous sources. It is a process where structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data is analyzed and mined to uncover relations such as hidden patterns, market trends, correlations, etc. The data collection capacity bears the potential to answer the unanswerable Artificial intelligence bears the hallmarks of an intelligent system. Given how it is devised, it brings forth an intelligent system welded with ingenuity and unique properties. The system culls out patterns to give way to an enhanced automated judgment. Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that eases the process of recording transactions in a network. It incorporates distributed ledger technology. It creates what is known as blocks when it stores transactional information. Confidentiality and trustworthiness are its flag bearers. Transparency and data protection promote block chain networking (Jacoby and Usländer 2020 ).

Digital Twins is a technological mirroring of all the physical processes replicated in the virtual ecosystem alongside the functions enumerated. It represents the digital infrastructure where technology is deeply embedded in all walks of human interactions. This virtual representation is continuously updated from real-time data and converges simulation, reasoning, and machine learning to reflect better decision-making (Jacoby and Usländer 2020 ).

A digital twin offers a better environment than simulation, considering it creates a wholesome virtual environment, thus replicating various digital processes, making it enriching to study. Digital twins benefit from a two-way exchange of information, first when the object sensors furnish chunks of data to the system process, and second, when the system insights created are shared back with the object (Batty 2018 ). Robots and Robotic process automation have taken the world by storm and have innovatively turned the cyber-physical system on its head. The ramifications of robotics usufruct have sinews to alter the legal paradigms about data protection, consumer protection, commercial contracting, and intellectual property issues (Jacoby and Usländer 2020 ). At this stage, it is also important to highlight the unique relationship between AI and Robots. AI focuses on designing computer programs and applications that can perform human-like tasks.

AI and machine learning algorithms can learn from experience, solve complex problems, and reason logically. Robotics technology uses physical robots that can perform tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously. AI is all about programming intelligence, while robotics involves building intelligent robots. While robotics and AI can exist separately, scientists focus on combining them due to their potential. AI and robotics can be powerful business tools. AI-powered robotic solutions are gaining traction in healthcare (Holder 2016 ), legal (Mohanty et al. 2021 ), automotive (Kuteynikov et al. 2022 ), retail, manufacturing (Rajamaki 2013 ), education (Eguchi 2021 ), logistics (Sorooshian et al. 2022 ), transportation (Kuberkar and Singhal 2020 ), etc. AI and robotics have given us ML and NLP-powered virtual assistants and chatbots that speak humans’ natural languages.

Virtual assistants like Siri (Mclean et al. 2021 ), Alexa (Castillo et al. 2021 ), and Cortana (Castro and New 2016 ) have made our lives easier. Secondly, graphically advanced games with human-like characters have added to our comfort. Gaming companies use AI and robotics to gather and process user data to create games, characters, visuals, and interfaces that match the target audience’s preferences (Jia and Stan 2021 ). True Blue Casino uses AI to manipulate game outcomes. Thirdly, Self-driving cars and autonomous flying technology use AI and computer vision to avoid obstacles (Nwokoye et al. 2022 ). Drones can perform 360-degree aerial views, video recording, security surveillance, and more (Thai et al. 2019 ). Metaverse is the three-dimensional interactive space that embodies the actions of the physical world in digital avatars. The path-altering paradigm shift it brings to the forefront bears the capacity to alter human interactions and provoke lasting legal tremors of considerable ramifications (Hollensen 2022 ). The Metaverse is a post-reality universe that merges physical and digital reality. VR and AR offer multimodal interactions with virtual environments, digital items, and people (AR). The Metaverse is a web of social, networked immersive environments on multiple platforms. It enables real-time embodied user communication and dynamic digital interactions. In its earliest version, avatars could teleport between virtual worlds (Mystakidis 2022 ). Modern Metaverse provides social, immersive VR platforms compatible with massively multiplayer online video games, open game worlds, and AR collaborative environments (Wang et al. 2022 ).

All the above technologies propose an interconnected concatenation of digitalized measures that can introduce a slew of path breaking reforms to rejuvenate the traditionalistic and dyed-in-the-wool pattern of justice delivery. The modern technological might of these tools is a shot in the arm to actuate SDG Goals 9 & 16 to have a digitalized and technologically robust sustainable administration of the court system coupled with smart courts, aware judges having access to automated pre-judgment analysis, etc. The spirit embedded in the SDGs, more so promoted for courts via Goal 16, could indeed be achieved when optimum utilization of Industry 4.0 measures finds a reliable, reliant, watertight, and pragmatic way to use the robust systems, infrastructure or practical systems as envisaged in Goal 9 to ensure a rejuvenated and transparent integration of technological juggernaut with the idealistic expectations from the justice mode. A conundrum that will only be solved if the issues are understood better and spoken about in great detail. The authors attempt to develop that understanding through the analysis and review carried out by this paper.

Technology integration for the administration of courts

In this section, we have discussed the role, applications, and challenges of integrating industry 4.0 technologies such as IoT, cloud computing, AI/ML, block chain, digital twin, Metaverse, and robotics in detail with the aid of an assemblage of literature available worldwide on the interaction of the foregoing technologies in the multifaceted layers of the administration of courts.

IoT’s role in strengthening the administration of courts

The onset of modern-day technological interventions requires an alert, calibrated, and timely response to address the deluge of contemporaneous concerns for redressal. IoTs are a harbinger of new times in legal realms. IoTs represent a changing social, economic, political, communicational, etc., landscape that warrants a rejuvenated legal and social approach (Tzafestas 2018 ). The idea is to encourage the perpetuation of equanimity, peace, and harmony co-existing with the rapidly changing technological ecosystem. The yesteryear social order has altered, which has given way to new paradigms. Representing the undercurrents of modern times, a rejuvenated digital prepossessing outlook is desirable, which requires a convergence of Web of Data, IoTs, and Industry 4.0. Thus, a necessitous change in legal governance is the need of the hour, with broader assimilation of IoTs to lift the veil for a new legal order (Casanovas 2022 ). IoT devices contain data that investigative agencies and courts can use to provide justice based on the evidence in the shape of data stored therein. Contract formation and consequent legal adjudication between the user and the technology company regarding the appropriation of data form a critical legal point. This can be accounted for the growing relevance of IoT in justice dispensation. The ground-breaking internet landscape offers a riveting and absorbing capacity to transform the model of justice delivery into an internet-based model, i.e., electronic justice (Nwokoye et al. 2022 ). The new tools for e-justice are growing by leaps and bounds to ensure a more citizen-centric approach to enhancing e-administration.

The swaying of IoT devices in providing justice administration proffers a more citizen-centric approach to achieving openness and transparency in public governance (Cano 2015 ). The IoTs are predisposed to play a landmark role in shaping and molding the e-justice delivery model (Yu 2021 ). Due to the absence of consolidated and composite rules of e-justice, the application of digital technologies applies differently and thus leads to legislative collision (Borisova 2019 ). If the unification of law transpires, harmony amongst various laws will come to force, and justice dispensation based on a technology-driven model be prudently achieved. IoTs model is given to data mining performance machinery, thus raising eyebrows about data protection. Data protection is rooted in information privacy which the data protection law intends to protect (Pagallo 2017 ). Data portability is one issue that bears tremendous undertones of far-reaching ramifications (Urquhart 2018 ). All these privacy concerns have justice administration at the centerstage and people’s rights to remain as the master of their data.

Data harvesting through devices like smoke detectors, glasses, webcams, watches, etc., is happening unimaginably to enhance the human experience. If comfort is the relief, privacy concerns form the indisputable pressing predicament (Alabdulsalam 2018 ). Thus, an urgent need for IoTs forensics to set the security ball rolling in the IoTs-laden technology-replete landscape. The assimilation and vociferous implementation of data forensics will embolden the security framework needed to be put in motion to plug security lapses and data breaches (Oriwoh 2015 ). Another dimension of justice administration, like evidence treating procedures and juvenile crime monitoring, can also occur with the aid of IoTs models. Minor campus crimes can be curtailed if the information management of the juveniles can be done, and it will help assess and then subsequently address the issues encountered (Gong 2022 ). IoTs combined with the grid management model will go a long way in suppressing and decimating minor juvenile delinquencies, thus eschewing the young guns from going astray.

Additionally, the evidence collected in the form of data through IoTs devices is increasingly used as evidence before the court of law, therefore enormously assisting the justice delivery and promoting the court’s administration. The State of Ohio v. Crompton is a landmark case where the evidence obtained through a pacemaker was considered medical data and pressed into evidence (Maras 2020 ). The learned author (Maras 2020 ) has =expounded that adopting an approach while admitting evidence retrieved from IoT devices will automatically accompany reverberations in the justice system, considering the court’s administration is founded on constitutional and legislative law-making. The laws, unfortunately, remain a bit vague and amorphous in so far as crystal-clear enunciation on this vexed issue of law is concerned. It manifests the ever-growing importance of IoTs in justice administration.

Justice delivery and court’s administration amid the technological onset of cloud computing

The age of the cyber environment has turned the physical world upside down as it has changed and challenged the way we operate and behave, i.e., status quo alteration. Online meetings replace physical meetings; law clerks are replaced by automated analysis, paper records are being changed by cloud storage, etc., a few examples of how technologies have revamped the physical world. Technological interventions and disruptions have brought virtual reality to the center stage. There is no gainsaying that technological onset has begun, and it is here to stay for times to come. Cloud computing is the quest of modern-day digital realities, which believes in erecting a shared model digital infrastructure grounded in a pay-per-use system (Lin 2009 ). Privacy, trust, and security issues are germane while dealing with cloud computing (Pearson 2013 ). Privacy is the concept of life and liberty, and any digitalized system of governance incorporating cloud computing as a technological apparatus must remain steadfast in protecting privacy, a germane civil rights concern. Cyber-physical systems represent the bleeding age technologies, and cloud-based cyber-physical systems incorporating IoTs, and big data analytics seem to be the spirit of the coming times (Mourtziz 2016 ). The e-governance model desires data security, and the robust cloud storage system may be handy in preserving data sanctity and ensuring justice (Gomathi 2021 ). It forms the essence of a just and rationally organized legal system.

Cloud computing poses a challenge in many areas of law, including contract law, taxation law, intellectual property law, privacy law, etc. (Parrilli 2010 ). IPR issues are bound to emerge given cloud computing engages in transnational boundaries where divergence of laws is a norm and unifying structure of statutes is a misnomer. Therefore, informational security and trade information-related concerns may challenge the informational relationship with cloud computing. Given the divergence of agreement between the cloud holder and the client to the technology provider and the client, contractual issues emanate. Due to data breaches and leakages, privacy becomes the sufferer. The global legal fraternity has cogitated options to counter the trust issues evoked by cloud computing. The best that has come out is data protection laws to ensure data security is operable on cloud computing platforms (Russo 2018 ). Since the cloud operates borderless, thus the data exchanges and transmissions taking place in unchartered and boundary less ways present a new legal predicament because transnational cybercrime implications require urgent assessment (Hooper 2013 ). The issues become more challenging when the transnational nature of cloud operations faces the onslaught of data breaches, data leakages, and unauthorized access, thereby risking commercial secrets and capitulation of privacy guidelines (Walden 2012 ).

Figure 4 highlights the legal concerns about the court’s administration and justice dispensation where the cloud computing landscape becomes ubiquitous. It outlines the different concerns that will become the point of contention for the administration of courts once cloud computing assumes a central role in facilitating a seamless digitalized electronic justice system. Figure 4 showcases the variegated facets of court administration that will witness an inevitable influence and may require policy and legislative ponderance and scrutiny to decide the usage of cloud computing better while remaining mindful of the challenges it unquestionably throws up for consideration.

figure 4

Legal concerns of cloud computing in administration of courts.

The data acquisition for the legal process ought to take place smoothly (Dykstra 2012 ). Cloud-based cybercrime investigation is essential to preserve, protect, and shelter the sanctity of data transactions. The time is ripe for introducing an efficient forensic model to ensure transnational cloud computing services typify the churnings of the times (Hemdan 2021 ). Due to the glaring absence of computer forensic guidelines in conducting computer forensic investigations of a cloud computing system, it remains a novel area of legal inspection (Taylor 2011 ). Given the enormity of cloud-based infrastructure, there is a compelling need to introduce audit agents to parse the collected evidence through cloud systems (Ruebsamen 2013 ). This eradicates any chances of embellishing pieces of evidence and keeps the authenticity of the evidence obtained hermetically sealed.

Technological coalescence in the administration of courts catapulted by big data analytics

Justice administration in courts is about processing the data collected during the proceedings to conclude the case by arriving at a decision. The intervention of big data analytics is a modern-day technological disruption that may also have lasting reverberations in the legal domain (Kemp 2014 ). Big data represents the archetype of collecting all sorts of unstructured and structured digital data crumbs. The process of going through a mammoth collection of complex data sets to find the clandestine patterns, interconnections, cluster analysis, and co-relations is big data analytics (Sagiroglu 2013 ). The greatest proponents and advocates of big data analytics have spoken at great lengths about the objectivity and informed decision-making on the strength of big data analytics (Christin 2017 ). This objectivity in decision-making is significant when juxtaposed with the insurmountable workload in court case management systems. At this juncture, applying big data analytics to spring up a platform like Legal Ops, which helps summarize the delivered court opinions to help prepare for subsequent cases, is an encouraging digital advancement (Gargett 2020 ).

Data regulation was never conceived considering big data analytics. Privacy remains a significant issue and warrants a rational approach. The predictive predilections to investigation and knowledge have shown how big data analytics deserve a rethink in the legal arena on data protection regimes (Mantelero 2015 ). The inception of big data has led to its abuse by cyber criminals in starting ‘upstream’ and ‘downstream’ cybercrimes. Upstream cybercrimes include data breaches obtained through big data analytics, and downstream crimes include using those data for monetizing purposes by issuing threat directives and extortion (Porcedda 2019 ). The data protection concerns become important and entail widespread ramifications when big data analytics proposes an age of ubiquitous dataveillance, jeopardizing the data protection framework (McDermott 2017 ). Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights confers a right for people to protest to preserve their interests. It is a part of the human rights framework. With big data gathering becoming a familiar refrain and no data protection law on the ground, the legal framework falls short (Sloot 2016 ).

Big data analytics can become the wind beneath the idea of amping up the court’s administration by helping to create automated legal decision-making in conjunction with big data algorithms like row similarity, word count, word co-occurrence, clustering, and classification (Raghupati 2018 ). The world of big data will help enhance the performance of fine executing courts whereby the persons charged with fines can be found by effective data execution thinking through which residential addresses, real-time locations, and business addresses can be obtained. This omnibus all-encompassing and all-pervasive data-gathering prowess is an apogee of big data-empowered courts (Yao 2020 ).

In the author’s opinion, court management as it transpires today leaves much to be desired. The majority of the justice dispensation models, from the litigant filing a case before the court to the judges delivering the final judgment, transpire, by and large, through physical models. Therefore, the entire process is long, considering the limitless facets attached to it. Big Data Analytics may operate as a necessary saviour while diffusing the enormity of information-processing concerns. It becomes crucial because a case normally travels from the first court to the appellate court before curtains are officially drawn over it and the matter attains impregnable finality. It becomes inevitable, for example, for an appeal court judge to process the entire file in person. The process is tedious, hectic, and onerous. Big Data Analytics will significantly help in this case like the LegalOps cited above, wherein all court documents may be processed and the subliminal patterns that otherwise go unnoticed while reading the material from the human’s eye, the interconnection between various facts in play, the automated intelligent outcomes the facts may tell, row similarity, word count, word co-occurrence, clustering, and classification found about while reviewing the case file will strengthen and augment the fast and enlightening decision-making exercise. However, the concerns that may happen with using any technology must be addressed transparently, promptly, and with alacrity. Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights has sought to provide a voice to those concerns, and the authors feel any subsequent approach for incorporation of big data analytics with justice processes must essentially honour civil liberties and must find a voice in the country’s legislative and constitutional law making.

The age of AI/ML casting a technology-driven spell on justice dispensation and court administration

The domain of artificial intelligence poses a watershed moment and breaks fresh ground for judicial modernization (Cui 2020 ). One of the basic tenets of justice dispensation is neutrality and impartiality, and the application of artificial intelligence satisfies all the cornerstones of judicial impartiality (Yadong 2020 ). Artificial intelligence is an intelligent function applied to pre-determined tasks to give intelligent responses. Law enforcement agencies are vigorously taking up the deep learning professed by artificial intelligence to achieve suspect profiling, traffic control, tracing the trail of dark web money, anomaly detection, and child pornography detection (Raaijmakers 2019 ). Artificial intelligence employs machine learning, and with this, the routine work of lawyers can be addressed. They can be saved from attending to boilerplate complaints (Nikolskaia 2020 ).

One of the major tasks assigned in judicial administration is finding and retrieving case laws. There is a golden opportunity on the brink of the technological anvil to have an artificial intelligence-backed case law retrieval system (Jackson 2003 ). Modernizing the court’s administration will surely enhance the justice delivery process. The future beholds an amalgamation of artificial intelligence and justice to gird up the concept of intelligent courts (Zhang 2022 ). The justice system is beleaguered with judicial delays, longstanding court processes, inordinate time for judgment delivery, etc. All these administrative ailments can be improved with the aid of artificial intelligence to realize speedy judicial trials, as is the case with the Brazilian Supreme Court.

The realm of intellectual property laws is also undergoing significant churning because of artificial intelligence-obtained inventions for which the legal domain on grating patents is yet to be sketched lucidly (Hu 2019 ). The primary asset of artificial intelligence is its sapience and longstanding memory. In the day and age where concerns encircling privacy are holding the centre stage, the implementation of the right to be forgotten, a judicially recognized right across jurisdictions rooted in the conceptualization of the right to privacy, becomes problematic in artificial intelligence-driven times (Villaronga 2018 ). The age of deep fake videos, which are essentially a product of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques invading privacy and are riddled with criminality due to rampant superimposition of someone’s face on different content to produce pornographic imagery, lays bare the challenges posed by artificial intelligence for courts to adjudicate (Medvedeva 2020 ). The decision-making in courts is susceptible to being predicted () based on which direction a court is likely to rule on a group of cases based on specific patterns as an experiment in this regard is briefly undertaken on the decisions of Turkish constitutional courts and proved to be compellingly successful (Hsieh 2021 ). Legal judgment prediction is happening, and it is done through machine learning techniques (Hsieh 2021 ). This is the harbinger of times to come and is a forerunner of the changing realms of technological interventions (Goel 2019 ).

Block chain interpolation in court’s administration and justice dispensation

Given the enormity of block chain’s trailblazing intervention on the technological front, it breaks ground for a game-changing and path-altering paradigm to tirelessly effectuate fair decision-making and encourage the spirit of procedural justice. The composition of block chain inheres to a matrix of various algorithms that ensure the fairness of decisions through the consensual procedure (Smorgunov 2018 ). The quintessential feature of any legal system is the confidence it encourages and espouses. In that backdrop, block chain comes in handy to achieve that end. The technological interruption paved the way for creating a confidence machine system that eradicates the trust deficit and brings forth faith-inspiring and trust-strengthening block chain-based systems. The block chain system espouses the confidence reposed in the technology and diffuses the inherent misgivings and inhibitions propelled by the technological revolution (De Filippi 2020 ). Therefore, the heightened concerns of mistrust and government apprehensions can be efficaciously rooted out for the strength of confidence, inspiring a decentralized operational framework of the block chain (Bhutta 2021 ). It becomes pertinent to underscore an armload of legal transactions that can be carried to action over a block chain network.

Given the emergence of widespread and far-reaching online contracting predilections, the intervention of block chain to enable law as a service becomes felicitous and timely. If the edifice of online contracts is erected and stored on block chain networking, any subsequent breaches will become easy to flag, identify, and address (Wasim 2017 ). The usufruct of a technological tour de force like block chain helps access an armload of legal services intimately associated with the justice system. Technology in law paves the way for the inauguration of a new dimension rechristened as Legal tech, which underscores the ideation of intercalation of new and emergent technologies to the discipline of law (Salmeron Manzano 2021 ). This legal and technological embrace and intertwining is a palatable proposition to untangle the tenebrous areas of legal discipline.

Through Fig. 5 , the authors have emphasized and highlighted the concerns evoked by implementing block chain in the court’s administration. These concerns are germane and typify the response the court will have to give while integrating block chain into the system. The paradigm of internet courts for ensuring a justice delivery model incorporates a block chain model to undertake burdensome evidence-gathering exercises as has been put to use in China. In the face of a massive onslaught of digitized ecosystems owing to COVID-19’s compelling circumstances, courts are fundamentally impelled to transcend and transform themselves into a cyber-environment (Tahir 2021 ). Considering this, digital forensics could be underway in a blockchain-secured network to discover, protect, and investigate the evidence. The same could ensure a watertight process and obviate evidence tampering (Chopade 2019 ). Access to justice is a solemn constitutional promise of any sound justice delivery system but the same stands stymied due to various reasons. The inception of crypto currencies (Brown 2016 ) and new avenues of the justice delivery system will help assimilate dispute resolution through the block chain system. The longstanding barriers of high litigation fees, litigation costs, access to courts, etc., can be amicably resolved by an automated smart contract formation mechanism (Brown 2016 ). Creating a contract will appositely pre-empt the forcible entry of litigations, thus reducing the burden of courts and helping assuage the justice delivery process (Goldenfein 2018 ). In the legal setting, block chains have been conceived of as having the potential to revolutionize registries for assets ranging from land to intellectual property, modernize clearing and settlement, and even radically reform the process of contracting (Dylag 2021 ). The proper implementation of block chain in justice delivery has already seen the light of day and is popularly celebrated as Justice Chain, which helps facilitate the administration of justice. It allows the end user client to help audit the case information and enhance user participation (Low and Mik 2020 ).

figure 5

Blockchain’s concerns in court’s administration.

When it comes to enforcing and executing copyrights in the modern environment of copyright law and technology, two significant problems need to be considered: firstly, the difficulty of proving authorship or ownership of a copyright, and secondly, the difficulty of conducting copyright transactions. Block chain development has made it possible to find solutions to both of these problems. To begin, using block chain technology in conjunction with the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) is a unique mechanism for the authentication of copyright claims and the preservation of documents. This technique gives authors (the owners of copyrights) the ability to demonstrate that they are the authors of their works and that they hold copyrights.

Nevertheless, this system for copyright authentication and document preservation may not be helpful in the foreseeable future.

The primary reason is that the computer software utilized may be upgraded in future years. Second, the use of smart contracts in conjunction with the Ethereum Block chain has the potential to cut the costs of transactions while simultaneously increasing the effectiveness of copyright transfers and licensing deals. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of legal questions that need to be answered about smart contracts. These problems include identifying the contracting parties within the anonymous block chain network, addressing scenarios in which both parties want to amend the smart contracts implemented, explaining code-based smart contracts, and establishing an internal dispute resolution mechanism. Users of block chain technology can maintain their anonymity, and their activities on the block chain are almost impossible to track down. This is in contrast to the standard transmission control protocol/Internet protocol network, which makes it possible to trace any activity. Even though it is highly improbable that block chain technology will become a hub for copyright violations on its own, the combination of the Ethereum Block chain, the IPFS, and smart contracts might turn the entire process into a hub for copyright violations. As a result, this circumstance raises significant concerns over the infringement of intellectual property rights on the block chain. The copyright system must handle this challenge in the current wave of block chain technology deployment (Sung 2020 ).

Digital twins and justice dispensation: unleashing the technological apparatus

Digital Twins reflects the ground-breaking and watershed technology-driven growth the world has seen. It is symptomatic of the changing tunes of digital times. It reflects a symbiotic integration of physical and digital spaces. The everlasting impressions of the technology will ensure a string of fitting reverberations in academia and industry (Belchoir 2019 ). The legal industry can also incorporate digital twins as an essential cog in the wheel of justice transformation. The digital twin technological intervention offers a uniquely engineered digital apparatus where the digital twins bear the capacity to assess their state and then communicate the experiences assimilated afterward (Haag 2018 ). Given digital twins’ wide-ranging and penetrating reach in revamping the entire cyber ecosystem and enabling cyber-physical expertise, it is the hottest technology-driven trend (Hartmann 2021 ). The court’s administration is founded on trust, efficiency, probity, and honesty. Transparency is the fundamental substratum of the justice delivery process. The intervention of digital twins in justice administration would be timely. Digital twins offer security enhancement to ensure a cyber-physical system (Eckhart 2019 ). Information is the essence of digital twins. Information is data, and a variety of data needs to be maintained, taken care of, and processed.

Digital twin comes in handy to achieve it (Qi 2021 ). The ebb and flow of information help to revise the multifarious ways to process the same in a security-proof environment. The interpolation of digital twins in the legal arena would require aborting the leakage of data and minimizing the risk of decision-making, and that’s precisely what digital twins offer (Wang et al. 2022 ). The information describes an individual’s actions, thus providing an essential tool for predicting and designing one’s efforts. At this juncture, the issue of privacy becomes germane. If digital twins are to handle, process, and possess data, then what could be the dataveillance and trustworthy approach becomes fundamentally imperative (Wang 2021 ). The legal concerns are pertinent, far-reaching, apt, and nerve-wracking when juxtaposed with an individual’s right to process, preserve, and employ one’s data, the inseparable components of privacy. Among the tall concerns, a few that stand out right on top are the protection of personal data, the cherished civil liberties about rights and freedom, issues of liability, and prevailing concerns about data security (Bundin 2022 ). Law is a domain of documentation and compliance. Incorporating digital twins in the legal realm would ensure the automatic and efficient processing of documents, significantly augment legal operations’ efficaciousness, and perpetuate legal governance (Perez 2020 ).

The intervention of Robots/RPA/Drone apparatus in influencing the administration of courts of justice

Justice should not only be done but must also be seen to be done, is a common judicial refrain that is almost a hackneyed adage across court administration. The robotic and drone intervention in justice delivery brings fresh air. A robot is an intelligent system manufactured and calibrated to operate on a set of algorithms. The legal consequences are real, consequential, and tangible (Perez 2020 ). Robots engage in dialogical action, thus making the interactive space lively and socially aware. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a software technology that aims to streamline the development, implementation, and administration of software robots that imitate human behaviors and engagements with digital systems and software.

The robotic technology model has had its share of dalliance with the legal domain. The artificial intelligence-backed system machinery has gained traction in the legal profession. Therefore, RPA becomes important to understand, considering how the robots act and the significance of the actions done in the robot’s hands will go a long way in adjudication the causes that may end up tomorrow before the courts of law. More importantly, the question of liability for the robotic action is a perennial bone of contention to be addressed firmly by justice and legal systems worldwide.

The ‘legal use,’ ‘perceived ease of use,’ and ‘perceived usefulness’ form the substratum of robotic interpolation in legal machinery (Jones 2017 ). The ever-emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and robotic intelligence pose a severe challenge to the national defense infrastructure, individuals’ privacy, and business sanctity. It requires a wholesome overhaul for which cyber governance is substantially ineluctable and imperative (Xu 2022 ). The applicability of robotics to the legal domain is relevant to assessing the environment’s dynamics. Thus, for robotics to apply squarely to the legal realm, the legal theories and jurisprudential approaches affecting, shaping, and designing legal transactions become inevitable. The interaction of law with robotics occurs in intellectual property, hardware and software issues, privacy concerns, liability principles, and risk management. The client-attorney confidential communications, which thus far have taken place in physical settings, bear the potential to revamp themselves to online environments. Integrating technologies into justice administration could also lead to a techno-legal revamp where robots may give confidential legal advice, equally efficacious as an attorney in a physical environment (Calo 2013 ).

Through Fig. 6 , the authors have impressed upon how the concerns evoked by robotic process automation intervention in human affairs pose questions of far-reaching importance. These concerns are intertwined and consequently influence courts’ administration and justice dispensation. Robo-justice is a new domain that will slowly come to action with the vigorous interface of law with technology (Zekos 2022 ). The artificial intelligence measures will be so collectively implemented that they can create an independent dispute resolution process to see robot judges’ presence.

figure 6

Legal concerns during RPA times.

The robot judges will have the robotic process automation to handle and go through every legal documentation before the step of judgment delivery arrives at the center stage. The practice of artificial intelligence intercalation to help robot judges arrive at fair decision-making and ensure the conflict resolution process is being adopted in some places to achieve speedy settlement of disputes as practiced in China (Emarkova 2022 ). Drones’ intervention in assisting crime detection and evidence gathering will go a long way to ensure immaculate justice dispensation flow and a robust court administration. The drones can help cover a wider area and assist in the pictographic and video graphics collection of essential pieces of information (Wang 2020 ). The bleeding edge technologies are reforming, redesigning, and animating the justice administration and court’s administration at full throttle to enhance justice delivery.

Administration of courts in metaverse times: repurposing the sinews of courts

Metaverse is an embodiment of an immersive internet experience where physical reality engages in dynamic confabulation with digital virtuality embarked upon by an inexorable amalgamation of technologies (Sparkes 2021 ). The inception of Metaverse offers a potpourri of exciting avenues and unseen consequences. The expression of a three-dimensional setup where a digital avatar of an individual, i.e., a metahuman creator, would perform duties in the cyber realm is the augury of the riveting times ahead (Fang 2021 ). Metaverse represents mixed reality, virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, virtual worlds, and multiuser virtual environments (Mystakidis 2022 ). With the changing digital landscape marked by the entry of a new cyber environment, the effect on the legal realm needs to be revisited. The primary question that comes to the forefront is about the legal personality of the digital avatar of an individual on the Metaverse and who shall be held accountable for the actions committed on the Metaverse (Cheong et al. 2022 ). Since the user’s mind accentuates the actions committed, examining the digital avatar’s liability structure in case of untoward and illegal consequences becomes essential. Metaverse offers a challenge to justice dispensation as it makes a marked intervention and a whiff of disturbance to the status quo of the justice system (Kasiyanto et al. 2022 ).

The principles of criminology have undergone a massive change. Metaverse bear the potential to open a new window for criminal interventions, and they create a separate society different from the physical realm, thus urging a desirable ponder for the application of laws (Laue 2011 ). With the burgeoning growth of Metaverse, the associated and concomitant legal challenges have also hogged the limelight. The tentacles of Metaverse abuse are already seeing the light of day. The Metaverse carries enormous potential to spike the cases of sexual harassment to an unprecedented level, and countries like the US are fighting tooth and nail to reform their laws (Analytica 2021 ). The risks associated with the Metaverse ecosystem are genuine and are a new marketplace for potential abuses for the board of directors, accountants, auditors, and forensic accountants. Trolling in the cyber ecosystem is common, and with Metaverse gaining momentum, the same offers a thorny challenge for the entire legal system to counter. It becomes essential to gauge the reach of the Metaverse attacks and correspondingly prepare a mitigating mechanism to militate against its purported abuses (Smaili 2022 ).

The protection offered to Intellectual Property Rights takes a heavy beating in an all-pervasive and unchartered Metaverse environment. Amongst a slew of issues, the most important is copyright protection. The gigantic cosmos of the Metaverse poses a threatening challenge to copyright protection and requires tangible protections for computer-generated video programs, designs, paintings, music, and architecture (Kim 2021 ). The importance of privacy for human existence is unarguably critical. With Metaverse opening the gateway to a second life where social interactions, openness, and transparency are the norm, the consideration for privacy is a thorny issue. It becomes crucial to see how the emergent boundless Metaverse space addresses the heightened and valid privacy concerns (Leenes 2009 ). It is genuinely axiomatic to suggest Metaverse is a complicated social construct in the realm of an unchartered immersive internet universe.

European Union legislative architecture for artificial intelligence act (AIA)

To articulate the legal concerns expressed on the aforementioned issues, the authors deem it essential to mention how the legislative role-playing is shaping to address the technological challenges. Considering these challenges, the authors have examined the European Union’s attempt to draft a legislative framework regulating the unceasing interpolation of AI-laden technologies. The European Union has understood the challenges posed by the technological intervention led by AI and, in this regard, come up with harmonized rules for governing AIA (Floridi 2019 ). The rules came into effect on April 21, 2021 (Svantesson 2022 ). It has become imperative to structure the rules, given AI possesses the tremendous capacity to reshape individual lives, societies, and the environment (Roberts et al. 2022 ). The EU rules aim to ensure that AI’s development is ethically sound, legally acceptable, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable, with a vision of AI that seeks to support the economy, society, and the environment (Floridi 2021 ). The entire EU proposal is based on the vision to generate a secure, trustworthy, ethical, and reliable AI (Neuwirth 2022 ). It classifies AI systems into three danger levels, each with its constraints and requirements. AIA aims to harmonize digital progress with fundamental rights and European values (Raposo 2022 ).

AIA bans specific specified uses of AI systems which are reflected in Article 5 of AIA, which includes subliminal manipulation by manipulative AI systems (Article 5), biometric systems through remote biometric identification (Article 5), and social scoring, by private companies (Article 5). Some AI systems have been decidedly banned for their massive implications on the fundamental and civil rights of the people. To ensure data protection, Article 10 AIA has been incorporated to enhance data protection and data governance (Article 5). Several methods for improving privacy, such as differential privacy, purposefully include noise into datasets to prevent the accidental publication of sensitive information (Dwork and Roth 2014 ). Even though AI providers are required to employ data governance measures that shall be a concern, in particular, “inspection because of probable biases,” the proposal fails to explain the concept of “bias” (Article 10). It’s good that Art. 13 AIA mandates openness for potentially dangerous AI systems. The human oversight specified in Article 14 of the AIA cannot be implemented. First, the need for a human to fully appreciate the capabilities and limitations of a high-risk artificial intelligence system (Article 14(4) (a) of the AIA) is not realistic for some AI systems, which could lead to an indirect ban on the use of such systems.

The AIA lacks effective enforcement procedures since it relies on AI providers’ internal self-assessments of high-risk AI systems. AIA establishes the European Artificial Intelligence Board aims to standardize AIA implementation but gives EAIB no enforcement authority. It becomes a paperless tiger with no substantive role but to issue opinions and recommendations. The Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) does not include any provisions regarding legal liability for harm caused by AI systems. The AIA does not include any requirements for the protection of individual rights. Even though the rule is supposed to protect fundamental rights, it does not have any remedies that persons can use to seek redress if the regulation is violated.


Considering the extensive review and a vigorous dissection of issues touching upon the technological interface and consequent interaction with the judicial infrastructure, it is axiomatic to lay the groundwork for a series of suggestions without further ado. Through Fig. 6 , the authors have envisaged a technological cosmos where the stakeholders of court administration and justice dispensation would be interconnected through bleeding-edge technologies, leading to a massive revamp of the court’s administration. Authors have attempted to bring suggestions under some specific heads, which are as follows:

Confidentiality, transparency, and integrity

The cornerstones of the principles of administration of justice are confidentiality, transparency, trust, efficiency, integrity, etc., in decision-making and justice dispensation machinery. The judicial activities are time-consuming, cumbersome, and oftentimes part ways with confidentiality, posing an affront to integrity. The voluminous paper trail makes the court’s administrative work unwieldy. The technology wave may provide a sense of ease and calm to overcome and stave off the crisis centering on the justice administration. Incorporating technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, IoTs, and block chain may help provide the necessary answers. Block chain is the epitome of decentralized confidence machinery. For access to justice which is an SDG to see the light of day, the authors opine that block chain intervention married with artificial intelligence would augur well for any country’s administration of courts.

Data integrity, data leakages, and data interception

There is a popular misconception that the onset of technology is in enmity with data protection. However, the stark reality is the opposite. For a robust data integrity regime to prosper, for data leakages to be nipped in the bud, and for data interception to become a thing of the past, the technology embrace is the way ahead. Technological aversion would not do well for the judiciary. Any technological tool unless tested, tried, reviewed, and analyzed would never come even within the farthest vicinity of justice administration. But the imagination embedded in the SDGs where conception of resilient digital infrastructure is espoused reflects the global aspirations of the times. Unless the proposed usage of Industry 4.0 technologies is robustly upheld, its interaction with the justice administration would be attenuated.

The court’s administration can check all the above vices at the door if time-lasting and watertight technological apparatus like block chain, digital twins, AI, cloud computing, drones, etc., are combined to augment the courts’ administration. The cyber-physical system may prove to be a game changer in reforming, revitalizing, and revivifying the justice dispensation structure. Unassailable deep learning, pre-judgment analysis, data protection through confidence machines, etc., is the road ahead. The technology ensures data integrity, avoids data leakages, and provides no interception. Arguendo, if an interception is to take place, the system enjoys the capacity to lay bare any malicious interventions.

This is the blessing of technology the judiciary should adopt to bolster justice dispensation and revamp the court’s administration. It is about time to bring a slew of measures, the biggest of which would be to pass a robust and watertight Data Protection Law eliminating any chances of data misappropriation. The same would inspire confidence in the judicial marriage of the technological arsenal, thus strongly reforming the court’s administration.

The high-octane privacy concerns

Privacy is the nerve center of any constitutional document and is a lodestar in civil liberties. With the rapid technological pace, privacy finds itself on the razor edge. The concoction of digital technology apparatus, including cloud computing, Metaverse, digital twins, IoTs, big data, etc., poses a severe challenge to privacy concerns. Privacy reflects the individual’s dignity and inheres to the right to self-preservation and self-demarcation. Technology remembers and never forgets. Artificial intelligence invokes deep learning, and protecting the right to remain forgotten becomes a herculean challenge and a figment of one’s imagination. Data is information, information is a mine, and the wellspring of information bears the capacity to unravel even the unknown covert patterns about the individual’s life if the information is obtained with the aid of a high-end digital apparatus. Courts’ administration will be best placed if the privacy concerns are given a fitting acknowledgment. In the author’s recommendatory opinion, technology is here to stay, so there is no intelligence in skirting the issue and delaying the onset of the same. The honest answer lies in accepting the technological landscape and initiating time-relevant reforms. The courts of justice can be truly revamped, and privacy could well be preserved and protected by genuinely understanding the shining potential of these technologies and implementing the same with know-how, skills, and insight. This, in the final analysis, would enhance the justice dispensation process (Fig. 7 ).

figure 7

Judicial administration in an integrated technology network.

Smart courts

Systems intelligence in the new computing age can genuinely come home once implemented with all efficacies to enhance and amplify the justice dispensation machinery. For the same to occur, the symbiotic interaction of technology with the law is the need of the hour. Courts can essentially make justice available to all stakeholders at the nook and corner of the country if the vitality and vibrancies of the justice system can truly see the light of day. The intervention of robotics and robotic process automation, keeping the insight of artificial intelligence in the backdrop, would serve the ends of justice. The experience of robotic intervention with justice delivery has been tried and tested, and the same should not be seen as a pariah. Robotic judges are the reality; pre-judgment analysis to assist judges in going through a stack of papers is essential, and automated opinion analysis would help achieve the goal of a speedy trial. The same would help give a fillip to speedy justice to enhance and bolster the principles of the administration of courts. Big data analytics carries the potential to help the court to fathom the clandestine patterns and words co-occurrence to iron out the kinks that come in the way of justice delivery. In the author’s humble opinion, the demands of the times warrant smart and intelligent internet courts that function with a symbiotic coalescence of technology and law.

Evidence gathering, scoping, and preservation

The substratum of a court’s evidentiary process entails a fundamental adherence to evidence protection, sheltering, and conservation. Justice is meted out after going through an assemblage of evidence collected and gathered by crime-detecting agencies. There are occasions where detection and collection of evidence becomes an uphill task, and therefore it poses an enormous challenge to obnubilate and derails the justice delivery exercise. In the author’s humble recommendation, drones and cloud computing intervention would do well to mitigate this end. Through the intervention of drones, law enforcement, and crime detection agencies can hover the drone over the crime committed to place and help click the pictographic and video graphics evidence. The same evidence can be stored in cloud computing. Big data analytics can then be implemented to unspool the intricately woven patterns for it to be made tamper-proof at the behest of block chain. The concoction of all the technology-laden processes will help augment the court’s administration and will essentially prepare the ground for justice to meet the demands of the times truly.

Technology-conducive legal processes amidst precipitating challenges

The challenges posed by technological interpolation are real. The germane concerns regarding technological excess in the legal domain cannot be disregarded. Technological interference in judicial decision-making, law-making, evidence gathering, evidence collection, and ultimately the involvement of lawyers amidst all is a significant issue. The challenges posed needed to be answered adequately. With law firms taking a crack at robotic participation in the absence of sentient robots, the issue of how far the technology will be able to understand the client’s emotions while delving into details of the problems is a tortuous process. The AI pre-obtained submission analysis leaves some scope for glitches and faults and is yet to be a watertight process. The benefits of experiences from China and Turkish courts are inspiring but leave much to be desired. The question of technology replacing lawyers and thus attenuating their analytical skills is pertinent. With zeal and zest behind the introduction of technology, the issue of lawyers becoming indisputably reliant on technology poses a challenge. The data aggregation, password protection, identity protection, etc., of the people involved in the legal process, is a crucial concern. Thus, the legal system must create technologies and assimilate those where the legal questions can be fittingly technologically answered to ensure technology becomes supplemental to the system and does not supplant the same.

SDGs have provided the framework to every nation and every field to boost its infrastructure and other elements for providing a sustainable future. Affordable and accessible justice and resilient infrastructure for court administration and management are a few of the key areas where sustainability is important for the judicial system. Based upon this motivation, this study has reviewed the analysis of the significance, application, and challenges in the scenario of Industry 4.0 integration in court administration. Moreover, it has identified, that there is no study yet that emphasizes the industry 4.0 integration for court administration in technology and sustainability aspects. In the final, the study identified significant findings that can assist and boost the researchers to have a knowledge and pathway for implementing the industry 4.0 technology in the administration of courts. Smart Courts, Evidence Gathering, Scoping, and preservation, Technology-conducive legal processes amidst precipitating challenges, Data Integrity, Data Leakages, and data Interception are the key identified concerns for future work.

Data availability

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.

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The authors wish to thank Uttaranchal Institute of Technology, Dehradun Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Doon University and SR University, JIS College of Engineering and Tshwane University for all support.

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Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, 248007, Uttarakhand, India

Hitesh Bhatt & Rajesh Bahuguna

School of Environment and Natural Resources, Doon University, Dehradun, 248007, Uttarakhand, India

Siddharth Swami

Uttaranchal Institute of Technology, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, 248007, Uttarakhand, India

Rajesh Singh & Anita Gehlot

Department of ECE, SR University, Warangal, 506371, Telangana, India

Shaik Vaseem Akram

Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Jalandhar, Punjab, 144001, India

Lovi Raj Gupta & Amit Kumar Thakur

Department of Electrical Engineering, JIS College of Engineering, Kolkata, 741235, India

Neeraj Priyadarshi

Digital Transformation Portfolio, Tshwane University of Technology, Staatsartillerie Rd, Pretoria West, Pretoria, 0183, South Africa

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H.B: conceptualization, writing-original draft, writing-review and editing investigation. R.B: conceptualization, writing-original draft, writing-review and editing investigation. S.S: conceptualization, writing-original draft, writing-review and editing investigation. R.S: conceptualization, writing-review and editing, supervision. A.G: writing-review and editing, supervision; S.V.A: writing-review and editing, supervision; L.R.G: writing-review and editing, supervision; A.K.T.: writing-review and editing, supervision; N.P.: writing-review and editing, supervision; B.T.: writing-review and editing, funding acquisition, supervision. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Bhatt, H., Bahuguna, R., Swami, S. et al. Integrating industry 4.0 technologies for the administration of courts and justice dispensation—a systematic review. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11 , 1076 (2024).

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Received : 25 February 2024

Accepted : 09 August 2024

Published : 23 August 2024


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AngleLock to Introduce First 7th Axis Linear Shaft Motor Gantry for Industry 4.0 at Automate2024

powerpoint presentation on industry 4.0

AngleLock will launch its newest product, Arrow-1, at Automate 2024 in Chicago May 6-9. The 7th Axis Linear Shaft Motor Gantry is the first of its kind, and it’s designed for high speed, reliability, and precision motion.

Arrow-1’s 7th axis extends the robotic range, allowing for more complex and extended reach operations, effectively broadening the scope of tasks that can be automated. It features an efficient, high-power engine, and offers unparalleled precision with zero maintenance.

Arrow-1 is equipped with Edge to Cloud AI analytics and can optimize operations, perform predictive maintenance, and adapt to varying manufacturing conditions without human intervention. It’s compatible with Industry 4.0, which emphasizes interconnectivity, automation, machine learning, and real-time data.

The gantry’s sophisticated control systems ensure movements are exact and repeatable. It can easily run in dirty industrial environments and performs flawlessly under water, too. The AngleLock high strengthaluminum framing system is customized to handle a shaft motor.

Knowing that any framing system is only as strong as its connectors, AngleLock Owner and CEO FrankOetlinger, who holds 150 patents, has engineered groundbreaking connectors that cannot fail.

Due to their unique profiles, his connectors maximize the strength of extruded profiles by creating mechanically locked, precision-aligned joints and components that are as strong as welded connections and can withstand heavy industrial vibrations. Oetlinger’s framing systems become stronger and more rigid under dynamic conditions.

“When you take our parts and you put on a bracket and tighten it, it’s perfectly aligned,” Oetlinger says. “It locks and the bolt never comes out. It’s foolproof.”

Anglelock's Arrow-1, with its advanced technological features, isn’t just a new product – it’s a leap forward in the automation industry, setting new standards for what can be achieved in smart manufacturing and robotic engineering.

Frank Oetlinger and his engineering team will demonstrate the Arrow-1 at booth 5413 throughout the show.

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