Your Guide to a Strong Ph.D. Application

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The Graduate School at Duke University

Rarely is there discussion of how to prepare for doctoral programs in professional master’s programs. So when I came across a workshop on preparing Ph.D. applications by Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Development J. Alan Kendrick , I jumped right into it even though it was scheduled to be around midnight in my time zone. (Yes, graduate school remotely from Pakistan is tough and disorienting, but that is a topic for a different blog post.) Here was someone who, in addition earning a Ph.D. himself, has years of experience in selecting Ph.D. applicants, so there could not have been a better opportunity to get introduced to the process! In this piece I’ll touch upon some major points highlighted by Dr. Kendrick to explain what it means to aim for a Ph.D. program and build a solid Ph.D. application.

THe Master's Versus the Ph.D.

Starting off, it is crucial to know the difference between a master’s program and a Ph.D. program. Whereas a master’s degree will generally be more specific than an undergraduate degree and usually span one to three years, a Ph.D. program usually entails a more focused set of question(s) within a discipline and usually spans five or more years. In a Ph.D., the cost of attending is often covered through a combination of fellowships and stipends. Schools are more likely to look for applicants who secured funding from external sources, but this it is not always necessary.  So, a good yardstick to measure your readiness and commitment for a Ph.D. program is your willingness and ability to work consistently for years on the academic inquiry you wish to pursue to push the frontiers of existing human knowledge. Scholars in STEM fields such as microbiology or solid-state physics usually spend most of their time in labs, so it is essential to get to know the work environment, culture, and expectations in your prospective labs.

A Strong Application

After getting clarity on what a Ph.D. program demands, let’s get into some major elements of a strong Ph.D. application. Broadly speaking, a Ph.D. application consists of previous academic grades, competitive examination scores, work experiences, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. For a Ph.D. program, all previous academic grades are weighted and assessed including undergraduate transcripts, while standard examination scores (i.e., the GRE) are now becoming optional at many institutions. And while top-tier grades are a great foundation, they are not decisive as each application is looked at holistically with all its elements to give a better picture. Letters of recommendation from previous academic supervisors are weighted heavily along with your personal statement.

One thing Dr. Kendrick emphasized was to not just get recommendations as mere “character profiles” but rather what he called “ strong recommendations.” Before you ask for faculty recommendations, share your résumé with them, sit down with them over a Zoom call (at least during the pandemic) and share your aspirations and objectives, and then ask for strong recommendations. Additionally, you should waive your right to review recommendation letters in your applications as doing this will indicate that the referee has been candid in your assessment for the admissions committee.

Mastering the Personal Statement

Finally, I come to the part where the ball is really in your court: the personal statement! I say this because while other elements of your application—grades and transcripts, previous work experiences, etc. are no longer alterable—the personal essay is your space to unapologetically express your true self and how you have evolved to be the person you are today. You can explain how your intellectual life has brought you to your specific academic area and where you see yourself going forward. Your statement should make it clear why you are interested in the field, the institution and program you are applying for as well as your research and career goals. Your essay should be tailored to the institution and/or program. Red flag here: if you end up with an essay where you can just replace institution names, then you haven’t met your goal. Additionally, your statement should include details about your background that can help the faculty better understand your motivation for pursuing their program. This can be anything—people, events, challenges, and achievements that have aided your growth and add to your fitness for the program. Additionally, you should address any noticeable discrepancies or gaps in your profile or transcripts that are worth mentioning.

While the personal statement is crucial to your application and speaks on your behalf in a room full of faculty who are judging your application, it is important to understand that there is no standard format or template that you should follow. This space is supposed to be personal, and it is supposed to be yours. It is also equally important to understand that the faculty judging applications are humans like us and often have diverging opinions about different profiles. Also remember that funding and positions for Ph.D.s are often limited and hence a rejected profile does not necessarily make it an incompetent or ineligible one.

In a nutshell, for a strong Ph.D. application, you need academic questions that keep you up at night and the discipline to follow the guidelines Dr. Kendrick shared, so that you can demonstrate your willingness and ability to work under supervision to answer those academic questions. This session with Dr. Kendrick brought me much-needed clarity to tackle my Ph.D. applications, and I hope this post does the same for you!

Editors’ note: You can find additional resources on preparing a strong application on The Graduate School’s website.

Soman Ul Haq

Soman ul Haq

Master's candidate, Environmental Management, Nicholas School of the Environment

Soman is a Fulbright Scholar from Pakistan and a first year Master of Environmental Management candidate at the Nicholas School of the Environment concentrating in Energy and Environment. He is currently focused on energy access in developing countries, sustainable development, energy transition, and behavioral changes with energy transition and access. Prior to joining Duke, Soman worked with the German International Development Cooperation (GIZ) as a technical advisor for energy access in off-grid areas and energy transition in industrial sector in Pakistan. As a mechanical engineer, he has experience consulting commercial and industrial sectors in developing energy efficient practices to achieve their sustainability goals. He tweets at @somaanulhaq

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Applying for a phd: step-by-step guide.

Studying a PhD is a big decision and submitting your application can feel like a long process. Though with the right guidance, applying for a PhD will be a lot more straightforward than you think. 

There is a lot of PhD application advice out there. To help you make sense of it all, we’ve put together a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to apply for a PhD. We cover the PhD application process, what you need to consider, what to prepare and how to submit your application.

Follow the steps below to understand everything you need to know when applying for a PhD.

PhD application checklist

Applying for a PhD

  • Choose your subject area
  • Choose your type of PhD
  • Check application deadline
  • Draft a research proposal
  • Contact potential PhD supervisors
  • Check PhD entry requirements
  • Check PhD fees and funding
  • Make your PhD application
  • Submit your PhD application 

In this article, we’re going to look at all these different elements in greater detail to help you with the PhD application process.

1. Choose your subject area

You will be  studying your PhD for a long time – between three- and four-years’ full time and up to eight years part time – so it is essential you choose to study a subject you are passionate about.

Most PhD students study a subject area that they have studied previously, but in much greater detail. Most PhD courses require some previous academic experience in the research area, for example if you choose to study your PhD on William Shakespeare, you are likely to have studied the works of Shakespeare as part of an English Literature masters degree. Similarly, if your PhD research is in a science-based topic it is likely to be going more in depth into a science-related field you studied as an undergraduate and then as a masters student.

However, your PhD does not have to be directly related to your masters degree, for example an English Language masters graduate could expect to be successful if applying to do research in an  English literature PhD if they have achieved the necessary grades.

There are many areas that you can consider when choosing the subject area for your PhD. These could come from the  Arts ,  Humanities , STEM , Social Sciences and  Business .

Research the department at your chosen university to find the perfect PhD program to apply for.

2. Choose your type of PhD

Whilst most PhDs follow a traditional route (completing an independent research project under a supervisor), there are alternatives.

The two main types of PhD include: self-proposed PhD projects and predesigned PhD projects.

Self-proposed PhDs are the most common and traditional type of doctoral degree, although universities also offer predesigned PhD courses that integrate aspects of taught study.

Make sure you’ve considered your PhD options fully before applying for a PhD. Here are the main differences between self-proposed and predesigned PhD projects.

Self-proposed PhD projects

Self-proposed PhDs are the most common type of PhD, where students propose and design their own research.

With a self-proposed PhD, the student has a lot of control over their work and can specialise in any area that interests them with the support and approval of their academic supervisor.

Not all self-proposed PhDs receive funding, so applicants will need to make sure they have appropriate funding in place to pursue their self-proposed PhD.

There may also be some additional steps in the application process for self-proposed to ensure success in their PhD application. The student will have to dedicate a lot of time to their PhD application as it will need to include their PhD study proposal.

Predesigned PhD projects (Doctoral Training Centres)

Many universities now have something known as ‘DTC centres’, or ‘ Doctoral Training Centres ’. Many of these are in economic, social or scientific research areas, so if this is your area of interest, PhDs run out of DTC centres are worth exploring, as they can have substantial funding included. 

Predesigned PhD projects are usually slightly longer in course length than most traditional PhDs, as they’re likely to include a year of lectures and a variety of projects in the first year, before choosing to specialise in the second year.

This option is great if you know you want to do a PhD but aren’t entirely certain of what you’d like to do beyond a general area. Best of all, they often offer fully funded  studentships .

Applying for a PhD

3. Check application deadlines

When applying for a PhD it is important to ensure you meet all application deadlines, this includes the deadlines for your PhD application form and PhD proposal as well as any PhD funding deadlines.

Different universities will have different deadlines, and some universities may even have rolling deadlines, this means it is important to check on the website of the university and department you are interested in, to make sure you get your application in on time.

4. Draft a research proposal

It’s important to draft a PhD proposal when you are applying for a PhD. This is a requirement of most self-proposed PhD applications and can also be necessary when applying for other PhDs.

To ensure the success of your PhD research proposal, it’s a good idea to do some research around the subject area before submitting your research proposal. This will give you a better idea of what it is you want to research and will also help you to present your proposal more clearly.

How to write a PhD research proposal

When writing a PhD research proposal, you will need to include the following:

  • A TITLE that clearly conveys the theme of your research project.
  • The main RESEARCH QUESTION that will be the focus of your research.
  • An EXPLANATION of why your research topic is important.
  • Brief LITERATURE REVIEW demonstrating your knowledge to answer the question.
  • Proposed METHODOLOGY for answering your research questions.
  • TIMELINE SCHEDULE of the research project.  

5. Contact potential PhD supervisors

You want to make sure you choose your potential PhD supervisor in plenty of time. Of course, you should always leave plenty of time for any application, but this is especially important for a PhD, as you will often be applying to a particular supervisor who is a specialist in your area of study.

Therefore, you need to ensure you have enough time to research into suitable PhD supervisors and get in contact with them before you apply for the doctorate.

You shouldn’t rush this research, as  getting the most out of your supervisor is the first step to doing well in PhD study – it’s important to make sure you pick the one best for you.

Another important consideration is  where you choose to study . You’ll want to look at the department’s reputation, and to make sure it excels in research in the area you intend to study do you get the support you need.

6. Check PhD entry requirements

To be eligible to study a PhD, you will usually need a  masters qualification in the subject area or in a closely related subject to the subject upon which you wish to base your PhD research.

However, entry requirements will differ depending on the university, so it is important to check the PhD eligibility requirements of the PhD and university that you are interested in studying at.

Applying without a masters

Some PhD courses will allow you to apply without a masters degree although you will need a bachelors degree. These are only usually offered as integrated masters and PhD programs which include a year of masters study before PhD.

Applying for a PhD as an international student  

If you are an international student applying to study a PhD in the UK, check the  visa requirements that you need to meet.

To apply for a PhD in the UK, international students need a Student Route visa.

The Student Route visa is a points-based visa system for all international students – including EU, EEA and Swiss students – who want to study in the UK. This has replaced the Tier 4 (General) student visa.

You can apply for a  student visa if you meet the following criteria:

  • You have been offered a place on a course by a licensed student sponsor.
  • You have enough money to support yourself and pay for your course.
  • You can speak, read, write and understand English – you may need to prove this through a recognised English language test.

Student visas can only be issued for certain courses, and if your course is eligible, your education provider (Student sponsor) will give you a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) which you use to apply for a student visa.

The earliest you can apply for a student visa is six months before the start date of the course.

7. Check PhD fees and funding

Before committing to PhD study, it is important to check the PhD tuition fees and these will differ depending on the university and the course.

PhD tuition fees in the UK will be more expensive for international students than for home students. Tuition fees in the UK usually range from £3,000-£6,000 per year for home students and up to £18,000 per year for international students.

As a PhD student you will need to cover tuition fees, living expenses and any other unforeseen costs.

PhD scholarships and studentships are available, as is funding from various research councils, so make sure you investigate all your options and find out what financial help is available.

Funding your PhD

There are various funding options available to PhD students – here are the main ones:

University funding – some universities offer alumni funding support for students continuing their studies at their university. Check funding webpages for details.

PhD loans –  PhD loans are available from the  UK government .

PhD scholarships – many universities and companies offer  PhD scholarships , this includes our  Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries .

PhD studentships –  PhD studentships at your university are a great option as they usually include a stipend that covers full PhD tuition fees and some living costs.

Research councils – there are seven research councils in the UK that can provide funding for PhD students, these are:

  • Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
  • Economic and Social Research Council
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • Medical Research Council
  • Natural Environment Research Council
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council . 

Their funding can come as PhD studentships.

Self -funding – as a postgraduate student, you may have saved up money through work to enable you to  self-fund your PhD.

Don’t just apply to the standard big research funding bodies, but do your research and look into charities too. There are plenty of funds, foundations and other sources of money available to people with the right interests – and you might just be one of them!

8. Making your PhD application

Now you’ve done most of the preparation for your application, what about the actual application for a PhD? What does it involve?

When applying for a PhD, you usually apply directly to the university, rather than via a third party such as  UCAS .

PhD applications will differ from university to university, so check on the admissions page of the course you are interested in to make sure you include everything they ask for. You are likely to have to include:

  • Completed application form
  • Research proposal
  • Personal statement
  • Academic CV
  • Academic references
  • Proof of English language proficiency
  • Student visa documentation

Ideally, you should have already contacted your intended supervisor and talked about it with them, via email or perhaps in person. They will give you a run through of everything to include in your application to help ensure you don’t leave anything out by mistake. 

You should ensure that you’re not too modest in applying for a PhD! If you’ve been published in a relevant area, or if you did exceptionally well or presented a particularly successful paper at a conference, mention it. You don’t need to brag, but you shouldn’t hide your achievements either.

PhD interviews

Unlike with bachelors degrees and many masters degrees, you will probably need to have a PhD interview as part of your application. If you’ve not had a university interview before, make sure you prepare well for it.

Ideally, if you’re still in education, see if a tutor you know can give you tips, or potentially a mock interview. If not, many universities’ careers service will remain open to you after graduating,,so contact them and see what advice they can offer you. 

Ensure you read up on anything you mentioned in your application and have good solid reasons for why you wish to do a PhD, and why you’ve chosen to do it at in that particular topic  at that particular university.

You should already know by now  what it takes to study a PhD and be able to answer convincingly when asked about these things during your interview.

9. Submit your PhD application

  Now you’ve reached the final step – it’s time to submit your PhD application!

This is likely to be online, although it’s important to check this with your chosen university in case you need to send any hard copies of original certificates or documentation in the post.

Follow the university guidelines. They will usually indicate how to submit your application, what to include, and when you should hear back about the success of your PhD application.

Related articles

What Is A PhD?

How Long Is A PhD?

How To Get A PhD

Dos & Don'ts Of A PhD Interview

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Get the assistance you need to create an effective PhD admissions strategy when you use Accepted's  PhD admissions consulting services . We look forward to helping you cross the PhD finish line!

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  • Guide to Applying for Graduate School

The process of preparing for and applying to a PhD program can be overwhelming. The University of Pennsylvania has created this webpage to help prospective PhD students think through the process so you can put together a strong application.

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree one may obtain within a particular field of study. This ranges from studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields; Social Science fields such as Education, Economics, Political Science, and Sociology; as well as Humanities fields such as English, History, Music, Philosophy, and more. The PhD degree aims to prepare people to think critically, develop research, and produce scholarship that may be used for further research or implementation . The PhD historically prepared students to take on faculty roles in colleges and universities, and that is still the goal for many students pursuing the PhD. However, today the PhD is a sought-after degree in many other industries including pharmaceutical research, arts organizations and other nonprofits, publishing, government policy, big tech, finance, and more.

  • Who can apply to a PhD program?   PhD education is available to people from various educational, occupational, socioeconomic, and demographic backgrounds.
  • Who should get a PhD?  People interested in uncovering new ideas, solutions, or processes within a specific area of study through conducting independent research.
  • Why is it important for diverse candidates to become PhD holders?   Our world thrives on heterogeneous ideas and experiences, which is why it is indispensable to include students with diverse perspectives in our PhD programs. These students will generate important and original research.

Most PhD programs are fully funded, meaning that for a specific number of years, the program will pay for your tuition and fees and health insurance, as well as provide you with a stipend for living expenses . The structure of this funding varies by field. Below is an outline of general funding information as well as trends according to field of study.

  • Teaching Assistantships or Research Assistantships: Part-time service that provides teaching and research training opportunities within your area of study.
  • Funding packages provided through faculty research grants: Many STEM fields fund students through research grants awarded to faculty. In these cases, students perform research alongside the faculty. 
  • Fellowships: Internal or external merit-based funding. Some fellowships require an application while others are given via nomination. Educational institutions typically have a resource listing fellowship opportunities. Winning a competitive fellowship looks good on your resume.
  • Grants: Requires an application with supporting materials of either your grades, scholarly work, and/or anticipated research. These are available through internal and external means. Grants greatly vary so be sure to always understand the requirements. Educational institutions typically have a resource listing grant opportunities. Winning a competitive grant looks good on your resume.
  • Employment: For example, serving as a residential advisor, on-campus jobs, etc. Some PhD programs restrict additional employment, so be sure to check before applying for jobs.
  • The funding opportunities described here often can be combined.

Choosing a school or program that provides the most potential funding may be a challenging decision. The value of the same amount of funding will differ depending on the cost of living in different geographic locations. Admitted applicants should investigate cost-of-living tools (available on the web) and be sure to understand how their funding will be structured. Ask questions when you are admitted, such as: 

  • Could you share more about your program’s funding mechanism?
  • For how long is funding guaranteed? How does that compare to the average time-to-completion? Historically, what percentage of students have received funding beyond the guaranteed funding package?
  • Does funding cover tuition, fees, books, health insurance?
  • Does the funding rely on teaching, research, or other service? How much and for how long? 

Choosing a program for your studies is a personal decision that should reflect not only your research interests, but your work style, and interests outside of the classroom. Here we have identified five key tips to consider when selecting schools. 

  • Ask about which programs are strong in your area of interest, which have high completion rates, and which have career outcomes that align with your goals. 
  • Explore the websites of the professional academic associations in the field(s) that interest you. Many will have a directory of doctoral programs and other resources for graduate students. For example, see the American Economic Association’s list of graduate programs and their preparing for graduate school page .
  • Conduct a general internet search with terms related to your research interest.
  • Determine your geographic and personal preferences. Does the area meet your community needs? Is it important that the university aligns with your sociopolitical values? Do you prefer a large city or a smaller/college town? Is there a particular region(s) that has better access to resources needed to conduct your research?
  • Access your current or former university career center. These services are often still available for former students!
  • As you narrow your choices, try to identify at least 3 faculty in the programs of interest with whom you’d like to study. Also note how many of them have tenure. If relevant, research which of those faculty are taking on advisees in your year of matriculation.
  • Read articles from faculty with similar research interests.
  • Note the number of awards, publications, and service activities of faculty.
  • Identify research opportunities funded by both your program and university at large.
  • Connect with current and former students in the program for informational interviews.
  • Connect with campus Diversity Offices.
  • Whenever possible, before submitting your applications, make an appointment to visit the campuses and department(s) that interest you.
  • Use  LinkedIn  to see what graduates of your program are doing and how they are involved in their communities.
  • Estimate your feasible cost of living by geographic location and compare to the funding package offered.
  • Consider availability of health insurance, childcare, housing, transportation, and other fringe benefits.
  • Connect with a local bank or your prospective university’s financial services office for budgeting, savings, and other financial wellness advice.
  • Research the career outcomes for PhD graduates from the institutions that interest you in your specific field.
  • Your First Year in a Ph.D. Program
  • What Does Academic Success Mean and How to Achieve it?  (STEM)
  • Pathways to Science  (STEM)
  • 7 Advantages PhDs Have Over Other Job Candidates  (Industry)
  • During your undergraduate/master’s education, you should pursue coursework and/or research that will prepare you for the higher expectations of a PhD program; for example, taking a research methods course, pursuing a summer research experience, or conducting research with a professor at your home institution.
  • Identify instructors who could write a letter of recommendation. Share with those instructors your interest in doctoral studies; faculty can be excellent resources for advice as well as recommendations!
  • Experiences outside of higher education can also strengthen your PhD application. These may range from project management to volunteer work.
  • Develop soft or hard skills. A soft skill that is most useful from the first day of your PhD program is networking. This is necessary not only for meeting other students but also to find collaborators with similar research interests and selecting faculty for your dissertation committee. Learning how to negotiate will also serve you well when approaching collaborative projects. Hard skills related to your field might include learning statistical analysis software, economic theory, a foreign language, or search engine optimization. In short, identify a few soft and hard skills that you can familiarize yourself with prior to your program’s start date.
  • Finally, prepare by identifying leading researchers and practitioners in your field , exploring peer-reviewed literature and/or publications, and gain familiarity with research methods.
  • Typically, PhD applications are due 10-12 months in advance of the program’s start date (i.e. apply in November to start the following September). A good rule of thumb is to begin your application process 6 months before the deadline. 
  • The availability of reduced application fees or fee waivers varies and sometimes depends on financial status and/or experiences (AmeriCorps, National Society of Black Engineers, attending certain conferences, etc.). If you are interested in a reduced fee or waiver, reach out to the program coordinator for details.
  • Be sure to address all the specific questions/topics in the statement prompt. 
  • Clearly state why you want to pursue a PhD.
  • Propose your research interest.
  • Identify the faculty you’d like to study under. 
  • Discuss the unique qualities/experiences you offer to the program/school.
  • Outline what you hope to do with your degree.
  • Ask for recommendation letters early in the process, at least 2-4 weeks before the deadline. A good letter takes time to write!
  • Provide recommenders with your resume, information about the program, your statement of purpose and/or information about your research interests and research goals.
  • Consider your current/former instructors, supervisors, colleagues. These should be people who can speak to your work ethic, academic abilities, and research interests.
  • Test scores (i.e. TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, etc.) may or may not be required.
  • All transcripts including those for coursework completed abroad and transfer credits. Some programs require official transcripts, which take longer to procure.
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Writing sample (field dependent): Include a graduate-level sample and update any statements, statistics, etc. as needed. It is highly encouraged that you edit your previous work.
  • Diversity statement: Many institutions offer an optional short statement where students can expand on their diverse backgrounds and experiences that may contribute to the diversity interests/efforts of the school.
  • Dress professionally, even if the interview is virtual. You don’t necessarily need to wear a suit but dress pants/skirt and a blouse/button down shirt would be appropriate.  
  • Develop an engaging elevator pitch, a 30-60 second summary of your research interests and what you hope to gain by becoming a student at that particular university. Practice your pitch with a career counselor, faculty advisor, or friends, and ask for honest feedback.
  • Prepare 2-3 questions to ask during the interview. These could include questions about program expectations, the experience and success of their PhD students, and (academic/financial/mental health) support for PhD students.
  • Some interview programs will include multiple activities including a social event. Be sure to maintain a professional attitude: do not drink too much and keep conversation on academic/professional topics.
  • This is also your opportunity to decide whether this campus is a good fit for you.
  • Academia Insider  is a good resource. 

Unlike undergraduate and master’s level education, coursework is just one component of the degree. A PhD comes with additional expectations: you must independently conduct scholarly research in your field of study, train in specific activities such as teaching or lab/field research, pass “milestone” requirements along the way, such as comprehensive exams, and complete the process by writing a dissertation. Furthermore, some fields require you to write multiple articles (number varies by field/program) for conference presentation and/or peer-reviewed publication.

There are other important elements as well:

  • Student/Advisor relationship. This is one of the most valuable relationships you can have as a PhD student. Your faculty advisor not only assists you with learning how to approach your research topic, but also typically serves as the lead supervisor of your dissertation research and writing, and ideally mentors you throughout the PhD experience. The selection process of choosing your advisor varies so be sure to know what is expected of you as a student and what is expected of the faculty member. Whenever possible, it is important to align your personality and work style with that of your faculty advisor. Many universities publish expectations for the PhD student/faculty advisor relationship;  AMP’ed  is Penn’s guide.
  • Other relationships: Your faculty advisor is far from the only important person during your PhD career. Other faculty members will also serve on your dissertation committee and be potential mentors. Students in your program can also provide good advice and guidance along the way.
  • Coursework: Most programs have a number of required courses all students must take regardless of research interests. Once you have finished this requirement, the classes you choose should closely align with your research topic. Choose courses that will help you learn more about your dissertation topic and research methods. It is a good idea to discuss elective course selection with your advisor. 
  • The dissertation is a large-scale, written document that explores a narrow research topic of your choice. It is the final step before receiving your degree and must be presented and “defended” to your dissertation committee (made up of faculty members) for approval. Defending means that you have to answer in-depth questions about your topic. While this might sound daunting, the dissertation is simply a demonstration of all the knowledge and expertise you have acquired through your PhD education. 
  • Networking comes in many forms and includes connections with your fellow classmates, faculty members, and scholarly community. Formal networking events typically take place at academic conferences, where scholars and students present research. Increasing your academic circle will not only allow you to have study buddies, but offer you the opportunity to collaborate on articles or even gain employment. Your school’s career center can provide best practices for effective networking. 

Explore  graduate programs at the University of Pennsylvania  and click on the programs that interest you to learn more about admissions and academic requirements.

Upcoming Penn recruitment events include:

  • Fontaine Fellows Recruitment Dinner (by invitation only): every March
  • IDDEAS@Wharton  (Introduction to Diversity in Doctoral Education and Scholarship): April 18-19, 2024. Deadline to apply is January 31.
  • DEEPenn STEM  (Diversity Equity Engagement at Penn in STEM): October 11-13, 2024. Application opens in March 2024.
  • DivE In Weekend  (Diversity & Equity Initiative for Mind Research): Fall 2024

National conferences to explore:

  • The Leadership Alliance  supports students into research careers
  • McNair Scholar Conferences
  • SACNAS , the largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the U.S.
  • ABRCMS , the annual biomedical research conference for minoritized scientists
  • The PhD Project  for students interested in business PhD programs

How to Apply

Main navigation, the online application for 2024 entry is open..

Visit the Apply Now page to start your application for graduate study.

Select One Program

Out of the graduate degree programs listed on the Explore Graduate Programs page , you may apply to only one program per academic year.

The only exception is within the Biosciences PhD programs , where you may apply for two programs within a single application.

Aerial view of Stanford with Hoover Tower and Oval

Central & Departmental Processes

We work in partnership with your graduate program of interest to ensure a smooth admission experience from the time you start your application until you enroll at Stanford.

Graduate Admissions

  • Oversees the online application system
  • Determines university-wide admission requirements
  • Reviews the official documents of incoming graduate students to verify that they meet university-wide admission requirements

Graduate Program

  • Oversees the review of applications
  • May supplement university-wide requirements with program-specific admission requirements
  • Communicates admission decisions and offers of financial support

Admission Process Overview


The first step is to prepare and submit your application materials through the online application system, by the deadline set by your intended graduate program. 

After you submit your application, it is routed to your graduate program for review by its admission committee. Some programs conduct interviews as part of the evaluation process.

Your graduate program communicates the admission decision to you once it is finalized by the admission committee.

If you are admitted, you must respond to the offer of admission by the deadline set by your program. Some programs host "visit days" to help you make an informed decision.


If you accept the offer of admission, you must arrange for your official transcripts and degree documents to be sent to Graduate Admissions for verification.


After Graduate Admissions reviews your official documents, you are matriculated into your degree program. At this point, you are eligible to enroll in courses if you have no enrollment holds on your record. Note: If you are an international student, you have an enrollment hold until you arrive on campus.

  • PhD/Master's Application Process

Who is Eligible to Apply? 

If you have completed your undergraduate degree (bachelor's or equivalent) or will have completed it prior to your intended matriculation date at Yale, you may apply to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS).

A Master's degree is not required to apply for a PhD at Yale, although some programs give preference to applicants with post-baccalaureate training. Consult your program of interest directly for information on how it evaluates applications.

We value diversity of all kinds at the Graduate School, and we encourage students from all backgrounds to apply if Yale is a good fit for your intellectual and professional goals. All are welcome to apply, without regard to citizenship or immigration status, socioeconomic level, race, religion, gender identification, sexual orientation, disability, etc.

Requirements for All PhD and Master's Degree Applicants

You will need to provide the following with your application for admission:

  • A statement of academic purpose. You will find the prompt for the statement of purpose in our Application Question FAQs . 
  • A list of all the prior colleges or universities you have attended, accompanied by unofficial transcripts from each school. Unofficial transcripts should be uploaded with your application. Official or paper transcripts are not needed at this time. 
  • Three letters of recommendation. Enter the names of your recommenders directly in the application and they will receive a link to upload a letter on your behalf. 
  • $105 application fee or fee waiver. 
  • Standardized tests . GRE requirements vary by program. TOEFL or IELTS are necessary for most non-native English speakers. 
  • Resume/CV . 
  • Some programs have additional requirements, such as a writing sample . You can find information about any specific requirements on the program's website. 

Where Do I Begin?

Decide whether you will apply for a PhD or a terminal Master’s (MA, MS) in one of the programs available at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences . (Note that you will earn one or more Master's degrees en route to a PhD.) Learn about the program: its faculty, course offerings, and resources. Read the faculty's research publications. If you can identify and articulate why the program is a good fit for you and show how your preparation and interests align well with it, you will have a strong application.

A note to students applying to one of Yale’s professional schools or programs:

  • If you are applying for a PhD in Architecture, Environment, Investigative Medicine, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, or Public Health; for an MS in Public Health; or for an MA in Music, be sure to use the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences PhD/Master's application.
  • If you are applying for any other degree at one of the University’s professional schools (Art, Architecture, Divinity, Drama, Environment, Global Affairs, Law, Management, Medicine, Music, Nursing, and Public Health), visit that school’s website for further instructions. Those programs have separate admissions policies and processes that are administered by the professional schools, not GSAS.

Application deadlines vary by program, so please see Dates & Deadlines for information about your program of interest. 

All new students matriculate in the fall. The admissions process begins nearly a year in advance of matriculation.

Some PhD and Master’s degree programs require Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores. Check your program's standardized testing requirement before you apply. 

In addition, applicants whose native language is not English may need to take an English Language test (TOEFL or IELTS).

The application for Fall 2024 entry is closed. The application for Fall 2025 entry will be available starting in mid-August 2024. 

Be sure to complete and submit the application before your program's application deadline. 

Your application fee or an approved fee waiver is due upon submission of your application. 

Your letters of recommendation do not need to be received before you will be able to submit your application. However, since programs begin reviewing applications shortly after the respective application deadline, please be sure that your letters of recommendation are submitted promptly.

What Happens After I Submit My Application?

The faculty admissions committee in each department and program begins reviewing applications shortly after their application deadline. Led by the director of graduate studies (DGS) or director of graduate admissions (DGA), the committee will recommend students for admission to the Graduate School. Once confirmed by the deans of the Graduate School, the admissions office will release final decisions to applicants.

Unlike undergraduate admissions, the admissions office and staff of the Graduate School maintain the application, the application process, and other administrative transactions, but the admissions staff does not review applications or make admissions decisions. That responsibility is handled by the faculty of each department or program.

Most admissions decisions are provided between February and early March. You will receive an email notification when your admissions decision is available.

If you are accepted for admission, you will need to decide if you wish to accept our offer by April 15. We abide by Council of Graduate School's April 15 Resolution , regarding graduate financial support. 

Ready to apply? Begin your application today.

Students sitting on quad

PhD/Master's Applicants

  • Why Choose Yale Graduate School?
  • Dates and Deadlines
  • Standardized Testing Requirements

Students reading

Non-Degree Program Applicants

Looking for non-degree programs? In some cases, it is possible to enroll at the Graduate School as a non-degree student. Non-degree students receive a transcript and many of the benefits of being a Yale student, but do not earn a degree upon completion of their enrollment. We offer three types of non-degree programs.

  • Non-Degree Programs

How to apply for a PhD in the US

Lecturer giulia evolvi shares everything you need to know about applying for a phd in the us from start to finish.

Giulia Evolvi's avatar

Giulia Evolvi


GRE . TOEFL . Statement of purpose . I remember staring at these terms when visiting university websites and trying to understand what they meant. After studying at universities in Italy and France, I decided to apply for a PhD programme in the US.

There are useful online resources on how to write successful application essays or how to understand the differences between studying in the US and Europe, but not many discuss the PhD application process. Supervisors and mentors in non-US universities are often not able to offer much support. This guide will help you start your applications, based on my personal experience of applying for a PhD in the US.


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Getting your tests: gre and toefl.

Applications for a US PhD programme usually require scores from GRE and TOEFL tests, exams that international students might be unfamiliar with. These tests are time-consuming and expensive, so it is important to start planning for them as soon as possible, especially because it can be difficult to find test locations outside the US.

The GRE is a test that every student, American or international, needs to take when applying to join a graduate programme. It has three parts: first is quantitative reasoning, which includes mathematical questions; second is verbal reasoning, which tests the knowledge of English words and can be challenging for international students because it is designed for English native speakers; third is analytical writing, consisting of two short essays where the student needs to critically assess a statement or position. Each university might require different scores for these three parts, and you send the scores automatically after the test to your selected list of universities.

International students also need to take the TOEFL to prove their knowledge of English. Students who come from English-speaking countries or who graduated from English-taught programmes usually do not have to take it, but it is important that you verify this with the universities you want to apply to.

For instance, students from countries where English is one of the official languages (such as India or Kenya) might nonetheless be required to take the TOEFL. Also, the results you submit must be from a test taken within the past two years old.

Each university will have different requirements in terms of the TOEFL score. The TOEFL has four parts (reading, listening, speaking and writing), and even if you are fluent in English it is usually best to get familiar with the format of each part to obtain a score that is high enough for graduate programmes.

Both are computer-based tests done through multiple-choice questions and writing/speaking exercises. Some students choose to hire tutors or attend courses to prepare for the GRE and the TOEFL, but it is possible to study for them individually by buying ETS books with exercises and/or using online resources.

PhD diary: Preparing for a PhD Is it possible to do a three-year PhD as an international student? How to decide if a postgraduate degree is right for you

Recommendation letters and transcripts

Applying for a PhD always requires a lot of paperwork, but documents for PhD applications in the US can be difficult to obtain for some international students.

Something quite crucial is the transcript of previous qualifications such as diplomas and degrees. Some universities in non-English countries offer diploma supplements that they send directly to American universities for the application process. In other cases, US universities require a certified translation, which can take time and money. It is important to communicate early and clearly with the universities you want to apply to and also with your home university to make sure it is possible to access all these documents.

Usually, PhD applications also require two or three reference letters. While this is a common practice across the world, US universities often want professors to send or upload them personally, which is not always the case in other countries. Deadlines are often non-negotiable, so I suggest that you identify people who can write reference letters for you and make sure they can do them in English and understand the submission process.

In some cases, you might also need to submit a bank statement. If you apply for programmes that offer full scholarship/funding (which I recommend), this is usually not necessary, but some universities may ask you to submit proof that you can support yourself throughout the programme. This is also required when you apply for a visa if you are not offered a scholarship.

The academic part: statement of purpose and writing samples

You might think that a long and detailed PhD project outline is the most important part of the application. While this is often true in many non-US countries, it is not always the case for US programmes. Instead, you usually have to write a one- or two-page statement of purpose in which you describe why you would fit in a given department.

Applications for US PhDs do not require personal connections with professors, and you do not need to have a supervisor in mind when you apply, but I suggest contacting professors in the department to verify whether your research interests match with theirs. Once accepted to the PhD programme, you will then select a supervisor and start writing your project.

In some cases, applications require a writing sample. Usually, it is advisable to send a university essay or a portion of your thesis. If you did not previously study in a programme taught in English, it is often possible to send a translation of your work or even a sample in another language.

Once all these documents and papers are gathered, you can start your applications. They are usually online, and there may be a fee for each application. It can be a long and expensive process, but many US universities welcome international students and offer an excellent education. In my case, it certainly was worth the effort.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Education

Ph.D. Commencement robing Martin West and Christopher Cleveland

Additional Information

  • Download the Doctoral Viewbook
  • Admissions & Aid

The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice.

Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

As a Ph.D. candidate, you will collaborate with scholars across all Harvard graduate schools on original interdisciplinary research. In the process, you will help forge new fields of inquiry that will impact the way we teach and learn. The program’s required coursework will develop your knowledge of education and your expertise in a range of quantitative and qualitative methods needed to conduct high-quality research. Guided by the goal of making a transformative impact on education research, policy, and practice, you will focus on independent research in various domains, including human development, learning and teaching, policy analysis and evaluation, institutions and society, and instructional practice.   

Curriculum Information

The Ph.D. in Education requires five years of full-time study to complete. You will choose your individual coursework and design your original research in close consultation with your HGSE faculty adviser and dissertation committee. The requirements listed below include the three Ph.D. concentrations: Culture, Institutions, and Society; Education Policy and Program Evaluation; and Human Development, Learning and Teaching . 

We invite you to review an example course list, which is provided in two formats — one as the full list by course number and one by broad course category . These lists are subject to modification. 

Ph.D. Concentrations and Examples

Summary of Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Colloquia  In year one and two you are required to attend. The colloquia convenes weekly and features presentations of work-in-progress and completed work by Harvard faculty, faculty and researchers from outside Harvard, and Harvard doctoral students. Ph.D. students present once in the colloquia over the course of their career.

Research Apprenticeship The Research Apprenticeship is designed to provide ongoing training and mentoring to develop your research skills throughout the entire program.

Teaching Fellowships The Teaching Fellowship is an opportunity to enhance students' teaching skills, promote learning consolidation, and provide opportunities to collaborate with faculty on pedagogical development.

Comprehensive Exams  The Written Exam (year 2, spring) tests you on both general and concentration-specific knowledge. The Oral Exam (year 3, fall/winter) tests your command of your chosen field of study and your ability to design, develop, and implement an original research project.

Dissertation  Based on your original research, the dissertation process consists of three parts: the Dissertation Proposal, the writing, and an oral defense before the members of your dissertation committee.

Culture, Institutions, and Society (CIS) Concentration

In CIS, you will examine the broader cultural, institutional, organizational, and social contexts relevant to education across the lifespan. What is the value and purpose of education? How do cultural, institutional, and social factors shape educational processes and outcomes? How effective are social movements and community action in education reform? How do we measure stratification and institutional inequality? In CIS, your work will be informed by theories and methods from sociology, history, political science, organizational behavior and management, philosophy, and anthropology. You can examine contexts as diverse as classrooms, families, neighborhoods, schools, colleges and universities, religious institutions, nonprofits, government agencies, and more.

Education Policy and Program Evaluation (EPPE) Concentration

In EPPE, you will research the design, implementation, and evaluation of education policy affecting early childhood, K–12, and postsecondary education in the U.S. and internationally. You will evaluate and assess individual programs and policies related to critical issues like access to education, teacher effectiveness, school finance, testing and accountability systems, school choice, financial aid, college enrollment and persistence, and more. Your work will be informed by theories and methods from economics, political science, public policy, and sociology, history, philosophy, and statistics. This concentration shares some themes with CIS, but your work with EPPE will focus on public policy and large-scale reforms.

Human Development, Learning and Teaching (HDLT) Concentration

In HDLT, you will work to advance the role of scientific research in education policy, reform, and practice. New discoveries in the science of learning and development — the integration of biological, cognitive, and social processes; the relationships between technology and learning; or the factors that influence individual variations in learning — are transforming the practice of teaching and learning in both formal and informal settings. Whether studying behavioral, cognitive, or social-emotional development in children or the design of learning technologies to maximize understanding, you will gain a strong background in human development, the science of learning, and sociocultural factors that explain variation in learning and developmental pathways. Your research will be informed by theories and methods from psychology, cognitive science, sociology and linguistics, philosophy, the biological sciences and mathematics, and organizational behavior.

Program Faculty

The most remarkable thing about the Ph.D. in Education is open access to faculty from all Harvard graduate and professional schools, including the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Learn about the full Ph.D. Faculty.

Jarvis Givens

Jarvis R. Givens

Jarvis Givens studies the history of American education, African American history, and the relationship between race and power in schools.

Paul Harris

Paul L. Harris

Paul Harris is interested in the early development of cognition, emotion, and imagination in children.

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson is a normative political philosopher who works at the intersection of civic education, youth empowerment, racial justice, and educational ethics. 

Luke Miratrix

Luke W. Miratrix

Luke Miratrix is a statistician who explores how to best use modern statistical methods in applied social science contexts.

phd application how

Eric Taylor

Eric Taylor studies the economics of education, with a particular interest in employer-employee interactions between schools and teachers — hiring and firing decisions, job design, training, and performance evaluation.

Paola Uccelli

Paola Uccelli

Paola Ucelli studies socio-cultural and individual differences in the language development of multilingual and monolingual students.

HGSE shield on blue background

View Ph.D. Faculty


The following is a complete listing of successful Ph.D. in Education dissertations to-date. Dissertations from November 2014 onward are publicly available in the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) , the online repository for Harvard scholarship.

  • 2022 Graduate Dissertations (265 KB pdf)
  • 2021 Graduate Dissertations (177 KB pdf)
  • 2020 Graduate Dissertations (121 KB pdf)
  • 2019 Graduate Dissertations (68.3 KB pdf)

Student Directory

An opt-in listing of current Ph.D. students with information about their interests, research, personal web pages, and contact information:

Doctor of Philosophy in Education Student Directory

Introduce Yourself

Tell us about yourself so that we can tailor our communication to best fit your interests and provide you with relevant information about our programs, events, and other opportunities to connect with us.

Program Highlights

Explore examples of the Doctor of Philosophy in Education experience and the impact its community is making on the field:

Teacher standing happily in front of class

Reshaping Teacher Licensure: Lessons from the Pandemic

Olivia Chi, Ed.M.'17, Ph.D.'20, discusses the ongoing efforts to ensure the quality and stability of the teaching workforce

Maya Alkateb-Chami

Lost in Translation

New comparative study from Ph.D. candidate Maya Alkateb-Chami finds strong correlation between low literacy outcomes for children and schools teaching in different language from home

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How the PhD Program Works

Program Overview

Completing your doctorate at Wharton requires 5 years of full-time study. The first 2 years in the program prepare you for admission to candidacy by taking courses, qualifying exams, and starting research projects. In the last few years, you are primarily conducting research full-time including writing and defending your doctoral dissertation.

Admission to candidacy.

You begin by taking courses required for your program of study. All programs requires a preliminary exam, which may be either oral or written.

Some programs may have further requirements, such as an additional exam or research paper. If you enter with a master’s degree or other transfer credit, you may satisfy the formal course requirements more quickly.

Beginning the Wharton PhD Curriculum How the first two years of the Wharton program helped students discover their interests, learn the tools of the profession, and fuel their passion for teaching.

The Doctoral Dissertation

Upon successful completion of coursework and passing a preliminary examination, you are admitted to candidacy for the dissertation phase of your studies.

Your doctoral dissertation should contain original research that meets standards for published scholarship in your field. You are expected to be an expert in the topic you choose to research.

You are admitted to candidacy for the dissertation phase of your studies upon successful completion of coursework and passing a preliminary examination, but you can start thinking about and working on research of relevance at any time.

The dissertation process culminates with a “defense,” in which you defend the proposal orally before your dissertation committee.

While working on your dissertation, you interact extensively with Wharton faculty. Together with interested faculty, you create your own research community that includes your dissertation advisor and dissertation committee.

Policies and Procedures

Get more detailed explanation of course requirements, academic standards, the Teacher Development Program, time limits, and dissertation procedures and requirements.

Sample Program Sequence

Years 1 & 2.

Coursework Examination Research Papers Research Activities Field-Specific Requirements

Directed Reading & Research Admission to Candidacy Formulation of Research Topic

Years 4 & 5

Continued Research Oral Examination Dissertation

Hear From Our Doctoral Community

From research consumer to research producer, what brought this cdc researcher to wharton's phd program, why i chose academic research instead of consulting.

Andrea Contigiani

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A Johns Hopkins postdoc, Herbert Baxter Adams, brought the seminar method from Germany, where he earned a PhD in 1876. The idea: Students would learn more by doing than by listening to lectures and taking exams.

That spirit of inquiry , of challenging the way things are done, lives on today in our nine academic divisions, all of which offer full-time graduate programs.

International flags

School of Advanced International Studies

A global institution that gives students global perspectives on today’s critical issues, with programs in international affairs , international studies , international economics and finance , and international public policy .

Lantern sculptures hanging from ceiling

Krieger School of Arts & Sciences

More than 50 full-time and part-time graduate programs spanning the arts , humanities , and natural and social sciences .

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School

Carey Business School

Offers a full-time, STEM-designated MBA, an online Flexible MBA, and multiple specialized master’s programs, with an emphasis on  business analytics and risk management ,  finance ,  health care management ,  information systems ,  marketing , and  real estate and infrastructure .

Johns Hopkins University School of Education

School of Education

One of the nation’s top schools of education, according to U.S. News & World Report , with degree and certificate programs in teaching , special education , counseling , administration , and leadership

Malone Hall on JHU's Homewood campus

Whiting School of Engineering

Full-time, part-time, and online programs in fields of critical importance to the future, health, and safety of our world, including robotics , biomedical engineering , cybersecurity/security informatics , and systems engineering .

Johns Hopkins Hospital

School of Medicine

Since 1893, Johns Hopkins Medicine has been dedicated to training the next generation of great medical leaders. It is widely regarded as one of the best medical schools and hospitals in the world, with top programs in internal medicine , women’s health , HIV/AIDS , geriatrics , drug/alcohol abuse , and pediatrics .

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

School of Nursing

The U.S. News & World Report top-ranked school prepares graduate level pre-licensure students and current BSN or advanced practice nurses to be health care leaders through a variety of MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. Students can focus on a wide range of advanced practice specialty areas – including health care organizational leadership , nurse anesthesiology , pediatric , adult/Gerontological , family , or critical care .

Peabody Institute spiral staircase

Peabody Institute

Founded in 1857, this renowned conservatory offers degrees in composition , computer music , conducting , performance , jazz , music education , music theory , and recording arts and sciences .

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Bloomberg School of Public Health

The Bloomberg School, U.S. News & World Report ‘s top-ranked graduate school of public health, offers programs in health administration , health science , and public policy .

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phd application how

  • How to write an Academic CV for a PhD Application
  • Applying to a PhD
  • The purpose of an academic CV for a PhD application is to provide a summary of your educational background and demonstrate the research skills and relevant experience you have that make you capable of undertaking a PhD.
  • It should be divided into nine sections : (1) contact information, (2) research interests, (3) education, (4) research and work experience, (5) teaching experience, (6) relevant skills and experience, (7) publications and conferences, (8) professional memberships, (9) referees.
  • It should ideally be up to two pages for a new research student, but can extend up to four pages if required.
  • The smaller details matter more than you think – write concisely, use consistent formatting, avoid jargons and general statements, check spelling and grammar, and have at least one academic to proofread it for you, ideally in the same area you are applying to.


So you are nearing the end of your current degree or making a return to education, and you’ve decided to make your next step a PhD. While the road ahead will be filled with much excitement, you’ll need to secure your position first. This will all begin with a strong PhD application and an equally impressive academic CV and personal statement or cover letter.

Together with your personal statement or cover letter, your CV will show who you are as an individual and what you have to offer. It needs to be concise, correctly formatted and well written to convince your preferred university and supervisor that you are the right student for the project.

This step-by-step guide will get you on your way to creating an outstanding academic CV for your next PhD application. We’ll discuss the sections your CV should be structured into, what each of these sections should include, and how it should be written. We’ll also give you valuable tips that are sure to get your readers’ attention.

What Is an Academic CV?

When applying for a PhD position, it’s common for the university to request a curriculum vitae (CV) from you to accompany your application.

An academic CV may appear similar to a standard CV used for job applications, but they are two relatively unique documents.

Where a standard CV focuses mostly on what your previous responsibilities have been and what you have accomplished to date, an academic CV concentrates on your academic background, achievements and experiences . Your academic CV will be used by a PhD supervisor to determine whether you can meet the challenges associated with undertaking a demanding PhD research project, as not everyone can.

How to Write an Academic CV for A PhD Application

A good academic CV should be broken into nine section headings:

  • Contact Information
  • Research Interests / Personal Profile
  • Research and Work Experience
  • Teaching Experience
  • Relevant Skills and Experience
  • Publications and Conferences
  • Professional Memberships
  • Referees / References

Below, we discuss what each of these sections should contain and how they should be written.

1. Contact Information

Start your CV by providing your contact details. All of the following should be included:

  • Full name  – Your name should be your document title, formatted in bold and centralised text.
  • Email address and contact number
  • Location  – Your town/city and country, e.g. ‘Birmingham, UK’, will be sufficient; it’s not necessary to provide your full home address.
  • Profiles  – Include a link to any professional profiles you may have, such as LinkedIn or ResearchGate.

NOTE:  Some individuals include a profile photo but be careful before doing so. While this would be expected in some countries such as those in Asia, the Middle East and Africa, this would not be the case in other countries such as the UK and US. This is because it can lead to complications with labour and anti-discrimination laws and potentially cost you your application. We therefore strongly advise you to look into the norms and regulations of the host country before deciding to do so.

2. Research Interests / Personal Profile

For an academic CV written for a PhD position, your ‘research interests’ section will double as you ‘personal profile’. As a brief introduction to yourself, this will be an important section as it sets the first impression of you for the reader.

Use bullet points or a brief paragraph to summarise who you are, your relevant qualifications, your research interests and your relevant skills and experience. When writing this section, your focus should be on two aspects: demonstrating your  ability to conduct a PhD  and your  enthusiasm for the project .

To create an impactful research interests’ section, adhere to the following:

  • Tailor to each research project you apply for:  One of the easiest ways to do this is to read the project description attached to the PhD advert, identify two to three of the most prominent keywords, and incorporate them into your writeup.
  • Keep it short:  This section is only an introduction, so keep it concise and punchy over long and detailed; 50 – 60 words is a good target.
  • Make every word count:  As 50 – 60 words isn’t much, be as specific as you can. Avoid clichés such as “I am committed to research and have a high attention to detail” at all costs; not only are they generic and overused, they also don’t provide the reader with any useful insights into you.

3. Education

A PhD CV is all about academic achievements and qualifications, so your education section should be given high importance and form the bulk of your CV, especially as it will be used to determine if have the core skills required for the position.

Working in reverse chronological order, provide a breakdown of your current academic qualifications. For most of you, this will be an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree and a postgraduate Master’s degree.

When listing your qualifications, provide the full name of the degree, the degree type, and the duration in terms of its start and end year. You do not need to limit this to your past qualifications; if you’re currently studying or taking an external course, include them as well, but state that they are ongoing and provide an expected grade if you have one.

If your degree is relevant to the PhD project you are applying to, include a list of the modules you completed and your corresponding marks; the same applies to your final year dissertation project.

Note:  If you list your relevant modules, streamline their names by removing any course codes. For example, “FN01 Fluid Dynamics” should become “Fluid Dynamics”. Course codes are only used for internal purposes, and each university will have its own system, so remove them to avoid any possible confusion.

Feel free to also list your GCSEs, A-Levels or other relevant academic qualifications if applicable to the field you are applying to, however, this isn’t necessary, and most supervisors will not ask for them. The exception to this is if your university degree is not directly related to the project you are applying for, but your previous qualifications are. In these cases, include them to help demonstrate the suitability of your academic background.

Finally, list any honours, awards and prizes that you have won or any other notable academic achievements that will help to strengthen your application.

4. Research and Work Experience

Your research and relevant work experience is just as, if not more, important than your educational background. This is because most applicants applying for the position will have similar qualifications, so your research experience can often be the deciding factor when all other things are considered equal.

Your research experience may include both paid and voluntary, full-time and part-time work, as well as university project work. However, in all cases, the experience you mention should be relevant to the project you are applying for or have helped you develop skills that make you a more capable researcher. For example, it’s not necessary to mention your time in retail, but any previous time as a laboratory or teaching assistant or teaching support absolutely will be.

If you any discuss research that you have done as part of your studies, present them as individual project listed in reverse chronological order, as before. You can also include research projects you are currently working on, regardless of how developed they are.

When discussing any projects, include the following:

  • What the project was about,
  • What research methods you used,
  • The skills you gained,
  • Any notable achievements or outcomes.

5. Teaching Experience

Since one of the main career paths after a PhD is an academic career, teaching experience can significantly strengthen your academic CV. However, it is generally accepted that not all applicants will have teaching experience, but if you do, include it here.

When discussing your teaching experience, state what level it was at, e.g. undergraduate or postgraduate, and what it involved, i.e. marking, teaching, supervising or organising.

6. Relevant Skills and Experience

This section should describe all other skills and experiences that will help strengthen your application.

They should be specific to the PhD project or demonstrate your potential to become a competent researcher. This includes:

  • Technical skills and experience, e.g. the use of computer software packages or research equipment common to the project you’re applying for.
  • Non-project specific courses you’ve sat, e.g. an academic writing and communication course.
  • Languages you know with their proficiencies noted.

7. Publications and Conferences

Most students won’t have academic publications, but if you do, list them here. Formal publications can include anything from journal articles, which is most likely to an adaptation of your final year dissertation project if you do have one, and published reports. If you have these, list them in reverse chronological order using the reference system adopted by the university you are applying to, as this is what the PhD supervisor will most likely be used to.

If you aren’t a published author or co-author, you can still include other text publications that you may have been involved in, such as online articles, magazines, newsletters and blogs. The topics of these publications should relate to your field or academia in general and be written in a formal tone that showcases your critical thinking and writing skills.

If you’ve ever given a conference presentation, include it here with details of the name, date and location of the conference, the title of your presentation and a summary of what it was about.

Even if you haven’t presented in conferences, you should still list any you have attended, including any seminars or talks. This is a useful way to illustrate your interest in the subject and your commitment to gaining new knowledge within your field.

TIP:  If you haven’t attended many conferences or seminars, consider attending several upcoming ones relevant to the research area you’re interested in. Not only is this a great way to learn more about the field in terms of its latest developments and gaps, but it can also be an effective way to make your academic CV more relevant if it’s currently light on research experience.

8. Professional Memberships

Being affiliated with an academic group, society or professional body demonstrates your enthusiasm for your field and for connecting with other like-minded individuals within the community.

When listing these, include the name of the group, the associated membership dates and the position you have held within it.

9. Referees / References

Your references will form the last section of your academic CV.

Your PhD application should specify the number of referees you should include, but if it does not, try to include at least two, but ideally three.

Two of the referees should be academic, with most students choosing their personal tutor and their final year’s dissertation project supervisor. It can be other staff members, but the essential requirement is that it is someone who knows you well enough to be able to substantiate your abilities and character.

If you don’t have two academic referees, you can use a professional referee as long as they are still relevant to the project you are applying for. This will most likely be the case for those who have worked in industry for some time before deciding to return to education.

When creating your reference list, list your referees in order of relevance and how well they know you, not in alphabetical order. This is so if only the first referee is called upon, it will be the individual who can provide you the most useful reference. The following information should be provided:

  • Professional title,
  • Name of current university,
  • Phone number and email address.

It’s imperative that you first seek permission from the individuals before listing them as a referee. It would also be beneficial to send them a copy of your CV, cover letter and application form so they can familiarise themselves with the broader details in case they are called upon.

Tips for Creating a Standout Academic CV

Research CV for PhD Application - Tips

No matter how impressive your academic achievements are or how much experience you have accumulated in your field, the PhD supervisor may never find out if your CV is too difficult to read. With this in mind, here are a few tips for achieving a high degree of clarity:

Formatting for Clarity

  • Highlight key information through the use of bolding, italics and underlining, but be careful not to overdo it so that it loses its purpose.
  • Keep your formatting consistent throughout, such as indentations, font type and font size, vertical spacing and margins.
  • Insert page numbers on each page.
  • Avoid jargon and abbreviations to maximise clarity.
  • Avoid splitting sections across two pages.

Keep It Concise

  • Try to limit your CV to two pages and not more than four. If you need to go over two pages, make sure the most important information is on the first two pages.
  • Avoid dense paragraphs, overly long sentences and generic statements. The aim is to pass on essential information in a way that doesn’t require the reader to have to extract it themselves. This leads to the next tip,
  • Use bullet points whenever possible, they’re easier to digest than paragraphs.

NOTE:  Remember that you will also submit a cover letter or personal statement alongside your CV, so don’t feel the need to cover everything to a high level of detail here as you will have the opportunity to do so elsewhere.

Check and Revise

  • As a rule of thumb, the academic CV you submit as part of your PhD application should be the third or fourth version you produce. Try to keep a day or two between each version so that you always approach it with a fresh perspective.
  • Proofread for any spelling and grammar mistakes. Although this will seem like we’re stating the obvious, a small mistake can be enough to jeopardise your chances considering that there will be many other high-profile candidates for the supervisor to choose from.
  • Have your document checked, first by an academic such as your tutor, and second by a professional proofreader or by an advisor from your university’s careers team. The former will check for technical issues, the latter for common curriculum vitae formatting, spelling and grammar mistakes.

Save in PDF Format

If the submission method allows for it, convert your CV to PDF format. This significantly reduces the likelihood of compatibility and reformatting issues when opened by the supervisor.

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Apply for postgraduate research

Follow the below steps to apply* for a research degree as a domestic or international research student.

These steps apply unless you are interested in the  Sydney Law School  or the  Business School , in which case you apply for your course first and if successful are allocated a supervisor.

  • Determine eligibility and suitable course
  • Develop your research proposal and find a research supervisor
  • Applying for scholarships to support your research degree
  • Gather required documentation and s ubmit your application onlin e

*The steps listed on this page are a guide and applicable to most courses. Please also check if there are any faculty-specific requirements .

1. Determine eligibility and suitable course

To be eligible to pursue postgraduate research study you will need previous research experience and a high academic record.  You need to have undertaken a significant research project or thesis in your previous university-level studies.

This could be the equivalent of:

  • an Australian honours degree
  • a master’s by research degree
  • a master’s by coursework with a thesis component (dissertation)

We also consider your undergraduate performance. You will need a bachelor's degree with first or upper second-class honours. Below is a guide based on the University of Sydney grading system, equivalent requirements will be determined for other institutions:

  • WAM of 75 over degree
  • Honours class I WAM greater than 80
  • Honours class II WAM between 75 and 80

English language requirements depend on the course, your country of origin and educational background. Find out if you need to prove  English language proficiency .

To apply for a PhD, you need to demonstrate sufficient prior research experience and capability. In most cases, you will have either:

  • a bachelor's degree with first or upper second-class honours, or
  • a master's degree performed at a high academic standard, which includes a substantial component of research, or
  • an equivalent qualification that demonstrates research experience, excellence and capability.

In most cases, to apply for a master’s by research or a Master of Philosophy, you need to have one of the following:

  • a bachelor’s degree with first or second-class honours from the University of Sydney or another approved institution
  • an equivalent qualification that demonstrates sufficient research experience and capability.

If you’re interested in a Joint PhD program, you need to follow the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) application steps 1-3. In addition, your proposed supervisor will need to complete a proposal to negotiate a student agreement form. If accepted, you will also be required to sign an individual student agreement. After your student agreement is finalised, you will then be sent an application form for the Joint PhD program.

Please refer to the University's Dual and Joint Degree Policy for full policy details.

Download our  Joint PhD programs factsheet (pdf, 116KB)  to learn more.

2. Develop your research proposal and find a supervisor

Before you submit your application, you must first secure a supervisor. Carefully consider the subject of your research project and start to develop a research proposal to provide to potential academic supervisors. Your initial proposal will likely evolve, however, it is important to clearly explain your ideas about your research, show why your research is noteworthy and how it aligns with your proposed supervisor’s own research.

Check out these guidelines on how to  write a research proposal for a strong PhD application .

You can search for supervisors’ contact details via their academic profile, or you can search for supervisors and projects  by discipline, keywords, and research themes. Our faculty and research centre websites are also good places to start.

To support your enquiry, send an email describing your academic background and research experience, the topic you'd like to research and how your research project aligns with the work of your proposed supervisor. You must include your resume/CV, academic transcripts for all degrees and your initial research proposal. Please check your HDR course page on Sydney Courses for specific faculty requirements.

3. Applying for scholarships to support your research degree

We have one of the largest research scholarship  schemes in Australia. Scholarships can be a big help in funding your research or helping you with living costs while you do your research. Some scholarships are specific to a research project or discipline, and many are assessed on academic merit and research potential. Search for a scholarship .

When you submit your course application, you can elect to be automatically considered for the Research Training Program stipend. The stipend is competitively awarded and is based on academic merit and research potential.

For domestic students, you do not pay tuition fees as this is covered by the government Research Training Program fee offset. For international students, tuition fees are applicable. If you are an international student and are awarded RTP, this will cover your tuition fees and provide a stipend. Please note: there are limited places available in the Research Training Program for international students, and these are highly competitive.

Please refer to your course page on Sydney Courses for information about the fees you will need to pay, and also read our general information on fees and financial support .

Depending on your research project, many PhD students also work part-time to fund their study, similar to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students.

4. Submit official application online with required documentation

Postgraduate research degree applications are open all year round, with most research intakes starting in Research Period 2 (March) and Research Period 3 (July). However, to be considered for the RTP stipend you will need to submit your application by these dates . You can still submit your course application past the RTP deadline but you will not receive a stipend outcome until the next round of RTP rankings.

Please check your course page on Sydney Courses for the research periods your faculty offers. We recommend applying as early as possible prior to your intended start date, and you will also need to discuss your start date with your supervisor.

International students are recommended to factor in the Department of Home Affairs visa processing times when considering a likely start date for their HDR course.

Documentation to include in your application form

When you have secured a supervisor, you will discuss and refine the project together. Once your research proposal is finalised, gather all the essential documents that you will need to submit with your application:

  • Final research proposal. In conjunction with your supervisor, you’ll finalise your research proposal of up to 2000 words, covering the objectives and significance of your research. Refer to our  Research Proposal Guidelines .
  • Official academic transcripts in the original language and English translation.
  • Proof of English language proficiency if English is not your first language.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume.
  • Evidence that a primary supervisor has agreed to supervise you. This could be a copy of the email correspondence showing the staff member’s agreement to supervise you. Sydney College of the Arts doesn’t require evidence of supervision, however, you must submit a portfolio with your application. The Sydney Conservatorium of Music may require you to attend an interview.
  • Proof of identity: a valid passport (biodata page), an Australian birth certificate or an Australian or New Zealand citizenship certificate for domestic students.
  • you’ll have sufficient time available to carry out the research under the supervision of the University and complete the course within the maximum period allowed for a part-time PhD enrolment
  • a declaration from your employer (if relevant) confirming that you will be permitted to take the time required to effectively pursue your studies.
  • Two referee reports (pdf, 113.7KB)
  • Any other documents, such as a portfolio of work or audition, specified in the course listing for your degree.

International students  

If you are an international student, you will also need:

  • To apply for your student visa, after you have received an offer of admission or an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) for an HDR course at the University.
  • To pay a non-refundable  application processing fee . This fee is waived if you’re a sponsored student, or if you are granted an exemption by a University staff member during an office interview or recruitment event.
  • If you would like to apply through an authorised University of Sydney agent, we have partnered with a range of  authorised agents who can apply to the University and make arrangements on your behalf.

Further information

Our frequently asked questions provide further information on our HDR courses and the application process.

You will need to pass  health and security checks  if your research involves fieldwork in the New South Wales hospital and education systems. The  course page  details explain what admission criteria you need to satisfy to get into the course. 

You may also need to apply for approval from the Animal Ethics and/or Human Research Ethics Committee .

Additional course requirements

*Please also refer to your faculty for additional admission requirements, or variations in the application process, which may apply.

How to write a research proposal

Find a course.

  • 1800 SYD UNI ( 1800 793 864 )
  • or +61 2 8627 1444
  • Open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
  • Student Centre Level 3 Jane Foss Russell Building Darlington Campus

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University of South Florida

School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies

College of Arts and Sciences

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Graduate programs, phd in politics and international affairs.

The doctoral degree in politics and international affairs is an interdisciplinary program designed to prepare students to teach at the university and college levels and to conduct high-level research in the academic and nonacademic sectors. It combines a broad focus on international relations, comparative politics, American politics, and political theory with a critical understanding of institutions, rights, citizenship/identity, governance, global policy, and justice. Students work closely with faculty to frame their dissertation research and to advance their knowledge of their chosen fields of specialization. The program’s interdisciplinary approach to a variety of global issues provides a rich and open-ended opportunity to research current and past problems, movements, and transformations in politics.

We welcome your interest in our doctoral program. The department's deadline for fall admission is January 5. The School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies only admits for the fall semester. Students must apply online through the Office of Graduate Admissions. For a listing of the admission requirements, students should consult the Graduate Catalog . 

*Effective starting with the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, GRE test scores are no longer required for applications to our doctoral program in Politics and International Affairs*

*International students should review the Office of Admissions International Students website for additional information and requirements.

*International students are also encouraged to contact the Office of International Services for information on visas, international travel, etc. 

PLEASE NOTE: International students whose native language is not English and who want to be considered for a teaching assistantship must show proficiency in spoken English even if their TOEFL has been waived for admission to a graduate program. More information on the TOEFL requirement can be found under Admission Requirements in the graduate catalog.

Program Requirements

For the Doctoral Degree in Politics and International Affairs degree requirements, students should consult the Graduate Catalog. Students should adhere to the requirements within the Graduate Catalog under which they were admitted.

  • Degree Requirements Beginning 2023-2024 Catalog

*Students can elect another catalog following the one they were admitted under. More information on this policy, and other policies, can be found in the Graduate Catalog.

*Students must request approval from the graduate director for any course not pre-approved and listed under the degree in the Graduate Catalog.

Additional information on program requirements:

Student can also select POS 6933/6747 Advanced Topics in Quantitative Political Analysis or another graduate course approved by the graduate director for the methods requirement. The Capstone Seminar will be conducted with doctorial students in Sociology and History and focus on dissertation proposal. 

Research Fields

The Doctorate in Politics and International Affairs specializes in the following four fields of research:

International Relations In the School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, the International Relations (IR) faculty focuses on four areas of study: international relations theory, global political economy, international security, and human rights. We stress the importance of cutting-edge scholarship in our teaching of the graduate seminars as well as bridging the many emergent gaps in theory and practice in the various subfields that comprise International Relations, including American foreign policy, international ethics, global governance, and international law and organizations. One of our central aims is to advance innovative applications of the central theoretical perspectives (and their variant strands) in International Relations, namely, realism, liberalism, critical theory, constructivism, Marxism, international political theory, and gender. These applications involve in-depth theoretical and empirical analysis of key global issues, such as Asian security, moral accountability, the enforcement of human rights, immigration, and political and economic inequality. The International Relations faculty have published numerous books and peer-reviewed articles on these issue areas. These include monographs on the political tensions on the Korean Peninsula or North Korea’s nuclear arms buildup, the political cosmopolitan character and shifting dynamics of the International Criminal Court (ICC), hegemony and inequality in the global political economy, and China’s rapidly increasing support of intervention in African states. Together our published research emphasizes the production of critical theoretic knowledge, or the advanced methodological analysis of the contradictions and tensions informing the substantive debates in International Relations. This not only requires the particular mastery of concepts, methods, and claims but also an open-ended and historical understanding of the changing social forces shaping the behavior of states and the relations among global and local actors. It is this scholarly approach that we adopt to train our graduate students specializing in international relations, particularly as they advance their dissertation research and empirical knowledge of the global and regional contexts of problems and issues. One of the outcomes we strive for, then, is to encourage our doctoral students to develop rigorous theoretical and contextual analysis from which they can devise solutions and prescriptions to global issues.

Comparative Politics Comparative Politics in the School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies is committed to theory-driven, empirical research from an interdisciplinary perspective that is situated in a political, historical, cultural, and economic context.  The Comparative Politics faculty employ a variety of methodological approaches from both the social sciences and humanities, which utilize qualitative and quantitative research methods to study the patterns of similarities and differences. In particular, we conduct comparative and case study research to inquire into these patterns and to develop our theoretical propositions. One of our aims is to produce knowledge about the changing social, political, and legal conditions affecting the lives, development, cultural practices, and customs of underrepresented peoples. In meeting this aim, our research focuses on several themes of comparative politics, including social movements, democracy/democratization, citizenship, decolonization, genocide, hegemony, race and identity, development, legal systems and customary law, social justice, and indigenismo or the political ideology focusing on the changing relations of state and local peoples. Much of our published research draws creatively on social, critical, and political theory to advance knowledge of the laws, changing social relations, and attitudes in several countries, which includes Brazil, Ecuador, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Iran. Our research strengths lie in the areas of race and citizenship, social movements theory, human security and law (or legal custom) in Eastern Africa, indigenous rights in various Latin American countries, and security relations in the Middle East. With these thematic foci, we encourage graduate students to create and develop their own research by selecting a region of the world as their emphasis and adopting theoretically informed research and comparative methods that allow them to analyze the changing social and political conditions in the countries of this region.

American Politics The study of American Politics in the doctorate program in politics and international affairs provides a comprehensive overview as well as an in-depth analysis of American politics. Our faculty focus on various aspects of American politics, including theoretical foundations, federalism, institutions (Congress, the executive branch, the bureaucracy, the judiciary), political behavior (political parties, the media, interest groups, social movements, and elections), and public policy (foreign and domestic), and employ a range of methodological approaches such as historical development, legal doctrine, institutional rules, and quantitative analyses of the behavior of political actors and the mass public, to advance the student's research skills.  Our core class, Seminar in American Politics, for instance, surveys the key foundations, institutions, and behavior in American politics, introducing students to both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches for analyzing and testing the changing trends and outcomes in American politics. Special topics courses provide opportunities to gain in-depth knowledge on new research on a range of themes, including political development, the social bases of politics, and the global impact of American politics. The faculty in American politics have made important contributions in the areas of race and ethnicity, the judiciary, the presidency, Florida government, civil liberties, health care, environmental justice, economic inequality, and animal rights. Our strengths lie in economic inequality, animal rights, the Presidency, Judicial Behavior, Race and Ethnicity, and State and Local Government. In these specific areas, we have published several cutting-edge books and articles in leading peer-reviewed journals, which examine the emergence and implementation of nonhuman animals' regime of rights, the changing directions of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and its impact on world politics, and alternative strategies for natural disasters in the United States. Our scholarship is thus distinctive for the ways in which it addresses American government and politics in a global context. This is how we seek to train our doctoral students on the rapidly changing, nuanced linkages between local, state, federal and global institutional politics.  

Political Theory Political Theory introduces students to the core normative issues in the study of political science. These normative issues provide the bedrock assumptions on which much of the study of political science depends. For example, while nearly everyone agrees that democracy is the best form of government, why do we place such faith in it? In addition, the long tradition of political thought offers multiple versions of democracy, each with its own strengths and limitations. How are we to identify the best version for our needs? Similarly, while we might extol non-violence in politics, is it always the best path for political movements? How are we to justify its alternatives? Clarifying our moral commitments, sharpening our conceptual tools, and outlining pathways for transforming theoretical knowledge into action requires philosophical, historical, and conceptual capabilities. The political theory faculty at the School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies trains students to develop these capabilities. To that end, political theory classes not only familiarize students with many of the canonical texts that were read by generations of prominent political thinkers (from Aristotle to Martin Luther King Jr), they also teach students to read these texts critically and with an eye towards contemporary political developments. As such, training in political theory is a critical supplement to graduate work at School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies. The faculty’s expertise in feminist theory, postcolonial theory, the role of emotions in politics, environmental political thought, and Indian political thought complements the terminal degrees offered in American Politics, Comparative Politics, and International Relations.

Financial Assistance 

Most of our successful applicants qualify for funding offered by the department or the Office of Graduate Studies. Funded doctoral students will receive a graduate assistantship that includes:

  • a stipend for the academic year (9 months)
  • a tuition waiver (not including school fees)
  • the option of health insurance mostly paid by the department (the student only pays a small amount towards insurance).

All applicants for the doctoral degree are considered for a graduate assistantship - they do not need to complete a separate form.

The graduate assistantship is guaranteed for four years but is based on maintaining satisfactory annual academic progress. It requires each student to work 20 hours per week, in which case the student would be first assisting professors of the department with their teaching and class preparations and later, after having passed the doctoral comprehensive exams and completed teacher training seminars, teach a class at the University of South Florida. 

Please visit the graduate assistantships page for further information. The department also provides funding for conference travel or the presentation of research at conferences upon approval.

Information on eligibility for graduate assistantships can be found on the Graduate Assistantships Resource Center website. 

We also strive to fund our students in the fifth year, though this funding is not guaranteed. Depending on additional funds that become available, students may have the opportunity to extend their graduate assistantship to one, possibly two academic semesters. Students in the fifth year are also encouraged to seek external funding. For more information on this, please consult our Graduate Resources Page .

Outstanding candidates may also be nominated by the school’s director and/or graduate committee for prestigious and highly competitive university fellowships, including the Presidential Doctoral Fellowship , the Dorothy Auzenne Fellowship , and the University Graduate Fellowship. There is also the opportunity for minority students to be awarded a McKnight Fellowship, which provides annual tuition up to $5,000 for each of three academic years, plus an annual stipend of $12,000. The program also offers travel grants and other forms of financial support. For additional information on this fellowship opportunity, please visit the McKnight Fellowship's informational page.

  • Politics and International Affairs Doctoral Handbook 2022 - 2023
  • School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies Graduate Resources
  • Independent Study / Directed Research Contract
  • Office of Graduate Studies Forms
  • Dissertation Proposal Approval Form
  • Admission to Doctoral Candidacy Form
  • Graduate Student Supervisory Committee Appointment Form
  • Dissertation Checklist
  • Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Certificate of Approval Form
  • Comprehensive Exam Reading Lists
  • Research Conference Travel Award Request
  • Dissertation Defense Announcment

Spring 2024 Course Offerings

Recent Placements

For further information or questions about the PhD in Politics and International Affairs, please fill out this form . 

Resources for

  • Prospective Students
  • Current Students
  • Admin Resources

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Top 10 tips for applying to clinical psychology ph.d. programs.

prospective students

Participants of the second annual Diversifying Clinical Psychology Weekend gained skills for succeeding in graduate school.

Program offers pointers for prospective students

In an effort to help aspiring clinical psychology applicants from historically marginalized and underrepresented backgrounds feel better prepared to tackle the application process and succeed in graduate school, School of Social Ecology graduate students from the clinical psychology area hosted their second annual “Diversifying Clinical Psychology Weekend” event earlier this month. Co-sponsored by DECADE, the event included breaking down application requirements, discussing how to obtain relevant research experience, and sharing the experiences of current students to help aspiring applicants feel more confident in their own academic journeys. 

phd application how

  • Professionalism is key. Using professional email greetings, being punctual, demonstrating preparation, taking ownership and responsibility, and using critical thinking and problem solving skills goes a long way. 
  • Get involved in research labs. Joining a research lab during undergraduate or post-bacc programs, or seeking full-time research assistant and research staff positions will help prepare you for graduate programs that place heavy emphasis on research. 
  • Prepare an accurate and professionally-formatted CV. Keep formatting consistent, list things in reverse chronological order, use action words when describing your contributions to activities. 
  • Personalize your Research Statements (also known as Statement of Purpose) for each program you apply to. Emphasize what draws you to each particular program, include faculty members you are interested in working with and why, and state how YOU can add value and contribute to the program.  
  • Weave a narrative through your personal statement that goes beyond your CV. Avoid summarizing your CV. Tell a story that SHOWS the reader what lessons you have learned and your main takeaways from prior experiences that have led you to apply to their program. Relate your experiences through common themes, goals, and interests that may not be obvious to someone simply reading through your CV. 
  • Incorporate your values, commitment to DEI, and who you are as a person in your Personal History Statement (also known as Diversity Statement). This is a great place to show parts of yourself, your background, and your experiences that don’t fit into other parts of the application. 
  • Get feedback on your materials. Get feedback from friends, family, and colleagues on your essays. 
  • Submit strong letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation are a critical component of a well-rounded application. Be sure to request letters from writers with whom you have good relationships and believe will be able to write you a thorough and positive letter of recommendation. Don’t hesitate to ask potential letter writers if they would be able to write you a STRONG letter of recommendation. 
  • Research your programs ahead of time to make sure they are a good fit for you. Just as schools are evaluating whether you will be a good fit for their program, you should take the time to do your research on whether programs you are applying to seem to be a good fit for your research interests, professional goals, and personal needs.
  • Check out additional resources and information sessions:  and .

phd application how

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Preparing Ph.D. Students for the Qualifying Exam

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Navigating Ph.D. programs is notoriously challenging, and the qualifying exam stands as a major milestone all students must achieve. To support Ph.D. students in this critical checkpoint, the Graduate Division recently hosted the Qualifying Exam Discourse (QED) workshop, focused on preparing for the qualifying exam. Ten participants from six graduate programs were selected from a pool of 53 applicants for this pilot.

Led by Associate Graduate Dean and Professor Sayantani Ghosh and academic counselor Maria Nishanian and organized by events services manager Jennifer Quiralte, the workshop aimed to equip second- and third-year Ph.D. students with the knowledge, strategies and skills needed to successfully complete the qualifying exam process and advance to candidacy.

“The qualifying exam is a significant step in a Ph.D. journey, and we wanted to provide our students with the tools and guidance to approach it proactively and effectively,” Ghosh said.

The workshop covered a range of topics, including:

  • Providing clarity on administrative requirements for graduate program-related policies and procedures.
  • AI and scientific writing techniques, with insights from guest speaker Professor Brian Utter.
  • Review of successful proposal samples to share best practices.
  • Discussion on "The Do's and Don'ts of a Presentation,” by Nishanian.

By offering this qualifying exam preparation workshop, the Graduate Division demonstrated its commitment to supporting the academic and professional development of UC Merced Ph.D. students.

“We were encouraged by the positive response from our participants,” Ghosh said. “The presentation by Nishanian was particularly beneficial, and Utter’s timely discussion on the undeniable reality of AI in scientific writing was very well-received. We are pleased to expand this training starting Fall 2024.”

In collaboration with Nishanian, Graduate Division will offer a course beginning the next academic year aimed at second- and third-year Ph.D. students that will systematically navigate the process of writing the qualifying proposal and preparing for the oral exam. This 1-unit course, titled GSTU 210: Graduate Researchers’ Road Map, will comprise weekly workshops and by addressing a multifaceted set of preparation areas, will provide doctoral students with a comprehensive toolkit to approach the qualifying exam with confidence and success. It is scheduled for Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. in Fall 2024.

phd application how

Video Spotlight

Campus Grad Slam Winner Examines ‘Gut Viruses: Friends or Foes?’

Earlier this month, Ambarish Varadan competed in UC Merced’s Grad Slam finals and seized the title of Campus Champion. This was the second time...

Arbor Day Tree Planting Event (Slideshow)

A tree planting ceremony was held on campus to commemorate Arbor Day 2024. Various campus groups planted and dedicated 14 trees, each type representing a...

Graduate Division Hosts 10th Grad Slam Competition

Who will UC Merced’s Grad Slam champion be? Cheer on the finalists on April 8 and find out. Graduate students from UC Merced’s three...

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female student smiling in class

Brandeis combines the resources of a world-class research university with the personal attention of a liberal arts setting. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences offers 17 doctoral programs and more than 40 master's and postbaccalaureate programs.

smiling student

One of the key differences at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is our emphasis on interdisciplinary learning. You will learn the importance of connecting with people who have a broad range of expertise and experience.

female student in class

We support all doctoral students and the majority of master’s and post-baccalaureate students who maintain satisfactory academic progress with loans and scholarships.

Professor Avi Rodal

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Find important resources and information to help you succeed as a GSAS student.

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Professional development at GSAS is for PhD and MA students in all departments and in all stages of their career. Whether you are just starting or are about to finish your degree, the resources we provide are for you. Our goal is to enable students to pursue fulfilling careers in the private sector, academia, non-profits and government.

  • GSAS 70th Anniversary
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Professor Lamb and student

Find a member of staff who can address your questions. Meet your Graduate Department Representative and your Director of Graduate Study.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Building community through the gsas career fellows program.

Louis Brandeis Statue on Brandeis campus, with steps leading up to it

April 29, 2024

Abigail Arnold | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

While graduate school is a notoriously busy place, it’s always a good choice to make time to think about career planning and the future. The Brandeis University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Professional Development team supports students through this often tricky process through a variety of programming and services, including the Career Fellows Program . Now in its third year, the program brings together students across departments who are committed to career exploration, building a cohort who connect with each other while attending a range of professional development workshops, informational talks, and networking sessions. This year, thirty students, who were selected from sixty-seven total applicants, participated in the program. Fifteen students came from the sciences, and fifteen came from the humanities, social sciences, and creative arts. Session topics included approaching career exploration, the job search for international students, faculty careers, AI careers, optimizing LinkedIn, resumes and CVs, informational interviewing, and interviewing. Marika McCann, Associate Director of Professional Development and Employer Outreach for GSAS, explained the process of developing this year’s programming and building on previous work. “Last year we sent out a survey to fellows to get feedback and see what areas we should focus on this year. We wanted to prioritize AI, as we had many questions about careers in these areas, and held a session that talked about interdisciplinary AI careers,” she said. “We also listened to feedback and added more sessions specifically for international students about the job search.” Along with GSAS Faculty Director of Professional Development Jonathan Anjaria, McCann also worked to make sure that the programming was helpful to students no matter what program they were in. “For our informational interviewing session we provided a variety of alumni contacts to our students in different careers that span across disciplines,” she said. “We have focused on bringing in professionals in industry, academia and nonprofits to help build connections.” In putting together the career fellows programming, McCann and Anjaria worked to bring students together, as well as to get them started on a journey of career exploration. “We prioritized having a few in-person casual lunches with students to get to know each other,” said McCann. She also explained why she thinks the program is so important: “The skills we are teaching in our fellows program are essential for graduate students in their job search, and, unfortunately, many aren't gaining these skills early enough in their graduate career. By learning the building blocks of career exploration and the job search earlier on, they are getting more time to practice these skills and connect with those outside of their programs and are better prepared for when they graduate and are ready for the next step in their career.” Students at all stages of their graduate careers had words of praise for the career fellows programming and what they learned from it. Derrick Kim, a first-year PhD student in Computer Science, said, “I think it's important to talk to people in other disciplines, especially if we have more opportunities to talk about our research interests and what we are doing. I think it would be nice to distill our research into a form where someone who has no idea about the field can understand. As a PhD student, I think we are tempted to overspecialize, but when we go out in the real world, we struggle to simplify our research so that people from other disciplines can easily understand.” He appreciated the chance to network with fellow students and alums across programs, saying, “I think it's better to build a stronger alumni network – as Marika said, 70% of jobs are gotten through connections. I think this is a safe arena to develop good social skills and talk to people from different disciplines.” Kwame Gayle, a first-year PhD student in Sociology, agreed about the importance of community building. He said, “I liked the networking lunches throughout the semester, where I could get to meet other graduate students on campus…Through the fellowship, I have built connections with other graduate students and alumni across different fields.” Gayle highlighted the importance of using these interpersonal connections to advance one’s career and personal journeys, saying, “Community is vital as you navigate graduate school. The more spaces you're able to build community, the better! Career development programming creates a space for like minded individuals (students and alumni) to connect and have future engagement. It is also a window into the possibilities which helps to keep current students grounded and hopeful. Lastly, it challenges the narrative that life stops in grad school; rather, you can continue to build connections as your career progresses throughout graduate school as well.” Jiahua Chen, a fourth-year PhD student in Biochemistry and Biophysics, was excited about the ways in which the program helped her answer her questions about finding and preparing for a career after graduation. “The Career Fellows program seemed like the perfect place to find the answers to my three ‘how’ questions that had been wandering in my heart for some time: How to find my first matching job? How to translate my current skills into tangible advantages in the workplace? How to align my skill set with the demands of a prospective position?” she said. She also liked how the program walked her through the career exploration process, saying, “As a fellow, I have acquired multiple skills in a step-by-step and build-up manner, from pinpointing my career goals/positions to structuring resumes, navigating job searching social media platforms, and conducting interviews.” Lianne Gallant, a first-year PhD student in History, liked how the program allowed her to begin her career planning process early in her graduate student career. “As the academic job market becomes increasingly difficult, an increasing number of graduate students are planning for industry positions after graduation and I believe institutions have an obligation to prepare us for that, something GSAS and the Career Center at Brandeis have done really well,” she said. “I try to think of graduate school as an entry-level job and a key part of that is to develop a sense of our professional selves as early as possible.” Gallant particularly appreciated the session on teaching at community colleges and their focus on teaching over research; she said, “So much of the academic job market often focuses on research experience and publications and it's nice to know that there are other options.” Both Kim and Chen especially liked the LinkedIn session, for which McCann and Anjaria brought in Omar Garriott and Jeremy Schifeling, previous leaders of the LinkedIn Education team. “It was highly beneficial to hear about LinkedIn insights and tips from the previous leader of the LinkedIn education team, Jeremy Schifeling, who worked at LinkedIn and knew the LinkedIn story ‘behind the scenes,’” said Chen. “I got to hear important things that recruiters wanted to see on a resume,” added Kim. Through the career fellows program, the GSAS Professional Development team gives students the opportunity to learn from staff, from alums, from outside experts, and from their peers. By taking a process that can feel scary and providing guidance and steps for how to approach it, the program sets GSAS students up for success.

40th cycle - 2024/2025 - starting September 2024 - deadline 30 May 2024

Politecnico di milano issues a call for applications to 83 phd positions (68 fully granted).

This webpage provides information related to the issuing PhD programs, the positions and scholarships available for the upcoming PhD cycle, which starts in September 2024. You may also find here the modalities for participate to the selection and the related deadlines. After having carefully inspected the  call , you can apply through our  online procedure .

The number of PhD scholarships and positions of our PhD programs is as follows ( click on the name of the PhD program to inspect the type and research topics associated with the scholarships )


PhD admission

Access to Ph.D. Programmes is by selection. The University selection call is issued annually for all Ph.D. Programmes, and is published on this page. 

The annual call is issued in Spring- the next annual call will be Spring 2025, 41th cycle.  There may be additional calls with topic scholarships, if so, it will be posted on this website in the " Calls and regulations " section.

Further information and calls for international candidates is available in the  International Programmes  section.

Online procedure for admission to the PhD course at Politecnico di Milano (40th cycle - 2024/2025 - starting September 2024)

In this page you will find the link to access the online procedure to: 

•fill the selection call application form

•check the results 

•select additional research scholarship topics 

Before accessing the online procedure please read carefully:  

1) the  call public announcement Public examination for admission to the PhD course at Politecnico di Milano (40th cycle)

2) the " Quickstart " manual for the online admission procedure 

3) the  FAQs  (frequently asked questions)

To access the online admission procedure  click here Opening on: 30th April 2024 (10am, italian time) Deadline: 30th May 2024 (2pm, italian time)

-the pages in " Prospective PhD Candidates ", in particular " Before Applying " and " How to apply "

-the page " Places and Scholarships " -the page " Areas, subjects and thematics of research published in the call " -the page " Open subject scholarships " -the page " Thematic scholarships "

-the page " Call deadlines "  

Documents that must be uploaded in the online application (in Italian or English language): 

  • Research project format  (RTF)
  • CV Template  (RTF)


For the registration of personal data, candidates are recommended to refer to the manual " Quickstart " from pag. 1 to pag. 9 

Candidates who have problems  during the registration of the personal data  can write to:  [email protected]  

For other information about the call and the admission procedures candidates are recommended to make contact only via the link " Ask for assistance " inside the online procedure.

40th cycle call: topic scholarships

The applicant, after the confirmation of an application (provided the desire to compete for a scholarship has indicated in the application), may opt for a thematic scholarship by accessing the  on-line procedure  before  2pm on 30/05/2024 .  All the information about the thematic scholarships are available in the webpage:  Thematic scholarships

Open subject Scholarships

The open subject scholarships allow for research to be carried out on all subjects linked to the PhD.

It is not possible to participate by selecting a specific open subject scholarship . The option to compete for a specific scholarship can only be made for thematic  scholarships. The research topic of each open subject scholarship will be agreed with the Board of Professors.

When applying, you must specify if you intend to compete or not for a scholarship: if you choose to compete, you’ll automatically compete for open subject scholarships.

All the information about the  open subject  scholarships are available in the webpage: " Open Subject Scholarship "

Western's graduate public affairs program rises in U.S. News and World Report rankings

KALAMAZOO, Mich.—Western Michigan University's School of Public Affairs and Administration continues its upward trajectory in the prestigious U.S. News and World Report rankings.

In the 2024 ranking of Best Public Affairs Graduate Programs recently released, Western is tied for No. 135 , a rise of 12 ranking positions from the year prior. This advancement is a testament to the School of Public Affairs and Administration's commitment to academic excellence, innovative research and impactful community engagement.

"We are thrilled to see our colleagues across the nation recognizing the quality of our graduate programming, especially as we celebrate 50 years of graduate education in public administration this May," says Dr. Matthew S. Mingus , director of the School of Public Affairs and Administration. "This achievement reflects the dedication and hard work of our faculty, staff and students in pursuing excellence in public and nonprofit management education and research."

The School of Public Affairs and Administration utilizes a comprehensive program designed to prepare future leaders in public service, nonprofit management and policy analysis and offers the region’s only graduate certificate in Tribal governance. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and real-world application, the school equips its graduates with the knowledge, skills and values needed to address complex challenges facing society.

"Our full-time faculty and professional instructors are at the forefront of research and scholarship, and our students are passionate about making a positive difference in their communities. This recognition further validates our collective efforts in advancing the field of public administration since 1974,” says Mingus.

The U.S. News and World Report rankings for Best Public Affairs Graduate Schools are based on peer assessment survey results, which rated the academic quality of master's programs. Methodology information is available on U.S. News' website.

To learn more information about the WMU School of Public Affairs and Administration, visit .

For more WMU news, arts and events , visit  WMU News  online.

Graduate Student Staff Assistant

How to apply.

A cover letter is required for consideration for this position and should be attached as the first page of your resume. The cover letter should address your specific interest in the position and outline skills and experience that directly relate to this position.

Course Description

The School of Public Health Dean's Office, Pathways to Public Health Program is seeking one (1) 50% (20 hours/week) Graduate Student Staff Assistant (GSSA) pursuing an MPH, MS, or PhD in Public Health (or another health-related field) who has an interest in student services, workforce diversity, health equity, and health disparities. We are seeking a thoughtful and dynamic student with a commitment to contributing to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for all members of our community.

The Pathways to Public Health Program at the University of Michigan School of Public Health aims to expand access to public health education, particularly for those traditionally underrepresented in the field. Fostering a diverse student body, and ultimately a diverse public health workforce is vital to eliminating health disparities and achieving health equity. As such, our school is committed to making public health education accessible to anyone who wants to help respond to the world's toughest public health challenges.

The work described for this position must be considered academically relevant by the department or degree program in which the student is enrolled.

Applicants who do not submit the following documents via the applicant portal will not be considered:

  • A cover letter is required for consideration for this position and must be attached to the first page of your resume. The cover letter should address your specific interest in the position, and outline skills and experience that directly relate to this position. If you have previously held a staff position, internship, or student organization role tasked with engaging student communities, please highlight these experiences in your cover letter. In your cover letter, please answer these questions:    - What is your University affiliation and year in graduate studies?   - How do you understand the value of diverse teams in addressing public health issues? 
  • Current resume 
  • Current transcript (unofficial) 
  • If selected as a finalist , we will request contact information (email and phone) for two professional references (one reference speaks to your academic performance/potential and one reference speaks to your leadership potential)
  • If selected as a finalist , a letter or e-mail from your academic advisor confirming that you are in good academic standing, not on fellowship support, and are approved for a 50% appointment (PLEASE NOTE: this letter may be submitted separately to sph. [email protected] ).

If successful, we will schedule an interview with you.  


  • Assist with writing and revisions of documents and other communications (e.g., website, social media) needed for programmatic support
  • Support program evaluation through the development and implementation of assessment tools  (surveys, student interviews, etc.);
  • Synthesize information for program reports
  • Data analysis and interpretation support
  • Assist with developing materials and modules for, and implementation of, each type of Pathway program and/or workshop (high school, undergraduate, outreach) 
  • Participate in strategic planning for recruitment, admissions, retention, and acceleration
  • Working with diverse students around student services community building and other resources
  • Other duties as assigned by PPH Director and/or PPH Program Manager.  

Required Qualifications*

  • Excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, prioritization, and follow-through
  • Ability to work collaboratively or independently, as the task requires
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated competency with Microsoft and Google productivity tools including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation programs
  • Familiar with video calling platforms (e.g., Zoom)  

Desired Qualifications*

  • (Preferred) Masters or Doctoral degree in Public Health or a health-related field
  • Understanding of disparities and barriers to higher education faced by certain groups of students, including those from rural areas, first-generation college students, and low-income students
  • Experience developing student engagement tools & programming   

Additional Information

Compensation & Appointment:

Appointment Period: 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

Estimated FTE: 50% (20 hours per week) Compensation: This appointment provides tuition, required fees, stipend (at the GEO negotiated GSSA monthly rate), GradCare health insurance, and dental insurance (Option 1).  

Contact Information

Questions regarding this position may be emailed to [email protected] .  

Decision Making Process

Dr. Simone Charles, Director of Pathways to Public Health, and Paula Vinales-Bowman, School of Public Health Pathways to Public Health Program Manager, will review all applicants and determine final selection regarding this hire.

Selection Process

  • Applications will be reviewed following the posting deadline and selected candidates will be contacted for an interview. 
  • References will be contacted for finalists.
  • Every effort will be made to have a hiring decision by May 31, 2024.  

GEO Contract Information

The University will not discriminate against any applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, marital status, familial status, parental status or pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression (whether actual or perceived), sexual orientation, age, height, weight, disability, citizenship status, veteran status, HIV antibody status, political belief, membership in any social or political organization, participation in a grievance or complaint whether formal or informal, medical conditions including those related to pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, arrest record, or any other factor where the item in question will not interfere with job performance and where the employee is otherwise qualified. The University of Michigan agrees to abide by the protections afforded employees with disabilities as outlined in the rules and regulations which implement Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Information for the Office for Institutional Equity may be found at and for the University Ombuds at

Unsuccessful applications will be retained for consideration in the event that there are last minute openings for available positions. In the event that an employee does not receive their preferred assignment, they can request a written explanation or an in-person interview with the hiring agents(s) to be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time.

This position, as posted, is subject to a collective bargaining agreement between the Regents of the University of Michigan and the Graduate Employees' Organization, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO 3550.

Standard Practice Guide 601.38, Required Disclosure of Felony Charges and/or Felony Convictions applies to all Graduate Student Assistants (GSAs). SPG 601.38 may be accessed online at , and its relation to your employment can be found in MOU 10 of your employment contract.

U-M EEO/AA Statement

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. U-M COVID-19 Vaccination Policy COVID-19 vaccinations, including boosters when eligible, are required for all University of Michigan students, faculty, and staff across all campuses, including Michigan Medicine. This includes those working remotely.   More information on this new policy is available on the Campus Blueprint website or the UM-Dearborn and UM-Flint websites.  


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  2. How to write an Academic CV for PhD/MS/JRF application

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  4. How To Write a Cover Letter For a PhD Application?

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  2. How to Apply to Research Degree Programme

  3. MGSU Bikaner PhD entrance result declared #phdadmission2024

  4. another PhD decisions reaction video

  5. JNU Application Form for PhD Program 2023 is Live Now

  6. Central University PhD Admission Notification 2024


  1. Your Guide to a Strong Ph.D. Application

    Broadly speaking, a Ph.D. application consists of previous academic grades, competitive examination scores, work experiences, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. For a Ph.D. program, all previous academic grades are weighted and assessed including undergraduate transcripts, while standard examination scores (i.e., the GRE) are ...

  2. How to Apply For a PhD: Step-By-Step

    Step 1: choose your research area. The first, and most obvious, step to applying for a PhD is to decide what research area you want to work in. Whether you're looking for an Arts and Humanities PhD or a STEM one, each individual subject is made up of a vast array of research topics. Most PhD courses will expect students to have a degree in a ...

  3. PDF GRAD Guide to Applying to Ph.D. Programs

    A Ph.D. is a research degree that involves the production of original knowledge and scholarship. Doctoral degrees have traditionally been regarded as training programs for academics. As such, a Ph.D. program differs from undergraduate or Master's studies. Most Ph.D. programs involve some initial coursework (specific requirements for ...

  4. Applying for a Ph.D.? These 10 tips can help you succeed

    The key is knowing what to do to prepare and how to compile and submit a strong application. We hope these 10 tips will help you get started. 1. Be true to yourself: First and foremost, consider your goals. Many students are initially interested in pursuing a Ph.D. because they want to become a professor.

  5. How to Apply for a PhD

    Before you formally apply to funded PhD projects, most PhD supervisors will prefer you to apply informally by sending them an email with your CV. This is so they can better understand your motives for applying and where your academic strengths lie before you start the formal application process. 3. Online Application Form.

  6. How to Prepare a Strong PhD Application

    Prepare for the Standardized Tests. Most PhD programs require students to take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE). Having high test scores is a key part of an application as it tests skills learned over the course of many years in school. Quantitative skills are especially important when applying to doctoral programs in business areas.

  7. How to Apply For Graduate School

    The whole process can be broken down into 7 key steps: Choose which programs you want to apply for. Plan out the timeline for your application. Request transcripts and recommendation letters. Take any standardized tests that the program requires. Write your resume or CV. Write your statement of purpose and/or personal statement.

  8. PhD Application Tips

    PhD Application Tips. Applying for a PhD is a time-consuming process with several important milestones along the way: getting in touch with potential supervisors, submitting your research proposal and securing funding, to name a few. That's why it's important to make sure you have a clear idea of what a strong PhD application involves ...

  9. PhD Applications

    Although less common, many PhD positions and funding opportunities are still available to apply for year round. Outside of the UK, PhD applications may be accepted for both the autumn and winter intake. As well as the below, you can check out our advice for international students, as well as country-specific guides and language tests, which you ...

  10. Applying for a PhD: Step-by-Step Guide

    PhD application checklist. Here is a checklist of what you need to consider when applying for a PhD: Choose your subject area. Choose your type of PhD. Check application deadline. Draft a research proposal. Contact potential PhD supervisors. Check PhD entry requirements. Check PhD fees and funding.

  11. PhD Admissions 101

    grad. PhD Admissions 101. Are you preparing to apply for a PhD? We'd like to help you by offering the following free resources - guides, podcasts, and articles - that will guide you through the long, and often challenging, PhD admissions process. From choosing the right program, to developing an effective application strategy, to ...

  12. Guide to Applying for Graduate School

    Most PhD programs are fully funded, meaning that for a specific number of years, the program will pay for your tuition and fees and health insurance, as well as provide you with a stipend for living expenses.The structure of this funding varies by field. Below is an outline of general funding information as well as trends according to field of study.

  13. How to Apply

    Select One Program. Out of the graduate degree programs listed on the Explore Graduate Programs page, you may apply to only one program per academic year. The only exception is within the Biosciences PhD programs, where you may apply for two programs within a single application.

  14. PhD/Master's Application Process

    1) Identify the program and degree you want. 2) Verify the application deadline for your program. 3) Determine what standardized tests you need to take. Register early. 4) Complete your application. Decide whether you will apply for a PhD or a terminal Master's (MA, MS) in one of the programs available at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

  15. PhD in USA

    How to Apply for PhD in USA. When applying for a PhD position at a graduate school, the application process will differ between universities, however, they will all typically ask for the following:. Academic CV - a short document summarising your educational background and current level of experience.; Personal statement - a document which outlines why you believe you are suitable for PhD ...

  16. How to apply for a PhD in the US

    Applications for a US PhD programme usually require scores from GRE and TOEFL tests, exams that international students might be unfamiliar with. These tests are time-consuming and expensive, so it is important to start planning for them as soon as possible, especially because it can be difficult to find test locations outside the US. ...

  17. Doctor of Philosophy in Education

    The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice. Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides ...

  18. How the PhD Program Works

    How the PhD Program Works. Completing your doctorate at Wharton requires 5 years of full-time study. The first 2 years in the program prepare you for admission to candidacy by taking courses, qualifying exams, and starting research projects. In the last few years, you are primarily conducting research full-time including writing and defending ...

  19. Graduate Admissions

    Home > Admissions & Aid > Graduate Admissions. A Johns Hopkins postdoc, Herbert Baxter Adams, brought the seminar method from Germany, where he earned a PhD in 1876. The idea: Students would learn more by doing than by listening to lectures and taking exams. That spirit of inquiry, of challenging the way things are done, lives on today in our ...

  20. CV for PhD Application

    The purpose of an academic CV for a PhD application is to provide a summary of your educational background and demonstrate the research skills and relevant experience you have that make you capable of undertaking a PhD. It should be divided into nine sections: (1) contact information, (2) research interests, (3) education, (4) research and work ...

  21. Applying for a PhD in the USA

    To apply for a PhD at an American university, you'll need to submit a list of documents which include: academic transcripts; personal statement; letters of recommendation; CV; research statements - A research statement is different from a research proposal (required if you're applying for a PhD in most other countries).

  22. Apply for postgraduate research

    To apply for a PhD, you need to demonstrate sufficient prior research experience and capability. In most cases, you will have either: a bachelor's degree with first or upper second-class honours, or; a master's degree performed at a high academic standard, which includes a substantial component of research, or;

  23. Graduate Programs

    PhD in Politics and International Affairs. The doctoral degree in politics and international affairs is an interdisciplinary program designed to prepare students to teach at the university and college levels and to conduct high-level research in the academic and nonacademic sectors.

  24. Top 10 tips for applying to clinical psychology Ph.D. programs

    Program offers pointers for prospective students. In an effort to help aspiring clinical psychology applicants from historically marginalized and underrepresented backgrounds feel better prepared to tackle the application process and succeed in graduate school, School of Social Ecology graduate students from the clinical psychology area hosted their second annual "Diversifying Clinical ...

  25. Preparing Ph.D. Students for the Qualifying Exam

    Navigating Ph.D. programs is notoriously challenging, and the qualifying exam stands as a major milestone all students must achieve. To support Ph.D. students in this critical checkpoint, the Graduate Division recently hosted the Qualifying Exam Discourse (QED) workshop, focused on preparing for the qualifying exam. Ten participants from six graduate programs were selected from a pool of 53 ...

  26. Building Community Through the GSAS Career Fellows Program

    Lianne Gallant, a first-year PhD student in History, liked how the program allowed her to begin her career planning process early in her graduate student career. "As the academic job market becomes increasingly difficult, an increasing number of graduate students are planning for industry positions after graduation and I believe institutions ...

  27. 40th cycle

    Online procedure for admission to the PhD course at Politecnico di Milano (40th cycle - 2024/2025 - starting September 2024) In this page you will find the link to access the online procedure to: •fill the selection call application form. •check the results. •select additional research scholarship topics. Before accessing the online ...

  28. Western's graduate public affairs program rises in U.S. News and World

    In the 2024 ranking of Best Public Affairs Graduate Programs recently released, Western is tied for No. 135, a rise of 12 ranking positions from the year prior. This advancement is a testament to the School of Public Affairs and Administration's commitment to academic excellence, innovative research and impactful community engagement.

  29. Graduate Student Staff Assistant

    Course Description. The School of Public Health Dean's Office, Pathways to Public Health Program is seeking one (1) 50% (20 hours/week) Graduate Student Staff Assistant (GSSA) pursuing an MPH, MS, or PhD in Public Health (or another health-related field) who has an interest in student services, workforce diversity, health equity, and health ...