masters in education hong kong

  • Master of Education
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Master of Philosophy
  • Doctor of Education
  • MA Degree in Chinese Language Education
  • MA Degree in Early Childhood Education
  • MA Degree in English Language Teaching
  • MA Degree in Professional Educational Psychology
  • MA Degree in School Guidance & Counselling
  • MA Degree in School Improvement & Leadership
  • MA Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • MSc Degree in Mathematics Education
  • MSc Degree in Sports Science and Physical Activity
  • Tuition Fee
  • Period of Study
  • Class Schedule
  • General Qualifications for Admission
  • Application Procedures
  • Application Period
  • Brochure Download
  • Course Information

Programme Description

The aim of the Master of Education (MEd) degree programme is to enhance the inquiry skills and executive capacity of experienced professional educators. The MEd programme is designed to provide flexibility to those who seek to broaden their understanding of education and to afford opportunities to those who wish to specialise in a defined area of study.

Enhanced flexibility is made possible by the provision of a General Stream , whilst the Programme with Specialisations in defined areas of study offers courses that both enrich students’ existing knowledge base and allow the pursuit of specialist knowledge at the Master-degree level. MEd students tailor their course of study to their own interests, and are able to enrol in the variety of courses offered by our four academic departments.

Study Scheme

(1) Coursework Requirement

Students can either take (a) General Stream , or (b) Programme with Specializations , and complete the requirements for graduation.

Under the guidance of their academic advisors, students opting for the General Stream may register for a variety of courses offered by the Faculty’s academic departments, including the Departments of Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Administration and Policy, Educational Psychology, and Sports Science and Physical Education. To graduate, students are required to complete a total of 30 units, including 3 units on research methodology.

Students who wish to conduct an independent inquiry into an educational issue relevant to their defined areas of study may enrol in “Research Report”, a course that offers guided study under the supervision of Faculty staff members.

(i) 18-27 units
(ii) 3 units
(iii) 0-9 units

Courses offered by General Stream Please refer to the course listings of the Departments of Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Administration and Policy, Educational Psychology, and Sports Science and Physical Education.

In addition to these courses, another 11 courses in Putonghua (or English, subject to the departments’ teaching arrangements) are also offered by the Departments of Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Administration and Policy, Educational Psychology and the Faculty of Education to provide students another medium of instruction option. MEd students opting for the General Stream can register for these courses to fulfil their coursework requirement within one academic year.

(b) Programmes with Specialisations

Students will be required to choose one of the following specialisations, and complete 30 units, including core courses, elective courses, research method courses and/or project reports for graduation.

This programme is designed for educational professionals and practitioners who are interested in curriculum design and development. Its aim is to help students to acquire the theories, strategies and concepts of curriculum development from a range of perspectives. Students also explore the effects of societal and educational changes on curriculum design and development.

The programme emphasises the integration of theory and practice. Key areas of inquiry include theories of curriculum and instructional design, models of curriculum development, curriculum evaluation, change and implementation strategies, instructional design, and the role and functions of educators and administrators in curriculum and instructional matters.

(i) 9-12 units
(ii) 3-6 units
(iii) 3-12 units
(iv) 3 units
(v) 0-9 units

# Suspend admission starting from 2025-26 intake

The programme is designed for professionals in education and corporate sectors to enable them to leverage information technologies in learning and teaching. To respond to the need of building up professional capacity in using technologies for the enhancement of learning and teaching, the programme provides training to integrate theories of learning with contemporary technologies to design and evaluate learning environments for schools and other educational settings. Target audiences of the programme are school teachers, government officials, courseware designers, IT professionals, educational product designers and trainers designing training programmes.

The programme will adopt a tripod curricular structure with the following three connected “pillars”:

  • Learning : To provide participants with the foundational theories of how learning takes place effectively in individuals and in a group or community
  • Technology : To equip participants with applied knowledge and skills in technologies for educational application
  • Design : To enable participants to explore various issues in the design of learning environments that utilize the affordance of new technologies to personalize the learning processes for learners
(i) 12 units
(ii) 9 units
(iii) 3 units
(iv) 6 units

This programme is specially designed for educators interested in broadening their horizon of complex issues pertaining to educational system and in exploring ways in which they can make a positive difference in educational administration and policy. The programme assumes that leadership resides in and operates across various levels of the educational system – from teachers, principals, policy analysts, to officials– and addresses significant issues relevant to the public. Using a range of experiential and grounded approaches to learning, the programme enhances students’ conceptual and analytical skills that are essential for a comprehensive and critical understanding of the debates surrounding current education policies and practices and their wider implications for the society.

The programme balances theoretical and practical perspectives with reference to local and international experience and research. Students can choose whether to address these and other relevant topics through coursework or through a combination of coursework and supervised applied study.

(i) 12 units
(ii) 6-12 units
(iii) 0-9 units
(iv) 3 units
(v) 0-9 units

This programme invites teachers and other professionals to jointly explore the new frontiers of educational psychology. Its aim is to provide stimulation and resources to effect positive changes in educational practice. Courses are designed around the constellations of learning and development to address the following concerns. What advances in knowledge can improve the design of learning environments and related assessments? In what ways can the psychology of higher order thinking illuminate our instructional design? What strategies are effective for motivating the unmotivated and for handling high-risk behaviour in adolescents? In light of new and still evolving perspectives, how can we better understand the nature of human abilities and their developmental variants (e.g. talents, giftedness and learning disabilities)? What are the possibilities for teacher development, and can such development ultimately serve as a resource for student development?

Study Scheme 

(i) 12-15 units
(ii) 6-12 units
(iii) 3 units
(iv) 0-9 units

The psychologist Sigmund Freud purportedly described raising a child as an impossible task, akin to governing a nation. In performing this impossible task, parents exert profound influence on their children that extends well into adulthood. Parents, themselves, are also transformed in this process. Importantly, parents’ beliefs and practices are not only constantly shaped by the sociocultural context in which they reside, but also by the developing child and other agents of socialization. Understanding the complex dynamics of parenting is crucial for practitioners who seek to promote the wellness of the family, as well as children’s optimal development.

This program is designed to enable educational professionals and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to work with parents effectively in professional settings. Students will acquire in-depth knowledge about parenting, including its antecedents, mechanisms, and implications for both parents and children. They will also develop paraprofessional counseling skills for working with parents. Moreover, a range of core electives will allow students to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced by parents of children in different developmental stages and with different psychological and educational needs.

Applicable to students admitted in 2024-25 and thereafter

(i) 9-15 units
(ii) 6-9 units
(iii) 3-9 units
(iv) 3 units
(v) 0-9 units

This programme is designed to provide specialised study in sports science and physical education. Graduates will possess an in-depth understanding of the major areas of sports science and physical education, allowing them either to specialise in and increase their knowledge of physical education practices or pursue research in this area. The programme offers eight areas of investigation: Sports and Exercise Psychology, Exercise Physiology, Sports Biomechanics, Curriculum Policy, Design and Implementation in Sports and Physical Education, Sports Pedagogy, Sports Sociology, Health and Fitness, and Measurement in Sports and Physical Education.

(i) 3-18 units
(ii) 6-21 units
(iii) 3-15 units
(iv) 3 units
(v) 0-9 units
(vi) 0-3 units

*Subject to University Approval

Note: Courses may be taught in Cantonese, English or Putonghua. The medium of instruction of each course will be subject to the availability of teachers. The Programme reserves the right of final decision on the medium of instruction. Students should observe the medium of instruction of each course in the system for course selection and registration.

(2) Other Requirements

(a) A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement.

(b) Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. A student who obtain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 in the preceding term will be put on academic probation. For details, please refer to Clause 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage: .

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masters in education hong kong

Master of Education

This is a taught postgraduate programme leading to the award of the degree of Master of Education (MEd). The Master of Education Programme (the Programme) is designed for local and international educators and professionals who have an interest in the field of, and specialised areas in, education.

  • to strengthen knowledge of and skills in education;
  • to enhance analytical and critical understanding of issues in education from different perspectives;
  • to develop a reflective, multi-disciplinary approach to education;
  • to facilitate initiatives and promote leadership in education; and
  • to foster competence in research in education.


Upon completion of the programme, graduates are able to:

  • explain in-depth knowledge of education;
  • apply theories and concepts in educational issues;
  • apply specialized, professional skills in education;
  • analyze critically and creatively on issues in education from different perspectives;
  • conduct education research in professional manner;
  • create and evaluate educational initiatives by reflecting upon multi-disciplinary approach to education.

Special Features of the Master of Education Programme

  • The Master of Education Programme is intended for educators and those in education-related professions. It has the potential to benefit a range of professions, such as practising or prospective teachers, school management personnel, social workers, and those who have an interest in the field of, and specialised areas in, education.
  • With a flexible programme design, students are allowed to choose one concentration area while they can also take courses offered by other concentrations. The Programme also offers a choice of dissertation/ independent project or coursework only for the fulfilment of graduation requirements.
  • Class sizes are small, with ample opportunities for in-class discussion and interaction.
  • English language is used in the full-time and part-time programmes.

There are EIGHT  concentrations available in the programme. Upon entry into the programme, each student must select one specific concentration and take all required courses in that concentration together with the common required courses and elective courses. The programme is comprised of 27 units in total with the distribution stipulated as follows:

Research Methods in Education3 Units


Descriptions for each course are listed in the University’s Calendar/Bulletin.


Most courses are taught by a combination of lectures, tutorials, workshops and seminars. During the course of study (second year for part-time programme), students complete a dissertation under the guidance of their supervisors. In lieu of the dissertation, students are allowed to undertake an Independent Project and an additional elective course, or two additional elective courses.

Students are required to attend either day or evening (for full-timers), evening (for part-timers) classes on weekdays and Saturday morning / afternoon. A student may take no more than three courses in a semester.

Normally, students should complete the Programme in two calendar years (for part-timers) and one calender year (for full-timers). An alternative modular mode may be available for part-time students who would like to take a more flexible schedule of study and credit load. Please contact the Department of Education Studies for details. With special permission, a part-time student may extend his or her study but in no cases would the period of study be allowed to exceed three calendar years.


To be eligible for the award of a Master of Education degree, students must:

  • complete a total of 27 units;
  • satisfy the requirements of the dissertation or its equivalent within the specified duration of the programme;
  • obtain Grade C- or above in all courses; and
  • achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or above.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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  • CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship Scheme
  • TPg Fellowships Scheme
  • Postgraduate Studentships (MPhil and PhD)
  • Campus Support

Programmes offered by the Faculty of Education are celebrated for their breadth and depth, as well as the use of innovative teaching methods.  Through four Departments and one Unit of the Faculty, programmes aim to train graduate teachers, scholars who conduct research on high-impact topics, and consultants to the government and schools on vital policy issues, in and beyond Hong Kong.  The Faculty has created a highly conducive environment for pre- and in-service teachers who are on their way to becoming education professionals with dedication and impact. Learn More

The University reserves the right to suspend admission of a programme without prior notice.

The MPhil degree programme is designed to provide students the initial research training to enhance their academic and personal development through the study of a topic relevant to their interests.

MPhil students are required to complete 3 units of courses on "Methods of Educational Research", conduct an independent research, submit a thesis and pass the oral defence.

Fields of Specialization

  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Administration and Policy
  • Educational Psychology

Please visit the Division’s homepage for more information.

In addition to the general requirements of the Graduate School, applicants should preferably:

  • hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, or an equivalent education qualification, and/or have relevant experience as deemed acceptable; and
  • pass an entrance examination/interview conducted by the Graduate Division of Education.
  • submit a research proposal in English. Further information can be referred to Graduate Division's homepage ( ) .

Main Round: 1 December 2024 Clearing Round: 31 January 2025

MPhil degree programme is designed to provide students the initial research training to enhance their academic and personal development through the study of a topic relevant to their interests.

  • submit a research proposal in English. Further information can be referred to Graduate Division's homepage ( ).

The PhD programme in Education is research-oriented. A student normally combines seminars with guided independent research in an individually designed course of study under the guidance of the supervisor and the thesis committee.

Advancement to PhD candidature is conditional upon completion of coursework requirements, submission of a manuscript to journal and passing of a qualifying examination. Within twelve months after advancement to PhD candidature, the candidate must submit a thesis proposal to the Graduate Panel. After the thesis proposal is approved, the candidate should submit a thesis and pass the oral defence within a prescribed period of time for graduation.

  • Sports Science and Physical Education
  • hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, or equivalent education qualifications, and/or have relevant experience as deemed acceptable;
  • provide proof of her/his research capability in the form of past publications, Master's thesis, and/or strong support from academic references;
  • perform satisfactorily in an interview conducted by the Graduate Division of Education; and
  • pass a written entrance examination conducted by the Graduate Division of Education, if necessary.
  • submit a research proposal in English. Further information can be referred to Graduate Division's homepage ( ).

To submit an initial application to  RGC : By 12 noon, 1 December 2024 (Hong Kong time); and to submit a full application to  CUHK : By 11:59 pm, 1 December 2024 (Hong Kong time).

Please refer to the  HKPFS  page for more details.

  • provide proof of their research capability in the form of past publications, Master's thesis, and/or strong support from academic referees;
  • Submit a research proposal in English or Chinese. Futher information can be referred to Graduate Division's homepage ( ).

28 February 2025

Application commencement date: 1 September 2024

In addition to the  general requirements  of the Graduate School, applicants should preferably:

  • hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education or an equivalent educational qualification and/or have relevant professional experience;
  • be serving Chinese language teachers in primary or secondary schools, although those with no relevant professional experience but who have obtained a Bachelor's degree in Chinese language and worked in a field relevant to Chinese language education may also apply; and
  • pass an entrance examination or interview conducted by the Graduate Division of Education.

Application commencement date: 1 September 2024

In addition to the  general requirements  of the Graduate School, applicants should preferably:

  • hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education/Certificate in Kindergarten Education or its equivalent;
  • be serving as pre-school principals, supervisors, teachers, school development consultants, or government officials.  Applicants with no relevant professional experience, but who have taken specialized courses in equivalent programmes offered by recognized institutions, may also apply; and
  • pass an entrance examinations or interview conducted by the Graduate Division of Education.

  • hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education or equivalent, having specialized in English language teaching; and

  • graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, normally with honours not lower than Second Class or achieving an average grade of not lower than “B”; AND
  • be eligible for Graduate Membership of The Hong Kong Psychological Society;
  • possess a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) or with relevant working experience in educational or related settings are preferred ;
  • pass a written test AND an interview conducted by the Graduate Division of Education

  • hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education or an equivalent educational qualification and/or have relevant professional experience as deemed acceptable (e.g. counselling-related experience);
  • be counselling teachers, special-needs coordinators in schools, social workers, frontline teachers, practising/aspiring counsellors, or other educational and helping professionals who want to develop the requisite knowledge and skills to work with individuals with diverse needs; and

In addition to the  general requirements  of the Graduate School, applicants should preferably: 

  • hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, or an equivalent educational qualifications, and/or have relevant professional experience as deemed acceptable;
  • be serving as school principals or vice principals, teachers, school administrators, school development consultants, or Education Bureau officers. Applicants with no relevant professional experience but having taken specialized courses in equivalent programmes offered by recognized institutions may also apply; and

Priority round: 28 February 2025

Final round: 30 April 2025

Applications will be processed on a rolling basis until all places have been filled. Therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged. If places are no longer available after the priority round, the subsequent applications received may not be considered.

In addition to the  general requirements  of the Graduate School, applicants should have

  • hold a degree in English or a related field (such as linguistics, literature and translation) from a recognized university;
  • pass an entrance examination or interview conducted by the Graduate Division of Education, where required;

Applicants with a relevant degree from a university outside Hong Kong have to meet the following English language requirements (TOEFL and IELTS scores are considered valid for two years from the test date):

  • a minimum overall score of 7.0 in IELTS with the writing score not lower than 7.0; OR
  • a minimum score of 94 in TOEFL (internet-based) with the writing score no lower than 27.

  • hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education or an equivalent educational qualification and/or have relevant professional experience deemed acceptable; and
  • pass an entrance examination or interview conducted by the Graduate Division of Education.

  • hold a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics or related areas at second class honours level or above from a recognized university;
  • have teaching experience and/or hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, or equivalent; and

(1) Application commencement date: 1 September 2024

(2) Fresh graduates with good undergraduate Mathematics training who intend to take up teaching as their career are welcome to apply.

Please refer to the  general requirements  of the Graduate School.

Applicatons will be processed on a rolling basis until all places have been filled. Therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged. If places are no longer available after the priority round, the subsequent applications received may not be considered.

In addition to the  general requirements  of the Graduate School, applicants should hold a local or non-local recognized Bachelor’s degree preferably with a major in a discipline relevant to the major subject applied for.

In addition to the  general requirements  of the Graduate School, applicants should:

For the Two-year Part-time Teaching mode

  • hold a local or non-local recognized Bachelor’s degree preferably with a major in a discipline relevant to the major subject applied for; and
  • be a local full-time in-service secondary school teacher throughout their period of study, and teach at least 6 class periods per week/teaching cycle, in a subject closely related to the field of their chosen major subject;

For the Two-year Part-time Non-Teaching mode

  • hold a local or other recognized Bachelor’s degree preferably with a major in a discipline relevant to the major subject applied for; and
  • be available to complete 2 blocks of 4-5 consecutive weeks of teaching practicum within 2 years and complete the first block in their first year of study.

20 December 2024

Applications may be submitted from 18 November 2024 via the Faculty of Education .

  • be a local full-time in-service teacher in early childhood education throughout their period of study, and teach at least 3 hours per day, with minimum class size of 10 children.
  • be available to complete 2 blocks of 4-5 consecutive weeks of teaching practicum within 2 years and complete the first block in their first year of study.

Applications may be submitted from 18 November 2024 via the Faculty of Education .

In addition to the general requirements of the Graduate School, applicants should hold a local or non-local recognized Bachelor’s degree preferably with a major in a discipline relevant to the major subject applied for.

In addition to the general requirements of the Graduate School, applicants should:

  • be a local full-time in-service primary school teacher throughout their period of study, and teach at least 8 class periods per week/teaching cycle, in subjects closely related to their chosen major subject.

masters in education hong kong

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  • Section 1. Introduction
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  • Section 4. Resources and Support
  • Section 5. Disciplinary Actions
  • Section 6. Procedures Governing Student Academic Integrity
  • QF Credits for Sub-degree Programmes
  • Programme Registration onto Qualifications Register (QR)

TPG Admissions

  • TPG Admissions

Master of Education (MEd)

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Study Mode Full-time: 1 year; Part-time: 2 years

Tuition Fee HK$172,800/programme

Cut Off Date 31 Jan 2025


Year of Entry 2025 September

Funding Nature Self-financed

Application Start Date 7 Oct 2024 (full-time) 1 Dec 2024 (part-time)

Application Deadline 30 Nov 2024 (full-time) 31 Jan 2025 (part-time)

Programme Director Dr Ricky LAM

Programme Office   (852) 3411 5782   [email protected]  

Selection ProcessApplication result will be reflected in the application status in the online application system.

The aims of the programme are:

Programme Structure  

Units Requirement
Common Required Courses3 units
Concentration Required Courses12 units
Elective Course6 units
Dissertation / Independent Project plus an Elective Course / two Elective Courses 6 units


The respective Concentrations are listed below:

Study CurriculumThe study curriculum may change from time to time. Applicants may make reference to the   or the   for details of the list of courses.

Academic Qualification

Applicants should possess:

  • a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university or equivalent; and
  • a postgraduate certificate/diploma in education or equivalent, and/or relevant professional experience working with children and adolescents.

Language Proficiency Requirement

Proof of English proficiency is required for all applicants whose bachelor’s degrees were obtained from programmes where the medium of instruction is not English. These applicants must meet the following minimum requirements for English proficiency: For applicants applying for the English Language Teaching (ELT) Concentration:

  • An overall band score of 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS)* or equivalent

For applicants applying for non-ELT Concentrations:

  • An overall band score of 6.0 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS)* or equivalent

 *Note: Test result provided should be within two years from the date of issuance of the Admission Offer letter. IELTS Indicator test is not accepted.

Applicants of the following five concentrations are entitled to applying for the Scholarship of Teachers (2018/19). For details, please refer to the link of  Education Bureau .

  • Child and Adolescent Development
  • English Language for Teaching
  • Subject Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics at Junior Levels (P1 – S3)
  • Teaching Mathematics at Junior Levels (P1 – S3)
  • Inclusive Education
  • The above information is for reference only and is subject to change without prior notice. Hong Kong Baptist University reserves the right of final decision and interpretation in case of any dispute.  
  • Please note that a non-refundable admission confirmation fee, including the first instalment of tuition fee plus other administrative fees must be paid upon acceptance of the admission offer.

masters in education hong kong

Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change

A world-class programme in educational leadership without a career break, mode of study.

Online, part-time

Minimum time to complete

Target participants.

Aspiring and practising educational leaders

Rolling with four entry points per year

The Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change (IELC) is a part-time, modular, and online postgraduate programme. It is designed to develop leaders with the capacity to operate successfully in an international leadership environment and lead educational change, particularly in the Asian context.

IELC is offered by the Department of Education Policy and Leadership and the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at the Education University of Hong Kong .

The IELC brings together a team of world-class internationally recognised scholars and experienced international school leaders who possess a deep understanding of education issues in Asian and global education contexts.

internationally recognised global partnerships

masters in education hong kong

Global Partnerships

masters in education hong kong

The IELC programme is internationally recognised through global partnerships. IELC participants have the opportunity to attain postgraduate leadership certificates from the International Baccalaureate and Cambridge Assessment International Education.

EdUHK is collaborating with the International Baccalaureate to offer two postgraduate leadership certificates: IB certificate in leadership practice and IB advanced certificate in leadership research. Participants who complete the IELC may apply to the IBO to receive the certificates. Those wishing to obtain the IB certificates should ensure that their course assessments demonstrate applicability to IB leadership issues and contexts. Learn more

EdUHK is collaborating with Cambridge Assessment International Education to offer IELC participants the opportunity to claim the Cambridge leadership qualification: Cambridge International Diploma in Educational Leadership. Learn more

The OPC is Canada’s largest professional association and professional learning provider for emerging and in-service school principals. EdUHK offers block credit transfer for participants who have completed the OPC’s Principals Qualification programme. Learn more

EdUHK provides one pathway for ISL certificate holders to complete a postgraduate degree through credit transfer. Learn more

flexible online learning

masters in education hong kong

Mode of Study

The use of online technologies enriches the learning experience and provides participants with the flexibility to integrate and manage their study and professional commitments. Online delivery also facilitates communication, work and networking with supervisors, fellow participants and international professional experts introduced in the programme.

2022 QS World University Rankings:

3rd in asia & 17th in the world in education.

masters in education hong kong

The Education University of Hong Kong

EdUHK promotes the strategic development of teacher education in Hong Kong and beyond, by driving educational innovation, nurturing quality educators and professionals, as well as supporting them in their lifelong learning. These endeavours propel our teaching and research capabilities, which have been recognised internationally.

world-class executive development

The Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership & Change was the perfect fit for my situation and career plans. The IELC programme was very real-world specific and applicable to both experienced and emerging school leaders working in an international setting. The programme professors were supportive and accessible, and most importantly, what I was studying linked directly to my daily work. An added bonus was that I was able to complete two IB leadership certificates during the programme. The EMA and IB certificates significantly strengthened my resume and knowledge base and helped secure my recent post in Tokyo, Japan. Kent MACLEOD Principal Canadian International School Tokyo (Japan)
The IELC program is not only for those that are beginning their journey into leadership but should also be considered by those that have been on the leadership path for a while. The program provides opportunities to authentically apply course material and research into everyday administrative experiences. The variety of educational experiences the course offers, tailored to the international school context makes this program valuable for leaders at any level within a school.” Bobby FAGOGENIS Assistant Head of School Chadwick International (South Korea)
It’s a wonderful destiny to join the IELC programme introduced by my colleague. When several online master programmes were recommended to me, one of the reasons I chose the IELC was because it contained the content of International Baccalaureate, which is the leading international curriculum, although it has not been introduced by my school yet. Through one year of learning in the IELC, I love it so much. There are always practical and effective leadership strategies, which is beneficial to my work and also life. IELC leads me a different attitude and altitude to be a leader and a teacher.” Wei SHANG Head Beijing Aidi Junior and Senior high school (Mainland China)
It is too easy for us to get buried in our everyday work and life. Sometimes we may even forget what the purposes are of doing the things we do. The IELC program is just like a mentor who keeps pushing you to move forward and think about the bigger picture. It is challenging in terms of the effort and time I must devote to the courses. Still, it is also tremendously beneficial as it enriches my mind both academically and interpersonally. I get the opportunity to read and study cutting-edge theories from professors and exchange ideas with educators from various background. I strongly recommend the IELC program to anyone who wants to improve themselves. Sylvia QIN Vice Principal of Secondary Section Guiyang Huaxi Country Garden International School (Mainland China)
I completed the IELC a few years ago and found it both engaging and challenging. It was great to connect with other leaders in the region to exchange ideas and approaches and to contextualise learning. The best part for me was the innovative approach to both the delivery of the course and the assignments, allowing us to step away from the usual essay writing to create assignments that were more meaningful and interactive based on our own settings. I would highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to take a deeper dive into Educational Leadership, especially those with International experience. I made instant connections with the theories explored in this Masters and was able to see them ‘in action’ as I continued my learning journey. Katie LANGFORD Educator Malvern College (Hong Kong SAR)
The IELC has been fantastic throughout. The online programme is well designed with engaging lectures, and plenty of collaboration with lecturers and peers. I particularly enjoyed linking the learning in each course to my school context. The School Inquiry Project and the School-based Improvement Institute were great ways to apply learning and connect with other educators. I have made professional connections and I am excited to be a part of the alumni association. Michael SWINDELLS Elementary Homeroom Teacher Seisen International School (Japan)
It is no exaggeration to state that completing the Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change offered by the Department of Education Policy and Leadership has profoundly changed my life for the better. The IELC has not only allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of contemporary leadership styles and approaches in a holistic manner but also to build meaningful relationships with peers, faculty, and leaders through sustained and focused collaboration on a wide range of topical educational perspectives and complex issues. Furthermore, this programme of study has facilitated deep personal reflection on how to best serve others in a leadership capacity. If educational leadership is of interest to you, I would not hesitate to recommend the Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change.  Daniel HERBER International Educator
I am thoroughly enjoying my studies in the Executive Masters of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change programme at The Education University of Hong Kong. The courses are highly relevant and provide a wealth of insights from faculty of top experts in the field. I am also benefiting tremendously from the diverse perspectives of my peers and building my professional network in the region. The programme offers great flexibility to balance my studies with work commitments as well. I feel this EMA is a great pathway to grow as an international education leader and change agent. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity and experience. Stan KRIVAK Academic Director Nanning No.2 High School International Department

who are you as a leader

Join our network of international educational leaders.

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Alumni Profile

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IELC participants are all experienced leaders working in the Asia Pacific region. By interacting with participants and staff from other cultures and contexts, participants will not only develop new perspectives on their work roles and organisations but also a strong network of similarly placed executives.

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Future Leaders Scholarship

We are delighted to advise that IELC applicants are eligible for the Future Leaders Scholarship.

The value of each scholarship is 25 per cent of the full programme tuition fee or HK$ 30,000.

Applicants for the scholarship will be assessed on leadership qualities, including potential for leadership and/or leadership experience.

All new applicants will be automatically considered for the scholarship.

If you would like more information please complete this form and we will contact you.

Click here for more information on Admission to the IELC programme .

masters in education hong kong

Any aspect of the course and course offerings (including, without limitation, the content of the Course and the manner in which the Course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University. Without limiting the right of the University to amend the course and its course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors such as staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements and curriculum changes.

Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in this website is correct. Changes to any aspects of the programmes may be made from time to time due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control and the University reserves the right to make amendments to any information contained in this website without prior notice. The University accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from any use or misuse of or reliance on any information contained in this website.

This website is owned and operated by EdUHK. The copyright and other intellectual property rights in all materials on the site are owned by EdUHK. No part of this site may be reproduced, modified, distributed or stored in any medium without EdUHK’s prior permission.


Master of Education: Comparative and Global Studies in Education and Development

masters in education hong kong

The Education University of Hong Kong

The Education University of Hong Kong

masters in education hong kong

Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs met with EdUHK management and two Olympic gold medalist student-athletes

masters in education hong kong

EdUHK Academic Year Inauguration cum Flag-Raising Ceremony Enhancing the Sense of Belonging and Loyalty to the Nation

masters in education hong kong

Visit by Shandong University Delegation

masters in education hong kong

Inauguration of the University Research Facilities at EdUHK

masters in education hong kong

EdUHK Holds the First Conference on Educational Neuroscience

masters in education hong kong

EdUHK Wins Awards at Silicon Valley International Invention Festival

EdUHK Holds Orientation Days President Encourages Freshmen to Seize Every Opportunity and Embrace Challenges

masters in education hong kong

EdUHK 30th Anniversary Celebration

masters in education hong kong

Faculties and Graduate School

Visits and collaborations.

masters in education hong kong

06 Sep 2024

Commissioner of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in HKSAR meets EdUHK Senior Management and 2 Olympic Gold Medal Winning Students

masters in education hong kong

03 Sep 2024

masters in education hong kong

30 Aug 2024

Shandong University delegation visits EdUHK

masters in education hong kong

10 Aug 2024

EdUHK Delegation Visits Universities in Shandong to Promote Cooperation within Hong Kong and Shandong Institutions

masters in education hong kong

23 Jul 2024

EdUHK Delegation Visits the UAE Forging a New Era of Collaboration with the Middle East

masters in education hong kong

12 Jul 2024

EdUHK Holds International Postgraduate Roundtable and Research Forum cum Summer School

masters in education hong kong

29 Jun 2024

Brunei Delegation Visits EdUHK

masters in education hong kong

28 Jun 2024

EdUHK Hosts the International Conference on Chinese Language Heritage in a Diverse World

masters in education hong kong

14 Jun 2024

EdUHK and the Association Recherche et Enseignement du Chinois Jointly Hold the ‘International Conference on the History of Chinese Linguistics and Chinese Education’

Programme offerings.

Faculty of Humanities

Postgraduate Studies @FHM

Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Education and Human Development

MSocSc in Psychology (Schools and Community Settings)

Faculty of Education and Human Development

Graduate School

Postgraduate Programmes 2024 Entry

Graduate School

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Taught Postgraduate Programmes

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Professional Development

2024/25 Online Application

Professional Development

masters in education hong kong

Master of Science in Educational Neuroscience programme

Academy for Educational Development and Innovation

masters in education hong kong

Executive Master of Public Administration and Leadership

Academy for Applied Policy Studies and Education Futures

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Undergraduate Programmes

Faculty of Education and Human Development

Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education)

Faculty of Humanities

Undergraduate Studies@FHM


Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Hall Life

Global Experiential Learning

Language Learning Support

Language Learning Support

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

Sports Teams and Facilities

Sports Teams and Facilities

Career Development

Career Development

Student Exchange

Student Exchange

Internship Programme

Internship Programme

SEN Support

SEN Support

Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships and Awards

Non-local Student Support

Non-local Student Support

Psychological Counselling

Psychological Counselling

Service Learning Programmes

Service Learning Programmes

Support for Student Organisations

Support for Student Organisations

360° Campus Gallery

360° Campus Gallery

20 Sep 2024 - 21 Sep 2024 20:00 - 23:00

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Concert “The Silk Road”

About eduhk.

How Do Math Learning Gaps Arise in Preschool Years? The Multiplicative Roles of Family Environment, Cognitive Skills, and Math-specific Skills

How Do Math Learning Gaps Arise in Preschool Years? The Multiplicative Roles of Family Environment, Cognitive Skills, and Math-specific Skills

Investigating Adolescents’ Digital Citizenship through Social Media: (Trans) Formation, Digital Literacy Practices and Influential Factors

Investigating Adolescents’ Digital Citizenship through Social Media: (Trans) Formation, Digital Literacy Practices and Influential Factors

The Design and Practice of Synchronous Online Mathematics Instruction: A Visual Learning Analytics-supported Design-based Study

The Design and Practice of Synchronous Online Mathematics Instruction: A Visual Learning Analytics-supported Design-based Study


Professor Wong Ming-hung received an Honorary Doctor of Science (DSc) Degree from Professor Inna Shevchenko...

Professor WONG, Ming-hung

Advisor (Environmental Science), Department of Science and Environmental Studies

masters in education hong kong

Dr Lee Ju Seong has been named a finalist in the Language and Linguistics category at the 2024 Professional and Scholarship Excellence (PROSE) Awards for his work, ‘English Language Learning in the Digital Age’ published by Wiley-Blackwell.

Dr Lee, Ju Seong

Acting Head of English Language Education

masters in education hong kong

Dr Tao Lei has been honoured with the prestigious William E. Mosher and Frederick C. Mosher Award for his exceptional contribution to the field.

Dr Tao, Lei

Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies

masters in education hong kong

Dr Kevin Chan Ka-shing has been elected as a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) for his outstanding contribution to psychological science.

Dr CHAN Ka-shing Kevin

Head, Department of Psychology

masters in education hong kong

Professor Keith Ho Wing-kei has been named in the 2023 Highly Cited Researchers list released by Clarivate Analytics.

Professor HO, Wing-kei Keith

Head, Department of Science and Environmental Studies

masters in education hong kong

Professor Wong Ming-hung and Dr Li Wai-chin received a Second Class Award in Natural Science for their project on 'The Impact and Mechanism of Root Anatomy and Moisture Factors on the Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Rice' ...

Professor WONG, Ming-hung and Dr LI, Wai-chin

Advisor (Environmental Science) and Associate Professor at the Department of Science and Environmental Studies

masters in education hong kong

Dr Deng Wenjing has been named as an Outstanding Member of the Youth Working Committee of the Soil Science Society of China.

Dr DENG, Wenjing

Associate Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies

masters in education hong kong

Dr Yip Cheuk-wai and the team have been awarded a Publication Award in Social Science at the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2023...

Dr YIP, Cheuk-wai

Associate Professor, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

masters in education hong kong

Dr Maxwell Ho has received the 2023 Michael Fullan Emerging Scholar in Professional Capital and Community Award...

Dr HO, Chun Sing Maxwell

Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership

masters in education hong kong

Dr Anna Kam Chi-shan has been awarded a grant about HK$500,000 from the Health and Medical Research Fund of the Health Bureau. It will fund her research on cognitive impairment...

Dr KAM, Chi Shan Anna

Associate Professor, Department of Special Education and Counselling

masters in education hong kong

Dr Yang Weipeng has been named Co-Editor of the Journal of Research in Childhood Education for a three-year term...

Dr YANG, Weipeng

Assistant Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education

masters in education hong kong

Dr Derwin Chan has been named Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS) for his significant contribution to the advancement or communication of psychological knowledge or practice...

Dr CHAN, King-chung Derwin

Associate Head and Associate Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education

masters in education hong kong

Dr Sun Daner has won the 2022 Early Career Research Award from the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education...

Dr SUN, Daner

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

masters in education hong kong

Professor Chiu Ming Ming has been named an awardee under the Research Grants Council’s Senior Research Fellow Scheme 2022/23 in recognition of his remarkable research capabilities and the potential impact of his proposed research project...

Professor CHIU, Ming Ming

Chair Professor of Analytics and Diversity

masters in education hong kong

Professor Wong Ming-hung has been elected a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) in recognition of his sustained outstanding contributions to the field...

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Master of Education in English Language Education

The MEd in English Language Education programme seeks to develop in learners the ability to evaluate advanced literature, identify problems and design research strategies, and reflect on the significance of theory for practice. Upon completing the programme, students should be able to:

critically review and evaluate knowledge and perspectives in the area of study based on relevant theories and research findings in the international literature;

apply new understanding and research findings to reflect on their practice and make suggestions for improvement;

demonstrate leadership in the school context in the area of study;

design , conduct and report on a small-scale research project in the area of study;

use a variety of appropriate methods for collecting, compiling and analysing data; and

apply understanding of English as a linguistic system for planning and organizing effective English language learning.

The Master of Education in English Language Education programme is approved by the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR government:

  • as a recognized English language major degree programme;
  • as a qualification meeting the language proficiency requirement for English language teachers; and
  • for the Professional Development Incentive Grant Scheme for Language Teachers.

Students admitted to the programme are required to have obtained:

  • recognized Bachelor's degree (or its equivalent); and
  • normally, a recognized teacher's qualification and at least two years of teaching or training experience.

Autumn 2023 intake and thereafter

Students admitted to the full programme are required to complete:

  • 27 credit-units of core courses
  • At least 3 credit units of elective courses ^

^ Courses that will be offered may vary from year to year.

Core Courses

(Click the course code for details)
English studies for language teaching6
Investigating English in Context6
Interdisciplinary studies for English language learning and teaching6
Applied linguistics and English language6
Understanding educational practice: Concepts, theories and changing contexts3

Elective Courses

(Click the course code for details)
Quantitative research methods in educational studies3
Qualitative research methods in educational studies3
1 year of studyENGL8810EEFEnglish studies for language teaching
ENGL8815EEFInvestigating English in context
ENGL8818EEFInterdisciplinary studies for English language learning and teaching
2 year of studyEDU8823EEFApplied linguistics and English language
EDU8831EEFUnderstanding educational practice:
Concepts, theories and changing contexts



Quantitative research methods in educational studies

Qualitative research methods in educational studies

Dr Edsoulla Chung (Programme leader)

Prof Peppina Lee

Dr Danny Leung

Dr Diane Hui

Dr Vanliza Chow

Dr Winfred Xuan

For enquiries on admission procedures, please contact:

Admissions & Enrolment Team (Taught Postgraduate ), Registry Tel: (852) 2768 6606 Fax: (852) 8148 3380 Email: [email protected] Website:

For enquiries on the programme, please contact: School of Education and Languages Tel: (852) 2768 5811 Email:  [email protected]

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About Our Programmes

The Faculty of Education has long aspired to lead the field in the preparation of educators through a range of world-class programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and also in the areas of information management and speech and hearing sciences. We also maintain an active programme of research studentships within our Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Education programmes.

All our programmes aim at nurturing teachers and graduates who are compassionate, creative and committed to innovative, quality and equitable education. Our programmes also seek to incorporate powerful learning opportunities through carefully constructed projects with the local community.  These projects extend our students’ understanding of real world environments and expand their capacity to integrate theory and practice while broadening their global outlook.

Please explore our different programmes by clicking on the relevant links below. Your learning journey starts here!

Undergraduate Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes

Postgradate Programmes by Coursework

Postgraduate Programmes by Coursework

Postgradate Programmes by Research

Postgraduate Programmes by Research

Experiential learning.

Experiential learning opportunities occur in various ways both within our teacher preparation programmes - either as a compulsory part of a course such as on the PGDE programme, or as a stand-alone credit-bearing component as seen on our UG programmes. They can also be non-credit bearing experiences beyond the programmes. These learning opportunities may take various forms, including undergraduate research projects, language immersion programmes, exchange studies, service learning projects, and internship opportunities. Student have the chance to undertake experiential learning through extended participation with overseas and/or local community projects, but regardless of where they occur, experiential projects promoted by the Faculty aim at enhancing students' understanding of real-world environments, expanding their capacity to integrate theory and practice, and broadening their global outlook.


Experiential Learning - Requirements and Courses


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HR & Payroll Administrator

This is a Full time job

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  • Working location: ICC, Kowloon
  • Transparent career path & Friendly Work Culture

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Assistant Manager - Payroll Services

  • Work-life balanced
  • Promising career path
  • Work from home policy

HRBP Manager, CPT, Hong Kong

masters in education hong kong

Specialist, Total Rewards

masters in education hong kong

Assistant HR Manager (C&B)

  • Minimum 7 years of relevant experience
  • 5 days work, Medical Insurance
  • Immediate availability is preferred

AVP/VP, Solutions Team Lead, HR

  • Bachelor degree or above
  • Proficient in office software such as Word, PPT, Excel, and fluent in English, C
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Payroll Specialist in UK

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Senior Officer/Assistant Manager - International Compensation & Benefits

  • Compensation & Benefits
  • Human Resources
  • International

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C&B/Payroll AVP, Global Financial Industry

  • North Asia C&B/Payroll & HR Projects
  • Hybrid Mode & Multicultural Exposure
  • Excellent Worklife Balance & Job Security

masters in education hong kong

Payroll Consultant

  • MNC culture, regional exposure
  • Flexible hours, work from home
  • Competitive remuneration package, health benefits, training subsidy

Senior Account Manager / Account Manager

  • 5 days work
  • Stable Working Hours
  • Banking Holidays

masters in education hong kong

Assistant Vice President, Human Resources (Governance)

masters in education hong kong

Accounting and HR Manager (Japanese Manager) ~42K

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Manager/Assistant Manager, Human Resources (Rewards & Benefits)

Payroll manager - professional services.

  • Regional exposure
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  • Flexible working environment

masters in education hong kong

HR & Payroll Officer | 25k+

  • Career Growth: Join a dynamic team & advance your career in payroll and finance.
  • Drive business success with your expertise in payroll and finance.

masters in education hong kong

Senior Manager, Human Resources (C&B Focus)

  • Responsible for C&B management
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  • Lead the C&B function

masters in education hong kong

Assistant Manager – Compensation & Benefits (1 year contract)

  • Handle C&B annual exercises, e.g. bonus review and salary review
  • Support benefit programs renewal
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masters in education hong kong

Regional HR Manager

  • Min. 3 yrs of exp as HR Manager
  • Preferably with Retail Background
  • Familiar with local and regional markets (incl. CN, KR, JP)

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HR System Consultant | SAP | 60k, 6-month contract

This is a Contract/Temp job

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Senior Payroll Executive / Payroll Executive

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Assistant / Human Resources Manager (C&B)

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Compensation and Benefit Specialist | up to 30K

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Human Resources Specialist - Compensation & Benefits

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  • Prospective Team-Leading Experience
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Compensation & Benefits Specialist

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Human Resources Manager (Systems and Data Analytics) (Ref: 2400803)

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C&B Manager

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Assistant Finance Manager (Artiste Payroll)

  • Higher Diploma/Associate Degree or above
  • At least 6-7 years’ experience in Accounting

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Human Resources Generalist

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources, IT Management or related fields
  • 5+ years of human resources experience
  • Excellent organizational and planning skills with the ability to multi-task

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Fighting Sexual Temptation? Play Badminton, Hong Kong Tells Teenagers.

Top officials in the Chinese territory have defended new sex education guidance that critics call regressive. Young people are amused.

People playing badminton in a gym.

By Olivia Wang and Mike Ives

Olivia Wang reported from Hong Kong.

A 15-year-old girl and her boyfriend are studying alone together on a hot summer day when she removes her jacket and clings to his shoulder. What should he do?

In Hong Kong, the authorities advise the young man to continue studying or to seek a diversion, including badminton, to avoid premarital sex and other “intimate behaviors.”

Critics, including lawmakers and sex educators, say that the Chinese territory’s new sex education materials are regressive. But top officials are not backing down, and the standoff is getting kind of awkward.

“Is badminton the Hong Kong answer to sexual impulses in schoolchildren?” the South China Morning Post newspaper asked in a headline over the weekend.

Hong Kong teenagers find it all pretty amusing. A few said on social media that the officials behind the policy have their “heads in the clouds.” Others have worked it into sexual slang, talking about “friends with badminton” instead of “friends with benefits.”

The sex ed materials were published last week by the Education Bureau in a 70-page document that includes worksheets for adolescents and guidance for their teachers. The document emphasizes that the lessons are not designed to encourage students to “start dating or having sexual behaviors early in life.” It also advises people in a “love relationship” to fill out a form setting the limits of their intimacy.

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  1. The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)

    masters in education hong kong

  2. masters in education hong kong

    masters in education hong kong

  3. Master of Education

    masters in education hong kong

  4. Master of Education

    masters in education hong kong

  5. Masters Of Education Program Takes Step Toward Hong Kong

    masters in education hong kong

  6. Master’s Degrees in Hong Kong Full Tuition Fee

    masters in education hong kong


  1. HKU

  2. Behind The Scenes of our HKU Class of 2022 Graduates Portrait

  3. IVE/HKDI/ICI高級文憑 - 向興趣與專長起飛

  4. 香港奇怪校規4 (Weird school rules in Hong Kong 4)

  5. The Educational university of Hongkong

  6. Lower Primary Campus Tour 2021


  1. Master of Education

    The Master of Education (MEd) is an academic degree for education professionals who are looking for opportunities to extend their professional knowledge in education. ... MEd graduates from the University of Hong Kong are actively involved in school administration, policy development, adult and vocational training, teacher education, curriculum ...

  2. Master of Education

    Master of Education programmes - FEHD EdUHK. Our Master of Education programme prepares educators for professional advancement. In addition to generalistic study, the faculty offers specialized studies in curriculum, teaching and assessment, early childhood education, educational and developmental psychology, educational management and ...

  3. Master of Education

    Programme Description. The aim of the Master of Education (MEd) degree programme is to enhance the inquiry skills and executive capacity of experienced professional educators. The MEd programme is designed to provide flexibility to those who seek to broaden their understanding of education and to afford opportunities to those who wish to ...

  4. Master of Education

    Master of Education | HKU

  5. Master of Education

    To be eligible for the award of a Master of Education degree, students must: complete a total of 27 units; satisfy the requirements of the dissertation or its equivalent within the specified duration of the programme; obtain Grade C- or above in all courses; and. achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or above. ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS.

  6. Education

    Programmes offered by the Faculty of Education are celebrated for their breadth and depth, as well as the use of innovative teaching methods. Through four Departments and one Unit of the Faculty, programmes aim to train graduate teachers, scholars who conduct research on high-impact topics, and consultants to the government and schools on vital policy issues, in and beyond Hong Kong.

  7. Master of Education

    The Education University of Hong Kong 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po New Territories Hong Kong (Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained on this website is correct. Changes to any aspects of the programmes may be made from time to time due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control and the University reserves the right to ...

  8. Master's degrees in Education in Hong Kong (SAR)

    Family Counselling and Family Education. Check match. Master / Part-time / On Campus. 19,016 EUR / year. 2 years. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, Hong Kong (SAR) Ranked top 0.5%.

  9. Master of Education

    General Enquiries. +852 3917 5712 /. +852 3917 1951 /. +852 3917 8044. [email protected]. Room 420, 4/F, Meng Wah Complex. The University of Hong Kong. Fields of Studies^ (2024 Intake) The following specialisms are offered for admissions in September 2024.

  10. Master of Education

    Admissions Requirements. To be eligible for admis sion to the programme, a candidate shall satisfy both the University Admission Requirements and the Programme Specific Requirements as listed below:. All candidates shall: comply with the General Regulations and the Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Curricula; ; hold a Bachelor's degree of this University or a qualification of equivalent ...

  11. Education University of Hong Kong

    Master of Arts in Education for Sustainability [MA(EfS)] was launched by The Education University of Hong Kong under the Department of Science and Environmental Studies. This programme emphasises subject knowledge, innovative pedagogical practices, flexible teaching environments and a critical approach to thinking about educational and ...

  12. PDF The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education

    THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG FACULTY OF EDUCATION Master of Education (MEd) Applications are invited for admission in September 2022 to the Master of Education Programme. Full-time students can complete the programme in one academic year, or may extend the study to no more than two

  13. Postgraduate Programmes

    The Education University of Hong Kong. 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong (852) 2948 6886 (852) 2948 6886 (852) 2948 6162. Undergraduate and Sub-degree Admissions ([email protected]) Taught Master's Degree Admissions ([email protected])

  14. Programmes

    Master of Education (MEd) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences COMING. Study Mode Full-time: 1 year; Part-time: 2 years Tuition Fee HK$172,800/programme Cut Off Date 31 Jan ... Hong Kong Baptist University reserves the right of final decision and interpretation in case of any dispute.

  15. Education University of Hong Kong

    The Education University of Hong Kong. EdUHK promotes the strategic development of teacher education in Hong Kong and beyond, by driving educational innovation, nurturing quality educators and professionals, as well as supporting them in their lifelong learning. These endeavours propel our teaching and research capabilities, which have been ...

  16. Master of Education

    1 The following courses form excluded combinations: EDU E823 with EDU E813C; EDU E846 with EDU E817C, EDU E825 with EDU E805C. MED2 — Pathway 2. (c) have completed a Postgraduate Programme in Subject Knowledge (PGSK) for English/Chinese Language Teachers approved by the EDB. Number of credits: 40. Students MUST take the CHIN E811CF and or ...

  17. Master of Education: Comparative and Global Studies in Education and

    2021-2022 CGSED Cohort Comparison is a fundamental tool for all forms of enquiry. When applied to education in an international setting, it assists in identifying factors which shape education systems, processes and outcomes, and instruments for improvement of those systems, processes and outcomes. The comparisons in this specialist programme are framed by theories and understandings...

  18. Education in Hong Kong (SAR): 2024 Master's Guide

    Studying Education in Hong Kong (SAR) is a great choice, as there are 9 universities that offer Master's degrees on our portal. Over 47,000 international students choose Hong Kong (SAR) for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  19. Master of Education

    Master of Education. A suite of Master of Education programmes is offered. While these programmes are aimed primarily at school teachers and administrators, educators and trainers in other related professions will also find it useful. The programmes available are: Language of instruction: Courses in the programme are either in English or Chinese.

  20. The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)

    Explore. (852) 2948 8888. 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong. 1 King Yin Lane, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong. 19 Cheung Hong St, North Point, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), a publicly funded tertiary institution, is an Education-focused, research-active university ...

  21. Master of Education in English Language Education

    The Master of Education in English Language Education programme is approved by the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR government: as a recognized English language major degree programme; as a qualification meeting the language proficiency requirement for English language teachers; and

  22. Programmes

    We also maintain an active programme of research studentships within our Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Education programmes. ... The University of Hong Kong (Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm; 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm) Phone. 3917 6044. Email. [email protected] . Directory. Contact Directory. Subscribe to Faculty e-Notice.

  23. Program & Course Catalog

    The Master of Arts (MA) Program in International Language Education offers advanced postgraduate education, taught in English, with two specialized concentrations: Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL).

  24. Masters Study in Hong Kong

    International Masters students in Hong Kong can often be expected to pay a significantly higher rate of tuition fees to local students. Annual tuition fees for international students range depending on university and programme, but can cost between HKD $90,000-265,000 (USD $11,500-34,000).

  25. Master of Science in Mathematics for Educators, HKUST

    The normal completion period is one year in full-time mode and two years in part-time mode. Program Fee: The program Fee for the 2025/26 intake: Local students: HK$130,000. Non-local students: HK$130,000. Admission Requirements: A Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics or a related Science or Engineering field.

  26. Payroll Master Jobs in Hong Kong

    Find your ideal job at Jobsdb with 101 Payroll Master jobs found in Hong Kong. View all our Payroll Master vacancies now with new jobs added daily!

  27. 30th Anniversary of the Department of Chemistry, City University of

    He completed his B.Sc. at City University of Hong Kong, Ph.D. at The University of Hong Kong. Professor Wong serves as an Editor for the Journal of Luminescence and is an International Advisory Board Member for ChemPlusChem. He is actively involved in several assessment panels related to nanotechnology and medical technologies in Hong Kong.

  28. Master of Arts in Global Studies in Education

    Otherwise, your action may violate Hong Kong's Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201). Any aspect of the course and course offerings (including, without limitation, the content of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University.

  29. Hong Kong Defends Sex Ed Advice That Includes Playing Badminton

    Diana Kwok, professor of gender studies at the Education University of Hong Kong, told the South China Morning Post that the authorities should not emphasize the need to control sexual development ...