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The 5 steps of the solving problem process

August 17, 2023 by MindManager Blog

Whether you run a business, manage a team, or work in an industry where change is the norm, it may feel like something is always going wrong. Thankfully, becoming proficient in the problem solving process can alleviate a great deal of the stress that business issues can create.

Understanding the right way to solve problems not only takes the guesswork out of how to deal with difficult, unexpected, or complex situations, it can lead to more effective long-term solutions.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the 5 steps of problem solving, and help you explore a few examples of problem solving scenarios where you can see the problem solving process in action before putting it to work.

Understanding the problem solving process

When something isn’t working, it’s important to understand what’s at the root of the problem so you can fix it and prevent it from happening again. That’s why resolving difficult or complex issues works best when you apply proven business problem solving tools and techniques – from soft skills, to software.

The problem solving process typically includes:

  • Pinpointing what’s broken by gathering data and consulting with team members.
  • Figuring out why it’s not working by mapping out and troubleshooting the problem.
  • Deciding on the most effective way to fix it by brainstorming and then implementing a solution.

While skills like active listening, collaboration, and leadership play an important role in problem solving, tools like visual mapping software make it easier to define and share problem solving objectives, play out various solutions, and even put the best fit to work.

Before you can take your first step toward solving a problem, you need to have a clear idea of what the issue is and the outcome you want to achieve by resolving it.

For example, if your company currently manufactures 50 widgets a day, but you’ve started processing orders for 75 widgets a day, you could simply say you have a production deficit.

However, the problem solving process will prove far more valuable if you define the start and end point by clarifying that production is running short by 25 widgets a day, and you need to increase daily production by 50%.

Once you know where you’re at and where you need to end up, these five steps will take you from Point A to Point B:

  • Figure out what’s causing the problem . You may need to gather knowledge and evaluate input from different documents, departments, and personnel to isolate the factors that are contributing to your problem. Knowledge visualization software like MindManager can help.
  • Come up with a few viable solutions . Since hitting on exactly the right solution – right away – can be tough, brainstorming with your team and mapping out various scenarios is the best way to move forward. If your first strategy doesn’t pan out, you’ll have others on tap you can turn to.
  • Choose the best option . Decision-making skills, and software that lets you lay out process relationships, priorities, and criteria, are invaluable for selecting the most promising solution. Whether it’s you or someone higher up making that choice, it should include weighing costs, time commitments, and any implementation hurdles.
  • Put your chosen solution to work . Before implementing your fix of choice, you should make key personnel aware of changes that might affect their daily workflow, and set up benchmarks that will make it easy to see if your solution is working.
  • Evaluate your outcome . Now comes the moment of truth: did the solution you implemented solve your problem? Do your benchmarks show you achieved the outcome you wanted? If so, congratulations! If not, you’ll need to tweak your solution to meet your problem solving goal.

In practice, you might not hit a home-run with every solution you execute. But the beauty of a repeatable process like problem solving is that you can carry out steps 4 and 5 again by drawing from the brainstorm options you documented during step 2.

Examples of problem solving scenarios

The best way to get a sense of how the problem solving process works before you try it for yourself is to work through some simple scenarios.

Here are three examples of how you can apply business problem solving techniques to common workplace challenges.

Scenario #1: Manufacturing

Building on our original manufacturing example, you determine that your company is consistently short producing 25 widgets a day and needs to increase daily production by 50%.

Since you’d like to gather data and input from both your manufacturing and sales order departments, you schedule a brainstorming session to discover the root cause of the shortage.

After examining four key production areas – machines, materials, methods, and management – you determine the cause of the problem: the material used to manufacture your widgets can only be fed into your equipment once the machinery warms up to a specific temperature for the day.

Your team comes up with three possible solutions.

  • Leave your machinery running 24 hours so it’s always at temperature.
  • Invest in equipment that heats up faster.
  • Find an alternate material for your widgets.

After weighing the expense of the first two solutions, and conducting some online research, you decide that switching to a comparable but less expensive material that can be worked at a lower temperature is your best option.

You implement your plan, monitor your widget quality and output over the following week, and declare your solution a success when daily production increases by 100%.

Scenario #2: Service Delivery

Business training is booming and you’ve had to onboard new staff over the past month. Now you learn that several clients have expressed concern about the quality of your recent training sessions.

After speaking with both clients and staff, you discover there are actually two distinct factors contributing to your quality problem:

  • The additional conference room you’ve leased to accommodate your expanding training sessions has terrible acoustics
  • The AV equipment you’ve purchased to accommodate your expanding workforce is on back-order – and your new hires have been making do without

You could look for a new conference room or re-schedule upcoming training sessions until after your new equipment arrives. But your team collaboratively determines that the best way to mitigate both issues at once is by temporarily renting the high-quality sound and visual system they need.

Using benchmarks that include several weeks of feedback from session attendees, and random session spot-checks you conduct personally, you conclude the solution has worked.

Scenario #3: Marketing

You’ve invested heavily in product marketing, but still can’t meet your sales goals. Specifically, you missed your revenue target by 30% last year and would like to meet that same target this year.

After collecting and examining reams of information from your sales and accounting departments, you sit down with your marketing team to figure out what’s hindering your success in the marketplace.

Determining that your product isn’t competitively priced, you map out two viable solutions.

  • Hire a third-party specialist to conduct a detailed market analysis.
  • Drop the price of your product to undercut competitors.

Since you’re in a hurry for results, you decide to immediately reduce the price of your product and market it accordingly.

When revenue figures for the following quarter show sales have declined even further – and marketing surveys show potential customers are doubting the quality of your product – you revert back to your original pricing, revisit your problem solving process, and implement the market analysis solution instead.

With the valuable information you gain, you finally arrive at just the right product price for your target market and sales begin to pick up. Although you miss your revenue target again this year, you meet it by the second quarter of the following year.

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What is Problem Solving? (Steps, Techniques, Examples)

What is problem solving, definition and importance.

Problem solving is the process of finding solutions to obstacles or challenges you encounter in your life or work. It is a crucial skill that allows you to tackle complex situations, adapt to changes, and overcome difficulties with ease. Mastering this ability will contribute to both your personal and professional growth, leading to more successful outcomes and better decision-making.

Problem-Solving Steps

The problem-solving process typically includes the following steps:

  • Identify the issue : Recognize the problem that needs to be solved.
  • Analyze the situation : Examine the issue in depth, gather all relevant information, and consider any limitations or constraints that may be present.
  • Generate potential solutions : Brainstorm a list of possible solutions to the issue, without immediately judging or evaluating them.
  • Evaluate options : Weigh the pros and cons of each potential solution, considering factors such as feasibility, effectiveness, and potential risks.
  • Select the best solution : Choose the option that best addresses the problem and aligns with your objectives.
  • Implement the solution : Put the selected solution into action and monitor the results to ensure it resolves the issue.
  • Review and learn : Reflect on the problem-solving process, identify any improvements or adjustments that can be made, and apply these learnings to future situations.

Defining the Problem

To start tackling a problem, first, identify and understand it. Analyzing the issue thoroughly helps to clarify its scope and nature. Ask questions to gather information and consider the problem from various angles. Some strategies to define the problem include:

  • Brainstorming with others
  • Asking the 5 Ws and 1 H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How)
  • Analyzing cause and effect
  • Creating a problem statement

Generating Solutions

Once the problem is clearly understood, brainstorm possible solutions. Think creatively and keep an open mind, as well as considering lessons from past experiences. Consider:

  • Creating a list of potential ideas to solve the problem
  • Grouping and categorizing similar solutions
  • Prioritizing potential solutions based on feasibility, cost, and resources required
  • Involving others to share diverse opinions and inputs

Evaluating and Selecting Solutions

Evaluate each potential solution, weighing its pros and cons. To facilitate decision-making, use techniques such as:

  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Decision-making matrices
  • Pros and cons lists
  • Risk assessments

After evaluating, choose the most suitable solution based on effectiveness, cost, and time constraints.

Implementing and Monitoring the Solution

Implement the chosen solution and monitor its progress. Key actions include:

  • Communicating the solution to relevant parties
  • Setting timelines and milestones
  • Assigning tasks and responsibilities
  • Monitoring the solution and making adjustments as necessary
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the solution after implementation

Utilize feedback from stakeholders and consider potential improvements. Remember that problem-solving is an ongoing process that can always be refined and enhanced.

Problem-Solving Techniques

During each step, you may find it helpful to utilize various problem-solving techniques, such as:

  • Brainstorming : A free-flowing, open-minded session where ideas are generated and listed without judgment, to encourage creativity and innovative thinking.
  • Root cause analysis : A method that explores the underlying causes of a problem to find the most effective solution rather than addressing superficial symptoms.
  • SWOT analysis : A tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a problem or decision, providing a comprehensive view of the situation.
  • Mind mapping : A visual technique that uses diagrams to organize and connect ideas, helping to identify patterns, relationships, and possible solutions.


When facing a problem, start by conducting a brainstorming session. Gather your team and encourage an open discussion where everyone contributes ideas, no matter how outlandish they may seem. This helps you:

  • Generate a diverse range of solutions
  • Encourage all team members to participate
  • Foster creative thinking

When brainstorming, remember to:

  • Reserve judgment until the session is over
  • Encourage wild ideas
  • Combine and improve upon ideas

Root Cause Analysis

For effective problem-solving, identifying the root cause of the issue at hand is crucial. Try these methods:

  • 5 Whys : Ask “why” five times to get to the underlying cause.
  • Fishbone Diagram : Create a diagram representing the problem and break it down into categories of potential causes.
  • Pareto Analysis : Determine the few most significant causes underlying the majority of problems.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis helps you examine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to your problem. To perform a SWOT analysis:

  • List your problem’s strengths, such as relevant resources or strong partnerships.
  • Identify its weaknesses, such as knowledge gaps or limited resources.
  • Explore opportunities, like trends or new technologies, that could help solve the problem.
  • Recognize potential threats, like competition or regulatory barriers.

SWOT analysis aids in understanding the internal and external factors affecting the problem, which can help guide your solution.

Mind Mapping

A mind map is a visual representation of your problem and potential solutions. It enables you to organize information in a structured and intuitive manner. To create a mind map:

  • Write the problem in the center of a blank page.
  • Draw branches from the central problem to related sub-problems or contributing factors.
  • Add more branches to represent potential solutions or further ideas.

Mind mapping allows you to visually see connections between ideas and promotes creativity in problem-solving.

Examples of Problem Solving in Various Contexts

In the business world, you might encounter problems related to finances, operations, or communication. Applying problem-solving skills in these situations could look like:

  • Identifying areas of improvement in your company’s financial performance and implementing cost-saving measures
  • Resolving internal conflicts among team members by listening and understanding different perspectives, then proposing and negotiating solutions
  • Streamlining a process for better productivity by removing redundancies, automating tasks, or re-allocating resources

In educational contexts, problem-solving can be seen in various aspects, such as:

  • Addressing a gap in students’ understanding by employing diverse teaching methods to cater to different learning styles
  • Developing a strategy for successful time management to balance academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities
  • Seeking resources and support to provide equal opportunities for learners with special needs or disabilities

Everyday life is full of challenges that require problem-solving skills. Some examples include:

  • Overcoming a personal obstacle, such as improving your fitness level, by establishing achievable goals, measuring progress, and adjusting your approach accordingly
  • Navigating a new environment or city by researching your surroundings, asking for directions, or using technology like GPS to guide you
  • Dealing with a sudden change, like a change in your work schedule, by assessing the situation, identifying potential impacts, and adapting your plans to accommodate the change.
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Master the 7-Step Problem-Solving Process for Better Decision-Making

Discover the powerful 7-Step Problem-Solving Process to make better decisions and achieve better outcomes. Master the art of problem-solving in this comprehensive guide. Download the Free PowerPoint and PDF Template.



The 7-Step Problem-Solving Process involves steps that guide you through the problem-solving process. The first step is to define the problem, followed by disaggregating the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Next, you prioritize the features and create a work plan to address each. Then, you analyze each piece, synthesize the information, and communicate your findings to others.

In this article, we'll explore each step of the 7-Step Problem-Solving Process in detail so you can start mastering this valuable skill. At the end of the blog post, you can download the process's free PowerPoint and PDF templates .

Step 1: Define the Problem

One way to define the problem is to ask the right questions. Questions like "What is the problem?" and "What are the causes of the problem?" can help. Gathering data and information about the issue to assist in the definition process is also essential.

Step 2: Disaggregate

After defining the problem, the next step in the 7-step problem-solving process is to disaggregate the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Disaggregation helps break down the problem into smaller pieces that can be analyzed individually. This step is crucial in understanding the root cause of the problem and identifying the most effective solutions.

Disaggregation helps in breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. It helps understand the relationships between different factors contributing to the problem and identify the most critical factors that must be addressed. By disaggregating the problem, decision-makers can focus on the most vital areas, leading to more effective solutions.

Step 3: Prioritize

Once the issues have been prioritized, developing a plan of action to address them is essential. This involves identifying the resources required, setting timelines, and assigning responsibilities.

Step 4: Workplan

The work plan should include a list of tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities for each team member involved in the problem-solving process. Assigning tasks based on each team member's strengths and expertise ensures the work is completed efficiently and effectively.

Developing a work plan is a critical step in the problem-solving process. It provides a clear roadmap for solving the problem and ensures everyone involved is aligned and working towards the same goal.

Step 5: Analysis

Pareto analysis is another method that can be used during the analysis phase. This method involves identifying the 20% of causes responsible for 80% of the problems. By focusing on these critical causes, organizations can make significant improvements.

Step 6: Synthesize

Once the analysis phase is complete, it is time to synthesize the information gathered to arrive at a solution. During this step, the focus is on identifying the most viable solution that addresses the problem. This involves examining and combining the analysis results for a clear and concise conclusion.

During the synthesis phase, it is vital to remain open-minded and consider all potential solutions. Involving all stakeholders in the decision-making process is essential to ensure everyone's perspectives are considered.

Step 7: Communicate

In addition to the report, a presentation explaining the findings is essential. The presentation should be tailored to the audience and highlight the report's key points. Visual aids such as tables, graphs, and charts can make the presentation more engaging.

The 7-step problem-solving process is a powerful tool for helping individuals and organizations make better decisions. By following these steps, individuals can identify the root cause of a problem, prioritize potential solutions, and develop a clear plan of action. This process can be applied to various scenarios, from personal challenges to complex business problems.

By mastering the 7-step problem-solving process, individuals can become more effective decision-makers and problem-solvers. This process can help individuals and organizations save time and resources while improving outcomes. With practice, individuals can develop the skills to apply this process to a wide range of scenarios and make better decisions in all areas of life.

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The absolute first step of problem solving is ...

to be sure you know the answer

to be sure you've got the right cause

to be sure you are you

to be sure you've read the question

What's the most common reason for getting the wrong cause?

A problem might not have a cause at all

Fixing the symptomps will be enough

A problem might be it's own cause

There can be a common cause for two problems so we think one problem is causing the other.

What is the best type of thinking when solving a problem?

Use the logical part of your brain first, then the creative part.

Generate lots of ideas and then choose the best one.

Tap your intuition by running with the first idea that you think of. It will be the best.

Think inside the box.

When brainstorming, you should adopt this practice for the results.

Collect all the ideas, including the bad ones.

Throw out the bad ideas as you go along.

Separate the ideas generation from the judging process.

Use the same people for the idea generation and for the judging.

What should an effective problem solver keep in mind when thinking about creativity?

There are just three effective ways to increase creativity.

Creativity can help you identify a problem but not solve it.

Creativity is fixed -- you either have it or you don't

Creativity can be increased via many different techniques.

A problem can be:

An obstacle

The solution

A difficulty

The first step in solving a problem is:

Develop a solution

Reflect and review

Understand the problem

Investigate and research the problem

The solution to a problem is the

Steps you take to define the problem.

Steps you take to solve the problem.

Steps you take to make the problem worst.

Who would you ask to help you solve a problem?

Someone who solved the problem before.

Someone who failed at solving the problem.

Someone who has never experienced the problem before.

The final step to solving a problem is:

Investigate and research the problem.

Reflect and Review.

Develop a solution.

Understanding the problem means:

Figuring out the problem.

Checking to see if the problem worked.

Writing the steps to solve the problem.

Thinking of solutions.

Preparing to solve the problem might include brainstorming.

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Guide: Problem Solving

Author: Daniel Croft

What is Problem Solving?

Analyzing the problem is the next critical step. This analysis involves breaking down the problem into smaller parts to understand its intricacies. It requires looking at the problem from various angles and considering all relevant factors – be they environmental, social, technical, or economic. This comprehensive analysis aids in developing a deeper understanding of the problem’s root causes, rather than just its symptoms.

Finally, effective problem-solving involves the implementation of the chosen solution and its subsequent evaluation. This stage tests the practicality of the solution and its effectiveness in the real world. It’s a critical phase where theoretical solutions meet practical application.

The Nature of Problems

Simple vs. Complex Problems : Simple problems are straightforward, often with clear solutions. They usually have a limited number of variables and predictable outcomes. On the other hand, complex problems are multi-faceted. They involve multiple variables, stakeholders, and potential outcomes, often requiring a more sophisticated analysis and a multi-pronged approach to solving.

Structured vs. Unstructured Problems : Structured problems are well-defined. They follow a specific pattern or set of rules, making their outcomes more predictable. These problems often have established methodologies for solving. For example, mathematical problems usually fall into this category. Unstructured problems, in contrast, are more ambiguous. They lack a clear pattern or set of rules, making their outcomes uncertain. These problems require a more exploratory approach, often involving trial and error, to identify potential solutions.

The Problem-Solving Process

Step 1: identifying the problem, step 2: defining the problem, step 3: analyzing the problem, step 4: generating solutions, step 5: evaluating and selecting solutions, step 6: implementing the solution, step 7: reviewing and reflecting, tools and techniques for effective problem solving, brainstorming, swot analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), root cause analysis.

Each of these tools and techniques can be adapted to different types of problems and situations. Effective problem solvers often use a combination of these methods, depending on the nature of the problem and the context in which it exists. By leveraging these tools, one can enhance their ability to dissect complex problems, generate creative solutions, and implement effective strategies to address challenges.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills

Critical thinking is a foundational skill in problem-solving. It involves analyzing information, evaluating different perspectives, and making reasoned judgments. Creativity is another vital component. It pushes the boundaries of conventional thinking and leads to innovative solutions. Effective communication also plays a crucial role, as it ensures that ideas are clearly understood and collaboratively refined.

Q: What are the key steps in the problem-solving process?

Q: how can brainstorming be effectively used in problem-solving.

A: Brainstorming is effective in the solution generation phase of problem-solving. It involves gathering a group and encouraging the free flow of ideas without immediate criticism. The goal is to produce a large quantity of ideas, fostering creative thinking. This technique helps in uncovering unique and innovative solutions that might not surface in a more structured setting.

Q: What is SWOT Analysis and how does it aid in problem-solving?

Q: why is it important to understand the nature of a problem before solving it, q: how does reflection contribute to developing problem-solving skills.

A : Reflection is a critical component in developing problem-solving skills. It involves looking back at the problem-solving process and the implemented solution to assess what worked well and what didn’t. Reflecting on both successes and failures provides valuable insights and lessons, helping to refine and improve problem-solving strategies for future challenges. This reflective practice enhances one’s ability to approach problems more effectively over time.

Daniel Croft

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PDCA Cycle Explained: 4 Steps for Continuous Learning and Improvement

PDCA Cycle

The Meaning of PDCA Cycle

PDCA Cycle (also known as PDSA Cycle or Deming Cycle), is a problem-solving method used for the continuous learning and improvement of a process or product. 

There are 4 basic steps in PDCA Cycle:

  • Plan : identify a problem and possible solutions
  • Do : execute the plan and test the solution(s)
  • Check : evaluate the results and lessons learned
  • Act : improve the plan/process for better solutions

These four steps incorporate inductive-deductive interplay and have been a simple and scientific approach for problem-solving (process-improving). It follows the curve of how we acquire knowledge through constant reflection, standardization, and modification.

The PDCA framework begins with a planning phase where a problem or a process to be improved is identified. This involves not only the goal setting and finding possible solutions, but also hypothesizing methods that can be used to reach the ultimate goal. Another thing that needs special attention is defining the success metrics. This simply means a clear evaluation matrix is ideally to be set beforehand.

Then, the solution(s) will be tested in the Do process. To detach the Do, there could be two steps: making the Do multiple To-Dos by splitting the task and defining them with a specific time, personnel, and steps, and collecting real-time data and feedback. 

Check includes analyzing the results and comparing them to the hypothesis in the Plan stage: how well the solution worked, how much the goal has been achieved, and whether the methods were proven feasible. If there are any unexpected issues, you may also need to find the causes and possible solutions. Note that there might be forth and back between Do and check.

The Act step closes the cycle, which involves adjustment on the initial goal or solutions and integration of all key learnings by the entire process, to standardize successful parts and avoid error recurrence. In a nutshell, the Act phase summarizes the current cycle and prepares for the next.

However, the PDCA cycle doesn’t stop here. Instead, it can repeat from the beginning with a modified version of the Plan. There is no end to it and sustainability should be its main pitch.

How PDCA Has Evolved

Usually used interchangeably with “PDSA Cycle”, “Deming Cycle”, “Deming wheel”, “Shewhart Cycle” etc, the PDCA model has indeed confronted some misunderstanding and confusion. It remains unexplained in most cases how PDCA became what it is today and what’s the difference between those mysterious terminologies and how they interact. According to Ronald D. Moen & Clifford L. Norman , its evolution could be summarized like the following:

Shewhart cycle (1939): Specification - Production - Inspection . 

He brought up this method from the viewpoint of Quality Control.

Deming Wheel (1950): Design the product - Make the product - Sell it - Test it .

Deming built off the Shewhart cycle and emphasized the four steps should be rotated constantly to aim for the product quality. This has gained increasing popularity when Deming participated in the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).

PDCA Cycle (the 1950s):  Plan - Do - Check - Act.

A Japanese executive reworked the Deming Wheel and translated it into the PDCA Cycle for problem-solving. PDCA emphasizes more on the establishment of standards during the process and the ongoing modification of those standards. 

Extended PDCA Cycle (1985): Plan - Do - Check - Act .

Kaoru Ishikawa refined the PDCA model to include more steps in the Plan and Do steps: Identify the goals and methods to use; involve in training and education during implementation.

PDSA Cycle (1985): Plan - Do - Study - Act .

Deming claimed that the ownership of PDCA Cycle was never recognized by anyone and the word “check” was used incorrectly because it means “to hold back”. Therefore, he replaced it with “study” to emphasize the importance of the continuous learning-improvement model.

How to Implement - PDCA Examples

Now, you’ve got a clear idea of what the PDCA Cycle is and how it changes over time. As a simple and structured method widely adopted in Quality Control and Total Quality Management, can it also be applied in wider areas, such as personal growth and business development? Yes, I’ll give you a couple of examples.

PDCA example

Benefits of PDCA Cycle

Among all those other methods, why does the PDCA model shade some lights in the history, especially known for the “Japanese Quality” and is still widely used today? Some key benefits of it need to be valued.

PDCA methodology emphasizes minimizing errors and maximizing outcomes. When applied to business development, e.g. a product’s iterations, it could ensure a developing path where the product is shaped better and better to the market and customers. It’s the same when it comes to personal growth. It also leaves space for constant check and reflection, which can avoid wasting time on the mistakes or making the same mistakes.

PDCA framework follows a learning curve and enhances the learning-improvement process continually. This is the key factor defining PDCA as a scientific and methodical way to gain knowledge. With knowledge building up, people’s ability goes up. 

PDCA model encourages a growth mindset. Seeing continuous improvements is a good way to enhance individuals’ self-esteem levels and bring a great sense of accomplishment. People tend to find meaning in the things they do. Imagine if one stops making progress, they would stay in the static and lose meaning in repetitive work and life. 

  • PDCA Cycle is a simple and scientific way for problem-solving and process improvement.
  • PDCA Cycle involves four key steps: Plan, Do, Check and Act.
  • PDCA works slightly differently from Deming Cycle, Shewhart Cycle, and PDSA.
  • PDCA Cycle is a never-ending process that can be used on a continual basis.
  • PDCA Cycle can be used for quality control, business development, and personal growth.

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Q. Last step in process of problem solving is to

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Q. Diagram that represents steps or operations involved in any kind of process is called

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Q. In flowchart, symbol of rectangle with one curvy side is used to show

Q. In flowchart, parallelogram is used for representation of

Q. Summarizing benefits and costs of design proposal is classified as

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Q. Program flowcharts are part of

Q. Connectors used to connect flowchart symbols to one another are classified as

Q. Feasibility and detailed design study is part of

Q. Flowcharts which are used to represent operation in processing system are classified as

Q. Lines and arrows in system flowchart are used to represent the

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Introduction to Problem Solving Class 11 MCQ

Teachers and Examiners ( CBSESkillEduction ) collaborated to create the Introduction to Problem Solving Class 11 MCQ . All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Computer Science (083) class 11 .

1. Computers cannot solve problems on their own. We must provide clear, step-by-step directions on how to solve the issue, this solving technique is known as ____________. a. Problem Solving  b. Problem Addressing c. Problem Analysis d. None of the above

2. ___________ is the process of identifying a problem, developing an algorithm for the identified problem and finally implementing the algorithm to develop a computer program. a. Problem Solving  b. Problem Addressing c. Problem Analysis d. None of the above

3. It is essential to device a solution before writing a program code for a given problem. The solution is represented in natural language and is called an ___________. a. Problem b. Algorithm  c. Problem Analysis d. None of the above

4. After finalizing the algorithm, we need to convert the algorithm into the_________. a. Format which can be understood by the computer b. High level programming language c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

5. What are the different type of testing. a. Component testing b. Integration testing c. System testing & Acceptance testing d. All of the above 

6. The developed programme needs to pass different parameter __________. The programme needs to fulfil the user’s requirements. It must respond in the anticipated amount of time. a. Method b. Testing  c. Error d. None of the above

7. To complete each activity in a computer, we follow a sequence of steps. This sequence of steps is known as ________. a. Problem b. Algorithm  c. Problem Analysis d. None of the above

8. ____________ is the act of locating and fixing problems in software code that could lead to unexpected behavior or crashes. These errors are sometimes referred to as “bugs.” a. Algorithm b. Problem Solving c. Debugging  d. All of the above

9. Why do we need an Algorithm? a. Accuracy b. Minimized mistakes c. Best possible solution d. All of the above 

10. Writing an algorithm is mostly considered as a ________. a. First step of programming  b. Second step of programming c. Third step of programming d. None of the above

11. Purpose of using algorithm? a. Increase the reliability b. Accuracy of the program c. Efficiency of obtaining solutions d. All of the above 

12. Characteristics of a good algorithm. a. Precision & Uniqueness b. Finiteness c. Input & Output d. All of the above 

13. Before implementing algorithm, the programmer should __________ first. a. Analyze the problem b. Identify the problem c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

14. A __________ is a visual representation of an algorithm. a. Flowchart  b. Pseudocode c. Algorithm d. None of the above

15. A flowchart is a diagram made up of __________. a. Boxes b. Diamonds c. Shapes d. All of the above 

16. Start/End also called _________ symbol, it indicates where the flow starts and ends. a. Terminator  b. Decision c. Input / Output d. Arrow

17. Process is also called ________, it represents a process, action, or a single step. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol  c. Decision d. Input/ Output

18. A __________ or branching point, usually a yes/no or true/ false question is asked, and based on the answer, the path gets split into two branches. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol c. Decision  d. Input/ Output

19. _________ is also called data symbol, this parallelogram shape is used to input or output data. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol c. Decision d. Input/ Output 

20. ___________ connector to show order of flow between shapes. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol c. Decision d. Arrow 

21. A ___________ is another way of representing an algorithm. It is considered as a non-formal language that helps programmers to write algorithm. a. Flowchart b. Pseudocode  c. Algorithm d. None of the above

22. The word “pseudocode” means ___________. a. Not real code  b. Real code c. Temporary code d. None of the above

23. It is necessary to run different input values through the algorithm’s phases in order to verify. This process of taking an input and running it through all of the algorithm’s steps is commonly referred to as a _______. a. Code b. Dry run  c. Method d. None of the above

24. Dry run will help us to __________. a. Identify any incorrect steps in the algorithm b. Figure out missing details or specifics in the algorithm c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

25. algorithms can be ___________ on the basis of the amount of processing time they need to run and the amount of memory that is needed to execute the algorithm. a. Compared b. Analyzed c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

26. ___________ is the set of rules or grammar that governs the formulation of the statements in the language, such as spellings, order of words, punctuation, etc. a. Analyzed b. Syntax  c. Code d. None of the above

27. Programs written using ________ are directly understood by the computer hardware, but they are difficult to deal with and comprehend by humans. a. High Level Language b. Binary Digit  c. 4GL Language d. None of the above

28. A program written in a high-level language is called ___________. a. Source code  b. Object c. Machine language d. None of the above

29. What type of problems are solved by computer. a. Easy problem b. Complex problem c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

30. The basic idea of solving a complex problem by decomposition is to __________. a. Decompose b. Break down c. Complex problem into smaller sub problems d. All of the above 

31. An algorithm is defined as a _________ procedure designed to perform an operation which will lead to the desired result, if followed correctly. a. Reverse procedure b. Step-by-step procedure  c. Random procedure d. None of the above

32. Algorithms have a definite ________ and a definite ________, and a finite number of steps. a. Middle & End b. Beginning & End  c. Beginning & Middle d. None of the above

33. A good algorithm, which is __________, receives input and produces an output. a. Precise b. Unique c. Finite d. All of the above 

34. In order to write effective algorithms we need to identify the__________ to be followed and the desired output. a. Input b. Process c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

35. A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents the algorithm graphically using boxes of various kinds, in an order connected by arrows. a. Flowchart  b. Algorithm c. Pseudocode d. None of the above

36. An _________ where all the steps are executed one after the other is said to execute in sequence. a. Flowchart b. Algorithm  c. Pseudocode d. None of the above

37. _________ making involves selection of one of the alternatives based on outcome of a condition. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol c. Decision  d. Arrow

38. An _________ may have a certain set of steps, which are repeating for a finite number of times, such an algorithm is said to be iterative. a. Flowchart b. Algorithm  c. Pseudocode d. None of the above

39. There can be __________ approach to solve a problem and hence we can have more than one algorithm for a particular problem. a. Only one b. More than one  c. No approach d. None of the above

40. The choice of __________ should be made on the basis of time and space complexity. a. Flowchart b. Algorithm  c. Pseudocode d. None of the above

Computer Science Class 11 Notes

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  • Unit 1 : Encoding Schemes and Number System
  • Unit 2 : Introduction to problem solving
  • Unit 2 : Getting Started with Python
  • Unit 2 : Conditional statement and Iterative statements in Python
  • Unit 2 : Function in Python
  • Unit 2 : String in Python
  • Unit 2 : Lists in Python
  • Unit 2 : Tuples in Python
  • Unit 2 : Dictionary in Python
  • Unit 3 : Society, Law and Ethics

Computer Science Class 11 MCQ

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System Analysis & Design MCQ Questions And Answers


All the students here can practice this 'System Analysis & Design MCQ questions and answers' quiz and enhance their computer system knowledge. System analysis is the procedure of thoroughly reviewing an entire information system for better performance and output. This test includes questions related to types of systems, their design, and development and is helpful for the IT educatees who are preparing for their academic and competitive exams. Should we start the quiz, then? All the best, dear

The process of understanding and specifying in detail what the information system should accomplish is called systems ____.



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Systems ____ means specifying in detail how the many components of the information system should be physically implemented

The most important role of a systems analyst in business is ____..

Technical understanding of information systems


Knowing what data needs to be stored and used

Special programming skills

____ refers to the division of a system into processes or subsystems.

System design

Data management


Functional decomposition

An automation boundary is best described as the separation between the ____.

System and its environment

Automated part of a system and the manual part of a system

Manual part of a system and its environment

Automated part of a system and its environment

Changes in software development, technology, and business practices have created many new career opportunities for analysts, including ____.

Sales and support of ERP software

Auditing, compliance, and security

Web development

All of the above

A technique that seeks to alter the nature of the work done in a business function, with the objective of radically improving performance, is called ____.

Business process reengineering

Strategic planning

Information systems strategic planning

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

A description of the integrated information systems needed by the organization to carry out its business functions is called ____.

Business process re-engineering

Application architecture plan

Technology architecture plan

A description of the hardware, software, and communications networks required to implement planned information systems is called ____.

Applications architecture planning

Rocky Mountain Outfitters would like to further distribute business applications across multiple locations and computer systems, reserving the data center for Web server, database, and telecommunications functions. This is an example of ____.

Technology architecture planning

Which of the following is an example of a technique used to complete specific system development activities?

Project planning

Integrated development environment (IDE)

Application service provider (ASP)

Supply chain management (SCM)

Which of the following is the analyst’s approach to problem-solving?

Verify that the benefits of solving the problem outweigh the costs, then research and understand the problem.

Develop a set of possible solutions, then verify that the benefits of solving the problem outweigh the costs.

Verify that the benefits of solving the problem outweigh the costs, then define the requirements for solving the problem.

Implement the solution, then define the details of the chosen solution.

The last step of the analyst's approach to problem solving is ____.

Decide which solution is best, and make a recommendation

Monitor to make sure that you obtain the desired results

Verify that the benefits of solving the problem outweigh the costs

Implement the solution

A knowledge management system ____.

Indexes all the knowledge contained within an organization

Supports the storage of and access to documents within an organization

Is another term for a library system

Requires a very large amount of online storage space

Skills in a nontechnical area such as interviewing and team management are called ____.

Inherent skills

Technical skills

Hard skills

Soft skills

An example of a project phase in a predictive project  is ____.

Gathering information about the user's needs

Performing a project cost/benefit analysis

Planning the project

Drawing the system interface

The primary objective of the analysis phase is to ____.

Analyze the capabilities and structure of the previous system

Prioritize the alternatives for a new system

Determine the basic structure and approach for the new system

Understand and document the users' needs and requirements

The problem domain is the part of systems development that refers to the ____.

Problems associated with the computing environment

Area of the user's business for which a system is being developed

Problems of the organization of the company

Area of the industry that results in more intense competition

That portion of the new information system that satisfies the user's business needs in the problem domain is referred to as the ____.

System procedure


User interface

The ____ phase begins only after the new system has been installed and put into production, and it lasts throughout the productive life of the system.


Users are typically more involved in the project during which two phases?

Analysis and design

Planning and analysis

Design and implementation

Analysis and implementation

The first official activity of the project team as it initiates the project planning phase is to ____.

Define the business problem

Staff the project team

Develop a cost/benefit analysis

Write a project proposal

The term “____” describes a planned undertaking that produces a new information system.

Systems development project

Systems development life cycle (SDLC)

Design phase

Most new information systems must communicate with other, existing systems, so the design of the method and details of these communication links must be precisely defined. These are called ____.

System interfaces

Design interfaces

The term “____” means that work activities are done once, then again, and yet again.

EXtreme Programming (XP)

Agile modeling

Unified Process (UP)

The term ____ refers to an approach that completes parts of a system in one or more iterations and puts them into operation for users.

Incremental development

Information engineering (IE)

Structured design

A(n) ____ in system development is a collection of guidelines that help an analyst complete a system development activity or task.

A(n) ____ program is one that has one beginning and one ending..



____ programming divides more complex programs into a hierarchy of program modules.

The key graphical model of the systems requirements used with structured analysis is the ____..

Data flow diagram (DFD)

Class diagram

Project evaluation and review technique (PERT) chart

A(n) ____ is a thing in the computer system that is capable of responding to messages.

Entity-relationship diagram (ERD)

The ____ is a critical component of any new system.

Project management application

Reverse engineering tool

Code generator tool

The objective of the ____ phase is to keep the system running productively during the years following its initial installation.

The ____ technique was developed to provide some guidelines for deciding what the set of programs should be, what each program should accomplish, and how the program should be organized into a hierarchy..

Extreme programming (XP)

Structure chart

A key concept in the ____ model approach is the focus on risk.

A(n) _____ approach to the sdlc is used when the exact requirements of a system or needs of users are not well understood., the _____ approach is an sdlc approach that assumes the various phases of a project can be completed entirely sequentially..

Spiral model

Visual modeling tools usually contain a database of information about the models and the project, which is called a(n) ____.

Knowledge bare

Information base

One popular visual modeling tool is ____.

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