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Johannes Helmold

Paraphrasing is a fundamental skill sitting at the crossroads of comprehension, expression, and academic integrity. In academic environment, paraphrasing holds significance due to a number of reasons. It’s an excellent mental workout that pushes the boundaries of your understanding and critical thinking. By rewording, you learn to articulate complex ideas in your own words, an invaluable skill for everyone in all fields. Moreover, paraphrasing plays a key role in maintaining academic integrity, allowing students to incorporate and acknowledge others’ ideas within their work. Continue reading to learn everything about the importance of paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing and Skill Development

When done effectively, paraphrasing has several benefits that simple rewording can’t produce. It is a comprehensive ability that greatly contributes to academic and intellectual development. Let’s look at some of the important advantages:

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Paraphrasing and its impact on academic papers.

Paraphrasing is a part of academic writing. It links current information and fresh discoveries, enabling authors to include authoritative sources into their writings as a careful integration that adds depth and uniqueness. When done well, paraphrasing indicates the author’s understanding of the original material, demonstrating that they not only can grasp complicated topics but also explain them in a new way. This helps to build a stronger, more compelling argument by anchoring theoretical ideas in proven research and avoiding the problems of plagiarism.

Moreover, effective paraphrasing improves the academic paper by introducing diversity in expression and preventing monotony, keeping readers engaged. It allows the writer to maintain a consistent voice throughout the document, creating the paper as a cohesive story rather than a patchwork of disconnected quotations. This coherence is critical for the reader’s understanding and for conveying the author’s perspective on the topic.

An image explaining important functions of paraphrasing

Equally important is the ethical aspect of paraphrasing. Properly rephrased and cited, it maintains the integrity of academic work, distinguishing it from plagiarism and unauthorized use of intellectual property. This ethical practice supports the credibility and trustworthiness of the paper itself.

To sum up, paraphrasing significantly impacts academic papers by promoting understanding, originality, and ethical standards. It demonstrates the author’s capacity to participate in and contribute to academic dialogue, making it a valuable skill in the scholarly community.

What distinguishes effective paraphrasing from simple rewording?

Effective paraphrasing involves a deep understanding of the original material, allowing the paraphraser to convey the same ideas in a completely new way that reflects their voice and style. True paraphrasing demonstrates comprehension and the ability to critically engage with the text, thereby adding value to the academic discourse. In contrast, simple rewording often results in a piece that is too close to the source, lacking originality and failing to fully grasp the underlying concepts.

Can paraphrasing tools ensure academic integrity?

While paraphrasing tools can aid in rephrasing text, they do not guarantee academic integrity on their own. These tools may provide a starting point for rewriting content, but they often lack the nuance and understanding required for true paraphrasing. Academic integrity involves correctly interpreting and crediting the source material, a process that requires human judgment and ethical consideration. Thus, while paraphrasing tools can be helpful, they should be used cautiously, with the final work carefully reviewed and adjusted to ensure it meets academic standards.

How does paraphrasing contribute to the development of academic writing style?

Paraphrasing contributes to the development of academic writing style by enhancing clarity, precision, and personal voice. It encourages deeper engagement with source material, leading to better critical thinking and analytical skills. Through paraphrasing, writers expand their vocabulary and learn to express complex ideas in their own manner, making their arguments more cohesive.

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Matt Abrahams: The Power of the Paraphrase

An expert on public speaking shows how paraphrasing can help you navigate tricky communication situations.

November 19, 2014

importance of paraphrasing

A job seeker raises his hand to ask a question | Reuters/Rick Wilking

When you are giving a public presentation, don’t you hate it when you face … the dreaded question. You know the one: the emotionally loaded challenge that serves to undermine everything you presented prior. You had hoped you wouldn’t get it, but here it is. Or, you may face … the obnoxious meeting participant. You know this guy: He thinks he’s Mr. Smarty-Pants and wants everyone to know it. He ruins your meeting by going on long rants that contribute little and waste much.

These two situations can make even the most confident and calm speaker nervous. One powerful way to navigate your way through these two tricky communication situations is to rely on paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is a listening and reflecting tool where you restate what others say in your own words. The most effective paraphrases concisely capture the essence of what another speaker says. For example, at the end of your presentation a questioner asks: “In the past you have been slow to release new products. How soon will your new product be available?” You might paraphrase her question in one of the following ways:

  • “You’re asking about our availability.”
  • “You’d like to know about our release schedule.”
  • “Our release timeline will be … ”

Effective paraphrasing affords you several benefits. In Q&A sessions, for instance, it allows you to:

Make sure you understood the question correctly. After your paraphrase, the question asker has the opportunity to correct you or refine his or her question. There is no sense in answering a question you were not asked.

Think before you respond. Paraphrasing is not very mentally taxing, so while you are speaking your paraphrase you can begin to think of your response.

Acknowledge emotions prior to addressing the issue(s). Occasionally, you may find yourself confronted with an emotionally laden question. In order to be seen as empathetic, and to get the asker to “hear” your answer, you should recognize the emotion as part of your paraphrase. To a questioner who asks, “I get really exasperated when I try to use some of your features. How are you going to make it easier to use your product?” you might say: “I hear that you have emotion around the complexity of our offering.” By acknowledging the emotion, you can more easily move beyond it to address the issue at hand. Please note that you should avoid labeling the emotion, even if the asker does. If someone seems angry, it is better to use terms such as “strong emotion,” “clear concern,” and “passion.” I have seen a number of speakers get into a labeling battle with an audience member when the speaker names a specific emotion that the asker took offense to (e.g., saying an audience member seems frustrated when he is actually angry).

Reframe the question to focus on something you feel more comfortable addressing. I am not recommending pulling a politician’s trick and pivoting to answer the question you wanted rather than the one you got. Instead, by paraphrasing, you can make the question more comfortable for you to answer. The most striking example I have come across was in a sales situation where a prospect asked the presenter: “How come your prices are ridiculously expensive?” Clearly, the paraphrase “So you’re asking about our ridiculous pricing” is not the way to go. Rather, you can reframe the issue in your paraphrase to be about a topic you are better prepared to address. For example, “So you’d like to know about our product’s value.” Price is clearly part of value, but you start by describing the value and return on investment, which will likely soften the blow of the price.

Using paraphrases can also help you in facilitation situations, such as a meeting. In meetings, paraphrasing allows you to:

Acknowledge the participant’s effort. For many people, contributing in meetings can be daunting. There are real consequences for misspeaking or sounding unprepared. By paraphrasing the contributions you get from others, you validate the person’s effort by signaling that you really listened and valued their input.

Link various questions/ideas. You can pull together disparate contributions and questions and engage different participants by relating a current statement to previous ones. For example, you might say: “Your comment about our profitability links to the question a few minutes ago about our financial outlook.”

Manage over-contributors. Someone who over-shares or dominates a meeting with his or her opinions can be very disruptive and disrespectful. If it is your meeting, then the other participants will expect you to manage the situation. If you don’t, you will lose control and potentially credibility. Paraphrasing can help you move beyond the over-contributor while looking tactful. Fortunately, even the most loquacious person needs to inhale once in a while. During a pause, simply paraphrase a meaningful portion of the person’s diatribe and place focus elsewhere — to another person or topic. For example, you might say, “Forrest’s point about manufacturing delays is a good one. Laurie, what do you think?” Or, “Forrest’s point about manufacturing delays is a good one. What other issues are affecting our release schedule?” In both cases, you have politely informed Forrest that he is done, and you’ve turned the focus away from him and back to your agenda.

Beginning a paraphrase can sometimes be tricky, and people often ask me for suggestions for ways to initiate their paraphrases. Try one of the following lines to help you start your paraphrase:

  • “So what you are saying/asking is … ”
  • “What is important to you is … ”
  • “You’d like to know more about … ”
  • “The central idea of your question/comment is … ”

Paraphrasing has the power to help you connect with your audience, manage emotions, and steer the conversation. And once you begin to use the technique, you will realize it has the power to help you not only in presentations and meetings, but in virtually any interpersonal conversation.

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importance of paraphrasing

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  • When & How to Use Paraphrase

I. What is a Paraphrase?

A paraphrase (pronounced par – uh -freyz) is a restatement or rewording of a paragraph  or text,  in order to borrow, clarify, or expand on information without plagiarizing. Paraphrasing is an important tool to use when writing research papers, essays , and pieces of journalism.

II. Examples of Paraphrasing

For examples of paraphrasing, consider these possible re-wordings of the same statement:

She angered me with her inappropriate comments, rumor-spreading, and disrespectfulness at the formal dinner table.

She made me angry when she was rude at dinner.

This paraphrase is an example of a rewording which shortens and simplifies while maintaining the same meaning.

Her impoliteness, gossiping, and general lack of respect at dinner infuriated me.

This rephrasing maintains the same meaning but is rearranged in a creative way.

I was mad when she started spreading rumors, making inappropriate comments, and disrespecting other guests at our dinner.

Another paraphrase, this rewording properly and interestingly rearranges the information provided in the original sentence.

III. Types of Paraphrasing

A. change of parts of speech.

Parts of speech ranging from verbs and nouns to adjectives and adverbs are replaced with new parts of speech in this type of paraphrasing. Here is an example:

Original Sentence:

The boy quickly ran across the finish line, seizing yet another victory.


The quick boy seized yet another victory when he ran across the finish line.

In this example, many parts of speech are changed: the adverb quickly becomes the adjective quick, and the verb phrase with the gerund seizing becomes the verb seized.

B.  Change of Structure

This type of paraphrasing involves changing the sentence’s structure, sometimes creating a passive voice from an active voice and vice versa. The change in structure can be used to reflect the writer’s interpretation of the original quote. Here is an example of change of structure paraphrasing:

Puppies were adopted by numerous kind souls at the puppy drive.

Many kind souls adopted puppies during the puppy drive.

In this example, the object of the sentence (kind souls) becomes the subject with an active voice (adopted) rather than a passive voice (were adopted).

C. Reduction of Clauses

Reduction of clauses paraphrases reduce the number of clauses in a sentence, which can be interruptive or confusing, by incorporating the phrases into the sentence. Here is an example of reduction of clauses paraphrasing:

While I understand where you’re coming from, and truly respect your opinion, I wish you would express yourself more clearly, like Clara does.

I understand where you’re coming from and respect your opinion, but I wish you would be more like Clara and express yourself more clearly.

D. Synonym Replacement

Synonym replacement paraphrasing is one of the simplest forms of paraphrasing: replacing words with similar words, or synonyms. Here is an example:

The older citizens were honored with a parade for those once in the military.

Senior citizens were honored with a march for veterans.

In this example, many synonyms are used: older citizens are senior citizens, a parade becomes a march, and those once in the military refers to veterans.

IV. The Importance of Using Paraphrase

Paraphrasing is a way of referencing a source without directly quoting it or of further explaining a selected quote. Correct paraphrasing is important in that poor paraphrasing can result in accusations of plagiarism, or copying from a source without correctly citing it. Paraphrasing allows writers to examine the meaning of others’ work, creatively rephrase their statements, and craft information to suit an essay or composition’s goal or focus.

V. Paraphrase in Literature

Paraphrasing can be found in a variety of journalistic sources from newspapers to film documentaries to literary journals. Here are a few examples of paraphrasing in literature:

Someone once wrote that musicians are touched on the shoulder by God, and I think it’s true. You can make other people happy with music, but you can make yourself happy too.

In John Berendt’s nonfiction novel Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil , a character references what someone has once written by paraphrasing their message.

I’m going to paraphrase Thoreau here… rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness… give me truth.

In this example from the nonfiction novel Into the Wild , Jon Krakauer paraphrases Thoreau’s larger message of transcendence.

So far, Laurance’s critiques of new road-building schemes have been well received, but he expects that to change.

In Michelle Nijhuis’ article “What Roads Have Wrought,” William Laurance is paraphrased rather than quoted to express his general viewpoint.

VI. Paraphrase in Pop Culture

Paraphrasing is often found in pop culture when attempting to translate the language of older plays, poems, and stories, such as Shakespeare’s works. Here are a few examples of paraphrasing in pop culture:

10 Things I Hate About You (1999):

Just a minor encounter with the shrew… the mewling, rampalian wretch herself.

In the modern-day adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew , many characters ’ lines paraphrase Shakespeare’s originals. Here is Shakespeare’s version:

A meacock wretch can make the curstest shrew.

A Different World: Romeo, Oh Romeo

First, the student reads Shakespeare’s original words:

Oh gentle Romeo. If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully. Or if thou thinkest I’m too quickly won, I’ll frown and be perverse and say thee nay, so thou wilt woo.

Then, she paraphrases to translate its meaning for modern ears:

It’s all about translation. Oh, sweet thang Romeo. If you think I’m all that, then step to me correctly. But if you think I’m a skeeze, I’ll be dissin’ and dismissin’, then you’ll be workin’ overtime getting’ me back.

VII. Related Terms

Like paraphrases, summaries are rewordings of original statements. Whereas paraphrases are precise and specific, summaries are brief and selective. Summaries report main points in a shortened version of the original, whereas paraphrases simply restate the original statement in a new way. Here is an example of summary versus paraphrase:

Original Statement:

At the party we had delicious red punch, a bunch of different appetizers, and a cookout. Since it was at the park, we played volleyball, went swimming, and sunbathed for fun.

At the party we enjoyed food and drink and various outdoor activities.

Here, the summary purposefully shortens the original statement while covering its major points.

At the party we drank some punch, ate a handful of appetizers, and had a cookout. The park allowed us to enjoy a number of enjoyable activities from volleyball to swimming to sunbathing.

As this example shows, the paraphrase rephrases the original statement and keeps more of its original content than the summary.


Although paraphrase sometimes translates difficult phrasing into more understandable phrasing, it is not literally considered translation. For something to be a translation, it must change writing in one language to another language. Here is an example of translation versus paraphrasing:

Original Phrase:

That’s life.

Translation into French:

C’est la vie.

That’s just how life goes sometimes.

Although we loosely may refer to paraphrase as translating ideas, technically it is not a tool of translation.

VIII. In Closing

Paraphrasing is an important tool for nonfiction writers, journalists, and essayists alike. It is a common proponent of news and reporting. Correct paraphrasing protects writers from plagiarism and allows them to creatively rephrase original works, incorporating them into their own compositions.

List of Terms

  • Alliteration
  • Amplification
  • Anachronism
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Antonomasia
  • APA Citation
  • Aposiopesis
  • Autobiography
  • Bildungsroman
  • Characterization
  • Circumlocution
  • Cliffhanger
  • Comic Relief
  • Connotation
  • Deus ex machina
  • Deuteragonist
  • Doppelganger
  • Double Entendre
  • Dramatic irony
  • Equivocation
  • Extended Metaphor
  • Figures of Speech
  • Flash-forward
  • Foreshadowing
  • Intertextuality
  • Juxtaposition
  • Literary Device
  • Malapropism
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Parallelism
  • Pathetic Fallacy
  • Personification
  • Point of View
  • Polysyndeton
  • Protagonist
  • Red Herring
  • Rhetorical Device
  • Rhetorical Question
  • Science Fiction
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  • Synesthesia
  • Turning Point
  • Understatement
  • Urban Legend
  • Verisimilitude
  • Essay Guide
  • Cite This Website

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This resource introduces paraphrasing as a critical academic practice and provides examples to help you recognise what makes a good and bad paraphrase.

What is a paraphrase?

To paraphrase is to ‘reword’ text , so that the content information stays the same while other aspects of the communication are changed. From a learning perspective, paraphrasing is really the nuts and bolts of information 'processing', done as part of taking notes or drafting new text. It is the opposite of mindlessly copying information. It's core to the business of developing a personal understanding of something, as well as avoiding plagiarism. Plagiarism is not only about failing to acknowledge a source of information; it's also about failing to make sense of information in relation to a new purpose and context.

Being able to paraphrase well is a challenging and creative part of academic writing. Doing it well demonstrates:

  • you have a sound understanding of the original source
  • you have credibility as an independent intellect
  • you are proficient and flexible in your use of English.

In contrast to a summary, which would be far shorter than the original text, a paraphrase might be the same length, or longer. What defines a good paraphrase is not the length, but the degree to which the original text has been reworded and referenced effectively and appropriately to accurately convey the original meaning and source in the context of the paraphraser’s argument.

Why is paraphrasing difficult?

Paraphrasing is often much more difficult than summarising, as paraphrasing requires you to reword the original text while still retaining the meaning and relating the information in the context of your writing.

If you don't paraphrase well, you might risk altering the meaning of the original text. For example:

Original text (from Jagtenberg & D’Alton’s Four Dimensional Social Space )

The education system has performed, on an even wider scale, a major task of social control, training the growing workforce in the discipline and work style necessary in a capitalist economy, and systematically conveying ‘acceptable’ — i.e. safe — social attitudes to the rising generations.

Bad paraphrasing attempt – misrepresenting the original meaning

According to Jagtenberg and D'Alton (1988), the education system is the major form of control in a capitalist economy.

Note that in this paraphrase the use of ‘the major form of control’ overstates and therefore misrepresents the argument in the original text.

Also, if your paraphrase is too close to the original, it is considered plagiarised. For example:

Bad paraphrasing attempt – close paraphrase

According to Jagtenberg and D'Alton (1988), the education system has performed social control in a capitalist society: training the growing workforce and work style, and teaching 'acceptable' social attitudes for the young generations.

Note that this paraphrase closely follows the structure of the original text and includes many of its phrases, and thus, can be considered plagiarism.

How do I paraphrase?

While there are a number of techniques you can use to put something into your own words, such as changing the sentence structure and noun phrases and using appropriate synonyms, the most important thing you need to focus on are the key ideas that you wish to convey to support your argument.

You can paraphrase a text in many different ways, depending on which idea or concept from the original text you want to use to support your argument. In the examples below, the underlined part is the main idea of each paraphrase.

Original (from Spiro's Tax Policy and the Underground Economy )

One of the considerations that is all too often ignored in discussions of tax policy is the way it affects the underground economy. Theoretical tax models almost always assume that everybody follows the rules. In reality, the behavioural response to tax changes has a wider range of variation than the choice between labour and leisure. Many otherwise honest citizens are prepared to break the law in order to evade taxes. Once the underground economy is taken into account – in effect, the proposition that individuals may decide to “opt out” of the tax system – there is a whole new layer of complexity to tax policy. Taxes that may seem to be optimal without the underground economy may no longer be optimal once it is taken into consideration.

Example Paraphrase

  • The underground economy is heavily influenced by tax policy. This is, however, often neglected by theoretical tax models, who usually assume that everyone follows the rule. In fact, as responses to tax changes vary, many honest citizens are prepared to commit tax crime (Spiro, 2013).
  • According to Spiro (2013), even honest citizens are likely to break the law to evade taxes when faced with changes in tax policy, as responses to tax changes vary between individuals. Despite this, many theoretical tax models often neglect the importance of the effect of tax policy change over the economy.
  • Spiro, in Tax Policy and the Underground Economy (2013), argues that theoretical tax models are wrong to overlook the effect that tax policy has on the underground economy because they unrealistically assume that every taxpayer follows the rules. In fact, different people respond differently to tax changes, and many may even commit tax crime when faced with such a problem.

Note in these examples, the key message to be conveyed from the original text is captured in the opening sentence or phrase.

Further resources

  • Note taking
  • Concept mapping
  • Literature review
  • Essay writing
  • Jagtenberg, T & D’Alton, P 1988, Four Dimensional Social Space , Harper & Row, Sydney.
  • Spiro, P 2013, ‘Tax Policy and the Underground Economy’, in C Bajada & F Schneider (eds.), The Shadow Economy: An International Survey , 2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Paraphrasing - an overview

  • What is Paraphrasing?

Some good reasons to Paraphrase...

  • Paraphrasing versus Plagiarism
  • The Do's and Don'ts of Paraphrasing
  • Paraphrasing - examples
  • Further Information

According to Jerman (2021), some good reasons to paraphrase include:

importance of paraphrasing

  • To maintain the flow of the writing. Each author has a unique voice and using direct quotes can interrupt this voice. Too many quotes can make an essay sound choppy and difficult to follow. Paraphrasing can help communicate an important idea in a passage or source without interrupting the flow of the essay.   
  • To eliminate less relevant information. Since paraphrasing is written using the author’s own words, he or she can be more selective in what information from a passage should be included or omitted.  
  • To avoid plagiarism. Always remember to include an in-text citation and a full reference at the end of the essay for the paraphrased text.     
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importance of paraphrasing

Paraphrasing: 3 Things You Need to Know (What, How and Why?)

Paraphrasing is an essential writing tool for conveying meaning of core concepts and ideas while avoiding plagiarism. In this article, we’ll cover exactly what paraphrasing is and isn’t, the five step approach for effective paraphrasing and finally, the importance of paraphrasing beyond issues of plagiarism.

importance of paraphrasing

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is rewording another’s written or spoken words into your own words. This is done by presenting the meaning of the original statement with new words and an altered structure. For example, the above point could be paraphrased to: “Paraphrasing means to share another’s ideas in your own words, keeping the original meaning intact by simply changing the words used or structure involved”. The original point remains, but the wording and sentence structure has changed. 

The focus is to convey the meaning of the original idea using your own words. This writing technique is usually used for a short individual passage or idea, and is not to be confused with summarising. A paraphrase will often be similar in length to the original statement, and will focus on the core points of that idea. In contrast, summaries usually involve synthesising a wide range of information to share the core theme, or results of a piece of work. 

How to Paraphrase

There’s a five step approach to paraphrasing effectively. First, read the material carefully to extract meaning. It’s important to develop an understanding of the points being made in order to effectively convey this meaning to another. Second, note down the key concepts. What have you understood from the passage? What key points would you like someone else to understand? Third, attempt to paraphrase this information without looking at the original. You can do this using a range of methods:

  • Use synonyms to keep some of the original content, without directly using the same words. “Teachers” could be replaced by “Educators”, or “Students” could become “Undergraduates”. This depends on the content, and it’s important to make sure you still convey the core points well. 
  • Rearrange the content by switching the order of certain phrases or sentences. This might involve switching from an active to a passive voice. Although it's best to use the active voice, this is an ideal way to begin paraphrasing content, giving you a starting point to work on. You can continue editing the first paraphrase to ensure it’s written in a clear and concise way. 
  • Utilise digital tools to get you started. In genei’s notepad, you can paraphrase your notes with the click of a button, giving you new words to work with. This is ideal because you can easily work with the notes made from your readings, and minimise your workflow to one space. 

Fourth, compare your paraphrased version to the original. Check if words, sentences or phrases are too similar and make edits. You can also ensure your paraphrase is effective by noting down the core ideas in your paraphrase. Do these match those originally noted from the source? Finally, be sure to cite the source! You must still acknowledge that you have paraphrased someone else’s ideas. 

The Importance of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is an important academic skill for avoiding plagiarism . However, this isn’t the only reason paraphrasing can be important. The process of paraphrasing involves actively engaging with the material you want to rework. This can improve your own knowledge of the idea you’re working with, which can be more effective for long term understanding in comparison to simply memorising facts. Likewise, the ability to paraphrase well, is evidence that you understand the content and core ideas involved.

Beyond academia, paraphrasing still proves to be essential. This technique can act as a bridge and communication tool for sharing valuable information with a non-specialist audience. Original sources of information can be hard to digest if you’re not familiar with the subject area, however, sometimes this information still needs to be communicated. Paraphrasing allows you to tailor ideas to a particular audience, making it accessible, while still retaining the core message. For example, being able to convey important business information to a client, would require certain professional documents and plans to be paraphrased for clearer communication. 

importance of paraphrasing

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Paraphrasing: Things you need to know...

Paraphrasing i s the process of reading a section of text and then re-writing it using your own words I t is necessary in university study as it shows that you have understood the information.

REMEMBER - the information has come from text that somebody else has written, so you must  still cite the author appropriately according to the referencing system used on your course. If you do not reference the source it will be classed as plagiarism, even if you have put into your own words.

For effective paraphrasing it is important to:

  • Read first for understanding
  • Summarise the key points
  • Re-write the statement in your own words
  • Place in quotation marks any phrases used from the original source
  • Include the appropriate citation 
  • Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is demonstrating your understanding of the texts you are reading by writing them in your own words.

Need to know more...

  • Related pages
  • External links
  • Academic writing Illustrates the main features of academic writing so that you are aware of what it is and what it involves

Paraphrasing - How to Paraphrase - Step-by-Step Guide & Examples (Scribbr)  [Accessed 10 February 2023]

What's the Difference? Summarizing, Paraphrasing & Quoting (Quetext Blog)  [Accessed 10 February 2023]

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importance of paraphrasing

What are the five reasons for paraphrasing?

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Paraphrasing is a technique commonly used by writers to express the ideas of another author using their own words. In simple terms, it involves rephrasing and restating existing concepts from published sources. Paraphrasing has gained significant importance in content writing for various reasons. In this post, we will discuss the key reasons why you should consider incorporating paraphrasing into your writing.

The importance of paraphrasing 

Paraphrasing holds significant importance for a variety of reasons. In this regard, the following five factors are widely recognized as the most crucial ones.

  • Improving Idea Expression

As mentioned earlier, paraphrasing involves presenting ideas rather than the exact words of another writer. To effectively present ideas, thorough research and ideation are necessary. During the research phase, it is advisable to take note of key points that aid in understanding the core message of the content. These main points and ideas should be carefully considered when writing your own version.

Avoiding plagiarism 

The most crucial reason why paraphrasing is important is that it helps you avoid plagiarism . When you are using the same ideas and words of another writer in your content then you are simply committing plagiarism. But if you paraphrase content then you can keep yourself away from the accusation of plagiarism. It’s a way to present information using your unique expression, protecting you from unintentional or intentional plagiarism.

Reducing the Need for Extensive Research

Creating a new content can be time-consuming and research extensive research. However, there is an alternative approach that can help streamline the research phase. By opting to rewrite or paraphrase existing content, you can significantly reduce the need for extensive research. To ensure originality, it is advised to gather ideas and information from various sources and then paraphrase them to craft a fresh and unique post.

  • Refining Your Writing Style

Practicing is crucial. It not only helps you enhance your writing skills but also allows you to avoid errors and improve the quality of your content. Another important aspect of paraphrasing is its ability to simplify complex information. By utilizing this technique, you can easily refine your writing and make it more accessible to readers.

Maximizing Time and Energy

Paraphrasing offers a valuable way to save time and energy in content creation. By investing time in outlining and planning your content can help organize your thoughts and streamline the writing process. Additionally, utilizing online paraphrasing tools further facilitates quick content generation. Embracing paraphrasing techniques, coupled with effective planning, allows you to save significant time and energy while creating engaging and original content.

Enhancing Paraphrasing Accuracy and Reliability with Online Tools

Paraphrasing accurately and with complete reliability can be challenging, as there is always a risk of plagiarism. However, you can use online paraphrasing tools to help you create and present new content with precision. These tools are user-friendly and, best of all, free to use.

To utilize an online paraphrasing tool , simply copy the content from your reference sources and paste it into the tool’s input box. After inserting the text or document files, click on the ‘Paraphrase Text’ button. Within seconds, the tool will generate a fresh version of the content. By employing artificial intelligence and ENL (Emulated Natural Language) technology, an essay rewriter produces human-like content easily and quickly.

By incorporating these tools into your writing process, you can confidently rewrite content while maintaining accuracy and reliability.

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Using Evidence: Effective Paraphrasing Strategies

Effective paraphrasing strategies.

If you are having trouble paraphrasing a text effectively, try following these steps:

  • Reread the original passage you wish to paraphrase, looking up any words you do not recognize, until you think you understand the full meaning of and intention behind the author's words.
  • Next, cover or hide the passage. Once the passage is hidden from view, write out the author's idea, in your own words, as if you were explaining it to your instructor or classmates.
Have I accurately addressed the author's ideas in a new way that is unique to my writing style and scholarly voice? Have I tried to replicate the author's idea or have I simply changed words around in his/her original sentence(s)?
  • Last, include a citation, which should contain the author's name, the year, and the page or paragraph number (if available), directly following your paraphrase.

Paraphrasing Sources Videos

  • Paraphrasing Strategies Video
  • Paraphrasing Process Demonstration Video

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8 Key Points: Discuss the Importance of Paraphrasing

Table of Contents

It is necessary to discuss the importance of paraphrasing because it is a skill that students need to write clear and precise writings.

When people write, they often use information from published sources to learn something new. This is an essential part of research. Paraphrasing is a useful tool to find new and unique ways to get a message across .

Plagiarizing a text that already exists while claiming to add new information is one of the worst things anyone can do. That’s why it’s important to learn how to make your content or text that isn’t copied. 

This article will answer the question “What is paraphrasing?” and tell you why it’s important. Let’s jump in!

It is necessary to discuss the important of paraphrasing because it is a skill.

Can We Discuss the Importance of Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is the process of taking what the original author has written or said and putting it in your own words . Paraphrasing helps you write in your style and focus on the most crucial text elements.

If you use someone else’s idea in an essay, you must credit the person who came up with it.

To discuss the importance of paraphrasing is to show that creativity and originality are not all that make good writing.

Eight Important Reasons to Paraphrase

Without further ado, here are some of the top notch reasons why we paraphrase:

1. Enhances Memory Performance

People tend to forget a lot of things. Our brains can only hold so many memories before they start to discard old information to make room for new ones.

We write to make sure we don’t forget. Notes are taken in class to help us remember all the essential things we have learned. No matter how well we listen and understand, we are bound to forget some things.

The exciting thing is that we don’t write down what we hear word for word. Instead, we take notes by using our own words and phrases.

Our subconscious mind knows that altering phrases gets our brains active, therefore writing them in our way helps us remember them.

And that’s the divine power of paraphrasing. It helps us remember things that we might forget otherwise.

2. Organizes the Mind

A person needs to be able to figure out what he’s thinking to put it into words. But the words that come to mind aren’t always the best ones. It’s essential to change how we say things to make ourselves and what we mean more explicit.

Paraphrasing helps us write our thoughts more clearly. We organize our minds first to communicate our ideas and researched works in writing.

3. to Drive Home the Point

Students get involved in a lot of debates. Debating is a game of wordplay. If you use the right words correctly, it’s easier for you to win.

So, you need to know how to back up your argument with the right words. Precise, well-chosen terms give our line of argument more strength.

4. Acts As a Confidence Booster

We feel like we’ve done something good when we say things more clearly. This is true both when we speak and when we write. Making the notes in our way also makes us feel like we have more freedom to say what we want.

Writing well gives you a way to put your thoughts to rest and helps logical reasoning. You can use the rewording method to work on your writing and improve it.

5. Enhances Good Communication

Writing helps people talk to each other better. When you write, you can choose your words more carefully than you would if you just said them without thinking. If you keep using the restatement technique, you will notice a clear difference in how you talk.

A well-written CV, email, etc., can go a long way toward making sure your point gets across.

6. Decreases the Need for Quotes

Quotes are an excellent way to get specific information across, but too many of them can make text boring and repetitive.

Quotes may also indicate that one doesn’t understand the original document well enough. By paraphrasing a text, a writer cuts down on the number of quotes in their work, making it easier to read.

7. Puts an Argument in Its Proper Place

You can set the stage for your ideas when you paraphrase. When you rework another author’s words, you can guide the reader and frame your argument. So, a reader can see how an idea or concept has changed from one author or setting to another.

8. Shortens a Long Read

Paraphrasing is a great way to cut out fluff in a piece of writing into a few lines or pages. When paraphrasing, we go straight to the primary idea and aim and do not utilize extraneous language.

Paraphrasing is a means to summarize or re-create what has already been said and written. When done well, paraphrasing adds value to the original text and encourages deeper thought .

8 Key Points: Discuss the Importance of Paraphrasing

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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7 Reasons Why Paraphrasing is Important in Writing

Last Updated July 26, 2023 By Subhash D Leave a Comment

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Paraphrasing is a technique that many writers use in order to make sure they are accurately representing what the original author was trying to say. But why is it important? There are 7 reasons why paraphrasing is important in writing, and we will go over each one of them today.

1 Paraphrasing Helps you Avoid Plagiarism

The most obvious reason why paraphrasing is important in writing is that it keeps you from accidentally plagiarizing someone else’s work while still being able to get your point across. It also prevents any legal issues if someone decides to sue for copyright infringement.

2 Paraphrasing Lets you focus on Ideas Instead of Words

When you’re paraphrasing someone else’s work, you’re not just copying and pasting it word for word. You’re taking the main points and putting them into your own words, which helps you to better understand the original author’s ideas. This also makes your writing sound more natural as if it came from you instead of someone else. Of course, paraphrasing can be hard to get good at first. If there are any problems after paraphrasing the content and the result doesn’t meet your needs, you can always contact paperwriter and get a 100% perfect essay done for you.”

3 Paraphrasing allows you to clarify your ideas.

When you paraphrase, you are forced to reword the original passage in your own words. This can help you to better understand the point that was made and improve your own writing. In addition, clarifying your ideas can help your readers follow along more easily.

Paraphrasing is an important tool for writers of all levels. Whether you are a student writing a paper or a professional author, paraphrasing can help you to produce clear, concise, and accurate writing. By following these tips, you can learn how to paraphrase effectively and use this skill to improve your writing skills.

4 Paraphrasing is a Way to Avoid Plagiarism without Extensive Research

In order to paraphrase, you have to use your own words and ideas. That means that the reader will only be getting information from one person’s perspective instead of several sources’ opinions. In an academic setting, this helps prevent plagiarism since there are completely different ways in which a text can be plagiarized.

The most common way to plagiarize is to take passages from other sources and insert them into your own paper without giving credit to the original author. This type of plagiarism is easily avoided by paraphrasing because you are putting the information in your own words, which means that it’s not a direct copy.

5 It Makes Your Writing Better

Paraphrasing your sentences in the correct way will make you a better writer. You can avoid errors that are very common when it comes to paraphrased content. When doing this, be sure to find reliable sources for everything you claim in your article because readers want the truth! Don’t forget about people who are learning English; they will appreciate your well-written content. Writing an admission essay can be a challenge and if you are not confident to write it yourself, you must look for an admission essay writing service online.

If you paraphrase correctly, you also make sure that the original message is communicated as intended. This is very important, especially if you are writing for a specific audience or client.

6 It Prevents Plagiarism

What happens when you paraphrase something incorrectly? You run the risk of plagiarizing! Plagiarism is never okay, and it can even be taken very seriously in certain industries. For example, students who are found guilty of plagiarizing may suffer consequences such as suspension or expulsion from their college or university.

7 Speed and time

Paraphrasing is a very good way to write quickly. This means that you can use this skill when writing essays or papers in class, as well as reports for your job. You will be able to complete these types of tasks much faster if you know how to paraphrase effectively than if you don’t!

Why do You Need to Paraphrase?

There are many reasons why you want to paraphrase in writing. Paraphrasing helps improve the quality of your research paper and ensures that all sources used throughout your work can be cited accordingly. You also need to paraphrase when plagiarism is a concern, or if there is any risk involved for using quotes from another source without giving proper credit.

Writing is the most important skill to have in today’s world. It helps you with your job, education, and life! Paraphrasing lets others know what you are thinking without losing any of your original thoughts or ideas. If this sounds like something that may interest you, check out our blog post on how paraphrasing can help improve writing skills by click here for paragraph checker . This is a very useful tool for many people who want their opinions heard but don’t always feel comfortable speaking up about them.

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About Subhash D

A tech-enthusiast, Subhash is a Graduate Engineer and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. Founder of it4nextgen, he has spent more than 20 years in the IT industry.

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Reflecting and Paraphrasing

Part of the ‘art of listening’ is making sure that the client knows their story is being listened to.

This is achieved by the helper/counsellor repeating back to the client parts of their story. This known as paraphrasing .

Reflecting is showing the client that you have ‘heard’ not only what is being said, but also what feelings and emotions the client is experiencing when sharing their story with you .

This is sometimes known in counselling ‘speak ‘as the music behind the words .

The counselling skill of paraphrasing is repeating back to the client parts of their story

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Click here to download your Paraphrasing in Counselling handout

It is like holding up a mirror to the client; repeating what they have said shows the client they have your full attention. It also allows the client to make sure you fully understood them; if not, they can correct you.

Reflecting and paraphrasing should not only contain what is being said but what emotion or feeling the client is expressing.

Let’s look at an example:

Client (Mohammed): My ex-wife phoned me yesterday; she told me that our daughter Nafiza (who is only 9) is very ill after a car accident. I am feeling very scared for her. They live in France, so I am going to have to travel to see her, and now I have been made redundant, I don’t know how I can afford to go.

Reflecting skill in counselling is showing you understand what the client said as well as the emotions it brings up for the client

Counsellor: So, Mohammed, you have had some bad news about your little girl, who has been involved in an accident. You are frightened for her and also have worries over money now you have lost your job.

Client: Yes, yes ... that’s right.

Notice that the counsellor does not offer advice or start asking how long Mohammed and his wife have been separated, but reflects the emotion of what is said : ‘frightened' and 'worries'.

Reflecting and paraphrasing are the first skills we learn as helpers, and they remain the most useful.

To build a trusting relationship with a helper, the client needs not only to be ‘listened to' but also to be heard and valued as a person.

"Reflecting and paraphrasing should not only contain what is being said but what emotion or feeling the client is expressing."

Definition of Reflection in Counselling

Reflection in counselling is like holding up a mirror: repeating the client’s words back to them exactly as they said them.

You might reflect back the whole sentence, or you might select a few words – or even one single word – from what the client has brought.

I often refer to reflection as ‘the lost skill’ because when I watch counselling students doing simulated skill sessions, or listen to their recordings from placement (where clients have consented to this), I seldom see reflection being used as a skill. This is a pity, as reflection can be very powerful.

When we use the skill of reflection, we are looking to match the tone, the feeling of the words, and the client’s facial expression or body language as they spoke .

For example, they might have hunched their shoulders as they said, ‘I was so scared; I didn’t know what to do.’

We might reflect that back by hunching our own shoulders, mirroring their body language while also saying ‘I felt so scared; I didn’t know what to do.’

Using Reflection to Clarify Our Understanding

We can also use reflection to clarify our understanding, instead of using a question.

For example, suppose the client says:

‘My husband and my father are fighting. I’m really angry with him.’

For me to be in the client’s frame of reference, I need to know whether ‘him’ refers to the husband or the father. So I might reflect back the word ‘ him ’  with a quizzical look.

The client might then respond:

‘Yeah, my dad. He really gets to me when he is non-accepting.’

So you can get clarification in this way. You can adjust where you are to make sure that the empathic bond is strong and that you are truly within the client’s frame of reference.

"When we use the skill of reflection, we are looking to match the tone, the feeling of the words, and the client’s facial expression or body language as they spoke".

Definition of Paraphrasing in Counselling

Paraphrasing is repeating back your understanding of the material that has been brought by the client, using your own words.

A paraphrase reflects the essence of what has been said .

We all use paraphrasing in our everyday lives. If you look at your studies to become a counsellor or psychotherapist, you paraphrase in class.

Maybe your lecturer brings a body of work, and you listen and make notes: you’re paraphrasing as you distill this down to what you feel is important.

How Paraphrasing Builds Empathy

How does paraphrasing affect the client-counsellor relationship?

First of all, it helps the client to feel both heard and understood. The client brings their material, daring to share that with you.

And you show that you’re listening by giving them a little portion of that back – the part that feels the most important. You paraphrase it down.

And if you do that accurately and correctly, and it matches where the client is, the client is going to recognise that and to feel heard: ‘ Finally, somebody is there really listening, really understanding what it is that I am bringing.’

This keys right into empathy, because it’s about building that empathic relationship with the client. And empathy is not a one-way transaction .

..."Empathy [is] the ability to ‘perceive the internal frame of reference of another with accuracy and with the emotional components and meanings which pertain thereto as if one were the person, but without ever losing the 'as if' conditions." Carl Rogers (1959, pp. 210–211)

In other words, we walk in somebody’s shoes as if their reality is our reality – but of course it’s not our reality, and that’s where the ‘as if’ comes in.

I’ve heard this rather aptly described as ‘walking in the client’s shoes, but keeping our socks on’!

Empathy is a two-way transaction – that is, it’s not enough for us to be 100% in the client’s frame of reference , understanding their true feelings; the client must also perceive that we understand .

When the client feels at some level that they have been understood, then the empathy circle is complete.

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Trump Has Long Been Known as a Micromanager. Prosecutors Are Using It Against Him.

Witnesses have described the former president monitoring the minutiae of his business, a portrait prosecutors are drawing to help convince the jury that he couldn’t have helped but oversee a hush-money payment to avoid a damaging story.

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Donald Trump stands close to the camera as he talks outdoors in Manhattan.

By Jonah E. Bromwich ,  Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan

At Donald J. Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial, his lawyers have insisted he had “nothing to do” with any of the felony charges against him.

But testimony from prosecution witnesses over the last several weeks has called that argument into question, underscoring that Mr. Trump can be obsessive about two all-important aspects of his work: Anything having to do with the media, and anything having to do with his money.

The 34 documents at the heart of the prosecution’s case relate to both obsessions.

The Manhattan district attorney says Mr. Trump orchestrated the disguise of 11 checks, 11 invoices and 12 ledger entries to continue the cover-up of a damaging story, paying his former fixer $420,000 in the process. And the testimony about Mr. Trump’s management style could play a central role as prosecutors seek to convince the jury that there is no world in which Mr. Trump was not tracking the outflow of cash from his accounts.

The prosecutors’ strategy illustrates the risk of a criminal trial for Mr. Trump, one of the most famous men in the world, whose character and habits are familiar even to those who have not tracked his every move. The Manhattan district attorney’s office has accused him of orchestrating the falsification of the 34 documents to cover up a hush-money payment to a porn star, Stormy Daniels.

David Pecker, the former publisher of The National Enquirer and the trial’s first witness, worked with Mr. Trump for decades, the two men trading favors as each sought to make headlines. Asked about Mr. Trump’s qualities as a businessman, Mr. Pecker described him “as a micromanager from what I saw,” adding that “he looked at all of the aspects of whatever the issue was.”

The prosecutor questioning Mr. Pecker next asked about Mr. Trump’s approach to money. “He was very cautious and very frugal,” Mr. Pecker replied.

The prosecutors have a mountain of documentary evidence, but none of it directly links Mr. Trump himself to the scheme. Yet witness after witness has emphasized some of the former president’s most famous characteristics — some of which Mr. Trump himself has promoted for decades — eliciting a portrait of a man who prosecutors contend could not have helped but oversee a hush-money payment to avoid a damaging story.

It is unclear whether jurors will accept that narrative. Only one witness, the former fixer, Michael D. Cohen, is expected to testify to having direct knowledge of Mr. Trump instructing his underlings to falsify documents. And one employee, Deborah Tarasoff, has said that Mr. Trump did not oversee her work closely, testifying that he typically acted through at least two layers of middle management.

But the courtroom has already heard, from old friends and former employees, about the way Mr. Trump’s tendencies informed the culture of his company, the Trump Organization, where he first honed his management style.

Hope Hicks, a former spokeswoman for Mr. Trump, described it in her testimony as a “very big and successful company.” But she noted that it was “really run like a small family business.”

“Everybody that works there,” she said, “in some sense reports to Mr. Trump.”

Ms. Tarasoff’s former manager, Jeffrey McConney, told a story that may have pleased prosecutors. He said that early in his career at the Trump Organization, he had walked into the boss’s office and Mr. Trump — in the midst of a phone conversation — had told him: “You’re fired.”

Once off the phone, Mr. McConney said, Mr. Trump had taken it back. But he had warned his new employee to watch the accounts closely, noting that the “cash balances went down last week.”

“He said, ‘Now focus on my bills,’” Mr. McConney recalled. “It was a teaching moment. Just because somebody is asking for money, negotiate with them, talk to them.” Don’t just hand the money over “mindlessly.”

Mr. McConney’s testimony was corroborated on Tuesday by an unusual witness: a past version of Mr. Trump himself.

Sally Franklin, a top editor for Penguin Random House, was called to the witness stand to read aloud passages from two of Mr. Trump’s books in which he described himself as a fastidious custodian monitoring the minutiae of his business.

“I always sign my checks, so I know where my money’s going,” he wrote in one of the excerpts read aloud in court. In another, Mr. Trump boasted of cashing a check for 50 cents, sent by Spy magazine as a prank. (Spy Magazine sent Mr. Trump minuscule checks in decreasing amounts, the lowest being 13 cents; none was for 50 cents.)

“They may call that cheap; I call it watching the bottom line,” he wrote in the book. “Every dollar counts in business, and for that matter, every dime. Penny pinching? You bet. I’m all for it.”

Prosecutors hope that it will be hard to imagine that author parting with $420,000 without good reason.

In interviews, former aides said that while Mr. Trump’s focus did not apply to everything, he was attuned to any element of his business or persona that the public might see, from visuals to advertising copy to press statements.

Jack O’Donnell, a former Trump casino executive, recalled Mr. Trump, late one night, admonishing a maintenance worker who was polishing the marble floors at one of the casinos — Mr. Trump told the worker he was using the wrong chemical. Alan Marcus, a former consultant for the Trump Organization, described Mr. Trump providing feedback on the language of a television commercial opposing a tunnel project by a casino rival in Atlantic City, and on taking the spots down when they became controversial.

Barbara Res, a former top Trump Organization executive who oversaw some of Mr. Trump’s most prominent construction projects, including Trump Tower, said that the boss didn’t have any real knowledge of high-rise construction before that project. But she said that when it came to specific superficial details, he often sought to impose his will.

That included insisting, in spite of building code requirements, that he didn’t want buttons in Braille in his elevators. “He said, ‘We won’t have handicapped people living in Trump Tower, so we don’t need that,’” she recalled. The architect working on the project overruled him.

Mr. Trump himself described this tendency in another book excerpt read in court, writing: “When you are working with a decorator, make sure you ask to see all of the invoices. Decorators are by nature honest people, but you should be double-checking regardless.”

Ms. Res described a culture where Mr. Trump’s desires were so well known that people would often do things to please him without him saying a word, paraphrasing a version of what Mr. Cohen has said.

“We knew Trump so well, he didn’t have to say anything, we knew what he wanted,” Ms. Res said. “I never did anything illegal and I stopped him from demolishing a building without a permit. But others did.”

There have also been indications during the trial of Mr. Trump’s tendency to insert himself — to micromanage — when the stakes are high. Ms. Hicks, the former spokeswoman, told a story that hinted at her former boss’s interest in the coordination of hush-money payments, even if he did not deign to involve himself directly.

At that time, Mr. Trump, famously, did not text. But Ms. Hicks did. On the stand, she described a text message that she had sent to Mr. Cohen on Nov. 5, 2016, days before the presidential election. Something had prompted her to ask Mr. Cohen for Mr. Pecker’s phone number — despite already having contact information for the publisher.

“I have it,” she told Mr. Cohen apologetically. “But Mr. Trump thinks it’s the wrong number.”

Jonah E. Bromwich covers criminal justice in New York, with a focus on the Manhattan district attorney’s office and state criminal courts in Manhattan. More about Jonah E. Bromwich

Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent reporting on the 2024 presidential campaign, down ballot races across the country and the investigations into former President Donald J. Trump. More about Maggie Haberman

Jonathan Swan is a political reporter covering the 2024 presidential election and Donald Trump’s campaign. More about Jonathan Swan

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

News and Analysis

Michael Cohen was paid to fix Donald Trump’s problems. Now, as he prepares to take the stand in Trump’s criminal trial, he’s one of them .

Ahead of Cohen’s testimony, Justice Juan Merchan told prosecutors to keep Cohen from speaking about the case .

Witnesses have described Trump monitoring the minutiae of his business , a portrait prosecutors are drawing to help convince the jury that he couldn’t have helped but oversee the hush-money payment.

More on Trump’s Legal Troubles

Key Inquiries: Trump faces several investigations  at both the state and the federal levels, into matters related to his business and political careers.

Case Tracker:  Keep track of the developments in the criminal cases  involving the former president.

What if Trump Is Convicted?: Could he go to prison ? And will any of the proceedings hinder Trump’s presidential campaign? Here is what we know , and what we don’t know .

Trump on Trial Newsletter: Sign up here  to get the latest news and analysis  on the cases in New York, Florida, Georgia and Washington, D.C.

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The abdication of two beauty queens hints at ugly truth about Miss USA

Arwa Mahdawi

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA were cryptic about resigning, but there’s no mistaking the misogyny at the heart of the brand

Scandal and secret messages at Miss USA

Drama is afoot in the pageant community, after both Miss USA and Miss Teen USA recently handed back their crowns and issued cryptic statements announcing their resignations.

On Monday, Noelia Voigt, who became the first Venezuelan American woman to win Miss USA in September 2023, posted a statement on Instagram saying she was stepping down for her “mental health”. According to armchair detectives , the message also contained a hidden cry for help; it was widely observed that the first letter of the first 11 sentences of Voigt’s resignation statement spelled out “I am silenced.”

“We need to listen carefully, because someone is trying to tell us something important,” the TikTok influencer AnnaNoel Olsen said in a viral video about Voigt’s post. “I can’t even imagine how many contracts, NDAs, all the things she is under. Her putting this in there was so someone would find out.”

There certainly seems to be something rotten going on at Miss USA. Within 48 hours of Voigt’s resignation, Miss Teen USA followed suit. In an Instagram post, Miss Teen USA, UmaSofia Srivastava, said her “personal values no longer fully align with the direction of [Miss USA]”.

While Voigt and Srivastava have both been tight-lipped about what’s going on, Claudia Michelle, who resigned from her role as Miss USA’s social media director last week, has been rather more open. In a statement posted on Instagram, Michelle noted that she hadn’t signed any contracts or NDAs so was “in the position to speak on what I have witnessed”. Which, to paraphrase Michelle, is a toxic and chaotic organization that didn’t pay her for the first two months or give her the tools needed to do her job. Michelle also insinuated that Miss USA and Miss Teen USA had been treated unprofessionally by the organization and said: “I disavow workplace toxicity and bullying of any kind.”

Miss USA has responded to Michelle’s claims by saying it was “troubled to hear the false accusations made by a former Miss USA employee”.

While it’s not entirely clear what’s going on at Miss USA, the suggestion that it might be a toxic work environment hardly comes as a huge surprise. For all the guff about the pageant celebrating more than just outer beauty and being some sort of women’s empowerment organization, it’s still very much about putting women’s bodies on show. It’s hard to escape misogyny when it’s very much the core of your brand.

This, of course, also isn’t the first time the beauty pageant world has been hit by scandal – they are a regular occurrence. Last year, for example, the global organizer of the Miss Universe beauty pageant cut ties with the Indonesia franchise after several claims of sexual harassment. Organizers allegedly asked contestants to strip to their underwear to check for “ scars and cellulite ”.

Donald Trump, who owned the Miss Universe Organization, which includes Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, from 1996 until 2015 , has also been accused of harassing contestants. A number of former Miss Teen USA contestants (some of whom were as young as 15 at the time) have said that Trump walked in on them while they were changing . Trump also publicly bragged about doing this sort of thing. “I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed,” Trump told Howard Stern . “No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant … and so I sort of get away with things like that.”

One reason that powerful men like Trump have been allowed to “get away with things like that” is because they know how to weaponize the law and use tools like non-disclosure agreements to shut down their victims. In recent years, spurred by the #MeToo movement, there has been a crackdown on the misuse of confidentiality clauses to protect the careers of abusers. There has been a lot of progress in this regard: including the Speak Out Act , a 2022 law limiting the enforcement of non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment disputes. Still, as the Miss USA scandal seems to show, victims of misogyny are still being silenced.

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On the Victorian custom of cutting mothers out of portraits

Lithub has a fascinating piece on this creepy practice and the way it relates to modern motherhood.

Missouri seems really wedded to child marriage

A bill to ban all child marriage has stalled thanks to – you guessed it – a bunch of family values-loving Republicans .

after newsletter promotion

Can AI usher in an age of ethical pornography?

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is thinking about letting users “responsibly” create artificial intelligence-generated pornography . Figuring out how to do this is quite the challenge.

Horrific new details emerge of ethnic cleansing in Darfur

Human Rights Watch has collated hundreds of witness statements describing atrocities by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan, including children being “piled up and shot”.

Louisiana university cancels graduation address by UN ambassador over Gaza

It really doesn’t matter if we have more minorities and women in positions of power, if those women then uphold an inequitable status quo. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, whose commencement address at Xavier University of Louisiana was cancelled after objections by outraged students , is a depressing example of this. The US ambassador to the UN will forever be remembered for raising her hand to veto ceasefire resolution after ceasefire resolution in Gaza – despite experts warning of famine and genocide – and talking about a “final solution”. On a more positive note, if you want to see an inspiring commencement speaker, go watch Dr Ruha Benjamin’s speech at Spelman College.

US rapper Macklemore releases a song called Hind’s Hall

Named for the six-year-old girl murdered in Gaza, all proceeds from the song go to support Unrwa. This isn’t the first time Macklemore has advocated for social causes: his 2012 track Same Love supported marriage equality and the rapper has also talked about his white privilege and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Female climate scientists wary of starting families

A fifth of the 97 female climate scientists who responded to an exclusive Guardian survey said they had opted not to have children or to have fewer children than they’d like in order to reduce their impact on the planet . Seven per cent of the 263 male scientists who responded said they had either no children or fewer than they would otherwise have had.

The week in pawtriarchy*

Looking to share your home with a feral goat? The mayor of Alicudi, a small island in Sicily’s beautiful Aeolian archipelago, has got you covered. There are about 600 goats roaming the island (a 6:1 goat-to-human ratio) and he’s been trying to give them away. Demand for the animals has now outstripped supply and the mayor’s next challenge is trying to find someone who can get a goat on a boat.

* I know that goats don’t have paws, they have cloven hooves, but just goat with it, OK?

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    Paraphrasing is a technique commonly used by writers to express the ideas of another author using their own words. In simple terms, it involves rephrasing and restating existing concepts from published sources. Paraphrasing has gained significant importance in content writing for various reasons.

  16. Academic Guides: Using Evidence: Effective Paraphrasing Strategies

    Effective Paraphrasing Strategies. If you are having trouble paraphrasing a text effectively, try following these steps: Reread the original passage you wish to paraphrase, looking up any words you do not recognize, until you think you understand the full meaning of and intention behind the author's words. Next, cover or hide the passage.

  17. 8 Key Points: Discuss the Importance of Paraphrasing

    It is necessary to discuss the importance of paraphrasing because it is a skill that students need to write clear and precise writings. When people write, they often use information from published sources to learn something new. This is an essential part of research. Paraphrasing is a useful tool to find new and unique ways to get a message across.

  18. 7 Reasons Why Paraphrasing is Important in Writing

    Paraphrasing is an important tool for writers of all levels. Whether you are a student writing a paper or a professional author, paraphrasing can help you to produce clear, concise, and accurate writing. By following these tips, you can learn how to paraphrase effectively and use this skill to improve your writing skills.

  19. Free Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrase text online, for free. The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool lets you rewrite as many sentences as you want—for free. 💶 100% free. Rephrase as many texts as you want. 🟢 No login. No registration needed. 📜 Sentences & paragraphs. Suitable for individual sentences or whole paragraphs. 🖍️ Choice of writing styles.

  20. Reflecting and Paraphrasing • Counselling Tutor

    How does paraphrasing affect the client-counsellor relationship? First of all, it helps the client to feel both heard and understood. The client brings their material, daring to share that with you. And you show that you're listening by giving them a little portion of that back - the part that feels the most important. You paraphrase it down.

  21. Paraphrasing Tool

    QuillBot's Paraphraser helps you write better, faster, and smarter. Our rewording tool is free and easy to use—with just the click of a button, the paraphrasing tool will rephrase your sentence, paragraph, essay, or article to your liking, with many options available to customize and perfect the reworded text. 😍 Improves.

  22. Trump Has Long Been Known as a Micromanager. Prosecutors Are Using It

    Witnesses have described the former president monitoring the minutiae of his business, a portrait prosecutors are drawing to help convince the jury that he couldn't have helped but oversee a ...

  23. The abdication of two beauty queens hints at ugly truth about Miss USA

    There certainly seems to be something rotten going on at Miss USA. Within 48 hours of Voigt's resignation, Miss Teen USA followed suit. In an Instagram post, Miss Teen USA, UmaSofia Srivastava ...