What is The Null Hypothesis & When Do You Reject The Null Hypothesis

Julia Simkus

Editor at Simply Psychology

BA (Hons) Psychology, Princeton University

Julia Simkus is a graduate of Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She is currently studying for a Master's Degree in Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness in September 2023. Julia's research has been published in peer reviewed journals.

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BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

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Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

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BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

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A null hypothesis is a statistical concept suggesting no significant difference or relationship between measured variables. It’s the default assumption unless empirical evidence proves otherwise.

The null hypothesis states no relationship exists between the two variables being studied (i.e., one variable does not affect the other).

The null hypothesis is the statement that a researcher or an investigator wants to disprove.

Testing the null hypothesis can tell you whether your results are due to the effects of manipulating ​ the dependent variable or due to random chance. 

How to Write a Null Hypothesis

Null hypotheses (H0) start as research questions that the investigator rephrases as statements indicating no effect or relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

It is a default position that your research aims to challenge or confirm.

For example, if studying the impact of exercise on weight loss, your null hypothesis might be:

There is no significant difference in weight loss between individuals who exercise daily and those who do not.

Examples of Null Hypotheses

Research QuestionNull Hypothesis
Do teenagers use cell phones more than adults?Teenagers and adults use cell phones the same amount.
Do tomato plants exhibit a higher rate of growth when planted in compost rather than in soil?Tomato plants show no difference in growth rates when planted in compost rather than soil.
Does daily meditation decrease the incidence of depression?Daily meditation does not decrease the incidence of depression.
Does daily exercise increase test performance?There is no relationship between daily exercise time and test performance.
Does the new vaccine prevent infections?The vaccine does not affect the infection rate.
Does flossing your teeth affect the number of cavities?Flossing your teeth has no effect on the number of cavities.

When Do We Reject The Null Hypothesis? 

We reject the null hypothesis when the data provide strong enough evidence to conclude that it is likely incorrect. This often occurs when the p-value (probability of observing the data given the null hypothesis is true) is below a predetermined significance level.

If the collected data does not meet the expectation of the null hypothesis, a researcher can conclude that the data lacks sufficient evidence to back up the null hypothesis, and thus the null hypothesis is rejected. 

Rejecting the null hypothesis means that a relationship does exist between a set of variables and the effect is statistically significant ( p > 0.05).

If the data collected from the random sample is not statistically significance , then the null hypothesis will be accepted, and the researchers can conclude that there is no relationship between the variables. 

You need to perform a statistical test on your data in order to evaluate how consistent it is with the null hypothesis. A p-value is one statistical measurement used to validate a hypothesis against observed data.

Calculating the p-value is a critical part of null-hypothesis significance testing because it quantifies how strongly the sample data contradicts the null hypothesis.

The level of statistical significance is often expressed as a  p  -value between 0 and 1. The smaller the p-value, the stronger the evidence that you should reject the null hypothesis.

Probability and statistical significance in ab testing. Statistical significance in a b experiments

Usually, a researcher uses a confidence level of 95% or 99% (p-value of 0.05 or 0.01) as general guidelines to decide if you should reject or keep the null.

When your p-value is less than or equal to your significance level, you reject the null hypothesis.

In other words, smaller p-values are taken as stronger evidence against the null hypothesis. Conversely, when the p-value is greater than your significance level, you fail to reject the null hypothesis.

In this case, the sample data provides insufficient data to conclude that the effect exists in the population.

Because you can never know with complete certainty whether there is an effect in the population, your inferences about a population will sometimes be incorrect.

When you incorrectly reject the null hypothesis, it’s called a type I error. When you incorrectly fail to reject it, it’s called a type II error.

Why Do We Never Accept The Null Hypothesis?

The reason we do not say “accept the null” is because we are always assuming the null hypothesis is true and then conducting a study to see if there is evidence against it. And, even if we don’t find evidence against it, a null hypothesis is not accepted.

A lack of evidence only means that you haven’t proven that something exists. It does not prove that something doesn’t exist. 

It is risky to conclude that the null hypothesis is true merely because we did not find evidence to reject it. It is always possible that researchers elsewhere have disproved the null hypothesis, so we cannot accept it as true, but instead, we state that we failed to reject the null. 

One can either reject the null hypothesis, or fail to reject it, but can never accept it.

Why Do We Use The Null Hypothesis?

We can never prove with 100% certainty that a hypothesis is true; We can only collect evidence that supports a theory. However, testing a hypothesis can set the stage for rejecting or accepting this hypothesis within a certain confidence level.

The null hypothesis is useful because it can tell us whether the results of our study are due to random chance or the manipulation of a variable (with a certain level of confidence).

A null hypothesis is rejected if the measured data is significantly unlikely to have occurred and a null hypothesis is accepted if the observed outcome is consistent with the position held by the null hypothesis.

Rejecting the null hypothesis sets the stage for further experimentation to see if a relationship between two variables exists. 

Hypothesis testing is a critical part of the scientific method as it helps decide whether the results of a research study support a particular theory about a given population. Hypothesis testing is a systematic way of backing up researchers’ predictions with statistical analysis.

It helps provide sufficient statistical evidence that either favors or rejects a certain hypothesis about the population parameter. 

Purpose of a Null Hypothesis 

  • The primary purpose of the null hypothesis is to disprove an assumption. 
  • Whether rejected or accepted, the null hypothesis can help further progress a theory in many scientific cases.
  • A null hypothesis can be used to ascertain how consistent the outcomes of multiple studies are.

Do you always need both a Null Hypothesis and an Alternative Hypothesis?

The null (H0) and alternative (Ha or H1) hypotheses are two competing claims that describe the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. They are mutually exclusive, which means that only one of the two hypotheses can be true. 

While the null hypothesis states that there is no effect in the population, an alternative hypothesis states that there is statistical significance between two variables. 

The goal of hypothesis testing is to make inferences about a population based on a sample. In order to undertake hypothesis testing, you must express your research hypothesis as a null and alternative hypothesis. Both hypotheses are required to cover every possible outcome of the study. 

What is the difference between a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis?

The alternative hypothesis is the complement to the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis states that there is no effect or no relationship between variables, while the alternative hypothesis claims that there is an effect or relationship in the population.

It is the claim that you expect or hope will be true. The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are always mutually exclusive, meaning that only one can be true at a time.

What are some problems with the null hypothesis?

One major problem with the null hypothesis is that researchers typically will assume that accepting the null is a failure of the experiment. However, accepting or rejecting any hypothesis is a positive result. Even if the null is not refuted, the researchers will still learn something new.

Why can a null hypothesis not be accepted?

We can either reject or fail to reject a null hypothesis, but never accept it. If your test fails to detect an effect, this is not proof that the effect doesn’t exist. It just means that your sample did not have enough evidence to conclude that it exists.

We can’t accept a null hypothesis because a lack of evidence does not prove something that does not exist. Instead, we fail to reject it.

Failing to reject the null indicates that the sample did not provide sufficient enough evidence to conclude that an effect exists.

If the p-value is greater than the significance level, then you fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Is a null hypothesis directional or non-directional?

A hypothesis test can either contain an alternative directional hypothesis or a non-directional alternative hypothesis. A directional hypothesis is one that contains the less than (“<“) or greater than (“>”) sign.

A nondirectional hypothesis contains the not equal sign (“≠”).  However, a null hypothesis is neither directional nor non-directional.

A null hypothesis is a prediction that there will be no change, relationship, or difference between two variables.

The directional hypothesis or nondirectional hypothesis would then be considered alternative hypotheses to the null hypothesis.

Gill, J. (1999). The insignificance of null hypothesis significance testing.  Political research quarterly ,  52 (3), 647-674.

Krueger, J. (2001). Null hypothesis significance testing: On the survival of a flawed method.  American Psychologist ,  56 (1), 16.

Masson, M. E. (2011). A tutorial on a practical Bayesian alternative to null-hypothesis significance testing.  Behavior research methods ,  43 , 679-690.

Nickerson, R. S. (2000). Null hypothesis significance testing: a review of an old and continuing controversy.  Psychological methods ,  5 (2), 241.

Rozeboom, W. W. (1960). The fallacy of the null-hypothesis significance test.  Psychological bulletin ,  57 (5), 416.

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Support or Reject Null Hypothesis in Easy Steps

What does it mean to reject the null hypothesis.

  • General Situations: P Value
  • P Value Guidelines
  • A Proportion
  • A Proportion (second example)

In many statistical tests, you’ll want to either reject or support the null hypothesis . For elementary statistics students, the term can be a tricky term to grasp, partly because the name “null hypothesis” doesn’t make it clear about what the null hypothesis actually is!

The null hypothesis can be thought of as a nullifiable hypothesis. That means you can nullify it, or reject it. What happens if you reject the null hypothesis? It gets replaced with the alternate hypothesis, which is what you think might actually be true about a situation. For example, let’s say you think that a certain drug might be responsible for a spate of recent heart attacks. The drug company thinks the drug is safe. The null hypothesis is always the accepted hypothesis; in this example, the drug is on the market, people are using it, and it’s generally accepted to be safe. Therefore, the null hypothesis is that the drug is safe. The alternate hypothesis — the one you want to replace the null hypothesis, is that the drug isn’t safe. Rejecting the null hypothesis in this case means that you will have to prove that the drug is not safe.

reject the null hypothesis

To reject the null hypothesis, perform the following steps:

Step 1: State the null hypothesis. When you state the null hypothesis, you also have to state the alternate hypothesis. Sometimes it is easier to state the alternate hypothesis first, because that’s the researcher’s thoughts about the experiment. How to state the null hypothesis (opens in a new window).

Step 2: Support or reject the null hypothesis . Several methods exist, depending on what kind of sample data you have. For example, you can use the P-value method. For a rundown on all methods, see: Support or reject the null hypothesis.

If you are able to reject the null hypothesis in Step 2, you can replace it with the alternate hypothesis.

That’s it!

When to Reject the Null hypothesis

Basically, you reject the null hypothesis when your test value falls into the rejection region . There are four main ways you’ll compute test values and either support or reject your null hypothesis. Which method you choose depends mainly on if you have a proportion or a p-value .

support or reject null hypothesis

Support or Reject the Null Hypothesis: Steps

Click the link the skip to the situation you need to support or reject null hypothesis for: General Situations: P Value P Value Guidelines A Proportion A Proportion (second example)

Support or Reject Null Hypothesis with a P Value

If you have a P-value , or are asked to find a p-value, follow these instructions to support or reject the null hypothesis. This method works if you are given an alpha level and if you are not given an alpha level. If you are given a confidence level , just subtract from 1 to get the alpha level. See: How to calculate an alpha level .

Step 1: State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis (“the claim”). If you aren’t sure how to do this, follow this link for How To State the Null and Alternate Hypothesis .

Step 2: Find the critical value . We’re dealing with a normally distributed population, so the critical value is a z-score . Use the following formula to find the z-score .

null hypothesis z formula

Click here if you want easy, step-by-step instructions for solving this formula.

Step 4: Find the P-Value by looking up your answer from step 3 in the z-table . To get the p-value, subtract the area from 1. For example, if your area is .990 then your p-value is 1-.9950 = 0.005. Note: for a two-tailed test , you’ll need to halve this amount to get the p-value in one tail.

Step 5: Compare your answer from step 4 with the α value given in the question. Should you support or reject the null hypothesis? If step 7 is less than or equal to α, reject the null hypothesis, otherwise do not reject it.

P-Value Guidelines

Use these general guidelines to decide if you should reject or keep the null:

If p value > .10 → “not significant ” If p value ≤ .10 → “marginally significant” If p value ≤ .05 → “significant” If p value ≤ .01 → “highly significant.”

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Support or Reject Null Hypothesis for a Proportion

Sometimes, you’ll be given a proportion of the population or a percentage and asked to support or reject null hypothesis. In this case you can’t compute a test value by calculating a z-score (you need actual numbers for that), so we use a slightly different technique.

Example question: A researcher claims that Democrats will win the next election. 4300 voters were polled; 2200 said they would vote Democrat. Decide if you should support or reject null hypothesis. Is there enough evidence at α=0.05 to support this claim?

Step 1: State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis (“the claim”) . H o :p ≤ 0.5 H 1 :p > .5


Step 3: Use the following formula to calculate your test value.

test value with a proportion

Where: Phat is calculated in Step 2 P the null hypothesis p value (.05) Q is 1 – p

The z-score is: .512 – .5 / √(.5(.5) / 4300)) = 1.57

Step 4: Look up Step 3 in the z-table to get .9418.

Step 5: Calculate your p-value by subtracting Step 4 from 1. 1-.9418 = .0582

Step 6: Compare your answer from step 5 with the α value given in the question . Support or reject the null hypothesis? If step 5 is less than α, reject the null hypothesis, otherwise do not reject it. In this case, .582 (5.82%) is not less than our α, so we do not reject the null hypothesis.

Support or Reject Null Hypothesis for a Proportion: Second example

Example question: A researcher claims that more than 23% of community members go to church regularly. In a recent survey, 126 out of 420 people stated they went to church regularly. Is there enough evidence at α = 0.05 to support this claim? Use the P-Value method to support or reject null hypothesis.

Step 1: State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis (“the claim”) . H o :p ≤ 0.23; H 1 :p > 0.23 (claim)

Step 3: Find ‘p’ by converting the stated claim to a decimal: 23% = 0.23. Also, find ‘q’ by subtracting ‘p’ from 1: 1 – 0.23 = 0.77.

Step 4: Use the following formula to calculate your test value.

HYPOTHESIS test value with a proportion

If formulas confuse you, this is asking you to:

  • Multiply p and q together, then divide by the number in the random sample. (0.23 x 0.77) / 420 = 0.00042
  • Take the square root of your answer to 2 . √( 0.1771) = 0. 0205
  • Divide your answer to 1. by your answer in 3. 0.07 / 0. 0205 = 3.41

Step 5: Find the P-Value by looking up your answer from step 5 in the z-table . The z-score for 3.41 is .4997. Subtract from 0.500: 0.500-.4997 = 0.003.

Step 6: Compare your P-value to α . Support or reject null hypothesis? If the P-value is less, reject the null hypothesis. If the P-value is more, keep the null hypothesis. 0.003 < 0.05, so we have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis and accept the claim.

Note: In Step 5, I’m using the z-table on this site to solve this problem. Most textbooks have the right of z-table . If you’re seeing .9997 as an answer in your textbook table, then your textbook has a “whole z” table, in which case don’t subtract from .5, subtract from 1. 1-.9997 = 0.003.

Check out our Youtube channel for video tips!

Everitt, B. S.; Skrondal, A. (2010), The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics , Cambridge University Press. Gonick, L. (1993). The Cartoon Guide to Statistics . HarperPerennial.

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5.5 Introduction to Hypothesis Tests

Dalmation puppy near man sitting on the floor.

One job of a statistician is to make statistical inferences about populations based on samples taken from the population. Confidence intervals are one way to estimate a population parameter.

Another way to make a statistical inference is to make a decision about a parameter. For instance, a car dealership advertises that its new small truck gets 35 miles per gallon on average. A tutoring service claims that its method of tutoring helps 90% of its students get an A or a B. A company says that female managers in their company earn an average of $60,000 per year. A statistician may want to make a decision about or evaluate these claims. A hypothesis test can be used to do this.

A hypothesis test involves collecting data from a sample and evaluating the data. Then the statistician makes a decision as to whether or not there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis based upon analyses of the data.

In this section, you will conduct hypothesis tests on single means when the population standard deviation is known.

Hypothesis testing consists of two contradictory hypotheses or statements, a decision based on the data, and a conclusion. To perform a hypothesis test, a statistician will perform some variation of these steps:

  • Define hypotheses.
  • Collect and/or use the sample data to determine the correct distribution to use.
  • Calculate test statistic.
  • Make a decision.
  • Write a conclusion.

Defining your hypotheses

The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses: the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints.

The null hypothesis ( H 0 ) is often a statement of the accepted historical value or norm. This is your starting point that you must assume from the beginning in order to show an effect exists.

The alternative hypothesis ( H a ) is a claim about the population that is contradictory to H 0 and what we conclude when we reject H 0 .

Since the null and alternative hypotheses are contradictory, you must examine evidence to decide if you have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis or not. The evidence is in the form of sample data.

After you have determined which hypothesis the sample supports, you make a decision . There are two options for a decision. They are “reject H 0 ” if the sample information favors the alternative hypothesis or “do not reject H 0 ” or “decline to reject H 0 ” if the sample information is insufficient to reject the null hypothesis.

The following table shows mathematical symbols used in H 0 and H a :

Figure 5.12: Null and alternative hypotheses
equal (=) not equal (≠) greater than (>) less than (<)
equal (=) less than (<)
equal (=) more than (>)

NOTE: H 0 always has a symbol with an equal in it. H a never has a symbol with an equal in it. The choice of symbol in the alternative hypothesis depends on the wording of the hypothesis test. Despite this, many researchers may use =, ≤, or ≥ in the null hypothesis. This practice is acceptable because our only decision is to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.

We want to test whether the mean GPA of students in American colleges is 2.0 (out of 4.0). The null hypothesis is: H 0 : μ = 2.0. What is the alternative hypothesis?

A medical trial is conducted to test whether or not a new medicine reduces cholesterol by 25%. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

Using the Sample to Test the Null Hypothesis

Once you have defined your hypotheses, the next step in the process is to collect sample data. In a classroom context, the data or summary statistics will usually be given to you.

Then you will have to determine the correct distribution to perform the hypothesis test, given the assumptions you are able to make about the situation. Right now, we are demonstrating these ideas in a test for a mean when the population standard deviation is known using the z distribution. We will see other scenarios in the future.

Calculating a Test Statistic

Next you will start evaluating the data. This begins with calculating your test statistic , which is a measure of the distance between what you observed and what you are assuming to be true. In this context, your test statistic, z ο , quantifies the number of standard deviations between the sample mean, x, and the population mean, µ . Calculating the test statistic is analogous to the previously discussed process of standardizing observations with z -scores:

z=\frac{\overline{x}-{\mu }_{o}}{\left(\frac{\sigma }{\sqrt{n}}\right)}

where µ o   is the value assumed to be true in the null hypothesis.

Making a Decision

Once you have your test statistic, there are two methods to use it to make your decision:

  • Critical value method (discussed further in later chapters)
  • p -value method (our current focus)

p -Value Method

To find a p -value , we use the test statistic to calculate the actual probability of getting the test result. Formally, the p -value is the probability that, if the null hypothesis is true, the results from another randomly selected sample will be as extreme or more extreme as the results obtained from the given sample.

A large p -value calculated from the data indicates that we should not reject the null hypothesis. The smaller the p -value, the more unlikely the outcome and the stronger the evidence is against the null hypothesis. We would reject the null hypothesis if the evidence is strongly against it.

Draw a graph that shows the p -value. The hypothesis test is easier to perform if you use a graph because you see the problem more clearly.

Suppose a baker claims that his bread height is more than 15 cm on average. Several of his customers do not believe him. To persuade his customers that he is right, the baker decides to do a hypothesis test. He bakes ten loaves of bread. The mean height of the sample loaves is 17 cm. The baker knows from baking hundreds of loaves of bread that the standard deviation for the height is 0.5 cm and the distribution of heights is normal.

The null hypothesis could be H 0 : μ ≤ 15.

The alternate hypothesis is H a : μ > 15.

The words “is more than” calls for the use of the > symbol, so “ μ > 15″ goes into the alternate hypothesis. The null hypothesis must contradict the alternate hypothesis.

\frac{\sigma }{\sqrt{n}}

Suppose the null hypothesis is true (the mean height of the loaves is no more than 15 cm). Then, is the mean height (17 cm) calculated from the sample unexpectedly large? The hypothesis test works by asking how unlikely the sample mean would be if the null hypothesis were true. The graph shows how far out the sample mean is on the normal curve. The p -value is the probability that, if we were to take other samples, any other sample mean would fall at least as far out as 17 cm.

This means that the p -value is the probability that a sample mean is the same or greater than 17 cm when the population mean is, in fact, 15 cm. We can calculate this probability using the normal distribution for means.

Normal distribution curve on average bread heights with values 15, as the population mean, and 17, as the point to determine the p-value, on the x-axis.

A p -value of approximately zero tells us that it is highly unlikely that a loaf of bread rises no more than 15 cm on average. That is, almost 0% of all loaves of bread would be at least as high as 17 cm purely by CHANCE had the population mean height really been 15 cm. Because the outcome of 17 cm is so unlikely (meaning it is happening NOT by chance alone), we conclude that the evidence is strongly against the null hypothesis that the mean height would be at most 15 cm. There is sufficient evidence that the true mean height for the population of the baker’s loaves of bread is greater than 15 cm.

A normal distribution has a standard deviation of one. We want to verify a claim that the mean is greater than 12. A sample of 36 is taken with a sample mean of 12.5.

Find the p -value.

Decision and Conclusion

A systematic way to decide whether to reject or not reject the null hypothesis is to compare the p -value and a preset or preconceived α (also called a significance level ). A preset α is the probability of a type I error (rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true). It may or may not be given to you at the beginning of the problem. If there is no given preconceived α , then use α = 0.05.

When you make a decision to reject or not reject H 0 , do as follows:

  • If α > p -value, reject H 0 . The results of the sample data are statistically significant . You can say there is sufficient evidence to conclude that H 0 is an incorrect belief and that the alternative hypothesis, H a , may be correct.
  • If α ≤ p -value, fail to reject H 0 . The results of the sample data are not significant. There is not sufficient evidence to conclude that the alternative hypothesis, H a , may be correct.

After you make your decision, write a thoughtful conclusion in the context of the scenario incorporating the hypotheses.

NOTE: When you “do not reject H 0 ,” it does not mean that you should believe that H 0 is true. It simply means that the sample data have failed to provide sufficient evidence to cast serious doubt about the truthfulness of H o .

When using the p -value to evaluate a hypothesis test, the following rhymes can come in handy:

If the p -value is low, the null must go.

If the p -value is high, the null must fly.

This memory aid relates a p -value less than the established alpha (“the p -value is low”) as rejecting the null hypothesis and, likewise, relates a p -value higher than the established alpha (“the p -value is high”) as not rejecting the null hypothesis.

Fill in the blanks:

  • Reject the null hypothesis when              .
  • The results of the sample data             .
  • Do not reject the null when hypothesis when             .

It’s a Boy Genetics Labs claim their procedures improve the chances of a boy being born. The results for a test of a single population proportion are as follows:

  • H 0 : p = 0.50, H a : p > 0.50
  • p -value = 0.025

Interpret the results and state a conclusion in simple, non-technical terms.

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Figure References

Figure 5.11: Alora Griffiths (2019). dalmatian puppy near man in blue shorts kneeling. Unsplash license. https://unsplash.com/photos/7aRQZtLsvqw

Figure 5.13: Kindred Grey (2020). Bread height probability. CC BY-SA 4.0.

A decision-making procedure for determining whether sample evidence supports a hypothesis

The claim that is assumed to be true and is tested in a hypothesis test

A working hypothesis that is contradictory to the null hypothesis

A measure of the difference between observations and the hypothesized (or claimed) value

The probability that an event will occur, assuming the null hypothesis is true

Probability that a true null hypothesis will be rejected, also known as type I error and denoted by α

Finding sufficient evidence that the observed effect is not just due to variability, often from rejecting the null hypothesis

Significant Statistics Copyright © 2024 by John Morgan Russell, OpenStaxCollege, OpenIntro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Hypothesis Testing (cont...)

Hypothesis testing, the null and alternative hypothesis.

In order to undertake hypothesis testing you need to express your research hypothesis as a null and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are statements regarding the differences or effects that occur in the population. You will use your sample to test which statement (i.e., the null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis) is most likely (although technically, you test the evidence against the null hypothesis). So, with respect to our teaching example, the null and alternative hypothesis will reflect statements about all statistics students on graduate management courses.

The null hypothesis is essentially the "devil's advocate" position. That is, it assumes that whatever you are trying to prove did not happen ( hint: it usually states that something equals zero). For example, the two different teaching methods did not result in different exam performances (i.e., zero difference). Another example might be that there is no relationship between anxiety and athletic performance (i.e., the slope is zero). The alternative hypothesis states the opposite and is usually the hypothesis you are trying to prove (e.g., the two different teaching methods did result in different exam performances). Initially, you can state these hypotheses in more general terms (e.g., using terms like "effect", "relationship", etc.), as shown below for the teaching methods example:

Null Hypotheses (H ): Undertaking seminar classes has no effect on students' performance.
Alternative Hypothesis (H ): Undertaking seminar class has a positive effect on students' performance.

Depending on how you want to "summarize" the exam performances will determine how you might want to write a more specific null and alternative hypothesis. For example, you could compare the mean exam performance of each group (i.e., the "seminar" group and the "lectures-only" group). This is what we will demonstrate here, but other options include comparing the distributions , medians , amongst other things. As such, we can state:

Null Hypotheses (H ): The mean exam mark for the "seminar" and "lecture-only" teaching methods is the same in the population.
Alternative Hypothesis (H ): The mean exam mark for the "seminar" and "lecture-only" teaching methods is not the same in the population.

Now that you have identified the null and alternative hypotheses, you need to find evidence and develop a strategy for declaring your "support" for either the null or alternative hypothesis. We can do this using some statistical theory and some arbitrary cut-off points. Both these issues are dealt with next.

Significance levels

The level of statistical significance is often expressed as the so-called p -value . Depending on the statistical test you have chosen, you will calculate a probability (i.e., the p -value) of observing your sample results (or more extreme) given that the null hypothesis is true . Another way of phrasing this is to consider the probability that a difference in a mean score (or other statistic) could have arisen based on the assumption that there really is no difference. Let us consider this statement with respect to our example where we are interested in the difference in mean exam performance between two different teaching methods. If there really is no difference between the two teaching methods in the population (i.e., given that the null hypothesis is true), how likely would it be to see a difference in the mean exam performance between the two teaching methods as large as (or larger than) that which has been observed in your sample?

So, you might get a p -value such as 0.03 (i.e., p = .03). This means that there is a 3% chance of finding a difference as large as (or larger than) the one in your study given that the null hypothesis is true. However, you want to know whether this is "statistically significant". Typically, if there was a 5% or less chance (5 times in 100 or less) that the difference in the mean exam performance between the two teaching methods (or whatever statistic you are using) is as different as observed given the null hypothesis is true, you would reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Alternately, if the chance was greater than 5% (5 times in 100 or more), you would fail to reject the null hypothesis and would not accept the alternative hypothesis. As such, in this example where p = .03, we would reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. We reject it because at a significance level of 0.03 (i.e., less than a 5% chance), the result we obtained could happen too frequently for us to be confident that it was the two teaching methods that had an effect on exam performance.

Whilst there is relatively little justification why a significance level of 0.05 is used rather than 0.01 or 0.10, for example, it is widely used in academic research. However, if you want to be particularly confident in your results, you can set a more stringent level of 0.01 (a 1% chance or less; 1 in 100 chance or less).


One- and two-tailed predictions

When considering whether we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis, we need to consider the direction of the alternative hypothesis statement. For example, the alternative hypothesis that was stated earlier is:

Alternative Hypothesis (H ): Undertaking seminar classes has a positive effect on students' performance.

The alternative hypothesis tells us two things. First, what predictions did we make about the effect of the independent variable(s) on the dependent variable(s)? Second, what was the predicted direction of this effect? Let's use our example to highlight these two points.

Sarah predicted that her teaching method (independent variable: teaching method), whereby she not only required her students to attend lectures, but also seminars, would have a positive effect (that is, increased) students' performance (dependent variable: exam marks). If an alternative hypothesis has a direction (and this is how you want to test it), the hypothesis is one-tailed. That is, it predicts direction of the effect. If the alternative hypothesis has stated that the effect was expected to be negative, this is also a one-tailed hypothesis.

Alternatively, a two-tailed prediction means that we do not make a choice over the direction that the effect of the experiment takes. Rather, it simply implies that the effect could be negative or positive. If Sarah had made a two-tailed prediction, the alternative hypothesis might have been:

Alternative Hypothesis (H ): Undertaking seminar classes has an effect on students' performance.

In other words, we simply take out the word "positive", which implies the direction of our effect. In our example, making a two-tailed prediction may seem strange. After all, it would be logical to expect that "extra" tuition (going to seminar classes as well as lectures) would either have a positive effect on students' performance or no effect at all, but certainly not a negative effect. However, this is just our opinion (and hope) and certainly does not mean that we will get the effect we expect. Generally speaking, making a one-tail prediction (i.e., and testing for it this way) is frowned upon as it usually reflects the hope of a researcher rather than any certainty that it will happen. Notable exceptions to this rule are when there is only one possible way in which a change could occur. This can happen, for example, when biological activity/presence in measured. That is, a protein might be "dormant" and the stimulus you are using can only possibly "wake it up" (i.e., it cannot possibly reduce the activity of a "dormant" protein). In addition, for some statistical tests, one-tailed tests are not possible.

Rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis

Let's return finally to the question of whether we reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

If our statistical analysis shows that the significance level is below the cut-off value we have set (e.g., either 0.05 or 0.01), we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Alternatively, if the significance level is above the cut-off value, we fail to reject the null hypothesis and cannot accept the alternative hypothesis. You should note that you cannot accept the null hypothesis, but only find evidence against it.

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Statistics By Jim

Making statistics intuitive

Hypothesis Testing: Uses, Steps & Example

By Jim Frost 4 Comments

What is Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing in statistics uses sample data to infer the properties of a whole population . These tests determine whether a random sample provides sufficient evidence to conclude an effect or relationship exists in the population. Researchers use them to help separate genuine population-level effects from false effects that random chance can create in samples. These methods are also known as significance testing.

Data analysts at work.

For example, researchers are testing a new medication to see if it lowers blood pressure. They compare a group taking the drug to a control group taking a placebo. If their hypothesis test results are statistically significant, the medication’s effect of lowering blood pressure likely exists in the broader population, not just the sample studied.

Using Hypothesis Tests

A hypothesis test evaluates two mutually exclusive statements about a population to determine which statement the sample data best supports. These two statements are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis . The following are typical examples:

  • Null Hypothesis : The effect does not exist in the population.
  • Alternative Hypothesis : The effect does exist in the population.

Hypothesis testing accounts for the inherent uncertainty of using a sample to draw conclusions about a population, which reduces the chances of false discoveries. These procedures determine whether the sample data are sufficiently inconsistent with the null hypothesis that you can reject it. If you can reject the null, your data favor the alternative statement that an effect exists in the population.

Statistical significance in hypothesis testing indicates that an effect you see in sample data also likely exists in the population after accounting for random sampling error , variability, and sample size. Your results are statistically significant when the p-value is less than your significance level or, equivalently, when your confidence interval excludes the null hypothesis value.

Conversely, non-significant results indicate that despite an apparent sample effect, you can’t be sure it exists in the population. It could be chance variation in the sample and not a genuine effect.

Learn more about Failing to Reject the Null .

5 Steps of Significance Testing

Hypothesis testing involves five key steps, each critical to validating a research hypothesis using statistical methods:

  • Formulate the Hypotheses : Write your research hypotheses as a null hypothesis (H 0 ) and an alternative hypothesis (H A ).
  • Data Collection : Gather data specifically aimed at testing the hypothesis.
  • Conduct A Test : Use a suitable statistical test to analyze your data.
  • Make a Decision : Based on the statistical test results, decide whether to reject the null hypothesis or fail to reject it.
  • Report the Results : Summarize and present the outcomes in your report’s results and discussion sections.

While the specifics of these steps can vary depending on the research context and the data type, the fundamental process of hypothesis testing remains consistent across different studies.

Let’s work through these steps in an example!

Hypothesis Testing Example

Researchers want to determine if a new educational program improves student performance on standardized tests. They randomly assign 30 students to a control group , which follows the standard curriculum, and another 30 students to a treatment group, which participates in the new educational program. After a semester, they compare the test scores of both groups.

Download the CSV data file to perform the hypothesis testing yourself: Hypothesis_Testing .

The researchers write their hypotheses. These statements apply to the population, so they use the mu (μ) symbol for the population mean parameter .

  • Null Hypothesis (H 0 ) : The population means of the test scores for the two groups are equal (μ 1 = μ 2 ).
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H A ) : The population means of the test scores for the two groups are unequal (μ 1 ≠ μ 2 ).

Choosing the correct hypothesis test depends on attributes such as data type and number of groups. Because they’re using continuous data and comparing two means, the researchers use a 2-sample t-test .

Here are the results.

Hypothesis testing results for the example.

The treatment group’s mean is 58.70, compared to the control group’s mean of 48.12. The mean difference is 10.67 points. Use the test’s p-value and significance level to determine whether this difference is likely a product of random fluctuation in the sample or a genuine population effect.

Because the p-value (0.000) is less than the standard significance level of 0.05, the results are statistically significant, and we can reject the null hypothesis. The sample data provides sufficient evidence to conclude that the new program’s effect exists in the population.


Hypothesis testing improves your effectiveness in making data-driven decisions. However, it is not 100% accurate because random samples occasionally produce fluky results. Hypothesis tests have two types of errors, both relating to drawing incorrect conclusions.

  • Type I error: The test rejects a true null hypothesis—a false positive.
  • Type II error: The test fails to reject a false null hypothesis—a false negative.

Learn more about Type I and Type II Errors .

Our exploration of hypothesis testing using a practical example of an educational program reveals its powerful ability to guide decisions based on statistical evidence. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or professional, understanding and applying these procedures can open new doors to discovering insights and making informed decisions. Let this tool empower your analytical endeavors as you navigate through the vast seas of data.

Learn more about the Hypothesis Tests for Various Data Types .

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hypothesis testing reject null

Reader Interactions

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June 10, 2024 at 10:51 am

Thank you, Jim, for another helpful article; timely too since I have started reading your new book on hypothesis testing and, now that we are at the end of the school year, my district is asking me to perform a number of evaluations on instructional programs. This is where my question/concern comes in. You mention that hypothesis testing is all about testing samples. However, I use all the students in my district when I make these comparisons. Since I am using the entire “population” in my evaluations (I don’t select a sample of third grade students, for example, but I use all 700 third graders), am I somehow misusing the tests? Or can I rest assured that my district’s student population is only a sample of the universal population of students?

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June 10, 2024 at 1:50 pm

I hope you are finding the book helpful!

Yes, the purpose of hypothesis testing is to infer the properties of a population while accounting for random sampling error.

In your case, it comes down to how you want to use the results. Who do you want the results to apply to?

If you’re summarizing the sample, looking for trends and patterns, or evaluating those students and don’t plan to apply those results to other students, you don’t need hypothesis testing because there is no sampling error. They are the population and you can just use descriptive statistics. In this case, you’d only need to focus on the practical significance of the effect sizes.

On the other hand, if you want to apply the results from this group to other students, you’ll need hypothesis testing. However, there is the complicating issue of what population your sample of students represent. I’m sure your district has its own unique characteristics, demographics, etc. Your district’s students probably don’t adequately represent a universal population. At the very least, you’d need to recognize any special attributes of your district and how they could bias the results when trying to apply them outside the district. Or they might apply to similar districts in your region.

However, I’d imagine your 3rd graders probably adequately represent future classes of 3rd graders in your district. You need to be alert to changing demographics. At least in the short run I’d imagine they’d be representative of future classes.

Think about how these results will be used. Do they just apply to the students you measured? Then you don’t need hypothesis tests. However, if the results are being used to infer things about other students outside of the sample, you’ll need hypothesis testing along with considering how well your students represent the other students and how they differ.

I hope that helps!

June 10, 2024 at 3:21 pm

Thank you so much, Jim, for the suggestions in terms of what I need to think about and consider! You are always so clear in your explanations!!!!

June 10, 2024 at 3:22 pm

You’re very welcome! Best of luck with your evaluations!

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Step-by-step guide to hypothesis testing in statistics

hypothesis testing in statistics

Hypothesis testing in statistics helps us use data to make informed decisions. It starts with an assumption or guess about a group or population—something we believe might be true. We then collect sample data to check if there is enough evidence to support or reject that guess. This method is useful in many fields, like science, business, and healthcare, where decisions need to be based on facts.

Learning how to do hypothesis testing in statistics step-by-step can help you better understand data and make smarter choices, even when things are uncertain. This guide will take you through each step, from creating your hypothesis to making sense of the results, so you can see how it works in practical situations.

What is Hypothesis Testing?

Table of Contents

Hypothesis testing is a method for determining whether data supports a certain idea or assumption about a larger group. It starts by making a guess, like an average or a proportion, and then uses a small sample of data to see if that guess seems true or not.

For example, if a company wants to know if its new product is more popular than its old one, it can use hypothesis testing. They start with a statement like “The new product is not more popular than the old one” (this is the null hypothesis) and compare it with “The new product is more popular” (this is the alternative hypothesis). Then, they look at customer feedback to see if there’s enough evidence to reject the first statement and support the second one.

Simply put, hypothesis testing is a way to use data to help make decisions and understand what the data is really telling us, even when we don’t have all the answers.

Importance Of Hypothesis Testing In Decision-Making And Data Analysis

Hypothesis testing is important because it helps us make smart choices and understand data better. Here’s why it’s useful:

  • Reduces Guesswork : It helps us see if our guesses or ideas are likely correct, even when we don’t have all the details.
  • Uses Real Data : Instead of just guessing, it checks if our ideas match up with real data, which makes our decisions more reliable.
  • Avoids Errors : It helps us avoid mistakes by carefully checking if our ideas are right so we don’t make costly errors.
  • Shows What to Do Next : It tells us if our ideas work or not, helping us decide whether to keep, change, or drop something. For example, a company might test a new ad and decide what to do based on the results.
  • Confirms Research Findings : It makes sure that research results are accurate and not just random chance so that we can trust the findings.

Here’s a simple guide to understanding hypothesis testing, with an example:

1. Set Up Your Hypotheses

Explanation: Start by defining two statements:

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): This is the idea that there is no change or effect. It’s what you assume is true.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): This is what you want to test. It suggests there is a change or effect.

Example: Suppose a company says their new batteries last an average of 500 hours. To check this:

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): The average battery life is 500 hours.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The average battery life is not 500 hours.

2. Choose the Test

Explanation: Pick a statistical test that fits your data and your hypotheses. Different tests are used for various kinds of data.

Example: Since you’re comparing the average battery life, you use a one-sample t-test .

3. Set the Significance Level

Explanation: Decide how much risk you’re willing to take if you make a wrong decision. This is called the significance level, often set at 0.05 or 5%.

Example: You choose a significance level of 0.05, meaning you’re okay with a 5% chance of being wrong.

4. Gather and Analyze Data

Explanation: Collect your data and perform the test. Calculate the test statistic to see how far your sample result is from what you assumed.

Example: You test 30 batteries and find they last an average of 485 hours. You then calculate how this average compares to the claimed 500 hours using the t-test.

5. Find the p-Value

Explanation: The p-value tells you the probability of getting a result as extreme as yours if the null hypothesis is true.

Example: You find a p-value of 0.0001. This means there’s a very small chance (0.01%) of getting an average battery life of 485 hours or less if the true average is 500 hours.

6. Make Your Decision

Explanation: Compare the p-value to your significance level. If the p-value is smaller, you reject the null hypothesis. If it’s larger, you do not reject it.

Example: Since 0.0001 is much less than 0.05, you reject the null hypothesis. This means the data suggests the average battery life is different from 500 hours.

7. Report Your Findings

Explanation: Summarize what the results mean. State whether you rejected the null hypothesis and what that implies.

Example: You conclude that the average battery life is likely different from 500 hours. This suggests the company’s claim might not be accurate.

Hypothesis testing is a way to use data to check if your guesses or assumptions are likely true. By following these steps—setting up your hypotheses, choosing the right test, deciding on a significance level, analyzing your data, finding the p-value, making a decision, and reporting results—you can determine if your data supports or challenges your initial idea.

Understanding Hypothesis Testing: A Simple Explanation

Hypothesis testing is a way to use data to make decisions. Here’s a straightforward guide:

1. What is the Null and Alternative Hypotheses?

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): This is your starting assumption. It says that nothing has changed or that there is no effect. It’s what you assume to be true until your data shows otherwise. Example: If a company says their batteries last 500 hours, the null hypothesis is: “The average battery life is 500 hours.” This means you think the claim is correct unless you find evidence to prove otherwise.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): This is what you want to find out. It suggests that there is an effect or a difference. It’s what you are testing to see if it might be true. Example: To test the company’s claim, you might say: “The average battery life is not 500 hours.” This means you think the average battery life might be different from what the company says.

2. One-Tailed vs. Two-Tailed Tests

  • One-Tailed Test: This test checks for an effect in only one direction. You use it when you’re only interested in finding out if something is either more or less than a specific value. Example: If you think the battery lasts longer than 500 hours, you would use a one-tailed test to see if the battery life is significantly more than 500 hours.
  • Two-Tailed Test: This test checks for an effect in both directions. Use this when you want to see if something is different from a specific value, whether it’s more or less. Example: If you want to see if the battery life is different from 500 hours, whether it’s more or less, you would use a two-tailed test. This checks for any significant difference, regardless of the direction.

3. Common Misunderstandings

  • Clarification: Hypothesis testing doesn’t prove that the null hypothesis is true. It just helps you decide if you should reject it. If there isn’t enough evidence against it, you don’t reject it, but that doesn’t mean it’s definitely true.
  • Clarification: A small p-value shows that your data is unlikely if the null hypothesis is true. It suggests that the alternative hypothesis might be right, but it doesn’t prove the null hypothesis is false.
  • Clarification: The significance level (alpha) is a set threshold, like 0.05, that helps you decide how much risk you’re willing to take for making a wrong decision. It should be chosen carefully, not randomly.
  • Clarification: Hypothesis testing helps you make decisions based on data, but it doesn’t guarantee your results are correct. The quality of your data and the right choice of test affect how reliable your results are.

Benefits and Limitations of Hypothesis Testing

  • Clear Decisions: Hypothesis testing helps you make clear decisions based on data. It shows whether the evidence supports or goes against your initial idea.
  • Objective Analysis: It relies on data rather than personal opinions, so your decisions are based on facts rather than feelings.
  • Concrete Numbers: You get specific numbers, like p-values, to understand how strong the evidence is against your idea.
  • Control Risk: You can set a risk level (alpha level) to manage the chance of making an error, which helps avoid incorrect conclusions.
  • Widely Used: It can be used in many areas, from science and business to social studies and engineering, making it a versatile tool.


  • Sample Size Matters: The results can be affected by the size of the sample. Small samples might give unreliable results, while large samples might find differences that aren’t meaningful in real life.
  • Risk of Misinterpretation: A small p-value means the results are unlikely if the null hypothesis is true, but it doesn’t show how important the effect is.
  • Needs Assumptions: Hypothesis testing requires certain conditions, like data being normally distributed . If these aren’t met, the results might not be accurate.
  • Simple Decisions: It often results in a basic yes or no decision without giving detailed information about the size or impact of the effect.
  • Can Be Misused: Sometimes, people misuse hypothesis testing, tweaking data to get a desired result or focusing only on whether the result is statistically significant.
  • No Absolute Proof: Hypothesis testing doesn’t prove that your hypothesis is true. It only helps you decide if there’s enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis, so the conclusions are based on likelihood, not certainty.

Final Thoughts 

Hypothesis testing helps you make decisions based on data. It involves setting up your initial idea, picking a significance level, doing the test, and looking at the results. By following these steps, you can make sure your conclusions are based on solid information, not just guesses.

This approach lets you see if the evidence supports or contradicts your initial idea, helping you make better decisions. But remember that hypothesis testing isn’t perfect. Things like sample size and assumptions can affect the results, so it’s important to be aware of these limitations.

In simple terms, using a step-by-step guide for hypothesis testing is a great way to better understand your data. Follow the steps carefully and keep in mind the method’s limits.

What is the difference between one-tailed and two-tailed tests?

 A one-tailed test assesses the probability of the observed data in one direction (either greater than or less than a certain value). In contrast, a two-tailed test looks at both directions (greater than and less than) to detect any significant deviation from the null hypothesis.

How do you choose the appropriate test for hypothesis testing?

The choice of test depends on the type of data you have and the hypotheses you are testing. Common tests include t-tests, chi-square tests, and ANOVA. You get more details about ANOVA, you may read Complete Details on What is ANOVA in Statistics ?  It’s important to match the test to the data characteristics and the research question.

What is the role of sample size in hypothesis testing?  

Sample size affects the reliability of hypothesis testing. Larger samples provide more reliable estimates and can detect smaller effects, while smaller samples may lead to less accurate results and reduced power.

Can hypothesis testing prove that a hypothesis is true?  

Hypothesis testing cannot prove that a hypothesis is true. It can only provide evidence to support or reject the null hypothesis. A result can indicate whether the data is consistent with the null hypothesis or not, but it does not prove the alternative hypothesis with certainty.

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  • Null and Alternative Hypotheses | Definitions & Examples

Null & Alternative Hypotheses | Definitions, Templates & Examples

Published on May 6, 2022 by Shaun Turney . Revised on June 22, 2023.

The null and alternative hypotheses are two competing claims that researchers weigh evidence for and against using a statistical test :

  • Null hypothesis ( H 0 ): There’s no effect in the population .
  • Alternative hypothesis ( H a or H 1 ) : There’s an effect in the population.

Table of contents

Answering your research question with hypotheses, what is a null hypothesis, what is an alternative hypothesis, similarities and differences between null and alternative hypotheses, how to write null and alternative hypotheses, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions.

The null and alternative hypotheses offer competing answers to your research question . When the research question asks “Does the independent variable affect the dependent variable?”:

  • The null hypothesis ( H 0 ) answers “No, there’s no effect in the population.”
  • The alternative hypothesis ( H a ) answers “Yes, there is an effect in the population.”

The null and alternative are always claims about the population. That’s because the goal of hypothesis testing is to make inferences about a population based on a sample . Often, we infer whether there’s an effect in the population by looking at differences between groups or relationships between variables in the sample. It’s critical for your research to write strong hypotheses .

You can use a statistical test to decide whether the evidence favors the null or alternative hypothesis. Each type of statistical test comes with a specific way of phrasing the null and alternative hypothesis. However, the hypotheses can also be phrased in a general way that applies to any test.

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hypothesis testing reject null

The null hypothesis is the claim that there’s no effect in the population.

If the sample provides enough evidence against the claim that there’s no effect in the population ( p ≤ α), then we can reject the null hypothesis . Otherwise, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Although “fail to reject” may sound awkward, it’s the only wording that statisticians accept . Be careful not to say you “prove” or “accept” the null hypothesis.

Null hypotheses often include phrases such as “no effect,” “no difference,” or “no relationship.” When written in mathematical terms, they always include an equality (usually =, but sometimes ≥ or ≤).

You can never know with complete certainty whether there is an effect in the population. Some percentage of the time, your inference about the population will be incorrect. When you incorrectly reject the null hypothesis, it’s called a type I error . When you incorrectly fail to reject it, it’s a type II error.

Examples of null hypotheses

The table below gives examples of research questions and null hypotheses. There’s always more than one way to answer a research question, but these null hypotheses can help you get started.

( )
Does tooth flossing affect the number of cavities? Tooth flossing has on the number of cavities. test:

The mean number of cavities per person does not differ between the flossing group (µ ) and the non-flossing group (µ ) in the population; µ = µ .

Does the amount of text highlighted in the textbook affect exam scores? The amount of text highlighted in the textbook has on exam scores. :

There is no relationship between the amount of text highlighted and exam scores in the population; β = 0.

Does daily meditation decrease the incidence of depression? Daily meditation the incidence of depression.* test:

The proportion of people with depression in the daily-meditation group ( ) is greater than or equal to the no-meditation group ( ) in the population; ≥ .

*Note that some researchers prefer to always write the null hypothesis in terms of “no effect” and “=”. It would be fine to say that daily meditation has no effect on the incidence of depression and p 1 = p 2 .

The alternative hypothesis ( H a ) is the other answer to your research question . It claims that there’s an effect in the population.

Often, your alternative hypothesis is the same as your research hypothesis. In other words, it’s the claim that you expect or hope will be true.

The alternative hypothesis is the complement to the null hypothesis. Null and alternative hypotheses are exhaustive, meaning that together they cover every possible outcome. They are also mutually exclusive, meaning that only one can be true at a time.

Alternative hypotheses often include phrases such as “an effect,” “a difference,” or “a relationship.” When alternative hypotheses are written in mathematical terms, they always include an inequality (usually ≠, but sometimes < or >). As with null hypotheses, there are many acceptable ways to phrase an alternative hypothesis.

Examples of alternative hypotheses

The table below gives examples of research questions and alternative hypotheses to help you get started with formulating your own.

Does tooth flossing affect the number of cavities? Tooth flossing has an on the number of cavities. test:

The mean number of cavities per person differs between the flossing group (µ ) and the non-flossing group (µ ) in the population; µ ≠ µ .

Does the amount of text highlighted in a textbook affect exam scores? The amount of text highlighted in the textbook has an on exam scores. :

There is a relationship between the amount of text highlighted and exam scores in the population; β ≠ 0.

Does daily meditation decrease the incidence of depression? Daily meditation the incidence of depression. test:

The proportion of people with depression in the daily-meditation group ( ) is less than the no-meditation group ( ) in the population; < .

Null and alternative hypotheses are similar in some ways:

  • They’re both answers to the research question.
  • They both make claims about the population.
  • They’re both evaluated by statistical tests.

However, there are important differences between the two types of hypotheses, summarized in the following table.

A claim that there is in the population. A claim that there is in the population.

Equality symbol (=, ≥, or ≤) Inequality symbol (≠, <, or >)
Rejected Supported
Failed to reject Not supported

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To help you write your hypotheses, you can use the template sentences below. If you know which statistical test you’re going to use, you can use the test-specific template sentences. Otherwise, you can use the general template sentences.

General template sentences

The only thing you need to know to use these general template sentences are your dependent and independent variables. To write your research question, null hypothesis, and alternative hypothesis, fill in the following sentences with your variables:

Does independent variable affect dependent variable ?

  • Null hypothesis ( H 0 ): Independent variable does not affect dependent variable.
  • Alternative hypothesis ( H a ): Independent variable affects dependent variable.

Test-specific template sentences

Once you know the statistical test you’ll be using, you can write your hypotheses in a more precise and mathematical way specific to the test you chose. The table below provides template sentences for common statistical tests.

( )

with two groups

The mean dependent variable does not differ between group 1 (µ ) and group 2 (µ ) in the population; µ = µ . The mean dependent variable differs between group 1 (µ ) and group 2 (µ ) in the population; µ ≠ µ .
with three groups The mean dependent variable does not differ between group 1 (µ ), group 2 (µ ), and group 3 (µ ) in the population; µ = µ = µ . The mean dependent variable of group 1 (µ ), group 2 (µ ), and group 3 (µ ) are not all equal in the population.
There is no correlation between independent variable and dependent variable in the population; ρ = 0. There is a correlation between independent variable and dependent variable in the population; ρ ≠ 0.
There is no relationship between independent variable and dependent variable in the population; β = 0. There is a relationship between independent variable and dependent variable in the population; β ≠ 0.
Two-proportions test The dependent variable expressed as a proportion does not differ between group 1 ( ) and group 2 ( ) in the population; = . The dependent variable expressed as a proportion differs between group 1 ( ) and group 2 ( ) in the population; ≠ .

Note: The template sentences above assume that you’re performing one-tailed tests . One-tailed tests are appropriate for most studies.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Measures of central tendency
  • Correlation coefficient


  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Types of interviews
  • Cohort study
  • Thematic analysis

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Survivorship bias
  • Availability heuristic
  • Nonresponse bias
  • Regression to the mean

Hypothesis testing is a formal procedure for investigating our ideas about the world using statistics. It is used by scientists to test specific predictions, called hypotheses , by calculating how likely it is that a pattern or relationship between variables could have arisen by chance.

Null and alternative hypotheses are used in statistical hypothesis testing . The null hypothesis of a test always predicts no effect or no relationship between variables, while the alternative hypothesis states your research prediction of an effect or relationship.

The null hypothesis is often abbreviated as H 0 . When the null hypothesis is written using mathematical symbols, it always includes an equality symbol (usually =, but sometimes ≥ or ≤).

The alternative hypothesis is often abbreviated as H a or H 1 . When the alternative hypothesis is written using mathematical symbols, it always includes an inequality symbol (usually ≠, but sometimes < or >).

A research hypothesis is your proposed answer to your research question. The research hypothesis usually includes an explanation (“ x affects y because …”).

A statistical hypothesis, on the other hand, is a mathematical statement about a population parameter. Statistical hypotheses always come in pairs: the null and alternative hypotheses . In a well-designed study , the statistical hypotheses correspond logically to the research hypothesis.

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Turney, S. (2023, June 22). Null & Alternative Hypotheses | Definitions, Templates & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 4, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/statistics/null-and-alternative-hypotheses/

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hypothesis testing reject null

If you want to understand why hypothesis testing works, you should first have an idea about the significance level and the reject region . We assume you already know what a hypothesis is , so let’s jump right into the action.

What Is the Significance Level?

First, we must define the term significance level .

Normally, we aim to reject the null if it is false.

Significance level

However, as with any test, there is a small chance that we could get it wrong and reject a null hypothesis that is true.

Error, significance level

How Is the Significance Level Denoted?

The significance level is denoted by α and is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis , if it is true.

α and is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis, significance level

So, the probability of making this error.

Typical values for α are 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1. It is a value that we select based on the certainty we need. In most cases, the choice of α is determined by the context we are operating in, but 0.05 is the most commonly used value.

Most common, significance level

A Case in Point

Say, we need to test if a machine is working properly. We would expect the test to make little or no mistakes. As we want to be very precise, we should pick a low significance level such as 0.01.

The famous Coca Cola glass bottle is 12 ounces. If the machine pours 12.1 ounces, some of the liquid would be spilled, and the label would be damaged as well. So, in certain situations, we need to be as accurate as possible.

Significance level: Coca Cola example

Higher Degree of Error

However, if we are analyzing humans or companies, we would expect more random or at least uncertain behavior. Hence, a higher degree of error.

You expect more random behavior, significance level

For instance, if we want to predict how much Coca Cola its consumers drink on average, the difference between 12 ounces and 12.1 ounces will not be that crucial. So, we can choose a higher significance level like 0.05 or 0.1.

The difference between 12 and 12.1, significance level

Hypothesis Testing: Performing a Z-Test

Now that we have an idea about the significance level , let’s get to the mechanics of hypothesis testing.

Imagine you are consulting a university and want to carry out an analysis on how students are performing on average.

How students are performing on average, significance-level

The university dean believes that on average students have a GPA of 70%. Being the data-driven researcher that you are, you can’t simply agree with his opinion, so you start testing.

The null hypothesis is: The population mean grade is 70%.

This is a hypothesized value.

The alternative hypothesis is: The population mean grade is not 70%. You can see how both of them are denoted, below.

University Dean example: Null hypothesis equals the population mean

Visualizing the Grades

Assuming that the population of grades is normally distributed, all grades received by students should look in the following way.

Distribution of grades, significance level

That is the true population mean .

Performing a Z-test

Now, a test we would normally perform is the Z-test . The formula is:

Z equals the sample mean , minus the hypothesized mean , divided by the standard error .

Z equals the sample mean, minus the hypothesized mean, divided by the standard error, significance level

The idea is the following.

We are standardizing or scaling the sample mean we got. (You can quickly obtain it with our Mean, Median, Mode calculator .) If the sample mean is close enough to the hypothesized mean , then Z will be close to 0. Otherwise, it will be far away from it. Naturally, if the sample mean is exactly equal to the hypothesized mean , Z will be 0.

If the sample mean is exactly equal to the hypothesized mean, Z will be 0, significance level

In all these cases, we would accept the null hypothesis .

What Is the Rejection Region?

The question here is the following:

How big should Z be for us to reject the null hypothesis ?

Well, there is a cut-off line. Since we are conducting a two-sided or a two-tailed test, there are two cut-off lines, one on each side.

Distribution of Z (standard normal distribution), significance level

When we calculate Z , we will get a value. If this value falls into the middle part, then we cannot reject the null. If it falls outside, in the shaded region, then we reject the null hypothesis .

That is why the shaded part is called: rejection region , as you can see below.

Rejection region, significance level

What Does the Rejection Region Depend on?

The area that is cut-off actually depends on the significance level .

Say the level of significance , α , is 0.05. Then we have α divided by 2, or 0.025 on the left side and 0.025 on the right side.

The level of significance, α, is 0.05. Then we have α divided by 2, or 0.025 on the left side and 0.025 on the right side

Now these are values we can check from the z-table . When α is 0.025, Z is 1.96. So, 1.96 on the right side and minus 1.96 on the left side.

Therefore, if the value we get for Z from the test is lower than minus 1.96, or higher than 1.96, we will reject the null hypothesis . Otherwise, we will accept it.

One-sided test: Z score is 1.96

That’s more or less how hypothesis testing works.

We scale the sample mean with respect to the hypothesized value. If Z is close to 0, then we cannot reject the null. If it is far away from 0, then we reject the null hypothesis .

How does hypothesis testing work?

Example of One Tailed Test

What about one-sided tests? We have those too!

Let’s consider the following situation.

Paul says data scientists earn more than $125,000. So, H 0 is: μ 0 is bigger than $125,000.

The alternative is that μ 0 is lower or equal to 125,000.

Using the same significance level , this time, the whole rejection region is on the left. So, the rejection region has an area of α . Looking at the z-table, that corresponds to a Z -score of 1.645. Since it is on the left, it is with a minus sign.

One-sided test: Z score is 1.645

Accept or Reject

Now, when calculating our test statistic Z , if we get a value lower than -1.645, we would reject the null hypothesis . We do that because we have statistical evidence that the data scientist salary is less than $125,000. Otherwise, we would accept it.

One-sided test: Z score is - 1.645 - rejecting null hypothesis

Another One-Tailed Test

To exhaust all possibilities, let’s explore another one-tailed test.

Say the university dean told you that the average GPA students get is lower than 70%. In that case, the null hypothesis is:

μ 0 is lower than 70%.

While the alternative is:

μ 0` is bigger or equal to 70%.

University Dean example: Null hypothesis lower than the population mean

In this situation, the rejection region is on the right side. So, if the test statistic is bigger than the cut-off z-score, we would reject the null, otherwise, we wouldn’t.

One-sided test: test statistic is bigger than the cut-off z-score - reject the null hypothesis

Importance of the Significance Level and the Rejection Region

To sum up, the significance level and the reject region are quite crucial in the process of hypothesis testing. The level of significance conducts the accuracy of prediction. We (the researchers) choose it depending on how big of a difference a possible error could make. On the other hand, the reject region helps us decide whether or not to reject the null hypothesis . After reading this and putting both of them into use, you will realize how convenient they make your work.

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9.1 Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses . They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis . These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints.

H 0 , the — null hypothesis: a statement of no difference between sample means or proportions or no difference between a sample mean or proportion and a population mean or proportion. In other words, the difference equals 0.

H a —, the alternative hypothesis: a claim about the population that is contradictory to H 0 and what we conclude when we reject H 0 .

Since the null and alternative hypotheses are contradictory, you must examine evidence to decide if you have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis or not. The evidence is in the form of sample data.

After you have determined which hypothesis the sample supports, you make a decision. There are two options for a decision. They are reject H 0 if the sample information favors the alternative hypothesis or do not reject H 0 or decline to reject H 0 if the sample information is insufficient to reject the null hypothesis.

Mathematical Symbols Used in H 0 and H a :

equal (=) not equal (≠) greater than (>) less than (<)
greater than or equal to (≥) less than (<)
less than or equal to (≤) more than (>)

H 0 always has a symbol with an equal in it. H a never has a symbol with an equal in it. The choice of symbol depends on the wording of the hypothesis test. However, be aware that many researchers use = in the null hypothesis, even with > or < as the symbol in the alternative hypothesis. This practice is acceptable because we only make the decision to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.

Example 9.1

H 0 : No more than 30 percent of the registered voters in Santa Clara County voted in the primary election. p ≤ 30 H a : More than 30 percent of the registered voters in Santa Clara County voted in the primary election. p > 30

A medical trial is conducted to test whether or not a new medicine reduces cholesterol by 25 percent. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

Example 9.2

We want to test whether the mean GPA of students in American colleges is different from 2.0 (out of 4.0). The null and alternative hypotheses are the following: H 0 : μ = 2.0 H a : μ ≠ 2.0

We want to test whether the mean height of eighth graders is 66 inches. State the null and alternative hypotheses. Fill in the correct symbol (=, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • H 0 : μ __ 66
  • H a : μ __ 66

Example 9.3

We want to test if college students take fewer than five years to graduate from college, on the average. The null and alternative hypotheses are the following: H 0 : μ ≥ 5 H a : μ < 5

We want to test if it takes fewer than 45 minutes to teach a lesson plan. State the null and alternative hypotheses. Fill in the correct symbol ( =, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • H 0 : μ __ 45
  • H a : μ __ 45

Example 9.4

An article on school standards stated that about half of all students in France, Germany, and Israel take advanced placement exams and a third of the students pass. The same article stated that 6.6 percent of U.S. students take advanced placement exams and 4.4 percent pass. Test if the percentage of U.S. students who take advanced placement exams is more than 6.6 percent. State the null and alternative hypotheses. H 0 : p ≤ 0.066 H a : p > 0.066

On a state driver’s test, about 40 percent pass the test on the first try. We want to test if more than 40 percent pass on the first try. Fill in the correct symbol (=, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • H 0 : p __ 0.40
  • H a : p __ 0.40

Collaborative Exercise

Bring to class a newspaper, some news magazines, and some internet articles. In groups, find articles from which your group can write null and alternative hypotheses. Discuss your hypotheses with the rest of the class.

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  • Authors: Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Statistics
  • Publication date: Mar 27, 2020
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Trick to remember when to reject null (p-values vs alpha)

I teach introductory statistics to undergraduates and they are often confused with hypothesis testing. In particular, while the rule is

we reject the null hypothesis at significance level $\alpha$ when p value is less than $\alpha$

they many times interpret it the opposite. Say, if p value is 0.04, they say "we reject at 1% but not at 5%".

On one level, it is about the deeper understanding, which might be my fault as a teacher. But on another level (given that we are not always engaging with the deeper side of things), perhaps a cool mnemonic tip would help them with correct interpretation

Do you have a cool, undergraduate-level tip about how to correctly interpret p values vs significance level $\alpha$ ? I haven't come across any such tip.

  • hypothesis-testing

User1865345's user avatar

  • 2 $\begingroup$ Interesting, students & academics are often confused about p-values. but this is a new one to me $\endgroup$ –  innisfree Commented Feb 24, 2021 at 5:37
  • 1 $\begingroup$ The more you emphasise P-values, the less attention is needed for whether the hypothesis is rejected. $\endgroup$ –  Nick Cox Commented May 29, 2023 at 11:10
  • $\begingroup$ I see exactly this one too often. I still have the hope that most of such answers come from students that say that they are not interested in statistics $\endgroup$ –  Ute Commented May 29, 2023 at 12:03

4 Answers 4

This surely will not top the list of possible "cool undergraduate-level tips", but simply recalling the definition of a p-value might be helpful (quoted from Wikipedia ):

The probability of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the results actually observed, under the assumption that the null hypothesis is correct.

So the smaller the probability, the smaller significance level at which we are willing to reject.

Christoph Hanck's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ +1 recalling and applying definitions for terms is an excellent skill to build in undergraduates and students in science. $\endgroup$ –  AdamO Commented May 31, 2023 at 13:11

The standard mnemonic for remembering how to make a conclusion in a hypothesis test is:

If p is low, the null must go!

As to why this is the case, the best explanation of a classical hypothesis test is that it is the inductive anologue of a proof by contradiction. In a proof by contradiction we begin with a null hypothesis, show that this leads logically to a contradiction, and therefore reject the initial premise that the null is true. In a classical hypothesis test, we begin with a null hypothesis, show that this leads to a highly implausible result in favour of the alternative (so not quite a deductive contradiction, but close), and therefore reject the initial premise that the null is true. The p-value in this test is the probability of a result at least as conducive to the alternative hypothesis, assuming the null is true (see formal explanation here ). If this is low then it means that something very implausible happened (under the assumption that the null is true) which gives the "contradiction" in the "inductive proof by contradiction".

Ben's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for the mnemonic - if anyone knows a Danish one, please post here, too :-) $\endgroup$ –  Ute Commented May 29, 2023 at 10:57
  • 1 $\begingroup$ It's not an answer but I sometimes emphasise that there is nothing unusual about a figure of merit where low means good, as witness unemployment, inflation, goals let in by your favourite team, number of criminal convictions. $\endgroup$ –  Nick Cox Commented May 29, 2023 at 11:12
  • $\begingroup$ "good" is subjective. If you want to defend the null hypothesis for whatever reason, then large p-values are good... $\endgroup$ –  Ute Commented May 29, 2023 at 12:17

Fisher is said to have given the interpretion of $p$ -values as a "measure of surprise ", given you believe in the null hypothesis. This may actually be confusing, since low $p$ -value then indicates strong surprise.

Instead, we can introduce $p$ -values as "measure of compatibility with the null". (suggested by Christian Hennig) Then: low p = low compatibility

In Cox And Hinkley's 1974 text, they use the p-value "as a measure of the consistency of the data with the null hypothesis" (p.66). Earlier, Cox (1958) described a significance test as "concerned with the extent to which the data are consistent with the null hypothesis".(p. 362)

  • $\begingroup$ Should "trust" be replaced by "belief" or something else (non native speaker) $\endgroup$ –  Ute Commented May 29, 2023 at 10:59
  • 4 $\begingroup$ Terms with psychological overtunes already hinder more than they help, Confidence and significance already have done much harm because confidence in a statistical sense is nothing do with what the researcher feels or should feel and significance is just a vague word that could mean almost anything. There is no easy solution here because completely new words or new technical jargon e.g. calling a confidence interval a Neyman interval would both be obnoxious in different ways. $\endgroup$ –  Nick Cox Commented May 29, 2023 at 11:09
  • 3 $\begingroup$ Never ever should we trust in a null hypothesis (which implies all model assumptions), regardless of the p-value. Neither should we believe it. Re "measure of agreement" - what about "compatibility" (as used in the ASA recommendations about p-values)? $\endgroup$ –  Christian Hennig Commented May 29, 2023 at 14:27
  • 1 $\begingroup$ I think a safe way to view the p-value as measuring the "(statistical) consistency of the data with the null hypothesis". Lower value means less consistency. With this view it is hard to make the common misinterpretations. In particular, it makes it clear that p-value is about the absolute plausibilty of the null, and is not a measure of relative plausibility of the null. $\endgroup$ –  Graham Bornholt Commented May 29, 2023 at 20:58
  • 2 $\begingroup$ The students should be exposed to the much more intuitive and actionable Bayesian approach IMHO. But if only teaching the classical frequentist approach I'd do everything possible to not teach hypothesis tests but rather them them interpretations as the following. "The ... test resulted in p=0.04 representing modest evidence against the supposition that there is no effect... The test resulted in p=0.11 indicating little evidence against the supposition that the treatment is ignorable...".For both of these examples the phrase "assuming model assumptions hold" needs to be appended. $\endgroup$ –  Frank Harrell Commented May 31, 2023 at 12:41

I've found that some of my students are helped by thinking of the p-value as a percentile. They are familiar with the concepts of being in the top 10% of a class by GPAs, or "among the 1%" in terms of wealth.

So for your example, a p-value of 0.04 means "Our observed value of the test statistic $T$ was among the top 4% possible values of $T$ under $H_0$ that are least like $H_0$ and most like $H_A$ ."

In other words, "Our observed test statistic was among the top 5% most un- $H_0$ -like values, but not among the top 1%."

civilstat's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ +1 You seem to be tapping into the psychological literature that suggests people don't think accurately about probabilities but can do very well when the same thing is cast in concrete terms of "out of every 100, ...". To take this to its logical conclusion, then, you might consider stating "This value of $T$ is evidence against $H_0$ in the sense that when $H_0$ is the case, we expect only four out of every 100 experiments to exhibit a value of $T$ that counts against $H_0$ as strongly as the observed value does, while there is some $H_A$ more likely to produce such a strong value of $T.$" $\endgroup$ –  whuber ♦ Commented May 31, 2023 at 19:40
  • $\begingroup$ @whuber Thanks! I'm somewhat aware of the psych literature you mention (work by Tversky & Kahneman and others), but I don't know it very deeply. I suspect that my suggested wording ("among the top 4%...") taps into slightly different intuition than your suggested wording ("only 4 out of every 100..."), but I would be really curious to know if they have been compared in the psych literature. $\endgroup$ –  civilstat Commented May 31, 2023 at 20:27
  • $\begingroup$ I believe Gerd Gigerenzer has written about this. $\endgroup$ –  whuber ♦ Commented May 31, 2023 at 22:01

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hypothesis testing reject null

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Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics

Understanding Null Hypothesis Testing

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the purpose of null hypothesis testing, including the role of sampling error.
  • Describe the basic logic of null hypothesis testing.
  • Describe the role of relationship strength and sample size in determining statistical significance and make reasonable judgments about statistical significance based on these two factors.

The Purpose of Null Hypothesis Testing

As we have seen, psychological research typically involves measuring one or more variables for a sample and computing descriptive statistics for that sample. In general, however, the researcher’s goal is not to draw conclusions about that sample but to draw conclusions about the population that the sample was selected from. Thus researchers must use sample statistics to draw conclusions about the corresponding values in the population. These corresponding values in the population are called  parameters . Imagine, for example, that a researcher measures the number of depressive symptoms exhibited by each of 50 clinically depressed adults and computes the mean number of symptoms. The researcher probably wants to use this sample statistic (the mean number of symptoms for the sample) to draw conclusions about the corresponding population parameter (the mean number of symptoms for clinically depressed adults).

Unfortunately, sample statistics are not perfect estimates of their corresponding population parameters. This is because there is a certain amount of random variability in any statistic from sample to sample. The mean number of depressive symptoms might be 8.73 in one sample of clinically depressed adults, 6.45 in a second sample, and 9.44 in a third—even though these samples are selected randomly from the same population. Similarly, the correlation (Pearson’s  r ) between two variables might be +.24 in one sample, −.04 in a second sample, and +.15 in a third—again, even though these samples are selected randomly from the same population. This random variability in a statistic from sample to sample is called  sampling error . (Note that the term error  here refers to random variability and does not imply that anyone has made a mistake. No one “commits a sampling error.”)

One implication of this is that when there is a statistical relationship in a sample, it is not always clear that there is a statistical relationship in the population. A small difference between two group means in a sample might indicate that there is a small difference between the two group means in the population. But it could also be that there is no difference between the means in the population and that the difference in the sample is just a matter of sampling error. Similarly, a Pearson’s  r  value of −.29 in a sample might mean that there is a negative relationship in the population. But it could also be that there is no relationship in the population and that the relationship in the sample is just a matter of sampling error.

In fact, any statistical relationship in a sample can be interpreted in two ways:

  • There is a relationship in the population, and the relationship in the sample reflects this.
  • There is no relationship in the population, and the relationship in the sample reflects only sampling error.

The purpose of null hypothesis testing is simply to help researchers decide between these two interpretations.

The Logic of Null Hypothesis Testing

Null hypothesis testing  is a formal approach to deciding between two interpretations of a statistical relationship in a sample. One interpretation is called the   null hypothesis  (often symbolized  H 0  and read as “H-naught”). This is the idea that there is no relationship in the population and that the relationship in the sample reflects only sampling error. Informally, the null hypothesis is that the sample relationship “occurred by chance.” The other interpretation is called the  alternative hypothesis  (often symbolized as  H 1 ). This is the idea that there is a relationship in the population and that the relationship in the sample reflects this relationship in the population.

Again, every statistical relationship in a sample can be interpreted in either of these two ways: It might have occurred by chance, or it might reflect a relationship in the population. So researchers need a way to decide between them. Although there are many specific null hypothesis testing techniques, they are all based on the same general logic. The steps are as follows:

  • Assume for the moment that the null hypothesis is true. There is no relationship between the variables in the population.
  • Determine how likely the sample relationship would be if the null hypothesis were true.
  • If the sample relationship would be extremely unlikely, then reject the null hypothesis  in favour of the alternative hypothesis. If it would not be extremely unlikely, then  retain the null hypothesis .

Following this logic, we can begin to understand why Mehl and his colleagues concluded that there is no difference in talkativeness between women and men in the population. In essence, they asked the following question: “If there were no difference in the population, how likely is it that we would find a small difference of  d  = 0.06 in our sample?” Their answer to this question was that this sample relationship would be fairly likely if the null hypothesis were true. Therefore, they retained the null hypothesis—concluding that there is no evidence of a sex difference in the population. We can also see why Kanner and his colleagues concluded that there is a correlation between hassles and symptoms in the population. They asked, “If the null hypothesis were true, how likely is it that we would find a strong correlation of +.60 in our sample?” Their answer to this question was that this sample relationship would be fairly unlikely if the null hypothesis were true. Therefore, they rejected the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative hypothesis—concluding that there is a positive correlation between these variables in the population.

A crucial step in null hypothesis testing is finding the likelihood of the sample result if the null hypothesis were true. This probability is called the  p value . A low  p  value means that the sample result would be unlikely if the null hypothesis were true and leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis. A high  p  value means that the sample result would be likely if the null hypothesis were true and leads to the retention of the null hypothesis. But how low must the  p  value be before the sample result is considered unlikely enough to reject the null hypothesis? In null hypothesis testing, this criterion is called  α (alpha)  and is almost always set to .05. If there is less than a 5% chance of a result as extreme as the sample result if the null hypothesis were true, then the null hypothesis is rejected. When this happens, the result is said to be  statistically significant . If there is greater than a 5% chance of a result as extreme as the sample result when the null hypothesis is true, then the null hypothesis is retained. This does not necessarily mean that the researcher accepts the null hypothesis as true—only that there is not currently enough evidence to conclude that it is true. Researchers often use the expression “fail to reject the null hypothesis” rather than “retain the null hypothesis,” but they never use the expression “accept the null hypothesis.”

The Misunderstood  p  Value

The  p  value is one of the most misunderstood quantities in psychological research (Cohen, 1994) [1] . Even professional researchers misinterpret it, and it is not unusual for such misinterpretations to appear in statistics textbooks!

The most common misinterpretation is that the  p  value is the probability that the null hypothesis is true—that the sample result occurred by chance. For example, a misguided researcher might say that because the  p  value is .02, there is only a 2% chance that the result is due to chance and a 98% chance that it reflects a real relationship in the population. But this is incorrect . The  p  value is really the probability of a result at least as extreme as the sample result  if  the null hypothesis  were  true. So a  p  value of .02 means that if the null hypothesis were true, a sample result this extreme would occur only 2% of the time.

You can avoid this misunderstanding by remembering that the  p  value is not the probability that any particular  hypothesis  is true or false. Instead, it is the probability of obtaining the  sample result  if the null hypothesis were true.

Role of Sample Size and Relationship Strength

Recall that null hypothesis testing involves answering the question, “If the null hypothesis were true, what is the probability of a sample result as extreme as this one?” In other words, “What is the  p  value?” It can be helpful to see that the answer to this question depends on just two considerations: the strength of the relationship and the size of the sample. Specifically, the stronger the sample relationship and the larger the sample, the less likely the result would be if the null hypothesis were true. That is, the lower the  p  value. This should make sense. Imagine a study in which a sample of 500 women is compared with a sample of 500 men in terms of some psychological characteristic, and Cohen’s  d  is a strong 0.50. If there were really no sex difference in the population, then a result this strong based on such a large sample should seem highly unlikely. Now imagine a similar study in which a sample of three women is compared with a sample of three men, and Cohen’s  d  is a weak 0.10. If there were no sex difference in the population, then a relationship this weak based on such a small sample should seem likely. And this is precisely why the null hypothesis would be rejected in the first example and retained in the second.

Of course, sometimes the result can be weak and the sample large, or the result can be strong and the sample small. In these cases, the two considerations trade off against each other so that a weak result can be statistically significant if the sample is large enough and a strong relationship can be statistically significant even if the sample is small. Table 13.1 shows roughly how relationship strength and sample size combine to determine whether a sample result is statistically significant. The columns of the table represent the three levels of relationship strength: weak, medium, and strong. The rows represent four sample sizes that can be considered small, medium, large, and extra large in the context of psychological research. Thus each cell in the table represents a combination of relationship strength and sample size. If a cell contains the word  Yes , then this combination would be statistically significant for both Cohen’s  d  and Pearson’s  r . If it contains the word  No , then it would not be statistically significant for either. There is one cell where the decision for  d  and  r  would be different and another where it might be different depending on some additional considerations, which are discussed in Section 13.2 “Some Basic Null Hypothesis Tests”

Table 13.1 How Relationship Strength and Sample Size Combine to Determine Whether a Result Is Statistically Significant
Sample Size Weak relationship Medium-strength relationship Strong relationship
Small (  = 20) No No  = Maybe

 = Yes

Medium (  = 50) No Yes Yes
Large (  = 100)  = Yes

 = No

Yes Yes
Extra large (  = 500) Yes Yes Yes

Although Table 13.1 provides only a rough guideline, it shows very clearly that weak relationships based on medium or small samples are never statistically significant and that strong relationships based on medium or larger samples are always statistically significant. If you keep this lesson in mind, you will often know whether a result is statistically significant based on the descriptive statistics alone. It is extremely useful to be able to develop this kind of intuitive judgment. One reason is that it allows you to develop expectations about how your formal null hypothesis tests are going to come out, which in turn allows you to detect problems in your analyses. For example, if your sample relationship is strong and your sample is medium, then you would expect to reject the null hypothesis. If for some reason your formal null hypothesis test indicates otherwise, then you need to double-check your computations and interpretations. A second reason is that the ability to make this kind of intuitive judgment is an indication that you understand the basic logic of this approach in addition to being able to do the computations.

Statistical Significance Versus Practical Significance

Table 13.1 illustrates another extremely important point. A statistically significant result is not necessarily a strong one. Even a very weak result can be statistically significant if it is based on a large enough sample. This is closely related to Janet Shibley Hyde’s argument about sex differences (Hyde, 2007) [2] . The differences between women and men in mathematical problem solving and leadership ability are statistically significant. But the word  significant  can cause people to interpret these differences as strong and important—perhaps even important enough to influence the college courses they take or even who they vote for. As we have seen, however, these statistically significant differences are actually quite weak—perhaps even “trivial.”

This is why it is important to distinguish between the  statistical  significance of a result and the  practical  significance of that result.  Practical significance refers to the importance or usefulness of the result in some real-world context. Many sex differences are statistically significant—and may even be interesting for purely scientific reasons—but they are not practically significant. In clinical practice, this same concept is often referred to as “clinical significance.” For example, a study on a new treatment for social phobia might show that it produces a statistically significant positive effect. Yet this effect still might not be strong enough to justify the time, effort, and other costs of putting it into practice—especially if easier and cheaper treatments that work almost as well already exist. Although statistically significant, this result would be said to lack practical or clinical significance.

Key Takeaways

  • Null hypothesis testing is a formal approach to deciding whether a statistical relationship in a sample reflects a real relationship in the population or is just due to chance.
  • The logic of null hypothesis testing involves assuming that the null hypothesis is true, finding how likely the sample result would be if this assumption were correct, and then making a decision. If the sample result would be unlikely if the null hypothesis were true, then it is rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis. If it would not be unlikely, then the null hypothesis is retained.
  • The probability of obtaining the sample result if the null hypothesis were true (the  p  value) is based on two considerations: relationship strength and sample size. Reasonable judgments about whether a sample relationship is statistically significant can often be made by quickly considering these two factors.
  • Statistical significance is not the same as relationship strength or importance. Even weak relationships can be statistically significant if the sample size is large enough. It is important to consider relationship strength and the practical significance of a result in addition to its statistical significance.
  • Discussion: Imagine a study showing that people who eat more broccoli tend to be happier. Explain for someone who knows nothing about statistics why the researchers would conduct a null hypothesis test.
  • The correlation between two variables is  r  = −.78 based on a sample size of 137.
  • The mean score on a psychological characteristic for women is 25 ( SD  = 5) and the mean score for men is 24 ( SD  = 5). There were 12 women and 10 men in this study.
  • In a memory experiment, the mean number of items recalled by the 40 participants in Condition A was 0.50 standard deviations greater than the mean number recalled by the 40 participants in Condition B.
  • In another memory experiment, the mean scores for participants in Condition A and Condition B came out exactly the same!
  • A student finds a correlation of  r  = .04 between the number of units the students in his research methods class are taking and the students’ level of stress.

Long Descriptions

“Null Hypothesis” long description: A comic depicting a man and a woman talking in the foreground. In the background is a child working at a desk. The man says to the woman, “I can’t believe schools are still teaching kids about the null hypothesis. I remember reading a big study that conclusively disproved it years ago.” [Return to “Null Hypothesis”]

“Conditional Risk” long description: A comic depicting two hikers beside a tree during a thunderstorm. A bolt of lightning goes “crack” in the dark sky as thunder booms. One of the hikers says, “Whoa! We should get inside!” The other hiker says, “It’s okay! Lightning only kills about 45 Americans a year, so the chances of dying are only one in 7,000,000. Let’s go on!” The comic’s caption says, “The annual death rate among people who know that statistic is one in six.” [Return to “Conditional Risk”]

Media Attributions

  • Null Hypothesis by XKCD  CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)
  • Conditional Risk by XKCD  CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)
  • Cohen, J. (1994). The world is round: p < .05. American Psychologist, 49 , 997–1003. ↵
  • Hyde, J. S. (2007). New directions in the study of gender similarities and differences. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16 , 259–263. ↵

Values in a population that correspond to variables measured in a study.

The random variability in a statistic from sample to sample.

A formal approach to deciding between two interpretations of a statistical relationship in a sample.

The idea that there is no relationship in the population and that the relationship in the sample reflects only sampling error.

The idea that there is a relationship in the population and that the relationship in the sample reflects this relationship in the population.

When the relationship found in the sample would be extremely unlikely, the idea that the relationship occurred “by chance” is rejected.

When the relationship found in the sample is likely to have occurred by chance, the null hypothesis is not rejected.

The probability that, if the null hypothesis were true, the result found in the sample would occur.

How low the p value must be before the sample result is considered unlikely in null hypothesis testing.

When there is less than a 5% chance of a result as extreme as the sample result occurring and the null hypothesis is rejected.

Research Methods in Psychology - 2nd Canadian Edition Copyright © 2015 by Paul C. Price, Rajiv Jhangiani, & I-Chant A. Chiang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Hypothesis testing.

Key Topics:

  • Basic approach
  • Null and alternative hypothesis
  • Decision making and the p -value
  • Z-test & Nonparametric alternative

Basic approach to hypothesis testing

  • State a model describing the relationship between the explanatory variables and the outcome variable(s) in the population and the nature of the variability. State all of your assumptions .
  • Specify the null and alternative hypotheses in terms of the parameters of the model.
  • Invent a test statistic that will tend to be different under the null and alternative hypotheses.
  • Using the assumptions of step 1, find the theoretical sampling distribution of the statistic under the null hypothesis of step 2. Ideally the form of the sampling distribution should be one of the “standard distributions”(e.g. normal, t , binomial..)
  • Calculate a p -value , as the area under the sampling distribution more extreme than your statistic. Depends on the form of the alternative hypothesis.
  • Choose your acceptable type 1 error rate (alpha) and apply the decision rule : reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is less than alpha, otherwise do not reject.
sampled from a with unknown mean μ and known variance σ . : μ = μ
H : μ ≤ μ
H : μ ≥ μ
: μ ≠ μ
H : μ > μ
H : μ < μ
  • \(\frac{\bar{X}-\mu_0}{\sigma / \sqrt{n}}\)
  • general form is: (estimate - value we are testing)/(st.dev of the estimate)
  • z-statistic follows N(0,1) distribution
  • 2 × the area above |z|, area above z,or area below z, or
  • compare the statistic to a critical value, |z| ≥ z α/2 , z ≥ z α , or z ≤ - z α
  • Choose the acceptable level of Alpha = 0.05, we conclude …. ?

Making the Decision

It is either likely or unlikely that we would collect the evidence we did given the initial assumption. (Note: “likely” or “unlikely” is measured by calculating a probability!)

If it is likely , then we “ do not reject ” our initial assumption. There is not enough evidence to do otherwise.

If it is unlikely , then:

  • either our initial assumption is correct and we experienced an unusual event or,
  • our initial assumption is incorrect

In statistics, if it is unlikely, we decide to “ reject ” our initial assumption.

Example: Criminal Trial Analogy

First, state 2 hypotheses, the null hypothesis (“H 0 ”) and the alternative hypothesis (“H A ”)

  • H 0 : Defendant is not guilty.
  • H A : Defendant is guilty.

Usually the H 0 is a statement of “no effect”, or “no change”, or “chance only” about a population parameter.

While the H A , depending on the situation, is that there is a difference, trend, effect, or a relationship with respect to a population parameter.

  • It can one-sided and two-sided.
  • In two-sided we only care there is a difference, but not the direction of it. In one-sided we care about a particular direction of the relationship. We want to know if the value is strictly larger or smaller.

Then, collect evidence, such as finger prints, blood spots, hair samples, carpet fibers, shoe prints, ransom notes, handwriting samples, etc. (In statistics, the data are the evidence.)

Next, you make your initial assumption.

  • Defendant is innocent until proven guilty.

In statistics, we always assume the null hypothesis is true .

Then, make a decision based on the available evidence.

  • If there is sufficient evidence (“beyond a reasonable doubt”), reject the null hypothesis . (Behave as if defendant is guilty.)
  • If there is not enough evidence, do not reject the null hypothesis . (Behave as if defendant is not guilty.)

If the observed outcome, e.g., a sample statistic, is surprising under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true, but more probable if the alternative is true, then this outcome is evidence against H 0 and in favor of H A .

An observed effect so large that it would rarely occur by chance is called statistically significant (i.e., not likely to happen by chance).

Using the p -value to make the decision

The p -value represents how likely we would be to observe such an extreme sample if the null hypothesis were true. The p -value is a probability computed assuming the null hypothesis is true, that the test statistic would take a value as extreme or more extreme than that actually observed. Since it's a probability, it is a number between 0 and 1. The closer the number is to 0 means the event is “unlikely.” So if p -value is “small,” (typically, less than 0.05), we can then reject the null hypothesis.

Significance level and p -value

Significance level, α, is a decisive value for p -value. In this context, significant does not mean “important”, but it means “not likely to happened just by chance”.

α is the maximum probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true. If α = 1 we always reject the null, if α = 0 we never reject the null hypothesis. In articles, journals, etc… you may read: “The results were significant ( p <0.05).” So if p =0.03, it's significant at the level of α = 0.05 but not at the level of α = 0.01. If we reject the H 0 at the level of α = 0.05 (which corresponds to 95% CI), we are saying that if H 0 is true, the observed phenomenon would happen no more than 5% of the time (that is 1 in 20). If we choose to compare the p -value to α = 0.01, we are insisting on a stronger evidence!

Neither decision of rejecting or not rejecting the H entails proving the null hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis. We merely state there is enough evidence to behave one way or the other. This is also always true in statistics!

So, what kind of error could we make? No matter what decision we make, there is always a chance we made an error.

Errors in Criminal Trial:

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

Type I error (False positive): The null hypothesis is rejected when it is true.

  • α is the maximum probability of making a Type I error.

Type II error (False negative): The null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false.

  • β is the probability of making a Type II error

There is always a chance of making one of these errors. But, a good scientific study will minimize the chance of doing so!

The power of a statistical test is its probability of rejecting the null hypothesis if the null hypothesis is false. That is, power is the ability to correctly reject H 0 and detect a significant effect. In other words, power is one minus the type II error risk.

\(\text{Power }=1-\beta = P\left(\text{reject} H_0 | H_0 \text{is false } \right)\)

Which error is worse?

Type I = you are innocent, yet accused of cheating on the test. Type II = you cheated on the test, but you are found innocent.

This depends on the context of the problem too. But in most cases scientists are trying to be “conservative”; it's worse to make a spurious discovery than to fail to make a good one. Our goal it to increase the power of the test that is to minimize the length of the CI.

We need to keep in mind:

  • the effect of the sample size,
  • the correctness of the underlying assumptions about the population,
  • statistical vs. practical significance, etc…

(see the handout). To study the tradeoffs between the sample size, α, and Type II error we can use power and operating characteristic curves.

Assume data are independently sampled from a normal distribution with unknown mean μ and known variance σ = 9. Make an initial assumption that μ = 65.

Specify the hypothesis: H : μ = 65 H : μ ≠ 65

z-statistic: 3.58

z-statistic follow N(0,1) distribution

The -value, < 0.0001, indicates that, if the average height in the population is 65 inches, it is unlikely that a sample of 54 students would have an average height of 66.4630.

Alpha = 0.05. Decision: -value < alpha, thus

Conclude that the average height is not equal to 65.

What type of error might we have made?

Type I error is claiming that average student height is not 65 inches, when it really is. Type II error is failing to claim that the average student height is not 65in when it is.

We rejected the null hypothesis, i.e., claimed that the height is not 65, thus making potentially a Type I error. But sometimes the p -value is too low because of the large sample size, and we may have statistical significance but not really practical significance! That's why most statisticians are much more comfortable with using CI than tests.

Based on the CI only, how do you know that you should reject the null hypothesis?

The 95% CI is (65.6628,67.2631) ...

What about practical and statistical significance now? Is there another reason to suspect this test, and the -value calculations?

There is a need for a further generalization. What if we can't assume that σ is known? In this case we would use s (the sample standard deviation) to estimate σ.

If the sample is very large, we can treat σ as known by assuming that σ = s . According to the law of large numbers, this is not too bad a thing to do. But if the sample is small, the fact that we have to estimate both the standard deviation and the mean adds extra uncertainty to our inference. In practice this means that we need a larger multiplier for the standard error.

We need one-sample t -test.

One sample t -test

  • Assume data are independently sampled from a normal distribution with unknown mean μ and variance σ 2 . Make an initial assumption, μ 0 .
: μ = μ
H : μ ≤ μ
H : μ ≥ μ
: μ ≠ μ
H : μ > μ
H : μ < μ
  • t-statistic: \(\frac{\bar{X}-\mu_0}{s / \sqrt{n}}\) where s is a sample st.dev.
  • t-statistic follows t -distribution with df = n - 1
  • Alpha = 0.05, we conclude ….

Testing for the population proportion

Let's go back to our CNN poll. Assume we have a SRS of 1,017 adults.

We are interested in testing the following hypothesis: H 0 : p = 0.50 vs. p > 0.50

What is the test statistic?

If alpha = 0.05, what do we conclude?

We will see more details in the next lesson on proportions, then distributions, and possible tests.

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  1. Null Hypothesis: Definition, Rejecting & Examples

    When your sample contains sufficient evidence, you can reject the null and conclude that the effect is statistically significant. Statisticians often denote the null hypothesis as H 0 or H A.. Null Hypothesis H 0: No effect exists in the population.; Alternative Hypothesis H A: The effect exists in the population.; In every study or experiment, researchers assess an effect or relationship.

  2. When Do You Reject the Null Hypothesis? (3 Examples)

    A hypothesis test is a formal statistical test we use to reject or fail to reject a statistical hypothesis. We always use the following steps to perform a hypothesis test: Step 1: State the null and alternative hypotheses. The null hypothesis, denoted as H0, is the hypothesis that the sample data occurs purely from chance.

  3. What Is The Null Hypothesis & When To Reject It

    Rejecting the null hypothesis means that a relationship does exist between a set of variables and the effect is statistically significant ... Krueger, J. (2001). Null hypothesis significance testing: On the survival of a flawed method. American Psychologist, 56(1), 16. Masson, M. E. (2011). A tutorial on a practical Bayesian alternative to null ...

  4. Hypothesis Testing

    Table of contents. Step 1: State your null and alternate hypothesis. Step 2: Collect data. Step 3: Perform a statistical test. Step 4: Decide whether to reject or fail to reject your null hypothesis. Step 5: Present your findings. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about hypothesis testing.

  5. Support or Reject Null Hypothesis in Easy Steps

    Use the P-Value method to support or reject null hypothesis. Step 1: State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis ("the claim"). H o:p ≤ 0.23; H 1:p > 0.23 (claim) Step 2: Compute by dividing the number of positive respondents from the number in the random sample: 63 / 210 = 0.3. Step 3: Find 'p' by converting the stated ...

  6. 5.5 Introduction to Hypothesis Tests

    When using the p-value to evaluate a hypothesis test, the following rhymes can come in handy:. If the p-value is low, the null must go.. If the p-value is high, the null must fly.. This memory aid relates a p-value less than the established alpha ("the p-value is low") as rejecting the null hypothesis and, likewise, relates a p-value higher than the established alpha ("the p-value is ...

  7. Failing to Reject the Null Hypothesis

    The default position in a hypothesis test is that the null hypothesis is correct. Like a court case, the sample evidence must exceed the evidentiary standard, which is the significance level, to conclude that an effect exists. ... Also, does null hypothesis rejecting means whatsoever is stated in null hypothesis that is false proved through ...

  8. Hypothesis Testing

    Let's return finally to the question of whether we reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. If our statistical analysis shows that the significance level is below the cut-off value we have set (e.g., either 0.05 or 0.01), we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Alternatively, if the significance level is above ...

  9. S.3.2 Hypothesis Testing (P-Value Approach)

    S.3.2 Hypothesis Testing (P-Value Approach) - STAT ONLINE

  10. 6a.2

    Below these are summarized into six such steps to conducting a test of a hypothesis. Set up the hypotheses and check conditions: Each hypothesis test includes two hypotheses about the population. One is the null hypothesis, notated as H 0, which is a statement of a particular parameter value. This hypothesis is assumed to be true until there is ...

  11. 6a.1

    The first step in hypothesis testing is to set up two competing hypotheses. The hypotheses are the most important aspect. If the hypotheses are incorrect, your conclusion will also be incorrect. The two hypotheses are named the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is typically denoted as H 0.

  12. Hypothesis Testing: Uses, Steps & Example

    Formulate the Hypotheses: Write your research hypotheses as a null hypothesis (H 0) and an alternative hypothesis (H A).; Data Collection: Gather data specifically aimed at testing the hypothesis.; Conduct A Test: Use a suitable statistical test to analyze your data.; Make a Decision: Based on the statistical test results, decide whether to reject the null hypothesis or fail to reject it.

  13. 9.1: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

    In hypothesis testing, the goal is to see if there is sufficient statistical evidence to reject a presumed null hypothesis in favor of a conjectured alternative hypothesis.The null hypothesis is usually denoted \(H_0\) while the alternative hypothesis is usually denoted \(H_1\). An hypothesis test is a statistical decision; the conclusion will either be to reject the null hypothesis in favor ...

  14. Step-by-step guide to hypothesis testing in statistics

    If the p-value is smaller, you reject the null hypothesis. If it's larger, you do not reject it. Example: Since 0.0001 is much less than 0.05, you reject the null hypothesis. This means the data suggests the average battery life is different from 500 hours. ... Misunderstanding 1: Hypothesis Testing Proves the Null Hypothesis is True ...

  15. 16.3: The Process of Null Hypothesis Testing

    We can break the process of null hypothesis testing down into a number of steps: Formulate a hypothesis that embodies our prediction (before seeing the data) Collect some data relevant to the hypothesis. Specify null and alternative hypotheses. Fit a model to the data that represents the alternative hypothesis and compute a test statistic.

  16. S.3 Hypothesis Testing

    S.3 Hypothesis Testing | STAT ONLINE

  17. 8.1: The null and alternative hypotheses

    The Null hypothesis \(\left(H_{O}\right)\) is a statement about the comparisons, e.g., between a sample statistic and the population, or between two treatment groups. The former is referred to as a one-tailed test whereas the latter is called a two-tailed test. The null hypothesis is typically "no statistical difference" between the ...

  18. Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

    4. Reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. Using the test statistic or the p-value, determine if you can reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis based on the significance level. The p-value tells us the strength of evidence in support of a null hypothesis. If the p-value is less than the significance level, we reject the null ...

  19. Null & Alternative Hypotheses

    Null & Alternative Hypotheses | Definitions, Templates & ...

  20. Hypothesis Testing: Significance Level & Rejection Region

    Therefore, if the value we get for Z from the test is lower than minus 1.96, or higher than 1.96, we will reject the null hypothesis. Otherwise, we will accept it. That's more or less how hypothesis testing works. We scale the sample mean with respect to the hypothesized value. If Z is close to 0, then we cannot reject the null.

  21. T-test and Hypothesis Testing (Explained Simply)

    T-test and Hypothesis Testing (Explained Simply)

  22. 9.1 Null and Alternative Hypotheses

    The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses.They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints. H 0, the —null hypothesis: a statement of no difference between sample means or proportions or no difference between a sample mean or proportion and a population mean or proportion. In other words, the difference equals 0.

  23. hypothesis testing

    In a classical hypothesis test, we begin with a null hypothesis, show that this leads to a highly implausible result in favour of the alternative (so not quite a deductive contradiction, but close), and therefore reject the initial premise that the null is true. The p-value in this test is the probability of a result at least as conducive to ...

  24. 9.2: Hypothesis Testing

    Null and Alternative Hypotheses. The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses.They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints. \(H_0\): The null hypothesis: It is a statement of no difference between the variables—they are not related. This can often be considered the status quo and as a result if you cannot accept the ...

  25. Understanding Null Hypothesis Testing

    A crucial step in null hypothesis testing is finding the likelihood of the sample result if the null hypothesis were true. This probability is called the p value. A low p value means that the sample result would be unlikely if the null hypothesis were true and leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis. A high p value means that the sample ...

  26. Hypothesis Testing

    Using the p-value to make the decision. The p-value represents how likely we would be to observe such an extreme sample if the null hypothesis were true. The p-value is a probability computed assuming the null hypothesis is true, that the test statistic would take a value as extreme or more extreme than that actually observed. Since it's a probability, it is a number between 0 and 1.

  27. Inferential Procedures & Hypothesis Testing: Understanding

    Statistics document from University of Cincinnati, Main Campus, 1 page, CHAPTER 8 Hypothesis test- inferential procedure; uses data from sample to draw conclusion about population Critical region- sample outcomes that are very UNLIKELY to occur if null is true. Enough to reject hypothesis Alpha level- probability of type 1 er