How to Turn Off Reviews on Facebook

Jay Fuchs

Published: June 07, 2022

Sometimes, the mantra "all publicity is good publicity" isn’t true. Negative reviews can damage the reputation of your business, and when you’re working tirelessly to improve your service or product — while still trying to bring in sales — it’s understandable to want to turn off Facebook reviews when the complaints get overwhelming.

business owner learning how to turn off facebook reviews to protect brand reputation

According to HubSpot Research, 85% of customers are likely to share negative experiences with others. For businesses trying to resolve problems without having too much bad press, having no reviews visible on certain platforms can be a better solution.

You’re not alone, businesses go through rough patches sometimes, and there’s steps to take to silence the noise. Today, we’ll walk you through how to turn off reviews on Facebook, and give you reasons why you should, or shouldn’t, remove them.

  • Open Facebook and go to your business page.
  • Click the ‘Settings’ menu for your business page.
  • Select ‘Templates and Tabs’ option.
  • Toggle the blue ‘Reviews’ button off.

1. Open Facebook and go to your business page.

how to turn off reviews on facebook step #1:  open facebook and go to your business page

If you own more than one business page, you want to make sure you select the page you want to disable Facebook reviews for.

2. Click the ‘Settings’ menu for your business page.

how to turn off reviews on facebook step #2: click the settings menu for your page

When you click on Settings, you’ll be taken to a selection of choices all under the umbrella of Page Settings.

3. Select ‘Templates and Tabs’ option.

how to turn off reviews on facebook step #3: select templates and tabs

4. Toggle the blue ‘Reviews’ button off.

Once you have toggled the button, it will be the color gray, indicating that you’ve successfully turned off reviews. This action is saved automatically, so your customers won’t see or be able to post any reviews on your page moving forward.

how to turn off reviews on facebook step #4: toggle the blue reviews button off

Turning off Facebook reviews is a big call to make that can have both positive and negative implications. Before making that decision, it's important to consider both how your business is faring as a whole and how your audience is perceiving you as a result.

Why You Should Disable Facebook Reviews

There are going to be points when business isn't booming — ugly stretches where you're prone to an influx of bad reviews. Some reasons to consider turning them off would be:

  • The bad reviews were a product of isolated incidents. You could be subject to a product recall or an employee of yours might have provided particularly poor customer service before you became hip to their behavior and replaced them.
  • The public's perception of your business can be volatile. There's a good chance you won't want to be bombarded with disgruntled customers venting frustrations before you have the chance to address them.
  • You can't selectively delete reviews on Facebook. So long as they're not inappropriate, obscene, or flat-out false. And even if that's the case, that process can still take a while to see through.

If your business is in a rough patch that you're working tirelessly to address, it might be in your best interest to turn off Facebook reviews until you're on the side of it.

On another hand, there’s some positive reasons to keep them up even if they’re not the ratings you want, and it’s worth considering before you turn them off.

Reasons to Keep Reviews on Facebook

1. reviews add legitimacy to your business..

Reviews — good or bad — provide a degree of legitimacy to your business. They let potential customers know that others engage with your company and imply that you care about customer feedback.

2. You can respond to customer reviews or feedback.

Keeping reviews up also provides you with the opportunity to respond to customer reviews and feedback. You get to say your piece and let prospects and customers know that you hear them. You can demonstrate that you understand where they're coming from and are willing to take the necessary steps to address the issues and concerns they're raising.

3. Prospects like to see testimonials.

Even if all your customer reviews aren’t a perfect five-star rating, your customers will value the ability to read customer review testimonials . Turning off Facebook reviews can possibly kneecap your perceived authenticity. Sometimes it might be better to face the music and explicitly let your audience know the specific strides you plan on taking to make things right.

Disable Facebook Reviews If You Need To

Turning off Facebook reviews is a process that should take a lot of thought and consideration. It's up to you to decide whether taking harsh reviews on the chin or keeping things calm until you have your business in order suits your situation better. No matter which route you take, it's helpful to know how to shut Facebook reviews down — just in case they get to be too much.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in July 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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How to Remove Facebook Reviews (or Disable Them)

Are you sick and tired of bad Facebook reviews chasing away customer?

In this post, I’ll reveal everything you need to know about how to remove reviews from Facebook. There’s a lot to cover, so stick with me. By end of this post you’ll be able to get rid of bad Facebook reviews, report fake ones, and even disable them all.

How to Remove Facebook Reviews (or Disable Them)

Potential clients frequently ask us how to remove reviews from Facebook. But think about that question for a moment. It can actually mean several different things, right? So we need to dig a little deeper…

  • Are you trying to report and remove fake reviews from Facebook?
  • Do you want to remove bad reviews from your Facebook business page?
  • Did you write an inflammatory review that you want to delete?
  • Do you want to turn off Recommendations and remove all reviews from your Facebook page?

We’ll answer each of these questions in this step-by-step guide.

Can’t you just ignore bad Facebook reviews?

Absolutely not.

Customers overwhelmingly turn to business reviews before they hand over their hard-earned cash. Don’t believe me? Here are some Facebook review statistics to prove it:

  • 90 percent of consumers look at online reviews before they visit a business.
  • 84 percent of people trust them as much as they would trust a personal recommendation.
  • 2 in 3 Facebook users visit local business pages at least once a week.
  • 1 in 3 people use the platform to look for Recommendations.

Therefore, as a business owner, it’s vital for you to handle Facebook reviews that don’t reflect your company.

If your Facebook page contains unanswered bad reviews, potential customers could slip through your fingers. Take a guess at how much one bad review could cost your business?

FYI – A bad corporate reputation costs corporations hundreds of millions of dollars. Want proof? One CEO’s reputation cost his company more than 96 million dollars within a few hours.

How to report and remove fake Facebook reviews

Facebook should remove certain reviews and Recommendations automatically. For example, spam content and hate speech violate Facebook’s community standards and will be deleted. In addition, any review that is totally irrelevant to your business, such as those that neglect to mention you at all, should also qualify for unprompted removal.

But false reviews may go undetected. Don’t worry. Here’s a few tricks to pick them out.

Tips to spot fake reviews on Facebook

If you find suspicious reviews on your Facebook page, first make sure they’re legitimate. Check your records and verify that the transactions happened the way the customers claim. Can you find records of the customers? Do your transaction logs match up with their descriptions? If not, you might be dealing with fake Facebook reviews.

Fraudulent negative reviews can stem from a number of sources: competing businesses, resentful former employees, spammers, people who mistakenly post their review on the wrong business page, etc. Here are several ways to identify frauds:

  • Vague descriptions
  • Reviewer is connected with a competitor (or former employee)
  • Recommending a competitor in the complaint

Regardless of whether or not bad Facebook reviews are true, you should respond to all of them.

Start with an apology. Then mention that you’re unable to find a record of his or her transaction. This will send a message to fraudulent commenters that you’re onto their game while still showing off your excellent customer service. Outright calling the complaint fake could backfire and make other customers trust you less.

After responding, the next step is to report them. Here’s how:

Steps to report fake Facebook reviews

  • Navigate to the Reviews tab of your business page.
  • Click the three horizontal dots in the upper right-hand corner of the review.
  • Click “Give feedback on this recommendation.”

Alternatively, you can simply click on the word bubble with the exclamation point.

how to remove reviews facebook reviews

Facebook will ask you “What’s going on,” and you’ll need to select one of the following choices:

  • Recommendation Not Relevant (used for fake and/or irrelevant reviews)
  • Unfair Recommendation (used for suspected paid reviews)
  • Nudity, Violence, Harassment, Suicide or Self-Injury, Spam, Drugs and Hate Speech.

Select the most suitable reason and provide more details if asked to do so. Here’s what the popup looks like:

how to flag facebook reviews and recommendations

Once you’ve done this, all that’s left to do is wait. Unfortunately, there’s no concrete amount of time for how long it will take to determine the fate of the review. The only reports guaranteed to be resolved in a timely manner are those that contain threats or other illegal content. You will be notified as to whether the review will be taken down or not once the reporting process has been completed.

How to remove a bad review on facebook

Unfortunately, you can’t remove reviews from Facebook that someone else wrote if they’re truthful. Your only hope of getting them taken down is to fix the situation through diplomacy or stellar customer service. If you’re able to make amends with the customer, they may delete their own review for you.

In cases where you can’t fix the problem, you should at least respond to the customer complaint to tell your side of the story.

Advice for responding to negative Facebook reviews

If your business did something to garner a negative review, follow the proper etiquette to win back the customer’s trust. If you handle the situation gracefully, your customer might even delete the original review. At the very least, you should “like” the review. But if you want a chance at winning back their patronage, you’ll need to respond.

Acknowledge their disappointment or anger, offer a heartfelt apology. Then take action to make the situation right. Try to see the review as a chance for you to increase your transparency on social media and show off your excellent customer service.

How to handle bad star ratings

Star-only ratings still appear on Facebook business pages even though they’re no longer accepted. That’s bad news for businesses because only feedback that includes a comment can be reported. Since you can’t remove fake Facebook reviews that don’t have comments, the best way to handle bad star reviews is, again, to respond.

Ask the person who posted the rating to tell you how you could improve your business. Even if they don’t respond, this at least shows the other users scrolling down your page that you’re willing to go above and beyond to refine your customer experience.

How to remove all reviews on your Facebook page

I know what you’re thinking…

Why would anyone want to remove positive reviews from their Facebook page? Because that’s the fastest and easiest way to hide bad Facebook reviews that could damage your reputation .

Let’s face it; sometimes a business goes through a rough patch. Maybe a defective product was recalled, or a store manager consistently provided terrible customer service. Meanwhile, angry customers flooded your Facebook page with piles of authentic one-star online reviews.

But you took action and fixed everything that was wrong. Your products are top-notch and customer service has never been better. Maybe you even received a few positive reviews. Yet, the negative comments just won’t go away and they’re ruining your brand reputation .

While it’s always best to remove inappropriate reviews when possible, this process can take a while. Small businesses may not be able to wait for them to be taken down. If that’s the case, your best course of action may be to simply turn off Recommendations entirely.

Follow these steps to remove reviews from Facebook

  • From your Facebook business page, click “Settings.”

turn off facebook page reviews step 1

  • Scroll down to find “Reviews” and click the “Settings” button.

turn off facebook business reviews step 2

It’s important to note that turning off Recommendations won’t delete Facebook reviews, it just hides them. That means if you decide to turn them back on again, all the negative ones will return.

How to delete a review you wrote on Facebook

Luckily it’s super easy to remove a review from Facebook if you wrote it. Just find the review in question, click the three horizontal dots in the top right and select “Delete.” If you’d like to edit your review instead, click “Edit Review.” If only everything else in life were so simple.

Check other review sites

Even when you’re doing everything right, things can still go wrong. Therefor you should constantly monitor all online review platforms for trouble. If you’ve got issues with Facebook, you may also need to:

  • Remove Google reviews
  • Get rid of Yelp complaints
  • Address criticism on Ripoff Report

Push down negative results

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How To Disable Reviews on a Facebook Page

facebook reviews turn off

Jamie Read more February 16, 2022

Any company in 2021 is subject to online reviews that can either make or break their business. Being troubled with trolls or a campaign trying to discredit your business online? This tutorial will show you how to disable reviews on Facebook and how to handle negative feedback so you still come out on top regardless of what is said.

How To Disable Reviews on a Facebook Page

Reviews, or social proof, as they are otherwise known are incredibly powerful. Few people buy anything online without checking reviews first and seeing negative reviews, even one bad review with 99 positive ones is enough to put some purchasers off.

If you run a business, Facebook is an essential part of your marketing mix. With billions of users, multiple ways to interact with customers, a two-way conversation with your fans, and lots of methods you can use for engagement, why would not you use it?

There are obvious downsides though. The same trolls and jerks that make Facebook difficult to use as a private citizen can also be the same with businesses. Facebook is also used to discredit some businesses on purpose by review bombing and through coordinated campaigns of social media marketing.

facebook reviews turn off

Search for ‘buy negative Facebook reviews’ online and see the dozens of companies offering to sell negative reviews. For not a lot of money, you can buy negative reviews to supposedly counter the raft of positive reviews to make your profile more realistic. In reality, those services are used to discredit competitors. Nobody thinks for a second that any business would ever purposely add negative feedback to their own account.

How to Disable Reviews on Facebook

It is possible to disable reviews or to report and remove fake ones. Most would suggest removing fake ones and leaving reviews enabled. If you are continually targeted by fakes, disabling them altogether may be the only way.

To disable feedback:

facebook reviews turn off

When you’ve completed these steps, viewers of your Facebook page will no longer see any reviews.

This is the nuclear option as reviews are important to buying decisions but if you have no choice, that’s how you disable them.

Report a Fake Review on Facebook

If you only suffer a few fake reviews, you would be much better off tackling them instead of turning off feedback. Here’s how:

  • Open Facebook and navigate to your Facebook page.

facebook reviews turn off

If you have ever dealt with Facebook before, you won’t have much hope that anything will happen. However, you have to follow the process and let the company do anything or nothing before taking it further.

Handling Negative or Fake Reviews

The measure of a business is not how it handles day-to-day operations but how it handles itself when things go wrong. Your first instinct might be anger, despair, and a desire for revenge but none of those things will work on Facebook.

Handling Real Negative Facebook Reviews

The key to handling negative reviews is to do it calmly and professionally. Replying with a rant is not going to win you any new customers or increased loyalty. However, if you address the problem at hand, offer to work with the customer to ensure their satisfaction, and act professionally and appropriately, the negative review can actually be made to work for you instead of against you.

It is good for customers to see how a company handles criticism. If you do it professionally and rise above any vitriol spilled in a review, you come out on top. Offer to work with the customer to make sure they are happy, you reassure all customers that even if things go wrong, you’ve got their back. That is worth many positive reviews.

However, the company is taking steps to keep these fake review accounts from doing any damage to innocent businesses. Just recently, the company removed over 16,000 accounts for this type of behavior.

Handling Fake Facebook Reviews

Handling fake reviews is slightly different but can also be turned on its head. Being honest and upfront with your customers about what is happening and asking them to leave positive reviews to counter the fakes can work.

It isn’t guaranteed to work though. Not all businesses have that kind of customer loyalty and not everyone will want to leave a review. Placing a reply to each fake marking it as such can go a long way to managing the situation.

Fake reviews are something of a plague on Facebook and other review sites. As many companies are spending resources on combating hate speech, fake news, and higher-profile issues, fewer resources are placed with other customer service areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i delete a review.

Unfortunately, there’s no ‘delete’ button on a Facebook review. Your only option is to report a review or to respond back to it politely and professionally.

If I disable reviews will the existing reviews disappear?

Yes, until you turn them back on again. If someone really has it out for your business it may be a good idea to disable reviews and allow customers to post their true testimony about your company on your wall.

How can I get more reviews?

Good reviews are great advertising. If you do have one or two bad ones, getting more good ones can bring your score up. To get more reviews you can ask your patrons to leave a review. Some companies will even offer a discount for such a return of gratitude.

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How To Remove Reviews From Facebook

Negative Facebook reviews are a huge turnoff for potential customers. You can only imagine the consequences for your brand if it becomes a victim of review bombing, with trolls purposely posting bad feedback.

That’s why we’ve created this guide, where we’ll show you how to remove reviews from Facebook to preserve your online reputation.

What Are Facebook Reviews?

Facebook reviews are feedback that customers post on your business’s Facebook page. These reviews can just be ratings or ratings with recommendations. 

Unlike many other social platforms, Facebook isn’t anonymous. These are real people posting real reviews. Good Facebook reviews indicate past customers have had a positive experience with your brand, likely influencing potential customers to do business with you.

The Basics of Removing Reviews From Facebook

Facebook for business is a blessing and a curse. With nearly 3 billion people using the platform, you get exposure like no other—but you’ll also find yourself dealing with inappropriate or unfair feedback.

Let’s take a look at how you can tackle this issue.

Understanding Whether a Review on Facebook Is Fake

Before we discuss deleting or removing Facebook reviews, you need to identify whether a customer review is fake in the first place.

For starters, it’s helpful to maintain a customer database and transactional records to cross-check a negative review from a customer. Does the negative review match or closely resemble an existing customer? Do you have a customer complaint on the file matching the events recounted in the review?

If it does, the review is genuine, and you should work on resolving it with tact. But if the review doesn’t align with any of your business records, it’s fake. 

Here are a few common red flags to easily spot a fake Facebook review:

  • The account has one of those typical fake names. Think: John Retartagan, Patty O’Furniture, Olive Yew
  • The account is created on the same day as the day of the review—and for the sole purpose of giving your business a bad review
  • The account profile picture is copied from somewhere else
  • The account is connected to a competitor or a former employee
  • The posted review has an inaccurate description of your business’s product or service is filled with silly grammatical errors or recommends your competitor in the complaint

Unfortunately, removing fake Facebook reviews isn’t as easy as you might hope.

Deleting Facebook Reviews From Customers Isn’t Possible

Can you remove or delete Facebook reviews? No, you cannot delete a legitimate review on Facebook, however malicious. 

This is because of Facebook’s policy to provide a reliable and transparent review system to its users. If it allowed businesses to tamper with reviews, people would lose their trust in Facebook and not see it as a reliable source of information.

But Facebook doesn’t extend the same courtesy to fake reviews made from shady and fake accounts. If the review is flagrant and/or in obvious violation of its community standards, Facebook will remove it. 

In other cases, Facebook is unlikely to take down a Facebook recommendation. The scathing and unfair review will stay connected to your page unless you take a few remedial and preventive actions.

Deleting or Editing Facebook Reviews That You Wrote

You can delete or edit a Facebook review that you’ve written. This holds true for your personal account as well as your business account.

Simply locate the review you want to remove or edit and click on the three dots.

Select Edit Review to make changes, and click Save when you’re done. Otherwise, you can just click Delete Review and tap Delete again to confirm the removal.

If you’re having trouble finding the review on a page, you can also locate it by:

  • Tapping your profile picture from your feed
  • Clicking the three dots
  • Navigating to Activity Log
  • Locating the review from past activity
  • Select Edit Review or Delete Review (same as above)

Again, these steps only work for reviews that you’ve written yourself. You do not have the power to delete a review that was written by somebody else.

Reporting a Review on Facebook 

If the Facebook review goes against Facebook‘s Community Standards , you can flag it. To do this, the review should either be clearly fake or contain one or more of the following prohibited forms of speech:

  • Hate speech
  • Misrepresentation
  • Cruelness and insensitivity

Facebook‘s Community Standards are broad, but the platform is quick to remove a Facebook recommendation if it’s ingenuine or overly offensive.

You can report a review on Facebook by following these steps:

  • Log into your Facebook business page.
  • Click on the Reviews tab on the top menu bar. Go to the review you want to report.
  • Click on the three dots on the top right hand of the review.
  • Select Report post from the displayed options. A pop-up window will appear on your screen.
  • Select the most appropriate description from the displayed list, and follow the prompts to finish the process.

Example of Facebook report post screen with options to select reason for report

After reporting a Facebook recommendation, all you can do is wait. Facebook will review your request, and if it finds the review goes against its Community Standards, it’ll remove the review forever.

Respond to Your Real Negative Facebook Reviews 

If legitimate customers have left bad Facebook recommendations, you need to respond positively and promptly as part of customer service.

Start with an apology and address the matter at hand, followed by offering a viable solution moving forward. If you do this right, you can change your customer’s negative experience into a positive one. It’ll also show potential customers your company cares about its customers and is serious about helping them.

Keep the following in mind when you respond to:

  • Be sympathetic and non-confrontational
  • Try to respond to recommendations promptly
  • Keep your response short, sweet, and concise

Make sure customers are happy with your suggestion and reassure all customers that if things go wrong, you’ve always got their back. We have an in-depth guide that further explains how responding to negative reviews professionally and tactfully can work in your favor.

Respond to Your Positive Reviews Too

You should respond to all reviews left on your Facebook page—not just the negative ones. Here’s why.

First of all, anyone taking the time out of their day to provide feedback and write a review deserves to be recognized. This is especially true for people who are sharing compliments and kind words about your business.

But if you’re only responding to negative reviews, it will only draw more attention to the bad ones when people are scrolling through your timeline.

This way, anyone who visits your business page will see responses to every review. So the negative ones won’t stick out like a sore thumb.

Turning Off or Disabling Facebook Reviews

If you feel a negative review is hurting your business—or don’t want to deal with the trouble of worrying about bad or fake reviews, you can take a more extreme measure: disable Facebook recommendations entirely.

To be clear, turning off the review section will hide all the recommendations left by past customers, both positive and negative. This also doesn’t give you a clean slate—you’ll see all reviews again upon enabling Facebook reviews in the future. Still, this is an excellent option if you have several fake reviews.

Here are the steps to disable reviews from Facebook:

  • Open your business page, making sure you’re logged in as the page admin.
  • Click on Settings at the top right of the page.
  • Navigate to the left-hand side of the page, and select Templates and Tab from the menu. 
  • Scroll down to Reviews , and click on Settings .
  • To the right of the Show Reviews option, you’ll see a slider. Click on it to disable it.
  • Select Save to confirm your new settings.

Facebook reviews menu with option to show reviews and slider turned off

Now, customers can no longer see any negative feedback on your business’s Facebook page.

3 Tools to Remove Reviews From Facebook

Managing your online reputation is important, regardless of your business size and industry. Below, we’ve put together a list of three amazing online reputation management companies that can help you manage negative reviews on Facebook.

Nextiva social media management page highlighting its 24/7 online review management feature

Before you can flag a review for removal on Facebook, the first thing you need to do is identify which reviews should be removed. Thanks to Nextiva , you can get real-time notifications based on specific tags and alerts you’ve set up.

This is one of the fastest ways to identify reviews that fit Facebook’s removal criteria, so you can report violations quickly to ensure they’re taken down ASAP.

Best of all, Nextiva uses AI-powered monitoring and listening tools to help you manage reviews beyond Facebook. So you can set up these same types of alerts across all review sites and remove bad reviews faster than ever before.

BirdEye social media management landing page highlighting its social listening feature.

Birdeye offers a wide range of reputation management solutions, but it’s the integrations with Facebook and Google that set it apart.

With Birdeye, you can auto-send review requests, respond to customer reviews on Facebook and other sites, and gather actionable insights with Natural language Processing (NLP). Review monitoring and management, review generation, and review marketing are the other desirable features.

You can also build a custom profile that can be beneficial to generate awareness and get more customers to check out your products and services. The fact that all these services are available on a single platform makes things even more convenient.


NetReputation’s social media landing page with an animated smartphone showing Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter logos.

From removing negative comments from Facebook to improving brand visibility, NetReputation is one of the most comprehensive online reputation management companies.

It offers a full range of services, including reputation monitoring, review management, public relations, branding, and content removal. We also like how professional and responsive the company’s customer support is. To provide the best possible customer service, NetReputation thoroughly interviews business owners to understand their needs.

If you’re feeling the heat from poor Facebook reviews, you can always turn to NetReputation to help you clean up and achieve a shining reputation.

5 Tricks for Removing Reviews from Facebook

The following tricks and best practices will help you take control of your Facebook reviews:

Manage Your Emotions

Fake reviews can be upsetting. But don’t let your emotions get the best of you. This type of behavior does not solve your problem—and it may put your brand in a negative light.

Have trust in your business. Work on offering high-quality products and services that consistently yield positive reviews. Don’t lower your ethical standards just because somebody else decides to play dirty. 

Remember, anything you write on Facebook can be viewed by the public. While it’s ok to privately message a customer to resolve a situation, it’s never ok to bash them or lose your cool. Not only is this bad business but there’s a good chance that those screenshots will end up being seen in the public eye.

Get More Positive Reviews

Positive reviews are the best way to offset fake reviews and negative comments. 

Reach out to customers who have positive experiences with your brand, and politely ask them to drop in a good word on your Facebook page . You can also offer them incentives like exclusive discounts or free goodies to make them more likely to turn the odds in your favor.

No business is perfect, and customers understand that. It’s normal for businesses to have negative remarks mixed into customer reviews. So one or two bad reviews won’t be the end of you.

But if you’re able to get lots of positive reviews on Facebook, the handful of negative comments will be an afterthought to prospective customers.

Hire a Reputation Management Service

Take control of your Facebook reviews and protect your online reputation by working with a reliable reputation management company.

A reputation management company can build an effective online reputation management strategy for your business. These services can help remove fake Facebook reviews by overcoming roadblocks in Facebook‘s reporting process—and if they can’t, the service can suppress fake reviews effectively to hide them from prospective customers.

Reputation management services can also help you get more positive reviews on Facebook. So whether you need fake reviews removed, new reviews from happy customers, or a combination of both, a reputation management service can get the job done.

Set Alerts For New Facebook Reviews

If you get a negative Facebook review, it’s important that you act quickly.

Again, the removal process isn’t instant. So any delay on your end will just prolong the process and leave the review on your page for more time than it needs to be there.

To ensure you’re acting quickly, you can set up alerts each time a new review is left on your Facebook page. Most reputation management services offer some type of review dashboard with custom alerts. You can also use Birdeye to set up alerts and streamline the way you monitor online reviews.

Example of a new review alert from Birdeye

Reply to Negative Facebook Reviews

There’s no guarantee that every bad Facebook review on your page will get removed. Even if it does get removed, there’s a chance it stays live for a week or longer.

In the meantime, you should respond to all of your Facebook reviews—including the negative ones that you want removed.

Replying to reviews shows your customers that you care. It also shows anyone else who reads the review that you’ve acknowledged any mistakes and taken steps to fix the situation.

If that review ends up getting removed, that’s great! But at least your audience will see that you’ve replied while it’s still active.

Removing Facebook Reviews: Your Top Questions Answered

You can only delete bad reviews from Facebook if it’s determined that the reviews are fake or they violate Facebook’s community guidelines. That’s because Facebook is committed to transparency and won’t let businesses remove reviews simply because a customer had a bad experience.  Businesses don’t have the power to delete reviews on their own. They must instead flag the review, and someone from Facebook will remove it if it violates their community standards.

If you think someone has left a fake review on your Facebook page, you can report it to Facebook by clicking on the three dots at the top right of the review. You’ll see an option to report the post, and Facebook will prompt you to select a reason for why you’re flagging it. The review will not automatically be removed when you report it. You must wait for someone to check your request to verify that the review is either fake or violates Facebook’s community standards. If it’s deemed that your request is valid, Facebook will delete the fake review forever.

To turn off and hide Facebook reviews, navigate to the Settings section of your business profile and select Edit Page . Click Reviews and then toggle off the button that shows reviews on your page and allows people to write new reviews.  Hiding Facebook reviews does not delete them. Instead, it removes all of your existing reviews from being publicly shown on your Facebook page and disables new reviews from being added. While hiding Facebook reviews would prevent bad reviews from being shown on your page, it will also hide your good reviews. It’s an all-or-nothing decision, and you can’t pick which reviews are hidden.

It’s typically in your best interest to respond to all Facebook reviews, including bad ones. Responding to negative Facebook reviews shows the dissatisfied customer that you care and can help restore their faith in your brand. This small step can prevent you from losing them as a customer altogether.  Replying to bad reviews on Facebook also shows prospective customers that your brand is active, engaging, and taking the right steps to make customers happy. For additional tips and best practices, check out our guide on how to respond to negative reviews .

To manage reviews on Facebook, log into your account and navigate to the Settings page. Then select Reviews from the Templates and Tabs menu.  Alternatively, you can select reviews directly from your Facebook page by scrolling to a specific review and clicking the three dots in the top right corner. A drop-down menu will appear with different review management options, including flagging the review or directly messaging the reviewer.

When you report a review on Facebook, someone on Facebook’s team will evaluate your report and determine whether the review goes against Facebook’s community standards. If the reviewer finds the post in violation, they’ll remove it from your Facebook page. Your report is confidential, and the account you reported will not be notified that you reported them.  It can take anywhere from several days to several weeks for someone on Facebook’s team to view your report and act on it.

Reporting a review on Facebook does not automatically remove it. The review must first be checked by a member of the Facebook team to see if it violates Facebook’s policies and community standards.  Reviews that just contain a star rating without any written content or pictures cannot be reported.

Just one report of a Facebook review will trigger someone from Facebook to review it. If Facebook determines that the review does not follow its community standards and guidelines, it will be removed. If the review is not removed, you’ll typically have the chance to request another one. If the second report is denied, you may be eligible to request a decision from Facebook’s oversight board.

What to Do Next

Now that you know how to remove reviews from Facebook, it’s time to focus on building a sound social media marketing strategy.

Admittedly, social media marketing isn’t easy. You have to spend time learning how to do it right. Luckily, there are a few strategies and techniques to make data-based decisions, steering your business towards success. When done properly, you can get more traffic for your business, score more positive reviews, and improve conversion rates.

Here are a few Quick Sprout guides to help you get started on the right track:

  • How to Effectively Market Your Small Business on Social Media
  • The Beginner’s Guide to Online Marketing
  • The Beginner’s Guide to the Best Strategies to Manage Your Online Reputation

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How To Turn Off Facebook Reviews

How To Turn Off Facebook Reviews

You’ve started your Facebook page for your business and you’ve decided to activate the Review option. This gives you an opportunity to get more feedback from other users and to direct more traffic and attention to your page.

As it gains traction, you see more activity with regards to your content and you see all the reviews coming in.

But sometimes, things just don’t go your way and customers post negative reviews.

How do you deal? Here’s how to turn off and delete Facebook reviews.

P.S. If you don’t want to turn off reviews on your page, you can use this service to get real Facebook reviews . This will help you to get more positive reviews for your FB page.

Table of Contents

Why Turn Off Facebook Reviews Settings

There are a few reasons why Facebook owners decide to turn off the review section of their Facebook page. One reason might be as a response to firefight the influx of negative reviews. It is possible that the Facebook page is targeted by negative publicity which is not expected by the page owners. Instead of addressing each negative review, it might be best to turn off the review section and address the issue as a whole.

Another would be related to matters of safety. If the reviews received affect the safety of any individual, whether they are part of the Facebook page or anyone outside, it might be better to turn off the Review section. This is also applicable for fake and spam reviews, which post reviews not related to Facebook pages. For cases like this, it is also advisable to report the reviews so that the user accounts will be deactivated and/or reviews be removed from the Facebook page.

How To Turn off Facebook Reviews

Deciding to turn off your Facebook reviews should be decided carefully. If this is the best option for your business, the following steps will help you do this on your Facebook page.

  • You need to log in to your Facebook account, first then go to your page. Look for the Settings button and click it. This will direct you to the Page Settings page.
  • From the Page Settings, you will see the Templates and Tabs option. You need to click this to show all the tabs available for your Facebook page. Look for the Review slide bar from the options on the right side.
  • Click on the Review slide bar. Make sure that the slide bar is grayed out. This means that you have successfully turned off the Review tab on your Facebook page.

settings to turn off Facebook Reviews

What happens when you turn off Facebook reviews?

As soon as you click on the Review slide bar to deactivate it, this will no longer appear on your Facebook page. This includes all the reviews made from the time you had created the page up to the last review that was received. Your page’s rating score will also not appear on the page. Users will no longer be able to add reviews on your Facebook page.

This might also affect your Facebook page’s traffic. Having a high rating score has a higher chance of getting promoted by Facebook to appear more frequently in users’ news feeds. Also, the frequency of updates received by a Facebook page is also considered. Since you will no longer receive additional reviews, your ratings will not be updated.

About Deleting Facebook reviews

There’s no way to delete reviews from Facebook pages, unfortunately. The possible reason that this functionality is made that way is to limit abuse. Users will be freely able to add reviews to pages without the worry of this being removed without their consent.

On the flip side, the page owners build their credibility with this in mind. The reviews shown will be both positive and negative and they cannot select which ones should be shown on their Facebook page.

Other responses to consider before turning off Facebook reviews

Aside from turning off the review section of your Facebook page, there are a few things that can be done. Facebook reviews, when used properly, can do more for your business than harm.

This might be a passive approach but doing nothing is accepting the status quo of your Facebook page. If you feel that there is nothing wrong with your business, then there’s no need to do anything. One or two negative reviews are normal and mean that there’s still room for growth for your business. Also, there might be more pressing issues that need to be resolved first besides focusing on getting more positive Facebook reviews .

There are different kinds of responses that can be done. You can get in touch with the reviewer to ask for more information on his/her response. You can also address the negative reviews as one general response through your Facebook page. Regardless of the intent of the response, the most important thing is to plan out on how to response to negative Facebook reviews that you will be making and not add more fuel to the fire. There are things you cannot take back once you have already made them public. page.

If there are reviews that you feel violate the community standards, then it is an option to report them. These are related to harassment, hate speech, sharing false information, or the like, which are grounds for reporting. This is an opportunity to make the platform a better and more positive venue for people to share their thoughts and makes it safer for other users.

report fake Facebook reviews

FAQs About Turning Off Facebook Reviews

Here are some frequently asked questions about turning off the reviews on your page.

Can you delete a bad review on Facebook?

Unfortunately, no. Turning off Facebook reviews from your page can be an alternative for this. It will not remove the bad reviews but it will hide all reviews from your Facebook page.

Can you turn off Facebook reviews?

Yes, you can. From the Facebook Page Settings, you can choose to deactivate the Review tab. This will remove the section on your Facebook page, as well as the ratings that you’ve gathered from all the reviews you’ve received.

You won’t be able to see the reviews, as well as your page’s rating. People will also be unable to add reviews to your page.

Can I delete a review I made on Facebook?

Yes. Much like a normal Facebook post, you can delete it. You can also edit your reviews as well as change the audience of your post. Whether you want to share it in public or just a handful of your friends, you can change this in your review.

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  • Should Your Business Turn Off Its Facebook Reviews?
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Blog Âť Social Media Âť How to Disable Reviews on Your Facebook Page (3 Simple Steps)

How to Disable Reviews on Your Facebook Page (3 Simple Steps)

Everybody loves reading a good review and seeing 5 stars across the board. It can be great for generating more traffic and conversions. However, if you are hovering at a 3.9 or below I would highly recommend simply disabling reviews altogether on your Facebook page. There is no downfall and if you are a local business this will most likely only end up helping you .

Thankfully Facebook does give us this option as opposed to Yelp where if you have bad reviews you are stuck with them. Unless you pay for Yelp advertising and then they will filter your reviews in your favor lol. But that is a different story.

facebook star ratings

Disable Facebook Reviews

Here is my strategy. Follow the instructions below on how to disable and or turn off the reviews on your Facebook page.

On your Facebook page click into “Settings” at the top.

Facebook page settings

On the left-hand side click into “Templates and Tabs.”

Facebook templates and tabs

Scroll down to “Reviews” and toggle reviews to “OFF.” Then click “Save.”

Turn off Facebook reviews tab

And you’re done! Now the star ratings won’t show anymore and the review tab will now be gone . I think the trade off is worth it to get rid of your bad reviews. Also, Facebook keeps your history. So you can always re-enable it later if you change your mind and all your reviews and ratings will still be there.

As always let me know what you think below!

facebook reviews

Brian Jackson

I craft actionable content and develop performance-driven WordPress plugins. Connect on X , subscribe to my newsletter (once a month), or buy me coffee .

30 thoughts on “How to Disable Reviews on Your Facebook Page (3 Simple Steps)”

Thanks for this quick guide Brian. A lot of people leave bad reviews on Facebook even if they haven’t tried your service or product simply because they have time and nothing better to do. You can contact with FB to remove these bad reviews, but this process often takes several weeks. Cheers Tom

There is a real way to remove the reviews but required to take out your address or add a not valid address on the first line. Once you remove your address, you have to come back again to the address section, so now it let you turn of the Reviews if your current address is not valid for facebook. That´s it.

I don’t believe this a good advice. If a business isn’t providing a good service, hence, rated badly, others have a right to know. It will incentive the business to get better. Reviews aren’t are a source of learning for both a business and a the consumers.

Thanks for your comment Raymond! I do agree with you Raymond… However depending on how big your business is, sometimes this is out of the marketers control. And public facing image wise and conversion wise sometimes it makes sense to get rid of it. You don’t want people hitting the FB page, seeing a bad rating, and leaving. I agree with you though, especially for small businesses who have control over why this might be happening. If they are getting bad reviews, there is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Pretty sure that you are not a small business owner. No offense, but in this day and age, people leave bad reviews if they don’t like the coffee in your lobby. More often than not, bad reviews are made up of nothing about your business and everything to do with how someone is ‘feeling’ on the day. Unnecessary remarks can hurt any small business and ratings from one disgruntled person can affect solid future business. Not at all a learning tool.

This doesn’t work anymore, star-rating got removed under map options:

now is their any possibilities of disabling the reviews option in facebook page…

You can’t. Reviews can’t be blocked/hidden, you have to accept them and I think that’s pretty stupid. Comments can be deleted and the users banned but still… if you get a storm of haters/trolls you’re screwed.

Hi. I can’t see the reviews and ratings on my page anymore. They have dissapeared. I have tried editing the address and checking the box which says ‘Show map and Check-ins on the page’ but there’s no sign of the ratings and reviews of anymore. Could you please help?

Confirmed. The option no longer includes the ability to turn off star ratings.

Hey, looking for an answer to this as we are an educational charity so the reviews tab is not really applicable for us. Any idea how to remove? Thanks!

I would change your page type, this can get rid of the stars.

How do you change your page type and what type would you change it to? Mine is Private non-profit school. Thanks

To confirm – it sounds like we’re no longer able to remove the reviews feature, correct?

That is correct, unfortunately this no longer works. I have now updated the post above with a message. If I find a new work around I will update the post. Thanks

That’d be great! I need mine gone for HIPAA purposes.

That’s originally why I wrote this, because at the time I was doing marketing for a pain management company and we had patients mentioning Doctor’s names which is a no no lol.

Yes, we don’t solicit reviews, but they post them anyway. Yikes!!

Hey Dominica, what did you end up doing? Also, Brian, where did you find that this is in direct violation of HIPAA? It’s not Public Health Information when disclosed by the patient. But this is also the reason why I am looking into disabling reviews. Really appreciate your guys’ insight on this.

The workaround doesn’t seem to work anymore, either. When I went to remove the map, check-ins, and star reviews, it didn’t give me the ability to remove the star reviews. My review section is being spammed, so I was trying to get rid of it.

The solution that worked for me is to uncheck the map box and remove your entire address. Once you do this save it. Then return to the address page and their should be a box that states something along the lines of “your address is incomplete so people cannot check in here, do you want to remove the ability to check in completely?”. Click yes to this. This will remove reviews and the ability to check in. We don’t need people to check in so it does not matter, if it does to you this may not be your solution. We did not have to change our business type or anything for this to work. Best of luck.

did you re add your address? I got the reviews gone but I wanted to be able to put my address back on my page

i did add my address back but not the full address in second line do not select the address facebook recommended, just make you own one a slice difference.

The punisher is right! It worked!!

@brianleejackson:disqus it worked for me, i mixed it up, first i changed the Category and Sub Category, then removed the address completely and removed the check box, after that i got the prompt to remove the check-in option. Now i don’t have any shitty reviews :)

Your comment about HIPAA is incorrect. Patients cannot violate HIPAA. Only professionals violate it. It is a violation for a medical professional to mention a patient’s name or any identifying information, but not the other way around.

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They have made it very easy now. Just go to “Settings” under the page you manage and go down to “Reviews”. Click edit to allow or disable.

Will this solution remove the reviews page even from Google Search? We have disabled the review functionality so reviews are not visible on the Facebook page however if at the end of the Facebook url I put /reviews this comes up in Google search. I need to be able to remove the review page from search listings.

Has anybody found a work around to remove a particular review but leave the star ratings visible? I’m an agent for my company and have a review that is good for me, but bad for my company.

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How to turn off Facebook recommendations and reviews (and why it might not be a good idea)

In business, reputation is everything. While it may take years to build, it can be struck down in a matter of hours. In today’s digital world, online reputation matters as much, if not more, than offline. Critical reviews that appear across social media can be hugely damaging. What’s more, critical reviews can sometimes be inaccurate and unfair. 

There are some 90 million business pages on Facebook and 140 million businesses use Facebook to promote their products and services further.

What are Facebook Recommendations and Reviews?

These are customer business recommendations and reviews posted to a business’s Facebook page. Facebook recently relaunched their Reviews as Recommendations. Recommendations only provide the option to recommend, or not recommend your business. A positive recommendation automatically gets a 5 star rating and a critical recommendation a 1 star rating.

In many cases, Facebook Recommendations allow customers to share their positive experience with your business. Customers can indicate whether they recommend your business to others, something that is often seen as a powerful endorsement. As a result, businesses can enjoy increased sales and even improved local SEO rankings as your business is mentioned, rated and reviewed.

On the flip side, Facebook Recommendations also provide an outlet for unhappy customers to share their experience (and to say that they would not recommend your business to others). 

There may be times when you want to remove a Facebook Recommendation. This could be for a fake or spam recommendation, or due to entirely inappropriate or inaccurate information that could damage your brand. Just bear in mind though that it is very difficult to get a recommendation removed once posted.

How to remove Facebook Recommendation

When you find recommendations that you believe require removal from your Facebook Page (i.e. they are fake), you’ll need to flag them and notify Facebook immediately. It’s not possible to delete them yourself.

In order for the Facebook team to check the recommendation, it will need to be reported. It’s worth pointing out that only recommendations with a comment on them can be reported. The Facebook team recommend that your business should comment constructively on any critical recommendation, even those you deem to be fake. This will then enable you to flag and report the recommendation accordingly and also show others that you are attempting to solve the problem in a constructive manner. Avoid calling out the fake recommendation publicly as this can appear defensive and also sow distrust amongst your audience. 

Follow these straightforward steps to get the recommendation flagged with Facebook: 

1. Find the recommendation you want to remove. 

2. Navigate to the top right-hand corner and click on the three dots. A drop-down menu will pop up and select “Find support or report Recommendation.”

3. Click the option most relevant for you and hit “Send”.

The review is now registered with Facebook. Once they review your complaint, if they find the review to be fraudulent or against Facebook’s Community Standards, the team will remove it directly from your Business page.

Why you might not want to report and remove critical recommendation

We have talked lots on this blog about the importance of responding to all customer feedback and recommendation, even the bad ones ! A genuine critical recommendation isn’t necessarily the end of the world. In many cases, this feedback can allow your business to make important changes and grow as a result. A full complement of 5-star recommendations is often mistrusted by consumers too, raising suspicions about fake recommendations.

Rather than removing these critical recommendations, consider responding positively and constructively, addressing the problems and showing that you are making efforts to improve the experience. This will allow others to see that you’re proactive and responsive.

How to hide Facebook Reviews (Recommendations)

If you’re still convinced that Facebook Recommendations aren’t for you, you can hide them entirely rather than removing. Hiding Facebook Reviews doesn’t delete the feedback, but simply hides them from view.  The Facebook tab is still called Reviews, not Recommendations – just to confuse us all 😉

Here’s how you hide, or remove Facebook Recommendations from your Facebook Page step-by-step:

  • Go to Settings on your Page
  • Click Edit Page
  • Scroll down until you find Reviews
  • Choose the Settings option (to the right of recommendations)
  • Turn Reviews off

If you want to re-enable the recommendations later, go back to the same location and turn them ON again. Having no recommendations visible on your Facebook Page isn’t entirely helpful. You could be missing out on a powerful opportunity to share the experiences of your customers and might not appear as an established, trustworthy business.

Turning off Facebook Reviews is a process that should not be taken lightly. It’s up to you to decide whether taking critical recommendations on the chin or keeping things calm until you have your business in order suits your situation better. No matter which route you take, it’s helpful to know how to shut Facebook Reviews down.

Get more reviews instead

One brilliant way to outnumber and move on from a genuine critical review is to boost the number of customer reviews you receive overall. A platform like HelpfulCrowd can help you build more user-generated content by collecting content-rich customer reviews. This will have the effect of pushing a critical reviews further down the list and boosting your overall rating (so long as your business provides a good level of service to your customers of course). You can also show these alongside your Facebook Recommendations on your website using the HelpfulCrowd widgets. Sign up for a free demo today.

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how to disable Facebook reviews

How to Disable Facebook Reviews

Online reviews are a key factor in shaping the reputation of businesses. Among the different platforms, Facebook reviews and recommendations are particularly important, making it vital for businesses to manage them effectively. In this article, we will explain how to disable Facebook reviews as a last resort and explore alternative approaches to handling negative feedback.

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

When and how to disable facebook reviews, identifying situations for disabling reviews.

There are instances when disabling Facebook reviews becomes a strategic move. Situations such as a PR crisis leading to an influx of negative reviews or a sudden surge in spammy feedback may warrant considering this option. If negative reviews are significantly impacting your business’s reputation , it might be time to explore the disabling process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Disable Facebook Reviews

Step 1: access your facebook business page.

Navigate to your Facebook business Page and log in.

Step 2: Access Settings

Click on Settings situated on the left-hand side of your screen.

Step 3: Navigate to Privacy Settings

In the Settings menu, select Privacy on the left.

Step 4: Choose “Page and Tagging” Options

Within the Privacy settings, click on Page and Tagging.

Step 5: Disable Reviews

Find the option that says “Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page?” and switch the slider from right to left, turning it from blue to gray.

Considerations Before Disabling Reviews

Before taking this step, it’s important to weigh the potential consequences. Yes, disabling reviews could protect you against an influx of spam or negative reviews from bad PR, but it could also limit genuine feedback and even affect your business’s overall credibility. Consider some alternative approaches to negative reviews before deciding to disable the feature.

Alternative Approaches to Negative Reviews

When someone leaves a bad review, it can be tempting to disable the reviews altogether. But before you do that, consider other ways to handle it. 

Try encouraging happy customers to talk about their positive experiences to drown out negative reviews, or even use the feedback from those not-so-happy customers to make some improvements. By doing this, you can deal with negative feedback and still show off your business’s strengths. In a way, it’s a lot like killing two birds with one stone.

Proactive Reputation Management Tips

Managing your reputation online is important for businesses today. To do it proactively, it’s a good idea to encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews . This can really help sway the public’s opinion of your business. 

Last but not least, we want to touch on other social media platforms. Facebook is all fine and good, but don’t forget to utilize other relevant social media platforms to promote your brand and interact with your followers. 

The Broadly Difference: Elevating Your Review Management

Take your review management to the next level with Broadly’s comprehensive software designed for small businesses. Our platform goes beyond simple review collection, offering features that set us apart from the competition. With Broadly, you can effortlessly encourage positive reviews, address negative feedback, and manage your online reputation seamlessly.

Key Features and Benefits

     ✔️ Simplify Review Collection: Streamline the review collection process and encourage satisfied customers to leave positive feedback.

     ✔️ Address Negative Feedback: Effectively manage negative reviews with personalized responses and solutions.

     ✔️ Boost Online Reputation: Elevate your online presence and build trust with potential customers.

Unlock Your Potential with Broadly

See the difference Broadly can make for your business in just 30 days. Take control, engage with your customers, and let Broadly supercharge your review management strategy.

Watch your online reputation transform with Broadly

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How to turn off Live Photos on iPhone

Are you fed up with accidentally taking Live Photos? Or have you noticed your live photos are taking up too much storage on your iPhone? This guide will help you turn off the feature in a few easy steps.

You can either temporarily turn off Live Photos on your iPhone or you can disable the feature entirely. Read on to find out how to both temporarily and permanently turn off the live photos feature on your iPhone.

What you’ll need:

  • An iPhone 6s or later

The short version:

Open the camera app, tap the live photos icon, to turn off live photos permanently, go to your iphone’s settings, tap preserve settings, turn off live photo.

facebook reviews turn off


Check the live photo icon at the top right corner. If there’s not a slash through the icon, then the option is still switched on. Simply tap the icon and you should see a slash appear across it. As long as you’ve correctly turned off the Live Photo toggle in Preserve Settings, this should now save for the future.

Yes. The live photos icon will always remain in the top right corner of your camera app, so you can turn it on and off whenever you like.

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How to Turn Off Meta AI on Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook

' src=

  • Meta AI is a generative AI chatbot that has been integrated into all of Meta's apps like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.
  • There is no option to turn off the Meta AI chatbot or hide it from the app's interface, which is quite annoying.
  • Users only have the option to either mute the chatbot or install web apps that haven't received this feature as of now.

Can You Turn Off Meta AI?

How to mute meta ai chats, mute meta ai on facebook.

  • Tap on the search icon at the top right of the Facebook app. It may also show up as the Meta AI icon .
  • In the search window, tap on the Meta AI icon on the left side of the search bar.
  • This will open the chat window. Here, tap on the i icon at the top right.
  • Then select the Mute option.

Mute Option in Meta AI on Facebook

  • Now select Until I change it and tap on OK to confirm.

Mute Meta AI Until Turned On

Mute Meta AI on Instagram

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Mute Meta AI on Messenger

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Meta AI Mute Till Turned On

Workarounds to Avoid Using Meta AI Chatbot

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  • Scroll down and tap on Add to Home Screen .

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Anshuman Jain

As a tech journalist, I dive into the ever-evolving tech landscape with a particular interest for smartphones, apps, and gaming. With a passion for sharing insights, my articles blend expertise with a friendly touch—think of me as your friendly neighborhood tech support.

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M4 ipad pro review: well, now you’re just showing off, this tablet offers much more than you’ll actually need..

Samuel Axon - May 13, 2024 9:01 pm UTC

The back of an iPad with its Apple logo centered

The new iPad Pro is a technical marvel, with one of the best screens I’ve ever seen, performance that few other machines can touch, and a new, thinner design that no one expected.

It’s a prime example of Apple flexing its engineering and design muscles for all to see. Since it marks the company’s first foray into OLED beyond the iPhone or Watch, and the first time a new M-series chip has debuted on something other than a Mac, it comes across as a tech demo for where the company is headed beyond just tablets.

Still, it remains unclear why most people would spend one, two, or even three thousand dollars on a tablet that, despite its amazing hardware, does less than a comparably priced laptop—or at least does it a little more awkwardly, even if it's impressively quick and has a gorgeous screen.


There are some notable design changes in the 2024 iPad Pro, but really, it’s all about the specs—and it’s a more notable specs jump than usual in a couple of areas.

First up, there’s the M4 chip. The previous iPad Pro had an M2 chip, and the latest Mac chip is the M3, so not only did the iPad Pro jump two whole generations, but this is the first time it has debuted the newest iteration of Apple Silicon. (Previously, new M-series chips launched on the Mac first and came to the iPad Pro a few months later.)

Using second-generation 3 nm tech, the M4’s top configuration has a 10-core CPU, a 10-core GPU, and a 16-core NPU. In that configuration, the 10-core CPU has four performance cores and six efficiency cores.

A lower configuration of the M4 has just nine CPU cores—three performance and six efficiency. Which one you get is tied to how much storage you buy. 256GB and 512GB models get nine CPU cores, while 1TB and 2TB get 10. Additionally, the two smaller storage sizes have 8GB of RAM to the larger ones’ 16GB.

This isn’t the first time Apple has tied RAM to storage configurations, but doing that with CPU cores is new for the iPad. Fortunately, the company is upfront about all this in its specs sheet, whereas the RAM differentiation wasn’t always clear to buyers in the past. (Both configurations claim 120GB/s memory bandwidth, though.)

Can the M4 help the iPad Pro bridge the gap between laptop and tablet? Mostly, it made me excited to see the M4 in a laptop.

Regardless of the specific configuration, the M4 promises substantially better CPU and GPU performance than the M2, and it supports hardware-accelerated ray-tracing via Metal, which some games and applications can take advantage of if developers put in the work to make it happen. (It looked great in a demo of Diablo Immortal I saw, but it’s unclear how often we’ll actually see it in the wild.)

Apple claims 1.5x faster CPU performance than the M2 and up to 4x faster graphics performance specifically on applications that involve new features like ray-tracing or hardware-accelerated mesh shading. It hasn't made any specific GPU performance claims beyond those narrow cases.

Further Reading

Some neat machine-learning features are already possible on the M4—you can generate audio tracks using certain instruments in your Logic Pro projects, apply tons of image optimizations to photos with just a click or two, and so on.

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A german novel about a tortured love affair wins 2024 international booker prize.

Andrew Limbong headshot

Andrew Limbong

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Author Jenny Erpenbeck's novel Kairos was named this year's winner of the International Booker Prize. Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images hide caption

Author Jenny Erpenbeck's novel Kairos was named this year's winner of the International Booker Prize.

Kairos , a novel about a love affair between a younger woman and older man in 1980s Germany, has won this year's International Booker Prize. The award is one of the most prestigious prizes for fiction translated into English.

The book, originally written in German by Jenny Erpenbeck, was translated by Michael Hofmann. The two will receive a prize of 50,000 British pounds (about $63,000), split evenly.

International Booker Prize shortlist for 2024 spans three continents

International Booker Prize shortlist for 2024 spans three continents

Pain and pleasure do the tango in the engrossing new novel 'Kairos'

Book Reviews

Pain and pleasure do the tango in the engrossing new novel 'kairos'.

At the center of Kairos is a relationship between 19-year-old Katherina, and Hans, a married writer in his 50s. They have sex, they go on walks, they listen to music. But the relationship soon starts to turn violent and cruel. This feeling of loss and disillusionment maps onto the political shifts happening in Germany at the time. In praising the novel, Fresh Air critic John Powers writes that "Erpenbeck understands that great love stories must be about more than just love."

He continues: "Even as she chronicles Katharina's and Hans' romance in all its painful details, their love affair becomes something of a metaphor for East Germany, which began in hopes for a radiant future and ended up in pettiness, accusation, punishment and failure."

The cover to the novel Kairos, written by Jenny Erpenbeck, translated by Michael Hofmann

Erpenbeck was previously an opera director. Her first novel was 2008's The Old Child and The Book of Words about a child who loses her memory. In 2018, she was shortlisted for the International Booker Prize for her novel Go, Went, Gone . She's a hugely acclaimed writer earning glowing reviews and glossy profiles from NPR , The New York Times , and The New Yorker , with critics often predicting a Nobel Prize win in her future.

Translator Michael Hofmann is a poet, essayist, and a previous judge for the International Booker Prize. Hofmann is the first male translator to win the award. He's translated dozens of books from German to English, including authors such as Franz Kafka and Hans Fallada. A 2016 interview in The Guardian noted his ability to "single-handedly revive an author's reputation," calling him "arguably the world's most influential translator of German into English."

In a press release announcing the prize, Eleanor Watchel, chair of this year's judge, praised the way the novel used the personal story as a way of examining the broader political machinations of Germany. "The self-absorption of the lovers, their descent into a destructive vortex, remains connected to the larger history of East Germany during this period, often meeting history at odd angles."

The other finalists for the 2024 International Booker Prize were Not a River by Selva Almada, translated from Spanish by Annie McDermott; Crooked Plow by Itamar Viera Junior, translated from Portuguese by Johnny Lorenz; Mater 2-10 by Hwang Sok-yong, translated from Korean by Sora Kim-Russell and Youngjae Josephine Bae; What I'd Rather Not Think About by Jente Posthuma, translated from Dutch by Sarah Timmer Harvey; and The Details by la Genberg, translated from Swedish by Kira Josefsson.

Author Georgi Gospodinov and translator Angela Rodel won last year's International Booker Prize for the novel Time Shelter.

This story was edited for radio and digital by Meghan Collins Sullivan .

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Best Apple Watch Memorial Day deals: Series 9, Ultra 2, and more

Some of the best smartwatch deals are around during the Memorial Day sales. Even with the early Memorial Day deals going on right now, there are some excellent discounts on all things Apple Watch. Whatever you buy, you’re getting one of the best smartwatches , since the Apple Watch SE, Apple Watch Ultra 2, and Apple Watch Series 9 are all excellent in different ways. If you’re keen to see all the early Apple Watch Memorial Day deals, we’ve rounded them up below.

Best Apple Watch SE Memorial Day deals

Best apple watch ultra 2 memorial day deals, best apple watch series 9 memorial day deals.

The Apple Watch SE is best described as “simple, cheap, and brilliant”. The watch offers comprehensive yet simple-to-use fitness tracking and will be more than sufficient for most people. Already great value, the price gets even lower when on sale making it an irresistible buy. Here are all the best Apple Watch SE Memorial Day deals currently available.

  • Apple Watch SE 2 GPS 40mm —
  • Apple Watch SE 2 GPS 44mm —
  • Apple Watch SE 2 GPS + Cellular 40mm —
  • Apple Watch SE 2 GPS + Cellular 44mm —

For the ultimate Apple Watch experience, check out the Apple Watch Ultra 2 . It’s the high-end model with unmatched performance, a super bright display, and fantastic battery life. It’ll keep up with you whether you’re hiking, diving, or climbing mountains. It’s more expensive than the standard Apple Watch models but it’s worth the investment if you spend all your time being as active as possible. Early Apple Watch Ultra 2 Memorial Day deals are pretty slim on the ground so far but here’s what we’ve found.

  • Apple Watch Ultra 2 GPS + Cellular 49mm White Ocean Band (Renewed) —
  • Apple Watch Ultra 2 GPS + Cellular 49mm Blue Ocean Band (Renewed) —

The Apple Watch Series 9 is the best all-rounder smartwatch for most people. It has plenty of key sensors like heart rate as well as crash and fall detection, while also boasting reasonable if not exceptional battery life. It looks great too. As the most popular Apple Watch, here are the best early Apple Watch Series 9 Memorial Day deals that we’ve spotted so far.

  • Apple Watch Series 9 GPS 41mm —
  • Apple Watch Series 9 GPS + Cellular 41mm Pink —
  • Apple Watch Series 9 GPS + Cellular 41mm Starlight —

Editors' Recommendations

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  • Apple Watch

Jennifer Allen

One of the best smartwatches can add a lot to both your fitness routine and your day-to-day style, and the Apple Watch lineup is one people turn to frequently. The Apple Watch Series 9 is the current most recent release, but the Apple Watch Series 8 is still plenty capable, and it makes for great smartwatch deals because it’s a generation old at this point. Apple deals don't come around often, so shopping older generations is a great way to save. There are some Apple Watch 8 deals currently taking place, and we’ve tallied them below for your saving convenience. So whether you’re starting a new fitness routine or cleaning up your wardrobe, don’t hesitate to shop the best Apple Watch deals while they last. Apple Watch Series 8 (GPS + Cellular, 45mm) (refurbished) — $255, was $273

This is the Apple Watch Series 8 45mm size, which is the largest you’ll find in an Apple Watch 8. It also has built-in GPS and the ability to connect to your cellular plan for connectivity anywhere you get a signal. This is a refurbished model of the Apple Watch 8. Shopping refurbished is a great way to land some savings, and you can do so knowing this watch is backed by Amazon’s renewal standards. It will still have all of the great features people love about the Apple Watch Series 8, including advanced health features and access to Apple’s software ecosystem.

The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is the largest of Samsung’s S24 models. It makes some fierce competition for some of the best phones, such as the iPhone 15 Pro Max, and it has a range of features anyone from everyday users to content creators will enjoy. The S24 Ultra also makes for some great phone deals, and right now there are several ways to save on one. They’re scattered across retailers and carriers, so we’ve rounded up all of the best Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra deals for your shopping convince. You’ll find them below, and if you’re looking for some other phone deals to shop, you can also find some impressive Samsung Galaxy S24 deals, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra deals, iPhone 15 deals, and iPhone 14 deals out there right now. Today's best Galaxy S24 Ultra deals Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra deals change frequently but below, we’ve picked out some of the best available today. These include being able to buy direct from the source aka Samsung, along with buying from other retailers and cell phone network providers too. There’s something for every intention here.

Samsung : along with a choice of exclusive colors. AT&T: applied over 36 months. Verizon: applied over 36 months. T-Mobile: applied over 24 monthly bill credits. Xfinity: applied to your monthly statement with an eligible trade-in device. Spectrum: plus an additional $100 off when you trade in your current phone.

If you think it's about time that you buy an Apple Watch, or if you feel the need to upgrade from an older model, you're going to want to take advantage of Walmart's offer for the GPS, 41mm model of the Apple Watch Series 9. As part of the retailer's smartwatch deals, it's down to just $299 from $399 following a $100 discount. We're not sure how much time is remaining before this bargain ends, but with stocks selling quickly, we highly recommend that you push through with your purchase as soon as you can.

Why you should buy the Apple Watch Series 9 The Apple Watch Series 9 headlines our list of the best smartwatches as the top choice for iPhone owners, as not only does it provide an extremely easy pairing process, but it's also extremely comfortable to wear. That's important because you'd want the Apple Watch Series 9 on your wrist as much as possible in order to maximize its health monitoring capabilities, which can track heart rate, blood oxygen measurements, electrocardiograms, movement and workout data, and much more. The wearable device is powered by the S9 chip, which improves performance compared with its predecessors and enables local processing of Siri requests for faster responses from the digital assistant.

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Elvis presley's nightstand bible from graceland up for auction, elvis presley graceland nightstand bible up for auction ... found the night he died.

One lucky Elvis Presley fan's gonna need more than a hope and a prayer to get his personal Bible, they'll need a lotta money, too, as it's about to go up on the auction block.

GWS Auctions already has one bid at $30k, and will open up the live auction starting May 25. The Bible has "Elvis Aaron Presley" embossed in gold, and is chock-full of bookmarked pages and underlined passages that hit home for the singer.

The Bible is accompanied by a handwritten letter from Elvis' cousin, Patsy Presley ... and according to the auction house the book was 1 of 3 found by her and Elvis' dad when they were packing up his stuff shortly after he passed.

They say this particular one up for auction was found in Elvis' nightstand.

No doubt about it, Elvis was more than just a rock star -- he was deeply spiritual and was known to turn to the Bible to calm his nerves and say a prayer before hitting the stage for a killer show.

But, plot twist ... the auction house's owner is Priscilla 's former business partner Brigitte Kruse , who filed a lawsuit earlier this year, claiming Priscilla left her high and dry without a whisper of her financial woes when they teamed up.

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Also, Elvis' personal Bible hitting the auction block comes amid news of Graceland's potential foreclosure auction -- which Elvis' granddaughter Riley Keough is pulling out all the stops to prevent ... as she claims it's based on fraudulent loan docs.

Graceland is out of just about everyone's budget, obviously -- but Elvis' Bible, on the other hand, might be the ticket for some lucky collector!

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