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Ph senate conducts ‘historic’ hearing on divorce bill.

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The Senate on Tuesday, September 17, conducted its first ever hearing on the proposed divorce law in the Philippines.

Presiding over the hearing is Senate committee on Women, Children, Family Relations and Gender Equality chairperson Sen. Risa Hontiveros, who called this first deliberation on the divorce bill “historic.”

“This is history in the making,” she said in her opening statement.

“We are in the process of making history by crafting a policy to make dissolution of marriage available to all Filipinos who want second chances in love, to rebuild their families and start all over again,” she added.

Hontiveros, while a staunch supporter of the institution of marriage, said Filipinos especially women and their children “should have the right to turn the page and be free from abusive and loveless relationships.”

“My sympathy and support go out to my countrymen, especially since there are many women who are victims of domestic violence and psychological abuse,” she said in Filipino.

“They, together with their children, deserve all the chances available in this world to build nurturing families and find true and meaningful relationships,” the senator added.

Hontiveros also maintained that the divorce bill is “pro-marriage, pro-family and pro-children” as it will make people respect marriage more by being more discerning with their choices in life and protects children from abuse and rebuilds broken families.

“It makes us respect marriage more by being more discerning with our choices in life. It protects children from abuse and rebuilds broken families,” she said.

“We can call it whatever we want. Divorce. Dissolution of marriage or whatever. The important thing is, giving a second chance to our people,” Hontiveros added. 

Change of term

According to Hontiveros, if the lawmakers have an issue with semantics, advocates were open to changing the term “divorce.”

She said if the term “divorce” is contentious, then “dissolution of marriage” would be issued in the committee report she will draft.

“The term dissolution of marriage is acceptable already for the advocates. It’s fine with them if the word divorce is already contentious, as long as the grounds they are asking for to have a second chance [in life] is covered,” Hontiveros said.

She added that some of her colleagues in the Senate are more inclined to support the “dissolution of marriage.”

Senate President Vicente Sotto III himself had said that a measure with the term “dissolution of marriage” has a better fighting chance in the upper chamber than divorce.

“I don’t have the exact numbers right now pero in terms of sensing, I do sense there is more openness to the dissolution of marriage bill compared to other contentious bills,” Hontiveros said.

She also said that she is willing to hold more hearings or technical working group meetings before elevating it to the plenary should there be calls for extensive discussion on the issue.

Banning divorce is ‘tortuously inhumane’

Resource persons who were at the hearing stressed that banning divorce does not only lead to exploitations but is also “tortuously inhumane.’    

Marc Anthony Luna from the Divorce Coalition of the Philippines addressed the panel saying that annulment is “one of the milking cows” of lawyers.   A former OFW, Luna said he didn’t pursue annulment because he doesn’t believe in it and it is a process that is being exploited.

Independent journalist Ana Santos said that the divorce ban in the Philippines has created scammers who take advantage of married couples breaking up.   Apart from lawyers (both fake and legitimate) who run away with their clients’ money, she also added that there are courts that manufacture annulment proceedings and decisions.

Santos, who went through an annulment, said the divorce ban is “tortuously inhumane” as it “not only takes such a long time, not only bleed you of your money but it pits the couple against each other.”

An annulment is a civil procedure in which a judge declares the marital union between a husband and a wife no longer valid. Proceedings cost at least P200,000 and it is the only option for Filipino couples who want to break up their marriage.   A predominantly Catholic nation, the Philippines is one of the two countries that still ban divorce (the other one is Vatican City, an independent ecclesiastical sovereign city-state).

The Family Code of the Philippines states that a marriage can only be annulled if:

•   The party in whose behalf it is sought to have the marriage annulled was 18 years of age or over but below 21 and the marriage was solemnized without the consent of the parents, guardian or person having substitute parental authority over the party

•   Either party was of unsound mind

•   The consent of either party was obtained by fraud

•   The consent of either party was obtained by force, intimidation or undue influence

•   Either party was physically incapable of consummating the marriage with the other and such incapacity continues and appears to be incurable

•   Either party was afflicted with a sexually-transmissible disease found to be serious and appears to be incurable. 

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Ritchel Mendiola

Ritchel Mendiola is a staff writer and reporter for the Asian Journal. You can reach her at [email protected] .

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The religious hypocritical lies will be their own measure of judgement. The Bible clearly states adultery is grounds for biblical divorce yet that is not listed. The bible clearly tells us God doesnt force man into following Him. Yet this law subjects individuals to religious rules they might not submit their lives too personally.

These hypocrites allow woman to suffer whose so called husbands have left them and have second families already. These same women have no support from the church and instead are looked down on as well as called adulterous if they themselves try to move on.

Hypocrisy is their end and will hear Jesus in the last day say “ I never knew you”. Matthew chap 7. Read it and repent those who judge with mens views

God hates false judgement. God hates pride. God hates causing others suffering

God allowed divorce!!!

Pastor Kuya G

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Hearing Both Sides Of The Debate: Legalizing Divorce In The Philippines

Posted by Joanna L | Aug 25, 2019 | Love & Relationship | 0 |

Hearing Both Sides Of The Debate: Legalizing Divorce In The Philippines

Divorce has always been a controversial issue in the Philippines — or maybe even the world. Terminating a sacred union is still a crucial and complicated decision for both the church and the state. Moreover, several groups and organizations in the country are on both sides of the debate, slowing down the transition of the Divorce Act of 2019 into law. 

The masses are still not ready to make a decision, so the question looms: should the Philippines legalize divorce? Let’s take a look at what the public has to say.

No To Divorce

Some Filipinos are entirely against divorce because of their religious beliefs, while others cite Filipino values and culture as another reason why a man and a woman shouldn’t terminate their marriage. 

The Catholic Church itself condemns the existence of the Divorce Act of 2019, saying that it’s unconstitutional, anti-family, anti-children, and against Christian faith. More than 77 Catholic organizations have joined together to oppose the bill on divorce, influencing a vast number of Catholics to host multiple rallies.

Surprisingly, President Rodrigo Duterte also expressed his honest disagreement with the Senate on the divorce bill, letting former Presidential Spokesman Harry Roque share his sentiments: “He said the children would be pitiful if there will be divorce…And if there will be divorce, the abandoned spouse will lose the right to file cases against their spouse.”

Other public figures and prominent groups that also voted ‘no’ to divorce are the ALLiance For The Family Foundation Philippines Inc., Senator Joel Villanueva, and the Jesus Is Lord (JIL) Movement (led by Bro. Eddie Villanueva). 

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Yes To Divorce

Meanwhile, Filipinos who strongly believe that divorce should be legalized in the Philippines claim that the bill is “pro-women legislation”. They see divorce as the best exit for Filipinos experiencing domestic violence, abandonment, and adultery — since annulment and legal separation aren’t enough to save them from the consequences of a failed union. 

Senator Risa Hontiveros, the former representative of Akbayan in the House of Representatives, is one of the leading figures behind the divorce bill. She’s also known for her contributions in the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) law and SOGIE Equality Bill. Hontiveros is the principal author of the proposed Divorce Act of 2019. And just this year, she refiled a bill that will allow an absolute divorce in the country. 

“It’s time that we give Filipinos the chance to free themselves from abusive, loveless and unhappy relationships, and to help them find love and start all over again,” Hontiveros said in a recent interview. 

Strengthening the divorce bill is a recent survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS). The survey revealed that “53% of adult Filipinos nationwide support the legalization of divorce for irreconcilably separated couples.” The sample population all came from the country’s three main island groups, SWS confirmed that the “net agreement with the proposition was highest in Metro Manila at very strong +35, followed by moderately strong in Balance Luzon at +23, Mindanao at +15, and Visayas at +14.”

Aside from Hontiveros, other public figures and prominent groups that are also open with the idea of divorce include Senator Grace Poe, the Divorce Advocates of The Philippines (DAP), and Gabriela Women’s Party. 

The Philippines, at the time of writing, is one of the few remaining countries where divorce is still illegal. Married Filipino couples have an option to go through an annulment or legal separation.

The state has yet to decide if the divorce bill would be made into law, so while the Senate and the House of Representatives are at it, make sure to find some private and public lawyers at that can help you move forward if you have marital problems that requires legal action.

About The Author

Joanna L

Joanna is a scriptwriter, content writer, and copywriter based in Manila, Philippines. She enjoys reading Young Adult fantasy and historical fiction novels during her spare time.

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‘Just Like Medicine’: A New Push for Divorce in a Nation Where It’s Illegal

A campaign in the Philippines that frames divorce as a basic human right is gaining momentum, despite systemic and religious barriers.

A woman indoors in her home, wearing a white T-shirt emblazoned with the words: “DIVORCE IS A HUMAN RIGHT.”

By Sui-Lee Wee

Photographs by Ezra Acayan

Reporting from Manila

Nearly 15 years ago, Mary Nepomuceno separated from her husband. She remains in limbo because divorce — and the possibility of a new marriage and a clean slate in life — is forbidden by her country’s laws.

Thousands of people like Ms. Nepomuceno are trapped in long-dead marriages in the Philippines, the only country in the world, other than the Vatican, where divorce remains illegal. They live completely separate lives from their spouses, after splitting up for reasons like abuse and incompatibility. Steep legal fees and mounds of paperwork make annulment practically impossible for many.

Partly because of their growing numbers and plight, attitudes in the country, where nearly 80 percent of the population is Catholic, have changed. Surveys show that half of Filipinos now support divorce. Even the president has signaled openness to the idea, and the Philippines is the closest it has ever been to legalizing divorce.

But the issue is far from settled. The powerful Catholic Church has deemed pro-divorce activism to be “irrational advocacy.” Conservative lawmakers remain steadfast in their opposition.

This has prompted some in the legalization camp to frame divorce as a basic human right, like access to health care or education.

“We’re saying that this is just like medicine,” said Ms. Nepomuceno, 54. “You only take this if you’re sick, but you don’t deprive those sick people of the medicine.”

The approach is a departure from the previous strategy of sharing personal stories in the hope of winning lawmakers’ sympathy. Now, activists are using science and statistics to present the long-term effects that keeping divorce illegal has on millions of abused women.

“We used to cry, we would get angry,” said A.J. Alfafara, a founder of Divorce Pilipinas Coalition, which has more than a half-million members. “It used to be a fight, like how do we get people to listen?”

In recent months, a Senate committee approved a bill on divorce for the first time in more than 30 years. The bill is now awaiting a second reading in the Senate, which lawmakers say could happen next year.

“We are feeling some kind of shifts, even in the Senate, and I hope that they will gather momentum and be strong enough to carry this bill to the finish line,” Senator Risa Hontiveros, the bill’s sponsor, said in an interview.

She added that she had been moved by her meetings with activists.

“For me, one of the most compelling themes that came from them is that this is a second chance — a second chance at life, a second chance at love, a second chance at happiness — and why should we deny people that right?” she said.

Divorce has a complicated history in the Philippines. During the Spanish colonial era, divorce was banned, but legal separation was allowed under narrow conditions. Under American occupation, it was made legal, but only on the grounds of adultery and concubinage. The Japanese, who occupied the Philippines during World War II, expanded the divorce law, allowing more grounds for people to seek divorce.

That changed after the enactment of the country’s Civil Code in 1950. But Muslim citizens, who make up 5 percent of the population, are allowed to divorce, because in 1977, Ferdinand E. Marcos, the president at the time, signed legislation allowing it.

Ms. Alfafara, a Protestant, separated from her husband in 2012. She said she had not seen her son in more than a decade, since he chose at the age of 9 to live with his father. When Ms. Alfafara, 46, who works as a virtual office assistant, wanted to buy a house, she was told she had to get her husband’s signature.

Keeping divorce illegal means that abusive husbands can retain joint custody of their children and are entitled to share in their wives’ assets. Another concern is the mental trauma suffered by millions of women trapped in abusive marriages.

Janet Guevarra, 36, spent $5,200 for her annulment — 15 times what she was making monthly in the Philippines. To save the money, she quit her job in I.T. administration and moved to Singapore to work as an aide in a nursing home. In 2022, a court rejected her petition, which she had filed three years earlier.

The judge ruled that Ms. Guevarra’s testimony that her husband “grabbed her collar, pushed and attempted to punch her during heated arguments is not enough basis to prove her claim of physical or verbal abuse.” The judge added, “Marriage, as an inviolable social institution protected by the state, cannot be dissolved at the whim of the parties.”

Haidee Sanchez, 39, said it pained her each time she had to write her husband’s last name on all official documents. She said her husband, who never provided for her family and was repeatedly unfaithful, tried to choke her when she confronted him over an affair. In 2019, she filed for an annulment, but her motion was denied in March.

The judge ruled that Ms. Sanchez had failed to prove her case “with clear and convincing proof.”

Some supporters of the legislation have advised against using the word “divorce” to describe it, saying the term has become politicized. Alternative language like “legal separation” and “annulment expansion” has been floated.

Ms. Hontiveros recalled that one of her colleagues advised her, “Don’t call it a divorce bill, call it the dissolution of marriage bill.” She followed that suggestion.

“Maybe it just gives those who are ambivalent about it or opposed to it another way to talk about it a little less uncomfortably,” she said.

Senator Pia Cayetano, a veteran lawmaker and an outspoken supporter of divorce, said her colleagues in the Senate “really recognize that there are instances where it’s practically inhumane to make a couple live together.”

“I have heard them say things to that effect, that there’s got to be a solution, and they’re happy to support something,” Senator Cayetano said.

Any bill that is passed by the Senate would also have to be cleared by the House of Representatives before going to the president, who would sign it into law. Unlike his predecessors, President Ferdinand E. Marcos Jr. has signaled that he is open to legalizing divorce, though he cautioned that it “should not be easy.”

Father Jerome Secillano, the executive secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, told a local radio station last year, “It is sad to know that we have legislators who rather focus on breaking marriages and the family rather than fixing them or strengthening the marital bond.”

A decade ago, when the Philippine Congress passed legislation that gave people access to contraception, the clergy held protests and threatened to excommunicate lawmakers for supporting the bill. This time, said Edcel Lagman, a congressman who has pushed for both issues, church officials have been less vocal in its opposition.

“We’ve shown that we can beat the church, and we can do it again,” he said, flashing a smile.

Sui-Lee Wee is the Southeast Asia bureau chief for The Times, overseeing coverage of 11 countries in the region. More about Sui-Lee Wee

152 Brilliant Divorce Essay Topics & Examples

For those who are studying law or social sciences, writing about divorce is a common task. Separation is a complicated issue that can arise from many different situations and lead to adverse outcomes. In this article we gathered an ultimate list of topics about divorce and gathered some tips to when working on the paper.

Philippines: ‘Absolute divorce’ bill approved by key panel

Asia philippines.

Senate Bill No. 2443 seeks to broaden criteria for dissolving marriages


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Manila: After extensive deliberations, a key panel in the Philippine Senate has given its nod to a comprehensive measure aimed at introducing “absolute divorce” in the Philippines late on Tuesday. 

This groundbreaking development is part of Senate Bill No. 2443, designed to broaden the criteria for dissolving marriages within the country.

The consolidated measure provides for absolute divorce based on various grounds, including five years of separation whether continuous or broken, and commission of the crime of rape before or after marriage.

'Only country in the world' where divorce is illegal

The Philippines is often cited as the "only country in the world" where divorce is illegal, aside from the Vatican City since Malta legalised it in 2011.

Annulment is the only legal route to get out of a marriage for most citizens of the Philippines. The bill secured approval from the Senate committee on women, children, family relations, and gender equality, which subsequently released a report for plenary consideration.

Mass wedding Philippines

Notable authors of the consolidated bill include Senator Risa Hontiveros, who led the panel, along with Senators Raffy Tulfo, Robin Padilla, Pia Cayetano, and Imee Marcos.

In addition to the five authors, four other senators endorsed the panel report: Senators JV Ejercito, Grace Poe, Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III, and Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda.

The bill states, “The state shall assure that the court proceedings for the grant of absolute divorce shall be affordable, expeditious, and inexpensive, particularly for indigent litigants.” 

Absolute divorce is defined under the bill as “the legal termination of a marriage by a court in a legal proceeding.”

A petition or complaint for divorce can be filed by either one or both spouses, effectively restoring their status to that of single individuals for all legal purposes, including the right to enter into subsequent marriages.

Furthermore, the bill distinguishes between marriage annulment or dissolution, which pertains to marriages solemnised by religious figures or indigenous community leaders, and absolute divorce, which involves court proceedings.

Grounds for absolute divorce

The grounds for filing for absolute divorce outlined in the bill include:

  • Five years of separation, whether continuous or intermittent, without a judicial decree of separation.
  • The commission of rape by the respondent-spouse against the petitioner-spouse, regardless of whether it occurred before or after the marriage.
  • Grounds for legal separation as specified in Article 55 of the Family Code or any other applicable special law.
  • A final decree of absolute divorce obtained in a foreign jurisdiction by any Filipino citizen, regardless of their spouse's nationality.
  • Irreconcilable marital differences or an irreparable breakdown of the marriage, despite earnest reconciliation efforts, subject to a 60-day “cooling-off” period.
  • A marriage annulment or dissolution duly authorised by a religious entity or a marriage termination sanctioned by customs and practices traditionally recognised by indigenous cultural communities or indigenous people to which the parties belong, with the same effect as a court-issued decree of divorce, annulment, dissolution, or declaration of nullity.

Joint parenthood plan

In cases where both spouses have common children and file a joint petition for divorce, they must also submit a joint plan for parenthood.

This plan should detail child support, custody arrangements, and living conditions for the children. The court will approve the joint plan for parenthood alongside a divorce decree if it deems it sufficient to protect the children's rights and interests.

Failure to provide court-ordered child support and spousal support, as specified in the bill, could result in imprisonment and a fine of up to Php300,000.

House version

This approval in the Senate aligns with a similar proposal passed earlier this year.

In February, the House Committee on Population and Family Relations approved a bill instituting absolute divorce and dissolution of marriage in the Philippines.

The panel formed a technical working group to consolidate House Bills (HB) 100, 838 and 2263 before it reaches the plenary for discussion. HB 100, known as the proposed “Absolute Divorce Act", aims to ensure that the proceedings for the grant of absolute divorce shall be affordable, efficient and inexpensive.

The moves by both houses mark a significant progress toward potential divorce legalisation in the Philippines.

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House Bill No. 7303, 17th Congress of the Republic

Committee details, legislative history, senate legislative history.


Note:  Legislative history and other information accessed from Congress Legis . Information as of April 20, 2022.

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Divorce should be an option

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The House of Representatives committee on population and family relations approved the absolute divorce bill which allows it to proceed to plenary for debate. This is the closest we have come to finally allow people to have full freedom to decide on the course of their relationships. As a predominantly Catholic nation, this understandably will cause fierce arguments and culturally entrenched righteous indignation. However, as someone who works with families, let me offer some points on this issue.

If you as a couple do not want to consider divorce in your marriage, you don’t have to. Legalizing divorce does not threaten harmonious families. People who are happy and content within their marriages will not suddenly rush to get one just because it is available. If you worry that your spouse will divorce you the moment it becomes legal, then you have much more important things to worry about in your relationship. It can, however, save the lives of many victims of domestic violence (mostly women) and allow people to determine their own lives.

Not allowing divorce as a legal option is like not allowing emergency exits in a building. Imagine there’s a fire but the building owner didn’t put in emergency exits because he “does not believe in it” and that you were expected to keep managing the fire, not escape it. Imagine still a building infested with toxic mold but that you were not permitted to evacuate because others couldn’t fathom why you don’t have the willpower to tough it out. Most people hopefully will not need to use emergency exits in their lifetime. And you’ll be glad it’s there when you need it.

Divorce can also be a protective tool against domestic violence, which is the strongest reason why it should exist. In other countries, they found a significant reduction of spousal conflict and extreme partner violence once divorce was an accessible option. When you know that your spouse has legal rights to leave, you are disabused of the notion of your spouse as property and less likely to mistreat them. Domestic violence also takes up a significant portion of reasons for divorce, around 25-50 percent in other countries. By refusing to provide this option, you are condemning victims of domestic violence to a lifetime of hell. Not having access to options can also turn into desperation—leading some individuals to consider a lethal option.

Even without the threat of domestic violence, we should consider the natural course of intimate relationships. You can only realistically commit to a set of behaviors, not a set of feelings. You cannot genuinely promise to make someone happy. You can, however, promise to not have sex with anyone else (you can still break this promise, of course, but it is more than possible to keep). Feelings, by nature, are temporary. They can be lost and regained. They can strengthen and fade.

Love is both a feeling and an act. Love, as a feeling, can change. I do not know which Hallmark writer decided that love should be forever. The act of loving, however, is within your control and something you can choose to commit to. By accepting the nature of feelings, we must accept the possibility that we might lose the feeling of love for our spouse despite our best intentions. The act that follows this loss—whether it be active efforts to rekindle the lost feeling, redefining the marriage as platonic mutual respect, or acknowledging that the marriage is over—can still be done in a loving way. The best way to shield children from the harmful effects of separation or divorce is for both parents to commit to respecting each other and to still care for each other as co-parents. Ironically, couples who do acknowledge the wax and wane of romantic feeling are much more likely to stay together because they do not take each other for granted and make repeated intentions to stay. They also tend to be more generous and less calculative during separation and genuinely wishing each other happiness.

Divorce is not the killer of happy marriages. It is simply a life raft for people drowning in a marriage that’s already long dead. If you want to ensure the success of a marriage, we should be providing couples with resources and support to help them better adapt and not simply mandate them to stay together. If you love someone, you don’t chain them to you; them choosing to stay is a greater sense of emotional security than locking them in a divorce-less marriage.

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Divorce Bill in the Philippines: Are you in favor or not?


Divorce basically refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other legal or authorized institution.

There are bills that propose the legalization of divorce in the Philippines. The question is: Is divorce reasonable and practicable in the Philippine setting?

A Background: The Filipino Family

The family is the basic unit of any society and it plays a very important role in one’s life, especially in a family-centric culture like the Philippines.

In Filipino society, family life takes a regular pattern from one generation to the next. From childhood, one first looks to his parents for guidance and nourishment. He identifies with them and establishes a special relationship which develops as he grows up and matures.

A person also cultivates strong bonds with his or her siblings (or other members of his or her immediate clan). Once a person reaches legal age and becomes financially stable, he or she can opt for marriage, an institution believed by many religious Filipinos to be sanctioned not only by laws but also by God since the time of the first couple. A person then begins raising a family of his own.

But within this inner circle of family life, some go through different experiences which may serve to destroy their relational ties. Some children become rebellious against their parents and run away from home. Other people sometimes become victims of abuse or mistreatment from their family members or live in a home filled with hatred and violence. At times, parents opt to separate and this causes emotional problems and trauma among affected family members.

A case for divorce

In most religious organizations, marriage is a lifetime commitment and couples should not be divorced or separated. However, the decision to stay in a relationship, even if it is no longer satisfying, for some, is far from being healthy.

Pro-divorce people explain that legalizing divorce in the country is honoring the happy loving years that a couple spent together while recognizing the reality that the matrimony is no longer sound.

For them, a Divorce Law signifies life’s realities that cause failed marriages and makes the misery easier to bear for the couple and their children. (Read also: Divorce in the Philippines: An Essay )

These are the reasons some feminist groups, in their campaigns, also fight for women’s rights, including the right to initiate divorce proceedings—along with the right to citizenship, to vote, to education, to work, to fair wages, to own property, to hold public office, to enter into contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, to have access to reproductive health (including contraceptives), and to have maternity leave … continue reading

Effects of separation or divorce

Check also: DIVORCE BILL: Online Survey and Open Friendly Debate

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Senators split on passage of divorce bill, says Jinggoy

Senators are divided on the issue of whether there is a necessity to pass the divorce bill, Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada said.

Estrada, in an interview on Tuesday, May 28 said he commissioned a survey and asked fellow senators on their stand on the issue.

Those in favor of passing the divorce bill include Senators Risa Hontiveros, Pia Cayetano, Grace Poe, Imee Marcos, Raffy Tulfo, Joseph Victor "JV" Ejercito and Robinhood “Robin” Padilla.

Those against the divorce bill include Senate President Francis “Chiz” Escudero, Francis Tolentino, Joel Villanueva, Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa and Estrada himself.

“I conducted a survey on my own and asked my fellow senators, my colleagues on their thoughts on the Divorce bill...I thought it’s a good idea to conduct a survey because the House (of Representatives) passed it already on third reading, so ayun I would just like to get their thoughts on it,” Estrada said in an interview. 

Before the adjournment of Congress’ second regular session last week, the House of Representatives approved the divorce bill with 126 of its members voting in favor of the measure.

At least 109 House lawmakers voted against the measure while 20 of them abstained during the voting.

Later on, the House leadership clarified that 131 of its members actually voted in favor of the divorce bill, and only 126 did not vote on the measure.

Estrada further said he believes the measure is not part of the priority agenda of the Senate: “It’s not our priority bill.”

Asked about his stand, Estrada said he is against the measure due to his religious belief as a Roman Catholic.

“No, I am a devout Catholic and there is another remedy meron naman (there is) annulment,” he pointed out.

“Bilisan na lang yung mga annulment cases kasi let’s face it medyo matagal at may kamahalan ang pag file ng annulment (the annulment cases should be expedited because let’s face it, filing an annulment is costly and the process is also protracted),” he pointed out.

Also asked about his stand, his brother, Sen. Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito, said he is still “in the process of discernment.”

But Ejercito said he is now "leaning at this time to be in favor" of divorce.

“I was raised a Roman Catholic. I understand the defense of the Church on the sanctity of marriage. But I also know that a lot of Filipino couples are trapped in loveless and unworkable marriages. It is not their fault. Sometimes things just don’t work out. I also believe that everyone deserves another chance to be happy in life,” Ejercito said.

“This is a difficult issue. As a representative of the people and a Catholic, I am currently in the process of discernment. I intend to listen, and participate actively, in the deliberation in the Senate,” he added.

Earlier, Escudero, when asked about the issue on divorce, said he too prefers that annulment be made affordable and accessible especially for the poor.

Because at present, the cost of annulment in the Philippines ranges from P180,000 to P600,000 depending on location and individual case.

The Philippines and the Vatican City are the only countries that do not have a divorce law.

Escudero, whose first marriage was annulled, said the Church now recognizes annulment through the Family Code of the Philippines or Executive Order No. 209, s. 1987.

“Perhaps we should now look and study that, expand it and make it more accessible to any Filipino who wants to have an annulment or have their marriage annulled,” said Escudero, who is now married to actress-model and influencer Heart Evangelista.

Sen. Juan Edgardo "Sonny" Angara, for his part, said he is still undecided on the issue as he sees the need to study the bill first.

"We will have to study the bill well. We want a law that still protects the marriage institution but at the same time levels the playing field even for poor litigants or couples."

Sen. Ramon "Bong" Revilla Jr. shared the same sentiment, saying he is still "looking forward" to Senate discussions on the measure. "Mahirap magkamali (It's hard to make a mistake)," he said.

Divorce Argumentative Essay Sample

Divorce is a major issue in the United States. It’s estimated that half of all marriages will end in divorce, and many people have to go through this process several times throughout their lives.  It’s bad enough to have to go through the immense stress of a divorce from your spouse.  This sample will serve as an example for an argumentative essay about divorce to help you formulate your own opinion and understand the opposition’s perspective.

Essay Sample On Divorce Argumentative

  • Thesis Statement – Divorce Argumentative Essay
  • Introduction – Divorce Argumentative Essay
  • Main Body – Divorce Argumentative Essay
  • Conclusion – Divorce Argumentative Essay
Thesis Statement – Divorce Argumentative Essay The divorce laws in the USA should be modified to reduce dissolutions. Introduction – Divorce Argumentative Essay Divorce is nowadays much more common than it used to be. The change in values and the belief of people about marriage, as well as social reasons such as education and financial independence of women, have led to a high rate of divorce in many countries. However, there are still some states that do not recognize no-fault divorces completely or that totally prohibit them. It causes many problems for couples who want a divorce but do not have sufficient grounds under their state law to obtain one. For example, someone married in New York might move to Florida and then wish for a divorce because he or she realizes that his/her marriage is not working. Then the only way to get a divorce is by proving that his/her spouse was at fault, which will cause lots of arguments and problems. Some other causes for dissolutions are bigamy, adultery or mental illness, etc. Get Non-Plagiarized Custom Essay on Divorce Argumentative in USA Order Now Main Body – Divorce Argumentative Essay Divorce is a big social and legal issue that is associated with many important aspects of life. We can see it as the integral decision of a person’s life because when a couple gets separated it affects people who come in the boundary of the relationship that is the immediate family of the couple. It is the right of a person whether female or male to get detached from a bond in which he or she does not want to continue further. There are different procedures in various countries for getting a divorce some belief in religious rituals to get apart from each other while others are based on legal prosecution by the judiciary. Here this essay is based on the arguments that are it right to forcefully get divorced when the other partner is not willing to separate. As long as we talk about the idea of a one-sided divorce it is very difficult to react in such cases for the judiciary. Some patriarchal societies give preference to the male section of the society to decide on the matter of divorce while others believe inequality in this concern. When only one partner is dissatisfied with the bond of marriage and wants to walk away full concern is shown during the judicial prosecution and time is given to think on the matter again so that couple can take a wise and fair decision. But still, if the person is firm to his decision strong excuses are needed to prove the reason for divorce and then the court decides its decision or judgment based on the circumstances. In the case of women’s right to get separated from their husbands based on the allegations of violence and cruelty stern actions are taken to know the depth of the truth and if the husband is found to be guilty immediate divorce is given to them. The children and their custody are given to the parents based on their capabilities to bring them up in good conditions. Those who can think and interpret can choose on their own whether they want to go with the mother or father. Talking about the divorce rules they are in serious need to change in many countries which finds women unsuitable to take this important decision of their life. Every single person has the right to live their life with full freedom without any discrimination based on sex, gender, class, and descent. The government must pay attention to this dark end of human rights where exploitation of women is at its peak by not allowing them to get divorced as per their will. Buy Customized Essay on Divorce Argumentative At Cheapest Price Order Now Important measures need to be taken for sure regarding the divorce law and their prosecution in a real sense. Only then we can think of a world that is equal for both men and women both. Here the fight is not based on the grounds of Women empowerment or Men empowerment but the issue is about equality among humans. Living a life of misery is not the right of human beings and each one of us can do something well to make out life happy by putting colors to it and giving another chance to it. It is completely fine to give a second chance to marriage but in some cases, no such thoughts are needed when domestic violence and social torture are there. Suffering and becoming a victim of the crime on the hand of your partner is not a good decision and it must be understood to male and female both. Some female partners dominate over the male and set their hegemony on them. This can be put to an end by divorce after a meticulous ponder on the issue. That is how divorce can become a medium of getting you out of the violence that a relationship gives. It is not important to bear the burden of a relationship that is not working for a long time. Conclusion – Divorce Argumentative Essay I strongly believe that the current laws on divorces should be modified or changed in order to reduce dissolutions. Of course, it might also lead to some problems for couples who do not have sufficient ground under their state law to get a divorce. However, this can be solved by making new laws and redefining what “sufficient grounds” mean. Hire USA Experts for Divorce Argumentative Essay Order Now

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Melinda french gates blasts ‘frustrating’ lack of funding for women’s rights in veiled shot at ex-husband bill gates.

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Melinda French Gates took a thinly veiled shot at former husband Bill Gates — lamenting a “frustrating and shortsighted” lack of charitable support for women’s rights in an incendiary essay Tuesday.

French Gates — who received $12.5 billon after her shock exit last month from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — said her new charity will donate $1 billion over the next two years to causes benefiting women, family and reproductive rights.

She suggested that it was a cause she was discouraged from pursuing earlier — when she was partnered with the Microsoft founder and world’s fifth richest man, whom she divorced in 2021.

Melinda French Gates

“In nearly 20 years as an advocate for women and girls, I have learned that there will always be people who say it’s not the right time to talk about gender equality,” French Gates said in an op-ed published by the New York Times .

“Not if you want to be relevant. Not if you want to be effective with world leaders (most of them men),” French Gates wrote. “The second the global agenda gets crowded, women and girls fall off. It’s frustrating and shortsighted.”

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated $77 billion since it was founded in 2000.

In 2021, the organization committed $2.1 billion “to advance gender equality globally,” according to a release at the time.

But she hammered away at the overall lack of funds targeting women.

“Only about 2 percent of charitable giving in the United States goes to organizations focused on women and girls, and only about half a percentage point goes to organizations focused on women of color specifically,” she wrote.

“When we allow this cause to go so chronically underfunded, we all pay the cost. As shocking as it is to contemplate, my 1-year-old granddaughter may grow up with fewer rights than I had,” she added.

French Gates — who split with the tech mogul shortly after reports tied him to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein — also revealed specifics about how her newly formed charitable group Pivotal Venture plans to fill the funding void.

The $1 billion in funding through 2026 includes $200 million in grants for groups “working in the United States to protect the rights of women and advance their power and influence,” according to her essay and a release from her organization.

Melinda French Gates

French Gates cited various concerns that spurred her to take action, including “unconscionable” maternal mortality rates, a lack of national paid family leave and a rise of mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts, among teen girls.

“While I have long focused on improving contraceptive access overseas, in the post-Dobbs era, I now feel compelled to support reproductive rights here at home,” Gates wrote, referring to the Supreme Court case that overturned Roe v. Wade.

“For too long, a lack of money has forced organizations fighting for women’s rights into a defensive posture while the enemies of progress play offense. I want to help even the match,” Gates added.

The National Women’s Law Center, the National Domestic Workers Alliance and the Center for Reproductive Rights have all received grants.

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French Gates said she has also offered 12 individuals “whose work I admire their own $20 million grant-making fund” and will allow them to decide how to use the funds.

Recipients include former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern, US Olympian Allyson Felix and filmmaker Ava DuVernay.

Additionally, French Gates will launch a $250 million initiative this fall to support efforts at “improving the mental and physical health of women and girls globally.”

“By issuing an open call to grass-roots organizations beyond the reach of major funders, I hope to lift up groups with personal connections to the issues they work on,” French Gates said. “People on the front lines should get the attention and investment they deserve, including from me.”

Bill Gates will serve as the sole chairperson of his charitable organization following his ex-wife’s exit. The organization will change its name to the Gates Foundation.

“I am sorry to see Melinda leave, but I am sure she will have a huge impact in her future philanthropic work,” Gates said in a post on X.

Melinda French Gates

When word of their separation first surfaced in 2021, French Gates wrote that the marriage had become “irretrievably broken.”

The divorce played out even as Gates faced scrutiny over his past association with Epstein, who died in prison in 2019.

Gates has admitted to having “several dinners” with the sex offender in the early 2010 while he was attempting to raise funds for the Gates Foundation.

“At the time, I didn’t realize that by having those meetings it would be seen as giving him credibility. You’re almost saying, ‘I forgive that type of behavior,’ or something,” Gates said in a 2022 interview with UK outlet  The Times . “So clearly the way it’s seen, I made a huge mistake not understanding that.”

Elsewhere, French Gates told CBS in March 2022 that her former spouse’s association with Epstein had played a role in their eventual separation and divorce.

“It was many things. But I did not like that he’d had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein,” French Gates said. “I made that clear to him.”

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Melinda French Gates to donate $1 billion over 2 years in support of women’s empowerment

Melinda French Gates speaks holding a microphone.

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Melinda French Gates says she will be donating $1 billion over the next two years to individuals and organizations working on behalf of women and families globally, including on reproductive rights in the United States.

French Gates earlier this month announced she would step down from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and vowed to focus on women and families. As a part of leaving the Gates Foundation, French Gates received $12 billion from Bill Gates for her philanthropy.

French Gates, one of the biggest philanthropic supporters of gender equity in the U.S., said Tuesday in a guest essay for the New York Times that she’s been frustrated over the years by people who say it’s not the right time to talk about gender equality.

“Decades of research on economics, well-being and governance make it clear that investing in women and girls benefits everyone,” she wrote.

FILE - Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Melinda French Gates smiles as she leaves the Elysee Palace, June 23, 2023, in Paris. Melinda French Gates will step down as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the nonprofit shone of the largest philanthropic foundations in the world that she helped her ex-husband Bill Gates found more than 20 years ago. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena, File)

Melinda French Gates resigns as Gates Foundation co-chair, 3 years after her divorce from Bill Gates

Melinda French Gates announced Monday that she will step down as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

May 13, 2024

French Gates said over the last few weeks she’s started directing new grants through her organization, Pivotal Ventures, to groups working in the U.S. to protect women’s rights and advance their power and influence. The grants are for general operating support, meaning they are not earmarked for specific projects. The groups include the National Women’s Law Center, the National Domestic Workers Alliance and the Center for Reproductive Rights.

Teresa Younger, the president and CEO of the Ms. Foundation for Women, who also received a grant, has long called on donors to give unrestricted, multi-year funding to organizations. She praised French Gates’ new commitment as a part of a larger trend of major women donors giving generously to nonprofits.

“If philanthropy took lessons from the way that women are moving money, we would see more money in the field having greater impact,” Younger said.

Her organization learned of the grant, which is the first they’ve received from Pivotal Ventures last week, and Younger said there was no application process. She declined to disclose the amount of the grant but said it would help expand their work with organizations in the South and Midwest.

FILE - In this March 4, 2018, file photo, then-MacKenzie Bezos arrives at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif. MacKenzie Scott gave $122.6 million to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, the national youth-mentoring charity announced on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. The gift is the latest of several the billionaire writer has given to large national nonprofits that carry out their missions through local chapters in neighborhoods throughout the country. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)

MacKenzie Scott donates $640 million, with $137 million going to California nonprofits

Philanthropist and billionaire MacKenzie Scott distributed $640 million this week to more than 350 community groups nationwide, 76 of which serve Californians. Each nonprofit received $1 million or $2 million.

March 20, 2024

In addition, she also pledged to give 12 individuals $20 million each to distribute to nonprofit organizations of their choice before the end of 2026. Those funds will be managed by the National Philanthropic Trust, one of the largest public charities that offers donor-advised funds, a spokesperson for Pivotal Ventures said.

In total, French Gates announced $690 million in commitments out of the promised $1 billion, which also include an “open call” for applications that the organization Lever for Change will administer this fall. French Gates said $250 million will be awarded through that process to fund organizations working to improve women’s mental and physical health globally.

French Gates’ Pivotal Ventures is a limited liability company that also manages investments for profit ventures, so there is little public information about its grantmaking or the assets it manages. Pivotal Ventures has focused on a number of avenues to increase women’s economic and political participation and power, such as closing the wage gap, compensating care work often done by women, and encouraging women to run for political office.

In her essay Tuesday, French Gates touched upon the high maternal mortality rates in the U.S., noting that Black and Native American mothers are at the highest risk.

FILE-In this Feb. 1, 2019, file photo Bill and Melinda Gates are interviewed in Kirkland, Wash. Bill and Melinda Gates’ namesake foundation announced Wednesday, June 30, 2021, it will spend $2.1 billion to advance global gender equality. It comes as private donors, government officials and civil society leaders gather at a forum in Paris to make financial and political commitments aimed at aiding women and girls. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson, File)

Gates Foundation pledges $2.1 billion to advance gender equality

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to spend $2.1 billion on health and family planning programs, economic empowerment projects and other initiatives.

June 30, 2021

“Women in 14 states have lost the right to terminate a pregnancy under almost any circumstances. We remain the only advanced economy without any form of national paid family leave. And the number of teenage girls experiencing suicidal thoughts and persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness is at a decade high,” she said.

French Gates will be leaving the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation next week. She helped co-found the organization nearly 25 years ago.

The Associated Press receives financial support for news coverage in Africa from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and for news coverage of women in the workforce and state governments from Pivotal Ventures.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will change its name to the Gates Foundation. It is one of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world. As of December 2023, its endowment was $75.2 billion, thanks to donations from Gates and the billionaire investor Warren Buffett. While it works across many issues, global health remains its largest area of work, and most of its funding is meant to address issues internationally rather than in the U.S.

Chapman writes for the Associated Press.

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Mel B’s ex-husband Stephen Belafonte demands $5M from Spice Girl in defamation lawsuit, plans to donate to battered women shelters

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Stephen Belafonte wants to take Mel B to court.

The film producer filed a bombshell $5 million defamation lawsuit against the Spice Girls member, whose real name is Melanie Brown, in a Florida court Wednesday, claiming she “engaged in a deliberate and wide-ranging campaign to cause him severe emotional distress and destroy his reputation,” court documents obtained by Page Six exclusively reveal.

Belafonte, who submitted the suit on what happens to be Brown’s 49th birthday, further alleges that his ex-wife began her “long-brewing harassment” in 2017 with domestic violence claims, which she “dismissed” before he had “his day in court.”

mel b and stephen belafonte

“Nevertheless, the damage had been done. As a result of Ms. Brown’s false allegations of rape, illegal gun possession, sex trafficking, production of illegal pornography, domestic battery and child endangerment, Mr. Belafonte lost access to his home and children,” the documents read.

Belafonte, also 49, notes in his lawsuit that despite Scary Spice accusing him of being a “monster” and “abuser,” he has maintained primary custody of their 12-year-old daughter, Madison, since 2019. He further alleges the “Wannabe” singer has visited their child “only once” in the past four years even though she has traveled to the US for work.

In the legal papers, the “Thank You for Smoking” producer includes text messages purportedly sent between Brown and her bandmate Geri Halliwell that show Brown’s “true intentions are to leverage her charitable appeal for further sales, celebrity and opportunity.”

mel b and stephen belafonte grocery shopping

“Charity doesn’t pay the bills,” Brown allegedly wrote, to which Halliwell responded, “I hope nobody ever hacks your texts!!!!! I believe we should do something good and kicking off with a charity gig would be hugely positive. The power of our brand is enormous and all of our work is off the back of it including Vikki [Victoria Beckham]!!!!!!”

Seemingly unfazed, Brown responded, “Why? My texts are fine to me anyways so no need to worry. Like I said charity doesn’t pay the bills everyone no’s [sic] that.”

Despite Brown’s “private” beliefs about philanthropy, Belafonte accuses his former spouse of “enriching herself through her charity ambassadorship at Women’s Aid.”

mel b and stephen belafonte

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He also claims in the documents that their marriage was marred by the former “X Factor” judge’s “serious substance abuse problem, which included the abuse of cocaine, alcohol and prescription drugs.”

We’re told Belafonte is “not looking to settle” and plans to split any earnings he wins from the lawsuit with an abuse program for women.

Brown filed for divorce from Belafonte in March 2017 after nearly 10 years of marriage. Although she said years prior that he would never “lay a hand” on her , she changed her tune after their split and accused him of beating and sexually exploiting her.

mel b performing

The “Spice World” actress also alleged Belafonte had impregnated their nanny and received a restraining order against him to protect her and Madison. The former nanny, named Lorraine Gilles, turned around and claimed in court documents that the ex-couple had “seduced” her into having threesomes and filmed them .

Belafonte vehemently denied the allegations.

The divorce only worsened from there, with the British pop star cutting off Belafonte from her bank accounts — and her $50 million fortune.

mel b

In May 2017, the “Mutant Chronicles” producer broke his silence on the months-long accusations, calling Brown a “dangerous liar” in a series of explosive social media posts. Belafonte’s claims came after he filed court documents alleging he was homeless and struggling to pay off a $60,000 credit card bill.

In September of that year, Belafonte accused the former “America’s Got Talent” judge of failing to provide evidence of his alleged abuse .

The duo eventually settled their bitter divorce battle in December 2017, though the feuding did not end there. Three months later, Brown claimed Belafonte had showed her kids videos of ISIS beheadings , which he vehemently denied and responded by accusing her of being a drug addict .

The pair finalized their divorce in August 2018, and the “Spice Up Your Life” singer had to pay Belafonte’s $350,000 legal fees.

Melanie 'Mel B' Brown and Stephen Belafonte

Brown since has gotten engaged to hairstylist Rory McPhee.

In addition to the $5 million in compensatory damages, Belafonte wants a trial by jury, punitive damages and a gag order against Brown.

A rep for Brown had no comment on the lawsuit.

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    News about the passage of the bill sparked a discussion our parenting community, Smart Parenting Village, where moms and dads weighed in on the issue. Here are some of their answers. 1. There must be balance. "Yes to divorce bill but only on very specific grounds. We have to find a balance between preserving the sanctity of marriage and ...

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    Strengthening the divorce bill is a recent survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS). The survey revealed that "53% of adult Filipinos nationwide support the legalization of divorce for irreconcilably separated couples." The sample population all came from the country's three main island groups, SWS confirmed that the "net ...

  5. How Long Will Divorce Remain Illegal in the ...

    Janet Guevarra, 36, spent $5,200 for her annulment — 15 times what she was making monthly in the Philippines. To save the money, she quit her job in I.T. administration and moved to Singapore to ...

  6. 152 Divorce Topics to Discuss & Free Essay Samples

    Social Implications of Divorce on Children. This essay discuses how divorce causes social problems to children, social implications of divorce, and social movements that are oriented to issues of divorce. The Cause and Effect of Divorce on Children. Given that divorce rates are increasing in the modern society, what are the causes and effects ...

  7. Philippine Lawmakers Pass Bill Legalizing Divorce

    The Absolute Divorce Bill is the product of years of work on the part of representatives seeking to amend the country's notoriously ... Photo Essays New Delhi's Quiet Student Solidarity With ...


    28 November 2022. (Lecture delivered by Rep. Edcel C. Lagman during the DSWD-NCR Policy Forum on the Divorce Bills on 25 November 2022) Good morning to one and all. Thanks to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for organizing this forum on the absolute divorce bill, of which I am the principal author.

  9. Argumentative Essay about Legalization of divorce in the ...

    Divorce is the cure. They ought to have the freedom to leave previous marriages and start fresh, happy lives. Given the aforementioned facts, I fervently contend that making divorce legal will greatly benefit Filipinos. The divorce bill should be given top priority by the lawmakers because the current laws are insufficient to meet their needs.

  10. Philippines: 'Absolute divorce' bill approved by key panel

    In February, the House Committee on Population and Family Relations approved a bill instituting absolute divorce and dissolution of marriage in the Philippines. The panel formed a technical ...

  11. Divorce bill uncertain with 5 senators opposed

    The fate of the divorce bill remains uncertain in the Senate, with five senators - including the Senate president - so far against it, according to Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada.

  12. Should divorce be legalized in the Philippines?

    Looking at the Divorce Bill, Cupin (2018) cites that divorce will be cheaper and. faster compared to annulments, which cost upwards of PHP 250,000 and takes up to. decades to resolve. The Divorce ...

  13. House Bill No. 7303, 17th Congress of the Republic

    AN ACT INSTITUTING ABSOLUTE DIVORCE AND DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE IN THE PHILIPPINES [ SECOND REGULAR SESSION, 17TH CONGRESS ] [ 2018 ] Introduced by Representatives EDCEL C. LAGMAN, ROBERT ACE S. BARBERS, EMMI A. DE JESUS, ARLENE D. BROSAS, et. al.; Approved on Third Reading by the House of Representatives on March 19, 2018; 3/20/2018

  14. Divorce should be an option

    Divorce should be an option. The House of Representatives committee on population and family relations approved the absolute divorce bill which allows it to proceed to plenary for debate. This is the closest we have come to finally allow people to have full freedom to decide on the course of their relationships.

  15. Divorce Should Be Legalized in the Philippines

    Divorce is the answer for both men and women who feel used, battered or tortured mentally in their marriage. Today, divorce is one way to lessen violence. Annulment is just a legal separation and does not allow women to have a right to be happily remarried. This completely rejects the idea of new life-- divorce does.

  16. Divorce Bill in the Philippines: Are you in favor or not?

    For them, a Divorce Law signifies life's realities that cause failed marriages and makes the misery easier to bear for the couple and their children. (Read also: Divorce in the Philippines: An Essay) These are the reasons some feminist groups, in their campaigns, also fight for women's rights, including the right to initiate divorce ...

  17. Analysis of the New Divorce Bill Free Essay Example

    Download. Analysis, Pages 2 (343 words) Views. 1728. Below is a free essay on "Divorce Bill" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. New Divorce Bill Stirs Controversy in the Philippines. The Philippines and Vatican City are the only Catholic countries and in fact the only two countries which do ...

  18. Divorce Law sa Pilipinas: Sang-Ayon Ka Ba o Hindi?

    Kapag naramdaman ng mga bata na hindi nila mababago o ayusin ang nangyari sa pamilya, nagiging malakas ang pakiramdam ng pagkawala at kalungkutan, "sabi ni Blesila. "/ Upang maprotektahan ang kanilang sarili, maaaring mapili ng mga bata na harapin ang isyu sa pamamagitan ng hindi pagkilala sa katotohanan.

  19. Senators split on passage of divorce bill, says Jinggoy

    Senators are divided on the issue of whether there is a necessity to pass the divorce bill, Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada said. Estrada, in an interview on Tuesday, May 28 said he commissioned a survey and asked fellow senators on their stand on the issue. Those in favor of ...

  20. Divorce In The Philippines Essay

    Divorce In The Philippines Essay. 1013 Words5 Pages. Couples made a vow to each other and form a bond to live their lives together. But then, there are some instances that the bond they form was not enough to sustain their relationship forever. Many couples or married people ended up in divorce cause of many different issues like lack of ...

  21. Divorce Argumentative Essay Sample

    Main Body - Divorce Argumentative Essay. Divorce is a big social and legal issue that is associated with many important aspects of life. We can see it as the integral decision of a person's life because when a couple gets separated it affects people who come in the boundary of the relationship that is the immediate family of the couple.

  22. Divorce Bill Essay

    Below is a free essay on "Divorce Bill" from Anti Essays. your beginning for free research documents. essays. and term paper illustrations. New Divorce Bill Stirs Controversy in the Philippines. The Philippines and Vatican City are the lone Catholic states and in fact the lone two states which do non allow divorce. Though The Philippines is ...

  23. essay about divorce bill

    151 Brilliant Divorce Essay Topics & Examples. For those who are studying law or social sciences, writing about divorce is a common task. Separation is a complicated issue that ca

  24. Divorce bill in the philippines

    Divorce or dissolution of marriage is the ending of a marriage before the death of either spouse. Divorce is illegal in the Philippines and the Catholic church would like to see it remain that way, but many citizens appear to be tired of Catholic prelates assuming the authority to dictate civil laws. Thus, a bill that would legalize divorce is ...

  25. Melinda French Gates blasts 'frustrating' lack of funding for women's

    Melinda French Gates and Bill Gates announced their divorce in 2021. Getty Images for Robin Hood. French Gates cited various concerns that spurred her to take action, including "unconscionable ...

  26. Melinda French Gates to donate $1 billion in support of women's equity

    In her essay Tuesday, French Gates touched upon the high maternal mortality rates in the U.S., noting that Black and Native American mothers are at the highest risk. Business Gates Foundation ...

  27. MacKenzie Scott upended philanthropy as we know it. Melinda French

    On Tuesday, French Gates revealed in a New York Times essay that her first project after leaving the foundation she co-founded with her ex, Bill Gates, would focus on advancing women's rights ...

  28. Mel B's ex Stephen Belafonte sues Spice Girl for defamation

    The pair finalized their divorce in August 2018, and the "Spice Up Your Life" singer had to pay Belafonte's $350,000 legal fees. 14 Belafonte wants a gag order placed on Brown to prevent her ...