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What are Bell Ringers aka Do Nows & How to Use Them (with examples)

do now assignment

What do you call the first activity that you assign students as they enter your classroom? Are they warm-ups, do-nows, bell ringers, the hook, sit-down-and-start-working-or-else? Everybody has a different name for it. This seemingly innocuous activity launches your lesson and is a powerful tool when used well. It is NOT just a chance to keep kids busy so that you can take your attendance.

For the purposes of this article I am going to call it the do-now, because that’s what we call it in the New York CIty where yours truly teaches.

What is the function of a do-now?

The do-now is like a chameleon; it changes to fit the lesson. Some lessons will involve controversial topics (capitalism), some are more rigorous (reading primary source documents), some are lighter and fun (simulations). The do now should set the appropriate tone for your specific lesson. When well-planned it functions as a classroom management tool, a method of engaging students, a formative assessment, it sets the tone for the lesson AND allows you to take attendance. Here are examples to get you rolling.

Do Now Don’ts

Let’s get the things you shouldn’t do out of the way first.

  • It should not take more than 10 minutes including share-out.
  • It should not be a random 5 minute assignment you cut and pasted to keep students busy.
  • It should not be separate and distinct from the rest of the lesson (unless you’re giving a quiz)
  • It should not be too easy or too hard

There are so many ways to implement your do now:

– ASK A PROVOCATIVE QUESTION THAT RELATES TO THE CONTENT YOU WILL BE COVERING. This will incite students’ interest and get them thinking.

Here are some examples:

I s tradition a positive or negative force in society? Explain your answer. (Good for Scientific Revolution, belief systems, women’s rights)

Was Galileo a coward for changing his stand on the heliocentric theory? Why or why not?

Do you think people are born to be naturally good or are they naturally selfish and evil? Explain your answer. (Good for Enlightenment Era or capitalism)

Is America the land of opportunity?

Was George Washington evil because he owned slaves?

– USE A SALIENT QUOTE. This method allows you to introduce new ideas and assess their ability to decode.

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.” John Stuart Mill

“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” Abraham Lincoln

“He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.” Confucius

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Nelson Mandela

“Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.” Benjamin Franklin

If you need some inspiration I’ve created 2 articles listing historical quotes for every unit in U.S. History and in World History .

– USE MEMES AND POLITICAL CARTOONS. These can be difficult for some students, so the more practice the better!


do now assignment


Do Now :  “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.” Winston Churchill What is Churchill describing? OR What did the “iron curtain” symbolize?

DO NOW: Read the following statement and explain the meaning OR Describe how it related to the Soviet Union and the United States during WW2.

The Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Do Now: Identify the importance of the Dred Scott case, OR How did sectionalism play a part in the response to the Scott decision?

Do Now: In your opinion what are 2 positive aspects of Karl Marx’s communism OR what are 2 negative factors?


do now assignment

These five methods of implementing do nows are some of my favorites. Feel free to cut and paste any of the examples and adapt them to your lesson.

Students thrive on routines. It fosters comfort and lessens anxiety to know exactly what to expect each day as you enter a classroom. There are many ways to add excitement and create a dynamic class, but routines create the foundation that allows for such creativity. Implementing daily do nows is an important component to a successful, engaging lesson.

Please share any ideas or strategies that you have for implementing do nows.

Warmest wishes, Joan

Teach and Thrive

A Bronx, NY veteran high school social studies teacher who has learned most of what she has learned through trial and error and error and error.... and wants to save others that pain.

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Engaged Teaching: “Do Now” Activities for Your Lessons

do now assignment

This is a follow up to a May 2013 blog about The Five Dimensions of Engaged Teaching , by Laura Weaver and Mark Wilding -- a book that offers SEL and Common Core–compatible approaches to instruction. As co-executive directors of the Passageworks Institute in Boulder, Colorado, Laura and Mark share with us practical examples of how educators of all grade levels might "Do Now" in classrooms some of their suggestions.

Elementary School

Introduce a golden moment of silence to begin the day:  A golden moment is an opportunity to sit in silence with each other as a way to quiet the body and mind. Ringing a chime or bell to mark the beginning and end of this "moment" is helpful. Teachers can encourage students to listen to the fading sound of the bell until they can no longer hear it. Teachers can start with a very short period of time -- even 30 seconds -- and lengthen this golden moment over time, as the students are ready and able. Use a name and rationale that makes sense to your students and fits with your current SEL and classroom routines (e.g., Calming Time, Quiet Time, Listening Minute, Settling In).

Develop a "shared agreements" process:  In the first few weeks of school, students and teachers develop a list of agreements that will guide their classroom and define their classroom culture. These agreements co-exist alongside any school rules. Students are asked to brainstorm a list of what they need --from themselves and each other -- to learn effectively, speak honestly and openly, and share what is important to them. This list is summarized in five- to seven- major "agreements" and posted in the classroom as a reminder. Most should be positively worded but a couple though shalt not's are fine (e.g., put downs ). Examples of agreements can be found in chapter seven of the book.

Middle School

Transitions circle:  In the first week or two of school, engage your students in a community circle devoted to discussing the challenges and gifts of transitioning to middle school. Give each student a chance to speak, for a short time (one or two minutes) on these challenges and opportunities. An alternative to this activity is to ask students to use separate index cards to anonymously write down their concerns and excitement about middle school -- these can then be shared in a community circle. In such a circle, students gather into a circle and are invited to speak or share something, one by one, on a particular theme. This speaking is invitational and no one is forced to speak. In this case, students can read one of the cards and then open it up for comments by anyone interesting in doing so. This is a non-threatening format that helps new groups of students get to know and feel comfortable with one another.

Personalizing global issues:  When including challenging topics in your lesson (such as climate change or war or a recent difficult event), give students an opportunity to share personal reactions and responses to the material. Create ways for students to creatively express what they are seeing, feeling, and noticing in the world -- past and present. One teacher follows up her lessons on climate change with an opportunity for students to create "What you can do" posters -- in which students engage in brainstorms, working groups, and potential actions in their school and community. Offering students a generative, creative and productive outlet for the emotions that naturally get stirred by certain topics encourages learning, empowerment, and civic engagement. Note: If you notice students are particularly subdued or agitated after a provocative lesson (for example, the Holocaust, or a recent tragedy), provide a few minutes for open conversation, personal response, and dialogue or ask students to reflectively write about their response to the lesson. You may wish to conclude class with quiet reflection or a lighthearted activity. If you notice extreme agitation, it is important to connect a student other resources in the school, such as a school counselor, psychologist, or social worker.

High School

Begin an occasional class with an inspirational quote or question related to your class in some way:  Ask students to engage in 3-5 minutes of reflective writing in which they respond to a quote or question. Ask for some volunteers to share out after this reflective writing. These can be linked to existing school, class, or unit themes, or character or SEL foci. Sir John Templeton's writings about worldwide Laws of Life contain excellent examples of quotes that are sure to promote thinking and discussion by high school students.

End your class with a three- to five-minute "dyad" or "pair-share":  Ask students to respond to a question about what one or two things they are taking with them from your class or from the school day. Have them write down a common list for their pair and pass it in to you for your review and comment, and when time allows, ask them to share with the larger group. Focus on helping students make connections between content and their lives, to help making learning relevant for them.

All Grade Levels

Prospective and retrospective learning surveys:  Engage your students in age-appropriate learning goals self-reflections -- in which students identify current strengths and challenges they have as learners. Ask students to identify 3 learning goals they have for this coming marking period and to identify 3 learning challenges and three learning strengths in this class, or three things they feel they are best at and three they have the most trouble with. Take a social-emotional and academic learning approach to the surveys -- in which you invite students to create goals in each of those areas for themselves. Let students know that you will revisit these goals mid-way through and then at the end of the marking period.

Even if you have not done this earlier in the year, at the end of the year, you can ask students to reflect on what they see as their social-emotional and academic strengths and where, in each of these areas, they feel they grew the most over this past year.

The English Classroom


Do Now Activity!

The situation.

The start of your lessons are disorganised.

The Solution

The Do Now Activity is just that: an activity that students complete after walking into the classroom. The activity must be obvious to the student and they should be able to do it with minimal instruction from the teacher. You might like to let them get started immediately, or give them a 10 second snapshot of the task. Either way, it has to be obvious and straightforward.

The below example has the following:

  • Stepped out instructions (What to do first, second and so forth). What instruments they will need to have. How they need to organised themselves.
  • An image to engage the learner.
  • A clear title.

You might like to add a time limit for the task, or this might be a verbal reminder.

In the two activities below, students look at the image and have to consider aspects of the characters personality and interests. This was to prepare them for a lesson on character development.

do now assignment

A fantastic website that you could use is The most dangerous writing app . In this app, you can provide students with a prompt. They need to write as much as they can without stopping. If they stop, the writing is lost. If they can write until the time limit finishes then the writing is kept.

Note: As you get students trained to your protocols in the classroom, you might choose to use lesson instructions on this slide.

do now assignment

You might simply ask a question. This question functions as both a hook and a do now activity. It forwards what they might be learning about in the lesson and hopefully you have hinted previously to engage your students!

do now assignment

You might like to get students to make predictions. Here, students have to create an idea for a story based on each of the story title. This was a great discussion about the important of a interesting and inviting title.

do now assignment

Alternatively, you can provide students with a scenario that they must respond to and is open-ended. Below, I am encouraging students to justify themselves. using persuasive language; this activity ultimately functions as a transition to the art of persuasion as a focal point for the lesson.

do now assignment

A do now activity is a great way to engage your class quickly and build strong habits in your lesson design.

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These are amazing — thanks!

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Do Nows: Benefits, Uses and 30 Example Questions

Ellen, leading teacher.

In today's fast-paced educational landscape, teachers are constantly seeking effective strategies to maximize student engagement and promote active learning. 

One tried and true method is the implementation of "Do-Nows" in the classroom. A Do-Now, also known as a warm-up or bell-ringer, is a short activity or question presented at the beginning of each class session. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using Do-Nows, discuss various types of activities, and provide great questions to use for Do-Nows that settle students into learning.

Set the stage for learning

A Do Now sets the tone for the entire class period. By immediately engaging students upon entry, teachers establish a routine that signals the start of learning. This quick exercise not only focuses the students' attention but also serves as a transition from the distractions of the outside world to the focused learning environment. As a result, students become more receptive to instruction, enabling teachers to maximize valuable class time.

Promote critical thinking and problem-solving

Do Nows provide an excellent opportunity for teachers to challenge students' critical thinking skills. By presenting thought-provoking questions or scenarios, students are encouraged to analyze, evaluate, and think deeply about the subject matter. These activities not only stimulate their minds but also foster a sense of curiosity and inquiry that carries over into the rest of the lesson.

Reviewing previous learning

Do-Nows are an effective tool for reinforcing previously taught concepts. Through brief review activities, students can recall essential information and build connections between new material and prior knowledge. This process helps solidify learning, making it more likely for students to retain information in the long term.

Assessing understanding

As a formative assessment tool, Do-Nows provide teachers with valuable insights into their students' comprehension levels. By observing how students approach and respond to the activity, teachers can gauge their understanding and identify areas that may require additional reinforcement. This real-time feedback enables educators to tailor their instruction to better meet individual needs.

Fostering collaboration and discussion

Do-Nows can be designed to encourage collaboration among students. Group-based warm-up activities promote teamwork and communication skills, fostering a supportive learning community. Moreover, students often share their responses with their peers, leading to lively discussions that enrich the learning experience.

30 Questions to use for Do-Nows

These tasks can vary widely depending on the subject and grade level. Here are some questions you can use for do-nows across different subjects and grade levels:

Critical thinking/general:

  • What is one thing you're curious to learn more about in today's class?
  • Imagine you could interview a historical figure. What would you ask them?
  • Reflect on a recent news article and share your thoughts.
  • Brainstorm as many uses as you can for a common household item.
  • Solve a riddle or lateral thinking puzzle.
  • Remember, the goal of a do-now is to activate students' prior knowledge, get them engaged, and set a positive tone for the lesson. The questions you choose should align with your teaching objectives and the content you're covering.

English/Language Arts:

  • Define the literary term we discussed in the previous class.
  • Write a sentence using today's vocabulary word.
  • Summarize the reading assigned for homework in two to three sentences.
  • Identify a simile or metaphor in the passage provided.
  • Write a brief response to a thought-provoking quote related to our current unit.


  • Solve a simple equation or math problem related to the topic we're studying.
  • Identify geometric shapes in the given diagram and name their properties.
  • Calculate the area/perimeter/volume of the given shape.
  • Simplify the algebraic expression provided.
  • Solve a word problem that applies concepts we've learned recently.
  • Describe an experiment you conducted in the previous class and its results.
  • List three characteristics of living organisms.
  • Explain a scientific concept using your own words.
  • Draw and label the parts of a cell/molecule/organ system.
  • Predict the outcomes of a simple chemical reaction based on the reactants involved.

Social Studies/History:

  • Identify the main events we discussed in the last class.
  • Describe the significance of a historical figure we're currently studying.
  • List two causes and two effects of a specific historical event.
  • Compare and contrast two different civilizations or time periods.
  • Analyze a primary source document excerpt and discuss its implications.

Foreign Language:

  • Translate a sentence from English to the target language.
  • Write a short paragraph about your weekend plans using vocabulary we've learned.
  • Conjugate a verb according to the provided tense and subject.
  • Identify the correct gender and article for a given noun.
  • Create a dialogue using key phrases related to a specific scenario.

The integration of Do-Nows in the classroom offers a range of benefits, ranging from increased engagement and critical thinking to improved collaboration and time management. As educators, we have the power to shape our students' learning experiences, and the strategic use of Do-Nows can significantly impact their academic journey.

Ziplet creates an easy way to conduct Do-Nows. Create your free Ziplet account and try out one of these questions with your students. Having all student responses in one place makes it easy to review and take action for the class ahead.

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Discussion and Supporting Materials

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Thought starters

  • What makes an effective "Do Now" activity?
  • How does this strategy increase classroom efficiency?
  • What is the relationship between routines and classroom management?


Private message to Sharon Saddler

Sharon Saddler May 26, 2024 10:18pm

1) What makes an effective do now activity? 

Having the assignment prepared before students walk in. That way there is no gap between the start of class leading into the actual lesson.

2) How does this strategy increase classroom efficiency? 

It keeps students focused and creates an interactive environment where there is no idle time in between.  If students are bored, it creates behavioral issues.

3) What is the relationship between routines and classroom management?

Consistency is key in managing a classroom. If the students don't have a consistent flow that is done daily then it creates imbalance in the classroom. To the learning environment. In addition, repetitive learning also creates higher levels of achievement.

Private message to Chantal Walvoord

Chantal Walvoord Mar 16, 2024 5:00pm

1. When students enter a classroom, they are going to start socializing and distract one another. The situation can quickly grow out of control. The "do now" sets the tone for learning by reminding them of what they have learned in the past and gets them ready for new information. 

The "do now" is something that they can do independently and allows the teacher to greet students all of the students as they walk in.

"Do now" activities are effective for classroom management and for helping students become focused learners. 

2. "Do now" activities helps students focus and keep on task. If part of a routine, students will get used to getting focused right away.

3. Routines are vital for classroom management. That does not mean their cannot be any spontaneity and fun. The routines are useful for guiding expectations. 

Private message to Frankie Robinson

Frankie Robinson Jan 30, 2024 7:58am

Do Now is similar to a "Bell Ringer" or "Jump Start". Students are engaged, on task, and it's not busy work.

Private message to Vernon Walton

Vernon Walton Jan 3, 2024 10:53am

1. What makes an effective "Do Now" activity?

An effective "Do Now" activity is one that engages students without much added direction. It allows the instructor to greet students with a purposeful activity that stimulates them to think and transition into the daily activities. This type of activity encourages, informs, and motivates students to "dive in" for the day.

2. How does this strategy increase classroom efficiency?

"Do Now" activities assit the classroom in multiple was. It allows the time to greet and engage students simultaneously. I increase the effective range of the activities by making it  a part of the raily routine where students already know what the expecation is. Additionally, it prompts students to take charge of their own transition into the classroom by having an immediate task that stimulates them for the day's activity. It reduces movement, questions, and maintians positive control of the environment while the instructor is doing the "Must Do's" prior to initiating instruction (i.e. attendance, accepting tardy passes, etc.).

3. What is the relationship between routines and classroom management?

Having and maintining a routine is paramount to an effective classroom. Establishig a routine enables the classroom to function more efficiently by reducing time consuming responses to common questions (i.e "what are we doing today?"). Routines also promote solidarity ammongst classmates as well autonomy for the class as a whole. Bearing in ming that we, as humans, are creatures of habit, the routine promotes a sense of ease in that there few, if any surprises to how the lessons will proceed. The autonomy that develops as a result of said routines  also makes it easier if and when the primary instructor is not present. The routine carries over and endures until such time as that routine is changed and retaught.

Private message to Michael Daigre

Michael Daigre Sep 9, 2023 9:44pm

An effective "Do Now" activity assist the teacher in setting the tone for today. They can increase classroom efficiency by setting the tone for today, reviewing material, setting class expectations, and keeping the students on task. Class routines and class management can both create a positive effect on the students by setting expectations early and assist in keeping the students focused. This allows the teacher to spend less time getting students back on track and focus more on keeping them on track.

  • Start with a "Do Now" Program Transcript


[00:00] Interviewer: Okay, here we go. You’re gonna walk in the classroom quickly and quietly. I will hand you your do-now, instructions are on the board. Are there any questions before we get started.

A do now is any activity that you have at the very beginning of class that helps you set the tone for that day.

Quickly, quietly, get started right away. Go ahead and get started right now on your do-now.

Kids come in and have something to do when they get to their desk. That something to do should go back to what they’ve worked on before, and lead into what they’re gonna work on next. Often it’s really good to put the instructions for the do-now up on the board, so you don’t even have to say that much. They can just read them, and start following the directions.

Then instead of having to talk to a lot of kids, we can just say, “I really like the way you got started, now go ahead and work on number two.” They read it, and then you can move on.

Yeah, do it on the back of it. That cool? You know what to do right?

Interviewee: Yeah.

Interviewer: I’ve seen teachers that do do-nows as quick quizzes at the beginning of everyday. I’ve seen teachers that do a few old questions that they want to work on. It could be a reading passage that the kids have been working on. Ideally, something that’s gonna lead you directly into that day’s lesson.

I see Chartanay 01:20 is starting to add to find the average of her numbers.

The other great thing about a do-now is it’s really excellent technique for classroom management.

I see the middle row is completely engaged in what they’re working on.

It helps you to set the expectations from the very beginning of your class period. So a kid walks into your classroom, they know, “I’m gonna walk in. I’m gonna get my stuff out, and there’s work for me to do.” The hardest part of a teacher’s day is constantly getting kids back on task, getting your students back doing the work you want them to do, that’s the hard part.

All right, you have about two minutes to finish your do-now, stay focused, stay on task.

The best thing about a do-now is we start to work right away, and now I’m keeping you on task as opposed to getting you back on task.

Are there any questions? Okay, back to work.

[End of Audio]


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August 23, 2023

Teaching Channel

Set Expectations With a “Do Now” Routine

Looking for a great way to set expectations at the start of each day? Try a “Do Now” activity! A “Do Now” is an assignment or task students are asked to complete as soon as they enter the room. It is a great way to establish routines and set a positive tone for the day. Consider how this strategy can be combined with other best practices to encourage positive student behavior, too. In this video, you’ll see the teacher greet his students at the door, use specific praise as he moves around the room to assist students with their assignment and provide additional instructions as needed. So many positive behavior interventions occur within the first two minutes of class!

How might you combine exit tickets and “do now” activities to further inform your instruction?

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  • Air resistance and free body diagrams
  • Floating and sinking teaching resources
  • Newton’s laws
  • Weight, gravity and free fall
  • Electromagnets
  • Nuclear fission
  • Speed and motion
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Apparatus and techniques in science
  • Assessing scientific skills
  • Accuracy and precision
  • Reproducible and repeatable
  • Rearranging equations
  • Scientific investigations
  • Science revision games
  • Biology revision
  • Chemistry revision
  • Physics revision
  • Lesson planning
  • Lesson objectives in science lessons
  • Quick Do Now
  • Check prior knowledge
  • Use a context
  • Challenge all appropriately
  • Board work is not boring
  • Model abstract ideas
  • Question for understanding
  • Check for understanding
  • Troubleshooting your science lessons
  • Building a curriculum towards big ideas
  • Powerful ideas of science
  • Knowledge in the science curriculum
  • Coherence in the curriculum
  • Powerful knowledge
  • Structuring struggle
  • Deep learning
  • Diagnostic science teaching
  • Knowledge versus understanding
  • Errors are not misconceptions
  • Novices and Experts
  • Progression
  • Zooming in and out in science
  • Argumentation
  • Dangers of definitions
  • Oracy for science
  • Writing in science
  • Demonstrations in science teaching
  • Managing whole-class practical work
  • Scientific inquiry
  • Next steps for practical lessons
  • Using drama
  • Summative assessments
  • Assessment design
  • Standarisation of marking
  • Question level analysis in science
  • Planning for reteaching
  • Peer assessment in science
  • Written feedback
  • Reflections of a science teacher – ten years on

do now assignment

Do it Now in Science

Dedicating some time at the start of a science lesson for a ‘Do Now’ can be incredibly helpful for students and teachers.

The purpose of the Do Now is to quickly engage students in learning and provide an opportunity for all students to be successful at the start of the lesson. It can also provide some valuable time for the teacher to take the register, follow up on missing homework or set up a demonstration. Do Nows can go wrong when they are too challenging or when students are unclear on what to do –  this creates unintended confusion which, for some students, will provide the reason to switch off.

Top Tips for a Do Now

  • Keep it pacey – a maximum of 5 minutes
  • Keep the task simple – it shouldn’t need lots of explanation. Modelling one example can help.
  • Use it to consolidate learning from the previous lesson or units
  • Don’t make it too hard. It’s more important that you engage students at this point and make students feel clever!
  • Make the last question an open one to extend thinking and to prevent students from finishing
  • Write the Do Now on the board if moving classrooms to give you time to log in
  • Use the Do Now – peer assess or self assess it. Learning from the Do Now should flow into the next activity.

Do Now ideas

  • Key questions assessing key knowledge e.g. write the equation for photosynthesis.
  • Key word spread : lots of key words on the board and students have to write a paragraph using as many key words as possible. Click here for an example
  • What’s wrong and why? There is an incorrect diagram on the board that students must re-draw and label to make it correct e.g. incorrect electric circuit. Make sure you then spend enough time showing students what the right answer is.
  • True or False? Lots of statements on the board, some are right and some are wrong. Students find the wrong statements and re-write them correctly.
  • What was the question? There are answers or key words on the board and students must write the questions.
  • Odd one out and why ? Teacher shows 3 items – could be pictures. Pupils must find the odd one out and explain why.
  • Memory. 10 facts on the board. Pupils must learn these. After 5 minutes remove the words and quiz the students.
  • What would happen next? Show students an image and then ask them to describe what would happen next and why e.g. football being taken deep under the sea by a diver.
  • Start of topic. Mind map – what do you know already?
  • Highlight it! Give students some text and ask them to highlight a specific type of word e.g. fuels/living things. It’s a great way for you to ‘see’ their thinking and to identify errors/misconceptions.
  • Planning lessons : the EPIBA approach
  • Clearly defined lesson objectives
  • Activate prior knowledge
  • Challenge your students
  • Challenge all students appropriately 
  • Use direct instruction to provide clear explanations
  • Model abstract ideas in concrete ways
  • Use questioning to probe understanding
  • Check for understanding  – give and get feedback
  • Troubleshooting – why did it go wrong?

Teach Like a Champion

Kristen felker.

Technique 29: Do Now

"The Do Now means that students are hard at work even before you have fully entered the room. They are both productive during every minute and ready for instruction as soon as you start."

                          -Doug Lemov (p152) Teach Like a Champion

1) What is this strategy?

The Do Now strategy is to immediately engage students as they walk into the classroom. As students arrive in the classroom they will all have an activity to finish that is posted directly on the board in the same spot every day, or a slip of paper on the desk, which should take roughly two to five minutes to complete. By having the activity each morning posted on the board it will help the students develop a routine daily. By doing so, as the school year goes on they will know what is expected of them each morning before class even begins. During the beginning of each morning or period you will have them engage in some type of problem in regards to the work or material they were working on the day prior or have the students prepare for the upcoming lesson. This is good for a review and also a way to ensure that the students all understand what they learned. Do Now is a great way to jump start the activities you may have planned for the day as well. Do Now is an effective strategy because it is having the students be productive during every minute of class and they are fully ready to be engaged for the day of class to begin. There are four things as a teacher you can do to be sure that the Do Now develops in a way you would want it to.

1.     The Do Now assignment is fully independent work. In order for this strategy to work, students need to not ask for help from either other students or from the teacher. This is designed for a quick assignment and to reel them into classroom mode not to be as challenging as possible. 

2.     The assignment is to be completed within a three to five minute time period. After the assignment is completed on their own they may check with another student or have to teacher go over the answer(s) with the class.

3.     Make sure that the students have pencil to paper action of some sort. By having the pencil to paper it makes to students be more engaged and more motivated to finish the task rather than just thinking about the answer.

4.     A Do Now could also be a way to introduce what material they will be going over that day which can show how much they already know and do not know about the topic. If the unit you are currently going over has come to an end you could use the Do Now as a review as well. 

2) Why will this strategy work?

Researchers have said that students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or children who fall under the Autism Spectrum Disorder need routine and consistency to perform well in the classroom. By starting out the day with a Do Now activity it does provide consistency for those who need to have that routine from a day to day basis. Having consistency in a classroom is very important in education, and can be continued using the Do Now activity. By having the Do Now activity during the first five minutes of class every day the students will become use to the routine and will expect to do so every day. By having the short activity in the morning to review material leaner previously which will lead into the next lesson will benefit the students with a low self-efficacy, whether or not a person believes he/she is good at a particular task.  Having the teacher provide problems to solve before moving onto the next material will encourage the students with the low self-efficacy to become more motivated about their school work. While the student sees that they got the correct answer on the Do Now activity will motivate them to try harder with the new material.  To be sure that the students are finishing the activity teachers can offer a positive reinforcement; something that may be worth rewarding the students for who answer the question correctly.

do now assignment

3) How this will work in the classroom?

Before I began anything I would clearly explain my expectations of the Do Now activity every morning before we got started with our lesson. There are many different ways teachers to incorporate this strategy into their classrooms. Teachers can choose to give students a slip of paper with the assignment as they walk in the door, have the paper on their desks, or even have the assignment written on the board. The way you present the Do Now does not matter however it does need to stay consistent throughout the class year. I will use positive reinforcement to encourage the students to complete the activity in its entirety to the best of their ability with result of a classroom participation grade for the week.   

For the example for your ninth graders, you just got done teaching them about how to find the equation of a line in point slope form. I will give 5 questions having them explain what point-slope form is then 4 other examples of given points with given slope putting it into point slope form and forming a line.

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The Hook: 4 Ways to Dynamically Engage Your Students from Day One

do now assignment

How do you start your class every day?

Some teachers simply take attendance, others jump right into the their lesson. Many have no structured way they start class every day. However, the most effective and connected educators purposely plan a creative, engaging “hook” that grabs the students’ attention, and sets the tone for the rest of class. Hooking your class from the start is vital to the overall success of the lesson.

When students walk into class, they must be immediately engaged. Otherwise, they will get bored, mentally wander, and turn their young minds off to learning completely. Even worse, the “difficult” students become behavior problems and wreak havoc on the classroom environment.

There are many different methods and techniques you can use to dynamically hook your students once they walk into your classroom. Many teachers I work with call it the “Initiation,” “Bell Ringer,” or “O-YO” (Own Your Own).

Here are four easy suggestions any teacher can quickly implement into their daily lesson plans to make the classroom a positive environment.


Photo: istock.com/ FatCamera

1. Create “Do Now” sections to begin each class

I call the initial part of my lesson a “Do Now.” From the first day of school to the last, my students are trained to make it a habit to immediately open their notebooks and write their Do Now assignment for the day. This year, every student in our school received their own laptop computer. So now, my students create a spot in their digital class notebooks to record the daily Do Now. Usually, I check their daily assignments during the end of each unit, and give them a classwork grade for their effort and answers.

Using the technology available to me is a huge advantage in making this a daily ritual. For years, the Do Now was projected onto my SmartBoard.  Now, when students walk into my class, I have a hook waiting on the TV screen in the front.

So what, specifically, is a Do Now? It’s an activity students have at very beginning of class that helps set tone for that lesson. Usually, it’s a picture or graphic connected to our unit of study. Sometimes it’s a primary source, like a famous historical quote or political cartoon connected to the era we are studying. Other times, it’s a table of historical data with questions, or a short YouTube video connected to the daily lesson. I know several math teachers that use a “Problem of the Day” as a Do Now to activate their students’ thinking.

Remember this – your Do Now can be ANYTHING that creatively starts the class and engages your students. And they should only take five or ten minutes to start!

do now assignment

2. Activate prior knowledge with your hook

When creating my daily Do Now, I think about the most engaging way to spark interest in my kids with the lesson, so they can be immediately connected to the topic. Often, my goal is to activate students and have them recall any previous knowledge about the topic I’m about to teach. Research indicates “what students already know about the content is one of the strongest indicators of how well they will learn new information!” (Marzano 2004). Therefore, it is critical that teachers begin to spend more time with focused instruction to check background knowledge.

Here are two examples of PowerPoint slides I use as Do Now activities to test prior knowledge in my U.S. History classes:


This slide will be on the screen the moment students step into my room during our World War II unit. Now, I am already aware of what my high school juniors have studied during their freshman and sophomore years. They previously studied the Pacific Theater of World War II during their Global Studies course their freshmen year.  I ask them to write down what they remember this “deadly” plane was called and define its characteristics. As they quickly and quietly write down the term and definition (if they remember), I take attendance. Then I ask the class, “who remembers this dangerous type of aircraft from when you studied Japanese history with Mr. Olander?” Usually half of the class will remember. I call on students to answer until the correct answer is given. The next slide will give the exact word and definition:


This nugget of previous information is a hook and preview for my students on this next unit lesson. As they learned two years earlier, the kamikaze is symbolic of how desperate the Japanese were in 1945 to stop the American island-hopping offensive, and, eventually, another example of why the U.S. decided to use the atomic bomb to end World War II in the Pacific.

The second example is, again, an advantage of really knowing what your district’s overall curriculum consists of. I know my students in tenth-grade Global Studies studied modern European history and the Great War. Therefore, they should be able to activate previous knowledge using this diagram before my lesson on the un-American attitudes in 1914 after World War I.


I ask for a volunteer or volunteers to come up to the TV, use my three-foot-long, old-school wooden ruler, and explain trench warfare using the knowledge stored in their “schemas” from Global Studies.

My students love to move around and get out of their seats so I ALWAYS have them ready to raise their hand to participate. It gives me a sense of how much each class remembers, and, if necessary, this will also help me adapt the beginning of my unit.

3. Introduce new content

How do you start a new unit or introduce your students to a new topic? Your hook could determine how enthused or excited your class may get about the new material.  Again, remember with any Do Now you make, be creative, differentiate ideas, and try ANYTHING to see if it works.

To start my unit on the 1920s, I have this double Do Now on my PowerPoint slides to hook my students and introduce new content.


“Does anyone know what this is a picture of … sometimes its called the ‘car of the century’?” I ask the kids. Usually, at least one of my students will be able to help me identify and introduce the Model T to the class. Then, after a very brief lecture on mass production, the assembly line, and Henry Ford, the students work on this:


When students are working on this interdisciplinary Do Now, I am taking attendance, but they are fully engaged, working and connected to the classroom and the lesson for the day! After several minutes of individual work, we come together as a class to discuss and share responses.


The very best “hook” I ever saw in my 18-year educational career came in 2005 at Har-Bur middle school, the location of my first job as a seventh-grade geography teacher. As I walked to the copy room during my typical morning routine, I saw an eighth-grade science teacher taping the outside of his door with a huge piece of clear plastic sheathing. I had to check it out. As I walked through his door, he had turned his classroom into a gigantic cell! The outer walls and ceiling were covered in this massive plastic sheathing and different colored objects were taped all over them. Some of these colorful images were mitochondrion, others were the Golgi apparatus, and the biggest was the nucleus. Some 14 years later, the juniors and seniors that I teach ALL remember Mr. Samudosky’s cell lesson  years later because of his creative Do Now idea and amazing implementation.

do now assignment

4. Double check to see what students know

Besides initial engagement, the most common way I use my Do Now is to check for student understanding and learning growth. Again, this method can be used in many different ways to fit the class.

How many times do you assign homework when you know, based off years of experience or difficulty of work, that your students will struggle no matter what? When faced with this scenario, start your next class by checking to see what your students learned (or did not learn). Here is a visual example:


After projecting the above image, students know to begin discussions. They will “turn and talk” to each other as I circle the class and listen to student’s explanations. Listening to the various discussions, I can gather information about what students know, and which students may have had trouble with the assignment. Sometimes, I’ll hand a small note card to students as they enter my class and have them write a brief answer down. I collect and quickly read them. Often, I’ll ask a student to come up front, use my pointer, and explain the diagram to the class.

Another Do Now that I love is a writing activity, which helps to assess learning and concurrently practice writing skills. Have you ever given your kids a “RAFT”?  Students write from a different role in history for a specific audience with a format , usually a diary entry or letter, about a topic they have to share. R.A.F.T.  These powerful writing simulations not only help students think critically about the subject matter, but gain the perspective of another person in history.

Below is one example of a RAFT assignment used after a two-day, powerful lesson on the Holocaust:


Teachers can get creative with these writing activities to assess student learning and understanding of a variety of social studies topics and content. Below is another example of how I use the RAFT as a Do Now to check if students get it.


Why is checking for understanding so important early on in the class period? First, you can immediately identify and confront misconceptions that interfere with student learning and redirect when needed. These activities are also an easy, informal approach to formative assessments. Not every formative assessment needs to go into your grade book. Sometimes, like in the examples above, you can simply check in with your students on their progress towards your learning targets.


The entire idea of creating a consistent “hook” within your lesson plan is tied to dynamic engagement.  The 21st-century student can be tough to excite and connect with if you do not plan properly.

The Do Now format will engage your students from the beginning of class, setting a positive learning tone for the day, minimizing behavioral problems, and cognitively challenging your students to critically think and perform.

Want to try some digital Do Now activities?

Get a free trial of active classroom today..

Marzano, R. (2004), Building Background Knowledge . Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Mr. Dennis Fowler is a high school social studies teacher at Lewis Mills High School in Burlington, CT, youth soccer and basketball coach, and motivational speaker. His professional development program is called “Connecting with Kids: Ideas to Engage Students and Build Relationships.”  His blog, called “Dynamic Engagement,” explores better ways and methods to create a positive classroom climate through motivating actions and activities. You can connect with Dennis Fowler  here .

4 thoughts on “ The Hook: 4 Ways to Dynamically Engage Your Students from Day One ”

Thanks for your tip on being creative when introducing a new topic to students. I work at an elementary school and we have been looking for ways to get the kids to engage more with learning science. A coworker suggested that we hire a company that does fun musicals about science. I think I’ll start looking for one soon.

Nice blog is really fabulous information. Thank you for sharing us. When i was in Reading that time i really enjoyed.

I love the tip on the DO Now. I usually use the DO Now as a way to review content previously taught, but reading the articles gave me a new way to approach lessons.

I usually have a Do Now on the screen as my students enter the classroom, but my DO Now consist of content that has been previously taught to make sure they understand the concept. Reading these articles have given me a way to use the DO Now differently. I love the idea of getting the students actively engaged to determine what they do and do not know. This helps me determine the approach to the new lesson. I will definitely use these strategies mentioned.

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18 Warm-Up Activities to Engage Students Before They Read Nonfiction Texts

Here is a collection of our favorite “bell ringers,” “do nows” and “hooks” to grab students’ attention, along with examples from dozens of our daily lessons.

do now assignment

By The Learning Network

How can you get your students interested in reading informational texts, whether the topic is Syria or sneakers , space exploration or statistics , surfing , superheroes or “ the souls of Black girls ”? How can you help them make connections between unfamiliar topics and their own lives? How can you scaffold complex ideas to make them accessible for a wide variety of learners?

We’ve had lots of practice answering these questions. Our editorial staff — all of us former teachers — comes up with a fresh before-reading activity, or “warm-up,” for every Lesson of the Day we publish. We now have over 700 of them, all based on Times articles chosen from across sections of the paper, and all free to students around the world.

Here we’ve combed through the collection, organized the strategies that we use most frequently and provided examples so that you can see how they work. Each is intended to be a brief activity — an appetizer before the main course. You can find them all listed here in this downloadable poster (PDF).

But we also hope to hear from you. Let us know in the comments section or by emailing us at [email protected] if you have other warm-up suggestions you think we should try. We’d love to lengthen this list!

1. Make it personal.

When have you faced a difficult journey or challenge? What role do video games play in your life? What do you know about your family history and ancestry? Do you read or write poetry? Have you ever believed in magic?

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do now assignment

ACPS Talent Development

Professional Learning Website

Do Now Activator

A ‘Do Now’ is a common name for an activator teachers use to begin a lesson (it is also sometimes called a warm-up or bell work). It is often part of the Framing the Learning portion of a lesson. A ‘Do Now’ is a quick, independent or collaborative activity that typically involves no (or minimal) guidance from the teacher.  A ‘Do Now’ can be used to activate students learning for the lesson, surface prior knowledge, and familiarize students with lesson vocabulary.  A ‘Do Now’ works best if it is an established classroom routine as it signals to students that it is time to learn. Well written and well practiced ‘Do Nows’ result in less wasted time and more student engagement. Typically a ‘Do Now’ should take less than 10 minutes to complete and assess.

Tips & Tricks

  • Use the EQ: The essential question works great as a ‘Do Now.’  Students may write their answer to the EQ independently, discuss it with a partner, or a combination of both.
  • Administrative Duties: As students begin their ‘Do Now’ quickly complete your administrative duties, take attendance, collect and give feedback on homework etc. Don’t forget if it’s important enough to assign, it’s important enough to assess; upon completion of your duties, circulate, monitor and provide support and feedback to students on their ‘Do Now.’
  • Multiple Modes: Although typically ‘Do Nows’ are written, teachers may structure them to fit students’ needs. Creating a poem, word problem, song, or picture or dialoging with a partner or team are all great ways to activate and engage students at the beginning of the lesson.
  • Track Learning:  Have students respond to a ‘Do Now’ question or scenario at the beginning of the lesson on a colored Post-It Note, then have students post their writing on an anchor chart. At the close of the lesson, have students respond to the same question on a different color Post-It as the lesson’s anchor. Have students place that Post-It next to their first Post-It so that they may observe how their thinking has evolved.
  • Assessment: Often teachers use ‘Do Nows’ as quick pre-assessment tools. As students complete the ‘Do Nows’  teachers can take informal data on performance in order to modify the upcoming instruction or could use the completed ‘Do Nows’ to make leveled flexible groups.

Tools & Templates

  • Education Week  Article on Do Nows
  • Activating Strategies Handout  for Literacy

Do Now Assignments - Atoms, Ions, and Isotopes

do now assignment


These 3 Do Now assignments are designed to be used to recap the concepts of reading the periodic table for information about atoms, filling in information about ions, and filling in information about isotopes. This should recap multiple related ideas as they relate together within a given discussion.

Theses Do Now assignments can be used to see how well students grasp this concept before moving on.

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Dan the bio and chem man.

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VTuber Dokibird Overhears A Tragic Flirting Attempt, Becomes Redraw Meme

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I Understand The Assignment cover.

What Does 'I Understand The Assignment' Mean And Why Is It Being Used By Kamala Harris Supporters? The Catchphrase And Meme Explained

Project Coconut is hitting all gears for the presidential campaign of Vice President and potential Democratic candidate Kamala Harris . The newest trend established by her supporters features a series of posts with the catchphrase I Understand The Assignment' with the hopes of getting the endorsement from the Gen X and Boomers .

Although the phrase shares the same chorus as the 2021 music The Assignment (seen below) by Tay Money, which inspired a viral TikTok trend that amplified the use of the mantra online, they are not related. In this case, is all about understanding Kamala supporters' assignment of getting her elected in the 2024 Presidential Election.

Here's everything you need to know about the 'I Understand The Assignment" catchphrase and other memes related to the Kamala Harris 2024 campaign .

What Does 'I Understand The Assignment' Mean?

The phrase "I understand the assignment" is often used by someone indicating their intentions to go above and beyond to do a good job. That's the general strategy behind the organic campaign in support of Vice President Kamala Harris being spread on social that made the catchphrase resurface in late July 2024. Her endorsers are expressing that they're ready to help her win the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election following President Joe Biden dropping out of the race .

For example, on July 22nd, 2024, X [7] user @libradunn tweeted, "We understand the assignment!" in response to friends in the media asking, "What's next for Democrats?"

PROTECT MOCRAC Harry Dunn @libradunn Follow I keep seeing a lot of our friends in the media asking "what's next for democrats?" Umm it's simple, rally behind VP Harris and defeat the former president in November. We understand the assignment!!! 1:42 PM - Jul 22, 2024 X

The trend is also part of a budding mantra among Harris voters and supporters in which they showcase their "differences" as a strength while indicating their respective duties to elect her. For instance, on July 22nd. 2024, X user @libbage55 tweeted "I’m a 69 year old white woman, and I understand the assignment." (seen below)

Libby Whittemore @libbage55 #ResisitanceUnited #ProudBlue #DemVoice1 I'm a 69 year old white woman, and I understand the assignment. How about you? #Harris2024 #Kamala Has MyVote . 3:47 PM - Jul 23, 2024 124.3K Views

On the same day, X user @CGTheGeek posted a GIF showing their reaction to seeing all the "I understand the assignment" tweets. (seen below)

White folks on Twitter posting "… I understand the assignment!" #KamalaHarris2024 pic.twitter.com/WwSul0NvKA — ThereWillBeTypos 🤷🏾‍♀️ (@CGTheGeek) July 23, 2024

Where Is The 'Understood The Assignment' Catchphrase From?

"Understood the assignment" is a phrase well-known online and offline for decades but in August 2021 singer Tay Money helped the phrase to achieve mainstream usage by posting her song's hook, having multiple commenters asking when the full song will eventually drop (shown below). The audio from her video has been made into over 530,000 videos in three years.


For the full history of I Understand The Assignment , be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

Related Memes 10 total


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    A "Do Now" is an assignment or task students are asked to complete as soon as they enter the room. It is a great way to establish routines and set a positive tone for the day. Consider how this strategy can be combined with other best practices to encourage positive student behavior, too. In this video, you'll see the teacher greet his ...

  11. The Do Now: A Simple, but Effective Active Learning Strategy

    The Do Now allows students to practice solving problems in a low-stakes environment, an experience that fosters self-efficacy (Bandura 1977), which is especially important when math (or, anything that resembles ... Note: LPM refers to the linear probability model. As an assignment, students read Lovo (2016). The table above is abridged to

  12. Do Now

    Do Now. "Do nows" are brief starters or warm-up activities that occur at the beginning of a lesson. As a teaching strategy, "do now" activities are rooted in constructivist theory (Dewey 1916, 1938) and student-centered learning (Hinton, Fischer, & Glennon, 2012), both active learning theories. Today, "do now" activities are widely ...

  13. Do it Now in Science

    The purpose of the Do Now is to quickly engage students in learning and provide an opportunity for all students to be successful at the start of the lesson. It can also provide some valuable time for the teacher to take the register, follow up on missing homework or set up a demonstration. Do Nows can go wrong when they are too challenging or ...

  14. PDF 1) 2)

    1) 2) #1 This offers a good example of a teacher using the Do Now to reinforce a wide array of skills the class has mastered over the course of the year in math The goal here is to keep those skills 'alive and kicking.' (Often students iniitallymaster skills only to forget them when they stop using them so this kind of shuffle practice can ...

  15. Do Now

    The Do Now assignment is fully independent work. In order for this strategy to work, students need to not ask for help from either other students or from the teacher. This is designed for a quick assignment and to reel them into classroom mode not to be as challenging as possible. 2. The assignment is to be completed within a three to five ...

  16. The Hook: 4 Ways to Dynamically Engage Your Students from Day One

    1. Create "Do Now" sections to begin each class. I call the initial part of my lesson a "Do Now.". From the first day of school to the last, my students are trained to make it a habit to immediately open their notebooks and write their Do Now assignment for the day. This year, every student in our school received their own laptop computer.

  17. 18 Warm-Up Activities to Engage Students Before They Read Nonfiction

    Some experiments might be too long for a "hook" activity, but a short hands-on activity can be a great, interactive way to get early buy-in from students. 11. Try a thought experiment. Riding ...

  18. Do Now

    The 4 best things that you as a teacher can do to be sure that the Do Now develops a focused, efficeient and effective manner include: 1. Do Now should be completely independent work. Students should not need to rely on help from teachers or other students to complete the quick assignment. The Do Now should not be as challenging, due to the ...

  19. DO NOW (weekly template) by Hernandez Class Creations

    Description. This is a blank template for a one-stop DO NOW assignment that can be used for the entire week. Includes place to put name, class period, dates, and weekly goal. Also includes an individual box for each day of the week. This can be customized with pictures, problems, that you type into each days' box or something you write in as ...

  20. Do Now Activator

    Do Now Activator. A 'Do Now' is a common name for an activator teachers use to begin a lesson (it is also sometimes called a warm-up or bell work). It is often part of the Framing the Learning portion of a lesson. A 'Do Now' is a quick, independent or collaborative activity that typically involves no (or minimal) guidance from the teacher.

  21. PDF Y Want to Use Do Nows in Your Cl

    ly. Decide on an aspect of a previous lesson or reading about which you want to query the students or a topic related to the upcoming acti. ty. Review the outcomes of your previous lesson(s) and decide what content will be the focus of the do now acti. c. Or the Do Now could focus on priming the students for an upcoming le.

  22. Do Now Assignments

    These 3 Do Now assignments are designed to be used to recap the concepts of reading the periodic table for information about atoms, filling in information about ions, and filling in information about isotopes. This should recap multiple related ideas as they relate together within a given discussion. Theses Do Now assignments can be used to see ...

  23. What Does 'I Understand The Assignment' Mean And Why Is It Being Used

    Project Coconut is hitting all gears for the presidential campaign of Vice President and potential Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.The newest trend established by her supporters features a series of posts with the catchphrase I Understand The Assignment' with the hopes of getting the endorsement from the Gen X and Boomers.. Although the phrase shares the same chorus as the 2021 music The ...

  24. History assignment pulled in Oklahoma school amid controversy

    A world history assignment at an Oklahoma high school asked students if God and satan are real. Unsplash via Aaron Burden A world history assignment at a public high school in Oklahoma has sparked ...