Writing Beginner

How to Describe a City in Writing (100+ Best Examples)

Crafting compelling descriptions of cities is a skill that can vividly immerse your readers in your narrative.

Here’s how to describe a city in writing:

Describe a city by considering its size, culture, age, geography, architecture, infrastructure, economy, climate, landscape, and nightlife. Each characteristic offers a unique perspective, allowing you to craft a vivid, engaging description. Tie your description to your theme.

This article will guide you through the process of describing a city, focusing on ten crucial elements that add life and color to your descriptions.

10 Elements for Describing a City in Writing

Digital image of a city with blue and yellow shading - How to describe a city in writing

Table of Contents

When describing a city in writing, you need to know these 10 elements:



Next, let’s explore each of these elements in more detail and provide examples of how to apply them to your own stories.

Size refers to the scale of a city in terms of its physical extent and population.

By mentioning the size, you set a foundation for the readers, giving them a sense of the city’s vastness or compactness.

Words to Describe the Size of a City in Writing

  • Densely populated
  • Medium-sized

Examples of Describing a City by Size

  • Sprawling across the landscape like a behemoth, the metropolis swallowed the horizon whole.
  • With a population exceeding millions, the city buzzed with ceaseless activity.
  • The dense network of streets formed a compact, labyrinthine cityscape.
  • It was a small city, where everybody knew everybody.
  • The city was vast, its boundaries stretching as far as the eye could see.
  • Its towering skyscrapers were a testament to its grandeur and size.
  • Nestled in the valley, the city covered a small area, yet housed a myriad of cultures.
  • The size of the city was deceptive; it was more densely populated than it appeared.
  • The city was a sprawling canvas of urbanity, cutting across county lines.
  • The petite city was neatly crammed into a pocket of the mountainside.

Culture comprises the beliefs, traditions, arts, and history that influence a city’s way of life.

Highlighting the culture paints a vivid picture of the people, customs, and ethos that define the city.

Words to Describe the Culture of a City in Writing

  • Traditional
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Multicultural
  • Conservative
  • Progressive

Examples of Describing a City by Culture

  • The city was steeped in ancient traditions, echoing its ancestral roots.
  • Its lively arts scene painted the city with an irreplaceable cultural vibrancy.
  • The city was a melting pot of diverse cultures, blending seamlessly into one another.
  • The annual festival was a cultural extravaganza that transformed the city into a carnival.
  • The city was synonymous with classical music, its soul resonating in symphony.
  • The local cuisine, a testament to the city’s rich culture, left a tantalizing aroma in the air.
  • An artistic hub, the city was a cradle of avant-garde movements.
  • The city’s cultural tapestry was woven with threads of countless ethnicities.
  • The city wore its history like a proud badge, its culture speaking volumes of its glorious past.
  • The city was a cultural cocktail, stirred with vibrant arts, and timeless traditions.

The age of a city refers to how long it has existed, which is often reflected in its architectural style, infrastructure, and historical landmarks.

Describing the age can transport your reader back in time or into the future.

Words to Describe the Age of a City in Writing

  • Prehistoric
  • Contemporary

Examples of Describing a City by Age

  • The city’s ancient walls were steeped in history, whispering tales from centuries ago.
  • The futuristic skyline was a testament to its recent establishment.
  • Age-old monuments punctuated the city, standing tall as symbols of its venerable past.
  • The city was a blend of old and new, where modernity met antiquity.
  • Modern skyscrapers towered over the city, evidence of its recent urban development.
  • The city was an enduring relic of the Medieval Age, its cobblestone streets weaving tales of yore.
  • With buildings dating back to the Victorian era, the city was an open history book.
  • Despite its youthful age, the city wore an old soul.
  • The city was a testament to the future, a spectacle of cutting-edge technology and sleek architecture.
  • Age-old traditions thrived amidst the modern cityscape, telling tales of a city that respected its past.

Geography describes the city’s location, its physical features, and how these factors influence the city’s character and lifestyle.

Words to Describe the Geography of a City in Writing

  • Mountainous

Examples of Describing a City by Geography

  • The city was built on hills, its houses twinkling like stars on an undulating landscape.
  • Its coastal location made the city a paradise for beach lovers.
  • Tucked between mountains, the city was a serene oasis in a rugged setting.
  • The desert city was a mirage of golden sands and sparkling oases.
  • The city was a confluence of rivers, forming a scenic waterfront that buzzed with life.
  • Surrounded by dense forests, the city was an island of urbanity in a sea of wilderness.
  • The coastal city was a playground of surf and sand, where the sea kissed the cityscape.
  • The city was a picturesque valley carved into the heart of the mountains.
  • A city of islands, it was a constellation of vibrant urban life amidst the tranquil sea.
  • The city was an urban jewel nestled in the heart of the vast plains.

Architecture refers to the style and character of the city’s buildings and structures.

It speaks to the city’s history, culture, and technological progress.

Words to Describe the Architecture of a City in Writing

Examples of describing a city by architecture.

  • Gothic spires and Romanesque arches painted a canvas of architectural marvels.
  • The cityscape was a fusion of Brutalist concrete and sleek glass towers.
  • Traditional thatched cottages adorned the city, a spectacle of rustic charm.
  • The city was a palette of Art Deco buildings, their geometric patterns a testament to its rich architectural legacy.
  • Modern skyscrapers dotted the city skyline, interspersed with green terraces and solar panels.
  • The city was a sprawling labyrinth of narrow alleys, flanked by ancient terracotta houses.
  • The city was a spectrum of architectural styles, from Victorian houses to modern lofts.
  • The city’s architecture was a reflection of its sustainable ethos, with green roofs and walls covered in foliage.
  • The city’s colonial architecture narrated tales of a bygone era.
  • Futuristic architecture characterized the city, with self-sustaining buildings and smart infrastructures.

Infrastructure speaks to the functionality of a city – its roads, bridges, public facilities, and utilities.

It provides insights into the city’s level of development and organization.

Words to Describe the Infrastructure of a City in Writing

  • Well-developed
  • Sustainable
  • Disorganized

Examples of Describing a City by Infrastructure

  • The city boasted an intricate network of subways, making commuting a breeze.
  • Its wide boulevards were lined with trees, merging functionality with aesthetics.
  • The city had a robust public transportation system that kept its lifeblood flowing.
  • Advanced telecommunication infrastructures turned the city into a global hub of digital innovation.
  • Its well-planned bike lanes made the city a paradise for cyclists.
  • The city was illuminated by solar-powered streetlights, a testament to its green infrastructure.
  • The city’s skywalks connected buildings, forming a labyrinth above the hustle and bustle.
  • The city’s efficient waste management system kept its streets clean and green.
  • The city’s infrastructure was a seamless blend of urbanity and nature.
  • The city was a beacon of technological prowess, its infrastructure speaking volumes of its progress.

The economy of a city speaks about its wealth, main industries, and job opportunities.

It gives the reader a sense of the city’s prosperity or lack thereof.

Words to Describe the Economy of a City in Writing

  • Impoverished
  • Agricultural
  • Technological

Examples of Describing a City by Economy

  • The city was a bustling hub of commerce, its markets buzzing with activity.
  • It was an industrial city, its skyline punctuated with factories and smokestacks.
  • The city’s booming tech sector attracted talent from around the globe.
  • Its struggling economy painted a city in decay, with boarded-up storefronts and desolate streets.
  • The city was a hub of finance, home to towering banks and bustling stock exchanges.
  • A rich agricultural economy defined the city, its verdant farms a testament to its wealth.
  • The city thrived on tourism, its bustling streets a carnival of foreign faces.
  • The city was an emblem of prosperity, its thriving economy lifting people out of poverty.
  • Despite the economic downturn, the city held onto its vibrant spirit, a testament to its resilience.
  • The city’s economy was a vibrant tapestry of trade, services, and manufacturing.

Climate characterizes the city’s weather patterns throughout the year.

It can deeply influence a city’s culture, lifestyle, and even architecture.

Words to Describe the Climate of a City in Writing

  • Mediterranean
  • Continental
  • Subtropical

Examples of Describing a City by Climate

  • The city was blessed with a temperate climate, keeping it lush and vibrant all year round.
  • Its harsh winters painted the city in shades of white, with frost-etched buildings and snow-blanketed streets.
  • The tropical climate kept the city in a perpetual state of summer, with azure skies and sun-kissed streets.
  • The city was a desert, its climate oscillating between scorching days and frigid nights.
  • The city’s Mediterranean climate filled it with fragrant breezes and clear, sunny days.
  • The city was caught in an eternal spring, awash with blooming flowers and chirping birds.
  • The city experienced four distinct seasons, painting a vivid palette of changing landscapes.
  • The city was infamous for its torrential rains, transforming its streets into rivulets.
  • The city’s harsh climate made it a fortress of solitude, its cold winters keeping outsiders at bay.
  • The city’s mild climate was a relief to its residents, offering respite from extreme weather.

Landscape refers to the natural and artificial features that shape the city’s terrain and overall visual appearance.

Words to Describe the Landscape of a City in Writing

Examples of describing a city by landscape.

  • The city was a symphony of undulating hills and glass-and-steel towers.
  • Its landscape was punctuated with verdant parks, like emeralds set in concrete.
  • The city was a mosaic of picturesque canals and charming footbridges.
  • The city’s landscape was a spectacular blend of towering cliffs and sweeping beaches.
  • The city’s landscape was dominated by a majestic mountain that stood as a silent sentinel.
  • The city was a concrete jungle, a dense matrix of buildings interspersed with occasional pockets of green.
  • The city’s vast plains stretched to the horizon, a vast checkerboard of farmland and urban clusters.
  • The city was characterized by its dramatic coastline, where jagged cliffs met the roaring sea.
  • The city was nestled in a lush forest, its buildings camouflaged amongst the towering trees.
  • The city’s landscape was a harmonious blend of the old and new, where verdant vineyards met sprawling shopping malls.

Nightlife includes the after-dark activities that a city offers – from dining, music, and theater to clubs, bars, and other entertainment venues.

It reflects the city’s vibrancy and energy when the sun sets.

Words to Describe the Nightlife of a City in Writing

  • Nonexistent
  • Underground
  • Sophisticated

Examples of Describing a City by Nightlife

  • The city came alive at night, its streets pulsating with lights and music.
  • The city’s nightlife was a whirlwind of neon signs, lively bars, and pulsating dance floors.
  • The city was famous for its jazz clubs, their sultry tunes wafting into the night.
  • The city’s vibrant night markets were a treasure trove of culinary delights.
  • The city’s nightlife was a spectrum of opera houses, theaters, and art galleries, enriching the cultural fabric.
  • The city’s skyline glittered with rooftop bars, offering panoramic views of the starlit cityscape.
  • The city’s after-hours was a playground for night owls, teeming with nightclubs and music venues.
  • The city’s tranquil nights were a respite from the bustling days, its streets bathed in the soft glow of streetlights.
  • The city was a nocturnal paradise, its nightlife teeming with gourmet restaurants and wine bars.
  • The city’s night scene was a melting pot of cultures, its streets resonating with music from around the world.

Here is a good video about how to describe a city in writing:

3 Full Examples of City Descriptions in Writing

Here are three full examples of how to describe a city in writing.

Nonfiction Essay

Los Angeles is a sprawling city, spreading across a vast, flat coastal plain nestled between mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Its multicultural nature is palpable, a melting pot where hundreds of cultures converge to create a rich tapestry of humanity. From Little Tokyo to Olvera Street, the city offers cultural enclaves that transport visitors to different corners of the world.

The architecture of Los Angeles tells a tale of its age and history.

From the contemporary designs of downtown skyscrapers to the Spanish Colonial Revival structures that pay homage to the city’s early days, LA offers a visual feast of architectural styles. Infrastructure-wise, Los Angeles is a car-centric city, known for its iconic freeways, yet, it is also actively expanding its public transportation system.

The climate in LA is Mediterranean, providing its residents with sunshine nearly all year round.

This, combined with the city’s picturesque landscape of rolling hills and sandy beaches, contributes to the quintessential Southern Californian lifestyle. The nightlife in Los Angeles, known for its glitz and glamor, mirrors the city’s reputation as the entertainment capital of the world.

Mystery Novel

The city of Edinburgh, ancient and mysterious, was shrouded in a veil of fog.

Narrow, winding streets wound their way up and down the city’s undulating terrain, past centuries-old Gothic buildings that seemed to hold whispered secrets in their cold stone. The towering Edinburgh Castle, perched atop an extinct volcano, cast long, eerie shadows across the Old Town, lending an air of mystique.

Despite the Scottish capital’s gloomy weather, the city was alive with culture. The annual Fringe Festival transformed the streets into a vibrant tapestry of theatre, music, and dance. Meanwhile, tucked away in the corners of the city were hole-in-the-wall pubs, where folk music hung heavy in the air.

Even in the dead of night, the city refused to sleep.

The pubs and clubs of the Royal Mile, teeming with locals and tourists alike, created an eclectic nightlife. The cobblestone streets echoed with faint laughter, ghostly footfalls, and the faint skirl of bagpipes, imbuing the city with an aura of enchanting mystery.

Romance Novel

Venice, with its endless maze of canals and charming footbridges, seemed to have been woven from dreams.

It was an intimate city, its compact geography fostering a unique, close-knit culture. The melodies of the gondoliers’ serenades drifted through the air, their words telling tales of age-old love stories.

The city’s Gothic architecture, ornate and elegant, reflected in the shimmering waters of the Grand Canal. The iconic Rialto Bridge, a testament to Venice’s architectural prowess, served as a lover’s meeting spot, its stone balustrades bearing witness to countless stolen kisses.

The Venetian economy thrived on tourism and the arts, its numerous mask shops, and glass-blowing factories testifying to the city’s artisanal heritage.

Venice was a city that never hurried. Its pace was defined by the gentle ebb and flow of its canals.

As twilight descended, the city transitioned from a bustling tourist hub to a serene sanctuary. The street lamps flickered to life, casting a romantic glow on the cobblestones. The serenade of the gondoliers intertwined with the soft whispers of the wind, composing a nocturnal symphony that was the heartbeat of this city of love.

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a City in Writing

Before you type “THE END” to your story, essay, or piece of writing, consider how your city weaves into the tapestry of your narrative.

Particularly, how your city embodies and exposes the theme.

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Guide to Describing a City in Writing

Describing a City in Writing Guide

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Describing a city in writing can be a daunting task, especially for those who don’t have much experience with it. However, with the right guidance and examples, anyone can master this skill.

That’s why this article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to describing a city in writing, with over 100 brilliant examples to inspire and guide writers.

Whether you’re a travel writer, a novelist, or simply someone who wants to capture the essence of a city in their writing, this guide has something for everyone. From the bustling streets of New York City to the winding canals of Venice, each example offers a unique perspective on how to describe a city in writing.

With this guide, writers will learn how to use sensory details, figurative language, and descriptive adjectives to bring a city to life on the page. They’ll also learn how to capture the mood and atmosphere of a city, whether it’s the energy of a vibrant metropolis or the tranquility of a sleepy town.

So whether you’re writing a novel set in a specific city or simply want to capture the essence of a place in your travel writing, this guide is the perfect resource to help you do just that.

Fundamentals of Urban Description

describe a busy city essay

When it comes to describing a city in writing, there are certain fundamentals that must be understood in order to paint a vivid picture for the reader. In this section, we will cover the two key aspects of urban description: understanding cityscapes and using descriptive language and vocabulary.

Understanding Cityscapes

Before attempting to describe a city, it is important to understand the different elements that make up its landscape. This includes the architecture, infrastructure, landmarks, and natural features such as parks and rivers. By having a clear understanding of these elements, the writer can create a more accurate and detailed description.

When describing a cityscape, it is also important to consider the perspective of the writer. Are they viewing the city from above, from a distance, or up close? This will affect the level of detail and the language used in the description.

Descriptive Language and Vocabulary

One of the most important aspects of urban description is the use of descriptive language and vocabulary. This includes adjectives, adverbs, and verbs that are used to convey the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of the city.

When selecting adjectives to describe a city, it is important to choose words that accurately reflect its character. For example, a bustling city might be described as vibrant, while a more serene city might be described as peaceful.

Grammar and pronunciation are also important considerations when describing a city. By using proper grammar and enunciating words clearly, the writer can create a more polished and professional description.

Overall, understanding the fundamentals of urban description is essential for creating a compelling and accurate portrayal of a city in writing. By using descriptive language and vocabulary, and considering the different elements of the cityscape, the writer can transport the reader to the heart of the city and bring it to life on the page.

City Size and Structure

describe a busy city essay

From Sprawling Metropolises to Compact Towns

Describing a city’s size and structure is an essential aspect of capturing its essence in writing . Cities come in all shapes and sizes, from sprawling metropolises to compact towns. The size of a city can significantly impact its character, culture, and lifestyle. Larger cities often have more diverse populations, a wider range of cultural activities, and more significant economic opportunities. Smaller cities, on the other hand, tend to have a more intimate feel, with a stronger sense of community and a slower pace of life.

When describing a city’s size, it is essential to consider not only its population but also its physical boundaries. A city’s limits can be defined by natural features such as rivers or mountains or by man-made borders such as highways or city limits signs. The physical boundaries of a city can significantly impact its structure and layout, with cities often developing in distinct neighborhoods or districts.

The Role of Streets and Public Transport

The streets and public transport systems of a city are also critical components of its structure and character. The layout of a city’s streets can impact its accessibility, walkability, and overall aesthetic. For example, a city with a grid-like street pattern may feel more organized and straightforward to navigate than one with winding, narrow streets.

Public transport is also a crucial aspect of a city’s structure, providing residents and visitors with a means of getting around. A well-developed public transport system can make a city more accessible and reduce traffic congestion. In contrast, a poorly designed system can make it challenging to get around and limit economic opportunities.

Overall, when describing a city’s size and structure, it is essential to consider its physical boundaries, street layout, and public transport systems. These factors can significantly impact a city’s character and lifestyle, making them essential components of any city description.

The Essence of Time and Age

describe a busy city essay

Cities are dynamic entities that are constantly changing and evolving. One of the most significant aspects of a city’s character is its history and how it has developed over time. Understanding the essence of time and age is essential when describing a city in writing .

Historical vs. Modern Developments

Cities are often a blend of historical and modern developments. The historical parts of the city are often the most visually striking, with ancient architecture, narrow streets, and traditional markets. In contrast, modern developments are characterized by glass skyscrapers, wide boulevards, and modern amenities.

When describing a city, it is essential to highlight both the historical and modern aspects of the city. A balance between the two is vital in creating a vivid and accurate picture of the city’s character.

The Impact of Time on City Life

Time has a profound impact on city life. As cities grow and evolve, their character changes. Old neighborhoods are replaced by new developments, and the city’s infrastructure is updated to keep pace with modern needs.

The impact of time on city life can be seen in everything from the city’s architecture to its culture. Old buildings may be preserved as historical landmarks, while new buildings may be designed to reflect the latest architectural trends. Similarly, the city’s culture may be influenced by its history, or it may be shaped by modern trends.

In summary, the essence of time and age is a critical aspect of describing a city in writing. By highlighting the historical and modern developments of a city and the impact of time on city life, writers can create an accurate and vivid picture of the city’s character.

Socioeconomic Diversity

describe a busy city essay

Wealth and Poverty in Urban Settings

One of the most striking aspects of any city is its socioeconomic diversity. Urban areas are often characterized by a stark contrast between the affluent and the poor. While some neighborhoods boast luxury apartments and high-end boutiques, others are home to run-down buildings and deprived communities.

Population density is a major factor in determining the level of wealth or poverty in a city. In densely populated areas, property prices can skyrocket, making it difficult for low-income families to afford housing. This often leads to residential segregation, with affluent neighborhoods located in the suburbs and poorer communities concentrated in the city center.

Residential Variations

Residential variations are another important aspect of socioeconomic diversity in cities. Suburban areas are often associated with larger, single-family homes, while urban areas are more likely to have high-rise apartments and condominiums. However, there are exceptions to these generalizations.

In some cities, there has been a recent trend towards mixed-use developments, which combine residential and commercial spaces in the same building. This can create a more diverse and vibrant community, as people from different socioeconomic backgrounds are brought together in the same space.

Overall, understanding the socioeconomic diversity of a city is crucial for anyone looking to describe it in writing. By paying attention to factors such as population density, property prices, and residential variations, writers can create a more accurate and nuanced portrayal of the urban landscape.

Cultural and Architectural Tapestry

describe a busy city essay

Cultural Landmarks and Events

A city’s cultural landmarks and events are a reflection of its past and present. From traditional festivals to contemporary art exhibitions, a vibrant cultural scene can be a defining feature of a city. Visitors to a city can immerse themselves in its culture by attending events or visiting landmarks that showcase its heritage.

For instance, the colonial city of Cartagena in Colombia is known for its colorful festivals, such as the Cartagena International Music Festival and the Hay Festival. These events celebrate the city’s rich cultural heritage and attract visitors from around the world.

In contrast, the cosmopolitan city of New York is home to iconic cultural landmarks such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. These institutions showcase a diverse range of art and performances that reflect the city’s contemporary and global outlook.

Architectural Styles and Significance

A city’s architecture is a visual representation of its history and identity. From colonial buildings to Bauhaus-inspired designs, a city’s architectural styles can convey its cultural and social values.

For example, the traditional architecture of Kyoto in Japan reflects the city’s deep connection to its past. The city’s temples and shrines, such as the Kiyomizu-dera and the Fushimi Inari-taisha, are renowned for their intricate designs and historical significance.

On the other hand, the contemporary architecture of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates showcases the city’s ambition and innovation. The Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, and the Dubai Mall, the world’s largest shopping center, are examples of the city’s modern architectural achievements.

In conclusion, a city’s cultural and architectural tapestry can reveal its unique character and identity. By exploring a city’s cultural landmarks and architectural styles, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of its history and values.

Environmental Aspects

describe a busy city essay

Geographical Settings

When describing a city’s environmental aspects, it is important to consider its geographical location and settings. Some cities are situated on the coast, while others are nestled in the mountains or surrounded by vast plains. These geographical features can greatly impact the climate, weather patterns, and overall environmental conditions of the city.

For instance, a city located on the coast may experience more humid conditions due to the ocean’s proximity. On the other hand, a city situated in the mountains may have cooler temperatures and experience more precipitation. It is important to consider these geographical settings when describing a city’s environmental aspects.

Climate and Weather Patterns

The climate and weather patterns of a city are also important factors to consider when describing its environmental aspects. Some cities may have a tropical climate with high temperatures and heavy rainfall, while others may have a more temperate climate with mild temperatures and moderate rainfall.

It is also important to consider the seasonal weather patterns of a city. Some cities may have distinct seasons with significant temperature changes and varying amounts of precipitation. Others may have more consistent weather patterns throughout the year.

Overall, when describing a city’s environmental aspects, it is important to consider its geographical settings, climate, and weather patterns. By providing detailed information about these factors, readers can gain a better understanding of the city’s overall environmental conditions.

The Living City

describe a busy city essay

Describing the living city involves capturing the essence of daily life, economy, nightlife, and entertainment in a way that is informative and engaging. Here are a few examples of how to describe a city in writing .

Daily Life and Economy

A city’s economy is a reflection of its people, and this is evident in the daily life of its residents. In a bustling city, people are constantly on the move, with a sense of purpose and urgency in their step. The economy is vibrant, with a diverse range of industries contributing to the city’s growth. From finance to technology, the city is a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The people of the city are diverse, with a mix of ages, cultures, and backgrounds. The city is home to young professionals, families, and retirees, all of whom contribute to the city’s unique character. The streets are alive with the sounds of different languages and accents, creating a sense of vibrancy and energy.

Nightlife and Entertainment

When the sun sets, the city comes alive with a different kind of energy. The nightlife is exciting and varied, with something for everyone. From trendy bars to underground clubs, the city’s nightlife scene is as diverse as its people. The city is also home to a thriving arts and culture scene, with museums, galleries, and theaters showcasing the best of local and international talent.

Despite the excitement of the city’s nightlife, there are also quieter corners to be found. The city’s parks and green spaces provide a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether it’s a morning jog or an afternoon picnic, the city’s parks offer a welcome respite from the noise and chaos of the city.

In conclusion, describing a city in writing requires a keen eye for detail and an understanding of the city’s unique character. By capturing the essence of daily life, economy, nightlife, and entertainment, a writer can paint a vivid picture of what makes a city truly special.

Sensory Experiences and Atmosphere

describe a busy city essay

Visual Descriptions

When describing a city, it is essential to paint a vivid picture of what the reader can expect to see. The visual descriptions should be clear and concise, highlighting the unique features of the city. A wide and bustling city will have a lot of movement and activity, while a clean and vast city will have more open spaces.

Skyscrapers are an iconic feature of many cities, and they can be described in great detail. The height, shape, and design of the buildings should be noted, as well as any unique features such as rooftop gardens or observation decks.

Soundscapes and Olfactory Details

The sounds and smells of a city are just as important as the visual descriptions. A crowded and polluted city may have a distinct smell of exhaust fumes and filth, while a clean and bustling city may have a pleasant aroma of street food and fresh flowers.

The soundscapes of a city can also be described in detail. The noise of traffic, people talking, and street performers can add to the atmosphere of a city. On the other hand, a quiet city with little noise can be just as appealing to some visitors.

Overall, when describing a city’s sensory experiences and atmosphere, it is important to be clear and concise while also conveying the unique features of the city. Using descriptive language and formatting such as tables and lists can help the reader visualize the city and understand its atmosphere.

Character and Mood

describe a busy city essay

Personifying the Urban Environment

Cities have their own character, and one way to describe them is by personifying them. For example, a city may be described as having a “gritty” personality, with its rough edges and tough exterior. Alternatively, a city may be described as “sleek” or “polished,” with a modern and sophisticated vibe.

Personifying a city can also help to convey its mood. A city with a bustling, energetic vibe may be described as having a “feverish” personality, while a city that is more laid-back and relaxed may be described as “mellow” or “easy-going.”

Emotive Descriptions

Describing a city’s character and mood can also be done through emotive descriptions. Using vivid language to describe the sights, sounds, and smells of a city can help to convey its overall mood and atmosphere.

For example, a city with a bustling downtown area may be described as “vibrant” and “energetic,” with the sounds of honking horns and bustling crowds filling the air. On the other hand, a quieter, more residential area may be described as “peaceful” and “serene,” with the sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds.

Overall, describing a city’s character and mood is an important part of capturing its essence in writing. By personifying the urban environment and using emotive descriptions, writers can paint a vivid picture of the city for their readers.

Practical Examples and Exercises

Crafting descriptive paragraphs.

Crafting descriptive paragraphs is an essential skill for any writer seeking to describe a city in writing. To help writers develop this skill, the Guide to Describing a City in Writing: Over 100 Brilliant Examples offers practical examples and exercises.

One effective exercise involves selecting a setting within the city and describing it in detail. For example, a writer might choose a bustling city street and describe the sights, sounds, and smells that surround them. This exercise helps writers develop their ability to observe and describe the world around them.

Another exercise involves selecting an object commonly found in the city and describing it in detail. For example, a writer might choose a street vendor’s cart and describe the colors, textures, and smells associated with it. This exercise helps writers develop their ability to focus on specific details and create vivid imagery.

Analyzing Exemplary Texts

Analyzing exemplary texts is another effective way to develop descriptive writing skills. The Guide to Describing a City in Writing: Over 100 Brilliant Examples provides readers with a wide range of exemplary texts that showcase effective descriptive writing.

For example, one exemplary text featured in the guide is an article from a popular travel magazine that describes the city’s historic district. The article uses vivid language and sensory details to transport readers to the heart of the city’s rich history.

Another exemplary text featured in the guide is a memoir that describes the author’s experiences growing up in the city. The memoir uses personal anecdotes and vivid descriptions to bring the city to life and convey a sense of nostalgia for the author’s childhood home.

By analyzing these exemplary texts, writers can gain a better understanding of the techniques and strategies used to create effective descriptive writing. They can then apply these techniques to their own writing and develop their own unique voice and style.

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Essays About Cities: Top 7 Examples and 10 Prompts

If you’re writing an essay about cities, discover helpful examples of essays about cities and prompts in our guide to help stir your creative thoughts. 

Cities are the most stable social organization that has stood the test of time. A place achieves city status not only because of the sheer size of its population but also because of its territories, economic development, and political influence. Creating sustainable and resilient cities has attracted significant attention from academics, policymakers, civic groups, and the private sector over the years. This interest is spurred by pressing threats to the livability of cities, such as flooding, pollution, urban migration, and congestion. Whether you live in a city or dream of city life, writing an essay on this topic is a fantastic way to convey your thoughts on this topic. 

Check out below some amazing essay examples and prompts to help you create an insightful essay.

7 Best Essay Examples

1.  cities are scrambling to prevent flooding by casey crownhart, 2. putrajaya: the capital city you’ve never heard of by ronan o’connell, 3. japan’s hidden jewels: the abandoned island of hashima by hannah bergin, 4. planning to preserve — keeping heritage relevant in cities by marcus ng, 5. building the city of the future — at a $41 trillion price tag by aneri pattani, 6. 8 highlights from enabling masterplan 2030 to empower persons with disabilities by shermaine ang and goh yan han, 7. how cities are using technology to solve their trash problems by nell lewis, 10 writing prompts for essays about cities, 1. all about your city, 2. anti-congestion policies in your city, 3. fixing flood-prone cities, 4. green cities, 5. city vs. countryside, 6. cities in the metaverse, 7. what are megacities, 8. criminality in cities, 9. bucket list cities, 10. agriculture in cities.

“In many cases, their existing systems are aging and built for the climate of the past. And even upgrades can do only so much to mitigate the intense flooding that’s becoming more common, leaving cities to come up with other solutions.”

In this article, Crownhart delves into how states across the United States are experiencing unprecedented flood levels that are drowning out entire towns. While a total upgrade is urgent, it is also insanely costly.

“Building Putrajaya from scratch also afforded generous opportunities for innovation. Mahathir’s goal was to make Putrajaya Malaysia’s most eco-friendly urban centre and its most modern.”

In this Essay, O’Connell describes some capital cities we may not know of. Focusing on Malaysia, we learn that Putrajaya aimed to serve as Malaysia’s next capital during the worsening congestion in Kuala Lumpur. Now, Malaysia’s administrative and judicial capital offers the lure and peace of a sleeping eco-haven.

“A coal-mining site during the Meiji Restoration, Hashima has since been completely abandoned. All that remains of the once thriving site, are the crumbling bones of deserted buildings.”

Looking at some economic issues within cities, Bergin describes the coal mining industry within Hashima. Hashima was once a host to a thriving coal mining industry, but people abruptly left once the mine reserves had depleted. Now, the remnants of its glorious industrial past can only be glimpsed through Google images. 

“Preserving historical buildings and neighbourhoods helps to maintain a city’s distinctive character and engender a sense of belonging. The social fabric is also strengthened when planners work with local communities to create new and relevant uses for old spaces such as industrial neighbourhoods.”

The essay visits the culture and heritage preservation policies and efforts across various cultural cities, both old and emerging. Marcus Ng describes the importance of preserving significant buildings that enhance a city’s unique history and culture.

“As cities invest in air-quality sensors, solar-powered trash compactors, self-healing power grids and more, the opportunities for private industry are huge. Experts say there is just one problem: It’s virtually impossible to measure the return on investment for many leading-edge technologies first being put to use by the public sector.”

In the following decades, cities could be shelling out $41 trillion to build their smart capabilities to take living standards to the next level. However, a looming problem remains, and that is estimating a return from this investment. Pattani discusses the importance of building smart and sustainable cities.

“A new task force will work on designing alternative employment models such as micro jobs – temporary, task-type jobs – which can support more people to work, and increase the number of organisations that commit to being inclusive through the Enabling Mark and Enabling Employment Pledge.”

Among the top countries known for its friendliness to persons with disabilities (PWD), Singapore continues to roll out new efforts to make PWDs more at home in this Lion City. This intriguing essay shows how to progress with essential socio-economic growth within a city.

“As urban populations continue to grow, some cities are struggling to cope. Many are turning to new technologies for cost-effective solutions to clean up waste.”

From AI, automation, and converting waste to energy, cities are drawing up innovative measures to address their growing waste problem. In this essay, Lewis describes how technology can be used to tackle recycling issues in condensed and highly populated cities.

Read on to see writing prompts and ideas to help you get started:

This essay could serve as an ultimate city guide. First, write about the history of the city you line in, including the figures that envisioned and helped make the city blueprint a reality. Then, talk about its economic development and architectural changes over the decades. Finally, recommend the best landmarks tourists should visit.

Traffic congestion can easily rob a city of billions of dollars a year. But it remains the biggest challenge, especially for business hubs. For this essay, share how immense the congestion problem is in your city. Then, lay down the solutions being implemented by your city government or proposed by concerned communities.

With the rapid pace of global warming, flooding in cities is now a significant concern that demands urgent action. Look into model cities and highlight out-of-the-box strategies they are undertaking. Some examples could be Tokyo’s $2 billion floodwater cathedral and the Busan floating pontoon city project. You may also share about your own city’s flood mitigation program. 

Beyond improving the environment and reducing pollution, green cities also promote better health and wellness for their citizens. List down your city government’s efforts to shift toward a greener city. If you want to go the extra mile, interview city officials and city planners. You could also talk to groups advocating for green cities to know more deeply about the obstacles preventing your city from going greener and emerging policy proposals. 

The countryside is always a good place to escape the city’s bustle and hustle from time to time. But if you were to choose a permanent residence, would you go to the big city or the countryside? Make a pick by weighing the pros and cons of moving to the countryside or staying in the city. You may also mull over the push in many countries to bring commerce and jobs to the countryside. Answer how this could benefit provinces, promote countryside living and help decongest cities. 

Essays About Cities: Cities In The Metaverse

Many companies are investing billions of dollars to become the first movers in the virtual world, where they aspire to build their cities and empire. This is compelling even government agencies to venture into this exciting new world. But what exactly are the opportunities and threats awaiting netizens in the metaverse? Identify the advantages and disadvantages of metaverse-based cities regarding economic opportunities and social development on an individual, community, and national level. 

Megacities are extraordinarily large cities with millions of residents and diverse cultures. Megacities promise greater connectivity, bigger and more reliable infrastructure, and greater integration of technology in everyday life. In your essay, discuss the global upward trend in the attraction of megacities as a center for business and prosperity. 

In your essay, you can try to answer whether community size affects the criminality rate. First, research by gathering available reports that analyze and compare criminality rates in urban and rural areas. Then, cite the primary factors that make cities more prone to criminal incidents. You could also search for the most violent cities in the world and find out factors that drove criminality in these cities to record highs. 

In this light essay, write about the city you’ve been dreaming of travelling to. Then, explain why this is your top pick. Your reasons may relate to the history of the place, grand aesthetic architecture, or even something more personal. To conclude your essay, list down the must-visit landmarks and must-do activities once you get the chance to visit this city.

Urban agriculture is one way to ensure food sufficiency and promote city livelihoods. First, write about model cities aggressively promoting agricultural farming, cultivation, and processing within city centers. Then, talk about your city’s urban gardening initiatives and how this has helped enhance food security. For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checker . If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

describe a busy city essay

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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How To Describe A City In Writing

How To Describe A City In Writing (21 Important Steps)

Describing a city in writing is a profound act of literary alchemy, where words become the brushes and the canvas upon which the urban landscape is painted.

It is a journey through the senses, a symphony of sights, sounds, and emotions that invites readers to traverse the bustling streets and towering skyscrapers of a metropolis within the pages of a book.

As writers, we are not mere storytellers but architects of immersive worlds, tasked with the delicate mission of transforming the cityscape into a living, breathing character within our narratives.

In this exploration, we delve into the art of not just portraying the physicality of a city but of capturing its essence, personality, and the profound impact it exerts on the characters and stories that unfold within its embrace.

This guide will unravel the intricacies of describing a city in writing , offering insights into research, sensory imagery, symbolism, and the profound emotional resonance that can be achieved when the city itself becomes a vital protagonist in our tales.

Table of Contents

How To Describe A City In Writing

Describing a city in writing involves painting a vivid picture with words, capturing its essence, and conveying its unique character. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you do that effectively:

Choose Your City

Select the city you want to describe. It could be a place you’ve visited, lived in, or one that you’re researching.

Research and Observation

Gather information about the city’s history, culture, landmarks, and notable features. If possible, visit the city to observe its sights, sounds, and atmosphere firsthand.

Create an Outline

Before you start writing, make an outline to organize your thoughts. Consider what aspects of the city you want to highlight, such as its architecture, people, cuisine, or climate.

Engage the Senses

When describing the city, appeal to the reader’s senses. Describe what the city looks like, sounds like, smells like, tastes like, and feels like. This creates a more immersive experience.

Start with an Introduction

Begin your description with a captivating introduction that sets the scene and captures the reader’s attention. Mention the city’s name, location, and any notable facts.

Describe the Geography and Setting

Detail the city’s geographical location, including its surroundings – whether it’s nestled in the mountains, sprawled on the coast, or situated in a desert.

Architectural Features

Describe the city’s architecture, highlighting iconic buildings, bridges, or skyline. Explain their historical or cultural significance.

Cultural and Historical Context

Provide context by discussing the city’s history, its role in any historical events, and its cultural diversity. Mention any museums, monuments, or heritage sites.

Local Cuisine and Food Culture

Talk about the local cuisine and dining culture. Mention any famous dishes, street food, or culinary traditions that define the city.

Local Residents

Describe the people who call the city home. Talk about their lifestyles, customs, and the unique characteristics that make them distinct.

Climate and Weather

Discuss the city’s climate, seasons, and weather patterns. How do these factors affect daily life and the city’s atmosphere?

Green Spaces and Nature

If applicable, mention parks, gardens, and any natural elements within the city. Describe how these spaces contribute to the city’s ambiance.

Transportation and Infrastructure

Explain the city’s transportation systems, such as buses, subways, or iconic forms of transit. Also, note the quality of the roads and infrastructure.

Economic and Commercial Activities

Discuss the city’s economic activities, major industries, and commercial areas. Mention any famous shopping districts or markets.

Cultural Events and Entertainment

Highlight any cultural events, festivals, theaters, or entertainment venues that contribute to the city’s vibrancy.

Societal Atmosphere

Describe the general atmosphere and mood of the city. Is it bustling and fast-paced, laid-back, or somewhere in between?

Local Lingo and Slang

If there are unique words, phrases, or slang associated with the city, incorporate them to give your description authenticity.

Conclude with an Impression

Summarize your description with a final impression of the city. What makes it special, unique, or worth visiting?

Editing and Proofreading

Revise and edit your description for clarity, conciseness, and coherence. Ensure your writing flows smoothly.

Peer Review

If possible, have someone else read your description to get feedback and make improvements .

Final Touches

Add any final touches, such as descriptive metaphors, similes, or poetic language to make your writing more engaging.

Remember that the key to effective city description is to transport your reader to the city, allowing them to see, feel, and experience it through your words.

How To Describe A City In Writing

Pre-Writing Preparation

Pre-writing preparation is the compass that guides a writer through the uncharted territory of creativity. It’s the backstage pass to the grand spectacle of storytelling, a moment of quiet contemplation before the words burst onto the stage.

Like an architect surveying a blank canvas of land before sketching the blueprint of a majestic city, a writer delves into the city of their narrative.

Pre-writing is where facts marry imagination, and where intentions meet the canvas of possibilities.

It’s a symphony conductor fine-tuning their orchestra before the first note resonates through the concert hall.

In this sacred prelude to the literary journey, authors don the hats of historians, psychologists, and artists, sifting through the sands of time, human behavior, and creative expression to lay the foundation for a city that will exist solely on the pages of their story.

Research the city

Researching the city is akin to embarking on an exhilarating expedition through the annals of history and the vibrant tapestry of contemporary life.

It’s the literary archaeology that unearths the city’s secrets, laying bare its character, aspirations, and idiosyncrasies.

By delving into the rich chronicles of its past, we uncover the hidden gems of culture and tradition that have shaped the city’s essence.

This meticulous exploration brings to light the landmarks, the legends, the whispers of forgotten tales, and the bustling life that courses through its veins today.

It’s a treasure hunt for anecdotes, anecdotes that may be as old as the city itself or as fresh as the morning dew on a bustling market square.

Researching the city is the essential act of donning the shoes of an urban detective, ready to unearth the stories that will breathe life into the written metropolis.

How To Describe A City In Writing

Determine the purpose of your description

Before the quill touches the parchment or the keyboard springs to life, there exists a pivotal juncture in the creative process: determining the purpose of your city’s description. It’s the compass that will set the direction for your narrative ship.

Are you seeking to merely set the stage, offering a vivid backdrop for your characters’ escapades, or is your aim to craft an atmosphere so immersive that it becomes a character in itself, an inseparable part of the story’s essence? Perhaps your purpose is to evoke emotions, to make your readers feel the pulse of the city as if it were their own heartbeat.

Identifying this purpose is akin to selecting the lens through which your readers will view the cityscape you’re painting.

It’s a conscious decision that shapes the tone, the depth, and the emotional resonance of your narrative, ensuring that each brick and cobblestone serves a purpose beyond mere aesthetics.

Sensory Imagery

Sensory imagery is the alchemical magic that transmutes words into sensations, transporting readers to worlds they’ve never physically traversed.

It’s the symphony of sight, sound, scent, touch, and taste meticulously woven into the fabric of storytelling.

With the stroke of a pen or the click of a keyboard, writers can paint vivid, three-dimensional cityscapes, enabling readers to not just see the towering spires, but to hear the whispers of history in the wind, smell the sizzle of street food, and feel the cobblestones beneath their fingertips.

Sensory imagery is the key that unlocks the secret door to a parallel universe, where words are not just symbols, but portals to experiences that transcend the page and ignite the imagination.


Personification is the literary sorcerer’s wand, the enchanting act of breathing life into the inanimate, a bewitching dance between imagination and language.

It transforms ordinary objects and abstract concepts into vibrant characters, imbued with human traits, emotions, and intentions.

It’s like giving the city a soul, an identity, a heartbeat that resonates with the reader’s own.

The bustling streets become animated veins, the skyscrapers become sentient giants, and the city itself, a living, breathing entity with its own stories to tell.

Through personification, the city doesn’t just exist as a backdrop; it becomes a vital player in the grand theater of the narrative, revealing its own secrets and desires, making it a character as intricate and unforgettable as any human protagonist.

Breathing life into the city

Breathing life into the city is the novelist’s act of rendering urban landscapes with the same intricate care as sculpting characters.

It’s a masterful stroke of the pen that infuses the concrete and steel with pulse and personality.

As a writer, you become an urban alchemist, conjuring a metropolis teeming with life, its streets a symphony of voices, its architecture a silent testimony to the aspirations and dreams of generations.

Through vivid descriptions and narrative insights, the city takes on a heartbeat of its own, influencing the emotions and decisions of the characters that dwell within its embrace.

It becomes a silent, omnipresent character, both nurturing and challenging, shaping the story’s very fabric.

Breathing life into the city is more than description; it’s the gift of a dynamic, breathing entity, a vibrant soul entwined with the tale you’re weaving, ensuring it resonates with readers long after the last page is turned.

How To Describe A City In Writing

Describing the city as if it were a character

Describing the city as if it were a character is a literary feat that invites readers to forge a personal connection with the urban landscape.

By endowing the city with human attributes, quirks, and emotions, it becomes more than a backdrop; it transforms into a dynamic entity that engages and resonates on an emotional level.

The city’s streets pulse with energy, its architecture carries the weight of history, and its mood shifts like the temperament of a well-drawn character.

Just like a person, the city can be enigmatic, nurturing, mysterious, or obstinate. It possesses a story, an identity, and, at times, a silent conversation with the story’s protagonists.

Describing the city in this way offers a unique lens through which readers can engage with the narrative, allowing them to feel the city’s heartbeat alongside the characters, making it a compelling and multidimensional presence within the story.

How the city interacts with its inhabitants

The intricate dance between a city and its inhabitants is a dynamic narrative of relationships, influence, and reciprocity. A city is not a passive stage but an active player in the lives of those who dwell within its bounds.

It weaves an intricate tapestry of encounters, juxtaposing moments of connection and disconnection, solitude and camaraderie.

It can be a demanding lover, challenging its residents to adapt and evolve, or a steadfast friend, providing a backdrop to their daily adventures.

The city’s streets and architecture absorb the stories and emotions of its people, silently witnessing their triumphs and tribulations.

Just as the city leaves its indelible mark on its inhabitants, the people, in turn, shape the city’s character through their actions and narratives.

This symbiotic relationship between city and inhabitant is a rich source of storytelling, a reflection of the ever-evolving, intricate connection that defines the human experience in urban landscapes.

Historical and Cultural Context

Historical and cultural context is the magical time machine that transports readers to bygone eras, illuminating the present with the shimmering torch of the past.

It’s a grand tapestry woven with the threads of events, beliefs, and traditions, a tapestry that unfurls before the reader, connecting the dots of history and culture in a mesmerizing narrative.

Through it, we unearth the buried treasures of forgotten dynasties, witness the rebellious spirit of revolutions, and partake in the timeless rituals of diverse societies.

It’s the secret code that unlocks the city’s deeper layers, revealing the whispers of the past in every cobblestone and skyline, and the vibrant traditions that breathe life into its streets today.

Historical and cultural context is the literary passport that guides us through the city’s ever-evolving story, making the past a vivid companion to the present, and infusing the narrative with a profound sense of time and place.

Character Reflection

Character reflection is the author’s mirror, the poignant moment when characters gaze into their own souls and reveal the intricate tapestry of their thoughts, desires, and vulnerabilities.

It’s a literary confession, the exposed nerve that makes characters not only relatable but irresistibly human.

Just as we ponder our own reflections in a mirror, characters delve into the depths of their experiences, confronting their fears, ambitions, and the truths they dare not speak.

In this intimate journey of self-discovery, characters may find enlightenment or become entangled in the labyrinth of their own complexities.

It is in these reflections that readers discover the beating hearts behind the words, forging connections that bridge the realms of fiction and reality.

Character reflection is the art of capturing the essence of the human spirit, inviting readers to not only observe but participate in the beautiful, tumultuous, and profound voyage of self-exploration.

Describing how the city affects characters’ emotions

The city, like a skilled conductor, orchestrates a symphony of emotions within its inhabitants. It can be an emotional tempest, where the ceaseless urban cacophony elicits anxiety and restlessness, or a soothing lullaby, offering solace amidst the bustling chaos.

The city’s changing moods can sweep characters into moments of exhilaration as they scale skyscrapers or plunge them into melancholy as they wander through abandoned alleyways.

It infuses their souls with a unique rhythm, mirroring their own emotional crescendos and decrescendos. Characters may find inspiration in its vibrant street art or harbor nostalgia beneath its time-worn lampposts.

The city is a silent confidant, echoing the joys, sorrows, and introspective contemplations of those who traverse its winding streets.

As a writer, exploring how the city affects characters’ emotions is akin to weaving an intricate dance between setting and psyche, unveiling the profound symbiosis between the urban landscape and the human heart.

How To Describe A City In Writing

Influences on the characters’ personalities and actions

The city, a living, breathing entity, serves as an invisible hand shaping the clay of its inhabitants’ personalities and actions. Its bustling streets, architectural marvels, and vibrant neighborhoods are like an intricate mosaic that influences character development.

The city can breed ambition, instilling a fierce determination in its residents as they navigate its competitive landscapes. Simultaneously, it can nurture a sense of community, prompting individuals to extend kindness and camaraderie to their neighbors.

The very rhythm of life in the city can turn people into fast-paced, quick-thinking go-getters or patient, adaptable souls who’ve mastered the art of survival.

It can provoke rebellion or inspire innovation, fostering traits like resilience, resourcefulness, and adaptability.

The city’s stories, both whispered and shouted, often become the tales that shape a character’s values and ambitions.

In this dynamic, reciprocal relationship, the city becomes a character itself, intricately intertwined with the very essence of those who reside within its bounds.

Metaphors and Symbols

Metaphors and symbols are the elusive keys that unlock the treasure chest of meaning in writing, turning words into a labyrinth of hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

Like whispered secrets in a crowded room, metaphors invite readers to see beyond the literal, to peel away the layers of reality, and dive into the depths of imagination.

Symbols, on the other hand, are the archetypal lighthouses that guide readers through the darkest narrative storms, offering profound insight into universal truths.

Together, they transform the mundane into the magical, the tangible into the ethereal. In the hands of a skillful writer, metaphors and symbols become the alchemical catalysts that transmute words into feelings, connecting the author’s vision with the reader’s heart.

They are the literary constellations that adorn the writer’s night sky, each dot of brilliance igniting a universe of interpretation, ensuring that every word is more than it seems, concealing worlds within worlds, inviting readers to lose themselves in the infinite labyrinth of storytelling.

Symbols that represent the essence of the city

Symbols, like hidden gems scattered throughout a treasure trove, represent the very essence of the city, encapsulating its identity, history, and collective spirit. Each symbol is a sentinel, standing as a silent witness to the city’s past and its evolving present.

These iconic emblems embody the aspirations and stories of its people, resonating like a timeless melody.

Whether it’s an architectural marvel, a revered monument, or a simple street corner cafe, these symbols become the threads that weave together the city’s unique narrative, serving as a tapestry of memory and significance.

They are more than just objects; they are living metaphors that reflect the city’s soul, serving as touchstones for the emotions and experiences that define life within its bounds.

As writers, these symbols offer us a powerful means to convey the city’s depth, invoking a collective consciousness that binds readers and characters to the heartbeat of the urban landscape.

Narrative Perspective

Narrative perspective is the kaleidoscope through which stories unfold, a prism that shapes the colors and contours of our literary worlds.

It’s the writer’s ultimate sleight of hand, the magic that lets us slip into the shoes of characters, hover like an invisible observer, or wield god-like knowledge over the tale.

First-person perspective invites readers to delve deep into a character’s psyche, becoming an intimate confidant to their thoughts and feelings.

Third-person offers an all-seeing eye, revealing a broader tapestry of events and emotions, while omniscient perspective allows us to traverse time and space, connecting the dots of the narrative’s universe.

Narrative perspective isn’t just a technical choice; it’s a transcendental experience, a shifting of dimensions that immerses us in a story’s soul.

Writers play the role of cosmic architects, selecting the lens through which readers perceive their imaginative worlds, making narrative perspective the gateway to limitless storytelling possibilities.

How To Describe A City In Writing

Progressive Description

Progressive description is the art of storytelling akin to an unfolding flower, revealing its petals one by one. It’s the literary equivalent of a treasure hunt, a tantalizing journey that entices readers to follow the breadcrumb trail of details, layer by layer.

This technique isn’t just about depicting a static cityscape but rather about crafting a dynamic, evolving narrative where every detail unfurls at the perfect moment, much like a seasoned magician revealing tricks in a carefully choreographed show.

It keeps the reader on their toes, inviting them to savor each revelation and fostering a sense of wonder and anticipation.

Progressive description is the storyteller’s symphony, building to a crescendo, leaving readers in rapturous suspense until the final notes of the narrative resound in their imagination, making it a literary technique that turns mere words into a captivating journey of discovery.

Building the city’s image progressively

Building the city’s image progressively is akin to a masterful brushstroke that gradually unveils the vivid portrait of an urban landscape.

It’s a process of strategic revelation, designed to engage readers’ senses and curiosity step by step, much like a captivating mystery slowly unraveling its secrets.

As the narrative unfolds, the city’s details emerge organically, creating a gradual immersion that mirrors real-life exploration.

This technique allows readers to forge a deeper connection with the setting, as if they are uncovering the city’s character, one layer at a time.

It kindles anticipation and fosters a sense of attachment to the story’s backdrop, making the city not just a static canvas but a living entity that breathes alongside the characters.

In the hands of a skillful writer, building the city’s image progressively transforms the setting into a dynamic, integral part of the narrative, ensuring that it resonates in the reader’s imagination long after the final page is turned.

Emotional Resonance

Emotional resonance in storytelling is the echo that lingers in a reader’s heart long after the book is closed. It’s the indelible mark left by words that can make us laugh, cry, or ponder life’s enigmas.

Like an ethereal connection between the author and the reader, emotional resonance transcends the pages, making characters and their journeys feel vividly real.

It’s that unspoken understanding, the feeling that the author has bared their soul on the page, and we, as readers, have been seen and understood in return.

Whether it’s the poignancy of a character’s triumph, the bittersweet farewell, or the deep well of empathy for their struggles, emotional resonance is the essence of storytelling’s magic, leaving us irrevocably changed, as if we’ve not just read a book, but lived it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about How To Describe A City In Writing

What is the purpose of describing a city in writing.

Describing a city in writing serves various purposes, such as creating a vivid mental image, promoting tourism, conveying the city’s unique character, or capturing the essence of a place for literature or travel guides.

Do I need to visit the city to describe it effectively?

While firsthand experience is beneficial, it’s not always necessary. You can conduct research, gather information, and use your imagination to describe a city effectively.

What aspects of a city should I focus on when describing it?

Focus on various aspects, including the city’s geography, architecture, culture, history, people, cuisine, climate, and local attractions.

How can I make my city description more engaging to readers?

Engage readers by using descriptive language, appealing to their senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch), and sharing personal anecdotes or stories related to the city.

How do I balance facts and creativity when describing a city?

Balancing facts and creativity is essential. Use facts to provide context and accuracy, and then weave in creative language and storytelling to make the description engaging.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when describing a city in writing?

Avoid clichés, overusing adjectives, being overly biased, and neglecting to edit and proofread your work. Also, be sensitive to cultural nuances and avoid stereotypes.

What is the ideal length for a city description?

There’s no fixed length, but it should be long enough to capture the city’s essence without becoming overly verbose. It can range from a few paragraphs to several pages, depending on your purpose.

Can I include personal opinions and emotions in a city description?

Yes, sharing your personal opinions and emotions can add authenticity to your description, as long as you balance them with factual information.

How can I make my city description stand out from others?

Make your description unique by highlighting less-known aspects of the city, using vivid language, and adding a personal touch or perspective that sets it apart from typical descriptions.

Can I use online resources or travel guides for information when describing a city?

Absolutely, online resources, travel guides, and books about the city are valuable sources of information to enhance the accuracy and depth of your description. Just be sure to credit your sources when necessary.

In the tapestry of storytelling, the city stands as a vibrant thread, woven intricately into the fabric of our narratives.

Describing a city in writing is more than a creative task; it’s an invitation for readers to embark on journeys of exploration and emotion, guided by our words and immersed in the sensory world we’ve constructed.

As we conclude this guide on how to describe a city in writing , we must remember that cities are not static backdrops but dynamic, breathing entities that influence the characters and narratives within them.

Through careful research, evocative sensory imagery, personification, and rich symbolism, we can paint cityscapes that resonate deeply with readers, fostering an emotional connection that extends far beyond the confines of the page.

The city, with its towering spires and bustling streets, becomes not just a setting but a living, breathing character, an integral part of our stories.

So, let us continue to craft cities that speak to the soul, forging narratives that transport readers to distant urban landscapes, allowing them to lose themselves in the intoxicating hum of the metropolis and, in doing so, to discover the magic of storytelling in its fullest form.

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Creative Writing - Life in the City

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Life In The City

The day in the city is starting: Claustrophobia. Frustration. Overcrowded. Crushing. Swarming. Cacophonous. Obstreperous. Clamorous. Vociferous.

The gloomy grey sky, with its heavy nimbostratus clouds, blocking all of the sun’s rays from reaching the Earth. The smoke from the industrial factories polluting the atmosphere and smelling like a failed chemical experiment. The fridge-like coldness of the winter air freezing your face.

Claustrophobia on the streets; commuters, shooting menacing glares at each other, attempt to rush to work. They fight their way past each other, determined to do anything they can to get to their destination. One businessman, dressed in a shirt and tie and clutching a black leather briefcase, is shoved back as the current of the swarm of people against him is too strong. The towering skyscrapers looking down at the strugglers in battle.

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Across the road, the unpleasant cacophony of cars blaring their horns is heard above everything else. Frustrated drivers, already late for work, bellowing at the ever-changing traffic lights and wide lorries blocking half of the road. The overpowering skyscrapers watch over the events; their roofs almost brushing the heavens. Hectic life in the city goes on and on, and feels as though it will never end, that the commuters will never stop fighting their way into work, that the car drivers will never stop cursing at the traffic, that the city will never be empty…

This is a preview of the whole essay

…Night time in the city. Empty. Deserted. Silent. In the charcoal black sky, the effulgent crescent moon, the glistening stars forming illuminating constellations, the flickering lights of a plane that glides through a sky like a hawk.

Descending to the Earth, we observe the city in its now desolate state. Looking through a dimly lit, litter strewn alley, a homeless man crouches defensively, ready to go to sleep for the night. His scruffy, short, light brown hair covered with a worn out, chequered hat. His torn, tatty shirt and his trousers covered with holes both sizes too small for him. A few meters away, a rat scuttles over to the litter, scavenging around for food.  

Turning into the car park, we see that the once overflowing place full of resting vehicles of every size and shape, now contains nothing but the dormant parking meter that patrols the area. Standing on one leg and lining up in a straight row like soldiers, the street lights provide the only source of illumination, their one eye emitting a golden beam of shining light down on the dusty, cracked pavement below.

Through the city park, the sea of trees is seen swaying gently in the whispering wind. Rippling reflections of the stars are shown in the peaceful pond. The vastest tree of the park comes into view with its narrow finger-like branches reaching skywards and brushing the heavens; its gnarled bark and broad trunk radiating infinite wisdom.

The silent, harmonious noises of the city now amplified. The ticking of the clock tower, the rustle of the autumn leaves being softly blown down the road by the wind, the high pitched creaking of the iron gates to the car park.

Soon the silent, tranquil city will be once again transformed into the blaring, claustrophobic city, and life in the city will start again.

Creative Writing - Life in the City

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A vast, sprawling metropolis (Words for describing cities)

skyline of city buildings lit up at sunset

by  Kate Woodford

It’s reckoned that around 55% of the world’s population now lives in towns and cities. With this in mind, I thought we’d take a look at the sort of words we use to describe urban and suburban areas. I hope you find it useful.

Let’s start with adjectives relating to size. A word meaning ‘relating to a large city’ is metropolitan . (A metropolis is a very large city.) It ranks as one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the US. A city that is described as sprawling covers a large area, usually in a rather untidy way, with various parts built at different times: Today, it’s a sprawling metropolis of over 10 million inhabitants.

A city – or part of a city – that is smart, with big, expensive houses is often described as affluent : They live in one of the more affluent neighbourhoods. Another adjective used like this is prosperous : He grew up in the relatively prosperous suburb of Hall Green.

The opposite – a poor area of the city – may be described as deprived : The borough includes some of the most deprived neighbourhoods in the country. To describe an area where the buildings are in poor condition and look neglected, you can use the word run-down : She lived in a run-down council estate in the north of the city.

A residential area of a city has only private houses, not buildings such as offices or factories: The neighbourhood is predominantly residential. A built-up area of the town has a lot of buildings, especially houses: They’re talking about bringing the speed limit down in built-up areas.

Even in built-up areas, most of us like to see a little nature. A street that has plenty of trees may be described, approvingly, as tree-lined : He proudly showed me his house, which sits on a quiet, tree-lined street. The adjective leafy describes a place that is pleasant because there are plenty of trees: She grew up in a leafy suburban neighbourhood to the west of the city.

Now let’s think about what is happening in the cities. A part of the city that is very lively, with lots of people and activity may be described as bustling : This was once the city’s bustling marketplace. The adjective vibrant describes an exciting city or neighbourhood which is full of life: The streets of this vibrant city teem with colour and excitement.

Regarding the residents of a city, a place that is cosmopolitan has people from many different parts of the world, in a way that makes it very attractive: New York is a highly cosmopolitan city. A city with many people living in it may be described, formally, as populous : It was at the time Italy’s most populous city.

If you live in a city, do any of the above adjectives describe it? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear!

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16 thoughts on “ A vast, sprawling metropolis (Words for describing cities) ”


Good for you! Keep it up!

I live in Ranchi in one of populous city of India which is quite leafy with many scenic view points like Patratu which is a valley, and many water falls like Hundru, Dasam and Rani fall and manymore. It’s not a sprawling city but predominantly residential city with vibrant and bustling neighborhood.

In Nairobi city there are more of ru down neighborhoods than affluent residential estates

I live in Santo Domingo a vibrant city

Brilliant post! As far as I’m concerned, Moscow is essentially a hectic, diverse city with all of its hustle and bustle, although you can always take your time and relax beside the fountain in Pushkin Square or stroll along the tree-lined boulevards in Gorky Park – Moscow’s famous central park, which is a very leafy place indeed.

i just signed up and really enjoying by learning new words.

cosmopolitan, stammer , bristling

If you ask me, I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It’s a cosmopolitan and boom city where there are wonderful beaches within a touching distance of restaurants, clubs, bars and suchlike. For that matter, citizens tend to sightsee around the town in order to appreciate the pleasant surroundings as well as lead a different lifestyle. Additionaly, there are a few unmissable landmarks such as Sugar Loaf Cable Car and Christ the Redeemer, they offer any of us an incredible overlook of the city which includes run-down and affluent areas surround them.

I live in a place which there is injustice of economy. the most of the people do not have a formal job also Other ones colect vegetables which were through to the street at the end of the day on sundays. Moreover, there are many people apart of Venezuelans who begs everyday on the streets around my city. I consider this is a deprived city according the words I learned. the run-down area is a miserable life which many people have gotten due to inflation and bad adminstration of politics.

I was born in Rio and have been living here for 55 years. I totally agree with Mattew’s view of the city.

Kashmir’s capital city is quite sprawling with a mix of affluent and deprived neighborhoods and when it comes to my neighborhood, it’s a leafy place to live in.

Thanks ma’am for this wonderful post 🙂

Dublin is the most populous city in Ireland. It is definitely very cosmopolitan. The neighbourhoods Dublin 1 and Dublin 2 are bustling and the are where I live is leafy.

Highly useful! So many thanks for the great help 🙏

Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments. I love your descriptions!

So grabbing all related to one in all. Thank you to learn metropolis, city, run-down area, populous neighborhood, residential area. My city is the capital Phnom Penh with its legend of a grandmother dragging a Koki tree (Buddha tree) from the Mekong river to the shore with four statues so as to make a human-built mountain to keep the them for warship

I live in Hochiminh city, which is a sprawling metropolis of over 9 millions inhabitants. The city is divided into many districts, including the affluent and deprived residential areas. I live in district 10, which is located in the city center. There are plenty of restaurants, stores, shopping malls, hospitals and schools, etc. That’s why it’s very convenient and comfortable to live here although it’s pretty polluted and traffic is heavy. If you come to my city, you’ll get the chance to try a lot of local street food.

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[IELTS Speaking] Describe a Crowded Place

Posted by David S. Wills | May 17, 2021 | Speaking | 0

[IELTS Speaking] Describe a Crowded Place

In the midst of this awful pandemic, it may be hard for many of you to remember crowded places. I live in the countryside and so I generally don’t visit many places that are full of people, but of course it is sensible for everyone to try to avoid such situations.

Still, for IELTS you might be asked to describe a crowded place you have visited . This is a cue card that may appear in part 2 of the speaking test. In today’s lesson, I am going to show you how to answer it fully and effectively.

Table of Contents

Cue card: describe a crowded place, talking about crowded places, structuring your answer.

It is impossible to predict IELTS cue cards but you can use old ones to practice because often they will be similar to ones that appear in the future. They can give you an idea of the topic or style of cue cards that you may encounter in your next test.

As such, let’s look at a cue card that has reportedly been used in IELTS exams in the past:

Describe a crowded place you have been to. You should say: – where the place is – when you went there – with whom you went there and explain how you felt about this crowded place.

When you read your cue card, you should quickly analyse it:

  • What do you have to talk about? A crowded place .
  • Is it one you have been to before? Yes .

This might seem obvious, but it is easy to panic and overlook these things. You should not talk about a crowded place you want to visit or a place you have visited that is not crowded.

As for the bullet points, these are mere guidelines, but I generally recommend talking about them unless you are really confident in your abilities to describe things. They can help you to answer fluently for the required time.

The first thing you should do is think of a crowded place. I lived in China for eight years, so I can think of many! It seems like almost everywhere there is crowded!

Once you have thought of that place, you should then start thinking about how to describe it. Don’t try to cram in any so-called advanced vocabulary. Instead, let the vocabulary arise organically from your description. This is more likely to be correct, natural, and appropriate.

However, there are definitely some words we can use to refer to crowded places:

  • Mobbed (v. informal)

Note that all of these words essentially mean “crowded” but they have slightly different connotations, so they can be used in different ways. Some of them mean “very crowded” and others mean “just a little crowded.” I have also marked one as very informal.

These are all things you need to think about and have control over in your IELTS test. You might be tempted at times to look up words in a thesaurus, but do be careful because the results aren’t always brilliant:

describe a busy city essay

In this list, you can see various words that simply wouldn’t work. A busy train station, for example, could never be “populous” or “up to here.” To say that a place was “lousy with (certain people)” is a bit offensive and “sardined” is uncommon, informal, and kind of weird. As for SRO, I don’t even know what that means!

In the end, it is important to only use words that you understand and can confidently add to an answer in a grammatically and logically correct way. Accuracy is the most important thing.

When giving your answer for IELTS speaking part 2, you should think a little about providing some sort of structure. Although it is not as important as it is in an essay, structure helps give descriptions more depth and can impress the examiner.

I like to think of my answers as stories . Even though you are not necessarily asked to tell a story, it can make it easier to give a good answer that 1) contains lots of appropriate detail, and 2) lasts for more than one minute.

In the sample answer below, I will tell a story rather than give a simple description. This will make my job easier and also make my answer more interesting and natural. I want to talk about a crowded bus station, but it is good to avoid the trap of a boring, predictable answer. In other words, don’t just say:

Today I want to talk about a crowded place I have visited. It is a bus station…

Instead, I’m going to talk about myself and my own experience. The story is fundamentally about me trying to go on holiday but having to navigate my way through a horrible, crowded bus station in China. By doing this, I will have many chances to give my feelings about the place and present lots of description.

This gives the answer a natural framework and also helps me to remember things. This is important! Let’s say I just want to give the usual boring answer. Well, I could easily run out of things to say. However, by telling my story, I can imagine or recall all the things I saw and then just talk about them. It also helps me to give a good start and finish to the story.

Sample Band 9 Answer – Describe a Crowded Place

I used to live in China, which is a very overpopulated place, so it seems that nearly everywhere is crowded. In particular, transportation hubs tend to be jam-packed with people almost all of the time, and that made travelling around the country very unpleasant. Unfortunately, I often had to go from one city to another, and that meant going through a train station, bus station, or airport.

In particular, I remember one journey I made to a remote mountain. Ironically, I wanted to escape the busy city, but that meant going through what was surely the most packed bus station in the world. When I arrived, I was so intimidated by the seething crowd that I wanted to leave. I just didn’t think that it was possible to get through it and find my bus.

The worst part was that I was already running slightly late. The big waiting room was crammed full of people and, because this was China, no one was queuing and everyone was just pushing and shoving to get ahead of each other. It was my worst nightmare. It was hot and filthy and no one seemed to care about anything except pushing to the front.

I was with two good friends and so it was important that we all got to the bus together, which made the challenge even greater, but somehow we managed to make our way through the tightly-packed mass of people and got to the bus just in time. It was a huge relief.

All in all, it was an adventure and I was glad to get on the bus and have a holiday, but honestly I was so put off by the whole experience that I would never do it again. I continuously felt on the brink of a panic attack and simply could not deal with the heaving crowd of very rude and aggressive people. I am glad to now live in a much more relaxed and pleasant environment.

Here are some of the phrases I used to show crowding:

  • overpopulated place
  • everywhere is crowded
  • jam-packed with people
  • the most packed bus station in the world
  • seething crowded
  • crammed full of people
  • tightly-packed mass of people
  • heaving crowd

These phrases can add a little colour and flair to the description. It is not important to use any particular words, but having ones that accurately and appropriately reflect the topic is definitely a great way to improve your score for Lexical Resource .

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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City Life Essay

500+ words essay on city life.

City life is very busy, fast-moving and restless. All the necessary things are easily available in the city. Life is full of luxuries, and everything is within reach. The city has many things to offer, such as better job opportunities, higher living standards, medical facilities, clubs, shopping malls, stores, restaurants, etc. It has theatres, amusement parks, cricket stadiums etc., for entertainment. People from rural areas are shifting to the cities for a better quality of life. This essay on city life will throw light on the positive and negative aspects of city life. Students must go through it and try to write their own essays. For more practice, they can go through the list of different essay topics, which will help in improving their writing section.

Positive Aspects of City Life

Life in a big city is a whirl of activities. Very often, people from the countryside move to the cities in order to find decent jobs. It offers good educational facilities for children by providing the best schools, colleges and institutions. Cities have always been the hub of innovation, the home of creative thought, art forms, political ideas and many more things. People of the city do not waste their time as they keep doing something to gain growth and success in their life. Cities are well connected with road, railway and flight networks. So, it becomes easy for individuals to connect with other people and grow their businesses as compared to rural areas. Cities have become a potent force for addressing economic growth, development and prosperity.

Negative Aspects of City Life

Cities are very crowded places. The cost of living in the city is high. The houses are small and inadequate due to space limitations. Bad housing conditions can cause various health issues. The environment of the city is very polluted due to the air, water, land and noise pollution. This causes bad health and can infect people with various diseases.

Some of the cities are very dirty due to the lack of a proper disposal system. Also, drainage problems are often found in the city. People do not get fresh air to breathe and natural places where they can rejuvenate themselves. People in the city are often busy, so they do not socially interact with others. They limit themselves to their houses and families. Sometimes, they don’t even know about their neighbours and surroundings.

The impact of the city on a person’s life is both negative and positive. From the bad quality of air to noise pollution and restless life, it has affected peace of mind. But cities are also stimulating as centres of industry, art, science and political power. They are the focus of progress. By reducing the aggressive impact of the city on people, the essential positive aspects of city life can be greatly intensified.

Students must have found this city life essay useful for improving their essay writing skills. They can get the study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams at BYJU’S.

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Home — Essay Samples — Geography & Travel — City — A Stroll Through the City Streets


A Descriptive Narrative About a Street

  • Categories: City

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Words: 1416 |

Published: Apr 11, 2019

Words: 1416 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Table of contents

Brigade road, church street, works cited.

  • Chandran, R. (2019). Changing Urban Spaces and Cultural Practices in Bangalore. Routledge.
  • Anand, R. (2014). Street Vendors and the Urban Informal Economy: Evidence from Bangalore, India. World Development, 62, 1-11.
  • Singh, G. (2013). Bangalore: The Story of a City. Penguin UK.
  • Nanjundappa, B. (2010). Bangalore: Growth of a Metropolis. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd.
  • Tarimo, C. S. (2016). Street Vending in Bangalore: A Study of Livelihood, Space, and Informality. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 51(2), 230-245.
  • Ghertner, A. D. (2015). Rule by Aesthetics: World-class City Making in Delhi. Oxford University Press.
  • Sudhira, H. S., & Ramachandra, T. V. (2007). Bangalore-The Emerging City of India. Geography and You, 7(33), 68-72.
  • Tarimo, C. S. (2017). Urban Governance and Street Vending in Bangalore: A Case of Public Space Contestation. Journal of Developing Societies, 33(3), 345-367.
  • Sridhar, V. (2012). The Dead and the Dying: Health Care and Politic in Bangalore. Economic and Political Weekly, 47(23), 79-86.
  • Ghertner, D. A. (2018). Rule by Aesthetics: World-class City Making in Delhi. In The Routledge Handbook of Urbanization in South Asia (pp. 266-278). Routledge.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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describe a busy city essay

describe a busy city essay

How to Write a Descriptive Essay about a Place

describe a busy city essay

If you’re not sure what exactly a descriptive essay is and how to write one, you’ve come to the right place. I’m Tutor Phil, and in this tutorial I’ll explain how a descriptive essay works and how to write it, step by step.

We’ll write one together, so you’ll have a great example of a descriptive essay.

What Is a Descriptive Essay?

A descriptive essay is a piece of writing in which the author describes a place, a person, an object, an animal, or a process. The purpose of a descriptive essay is to move the reader to some kind of a revelation, conclusion, or decision about the subject.

It is very important to note that a descriptive essay is not an argumentative essay. You’re not presenting an argument and doing whatever it takes to support it.

In a descriptive essay, your intention should be to describe the subject in such a way that the reader would create her own impression of it. 

At the same time, your essay is not neutral because it is colored by your own perception or experience of the subject. 

In other words, you are implying and suggesting, not blatantly pushing an opinion.

You want to let the reader see, hear, touch, smell, and taste the place you’re describing. And that experience should lead the reader to an appropriate impression or conclusion. 

Writing a Descriptive Essay Is a 6-Step Process

Step 1. choose the subject.

Maybe your instructor has already chosen the subject for you. If not, choose a country, city, or a place within a city or a geographical location that you are familiar with.

Ideally, it is a place that you have been to and have a good memory of it. A descriptive essay about a place should not rely solely on research, in most cases. 

The real value of your essay is that you know that place, and perhaps it has a special meaning for you or evokes feelings that no other place can evoke. 

So, unless you have to write about a specific place where you have never been, choose a location that has a special place in your heart. 

Sometimes, your subject can be a place with which you may have negative associations. But most likely, it is a beloved place that has left an indelible impression on your heart and mind.

Criteria for choosing the place

  • Ideally, this place should be dear to your heart
  • It is unique. It is unlike any other place you’ve ever been to, in at least one or two important ways
  • It has left a strong impression on you
  • Perhaps you learned something there
  • Perhaps something wonderful happened to you there, such as meeting your soulmate or discovering something about yourself
  • Ideally, it has special visual qualities that stand out in contrast to what your audience is probably used to. In other words, being visually striking is a huge plus. 

I’ll give you an example. For me, one particular little spa town in Europe won me over when I first visited it many years ago. Its name is Carlsbad, or Karlovy Vary. The terms are interchangeable. One is of German origin, and the other is native Czech. 

It is located in the western part of Czech Republic, not too far from the German border. It is serene, spectacular, and magical, and I’ll choose it as the subject for our sample descriptive essay. 

By the way, Carlsbad, California was named after Karlovy Vary because of the similar mineral content of the underground waters found in the American cousin city. 

Step 2. Pick an audience

I understand that you’re probably writing this essay to fulfill a requirement for your class. In which case, your audience is your teacher or professor. 

But even if you’re writing for your instructor, you should still have a particular audience in mind because this will help you form ideas and keep your thoughts flowing. 

Knowing your audience will inform your choices of what to include and what to exclude in your descriptive essay because your reader may care about some aspects of this place but not others. 

Criteria for choosing an audience

  • Your ideal reader is someone who is most likely to be interested in this place 
  • It is someone who is likely to enjoy reading your essay 
  • Your ideal audience is also someone who will benefit from reading about this place and derive the most value from it

Let’s come back to our example of Karlovy Vary. As I already mentioned, it is a spa town, which means that its attractiveness lies in its therapeutic qualities. 

I first visited this gem of a town back in 2004 as a result of a real academic and professional burnout. I believe I was still an undergraduate student finishing up my studies, and I also had a stressful job.

I lived in Brooklyn, which is a borough of New York City, and this metropolis is known for its stressful lifestyle. 

New York has all the disadvantages of living in a large city, such as pollution and other stressors that can really suck the life energy out of its dwellers if they are not careful.

I lived in New York for 25 years, and I love this city. I don’t want to come across as totally negative about it. 

But focusing on the negatives about my city in this case will help you see how I am choosing the audience for this essay we’ll be writing together in this tutorial. 

You see, New York City is a direct opposite of Karlovy Vary in several critical ways. 

Establishing a contrast helps define an audience

New York is noisy. Drivers here are notorious for incessant horn honking. And you can hear an ambulance or a police siren probably every 15 minutes or so. 

Conversely, Karlovy Vary is super quiet. Such a crazy hustle and bustle doesn’t exist here, and drivers don’t have a reason to honk the horn all the time. It is also very rare to hear a police or an ambulance siren. 

Air quality in New York is decent for a big city, but it is still relatively polluted . All the millions of cars and trucks produce way too much carbon dioxide. You can actually see the smog from some vantage points. 

The air in Karlovy Vary is virtually pristine. The town is surrounded by hills, and car traffic is not allowed in the city center. 

The landscape in New York is a bit monotonous and often fails to inspire. They don’t call this city “a concrete jungle” for nothing. The overall atmosphere is hardly conducive to a great mood or daily inspiration.

Conversely, Karlovy Vary offers aesthetically pleasing, relaxing, and inspiring architecture and landscape. It’s like entering a spa, only the spa is a whole town. 

Now that we have this contrast, it is easy to see who might be interested in learning more about Karlovy Vary. Our ideal audience is someone who:

  • Lives in a big metropolis, such as NYC or another big city
  • Can relate to being excessively stressed out 
  • Is aware of noise and air pollution
  • Would love an escape to relax and renew, even if only by reading an essay.

So, our essay becomes a sort of a virtual or a fantasy escape until an actual trip becomes possible. 

Your audience might have different challenges, needs, and desires. It could be someone who:

  • Is nostalgic about their childhood and a place associated with it
  • Dreams about a perfect place to live and work
  • Plans a retirement location 

Think of these factors when determining your audience. In the meantime, because we’ve already identified our ideal reader – a stressed out urban dweller – we can move on to the next step.

Step 3. Divide the subject into subtopics

No matter what kind of an essay you’re writing, you want to divide the main topic into subtopics. In other words, you want to create some kind of a structure that will consist of parts. 

I use and teach my students to use the technique I call the Power of Three. 

describe a busy city essay

What this means is that instead of having just one big topic, such as one town, we can have three aspects of this town to discuss.

Incidentally, we already talked about three major differences between NYC and Karlovy Vary. These are noise levels, air quality, and landscape. So, perhaps we can use one or more of these aspects of a city as sections of our essay.

We must keep in mind that we’re not writing a comparative essay , although that’s a possibility, too. 

We’re writing a descriptive essay. So, we need to find three aspects of the town that we can discuss one after another to put together a rich and detailed enough picture of this place.

Note that these three aspects correspond to the senses of hearing, smell, and sight. 

Let’s make a preliminary list of such aspects of Karlovy Vary:

  • Quietness. Does this aspect present an interesting description opportunity? This will depend on our ability to turn it into an asset. 
  • Air quality. This may be too specific. We may want to zoom out a little and discuss more than one natural asset of this city. Some of the others include water quality and the industries associated with it. 
  • Landscape. This is the most conspicuous aspect of this city. The first thing you’re struck with is how beautiful this place really is. This one is definitely a winner.

If we go about writing about these three aspects of Karlovy Vary creatively, we will have three nice sections or paragraphs that will form the body of our essay. 

Note that we’ll probably use more than one sensory perception, such as sight or smell, in each section. We’ll simply use one of three senses as a primary focus in each of our three sections. 

It would make sense to begin the discussion of the city by describing it visually. So, this will be our primary focus in the first section.

Then, we can proceed to the sense of hearing. Why? Because our last section will be about air and water. And we should probably leave those for last because we can hear the water before we can taste it. That’s just the way it works in Karlovy Vary.

So, the primary sense perception in our second section will be hearing. And this section won’t be just about how quiet it is. 

In fact, the real contrast between a big city and Karlovy Vary is the quality of the soundscape, not just the simple quietness, although it’s a part of it. So, we’ll focus on all the little sounds that make this place unique. 

Finally, in the third section or paragraph, we’ll talk about the air and the water, which will correspond to the senses of smell and taste, primarily. 

Again, we’ll be using any sense perceptions we feel necessary to make the reader’s experience as real as possible. 

And now we have our place, we know our audience, and we have our three main ideas about this place that we’ll use to structure the essay. 

We can begin writing, and we’ll start with the opening paragraph. 

Step 4. Write the introduction

An introductory paragraph in a descriptive essay offers you a lot of flexibility in how you choose to write it. 

You can start off with a particular example of a sense perception, drop your reader in the middle of a town square, or begin with an abstract concept. 

I would like to suggest an easy and practical way to do it. In the first sentence or two, pull your reader from the outside world into this particular magical place you’ve chosen to write about.

Then, focus on the place you want to describe and say something general about it that would set the context or provide a perspective. 

And finally, set some kind of an expectation for what’s to follow. You can create a sense of mystery, if you like. Remember, this is not an argumentative essay. So, you have more room for creativity.

This is where we begin to put together our descriptive essay example. Let’s write our introductory paragraph.

Descriptive Essay Introduction

“When the city has worn you down, the body is tired, and the soul yearns for a respite, you can count on a little magic gem of a town that will nourish you back to life. The name of the place is Karlovy Vary, and it is nested in the heart of Europe, in Western Bohemia, a region in Czech Republic famous for its spa towns. Its beautiful architecture, therapeutic landscape, clean air, and mineral waters offer the weary a healing adventure and a feast for the senses.”

What have we done in this paragraph? 

We’ve pulled the reader into the world of this small spa town. We first descended in their world of the stressful city, and then we turned their attention to its opposite. We named the town and explained where it is located. 

And finally, we provided a glimpse of what to expect in this descriptive essay about this town. Now, we’re ready to write the body of the essay. 

Step 5. Write the body of the essay

We know our three main sections, which in this case correspond to three sense perceptions. Each section can have more than one paragraph. It all depends on how long your essay has to be. 

If you are writing an essay of about 500-600 words, then a five-paragraph structure will do the job. If you need to write 2000 words or more, then you’ll have three sections instead of just three paragraphs.

And then each section can also be divided into two or three subsections (using the Power of Three, if you like). And each subsection can be a paragraph or more. 

Just remember – the more words you need, the more dividing into subtopics you must do. The key to writing more is dividing one idea into several supporting ideas. And then you simply treat each supporting idea as a tiny essay. 

If you struggle with essay writing in general or need to brush it up, I recommend you read my tutorial on essay writing for beginners . This would be a great place to turn to next.

Now, let’s write out our body paragraphs. Since there’s quite a bit to cover, we’ll probably take two paragraphs per section to get the job done.

Descriptive essay body paragraphs

“When you stay in one of the pretty little hotels in Karlovy Vary, you are likely to be descending the hills towards the hot springs every morning. No matter which part of town you live in, you’ll be greeted with a magnificent sight of little hotels and spas whose architecture has a unifying 19th century style. At the same time, each building has its own character, color, and features. The town is situated on several hills, and the hotels are lined up along about four levels. 

The first level is down by the river Tepla, and these hotels are only a few because most of the downtown is occupied with hot springs colonnades where people gather and drink hot mineral water. The next three levels ascend from the springs, and you can either take the stairs or even use a funicular that will take you to the highest level to the Hotel Imperial. As you exit your hotel in the morning, you are greeted with a sight of a collection of small, three to four story buildings that look like birthday cakes. They are pink, green, blue, red, turquoise, and any color you can imagine. You suddenly realize how this variety of colors and shapes strewn over the hillsides all facing you and the city center makes your head spin and makes you feel like you’ve never felt before. Your healing has begun with landscape therapy.

As you descend the stairs to reach the hot springs, you notice the abundance of oxygen in the air because it has a subtle but distinct smell, a bit like the way air smells right before a rain. Then, as you pass by another hotel, and you’ll pass more than one, a light whiff of toast and fried eggs with bacon hits you, stirring your appetite. It is customary to drink a cup of hot mineral water before you come back to your hotel for breakfast. It is called a drinking cure. 

As you keep walking towards the geyser and the springs that surround it, you notice another astonishing detail. Nobody is in a rush. Nobody has anywhere to be except right here, right now. Travelers with cute little porcelain cups stroll along without a worry in the world, taking in the sights, the smells, and the sounds of the birds chirping and singing all around. Their serenity infects you. You slow down, too. You begin to look, smell, and listen. This town has got you. 

Karlovy Vary is famous for its healing mineral waters that are known to alleviate gastrointestinal issues. These waters really do have magic powers. You have your little sipping cup with you, and when you reach one of the springs, you wait for your turn to fill it up, walk off, and begin sipping. The water has a very subtle smell, but its taste is pretty strong for water. It has very high mineral content and tastes salty. Most people like the taste. Some find it too strong. But one thing is for sure – by the time you’re about half way through with your cup’s content, your digestive juices have begun to stir. 

The hot springs flow out through several fountains, each with its own intricately detailed colonnade. The mineral content of water bursting out of each fountain is identical. But the temperature of the water varies from really hot to mild and comfortable. Your “spa doctor” actually prescribes which fountains to use and how much to drink. Sipping the water out of a special porcelain cup with a built-in straw-like system is a special pleasure of its own. The point is not to rush but to take about 20 minutes to empty the cup. In the meantime, you have a chance to take in the magnificent serenity that surrounds and infuses you. When you’ve drunk your water, it is time to head back to your hotel and eat breakfast. You repeat this routine three times a day for the duration of your stay. By day three, you are serenity itself. By day fourteen, you are a brand new person.”

Step 6. Write the conclusion

A conclusion in a descriptive essay is, like the introduction, more flexible than a conclusion in an argumentative essay.

You can conclude your essay in any way you really want as long as you observe one rule. Just make sure you zoom out and write in more general terms. 

It is not the time to add specific details and examples. This is the time to wrap things up and end on a general note. 

Your conclusion can be very short – only a couple of sentences. But you can take your space and write as much or as little as you feel like. You can always go back and trim it down or beef it up.

Let’s write our conclusion.

Our Conclusion

“Upon reading this, you may feel that this town is described as some sort of a paradise. And in a way, it is, especially if you are traveling from a big city and carrying a load of accumulated stress. But it’s not until you see, touch, smell, hear, and taste it for yourself that this European jewel will become a part of your entire being forever.”

It’s okay to be a little emotional and perhaps to even exaggerate a little in the concluding paragraph. Just notice that this one is more general than any of the body paragraphs. 

It also touches upon or mentions every sense perception evoked in the body of the essay. 

Your Key Takeaways

  • A descriptive essay is much more flexible and has a lot fewer rules than an argumentative essay.
  • Use the five sense perceptions – sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing – to structure your essay. 
  • You don’t have to organize your essay by sense perceptions. You can divide your place into sections and walk the reader through each one. 
  • You can even structure your essay as a string of paragraphs that describe one particular walk or route, from beginning to end.
  • Our last body paragraph is a description of the process of drinking hot mineral water in Karlovy Vary. It is a perfect example of a description of a process, if you ever want to write that kind of an essay.
  • Don’t persuade but subtly suggest. 
  • Show, don’t tell, whenever you can. 

A Few Scenic Snapshots of Karlovy Vary’s Charm

describe a busy city essay

I hope this was helpful. Now go ahead and write that descriptive essay about a place!

Tutor Phil is an e-learning professional who helps adult learners finish their degrees by teaching them academic writing skills.

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In the City at Night, Essay Example

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You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work.

I often go walking around the city at night. Many people are afraid of entering the empty streets, but there is a certain beauty in being alone. I mostly walk to get to where I need to go, but will often take longer paths so I have a chance to take in the silence and darkness. Most of the time, I try to find new places along my way and think about what these places mean for the thousands of people living within a few feet from where I walk. Even though I love walking in the city at night, I can’t imagine I’d ever live here.

Although I enjoy walking in the city alone at night, I always have a sense that there is some potential for danger. I like to pretend that it isn’t there, so I listen to music through headphones and walk more quickly. Despite the danger, I continue to walk my long paths to where I need to go. It’s a strange sense of excitement, because I never know what will happen. I always consider the possibilities of every situation as I walk. What happens if someone stops to talk to me? Will they be friendly? Will they be harmful? How do I know when I need to run? What if I should run no matter what? As my thoughts race more, my music gets louder and faster, and I hurry along the way.

I’ve walked the same way many times, and I’ve walked a different way many times, even though my destination is always the same. Sometimes, I like to stop at stores along the way, looking into their windows even though they aren’t open. I imagine what it would be life if I were able to shop in them and afford the expensive clothing in the window. As I was lost in thought, staring at the newest display on 92 nd street and Lexington, I felt a cold wind blow behind me. At first, I thought it was a rat, as I’ve seen countless rodents run from the stacks of garbage bags on the side of the street. However, I caught a glimpse of a shadow that indicated to me otherwise.

I rarely get frightened on my walk, but after seeing whatever this figure might be, I decided to walk the quicker path towards my destination. There seemed to be some degree of safety in being more certain of my arrival, even though the pathways seemedmuch darker than normal. As I walked hurriedly towards my destination, I started to wonder what brought me to this city in the first place. While there was some sort of dangerous excitement to it, I secretly hated it. This is a strange place. And for the first time, my worries that some strange event would happen to me during my wandering came true.

What was that thing? It seemed human, but was almost too quick for this to be true. I lowered my music in order to gain a greater sense of my surroundings, but was unable to gain any helpful evidence. So, I continued to walk, as fast as my legs could carry me. Finally, I hit my half-way point. “I’m almost there I thought!” I started to slow down, with a false sense of security. I bent down to tie my shoe, and felt the air get cold again. I quickly looked backward in shock, and saw the shadow racing towards me. All of a sudden, it hit me and I fell over.

I fell shocked and frozen. It hit me, but I still didn’t know what it was. How is this possible? Whatever, it was just disappeared into the thin air. I was a little more frightened than I was initially and was in no mood to think rationally about this situation. I stood up without fastening my shoelace, and ran as fast as my feet could carry me. Unfortunately, I didn’t get very far before I tripped over my unkempt lace. I hit the ground, landing on my knee, immediately feeling the pain. I wasn’t worried about the injury and was about to start running again when I realized the extent of my pain. I was bleeding all over and did not have the strength to stand up.

Then, the cold appeared again. I knew the shadow was coming. I crawled against the wall of the nearest building and held my knees, helplessly. Out of the corner of my eye, the shadow figure revealed itself. It was a strange shape, nothing I had ever seen before. As it crawled closer and closer into the light, I became more and more frightened. What is this thing? I shivered until it fully revealed itself. The shadow that was following me had finally revealed itself to be a matted street cat. Relieved, I stood up and gave a sigh of relief. I glared at the cat distrustfully, and continued walking towards my destination.

Even though this cat follows me every day, I never seem to remember his diligence for following the smell of my leftover lunch.

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Setting Description Entry: Urban Street

January 3, 2009 by BECCA PUGLISI

cars, trucks, SUVs, bicycles, delivery trucks, pedestrians, homeless people, stray dogs, pavement, reflectors, sidewalks, cigarette butts on the ground, litter, broken glass, concrete medians, street lights, small trees with fences around them, street signs…

honking, tires screeching, alarms going off, cars speeding by or slowing down, wheels bumping over reflectors, shoes clacking/slapping against pavement, whirr of bicycle tires, voices talking/shouting/laughing, cell phones ringing, car doors slamming, store doors…

exhaust, gas fumes, rubber, hot pavement, cigarette smoke, garbage, urine, food smells from restaurants and corner vendors, sweat, incense/potpourri/fragrance from nearby shops, sewage, old water in rain puddles

foods: hot dogs/pretzels/soda/hamburgers/french fries/bottled water, smoky exhaust, bitter cigarettes, paper butts, soda straws, sweat, rain

gritty pavement, heat coming off the concrete, slap of shoes against sidewalk, sweat trickling, breeze blowing your hair/clothes, metallic fence under your fingers, wind from passing cars, uneven sidewalk, brick/stucco/concrete buildings, cold doorknobs…

Helpful hints:–The words you choose can convey atmosphere and mood.

Example 1: Snow dusted the gutters and the trash they contained with a humpy white blanket. It drifted down from the street lights–I swear, it jingled as it fell. Gone were the gasoline and greasy food smells; the air tasted clean, as if it had just been loosed upon the world.

–Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly.

Example 1: (Simile) Music concussed from one vehicle after another like warring DJs in a night club.

Think beyond what a character sees, and provide a sensory feast for readers


Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers —a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.

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Reader Interactions

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January 5, 2009 at 9:09 am

I liked the clean air too — wish we had more of that here; it’s cold right now, but it is as clean and crisp as it could be.

I’ve been revising and my characters are indeed rolling their eyes and sighing far too much. I may be visiting here a lot more…

Happy New Year!

January 4, 2009 at 5:25 pm

Thanks girls you are awesome.

January 4, 2009 at 3:28 pm

Thanks, Christy!

Yeah, it’s probably about an hour for me, too. the hardest ones are the places I haven’t been, or haven’t visited in a long time. Since I’m fairly sure Angela hasn’t been to the rainforest, either, that one should be a little sparse. 🙂

January 4, 2009 at 12:37 am

You never cease to amaze me! Another great list!

January 4, 2009 at 12:08 am

Becca’s probably faster than me…maybe an hour? I struggle on the similies and metaphors. Some days they come, bam, just like that, other times…I have to yank them out of the imaginative ooze.

January 3, 2009 at 11:31 pm

You really don’t waste time getting back to business. Thanks for amazing descriptions. How long does it take you to make these lists?

January 3, 2009 at 12:50 pm

Nice! I can use this TODAY in my revisions!

January 3, 2009 at 12:43 pm

Thanks, Marian! Clean air–sad to think that some day we may need a record of it to remind us what it was really like.

January 3, 2009 at 10:10 am

There are some lovely turns of phrase here. I especially like, “the air tasted clean, as if it had just been loosed upon the world.” That’s exactly what clean, crisp winter air feels like.

[…] Urban Street […]

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Describe a city essay

Describe a city essay 11 models

Describe a city essay ,we will provided you with an essay on a city I visited to be suitable for students. All they have to do is fill in the brackets, use some ideas, change the name of the city and state and add or delete some events.All this will be here in “describe a city essay” .

Describe a city essay

I went with …………. to ………  city of ………. ( country name ). Has a total population of ………. approximately.  Most inhabitants work in ……….

we chose to visit the city of ……… because it has all the attractions. It includes landscapes, historical sites, entertainment areas, shopping centers, gaming and entertainment centers. It also offers many other health and therapeutic services.

The city has a large hospital of the Faculty of Medicine supervised by medical professors and handles all cases.

….. city is …… km from our city where we live. The ….. city can be reached through a number of means. It can be reached by plane, train or bus.

We chosen bus; the bus takes ……. hours to reach the city of ……… The bus stops in a break on the road due to the long distance between our city and the city of …….

The reason for choosing the bus to go to the city of ……. is  to enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature.

On our way to the city of ……, we pass many areas of different nature. We go through mountain areas, coastal areas and agricultural areas and cross several cities and villages on our way.

We saw in our way palm, apples, and grapes trees and many beautiful landscapes.

We finally got to the city of ………. at night. The city was amazing. Lights of all colors everywhere, it has a noisy life and many shops and markets. It is a city that does not sleep.

If we did not need to rest, we would go to explore the city as soon as we arrived. But we needed to rest and sleep after this long travel. So we went to our hotel rooms to rest and prepare for an early start to explore the city.

On the first day, we visited the historic landmarks of the city dating back to the …… era.

We also visited the beach and enjoyed swimming, snorkeling and watching the reefs.

On the second day, we visited some of the most famous factories in the city of ………… Including the ………………… factory which manufactures …………..

The factory was very large and we were greeted by a public relations officer, who welcomed us and took us on a tour inside the factory and at the end of the visit gave each of us …….. of the factory production.

ID the evening, we went to visit the commercial area, which contains many shopping centers to buy souvenirs for our families.

On the third day, we packed our bags and headed to the bus station to return to our beautiful city.

We were sure that we will return to the city of …… several more times because once is not enough.

I like to describe the city I live in. I live in a city that is in the middle of the country in which I live. We do not have the advantages that in many other cities, such as the presence of a river or sea, which is a great attraction for tourism.

Rather, we are an industrial city, relying heavily on small trade or working in one of the large factories located in the city. All my family members work in factories or trade for their own account and their children help them when they finish their studies. I also help my father in his trade on holidays.

I find that my city is very wonderful, despite the lack of advantages that are found in coastal cities. But there is an opportunity to achieve great achievements because of the trade that is easily available around us. And the great commercial attraction makes us a source of great importance.

My city is witnessing a continuous development in industrial development. There is always a continuous development and I see a bright future for trade, especially in the presence of technology. Where technology and modern means will help us to reach foreign markets easily.

My city is crowded with markets, shops, and many restaurants and cafes. We also have many big clubs that participate in several famous sports.  I like to watch and encourage them from time to time. This is my city that I love as it is.

Describe your city essay

My name is (..) from the city of (…..) my city is beautiful surrounded by mountains and the sea. It contains many beautiful landscapes. Definitely every natural place is beautiful. But I find my city one of the best of them. Because it contains beautiful churches and beautiful romantic streets which bears the Italian engineering character.

It contains many museums, large commercial markets, and many gardens as well. So it includes almost everything. It also contains many areas for recreation, so I love it very much and do not want to live anywhere else.

I really like attending festivals in large squares, spending holidays on the beach, water skiing, and visiting churches. On some holidays I go to watch football in the stadium and cheer for my favorite team (…). All this makes me feel very happy.

Description of a city essay

I live in a big city, it includes a large number of factories, it is always crowded, you cannot go to work in time, in addition to the pollution of its air, so that many people suffer from serious diseases, such as chest and respiratory diseases, I advise that we expand In planting trees, as it helps to increase the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere, and also reduces the proportion of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. There must also be large areas of gardens and parks, and despite these problems, my city provides a large number of jobs.

Describing a city paragraph

I will describe to you one of the most beautiful cities in the world, which is Sharm El Sheikh. This city is located in the South Sinai Governorate, especially in the Red Sea. Sharm was named because of the presence of a number of bays. It has several other names, as some call it the city of peace because of the convening of the peace conference there.

This city is characterized by a charming nature and a large number of hotels and beaches, which are considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Due to the large influx of tourists, the government periodically makes continuous improvements and developments, making it one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

Describing a city essay

My name is (..). I have a family of 3 people. I am the older sister, I have a brother who is four years younger than me, and my father works in the (army). My mother works as a nurse. I live in the city of (..).

I like to wander a lot in the streets of the city, especially at 4 am. I like to watch the sunset from my balcony which overlooking a large valley and behind it there is the ocean.

I really like to walk on the beach and collect some beautiful snails. I like to get around a lot on the subway and go to new places that I haven’t been to.

I am very grateful that I live in a big city, which has multiple means of transportation, and has a lot of activities and services. There are also great opportunities to work and trade in them.

One of the advantages of the city is also that all people live in their own life without interfering in the affairs of others, where there is more freedom and we can live the way we prefer without fear of others’ view or listening to criticism from others.

Therefore, I find that living in the city has many benefits, whether in terms of services, activities, freedom, or opportunities for work and trade.

Short paragraph describing a city

My name is (..). I have two younger brothers. My family and I live in a city of (type the name of the city). I study in class (acquire the class in which you study). I really like to support the team of (write the name of your favorite team).

Many people come to my city to watch football matches. Football is the biggest event that happens in my city and many people come to watch it and many times they stay for the holidays and wander after the games in bars or restaurants. This makes the city highly dependent on the big matches that take place in the city.

I love to wander around and get to know new people, get to know their hometown, and get to know their interests . This is my city and it is always full of life.

Descriptive essay about a city

I and my family live in the city of ( write the name of the city here). The city contains many commercial and entertainment centers, the most famous of which are (type a name here).

I like very much the educational level in my city, as it is ranked the best in the state. The city is constantly expanding to accommodate the continuous level of overcrowding. Which arrived in 2020 to (write the number of people in your city here).

My city crosses over an area of (type the area here). The city has distinctive and easy means of transportation that connect the city to each other. I like to take the metro a lot to get anywhere I want to go.

I like very much the developments and construction of infrastructure, where I can roam in all the clean and safe streets without fear of any obstacles due to bad roads.

My city is famous for its industry (type industry here). I would very much like to work in this specialty after I finish my studies.

This is my city that I like to spend all my time in, and participate in the various available activities.

Write a paragraph about a city you have been to

Last summer vacation I was able to visit a very wonderful city inside the Emirates, which is the city of Ajman. The Emirate of Ajman is the smallest in the UAE, with an area of ​​260 square kilometers. The Emirate of Ajman overlooks the Arab coast. I really enjoyed seeing the coast and doing some fun activities on it.

I liked very much that the temperature in the summer is moderate, unlike the temperatures in my city or other cities in the Emirates.

So I was able to walk around and enjoy several things such as the Ajman Museum, I liked its location very much and the shape of the surrounding castles and the old walls, I felt the grandeur of history and the splendor of the place.

After that, I was able to visit the archaeological area of ​​Al Mowaihat and enjoyed a lot of watching the marble ships and several antiques made of copper.

And when we wandered, I could see the Dhow Yard and watch the wonderful sailing ships and how they were manufactured, and I liked a lot that they built with their own hands like our ancestors, so I find that this city is one of the wonderful areas that I visited and enjoyed it a lot.

Describe your city paragraph

My city is not the largest city in the world, but to me it is the most beautiful place on earth. I’ve never traveled out of town before, but here in my town I have everything I need and love.

In my city, people are very friendly, everyone greets each other, and asks about the conditions of their bodies, and if there is any work that requires the help of others for it, you will find that others volunteer by themselves to help.

I may not have ever left my city, but I can know very well that these characteristics and origins no longer exist in many places.

My city owns several schools and one sports center divided for all sports. In my city, there is one hospital that serves the entire city. There is also a large police station,

The security in my city is good. We feel safe while wandering, whether in the early or late times. Because all people know each other.

We have a cinema that I really like to go to when they show some new movies. There is also a huge amusement park, all families go to it on holidays.

My city depends on factories and restaurants for income. These are the most important sources of income beside agriculture, which some people still live through.

This is my small city that I love and I love to live in very much.

Descriptive paragraph about a city

It is wonderful for a person to have a homeland, to make him feel safe and nostalgic for it if he stays away from it. I live in the city of (type the name of the city). I love it so much and I feel safe inside it. I like to wander the streets, eat food and ice cream, on both sides of the road, and watch cars and pedestrians from time to time.

My city is famous for its tall buildings, and it is the capital of (type the name of your country). I think that I am a very lucky person as I was born in a big city with a lot of opportunities and a lot of activities that I can spend my time in.

There is no boredom here because of the many neighborhoods in the city, such as (write the names of the neighborhoods in your city).

Each region has its own customs, traditions and character. Which makes the city an interesting and exciting place, you can meet different people in many things, which makes you more curious to know them and their traditions.

This is my city that I love and I love to spend all my time in, and I miss it so much if I leave it, even for a few days.

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Adjectives that Describe Places - Intermediate Vocabulary

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Adjectives for Describing Places - a free online English vocabulary lesson by esolcourses.com. Image credits: pixabay

A list of useful words for describing cities, towns and countries.

ancient - a place that has a long history. Words with similar meanings: historic

Example sentence: Athens is an ancient city, which was established thousands of years ago.

beautiful - very pleasing on the eye. Words with similar meanings: attractive, lovely.

Example sentence: Paris is very beautiful in the spring.

boring - dull and not very interesting. Words with similar meanings: uninteresting.

Example sentence: Widnes is a boring place to live.

bustling - a crowded, busy place. Words and phrases with similar meanings: lively, fast-paced, hectic.

Example sentence: New York is a busy, bustling city. One of its nicknames is "The City That Never Sleeps".

charming - nice, very pleasing. Words and phrases with similar meanings: delightful, quaint.

Example sentence: Oxford is a charming English city, which is steeped in history.

contemporary - modern, very up to date.

Example sentence: Manchester is a northern city with a very contemporary , modern feel.

compact - not very big, contained within a small area. Words with similar meanings: small

Example sentence: Durham is a fairly compact city. You don't need transport to get around.

cosmopolitan - somewhere with a rich and varied mix of cultures and languages.

Example sentence: Liverpool is a cosmopolitan and culturally diverse city.

crowded - very full of people. Words and phrases with similar meanings: busy, bustling.

Example sentence: London can get really crowded during the summer months.

exciting - fun, thrilling, with lots of enjoyable things to do. Words with similar meanings: lively

Example sentence: The seaside town of Blackpool offers plenty of exciting activities for kids!

expensive - costing a lot of money. Words with similar meanings: pricey, costly.

Example sentence: Tokyo is a very expensive place to live.

famous - very well known, celebrated, notable.

Example sentence: Paris is one of the world's most famous romantic destinations.

fantastic - wonderful.

Words with similar meanings: amazing, awesome, fabulous, great, marvellous.

Example sentence: Barcelona is a fantastic city! It's a must to visit if you go to northern Spain.

fascinating - very interesting. Words with similar meanings: captivating, intriguing.

Example sentence: Tunis is a fascinating place to visit, with a wonderfully rich culture and history.

huge - very big. Words with similar meanings: big, enormous, giant, large, sprawling, vast.

lively - somewhere with lots of things going on. Words with similar meanings: vibrant

Example sentence: Newcastle is a lively city, with lots of things to do and see.

inexpensive - not costing very much. Words with similar meanings: cheap.

Example sentence: Egypt, Mexico and Thailand are inexpensive travel destinations.

popular - liked by a lot of people.

Example sentence: York is a historic British town which is very popular with tourists.

picturesque - charming or interesting in a unique or unusual way.

Words with similar meanings: quaint, charming.

Example sentence: Looe and Polperro are picturesque English seaside towns.

polluted - dirty, contaminated.

Example sentence: Bilbao's formerly polluted river has been cleaned up and transformed.

touristy - visited by lots of tourists.

Words and expressions with similar meanings: 'tourist trap', touristic ( rarely used by native speakers ).

Example sentence: Chester can be a bit touristy and crowded during summer.

describe a busy city essay

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How to Describe a Market in a Story

By A.W. Naves

how to describe a market in a story

Are you writing a chapter set in a busy market? Make it vivid by using the tips below on how to describe a market in a story. We’ve included 10 adjectives that you use.

1. Bustling

Lively, busy ; full of activity and energy.

“The market was bustling with vendors and shoppers, all haggling for the best deals.”

“The bustling market was so infectious that you couldn’t help but get caught up in the excitement.”

How it Adds Description

The word “bustling” suggests that the market is crowded with people, vendors, and goods, all in a constant state of motion. It can create a feeling of chaos or suspense as the characters navigate through the crowds to reach their destination or it can serve as a backdrop for an important event or conversation between characters.

2. Colorful

Vibrant, vivid ; full of bright colors and hues.

“The market was a riot of color , with vendors selling fruits and vegetables in every shade.”

“The colorful displays of merchandise and goods were a feast for the eyes.”

The word “colorful” implies that the market is full of different types of people, goods, and experiences. It suggests that the market could be home to unsavory characters or illegal activities that foreshadow a pivotal scene in the story where a character faces a challenge or obstacle that must be overcome.

3. Traditional

Classic, old-fashioned ; keeping with long-established customs or practices.

“The market was filled with traditional crafts and goods, made by skilled artisans using age-old techniques.”

“The traditional foods on offer at the market were a throwback to an earlier time.”

The word “traditional” suggests that the market has been established for a long time and adheres to customary or historical practices. It implies a sense of familiarity, consistency, and reliability, and may connote a slower pace of change or resistance to innovation. It may emphasize a sense of nostalgia or loss if the market is being threatened by outside forces or changing times.

Loud, raucous ; full of shrill sounds and commotion.

“The market was noisy with the sounds of vendors shouting and people bargaining for deals.”

“The noisy market could sometimes be an assault on the senses.”

The word “noisy” insinuates that shoppers are talking loudly, vendors are calling out to potential customers, and various sounds of merchandise being sold can be heard. It can create a sense of tension or chaos in the scene or reveal something about the character’s personality or perspective, such as if they find the noise overwhelming or energizing.

Unusual, unfamiliar ; not of native origin.

“The market was filled with exotic spices and fruits from far-off lands.”

“The exotic textiles and fabrics on display were unlike anything I had ever seen before.”

The word “exotic” suggests that the items being sold there are unusual. This can create a sense of intrigue and interest in the market, as well as imply that the characters in the story may be exposed to new and exciting experiences. The market might also be used as a source of valuable items or information that the characters need to progress in a quest or to solve a mystery.

6. Aromatic

Fragrant, perfumed ; full of pleasant smells.

“The spices and herbs at the market were aromatic , wafting through the air and tantalizing the senses.”

“The aromatic odor of freshly baked bread filled the market, drawing in buyers with its delicious scent.”

The word “aromatic” is often used to describe the pleasant, distinctive smell of certain foods, spices, and herbs. It creates a sensory experience for the reader, allowing them to imagine the scents and flavors of the various products being sold. This can help to create a sense of atmosphere and set the scene for the action that is to come.

7. Multicultural

Diverse, varied ; reflecting different cultures and ethnicities.

“The market was a multicultural hub of activity, with vendors and shoppers from all over the world.”

“The multicultural atmosphere of the market was a celebration of diversity and inclusivity.”

The word “multicultural” indicates that the market in the story is diverse and includes people from many different backgrounds. This can lead to interesting encounters, conflicts, or collaborations between those who visit the market. It may also suggest that the story will touch on themes of cultural identity, diversity, and inclusivity.

Loud, thunderous ; full of busy sounds.

“The market was a noisy cacophony of sounds with shoppers haggling and chatting.”

“The noisy atmosphere of the market was a reflection of its lively and bustling character.”

The word “noisy” conveys a sense of chaos, commotion, and activity. It can be used to show a character who is trying to navigate through a crowded market to reach a specific stall, or trying to eavesdrop on a conversation to gather information with the noise and activity making it more difficult for them to find their way. This can add depth and texture to the story.

9. Eclectic

Diverse, varied ; combining elements from a variety of sources.

“The market was an eclectic mix of goods from around the world, with vendors selling everything from handmade jewelry to exotic spices.”

“The eclectic atmosphere of the market was a testament to its diversity and inclusivity.”

The word “eclectic” describes a market that is composed of a diverse range of items, styles, or sources. It suggests that the market is not just a typical place to buy goods, creating opportunities for the plot to develop in unexpected ways, such as the character discovering an important clue, meeting a key character, or encountering a major obstacle.

10. Organic

Natural, unprocessed ; grown or produced without synthetic chemicals.

“The market was a haven for organic produce, with farmers selling fresh fruits and vegetables grown without pesticides or other chemicals.”

“The organic market was a welcome break from the processed and packaged foods found in most grocery stores.”

The word “organic” suggests that the products sold at a market are natural and wholesome. It conveys themes of health, sustainability, and consumerism in a story. A character seeking healthy food options or trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle might be drawn to the organic market as a source of high-quality, environmentally friendly products.


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    Loud, thunderous; full of busy sounds. Examples "The market was a noisy cacophony of sounds with shoppers haggling and chatting." "The noisy atmosphere of the market was a reflection of its lively and bustling character." How it Adds Description. The word "noisy" conveys a sense of chaos, commotion, and activity.