Solving the 12 Most Common Customer Problems [Guide]

11 min read

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A surefire way to improve engagement and retention is to focus on solving customer problems.

Think about it – what would you do if you needed help but all you got was an incredibly unhelpful customer service agent? Chances are, you would take your business elsewhere.

That is precisely why you need to focus on improving your customer service problem-solving and providing excellent support focused on reducing the number of dissatisfied customers.

Where to get started? That’s what this guide is for, outlining frequent customer service issues and their solutions.

  • Customer service problem-solving is the process of identifying and efficiently resolving customer concerns in a timely manner.
  • Focusing on solving customer problems is vital because it offers key benefits, like improved retention , satisfaction , and loyalty , along with reduced support costs.
  • Common customer service issues include lengthy wait times, inaccessible human reps, slow resolution, inconsistent support quality , and poor communication skills of the support team.
  • A few shared reasons, like insufficient training, limited staffing, complex customer issues, and no standardized procedures or centralized knowledge bases , cause these issues.
  • Possible solutions for these complaints involve implementing callback systems, simplifying automated menus, establishing clear resolution timelines, and standardizing training.
  • Some additional effective techniques for problem-solving include empathizing, active listening, sincerely apologizing, proactively communicating, and offering compensation where needed.
  • Improving your self-service resources and ensuring consistent operating hours are also useful best practices.
  • Ready to optimize your customer service problem-solving strategy? Schedule a Userpilot demo and see how you can get started.

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customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

What is customer service problem-solving?

Customer service problem-solving is a discipline focused on optimally identifying, addressing, and resolving issues customers encounter with a product or service.

It is important to note that, contrary to its name, customer service problem-solving is not just about fixing customer complaints.

It’s much more complex than that.

It requires effective problem-solving skills along with other key capabilities like communication , empathy , and critical thinking. It’s also about creating a system where all customer issues are prevented or solved as fast and efficiently as possible.

If done right, customer service problem-solving offers great benefits, such as improved customer satisfaction and loyalty .

Why solving customer problems is so important

Providing excellent customer service is a whole art, one that requires you to develop a functional strategy to do it right. But once you perfect your customer service problem-solving and better train your customer service team, the benefits are endless. Here are just a few:

  • Increases customer retention .
  • Enhances customer experience .
  • Builds customer loyalty.
  • Encourages customer engagement .
  • Reduces support costs.
  • Facilitates customer feedback collection.
  • Drives customer satisfaction.

12 most common customer service problems (and how to fix them)

Different companies run into several types of customer service issues. However, there are quite a few recurring customer queries and complaints almost all customer service agents face. So let’s deep dive into what these are and learn the golden rules needed to solve customer service problems.

1. Long wait times

When you look at customer feedback, a common problem that frequently comes up is how often customers have to wait for customer support . All these extended hold times and long queues just add to the customer’s annoyance and dissatisfaction .

Main reasons :

  • High call volume.
  • Insufficient staffing.
  • Complex customer complaints.
  • Inadequate training .
  • Limited self-service options.
  • Backlog of unresolved issues.

Implement a callback system so customers don’t have to wait hours to talk to a customer service rep. Next, focus on streamlining your processes and consider increasing staffing during peak hours. Lastly, introduce chatbots for instant support on low-priority issues.

Solving customer problems with chatbots

2. Frustration with inaccessible human reps

Customers often get frustrated with complex automated customer service menus and the inability to reach a human representative.

  • Cost-saving strategies.
  • Fewer customer service representatives.
  • Outdated technology .
  • Poor menu design .
  • Language limitations.

There are several ways to solve this customer service problem. Start by simplifying automated menus and adding a clear option to speak with a human customer service agent.

Additionally, create comprehensive self-service materials so customers can troubleshoot independently. Also, regularly test the system for ease of usability and accessibility.

3. Slow resolution times

The next common customer service problem is customers having to follow up multiple times to get their issues resolved. This need to constantly check up on the issue wastes more of the customer’s time and is a sign of poor customer service.

  • High workload and ticket volume .
  • Complicated customer issues.
  • Poor internal communication .
  • Incomplete issue documentation .
  • Ineffective prioritization of tasks.

Establish a clear resolution timeline, improve internal communication, and ensure regular follow-ups with customers until the issues are resolved.

4. Inconsistent support across channels

Customers experience different levels of support quality depending on the contact channel they use. So, a chatbot might not offer much help but an email ends up providing effective customer service problem-solving. This inconsistency only leaves customers confused about which channel to trust .

Main Reasons :

  • Varying levels of support training.
  • Different support team structures .
  • Inconsistent use of knowledge bases.
  • Lack of standardized procedures.
  • Limited integration between channels.

Start by providing consistent training and resources to service reps across all platforms. Next, ensure that all support channels are well-integrated so information and user data flow seamlessly between them.

Resource center for self-service

A good example of such omnichannel communication is Bluehost, which offers the same quality of live chat and phone support.

Bluehost support team

5. Excessive transfers between departments

Instead of any issue resolution , customers are often transferred several times between departments without making any progress . In the end, all that’s left is an angry customer and their unresolved complaint.

  • Poor initial issue categorization.
  • High specialization within departments.
  • Insufficient cross-department communication.
  • Inconsistent problem-solving protocols.
  • Miscommunication or misunderstandings.

Instead of having multiple departments handle specific issues, train all customer service agents to handle a wide range of problems . Also, establish clear protocols for when transfers are necessary and explain the procedure to customers as well.

6. Poor communication skills of customer service reps

Sometimes customers feel undervalued and misunderstood because the customer service representatives lack empathy , communication, or problem-solving skills.

  • Insufficient training programs .
  • Inadequate soft skills development.
  • Lack of performance monitoring .
  • Limited knowledge of products or services.
  • Limited focus on customer empathy .

Invest in your customer support team, training them in skills like empathy, active listening, and clear communication. Introduce regular monitoring and evaluation of customer service interactions , via CES surveys for example, for quality control.

CES surveys for solving customer problems

7. Insufficient knowledge among support staff

Oftentimes, support representatives fail at customer service problem-solving because they lack relevant knowledge . In some cases, they even recommend wrong solutions , which only worsen the customer complaint and potentially increase churn and losses.

  • Lack of customer service training.
  • Limited access to updated product information .
  • Complex product or service offerings.
  • Rapid changes in products or services.
  • Poorly designed knowledge management systems .

Provide comprehensive training to your customer representatives, ensuring that they are well-versed with the product or service.

Next, try maintaining an up-to-date customer service knowledge base that is accessible to all. This way, representatives can refer to it whenever needed instead of suggesting flawed solutions.

8. Conflicting information from different reps

A common customer complaint is how often they receive conflicting information from different support representatives, leading to confusion and greater mistrust.

  • Lack of clear documentation and standardized procedures.
  • Inconsistent training across different departments.
  • Outdated or inaccurate knowledge base .
  • Insufficient supervision and monitoring .
  • Varying levels of agent experience.

Make sure all customer service agents are on the same page, by standardizing important information and procedures. Moreover, ensure that each team member gets access to the same resources , training, and product information.

9. Perceived difficulty in contacting customer service

Sometimes, the customer service problem-solving quality itself isn’t the issue. Instead, the problem is that some companies avoid direct contact, making customers exert a lot of effort to get in touch with customer service.

  • Cost reduction strategies.
  • Overreliance on self-service options and automation .
  • Limited staffing resources.
  • Overwhelmed support infrastructure.
  • Challenges in scaling customer support operations.

Make contact information easily accessible, mentioning it clearly at several touchpoints . Also, to cater to varying customer needs , provide multiple contact channels, and ensure prompt responses.

Hostinger does a good job at this, clearly outlining numerous support channels, along with links to other help center resources like tutorials :

Hostinger's customer service contacts

10. Difficulty in resolving issues through self-service

Providing self-service options is great, but it shouldn’t be the only way customers can get help . Companies need to consider that not all customers find it easy to troubleshoot and resolve issues on their own.

  • Complex or inaccessible UI design .
  • Lack of sufficient information.
  • Limited types of content (e.g. only blogs, no videos or tooltips ).
  • Technical glitches or bugs .
  • Inability to handle complex customer complaints.
  • No human support options.

Simplify self-service interfaces and ensure easy access to human support as well for customers who prefer it.

Self-service options

Introduce various content types within the resource center , such as comprehensive and interactive guides , FAQs, blogs, case studies , checklists , etc.

Resource center for solving customer problems

11. Unresolved customer issues

Usually, the main reason behind decreasing customer satisfaction is simple: their problems and complaints aren’t getting resolved. When this happens, customers feel neglected and are more at risk of churning .

  • Lack of technical skills and training.
  • Inadequate knowledge management systems .
  • Complexity of the product or service.
  • High employee turnover affects resolution continuity.
  • Poor integration between departments.
  • Ineffective prioritization of customer issues.

To improve customer retention, implement a follow-up system to ensure all issues are resolved and offer timely updates to customers. In addition, provide personalized customer service to build trust and understand specific pain points so you can resolve issues better.

12. Inconsistent operating hours

Last but not least, a recurring customer service problem is when support is not available at consistent or convenient times. This just makes it harder for customers to seek help , causing them to ultimately give up on your business entirely.

  • Limited resources for 24/7 support.
  • Lack of sufficient staffing to cover all time zones.
  • High cost associated with around-the-clock service reps.
  • Difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff for non-traditional hours.

To avoid any confusion, standardize your operating hours and communicate them clearly to customers. If customer complaints about operating hours still continue, then consider providing extended hours as well.

Here’s an example by SiteGround that clearly advertises it’s 24-hour support:

24/7 help for solving customer problems

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The key customer service problem-solving techniques.

Now that you’ve gone over all the common customer complaints and queries, it’s time to focus on making sure they don’t happen again. To help with that, here are the top customer service problem-solving best practices guaranteed to delight customers.

Empathy, active listening, and personalization

One simple technique for providing the best customer support is to listen carefully. This requires that you solely focus on the customer without any distractions, show interest, and ask clarifying questions. Only through such active listening can you truly understand the customer’s needs .

Along with listening intently, you also need to be patient and reflect on the customer’s feelings. In other words, you must empathize with your customers’ experience before jumping to a solution. This helps build trust and rapport necessary for long-lasting relationships.

Lastly, it is important to acknowledge that all customers are unique, and therefore each customer’s problem should be treated individually. This allows for a more personalized solution , best-suited for the customer’s specific complaint.

Troubleshooting based on experience

It’s true – practice does make perfect. So if you want to improve your customer service problem-solving skills, the best way is through hands-on experience . The more practice you get working on and learning from previous cases, the more your ability to diagnose and fix issues will improve.

However, this doesn’t mean you don’t need any training at all. Instead, the two go hand-in-hand. Training provides the necessary foundational knowledge , while hands-on experience refines that knowledge through practical application .

Both these things also help ensure cross-department exchange of information and improved collaboration over time.

Providing sincere apologies

A golden rule of customer service: Never ever argue with the customer. When a customer is upset or in need of help, arguing with them will only make matters worse. Plus, arguing only further ruins the customer experience and could lead to negative word of mouth .

The right thing to do is to apologize sincerely. Often, a genuine apology is all customers need to feel validated, helping de-escalate the situation. Moreover, once you’ve apologized, customers are more open to trusting you, thereby making them receptive to any proposed solutions.

To ensure an apology is effective, it should be timely, specific to the customer’s issue, and accompanied by a clear plan for resolution. If done right, sincere apologies contribute greatly to customer satisfaction , loyalty, and a positive brand reputation.

Consistent follow-up and proactive communication

In order to provide effective customer support, simply resolving the problem is not enough. There are other elements you need to simultaneously take care of as well, to provide customers with a seamless experience throughout.

To start off, the service team must keep customers informed about the progress of their issues. This includes letting them know of any delays or necessary follow-up actions. Such transparency in the resolution process helps reassure the customer and highlights your commitment to customer service.

Even after providing a solution, you must follow up with the customer again to ensure the problem has been fully resolved.

Offer compensation

In certain cases, simply apologizing for the issue is not sufficient. Rather, it is important that you offer compensation for the negative experience.

This helps repair the relationship by demonstrating accountability on your part and showing how committed you are to customer satisfaction . It also provides a tangible gesture of goodwill , which can hopefully reduce any negative impact the issue may have caused.

Glovo (a food delivery app) is a good example to quote here. If your order is missing some parts or has other issues, Glovo often issues instant refunds.

Compensation helps customer service

Improving self-service resources

Finally, the last trick to perfecting your customer service problem-solving ability is to create comprehensive self-service options . These can include resource centers, knowledge bases , how-to videos, community forums, help center portals, user guides , and more.

Providing these resources empowers customers to quickly resolve issues on their own, reducing wait times and boosting satisfaction . Additionally, self-service portals also decrease the workload on customer service teams, enabling them to focus on more complex inquiries.

Customize resource center

For example, here’s a look at the self-service options Zendesk offers:

Zendesk solving customer problems

Effectively and quickly solving customer problems is crucial for driving retention and enhancing satisfaction. But there are several other facets to customer service problem-solving to keep in mind too, such as empathy, active listening, and other soft skills.

To make things easier, try keeping a few tips and best practices in mind. For example, focus on training your customer service team, proactively communicating, offering multiple channels of contact, and enhancing self-service resources.

With all these techniques in hand, you’ll be able to reduce churn and create a positive customer experience in no time!

Want to get started solving customer problems? Get a Userpilot Demo and see how you can improve customer loyalty.

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12 Top Techniques for Customer Service Problem Solving

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In the dynamic landscape of customer interactions, effective customer service problem solving is more than beneficial — it's a necessity. It's about recognizing that every conversation is an opportunity to transform a challenge into a solution. This approach leads to an enhanced customer experience, where every interaction is valued.

Customer Service Problem Solving

Along with the do's, we'll highlight some critical don'ts to avoid. Whether you're new to the industry or a seasoned professional, this blog post is dedicated to uncovering effective strategies and techniques that will elevate your customer service problem solving skills to the next level.

Understanding Customer Service Problem Solving: The Essentials

The essence of problem solving in customer service lies in effectively identifying, understanding, and addressing the challenges faced by the customer. This skill set goes beyond issue resolution; it encompasses empathy and practical knowledge to develop solutions that elevate the experience with your brand. On a general level, this can be achieved through active listening and ensuring that service representatives grasp each customer's unique situation. Most customers do not want robotic replies, especially when they are being told "no." They want tailored replies and solutions to their issues.

Why is problem solving in customer service so important? It stands as the cornerstone of building customer retention and trust. When issues are resolved with care and efficiency, it reinforces confidence in your brand. It also solidifies a strong, positive brand reputation. This proactive approach in addressing customer needs helps foster long-term relationships. Further, it ensures a lasting impact on your business's image and customer loyalty.

12 Key Customer Service Problem Solving Do's and Don'ts

Do regularly train and update your team's skills.

Why It's Important: Customer service training plays a vital role in keeping your team equipped to handle a wide array of customer issues effectively.

Example: Implement regular training sessions that cover new customer service tools, communication techniques, and updates about products or services. This could involve workshops on handling difficult conversations or training on new software features.

Best Practice: Schedule ongoing training and development programs. Encourage continuous learning by providing resources like webinars, workshops, and access to relevant industry content.

Do Celebrate and Share Positive Feedback

Why It's Important: Sharing positive customer experiences can motivate your team and demonstrate the value of excellent customer service.

Example: When a customer compliments a team member or expresses satisfaction with a resolution, share this feedback with the team. This not only boosts morale but also sets a standard for the quality of service.

Best Practice: Create a system for collecting and sharing positive customer feedback to highlight success stories and best practices. This can be done both internally within the team and externally on social media or marketing materials. You may also consider incentivizing positive feedback. For example, if an employee receives 20+ 5 star reviews via the customer feedback survey, they receive a $25 Starbucks gift card.

Do Utilize Technology to Enhance Efficiency

Why It's Important: Leveraging the right technology can significantly streamline service processes, leading to quicker problem resolution and more proactive customer support.

Example: Implementing a customer service ticketing system can help track and manage customer queries more efficiently, ensuring no issue is overlooked. Also, implementing chatbots on your website can create an added level of convenience for your customers.

Best Practice: Research and invest in customer service tools that suit your business needs. This might include CRM systems, chatbots, or advanced ticketing systems.

Read More: What is AI Ticketing and 10 of Its Benefits to Customer Support Businesses

Do Create Personalized Customer Engagement

Why It's Important: Personalized customer interactions based on the customer's history and preferences demonstrate a deep understanding of their needs.

Example: Use data from previous interactions to tailor your approach. An example is referencing a customer's past purchases or support issues when offering assistance. This shows the customer that they are valued and remembered.

As you go down this path, you can begin to segment your client base into specific customer types. Some examples might be the "tech-savvy," "senior citizen," and "business-owner." You can approach each of these customer types with a different style, and can even consider personalized email messaging.

Best Practice: Train your team to use customer data effectively to personalize each interaction. Utilizing CRM systems can help in storing and retrieving relevant customer information to make each interaction more personal and meaningful.

Do Offer Multi-Channel Support

Why It's Important: Providing multichannel customer support meets customers where they are most comfortable. This can be whether it's via phone, email, social media, or live chat.

Example: A customer prefers to communicate via social media messaging for quick queries but uses email for more detailed discussions. Offering both channels caters to their preferences.

Best Practice: Implement a strategy that integrates various communication channels seamlessly. This can help provide consistent and effective customer support across all platforms. Most employees can be cross-trained on all these platforms, which is something the organization should strive for.

Do Understand and Adapt to Generational Differences

Why It's Important: Effective communication strategies are key to tailoring your approach to meet the varying needs of each generation.

Example: While a baby boomer might prefer a detailed phone conversation with plenty of confirmation throughout, a millennial might favor a quick chat message.

Best Practice: Train your team to recognize and adapt to the differing needs of each generation. Coming up with a "cheat sheet" of things to keep in mind for each age bucket can be a great resource for employees.

Read More: Customer Service Excellence Across All Generations

Don't Make Assumptions About the Customer's Issue

Why Not: Jumping to conclusions without fully understanding the customer's problem can lead to miscommunication and potentially worsen the situation. It's crucial to approach each issue with an open mind.

Example: If a customer is unhappy with a product, avoid assuming it's due to user error. It could be a misunderstanding about the product's features or an actual defect. Assuming user error can infuriate a customer as they consider you are blaming them directly for the issue they are having.

Better Approach: Always ask clarifying questions and listen carefully to the customer's explanation. This ensures that you fully understand the problem before offering a solution. An example might be if you offer computer security software that requires user set-up. You, as the employee, should be knowledgeable about the process already. Ask the customer to explain the steps they took during installation to see if they have missed one or done things out of order.

Don't Neglect the Emotional Aspect

Why Not: Focusing solely on the technical side of a problem-solving process and ignoring the emotional intelligence in service can make them feel undervalued and frustrated. Focusing on emotional intelligence gives a more comprehensive understanding of the customer's feelings.

Example: If a customer is upset about a delayed shipment, simply explaining the logistics process without acknowledging their frustration can leave them feeling unheard. They want to know that you understand where they are coming from.

Better Approach: Empathize with the customer's emotional state. A simple acknowledgment like "I understand how frustrating this must be" can go a long way in calming an upset customer and building rapport. Using the logistics example, put yourself in the customer's shoes. They may be waiting for an important package, perhaps a medical device, or a birthday gift for a loved one. Each situation should be treated as if the package contains something of timely importance, not just any materialistic good.

Don't Overlook the Importance of Follow-Up

Why Not: Failing to follow up can leave customers feeling neglected and can lead to unresolved issues resurfacing.

Example: After resolving a customer's issue, not checking back to confirm their satisfaction can lead to missed opportunities for feedback and improvement. For example, let us say that you work for a telecommunications company. You visit a client to resolve an issue with a cable tv box that seems to turn off at random intervals of use. You have not heard from the customer in a week. Even though it is safe to assume that all is well, it is still a nice gesture to check in with the customer to ensure everything is working well. They will appreciate that and likely remember you for outstanding service.

Better Approach: Implement a system to routinely follow up with customers after their issues have been addressed. This will help increase satisfaction and provide valuable feedback. This can be done via an email survey, phone call, or even personal visits, depending on the type of business.

Don't Underestimate the Power of a Knowledge Base

Why Not: A well-maintained knowledge base is a vital tool for efficient problem solving. Neglecting it can lead to inconsistent or outdated information being provided to customers.

Example: Customer service representatives relying on an outdated knowledge base might provide incorrect information. This can lead to further customer frustration. For example, a customer may be calling you back about an issue regarding a malfunctioning cable TV box. If you do not have a record of the initial call notes, or have notes about a similar issue from two years ago, this is cause for confusion and frustration.

Better Approach: Regularly update and maintain your knowledge base. This ensures that your team has access to accurate and current information, which is important for effective problem-solving. Investing in good cloud-based knowledge base software is a prudent step.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Customer Service Knowledge Base Software

Don't Dismiss Customer Feedback

Why Not: Ignoring customer feedback can lead to repeated mistakes and missed opportunities. Customer feedback analysis is essential for continuous improvement and innovation.

Example: Not taking customer complaints seriously or considering them for future changes can result in a loss of trust and customer loyalty. For example, let us imagine that you manage the mens clothing design at a noteworthy athletic brand. You change the design of a pair of popular pants and start to receive negative feedback about the fit on post-purchase surveys. If you take no action, customers could boycott your brand.

Better Approach: While it is one thing to actively encourage customer feedback, it is another to action this feedback into a tangible result. Use received feedback to inform service improvements for customers and training programs for employees.

Don't Rely Solely on Scripted Responses

Why Not: Over-reliance on scripted responses can make customer interactions feel impersonal and ineffective, especially in complex problems.

Example: Using a standard script for a unique problem can frustrate customers who seek a more personalized approach. For example, imagine you are a customer looking for a refund on a product you did not receive, even though the company claims to have shipped it. If the company replies using a generic response such as, "while we are sorry your item did not arrive, we completed our end of the agreement by sending it out. Please follow-up with the shipping company." While this is technically correct, customers do not want to be passed from company to company to get their answer. In this case, it might be more valuable for the seller to contact the shipping company on the customer's behalf and open up an investigation. Going the extra mile saves the customer added time and frustration. It might also score you, as the seller, some extra points and loyalty.

Better Approach: Train staff to use scripts as guidelines rather than strict rules. Encourage them to personalize interactions based on the specific context and customer needs.

Read More: Seamless Customer Experience: Top 10 Strategies for Better Service Delivery

The Bottom Line: Mastering Customer Problem Solving

Effective customer problem solving is essential in the dynamic world of customer service, turning every interaction into an opportunity for positive change. As highlighted earlier, addressing and solving customers' problems is not just about quick fixes but about creating lasting relationships. This involves actively listening, empathizing, and using tailored strategies to meet individual customer needs. This approach not only resolves immediate concerns but also sets a high standard for customer service, contributing to the long-term success of any business.

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customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

25 Customer Service Scenarios (And How to Handle Them)

customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

  • Formilla Blog
  • Customer Service

Customer Service Scenarios

Find yourself in a customer service scenario and aren’t sure how to handle it? We’ve got you covered.

This guide will serve as the ultimate customer service scenarios cheat sheet for you to refer to any time you need guidance.

Formilla has been in the customer service and live chat business for over seven years now, and we’ve dealt with handling difficult customers and fun customers alike.

Looking back on those seven years of experience helped us come up with this complete list of customer service questions and answers to help you deliver excellent customer service.

Pro Tip: You can also use many of these responses as live chat canned response examples ! This would help by:

  • Saving you from having to proofread a response before you send it (they’re already spelled correctly!).
  • Allowing you to respond to customer questions without having to remember every detail or research the answer.
  • Training your new customer service reps quickly and easily, as they can get the answer right from the saved replies.

Note: No amount of pre-made scenarios will help you respond the best to every situation. Take time to master the most important customer service skills .

Jump around with this index of all the customer service scenarios:

  • How to Greet Your Customer
  • How to Tell Customers You Need Some Time to Resolve Their Issue
  • How to Transfer a Customer to a Different Chat or Phone Call
  • How to Admit Fault & What to Do About It
  • What to Say When You Can’t Resolve the Issue
  • Following Up With a Customer
  • Responses for Dealing with Angry Customers
  • Responses for Ending the Chat
  • How to Handle a Customer Requesting a Refund
  • How to Handle a Customer Asking for a Discount
  • How to Respond to a Customer Asking for a Product or Feature You Don’t Currently Have
  • What to Say to a Customer Asking to Cancel Their Subscription
  • How to (Tactfully) Let a Customer Know It’s Their Mistake
  • What to Do When a Customer Reaches You in Error (Contacted the Wrong Company)
  • How to Respond to a Customer Asking How Your Product Differs From Other Products
  • How to Respond to a Customer Asking How Secure Your Website or Service is
  • How to Respond to a Customer that Forgot Their Password
  • How to Request Feedback from a Customer
  • How to Request a Review of Your Product or Service at the Right Time
  • What to Say When You’re Too Busy to Respond Right Away
  • How to Point a Customer to an Existing FAQ or Tutorial Without Sounding Rude or Dismissive
  • How to Respond to a Customer That Speaks a Language You Don’t Understand
  • How to Politely Tell Someone They Are in Violation of Your Terms of Use or Policies
  • How to Tell a Customer Their Account is Overdue or Expired
  • How to Respond to a Service Interruption Question

Without further ado, let’s get into these customer service scenarios and answers.

#1: How to Greet Your Customers via Live Chat

First impressions are formed in the first 7 seconds, and they’re hard to break. It’s important to make a good one!

When opening a conversation with someone, you should always introduce yourself. You wouldn’t answer a phone by saying, “How may I help you?” without telling the caller your name, would you? Treat live chat the same way!

Use this to greet your customers:

#2: How to Tell Customers You Need Some Time to Resolve Their Issue

It’s not always possible to resolve an issue immediately. However, you also shouldn’t leave your customer hanging without explaining to them what’s going on.

In fact, if a customer has to say something like “are you still there?”, it hurts customer satisfaction rates.

Here’s how to let the customer know you need some time:

You can even ask the customer to leave their contact information with you in case they’re in a rush: “If you’re in a hurry, I’d be happy to call or email you back with an answer instead.”

#3: How to Transfer a Customer to a Different Chat or Phone Call

Sometimes you can’t solve your customer’s issue and need the help of another department. When that’s the case, it’s important to be tactful – most people hate being transferred!

Here’s a response you can use:

#4: How to Admit Fault & What to Do About It

Let’s face it: Sometimes, we screw something up. It’s OK – we’re only human! However, you need to be transparent when making mistakes.

Here’s what to say to a customer when you’re at fault:

#5: What to Say When You Can’t Resolve the Issue

Maybe they asked you to ship them some peanut butter (and you don’t sell peanut butter), or maybe they need a service you simply don’t offer. Either way, there will come a time when you simply can’t solve a customer’s issue.

(By the way, sending them the peanut butter anyway would be an awesomely creative customer service idea.)

Pro Tip: Use the “compliment sandwich” method – Give them a compliment, tell them the bad news, then end with another compliment.

Here’s a live chat canned response for customers you can’t help:

#6: Following Up With a Customer

As a rule of thumb, if you promised to get back to a customer, get back to them within 24 hours – even if you don’t have a solution yet! This will show them you didn’t forget about them and you’re working on the problem.

Here’s the best canned response for this situation:

If you didn’t solve their problem: “Hey, [their name]! [Your name] here, I just wanted to let you know we’re still working on resolving your situation. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s been fixed! ?”

If you did solve their problem: “Hey, [their name]! We’re all squared away – your problem has been solved. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! ?”

#7: Responses for Dealing with Angry Customers

When it comes to an angry person, think of them as a soda bottle you just dropped. You wouldn’t shake it up more and take the cap off, would you?

Of course not! You have to slowly open and close. *Tss* *Tss* *Tss*

How do you do that? Be empathetic, apologize, show urgency , and use this as a guide:

#8: Responses for Ending the Chat

When it’s time to part ways, do so tactfully. A simple “goodbye” isn’t enough. You just helped them with their issue – this is an opportunity to go the extra mile!

#9: How to Handle a Customer Requesting a Refund

In our case, handling a refund request requires pulling up the account or order and refunding a portion of the cost of the most recent month’s subscription.

As with any product or service, using the product or service for a prolonged period of time and eventually requesting a refund is like eating 90% of a cheeseburger then asking for a refund because you ordered a hamburger instead.

But, you know, it happens (I would know, I’ve worked at McDonald’s) – you just have to know how to deal with it. Try this:

“I’m sorry to hear you didn’t find a use for our product/service. We truly care about our customers getting the right product fit, so we’ll process your request for a refund right away.Keep in mind, however, it can take up to [number] days to process a refund request. I promise to personally keep you updated on the status of your request so you’re never left in the dark.

If your request is approved, you can expect the funds to hit your account within [number] days. If you have any other problems or requests, you can reach me at [your email]. Thanks for reaching out! ?”

#10: How to Handle a Customer Asking for a Discount

Here at Formilla, we tend to take these requests case by case. For example, if an organization is a not-for-profit and on a tight budget, we’ll evaluate their needs and provide a discount to make it more affordable for them.

Other times, we use language such as “what’s your budget like?” and “maybe I can recommend the best package for you or let you know if we have an upcoming promotion soon”. Or, you can give them a discount on the spot.

Here’s a saved reply you can use:

#11: How to Respond to a Customer Asking for a Product or Feature You Don’t Currently Have

This is going to be different than the other examples we’ve given so far because your answer will vary widely based on your business and features. For this section, we’ll show you a direct example of what we’ve done at Formilla, and explain why, so you can tailor it for your own use.

Here’s what we say when a customer asks for a Mac desktop app that we haven’t built yet:

“Hi [their name],Thanks for reaching out! We currently only have a Windows Desktop app (replace this sentence with whatever you currently have), however we have plans to introduce a desktop app for Mac in the future (if you’re planning to build this feature at some point).

I’m not sure exactly when that might be just yet (no firm date b/c it’s not slotted yet), but I’d be happy to let you know once it’s launched (kindly offering to follow-up for convenience).

In the meantime, we recommend logging into the web dashboard at to answer incoming chats, or use our mobile apps for iPhone and Android as an alternative.  You can also check ‘Keep me logged in’ so you don’t have to login each day as the system will remember you for 30 days. (Offer an alternative solution to help ease the pain in the meantime.)

Please let me know if you have any additional questions, and have a great day!”

#12. What to Say to a Customer Asking to Cancel Their Subscription

This is a perfect opportunity to get feedback by asking if there’s anything they were looking for that you don’t have! Was there a problem with the product? Is the price too high?

Customer feedback is one of the best ways to improve your customer service! Take advantage of every opportunity you have to get it. Try this response:

#13. How to (Tactfully) Let a Customer Know It’s Their Mistake

Let me start by saying: You should never make a customer feel like something is their fault  or that they’re stupid (duh).

That said, sometimes things are the customer’s fault. If that’s the case, try an empathetic approach to make the customer feel it’s a common occurrence like this:

“Hello [their name],

We really appreciate you bringing this to our attention! The issue appears to be due to [explain the issue], which I’ve done quite a few times myself ?. The good news is, I’ve already solved the problem for you by [explain how].

I hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions or issues, of course.

[Your name]”

#14. What to Do When a Customer Reaches You in Error (Contacted the Wrong Company)

Hey, it happens to the best of us – sometimes, we accidentally reach out to the wrong company somehow. When that happens (if?), it’s actually a chance for you to win their service!

Rather than simply saying, “Oh sorry, that’s not us”, point them in the right direction… but also ask if there’s anything you can help them with.

For example, if someone contacted us at Formilla thinking we were an art gallery or something (for some strange reason), we would respond like this:

#15. How to Respond to a Customer Asking How Your Product Differs From Other Products

We get it all the time, especially in such a crowded marketplace as live chat software. What makes you different?

This is an excellent opportunity to get more customer feedback. Ask them if they currently have the service you offer (and what they like/dislike about it) or why they’re seeking out that service (to find out their pain points).

Also, rather than respond with a feature comparing ‘checklist’ to show the exact differences, we prefer to focus on our strengths. Most live chat software is the same – but the small extras we offer (like affordability, great customer service, simplicity, and reliability) help us stand out from the crowd.

If someone asks you how you’re different, focus on your strengths with a response like this:

“Hello, [their name]! Thanks for reaching out. What makes us different from our competitors is our absolute focus on customer service, reliability, and simplicity. We also happen to be more affordable than most of the other services out there.

Can I ask what it is you’re looking for in [service you offer]? Do you currently use [service you offer] on your website?”

#16. How to Respond to a Customer Asking How Secure Your Website or Service is

This question is another opportunity to focus on your strengths (particularly if you offer a service).

For example, our strengths in this situation include not storing credit card information, not logging sensitive information, changing admin passwords every 90 days, and limiting access based on role.

Try using a response like this:

#17. How to Respond to a Customer that Forgot Their Password

You’ll likely encounter two types of customers asking this question:

  • Someone simply asking.
  • Someone who’s really upset or angry about the lost password.

Normally we send our customers to the ‘forgot password flow’ to teach them how to change it themselves, so we don’t have to keep manually resetting it and they don’t have to wait on us.  However, if we’re dealing with the second kind of customer – one who seems upset – we’ll do it for them.

You have to gauge what kind of mood they’re in by their tone and specific wording in their response. If they’re using profanities, saying things like ‘this is ridiculous’, or generally seem upset, be careful. Remember the soda bottle!

Try a response like this:

#18. How to Request Feedback from a Customer

While this isn’t a customer service scenario, per se, asking for feedback from your customers is extremely important! Feedback will help you improve everything about your business, from your service to your product and more.

We typically ask for feedback during ongoing conversations with our customers. If you spent a lot of time with them (and they seem fairly happy or at least satisfied), it’s a good opportunity to ask for feedback.

Try something like this:

#19. How to Request a Review of Your Product or Service at the Right Time

I know what you’re thinking – no, feedback and reviews are not the same thing.

Feedback is for your eyes only, to help you improve your product or service. A review (or testimonial), on the other hand, is a public statement of your customer’s experience, normally displayed on your website for all to see.

Reviews are incredibly important! They provide social proof for your brand. Don’t believe me? Check out these stats:

  • 64% of software buyers  want to read at least 6 reviews before making a purchase decision.
  • 88% of consumers  say that they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  • 72% of buyers  will take action only after reading a positive review.

Oh, and the best time to get a user to submit a review? Right after they’ve interacted with your company! You’re still top of mind, and if they took action to reach out to you, they’re more likely to continue to take action and leave a review.

Bonus: If you gave them great service, they’re even more likely to give a great review. Win-win!

So, try something like this:

“[Their name], we’re really glad we were able to solve this problem for you. If you feel we were helpful, would you mind leaving [your product or service] a 5-star review? You can leave a review by going to [link to review].If you don’t feel we deserve a 5-star review, what can we do to better serve you?”

#20. What to Say When You’re Too Busy to Respond Right Away

We all have lives to live, and as business owners (or busy customer service reps), we can’t always answer our customers right away. Sometimes, we’re stuck elsewhere putting out a fire (Steve tried to cook in the company kitchen again).

Not solving a customer’s problem immediately is OK – as long as you at least let them know you can’t respond right away and tell them why.

This is most easily accomplished with an auto-response message, if your live chat service has this feature ( Formilla live chat does!). Something like this should do:

#21. How to Point a Customer to an Existing FAQ or Tutorial Without Sounding Rude or Dismissive

You worked hard creating an amazing FAQ page, don’t let that go to waste! (You did create a great FAQ page, didn’t you?)

However, when sending a customer to another resource, you don’t want to be rude or sound like you don’t care. Avoid that with this saved reply:

#22. How to Respond to a Customer That Speaks a Language You Don’t Understand

¡Osos de peluche mullidos! Sometimes, you’ll encounter customers who don’t speak your language. Don’t worry – you can still bridge the language barrier!

Open Google Translate  in another browser and copy-paste whatever they’re saying. Google can decipher it. Then, type your response, and Google will spit out what you said in the language you need.

In other words, say this (in their language, of course):

#23. How to Politely Tell Someone They Are in Violation of Your Terms of Use or Policies

You know what sucks? Telling someone they violated your terms of use (ToU) or policies. Don’t worry, though – we have a response for that situation, too! (And it’s tactful.)

In our case, sometimes our customers will install our live chat software to multiple different websites, however they’ve purchased only a single website package.

We’d say the following to determine what the customer really needs, rather than assigning any blame:

“Hello, [their name]. I’m reaching out to you because it seems you have our software installed on more than one website, although you’re currently using our single website package. Were you intending to upgrade to one of our multi-site packages instead?

Please let me know, and I can help you select the correct package for your needs. Thank you!

[Your name]”

#24. How to Tell a Customer Their Account is Overdue or Expired

We’ve all missed a payment on something. It’s not fun for any party involved. But, with a little tact (and some honey, instead of gaul, as Dale Carnegie would put it), you can get the majority of customers to make their payment.

We’d say something like this:

“Hello, [their name], I hope you’re having a good day so far!  I’m just writing to let you know your recent payment has failed to process for live chat service.

If you plan to continue your service, you can simply submit a new payment by logging in to your account. I have ensured it will remain active for another five days to give you extra time as well.

If you plan to cancel your service, I can handle that for you as well. Just let me know if you’re having any troubles with our platform or if you need anything else!

#25. How to Respond to a Service Interruption Question

It happens to the best of us – sometimes a raccoon chews through the chords powering your server and your service goes down. Oh crap.

Ideally, when this happens, you should inform your customers of the outage before they ask you. This could take the form of an email blast and social media updates or even a simple message on your home page.

If a customer does ask about the outage, just be transparent about the issue. Let them know you’re working hard to resolve it and that you’ll continue to post status updates to your service uptime page every 60 minutes (or however often you choose).

Bonus points if you tell them to follow you on Twitter for real time updates (just make sure you actually post the updates and don’t forget).

Here’s the verbiage:

“Hello, [their name].  We’re currently having a server issue which has knocked out our service for the time being. We’re aware of the problem and are working hard to solve it.

We’ll be posting status updates every [number] minutes on this page: [link]. You can also follow us on Twitter at [link] for real time updates.

Thank you for your patience as we work through this issue!”

Customer service is nothing if not a daring adventure. There are many customer service scenarios that need to be treated delicately and with tact – and others that offer room for a little more fun.

I hope you’ve realized the importance of providing a great customer experience and have a better understanding of how to handle any situation.

Never get caught off-guard with any customer service scenario again. Download your own free copy of this full guide now!

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Read Next:  9 Brilliant Customer Service Examples

How to Add a Live Chat Plugin or App to Your Site

Comments are closed.

Thank you for inviting me to respond to this post. First of all, it’s quite comprehensive, engaging (in that it invites contributions from readers), and useful to customer service reps.

I liked the periodic use of levity and emoticons throughout – which I think work in many (but not all) support environments (e.g., I have a different expectation when interacting with a rep at Zappos than I have of an employee at, say, Fidelity Investments). To me, these made the communications friendly, disarming, and approachable. I also liked the references to reducing customer effort (#2), encouraging customer feedback (#12), proactive communications (#25), transparency (#25), and follow-up (#25).

There were several things that, if we were critiquing this article together over a beer, I would question:

Too often customers who are not “fun” are described as “difficult.” That’s like saying that someone who is not extraverted is antisocial. That’s just not true. Whenever you describe a customer as “difficult,” you’re suggesting that he is hard to please or satisfy. In my experience, a more accurate description of this type of customer is “discerning” – meaning that he notes differences or distinctions between what he expected and what he received. A discerning customer exhibits keen insight and good judgment. He is perceptive, not hard to please.

I worry whenever I see the word “canned” in an article offering customer service advice. To me, referring to customer responses as “canned” has the same effect as when professional speakers refer to their events as “gigs.” Calling them gigs, in my opinion, cheapens the job. I prefer “event’ or “engagement.” In the same way, a “canned” response doesn’t sound as thoughtful as saying, for instance, a “saved” or “prepared” response.

I would replace the word “transfer” (in the context of transferring a customer to a different department representative, #3) with “connect” or “refer.” Most customers hate the word “transfer.”

Eliminate the conjunction “but” from your customer communications (#4). As soon as customers hear or read that, they begin to brace themselves for bad news… Replace “but” with “and” whenever feasible or simply start a new sentence (e.g., “We will fix it immediately, and it may take up to five business days to fully resolve” or “We will fix it immediately. It may take up to five business days to fully resolve.”)

To my earlier point, #7 was painful to read: “Be empathic, apologize, show urgency, and use this canned response:” The words “empathic” and “canned” do not belong in the same sentence. Have you ever tried to be empathetic with a loved one on an important issue by using a canned response? How did it go?

Also in #7, the suggested response “I understand how frustrating it must be” should be avoided. Try it out with an upset customer (i.e., the soda bottle you just dropped) and tell me how it goes. Most upset customers will retort, “No, you don’t understand!” How could you? Everyone’s unique situation is singular to him or her. The best you could realistically do is imagine how frustrating it must be.

I dislike the reference to “policy” (#13). Like “transfer”, most customers don’t like to hear the word “policy.” Instead of saying “due to our policy”, tell the customer exactly why you can’t do it. In other words, what is the rationale for the decision? Why does the policy exist (e.g., safety, legal, ethical, financial, etc.)?

Telling a customer that she “forgot” something is unnecessarily inflammatory (#17). In place of “forgot”, I’d recommend substituting “can’t locate.”

Others (who are better self-promoters than I am) may disagree with this, but I would never ask someone to give me a “5-star review.” I might ask for an honest review, but I would never tell someone what rating to give me. If there are five stars (options) and the reviewer is an adult, then she can choose for herself how many stars I deserve. If you ask for a 5-star review then, by definition, you’re tampering with the process and undermining the integrity of the results.

I dislike the inflammatory language that riddles the #23 response. I would rewrite it, removing the following words: violated, Section (too formal), violate, comply (“Submit to us!”), and prompt (“Hurry it up!). These words may be necessary if you’re operating a prison, but most work environments can identify softer, less antagonistic words to convey the same message.

When an account is overdue or expired (#24), why dismiss the customer without (as you emphasized in #12) taking advantage of the opportunity to obtain feedback from him? Why is the account overdue? Why did it lapse? Perhaps it’s an expired credit card or the customer has misplaced his login credentials? And if he willfully let the account expire, then why did he do so – and is there something that could be done to convince him to reinstate it?

My two cents. Thanks again for sharing the post and inviting my feedback.

Best, Steve

Hey, Steve!

Wow, excellent points! Thank you for taking so much time to thoroughly go through the entire post. I’m going to go back and update this based on your feedback. I’ll let you know when it’s updated – thanks again! ?

Cheers, Bill

It is great article no doubt. Thanks for sharing.

customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

Steve Curtin

Bill widmer, today’s must reads.

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  • 25 Customer Service Scenarios (And How to Handle Them) Bill Widmer Customer Service
  • Guest Blogging: 7 Steps to Generate 8000 Visitors With One Post Bill Widmer How To Generate Traffic

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  • Customer experience management

8 customer service challenges and how to resolve them

The most important skill for a customer service agent to learn is empathy. that, plus a well-crafted customer service plan, can solve nearly any problem that arises..

Sandra Mathis

  • Sandra Mathis, Microsoft

Customer service agents are the first line of defense in solving issues and managing customer expectations , but finding a solution is not always as easy as it seems.

How an agent addresses a challenge can be the difference between a repeat customer or one that will seek out a competitor. Understanding the top eight common challenges -- and how to address them -- is only the first step to ensuring long-term customer loyalty .

1. Managing customer expectations

The core of all customer service interactions is understanding the customer's needs and the best way to satisfy them. It begins with customer service agents actively listening to the customer as they explain their issue. Next, agents must act as investigators as they take that information and ask additional questions to get to the root cause of the problem. Then, they can identify the best solution based on the company's processes and procedures.

Customer service agents must empathize with customers because they need to build a relationship that instills trust. If the customer knew how to resolve the problem independently, they would not have reached out for help. The customer service agent can address the issue beginning with an apology:

This article is part of

Ultimate guide to customer service for businesses

  • Which also includes:
  • 10 customer service best practices to follow
  • 13 customer retention strategies that work
  • 5 examples of bad customer service and how to avoid them

Download this entire guide for FREE now!

"Mr. Black, we're sorry for the problem you are experiencing. Let's see how we can get this matter resolved for you. Can you tell me more about what's happening? "

Then, the agent can ask follow-up questions to help get more context for the problem. Once the agent identifies the root problem and possible cause, they can start finding viable solutions.

A list of nine traits that identify a successful and efficient call center agent.

2. Not having a satisfactory answer

The general expectation is that a service agent will resolve any concern or problem a customer may have. However, a time will inevitably come when a customer service agent cannot answer a customer's question or provide a satisfactory resolution to their problem. If a proper solution takes time beyond the first call, customers should have their expectations managed with regularly scheduled follow-ups . A possible response to a customer could be:

"Ms. Johnson, I am looking at your account information. Based on what you are telling me and what I can view on your account, I will need to follow up with another agent to give you the correct information on the next steps. Can I place you on hold for two minutes to do that follow-up?"

It's essential to manage expectations and provide an update if a full resolution is still in progress. It's critical not to leave the customer wondering.

3. Transferring customer calls too frequently

There are two red flags for customers when they contact a customer service department -- a phone tree that goes on and on and automated messages that transfer them from team to team. While a call sometimes needs to be transferred to better support a customer's needs, making this process as seamless as possible is crucial to creating a superior customer experience. The agent should inform the customer who they will be speaking to and why this transfer is appropriate to their particular needs. A possible response might be:

The general expectation is that a service agent will resolve any concern or problem a customer may have.

"Ms. Hall, I am going to transfer you over to Sue, who is in the payments department. She is better able to look into the details of what happened with your bill back in September. I will remain on the line with you as this takes place."

4. Upset customers

An unfortunate yet common experience is encountering angry customers, and it takes skill to handle them appropriately . Customers want their dissatisfaction taken seriously and their problem resolved as quickly as possible. It is essential that a customer service agent listens and responds with genuine empathy and compassion during these interactions. A good guideline is to apologize for the situation; a customer service agent should take responsibility and accountability for the organization.

"Mr. Smith, I'm sorry this happened. Let me see what I can do to resolve this situation for you as quickly as possible."

5. Customers are dealing with service outages

It is paramount to be transparent with customers about what the service team does and does not know when service outages happen. The best approach is to explain what the problem appears to be at that moment, including if there is no current estimated time of resolution. There is often an ongoing communication response plan by those working on the outage or crisis response teams in cases like this.

"Mrs. Jones, I'm sorry that this outage has impacted you. The service outage is on our end, and our response team is diagnosing the problem with our technicians. Once we have a clear idea of the cause, we can provide an estimate for when the service will be restored. Based on my current information, we expect to get our next update in an hour. At that point, I could provide an update via email or text message, depending on your preference. Thank you for your patience and understanding."

6. Lack of time due to serving multiple customers at once

Addressing multiple tasks and customers at a time is sometimes unavoidable. It's often best to have a method in place to handle these scenarios when they arise. When addressing the first customer, the agent should inform them it will take time to manage their inquiry or find a solution. Often, customers are okay being placed on hold if it means a resolution is coming.

"Ms. Lee, are you okay if I place you on hold to look into this situation further? It should only take me a couple of minutes."

Then, if another call comes through, the customer service agent will be expected to multitask both interactions. The goal should be to create an experience that feels personalized -- even while handling multiple calls. This is a skill that will develop over time and takes practice to perfect .

7. Not having a solution to the customer's problem

Occasionally, a customer may have a request that goes beyond what a company provides or offers. In such a situation, the customer service agent is responsible for managing expectations. It's best to give a 'soft no' and provide a comparable alternative if possible.

" Thank you for calling, Mr. Adams. Unfortunately, this is not something we currently offer, but we can do X, which is not quite the same but may still address your needs."

8. Customer service inquiries are not consistent

As service and product offerings evolve, new procedures for addressing issues can come from ad hoc experiences. As a result, the customer service experience may be inconsistent and not align with the customer service workflow or the appropriate stage in the customer journey . The agent should be able to use their expertise to help address any discrepancies. As the customer service team compares the agent's work against the established customer service plan , they can identify key areas to be revised while keeping the customer journey in mind.

Applying the tips identified in these eight scenarios will enable customer service agents to tackle challenging customer service situations and help build long-lasting customer loyalty .

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10 examples of AI in customer service

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Related Resources

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  • Customer experience maps vs. customer journey maps –TechTarget
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The Guide to Effective Customer Service Problem Solving

Sarah Chambers

Cases that start as “I don’t know” quickly become “I figured it out!”

“I don’t know” isn’t a good enough answer in customer support. When customers come to you with unique problems and unusual questions, we can’t refuse to answer them. In this guide, we’ll give you the steps to turn that “I don’t know” into something better:

“I don’t know, but I’m going to figure it out.”

With this guide to effective customer service problem solving, we give you a three-step process to follow:

  • take stock of the information you’ve been given,
  • gather any additional information you need,
  • and then work to solve the problem and respond to the customer.

Let’s get started.

Assess the information you have

Information is the most important tool in your tool belt. The first step in solving any problem is to identify all the information you already know. Whether this case was escalated to you for help, or if you’ve just realized that there may be more than meets the eye to this problem, take the time to lay out everything you know.

Customer’s tone

How does your customer feel about the situation? Are they technically minded, or are they struggling to describe technical issues ? Are they calm and cooperative? Or combative and frustrated? Is this a deal-breaker for them? Or is it just a weird bug? The demeanor of your customer will inform how you approach the situation going forward.

Customer’s history

Do a quick review of the customer’s previous support interactions, any purchases they’ve made, what plan type they are on, etc. This context will help you replicate the issue, as well as respond appropriately to the customer.

What’s happening?

Do you know enough about what’s happening? Have they sent through screenshots? Error messages? Console data? What were they trying to accomplish? It doesn’t need to be a technical problem for this step to still be important. Understanding what the customer’s motivation is will help solve a variety of issues.

Has this happened before?

It’s very unlikely that this is a brand new problem. Has the customer reported it happening before? Has any other customer reported it happening before? Help desk search functions are incredibly powerful tools. Search error messages and problem statements to see if other customers have reported similar issues. You can also search the internet to see if it’s a third-party issue. For example, if you’re using a third-party payment system, you might be seeing one of their errors when customers are purchasing on your website.

Gather more information

Okay, we’re partway there! If you didn’t have an epiphany while you were sorting through the information already at your disposal (sometimes that happens!), it’s time to gather more data.

Can you replicate it?

There’s no way to get more information than to get hands-on with the problem. Do you see the same thing happening?

If not, what information do you need to replicate it?

If you can’t replicate the issue, it’s probably because you’re doing something different or in a different environment. What information do you already have about the customer’s environment? What do you need to know in order to do exactly the same thing?

  • Environment: browser version, extensions (try it incognito?), other settings.
  • Steps: can they record a screengrab? What are they trying to do? What error message do they get?
  • Specific settings: what account are they using? What version of your product are they using? If you can try it in their account (using “admin mode” or “god mode” so you can see it without asking for their username or password), does it happen for you as well?

Ask other people

Now’s the time to check in with other people on your team to see if they have any ideas. Have they ever seen something similar?

Depending on your relationship with your product and engineering team, you may also be able to check in with them at this point. However, many teams have a more formal bug reporting process in place to prevent “side of the desk” questions from interfering with their workflow. If that’s the case, you may want to do more research first.

Solve the problem

Now you’ll need to actually solve the problem for the customer. It might require finding a workaround, or reporting a bug to the development team.

Bug or works-as-designed?

Once you’ve replicated the issue, you’ll need to decide whether that is the way it’s supposed to work, or if you’ve found a bug. If it’s a bug, congrats! You can file a bug ticket and ask your engineering team to fix it. If it’s a feature or a design flaw, you may need to make a case for an update. In this case, the complex problem may turn into a feature request.

Is there a workaround?

Can you get to the customer’s desired end result in another way? Whether the issue turns out to be a bug or a feature, if you can find another way to achieve their goal, your customer will be happy!

Write a great response

Once you’ve replicated the issue, solved the problem, found a workable solution, or at least documented the bug for a future fix, you need to get back to the customer. Writing an empathetic, thorough response can make all the difference in a complex situation.

In many cases, your response will follow the same steps as a great customer service apology :

  • Offer explanation
  • Fix the problem
  • Wrap it up and let them know what’s next

Resources for Customer Service Problem Solving

We all need a little help sometimes. If you’re learning how to fix more difficult problems, these resources can help.

Help Scout’s Art of Troubleshooting

On a mission to troubleshoot a bug? This guide is super helpful .

Support Details website

Customer service problem solving

Learn how to use Developer Tools, especially Web Consoles

Customer service problem solving

Be like Sherlock, and look for clues!

Customer support requires communication skills and problem-solving skills. Looking for the clues to solve the puzzle becomes a big part of your job as soon as you start to take on more difficult customers. With this guide to customer service problem solving, you’ll have a systematic way to approach those tough questions. Cases that start as “I don’t know” quickly become “I figured it out!”

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Sarah Chambers is a Customer Support Consultant and Content Creator from Vancouver, Canada. When she’s not arguing about customer service, she’s usually outdoors rock climbing or snowboarding. Follow her on Twitter @sarahleeyoga to keep up with her adventures.

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Table of contents

The complete guide to customer service troubleshooting.

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“Houston, we have a problem!”

“Never mind, John – there’s nothing great troubleshooting can’t fix!”

If you’re in customer support , solving customer issues is something you’re expected to be good at. After all, you spend much of your time helping “fix” things for customers.

And while you may be great at fixing customer issues, are you equally great at troubleshooting them?

Those are two very different things.

In this post, we’ll help you understand what customer service troubleshooting entails, and how you can become a great troubleshooter yourself.

Table of Contents

What is troubleshooting.

Quite simply, troubleshooting refers to the process of identifying the root cause of an issue and implementing the best possible solution to fix it. Oftentimes the terms troubleshooting and problem-solving are used interchangeably, but the former specifically pertains to technical support, while the latter is a broader, more general term.

Effective customer support troubleshooting isn’t about finding quick fixes – it follows a more methodical and careful approach to issue resolution. It requires a mix of ingenuity as well as experience; meticulousness and speed.

Implementing a temporary fix can seem like a swift and simple way to close a customer issue, but chances are, sooner or later, you’ll have to bear the brunt of that hasty fix – whether it’s in the form of time or money (or both!). 

Think about this in terms of how several people mismanage their finances. When they’re short on cash, they use their credit cards to “solve” the problem. When it’s time to pay their credit card bill, they try to find a “quick fix” to the issue by taking a cash advance from a different bank account. The result? They get stuck in an almost inescapable debt loop!

Poor troubleshooting is quite like that. Often succumbing to the pressure of resolving customer issues quickly, support professionals tend to rely on short-term fixes rather than spending time and effort in diagnosing why the issue occurred in the first place. This results in nothing but hastily-implemented stopgap solutions that are sure to cause significant long-term damage and loss to your business. 

That’s surely not what you want, do you? 

Well, that’s exactly why effective troubleshooting is crucial.

Why is troubleshooting such an important customer support skill?

Troubleshooting is one of the most critical aspects of a customer support job. Your customers have invested in your product with the hope and trust that it’ll consistently help them achieve their personal as well as their professional goals. If they experience an issue with your product, and if that issue isn’t handled to the best of their expectations, you’re jeopardizing their trust, and that’s bound to affect your customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

Following are the key reasons why great customer support troubleshooting is so essential for business’ success:  

1. It reduces customer churn

Research suggests that most customers will avoid reaching out to customer support agents for help unless absolutely necessary. It’s probably only after they’ve tried everything possible from their end, and haven’t succeeded, that they’ll get in touch with you. At this point, bear in mind that their patience is wearing thin, and their frustration is at an all-time high.

But that’s not entirely a bad thing.

When you go out of your way to fix a really complex customer issue quickly – one they’ve themselves been struggling to resolve, you’re helping earn back their trust and increase customer retention.

One survey found that resolving customer issues at the first engagement can prevent 67% of customer churn. This just goes to prove how important great troubleshooting skills are for service recovery .

Customer churn can be prevented if issues are resolved at the first engagement

2. It improves the customer experience

Imagine a scenario where a customer is under a tight deadline, and their work is stuck because they’re unable to login to your product. At such a time, all that the customer is truly hoping for is that their issue gets resolved quickly, and with minimum effort.

When you’re great at troubleshooting, you’ll empathize with the customer’s plight, know exactly the right questions to ask of them, and not put them under the pressure of inspecting and resolving the issue. 

Your customers will always value and remember these instances where you didn’t just resolve their issues on time but also made the process extremely convenient for them.

Recommended Reading

customer journey mapping

3. It saves you and your customers a lot of time

As a customer service representative, your to-do list is ever-expanding, and working efficiently is the only way you can keep up with the tasks at hand. That’s where your stellar troubleshooting skills come in handy. 

Good troubleshooting is not just about finding the best possible solution to a customer’s problem but is also about finding one quickly. Evaluating similar issues customers have faced in the past, having great knowledge of the product, and regularly documenting the troubleshooting process for unique customer issues are a few ways you can speed up issue resolution. Doing this can save both you as well your customers a lot of time.

The key qualities of a great troubleshooter

Great troubleshooting is an acquired skill. Sure, some people are gifted problem-solvers, but troubleshooting goes beyond the realms of mere problem-solving – it aims at understanding the nature of the problem, why it exists, what’s the best solution to it, and ensuring it doesn’t occur again. To do all of this successfully, customer service agents require the following qualities:

1. Communicating with empathy and patience

The most important quality of a troubleshooter is their ability to patiently listen to customers’ needs while showing genuine empathy for their problems.

It’s important that you pay attention to the smallest of cues and details that customers share with you. At the same time, it’s also essential that you don’t overwhelm them with too many unnecessary questions loaded with jargon. Remember – not all your customers are going to be tech-savvy, so simplify your communication as much as possible. 

Carefully listening to customer issues will help you troubleshoot quickly while also giving you ideas to constantly provide excellent customer service.

Tips to help you become a better listener

2. Researching well

While handling support for a product or service, you’ll have similar customer service issues come up multiple times. Chances are that a lot of these issues are fairly easy to resolve, and will have answers somewhere within your knowledge base , FAQ sections, or your issue logs. In such cases, walking customers through the issue resolution process isn’t much of a challenge.

The true test of your troubleshooting prowess happens when you encounter a unique customer issue that hasn’t been documented before. That’s when you need to know how to research the cause of the issue as well as its possible solutions by scouring through reliable resources across the internet and by discussing the problem with more experienced colleagues. Great research skills are indispensable for great troubleshooting.

3. Thinking out-of-the-box

Some customer issues can be handled in a pretty straightforward manner – you diagnose the issue, identify the main area(s) of concern(s) and find the best way to fix the problem for good. The customer is happy and so are you!

But, being in the tough job that customer support is, you’re well aware that not all days are as rosy and not all customer issues, as simple. 

Approaching complex customer problems requires a mix of critical, logical and creative thinking. You sometimes have to break free from the formulaic approach to resolving issues. 

Creating mind maps, having brainstorming sessions with your team and constantly updating your skills by the way of research and training are some great ways to enhance your creative troubleshooting abilities. 

4. Being a team player

No matter how skilled a problem solver you may be, collaborating with your team on various customer issues is a vital troubleshooting practice. 

Why? Because your support team will have individuals with diverse skill sets, experience, and varied perspectives. This will help you develop a holistic customer service problem-solving approach.

Ensure that you regularly bounce ideas off each other, hold daily discussions about unique customer issues and work together to resolve them. 

hiver remote team

5. Being decisive

Customers hate waiting – no secrets there. When they reach out to you with support issues, they expect you to resolve them quickly. 

But as a dedicated service rep, you have to perform your due diligence. Providing them with a quick fix is not the right way to go about it.

How do you then give your customers what they want, without compromising on your support quality?

By being decisive when you need to. 

Once you’ve successfully identified an issue and the possible solutions to fix it, you must be quick in evaluating every solution, choosing the most appropriate one, and helping customers implement it. 

Decisiveness isn’t just about rushing to make a choice when you’re presented with a plethora of options – it’s about making the right one.

9 Customer Service Skills

Steps involved in the troubleshooting process

7 steps in customer support troubleshooting

Now that we’ve gone over the importance of customer support troubleshooting along with the key skills needed to troubleshoot effectively, let’s unpack what the entire process looks like.

Here’s the step by step guide you’ll need to troubleshoot customer support issues effectively:

1. Understand the problem

The first step in troubleshooting a support issue is to understand the problem. Here’s where the effective communication skills we earlier spoke of come in handy. To understand an issue comprehensively, you must do the following three important things:

a) Ask the customer the right questions 

Perhaps the most important first step in troubleshooting an issue (besides apologizing for it, of course) is asking the customer the right questions. 

More often than not, customers won’t be able to give you a clear picture of their issue unless you guide them well. Start by asking the most basic question – “Can you please explain the problem you’re experiencing?”. Follow up with more specific questions like, “When did this problem first occur?”, “Can you please send me a screenshot of the error you see?”, “Are you seeing the error message only when you perform a particular action?”, etc.

Your questions should help you get clarity and context about what the issue is and how it’s impacting the customer.

b) Dig deeper into the issue

Once you’ve collected all the necessary information from the customer, the next step is to dig deeper into the issue – check if a similar issue has been documented in the past (in your knowledge base or issue logs). If it has, you know the drill, but if it hasn’t, you’ll have to collect more information to successfully diagnose the issue. 

Ask the customer if they can do a screen share with you. This way, you can use your expertise to gauge the problem better and make note of the important details the customer may have missed sharing with you. 

c) Define the issue 

Once you’ve clearly understood the problem, you should be able to define it – what the issue actually is, what the customer is intending to do vis-à-vis what is happening instead.

At this stage, it is important that you clearly communicate your understanding of the issue to the customer so you’re both on the same page.

2. Break it down

After understanding and defining the issue properly, you’ll have to further break it down to find out at which exact point things went wrong – in other words, identify the “root cause” of the issue. You’ll need to do the following:

a) Test out the basics first (one at a time)

Oftentimes, a customer issue isn’t as complex as it appears to be at the first glance. Changing simple things like clearing the cache and cookies, logging out and logging back in, removing browser extensions, restarting the device and using a different browser can help fix the issue. 

Make sure to try each of the above things one at a time though. Doing this will help you understand which one of your tests exactly resolved the issue. Use your discretion and knowledge to decide the order in which you want to run the tests.

b) Do a before vs. after comparison

A great way to narrow down a tech issue is to compare it with a normal, working version of it. Create a checklist of the differences if you like – it’ll just make it a lot clearer for you to understand where the issue lies and how you should approach it.

hiver customer service benchmark report 2021

3. Identify possible solutions

At this point, you’re well on your way to find a fix or a workaround for the issue your customer is facing.  Brainstorm possible solutions with your team . This is the stage where you’ll also need to see if other departments (for example, engineering) need to step in. Create a list of all possible solutions you’ve come up with. Here are the next steps you should follow:

a) Evaluate alternative solutions

There’s almost always going to be more than one way to fix a customer issue. Your job is to evaluate each one of these alternatives and propose the best one – one that’s the most fool-proof, the fastest and the most convenient to implement. Again, it’s a great practice that you get inputs from your more experienced colleagues here.

b) T est out the chosen solution 

Before getting the customer onboard with the solution, make sure you thoroughly test it out yourself and iron out any issues that might crop up.  You don’t want the customer getting excited for nothing!

If things look good, which they’re most likely to, wonderful! If not, don’t worry – try going back to the earlier steps and see if you’ve missed something and make the required changes.

c) Propose the solution to the customer

After you’ve tested out the solution, it’s time to let the customer know you have a fix for their issue. Try to be as descriptive and clear as possible while sharing details about the proposed solution. If required, fix a call with the customer and walk them through the entire process.

4. Implement the solution

You’ve found the right solution to the issue and your customer’s onboard with it. Great! Now, it’s time to implement it. Considering that you’ve been thorough with all your testing, implementing the fix should be fairly simple.

The following are two important steps to follow after you’ve implemented the fix:

a) Try to find a permanent fix 

Try to analyze if this issue can be fixed permanently so that other customers don’t have to experience the same problem. For example, if while troubleshooting you found that using a particular browser causes your app to crash, let your development team know so they can fix the issue for good.

b) Document the issue

This is a very important step that shouldn’t be missed. Make sure you document all the details about this issue and the resolution process for the benefit of other members in your team as well as other customers. This will help them both save a lot of time if they were to encounter a similar issue in the future. 

Make it a practice to update your knowledge base and issue logs each time you troubleshoot a unique issue.

Most importantly – help your customers help themselves

Following the above structure is a great way to resolve most complex support issues, but a lot of times, simple tweaks can do what a long-drawn-out troubleshooting process doesn’t have to. 

Encourage your customers to perform the basic troubleshooting checks (as mentioned above in step 2) like rebooting their system, clearing their cache and cookies, etc. themselves. Guide them with the information in your knowledge base that’s relevant to their issue. Instead of sending them a direct link to the article, summarize the resolution process in an email and add the article link towards the end. 

Effective troubleshooting is as much about being efficient as it is about being systematic. It’s something both your team and your customers will appreciate.

Now go – be the troubleshooting hero you’re meant to be!

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10 Tips and Techniques for Customer Service Problem-Solving

October 11, 2023

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Tips and Techniques for Customer Service Problem-Solving

In the customer service world, challenges arise when you least expect them. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, mastering the art of problem-solving is essential.

In this article, we’ll share with you 10 simple yet effective tips and techniques that will empower your team to navigate customer service issues like a pro.

From active listening to setting realistic expectations and offering solutions, these strategies will benefit your business by enhancing your team’s problem-solving skills and boosting customer satisfaction.

Why are problem-solving skills important in customer service?

Problem-solving skills are crucial in customer service because they turn frustrating situations into bright opportunities. When you effectively identify and address customer issues, you also show that you genuinely care about their satisfaction.

These skills build trust, improve customer loyalty, and lead to positive word-of-mouth recommendations. Moreover, they help your team handle challenges efficiently, reducing stress and improving overall job satisfaction.

In short, mastering problem-solving in customer service is the key to creating happy customers and a thriving, customer-centric business.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 1 - Active Listening

Active listening is a vital technique in customer service problem-solving. It involves fully focusing on what the customer is saying, not just waiting for your turn to speak.

customer service problem solving - active listening

To practice it effectively, encourage your team to maintain eye contact, nod in acknowledgment, and use phrases like "I understand" to show empathy. Let them practice how to avoid interrupting and give customers the space to express themselves fully.

By truly hearing your customers’ concerns and needs, your team can respond more precisely and find solutions that leave customers feeling valued and satisfied. This successfully turns potentially challenging situations into positive experiences.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) can empower your customer service team's problem-solving skills by offering interactive and customized training courses. These problem solving training courses include SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Problem Solver course. There’s also a course on Dealing with Difficult Customers .

customer serivce problem solving - reporting and analytics

Through scenario-based simulations, your team members can practice resolving real-life customer issues in a safe learning environment. SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s reporting and analytics features allow you to monitor individual progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted feedback.

Customer service problem solving - SC Training microlearning

With the flexibility of mobile learning , your team can also access training anytime, anywhere, making it convenient to sharpen their problem-solving abilities. Plus, SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s engaging and adaptive content makes sure that your team stays motivated and develops the critical skills needed to excel in customer service problem-solving.

Sign up to SC Training (formerly EdApp) for free to unlock your customer service team’s best potential.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 2 - Stay Calm and Patient

Staying calm and patient is a superpower in problem-solving. When your team keeps their cool even in tough situations, it sends a reassuring message to the customer that they’re competent and there to help.

customer service problem solving - stay calm and patient

Some tips you can give them are to take deep breaths, to remember it's not personal, and to not rush through the conversation. Pausing to collect their thoughts can also lead to better solutions and prevent the situation from escalating.

With this customer service problem-solving skill, your team gains the upper hand in resolving issues effectively, creating happier customers, and making their jobs less stressful in the process.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 3 - Apologize Sincerely

Apologizing sincerely is a golden technique in customer service. When your team members genuinely say, "I'm sorry," they show empathy and take responsibility for any inconvenience the customer has faced, regardless of fault.

customer service problem solving - apologize sincerely

This simple act of acknowledging their frustration can go a long way in diffusing tension and starting the path toward resolution when it comes to customer service problem solving. A sincere apology demonstrates that your customer service team cares about their experience and is committed to making it right.

So, don't let your team underestimate the power of a heartfelt "I'm sorry" in turning a customer's problem into an opportunity to leave them feeling valued and satisfied.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 4 - Take Ownership

Taking ownership is a remarkable technique when dealing with customer problems. When your team members accept responsibility for resolving an issue, they send a clear message to the customer that their concerns matter to your business.

customer service problem solving - take ownership

It doesn't matter if your product or service caused the problem. By taking ownership, your team demonstrates a commitment to finding a solution and ensuring their satisfaction. This step builds trust and confidence in your customers, showing that your team is there to support them every step of the way.

Encourage your team to say, "I'll take care of this for you." It's a powerful way to transform challenges into opportunities in exceptional customer service problem solving.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 5 - Set Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is an important step for customer service problem solving. When you communicate clear timelines, you're being honest and transparent with what the customer can expect.

customer service problem solving - set realistic expectations

This helps manage their expectations and prevents disappointment down the road. Under-promising and over-delivering is a technique your team can use to make sure that they have the time and resources needed to meet or exceed the commitments they’ve made.

This technique not only prevents misunderstandings but also creates a positive experience by showing that your team is dependable and trustworthy. It ultimately makes customers happier and more satisfied with the service they receive.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 6 - Collaborate with Colleagues

Letting your team members collaborate with their colleagues for problem-solving is like having a superhero team for customer service in your organization. Sometimes, challenges are complex, and it's perfectly okay to call in reinforcements.

customer service problem solving - collaborate with colleagues

They can also involve other team members or departments when needed, ensuring that they have all the expertise and resources at their disposal. Effective internal communication is the key here; so make sure that everyone is on the same page.

This customer service problem solving example helps find more comprehensive solutions and demonstrates a unified commitment to customer satisfaction. So, remind your team that they’re not alone in this mission–collaborate, conquer, and make your customers' day better together.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 7 - Offer Solutions

Offering solutions is not just about acknowledging the issue; it's about actively seeking ways to fix it. Presenting practical solutions to the customer's problem shows that your team is dedicated to making things right and that customer satisfaction is their top priority.

customer service problem solving - offer solutions

So when faced with examples of problem-solving scenarios, have your team discuss the options, outlining the pros and cons if necessary, to help your customers make an informed decision.

Offering solutions not only resolves the immediate problem but also fosters trust and loyalty, leaving customers feeling heard, valued, and confident in your team’s ability to provide exceptional service.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 8 - Follow-Up

Once the issue is resolved, your customer service team shouldn’t leave your customers hanging. They should take the extra step to check in with them.

customer service problem solving - follow up

Whether it's a quick email or a phone call, asking if everything is going well shows that your team genuinely cares about their satisfaction even after the problem is resolved. It's a fantastic way to ensure their needs are fully met and to gather valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

Following up not only leaves a lasting positive impression but also transforms a simple resolution into a memorable and delightful customer experience . So, remind your team to circle back and make sure that your customers are smiling long after the issue is history.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 9 - Document the Interaction

When your team members keep detailed records of customer issues and the steps taken to resolve them, they’re creating a valuable resource for your customer service team.

customer service problem solving - document the interaction

These records offer a clear picture of past challenges and solutions, making it easier to spot trends and identify areas for improvement. Plus, they guarantee consistency in your service by allowing any team member to pick up where you left off, providing a seamless customer experience.

Think of documentation as your team’s secret weapon for conquering future customer service adventures, helping them navigate problems with confidence and precision.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 10 - Learn from Each Case

After resolving an issue, let your team take a moment to reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Have them analyze customer feedback and common issues to identify patterns and trends.

customer service problem solving - learn from each case

By turning each case into a learning opportunity, your team can continually refine their problem-solving skills and fine-tune your business’s customer service approach.

It's the key to growth, making sure that you and your team are always ready to tackle new challenges with even greater expertise. This ultimately creates happier customers.

Donna is an elearning content writer for SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-based microlearning platform designed for today's digital training needs. When she's not writing web articles, she writes lines of code or songs or anything food-related.

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10 Common Customer Service Problems and How to Resolve Them

customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

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ProProfs Help Desk Editorial Team is a diverse group of professionals passionate about help desk management. We update you on the latest trends, dive into technical topics, and offer insights to elevate your business.

Customer Service Problems

Customer. Vendor. Seller. Buyer.

All of them have been around since the concept of commerce started.

Fast forward to 2020.

Today, it is all about the ‘Age of the Customer’. Businesses have grown more concerned; some may say, even obsessed with how their customers are treated. 

And rightfully so. 

It only takes one bad experience for the customer to swear off your business forever. 

By the same logic, one outstanding customer experience can convert them into loyal brand ambassadors, lifelong. 

So, what is the most natural solution to ensure that your relationship with your customers becomes better? 

Isn’t the answer pretty obvious?

You can have a great product and a very talented staff. But the one thing that the majority of customers will remember in all likelihood is the direct interaction they had with your business. 

And who is at the forefront of this experience? Your customer service team, of course!

Great Customer Service Can Be an Asset to Your Business

The bottom line is that your customer service department is the face of the company for your customers. Any experience that they have is primarily a direct outcome of the quality and skill of the team. 

Hence, any strong business will look to harness the power of customer service to develop positive relationships with the clients. But if you are a proactive company, you will keep asking the questions, “ What is good customer service? ”

The core value of outstanding customer service is centralized around attending to the needs and expectations of your customers through careful listening. Therefore, to prevent the relationship from stagnating, you have to be constantly looking out for newer and innovative opportunities for experience enhancement. 

Improving Customer Service Standards by Addressing  Problems Head-on

Your customers are interacting with your business pretty much every day. It is clear that at some stage, your team will encounter roadblocks and challenges. 

The success of your business will depend on how skillfully you handle your customer service problems .

Remember, if you can resolve these issues successfully, you would have won a customer for their lifetime. They will return to you again and again, thus, boosting revenue and profits. 

On the other hand, if the handling is poor, expect your customers to bolt to your closest competitor. And with it goes your revenue too. 

So, the question remains that in spite of knowing the benefits of a positive customer service experience, why is it so hard to deliver it consistently? 

Everyone knows that customer service jobs are really challenging. And a problematic customer is probably the icing on the cake. 

Problems, queries, and complaints, you never know what’s in store for you next. Some days you could be solving customer problems for one distressed client, whereas other days can feel like a train wreck. And your job is to salvage it all.  And end it all on a high note.

Customer service is no rocket science.  But if it’s that simple, then why do so many businesses do not know how to solve customer service problems? 

Maybe looking and analyzing the reasons behind common customer service problems as reported by consumers can be a step in the right direction. 

Let’s take a closer look at the solutions that can help you get your customer service standards up in the process. 

1. When the Response Times Are Long

response time too long

Customers today expect communication with service departments to be instant. In fact, they want immediate resolution of their concerns too. This is, indisputably, the first in the long list of the common problem with customer service that needs to be addressed by businesses. 

Check out the reasons why this major problem occurs frequently:

  • If the company does not establish a standard set of processes and practices to the field, answer and evaluate responses
  • If there is no accountability on the part of the agent if response times have been really prolonged
  • If agents end up doing a lot of manual work in the absence of adequate automation
  • If agents are not trained to handle multiple queries simultaneously

To drive yourself back into the fast lane, you need to do the following:

  • Create a process that outlines the workflow of what an agent should do when he or she receives a customer query with the focus of handling it promptly and efficiently
  • Ensure that your agents are aware of their roles and responsibilities along with who they are accountable to if and when there are lapses in service
  • Make use of technology and automation that helps take care of some of the repetitive tasks through a combination of canned  responses that are framed to expedite the workflow
  • Allow your customers to reach you via multiple channels including email, website chat, phone, hosted with  contact center technology , social, text message and allocate resources accordingly
  • Start creating a knowledge base to pre-package responses to the most commonly asked questions which also ensures that your service team remains consistent with their levels of service

Customer service issues, if left unattended, can be a frustrating experience for your client. Be proactive and keep your customers informed of how you aim to address their issues quickly.

2. When Customer Reps Do Not Listen Carefully to What the Client Needs

Your customer service problem-solving starts by diving due importance to listening. This is often overlooked, which may result in catching the customer service agent off guard with questions to which you may not have the appropriate answer.

You may not want to be in a position where you have to listen to customers complaining. Unless you give your full attention to what the customer is saying, it will be difficult to understand what they need or how to service their problem. 

You can land up in this situation due to the following reasons:

  • If the customer finds it difficult to explain the issue due to a lack of knowledge of relevant technical terms
  • If the customer has been disappointed with the product or service as it did not meet their expectations
  • If you simply do not know the answer to the concern because you did not pay attention to what the customer said

To help you deliver the right resolution, you can do the following:

  • Ensure that you have understood the issue about what the customer requires and double-check the problem if required
  • Follow it up with a genuine apology because many customers are simply looking for an acknowledgment of the mistake made by the business
  • If you do not have a solution right away, then admit it to the customer right away
  • On the other hand, if a ready solution is available, then share it with the customer immediately.

Respond quickly to customer complaints

A study published in the Harvard Business Review reported that a complaining customer handled proactively in less than 5 minutes will go on to spend more on purchases in the future.

Y our agents should be quick to understand and analyze customer problems.

Remember that empathy, too, begins with active listening.  Wouldn’t you call this an ideal customer service problem example ?

3. When the Customer Gets Transferred from One Department to Another

When people engage with businesses, and it does not turn out as per their expectations, it is the ultimate death knell to your reputation.

When a customer keeps getting transferred from one agent or department to another, it ensures that a customer will never return to you or your business in the future. Neither will they recommend you to people they know. This brings us to the second most common customer service problem.

Here are some reasons why a customer call may get transferred:

  • If the customer agent does not have a ready solution to the query that has been put forward by the client
  • If the rep is not the appropriate individual to offer a resolution to the issue
  • If the agent feels that a superior will be able to offer a better solution to the problem

To ensure that the customer is not enraged, this is what you can do to pacify the situation before transferring the customer:

  • Inform the customer the reason, why you need to transfer the call to another agent, senior manager or department
  • Explain the present situation in detail so that the customer understands that sticking with you may take more time to resolve the issue
  • Request permission to transfer the call and ask if the customer has any further questions that need answering
  • Wait for a confirmation in the affirmative and then initiate the transfer

Remember that the customer may already be on the brink of losing it if the call has already been transferred several times. Try not to push him any further than you need to. You do want the experience to end on a positive tone.

4. When Customer Service Reps Are Rude to Clients

customer service reps rude to clients

This is possibly the worst-case scenario for a business where the customer service rep has been rude to the client. You can’t deny that this is a tough situation to handle and is best avoided under all circumstances. 

No matter how frustrated or high-pitched a customer might go at the time of conversing with a service agent, it does not give the rep the license to be rude to the customer in any way. Generally, such situations are handled by an experienced manager.

Circumstances that can lead them in the direction of being rude to the customer include:

  • If the customer constantly challenges what the agent is trying to communicate to mitigate the situation to the best of their abilities
  • If the customer is rude and abusive to the agent without any provocation from the rep’s side
  • If the customer service agent has personal issues that he or she could not put aside whilst attending to customer calls

Following these guidelines can help you tackle even a sticky situation such as this:

  • You need a team of service personnel with a positive and can-do attitude against hiring people just on the basis of their experience
  • Ensure that they are empathetic to customer needs, no matter how badly the customer behaves or speaks
  • Invest time and effort to upskill your team, especially in soft skills, through ongoing training and development programs

For now, it may seem like a rather far-fetched strategy to take care of a critical customer service problem and solution. In due course of time, you will see that it was worth the effort.

5. When You Cannot Offer A Solution to The Customer

There will be times when you may not have an instant solution for the customer. Telling that to the customer can be slightly tricky, especially if you notice that the customer is already annoyed. But dealing with an angry customer is part of the job description, and there is really no way of escaping it.

Customer service reps are only human and may not be able to offer a resolution of customer queries on the first contact. When customers have to chat or call the service department multiple times, it can be a hassle for them.

There may be several reasons why agents may not be able to offer immediate solutions. These include:

  • If the business has encountered this specific customer query for the very first time in which case the solution guidelines have not been outlined for reference
  • If the customer service rep has not received adequate training or information on the company, its goals, products, and services
  • If the agent simply does not know the answer to the query because he or she has not proactively kept themselves updated on all relevant information and knowledge

You can go through possible solutions options in a scenario such as this:

  • The agent can refer the query to a more experienced colleague or manager in the absence of an outline to the solution 
  • The company should pass on all relevant information to their customer service department and follow it up with periodic training sessions
  • The agent should also invest time in learning about the company, their products, and services, etc. on their own
  • Let the customer know that resolving the issue will take time and promise to get back within a reasonable timeline with the solution the query

Even though this is not the ideal situation to end the conversation, it is a common occurrence in customer service. Just make sure that whenever you get back to the customer, the solution should be able to meet their expectations.

A very important and viable solution here can be an updated knowledge base that the support reps should have access to as and when they need it. This will reduce the chances of inadequate or incorrect information being passed by reps to the customers.  That’s a great customer service problem-solving example that anyone can refer to.

6. When Customers Cannot Get A Live Human Being

Be it  live chat tools or phones, technology has allowed a significant percentage of customer service processes to be automated. While the life of a customer service agent has been simplified to a large extent, most customers find it really annoying to have a real human dealing with their issues.

Customers today want to talk to humans, not machines. This brings us to another key customer service issue that is quite common these days.

The top reasons why businesses are prioritizing automation in their customer service processes are:

  • If the business is looking to minimize customer wait times and reduce friction, then automation is the obvious answer
  • If the business wants to prioritize and attribute tasks efficiently through workflow automation
  • If the business hopes to reduce resource costs in which case automating some of the tasks can be beneficial
  • If the business is trying to attract a newer demographic who are not averse to conversing with a chatbot or IVR

Here is how you can avoid some of the pitfalls:

  • Pick the right tasks such as repetitive jobs, resources for self-service ,  FAQs , knowledge bases, etc. that can be automated with a knowledge base software which also prevents you from alienating your customers
  • Merge your service channels by converting them into an omnichannel strategy to collaborate effectively and efficiently ensuring that information silos do not happen
  • Automation should be undertaken to support your human team and not as a substitute for your live agents
  • Always request feedback to keep abreast of any change in customer opinion regarding the automation of your processes, either partially or fully

Automation requires a lot of planning to make sure it is successful in offering the right customer experience to your clients. Too much of it can undermine the goals of achieving good customer service. Now, this looks like the perfect customer service problem and solution example. Wouldn’t you agree?

7. When Customer Service Pushes the Wrong Product or Service

This situation can arise if the customer has a specific product or service-related query or maybe needs guidance to decide on, which is a suitable variant or model that will fit best with their needs.

Many times, customer service agents adopt a ‘ one size fits all ’ kind of approach. This may result in them pushing a product or service to the customer, thus, adversely impacting their experience with the business. 

  • If there is a serious lack of knowledge on the part of the agent where he or she does not know the USPs of specific products or services
  • If the agent is unable to perform a competitive analysis of the buyer’s needs which may result in a guesstimate rather than an accurate evaluation
  • If the rep does not take into account the customer’s interaction history , the products or services that interest him or her, what they’ve searched for in the past, and which pages on the site they have been browsing the most 

customer interaction history statistics

You need to do the following to get into the customer’s good books:

  • Always listen to the customer’s requirements carefully and then carry out a detailed analysis to recommend the right product or service 
  • Indulge in some thorough visitor tracking to know what or where the customer has been browsing on your site
  • Keep yourself updated with the latest product and service information including features, benefits, prices, and freebies

Your customer is looking up to you for directions. Presenting him or her with a range of helpful suggestions will ensure that you drive the conversation on a positive note. All staff should be trained so that customers receive a consistently delightful, not just satisfactory experience.

Website Visitor tracking

Using live chat software that helps you track customer history as soon as the customer says its first word can make things easier for you. Live Chat comes with a plethora of features that help you access customer information in real time  and provide solutions that delight customers.

8. When Customer Service Does Not Follow Through with Promise

If the customer service department is unable to offer an instant solution to the client, they will ideally make a promise to deliver it within a stipulated period. In many instances, it has been observed that service reps are repeatedly missing to live up to what they’ve promised the customer.

This brings us to the next customer service problem of reps not following through with the promise that they have made to the customer. It can be infuriating when the issue remains unsolved due to this.

This customer service problem goes against the very ethos of the profession. However, some reasons why this may still happen are:

  • If the processes are not in place to ensure that the agent receives alerts and notifications of an open ticket on time
  • If the customer service agent is not proactive in passing the information to all relevant teams who need to be involved in solving the issue
  • If the customer support agent is just plain lazy and not bothered about closing the issues with the customer

The following strategies can help fix the above-mentioned issues:

  • When the agent follow-up on time, customers feel that they are cared for, which automatically increases customer trust and reliability in the brand
  • Do not leave a lot of time gap between your last conversation and the follow-up and the faster you reach out, better are the chances of turning an average experience into a great one
  • If the customer has contacted your service department during office hours, be sure to return the call, and email within 24 hours
  • Try and avoid ‘Yes’ or ‘NO’ responses when you are following up with the client as opposed to asking more open-ended questions to get more information

No matter what the reason or type of follow-through is, always remember to thank your customers for continuing to be loyal patrons of your brand. A simple ‘Thank You’ will suffice. Streamline processes with the integration of a helpdesk software to ensure that the customer experience is top-notch.

9. When There Is Lack of Customer Centricity

It is easy to lose the culture of customer centricity as the business keeps expanding and growing. When you fail to place the customer at the core of your business, eventually, everything starts falling apart.

soliciting customer feedback statisticks

Temkin’s State of Voice of the Customer Programs 2017 report cited that 67% of large companies rated themselves as good at soliciting customer feedback , yet only 26% think they are good at acting on it.

This brings us to the next problem with customer service, where it is internal barriers are leading to behaviors that are detracting businesses from promoting a customer-centric culture.

Check these top reasons why customer-centricity issues are not being addressed:

  • If the management and top leadership is weak, there will be little or no opportunities to develop the business as a customer-centric organization and this emotion percolates right to the depths of the customer service department too
  • If the customer agents are weak and untrained, they will not be able to assess customer needs and expectations effectively
  • If there is an overall lack of vision, the customer service department can never excel at their jobs as excellent customer service starts right from the top

Some of these tips can help get you on track:

  • Strengthen communication channels between the executive, mid-level, and frontline teams
  • Create a more holistic picture of your customers by continually communicating, sharing goals, and linking information and data for arriving at evidence-based decisions
  • Empower your service agents to make decisions that also propel customer growth strategies

With a vision that is purpose-driven and a clear path forward will help to draw upon emotional belief systems and team member rationale to walk the talk of a customer-centric organization.

10. When Customer Service Is Not Aligned to Customer Journey

Bad customer experience at any point in the customer journey can absolutely ruin the relationship between the client and the business. Just having a good team in place is not enough. The service team should be aligned with the needs and desires of the customers throughout their lifecycle.  

This brings us to the last problem with customer service, where businesses are not paying adequate attention to getting their customer service workflow in line with the customer’s lifecycle. 

The key reasons are:

  • If the business fails to recognize the importance of mapping the customer journey that is aligned with your brand
  • If the top leadership is unable to comprehend the worth of mapping customer journeys to help achieve organizational goals
  • If the management is not aware of how customer journey mapping can drive growth and offer profitability for the business

Follow these guidelines to succeed:

  • Get out of the inside-out perspective of customer journeys because it is grounded with a biased viewpoint
  • Focus on how customers and prospects interact with the brand over multiple touchpoints including your website and social channels, outbound marketing , sales team and customer service department
  • Do not make the mistake of overlooking all relevant participants in the customer journey or your risk transforming the customer map into a superficial tool with little or no value

Always base your customer mapping on research that will help your service agents to understand the customer experience from the outside-in. Remember to capture the entire journey and always highlight the key moments that push your customers to stay on the course of their purchase path. 

Wrapping Up

Competition is fierce in this global marketplace, and customer service problems are inevitable. And sometimes it can be quite overwhelming to keep up with the ever-evolving innovations that have tremendous control over your customer experience, no matter how good your business is. 

It will always be outstanding customer service that will make them come back for more. People want to feel special. By addressing their customer service problems, you want your customers to walk away from the interaction feeling not only satisfied with the outcome but valued, understood, and prioritized. Try to adopt the solutions mentioned above and wherever required make use of a competent customer support tool  to upgrade your customer service and delight your customers.

Let’s read through some frequently asked questions in the context of customer service problems and how to resolve them:

Why is customer service problem solving important?

It is crucial to solve customer service problems because you want your customers to be happy and satisfied. It also allows the business to identify gaps in their service and figure out a course of action to take corrective measures. 

With a positive image of the brand, your customers will be more than happy to recommend it to their family and friends. 

How do you write a problem statement for a customer?

A problem statement for a customer primarily involves writing out the detailed description of a specific issue raised by a client that needs to be addressed by the team responsible for problem-solving. 

Start by describing the present condition of the customer’s situation and explain the problem from a customer perspective. Outline any possible financial implications that may be incurred as a result of solving the problem. Without evidentiary support, arriving at a final solution will be impossible. Conclude by explaining the obvious advantages of adopting the resolution.

What are the types of dissatisfied customers from customer service?

Generally, dissatisfied customers as a result of poor customer service can be classified into eight types – meek, aggressive, high roller, rip-off, expressive, passive, constructive, and chronic.

What are the problems faced by customers?

There are several common problems that customers face today. 

Topping the list is the lack of authentic information on products and services. Along with that, complex navigation to specific pages, followed by connection issues with digital payments, is also quite a hassle. Poor standards of customer service, after-sales service, and vague return policies also create problems for customers frequently.

How to solve customer service problems?

Handling customer service problems is never an easy job. While it may seem like a challenging process, remember that even the frustrated customer is looking for a solution. 

The best way to tackle such situations is by carefully listening to the issue at hand and without interruption. Acknowledge the issue and ensure that you have understood the concern from the customer’s point of view. Apologize and then offer a solution if it is readily available. 

Alternatively, if the issue needs more investigation or you do not have an instant resolution, communicate the same to the customer. End the call thanking the customer for calling in and asking if he or she needs any further assistance.

Remember that customer service means taking the good with the bad.

ProProfs Editorial Team

About the author

ProProfs Editorial Team

ProProfs Help Desk Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to improving your help desk operations with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.

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8 Key Customer Service Problems (and How to Resolve Them)

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Your customers are your purest form of quality control. Without their approval, your business doesn’t grow and succeed. So, when customer complaints roll in, it’s important to hear them out because these are opportunities to improve the customer experience and prevent potential churn. No matter which industry you’re in, you’re going to deal with customer complaints. Even if your business doesn’t make a mistake, one of your customers will eventually hit a roadblock that leads them to your customer service team. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most common customer service issues and how to resolve them. 

Why Great Customer Service Can Be an Asset to Your Business

Great customer service can be a great asset for your business. For example, it can help you increase customer loyalty. According to Salesforce,   91% of customers   say a positive customer service experience makes them more likely to make a further purchase. Also, investing in new customers is   five times more expensive   than retaining existing ones. Therefore, you definitely want to prevent a customer service issue from affecting the purchasing behavior of your customers. 

Now that we see how important it is to address customers’ issues, let’s take a look at why it’s important to address customer problems head-on. 

Improve Your Customer Service Standards by Addressing Problems Head-on

Customer complaints are often a sign that there’s a disconnect between what customers expected and what you delivered. However, problem-solving in customer service should be done head-on. Try digging deeper into the issue by asking the right questions. Complaints — even angry ones — can contain insights, and it’s your job to seek out the point of friction. Socratic questioning can help you get to the source of the issue. Also, try to identify the type of customer you are dealing with. For example, there are customers who pay well and demand premium support for it. Therefore, when responding, avoid excuses and just get to the solution. Consider creating a VIP folder and workflow to make it easy to identify and respond to their complaints.

Now that we know you should tackle customer problems head-on, let’s move on to the most common customer service issue you will encounter. 

8 Main Customer Service Problems and How to Resolve Them

Studies on the state of contact centers today show poor customer service costs businesses   more than $75 billion   every year. Therefore, you want to resolve customer issues as soon as possible. Here are the eight most common customer issues you will encounter: 

  • Customer service associates are having too many conversations at once   – A lot of times, there are not enough agents for one person to focus on one customer issue, and they will try to resolve many at once. This results in none of those customers being happy. You need to make sure that you have enough people to focus on one customer at all times. 
  • Lack of accessible customer history – A big part of effective customer service problem-solving is looking at the customer history and understanding the issues they had in the past. Without this, agents will try to repeat the same steps that did not work in the past. Try implementing some kind of knowledge base employees can access so they can see the customer’s previous interactions with the company. 
  • It takes too long to find an answer – Effective problem-solving customer service requires agents to resolve issues as quickly as possible. Otherwise, even the smallest issue can snowball into huge problems. The problem is that you usually don’t have enough agents to cover the call volume. Try setting up an offshore team to help you deal with an influx of customer service tickets. 
  • No process for escalation   – Most customer service problems are identified by tier-one support, but what happens if they cannot resolve the issue? There needs to be tiers two and three so that complex problems can be resolved quickly. 
  • Backlog of tickets   – Companies with customer service problems have a big backlog of customer support tickets. This gets customers even more frustrated because they are already dealing with issues with your product or service and now have to wait for your agents to dig through their backlog to find their tickets and resolve the issue. Try looking into how long it takes an agent to resolve a customer issue, more specifically, the first call resolution rate. Increasing the FCR can help you reduce your backlog. 
  • Time zone issues   – If your support team is available only during regular business hours, this will be a problem if your customers are located in other time zones all over the world. Needless to say, their business hours will not align with yours. 
  • Poor workflow and/or software   – Sometimes, the issue could be with the workflow in your team and the software they are using. Try to do an audit of your daily operations and tools to see if things can be improved. 
  • No after-sales support   – The sale doesn’t end simply when money has exchanged hands. You need to stick by your product or service to make sure everything is working correctly, and the customer is getting their money’s worth. Discuss what customer problem the products or services solve and make sure your agents are proactive in asking the customers if their needs have been met. 

Why is customer service problem-solving important?

Customers have more power than ever. If customers have a positive experience with your company, they will share this experience with friends, family, and connections – which in turn can lead to new business. However, if the customers do not get the right level of service, they will complain. A customer complaint highlights a problem, whether that’s a problem with your product, employees, or internal processes, and by hearing these problems directly from your customers, you can investigate and improve to prevent further complaints in the future.

How to Solve Customer Service Problems? 

Customers want a great experience, and part of that experience means not losing time, money, and patience. Brands similarly value their time and money, but they must always have the patience to deliver their customers a great experience. Even with the best efforts, however, difficult customer situations are sure to arise, and how companies handle these situations can mean the difference between customer churn and long-term loyalty. Therefore, be sure to show a lot of empathy. Regardless of the channel on which they contact a business, an agent must patiently welcome a full explanation of the issue and then show genuine empathy for the customer’s frustration. It’s critical to show customers that a brand values its customers as people, not just buyers.

Trust Pexly With All of Your Customer Service Needs

If you are experiencing customer support issues or would simply like to increase your key performance indicators, consider hiring Pexly to improve the level of customer service. We have extensive experience actualizing projects of all sizes and complexity and can provide you with a custom solution that will fit your needs.   Contact us   today to learn more about how we can help you. 

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Recently, I came across a fascinating customer service story involving an American Express cardholder. It all began with a seemingly innocent mistake while making a payment involving a decimal point in the wrong spot, resulting in the customer inadvertently paying thousands of dollars instead of hundreds.

Determined to rectify the error and seek guidance, the customer promptly contacted American Express to report the issue. To his relief, a representative assured him that the mistake would have no adverse impact on his account and that all charges would be promptly refunded. Little did he know that this was just the prologue to a series of challenges.

A few days later, the customer was taken aback when he discovered that all his debit cards were unexpectedly suspended. Perplexed and concerned, he went over his account for any indications of suspicious activity or an account block, but to no avail. Thus, he decided to reach out to American Express once more to seek clarification.

To his utter surprise and dismay, the representative he connected with not only questioned why he had not halted the incorrect payment but also accused him of attempting fraud. The customer explained that a previous representative had not advised him to stop the payment and had, in fact, assured him that there would be no negative consequences resulting from his honest mistake.

The response?

That's what customer service does. They tell you what you want to hear.

This quite nasty customer service story inspired me to write about the real purpose of customer service. Which is not “telling customers what they want to hear” but helping customers and resolving their problems.

In this article, you’ll also learn some troubleshooting techniques to make your job easier.

Creating a Good Customer-Centric Culture

A customer-centric culture serves as the bedrock of exceptional problem-solving and sustainable business success. In a world where customers today wield unparalleled power and influence, placing them at the heart of your operations is not just a choice; it is a strategic imperative.

At all levels of the organisation, employees must wholeheartedly prioritise customer happiness, understanding that every interaction is an opportunity to leave a lasting impact. By cultivating such a culture, businesses create a positive and supportive environment that empowers employees to go above and beyond to delight customers.

Nurturing this culture demands a multifaceted approach. One potent strategy is to recognise and reward outstanding customer service efforts. By celebrating employees who embody the customer-centric ethos, businesses reinforce the value they place on exceptional experiences. This recognition motivates individuals to exceed customer expectations continually and sets a powerful example for others to follow.

Encouraging collaboration is another pivotal aspect of fostering a customer-centric culture. In today's interconnected business landscape, problems seldom fit neatly within departmental silos. Emphasising collaboration cultivates a shared sense of responsibility for customer success and enables employees to pool their expertise, collectively devising innovative solutions that surpass individual capabilities. The result is a seamless and consistent experience for customers, who benefit from the collective effort of a united organisation.

To equip employees for the challenges of modern customer service, businesses must invest in skills training. Outstanding problem-solving skills do not materialise by chance; they are honed through intentional development. Equipping employees with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate diverse customer interactions positions them to respond adeptly and confidently, even in the face of dissatisfied customers.

Customer Service Problem-Solving

Speaking of dissatisfied customers, they hold the key to unlocking greater customer retention. Rather than viewing poor experiences as a liability, businesses must embrace them as opportunities for growth. Each negative interaction presents a chance to introspect, identify pain points, and make tangible improvements. By actively seeking feedback from dissatisfied customers, businesses demonstrate their commitment to listening and learning, earning trust and loyalty in the process.

A customer-centric culture is more than a mere buzzword; it drives superior customer experiences and enhanced customer retention. By prioritising customer satisfaction at every touchpoint, celebrating exceptional service, fostering collaboration, investing in skills training, and actively engaging with dissatisfied customers, businesses can forge a path to sustained success and unmatched customer loyalty. Embrace the customer-centric ethos, and you will unlock the true potential of your organisation in a customer-centric world.

Strategies for Effective Customer Service Problem-Solving

Timely response and resolution are essential components of successful troubleshooting. Customers appreciate swift action, showing that their concerns are taken seriously. Personalisation also plays a significant role, as customers feel valued when their issues are treated individually rather than generically.

Navigating challenging situations with irate customers requires patience and tact. Service reps need to stay calm, acknowledge the customer's feelings, and work towards finding a resolution.

customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

4 Steps for Better Customer Service Problem Solving

As a customer service agent, providing satisfying solutions is essential. Let's explore the path to achieve this.

1. Understanding the Customer's Point of View

Imagine yourself in the customer's shoes. They reach out to you with what seems like an impossible request. For instance, they received a notice that their phone line would be cut due to non-payment, yet they requested credits on their invoices due to financial constraints. Initially, you might question their request, but remember, you're not just an ordinary person; you're a Support Hero tasked with saving the customer's day. Negative thinking won't lead to solutions.

At this stage, it's hard to distinguish if the customer is genuine or potentially fraudulent. However, instead of passing judgment, assume the customer needs assistance and act accordingly. Engage in active listening to comprehend the problem thoroughly and find a way to help.

Exceptional problem-solving hinges on understanding customer needs and concerns. Active listening enables service representatives to connect with customers on a deeper level and empathise effectively. By listening attentively, you can pinpoint the root cause of the problem and tailor solutions to meet their specific needs.

Remember these keywords throughout your journey: fully understand the problem, solve the customer's problem, find a workable solution, and ensure the customer is happy with the resolution.

2. Identifying a Problem

Ensuring that customers are happy with the solutions provided is crucial in customer service. Sometimes, customers simply struggle to articulate their issues, and that's entirely normal. They may not be familiar with your processes or jargon; all they know is that their expectations regarding your product or service have been disappointing.

As a Support Hero, it's your responsibility to restore their faith in your company, but to do that, you must first pinpoint the problem.

To troubleshoot effectively, here are a few questions that can guide you. Sometimes, by asking these simple questions, you can quickly identify an outage or a faulty batch of products sent out by a manufacturer!

Can you describe the problem you're facing precisely? When did this problem start? Has this issue occurred before?

Next, consider the following:

Are all users affected, or is it isolated to just one customer? Has anyone else faced a similar problem in the past?

Once the customer responds, summarise their answers back to them. This gesture demonstrates that you genuinely comprehend their concerns and helps you verify the facts.

If you're unfamiliar with the problem or unsure how to proceed, offer a brief apology and inform the customer that you need to discuss their case with a colleague or supervisor. Maintain a self-assured tone, and don't hesitate to ask the customer to hold on for a moment.

Remember, customers value accuracy even if it takes a bit more time to sort out the issue.

Instead of abruptly transferring a customer to another department, try saying:

"We're committed to resolving this for you. Let me transfer you to a specialist best equipped to address your question."

Customers appreciate the effort you put into understanding their journey and resolving their issues promptly. Poor customer service can lead to bad customer experiences, but by actively listening to their concerns, you can turn their dissatisfaction into a happy customer.

Always focus on solving the problem, no matter how common or complex. As a customer service representative, your role is to provide exceptional support and ensure that customers are satisfied with the resolution.

So, embrace every customer service issue as an opportunity to solve the problem and deliver exceptional customer support. Your dedication and responsiveness will create a positive experience, turning unhappy customers into satisfied ones.

Remember, the help desk is where customer issues are met with efficiency and care. The key to a successful customer service journey lies in how you handle problems and fix them effectively.

3. Find a Solution

Utilise your analytical thinking to devise a solution that best suits your customer's needs. Here are some key questions to help you plan an effective resolution:

Is there enough staff to carry it out?

Who will be involved in implementing the solution?

What is the expected time frame for the solution?

What resources are needed to make it happen?

Who should be informed about the planned solution?

How will the customer be notified about the solution?

Even if you're faced with a case that goes against your company's policy, there is always room for creative suggestions. Take, for example, a customer seeking a refund, which may not align with your policy.

However, consider these alternative solutions:

Inform the customer that you cannot credit the bill, but offer to split the payment into smaller instalments to accommodate their financial situation.

Postpone the account suspension temporarily, allowing the client to continue using the service.

Analyse the customer's account and propose a switch to a more budget-friendly price plan.

Your creativity can turn an unreasonable request into three viable solutions!

But what if you're not the one who can solve the problem?

In such cases, you may need to open a ticket to escalate the issue appropriately. To ensure the ticket doesn't get lost, assign it to yourself and monitor its progress. If the problem remains unresolved after 24 hours, consider contacting the customer to provide an update on your ongoing efforts.

Occasionally, there are situations where the problem cannot be fully sorted. For instance, your company may have stopped selling a particular product, or you may not have a gluten-free option on your menu. However, that doesn't mean you can't offer a helpful solution. If you don't have what the customer needs, guide them to the right source. Let them know where they can find the desired product or suggest alternatives.

Going the extra mile can create customer happiness, even if the solution deviates from their initial expectations.

Here's an example from our experience: My colleague, Justyna, recently chatted with a customer disappointed that our application lacked an in-built screen-sharing and screenshot-making tool. With a composed demeanour, I informed Aline that while LiveChat lacked those features, she could set up an integration for screen-sharing sessions and use a free screenshot tool like Jing. It did the trick! Aline was delighted with the solution, and my mission was accomplished.

Throughout the resolution process, ensure that the customer is at the centre of your focus. Handle customer service issues with attentiveness and empathy, as a positive customer service experience can be transformative. Use a series of questions to fully understand the problem, allowing you to implement the right solution and untangle customer queries effectively.

4. Fix the Problem and Follow Up on the Solution

Finally! The customer has agreed on a solution. You've offered a brief apology for the problem, and now you can fix it and close the case, right?

Unfortunately, it's not always that straightforward.

Sometimes, the solution provided may not address the root cause of the problem. For example, let's say a customer had an issue with the application, and you suggested restarting the device. While this might settle the problem, it's more likely that the customer will return with the same issue, possibly even upset that the initial solution didn't work as expected.

I understand that working in customer service leaves little time for breaks, and now I'm asking you to follow up on your customer's problems. But there are significant benefits to spending a little extra time reaching out to these customers.

Doing so demonstrates genuine care and creates an exceptional customer experience. You ensure that you won't receive calls or chats from furious customers later. You can verify whether your solution worked, giving you confidence for future interactions.

If you find it challenging to make calls or send emails to follow up, don't worry. There are alternative approaches you can take. Some apps allow you to send automatic emails once a ticket is resolved (e.g., LiveChat). You can test and try this feature to save time.

Alternatively, your team can use an automatic survey to gauge customer satisfaction and determine whether the problem was adequately resolved. Platforms like SurveyMonkey and Typeform can be useful in this regard. Alternatively, you can send a simple template asking two questions:

Did we help you solve your problem?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall experience?

Customers will undoubtedly appreciate these efforts!

In customer service, increasing customer success is vital. To achieve this, it's essential to understand the issue at hand fully. When a customer allows you to delve into their concerns, you can identify the right product or service to address their needs effectively.

Remember, customers are likely to encounter complex problems, and they depend on you for assistance. Utilise customer service problem-solving techniques to handle their issues competently and ensure they are satisfied with the outcome.

Empowering a Customer Service Representative

To excel in issue resolution, customer service reps must have the right skills and authority. Regular training and development programs ensure that representatives are well-prepared to handle various situations effectively.

Additionally, empowering representatives to take ownership of customer issues instils a sense of responsibility, leading to more proactive and efficient resolutions.

Solve Customer Service Problems With Technology

Technology plays a vital role in modern customer service troubleshooting. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems help consolidate customer data, making it easier for representatives to access relevant information quickly.

AI-powered chatbots can provide instant support, resolving common queries and freeing up human representatives to handle more complex issues. Data analytics tools allow companies to gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences, enabling them to tailor their services accordingly.

Measuring and Monitoring Customer Service Success

To continuously improve the way problems are solved, companies need to track and measure their customer service performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs), such as response time, resolution rate, and satisfaction scores, provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of customer service efforts.

By monitoring these metrics, businesses can identify areas that require attention and implement targeted improvements.

Great Customer Service Requires Resolve

Curious about how the story of the American Express customer ended? Well, after cancelling the payment, he reached out to customer service again, giving the company one last chance. However, he connected with a different representative this time—a night-and-day contrast from the previous encounter.

Unlike before, this representative was willing to listen. She grasped the situation immediately, empathising with the customer's plight. After reviewing his account and consulting with her supervisor, she astonishingly informed him that his card would be reactivated. The customer was both shocked and elated with this positive outcome.

It's remarkable how two representatives working for the same company in the same customer service team can provide vastly different experiences—one great and the other terrible.

The root cause of the poor experience is challenging to pinpoint. Perhaps the first representative was not suited for customer service, or management failed to train and motivate them adequately. Regardless, the bottom line was that the customer sought help but did not receive it.

Often, solving a customer-service problem involves navigating between company policies and customer interests, as was evident in this case. The first representative struggled to handle such a situation, whereas the second possessed the necessary skills to address the issue effectively.

Problem-Solving is not just an Ability -- It's a Mindset

As we explored in my previous post on problem-solving skills , the golden rule of customer service is to create a fantastic customer experience even when the problem may not directly concern your product. Offering a possible solution exemplifies the essence of customer service—solving problems, not merely telling customers what they want to hear.

The key to success lies in persistence, utilising the advice shared here, and maintaining a positive outlook. Armed with these qualities, there will be no problem you cannot conquer.

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customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

Customer Service Problem-Solving Techniques to Improve Your Sales

Customers have numerous issues, with varying degrees of sophistication or viewpoint. They are running out of time. They have an almost unlimited number of product options to choose from. They are wooed by product reviews. 

In such situations, a customer may not be aware of the best solution to an issue. You as a service provider, however, can step into their shoes, come to grips with the problem, work out the solution and gain the customer’s trust. 

The ability to solve a customer’s problem is what makes all the difference between churn and loyalty.

What is Problem-Solving in Customer Service?

Problem-solving in customer service is a skill that entails

  • Knowing how to handle a conflict
  • Being able to calm an agitated customer using tone of voice and true empathy
  • Listening and speaking while maintaining a strong grip on problem-solving techniques.

How does bad customer service affect your business?

Customer service issues must be resolved because they affect other parts of the business. Businesses must become more customer-centric and coordinate their services in order to delight clients by effectively solving their problems.

You may have the ideal product and competitive pricing, but if your customer service is poor, your business can falter.

Let’s look at some of the ways in which bad customer service can impact a business.

Harms Brand Reputation

Customers like to share their stories. As a result, when people have a poor experience, they turn to their favorite media to express their feelings. A single poor review on Twitter or Facebook can defame your brand image.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” -Warren Buffett

Lesser Conversions and Loss of Customers

Inefficient solving of customers’ problems , slow response times, and frequent negative experiences make prospects less likely to become customers and make current customers less likely to stay loyal.

“53% of customers are likely to stop buying from a brand after a poor customer service experience.” – source

Dip in Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Companies that consistently provide bad customer service eventually fail. Customers today have so many options that when they have a negative service experience, they will go to a competitor. 

It’s widely known that one-time customers are expensive, whereas recurring customers bring a steady source of income. 

Customer lifetime value is a measure that is computed by adding up all of a customer’s revenue over the course of their engagement with a company. 

You can increase the lifetime value of your customers by delivering outstanding service. This means you can make more revenue by spending less money on customer acquisition.

Steps of Customer Service Problem-Solving

Here is a 5-step process for customer service problem-solving and troubleshooting when you come across a customer issue.

Customer Service Problem-Solving Techniques to Improve Your Sales

1. Ask, Ask and Ask

Ask the proper questions to learn what is upsetting your customer. You won’t be able to remedy your customer’s problem if you can’t place it. 

For example, ask questions such as, 

“Have you been dealing with this issue for a long time?”

Asking relevant questions will help you identify customer needs while also assisting you in determining an appropriate solution.

2. Identify the Problem

After having a question session with your customer to discuss their pain areas, you can restate or explain the situation as you have come to terms with it. 

You must describe the problem precisely and do so from the customer’s perspective. Get the customer’s approval that you’ve grasped the problem.

Before you move on to the next phase, ask whether there is anything else that is bothering them.

3. Formulate Solutions 

After a thorough examination of the problem, develop various solutions and present the best solution to the customer or prospect. 

Your solution must be focused on the specific problem , and not ambiguous.

4. Deliver the Solution

Deliver the solution as promised. Take advantage of these opportunities to strengthen your customer relationships and demonstrate that you are worthy of their trust.

5. Follow up with Customers

It’s critical to check in with your customers to see how they feel about the solution and confirm that the issue has been fixed. This step demonstrates to customers that your organization values customer service and is committed to providing a better customer experience .

It’s important to ask some of these challenging questions when checking in with present customers in the hopes of upselling, cross-selling, or renewing their contracts. 

“How satisfied are you with our product on a scale of one to ten?”

“How did you come up with that score?”

“What is it about our product/service that you enjoy?”

“Do you think you’ve experienced excellent customer service?”

This will keep you from overlooking warning signs that they’re dissatisfied and might begin to consider switching to a competitor.

In an era where ‘Customer is King” , happy customers are the secret to growth. As a result, customer satisfaction is a direct reflection of the effectiveness of your service team.

“The probability of selling to an existing, happy customer is up to 14 times higher than the probability of selling to a new customer, according to Marketing Metrics” – source

To improve customer experience and increase cross-selling and upselling opportunities, forward-thinking companies link their sales and customer service teams .

9 customer service problem-solving techniques

Customer service exists to assist customers with their demands or any issues that may arise while they are using your product or service. It is, therefore, necessary to train your staff on how to properly resolve customer complaints or problems.  Learn about the methods a service representative can take toward customer service problem solving to deliver superior customer service!

Ask for the Customer’s Needs

Ask probing questions to get to the heart of the matter and uncover unmet customer needs. The answers to these questions can be used to create a workable solution, and this is a consultative approach that will strengthen customer relationships.

Listen to the Customer

Listen to the customer to prod deeper into the issue to determine the underlying cause. Only then will you be able to solve the problem at its core. You could even be assisting your company in developing stronger SOPs or regulations or eliminating a rigid process that is preventing you from running smoothly during the course.

The more you know about your customer and their company, the more you’ll be able to influence their bottom line.

Don’t argue

When we are offended or proven wrong, we have an inbuilt propensity to react in a defensive manner. In customer service, this is a no-no.

To go through the situation unscathed, here are two tips that you can use.

Tip 1: Allow customers to talk

You should let your customers talk until they are able to release their frustrations and calm down. 

Tip 2: Show that you care

The least you can do is support them and be empathetic toward the situation while customers go on explaining their tales. Use consoling phrases to comfort them.

Send Lightning-Fast Response

Every customer is strapped for time and expects a timely response from your support agent, 

Kapture’s omnichannel help desk software can help you streamline how you manage customer inquiries across multiple channels.

Customer Service Problem-Solving Techniques to Improve Your Sales

Image: Kapture’s omnichannel dashboard

You can route inquiries from a certain channel to a dedicated team. This helps ensure a smooth customer experience and swift resolution of customer inquiries.

Another way around is to add a live chat feature to your website. It is a tool that helps customers instantly connect with your agent and work out solutions. Kapture’s live-chat tools embedded in your website can deliver faster responses.

Follow Solutions to the Conclusion

Once you’ve committed to providing the resolution, it’s in your best interests to see it through to completion.

The standard customer problem-solving process includes following up with clients and providing them with updates to keep them informed.

Sending follow-up emails is the most effective technique to keep in touch with them about the solution’s progress.

Kapture’s help desk software allows you to send emails from the same system that you use to respond to customer queries. You really don’t need to use traditional mail services for this. Likewise, the merits of a single sign-on help desk are many.

Use Visual Content

Your customer service representative can solve customers’ problems in a more comprehensible and exciting manner by offering them visual troubleshooting guides. 

The best options are videos, graphical flow diagrams (depicting step-by-step instructions), or screenshots to resolve some of the very minor yet frequent issues. 

Kapture’s knowledge base feature allows you to store and manage information in just about any format, which includes videos, images, and documents, that can be accessed via self-help tools.

This not only saves your time but also gives customers a quick and intelligible solution to their problems.

Offer an Incentive to Customers

Just to make sure that the recent product or service issue your customer faced did not bring any scar to your relationship, it is a supersmart way to butter up the bond with incentives. 

Offering incentives to clients can help you gain their loyalty, and they may decide to wait until you fix their problem rather than looking for solutions elsewhere.

Incentivizing clients to compensate for the inconvenience encourages them to stay loyal.

Consider presenting a coupon or voucher, for instance, on the next transaction if you want to motivate a customer to use your service again.

Self-Help Option For Your Customers

Provide self-help capabilities such as AI chatbots, knowledge base, or interactive discussion forums so that customers can search, find and resolve problems on their own. AI-powered chatbots offer responses to customer queries contextually.

Do not undermine the convenience of a self-service. This is the most preferred channel of help by customers as revealed by many surveys.

Kapture’s AI and Machine Learning-powered self-serve tools are a fantastic approach to support your tech-savvy customers.

Customer Service Problem-Solving Techniques to Improve Your Sales

Image: Chatbot powered by Kapture

Customers that are happy with your service will stay longer, become repeat customers, and recommend your service to their friends and colleagues.

That’s why it’s critical to cultivate a customer-centric culture within your organization.

Remember to go the customer problem-solving way to create exceptional customer experiences.

Kapture’s AI-based solutions can assist you in effectively managing the entire customer service process and wowing your clients with customer delight factors such as

  • Work-flow automation capabilities
  • Omnichannel communication
  • Self-help features
  • Run automatic surveys
  • Generate survey reports

Our solution is easy to use and integrates with other services like cloud telephony, social media, eCommerce, ERP, and others making it easy to collate the information at a centralized location.

Kapture, a customer service automation platform helps your team on how to serve and delight customers right from any touchpoint- and translate those efforts into building a loyal customer base.

Finally, follow the sound and systematic c ustomer service problem-solving techniques outlined in the blog t o win your customer’s hearts.

Seema C Mohan is passionate about all things XaaS and loves to write value-added content. She has been in Business Process Management in the past and has published technology articles in journals.
  • customer problem solving
  • customer service problem solving techniques
  • customer service problems and solutions
  • customer-based approach
  • handling customer complaints
  • problems in sales
  • productivity
  • troubleshooting customer service

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4 Steps to Effective Customer Service Problem Solving with Examples

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Recently, I’ve read an interesting customer service story.

An American Express customer has made a decimal mistake while making a payment and paid thousands of dollar instead of hundreds (ouch!).

He called AmEx to inform them about the mistake and ask for advice. He was assured by a representative that the problem won’t affect his account and all charges will be refunded. But it turned out to be just the beginning of his problems.

customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

A few days later customer has noticed that all his debit cards are suspended . But when he checked his account, he didn't find anything suspicious, not even a note that the account is blocked, so he called AmEx once again for clarification.

To his surprise, the representative he reached, asked why he didn't stop the payment and accused him of a fraud attempt. When customer responded that a previous rep didn't advise him to do so and assured that there will be no negative effects of his mistake.

Do you know what was the rep's response?

That's what customer service does. They tell you what you want to hear.

This quite nasty customer service story inspired me to write about the real purpose of customer service . Which is not “telling customers what they want to hear”, but helping customers and resolving their problems . You’ll also learn a couple of troubleshooting techniques that should make your job easier.

One representative can save the day

You might wonder how the story of the AmEx customer ended.

Well, the customer gave the company a last chance. He canceled the payment and got back to the customer service asking if there is anything else he’d have to do. But this time, he reached a different representative.

However this time... she is willing to listen. It was like night and day. I explain the situation to her. She is immediately understanding. She looks at my account, puts me on hold, then comes back on and says that her supervisor has authorized my card to be reactivated. I'm shocked... and happy.

Two reps working in the same customer service team for the same company and two entirely different customer experiences, a great one and a terrible one.

It’s hard to tell what led to the bad experience: maybe the rep was not the right person to work in customer service, perhaps management failed to train and motivate them properly. The bottom line was that the customer called for help and did not get it.

In many cases, problem-solving is so difficult because you need to maneuver between company policies and the interest of a customer . That’s what happened here. But it turned out that while the first rep was not able to deal with such a situation, the second had the right problem-solving skills to address the problem.

Four troubleshooting steps

Here’s something that should be helpful for any customer service representative: a path that you should follow to provide satisfying solutions to customers.

1. Understanding the customer’s point of view

So, here’s the customer.

They contact you and ask for something impossible to do. Let's say that they were informed that your company will be cutting their phone line for non-payment. Now, this customer is asking you to credit the last couple of invoices because they don’t have money (this is a real request I’ve got when I was working in call center).

A regular person’s first thought would be: “Are they nuts?” But you are not a regular person. You’re a Support Hero and it’s your job to save the customer’s day . Negative thinking won’t get you any closer to the solution.

Maybe a customer is a fraud, but maybe they are in a very bad situation and desperately need help. You can’t tell what’s right and what’s wrong at this stage, so you should assume that the customer is not a fraud and you should assist them.

It’s not your job to judge their motives.

You need to listen actively to understand the problem and find a way you can help.

2. Identifying a problem

Sometimes customers are not able to clearly explain what is wrong and it’s completely normal. They don’t know your processes or your jargon; they just know that they’ve had expectations towards your product or services and are disappointed now .

It’s your job to restore their faith in your company, but first, you need to find out where the problem is.

Here are few questions that can help you troubleshoot. Sometimes thanks to these simple questions you’re able to see that there is an outage or that a faulty batch of products was sent out by a manufacturer!

  • Can you describe exactly the problem you're having?
  • When did the problem begin?
  • Has the problem occurred before?

And now ask yourself:

  • Are all users affected or only one?
  • Has anyone had this problem before?

Once a customer replies to all your questions, summarize answers back to them. It will let them know that you understand them and will help you to verify the facts.

If you haven’t heard about such a problem, or you’re not sure what to do, apologize briefly and inform that you need to discuss this case with your colleague or supervisor. Try to sound self-confident and don’t be afraid to ask a customer to hold on a minute.

Customers appreciate getting the correct answer, even if it will take a bit longer.

But instead of saying an awful “sorry but I’ll have to transfer you to the other department”, try to say:

We’re going to resolve this case for you. I will transfer you to a specialist who’s the best person to answer your question.

3. Find a solution

Make a good use of your analytical thinking and try to find out a solution that will suit your customer the best.

Here are a few questions that should help you to plan a solution:

  • is there an adequate staff to carry it out,
  • who will be involved in solution,
  • how much time will a solution take (time frame),
  • what is needed to make it happen,
  • who should be informed about the planned solution,
  • how will a customer be notified about the solution.

Even if you’re dealing with a case that’s not going along with your company’s policy, there is always something you can suggest.

Let’s take the example with a customer asking for a refund .

Even if your company’s policy won’t let you credit these charges, there is still something you can do.

  • you can inform the customer that you cannot credit the bill, but you can split the payment into a couple of smaller payments so that the customer could afford it,
  • you can postpone the suspension of the account so the client can use the phone,
  • you can check the customer’s account and suggest changing price plan to a cheaper one.

One unreasonable request and three possible solutions that depend on your creativity!

But what will happen if you are not the one who can solve the problem?

First of all, you might need to open a ticket .

You need to make sure that this ticket doesn’t get lost in your CRM's oblivion, so you need to assign it to yourself and monitor if it’s resolved in time. If the problem is not solved in 24 hours, you might want to contact the customer and inform them that you’re still working on a problem.

Sometimes the problem cannot be solved at all. Your company stopped selling the particular product, you don’t have a gluten-free option in your restaurant’s menu, a customer wants to use a feature that doesn’t exist...

It doesn’t mean that you can’t still find a possible solution!

If you’re not selling these gear bags, let the customer know who does it. If you don’t have anything gluten-free in your menu, ask the customer if they want something from the nearest shop.

Making an extra mile can translate into customer happiness even if you don’t solve the problem the way customer expected you to do .

Here’s an example from our experience. My colleague has received a chat from a customer upset with the fact that our application doesn’t have an in-built screen-sharing and screenshot-making tool.

After taking a few deep breaths, I told Aline that even though the tools that she needed doesn't come with LiveChat itself, she can set up an integration allowing her to have screen-sharing sessions with her clients, and use a free screenshot tool like Jing. That did the trick! She was very happy with the solution, so my mission was accomplished.

4. Fix the problem and follow up on the solution

At last! The customer has agreed on a solution. You’ve briefly apologized for the problem and now you can fix it and close the case, right?

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

Sometimes your solution will not resolve the cause of the problem. Let’s say that customer had an issue with the application and you’ve suggested restarting the device. It is possible that it will resolve the problem, but it’s more likely that this customer will come back to you. And it’s more probable that they’ll be upset that the solution you gave them did not work.

I know, when working in customer service, you hardly have time to go for a break and I’m asking you to follow up your customer’s problems, right?

But there are positives of spending a bit of your time on contacting these customers back.

  • you show that you really care about them and create an awesome experience,
  • you make sure you won’t get a call or chat from a furious customer,
  • you check if your solution worked and will be sure of it next time.

And if you don’t have time to make any calls or send any emails, there are two things you can do. The first thing is, some apps allow you to send automatic emails after a ticket is solved (LiveChat does that, for example, you can test it and try).

But your team can also make use of an automatic survey that will tell you how happy the customer was and if you’ve helped to solve his problem. You can use SurveyMonkey, Typeform, or you can simply send a template of a message asking two questions:

  • did we help you to solve your problem?
  • can you rate your overall experience (1-10)?

Customers will appreciate it!

Problem solving is a mindset, not an ability

If you’ve read my post about problem solving skills , you remember the golden rule of customer service. Even when the problem does not concern your product, you can still create an amazing customer experience by suggesting a possible solution.

Because this is what is customer service for. For solving problems, not for telling what customers want to hear.

So as long as you don’t give up, use the advice I’ve shared with you and think positive – there will be no problem you can’t solve.

You might want to check " 5 Common Customer Service Problems and How to Resolve Them ."

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customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

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customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

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customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

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customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

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How to deal with demanding clients? 4 Types of Difficult Customers

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  1. 7 Customer Service Problem-Solving Techniques Done Right

    customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

  2. 7 Customer Service Problem-Solving Techniques Done Right

    customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

  3. Customer Service Problem-Solving

    customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

  4. The Complete Guide to Customer Service Troubleshooting

    customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

  5. The 21 Essential Customer Service Skills for Every Employee

    customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers

  6. The Guide to Effective Customer Service Problem Solving

    customer service problem solving and troubleshooting answers


  1. 7 Customer Service Problem-Solving Techniques Done Right

    It's four simple steps that customer service reps should follow. 4 steps of a problem-solving approach. Listen to a customer. No doubt, this step is the most crucial one. Ask all the questions about the unpleasant situation to give a complete answer that matches the problem.

  2. Solving the 12 Most Common Customer Problems [Guide]

    3. Slow resolution times. The next common customer service problem is customers having to follow up multiple times to get their issues resolved. This need to constantly check up on the issue wastes more of the customer's time and is a sign of poor customer service. Main reasons: High workload and ticket volume.

  3. 12 Top Techniques for Customer Service Problem Solving

    12 Key Customer Service Problem Solving Do's and Don'ts Do's. Do Regularly Train and Update Your Team's Skills. Why It's Important: Customer service training plays a vital role in keeping your team equipped to handle a wide array of customer issues effectively. Example: Implement regular training sessions that cover new customer service tools, communication techniques, and updates about ...

  4. 25 Customer Service Scenarios (And How to Handle Them)

    Without further ado, let's get into these customer service scenarios and answers. #1: How to Greet Your Customers via Live Chat. First impressions are formed in the first 7 seconds, and they're hard to break. It's important to make a good one! ... Not solving a customer's problem immediately is OK - as long as you at least let them ...

  5. 15 Customer Service Scenarios for Effective Troubleshooting

    Our team is hard at work fixing the problem, and we should be up in [estimated period]. We're really sorry for the inconvenience! 9. Customer service scenarios for approaching foreign customers. Tip: Sometimes people don't know the language of your service, so they try to communicate with you in their native language.

  6. 8 customer service challenges and how to resolve them

    How an agent addresses a challenge can be the difference between a repeat customer or one that will seek out a competitor. Understanding the top eight common challenges -- and how to address them -- is only the first step to ensuring long-term customer loyalty. 1. Managing customer expectations. The core of all customer service interactions is ...

  7. The Guide to Effective Customer Service Problem Solving

    Writing an empathetic, thorough response can make all the difference in a complex situation. In many cases, your response will follow the same steps as a great customer service apology: Empathize. Say sorry. Offer explanation. Fix the problem. Wrap it up and let them know what's next.

  8. The Complete Guide to Customer Service Troubleshooting

    Here's the step by step guide you'll need to troubleshoot customer support issues effectively: 1. Understand the problem. The first step in troubleshooting a support issue is to understand the problem. Here's where the effective communication skills we earlier spoke of come in handy.

  9. 12 Common Customer Service Problems & How to Resolve Them

    Download as Word Doc. Download as Google Doc. 4. Frequent Call Transfers. Agents sometimes have to transfer a customer to another agent when they don't have an immediate solution to the query. This also happens when the rep feels like another agent or a superior can offer a better customer resolution.

  10. 10 Customer Service Problems and Strategies to Resolve Them

    8. Offering wrong products or services. Many times the customer service agents are not able to understand what the customer wants and offer the wrong product or service. The reason could be relying on reactive channels like the phone that involve lengthy and unclear conversations of what actually the customer wants.

  11. 21 Customer Service Scenarios (With Sample Responses)

    Here are 21 common customer service scenarios with example responses you can use to improve your customer service skills: 1. Suggestion for improvement. Sometimes, customers contact the customer service department to suggest ways to improve the product they've purchased. When you answer this question, you can offer to communicate the request to ...

  12. 10 Techniques for Customer Service Problem-Solving

    Customer Service Problem-Solving # 5 - Set Realistic Expectations. Setting realistic expectations is an important step for customer service problem solving. When you communicate clear timelines, you're being honest and transparent with what the customer can expect. This helps manage their expectations and prevents disappointment down the road.

  13. 10 Common Customer Service Problems and How to Resolve Them

    2. When Customer Reps Do Not Listen Carefully to What the Client Needs. Your customer service problem-solving starts by diving due importance to listening. This is often overlooked, which may result in catching the customer service agent off guard with questions to which you may not have the appropriate answer.

  14. 8 Key Customer Service Problems (and How to Resolve Them)

    8 Main Customer Service Problems and How to Resolve Them. ... It takes too long to find an answer- Effective problem-solving customer service requires agents to resolve issues as quickly as possible. Otherwise, even the smallest issue can snowball into huge problems. The problem is that you usually don't have enough agents to cover the call ...

  15. Effective Customer Service Problem Solving

    Strategies for Effective Customer Service Problem-Solving. Timely response and resolution are essential components of successful troubleshooting. Customers appreciate swift action, showing that their concerns are taken seriously. Personalisation also plays a significant role, as customers feel valued when their issues are treated individually ...

  16. Customer Service Problem-Solving Techniques to Improve Your Sales

    Steps of Customer Service Problem-Solving. Here is a 5-step process for customer service problem-solving and troubleshooting when you come across a customer issue. 1. Ask, Ask and Ask. Ask the proper questions to learn what is upsetting your customer. You won't be able to remedy your customer's problem if you can't place it.

  17. Customer Service 2

    Customer Service 2 - Customer Service: Problem Solving and Troubleshooting / Become a Customer Service Specialist / LinkedIn Learning Pathway. 5.0 (1 review) Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; ... 2 Customer service: Problem Solving and Troubleshooting. 46 terms. nonomjw. Preview. Customer Service Foundations Linkedin Quiz. 14 terms. salawe789.

  18. 4 Steps to Effective Customer Service Problem Solving

    You can't tell what's right and what's wrong at this stage, so you should assume that the customer is not a fraud and you should assist them. It's not your job to judge their motives. You need to listen actively to understand the problem and find a way you can help. 2.

  19. Customer Service: Problem Solving and Troubleshooting

    As a service provider, you can use the verify and clarify technique to solve problems and troubleshoot your customer's challenges more effectively. First, always verify what the customer says to you. Start by allowing the customer to talk. Your job right now is to simply listen.

  20. 10 common customer problems and how to resolve them

    7. Avoiding human contact with customers. Many businesses partially automate the customer service process, allowing AI chatbots and agents to answer simple customer service queries. This often reduces response times for simple problems and is an effective way to quickly resolve issues for many customers.

  21. 15 Customer Service Interview Questions With Answers

    3. Describe a time you collaborated with a peer to solve a problem. Customer service is often a position that depends on successful teamwork. The hiring manager may want to know if you're comfortable working with others and have the communication skills necessary to complete team projects together.

  22. Fixing issues on WhatsApp

    Seeing "You have been logged out for your account security"