Business Dissertation Topics

2020 was a year of drastic change, with many businesses shut down by the pandemic. However 2021-22 onwards promises rapid economic growth, as business activity sharply expands. So, to help you out we’ve provided a selection of free and original business dissertation topics, suitable for both Master’s and Bachelor’s degree dissertations. These topics cover a large range of subjects within the business discipline, so you are sure to find one suited to your own interests. Each of these topics will allow you to produce an original and ambitious dissertation that will contribute to the existing knowledge of your subject area. So, if you’ve been searching far and wide for a great business dissertation topic, look no further!

Global Politics and Global Business Dissertation Topics

Global strategy for business dissertation topics, technology and innovation management business dissertation topics, corporate social responsibility business dissertation topics, international human resource management dissertation topics, management of international change dissertation topics, leadership and innovation business dissertation topics, globalisation and strategy business dissertation topics.

This is one of the most important aspects of international business as it examines the connection between global politics and global business. It looks at some of the most important factors, institutions, and processes that affect international business and studies the political environment of business, which has been particularly volatile over the last five years.

  • Evaluating the performance of global business teams within multinational corporations: the test of an intervening process model.
  • How does Corporate Governance affect internationalisation, globalisation and the performance of firms?
  • What sorts of themes and images might create trans-cultural resonance and dissonance within an international classroom comprised of diverse nationalities and cultural backgrounds?
  • Can production for global markets help business groups to mobilise collectively? Under what conditions does globalisation enable the private sector to develop independent organisational bases and create effective relationships with the state?
  • How different patterns of business-government relations affect processes of industrial upgrading: A case study of emerging economies.
  • How do multinational organisations tackle the growing complexity of managing themselves in light of the rise to significant power of non-governmental organisations?
  • A look at the effect that Brexit is likely to have on British businesses, especially the average small and medium enterprise (SME).
  • How will Brexit impact on the regulatory burden of large business and corporations in the United Kingdom and Europe?
  • Business-Government relations within a contingency theory framework: strategy, structure, fit, and performance.
  • What is the meaning and process of globalisation and how does it impact the way in which business teams work together?
  • In the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis, is globalisation still going to be a key market driver?
  • Global strategy and local implementation: Examining how multinational corporations apply Corporate Governance in China.
  • How will firms investing in China manage the political undercurrents, as talk increases of a new Cold War between the West and China?
  • What factors affect multinational corporations’ choice of corporate political strategy? Examining the influence of perceived regulatory pressure on company’s political strategies.
  • Using a legitimacy perspective to examine how firms entering the Chinese market manage political risk.
  • A critical examination of the potential implications of Brexit for UK firms’ EU-based supply chain.
  • Brexit and foreign direct investment into the UK: An examination of the potential impact on new venture start-ups in the UK.

Global business strategy focuses on understanding the main strategic issues that organisations face when they operate as a global business. Specifically, the issues relate to three areas: understanding global strategic analysis, formulating a global strategy, and developing sources of competitive advantage in a given company.

  • What are the risks and benefits of an International Joint Venture?
  • How should a business strategy be developed to expand a business in an international market?
  • A comparative study of Mergers and Acquisitions within the Aviation sector: Case study of Qatar Airways’ joint venture with the International Airlines Group.
  • A research on the exit strategy of foreign venture capital investment in international private business sector.
  • What are the business strategies and key success factors of Financial Holding Companies in the international environment?
  • How does an organisation benefit from an effective vendor management strategy?
  • Why are some vendor relationships more successful than others?
  • Developing an effective framework for knowledge sharing and utilisation in global project teams.
  • Can entrepreneurship be utilised as an effective management strategy within a business unit?
  • What effects will the consumers’ increasing use of the online channel to fashion shopping have on the strategies used by UK clothing retailers?
  • An assessment of sustainable competitive advantage within the UK DIY multiple market sector.
  • Develop your own definition of logistics, that you think reflects how logistics is evolving and explain why you think it is appropriate for today and the next decade.
  • A study of the problems of managing international collaboration in the military aero-engine business.
  • New possibilities in logistics and supply chain management provided by Big Data: examining the birth and growth of supply chain analytics.
  • Designing a closed-loop supply chain for improving sustainability of global business practices.
  • Developing a strategy for winning in the Indian market: A case study of Suzuki Motor Corporation.

These topics consider the ways in which business firms develop and implement technology as a strategy and integrate technological and innovative capabilities in support of their business operations. These topics mainly investigate how technology has revolutionised the business environment causing disruption, new opportunities and challenges for firms to deal with.

  • A study of how business operations have improved as a result of innovation: Are they converging towards one universal approach?
  • What are the market challenges experienced by new UK mobile telecommunication companies?
  • How will 5G technology impact on the growth of digital consumer markets in the UK?
  • How does online branding provide competitive advantage in the digital era: a study of the consumer electronics industry?
  • A study into how ICT integration has transformed procurement of goods and services.
  • Building virtual dominions – A comparative study of mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances in e-commerce: case studies of and eBay.
  • What are the technological factors surrounding the relationship between organisational growth and performance?
  • A study into the role of online marketing in creating global supply chain networks.
  • A study into how organisations suffer the negative effects of modern day technology.
  • What are the main factors impacting on the success of online branding for corporations?
  • Assessing the role of social media in global branding: cases of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Exploring the impact of technology on CRM operations within call centres in the UK and analyse the factors that affect the well-being of the employee?
  • A study into the opportunities of implementing an e-HR system: Case of British Energy.
  • A study into how companies influence technology and innovation within suppliers: Case of Apple.
  • Assessing technology diffusion models among online shoppers in the UK.
  • Business process reengineering and the challenges facing airlines, a critical study of the factors influencing Saudi Airlines’ BPR initiatives.
  • What are the barriers to successful/profitable e-commerce deployment in government organisations?
  • Comparing and contrasting government e-commerce portals with private ones such as eBay and Amazon: which offers the better user experience and business outcomes?
  • How has integration of technology into HR improved organisational efficiency?
  • What is the impact of technology on FMCG industry towards meeting consumer demands in the UK market?
  • Assessing the role of innovation towards creation of new opportunities for SMEs in the UK.
  • What determinant factors influence integration of technology in the Supply Chain Management (SCM) sector.

Governments, activists and the media have become adept at holding companies to account for the social consequences of their actions. In response, corporate social responsibility has emerged as an inescapable priority for business leaders in every country. The fact is many prevailing approaches to CSR are quite disconnected from strategy. Business should treat CSR as something central to their strategy and hence contribute as a core competence for many organisations. These topics evaluate how business can utilise CSR practices to enhance opportunities for organisational success.

  • How does Corporate Social Responsibility impact on customer loyalty?
  • What is the role of staff training in developing and executing CSR skills?
  • What are the key strategic decisions facing companies in order to improve their performance in Corporate Social Responsibility?
  • Does Corporate Social Responsibility enhance corporate reputation? A case study of Tesco.
  • What are the challenges facing ethical businesses in the UK for moving to the mainstream?
  • How can businesses gain advantage from adopting CSR practices with respect to climate change?
  • A study into the impact of green and lean practices on organisational performance.
  • How have environmental policies transformed CSR practices within organisations: Case of BAT.
  • What are the effects of CSR on sustainability: Case of Coca Cola.
  • How will multinational organisations deal with the growing emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in large markets like Germany and India?
  • To what extent will CSR be sacrificed for greater economic growth in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic?
  • How can firms successfully make Corporate Social Responsibility operable in the modern corporate environment?
  • Is there a relationship between diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility, what is its contribution to organisational performance?
  • What is the impact of CSR on brand equity: Case study of Toyota UK?
  • How does CSR impact on organisational performance?
  • CSR and societal expectations: A case study of Unilever.

International Human Resource Management refers to activities that are designed to support organisations in managing human resources at an international level so that competitive advantage can be maintained at both the national and international level. The subject area includes understanding of culture factors, both in terms of beliefs and attitudes of international employees and in relation to international employment legislation. Studying the area provides insights into the way that corporate HR functions can contribute to international business strategy and build functional knowledge of the main developments in the management of expatriates and other forms of international management. Changing perspectives are crucial as more and more organisations operate on a global basis and have head offices in a home country and operational sites in host nations. Functionally this can involve expatriates but increasingly includes high usage of virtual technology to create links between home and host country operational sites. The following topics are an indication of key areas of current interest in the field.

  • What are the benefits and challenges of inter-cultural team working in virtual environments and how these teams influence competitive advantage.
  • Virtual working environments became something of a norm during the pandemic. Will this apply to home countries of international corporations as well?
  • What are the bases of employee commitment in terms of affective, normative and calculative commitment in a global multi-national?
  • What are the effects of organisational transition on employee commitment in large multinational companies?
  • How do mergers impact on employee motivation and commitment, and how can any fallout be managed?
  • How can cultural differences in international collaborative projects be managed?
  • Can job-swaps between international workers improve inter-cultural working in multi-national organisations?
  • What is the relationship between the three components of commitment to organisational change and the perceived success of an organisational change?
  • What effect will the UK’s decision to leave the EU have on economic migrants, and how can this be managed by IHRM practices and polices?
  • How will Brexit impact on British workers in the EU, and to what extent can this be managed by IHRM practices and policies?
  • How does one manage employee commitment in the not-for-profit sector across different national cultures?
  • Using models of Strategic Human Resource Management assess and appraise how BAE Systems is achieving strategy through effective people management practices.
  • What are the main factors that affect employee retention at international call centres?
  • What are the most effective practices for working a unique Human Resource policy across multiple divisions of large diversified companies?
  • A study of the constantly changing global business environment and how effective human resource planning enables organisations to achieve their strategic objectives.
  • What effect does the Brexit decision and subsequent negotiations have on the management of EU operational sites by UK based companies?
  • What is the role and value of effective IHRM strategic thinking to effective negotiation of joint ventures between the UK and BRIC countries?
  • Can IHRM be effective in delivering culturally appropriate work-life balance and flexible working patterns for multi-national firms?

Change, at the organisational level is vital for continued innovation and retention of competitive advantage. Therefore, understanding the different aspects of this topic is vital in creating awareness of existing views and practices for implementing and managing successful change, particularly at the international level. This topic area is therefore focused on the what, why and how involving managing change in contemporary organisations and social systems in general, and how they may impact on the effectiveness of change. In particular, it examines the issues and dilemmas facing those managing change, as well as the skills required for successful adaptation and evolution, especially in an international context.

  • What internal and external factors have the greatest impact on employees in cross-national mergers and acquisitions?
  • Managing change across multi-cultural teams through technology and virtual project management: The impact of social understanding and use of digital media.
  • What are the biggest changes in home working practises going to be following Coronavirus, and what impact will they have on employee retention?
  • Managing change: Developing a framework that links intended strategies and unanticipated outcomes.
  • Employee adjustment during organisational change: The role of organisational level and occupation.
  • How can employee motivation levels be sustained during organizational restructuring?
  • Success of a Product Lifecycle Management Implementation – an investigation into the electronics manufacturing industry.
  • How power works through managing emotion in organisational change: emotion management as power.
  • How can the measurement of levels of work stress in individuals employed in an organisation undergoing change benefit it?
  • Encouraging gender equality across international firms – what role can change management approaches take in supporting increased female representation in traditionally masculine firms?
  • Managing change in Asian business – A comparison between Chinese-educated and English-educated Chinese entrepreneurs in Singapore.
  • What is the impact of feedback during organisational culture change: a case study of a financial firm?
  • Stakeholder Communication and Transformational Change: A case study in the use of a proprietary change management system.
  • What effect is there on levels of resistance and conflict when organisational change is lead by a servant or spiritual leader?
  • How social media can facilitate acceptance of change in international organisations.
  • Soft skills are not enough: Why change management approaches also need strong project management planning to be successful.
  • What are the key project management skills needed to execute a major change in the working culture of an organization?

Innovation has become a primary force driving the growth, performance, and valuation of companies. However, sometimes there is a wide gap between the aspirations of executives to innovate and their ability to execute. Many companies make the mistake of trying to spur innovation by turning to unreliable best practices, and to organisational structures and processes. Moreover, executives who focus on stimulating and supporting innovation by their employees can promote and sustain it with the current talent and resources more effectively than they could by using other incentives. This area focuses on innovation at the individual level and at the group level within organisations.

  • What are the effects of team innovation and leadership clarity in organisations? A health care case study.
  • Does socio-cultural context moderate the relationship of leadership with top-management influence on innovation?
  • What are the effects of leadership style and team process on performance and innovation in functionally heterogeneous teams?
  • An exploratory study of leadership, organisational culture and organisational innovativeness in a sample of non-profit organisations.
  • Is there a difference in leadership style between profit and non-organisations, and what are the reasons for this?
  • How do business leaders see their role in enabling innovation in large organisations?
  • Transformation or transactional? The role of leadership in supporting individual-level creativity within organisations.
  • How exactly do we put leadership and innovation together? How does a company lead in a way that generates innovation?
  • What are the key factors required for a creative organisation? How are barriers to implementing these factors overcome?
  • Organising for team creativity: Creating an organisational system for harvesting ideas for leadership and innovation.
  • What is the nature and role of leadership in three ideal types of public management innovation: politically-led, organisational turnarounds and bottom-up innovations?
  • How is leadership different in the engineering function? An assessment of Airbus UK?
  • What are the behavioural and personality correlations of transactional and transformational leadership?
  • What is the relationship between leadership style and creativity? Systematically reviewing the literature.
  • From managing to enabling innovation: Leaders’ facilitating innovation through cultural change.
  • The role of leaders in balancing creativity and standardisation in the firm.

Globalisation is a complex trend, encompassing many forces and many effects. Globalisation has revolutionised the global market as Multinational Enterprises renew their strategies to attain competitive edge. These topics evaluate different strategies adopted by business firms to uniquely position themselves in the global market.

  • The analysis of suitability and applicability of Porter’s Generic Strategies in the light of emerging business trends and an unpredictable operating environment post-pandemic.
  • Does globalisation have a future in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic?
  • What is the significance of ICT integration as a business strategy?
  • How globalisation has broken trade barriers and its impact on trade tariffs: the case of BRIC countries.
  • What current strategies are in place for businesses to meet dynamic consumer demands?
  • To what extent is consumer demand shaped by corporate innovation? A comparative study of Apple and Samsung.
  • Assessing the impact of globalisation on UK businesses operating on both international and local levels.
  • Does Brexit signal a rollback in globalisation in the UK and Europe?
  • An examination of empowerment, conflict and corporate vision as factors in developing global business strategies for multinational firms.
  • What are the transformational strategies adopted by companies in the globalisation era?
  • How have countries changed their trade policies in the face of new global market challenges?
  • A study into the FDI strategies used by UK multinational companies: case study of Vodafone.
  • Investigating the role of strategic alliances in creating global supply chain networks.
  • Assessing the impact of internationalisation strategies on multinational corporations: case study Tullow Oil.

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Theses and Dissertations in Business Administration

Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Business Administration program, College of Business, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.

In late Fall 2023 or Spring 2024, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Dissertation: Two Essays on Industry Tournament Incentives , Sarah Almisher

Dissertation: Two Essays on Investor Sentiment , Amin Amoulashkarian

Dissertation: Two Essays on Retail Trading , Qiqi Liang

Dissertation: Two Essays in Real Estate Dynamics , Navid Safari

Dissertation: Firm Capabilities, Great Power Competition, and the Structural Reshaping of Globalization , Samuel Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Dissertation: Three Essays on Stock Price Informativeness, Stock Price Momentum, and Firm Investment Efficiency , Chen Chen

Dissertation: Exploring Blockchain-Based Digital Transformation In Organizations , Weiru Chen

Dissertation: Two Essays on Antecedents and Effects of Award-Winning CEOS , Veronika Ciarleglio

Dissertation: Two’s a Crowd? Implications of Economic Geography for Corporate Governance , Matthew Farrell

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Effects of CEO Social Activism , Habib Islam

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Role of Empathy in Consumer Response to User-Generated Content , Mohammadali Koorank Beheshti

Dissertation: Three Essays on the Effects of Other Customer Brand Tie and Employee Behavior on Consumer Behavior , Saeed Zal

Dissertation: Three Essays on CEO Traits, Corporate Investment Decisions, and Firm Value , Rongyao Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Dissertation: Two Essays on Antecedents and Effects of Board Female Representation Non-Conformity , Fatemeh Askarzadeh

Dissertation: Application of Optimization Techniques in Corporate Cash Management , Venkateswara Reddy Dondeti

Dissertation: Two Essays on Corruption, FDI, and Digitalization , Mahdi Forghani Bajestani

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Information Embedded in Flow of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) , Hamed Yousefi

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Dissertation: The Influence of Mating Motives on Reliance on Form Versus Function in Product Choice , Seyed Hamid Abbassi Hosseini

Dissertation: Three Essays on CEO Characteristics and Corporate Bankruptcy , Rajib Chowdhury

Dissertation: The Effects of CEO Dismissal Risk and Skills on Risky Corporate Decisions and CEO Compensation , Son T. Dang

Dissertation: Essay 1: How We Feel: The Role of Macro-Economic Sentiment in Advertising Spending-Sales Relationship; Essay 2: It Was the Best of Times; It Was the Worst of Times: The Effect of Emotional Uncertainty and Arousal on Healthy Food Choices , Leila Khoshghadam

Dissertation: The Accumulation of IT Capability And Its Long-Term Effect on Financial Performance , Jin Ho Kim

Dissertation: Three Essays on the Roles of Review Valence and Conflict in Online Relationships , Ran Liu

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Microstructure of the Housing Market: Agents' Diffused Effort and Sellers' Behavior Bias , Zhaohui Li

Dissertation: Two Essays on CEO Overconfidence in Relation to Speed of Adjustment of Firm Financial Policy and CEO Inside Debt , Xiang Long

Dissertation: Pricing the Cloud: An Auction Approach , Yang Lu

Dissertation: Two Essays on Consumer Envy , Murong Miao

Dissertation: Two Essays on Negotiations Between Entrepreneurs and Angel Investors , Aydin Selim Oksoy

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Dissertation: Two Essays on Bitcoin Price and Volume , Mohammad Bayani Khaknejad

Dissertation: Two Essays on Investor Attention, Investor Sentiment, and Earnings Pricing , Qiuye Cai

Dissertation: Success Factors Impacting Artificial Intelligence Adoption --- Perspective From the Telecom Industry in China , Hong Chen

Dissertation: Early Information Access to Alleviate Emergency Department Congestion , Anjee Gorkhali

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Consumer Acculturation Process – A Need for and Development of a Consumer Acculturation Measure , Kristina Marie Harrison

Dissertation: Three Essays on CEO Characteristics and Corporate Decisions , Trung Nguyen

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Effects of Organization Capital on Firm Behavior , Andrew Root

Dissertation: Underlying Factors Behind Generation of Different Types of User-Generated Content - Impact of Individual and Brand/Product Level Factors in Generation of Brand-Oriented Content and Community-Oriented Content , Kemal Cem Soylemez

Dissertation: Customers’ Goal-Related Behavior in Loyalty Programs , Junzhou Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Dissertation: Security Risk Tolerance in Mobile Payment: A Trade-off Framework , Yong Chen

Dissertation: Numerical Framing and Emotional Arousal as Moderators of Review Valence and Consumer Choices , Anh Dang

Dissertation: Three Essays on CEO Risk Preferences, and Ability, Corporate Hedging Decisions, and Investor Sentiment , Sonik Mandal

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Creation and Success of New Ventures , Amirmahmood Amini Sedeh

Dissertation: Effectiveness of Social Media Analytics on Detecting Service Quality Metrics in the U.S. Airline Industry , Xin Tian

Dissertation: Two Essays on Value Co-Creation , Hangjun Xu

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Dissertation: Two Essays on Forced CEO Turnover During Envy Merger Waves, and Dividends , Bader Almuhtadi

Dissertation: The Role of Consumer Ethnocentrism on the Effects of Domestic vs Foreign Product Failure on Post Consumption Emotions and Complaint Behaviors , Kittinand Bandhumasuta

Dissertation: The Impact of Help-Self and Help-Others Appeals Upon Participation in Clinical Research Trials , Susan Lewis Casey

Dissertation: Is Every Tweet Created Equal? A Framework to Identify Relevant Tweets for Business Research , Thad Chee

Dissertation: Three Essays on Mutual Funds, Fund Management Skills, and Investor Sentiment , Feng Dong

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Impact of Institutional Structures on Entrepreneurship: Country Level Analysis , Mehdi Sharifi Khobdeh

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Antecedents and Effects of Internationalizing Out of Emerging and Developed Economies , Mark Robert Mallon

Dissertation: From Placebo to Panacea: Exploring the Influence of Price, Suspicion, and Persuasion Knowledge on Consumers’ Perception of Quality , Vahid Rahmani

Dissertation: Essays on the El Niño Anomaly and Stock Return Predictability , Zhijun Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Dissertation: The Effect of XBRL and Social Media on Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Bank Loan Contracts , Dazhi Chong

Dissertation: Two Essays on CEO Inside Debt Holding in Relation to Firm Payout Policy and Financial Reporting , Asligul Erkan

Dissertation: Two Essays on The Internationalization Speed of New Ventures , Orhun Guldiken

Dissertation: Two Essays on Shareholder Base, Firm Behavior, and Firm Value , Yi Jian

Dissertation: Valence or Volume? Maximizing Online Review Influence Across Consumers, Products, and Marketing , Elika Kordrostami

Dissertation: Essays on the Equity Risk Premium , Mohamed Mehdi Rahoui

Dissertation: A Study of the Impact of Information Blackouts on the Bullwhip Effect of a Supply Chain Using Discrete-Event Simulations , Elizabeth Rasnick

Dissertation: Two Essays on Investor Emotions and Their Effects in Financial Markets , Jiancheng Shen

Dissertation: Two Studies on The Use of Information Technology in Collaborative Planning, Forecasting & Replenishment (CPFR) , David McCaw Simmonds

Dissertation: Founder CEOs and Initial Public Offerings: The Role of Narratives, Institutions and Cultural Context , Christina Helen Tupper

Dissertation: Ambidexterity: The Interplay of Supply Chain Management Competencies and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Organizational Performance , Serdar Turedi

Dissertation: Two Essays on Short Selling , Zhaobo Zhu

Dissertation: Buying Love Through Social Media: How Different Types Of Incentives Impact Consumers’ Online Sharing Behavior , Yueming Zou

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Dissertation: Three Essays on Dividend Policy , Mehmet Deren Caliskan

Dissertation: "The Magic Formula: Scent and Brand"- The Influence of Olfactory Sensory Co-Branding on Consumer Evaluations and Experiences , Ceren Ekebas

Dissertation: The Value of Integrated Information Systems for U.S. General Hospitals , Liuliu Fu

Dissertation: Two Essays on Managerial Horizon, Cash Holdings and Earnings Management , Sanjib Guha

Dissertation: Three Essays on Opportunistic Claiming Behavior in a Services Setting: Customers and Front Line Employees Perspectives , Denis Khantimirov

Dissertation: Spillover Effects of Brand Alliance and Service Experience on Host Brands in Loyalty Program Partnerships , Gulfem Cigdem Kutlu

Dissertation: Measuring Consumer Expectations of Salesperson Unethicality: A Scale Development , Amiee Mellon

Dissertation: Essays on International Risk-Return Trade-Off Relations , Liang Meng

Dissertation: Two Essays on Investor Attention and Asset Pricing , Nadia Asmaa Nafar

Dissertation: International Venture Capital Firms Syndication and Performance: A Social Network Perspective , Amir Pezeshkan

Dissertation: Three Essays on Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Development , Adam Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Dissertation: An Empirical Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Earnings Management in Emerging Markets , Shuji Rosey Bao

Dissertation: Dynamic Capabilities and Resilient Organizations Amid Environmental Jolts , Stav Fainshmidt

Dissertation: An Empirical Examination of the Moderators of Direct Versus Indirect Comparative Advertising , Chun-Kai Hsu

Dissertation: Two Essays on Attracting Foreign Direct Investment: From Both a National and Firm Level Perspective , Ryan Lawrence Mason

Dissertation: The Effect of Online Reviews on Attitude and Purchase Intention: How Consumers Respond to Mixed Reviews , Chatdanai Pongpatipat

Dissertation: Three Essays on the Enterprise Strategy for Multinational Firms , Veselina Plamenova Vracheva

Dissertation: The Antecedents and Effects of Strategic Caring: A Cross-National Empirical Study , Thomas Weber

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Dissertation: International Banking sector Linkages: Did the Global Financial Crisis Strengthen or Weaken the Linkages? , James Edward Benton

Dissertation: Three Essays on Corporate Liquidity, Financial Crisis, and Real Estate , Kimberly Fowler Luchtenberg

Dissertation: Three Essays on Immigrant Entrepreneurship , Kaveh Moghaddam

Dissertation: The Response of Commercial Banks to Credit Stimuli , Denise Williams Streeter

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Dissertation: An Examination of Middle Manager Innovation Behaviors and Institutional Factors Impact on Organizational Innovation in the USA and Mexico , J. Lee Brown III

Dissertation: Essays on Foreign Reverse Mergers and Bond ETF Mispricing , Charles William Duval

Dissertation: Three Essays on Strategic Risk Taking , Krista Burrill Lewellyn

Dissertation: Two Essays on Executive Pay and Firm Performance , Thuong Quang Nguyen

Dissertation: A Study of Risk-Taking Behavior in Investment Banking , Elzotbek Rustambekov

Dissertation: A Study of Failures in the US Banking Industry , Joseph Trendowski

Dissertation: Two Essays on Behavioral Finance , Quang Viet Vu

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Dissertation: Three Essays on Individual Currency Traders , Boris Sebastian Abbey

Dissertation: Cross-listing Premium or Market Timing , Moustafa M. Abu El Fadl

Dissertation: Warranty and Price as Quality Signals: The effect of Signal Consistency and Unexpectedness on Product Perception , Sultan Alaswad Alenazi

Dissertation: The Behavior and Choices of Serial Bidders in M&A Transactions: A Prospect Theory Approach , Ahmed Essam El-Din El-Bakry

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Effect of Macroeconomic News on the Stock Market , Ajay Kongera

Dissertation: Intercultural Accommodation of Ethnic Minority Consumers: An Empirical Examination of the Moderating Effects in Service Encounters , Sarah Mady

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Munich Business School Insights

“MBS Outstanding Thesis” – The Best Final Papers of 2021

February 25, 2022

The MBS Outstanding Theses 2021 of Munich Business School lying side by side on a table

Last year, four further theses produced by our MBS graduates were selected for inclusion in ‘ MBS Outstanding Thesis’, a series of working papers. This blog article introduces the outstanding final papers in 2021.

Whether at bachelor’s or master’s level, a thesis is more than just the final step towards completing a degree: it can also make a significant intellectual contribution to academic and societal discourse. Students at Munich Business School are no exception, conducting high-level research as part of their theses. However, given that it is not usually possible to have these papers published in academic journals, Munich Business School’s Prof. Dr. Bartholomae launched a series of working papers entitled ‘MBS Outstanding Thesis’. In the fall of 2020, the first installment in the series recognized and published the master’s thesis of MBA graduate Jiaojiao Zhao .

At the start of the 2021/22 academic year, MBS asked its professors to put forward exceptional theses for inclusion in the series. Submissions not only required excellent grades but also had to exhibit innovative approaches and methods and provide novel insights. One bachelor’s and three master’s theses stood out in particular and have been awarded the designation “MBS Outstanding Thesis”. The authors hail from Europe, Asia and South America – the topics they covered are similarly diverse and as broad-based as the university’s curriculum.

Here’s an introduction to the four outstanding theses:

The Implementation of Socially Sustainable Supply Chains in the German Natural Stone Industry Using the Example of Trade with India

In her bachelor’s thesis, Eva Maria Fröhlich investigated the social sustainability of supply chains in one of the few industries for which the recently passed Supply Chain Act does not apply. Focusing on the trade with India and using qualitative research methods, the author examined which concrete criteria and implementation strategies of social sustainability are relevant and currently beeing applied in the natural stone industry. She established the importance of strengthening the implementation of cooperative strategies and which criteria should be taken into account beyond the avoidance of child labor. Furthermore, she identified which communication strategies can be used to raise awareness among end customers and which legislative measures could provide essential support for socially sustainable supply chains. Click here to read the full paper.

Case Study Concept for Microsoft to Support the Digital Transformation in German SMEs

Mauritius Freuding, who graduated from the master’s program in International Business , researched the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of cloud computing. During his analysis of cloud computing, he also found ways to make this complex topic comprehensible to people who are not domain experts. In addition, Freuding developed a method of outlining the benefits of cloud computing for small and medium-sized enterprises. Microsoft has since adopted Freuding’s method as its standard procedure for adapting cloud computing solutions to the needs of SMEs – a ringing endorsement of his innovative approach. Click here to read the full paper.

Esports Sponsorship Effectiveness on Brand Association and Purchase Intent

Yi-Chun Chen focused on this barely researched but highly topical field for her thesis as part of the MBA International Management program (the former name of the MBA program at MBS, renamed MBA General Management in 2019). She surveyed almost 400 Taiwanese gamers and analyzed the data she collected using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings? Attitudes towards the sponsor, the suitability of the event-sponsor fit, and the sponsor’s involvement in activities had a significant influence on gamers’ association with the brand and their intention to purchase a product from the sponsor. Brand association also plays an important role in forecasting purchase intention. Based on these insights, Chen also developed a number of highly instructive recommendations for both marketing professionals and further research. Click here to read the full paper.

The Emergence of Green Bonds as Innovative Financial Instruments

For his final paper in the MBA General Management program , Nicolas Penuela carried out a bibliometric analysis of the rise of green bonds as innovative financial instruments. He examined a dataset of 98 academic articles on green bonds published between 2008 and 2020. Using a qualitative filtration process, the MBA graduate initially analyzed controversial topics cited most frequently in the articles. Then, using a piece of software called Biblioshiny , he identified trends and gaps in green bonds research and divided his findings into three chronological phases, which allowed him to demonstrate how published articles developed over time. Finally, Penuela put forward a dynamic template for analyzing journal articles to help (future) academics to familiarize themselves with this new yet rarely used research discipline. This highly innovative topic is currently gaining considerable momentum in the field of sustainability. Click here to read the full paper.

Munich Business School would like to congratulate its graduates on these outstanding pieces of work! An overview of all final papers in the ‘MBS Outstanding Thesis’ working paper series can be found here .

  • Bachelor International Business
  • Bachelor's Thesis
  • Bibliometrics
  • Cloud Computing
  • Digital Transformation
  • Final Thesis
  • Green Bonds
  • Master International Business
  • Master's Thesis
  • MBA General Management
  • MBS Outstanding Thesis
  • Natural Stone Industry
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Social Responsibility
  • Social Sustainability
  • Sports Business
  • Sports Sponsoring
  • Sustainability

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Online student theses from CBS

Since 2009 CBS Library has collected and published final theses online on Student Theses Student Theses allows you to search and browse non-confidential Copenhagen Business School diploma, master, and executive master theses.

If you are looking to find theses from a specific programme you can search for the programme in quotation marks e.g. "msc in international business and politics". All available theses have obtained a pass but information about specific marks is not available.

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Theses from other universities

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You can also explore PhD theses written at CBS in the CBS Research Portal.  Link to PhD's in CBS Research Portal


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Bachelor’s & master’s theses & dissertations

Collection and publication of completed projects and academic papers dealing with family business-related issues*; Creation of a platform for assigning Bachelor’s thesis, Master’s thesis and dissertation topics.

Succession (selection)

  • Master Thesis | Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer in the Media Industry: Methods and Influencing Factors | PDF | IMG
  • Master Thesis | From Failure to Thrive: How does the ability to recover from failure affect the next generation of potential entrepreneurs? | PDF | IMG
  • Master Thesis| Family Internal Versus Family External Succession – A Comparison | PDF | IMG
  • Bachelor Thesis | Emotions in Family Business Succession | PDF | IMG
  • Bachelor Thesis | Family Firm Succession: What Kind of Knowledge Does the Successor Need and How can He/She Facilitate the Transfer of it? | PDF | IMG

Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Marketing (selection)

  • Dissertation | The Relevance of Entrepreneurial Orientation for Family Business Performance – A Study on Entrepreneurial Attitudes, Performance Goals and Heterogeneity of Family Firms
  • Master Thesis | Entrepreneurial Behavior in the Leading and Succeeding Generation of Family-Run Businesses in the Hotel Industry | PDF | IMG
  • Master Thesis | Customer Perception of Service Quality in Family-Run Hotels | PDF | IMG
  • Master Thesis |  Business Model Innovation in Family-owned car dealerships | PDF | IMG
  • Master Thesis | Social Network Analysis of a family run business in a touristic destination | PDF | IMG
  • Master Thesis | Prerequisites for the creation of a knowledge-oriented organisational culture in small family firms | PDF | IMG
  • Master Thesis | Entrepreneurial Knowledge in Family Firms | PDF | IMG

Human Resource Management (selection)

  • Master Thesis | The Role of CSR in Employer Branding – A Qualitative Research on Large Family Businesses within Southern Germany and Western Austria | PDF | IMG
  • Master Thesis | Economic Possibilities to Foster Employee Retention for Family-Managed Small and Medium Sized Enterprises | PDF | IMG
  • Master Thesis | Diversity and Inclusion Management: A Case Study based on the luxury hospitaly Industriy | PDF | IMG

Family (selection)

  • Master Thesis | The development of the Family Constitution in Practice | PDF | IMG

Students projects on commission

The Family Business Center provides family-owned companies with the opportunity to commission relevant projects to either Bachelor or Master students. Commissioned projects make it possible to scientifically approach and empirically examine the challenges or problem areas of individual family businesses.

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  17. Explore CBS students final theses

    Online student theses from CBS. Since 2009 CBS Library has collected and published final theses online on Student Theses. Student Theses allows you to search and browse non-confidential Copenhagen Business School diploma, master, and executive master theses. If you are looking to find theses from a specific programme you can search for the ...

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  20. Bachelor's & master's theses & dissertations

    Activities. Bachelor's & master's theses & dissertations. Collection and publication of completed projects and academic papers dealing with family business-related issues*; Creation of a platform for assigning Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis and dissertation topics.


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