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The Secret Seven – Mystery of the Skull

Clearly I’m a glutton for punishment as I picked up a copy of the new Secret Seven book while at my nearest library for Bookbug with Brodie. That branch is closing for a while to be refurbished so I grabbed it before I lost the opportunity (silly as there are another seven copies across the system!).

We all know how much I tend to dislike modern remakes, adaptations and interpretations of Enid Blyton’s works. I don’t even like modern reprints with rubbish artwork and modified texts! What’s even worse is I’m not even a big fan of the Secret Seven. I only read them as an adult, and while the mysteries are generally decent enough I find most of the children far too interchangeable and bland.

So here I am about to read a book that wasn’t written by Enid Blyton about characters I’m not that fond of. I’m sure to love it (not)!

The glimmer of hope I can see is that as I don’t hold the Secret Seven in the same regard as, say, the Famous Five or Adventure Series lots, I might not be expecting so much or be so disappointed if it’s not good.

What’s it all about?

In 2017 Pamela Butchart, a Dundee author known for her Baby Aliens series, was approached by Hodder and asked to write two new Secret Seven books. The first, The Mystery of the Skull , came out in 2018 with a cover and illustrations by Tony Ross, who is responsible for the latest reprints of the Secret Seven series.

book review of secret seven mystery

The blurb reads:

The Secret Seven Mystery of the Skull begins two weeks into the summer holidays when Janet and Peter return home from a fortnight with their gran. Peter discovers a skull in his bedroom and calls an urgent meeting of the Secret Seven. Where did the skull come from? How did it land up in Peter’s bedroom? And most importantly of all, what does this have to do with the new hotel down the road and its secretive proprietors?

It doesn’t sound very Secret-Seveny. I can’t see Enid Blyton writing about bits of dead bodies turning up anywhere let alone someone’s bedroom. I’m also not sold on the new hotel with secretive proprietors. Old hotels with secret passages are much more Blytonian.

Also not right is the title. Every other title has Secret Seven in it. Ok, so a lot of them were quite vague, but at least you knew what series they belonged to! This could be a Find-Outers book, though it’s still a bit too short a title for that. It seems unfinished, somehow. (Incidentally, apart from tipping them off that something odd is happening, the skull has no relevance to 95% of the book.)

From a Bookseller article is this sentence which doesn’t fill me with hope:

Set in the same world as Blyton’s original stories, the new mysteries promise “all the fun, adventure and humour that Butchart is known for, while satisfyingly extending this much-loved series”.

If you’re writing an Enid Blyton book you really should leave most of your personal style at home and try to channel at least a bit of Blyton! I’m imagining a zany tale worthy of David Walliams now. I don’t have a problem with Walliams – I quite enjoyed most of Gangsta Granny – but it’s not fitting for a Secret Seven book.

Where do I start?

I suppose I will start with the general story, which was probably the best thing about the book. In short; the Seven investigate the new hotel owners and discover they are digging behind the hotel. They interview Pam’s uncle about him and the other staff all being fired, and use a birthday meal at the hotel to do some snooping. There’s a midnight expedition to the digging site too, and the final chapters are concerned with the Seven searching the hotel (some of them in disguise) and uncovering the motive, the means and a few other surprises.

The detective work isn’t the best they’ve ever done but most of it stands up to scrutiny. Unfortunately they are extremely slow on the uptake at times, leaving two or three pages at a time which seem to just serve as padding as they blunder about before making an obvious conclusion.

Related post⇒ The Secret Seven reviewed

The language, the characters and everything else

The language sucks . There’s nothing even remotely recognisable about the writing. It’s full of armpits, needing to wee, throwing up, huge sweaty guys and dog drool. People are mega annoyed, told to calm their pants and Peter says Me and Janet  instead of  Janet and I.  One of the girls wears pug slippers. Yes,  pug slippers.  On a midnight search of muddy land.

book review of secret seven mystery

Everyone either gasps, shouts or screams. It feels like half the book is in capitals. Weird appears on almost every page, at least as frequently as queer ever featured in any Blyton book. The hotel owners’ dialogue is so stilted and terrible that everyone in the village should have identified them as phoneys within one sentence. We know from fairly early on that the hotel folk are up to no good, but they are too buffoonish to be genuinely considered a frightening pair.

book review of secret seven mystery

Some characters are slightly improved and others become worse. Pam and Barbara are still quite silly but we get to see them do more, and Janet also gets to shine a few times. Peter, on the other hand, becomes a buffoon who is late to his own meeting and, although bossy at times, acts very daft. He (and the others) return from a night time mission and nobody notices they left George behind, for over a quarter hour. They only realise when he walks in! Colin becomes afraid of the dark, ghosts, and skulls, Jack is obsessed with food, and despite these ‘unique’ insights, are still more or less interchangeable. Susie, after her brief appearance at the start is entirely absent for the rest of the book.

While most of the plot is reasonable, the three visits to search the hotel become a bit repetitive. Janet even twists her ankle on two separate occasions. The final one has Pam and Barbara going to huge lengths to disguise themselves and booking a hotel room. But then the others sneak in and steal keys, so what was the point?

When’s a Blyton not a Blyton?

When someone else writes it, and especially when they disregard everything from the original and write their own book which just happens to feature characters with the same names.

I’ve said it before: if this wasn’t supposed to be an Enid Blyton book, I wouldn’t be as hard on it. Even as a modern children’s mystery, though, it wouldn’t rate particularly highly with me. It’s nowhere near as good as the Adventure Island series for example.

I gave it two stars on GoodReads. I do not recommend. (I had intended to include a link to a preview of the first two chapters, on the official Enid Blyton website. But when I tried to check it tonight the website just keeps redirecting to spam sites. I will add it later, if the website starts behaving again.)

I’ll probably still end up reading the next one, though…

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3 Responses to The Secret Seven – Mystery of the Skull

' src=

This was such an interesting post – I don’t mind the extra books in the Malory Towers series, but I think that’s perhaps because they’re focused more on new characters than trying to expand on characters we already know, so there’s a little more leeway… I was always more of a Famous Five kid than a Secret Seven one too!

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Nice post, Fiona. Thank you. However, I wouldn’t buy it, because the Tony Ross cover is so ugly compared with the great illustrations from my own childhood.

' src=

I enjoyed the book but I feel like I would have liked it more if it wasn’t a secret seven book as on its own it was good but it didn’t match the rest of the books.

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Secret Seven Mystery

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Secret Seven Mystery by Enid Blyton

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Usually, the grown-ups in the Secret Seven series play a regulatory role, and, at times, even forbid the children from getting involved in mysteries. However, it is Peter's and Janet's father who drops this mystery in their lap and suggests that the Seven tackle it. A girl—Elizabeth Sonning—is missing after she is accused of stealing money. Since her grandmother lives in neighbouring Belling Village, Peter and Janet take on the case. Can the Secret Seven follow the clues and catch up with the girl, or will Susie, Jack's troublesome little sister, get in the way?

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Enid Blyton

The Secret Seven Paperback – Import, January 1, 2000

  • Part of series The Secret Seven
  • Print length 128 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Hodder Children's Books
  • Publication date January 1, 2000
  • Dimensions 2.76 x 0.63 x 4.33 inches
  • ISBN-10 0340765356
  • ISBN-13 978-0340765357
  • See all details

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About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Hodder Children's Books; Millennium Ed edition (January 1, 2000)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 128 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0340765356
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0340765357
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 6 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 2.76 x 0.63 x 4.33 inches
  • #19,871 in Children's Classics
  • #20,722 in Children's Mystery, Detective, & Spy

About the author

Enid blyton.

Enid Blyton is one of the most popular children's authors of all time. Her books have sold over 500 million copies and have been translated into other languages more often than any other children's author.

Enid Blyton adored writing for children. She wrote over 700 books and about 2,000 short stories. The Famous Five books, now 75 years old, are her most popular. She is also the author of other favourites including The Secret Seven, The Magic Faraway Tree, Malory Towers and Noddy.

Born in London in 1897, Enid lived much of her life in Buckinghamshire and loved dogs, gardening and the countryside. She was very knowledgeable about trees, flowers, birds and animals. Dorset - where some of the Famous Five's adventures are set - was a favourite place of hers too.

Enid Blyton's stories are read and loved by millions of children (and grown-ups) all over the world. Visit enidblyton.co.uk to discover more.

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‘the dragon prince’ season 7 gets an imminent release date on netflix.

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The Dragon Prince Season 7

Ever since Netflix and Wonderstorm released The Dragon Prince’s third season, waits between seasons have been somewhat agonizing. This makes news of Season 7’s release date a welcome surprise. It’s practically a Xadia-themed Christmas present!

Season 6 of the animated fantasy series was easily the best since Season 3’s epic conclusion to the show’s first narrative arc . In my review, I wrote: “Season 6 is more epic and devastating than than the last two seasons, and in big picture terms feels like it has more momentum. It also sets the stage for the seventh and final season.”

That final season is almost upon us. Season 7—Book 7 ‘Dark’—lands on Netflix on December 19th and will wrap up the Mystery of Aaravos storyline. Wonderstorm has plans to develop a third arc to the series, but that depends on whether Netflix will renew the show or not. Cross your fingers! We need more shows like this, carrying on the tradition that began with Avatar: The Last Airbender.

The Book 7 announcement comes with a clip from the upcoming season featuring two characters we met in Season 6, the Celestial Elves Astrid and Kosmo:

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For a trailer that includes someone saying “It’s so bright!” that sure is awfully dark.

Along with the clip and the image at the top of this post, Netflix dropped two other new stills from Season 7. The top image features Rayla (Paula Burrows) and her adoptive father, Runaan (Jonathan Holmes) looking like they’re about to get into a scrap.

This image features the dragon Zym, the adorable Glow Toad, Bait, Prince Ezran (Sasha Rojen) and Queen Aanya (voiced by series co-creator Aaron Ehasz’s daughter Zelda Ehasz). They look like they’re having a calm but rather serious conversation, which makes sense given the rather serious ending of Season 6, which left the kingdom of Katolis in fiery ruin.

The final new image shows a determined Ezran with his half-brother the high-mage Callum (Jack De Sena) and Crownguard soldier, Corvus (Omari Newton) standing behind him.

Left out of these early images are the children of the dark mage Viren (Jason Simpson). Soren (Jesse Inocalla) helped lead the survivors of the dragon attack away from the castle after Sol Regem burned it down, while Claudia (Racquel Belmonte) helped bring the Startouch Elf Aaravos (Erik Dellums) back to the corporeal world.

We also don’t see what’s happening with the Sunfire Elves after the brief and bloodless battle between Queen Janai (Rena Anakwe) and her brother Karim (Luc Roderique). I suspect we’ll get all that and more when Netflix drops the first Season 7 trailer (the clip above notwithstanding) which can’t be too far out given how soon the new season is streaming.

I’m both excited for the conclusion of this series and afraid that it won’t get renewed for its final arc. The adventures in Xadia definitely deserve another three seasons!

Speaking of more adventures in Xadia, Wonderstorm and Netflix also released a new mobile action-RPG Dragon Prince: Xadia . I’ve played some of the game and it’s definitely worth checking out if you enjoy Diablo- esque top-down RPGs. I’d say it’s a good first start, but without controller support and being locked to mobile, the game is held back from what it could be on PC and console. At least it’s a Netflix game, so it’s free with your subscription and has no annoying microtransactions or time-gates or any of the nonsense that makes most of mobile gaming so frustrating.

Erik Kain

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  1. Secret Seven Mystery (The Secret Seven, #9) by Enid Blyton

    Enid Mary Blyton (1897 - 1968) was an English author of children's books. Born in South London, Blyton was the eldest of three children, and showed an early interest in music and reading. She was educated at St. Christopher's School, Beckenham, and - having decided not to pursue her music - at Ipswich High School, where she trained as a ...

  2. Book Review: Secret Seven Mystery

    Book Review: Secret Seven Mystery. The Secret Seven is a story of seven cousins who come together to form a secret society. The group come together for holidays, festivities, helping the needy and to solve mysteries and crimes taking place in their village, Peterswood. Every Secret Seven member has a badge that says S.S. and a password.

  3. Book Review: The Secret Seven

    Title of the book: The Secret Seven Book Series: The Secret Seven Author: Enid Blyton Year of Publication: 2015 Publisher: Hachette India Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Adventure ISBN: 978--3408-9307-4. Outline:. The Secret Seven is a story of seven cousins who come together to form a secret society. The group come together for holidays, festivities, helping the needy and to solve mysteries ...

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    Full Reviews (These may contain spoilers): Dennis Worley's Review Peter and Janet's father gets the Secret Seven started on their next mystery, simply titled Secret Seven Mystery. Peter's father plays a part in many of the books. They need his assistance usually at the end of the mystery, but this time he is the instigator.

  9. SECRET SEVEN:09: SECRET SEVEN MYSTERY : Blyton, Enid: Amazon.in: Books

    SECRET SEVEN:09: SECRET SEVEN MYSTERY Paperback - 31 December 2004. SECRET SEVEN:09: SECRET SEVEN MYSTERY. Paperback - 31 December 2004. by Enid Blyton (Author) 4.6 101 ratings. Part of: The Secret Seven (18 books) See all formats and editions. EMI starts at ₹47 per month.

  10. The Secret Seven

    The Secret Seven - a review by Ben. Posted on January 11, 2013 by worldofblyton. The thrill of the Christmas holidays had vanished and Peter and his sister Janet decide to restart The Secret Seven. This essentially being a group of seven members who each wore a badge with S.S. and had to remember a quite often quirky password.

  11. Secret Seven Mystery: Book 9

    Solve the mystery with the Secret Seven - everyone's favourite detective club! These timeless stories are perfect for young fans of mystery, adventure or detective series. In book nine, a girl has mysteriously run away from home and her parents are frantic with worry. Can the Secret Seven follow the clues and catch up with the girl, or will Susie, Jack's troublesome little sister get in the ...

  12. The Secret Seven

    In 2017 Pamela Butchart, a Dundee author known for her Baby Aliens series, was approached by Hodder and asked to write two new Secret Seven books. The first, The Mystery of the Skull, came out in 2018 with a cover and illustrations by Tony Ross, who is responsible for the latest reprints of the Secret Seven series. The blurb reads:

  13. Secret Seven Mystery: Book 9 Kindle Edition

    Secret Seven Mystery: Book 9 - Kindle edition by Blyton, Enid. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Secret Seven Mystery: Book 9.

  14. The Secret Seven Collection by Enid Blyton

    932 ratings16 reviews. Includes: - The Secret Seven. - Secret Seven Adventure. - Well Done Secret Seven. - Secret Seven on the Trail. The Secret Seven super-sleuths are always on the trail of a mystery. Whether they're investigating a spooky house in the snow, a missing pearl necklace, an intruder in their treehouse or mysterious happenings at ...

  15. Secret Seven: Mystery of the Skull

    Secret Seven: Mystery of the Skull Paperback - January 1, 2018. Secret Seven: Mystery of the Skull. Paperback - January 1, 2018. by Butchart Pamela (Author) 4.7 456 ratings. Part of: The Secret Seven (18 books) See all formats and editions. BRAND NEW, Exactly same ISBN as listed, Please double check ISBN carefully before ordering.

  16. Amazon.com: Secret Seven Mystery: 9780340917626: Blyton, Enid: Books

    Secret Seven Mystery. Paperback - January 1, 2006. by Enid Blyton (Author) 4.7 96 ratings. Part of: The Secret Seven (18 books) See all formats and editions. A girl has mysteriously run away from home and her parents are frantic with worry. Can the Secret Seven follow the clues and catch up with the girl, or will Susie, Jack's troublesome ...

  17. Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Secret Seven Mystery

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Secret Seven Mystery - # 9 at Amazon.com. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

  18. The Secret Seven (The Secret Seven, #1) by Enid Blyton

    Enid Blyton. 3.91. 10,460 ratings402 reviews. It's their very first adventure and the Secret Seven super-sleuths are already on the trail of a mystery! The gang are dressed in disguise, following a lead to a spooky old house in the snow... Genres Childrens Mystery Fiction Adventure Classics Middle Grade Young Adult. ...more. 144 pages, Paperback.

  19. Book Review: Three Cheers, Secret Seven

    Title of the book: Three Cheers, Secret Seven Book Series: The Secret Seven Author: Enid Blyton Year of Publication: 2015 Publisher: Hachette India Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Adventure ISBN: 978--3408-9314-2. Outline:. The Secret Seven is a story of seven cousins who come together to form a secret society. The group come together for holidays, festivities, helping the needy and to solve ...

  20. Secret Seven Mystery by Enid Blyton

    by Enid Blyton. Usually, the grown-ups in the Secret Seven series play a regulatory role, and, at times, even forbid the children from getting involved in mysteries. However, it is Peter's and Janet's father who drops this mystery in their lap and suggests that the Seven tackle it. A girl—Elizabeth Sonning—is missing after she is accused of ...

  21. The Secret Seven: Enid Blyton: 9780340765357: Amazon.com: Books

    The Secret Seven. Paperback - Import, January 1, 2000. by Enid Blyton (Author) 4.6 858 ratings. Part of: The Secret Seven (18 books) See all formats and editions. The Secret Seven are siblings Peter and Janet, and Jack, Barbara, Pam, Colin and George. Together they are The Secret Seven - ready to solve any mystery, any time - in Enid Blyton's ...

  22. 'The Dragon Prince' Season 7 Gets An Imminent Release Date ...

    Season 7—Book 7 'Dark'—lands on Netflix on December 19th and will wrap up the Mystery of Aaravos storyline. Wonderstorm has plans to develop a third arc to the series, but that depends on ...

  23. Book Review: Mystery Of The Theatre Ghost

    Title of the book: Mystery Of The Theatre Ghost Book Series: The Secret Seven Author: Enid Blyton (Pamela Butchart) Year of Publication: 2019 Publisher: Hachette India Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Adventure ISBN: 978-1-4449-5281-. Outline:. The Secret Seven is a story of seven cousins who come together to formasecret society. The group come together for holidays, festivities, helping the ...

  24. Book Review: Secret Seven Adventure

    Title of the book: Secret Seven Adventure Book Series: The Secret Seven Author: Enid Blyton Year of Publication: 2015 Publisher: Hachette India Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Adventure ISBN: 978--3408-9308-1. Outline:. The Secret Seven is a story of seven cousins who come together to form a secret society. The group come together for holidays, festivities, helping the needy and to solve ...