Applied Physics

Master's program

Students interested in research with faculty at Stanford should apply directly to the PhD program. The purpose of the master’s program is to further develop knowledge and skills in applied physics and to prepare students for a professional career or doctoral studies. This is achieved through completion of courses, in the primary field as well as related areas.  45 units of completed course work in science and/or engineering at Stanford are required for the M.S. degree. There is no thesis component to the M.S. program, and research within faculty groups is neither expected nor guaranteed. There is no financial assistance from the Department or the University for students enrolled only in the terminal M.S. program. We note that eligible students often obtain teaching assistant appointments through other departments. Students enrolled in the PhD program may file for an M.S. degree en route to the Ph.D. 

The number of graduate students admitted to Applied Physics is limited. Applications to the Master of Science and Ph.D. programs should be received by December 15, 2023. M.S. and PhD. students normally enter the department the following Autumn Quarter. Joint applicants for the  Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program  must submit their Knight-Hennessy Scholars application by October 11, 2023 by 1:00pm Pacific Time and Applied Physics application by December 1, 2023. 

The Physics subject GRE exam is recommended for the Ph.D. and Master's programs .  Applicants are encouraged to submit scores, but they are not required. The subject GRE score can assist the admissions committee develop a more complete evaluation of the applicant. This is especially helpful for students who apply to our program from less traditional backgrounds or for students whose academic records do not fully show off their academic strengths. The committee is quite cognizant of the limitations of the exam and does not give it weight beyond the complementary information it adds to the existing strengths in the application material.  The general GRE exam is optional  and has less weight in admissions evaluations compared to the subject exam. The decision on whether to submit GRE scores is completely up to the applicant. 

The specific 45 units of course requirements for the Master of Science degree are the following, which are also discussed in the Stanford Bulletin :

  • Courses in physics and mathematics to overcome deficiencies in the undergraduate preparation.
  • Advanced Mechanics or Statistical Physics – 1 quarter (3 units)
  • Electrodynamics – 1 quarter (3 units)
  • Quantum Mechanics – 2 quarters (6 units)
  • 33 units of additional advanced courses in science and/or engineering. 18 of the 33 units may be any combination of advanced courses, directed study units, and 1-unit seminar courses to complete the requirement of 45 units.
  • View core coursework list of the MS degree .
  • View information about applying to grad school .

View Admissions Overview

View the Required M.S. Program Application

Contact the Applied Physics Department Office if additional information on any of the above is needed.

Office: 348 Via Pueblo Mall - Applied Physics Room 116-118 Mail Code: 94305-4090 Phone: (650) 723-4028 Web Site:

Courses offered by the Department of Applied Physics are listed under the subject code APPPHYS on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.

The Department of Applied Physics offers qualified students with backgrounds in physics or engineering the opportunity to do graduate course work and research in the physics relevant to technical applications and natural phenomena. These areas include accelerator physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, nanostructured materials, quantum electronics and photonics, quantum optics and quantum information, space science and astrophysics, synchrotron radiation and applications.

Student research is supervised by the faculty members and also by various members of other departments such as Biology, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and faculty of the Medical School who are engaged in related research fields.

Research activities are carried out in laboratories including the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM), the Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory (GINZTON),  the Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory (HEPL), the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the Center for Probing the Nanoscale, and the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Science (SIMES).

The number of graduate students admitted to Applied Physics is limited. Applications to the Master of Science and Ph.D. programs should be received by December 15, 2023. M.S. and Ph.D. students normally enter the department the following Autumn Quarter. Joint applicants for the  Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program  must submit their Knight-Hennessy Scholars application by October 11, 2023 by 1:00pm Pacific Time and Applied Physics application by December 1, 2023.

The Physics subject GRE exam is recommended for the Ph.D. and Master's programs .  Applicants are encouraged to submit scores, but they are not required. The subject GRE score can assist the admissions committee develop a more complete evaluation of the applicant. This is especially helpful for students who apply to our program from less traditional backgrounds or for students whose academic records do not fully show off their academic strengths. The committee is quite cognizant of the limitations of the exam and does not give it weight beyond the complementary information it adds to the existing strengths in the application material. The general GRE exam is optional and has less weight in admissions evaluations compared to the subject exam. The decision on whether to submit GRE scores is completely up to the applicant. 

Stanford undergraduates, regardless of undergraduate major, who are interested in a M.S. degree at the intersection of applied physics and engineering may choose to apply for the coterminal Master of Science program in Applied and Engineering Physics. The program is designed to be completed in the fifth year at Stanford. Students with accelerated undergraduate programs may be able to complete their B.S. and coterminal M.S. in four years.

Undergraduates must be admitted to the program and enrolled as a graduate student for at least one quarter prior to B.S. conferral. Applications are due on the last day of class of the Spring Quarter (June 7, 2023) for Autumn 2023 matriculation and at least four weeks before the last day of class in the previous quarter for Winter or Spring matriculation (November 1, 2023 for Winter matriculation, February 8, 2024 for Spring matriculation, and June 5, 2024 for Autumn 2024 matriculation). All application materials must be submitted directly to the Applied Physics department office by the deadlines. To apply for admission to the Applied and Engineering Physics coterminal M.S. program, students must submit the coterminal application which consists of the following:

Application for Admission to Coterminal Master's Program

Statement of Purpose

Unofficial Transcript

Two Letters of Recommendation from members of the Stanford faculty

Graduate Programs in Applied Physics

The Department of Applied Physics offers three types of advanced degrees:

    the Doctor of Philosophy

    the coterminal Master of Science in Applied and Engineering Physics

    the Master of Science in Applied Physics, either as a terminal degree or an en route degree to the Ph.D. for students already enrolled in the Applied Physics Ph.D. program.

Admission requirements for graduate work in the Master of Science and Ph.D. programs in Applied Physics include a bachelor's degree in Physics or an equivalent engineering degree. Students entering the program from an engineering curriculum should expect to spend at least an additional quarter of study acquiring the background to meet the requirements for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Physics.

Emeriti:  (Professors) Malcolm R. Beasley, Arthur Bienenstock, Steven M. Block, Robert L. Byer (recalled to active service), Sebastian Doniach, Alexander L. Fetter, Stephen E. Harris, Walter A. Harrison, Peter A. Sturrock, Yoshihisa Yamamoto; (Professors, Research) Herman Winick; (Courtesy) James S. Harris

Chair:  Ian R. Fisher

Chair of Graduate Studies Committee:  Aharon Kapitulnik

Professors:  Philip H. Bucksbaum, Martin M. Fejer, Daniel S. Fisher, Ian R. Fisher, Tony F. Heinz, Harold Y. Hwang, Aharon Kapitulnik, Mark A. Kasevich, Young S. Lee, Benjamin L. Lev, Hideo Mabuchi, Kathryn A. Moler, Vahé Petrosian, Stephen R. Quake, David A. Reis, Mark J. Schnitzer, Zhi-Xun Shen, Yuri Suzuki

Associate Professors:  Surya Ganguli, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, David Schuster, Jon Simon

Assistant Professors:  Benjamin Good

Professor (Research):  Michel J-F. Digonnet

Courtesy Professors:  Mark L. Brongersma, Shanhui Fan, David Goldhaber-Gordon, William J. Greenleaf, Lambertus Hesselink, Zhirong Huang, Vedika Khemani, Matthias F. Kling, David A. B. Miller, W. E. Moerner, Eric Pop, Andrew J. Spakowitz, Jelena Vuckovic

Adjunct Professors:  Thomas M. Baer, John D. Fox, Richard M. Martin

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  • Graduate Advising

Courses offered by the Department of Applied Physics are listed under the subject code APPPHYS on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site .

The Department of Applied Physics offers qualified students with backgrounds in physics or engineering the opportunity to do graduate course work and research in the physics relevant to technical applications and natural phenomena. These areas include accelerator physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, nanostructured materials, quantum electronics and photonics, quantum optics and quantum information, space science and astrophysics, synchrotron radiation and applications.

Student research is supervised by the faculty members  and also by various members of other departments such as Biology, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and faculty of the Medical School who are engaged in related research fields.

Research activities are carried out in laboratories including the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM), the Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory (GINZTON),  the Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory (HEPL), the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the Center for Probing the Nanoscale, and the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Science (SIMES).

The number of graduate students admitted to Applied Physics is limited. Applications to the Master of Science and Ph.D. programs should be received by December 15, 2020. M.S. and PhD. students normally enter the department the following Autumn Quarter. Joint applicants for the  Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program  must submit their Knight-Hennessy Scholars application by October 14, 2020 by 1:00pm Pacific Time and Applied Physics application by December 15, 2020. The general and subject GREs are optional for both the Ph.D. and master's programs. Applicants may submit scores, but they are not required.

  • Graduate Programs in Applied Physics

The Department of Applied Physics offers three types of advanced degrees:

  •     the Doctor of Philosophy
  •     the coterminal Master of Science in Applied and Engineering Physics
  •     the Master of Science in Applied Physics, either as a terminal degree or an en route degree to the Ph.D. for students already enrolled in the Applied Physics Ph.D. program.

Admission requirements for graduate work in the Master of Science and Ph.D. programs in Applied Physics include a bachelor's degree in Physics or an equivalent engineering degree. Students entering the program from an engineering curriculum should expect to spend at least an additional quarter of study acquiring the background to meet the requirements for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Physics.

  • Learning Outcomes (Graduate)

The purpose of the master's program is to further develop knowledge and skills in Applied Physics and to prepare students for a professional career or doctoral studies. This is achieved through completion of courses, in the primary field as well as related areas, and experience with independent work and specialization.

The Ph.D. is conferred upon candidates who have demonstrated substantial scholarship and the ability to conduct independent research and analysis in Applied Physics. Through completion of advanced course work and rigorous skills training, the doctoral program prepares students to make original contributions to the knowledge of Applied Physics and to interpret and present the results of such research.

The department offers an M.S. in Applied Physics as well as a coterminal M.S. in Applied Physics available, upon application and acceptance, to Stanford undergraduates. Both programs are described below.

  • Master of Science in Applied Physics

The University's basic requirements for the master's degree are discussed in the " Graduate Degrees " section of this bulletin. The minimum requirements for the degree are 45 units, of which at least 39 units must be graduate-level courses in applied physics, engineering, mathematics, and physics. The deadline for 2021-22 admissions is December 15, 2020. The required program consists of the following:

Course List
Advanced Mechanics3
Advanced Mechanics
Continuum Mechanics
Select one of the following:
Electrons and Photons
Classical Electrodynamics
Quantum Mechanics6
Atoms, Fields and Photons
Quantum Materials
Applied Quantum Mechanics I
Applied Quantum Mechanics II
Graduate Quantum Mechanics I
Graduate Quantum Mechanics II
Advanced Topics in Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Field Theory I
Quantum Field Theory II
Quantum Field Theory III
Directed Studies
Directed Studies in Applied Physics
1-unit Seminar Courses
Applied Quantum Mechanics I3
Applied Quantum Mechanics II3
Modern Optics3
Laser Dynamics3
Introduction to Nonlinear Optics3
Condensed Matter Theory I3
Condensed Matter Theory II3
  • Courses in Physics and Mathematics to overcome deficiencies, if any, in undergraduate preparation.

Basic graduate courses (letter grade required):

33 units of additional advanced courses in science and/or engineering. May be any combination of APPPHYS 290 Directed Studies in Applied Physics ​, any 1-unit course, and regular courses. At least 18 of these 33 units must be taken for a letter grade. 15 of these 18 units must be at the 200-level or above. Only 6 units below the 200-level are permitted without approval by the Applied Physics Graduate Study Committee.

A final overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) is required for courses used to fulfill degree requirements.

There are no department nor University examinations. There is no thesis component. If a student is admitted to the M.S. program only, but later wishes to change to the Ph.D. program, the student must re-apply through the admissions portal.

Coterminal Master of Science in Applied and Engineering Physics

Stanford undergraduates, regardless of undergraduate major, who are interested in a M.S. degree at the intersection of applied physics and engineering may choose to apply for the coterminal Master of Science program in Applied and Engineering Physics. The program is designed to be completed in the fifth year at Stanford. Students with accelerated undergraduate programs may be able to complete their B.S. and coterminal M.S. in four years.

Application and Admission

Undergraduates must be admitted to the program and enrolled as a graduate student for at least one quarter prior to B.S. conferral. Applications are due on the last day of class of the Spring Quarter (June 10, 2020) for Autumn 2020 matriculation and at least four weeks before the last day of class in the previous quarter for Winter or Spring matriculation (October 20, 2020 for Winter matriculation, February 19, 2021 for Spring matriculation, and June 4, 2021 for Autumn 2021 matriculation). All application materials must be submitted directly to the Applied Physics department office by the deadlines. To apply for admission to the Applied and Engineering Physics coterminal M.S. program, students must submit the coterminal application which consists of the following:

  • Application for Admission to Coterminal Master's Program
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Unofficial Transcript
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from members of the Stanford faculty
  • University Coterminal Requirements

Coterminal master’s degree candidates are expected to complete all master’s degree requirements as described in this bulletin. University requirements for the coterminal master’s degree are described in the “ Coterminal Master’s Program ” section. University requirements for the master’s degree are described in the " Graduate Degrees " section of this bulletin.

After accepting admission to this coterminal master’s degree program, students may request transfer of courses from the undergraduate to the graduate career to satisfy requirements for the master’s degree. Transfer of courses to the graduate career requires review and approval of both the undergraduate and graduate programs on a case by case basis.

In this master’s program, courses taken three quarters prior to the first graduate quarter, or later, are eligible for consideration for transfer to the graduate career. No courses taken prior to the first quarter of the sophomore year may be used to meet master’s degree requirements.

Course transfers are not possible after the bachelor’s degree has been conferred.

The University requires that the graduate advisor be assigned in the student’s first graduate quarter even though the undergraduate career may still be open. The University also requires that the Master’s Degree Program Proposal be completed by the student and approved by the department by the end of the student’s first graduate quarter.

  • Program Requirements

Coterminal M.S. students are required to take 45 units of course work during their graduate career. Of these 45 units, the following are required.

Course List
Four Breadth Courses (required)
Electrons and Photons4
Atoms, Fields and Photons4
Quantum Materials4
Introduction to Biophysics4
Three Engineering Depth Courses9
One Laboratory or Methods Course3-4
Laboratory Electronics
Laboratory Electronics
Numerical Methods for Physicists and Engineers
Estimation and Control Methods for Applied Physics (by arrangement with the instructor)
Advanced Imaging Lab in Biophysics
Photonics Laboratory
High-Frequency Circuit Design Laboratory
Integrated Circuit Fabrication Laboratory
Micro/Nano Systems Design and Fabrication
MEMS Laboratory II
Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Atom-based computational methods for materials
Seminar 3
Condensed Matter Seminar
Optics and Electronics Seminar
Seminar in Biophysics
Colloquium on Computer Systems
Materials Science Colloquium
Approved Technical Electives 6-12
Total Units45

The seminar requirement can be fulfilled by either (i) taking one formal seminar course for credit each term, and/or (ii) enrolling in and attending a minimum of eight informal talks or formal research seminars during each of the three terms. Students enrolling in must submit with their final M.S. program proposal a list of the eight talks/seminars with a paragraph describing the content, signed by their academic adviser.

These include APPPHYS, CS, CME, EE, ME, BIOE, MATSCI, PHYSICS courses (see as well as those courses that are formally approved by the Applied Physics Graduate Studies Committee through petition.

Any request for a course transfer from the undergraduate career is subject to approval of the undergraduate and graduate departments.

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Physics

The University's basic requirements for the Ph.D. including residency, dissertation, and examinations are discussed in the " Graduate Degrees " section of this bulletin. The deadline for the 2021-22 admissions is December 15, 2020. Joint applicants for the  Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program  must submit their Knight-Hennessy Scholars application by October 14, 2020 by 1:00pm Pacific Time and Applied Physics application by December 15, 2020. The program leading to a Ph.D. in Applied Physics consists of course work, research, qualifying for Ph.D. candidacy, a research progress report, a University  oral examination, and a dissertation as follows:

Course Work:

Course List
Statistical Physics3-4
Estimation and Control Methods for Applied Physics (by arrangement with the instructor)
Stochastic and Nonlinear Dynamics
Statistical Mechanics
Electrodynamics 3-4
Select one of the following:
Electrons and Photons
Classical Electrodynamics
Quantum Mechanics3
Atoms, Fields and Photons
Quantum Materials
Applied Quantum Mechanics I
Applied Quantum Mechanics II
Graduate Quantum Mechanics I
Graduate Quantum Mechanics II
Advanced Topics in Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Field Theory I
Quantum Field Theory II
Quantum Field Theory III
Laboratory Electronics
Laboratory Electronics
Advanced Imaging Lab in Biophysics
Microfluidic Device Laboratory
Photonics Laboratory
Analytical Methods in Biotechnology
Integrated Circuit Fabrication Laboratory
Energy Materials Laboratory
X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory
Mechanical Behavior Laboratory
Astrophysics Laboratory

 Additional courses to fulfill this requirement are being reviewed by the department curriculum committee and will be added here when they have been approved.

Students who took APPPHYS 304 or APPPHYS 305 in previous years may also count these courses towards this requirement.

  • Basic graduate courses: These requirements may be totally or partly satisfied with equivalent courses taken elsewhere, pending the approval of the graduate study committee. Letter grades required for all courses.
Course List
Applied Quantum Mechanics I3
Applied Quantum Mechanics II3
Modern Optics3
Laser Dynamics3
Introduction to Nonlinear Optics3
Condensed Matter Theory I3
Condensed Matter Theory II3
  • Additional units of courses as needed to meet the minimum residency requirement of 135. Directed study and research units as well as 1-unit seminar courses can be included.
  • A final average overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) is required for courses used to fulfill degree requirements.
  • Students are normally expected to complete the specified course requirements by the end of their third year of graduate study.
  • Research: may be conducted in a science/engineering field under the supervision of a member of the Applied Physics faculty or appropriate faculty from other departments. If the primary adviser is from a department other than Applied Physics, the student must appoint a co-adviser from the Applied Physics department.
  • Ph.D. Candidacy: satisfactory progress in academic and research work, together with passing the Ph.D. candidacy qualifying examination, qualifies the student to apply for Ph.D. candidacy, and must be completed before the third year of graduate registration. The examination consists of a seminar on a suitable subject delivered by the student before a committee consisting of the chair (who is from the graduate studies committee), a faculty member from outside the department chosen by the student, and the third member is from the AP faculty (courtesy appointment is okay).
  • Research Progress Report: normally before the end of the Winter Quarter of the fourth year of enrollment in graduate study at Stanford, the student arranges to give an oral research progress report, which could be last up to two hours.
  • University Ph.D. Oral Examination : consists of a public seminar in defense of the dissertation, followed by private questioning of the candidate by the University examining committee.
  • Dissertation: must be approved and signed by the Ph.D. reading committee.

On July 30, the Academic Senate adopted grading policies effective for all undergraduate and graduate programs, excepting the professional Graduate School of Business, School of Law, and the School of Medicine M.D. Program. For a complete list of those and other academic policies relating to the pandemic, see the " COVID-19 and Academic Continuity " section of this bulletin.

The Senate decided that all undergraduate and graduate courses offered for a letter grade must also offer students the option of taking the course for a “credit” or “no credit” grade and recommended that deans, departments, and programs consider adopting local policies to count courses taken for a “credit” or “satisfactory” grade toward the fulfillment of degree-program requirements and/or alter program requirements as appropriate.

Graduate Degree Requirements

The Department of Applied Physics counts all courses taken in academic year 2020-21 with a grade of 'CR' (credit) or 'S' (satisfactory) towards satisfaction of graduate degree requirements that otherwise require a letter grade provided that the instructor affirms that the work was done at a 'B' or better level.

Graduate Advising Expectations

The Department of Applied Physics is committed to providing academic advising in support of graduate student scholarly and professional development. When most effective, this advising relationship entails collaborative and sustained engagement by both the advisor and the advisee. As a best practice, advising expectations should be periodically discussed and reviewed to ensure mutual understanding. Both the advisor and the advisee are expected to maintain professionalism and integrity.

In addition, the Faculty Candidacy Chair, Professor Philip Bucksbaum, is available for consultation during the academic year by email and during office hours. The Applied Physics student services office is also an important part of the advising team. Staff in the office inform students and advisors about University and department requirements, procedures, and opportunities, and maintain the official records of advising assignments and approvals. 

Faculty advisors guide students in key areas such as selecting courses, designing and conducting research, developing of teaching pedagogy, navigating policies and degree requirements, and exploring academic opportunities and professional pathways.

Graduate students are active contributors to the advising relationship, proactively seeking academic and professional guidance and taking responsibility for informing themselves of policies and degree requirements for their graduate program.

For a statement of University policy on graduate advising, see the " Graduate Advising " section of this bulletin.

  • Master of Science Advising

At the start of graduate study, each student is assigned a master’s program advisor: a member of our faculty who provides guidance in course selection, course planning, and in exploring short and long term academic opportunities and professional pathways. The program advisor serves as the first resource for consultation and advice about a student's academic program. Usually, the same faculty member serves as program advisor for the duration of master’s study. In rare instances, a formal advisor change request may be considered. See the Applied Physics student services office for additional information on this process.

  • Ph.D. Advising

Academic advisors are assigned to incoming first year students by the graduate study committee based on their interest of studies. Faculty academic advisors guide students in key areas such as selecting courses, designing and conducting research, developing of teaching pedagogy, navigating policies and degree requirements, and exploring academic opportunities and professional pathways. Each individual program, designed by the student in consultation with the academic advisor, should represent a strong and cohesive program reflecting the student's major field of interest. Based on the research interest, students and research advisors mutually agree to work on the research together and establish a collaborative relationship. When the research advisor is from outside the Applied Physics department, the student must also identify a co-advisor from departmental primary faculty to provide guidance on departmental requirements and opportunities.  

Emeriti: (Professors) Malcolm R. Beasley, Arthur Bienenstock, Sebastian Doniach, Alexander L. Fetter, Theodore H. Geballe, Stephen E. Harris, Walter A. Harrison, Peter A. Sturrock, Yoshihisa Yamamoto; (Professors, Research) Helmut Wiedemann, Herman Winick; (Courtesy) Douglas D. Osheroff

Chair: Martin M. Fejer

Chair of Graduate Studies Committee:  Philip H. Bucksbaum

Professors: Steven M. Block, Philip H. Bucksbaum, Robert L. Byer, Martin M. Fejer, Daniel S. Fisher, Ian R. Fisher, Tony F. Heinz, Harold Y. Hwang, Aharon Kapitulnik, Mark A. Kasevich, Young S. Lee, Hideo Mabuchi, Kathryn A. Moler, Vahé Petrosian, Stephen R. Quake, Zhi-Xun Shen, Yuri Suzuki

Associate Professors:  Benjamin L. Lev, David A. Reis, Mark J. Schnitzer

Assistant Professors: Surya Ganguli, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Benjamin Good

Professor (Research): Michel J-F. Digonnet

Courtesy Professors:  Mark L. Brongersma, Bruce M. Clemens, Shanhui Fan, David Goldhaber-Gordon, James S. Harris, Lambertus Hesselink, David A. B. Miller, W. E. Moerner, Jelena Vuckovic

Courtesy Associate Professors: Willliam J. Greenleaf, Zhirong Huang, Andrew J. Spakowitz

Adjunct Professors: Thomas M. Baer, Raymond G. Beausoleil, John D. Fox, Richard M. Martin

APPPHYS 61. Science as a Creative Process. 4 Units.

What is the process of science, and why does creativity matter? We'll delve deeply into the applicability of science in addressing a vast range of real-world problems. This course is designed to teach the scientific method as it's actually practiced by working scientists. It will cover how to ask a well-posed question, how to design a good experiment, how to collect and interpret quantitative data, how to recover from error, and how to communicate findings. Facts matter! Course topics will include experimental design, statistics and statistical significance, formulating appropriate controls, modeling, peer review, and more. The course will incorporate a significant hands-on component featuring device fabrication, testing, and measurement. Among other "Dorm Science" activities, we'll be distributing Arduino microcontroller kits and electronic sensors, then use these items, along with other materials, to complete a variety of group and individual projects outside the classroom. The final course assignment will be to develop and write a scientific grant proposal to test a student-selected myth or scientific controversy. Although helpful, no prior experience with electronics or computer programming is required. Recommended for freshmen. Same as: BIO 61

APPPHYS 77N. Functional Materials and Devices. 3 Units.

Preference to freshmen. Exploration via case studies how functional materials have been developed and incorporated into modern devices. Particular emphasis is on magnetic and dielectric materials and devices. Recommended: high school physics course including electricity and magnetism.

APPPHYS 79N. Energy Options for the 21st Century. 3 Units.

Preference to frosh. Choices for meeting the future energy needs of the U.S. and the world. Basic physics of energy sources, technologies that might be employed, and related public policy issues. Trade-offs and societal impacts of different energy sources. Policy options for making rational choices for a sustainable world energy economy.

APPPHYS 100. The Questions of Clay: Craft, Creativity and Scientific Process. 5 Units.

Students will create individual studio portfolios of ceramic work and pursue technical investigations of clay properties and the firing process using modern scientific equipment. Emphasis on development of creative process; parallels between science and traditional craft; integration of creative expression with scientific method and analysis. Prior ceramics experience desirable but not necessary. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: any level of background in physics, Instructor permission. Same as: ARTSINST 100

APPPHYS 100B. The Questions of Cloth: Weaving, Pattern Complexity and Structures of Fabric. 4 Units.

Students will learn to weave on a table loom while examining textile structures from historic, artistic and scientific perspectives. Emphasis on analyzing patterns and structures generated by weaving, with elementary introductions to information-scientific notions of algorithmic complexity, image compression, and source coding. This class is primarily intended for non-STEM majors with little or no prior experience in working with textiles. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: Instructor permission. Same as: ARTSINST 100B

APPPHYS 100Q. INDIGO. 3 Units.

Preference to sophomores. Indigo as a plant, biomolecule, dye, ancient craft material, and organic semiconductor; the interest of natural dyes for both biomimetic engineering and indigenous artistic practices. Students will plant and tend an indigo crop, harvest and process indigo leaves for dyestuffs, and dye textiles using an organic vat process. Lectures, readings and discussions will focus on the biochemistry and physics of indigo dye, traditional indigo textile arts, environmental impacts of industrial-scale indigo dyeing of denim, roles of indigo in upcycling, craft-washing, and the aesthetics of indigo in western and non-western cultural frames.

APPPHYS 188. Matter and Mattering: Transdisciplinary Thinking about Things. 4-5 Units.

Things sit at the nexus of cross-cutting heterogeneous processes; tracing the entanglements of any prominent thing or class of things demands a transdisciplinary approach that recruits expertise from the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. For example, carbon is a key factor in global warming for reasons that are as much socio-historical as bio-physical, and we could not begin to sketch the full significance of carbon without considering such diverse frames of reference. Our growing appreciation in the social sciences and humanities of the agency, polyvalence and catalytic role of things has given rise to The New Materialist and Post-Humanist movements, which in turn raise questions about intra-action and observational perspective that are echoed in the modern physical and life sciences. In this class we will explore these theoretical convergences in considering themes such as `things-in-themselves¿, networks and open systems, assemblages and entanglements. We will also examine specific examples such as oil, metal (guns), dams, viruses, electricity, mushrooms; each thing will be explored both in terms of its social and ethical entanglements and in terms of its material properties and affordances. There will also be hands-on encounters with objects in labs and a couple of local field trips. The key question throughout will be `why and how does matter matter in society today?. Same as: ANTHRO 188 , ANTHRO 288 , ARCHLGY 188

APPPHYS 189. Physical Analysis of Artworks. 3 Units.

Students explore the use of Stanford Nano Shared Facilities (SNSF) for physical analysis of material samples of interest for art conservation, technical art history and archaeology. Weekly SNSF demonstrations will be supplemented by lectures on intellectual context by Stanford faculty/staff and conservators from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (FAMSF). Students will complete the SNSF training sequence for electron microscopy and undertake analysis projects derived from ongoing conservation efforts at FAMSF.".

APPPHYS 201. Electrons and Photons. 4 Units.

Applied Physics Core course appropriate for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with prior knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and special relativity. Interaction of electrons with intense electromagnetic fields from microwaves to x- ray, including electron accelerators, x-ray lasers and synchrotron light sources, attosecond laser-atom interactions, and x-ray matter interactions. Mechanisms of radiation, free-electron lasing, and advanced techniques for generating ultrashort brilliant pulses. Characterization of electronic properties of advanced materials, prospects for single-molecule structure determination using x-ray lasers, and imaging attosecond molecular dynamics. Same as: PHOTON 201

APPPHYS 203. Atoms, Fields and Photons. 4 Units.

Applied Physics Core course appropriate for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with prior knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and ordinary differential equations. Structure of single- and multi-electron atoms and molecules, and cold collisions. Phenomenology and quantitative modeling of atoms in strong fields, with modern applications. Introduction to quantum optical theory of atom-photon interactions, including quantum trajectory theory, mechanical effects of light on atoms, and fundamentals of laser spectroscopy and coherent control.

APPPHYS 204. Quantum Materials. 4 Units.

Applied Physics Core course appropriate for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with prior knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics. Introduction to materials and topics of current interest. Topics include superconductivity, magnetism, charge and spin density waves, frustration, classical and quantum phase transitions, multiferroics, and interfaces. Prerequisite: elementary course in quantum mechanics.

APPPHYS 205. Introduction to Biophysics. 3-4 Units.

Core course appropriate for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students with prior knowledge of calculus and a college physics course. Introduction to how physical principles offer insights into modern biology, with regard to the structural, dynamical, and functional organization of biological systems. Topics include the roles of free energy, diffusion, electromotive forces, non-equilibrium dynamics, and information in fundamental biological processes. Same as: BIO 126 , BIO 226

APPPHYS 207. Laboratory Electronics. 4 Units.

Lecture/lab emphasizing analog and digital electronics for lab research. RC and diode circuits. Transistors. Feedback and operational amplifiers. Active filters and circuits. Pulsed circuits, voltage regulators, and power circuits. Precision circuits, low-noise measurement, and noise reduction techniques. Circuit simulation tools. Analog signal processing techniques and modulation/demodulation. Principles of synchronous detection and applications of lock-in amplifiers. Common laboratory measurements and techniques illustrated via topical applications. Prerequisites: undergraduate device and circuit exposure.

APPPHYS 208. Laboratory Electronics. 4 Units.

Lecture/lab emphasizing analog and digital electronics for lab research. Continuation of APPPHYS 207 with emphasis on applications of digital techniques. Combinatorial and synchronous digital circuits. Design using programmable logic. Analog/digital conversion. Microprocessors and real time programming, concepts and methods of digital signal processing techniques. Current lab interface protocols. Techniques commonly used for lab measurements. Development of student lab projects during the last three weeks. Prerequisites: undergraduate device and circuit exposure. Recommended: previous enrollment in APPPHYS 207 .

APPPHYS 215. Numerical Methods for Physicists and Engineers. 4 Units.

Fundamentals of numerical methods applied to physical systems. Derivatives and integrals; interpolation; quadrature; FFT; singular value decomposition; optimization; linear and nonlinear least squares fitting; error estimation; deterministic and stochastic differential equations; Monte Carlo methods. Lectures will be accompanied by guided project work enabling each student to make rapid progress on a project of relevance to their interests.

APPPHYS 217. Estimation and Control Methods for Applied Physics. 4 Units.

Recursive filtering, parameter estimation, and feedback control methods based on linear and nonlinear state-space modeling. Topics in: dynamical systems theory; practical overview of stochastic differential equations; model reduction; and tradeoffs among performance, complexity, and robustness. Numerical implementations in MATLAB. Contemporary applications in systems biology and quantum precision measurement. Prerequisites: linear algebra and ordinary differential equations.

APPPHYS 219. Solid State Physics Problems in Energy Technology. 3 Units.

Technology issues for a secure energy future; role of solid state physics in energy technologies. Topics include the physics principles behind future technologies related to solar energy and solar cells, solid state lighting, superconductivity, solid state fuel cells and batteries, electrical energy storage, materials under extreme condition, nanomaterials.

APPPHYS 222. Principles of X-ray Scattering. 4 Units.

Provides a fundamental understanding of x-ray scattering and diffraction. Combines pedagogy with modern experimental methods for obtaining atomic-scale structural information on synchrotron and free-electon laser-based facilities. Topics include Fourier transforms, reciprocal space; scattering in the first Born approximation, comparison of x-ray, neutron and electron interactions with matter, kinematic theory of diffraction; dynamical theory of diffraction from perfect crystals, crystal optics, diffuse scattering from imperfect crystals, inelastic x-ray scattering in time and space, x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. Laboratory experiments at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource. Same as: PHOTON 222

APPPHYS 223. Stochastic and Nonlinear Dynamics. 3 Units.

Theoretical analysis of dynamical processes: dynamical systems, stochastic processes, and spatiotemporal dynamics. Motivations and applications from biology and physics. Emphasis is on methods including qualitative approaches, asymptotics, and multiple scale analysis. Prerequisites: ordinary and partial differential equations, complex analysis, and probability or statistical physics. Same as: BIO 223 , BIOE 213 , PHYSICS 223

APPPHYS 225. Probability and Quantum Mechanics. 3 Units.

Structure of quantum theory emphasizing states, measurements, and probabilistic modeling. Generalized quantum measurement theory; parallels between classical and quantum probability; conditional expectation in the Schrödinger and Heisenberg pictures; covariance with respect to symmetry groups; reference frames and super-selection rules. Classical versus quantum correlations; nonlocal aspects of quantum probability; axiomatic approaches to interpretation. Prerequisites: undergraduate quantum mechanics, linear algebra, and basic probability and statistics.

APPPHYS 228. Quantum Hardware. 4 Units.

Review of the basics of quantum information. Quantum optics: photon counting, detection, and amplification. Quantum noise in parametric processes. Quantum sensing: standard quantum limits, squeezed light, and spin squeezing. Gaussian quantum information. Quantum theory of electric circuits, electromagnetic components, and nanomechanical devices. Integrated quantum systems: superconductivity and Josephson qubits, measurement-based quantum computing with photons, spin qubits, topological systems. Prerequisites: PHYSICS 134 /234 and APPPHYS 203 .

APPPHYS 232. Advanced Imaging Lab in Biophysics. 4 Units.

Laboratory and lectures. Advanced microscopy and imaging, emphasizing hands-on experience with state-of-the-art techniques. Students construct and operate working apparatus. Topics include microscope optics, Koehler illumination, contrast-generating mechanisms (bright/dark field, fluorescence, phase contrast, differential interference contrast), and resolution limits. Laboratory topics vary by year, but include single-molecule fluorescence, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy, microendoscopy, and optical trapping. Limited enrollment. Recommended: basic physics, basic cell biology, and consent of instructor. Same as: BIO 132 , BIO 232 , BIOPHYS 232 , GENE 232

APPPHYS 236. Biology by the Numbers. 3 Units.

For PhD students and advanced undergraduates. Students will develop skills in quantitative reasoning over a wide range of biological problems. Topics: biological size scales ranging from proteins to ecosystems; biological times time scales ranging from enzymatic catalysis and DNA replication to evolution; biological energy, motion and force from molecular to organismic scales; mechanisms of environmental sensing ranging from bacterial chemotaxis to vision. Same as: BIOC 236

APPPHYS 237. Quantitative Evolutionary Dynamics and Genomics. 3 Units.

The genomics revolution has fueled a renewed push to model evolutionary processes in quantitative terms. This course will provide an introduction to quantitative evolutionary modeling through the lens of statistical physics. Topics will range from the foundations of theoretical population genetics to experimental evolution of laboratory microbes. Course work will involve a mixture of pencil-and-paper math, writing basic computer simulations, and downloading and manipulating DNA sequence data from published datasets. This course is intended for upper level physics and math students with no biology background, as well as biology students who are comfortable with differential equations and probability. Same as: BIO 251

APPPHYS 270. Magnetism and Long Range Order in Solids. 3 Units.

Cooperative effects in solids. Topics include the origin of magnetism in solids, crystal electric field effects and anisotropy, exchange, phase transitions and long-range order, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, metamagnetism, density waves and superconductivity. Emphasis is on archetypal materials. Prerequisite: PHYSICS 172 or MATSCI 209 , or equivalent introductory condensed matter physics course.

APPPHYS 272. Solid State Physics. 3 Units.

Introduction to the properties of solids. Crystal structures and bonding in materials. Momentum-space analysis and diffraction probes. Lattice dynamics, phonon theory and measurements, thermal properties. Electronic structure theory, classical and quantum; free, nearly-free, and tight-binding limits. Electron dynamics and basic transport properties; quantum oscillations. Properties and applications of semiconductors. Reduced-dimensional systems. Undergraduates should register for PHYSICS 172 and graduate students for APPPHYS 272 . Prerequisites: PHYSICS 170 and PHYSICS 171 , or equivalents. Same as: PHYSICS 172

APPPHYS 273. Solid State Physics II. 3 Units.

Introduction to the many-body aspects of crystalline solids. Second quantization of phonons, anharmonic effects, polaritons, and scattering theory. Second quantization of Fermi fields. Electrons in the Hartree-Fock and random phase approximation; electron screening and plasmons. Magnetic exchange interactions. Electron-phonon interaction in ionic/covalent semiconductors and metals; effective attractive electron-electron interactions, Cooper pairing, and BCS description of the superconducting state. Prerequisite: APPPHYS 272 or PHYSICS 172 .

APPPHYS 280. Phenomenology of Superconductors. 3 Units.

Phenomenology of superconductivity viewed as a macroscopic quantum phenomenon. Topics include the superconducting pair wave function, London and Ginzburg-Landau theories, the Josephson effect, type I type II superconductivity, and the response of superconductors to currents, magnetic fields, and RF electromagnetic radiation. Introduction to thermal fluctuation effects in superconductors and quantum superconductivity.

APPPHYS 282. Quantum Gases. 3 Units.

Introduction to the physics of quantum gases and their use in quantum simulation and computation. Topics in modern atomic physics and quantum optics will be covered, including laser cooling and trapping, ultracold collisions, optical lattices, ion traps, cavity QED, quantum phase transitions in quantum gases and lattices, BEC and quantum degenerate Fermi gases, 1D and 2D quantum gases, dipolar gases, and quantum nonequilibrium dynamics and phase transitions. Prerequisites: undergraduate quantum and statistical mechanics courses. Applied Physics 203 strongly recommended but not required. Same as: PHYSICS 182 , PHYSICS 282

APPPHYS 290. Directed Studies in Applied Physics. 1-15 Unit.

Special studies under the direction of a faculty member for which academic credit may properly be allowed. May include lab work or directed reading.

APPPHYS 291. Practical Training. 1-3 Unit.

Opportunity for practical training in industrial labs. Arranged by student with research adviser's approval. Summary of activities required.

APPPHYS 293. Theoretical Neuroscience. 3 Units.

Survey of advances in the theory of neural networks, mainly (but not solely) focused on results of relevance to theoretical neuroscience.Synthesizing a variety of recent advances that potentially constitute the outlines of a theory for understanding when a given neural network architecture will work well on various classes of modern recognition and classification tasks, both from a representational expressivity and a learning efficiency point of view. Discussion of results in the neurally-plausible approximation of back propagation, theory of spiking neural networks, the relationship between network and task dimensionality, and network state coarse-graining. Exploration of estimation theory for various typical methods of mapping neural network models to neuroscience data, surveying and analyzing recent approaches from both sensory and motor areas in a variety of species. Prerequisites: calculus, linear algebra, and basic probability theory, or consent of instructor. Same as: PSYCH 242

APPPHYS 294. Cellular Biophysics. 3 Units.

Physical biology of dynamical and mechanical processes in cells. Emphasis is on qualitative understanding of biological functions through quantitative analysis and simple mathematical models. Sensory transduction, signaling, adaptation, switches, molecular motors, actin and microtubules, motility, and circadian clocks. Prerequisites: differential equations and introductory statistical mechanics. Same as: BIO 294 , BIOPHYS 294

APPPHYS 302. Experimental Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics. 3 Units.

Cryogenics; low signal measurements and noise analysis; data collection and analysis; examples of current experiments. Prerequisites: PHYSICS 170 , PHYSICS 171 , and PHYSICS 172 , or equivalents.

APPPHYS 315. Methods in Computational Biology. 3 Units.

Methods of bioinformatics and biomolecular modeling from the standpoint of biophysical chemistry. Methods of genome analysis; cluster analysis, phylogenetic trees, microarrays; protein, RNA and DNA structure and dynamics, structural and functional homology; protein-protein interactions and cellular networks; molecular dynamics methods using massively parallel algorithms. Same as: BIOPHYS 315

APPPHYS 322. Advanced Topics in x-ray scattering. 3 Units.

This course covers advanced topics in x-ray scattering including: diffuse scattering from static and dynamic disorder such as from defects or phonons; inelastic methods such as x-ray Raman and Compton scattering for measuring electronic structure and elementary excitations; and inelastic scattering in the time and frequency domain. Course combines lectures on basic principles with a review of foundational and current literature. May be repeat for credit. Same as: PHOTON 322

APPPHYS 324. Introduction to Accelerator Physics. 3 Units.

Physics of particle beams in linear and circular accelerators. Transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics, equilibrium emittances in electron storage rings, high-brightness electron sources, RF acceleration and emittance preservation, bunch compression and associated collective effects, accelerator physics design for x-ray FELs, advanced accelerator concepts.

APPPHYS 325. Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers: Principles and Applications.. 3 Units.

Synchrotron radiation sources for scientific exploration, and x-ray FELs for studies of ultrafast processes at the atomic scale. Fundamental concepts in electron and photon beams, bending magnet and undulator radiation, one-dimensional and three-dimensional FEL theory and simulations, self-amplified spontaneous emission, seeding and other improvement schemes, x-ray methodology, techniques and instrumentation for the study of ultrafast phenomena. Includes selected laboratory tours of the Linac Coherent Light Source and/or Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource at SLAC. Prerequisite: graduate-level electrodynamics, or consent of instructor. Same as: PHOTON 325

APPPHYS 345. Advanced Numerical Methods for Data Analysis and Simulation. 3 Units.

Gaussian and unit sphere quadrature, singular value decomposition and principal component analysis, Krylov methods, non-linear fitting and super-resolution, independent component analysis, 3d reconstruction, "shrink-wrap", hidden Markov methods, support vector machines, simulated annealing, molecular dynamics and parallel tempering, Markov state methods, Monte Carlo methods for constrained systems.

APPPHYS 376. Literature of Cavity QED and Cavity Optomechanics. 3 Units.

Cavity quantum electrodynamics and optomechanics in modern quantum optics, photonics and quantum engineering. Review of basic concepts and survey of key literature in seminar format. May be repeat for credit.

APPPHYS 383. Introduction to Atomic Processes. 3 Units.

Atomic spectroscopy, matrix elements using the Coulomb approximation, summary of Racah algebra, oscillator and line strengths, Einstein A coefficients. Radiative processes, Hamiltonian for two- and three-state systems, single- and multi-photon processes, linear and nonlinear susceptibilities, density matrix, brightness, detailed balance, and electromagnetically induced transparency. Inelastic collisions in the impact approximation, interaction potentials, Landau-Zener formulation. Continuum processes, Saha equilibrium, autoionization, and recombination.

APPPHYS 384. Advanced Topics in AMO Physics. 3 Units.

This course will develop the subject of Strong-Field QED. Topics to be covered include: The structure of the quantum vacuum;relativistic laser-vacuum interactions;linear and non-linear Compton and Breit-Wheeler pair-production processes;vacuum polarization and vacuum tunneling; the radiation reaction problem in strong fields;applications in astrophysics and cosmology. The course will also cover experimental methods, including petawatt lasers with focused intensities sufficient to destabilize the vacuum. Prerequisites: familiarity with quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, and special relativity.

APPPHYS 390. Dissertation Research. 1-15 Unit.

APPPHYS 392. Topics in Molecular Biophysics: Biophysics of Functional RNA (BIOPHYS 392). 3 Units.

Survey of methods used to relate RNA sequences to the structure and function of transcribed RNA molecules. Computation of contributions of the counter-ion cloud to the dependence of free energy on conformation of the folded RNA. The relation of structure to function of ribozymes, riboswitches, and the formation of ribosomal proteins. Same as: BIOPHYS 392

APPPHYS 393. Biophysics of Solvation. 3 Units.

Statistical mechanics of water-protein or water-DNA (or RNA) interactions; effects of coulomb forces on molecular hydration shells and ion clouds; limitations of the Poisson-Boltzmann equations; DNA collapse, DNA-protein interactions; structure-function relationships in ion channels. Same as: BIOPHYS 393

APPPHYS 453A. Collective Instabilities in Accelerators. 3 Units.

A beam in an accelerator can become unstable if its intensity is too high. Topics include the physical mechanism causing these instabilities; establishing the framework by introducing the concepts of wakefield and impedance; various instability mechanisms with a special emphasis on the underlying physical principles; new types of instabilities encountered in modern high performance accelerators such as the fast ion and the electron cloud instabilities. Course may be repeated when a different course is offered as a Special Topics. Same as: PHOTON 453A

APPPHYS 470. Condensed Matter Seminar. 1 Unit.

Current research and literature; offered by faculty, students, and outside specialists. May be repeated for credit.

APPPHYS 483. Optics and Electronics Seminar. 1 Unit.

Current research topics in lasers, quantum electronics, optics, and photonics by faculty, students, and invited outside speakers. May be repeated for credit.

APPPHYS 802. TGR PhD Dissertation. 0 Units.

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  Graduate Student Program Information Particle  Physics and Astrophysics Faculty Introduction The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) was founded in 1962, formerly known as Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. A brief summary of the history and the facilities can be found on the SLAC Virtual Visitor Center . A unique arrangement at SLAC is that it is not only a national laboratory but also a school in the academic system of Stanford University with the SLAC director being the dean of the SLAC school. SLAC faculty members in the Particle Physics and Astrophysics (PPA) faculty and Photon Science faculty also formally supervise Ph.D graduate students with student enrollment through Stanford Physics Department and Applied Physics Department. This web page contains information for students working with the SLAC PPA faculty, including the associated accelerator physics research.    SLAC Particle Physics and Astrophysics Faculty Latest Events New Graduate Student Orientation SLAC program (Sep/20-21/2017) Prospective graduate student openhouse SLAC program (Mar/21-22/2017) New Graduate Student Orientation SLAC program (Sep/21-22/2016) Prospective graduate student openhouse SLAC program (Apr/4-5/2016) New Graduate Student Orientation SLAC program (Sep/16-17/2015) Prospective graduate student openhouse SLAC program (Mar/17-18/2015) New Graduate Student Orientation SLAC program (Sep/7-8/2014) Prospective graduate student openhouse SLAC program (Apr/1-2/2014) New graduate student orientation SLAC program (Sep/19-20/2013) Prospective graduate student openhouse SLAC day program (Apr/8/2013) New graduate student orientation SLAC day program   (Sep/20/2012) Prospective graduarte student open house SLAC PPA program introduction (Lance Dixon Mar/2012) New graduate student orientation SLAC day program   (Sep/22/2011) Stanford open house Apr/5-6/2011 (PPA program at SLAC) for prospective Stanford graduate students New graduate student orientation particle/astro/accelerator session at SLAC   (Sep/16/2010) SLAC open house Apr/2/2010 for prospective Stanford graduate students New graduate student orientation particle/astro/accelerator session at SLAC  (Sep/16/2009) Research Programs and Opportunities Particle Physics and Astrophysics Science Program Program infoformation: Elementary Particle Physics (EPP) Energy Frontier: ATLAS , Linear Collider Detector SiD @ ILC Intensity Frontier: MicroBooNE/DUNE , EXO , Heavy Photon Search (HPS) Cosmic Frontier (part of KIPAC): LUX/LZ , CDMS Theoretical Physics Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology with KIPAC   Research Programs General info on major projects Accelerator Physics  

Procedures and Forms

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  • Non-Physics: Guideline ,  Application Form ,  Relevancy Statement Form

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William Gilpin

Assistant Professor of Physics, UT Austin The Oden Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences

National Geographic Young Explorer

Applied Physics PhD, Stanford Physics AB, Princeton

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Applicant FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions – Eligibility, Funding, Knight-Hennessy Scholars, etc.

In addition to the most frequently asked Biosciences questions below, please also visit the Graduate Admissions FAQ web page for a more expansive list.

Are there any prerequisites or background coursework required for the 14 Biosciences PhD Programs?

A majority of the Biosciences PhD Programs do not have specific course requirements for admission.  The faculty like to see that you have taken a rigorous course load, but they will be particularly interested in your research experience.  While many of our graduate students have undergraduate preparation in a life sciences curriculum, it is feasible to enter from other programs, including chemistry, computer science, mathematics, psychology, or physics.  The  Biomedical Data Science ,  Biophysics ,  Molecular and Cellular Physiology , and  Structural Biology  programs have prerequisite or background course requirements. We strongly recommend that you reach out to the  programs  to which you plan to apply, to ask for specific course requirements/suggestions.

Can I apply to other graduate programs (e.g. Applied Physics, Bioengineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, etc.) in addition to the 14 Biosciences PhD Programs?

You may apply to only one graduate program per academic year. The only exception is within the 14 Biosciences PhD Programs, where you may apply for two Biosciences programs within a single application. The 14 Biosciences PhD Programs include:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedical Data Science
  • Cancer Biology
  • Chemical and Systems Biology
  • Developmental Biology
  • Microbiology and Immunology
  • Molecular and Cellular Physiology
  • Neurosciences
  • Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
  • Structural Biology

Can I defer my enrollment?

Admitted students are expected to enroll in their Home Program in September of the year they are admitted. Deferral requests will be reviewed by your admitting program’s admissions committee and are approved on a case-by-case basis. The maximum length of an admissions deferral granted by Stanford is one year. Typically, deferral requests are only approved for military, medical, visa, or education-related purposes.

Can recommenders submit their letter via mail, email, fax, or a letter service?

All recommendations must be submitted using the online application system as recommenders are required to respond to specific evaluation questions on the recommendation form. Letters of recommendation cannot be mailed, emailed, faxed, or submitted through a letter service (with the exception of Interfolio). For letters submitted via Interfolio, please remember that letters written specifically for your Stanford graduate program tend to be stronger than letters written for general use purposes.

Do any of the 14 Biosciences PhD Programs offer an MS degree program?

The Biomedical Data Science program is the only Biosciences Program that currently offers an MS degree program.  Information about the program and its application process can be found on its website .

If you are not interested in one of the 14 Biosciences PhD Programs, you can find a list of all the currently offered degrees at Stanford (along with their contact information) on the Graduate Admissions  Explore Programs web page .

Do I need to hold an MS degree to be eligible to apply?

A Master’s degree is only required if you do not meet the following eligibility requirements.  To be eligible for admission to graduate programs at Stanford, applicants must meet  one  of the following conditions:

  • Applicants must hold, or expect to hold before enrollment at Stanford, a bachelor’s degree from a U.S. college or university accredited by a regional accrediting association.
  • Applicants from institutions outside the U.S. must hold, or expect to hold before enrollment at Stanford, the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from a college or university of recognized standing. See the Office of Graduate Admissions for the  minimum level of study required of international applicants .

Do I need to include a department code number when requesting to have my GRE and/or TOEFL scores sent to Stanford?

Applicants should have the Educational Testing Service (ETS) send scores electronically to Stanford. Our university code is  4704  and no department code is required. You will either self-report your scores or indicate the date you will take the test(s) in the online application. Self-reported test scores will be used by the relevant admissions committee in their initial review process. Your unofficial test scores will be validated when your official scores are received by the University.

Do I need to secure a Lab/Thesis Supervisor prior to applying?

You will not need to secure a research supervisor prior to applying. Incoming students usually do 2-4 lab rotations during their first year.  Information on the rotation process can be found on the following  website .  If you realize a few weeks into a rotation that the lab is not a good fit for you, then there is no reason for you to stay any longer.

Do I need to submit official transcripts/academic records?

Graduate Admissions only requires admitted applicants who accept the offer of admission to submit official transcripts that shows their degree conferral. More details on this can be found on the following Graduate Admissions  webpage .   Please do not send or have sent any transcripts to us or to your program. 

Do you offer fellowships to international applicants?

We have a limited number of fellowships (which include a yearly stipend, tuition, and health and dental insurance) available to the most highly competitive international applicants. The stipend for the 2023-24 Academic Year is $51,600 ($12,900 per quarter). Admittance to the Biosciences Programs for international applicants varies from year to year depending on funding and available space. We strongly encourage applicants to apply for scholarships/fellowships in their home country that can be used overseas. Some useful websites that include information on external fellowships are:

  • Fulbright Foreign Student Program
  • The Fogarty International Center at the NIH
  • International Center at the Institute of International Education (IIE)

Applying for scholarships/fellowships generally takes some time to arrange, so plan ahead. You will be able to list any scholarships/fellowships that you have applied for and been awarded in the “Additional Information” section of the online application under “External Funding for Graduate Study”.  For more information about the costs and estimated expenses of attending Stanford, please visit the following  webpage .

Does the Bioengineering PhD program participate in the Biosciences Interview Session?

The Bioengineering PhD program is not one of the 14 Biosciences PhD Programs and has a separate admissions process and Interview Session.

How do I change one of my recommenders?

On the Recommendations page of the application, click on the recommender’s name you wish to replace, then click Exclude at the bottom of the resulting popup window. You then will see the option to add a new recommender. The recommender you exclude will not receive an email notification.

How does the funding work for those admitted to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program and the Biosciences?

The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program funding covers the first three years and your admitting Home Program will cover the remaining years.

I previously applied to the Stanford Biosciences Programs and was not admitted. What application materials will I need to submit?

Applicants who wish to reapply follow the same application process as first-time applicants. Reapplicants have the option of using letters of recommendation from their prior submitted Biosciences application or having new ones submitted.  Prior applications from the Autumn 2022, 2023, and 2024 admission cycles have been retained. It is highly recommended that one new letter of recommendation be submitted on your behalf.  When completing the application, you will be required to enter the information for a minimum of three recommenders (including the information for the letter writers that you plan to reuse).

For the letters you plan to reuse, please notify your recommenders in advance that they will receive a recommendation request but should not take any action.  Once you submit your application, please submit an email to the Biosciences Admissions Office indicating which letters you would like to reuse so we can add them to your application.

I’m an applicant whose first language is not English. Is it possible to have the TOEFL Test requirement waived?

Information about the TOEFL Test requirements, exemptions and waivers can be found on the  Graduate Admissions  website. Please note that if you submit a waiver request, it will be routed to Graduate Admissions  after you submit your application . Allow up to 15 business days after submitting your application for a response.

I’ve applied to multiple Home Programs and was wondering what happens if more than one program is interested in interviewing me?

In that case, the admissions representatives confer and attempt to determine which Home Program best fits your interests and should serve as your host. They will use the information you provided in your Statement of Purpose and on the Biosciences Supplemental Form. In most cases the best match is clear, but in rare cases where this is not the case, an admissions committee member will contact you directly to discuss with you which Home Program would be the best to host your visit. You will also have an opportunity to meet with faculty affiliated with other Home Programs during your visit.

If my school does not use a 4.0 GPA grading scale, how should I report this on my application?

You are asked to enter both GPA and GPA scale for each institution you list on the application. Enter your GPA as it appears on your transcript. Do not convert your GPA to a 4.0 scale if it’s reported on a different scale.

Is there a minimum GPA requirement?

There is no minimum GPA requirement to be considered for admission. The application review process is holistic and all aspects of the application (prior coursework, letters of recommendation, the statement of purpose, prior research experience, and test scores {if applicable}) are considered by the Admissions Committee when making an admissions decision.

What if my recommenders are not receiving their recommender link emails?

Occasionally, some email servers will send recommender link emails directly to Spam or will not allow the email to reach the primary inbox at all (particularly for email addresses located outside of the United States). Please reach out to Technical Support by submitting a request via the “Request Application Support” button on the “Instructions” page of your application.

What is included in the offer of admission?

The offer of admission for the 2023-24 Academic Year included a stipend of $51,600 ($12,900 per quarter), health and dental insurance, and graduate tuition. The stipend and benefits for the 2025-26 Academic Year will be set sometime in March 2025.  For more information about the costs and estimated expenses of attending Stanford, please visit the following webpage .

What is the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program?

The  Knight-Hennessy Scholars  program develops a community of future global leaders to address complex challenges through collaboration and innovation. The program will award up to 100 high-achieving students with three years of funding to pursue a graduate education at Stanford. To be considered, you  must apply to both  the Knight-Hennessy Scholars by Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 1:00 pm (PST) and to one of the Stanford Biosciences PhD programs by Sunday , December 1, 2024, at 11:59:59 pm (PST) .  Information about the program and the application process can be found on the  Knight-Hennessy Scholars  program website.

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Amos Nur, rock physics pioneer, has died

A fixture at Stanford for more than four decades, Nur was pivotal in establishing rock physics as a critical part of modern geophysics, bridged the intersection of earthquakes and archaeology, and mentored dozens of graduate students on approaching science with creativity. 

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Amos M. Nur, the Wayne Loel Professor of Earth Sciences, Emeritus, at Stanford University and broadly acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost experts in geology and geophysics, died of a heart attack at his home on the Stanford campus on June 10, 2024. He was 86.

Nur founded and was a longtime director of the Stanford Rock Physics and Borehole Geophysics Project. He excelled in seismic monitoring and computational digital geophysics. He used this knowledge to understand and predict earthquakes and to explore rock formations for petroleum and geothermal steam. He also pioneered the science of “seismic velocity measurements” to monitor the evolving states of oil and gas reserves as fluid was pumped out.

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“It’s very difficult in my opinion to envision the process from reading about it,” Nur once said. “But by using movies in Earth sciences, we would not only be far more educational, but it would give us insight into geological processes.”

“Amos was an ‘ideas’ person. He loved coming up with new ideas and he inspired those around him to do the same. Every time I shared an idea with him, his eyes – actually, all of him – lit up and he would nod encouragingly, waiting to hear more,” remembered Professor Rosemary Knight, whom Nur advised during her doctoral work at Stanford in the early 1980s and who later joined him on the faculty. “I have never forgotten his way of letting me know that ideas matter – that my ideas matter. It was working with Amos that inspired me to choose life as a faculty member, and to foster in my own research group an environment that encourages and celebrates student creativity and self-confidence.”

“Volcano” of ideas

Nur described his full-circle evolution – from an early interest studying rocks in general to exploring the broader laws of geophysics and back again – to fundamental geology. “There were two facets about geology that, at the time, began to make me feel uneasy. It felt inconclusive and I wasn’t able to prove anything. I heard the term ‘geophysics’ and it sounded right. It was only much later that I began to appreciate geology. Geophysics is a tool that helps us to find partial answers about the Earth, but the big questions really come from geology,” Nur explained.

“Amos had an uncanny ability to work at the intersection of disciplines. I arrived at Stanford in 1982 as Professor of Petroleum Engineering. We were soon discussing integrating my fluid flow modeling with his geophysical monitoring to advance predictions about the behavior of petroleum reservoirs,” said friend and colleague Khalid Aziz, Otto N. Miller Professor, Emeritus. “Amos was instrumental in the creation of what is now the Stanford Center for Earth Resources Forecasting (SCERF), attracting new colleagues and funding sources. SCERF would not have been possible without him.”

He would later apply his myriad skills to study the relationship between earthquakes and archaeology. He published over 250 peer-reviewed papers and authored three books. His best known tome was 2008’s Apocalypse: Earthquakes, Archaeology, and the Wrath of God , which posited that biblical accounts, mythology, and the archaeological record held clues that ancient civilizations were destroyed by earthquakes, not by wars.

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Amos Nur working in India. (Image credit: Stanford Archives)

“You need only look at Amos’ CV and the way it changed over time to realize that this was a person constantly on the lookout for the next fascinating topic to work on,” Knight said.

“When I retired, I discovered that I had so many projects or ideas that I thought I would start. And I realized how many of them I’m not going to do because there’s not much time left,” he would say of his new interests in retirement.

In addition to his fundamental research, Nur was also an influential teacher revered by his students. Nur proudly listed by name the many advisees he had mentored to their graduate degrees and their current places of employment in academia, government, and industry throughout the world. From 2000-2005, Nur was also director of the Bing Overseas Studies Program that provides transformational educational experiences in stimulating settings throughout the world.

“Amos was a volcano of ideas,” said his widow, Francina Lozada-Nur, a professor emerita at the University of California, San Francisco. “He was extremely creative. I think he passed that on to his students. He was very inspirational.”

Oft-honored academic

Amos Michael Nur was born February 9, 1938, in Haifa, in what is now Israel. He was raised on a farm, which he credited with piquing his early interest in geology. Nur earned his Bachelor of Science in geology at Hebrew University, Israel, in 1962. His PhD in geophysics at MIT came in 1969. He joined the Stanford faculty a year later, serving until his retirement in 2008.

He was chair of the Stanford Geophysics Department twice, from 1986 to 1991 and from 1997 to 2000. In 1974, Nur earned the American Geophysical Union’s Macelwane Medal, recognizing significant early career contributions to Earth and space science. In 2011, he won the Ewing Medal from the Society of Exploration Geophysics. Nur was also an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the American Geophysical Union, the Geological Society of America, and the California Academy of Sciences.

Nur was conferred an honorary doctorate at his hometown’s University of Haifa in 2013. In its dedication, the school singled out Nur for “his groundbreaking research in Earth sciences, his academic excellence and constant determination to shape new knowledge that advances humanity to reach new frontiers.”

Nur is survived by his wife, Dr. Francina Lozada-Nur of Stanford, California; son, Boaz Nur of Barcelona, Spain; and three grandchildren, Sofia, Sebastian, and Olivia Nur, all of Barcelona.

There will be a celebration of the life of Amos Nur on February 9, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. on the Stanford campus. Details will be available on the Geophysics Department website. The family requests gifts in memory of Amos Nur be made to the Stanford Department of Music or Stanford Live General Gifts.

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2024 Zhuoran

Zhuoran Jiang is from Harbin, the ‘ice city’, in China. She received her B.S. and M.S. in Electronic Science and Engineering from Nanjing University, China. She obtained her Ph.D. in Medical Physics from Duke University, USA, in 2024. Zhuoran’s research focuses on artificial intelligence for radiation therapy, including image guidance and in-vivo dose verification. In her free time, she enjoys baking, hiking, and playing video games.

Zhuoran joined the Stanford University Medical Physics Residency in 2024.


Zhang, Y., Jiang, Z. , Zhang, Y., & Ren, L. (2024). A review on 4D cone‐beam CT (4D‐CBCT) in radiation therapy: Technical advances and clinical applications. Medical Physics, accepted.

Jiang, Z. , Wang, S., Xu, Y., Sun, L., Gonzalez, G., Chen, Y., Wu, Q. J., Xiang L., & Ren, L. (2023). Radiation-induced Acoustic Signal Denoising using a Supervised Deep Learning Framework for Imaging and Therapy Monitoring. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 68(23). DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/ad0283.

Lang, Y., Jiang, Z. , Sun, L., Xiang, L., & Ren, L. (2023). Hybrid-Supervised Deep Learning for Domain Transfer 3D Protoacoustic Image Reconstruction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.06194.

Jiang, Z. , Polf, J. C., Barajas, C. A., Gobbert, M. K., & Ren, L. (2023). A feasibility study of enhanced prompt gamma imaging for range verification in proton therapy using deep learning. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 68(7), 075001.

Jiang, Z. , Sun, L., Yao, W., Wu, Q. J., Xiang, L., & Ren, L. (2022). 3D in vivo dose verification in prostate proton therapy with deep learning-based proton-acoustic imaging. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 67(21), 215012.

Jiang, Z. , Chang, Y., Zhang, Z., Yin, F. F., & Ren, L. (2022). Fast four‐dimensional cone‐beam computed tomography reconstruction using deformable convolutional networks. Medical Physics, 49(10), 6461-6476.

Zhang, Z., Jiang, Z. , Zhong, H., Lu, K., Yin, F. F., & Ren, L. (2022). Patient‐specific synthetic magnetic resonance imaging generation from cone beam computed tomography for image guidance in liver stereotactic body radiation therapy. Precision Radiation Oncology, 6(2), 110-118.

Zhang, Z., Huang, M., Jiang, Z. , Chang, Y., Lu, K., Yin, F. F., ... & Ren, L. (2022). Patient-specific deep learning model to enhance 4D-CBCT image for radiomics analysis. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 67(8), 085003.

Jiang, Z. , Zhang, Z., Chang, Y., Ge, Y., Yin, F. F., & Ren, L. (2021). Enhancement of 4-D Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (4D-CBCT) Using a Dual-Encoder Convolutional Neural Network (DeCNN). IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 6(2), 222-230.

Jiang, Z. , Zhang, Z., Chang, Y., Ge, Y., Yin, F. F., & Ren, L. (2021). Prior image-guided cone-beam computed tomography augmentation from under-sampled projections using a convolutional neural network. Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery, 11(12), 4767.

Peng, T., Jiang, Z. , Chang, Y., & Ren, L. (2021). Real-Time Markerless Tracking of Lung Tumors Based on 2-D Fluoroscopy Imaging Using Convolutional LSTM. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 6(2), 189-199.

Chang, Y., Jiang, Z. , Segars, W. P., Zhang, Z., Lafata, K., Cai, J., ... & Ren, L. (2021). A generative adversarial network (GAN)-based technique for synthesizing realistic respiratory motion in the extended cardiac-torso (XCAT) phantoms. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(11), 115018.

Zhang, Z., Huang, M., Jiang, Z. , Chang, Y., Torok, J., Yin, F. F., & Ren, L. (2021). 4D radiomics: impact of 4D-CBCT image quality on radiomic analysis. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(4), 045023.

Sun, L., Jiang, Z. , Chang, Y., & Ren, L. (2021). Building a patient-specific model using transfer learning for four-dimensional cone beam computed tomography augmentation. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 11(2), 540.

Jiang, Z. , Yin, F. F., Ge, Y., & Ren, L. (2021). Enhancing digital tomosynthesis (DTS) for lung radiotherapy guidance using patient-specific deep learning model. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(3), 035009.

Jiang, Z. , Yin, F. F., Ge, Y., & Ren, L. (2020). A multi-scale framework with unsupervised joint training of convolutional neural networks for pulmonary deformable image registration. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 65(1), 015011.

Chen, Y., Yin, F. F., Jiang, Z. , & Ren, L. (2019). Daily edge deformation prediction using an unsupervised convolutional neural network model for low dose prior contour based total variation CBCT reconstruction (PCTV-CNN). Biomedical physics & engineering express, 5(6), 065013.

Shieh, C. C., Gonzalez, Y., Li, B., Jia, X., Rit, S., Mory, C., ... & Keall, P. (2019). SPARE: Sparse‐view reconstruction challenge for 4D cone‐beam CT from a 1‐min scan. Medical physics, 46(9), 3799-3811.

Jiang, Z. , Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Ge, Y., Yin, F. F., & Ren, L. (2019). Augmentation of CBCT reconstructed from under-sampled projections using deep learning. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 38(11), 2705-2715.

Awards and Honors

  • AAPM Research Seed Funding Grant, The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), 2024
  • AAPM/RSNA Doctoral Graduate Fellowships, The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), 2023
  • John R. Cameron Young Investigator Symposium Finalist, AAPM 63rd Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2021 (First and presenting author)

From the Community | Graduate workers need an immediate and substantial raise

A chart depicting the gap between Stanford's stipend and Santa Clara County's “Very Low Income Limit,” and how it compares unfavorably to peer institutions.

It’s about time we Stanford graduate workers get a raise.

The Stanford Graduate Workers Union (SGWU) has been negotiating with University administration for the last seven months over the contract on the working conditions of graduate student workers on campus. We have presented our economic demands to the University. One of our core demands is an immediate and substantial raise for all graduate workers.

Why we need a raise

A fact many graduate workers know all too well is that, even though Stanford stipends compare favorably with peer institutions in absolute terms, our graduate students are actually some of the most poorly compensated when adjusted for the high cost of living in the Bay Area. Stanford’s 2023-2024 Ph.D. stipend of $50,616 falls far short of Santa Clara County’s living wage of $68,619, as defined by MIT’s Living Wage Calculator for a single adult with no children. It also falls far short of Santa Clara County’s “Very Low Income Limit” (VLIL) of $64,550, established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

In fact, the difference between the VLIL and minimum stipend at Stanford is greater than virtually all comparable private institutions in the U.S. Minimum stipends at the University of Chicago and Northwestern University actually exceed their respective VLILs by 15%. This is not exceptional — at Johns Hopkins University , Yale University and Brown University , graduate workers’ minimum stipends exceed their VLILs by 10%, 18% and 25%, respectively. Even compared with institutions with a similarly high cost of living ( Columbia University , for instance), the disparity between what graduate workers are paid and a living wage is still higher at Stanford.

Beyond the numbers, this reality is confirmed by the lived experiences of graduate workers: long lines at on-campus food pantry events, on-campus rent rising faster than salaries (exacerbated by inflation ) and workers taking on additional jobs or relying on Emergency Grant-in-Aid Funds for basic necessities. In the months-long process of preparing our economic demands, SGWU members persistently vocalized their need for better compensation simply to live their lives with dignity and feel adequately supported as they accomplish their world-class research.

Stanford does not pay us what we deserve. Even Stanford’s own IR&DS survey in 2022 showed that a quarter of graduate workers experienced food insecurity due to a lack of income. A third avoided seeking medical care due to high costs, and three quarters experienced financial stress, according to the survey,

Further, these conditions disproportionately affect graduate workers from low-income or first-generation backgrounds, workers with disabilities and workers with dependents. The conclusion is evidently clear that nothing will be acceptable to graduate workers other than an immediate and substantial raise.

Why a raise is winnable

A substantial increase in compensation is not only needed, but eminently feasible to win. Between 2015 and 2021 , while Stanford’s net assets and top executive pay increased by 66% and 67%, respectively, graduate worker compensation increased by only 33%. Stanford routinely receives growth on its $41 billion endowment at rates far exceeding growth in graduate worker salary. A raise in our pay is not only feasible, but an appropriate allocation of University resources if Stanford truly believes in its mission to provide world-class research and teaching — activities which are impossible without the labor of its graduate workers.

As members of SGWU, we call on Stanford to re-allocate its budget and pay us a living wage. Fair compensation is a win-win for everyone. It is essential to Stanford’s avowed mission to attract and retain world-class future scholars, teachers and researchers. Graduate workers like us are the indispensable foundation for the University’s teaching and research ambitions. We are the ones who mentor and teach  undergraduates, develop cutting-edge research protocols and drive new topics of study. However, we can only do so if we have what we need to live, which will require an immediate and substantial stipend increase.

In recent years, graduate worker unions have seen massive successes in winning substantial raises through collective bargaining agreements at peer institutions. Unions at  UChicago and Northwestern recently ratified a 28% raise over the contract’s three-year term, with an immediate raise of 22% in the 2024-2025 academic year. Similarly, the union at Johns Hopkins University obtained a 40% raise in the minimum stipend. 

What we are demanding

In May, union members ratified SGWU’s economic platform with over 1650 affirmative votes. The platform asks the University to immediately raise the minimum stipend by 43.2% to $72,479 , and to continue increasing the stipend in subsequent years based on inflation and rent cost. This proposal will free graduate workers from the burden of rent, food insecurity and other financial anxieties. They would instead be able to focus on the important work they came to Stanford to do. 

Additionally, our proposed economic articles contain provisions for tuition waivers and guaranteed 6-year funding for Ph.D. students. Typically, our advisors pay for Ph.D. students’ stipends, tuition and overhead costs. This creates stress for both students and advisors. Tuition remission and guaranteed funding, taken from the University’s provost funds, can prevent our pay raises from harming our advisors or constraining future Ph.D. cohort sizes. In the face of Stanford’s large endowment, the University, rather than our advisors or our departments, should carry the burden of our pay raises now and in the future.

We call on the University’s negotiating team to take our economic platform in the good-faith with which we have presented it and respect the economic needs of graduate workers. We hope for a quick bargaining process that leads to agreement on compensation satisfying the needs of graduate workers. However, if Stanford continues its stalling and intransigence at the bargaining table (which has been the norm since negotiations over non-economic terms started last November), we as graduate workers are prepared to take action to win this for ourselves.

Over the last year, thousands of us have mobilized through action meetings, rallies, votes and petitions to pressure Stanford, and we are prepared to continue escalation of these actions to secure our demands. The wins of unions at UChicago, Northwestern and Johns Hopkins (all three unions are also affiliated with SGWU’s national union, the United Electrical Workers, or UE) were achieved through pressure exerted by the student workers, not as a gift from the universities.

In all of these cases, the large pay raises were secured by a majority of the union members signing a pledge to go on strike if their demands were not met at the bargaining table. We, as Stanford graduate workers, are prepared to take the necessary steps to exert similar pressure on the University if they are not willing to treat us with the respect we deserve.

We encourage all graduate workers who want to join our fight in this process to attend our weekly union area and Contract Action Team meetings . Together, we will win!

Emily Chen is a Ph.D. student in materials science and engineering. Ocean Zhou is a second-year Ph.D. student in applied physics. Suyash Raj is a fourth-year Ph.D. student in the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine and part of SGWU’s Bargaining Committee.

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School of Engineering welcomes new faculty

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The School of Engineering welcomes 15 new faculty members across six of its academic departments. This new cohort of faculty members, who have either recently started their roles at MIT or will start within the next year, conduct research across a diverse range of disciplines.

Many of these new faculty specialize in research that intersects with multiple fields. In addition to positions in the School of Engineering, a number of these faculty have positions at other units across MIT. Faculty with appointments in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) report into both the School of Engineering and the MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing. This year, new faculty also have joint appointments between the School of Engineering and the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and the School of Science.

“I am delighted to welcome this cohort of talented new faculty to the School of Engineering,” says Anantha Chandrakasan, chief innovation and strategy officer, dean of engineering, and Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. “I am particularly struck by the interdisciplinary approach many of these new faculty take in their research. They are working in areas that are poised to have tremendous impact. I look forward to seeing them grow as researchers and educators.”

The new engineering faculty include:

Stephen Bates joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as an assistant professor in September 2023. He is also a member of the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS). Bates uses data and AI for reliable decision-making in the presence of uncertainty. In particular, he develops tools for statistical inference with AI models, data impacted by strategic behavior, and settings with distribution shift. Bates also works on applications in life sciences and sustainability. He previously worked as a postdoc in the Statistics and EECS departments at the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley). Bates received a BS in statistics and mathematics at Harvard University and a PhD from Stanford University.

Abigail Bodner joined the Department of EECS and Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences as an assistant professor in January. She is also a member of the LIDS. Bodner’s research interests span climate, physical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, and turbulence. Previously, she worked as a Simons Junior Fellow at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. Bodner received her BS in geophysics and mathematics and MS in geophysics from Tel Aviv University, and her SM in applied mathematics and PhD from Brown University.

Andreea Bobu ’17 will join the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics as an assistant professor in July. Her research sits at the intersection of robotics, mathematical human modeling, and deep learning. Previously, she was a research scientist at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute, focusing on how robots and humans can efficiently arrive at shared representations of their tasks for more seamless and reliable interactions. Bobu earned a BS in computer science and engineering from MIT and a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley.

Suraj Cheema will join the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, with a joint appointment in the Department of EECS, as an assistant professor in July. His research explores atomic-scale engineering of electronic materials to tackle challenges related to energy consumption, storage, and generation, aiming for more sustainable microelectronics. This spans computing and energy technologies via integrated ferroelectric devices. He previously worked as a postdoc at UC Berkeley. Cheema earned a BS in applied physics and applied mathematics from Columbia University and a PhD in materials science and engineering from UC Berkeley.

Samantha Coday joins the Department of EECS as an assistant professor in July. She will also be a member of the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics. Her research interests include ultra-dense power converters enabling renewable energy integration, hybrid electric aircraft and future space exploration. To enable high-performance converters for these critical applications her research focuses on the optimization, design, and control of hybrid switched-capacitor converters. Coday earned a BS in electrical engineering and mathematics from Southern Methodist University and an MS and a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley.

Mitchell Gordon will join the Department of EECS as an assistant professor in July. He will also be a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. In his research, Gordon designs interactive systems and evaluation approaches that bridge principles of human-computer interaction with the realities of machine learning. He currently works as a postdoc at the University of Washington. Gordon received a BS from the University of Rochester, and MS and PhD from Stanford University, all in computer science.

Kaiming He joined the Department of EECS as an associate professor in February. He will also be a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). His research interests cover a wide range of topics in computer vision and deep learning. He is currently focused on building computer models that can learn representations and develop intelligence from and for the complex world. Long term, he hopes to augment human intelligence with improved artificial intelligence. Before joining MIT, He was a research scientist at Facebook AI. He earned a BS from Tsinghua University and a PhD from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Anna Huang SM ’08 will join the departments of EECS and Music and Theater Arts as assistant professor in September. She will help develop graduate programming focused on music technology. Previously, she spent eight years with Magenta at Google Brain and DeepMind, spearheading efforts in generative modeling, reinforcement learning, and human-computer interaction to support human-AI partnerships in music-making. She is the creator of Music Transformer and Coconet (which powered the Bach Google Doodle). She was a judge and organizer for the AI Song Contest. Anna holds a Canada CIFAR AI Chair at Mila, a BM in music composition, and BS in computer science from the University of Southern California, an MS from the MIT Media Lab, and a PhD from Harvard University.

Yael Kalai PhD ’06 will join the Department of EECS as a professor in September. She is also a member of CSAIL. Her research interests include cryptography, the theory of computation, and security and privacy. Kalai currently focuses on both the theoretical and real-world applications of cryptography, including work on succinct and easily verifiable non-interactive proofs. She received her bachelor’s degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a master’s degree at the Weizmann Institute of Science, and a PhD from MIT.

Sendhil Mullainathan will join the departments of EECS and Economics as a professor in July. His research uses machine learning to understand complex problems in human behavior, social policy, and medicine. Previously, Mullainathan spent five years at MIT before joining the faculty at Harvard in 2004, and then the University of Chicago in 2018. He received his BA in computer science, mathematics, and economics from Cornell University and his PhD from Harvard University.

Alex Rives  will join the Department of EECS as an assistant professor in September, with a core membership in the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. In his research, Rives is focused on AI for scientific understanding, discovery, and design for biology. Rives worked with Meta as a New York University graduate student, where he founded and led the Evolutionary Scale Modeling team that developed large language models for proteins. Rives received his BS in philosophy and biology from Yale University and is completing his PhD in computer science at NYU.

Sungho Shin will join the Department of Chemical Engineering as an assistant professor in July. His research interests include control theory, optimization algorithms, high-performance computing, and their applications to decision-making in complex systems, such as energy infrastructures. Shin is a postdoc at the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory. He received a BS in mathematics and chemical engineering from Seoul National University and a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Jessica Stark joined the Department of Biological Engineering as an assistant professor in January. In her research, Stark is developing technologies to realize the largely untapped potential of cell-surface sugars, called glycans, for immunological discovery and immunotherapy. Previously, Stark was an American Cancer Society postdoc at Stanford University. She earned a BS in chemical and biomolecular engineering from Cornell University and a PhD in chemical and biological engineering at Northwestern University.

Thomas John “T.J.” Wallin joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering as an assistant professor in January. As a researcher, Wallin’s interests lay in advanced manufacturing of functional soft matter, with an emphasis on soft wearable technologies and their applications in human-computer interfaces. Previously, he was a research scientist at Meta’s Reality Labs Research working in their haptic interaction team. Wallin earned a BS in physics and chemistry from the College of William and Mary, and an MS and PhD in materials science and engineering from Cornell University.

Gioele Zardini joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering as an assistant professor in September. He will also join LIDS and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society. Driven by societal challenges, Zardini’s research interests include the co-design of sociotechnical systems, compositionality in engineering, applied category theory, decision and control, optimization, and game theory, with society-critical applications to intelligent transportation systems, autonomy, and complex networks and infrastructures. He received his BS, MS, and PhD in mechanical engineering with a focus on robotics, systems, and control from ETH Zurich, and spent time at MIT, Stanford University, and Motional.

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applied physics phd stanford

Fundamentals of In Vivo Magnetic Resonance: Spin Physics, Relaxation Theory, and Contrast Mechanisms

ISBN: 978-1-394-23309-0

Digital Evaluation Copy

applied physics phd stanford

Daniel M. Spielman , Keshav Datta

Authoritative reference explaining why and how the most important, radiation-free technique for elucidating tissue properties in the body works

In Vivo Magnetic Resonance helps readers develop an understanding of the fundamental physical processes that take place inside the body that can be probed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), uniquely bridging the gap between the physics of magnetic resonance (MR) image formation and the in vivo processes that influence the detected signals, thereby equipping the reader with the mathematical tools essential to study the spin interactions leading to various contrast mechanisms.

With a focus on clinical relevance, this book equips readers with practical knowledge that can be directly applied in medical settings, enabling informed decision-making and advancements in the field of medical imaging. The material arises from the lecture notes for a Stanford University Department of Radiology course taught for over 15 years.

Aided by clever illustrations, the book takes a step-by-step approach to explain complex concepts in a comprehensible manner. Readers can test their understanding by working on approximately 60 sample problems.

Written by two highly qualified authors with significant experience in the field, In Vivo Magnetic Resonance includes information on:

  • The fundamental imaging equations of MRI
  • Quantum elements of magnetic resonance, including linear vector spaces, Dirac notation, Hilbert Space, Liouville Space, and associated mathematical concepts
  • Nuclear spins, covering external and internal interactions, chemical shifts, dipolar coupling, J-coupling, the spin density operator, and the product operator formalism
  • In vivo MR spectroscopy methods
  • MR relaxation theory and the underlying sources of image contrast accessible via modern clinical MR imaging techniques

With comprehensive yet accessible coverage of the subject and a wealth of learning resources included throughout, In Vivo Magnetic Resonance is an ideal text for graduate students in the fields of physics, biophysics, biomedical physics, and materials science, along with lecturers seeking classroom aids.

Daniel M. Spielman, PhD, is Professor of Radiology at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. He is a fellow of both the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), and has received multiple teaching awards including the ISMRM Outstanding Teacher Award (2005) and Stanford Department of Radiology Research Faculty of the Year (2022).

Keshav Datta, PhD, is Vice President, Research & Development, at VIDA Diagnostics Inc., Coralville, IA, USA, a precision lung health company, accelerating therapies to patients through AI-powered lung intelligence. He is also a Consulting Research Scientist at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.

THE BEST Elektrostal Art Museums

Art museums in elektrostal.

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1. Electrostal History and Art Museum

Zhukovsky International Airport

Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014–2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016. The declared capacity of the new airport was 4 million passengers per year.

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

Coordinates of elektrostal in decimal degrees, coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia



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  1. Ph.D. program

    Current listings of Applied Physics (and Physics) courses are available via Explore Courses. Courses are available in Physics and Mathematics to overcome deficiencies, if any, in undergraduate preparation. It is expected the specific course requirements are completed by the end of the 3rd year at Stanford. Required Basic Graduate Courses.

  2. Welcome

    PhD program; Master's program; Coterminal Masters in Applied & Engineering Physics; Undergraduate Opportunities; Honors Cooperative; Admissions. Overview; ... Discover Applied Physics at Stanford. The Applied Physics Department seeks out and develops new areas of physics with broad impact on science, engineering and society through research and ...

  3. Admissions overview

    Application deadline for Fall 2024 matriculation is December 15, 2023. The program of graduate education in Applied Physics at Stanford University is designed to prepare students for professional leadership careers in science and technology. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of Applied Physics, the Department welcomes applications both ...

  4. APLPH-PHD Program

    The Department of Applied Physics offers three types of advanced degrees: A Doctor of Philosophy. A coterminal Master of Science in Applied and Engineering Physics. A Master of Science in Applied Physics, either as a terminal degree or an en route degree to the PhD for students already enrolled in the Applied Physics PhD program.

  5. Graduate Admissions

    The GRE General and Physics exam scores will be accepted but are not required in the 2025-26 application cycle (2024-25 academic year). The Department of Physics welcomes graduate applications from individuals with a broad range of life experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds who would contribute to our community of scholars.

  6. Academic Programs Overview

    The Applied Physics Department offers a Ph.D. degree program and an M.S. degree program. In addition, it offers a coterminal M.S. degree in Applied and Engineering Physics (open to Stanford University undergraduates only) and participates in the Honors Cooperative Program (HCP). The Department does not offer an undergraduate major.

  7. About Overview

    About Overview. Applied Physics is a graduate department in the School of Humanities and Sciences. It is one of three elements—Applied Physics, Physics, and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory—in the broader physics community at Stanford. Over the past 50 years at Stanford, our department has acted nimbly and evolved rapidly to combine ...

  8. Master's program

    Students enrolled in the PhD program may file for an M.S. degree en route to the Ph.D. The number of graduate students admitted to Applied Physics is limited. Applications to the Master of Science and Ph.D. programs should be received by December 15, 2023. M.S. and PhD. students normally enter the department the following Autumn Quarter.

  9. Degree Requirements

    The Physics Ph.D. program has two main requirements: graduate courses and degree milestones. A minimum of 135 units (including up to 45 units of transfer credit) of courses and research done at Stanford is required for the Ph.D. degree. The usual schedule for Physics graduate students consists of one to two years of courses, plus research ...

  10. Applied Physics

    Graduate Programs in Applied Physics. The Department of Applied Physics offers three types of advanced degrees: the Doctor of Philosophy. the coterminal Master of Science in Applied and Engineering Physics. the Master of Science in Applied Physics, either as a terminal degree or an en route degree to the Ph.D. for students already enrolled in ...

  11. Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Physics

    The University's basic requirements for the Ph.D. including residency, dissertation, and examinations are discussed in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin.The program leading to a Ph.D. in Applied Physics consists of course work, research, qualifying for Ph.D. candidacy, a research progress report, a University oral examination, and a dissertation as follows:

  12. Applied Physics, Ph.D.

    The program of graduate education in Applied Physics at Stanford University is designed to prepare students for professional leadership careers in science and technology. Stanford University. Stanford , California , United States. Top 0.1% worldwide. Studyportals University Meta Ranking.

  13. Applied Physics

    Courses offered by the Department of Applied Physics are listed under the subject code APPPHYS on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.. The Department of Applied Physics offers qualified students with backgrounds in physics or engineering the opportunity to do graduate course work and research in the physics relevant to technical applications and natural phenomena.

  14. SLAC Physics/Applied Physics Graduate Student Program Information

    SLAC faculty members in the Particle Physics and Astrophysics (PPA) faculty and Photon Science faculty also formally supervise Ph.D graduate students with student enrollment through Stanford Physics Department and Applied Physics Department. This web page contains information for students working with the SLAC PPA faculty, including the ...


    The number of graduate students admitted to Applied Physics is limited. Applications should be received by January 8, 2008. Graduate students normally enter the department only in Autumn Quarter. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Admission requirements for graduate work in Applied Physics include a bachelor's degree in Physics or an equivalent engineering ...

  16. Faculty

    Applying to Graduate School; Physics STEMentors; Graduate. Graduate Students; ... Professor of Applied Physics, of Physics and Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy ... Wells Family Director of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics and Professor of Physics [email protected]. Admin Contact: Zhenhua Wang [email protected].

  17. William Gilpin

    William Gilpin. Assistant Professor of Physics, UT Austin The Oden Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences. Applied Physics PhD, Stanford

  18. Applied Physics, M.Sc.

    The Applied Physics Department from Stanford University offers a PhD degree program and an MS degree program. In addition, it participates in the Honors Cooperative Program (HCP) and offers a co-terminal MS degree in Applied and Engineering Physics (open to Stanford University undergraduates only) Stanford University.

  19. Applicant FAQ

    The program will award up to 100 high-achieving students with three years of funding to pursue a graduate education at Stanford. To be considered, you must apply to both the Knight-Hennessy Scholars by Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 1:00 pm (PST) and to one of the Stanford Biosciences PhD programs by Sunday, December 1, 2024, at 11:59:59 pm (PST).

  20. Laser-Material Interactions

    Physics Today has listings for the latest assistant, associate, and full professor roles, plus scientist jobs in specialized disciplines like theoretical physics, astronomy, condensed matter, materials, applied physics, astrophysics, optics and lasers, computational physics, plasma physics, and others! Find a job here as an engineer, experimental physicist, physics faculty, postdoctoral ...

  21. Black Raptor Pro

    Black Raptor Pro Elektrostal postal code 144006. See 3 social pages including Youtube and Instagram, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.5 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.

  22. Amos Nur, rock physics pioneer, has died

    Nur earned his Bachelor of Science in geology at Hebrew University, Israel, in 1962. His PhD in geophysics at MIT came in 1969. He joined the Stanford faculty a year later, serving until his retirement in 2008. He was chair of the Stanford Geophysics Department twice, from 1986 to 1991 and from 1997 to 2000.

  23. Zhuoran Jiang, PhD

    Zhuoran joined the Stanford University Medical Physics Residency in 2024. Publications Zhang, Y., Jiang, Z., Zhang, Y., & Ren, L. (2024). A review on 4D cone‐beam CT (4D‐CBCT) in radiation therapy: Technical advances and clinical applications. ... AAPM/RSNA Doctoral Graduate Fellowships, The American Association of Physicists in Medicine ...

  24. From the Community

    It's about time we Stanford graduate workers get a raise. The Stanford Graduate Workers Union (SGWU) ... Ocean Zhou is a second-year Ph.D. student in applied physics. Suyash Raj is a fourth-year ...

  25. School of Engineering welcomes new faculty

    Cheema earned a BS in applied physics and applied mathematics from Columbia University and a PhD in materials science and engineering from UC Berkeley. ... Gordon received a BS from the University of Rochester, and MS and PhD from Stanford University, all in computer science.

  26. Fundamentals of In Vivo Magnetic Resonance: Spin Physics, Relaxation

    Daniel M. Spielman, PhD, is Professor of Radiology at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.He is a fellow of both the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), and has received multiple teaching awards including the ISMRM Outstanding Teacher Award (2005) and Stanford Department of Radiology Research ...

  27. THE BEST Elektrostal Art Museums (with Photos)

    Top Elektrostal Art Museums: See reviews and photos of Art Museums in Elektrostal, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  28. 2025 PhD Graduate

    a PhD in a relevant subject awarded after January 1, 2022 (or earlier if a leave of absence has been taken). ... The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) brings world-class expertise to our nation's most critical defense, security, space and science challenges. While we are dedicated to solving complex challenges and ...

  29. Zhukovsky International Airport

    Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014-2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016.

  30. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.