Assisted Synonyms for Resumes: Employers Prefer These Words

Portrait of Kimberley Tyler-Smith

  • Instead of 'Assisted', try using verbs that show your direct impact. Supported , Facilitated , and Collaborated highlight your teamwork skills. To show how you improved processes, use Streamlined , Enhanced , or Optimized . For leadership roles, consider Empowered , Championed , or Fostered .
  • Industry-Specific Alternatives
  • Healthcare : In healthcare resumes, replace 'Assisted' with action verbs that show direct patient care: Diagnosed conditions, Treated patients, Administered medication, Rehabilitated injuries, or Counseled individuals.
  • Education : For education roles, use verbs that highlight your impact on learning: Instructed students, Mentored individuals, Assessed progress, Developed curriculum, or Adapted teaching methods.
  • Technology : In tech resumes, showcase your hands-on skills: Programmed software, Debugged systems, Configured networks, Innovated solutions, or Engineered products.
  • Hospitality : For hospitality roles, emphasize customer service: Catered to guests, Accommodated special requests, Coordinated events, Welcomed visitors, or Served customers.
  • Skill-Specific Alternatives
  • Leadership : Show leadership skills by replacing 'Assisted' with: Directed teams, Guided projects, Motivated staff, Delegated tasks, or Spearheaded initiatives.
  • Communication : Highlight your communication skills: Presented findings, Negotiated contracts, Articulated ideas, Persuaded stakeholders, or Conveyed complex information.
  • Problem-solving : Demonstrate your problem-solving abilities: Resolved conflicts, Troubleshot issues, Investigated discrepancies, Rectified errors, or Mitigated risks.
  • Creativity : Showcase your creative skills: Designed layouts, Conceptualized campaigns, Crafted content, Reimagined processes, or Visualized data.

#1: Supported

• Assisted with various projects and tasks in the marketing department.

• Supported the launch of 3 major marketing campaigns, coordinating with 5 cross-functional teams and managing a $500,000 budget, resulting in a 25% increase in customer engagement and 15% boost in quarterly sales.

#2: Facilitated

• Assisted team members with various tasks and projects as needed.

• Facilitated cross-departmental collaboration on 5 high-priority projects, resulting in 30% faster completion times and $200,000 in cost savings through streamlined processes and improved resource allocation.

#3: Collaborated

• Assisted team with various project tasks

• Collaborated with cross-functional team of 8 to implement new project management software, reducing task completion time by 30% and increasing on-time project delivery rate from 75% to 95% over 6 months

#4: Contributed

• Assisted team with various projects and tasks as needed

• Contributed critical market analysis to product development team, resulting in 15% increase in user adoption rates for new software features and $2M additional revenue within first quarter of launch

#5: Empowered

• Assisted team members with daily tasks and project management responsibilities.

• Empowered 12 team members by implementing a streamlined project management system, resulting in a 30% increase in on-time project deliveries and a 25% reduction in resource allocation conflicts over six months.

#6: Expedited

• Assisted with customer orders and helped to improve delivery times

• Expedited order processing and delivery for high-priority customers, reducing average shipment time from 5 days to 2 days, resulting in a 30% increase in customer satisfaction scores and $500,000 in additional revenue from repeat business

#7: Streamlined

• Assisted with implementing new processes to improve team workflow and productivity.

• Streamlined project management processes, reducing task completion time by 30% and increasing team productivity by 25% for a 50-person marketing department. Implemented Asana for task tracking and automated weekly reporting, saving 10 hours per week.

#8: Enhanced

• Assisted with implementing new software for the marketing team.

• Enhanced marketing team's productivity by implementing new CRM software, reducing campaign launch time by 30% and increasing lead generation by 25% within the first quarter.

#9: Optimized

• Assisted with streamlining the customer service process for the department.

• Optimized customer service workflow, reducing average response time by 35% and increasing customer satisfaction scores from 3.2 to 4.7 out of 5, while training a team of 12 representatives on the new system.

#10: Reinforced

• Assisted with implementing new safety procedures in the manufacturing plant.

• Reinforced workplace safety by implementing 5 new procedures, resulting in a 30% reduction in accidents and saving the company $100,000 in potential liability costs over 6 months.

#11: Championed

• Assisted in implementing new company-wide sustainability practices and policies.

• Championed company-wide sustainability initiative, reducing energy consumption by 30% and waste production by 25% within 18 months, while engaging 85% of employees in green practices.

#12: Fostered

• Assisted with team development and client relationships

• Fostered a high-performing team culture, resulting in a 28% increase in client retention and a 15% boost in employee satisfaction scores over 12 months. Implemented weekly feedback sessions and monthly team-building activities, leading to improved communication and collaboration across departments.

#13: Cultivated

• Assisted in team development and improved communication within the department

• Cultivated a high-performing team culture, resulting in a 30% increase in project completion rates and a 25% improvement in interdepartmental communication efficacy as measured by our annual employee satisfaction survey

#14: Bolstered

• Assisted team with implementing new customer service procedures and policies.

• Bolstered customer satisfaction by 28% through spearheading implementation of streamlined service procedures, training 15 team members, and creating a comprehensive policy guide, resulting in a 40% reduction in complaint resolution time.

#15: Amplified

• Assisted in developing marketing strategies for various social media platforms.

• Amplified social media engagement by 75% through targeted content strategies, resulting in 50,000 new followers across platforms and a 30% increase in website traffic within six months.

#16: Instructed

• Assisted teachers with classroom management and lesson plan implementation.

• Instructed 30+ elementary students in core subjects, developing and implementing innovative lesson plans that improved standardized test scores by 15% over one academic year. Collaborated with 5 teachers to create engaging, interactive learning materials.

#17: Mentored

• Assisted teachers with classroom management

• Mentored 5 new teachers in effective classroom management techniques, resulting in a 30% decrease in disciplinary issues and a 15% improvement in student engagement across their classrooms within one semester

#18: Assessed

• Assisted teachers with grading papers and managing classroom activities.

• Assessed 150+ student assignments weekly, providing detailed feedback that improved average class performance by 15%. Developed and implemented a new rubric system, reducing grading time by 30% for 5 teachers.

#19: Developed

• Assisted in creating lesson plans for high school students.

• Developed and implemented a project-based learning curriculum for 11th-grade history, resulting in a 25% increase in student engagement and a 15% improvement in test scores across 150 students over one academic year.

#20: Adapted

• Assisted in developing and implementing new curriculum for elementary students.

• Adapted existing curriculum for 150 third-grade students with diverse learning needs, resulting in a 25% increase in standardized test scores and positive feedback from 95% of parents during parent-teacher conferences.

#21: Diagnosed

• Assisted doctors with patient examinations and medical procedures in hospital setting.

• Diagnosed complex medical conditions for 200+ patients monthly, reducing misdiagnosis rates by 15% and improving treatment efficacy. Collaborated with multidisciplinary team to develop tailored care plans, resulting in 20% decrease in hospital readmissions within 30 days.

#22: Treated

• Assisted doctors and nurses with patient care and medical procedures.

• Treated over 500 patients annually, reducing hospital readmission rates by 15% through implementing personalized post-discharge care plans and conducting follow-up consultations with high-risk patients.

#23: Administered

• Assisted with patient care and medication distribution in a hospital setting.

• Administered comprehensive care plans for 30+ high-acuity patients daily, including precise medication management that reduced adverse drug events by 22% over six months and improved patient satisfaction scores from 3.8 to 4.6 out of 5.

#24: Rehabilitated

• Assisted patients with physical therapy exercises and recovery plans.

• Rehabilitated 85% of stroke patients to independent mobility within 6 months, implementing personalized exercise regimens and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams to optimize recovery outcomes for 50+ patients annually.

#25: Counseled

• Assisted patients with understanding their medical conditions and treatment options.

• Counseled 200+ patients on complex medical conditions, resulting in 95% treatment adherence rate and 30% reduction in hospital readmissions over 12 months. Developed personalized care plans and provided ongoing support, improving patient satisfaction scores by 25%.

#26: Catered

• Assisted with food preparation and service for various events and functions.

• Catered high-profile corporate events for up to 500 guests, managing specialized dietary requirements and increasing client satisfaction ratings by 28%. Developed and executed 15 custom menu concepts, resulting in a 40% boost in repeat bookings for the catering department.

#27: Accommodated

• Assisted guests with check-ins, room service, and special requests daily.

• Accommodated diverse guest needs, streamlining check-in process for 200+ daily arrivals, managing room service for 50+ orders per shift, and fulfilling 98% of special requests within 30 minutes, resulting in a 15% increase in positive guest feedback.

#28: Coordinated

• Assisted with daily operations and guest services at the hotel.

• Coordinated daily operations for a 200-room hotel, implementing a new guest feedback system that increased satisfaction ratings by 15% and reduced complaint response time from 24 to 4 hours.

#29: Welcomed

• Assisted guests with check-in and check-out procedures.

• Welcomed over 200 guests daily, streamlining check-in and check-out processes, resulting in a 15% increase in positive guest feedback and a 20% reduction in wait times during peak hours.

#30: Served

• Assisted with customer service and various tasks in the restaurant

• Served 200+ guests nightly, managing complex dietary requests and enhancing customer satisfaction scores by 15% through personalized recommendations and efficient order processing

#31: Programmed

• Assisted with software development projects for the company.

• Programmed a scalable e-commerce platform using Python and Django, resulting in a 40% increase in transaction speed and accommodating 10,000+ concurrent users. Collaborated with UX designers to implement responsive front-end features, boosting mobile conversion rates by 25%.

#32: Debugged

• Assisted with debugging software issues and resolving customer complaints.

• Debugged critical software issues in the company's e-commerce platform, reducing customer-reported errors by 35% and improving overall system stability. Implemented automated testing protocols that caught 87% of bugs before deployment, saving an estimated 120 hours of manual testing per month.

#33: Configured

• Assisted with network setup and maintenance.

• Configured and optimized enterprise-level network infrastructure for 500+ users, reducing downtime by 30% and improving data transfer speeds by 50% through strategic implementation of load balancing and redundancy measures.

#34: Innovated

• Assisted in developing new features for the company's mobile app

• Innovated and implemented a machine learning algorithm that increased user engagement by 35% and reduced app crashes by 50%, directly contributing to a $2M revenue boost for our flagship mobile app

#35: Engineered

• Assisted in the development of software applications for the company.

• Engineered a scalable microservices architecture that reduced system downtime by 40% and increased processing speed by 3x, supporting a user base growth from 100,000 to 1 million within 6 months.

#36: Presented

• Assisted with team presentations and reports.

• Presented quarterly financial reports to C-suite executives, translating complex data into actionable insights, resulting in a 15% increase in strategic decision-making efficiency and a $2M budget reallocation for high-impact projects.

#37: Negotiated

• Assisted in resolving conflicts between team members and external stakeholders.

• Negotiated resolution of 15 high-stakes conflicts between cross-functional teams and key clients, resulting in 95% client retention rate and $2M in renewed contracts over 6 months.

#38: Articulated

• Assisted in team meetings and helped with client presentations when needed.

• Articulated complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, resulting in a 30% increase in client understanding and a 25% reduction in follow-up inquiries, streamlining project timelines for 15 key accounts.

#39: Persuaded

• Assisted in team meetings to help resolve conflicts between departments.

• Persuaded cross-functional teams to adopt new conflict resolution strategies, reducing interdepartmental disputes by 40% and improving project completion rates by 25% over six months.

#40: Conveyed

• Assisted in team meetings and helped with project documentation tasks.

• Conveyed critical project updates to 20+ stakeholders, resulting in a 30% reduction in miscommunication-related delays and improving overall project efficiency by 15% across 5 cross-functional teams.

#41: Designed

• Assisted with marketing campaign development for client projects.

• Designed and executed innovative marketing campaigns for 5 key clients, resulting in a 35% increase in engagement rates and $2M in additional revenue within 6 months.

#42: Conceptualized

• Assisted in developing new marketing strategies for the company's products.

• Conceptualized and implemented a viral social media campaign, increasing brand engagement by 45% and generating 10,000 new leads within three months for the company's flagship product.

#43: Crafted

• Assisted in developing marketing materials for various company campaigns and initiatives.

• Crafted compelling visual narratives for 5 major marketing campaigns, resulting in a 35% increase in customer engagement and a 20% boost in social media followers across platforms.

#44: Reimagined

• Assisted in developing new marketing campaigns for various product lines.

• Reimagined marketing approach for 3 product lines, resulting in a 28% increase in customer engagement and $1.2M additional revenue over 6 months. Led cross-functional team of 8 to implement data-driven, personalized campaign strategies across digital and traditional channels.

#45: Visualized

• Assisted team with brainstorming sessions for new product ideas

• Visualized 3 groundbreaking product concepts, resulting in a 25% increase in quarterly innovation pipeline and securing $500K in additional R&D funding from stakeholders impressed by the creative potential

#46: Directed

• Assisted with team projects and helped improve processes.

• Directed a cross-functional team of 12 in streamlining operational processes, resulting in a 30% reduction in project completion time and $250,000 annual cost savings through improved resource allocation and workflow optimization.

#47: Guided

• Assisted team members with various tasks and projects.

• Guided a cross-functional team of 8 in implementing a new customer relationship management system, resulting in a 30% increase in client retention and a 25% boost in sales team productivity within 6 months.

#48: Motivated

• Assisted team members with daily tasks and project completion deadlines.

• Motivated a cross-functional team of 12 to achieve 98% on-time project delivery, improving from 82% the previous year. Implemented weekly check-ins and recognition programs, resulting in a 25% increase in team satisfaction scores.

#49: Delegated

• Assisted team members with various tasks and responsibilities in the department.

• Delegated critical project tasks to a team of 8, resulting in 30% faster completion time and 95% client satisfaction rate. Empowered team members by assigning responsibilities aligned with their strengths, fostering professional growth and improving overall productivity by 25%.

#50: Spearheaded

• Assisted with team projects and helped improve workflows.

• Spearheaded a cross-functional team of 12 to redesign and implement a streamlined workflow process, resulting in a 30% reduction in project completion time and a 25% increase in team productivity over six months.

#51: Resolved

• Assisted with customer service issues and complaints

• Resolved complex customer complaints, reducing escalation rate by 35% and improving customer satisfaction scores from 3.2 to 4.7 out of 5 through implementation of a new conflict resolution protocol

#52: Troubleshot

• Assisted customers with technical issues and helped resolve their problems.

• Troubleshot complex software issues for 200+ enterprise clients, reducing average resolution time by 30% and increasing customer satisfaction scores from 85% to 92% within 6 months.

#53: Investigated

• Assisted with problem-solving tasks in the customer service department.

• Investigated 50+ complex customer complaints per month, identifying root causes and implementing targeted solutions that reduced repeat issues by 30%, improving overall customer satisfaction scores from 7.2 to 8.5 out of 10.

#54: Rectified

• Assisted with troubleshooting and resolving customer issues in the IT department.

• Rectified critical system failures for 50+ enterprise clients, reducing average downtime by 73% and saving an estimated $2.1M in potential revenue loss through implementation of automated diagnostic tools and rapid response protocols.

#55: Mitigated

• Assisted with resolving customer complaints

• Mitigated customer dissatisfaction by implementing a streamlined complaint resolution process, reducing average response time from 48 to 12 hours and increasing customer retention rate by 15% within six months

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Popular synonyms, facilitated, collaborated, contributed, streamlined, administered, rehabilitated, hospitality, accommodated, coordinated, communication, articulated, conceptualized, spearheaded, problem-solving, troubleshot, investigated.

500 Synonyms for Common Resume Power Verbs

If you’re looking for the perfect word to describe your work experience and skills on your resume, you’re sure to find it on our list of 500 synonyms for the most used power verbs.

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One of the best ways to energize your resume is to use power verbs . These are action words that convey doing , like “supervised,” “operated,” or “analyzed.”

These action words paint a more vivid picture of the accomplishments you have achieved. They also make your resume easier to read.

The problem is that most job seekers use the same old tired verbs that hiring managers have seen again and again . 

For example, lots of resumes use verbs like “handled,” “worked with,” or “responsible for.” These verbs are vague and unclear, and they don’t really describe your accomplishments and what you’re truly capable of. 

Even if you use the right kind of power verbs, you might get stuck using the same word multiple times when it would be better to mix it up with similar verbs. 

It’s time to get more creative! 

In this article, we list 500 strong, exciting resume synonyms for commonly-used power verbs. By switching up the verbs you use on your resume, you’ll have a better chance of attracting the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. 

To help you find just the right word to use on your resume, we’ve divided our list of synonyms into the following categories: 

Synonyms for Assisted

Synonyms for managed, synonyms for developed, synonyms for created, synonyms for helped, synonyms for worked with, synonyms for led, synonyms for responsible for, synonyms for conducted, synonyms for oversaw, synonyms for prepared, synonyms for maintained, synonyms for worked on, synonyms for improved, synonyms for learned, synonyms for researched, synonyms for communicated, synonyms for collaborated, synonyms for volunteered, synonyms for provided, synonyms for ensured.

  • Synonyms for Experience

If you really want to create a resume that will give you the absolute best chance of landing a job interview, consider using Jobscan’s resume scanner .

This AI-powered software will scan your resume and compare it to the job description of the position you’re applying for. The scanner will then provide you with a “match rate” as well as instructions on how to improve your match rate. 

List of Synonyms for Resume Power Verbs

Using strong, compelling action words on your resume can make it more engaging to read as well as more informative. 

Here is a comprehensive list of 500 resume synonyms, organized by commonly-used power verbs.

Being good at assisting shows that you are organized, detail-oriented, and capable of working productively with others.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for assisted on your resume:

  • Collaborated
  • Coordinated
  • Facilitated

Examples of how to use synonyms for assisted on your resume:

“ Aided the development team with coding projects, increasing productivity by 20%.”
“ Stimulated new collaborations between marketing and sales departments through the implementation of innovative strategies.”
“ Expedited the onboarding process of new employees, reducing the waiting time from two days to one day.”

Want more synonyms for “Assisted”? See this list of additional “Assisted” synonyms we’ve compiled.

Showing that you have effectively managed teams or projects makes you an attractive job candidate in the eyes of potential employers.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for managed on your resume: 

  • Administered
  • Restructured
  • Spearheaded
  • Strengthened

Examples of how to use synonyms for managed on your resume:

“ Supervised team of 5 employees in the customer service department, ensuring all customer requests were fulfilled in a timely manner.”
“ Administered employee onboarding processes and provided onsite training for new hires.”
“ Spearheaded the launch of a new product line, resulting in an increase of 25% in revenue for the company.”

Want more synonyms for “Managed”? See this list of additional “Managed” synonyms we’ve compiled. For the present tense, see this list of “Manage” synonyms .

Development skills are valuable in any industry, as they allow employees to quickly develop strategies to help their company stay competitive.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for developed on your resume:

  • Accelerated
  • Demonstrated
  • Implemented
  • Trailblazed

Examples of how to use synonyms for developed on your resume:

“ Pioneered a comprehensive software solution that streamlined customer service operations, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction.”
“ Generated several new marketing strategies to increase the customer base by 25%.”
“ Revamped existing customer service policies and procedures, leading to a 25% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.”

Having creative skills on your resume demonstrates that you are able to think outside the box, solve problems, and come up with innovative solutions.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for created on your resume:  

  • Illustrated
  • Revitalized

Examples of how to use synonyms for created on your resume:

“ Formulated innovative strategies to reduce operational costs by 25% without compromising the quality of service.”
“ Designed a customer loyalty program, resulting in an increase in repeat business.”
“ Conceived a marketing plan for a new product line, resulting in increased sales by 15%.”

Looking for more synonyms for “Created”? See this list of additional “created” synonyms we’ve compiled.

Having a track record of helping others can demonstrate that you are a team player with strong communication and interpersonal skills.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for helped on your resume:

  • Co-authored
  • Contributed

Examples of how to use synonyms for helped on your resume:

“ Supported the CEO in maintaining their busy calendar by organizing meetings, calls, and other commitments.”
“ Counseled team members on best practices for achieving desired results.”
“ Enhanced customer service operations by streamlining processes and reducing average response times from 3 days to 1 day.”

Being able to work with others shows that you can communicate effectively, focus on a common goal, and resolve conflicts in a productive manner.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for worked with on your resume:

  • Communicated
  • Participated

Examples of how to use synonyms for worked with on your resume:

“ Partnered with company leadership to streamline operations and reduce costs by 10%.”
“ Engaged in team-building activities to foster an environment of collaboration and productivity.”
“ Merged diverse teams of professionals to develop groundbreaking products and services for industry-leading employers.”

Leadership skills include being able to take charge, motivate, facilitate change, problem-solve, and guide others.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for led on your resume:

  • Recommended
  • Reorganized
  • Streamlined

Examples of how to use synonyms for led on your resume:

“ Hosted weekly team meetings to align goals, communicate progress and assign tasks.”
“ Mentored underprivileged students in basic algebra, reading, and writing for two years as a volunteer at the local community center.”
“ Empowered a team of five to develop and implement an efficient workflow system that improved employee morale by 10%.”

Showing that you are good at being responsible demonstrates that you have the capacity to take ownership of tasks, handle difficult situations, and be accountable for results.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for responsible for on your resume:

  • Accumulated
  • Administrated
  • Conceptualized
  • Standardized

Examples of how to use synonyms for responsible for on your resume:

“ Officiated numerous corporate events, including conferences and seminars, ensuring adherence to protocols and regulations.”
“ Conceptualized a new customer-service protocol to improve customer satisfaction and reduce complaints.”
“ Navigated complex financial systems to ensure accurate and timely payments for vendors.”

Conducting skills include being able to handle or arrange an event, project, process, or interview. 

Consider using one of the following synonyms for conducted on your resume:

  • Accomplished
  • Investigated

Examples of how to use synonyms for conducted on your resume:

“ Executed the development of new web applications to improve customer satisfaction and facilitate online purchases.”
“ Presided over corporate board meetings and delegated tasks to team members.”
“ Supervised a team of five customer service representatives in responding to customer inquiries, resolving complaints, and managing customer accounts.”

Showing that you have the ability to manage people and resources, define goals, and take action will make you a more valuable job candidate. 

Consider using one of the following synonyms for oversaw on your resume:

  • Orchestrated
  • Prioritized

Examples of how to use synonyms for oversaw on your resume:

“ Moderated the development of a new database system for tracking client information.”
“ Guided new employees through onboarding processes and provided ongoing training sessions.”
“ Directed daily operations of the retail store, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.”

It’s important to show potential employers that you have time management skills and can plan, organize, and manage a project from start to finish.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for prepared on your resume:

  • Distributed
  • Transferred

Examples of how to use synonyms for prepared on your resume:

“ Deployed new CRM system to streamline customer service processes, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.”
“ Rehearsed and presented sales pitches to potential clients, effectively demonstrating product features and benefits.”
“ Processed customer orders for a high-volume catalog, ensuring accuracy and timely delivery.”

Showing that you can keep up with tasks and duties that are assigned to you will make you an attractive job candidate in any field. 

Consider using one of the following synonyms for maintained on your resume:

  • Consolidated
  • Reconstructed
  • Rejuvenated

Examples of how to use synonyms for maintained on your resume:

“ Scheduled weekly meetings with sales teams to review performance metrics.”
“ Regulated production process to ensure efficient workflow and promote quality control.”
“ Sustained an effective workflow in a customer service role, completing more than 100 customer inquiries per day.”

Showing that you are good at working on things gives hiring managers an idea of what kind of employee you could be and how well you work in a team environment.

Consider using one of the following synonyms instead of worked on:

Examples of how to use synonyms for worked on when writing your resume:

“ Operated point-of-sale system to handle customer orders quickly.”
“ Converted client data from Excel spreadsheets into a web-based platform, significantly streamlining workflow and improving accuracy.”
“ Negotiated favorable contracts with vendors to secure cost savings for the company.”

Employers want to hire candidates who can identify areas for improvement and take action to implement change.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for improved on your resume:

  • Centralized
  • Rehabilitated
  • Transformed

Examples of how to use synonyms for improved on your resume:

“ Modernized an inefficient process for tracking customer requests, resulting in a more streamlined approach to customer service.”
“ Upgraded network infrastructure to improve the reliability and security of corporate data.”
“ Renovated a customer database system, implementing new software and improving existing processes for greater efficiency.”

Employers often seek candidates who are able to learn quickly and effectively, take on new challenges, and develop new skills .

Consider using one of the following synonyms for learned on your resume:  

  • Established
  • Interpreted
  • Systematized

Examples of how to use synonyms for learned on your resume:

“ Discovered new cost-saving strategies to reduce operational costs by 10% and improved efficiency through system optimization.”
“ Mastered software development tools to successfully design and implement web applications for various clients.”
“ Interpreted company policies and procedures to ensure compliance with regulations and standards.”

Good research skills show that you are able to go beyond the surface of a problem and uncover more information about it.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for researched on your resume:

  • Scrutinized

Examples of how to use synonyms for researched on your resume:

“ Analyzed customer needs to identify areas of improvement in product design and service delivery.”
“ Studied human resource management principles, policies, and procedures while working as an intern with ABC Corporation.”
“ Identified client needs while managing a team of 10 employees.”

Employers rely on people who can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, to ensure that their company runs smoothly.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for communicated on your resume:

  • Disseminated

Examples of how to use synonyms for communicated on your resume:

“ Disseminated research findings to university faculty and students through oral presentations, poster displays, and publication in academic journals.”
“ Interpreted customer needs and quickly developed creative solutions to resolve their issues.”
“ Proposed a customer loyalty program that reduced customer churn by 20%.”

Showing a history of successful collaborations allows employers to see that you can handle the responsibility of working as part of a team.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for collaborated on your resume:  

  • Corresponded
  • Represented
  • Volunteered

Examples of how to use synonyms for collaborated on your resume:

“ Contributed to the development of a new customer service strategy, increasing satisfaction by 10% over a 9-month period.”
“ Fostered an effective working relationship between departments to ensure efficiency in organizational projects.”
“ Helped with customer service duties such as taking orders, answering inquiries, and resolving complaints.”

Volunteering can provide evidence of your strong work ethic, problem-solving abilities, and team-building capacity.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for volunteered on your resume:

Examples of how to use synonyms for volunteered on your resume:

“ Enlisted as an intern in ABC Company to gain hands-on experience with the newest technologies in the industry.”
“ Signed up for a volunteer position at a local shelter, providing administrative support and assisting the organization with pet adoption events.”
“ Enrolled in an advanced accounting course to gain a deeper knowledge of financial reporting and analysis.”

Demonstrating your ability to provide to customers, employers, and other stakeholders will help demonstrate your value as an employee.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for provided on your resume:

  • Capitalized

Examples of how to use synonyms for provided on your resume:

“ Delivered weekly reports to management on the progress of projects and initiatives.”
“ Produced marketing materials for a new product launch, resulting in increased sales and improved customer satisfaction.”
“ Supplied customer service assistance to a wide range of clients, resolving issues quickly and efficiently.”

Showing that you can ensure things demonstrates your commitment to meeting expectations and delivering results.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for ensured on your resume:

Examples of how to use synonyms for ensured on your resume:

“ Enforced workplace safety regulations, making certain that all personnel operated machinery in accordance with company policy.”
“ Verified the accuracy of financial documents and accounts payable/receivable.”
“ Guaranteed customer satisfaction and successful resolution of all complaints in a timely manner as a customer service representative.”

Synonyms for Experienced

Experience in a resume refers to the range of skills, knowledge and abilities that you have acquired throughout their career.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for experienced on your resume:

  • Credentialed
  • Familiar with

Examples of how to use synonyms for experienced on your resume:

“ Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, with advanced knowledge of Excel and Word.”
“ Credentialed in EMDR therapy, with a track record of successful outcomes.”
“ Adept at leading teams and working collaboratively to achieve project goals.”

jobscan has helped over 1 million users build and optimize their resume

Frequently Asked Questions About Resume Power Verbs

What are resume power verbs.

Resume power verbs are words that describe an action , such as “achieved,” “spearheaded,” or “delivered.” 

These types of words pack a punch and help to demonstrate your experience, skills, and accomplishments in a way that is clear and concise.

Why should I use power words on my resume?

Using power words to describe your work experience is an excellent way to grab the attention of potential employers and stand out from other candidates. 

Power words not only convey a positive message about your capabilities and expertise, but they show how you successfully accomplished your goals.

What words should I avoid using on my resume?

You should avoid using “buzzwords” or overly technical jargon that might confuse recruiters. Always strive to make your resume clear and easily understood. 

Additionally, try not to use cliches such as “results-driven” or “team player,” as these are overused and unconvincing to potential employers. 

Instead, focus on providing specific, concrete examples of your skills and accomplishments that demonstrate the value you can bring to an organization. 

How do I know if I’ve used resume power verbs?

Once you have completed your resume, take a step back and review it as if you were an employer. 

Look for verbs that are strong and descriptive. These verbs should help your accomplishments stand out and be easily understood by the reader. 

If you find yourself using a lot of weak verbs or simply stating what you did without adding any emphasis, then it’s time to go back and add some different power verbs.

What are the top skills and keywords in your industry?

Power verbs are a great opportunity to incorporate the top skills and keywords for your industry into your resume. Many of these skills and keywords can be found in the job description of the position you are applying for.

Be sure to research what words are important in your field, and then use them appropriately throughout your resume. 

To fully optimize your resume try using Jobscan’s resume scanner . This tool uses AI technology to analyze your resume and compare it to the job description. After scanning you’ll receive a “match rate” and tips for improving your match rate.

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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Resume Synonyms for Help

Want to connect with potential employers by highlighting your support capabilities? While 'Help' indicates assistance, more uplifting verbs like 'Empower' convey your talents enabling people to maximize their potential. Let's explore enabling alternatives to 'Help' that can vividly underscore your abilities to unlock success in others.

Table of Contents

Using help on a resume.

In the simplest terms, 'Help' is a word that signifies assistance, support, or aid provided to someone or something. It's a term that embodies the act of making things easier or better for someone else, often in a situation where they cannot do it themselves. When it comes to a resume, 'Help' is frequently used to describe a candidate's role or experience in assisting others, whether it be colleagues, clients, or entire organizations. It is meant to communicate a sense of teamwork, cooperation, and the ability to contribute positively to a larger goal or objective. However, while 'Help' is a useful term, it may not always be the most impactful word to use on your resume. It's a rather generic term and can sometimes fail to capture the full extent of your contributions or abilities. To truly make your resume stand out, it's worth considering the use of other, more dynamic synonyms that can better articulate your skills and experiences. This not only adds variety to your resume but also allows potential employers to gain a more nuanced understanding of your capabilities.

Tailor Your Resume Content to the Job Description

another word for assist in resume

Strong vs Weak Uses of Help

Examples of using help on a resume.

  • Helped streamline company operations by implementing a new project management system, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency.
  • Helped develop and launch a new product line that increased company revenue by 15%.
  • Helped lead a team of 10 employees, improving team productivity by 30%.
  • Helped with some projects.
  • Helped around the office.
  • Helped with things that needed to be done.

How Help Is Commonly Misused

"helped with various tasks".

This statement is too vague and does not provide any specific information about the tasks that were helped with. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your skills and contributions.

"Helped customers with their inquiries"

While it may seem like a positive statement, it lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements. Instead, it is better to mention the outcomes or results of helping customers, such as "Provided exceptional customer service by resolving inquiries promptly, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rating."

"Helped in the development of new products"

This statement is too general and does not provide any specific information about the role played in the development process. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your contributions and impact, such as "Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ideate, prototype, and launch three new products, resulting in a 30% increase in overall company revenue."

"Helped manage team projects"

While it indicates involvement in team projects, it lacks specificity and does not highlight any specific responsibilities or achievements. Instead, it is better to mention specific actions taken or outcomes achieved while managing team projects, such as "Led a team of five members in successfully executing multiple projects, resulting in a 15% increase in project efficiency and on-time delivery."

When to Replace Help with Another Synonym

Assisting customers.

Instead of using "Helped," job seekers can use synonyms like "Assisted," "Supported," or "Aided" to convey their role in providing customer service. These alternatives highlight their ability to address customer needs, resolve issues, and ensure customer satisfaction.

Collaborating with colleagues

When describing teamwork or collaboration experience, job seekers can opt for synonyms such as "Collaborated," "Cooperated," or "Worked closely with." These terms emphasize their ability to work effectively with others, contribute to group projects, and achieve common goals.

Training or mentoring others

Instead of using "Helped," job seekers can use synonyms like "Trained," "Mentored," or "Guided" to showcase their role in developing the skills and knowledge of others. These alternatives highlight their ability to transfer knowledge, provide guidance, and support the professional growth of their peers or subordinates.

Best Resume Synonyms for Help

How to replace help with a stronger, more relevant synonym, replacing help in your resume summary.

Using a Strong Synonym

Replacing Help in Your Work Experience

  • Helped in the development and implementation of a new marketing strategy that increased company sales by 15%.
  • Facilitated the development and successful execution of an innovative marketing strategy, driving a 15% increase in company sales.

Powerful Help Synonyms for Different Job Categories

Best help synonyms for marketing resumes, best help synonyms for customer service resumes, find the right synonyms for any job, frequently asked questions.

Instead of using the word 'Help', consider using more dynamic verbs like 'Assisted', 'Supported', 'Facilitated', or 'Contributed'. For example, instead of saying "Helped with project management", you could say "Assisted in the successful completion of a major project" or "Contributed to a 20% increase in efficiency through effective project management".

It's OK to use 'Help' on your resume when you're describing how you assisted or supported a project, team, or initiative. For example, "Helped develop a new marketing strategy that increased sales by 20%," or "Helped coordinate a team of 5 to complete project ahead of schedule." However, ensure it's used sparingly and in conjunction with more powerful action verbs to avoid sounding passive.

To gauge if 'Help' is relevant for your resume, consider the context and the role you're applying for. If you're in a service-oriented or team-focused role, using 'Help' can highlight your ability to assist others or contribute to a team. For example, "Helped increase team productivity by 20%" or "Helped develop a new customer service protocol, resulting in improved customer satisfaction scores."

Which Job Titles use Help the Most?

Top 5 titles/functions with the most mentions of help on their resume:, related resume synonyms, explore full resume examples to find other improvements.

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Powerful Resume Synonyms for Help: Elevate Your Resume

Powerful Resume Synonyms for Help: Elevate Your Resume

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Resume Synonyms for Help

In the competitive world of job hunting, having an impressive resume is crucial. Your resume is the key to catching the attention of potential employers and securing job opportunities. One common pitfall in resumes is the repetitive use of certain words, particularly the word ‘help’. While it may seem harmless, overusing this word can dilute the impact of your accomplishments and make your resume less memorable. In this article, we will explore powerful synonyms for ‘help’ that will elevate your resume and make it stand out from the crowd.

Elevate your resume with powerful synonyms for ‘help’. Discover impactful alternatives that convey your skills and achievements more effectively. Stand out and make a memorable impression on potential employers.

The Power of Synonyms

Comprehensive list of synonyms for ‘help’, practical application: utilizing strong verbs in your resume, using synonyms in different contexts, frequently asked questions.

Words have the power to create vivid images in the minds of others. When it comes to your resume, you want to paint a picture of yourself as a competent, dynamic, and valuable candidate. Using the same tired words as everyone else will only make your resume blend into the background. This is where synonyms come into play. Synonyms are words that have similar meanings to other words. By replacing the overused word ‘help’ with more specific and impactful synonyms, you can make your resume more engaging and memorable.

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To transform your resume from ordinary to extraordinary, here is a comprehensive list of powerful synonyms for ‘help’ that you can utilize strategically:

AssistSuggests offering supportAssisted the team in completing the project
AidIndicates providing helpProvided aid to the victims of the disaster
SupportImplies offering assistanceSupported the marketing team in their efforts
GuideSuggests providing directionGuided new employees through the onboarding process
FacilitateImplies making easierFacilitated smooth communication between departments
MentorIndicates providing guidanceMentored junior employees in their career development
CollaborateImplies working togetherCollaborated with cross-functional teams to achieve project goals
EmpowerSuggests giving authorityEmpowered team members to make decisions independently
NurtureImplies fostering growthNurtured the skills and talents of team members
EnlightenIndicates providing knowledgeEnlightened clients about the benefits of the product
EnhanceSuggests improvingEnhanced the performance of the website through optimization
FosterImplies encouraging growthFostered a culture of innovation within the team
EncourageIndicates promotingEncouraged team members to think outside the box
StrengthenSuggests making strongerStrengthened relationships with key stakeholders
EnableImplies giving abilityEnabled customers to easily navigate the website
ContributeIndicates offering inputContributed valuable ideas during team meetings
AidImplies providing assistanceAided in the development of new product features
SupportSuggests offering helpSupported colleagues in meeting project deadlines
AssistImplies giving supportAssisted customers in resolving technical issues
GuideIndicates providing guidanceGuided clients through the implementation process
FacilitateImplies making easierFacilitated efficient communication between departments
MentorIndicates offering mentorshipMentored interns in their professional development
CollaborateImplies working togetherCollaborated with colleagues on cross-functional projects
EmpowerIndicates giving authorityEmpowered team members to make decisions autonomously
NurtureImplies fostering growthNurtured a supportive and inclusive team culture
EnlightenIndicates sharing knowledgeEnlightened trainees about new industry trends
EnhanceImplies improvingEnhanced the efficiency of internal processes
FosterIndicates encouraging growthFostered collaboration between different teams
EncourageImplies motivatingEncouraged team members to explore innovative solutions
StrengthenIndicates making strongerStrengthened client relationships through regular communication
EnableImplies providing capabilityEnabled customers to customize their user experience

This comprehensive list of synonyms for ‘help’ provides a range of options to choose from, each with its own connotation and example usage. Select the synonym that best fits the context of your resume and accurately conveys the nature of your contributions.

Remember, the key to choosing the right synonym is understanding the connotation and nuances associated with each word. Selecting a synonym that accurately reflects your role and impact will enhance the effectiveness of your resume.

Now that you have a list of powerful synonyms for ‘help’, it’s time to put them to use in your resume. Here are a few examples to demonstrate how you can replace ‘help’ with stronger verbs:

  • Original sentence: “Helped manage a team of professionals.” Revised sentence: “Guided and empowered a team of professionals to achieve departmental goals.”
  • Original sentence: “Helped improve customer satisfaction ratings.” Revised sentence: “Enhanced customer satisfaction ratings through proactive support and personalized assistance.”
  • Original sentence: “Helped develop and implement new marketing strategies.” Revised sentence: “Contributed to the development and successful implementation of innovative marketing strategies.”

By incorporating these stronger verbs, you not only demonstrate your active involvement but also highlight the impact of your actions on the overall success of the projects or teams you were a part of.

When applying for different positions, it’s essential to tailor your resume to reflect the specific skills and qualifications required. Different job roles demand different verbs to effectively describe your contributions. For instance:

  • In a leadership position: ‘Empowered’, ‘guided’, or ‘mentored’ can effectively convey your ability to lead and develop a team.
  • In a customer service role: ‘Assisted’, ‘supported’, or ‘nurtured’ can showcase your dedication to providing excellent customer experiences.
  • In a creative role: ‘Collaborated’, ‘enhanced’, or ‘contributed’ can emphasize your ability to bring innovative ideas to the table.

By choosing verbs that align with the desired skills and qualities of the target job, you can demonstrate your suitability for the role effectively.

Now let’s address some common questions about using synonyms for ‘help’ in your resume:

Instead of using the word ‘help’, you can opt for more impactful and specific verbs such as ‘assisted’, ‘guided’, ‘supported’, or ‘contributed’. These verbs provide a clearer picture of your actions and highlight your valuable contributions.

To make the most of synonyms, choose the most suitable verb that accurately describes your role and achievements. Additionally, ensure that your verbs align with the specific skills and qualities required for the targeted job.

While there are many synonyms for ‘help’, not all of them will be suitable for every context. Choose a synonym that accurately reflects your role and responsibilities. Be sure to maintain clarity and honesty in your resume.

Using varied and specific verbs can help your resume stand out from the competition. It showcases your abilities and achievements in a more engaging and memorable way, increasing your chances of getting noticed by employers.

Yes, you can use the word ‘assist’ in a resume. However, using more specific and impactful synonyms can help make your resume stand out and showcase your skills and accomplishments in a more engaging way.

There are several synonyms you can use for ‘assist’ on your CV, such as ‘help’, ‘support’, ‘aid’, ‘facilitate’, ‘guide’, ‘collaborate’, or ‘contribute’. Choosing the right synonym depends on the context and nature of your role and responsibilities.

Instead of using ‘assisted’, you can opt for stronger and more specific verbs, such as ‘supported’, ‘facilitated’, ‘guided’, ‘collaborated’, ‘contributed’, or ‘aided’. These words add depth and clarity to your resume, showcasing your active involvement and impact in your previous roles.

Your resume is the gateway to new job opportunities, and using powerful synonyms instead of overused words like ‘help’ can elevate your resume’s impact. By selecting the right synonym that accurately reflects your role and contributions, you create a vivid and memorable image of your skills and achievements in the minds of recruiters. So, take the time to choose your words carefully and let your resume shine brightly among the rest.

another word for assist in resume

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Recommended Reading:

  • Hobbies and Interests to put on a CV
  • CV personal qualities and skills
  • Skills to include on a CV
  • How to write references on a CV
  • How to write achievements on a CV
  • Personal details on a CV
  • How to start a cover letter
  • LinkedIn Background Photo

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Published by Sarah Samson

Sarah Samson is a professional career advisor and resume expert. She specializes in helping recent college graduates and mid-career professionals improve their resumes and format them for the modern job market. In addition, she has also been a contributor to several online publications.

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10 Good Synonyms For “Assisted” On Your Resumé

It’s good to show that you’re helpful in a resumé. That’s why it’s great to show that you’ve “assisted” on projects and tasks before when applying to new jobs. We’ll also show you some other great synonyms you might be able to use.

The preferred synonym is “accommodated.” It works well in a professional setting because it shows that you made time to help someone with another task (that might not have been related to you). It shows more than anything that you’re a team player.

Good Synonyms For Assisted On Your Resumé


“Accommodated” is the best way to replace “assisted.” It shows that you always find ways to make things work better for someone. This can refer to a project, task, or a relationship with an employee or colleague from before.

Using a word like this in a resumé shows that you have a great character about yourself. It makes you very hirable, which is always a good option.

The definition of “accommodated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to give what is needed to someone.”

  • I accommodated the merger in my previous company, which helped to streamline the whole process for my former employer.
  • I believe that I accommodated a lot of changes at my old workplace. I’d love a chance to get to do this again for you.
  • I accommodated them for their decisions. I will always tell management if I have better ideas, but I’m happy to work with them.

“Obliged” is a polite form to show that you are helping people out. You might want to be a bit careful with it, though. Some people think it sounds like you are almost “forced” into doing something that might not have assisted you in some way.

The definition of “obliged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “used to ask someone politely to do something.”

  • I’m always obliged to help out wherever I can. Let me know when you’ve come up with a way for me to work with the team.
  • I obliged them in their mission to get it sorted. I wanted to make sure the project was completed without a hitch.
  • Of course, I obliged. I love teamwork, and getting involved in the tasks with some of them was the best way to do that.

“Aided” is a simple synonym for “assisted.” It shows that you provided “aid” to someone or something to help it move along. This shows that you work well in a team (or under pressure, depending on the context).

We recommend this one as a solid option if you don’t want “accommodated.”

The definition of “aided,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to help.”

  • I aided wherever I could. I wanted to make sure that people saw me as a diligent worker and one that wouldn’t quit.
  • I am always happy to aid in the workplace. If you need help from me, I’ll be there to make sure you get what you need.
  • I have aided in at least five successful projects and mergers at my former company. I’m eager to bring the same passion to you.

“Encouraged” is good because it shows that you have a strong, positive character. Usually, you “encourage” things to happen when you want them to happen quicker or more efficiently.

You can also encourage people, which usually shows that you’re a team player. If you can keep everyone encouraged on your team, then new bosses will look at your positively.

The definition of “encouraged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “having more confidence or hope about something.”

  • I like to keep my team encouraged when it counts. I think it’s the best way to keep morale high while maximizing output.
  • I encouraged my former boss with the new project. That’s how they managed to claim such a large client base with relative ease.
  • I always encourage the people around me to speak up about their issues. I’m happy to run them by you when I hear them.

“Backed up” is a simple one. You should only use this if you’re referring to projects that you supported, even when you might not have been expected to. This shows new employers that you always have an eye for success and delivery.

The definition of “backed up,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to provide support or help to someone or something.”

  • I’ve found myself backing up many projects in my time. I’d say I have a 99% success rate with these types of things.
  • I back up anyone who I believe has promise. I think it’s important to make sure everybody gets a fair chance in business.
  • I backed up my managers when they needed me. I wanted them to see that there were people on their side.


“Facilitated” usually means you’ve made something easier. You could refer to former projects or tasks as “facilitated” if you offered something to them that made the whole process more reliable or effective.

This is a great phrase when you’re using it in a resumé. It shows a boss that you’re a hard worker and have great problem-solving skills that you’ve already put to the test.

The definition of “facilitated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to make something possible or easier.”

  • I facilitated change in my workplace that I believe helped to streamline the working process. I think you’d benefit from the same changes.
  • I have always been good at facilitating change in people. That’s one of my best qualities as a manager, I would say.
  • I facilitated the projects that you see before you. I’ve attached all the best ones to show you what I can do right.

“Expedited” works well when you are speeding processes or projects up. It typically means that you’re good at finding ways to make things more efficient, which many companies can learn from.

It shows that you’re good at finding holes in already-existing systems. An outside eye like yours might be exactly what a company needs.

The definition of “expedited,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to make something happen more quickly.”

  • I make sure to expedite processes when I can. I believe that faster processes mean faster working days. Efficiency is key.
  • It’s good to get these expedited when it fits you. That’s why I believe my skills are the most opportune for you to take on right now.
  • I expedited all of the projects that my boss used to give to me. I know that I’m worth every dollar of my salary.

“Stimulated” works well when you have helped things in a former business to grow. If you’ve managed to develop an idea from the ground up (and have it be successful), it could be good to use a word like this to show what you’re able to achieve.

The definition of “stimulated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active.”

  • I have always maintained a stimulated approach to how I see business. I always make sure to bring others up around me.
  • I stimulated change when I needed to. It was my job to find holes in the programming and fix them.
  • I would like to continue stimulating projects and tasks where I can. I hope my new job role will allow me the flexibility for that.

“Furthered” means that you’ve developed something or made progress. It works well because it shows that you’re always looking for ways to make something better in business.

Once something has been used the same way for years, it can be difficult for old employees to let it go. That’s why bosses look for new employees that can “further” their systems, to make sure things are kept as efficient as possible.

The definition of “furthered,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to develop or make progress in something.”

  • I furthered my boss’s relationship with three of her major clients. I believe I can do the same for you.
  • I furthered many of my former colleague’s work prospects after meeting with them about what they were capable of doing.
  • I would like to have the chance to further this company’s workload prospects. I think there are some great things to change.

“Helped” is technically the most appropriate synonym for “assisted.” However, we included it last because there are plenty of better options when we’re looking into a resumé specifically. “Helped” should only be a last resort.

The definition of “helped,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to make it possible or easier for someone to do something, by doing part of the work yourself or by providing advice, money, support, etc.”

  • I helped wherever I could. I like to make myself available when it comes to making sure I impress my bosses at work.
  • I always helped. It’s one of my best qualities, and I’m sure that you’ll find there are plenty of ways to merge me into this company.
  • I love to help. I think it’s important to make sure everybody believes in you, and we all raise each other up.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

Resume synonyms for help.

Want another word for Help to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Help ".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo

When a recruiter sees the word 'help' in your resume, it indicates that you are willing to take on more responsibility and make yourself useful. Hiring managers know that someone who can help them out is going to be an incredible asset to their team. It shows that you are willing to go above and beyond for others in the workplace. Still, the word help is not specific enough. When you write your resume, you want it to be as descriptive and detailed as possible. The purpose of your resume is to convince hiring managers that you are the best person for the job, so you need to make sure that it speaks directly to their needs and interests. If you want to describe what kind of work experience you have, try using other action verbs like 'refined,' 'perfected,' and 'rectified.' This will make your resume more descriptive and engaging. Improving your resume by using descriptive action verbs in place of generic ones can help showcase your achievements more effectively, making it easier for hiring managers to see how your experience will benefit the company. I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Help on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Help :

  • Implemented
  • Spearheaded
  • Transformed
  • Invigorated
  • Revolutionized
  • Streamlined
  • Accommodated
  • Ameliorated
  • Strengthened

How to replace Help with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Help, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

• Help to reduce manufacturing costs by advising on strategy changes like eliminating packaging

After: Using a stronger synonym • Proposed and implemented major strategy change to eliminate packaging, passing savings to our producers and customers and saving 55% on manufacturing costs.

Replacing Help with Enhanced ▾

• Helped improve company's website

After: Enhanced • Enhanced the company’s website by conducting in-depth user experience analyses, optimizing page load time by 47% and boosting the overall user engagement by 75%.

This change adds critical specificity to your accomplishments. 'Helped' gets replaced with 'Enhanced', directly stating the action you performed. 'conducted in-depth user experience analyses' shows your method, and quantitative results hammer home the impact.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

Replacing Help with Implemented ▾

• Helped launch a new product line

After: Implemented • Implemented the launch of a key new product line, driving a sales increase of 30% within a quarter of its release.

As a recruiter, it's great to replace vague 'help' with 'Implemented', suggesting your role in the accomplishment. Including precise details such as the time frame and measurable increase in sales gives a clear scope of achievement.

Replacing Help with Resolved ▾

• Helped with customer complaints

After: Resolved • Resolved customer complaints by implementing a new system, reducing repeat issues by 40% and increasing customer satisfaction by 20%.

Although 'Helped with' is not incorrect, it lacks precision and fails to provide a picture of your active role. 'Resolved' tackles the problem head-on. You should include a problem, a solution, and a measurable result for maximum impact.

Replacing Help with Increased ▾

• Helped to grow affiliate program

After: Increased • Increased the affiliate program participants by 50% within six months by revitalizing outreach methodologies, resulting in a 25% boost to overall revenue.

Replacing 'helped' with 'increased' provides a concrete metric of success. It states a very impressive achievement directly attributable to you, lending more weight to your contribution.

Replacing Help with Revamped ▾

• Helped improve the company newsletter

After: Revamped • Revamped the company newsletter by overseeing a complete redesign, which led to a 70% increase in Click-Through Rates.

'Helped improve' is a vague phrase that doesn't indicate action. Changing it to 'Revamped' not only conveys initiative but also leaves no ambiguity about the primary responsibility. I then added a metric to indicate the scale of improvement.

Replacing Help with Spearheaded ▾

• Help to organize annual conference

After: Spearheaded • Spearheaded the organization of the annual conference, attracting a record 2,000 attendees and securing sponsorship deals worth $150,000.

Instead of the vague 'help', this edit shows you took initiative with 'Spearheaded'. Providing numbers like attendee counts and dollar figures immediately demonstrate the scale of your accomplishment.

Replacing Help with Transformed ▾

• Help to update project management processes

After: Transformed • Transformed project management processes, reducing project duration by 25% and saving an estimated 100 hours per project.

With 'Transformed', we're replacing the vague 'help' and showing you were instrumental to change. Your specific contributions are then backed with solid metrics, providing a clearer picture of your impact.

Replacing Help with Led ▾

• Help in the preparation of the annual budget

After: Led • Led in the preparation of the $2 million annual budget, identifying and implementing cost-saving measures that saved the company 15% in operational expenses.

I used 'Led' in replacement of 'help' to emphasize your role in the accomplishment. It’s important to quantify results—it immediately shows the impact of your work.

Replacing Help with Overhauled ▾

• Help improve sales team training

After: Overhauled • Overhauled the sales team training process, increasing sales productivity by 35% and decreasing new-hire ramp-up time by 30%.

As a hiring manager, 'Overhauled' replaces the vague 'help', signifying a larger role. By including the increase in productivity and decrease in ramp-up time, we see the scale of your achievement.

Replacing Help with Optimized ▾

• Help streamline operational procedures

After: Optimized • Optimized operational processes, resulting in a 15% decrease in operation cost and a 30% increase in operational efficiency within two quarters.

By changing 'help' to 'Optimized', your principal role is emphasized, and the multiple metrics used convey the significance of the improvements you ushered in.

Replacing Help with Invigorated ▾

• Help to renew customer loyalty program

After: Invigorated • Invigorated the customer loyalty program by introducing targeted reward schemes, leading to a 60% increase in active members and a 25% surge in overall sales.

This edit takes away the bland 'help' and replaces it with a dynamic 'Invigorated'. It now highlights the cause and effect of your efforts by emphasizing the actions and the subsequent positive results.

Replacing Help with Elevated ▾

• Help to upgrade the customer service department

After: Elevated • Elevated the customer service department by introducing an enhanced ticketing system that reduced response times by 40%, boosting customer satisfaction by 30%.

The term 'elevated' portrays your proactive involvement better than the passive 'help'. Detailing out the action you took and backing it up with metrics paints a vivid picture of the results you delivered.

Replacing Help with Boosted ▾

• Help in driving product sales

After: Boosted • Boosted product sales by 45% over a year by pioneering and executing aggressive sales strategies in combination with robust marketing efforts.

'Boosted' replaces the vague 'help' and clearly states the improvements made. Further, describing how it was achieved provides more insight into your skills and experiences.

Replacing Help with Organized ▾

• Help to arrange charity fundraising events

After: Organized • Organized charity fundraising events that increased annual donations by a record 200%, reaching a total of $500k in a single year.

The before statement gives no clear understanding of your contributions. 'Organized' replaces 'Help' to imply leading role in operations, and specific details provide a tangible sense of your accomplishments.

Replacing Help with Expedited ▾

• Help speed up customer onboarding process

After: Expedited • Expedited the customer onboarding process, reducing the average time spent by 55%, resulting in a 75% increase in signups.

'Expedited' is a power verb that shows how you brought about efficient change in the onboarding process. Including metrics provides a concrete measure of your success.

Replacing Help with Revolutionized ▾

• Help bring changes to the production process

After: Revolutionized • Revolutionized the production process by integrating Lean methodologies, resulting in a 30% reduction in waste and boosting production efficiency by 40%.

I replaced 'help' with 'revolutionized' to indicate your instrumental role in the accomplishment. The use of specific methodologies and metrics brings weightage to your contribution.

Replacing Help with Streamlined ▾

• Help to improve logistics operations

After: Streamlined • Streamlined logistics operations through the application of advanced analytics, reducing freight costs by 25% while maintaining delivery timeframes.

'Streamlined' indicates a higher level of participation than 'help'. It’s crucial to specify the changes that were made and associate them with real, quantifiable benefits.

Replacing Help with Pioneered ▾

• Help in developing a new marketing channel

After: Pioneered • Pioneered a new marketing channel, driving an additional $200k in annual sales and expanding the company's user base by 15%.

Changing 'help' to 'pioneered' makes your action sound innovative and proactive. Quantifying the result with a dollar figure and increased user base provides an immediate understanding of your initiative's impact.

Replacing Help with Achieved ▾

• Help to meet sales targets

After: Achieved • Achieved 120% of annual sales targets, leading to a $200k increase in revenue by successfully upselling to existing clients.

The word 'Achieved' holds more weight than 'help' and showcases your ultimate accomplishment. It’s always beneficial to include how you managed to achieve these goals.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Help.

another word for assist in resume

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use assessed on a resume:.

• Assessed the product portfolio and created a brand turnaround strategy for a global fashion company; conducted qualitative interviews with industry experts and quantitative analysis to determine barriers to purchasing and distribution.

How to use Formulated on a resume:

• Formulated implementation plans for transactions in collaboration with senior members of trading, sales, compliance and legal teams; generated annual profits of $10+ million.

How to use Analyzed on a resume:

• Analyzed 50+ companies to identify potential investments, built valuation models, and visited 90+ members of senior management in Germany, Nigeria, Indonesia and Singapore to evaluate companies' growth outlook.

How to use Developed on a resume:

• Developed strategies to trade and manage risk on the trading book comprising 30+ indices; 2016 P&L: $8M.

How to use Led on a resume:

• Led interview campaign with existing customers (300+ person survey, 40+ face-to-face discussions) to formulate requirements of a new product to help couples manage their expenses; outputs directly impacted product roadmap.

How to use Launched on a resume:

• Launched an e-commerce website which sold t-shirts themed on the 2016 Presidential Election; successfully processed 800+ online transactions from 600+ unique users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for help on a resume.

Here are some synonyms for commonly repeated words, like Help, I see on resumes:

What are other words for Help on a resume?

Generic language like Help are considered to be buzzwords because they're used so often. Consider using synonyms like Ameliorated, Strengthened, Mobilized, Rectified, Meliorated or Amended.

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

As a next step, I'd recommend going through each of your resume's verbs and improving each one with stronger action verbs. The most effective way to do that is by uploading your resume to tool below. It'll tell you which parts of your resume need work, so you can improve them before a recruiter rejects you for them.

Related resume examples

Construction manager.

An Assistant Construction Manager resume template showcasing experience in planning and coordinating operations

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An software project leads resume template tailored to the computer science industry.

Special Projects

A director of special projects resume template that emphasizes work experience.

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another word for assist in resume

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

another word for assist in resume


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  1. Assist Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Words to use on resume instead of 'assist' includes 'diversified,' 'promoted,' and 'ministered.'. When you use power verbs, you can show the recruiter exactly your responsibilities in previous roles and help them understand the impact of your work, which is crucial for getting hired. I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Assist on ...

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    The term 'assist' is a versatile word that essentially means to lend a helping hand or provide support. It's about being there to facilitate, contribute, and make things easier or more effective for others. In the context of a resume, 'assist' is a commonly used term that can be found in various sections, from job descriptions to skills.

  3. Powerful Resume Synonyms for Assist

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  4. The Best Synonyms To Use for "Assisted" on a Resume

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  5. Best Resume Synonyms for Assist

    Here are some examples of using synonyms for "assist" on your resume. Trained and equipped the new batch of 50 call center agents on company goals, proper etiquette, and standard operating procedures. Backed up the Procurement Team in streamlining purchasing procedures and replacing small suppliers with a few major distributors.

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    Instead of 'Assist', use verbs that show your direct impact: Supported, Facilitated, or Collaborated to highlight teamwork. Reinforced, Enhanced, and Optimized demonstrate how you improved processes. For leadership roles, try Empowered, Championed, or Spearheaded to show initiative. Industry-Specific Alternatives.

  7. Assisted Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Assisted ". Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith. Senior Hiring Manager. 20+ Years of Experience. The word "assisted" describes work done with the help of others. Using this word in your resume shows that you have worked with ...

  8. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Assisted [Examples + Data]

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  9. Assisting Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Using action verbs is preferred in describing your role and responsibilities at the company. They help convey the value you bring to the organization's bottom line. A better word for 'Assisting' include 'Sustained', 'Forwarded', or 'Accelerated'. Action or power verbs communicate that you're an expert in a particular area.

  10. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Assisting [Examples + Data]

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  11. What Are Synonyms for "Assisted" on a Resume?

    Enabled. Joined. Fostered. Inspired. Furthered. Advanced. Served. Promoted. Unless you're describing work you helped with outside of the usual scope of your responsibilities, it's best to avoid the word "assisted" on your resume.

  12. 37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume

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  13. The Best Synonyms for "Assisted" to Use on Your Resume

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    10 "Assisted" Synonyms For A Resume. Using "assisted" synonyms for a resume can make the document more captivating by effectively demonstrating your helpful nature and how you contribute to the success of others. The following is a list of ten "assisted" synonyms with examples of how to use them for different roles: 1. Supported.

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  17. Synonyms For Common Resume Power Verbs

    Synonyms for Learned on your resume. A commitment to learning isn't just an important aspect of professional development — it's also a key skill for jobs involving research and analysis. Try using synonyms like: Attained. Mastered. Discovered. Identified. Studied. Trained.

  18. 500 Synonyms for Common Resume Power Verbs

    To help you find just the right word to use on your resume, we've divided our list of synonyms into the following categories: Synonyms for Assisted. Synonyms for Managed. Synonyms for Developed. Synonyms for Created. Synonyms for Helped. Synonyms for Worked With. Synonyms for Led. Synonyms for Responsible For.

  19. The Best Synonyms for Common Resume Verbs & Adjectives

    Example: Evaluated market trends and competitor strategies to identify key insights, informing strategic decision-making and achieving a competitive edge.. Synonyms for your resume introduction. A resume introduction is a short paragraph at the top of your resume that summarizes your key qualifications as a candidate.. A strong resume introduction sells your candidacy by targeting the job ...

  20. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Help [Examples + Data]

    Assisted, backed, or facilitated someone or a task to achieve outcomes. Aided. Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives. Contributed. Provided resources, ideas, or time to aid a collective endeavor. Cooperated. Actively worked in harmony with others for a shared purpose. Facilitated.

  21. Powerful Resume Synonyms for Help: Elevate Your Resume

    To transform your resume from ordinary to extraordinary, here is a comprehensive list of powerful synonyms for 'help' that you can utilize strategically: Synonym. Connotation. Example. Assist. Suggests offering support. Assisted the team in completing the project. Aid.

  22. 10 Good Synonyms For "Assisted" On Your Resumé

    Aided. "Aided" is a simple synonym for "assisted.". It shows that you provided "aid" to someone or something to help it move along. This shows that you work well in a team (or under pressure, depending on the context). We recommend this one as a solid option if you don't want "accommodated.".

  23. Help Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

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