Essay on Elephant for Students and Children

500+ words essay on elephant.

Elephants are quite large animals . They have four legs which resemble large pillars. They have two ears which are like big fans. Elephants have a special body part which is their trunk. In addition, they have a short tail. The male elephant has two teeth which are quite long and are referred to as tusks.

write on essay elephant

Elephants are herbivorous and feed on leaves, plants, grains, fruits and more. They are mostly found in Africa and Asia. Most of the elephants are grey in color, however, in Thailand, they have white elephants.

In addition, elephants are one of the longest-lived animals with an average lifespan of around 5-70 years. But, the oldest elephant to ever live passed away at the age of 86 years.

Furthermore, they mostly inhabit jungles but humans have forced them to work in zoos and circuses. Elephants are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals.

Similarly, they are quite obedient too. Usually, the female elephants live in groups but the male ones prefer solitary living. Additionally, this wild animal has great learning capacity. Humans use them for transport and entertainment purposes. Elephants are of great importance to the earth and mankind. Thus, we must protect them to not create an imbalance in nature’s cycle.

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Importance of Elephants

Elephants come in the group of most intelligent creatures. They are capable of quite strong emotions. These creatures have earned the respect of people of Africa that share the landscape with them. This gives them a great cultural significance. Elephants are tourism magnets for mankind. In addition, they also play a great role in maintaining the biodiversity of the ecosystems.

Most importantly, elephants are also significant for wildlife. They dig for water in the dry season with their tusks. It helps them survive the dry environment and droughts and also helps other animals to survive.

In addition, the elephants of the forest create gaps in the vegetation while eating. The gaps created enables the growth of new plants as well as pathways for smaller animals. This method also helps in dispersal of seeds by trees.

Furthermore, even elephant dung is beneficial. The dung they leave contains seeds of plants they have consumed. This, in turn, helps the birth of new grasses, bushes, and even trees. Thus, they also boost the health of the savannah ecosystem.

Endangerment of Elephants

Elephants have found their way on the list of endangered species. Selfish human activities have caused this endangerment. One of the biggest reasons for their endangerment is the illegal killing of elephants. As their body parts are very profitable, humans kill them off for their skin, bones, tusks, and more.

Moreover, humans are wiping out the natural habitat of elephants i.e. the forests. This results in a lack of food, area to live, and resources to survive. Similarly, hunting and poaching just for the thrill of it also cause the death of elephants.

Therefore, we see how humans are the main reason behind their endangerment. In other words, we must educate the public about the importance of elephants. Conservation efforts must be taken aggressively to protect them. In addition, poachers must be arrested to stop killing of the endangered species.

FAQs on Essay on Elephant

Q.1 Why are Elephants important?

A.1 Elephants are important not only to humans but wildlife and vegetation too. They provide sources of water for other animals in the dry season. Their eating method helps in the growth of new plants. They maintain the balance of the savannah ecosystem.

Q.2 Why is endangerment of elephants harmful?

A.2 Human activities have caused endangerment of elephants. Extinction of these animals will create an imbalance in the ecosystem gravely. We must take steps to stop this endangerment so they can be protected from extinction.

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  • Essay on Elephant


Writing an Essay on Elephant

Elephants are animals that belong to the Elephantidae family (which includes mammoths) and can be found all over the world. Elephants are one of the world's largest land animals, with populations spanning Asia and Africa's forests and deserts. Elephants are known to be highly intelligent and social animals, similar to primates and humans, and are regarded as the most lovable creatures and valued by various cultures around the world.

Long Elephant Essay in English

Animals of different forms can be found all over the world. Some are quite large, while others are quite small. The elephant is the world's largest and most powerful mammal.

It has thick legs, massive sides and back, large hanging ears, a short tail, small eyes, long white tusks, and, most notably, a long nose known as the trunk. Elephants have the biggest brain of any terrestrial animal, measuring four times the size of a human brain.

On the head and back, an elephant's skin can be as thick as 2.5-4 cm. The skin is greyish black in colour. On the forehead, top section of the trunk, and ears, there is depigmentation. The skin is silky and supple while being dry due to the lack of sweat glands. To compensate for evaporative heat loss, the heavily wrinkled skin absorbs water and helps keep surface moisture. This is especially important during droughts.

Elephants have 1.5-2 inch length and 1-inch broad eyes. Because of the location of the eyeball, the existence of the trunk and ear, as well as the short neck, the field of vision is limited to just 30-50 metres. When an elephant detects danger, it alternates its body movements from side to side to see behind it rather than travelling straight forward. However, this is offset by exceptionally strong olfactory and hearing abilities.

Elephants have six sets of teeth during their lives. At any one time, there are four teeth in the mouth, two in the lower jaw and two in the upper jaw. If two teeth in the same alveolar pocket are visible at the same time, the front one is the worn-out old tooth and the posterior one is the new tooth. Elephants are the only mammals to migrate their teeth in this way; in other species, the milk teeth are shed as the permanent teeth sprout.

The elephant's trunk is a unique characteristic that it employs in a variety of ways. The trunk is the upper lip that has been changed. It may be used to drink, dress food, and even as a snorkel. The food is also grasped by the trunk, which transports it to the mouth for mastication. Because the tongue cannot be protruded, the food is placed on the tongue by the dextrous trunk. In elephants, the trunk also serves as an olfactory organ, which is a highly evolved mode of communication. By touching the object and inserting the tip into the mouth, it may be used to test different odours. Threatening gestures and play fighting are also done with the trunk. It spreads its trunk forth during pretend charges, but it keeps its trunk tucked in during real charges. An elephant foal can lift roughly 4.5 per cent of its weight with its trunk, whereas an adult elephant can lift about 270 kg. It draws water up by it and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath, and it collects leaves from trees and eats them. Elephants have a clumsy and bulky appearance.

Elephants can be found in India and Africa. Most zoologists identify two elephant species: the Asian elephant and the African elephant, both of which live on different continents and have distinct characteristics. According to National Geographic, African elephants can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa, Central and West African rainforests, and Mali's Sahel desert. Scrub forests and rainforests are home to Asian elephants in Nepal, India, and Southeast Asia.

The African elephant is heavier, tougher, and has longer tusks and larger ears than the Indian elephant. The two are thought to be separate species.

They live in herds in the jungles of both countries, are shy, and avoid people. The elephant is a highly intelligent species of animal, and its strength and intellect make it a valuable companion of humans. It can be taught to serve in a variety of capacities. The trained elephant will kneel, use its tusks to raise a heavy log of wood, bring it to the desired spot, and position it precisely in place.

African elephants, both male and female, are known to have large tusks and two "fingers" at the end of their trunks to assist them in picking up objects from the ground or trees. At the end of their trucks, Asian elephants just have a single "finger." Only male Asian elephants have big tusks, and only a few females and males have smaller tusks that don't often develop outside the mouth.

Elephants are also used to hunt tigers. On the back of the elephant, the hunter is in the ‘howdah,' which is pushed and led by the driver, ‘Mahawat.'

Elephants were used in wars in the past, and armies had their regiments of trained warrior elephants. They can still be seen in state processions. A large number of elephants are captured alive to be tamed and trained.

According to a Scientific American article, elephants are among the most intelligent animals on the planet, and they have been found to have varying degrees of problem-solving abilities, as well as the capacity to display and experience empathy, mourning, and self-awareness.

However, capturing elephants alive is challenging and dangerous work because, while the elephant is a shy, wild animal but when left alone when threatened, it can be a dangerous opponent.

The Asian elephant is listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Although the exact population of Asian elephants is unknown, experts believe that the population is declining.

According to the IUCN, the African elephant is considered endangered, and its population is growing. According to the African wildlife Foundation (AWF), there are about 415,000 wild African elephants.

Elephants are extremely beneficial to men and their employment. Elephants are hunted in a few areas mostly for their tusks, which are made of ivory and are extremely valuable. The hunting of elephants is forbidden by statute. To maintain a balanced world, we must protect them.

Short Essay on Elephant

Elephants are the world's biggest and most magnificent land animals. They seem to be both gigantic and modest. Elephants are my favourite animal because they are both grounded and overly sweet. No other animal comes close to resembling them with their snake-like long noses or trunks, big, floppy ears, and thick trunk-like legs.

Tusks are large, deep-rooted teeth-like structures that evolved to help elephants dig, raise, gather food, and defend themselves while also protecting their trunks. Elephants can have either right or left-tusked tusks, similar to how humans can have either left or right-handed tusks.

Elephant herds have a matriarchal system, with the eldest female in charge. Herds are made up of 6 to 20 members, depending on the food source, and consist mainly of female family members and young calves. Herds also break into smaller groups that remain in the same region when the family becomes too large.

They eat soft green grass, grains, bread, bananas, sugar cane, flowers, and the stem of the banana tree, among other things, since they are herbivores.

An adult elephant spends nearly sixteen to eighteen hours a day, or nearly 70% to 80% of their waking hours, feeding. And they consume between 90 and 272 kg of food per day.

Depending on their size, they need approximately 60 to 100 litres of water per day. An adult male, on the other hand, can drink up to 200 litres of water per day.

The African female elephant has a gestation period of 22 months, while the Asian elephant has a gestation period of 18 to 22 months, depending on their lifestyle.

Elephants often pay careful attention to the protection and well-being of all members of their herd and will do everything they can to protect and care for vulnerable or wounded members.


FAQs on Essay on Elephant

1. What is the Normal Lifespan of an Elephant?

Wild elephants have a longer lifespan than their zoo counterparts. In the wild, Asian elephants can live up to 60 years while African elephants can live up to 70 years. Elephants in zoos have the lowest lifespans. Pachyderms in European zoos die far sooner than those in protected wildlife reserves in Africa and Asia, according to six-year research. Captivity, according to researchers, has a major negative impact on elephants' mental health, to the point that stress can lead to early death.

2. How Much Does an Elephant Eat?

It is said that an elephant eats 100kg of food per day. They can drink up to 100 litres of water on average. This is commensurate with the body mass of an elephant, which, for an adult Asian male is 4000 Kg and for an African male is 6000 Kg. Elephants have been known to eat for up to 16 hours a day. In the wild, a single animal may devour up to 600 pounds of food in a single day, however, the average is 250–300 pounds. A normal adult elephant in a zoo may consume 4-5 bales of hay and 10–18 pounds (4.5–8 kg) of grain per day. This equates to more than 29,000 kg of hay and 2700 kg of feed for each animal per year. The average daily water usage per animal is 25–50 gallons (100–200 litres). Elephants only digest their food at a rate of less than 50%. Because of the large amount of food consumed and the inefficiency of the digestive system, there is a lot of manure - a lot of manure. An elephant defecates 12 to 15 times each day, resulting in a daily volume of 220 to 250 pounds.

3. How Many Bones are there in an Elephant's Trunk?

Even though the trunk is the most versatile part of an elephant’s body used for smelling, breathing, grasping, lifting, touching, and making sounds, it is to be noted that there are no bones in it. It consists of 40,000 plus muscles! The elephant's skeleton accounts for around 16.5 per cent of its entire body weight. There are 282 bones in an adult female Asian elephant. The cranium, which is dimensionally huge and weighs 52 kilograms on average, is not as hefty as it appears due to the vast number of sinuses present. It consists of 51 bones, each of which is aerated by sinuses. The vertebral column is made up of 61 bones, with the longest rib reaching a length of 96.5 cm.

The elephant's cervical bone is relatively short. This is why elephants can't bend their necks and gaze backwards, making them uncomfortable when something approaches from behind. They can stand for lengthy periods and sustain their massive body weight because of their nearly vertical limbs. The bones are aligned in a straight line, like a pillar, giving strong support for the massive body. Elephants cannot jump due to the vertical position of their feet, although they may hop and leap. On particularly small sections of land, they can also move forward and backwards. The thigh bone is the body's biggest bone. The femur of an adult animal is 114.3 cm long (thigh bone).

4. Why are Elephants Endangered?

Poachers kill about 20,000 elephants every single year for their tusks, which are then traded illegally in the international market to eventually end up as ivory trinkets. This trade is mostly driven by the demand for ivory in parts of Asia. The biggest threat to Asian and African elephants is the same for all species throughout the world: habitat loss and fragmentation. However, many elephants suffer additional threats, including direct and indirect human conflict. Humans are encroaching on elephants in both Africa and Asia, but the impact on Asian elephants is highly problematic. Agriculture, logging, highways, and construction for residential or commercial usage are all reducing and fragmenting their habitats. Elephants are migratory creatures that require wide, contiguous areas to survive, and this tendency deprives them of essential resources such as food and water. By separating communities from one another, it can also decrease genetic diversity. Last century, many elephant populations declined as a result of excessive poaching, fueled mostly by a desire for their ivory tusks. While the International Convention on the Trading in Endangered Species (CITES) prohibited international ivory trade in 1989, authorized ivory markets have persisted in several nations, aided by a growing black market and well-armed poaching gangs. Elephants are threatened practically everywhere, but according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the majority of illegal ivory presently originates from African elephants, where poachers murder hundreds of elephants each year.

5. Are Elephants Intelligent Species?

Elephants are a highly intelligent species as they have been seen performing well in problem-solving abilities and protecting their herd from dangers. Conventional knowledge believes that elephants are among the most intellectual, socially expressive, and emotionally complex non-human creatures. This widely believed belief is founded on both mythology and decades of scientific inquiry. Elephant intelligence remarked on captive elephants' astonishing capacity to work with minimal training as well as their ability to operate as a team. He regarded elephants with the capacity to predict what would happen if they pushed and dragged big logs into a vehicle, for example, because of their exceptional balance and synchrony.

6. What are the Elephant Tusks?

Their teeth structures are made of ivory which is deeply rooted and has evolved to help elephants in cutting and protecting their trunk. Tusks are the lateral incisors of an animal that continue to develop throughout its life. They appear on the sides of the trunk's base. Nearly half of the tusk, starting at the base, is hollow, containing tusk pulp. It's formed of dentine and has a shiny white enamel finish on the outside. Tusks are utilised for digging, transporting burdens, debarking trees, fighting, and displaying behaviour. Female Asian elephants do not have tusks, but instead have tushes, which are smaller and tougher than the tusks. Male Asian elephants are also known as makhnas since they lack tusks. Almost all elephants have different tusk appearances. They grow 15-20 cm in length each year on average.

Elephants are the biggest land animals found on the planet. They exist in dense forests and are popularly found in the forests of Asia and Africa. Elephants are known to be one of the most socially evolved mammals in the world. Among all the terrestrial animals, elephants have the biggest brain, four times larger than a human’s brain; therefore, they are highly intelligent. This article will help you learn more about elephants and also how to write a simple paragraph on elephants.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on elephant in 100 words, paragraph on elephant in 150 words, paragraph on elephant in 200 words, paragraph on elephant in 250 words, frequently asked questions on paragraph on elephant.

Elephants are the biggest terrestrial animals. They are found mostly in dense forests and are always found in groups. The elephants are black in colour with a small tail, two big ears, thick legs, a trunk, and two little eyes. The teeth of elephants are very costly and are referred to as tusks. Elephants eat twigs, leaves, fruits, etc. and are herbivores. In ancient times people used elephants in wars, for lifting heavy logs from grounds, for felling trees, etc. Elephants are the strongest and most intelligent animals and are, therefore, very useful to human beings.

Elephants are considered to be the largest land animals on earth, with enormous black bodies and white tusks. The legs of the elephants are like pillars, and the two big ears are like fans. Elephants have two small and beautiful eyes and a small tail. The trunk is the longest body part that helps the elephant eat, pick things, etc. It also works as an olfactory organ for them. Elephants are mostly found in herds in dense forests. They are herbivores and eat twigs, leaves, fruits, etc. Many people tame elephants and feed them with bread, bananas, etc. Elephants are the strongest animals and are highly intelligent. Therefore, they are good companions to human beings as well. Elephants can be a man’s best friend and are the most dangerous ones at times.

Elephants are the largest terrestrial animals that are found in the dense forests of Asia and Africa. Elephants are wild animals that are always found in herds. They are very intelligent and social animals. They never leave their herds, and if any one member is lost, they give all their efforts to find the missing friend. Elephants have huge black bodies with tiny tails. Elephants have two small and beautiful eyes and two big ears which keep moving like big fans. The legs of elephants are like pillars of a building, and the most interesting part is their trunk which helps them in drinking water, bathing, eating, smelling, etc. They can pick heavy logs and push and break trees with the help of the trunk.  They are considered to be very faithful and friendly animals to human beings.

Do you know which animal is considered the national animal of Thailand? Well, it is the all-mighty ‘elephant’.  Elephants are considered to be the world’s largest terrestrial mammals, commonly found in the deep forests of Asia and Africa. They are therefore classified as Asian elephants (commonly known as the Indian elephant) and African elephants. Asian elephants are comparatively smaller in size than African elephants. Elephants are among the smartest and most social animals on the planet. They never leave their herds, and if one of them goes missing, they make every attempt to locate it. Elephants are herbivorous animals; they eat leaves, twigs, fruits and vegetables. If you look into the number of elephants found all around the world, you will see a rapid decrease. While the numbers of African elephants are mostly unaffected, the number of Asian elephants is coming down day by day. In order to protect endangered species, various laws have been passed regarding the possession and rearing of elephants for various purposes. There were places where people domesticated elephants and reared them as pets. This, however, is not accepted anymore. Elephants, from the very beginning, have been helpful in transporting heavy goods and people from one place to another, which is also not encouraged or allowed anymore. It is each and every individual’s responsibility to make sure that these animals get to live their lives in their natural habitats and not how human beings decide.

How are elephants important?

Elephants are not only beneficial to humans but also to other animals and the environment. Human beings used elephants for transportation, lifting heavy objects, wars, etc. previously.  They also help maintain the ecological balance.

Why are elephants endangered?

Elephants are endangered due to illegal killing, train accidents, etc. There are laws that have been imposed to bring this into control and save the endangering species, which has now led to a decrease in such cases.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Elephant for Students and Children [100,150,200 Words]

Essay on Elephant in English

Essay on Elephant: Elephant is the biggest animal on earth. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay or paragraph on elephant in English. We’ve included 3 essays (100, 150, 200 words) on elephant in this post. These essays will be helpful for the students as well as children. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Essay on Elephant: 100 Words

The elephant is one of the largest animals. Its natural habitat is thick jungle. Most of the elephants are found in the deep forests of Africa, Burma (Myanmar), India etc. But tamed elephants are very useful to man.

It has thick legs, a huge body, large ears, small eyes, great white tusks, a long trunk and a small tail. It uses its trunk like a hand. The elephant picks things up with its trunk and puts them into its mouth. It sucks water with its trunk. They are trained to draw heavy loads and to do many other useful works.

Essay on Elephant

Essay on Elephant: 150 Words

The elephant is declared the heritage animal of India. This is a just appreciation of the largest of all animals in India. This honor is also due to this animal for various reasons.

First, in Indian religion and legendary accounts, this is highly honored. Elephant’s head forms the head of lord Ganapati who is worshipped before all other deities.

Moreover, this is perhaps the largest of all animals and quiet by nature. In Indian legends, elephants are also described as effectively used on battle-fields. In a good many parts of the land, this is tamed and made to work to please and serve human needs.

Even a dead elephant is costly enough. Its ivory tusks are very valuable. Its strong bones are used to form costly combs, buttons and other luxury goods. In fact, this animal is held in our land as a symbol of love and friendship. Preservation of this species is an urgent necessity.

Essay on Elephant

Elephant Essay in English: 200 Words

The elephant is the strongest and biggest animal on earth. It is dark gray in color. It is one of the most intelligent animals. Elephants can live up to 70 years. They travel in family groups called herds. Elephants can be trained and used for various purposes.

The eyes of the elephants are very tiny. They have two enormous ears, two strong and sharp white tusks, four legs, a long trunk, and a short tail. Elephants use their long trunks to suck up water and squirt it into their mouth. They also use their trunk for breathing, smelling, touching, feeding, lifting objects, etc.

An Elephant is a herbivorous animal. An elephant eats leaves, grass, nuts, fruits, and bark of trees. Male elephants are called bulls and female elephants are called cows.

There are two types of elephants, Asian and African. Asian elephants are smaller than Africans with smaller ears and tusks. Asian elephants live in India Nepal and southeast Asia in Rain forests. African elephants   are found throughout the savannas of Africa, the rainforests of Central and West Africa.

As the largest of all land mammals, African elephants play an important role in balancing natural ecosystems. Unfortunately, elephants are disappearing fast due to habitat loss, poaching etc. The tusks of elephants are made of ivory for which Elephants have always been hunted. It is our duty to protect our heritage animal.

the elephant essay in english

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I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation for the informative and captivating blog on the essay on elephants. This blog brilliantly captures the essence of these majestic creatures, providing valuable insights into their physical attributes, behavior, and significance in various cultures.

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Essay on Elephant in 150, 250, 350, 400, 500 Words

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Essay

Elephants are incredible animals known for their immense size and remarkable intelligence. Yet, they are under constant threat from habitat destruction and illegal hunting. The decline of elephant populations is a serious concern. These animals are vital to the environment, and their loss would be devastating. It’s essential to understand the challenges they face to help save them.

In this essay, we will explore the fascinating world of elephants, understand their importance, and discuss ways to protect them. Let’s dive into the life of these incredible creatures and learn why they are so special.

Table of Contents

Essay on Elephant in 150 words

The elephant is a large and gentle animal found in India and many other parts of the world. They are known for their intelligence and memory. Elephants have a long trunk, big ears, and strong tusks made of ivory. In India, elephants are often seen in forests, temples, and festivals. They play an important role in Indian culture and history.

Elephants are herbivores, which means they eat plants, fruits, and leaves. They need a lot of food and water every day. Elephants live in groups called herds, led by the oldest female called the matriarch. They communicate with each other using sounds and body language. Unfortunately, elephants are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. It is important to protect these majestic animals and their habitats for future generations.

Essay on Elephant in 250 words

Elephants are among the largest and most intelligent animals on Earth. In India, they hold a special place in culture and tradition. Elephants are known for their large bodies, long trunks, big ears, and ivory tusks. They can be seen in forests, wildlife sanctuaries, and even at festivals and temples in India.

Elephants are herbivores, feeding on a variety of plants, fruits, and leaves. They require large amounts of food and water daily. Elephants live in social groups called herds, usually led by an experienced female called the matriarch. This social structure helps them protect each other and find food and water.

Elephants communicate using a variety of sounds, including trumpeting and rumbling. They also use their trunks and body movements to express emotions and signals. Elephants have a remarkable memory and can remember locations and other elephants for many years.

Sadly, elephants face many threats today. Habitat destruction and illegal poaching for their tusks have led to a decline in their population. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these magnificent creatures. Wildlife sanctuaries and laws against poaching help safeguard their future. Education and awareness about the importance of elephants in our ecosystem are also essential. By working together, we can ensure that elephants continue to thrive in the wild and remain a symbol of strength and wisdom in Indian culture.

Essay on Elephant in 350 words

Elephants are fascinating and magnificent animals that are found in various parts of the world, including India. They are the largest land animals and are easily recognizable by their massive bodies, long trunks, large ears, and ivory tusks. Elephants have been an integral part of Indian culture, religion, and history for centuries.

In India, elephants can be found in forests, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries. They are often seen in temples and during festivals, where they are adorned with colorful decorations and play a significant role in various ceremonies. The Indian elephant is a subspecies of the Asian elephant and is slightly smaller than its African counterpart.

Elephants are herbivores and their diet consists of grass, leaves, fruits, and bark. They spend a significant amount of time foraging for food and need large quantities of food and water daily. Elephants live in social groups called herds, which are usually led by the oldest female, known as the matriarch. This social structure is crucial for their survival as it helps them find food and water and protect each other from dangers.

Elephants are known for their intelligence and strong memory. They can remember locations and other elephants for many years. They communicate with each other using a variety of sounds such as trumpets, rumbles, and roars. They also use their trunks and body movements to convey messages and emotions.

Despite their importance, elephants face several threats today. Habitat loss due to deforestation and human encroachment is a major issue. Additionally, illegal poaching for their tusks has led to a significant decline in their population. Conservation efforts are essential to protect these majestic animals. Wildlife sanctuaries, strict anti-poaching laws, and public awareness campaigns play a crucial role in elephant conservation.

Educating people about the importance of elephants in our ecosystem and encouraging sustainable practices can help protect them. Elephants are a symbol of wisdom, strength, and cultural heritage in India. By taking steps to conserve their habitats and prevent poaching, we can ensure that future generations will continue to marvel at these incredible animals.

Essay on Elephant in 400 words

Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. They are known for their intelligence, strength, and gentle nature. In India, elephants hold a special place in culture and tradition. They are often associated with Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god who is worshipped for wisdom and good fortune.

Elephants are found in the forests of India, particularly in states like Kerala, Karnataka, and Assam. There are two types of elephants: the African elephant and the Asian elephant. The Asian elephant, which is smaller than its African cousin, is the one commonly found in India. Asian elephants have smaller ears and a single finger-like projection at the end of their trunk, while African elephants have larger ears and two such projections.

Elephants have a unique social structure. They live in groups called herds, usually led by the oldest female, known as the matriarch. These herds consist of females and their young ones. Males generally leave the herd when they reach adolescence and may live alone or form small bachelor groups.

The trunk of an elephant is a remarkable tool. It is used for breathing, smelling, touching, grasping, and producing sound. Elephants use their trunks to pick up food, drink water, and even spray themselves with water to keep cool. They eat a variety of vegetation, including grass, leaves, fruits, and bark. An adult elephant can consume up to 300 kilograms of food in a single day!

Elephants play a crucial role in their ecosystem. They help maintain the environment by spreading seeds through their dung, which helps plants grow. They also create water holes that are used by other animals during the dry season.

In India, elephants are also used in various activities. They participate in religious processions, festivals, and even in logging operations in forest areas. However, their population is declining due to habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and poaching for ivory. It is essential to protect these majestic creatures for future generations.

Conservation efforts are in place to protect elephants. National parks and wildlife sanctuaries provide a safe habitat for them. Organizations like the Wildlife Trust of India work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of elephants.

In conclusion, elephants are magnificent animals that are an important part of India’s natural heritage. Their intelligence, social bonds, and crucial role in the ecosystem make them a species worth protecting. By understanding and appreciating elephants, we can contribute to their conservation and ensure they continue to thrive in the wild.

Essay on Elephant in 500 words

Elephants are fascinating creatures and the largest land animals on our planet. They are known for their immense size, intelligence, and gentle demeanor. In India, elephants hold significant cultural and religious importance. They are often seen in temples and festivals, symbolizing wisdom and strength.

There are two main species of elephants: the African elephant and the Asian elephant. The Asian elephant, which is native to India, is smaller than the African elephant. It has smaller ears, a more rounded back, and only one finger-like projection on the end of its trunk, unlike the African elephant, which has two.

Elephants are social animals that live in groups called herds. A herd is usually led by the oldest female, known as the matriarch. This leadership structure helps the group navigate through the forest, find food and water, and protect the young from predators. The bond between the members of the herd is strong, and they communicate with each other through a variety of sounds and signals.

The trunk of an elephant is one of its most versatile tools. It is used for breathing, smelling, touching, and grasping objects. Elephants can use their trunks to pick up small objects, pull down branches, and even drink water by sucking it up and then spraying it into their mouths. They are herbivores and eat a wide variety of plants, including grasses, leaves, fruits, and bark. An adult elephant can consume up to 150 kilograms of food each day and drink up to 100 liters of water.

Elephants play a vital role in their ecosystem. They help to shape their habitat in several ways. By knocking down trees and trampling vegetation, they create clearings that allow new plants to grow. Their dung is also an important source of nutrients for the soil and helps to disperse seeds, promoting plant growth.

In India, elephants are also an integral part of cultural and religious practices. They are featured in temple processions, and their images are used in art and sculpture. Elephants are associated with Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god who is revered as the remover of obstacles and the deity of beginnings and wisdom.

Despite their cultural significance and ecological importance, elephants face several threats. Habitat loss due to deforestation and human encroachment is a major issue. Human-elephant conflict arises when elephants enter agricultural areas in search of food, leading to crop damage and sometimes causing harm to both humans and elephants. Poaching for ivory is another serious threat, although it is illegal.

Efforts are being made to protect and conserve elephants in India. Wildlife sanctuaries and national parks provide a safe environment for elephants to live and thrive. Organizations like the Wildlife Trust of India and the World Wildlife Fund work on various conservation projects to protect elephant habitats, prevent poaching, and reduce human-elephant conflict.

Education and awareness programs are also crucial in promoting the importance of elephant conservation. By learning about these magnificent animals and their role in the environment, people can contribute to efforts to protect them.

In conclusion, elephants are majestic creatures that play a crucial role in India’s natural and cultural heritage. Their intelligence, social structure, and ecological significance make them a species worth preserving. Through conservation efforts and increased awareness, we can ensure that elephants continue to thrive in the wild for generations to come.

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Short Essay on Elephant [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s lesson, you will learn how to write short essays on elephants in exams. Here will be three different sets of essays on the same topic covering different word limits. 

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Short Essay on Elephant in 100 Words

An elephant is one of the most important herbivorous animals. It has a mighty and huge body with giant limbs and a long trunk, a tail, and tusks. Elephants generally thrive on plants, fruits, vegetables, bamboos, and also sugarcane. It is a wonderful carrier of both materials and humans from one palace to another. An elephant is a quiet animal, and hence an easy preference for human utility.

Elephants are found in several parts of the world, especially Asia, Africa, and also parts of Europe. Elephants are markers of companionship and strength as well. In Hindu mythology, the most prominent gods like Ganesha and Lord Indra are associated with this animal. On auspicious occasions signs of elephants mark virtue. As a wild yet peaceful animal, an elephant is thus important.

Short Essay on Elephant in 200 Words

An elephant is a widely known herbivore found in almost every part of the world. They generally live in herds consisting of a large number of members of their family. The forest is their best habitat. It thrives well on plants, sugarcane, bamboo, and other fruits and vegetables. The physical structure of the elephant is more magnificent, It has a huge ash-coloured body, with thick and strong limbs, and long trunk, two tusks, and a tail. The trunk enables it to drink water and also tear fruits from trees. In Asia, Africa, and also parts of Europe, elephants are abundant.

Presently the number of elephants has declined due to excessive hunting. Elephant skin and tusk have great demand in markets for making many luxurious products which bring ample money to the poachers. But this aggression of people has resulted in the steady decline of the animals. There are hardly any elephants left in the forests. Also, many elephants are dying every day for the railways constructed mid-ways through their forest pathways.

Human gluttony to have more capitalist gains has destroyed all forests and no habitat is left for these innocent animals. Thus today we can observe how the balance of the ecosystem is getting hampered due to the liss of one of the most important components of the food chain. Elephants are marks of prosperity and hence we must preserve them in parks, forests, and zoos.

Short Essay on Elephant in 400 Words

We have often seen how Lord Ganesha has the face of an elephant and Lord Indra uses the elephant as his vehicle. Questions arise as to why the elephant is such an important creature to consider it even as an object of worship. The answer lies in the physical magnanimity and the active participation of an elephant in several tasks it can perform for humans.

An elephant is a widely available wild animal found in several parts of the world like the forests of Asia, Africa, and also parts of Europe as well. It is a herbivore generally feeding upon plants, fruits, vegetables, bamboos, and sugarcane. The body of an elephant is huge with strong limbs, a long trunk, and two tusks. The elephant uses the trunk to drink, feed itself, and also carry logs for longer distances.

Elephants are mainly used for carriers and are the best ride for tourists to visit the forests. On several counts, elephants are regal animals, whereas, in the olden days, kings used to take rides on their backs and go hunting. In fact, elephant tusks are great sources of ivory. As an important component of the food chain, elephants balance the ecosystem. 

In Hindu myths, the usefulness of an elephant is widely renowned on several accounts. Lord Ganesha has the head of an elephant, Lord Indra rides on the elephant’s back. The Mahabharata was composed of the tusk of an elephant that Ganesha severed from his face, the goddess Laxmi is assisted by two elephants as the immediate markers of prosperity, Goddess Jagadhatri carries an elephant at her feet to suppress all evils and vices. Thus elephants are auspicious figures for Hindus, who keep small murals of them to bring in prosperity and peace. An elephant is not seen as a ferocious beast but more as a timid animal that can be easily domesticated. 

But presently, due to excessive hunting and unbridled poaching of elephants, their numbers have rapidly declined. The cost of elephant tusks and skin are of immense value in the indigenous as well as the foreign market. They bring huge profits to the sellers. Also due to excessive human desire to increase urbanization, railways are being constructed for connections and tremendous deforestation is taking place.

Thus many elephants are losing their lives and their habitats as well. So they are entering into human localities and are getting killed for their helplessness. Due to this preservation of elephants is taking place in zoos, parks, and forests as well to keep the wildlife intact. It is our duty to preserve every ounce of the ecosystem safe so as to continue the life cycle properly on earth.

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Elephant Essay in 10 lines, 100 & 1000 Words for Students

  • Entrance Exams
  • November 7, 2023

Elephant Essay – Elephants are remarkable creatures that have captured the fascination of humans for centuries. Known for their immense size, intelligence, and social behavior, elephants are among the most iconic and beloved animals on the planet.

In this essay, we will explore various aspects of elephants, including their biology, behavior, conservation efforts, and the challenges they face in the modern world.

In this we have given sample essays on Elephant in English in 10 Lines, 100, 500, 1000 Words. This article will you to learn more about elephants and also how to write simple paragraph or essay on elephants.

Writing an Elephant Essay in 500 Words

Writing an essay on elephants involves exploring various aspects of these magnificent creatures, including their biology, behavior, cultural significance, conservation efforts, and challenges they face. This essay should provide a comprehensive understanding of elephants, highlighting their intelligence, social structures, and the vital role they play in different cultures.

I. Introduction: The Majestic Elephant

Elephants, the gentle giants of the animal kingdom, have long captivated human imagination with their remarkable size, intelligence, and social behavior. In this essay, we will delve into the world of elephants, exploring their biology, behavior, cultural significance, conservation efforts, and the challenges they face.

II. Anatomy and Biology: Marvels of Nature

Elephants, belonging to the family Elephantidae, are the largest land animals on Earth. They are characterized by their elongated trunk, tusks (present in both male and female Asian elephants, and mainly in males of African elephants), and large, flapping ears. Their remarkable intelligence is evident in their large brains, complex social behaviors, and impressive problem-solving skills.

III. Behavior and Social Structure: The Complex Lives of Elephants

Elephants are known for their tight-knit family structures. They live in matriarchal herds led by the oldest and most experienced female, displaying strong social bonds. These intelligent beings exhibit empathy, compassion, and deep emotional connections, often mourning the loss of their fellow herd members.

IV. Cultural Significance: Elephants in Mythology and Religion

Throughout history, elephants have held immense cultural and religious significance in various societies. In Hinduism, the elephant-headed god Ganesha is revered as a symbol of wisdom and prosperity. In African cultures, elephants are often associated with strength, power, and wisdom. Their iconic status is reflected in art, literature, and religious practices worldwide.

V. Conservation Efforts: Protecting Elephants for Future Generations

Despite their revered status, elephants face numerous threats, including habitat loss, poaching for ivory, and human-wildlife conflict. Conservation organizations and governments worldwide are actively engaged in efforts to protect these majestic creatures. Initiatives include establishing protected reserves, combating illegal wildlife trade, and raising awareness about the importance of elephant conservation.

VI. Challenges and Solutions: Ensuring the Future of Elephants

While progress has been made, challenges persist. Striking a balance between human development and wildlife conservation is essential. Encouraging responsible tourism, supporting local communities living near elephant habitats, and strengthening anti-poaching efforts are crucial steps toward ensuring the survival of elephants.

VII. Conclusion: A Call to Action

In conclusion, elephants are not merely animals; they are symbols of wisdom, strength, and resilience. It is our collective responsibility to protect these magnificent creatures for future generations. By understanding their importance, raising awareness, and supporting conservation initiatives, we can secure a brighter future for elephants, preserving their legacy on our planet. Let us unite in our efforts to ensure that elephants continue to roam the Earth, enchanting us with their grace and grandeur.

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About Elephants in 10 lines

Elephants are large, gentle animals with a long trunk and big ears. They are known for their strength and intelligence. Elephants are herbivores, eating plants and fruits. They are also excellent swimmers and enjoy bathing in water. Elephants are often seen in zoos and wildlife reserves, where they are protected.

  • Elephants are the largest land animals, known for their immense size and strength.
  • They are herbivorous mammals primarily found in Africa and Asia.
  • They have complex social structures and live in family groups led by a matriarch.
  • Elephants are famous for their long trunks, which they use for various tasks like feeding, drinking, and even communication.
  • These majestic creatures have large ears that help regulate their body temperature.
  • Elephant dung is used as a valuable source of manure in agriculture. It is rich in nutrients and serves as a natural fertilizer, contributing to the growth of plants and crops.
  • Their tusks are elongated incisor teeth made of ivory, which has unfortunately led to their poaching.
  • They are used as beasts of burden to transport heavy materials such as logs and tree trunks. In circuses, their strength and agility are showcased in extraordinary performances.
  • Conservation efforts are in place to protect these remarkable animals, as they are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.
  • Overall, elephants are a symbol of grace and strength in the animal kingdom.

Essay on Evolution & Challenges of Elephants

The evolution of elephants is a testament to the wonders of nature and the resilience of life on Earth. From their humble beginnings as small, trunked mammals, they have transformed into the majestic giants we know today. Yet, their history goes back millions of years, and it is a tale of evolution, adaptation, and survival.

The Evolution of Elephants: A Tale of Survival and Struggle


Elephants, the magnificent giants of the animal kingdom, have captured the fascination of people around the world for centuries. These remarkable creatures have a rich history that spans millions of years, and their evolution tells a captivating story of adaptation and survival. In this essay, we will explore the importance of elephants, the challenges they face in today’s world, and the conservation efforts aimed at securing their future.

Origins of Proboscidea

The story of elephant evolution begins in the distant past, during the Eocene epoch, approximately 56 million years ago. The ancestors of elephants belonged to a group of mammals known as Proboscidea, which were characterized by their long, flexible trunks. These early proboscideans, such as Moeritherium and Phiomia, were much smaller than modern elephants and lacked their impressive tusks.

Importance of Elephants

Elephants are keystone species, meaning they play a critical role in shaping their ecosystems. Their impact is felt far beyond their massive footprints. Here are some key aspects of their importance:

  • Ecosystem Engineers : Elephants are nature’s gardeners. They create clearings in dense forests, helping sunlight reach the forest floor and promoting the growth of a variety of plant species. This, in turn, benefits other herbivores and even predators.
  • Seed Dispersers: Elephants consume a wide range of fruits and plants. After digestion, they excrete seeds that are often viable and well-fertilized. This process helps regenerate forests and maintain biodiversity.
  • Cultural Significance: Elephants hold deep cultural and religious significance in many societies. They are revered in various traditions and are a symbol of strength, wisdom, and spirituality.
  • Ecotourism: Tourism centered around observing and appreciating elephants in their natural habitats is a significant source of revenue for many countries, contributing to their economies.

Endangerment of Elephants

Despite their ecological and cultural importance, elephants are facing severe endangerment due to various factors:

  • Poaching: The illegal ivory trade remains a major threat to elephants. Poachers kill these animals for their valuable tusks, which are carved into ornamental items.
  • Habitat Loss : As human populations expand and forests are cleared for agriculture and infrastructure development, elephants lose their natural habitats. This leads to increased human-elephant conflicts.
  • Climate Change: Changing weather patterns and increased temperatures affect the availability of water and food sources, making it challenging for elephants to find sustenance.
  • Human-Elephant Conflicts: As elephants’ habitats shrink, they often come into contact with humans, resulting in conflicts. This can lead to the loss of human lives and damage to crops and property.
  • Captivity and Exploitation: Many elephants are subjected to cruel treatment in captivity, used for entertainment, tourism, and labor. This often involves physical and emotional abuse.

Conservation Challenges and Hope for the Future

The conservation of elephants is an urgent and complex endeavor. Despite the challenges, there is hope for their future.

  • Anti-Poaching Measures: Conservation organizations and governments are working together to combat poaching by strengthening law enforcement and imposing strict penalties for wildlife crimes.
  • Protected Areas and Corridors: The establishment and proper management of protected areas and wildlife corridors are crucial for ensuring safe spaces for elephants to thrive.
  • Community Involvement: Engaging local communities in conservation efforts is essential. Sustainable coexistence can be achieved by implementing measures to mitigate human-elephant conflicts.
  • Global Bans on Ivory Trade: International bans on ivory trade have been instrumental in reducing the demand for ivory, discouraging poaching.
  • Raising Awareness: Public awareness campaigns and education initiatives play a vital role in changing attitudes towards elephants and promoting their protection.
  • Support for Sanctuaries and Rehabilitation Centers: Providing care and shelter to elephants rescued from abusive situations is essential. These sanctuaries help rehabilitate and reintegrate elephants into protected areas.

The evolution of elephants is a testament to the marvels of nature and the importance of preserving Earth’s biodiversity. These gentle giants, who have roamed the planet for millions of years, now face numerous threats. The need for their conservation is not just an ethical concern but a critical ecological necessity. With concerted efforts from governments, conservation organizations, communities, and individuals, there is hope for the survival and well-being of these magnificent creatures. The future of elephants is in our hands, and it is our responsibility to ensure that they continue to grace our world with their presence.

Short Essay on Importance & Conservation of Elephants

This essay discusses the significance of elephants in nature and culture, as well as the need for their conservation to safeguard biodiversity and preserve cultural traditions. It highlights the threats faced by elephants, including poaching and habitat loss, and the conservation efforts aimed at protecting these magnificent creatures and their ecosystems.

Elephants are vital to our planet’s health and cultural heritage. They help ecosystems by dispersing seeds, altering landscapes, and contributing to carbon sequestration. In many cultures, they are sacred, like Lord Ganesha in Hinduism. Tourism boosts local economies, as elephants attract visitors. However, poaching for ivory and habitat loss endanger them. Human-elephant conflicts can harm both elephants and communities. Conservation efforts focus on protected areas, anti-poaching measures, community involvement, and international agreements. By safeguarding elephants, we protect biodiversity, combat climate change, and preserve rich cultural traditions. Conservation is key to ensuring that these gentle giants continue to thrive.

Uses of Elephants in 150 Words

Elephants, with their incredible strength and intelligence, have been employed in various ways throughout history. Here are some of the key uses of elephants:

  • Transportation: Elephants were used as a means of transportation, particularly for carrying heavy loads and logs in dense forests.
  • Warfare: Elephants served as formidable war animals, often carrying soldiers into battle and causing fear among enemies.
  • Logging and Construction: Due to their strength, elephants have been used in logging and construction projects, moving heavy materials and assisting in challenging tasks.
  • Agriculture: In some regions, elephants have been employed in agriculture to plow fields and perform other farm-related tasks.
  • Tourism and Entertainment: Unfortunately, elephants have been captured and kept in captivity for tourism and entertainment purposes, such as circus performances.
  • Seed Dispersal: In central Africa, elephants play a vital role in forest health by distributing seeds of various tree species.
  • Piano Keys: In the past, ivory was a common material for making piano keys, prized for its durability and smooth texture.
  • Ivory Production: Ivory obtained from their tusks has been used for making ornaments, figurines, piano keys, and other decorative items.
  • Traditional Medicine: Ivory powder has been used in traditional medicine for various remedies and ailments.
  • Mosquito Repellent: Elephant dung has been discovered to have unexpected benefits, including acting as an effective mosquito repellent.

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Essay on Elephant | Elephant Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Elephant: Oce flourishing in Asia and Africa, the population of elephants has reduced drastically during the last century, primarily due to the illegal trade of ivory. While some populations are now stable and increasing, the species continues to be threatened by poaching, illegal ivory trading, and deforestation.

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Long and Short Essay on Elephant in English for Students and Kids

We have provided samples on the given topic of Essay on Elephant. There is one long essay of 500 words; a short essay of 100-150 words; and ten lines on the subject of Elephants.

Long Essay on Elephant in English 500 words

Elephant essays is usually helpful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. They are asked to write these essays for assignments and exams.

Elephants are the world’s largest mammals living on land. The African male elephants are roughly 10-11 ft tall, while the females are about 8 ft tall. The Asian male elephants, however, are between 8-9 ft in height, whereas the females are 7-8ft in height. Elephants use their long trunks to collect food, suck up water for drinking and bathing, and also to produce low and high-frequency sounds for warnings, signals, calls for help, etc. Elephants have this special ability to produce a very low-frequency sound which is not audible to the human ear. These sound waves travel over vast distances and can reach other elephants. These sounds are usually used as distress or signals by elephants. African elephants are the largest species of elephants and can weigh up to 8 tons.

Asian elephants, in hindsight, may not look that different from their African cousins, but there are quite distinct differences. Asian elephants are comparatively shorter in height and as a result, weigh less. Asian elephants have a comparatively small set of ears, as compared to the huge fan-like ears of the African elephants. Also, Asian elephants rarely have tusks, while African elephants, both male, and female, have tusks.

In the case of both, Asian and African, the herd of Elephants is led by an Alpha female. These herds form a strong bond of females and calves, while the males live in isolation. A calf is born into the herd every 4 years. Female calves stay with the herd forever, while the males leave the herd after a point in time.

More Animal Essay Writing topics on such subjects can be found.

To survive and meet their ecological needs, including food, water, and space, elephants need extensive land areas. An elephant can average feed up to 8 hours and in one day. As a result, people frequently come into conflict with people fighting for resources as they lose their habitat.

As a result of their high degree of intelligence and adaptability, many farmers prefer domestic elephants and training them to help out in their work as they can carry heavier loads, and work can be done much faster. As a result, most farmers love their elephants and treat them with great care and make sure they are always healthy and happy so that they can do their work.

Researchers from the University of Brighton also discovered that elephants can distinguish between human voices, gender, and ethnic grou11ps, and identify whether they are a threat or not. Similarly, there are many videos and studies which show that elephants can adapt to their surroundings and use tools to their advantage.

Elephants show empathy. There are many studies and instances which show elephants showing empathy and concern for other elephants as well as humans when it is needed. Elephants understand emotion and know when another of their herd is in a bad state. Unlike most other animals, elephants mourn their dead. They have been known to stand beside the corpse for hours, and sometimes even bury their dead.

At last but not the least, a captive elephant in Korea named “Koshik” has learned to mimic certain Korean phrases like “hello”, “lie down”, and “sit down.” This discovery baffled researchers, and they say that this is probably because the elephant has been raised with humans, and this is his way of bonding with them.

Short Essay on Elephant in English 150 words

Essay on Elephant is usually helpful for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The African elephants are comparatively larger than their Asian relatives. Elephants use their long trunks to collect food, suck up water for drinking and bathing, and also to produce low and high-frequency sounds for warnings, signals, calls for help, etc. Elephants have this special ability to produce a very low-frequency sound which is not audible to the human ear. These sound waves travel over vast distances and can reach other elephants. These sounds are usually used as distress or signals by elephants. African elephants are the largest species of elephants and can weigh up to 8 tons. Elephants are considered to be one of the most intelligent animal species to ever exist. we will soonly update Essay on Elephant in Hindi, Telugu. Malayalam, English and Urdu.

10 Lines on Elephant Essay in English

  • The elephant is the largest land-dwelling mammal.
  • There are two types of elephants; African and Asian elephants.
  • African elephants are taller and larger than the Asian ones.
  • Asian elephants do not have tusks, as compared to their African relatives.
  • Elephants are one of the most intelligent land-dwelling mammals of the animal kingdom.
  • Elephants herds always have an Alpha female.
  • All females and herds live in a single herd while the males live in isolation.
  • Calves are born every four years.
  • Female elephants are pregnant for 22 months before giving birth.
  • Elephants need huge landmasses to live on and can feed up to 18 hours a day.

FAQ’s on Essay on Elephant in English

Question 1. How tall are elephants?

Answer: The elephant is the largest land-dwelling mammal. The height of African elephants ranges from 8-10 ft, while that of the Asian ones ranges from 7-9 ft.

Question 2. What are the different types of elephants?

Answer: There are two types of elephants; African and Asian elephants.

Question 3. Why are elephants in danger?

Answer: Elephants have reduced in number drastically in the last century because of illegal ivory trading. Ivory is made of elephant tusks and has a lucrative market, so hunters and poachers are always on the hunt for elephants to sell their tusks in the black market.

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Essay on Elephant: Samples for Class 1, 3, and 5 in English

write on essay elephant

  • Updated on  
  • Jan 24, 2024

Essay on Elephant

Essay on Elephant: Which god’s name comes to your mind when you hear about elephants? It’s Lord Ganesh, the younger son of Lord Shiva. Elephant is the largest land animal on earth. There are three species of elephants currently existing, which are the African forest elephant, the African bush elephant, and the Asian elephant. An elephant’s basic features are two large ears, four legs, and two elongated incisors, known as tusks. Elephants are usually calm animals, living peacefully in their natural habitat and some are also domesticated. According to Hindu and Buddhist cultures, elephants are culturally important as they represent power, loyalty, wisdom, and fertility. Today, we will provide school students with some essay on elephant samples.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Elephant for Class 1
  • 2 Essay on Elephant for Class 3
  • 3 Essay on Elephant for Class 5

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Essay on Elephant for Class 1

‘Elephants are an important animal for our environment. Elephants are peaceful animals who can live in their natural habitat and with humans also. Today, elephants are the largest land animals, mostly found in African and Asian countries. Elephants are dark-skinned animals with two large teeth known as tusks, a small tail, and two large ears. Elephants only eat grasses, leaves, and small plants. According to the Hindu religion, elephants represent Lord Ganesha. Elephants are known for their strength, loyalty, and fertility. In ancient times, elephants were used in wars and for carrying heavy loads. Today, elephants are an endangered animal, as they are a victim of habitat loss and poaching. We must save elephants to maintain balance in our ecosystem.’

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Essay on Elephant for Class 3

‘Elephants are the largest animals living on land. Elephants are identified by their large and black body, two enormous and elongated tusks or teeth (incisors), a small tail, and a pair of large ears. Elephants do not harm other animals or humans and can live in their natural habitat and with humans. In royal weddings or ceremonies, elephants are used as part of rally or stage. 

Due to their enormous body size, elephants are not able to move or run faster than humans or any other wild animals. According to scientists and other experts, elephants have feelings and they are considered gentle giants. According to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, elephants are considered sacred animals and are worshipped due to fertility, strength, loyalty, and wisdom. 

However, elephants have fallen victim to illegal activities, such as hunting and poaching. According to studies, more than 20,000 elephants are killed by poachers every year. Because of this, elephants have become an endangered animal. To stop this illegal practice, the Government of India launched Project Elephant in 1992. 

Elephants are extraordinary creatures that deserve our admiration and protection. Like any other animal, elephants are an important part of our ecosystem and helps in maintaining balance in it. We must take care of these important giants and condemn any illegal activity that causes harm to their existence.’

Essay on Elephant for Class 5

‘Elephants are an important part of our natural environment. They are the largest existing land animals in terms of size. Currently, there are three species of elephants; the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. African elephants are the largest, with the height of adult males reaching up to 4 meters. 

Elephants are peace-loving animals and do not cause any kind of threat to other animals or humans unless the other side has initiated an action. The characteristics of an elephant are a large black body, two elongated tusks or incisors, two large ears, and a small tail. Elephants have pillar-like legs to support their heavy body. They are mostly found in dense forests. In India, elephants are mostly found in Bandipur National Park, Periyar National Park, Kaziranga National Park, etc.

For decades, elephants have fallen victim to illegal activities like habitat loss and poaching. Poachers kill animals for their tusks, which are sold in the black market at heavy prices. Because of these activities, elephants are now an endangered animal, meaning they have a high risk of extinction. To stop this, the Government of India launched the Project Elephant in 1992. According to this act, any person found hurting or killing elephants will have to face legal action and can be imprisoned for up to 7 years.

Elephants have a cultural significance in Hindu and Buddhist religions. Hindus consider elephants as sacred as they are associated with Lord Ganesha, the younger son of Lord Shiva. Moreover, they are known for their physical strength, wisdom, fertility, and loyalty. Elephants are one of the few animals who can express emotions. They are peace-loving animals and do not cause any kind of harm. 

Ans: ‘Elephants are an important animal for our environment. Elephants are peaceful animals who can live in their natural habitat and with humans also. Today, elephants are the largest land animals, mostly found in African and Asian countries. Elephants are dark-skinned animals with two large teeth known as tusks, a small tail, and two large ears. Elephants only eat grasses, leaves, and small plants. According to the Hindu religion, elephants represent Lord Ganesha. Elephants are known for their strength, loyalty, and fertility. In ancient times, elephants were used in wars and for carrying heavy loads. 

Ans: There are three species of elephants: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant.

Ans: Elephants are the largest land animals, with their height reaching up to 4 meters.

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This was all about an essay on Elephant. We hope the samples we listed above will help school students with their essay-writing skills. For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Essay on Elephants

Surendra Kumar

Introduction to Elephants

Elephants, majestic giants of the animal kingdom, embody a profound cultural and ecological significance globally. Revered in numerous societies, particularly in Asia, where they hold religious and symbolic importance, elephants have served as mythical creatures and practical assets throughout history. Today, they face critical challenges such as habitat loss, poaching, and conflicts with human development, threatening their survival. Despite these threats, conservation efforts strive to protect these gentle giants, highlighting the intricate balance between human progress and wildlife preservation. Understanding elephants involves delving into their symbolic, historical, and environmental roles, reflecting on our shared responsibility toward their future.

Essay on Elephants

Anatomy and Physical Characteristics

Elephants are incredibly unique creatures, both in their anatomy and physical characteristics. Here are some key points you might consider covering:

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Elephants are the most giant land animals, with African elephants larger than Asian elephants. They can weigh several tons and stand several meters tall at the shoulder.
An elongated nose and upper lip are used for breathing, smelling, drinking, grabbing objects, and making sounds.
Male African elephants and some Asian elephants have elongated incisor teeth. They use tusks for digging, defense, and other tasks.
Elephants use their large, fan-shaped ears to regulate body temperature. It can flap to cool down.
Thick but sensitive skin, up to an inch thick in some places, sparsely covered with coarse hair.
Pillar-like legs with large, padded feet to distribute weight. Surprisingly agile despite the size.
Throughout a lifetime, individuals use several sets of molars to grind vegetation. New teeth replace worn ones, moving forward in the jaw.
It supports massive weight with adaptations like large leg bones and a solid pelvic girdle.

Behavior and Social Structure

Elephants, the largest land mammals, are known for their complex behavior and intricate social structures. They exhibit intelligence and close bonds essential for their survival.

  • Communication: Elephants communicate through vocalizations, body language , and seismic signals. Their low-frequency rumbles can be heard across great distances, and they trumpet and roar. They use these rumbles for various purposes, including coordinating movements, maintaining group cohesion, and signaling distress or reproductive readiness.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Elephants display a remarkable level of emotional intelligence. They exhibit behaviors indicative of empathy , such as comforting distressed individuals and mourning deceased companions. Elephants have shown signs of grief, lingering near the remains of deceased herd members and even covering them with leaves and branches.
  • Problem-Solving and Tool Use: Elephants are capable of problem-solving and using tools. Observers have seen them using branches to swat flies, create shade, or scratch themselves. Their ability to learn from experience and modify their behavior highlights their cognitive capabilities.
  • Play and Social Learning: Young elephants engage in play, which is crucial for their social and physical development. Play behaviors include mock fights, chasing, and trunk wrestling. Young elephants learn essential social skills through play and bond with their peers.

Social Structure

  • Matriarchal Society: Elephant herds are typically matriarchal, led by the oldest and often most experienced female, the matriarch. The matriarch is essential to the herd’s direction, making movement decisions, finding water and food sources, and protecting the group from threats.
  • Family Units: Elephant herds are composed of closely related females and their offspring. Female elephants usually live with their natal herd, creating robust, multi-generational family units. Male elephants, on the other hand, leave the herd upon reaching adolescence and either live solitary lives or form loosely associated bachelor groups.
  • Allomothering: Older females assist in caring for other people’s calves, a process known as “allomothering” in elephant cultures. This cooperative care enhances the survival rate of the young and allows mothers to feed and rest, ensuring the well-being of the entire herd.
  • Social Bonds and Hierarchies: Elephants maintain solid social bonds through frequent physical contact, such as touching trunks, entwining trunks, and leaning on each other. Age, experience, and social bonds often determine the social hierarchy within the herd. The matriarch holds the highest rank, followed by other adult females and their offspring.
  • Male Social Structure: After leaving the natal herd, male elephants spend more solitary lives. However, they occasionally associate with other males. These associations, known as bachelor groups, are usually fluid and based on factors such as age, size, and reproductive status. During musth, a period of heightened sexual activity and aggression, males become more competitive and may challenge each other for mating rights.

Habitat and Distribution

Elephants, the largest land mammals, inhabit Africa and Asia, each with unique habitats and distributions specific to African and Asian elephant species.

African Elephants

  • Habitat: African elephants thrive in diverse environments, including savannas, forests, deserts, and marshes. They are incredibly adaptable, which allows them to live in varied climates, from the rainforests of Central Africa to the dry regions of the Sahel.
  • Distribution: African elephants inhabit sub-Saharan Africa, with significant populations in Botswana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and South Africa. There are two subspecies of African elephants: the savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana), found in open grasslands and woodlands, and the forest elephant (Loxodonta Cyclotis), which inhabits the dense rainforests of Central and West Africa. These elephants’ distribution primarily influences factors such as the availability of food and water and human activities such as agriculture and urban development.

Asian Elephants

  • Habitat: Asian elephants primarily inhabit forested regions, including tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests, dry deciduous forests, and grasslands. They depend more on forested environments than their African counterparts and are typically found in regions with dense vegetation providing ample food and cover.
  • Distribution: The range of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) extends across 13 countries in South and Southeast Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia (Sumatra and Borneo). The largest populations are found in India, home to more than half of the world’s Asian elephants. Their distribution is increasingly fragmented due to habitat loss, human-elephant conflict, and poaching, resulting in isolated populations vulnerable to genetic bottlenecks and other conservation challenges.

Diet and Feeding Habits

Understanding diet and feeding habits provides insight into elephants’ ecological role as large herbivores in their ecosystems:  

Elephants are herbivorous mammals with a diverse diet primarily consisting of vegetation. Their diet typically includes:

  • Grasses: Elephants feed on various grasses, which form a significant part of their diet, especially in savannah and grassland habitats.
  • Leaves and Foliage: They consume various leaves from different plant species. They browse on tree leaves, shrubs, and other foliage in their habitats.
  • Bark: In some cases, elephants also consume bark from trees. They may strip bark with their tusks and consume the inner layers, especially during dry seasons when other food sources are scarce.
  • Fruits: In season, fruits are essential to an elephant’s diet. They consume various fruits, such as berries, melons, and other fleshy fruits within their range.

Feeding Habits

Elephants are known for their constant need to feed due to their large size and energy requirements. Key aspects of their feeding habits include:

  • Foraging: Elephants spend a significant portion of their day foraging for food. They grasp and manipulate vegetation using their trunk and may also use their tusks to help access certain types of plants.
  • Water Dependence: Elephants require large amounts of water daily. They are known to travel long distances to find water sources and may spend considerable time bathing and drinking.
  • Feeding Patterns: Elephants frequently adapt their eating habits according to available food and water sources. During periods of scarcity, they may adjust their diet or travel longer distances to find suitable vegetation.
  • Social Feeding: Elephants are social animals and often feed in groups. This social behavior can sometimes lead to cooperative feeding and sharing of food resources within their herd.
  • Digestive Process: Their digestive system is adapted to process rigid plant material. Its complex process involves fermentation in the large intestine to extract nutrients from fibrous plant material.

Intelligence and Cognitive Abilities

Elephants are amazing animals with exceptional cognitive and intellectual capacities. Here are some points:

  • Complex Social Structures: Elephants live in matriarchal herds led by the oldest female, showing sophisticated social structures akin to human societies.
  • Exceptional Memory: Known for their long-term memory, elephants can remember distant locations of water sources and pathways, which is crucial for survival in their habitats.
  • Tool Use and Problem-Solving: Elephants demonstrate tool use, such as using branches to swat insects or digging for water in dry riverbeds, indicating problem-solving abilities.
  • Communication and Language: They communicate through various vocalizations, infrasound (low-frequency sounds), and body language, suggesting complex forms of communication.
  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Elephants empathize with injured or distressed herd members, displaying emotional bonds and social cohesion within their groups.
  • Self-Awareness: Studies, including mirror tests, suggest that elephants possess a self-awareness comparable to humans, recognizing themselves in reflections.
  • Learning and Adaptation: They learn from experiences and can adapt to changing environments, demonstrating the adaptability of thought and the capacity for creativity in the face of difficulty.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: In captivity, elephants have demonstrated their cognitive capabilities by solving puzzles and learning complex tasks.
  • Numerical and Spatial Awareness: Elephants show numerical understanding, can distinguish between different quantities of items, and have a keen spatial awareness that aids navigation across vast territories.
  • Creative Behaviors: Behaviors like creating protective sunscreens from mud or using tools in novel ways showcase their ability to innovate and adapt to their environment.

Cultural Significance of Elephants

Elephants symbolize power, wisdom, and cultural richness. They have spanned civilizations, from ancient warfare to ceremonial rituals, leaving an enduring legacy in human history and imagination.

1. Asian Elephants in Religious Contexts

  • Hinduism: In Hindu mythology, Ganesha, the deity of wisdom, success , and the removal of obstacles, is often depicted with an elephant head, symbolizing knowledge and the power to overcome barriers.
  • Buddhism: In Buddhism, the white elephant symbolizes mental strength, wisdom, and knowledge. It’s believed that Queen Maya, the mother of Buddha, dreamt of a white elephant before his birth, indicating his future greatness.

2. African Elephants

Folklore and Tribal Beliefs: African cultures view elephants as symbols of strength, power, and wisdom . People often portray them as wise creatures with spiritual significance in stories and myths.

3. Historical Roles

  • War Elephants: Throughout history, elephants have been used in warfare by civilizations such as the Persians and Indians and later by Alexander the Great. Due to their size, strength, and ability to intimidate enemy forces, they provided a formidable advantage.
  • Ceremonial Uses: Elephants have been central to royal and religious ceremonies in many cultures. In India, for example, they have been used in processions during festivals and important events, symbolizing grandeur and royalty.

Conservation Efforts and Challenges

The points highlight both the proactive measures and the ongoing challenges in the conservation of elephants globally:

  • Habitat Loss: Human activities like agriculture, urbanization , and infrastructure development are causing elephants to lose much of their habitat.
  • Human-Wildlife: Conflict arises when elephants encroach on human settlements, leading to retaliatory killings and habitat fragmentation.
  • Poaching: People target elephants for their ivory tusks despite international bans on ivory trade. Poaching remains a severe threat to their survival.
  • Legal Protection: International agreements to save elephants, like the CITES- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, aim to control and limit the ivory trade.
  • Conservation Reserves and National Parks : Establishing protected areas helps provide safe habitats for elephants and other wildlife.
  • Community Involvement: Participating local communities in conservation initiatives helps lessen hostility between people and wildlife and encourages sustainable lifestyles.
  • Research and Monitoring: Effective conservation measures require a thorough understanding of elephant behavior, migration patterns, and population dynamics.
  • Transboundary Conservation Initiatives: Collaborative efforts between countries are essential, as elephants often move across borders for food and water.
  • Climate Change: Factors including temperature extremes and shifting rainfall patterns can disrupt elephant habitats and food sources.
  • Education and Awareness: Raising public awareness of the value of protecting elephants and their dangers can help mobilize support for conservation initiatives.

Human-Elephant Interaction

The complex dynamics of human-elephant interaction emphasize the need for sustainable conservation practices and ethical considerations in tourism and captive management.

Conservation vs. Human Development Conflicts

  • Habitat Loss: As human populations expand, natural habitats are increasingly converted for agriculture , urbanization, and infrastructure projects, reducing elephant habitats.
  • Conflict Over Resources: Elephants often compete with humans for water and food, escalating tensions and conflicts.
  • Human-Elephant Conflict: Elephant raids on crops can lead to retaliatory killings by farmers, exacerbating conservation challenges.

Elephant Tourism and Ethical Considerations

  • Tourism Impact: Elephant tourism, encompassing rides and performances, raises ethical and animal welfare concerns.
  • Physical and Psychological Impact: Captive elephants used for tourism may suffer from physical ailments due to workload and improper care, and they may also experience psychological distress from unnatural living conditions.
  • Educational vs. Exploitative Tourism: Balancing educational benefits for visitors with the ethical treatment of elephants remains a critical challenge.

Captive Elephants and Welfare Concerns

  • Living Conditions: Captive elephants may face inadequate living conditions, confinement, and lack of social interaction, which can impact their physical and mental well-being.
  • Training Methods: Traditional training methods such as “breaking” can involve harsh techniques that cause distress and pain to elephants.
  • Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Countries vary in their regulations governing captive elephants, influencing their welfare standards and treatment.

Elephants stand as majestic icons of cultural heritage and biodiversity conservation. Their symbolic significance spans civilizations, embodying wisdom, strength, and spirituality. However, their survival faces challenges from habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflicts. Conservation efforts must balance ecological needs with human development, emphasizing sustainable practices and ethical considerations in elephant tourism and captivity. As ambassadors of wilderness, elephants urge us to safeguard their habitats and respect their intrinsic value in our shared ecosystem. Preserving elephants means safeguarding a species and the integrity of our planet’s natural heritage for future generations.


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Essay On Elephant For Children And Students In English

Shaili Contractor

  • Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Elephant
  • 10 Lines On Elephant
  • Paragraph On Elephant
  • Short Essay On Elephant
  • Long Essay On Elephant

Interesting Facts About Elephant For Kids

What will your kid learn from this essay.

Elephants, the majestic creatures that roam the Earth, are the largest land animals and possess a remarkable intelligence and memory that captivates both young and old alike. Writing an essay on elephants is an engaging activity for children and a valuable tool for developing their writing skills and fine motor coordination.    

Additionally, essay writing is a crucial skill that children must develop from an early age. It helps them organise their thoughts, express themselves clearly, and improve their language skills. Engaging in this activity can also enhance their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. We help teach kids how to write an essay for grades 1, 2, and 3!   

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Elephant   

There are a few essential points that your child needs to remember while writing an elephant essay in English:   

  • The first step is to let your child structure the ideas (in the head) they want to write about elephants.
  • In the second step, let your child note the ideas to form an outline to cover all the points while composing the essay.
  • They will form easy-to-read short and simple sentences from the pointers in the third step.
  • Encourage your child not to get too deep describing any single idea. It will help them to stick to the count of words.
  • Help your child write with the rhythm, making them enjoy writing the essay.
  • Your child can write about how an elephant looks, its special features, eating habits, etc.

10 Lines On Elephant   

Here is an example of how you can write ten lines about an elephant:   

  • Elephants are the largest animals on land.
  • Elephants have huge bodies.
  • They have wide legs like pillars.
  • Elephants are grey in colour.
  • Elephants have large floppy ears like fans.
  • They have a large trunk.
  • They grab food and suck water with their trunk.
  • They can also lift heavy weights with the help of the trunk.
  • Elephants’ tusks are teeth.
  • Elephants are herbivores.

Paragraph On Elephant 

Elephants are the largest animals on land. They have a huge body with wide legs that look like pillars. Their tusks appear when they are around two years old. The tusks keep growing throughout their lives. They have thick skin that helps them maintain water in the body. The long trunk of elephants helps them in many ways. They can suck in water with their trunks and use it to grab food. Elephants also use their trunk as a snorkel while swimming and can also lift heavy weights with their trunk. Elephants are very intelligent and shy, but they turn dangerous when they feel threatened.

Paragraph on elephant

Short Essay On Elephant 

Elephants are special in many ways. They have a huge body with four legs that are so wide that they look like pillars. The ears are large and floppy. The two tusks we see are the two front teeth. They have 26 teeth in total. The tusks help elephants dig mud, shovel heavy logs of wood, etc. Their thick skin allows them to maintain water in the body. The trunk is a unique physical characteristic of elephants. An extension of their nose fuses with their upper lip and modifies into this long structure. Elephants use the trunk to grab food, suck up water to drink, trumpet, greet, caress baby elephants, etc. The elephant’s trunk is the most sensitive organ found in any mammal.

Long Essay On Elephant 

Elephants are the largest animals on land. They are huge mammals living on Earth for millions of years. They weigh a few thousand kilos. Even newborn elephants weigh around 120 kilos. The four legs of elephants are so vast, that they look like trunks of trees. Their ears are large like fans and help them stay cool. The tusks of elephants are the two front teeth that start growing when an elephant is two years old. They have 26 teeth in total. Elephants use the tusks to dig mud, lift objects, to strip the bark of trees so that they can eat the fibrous inner part. They also use the tusks as a defence.

The trunk is another unique feature of elephants. It is the extension of the nose, and it fuses with the upper lip. Elephants use it in many ways. They suck in water and drink it with the help of the trunk. They also use it to put food into their mouth. They also use the trunk to trumpet and warn other elephants when they sense any danger. The trunk is the most sensitive organ found in any mammal. An elephant can use it to pick a nut, shell it, blow the shell out and eat the nut. Elephants also use the trunk as a snorkel while swimming. They have thick skin, which helps with maintaining moisture. Elephants live in herds. They are calm by nature, but they become aggressive when threatened. These animals are full of emotions and have deep family bonds. They even cry. Sometimes when baby elephants cry, the other elephants in the group caress them with their trunk to comfort the baby elephant.

Importance Of Elephants For The Environment

Elephants spend most of the time eating and creating gaps in the vegetation. The gaps help grow new plants and create pathways for smaller animals. Elephant dung is also beneficial for the environment, and the waste contains seeds of plants they have consumed. As a result, it gives birth to new plants, bushes, and trees.

What Will Happen If Elephants Go Extinct?

Humans engage in illegal activities concerning elephants. They kill them for ivory. Baby elephants are illegally taken away and sold or gifted to temples where they are kept as captives all their life. If elephants go extinct, the whole ecosystem will stop flourishing and, in some places, collapse entirely.

  • A baby elephant weighs as much as 90-100 kilos.   
  • The trunk of elephants is the most sensitive organ among all mammals. It can pick up a nut, shell it, blow it away, and eat it.   
  • Elephants have a powerful memory. They can remember things for tens of years, sometimes their whole lifetime.   
  • Elephants hug each other with their trunks when they face tough times.   
  • Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. African elephants can reach up to 13 feet tall and weigh up to 14,000 pounds !   
  • Elephants have large ears that are shaped like the African continent. Asian elephants have smaller, rounded ears.   
  • Elephants are herbivores and spend up to 18 hours a day eating. An adult elephant can eat over 300 pounds of food per day!   
  • Elephants are excellent swimmers and can use their trunk as a snorkel to breathe underwater.   
  • Elephants are very social animals. They live in family groups called herds and use their trunks to greet and show affection to each other. 

When your child writes a composition on an elephant, they will learn about this beautiful and graceful animal. They know about the physical characteristics of elephants. Also, they learn about these huge animals’ mental and emotional speciality .    

1. What are the benefits of essay writing for kids? 

Essay writing teaches kids the following skills:   

  • Critical thinking and problem-solving   
  • Creative expression and imagination   
  • Organisational and writing abilities   
  • Communication and self-reflection   

2. How can kids make their elephant essays more engaging? 

Using these tips, children can make their essay on elephant essays more engaging:   

  • Using descriptive language to describe the elephant’s physical features vividly   
  • Incorporating interesting elephant behaviours and habits, like their feeding and social rituals   
  • Explaining the essential role elephants play in their ecosystems and for humans   
  • Adding personal anecdotes or experiences the child has had with elephants   
  • Including relevant images, diagrams or other visuals to support the written content   

We hope the above write-up on elephants will help your child write a beautiful essay on elephants. We have made sure to keep the language simple for the little ones to understand.

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Essay on Elephant

Essay generator.

Elephants, the largest land animals on Earth, are majestic creatures that have fascinated humans for millennia. These gentle giants are known for their intelligence, complex social structures, and significant role in the ecosystem. This essay delves into the various aspects of elephants, including their characteristics, habitat, social behavior, threats to their survival, and conservation efforts, offering a comprehensive understanding for students preparing for essay writing competitions.


Elephants belong to the family Elephantidae and are classified into three species: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. These species are distinguishable by their size, ear shape, and habitat preferences. Elephants have played a crucial role in human culture, symbolizing wisdom and strength, yet they face numerous threats from human activities.

Physical Characteristics

Elephants are remarkable for their distinct features: large ears that help regulate body temperature, long trunks serving multiple purposes from breathing to handling objects, and tusks, which are actually elongated incisors used for digging and defense. An adult elephant can weigh up to 7 tons and live for up to 70 years, making them one of the longest-lived mammals.

Habitat and Distribution

Elephants are versatile in their habitat preferences but primarily reside in savannas, forests, deserts, and marshes. African elephants are mostly found in sub-Saharan Africa, while Asian elephants inhabit parts of Southeast Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. Their habitats are crucial for their survival but are increasingly being encroached upon by human activities.

Social Behavior and Intelligence

Elephants are highly social and intelligent animals. They live in matriarchal herds led by the oldest and often largest female. These herds are composed of related females and their offspring, demonstrating complex social behaviors such as cooperation, empathy, and mourning. Elephants have shown remarkable cognitive abilities, including memory, problem-solving, and the use of tools.

Communication plays a vital role in their social life. Elephants communicate using a range of sounds, from trumpets to low-frequency rumbles that can travel over long distances. This communication is essential for maintaining herd cohesion and coordinating social interactions.

Diet and Foraging

Elephants are herbivores, consuming a diet of leaves, bark, fruit, and grasses. An adult elephant can eat up to 300 pounds of food in a single day. Their foraging habits significantly impact the environment, often creating clearings in forests that allow new plants to grow and providing habitats for other species.

Role in the Ecosystem

Elephants are known as “ecosystem engineers” due to their ability to modify their habitat. By uprooting trees and trampling vegetation, they create spaces for new plants to grow, maintain grassland ecosystems, and ensure biodiversity. Their dung is a vital seed dispersal mechanism, helping to propagate various plant species.

Threats to Survival

Despite their significance, elephants face several threats primarily due to human activities. Poaching for ivory is a significant threat, especially for African elephants. Habitat loss and fragmentation due to agricultural expansion, logging, and human settlement have dramatically reduced their living spaces, leading to human-elephant conflicts over resources.

Climate change also poses a threat by altering the ecosystems elephants depend on for survival. Droughts, changes in rainfall patterns, and extreme weather conditions can reduce the availability of food and water, challenging their ability to thrive.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation of elephants is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance. Various international and local organizations are involved in elephant conservation, focusing on anti-poaching measures, habitat restoration, and conflict resolution strategies.

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has been pivotal in regulating the international trade of ivory to protect elephants from poaching. Additionally, the establishment of protected areas and wildlife corridors has helped to secure elephant habitats and facilitate their movement between fragmented landscapes.

Community-based conservation programs have also proven effective by involving local communities in protecting elephants and their habitats. These programs often focus on mitigating human-elephant conflicts through innovative solutions like bee-fence barriers and providing economic incentives for conservation.

In conclusion, Elephants are not just an iconic symbol of wild majesty; they are integral to the health and diversity of the ecosystems they inhabit. Their survival is intricately linked with the well-being of the environment and human societies. The challenges facing elephants are complex, requiring a multifaceted approach to conservation that includes protecting habitats, combating poaching, and fostering human-elephant coexistence. By understanding and appreciating the importance of elephants, we can take meaningful steps toward ensuring their preservation for future generations. As stewards of the planet, it is our responsibility to protect these magnificent creatures and the natural world they help to sustain.


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Essay on Elephant – Examples, 10 Lines to 1200 Words

Short Essay on Elephant

Essay on Elephant: Elephants are majestic creatures that have captivated humans for centuries with their size, intelligence, and gentle nature. In this essay, we will explore the fascinating world of elephants, delving into their behavior, habitat, and importance in the ecosystem. From their intricate social structures to their impressive memory and communication skills, elephants are truly remarkable animals that deserve our admiration and protection. Join us as we uncover the wonders of these magnificent creatures in this essay on elephants.

Table of Contents

Elephant Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of elephants and their significance in the animal kingdom. You can mention their size, intelligence, and social behavior to grab the reader’s attention.

2. Background information: Provide some background information about elephants, such as their habitat, diet, and physical characteristics. This will help the reader understand the context of your essay.

3. Importance of elephants: Discuss why elephants are important animals in the ecosystem. You can talk about their role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, their impact on plant growth, and their importance to other wildlife species.

4. Threats to elephants: Highlight the various threats that elephants face in the wild, such as poaching, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflict. Explain how these threats are endangering the survival of elephants in the wild.

5. Conservation efforts: Discuss the conservation efforts that are being made to protect elephants and their habitats. You can talk about initiatives such as wildlife reserves, anti-poaching measures, and community-based conservation programs.

6. Human-elephant conflict: Explain the reasons behind human-elephant conflict and the impact it has on both humans and elephants. Discuss possible solutions to mitigate this conflict and ensure the coexistence of humans and elephants.

7. Elephant intelligence: Highlight the intelligence of elephants and their ability to exhibit complex behaviors, such as problem-solving, communication, and social bonding. Provide examples of elephant intelligence to support your argument.

8. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate the importance of elephants in the animal kingdom. You can also call for action to raise awareness about the conservation of elephants and support efforts to protect these majestic animals.

By following these writing tips, you can create a well-structured and informative essay on elephants that will engage and educate your readers. Remember to use credible sources and evidence to support your arguments and make your essay more persuasive.

Essay on Elephant in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, with the African elephant being the largest of the two species. 2. They are known for their long trunks, which are actually elongated noses used for breathing, smelling, drinking, and grabbing objects. 3. Elephants have large ears that help regulate their body temperature, as they do not have sweat glands. 4. These majestic creatures are highly intelligent and have excellent memories, able to remember locations of water sources and food. 5. Elephants are herbivores, feeding on a variety of plants, fruits, and bark to sustain their massive bodies. 6. They live in social groups called herds, led by a matriarch, usually the oldest and most experienced female. 7. Elephants communicate with each other through a variety of sounds, body language, and even infrasound, which is below the range of human hearing. 8. Unfortunately, elephants are threatened by habitat loss, poaching for their ivory tusks, and human-wildlife conflict. 9. Conservation efforts are being made to protect elephants and their habitats, including creating protected areas and anti-poaching initiatives. 10. Elephants play a crucial role in their ecosystems as seed dispersers and ecosystem engineers, shaping their environments through their feeding and movement patterns.

Sample Essay on Elephant in 100-180 Words

Elephants are majestic creatures that are known for their intelligence, strength, and gentle nature. They are the largest land animals on Earth and are found in various habitats, including forests, savannas, and grasslands.

Elephants are herbivores, meaning they primarily eat plants such as grass, leaves, and fruits. They have long trunks that they use for breathing, smelling, drinking, and grabbing objects. Their tusks are actually elongated incisor teeth that are used for digging, lifting objects, and defending themselves.

Unfortunately, elephants are facing numerous threats, including habitat loss, poaching for their ivory tusks, and human-wildlife conflict. Conservation efforts are being made to protect these magnificent animals and ensure their survival for future generations.

In conclusion, elephants are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. It is important for us to protect and preserve these gentle giants for the benefit of our planet.

Short Essay on Elephant in 200-500 Words

The elephant is one of the most majestic and iconic animals in the world. Known for its large size, long trunk, and tusks, the elephant is a symbol of strength, intelligence, and grace. These incredible creatures are found in various parts of the world, including Africa and Asia, and are revered by many cultures for their significance and symbolism.

One of the most distinctive features of the elephant is its trunk. This elongated, muscular appendage serves a variety of purposes, including breathing, smelling, touching, grasping, and producing sound. The trunk is a versatile tool that allows elephants to interact with their environment in a multitude of ways, from picking up food to communicating with other elephants.

Another defining characteristic of the elephant is its tusks. These elongated, curved teeth are actually modified incisors that are used for a variety of purposes, including digging for water, stripping bark from trees, and defending against predators. Unfortunately, the demand for ivory has led to a significant decline in elephant populations, as poachers target these magnificent animals for their tusks.

Elephants are known for their intelligence and social behavior. These highly intelligent animals have complex social structures and exhibit a wide range of emotions, including joy, grief, and empathy. They form strong bonds with their family members and exhibit a high degree of cooperation and communication within their herds.

In the wild, elephants play a crucial role in their ecosystems. As herbivores, they help to shape their environment by grazing on vegetation and dispersing seeds. Their large size and strength also make them important seed dispersers, as they can travel long distances and deposit seeds in new locations. Additionally, elephants create water holes by digging in dry riverbeds, providing vital resources for other animals in their habitats.

Despite their importance and significance, elephants face numerous threats to their survival. Habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and poaching are among the biggest challenges facing elephant populations today. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these incredible animals and ensure their long-term survival.

In conclusion, the elephant is a remarkable and awe-inspiring animal that holds a special place in the hearts of people around the world. From their impressive size and strength to their intelligence and social behavior, elephants are truly one of nature’s most magnificent creations. It is essential that we work together to protect and preserve these incredible animals for future generations to enjoy.

Essay on Elephant in 1000-1500 Words

The elephant is one of the most majestic and fascinating creatures on Earth. With its massive size, long trunk, and distinctive tusks, the elephant is a symbol of strength, intelligence, and grace. These magnificent animals have captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world for centuries, and their presence in the wild is a testament to the beauty and diversity of our planet.

Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, with the African elephant being the largest of the two species. They can weigh up to 14,000 pounds and stand over 13 feet tall at the shoulder. Their size alone is enough to inspire awe and admiration, but it is their intelligence and social behavior that truly sets them apart from other animals.

One of the most striking features of the elephant is its trunk. This elongated, muscular appendage is actually a fusion of the elephant’s nose and upper lip, and it serves a variety of functions. The trunk is used for breathing, smelling, touching, grasping, and producing sound. Elephants are able to pick up objects as small as a single blade of grass with their trunks, and they can also use them to communicate with other elephants through a series of trumpeting calls.

Another distinctive feature of the elephant is its tusks. These elongated, curved teeth are actually modified incisors, and they are used for a variety of purposes. Male elephants use their tusks for fighting and establishing dominance within their social groups, while females use them for digging up roots and stripping bark from trees. Unfortunately, the demand for ivory has led to a sharp decline in elephant populations, as poachers target these magnificent animals for their tusks.

Elephants are highly intelligent creatures, with complex social structures and behaviors. They live in tight-knit family groups led by a matriarch, who is usually the oldest and most experienced female in the group. These family units are known as herds, and they can consist of up to 100 individuals. Elephants are known for their strong bonds with one another, and they are capable of displaying a wide range of emotions, including joy, grief, and empathy.

In addition to their social behavior, elephants are also known for their remarkable memory and problem-solving abilities. They have been observed using tools, such as sticks and branches, to reach food that is out of reach, and they have also been known to exhibit self-awareness and empathy towards other animals. Elephants have even been observed mourning the loss of a loved one, demonstrating their deep emotional intelligence.

Despite their impressive size and strength, elephants are also vulnerable creatures. They are threatened by habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict, which have led to a decline in their populations in recent years. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these magnificent animals and ensure their survival for future generations.

One of the most effective ways to protect elephants is through the establishment of protected areas and wildlife reserves where they can roam freely without fear of poaching or habitat destruction. These protected areas provide a safe haven for elephants to live and breed, helping to ensure the long-term survival of the species.

In addition to protected areas, efforts are also being made to reduce human-elephant conflict by implementing measures such as elephant-proof fences, early warning systems, and alternative livelihoods for communities living near elephant habitats. By addressing the root causes of conflict and finding sustainable solutions, we can help to protect both elephants and the people who live alongside them.

Education and awareness are also key components of elephant conservation. By raising awareness about the importance of elephants and the threats they face, we can inspire people to take action and support conservation efforts. Through education, we can help to foster a greater appreciation for these magnificent animals and encourage others to join us in protecting them for future generations.

In conclusion, the elephant is a truly remarkable creature that deserves our admiration and respect. With its size, intelligence, and social behavior, the elephant is a symbol of the beauty and diversity of the natural world. By working together to protect these magnificent animals, we can ensure that they continue to roam the Earth for generations to come. Let us all do our part to protect and preserve the elephants, so that they may continue to inspire and captivate us for years to come.

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Essay on Elephant for School Students in English [Easy Words*]

January 19, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Elephant: One of the strongest and largest land animals on Earth is the elephant. It has four sturdy pillars like legs, long trunk, tusks, two eyes and a short tail. It uses its trunk to suck water and pick up food. They are herbivores and primarily feed on grasses, sugarcane and plants. African and Asian varieties are popular around the world. The average life span of elephants is around 5 to 70 years.

Essay on Elephant 200 Words in English

Below we have provided Elephant Essay in English, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 school students.

The elephant is the biggest land mammal in the world. They are known for their large floppy ears, tusks made of ivory, long trunks, and intelligence. You can tell the difference between Asian and African elephants from the shape of their ears because they are shaped as the maps of India and Africa. Elephants are friendly with humans, but they can go on a dangerous rampage if they get angry or scared.

In olden times, elephants were used in wars because they could easily attack with their tusks and trunks. They are generally very slow animals and walk around in herds, with other adult elephants and children. Elephants spend 12-18 hours a day eating grass, plants and food using their trunks to lift it to their mouths.


Paragraph on Elephant

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Elephant in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Elephant in 100 Words

Elephants are big and strong animals that live in the wild. Some live in Africa, and others in Asia. They are the largest animals that live on land. They have long noses called trunks, which they use for eating, drinking, and bathing. Elephants also have big ears and long teeth called tusks. They love to eat grass, leaves, and fruit. Elephants are very smart. They can remember things for a long time. They live together in groups called herds. Baby elephants are called calves. They stay with their moms for many years. We should protect elephants because they are special.

Paragraph on Elephant in 200 Words

Elephants are large, gentle creatures known for their big ears, long trunks, and tough, grey skin. They are the biggest animals that live on land. Elephants use their long trunks to pick up food, drink water, and even to say hello to other elephants. Their big ears help them stay cool in hot weather. There are two types of elephants: African elephants, which are bigger and have larger ears, and Asian elephants, which are a bit smaller. Elephants eat a lot of food; they can eat up to 400 pounds in a single day! They love to eat leaves, bark, and fruits. Elephants also love water. They use their trunks to spray water on themselves and take baths. Baby elephants, called calves, stay close to their mothers for many years, learning how to be an elephant. Elephants are very smart and have good memories. They can remember their friends and family for a long time. They live in groups, which are led by the oldest female, called the matriarch. Elephants are very important to our world, but they need our help because their homes are disappearing. We need to take care of them so they can keep being amazing animals.

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Paragraph on Elephant in 250 Words

Elephants are amazing animals with some unique features. They are the largest land animals living on Earth. Elephants are known for their huge bodies, long trunks, and big ears. Their trunks are very special; they use them to pick up things, to drink water, and even to show affection towards others. Elephants are found mainly in Africa and Asia. Asian elephants are generally smaller than African elephants. Elephants live in large groups called herds, which are led by the oldest female, known as the matriarch. They are very social creatures and care deeply for their family members. They are also very intelligent, with the ability to remember things for a long time, which is why people say “elephants never forget”. Elephants eat a lot of food – up to 300 pounds in a single day! They are herbivores, which means they only eat plants. Elephants are a symbol of strength and wisdom in many cultures. Sadly, they are in danger due to hunting and loss of habitat. Many people hunt elephants for their ivory tusks, which is illegal. Efforts are being made to protect these gentle giants and their habitats. We need to respect and care for these wonderful creatures to ensure they are around for future generations to admire.

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Essay on Elephant in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Elephants are the largest land animals with distinct body parts. Unlike other mammals, elephants don’t have nose, instead they breathe through a long trunk. They have huge fan like ears and long extended teeth called tusks. Because of their distinct tusks they are often called tuskers.

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Elephants are wild animals; though, they are also domesticated by humans to mainly perform laborious tasks. Colossal body parts give the elephants tremendous physical strength over humans, thus they are tamed and made to perform strenuous and challenging tasks. Elephants have a distinct social structure displaying feelings of compassion, love and care for the family members.

Long and Short Essay on Elephant in English

We have provided below various essay on elephant in order to help students.

Now-a-days, essays and paragraphs writing are more common strategy followed by the teachers in the schools and colleges in order to enhance student’s skill and knowledge about any subject.

All the elephant essay given below are written using very simple words and easy sentences under various words limit. Students can select any of the essays given below according to their need and requirement:

Elephant Essay 1 (100 words)

Elephant is a very big animal. It lives in the forest however it is a pet animal also. Some people keep it at home as a pet animal in order to earn money through circus. It is also kept in the zoo in order to enhance the glory of zoo as well as interest of kids. It has a big body with four legs like pillars, two fan like ears, a long trunk, a short tail and two small eyes. A male elephant contains two long white teeth called as tusks. It can eat soft green leaves, plants, grains, etc. It is very useful animal to the man and proved to be a good friend to mankind as it performs many functions such as earns money, carries heavy loads, etc. It has long life span and lives around one hundred years.

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Elephant Essay 2 (150 words)

Elephant is a biggest animal on the land. It is also considered as the strongest animal on the land. Generally it is a wild animal however can live as a pet animal after proper training in the zoo or with human being at home. It has been proved a useful animal for the humanity. It is an animal with big body generally found in the grey color.

It’s all four legs looks like a pillar and two big ears just like a fan. Its eyes are quite small in comparison to the body. It has a long trunk and a short tail. It can pick up a range of things very easily through its trunk such as a small needle and very heavy trees or loads. It has two long white tusks on each side of trunk.

Elephants live in the jungle and generally eat small twigs, leaves, straw and wild fruits however a pet elephant can also eat bread, bananas, sugarcane, etc. It is a pure vegetarian wild animal. Now-a-days, they are used by the people to carry heavy loads, in the circus, lifting logs, etc. In the ancient time, they were used by the kings and dukes in the wars and battles. It lives for long years (more than 100 years). It is very useful animal even after death (bangles are made of bones and tusks).

Elephant Essay 3 (200 words)

Elephant is a largest animal on the land. It lives in the forest however can be a pet after proper training. It can be more than eight feet in height. Its big and heavy body is supported by the strong pillar like legs. It takes help of its long trunk in eating leaves, plants, fruits or trees. Generally two types of elephants are found on land African (scientific name is Loxodonta africana) and Asian (scientific name is Elephas maximus).

Its big hanging ears looks like a fan and legs like a pillar. It has a long trunk attached with mouth and two tusks each side. The trunk of an elephant is very flexible and strong and known as a multi-purpose organ. It is used for feeding, bathing, breathing, expressing emotions, fighting, etc by the elephant.

African elephants are little bigger is size and darker in color than the Asian elephants. They have more prominent ears also. Elephants are commonly found in India, Africa, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Siam. They generally like to live in a herd and become very fond of water. They know well about swimming. Because of being an herbivorous animal, they depend on plants in the forest in order to meet their food need. They move to villages and other residential places in the lack of food in forest or because of deforestation. It is known as an intelligent animal and benefits man in many ways.

Elephant Essay 4 (250 words)

Elephant is a strongest and biggest animal on the earth. It is quite famous for its big body, intelligence and obedient nature. It lives in jungle however can be trained and used by people for various purposes. Its peculiar features are four pillars like legs, two fan like ears, two small eyes, a short tail, a long trunk, and two long white tusks. Elephant eats leaves, stem of banana trees, grass, soft plants, nuts, fruits, etc in the jungle. It lives more than hundred and twenty years. It is found in India in the dense jungles of Assam, Mysore, Tripura, etc. Generally elephants are of dark grey color however white elephants are found as well in the Thailand.

Elephant is an intelligent animal and has good learning capacity. It can be trained very easily according to the use in circus, zoo, transport, carry loads, etc. It can carry heavy logs of timber to a long distance from one place to another. It is an animal of kid’s interest in the zoo or other places. A trained elephant can perform various tasks such as delightful activities in the circus, etc. It can be very angry which create danger to the humanity as it can destroy anything. It is useful animal even after death as its tusk, skin, bones, etc are used to make costly and artistic items.

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Elephant Essay 5 (300 words)

Elephant is a very huge wild animal lives in a jungle. It looks quite ugly however mostly liked by the kids. It has big heavy body and called as royal animal. It can be more than 10 feet in height. It is found in coarse dark grey color with very hard skin. In other countries, it is found in white color also. Its long and flexible trunk helps in feeding, breathing, bathing and lifting heavy loads. Its two big ears hanging like big fans. Its four legs are very strong and look like pillars. Elephants are found in the forests of India (Assam, Mysore, Tripura, etc), Ceylon, Africa, and Burma. Elephants like to live in groups of hundreds (lead by a big male elephant) in the jungle.

It is very useful animal to the humanity whole life and after death also. Its various body parts are used to make precious things all over the world. Bones and tusks of elephant are used to make hooks for brushes, knife-handles, combs, bangles including other fancy things. It can live for many years from 150 to 200 years. Keeping elephant at home is very costly which an ordinary person cannot afford.

It has very calm nature however on teasing it can be very angry and dangerous as it can destroy anything even kill people. It is known as intelligent and faithful animal because it understands every sign of the keeper after training. It obeys its keeper very sincerely till death.

There are two types of elephant, African and Indian. African elephants are quite bigger than Indian elephant. Both, male and female African elephants have tusks with wrinkly gray skin and two tips at the end of trunk. Indian or Asian elephants are quite smaller than African elephants with humped back and only one tip at the end of trunk.

Elephant Essay 6 (400 words)

An elephant is very clever, obedient and biggest animal on the earth. It is found in the Africa and Asia. Generally, it is found in grey color however white in Thailand. Female elephants are used to live in groups however male elephants solitary. Elephants live long life more than 100 years. They generally live in jungles however also seen in the zoo and circus. They can grow around 11 feet in height and 13,000 pounds weight. The largest elephant ever has been measured as 13 feet in height and 24,000 pounds in weight. An individual elephant can eat 400 pounds of food and drink 30 gallons of water daily.

Elephant skin becomes one inch thick however very sensitive. They can hear each other’s sound from long distance around 5 miles away. Male elephant starts living alone whenever become adult however female lives in group (oldest female of a group called as matriarch). In spite of having intelligence, excellent hearing power, and good sense of smell, elephants have poor eyesight.

Elephants look very attractive to kids because of its interesting features such as two giant ears, two long tusks (around 10 feet long), four pillars like legs, a huge trunk, a huge body, two small eyes, and a short tail. It is considered that tusks are continued to grow entire life. Trunk is used to eat food, drink water, bath, breathe, smell, carry loads, etc. It is considered as elephants are very smart and never forget any event happened in their life. They communicate to each other in very low sound.

The baby of an elephant is called calf. Elephants come under the category of mammals as they give birth to a baby and feed their milk. A baby elephant can take almost 20 to 22 months in getting fully developed inside its mother womb. No other animal’s baby takes such a long time to develop before birth. A female elephants give birth to a single baby for every four or five years. They give birth to a baby of 85 cm (33 inch) tall and 120 kg heavy. A baby elephant takes almost a year or more to learn the use of trunk. A baby elephant can drink about 10 liters of milk daily. Elephants are at risk of extinction because of their size, prized ivory tusks, hunting, etc. They should be protected in order to maintain their availability on the earth.

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Essay Samples on Elephant

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Best topics on Elephant

1. Lordly Elephant: Half-Mysterious Story of an Animal

2. Poaching as a Factor in African Elephant Eradication

3. Questionable Vacational Entertainment: Dolphin and Elephant Ride

4. The Decrease of Elephants in U. S. Circuses

5. Analysis of The Ecology of Elephants

6. Consider the Elephant: The Predicament of Captivity

7. Reasons Behind the Elephants Extinction and Its Possible Impact

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Elephant Essay

Elephants are the largest land animals with distinct body parts. Unlike other mammals, elephants don’t have nose, instead they breathe through a long trunk. They have huge fan like ears and long extended teeth called tusks. Because of their distinct tusks they are often called tuskers.

Elephants are wild animals; though, they are also domesticated by humans to mainly perform laborious tasks. Colossal body parts give the elephants tremendous physical strength over humans, thus they are tamed and made to perform strenuous and challenging tasks. Elephants have a distinct social structure displaying feelings of compassion, love and care for the family members.

Long and Short Essay on Elephant in English

We have provided below various essay on elephant in order to help students.

Now-a-days, essays and paragraphs writing are more common strategy followed by the teachers in the schools and colleges in order to enhance student’s skill and knowledge about any subject.

All the elephant essay given below are written using very simple words and easy sentences under various words limit. Students can select any of the essays given below according to their need and requirement:

Elephant Essay 1 (100 words)

Elephant is a very big animal. It lives in the forest however it is a pet animal also. Some people keep it at home as a pet animal in order to earn money through circus. It is also kept in the zoo in order to enhance the glory of zoo as well as interest of kids. It has a big body with four legs like pillars, two fan like ears, a long trunk, a short tail and two small eyes. A male elephant contains two long white teeth called as tusks. It can eat soft green leaves, plants, grains, etc. It is very useful animal to the man and proved to be a good friend to mankind as it performs many functions such as earns money, carries heavy loads, etc. It has long life span and lives around one hundred years.


Elephant Essay 2 (150 words)

Elephant is a biggest animal on the land. It is also considered as the strongest animal on the land. Generally it is a wild animal however can live as a pet animal after proper training in the zoo or with human being at home. It has been proved a useful animal for the humanity. It is an animal with big body generally found in the grey color.

It’s all four legs looks like a pillar and two big ears just like a fan. Its eyes are quite small in comparison to the body. It has a long trunk and a short tail. It can pick up a range of things very easily through its trunk such as a small needle and very heavy trees or loads. It has two long white tusks on each side of trunk.

Elephants live in the jungle and generally eat small twigs, leaves, straw and wild fruits however a pet elephant can also eat bread, bananas, sugarcane, etc. It is a pure vegetarian wild animal. Now-a-days, they are used by the people to carry heavy loads, in the circus, lifting logs, etc. In the ancient time, they were used by the kings and dukes in the wars and battles. It lives for long years (more than 100 years). It is very useful animal even after death (bangles are made of bones and tusks).

Elephant Essay 3 (200 words)

Elephant is a largest animal on the land. It lives in the forest however can be a pet after proper training. It can be more than eight feet in height. Its big and heavy body is supported by the strong pillar like legs. It takes help of its long trunk in eating leaves, plants, fruits or trees. Generally two types of elephants are found on land African (scientific name is Loxodonta africana) and Asian (scientific name is Elephas maximus).

Its big hanging ears looks like a fan and legs like a pillar. It has a long trunk attached with mouth and two tusks each side. The trunk of an elephant is very flexible and strong and known as a multi-purpose organ. It is used for feeding, bathing, breathing, expressing emotions, fighting, etc by the elephant.

African elephants are little bigger is size and darker in color than the Asian elephants. They have more prominent ears also. Elephants are commonly found in India, Africa, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Siam. They generally like to live in a herd and become very fond of water. They know well about swimming. Because of being an herbivorous animal, they depend on plants in the forest in order to meet their food need. They move to villages and other residential places in the lack of food in forest or because of deforestation. It is known as an intelligent animal and benefits man in many ways.

Elephant Essay 4 (250 words)

Elephant is a strongest and biggest animal on the earth. It is quite famous for its big body, intelligence and obedient nature. It lives in jungle however can be trained and used by people for various purposes. Its peculiar features are four pillars like legs, two fan like ears, two small eyes, a short tail, a long trunk, and two long white tusks. Elephant eats leaves, stem of banana trees, grass, soft plants, nuts, fruits, etc in the jungle. It lives more than hundred and twenty years. It is found in India in the dense jungles of Assam, Mysore, Tripura, etc. Generally elephants are of dark grey color however white elephants are found as well in the Thailand.

Elephant is an intelligent animal and has good learning capacity. It can be trained very easily according to the use in circus, zoo, transport, carry loads, etc. It can carry heavy logs of timber to a long distance from one place to another. It is an animal of kid’s interest in the zoo or other places. A trained elephant can perform various tasks such as delightful activities in the circus, etc. It can be very angry which create danger to the humanity as it can destroy anything. It is useful animal even after death as its tusk, skin, bones, etc are used to make costly and artistic items.

Elephant Essay 5 (300 words)

Elephant is a very huge wild animal lives in a jungle. It looks quite ugly however mostly liked by the kids. It has big heavy body and called as royal animal. It can be more than 10 feet in height. It is found in coarse dark grey color with very hard skin. In other countries, it is found in white color also. Its long and flexible trunk helps in feeding, breathing, bathing and lifting heavy loads. Its two big ears hanging like big fans. Its four legs are very strong and look like pillars. Elephants are found in the forests of India (Assam, Mysore, Tripura, etc), Ceylon, Africa, and Burma. Elephants like to live in groups of hundreds (lead by a big male elephant) in the jungle.

It is very useful animal to the humanity whole life and after death also. Its various body parts are used to make precious things all over the world. Bones and tusks of elephant are used to make hooks for brushes, knife-handles, combs, bangles including other fancy things. It can live for many years from 150 to 200 years. Keeping elephant at home is very costly which an ordinary person cannot afford.

It has very calm nature however on teasing it can be very angry and dangerous as it can destroy anything even kill people. It is known as intelligent and faithful animal because it understands every sign of the keeper after training. It obeys its keeper very sincerely till death.

There are two types of elephant, African and Indian. African elephants are quite bigger than Indian elephant. Both, male and female African elephants have tusks with wrinkly gray skin and two tips at the end of trunk. Indian or Asian elephants are quite smaller than African elephants with humped back and only one tip at the end of trunk.

Elephant Essay 6 (400 words)

An elephant is very clever, obedient and biggest animal on the earth. It is found in the Africa and Asia. Generally, it is found in grey color however white in Thailand. Female elephants are used to live in groups however male elephants solitary. Elephants live long life more than 100 years. They generally live in jungles however also seen in the zoo and circus. They can grow around 11 feet in height and 13,000 pounds weight. The largest elephant ever has been measured as 13 feet in height and 24,000 pounds in weight. An individual elephant can eat 400 pounds of food and drink 30 gallons of water daily.

Elephant skin becomes one inch thick however very sensitive. They can hear each other’s sound from long distance around 5 miles away. Male elephant starts living alone whenever become adult however female lives in group (oldest female of a group called as matriarch). In spite of having intelligence, excellent hearing power, and good sense of smell, elephants have poor eyesight.

Elephants look very attractive to kids because of its interesting features such as two giant ears, two long tusks (around 10 feet long), four pillars like legs, a huge trunk, a huge body, two small eyes, and a short tail. It is considered that tusks are continued to grow entire life. Trunk is used to eat food, drink water, bath, breathe, smell, carry loads, etc. It is considered as elephants are very smart and never forget any event happened in their life. They communicate to each other in very low sound.

The baby of an elephant is called calf. Elephants come under the category of mammals as they give birth to a baby and feed their milk. A baby elephant can take almost 20 to 22 months in getting fully developed inside its mother womb. No other animal’s baby takes such a long time to develop before birth. A female elephants give birth to a single baby for every four or five years. They give birth to a baby of 85 cm (33 inch) tall and 120 kg heavy. A baby elephant takes almost a year or more to learn the use of trunk. A baby elephant can drink about 10 liters of milk daily. Elephants are at risk of extinction because of their size, prized ivory tusks, hunting, etc. They should be protected in order to maintain their availability on the earth.

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How to Write a Hook: Powerful Openers for Your Essay

How to Write a Hook: Powerful Openers for Your Essay

Have you ever thought about how to grab your readers' attention right from the start of your essay? A good hook can really make a difference. It can pull your readers in and set the stage for an interesting piece of writing. This guide will help you understand what is a hook in an essay and give you ways to create strong openings that will keep your readers interested until the end.

What Is a Hook in an Essay?

A hook is the opening sentence or group of sentences that serves as an attention-grabbing introduction to your essay. Its primary purpose is to pique the reader's interest and create a specific tone for your writing. Good hooks are essential for academic papers, as they set the stage for your argument and encourage readers to continue exploring your ideas.

Some hook examples for essays are:

  • Anecdotes or personal stories
  • Thought-provoking questions
  • Surprising statistics or facts
  • Relevant quotations
  • Vivid descriptions or imagery
  • Bold statements or declarations

These hook examples can be tailored to suit various essay types and subjects, making them versatile tools for writers.

Placing Hooks in Your Essay Introductions and Conclusions

While hooks are typically associated with introductions, they can also be effectively used in conclusions to bring your essay full circle and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Introduction Hooks

In the introduction, your hook should:

  • Grab attention immediately
  • Provide context for your topic
  • Lead smoothly into your thesis statement

Hook sentence examples for introductions:

"In the time it takes you to read this sentence, about 100 stars will have died in our universe."

"What if I told you that the most dangerous animal in the world isn't a shark, a lion, or even a human—but something so tiny, you can't even see it?"

Conclusion Hook

Hook ideas for conclusions:

  • Revisit the opening hook with new insight
  • Pose a challenge or call to action
  • End with a provocative question or statement

Hook sentence examples for conclusions:

"As we close this chapter on climate change, the question remains: will our grandchildren inherit a planet of possibilities or a world of what-ifs?"

"As we stand on the brink of AI-powered breakthroughs, one can't help but wonder: will machines dream of electric sheep, or will they dream of us?"

Loving these hooks? Aithor can write many more just like them for your next essay. 

Tips to Write Good Hooks for Essays

Writing good hooks for essays needs creativity and an understanding of who will read your work. Here are some tips to help you write strong openings:

  • Make your hook appeal to the specific people who will read your essay.
  • Make sure your hook fits with the overall feel of your essay, whether it's formal, funny, or serious.
  • A hook should be short and clear, usually no more than one or two sentences.
  • Using an active voice in your hook makes your writing more engaging and direct.
  • Stay away from common sayings or ideas that might bore your readers.
  • Your hook should connect directly to your essay's main topic or main idea.
  • Don't be afraid to rewrite your hook several times to make it better.

Remember, the goal is to create an opening that naturally leads into your essay's main content while piquing the reader's curiosity.

Step-by-Step Hook Creation Process

Follow these steps to come up with hook ideas that work:

  • Different kinds of essays (like argumentative, narrative, and descriptive) might benefit from different types of hooks.
  • Come up with several hook ideas based on your topic and essay type.
  • Definitions
  • Metaphors or similes
  • Write a few versions of your chosen hook type.
  • Look over your drafts, thinking about how well they fit with your essay's purpose and tone.
  • Share your hook with others to see how effective it is.
  • Make sure your hook flows naturally into the rest of your introduction.

Remember, the key to how to write a good hook is practice and improvement. Don't be afraid to change and make your hook better as you write your essay.

Types of Hooks

There are several types of hooks you can use to begin your essay. Here are some popular options:

Question Hook 

"Ever wondered why your dog tilts its head when you speak? The answer might surprise you – and reveal more about human-canine communication than you'd expect."

Anecdotal Hook 

"The first time I tasted durian, I thought I'd accidentally eaten something that had gone bad in the tropical heat. Little did I know, this pungent fruit would become my obsession and lead me on a culinary adventure across Southeast Asia."

Statistic Hook 

"In the time it takes you to read this sentence, over 700 hours of video will have been uploaded to YouTube. The digital content explosion is reshaping how we consume information, and it's happening faster than you might think."

Quotation Hook 

"'The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.' Dorothy Parker's words ring truer than ever in our age of endless information — but is our curiosity leading us to knowledge, or just more distraction?"

Description Hook 

"The air shimmers like a mirage, heat radiating from the cracked earth. In the distance, a lone tree stands defiant against the barren landscape. This is the face of climate change — stark, unforgiving, and impossible to ignore."

Metaphor or Simile Hook 

"Learning a new language is like trying to navigate a foreign city without a map. At first, every street corner looks the same, every sign is indecipherable. But slowly, patterns emerge, landmarks become familiar, and suddenly you're no longer lost — you're on an adventure."

Each of these hook examples for essays can be effective when used appropriately. The key is to choose a hook that aligns with your essay's tone and purpose.

Wrapping Up: The Impact of a Strong Essay Hook

A well-written hook can make the difference between an essay that keeps readers interested and one that doesn't. By understanding what a hook in an essay is and how to create one effectively, you can improve your writing and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Remember, the best hooks not only grab attention but also fit well with your essay's main ideas. They should give a taste of what's to come, encouraging readers to keep reading your work.

For those looking to further enhance their essay-writing skills, try writing tools like Aithor . Aithor can give extra insights and suggestions to help you write even more engaging hooks and essays. By combining your own creativity with advanced writing help, you can make your essays even better and really connect with your readers.

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What a Thesis Paper is and How to Write One

A student sitting at her laptop working on her college thesis paper.

From choosing a topic and conducting research to crafting a strong argument, writing a thesis paper can be a rewarding experience.

It can also be a challenging experience. If you've never written a thesis paper before, you may not know where to start. You may not even be sure exactly what a thesis paper is. But don't worry; the right support and resources can help you navigate this writing process.

What is a Thesis Paper?

Shana Chartier,  director of information literacy at SNHU.

A thesis paper is a type of academic essay that you might write as a graduation requirement for certain bachelor's, master's or honors programs. Thesis papers present your own original research or analysis on a specific topic related to your field.

“In some ways, a thesis paper can look a lot like a novella,” said Shana Chartier , director of information literacy at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). “It’s too short to be a full-length novel, but with the standard size of 40-60 pages (for a bachelor’s) and 60-100 pages (for a master’s), it is a robust exploration of a topic, explaining one’s understanding of a topic based on personal research.”

Chartier has worked in academia for over 13 years and at SNHU for nearly eight. In her role as an instructor and director, Chartier has helped to guide students through the writing process, like editing and providing resources.

Chartier has written and published academic papers such as "Augmented Reality Gamifies the Library: A Ride Through the Technological Frontier" and "Going Beyond the One-Shot: Spiraling Information Literacy Across Four Years." Both of these academic papers required Chartier to have hands-on experience with the subject matter. Like a thesis paper, they also involved hypothesizing and doing original research to come to a conclusion.

“When writing a thesis paper, the importance of staying organized cannot be overstated,” said Chartier. “Mapping out each step of the way, making firm and soft deadlines... and having other pairs of eyes on your work to ensure academic accuracy and clean editing are crucial to writing a successful paper.”

How Do I Choose a Topic For My Thesis Paper?

Rochelle Attari, a peer tutor at SNHU.

What your thesis paper is for will determine some of the specific requirements and steps you might take, but the first step is usually the same: Choosing a topic.

“Choosing a topic can be daunting," said Rochelle Attari , a peer tutor at SNHU. "But if (you) stick with a subject (you're) interested in... choosing a topic is much more manageable.”

Similar to a thesis, Attari recently finished the capstone  for her bachelor’s in psychology . Her bachelor’s concentration is in forensics, and her capstone focused on the topic of using a combined therapy model for inmates who experience substance abuse issues to reduce recidivism.

“The hardest part was deciding what I wanted to focus on,” Attari said. “But once I nailed down my topic, each milestone was more straightforward.”

In her own writing experience, Attari said brainstorming was an important step when choosing her topic. She recommends writing down different ideas on a piece of paper and doing some preliminary research on what’s already been written on your topic.

By doing this exercise, you can narrow or broaden your ideas until you’ve found a topic you’re excited about. " Brainstorming is essential when writing a paper and is not a last-minute activity,” Attari said.

How Do I Structure My Thesis Paper?

An icon of a white-outlined checklist with three items checked off

Thesis papers tend to have a standard format with common sections as the building blocks.

While the structure Attari describes below will work for many theses, it’s important to double-check with your program to see if there are any specific requirements. Writing a thesis for a Master of Fine Arts, for example, might actually look more like a fiction novel.

According to Attari, a thesis paper is often structured with the following major sections:


  • Literature review
  • Methods, results

Now, let’s take a closer look at what each different section should include.

A blue and white icon of a pencil writing on lines

Your introduction is your opportunity to present the topic of your thesis paper. In this section, you can explain why that topic is important. The introduction is also the place to include your thesis statement, which shows your stance in the paper.

Attari said that writing an introduction can be tricky, especially when you're trying to capture your reader’s attention and state your argument.

“I have found that starting with a statement of truth about a topic that pertains to an issue I am writing about typically does the trick,” Attari said. She demonstrated this advice in an example introduction she wrote for a paper on the effects of daylight in Alaska:

In the continental United States, we can always count on the sun rising and setting around the same time each day, but in Alaska, during certain times of the year, the sun rises and does not set for weeks. Research has shown that the sun provides vitamin D and is an essential part of our health, but little is known about how daylight twenty-four hours a day affects the circadian rhythm and sleep.

In the example Attari wrote, she introduces the topic and informs the reader what the paper will cover. Somewhere in her intro, she said she would also include her thesis statement, which might be:

Twenty-four hours of daylight over an extended period does not affect sleep patterns in humans and is not the cause of daytime fatigue in northern Alaska .

Literature Review

In the literature review, you'll look at what information is already out there about your topic. “This is where scholarly articles  about your topic are essential,” said Attari. “These articles will help you find the gap in research that you have identified and will also support your thesis statement."

Telling your reader what research has already been done will help them see how your research fits into the larger conversation. Most university libraries offer databases of scholarly/peer-reviewed articles that can be helpful in your search.

In the methods section of your thesis paper, you get to explain how you learned what you learned. This might include what experiment you conducted as a part of your independent research.

“For instance,” Attari said, “if you are a psychology major and have identified a gap in research on which therapies are effective for anxiety, your methods section would consist of the number of participants, the type of experiment and any other particulars you would use for that experiment.”

In this section, you'll explain the results of your study. For example, building on the psychology example Attari outlined, you might share self-reported anxiety levels for participants trying different kinds of therapies. To help you communicate your results clearly, you might include data, charts, tables or other visualizations.

The discussion section of your thesis paper is where you will analyze and interpret the results you presented in the previous section. This is where you can discuss what your findings really mean or compare them to the research you found in your literature review.

The discussion section is your chance to show why the data you collected matters and how it fits into bigger conversations in your field.

The conclusion of your thesis paper is your opportunity to sum up your argument and leave your reader thinking about why your research matters.

Attari breaks the conclusion down into simple parts. “You restate the original issue and thesis statement, explain the experiment's results and discuss possible next steps for further research,” she said.

Find Your Program

Resources to help write your thesis paper.

an icon of a computer's keyboard

While your thesis paper may be based on your independent research, writing it doesn’t have to be a solitary process. Asking for help and using the resources that are available to you can make the process easier.

If you're writing a thesis paper, some resources Chartier encourages you to use are:

  • Citation Handbooks: An online citation guide or handbook can help you ensure your citations are correct. APA , MLA and Chicago styles have all published their own guides.
  • Citation Generators: There are many citation generator tools that help you to create citations. Some — like RefWorks — even let you directly import citations from library databases as you research.
  • Your Library's Website: Many academic and public libraries allow patrons to access resources like databases or FAQs. Some FAQs at the SNHU library that might be helpful in your thesis writing process include “ How do I read a scholarly article? ” or “ What is a research question and how do I develop one? ”

It can also be helpful to check out what coaching or tutoring options are available through your school. At SNHU, for example, the Academic Support Center offers writing and grammar workshops , and students can access 24/7 tutoring and 1:1 sessions with peer tutors, like Attari.

"Students can even submit their papers and receive written feedback... like revisions and editing suggestions," she said.

If you are writing a thesis paper, there are many resources available to you. It's a long paper, but with the right mindset and support, you can successfully navigate the process.

“Pace yourself,” said Chartier. “This is a marathon, not a sprint. Setting smaller goals to get to the big finish line can make the process seem less daunting, and remember to be proud of yourself and celebrate your accomplishment once you’re done. Writing a thesis is no small task, and it’s important work for the scholarly community.”

A degree can change your life. Choose your program  from 200+ SNHU degrees that can take you where you want to go.

Meg Palmer ’18 is a writer and scholar by trade who loves reading, riding her bike and singing in a barbershop quartet. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English, language and literature at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) and her master’s degree in writing, rhetoric and discourse at DePaul University (’20). While attending SNHU, she served as the editor-in-chief of the campus student newspaper, The Penmen Press, where she deepened her passion for writing. Meg is an adjunct professor at Johnson and Wales University, where she teaches first year writing, honors composition, and public speaking. Connect with her on LinkedIn .

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About southern new hampshire university.

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SNHU is a nonprofit, accredited university with a mission to make high-quality education more accessible and affordable for everyone.

Founded in 1932, and online since 1995, we’ve helped countless students reach their goals with flexible, career-focused programs . Our 300-acre campus in Manchester, NH is home to over 3,000 students, and we serve over 135,000 students online. Visit our about SNHU  page to learn more about our mission, accreditations, leadership team, national recognitions and awards.

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Speaker 1: What if I was to tell you there's a way to get A plus in every single essay you'll ever are going to write, whether or not it's in school, it's in undergraduate, it's in PhD or postgrad education. This is an overlooked way that not many people are using. It's so easy, it's almost too easy. So let's check it out. The first thing we need to understand about essays is that they are often guided using something called a rubric. A rubric is just essentially an expectation of what different types of elements should be in your essay. Typically it's about introductions, it's about conclusions, it's about main points, organizations, whether or not you've cited works, and also whether or not your sentence structure, punctuation, all that is tidy and clean. These are your guiding stars for your essay. The problem is we often write essays and forget that this rubric exists. We should go back to this rubric over and over again during our refinement process of our essay so that we're making sure we're hitting all of the most important key points. And importantly, now with the advent of AI and large language models, it is easier than ever to get the top grade in any essay you write by passing it through ChatGPT or whatever really large language model you are using. So the first step is making sure that you can get this rubric into ChatGPT. Quite often, rubrics are actually sort of like this sort of style where they have different columns. And to be honest with you, this is not useful for ChatGPT or any other sort of large language model interface you are typically going to be using. So we need to get this format into a list. There are two ways you can do it. The first way is to use advanced data analysis, which is the paid version of ChatGPT, and it allows you to upload a PDF. And all I've said here is reformat this table for pasting into ChatGPT. You can see that it's taken the provided PDF file and it's also then sort of like just extracted it into list format. The problem is it does actually sort of like truncate the sentences that are in the rubric. So it turns something that's really sort of like long and well thought out into something that's much, much shorter, not ideal. So actually the best way to do this, forget AI, is to do it manually. I actually took this rubric and I decided that I would just copy and paste it manually into a notepad. So you can see here all I've done is turned it into a list format. I've got introduction A, I've got background and history, I've got three points, two points, one point, and all of that sort of in a list format. And down here I've got the grade equivalent. So it's a really simple copy and paste process, but once you've done it once, it is done for the rest of your essay. So it's well worth making sure that all of the valuable information in this rubric is actually inserted into the list. Don't allow any truncation, don't allow it to paraphrase it, because it is the detail in this rubric that really holds the power. All right then, so once you've actually turned your rubric into something like this, all you have to do then is paste it into ChatGPT. Here's what I've done. So I've said at the top here, read this rubric and say read when done. It's super easy. I then posted it in and then you say read. Now there's loads of ways to get this sort of like information read. You don't have to sort of like split it up into different commands, but I recommend splitting it up into like read this rubric first and then paste in the essay afterwards because then it's just much easier to work with. It's a stepwise process. Give it a go. Trust me, it's way easier. So once it's actually sort of like in there, you can say read and then mark this essay using the rubric. So I've actually posted an essay that I found online. I just copied and pasted it straight in. And you can see here that it's evaluating the essay using the provided rubric. Here it's introduction. It's given it three points. Conclusion, three points, main points, two points. So it's actually not given the full marks in the main point, which is interesting. Here it says the essay clearly presents more than three main points with detailed supporting evidence. Although it does say the opposing view is also acknowledged though the essay should have provided more comprehensive refutation of the main point. So that's a really important point to make sure that you actually are hitting all of the major key factors of the rubric. Here, highlighted it perfectly. That is something that is quite often overlooked if you're not sort of like always sort of like using the rubric to check your work. Going on, organization, three points, works cited, three points, and overall it's given this essay an A. We can go a little bit further and we can say stuff like give a sentence starters that will allow me to refute the evidence that I've already talked about. You can also say give me example sentences which will allow me to refute the sentence. Let's give it a go. So once ChatGPT has spilled out all of its example sentences, we can choose the ones that we want to include in our essay. For example, here we've got we can address the incomplete evidence. We can question the research methodology. There are seven ways that we could actually bolster up our essay and provide that contradicting evidence. Beautiful, really easy, takes the thought process away from those sort of like really laborious moments of editing your work, which is how do I improve it? Large language models are your friend in this instance. I did this again with a really bad essay example. So here I've done this as usual. Read this rubric and say read when done. I posted in the rubric and then I said mark this essay using the rubric and you can see there it's really not substantial. There's really not much going on and you can see that it does actually sort of like give us some hints about where we can improve. So here the conclusion recaps the main ideas but does tend to repeat some of the concerns brought up in the body. It says the essay does not reference any sources or provide a work cited page. Zero points. Therefore we can use a tool like Jenny AI. We can use a tool like Cite or any other AI tool to find references to put into our work to sort of like bolster our understanding of a topic and provide sort of like really reputable opinions and sources on a particular viewpoint. A really useful tool, ChatGPT is perfectly designed and aligned with making sure your essays can be improved. You can then go in and say okay how about you help me improve the introduction? How can I make the introduction better? It will give you a list. You can then go in and use ChatGPT to say hey make my introduction better, make my conclusion better and you keep on going through this process iterating through these questions and these improvements until ChatGPT says you know what this is an A plus assignment. There we have it that's how you can use ChatGPT to make sure that you get the top grade A plus in every essay you ever produce. Let me know in the comments what you think and also if you've loved this video go check out this one where I talk about studying like it's the year 3000. There are loads of really awesome AI tools that allow you to study like it's the year 3000 because it is AI driven study. Incredible stuff all for free. Remember there are more ways that you can engage with me. The first way is to sign up to my newsletter. Head over to forward slash newsletter. The link is in the description and when you sign up you'll get five emails over about two weeks. Everything from the tools I've used, the podcast I've been on, how to write the perfect abstract and more. It's exclusive content available for free so go sign up now and also remember to check out that's my project where I've got my ebook, I've got my resource pack, I've got a blog, I've got a forum and everything is over there to make sure that academia works for you. All right then I'll see you in the next video.


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Republican Donors, Do You Know Where Your Money Goes?

An illustration showing hands shoving money into an open pit in a table shaped like Donald Trump’s head.

By Juleanna Glover

Juleanna Glover is the chief executive of Ridgely Walsh, a corporate consultancy, and a former adviser to many Republican officials.

We long ago blew past any meaningful controls on political giving in American elections. Now we should focus on the rules governing political spending, which are in equally terrible shape. For that we can blame the Trump campaign and the federal government’s feeble enforcement efforts.

Anyone who has spent time reviewing Donald Trump’s campaign spending reports would quickly conclude they’re a governance nightmare. There is so little disclosure about what happened to the billions raised in 2020 and 2024 that donors (and maybe even the former president himself) can’t possibly know how it was spent.

Federal Election Commission campaign disclosure reports from 2020 show that much of the money donated to the Trump campaign went into a legal and financial black hole reportedly controlled by Trump family members and close associates. This year’s campaign disclosures are shaping up to be the same. Donors big and small give their hard-earned dollars to candidates with the expectation they will be spent on direct efforts to win votes. They deserve better.

During the 2020 election, almost $516 million of the over $780 million spent by the Trump campaign was directed to American Made Media Consultants, a Delaware-based private company created in 2018 that masked the identities of who ultimately received donor dollars, according to a complaint filed with the F.E.C. by the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center . How A.M.M.C. spent the money was a mystery even to Mr. Trump’s campaign team , according to news reports shortly after the election.

All but 18 of the 150 largest expenditures on a Trump campaign’s 2020 F.E.C. report went to A.M.M.C. None of the expenses were itemized or otherwise explained aside from anodyne descriptions including “placed media,” “SMS advertising” and “online advertising.” F.E.C. rules require candidates to fully and accurately disclose the final recipients of their campaign disbursements, which is usually understood to include when payments are made through a vendor such as A.M.M.C. This disclosure is intended to assure donors their contributions are used for campaign expenses. Currently, neither voters nor law enforcement can know whether any laws were broken.

A.M.M.C.’s first president was reported to be Lara Trump , the wife of Mr. Trump’s son Eric. The New York Times reported that A.M.M.C. had a treasurer who was also the chief financial officer of Mr. Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign. Mr. Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner signed off on the plan to set up A.M.M.C., and one of Eric Trump’s deputies from the Trump Organization was involved in running it.

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  1. Short Essay on Elephant [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

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  1. Essay on Elephant for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Elephant. Elephants are quite large animals. They have four legs which resemble large pillars. They have two ears which are like big fans. Elephants have a special body part which is their trunk. In addition, they have a short tail. The male elephant has two teeth which are quite long and are referred to as tusks.

  2. Essay on Elephant For Students in English

    Elephants have the biggest brain of any terrestrial animal, measuring four times the size of a human brain. On the head and back, an elephant's skin can be as thick as 2.5-4 cm. The skin is greyish black in colour. On the forehead, top section of the trunk, and ears, there is depigmentation. The skin is silky and supple while being dry due to ...

  3. Paragraph on Elephant

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  4. Essay on Elephant for Students and Children [100,150,200 Words]

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  5. Essay on Elephant in 150, 250, 350, 400, 500 Words

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  6. Short Essay on Elephant [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

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  7. Elephant Essay

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  8. Elephant Essay in 10 lines, 100 & 1000 Words for Students

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  9. Essay on Elephant

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Elephant in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... 500 Words Essay on Elephant Introduction. The elephant, a majestic creature of significant cultural, ecological, and economic importance, is a ...

  10. Elephant Essay for Students and Children in English

    Long Essay on Elephant in English 500 words. Elephant essays is usually helpful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. They are asked to write these essays for assignments and exams. Elephants are the world's largest mammals living on land. The African male elephants are roughly 10-11 ft tall, while the females are about 8 ft tall.

  11. Essay on Elephant: Samples for Class 1, 3, and 5 in English

    Essay on Elephant for Class 3. 'Elephants are the largest animals living on land. Elephants are identified by their large and black body, two enormous and elongated tusks or teeth (incisors), a small tail, and a pair of large ears. Elephants do not harm other animals or humans and can live in their natural habitat and with humans.

  12. Essay on Elephants for Kids and Students (2280 Words)

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  13. Essay On Elephant For Children And Students In English

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  14. Essay on Elephant [Edit & Download], Pdf

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  15. Essay on Elephant

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  16. Essay on Elephant For Classes 1 to 5 in English

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  17. Essay on Elephant for School Students in English [Easy Words*]

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  18. Paragraph on Elephant

    Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Elephant in their schools. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic. ... Essay on Elephant; Paragraph on Elephant in 250 Words. Elephants are amazing animals with some unique features. They are the largest land animals ...

  19. Essay on Elephant in English for Children and Students

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