Templates for college and university assignments

Include customizable templates in your college toolbox. stay focused on your studies and leave the assignment structuring to tried and true layout templates for all kinds of papers, reports, and more..

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Keep your college toolbox stocked with easy-to-use templates

Work smarter with higher-ed helpers from our college tools collection. Presentations are on point from start to finish when you start your project using a designer-created template; you'll be sure to catch and keep your professor's attention. Staying on track semester after semester takes work, but that work gets a little easier when you take control of your scheduling, list making, and planning by using trackers and planners that bring you joy. Learning good habits in college will serve you well into your professional life after graduation, so don't reinvent the wheel—use what is known to work!



  • Jul 26, 2022

5 Easy Steps to Do the Famous Excel Assignment Sheet

Updated: May 22, 2023

Keeping up with the college schedule can be hard, especially when your university, like mine, works on a quarter system.

At the beginning of my first year, I thought using a calendar/agenda and pen would work just as great as it did in high school, but I quickly realized that most professors give out all assignments at the beginning of the term and don't remind you before the deadline. I was overwhelmed with so many assignments that I barely had time to study; everything was pilling up.

One of my roommates said that she stayed organized with a color-coded excel sheet for all assignments of the term. I later noticed that it was a trend for people to use this method, however, when I asked my friends about it, most of them wanted to do it but didn't know how to.

I had to learn how to do it myself and ended up using it for my entire freshman year. So far, it has worked wonderfully, so I figured I would share how to do it so everyone can give it a try.

Step 1. Color Coding

In this 1st step, you will decide which colors you'll be using for each subject.

Here, for example, I have my six classes abbreviated, and I colored each one differently: Linguistics is orange, Techniques of Speaking is blue and so on...

college assignment excel sheet

Step 2. Writing Down the Assignments

Every university has their own system regarding how assignments are given out, for example, Drexel University uses a syllabus system. Each professor will hand out a syllabus for their class at the beginning of the year, where inside, the student can find all the deadlines and assignments for the term.

Write down all the details of each assignment in the excel sheet. Add the class name, the # of the week in which it is due, the complete due date, the name of the assignment, and the status (blank or done) **more on this later.

Repeat this step for each class.

college assignment excel sheet

Step 3. Adding Color

This step is very simple. Select all the cells for each subject and add the color you decided on for that class. Here is how mine looks so far:

college assignment excel sheet

Step 4. Organizing by Due Date

To organize our sheet by due date, we must sort *custom sort* the entire chart.

Select the entire chart, every column and every line. All the assignments, no matter the class.

Right click and select *sort* - *custom sort*.

college assignment excel sheet

Clicking on *custom sort* must have opened the sort window.

There, you'll see a list that says column, sort by. column A. You must click on the list and change the column to the column in which your due dates are listed on.

For example: my due dates are on column D, so I change the list that says "column A" to "column D."

Next, there's a list that says sort on, values. This will remain the same so leave it at "values."

The last list says order, oldest to newest. This will also remain the same. **If yours says something different, simply click on the list and a drop down menu will pop up where you can select the option "oldest to newest."

college assignment excel sheet

When your "sort" window looks like this, click on *ok* to make the changes. It will organize your assignments by due date and not by class.

college assignment excel sheet

Step 5. Using It

The final step is to use your excel sheet, and every time you have completed an assignment, on the column status write the word "done."

"done" means you have finished the assignment.

Then, once you have turned in the assignment, you can cross off the entire line.

How to cross something of:

Shortcut in Windows computer: select the cells you want to cross off, then click Ctrl + 5.

Shortcut in Mac computer: select the cells you want to cross off, then click Command + Shift + X.

Normal way in any computer: select the cells you want to cross off, then click on the bottom right corner of the "font" section.

college assignment excel sheet

Once the "format cells" window has opened on the "font" section, select the *strikethrough* option under "effects."

college assignment excel sheet

Then click on *ok* to make the changes.

After a while of using your chart, it will start looking like this.

college assignment excel sheet

Make sure to add any new assignments to the chart by simply inserting a new line, changing its color and organizing it by due date. Simply repeat the 5 steps.

I hope this was helpful to keep up with your college schedule. Thank me later ;)

I appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions, concerns, and/or comments, please write them below in the comments section and I will make sure to reply to as many as I can. Have a wonderful day.

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How to make an assignment sheet in excel.

college assignment excel sheet

Too many steps?

Try sourcetable..

Creating an assignment sheet in Excel can streamline the management of tasks and deadlines. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to efficiently organize your assignments within Excel's versatile framework.

While Excel is a powerful tool, we'll also explore why Sourcetable presents a more user-friendly alternative for assignment sheet creation.

Creating an Assignment Sheet in Excel

Semester assignment spreadsheet overview.

A Semester Assignment Spreadsheet is an essential tool for students to list all assignments, due dates, class information, tuition deadlines, and administrative tasks. Its one-page format allows for easy tracking of progress, helping students stay motivated and productive.

Color-Coded Excel Sheet Creation

Excel's color-coding feature enhances the visual appeal and organization of the assignment sheet. Begin with color coding, then record assignments, add more colors, organize by due date, and utilize the sheet effectively for tracking and prioritization.

Steps to Make an Assignment Tracker

Start by compiling syllabi from all classes. Use Excel to create a comprehensive Semester Assignment Spreadsheet that combines due dates with important class information. This tool is excellent for prioritizing tasks and keeping track of grades. Print out the spreadsheet for convenient access and management.

Common Use Cases

Excel vs. sourcetable: a comparative analysis.

Discover the strengths of Sourcetable, a modern spreadsheet tool designed to integrate numerous data sources seamlessly. Experience the ease of data management with its intuitive spreadsheet-like interface.

Explore the innovative AI copilot feature of Sourcetable, a game-changer in spreadsheet technology, offering real-time assistance in formula creation and template design, simplifying complex tasks.

Understand the versatility of Excel, a widely used application with robust functionalities for diverse data analysis and complex calculations, suitable for traditional spreadsheet users.

Assess the utility of Sourcetable for businesses seeking centralized data solutions, with its advanced data aggregation capabilities, versus Excel's conventional data handling approach.

Consider the efficiency gains with Sourcetable's AI-powered chat interface that streamlines formula generation and template customization, contrasting with Excel's manual formula setup.

No guides needed. Ask Sourcetable AI

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Modern Laine

Southern Charm | Modern Flair

Organized Chaos: College Assignment Tracker

January 26, 2016 · College

Every student needs this college assignment tracker!

College assignments are such a headache! That’s why I made a college assignment tracker. This semester, though it feels late in the game as I will graduate this year, I decided to start the semester off right. To do this I created an assignment and readings spreadsheet to track the due dates of all my assignments and what I should be reading each day for each class. I’m going to share how I designed my assignment and reading tracker.

College Assignment Tracker_Modern Laine

I got the idea for a college assignment tracker from  Kirsten at Organized Charm and Dani at Dani Dearest . I think it’s amazing, however I changed it a little to fit my style and to include a reading tracker. As an English Major I read about 200 or more pages a week. Let me show and explain how I made and am using my assignment tracker.

NOTE: Set aside about 2 or 3 hours your first weekend back to school to go through your syllabuses and to set up the assignment spreadsheet. 

Trying to find the best way to manage your readings and assignments for college? Learn how to make a college assignment tracker now! Click To Tweet

STEP ONE: Gather Your Syllabuses and Highlighters 

The first step in making an assignment or reading tracker is to gather all of your class schedules and syllabuses. Go through each one, highlighting all big assignments like papers or tests. Once you’ve highlighted the important due dates and assignments then you’ve done one of the hardest parts.

STEP TWO: Create and Format your Spreadsheet

Create an Excel spreadsheet. Mine has four columns: Due Date, Class, Assignment and Points. This setup works best for me. I went through each syllabus and added the assignments. Once you made your spreadsheet begin to add your assignments. As I mentioned, I have a separate sheet for Assignments and another for Readings. With so many readings and assignments it felt to overwhelming the other way.

College Assignment Tracker_Modern Laine

STEP THREE: Organize your Spreadsheet

I recommend adding your assignments or readings by date and then if you have another assignment on the same date or a previous date just click the insert row button. For me this was the easiest way to do it, though Kirsten and Dani both suggest the AZ Sort function. I organize my sheet by month, but you might find it easier to organize by class or even week. For my reading list I added an extra row between each week just so it felt more manageable.

College Assignment and Reading Tracker_Modern Laine

STEP FOUR: Print & Staple

Once you’ve filled in your assignments check the print preview and make sure it all fits width wise on one sheet. You may have to play with font types or sized and the size of the columns until you get it just right. On my Readings sheet I deleted the Completed column because the readings are so long. In the end this worked out better as it is very easy to just highlight completed readings and the page doesn’t look super overwhelming.

You can also use it only on your computer or tablet. Microsoft makes an Excel for the iPad that I find easy to use and there is Google Sheets. These are both great options if you don’t want to print and keep track of your sheets as a hard copy or if you may have to add or change your sheets often.

Here are a few final tips:

  • Make the time to setup your college assignment tracker.  Sure, it is tedious, but 2 or 3 hours at the beginning of the semester is worth it when you think of all the studying, reading and assignments you have to do over the semester. Being prepared now will help you considerably later in the semester.
  • Actually use your assignment tracker!  This is a big point for me, because why go through the trouble of making a tracker if you don’t plan to keep up with it. I can tell you honestly that in the three weeks I’ve been in school this semester I have seen a major improvement in my stress level about assignments and readings.
  • Don’t go crazy with highlighting or color coding. I considered coloring coding my spreadsheet, but decided it against it because with five classes and five colors the sheets would just become overwhelming and pointless in relieving stress about my assignments. Instead just make sure to mark what course each reading or assignment is for and then use a highlighter when completed or use the strikethrough option if you’re keeping a virtual copy.
  • Adjust the format to fit your classes and style. There are many ways to set one of these up, just find what works for you. The only thing that matters is that you stick with it. This can’t work unless you make sure to use it. I’ve seeing a great improvement in my stress, time management and grades since creating and using my sheets.
  • Only put the most necessary information on your tracker. Page numbers and due dates are important. School holidays like Spring or Fall break are important or if you’re on a quarter instead of semester schedule, those dates are important. Sorority, work, club or other types of events? Those are probably best left for your day planner.

Are you going to make a college assignment tracker? Share you experience with me!

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Twenty-six year old  living in the Charleston, SC, also known as the Holy City.

I graduated from the College of Charleston in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in English and I recently completed my master’s degree in Mass Communication specializing in Social Media at the University of Florida.

I spend my days on social media and handling the marketing for a local business. I’m also working to grow my own business offering social media and digital organization services.

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college assignment excel sheet

How to Create a Semester Assignment Spreadsheet

college assignment excel sheet

(Read: How to Make a Daily, Prioritized Study List )

1. Gather the syllabi from all of your classes

That would be completely catastrophic. 

college assignment excel sheet

2. Open a Spreadsheet in Excel

(Read: How to Organize Your Class Binders )

3. Create Columns

4. put in every assignment due date.

college assignment excel sheet

Then, check it (23 times, if you’re me) to make sure you didn’t skip over any.

5. Sort by due date

A. select the due date column.

college assignment excel sheet

B. Order the list the old fashioned way

college assignment excel sheet

6. Format it so that it all fits onto one page

college assignment excel sheet

(Read: How to Get Better Grades in College )

college assignment excel sheet

7. Print it out

(Related: Your Ultimate Back to School Checklist )

college assignment excel sheet

8. Track your progress

college assignment excel sheet

Here is what I do:

(Related: 5 Must-Know Time Management Tips for College )

college assignment excel sheet

What are some ways that you keep track of your assignments?  How do you prioritize your projects? 

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Published by Kirsten Horton

Hi, I'm Kirsten! An organization-obsessed Kindergarten teacher and kids' interior designer who believes in making life as bright, cheery, and orderly as possible! :) View all posts by Kirsten Horton

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Academic Planning Worksheet

To create your own four-year academic plan, view sample plans, and track your campus involvement and work history use our Four-Year Plan Excel Worksheet If you are a Chrome user please see the note below. 

On the “My Plan” tab, scroll to the bottom of the sheet to find helpful links to:

  • Degree audit
  • Academic Catalog (where you can explore requirements for majors and minors)

Note: Chrome users should right-click on the link above, copy link address and paste it into a new Chrome tab in order to download the excel worksheet.

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Create a Gradebook on Microsoft Excel: Make a Weighted Points Grade Sheet

A simple way to record your students’ grades

Last Updated: September 27, 2023 Fact Checked

Create a New Workbook

Create the layout, calculate grades with formulas, assign letter grades, weight assignments, expert q&a, things you'll need.

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Kyle Smith . Kyle Smith is a wikiHow Technology Writer, learning and sharing information about the latest technology. He has presented his research at multiple engineering conferences and is the writer and editor of hundreds of online electronics repair guides. Kyle received a BS in Industrial Engineering from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 232,320 times. Learn more...

Microsoft Excel is a great program for creating simple grade books! Using a spreadsheet (and a couple formulas) will reduce the time it takes to record and calculate grades. You don’t need to be familiar with Excel to follow our quickstart guide. This wikiHow article will walkthrough how to create a point-based grade book on Microsoft Excel.

Things You Should Know

  • Create columns for student names, assignment grades, total points, possible points, numeric grade, and letter grade.
  • Use the SUM function to add each student’s assignment points, then use the “/” division operator to divide their total earned points by the total possible points.
  • Weight assignments by assigning more or less points.

Step 1 Start a new workbook in Excel.

  • Alternatively, there are free templates for grade books online! Click More templates on the home page to search for “grade book” templates. You may see different templates depending on what version of Excel you’re using.
  • The web app version of Excel has two grade book templates, one for points-based grading and another for percentage-based grading.

Step 2 Add general information.

  • For more general spreadsheet info, check out our guide on making a spreadsheet in Excel .

Step 3 Name the grade book sheet.

  • Double click "Sheet1" at the bottom window. "Sheet1" should be highlighted.
  • Type a name for the sheet. For example, “Section 1.”
  • Press Enter .

Step 4 Add class information to your first sheet.

  • Click cell A1 to select it.
  • Type the instructor’s name and press Enter . This will move your selection to A2.
  • Type the class name in A3. For example, “World Geography.”
  • Type the section number and meeting time in A4.
  • Enter the term in A5. For example, “Fall 2022”

Step 1 Start creating the grade book layout.

  • This guide will cover one way to arrange your grade book. However, there are infinite ways to format an Excel spreadsheet . Try different templates and formats to find what works best for you!

Step 2 Enter the numbers of the section’s students.

  • Select A7 and type “Student Number.” Row 7 will contain the column headers for each type of information you have in your grade book.
  • Select A8 and type the number 1. Press Enter to enter the number in the cell and move down one.
  • Type the number 2 in A9.
  • Click and drag the cursor from A8 to A9. Both cells should be highlighted with a box around them.
  • Hover your cursor over the lower right corner of the box until the cursor becomes a plus + (this is called the fill handle).
  • Click and drag until you have a list of numbers for each student in your section.

Step 3 Enter the names of the section’s students.

  • Select B7 and type the column header “First Name.”
  • Select C7 and type the column header “Last Name.”
  • Type in the students’ first and last names in columns B and C.

Step 4 Create assignment columns.

  • You’ll insert the students’ assignment grades under each column.
  • Note: For this guide, we’ll use a point-based grading structure, meaning each assignment is worth a certain amount of points.

Step 1 We’ll use the SUM function to find each students’ total points.

  • Note: Make sure to check your spreadsheet calculations by doing a few calculations by hand. This is a great way to catch any errors in your spreadsheet.
  • Read more about the SUM function in our complete guide.

Step 2 Create a “total” column header.

  • Alternatively, you can type in the range instead.
  • For example, if you have 5 assignments in columns D through H and the student names start on row 8, you’ll enter D8:H8

Step 4 Press Enter to confirm the formula.

  • Select the cell with the total summation formula. Click and drag the fill handle (the square in the bottom-right of the selection) down to the last student to automatically apply the sum formula to each row.
  • Using our earlier five-assignment example, let’s say there are 10 students. The second student summation should now have a range of D9:H9, the third student D10:H10, down to the last student with D17:H17.

Step 6 Create a “possible points” column directly to the right of the “total” column.

  • Enter the possible points in each cell below the header.
  • For example, if each assignment is out of 10 points, and there are five assignments, the possible points will be 50.

Step 7 Create a “grade” column directly to the right of the “possible points” column.

  • The “/” symbol will divide the total cell by the possible points cell, giving you the student’s grade as a value under 1.
  • For example, if a student earned 45 total points out of 50 possible points, their grade will be 0.90 (90 percent).

Step 9 Duplicate this formula.

  • You can change the grades to percentages by selecting the grade values and changing the data type to “percentage.” Find this by navigating to Fields tab > Properties group > Data Type .

Step 1 Create a “letter” column directly to the right of the “grade” column.

  • Compare the student’s grade to your grading structure.
  • Insert the letter associated with that student’s grade.
  • For example, if an “A” is 89 to 100 percent and a student scores a grade of 93, place an “A” in the “letter” column.

Step 1 To weight assignments, change the possible points for each assignment.

  • For example, a 20-point assignments has double the weighting of a 10-point assignment.
  • To weight entire categories, make their points add to the percentage of the total grade you want the category to represent.
  • For example, if your course has 100 total points and you want five quizzes to represent 20 percent of the total grade, each quiz should be worth 4 points.

Kyle Smith

  • Always give your grade-book a title, by clicking on the "file" tab, choose "Save As", in the Save As window, choose a location and type a name for your document. Press "Save" when ready to save. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Refer to Excel's extensive "Help" menu when in need. It offers tools on creating statistics of data. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • To find out what operating system your PC has, press "Start", right click on "Computer", scroll down and click on "Properties", a system dialog box will appear with basic information about your computer. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

college assignment excel sheet

  • Be sure to confirm that the equations you created for your grade book are calculating correctly. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 1
  • Make sure you save your progress throughout to prevent losing information as you work. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1
  • Always save a backup of your grade book and maintain hard copies. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 2
  • Computer with Windows 7, XP, or Vista
  • Microsoft Office Excel 2010

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15 Checklist, Schedule, and Planner Templates for Students

Planning templates for students can help keep track of classes and homework, making preparations for the school year a breeze.

Templates are extremely useful for business documents, but for students they can be lifesavers.

You have enough to think about during the school year, so using a template can save a ton of time. Put your mind on your classes and use these helpful checklist and planning templates for the rest.

1. Homework Checklist

For a plain and simple homework checklist, this template from TeacherVision is great for younger students, but can work for any age. Each subject is in its own spot with days of the week and check boxes to mark off as you complete assignments.

2. Printable Homework Planner

This next homework planner from TidyForm lets you easily plan your assignments for each day of the week and even the weekend. Instead of listing out the subjects, you can enter them yourself for the day and include details with due dates for each.

Note: you will need a PDF editor to make changes to the template on your computer.

3. Homework Schedule

Another planner from TidyForm breaks down your days into time blocks. Each hour slot is along the left side of the sheet with the seven days of the week across the top. This one is great for assignments, but you could use it for class schedules or work shifts to plan your entire week ahead of time.

It is a basic template, but a useful one.

4. Class Schedule and Planner

If you need a more detailed planner, this schedule is intended for classes. However, it can also be used for more. It uses time blocks like the TidyForm planner, but breaks them down into increments that you choose. Adjust the start time and interval minutes and the sheet automatically updates. You can add your classes, pop in your homework time, and add shifts for work all in one place.

5. Assignment Schedule

This template from Vertex42 is another with time blocks in 30-minute increments. And, this one has even more detail. On one side of the template, you can list out classes with assignments, dates, and times.

On the other side, you can add your class schedule or plan your homework and projects. The workbook also includes a Homeschool tab for parents homeschooling their children. Overall, it's a good dual-purpose option.

6. Multiple-Task Planner

If you are a OneNote user, check out this option from OneNoteGem. You can quickly fill out subjects and assignments for five days of the week. This is ideal for classes that have many tasks on the same day.

For example, you may need to work on a group project, research a paper, and finish an assignment in one day. The template has a good amount of room for those to-dos.

7. Student Notebook

Also, for OneNote you can download an entire student notebook template. Just scroll further down on the OneNoteGem templates page for this option.

What's nice about this template is that the notebook includes sections for planners, five classes, and research along with note-taking tips.

8. Class Schedule

For a neat and flexible class schedule template, this one is available for Excel, OpenOffice, and Google Sheets. It is basic with time slots broken into 15-minute increments on one tab and 30-minute increments on another. Plus, it includes seven days of the week, unlike many others. For college students, this is a terrific class schedule template.

9. Student Planner

With a student planner that lists your subjects by week, you can stay on track every single day. Vertex42 has two templates to pick from that offer different layouts.

One option has the subjects down the left side with days of the week across the top. The other template is the reverse of that. Each has spots for to-dos and notes and is available for either Excel or as a PDF.

10. All-in-One Schedule and Budget

For an all-in-one workbook for college, this Excel template has sheets for classes per term, course credits, a college budget, and textbooks. You can keep everything in one place. You can also track your overall progress and your current GPA.

11. Student Calendar

Another planner from Microsoft Office is this 12-month student calendar. There is a tab for each month, spots for a weekly schedule, and a section for assignments. The year cell is editable making it reusable for your entire college career.

This template makes planning study time and homework a breeze.

12. Dorm Room Checklist

If you are heading to a dorm room for college, there is no better way to make sure you have everything than with this checklist template. You can add box numbers for packing and checks when you pack the items.

The template gives you sections such as kitchen supplies, electronics, computer equipment, safety items, and more.

13. Back to School Checklist

For parents with kids in elementary or middle school, this checklist is perfect for back-to-school time. One column has tasks to take care of like verifying immunizations and obtaining a school supply list. The second column has items to purchase from clothes and a backpack to school supplies.

If you have a youngster getting ready for a new school year, this is the template for you.

14. College Budget

When you need to keep an eye on your college budget, this template is just for it. The top section is for your funding and income with the bottom for your expenses. The most common types of college-related items are included, making this a convenient template for college students.

15. Monthly College Budget

This monthly budget tracker from Microsoft Office gives you a simple way to view your cash flow. You can glance at the pie charts at the top to get an overview of your income and expenses by month. Change the values below to add your items and the charts change automatically.

It's one simple sheet with everything you need to budget each month.

Time for Class!

For classes, assignments, budgeting, supplies, course credits, and all that goes with these things, make sure you are prepared when the bell rings or classroom door closes. Now that you have these 15 awesome template options, you are on your way to starting the school year off right.

You might also check out these essential Windows apps for students to help with school.

Image Credits: Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock

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Excel Tutorial: How To Compute Grades In College Using Excel


Welcome to our Excel tutorial on how to compute grades in college using Excel! As college instructors, we understand the time-consuming nature of grading assignments, quizzes, and exams. Excel can be a powerful tool to streamline this process, saving you time and reducing errors. In this tutorial, we will show you step-by-step how to use Excel to calculate grades, track student progress, and generate insightful reports.

Key Takeaways

  • Using Excel for computing grades can save time and reduce errors for college instructors
  • Creating a well-organized grade book in Excel is essential for efficient grade tracking
  • Excel formulas and conditional formatting can be used to calculate and visualize grades effectively
  • Generating grade reports using Excel functions can provide valuable insights into student performance
  • Efficient grade computing practices, such as utilizing shortcuts and regular updates, can further streamline the process

Creating a Grade Book in Excel

Using Excel to compute grades in college can be a convenient and efficient way to keep track of student performance. By setting up a grade book in Excel, you can easily calculate scores, organize data, and generate final grades. Follow the steps below to create a grade book in Excel.

A. Open a new Excel spreadsheet

To begin, open a new Excel spreadsheet on your computer. You can do this by opening Excel and selecting "Blank Workbook" from the template options. This will create a new, empty spreadsheet for you to work with.

B. Label the columns for student name, assignment scores, exam scores, and final grade

Once you have your blank spreadsheet open, it's time to label the columns. In the first row of the spreadsheet, enter the following headers in separate cells: Student Name , Assignment Scores , Exam Scores , and Final Grade . These labels will serve as the categories for the data you will input.

C. Format the cells for neat and organized presentation

After labeling the columns, you can format the cells to ensure a neat and organized presentation. You can adjust the width of the columns to fit the content, change the font style and size for better readability, and apply borders or background colors for visual appeal. By formatting the cells, you can create a professional-looking grade book that is easy to navigate and understand.

Entering and Calculating Grades

When it comes to managing grades for a college course, Excel can be a powerful tool. It allows you to easily input student scores, calculate final grades, and ensure accuracy in the process. Here are the steps to efficiently compute grades using Excel:

  • Step 1: Open a new Excel workbook and create a new worksheet for the specific course for which you want to compute grades.
  • Step 2: Input the student names in the first column and their corresponding assignment and exam scores in the following columns.
  • Step 3: Make sure to label each column with clear headers for easy reference.
  • Step 1: Decide on a grading scale for the course, such as 90-100% for an A, 80-89% for a B, and so on.
  • Step 2: Create a new column to calculate the total weighted score for each student. You can use the SUM function to add together the scores for all assignments and exams, applying any necessary weightings.
  • Step 3: Utilize conditional formatting or the IF function to automatically assign a letter grade based on the pre-determined grading scale.
  • Step 1: Once all the scores and formulas are inputted, double-check the calculations to ensure accuracy. This involves reviewing the formulas and cross-referencing them with the original scores to confirm everything adds up correctly.
  • Step 2: If necessary, you can also have a peer or another faculty member review the calculations to catch any potential errors.

Using Conditional Formatting for Grade Visualization

When computing grades in college using Excel, it's important to visualize the data in a way that makes it easy to interpret and analyze. Conditional formatting is a powerful tool that allows you to highlight passing grades in green and failing grades in red for easy identification. Additionally, you can use different colors or symbols to represent different grade ranges, such as A, B, C, D, and F.

A. Highlight the passing grades in green and failing grades in red for easy identification

Conditional formatting allows you to set up rules that automatically change the formatting of cells based on their content. By creating a rule that formats passing grades as green and failing grades as red, you can quickly scan the spreadsheet and identify which students are meeting the grade requirements and which ones need additional support.

B. Use different colors or symbols to represent different grade ranges (e.g., A, B, C, D, F)

For even more detailed visualization, you can create rules for different grade ranges, such as assigning a specific color or symbol to each letter grade. This makes it easy to see at a glance how students are performing and identify any trends or patterns in the data.

Generating Grade Reports

When it comes to computing grades in college using Excel, creating a clear and professional grade report is essential for both students and instructors. In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps to generate a comprehensive grade report using Excel.

A. Create a separate worksheet for the grade report

First and foremost, it's important to keep the grade report separate from the main data sheet to maintain organization and clarity. To do this, create a new worksheet within the Excel workbook specifically for the grade report.

B. Use Excel functions to generate statistics

Excel offers a range of functions that can be used to calculate and display important statistics for the grade report. This includes the class average, highest and lowest grades, and grade distribution. Utilize functions such as AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, and COUNTIF to compute these statistics.

C. Customize the layout and design of the grade report

Once the necessary statistics have been calculated, it's important to customize the layout and design of the grade report for a professional presentation. This can include formatting the data in a clear and easy-to-read manner, adding visual elements such as charts or graphs to represent the grade distribution, and adding headers, footers, and page numbers for a polished look.

Tips for Efficient Grade Computing

When it comes to computing grades in college using Excel, there are several tips that can help streamline the process and ensure accuracy.

A. Utilize shortcuts and autofill features to expedite the data entry process

  • Bold important cells and use keyboard shortcuts for common functions such as copying, pasting, and formatting cells. This will help save time and minimize manual entry errors.
  • Take advantage of Excel's autofill feature to quickly fill in recurring data such as student names or assignment titles.

B. Keep the grade book updated regularly to avoid last-minute calculations

  • Set aside dedicated time each week to update grades for assignments, quizzes, and exams. This will prevent the need for frantic last-minute calculations at the end of the semester.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating the grade book will also help identify any errors or discrepancies early on, allowing for prompt correction.

C. Back up the Excel file to prevent loss of important grade data

  • Regularly save and back up the Excel grade book to ensure that important grade data is not lost due to technical issues or accidental deletion.
  • Consider using cloud storage or external hard drives to create additional backups of the grade book.

Using Excel to compute grades in college offers numerous benefits, such as accuracy, efficiency, and simplicity. It allows for easy organization and manipulation of data, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. By mastering the use of Excel for academic purposes, students can develop a valuable skill that will also be beneficial in their professional careers.

I encourage readers to continue practicing and exploring the functionalities of Excel for a variety of academic and professional purposes. Whether it's for data analysis, project management, or financial forecasting, Excel is a versatile tool that can greatly enhance productivity and accuracy in various fields.

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College Application Spreadsheet (Free Template + Guide)

  • Last updated December 14, 2023

Deciding your preferences for college can be a huge undertaking. Excluding your emotional attachments to the prestige of certain schools, you have to worry about your grades, extracurricular activities, and everything else associated with qualifying (Hopefully, your parents had a good 529 plan  in place). Building a college application spreadsheet can help to take some of the stress out of the situation.

This guide will show you how to build a college spreadsheet from scratch in Google Sheets as well as some tips for the process. If you don’t want to build your own spreadsheet feel free to use our college application spreadsheet template.

Table of Contents

Why Is a College Planning Spreadsheet Important?

You must put a lot of thought into which college you wish to attend . It’s not only an emotional decision but can also be a financial one. Data is essential when choosing the right College or University for you. A college spreadsheet provides you with the framework for drawing reliable comparisons between different schools and make it easier to check off the list of tasks  for your applications.

Deciding Where to Make the College Spreadsheet Template

Now that we know why making a college list spreadsheet is essential (like my reading list spreadsheet  for New Years), let’s look at the best program for creating the spreadsheet. Every software has pros and cons, and the decision is ultimately up to you.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is the industry standard spreadsheet tool, and it has several features that make it perfect for use. It has a lot of online support. However, Excel can be difficult to use, especially if you’re a beginner. It has no collaborative features, so there may be better options if you want to share the spreadsheet with your friends and family.

Airtable is another excellent option for creating a college tracker spreadsheet, as it is effortless and has fantastic organization options. It also has features that allow you to filter and sort your data. However, it is less than ideal option for collaboration, and some of its features are stuck behind a paywall. Compared to Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, this software can be unfamiliar to many users.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets is slowly becoming an industry standard spreadsheet software , mainly because it has a lot of online support and allows for seamless collaboration among various users. It is also accessible from any device, so you can load it up without taking your spreadsheet offline. However, it does require the internet to function and has limited functionality compared to software like Excel.

For creating a college spreadsheet example, we will use Google Sheets as we don’t need to do a lot of complex calculations. Google Sheets will also make it easy to create a shareable template.

Things to Add to a College Application Spreadsheet

After choosing software to make the college decision spreadsheet template, the next thing to do is to take the list of the colleges and import them into the sheet. In the cells, you can add data containing general info, such as links to the college’s websites and their locations. You can also create a cell that can input any additional data about the college.

Every individual can create a college decision spreadsheet catering to their specific requirements per college. However, there are a few things you must add to it. These are:

  • ACT/SAT Test Policy
  • Average GPA
  • Average Test Scores
  • Cost of Attendance
  • Acceptance Rate
  • Average Need-Based Aid
  • 4-Year Graduation Rate
  • Average Merit Awards for Freshmans Without Financial Needs

If you wish to be a bit more advanced, you can add data such as:

  • Number of Undergrad Students
  • Early Decision Rates in case they are an option
  • Early Action Rates in case they are an option
  • The major you are interested in
  • CSS Profile Form requirements
  • Percentage of students graduating with debt.
  • How much is the debt
  • College endowment size
  • Percentage of need met
  • Percentage of first-year students without merit aid

You can also add optional data like:

  • Food quality
  • Housing requirements
  • Abroad study programs

You should have a clearer notion of the colleges you want to go to by the time your college search is over, but be sure to consider how many schools you should apply to.

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How to Find the Data for the College Application Spreadsheet Checklist

Choosing what information to add to the college spreadsheet template is simple. However, collecting the dataset can be a different story. Since the data you acquire will impact one of the most crucial choices for your future and your family’s financial stability, you need it to be up-to-date and accurate.

There are three main ways in which you can fill out the spreadsheet.

The simplest method for filling up the columns on your spreadsheet is to type each element into Google, followed by the name of the college you want the information for. For instance, you could write “MIT Admission Rate” into Google’s search box and copy the first result if you wanted the school’s acceptance rate.

This could take up much of your time as you must keep going back and forth and copy-pasting the information into the spreadsheet. Some of the information can take some time to get as it can be buried deep in the website for the specific college.

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, or IPEDS , is a website managed by the National Center for Education Statistics, much like the Common Data Set. The website offers a variety of choices to assist you with your college choice.

With this service, you can enter the name of the school you’re interested in and get a list of dropdown menus, each containing information specific to the college. You will get more information here than you possibly need, which can sometimes obstruct valuable information.

You will have to repeat the search based on the number of colleges you wish to add to the spreadsheet.

Common Data Set (CDS)

You can also get the information using the Common Data Set (CDS) , a database containing information compiled by publishers like Peterson’s, College Board, and U.S. News. To use the CDS, go to Google and enter the college of your choosing, followed by the term “Common Data Set” Click on the link to the page containing the data.

How to Create a College Application Spreadsheet Template

There are multiple factors you should consider when creating a spreadsheet. What you add to the college application tracking spreadsheet depends on you.

In this example, we are going to create a college list template. The user can add various colleges and compare the information to check which college is best suited for them.

The best part about creating this template is that it doesn’t use formulas. However, you do need to format the data in this spreadsheet properly. Related Reading: Google Sheets Debt Snowball Spreadsheet Template

Here are the steps to follow when creating a college spreadsheet template in Google Sheets:

Building the title for a College Application Spreadsheet

  • The first thing we will add is the label in an empty spreadsheet. Although this is optional, it can make your college application tracking sheet look more visually appealing. You can do this by merging the cells to give more space for the college spreadsheet title. Then, write the title in the cell and apply text formatting. You can change the font color and the fill color for the cells. Feel free to change the font as well.

Adding data to the college application spreadsheet

  • Now we have to add all the elements into the college spreadsheet template for Google Sheets. These are the things we talked about in the heading above. For this template, we divided the elements into specific sections. You can also format the text by adding borders and changing the fill anYou can add borders be added by clicking on the grid icon in the main bar.

How to insert checkboxes in Google Sheets

  • Some of the options in the spreadsheet only need a yes or no response. Writing this in the spreadsheet can be time-wasting, so we can add a checkbox here instead. To do this, click and drag to select all the cells where you wish to add the checkbox. Now, click on the Insert button in the main top bar. In the dropdown menu, click on the Checkbox button.

Feel free to add or remove the information depending on your preferences.

Download the Premade College Application Spreadsheet for Google Sheets

This template serves as a general template that you can use if you don’t wish to go through the process of creating a spreadsheet from scratch.

Wrapping Up

If you don’t want to create your own college application spreadsheet from scratch, feel free to use the template we provided and edit it to your needs. However you go about it, we wish you the best of luck in your college application process and you find the perfect school to attend.

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college assignment excel sheet

GPA Calculator

Have you ever wondered "How much will my GPA change if I get a B instead of an A," or something like that? With the Vertex42™ GPA Calculator spreadsheet, you can do that type of what-if scenario as well as keep a running record of your grades and cumulative GPA . You can download the GPA Calculator for Excel or OpenOffice, or use Google Sheets. See below for how to calculate your GPA .

GPA Calculator Spreadsheet

Other versions.

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

"No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet" - by Jon Wittwer


The Vertex42™ GPA Calculator lets you track your grades from semester to semester, calculating both a semester GPA and your overall cumulative GPA .

You can edit the Grade Scale to define the points associated with letter grades, according to your specific school policy. Then, when you enter the grades into the spreadsheet, the points are automatically totaled and weighted based on the number of credit hours for each course.

New: Version 2.0 of the GPA Calculator lets you evaluate the effect of retaking a course (see the example below). It also includes a separate worksheet for estimating your future GPA.

Using the GPA Calculator

The GPA Calculator spreadsheet should be pretty intuitive, and some instructions are included at the top of the worksheet.

Adding Semesters : In the Course History worksheet, you can include additional semesters by copying the set of rows for one of the semesters and inserting/pasting the set of rows at the bottom. The formulas in the spreadsheet are designed specifically for making this process simple.

Inserting Rows : If you need to insert rows to add more classes for a particular semester, then make sure to insert new rows above the last row or below the first row in the semester block. This will help ensure that the references in the summation formulas stretch to include the new row(s). You will also need to copy the formula for the Points when you add the new rows.

How to Calculate GPA

GPA stands for Grade Point Average , but most of the time, to calculate GPA requires using a weighted average . For example, if you earned an A in a 3-credit course and a B in a 2-credit course, your GPA is not simply the average of an A and B. Instead, the grades are weighted based on the number of credit hours in the course. That can seem complicated, but it's not really that bad.

Below are the steps you can use to calculate your GPA if you happen to be caught without a computer.

Step 1 - Convert Letter Grades to Points

To the right is a typical 4.0 GPA Scale, showing the grade points and the letter grade equivalent. The first step in calculating your GPA is to convert the letter grades to points.

Step 2 - Multiply the Points by the Number of Credit Hours

If I got an A- in a 3-credit class, the points for that class would be 3.7 times 3 credits equals 11.1 points. (This is where the weighting comes into play)

Step 3 - Add the Total Points then Divide by the Total Credit Hours

To calculate your GPA , add up the total grade points and the total credit hours and then divide the total grade points by the total credit hours. If you include only the points and hours for a single semester, this will calculate your GPA for the semester. If you include all the points and hours for every semester, this will calculate your overall cumulative GPA .

The figure below shows an example of a GPA calculation for a semester in college.

Retaking a Course

Many programs only allow a certain number of failing or D grades, or you may need to have a certain GPA to qualify. Sometimes you have no choice but to retake a class, but it can also be one of the fastest ways to increase your overall GPA . The new version of the GPA calculator lets you estimate what effect retaking a class can have on your GPA. It assumes that a retaken course replaces your previous grade.

For example, let's say that you've attempted 50 credit hours and earned a total of 150 points, so your GPA is currently a 3.00 . Maybe for some reason you'd failed one of your 3-credit classes. If you were to retake that class and get an A, your new GPA might be a 3.24 (depending on the grading scale). That is a huge jump for just one class! If you didn't retake that class, it would take 5 more A's in 3-credit classes to reach a GPA of 3.23.

Custom GPA Calculators

  • GPA Calculator for RCC - A custom Google Sheets version of the GPA Calculator created for Robeson Community College's allied health program.

References and Resources

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) at wikipedia.com - General information and GPA scales used around the world.
  • "Beginner's Guide to Figuring Your Grades", by Scott Mandel, Ph.D.

Sharing the GPA Calculator

If you find this GPA calculator useful, you are welcome to share the link to this page with others. You can copy the URL from your browser's address bar or use the html code below to add to your website or blog. But, please pay attention to the terms of use and do not upload this document for sharing on the internet.

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