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How to proofread your thesis

Tips for proofreading your thesis

1. Review your institution's guidelines

2. take a break before you read anything, 3. determine how to proofread your thesis, 4. use online tools, 5. read your thesis in a different order, 6. read your thesis out loud, 7. reach out to your peers, frequently asked questions about proofreading your thesis, related articles.

Now that you've finished your thesis , it's time to proofread it. You'll need to do this several times to ensure that you submit a solid thesis that's free of grammatical mistakes and typos. We've put together a few tips that can help you optimize the proofreading stage of your thesis.

Your institution will likely have specific guidelines for formatting your thesis. Be sure to double-check the guidelines for layout and format issues, including:

  • paper size and margins
  • running head
  • page numbering
  • line spacing

Take time to read through the guidelines again and keep them handy as you proofread your thesis.

The proofreading stage is also a good time to check your citations or references . Whether you're using Harvard, APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association) or some other citation style, make sure that your citations are correct.

Give yourself some time off before you start proofreading your thesis. This allows you to return to your work with fresh eyes. Ideally, you should plan to take a break of several weeks before you begin proofreading; however, even a short break can help you refocus and catch more mistakes.

Some people like to proofread their thesis on screen, while others like to print it out and read it on paper. Whichever method you choose, be aware that you can't read it all at once. Rather, make a plan for how you want to approach proofreading and stick to it. You'll generally want to break up your process by chapter or section.

Consider breaking down your thesis proofreading process in one of these ways:

  • by paragraph

Several online tools can help you with proofreading and some of them are even free. Use tools like Grammarly or Proofread Bot for proofreading or or Slickwrite to critique your grammar and writing. A quick Google search will show you that there are dozens of tools out there that can help you with your thesis!

Week 1 : Read a chapter a day, watching out for major issues in argumentation, use of evidence, and organization.

Week 2 : Complete substantive revisions and check that all citations are correct. Use a reference manager like Paperpile to create accurate citations and bibliographies.

Week 3 : Re-read each chapter, checking for any additional surface errors. Double-check that your formatting aligns with your department’s thesis requirements.

Try reading your work backwards or in a random order. This approach often works better than reading your work from beginning to end.

By switching up your expectations, you will catch more errors. Plus, starting at the end allows you to keep your conclusions in mind as you read and helps you to verify that you've proven your thesis statement.

The best way to catch grammatical, stylistic, and organizational mistakes is to read your work aloud to yourself. Hearing your own words greatly increases your ability to find typos and errors.

Keep your eye out for the following common errors:

  • subject-verb agreement
  • faulty predication
  • misplaced modifiers
  • tense changes
  • incorrect citations

If you have friends or peers who are also writing theses, or who have completed them, reach out for advice and help. For instance, blogger Pat Thomson suggests setting up a proofreading deal with a friend.

Also, you might find it useful to join or start a writing group. These groups build accountability and provide writers with support for all stages of the research and writing process.

The length of the proofreading process depends on the length of the thesis. Plus, you should plan to take a couple of weeks off before you start proofreading. It's also a good idea to break up longer projects by chapter or section.

Always double-check your institution's guidelines for the general layout, including:

If you know someone who is willing to proofread your thesis, then definitely ask! Friends and peers who are also working on theses, or who have recently finished, can provide you with useful insights about the grammar, style, and structure of your thesis.

As part of your proofreading plan, you should create a checklist of items that you want to watch out for while proofreading your thesis. Your checklist might include:

  • Spelling and typos
  • Verb tenses and subject-verb agreement
  • Sentence structure
  • Layout and formatting
  • Citations and/or references
  • Consistency of style
  • Organization
  • Overall flow

You should plan to proofread your thesis as many times as it takes to ensure that you submit a polished and professional work. Typically, however, most thesis writers proofread their work around three to four times.

what is dissertation proofreading

what is dissertation proofreading


How to proofread your dissertation or thesis – 12 essential tips

  • Denise Cowle
  • November 21, 2016

How to proofread your thesis or dissertation - 12 essential tips

1 Give yourself enough time

2 overall structure, 3 formatting, 4 consistency, 5 spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Word, go home. You’re drunk. #spellcheck #amediting — Denise Cowle, non-fiction editor (@dinnydaethat) August 22, 2016

6 ​Acronyms and abbreviations

7 plagiarism, 8 referencing system.

  • The  author-date system  (for example, the Harvard system) uses in-text citations like this (Cowle, 2016) in conjunction with a full reference list, where titles are ordered alphabetically.
  • The  short-title system  uses a note marker in the text and puts the full reference in the equivalent footnote or endnote. When the title is used again, a new note number is inserted in the text, but a much shorter version of the title is listed. This system is often used in the humanities.
  • Numbering systems , such as Vancouver and author-number referencing, are frequently used in Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine (STEM).

9 Make several passes

  • Cross check headings, sub-headings and page numbers against the table of contents
  • Check figures and tables are in the right order and numbered and captioned correctly
  • Check in-text citations match your reference list
  • Are you references styled according to your institution’s requirements?
  • Have you defined all your acronyms and abbreviations where they first appear?
  • ​Lastly, read through to check spelling, grammar and sense.

10 Get outside help

11 know what your institution allows, 12 university language centres.

  • English isn’t your first language
  • you have a learning difference such as dyslexia
  • you are a native English speaker but find the transition to using academic English challenging.

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How to Proofread Your Thesis


Helen Eassom, Copywriter, Wiley

May 11, 2017

You just finished writing a 300-page master's thesis or PhD dissertation. It took you two years of late-night researching, organizing citations, and coming up with mountains of data to support your thesis.

Before you impress the committee with your text, you have to proofread this massive tome several times. The journalist's aphorism, "Edit, edit again, and edit some more" is an absolute truth when your professional future is on the line.

With this in mind, here are some practical tips on how to proofread your thesis or dissertation.

Review the Rules Before you set out to write your thesis, the committee laid out the rules. Review the style set forth by your academic institution. Depending on your department , your thesis or dissertation may follow American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), or Chicago/Turabian style.

  • Grammarly contains free tools through its website or a Google Chrome extension.
  • counts the words in your text, examines your readability level, and gives you a score that correlates to a particular reading level. Your thesis or dissertation should have a college reading level for academic work.
  • Slick Write represents another online tool that critiques your writing, analyzes for passive voice, and even judges the flow of your writing.
  • Proofread Bot lets you paste text to check for errors.
  • Ginger receives high marks from users for its thoroughness and user-friendly interface.

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Guide to Proofreading: What, Why and How to Proofread

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Effective writing demands attention to detail, and one crucial yet often overlooked step in this process is proofreading. Whether you’re composing a blog post, crafting an essay, drafting a report, or even sending an important email, proofreading plays an essential role in ensuring clarity, accuracy, and overall effectiveness of your message. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what proofreading is, why it’s important, and how you can master the art of proofreading effectively.

What is Proofreading?

Let’s start with the basics. Proofreading is the process of carefully examining a written text to detect and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formatting. It goes beyond just a cursory glance; instead, it involves a meticulous review aimed at polishing the final product. The goal of proofreading is to eliminate mistakes that could detract from the clarity and professionalism of the writing.

Why is Proofreading Important?

The importance of proofreading cannot be overstated. Here are some compelling reasons why proofreading is a vital step in the writing process:

  • Error-Free Content: Proofreading ensures that your writing is free from spelling mistakes, typos, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies, thereby enhancing its credibility and readability.
  • Enhanced Clarity: By refining your text through proofreading, you can clarify ambiguous sentences and improve overall coherence, making it easier for your audience to understand your message.
  • Professionalism: A well-proofread document conveys professionalism and attention to detail, reflecting positively on your competence and reliability as a writer.
  • Accuracy: Proofreading helps to ensure factual accuracy by identifying and correcting any inaccuracies or misleading information in your content.
  • Maintaining Reputation: Whether you’re writing for personal or professional purposes, presenting error-free content upholds your reputation and fosters trust with your readers.

Things to Look for When Proofreading

Now that we understand why proofreading matters, let’s delve deeper into the specific aspects you should focus on during the proofreading process:

Check for correct spelling of words. Pay attention to commonly misspelled words and homophones (words that sound alike but have different meanings). For example, ensure that you’re using “colour” instead of “color” (if you’re using UK spelling), and watch out for tricky pairs like “there,” “their,” and “they’re.”

Grammar and Punctuation

Review grammar rules and ensure proper usage of punctuation marks (commas, periods, semicolons, etc.). Look out for subject-verb agreement and consistency in tense. For instance, ensure that singular subjects match with singular verbs (e.g., “He walks” instead of “He walk”).

Clarity and Coherence

Evaluate the flow and structure of your sentences and paragraphs. Ensure that ideas are logically organised and transitions between thoughts are smooth. Avoid overly complex sentences that may confuse your reader.


Maintain consistency in style, tone, and formatting throughout your document. Check for consistent use of abbreviations, capitalisation (e.g., “UK” vs. “uk”), and numbering. Consistency enhances readability and professionalism.

Pay attention to formatting details such as font style and size, line spacing, margins, and alignment. Ensure that headings, subheadings, and bullet points are formatted consistently. Consistent formatting contributes to the overall visual appeal of your document.


Verify any factual information or data referenced in your writing to ensure accuracy and credibility. Cross-check names, dates, statistics, and other details against reliable sources.

How to Proofread Effectively

Mastering the art of effective proofreading requires practice and attention to detail. Here are some strategies so you can learn how to master (do) proofreading :

  • Take a Break: Step away from your writing for a while before proofreading. This break will give you a fresh perspective when you return to review your work.
  • Read Aloud: Reading your text aloud can help you identify awkward phrasing, missing words, or grammatical errors that might have been overlooked when reading silently.
  • Use Tools: Leverage spelling and grammar-checking tools like Grammarly or Microsoft Word’s built-in proofing tools. However, don’t solely rely on these tools; always manually review your writing.
  • Proofread Multiple Times: Conduct multiple rounds of proofreading, focusing on different aspects with each pass (e.g., one round for spelling, another for grammar, and so on).
  • Get a Second Opinion: If possible, have someone else proofread your work. A fresh set of eyes can catch mistakes that you might have missed.
  • Create a Proofreading Checklist: Develop a personalised checklist of common errors or areas to review during proofreading. Refer to this checklist systematically to ensure thoroughness.

Benefits of Proofreading

Taking the time to thoroughly proofread your work offers numerous benefits that extend beyond just correcting errors:

Enhanced Professionalism: Submitting polished, error-free content reflects positively on your professionalism and attention to detail. It shows that you take pride in your work and care about delivering high-quality materials.

Increased Confidence: Presenting well-proofread work boosts your confidence in your writing abilities. Knowing that your content is clear, accurate, and polished can make you feel more assured when sharing your ideas with others.

Improved Communication: Clear and precise writing facilitates better communication and engagement with your audience. When your message is free from errors and ambiguities, your ideas come across more effectively.

Time Savings: While proofreading requires an initial time investment, it ultimately saves time by reducing the need for extensive revisions or corrections later. Well-proofread content is less likely to require significant editing, which streamlines the overall writing process.

Enhanced Credibility: Error-free content enhances your credibility as a writer or communicator. Whether you’re writing for academic, professional, or personal purposes, accurate and polished writing helps establish trust with your readers or audience.

Attention to Detail: Proofreading helps cultivate a habit of paying attention to detail, which is a valuable skill in any field. It trains you to spot errors and inconsistencies, promoting a higher standard of quality in your work.

Professional Growth: Consistently practising proofreading contributes to your professional growth as a writer. Over time, you’ll develop a sharper eye for language nuances and become more proficient in crafting clear and effective communication.

Error Prevention: Effective proofreading not only corrects existing errors but also helps prevent future mistakes. By identifying common patterns of error in your writing, you can learn to avoid them in future compositions.

Mastering the Art of Proofreading

In conclusion, proofreading is a fundamental skill that every writer should cultivate. By understanding what proofreading is, why it’s important, and how to approach it effectively, you can elevate the quality of your writing and make a lasting impression with your words. Remember, the extra effort you put into proofreading is a worthwhile investment that elevates the impact and professionalism of your work. So, next time you finish writing, don’t skip the proofreading step—your readers (and your reputation) will thank you for it.

How We Can Help You with Editing and Proofreading

At Oxbridge Editing, we offer professional editing and proofreading services tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team of experienced editors can meticulously review your documents, ensuring they are free from errors and polished to perfection. Whether you need help with editing academic papers , commercial documents, business reports , or any other type of written content, we’re here to provide the support you need.

Don’t let errors undermine your message— fill out the order form and let us partner with you to deliver polished, professional content that makes a lasting impression. Remember, the extra attention to detail that comes with effective proofreading can make all the difference in presenting your ideas with clarity and professionalism. 

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Dissertation Proofreading Service

Your dissertation is the culmination of your academic career so it needs to be great. You’ve done all the hard work – now it’s time to polish it with Proofed’s professional dissertation proofreading service.

Library Proofreading And Editing

Your Dissertation Deserves Dedication

Proofed’s dissertation proofreading service helps you:

  • Correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors
  • Follow any specified university style guide
  • Leave helpful comments on recurring stylistic issues

Editor - Jayne L

Expert Editor

Editor - Samira M

Dissertation Editing Specialists

We’ve helped thousands of students produce clear, error-free, well-written dissertations. Why does our service produce such great results? Because we only work with experienced, highly trained academic editors. As such, our academic proofreading team can bring the best out of any dissertation.

Make sure your writing is the best it can be with our expert English proofreading and editing

Dissertation Proofreading Example (After Editing)

Our dissertation proofreading service focuses on helping you to express your ideas and arguments clearly. As part of this, we will:

  • Maintain a formal, academic writing style throughout
  • Look for issues with document structure or readability
  • Check your referencing is clear, complete and consistent

We will even provide two copies of your edited dissertation when we’re done:

  • A ‘Clean’ copy in the original file format
  • An MS Word Track Changes  copy

This is so you can review and approve every change we make. And if your  chosen file format  doesn’t support Track Changes, we will adapt our process to match.

Lightning-Fast Delivery

You’ll never miss a deadline with our speedy services: our Next-Day Guarantee means we’ll return any document up to 10,000 words long within 24 hours

And if you need a faster turnaround, simply select your desired delivery speed when you submit your document. We have three options:

We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need.

*For documents up to 8,000 words 

**For documents up to 3,000 words

How We Work With Students

You’ll never miss a deadline with our speedy services: our Next-Day Guarantee means we’ll return any document up to 8,000 words long within 24 hours.

We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need. 

* For documents up to 8,000 words

** For documents up to 3,000 words

Great Pricing

Our pricing is affordable and transparent – the cost is based on the exact length of your document. Check out our pricing calculator for an instant quote, and rest assured that you’ll receive the highest quality proofreading and editing for the best value on the market.

Referencing Expertise

Our editors are experts in various referencing styles, including but not limited to APA, Harvard, MLA, Chicago, and IEEE. No matter what style you’re using, they’ll make sure your citations and references are correct and let you know if any information is missing. Visit our referencing page to learn more.

Subject-Matter Experts

Our team includes over 750 professional editors with expertise in thousands of topics. This means we can always match you with the best proofreader for your writing, whether you need help with a dissertation in medicine or an essay on economics.

24-Hour Support

Our support team is available around the clock to address any concerns or questions you have about your order. This means you’ll never be left in the dark, no matter where you are or what time it is.

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Dissertation Editing Services: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re unsure about the quality of your dissertation writing, it’s best to get it reviewed by an expert editor. But you may have lots of questions about how this works. Do you need professional dissertation editing services? What process do they follow? What are the best dissertation proofreading services and how can you choose the right one for yourself?

In this article, we’ve answered all these questions and more. From checks to find out if a company is legit to your expected dissertation editing costs, we’ve covered it all. So without further ado, let’s get into it.  

What Are Dissertation Editing Services?

Dissertation editing services are professional services that help students refine their dissertations before submitting them. Companies that provide these services for students and researchers are also called “dissertation editing services”. Depending on the type of review, they check your thesis for coherence, clarity, syntax, grammar, and word choice.

While understanding professional editing services for dissertations, you may wonder how they work. These companies employ hundreds of academic editors from diverse fields. They use advanced software and a skilled team to assign each dissertation to an expert from the field. This way, you don’t have to waste your time hunting for a dissertation editor and you still get expert feedback.

But are dissertation proofreading and editing services really that important? Could you do without them?

Why Choose Dissertation Editing Services?

You should choose dissertation editing services because your dissertation is the most important academic text you’ll ever work on. It’s your responsibility to ensure that it’s written and formatted as perfectly as possible, and you will lose marks if there are errors in the document!

Plus, your dissertation is your original contribution to your field of study. It has to be the best reflection of your research, or it’ll undermine all your hard work. Due diligence in editing and proofreading your dissertation elevates its quality and conveys your sincerity to your work.

But why not edit your dissertation yourself? Well, there are several disadvantages of self-editing. There are even more advantages of dissertation editing services. So, what do dissertation editing services offer?

Dissertation editing services:

  • Catch the most minute errors you’ll likely miss, even with several reviews.
  • Improve the clarity and coherence of your writing.
  • Ensure accuracy in research methods, argument logic, and use of technical terms.
  • Offer expert feedback to improve your document further.
  • Elevate the overall impact and quality of your dissertation, helping you score higher.

But how does this process work? A dissertation is a lengthy document, so dissertation proofreading services take a layered approach.

Dissertation Editing Process

The dissertation editing process moves from macro-level edits to micro-level edits. So, document-spanning issues such as coherence and argument clarity are considered first. More specific issues such as grammar and spelling mistakes are fixed at the end to avoid repeated work. 

Depending on the scope of the editing step and the issues looked at, there are four major types of editing. They’re undertaken in a specific order, but various services may offer them in different formats.

Types of Dissertation Editing

The four types of dissertation editing are substantive or developmental editing, line editing, copy editing, and proofreading. Does your dissertation need all four steps? Let’s take a look.

1. Substantive Editing

Substantive editing, also known as content editing or developmental editing, focuses on the content of your dissertation. It improves the structure and flow of the entire document, examining its clarity and coherence. 

A substantive editor:

  • Examines the logical development of your argument.
  • Ensures that your writing is clear and has a smooth flow.
  • Checks the validity of your methodology and data points.
  • Removes any ambiguous, redundant, or repetitive sections.
  • Ensures that your dissertation aligns with your research objectives.

The substantive editor will leave comments on the document, highlighting problematic areas and suggesting improvements. Since you’re the writer, you decide which comments to work on and which ones to ignore, if any. 

2. Line Editing

Line editing is a line-by-line edit that improves the clarity, flow, and effectiveness of your academic sentences. This is a more stylistic review, focusing on meaning, tone, and word choice than grammar or punctuation. So if you want to ensure that your dissertation is engaging, coherent, and well-written, you need a line editor.

A line editor checks your dissertation for the following:

  • Clear expression of the intended meaning
  • Word choice and sentence structure
  • Smooth flow between sentences and paragraphs
  • Consistency in tone and style
  • Pacing (sentence length, density of data, etc.)
  • Overt language errors (not the main focus)

This step is crucial for ESL students and researchers as well as anyone who’s unsure of their writing abilities. However, providers of dissertation editing services often combine line editing with copy editing, since both these steps address overlapping concerns.

3. Copy Editing

Copy editing for a dissertation is a meticulous process that focuses on the mechanical aspects of writing such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation. In its pure form, copy editing doesn’t pay much attention to stylistic or technical aspects of your writing. So, a copy editor will fix the language errors in a sentence but not inconsistencies in writing style or pacing.

Just because dissertation copy editing is mechanical doesn’t mean it has a narrow scope, though. A copy editor checks not only writing but also graphic elements, formatting style, and referencing. A copy editor undertakes the following tasks:

  • Correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence construction.
  • Ensuring proper sentence structure with subject-verb agreement.
  • Making the text clear and readable.
  • Checking the use of technical terms, abbreviations, and acronyms.
  • Reviewing the labeling, formatting, relevance, and overall fitness of tables, figures, and images.
  • Ensuring that the dissertation follows the prescribed style guidelines (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Reviewing in-text citations and entries on the reference list; cross-checking them for accuracy and missing details.
  • Checking for overall consistency in the document (formatting, word choice, and style).
  • Undertaking a basic review of the page layout.

As you can see, a copy editor plays a crucial role in removing several kinds of errors from your dissertation. Compared to this, a line editor’s review seems smaller in scope. So, most dissertation copy editing service providers combine it with line editing. They correct language errors and add comments for stylistic improvements.

4. Proofreading

Dissertation proofreading is the final review that highlights any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting. It looks only for surface-level mistakes, such as typographical or language-related errors. So, it’s like copy editing in a sense but with a smaller scope.

Proofreading removes any lingering errors that may distract readers or undermine your hard work. It may seem like a minor step, but it’s an essential quality check and your last defense against any superficial errors. You should proofread your dissertation once all other editing steps are complete to avoid rework.

Proofreading highlights the following errors in your dissertation:

  • Spelling mistakes and typos
  • Punctuation errors
  • Any obvious grammar errors
  • Incorrect abbreviations and acronyms
  • Errors in labeling or formatting tables and figures
  • Referencing errors
  • Problems with page formatting (such as improper margins and missing headers)

Since a dissertation proofreader has to catch such minute errors, proofreading is a painstaking and detail-oriented task. Dissertation proofreading services hire trained experts to undertake this step, saving you time and effort.

What Is Dissertation Referencing?

Dissertation referencing is the process of adding references to your dissertation. While researching, you’re bound to use information from a variety of sources, all of which you must credit in your thesis. Whether you follow the MLA style or APA format, you must add and correctly format your in-text citations and reference list entries.

Professional dissertation editors and proofreaders don’t usually undertake this step for you. They may fix one or two incorrect or missing citations, but they don’t write your reference list for you. If any APA dissertation editing services undertake this task, they may charge an additional price.

What Is Dissertation Formatting?

Dissertation formatting is the process of formatting your pages and text according to the style guidelines prescribed by your university. This is usually the MLA format for humanities students, APA format for STEM students, and Chicago style for students of business and history. Incorrect formatting in your dissertation may result in a lower score.

Like referencing, an editor does not undertake dissertation formatting for you unless as a separate task. Some companies do offer dissertation referencing and formatting services in addition to editing and proofreading.

Choosing an Editing Service: What to Look For

Now that you know what dissertation editing is, why it’s important, and how it works, it’s time to find out how to choose an editing service. There are several dissertation review services out there, old and new. Older firms have experience but are often more expensive, while newer companies are more affordable but aren’t well-known. So what signs should you look for?

1. Reviews and Recommendations

Personal recommendations from your peers or seniors are the best method when choosing an editing service. If a company has worked for them, it probably understands the requirements of your subject or university. Some universities also have tie-ups with doctoral dissertation editing services, so you should check if yours has one.

The next step is to check the company’s online reviews. Even a quick look at the reviews will give you a good idea of a company’s strengths and weaknesses. You can then make a more informed choice based on these testimonials.

Shortlist a few editing services from this initial check and refine that list as you find out more about them.

2. A Helpful but Realistic Support Team

All good editing firms have a support team that communicates your requirements to the editing team. The support staff also helps you place your order and guides you through the editing process. Ideally, the person communicating with you should be friendly, confident, and knowledgeable, but not pushy.

If you’re being rushed into placing an order or being offered dubious discounts, you should proceed with caution. So, make sure that the support team knows what they’re doing and can be relied upon. You should also remember to be very clear about your requirements and priorities in your document. This will help them target those issues in your dissertation and you won’t have to ask for any revisions.

3. Transparency and Confidentiality

Dissertation editing services must be transparent about their editing process and measures to ensure document confidentiality. At the end of your first call with the company, you should have clarity about the people who will work on your document and the process they’ll follow. If you can’t be sure of this, ask the support team for clarification. If you don’t get a satisfying answer, it’s probably best to avoid working with that particular service.

Another important aspect of dissertation editing is confidentiality. Almost all editing services have their editors sign NDAs at the time of joining, so you shouldn’t worry about that. One thing to look for, however, is the security measures the company undertakes to protect your document from outside threats. This includes 192-bit or 256-bit encryption methods, which are popularly used by dissertation editing companies.

4. Free Work Sample

Always ask for a sample edit. Editing companies don’t usually offer a sample edit unless you approach them with a major document. Since a dissertation qualifies as such, any firm worth its name should be good to offer you a one-page or 300-word free edit.

This sample edit will tell you a lot about a company’s work ethic, quality of edits, and professionalism. If you’ve shortlisted a few companies, the sample edit is probably the most reliable metric to base your final decision on. However, company policies keep changing and some established firms may have stopped offering sample edits. In this case, you’ll have to decide based on the three factors listed above.

5. A Good Offer

The final consideration is one for your pocket. Getting dissertation editing help can get expensive, and most companies understand the financial constraints on students. So, you’re likely to find big discounts during the dissertation season. If waiting that long isn’t an option for you, don’t hesitate to ask the support staff!

Once you have a quote from a few companies, compare their pros and cons and you’ll be able to choose the best dissertation editing service for you.

Be sure to enquire about the company’s revision policy. If you’re unhappy with the edit, you should be able to receive a partial or full refund. Most editing services offer one or two free revisions, so make sure to use those and get the best version of your document!

Now that we know how to choose a dissertation editing service, what are some well-known firms that fit the bill? Let’s take a look.

The Top Dissertation Editing Services of 2024

Of the many premium dissertation editing services out there, some stand out as the best of the best. In this list, we’ve considered quality of services, pricing, turnaround time, and editorial team. So, here are the best dissertation editing services of 2024:

An established name in academic editing, Scribbr is particularly popular among college students due to its online tools and resources. Their expertise and experience don’t come cheap, but you can rest assured that your dissertation will be well-edited. The best thing is that you can ask them to focus on certain aspects of your document.

If you know that your writing isn’t clear or that your structure needs to be refined, you can opt for the relevant checks. These come with a hike in price but may be helpful for those who have received targeted feedback from professors before. After all, structure, cohesion, and clarity are important factors that affect your overall grade.

Scribbr can return your edited dissertation in 12 hours to 7 days. At around $835 for a 15,000-word dissertation, however, dissertation editing with Scribbr will cost you a pretty penny.

2. Cambridge Proofreading

Cambridge Proofreading has been offering dissertation editing services for over 11 years. They employ more than 300 academic editors, all of whom are native speakers from the US and UK. Their system deletes all documents after 15 days of closing an order, which helps keep your dissertation confidential.

Cambridge Proofreading has expertise in editing dissertations from diverse fields, from astrophysics to philosophy. Recently they’ve also launched a service where they humanize AI-generated text. This is an additional boost for many students, helping them get more work done in less time.

Their dissertation editing process is fairly straightforward, but they stand out in terms of pricing. They charge dissertation editing rates of $28.90 per 1,000 words for a 24-hour delivery and $25.90 per 1,000 words for a 48-hour delivery. In terms of both the cost and turnaround time, this is excellent!

3. Scribendi

Scribendi was established in 1997, making it one of the oldest top dissertation editing companies. They have a separate approach to ESL writers, paying more attention to those documents. With 287 editors working at the firm, they should be able to pair you with an expert from your field.

Sribendi has ISO certification and prioritizes customer satisfaction. They can deliver your document in as little time as four hours! This isn’t feasible for longer documents like dissertations, however. For example, they can deliver a 15,000-word dissertation in 48 hours to 7 days. Their price range for this is $558–$615, putting them on the slightly expensive side of things.

You can use their dissertation editing service to refine not only complete theses but also dissertation and thesis proposals.

4. TrueEditors

Although a relatively newer company, TrueEditors is a robust and affordable dissertation editing service. They have more than 155 academic experts onboard from a diverse range of academic disciplines. The best thing is that their edit also includes dissertation referencing, dissertation formatting, and a plagiarism check!

TrueEditors offers five prices depending on the time duration. They can deliver your edited dissertation in 48 hours, but the price will be higher. If you opt for a delivery time of ten days, however, the price will be much lower.

Aside from editing and proofreading a dissertation, TrueEditors also offers:

  • Paraphrasing & Rewriting
  • Content Writing
  • Translation

These additional services are especially useful to ESL students, who may struggle to express their ideas as eloquently in English.

Enago employs highly qualified editors and proofreaders to work on your dissertation. They offer dissertation editing services in two packages: Thesis Essentials and Thesis Pro. The Thesis Essentials package is limited to grammar, punctuation, academic style,  and expert commentary. You can get thesis formatting, reference formatting, plagiarism check, and one revision with this package as add-ons.

The Thesis Pro package includes everything in Essentials but adds a clarity check, structure check, and advanced commentary. Reference formatting and one revision round are free with this package. If you’re not sure about editing with Enago, you can get their sample edit of 200 words. They only offer this if your dissertation is over 10,000 words.

This overview of the best dissertation editing services must have given you an idea about the process and pricing. But let’s take a closer look at the average dissertation proofreading cost.

How Much Does it Cost to Edit a Dissertation?

It can cost between $400–$850 to edit a dissertation of 15,000 words. However, the cost of dissertation editing varies based on document length, complexity, and your requirements. Undergraduate and master’s dissertations, for instance, will be about 8,000–15,000 words long. PhD dissertations, on the other hand, can reach about 80,000–100,000 words in length, which hikes up the price dramatically.

Similarly, a specialized structure and quality check is likely to add a few hundred dollars to the editing cost. If you want the editing service to handle referencing and formatting on top of that, the cost will increase. The cost of dissertation editing is directly proportional to the amount of work the editor undertakes.

It’s always best to edit and proofread your dissertation a few times yourself and get an initial review from your instructor. You can then look for PhD dissertation editing services based on their feedback. If you know exactly what you need an editor to do, you’ll have to pay only for the essentials.

How Can I Get a Dissertation Editing Quote?

You can get a dissertation editing quote by visiting a company’s website. Most online dissertation editing services have their pricing readily available on their web pages. You can simply type the word count of your dissertation and get a tentative figure. Some companies ask you to upload your dissertation before offering a quote.

If you’d like to know more about a company and their style of work, you can reach out to their support team. These days, most companies have chatbots on their website and you can use them to get in touch with the team. This is a better way to get a quote since you can tell them your requirements and obtain a much better offer.

Can I Get a Discount on Dissertation Editing Services?

Yes, you can definitely get a discount on dissertation editing services. Almost every editing company will offer you a 5% to 10% discount on your first order. Some also have student discounts of up to 15%. Plus, most companies have offers going on throughout the year, such as Black Friday, Holiday Season, and Easter discounts.

If you’ve been working on your dissertation in advance, you’re likely to have a document ready when one of the big offers comes around. If you’re in a time crunch, though, you’ll probably have to make do with a 10% discount.

How Long Does it Take to Proofread a Dissertation?

It may take anywhere from 12 hours to 7 days to proofread a dissertation. If you pay for a premium dissertation editing service, they may even deliver the proofread document in a few hours! But less turnaround time usually means more expensive services. So, the time it takes to proofread a dissertation largely depends on your editing budget!

Do Dissertation Editing Services Offer Error-Free Dissertations?

Yes, dissertation editing services offer error-free dissertations—that’s their purpose! This doesn’t mean that no error can bypass an editor; such a claim would be impossible to live up to. However, dissertation editing and proofreading services undertake several reviews to find and remove as many errors as they can. This, in turn, almost always leaves your document completely error-free!

Is it Safe to Send a Dissertation for Editing Services?

Yes, it’s completely safe to send a dissertation to editing services! It is not only academically ethical but expected that you get your dissertation professionally edited. Editing companies undertake several measures to protect your document, from encryption methods to NDAs. Rest assured, your dissertation is safe in your editors’ hands!

What Types of Documents Can You Use Dissertation Editing Services For?

You can use dissertation editing services for complete theses and dissertations as well as partial drafts. Some services also consider thesis and dissertation proposals under dissertation editing services.

Who Will Be Editing My Dissertation?

An editor with expertise in your subject who matches your editing requirements will edit your dissertation. Since dissertation editing services are legally obligated to protect the identities of their editors, you can’t interact with them firsthand. You can, however, request the support staff to pair you up with a specific type of editor.

-Isabell S.


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Dissertation Proofreading | Definition & Standard Rates


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Your months have hard work have finally paid off and your dissertation is now written and revised. However, it is not yet fully finished. 

Although minute, the process of proofreading can not only refine your document but also make it significantly more academic. In order to make your hard work shine, it is crucial that you correct the most minute errors through effective proofreading. 

But what is proofreading? What are its different methods? And why is it important? We will answer these questions one by one.

Let’s start with the basics: What exactly is dissertation proofreading?

What is dissertation proofreading?

Proofreading is the last step in the editing process. The main goal of this step is to correct any spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors and inconsistencies. 

Proofreading a dissertation—which can be more than 70,000 words long—is a lengthy process that may require several weeks. You must comb through your dissertation word by word and correct any minor errors. However, this step is overlooked by many and is left to be completed for the last possible moment. This can often compromise the quality of your work!

If in compliance with your university guidelines, you can consider consulting a professional proofreading firm to review your dissertation. You can also take the help of proofreaders specifically trained in the subject of your choosing. These professionals can review your dissertation quickly and efficiently. They can also make suggestions for word choice to refine your dissertation.

What does a dissertation proofreader do?

A professional proofreader not only improves the linguistics of your dissertation but also provides practical suggestions for the betterment of your language. They are capable of understanding the terminologies, nuances, and subtleties of your subject.  

Here’s how academic proofreaders refine your dissertation:

1. Correcting your style of writing  

Experienced proofreaders enhance your document’s overall style and diction, making your dissertation more formal and academic. 

2. Correcting awkward phrasing and ambiguities

Proofreaders point out incorrect word choices in your text and provide suggestions to correct these inconsistencies. This makes your dissertation succinct and easy to understand.

3. Correcting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors

Proofreaders are trained to detect the most minute grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. This makes your dissertation more coherent, readable, and academic. 

4. Correcting errors and inconsistencies in referencing styles

Proofreaders are trained in multiple referencing styles such as APA, MLA, and Chicago styles. They can point out and correct any errors or inconsistencies in referencing styles. 

Why is proofreading a dissertation important?

In order to convey a clear message through your dissertation, it’s crucial to eliminate all errors and inconsistencies in writing. A single misplaced comma, or incorrect terminology, can diminish the quality of your dissertation. 

Error-free writing not only involves the correct use of spelling, terminology, grammar, and punctuation but also appropriate and consistent formatting. Here are a few reasons why proofreading is crucial to your dissertation:

1. Enhances quality

The use of specialized terminology and formal language elevates your dissertation and makes it more academic. Correct use of technical terminology not only refines your document but also makes it more credible. 

2. Improves readability

Readability issues such as run-on sentences, incorrect use of technical terminology, or even errors in capitalization confuse the reader. Well-structured, succinct sentences not only refine your dissertation but also highlight its purpose.

3. Eliminates inconsistencies

Inconsistencies or errors in citation styles demonstrate your lack of knowledge to the reader and create a poor impression. In order to create a favorable impression on the reader, it is crucial to stick to the referencing guidelines prescribed by your course.

What is the dissertation proofreading cost?

The average dissertation proofreading rate for 75,000 words can range from $1,500–$3,000. This cost can, however, vary as per the expected turnaround time, the density of errors, and the complexity of the dissertation. 

For instance, proofreading a highly technical document will cost much more than a less complex document. The turnaround time also plays a significant part in determining the proofreading cost. For instance, proofreading a document within 24 hours will cost much more than proofreading it within 2 weeks. 

Proofreading services may also have different methods to determine their prices. For instance, some proofreaders charge clients on an hourly basis, whereas others charge them on a per-word basis. 

In spite of these differences, we have compiled a list of average proofreading rates for the following prominent proofreading services. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is master's dissertation proofreading allowed, what are some useful proofreading strategies, what is the difference between editing and proofreading.

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Proofreading Checklist: Thesis or Dissertation

Proofreading Checklist: Thesis or Dissertation

  • Jun 27, 2021
  • Academic Editing
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Whether at master’s or PhD level, theses and dissertations are complex documents. This can make them difficult to proofread . With that in mind, though, we’ve prepared this handy proofreading checklist you can use when working on a thesis or dissertation.

Parts of the Thesis/Dissertation

Theses and dissertations typically comprise several parts, including:

  • A strong title that clearly reflects the content of the document.
  • A cover page with the title, author’s name, and any extra details required by the examining institution (e.g., name of school, date of submission).
  • An acknowledgements page thanking people who helped the author.
  • A clear, concise abstract that summarizes the full document.
  • A table of contents, plus lists of charts, figures, and abbreviations where applicable.
  • An introduction, the main body of the document, and a conclusion. For experimental work, this will usually follow the IMRAD format . In other cases, it should comprise a series of chapters, each covering part of the overall argument.
  • A bibliography or reference list (as per your client’s chosen citation style).
  • Any appendices or supplementary material required.

However, the details here can vary depending on the degree level and subject area. As such, you should check your client’s style guide for advice on what the thesis or dissertation should include, plus guidelines for each section (e.g., cover page details, abstract length).

Mechanical Issues

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are the starting point of any proofreading job. When proofreading a thesis or dissertation, then, you will need to look for:

  • Basic spelling errors, plus issues related to proper nouns, technical terms, neologisms and other words that the spellchecker might miss.
  • Incorrect or unclear grammar and punctuation.
  • Inconsistencies in punctuation style, capitalization, and terminology.
  • Any additional mechanical requirements in your client’s style guide.

These should all be obvious points for an experienced proofreader. But it’s easy to overlook a few inconsistencies or typos in longer documents, so make sure to be thorough!

Academic Writing Style

Theses and dissertations typically focus on complex ideas or topics, with a dry, academic tone. However, good academic writing is also easy to read. When proofreading, then, you should help your client maintain a scholarly tone while making sure the document is clear.

In practice, this typically means looking out for the following:

  • Correct use of technical terminology for the subject area (while also highlighting issues with excessive jargon or unnecessarily convoluted phrasing).
  • A formal writing style throughout, with no colloquial or informal language.
  • Unnecessary wordiness and repetition that makes text difficult to follow.
  • Undefined or incorrectly introduced acronyms and abbreviations.
  • Unnecessarily gendered or biased language.
  • Inappropriate use of the first person or other subjective language.
  • Over reliance on the passive voice where the active voice would be clearer.
  • Awkward phrasing or transitions that detract from the flow of the text.

Keep in mind, too, that a thesis or dissertation is the culmination of years of study. Ensuring an academic tone is thus a very important aspect of proofreading.

Referencing Issues

As they are longer than standard essays and research papers, theses and dissertations will typically include a lot of references. When proofreading, then, you should:

  • Make sure you are familiar with the referencing style your client is using.
  • Check that all citations in the main text are clear and consistent.
  • Look for issues with quotations and block quotes .
  • Check that the reference list/bibliography is correctly formatted.
  • Make sure all sources cited in the main text are present in the reference list, that all entries are correctly formatted for the source type, and that all entries are complete.
  • Check that repeated author’s names and book titles are consistent and correct.

However, be careful about editing references directly. Minor corrections to inconsistencies or typos are fine, but making substantial changes could lead to accusations of plagiarism . On a purely practical level, moreover, it’s often difficult to be certain about any changes you make to references unless you have access to the same sources as your client.

As such, it is usually better to comment on referencing issues than correct them directly.

Images and Charts

Many theses and dissertations have images, tables, or charts. If this is true of the document you’re proofreading, you will need to check that:

  • Images, tables, and charts all have captions with clear, error-free labels.
  • All images, tables, and charts are listed (either together or separately, depending on how many of each type the document contains) after the table of contents.
  • Captions are consistent between lists of figures and the main text.
  • Visual elements of the same type are labelled consistently, typically with a sequential numbering system for ease of reference in the main text.
  • The relationship between visual elements and the main text is clear (e.g., that mentions of images in the text are clearly labelled with “see figure X” or similar).
  • All images from sources (e.g., an existing technical illustration) are cited correctly.

Make sure to check your client’s style guide for advice on presenting images and charts, too.

Dissertation and Thesis Formatting

The correct formatting for a dissertation or thesis will depend on the examining institution, so make sure to check your client’s style guide! However, you will usually need to ensure:

  • Consistent uses of fonts, styles , and spacing options in different parts of the text.
  • All headings and subheadings are formatted to appear in the table of contents .
  • Captions are formatted so they’ll appear in lists of charts/figures .
  • Correct use of indentations (e.g., block quotes).
  • That the layout matches your client’s style guide (especially margin sizes).
  • Correctly formatted page numbers (e.g., theses and dissertations often use roman numerals for introductory pages and arabic numerals for the main text).
  • Use of section breaks between chapters (in line with your client’s style guide).
  • Running headers match the chapter titles in each section.

Many theses and dissertations are bound when finished, so correct formatting can be very important (e.g., making sure the document has a gutter margin for binding).

Becoming A Proofreader

Whether you are an experienced proofreader brushing up on your academic proofreading skills or interested in a more flexible freelancing lifestyle, why not give our Becoming A Proofreader course a try? Sign up for a free trial now.

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Dissertation Proofreading Service: Perfect Your Work Fast, Affordable, Professional

Your supervisor has finally given the green light, and now it's time for the ultimate stage of refinement: dissertation proofreading and formatting, all in accordance with your institution's exact requirements. This critical step in the process ensures that your academic masterpiece, whether it's a thesis or dissertation, reaches its pinnacle of perfection.

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Dissertation Proofreading: Perfect Your Final Draft Before Submitting

Dissertation Proofreading Before

You're nearing the finish line of your academic journey, with your dissertation or thesis in hand. As the culmination of your hard work, it's essential to present a polished and error-free document that will make a lasting impression. Our Dissertation Proofreading and Dissertation Editing services are here to help you achieve perfection. 

As you embark on this phase, enlist the invaluable assistance of a dissertation editing and proofreading service staffed by experienced document editors who specialize in academic writing. Our professional editors are well-versed in the intricacies of academic work, and their expertise lies not only in correcting errors but also in enhancing the overall quality of your document.

The thesis proofreading services they provide extend to various aspects of your work, from ensuring clarity and coherence in your arguments to refining the flow of your writing. Their attention to detail is unparalleled, guaranteeing that your thesis or dissertation is free from any pesky grammatical and stylistic imperfections that might detract from the academic excellence you've worked so diligently to achieve.

Why Should I Choose Dissertation Proofreading by Scribendi?

Our expert editors specialize in dissertation proofreading, ensuring that your academic work shines with clarity and precision . The core of their work includes meticulous spelling and punctuation review by a native English speaker who employs tracked changes to keep you informed of every modification made. 

Furthermore, these masters of academic proofreading will help you maintain word count precision while ensuring that your document adheres to the stringent formatting guidelines of your institution. Here's how you benefit:

  • Professional dissertation proofreading: We offer top-tier dissertation proofreading that addresses grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word choice errors. 
  • Formatting excellence: Let our experts handle the laborious task of formatting your citations and references to meet the specific requirements of your chosen style guide.
  • Academic expertise: Our editors have extensive experience across various academic fields, including master's dissertations and thesis proofreading. They've been where you are and know what it takes to succeed.
  • Tracked changes: Our editing and proofreading service includes tracked revisions, allowing you to review all changes made to your document.
  • Critical feedback: We provide insightful commentary on any remaining issues or concerns in your paper, helping you improve its overall quality.

Remember, a polished and error-free document can make all the difference in your academic journey. So, when it's time for dissertation proofreading and editing services, rely on professionals who understand the importance of this critical phase in your academic work and who are dedicated to elevating your research to its highest potential .

Can I get a discount on Dissertation Proofreading services?

Enhancing your academic work has never been more affordable with our exclusive student discount for Dissertation Proofreading services.

Our team of expert editors is ready to take your thesis to the next level. Whether you're a PhD student or pursuing a master's degree, we understand the importance of a well-crafted dissertation. With our 10% student discount , you can enjoy substantial savings while receiving top-notch proofreading services for your dissertation. 

Our experienced dissertation proofreaders are well-versed in academic writing and can help you refine your work, focusing on aspects like style, English proficiency, and adherence to university guidelines. Don't miss out on this limited-time offer to improve the quality of your thesis while saving on Dissertation Proofreading services.

Simply use the coupon code on our Student Discount page to start improving your writing today. Our proofreading service for dissertations is dedicated to helping students like you succeed in their academic journey.

Take advantage of this opportunity to elevate your thesis or dissertation to its highest potential with our discounted Dissertation Proofreading services.

What will you receive with the Dissertation Proofreading service? 

  • A revised document in which misspellings, grammar errors, and typos have been corrected
  • Changes and suggestions to help improve clarity, flow, structure, and readability
  • Formatting of your citations and references to the style guide of your choice, if desired
  • Tracked revisions so that you can see and review all the changes that have been made
  • Critical commentary on any remaining issues or concerns in your paper 
  • A short summary of the work that has been done and any major concerns

What types of documents can you use the Dissertation Proofreading service for?

  • Dissertations
  • Thesis and dissertation proposals

Note: Proofreading is for final drafts of documents that have already been edited at least once. If you would like help with word choice, sentence structure, and the overall organization and clarity of the content and writing, our Dissertation Editing or Structural Editing services can provide everything you need and more!

Generative AI has become increasingly relevant in academia and can impact academic services at Scribendi; click here to see Scribendi’s policy on generative AI .

Your work's confidentiality and your personal information's security are paramount to us. Our platform ensures safe and encrypted uploads and downloads. We accept a wide range of file formats to accommodate your needs. 

Getting started is simple. Receive an instant quote below and place your order today to perfect your dissertation and make a lasting impression on your supervisor and faculty.

  Get an Instant Quote and Place Your Order

File Word Count  
Include in Price?  
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (up to 1,500 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (up to 4,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (up to 6,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (up to 8,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (up to 20,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (up to 35,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (up to 50,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (50,000 to 100,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (100,000 to 150,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (150,000 to 250,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Proofreading (250,000 to 400,000 words)

Dissertation Proofreading Services FAQ

What is dissertation proofreading.

Dissertation proofreading is a crucial phase in the academic journey of every scholar, whether you're working on a dissertation or thesis. This meticulous process involves a comprehensive review and editing of your scholarly work to ensure that it adheres to the highest academic standards. In essence, it's the final touch that can make a world of difference in the quality and impact of your research.

Why does my dissertation need proofreading?

Dissertation proofreading guarantees its clarity, coherence, and professionalism. Like other types of editing and proofreading services (e.g., Personal Statement Editing ), it ensures your work is free from errors, enhancing its credibility and the impact of your research. 

In essence, your dissertation is not only a testament to your academic prowess but also a foundational document that may shape your future research opportunities and career prospects. Ensuring that it meets the highest academic standards through meticulous dissertation proofreading is an investment in your success, providing a document that is free from errors and fully ready to make a significant impact in your academic and professional journey. 

How do I make sure my dissertation is proofread efficiently?

Efficient dissertation proofreading involves a systematic review for grammar, spelling, formatting, and content. It's often best to hire a professional editor with expertise in academic writing to ensure a thorough and error-free review.

Efficient dissertation proofreading also requires careful planning, the use of professional services, native English-speaking editors, a collaborative approach using tracked changes, attention to word count guidelines, a thorough review of spelling and punctuation, and a deep focus on the overall quality and consistency of your academic writing. 

What are the advantages of hiring an editor to proofread your dissertation?

Hiring an editor for dissertation proofreading brings numerous benefits, including polished writing, improved clarity, adherence to academic standards, and confidence in the quality of your research. It not only ensures error-free content but also enhances the overall quality, professionalism, and impact of your work. With the guidance of expert editors, your dissertation becomes a powerful representation of your research, positioning you for success in the academic world.

Grad Coach

Your Writing, Expertly Edited

Get your work meticulously edited and proofread by PhD-qualified academic writing specialists, who know exactly what markers want .

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Your All-In-One Solution

Our flagship service includes both editing and proofreading . Here’s what we take care of:

  • Fix typos, misspellings, punctuation issues and ensure consistency of your spelling format (e.g., UK or US English).
  • Undertake light rewriting of poorly presented sentences, to improve readability and ease of understanding. If substantial rewriting is needed, we’ll provide suggestions.
  • Highlight areas where clarification and additional explanation are needed.
  • Ensure that your in-text references are in the correct style, formatted correctly and are included in the end-text reference list.
  • Ensure that your reference list is correctly formatted.
  • Highlight areas where additional references are needed (e.g., sweeping statements, unfounded arguments, etc.).
  • Generate the table of contents page, lists of figures and tables.
  • Ensure consistent style for figure and table captions.
  • Insert captions where we are able to, or highlight areas where captions are needed.
  • Ensure consistency of heading levels and styles.
  • Ensure correct page numbering (e.g., roman numerals for pre-matter).
  • Ensure that your format/page layout is in line with your institute’s requirements.

What exactly you get  

Every editing and proofreading project includes the following key deliverables:

what is dissertation proofreading

A perfectly edited document

You’ll receive a clean, finalised version of your document, fully edited and proofread. You’ll also receive a second version with all changes tracked , as well as our comments and suggestions to improve your writing further.

Research proposal topic refinement

A detailed plagiarism report

If you’d like, we can run a comprehensive plagiarism scan on your document and provide you with a detailed report that outlines potential plagiarism issues and provides a similarity index. This is included free of charge.

Research proposal topic refinement

A certificate of editing

If your university requires a formal certificate of editing or confirmation letter, we’ll draft this according to your institution’s specific requirements. We can also provide copies of invoices and receipts if required by your sponsor. 

The Grad Coach Difference  

Editors are a dime a dozen  and there’s always someone who can do it cheaper. Here’s what makes Grad Coach’s editing and proofreading service different.

Academic editing experts

Academic Writing Specialists

Our PhD-qualified editors specialise in academic writing, so they know exactly what markers want.

Dissertation and thesis supervisors

Combined Editing & Proofreading

Our service includes both editing and proofreading, while others charge separately for each.

Plagiarism report free

Full Plagiarism Reporting

In addition to editing and proofreading, we can also provide a  plagiarism report , completely free of charge.

Get Your Dissertation Edited Today

Or book a free, no-obligation consultation .

Awards and accreditations

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most popular editing-related questions we receive.

Editing & Proofreading

How do you edit and proofread.

Our editing and proofreading process is 100% manual - in other words, it's handled by a team of highly qualified human editors, not machines . We don't use any automation software or tools, as nothing can beat the quality and accuracy of human editing.

Our editing team consists of a diverse mix of Doctoral and Master's-qualified language specialists . The team is managed by Dr Eunice Rautenbach , who holds both a Master's and Doctoral degree in language practice. All team members have extensive academic editing experience, are native English speakers (from the US, UK and SA) and have worked on numerous dissertations, theses and research projects.

Can I see an example/sample of your editing?

Certainly . You can download a sample editing and proofreading project here .

Will you sort out my references and citations?

Yes . As part of the editing process, we will ensure that your references and citations are in the correct format (e.g., Harvard, APA, etc) as per your university's requirements (you'll need to advise us what these are).

However, keep in mind that we can't fill in incomplete references or find the relevant sources for you (as it's impossible for us to know which sources you've referenced). We also cannot check whether the references you have are accurate or suitable for the arguments you make in your writing.

Can you fix/build my table of contents?

Yes , we can create a table of contents based on the headings and subheadings throughout your dissertation or thesis. This table of contents will include the respective page number for each heading or subheading.

Can you lower my word count?

Yes - as part of the editing process, we will edit your work for concision. However, we cannot guarantee a specific word count or percentage reduction, as this would risk cutting out important content.

Can you check my work for plagiarism?

Yes - we can provide a detailed plagiarism report with every editing and proofreading project. However, please keep in mind that universities use a variety of plagiarism-checking services. Therefore, if your university provides you with a plagiarism-checking facility (as they often do), you should double-check your score on that system.

How long does the editing and proofreading process take?

It depends on the length of the document, the overall quality of the writing (i.e., the number of issues to be resolved) and our project load at the time of submission.

Generally speaking, we can complete a standard dissertation/thesis of 20,000 words within 2-3 days , but this varies depending on the factors above. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you pre-book your editing with us for a specific date. For pre-booked projects, we can provide a guaranteed timeline, which is generally shorter than that of "walk-in" projects. Please email us to pre-book your project.

Can you provide a certificate of editing?

Yes , certainly. We can issue a certificate according to your university's requirements. We can also sign any paperwork required by your university as proof of editing.

Will my document be treated as confidential?

Yes , absolutely. Your work will be treated as strictly confidential and will never be shared or published. We will gladly sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with you if you wish.

How much does editing cost?

Our fee is based on the total word count of the document. This includes the body content and the reference list (as we need to review this). You can also include the appendices if you wish, but it's generally not required.

Click here to view our pricing or book a free consultation to discuss your project.

When should I submit my document to you?

Generally, editing and proofreading should be the very last step in your writing process. This ensures that you don't "undo" any editing work, or introduce new typos or grammar issues.

However, if your supervisor has specifically instructed you to get your work edited before submitting it to them for final review, you should follow their instructions. If you're unsure which approach to take, get in touch with us.

Can you edit my dissertation/thesis as I complete each chapter?

We can, but we don't recommend it . By editing chapter by chapter, consistency is reduced and there is a strong chance that there will be conflicts between document versions in terms of references, page, table and figure numbers, and so on. As a result, a lot of the work will be "undone" and you'll need to spend a lot of time revising and checking each section.

How much time should I factor in post-edit to make corrections?

We recommend that you factor in a day or two to make your final corrections after receiving your document back from us. This is not essential (as you can just accept all our edits "as is"), but it is a good idea to have a buffer in case you want to make any additions or revisions. You might also need to fix issues highlighted by the edit, e.g., regarding clarity of meaning or problems flagged with your referencing.

Can you do a second review of my document after the first edit?

We can review your document as many times as you need , but each review is charged separately. In other words, we cannot provide a second review (after we've edited and proofread) free of charge.

Can you check that my Conclusions and Recommendations represent all my findings?

This is beyond the scope of language editing, as it involves data analysis and interpretation. If you would like assistance with this, we can assist with 1-on-1 coaching , where we review your work critically and provide in-depth feedback (you can view a sample of this here ).

Can you write my abstract (or exec summary) for me?

No , we can't. As part of the editing process, we will improve the quality of your writing, but we cannot write any section for you. Having any section written for you would constitute academic misconduct.

Can you rephrase text to reduce my plagiarism score?

No , we can’t. While we may undertake some very light rewriting of poorly constructed sentences to improve readability and ease of understanding, we cannot revise content to reduce plagiarism, as we are not familiar with the articles/sources being referenced.

Can you arrange the separate sections of my document?

No , we cannot arrange (or rearrange) sections of content on your behalf, as this may impact the core meaning and/or the thread of argument.

That said, if we feel that a section could be structured better for clarity, we will comment on this and make suggestions. Additionally, we will check that your headings and subheadings are numbered sequentially and are consistent in style.

I still have questions…

No problem. Feel free to email us or book an initial consultation to discuss.

Still have a question?   Email us  or  book a no-obligation consultation .

What our clients say

We've worked 1:1 with 3000+ students . Here's what some of them have to say:

David's depth of knowledge in research methodology was truly impressive. He demonstrated a profound understanding of the nuances and complexities of my research area, offering insights that I hadn't even considered. His ability to synthesize information, identify key research gaps, and suggest research topics was truly inspiring. I felt like I had a true expert by my side, guiding me through the complexities of the proposal.

Cyntia Sacani (US)

I had been struggling with the first 3 chapters of my dissertation for over a year. I finally decided to give GradCoach a try and it made a huge difference. Alexandra provided helpful suggestions along with edits that transformed my paper. My advisor was very impressed.

Tracy Shelton (US)

Working with Kerryn has been brilliant. She has guided me through that pesky academic language that makes us all scratch our heads. I can't recommend Grad Coach highly enough; they are very professional, humble, and fun to work with. If like me, you know your subject matter but you're getting lost in the academic language, look no further, give them a go.

Tony Fogarty (UK)

So helpful! Amy assisted me with an outline for my literature review and with organizing the results for my MBA applied research project. Having a road map helped enormously and saved a lot of time. Definitely worth it.

Jennifer Hagedorn (Canada)

Everything about my experience was great, from Dr. Shaeffer’s expertise, to her patience and flexibility. I reached out to GradCoach after receiving a 78 on a midterm paper. Not only did I get a 100 on my final paper in the same class, but I haven’t received a mark less than A+ since. I recommend GradCoach for everyone who needs help with academic research.

Antonia Singleton (Qatar)

I started using Grad Coach for my dissertation and I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for them, I would have really struggled. I would strongly recommend them – worth every penny!

Richard Egenreider (South Africa)

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How to Proofread a Thesis: A Guide

How to Proofread a Thesis: A Guide

Anyone who has written one knows that a thesis is a monumental task. Months or even years of research, writing, and revision go into creating a thesis. The moment you type the last word, you may feel an incredible sense of relief. But you aren’t done yet! Now it’s time to begin the second most challenging part of writing a thesis: editing and proofreading. Your thesis will no doubt go through various rounds of editing as you reread and rewrite different sections, and your advisor provides their input. But even after all that, there is one critical step left, which is thesis proofreading. Is thesis proofreading that important? How can you go about thesis proofreading anyway?

What is Thesis Proofreading? Proofreading is a separate step where you carefully review a text to ensure its technical accuracy. Thesis proofreading should be conducted after all of your major content editing has been finished. This is to save both time and effort. After all, why bother reviewing a section that will be deleted later? If you proofread before you are done editing, you may have to go back and proofread new sections that are added or changed during the editing process. Thesis proofreading should only take place once you are really, for real, finally done with editing.

In addition to technical accuracy, such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting, thesis proofreading should double-check that your word choice is correct. Proofreading your thesis will also give you the chance to check one more time for clarity and typographical errors. Finally, thesis proofreading will let you make sure that your word choices, use of abbreviations, and use of capitalization are consistent throughout your text. Thesis proofreading is a critical step because any errors in a written document make the document seem less professional and trustworthy. This is doubly true when it comes to academic circles. In this article, we talk specifically about English proofreading, but keep in mind that thesis proofreading is a critical step no matter what language you wrote your masterpiece in.

How Do You Proofread a Thesis? When it comes to performing the English proofreading of your thesis, you have a couple of options. The first option is to proofread your own thesis. This can save you some money, but it can also involve a lot of time and difficulty. Proofreading your own work is always a challenge, thesis or otherwise, because you will bring your own bias as the writer to the table. You wrote it, and you know what you wanted to say. For that reason, it can be very easy to miss your own errors. This is why many thesis writers choose to hire thesis proofreading services. If you are a non-native English speaker, hiring thesis proofreading services to perform English proofreading is often your best option. English proofreading is difficult for native speakers too, and experienced dissertation editors employed by thesis proofreading services can often provide you with a very high quality of service.

Your thesis is probably long, and so it can help to do your thesis proofreading in sections rather than all at once. More importantly, do not attempt to proofread your thesis immediately upon finishing your final draft. You need as much time and space between you and your thesis as possible before you begin the proofreading process. If you aren’t engaging the help of thesis proofreading services, put your thesis on the shelf for at least 72 hours, preferably a week, before you begin the thesis proofreading process. That way, you can look at it with fresh eyes, and you’ll be more likely to catch the errors you have made.

What Should I Look For When Proofreading? Anyone doing their own thesis proofreading should begin with a checklist of items to review. Common errors that should be looked for include:

  • Inconsistent use of UK and US English (especially common among non-native speakers)
  • Spelling errors (spell check is useful but will not catch everything)
  • Typographical errors (abort instead of about is a nasty error but will be missed by spell check!)
  • Inconsistent abbreviations (U.S. vs. US)
  • Punctuation errors (improper use of apostrophes, inconsistent use of the Oxford comma, en dashes instead of em dashes)
  • Grammatical errors (incorrect use of a/an/the, pluralization, etc.)

The easiest way to eliminate inconsistent use of UK vs. US English is to make sure the language of your document is set for your preferred version of English and then perform a quick spell check using the spell-check tool. This should take care of most spelling issues, but also keep a careful eye out as you read through your paper for any inconsistencies you may have missed.

One additional item you’ll want to take special care with is use of contractions (don’t vs. do not) and apostrophes. In general, academic writing is formal and use of contractions is discouraged. Some style guides (APA, for example) specifically discourage the use of contractions. Similarly, non-native speakers often have a tendency to overuse apostrophes with plural possessives. English proofreading and writing strongly advise against this, as native speakers are taught not to write this way. For example, “the dogs’ group” should be “the group of dogs” and “the publics’ opinion” should be “public opinion” or “the opinion of the public.” In addition, you should make sure that your formatting is consistent. Are headlines aligned the same way? Did you use bold for one section and italics for another? Are the margins correct? Always refer to the guide provided by your university to ensure you have properly formatted your thesis before submission.

Where Can I Find Help with Thesis Proofreading? There are a number of helpful guides and tools out there to assist you in thesis proofreading. Google Scholar can help you double-check your citations, as can citation generators. OWL Purdue online also has many helpful writing tips. Thesis proofreading services, as mentioned above, are also a great resource. In addition to thesis proofreading services, academic proofreading services are also available. What is academic proofreading? Simply put, academic proofreading is specifically targeted to academics. Academic and thesis proofreading services employ experienced dissertation editors who are familiar with specific academic disciplines to review academic articles and thesis manuscripts. Because of their familiarity with the subject matter, they are fast and thorough.

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The 7 Types of Dissertations Explained: Which One is Right for You?

Your dissertation is a pretty big deal and likely represents years of hard slog studying your subject of expertise.

But did you know there are 7 different types of dissertation ?

The 7 types of dissertation explained

The purpose of this article is to demystify the various types of dissertations you might encounter or choose to undertake during your advanced studies. Armed with this knowledge, you can select the most appropriate methodology and framework for your research interests and academic requirements.

Each type of dissertation serves a different academic purpose and requires a unique approach and structure. In this article, we’ll take a look at these differences in detail, providing clear explanations and examples from a range of academic disciplines. By the end of this article, you should have a thorough understanding of the options available for your dissertation and be better prepared to select a path that aligns with your research goals and academic ambitions.

Remember, regardless of what type of dissertation you ultimately decide to pursue, best dissertation proofreading can make all the difference between a pass and a fail.

7 Types of Dissertation

Type of Dissertation Key Features Typical Disciplines Primary Focus
Empirical Data collection through experiments, surveys, observations Sciences, Social Sciences Gathering new data
Theoretical Focuses on existing theories and literature Philosophy, Literature, Sociology, Psychology Developing or expanding theories
Case Study In-depth study of a particular case Business, Education, Psychology, Social Sciences Detailed analysis of a specific instance
Comparative Compares and contrasts two or more entities Law, Education, Political Science, International Relations Identifying patterns or discrepancies
Project-Based Centers around a practical project Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Arts Application of theoretical knowledge to real-world problems
Narrative Uses narrative techniques to convey research Creative Arts, Literature, Education Personal or creative exploration of topics
Systematic Review Structured review of literature Healthcare, Psychology, Social Sciences Synthesizing existing research

Empirical Dissertations

So, let’s dive right in with empirical dissertations—arguably the most hands-on type of dissertation out there. If you’re studying a field like psychology, biology, or social sciences, you’re probably going to become very familiar with this approach.

What exactly is an empirical dissertation?

It’s all about gathering data. You’ll be conducting your own experiments, surveys, or observations, making this type extremely engaging (and a bit daunting). Essentially, you’re collecting new data from the world or from people, rather than relying on existing data from other studies.

The structure of an empirical dissertation is pretty straightforward but involves rigorous methodology. Typically, it will include an introduction to set up your SMART research question , a literature review to justify why this question needs answering, a methodology section that details how you’ve gone about your data collection, a results chapter presenting your findings, and a discussion that ties everything back to your research question and explores the implications.

This type of dissertation not only tests your ability to conduct research and analyze data but also challenges you to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. By the end of an empirical dissertation, you should not only have answers to your original questions but also a solid chunk of real-world experience under your belt.

Best suited to: Students who are ready to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty.

Theoretical Dissertations

Now, shifting gears, let’s talk about theoretical dissertations. If the empirical dissertation is the hands-on, muddy boots kind of research, the theoretical dissertation is its more contemplative, indoor cousin. Perfect for those of you in fields like philosophy, literature, or certain branches of sociology and psychology, where concrete data might not be the main focus.

What’s the deal with theoretical dissertations? They revolve around developing, exploring, or expanding on existing theories. Instead of collecting new data, you invest your time and effort studying existing research and theoretical frameworks to build an argument or propose a new theory or perspective on an old one.

The structure of a theoretical dissertation generally includes a comprehensive introduction where you lay out your thesis or theory, followed by a detailed literature review that supports and provides the foundation for your thesis. After this, you’ll move into a discussion or analysis section, where you critically analyze your thesis in the light of existing theories and literature. The aim here is to offer a fresh or refined perspective that contributes to the existing body of knowledge.

This type of dissertation is a test of your analytical skills and your ability to synthesize complex ideas into a coherent argument. It’s less about creating new paths and more about mapping the ones already laid out in new ways.

Best suited to: Students who love theory and thrive on crafting arguments.

Case Study Dissertations

Next up, it’s case study dissertations. This type of dissertation is especially attractive if you’re someone who loves storytelling with a purpose or is drawn to in-depth analysis of specific events, individuals, or organizations. It’s a favorite in disciplines like business, education, psychology, and social sciences, where a single case can lead to the development of new theories and concepts.

A case study dissertation involves an intensive investigation of a particular individual, group, organization, or event. You’ll get to the nitty gritty of the specifics, examining various aspects of the case to understand its implications and applications. This method allows you to apply theoretical concepts in a real-world context, providing rich insights that aren’t always accessible through broader surveys or experiments.

The structure of a case study dissertation usually starts with an introduction to the chosen case, followed by a literature review that sets the theoretical framework. You then proceed to a detailed methodology section explaining how you collected and analyzed your data. The core of your dissertation will likely be the case analysis chapter, where you dissect the case in relation to your research question. Finally, you’ll conclude with a discussion of how the case impacts the wider field and what new understandings it brings to the fore.

Best suited to: Those who are meticulous and have a keen eye for detail, a case study dissertation allows you to explore the intricacies of a specific example while contributing to broader academic debates.

Comparative Dissertations

Next up is the comparative dissertation. This type is tailor-made for the analytically minded who love drawing connections and distinctions between different elements. It’s particularly prevalent in fields like law, education, political science, and international relations, where understanding differences and similarities across cases, laws, or educational methods can provide critical insights.

Essentially, a comparative dissertation involves systematically comparing and contrasting two or more entities. These could be policies, theories, populations, or even historical periods, depending on your study area. The goal is to identify patterns or discrepancies that reveal underlying principles or suggest new interpretations of data.

The structure of a dissertation of this nature typically includes a dissertation abstract followed by an introduction that defines the entities being compared and poses your research question. This is followed by a literature review that frames the theoretical bases for comparison. The methodology section should clearly outline the criteria and methods for comparison, ensuring transparency and replicability. The subsequent chapters will then detail the comparative analysis, discussing each entity individually before bringing them together for a comprehensive comparison. Finally, the conclusion synthesizes the findings, highlighting the significance of the differences and similarities discovered.

Best suited to: Those who can juggle multiple themes and variables without losing sight of the overarching question, a comparative dissertation challenges you to remain objective and balanced in your analysis.

Project-Based Dissertations

Project-based dissertations are more practical in nature. This type of dissertation is particularly appealing if you’re inclined towards applying your theoretical knowledge to create something tangible or solve a real-world problem. It’s a common choice in fields like engineering, computer science, and applied arts, where the end product can be a piece of software, an engineering prototype, or a design project.

What makes a project-based dissertation stand out? It centers around a project that you will plan, execute, and manage through the duration of your dissertation process. This could involve designing a new gadget, developing a software program, or creating a marketing plan for a startup. The focus is on applying the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired through your studies to produce a project that has practical and theoretical implications.

The structure of a project-based dissertation generally includes an introduction to the project, its objectives, and its relevance to your field. Following this, you’ll provide a literature review that supports the theories and methodologies you intend to use. The methodology section should detail your project plan, resources, and the processes you will follow. The main body of the dissertation will describe the project development and implementation phases in detail. Finally, the conclusion will evaluate the project’s success, its impact, and potential future developments or applications.

Best suited to: The innovative and the practical, a project-based dissertation allows you to showcase your ability to deliver a concrete outcome that demonstrates your professional capabilities.

Narrative Dissertations

If you’re drawn to writing and storytelling, a narrative dissertation might be right up your alley. This type is particularly popular in fields such as creative arts, literature, and education, where personal narratives or creative elements can be used to explore and communicate complex ideas.

What does a narrative dissertation involve? It’s about crafting a dissertation that primarily uses narrative techniques to convey research findings or explore scholarly questions. This could mean writing in a first-person perspective, incorporating fictional elements, or structuring the dissertation like a series of interconnected stories or essays.

The structure of a narrative dissertation often deviates from the traditional format. It begins with an introduction that sets the stage for the narrative journey. The literature review might be woven into the narrative itself, providing contextual background as the story unfolds. The methodology section explains how narrative methods will be used to explore the research question. The main body is where the narrative takes center stage, presenting research through personal reflections, storytelling, or hypothetical scenarios. The conclusion then ties all narrative threads together, reflecting on the insights gained and their broader implications.

Best suited to: those who think and express themselves best through stories, a narrative dissertation allows you to engage with your topic in a deeply personal and creative way.

Systematic Review Dissertations

Systematic review dissertations are perfect if you’re keen on synthesizing existing research to draw comprehensive conclusions about a specific topic. This type is particularly valuable in fields like healthcare, psychology, and social sciences, where summarizing and evaluating existing studies can provide powerful insights and inform practice and policy.

A systematic review dissertation involves a rigorous and structured approach to reviewing literature. You’ll gather all relevant data from previously published studies to answer a specific research question. The focus is on transparency and reproducibility, employing predefined methods to minimize bias and provide reliable results.

The structure of a systematic review dissertation typically begins with an introduction that outlines the research question and its significance. This is followed by a methodologically detailed section that explains the criteria for selecting studies, the search strategy used, and the methods for data extraction and synthesis. The results section then presents a detailed analysis of the studies included in the review, often using quantitative methods like meta-analysis. The discussion interprets these findings, considering their implications for the field and any limitations. The conclusion suggests areas for further research and summarizes the contributions made by the review.

Best suited to: Those with a keen eye for detail and a systematic approach to research, a systematic review dissertation can significantly impact by clarifying and summarizing existing knowledge.

Methodological Considerations

Choosing the right type of dissertation is an important decision in your academic journey, and several factors should guide your selection. This section aims to help you navigate these choices, ensuring that the methodology and framework you choose align perfectly with your research goals, available resources, and time constraints.

First, consider your discipline’s requirements and norms. Different fields favor different types of dissertations, so understanding what is expected and respected in your area of study is crucial. Next, think about your own strengths and interests. Choose a dissertation type that not only meets academic criteria but also excites you and plays to your strengths, whether they lie in empirical research, theoretical exploration, practical application, or creative expression.

Resource availability is another critical factor. Some types of dissertations, like empirical and project-based, may require access to specific equipment, software, or locations, which can be a deciding factor. Time constraints are also essential to consider; some dissertations, particularly those involving extensive data collection and analysis, may require more time than others.

Finally, discuss your ideas with your advisor or mentor. They can provide valuable insights and feedback that can help you refine your choice and ensure that you are prepared to tackle the challenges ahead. With the right preparation and understanding of what each type of dissertation entails, you can make an informed decision that sets the stage for a successful and rewarding research endeavor.

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Last updated on May 24, 2024

How to Choose Your Proofreading Rates: A Freelancer’s Guide

This post was written based on the last 24 months of data from Reedsy Marketplace and with insights from professional proofreader Leonora Bulbeck .

The average proofreading rate on Reedsy over the last 24 months is $0.0158 per word, or $15.80 per 1,000 words. For a 70,000-word manuscript, the average project quote is $1,108. However, proofreading rates can vary greatly depending on a range of factors, such as the genre you’re specializing in and the experience you bring to the table.

So, if you’re hoping to embark on a career as a proofreader or update your rates (or if you’re an author searching for reliable information on the costs of hiring a proofreader ), we’ve drawn data from all quotes given by experienced proofreaders on Reedsy Marketplace in the last 24 months to present you with reliable industry averages. And, though these averages can be a good starting point, we’ve thrown in some tips on how you can adapt your freelance proofreading rates according to your circumstances.

Average freelance proofreading rates

How much should you charge for proofreading? Below, you’ll find the average proofreading rates charged by Reedsy’s professionals for different genres of writing:

Biographies, Memoir








Crime, Mystery




Thriller, Suspense












Young Adult




Historical Fiction




Literary Fiction




Action, Adventure




General non-fiction




Religion, Spirituality








*Note that the rates for children’s books do not include picture books, which tend to have a higher per-word rate than chapter books and Middle Grade.

We’ve also created a rates calculator for anyone (whether proofreader or potential client) who wants to find out the expected cost of proofreading a book, depending on the genre and length of the manuscript.



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Proofreading rates per 1,000 words

As shown in the table above, freelance proofreading rates can range from $13.90 per 1,000 words for a romance novel to $19.80 per 1,000 words for manuscripts in the religion and spirituality genre, with an average of $15.80 per 1,000 words across all genres.

How much do proofreaders make?

Most proofreaders work on a freelance basis rather than as employees, so in terms of wages, let’s look at what the hourly rate is for a proofreader. Here are some 2024 data points to check out:  

*Depending on genre

**Suggested minimum rate

Statistics from the U.S. Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics show that in 2023, the mean hourly wage of employed proofreaders was around $24.57. Those who proofread in the legal, medical, and public relations fields tend to earn more than those in the book industry , though data for this group includes proofreaders in the newspaper and advertising field as well. According to ZipRecruiter, the average wage of a freelance proofreader in the U.S. is roughly $57k per annum, while in the UK, annual earnings typically range from £25–35k ($31-$39k), according to Glassdoor.

Freelance proofreaders who offer copy editing and copywriting services alongside proofreading naturally set higher rates. In combining these services and maintaining constant business, you could earn as much as you would with full-time employment. 

Do you think you have what it takes to be a proofreader? Take this test to find out: 

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Now, so far we’ve covered both per-word rates and hourly rates — but what should you go by as a freelancer? Let’s see what the smartest way to go about setting your proofreading rates is.

How to set your proofreading rates 

Using the averages in the tables above as baseline rates, here are five steps to determining what you want to charge your proofreading projects:

1. Set your per-word base rate 

Even though we propose that freelancers base their rates per word (more on this in a bit), it’s probably not the most helpful way to present your quotes to authors or clients, so knowing how much you charge per 1,000 words can help. With that information at hand, together with the total word count of the manuscript, you can quickly crunch the numbers and find out how to quote for the full project. 

While people like to use hourly rates to make it easy to compare between different professions,  it’s not the most efficient approach for proofreaders, especially those working with long-form content. 

As a newcomer to the trade, it’s difficult to gauge how long a project will take and pick a rate that appropriately reflects your work’s quality. Clients understand this — they are less likely to sign a contract with a proofreader offering an hourly quote to avoid the risk of paying for services that aren’t as efficient as they’d like. 

So when is an hourly rate a good idea? When you’re working on a manuscript that’s in terrible shape, or one that requires more specialized proofreading (think scientific papers or historical pieces) — in other words, a manuscript that would require more of your time and care. In such a case, an hourly rate could account for that. 

However, even if you charge for proofreading services by the word, you can still account for these nuances — and here's how.

2. Determine the amount of work with a sample proofread 

Not all manuscripts are created equal, which is why it's important to get an accurate overview of any project that you plan to take on. Before you s end out quotes for the project , ask for an extract from the manuscript, and do a sample proofread. This helps you to estimate how much work needs to be done, and it also gives the client an idea of your abilities. 

Proofreader Leonora Bulbeck bases her rates on the samples clients include in their briefs on Reedsy:

“I set each sample file to the same font and font size (Times New Roman, 12pt), double-spaced. If possible, I do three pages, and then look at how many amendments I have done (this is easy using Track Changes). I divide this by three to get the average number of edits per page. This average is then my key number for setting my rate for that particular client.”

In other words, the more mistakes there are, the more correcting you will have to do — and the higher the rate you should charge.

3. Consider the deadline 

Deadlines become important only when your client has left things to the last minute. If you’re asked to do your job extra quickly, you can raise your rates. 

As a rule of thumb: projects of 10,000 words should be done within five days. Anything faster than that (if it’s doable given your current workload) should come with extra compensation in addition to your baseline rate, since you’ll be working in your personal time. 

You should also let clients know when they have unrealistic expectations. As an experienced freelance proofreader, you’ll be taking on multiple gigs at any given time, so projects with longer word counts are unlikely to be turned over in a few days. Adjusting a client’s expectation in a professional manner can help make the negotiation go more smoothly — and can safeguard your own mental health, protecting you from burnout.

4. Account for your experience 

As with all kinds of services, the more experienced you are, the more expensive your service can be. A proofreader with more experience is more familiar with standard formatting and language presentation rules (from punctuation to capitalization). You may offer both U.S. and U.K. English proofreading, be used to conventions in the genre, and be less likely to miss out on small details — all of which call for better compensation. 

We at Reedsy encourage professionals to review and update baseline rates at least on a yearly basis in order to recognize this professional growth. 

5. Be prepared to let some clients go

Oftentimes, the hardest about setting your rates actually comes after you send out an offer and quote for the project , when the client responds to it by saying that the rate is too high. Some clients set unrealistic expectations when it comes to proofreading costs, while others may hope to minimize costs. In the face of this opposition, even when the client is polite, it’s not easy to stand by your rates. Freelancers — experienced ones included — tend to hold on to the thought that any client is better than none, even if it means you undersell yourself a little.

But you deserve to be paid fairly for the expertise and service that you offer. So come into negotiations ready to make your case for your quote. Remember that you are the expert: you have the knowledge to help clients and, with the research done, you understand industry averages better than anyone. Politely explain the factors you’ve accounted for when coming up with your rate, and most clients will understand. 

These five steps help you set fair proofreading rates for both yourself and your client. Remember that every project is different and that you are gaining experience all the time — your earnings should reflect that!

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"After graduation, I was looking for a research internship position. However, I did not get any due to the fact that English was not my first language. In order to enhance my chance of getting admitted, I submitted my writing sample to Editor World LLC. After the editing, my writing sample was more fluent and polished. As a result, I got an internship at the Hudson Institute after submitting the new writing sample. Editor World really has changed my life and I would like to thank the company for its help!" -Yichen, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

How Much Does Dissertation Proofreading Cost in 2024?

For graduate students who have already had their dissertation edited, proofreading is the final step in reviewing the manuscript for typos, misspelled words, and other minor issues. Dissertation proofreading costs can vary greatly depending on where you purchase such services. Graduate students often find and purchase dissertation proofreading services after conducting an online search, but local colleges and universities may also have freelance proofreaders to contact directly for proofreading services. In some cases, these services are more affordable, but getting references from other graduate students is a must. Dissertation proofreading services may charge a standard price for reviewing a dissertation, while others may charge based on the number of hours it takes to complete the proofreading or based on the word count.

Cost of Dissertation Proofreading in 2024

At some companies, dissertation proofreading services cost less per word or per page when you submit projects with a higher word count. This means that if you are submitting your dissertation for proofreading one chapter at a time you may pay higher prices than if you were to submit the complete dissertation for proofreading at one time. Some dissertation proofreading services may also charge a higher price for proofreading dissertations that are more scientific or technical. The price for  proofreading  a dissertation is lower than the price for  editing a dissertation because proofreading focuses on the last minor issues in the document. Dissertation proofreading prices can increase if your deadline is very soon. A deadline that gives the proofreader very little time to review the manuscript will often require an extra fee or a higher rate for dissertation proofreading.

Paying for dissertation proofreading services will help you remove the final remaining errors in the manuscript. This helps you create a final dissertation that is as professionally presented as possible. If your dissertation is in a Microsoft Word document, the dissertation proofreader will read through your dissertation and make corrections using Track Changes. There may be missing punctuation, inconsistent capitalization for certain words, extra spaces, or other minor errors. A professional proofreader has experiencing spotting and correcting these errors.

Hire a PhD Dissertation Proofreader

Editor World’s cost for dissertation proofreading services starts at $0.021 per word, making the cost of proofreading a 75,000-word dissertation $1,575 as of January 2024. Some dissertation proofreaders offer a discount of up to 20%, reducing the  dissertation proofreading cost  to $1,260. Editor World’s dissertation proofreading services help you perfect your dissertation before publication, eliminating errors and minor typos that minimize the professionalism of your academic document.

Scribbr's proofreading rates

Scribbr’s proofreading services are priced transparently and affordably. Your proofreading rate depends on your word count, selection of services, and turnaround time.

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When you select the Structure Check, your editor will look at the structure and organization of your document at the sentence, paragraph, and section levels. Your editor will provide concrete advice to help you avoid repetition and ensure your thesis is complete.

Please note that the Structure Check is a complementary service and can only be selected as an add-on to Proofreading & Editing.

When you select the Clarity Check, your editor will help you tell a clear and convincing story. In addition to providing feedback on the presentation of concepts and ideas, your editor will help you strengthen your argumentation and improve the cohesiveness of the text.

Please note that the Clarity Check is a complementary service and can only be selected as an add-on to Proofreading & Editing.

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Proofreading & Editing, Structure Check, and Clarity Check

When you select our professional proofreading and editing service , an editor will fix the language and consistency errors in your thesis , dissertation , paper , or other academic text . Y ou’ll receive a personalized improvement letter designed to help you recognize and correct your most frequent mistakes.

Additionally, you can choose the Structure Check to receive feedback on the structure and organization of your document or the Clarity Check for advice on how to tell a clearer and more compelling story.


Paper Formatting and Citation Editing

If you choose our Paper Formatting service , we will generate a table of contents and a list of tables and figures. We’ll also add page numbers for you. This service costs an additional $1.95  per page per item.

You can also have your citations checked for consistency. The Citation Editing Service  costs $2.75  per source.


Per-word rate

The cost is calculated based on the number of words you want checked and the per-word rate . The per-word rate depends on the deadline you choose. Additionally, there is a setup fee of $25 .

Scribbr’s proofreading rates for academic documents

Scribbr’s proofreading rates
Turnaround time Price (8,000 words)
7 days $161
3 days $229
24 hours $297

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Frequently asked questions

Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents . We proofread:

  • PhD dissertations
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The fastest turnaround time is 12 hours.

You can upload your document at any time and choose between four deadlines:

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

Yes, if your document is longer than 20,000 words, you will get a sample of approximately 2,000 words. This sample edit gives you a first impression of the editor’s editing style and a chance to ask questions and give feedback.

How does the sample edit work?

You will receive the sample edit within 12 hours after placing your order. You then have 24 hours to let us know if you’re happy with the sample or if there’s something you would like the editor to do differently.

Read more about how the sample edit works

Yes, in the order process you can indicate your preference for American, British, or Australian English .

If you don’t choose one, your editor will follow the style of English you currently use. If your editor has any questions about this, we will contact you.

Yes, regardless of the deadline you choose, our editors can proofread your document during weekends and holidays.

Example: If you select the 12-hour service on Saturday, you will receive your edited document back within 12 hours on Sunday.

Our APA experts default to APA 7 for editing and formatting. For the Citation Editing Service you are able to choose between APA 6 and 7.

Every Scribbr order comes with our award-winning Proofreading & Editing service , which combines two important stages of the revision process.

For a more comprehensive edit, you can add a Structure Check or Clarity Check to your order. With these building blocks, you can customize the kind of feedback you receive.

You might be familiar with a different set of editing terms. To help you understand what you can expect at Scribbr, we created this table:

Types of editing Available at Scribbr?

This is the “proofreading” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with editing.

This is the “editing” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with proofreading.

Select the Structure Check and Clarity Check to receive a comprehensive edit equivalent to a line edit.

This kind of editing involves heavy rewriting and restructuring. Our editors cannot help with this.

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How to write a survey paper: structure and tips for effective writing

Updated 04 Jul 2024

how to write a survey paper

All students dream of an easier way to learn a subject. Writing a survey paper example can effectively synthesize and consolidate information, helping you master a topic. It’s a valuable skill for anyone involved in academic research. This article will guide you through the essential steps of crafting an effective review. From understanding its purpose and structure to gathering and synthesizing information, you will learn how to write a survey paper and present a comprehensive overview of existing studies on a specific topic. You’ll be equipped with the tools to produce a well-organized and insightful text highlighting key findings and gaps in the literature.

What is a survey?

This is a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge and research on a particular topic. Unlike a sociology research paper and other original academic papers that present new findings, this writing summarizes and synthesizes existing studies, emphasizing significant developments, trends, and gaps in the literature. Its primary goal is to deliver readers a lucid explanation of the state of the art in a specific field. 

Where is it used?

Also known as review papers, paper survey examples are commonly used in academic and professional contexts where a broad topic overview is needed. They are prevalent in:

  • Academic journals: Researchers publish review articles in scholarly journals to explain the current academic landscape, often to introduce a special issue on a particular subject.
  • Theses and dissertations: Graduate students frequently use this writing the same way as a precis paper as part of their thesis or dissertation work to demonstrate their understanding of the existing literature.
  • Conference proceedings: Papers based on good survey topics are presented at conferences to summarize current exploration directions and trends, creating a foundation for discussions and further study.
  • Grant proposals: Researchers include them in grant applications to justify the need for their proposed exploration by highlighting gaps and unresolved issues in the existing science literature.

When do you need it?

  • Project beginning: Researchers turn to this genre to gather and summarize existing knowledge, which helps identify gaps and formulate research questions.
  • Curriculum development: Educators use review papers to develop course materials that give students a comprehensive understanding of a subject.
  • Policymaking: Policymakers rely on a survey introduction example to gain insights into current research trends and evidence, which inform decision-making processes.
  • Professional development: Professionals use papers on technology research topics to stay updated on the latest developments and advancements in their field.

Survey paper format and structure

To ensure adherence to academic standards, format your writing as follows. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-space the text. Set 1-inch margins on all sides for a professional look. Format headings and subheadings clearly and consistently. Include page numbers in the upper right corner. Follow the chosen citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, or Chicago) for in-text citations. Label and number all tables and figures, placing them in the appropriate sections and referring to them within the text.

Below is a general guideline on how to format a survey and structure it:

Your survey title examples should be clear and concise, reflecting the main topic to convey the paper’s focus quickly. This page should include the name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation(s), date of submission, and contact details.

How to introduce a survey? Complete the abstract (typically 150-250 words) with a summary of the objectives, scope, key findings, and conclusions, offering a snapshot of the research. List 3-5 keywords that represent the main topic.


In your research survey introduction example, provide the background, significance, objectives, and an outline of the document to set the context, explain its importance, and guide the reader. 

Literature review

This section summarizes and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of existing studies and discloses patterns, trends, and gaps, establishing a foundation and context.

Methodologies and approaches

This section is the same as you use in a communication paper . It describes, compares, and critiques study approaches, informing readers about various methods and assessing their effectiveness. 

Key terms and definitions

This section explains key terms and concepts used in research to ensure a clear understanding of the terminology.

Recent trends and developments

This section offers an overview of the latest exploration and emerging trends, describing the current state of the art and highlighting new directions.

It synthesizes the reviewed literature and trends, analyzes findings and implications, and identifies science areas requiring further exploration. 

In this part, summarize the main points and findings, significance, and recommendations to wrap up the text and suggest future research directions.

This is a complete list of cited sources in the proper format, crediting original authors and offering further reading resources.

Follow these guidelines to ensure your survey paper template is well-organized, clearly written, and academically rigorous. Always check for any specific requirements provided by your instructor, institution, or the journal to which you submit the text.

How to write a survey: step-by-step guide

An overview involves a systematic approach that ensures the final document is comprehensive, well-structured, and insightful. Below is an extended step-by-step guide to help you craft a thorough paper:

Step 1. Select a topic.

Choose a topic relevant to your study area with ample existing research. Ensure your survey topic examples are specific enough to be manageable but broad enough to cover significant exploration.

Step 2. Define the scope.

Clearly outline the scope of your work. This task will be easy if you know the answer to “ What is a term paper ”. Specify the aspects of the topic you will focus on to maintain clarity and focus throughout your document.

Step 3. Conduct a preliminary literature review.

Begin by reviewing the available literature to gain a general understanding of your topic's current state of research. Identify key studies, influential papers, and major findings to inform your subsequent detailed review.

Step 4. Formulate a research question.

To understand how to write a survey introduction, you should develop a clear and concise research question or thesis statement that will guide your work. Ensure your question is specific, focused, and researchable.

Step 5. Gather and organize relevant sources.

Collect literature directly addressing your research question using academic databases, journals, books, and credible online sources. Categorize it into themes, methodologies, or chronological order.

Step 6. Analyze and critique the literature.

Critically evaluate the studies, identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and contributions to the field. Look for patterns, trends, gaps, and areas of consensus or controversy in the existing study.

Step 7. Create an outline and conduct your research.

Develop a detailed outline for your work to guide your writing process. Create a document containing an introduction to a survey, body paragraphs with methodologies, key findings, and discussion, and finalize with a conclusion.

Step 8. Edit and proofread.

Review your paper for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Check for grammatical errors, proper citation, and adherence to formatting guidelines. Revise for improved quality and readability. Proofread the final draft to eliminate the mistakes. Seek feedback from peers or mentors for a polished, high-quality paper.

Step 9. Check formatting and presentation.

Ensure your document follows the provided formatting guidelines. Pay attention to font, margins, spacing, and heading styles. Correctly label and reference tables, figures, and appendices.

Step 10. Review and submit.

Conduct a final review for any errors or inconsistencies. Ensure logical flow and integration of all sections. Submit your text according to the given submission guidelines.

How to make your research stand out?

Creating a paper survey template can significantly advance your understanding of a topic, but to truly excel, there are a few essential recommendations to keep in mind. Let’s see how to write a survey paper to ensure your text stands out.

Understand your topic.

Begin by thoroughly understanding the topic. If any part of the question is unclear, seek clarification from your instructor. A solid grasp of the topic's basics will help identify key points of your exploration.

Select relevant literature.

Stay focused on your survey topics ideas by selecting sources that directly address them. Avoid hoarding unrelated sources and systematically review and filter appropriate studies.

Construct a concise research question.

Even if you prefer controversial research topics , keep your thesis statement short and clear to guide your paper’s direction and help you stay focused. This way, it will be easier for you to select relevant literature and avoid unnecessary information.

Use your library.

A preliminary investigation is crucial. Start with your college library, which offers a wealth of resources like encyclopedias and introductory texts to help outline your topic. Use these references to delve deeper into specific academic texts, enhancing your study outcomes.

Prioritize different up-to-date sources.

Base your work on current literature, ideally published within the last 5 years, and ensure you have more than 10 relevant sources. This balance maintains the relevance and depth of your exploration.

Use reputable sources.

One of the key secrets of how to write a good survey is to choose peer-reviewed and recognized sources in your field. Quality trumps quantity, so focus on highly regarded publications.

Use a logical sequence.

Be sure you understand how to structure a paragraph and that each element of your work ties into the research question and overall objective. This requires revising, editing, and proofreading your work multiple times. 

Follow an appropriate format.

When learning how to write a survey report, remember to follow academic guidelines and use a standard format, including suitable headings, spacing, font, margins, and referencing style. Adhering to word limits and maintaining concise wording is also crucial.

With these tips, you can produce high-quality, well-organized reviews that effectively communicate your study outcomes. If you need professional assistance, do not hesitate to contact our research paper writing service . Our dedicated experts are ready to help complete your work, provide valuable recommendations, and edit and proofread your work.

Final thoughts

Writing surveys is a crucial academic skill that allows you to synthesize existing research and present a comprehensive overview of a specific topic. Following the steps outlined in this article, you can produce well-structured and compelling writing that highlights key findings, identifies gaps in the literature, and provides a clear direction for future exploration. From understanding the purpose and scope of your research to organizing your findings and refining your writing, each step is essential to creating a high-quality text.

However, the process can be challenging and time-consuming. If you need additional assistance, EduBirdie is here to help. We offer expert guidance and support for every aspect of survey writing, from conducting thorough research and organizing your paper to editing and proofreading. With our help, you can ensure your survey study example meets the highest academic standards and effectively communicates your findings.

Whether you are just starting your research or need help polishing your final draft, EduBirdie's professional services can make a significant difference in the quality of your work. Don’t hesitate to seek the support you need to excel in your academic endeavors.

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Written by Mary O. Spears

Mary O. Spears is a dedicated writer specializing in crafting insightful guides on essay and paper writing. With a profound understanding of academic standards and a talent for demystifying complex topics, Mary offers invaluable guidance to students aiming for academic excellence. Outside of her professional work, Mary is passionate about cooking and eating healthy, bringing creativity and balance to both her culinary and writing endeavors.

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How to Write a Conclusion - Steps with Examples

I remember my college days when one of the most dreadful assignments was writing a research paper. It made me wonder if there was an easier way to help me through it. The worst part was writing the conclusion, which meant wrapping up the entire paper and finally drawing conclusions. It sounds pretty intimidating, doesn't it? How are you supposed to fit all that information into such a short space, and what else might you be missing? In this guide, I will show you how to write a conclusion so you can spare yourself from the distress of it all.

What to Include/ Not Include in a Conclusion?

Professors often stress a lot on writing a good conclusion that includes a wrap-up for your paper or essay. These are some factors you must consider to include in your conclusion:

Restate Your Thesis:

Begin by restating the main argument or thesis of your paper. This reinforces the central point you have been arguing throughout your work.

Summarize Key Points:

Provide a concise summary of the key points and findings from your paper. Highlight the most significant pieces of evidence that support your thesis.

Discuss the Implications:

Explain the broader implications of your findings. How do they contribute to the field of study? What practical applications or theoretical advancements arise from your research?

Address Limitations:

Acknowledge any limitations or weaknesses in your study. This demonstrates a critical and reflective approach to your research and provides a foundation for future work.

Suggest Future Research:

Propose areas for future research. What questions remain unanswered? What further investigations could build on your findings?

End with a Strong Closing Statement:

Conclude with a strong, impactful statement that leaves a lasting impression on your reader. This could be a call to action, a prediction, or a thought-provoking question related to your research topic.

There may also be certain things you would unknowingly add in your conclusion that would ultimately leave a bad impression on the reader. Keep these factors in mind so you may avoid when writing your conclusion for your paper:

New Information:

Avoid introducing new information or ideas that were not covered in the body of the paper. The conclusion is for synthesizing and reflecting on the information already presented.

Detailed Methodology:

Do not include detailed descriptions of your research methods. This information belongs in the methodology section of your paper.

Repetitive Summaries:

Refrain from simply reiterating points that were already made in the results or discussion sections. Instead, focus on synthesizing the information and highlighting its significance.

Speculative Statements:

Avoid idle speculation or guesswork about potential outcomes or implications that are not supported by your research findings.

Apologies or Undermining Your Work:

Do not undermine your work by apologizing for any perceived shortcomings. Present your conclusions confidently and assert the value of your research.

Excessive Length:

Keep the conclusion concise and to the point. Long, drawn-out conclusions can dilute the impact of your final statements.

To put things into perspective, here's what a good and bad conclusion example look like:

Good Example:

Bad Example:

Types of Conclusion

Summarizing conclusion:.

This type is the most common and involves summarizing the main points of the research, reiterating the research question, and restating the significance of the findings.

It is broadly used across different disciplines.

Example: If a study investigated the impact of social media on adolescents' mental health, a summarizing conclusion would reiterate key findings, such as the association between high social media use and increased anxiety and depression levels among adolescents, and emphasize the importance of these findings for developing effective interventions.

Editorial Conclusion:

This type is used less frequently and is suited for research papers that advocate for a particular viewpoint or policy. It presents a strong editorial opinion based on the research findings and offers recommendations or calls to action.

It is suitable for papers focusing on policy recommendations or advocating a specific viewpoint.

Example: For a study on the environmental impact of plastic waste, an editorial conclusion might call for a comprehensive ban on single-use plastics and increased recycling initiatives, urging governments, businesses, and individuals to take immediate action to protect the environment.

Externalizing Conclusion:

This type extends the research beyond the scope of the paper by suggesting future research directions or discussing broader implications of the findings. It is often used in theoretical or exploratory research papers.

It is Ideal for theoretical or exploratory studies.

Example: In a study exploring AI applications in healthcare, an externalizing conclusion might suggest future research into the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI in healthcare and emphasize the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to harness AI's potential while addressing its challenges.

How to Write a Conclusion in 4 Steps [With Examples]

Writing a conclusion may seem a bit tricky, but once you fully understand the essence of what goes into a conclusion, it will become much easier. To demonstrate how to write a conclusion, I will be using WPS Office , a tool designed to be convenient for students, thanks to its easy-to-use interface and free features. You can also utilize WPS AI, as I am in these simple 4 steps, to make the entire process smoother for yourself.

Step 1: Restate The Thesis Statement

Start your conclusion by restating the thesis statement of your research paper. This reminds the reader of the main focus and purpose of your study.

Example: If your thesis statement is "This study investigates the impact of social media on adolescents' mental health, revealing a significant association between high social media usage and increased levels of anxiety and depression.", you can use WPS AI to help improve and rewrite your thesis statement.

Here's how WPS AI can assist you with your thesis statement.

Write your thesis statement in WPS Writer and select the entire text using your mouse.

After selecting the text, a small hover menu will appear. Click on the "WPS AI" icon in this menu.

This will open a list of AI assistance options you can choose from. To ask WPS AI to improve your thesis statement, click on "Improve Writing".

WPS AI will process and return an improved thesis statement. If you don’t like the improved version, click on "Rewrite", or click on "Accept" to replace your text with the improved version.

Step 2: Review Main Supporting Points

Next, we need to summarize the key points of our research. When summarizing the key findings of your research, it’s important to highlight the most significant results and their implications.

Example: Let's say that from our research the most important findings were:

The study found that high social media usage negatively affects adolescents' self-esteem due to constant exposure to idealized images and lifestyles.

Excessive use of social media, particularly before bedtime, was linked to disrupted sleep patterns and insufficient rest, contributing to mental health issues.

Despite being a tool for connection, high social media usage can lead to feelings of loneliness and social isolation as face-to-face interactions decrease.

Here's how WPS AI can assist you summarize the key points of your research for your conclusion.

Let's switch to WPS Office again, and this time let's select the key points that we have written down from our research.

Click on the WPS AI icon from the hover menu to open the list of options you can choose from.

From the list, let's click on "Summarize" to shorten and summarize the key points from our research.

You can now choose to either accept or ask WPS AI to rewrite this summary of key points again.

Step 3: Show Why It Matters

Now that you have laid out all the findings from your paper and WPS AI has effectively summarized them, you can further prompt it to broaden the implications of your findings and follow up with real-world problems.

To get real-world insights using WPS AI, follow these steps:

Click on the WPS AI widget at the top right corner of the WPS Writer interface.

The WPS AI pane will open on the right. Here, simply type in your prompt. Here is an example of a prompt:

"Explain the significance of high social media usage leading to increased anxiety and depression in adolescents, and discuss potential real-world problems and solutions."

WPS AI will display the results, which can now be a part of your summary or can be further summarized or improved with the help of WPS AI.

Step 4: Offer Meaningful Insights

Lastly, provide some final thoughts or insights that will leave a lasting impression on your reader. This can include suggestions for future research, practical applications of your findings, or a call to action based on your conclusions.

Example: Here is an example of how Meaningful Insights can be presented:

Further research is needed to explore the long-term effects of social media usage on adolescent mental health and to identify effective interventions.

Developing and promoting apps that encourage healthy social media use and provide mental health support could mitigate the negative effects identified in the study.

Stakeholders, including policymakers, educators, and parents, should collaborate to create environments that foster healthy digital habits and support adolescents' mental health.

Now, with the help of WPS AI, these points can simply be summarized to get more concise and structured Meaningful Insights for our conclusion.

Bonus Tips: How to Polish your Conclusion with WPS AI

Writing a strong conclusion for your research paper is crucial, and WPS Office is designed to be exceptionally student-friendly. It offers accessible options and advanced features for free, making it an excellent tool for students. One of the standout features is WPS AI, which integrates AI into its writing and proofreading abilities.

Draft Generation: WPS AI can assist you in writing a conclusion by generating an initial draft. This draft serves as a solid foundation, ensuring that all essential elements are included and properly structured.

Grammar and Style Check: WPS AI can identify grammar errors, awkward phrasing, and inconsistencies in your conclusion paragraph. This ensures that your writing is polished and professional.

Sentence Structure Enhancement: The AI can suggest improvements to sentence structures, helping you to vary sentence lengths and styles for better readability and flow. This makes your conclusion more engaging and easier to read.

Vocabulary Enhancement: WPS AI offers synonyms and alternative word choices to enhance the vocabulary in your conclusion, making your writing more sophisticated and engaging.

Clarity and Conciseness: WPS AI can help you refine your conclusion to ensure it effectively summarizes your main points without unnecessary repetition or tangents. This keeps your conclusion focused and impactful.

Refinement and Customization: Once WPS AI has generated the draft, you can refine and personalize it to align with your research and style. This step allows you to inject your voice and insights into the conclusion, making it uniquely yours.

Polishing and Proofreading: After refining the draft, you can use WPS AI to polish the conclusion further. WPS AI's advanced proofreading capabilities ensure that your conclusion is not only coherent and concise but also free of grammatical errors and stylistic inconsistencies.

ByIncorporating WPS AI into your writing routine you can significantly improve your efficiency and the overall quality of your academic work. You can streamline the process of writing your research paper conclusion, saving time and effort while ensuring a high-quality result. Whether you’re summarizing key findings, making policy recommendations, or suggesting future research directions, WPS AI helps you create a compelling and impactful conclusion.

So we have seen how WPS AI can help us write more effective and accurate conclusions, but is this all the help it offers? Absolutely not! With the help of WPS AI, you can further improve your conclusion by making it more fluent and easier to read.

Furthermore, WPS AI is not just a writing tool; it also offers AI spell check features, which can help students proofread their work according to their academic style such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style.

WPS Office has a lot to offer and is a perfect tool for students who need help writing not just effective conclusions but also effective research papers. So if you are stuck with a conclusion or a research paper, consider turning to WPS AI for help.

FAQs about writing a conclusion for paper/ essay

1. how long should a conclusion be.

A well-constructed conclusion typically constitutes approximately 10% of your document's total word count. For instance, in a 1,500-word paper, aim for a conclusion of about 150 words. This provides sufficient space to summarize key points and offer a final overview of the main ideas discussed.

2. How can I make my Conclusion impactful?

Here are some effective strategies for creating an impactful conclusion:

Utilize compelling language to engage the reader effectively.

Ensure the conclusion remains clear and concise, omitting insignificant specifics.

Conclude with a stimulating statement, a call to action, or a reflection on the broader implications of your research findings to make a lasting impact.

3. How do I avoid simply repeating what I've already said in the Conclusion?

To avoid repeating yourself in your conclusion, focus on cohesively summarizing your main ideas rather than reiterating them. Additionally, consider exploring the wider impact of your arguments or suggesting directions for future research on your topic. This approach ensures your conclusion provides fresh perspectives and maintains reader interest.

Perfect Your Conclusion With WPS Office

Your research paper is not complete without a strong conclusion. The person who reads your paper should feel like they have taken away significant key insights from your work. Writing an effective conclusion can sometimes be challenging, but WPS Office, with its AI capabilities, can assist you in helping you with how to write a conclusion to perfection. Incorporate WPS AI into your writing routine to significantly improve your efficiency and the overall quality of your academic work. Try WPS Office today and experience the benefits of AI-assisted writing firsthand.

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what is dissertation proofreading

How to Write a Discursive Essay: Awesome Guide and Template

what is dissertation proofreading

The term "discursive" comes from the Latin word "discursus," meaning to move around or traverse. A discursive essay reflects this by exploring multiple viewpoints and offering a thorough discussion on a specific topic.

In this article, our term paper writing service will define what a discursive essay is, distinguish it from an argumentative essay, provide practical tips on how to write one effectively, and examine essay examples to illustrate its structure and approach.

What Is a Discursive Essay

A discursive essay is a type of essay where you discuss a topic from various viewpoints. The goal is to provide a balanced analysis by exploring different perspectives. Your essay should present arguments on the topic, showing both sides to give a comprehensive view.

Features of discursive essays typically include:

  • Thesis Statement: Clearly states your position or argument on the topic.
  • Discussion of Perspectives: Examines different viewpoints or aspects of the issue.
  • Evidence and Examples: Supports arguments with relevant evidence and examples.
  • Counterarguments: Addresses opposing viewpoints to strengthen your position.
  • Logical Organization: Structured to present arguments coherently and persuasively.

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How to Write a Discursive Essay

Writing a discursive essay involves examining a topic from different angles and presenting balanced viewpoints. Whether you're tackling a controversial issue or analyzing a complex subject, following these steps will help you craft a well-structured discursive essay.

discursive essay aspects

1. Understand the Topic

Before you start writing, make sure you grasp the topic thoroughly. Identify key terms and concepts to clarify what you need to discuss. Consider the different aspects and perspectives related to the topic that you will explore in your essay.

2. Research and Gather Evidence

Research is crucial for a discursive essay. Gather information from reliable sources such as books, academic journals, and reputable websites. Collect evidence that supports various viewpoints on the topic. Note down quotes, statistics, and examples that you can use to strengthen your arguments.

3. Plan Your Structure

Organize your essay effectively to ensure clarity and coherence. Start with an introduction that states your thesis or main argument. Outline the main points or perspectives you will discuss in the body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a different aspect or viewpoint, supported by evidence. Consider including a paragraph that addresses counterarguments to strengthen your position.

4. Write the Introduction

Begin your essay with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention. Start with a hook or an intriguing fact related to the topic. Clearly state your thesis statement, which outlines your position on the issue and previews the main points you will discuss. The introduction sets the tone for your essay and provides a roadmap for what follows.

5. Develop the Body Paragraphs

The body of your essay should present a balanced discussion of the topic. Each paragraph should focus on a different perspective or argument. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea. Support your points with evidence, examples, and quotes from your research. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of your argument.

6. Conclude Effectively

Wrap up your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes the main points and reinforces your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion. Instead, reflect on the significance of your arguments and how they contribute to the broader understanding of the topic. End with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action, encouraging readers to consider the complexities of the issue.

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Discursive Guide Checklist

Aspect 📝 Checklist ✅
Understanding the Topic Have I thoroughly understood the topic and its key terms?
Have I identified the different perspectives or viewpoints related to the topic?
Research and Evidence Have I conducted comprehensive research using reliable sources?
Have I gathered sufficient evidence, including quotes, statistics, and to support each perspective?
Structuring the Essay Have I planned a clear and logical structure for my essay?
Does my introduction include a strong thesis statement that outlines my position?
Introduction Does my introduction effectively grab the reader's attention?
Have I clearly stated my thesis statement that previews the main arguments?
Body Paragraphs Do my body paragraphs each focus on a different perspective or argument?
Have I provided evidence and examples to support each argument?
Counterarguments Have I addressed potential counterarguments to strengthen my position?
Have I acknowledged and responded to opposing viewpoints where necessary?
Conclusion Does my conclusion effectively summarize the main points discussed?
Have I reinforced my thesis statement and the significance of my arguments?
Clarity and Coherence Are my ideas presented in a clear and coherent manner?
Do my paragraphs flow logically from one to the next?
Language and Style Have I used clear and concise language throughout the essay?
Is my writing style appropriate for the academic context, avoiding overly casual language?
Editing and Proofreading Have I proofread my essay for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors?
Have I checked the overall structure and flow of my essay for coherence?

Discursive Essay Examples

Here, let’s take a look at our samples and see how different topics are discussed from different viewpoints in real discursive essays.

If you found these examples helpful, you can order custom essay now and receive one on any topic you choose.

Discursive Essay Topics

Here are a range of topics that encourage exploration of different perspectives and critical analysis. Choose a topic that interests you and allows for a balanced analysis of arguments and evidence.

  • Should governments impose higher taxes on sugary drinks to combat obesity?
  • Is homeschooling beneficial for children's education?
  • Should the use of drones for military purposes be restricted?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered or raised?
  • Is online education as effective as traditional classroom learning?
  • Should parents be held legally responsible for their children's actions?
  • Is artificial intelligence a threat to human employment?
  • Are video games a positive or negative influence on young people?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Should schools teach mindfulness and meditation techniques?
  • Is cultural diversity in the workplace beneficial for companies?
  • Should prisoners have the right to vote?
  • Is social media addiction a real problem?
  • Should plastic packaging be replaced with eco-friendly alternatives?
  • Is it ethical to clone animals for agricultural purposes?
  • Should the government provide subsidies for electric vehicles?
  • Is privacy more important than national security?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory?
  • Is renewable energy the future of our planet?
  • Should parents have access to their children's social media accounts?

By the way, we also have a great collection of narrative essay topics to inspire your creativity.

What is the Difference Between a Discursive and Argumentative Essay

Discursive essays and argumentative essays share similarities but have distinct differences in their approach and purpose. While both essay types involve critical thinking and analysis, the main difference lies in the writer's approach to the topic and the overall goal of the essay—whether it aims to explore and discuss multiple perspectives (discursive) or to argue for a specific viewpoint (argumentative). Here’s a more detailed look at how they differ:

Key Differences 📌 Discursive Essay 📝 Argumentative Essay 🗣️
Purpose 🎯 Provides a balanced discussion on a topic Persuades the reader to agree with a specific viewpoint.
Approach 🔍 Examines multiple perspectives without taking a definitive stance Takes a clear position and argues for or against it throughout the essay.
Thesis Statement 📜 Often states a general overview or acknowledges different viewpoints. States a strong and specific thesis that outlines the writer's position clearly.
Argumentation 💬 Presents arguments from various angles to provide a comprehensive view. Presents arguments that support the writer's position and refute opposing views.

Types of Discursive Essay

Before writing a discursive essay, keep in mind that they can be categorized into different types based on their specific purposes and structures. Here are some common types of discursive essays:

purpose of discursive essay

Opinion Essays:

  • Purpose: Expressing and supporting personal opinions on a given topic.
  • Structure: The essay presents the writer's viewpoint and provides supporting evidence, examples, and arguments. It may also address counterarguments to strengthen the overall discussion.

Problem-Solution Essays:

  • Purpose: Identifying a specific problem and proposing effective solutions.
  • Structure: The essay introduces the problem, discusses its causes and effects, and presents possible solutions. It often concludes with a recommendation or call to action.

Compare and Contrast Essays:

  • Purpose: Analyzing similarities and differences between two or more perspectives, ideas, or approaches.
  • Structure: The essay outlines the key points of each perspective, highlighting similarities and differences. A balanced analysis is provided to give the reader a comprehensive understanding.

Cause and Effect Essays:

  • Purpose: Exploring the causes and effects of a particular phenomenon or issue.
  • Structure: The essay identifies the primary causes and examines their effects or vice versa. It may delve into the chain of events and their implications.

Argumentative Essays:

  • Purpose: Presenting a strong argument in favor of a specific viewpoint.
  • Structure: The essay establishes a clear thesis statement, provides evidence and reasoning to support the argument, and addresses opposing views. It aims to persuade the reader to adopt the writer's perspective.

Pro-Con Essays:

  • Purpose: Evaluating the pros and cons of a given issue.
  • Structure: The essay presents the positive aspects (pros) and negative aspects (cons) of the topic. It aims to provide a balanced assessment and may conclude with a recommendation or a summary of the most compelling points.

Exploratory Essays:

  • Purpose: Investigating and discussing a topic without necessarily advocating for a specific position.
  • Structure: The essay explores various aspects of the topic, presenting different perspectives and allowing the reader to form their own conclusions. It often reflects a process of inquiry and discovery.

These types of discursive essays offer different approaches to presenting information, and the choice of type depends on the specific goals of the essay and the preferences of the writer.

Discursive Essay Format

Writing a discursive essay needs careful planning to make sure it’s clear and flows well while presenting different viewpoints on a topic. Here’s how to structure your discursive essay:


  • Start with an interesting opening sentence to catch the reader's attention. Give some background information on the topic to show why it’s important.
  • Clearly state your main argument or position on the topic, and mention that you’ll be discussing different viewpoints.

"Should genetically modified foods be more strictly regulated for consumer safety? This question sparks debates among scientists, policymakers, and consumers alike. This essay explores the different perspectives on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to give a complete view of the issues."

Body Paragraphs

  • Begin each paragraph with a sentence that introduces a key point or perspective about GMOs.
  • Present arguments, evidence, and examples to support each perspective. Consider the benefits, risks, and ethical issues around GMOs.
  • Address possible objections or opposing viewpoints to show a balanced analysis.

"Supporters of GMOs argue that genetically engineered crops can help solve global food shortages by increasing crop yields and resistance to pests. For example, studies have shown that GMOs like insect-resistant corn have reduced the need for chemical pesticides, which benefits both farmers and the environment."


  • Recognize the counterarguments or concerns raised by opponents of GMOs.
  • Provide reasoned responses or rebuttals to these counterarguments, acknowledging the complexity of the issue.

"However, critics of GMOs worry about potential long-term health effects and environmental impacts. They argue that there isn’t enough research to ensure the safety of eating genetically modified foods over long periods."

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the essay about GMOs.
  • Reinforce your thesis statement while considering the different arguments presented.
  • Finish with a thought-provoking statement or suggest what should be considered for future research or policy decisions related to GMOs.

"In conclusion, the debate over genetically modified foods highlights the need to balance scientific innovation with public health and environmental concerns. While GMOs offer potential benefits for global food security, ongoing research and transparent regulation are essential to address uncertainties and ensure consumer safety."

Formatting Tips

  • Use clear and straightforward language throughout the essay.
  • Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of ideas.
  • Use headings and subheadings if they help organize different perspectives.
  • Properly cite sources when referencing research findings, quotes, or statistics.

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Yays and Nays of Writing Discourse Essays

In learning how to write a discursive essay, certain do's and don'ts serve as guiding principles throughout the writing process. By adhering to these guidelines, writers can navigate the complexities of presenting arguments, counterarguments, and nuanced analyses, ensuring the essay resonates with clarity and persuasiveness.

Yays 👍 Nays 👎
Conduct thorough research to ensure a well-informed discussion. Don’t express personal opinions in the body of the essay. Save personal commentary for the conclusion.
Explore various arguments and viewpoints on the issue. Don't introduce new information or arguments in the conclusion. This section should summarize and reflect on existing content.
Maintain a balanced and neutral tone. Present arguments objectively without personal bias. Don’t use overly emotional or subjective language. Maintain a professional and objective tone.
Structure your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use paragraphs to organize your ideas. Ensure your arguments are supported by credible evidence. Don’t rely on personal opinions without sufficient research.
Include clear topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph to guide the reader through your arguments. Don’t have an ambiguous or unclear thesis statement. Clearly state the purpose of your essay in the introduction.
Use credible evidence from reputable sources to support your arguments. Don’t ignore counterarguments. Address opposing viewpoints to strengthen your overall argument.
Ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas with transitional words and phrases. Don’t use overly complex language if it doesn’t add to the clarity of your arguments. Aim for clarity and simplicity.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments and viewpoints. Don’t present ideas in a disorganized manner. Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs and ideas.
Recap key points in the conclusion, summarizing the main arguments and perspectives discussed. Don’t excessively repeat the same points. Present a variety of arguments and perspectives to keep the essay engaging.
Correct any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors by proofreading your essay. Don’t ignore the guidelines provided for your assignment. Follow any specific instructions or requirements given by your instructor or institution.

Wrapping Up

Throughout this guide, you have acquired valuable insights into the art of crafting compelling arguments and presenting diverse perspectives. By delving into the nuances of topic selection, structuring, and incorporating evidence, you could hone your critical thinking skills and sharpen your ability to engage in informed discourse. 

This guide serves as a roadmap, offering not just a set of rules but a toolkit to empower students in their academic journey. As you embark on future writing endeavors, armed with the knowledge gained here, you can confidently navigate the challenges of constructing well-reasoned, balanced discursive essays that contribute meaningfully to academic discourse and foster a deeper understanding of complex issues. If you want to continue your academic learning journey right now, we suggest that you read about the IEEE format next.

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What is a Discursive Example?

What is the difference between a discursive and argumentative essay, what are the 2 types of discursive writing.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

what is dissertation proofreading

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • Updated old sections including definition, outline, writing guide.
  • Added new topics, examples, checklist, FAQs.
  • Discursive writing - Discursive Writing - Higher English Revision. (n.d.). BBC Bitesize.  
  • Prepare for Exam Success: C1 Advanced self-access learning Writing Part 1 -the discursive essay Lesson summary. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2024, from  
  • Tomeu. (n.d.). Advanced C1.1: How to write a DISCURSIVE ESSAY. Advanced C1.1. Retrieved June 28, 2024, from  

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay


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    3-week thesis proofreading plan. Week 1: Read a chapter a day, watching out for major issues in argumentation, use of evidence, and organization. Week 2: Complete substantive revisions and check that all citations are correct. Use a reference manager like Paperpile to create accurate citations and bibliographies.

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    Step 1: Content editing. Revising an early draft of a text, often making significant changes to the content and moving, adding or deleting entire sections (also known as developmental or substantive editing). Step 2: Line editing. Revising the use of language to communicate your story, ideas, or arguments as effectively as possible.

  3. How to proofread your dissertation or thesis

    1 Give yourself enough time. Once you've finished writing, try to give yourself a break from it for a few days before going back to proofread. This gives your brain a chance to 'forget' what you've been writing and reduces the risk of your anticipating what you expect to read, rather than what's actually on the page.

  4. how-to-proofread-your-thesis

    When proofreading your thesis or dissertation, you already know to watch for errors such as misspellings, grammatical mistakes, and punctuation. However, you must also examine your paper's organizational structure. Look over each paragraph to see if every detail is essential to your writing. When you discover something you don't need, remove it.

  5. Guide to Proofreading: What, Why and How to Proofread

    Here are some compelling reasons why proofreading is a vital step in the writing process: Error-Free Content: Proofreading ensures that your writing is free from spelling mistakes, typos, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies, thereby enhancing its credibility and readability. Enhanced Clarity: By refining your text through proofreading, you ...

  6. Dissertation Proofreading Service

    Our dissertation proofreading service focuses on helping you to express your ideas and arguments clearly. As part of this, we will: We will even provide two copies of your edited dissertation when we're done: This is so you can review and approve every change we make. And if your chosen file format doesn't support Track Changes, we will ...

  7. What is Proofreading? A Handy Guide for Researchers

    Proofreading tips for PhD students . If you're working on your thesis, you might find proofreading especially challenging, given the length and complexity of a thesis. Here are some strategies you could use: Use a style guide: Stick to a style guide prescribed by your institution or a widely accepted one in your field (e.g., APA).

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    4. Take breaks; proofread bit by bit. Avoid proofreading your entire dissertation in one go as you're likely to lose focus or get bored. Your attention might drift and you might end up missing small, hard-to-spot mistakes. Instead, try breaking down your dissertation in little segments and proofread it bit by bit.

  10. Thesis Proofreading

    Proofreading refers to identifying and correcting mechanical errors such as spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation errors in a finished document. Here, a finished document refers to a thesis that has been drafted, revised and significantly edited apart from the final step of proofreading. Proofreading a thesis, which can be 70,000-100,000 ...

  11. Scribbr's Dissertation Editing Services

    Dissertation editing services Your one-stop-shop for dissertation editing services. Bring your PhD dissertation to the next level with the help of Scribbr's experienced dissertation editors. 2,000-word sample edit is available on request; 100% happiness guarantee; Industry-specific editors experienced in proofreading dissertations

  12. Dissertation Proofreading

    What is dissertation proofreading? Proofreading is the last step in the editing process. The main goal of this step is to correct any spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors and inconsistencies. Proofreading a dissertation—which can be more than 70,000 words long—is a lengthy process that may require several weeks. You must ...

  13. Proofreading Checklist: Thesis or Dissertation

    When proofreading a thesis or dissertation, then, you will need to look for: Basic spelling errors, plus issues related to proper nouns, technical terms, neologisms and other words that the spellchecker might miss. Incorrect or unclear grammar and punctuation. Inconsistencies in punctuation style, capitalization, and terminology.

  14. What Is a Dissertation?

    A dissertation is a long-form piece of academic writing based on original research conducted by you. It is usually submitted as the final step in order to finish a PhD program. ... The academic proofreading tool has been trained on 1000s of academic texts. Making it the most accurate and reliable proofreading tool for students. Free citation ...

  15. Dissertation Proofreading Service

    Dissertation proofreading is a crucial phase in the academic journey of every scholar, whether you're working on a dissertation or thesis. This meticulous process involves a comprehensive review and editing of your scholarly work to ensure that it adheres to the highest academic standards.

  16. Dissertation Editing & Proofreading Service (With Certificate)

    Your All-In-One Solution. Our flagship service includes both editing and proofreading. Here's what we take care of: Fix typos, misspellings, punctuation issues and ensure consistency of your spelling format (e.g., UK or US English). Undertake light rewriting of poorly presented sentences, to improve readability and ease of understanding.

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    Your dissertation is a pretty big deal and likely represents years of hard slog studying your subject of expertise. ... best dissertation proofreading can make all the difference between a pass and a fail. 7 Types of Dissertation. Type of Dissertation Key Features Typical Disciplines Primary Focus; Empirical: Data collection through experiments ...

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    The average proofreading rate on Reedsy over the last 24 months is $0.0158 per word, or $15.80 per 1,000 words. For a 70,000-word manuscript, the average project quote is $1,108. However, proofreading rates can vary greatly depending on a range of factors, such as the genre you're specializing in and the experience you bring to the table.

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    When considering the prices for general dissertation proofreading services, costs range from about $0.02 to $0.04 per word. Given an average dissertation word count of 75,000 in the United States, the average cost for dissertation proofreading is $1,500 to $3,000 as of January 2024. The cost to proofread a PhD dissertation with 75,000 words at ...

  22. Scribbr's Proofreading Rates

    Proofreading Correction of superficial mistakes, such as typos, misspellings, punctuation errors and consistency errors. Yes! This is the "proofreading" in Scribbr's standard service. It can only be selected in combination with editing. Copy editing Focus on grammar, syntax, style, tone and the conventions of the field.

  23. What is academia's take on proofreading of theses? : r/AskAcademia

    If so, the answer is yes. Both my husband and my best friend proofread my Ph.D. thesis. Neither is a chemist so they weren't able to comment on content, but they corrected grammatical things for me. That's the mark of a true friend, because my thesis was 250+ pages. :)

  24. How to Write a Survey Paper: Structure & Practical Tips

    Theses and dissertations: Graduate students frequently use this writing the same way as a precis paper as part of their thesis or dissertation work to demonstrate their understanding of the existing literature. ... This requires revising, editing, and proofreading your work multiple times. ...

  25. How to Write a Conclusion

    Restate Your Thesis: Begin by restating the main argument or thesis of your paper. This reinforces the central point you have been arguing throughout your work. ... Polishing and Proofreading: After refining the draft, you can use WPS AI to polish the conclusion further. WPS AI's advanced proofreading capabilities ensure that your conclusion is ...

  26. How to Write a Discursive Essay with Impact and Authority

    Thesis Statement 📜: Often states a general overview or acknowledges different viewpoints. States a strong and specific thesis that outlines the writer's position clearly. Argumentation 💬: Presents arguments from various angles to provide a comprehensive view. Presents arguments that support the writer's position and refute opposing views.