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How To Answer Stanford's 2023/24 Supplemental Essays: Tips & Insights

How To Answer Stanford's 2023/24 Supplemental Essays: Tips & Insights

What's New in 2023/24

What Are Stanford's Essay Prompts?

Short Answer Questions

Short essay questions.

General Guidelines

Navigating Stanford University's supplemental essays for the 2023/24 admissions cycle? This guide offers step-by-step advice on tackling each question, from the short answers to the more complex essays. We also include general guidelines to help you craft compelling narratives that answer the prompts, showcase your unique character, and fit with Stanford's community. It is ideal for anyone aiming to make their application stand out in a highly competitive pool.

Stanford’s 2023/24 Supplemental Essay Updates: What's Changed?

Gaining admission to Stanford University , with its acceptance rate of approximately 4% , is an unparalleled accomplishment. In the fiercely competitive world of college admissions, your supplemental essays play a pivotal role in showcasing your unique story and alignment with Stanford's values.

Every academic year, prestigious institutions like Stanford fine-tune their application process to ensure they capture a comprehensive view of their potential students. For the 2023/24 admissions cycle, Stanford has implemented a few notable changes to its supplemental essay questions.

In the short answer section, while four prompts remain consistent with previous years, the question about anticipating an experience at Stanford has been substituted with a prompt asking applicants to "List five things that are important to you." This shift indicates a desire to understand applicants' priorities and values on a more personal level.

The short essay section has also seen adjustments. While the prompts about reflecting on personal learning and penning a note to a future roommate continue to feature, Stanford has amalgamated the questions about defining family and discussing something significant. Now, applicants are invited to describe how their life experiences, interests, and character would contribute to the Stanford undergraduate community.

These revisions highlight Stanford's evolving admissions approach, emphasizing understanding the diverse life experiences and intrinsic values applicants would bring to its dynamic undergraduate community.

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What Are Stanford’s Supplemental Essay Prompts for 2023/24?

For the 2023/24 application cycle, Stanford University has thoughtfully designed specific supplemental essay prompts to delve deeper into the profiles of its applicants, complementing the Common App questions. These prompts aim to uncover your societal concerns, personal experiences, academic passions, and how you envision your journey at Stanford.

Stanford's short answer questions provide a snapshot into your perspectives, experiences, and values.

  • Societal Challenge : What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 words)
  • Summer Activities : How did you spend your last two summers? (50 words)
  • Historical Witness : What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 words)
  • Extracurricular Elaboration : Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family. (50 words)
  • Personal Priorities : List five things that are important to you. (50 words)

These essays provide a deeper insight into your intellectual curiosities, personal experiences, and how you'll contribute to Stanford's vibrant community.

  • Passion for Learning : The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100-250 words)
  • Roommate Introduction : Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate — and us — get to know you better. (100-250 words)
  • Distinctive Contribution : Please describe what aspects of your life experiences, interests, and character would help you make a distinctive contribution as an undergraduate to Stanford University. (100-250 words)

With an acceptance rate hovering around 4% , Stanford's application process is undeniably rigorous. These prompts offer applicants a unique opportunity to showcase their societal insights, personal growth, and the distinct perspectives they'll bring to the Stanford community.

Looking for inspiration? Dive into these Stanford essay examples to see what successful applications look like!

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How to Answer Stanford’s Short Answer Questions?

“what is the most significant challenge that society faces today”, - 50 words max.

Stanford seeks students who are not only academically adept but also socially aware and proactive. This question aims to gauge your awareness of global or local challenges and your perspective on their significance . It's an opportunity to showcase your critical thinking and ability to prioritize issues based on their impact.

Selecting a Challenge

The first step is to identify a challenge you genuinely believe is significant. This could be:

  • Environmental issues like climate change or deforestation.
  • Social challenges such as racial inequality, gender discrimination, or mental health stigma.
  • Technological challenges like data privacy concerns or the ethical implications of AI.
  • Economic challenges such as income inequality or unemployment.

Articulating the Significance

Once you've chosen a challenge, delve into why you believe it's the most significant:

  • Scope of Impact : Is it a global issue affecting millions or a local challenge with profound implications?
  • Long-Term Implications : Does the challenge have potential long-term consequences if not addressed?
  • Personal Connection : Perhaps you've witnessed the effects of this challenge firsthand or have been personally affected by it.

Being Concise and Specific

With a 50-word limit, precision is key. Avoid generic statements. Instead, focus on specific aspects of the challenge and its implications.

  • "The digital divide is society's most pressing challenge. As technology advances, those without access are left behind, widening educational and economic disparities."
  • "Mental health stigma is a silent crisis. Many suffer in silence, fearing judgment, which exacerbates the issue and prevents early intervention."

Stanford's first short answer question tests your awareness, perspective, and ability to articulate complex issues succinctly . Choose a challenge you're passionate about, explain its significance, and ensure your response is concise and impactful.

“How did you spend your last two summers?”

Stanford is interested in how you utilize your free time, as it provides insight into your interests, priorities, and work ethic. This question aims to understand what activities or experiences you value and how you engage with the world when academic commitments are less pressing.

Being Specific and Honest

The key to answering this question effectively is being specific and honest. Instead of saying, "I spent time with family," you could elaborate with, "I explored local hiking trails with my family, fostering my love for environmental science."

Balancing Variety and Depth

You can mention a variety of activities, but remember to be concise. If possible, connect the activities to your intended field of study or personal growth:

  • Academic Pursuits : Did you take any courses, attend workshops, or engage in self-study that aligns with your academic interests?
  • Work Experience : Did you have a job or internship? What skills did you gain, and how did it shape your understanding of a particular field?
  • Volunteering : If you engaged in community service, what impact did it have on you and the community?
  • Personal Interests : Did you engage in any hobbies or personal projects? How did they contribute to your skills or well-being?


Ensure that the experiences you share are appropriate for an academic application. They should be experiences you'd be comfortable sharing with a teacher or in a professional setting.

  • "Last summer, I interned at a local tech startup, honing my coding skills and understanding the dynamics of team collaboration. The previous summer, I volunteered at a food bank, which deepened my awareness of food insecurity issues."
  • "I spent one summer taking a creative writing course, which fueled my passion for storytelling. The other was dedicated to a family road trip across historical sites, enriching my love for history."

Stanford's second short answer question seeks to understand how you use your free time to engage in meaningful activities or personal growth . Be specific, honest, and appropriate in your response, and if possible, connect your activities to your broader goals or interests.

“What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?”

Stanford is keen to explore your intellectual curiosity and how you relate to history, whether it's a globally recognized event or a personal moment in time. This question aims to understand what you find significant or intriguing in the tapestry of human experience .

Unleashing Your Imagination

Don't limit yourself to textbook historical events. This is an opportunity to showcase your unique interests. Whether it's a monumental event like the signing of the Declaration of Independence or something more personal or niche, like a family event or a lesser-known cultural phenomenon, the key is to pick something that genuinely interests you.

Exploring the 'Why'

Once you've chosen the event, delve into why you wish you could have witnessed it.

  • What do you think you would learn or gain from the experience?
  • Would it offer insights into contemporary issues, personal growth, or your field of study?

The 'why' is as important as the 'what' in this question.

Timing and Context

Consider the timing of the event. Would it be a moment that lasts a few minutes, like witnessing a groundbreaking scientific discovery, or something more prolonged, like being present during a significant cultural festival? The duration and setting can add another layer of depth to your answer.

  • "I wish I could have witnessed the Women's Suffrage Parade of 1913. Seeing the courage and unity of women fighting for their rights would deepen my understanding of the struggles that paved the way for the freedoms I have today."
  • "I'd love to have been in the audience at the premiere of Stravinsky's 'The Rite of Spring.' The riot it incited speaks volumes about the power of art to challenge societal norms, something still relevant today."

Stanford's third short answer question is an invitation to share your intellectual or personal interests through the lens of history . Be imaginative and specific, and focus on the event and why witnessing it would be significant to you. This is a chance to offer a glimpse into what excites your curiosity and how you relate to the world and its history.

“Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family.”

Stanford wants to see a fuller picture of who you are beyond academics . This question explores another facet of your life you're passionate about or committed to. It's an opportunity to showcase your skills, values, and contributions in a different context.

Choosing the Right Experience

Select an experience you haven't elaborated on in other parts of your application. It could be an extracurricular activity , a part-time job, or even family responsibilities. The key is to choose something that has significantly impacted you and ideally contrasts with your intended major to show the breadth of your interests.

Narrative Over Summary

Instead of listing what you've done, focus on a specific anecdote that encapsulates the essence of your involvement. Describe a moment that was pivotal or enlightening in that experience. This makes your answer more engaging and provides a deeper insight into your role and its significance.

What You Bring to the Table

Discuss the skills or values you've gained from this experience. Whether it's leadership in a club, responsibility in a family setting, or problem-solving in a job, highlight how these skills have shaped you and how they could be applied in a Stanford context.

  • "As the editor of our school newspaper, I once had to navigate a controversial article submission. Balancing freedom of speech with the potential for harm taught me the delicate art of ethical journalism."
  • "Working in a family-owned restaurant taught me the value of hard work and customer service. It also fueled my passion for business analytics, as I started to see how data-driven decisions could improve our operations."

Stanford's fourth short answer question is a window into your life outside the classroom. Focusing on a specific anecdote and the lessons learned can provide a more vivid and meaningful picture of your extracurricular involvement or responsibilities . This is your chance to show Stanford another layer of who you are and what you could bring to their community.

“List five things that are important to you.”

This prompt is a straightforward yet revealing way for Stanford to understand your priorities, values, and interests . It's a snapshot of what matters most to you, from personal beliefs to hobbies, relationships, or aspirations.

Selecting Your Five Things

Choose items that genuinely resonate with you and ideally offer a well-rounded view of who you are. The list can include a mix of the profound and the seemingly mundane as long as they are genuinely important to you.

Be Authentic, Be You

This is not the time to list what you think Stanford wants to hear. Authenticity is key. Your list should reflect your true self, as it offers another layer of understanding about you that might not be evident in other parts of your application.

  • Family: The cornerstone of my life and my biggest support system.
  • Environmental Sustainability: A cause I'm deeply committed to, both in lifestyle choices and activism.
  • Music: A universal language that brings me joy and emotional expression.
  • Intellectual Curiosity: The driving force behind my academic and personal endeavors.
  • Humor: A necessary tool for navigating life's ups and downs.

Stanford's fifth short answer question is a quick but insightful look into your values and interests. By carefully selecting the five genuinely important things to you, you offer Stanford a glimpse into what drives you, what you care about, and what kind of community member you would be .

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How to Answer Stanford’s Short Essay Questions?

“the stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.”, - 100 to 250 words.

Stanford is looking for students who are both academically competent and passionately curious. This essay aims to delve into what genuinely excites you about learning , whether it's a specific subject, a method of inquiry, or an experiential learning opportunity.

Identifying Your Idea or Experience

Begin by pinpointing the idea or experience that genuinely excites you about learning. This could be:

  • A subject matter that you are passionate about but haven't had the chance to explore in a formal educational setting.
  • An experience that sparked your curiosity and led you to further exploration or research.
  • A methodology or form of inquiry that you find particularly stimulating.

Narrating the Discovery Journey

Discuss how you came across this idea or experience. Was it through a book, a mentor, an internship, or perhaps a personal experience? If you faced any obstacles or discouragement in pursuing this interest, this is a good place to discuss it.

Connecting to Stanford's Learning Environment

Now, consider how you would continue to explore this interest at Stanford. Would it be through specific courses, research opportunities, or clubs? Are there professors you're excited to work with or facilities you're eager to use?

Formulating Questions and Research Approaches

Discuss the kinds of questions this topic raises for you and how you might go about answering them. Whether it's through lab experiments, fieldwork, or theoretical analysis, indicate how you envision your learning journey unfolding at Stanford.

Collaborative Learning

Stanford values collaborative learning. Briefly touch upon how you see yourself engaging with peers, professors, or even external communities to deepen your understanding of the topic.

Stanford's first short essay question is an opportunity to showcase your intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. By detailing an idea or experience that excites you and connecting it to Stanford's resources and community, you demonstrate not just your passion but also how you would contribute to the intellectual vitality of the campus. Approach this essay with a focus on specificity, authenticity, and a clear vision of your academic journey at Stanford .

“Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate — and us — get to know you better.”

Stanford wants to get a glimpse of who you are outside of your academic and extracurricular achievements. This essay is a chance to showcase your personality, quirks, and the unique traits that make you, you .

Setting the Tone

Approach this essay as if you're writing a letter to a friend. The tone should be conversational; you can incorporate humor, vulnerability, or even self-deprecation to make it engaging and relatable.

Sharing Personal Anecdotes

Instead of using adjectives to describe yourself, share specific anecdotes or experiences that reveal something about you. This could be:

  • A ritual or tradition that's important to you.
  • A hobby or interest that you're passionate about.
  • A challenge you've faced and how you dealt with it.

Examples for Inspiration

  • If you have a religious practice, you could talk about how you adapted it during a school trip, perhaps waking up early to pray without disturbing others.
  • If you love aesthetics, you might mention how you can't resist picking flowers from your neighborhood to make your space more beautiful.

Incorporating Humor or Poignancy

Feel free to incorporate humor or poignant moments to make the essay memorable. Whether it's a funny story about a family vacation gone wrong or a touching moment from a community service trip, these details help paint a fuller picture of who you are.

Living Together

Since this is a letter to a future roommate, consider mentioning how you approach shared living spaces. Are you neat or messy? An early riser or a night owl? This adds another layer of personal insight.

Stanford's second short essay question offers a unique opportunity to showcase your personality in a more informal setting. By sharing specific anecdotes and experiences, you not only help your future roommate get to know you but also give Stanford a more comprehensive view of what you'll bring to its community . Approach this essay with authenticity, vulnerability, and a dash of humor to make it memorable.

“Please describe what aspects of your life experiences, interests and character would help you make a distinctive contribution as an undergraduate to Stanford University.”

Stanford wants to understand how you will contribute to its diverse and vibrant community. This prompt allows you to showcase the unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives you bring to the table .

Defining Your Community

Start by identifying a community you are a part of . This could be anything from a school club, a sports team, a religious group, or even a community of hobbyists. What binds this community together? Is it a shared goal, a common interest, or collective challenge?

Your Role in the Community

Once you've defined the community, focus on your role within it. Are you a leader, a supporter, a motivator, or perhaps a creative mind? How have you contributed to this community, and what impact have you had?

  • If you've been part of a mentoring program, you could discuss how you nurtured that relationship over the years, the challenges you faced, and the growth you observed in yourself and your mentee.
  • If you started a club in school, you could talk about how it originated from a common interest, how it grew, and what steps you've taken to ensure its continuity after you leave for college.

Connecting to Stanford

Now, tie these experiences back to how you will contribute to Stanford.

  • Will you bring your leadership skills to a student organization?
  • Will your creative thinking contribute to classroom discussions?
  • Will your commitment to service find a new avenue on campus?

Character Traits

Don't forget to mention character traits that enable you to make these contributions. Are you empathetic, resilient, innovative, or collaborative? Use specific examples to demonstrate these traits.

Stanford's third short essay question is your chance to showcase how your unique life experiences, interests, and character will enrich the Stanford community. Focusing on your role in a specific community and how you've contributed to it provides a glimpse into how you'll engage with the Stanford community. Approach this essay with introspection and authenticity to effectively convey your potential contributions .

General Guidelines for Answering Stanford's Supplemental Essay Questions

  • Research and Specificity : Stanford's essay prompts are designed to gauge your fit within its diverse and intellectually vibrant community. Be specific about courses, professors, or extracurricular activities that excite you. Mentioning these details shows that you've done your homework and that you're genuinely interested in Stanford.
  • Show Self-awareness : Stanford values students who are reflective and self-aware. Whether you're discussing a societal challenge, your summer activities, or your future roommate, always tie it back to what these experiences or thoughts reveal about you.
  • Diversity of Thought : Stanford prides itself on a diverse student body that brings many perspectives to campus. Highlight how your unique experiences, viewpoints, or background will contribute to this diversity of thought.
  • Be Authentic : Authenticity is crucial. Don't write what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. Your genuine interests, challenges, and aspirations will always make a more profound impression.
  • Quality Over Quantity : With strict word limits, focusing on depth rather than breadth is essential. Choose a few points and explore them fully to give the admissions committee a more detailed picture of who you are.
  • Narrative Storytelling : A compelling narrative can make your essay stand out. Whether you're describing a historical event you wish you'd witnessed or explaining what brings you joy, storytelling techniques can make your essay more engaging and memorable.
  • Proofread and Revise : Your essays should be well-crafted and error-free. Beyond grammar and spelling, ensure your essay flows well and effectively communicates your message. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, mentors, or friends.
  • Connect to the Bigger Picture : Always relate your answers back to your potential contributions to the Stanford community and how Stanford will help you achieve your personal and academic goals. This shows that you're not just thinking about admission but also about how you'll fit into the Stanford community long-term.
  • Embrace the Challenge : These essays are your opportunity to present a fuller picture of yourself beyond just grades and test scores. Use them to show why you and Stanford would be a mutually beneficial match.

Stanford's supplemental essays provide a platform to express your individuality, aspirations, and suitability for the university. By carefully crafting your responses and connecting them to Stanford's resources and ethos, you can effectively demonstrate why you would be a valuable addition to the Stanford community.

For more inspiration, you might want to explore examples of successful Stanford essays to understand what makes an application truly stand out.

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Final Thoughts

Embarking on the journey to Stanford is about more than just academic excellence; it's about crafting a narrative that deeply resonates with Stanford's unique ethos and the admissions committee. Your supplemental essays offer a unique lens into your character, aspirations, and the distinct contributions you'll make to the Stanford community.

Every Stanford hopeful has a unique story to tell. This is your golden opportunity to narrate yours. Approach your essays with authenticity, introspection, and a genuine enthusiasm for your narrative.

If you're uncertain whether your essay truly encapsulates your essence or if it will distinguish you amidst the sea of applications, our essay review service is here to assist. Our seasoned experts will meticulously review and provide feedback, ensuring your essay strikes a chord with Stanford's admissions officers.

Want some helpful inspiration? Explore our ebook and discover essays from students like you who have secured places at elite institutions. And for those aiming for Stanford, our collection of successful Stanford essay examples will offer invaluable insights.

For those at the onset of their college application journey, consider booking a free consultation with our experienced college counselors. We're committed to guiding you in crafting an application that amplifies your chances of walking through Stanford's iconic arch. Your dream of becoming a Stanford Cardinal is attainable, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

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Key Resources & Further Reading

  • Everything you need to know about US Application Supplemental Essays
  • Acing your College Application Essay: 5 Expert Tips to Make it Stand Out from the Rest
  • How to Tackle Every Type of Supplemental Essay
  • 2023-24 Common App Essay Prompts
  • What are the Most Unusual US College Supplemental Essay Prompts?

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How to Write the Stanford Supplemental Essays 2024–2025

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With a professorship roster including 19 Nobel laureates, nearly 900 student organizations, and a gorgeous campus in the heart of California’s Bay Area, Stanford University is a clear pick as many students’ dream school. Its acceptance rate, however—under 4%—is a more daunting statistic to swallow. Don’t get discouraged! We’re here to help you take your best shot at getting into Stanford . Let’s by understanding how to write the Stanford supplemental essays.

Stanford University campus

Students admitted to Stanford report an average unweighted GPA of 3.96 , an average SAT score of 1505 , and an average ACT of 34 . In other words, at universities like Stanford, top-notch academics are the norm rather than the exception. You’ll need to count on more than just your GPA and standardized test scores to stand out. This is where your essays come in.

Stanford asks you to respond to 5 short-answer prompts, 3 long-answer prompts for a total of 8 essays. This is much more what most other universities require. While it’s a lot of writing for you to do, you also have plenty of opportunities to show admissions officials your unique strengths as an applicant. With that in mind, let’s have a look at Stanford’s 8 supplemental essay prompts for the 2024-2025 application cycle.

Stanford’s 2024–2025 Prompts

Short response (50 words).

  • What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?
  • How did you spend your last two summers?
  • What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?
  • Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family.
  • List five things that are important to you.

Essay Prompts (100-250 words)

  • The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.
  • Virtually all of Stanford’s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate—and us—know you better.
  • Please describe what aspects of your life experiences, interests and character would help you make a distinctive contribution as an undergraduate to Stanford University.

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General Tips

For the 5 short-answer prompts, you’ll only have 50 words to convey a meaningful response. Avoid restating the question and trim unnecessary connector words to make the most of your word count. You can also improve concision by replacing conjunctions and clunky transition phrases with colons, semicolons, and em dashes.

The first example below is an instance of choppy, overly verbose writing.

Ex. 1 : “I think that the most significant challenge that society faces today is improper urban planning. Improper urban planning can result in a surprising number of issues, including noise pollution, increased fossil fuel output, and overcrowding.”

The second example cleans it up using the tips we’ve just discussed.

Ex. 2: “Improper urban planning may sound like a niche issue, but it encompasses a surprising number of society’s challenges—from noise pollution, to fossil fuel output, to overcrowding.”

You have more wiggle room with the reflection— 50-150 words —and even more for the long essay prompts— 100-250 words . Still, you should strive for concision to improve your essay’s flow. Unnecessary fluff and run-on sentences will confuse your reader no matter the length of the essay.

Wherever possible, write your essays on topics you haven’t discussed elsewhere in your application. If an admissions official sees your math team in your activities transcript, and then reads three short responses about the same math team, they may see you as a one-note applicant. Instead, try to vary your essay topics and take advantage of any opportunities to discuss an activity or interest that isn’t reflected in your transcript.

Finally, before we move to a prompt-by-prompt breakdown of the Stanford supplemental essays, here are two tips to keep in mind for both your short-responses and long-answer essays.

One, detail is key. Instead of telling admissions officials that your 10th-grade swim team was important to you, tell admissions officials about the swim meet where you came last in freestyle, motivating you to practice for months and earn first place at the next meet. Especially in your long-answer essays, detailed anecdotes are an excellent way to craft an engaging narrative.

Two, write essays that tell admissions officials about you . This may seem like obvious advice, but some of Stanford’s prompts ask about topics that don’t relate to you directly. Even so, you need to connect these topics to your own perspective. Instead of reciting to Stanford admissions officials impressive statistics about their own school, tell them why it excites you that Stanford has nearly 900 student organizations. Instead of flatly describing the challenges climate change poses to society, tell your reader how these specific challenges have impacted your own life and what you’ve done to help solve them.

With these higher-level tips out of the way, let’s move on to a prompt-by-prompt breakdown of the Stanford supplemental essays.

Stanford’s Short-Responses

What is the most significant challenge that society faces today (50 words).

A good response to this short-answer prompt will clearly identify one significant challenge society faces, with unique insight into its problems and potential solutions. Remember, detail is key. Even if you pick a broader topic, you can still explore that topic in a way that sets your response apart from other students.

Let’s say the challenge you’ve chosen is economic inequality. Rather than stating in vague terms that poverty is an issue, you might propose building more homeless-friendly public architecture to combat the dangers poverty poses. In addition, if you connect your response to the public architecture you see in your own community, even better. By going into detail on a specific issue, proposing a solution, and connecting it to your own experience, you’ve shown admissions officials you’re a conscientious and observant student who can bring those qualities to their campus community in turn.

How did you spend your last two summers? (50 words)

Instead of going into exhaustive detail on this short prompt, try to consider themes . What skills or personal experiences did you focus on developing over the last two summers? Can you group your different activities together under an overarching goal you’ve been working towards? If so, you’ll be able to include a wide variety of activities while keeping your response cohesive, as well as giving admissions officials a sense of your long-term plans.

Ex. 1 : “Last summer, I played basketball with my city’s team and volunteered for a school board chair’s campaign. The summer before that, I worked at a Columbia Sportswear in the local mall.”
Ex. 2: “For me, these last two summers were all about connecting with my community—sweating it out with my city’s basketball team, tamping down campaign signs for a school board candidate, and showing a friendly face to customers at the mall’s Columbia Sportswear.”

Like the last prompt, you’ll also want to try thinking outside the box for your response. Don’t just consider extracurricular activities, jobs, or volunteer experiences. Did you travel anywhere interesting? Did you make any long-lasting personal connections? Have you learned any valuable life lessons?

Even if you don’t have a lot of formal activities to recount, you still did something over the past two summers. Try to tell admissions officials more about yourself by highlighting the experiences that were most meaningful to you.

What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 words)

Prompts like these can be tricky if an idea doesn’t come to mind right away. Try to choose a moment that’s widely recognizable so you don’t have to waste words giving context, but unique and relevant to your specific interests. You might wish you were in the audience for Shakespeare’s first production of Macbeth , or at a 1980’s board meeting when Shigeru Miyamoto first pitched his idea for Super Mario Bros . Remember, you have a wide range of history to work with!

Some other questions to consider: are there any historical mysteries you wish you could solve, like the disappearance of Amelia Earhart? Do you have any historical role models? When you read or watch historical fiction, what time period do you go for? Try to have fun with this prompt. A creative answer will go a long way toward making efficient use of your 50 words.

Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family. (50 words)

This prompt gives you an opportunity to dig a little deeper into a job or activity you’ve listed on your transcript. Ideally, this should be an activity you didn’t mention in Prompt #2. As always, you want to avoid repetition wherever possible so you don’t appear single-faceted.

Try to choose an activity you’ve put a lot of time and passion into. If you’ve changed as a person through the friends you made at chess club, or your role in a political advocacy group completely changed your perspective, tell that story here! Narratives of personal growth make for effective college essays in general. Admissions officials want to invite students who are open to learning and changing over time. Therefore, keep an eye out for any you’ve experienced in your past activities. Of course, the 50-word limit is still limiting. Make sure you clearly identify the narrative you want to tell before distilling it into 2-3 sentences.

The last part of this prompt also gives an opportunity to discuss family responsibilities. Looking after your baby brother, helping your aunt renovate her new home, and cooking meals for a parent who works late may not be activities you’d put on your resume, but they’re still important activities that can help round out your background. If something immediately comes to mind, consider taking advantage of the opportunity this prompt gives you to discuss it.

List five things that are important to you. (50 words)

This prompt breaks from the standard short-response format and asks you to provide a list instead. Take advantage of this formatting break to save on your word count! Consider using a numbered or bulleted list. You could even order your items from least to greatest importance.

Beyond the formatting, the content of this question is vague on purpose. A lot of things might be important to you, from your custom-built PC, to a deeply-held value, to a close family member. Vary your answers to show you can think outside the box, and give a wide-spanning overview of your personal qualities. If you can, make each of your five things fall under a different category.

Some categories to consider: objects that are important to you; people; specific personal values (i.e. not just “gender equality,” but perhaps “holding the door for anyone who comes through, regardless of gender”); abilities; aspirations; places you love to visit.

Stanford’s Essay Prompts

The stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100-250 words).

For this first longer essay prompt, anecdotes are your best friend . Was there a moment in class when you realized you were no longer learning to pass a test, but because you found the subject genuinely fascinating? Can you recall the first time your favorite hobby captivated your interest? If so, opening your essay in that moment will immediately draw readers in and engage them with your perspective.

From there, you can spend time showing your reader why you find your favorite subject/hobby so fascinating, and what you’ve done to pursue it. The idea here is to show admissions officials your enthusiasm for learning at its peak—if your reader can sense your excitement through the page, then you’re doing a great job with this prompt. Again, narratives of personal growth are a great way to craft an engaging essay, so try to illustrate how you actually did learn beyond just feeling excited.

Here’s an example essay to help you get a feel for this prompt, as well as the larger word limit:

“There’s no such thing as talent, only hard work.” Coming from anyone else, these words would’ve sounded cheap. But, as I looked over my older sister’s shoulder at the sketches she was etching in her notepad, I was mesmerized. I couldn’t believe those life-like characters—the expressive work of a professional comic artist—were something I could learn to do with hard work. From that moment, I resolved to draw one sketch a day. I looked up online courses on anatomy, perspective, and shading, and made my own disastrous renditions of the tutorials that popped up. Some nights, even though my eyes stung from looking at the page, I refused to go to bed without completing my daily sketch. When my brother bought a drawing tablet, he immediately regretted saying I could borrow it whenever I wanted. I had a whole new skill set to learn: digital art, with all its quirks and conveniences. Slowly, I began producing work I was proud to look back on, my character sketches starting to look like they could just maybe stand on the same page as my sister’s. Now, with three sketchbooks scattered haphazardly around my desk as I type, I’m so grateful to my sister for teaching me about hard work early on. I’m happy with where I am in my artistic journey, but I know I still have heaps to learn. And I’m excited to begin that learning process all over again with the next tutorial I click.

Virtually all of Stanford’s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate—and us—know you better. (100-250 words)

For your second long-answer essay, you’ll answer either this prompt OR Prompt 3 below . Try brainstorming a few ideas for both prompts, and going with the prompt you can describe in more compelling detail.

This prompt challenges you to shake up the essay format with a more personal, casually formatted letter. While other essays explore your interests, activities, and background, this prompt aims to understand who you are in your day-to-day life. Though your tone should still be polite, and your sentences grammatically correct, feel free to take a more playful, informal approach to this essay . What music will your roommate likely overhear blaring at max volume from your earbuds? What eccentricities should they expect from living with you?

Your response also shows admissions officials how you might interact with other members of the Stanford community. Try to think about what kind of relationship you’d like to have with your roommate, and how that reflects more broadly with how you’d like to interact with other Stanford students. Would you want to host dorm room study sessions? Are you hoping your roommate will tell you about courses and clubs you might not otherwise have known about? Details along these lines can show admissions officials you plan to engage intellectually with other community members. Again, though, don’t be afraid to talk about the more casual aspects of your ideal roommate relationship.

You can also get a little more creative with your essay’s format for this prompt. A letter format may be the most obvious, but you might also try out a bulleted list of things your roommate should know, or a memo you left on your roommate’s desk before leaving for class.

Please describe what aspects of your life experiences, interests and character would help you make a distinctive contribution as an undergraduate to Stanford University. (100-250 words)

Lots of applicants give huge laundry lists of reasons they want to go to Stanford. The intellectual prestige, the academic resources, and the vast opportunities for extracurricular engagement all come to mind. Here, you need to think the other way around. If Stanford’s community can contribute tons to your college experience, what can you contribute to Stanford’s community?

You might be tempted to answer the prompt straight away. Remember, though, avoid restating the question, and consider your essay’s narrative structure as a whole. Instead of:

I can make a distinctive contribution as an undergraduate at Stanford by drawing on my unique perspective as a first-generation college student. Because of my hard work and resourcefulness which I learned by seeking out help through the college application process, I’ll be able to make meaningful connections in the community and succeed even in the face of adversity.

Try structuring your essay more along the lines of this:

In my junior year of high school, I had no idea how to begin the college application process. Neither of my parents attended college, and I didn’t know anyone who could help. So I learned to reach out on my own. I started by researching my school’s faculty page to find our guidance counselor, then arranged a meeting with her to catch me up to speed on the process. Even though I started a head behind other students in my class, I learned how to be resourceful and ask for help. Now, as a prospective Stanford student, I’ll bring that resourcefulness to campus by forging connections in the community and uplifting other first-generation students like me.

By describing your personal experiences first, ideally in an anecdote, you can answer the prompt more confidently in your later paragraphs. Plus, you can grab your reader’s attention and stand out among other applicants who answer the question in a more typical fashion.

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Stanford University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay and Short Questions Guide

Early Action: Nov 1

Regular Decision Deadline: Jan 5

Stanford University 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 3 essays of 100-250 words; 5 short answers of 50 words Supplemental Essay Type(s):  Why ,  Community ,  Oddball

Stanford Essay Prompts Breakdown

Unshockingly, given that Stanford is the most difficult university to get into in the country, this supplement is a doozie. It puts both your writing and creativity to the test in a myriad ways. One of the most important things to remember about the Stanford supplemental essays, as with all supplements that lob a host of essays and short answer questions at you, is that each response is an opportunity to reveal something new about yourself to admissions. Think about the tidbits you have to offer up as you pull together your package and make sure you distribute them across the supplement. Try as hard as you can not to be repetitive. And, as much as you can, have fun with these. If you embrace the challenge laid out in front of you, your answers will be instilled with that positive spirit as well. Trust us. Read on to discover our Stanford application essay tips!

The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100 to 250 words) 

How hungry for knowledge are you? That’s what Stanford really wants to know. Focus on a subject that stokes your curiosity, a specific concept that has infiltrated your browser history, or an experience that has burned itself into your brain. What homework assignments are you clamoring to complete first? Which topics want to make you open up a new book, google the definition of word you’re not familiar with or hit play on a podcast? Who challenges you to think of issues in new ways? Now consider what about the subject, activity, or experience itself is inspiring your pursuit of knowledge. Are you driven by the pursuit of the truth and nothing but the truth? Maybe more abstract and creative arenas are more interesting to you. Regardless of what floats your boat, Stanford University is aiming to bring self-motivated, deep thinkers into their student body. Admissions officers want to know that you’ll be eager to contribute to lively class discussion and maybe conduct research in your latter years on campus. Show them that you’ll be a valuable addition to any classroom setting.

Virtually all of Stanford’s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate — and us — know you better. (100 to 250 words) 

This, at its essence, is a creative writing exercise. All this time colleges have been asking you to write in a casual but professional voice — until now. Pretend you’re writing an email to a friend. Open your browser window and actually draft in a new message box if it helps you adjust your voice. You are now writing to your peer, not admissions. What might someone you are about to live with want to know about you? And, more importantly, what quirky personal information do you want to convey to admissions that might not be appropriate to reveal in response to a stuffier prompt? Are you a closet botanist who will be bringing 30 plants to your dorm room? Have you been practicing how to make your grandma’s special rice in a dorm room hot pot? This is a great place to inject a little humor in your application — if that’s your style. It is also a great opportunity for you to showcase what it would be like to be friends with you (without the use of emojis and with the addition of perfect grammar).

Please describe what aspects of your life experiences, interests and character would help you make a distinctive contribution as an undergraduate to Stanford University.

College applications are rampant with essay questions about community, so this essay is ripe for recycling (how eco-friendly of you!). If you haven’t already written a Community Essay that you plan to adapt and recycle here, we recommend considering the things that make you unique. What about your experiences, interests, or character might be worth highlighting for an admissions officer? And how can the experience, interest, or aspect of your character you choose enrich the learning environment at Stanford University for others? Maybe you have always been an organizer and the glue that holds your summer camp community together during the school year. How will you bring people together on campus? Maybe you were raised on a farm and developed a strong work ethic at a young age as you helped your parents tend to the fields. Will you be a natural leader in group projects and take initiative in the many clubs (be specific!) that you’d like to join? Be sure to connect your personal story to a future vision of yourself at Stanford.

How to Answer Stanford Short Questions

Short answers, what is the most significant challenge that society faces today (50 word limit).

Fifty words is not a lot of words. This is going to be a recurring thought as you begin to tackle the Stanford app. How do you explain society’s most significant challenge in just fifty words? You boil it down to its essence and rely on the topic to speak volumes. Think about what nags at you on a daily basis. How would you like to improve the world? Where might we be going down the wrong path? What you choose to write about will give admissions an idea of what you truly care about and how you see the world. Are you concerned that as a species we will never achieve true gender equality? Does climate change keep you up at night? What activities have you participated in or books have you read to educate yourself about this issue? Maybe you even have a solution to offer up. Show admissions that you can turn passion into action.

How did you spend your last two summers? (50 word limit)

Fifty words is not a lot of words. For this response, that means you will likely have to add and prune, add again and prune again. Feel free to take a straightforward approach to this question. Stanford really wants to know what you did last summer (and the summer before)! Just make sure to include the unexpected commitments that will not appear anywhere else on the application, like your babysitting job, your road trip with your family, or your backyard photography habit. Anything you can do to add a layer of understanding to admissions picture of you will help.

What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 word limit)

Fifty words is not a lot of words. So this answer is really about creating an effective summary of the event in question, and concisely explaining the motivation behind your selection. This is another question in which your selection of topic tells a story. Maybe you want to witness the creation of Gutenberg’s printing press or the swearing in of the first African American president. Whatever you do, try to avoid subjects other students will likely flock to. MLK’s “I Had A Dream” speech is incredible, but it might not make for the best topic here — unless, of course, you have a highly personal story that connects to that moment that you can summarize in 50 words or less. (There are always exceptions to the rules!)

Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family. (50 word limit)

Like so many other universities, Stanford wants to get a feel for your commitments outside the classroom as well as in. Think about your application as a whole, reading through all of the Stanford prompts before you dig in,  and figure out what you can detail here that hasn’t or will not be addressed in other essays. Also make sure the activity, experience, job, or responsibility you highlight is something you are clearly invested in. Don’t choose to elaborate on a fundraiser to which you contribute five hours of your time, twice a year. This is a good place to feature a work experience if you have one, as that is something that often feels less standard than an internship or activity in which many other students participate. For example, tell admissions about the summer you spent working at a hot dog stand and how it taught you about responsibility, organization, and portable fans. That said, even if you write about a national club or organization that other students may feature, the trick to nailing this essay is personalization. Why is this the activity or experience you have chosen to highlight? How were you a contributor and how will it impact your ability to be a contributor on campus? How has participation made you a more compassionate, assertive, or responsible person overall? And how will this experience impact your future? You don’t have a lot of space here, so make sure you focus on personal and powerful details that other people could not replicate.

List five things that are important to you. (50 word limit)

Write down the first things that come to your mind, then give your brain time to generate some other options. You may be tempted to write “family, friends, football, French fries, and fun,” but answers like those are not going to set you apart in the eyes of admissions officers (even if the alliteration is on point). Make a list (the longer, the better) then try to trim it down by considering the value each “thing” brings to your life and which ones are most likely to add saturation to the artwork that is your application. Remember, your answers should be personal and, if possible, unexpected.

Why Choose College Essay Advisors for Stanford Essays

College Essay Advisors has over twenty years of experience guiding students one-on-one through the essay writing process for Stanford University. We take a holistic approach to these essays and short answers, considering each student’s application package as a whole. It’s incredibly important to us that each student’s voice is preserved, and we pride ourselves in helping students to write successful Stanford University supplemental essays that differentiate them from similarly qualified applicants.

Interested in signing up for our Stanford Supplemental Essay Package? Fill out a contact form below, and a member of our team will be in touch!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Stanford requires three (3) essays of 100-250 words and five (5) short answers of 50 words each.

Stanford asks applicants to respond to five (5) short answer questions.

The Stanford short answer questions must be answered in 50 words or fewer.

We recommend drafting a response without the word limit in mind. Once you have your ideas down, see which anecdotes you can cut, or where you may be able to rephrase your ideas to be more succinct, omitting details that can be found in your other submitted materials (e.g. awards, grades, and hours spent doing community service). Since the word count is so small, original ideas and creative thinking will serve you well. 

Absolutely. These essays and short answers are opportunities for you to let your personality shine. If you enjoy humor in your daily life, feel free to have fun with your responses. But don’t force it! 

The supplemental essays and short answers are very important in the Stanford admissions process. Admissions even goes so far as to  write that “the essays are your chance to tell us about yourself in your own words,” and, “you should allow your genuine voice to come through. These questions help us get to know you as a friend, future roommate and classmate.”

No, you should never reuse content from your Common App essay in your supplements for this school. Though it’s possible you might expand upon an idea or activity mentioned in your Common App essay, your supplements and personal statement should be distinctly different from one another—just imagine the same person reading all of them in a row!

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How to Write The Stanford Supplemental Essays (With Examples) - Part I

How do you tackle the Stanford University short answers and college admissions essays? These are an important part of your application — one in which you can convey not only your writing style but also your personality. In fact, it’s one of the few places where you get to show off who you are, what you believe, and what’s meaningful to you.

To help you understand what the admissions committee is looking for, we’ve broken down the short answers and first essay topic (with example) and offered guidance below.

1. What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 words) It’s okay to be a little controversial here, as long as you offer a careful, nuanced analysis. If you’re going to use a common topic like climate change or conflict in the Middle East, make sure you put a unique spin on it and offer a new insight. Don’t waste too much space describing the issue — you only have 50 words, after all — but spend the majority of your time discussing why it matters and your thoughts on how it might be addressed.

Given the short amount of space, focus on your one or two most important experiences. Rather than copying your activities section, you might use this essay to delve a bit deeper into an experience that helped you grow. For example, if you worked as a camp counselor, you might connect your experience to your larger goal of being a teacher or, cleverly, to something unexpected like an engineer.

Again, conveying your enthusiasm for the topic is more important than what it is. Don’t spend your 50 words explaining what happened; the admissions committee knows. Instead, focus on why it matters to you.

4. What five words best describe you? (5-10 words) It’s fine to just list words here. The only real rules are that you keep them positive and avoid saying anything too trite. You don’t need to use “big” words, either. Just try to convey something real about your personality. Perhaps you’re persistent, ambitious, and passionate. Try not to use synonyms, and if you’re having trouble coming up with five words, ask people who know you well for help. Pro tip: contradictions can be interesting! Maybe your contemplative and efficient. 5. When the choice is yours, what do you read, listen to, or watch? (50 words) This question is about getting to know you. While it may be tempting to list all complex and weighty works of literature — War and Peace , for example — but if it’s not actually true, the admissions committee is likely to see through that. Instead, choose works that you really enjoy. Don’t be afraid to reveal a guilty pleasure. If you love rom coms, say so! You should attempt to balance the list with some intellectual passions, but make sure they’re genuine. Including small details of why you enjoy something can add depth. For example, “ How I built This (a podcast) is a master class in entrepreneurship.” 

6. Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford. (50 words) This prompt is a spin on the “why us?” essay and requires you to actually know something about Stanford that you can’t just get from a brochure. Think about why you really want to attend. Perhaps there’s a tradition or a program in which you’re looking forward to participating. You may need to do some research; it’s important to avoid choosing something too obvious or surface-level. You should also avoid an experience that you can have at numerous schools — such as studying English or gaining independence.

Essay #1: The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100 to 250 words)

This is a classic intellectual curiosity question — and it’s not really specific to Stanford. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate that you’re truly excited about learning. The topic itself is less important than how you describe it. While you should certainly choose something that’s a true passion, what’s really important is that your enthusiasm comes through. That said, it must be a true learning experience. Perhaps a book you read in English class helped you draw conclusions about the real world. Maybe a class discussion prompted you to do a deep-dive into a topic. The learning experience doesn’t have to be school-related, either, although it should in some way correlate to your future major or a deep passion that you hope to explore further. For instance, an aspiring doctor might discuss an experience connecting with a patient at a hospital where she volunteered.

Writing the best supplemental essays for Stanford

Let’s take a look at an exemplary example:

While peer tutoring a sophomore English class this year, I found that curiosity is a two-way street. I spend my fifth period editing essays, clarifying textual details and answering questions. Many of these questions leave me pondering deeper implications. For example, several students asked me what it means to describe the farmhands in Of Mice and Men as “romantic” characters. As someone who prefers to let the words immerse me in gripping plots, unforgettable characters and unexpected endings, I hadn’t stopped to consider how context can affect the weight of a word. Explaining that being “romantic” connotes the possession of a softened or idealistic vision of reality as well as the more commonly known Hollywood definition of romance, made me wonder how people  communicate effectively when words contain such complex duality. I find myself pausing more in my own reading to ponder how each word is affecting my overall experience. I've also found that my tutees each have their own learning style. Some of them absorb the material well with diagrams and examples, while others need only clear verbal explanation. How does each person’s unique learning style affect the way they perceive the world around them? I myself have begun to notice that as someone who learns by doing, I am able to be the most helpful when I can determine hands-on solutions to problems. Peer tutoring has truly led me to discover that every new perspective is an opportunity pointing me down an endless path of questions to investigate. 

Analysis: While peer tutoring might not be the most exciting choice of activity, the writer spins it into a compelling topic by drawing interesting conclusions and insights. She also uses a very specific example, keeping the essay focused on a single question rather than allowing it to meander. This is important since you have limited space. 

She also does well in building suspense through a mini “hero’s journey” by grappling with a deep question. Remember, while you only have 100-250 words, you should still tell a story and make the reader care about your own learning journey. The topic itself — pondering the language in a literary work — is an intellectually curious one, and the author further displays her passion for learning by taking us step by step through her analysis. Ultimately, she reveals how she has come away from the experience having become a more sensitive reader and tutor, while demonstrating tremendous self-awareness, a quality admissions committees value in applicants.

As you write your own response, you,  should think about an experience that somehow changed you and made you a deeper thinker. Then, walk the reader through your journey, using imagery to help us really see how your thought process has transformed you.

Ready to tackle the rest of the Stanford Supplemental essays? Read Part II of this post .

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6 Stellar Stanford Essay Examples

What’s covered:, essay example #1 – letter to your future roommate, one-second videos, essay example #2 – letter to your future roommate, study and fun, essay example #3 – letter to your future roommate, k-pop and food, essay example #4 – something meaningful, 1984, essay example #5 – something meaningful, ramen, essay example #6 – significant challenge short answer, where to get your stanford essays edited.

Stanford is one of the most selective colleges in the nation, with an acceptance rate typically under 5%. If you want to snag a spot at this renowned university in sunny California, you’ll need to write standout essays.

Stanford is known for it’s short and whimsical prompts that give students a lot of freedom to let their creativity shine through. In this post, we will be going over three essays real students have submitted to Stanford to give you an idea of how to approach your essays. We will also share what each essay did well and where there is room for improvement.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our Stanford essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts. 

Prompt: Virtually all of Stanford’s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate—and us—get to know you better. (100-250 words)

Hey roomie!

I’m so excited to meet you and share our first year at Stanford, but I should probably warn you. By the end of fall quarter, I guarantee that you will be sick of hearing me ask, “Do you want to be in my one second?”

For the past couple of years, recording a one-second video every day has been my way of finding excitement in even the most boring days. I promise that while we’re roommates, my one-second clips will make every day an adventure.

Some of my personal favorites:

  • Ice skating in Millennium Park in Chicago
  • Watching Netflix with my 3 sisters (usually Jane the Virgin)
  • Baking a cake in physics class
  • Petting my 17-pound rabbit, or my 2-pound rabbit
  • Family karaoke night featuring the High School Musical soundtrack and my terrible singing 
  • Playing in Pep Band at basketball games with my best friends
  • Winning Mario Kart (I am a self-proclaimed professional)
  • Playing with a friend’s new puppy
  • Selfies with my Target coworkers after handling an army of coupon moms

I’m excited to capture our first year together at Stanford, from Big Game to our first ski trip. Even on days where studying in our dorm seems like the highlight, I’ll suggest a spontaneous ice cream run so we’re not THAT lame.

So when I inevitably ask you to be in my one second, I promise that it’ll be worth it (and you can’t say I didn’t warn you).


Your soon-to-be bestie/adventure buddy/one-second-a-day-video-taking roommate

What The Essay Did Well

This is such a fun essay to read because it shows us who this student is outside of her academics and extracurriculars. There isn’t a single mention of her academic interests or the clubs and organizations she is in—ironically, that’s the strength of the essay! By focusing her essay around her one second a day video, it allows her to demonstrate to the reader her most natural self. Outside the confines of a classroom or pursuing extracurricular achievement, these are the things that bring her joy and make her interesting; conveying that idea is the exact point of Stanford asking this question.

Bulleting her most memorable one second videos is a great way to share a wide variety of stories without making the essay too dense. They are quick thoughts—not even fully formed sentences—but they all start with a verb to bring a sense of action to the essay. Not to mention, she was able to work in a good amount of humor. Including her “terrible singing ” at karaoke night, being a “ self-proclaimed professional ” at Mario Kart, and the “ army of coupon moms ” at her job isn’t necessary for each story, but adding it in gives admissions officers an extra little chuckle.

No space is wasted in this essay, even down to the sign-off. She could have ended by saying “ Sincerely, Sara “, but instead, she added an extra line to excitedly describe herself as “ Your soon-to-be bestie/adventure buddy/one-second-a-day-video-taking roommate.”  As if we didn’t get enough of a taste of her personality throughout, this student closes with a run-on thought that conveys her child-like enthusiasm at going to Stanford and meeting her roommate. 

What Could Be Improved

Overall, this is a really strong essay. That being said, there are a few sentences that could be reworked to be a bit more fun and align better with the rest of the essay.

For example, the starting off with an admission that her roommate might get sick of hearing about her one second videos is cute, but it could be made stronger by really leaning into it. “ Hi roomie! Here’s to hoping you aren’t ready to throw my phone out the third-floor window of Branner by finals!”  With this opening, we are immediately asking ourselves what could this student possibly be doing with her phone that would cause her roommate to chuck it out a window. It builds suspense and also adds humor. Not to mention, she would be including a dorm on campus to show she has thoroughly research life at Stanford.

Another sentence that could use some extra TLC is “ I promise that while we’re roommates, my one-second clips will make every day an adventure.”  Again, a nice sentiment, but it doesn’t stimulate the reader’s mind in the same way an example would. She goes into some of the one seconds they will capture at Stanford later on, but it wouldn’t hurt to add another example here. She could write something like this: “ With me everyday will be an adventure; I’ll have the clip of you trying scrambled eggs and strawberries at the dining hall for proof (trust me, it’s how they were meant to be eaten). “

Dear stranger (but hopefully future roomie),

Are you looking for someone that:

S ees you only at night when they are going to sleep?

T hrives being taciturn?

U nnerves you on the eve of your exams?

D oesn’t tell Moroccan fairy tales each night?

Y owls while sleeping?

A bhors lending you their clothes?

N ever nibbles on snacks and won’t bring you Moroccan cookies?

D oesn’t ask you to go for a walk on campus?

F idgets when you need help?

U proots a spider they cross without asking you for help?

N ot ready to sing with you if you play Beyonce’s songs?

Don’t fret if you said no to all of the above. That just means we are the perfect match because I am the opposite of everything I described above! It would be my great pleasure to introduce you to the person with whom you will not just share a room, but also have unforgettable moments. Be ready to spend nights laughing–it is not my fault if I keep you up all night with my jokes. Words cannot express how excited I am to find out what makes you, you! I’ve cleverly hidden our theme within my note. In case you didn’t notice, reread the first letter of each line.

P.S: It may be difficult for you to say the “kh” in my name, especially if you don’t speak Arabic or Spanish. So feel free to call me Yara.

This is a charming way to introduce yourself to a future roommate. Not only did they spell out all the ways they will be a loyal and dependable roommate, but they literally spelled out a secret message! Accomplishing this shows this student took extra time and care into crafting statements to add an extra layer of creativity.

This student also imbued aspects of their personality in these statements—once you flip it around. We see how important their Moroccan heritage is, as they look forward to sharing “ Moroccan fairytales each night ” and “ Moroccan cookies ” with their roommate. We see how caring they are when it comes to  “lending you clothes”  and not fidgeting “ when you need help. ” They also include some humor in some lines: “Yowls while sleeping.” Each sentence helps piece together different aspects of this student’s personality to help us put together a full picture.

Although the idea of presenting a bunch of contradictory statements puts a nice spin on the structure, be cautious about going this route if it gets too confusing for your reader. Certain lines create double negatives—” doesn’t tell Moroccan fairytales ,” “ never nibbles on snacks ,” “ not ready to sing with you “—that take the reader an extra second to wrap their head around what the student is actually trying to say. Admissions officers spend a very limited amount of time on each essay, so you don’t want to include any language that requires additional brain power to digest.

This essay is also missing the closing to the letter. The author includes “ Dear stranger ” and “ P.S. “, indicating they are writing the essay in the format of a letter. Their letter requires a closing statement and a sign-off of their name. Without them signing their name at the end of the essay, the P.S. they include doesn’t make as much sense. If the reader doesn’t know what their name is, how would they understand their nickname? 

Hey, future roommate!

As an INFJ personality type, I value my relationships and genuinely want to know you better:

How do you feel about music? I. Love. Music. My favorite genre is kpop, and since I am an avid kpop lover, I follow many groups (TXT and Twice being my favorites). I apologize in advance if you hear me blasting songs. Admittedly, getting lost in my own little world happens a lot. You can just ask me to tone it down. Or join in!

I am also a sucker for dramas. We could watch sweet heart aching love stories or historical ones together! Both are also my cup of tea.

Speaking of tea, what is your favorite drink to order? I tend to prefer sweet, bitter coffee and teas. I also like trying out new foods and making them. You know…you could be my taste tester. I like to consider myself an amateur cook. If we somehow miss the dining hours, no need to worry. With my portable bunsen stove, we can make hot pot in the dorm or quickly whip something up suitable to both our tastes.

As much as I love all food, Burmese food holds a special place in my heart. I would like to share with you my favorite foods: lahpet thoke (tea leaf salad) and ohn no khao swè (coconut noodle soup). Food is my love language, and I hope that we can share that same connection through exchanging and trying out new foods!

This essay packs a ton of information into just a few paragraphs. We learn about the author’s food and drink preferences, music taste, and favorite TV shows. The vivid language about food, drink, and cooking in particular makes the images of this student’s potential life at Stanford that much clearer and more compelling. 

Another especially strong element of this essay is the author’s personality and voice, which come through loud and clear in this essay. Through varied sentence structure and the way they phrase their stories, we get a great sense of this applicant’s friendliness and happy, enthusiastic style of engaging with their peers. 

Finally, college applications are by their nature typically quite dry affairs, and this kind of prompt is one of the few chances you might have to share certain parts of your personality that are truly essential to understanding who you are, but don’t come across in a transcript or activities list. This student does a great job taking advantage of this opportunity to showcase a truly new side of them that wouldn’t come across anywhere else in their application.

You wouldn’t, for example, want to just rehash all the APs you took or talk about being captain of your sports team. Firstly, because those probably aren’t the first things you’d talk about with your new roommate, and secondly, because that information doesn’t tell admissions officers anything they don’t already know. Instead, approach this prompt like this student did, and discuss aspects of who you are that help them understand who you are on a day to day basis—as the prompt itself hints at, the residential college experience is about much more than just class.

This is a great letter to a future roommate, but it’s important to remember that while the prompt is officially for future roommates, the essay is actually going to admissions committees. So, you want to  think carefully about what kinds of practices you mention in your essays. In most college dorms, students aren’t even supposed to light candles because it’s a fire hazard. So, while your dorm cooking skills might be very impressive, it’s probably not a good idea to advertise a plan to bring a portable stove to campus, as these kinds of things are often against dorm rules.

This may seem like nitpicking, but at a school as competitive as Stanford, you want to be extra careful to avoid saying anything that admissions officers might find off-putting, even subconsciously. For a more extreme example, you obviously wouldn’t want to talk about all the parties you plan on hosting. While this slip-up is much more minor, and the student was clearly well-intentioned, the overall genre of disregard for the rules is the same, and obviously not something you want to highlight in any college application.

Prompt: Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why. (100-250 words)

I am an avid anti-annotationist; the mere idea of tainting the crisp white pages of any novel with dark imprints of my own thoughts is simply repulsive. However, I have one exception — my copy of George Orwell’s 1984, weathered and annotated in two languages. While victimized by uneven handwriting eating away at the margins, it is the only novel I still hold beloved despite its flaws. 

Two years before reading 1984, I was indulging in the novels of Dr. Seuss, not because of my preferences, but because my reading level was deemed an “A” — the reading level of a toddler. I was certainly anything but that; I was a fresh-off-the-plane immigrant and rising middle schooler who could barely name colors in English. 

After reading the likes of A Very Hungry Caterpillar like a madman, my next step was purchasing more advanced books in both English and Korean, so I could understand the nuance and missing details of novels after I initially read them in English. This crutch worked perfectly until George Orwell’s 1984 — the first novel I purchased and read without the training wheels of a translated copy. It took me weeks to finish the book; it was painfully slow, like a snail inching toward an arbitrary finish line. 

I read the novel twenty-seven times, each reading becoming faster and revealing more information. When I look at my copy of 1984, I still cringe at its weathered and tainted pages, but I can’t help admiring that initial portal between two literary worlds. 

This is undoubtedly an excellent writer who produced an exceptionally strong essay. Right from describing themself as an “ avid anti-annotationist, ” we can tell this is going to be different than you typical essay. While many students will choose something related to their academic or extracurricular passion, this essay choose a specific book. Although 1984 is so much more to them than simply a novel, as they reveal through the essay, the focus on an individual object as something meaningful is such a powerful image.

This student does a beautiful job conveying their journey through the symbol of 1984. They measure time using the book (“ Two years before reading 1984 “), and use well-known children’s novels like A Very Hungry Caterpillar and Dr. Seuss to convey just how far they came without explicitly needing to describe how behind they were. Describing reading 1984 without a translated copy as ditching “training wheels” further emphasizes their growth.

The meaningfulness of 1984 is reinforced through the focus on its “ weathered and tainted pages .” Admitting to the reader at the beginning that they hate marking up books, yet their favorite book is annotated from cover to cover, highlights how 1984 is so much more than a book to them. It is a symbol of their resilience, of their growth, and of a pivotal turning point in their lives. Although the student doesn’t say any of this in their essay, their skilled writing reveals all of it to the reader.

One of Stanford’s deepest values is intellectual vitality (in fact, there’s a whole separate prompt dedicated to the topic!). This student demonstrates this value through establishing a willingness to learn and a love of cross-cultural literature.  All the while, this student is authentic. There’s little posturing here intended to impress the admissions officers with the student’s resilience and deep love for the written word; instead, he is genuine in sharing a small but authentic part of his life.

This essay has very little that needs to be improved on, but there is one crucial question that would have been nice to have answered: why 1984? Out of all the books in the world, why was this the one this student decided to commit to as the first all-English novel? Was it just by chance, did a teacher encourage them to pick it up, or did the premise of the book speak to them? Whatever the reason, it would have been nice to know to further understand its significance.

While most people argue that the best invention is something mechanical or conceptual, I believe it’s the creation of instant ramen. There’s little time involvement, deliciousness, and convenience all included in one package. What more could one ask for? The nostalgia packed within instant ramen makes it a guilty pleasure I can’t live without. 

During a road trip to Yellowstone, this miracle meal followed my family as we took turns sharing an umbrella under the pouring rain and indulging it in its instant delicacy: we were shivering in the cold, but the heat of the spicy soup and the huge portion of springy noodles warmed our souls instantly. It was an unforgettable experience, and eating ramen has since then followed us to Disneyland, Crater Lake, and Space Needle, being incorporated in our frequent road trips. 

It has also come in handy during our wushu competition trips. Often, competitions ended at midnight, making it inconvenient to eat out. In these situations, the only essentials we needed were hot water and instant ramen packages, enough to satiate our spirits and hunger.

Instant ramen is also a way my mom and grandma express their care for me. On late nights of doing homework after wushu practice, I usually ate something—sometimes instant ramen—to have a smoother recovery. My mom and grandma usually paired instant ramen with extra toppings like homemade wontons or fish balls—their motto being “instant ramen always tastes better when someone makes it for you.

By picking such an unusual topic, this applicant grabs the attention and interest of readers straightaway. Picking something as commonplace and commercial as instant ramen and transforming it into a thoughtful story about family is a testament to this student’s ability to think outside the box and surprise admissions officers. It makes for an essay that’s both meaningful and memorable! 

Another great aspect of this response is how information-dense it is. We learn not just about the writer’s fondness for instant ramen, but about their family road trips, their participation in wushu, their close-knit extended family, and their culture. Even though some of these details come in the form of brief, almost throwaway lines, like briefly mentioning fishballs and wontons, they are clearly thoughtfully placed and designed to add depth and texture to the essay. 

While walking the line between maximizing every word available to you and having your essay be cohesive and easy to follow is tricky, this writer does a fantastic job of it. The details they include are all clearly relevant to their main theme of instant ramen, but also distinct enough that we get a comprehensive sense of who they are in just 250 words. Remember, even quick details can go a long way in enriching your overall description of your topic or theme.

This is a very strong essay, but there’s always room for improvement. The first paragraph of this essay, though a good general introduction that you might find in an academic essay, doesn’t actually say much about this applicant’s potential as a Stanford student. Remember, since your space is so limited in the college essay, you want every sentence, and really every word, to be teaching admissions officers something new about you.

Starting a story in media res, or in the middle of the action, can get the reader immersed in your story more quickly, and save you some words that you can then use to add details later on. Avoiding a broad overview in your first paragraph also allows you to get into the meat of your writing more quickly, which admissions officers will appreciate—remember, they’re reading dozens if not hundreds of applications a day, so the more efficient you can be in getting to your point, the better.

Everybody talks. The Neon Trees were right, everybody does indeed talk but in our society no one listens. Understandably, the inclination to be heard and understood jades our respect for others, resulting in us speaking over people to overpower them with our greatest tools, being our voices.

What The Response Did Well

This prompt is a textbook example of the “Global Issues” essay , but with an obvious catch: you have only 50 words to get your point across. With such limited space, this Stanford short answer supplement demands that applicants get their point across quickly and efficiently. This essay does a great job of grabbing one’s attention with an unusual hook that segues smoothly into the main topic. Along with that, the student demonstrates that they have a great vocabulary and sophisticated writing style in just a few sentences. 

While failing to communicate effectively indeed causes a great many problems, failure to listen is an incredibly broad challenge, and therefore, not the strongest choice for this short response. Remember, like with any other supplement, you want your response to teach Stanford admissions officers something about you. So, you ideally want to choose a specific subject that reflects both your knowledge of the world and your personal passions.

Again, your space is limited, but if this student had been even slightly more specific, we would have learned much more about their personality. For example, the sentence that starts with “understandably” could have instead read:

““Understandably, the inclination to be heard and understood jades our respect for others, which causes shortsightedness that, if nothing changes, will soon enough leave our air unbreathable and our water undrinkable.”

This version goes a step further, by not just speaking vaguely about nobody listening, but also pointing out a tangible consequence of this problem, which in turn demonstrates the student’s passion for environmentalism.

Do you want feedback on your Stanford essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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How to write the stanford university essays, updated for 2024-2025, 2024-25 short questions.

Prompt 1: What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?* Min: 3 / Max: 50


Unfortunately, it’s easy to fall into a trap when answering this question. The first trap is picking an incredibly vast, yet vague issue that sounds a lot like a “Miss America” response (such as world hunger, terrorism, etc.). Another trap is being too nearsighted and writing about an issue that is troubling in your own community but doesn’t resonate with others. It’s important to find the middle ground—talk about an issue that is important to you and tell the reader something about your worldview while demonstrating maturity. Remember you are not asked to talk about a solution, so focus on the issue and why it’s particularly challenging.

The hardest part is narrowing down the most significant challenge from the many options you have. Once you feel as though you’ve come up with a thought-provoking answer, you have a chance—albeit a short one—to express your opinion and defend it.

You may be worried that if you choose to talk about systemic racism in the United States, you’ll seem naive for ignoring the catastrophic effects of climate change. However, this is not the case. Stanford is aware that you don’t have the space to acknowledge other challenges in just 50 words, so the best thing is to accept your limitations and use them to your advantage. This means you don’t need to include any qualifiers like “Society suffers from issues such as … yet I find … to be the single greatest challenge we face.” Take a stance and stick by it. Rather than viewing you as callous towards alternatives, the admissions committee will appreciate your alignment with the specificity and focus they requested.

If you feel that your response is polarizing, keep in mind that that is not necessarily a bad thing. Societal issues are polarizing topics, and even your readers will likely disagree about the single greatest challenge the world faces today. That does not mean that you have free reign to be offensive or off-putting, but don’t be afraid to speak your mind about a meaningful cause that is important to you. Remember that Stanford welcomes and supports a diverse range of opinions, so lean into your experiences, values, and idiosyncrasies, especially if they’re relevant to you on a deeper level. However, it’s likely other applicants will write about a similar challenge, so try to stand out!

America faces the dilemma of achieving equity within a capitalist economic framework. Striking the delicate balance between economic growth and a fair distribution of resources is one of our era’s great dilemmas; achieving an equitable future that is prosperous and sustainable becomes more complex as climate change becomes more severe.

Prompt 2: How did you spend your last two summers?* Min: 3 / Max: 50

This is a chance for you to elaborate on extracurriculars and give insight into how you spend your time outside of the classroom. The best answers don’t detail entire summers or provide program descriptions. Instead, they feature the few most memorable things an applicant did while away from school. If you had a less structured summer, you should talk about a trip, a friendship, a skill, etc., that has had an impact on who you are.

Last summer, I completed a Duke biomedical engineering program focused on human-centered design. I learned CAD and how to prototype and evaluate concepts using HCD principles. The prior summer, I trained for a marathon, shadowed a Stryker device representative at surgery centers, and studied Spanish at a community college.

Prompt 3: What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?* Min: 3 / Max: 50

Avoid cliches such as the signing of the Declaration of Independence or the moon landing at all costs. The most important element of a standout answer to this prompt is uniqueness. Tell the reader about a time period or event they may not be familiar with and explain why you find it fascinating. This is a chance to show the reader your personality and passions, not that you did your homework. Therefore, it’s best if the event is related to one of your academic interests!

I wish I had witnessed the first successful heart transplant performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard in 1967. This historic moment revolutionized medicine by ushering in a new era of organ transplantation, advancing the possibilities of life saving surgeries, and underscoring the potential of medicine to reshape human health and longevity.

Prompt 4: Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family.* Min: 3 / Max: 50

One of the greatest advantages of these supplemental essays is that they provide the opportunity to add context and character to the brief entries you listed on the Activities List—or to share something that didn’t make the list. Since you can only choose one activity, however, be decisive and intentional about what you choose to highlight. Select something that adds depth and dynamism to your application and shows admissions committees more of who you are outside of the classroom.

This is a space to talk about a meaningful experience you’ve had or a community you’ve cherished being a part of. It can be the place to elaborate on the part-time job you’ve had throughout high school (any job counts, even if it’s flipping burgers or tutoring kids in your neighborhood). However, feel to get personal and talk about roles and responsibilities you’ve had within your family. Remember, there is space for only 50 words, so be brief but thorough!

During junior fall, I designed a robot that could delicately toss and catch an egg in the same receptacle. This was an intensive challenge that required creativity, precision, and persistence. Successfully completing the project has given me the confidence and inspiration to pursue a career in biomedical design.

Prompt 5: List five things that are important to you.* Min: 3 / Max: 50

Listing these 5 things will grant Stanford a peek into your world and what you cherish, so make your selections by considering the story these things will collectively tell about you. Try your best to be unique with your choices and select items or intangible things that reveal exciting, surprising, unexpected and authentic dimensions of who you are.

This prompt is an opportunity to not only share something about yourself through the things you value, but also to showcase your creativity in your response. The format of this prompt is atypical and open-ended, which provides students with the freedom to interpret the question in their own way. Your response could include something as concrete as a family heirloom you cherish or as abstract as a quality you value in the people you surround yourself with.

My design notebook An antique telescope gifted by my grandfather Meditation Family dinner time Immersing myself in nature’s beauty

Short Essays

The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.* Min: 100 / Max: 250

In most cases, students write about an idea or experience that is closely related to their intended field of study. This can work, but it’s not the only way to go about answering this question. In fact, many successful students write about experiences or ideas from one subject that have influenced their thinking or views on another. An interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary or otherwise multifaceted focus can be a winning strategy to demonstrate the nuance of your interests and mindset.

The key here is to demonstrate that you would be a good fit on campus by showing that you see the value in the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge’s sake. Think about what you enjoy learning not because you want to earn a degree or get into a certain profession, but because you simply cannot get enough of the information. Intellectual vitality is an important characteristic at Stanford, so make sure that you underscore your curiosity and authentic drive to discover more about the world around you. Finally, keep in mind that the topic itself is not as important as showing what you have done with the information or idea you discuss.

I can’t help but be filled with excitement and uncertainty when I think about extending the human lifespan through medical progress—a fascination that spans both classical and contemporary history.

In the 20th century, antibiotics revolutionized healthcare, significantly increasing average lifespans by combating previously lethal infections. Similarly, vaccines have curbed the impact of deadly diseases, exemplified by the eradication of smallpox and ongoing efforts against diseases like polio and coronavirus.

In the modern era, scientific strides continue to push boundaries. Gene editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 offer possibilities for combating genetic disorders and age-related illnesses, potentially further extending healthy lifespans.

However, amidst these advancements there remain questions not only about the science itself, which hinges on complex factors ranging from genetically influenced molecular processes to environmental factors, but also about the morality of extending life. While research points to effective methods, unforeseen consequences will undoubtedly arise, further highlighting the delicate balance between extending life and maintaining its quality.

It’s precisely this quandary that I’m eager to explore through interdisciplinary collaborations that integrate fields such as biology, data science, and ethics. Examining centenarians, studying societies with exceptional longevity, and considering social attitudes toward aging are all essential if we aim to form holistic approaches to aging.

Ultimately, the quest to extend our lifespan exemplifies both the triumphs and uncertainties of scientific progress as it relates to the more subjective niceties of the human experience. I am relentlessly curious about this topic, and can’t wait to study it alongside others who share my passion.

Virtually all of Stanford’s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate—and us—get to know you better.* Min: 100 / Max: 250

If you’ve written many letters in your life, you may feel comfortable writing this one, but there are a number of ways to write an impactful letter. If you’re not as familiar with letter writing, think about this letter as a conversation, a relaxed, casual and emotionally-grounded form of one-on-one communication. To successfully capture this tone, start by writing your letter by hand. This will help you get out of your academic mindset and into letter-writing mode.

This response should be formatted like an actual letter, and it should give a sneak peek into what it would be like to live with you and to be your friend. Although the express focus is technically on your roommate, the implicit focus of the essay should be the kind of person you are and what interacting with you would be like. Remember not just to tell, but to show how your personality may play out in a dorm room, a classroom, or in a budding friendship. Try to convey aspects of your personality and character that can’t be found anywhere else on your application.

Dear Roger,

Right now we’re strangers, but that will inevitably change in the not-too-distant future. Now that I know of your existence, I’m genuinely eager to meet you. I guess there is no time like the present, so I’ll take the first leap and introduce myself.

I’m from a small town outside of Seattle called Bellingham. It’s a nice place to grow up—towering trees, a view of the Puget Sound, and a park in every subdivision that starts with the same letter as each of the streets (Butterfly Park in the B-neighborhood isn’t known for its butterflies). Anyway, if you stare long enough at the sound, you may see an Orca—or at least that’s what I’m told.

The truth is that I don’t know that much about Bellingham because I’m the only one in my family that was born here. There are no time-honored traditions in my family. No local knowledge that has been passed from generation to generation. My family is small, and those that I do know are spread out across the country. All this to say that I cherish the close relationships that I have—my dear friends have become like family to me, and I look forward to expanding my “chosen family” during this new chapter in college.

A friend once told me: there will always be an unimaginable distance between two people. Don’t let that stop you.

I’m glad I finally had the courage to follow their advice.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely, Gabe

Please describe what aspects of your life experiences, interests and character would help you make a distinctive contribution as an undergraduate to Stanford University.* Min: 100 / Max: 250

While you have likely spent a great deal of time in your essays discussing the ways in which a Stanford education will enrich your life, this is your opportunity to discuss what you will bring to the campus community as a student. The prompt is open-ended by design, allowing you to choose from a myriad of personal attributes—from experiences to interests to unique qualities. Whatever you choose to write about, make sure that it reflects the aspects of your persona that stand out the most and would make the most impactful contributions to campus.

Use this prompt to get specific—showcase something about yourself that is not only unique to the essence of who you are, but that also aligns with Stanford’s institutional values. Stanford’s vision incorporates three primary themes: sustaining life on earth, accelerating solutions for humanity, catalyzing discovery in every field, and preparing citizens and leaders. While these are lofty ideals, you can demonstrate material ways in which you will contribute to and embody these values as a Stanford student.

Growing up in a Reform Jewish household, I’ve grappled with the complicated interplay of religion, faith, and personal discovery. This ongoing journey allows me to provide a distinct offer to the Stanford community: I am still wrestling with my views, and expect to for the rest of my life, but I welcome anyone to join me in conversation to discuss our beliefs, identities, and questions about the world.

I am grateful to Judaism for nurturing a culture of inquiry and curiosity that has equipped me to reflect on complex ideas. This exposure has helped me foster dialogues within diverse communities and enable meaningful exchanges that enrich understanding of one another.

Beyond sparking conversation, I have a strong commitment to social justice and community service, and I love connecting with others who share those passions—whether or not that is guided by the principle of Tikkun Olam. It’s deeply satisfying to know others who value volunteer work and advocacy no matter where that passion stems from.

My upbringing has taught me an appreciation for the balance between innovation and tradition. This worldview propels me to look for interdisciplinary ways to approach challenges and to leave no stone unturned when searching for answers.

Judaism has helped me form a unique understanding of religion, a commitment to social impact, and an eagerness to bridge divides. I know that Stanford is a wonderful place for me to share these parts of my identity and foster their growth.

During junior fall, I designed a robot that could delicately toss and catch an egg in the same receptacle. This was an intensive challenge that required creativity, precision, and persistence. Successfully completing the project has given me the confidence and inspiration to pursue a career in biomedical design. 

stanford biggest challenge essay

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Stanford University Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide 2023-24

majors at stanford

If Stanford is one of your top-choice schools, you may be wondering how you can make your application stand out. Your responses to Stanford’s supplemental essay questions are a significant way to set yourself apart from other applicants. However, these essay prompts require you to be both concise and creative, which is not an easy task. Keep reading to learn more about Stanford’s supplemental essays for the 2023-24 admissions cycle and how to craft them.   

How Much Do Stanford Essays Matter?

Writing a compelling essay as part of the Common Application is one way for the Stanford admissions committee to get to know you. However, the additional prompts that Stanford University requires going a bit deeper to find out more about who you are, what you hope to get out of the undergraduate experience, and what contributions you can make specifically to the Stanford community. As the Stanford admissions office states, “These questions help us get to know you as a friend, future roommate, and classmate.”

Do the Stanford essays matter that much? Think about it this way — other applicants may have comparable grades and test scores, so you need to have something in your application that makes you stand out. Submitting compelling and authentic college essays helps you do just that. However, you need to ensure you do your research and truly know what Stanford University is like , so you can be specific and detailed in your responses.

How Many Supplementals Does Stanford Require?

Stanford has a total of eight supplements, which include three short essay questions of 100-250 words each and five short questions with a limit of 50 words each. You are required to complete all eight of them to be considered for admission.

If you’re wondering how to get into Stanford , focus on crafting responses to these essay questions that demonstrate your intellectual drive, personal growth, and interest in attending the university. Successful essays will give the admissions committee a fuller picture of you beyond your academic performance and activities list.

What Are the Stanford Supplemental Essays and How to Craft Them

According to Mike, IvyWise Master College Admissions Counselor and former Assistant Director of Admissions at Stanford, “If you look at the Stanford supplement questions, I think it gives you an idea of what they value.” This includes your impact in academics, how you will fit into the community, and the unique perspective you can contribute.  

Your responses to each prompt should be unique and reveal something new about yourself that isn’t found elsewhere in your application — in other words, avoid repetition. Take each response seriously, but feel free to have fun with them, too. Your personality should shine through in each essay, so if you’re normally a funny person, feel free to add some humor. If you’re typically more sentimental, don’t be afraid to make your responses heartfelt.

Stanford’s essay topics are subject to change every year. Here are the prompts from the 2023-24 admissions cycle.

The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100-250 words)

This question is designed to help the admissions office understand the depth of your intellectual curiosity and your motivation for learning. When answering this question, focus on one subject or experience that inspires you to learn more and how you act on that inspiration. Keep it brief, but ensure the narrative structure demonstrates how well you will contribute to the academic environment at Stanford. Of course, each student’s response to this question will be unique, but this example may help you think about ways to craft your essay.

The concept of renewable energy has always fascinated me. Last summer, I had the opportunity to intern at a local solar energy startup. Witnessing the real-world impact of sustainable technology ignited my fervor for learning.

Working alongside passionate engineers, I saw firsthand how solar panels transformed sunlight into a viable energy source. It was like witnessing magic unfold before my eyes. The intricate engineering, coupled with the commitment to a greener future, profoundly enhanced my understanding of energy systems.

What truly excited me was the potential for innovation in this field. The idea that we’re on the cusp of breakthroughs that could redefine how we power our world is both awe-inspiring and humbling. It’s not just about reducing our carbon footprint; it’s about revolutionizing the way we interact with our environment.

This experience propelled me to explore renewable energy even further. I researched advancements in solar technology, attended webinars, and even initiated a sustainability club at my high school. The prospect of contributing to a more sustainable future has become my driving force.

Joining the Stanford community, with its reputation for curiosity and drive, would be a dream come true. I envision collaborating with like-minded individuals in the Atmosphere/Energy program, pushing the boundaries of sustainable technology, and ultimately, leaving a lasting impact on our planet’s future.

Virtually all of Stanford’s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate and us know you better. (100-250 words)

This prompt is meant to be creative and should read like you’re writing a letter or an email to a friend instead of the admissions committee. This is a great opportunity to really show off your personality and even be humorous. Just avoid the temptation to use vernacular language — grammatical correctness is still important! The following is a great example of how you might respond to this prompt.   

Dear Future Roommate,

I can’t wait to share this new chapter at Stanford with you! There’s something you should know about me: I’m a nocturnal creature. Late nights are when my creativity and focus peak. Don’t be surprised if you find me buried in books or typing away at my laptop well into the night — I tend to lose track of time! But fear not, I’m a ninja with my noise-canceling headphones, so your sleep schedule won’t be disrupted.

I’m also a bit of a plant enthusiast. You’ll likely spot a small jungle of greenery adorning our room. They’re like my leafy companions, bringing life and a touch of tranquility to our space. Feel free to water them if you’d like; they appreciate all the love they can get.

When it comes to music, I have an eclectic taste. From indie rock to classical piano, there’s a little bit of everything on my playlist. I’m always up for a jam session or discovering new artists, so if you’re a music lover, too, we’ll have some great times together.

Exploring new cuisines is a passion of mine, so I’m always game for trying out local eateries or cooking up something unique. If you ever want to embark on a culinary adventure, count me in!

I’m genuinely excited about this journey at Stanford, and I can’t wait to learn more about you and the experiences you’ll bring to our shared space. Here’s to an amazing year ahead!

Warm regards,

Please describe what aspects of your life experiences, interests and character would help you make a distinctive contribution as an undergraduate at Stanford University. (100-250 words)

This prompt is so common that you may have a response you can use for more than one school — just make sure you tailor your responses instead of copying and pasting and don’t forget to change the name of the school! That is one of the most common mistakes we see students make in their responses! 

This prompt is a great opportunity for you to focus on specific strengths or skills you can bring to the Stanford community, whether you’re good at organizing events, managing projects, leading groups, or something else. Check out this example for inspiration:

Growing up in a multicultural household, I’ve developed a deep appreciation for diversity and inclusion. I’ve seen firsthand how different perspectives enrich our understanding of the world. This has driven me to be an advocate for inclusivity, whether by leading diversity-focused initiatives in my high school or volunteering at local community centers.

My passion for environmental sustainability has led me to engage in various eco-conscious projects. From organizing tree-planting drives to participating in beach cleanups, I am committed to addressing pressing environmental challenges. At Stanford, I intend to continue this commitment, channeling my enthusiasm into research and initiatives that promote sustainability and getting involved in Students for a Sustainable Stanford. 

My interest in computer science and technology is another facet of my character. I’ve spent countless hours coding, participating in hackathons, and developing software solutions for community problems. This technical prowess, combined with my entrepreneurial spirit, drives me to create innovative solutions that can positively impact society.

Lastly, the resilience and adaptability I honed through overcoming personal challenges equip me to thrive in a rigorous academic environment. I view setbacks as opportunities for growth and believe in perseverance in the face of adversity.

My diverse background, commitment to inclusivity, dedication to sustainability, technical proficiency, and resilience are qualities I believe will enable me to contribute uniquely to the Stanford community, fostering positive change and making a meaningful impact on campus and beyond.

What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 words maximum)

This is a serious question with an extremely short answer, so your response needs to pack a lot of punch. Check out this example about climate change:

Climate change looms as the most significant challenge, imperiling our planet’s future. Its far-reaching consequences affect ecosystems, food security, and vulnerable communities. Urgent global cooperation is required to mitigate its impact and safeguard our world for future generations.

How did you spend your last two summers? (50 words maximum)

This is an opportunity for you to share how you contributed to your community or completed a project. The important thing is focusing on the parts of your activities list that are impactful and help the Stanford admissions committee picture how you’ll fit in on campus.

Last summer, I interned at a local environmental nonprofit, working on community-driven sustainability projects. The previous year, I attended a coding bootcamp, honing my software development skills. Both experiences fueled my passion for sustainable technology solutions and equipped me with invaluable practical knowledge.

What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 words maximum)

This is a fun prompt because you can choose any moment or event from any time period. However, it’s important to briefly explain your choice, like this short answer below:

I wish I could have witnessed the moon landing in 1969. The sheer audacity of humanity reaching another celestial body, the unity it inspired, and the possibilities it unlocked for future exploration make it an awe-inspiring moment in history.

Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family. (50 words maximum)

This is another common supplemental essay prompt. While you elaborate on your one activity, job, or responsibility, make sure to tie it into what you hope to contribute to Stanford.

Leading my school’s Model United Nations team, I fostered debate, diplomacy, and global awareness. Organizing conferences and mentoring team members taught me leadership, research, and public speaking. This experience ignited my interest in international relations, and I aspire to continue it at Stanford.

List five things that are important to you. (50 words maximum)

Don’t just list five things — explain why they are important to you. Here’s an example:

  • Family: Their unwavering love and support anchor me.
  • Education: A gateway to personal growth and positive change.
  • Sustainability: A commitment to protecting our planet’s future.
  • Inclusivity: Fostering diverse perspectives and empathy.
  • Integrity: Upholding honesty and ethics in all endeavors.

What Should You Definitely Not Include in Your Supplemental Essays?

When responding to the supplemental essay questions for Stanford, it’s important to present a positive, professional, and balanced tone. Avoid humor or language that may be offensive or inappropriate, and stay away from clichés, platitudes, or generic language that don’t provide unique insights into who you are as an individual. When writing about challenges you’ve faced, focus on solutions, personal growth, and resilience.

Use your essays to provide new insights and perspectives, not traditional answers. It’s also important to be yourself — not who you think the admissions committee wants you to be. Authenticity is key! That said, while some personal anecdotes can add depth to your essays, avoid including irrelevant personal details or stories that don’t contribute to your narrative.

Remember that the goal of supplemental essays is to provide the Stanford admissions committee with a better understanding of who you are, your values, and how you would contribute to their academic community. This is a competitive school with an acceptance rate of under 4%, so it’s important to be thoughtful, genuine, and focused when crafting your essays. Don’t forget to carefully review them for any inappropriate or irrelevant content before submission!

Need help from an expert? Consider college counseling to ensure you submit a successful application that tells your story in the most compelling way and helps you gain admission into your best-fit school.  

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Home » IvyWise College Admissions Blog » College Admission Advice » College Essays » Stanford University Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide 2023-24

12 Best Stanford Supplemental Essays That Worked 2024

Stanford University Essay Examples

Your essays are one of the best ways you can stand out in Stanford's competitive admissions process.

In this article, I'm going to share with you 12 answers to Stanford's notorious writing supplement from an admitted student.

Stanford University Admissions FAQs

Many students are interested in applying to Stanford, even though admission may seem like a long-shot.

But you may surprise yourself, and for many students it's the only time in their life they'll apply.

Here are some common questions students and parents have about Stanford's admissions:

What is Stanford University's acceptance rate?

This past year, Stanford had a record 55,471 applications and admitted 2,190 students. That gives Stanford an overall admit rate of 3.95%.

Or in other words, less than 1 in 25 students are admitted.

Just having good stats is not enough to get into schools like Stanford.

Which makes your essays are a critical opportunity for you to show why you should be accepted.

Stanford University Acceptance Scattergram

But for any school that has competitive admissions like Stanford, that only means your essays are more heavily weighed.

Each year thousands of students apply with stats that are good enough to get in. And your essays are one important factor admissions officers use.

What is Stanford's application deadline for this year?

Stanford offers two admissions deadlines for 2022-23: restrictive early action and regular decision.

For this year, Stanford's deadlines are:

  • Restrictive Early Action (REA): November 1st, 2022
  • Regular Decision (RD): January 5th, 2023

How many essays does Stanford require?

This year, Stanford University requires applying students to answer five Short Questions and write three Short Essays. If you're applying with the Common App, you'll also need a strong personal statement essay .

Stanford is notorious for its lengthy and creative writing supplement. The questions are known to be thought-provoking, which is done on purpose.

Stanford admissions officers want to dig into your thought process, and learn how you think.

What are the Stanford supplemental essay prompts for 2022-23?

For 2024, the Stanford writing supplement consists of eight questions total:

Short Questions

Stanford requires applicants to answer five short answer questions of between 3 and 50 words each.

What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (3-50 words)

How did you spend your last two summers? (3-50 words)

What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (3-50 words)

Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family. (3-50 words)

Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford. (3-50 words)

Short Essays

Stanford's short essays are three required essays of between 100 and 250 words each.

The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100-250 words)

Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate – and us – get to know you better. (100-250 words)

Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why. (100-250 words)

Stanford's unique prompts give you a lot of freedom in how you choose to respond.

But being so open-ended can also make it difficult to get started.

Because of that, it can be helpful to see how other students wrote answers to Stanford's prompts in recent years.

12 Stanford University Essays That Worked

For getting your best shot at Stanford, you'll need to write authentic and interesting essays.

My advice: Have fun with the prompts when coming up with ideas. But write about them with care and diligence. Above all, be authentic.

Check out how these admitted Stanford students wrote their essay and short answer responses.

I've also included a great Common App essay from an admitted student.

  • Stanford University Essay Example #1
  • Stanford University Essay Example #2
  • Stanford University Essay Example #3
  • Stanford University Essay Example #4
  • Stanford University Essay Example #5
  • Stanford University Essay Example #6
  • Stanford University Essay Example #7
  • Stanford University Essay Example #8
  • Stanford University Essay Example #9
  • Stanford University Essay Example #10
  • Stanford University Essay Example #11
  • Stanford University Essay Example #12

1. Stanford University Short Question

Prompt: What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 words max)


Why This Essay Works:

  • Bold and Unique: Stanford's prompts reward bold and genuine writing. It is okay to be simple and straightforward, but still must be thoughtful as this response is.
  • Well-Composed: Although only three words, this response still shows thought. The use of capitalization and periods separating each word emphasizes the author's point and makes it even more poignant.

What They Might Change:

  • Use The Full Word Limit: It is risky to leave 47 words unused. This essay succeeds in taking that risk, but generally you should use all the words available because each one is an opportunity to convey more meaning.

2. Stanford University Short Question

Prompt: How did you spend your last two summers? (50 words max)

[Date] : Working with the head of IT at Golden Gate Parks and Rec to renovate the social media program and redesign the website. (sfrecpark.org)

[Date] : Studying at Stanford High School Summer College, building a family in two months.

  • Answers Prompt Directly: This response leaves no room for doubt. And shows that you don't have to be fancy or "try hard" for all essays. Sometimes plain answers work best when it is a short prompt like this one.
  • Organized Clearly: For straightforward answers, having a straightforward structure can be a good thing. Each word is used carefully and has a purpose.
  • Has Strong Ideas: You don't need much to convey meaning. In just the last six words ("building a family in two months") there is hints of deeper ideas.

3. Stanford University Short Question

Prompt: What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 words max)

The Trinity test, the first detonation of the atomic bomb. For one, an opportunity to meet my role models: Oppenheimer, Feynman, Fermi, etc. But also, to witness the 4 millisecond shift to an era of humanity that could eradicate itself. “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

  • Connects To Author's Interests: The author cleverly reveals about themselves by telling their role models: the physicists involved.
  • Shows Specific Knowledge: Rather than just saying "the first atomic bomb test", the author names it specifically: The Trinity Test. Including the famous Oppenheimer quote from the Bhagavad Gita also shows real thought was put into it.

4. Stanford University Short Question

Prompt: Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford. (50 words max)

Representing an ideal.

Stanford is a gathering place of people working towards a common ideal; one of engagement, passion, intellectual vitality, and devotion to progress. This is what I stand for, so I want to help Stanford represent it.

(Also those cream cheese croissants from CoHo.)

  • Idea-Focused: The author's take on what Stanford represents ("an ideal") is a unique perspective.
  • Authentic Motivations: Revealing your genuine motivation for attending a school shows your interest is not surface-level. The author's motivation is also a powerful one: representing an ideal.
  • Lighthearted and Relatable: The last remark in parantheses lightens the tone, while still relating to Stanford specifically. Admissions officers surely would crack a smile at this remark because it is relatable to them and genuine.

5. Stanford University Short Question

Prompt: What five words best describe you? (5 words max)

I don’t conform to arbitrary boundaries.

  • Bold and Takes a Risk: Stanford supplements are the perfect place to take a (calculated) risk. This type of answer only works if A.) it hasn't been done before and B.) it is genuine and not done just for the sake of risk-taking.

6. Stanford University Short Question

Prompt: Imagine you had an extra hour in the day — how would you spend that time? (50 words max)

One extra hour is thirty minutes extra of daylight.

The US has 28 GW of installed solar capacity. With the extra daylight, there will be a 4% increase in national capacity, an entire GW added. This small increase alone powers 700,000 homes. I’m spending the time investing in photovoltaics!

  • Thinks Outside the Box: Most students would answer this prompt more literally: with what activity they would do. Having a unique approach shows your ability to think differently.
  • Cleverness: Strikes the right balance between being clever and genuinely answering the prompt. Trying too hard to be clever is easily seen-through.
  • Explain Acronyms Before Using: Instead of writing "GW," the first reference should say "gigawatt." This is a minor semantic correction that would make things slightly more clear.

7. Stanford University "Genuinely Excited About Learning" Short Essay

Prompt: The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100-250 words)

It’s in the mail.

I rip open the package.

It feels sleek along my fingertips. Three volumes. Gorgeous red binding with stunning silver lettering. THE Feynman LECTURES ON PHYSICS The NEW MILLENIUM Edition

I had heard about them previously, but a Quora thread on “essential physics texts” convinced me to invest in them. I thought I was buying a textbook, but I was buying a new way of life. That night, while I laid in bed, Feynman changed my entire perspective of the universe. In the first lecture.

Not only was he a Nobel prize winning physicist with a unique approach to the subject, but his pedagogical capabilities were perfectly suited to my personality. When Feynman teaches, he does not just teach physics, he teaches how to think and understand. He helped me recognize that my passion wasn’t for physics, it was for a passion for learning and understanding.

Spoken directly from the source: “I don't know anything, but I do know that everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough.”

Reading the Lectures rouses within me the most intense feeling of elation I have ever experienced. When I open the Lectures, any bad mood is erased, any haze in my mind is cleared away, and I become the person I strive to be.

Now, I always have at least one of the Lectures on me. At festivals, in backpacks, in carryons, if I am there, so are the Lectures.

  • Tells a Story: Painting a vivid picture can bring admissions officers into your world. Using stories also is a compelling way to share ideas without stating them plainly.
  • Showcases Genuine Interest: Write about things in a way that only you could write about. The authenticity in this essay is palpable.

8. Stanford University "Letter to Roommate" Short Essay

Prompt: Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate -- and us -- know you better. (100-250 words)

Dear roommate,

Don’t be alarmed if you glance over at my laptop late at night displaying a plague doctor examining a watermelon with a stethoscope, meticulously listening for a heartbeat.

I apologise for waking you, but before requesting a room change, allow me to explain. This twisted scene is innocently my favorite video on YouTube. I have ASMR, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It is a euphoric, calming sensation triggered by visual and auditory stimuli like whispering and fine movements, which I use to aid my insomnia. This plague doctor, played by youtuber Ephemeral Rift, has movements as he inspects the watermelon that are as calming to me as a mother’s lullabies are to a child.

I know we will both have our strong, unique personalities with our individual quirks like this. However, I guarantee we have a fundamental similarity which lead us to becoming Stanford students.

We have passion for learning. Even if two people are polar-opposite personalities, they can become family if they have this.

That said, I have a feeling we won’t be polar opposites. I love jamming on my guitar, going out to parties, playing video games, messing around with soccer, and a hodgepodge of other hobbies. I’m sure we’ll have some common ground to start off but either way there will be plenty of time to grow together!

P.S. I am a whiteboard fiend. I hope that’s okay.

  • Humanizes the Author: Being quirky for quirkiness sake isn't good. But the author strikes a balance between showing their unique (some may say strange) interests and the relatable aspects (like whiteboards, going to parties, and soccer).
  • Connects to Bigger Ideas: Even in "unserious" writing, connecting to meaningful ideas is key. The author brilliantly shows what relates all Stanford students: their passion for learning.
  • Minor Writing Fixes: Small edits such as capitalizing the proper noun "Youtuber" and some word choices could be altered.

9. Stanford University "Meaningful To You" Short Essay

Prompt: Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why. (100-250 words)

A meaningful discussion can be found deep in the jungle of YouTube, during an obscure “CBS This Morning” interview with Bill Murray.

“What do you want, that you don’t have?” - Charlie Rose

Bill Murray - “I’d like to be here all the time, and just see what I could get done, what I could do if I really, you know, didn’t cloud myself... if I were able to... to not get distracted. To not change channels in my mind and body, to be my own channel.”

Death is scary but my slimy, monolithic, Lovecraftian fear is unengagement. I only have a brief time to experience life and I know I will find the most fulfillment in “[seeing] what I could get done.” When I feel that signature fuzzy, tired feeling in my head, I am reminded of my old night terrors; I would be awake yet unable to interact with my surroundings.

In sophomore year, when I discovered my passion for physics, I found a powerful way to stay engaged. Developing a passion fundamentally requires me, as Murray puts it, “to be my own channel.” Problem solving, understanding difficult concepts, having intense discussions all demand your mind to be present and I am more than happy to oblige.

Intellectual vitality is not my application buzzword, it is my lifestyle.

  • Shows What Drives Them: Admissions officers are interested in the root of your being. That is, what gets you up in the morning. Showing your perspective on life and what you hope to get out of life is key.
  • Connects to Application's Interests: A central theme of this author is physics. And each essay relates back to their intended area of study to a varying degree. By connecting to the rest of your application, it creates a cohesive picture of yourself as an applicant.
  • Use Less Quotes: Quotes can be great for introducing ideas. But ultimately admissions officers want to hear your words, not other people's. The first three paragraphs are about other people's ideas, not the author's, and could be condensed.

10. Stanford University Short Essay

Prompt: Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (150 words max)

One month into AP Physics C Mr. Shapiro's cancer came out of remission. With no teacher for the rest of the semester, I offered to give a few lectures. The first try was a huge success and I was hooked on teaching.

Following my newfound addiction, I started Lowell Physics Club (LPC). Our first lecture attracted 50 students, with 40 returning the next week!

A victim of grandeur, I designed an environment more than a club. It had to be innovative, attractive, and have a tangible payoff. We tutor students in physics, connect those looking for fun projects, prepare students for the F=ma Olympiad, and sometimes I give lectures which expand rather than repeat. This year two students qualified.

Mr. Shapiro returned this semester and continued teaching. I can now relax in the back of the room listening to his engaging lectures, occasionally giving one of my own.

  • Provides Backstory: Explaining how you got started in an extracurricular is compelling because it reveals your motivations for doing it.
  • Shows Takeaways from Their Achievements: Listing achievements and extracurriculars isn't as important as what you got from them. The author emphasizes the important of their extracurricular and why it is meaningful, rather than just what they did.
  • Be Careful With Personal Details: Unless this author got permission from "Mr. Shapiro" to use their name, revealing personal details such as health conditions is not good to do. Always be careful naming people in your essays, but especially for potentially sensitive topics.

11. Stanford University Short Question

Prompt: When the choice is yours, what do you read, listen to, or watch? (50 words max)

From my bookshelf, Youtube subscriptions, Netflix history, and Spotify.

The Feynman Lectures, MF Doom, Ephemeral Rift, Tank and The Bangas, The Eric Andre Show, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Hubbard and Hubbard’s Differential Equations and Vector Calculus, Thích Nhất Hạnh, Kamasi Washington, 3Blue1Brown, Al Green, Band of Gypsys, Oxford Press - Very Short Introductions

  • Answers Prompt Clearly: Provides a straightforward response without room for misinterpretation.
  • Has Good Context: By stating where these interests come from ("bookshelf, Youtube subscriptions, Netflix"), the answers have more context.
  • Organization: Listing their interests by type (such as musical artists, authors, and TV shows) would help readers who may not be as familiar with all the interests.

12. Stanford University Common App Essay

Common App Prompt #7: Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. (250-650 words)

Slowly, my passion emerged from pretense and envy into reality.

This essay is all based upon the metaphor of "the itch" representing a desire to understand the world. By using a central theme, such as a metaphor, you can create a thread of ideas that run throughout your essay. If you want to use a metaphor, make sure it clearly relates to the idea you're trying to express, rather than choosing one just because it is a creative or unique approach. In this case, there is perhaps no better metaphor than "the itch" which would capture their main idea, so it works well.

Instead of "telling" their ideas, this essay does a lot of fantastic "showing" through specific anecdotes. Sentences like "I learned to sing the blues before I knew the words..." capture a lot about the author's character and background without having to say it outright. By showing the reader, you allow them to draw their own conclusions rather than just having to accept what you're telling them. Using specific language also creates a more vibrant and interesting essay. Rather than saying "I loved learning as a kid," this student shows it using a concrete example: "my favorite book was an introduction to fulcrums".

Writing about other people in your essay can be a great way to tell things about yourself. Known as a literary "foil," by describing other people you can show your own values without stating them plainly. In this essay, the author shows their value (of being passionate about learning) by first recognizing that value in somebody else, "Kikki" in this case. By writing about people in your life, you can also create a sense of humility and humanity. Nobody is an "island," meaning that everyone is influenced by those around us. Showing how you draw inspiration, values, or lessons from others will show more about your character than simply telling admissions would.

In general, listing activities in your essay is a bad strategy, because it is repetitive of your activities list and comes across boring. However, this essay manages to list their activities in the 3rd-to-last paragraph by connecting them to a central idea: how their newfound passion for learning sparked all these new engagements. Listing activities can be okay, but only if they have a clear purpose in doing so. In this case, the purpose is to show how these activities are representative of their new passion for learning. But the purpose for listing activities could also be to show a specific value, provide examples for your idea, demonstrate your new perspective, etc.

What Can You Learn From These Stanford Essays?

Do you want to get into Stanford in 2022? If so, writing great application essays is one of your most critical parts of applying.

With selective schools like Stanford, your essays matter even more.

Hopefully these 12 Stanford short answers and essays have helped inspire you.

From these essay examples, you can learn what it takes to write some stellar Stanford supplements:

  • Don't be afraid to be creative
  • Don't write formally. You can write as you would speak.
  • Showcase your genuine self, interests, and passions
  • Think outside the box, if appropriate and natural

If you enjoyed these essays, you'll also like reading UCLA essays and USC essays .

What did you think of these Stanford essays?

Meet the Author

Ryan Chiang

I'm Ryan Chiang and I created EssaysThatWorked.com - a website dedicated to helping students and their families apply to college with confidence & ease. We publish the best college admissions essays from successful applicants every year to inspire and teach future students.

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How to Write Stellar Stanford Essays: 3 Expert Tips

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College Essays


Are you hoping to be one of the less than 4% of students admitted to Stanford this year? If so, you'll need to write some amazing essays as part of your application.

In this article, we'll outline the different types of essays you need to write for your Stanford University application and teach you how to write an essay that will help you stand out from the thousands of other applicants. We'll also go over the five short answer questions that are part of the Stanford supplement.

So let's get started!

What Are the Stanford Essays?

Stanford requires that you complete a total of four essays as a part of your application for admission.

You'll need to answer one  prompt provided by the Common Application or Coalition Application , depending on which one you use to submit your Stanford application through. You can find more information about the Common Application essays here , and more info about the Coalition essay prompts here .

You'll also need to respond to three Stanford-specific short essay questions .

The Stanford essay prompts offer you plenty of opportunities to show off your qualifications as an applicant and wow the admissions committee.

Want to build the best possible college application?   We can help.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit and are driven to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in:

2022-2023 Stanford Essay Prompts

You'll need to respond to three Stanford Questions for your Stanford supplement essays. You'll submit the Stanford supplement essays online with your Coalition or Common app.

You need to respond to all three of the Stanford essay prompts for your application. Each one of the Stanford essays has a 100-word minimum and a 250-word maximum.

Here are the 2022-2023 Stanford essay prompts:

#1 : The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.

#2 : Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate—and us—know you better.

#3 : Tell us about something that is meaningful to you, and why?

Stanford Essays Analyzed

In this section, we'll be looking at each of the three Stanford supplement essays in depth. Remember, every applicant must answer every one of the Stanford essay prompts, so you don't get to choose which essay you would like to write. You have to answer all three of the Stanford essay prompts well in order for your application to stand out.

Let's take a look at each of the three Stanford short essay questions and see how to write something meaningful for each.

Stanford Essay Prompt 1

The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100 word min, 250 word max)

This Stanford essay prompt is very broad. The structure of the prompt indicates that the committee is interested in learning about your curiosity inside and outside of the classroom, so don't feel like you have to limit the lessons you talk about to ones that occur at school.

The most important thing to remember here is to be specific. The committee doesn't want you to wax poetic about the virtues of remaining eternally curious; they want to see how a real-life example has affected you.

For instance, instead of talking about how a trip to a foreign country opened your eyes to different cultures, pick a specific moment from your visit that really hammered home the importance of curiosity. Go into detail about how that one experience affected you. Being specific is more powerful than speaking in generalized platitudes.

Similarly, you want to write about something that you're genuinely passionate and excited about. After all, it says so right in the prompt! Pick a topic that you truly love, such as a historical fiction book that you read that inspired you to learn about a new era in history or the science fiction movie that sparked curiosity about how time works in space.

Don't feel limited to your potential major. Stanford doesn't require that you pick and stick with a specific major for your application, so you don't have to write about a moment here that relates to your predicted course of study. In fact, picking a learning experience in a different field will better show that you're curious and open to new ideas.


Stanford Essay Prompt 2

Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate—and us—know you better. (100 word min, 250 word max) 

Stanford's roommate essay question is notorious. While the other two of the three Stanford essays may change from year-to-year, the Stanford roommate essay is always on the application.

First, remember that this essay is written to your future roommate, who will be one of your peers. You can adopt a more informal, fun tone with this essay, because the prompt indicates that it's going to someone who is your age.

The Stanford roommate essay is your opportunity to show a different side of your personality than the admissions committee will see on the rest of your application. This essay is your chance to show yourself as a well-rounded person who has a variety of different interests and talents.

Don't repeat information that the committee can find elsewhere on your application. Take the time to share fun, personal details about yourself.

For instance, do you make awesome, screen-accurate cosplays or have a collection of rock crystals from caving expeditions? Think about what you love to do in your spare time.

Be specific—the committee wants to get a real picture of you as a person. Don't just say that you love to play video games, say exactly which video games you love and why.

The roommate essay is also a great time to show off your community—the friends, family, teammates, etc. who make up your current life. You can talk about the deep bonds you have and how they have affected you. Showing your relationships to others gives the committee a better idea of how you will fit in on Stanford's campus.

All in all, the Stanford roommate essay is a great opportunity to have some fun and show off some different aspects of your personality. Let yourself shine!

Stanford Essay Prompt 3

Tell us about something that is meaningful to you, and why? (100 word min, 250 word max) 

While all three of the Stanford essay prompts are fairly broad, the third Stanford essay prompt is by far the broadest. You can write about anything that's meaningful to you here— the prompt doesn't specify that you have to talk about something academic or personal.

Sometimes, broad prompts can be more intimidating than prompts that have a very narrow focus. The trick here is to (again) pick something specific and stick to it.

Don't, for instance, say that world peace is meaningful to you because it won't sound sincere. You should talk about something that is uniquely important to you, not the other thousands of students that are applying to Stanford.

Pick something that is really meaningful to you. You could talk about your relationship with your grandmother and how she taught you how to cook or a specific musical album that reminds you of an important experience in your life. You might talk about a club or after-school activity that has broadened your horizons or an academic award you won after an extreme challenge.

Whatever topic you choose, your essay should feel sincere. Don't write what you think the committee wants to hear. They'll be more impressed by a meaningful experience that rings true than one that seems artificial or implausible.


Stanford Short Answer Questions Analyzed

Along with your essays, you'll also need to answer five short questions. You'll only have 50 words to answer each one...so you'll need to make it count!

Question 1: The Social Challenge Question

What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?

There are two ways you can answer this question. First, you can choose a significant social challenge that matters to you. For instance, perhaps your parents are essential workers, and the COVID pandemic revealed the unfair labor practices that exist in the US to you. Labor issues are a major social issue both in the US and abroad, and because you're impacted by it, you'll be able to put together a very compelling and powerful answer.

The other approach you can take to this question is linking it to your academic interests. Perhaps you want to major in mechanical engineering. One huge social issue is access to clean drinking water. In your response, you can explain the issue and then talk about how it inspired you to become a mechanical engineer. Maybe you want to develop better water decontamination systems! That would be a great response to this question.

The big thing to remember is you need to include a why in your answer. Why do you think this challenge is significant? And how are you planning to help solve this problem? Make sure you include these answers in your response!

Question 2: The Summer Question

How did you spend your last two summers?

This is a pretty straightforward question. Make a list of everything you did the past two summers, then parse it down so that you're including the most important aspects. For example, say you volunteered at a summer camp for the past two summers, but you also helped your family with chores and volunteered with a political campaign. Our recommendation would be to leave the chores out and focus on the bigger, more notable aspects of your summer vacation.

But maybe you had to work over the summers. Or perhaps you weren't able to take on extracurriculars because your parents needed your help caring for your younger siblings. Don't worry: those are great answers here, too. Your response doesn't have to be flashy —you don't have to have spent two summers participating in scientific research!

The important thing is to include a why in your answer . Why did you spend your summer vacations this way? And what do your choices say about your values? For instance, if you helped care for your younger siblings, you can explain that family is important to you, and that's part of why you're driven to get a college education. Counselors are trying to get a sense of who you are and what you care about!

Question 3: The Historical Moment Question

What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?

Think back to your history classes. Is there a historical moment you're fascinated with? This is a good time to share it with the admissions committee! Maybe you love legal history, so you would have loved to have attended Ruth Bader Ginsburg's swearing in ceremony. Or perhaps you're more interested in medicine, so you'd have loved to witness Wilhelm Röntgen discover x-rays.

Our best advice for answering this question is to be specific and original. Stay away from popular and obvious answers, like "the signing of the Declaration of Independence" or "Lincoln's Gettysburg address." Pick something more unique so that you stand out from other applicants. Once you've picked your historical moment, explain why you'd want to witness it!

Question 4: The Extracurriculars and Responsibilities Question

Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family.

The key word in this question is "one." The admissions counselors don't want to read a list of your responsibilities. They want you to talk about one of them and then explain why you participate and/or why it's important to you.

For this question, avoid discussing something that's already evident from the rest of your admissions packet. For instance, if you've already listed band as an extracurricular and talked about it in one of your essays, you don't really need to talk about it here. Give the admissions counselors new information about yourself that they wouldn't be able to learn from other parts of your application.

For instance, maybe you help your dad out with his lawn care business in the summers. That would be a great thing to discuss here, especially if you haven't had a chance to talk about this elsewhere in your application. You could use this opportunity to discuss how helping your family out is important to you, and you also appreciated getting to know the people in your community while cutting their grass.

Whatever activity you choose, be sure to do more than just explain what that activity entails . Go into detail about what it means to you. Why do you participate in that activity? How has it impacted you as a person? You'll have to keep it brief, but these kinds of personal details are what Stanford admissions counselors are looking for.

Question 5: The Stanford Question

Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford.

Answering this question starts with research. What is one—again, just one —thing you can't wait to learn, experience, or participate in as a Stanford student? You'll need to spend some time on the Stanford website looking into the different opportunities available to students.

First things first: limit your answer to academics or academic-leaning extracurricular activities. Yes, Palo Alto is beautiful. And yes, Stanford has a fun football program. But admissions counselors want to see that you're going to be a thoughtful, involved member of the Stanford community. So while these things are true and fun, this question is your chance to explain how you're going to get involved on the Stanford campus ...and maybe even give back, too.

Also, the best answers to this question are going to be specific. Instead of saying that you can't wait to participate in clubs, pick one (like the Food and Agribusiness Club) and discuss why it's so exciting to you. The more specific you are, the more you'll show admissions counselors that you're super serious about being a Stanford student.


How to Write a Great Stanford Essay

Regardless of which Stanford essay prompt you're responding to, you should keep in mind the following tips for how to write a great Stanford essay.

#1: Use Your Own Voice

The point of a college essay is for the admissions committee to have the chance to get to know you beyond your test scores, grades, and honors. Your admissions essays are your opportunity to make yourself come alive for the essay readers and to present yourself as a fully fleshed out person.

You should, then, make sure that the person you're presenting in your college essays is yourself. Don't try to emulate what you think the committee wants to hear or try to act like someone you're not.

If you lie or exaggerate, your essay will come across as insincere, which will diminish its effectiveness. Stick to telling real stories about the person you really are, not who you think Stanford wants you to be.

#2: Avoid Cliches and Overused Phrases

When writing your Stanford essays, try to avoid using cliches or overused quotes or phrases.

These include quotations that have been quoted to death and phrases or idioms that are overused in daily life. The college admissions committee has probably seen numerous essays that state, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Strive for originality.

Similarly, avoid using cliches , which take away from the strength and sincerity of your work.

#3: Check Your Work

It should almost go without saying, but you want to make sure your Stanford essays are the strongest example of your work possible. Before you turn in your Stanford application, make sure to edit and proofread your essays.

Your work should be free of spelling and grammar errors. Make sure to run your essays through a spelling and grammar check before you submit.

It's a good idea to have someone else read your Stanford essays, too. You can seek a second opinion on your work from a parent, teacher, or friend. Ask them whether your work represents you as a student and person. Have them check and make sure you haven't missed any small writing errors. Having a second opinion will help your work be the best it possibly can be.

What's Next?

If you want to be one of the 6% of students accepted to Stanford, you'll have to have a great GPA. Check out our guide on how to get good grades in high school for some tips and strategies!

Confused or intimidated about the college admissions process? Check out our complete guide on how to apply to college.

If you want to stand out from the crowd as an applicant, you'll need a solid resume of extracurricular activities . Learn more about your extracurricular options and why they matter.

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

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Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females.

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How to Write Stanford's Essays (with Real 2023 Essay Examples)


Kate Sliunkova

AdmitYogi, Stanford MBA & MA in Education

16 min read

How to Write Stanford's Essays (with Real 2023 Essay Examples)


Stanford University is one of the most prestigious universities in the world and their admissions process is highly competitive. Writing compelling supplemental essays that stand out from other applicants is key to getting accepted into this top-tier school. However, approaching these essays does not have to be an intimidating endeavor! With some preparation and guidance, you can write powerful and persuasive supplemental essays that will help your application shine among the thousands of other applicants vying for a spot at Stanford University. In this article, we'll look at the supplemental essay prompts for Stanford University and provide an in-depth analysis of how to approach them. We'll also examine real-world examples of successful essays written by past applicants to give you a better understanding of what makes a great supplemental essay. By the end, you'll have all the tools needed to create powerful and persuasive supplemental essays that will make your application stand out from other applicants vying for admission into one of the most prestigious universities in the world. So let's get started!

Stanford's Essay Prompts

Stanford applicants will have to write eight essays in total. This includes writing three longer-form essays (with a 250-word maximum count) and answering five short answer questions (with a 50-word maximum count). Stanford's supplemental essay prompts include the following:

  • The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.
  • Virtually all of Stanford’s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate — and us — know you better.
  • Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why.

Short Answers:

  • What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?
  • How did you spend your last two summers?
  • What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?
  • Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family.
  • Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford.

Writing Stanford's Essays

Approaching stanford's intellectual vitality essay.

"The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning."

When approaching Stanford's 250-word essay prompt about an "idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning," it is important for students to take some time to reflect on what truly excites them. Asking yourself questions such as “What topics engage me the most?”, “What have I enjoyed learning recently?”, and “What interests motivate me to take action or dive deeper into a topic?” can help you identify what ideas or experiences make you truly passionate about learning.

Once you have identified at least one idea or experience with which you are passionate, brainstorming specific examples of times when this passion has been demonstrated can be helpful in creating a stronger and more compelling essay. This could include recalling particular moments in school when the topic was discussed, describing challenges that were overcome during research related to the topic, or even sharing reflections on how this idea has impacted your life outside of school.

In addition, it is important to consider ways in which your passions may connect with others, demonstrating how your passions may create new opportunities for collaboration and growth among students at Stanford. For example, if you are passionate about environmental studies and sustainability initiatives, discussing ways in which Stanford could become a more sustainable campus could highlight both your enthusiasm for learning and potential contributions to the overall community.

By taking the time to reflect on moments where their passions have been demonstrated and thinking creatively about potential connections between these passions and Stanford's goals and values, students can effectively craft powerful supplemental essays that demonstrate their genuine excitement for learning.

Here's a great example from Hannah, a Stanford student who was also accepted to UPenn, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, and many other great schools! You can read all of Hannah's essays and activities here.

Whenever I need an extra boost while studying, I listen to iconic film soundtracks. Not only are they beautiful artistically, but the carefully-selected notes and motifs often unknowingly alter your emotions, giving me a subconscious spike in motivation.

I watched Titanic four times in three days because I was entranced by the repetition of musical themes in critical moments. Similarly, I printed out pictures of certain shots in Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby because the color schemes were aesthetically pleasing while also matching up with the characters’ emotions.

As I’ve been exposed to more music and film, I’ve learned how heavily artists can rely on psychology. Not only can certain colors or musical motifs foreshadow events, but they can complete some of the most iconic shots in cinema.

I plan on further exploring this intersection of science and art on Stanford’s campus. As a psychology major, I will study the intricacies of the human brain and its effects on behavior; on the other hand, I can take advantage of the rich creative culture on campus by participating in the Stanford Storytelling Project. By pursuing both, I can learn how masters of cinema capture audiences’ attention and deliver a beautiful, impactful story.

Tackling Stanford's Roommate Essay

"Virtually all of Stanford’s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate — and us — know you better."

To ace the Stanford roommate essay, it's important to focus on personal and intimate details about yourself. The essay is an opportunity to reveal something unique, quirky, and memorable about yourself to your future roommate. As you write, think about what sets you apart from others - what makes you special and interesting. Here are some specific tips for approaching the Stanford roommate essay:

  • Highlight your unique quirks: The admissions committee is looking for something that sets you apart from other applicants. Consider what makes you different and let those quirks shine through in your essay. For example, maybe you have an obsession with collecting old maps or you're a huge fan of a lesser-known band.
  • Think about your ideal roommate: As you write the essay, think about the kind of roommate you want. What qualities would you look for in a roommate? Reflect on those qualities and think about how you embody them yourself.
  • Avoid controversy: While it's important to be authentic in your essay, it's also important to avoid controversial topics or anything that might be offensive to others. Stick to lighthearted, positive aspects of your personality and interests.
  • Use imagery and senses: To make your essay stand out, use vivid imagery and sensory details. Engage the reader's senses by describing your favorite flavors, sights, sounds, and smells.

We have some specific tips on approaching Stanford's roommate essay here . In the meantime, read through one of our favorite Stanford roommate essay examples from Atman, a Stanford student who is now studying biology and design! You can read Atman's entire application here.

Don’t mind the morning clutter! I’ll be swapping out jewelry. My daily earring choices are contingent on anything from the outfit to the weather—today, I’ve got on a dangly butterfly and a silver key, but I may shift to some big resin sunflowers to protest this Minnesota cold.

Unfortunately, my beautiful smile won’t greet you some mornings as I’ll be starting bright and early in the lab. If I feel like leaving the excitement, we’ll go rate bubble teas from local shops (my spreadsheet would benefit from more Californian influence).

If you’re the type of person who “doesn’t really listen to music,” that will definitely change. Our room will be playing a variety of sounds 24/7—I’m talking tunes from Tyler the Creator to Thundercat, Michael Buble to Baby Keem. You’ll find me making my viral TikToks dissecting Frank Ocean songs—share your music taste with me and maybe I’ll remember you when I’m famous!

I’ll be passively beatboxing as we study, arbitrarily prompting any stranger to freestyle over my bizarre, yet curiously potent beats. Prepare yourself: You’ve arrived at Stanford’s “Bars 101” class.

You play Ping-Pong? Check again. Against more ill-advised challengers, I’ll replace my paddle with objects around me—a stray shoe, my hospital ID, my wallet, or even your wallet (you’ll grumble now, but true mastery requires complete material detachment). This habit had a shamefully large impact on my decision to buy a larger phone, so meet me at the tables!

How to Write Stanford's "Something Meaningful Essay"

"Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why."

When writing the "Something Meaningful Essay" for Stanford University, it's crucial to choose a topic that encompasses your personal values and beliefs. Your essay should connect with the reader emotionally and relay how an experience or moment has influenced your character. In order to demonstrate your perspective on life and the world around us, you will want to creatively depict the significance of the moment or experience you have chosen. Here are some specific tips to help you approach the "Something Meaningful Essay" confidently:

  • Reflect on your values: The "Something Meaningful Essay" is an opportunity to share something that is important to you. Start by reflecting on your values and beliefs. Consider what matters most to you and how those values have shaped your life.
  • Choose a specific moment or experience: Once you've identified your values, think about a specific moment or experience that embodies those values. For example, maybe you volunteered at a homeless shelter and learned the importance of compassion and empathy.
  • Write with emotion: The admissions committee wants to see that you care deeply about your subject. Write with emotion and use descriptive language to bring your story to life. Don't be afraid to include dialogue or sensory details if they add to the story.
  • Connect to the bigger picture: While your essay should focus on a specific moment or experience, it should also connect to a larger theme. Think about how your experience relates to the world around you. What broader implications does it have?

For inspiration and guidance, read through this beautiful Stanford "something meaningful" essay example below from Apollo. Apollo was accepted to Stanford, Harvard, and Princeton! You can read every single one of his college applications here.

I pull out the piano bench, lift the fallboard, and prop up my music. Today, I'm playing Liszt's "Mazeppa." It's one of the toughest pieces ever written for the piano, but to master it, there’s only one thing I need: the metronome.

First, 48 beats per minute, an easy largo.

I hated practicing. Simultaneously, I was a perfectionist. Those two traits clashed throughout my early piano years, contributing to a "limbo" period full of botched performances. Frustrated by my lack of progress, my teacher began imposing slow metronome practice. Although I was stubborn at first, I gradually learned to steady myself. "48" taught me patience, and encouraged me to seek deeper levels of ability.

Now, 112, a striding allegretto.

When I began competing seriously, I discovered a new enemy: performance anxiety. In practice, I came back to the metronome, setting a moderate tempo where I could be rock-solid. Through "112", I was able to build my confidence.

192, a barrelling presto.

My fingers fly. It’s a speed I once viewed as beyond my capability, but it now feels completely natural. "192" was when practice transformed into performance, freeing me to explore new worlds of artistic growth.

0. In high school, I learned how damaging it is to get caught up in a perpetual cycle of work; by taking breaks, I could open up valuable time to reflect on myself. As the foundation of my practice, "0" taught me balance.

I click the metronome off. Practice is done for the day.

Answering Stanford's Short Answer Questions:

Approaching stanford's "significant challenge" question.

"What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?"

To approach this Stanford essay prompt, consider a challenge that you are passionate about. Be specific in identifying the issue and its impact. Then, focus on developing a unique perspective on the challenge and propose potential solutions. Remember, Stanford values diversity of thought, so be sure to express your individuality in your response. Here's a great example of an amazing Stanford significant challenge essay from Ryan, who got into Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, and Brown. You can read all of Ryan's college applications here.

Through many forms of corruption, the ever-increasing wealth and power of the ultra-rich is seeping its way into our governments, slowly redefining who those in power aim to serve. With no control left in the hands of the people, I worry tyrannical, systematic exploitation is only a few "votes" away.

Answering Stanford's Last Two Summers Prompt

"How did you spend your last two summers?"

To approach Stanford's essay prompt "How did you spend your last two summers?" be specific and focus on highlighting your passions, interests, and how you spent your time productively. Did you volunteer or partake in any internships related to your career aspirations? Did you travel to a new place and discover a new culture? Did you learn a new skill or participate in a program that challenged you? Be sure to explain why these experiences were meaningful to you and how it has contributed to your personal growth. Showcasing your unique experiences and interests can make you stand out in your application. So, be bold, creative, and honest. The example below comes from Emma. You can read all of Emma's successful college applications, including her Stanford application, here.

Taking Fiction Writing at Stanford Summer Session, volunteering for the Aspire Education Project, being mentored by fiction author Deborah Davis, assembling masks for essential workers with my nana. Immersing myself in Northwestern’s Medill program, working as a day-camp counselor, teaching sewing at a children’s fashion camp, crafting inventive short stories.

How to Write Stanford's "Historical Moment" Essay

"What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?"

To approach Stanford's essay prompt "What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?" choose a specific moment or event that genuinely interests you. Research the moment or event and provide context on its historical significance. Share why you wish to witness it – what do you hope to learn from that experience? Would it enrich your life experiences or understanding of the world around you? Explain how this moment or event could help you shape your personal and academic path in Stanford. Lastly, showcase your intellectual curiosity and passion to learn by highlighting the specific details you found most fascinating. For more information about writing this essay, read our article here ! Below, we've provided an excellent example of Stanford's historical moment essay from Andrew, who got into incredible schools like Stanford and Columbia. You can read his complete set of college applications here.

The broken concrete of the Berlin Wall, encapsulated by Leonard Bernstein’s An die Freude on Christmas Day 1989, still resonates as a symbol of collective self-determination. I am inspired by the power of music to unite people, especially as we seek strength and reassurance to overcome our own challenges today.

Approaching Stanford's Extracurricular Prompt

"Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family."

To approach Stanford's essay prompt "Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family", choose a specific experience that highlights your character. Start by briefly describing your role or responsibilities, then focus on specific instances or achievements that demonstrate leadership, teamwork, or personal growth. Be sure to highlight how this experience has influenced you and contributed to your personal growth. Use concrete examples and quantify your impact, if possible. Remember, the goal is to showcase your unique experiences, skills, and character traits to the admissions committee. This awesome example comes from a Stanford premed student, Jude. You can read all of their applications here!

Heading the lighting department for my school’s theater company is the most difficult and rewarding position I have ever undertaken. Staying at school into the night, I spend hours hanging lights from scaffolding 50 feet in the air and methodically designing each and every lighting cue to tell a story.

How to Approach Stanford's "Looking Forward to Experiencing" Essay

"Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford."

To approach Stanford's essay prompt "Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford", be specific and personal in your response. This question is an opportunity to showcase your individuality, so choose something that genuinely excites you and aligns with your interests and passions. You might describe events, courses, clubs, or traditions at Stanford that you are eager to participate in. Focus on how this experience will impact your academic and personal growth, and how it will help you achieve your goals. Research the specific opportunities at Stanford and show that you have a genuine interest and connection to the university. The incredible example below comes from Thu, who got into Stanford, Yale, and Brown, and also won over $2.5 million in scholarships! You can read about his incredible essays and accomplishments here.

After watching countless videos about it on Youtube, I’ve become obsessed with it. I can clearly picture it in my mind: the bright California sun, the Spanish colonial architecture, and their grief-stricken faces. Rodin’s Burghers of Calais replicated in Memorial Court. It’s my favorite artwork and coincidentally at Stanford.

Reading example essays is an invaluable tool for students when crafting their own college application essays. Remember, the goal is not to copy the examples, but rather to learn from them and apply those lessons to your own unique experiences and perspective. If you want to read more excellent essay examples for Stanford, visit our massive essay database for a wealth of inspiration and guidance.

Writing essays for Stanford University requires more than just good writing skills; it requires ingenuity, creativity, and authenticity. You have the opportunity to showcase your unique experiences, perspective, and personality to the admissions committee. The key is to approach each essay prompt strategically, focus on specific experiences that demonstrate your character and potential, and edit and revise your work thoroughly. Remember that Stanford values diversity of thought, so don't be afraid to express your individuality in your responses. By following these tips, you can craft essays that make you stand out as a candidate and capture the attention of the admissions committee.

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How to Approach the Stanford Supplemental Essays 2021-2022

Padya Paramita

August 30, 2021

stanford biggest challenge essay

If you’re a top student excited by the combination of academic challenges and pleasant California weather, you probably have your heart set on applying to Stanford University. As one of the most well-regarded universities in the country, Stanford is many students’ go-to when it comes to identifying a school that values intellectual curiosity. But it would be wise to put your best foot forward when completing the Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022 and let the school know that you’re not just applying to this Palo Alto university for its consistently high ranking.

You might be in it for Stanford’s unique majors such as “Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law” or “Music, Science, and Technology.” Or you might want to pursue activism through participation in student organizations like "Transgender Task Force" or "Promoting Women’s Health and Human Rights." Use your essays to highlight your eagerness and passion when it comes to the specific opportunities that Stanford has to offer. To help you understand each of the prompts better, I’ve outlined all of them, the do’s and don’ts for your responses, and additional tips for answering the Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022 .

Prompts for the Stanford Supplemental Essays 2021-2022

When reading the application and essays, Stanford admissions officers consider your potential to succeed academically, your commitment to expanding your intellectual horizons, and whether you’ve participated in a few extracurricular activities with exceptional depth. Make sure these characteristics shine through in your writing. Remember to think honestly about your approach, and not just choose generic or predictable routes in your responses. 

With so many prompts, it’s important to get started by outlining all of them before you dive into your writing. You need to make sure that all of your answers complement each other. Together, your essays need a cohesive narrative, built through unique answers. Do not overlap or contradict yourself from one essay to the next.  

Without further ado, let’s look at the prompts:.

Short Answer Questions

What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 words)

50 words is extremely short. It’s not easy to make a strong impression so quickly. When planning your Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022 , consider that admissions officers will want to know how you think and what makes you tick. Are you a student who is willing to participate in conversations about current events or attend lectures featuring the eminent guest speakers that Stanford regularly hosts? Instead of trying to figure out what you think the school might be looking for, ask yourself if there’s an issue that you’re genuinely concerned about. 

Pick a challenge that resonates with your background or academic interests. The more personal, the more meaningful your essay will be. You’ll be able to talk much more genuinely about something you’re actually familiar with, rather than exaggerating your knowledge on a topic you’ve decided you care about on a whim. Add a brief anecdote exemplifying your personal connection to the matter. If you have space, you might be able to dedicate a sentence or two to how you would use your education and work towards a resolution. 

Quick hint: avoid society’s addiction to technology and global warming. We see these answers way too often! 

How did you spend your last two summers? (50 words)

Stanford wants students who spend every opportunity they have learning, growing, and making an impact. With so much free time, Stanford wants to know how you spend your summers without the restrictions of a school schedule. You only have 25 words to dedicate to each summer. That’s barely anything! Don’t waste space rambling about a new TV series you might have discovered last June. Think about the most meaningful parts of your summers and activities or experiences that you might have not had the chance to mention in the rest of your application. Is there a new hobby you picked up? 

Quick hint: don’t worry about writing in full sentences. Prioritize getting the content in there! 

What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 words)

Make sure that you carefully divide the 50 words to set up the context for the event, what happened, and why you have chosen to write about it. Avoid common answers such as the French Revolution or World War II because odds are that multiple students will do so. Pick a topic with a personal connection that matters to you. If you have a personal connection to a historical event—such as your family being deeply impacted by its occurrence or aftermath, this could add a unique perspective to your writing. You may also choose an event deeply related to your academic or extracurricular interests. For example, if you’re a photographer, maybe you want to have witnessed the first photograph ever being taken in the 1800s.  

Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family. (50 words)

You shouldn’t spend any more than 25 words naming and describing the activity or responsibility. Admissions officers want to know less about what you do daily as part of the involvement and more about how you’ve made an impact and how much the role has shaped your perspective. The key focus of your response should lie in explaining why it holds such importance to you. Has this experience enriched your connection to your community? Is it connected to your interests and goals? Is there a direct connection between your ideal career and the role you played while participating in this particular extracurricular? Anecdotes are important in getting your point across successfully. Think about instances that emphasize why this activity matters so much to you. Why does it stand out over your other experiences?

Your choice of extracurricular should reflect the type of experience that holds the most meaning to you personally, because after all, this is your college application. Admissions officers don’t want an essay outlining seemingly impressive activities that you think they want to hear. The Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022 should provide more information about who you are and what you enjoy. So reflect on how this activity has shaped your perspective and the role it plays in your aspirations.

Quick hint: do not write about an activity listed at the bottom of your Activities List. If it’s important enough to write an essay on, then it should be listed higher on your activities list. If it’s not, then pick a different activity. 

Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford. (50 words)

This is an accelerated version of the “why our school” prompt that you might encounter with other colleges’ supplemental essays. You get one choice and 50 words, so you better make it good. Think about how you can frame your answer as personally as possible. Do you have a specific plan to take advantage of the Bing Overseas Studies Program? Are you excited to bring new ideas to Stanford’s philosophy organization, the Dualist? You should be able to both demonstrate that you’ve done the research on Stanford, as well as tie that knowledge to your unique interests when brainstorming your approach to this response. 

Short Essays

The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.

When writing your Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022 remember that the university strongly values students who challenge themselves and approach learning with enthusiasm and curiosity. Stanford wants to see “commitment, dedication and genuine interest in expanding your intellectual horizons in what you write about yourself.” When brainstorming your answer to the question, remember that you don’t have to limit yourself to abstract ideas. You can talk about a person or a place that encourages curiosity in you as well.

Don’t forget to show, with anecdotes, why you’re so interested in the idea or experience. Dive deeper into the why’s and how’s of the way your excitement increases at the thought of the topic. Since you have the words, talk more in-depth about the ways in which you have explored the issue and how your knowledge has developed over time. The reader should come out of your essay knowing that you’re a student who wouldn’t be afraid to contribute to the Stanford classrooms and wider community as well as ask probing questions. 

Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate – and us – get to know you better.

The key to answering this particularly famous question among the Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022 is to keep your tone informal. Of course, you shouldn’t start using slang, curse words, or emojis, but your style of writing shouldn’t be highly academic either. It’s also a good idea to throw in facts about you that you’d actually want your roommate to know. Do you enjoy attending concerts and want to know if your roommate would like to see your favorite artist with you? Do you want someone to play pickup soccer against or start an impromptu musical jam session with? You could also use this essay as a chance to mention activities you want to try out at Stanford. What makes you most excited about moving to campus and joining the community?

While you are writing to your “roommate,” don’t forget that you’re also providing the college with more information on what kind of Stanford community member you’re likely to be. Your answer to this prompt is a way to portray a more fun side of yourself and reveal information such as hobbies and unusual interests that you won’t have the space to discuss in comparatively serious questions. Take advantage of this opportunity to show what you’re really like.

Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why.

When looked at as a standalone question, this is the most open-ended prompt among all of the Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022 . There’s no correct answer or level of depth you must reach—the point of these essays is for the school to learn more about you. 

You could write about a photograph, a movie, or even something abstract such as your faith. Is there a family member you love spending time with more than others? One thing to note is that you should avoid writing about cliché topics such as love or time, as you’re attempting to stand out among a very tough applicant pool. Don’t spend too many words rambling about what is meaningful, and focus more on the why. Admissions officers want to understand your reasoning behind placing value on certain ideas or experiences over others.

Additional Tips for Writing the Stanford Supplemental Essays 2021-2022

  • Think about what Stanford offers beyond the name - Even though the Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022 don’t ask an extended “why Stanford” essay, your responses are still used to determine whether you’ve done your homework and whether you’re a good fit for the school. Admissions officers want to be confident in their decision. If your essays depict you as someone who knows what you’re talking about when it comes to the majors, professors, and research opportunities, you will be more likely to gain approval. Carefully research what the college is looking for and frame your interests in a way that accurately captures your academic excellence, intellectual vitality, and extracurricular activities. 
  • Don’t waste words - The admissions officers don’t have all day to go through your application considering they have 49,000 to read. This is why you need to think strategically when writing each response, especially the 50-word answers. Don’t waste words beating around the bush or writing general statements. Aim to be as specific as possible, especially regarding how wider issues hold meaning to you and how the college itself can benefit you, and of course, focusing on exactly what the prompt wants to know. 
  • Context can make a difference - Factors that Stanford considers heavily when looking at your application are your “background, educational pathway, and work and family responsibilities.” If you believe that the context of your high school community can be relevant in the roommate question among the Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022, for example, definitely mention it. Knowing where you come from and how you’ve taken advantage of the opportunities you’ve had could make a difference in your Stanford application.

As you take on the Stanford supplemental essays 2021-2022 , think about whether it’s clear that you’re a student who would enthusiastically participate in the academic and extracurricular culture at Stanford University. Admissions officers should read your answers and say, “This is a student who can definitely take advantage of our exceptional majors or extracurricular offerings.” You want to convey as much information as you can while maintaining specificity and precision. This is your chance to show who you are and why Stanford is the perfect school for you!  This could be the deciding factor that puts you in the right pile for that acceptance letter. Good luck!

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Stanford University’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Societal challenge short response.

What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?

Summer Activity Short Response

How did you spend your last two summers?

Historical Event Short Response

What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?

Extracurricular Short Response

Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family.

Important Things Short Response

List five things that are important to you.

Intellectual Curiosity Short Response

The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.

Roommate Short Response

Virtually all of Stanford‘s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate – and us – get to know you better.

Diversity Short Response

Please describe what aspects of your life experiences, interests and character would help you make a distinctive contribution as an undergraduate to Stanford University.

Common App Personal Essay

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

What will first-time readers think of your college essay?

stanford biggest challenge essay

The Essays that got me into Stanford University (+ advice)

Commonapp personal statement and stanford essays.

Chaidie Petris

Chaidie Petris

Big Anti-Plagiarism Disclaimer (just read it)

Don’t do it — it’s just a crappy idea because 1) it never works (and even if it did, the whole app process is to connect you with a school you’ll be a good fit with, so not being honest will probably not do you any favors) and 2) if you’re that unconfident in your own work, your problem isn’t skill in writing an essay. Have a little faith in yourself, and a piece of writing that is truly you will shine SO much brighter than one you’ve assumed. Trust me. That said, I hope these example essays are helpful. I decided to put them out there as an example of how one student drew a picture of themselves for a university, but how you do that is 100% unique to you. Let me know if you have any questions about the essay process though and I’ll do my best to help out :) PS remember that these essays got me accepted to Stanford, but also rejected from a lot of universities and colleges. A LOT. Very many grains of salt here, every school is different.

Your weekly book rec…

The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta. I just finished this, and it’s a powerful story about a gay, mixed race guy growing up in London and feeling like he never quite fits in with any of his identities — Greek Cypriot, Jamaican, LGBT, etc. That is, until college, when he joins a drag society which gives him the confidence and community that helps him to embrace the identities he never felt like he could claim before. It’s a really powerful take on intersectionality, on that feeling of being suspended between multiple worlds, and the genuine experiences of life and how art combats that. It’s written in verse, which I found really out of the box, and is interspersed with timely poems that he wrote at different stages of his life. It’s a really good read, and not a long one, and I would highly recommend it.

CommonApp Personal Statement Essay

For those of you who don’t know, this essay is the CommonApp one that you write that goes out to all the colleges you apply to through that platform.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

When I was younger, I aspired to be rich so I could own an enormous library. I imagined the sense of self-worth and pride that would accompany gazing at floor-to-ceiling sturdy, oak shelves almost bursting under the weight of beautiful volumes in various languages. As a child, complete success and ownership of what you love feels completely plausible, a dream only kept from you by the restrictions of time. The only difference I saw at that time between poor and rich was the public library users and the library owners. The only thing keeping me from the latter was the barrier of age and motivation, which I was sure I could overcome by harnessing knowledge under my fist and using it to attain anything I wanted. I continued to hold this view while I was homeschooled, but when I began to attend a private high school, I realized that the difference between basic economic security and the lack thereof was much more complex. In the past three years I have come to see that not only are my peers unlike myself, but they do not know that there is a difference between us. No one understands the concept of economic insecurity if they have never had to give up their summers and afternoons after school to work to help with bills, if they have never had to pay for their own expenses and textbooks, if they complain about having dinner with their parents, never having experienced a time when their parents were at work before breakfast and back after their bedtimes. The only other people my age I have encountered who truly understood this were those whose knowledge was also founded on personal experience. But the worst part about this lack of awareness is the fact that I consider myself to be very privileged. Certainly, I have to work, but I also go to a private school. I can’t afford the to get my driver’s license like the others in my class, but I own a smartphone. The issue is not that most of the people at my high school don’t see me, it’s that they don’t see anyone who is worse off — those who can’t afford to go to school, who have to work longer hours than me, who are separated from their parents at the border — they don’t see any of those people, not really. Even amongst the most politically liberal, there seems to be an underlying current of fear and denial that prevents the most basic empathy. This has led me to the question: Why? All my life, the process of buying books has been inherently thoughtful. It involves exploring used bookstores, carefully considering and handling every book before buying it. I choose the books that I own carefully because I have to. Even after I buy the book, I read it with appreciation, and then retire it to a shelf which is not a symbol of my money, but a road map of my true thoughts and interests. I value my books more than anything else because of the thought they provoke. From this, I have learned what the people who can stock their shelves full of new, leather-bound books don’t: thoughtful awareness. That’s what separates me from my schoolmates. No matter their political identity, people don’t often think about issues that seem distant from them, if for no other reason than they don’t have to. Because of the perspective my economic circumstances have given me, I actively engage with new ideas and perspectives in order to avoid making the same mistakes as those around me which might cause someone’s knowledge or needs to be overlooked due to their personal circumstances. I think and I act. I have come to understand that the rich people I envied as a child might have enormous libraries, but they certainly don’t have them to read the books.

What I noticed about this essay is it’s good to have a balance of quirky specific things about you and your interests (I am a huge bookworm and this is a truth universally acknowledged) and applicable interests of yours that you might engage to inspire change. Here’s my (very over-simplified) concept: school wants student that will fit well with school so student will be cool and change the world for the better and ultimately people will go wow and give school money. So show something you’re passionate about and delve deep into how your mind works, without getting too out of the bounds of relatability. Also remember that there’s no way you can share EVERYTHING meaningful to you so write a little picture into your life, not portfolio-summary-10-point-manifesto of your hopes, dreams, and interests.

I also found it super helpful to write several essays on vastly different topics and then choose the one I liked best. It’s good to run them by someone to see if they think it really captures who you are, too.

Stanford-specific short questions

Most significant challenge society faces.

There is a loss of imagination resulting in the lessening of both individuality and empathy. People rarely take the time to introspect and consider what makes them distinct and why they ought to own that, and at the same time they fail to consider how others also have unique value.

Connection between essays/responses really helps bring the ‘picture’ of you that the admission officer sees together. This response connects to a theme in my app of the importance of equal opportunity and giving voice to different perspectives.

Last two summers

Working half-time (2018) and full-time (2019) at the Dry Eye Company (my mum’s business) to fund school and save for college; Taking two classes (English Composition, English Literature) at Olympic College (local community college); Taking Driver’s Ed; Reading books (particularly Classics, Russian Literature); Writing (prose, poetry, and social commentary)

Not much to say about this, I really maxed on the space by condensing points as much as possible.

Historical moment or event

Yiannis Ritsos writing poetry from inside the Greek prison camp. I want to understand whether he did it for himself to get through the experience or to rebel against lack of free speech.

Again, connections are key — this goes back to Greek heritage mentioned in my ‘additional information’ section, to my interest in Classics specified elsewhere in the app, and my personal love of the intersection of poetry and activism.

What five words best describe you?

Intellectual, genuine, self-actualized, determined, stalwart

I know a lot of people who got more creative with this and used their five words to form a quirky sentence. If you do my approach it’s helpful to ask other people how they describe you.

What do you read, listen to, or watch?

Books: Gogol’s The Overcoat George Macdonald’s Phantastes Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita Yiannis Ritsos’s poetry Music: Yiannis Kotsiras’s To Agriolouloutho Vladimir Vysotsky’s Fastidious Hourses The Great Courses Plus Lectures: Topics — Russian Literature, Ancient History/Archaeology, Greek Literature, Logic, Philosophy Operas: Eugene Onegin The Pearl Fishers Movies: Doctor Zhivago

Okay I really felt like I needed movies but I honestly could not think of any (me unwilling to admit that I live for sitting blank-faced through horror movies) so I just used the one I watched most recently with a friend. Guys. You do not need to do this. Just leave it off if you’re not that interested in a category.

Some other stuff — my music taste, opera taste and book interests corresponded with my professed academic interests of Classics and Slavic Languages and Literatures elsewhere.

Other other stuff — please just be honest about what you like. I spent the first half of high school adhering to everyone ELSE’s music tastes but just go with it and embrace what you like. Admissions officers will notice if your interests are out of the ordinary (of course it’s not a bad thing to have standard music taste, just remember it’s not a bad thing to not, either).

One thing you are looking forward to at Stanford

Having interesting conversations (academic and non-academic) with a new diverse group of people. I come from a little town with little diversity of perspectives, so getting to know how others see the world is very important to me. I think this is part of what makes a rich learning environment.

Extra hour in the day

I would write a poem about how time is becoming commoditized and how little the world appreciates it until it is gone (all the while sipping mint tea).

Get sassy in your applications if you want to. I’m pretty sure midnight Chaidie wrote some of the snappier bits like this and the roommate essay.

Stanford-specific short essays

Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you excited about learning.

The classroom thrummed with energy and anticipation. It seemed counterintuitive, what could elevate Thomas Hobbes to the exciting? But in the history classroom, somehow the energy of my history teacher’s animated face lit the room and caused minds to ponder new depths. We had split into little groups of three and four, and I was seated with people I had spoken probably two words to outside of class. But, such is the power of conversation, we all poured out our ideas. It was that collaborative sense of hearing different perspectives and piecing together fragments to create the mosaic of history. It is that height of academic conversation that excites me to learn. Learning transcends all backgrounds, having elements that go beyond subjective experience. At the same time, it unites different perspectives, because the more perspectives there are the more complete of any idea we find of the truth. I went from a little frightened at the prospect of shedding the comfort of my friend group to growing exuberance as I heard ideas I would never have thought of about Hobbes according to different people’s interest. People who naturally think about context took a structuralist approach, one economically inclined person saw the reading through a Marxist lens, another a feminist critique — far more than would ever have been thought up by one individual. This little history discussion about a seemingly dense and objective text brought the life to learning for me by showing me the power of perspectives and conversation.

True story. Be honest. Sometimes the first thing that comes to your mind is the right one, even if it seems unoriginal. Just staying true to your own experiences and feelings will make it original.

Note to future roommate

Well this is embarrassing. I hope to god my future roommate never stumbles across it.

Most Esteemed Future Roommate, If you walk in at 2:00AM to find me lying on the floor listening to depressing music by Vysotsky and clutching a volume by Homer or Dostoevsky like a teddy bear, please do not be alarmed. As an only child, I have never had to share my room except with a parent, and so the transition might be a little rocky (although I by all means invite you to my carpeted book and anguish club). Further, books have always brought me comfort, whether to escape from loneliness or the crowd (usually the latter, I’m rather introverted), and I alternate between daring to socialize and retreating upon a few beloved volumes to which I give equal or greater affection than people. In that line — I desire to know all of your favorite books — or the ones you detest — in order to know you better! Whenever I meet people, I think of what their story would be like, what author’s voice it might be written in, what the title would be. Needless to say, hit me up if you every want to borrow a book. Or a pen. Yours bookishly, Chaidie

Something meaningful to you and why

The novel Phantastes by George Macdonald was my childhood favorite book and crops up again in my mind with new meaning every passing year. As a child, my mum read it to me, and I loved it so much that it was one of the first full books I read on my own. Its meaning to me then was in the story; I admired the artful crafting of characters, artistic faerie lands and realistic houses which mingled reality, metaphor, and the grotesque with beautiful language. It played a large role in my early attempts at writing fantasy fiction and short stories. In middle school I reread it again, and found new meaning in the complexities of the characters and the changes in mindset and belief that Anodos, the main character, experienced throughout his trials. Several years later, after having developed an interest in Classics and having studied my own Greek heritage more in depth, I loved Macdonald’s incorporation of aspects of the Classical Greek world, from allusions to mythology and philosophy in the descriptions and characters to the Greek etymology of many of the character names (Anodos meaning ‘to progress upward’). Still an enthusiast for Classics and an aspiring writer, my current self still finds meaning in this childhood favorite. I revel in Macdonald’s brilliant use of language and mobilization of the metaphors of all time; it is his application of the Classics that inspire me to pursue that subject along with others to enrich my own writing and communication.

I changed this one a few times. I stuck with this version because I felt it was a good wrap, combining the subject of my personal statement with my family background and my academic interests in a satisfying, conclusive way. Tip: write about something you’re really fascinated by, something that has kept you up at nights and that your brain just goes back to for no apparent reason. Those are the things where your excitement will GLOW through the words on the page.

You’ve got this

College essays are a pain in the ass. There’s no way of summing yourself up perfectly. Admissions people probably won’t see you as a good match at every school you apply to. Not to mention the oppressive and discriminatory undertones that are historically literally engrained in the admissions process. But you’ll be okay. In the end, I feel like I learned quite a bit about myself by having to question how to sum myself up in so few freaking words. It really, really sucks, but you do end up getting something out of it, even if not what you initially expected to.

Chaidie Petris

Written by Chaidie Petris

Stanford ’24. Poet/writer. chaidiepetris.com

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Successful Stanford Essays

Stanford essays →, stanford mentors →, common app additional info (extenuating circumstances) | daniel.

Common App Additional Info (Extenuating Circumstances) My parents emigrated from Korea to the US and ran a Dairy Queen business in Florida, which unfortunately ended…...

Common App Essay: Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time | Daniel

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What…...

stanford biggest challenge essay

Stanford Supplemental Essay: Imagine you had an extra hour in the day — how would you spend that time? | Yusef

Imagine you had an extra hour in the day — how would you spend that time? (50 words) Relationships are everything in life. With my…...

Stanford Supplemental Essay: Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford | Yusef

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When the choice is yours, what do you read, listen to, or watch? (50 words) I am addicted to cooking videos on YouTube. I can’t…...

Stanford Supplemental Essay: What five words best describe you? | Yusef

What five words best describe you? Unwavering concentration yields desirable outcomes…....

Stanford Essay Prompts

Common application essay prompts.

The Common App Essay for 2020-2021 is limited to 250-650 word responses. You must choose one prompt for your essay. Some students have a background,…...

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There is a 100-word minimum and a 250-word maximum for each essay. The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out…...

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Stanford Medical School Secondary Essays: Tips & Prompts

  • Cracking Med School Admissions

Getting accepted to Stanford School of Medicine is hard. Very hard. Stanford is looking for the next game changers in healthcare. Submitting an OUTSTANDING Stanford secondary application is vital to receiving an interview invite, which ultimately can lead to an acceptance. Read our Stanford Medical School secondary essays tips so you know what to highlight in your Stanford secondaries. 

Our Cracking Med School Admissions team is made of Stanford School of Medicine alumni. We know Stanford Med inside and out.  We have a track record of helping multiple applicants receive acceptances to Stanford School of Medicine year after year.  Contact us if you want help with standing out to the Stanford Admissions committee! We can help you with essays or interview prep! You will be working directly with Dr. Rachel Rizal and Dr. Rishi Mediratta, Stanford Med graduates!

While there are many Stanford secondary essays, they are relatively short and will help cover a wide variety of other medical school secondary essays you will have to write. The prompts don’t change too much year over year.  You can definitely pre-write your Stanford secondaries because prompts barely change each year, but this is the least time sensitive school, and we know many students who submit in September and still receive Stanford Interview Invites!

Cracking Med School Admissions - 1 School Secondary Essay Edits

  • Personally Tailored Essays
  • Edits by Stanford & Harvard-trained Doctors
  • We study your application strengths to see what unique attributes we’ll bring to the medical school

Stanford Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2023 – 2024

Stanford medical school secondary essay prompts.

  • Describe in a short paragraph your educational and family background. (E.g., I grew up in New York City, as the 3rd child of a supermarket cashier and a high school principal. I attended Mann High School where my major interests were boxing and drama.) (600 characters max)
  • Academic Medicine (Clinical)
  • Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist)
  • Non-Academic Clinical Practice
  • Health Policy
  • Health Administration
  • Primary Care
  • Public Health/Community Health
  • Global Health
  • How will you take advantage of the Stanford Medicine Discovery Curriculum and scholarly concentration requirement to achieve your personal career goals? (1,000 characters max)
  • The Committee on Admissions regards the diversity (broadly defined) of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of the school. The Committee on Admissions strongly encourages you to share unique, personally important and/or challenging factors in your background which may include such discussions as the quality of your early education, gender, sexual orientation, any physical challenges, and life or work experiences. Please describe how these factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and may help you to uniquely contribute to the Stanford learning environment. (2,000 characters max)
  • Please describe how you have uniquely contributed to a community with which you identify. (1,000 characters max)
  • Please describe an experience/situation when you advocated for someone else. (1,000 characters max)
  • (Optional) Please include anything else that will help us understand better how you may uniquely contribute to Stanford Medicine? (1,000 characters max)

Stanford Knight-Hennessey Program Prompts

  • State contribution of: employment, family, loans, and scholarships/grants
  • Organization Name:
  • Dates of Employment (Month, Year): 
  • Position/Title: 
  • Sector [Nonprofit, Private, Public]:
  • Hours/Week:
  • Job Type [Full-Time, Part-Time, Intern]:
  • Organization’s Activities [150 char]: 
  • Your Responsibilities [150 char]: 
  • Your Accomplishments 150 char]: 
  • Your Challenges [150 char]:
  • Reason for Leaving [100 char]: 
  • Organization / Activity:
  • Dates of Participation:
  • Frequency of Participation:
  • Did you participate during and/or after college?
  • Why did you get involved?
  • What did you achieve and/or learn?
  • Award / Honor Received:
  • Date Received:
  • Basis of Selection:
  • Why is this award / honor meaningful to you?
  • 2 Letters of recommendation
  • Short Answer Essay: How will your K-H Scholars experience prepare you to realize your immediate and long-term intentions? [250 words]
  • Made somebody proud of you?
  • Were most challenged?
  • Fell short of expectations?
  • Short Answer Essay:  Please tell us eight improbable facts about you  [150 words total]
  • Long Essay / Personal Statement: Connect the dots, How have the influences in your life shaped you?  [600 words total]
  • Optional Essay:  Has there been a period exceeding three months when you were neither working nor in school since you completed high school/secondary school? Please let us know what you did during the gap period(s). [750 characters]
  • Optional essay: One Last Thing/Additional Info [750 characters]

Tips to Answer Stanford Secondaries

Stanford Secondaries Pre-Writing Guidance: Questions for Stanford School of Medicine do not vary too much each year. Sometimes, Stanford adds or removes 1 question. This is a good med school secondary to pre-write. However, from our extensive experience, Stanford is not a time-sensitive medical school, so you do not need to rush to submit this secondary. This is usually one of the last secondaries we tell 

Disclaimer: Our knowledge about Stanford University and Stanford School of Medicine are based from our personal experiences. Our views are our own and not of Stanford University’s. Our tips for getting accepted to Stanford are based off of 15+ years of helping premedical students get accepted into Stanford University School of Medicine and other top medical schools. Dr. Mediratta and Dr. Rizal help applicants through editing their AMCAS primary application , editing + strategizing their Stanford secondaries , and preparing intensely for Stanford’s Multiple Mini Interview . We help several applicants get accepted into Stanford each year. If you want our help, contact us  down below or email us at [email protected] .

Stanford Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #1:  First thing’s first. What does Stanford Medical School look for and how do you stand out? Each Stanford Medical School class is extremely diverse, but there are a few common attributes among its medical students (and you should convey these elements on your Stanford secondary essays!):

  • Leadership experiences. The Stanford Admissions Committee wants to recruit the next leaders in medicine.
  • Desire to improve healthcare through innovation. Innovation can be through new health education programs, artificial intelligence, biomedical research, or any other creative out-of-the-box ideas you have!
  • Patient care and clinical experiences. However, it is not enough to mention to the Admissions Committee your various clinical experiences – stories about patients you’ve impacted should relate to how you want to change healthcare.
  • How you will contribute to the Stanford community and how Stanford will help you become a leader in healthcare.

 Write about how you’ve accomplished innovative thinking, leadership, and impact in your community. Write about how you plan on contributing to society through these attributes. Don’t forget to write how Stanford University will help you accomplish these ambitious goals. It is difficult to exude your vision to change healthcare in rather short answers that don’t exactly ask you “how do you want to change healthcare.” Therefore, you should take advantage of the open-ended diversity essay. There’s a lot of strategy for the Stanford Medical School application so contact us if you want help with your Stanford secondaries!

Stanford Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #2: Answer as many questions as possible. Optional questions are NOT optional questions, in our opinions, if you want to stand out through your Stanford Medical School secondary essays. For example, answer  “ Please include anything else that will help us understand better how you may uniquely contribute to Stanford Medicine? ” Your response should fill in the gaps – things you were not able to discuss in your other Stanford Medical School secondary essays. This is a good question to add a patient story and leadership. 

Stanford Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #3: Discuss your vision your change healthcare. When the admissions committee reads your application, it needs to be clear how you will make an impact in medicine. For some people, they will discover a new drug for autoimmune diseases. For other applicants, they may build healthcare programs that improve healthcare disparities. Your vision does not  have to be research-oriented. Have questions about how you can stand out and convey your vision?  Contact us  below. Need editing help on your secondary? We can help you through our  secondary essay packages . This is a popular secondary we help students edit since we graduated from Stanford Med :).

Stanford Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #3: For the Stanford secondaries question, “ Describe in a short paragraph your educational and family background ” find something unique about your upbringing, such as studying abroad, jobs you worked, or values your parents taught you. 

Stanford Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #4: For the Stanford secondaries question, “How will you take advantage of the Stanford Medicine  Discovery Curriculum and scholarly concentration requirement to achieve your personal career goals” and “Please describe your motivation for this practice scenario. Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path” –> these two questions have to complement each other

  • It is extremely important to learn how to write a strong “ Why Stanford Medical Schoo l” essay.
  • Read about the Discovery Curriculum
  • Choose a specific Scholarly Concentration and clearly explain how the classes and opportunities in the scholarly concentration will help you become an impactful healthcare leader.
  • When writing “Why Stanford,” you should also mention other opportunities outside the Scholarly Concentrations. Stanford University School of Medicine is located on the main Stanford University campus, along with the undergraduate departments,  other graduate programs, and other graduate schools (MBA / JD / Master’s). Many Stanford medical school students, including ourselves, took advantage of working on projects with other departments. For example, Dr. Rachel Rizal regularly took classes at the business school. You can write about these interdisciplinary opportunities in your Stanford secondaries.

Stanford Medical School Secondary Essays #5:  For the Stanford secondaries question, “Please describe an experience/ situation when you advocated for someone else,” write a story. Examples of excellent topics include a time when the medical school applicant advocated for a patient or a time when the medical school applicant advocated for an underserved individual. 

Stanford Medical School Secondary Essays #6: If you have a strong interdisciplinary background, apply to the Knight- Hennessy Scholars program.

Common Questions from Medical School Applicants:

  • Does Stanford screen for secondaries? To our knowledge, Stanford School of Medicine does not screen to determine whether you receive a secondary or not. The admissions committee wants to hear from everyone and give all applicants an opportunity to submit as strong of an application as possible!
  • Does Stanford send secondaries to everyone? Yes, Stanford University School of Medicine sends secondaries to everyone. Therefore, our Cracking Med School Admissions team recommends that you pre-write your secondary essays for Stanford.
  • Do I need to strategize my answers for the Stanford secondaries Health Attitudes and Beliefs survey? No! These survey questions are anonymous questions and are not tied to your secondary application submission.
  • Is the Stanford secondaries Health Attitudes and Beliefs survey truly anonymous? Yes! The Stanford School of Medicine admissions committee would not say that it’s anonymous and then have a back-door way of finding out your answers. That’s unethical! And the Stanford Admissions committee is anything but unethical. Answer the Stanford secondary application Health Attitudes survey truthfully!

Your medical school application Coaches, Mentors, & Cheerleaders

We Personally Advise Every Student We Work With.

Dr. Rachel Rizal

Rachel Rizal, M.D.

Changing the trajectory of people’s lives.

Undergraduate Princeton University, cum laude

Medical School Stanford School of Medicine

Residency Harvard, Emergency Medicine

Awards & Scholarships Fulbright Scholar USA Today Academic First Team Tylenol Scholarship

Dr. Rishi Mediratta

Rishi Mediratta, M.D., M.Sc., M.A.

Advising students to attend their dream schools.

Undergraduate Johns Hopkins University, Phi Beta Kappa

Residency Stanford, Pediatrics

Awards & Scholarships Marshall Scholar Tylenol Scholarship Global Health Scholar

stand out from other applicants with our secondary essay edit packages

Download your secondary essay guide.

Use this essay guide and workbook to write standout secondaries.

Secondary Essay Guide

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Stanford Health Attitudes Survery

We get asked this each year – is the anonymous? Are certain answers better than others? Don’t over think this! This is a personal survey and anonymous, so answer truthfully and don’t stress about this. 

Here are the questions for your reference:

  • Physicians should ask patients for their opinions about their illness. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • It is important to know patients’ points of view for the purpose of diagnosis. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Patients may lose confidence in the physician if the physician asks their opinion about their illness or problem. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Understanding patients’ opinions about their illness helps physicians reach correct diagnosis. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • A physician can give excellent care without knowing patients’ opinions about their illnesses or problems. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Understanding patients’ opinions about their illnesses helps physicians provide better care. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • A Physician can give excellent health care without knowing a patients’ understanding of his or her illnesses. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Physicians should ask their patients’ what they believe is the cause of their problem/illness. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • A physician should learn about their patients’ cultural perspective. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Physician can learn from their patients’ perspectives on their illnesses or problems. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Physicians should ask their patients why they think their illness has occurred. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Physicians should ask about how an illness is impacting a patient’s life. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Physicians should make empathic statements about their patients’ illness or problems. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Physicians should ask patients for their feelings about their illness or problems. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree
  • Physicians do not need to ask about patients’ personal lives or relationships to provide good health care. Strongly Disagree / Moderately Disagree / Mildly Disagree / Mildly Agree / Moderately Agree / Strongly Agree

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Your acceptance can be just one essay away…

Stanford Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2022 – 2023

  • Describe in a short paragraph your educational and family background. (E.g., I grew up in New York City, as the 3rd child of a supermarket cashier and a high school principal. I attended Mann High School where my major interests were boxing and drama.)  (600 characters max)
  • Please describe any lessons, hardships, challenges or opportunities that resulted from the global COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, describe how these insights have informed your motivations and preparation for medical school in areas of academics, research, employment, volunteer service and/or clinical experiences. (1,000 characters max)
  • Please describe which aspects of your life experiences, interests, and character would help you to make a distinctive contribution to Stanford Medicine. (2,000 characters max)
  • (Optional) Please include anything else that will help our Admissions Committee understand better how you may uniquely contribute to Stanford Medicine? (1,000 characters max)

Stanford Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2021 – 2022

  • Describe in a short paragraph your educational and family background. (600 characters max)
  • The Committee on Admissions regards the diversity (broadly defined) of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of the school. You are strongly encouraged to share unique attributes of your personal identity, and/ or personally important or challenging factors in your background. Such discussions may include the quality of your early education, gender identity, sexual orientation, any physical challenges, or any other life or work experiences. (2,000 characters max)

Stanford Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2020 – 2021

  • Please describe any lessons, hardships, challenges, or opportunities that resulted from the global COVID-19 pandemic. Include any impact on your medical school application preparation in the areas of academics, research, employment, volunteer service, and/or clinical experiences. (1,000 characters max)

Stanford Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2019 – 2020

  • The Committee on Admissions regards the diversity (broadly defined) of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of the school. The Committee on Admissions strongly encourages you to share unique, personally important, and/or challenging factors in your background, such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and life or work experiences. Please discuss how factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine. (2,000 characters max)

Stanford Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2018 – 2019

  • The Committee on Admissions regards the diversity (broadly defined) of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of the school. The Committee on Admissions strongly encourages you to share unique, personally important, and/or challenging factors in your background, such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and life or work experiences. Please discuss how factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine (2,000 characters max)
  • How will Stanford curriculum, and specifically the requirement for a scholarly concentration, help your personal career goals? (1,000 characters max)

Stanford Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2017 – 2018

  • Academic Medicine
  • Health Policy/Administration
  • Public Health (Community Health, Global Health)
  • How will the Stanford curriculum, and specifically the requirement for a scholarly concentration, help your personal career goals? (1,000 characters max)
  • If you have peer-reviewed publications resulting from scholarly endeavors, please complete a citation for each of your publications in the space below using the following format: Author, Title, Journal, Volume, Pages, and Date of Publication (e.g., searchable on PubMed). Please do not include abstract, conference, or unpublished papers.
  • (Optional) Is there anything that we have not specifically asked that you would like for us to know and how you may uniquely contribute to Stanford Medicine? (1,000 characters max)

Stanford University School of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2016 – 2017

  • The Committee on Admissions regards the diversity (broadly defined) of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of the school. The Committee on Admissions strongly encourages you to share unique, personally important, and/or challenging factors in your background, such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and life or work experiences. Please discuss how factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine (2,000 characters max) 

Stanford University School of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2015 – 2016

  • Private Practice
  • Public Health
  • Health Care Administration
  • If you have peer-reviewed publications resulting from scholarly endeavors, please complete a citation for each of your publications in the space below using the following format: Author, Title, Journal, Volume, Pages, and Date of Publication (e.g. searchable on PubMed). Please do not include abstract, conference, or unpublished papers.

Stanford University School of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2014 – 2015

  • What do you see as the most likely practice scenario for your future medical career?
  • Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path? (1,000 characters max)

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Stanford University Supplemental Essays Guide: 2021-2022

Not sure how to approach the Stanford essay prompts? With tips from an Ivy League graduate, CollegeAdvisor.com’s guide to the Stanford essay prompts will show you exactly how to write engaging Stanford supplemental essays and maximize your chances of admission.

For more CollegeAdvisor.com resources on Stanford,  click here . Want help crafting your Stanford supplemental essays? Create your  free account  or  schedule a free consultation  by calling (844) 505-4682

Stanford  Essay Guide Quick Facts:

  • Stanford has an acceptance rate of 5%— U.S. News   ranks Stanford as a  highly competitive  school.
  • We recommend answering all Stanford essay questions comprehensively and thoughtfully.

Does Stanford require supplemental essays?

Yes. In addition to the  Common App  personal statement, there are several specific Stanford essay questions. When building your school list, it may be helpful to keep a running tally of which schools require supplemental essays and how many each school requires. You’ll need to create a timeline for each application with realistic deadlines for drafting and editing your essays.

Sometimes, students struggle to find the best topic for their Common App statement. CollegeAdvisor.com’s  article on reflection exercises  is a great place to start. For additional tips on approaching the Common App, we have  a step-by-step breakdown .

How many essays do you need to write for Stanford?

There are eight total Stanford essay questions. There are three short Stanford essays which are between 100 and 250 words, and five short Stanford essay questions, which are a maximum of 50 words each.

Though they vary in word count, it’s important to take each of the Stanford supplemental essays seriously. A 50-word Stanford essay can mean just as much as a 250-word response!

Which essays are required for Stanford?

All of them! No optional Stanford essay prompts here. The Stanford supplemental essays are on  the Common App site , but you can also visit  the main Stanford website  for a full list of application requirements, including the Stanford supplemental essays. Since you’ll be answering eight Stanford supplemental essays of varying lengths, you’ll want to plan accordingly and give yourself enough time to write and edit each response.

What is Stanford looking for in essays?

This guide will break down each of the Stanford essay examples. In general, Stanford wants to see students whose passion and personality shine through. Be authentic in your Stanford supplemental essays. Don’t just say what you think Admissions Officers want to hear—instead, stay true to yourself, starting with the question below!

Stanford Supplemental Essays—Short Essay 1

The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100-250 words)

To answer this Stanford essay, think back to a time when you really enjoyed yourself while you were doing something academic. This could be reading a textbook, taking an exam, writing an essay, or learning about a certain topic in class that really interested you.

Here, you should let your genuine passion shine; you’d do best to think of one specific example. Once you’ve got your example, describe  why  it was so exciting to you. Don’t be afraid to get nerdy on this question and showcase a depth of knowledge about your chosen subject. Your Stanford essays are the place to demonstrate your intellectual drive both inside and outside the classroom.

Stanford Essay Draft Key Questions:

  • Does your draft clearly communicate the idea which excites you?
  • Do you articulate why your chosen activity matters to you and how it has influenced your growth and identity?
  • Does your supplement complement the information present in the rest of your application?

Stanford Supplemental Essays—Short Essay 2

Virtually all of Stanford’s undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate—and us—get to know you better. (100-250 words)

Of all the Stanford supplemental essays, this may be the most well-known.

The second of the Stanford essay prompts might just be the most difficult question on the application—it is the most direct invitation to talk about yourself, but specifically, your  inner  self. This is the Stanford essay where you can get the most creative. You might try brainstorming a list of characteristics, hobbies, or habits that you’ve noticed in yourself. Once you have a long list, you can decide whether you want to incorporate all of those traits in your letter or just focus on a specific few.

It also might help you to ask close friends or family members about any unique quirks you might have. You should have fun with your writing. Be honest! What do you genuinely want your future roommate to know? Do you stay up all night after watching horror movies because they scare you so much? Are you a show tunes shower singer? Is your love of plants only equal to your ability to kill any of the ones you’ve purchased?

The second of the Stanford essay questions lets you demonstrate more dimension than any other part of your application. It should be one of the most memorable things the Admissions Officers read—and also the most fun!

  • Does your response teach the reader something new about you?
  • Have you revealed aspects of your personality that both a roommate and an Admissions Officer should know?
  • Is your essay’s tone clear and reflective of your identity and personality?

Stanford Supplemental Essays—Short Essay 3

Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why. (100-250 words)

Like some of the other Stanford essay prompts, the most important part of this essay is not necessarily the what but the  why.  Stanford wants to understand your underlying passions and drive. In this Stanford essay, you want to demonstrate how you will contribute to the Stanford community. Like with other Stanford supplemental essays, your response should connect back to your overall candidate profile and emphasize the unique skills and interests you bring to the table.

For this Stanford essay, you could pick an activity, club, or academic subject, but be sure you have a compelling reason why your chosen subject is important. You could also talk about a meaningful event or memory. You do not necessarily have to limit yourself to one thing, as long as you can connect each interest or experience you choose to discuss in the same thread. If you choose to talk about an event like a job, internship, or volunteer experience, you should provide tangible evidence of why it was meaningful. Go deeper than generalized statements like “It was challenging,” or “I learned a lot.”

All of the Stanford essay questions aim to let applicants showcase their identities, and this is no exception. Be honest, be genuine, and showcase your values!

  • Do you describe in detail something that is unique to you?
  • Do you focus on the  why  and not just the  what ?
  • Does your essay clearly display what “meaningful” means to you?

Do Stanford supplemental essays change?

From year to year, the Stanford essay questions can sometimes vary, although the notorious “Future roommate” question is almost always guaranteed to appear. You can find all the current Stanford essay prompts on the  Common App website  and all of the Stanford application requirements (including Stanford essay prompts)  here .

While the Stanford essay questions do change, at their core, each of the Stanford essay prompts will always aim to teach the admissions committee more about prospective students on their own terms.

Stanford Supplemental Essays—Short Question 1

What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 words maximum)

The short Stanford essay questions present a particular challenge. After all, a 50-word limit doesn’t give you much space!

With this Stanford essay, you’ll want to pick a topic that you feel passionately about and that you also have some actionable ideas about. Try not to write about something too niche; however, if you choose a broad topic such as climate change, gender inequality, or racism, you’ll want to narrow it down to a more succinct description. You will then want to suggest what you feel could be done to address your chosen challenge.

Many of the short Stanford essay prompts are designed to see how you can think on your feet. Rather than just pointing to a challenge or problem, Stanford wants to see your capabilities for deeper analytical thought and problem-solving. Towards the end of this (very short) answer, you should demonstrate your critical thinking skills. End your Stanford essay on a positive note with changes that could be useful for reframing how our society approaches your challenge.

Stanford Supplemental Essays—Short Question 2

How did you spend your last two summers? (50 words maximum)

This question should be one of the most straightforward to answer. You could approach this Stanford essay in one of two ways. You could write out a list, covering a more expansive array of topics and showcasing your diversity of skills and interests, or you could hone in on one or two specific activities that mattered most to you.

Either way, you’ll want the activities you discuss here to reflect other parts of your application. This helps show consistency in your overall candidate profile. You also do not want to waste the beginning with an intro sentence like “Over the past two summers, I have performed a variety of jobs and activities.” Admissions Officers know the question you are responding to, so dive right in!

Stanford Supplemental Essays—Short Question 3

What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 words maximum)

The third of the short Stanford supplemental essays are more creative in nature. For this Stanford essay, the historical moment you choose to write about will not be as important as  why  you’ve chosen it. If no historical event immediately jumps into your mind (and it’s alright if not), you might want to flip through an old history textbook or even try some creative googling.

Other applicants may also use Google to help, which means that you’ll want to work a little harder than just clicking on the first link that pops up when you search “important historical events.” The most important thing to do with this Stanford essay is to be sure to describe  why  witnessing this event would be especially impactful to  you .

One way to approach the third of the short Stanford essay questions is to think about what you want to study and how historical events may have impacted your chosen field. Or, perhaps you have older family members who have always told stories about their experience of an event, and you’d like to be there firsthand in order to connect more with these relatives. What will make this Stanford essay stand out for readers is the personal connection or interest you describe in the event. As with other Stanford essay questions, it’s not the  what  that’s important, but the  why .

Stanford Supplemental Essays—Short Question 4

Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities, a job you hold, or responsibilities you have for your family. (50 words maximum)

As you’ve likely noticed, the Stanford essay prompts oscillate between the abstract and the straightforward. This Stanford essay is more streamlined, giving you the chance to expand on your interests and experiences.

This is an opportunity to elaborate about something in your activities section or to address something that you were not able to list but still is a large part of your identity (such as caring for family members). Whatever you pick, you will want to choose an activity or responsibility that taught you a lot, that pushed or challenged you, or that was particularly memorable.

You don’t get a  ton  of room in the Stanford essays to expand on your chosen activity, so feel free to be straightforward and direct with your language. You don’t have to waste words setting the scene; like all of these shorter Stanford essay questions, you’ll want to get right into your answer.

Does Stanford have a “why us” question?

Yes. This is the classic supplemental essay question, and the Stanford essays are no exception—all colleges want to know what makes them special to you. This is your chance to showcase any research you have done about Stanford while you’ve been writing your Stanford essays or as you’ve been completing the rest of the application.

Stanford Supplemental Essays—Short Question 5

Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford. (50 words maximum)

This “Why Us” question is a bit different from the traditional college essay because it asks you to focus on one thing you’re excited about. This Stanford essay is the space to show off your expert investigation skills and name drop a course, a club, a professor, or an undergraduate-specific event or tradition only available at Stanford. Colleges can tell when you swap out their name for another university and submit the same “Why here?” answer, and Stanford specifically phrases this essay prompt to further discourage that.

You will probably have to spend a bit of time investigating Stanford. You may even want to ask an alum or do some intensive research to find a unique answer. Also, you’ll want to focus on why in particular you are looking forward to whatever you choose, rather than just saying “It’s really cool” or “It seems so fun!”

Be authentic in your response in order to make it stand out from more generic answers. Admissions Officers will likely read a lot of similar answers to the Stanford essay prompts, and the “Why Us” question is no exception.

Stanford Supplemental Essays—Final Thoughts

Completing the Stanford essay prompts can seem daunting, but don’t let that discourage you from applying. The Stanford essay questions are a great opportunity to demonstrate who you are for admissions officers reading your application. Your Stanford essays can boost your application if you have a lower-than-average GPA or  SAT score . Use this guide as a step-by-step aid when approaching the Stanford essay questions and start earlier than you think you should.

This is especially true with the shortest Stanford essay prompts; you might think it will be easy to write five essays that are under 50 words, but the shortest Stanford essay questions can be the most challenging. Don’t be afraid to ask for revisions from someone; it’s helpful to have another set of eyes checking your Stanford essay prompts for grammatical errors, tone, and clarity. Good luck!

This 2021-2022 essay guide for Stanford University was written by  Laura Frustaci . For more CollegeAdvisor.com resources on Stanford and the Stanford supplemental essays,  click here . Want help crafting your Stanford supplemental essays? Create your  free account  or  schedule a free consultation  by calling (844) 505-4682.

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Can AI Help a Student Get Into Stanford or Yale?

Two entrepreneurial Stanford students fed hundreds of essays—both high and low quality—into an AI model to train it on what top-tier colleges look for in admissions essays.  

By  Lauren Coffey

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Two Stanford students have created an AI-focused company that helps students with their college admissions essays.

Photo illustration by Justin Morrison/Inside Higher Ed | Getty Images | Rawpixel

Scott Lee was scrolling through LinkedIn in June when he came across a post touting exactly what he was looking for: an AI machine called Esslo that provides feedback on college essays, based on those that have helped students gain admission to top-tier universities like Harvard and Stanford.

Lee, a student at Sacramento City College looking to transfer to the University of California system, had been using ChatGPT to review his admissions essays in the absence of friends and mentors on campus during summer break. But while ChatGPT “said what you wanted to hear” and failed to provide concrete fixes, Lee said Esslo met his drafts with “brutal honesty.” His essay had a “strong opening,” it told him, but didn’t capitalize on its full potential. And while his extracurricular activities were impressive, he hadn’t delved into the personal growth he gained from them or the challenges he faced.

“That is something I can implement, versus ChatGPT, which is very broad,” Lee said. He said he used Esslo “mainly for my early drafts, where it gave a lot more feedback so I’m not handing off something super underdeveloped to my friends and mentors,” who will help with the final version.

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Lee is among hundreds of students trying out Esslo—whose name is a mashup of the words “essay” and “Elo,” a ranking system used in chess and esports. The program is the brainchild of two Stanford University students looking to tackle what they believe is one of the most stressful parts of college applications: the admissions essay. 

How It Works 

When budding entrepreneurs Hadassah Betapudi and Elijah Kim began looking for a potential start-up project in the education-technology world, they started by asking friends and peers about some of the biggest gripes they had when it came to applying to colleges.

The normal topics cropped up—the steps involved in the application process, for one, and finding time to tackle the tasks involved. But the Stanford students soon realized the crux of the issue wasn’t about finding time: It was the daunting task of creating a good-enough essay to gain entry into top-tier schools.

“What we heard super consistently with college applications was that students had never written an essay like that before,” Kim said. “It was big and intimidating and it sets the trajectory for the rest of your life, so we heard a lot of stress over that—and we thought we could build something to help.”

Kim, now a graduate student at Stanford studying machine learning, compiled a data set of essays from students who’d gained admission to top-tier universities, including Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford, and trained artificial intelligence models on those roughly 500 essays. He also included essays that were cited as “bad” examples from various college websites and admissions consultants.

Any student can now plug in their own essay, which brings up a list of suggestions such as avoiding clichés, using imagery effectively or getting more granular with details. Esslo also gives a score for writing, detail, voice and character. There is a free version and a paid version—the former of which gives students a round of line-by-line edits for one draft, the latter of which gives unlimited line-by-line edits. For every paid version Esslo sells, the creators promise that a student at a Title I–designated high school—which typically has fewer resources—will receive the paid version for free.

Both Kim and Betapudi were quick to say the technology will not write an essay for a student, or even serve as a brainstorming tool. But they think it can help fine-tune an essay—providing feedback that’s similar to the advice you might get from a parent, college counselor or paid college consultant.

“We want to train students to be better writers and train them on what colleges are looking for, versus doing it for them,” Kim said. “It’s no different than showing it to an English teacher and asking for feedback.”

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Another Admissions Counselor?

Rick Clark, executive director of enrollment management at the Georgia Institute of Technology, sees AI as the equivalent of using an admissions consultant—except that it’s more affordable for those who cannot pay for the often-pricey consultants.

“Using ChatGPT and copy and pasting it will create a horrible essay because it’s not specific and detailed, but using [this] to get feedback? In that regard, I’m all for it,” Clark said. “It’s democratizing resources, advice and consults, and it’s available 24-7, where sometimes adults are sleeping or working a second job.”

Few universities have policies on using technology for admissions essays. Most of those that address AI at all issue a blanket statement banning the use of the technology in the admissions process entirely.

David Hawkins, the chief education and policy officer for the National Association for College Admission Counseling, said NACAC has steered clear of creating any policy on supplementary generative AI use thus far, as the organization is still in the “information-gathering stage.” He echoed Clark’s notion that it could be seen as similar to using admissions consultants but added that the “most important human” intervention comes from the students themselves.

“They have an authentic story to tell, and the authenticity is what admissions officers are looking for,” he said. “Whether an institution allows AI or whether they don’t—both are looking for some expression of authenticity in essays. It certainly is still down to the student as to the quality and the depth of what they submit.”

Arnold Langat, a senior at Stanford applying for medical school, said he was encouraged by Esslo to replace “a few clichéd phrases with more personal reflections to better showcase my unique perspective.” Faced with writing more than 50 unique essays, he used ChatGPT for brainstorming and, similarly to Lee, used Esslo to fine-tune a first draft before passing it along to mentors, friends and family for further review.

Kim and Betapudi say they hope Esslo will close some socioeconomic gaps.

“Any student with an internet connection can find a standard high school or college prep course, but there’s still a huge gap in terms of access to quality guidance,” Kim said. “And we feel technology has caught up to where we can meaningfully close that gap.”

A blue book cover on the left reading "Campus Free Speech: A Pocket Guide - Cass R. Sunstein." A photo of Sunstein, a light-skinned man with dark hair and a high forehead, on the right.

The legal scholar presents a wide range of speech-related scenarios that university administrators may have to naviga

Lauren Coffey

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