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Best Fresher Resume Formats and Samples for 2024

resume format for freshers best

As a fresher in the job market, your resume is your primary marketing tool. It is your chance to make a lasting first impression on potential employers and convince them that you have what it takes to excel in the role you are applying for.

A strong fresher resume can set you apart from the competition, and help you land the job of your dreams. However, crafting a winning resume can be a daunting task if you don’t know where to start.

In this article, we will explore the importance of a fresher’s resume and provide valuable tips for crafting a strong one. We will cover the dos and don’ts of resume writing, discuss the best formats to use, and provide examples of successful fresher resumes to help you get started. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of what it takes to create a powerful fresher resume that will get you noticed by employers. Let’s dive in!

Types of Fresher Resume Formats

When it comes to creating a fresher resume, choosing the right format is crucial. Here are the three most popular types of fresher resume formats:

A. Chronological Resume Format

The chronological resume format is the most traditional and widely used format. This format lists your work history in order, starting with the most recent job and working backward. A chronological resume format is a great option if you have a consistent employment history, with few employment gaps. By highlighting your previous work experience in chronological order, this format allows employers to quickly scan your resume and get a sense of your career progression.

B. Functional Resume Format

The functional resume format focuses on your skillset and accomplishments, rather than your employment history. It is a great option for individuals who may have little work experience, or for those who are looking to change career paths. This format allows you to highlight your transferable skills and relevant achievements, which may not be evident from a purely chronological resume.

resume format for freshers best

C. Combination Resume Format

As its name suggests, the combination resume format is a mix of both the chronological and functional formats. This format highlights both your previous work experience and your skills through a combination of the two. The combination resume format is a great option if you have a diverse work history and want to showcase your skills alongside your work experience.

When choosing the best fresher resume format for you, it’s important to consider your unique skills, work history, and career goals. Each format has its pros and cons, so take the time to determine which format would best highlight your strengths and help you stand out to potential employers.

Choosing the Best Fresher Resume Format for You

When it comes to creating a resume as a fresher, one of the key factors to consider is the format. Your resume format should showcase your skills and experience in the best way possible, catching the attention of hiring managers and setting you apart from the competition.

To choose the best fresher resume format for you, there are two key steps:

A. Analyzing your Skills and Experience

Before you can choose a resume format, you need to take a close look at your skills and experience. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my key skills and strengths?
  • What kind of experience do I have? Is it in a specific industry or role?
  • Have I completed any relevant internships or coursework?

By doing this analysis, you can get a clear picture of what makes you a strong candidate for a particular job. This, in turn, can help you choose the right resume format.

B. Identifying the Best Format to Showcase your Strengths

Once you have a clear idea of your skills and experience, it’s time to identify the best format to showcase them. There are several different types of resume formats to choose from, including:

Chronological resumes: These resumes list your work experience in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job first. This format is great if you have a strong work history in a specific industry, as it shows a clear progression of your career.

Functional resumes: Functional resumes focus on your skills and strengths, rather than your work history. This format is ideal for those who may not have a lot of work experience, but have acquired valuable skills through internships, coursework, or other activities.

Combination resumes: As the name suggests, combination resumes combine elements of both chronological and functional resumes. They highlight your skills and experience, while also showcasing your work history in a logical, easy-to-follow way.

Ultimately, the best fresher resume format for you will depend on your unique skills and experience. By analyzing your strengths and choosing the right format, you can create a compelling, effective resume that will help you land the job of your dreams.

Structuring Your Fresher Resume

Before you start writing your resume, it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to include and the order in which you want to present your information. This will help ensure that your resume is easy to read, well-organized, and effective at capturing the attention of hiring managers. Below is a breakdown of the different sections you should consider including in your fresher resume and what to include in each one.

resume format for freshers best

A. Header and Personal Information

The header of your resume should contain your name, contact information, and professional title (if applicable). This should appear at the top of the page and be in a larger font than the rest of your text. You can also include a professional profile picture if you choose.

B. Professional Summary or Objective

Your professional summary or objective should be a short statement that highlights your skills, experience, and career goals. Use this section to grab the hiring manager’s attention and let them know right away why you are the best candidate for the position. Keep it brief, but make sure it is impactful.

C. Education Section

The education section of your resume should include information on your academic qualifications, including the name of your institution, your degree, and your GPA (if applicable). If you have any relevant coursework or certifications, be sure to include these as well.

D. Skills Section

In this section, you should highlight your skills and abilities that are relevant to the position you are applying for. This can include both hard skills (such as programming languages or technical skills) and soft skills (such as communication, problem-solving, or teamwork). Be sure to only include skills that are relevant to the position and ensure that you can provide examples of how you have utilized these skills in previous roles or experiences.

E. Work Experience

If you have any relevant work experience, list it in this section, starting with your most recent or current position. For each job, include the name of the company, your job title, the dates you worked there, and a list of your responsibilities and accomplishments. Be sure to focus on how your experience relates to the position you are applying for and provide specific examples of how you have made a positive impact in your previous roles.

F. Extracurricular Activities

While not always necessary, including extracurricular activities on your resume can show that you are a well-rounded candidate who is capable of managing multiple responsibilities. This can include volunteer work, internships, clubs or organizations, or any other relevant activities.

G. References (if applicable)

If the job posting specifically asks for references, be sure to include them in this section. Include the name, relationship, and contact information of each reference. If the job posting does not ask for references, you can leave this section out.

Structuring your fresher resume is all about highlighting your skills and achievements in a clear, concise, and effective way.

Fresher Resume Examples and Samples

When it comes to creating a resume as a fresher, it can be challenging to know where to start. To make things easier, there are several different formats that you can follow to showcase your skills, education, and experience. Here are three different fresher resume examples and samples that you may want to consider:

A. Chronological Resume Sample

A chronological resume is a traditional format that works best for those with a stable work history. This type of resume puts emphasis on your work experience and positions, starting from the most recent and going backwards.

Here’s an example of how a chronological resume for a fresher might look:

  • Contact Information
  • Career Objective
  • Work Experience

This format works well for job seekers who have worked in the same field or industry for some time and are looking to continue in that same sector. Highlight your accomplishments and milestones in your work history to showcase your expertise and experience.

B. Functional Resume Sample

A functional resume is geared toward those with little experience or gaps in their work history. Instead of focusing on work experience, this type of resume highlights your skills, projects, and achievements.

Here’s an example of how a functional resume for a fresher might look:

For those seeking entry-level jobs or internships, this format can be great for highlighting transferable skills that you may have gained from extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or educational projects.

C. Combination Resume Sample

A combination resume is a mix of both chronological and functional formats. This format starts with a summary of your qualifications and skills, followed by a detailed list of your work experience and education.

Here’s an example of how a combination resume for a fresher might look:

  • Summary of Qualifications

This format is good for fresher job seekers who have a mix of skills and experience, including a solid educational background. This type of resume allows you to showcase both your qualifications and work history in a clear and concise manner.

Choosing the right resume format is essential, especially for fresher job seekers. Whether you go with a chronological, functional, or combination resume, make sure that your resume highlights your unique skills, education, and experience. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of getting noticed by employers and securing your dream job.

Tips for Creating a Visually Appealing Resume

A visually appealing resume can increase your chances of catching the attention of hiring managers. Here are some tips to help you create a visually appealing resume:

A. Choosing the Right Font and Size

Choose a font that is easy to read and professional such as Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman. Use font size 10-12 for the body and size 14-16 for headings.

B. Using Bullet Points Effectively

Bullet points are an effective way to highlight key information and improve readability. Use them to list your accomplishments, skills or experience in a concise manner.

C. Incorporating White Space

Don’t clutter your resume with too much information. Leave enough white space around your content to make it easy to read and visually appealing.

D. Highlighting Key Information

Make sure to highlight key information such as your contact details, education, and work experience. Use bold or italics to draw attention to important points.

Remember, a visually appealing resume is important as it can make you stand out from other applicants. Use these tips to create a professional and eye-catching resume.

Understanding ATS and Why it Matters for Your Resume

When it comes to crafting a winning resume, it’s essential to understand the role of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). An ATS is a software application used by many employers as a preliminary screening tool to help them manage recruitment efforts more efficiently. The system scans resumes for keywords, experience, and qualifications to determine if they are a suitable match for a given job description.

A. What is an ATS?

An ATS is designed to help recruiters sort through hundreds or thousands of resumes quickly, saving them time and effort. By scanning resumes and filtering out less qualified candidates automatically, an ATS speeds up the hiring process and ultimately results in a more efficient recruitment process.

B. Key Elements for ATS Optimization

To ensure that your resume is considered in the recruitment process, it must be optimized for ATS. This requires an understanding of the key elements that the system uses to evaluate resumes. These elements include:

  • Formatting: Many ATS are unable to read resumes with complex or unusual formatting, making it essential to use simple, easy-to-read formats without underlines, tables, or graphics.
  • Keywords: Use relevant keywords that describe your skills, experience, and qualifications to increase the chances of being shortlisted by an ATS.
  • Customization: Tailor your resume to match the job role and requirements by highlighting your related experience and qualifications.
  • Job titles: Use industry-standard job titles to prevent the application from being filtered out during the initial screening phase.
  • Spell checking: Proofread your resume for spelling and grammatical errors; many ATS use filters to delete resumes containing too many mistakes.

C. Best Practices for Creating ATS-Friendly Resumes

To ensure that your resume passes the ATS screening stage and lands you an interview, there are several best practices to follow:

  • Use a clean and simple format, with clear headings and bullet points.
  • Focus on keywords and include them prominently throughout your resume.
  • Avoid using uncommon abbreviations, acronyms, or industry jargon that the ATS may not recognize.
  • Customize your resume to convey how you meet the specific job requirements.
  • Proofread your resume thoroughly to ensure it is error-free, and then save it in a .doc or .txt format to make sure that the ATS can read it.

As an aspiring job seeker, understanding how to optimize your resume for ATS screenings can increase your chances of landing your dream job. By following the above best practices, you can ensure that your resume will be successfully read and shortlisted by ATS, increasing the likelihood of landing an interview and ultimately securing a new job.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Fresher Resume

As a fresher, it’s important to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest. However, there are several common mistakes that you should avoid when writing your resume:

A. Grammatical and Spelling Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes that applicants make when creating their fresher resume is to overlook grammatical and spelling errors. These errors make a bad impression on recruiters and can cause them to reject your application outright. Always make sure to proofread your resume carefully before submitting it and consider using spell-check software to catch any errors that you might have missed!

B. Overloading Resume with Information

It’s easy to feel like you need to include everything you’ve ever done on your resume, but this is a mistake. Recruiters don’t want to read through long resumes filled with irrelevant information. Keep your resume concise and focused on experience that’s directly relevant to the job you’re applying for.

C. Not Tailoring Resume to the Job Description

Your resume should always be tailored to the job you’re applying for. This means customizing your summary, skills, and experience to match the specific requirements mentioned in the job description. It also means focusing on the skills and responsibilities that are most relevant to the position.

D. Listing Unrelated Hobbies and Interests

While it’s important to show personality and interests outside of work, you should avoid listing unrelated hobbies and interests on your fresher resume. Instead, focus on any relevant hobbies or accomplishments that could demonstrate skills that would be useful on the job.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to creating a top-notch fresher resume that impresses recruiters and gets you hired!

Dos and Don’ts of Tailoring Your Resume

Tailoring your resume is a crucial step in increasing your chances of landing your dream job. Employers want to see that you have put in effort to customize your application material to fit their specific needs. In this section, we’ll go over the essential dos and don’ts of tailoring your resume.

A. Understanding the Job Description

Before you even think about tailoring your resume, you need to understand the job description thoroughly. Analyze the job duties, qualifications, experience required, and company culture. Highlight the essential skills and credentials mentioned in the job ad.

B. Including Relevant Keywords

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter out resumes that do not match the job requirements. The ATS scans for specific keywords that match the job description, so it’s crucial to include them throughout your resume. Use the exact wording from the job ad to increase your chances of getting past the bots.

C. Tailoring Your Work Experience and Skills Section

To tailor your work experience and skills section, pick out the relevant qualifications, skills, and accomplishments that match the job description. Highlight them in bullet points and be specific. Show how your past work experience and skills relate to the job you are applying for. Use quantifiable statistics to backup your achievements.

D. Avoiding Common Tailoring Pitfalls

While tailoring your resume can work wonders for your career, there are a few common pitfalls to avoid.

Don’t lie:  It’s tempting to exaggerate or fabricate information to fit the job description. Avoid this at all costs. If an employer discovers that you’ve been dishonest or misleading, it could harm your reputation.

Don’t overdo it:  While you want to customize your resume, make sure you don’t go overboard. The employer still wants to see your genuine qualities and experience.

Don’t forget about formatting:  While the content is essential, formatting is just as important. Make sure your resume is aesthetically pleasing and easy to read.

Tailoring your resume is essential in today’s competitive job market. Use the dos and don’ts mentioned above to increase your chances of landing your dream job. Remember to be honest, specific, and highlight your relevant qualifications and achievements.

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What is the best resume format for freshers?

If you are a fresh graduate preparing to apply for your first job, curating a stellar resume is one of the first hurdles that you need to get through.

Given that on average, recruiters only spend about 6 seconds on a single resume, it is essential to make a good first impression with your resume and stand out from the crowd of applicants with a well-formatted resume.

And while you may believe that a quick google search will help you find clarity on the same, it can sometimes trigger more questions and confusion.

But, fret not! You’re in the right place and this guide is just what you need to help you gain clarity on everything about resume formats and the best option for you.

In simple terms, the format of a resume constitutes its layout, design, and other elements such as font styles, headings, bullet points, spacing, and the different resume sections.

Read on to learn more about fresher resume format and related FAQs like the following:

  • What is a resume format and why is it important?
  • What are the different types of resume formats for fresher graduates?
  • What is a chronological resume format for freshers?
  • How to structure a functional resume format for freshers?
  • What are some good fresher resume tips?

What is a Resume Format for Freshers and Why Does It Matter?

Picture this - you spend hours on end tailoring the contents of your resume to the job description of your targetted role but you miss out on the format.

One look at the disorderly resume and the recruiter instantly rejects it without even reading it. Not exactly a dream scenario for freshers. Isn’t it?

Therefore the need to have an organized resume with a simple design and format that is not only parsable by the recruiters but the Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) as well.

Resume format includes the order in which you present your skills and qualifications, and other visual elements that enhance its readability.

  • Some of the well-known resume formats for freshers include reverse chronological, combination, and functional resume formats.

Meanwhile, the visual elements of the resume format for freshers constitutes of the following:

  • Resume font style and size
  • Spacing and margins
  • Resume sections
  • Resume length and file format
Also Read: How to create a simple resume format?

Different Resume Formats For Freshers

As stated earlier, there are 3 well-known resume formats that are generally used by freshers and professionals.

Given below is a breakdown of each resume format for freshers and its pros and cons:

Reverse Chronological Resume Format for Freshers

The reverse chronological resume format is the most well-known and widely accepted format that is preferred by recruiters and is easily parsed by Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) used by employers to select candidates.

This format displays the most recent work experience at the top, followed by the older ones.

While as a fresh graduate, you might not have professional experience, you can use this format to present your internship and volunteer experience and educational qualifications as well.

This format works well because it highlights your most recent and relevant experience or qualification, making it easier for the recruiters to scan through it.

Also, it typically uses bullet points to list job duties and accomplishments, which enhances the readability of your fresher resume.

Here are some tips on structuring a reverse chronological resume format for freshers:

  • Start with your most recent education or job experience and include details like the name of the institution or company, your job title, and the dates of your tenure
  • Describe your responsibilities and achievements by using bullet points, specific examples, and figures
  • In case you have completed any relevant coursework or training, including the name of the program and the institution

Fresher resume template sample chronological

Also Read: How to use the reverse chronological resume format in 2023?

Functional Resume Format for Freshers

A functional format is a resume format that highlights your skills rather than your work history.

It is often used by individuals who are changing careers or have limited work experience and hence can be a good option for freshers.

This resume format for freshers is characterized by limited use of bullet points and job titles whilst emphasizing specific accomplishments or achievements.

There is minimal to zero mention of work history, and the following are some sections included in this resume format:

  • Summary or objective statement
  • Skills (grouped by category)
  • Education and training section
  • Certifications or awards section (if applicable)

Fresher resume sample functional format

Also Read: What is a functional resume format and how can you use it?

Combination Resume Format for Freshers

  • A combination format or a hybrid resume combines aspects of both the chronological and functional resume formats.

It typically includes a summary or objective statement, a list of skills and qualifications, and a chronological work experience section.

While this resume format includes elements of both resume formats, it can be time-consuming to create and can appear cluttered and disorganized to the reader.

Also Read: What is a combination resume format and how to use it in 2023?

Resume Tips For Design Elements of Resume Format For Freshers

As for the design elements related to resume format for freshers, given below are some tips that you can follow:

  • Ensure that your resume design is simple and doesn’t have flashy or bold colors as it can look unprofessional
  • Avoid using infographics and graphs in your resume format if you’re applying for traditional job profiles as the ATS cannot scan them
  • Use a font size of 11-12 points for the main text and 14-16 points for your resume headings
  • Avoid using fancy and decorative fonts as they are difficult to read and may not be appropriate for a professional setting. Stick to professional and easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  • Ensure to use single spacing for the main text and double spacing for headings to enhance readability and avoid a cluttered look
  • Leave a margin of at least 1” on all sides to follow the standard business letter format
  • Use bullet points to make your resume more visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Create distinct sections in your fresher resume to make it easy for the recruiters and ATS to scan the details.
  • Include resume sections like header, contact information, summary/objective, skills, professional experience, educational background, and additional information section if needed
  • Unless you have 10+ years of experience, ensure to limit your resume to a single page
  • To keep your resume format intact, save your resume in PDF format
Also Read: What are the dos and don'ts of writing a stellar resume?

Key Points from the Blog

  • The format of a resume constitutes its layout, design, and other elements such as font styles, headings, bullet points, spacing, and the different resume sections.
  • The reverse chronological resume format is the most well-known and widely accepted format that is preferred by recruiters and easily parsed by Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) used by employers to select candidates.
  • Functional resume format for freshers is characterized by limited use of bullet points and job titles whilst emphasizing specific accomplishments or achievements.

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resume format for freshers best

Resume Format for Freshers


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 11, 2024

resume format for freshers best

The first impression is the last impression. Especially, when a person shares their resume for their first job. A CV or resume is like a golden ticket that can either make or break your image in front of recruiters. A glance at your biodata is going to decide your position in the organization. Are you wondering how to create a perfect resume? What are the things that are to be mentioned? What are the ways of making a perfect CV? If yes, then read on to our blog and discover an interesting resume format for freshers!

This Blog Includes:

Resume format for freshers – key elements, 1. reverse-chronological format, 2. functional format, 3. combination or hybrid format, what is an ats friendly resume, why use an ats-compliant resume format, how to choose the best resume format, sample resume for freshers, resume format for ca freshers, resume sample for network engineering freshers, resume sample for financial analyst, resume tips and tricks , career objectives for a fresher, declaration in resume for freshers examples, free resume templates you can use right away, tips to remember.

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The important elements of a resume for freshers are explained below:

NAME  Write your name in clear and bold letters in a simpler font so that whosoever picks it up, it is easily understandable. Do not forget to mention your complete address, mobile number, and email ID.

ABOUT It is a short section wherein you will quickly explain your personality traits within 1-2 lines.

OBJECTIVE Under this section, you will have to explain what are your motives and objectives behind joining the organization. Elucidating upon what all better changes you will bring in for the firm.

PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Being a fresher, you must make sure that you highlight all your professional skills and extra knowledge acquired through higher education or some professional courses. Some resume formats for freshers may lack this heading but through this section, the recruiter will apprehend the amount of expertise you possess in the field.

[Read our blog on Personal Details In Resume: Do’s And Dont’s for a clear insight into this section]

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Mention all the degrees, certificates, and diplomas you have acquired along with the name of the institution and the year of passing. Also, if you have taken any short-term courses, do mention them here!

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Even in the resume format for freshers, this is the most vital section to add. Although, being a fresher some individuals may lack notable full-time experience. In such cases, you can mention the home tuition you took and the experience of freelancing.

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Herein you can mention the languages you proficiently know. For example English, Hindi, Punjabi, etc.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS Along with your school and college life, the achievements you have gathered in sports and other extra-curricular activities will be mentioned here.

GENERAL INFORMATION Concludingly, in this section, you can mention some basic details related to you like interests, date of birth, nationality, etc.

Exploring Resume Format for Freshers? Don’t forget to check out our article on How to Craft A Perfect MBA Fresher Resume?

Types of Resume Formats for Freshers

3 main resume formats are being used by freshers the most. These are:

This is the most popular and useful resume format. In reverse-chronological resume format for freshers, a reverse-chronological resume lists your job experiences and talents. This format must include the following things:

  • Contact information
  • Resume summary or objectives
  • A professional title
  • Work experience
  • Skills Section
  • Education qualifications
  • Hobbies (optional)
  • Projects are undertaken (optional)
  • Training (optional)

Pros of Reverse-Chronological Format:

  • This style is preferred by recruiters and human resource managers.
  • It’s really simple to skim.
  • Provides a clear chronological timeline of your job experience.
  • In 2022, this was the most common resume format.

Cons of Reverse-Chronological Format:

  • It’s difficult to fill in for a fresh graduate who has no professional experience.
  • It draws attention to any gaps in one’s career.
  • If you’re looking to change careers, you might want to choose one of the alternative formats.

Also Read: Personal Details In Resume: Do’s And Dont’s

In 2023, the functional resume, often known as the skills-based resume, was the least common resume format for freshers. This format differs from the other two in that it focuses on your talents or skills rather than your job experience. The functional resume format will include the following key things:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Professional Title
  • List of skills you possess
  • Skills Summary
  • Additional Skills
  • Work Experience

Pros of Functional Format:

  • Excellent for emphasizing certain abilities.
  • This is useful if you are changing jobs since you can demonstrate how your abilities will transfer to the new position.
  • This is also beneficial if you are a recent graduate with practical skills but no job experience.

Cons of Functional Format :

  • The functional resume format is not widely used, and most recruiters and hiring managers are unfamiliar with it.
  • Functional resumes are challenging for applicant tracking systems (ATS) to understand.

Also Read: How to Write Work Experience in a Resume?

This one, as you may have guessed, is a hybrid of the previous two forms. It emphasizes both skills and experiences in a resume of a fresher. Here is a list of important things to include in the hybrid resume format for freshers:

  • Skill Summary

Pros of Hybrid Format:

  • Allows you to display more of your expertise and skills in a smaller space.
  • This is useful for extremely senior professionals or executives who need to emphasize more than simply their job experience.

Cons of Hybrid Format:

  • As with the functional resume style, applicant tracking systems have difficulty interpreting and reading the hybrid resume formats.
  • If you are a new graduate or lack job experience, this resume style is not for you.

Recruiters who receive hundreds of job applications can scan, sort, or rate the resumes using the applicant tracking system (ATS). It makes their job easier by choosing the CV on their behalf that best fits the positions they are currently filling. Many reputable businesses now use this system to streamline the hiring process in the digital age. This software quickly sorts the applications based on how closely they match the requirements for the open positions. What Aspects Should Be Considered When Formatting An ATS Friendly Resume?

  • Include the keywords used in job postings:  In order to enhance the likelihood that your resume will match the job description, you should include the same set of keywords. Because it should make sense and reflect you, this activity should be properly carried out.
  • Avoid using graphics:  Many ATS programmes lack the necessary capabilities to scan and process the visuals. Therefore, it is advised to incorporate as few visuals as possible in your resume.
  • Keep it simple:  To create a resume that is ATS friendly, use straightforward formats like the chronological or hybrid format. To highlight your accomplishments, use bullet points. The easy and straightforward design is preferred.
  • Choose the correct file format:  Unless another format is specified, PDF files are recommended.

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  • An applicant tracking system has become popular among businesses as a way to streamline operations.
  • Your data must be parsed by the system in order for the recruiter to be able to search and view it.
  • Even if you are qualified for the post, the hiring manager would never find your resume if the system did not process it.

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The best way to choose a resume format is through competitive analysis. If you are applying for the position of Product Manager, then do a competitive analysis of the job profile and write down all the requirements and skills required for the job. Based on your resume, you stylize your resume and pick the format that best displays all the relevant details of the job.

Also Read: Create a Killer Resume with These Top 6 AI Resume Builder

After this sample format, below mentioned is a sample resume format for freshers through the lines of which you can formulate your own resume:

Akanksha Kapoor XYZ- 123, New Delhi- __ Mobile: +91 999999999 Email:  [email protected]

About Highly dedicated, an analytical and meticulous person with an eternal zeal to learn and grow.

Objective To work in an innovative, healthy and challenging environment extracting the best out of me which is conducive to learn and grow at professional as well as personal levels. 

Professional Skills  -Capabilities to handle manifold tasks in pressured surroundings. – Ability to work effectively despite time and constraints and pressure. – Actively participate and contribute to enhancing team performance and workflow .

Educational Qualification  -Worked with  Aura  as a ‘SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING INTER’ . -Higher schooling from Queen Marry’s School, Ashok Vihar, CBSE, Delhi. – Currently working with an N.G.O. ( Raunak Helping Hands ) as a ‘TEACHER’ and volunteer . – Providing home tuition for classes 1st-10th .

Language Proficiency  – English (Read, Write & Spoken) – Hindi (Read, Write & Spoken)

Extra-Curricular Activities  -University level participate in English debate competitions – An active volunteer in managing college functions and fests – Participated in college and university fashion shows 

General Information Interests:  Writing, Travel, Music, Workout, Cooking and Reading  Date of Birth:  July 18th, 1995 Nationality:  Indian 

Also: Resume for Freshers Looking for the First Job

Also Read: 5 Best Resume Designs

Also Read: Career Objective for Resume

Also Read: Top 6 Purposes of Skill Section in Resume

Following are some quick tips and tricks to make a resume for freshers looking for the first job .

  • Begin by creating an email ID which looks professional
  • Opt for the usual font size i.e., 10-12. Large fast should be avoided
  • Be consistent in the font and style for heading in your resume. Always use a readable font
  • Skillfully mention the keywords in your resume
  • Use pointers
  • Keep your experiences short and crisp
  • Filter the information wisely and put down your essential and latest achievements
  • Do not forget to proofread and edit it

Related Read : CA Fresher Resume

  • “To work in an organisation which provides me with ample opportunities to enhance my skills and knowledge along with contributing to the growth of the organisation.”
  • “Looking for opportunities to incorporate my skills and training to help the company grow. I am looking forward to roles that will help me realise my potential by exploring the various aspects of this field.”
  • “I am seeking opportunities to join a company that can help me in enhancing my skills, strengthening my knowledge and realising my potential. I am willing to explore a wide variety of opportunities that can help me gain perspective.”
  • “I am looking for an entry-level position to kickstart my career in the (specify field). I wish to work in a dynamic organisation that will contribute to my professional and personal growth while I contribute to the growth of the company as well as engage in opportunities to further the company’s goals.”
  • “To explore new areas of work in a dynamically stable organisation.”
  • “To secure a challenging position in this organisation in order to improve my skill and work for the growth of the organisation.”
  • “Looking forward to work for my dream (organisation name) which provides the chance to improve my (skills) to learn and grow along with the organisation goals.”
  • “With a BCom in Accounting and Finance, I aim to obtain an entry-level Accounting job position at (organisation name).”

Also Read: List of Hobbies and Interests for Resume

  • “I hereby declare that the details and information given above are complete and true to the best of my knowledge”
  • “I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is true to the best of my belief.”
  • “I hereby declare that the above particulars of facts and information stated are true, correct and complete to the best of my belief and knowledge.”
  • “I hereby declare that the information stated above is true to the best of my knowledge.”
  • “I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “I solemnly declare that the information furnished above is free from errors to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “I hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are in accordance with the truth and fact as per my knowledge and I hold the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.”
  • “I hereby declare that the facts given above are genuine to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “All the information mentioned above in the resume is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “All the details mentioned above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.”
  • “I hereby insist that the above details are true to the best of my knowledge.”
  • “All the information provided in this resume is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “I hereby confirm and verify all the facts mentioned above and I hold the responsibility of their authenticity and correctness.”
  • “I do hereby declare the truth and authenticity of all the information in my resume.”
  • “I hereby declare that the contents of my resume are accurate to the best of my knowledge and verify their authenticity.”

Use the following templates to download and customize your own resume!

Also Read: Resume vs Cover Letter: What is the Difference?

  • The header must be prominent including the right personal details
  • Highlighting the objective will help you to make a good impression
  • The education section must be showing your achievements
  • The work experience section must showcase all the relevant section

Also Read: How to Answer ‘Walk Me Through Your Resume?’

The functional resume and reverse-chronological resume are the finest resume formats since they are adaptable to whatever sort of experience you have. Create a series of sections on your CV that categorize your skill sets. Instead of making a section for each job, establish a section for each sort of talent you provide.

This is a step-by-step guide to writing a resume: Select the Best Resume Format. Fill in your contact and personal information. Begin with a Statement of Purpose (Resume Summary or Resume Objective) Include your relevant work experience and key accomplishments. Correctly list your education. Fill up the blanks with skills that are relevant to the job posting.

One can end the resume like this: Thank you for taking the time to go over my résumé. I am certain that I can provide value to your business and would welcome the opportunity to explore how my expertise and abilities might help your firm develop or succeed (company name). Thank you for taking the time to go over my application

If you’re a fresher or have less than 10 years of experience, it’s better to write a resume of 1 page. You should create a 2-page resume only when you have a diverse portfolio.

You should choose 11-12pt for normal texts and 14-16pt for headers and titles.

We hope that this blog on resume format for freshers will help you in making a perfect one for yourself! Are you willing to know tips and tricks in order to make an alluring resume? If yes, reach out to our experts by booking an E-meeting session at Leverage Edu and they will solve all your queries! For the latest updates around study blogs, you can follow us on Instagram , Twitter , Facebook and also subscribe to our newsletter. For more tips on resume making follow the career counselling page of Leverage Edu now!!

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HyreSnap uses cutting-edge AI to create a perfect and unique resume for freshers, search and secure jobs best suited to your skill set and experience in less than 10 minutes

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HR-approved resume templates

Not sure which resume format to use as a recent graduate? Our resume formats have been approved by over 40 HR experts, so you'll have a leg up on the competition.


Use our AI Resume Review

Whatever resume template you're looking for, we've got it! Whether it's a classic black-and-white template, or something a bit more outside the box, we have what you need!


Resume builds itself

Not good with words? Build your resume without typing a single word. Get access to over 200,000 pre-written examples and resume samples perfect for freshers with over 10,000 job titles.


AI Resume Review

Not sure if your resume is good enough? Get a job-winning resume for freshers with our inbuilt AI Resume Review, which has the combined intelligence of the best resume writing experts and insights in the world.

Creative and Professional Resume Templates

How to Create a Perfect Resume as a Fresher?

1. Use the right resume format

Did you know that HR will scan your resume in 7 seconds and make the probable decisions? If the required information isn't visible at first glance, the company will discard your resume in the rejected pile. So, how can we determine which style is right for us to get the job? HyreSnap has got several formats for freshers that are ATS friendly and approved by more than 40 HR experts. We make your resume-building process easy and efficient. Our tools help you present your details (education, skills, accomplishments, etc.) in an optimal way that will truly match the offered role description.

2. Use relevant keywords

All the major and well-known companies today use ATS to help with the recruitment process. ATS uses statistical data and searches for a list of keywords hidden in the profile descriptions. The only way to beat ATS and score an interview is to have those exact keywords in your bio. But searching for the keywords and skills required from a job description can be hard. Lucky for you, HyreSnap’s keyword extraction method has got your back. Our AI Engine extracts the keywords from the profile description and automatically includes them in your skills list within minutes.

3. Frame everything as an accomplishment

Hiring Managers have thousands of resumes to choose from. The only way to stand out is to show that youre outstanding (pun intended). Instead of writing "Part of Placement Drive Committee", you could say "Experience in Organising a placement drive with the participation of 278 companies, 212% higher than the previous year". Which one stands out? If youre thinking, "Obviously the latter", youre right. Even if youre writing about an additional online course, you could frame it as "Completed a 6-month certification in 2 weeks to enhance my technical skills". P.S. HyreSnap has a library of amazing pre-written bullet points and skill set for freshers, relevant to every job title you can think of.

4. Don’t put your CGPA on your resume if isn't good

Your resume is just like an advertisement. You have to highlight yourself as the best candidate available. Thus it's best to avoid information that can make you look bad or get you rejected. Hence if your college GPA is not very good, it's better that you don't include it in your education details. You can include your other achievements in college while describing your academic history. Even though the HyreSnap builder lets you write your CGPA, you can also easily skip unlike any other alpha structure.

5. Don’t put your Photograph

Contrary to popular belief, having your picture in your resume ( unless the Job Description asks for one) is a bad idea. We all agree that it should be your qualifications and skills sections that should get you a job, not your appearance. But in the end, we are all humans. Having your picture can create unwanted bias in the mind of the employer. They might not like the way you look or judge you on your appearance. Even if they find you good-looking, they might think you are a party animal and not interested in hard work. It's better to avoid a situation like this. Hence avoid putting your picture while writing your profile outline.

Modern Resume Templates for Freshers

HyreSnap has modern resume templates for freshers in its data sets that are sure to bedazzle the employer. With a job application that reflects the latest industry trends, you’ll be on your way to interviewing in no time. To get started, click the link below and simply replace the template text with your own.

HyreSnap Resume Template

Use cool icons and symbols to add some fun to your resume with Iconic resume format. This format makes your resume stand out from the crowd.

HyreSnap Resume Template

Tired of the traditional? Try out Modern Resume Format. This resume format looks professional effortlessly.

HyreSnap Resume Template


Contemporary Resume Format is a perfect fusion of aesthetics and professionalism. This resume format makes you shine as the best.

HyreSnap Resume Template

Tired of being the plain old simple? Try Bold Resume Format. It adds colours to your vibrant resume and makes you stand out from the rest.

HyreSnap Resume Template

Quick , creative and easy. Be sure to make the HR stop and look at your resume with this Savvy template.

HyreSnap Resume Template

Elegant, neat and clean are three words to describe Elegant Resume Format. This resume format makes your skills and work experience shine in the crowd.

Why do Freshers prefer the HyreSnap Resume Builder?

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One Stop Solution

As a Newbee Whatever resume design you're looking for, we've got it all covered! Whether it's a classic black-and-white template, or something a bit more outside the box, we have what you need!

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Best AI resume builder

Our AI is based on millions of job-winning applications for freshers and students, with the combined intelligence of more than 40+ HR professionals.

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Built for all careers

HyreSnap is an inclusive platform, it doesn’t matter if you are an engineer or a designer, a student, a marketing intern or experienced management professional.

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Beat ATS, get more interview calls with a resume that wows the employer.

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For an authentic and simpler resume-building experience, we keep updating HyreSnap to be in line with the latest hiring and job trends.

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FAQ by Freshers

Why should I use a resume builder as a Fresher?

Have you ever tried building your resume with Word or Canva? The whole process is a huge pain – you make a TINY change to your details, and the entire resume layout and data get completely messed up. As a freshman, you are also not sure about the key highlights in your bio that will make sure HR selects your resume. You are also not sure of the formats, fonts, keywords to use, language, etc. Our tool makes this process super convenient and helps you by suggesting the best possible text options and relevant keywords for each position that you want to apply to, adding value to your resume and increasing your chances of landing any job. Hence, it is in itself a valuable asset.

How does a Resume Maker work?

HyreSnap resume builder has the combined intelligence of 40 + HR experts. You are guided step by step on how to build a perfect resume as a fresher, all you have to do is select the pre-written statement that best suits your situation. The AI Scoreboard gives you analysis and suggestions simultaneously so that you can make the correct choice at every step of the process.

Which type of resume is best for freshers?

A combination resume is the best way for freshers to showcase their work, including internships, research, and leadership skills, as well as extracurricular activities such as event planning or volunteering. With HyreSnap's pre-loaded fresher format, you don’t have to worry about the other nitty gritty of resume creation, like which sections to put, what to write, how to write achievement, where to write your objective, how to write skills, etc. All you have to do is pick a resume template, fill it in, and you’re ready to start applying for opportunities! Should I put objectives in my resume as a fresher? No, the recruiter isn’t interested in your personal goals or plans. All he wants to know is that you are a good fit for the job and will prove beneficial to the organization. So instead of objectives, write a summary in your freshers resume.

Who is HyreSnap online resume maker for?

It is for everyone seeking a job, it doesn’t matter if you are a fresher or an experienced professional. Even if you are changing a career or looking for a higher-paying job, you will find the perfect template for over 10,000 job titles, including engineers, data scientist, software developers, designers, business analysts, marketers and many others. HyreSnap provides individualized solutions to help you include the most in-demand keywords and phrases in your resume, ensuring your success.

Why use an online AI resume builder?

Gone are the days when people used to take a sheet of paper and write down their resumes. The growing use of AI technology, an online resume builder, makes your resume writing experience 3x faster and machine precision efficient. With HyreSnap resume builder not only do you get the best templates and designs but also content that will surely land you your dream job. You can compare your resume with the JD and apply to jobs that best match your resume without running to 10 different websites.

Which is the best site to create a resume for freshers?

HyreSnap! We are India's first online resume builder for freshers and students where you can make your resume for Free. Use our inbuilt AI Resume Review to get a job-winning resume in no time.

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The demand for IT Engineers has outpaced every other profession. IT Engineers are not just the present but also the future of the job market. However, while there are numerous job opportunities out there for an IT Engineer, to get the best of these jobs, you and your job resume need to be the best too. 

A smart fresher resume for IT Engineering can make the difference between you...

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Your fresher resume should focus high...

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Your fresher resume should focus on volunteer work and internships that you have done through your college years. Recru...

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A blend of skills and knowledge - that is what a Polytechnic job is all about and that is exactly what your Polytechnic fresher resume should reflect. Since the focus is more on your practical knowledge rather than bookish knowledge, you need to frame your fresher resume accordingly. It should draw attention to your college projects, your contribution to it and the internships you might have do...

resume format for freshers best

For a fresher, we would recommend a resume to a maximum of 1 page displaying all the important skill set & capabilities as per the job requirements.

Follow the above tips to create resume for a fresher job.

Selecting a good format for a resume might be tricky sometimes on the basis of the job you’re applying for & the kind of position you hold.

Best resume format preferred by employers should contain Summary, Core Competencies, Internships/Trainings/Work Experience, Qualifications, Skills.

You also need to make sure that the formats are ATS (Applicant Tracking System) optimized, so that the resumes have higher chances of getting shortlisted during ATS screening.

You can create a free resume using the Resume builder tool having 50+ Resume templates with different formats to choose for graduates.

resume format for freshers best

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A Comprehensive CV Format Guideline for Freshers [+Examples]

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In this article, you'll read about: 

Best Job CV Format for Freshers

How to write a fresher cv, tips for writing the best fresher cv, fresher cv examples.

Whether you are a fresh graduate or are about to complete your bachelor’s degree, you’ll need some guidance on how to make a CV for freshers. An excellent job CV format will undoubtedly be a good place for a fresher like you to start your journey to land your dream job. 

This article will explain why a fresher should adopt one of three CV formats, the strategies for creating a fresher CV, and how to make a professional job CV format that brings out the best side of a fresher.

What Is a CV for Fresher?

A fresher is someone who has very limited work experience and has no full-time work experience, a university graduate who has only done internships or a high school graduate with only part-time job experience.

Freshers’ first CVs are important since they will lead to their first full-time jobs and determine their career paths. 

Therefore, the strategy for writing and creating a fresher’s CV is different from that for writing a CV for any other job applicants. 

Freshers’ CVs need to convince recruiters that they are not completely inexperienced. A fresher’s CV needs to show the hiring manager that they have related experience and can perform the job perfectly. By providing relevant job experience in the CV, you tell the hiring manager to take you as a fresher with potential, rather than a rookie that knows nothing.

Combining your relevant experience with a suitable job CV format for freshers, you might interest recruiters with the skills and strengths you display.

There are three most-used main CV formats:

Reverse-Chronological CV Format

Functional cv format, combinational cv format.

We will introduce the three CV formats and analyze the pros and cons of adopting these CVs for freshers.

The first format, also the most commonly seen, is the reverse-chronological CV format. 

A reverse-chronological CV format for a fresher focuses on a candidate’s professional history and brings your most recent experience upfront.

The pros and cons of using a chronological CV format for freshers:

A functional CV format places more importance on skills for a fresher rather than working history. Your professional experience is still listed but takes up only a little space.

A functional CV format for a fresher will help a hiring manager understand your abilities and how the skills might be useful for job performance. 

A combinational CV format is the hybrid of reverse-chronological CV format and a functional CV format. 

With a combinational CV format, a fresher applicant gets to list skills sets and employment histories. 

A combinational CV format is mostly used by senior professional experts, who have profound experience and skill sets, and it is not-so-ideal for freshers.

​​The pros and cons of using a combinational CV format for freshers:

Your fresher CV will consist of the following sections:

Professional title

[A short title describing your job position]

Contact details

[Primary phone number] [Email address] [Country and city you’re currently in] [LinkedIn, Github, or personal website]

CV summary or CV objective

[A CV summary or CV objective for a fresher is 3-5 sentences that summarize the fresher’s experience].

It should be short, strong, but relevant to the job posting. Your fresher CV summary will explain to the recruiter related achievements beneficial to your position.

The overall CV header part should consist of key information that recruiters will need to identify who you are and will serve as the first impression that you give to recruiters reading your CV, so make sure to make a great impression.

Now, on to the next section.

Educational background

[Major and degree] | [Institution name] [The city and country]  [Time of study]

[List of GPA, relevant coursework , or academic honors]

[Study Abroad Programs, or other extracurricular activities ]

For those writing a CV for freshers who graduate with little working experience, the education section can be a fresher CV’s key element.

To make your education section meaningful to the hiring manager, consider listing your accomplishments or study abroad programs in your fresher CV.

The next section that should be included in your fresher CV format is the Skills section.

The skills section in a CV will demonstrate for a fresher how he/she/they can utilize personality traits, techniques, or technical tools to accomplish crucial tasks.

For a fresher, skills in a CV are prominent to examine whether this candidate is worth consideration.

Next, you could also include some achievements in your fresher CV.


Achievements include the highlight of your experience that is worth a spotlight. It could be the prominent progress due to your decision or a huge project you’ve participated in.

Work experience 

[Position title] | [Company name]  [Dates of employment]

For a CV for a fresher job, work experience still matters. As we’ve mentioned, think of this section as a “related experience” section. 

When writing about your experiences in a CV for freshers, you should:

💡 What to include in a CV for freshers who have no work experience? 

One crucial thing to remember for a fresher's CV is to bring out your “ relevant experience. ”

Whether it’s a CV format for bank jobs or electrical engineer freshers, you can find relevant experience by looking back to your extracurricular activities, side-projects, or part-time jobs. Moreover, you can add related experience by providing more materials in an additional section.

For example, if you are writing a CV for a marketing assistant fresher, experience in planning an event campaign on Instagram may help. If you are applying for customer service jobs, you should mention your experience of alleviating customers’ complaints while working at a coffee shop. Electrical engineer freshers can include side-projects or portfolios in their CV.

Additional information

If you have supplemental materials to impress the recruiters, don’t hesitate to put them in your fresher CV. This might include:

💡 Tailor the Job CV for freshers to the job posting description.

Read closely through each job posting you want to apply for. The best CV format for freshers are CVs that are tailored to attract certain company’s employers. 

Moreover, you might be inspired by some of the keywords and be reminded of your related and experience. 

💡 Keep your fresher CV format professional.

During your fresher job-search journey, you might feel anxious or worried. However, try not to display these emotions in your fresher’s CV. 

For example, don’t bombard the recruiter with a colorful graphic design layout or start your working section with “ Although I have little work experience…” . Instead, show confidence in the skills and qualifications that you currently possess and show your enthusiasm for the role.

💡 Include only relevant interests & hobbies.

For recruiters, even though interests and hobbies in a CV reflect a fresher’s personality, they speak little about professional performance.

If you want to include interests, be sure to list those that can be helpful for your position. For example, you can add “yoga” when writing a fresher CV to apply to a well-being service company.

💡 List certifications and relevant training programs

If you took extra time completing an online certificate program or training workshops, listing them in your fresher CV is a good idea. However, you should keep it short and focus on delivering relatable content in each section.

💡 Include internships, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work

The best tip for writing a CV for freshers graduate is to dig for more related experience. Something you consider inconsequential but related can be interesting to the recruiter. 

However, don’t lie on your CV about your work experience. You might make it to an interview, but the recruiters will know if you are lying.

Sample Accountant/Bank job fresher CV (Combinational Format)

Sample cabin crew fresher cv (functional format), sample electrical engineer fresher cv (chronological format).

Ratul Neena  [email protected] | 103-53-9999 |

Patient and detail-oriented economics graduate with GPA of 3.78 from Carnegie Mellon University. Analyzed 50+ financial statements to prepare insightful reports at Bank MHG’s one-year retail banking internship program. Ideated and developed a fintech Product with engineers to concatenate WhatsApp with a back-end account system. Looking forward to joining Bank XYZ to leverage banking skills.

B.A. in Economics, Minor in Psychology Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh | 2017 - 2020

Computer skills

Soft skills



Retail Banking Intern | MHG Bank July 2022 - December 2022


Chair, Ladies in Finance Pittsburgh

Aleem Tummala  [email protected] | 103-43-9988 |

Personable and responsible receptionist for a prominent hotel. Awarded highest regional client satisfaction scores (98.8%) in 2019. Seeking to develop flight attendant skills to help American Airlines provide top service for international guests.

B.A. in International Hospitality Management Chicago State University, School of Hotel Administration | 2016 - 2020

Safety Procedures

Language Skills

Guest Relation Assistant | Fairmont Pittsburgh June 2019 - December 2021

Jackie P. Adams  [email protected] | 107-53-9915 |

Self-driven and EIT Certified recent graduate seeking a full-time position as an electrical engineer to leverage strong design skills. Looking to leverage AutoCAD, Microstation, and Revit skills and experience to solve problems for DSR companies.

BE in Electrical Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Electrical Engineering September 2017 – June 2021

Retail Banking Intern | MIM Electronics July 2021 - July 2022

Electrical Engineer Summer Intern | Benchmark Electronics 2014–present

Key achievement: Redesigned Develop energy conversion wind turbine model to increase efficiency by 12%.

With Cake, you can easily create a CV online, free download your CV in PDF formats, and utilize ATS-compliant templates to create a CV. Land your dream job, create your CV online (free download) with the best resume builder now !

--- Originally written by Wu Chao Min ---

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Tableau Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Tableau Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

Tableau Resume Templates and Examples (Download in App)

How To Write a Tableau Resume

Tableau Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Tableau Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

John Bergsen (123) 456-7890 [email protected] Seattle, WA 12345 LinkedIn | Portfolio

A results-driven Tableau developer with six years of experience, specializing in R, Python, SQL, data visualization, and business intelligence. A proven track record of executing complex technical projects to enhance data-driven decision-making for enterprise businesses.

Professional Experience

Lead Tableau Developer , Guardian Insurance Inc., Seattle, WA | February 2020 – present

Tableau Developer , Roland HR Solutions, Seattle, WA | June 2018 – February 2020


Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Business Intelligence University of Washington, Seattle, WA | 2018

This Tableau resume example communicates the candidate’s professional achievements in a concise yet engaging manner. The bullet points clearly illustrate how they leveraged their technical knowledge to enhance data reporting and facilitate business growth.

Allison Rosenberg (123) 456-7890 [email protected] Miami, FL 12345 LinkedIn | Portfolio

A Tableau business analyst with seven years of experience building and developing dashboards for multi-million-dollar manufacturing companies. A strong history of collaborating with cross-functional teams to identify data analytic needs and uncover cost-saving opportunities.

Tableau Business Analyst , Coulthart Manufacturing, Miami, FL | May 2019 – present

Tableau Business Analyst , Garland Manufacturing, Miami, FL | June 2017 – May 2019

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Data Science University of Florida, Gainesville, FL | 2017

This resume example demonstrates the candidate’s experience collaborating with cross-functional teams and stakeholders to support business intelligence efforts. It also makes good use of numbers and data to establish a sense of scope for the job seeker’s achievements.

Yaling Zhang (123) 456-7890 [email protected] New York, NY 12345 LinkedIn | Portfolio

A Tableau data analyst with 10 years of experience specializing in business intelligence, data visualization, and technical project management. A proven track record of building advanced dashboards to support data-driven decision-making for multi-million-dollar businesses and investment portfolios.

Senior Tableau Data Analyst , Highland Financial, New York, NY | February 2018 – present

Tableau Data Analyst , Roland Consulting Firm, New York, NY | June 2014 – February 2018

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Data Science University of Syracuse, New York, NY | 2014

This Tableau resume example captures the candidate’s capabilities as both a team leader and data science professional. The content effectively communicates the applicant’s ability to lead business intelligence initiatives and analyze complex data sets for high-value clients.

To pursue Tableau analyst and developer roles on the open market, you need an accomplishment-driven resume that highlights your comprehensive technical knowledge and career achievements. Show potential employers how you’ve successfully enhanced the way data is visualized and utilized for business intelligence. We’ll walk you through each step of the resume-building process and help you land your next big job opportunity.

1. Write a dynamic profile summarizing your qualifications

Grab the hiring manager’s attention with a powerful opening summary that provides a snapshot of your professional career. Start by listing your title, years of experience, and relevant skill sets that match the job description. Paint a concise yet compelling image of your experience executing complex technical projects to improve data reporting. Emphasize your unique ability to create value for clients, team members, and organizations.

Strong Profile Example

A results-driven Tableau developer with six years of experience specializing in R, Python, SQL, data visualization, and business intelligence. A proven track record of executing complex technical projects to enhance data-driven decision-making for enterprise businesses.

Weak Profile Example

A hard-working Tableau developer with years of experience analyzing complex data. Seeking a developer position with your company to continue to expand my technical knowledge and skill sets in a high-level company.

2. Add an accomplishment-driven professional experience section

The professional experience section is a key component of your Tableau resume. This is your opportunity to demonstrate how your contributions have positively impacted previous organizations. As you craft your bullet points, provide appropriate context and eye-catching numbers to help the reader visualize your technical achievements.

For instance, you might mention that you led a business intelligence project to aid the marketing department in evaluating the success of digital advertising campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in return on investment (ROI). By illustrating how you’ve generated value throughout your career, you’re also demonstrating that your expertise would be a strong asset to future employers.

Strong Professional Experience Example

Lead Tableau Developer, Guardian Insurance Inc., Seattle, WA | February 2020 – present

Weak Professional Experience Example

3. Include relevant education and certifications

Provide an overview of your education and industry certifications to show potential employers that you’re a qualified candidate. For Tableau developer or analyst positions, companies will usually require a bachelor’s degree in a related discipline, such as business intelligence, data science, or information technology. Also, consider obtaining a Tableau Certified Data Management Professional or Tableau Desktop Certified Professional designation to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge of the platform.

4. List pertinent key skills

In today’s job market, most companies rely on applicant tracking systems (ATS) to identify qualified candidates. To pass the initial screening process and get your resume into the hiring manager’s hands, you need to incorporate key skills that align with the job description. For example, if a company mentions Python multiple times in the posting, this would be a clear indicator to feature this keyword prominently in your profile, skills, and professional experience section. Below, you’ll find a list of skills you may encounter while pursuing Tableau analyst or developer roles:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Agile methodology Bloomberg
Business analytics Business modeling
Business process improvement Business strategy
Change management Data analysis
Data analytics Data management
Data modeling Data visualization
Data warehouse Data-driven decision making
Excel Oracle
PowerBI Process improvement
Project management Tableau

How To Pick The Best Tableau Resume Template

To make a positive impression on the hiring manager, you need a professional resume template that is clean, well-organized, and easy to navigate. Avoid cluttering your resume with graphics and other distracting visual elements to keep the reader’s attention firmly fixated on your qualifications and experience. Select a template that captures your personal brand and tells your story in a compelling and engaging way.

Frequently Asked Questions: Tableau Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for tableau resumes -.

It’s easy to get stuck when building the professional experience section of your Tableau resume. Often a limited number of action verbs accurately describe your career achievements and experience. That said, diversifying your usage of action verbs is important so each bullet point feels fresh and distinct. We’ve compiled a list of verbs to craft your content:

Action Verbs
Analyzed Built
Collaborated Conducted
Created Designed
Developed Diagnosed
Drove Enhanced
Evaluated Executed
Identified Implemented
Improved Integrated
Led Managed
Performed Supported

How do you align your resume with a Tableau job description? -

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, positions for management analysts are expected to grow by 10% over the next decade. Financial analyst positions are also experiencing high growth rates, with over 29,000 new openings by 2032. Although these projections are encouraging, you still need to align your Tableau resume with each role you apply for to maximize your odds of landing the interview.

As an experienced analyst, you understand the importance of presenting relevant data and business insights in a compelling manner. The same is true for your resume. For example, say that a company is seeking an analyst with a strong background in business intelligence. In this situation, provide tangible examples of you leading complex projects to enhance data visualization and facilitate data-driven decision-making.

What is the best Tableau resume format? -

Reverse chronological is the most suitable format for Tableau resumes. This presents your most recent and relevant work history directly below the summary, allowing your professional experience to stand out more prominently. A combination format should only be considered at the entry level, as this approach prioritizes skills, education, and industry certifications over your work experience.

Craft your perfect resume in minutes

Get 2x more interviews with Resume Builder. Access Pro Plan features for a limited time!

After completing your Tableau resume, consider pairing it with a strong cover letter to further enhance your job application. The key is to craft an engaging document that conveys your genuine interest and enthusiasm for the company you’re targeting. For more insights, visit our business analyst cover letter guide .

Frank Hackett

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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