• PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences

The PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSC) program is a highly competitive doctoral degree program within the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.

Members of the first IMSD class

NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)

Learn about our program that supports biomedical graduate students from historically underrepresented backgrounds.

Training in a highly collaborative atmosphere, our graduates gain the knowledge and skills required for discovering novel biological pathways in human health and disease as well as for the development and delivery of medications for safe and effective therapy.

With state-of-the-art facilities, funding from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Food and Drug Administration, and pharmaceutical industry, students receive mentorship that prepares them for outstanding careers in academia, the federal government, and the pharmaceutical industry.

This three-minute video presents an overview of the PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences program at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, showcasing how the program prepares students to become leaders in the fields of drug discovery and development.

Current faculty and students are making headlines at the School of Pharmacy and beyond.

  • February 12, 2024 My UMSOP Story: Angie Nguyen, PhD '16, research director
  • November 1, 2023 Grad Gathering Welcomes Alums of PSC, PHSR, and Regulatory Science Programs
  • October 23, 2023 School Names Three New Academic Program Directors

I was drawn to the PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences program by its diverse areas of research and collaborative environment. Knowing that I could tackle my research interest from many angles – including biochemistry, chemistry, and molecular biology – greatly appealed to me. PSC faculty members are very knowledgeable and have a profound understanding of their research areas. All of the professors work together to answer any research questions that students have.

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College of Pharmacy - Chicago | Rockford

Phd in pharmaceutical sciences.

We enable students with backgrounds in fundamental sciences to become leaders in pharmaceutical sciences

Located in the vibrant and multicultural city of Chicago, UIC's PhD Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences is one of the strongest and largest of its type in the United States. Our college is consistently ranked in the top ten in terms of funds secured annually from the National Institutes of Health and by US News and World Report. We pride ourselves on giving students from all types of backgrounds the tools they need to become independent researchers. Students in the program select one of the program concentrations, described below.

Important dates Heading link Copy link

Deb Tonetti, PhD

We are so pleased you are considering graduate studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Illinois Chicago! Although Pharmaceutical Sciences is one of the best graduate programs of its kind in the country, our real pride is mentoring students into independent researchers who become leaders in our field. The program has some unique strengths, including providing flexibility to carry out internships in your later years. Have a look around our website. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] . We look forward to reading your application! Debra Tonetti, PhD  |  Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences

Program Coursework Heading link Copy link

All students in the Pharmaceutical Sciences program take the following courses. Additional concentration coursework is also required and is shown in each of the concentration tabs.

  • Drug Discovery, Design, and Development (PSCI 501, 3 credit hours)
  • Training in Research Presentation (PSCI 502, 1 credit hour)
  • PSCI 503: Biostatistics for Pharmaceutical Scientists (1 credit hour)
  • BSTT 400: Biostatistics I (4 credit hours) [Note: BSTT 400 is required for the Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery concentration]
  • Scientific Ethics and the Responsible Conduct of Research (GC 501, 1 credit hour)
  • Research Rotation (PSCI 592; 3-4 credit hours)
  • PSCI PhD Course Requirements
  • PSCI Department Course Descriptions

Program Concentrations Heading link Copy link

Five concentrations comprise the PhD program in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Click on the tabs below to learn more about each of them. To see the faculty mentors for each concentration, visit the Faculty Mentors page .

Chemistry in Drug Discovery

Concentration description.

Faculty in the Chemistry in Drug Discovery concentration use the tools and techniques of chemistry to discover and develop new chemical probes and potential therapeutics. Students in this concentration learn how to design, synthesize, characterize and analyze small molecules, peptides, and proteins.

Concentration Coursework

Students in the Chemistry in Drug Discovery Concentration take the following courses:

  • Fundamental of Drug Action I (PHAR 422, 4 credit hours)
  • Principles of Medicinal Chemistry (PSCI 530, 5 credit hours)
  • Electives (9 credit hours)

Concentration Coordinator

Prof. Terry Moore ([email protected])

Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutics

The Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutics concentration is designed to provide advanced understanding of fundamental causes of diseases, strategies that identify new drug targets, and mechanistic explanations of how drugs work (or fail) from the perspective of the target and systems they impact. Faculty affiliated with MMT integrate a wide variety of molecular, biochemical, genetic, bioinformatic, and bioengineering approaches to study mechanisms of pathogenesis ranging from infectious diseases to cancer. Students will enroll in fundamental molecular and cellular biology courses and select elective courses in areas of their focused research.

Students in the Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutics Concentration take the following courses:

  • Biochemistry (e.g., GEMS 501 or equivalent graduate-level biochemistry course, 3 credit hours)
  • Molecular Biology (e.g., GEMS 502 or equivalent molecular biology course, 3 credit hours)
  • Biostatistics I (BSTT 400, 4 credit hours)
  • Molecular Genetics (GEMS 511, 3 credit hours)
  • Receptor Pharmacology and Cell Signaling (GEMS 515, 3 credit hours)
  • Microbial Pathogenesis (MIM 560, 3 credit hours)
  • Cancer Biology and Therapeutics (PSCI 540, 3 credit hours)

Prof. Alessandra Eustaquio ( [email protected] )

Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery

Faculty in the Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery concentration use the tools and techniques of physical and biologic sciences and engineering to understand and develop delivery systems and formulations for therapeutic molecules and control the biodistribution of therapeutic molecules. Students in this concentration learn how to design, synthesize, characterize and analyze novel materials and drug delivery systems and design and develop technologies related to therapeutic distribution in the body.

Students in the Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Concentration take the following courses:

  • *This 4 credit hour course will count 1 hour toward the program core statistics requirement and 3 hours toward the Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery concentration requirements. Students will not receive credit for two introductory statistics courses.
  • Essentials for Animal Research (GC 470, 1 credit hour)
  • Experimental Animal Techniques (GC 471, 2 credit hours)
  • Principles of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery (PSCI 510, 3 credit hours)

Prof. Richard Gemeinhart ([email protected])


Faculty research programs in the Pharmacognosy concentration aim to develop therapeutics from natural products and to study the mechanisms of pain, cancers, and a wide array of infectious and tropical diseases. Students of this concentration are trained in a combination of bioinformatics, synthetic biology, genetic engineering, chromatography, and spectroscopy to achieve these goals.

Students in the Pharmacognosy Concentration take the following courses:

  • Research Techniques in Pharmacognosy (PSCI 520 or equivalent; 3 credit hours)
  • Structure Elucidation of Natural Products (PSCI 521 or equivalent; 3 credit hours)
  • Advanced Pharmacognosy (PSCI 522 or equivalent; 3 credit hours)

Prof. Brian Murphy ([email protected])

PharmD/PhD Joint Program Heading link Copy link

Pharmaceutical Sciences participates in the joint PharmD/PhD program, which trains students for careers in academic pharmacy and bench science research. Students admitted to this joint program participate in the PharmD curriculum and pursue original doctoral research projects in the laboratories of the university’s graduate faculty in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The joint program offers the potential of reducing the time of earning both degrees in sequence (9 or more years) by approximately two years. The trade-off is that both degrees are awarded at the end of the training period and neither degree can be received before the other is completed.

The PharmD/PhD program is for exceptional, highly motivated and achieving students ready to meet the challenge of increased academic load and independent research project.

Program coordinator: Dr. Lindsey McQuade ( [email protected] )

  • Joint PharmD/PhD Course Requirements
  • Joint PharmD/PhD Program Page

PSCI Slideshow Heading link Copy link

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Two students in the Riley Lab grab with goggles on

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Scuba diving

Pride Points for PhD PSCI Heading link Copy link

$ 37,500 annual graduate stipend for students on teaching assistantship or research assistantship

33 internships completed by department graduate students in the last five years

19 students currently on training grant or fellowship

# 7 nationally ranked College of Pharmacy according to US News

# 7 nationally ranked total research funding among Colleges of Pharmacy according to AACP

Agar plates with UIC and Chicago logos

Start your application Heading link Copy link

The Pharmaceutical Sciences Program at UIC offers a supportive, inclusive environment and rigorous academic preparation for students who are interested in careers in pharmaceutical sciences. If you have any questions about the program or about your application, please contact [email protected].

Get in touch: Contact Us

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PhD Opportunities at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science

About our postgraduate research studies.

The Institute of Pharmaceutical Science (IPS) is an enabling and rich environment for students to undertake their postgraduate research studies. Across the three research groups of Drug Discovery, Medicines Development, and Medicines Use; we have approximately 100 students on 3, 3+1, and 4-year track PhD programmes.

Most of our PhD students are embedded on one site, engendering an environment of engagement (student led seminars, social activities, annual symposium day), interdisciplinary curiosity, and experience of cutting edge and diverse methodology platforms. This results in a unique, strong and exciting research journey.

The research experience of our PhD students can be further strengthened from competitive internal funds to allow you to travel to learn techniques in collaborator labs, or funds for conference participation from the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine and the Centre for Doctoral Studies.

  • Drug Discovery
  • Medicines Development
  • Medicines Use


Types of Scholarships

Our PGR student body is international and this is reflected in the diversity of routes by which our students are funded. King's has annual application rounds of certain initiatives such as Medical Research Council- Doctoral Training Programme (MRC-DTP), London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Partnership funded by BBSRC (LIDo-DTP), and the King’s-China Scholarship Council (K-CSC).

Other PGR students may be funded by Industry, foreign government organisations, or self-funded. Some programmes have specific application procedures that must be adhered to and can be found below with particular timelines during the year.

If you need help discussing a research project you have seen advertised, or you need help in devising a research project but are unsure who might be the best person to supervise it, it is best to identify our research staff in Drug Discovery, Medicines Development, and Medicines Use. This will also give you a more detailed understanding of the range of expertise of specific academics and research activity within IPS.

medicine pi

Centre For Pharmaceutical Medicine PhD Studentships

New phd opportunities to start in 2022.

  • Understanding emerging models of patient engagement and their impact on the research, development and use of medicines (C. Copeland & G. McClelland)
  • Machine learning based algorithms to improve the clinical management and outcomes of patients with cardiovascular disease (M. Alhnan & A. Ferro)
  • Appraising the accelerated approval of medicines used for cancer care (S. A. Jones & Y Kamel)
  • Developing a case to widen the access to topical onychomycosis therapies and provide personalised treatment (S. A. Jones & G. McClelland)
  • Understanding how the regulation of borderline substances influences medicine quality: Vitamin D as a case study (S. A. Jones & C. Naraynassamy)
  • Exploring new digital platforms to provide patient information on how to use medicines (M. Alhnan & G. McClelland)
  • Theranostic hydrogen sulphide dressings in wound healing (A. Dyson & A. Lockett)
  • Exploring Antipsychotic-Associated Pneumonia through host-immune responses (C. Copeland, R. Amison & Paul Rees)

How to apply

King's Apply

King’s Apply

Unless guided by programme specific calls, application is via King's Apply.

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Postgraduate Apply - Contact Us

Contact the team if you are applying for Postgraduate courses

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Jobs for Pharm.D. vs. Ph.D. — What’s the Difference?

Written by Kelly Tomory

April 20, 2023

NEOMED Pharmacy rename Soft Opening 4-2-19-87-1-1

Here’s something you might not know about pharmacists — pharmaceutical professionals can choose to focus their career on either patient care or research. In fact, there’s a different degree for each path.

A Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) prepares students to become Pharmacists focused on patient care, while a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) prepares students for careers in academia or research and development.

Both patient-care and research positions within pharmacy are similar in that students receive formal training and education in common subjects such as drug development, drug delivery, and medicine chemistry, but their career paths and opportunities differ in several ways.

Let’s talk about the difference between patient-care and research within the field of pharmacy.

Find out if a career in health care is for you. Download the guide, Getting a  Job as a Medical Professional with Your Health Care Degree.

The Patient-Care Track vs. the Research Track

The Pharm.D. track is a four-year program — ending with Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations and two personal and professional development courses. Once patient-care focused pharmacists enter the workforce, job opportunities after Pharm.D. focus on an individual’s treatment options when it comes to prescription pharmaceuticals. Pharmacists typically work as providers at pharmacies or hospitals throughout their career, and it is possible to advance into management positions.

The research track of pharmacology (Ph.D.) on the other hand, often extends beyond four years and ends in an extensive research project. Pharmacology researchers, generally, work on molecular targeting, drug design, and drug delivery in developing new approaches to treat disease. Research professionals may operate as researchers at universities, hospitals, private corporations, or laboratories. Many choose to work as professors within universities in addition to research work, but they do not serve as health care providers.

How to Become a Pharmacist — Types of Pharmacy Degrees

Doctor of pharmacy.

The Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) includes a mix of classroom instruction and real-world experience to provide students with the skills to excel in pharmacy. The school targets active learning in at least 30 percent of each student's educational track. This cooperative learning model ensures that graduates have the communication skills and practical experiences to pass licensing exams and achieve pharmacist career path.

What Do Pharmacists Learn?

The program works closely with the College of Medicine to foster a team-oriented approach to pharmacy and medicine. The College of Pharmacy has two departments: pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practice.

Ph.D. Programs

Students interested in research have a number of opportunities related to biomedical sciences. Graduate students receive a mix of classroom instruction and real-world research experience by working alongside faculty.

Pharmacology is the research side of the Pharm.D. program. Students in this area may develop expertise in molecular targeting, drug design, and drug delivery in specific response to disease. The program uses a combination of classroom instruction, laboratory work, and the opportunity to work alongside faculty at NEOMED and Kent State University. Prior to starting a Ph.D. program, most students will need to earn a master’s degree after their four-year degree. Some programs may integrate the master’s and Ph.D. degrees where one builds upon the other.

Comparing the Job Markets for Pharm.D. vs. Ph.D.


In 2019, the median pharmacist salary was $128,090. For pharmacists, the number of hospital jobs is expected to grow by 4 percent by 2028. Pharmacists take prescriptions from medical doctors and administer medications to patients. They are also qualified to ask questions and provide information regarding the medicines they prescribe. The majority of pharmacists work in pharmacies within retail stores or medical facilities although the field is evolving with more and more recent graduates electing to work in clinical settings. There are even niche sectors of medicine different types of pharmacists can specialize in with a year or two of residency after graduation. 

Working as a pharmacist requires a Doctor of Pharmacy, known as a Pharm.D., which is a four-year degree. They are also required to pass two exams related to licenses.

Medical Researchers

Medical researchers (M.S. and Ph.D.) earned a median annual salary of $88,790 in 2019, and the field is expected to grow by 6 percent, which is a bit faster than the national average. Most researchers work full time in either a laboratory or a general office environment. These positions are responsible for the study of medical conditions and the development of treatments and medicines.

Working in this field usually requires a Ph.D., but many candidates are able to obtain rewarding positions based on experience or other academic accomplishments. For example, some medical researchers also have a medical degree in addition to a medical research background.

Jumpstart Your Health Care Career at NEOMED — Connect With Us!

Take the next step toward an exciting career in the medical field — we can help you get started.

If you need help deciding which of the above career paths is best for you, we invite you to schedule a career consultation with us. In order to do so, contact the College of Pharmacy at [email protected] or schedule a meeting . Best of luck!

Want to learn more about health care careers after NEOMED? Download our resource, "Getting a Job as a Medical Professional with Your Health Care Degree".

Download the Guide

About the author

Kelly tomory.

Assistant Director of Admission

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phd vacancies in pharmacy

UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

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UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Alexander V. Kabanov , PhD

Adjunct Professor Director Mescal Swain Ferguson Distinguished Prof

Alexander V. Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.

Director, center for nanotechnology in drug delivery, mescal swain ferguson distinguished professor, center for nanotechnology in drug delivery, adjunct professor, unc department of biomedical engineering, current projects, honors and awards.

Alexander “Sasha” Kabanov, Ph.D., D.Sc., is the Mescal S. Ferguson Distinguished Professor and director of the  Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery  at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and co-director of the  Carolina Institute for Nanomedicine  at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Kabanov began his academic journey at M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), where he graduated in 1984. He continued his studies at the same institution, earning a Ph.D. in 1987 and a D.Sc. in 1990. His scientific career took root in the Soviet Union and later transitioned to the United States. From 1994 to 2012, Kabanov was affiliated with the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska. During his tenure there, he established the first academic nanomedicine center in the United States in 2004.

In 2012, Kabanov moved to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where his research focuses on several key areas.

  • Polymeric Micelles : Kabanov co-developed the first polymeric micelle drug that entered clinical trials for cancer treatment, thereby establishing polymeric micelles as a clinically approved drug delivery platform.
  • Polyplexes : Kabanov was among the first to use polycations and later, cationic block copolymers for delivering nucleic acids into cells. He evaluated core-shell polyelectrolyte complexes of nucleic acids and polypeptides, now known as “polyplexes”, for therapeutic drug and gene delivery.
  • Nanogels, Nanoparticle-Macrophage Carriers, and Exosomes : These have been utilized for delivering small drugs, nucleic acids, and polypeptides to treat cancers and diseases of the central nervous system.

Kabanov is a highly cited researcher, with over 340 scientific papers (garnering over 50,000 citations, and a Google h-index greater than 115), 36 US patents, and has co-founded several pharmaceutical companies. His cumulative research support in academia has been over $120 million.

Kabanov has mentored more than 80 graduate students and postdocs, half of whom are women and underrepresented minorities. Nineteen past members of Kabanov laboratory hold faculty appointments. He is the director of the NCI’s T32 training program in Cancer Nanotechnology .

Kabanov also established symposium series in nanomedicine and drug delivery , chaired Gordon Research Conferences, and received numerous honors and awards, including the Lenin Komsomol Prize, NSF Career award, George Gamow award, and the Controlled Release Society (CRS) Founders award.

Kabanov is an elected member or fellow of prestigious academies and organizations, including Academia Europaea, Russian Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Inventors, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, and CRS. He has served as the past President and current CEO of the Russian American Science Association, director-at-large for CRS (2019-2022), and chair of the CRS College of Fellows sub-committee (2022-2023).

Education, Certification and Licensure

  • 1990: Doctor of Chemical Sciences (D.Sc.) in Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis and Biochemistry at Moscow State University
  • 1984 – 1987: Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Ph.D. equivalent) in Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis at Moscow State University
  • 1979 – 1984: Diploma with distinction (M.S. equivalent) in Chemistry at Moscow State University

Courses and Lectures

DPMP 862/863 “Special Topics in Advanced Pharmaceutics” 3 cr.

Office Hours

By appointment only

Google Scholar

Lab Website

Twitter @alkabanov

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3665-946X

  • Carolina Cancer Nanotechnology Training Program (C-CNTP)
  • Towards Translation of Nanoformulated Paclitaxel-Platinum Combination
  • Extracellular Vesicles for CNS Delivery of Therapeutic Enzymes to Treat Lysosomal Storage Disorders
  • Cell-based Platform for Gene Delivery to the Brain
2022 Founders Award, The Controlled Release Society
2021 Fellow,
2019 Corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences
2018 Fellow,
Life Sciences Award, Triangle Business Journal
2017 Fellow,
RASA George Gamow Award
2016 RUSNANOPRIZE Short List
2015 Dresden Senior Fellow
2014 Fellow, 
2013 Member,   (The Academy of Europe)
1995 NSF CAREER Award
1988 Lenin Komsomol Prize

Highly Cited Researcher: Thompson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics – Pharmacology & Toxicology (2014, 2018, 2021)

Huang, Kabanov and Roth Recognized for Research Influence

Three faculty members from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy were recognized on the Clarivate Analytics list of Highly Cited Researchers for 2018. Leaf Huang, Ph.D., Alexander Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., and Bryan Roth, Ph.D., M.D., were among 6,000 scientists worldwide … Read more

Kabanov Named President of Russian-American Scientists Association

Alexander Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., assumed office as president of the Russian-American Scientists Association (RASA-America) on Nov. 5. Kabanov is the Mescal S. Ferguson Distinguished Professor and director of the Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and … Read more

Kabanov Elected 2018 Controlled Release Society Fellow

Alexander “Sasha” Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr. Sci., has been selected for membership in the College of Fellows of the Controlled Release Society for his “outstanding contributions to the field of delivery science and technology.” Kabanov will be inducted into the college … Read more

Kabanov Receives TBJ Life Sciences Award

Alexander “Sasha” Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr. Sci., is a recipient of a 2018 Life Sciences Award from the Triangle Business Journal. Kabanov was nominated in the category of Outstanding Individual Research from Universities or Research Institutes. The award was presented at … Read more

Third Carolina Nanoformulation Workshop Shares Discoveries in Nanomedicine

From March 12 to 16, scientists from industry and academia came together at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy to learn about the latest advances in nanomedicine and to get hands-on experience with advanced nanoformulations at the third annual Carolina … Read more

Kabanov to Lead Russian-American Science Society

Alexander “Sasha” Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., is the president-elect of the Russian-American Science Association. Kabanov was elected to his new post at the organization’s annual meeting at Northwestern University in Chicago on Nov. 4 and 5, where he also received the … Read more

Kabanov Elected to National Academy of Inventors

Alexander “Sasha” Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Mescal Swaim Feruguson Distinguished Professor at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, the organization announced Tuesday. Kabanov is the director of the School’s Center … Read more

Kabanov Meets with President of Armenia

Alexander “Sasha” Kabanov, Ph.D., met with the president of Armenia on Nov. 8 as part of a group of participants in the second All-Armenian Scientific Conference held in the capital city of Yerevan on November 5-8. The delegation consisted of … Read more

Postdoc Elizabeth Wayne Reflects on TED Experience

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Yuhang Jiang Wins UNC Grad School Impact Award

Yuhang Jiang, Ph.D., a December 2016 graduate of the pharmaceutical sciences doctoral program at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, has received a 2017 Horizon Award from the UNC Graduate School for his research into a treatment to repair the … Read more

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We are one of a select group of pharmacy schools to offer a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)/Juris Doctorate (JD) program.* 

Our program is designed to respond to the shifting dynamics in the delivery of health care, providing the scientific and legal training to excel in careers in biotechnology, intellectual property and the pharmaceutical industry.

*PharmD/JD students must complete the respective programs sequentially and may not step out by year from one program to the other. If a PharmD student takes a leave of absence, they must be aware that the LSAT or GRE could expire before application to the JD program and may need to be retaken.

Admission Requirements and How to Apply

Review the following program admission requirements for students with or without a bachelor's degree.

Admission Requirements for Students with a Bachelor's Degree

  • Transcripts from all institutions attended post-high school
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Resume (School of Law only)
  • LSAT OR GRE scores (School of Law only)

How to Apply

You will need to submit two separate applications to be considered, one to the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and one to the School of Law. 

PharmD/JD Career Opportunities

  • Legal issues in managed care
  • Law and mental health
  • Biotechnology and patent law
  • Biodiversity protection
  • Intellectual property
  • Criminal enforcement of environmental law


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Recruitment for Associate Professor, Assistant Professor at Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College

Recruitment for Associate Professor, Assistant Professor at Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College

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Established in 2018, The Somany College of Pharmacy is approved by AICTE and Pharmacy Council of India and affiliated with HSBTE. Somany College of Pharmacy is established under aegis of Swantantrata Senani R.D Somany. Somany Sansthan which has started this SCP a prestigious Institute with the objective of starting or rendering quality education in the field of Pharmacy also and thus produce, pharmacists useful to the society is a commitment under taken by the college.

Post : Principal, Assistant Professor, Lab Attendant and Admission counselor

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First Moscow State Medical University

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Faculty of Pharmacy

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The Faculty of Pharmacy was established in 1936. Today it is comprised of 17 chairs.

The Faculty of Pharmacy provides undergraduate education in Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Bioengineering&Bioinformatics. The degree in Pharmacy is granted to students after the completion of their degree program, which lasts 5 years in full-time studying. The full-time degree program in Bioengineering&Bioinformatics lasts 5 years. About 300 students graduate each year.

The Faculty of Pharmacy also offers PhD fellowships, with the PhD program lasting 3-4 years, other doctoral programs and continuing education courses.

The Faculty is headed by the Dean I. I. Krasnyuk, Pharm.D.

The Faculty includes professors, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Most faculty members have PhD, Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Pharmacy research degrees.

  • Chair of Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry
  • Chair of Botany
  • Chair of Biotechnology
  • Chair of Medical and Biological Chemistry
  • Chair of Pharmacoeconomics and Administration
  • Chair of Organic Chemistry
  • Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Chair of Pharmacognosy
  • Chair of Pharmacology
  • Chair of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry
  • Chair of Pathology

The following chairs provide continuing education programs in pharmacy:

  • Chair of Analytical and Forensic Toxicology
  • Chair of Medicinal Production Management and Distribution
  • Chair of Pharmacoeconomics and Management
  • Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology
  • Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy
  • Chair of Pharmacy

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Admission 2020-2021 is open now. Join to thousands of happy students in First Moscow State Medical University

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Admission office for international students.

Adfress: Street, Moscow, Russia

Phone: +7 (000) 000-00-00

Email: [email protected]

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July Externship

Twenty two students (twelve medical students, six students in Dental Medicine and four students in Pharmacy) have undergone their summer internship at the training and clinical facilities of Medical University-Varna. For two weeks interns trained at the academic and clinical facilities, under the direct supervision and guidance of leading professors in their respective fields. Summer…

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Sechenovsky scientists shared experiences with Chinese counterparts

Our delegation of the Department of Preventive and Emergency Cardiology under the Institute of Vocational Education has participated in three major international events: Second Sino-Russian Conference of Young Scientists on Heart Diseases, Eighth Sino-Russian Conference on Medicine and Pharmacology, Sixth Sino-Russian Conference on Heart Disease in the Cold Climatic Zone. Sechenov First MSMU researchers were…

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First Moscow State Medical University

Admission office: +7 969 2834820 [email protected]

MBBS in Russia | MBBS in Moscow | Study Pharmacy in Russia | Study Pharmacy in Moscow | Pharmacy Education in Russia | Education in Moscow | MBBS Admission in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | MBBS Fee in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | How to Get Direct Admission in MBBS in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Study Pharmacy in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | About Pharmacy in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Pharmacy Tuition Fee in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Faculty of Pharmacy in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Direction : Pharmacy Certificate, degree or qualification:  Pharmaceutical Chemist Level:  Specialist’s Degree Subject:  Pharmacy Code:  33.05.01 Language of instruction:  Russian, English

The education program is focused on training of pharmaceutical chemists able to carrying out self-dependent pharmaceutical practice. Training is practice-oriented and is aimed at formation of common cultural and professional competencies which let providing drug circulation in accordance with the requirements and regulations.

Program staffing: doctors and candidates of sciences, academicians of the Russian Academy of Science, leading specialists of healthcare and medical insurance system.

Features of implementation:

– laboratories, equipped with high-tech equipment,

– interactive study technologies, use of multimedia equipment and internet communication, practical training with the help of simulation technologies.

Potential and actual business partners: pharmaceutical organizations, bodies of surveillance and control in the sphere of pharmacy, healthcare management bodies of various levels, medical insurance companies.

Graduates of the program are in demand in organizations of surveillance and control in the sphere of pharmacy, public national and international health protection organizations, professional pharmaceutical associations. The program provides possibility to learn one or more additional vocational programs, to get simultaneously a second or continued higher education. Graduates of the program have the opportunity to easily design their professional career, in particular to study in Residency and for a Ph.D. degree.

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Admission 2021-2022 is open now. Join to thousands of happy students in First Moscow State Medical University

Admission Office

Admission office for international students.

Adfress: 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya street, house 8, building 2, Russia

Phone: +7 (969) 283-48-20

Email: [email protected]

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Season’s Greetings from Sechenov University

University News | Student life in Russia | Student life in Moscow | News and events in Russia | News and events in Moscow | Study in Russia | Study in Moscow | Education in Russia | Education in Moscow | Study abroad in Russia | International students life abroad | Study abroad in Russia…

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Sechenov University Maintained its Position in the 5-100 Project

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  • 29 August 2024

Japan moves to halt long-term postgraduate decline by tripling number of PhD graduates

  • Tim Hornyak 0

Tim Hornyak is a freelance science and technology journalist in Tokyo.

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Wearing protective clothing PhD student Kei Misumi working in a clean room at Tokyo University in Tokyo.

A PhD student works in a clean room at the University of Tokyo. Credit: Yuichi Yamazaki/AFP via Getty

In response to a decline in the number of PhD holders in Japan, the Japanese government has announced plans to not only stop the trend but reverse it, by tripling the number by 2040.

Japan is the only major economy that has recorded a dip in PhD numbers since 2000. In 2022, there were 14,382 new PhD admissions across the country — down 21% from a high of 18,232 in 2003.

As a proportion of the population, there are now fewer PhD holders in Japan than in many other leading research countries. According to Japan’s National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), in 2020, the country had 123 PhD graduates per million people, well below the rate of 315 per million in Germany and 313 per million in the United Kingdom for that year, and 285 per million in the United States in 2019.

A survey published by NISTEP in 2021 revealed that many doctoral students in Japan feel demoralized because of financial uncertainty, career insecurity and a lack of career progression.

To address the problem, Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) announced a three-pillared plan in March, with a focus on boosting career opportunities as well as institutional support and outreach for PhD students. The government is hoping to promote a cultural shift that raises the status of PhD holders in Japanese society.

“We want to create an environment that increases the number of people aiming for doctoral degrees, produces many excellent candidates, and realizes a fruitful life for each candidate and the sustainable development of society as a whole,” Mitsunari Yoshida, director of the Policy Division in MEXT’s Higher Education Bureau, told Nature Index.

Career choices

The first pillar of the initiative focuses on diversifying career choices, to ensure that doctoral candidates have a more active role in research outside academia, such as in local and central government, start-up companies and other private-sector groups.

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2024 Research Leaders

This focus on industry and government roles aims to address a long-standing cultural issue in Japan, namely that having a PhD might actually limit someone’s chances of being hired.

“The greatest obstacle is the perception that once one gets a PhD in a subject, one is regarded as an expert in that particular field,” says Ken Mogi, a researcher in neuroscience at Sony Computer Science Laboratories in Tokyo, and a visiting academic at the University of Tokyo. “With that image comes the assumption that a person with a PhD is inflexible in work in the real world. For that reason, Japanese companies are typically not forthcoming in employing people with PhDs, discouraging students to consider a career with a PhD.”

MEXT plans to promote long-term, paid internships for PhD students in the private sector, as part of a broader effort to entrench internships in Japanese society.

Symbolic of this is Cooperative Education Through Research Internships, a programme introduced in 2021 with the support of 45 universities and 45 companies, including major Japanese brands. The paid internships run for at least two months, are eligible for academic credit, and aim to support doctoral researchers by matching them to companies and diversifying their career options. The ministry wants to increase the number of PhD candidates in these internships to 5,000 by 2030, up from 3,000 as of May this year.

Boosting support

As its second pillar, MEXT wants to raise the quality of graduate schools by providing extra funding and tracking their progress.

MEXT will part-fund PhD students’ living and research expenses through the Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation (SPRING) scheme, which is run by the Japan Science and Technology Agency to support outstanding doctoral students; and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science’s Research Fellowship for Young Scientists programme, which supports doctoral students to pursue innovative research of their own choosing.

“Financial issues are significant in Japan, and many PhD students are struggling," says Tomokazu Iwabuchi, a PhD student in urban planning at Kyushu University in Fukuoka.

After years of taking on part-time jobs during his master’s programme, Iwabuchi says he can now spend more time focusing on PhD research because he was chosen for the university’s Future-Creation course, which is part of the SPRING programme. Doctoral students on the programme receive ¥200,000 (US$1,360) per month to cover living expenses and language training, up to ¥850,000 yen per year in research expenses, and a 50% reduction in tuition fees.

In 2023, Iwabuchi started his own consulting business rooted in his research on urban planning and geographic information system (GIS) data. “I’m really happy to hear that the government is putting more resources into supporting PhD students,” he says. “I hope they will have more career options in the near future.”

Strengthening motivation

The third pillar is about boosting student motivation by supporting more outreach programmes. One example is the Future Doctoral Festival, an annual gathering in Tokyo at which doctoral students give presentations and take part in panel discussions related to their research. The goal of initiatives such as this is to showcase the appeal of pursuing a PhD, not just to students, but also to leading figures in the public and private sectors.

Ranny Herdiantoputri, a doctoral student in oral pathology at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University welcomes this outreach, but says more attention must be given to the mental health of prospective PhD students, especially those from overseas who might struggle with the Japanese language and feelings of isolation.

“Students can suffer from imposter syndrome and anxiety, and wonder, ‘Am I really good enough for this?’,” says Herdiantoputri. “Without proper support, outreach gatherings can make it worse.” She adds that teaching jobs at Japan’s public universities are almost impossible to get, and she plans to return to her home country, Indonesia, after her degree.

Will it work?

Koichi Sumikura, who studies science and technology policy at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo, thinks that a change in mindset among those in industry is a must. “A majority of industry managers in Japan consider that the expertise and the area of interest of PhD holders are too narrow and do not fit their business,” he says. “However, PhD holders tend to be trained for acquiring a wider field of view.”

Sumikura emphasizes the importance of PhD programmes teaching skills that are relevant to industry. “PhD holders themselves should be trained not only in a specific academic expertise, but also general scientific knowledge, communication skills and business and social literacy,” says Sumikura.

Nobuko Kobayashi, who works for EY-Parthenon, a consultancy based in Boston, Massachusetts, and who writes about innovation and human resources in the Japanese media, says she hopes that Japan will consider and support entrepreneurship opportunities for its PhD holders.

“It’s important that universities strengthen education and opportunities around entrepreneurship, so students can bridge their research with real-world applications,” says Kobayashi. One encouraging factor is the increase in start-ups in Japan. In particular, she says, the number of start-ups spun off from Japanese universities has increased every year, and these firms “also hire significantly more PhD graduates compared to other Japanese companies”.

It is to soon to tell whether the measures Japan is now undertaking can motivate its doctoral students, change hiring practices and overhaul its research culture. But Sumikura agrees that the effort is worthwhile. “It is not easy to achieve that goal, but it is worth trying,” Sumikura says.


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Purdue’s online data science master’s addresses burgeoning demand for trained data scientists

The interdisciplinary degree is accessible for working professionals from both technical and nontechnical backgrounds

A digital display superimposed on fingers typing on a keyboard. On the right, the words online master’s in data science.

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Data scientists who can make sense of today’s epic floods of data to generate actionable insights and communicate them to a variety of audiences are in demand in almost any field, from retail business and industry to health care, government, education, and more.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that jobs for data scientists will grow 36% by 2031. Nationally, there were nearly 125,000 data scientist jobs added from 2013-2023. Yet many of those jobs — with many more openings coming — went unfilled for a lack of trained data scientists. The bottom line: Nearly every industry today requires data scientists, and the number of these positions is expected to grow.

Purdue University’s new 100% online Master of Science in data science degree addresses the need and the high demand for a trained data science workforce that can harness the power of data to drive innovation, efficiency and competitiveness. The interdisciplinary master’s program is designed for working professionals with a technical background but includes a pathway to entry for professionals from nontechnical fields.

“This data science master’s program is specifically designed for online delivery and optimal online learning, making it accessible to professionals around the world,” said Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue senior vice president for partnerships and online. “The interdisciplinary curriculum is diverse, customizable to a student’s needs and tailored for practical application immediately.”

Purdue’s online master’s in data science features core courses covering foundations of data science, machine learning and data mining, big data technologies and tools, data analysis, and data visualization and communication.

Students do a capstone project pairing them with an industry mentor and a collaborative team to manage a data science project from inception to completion. That includes developing project timelines, allocating resources and adapting strategies based on the project’s evolution. The capstone, modeled after curriculum from The Data Mine , Purdue’s award-winning data science learning community, is an opportunity to apply knowledge acquired throughout the master’s program to solve complex, real-world problems.

The online master’s program also features the opportunity to earn industry-aligned certificates along the way to earning a master’s degree. Options include education, leadership, and policy; smart mobility and smart transportation; data science in finance; spatial data science; geospatial information science; managing information technology projects; IT business analysis; and applied statistics.

The program was developed by an interdisciplinary cohort of expert faculty from Purdue’s flagship campus, including the colleges of Agriculture, Education, Engineering, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts, Pharmacy, Science, and Veterinary Medicine, along with the Mitch Daniels School of Business, the Purdue Polytechnic Institute, the Purdue Libraries, and the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars.

“Purdue’s new online MS in data science program leverages the real-world experience of faculty working across several distinct disciplines,” said Timothy Keaton, assistant professor of practice in Purdue’s Department of Statistics, who was involved in developing the new degree. “This cooperation between experts in the application of data science in diverse fields provides a great opportunity to create engaging and meaningful coursework that incorporates many different potential areas of interest for our students.”

Students will develop expertise in programming languages, gaining the ability to design and implement data-driven solutions; learn to apply advanced technologies, including cloud computing and big data frameworks, to effectively handle and process large-scale datasets; gain a deep understanding of machine learning algorithms and models, applying them to real-world scenarios; and become proficient in collecting, cleaning, and analyzing diverse datasets.

The curriculum also is designed to teach learners data visualization and communication methods for creating compelling visual representations of complex data to effectively convey insights, along with the application of storytelling techniques to communicate findings clearly to both technical and nontechnical audiences. The program covers adherence to ethical standards in data science, privacy, transparency and fairness as well.

The program draws on Purdue’s expertise in myriad aspects of data science. Known for its emphasis on practical programs with proven value, Purdue has been rated among the Top 10 Most Innovative Schools for six years running by U.S. News & World Report and is the No. 8 public university in the U.S. according to the latest QS World University Rankings.

“The breadth and depth of topics that data science encompasses necessitate graduate programs that incorporate expertise from a variety of disciplines and then integrate this into a curriculum to meet the needs of its students,” said John Springer, a Purdue computer and information technology professor who was involved in developing the new degree. “Purdue’s unique approach to the development and delivery of its new online master’s program wholly fulfills these requirements by utilizing a highly interdisciplinary team of Purdue faculty backed by Purdue’s outstanding team of instructional designers.”

For more information about Purdue’s 100% online Master of Science in data science degree, visit the program website .

About Purdue University

Purdue University is a public research institution demonstrating excellence at scale. Ranked among top 10 public universities and with two colleges in the top four in the United States, Purdue discovers and disseminates knowledge with a quality and at a scale second to none. More than 105,000 students study at Purdue across modalities and locations, including nearly 50,000 in person on the West Lafayette campus. Committed to affordability and accessibility, Purdue’s main campus has frozen tuition 13 years in a row. See how Purdue never stops in the persistent pursuit of the next giant leap — including its first comprehensive urban campus in Indianapolis, the Mitch Daniels School of Business, Purdue Computes and the One Health initiative — at .

Media contact: Brian Huchel, [email protected]

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    Pharmaceutical Sciences and Molecular Medicine. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. 12,679 EUR / year. 4 years. Washington State University Pullman, Washington, United States. Ranked top 3%.

  6. PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences

    The PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSC) program is a highly competitive doctoral degree program within the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. Curricular Requirements How to Apply PSC Faculty Sign-Up for Updates. NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Learn about our program that supports biomedical graduate students ...

  7. Careers in Pharmaceutical Sciences

    The pharmaceutical sciences draw on a wide range of disciplines to discover, test, and manufacture new drugs and therapies, as well as evaluate their effectiveness and safety. Pharmaceutical scientists can find employment at pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, universities, regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration ...

  8. PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Pharmaceutical Sciences participates in the joint PharmD/PhD program, which trains students for careers in academic pharmacy and bench science research. Students admitted to this joint program participate in the PharmD curriculum and pursue original doctoral research projects in the laboratories of the university's graduate faculty in the ...

  9. 26 Pharmacy & Pharmacology jobs

    Full-time academic position in chemometrics and analytical data analysis - Faculty of pharmacy. Reference : 2024/A022 Deadline for applications: 30/09/2024Starting date: 01/01/2025Job descriptionBrussels is a multicultural capital at the heart of Europe with the comfort of a metropole on a human scale; a 1h20 commute by train from Paris, 1h3 ...

  10. Drug Delivery: PhD Program

    From this program, students will understand drug delivery systems for new therapies and vaccines to improve human health. The majority of our Ph.D. students often find jobs in industry before graduation. Those who pursue an academic career usually spend a few more years as postdoctoral fellows at other institutions. Learn more about our faculty.

  11. PhD Opportunities at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science

    My PhD studies were completed at King's between 2015 and 2019 under Dr Rahman and focussed on the development of efflux-resistant fluoroquinolone antibiotic compounds. I chose IPS for my PhD because of Dr Rahman's expertise in the fields of medicinal and synthetic organic chemistry and also the possibility for collaborations both within the ...

  12. Jobs for Pharm.D. vs. Ph.D.

    A Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) prepares students to become Pharmacists focused on patient care, while a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) prepares students for careers in academia or research and development. Both patient-care and research positions within pharmacy are similar in that students receive formal training and education in common ...

  13. PhD Pharmacology jobs

    Director, Clinical Pharmacology and Quantitative Pharmacology. Revolution Medicines. Redwood City, CA 94063. ( Harbor area) $195,000 - $260,000 a year. A Ph.D. or Pharm.D. with 8+ years of relevant industry experience in Clinical and Quantitative pharmacology. Responsible for clinical pipeline delivery through….

  14. 539 PhD positions

    The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä is seeking to recruit:A Doctoral Researcher in Memory Politics for a fixed term of 3 years, starting on January 2nd 202... Published 2 weeks ago. Closing in: 2024-10-01. PhD.

  15. Alexander V. Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.

    Alexander "Sasha" Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., is the Mescal Swaim Ferguson Distinguished Professor and director of the Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and codirector of the Carolina Institute for Nanomedicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to joining UNC-Chapel Hill in July 2012, Kabanov served for nearly eighteen ...

  16. Ph.D

    ICT ADMISSION NOTICE 2024-25 for Ph.D. (Tech.)/ Ph.D. (Science) Programmes. Ph.D Tech in Pharmacy Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmcognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Online applications are invited for the following Ph.D. Tech. / Ph.D. Science programmes at ICT Mumbai, ICT-IOC Bhubneswar and ICT Marathwada Jalna campuses. 23 August 2024.

  17. PharmD/JD

    We are one of a select group of pharmacy schools to offer a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)/Juris Doctorate (JD) program.* Our program is designed to respond to the shifting dynamics in the delivery of health care, providing the scientific and legal training to excel in careers in biotechnology, intellectual property and the pharmaceutical industry.

  18. Faculty Jobs

    Job Openings for Pharmacy Lecturer under Public Service Commission, 47 vacancies. B.Pharma or equivalent degree with first class from a recognized University, Pharmacy Institute. Knowledge of Hindi. Post Graduate Degree in the relevant subject. 23 July 2024.

  19. Vacancies

    Vacancies; Events; MSc Program; Full-time PhD Postgraduate Fellowships The application deadline is May 10, 2024 Вакансии Read more > Senior Researcher Positions (Professorial Level) in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics ... Full-time PhD Postgraduate Fellowships The application deadline is March 1, 2022. Вакансии

  20. PhD in Pharmacy jobs

    PhD in Pharmacy jobs. 75+ jobs. Account Executive, Specialty Pharmacy. Amgen. Remote in Washington, DC 20004. $193,421 - $236,597 a year. Understanding of managed care and pharmacy benefit cost management levers preferred. Prior managed health plan, pharmacy benefit and specialty drug management ...

  21. Faculty of Pharmacy

    The Faculty of Pharmacy also offers PhD fellowships, with the PhD program lasting 3-4 years, other doctoral programs and continuing education courses. The Faculty is headed by the Dean I. I. Krasnyuk, Pharm.D. The Faculty includes professors, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Most faculty members ...

  22. Pharmacy

    Subject: Pharmacy. Code: 33.05.01. Language of instruction: Russian, English. The education program is focused on training of pharmaceutical chemists able to carrying out self-dependent pharmaceutical practice. Training is practice-oriented and is aimed at formation of common cultural and professional competencies which let providing drug ...

  23. Japan moves to halt long-term postgraduate decline by tripling ...

    A PhD student works in a clean room at the University of Tokyo. Credit: Yuichi Yamazaki/AFP via Getty. In response to a decline in the number of PhD holders in Japan, the Japanese government has ...

  24. Purdue's online data science master's addresses burgeoning demand for

    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that jobs for data scientists will grow 36% by 2031. Nationally, there were nearly 125,000 data scientist jobs added from 2013-2023. ... Education, Engineering, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts, Pharmacy, Science, and Veterinary Medicine, along with the Mitch Daniels School of Business, the ...