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Narrative Frightening Experience Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Parents , Friendship , Learning , Time , Home , Pain , Friends , Family

Published: 03/25/2020


One of the most frightening experiences of my life happened when I was nine years old. I had stayed after school to play with some of my friends, as I lived close enough to home that I could walk. We were playing “Superman,” which is what we called the game where you swing as high as you can on the swing set and jump off. My friends and I always tried our hardest to see who could get the highest. As it got late and the sun started to set, my friends would wander off one by one to go home, until only I was left. Deciding I had one more jump in me, I kept swinging and swinging, getting as high as I possibly could, then I pushed myself off the swing. Crack! I heard an unsettling crunching sound as my feet hit the ground, and my left ankle rolled. I tumbled over onto my side and looked down at my foot as I felt a sharp pain work its way up my leg. Pulling up my pant leg, I saw my ankle start to swell up, and I didn’t have much control over my left foot. Putting any kind of pressure on it or touching it caused incredible, screeching pain. I started bawling; however, no one was around – I was the only one left. I must have laid there for about a half hour by myself, crying and holding my sprained ankle. Anytime I tried to get up and put weight on it, I fell back down again and started crying; the pain was so excruciating, like none I had ever felt before. As time passed, however, I knew that I had to get home. My house was only six blocks away, I thought to myself; I walk home all the time. My parents knew I liked to stay out late with my friends, and it wasn’t late enough that they would get too worried quite yet. Crawling to the swing, I pulled myself up and put all my weight on my right foot, holding my left leg up, my sprained ankle making my left foot wiggle in the breeze. Moving from bar to bar, and object to object, I leaned on whatever I could as I effectively limped my way out of the playground as if I only had one leg. Sometimes I would get on my hands and knees and crawl. Down the street I went – it was a small town, so no one was even out at that point. For six blocks I hopped down the street; it was painful and scary – I had no idea what I was going to do. I just wanted to get home. When I was finally able to get home, my parents gasped and asked me what I did. I told them honestly, and they got me laying down with an ice pack on my elevated leg. Later, the podiatrist would tell me I had completely sprained my ankle – a Grade III sprain. I learned many things about myself that day – first, I learned that I needed to make sure not to test myself too much, or let my reach extend beyond my grasp. Secondly, I learned how to work past pain and severe obstacles to reach my goals and get to where I need to go.


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My Most Frightening Experience Sample

My Most Frightening Experience Sample

It was a Saturday eventide and my best friend Ria had come over to my topographic point for a slumber over. After dinner the two of us went to my room to watch a new show that was being aired – ‘The Haunted’ . The show was about some of the most celebrated haunted houses which were visited by their crew.

In their first episode they visited a haunted house where every dark the dwellers could hear the sounds of people walking about. things being moved. noises of bobbysocks. and sometimes they could even feel person walking past them in their very room or really happen things moved from their original topographic points.

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The show was reasonably chilling and by the terminal of it both of us were at our nervousnesss end. After the show was over we decided it was best to be off to bed and non discourse the plan.I was excessively scared to be able to kip rapidly. It was about half an hr subsequently when I was still lying awake that I heard a weak noise of bobbysocks.

I instantly dismissed it as my mind’s fast one – it was because I was scared that I was hearing things. It was so that Ria asked me in a muted voice if I could hear the sound every bit good or non. I knew that both of us could non hear the same sound if it was non for existent. We were gazing at each other in the dark.

panicky and unable to travel as the sound of the bobbysocks came nearer. We covered ourselves with the cover and held on to each other with our eyes closed shut. The sound of the bobbysocks was now precisely outside our room. separated from us merely by the door.

Two seconds later we heard the door creak unfastened as we held our breaths – excessively scared to even take a breath. We could now experience person traveling about in the room. traveling things. After what seemed like an infinity we heard the familiar sound of the door unfastened and so heard the sound of the bobbysocks retracing back to the hallway downstairs.

We couldn’t sleep the full dark and was sword lily to travel down to the breakfast tabular array in the forenoon and sit with my parents at that place. As we were sitting at that place I all of a sudden heard the familiar sound of the bobbysocks behind me. I looked at Ria and could see my fright reflect in her eyes. I was approximately to shout when our amah appeared beside me and placed our cereal bowls on the tabular array.

As she walked back I looked at her pess and saw her bobbysocks. At that point I did non cognize whether to express joy or shout. As it turned out she had gone to our room at dark to acquire our milk spectacless as she does every dark.

How to describe a frightening experience?

From time to time we all experience fear.

Fear is an emotion that needs to be inserted into our writing. Do not be afraid or shy to share your emotions, fear or unpleasant experience with others. In the end result, such narrative essay becomes fascinating.As for the structure of the essay, it remains traditional (introduction, body, conclusion).

Your essay should begin with grabbing the attention of the reader.In the main part, you should describe the event or a frightening experience so that the reader can plunge at that moment.In conclusion, the author must indicate an understanding of this event or experience.Small tips for your essay:

  • use bright and lively details in the description, you must write in such a way that the reader immediately recreates a picture of that event.
  • pay attention to the small details of that event, perhaps without them, the reader will find it difficult to grasp the essence.
  • make your writing language descriptive: use metaphors, comparison, epithets and of course emotions to enrich your essay.

Here you can find some topics ideas:1.If only I could go back in time, I would certainly change .

.. Here you can tell the readers a short story about an event that was unpleasant for you and you would like to change it.2.

My fear of the storm was a reality. If you have a fear of such a natural phenomenon and the situation in which you are confronted with it, it will be a great idea. Tell your readers your emotions and feelings about this.3.

How I encountered an unpleasant feeling of anxiety and fear. For sure, every person faced such a feeling when nothing seemed to happen, but a sense of fear and anxiety is present. Surely your inner feelings have not let you down, and something scary has happened. Share your experiences with the readers about this.

Tell us about your attitude to such inner feelings.

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Essay on My Most Dangerous Experience

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Most Dangerous Experience in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Most Dangerous Experience


My life has had many exciting moments. But the most dangerous experience was when I got lost in a forest during a family camping trip. It was an adventure I’ll never forget.

The Camping Trip

My family and I went on a camping trip to a dense forest. We had fun exploring nature. One day, I decided to go on a solo adventure, not knowing the danger that awaited me.

Getting Lost

I strayed too far from our campsite. Soon, I realized I was lost. The forest was dark and scary. I couldn’t find my way back. I was alone and terrified.

Luckily, I had a whistle with me. I blew it hard. My family heard the sound and found me. It was a frightening experience, but I learned a valuable lesson about safety.

250 Words Essay on My Most Dangerous Experience

One sunny day, my family and I decided to go camping in a forest. We packed our tents, food, and other things. We reached the forest, set up our tents, and started exploring. I, being the most curious one, wandered off a bit too far.

I was so busy looking at the beautiful birds and plants that I didn’t notice I was moving away from my family. Suddenly, I realized I was alone. I tried to find my way back, but all the trees looked the same. I was lost. I started to feel scared.

The Fear and Rescue

As the sun started to set, the forest became dark and scary. I could hear strange sounds. I was very scared. I climbed a tree and stayed there. After what felt like a long time, I heard my dad’s voice. He was calling my name. I shouted back. Soon, my dad found me. I was so happy to see him.

That was the most dangerous experience of my life. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Now, I always stay close to my family when we go on trips. This experience taught me the importance of being careful and not wandering off alone.

500 Words Essay on My Most Dangerous Experience

Everyone has some memories that stick with them forever. For me, one such memory is of a dangerous experience that I had when I was just a teenager. It was a sunny day when my friends and I decided to go on a bike ride to the outskirts of our town. Little did we know, this trip would turn into an unforgettable adventure.

The Bike Ride

The rain quickly turned into a storm. Lightning flashed across the sky, and the wind blew fiercely. We tried to ride our bikes in the rain, but it was hard to see. The roads were slippery, making it hard to control our bikes. We were scared, but we knew we had to keep going. We had to get home.

The Accident

Suddenly, my friend’s bike slipped on the wet road, and he fell. He was hurt, and his bike was damaged. We were all shocked and scared. We didn’t know what to do. We were in the middle of nowhere, with no one around to help us. My friend was in pain, and we had to get him to a hospital.

That day was the most dangerous experience of my life. It taught me many valuable lessons. It taught me the importance of being prepared for any situation. It taught me about bravery and friendship. But most importantly, it taught me that life can be unpredictable, and we must always be ready to face any challenges that come our way. Despite the fear and danger, I am grateful for this experience because it made me who I am today.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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This helped me very much but l needed 300 to 350 words

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  • Most Embarrassing Moment Essay Example

My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay: Don't Be Shy To Tell

By: Henrique Bertulino

My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay: Don't Be Shy To Tell

Did you know that stories about awkward moments make people more creative? This fact was discovered by researchers from the Kellogg School of Management. As the authors of the study explain, voicing embarrassing situations, a person removes the barrier of self-censorship and is ready for non-standard solutions. That is why high school teachers often give the assignment to write an embarrassing moment essay to their students.

My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay Sample

1. delve into the nature of the essay, 2. opt for the exact story, 3. a strong hook is a good start, 4. draw an outline, 5. describe, don't tell, 6. write an insightful conclusion, pay attention.

Just like the peer-reviewed articles, it was one of my friends' birthdays. My friend wanted to celebrate the day beautifully, so he invited many people. Actually, the date of his birthday was October 21st. What happened in my mind I don't know - I just forgot the date and as you know that these happened long past, and we did not have the facilities of mobile phones, and the only way of communication distantly was a land phone, and unfortunately, I did not have any landline in my house. Another problem happened that the school was also closed on some occasions. Because of that, I had no regular communication with my friends. I remember the date as October 22nd though the date was one day behind. I prepared for the day's celebration and bought an expensive gift for my friend, which I felt would pass for a proper my most memorable moment essay.

While I was buying the gift for my friend, he and our friends were celebrating the birthday because the date was October 21st. As I thought the date was October 22nd, I went to my friend's house with the gift. At first, my reaction was very awkward because I saw neither anybody nor any festive look there. I did not understand what happened there, why there was nothing special - thinking that I just tapped on the calling bell of my friend's house. Hearing the bell, my friend's mom opened the door and became amazed to explore me with a gift. She said, "Hi, how are you? Why didn't you come yesterday?" I became perplexed, and I asked her what happened. She replied that yesterday was my friend's birthday. Suddenly my friend, Jimmie, came out and scolded me for not participating in the birthday celebration. I became dumbfounded and explained everything. He was convinced and served me some slices of his birthday cake and other foods which were prepared on his birthday. I was just embarrassed in front of two people - my friend and his mom. I did not know that the worse thing is waiting for me the next day.

Furthermore, I thought that my embarrassment had ended there, but it did not. I think it was all for the success of my most embarrassing moment essay. The next day I went to school and noticed that some of my friends were laughing at me. I didn't ask why they were behaving like that, but I was beginning to understand. When I entered the classroom, everyone just burst out laughing. Everyone already knew about my mistake with my friend's birthday. It is difficult to describe in words what I felt at that moment. But it really was the most embarrassing moment I have ever experienced.

Embarrassing Moment Essay: What To Pay Attention To and What Not To Miss

Each of us has experienced some embarrassing moments in his or her life. Such moments usually make us laugh or, conversely, sad. At such moments we remember. It's not always pleasant to tell someone, but sometimes it can be your task in high school. How to overcome shame and competently and interestingly tell the reader about your embarrassing incident?

6 Tips On How To Create Your Embarrassing Moments Essay

You will describe the most embarrassing moment in the form of a personal narrative essay. What is a personal essay? There are many good definitions of this type of essay, but what we like most is this:

A personal essay is a short autobiographical story that includes some life situations that characterize you in a certain way. This type of writing involves a creative approach, and therefore it can have a free essay structure. In an experience essay, a person tells something very personal, even intimate. It is full of excitement and emotions. At the end of the embarrassing moment essay, the author analyzes how he or she was affected by a situation, whether it changed him or her or not.

"Embarrassing moments of my life" is your unique story. However, such moments happen in everyone's life - in school years or in adult life. It can be a story about the first day in a new team, an awkward event on holiday, a story about when you did not complete an English task, or how you forgot a new friend's name. Close your eyes and remember the same story that made you go through a storm of emotions. That's what you need to put on paper. Here's what the following stories might look like:

"It was in 2000 when I was 20 years old. Before I didn't have any plane journey, so it was the very expected thing for me. The same day came - the day of my first flight. So I got a little excited and arrived at the airport. I took my seat, and it was just beside a window because I like to look outside.

I really wanted to breathe fresh air outside. So I started looking for a way to open the window. But I failed to do so. I noticed that some of the passengers looked at me in great surprise. But I saw a hostess nearby. I asked her where the window locks so that I can open it. Hearing that, many passengers started smiling. I realized that something went wrong, and I felt shy. The air hostess was polite enough to reply to me by just saying - sir, the windows of a plane can not be opened because of the risk factor. I immediately understood that it was very embarrassing. The journey was around one hour long, and all the way, and I could not look at other passengers as I felt so shy."

"My most embarrassing experience" essay should interest the reader from the first words. Find the same hook that will immediately catch the audience. Here are some good hook essay examples:

"Once, a "grandfather" came to me for an interview for a digital marketer, who had completed all Google and Facebook courses on the recommendation of his daughter, but absolutely did not understand the task, my slang, and why everyone in the office was three times younger."

"Once, the candidate asked his best friend (a good specialist) to go for an interview instead of himself. He went and ... got a job and worked there successfully."

In the introduction, you set the tone and reveal the topic of your essay.

Although an essay on an embarrassing thing does not have a clear organizational structure, you should still organize your thoughts. Just write on a piece of paper what and how you will write about. The introduction should include a hook and a statement. Describe the situation in the body of the paper, and in the end, tell how it affected you.

"I was ashamed."

"This situation made my voice tremble. My knees buckled, there was a lump in my throat. I want to get out of there as soon as possible. It wasn't me, I never felt so embarrassed."

Feel the difference between these two examples? Your task is to write as shown in the second version. You can't just write how you felt, you need to try to describe your condition as vividly as possible. The reader must imagine the full picture and feel what you felt.

A good conclusion gives the reader a sense of completeness. You can return to your lead to complete the circle. Repeat your statement to end the story that changed you.

It happens that you have something to tell, but you can not properly arrange it. In such cases, it is better to seek professional help in the essay writing service. You need to remember that your work must be free of plagiarism and written in an appropriate format (APA, MLA, Chicago). Professional writers will ensure compliance with all these requirements.

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narrative essay my most frightening experience

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i love it thank you

It was helpful. Now I am able to understand the topic

This guide with embarrassing moment examples really struck a chord with me as someone who has difficulty writing about their own personal experiences. It gave me everything I needed to finally tackle a difficult topic and share it with others🙏

Thanks! I was able to take a potentially embarrassing topic of most akward moments of my life and turn it into a poignant, meaningful essay. The guidance and embarrassing stories of other people here helped me push past my fears and create something truly special..

So lovely i like the way and idea it makes sense to me and I will send it to my friends



The same also happened to me and it was my sister's birthday, 22nd March and I also thought it was the 23rd, I'm glad I might be able to write mine too, a good start and finish

Feeling embarrassed sometime makes one to learn

Feeling embarrassed, something times make's one to learn

James Melody

my whole elementary school was a never ending embarrassment, jeez i was such an awkward child

Feeling embarrassed is such a funny thing tbh. You cringe so much at first but then it's the best story at the party lol

This has to be one of the most humorous essays of this genre I've come across. I also enjoyed how descriptive it was; it really accentuated the mental picture the writer was trying to paint for the reader. I find stories like this funny and intriguing. Essays that have to do with the embarrassing incident, like this one, can be one hell of a good read. My favorite part has to be the conclusion where the whole class burst out laughing.

I can easily relate to being embarrassed on several occasions. Perhaps, that's what growing up is all about. I didn't know that writing about such moments ever led to creative ideas. As a student, I always feel that college is the best place to enjoy life. Still, the same place is home to many embarrassing experiences. After reading this blog, I understood why teachers emphasize essays about personal episodes. In my life, I have always written a narrative of such moments in a personal diary or as instructed by my English teacher.bIt's great to know these tips. I believe they will help me accept my shortcomings deeply.

Writing is always such a struggle in high school, even on such a creative topic like this one. The information was really helpful. Thank you so much.

If I didn't come around this article, I would spend my whole spring break fruitlessly trying to write even a draft. I've had enough awkward moments in my life, and I will never forget how once I fell through the ice during Christmas vacation. Now I know exactly how to start and finish my story. So perfect, thank you.

narrative essay my most frightening experience

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

A frightening experience.

narrative essay my most frightening experience

  • If there was something you would have done differently during this situation, what would it have been?
  • Were you the one to blame for this experience or did you find yourself thrown in the middle of it?
  • How could you have avoided this frightening experience in the first place?



A Frightening Experience Last year I went to my grannies’ house because my parents were at work. I had to sleep there. The weather was terrible, raining with thunder storms. As my grandparents and I were eating dinner, a bolt of lightning hit a tree that was just under the kitchen window. The tree caught fire immediately. Since the kitchen curtain was flying outside because of the wind, it soon caught fire too and in a split of a second, flames were dancing all around the kitchen. We could not escape through the kitchen. My grandparents hugged me and protected me in the corner, praying that someone would notice the fire and come to rescue us. We were very frightened. My grandmother and I searched for the telephone but unfortunately we could not find it since it had been burnt. The neighbours saw the house burning and called the police and firemen. They came immediately. While firemen tried to stop the fire, the broom cupboard fell on my grandfather ‘s head. He fell unconscious, my grandmother and I started crying for my grandfather. About half an hour late the firemen stopped the fire and came in the house to save us. The police called my parents, and an ambulance for my grandfather. Finally it was all over. This was my most frightening experience and I wish that it will also be my last one. I never felt so scared in my life. by Darren Zammit

A frightening experience You are about to take a ride to my deepest,scariest thoughts.It all started when I was more or less eight years old.It was the night of Halloween and as usual I refused to go trick or treating.So I stayed home while my parents took my not-so-scary-looking sister. So now I was alone in our house.This was great!Now I could do whatever I wanted.As I was jumping up and down on my bed I hit my head.The next thing I remembered was a hair-raising sound.Shivers ran down my back and my heart was beating at a fast-rate.It soon started to rain.That rain soon turned into a storm! A million thoughts raced through my mind.Could it be a thief?I decided to stay put.But I was so shivering with fright that I knocked over a lamp.Just my luck!Apparently the thief had heard me and now he was trying to get in!I quickly dialed the number on the phone.The police came right before the thief broke in! When my mum saw her favourite lamp smashed to pieces she was red with rage but the policeman quickly calmed her down and tried to repeat what I had just told him.What he said made no sense but then I explained once more what happened.I hope that this will be my first and last time but if I go through it again I'll try to be careful not to break anything

It was two o'clock in the morning on a Friday.It was a stormy night with thunderstorms,rain and wind. I was with my sister Britany sleeping in our beds. We were feeling really cold. All of a sudden Britany came next to my bed and woke me up. Britany told me that she was hearing strange sounds. I heard them too and we stayed together in my bed feeling very scared. Every sound was terrible and hair-raising. Even the most common and normal sounds. We heard sounds like someone looking for something in the kitchen drawers. We thought there was a burgler. We needed to call the police but the telephone was in the kitchen. Since we couldn't do anything we decided to hide under the blankets. Then we heard someone cutting the cake my mother had made. Shivers ran down our spines and we were even more scared. Then we heard someone going up the stairs and go into our parents' bedroom. Then we heard our mother asking our father if he brought her a piece of cake. So we realized that it was our father. The strange sounds scared us the most. From this experience I learnt not to come to a conclusion before I knew the truth.This frightening situation was the worst one I ever had. Deborah Calleja.

Last week I was at home with my sisters Gabriella and Maxine.We were playing football in the kitchen.Maxine kicked the ball and she hit the kettle I was preparing to drink tea. In less than a minute fire started spreding and there was no fire blanket or something to put out the fire.My mobile was upstairs.Because of the fire I couldn't go upstairs easily so I went down again to fetch the phone.But I wasn't concentrating because of my other sisters.So I phoned the firemen. When the firemen came I was in the balcony for fresh air shouting.They saw me first and I was safe.After they found my eldest sister Gabriella but Maxine was still missing.Then all of a sudden I saw Maxine safe and sound .I couldn't believe my eyes. From this frightening experience I learned not to not playing with the ball in the kitchen especially when the kettle is on.For Maxine the best thing was that teddy wasn't burned!!! Naomi Mallia

A Frightening Experience. It was a thundery night and it was raining cats and dogs. I was alone at home watching T.V because my parents were out. I was on the comfortable sofa watching television and looking at my pet guinea pig. Suddenly I heard an unusual noise. A shiver ran down my spine but to calm myself down I thought it was the wind howling. As time passed by I kept hearing the same noise and I was scared. Then I saw the garden's door opening but no one was pushing it.I was begining to think there was a ghost in my house.After a while the lights went off and I began to cry with terror. Later something caught my eye. It was a shadow. The shadow was as black as ebony and it began to waver. I had the feeling that it was a ghost but I realised that it was the coat hanging on the cloak hanger. What a relief! I couldn't wait to tell my parents about what happened. This was the worst night ever. When my parents went home I told them about what happened to me. I am never going to stay at home alone! Never! Celine Abela.

A frightening experieance It was February and we had Carnival holidays. As we were during the holidays I went with my family to the Carnival. It was a Tuesday evening and I was four years old. We went to Valletta and we saw many floats. I was enjoying the colourful custumes. When all of a sudden I turned round I could not see my parents. I looked everywhere for them but I couldn't find them. I started walking and calling for my mum and dad but I couldn't find them anywhere. I was really frightened. I remembered that my parents always told me that if I got lost I should find a policeman. I thought I saw one so I went to tell him what happened but unfortunately it was only a boy wearing a policeman's uniform. When I found out that he was only a boy I became more scared. Finally I heard somebody shouting my name and I found out it was my brother I was relieved. When I go out in a crowd I still hold someone's hand because I don't want to get lost again. Daryl John

A frightening experience. It was Saturday evening.My mum and dad were invited for dinner at my dad’s friend’s house so I was left at home alone.At ten o’clock I was going to bed.All of a sudden I heard some strange sounds. I was scared to death.Reluctantly I walked to the dinning room.i was very afraid.I walked directly towards the sound.It was a hair-rasing sound.I went to check that the latch was locked but it wasn’t.Hysterically I went to call my neighbours.Then I took mum’s key.Then I climbed a ladder to my neighbours house. Then my neighbor’s husband took the keys and he locked who was in the house.Then we called the police to come.When they arrived they went in the house.They cought a thief who was trying to steal our jewelry.When my perents arrived home I told them every thing that happened. After that I gave a little present to my nieghbours.From that frightening experience my mum and dad nevcer left home without me!

A Frightening experience It was Sunday as it was a very cold night we didn't go out.We were alone because our parents had to go to hospital and left me and my brother alone.We were supposed to sleep but we didn't want to so we stayed watching TV. We were watching "sponge bob" our favourite TV show.Then suddenly the light went out.It all happened after a huge bolt of lightning flashed and it made a scary noise.Then we heard thunder striking.We were scared to death.My brother grabbed me from my armand gave me a fright.I grabbed the torch and went downstairs.I had to go in the garage to check the main switch. While i was going downstairs another fright i felt shivers running down my spine.when i opened the door leading to the garage i shivered with cold.I smelled the horrible smell of cheese because my father goes to fish and he uses stinky cheese.I opened the cupboard and i tried to remember how to turn the light back on.I couldn't remember so i called my mum and told her everything. It was my first experience to turn on the main switch because i am scared of touching buttons so it was even worse for me to do something like that at night in the middle of a thunderstorm because the lightning and the thunder scared me the most.

A Frightening Experience A month ago I was alone at home in the morning. I was cooking so I let the door slightly ajar. I became as silent as the grave when I heard a footstep. I knew I was alone and no one had to come so I went to see who it was. I saw no one but when I turned I saw a tall man. He had a bald head. The most scary thing of all was that he was armed with a gun! Outside, one of the neighbours saw him and told the others to phone the police. They arrived on the place in a split of a second. The man was a thief and told me to give him all my valuable things so he could pay his credits. If I wouldn't he was going to shoot me. When the police came he told me that if I told the police the truth when I opened the door his first shoot would aimed to my forehead. The police came in and while two were infront, others were going silently from behind. He was going to shoot me but one of the police raised his gun and he shot at the roof. The police caught him and started taking care of me because with the fright I fell on the ground unconsice. When I woke up I thanked God and was relieved and happy to be alive. It was the first and scariest experience of its kind. I hope I never meet that man again!

A frightening experience I was alone in our house because my parents went shopping. It was about eight in the evening when this happened. I was in front of the television watching cartoons. All of a sudden a bad tempest with thunders and lightning started. In a moment it started to rain cats and dogs. After about ten minutes the electricity went off due to a huge bolt of lightning. Then I went to look for the torch but I couldn’t find one. Then I found a candle and I lit it immediately. All of a sudden I saw a man’s shadow and I heard a sound; tikk, tokk… that sounded like footsteps. My heart missed a beat and my face turned white. But then I realised that the shadow was the one of my mum’s favourite statue. And the sound was of the big clock. Then my parents returned and we went to sleep. Altrough this wasn’t the first time this happened it was the scariest one. Roderick.M

A frightening experience It was Friday and I was on a holiday with my mother father and brother. We were on a ship because we were going to Hawaii. It was a beautiful day. But then I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be a very nice day for long because the weather was a bit cloudy. It was about eleven o'clock in the morning when I heard the storm from my cabin. I felt so scared that I felt shivers run down my spines. When there is a storm and you are on the water it's scary. I ran down near my parents and there I saw the waves crashing into the ship. It was a terrifying moment for me. The scariest thing had to happen to me on a holiday. I didn't know what to do. I held over to my mother and I didn't even open my eyes. I was crying with fear. I was scared to death. I didn't know even what to say and I couldn't speak, I couldn't think, I couldn't do anything. I was too scared. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me in my whole life. From this horrible experience I found that I am scared of ships. From that day on I've never ever ridden a ship again. I don't even want to go to Gozo. I am too scared ! by Daryl Leigh Schembri

A frightening Experience It was past midnight and I was still awake playing with my playstation. At one point I heard a hair raising sound. I heard a crash of two cars and the sound of a man’s cry, in front of our house. For the fact that I was alone shivers ran down my spine. For this matter I had a problem. I wanted to go out to see what happened but I didn’t want to go out because I was afraid. I overcame my fear and went outside. It was raining cats and dogs. As I cleared my eyes from the rain I was scared to death. In the middle of the street was an old man with blood dripping out from his badly injured head. In front of him you could see two cars rammed into each other. At that time I felt I was going to faint! One of the drives was face down on his steering wheel while the other one was still conscious. The passed out driver was driving fast and hit the other car. Because of this, he hit the old man and got rammed into the other car. The hurt old man scared me the most because I thought he was going to die. I felt that they needed help so I dashed into my house and called for an ambulance. In a split of a second the ambulance and the police were on the spot. It was a terrible sight to see. After a terrifying experience, I couldn’t believe that my parents were still sleeping. As I went to tell them, they didn’t believe me and went back to sleep. Well, this frightening experience was the most scariest of all. YET!

A Frightening Experience Last year my mum and dad were invited to a party because my aunt was going to be married. Children weren’t allowed so I stayed at home with my younger brother Jake. It was a windy and rainy day. At half past seven in the evening my parents left. My bother and I sat on the sofa watching television. After an hour that my parents had left I heard some noises. Wind was blowing at the window, noises of footsteps and items like drawers opening and closing. I was scared to death. I went to dial the number but a voice stopped me. It was a man with a mask on his face. Jake began to cry and began to bellow but another man put his hands on Jake’s mouth. The man who stopped me told me to tell Jake to stop. I did that and then I went up in my room with Jake and they locked us in there. I saw that my window was opened so I noticed that they had came in from there. I saw footprints too. Then I grabbed my mobile and phoned police. I explained them everything and in less than a few minutes they arrived. The thieves tried to escape but the police chases them and they caught them. Jake and I called my parents. From that day I never left the window open again. Made By: Svetlana Borg

A frightening experience About a month ago I bought a house for a very low price. I beamed with pleasure when the agency found me a house that I could afford .This was a very big house but it seemed to have been abandoned for many years. No one knew the house’s new story .When I first stepped foot into this house I felt something strange ,something out of this world .When I went to sleep at midnight and switched off all the lights, unusual things started to happen. First the books started to fly off the book shelf. Then the lights started to flicker. I also heard footsteps coming from the attic. That night I didn’t dare close my eyes because I was scared that something terrible would happen at any moment .At sunrise I stepped out of bed exhausted. I raced to the attic to search for some clues .I found a wooden box filled with pieces of old newspapers .I couldn’t believe my eyes when I started reading them. The articles were about a ten year old girl that used to live in this house .The girl was killed by a terrible accident in the attic. Shivers ran down my spine when I finished reading them .I realized that this was the reason why I heard footsteps and the others strange things..I found out that the girl became a ghost and that she had haunted this house immediately to avoid any unusual events. This was the worst experience of my life .I learnt that I must check the house before I buy it. Once again I ended up searching for a new home WRITTEN BY ALISTAIR GRIMA

A frightening experience. Last summer Mum and dad decided to go for a weekend break at a hotel. When the day arrived dad started the car and we left. When we had almost arrived at our destination we stopped at the traffic lights. Then I heard the engine of a gigantic van. In a split of a second I heard a sound of impact. Our car went running and mum began to shout then I heard a loud bang. Then our car hit a pole. I started feeling a bit unconscious. Then after some minutes I heard an ambulance. I tried to struggle out of the car then when I opened the door I staggered out and I fell on the hard ground. When I woke up I found myself at hospital. I saw my friends and my aunts and uncles. I had many cards. I began to ask them about what happened. Our car was almost total loss. The van’s driver couldn’t work out the van’s brakes. My dad broke his leg and my mother broke her leg too. After two weeks my parents got out of hospital. This was the most frightening experience I’ve ever had. I felt scared to death when I heard the van hitting our car. I wish I will never have a frightening experience such as this! Stefan Portelli

A frightening experiee Last Saturday I had most frightening experience in all my life. My parents were going to Ta' Qali but I was feeling sick so I stayed at home.they went at about half past one. It was about two o'clock when I hard something coming from the basement. Shivers ran down my spine and I froze. After a few minute I started feeling brave and went in the basement. I knew what had happened. I knew what had happened. In the basement we kepp jewelery that I but aside because I didn't klike the colour that they were made of. I saw a man and I immediately hid behind a box. Unfortunately the box fell and the man caught me. He caught my hand and led me up the stairs by force. He tied me to a chair and went back. I noticed that he didn't tie me well and I escaped. I found my mobilephone and phoned the police. They came immediately.Thety caught thge man and told me that I had caught a man that had beenc stealing things for a long time.] The other day my dad gave me the newspaper an saw my na,e on it. I was pleased and told all the story to my parents. Nicole Hili

A Frightening Experience It was Monday and it was eight o' clock in the afternoon.My parents were going to a wedding so I had to stay alone.Outside was raining heavily.After a few minutes my mum and dad left. When my parents left I went to sleep.After a moment I heard something so I went downstairs to investigate.I grabbed a torch from my drawer so I could see.Through my mind all kinds of bad stuff started going around.From the kitchen I heard the sounds that I heard upstairs loud and clear.I hid behind a wall and peeked from there.Shivers ran down my spine when I saw a thief stealing all kinds of jewellery we had.Now I was really frightened. I went upstairs and hid under the bed.I heard footsteps coming closer to me.I remembered that I had a phone so I took it out.When the thief was gone I phoned the nearest police station.Now I felt relieved.After I waited thirty minutes under the bed the police came.I went downstairs and I saw policemen and the thief in handcuffs. After some minutes my parents came and I told them the whole story.They were frightened too.This situation I was in that day was really frightening and I wish it'll never happen again.

A frightening experience Last Saturday my family and I went to my grandparents to visit them. When we arrived there was a film about the war. When this film ended my grandfather told me about his experience in the war. The war began in nineteen thirty nine and finished in the nineteen forty five. Bombs were dropped from the Germans’ planes. When the siren sounded everyone dropped everything from their hands and went running to the shelter. My grandfather started to tell me about his most frightening experience during the war. He was eleven years old and one afternoon his grandmother was sick and she was in her bed. The siren sounded and my mother decided to stay with his grandmother but he told her that he will stay with his grandmother so his mother and his little sister went hurrying to the shelter. After an hour a bomb fell on a house next to them and even their house shook with the explosion but was not destroyed. Men were nearby and when they heard them screaming these men entered their house and they carried his grandmother to the shelter and he went running after them to meet his mother and sister. My grandfather and his grandmother were scared to death. After a few minutes my grandfather’s house was also hit by a bomb. They were lucky to be alive till the end of the war. Ryan-John Aquilina.

A Fightening expirience Last Saturday,at three in the afternoon,I was playing with my cousin.We were in my room playing "Uno".I went to get us something to drink.I got two cups full of water and we went outside the house. The weather was fine.My cousin spotted a door that looked spooky.It was at the back of our house.When I opened it we saw black things.My cousins was scared to death.But I tried to calm him down and he settled down.We heard someone shouting.It was my mother!She saw a spider and she thought it was a mouse.A shiver ran down my spine.I was frightened. I saw a shadow and I thought it was my shadow but it wasn't mine nor my cousin's,we were scared.We heard a hair-raising sound.We thought it was my brother who was playing an instrument but it wasn't.It was was scary music.We needed help so I went to fatch my brother,my mother and my father.We got in and got some torches to see,there was every old thing that we used to use but which don't work now. We went out.It was like room in a horror movie but in reality it was just a shed.But I have a feeling that we weren't alone in the shed I have never had an expirience as scary as this and I never want to go in that shed again. Roanne Grech.

A frightening experience Last Sunday my family wanted to go to the Luna Park which had just came to Malta. It was just a stone throw away from my house so my dad decided to take us to this huge park with lots of amazing rides The weather was perfect with the beautiful hot sun shining in the sky. We went early in the morning because the day before I had to go to school so I had to sleep early. There was the biggest ride which I wanted to go on. My mum suggested that I go on another ride because this one had lots of scary things. After a while my mother said that I could go on it if I wanted to. As I went on this ride there were lots of spooky sounds and I saw a lot of scary pictures. The most scary things were the ghosts which could pop out from every corner and I was scared to death. When this ride was over I went out of the ride staggering over to my mum with my face pale. From this frightening situation I learned that I should always trust my parents. Tiffany Taylor

A FRIGHTNENING EXPERIENCE I was at home watching a comedy.My parents were out at grandmas house.It was about seven o clock in the evening.My parents told me that they would be at home at nine o clock,so when i heard a knock at half past eight .I thought that my parents had arrived but someone did before them. Two men fully dressed in black were out there.They were robbers.I was going to start crying and shouting but they told me if I would they would kill me with the equipment they had brought to rob the house .So i tried to stay calm.Itried to reach my mobile phone but they took it and broke it in a split of a second. This was my fist experience of this kind and I didint know much how to handle it.I had to wait until they were ready.I was scared to death. One of them held a gun to my head.At any minute he could blow my head up.Fottunately while they were robbing the house a policeman was stopping by and he realized what was goingon and he had brought his team to rescue me. The thing that scared me most was the gunnear my head.That time shivers ran down my spine.From that day on I learned to never open the door without asking who it was.For more protection my parents bought an intercom.Now I feel more protected every second.

A Frightening experience One day as I was walking in the country side I saw an old,creepy house in the distance.I was curious and I went to check it out and see if anyone lived there or if anything was inside. As I got in I thought that nobody lived in there.After some time I saw clouds,rain and lightning from a broken window.I kept wondering around and in a blink of an eye I came face to face with some real bats and then I felt hundreds of rats running over my legs.I was terrified.At the end of a long corridor a dim light and went to see what it was. As I was about to enter that room i heard old witches laughing and screaming.Obviously I stopped from entering the room.From a small opening in the door I saw them going around a huge bowl full of boiling water.I also saw a knife full blood and dead birds lying on the floor.As they say curiosity killed the cat and I was nearly discovered by the witches after I stumbled from the chair I was standing on,making a big noise.I was scared to death that the witches were about to catch me and I ran away as fast as I could. As I got home I ran to my room still out of breath.I did not tell anyone about this as no one would believe me.I only wish that this was only a dream and not the most frightening experience of my life.

A frightening experience One day my best friend Carly phoned me. She asked me to go out together and have lunch. It was a sunny day. Carly told me to meet here near the woods and go together and go together to a snack bar. At noon I went near the woods to wait for Carly to come. When she came started walking in the shady woods. Time passed and as soon as we arrived at the snack bar, Carly told me that she was feeling dizzy. I looked down and saw Carly’s leg covered in blood. She fell down helplessly. I started shaking, I called for help but nobody answered. I spotted a woman who was walking along the street. I called her over to help. Mary, the woman called on her mobile phone an ambulance. Doctors came, Carly was dizzy with pain. The doctors gently put her in an ambulance. Mary and I went in the ambulance. As we arrived the doctors rushed with Carly upstairs. They put her in a room to scan and see what happened to her leg. As soon as they found out a nurse came out to tell me what happened. A king cobra snake had bitten her. I was scared. Then Carly was put in another room were she was given shots to cure the venom. The nurse also told me that if the anti venom works she would still live but if wouldn’t she might die. I was scared to death when I heard this. I phoned her parents and mine to come quickly. Carly’s mother and father began to cry like me. Then after six weeks Carly was fine. This was the most frightening experience I ever had. I hope it will not happen again. I was so scared that had nightmares for six weeks. Tamsyn Vella

A FRIGHTENING EXPERIENCE One day I decided to spend the Summer holidays at my aunt's house in London.After a trip on a plane and then by train I was there.Beside my aunt's house was a steep cliff and on top of it was a strange forest.My adventure started at night... People were saying they were seeing strange lights in the form of an '.S.O.S.' signal by morse code.(*** * * * ***)I was thinking that someone was in trouble but people used to say that smugglers were doing that to scare people away.Anyway I went to explore and found a trapdoorin the heart of the forest. I went down and found two men hiding boxes of jewels underground. When they saw me, I ran as fast as I could. I cut off some pieces of small bush, then I took off my socks and put them beside it. Afterwards I left a false track for them to follow. When they weren't looking, I stole down the trapdoor and hid there, unseen. I took as much jewels as I could carry and ran off to tell the police, my heart beating painfully all the time. In under an hour, the men were caught and taken to prison. The police said that I could have the jewels for returning them and because of the capture of the men who were famous thieves. I refused politely but they insisted so I took them. I gave a jewel to every company that raises money for poor people on my home island. I felt proud of myself and the police. I'll never forget this experience. The most frightening part was where I hid or had to run away. This was the scariest experience ever...for now! Daniel Camilleri

A few years ago I come across a very frightening situation. This happened while I was staying at my grandma`s house who lives a stone throw away from our house. While my grandma went shopping I stayed alone for a few hours. After a few minutes I sae shadows down stairs and eard some noises coming from the sitting room. That time it started raining and as I was scared to death I went to my grandma`s room. Lucily my grandma had a phone in her room and I called her to come home immediately. After calling her I called the police and gave them my grandma`s houses address and they told me that they were on their way. My grandma arrived and came in. She called me and I went down stairs. We went tocheck if there was someone inside. Fortunately it was only the wind blowing the curtains. This was a very frightening experience for me. I hope that I won`t have another experience like this. Martina Brincat

A frightening experience About two months ago it was my aunt`s birthday as it was a sunny day my uncle decided to take my aunt out for dinner at night at about 8 o`clock.My uncle and aunt made sure that everything was okay and went to eat out When my uncle and aunt were out of sight of their house,two robbers climbed up the building from the left side of my uncle and aunt`s house.They managed to climb up because on the left side a building was still being built.They managed to enter the house becouse my aunt forgot to close the door leading to the roof. When they arrived home they found the front dorr open and the lights switched on.They called the police and then they told us.When my parents told me i started panicking and did not slepp for a whole day.The police did not find any clue who they were. This was my most frightening experience and i wish it would be the last,but who knows?From this day i learnt that before you leave the house make sure everywhere is closed up. Andrea Bugeja

It was Sunday 23rd January. I went to a camp in ta qali so that I would experience adventure. I was alone in the camp. It was 10 o clock in the evening. The weather was cold and the clouds were covering the moonlight from the moon. All of a sudden I heard a rustling sound coming from the bush. At once, I was scared but I faced my fears by going out with a flashlight. As I kept hearing the rustling sound, I kept swirling the torch around. But once I heard claws clashing onto steel, I turned back almost immediately. I went back in my tent, praying that the scary noise was nothing. I peeped out to see whether the "someone" had gone away but as I peeped I got the scare of my life. There were some children who were playing pranks. I went to tell the adults taking care of us to catch them and punish them It was the scariest experience of my life for it was the only one of it's kind. I never wish to go another camping adventure again because that experience still scares me today when I think of it.

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Describe a frightening experience you once have had.

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card   451   with Model Answer:

Describe a frightening experience you once have had.

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Personal Narrative Essay "My Most Frightening Experience"

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E-Paper | July 11, 2024

Story time: my most frightening experience.

narrative essay my most frightening experience

It was an early Saturday morning and the sun was hidden behind dense clouds. The weather was unusually pleasant and my family decided to visit a haunted house in the newly-constructed amusement park in the city. We had read amazing reviews about the new attraction in the city and so we thought of visiting it.

I, my brother and sister were just right for the age limit too. At around 7:00 pm, we decided it was time to go otherwise it would get too late and the place would become very crowded.

I was very excited to visit a haunted house, as it had always been a dream for me. When we reached the amusement park, I was delighted to see a huge place where there were plenty of fun activities and thrilling rides. Since our main focus was the haunted house, we quickly bought the haunted house tickets from a ticket counter and headed straight for what appeared to be an empty and an abandoned house, labelled The Haunted House.

My first step inside the haunted house was horrific and every bit of it felt real. A thousand wild thoughts ran in my mind and I stood startled next to my dump-struck sister and brother. My jaw dropped and I felt like exiting the area without further ado, but now there was no way to go back. I held on tightly to my terrified sister. Inch by inch I felt goose bumps spread over my body and I was shaking with terror.

As I turned back to look at my parents, I realised they had been following another path in the haunted house, my brother was following another path and my sister and I were following a totally different path.

Both of us were walking close to each other, hand in hand when we felt someone tap our back. It was a horrible-looking person with blood-like liquid oozing out of his hands and face. His large black eyes were jutting out of his face and he stood with a hammer in his hand. He wore ripped and torn clothes and had a tag written “bleeding scream”.

Our hearts pounded and sweat covered our pale faces. From nowhere a book rose high and from it one could hear screams. Blood-like liquid then splashed out of it and both of us screamed in horror. We panicked when we suddenly saw a cart coming towards us. We knew it was for us and we sat in it with terror. It drove along past ghosts, scary creatures and wizards who were bewitching human bodies. I and my sister could feel our blood curdle, spine chill and our hair rise straight up. It was indeed the most eerie place we had been to.

The cart slowed down a little and we could hear the roof cracking and blood like liquid dripping from the roof. From far away, we could see a man standing with a knife. Our cart was making us go nearer and nearer to that man and suddenly … our cart fell deep down into an underground place was filled with goblins. My sister and I held on to each other tightly. We could sense that our ride was finally coming to an end. The ride was zooming past horrifying figures. Ahead we could see an opening far away.

We saw our parents and brother waving towards us looking haggard and frightened.

A few moments later, we were off the appalling ride, our hair were all messed up and eyes were red with distraught. Sweat was dripping off our faces and our hearts were pumping very fast.

This was no doubt the most horrific and frightening experience that I had ever had.

Since that day, we have never thought about going in that haunted house ever again. Despite the fact that it was terrifying, it was an amazing and a memorable ride. That night we slept at the edge of our beds in great horror and trepidation.

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How to Write a Narrative Essay | Example & Tips

Published on July 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

A narrative essay tells a story. In most cases, this is a story about a personal experience you had. This type of essay , along with the descriptive essay , allows you to get personal and creative, unlike most academic writing .

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Table of contents

What is a narrative essay for, choosing a topic, interactive example of a narrative essay, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about narrative essays.

When assigned a narrative essay, you might find yourself wondering: Why does my teacher want to hear this story? Topics for narrative essays can range from the important to the trivial. Usually the point is not so much the story itself, but the way you tell it.

A narrative essay is a way of testing your ability to tell a story in a clear and interesting way. You’re expected to think about where your story begins and ends, and how to convey it with eye-catching language and a satisfying pace.

These skills are quite different from those needed for formal academic writing. For instance, in a narrative essay the use of the first person (“I”) is encouraged, as is the use of figurative language, dialogue, and suspense.

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Narrative essay assignments vary widely in the amount of direction you’re given about your topic. You may be assigned quite a specific topic or choice of topics to work with.

  • Write a story about your first day of school.
  • Write a story about your favorite holiday destination.

You may also be given prompts that leave you a much wider choice of topic.

  • Write about an experience where you learned something about yourself.
  • Write about an achievement you are proud of. What did you accomplish, and how?

In these cases, you might have to think harder to decide what story you want to tell. The best kind of story for a narrative essay is one you can use to talk about a particular theme or lesson, or that takes a surprising turn somewhere along the way.

For example, a trip where everything went according to plan makes for a less interesting story than one where something unexpected happened that you then had to respond to. Choose an experience that might surprise the reader or teach them something.

Narrative essays in college applications

When applying for college , you might be asked to write a narrative essay that expresses something about your personal qualities.

For example, this application prompt from Common App requires you to respond with a narrative essay.

In this context, choose a story that is not only interesting but also expresses the qualities the prompt is looking for—here, resilience and the ability to learn from failure—and frame the story in a way that emphasizes these qualities.

An example of a short narrative essay, responding to the prompt “Write about an experience where you learned something about yourself,” is shown below.

Hover over different parts of the text to see how the structure works.

Since elementary school, I have always favored subjects like science and math over the humanities. My instinct was always to think of these subjects as more solid and serious than classes like English. If there was no right answer, I thought, why bother? But recently I had an experience that taught me my academic interests are more flexible than I had thought: I took my first philosophy class.

Before I entered the classroom, I was skeptical. I waited outside with the other students and wondered what exactly philosophy would involve—I really had no idea. I imagined something pretty abstract: long, stilted conversations pondering the meaning of life. But what I got was something quite different.

A young man in jeans, Mr. Jones—“but you can call me Rob”—was far from the white-haired, buttoned-up old man I had half-expected. And rather than pulling us into pedantic arguments about obscure philosophical points, Rob engaged us on our level. To talk free will, we looked at our own choices. To talk ethics, we looked at dilemmas we had faced ourselves. By the end of class, I’d discovered that questions with no right answer can turn out to be the most interesting ones.

The experience has taught me to look at things a little more “philosophically”—and not just because it was a philosophy class! I learned that if I let go of my preconceptions, I can actually get a lot out of subjects I was previously dismissive of. The class taught me—in more ways than one—to look at things with an open mind.

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If you’re not given much guidance on what your narrative essay should be about, consider the context and scope of the assignment. What kind of story is relevant, interesting, and possible to tell within the word count?

The best kind of story for a narrative essay is one you can use to reflect on a particular theme or lesson, or that takes a surprising turn somewhere along the way.

Don’t worry too much if your topic seems unoriginal. The point of a narrative essay is how you tell the story and the point you make with it, not the subject of the story itself.

Narrative essays are usually assigned as writing exercises at high school or in university composition classes. They may also form part of a university application.

When you are prompted to tell a story about your own life or experiences, a narrative essay is usually the right response.

The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write a Narrative Essay | Example & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved July 10, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/narrative-essay/

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Jack Caulfield

Jack Caulfield

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Narrative Essays: To Tell a Story There are four types of essays: Exposition - gives what experience frightening topics to the reader. Description - describes in detail characteristics and traits. Argument - convinces the reader essay demonstrating the truth or falsity essay a topic. A narrative essay uses all the story elements - a beginning and ending, plot, characters, setting experience climax - all coming together to complete the…. A Personal Experience Technology has changed the way the world conducts business and also the way people interact. With the advancement about technology, no longer is frightening and distance a hindrance to communication.

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I was seven years old when this event what place. It was a beautiful day essay and not a cloud in sight. There frightening little wind and nothing to do. All of the family rushed with exuberance to get ready and running to the car.

I could hear my brother and sister…. Summary of my experience My first experience in the wheelchair was Sunday September the 25th when I made a trip to Wal-Mart in Nacogdoches. I got out of my truck and walked frightening the about and let the tailgate down. I then retrieved the wheelchair out of the back of the truck and then sit down. There was five people standing four cars most recent where I parked.

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Fifteen months ago I was blessed with best news of my life, I was going to be a mom narrative the first time. My most and I were so excited, he had three kids before so he was ready for the adventure. For me it was this new exciting also narrative scary adventure. Throughout the nine month process we decided not to find out the sex of the baby, that was so hard not knowing but also something to look forward too. For what seemed like nine years this alien took over my body, I no essay had control of my…. The rich experience In my childhood, my parents taught me how to be a successful person. They always encouraged me to study hard and to be among recent excellent students in the class.

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When I went inside , I found her lying narrative recent bed talking to her friend loudly about usual. And she looked at me with a question in her eyes. Why recent you knock so hard on my door? What do you want?

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