Media Planning: The Ultimate Guide

Discover the importance of media planning and how the process can save you valuable time, boost conversions, and increase engagements.



Track and organize your media planning and media buying with this free paid media template.

marketer using the ultimate guide to media planning with media plan templates to improve strategy

Updated: 06/09/22

Published: 06/09/22

Today's digital landscape is a competitive one. For any business to find success today, it must create and share media content (such as images, videos, written content, and podcasts) with its audience.

Publishing new media is how you boost brand awareness, engagements, conversions, and revenue for your business. Not to mention, media content helps you stand out from competitors.

Over time, it can become confusing to keep track of, plan, organize, distribute, and analyze all that media content.

The best way to combat these issues is through media planning.

Access Now: Free Media Planning Template

What Is Media Planning?

Benefits of Media Planning

Media planning process, how to create a media plan, media planning templates, media planning and buying, what is media planning.

Media planning is the process of determining how, when, where, and why your business shares media content with your audience. The process includes deciding what media will be shared and which channels you’ll use to boost reach, engagements, conversions, ROI, and more.

Media planning has many moving parts, and the process can be difficult to get right.

By working through the media planning steps as well as using media planning templates , you’ll keep any media-related challenges at bay.

media planning presentation

Free Media Planning Template

  • Organize your paid media placements
  • Easily calculate total spend
  • Analyze performance and revenue

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Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Media planning aids with parts of content creation and distribution, including:

  • Getting to know your target audience on a deeper level so you can effectively reach them through your media content
  • Deciding on which media channels and platforms you’ll share your content
  • Determining the timing and frequency of the media and content you publish and share
  • Keeping up with the latest media trends and technology
  • Sticking to your budget as you work to create, publish, and share high-quality and engaging media content
  • Conducting analyses to measure the success of your media planning process

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of media planning, let’s review the steps in the media planning process so you can begin developing a strategy for your business.

  • Conduct market research.
  • State your media planning objective.
  • Create your media plan using a template.
  • Implement your media plan.
  • Evaluate your success.

As you work through the steps in media planning, keep in mind that how your business applies the results and conclusions derived from each step will be unique based on your audience and needs.

1. Conduct market research.

The first thing you’ll want to do when developing your media planning process is conduct market research . Market research allows you to tailor the content you create and the media plan you implement to your target audience and customers.

Start by creating and studying your buyer personas as well as developing an understanding of who your target audience and current customers are.

With this information, you can determine what media will reach, resonate with, and convert your audience. In addition, it’ll help you decide about the platforms and channels you will use to publish and share your content.

Featured Resource: HubSpot's Market Research Kit + Templates

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2. State your media planning objective.

When planning a media campaign, keep a goal in mind to help you navigate the process effectively. Moreover, goals can help you know what content types and platforms you can say "no" to.

Here are some examples of media planning objectives you might have:

  • Strengthen cross-team collaboration (e.g. content, graphic design, animation, video, blog, social media) while creating and sharing media.
  • Enhance and streamline the publication and distribution processes for all media.
  • Improve media distribution timeline to ensure our content is shared efficiently so it’s relevant to our target audience.
  • Amplify the success of our media content by allowing for ample time to analyze its impact and reach our audience.

For instance, let’s say you're looking to create a media plan for your Facebook and Instagram social content. Your objective may be to streamline the content creation process in a timely fashion and then schedule posts on both platforms in advance.

This way, you can ensure your posts are relevant to your audience. Consequently, that will help to boost engagement and stay on top of their minds.

3. Create your media plan using a template.

Now it’s time to make your media plan, but before jumping into templates, let’s go over what exactly a media plan is.

It's not enough to simply do the planning and then assume everyone else is on the right page. You need to outline your strategy in a media plan document. When you do that, you'll be able to ensure alignment on your team and keep all parties accountable.

What is a media plan?

A media plan details what kind of media you will create and where and how you'll publish it to best engage and convert your audience. Some media plans align with larger company initiatives and campaigns, following along with pre-approved messaging and content.

Other media plans are standalone strategies that detail how organizations plan to leverage media (written, video, audio, etc.) to connect with followers and customers.

Media planning templates ensure you stay efficient and effective while working on all aspects of your media content. They keep your media content organized while publishing and sharing it among your audience members.

Due to the variety of templates available for different types and parts of the media planning process, the templates you incorporate will be unique to your business. Don’t be afraid to experiment with or combine different templates.

For example, if your business is looking to create a media plan for your Facebook and Instagram social media, you might choose to implement a social media calendar template .

This type of template will help you coordinate your content across both channels, boost engagement, and improve productivity among your team members — and therefore, achieve the objective you set in step two.

4. Implement your media plan.

Ensure all parties who should be aware of the plan have the necessary details to help you execute accordingly.

In addition, share the contact details of the media planning coordinator in your company, in case anyone has questions or comments.

To get a better understanding of what it means, let's refer back to our example of steps for your social media plan designed for Facebook and Instagram.

If you implement a social media calendar template as part of your media plan, ensure everyone who will be working on it, be it on the creatives team or the publication team, has access to it.

Free Paid Media Template

5. evaluate your success..

Whether your media plan revolves around individual posts on Instagram or a month-long, company-wide campaign, be sure to measure the success of your plan.

Ask yourself and your team questions like, “How did this media plan help us achieve our specific goals? If it didn’t, why?” and “How did the media planning templates and tools we used add value to our media creation and publication processes? If they didn’t, how do we move forward?”

The way you evaluate your media plan’s success should be directly tied to the specific goals of your business regarding your media content, the teams who create the media, and the value you hope to derive from the media (e.g. boost conversions, engagements, revenue, etc.).

Let’s look back at the example above one last time. Think about whether your social media content plan and the calendar template you implemented have helped you reach your target audience and achieve the objective you set.

In addition, ask yourself whether your media plan helped you boost engagement on the social platforms you focused on. You should also strive to find out how to collaborate and coordinate more effectively to increase team-wide productivity.

Media Planning Strategy Components

There are a few additional things to consider when crafting your media planning strategy.

First, what's your media planning budget?

Media Planning Budget

If you're aiming for free media, you can disregard this question. But if part of your media planning involves media buying , you'll need to sit down with your marketing leadership to understand what funds you have to work with.

Set this budget before you start researching platforms and creating content. You don't want to start formulating a campaign that you can't afford down the road.

Second, consider the key messaging points you want your media to communicate.

Media Planning Messaging

You don't have to pre-write all your media content, per se, but you should establish the main themes at the beginning so all media is consistent and on theme.

These messaging points will come from your audience research and may also influence what content types and platforms you pursue, so be sure to establish these early on.

Media Scheduling Strategy

Media scheduling allows you to generate content when your creative juices are flowing. It also helps you work on your advertising strategy when you’re ready, which saves time in the long run.

Your scheduling strategy will look different based on the kind of media you’re working on.

For example, timing is everything for social media posts (free or paid ads). You need to schedule your posts based on when your target audience is online, even when that time is inconvenient for you. Thankfully, there are many tools, such as HubSpot’s social media management software , that allow you to do this.

On the other hand, consistency is important when it comes to newsletters and blog posts. You want your audience to be looking forward to your media content, which in turn will boost traffic and build a community around your brand.

My top tips for your media scheduling strategy include:

  • Study your readers and prospects to know when they’re available on specific platforms
  • Prepare your content in bulk to avoid any inconveniences such as delayed deadlines, which will affect your frequency
  • Choose the correct automation tools for each platform
  • Be consistent — consistency is everything!

With these points in mind, let’s walk through how to create a media plan of your own.

1. Target your buyer personas.

As a marketer, you don’t want to advertise to just anyone. You want to attract the type of buyer who has interest in the media you’re creating — otherwise known as your buyer personas .

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.

When you know exactly the type of buyer you need to target with your media plan, you’ll be able to attract the most valuable customers to your business.

When making your buyer personas, center them around these important attributes:

  • Demographics: Age, income, location, or identity
  • Background: Job, career path, and lifestyle
  • Identifiers: Communication preferences and social media platforms
  • Goals: Primary, secondary, personal and professional
  • Challenges: Their roadblocks preventing them from achieving their goals

media planning presentation

Buyer Persona Templates

Organize your audience segments and make your marketing stronger.

  • Learn about personas.
  • Conduct persona research.
  • Create targetted content.
  • Build your own personas.

2. Define your SMART goals.

You want to write out SMART goals for your media plan. The SMART acronym (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound) is a framework that will enable you to better track and drive greater impact from your proposed plan.

It’s important to determine these goals before jumping into your work so you have a media plan that sets a clear direction for you and your team members, and ensures you're able to celebrate the wins when they occur.

Some examples of SMART goal-setting in media planning could look like:

  • Specific : “We want to generate a greater number of qualified leads.”
  • Measurable : “We want our media plan to gain 2,000 followers across Twitter, Metaverse, and Instagram.”
  • Attainable : “We previously reached 70% in customer engagement online over the past quarter, so we’re aiming for 75% in the next.”
  • Relevant : “We want to achieve more positive customer engagement to better the brand’s reputation and gain more fans.”
  • Time-Bound : “We want our media plan to gain 2,000 followers in the next three months across Twitter, Metaverse, and Instagram.”

Once you’ve determined your goals, you can begin looking at resources to assist you in reaching them.

3. Find the media planning tools best suited for you.

We will talk in further detail later in this post about some amazing media planning templates your business can use, but there are software tools that can do some of the heavy lifting for you.

To draft, plan, schedule, and collect conversion analytics, your business could benefit from HubSpot Marketing Hub .

Or if you still want to explore more options, we have a list of 12 essential media planning tools for you to use.

4. Analyze historical data.

You have to know where you began before you can start going forward. Look back at your previous media planning strategy and analyze its impact and reach.

For example, if your business was already on Instagram, check your business page insights to see just how far you got on your old posting schedule and content. Look at the posts that got the most engagement, the time period you had the most traffic, and what content helped to turn prospects into customers.

Make note of the effective elements of your previous strategy and let that drive some of your brainstorming for your new media plan.

5. Choose your media mix.

It’s important that you are up to snuff on the most popular marketing channels, along with your buyer personas preferred ones.

According to the HubSpot’s State of Marketing Report , 1,000 global marketing professionals believe that the top marketing channels are:

  • Social Media
  • Websites/Blogs
  • Email Marketing
  • Video Marketing

You want an omni-channel media plan to reach your target audience where they are, and by researching your buyer personas most frequented channels, and exploring new channels, you can decide upon the right mix for you.

6. Put your media plan into action.

As you conduct your media plan, track your insights and see how you’re doing in comparison to your SMART goals.

Also, understand that you can adjust your plan as necessary over time. Marketing is a rather volatile industry, and knowing when to change your approach is key.

Now that you know what it takes to create a plan, let’s review some resources available to simplify the media planning process.

There are a plethora of media planning templates available online that you can purchase or download for free. The great part about using media planning templates is that you can customize and tailor them to your business’s specific needs and goals.

Depending on the media software your business uses, such as HubSpot’s (free) CRM , Marketing Hub , or Sprout Social , there may be customizable planning templates included (similar to this menu of options from HubSpot).

You may also elect to create templates on your own with the help of Google Sheets .

Either way, how you choose to implement and use media planning templates will be unique to your business and needs — so don’t be afraid to modify your templates over time as your goals evolve or audience grows.

Free Media Planning Template [Download Now]

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Types of Media Planning Templates

To help get you started, here’s a list of common types of media creation and planning templates. (Click the links to be directed to an associated template resource.)

You might use one or several media templates based on your needs. Remember, there’s no right or wrong answer to which template you should use — it’s about preference and what works best for your business.

  • Use a media planning template to organize your paid media efforts and expenses in one visual location.
  • Use a social media strategy template to align your media content with your audience in a way that provides value for your business.
  • Use a social media calendar template to customize a timeline for when you’ll share your social media posts in a simple, organized, manageable, and effective format.
  • Use an editorial calendar template to plan and optimize all of the marketing content you’ll publish and share, including blogs, social media posts, and campaigns.
  • Use a blog post template to simply fill-in-the-blanks and begin writing engaging, relevant, and well-optimized blog content for your audience (all while avoiding writer’s block!).
  • Use an ebook design template to take the guesswork out of how to make your ebook professional, eye-catching, and beautiful, all while saving yourself valuable time.
  • Use an infographic template in PowerPoint or Illustrator to quickly customize the way you present data, share insights, and promote offers in a way that looks and feels professional.
  • Use an analytics and reporting template for Excel, PowerPoint, and Google Drive to make the processes of pulling, organizing, and sharing data simple no matter which metrics you track.
  • Use a budget template to manage and review your spending and budget with Excel or Google Sheets.
  • Use an advertising template to help you plan and manage advertising campaigns in a way that’s sure to convert audience members into leads and customers.

Media Plan Examples

Although we’ve discussed media planning and even shared a few media planning templates, doing it practically may still pose a challenge. Therefore, I’ve created media plan examples and linked the templates I used for more clarity.

Social Media Plan

When it comes to social media, it’s important to focus your efforts on the platform where your customers are active. However, if you’re in the discovery stage, it’s okay to experiment with a couple of platforms and see which ones work.

Here is an example of a social media plan inspired by the HubSpot Social Media Content Template that will help you explore multiple platforms.

Blogging Media Plan

Keeping tabs on how often you publish your blog content is very important as it helps track your progress. A blogging media plan also helps manage your writers without sending several emails asking about the progress of the blog posts.

Here is a simple example of a blogging media plan you can download from HubSpot .

media plan example: blogging

PR Media Plan

A PR media plan is different and a little intensive because you have to include other organizations. You also have to decide on the form of advertisement that will work for your business, the resources you’ll need, and the people whom you’ll contact.

In this sample template, I’ll only share the reach out and content planning phase. However, the complete template from HubSpot has everything you need, including resource planning. As a bonus, if you’re a beginner, you can even take the free course on PR Media. Check out the complete HubSpot PR Plan template .

We’ve spent a lot of time discussing the ins and outs of media planning, but there’s another side that can help marketers on the job — media buying. Let’s get into it.

Digital media planning and media buying are closely related and work in tandem with one another. Depending on the size of your business and your budget, your team members who plan your media may also handle the media buying process.

So, what makes these processes unique?

Well, media planning is the process where you decide which media content is created, published, and shared among your customers and target audience. The media referred to here is all-encompassing, meaning it doesn’t always include paid ads and paid content.

This is where media planning and media buying differ.

What is media buying?

Media buying is related to paid media — whether that means your business is buying campaigns or ad space on various channels, paying to share targeted campaigns and ads, or negotiating with media vendors.

In a world where your business can share media and successfully reach your audience for free, media planning can happen without media buying.

However, media buying requires media planning. (It's like, "a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square" lesson that baffled us all in elementary school.)

Media planning sets the tone and direction for the buying that needs to occur. Once ad space is purchased or content distribution plans have been negotiated, there needs to be a strategy (or media plan) for getting that media to your audience and customers.

Media Planner

A media planner is also known as a brand strategist or a brand planner. They’re responsible for planning advertising strategies and creating campaigns for businesses.

If you don’t have an in-house media planner, you’ll need to consider hiring one to help you with the campaigns. But what does a media planner do? And how much will you need to part with to pay one? Below are the answers.

What Does a Media Planner Do?

A media planner takes over your whole media planning strategy, evaluates it, and advises you on the way forward.

Here are some roles that a media planner will handle in your company.

  • Maximizing the impact on all advertisements you pay by networking with media buying agencies
  • Coming up with creative ways to reach out to your target audiences for better engagement and conversion rates
  • Identifying the best platforms for your business to ensure you’re spending your ad money where you’re likely to get returns

How Much Do Media Planners Make?

When working with a media planner, expect to pay them between $30,000-$150,000. According to Comparably , the median salary of media planners in the US is $54,500.

If you need an expert planner with many years of experience, then you’ll need to plan for $155,000.

However, you can always save money by paying a freelance media planner. Their hourly charges may be a bit higher, but you’ll only need to pay them when you have a project.

Begin Your Media Planning Process

Media planning is an integral part of your business’s ability to successfully create, publish, and share media content. It’s how you streamline cross-team communication and collaboration around your media, as well as ensure it’s shared with your audience in a timely fashion. So, work through the media planning process steps above and choose which templates you’ll use to begin reaching and converting more audience members.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in February 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

paid media template

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Media Planning: A Complete Guide for Marketers

Today’s marketers are often tasked with balancing campaign efforts across a range of different media platforms and assets. This can make it challenging to effectively track each tactic’s success and overall impact on the business’s bottom line. With a thorough media planning strategy in place, teams can more accurately and holistically monitor campaign success and make informed decisions about how to optimize performance in the future. 

Let’s take a look at some of the key considerations to keep in mind when building a media plan:

What is Media Planning?

Media planning is the process by which marketers determine how, when, and where an audience is given a selected advertising message. Media planners analyze the audiences, channels, and advertisements to determine the most efficient way to communicate a message to the intended audience.

In today’s competitive and busy marketing landscape, media planning is essential. Marketers need to serve consumers with the right message, at the right time, on the right channel in order to see engagements. Media planning is where marketers determine what these “rights” are.


Media planning is most often done by media planners at advertising agencies. Media planners must work with media buyers and the client organization to develop a strategy to maximize ROI on media spend . Media planners are required to have a firm understanding of the organization’s brand and target audience, various media platforms and developing media trends.

Media planning consists of formulating a strategy, evaluating its effectiveness, and adjusting, while buying is the execution of the strategy.

As noted, the media planner will evaluate brand and audience to determine the correct combination of messaging and media mix on which to advertise in order to reach consumers in a positive, impactful way.

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What is a media plan.

A media plan outlines which audience will be targeted, across which channels, at what time, and with which message. 

An effective media plan will result in a set of advertising opportunities that target a specific audience and fit in with the organization’s marketing budget. When establishing a media plan, factor in the following considerations:

  • Who does the ad need to reach?
  • What is the marketing budget?
  • What are the conversion goals?
  • How frequency should the message be shown?
  • What is the reach (how many people will see it)?
  • How do we define success?

Types of Media Planning

To create an effective media strategy for your brand, you must decide what types of media (traditional or digital) will be cost-effective and bring in sales. 

There are three main types of media that are considered when building a media plan: 

Paid media refers to advertising that is the result of paid placement from the brand. This includes pay-per-click advertising, display ads, and branded content. This is the most common way for brands to get exposure and boost sales. 

Owned Media

Owned media is content that is owned by your brand, i.e. blog posts and social media accounts. By increasing the use of the company’s owned media, you can increase your customer reach and increase brand awareness. 

Earned Media

Earned media refers to the publicity the brand gets from outlets other than their own company. For example, customer reviews, media coverage, and word-of-mouth are all forms of earned media. This form of media is valuable because it often comes directly from consumers. This feedback can also help improve the quality of the product or service you are offering. 

By weighing the cost and benefits of each platform, your company can decide what resources and forms of media will fit best into your media plan.

What are the Benefits of Media Planning?

Today’s modern marketing often requires marketers to leverage multiple forms of media, and a data-driven media plan provides marketers with centralized information across all platforms. This helps to optimize campaigns and messaging, as well as streamline the campaign review process. 

Key benefits of media planning include:

Establish Processes  

Media buying can be a complicated and time-consuming process. By getting your plans and processes in place, you can improve efficiency and save resources across the board.

Budget Tracking

Marketers have to know their budgets and a good media plan accounts for all costs and estimated ROI. 

Audience Segmentation & Analysis

So much of media planning is understanding your audience and what message will resonate with them. 

Optimization & Testing

A good media plan uses the data at hand to determine what has worked, what isn’t working, and what might work based on existing data.

Improved ROI

It’s called a plan for a reason. Media planning allows you to create an optimized campaign that delivers ROI.

What are the Objectives of Media Planning?

Media planners need to identify the combination of ads to achieve a specific result. Objectives should generally align with business goals, such as long-term growth and improving ROI. 

Media planning will often utilize a wide range of tactics to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive conversions to help their organizations accomplish these goals.

Media Planning vs. Media Buying

Many people confuse media planning and media buying but they aren’t the same. Media planning sets you up to buy while m edia buying is the process of purchasing ad space across various channels and platforms in coordination with the agreed-upon media plans and monitoring campaigns as they run. 

This means evaluating platform formats and rates to ensure they coincide with the plan, negotiating costs, keeping abreast of media trends, and building relationships with counterparts at various channels and platforms. 

Media buying often leverages one of the following popular strategies:

  • Manual bidding
  • Direct buys
  • Programmatic buys
  • Real-time bidding

Challenges of Media Planning

Media planning can be challenging because there are so many contributing factors that must be accounted for, and because many believe that media planning strategies and processes have not modernized along with marketing.

Challenges include but are not limited to:

Consumer-Level Targeting

The media plan must understand consumers at a granular level to determine what types of messages resonate with them, requiring in-depth marketing analytics and an omnichannel measurement solution

Platform Preference

Brands must also know the various channels and platforms that target audience members engage with and when. This will allow you to effectively choose media on which to run campaigns. All of this must be done with budget and media spend in mind.

Heavy Budget Focus

Media planning continues to revolve around budget rather than customer engagement. Unfortunately, there is limited flexibility when it comes to a budget, preventing marketers from course correcting as campaigns run and new insights are discovered. Modern media planning requires the flexibility to allocate budget to different channels if they prove to be more successful.

Integrating Measurements

Because there are so many online and offline channels, it has become infinitely more difficult for marketers to measure the success of these campaigns alongside each other to determine which are most effective and which should be updated.

Today, media planning has to adapt to focus on the consumer experience using flexible budgets and real-time, unified measurements that allow for media plan optimizations in-campaign.

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How to Write a Media Plan (4 Steps to Follow)

Creating a media plan is a detailed process that requires planners to consider the needs of target consumers as well as the goals of the business. 

Here are the essential steps and considerations marketers must make when creating a media plan.

Step 1. Determine Media Goals and Objectives

It might be easy to assume that the goal is to drive conversions or engagement; however, that would oversimplify this step. Goals may vary by department, or there might be multiple objectives for one campaign. The sales team may be targeting increased revenue while the marketing objectives might be to increase brand awareness . Knowing the main goal of the campaign will determine how it runs, as well as messaging.

Once clear goals are established, media planners must conduct research into market trends and the competitive landscape. This research will offer visibility into where similar brands and goals have achieved success in the past, informing planning decisions. For example, if a brand has long relied on email campaigns but research reveals that competitors have had greater success with native ads, it may be time to shift the plan.

Of course, when determining goals and setting objectives, media plans must factor in budgets. Avoid assigning strict dollar amounts to specific channels. A flexible approach to your marketing budget will allow for optimizations to be made as campaigns run.

Step 2. Determine Target Audience

Marketing today is driven by creating positive customer experiences . When developing messaging and selecting where to display those messages across the media mix, marketers need to focus on specific audience needs.

• First, examine which segment of the overall audience you are trying to engage. 

• Look at attribution measurements and engagement analytics to understand the types of ads users engage with, which creative is most effective, and importantly, which channels these consumers use. 

• While marketers often utilize demographic information such as age, location , general interests, etc., be sure to incorporate person-level data gathered through a unified measurement approach to get the most tailored results.  

Step 3. Consider Frequency & Reach

Another key component of a media plan is reach and frequency. 

• Reach refers to how many people the campaign will be in front of over a specific amount of time.

• Frequency refers to how many times the consumer will be exposed to the ad over the course of the campaign.  

There are a few popular approaches that marketers take when selecting frequency.

Continuity : Ads will run on a consistent schedule over the course of the campaign: for example, two ads per week. The continuity strategy is often used for goods that are not seasonal and require regular reinforcement to stay top of mind.

Flighting : “Flights” refer to internment or alternating periods of advertisements followed by pauses in advertising on the channel altogether. Flighting works well for seasonal products or for those with less ad budget. For example, when there is a pause in a flighted television campaign, marketers may choose to run print ads instead.

Pulsing : A combination of flighting and continuity. Pulsed campaigns will incorporate low-intensity consistent advertising that is augmented by flights of higher-intensity ads during times when additional messaging can have a high impact. 

Step 4: Analyze and Optimize Campaign Performance

One of the most important steps to building a media planning strategy is to continuously monitor, track, and analyze performance. Marketing campaigns are not “set-it-and-forget-it,” instead, they require ongoing management to drive maximum ROI. This hands-on approach allows teams to identify opportunities to optimize performance in real-time based on what is or isn’t working for each campaign.

Selecting the Right Media Channels

There are a variety of online and offline channels for marketers to choose from. We must use the information gathered in the research and goal-setting phases to determine which channels will drive success.

Here are some of the most popular forms of media that marketers choose when media planning, along with their attributes.

Offline Media

Magazines have a long shelf life and often stay in a consumer’s possession for two to four weeks after being read. Information in this medium tends to be retained longer, since people read faster than they can listen. Research has shown there is a higher amount of trust in magazine ads than in other forms of media ( 60 percent of readers trusted the advertisements they saw in magazines).

Consumers are also less resistant to these kinds of advertisements, as these often tie in with their interests. Publications tend to be very targeted (e.g., running magazines or cooking magazines). They reach a secondary audience in addition to the target audience, since they are passed along to family and friends.

Advertising with local newspapers is a great way to ensure a brand’s message stays local. When selecting this medium, marketers can choose which section of the newspaper ads are placed for further targeting. If you want to target those interested in fashion, you can select the Style section of the newspaper. Additionally, newspaper readers are more likely to have higher education and 7 out of 10 of households earning above $100,000 read the newspaper. This can be important when selecting ad space based on demographics. 

Radio ads have a local appeal, allowing you to target specific areas or regions of the country. It is also an easy medium to build frequency with your target audience, and is considered a lower-cost medium. According to research, exposure to a radio ad and time to purchase is the shortest of any medium. Additionally, when paired with other forms of media, the overall campaigns were more effective .

TV & Cable

TV and cable are highly visual and can demonstrate products in everyday life. For example, if you sell a cleaning product, consumers can see the benefits of the product and how they can be applied in their home. This medium is of course very prevalent, as the average American watches approximately five hours of television a day.

Out of Home

Media such as billboards are large and get attention. In a busy area, your message can reach 10,000 people in a month. Out of home isn’t limited by billboards, only your creativity is. Out-of-home is also an extremely mobile option. (e.g., using displays to advertise luggage at an airport).

Online Media

Digital publications.

Many digital publications have opportunities for you to email their database through a personalized email or newsletter. They can track open rates and understand conversion rates to your site or asset. These are often specialized publications, making it easy to reach your target audience, and are great tools for lead generation campaigns.

Advertisers can capitalize on search intent. Advertisers can retarget people who have visited their site. PPC is an extremely cost-effective medium.

Social Media

Like PPC, social media is an extremely cost-effective medium. It is also extremely targeted, allowing marketers to target by interests, age, marriage status, etc. Social platforms are constructed on a basis of community, which allows your brand to connect more personally with consumers. It also gives your brand the chance for content to go viral.

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is extremely targeted, using an algorithm to find and target specific audiences across digital platforms. When looking into this, there are two methods to consider:

Programmatic Bidding - uses demand side platforms to buy ads on the digital market based on target audience.

Real-Time Bidding - allows advertisers to bid on impressions to their target audience. If their bid wins, the ad is displayed right away.

Tips for Building a Media Planning Strategy

As marketers begin to strategize new media plans, keep these ideas in mind:

Select outlets and times that will best reach your target audience. For example, buying ad space during a live televised event (such as a sports game) ensures that viewers will be watching the program live and not fast forwarding through the commercials.

Establish Clear Goals

Is this a branding campaign or are you looking to generate leads? How many people are you looking to reach?

How do you encourage people to talk about your brand? Make sure your ad has a clear direction on what would resonate with this target audience based on demographics and viewership. Additionally, make sure you have a way to test the effectiveness of your ad.

Attribution Models

Make sure that your team is using a marketing attribution model that can effectively track offline and online media. Using the right attribution model can ensure your team is making choices that make sense when planning media.

Media Planning and Marketing

Since the pandemic began, more customers have started shopping in an online space. 77 percent of online “window” shoppers make impulse purchases. Since this number is only expected to grow, it is important to have an effective media strategy . This means separating your budget appropriately between print, digital, video, and broadcast ads. 

To ensure that your brand is saving money and delivering content to the correct audience, it would be wise to know the costs and importance of using each form of advertising. From here, your company can delegate the correct amount of resources to each campaign to increase website traffic and brand awareness.

Getting Started with Media Planning

With a comprehensive media planning strategy, organizations can make more data-driven decisions about how to improve marketing ROI and drive conversions. Today, many teams are leveraging tools that allow them to make smarter, faster, and more accurate media planning choices. 

With Marketing Evolution’s Scenario Planner , organizations can strategically build out their annual media strategy and plan, and even run “what if” scenarios that allow them to modify key campaign factors without impacting active initiatives. This enables teams to truly optimize their media mix while simultaneously cutting down on ad waste.

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Ready to take a generative approach to media planning and measurement?

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Free Media Plan Templates

By Kate Eby | July 29, 2023

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These free paid media plan templates are ideal for digital marketers, account managers, media managers, planners, and buyers, and more. These structured frameworks can help you manage budgets, ad placements, and messaging across paid media channels. 

On this page, you'll find six dynamic paid media plan templates with or without sample data, including  an annual media plan template , an advertising media plan template , a digital marketing media buying plan template , a media plan presentation template , and a one-page media plan template . Plus, find tips for creating a media plan .

Paid Media Plan Template

Paid Media Plan Example Template

Download a Sample Paid Media Plan Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Paid Media Plan Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

This paid media template with and without sample data makes it easy to track and manage planning and buying media. Set your campaign’s budget, and use the template to define each media-type buy and the spend cost for each media type. The built-in framework ensures you cover all essential aspects of your advertising strategy, saving time and effort. It also helps you stay organized by structuring your goals, media channels, and budget allocation. 

Check out this article on free social media marketing plan templates for more templates and resources.

Annual Media Plan Template

Annual Media Plan Example Template

Download a Sample Annual Media Plan Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Annual Media Plan Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

A successful paid media plan effectively reaches the target audience, delivers compelling messaging through selected channels, optimizes budget allocation, and achieves desired marketing objectives. This easy-to-use annual media plan template available with or without sample data does it all. Start by outlining and strategizing your media activities for an entire year, then use the framework to monitor media-campaign goals and align your marketing efforts with long-term objectives.

Read our article with free marketing calendar templates to help you and your team keep your marketing content on schedule.

Advertising Media Plan Template

Advertising Media Plan Example Template

Download a Sample Advertising Media Plan Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Advertising Media Plan Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

Use this advertising media plan template available with or without sample data to streamline your advertising-spend planning, optimize your budget allocation, and create a comprehensive roadmap for successful advertising campaigns. Fill in the details for each advertising campaign type (e.g., national marketing, local marketing, public relations, social media), the quantity of each channel’s spend, projected cost per unit, and the projected subtotal. The template provides a pie chart indicating the percentage of your budget spent on each advertising channel. 

Check out our collection of free content plan templates to help you organize and strategize your content-creation efforts. Additionally, use them to consistently produce valuable content that aligns with your marketing goals and engages your target audience.

Digital Marketing Media Buying Plan Template

Digital Marketing Media Buying Plan Example Template

Download a Sample Digital Marketing Media Buying Plan Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Digital Marketing Media Buying Plan Template for  Excel | Google Sheets  

Use this digital marketing media buying plan template with or without sample data for planning and budgeting for a comprehensive, effective paid digital-marketing-media campaign. Fill in the details for each digital media channel, such as ad placements, impressions, costs, and estimated response rate. This template is the perfect tool to use to monitor and measure the success of digital marketing campaigns.

Download free digital marketing plan templates to help you effectively promote your business, increase brand visibility, and drive desired conversions and results.

Media Plan Presentation Template

Media Plan Presentation Example Template

Download a Sample Media Plan Presentation Template for  PowerPoint | Google Slides

Download a Blank Media Plan Presentation Template for  PowerPoint | Google Slides

Present your paid media plan’s high-level details in a visually engaging manner with this dynamic media plan presentation template. This fully customizable template, available with or without sample data, enables you to enter your media plan’s objective, messaging details, target audience, and medium (e.g., email, website, social media, advertising), as well as list your target audience. Use the Tasks slide to list the details of each paid media plan item and to assign an owner and a deadline. Use this captivating template to effectively convey the value and impact of your advertising strategy to stakeholders.

One-Page Media Plan Template

One-Page Media Plan Example Template

Download a Sample One-Page Media Plan Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs

Download a Blank One-Page Media Plan Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs

Use this streamlined one-page media plan template with or without sample data to provide stakeholders with a clear and concise overview of your media plan. Enter the details of your media plan’s goal, call to action (i.e., what your audience is asked to do), campaign calendar, and details about the media platforms that you’ll use in the campaign. Set your market-penetration goals and metrics, such as web visits/click-throughs, social engagement, new users, expanded audience. This template is the perfect tool to quickly communicate your media-planning strategy to stakeholders while maintaining a focused and efficient approach.

What Is a Media Plan? 

A media plan is a strategic document that outlines how and where to allocate advertising budgets across media channels to reach a target audience. It includes details about time and messaging so that you can optimize ad placements, and budget.

What Is a Media Plan Template? 

A media plan template provides the form to outline strategies for allocating budget and resources to paid advertising channels, such as online ads and sponsored content. Use these templates to optimize your paid media campaigns and attract potential customers.

How to Create a Media Plan 

Create a media plan defining goals, objectives, target audience, and a budget. Then add details for each advertising channel, including messaging, timing, and ad specifications. 

The following steps provide a foundational framework for creating a comprehensive paid media plan: 

  • Define Your Goals and Objectives Identify the specific outcomes you want to achieve with your paid media plan. Goals can include increasing brand awareness, boosting sales, driving website traffic, or generating leads to ensure focus and strategic alignment throughout your campaigns. 
  • Identify Your Target Audience When researching a target audience, make note of demographics, where they live, and their interests. A good place to start is to look at those details for the people who already use or buy your products or services. 
  • Determine Your Budget Allocation Create a budget that allocates financial resources across various advertising channels and tactics. Knowing how much you plan to spend on media can help ensure cost efficiency and best maximize the impact of your marketing investments. 
  • Select Advertising Channels Strategically choose the most relevant and effective platforms to reach your target audience, optimize your message delivery, and maximize the overall impact and return on investment of your advertising campaigns. 
  • Develop Messaging Craft compelling and resonant content that effectively communicates your brand value, captures audience attention, and motivates them to take desired actions.
  • Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Establish measurable benchmarks that track and evaluate the success of your campaigns. Monitor and analyze these metrics regularly to assess performance, make data-driven optimizations, and ensure alignment with your marketing goals and objectives. 
  • Create a Schedule for Your Media Plan Set a structured timeline that outlines when and how you will implement the advertising campaigns. Creating and sticking to a schedule is useful for ensuring proper coordination and reaching your target audience at optimal times. 
  • Make Data-Driven Optimizations Leverage any insights gleaned from performance data to refine your advertising strategies, target audience segments, messaging, and budget allocation. Acting quickly on data results will maximize campaign effectiveness and drive better results.

Media Planning-Related Templates 

There are several types of media planning-related templates that provide pre-designed frameworks and guidelines for organizing and documenting paid media campaigns. These templates often include areas for budget allocation, target audience details, and channel selection.

Check out any of the following media planning-related template types to improve your media-related organization, targeting, budget allocation, and messaging, ultimately leading to more effective and successful advertising campaigns:  

  • See these free marketing campaign templates to plan, execute, and track campaigns. The structured framework outlines the objectives, target audience, messaging, channels, and KPIs. 
  • See these free content marketing plan templates to strategize and organize your content marketing efforts. The templates are ideal for defining objectives, target audience, content topics, distribution channels, and measurement metrics. 
  • See these free marketing communications plan templates to structure your communication strategies, tactics, and messaging across various channels and touchpoints. This helps you effectively convey your brand message, engage your target audience, and achieve your marketing and communication objectives. 
  • See these free marketing project plan templates to define project goals, tasks, timelines, resources, and dependencies. 
  • See these free strategic planning templates to outline and structure your organization's long-term goals, objectives, strategies, and action plans. Use these templates to align resources, make informed decisions, and guide the overall direction of your business toward desired outcomes. 
  • See these 12 free marketing budget templates to track and manage marketing expenses, allocate resources effectively across different marketing channels and activities, and ensure financial control and transparency in your marketing initiatives.

Effectively Manage Your Media Plan with Smartsheet

The best marketing teams know the importance of effective campaign management, consistent creative operations, and powerful event logistics -- and Smartsheet helps you deliver on all three so you can be more effective and achieve more. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed.

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Improve your marketing efforts and deliver best-in-class campaigns.

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Media plan presentation, premium google slides theme and powerpoint template.

Download the "Media Plan" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. This incredible template is designed to help you create your own marketing plan that is sure to impress your entire team. Using this amazing tool, you'll be able to analyze your target audience, assess your competitors, map out your messaging and positioning, identify the best promotional channels to reach your customers, allocate your budget effectively, and even set metrics for measuring success!

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  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
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Professional Media Planning PowerPoint Presentations

Make Professional Media Planning PowerPoint Presentations

Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by Rosemary

Are you planning to leverage the media to market your goods or services? Present your marketing plan, strategies for advertising, scheduling, and more. Many organizations aim to increase brand awareness with the media.

Explore our Business Performance PPT Reports category on the website for more resources to boost your presentation impact.

They might do this to boost sales of existing products. They might also pursue media coverage to launch a new product or when entering a new market.

If you need to make creative presentations on  Media Planning   and looking for more ideas, check out these unique PPT graphics.

What should the structure be for a Media Planning Presentation?

 Content of Media Planning Presentation Deck ppt

There are many components to consider and incorporate into your media planning presentation. Which components are necessary depends largely on who your audience is. If your audience is inexperienced or needs a refresher on Media Planning then you’ll want to commit presentation time and energy to explaining terms. Look at the above-suggested outline and decide how many of the listed items would be beneficial to your audience.

Describe Your Media Planning Goals

Media planning Presence Goal Template slide

Explain what the goals are for your Media Plan. If your team, executives, or anyone else understand what the goal is they will be better equipped to judge the success of the project after the fact. They will also be more likely to support the project if they understand the end goal.

Incorporate Your Target Audience

Media Target Group User Profile media planning presentation

Who is your Media Target Group User? If you know who you hope to reach with your media campaign, share that. If there are differences between your typical customer avatar and the media users, be sure to highlight those. Focus on user demographics, habits, needs, work, and more.

Explain the Media Plan Process and Timeline

media planning elements poweproint slide

If your audience is wholly unfamiliar with media campaigns you’ll want to explain what the process looks like. For those who have experience with media campaigns, you’ll want to explain your plan for the process. Establishing the timeline will help everyone understand your expectations.

Share Different Timelines, Projects, and Goals

Advertising Scheduling Plan Table media planning ppt

This is similar to explaining the timeline for your media plan, but for instances where multiple projects or teams are working toward goals. Depending on your media plan, the teams may have similar goals or different goals that complement each other. Explain them as best you can with customized graphics.

Plan the structure of your media planning presentation with care. Describe your media planning goals and incorporate your target audience so your presentation’s audience understands your intentions. Be sure to explain the process and timeline for your media plan, regardless of the number of teams or moving parts involved.

For more inspiration, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Resource: Media Planning Presentation Diagrams

Use a visual template to ensure you follow a clear information structure and your presentation looks professional. The slide deck contains definition, purpose, and goals slides and graphics. The deck also contains sales avatar slides, templates for explaining objectives, and different types of media.

Want to see the full set to get further inspired? Click here to check out the complete slide deck:

Media Planning Presentation PPT Diagrams

Need more ideas or want to spice up your media planning presentation with more graphic variety? Click here to see the collection of infographic templates .


What Is Media Planning? Essential Guide and Best Free Templates to Download

Sep 2, 2021 | Advertising , Marketing

What Is Media Planning?

When you plan to implement an advertising campaign, one of the most important steps is to get your media plan in top shape. These days, a well-crafted media plan can be the difference between a successful campaign or a failure.

In this guide, we are going to guide you through all you need to know to create a perfect media plan including the best free templates to get you started.

In this post

What Is Media Planning? Meaning and Definition

These days, when marketers need to do much with less, meeting their audience at the right channel and serving the ads at the right time, planning is essential to prevent wasting time, money, and efforts.

What’s in a Media Plan?

The media plan consists of the details of the media you will create. It has your budget spending and details when and where you will publish to engage and convert your audience. Some plans support a company’s global campaign while others are individual strategies to connect with followers and/or customers.

But it is not only a budget detail. The media plan displays the steps on the advertising strategy, the channels to use, the frequency of the publishing, etc. The plan allows marketers to have a view at a glance of the advertising activities that will be carried for the advertiser.

So what’s in a media plan?

Here are the key components of creating an effective media plan:

  • Marketing problem: the media plan always starts with trying to solve a marketing problem.  For instance: not seeing enough conversions from their website.
  • Marketing objectives and KPIs: this is what the organization wants to achieve, it can create brand awareness, increase sales or engagement. This becomes the marketing objective, in the form of measurable goals. This includes selecting what metrics you will use to track success.
  • Media objectives : these are the objectives for the advertising campaign. To define the objectives the marketer needs to take into account:  the total budget, the media budget, key messages, calls to action, deliverables, timeline, specifications.
  • Media strategies: these are the actual recommendations and implementation ideas of the media plan. Which channels to use, ad types, when and where to launch. This stage includes monitoring and measuring the advertising campaign effectiveness.

Media Plan

Figure1. How media objectives and marketing strategies interact as factors of media planning.

What Are the Top Factors That Affect Media Planning?

1. the product.

What are you going to advertise? Is it a product or service? The nature of the product influences the type of media you can use. You may want to advertise technical or software products on review pages for SaaS, for example. Social media may be a better fit for fashion and consumer products.

2. The Customers

Your audience is the most important factor. Check the demographics of potential customers, the age group, gender, income, interests, education level. Targeting the wrong crowd can be disastrous. It is critical then to learn as much as possible about the people that may buy the product or service.

3. Conversion Goals

This is a specific factor among business goals. It refers to what are your goals for that particular campaign, how many people do you expect to convert, click or make a purchase on the ad? Miscalculating the conversion goals can give you an inaccurate idea of what you expect from the campaign.

4. Frequency

This factor stems from your potential customers’ habits. You need to know when and how often they are online on the channels you want to use to reach them. Running the ad too frequently may annoy customers, running it too sparingly may fail to get their attention.

5. Is Your Goal Reach or Engagement?

Failing to answer this question can make or ruin a campaign. If the goal of your campaign is to generate brand awareness, then achieving the maximum reach should be an objective. For instance, if you are launching a new product you want everywhere to know about.

6. What Do You Consider a Successful Campaign?

You should set from the onset what is the expected outcome of the campaign. Do it in measurable terms. For instance, grow 15% of the engagement or acquire 20% more clients than last quarter. Having a measurable goal can help you make adjustments if needed.

7. What’s Your Message?

Think of what type of messaging can resonate with your target audience and drive engagement. What is the message you want to deliver with the campaign?. A good advertising campaign aligns with the core message of the company and enhances it.

8. What’s Your Budget?

This is perhaps the most complex factor. Planning a budget too tight can be a cause of expensive top-ups. On the other hand, setting a budget too high can lead to a waste of resources. Set a realistic budget that accounts for leeway so you don’t have the problem of getting overboard in the middle of the campaign.

9. What Media Are the Competitors Using?

We are not saying to copy your competitors but to keep an eye on what they are doing. Take a look at what tactics are successful. By knowing what works and what doesn’t you can focus on doing things better.

10. What’s the timeline?

How much time can you realistically dedicate to the campaign? What is the campaign timeline? The timeline needs to be precise to generate the maximum impact.

Media Planning Step by Step

Media Planning

1. Define Your Goals

Before any planning first, you need to know what you want to achieve with the plan. Therefore, evaluate the organization’s main goals and how the future campaign aligns with the company’s main goals and objectives.

Once you do that, you can define the media goals and objectives which are the goals for the campaign. To achieve it, the marketer needs to analyze the current marketing position, including the competitive environment so they can approach the present marketing problem.

When you have a complete analysis, then you can put these objectives into goals you can measure with key performance indicators (KPIs).

2. Who’s Your Target Audience?

Target Audience

Now is the time to define exactly who you are directing the campaign for. The golden rule is the more targeted the message, the better the outcome. Since different audiences react to different media, ad types, and messages. You need to consider this when creating the media plan.

Your target audience also has preferences for specific content types and platforms. That’s why it is important to market to the audience where they use to spend their time online. Without researching the target audience, the message can be too broad or scattered and it won’t be measured accurately.

Once you find your target audience, you need to gather as much information as possible. Not only the demographics but their habits, interests, and how they consume media, then define the rest of the plan around these data.

3. Consider the Budget, Frequency, and Reach

Next, it is important to determine how much and how often you will serve the ads to your audience. Marketers should take into consideration to avoid alienating the audience, serving them too many ads.

There are three main approaches to ad frequency: 

  • Continuity: this refers to running an ad on a fixed schedule so the audience is constantly exposed. This approach works well with generic consumer products and awareness campaigns.
  • Flighting:  this method involves running ads intermittently. This method works best with seasonal items.
  • Pulsing: this is a combination of both methods. Here you run a consistent stream of ads at the most convenient times and pulse reminders at other times.

Finally, you need to define the reach of the campaign. This is determined by the size of the audience. The larger the audience, the broader the reach.

4. Select the Media Channels

At this stage, you already know who is going to consume your audience and what’s the goal for your campaign. Now you need to select which channels you are going to use to reach them.  Take into account which pricing method you will use, which platform you will sign on, etc.

5. Write the Plan

Once you have all the pieces in place, it is time to write the plan. A media plan should be specific and measurable. It should include details like the specific media channels, the number of impressions,s and development specifications.

6. Monitor, Measure, Analyze and Repeat. 

Now comes the part of executing the campaign. Analyze the measurable goals by tracking the engagement, conversions, and all the rest of the KPIs. Thus you can check what is working and what it isn’t. There should be continuous optimization in a constant loop of monitoring, measuring, and analyzing.

Benefits and Challenges of Media Planning

Challenges of media planning.

  • Platform preference: brands need to reach consumers in the various channels and platforms that the target audience uses while keeping the campaign within budget.
  • Too focused on the budget: campaigns that revolve too much around the budget don’t have the flexibility to allocate a bit extra to different channels that prove more successful.
  • Inaccurate measurements: because of the diversity of online and offline channels, it is difficult for marketers to compare the performance of each other and detect which are the most effective.
  • Not targeted at the consumer level: to be successful, a campaign needs to be able to reach at consumer level with in-depth marketing.

Benefits of media planning

  • A deeper knowledge of your target audience. 
  • Keep control of the budget 
  • More decision-power over which platforms and channels to share your content
  • Monitoring advertising efforts on a deep level

Best Free Media Planning Templates to download

1. hubspot media plan template: the best solution for budget tracking.

Hubspot Media

In our opinion, this is the best solution for budget tracking. The spreadsheet has all the macros you need to track and report your media spending.

What it lacks is space to add an overview of the previous stages of media planning, like objectives, strategies, and goals, (the plan itself), which can be easily added in another document or tab.

You can download it from here , and make your own copy via Google Sheets. While it can work in MSExcel, we recommend keeping it in Google Sheets for better performance.

2. Hootsuite social media strategy template: Best for social media strategies


This plan enables you to easily set the goals, objectives, and metrics of your social media campaign. You can use it to create and adjust social media profiles, create personas and overall have a view at a glance. You can download it with your business email from here .

3. Slidebean Media planning template: Best for presentations


This slide deck media planning template offers you the framework to create a presentation of your media planning. With slides that cover all aspects of your marketing and media plan, from detailing the problem to the campaign breakdown in an editable file. You can download the pdf version or register to use an editable version.

While it is good for presenting the media plan, this template does nothing to help you execute or track the results. You can download the template here .

4. New Old Stamp Media Plan for Advertising Template: Simplest of All

New Old Stamp Media

If you are just starting and don’t need much tracking and reporting, you can use this example to create your own spreadsheet and track your media plan. It is very simple and doesn’t allow for reporting, but it can be useful to jot down data for a glance.

5. AdCMO media planning template


This simple media planning template enables you to have a high-level overview of the project and the goals you want to achieve. It is another example of a simple media plan but a bit more complete, including events and other types of media. You can download the plan template here .

6. Amazon media planning template

If you are using Amazon advertising, they provide a very useful quick media plan template you can download from here .

The template is very simple, a basic checklist you can copy/paste to your own document. It will help you have a high-level view of the entire plan.

Amazon Media

We suggest combining this template with other, more in-depth templates for a complete solution.

Is Media Planning the same as Media Buying?

Media buying is the next step after the media plan is complete. The media plan sets the framework according to which you will buy the media required to achieve the goals of the campaign.

Learn more about what is media buying in Media Buying Explained

Media buying involves evaluating and selecting all advertising options within your budget and other criteria specified in the media plan. Then, buying according to the combination of ad types and media channels will produce the best campaign results.

What Is the Point of Media Planning?

Media planning aims to detect the perfect mix of media channels that fit into a present budget to advertise a product, service, or brand. The best media plans enable organizations to meet customers on the channels they are.

A well-crafted media plan allows you to create the optimal mix of paid online and offline media that will produce the results you expect from your advertising campaign, by using data, research, and lessons learned from previous campaigns

Media Planning on Social, What’s the Difference

Social media advertising revenue is soaring. Social media advertising is the second biggest market for digital advertising according to Statista research. Today’s revenue of $138.2 billion is expected to reach $182.4 billion in 2025. The largest spending in social media advertising happens in the U.S, followed by China.

Media Planning

That’s why advertising on social media platforms is critical for most companies’ growth strategies these days. It includes content and ads posted on social media platforms.

The key steps of creating a social media plan for paid advertising are similar to digital ads media planning. The difference is that every social media platform is in itself an ad network and has its own requirements and pricing scheme.

Facebook enables the creation of images, video ads, carousels, and personalized shopping ads. It works as an ad network, connecting advertisers with publishers on Facebook and mobile apps.


Linkedin uses programmatic advertising to help advertisers publish on the platform according to the goal of the campaign, be it awareness, consideration, or conversion. Advertisers can set a budget and run the campaign with several options for their bidding strategy. The platform enables users to run video, static or native conversation ads.

Instagram allows advertisers to run video ads. It also enables shoppable ads with call-to-action buttons. Instagram advertising may cost from $2 to $6.7, depending on the pricing model for the bidding. CPC can go for $2/click and CPM over $6 for a thousand impressions. Since it is owned by Facebook, it allows you to build multi-platform campaigns, turning posts into ads on Facebook and Instagram.

  • It uses programmatic advertising to manage the budget for the ad campaigns.
  • They suggest you run the ad for 7 days to let the algorithm learn about the audience.
  • They offer video ads and promoted posts.

How to craft the Perfect Media Plan for Advertising (5 Tips)


  • Define the problem well: ask questions and try to find out what the marketing problem is as accurate as possible. When creating the plan, keep going back to the problem definition so you stay on track.
  • Set clear goals: ensure the goals and objectives are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely).
  • Invest in knowing your audience: the better you know your audience’s interests and habits, the more you can target them. The target audience should feel like an old friend you know very well how to catch their attention easily.
  • Have a distinct brand personality: your brand’s voice is what makes you recognizable from your competitors. Take time to build your brand personality and message so they will be memorable and your audience can recognize it at once.
  • Pay attention to the content journey: when creating the media plan, think about how consumers will get to your ad, what is the customer journey and at what stage in the funnel they are when they get there? It is not the same to create ads for the top of the funnel as for the bottom.

Media Planning Tips

How to Split the Budget Between Offline Media and Online Media

All the factors we analyzed as part of your media plan will help you determine what is the best channel to communicate with your target audience. This may include allocating some of your budgets to offline channels.

Media Channels

Do Offline Channels Still Have an Impact?

Depending on your audience, you may have to include some offline media alternatives. For instance, if your product demographics include older generations, advertising on TV and Cable may still get the attention of viewers.

With offline channels, you have the problem that it is difficult to measure and track the impact of such advertising. Tracking direct sales after an offline marketing campaign is one of the ways to do it. Here are some indicators that your offline campaign is successful:

  • You notice an increase in direct or indirect sales
  • There are more inquiries to partners, direct or resellers.
  • You notice your website traffic is increasing
  • Surveys show better brand awareness
  • More leads or better qualified

Online Channels

Online channels have the advantage of being easily accessible and tracked. Online channels have metrics that give you a quicker and better understanding of the impact of the campaign. Some of the indicators of success for offline campaigns are also useful to monitor for online channels.

For online advertising, you should look at a combination of:

Social media: This channel allows you to have maximum reach and highly targeted impact. Most platforms offer advertisers to publish ads and build a community.

Programmatic advertising: This highly targeted method of advertising, uses algorithms to find specific audiences and serve the right ads can save you a lot of time and effort. It uses real-time bidding to select the highest paying advertisers for the digital property.

PPC: Pay-per-click is a popular form of online advertising Publishers sign with an ad network and get served display ads and search ads targeted to the visitor’s intent.

Simplify your Media Planning with CodeFuel

Defining, planning, and executing your media plan can be a lot of effort and take a lot of your budget. By serving highly targeted intent-based search and display ads, CodeFuel makes sure your advertising campaign hits the target every time. Publishers can monetize digital properties by leveraging search, shopping ads, and news to enhance user experience.

Learn more about how CodeFuel can simplify your media planning by contacting us.

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Our monetization experts are happy to help.


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The Ultimate Guide to Media Planning

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Gerd Altmann /

Main Media Planning Takeaways :

  • Media planning is the process of identifying and selecting the media channels in which to place an advertisement.
  • A media plan focuses on the strategy behind the content that a brand creates, publishes, and shares among customers.
  • A media planner is responsible for developing a coordinated plan that fits a specific client’s advertising budget.
  • Media planning is vital because it creates a way to centralize advertising metrics for quick decisions.
  • A media planner determines the best combination of media to achieve a specific marketing objective.
  • The process of creating an effective media plan is divided into five steps.
  • Some challenges of media planning include access to information, budget restriction, and integrating results.

With so many ways to share content today, media planning has become an essential marketing strategy . Brands across the world now share more media content than ever before to stay relevant. From images and videos to infographics and podcasts, the sheer amount of content can be confusing to track.

That’s why media planning is necessary. It helps determine the best way to convey a brand’s message to its target audience . Here’s an ultimate guide to creating an effective media plan .

What is Media Planning?

Media planning is the process of identifying and selecting the media channels where advertisements will be placed. It also involves determining how, when, and why a brand should share specific media content with its target audience. In other words, a media plan focuses on the strategy behind the content that a brand creates, publishes, and shares among customers.

Content sharing is essential to the success of any brand today, regardless of the size or industry. According to SEMrush ,  78 percent of companies  have a team of one to three content specialists .

Along with boosting awareness, content sharing can also increase engagement, conversions, and revenue. Also, media content can help you stand out from other businesses in your industry.

However, media planning is required to leverage several advertisement channels available today effectively. That’s why advertising agencies typically hire media planners.

What is the Role of a Media Planner?

Image shows a media planner looking at a board

A media planner is responsible for developing a coordinated plan that fits a specific client’s advertising budget . Such individuals decide when, where, and how to feature a particular ad for maximum views. As a result, the most effective media planners can stretch a client’s advertising budget to reach a massive target audience.

In line with the definition above, a media planner determines:

  • The budget that advertisers allocate to an ad medium
  • How many people could be reached through each medium
  • The media and ad channel to place a specific ad
  • How frequent an ad should appear?

A media planner determines the best combination of media to achieve a specific marketing objective . But is media planning a worthwhile investment?

Why is Media Planning Important?

Media planning is essential because it creates a way to centralize advertising metrics for a quick decision. A good media plan describes the advertising result expected from a specific campaign. These include the ad cost, impressions, engagements, and the return-on-investment from a specific ad channel . It makes it easier for media planners to compare and select the most suitable advertising option.

In the end, you’ll have a uniform dataset as reference for building flowcharts, reconciliation reports, or allocation reports. Such uniform values are especially important when comparing campaigns.

What’s more, a detailed media plan provides a way to monitor a brand’s overall advertising health .

Media plans can be used as reference to determine how campaigns across various ad channels are performing. Then, the marketer can make the changes required to maximize the advertising budget.

How do you Create an Effective Media Plan?

Media plan image shows a person writing a list on a book

The process of creating an effective media plan is divided into five steps. It begins with market analysis and establishing media objectives . After that, the media planner must develop the strategy, implement it, and evaluate the result. Let’s explain further.

1. Market Analysis

The market analysis stage begins with identifying your target audience. In other words, you’re looking to determine the number and type of people that the ad campaign targets.

You can classify your audience based on demographics and characteristics such as age, religion, gender, and income level, among others.

Another option is to define your audience based on psychographic terms . These include interests, activities, personality traits, and brand preferences, to name a few.

Performing a market analysis will help you project the cost of your marketing campaign . What’s more, it could help you make an informed media buying decision.

The marketing analysis stage should lead to a specific media objective .

2. Establishing the Media Objective

The second stage of media planning involves establishing media objectives . Like the market analysis stage, this stage should also result in explicit media objectives.

Identifying the following could aid in creating an effective media plan :

  • Reach : The number of people that see a message over a specific period.
  • Frequency : The average number of times the audience see a message
  • Circulation (for print media): The number of prints that are produced and distributed.
  • Cost (CPM) and (CPP): It tells you the best media option for your business.
  • Penetration : The number of audiences that a specific advertising channel reached.

Note that the objectives should only consist of goals that can be obtained through media strategies .

3. Setting the Strategy

At this point, you already know the people that you’re marketing to and how much it costs. The next step is to decide what type of media to use for your campaign.

For example, you could use traditional media such as television, radio, newspaper, consumer, and business publications. Alternately, you could invest in online marketing channels such as pay-per-click, social media , search engine optimization, and video marketing, among others.

Along with fitting it into your marketing budget , the ad channel should also provide the highest reach.

4. Implementation (Media Buying)

Now that you have a media plan , it’s time to set your plan in motion. The implementation stage involves media buying .

Media buying is the process of purchasing media placements for advertising on radio, television, digital signage, publication, or websites. It involves committing to the media provider , submitting the ad, and paying the bill.

Again, the purchased placement must meet the media objectives.

5. Evaluation and Follow-Up

The final stage of media planning is to evaluate its effectiveness. This is the stage where you ask the following questions:

  • Did you achieve your media objectives?
  • How successful are your strategies?

The evaluation stage lets you know which follow-ups are required. More importantly, it tells you whether a similar model will be useful for future campaigns.

Now that you understand the process let’s take a look at the challenges.

What are the Challenges of Media Planning?

An illustration of a computer, a phone, and a sheet of paper

1. Budget Restrictions

Media planning requires staying within a specific ad budget.

Since the planners must do more with less, they usually have to focus on the budget restrictions . Sometimes, this could be at the detriment of audience engagement and campaign performance.

It would be best if the media planner invests in the most affordable but impactful campaigns in such a situation.

2. Access to Information

Media planners usually have to create their strategies based on an in-depth knowledge of the target audience.

Along with studying what type of message best resonates with the consumers, you must also understand their routine. That way, you’ll know when they’re most likely to engage with your content.

As you may have guessed, such a level of analysis is not only expensive but also time-consuming.

3. Integrating Result Across Multiple Channels

After collecting data from media channels, planners must figure out how to measure each campaign’s success. They should also be able to compare the results and decide the way forward.

Unfortunately, that’s not as easy as it sounds. Since most consumers interact with multiple ad channels, advertisers may find it challenging to track the campaigns across these platforms.

Note that a well-defined media objective could help address this issue.

Final Words: Start Your Media Planning Process

There’s no denying that media planning is vital to a brand’s ability to create, publish, and share media content.

It ensures that you lay the foundation of the consumer’s journey to prevent missed opportunities. Also, it allows the media planner to devote more budget to high-performing advertisement channels.

So, work through the media planning process outlined above. Not only will you reach more audience, but you would also enjoy an improved conversion.

Read More: Why Integrated Marketing Communications Matters Today

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Media Planning Brief Template

Media Planning Brief Template, within the Milanote app

Create an effective media planning brief

Create a foundation for a successful campaign with a media planning brief. It's an effective way to create structure, outline objectives and determine the how, when, where, and why you will share media content.

A typical media planning brief should include background information, objectives, target audience, key dates, budget, marketing challenges, examples of existing media outreach or clippings, and finally, guidance on what to avoid.

Milanote helps you share a brief with an agency or client to answer questions and summarise your vision so you can get the ball rolling on your media efforts.

This template is part of the Agencies collection.

  • Explore ideas

Organize visually

  • Share with your team & clients
  • Gather feedback
  • Export to PDF

image everything one place@2x

Collect everything in one place

Milanote is the visual way to collect everything that powers your creative work. Simple text editing & task management helps you organize your thoughts and plans. Upload images, video, files and more.

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Milanote's flexible drag and drop interface lets you arrange things in whatever way makes sense to you. Break out of linear documents and see your research, ideas and plans side-by-side.

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Design Exploration Template, within the Milanote app

Set the direction for your next advertising campaign.

Advertising Brief Template, within the Milanote app

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Media Planning Template

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AI generated Pitch Deck 🤖

media planning presentation

Marketing has never been an exact science. The moment we get comfortable doing things a certain way, some visionary pops up and disrupts everything. Visionaries always seem to ruin complacency.

For this reason, it can be difficult to stay on top of media planning, especially if we have to start from scratch for each project. With limited budgets, it's easy to see why some marketing teams are getting stretched thin. Talented employees who have spent their lives learning to design creative content and master social media platforms are now subjected to tedious tasks like putting together a slide presentation.

Of course, not all tedious tasks are created equal. There is a certain amount of copying and pasting that will always be there no matter what we do. But for creating a presentation, we could save a lot of time and money by putting in the initial work to create a template that can be easily manipulated for future presentations, or by seeking guidance from those who have already mastered the craft.

Media planning templates are a popular way to address such an issue.

To build our own media planning template

The traditional process of building a template has many benefits as well as some frustrations. Different markets have different standards, so creating a template that targets one market may not necessarily work for another. However, many forms of presentation share key elements with one another, and this is the foundation on which we begin our template.

Bahar Martonosi of Princeton University provided a presentation coincidentally named How To Give A Good Presentation . In it, we learn about the similarities of different presentation types. The types of presentations Martonosi notes are driven more towards the realm of academia, but the following provided examples show striking similarities to modern marketing presentations:

  • Quick, 1 minute "what I do" talk - known in marketing as an elevator pitch
  • 25-minute conference paper presentation - 20-25 minutes is a good number for many presentations
  • Project presentation - pitch
  • Thesis defense - still kind of a pitch
  • Job talk - or job interview, or a pitch

The next step is to pull out the common factors in each presentation format. The first factor is that none of these formats will ever allow us to be as detailed as we would like. If it's our project, there's a good chance we are stressed about every part of it down to the technical details, but taking the time to focus on such things diverts attention away from our key points.

The trick to understanding how little and how much information to use goes right along with the digital marketing understanding of keywords. If someone does a Google search, they aren't going to type in long sentences when a keyword or two will get them faster and likely more accurate results. In a presentation, we want to follow that same philosophy. We want our audience to lock in on the words and ideas we want them to see.

If we decide to write full, drawn-out sentences that hog up entire slides, we're adding unnecessary information that does nothing to further the goal of the presentation.

The second common factor among presentation formats is to remember that any visual aid is only a tool; it is not the presentation. We are the presentation. What we want to project in a slide is a simple idea that can be read by the audience in seconds and expounded upon by us in a minute or two. But if they can read the entire presentation on the slides, there's no reason for us even to be there.

These factors offer great insight for anyone wanting to build their own presentation templates. Because the slides are not meant to go into detail, we can simply create templates that allude to the information we know will go in the most common forms of a presentation.

As an example, let's say we have a topic that we've narrowed down to three great keywords. After a slide to introduce ourselves and provide any necessary background information, we can start to focus on our keywords to narrow in on each specific category of our pitch. Perhaps we have a slide that is meant to display a comparison to our competition. If our competition is currently bigger than us, we want our audience to remember us regarding future projections instead of current revenues. Doing so will divert them from the competitor's previous prowess and draw their eyes towards our potential.

Visual tips for slide templates

It's true; it's not all about the words. What the audience sees around those words will have an effect on how they view the words, and ultimately how they view us as the presenters. Some visual tips we should consider for each unique presentation scenario include:

  • Use color profiles and themes that fit the subject matter; clown colors only work if we're selling clown services
  • Find a readable font that is not necessarily a standard font that we see every day, but also one that isn't visually distracting (no comic sans, unless your goal is to polarize the room)
  • Size the slides to best fit the expected content
  • Properly align any objects or symbols; use tools to create custom objects and shapes to fit presentation
  • Embed websites and multimedia into presentation - rather than just showing a link, embedding the actual website or video allows us to provide the information without having to jump away from the slides
  • Bring presentation on laptop - normally we would want to make sure all fonts and images are saved properly so that they can transfer easily to a different computer, but it would save everyone a few headaches if we just bring our own hardware.

Using templates from industry leaders

Wouldn't it be great if there was someone out there who already did the work for us?

As it turns out, there is, and letting someone else do it for a minimal cost could turn out to be a big saver of time, money, and sanity. Normally there would be some concern that the template we purchase is coming from some kid doing freelance work in his basement. But the demand for this service has grown enough over the years that some of the most brilliant leadership minds have put together media planning templates that we can use for our proposals.

Guy Kawasaki slides

Guy Kawasaki was the chief evangelist for Macintosh - and also the person who made "evangelist" a thing in marketing - from its very beginning. Since then, he has been highly influential in the marketing world as an author and venture capitalist. He has pitched, he has been pitched, and now he has used that knowledge to build a template that he believes can give marketers an entrepreneurial edge. All we have to do is fill in the blanks.

Kawasaki's three presentation rules are as simple as 1, 2, 3. Well, actually it's 10/20/30, but still the same idea:

  • 10 slides (if necessary, maximum of 15)
  • 30 point font (minimum)

Pitching 10 slides in 20 minutes may seem like it's not nearly enough to persuade anyone of anything, but Kawasaki's 10-slide template provides broad categories from which we can zone in on our keywords.

  • The first slide is simply an introduction where we present our company name, company tagline, and our contact information.
  • In slide 2, we want to present the problem or opportunity of which we plan to address. This can, and sometimes should be no more than a sentence or phrase.
  • Next is our value proposition, which is the innovative way that we plan to address the problem or opportunity from the previous slide.
  • Kawasaki refers to the 4th slide as the "underlying magic." We've already told them why our product has value, but what else can it do? This is where we take a presentation that addresses their concerns and take it to another level by exceeding their expectations. If the company needs a baseball player that can play any of the eight positions in the field, we show how our product does that in the previous. Slide 4 is when we casually reveal that our product can also pitch.
  • This is the business model, otherwise known as the way our product will make money. Will we sell the product outright or as a subscription? What will we charge in either case?
  • Slide 6 is how we will take our product to market. This should cover what channels we plan to use in our sales efforts.
  • Next, we want to show how we compare to our competition. We don't want to overload with too much information here, but a few key areas where we provide more value will suffice.
  • Slide 8 is the management team. That's us. We should make sure we have a good picture.
  • This one gets a bit deeper, as it addresses financial projections and metrics. There will always be some "numbers" people in the audience, so putting this near the end not only keeps the rest of the audience engaged for most of the presentation, but also rounds out our ability to address different personalities.
  • The final slide is all about showing what we've done to get to this point, and where we plan to focus our energy in the future.

The final slide works on multiple levels. It provides key information that could be critical to extending the conversation, but it also leads to a natural presentation ending. We don't want to find ourselves lingering, looking like we might have something else to say but not knowing how to end it.

John Coltrane once asked Miles Davis how he should end an improvisational solo. Miles, in his iconic raspy voice, told him , "Try taking the saxophone out of your mouth."

Enough said.

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Media Planning Template

Simplify your planning and pay attention to every detail with the media planning template.

Trusted by 65M+ users and leading companies

About the Media Planning Template

As professionals navigate the complex world of media strategy and event planning, having a tool that promotes organization and efficient planning is essential. This is where the media planning template comes in handy. The template is divided into several intuitive sections, making it easy to grasp the information at a glance.

Event details:

Date : Specify the date of the media event or campaign. A crucial reference point as the campaign progresses.

Location : Input the venue or platform where the event will be held, ensuring all stakeholders are informed.

Description : A dedicated space to elaborate on the event's objective, target audience, or other relevant details.

Countdown sequence:

This segment allows for a systematic breakdown of the campaign's trajectory. It's organized into various phases: Pre-event, Event launch, Day-to-day run-up, and Last call.

Key Points : Beneath the countdown, there's a provision to note significant milestones for each week leading up to the event.

Media types:

An outline of the various channels or platforms employed in the campaign.

Media channels:

Email : Plan out email campaigns or communications.

Blog : Detail any blog posts or articles to be published regarding the event.

Instagram : Specify content, announcements, or promotions to be posted on this social media platform.

Each section is designed meticulously for easy understanding, ensuring strategists capture their campaign while fostering collaboration.

How to use the media planning template

Editing the template : With a few swift clicks, one can easily alter text, adjust shapes, and change predefined sections according to your needs. Use sticky notes to help you with this task.

Expansion : Do you need to expand your template? Add more rows and columns by double-clicking the plus icon.

Contextualization : Improve the planning board by adding relevant artifacts, be it images, documents, or links, ensuring all essential resources are in one place.

Why should you use a media planning template?

Efficiency : Streamlines the planning process by providing a ready-to-use structure.

Collaboration : Promotes team collaboration, allowing multiple members to view, edit, and discuss in real time.

Visualization : Offers a holistic view of the media plan, enabling easier comprehension and informed decision-making.

Flexibility : Adaptable to various media strategies, from simple to complex campaigns.

Consistency : Ensures a uniform approach to media planning across campaigns, fostering clarity and consistency.

Can the template be customized for different types of media campaigns?

Absolutely! The template can be tailored to fit any media campaign's unique requirements.

Is the template collaborative for teams working remotely?

Yes, the template supports real-time collaboration, making it perfect for teams, regardless of their geographical location.

Is it possible to integrate external data or analytics into the template?

The template allows users to add artifacts, including external data sources and analytical reports, to provide comprehensive insights.

Get started with this template right now.


Digital Marketing Plan Template

Works best for:.

Strategy, Planning, Marketing

Crafting an effective digital marketing strategy can be a daunting task, but the Digital Marketing Plan Template can make it easier for you. This tool allows you to map out every channel tactic and is particularly beneficial in fostering collaboration among team members in a centralized space. The template's clear structure and intuitive editing features ensure a well-defined digital marketing strategy while also encouraging real-time collaboration. With the ability to seamlessly collaborate, share insights, and collectively contribute, your team can create a dynamic and successful digital marketing plan.

Whats on your Radar Thumbnail

What's on Your Radar Template

Business Management, Operations, Strategic Planning

Do you or your team feel overburdened by tasks? Having trouble focusing on particular problems? What’s on Your Radar is a thought exercise in which you plot ideas according to their importance or relevance. Designers and teams use what’s on your radar to ensure that their ideas are within the scope of a given project. They also rely on the method to assess whether a given solution is likely to solve the problem at hand. But even if you’re not a designer, the method can help assign priorities and ground your ideas in reality.

Market Segmentation Matrix Thumbnail

Market Segmentation Matrix Template

Marketing, Strategic Planning, Product Management

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The 9 Steps of the Media Planning Process Explained

Media Planning Process

To be successful in advertising, you need to be good at Media Planning. But what is Media Planning? How does it work?

This article explains the 9-step process.

  • What is Media Planning?

In advertising, Media Planning is the process of determining where, when, and how often to run ads in order to maximize results while minimizing costs (i.e., getting the “biggest bang for the buck.”).

The key output of the media planning process is an approved Media Plan .

  • Who Does Media Planning?

The Media Planning process is traditionally performed by Media Planners . However, nowadays, Media Planning has also become the responsibility to Media Buyers, particularly in digital advertising.

As workflows evolve, others in the marketing organization may take on some or all of Media Planning responsibilities.

  • The 9 Steps of the Media Planning Process

The nine steps of the Media Planning process are:

  • Review Media Brief
  • Develop Media Strategy
  • Conduct Research
  • Formulate Media Plan
  • Analyze Media Plan
  • Prepare Media Authorization
  • Request Media Authorization
  • Approved Media Plan!

Each of these steps is detailed below.

  • Media Planning vs. Media Buying

Before covering the steps of Media Planning, it’s important to talk about the fading difference between Media Planning and Media Buying .

In the past, Media Planning was completely separate from Media Buying. One group did Media Planning, and a different group did Media Buying. And it used to be a two-stage process: Media Buying started when Media Planning ended. Media plans did not specify media placements because it was the job of the media buyer to choose stations and to negotiate prices.

Unified Process

This distinction between Media Planning and Media Buying has dissolved.

The lines have become so blurred that the terms “Media Planning” and “Media Buying” are effectively interchangeable.  In fact, digital advertising, it’s common for the same person to perform the functions of both Media Planning and Media Buying.

One-Stage Process

And it’s no longer a two-stage process where the Media Planning team throws the authorized Media Plan over the wall to the Media Buying team. Nowadays, Media Planning and Media Buying functions are performed concurrently on a Media Plan, with every placement on its own lifecycle.

In our breakdown of the Media Planning process below, please know that we are using the traditional definition of Media Planning to keep it simple. But really, Media Buying is fully integrated with Media Planning nowadays and should be viewed as one integrated process.

Now, let’s walk through the steps of the Media Planning process.

The first step of the Media Planning process is to review the Media Brief.

A good Media Brief is critical to effective Media Planning. It defines the goals and parameters of the media investment. It defines the purpose of the advertising. It specifies the target audience. It defines how success will be measured. It sets the budget.

Many start the Media Planning process without a Media Brief or with one that is hastily prepared. If this is the case, you should stop right here and develop your Media Brief.

It’s like building software. Everyone is anxious to start coding, but the project is doomed for failure if you don’t start with clear requirements that are consistently understood by the entire team. You want everyone pulling in the same direction – towards the goal of the project.

It’s important for the entire Media Planning team to review the brief together:

  • Are the requirements clear?
  • Are the goals clear and measurable?
  • Are the goals attainable?
  • Are the constraints – e.g., budget – well-defined?
  • Is the target audience well-defined?

The Media Brief review is your best opportunity to avoid wasting a lot of time because of misalignment on media goals. As the old saying goes, “a stitch in time saves nine.”

Although everyone is anxious to get started on the Media Plan, every hour spend on the Media Brief will save you many hours on the Media Plan.

Additional Resources:

  • Watch How to write the PERFECT Media Brief (ID Comms)
  • Read What Is a Media Brief?

Now that that your goals are clearly understood, the next step in the Media Planning process is to develop a high-level strategy.

What is the best way to reach the target audience? What are the best times to reach the target audience? What is the optimal media mix? These are the types of questions your media strategy should answer.

There’s no standard format for a media strategy. Like any strategy, you’ve lots of room for creativity. Just keep in mind the purpose of the media strategy is to augment the Media Brief and guide the creation of the Media Plan.

  • Read What is Media Mix Modeling?
  • Read/Watch WTF is marketing mix modeling? (Digiday)
  • Conduct Media Research

With the Media Brief and media strategy in hand, the next step of the Media Planning process is to conduct media research.

For offline media, this often takes the form of market research. Tools like Nielsen will help you to understand the size and demographics of each market.

For digital media, there are myriad research tools available. Google, Facebook, and other platforms include market research tools in their interface. And there are tools specific for different techniques and channels. For example, there are many new tools available for influencer marketing.

Some Media Planning tools, such as Bionic Media Planning software , include the ability to research media options. At a basic level, this includes a searchable directory of media programs. At an advanced level, this could include advanced tools like an AI-powered media recommender that suggests media for consideration.

As you develop your consideration set, media kits and data cards will help you to delve into the details of each advertising program.

  • Explore Advertise with Us media search engine
  • Send RFPs (Optional)

An optional phase of the Media Planning process is sending requests for proposals – RFPs – to media vendors.

To be honest, I’m not a fan of the RFP process. As Doug Weaver says, “ it’s the fiesta nobody loves .” The RFP is a time-consuming, heavyweight process for both Media Planners and ad sales teams. The RFP can be eliminated with access to good research tools. These tools don’t eliminate the need for communication with the vendor; in fact, it should increase quality communication with media vendors.

That said, the fact is the RFP still serves a useful purpose to gather information. The RFP can also be used to “outsource ideation” to media vendors (i.e., source fresh ideas).

If you’re going to run an RFP, it’s best to have an RFP management system in place. Running an RFP through email with Excel spreadsheets can be an administrative nightmare:

  • Finding vendor email addresses
  • Sending multiple emails
  • Tracking responses and pinging non-responders
  • Gathering, evaluating, and compiling proposals
  • Importing proposals into your Media Plan

A good Media Planning software, like Bionic, will include a solid RFP management tool that automates your RFP workflow.

Note that RFPs can also be used in the Media Buying process. However, in Media Buying, the RFP is more about price negotiation and less about information gathering.

Now for the best part of the Media Planning process – formulating your Media Plan!

The Media Plan is the cornerstone of Media Planning. Your Media Plan will rigorously specify the audience, location, timing, reach, frequency, cost, and goals of your media placements for your advertising campaign

The Media Plan is a complex, but somewhat standard layout.

No special tools are required to create a Media Plan. You can create a Media Plan in Excel, as many do. However, you’ll find that Excel breaks down with scale or complexity:

  • Scale problems come when you have many clients, many media planners, or many campaigns – all good things that happen when you grow.
  • Complexity problems come with sophistication – when your placements are complex (e.g., packaging, flighting, weekparting), when you’re itemizing costs for fee transparency, when you’re estimating KPI goals for media accountability, etc.

When you reach scale or complexity, you’ll want to replace excel with a real Media Planning system, like Bionic.

  • Read What Is a Media Plan?
  • Download Media Plan Template
  • Learn about Bionic Media Planning Software
  • Watch a demo of Bionic Media Planning Software
  • Start a trial of Bionic Media Planning Software

With your Media Plan drafted, the next step in the process is to analyze your Media Plan.

The purpose of the analysis is to ensure your Media Plan meets the requirements of your Media Brief and your media strategy.

You’ll want to ensure each of your placements and the Media Plan as a whole meets your goals. Because you established a good Media Brief up-front, you already have a concrete set of efficiency goals. For example:

  • Delivery efficiency that is measured in cost per thousand impressions (CPM) or cost per point (CPP).
  • Engagement efficiency that is measured with KPIs like cost per click and cost per conversion.
  • Engagement effectiveness that is measured with KPIs like clickthrough rate and conversion rate.
  • Results effectiveness that is measured with KPIs like Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI).
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals that are measured with a DEI scorecard.

You’ll want to compare the spending to your budgets. You’ll want to compare the KPIs in your Media Plan to the goals set in your Media Brief and strategy. You’ll use your DEI scorecard to see if you’re in compliance with your corporate objectives.

You’ll also want to run various pivot reports to analyze your media spending patterns. You want to ensure you’ve put the right media investment into each of your channels, markets, creatives, and other categories. These reports are known as “Allocation Charts.”

You can analyze your Media Plan manually using Excel. However, good Media Planning software will automate your analysis.

Don’t be alarmed when you find problems during your analysis. This is perfectly normal. In fact, it’s rare to “nail it” on the first draft. You should expect to go through a number of iterations of your Media Plan before everything looks good.

With your carefully analyzed Media Plan in place, you’re ready for the next step in the Media Planning process – preparing for Media Authorization.

  • Read How to Analyze a Media Plan

The purpose of the Media Authorization is to get formal sign-off on the Media Plan. By that, I mean an actual signature from the budget holder (which these days is an electronic signature).

If you’ve all agreed on the Media Brief and the Media Plan aligns with the brief, the Media Authorization should be smooth. However, as with any big expenditure, you’ll need to create a formal presentation, which includes:

  • Media Brief
  • Media Strategy
  • Relevant Research
  • Advertising Flowchart
  • Media Authorization form

You’ll want to summarize the above in a PowerPoint presentation.

A good Media Planning tool will automate the process of generating all the documents supporting your Media Authorization. An advanced tool like Bionic will even generate your PowerPoint presentation!

  • Read What Is a Media Authorization?

Call in Don Draper – it’s showtime!

The (hopefully) final step of the Media Planning process is the Media Authorization.

Strive for Instant Approval

The Media Plan is typically presented in a meeting – either in person or online – with the budget holders. The lead Media Planner reminds everybody of the previously agreed upon Media Brief, then walks through the media strategy, media research, and Media Plan.

Then – after a dramatic pause for effect – the lead Media Planner slides the Media Authorization form across the table, hands the budget holder a pen, points to the dotted line, and says, “now, just sign here and we’ll get started.”

In a perfect world, the media budget holder smiles, says “thank you,” and signs.

But Expect Requests for Changes

In the not-so-perfect world, the budget holder will ask for changes to the plan. Sometimes these changes are warranted because you missed the mark. Sometimes these changes come from new ideas generated during your presentation (a good thing!). And sometimes these changes come from the budget holder “moving the goalposts” by changing the requirements.

Regardless the source of the change requests, this means that you have to go back to the step of formulating the Media Plan to create a new version.

Don’t worry if you get sent back to the drawing board. This happens to even the best Media Planners. You should build time in your schedule to accommodate one or two revisions at this stage.

Signature = Done!

When you get that signature, congratulations! You’ve officially completed the Media Planning process.

  • Next Steps: Media Buying

With the signed Media Authorization, you got the green light to start placing orders and spending money. In other words, it’s time to execute your Media Plan and to start Media Buying.

For next steps, see What Is Media Buying?

  • To Learn More...

What is Omnichannel Media Planning?

What is a Media Plan?

What is Media Buying?

What is a Media Planner?

What is Media Mix Modeling?

What is a Media Kit?

What are Data Cards?

Best Podcasts for Media Planners

Best Trade Publications for Media Planners

About the Author

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A Year-Long Planning Process: How Game Presentation of Super Bowl LVIII Influences Next Year’s Party in New Orleans

By Kristian Hernández, Senior Editor Monday, May 20, 2024 - 11:06 am Print This Story | Subscribe

Story Highlights

With schedules being released, dates for team Media Days being put on the calendar, and mandatory minicamp being just around the corner, the National Football League is preparing for another rollercoaster season. After the summer months, the rest of 2024 will be dedicated to setting up the postseason that’ll culminate in Super Bowl LIX in New Orleans. All eyes will be on the Crescent City on Feb. 9, 2025, but how does the league use the previous year’s Super Bowl to plan the next season’s title game? At the SVG Venue Summit, the league was joined by the Las Vegas Raiders and Van Wagner — the NFL’s in-venue production partner — to discuss the execution of gameday elements of Super Bowl LVIII at Allegiant Stadium, the logistical and technological challenges that were overcome, and more.

This conversation includes:

  • Bob Becker, Van Wagner, President of Productions
  • Aric Carpenter, Allegiant Stadium, Director of Production Technology
  • Tim Tubito, NFL, Director of Event Presentation & Content

This session was hosted at 2024 SVG Venue Summit on March 4 in Las Vegas and was moderated by SVG Senior Editor Kristian Hernández

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Saba capital releases presentation detailing plan to deliver enhanced shareholder value at 10 blackrock closed-end funds, presentation details the funds&closecurlyquote; significant long-term underperformance, blackrock&closecurlyquote;s attempts to crush shareholder rights and the opportunity to unlock $1.4 billion in value for investors join saba&closecurlyquote;s webinar on may 20 th at 11am est where boaz weinstein will detail why blackrock and its hand-picked directors must be held accountable, unveil saba&closecurlyquote;s plans to improve the funds and answer questions from the audience visit to download the full presentation, access the webinar and obtain information on how to vote for each of saba&closecurlyquote;s proposals on the gold proxy.

Saba Capital Management, L.P. (together with its affiliates, “Saba” or “we”) today issued a presentation detailing its plan to deliver shareholder value at 10 BlackRock Advisors, LLC (“BlackRock”) closed-end funds (collectively, the “Funds”). 1 The presentation can be viewed here .

As a reminder, Saba has submitted proposals to (i.) elect new, independent directors to each of the Funds’ Boards of Trustees, and (ii.) terminate the management agreement between BlackRock and six of the Funds at the upcoming 2024 Annual Meetings of Shareholders.

Saba Founder and CIO Boaz Weinstein will be hosting a live webinar today, Monday, May 20 th at 11AM EST where he will detail why BlackRock and its hand-picked directors must be held accountable, unveil Saba’s plans to improve the Funds and take questions from the audience.

To gain access to the webinar and sign up for important campaign updates, visit .


  • The election of Saba’s highly qualified and independent nominees: Athanassios Diplas, Ilya Gurevich, Shavar Jeffries, David Littlewood, David Locala, Jennifer Raab and Alexander Vindman.
  • The termination of BlackRock’s investment management agreement at BFZ, BCAT, ECAT, BMEZ, BIGZ and BSTZ.

About Saba Capital

Saba Capital Management, L.P. is a global alternative asset management firm that seeks to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns for a diverse group of clients. Founded in 2009 by Boaz Weinstein, Saba is a pioneer of credit relative value strategies and capital structure arbitrage. Saba is headquartered in New York City. Learn more at .


The information herein contains “forward-looking statements.” Specific forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and include, without limitation, words such as “may,” “will,” “expects,” “intends,” “believes,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “estimates,” “projects,” “potential,” “targets,” “forecasts,” “seeks,” “could,” “should” or the negative of such terms or other variations on such terms or comparable terminology. Similarly, statements that describe our objectives, plans or goals are forward-looking. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements or those of the industry to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements. Each of the BlackRock Funds (as defined below) has also identified additional risks relating to its business in its public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Saba Capital Management, L.P. (“Saba Capital”), and as applicable the other participants in the proxy solicitation, have based these forward-looking statements on current expectations, assumptions, estimates, beliefs, and projections. While Saba Capital and the other participants, as applicable, believe these expectations, assumptions, estimates, and projections are reasonable, such forward-looking statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond the participants’ control. There can be no assurance that any idea or assumption herein is, or will be proven, correct. If one or more of the risks or uncertainties materialize, or if the underlying assumptions of Saba Capital or any of the other participants described herein prove to be incorrect, the actual results may vary materially from outcomes indicated by these statements. Accordingly, forward-looking statements should not be regarded as a representation by Saba Capital that the future plans, estimates or expectations contemplated will ever be achieved. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results and actual results may vary materially from what is expressed in or indicated by the forward-looking statements. Except to the extent required by applicable law, neither Saba Capital nor any participant will undertake and specifically declines any obligation to disclose the results of any revisions that may be made to any projected results or forward-looking statements herein to reflect events or circumstances after the date of such projected results or statements or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events.

Certain statements and information included herein have been sourced from third parties. Saba Capital does not make any representations regarding the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of such third party statements or information. Except as may be expressly set forth herein, permission to cite such statements or information has neither been sought nor obtained from such third parties. Any such statements or information should not be viewed as an indication of support from such third parties for the views expressed herein.


Saba Capital, Saba Capital Master Fund, Ltd. (“SCMF”), Boaz R. Weinstein (“Mr. Weinstein,” and together with Saba Capital and SCMF, “Saba”) and the Nominees (as defined below, and together with Saba, the “Participants”) have filed definitive proxy statements and accompanying GOLD proxy cards (collectively, the “Proxy Statements”) with the SEC to be used in conjunction with the solicitation of proxies in connection with the 2024 annual meeting of shareholders of each of BlackRock Innovation and Growth Term Trust (“BIGZ”); BlackRock Capital Allocation Term Trust (“BCAT”); BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Term Trust (“ECAT”); BlackRock Health Sciences Term Trust (“BMEZ”); BlackRock California Municipal Income Trust (“BFZ”); BlackRock Science and Technology Term Trust (“BSTZ”); BlackRock MuniYield Pennsylvania Quality Fund (“MPA”); BlackRock MuniYield New York Quality Fund, Inc. (“MYN”); BlackRock New York Municipal Income Trust (“BNY”); and BlackRock MuniHoldings New York Quality Fund, Inc. (“MHN” and together with BIGZ, BCAT, ECAT, BMEZ, BFZ, BSTZ, MPA, MYN and BNY, collectively, the “BlackRock Funds”). Shareholders of the BlackRock Funds are advised to read the applicable Proxy Statements, including any supplements thereto, and other documents related to the solicitation of proxies with respect to such BlackRock Funds by the Participants because they contain important information, including additional information related to the Participants and a description of their direct or indirect interests by security holdings or otherwise. Such materials will be made available at no charge on the SEC’s website, .

The “Nominees” refer to (i) with respect to BIGZ, ECAT and MPA, Ilya Gurevich (“Mr. Gurevich”), Shavar Jeffries (“Mr. Jeffries”), Jennifer Raab (“Ms. Raab”), Athanassios Diplas (“Mr. Diplas”), David Littlewood (“Mr. Littlewood”), David Locala (“Mr. Locala”) and Alexander Vindman (“Mr. Vindman”); (ii) with respect to BCAT, Mr. Jeffries, Ms. Raab and Mr. Vindman; (iii) with respect to BMEZ, Mr. Gurevich, Mr. Jeffries and Mr. Locala; (iv) with respect to BFZ, Mr. Gurevich and Mr. Jeffries; (v) with respect to BSTZ, Mr. Diplas, Mr. Locala and Mr. Vindman; (vi) with respect to MYN, Ms. Raab and Mr. Vindman; (vii) with respect to BNY, Mr. Gurevich and Ms. Raab; and (viii) with respect to MHN, Mr. Jeffries and Ms. Raab.

_________________ 1 The Funds include: the BlackRock California Municipal Income Trust (NYSE: BFZ), BlackRock Capital Allocation Term Trust (NYSE: BCAT), BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Term Trust (NYSE: ECAT), BlackRock Health Sciences Term Trust (NYSE: BMEZ), BlackRock Innovation and Growth Term Trust (NYSE: BIGZ), BlackRock MuniHoldings New York Quality Fund (NYSE: MHN), BlackRock MuniYield New York Quality Fund (NYSE: MYN), BlackRock MuniYield Pennsylvania Quality Fund (NYSE: MPA), BlackRock New York Municipal Income Trust (NYSE: BNY) and BlackRock Science and Technology Term Trust (NYSE: BSTZ).

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  15. Media Planning

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    A Quick Glance at the PowerPoint Slides' Design. The media planning's key elements, like budget, analytics, etc., are showcased via a beautiful diagram curated with captivating icons. The steps to build an effective media plan are exhibited using a few uniquely designed textual boxes. A 2*2 matrix diagram highlights the general expectations ...

  17. Media Planning Template

    The template allows users to add artifacts, including external data sources and analytical reports, to provide comprehensive insights. Navigate your media campaigns and events seamlessly with our all-encompassing Media Planning Template. Streamline your strategies, track milestones, and ensure every detail is in place for successful execution.

  18. The 9 Steps of the Media Planning Process Explained

    The lead Media Planner reminds everybody of the previously agreed upon Media Brief, then walks through the media strategy, media research, and Media Plan. Then - after a dramatic pause for effect - the lead Media Planner slides the Media Authorization form across the table, hands the budget holder a pen, points to the dotted line, and says ...

  19. 13 Media Planning Presentation Diagrams PPT Template Advertising

    Media Planning Presentation Diagrams contains ready-to-use slides: Media planning presentation content slide in text placeholder with flat icon; Media presence goals template on a picture background with bullet point description; User profile shown with bullet point description and icons; Key terms in media planning shown with circle diagram ...

  20. Media planning briefing powerpoint presentation slides

    Apt media planning is an opportunity for a corporate house to gain public attention and create buzz in the market. Therefore, to hone up media briefing skills of your employees here we have come up with a complete set of pre designed good PPT example.

  21. How to Create a Social Media Plan: The Complete Guide + Templates

    1. Do a Social Media Audit. The first step in creating a social media plan is to do a social media audit of your existing channels. This will give you an idea about what's working, what isn't and how to improve the things that are falling flat.

  22. 15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

    Share to Social Media. Presentations can be shared on Facebook and Twitter. Offline Viewing. Since this is a desktop application, offline viewing is not a complication. ... Haiku Deck can be tried for free with one available presentation. The Public plan is USD 7.99 a month, Pro plans are USD 9.99 a month billed annually and USD 19.99 billed ...

  23. A Year-Long Planning Process: How Game Presentation of Super Bowl LVIII

    Tim Tubito, NFL, Director of Event Presentation & Content This session was hosted at 2024 SVG Venue Summit on March 4 in Las Vegas and was moderated by SVG Senior Editor Kristian Hernández Watch ...

  24. PDF Subcommittee on Long-Term Regional Planning Processes and Business

    Adaptation Master Plan. Task Force Meeting Schedule and Discussion Topics March 27 9:30-12:30 CAMP4W Task Force (LTRPPBM Subcommittee) Draft Year One Progress Report (Exec Summary, Purpose and Need, Climate Decision-Making ... 21-3155 - 03272024 LTRPPBM 3b Presentation Author:

  25. 4b Attachment A Presentation BAHFA Regional Expenditure Plan

    MTC is the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. We are a public, governmental agency responsible for planning, financing and coordinating transportation for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. And we're part of every trip you

  26. E1

    News Release | Presentation | Fact Sheet. News Release | Presentation | Fact Sheet ... Media. Commission Meetings; Open Access Podcast; FERC Insight; Media Relations; ... Building for the Future Through Electric Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation. May 13, 2024.

  27. PDF Metro 2028 Games Mobility Concept Plan

    Media) −Fleet car systems for Olympic Family (VIPs) −Venue transport operations (on-site) Metro and GME partners −Spectator and Workforce transportation (Existing transit + SBS + park-&-ride) −Games Route Network (GRN) −Local Area Traffic Management and Parking (LATMP) around venues −"Keeping LA Moving" (business as usual) 5

  28. Media Plan

    Radio Advertising Media Plan For Organization. Slide 1 of 10. Media Planning Strategy Importance Of Strategic Media Planning For Businesses Strategy SS V. Slide 1 of 55. Digital media planning briefing and planning process powerpoint presentations slides. Slide 1 of 2. Media plan for events with email and guest post.

  29. Saba Capital Releases Presentation Detailing Plan to Deliver Enhanced

    (2024-05-20 | NYSE:BFZ) Saba Capital Releases Presentation Detailing Plan to Deliver Enhanced Shareholder Value at 10 BlackRock Closed-End Funds. uses cookies on this site. By continuing to use our service, you agree to our use of cookies. ... GameSquare Announces Formation of FaZe Media, Backed by $11M Investment. Get the latest ...

  30. PDF DDD Integrated Health Plan Presentation Tribal 2024

    DDD Integrated Health Plan Presentation Tribal 2024.pptx Author: Mohebbi, Myriam Created Date: 5/10/2024 4:29:05 PM ...