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'లూసిఫర్'- స్పెషల్ రివ్యూ!

మలయాళంలో సూపర్ స్టార్ మోహన్ లాల్ నటించిన సంచలన హిట్ 'లూసివర్' తెలుగులో ఇదే టైటిల్ తో 2019 లో డబ్బింగ్ వెర్షన్ విడుదలైంది. ఆన్ లైన్లో ఇది అమెజాన్ లో, యూట్యూబ్ లో అందుబాటులో వుంది..

లూసిఫర్- స్పెషల్ రివ్యూ!

చిత్రం: లూసిఫర్

దర్శకత్వం : పృథ్వీ రాజ్ సుకుమారన్

తారాగణం : మోహన్ లాల్, సానియా అయ్యప్పన్, మంజూ వారియర్, వివేక్ ఒబెరాయ్, సచిన్ ఖెడేకర్, టోవినో థామస్, సాయికుమార్, ఇంద్రజిత్ సుకుమారన్, ఫ్రాంక్ ఫ్రీ తదితరులు

రచన : మురళీ గోపి, సంగీతం : దీపక్ దేవ్, ఛాయాగ్రహణం : సుజిత్ వాసుదేవ్

బ్యానర్ : ఆశిర్వాద్ సినిమాస్

నిర్మాత : ఆంటోనీ పెరంబవూర్

విడుదల : ఏప్రెల్ 12, 2019

రేటింగ్ : 3 / 5

మలయాళంలో సూపర్ స్టార్ మోహన్ లాల్ నటించిన సంచలన హిట్ 'లూసివర్' తెలుగులో ఇదే టైటిల్ తో 2019 లో డబ్బింగ్ వెర్షన్ విడుదలైంది. ఆన్ లైన్లో ఇది అమెజాన్ లో, యూట్యూబ్ లో అందుబాటులో వుంది. వర్తమాన దేశ రాజకీయాలని కేరళ రాష్ట్ర నేపధ్యంలో పరోక్షంగా చిత్రించే ఈ రాజకీయ థ్రిల్లర్ కి దేశ విదేశ కేరళీయులు స్పందించి విశేషంగా కలెక్షన్లు కట్టబెట్టారు. బయోపిక్స్ పేరుతో, పోలిటిక్స్ పేరుతో 2019 నాటి ఎన్నికల సీజన్లో ఇతర భాషల్లో అప్పటికే అనేక సినిమా లొచ్చాయి. వాటిలాగా పార్టీ ఎన్నికల ప్రచార సాధనంగా గాక, ఎలాగైనా అధికారాన్ని కైవసం చేసుకోవాలని ప్రయత్నించే కుటిల రాజకీయ శక్తుల ప్రక్షాళనగా 'లూసిఫర్' ప్రేక్షకుల ముందుకొచ్చింది. దేవుడి కుడి భుజంగా వెలిగిన దేవదూత లూసిఫర్ ని సాతానుగా ముద్రవేసి స్వర్గం నుంచి బహిష్కరిస్తే ఏం జరిగిందనే హిబ్రూ పురాణ గాథని, వర్తమాన పరిస్థితులకి అన్వయించి నిర్మించిన ఈ భారీ ప్రయోగాత్మకం ఎలా వుందో ఒకసారి చూద్దాం...

ముఖ్యమంత్రి పీకే రాందాస్ (సచిన్ ఖెడేకర్) ఆకస్మిక మృతితో కథ ప్రారంభమవుతుంది. ఇక ముఖ్యమంత్రి పదవి కోసం పార్టీలో పోటాపోటీలు మొదలవుతాయి. రాందాస్ కుమార్తె ప్రియ (మంజూ వారియర్), ఆమె కుమార్తె జాహ్నవి (సానియా అయ్యప్పన్) లతో బాటు కొడుకు జతిన్, అల్లుడు బాబీ అంత్యక్రియలకి వస్తారని ఎదురు చూస్తూంటారు. విదేశీ యాత్రలో వున్న రాందాస్ కుమారుడు జతిన్ రాందాస్ (టోవినో థామస్) ఇప్పట్లో రాలేనని కబురు పంపుతాడు. ముంబాయిలో బిజినెస్ పనుల్లో వున్న రాందాస్ అల్లుడు బాబీ (వివేక్ ఒబెరాయ్) కూడా తాత్సారం చేస్తూంటాడు. ఇక ప్రియ తనే తండ్రి చితికి నిప్పంటించి అంత్యక్రియలు పూర్తి చేస్తుంది. తర్వాత ఆమె భర్త బాబీ ముంబాయి నుంచి వచ్చి సీఎంగా జతిన్ పేరు ప్రతిపాదిస్తాడు. పార్టీలో నెంబర్ టూ వర్మ (సాయికుమార్) దీన్ని వ్యతిరేకిస్తాడు, ప్రియకి కూడా ఇది మింగుడుపడదు. ప్రతిపక్ష నేత ఇంకో కుట్రతో వుంటాడు. అయినా బాబీ మాట నెగ్గించుకుని, జతిన్ చేత పార్టీ శ్రేణులకి ప్రసంగ మిప్పిస్తాడు. దీంతో ఇతనే మా సీఎం అంటూ హర్షధ్వానాలు చేస్తాయి పార్టీ శ్రేణులు.

ఇదంతా గమనిస్తున్న స్టీఫెన్ గట్టుపల్లి (మోహన్ లాల్) ఇందులో బాబీ చేస్తున్న భారీ కుట్రని పసిగడతాడు. ఎక్కడో కొండ ప్రాంతంలో దివంగత సీఎం రాందాస్ కి చెందిన అనాధాశ్రామాన్ని చూసుకుంటున్న ఇతను, ఇక దైవ సమానుడైన రాందాస్ కుటుంబాన్నీ, ఆయన రాజకీయ వారసత్వాన్నీ నిలబెట్టేందుకు కదిలి వస్తాడు. ఎవరీ స్టీఫెన్ గట్టు పల్లి? అతను లూసిఫర్ గా ప్రకటించుకుని ఎలా శత్రువినాశం గావించాడు? అతడికి తోడ్పడిన గ్రూపులెవరు?...అన్నది మిగతా కథ.

ఎలావుంది కథ

ఇది అంతరార్ధాలతో, సంకేతాలతో చెప్పిన కేరళ రాజకీయ కుట్రల కథ. అపారమైన డబ్బుతో ప్రభుత్వాల్ని మార్చెయ్యగల రిచ్ రాజకీయ శక్తికి వ్యతిరేకంగా పోరాడే కథ. ఇక్కడ మతాల గొడవేంటని ప్రశ్నించే కథ. ఇందులో ఓపెన్ గానే డైలాగు వుంది - 'నార్త్ ఇండియా నుంచి సౌత్ ఇండియాకి వ్యాపించిన మతోన్మాదమనే కార్చిచ్చు, ఇప్పుడు ఈ రాష్ట్రానికి కూడా వ్యాపించి దహించడం మొదలెట్టింది. దీన్నెదుర్కోవడానికి మనక్కావాల్సింది డబ్బు' అని. కొన్ని పాత్రలు కూడా గుర్తించదగ్గ రాజకీయ వాసనేస్తూ వుంటాయి. చివరికి అన్నీ చక్కబడి, ప్రశాంతత నెలకొన్న వాతావరణంలో ముగింపు వాయిసోవర్ కూడా ఇలా వుంటుంది – ఈ ప్రాంతాన్ని స్వర్గ భూమి అని ఎందుకన్నారో చెప్పి, ఇంత కాలం ఇక్కడి ప్రజల్ని కాపాడింది దేవుడు కాదనీ చెబుతూ, 'ఇక ముందూ కాపాడ బోయేది దేవుడు కాదు...ఇది దేవుడి రాజ్యం కాదు...స్వర్గం నుంచి బహిష్కరింపబడిన దేవదూతల రాజ్యం...' అని సున్నితంగా వ్యాఖ్యానిస్తారు.

స్టీఫెన్ గట్టుపల్లి క్రిస్టియన్, అతడికి తోడ్పడే జయేద్ మసూద్ గ్రూపు (ఈ పాత్ర దర్శకుడు పృథ్వీరాజ్ సుకుమారన్ నటించాడు) ముస్లిం, వీళ్ళు కాపాడే రాజకీయ కుటుంబం హిందూ. కేరళ సోషల్ స్ట్రక్చర్ మతసామరస్యంతో కూడి ఎంత బలంగా వుంటాయనడానికి ప్రతీకాలంకారాలుగా ఈ పాత్రలు.

ఇక్కడ ఇంకో ముఖ్యాంశమేమిటంటే, మసూద్ గ్రూపు నాయకుడు మసూద్, 'ఖురేషీ అబ్రాం' పేరుతో అంతర్జాతీయ 'ఇల్యుమినాటిస్ సొసైటీ' లో సభ్యుడుగా వుంటాడు. శతాబ్దాల చరిత్రగల 'ఇల్యుమినాటిస్ సొసైటీ' గురించి తెలిసిందే. ప్రపంచ ధనికుల దగ్గర్నుంచి, మేధావులు, సామాన్యులు కూడా ఈ సొసైటీలో ఎవరైనా చేరవచ్చు. వీళ్ళంతా సామాజిక న్యాయం కోసం, ప్రజానీక సామూహిక అభ్యున్నతి కోసం కార్యకలాపాలు నిర్వహిస్తూంటారు. ఇక్కడ నీతి ఏమిటంటే, మసూద్ టెర్రరిజం వైపుకెళ్ళకుండా, ఈ సొసైటీలో చేరడం. స్టీఫెన్ గట్టుపల్లి ఈ సొసైటీతోనే సంబంధాలు పెట్టుకోవడం. అధికారం కోసం అల్లుడు బాబీ వేల కోట్లు ఖర్చు పెట్టగల స్థాయిలో వుంటాడు, అంతర్జాతీయ డ్రగ్ మాఫియా నెట్ వర్క్ తో సంబంధాలు పెట్టుకుని. డ్రగ్ మాఫియాతో సంబంధాలంటే టెర్రరిస్టులతో సంబంధాలే అనుకున్న స్టీఫెన్ గట్టుపల్లి- ముగింపులో రష్యా వెళ్లి - బాబీతో సంబంధాలున్న రష్యన్ అంతర్జాతీయ డ్రగ్ మాఫియా ఫొయోడర్ ని అంతమొందిస్తాడు.

ఆ తర్వాత ముంబాయిలో ఓ అతి బడా పారిశ్రామిక వేత్తకి ఫోన్ వస్తుంది. క్రోనీ క్యాపటలిజం. ప్రభుత్వానికి ఆర్ధిక దన్ను. ఇతను 'ఎవడ్రా నువ్వు?' అని కొందరు మాఫియా డాన్ల పేర్లు, టెర్రరిస్టుల పేర్లు చెప్తాడు. అవతల ఫోన్ చేసిన మసూద్, ఫోన్ ని స్టీఫెన్ గట్టుపల్లి కిస్తాడు. స్టీఫెన్ గట్టు పల్లి, 'ఖురేషీ అబ్రాం' అని చెప్పి కట్ చేస్తాడు. అంటే ఇక స్టీఫెన్ గట్టుపల్లి ఇప్పుడు తను కూడా ఇల్యుమినాటిస్ లో చేరిపోయాడన్న మాట.

ఇదంతా నటుడు, గాయకుడు, రచయిత, జర్నలిస్టు మురళీగోపి నీటుగా రాసిన కథా, స్క్రీన్ ప్లేల గొప్పతనం. నడుస్తున్న చరిత్రని పరోక్షంగా చూపిస్తాడు. ఇంకొక మతిపోయే క్రియేషన్ ఏమిటంటే, కేరళ అడవుల్లో బాబీ తాలూకు డ్రగ్ మాఫియా ముఠా మొత్తాన్నీ (పదుల సంఖ్యలో వుంటారు) అంతమొందించి వచ్చేస్తాడు స్టీఫెన్ గట్టుపల్లి.

ఈ సంఘటనలో స్టీఫెన్ గట్టుపల్లిని పట్టుకోవడానికి సాక్ష్యాధారాల కోసం పోలీసులు వచ్చేస్తారు. అక్కడ శవాలు వుండవు, సెల్ ఫోన్లు వుండవు, ఫైరింగ్ జరిగినట్టు ఎక్కడా ఆనవాళ్ళూ వుండవు. అసలు సంఘటనే జరిగినట్టు వుండదు! ఇది బాలాకోట్ సర్జికల్ స్ట్రైక్ ని గుర్తుకు తెస్తుంది...

ఎవరెలా చేశారు

మోహన్ లాల్ చాలా అండర్ ప్లే చేస్తూ నటిస్తాడు పాత్రని. అతడి చర్యలే చెప్తూంటాయి పాత్ర మానసిక తీవ్రతని. హిబ్రూ పురాణ పాత్ర లూసిఫర్ ని పోలిన జీవిత చరిత్ర ఈ పాత్ర కుంటుంది. తను స్వర్గం నుంచి పతనమైనా, ప్రాణసమాన మైన స్వర్గవాసులైన ముఖ్యమంత్రి కుటుంబ సభ్యులని కాపాడి, వారి స్వర్గాన్ని పునఃస్థాపించే ఉదాత్త పాత్రగా, లోక రాక్షకుడుగా వుంటాడు. డైలాగులు చాలా తక్కువ. ఫైట్లు చాలా ఎక్కువ. లుంగీ కట్టుకునే ఇరగదీస్తూంటాడు ఎక్కడపడితే అక్కడ శత్రువుల్ని. క్లాస్ కథని సామాన్యులు మెచ్చేలా మాస్ పాత్రతో చెప్పడం ఇక్కడ వ్యాపార వ్యూహం. వారం తిరిగేసరికల్లా వసూళ్ళు వందకోట్లు దాటింది. అరవై దాటినా మోహన్ లాల్ ఇంకా బాక్సాఫీసుని కమాండ్ చేస్తున్నాడు.

సీఎం కూతురి పాత్రలో మంజూ వారియర్ ప్రేక్షకుల మీద అత్యంత బలమైన ప్రభావం చూపే మరో పాత్ర. ఈమె కూతురి పాత్రలో సానియా అయ్యప్పన్ బాధిత పాత్ర. సీఎం అల్లుడు బాబీ పాత్రలో ప్రధాన విలన్ గా క్లాస్ నటనతో వివేక్ ఒబెరాయ్. సీఎం హైఫై కొడుకుగా టోవినో థామస్ పాత్ర, నటన చాలా సర్ప్రైజింగ్ గా వుంటాయి. కార్యకర్తల నుద్దేశించి ప్రసంగించే ఇతడి మీద ఇంటర్వెల్ సీను హైలైట్ గా వుంటుంది. ఎకాఎకీన వూడిపడే రాజకీయ వారసుల మీద సెటైర్ ఈ పాత్ర. మాతృభాష కూడా రాని, రాజకీయాల్లో ఓనమాలు తెలియని, డబ్బా కొడుకుల రాజకీయ అరంగేట్రాలకి కొరడా దెబ్బ ఈసీను. కానీ ఇదే సీనులో తను ఎలా విదేశాల్లో సంస్కృతి మరవకుండా, రాజకీయ పరిజ్ఞానాన్ని జోడించుకుని పెరిగాడో మాతృభాషలో అనర్గళంగా చెప్పి ముగించే పాజిటివ్ టచ్ – రాజకీయ నాయకుల వారస రత్నాలకి పాఠంలా వుంటుంది.


నటుడు, గాయకుడు, నిర్మాత, పంపిణీదారుడు, దర్శకుడు పృథ్వీ రాజ్ సుకుమారన్ దర్శకుడుగా ఈ తొలి ప్రయత్నంతో అత్యుత్తమ ప్రతిభ కనబర్చాడు. అయితే ఒక్కటే లోపం. అతి స్లోగా సినిమా సాగడం. అయినా మలయాళంలో అంత హిట్టయిందంటే ఇది వాళ్ళ సినిమా, వాళ్ళ సూపర్ స్టార్. పరాయి ప్రేక్షకులకి ఇంత స్లో నడక ట్రెండ్ కి దూరంగా ఇబ్బందిగానే వుంటుంది. పైగా మూడు గంటల నిడివి.

ఐతే అవే రెండు మూడు రకాల కథలతో రొటీనై పోయిన రాజకీయ సినిమాలతో పోలిస్తే, విషయపరంగా చాలా భిన్నమైనది, బలమైనది. ఇంటర్వెల్ వరకూ సీఎం చనిపోయి, వారసుడెవరన్న ప్రశ్నతో, సీఎం పదవి కోసం ఎత్తుగడల మామూలు కథగానే వుంటుంది. ఐతే సీఎం కొడుకునే విలన్ ప్రతిపాదించడంతో కథ ఇక్కడి నుంచి మారిపోతుంది. సీఎం పదవికోసం కుట్రల కథల రొటీన్ ని ఛేదించి, అడ్డదారుల్లో అధికారాన్ని కైవసం చేసుకునే కుట్ర దారుల నిర్మూలనగా, డిఫరెంట్ గా టేకాఫ్ తీసుకుంటుంది. సీఎం చనిపోవడం, పదవి భర్తీ ఇదంతా షుగర్ కోటింగ్ లా పైకి కన్పించే కథ మాత్రమే. అంతర్లీనంగా చెప్పాలనుకున్న పరోక్ష కథ పూర్తిగా వేరు. ఇదేమిటనేది పైనే చెప్పుకున్నాం.

క్లయిమాక్స్ యాక్షన్ దృశ్యాలకి హిందీ ఐటెం సాంగ్ బాగా కిక్కు నిస్తుంది. సినిమాలో వున్నది ఒకే పాట. ఇది చివర్లో సినిమానే పైసా వసూల్ చేస్తుంది. వినోదంతో బాటు విజ్ఞానం కోసం ఈ పొలిటికల్ థ్రిల్లర్ ని చూడొచ్చు.

ఇది మెగాస్టార్ చిరంజీవితో 'గాడ్ ఫాదర్' గా రీమేక్ అయింది. ఈ రీమేక్ లో మార్పు చేర్పులు జరిగే వుంటాయి. అయితే అంతరార్ధాలతో, సంకేతాలతో, ప్రతీకాలంకారాలతో, బలమైన పాత్రలతో చాలా డెప్త్ తో డిఫరెంట్ ఫీలింగ్ తీసుకొస్తూ రూపొందిన 'లూసిఫర్' స్థాయిలోనే ఇది వుంటుందా? దేవదూత లూసిఫర్ తో హిబ్రూ పురాణ నేపథ్యం వుంటుందా? ఇల్యూమినాటిస్ గోడచేర్పు వుంటుందా? తెలుగు నేటివిటీ కోసం, చిరంజీవి రొటీన్ ఇమేజి కొనసాగింపు కోసం, మరో రెగ్యులర్ మాస్ మసాలా యాక్షన్ గా మారిపోయిందా? ఇవి అక్టోబర్ 5న తెలుసుకుందాం...

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Lucifer Telugu remake with Chiranjeevi launched, see pics

The telugu remake of malayalam blockbuster lucifer, which will star chiranjeevi in the lead, was launched at a function on wednesday in hyderabad..

The Telugu remake of Malayalam blockbuster Lucifer , which will star Chiranjeevi in the lead, was launched in a close-knit function on Wednesday evening in Hyderabad. Pictures from the launch ceremony have gone viral on social media.

In Lucifer's Telugu remake, Chiranjeevi will step into Mohanlal's shoes.

The project marks the maiden collaboration of Chiranjeevi and director Mohan Raja. It was announced at the launch ceremony that SS Thaman has been roped in to compose music.

Known for helming films such as Jayam, M Kumaran S/O Mahalakshmi, Santosh Subramaniam and Thani Oruvan; Raja is returning to helm a Telugu film after two decades.

The shooting of the project is expected to commence from February. It is rumoured that Nayanthara has been signed to play Chiranjeevi’s sister in the movie. Her role was originally played by Manju Warrier in the original.

Lucifer's Telugu remake was initially to be directed by Sujeeth.

Lucifer Telugu remake was originally supposed to be directed by Saaho fame Sujeeth. In fact, Chiranjeevi had confirmed signing Sujeeth for the project. He said Sujeeth was working on the script and making necessary changes to suit Telugu sensibilities.

However, Sujeeth had to opt out of the project after he got married recently and he was occupied with his family.

Lucifer, starring Mohanlal, was the directorial debut of Prithviraj Sukumaran. The film emerged as one of the biggest blockbusters in Malayalam industry.

Also read: 'Regret not being there for you': Kangana Ranaut remembers Sushant Singh Rajput on his birthday

Chiranjeevi is currently busy shooting for his upcoming Telugu film, Acharya, in which he’s rumoured to be playing dual roles. The film is being directed by Koratala Siva.

The movie will be about a middle-aged Naxalite-turned-social reformer who launches a fight against the Endowments Department over misappropriation and embezzlement of temple funds and donations.

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Lucifer (2019)


Movie: Lucifer

User Rating: 4/5 From 503 User(s)

Language: Telugu

Cast: Mohanlal, Prithviraj Sukumaran, Vivek Oberoi... View full

Director: Prithviraj Sukumaran

Lucifer Movie Cast & Crew

lucifer movie review in telugu

Cast Mohanlal, Prithviraj Sukumaran, Vivek Oberoi, Manju Warrier, Tovino Thomas, Indrajith Sukumaran, Saniya Iyappan, Saikumar, Kalabhavan Shajohn, Nyla Usha, Giju John, Baiju Santhosh, Fazil, Sachin Khedekar, Suresh Chandra Menon, Shivaji Guruvayoor, Nandhu, John Vijay, Aneesh G. Menon, Kainakary Thankaraj, Bala, Adil Ibrahim, Shaun Romy, Murugan, Adarsh, Angelina, Helen, Abhimanyu, Frank Free, Waluscha De Sousa, Sijoy Varghese, Thara Kalyan, Parvathi T., Binu Pappu, Baiju V. K., Parvathy Menon Shijith, Sreeya Remesh, Sshivada, Shakti Kapoor, Antony Perumbavoor
DirectorPrithviraj Sukumaran
Music DirectorDeepak Dev
Release Date 2019-04-12 Released

Watch: Lucifer Telugu Trailer | Mohanlal | Prithviraj Sukumaran | Antony Perumbavoor | Murali Gopy

Dubbed From malayalam movie Lucifer

lucifer movie review in telugu

lucifer movie review in telugu

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Lucifer Movie Review: Prithviraj Strikes Gold With A Riveting Political Thriller

Language: Malayalam

Cast: Mohanlal, Manju Warrier, Tovino Thomas, Indrajith

Director: Prithviraj

Right from the day Prithviraj was signed on to direct Mohanlal, he has repeatedly said that he wanted to make a movie worthy of Mohanlal, a movie in which the actor would be portrayed the way Prithviraj wanted to see him. With Lucifer , it's fair to say that he has delivered. The film is a riveting political drama that ticks all the boxes of a commercial blockbuster.

Prithviraj has gone big with his first film and the ambition is there for all to see. The first half of the movie is built on a tight plot, even though the second half, especially towards the tail-end, is found wanting.

Mohanlal delivers a strong performance as Stephen Nedumpally, a power broker, but his character is not as grey as the trailer suggests. While the decision to make Mohanlal's character stoic seems conscious, it robs us of the chance to see beyond the one-liners and quotable quotes he delivers

The film opens with the death of a political stalwart, P.K. Ramdas, which creates a vacuum in the State and what ensues is a fight for power with the leader's children Priyadarshini (Manju Warrier) and Jathin Ramdas (Tovino), son-in-law Bobby (Vivek Oberoi) and prominent politicos Mahesha Varma (Saikumar) and Medayil Rajan (Shivaji Guruvayoor) all at the heart of a power grab. Mohanlal (Stephen Nedumpally), the righthand man of the fallen stalwart, is drawn into the murky affairs and is keen to keep greedy sharks at bay.

Mohanlal delivers a strong performance as Stephen Nedumpally, a power broker, but his character is not as grey as the trailer suggests. While the decision to make Mohanlal's character stoic seems conscious, it robs us of the chance to see beyond the one-liners and quotable quotes he delivers. There is an air of invincibility or rather a lack of vulnerability that holds Mohanlal's character back. Style comes easy to Mohanlal and that is evident throughout his performance.

The film is filled with biblical references and the attempt to establish the motif of Mohanlal as a version of Lucifer seems forced. The theme is justified in only one scene where Mohanlal (death) appears at the doorstep of a dying policeman. Lucifer is referenced as a fallen angel and a devil (Satan) in different versions of mythology. In the movie, the makers rather than sticking to one version, attempts to draw from both wells, blurring it further.

Manju Warrier has a lot of heavily charged scenes afforded to her but it would have been nice to see more shades to her character and perhaps even a little more exploration into the background of her marriage. Vivek Oberoi (Bobby) delivers a knockout performance as the wily son-in-law who wants to use Kerala as a backyard for drug peddling. He holds his own while sharing screen space with the likes of Mohanlal and Manju Warrier. Much credit should be given to the dubbing performance in the case of Vivek Oberoi's character. Prithviraj does a star turn as Zayed Masood, but he limits his role to a cameo and offers Mohanlal the centre-stage.

The film is filled with biblical references and the attempt to establish the motif of Mohanlal as a version of Lucifer seems forced. The theme is justified in only one scene where Mohanlal (death) appears at the doorstep of a dying policeman

Tovino makes his entry halfway through the movie with a look that is a throwback to his ABCD character. He has impactful bursts in the second half and his political speech is a clever piece of writing and one of the better scenes in the movie. Barring the final aerial shot during the speech, the crowds looked legit and engaging. It felt like a missed opportunity to not see Tovino branch out his own to claim a shot at the political throne. Govardhan (Indrajith), a pursuer of truth, with books of Julian Assange and Snowden on his desk, is used as a narration tool but is otherwise a sketchy and convenient character to drive the plot.

The narrative pace of the movie is brilliant barring a few occasions where it accommodates a few excesses to deliver mass moments. In a couple of scenes, it felt like Mohanlal's aura on screen alone was enough to amplify a punch moment but was still unnecessarily accompanied by a jarring background score.  Murali Gopy takes his time to introduce his characters (Mohanlal makes his entry after a good 15 minutes) and pursues various story threads to develop a good foundation for the plot. The transition between timelines is also smooth. You can't help but wonder what Murali Gopy would do if given a shot at writing a TV series around a plot of this proportion. Murali Gopy's fascination with manufactured news continues here (after Kammara Sambhavam ) but one distasteful scene was where the narration uttered the word 'bitch' before cutting to the shot of a woman working in a TV channel.

Despite being nearly three hours long, editor Samjith Mohammed has maintained a tight narrative pace throughout the film, making it very engaging. Cinematographer Sujith Vaassudev, who has worked with Mohanlal in Drishyam and Prithviraj in a string of movies including Ezra, James and Alice and Anarkali uses constant movement as a way to keep the audience on edge. The camera moving along with the elderly lady delivering tea at a old-age home/orphanage is one of the shots that stick with you. Another highlight of the film was the locations and art direction. Right from the fight scene in jail, the forest locations and the cricket stadium, it all adds to the feel of the film.

While the movie does have a lot of clichés, what's pleasantly surprising is the quirky twists and turns the movie takes, keeping you hooked all along. Lucifer has a host of characters who leave a mark on the movie despite their limited screenspace. The likes of Baiju, Suresh Chandra Menon, Saniya Iyappan, Murugan, Shaun Romy, Aneesh C Menon, John Vijay and Nandhu all make most of their roles. Baiju lends a lighter feel to the drama with his banter throughout the movie. Though the movie is set against a backdrop of State politics, it doesn't really get political beyond the struggle for power.

Fazil makes a return to the screen featuring as a pastor in a minor role and it's an absolute trip to watch Mohanlal and Fazil share screenspace. It brings to mind the duo's iconic scene in Nokkethadhoorathu Kannum Nattu where Fazil narrates his sexcapades to a young and excited Mohanlal. The feeling of nostalgia doesn't end there as Prithviraj gets Mohanlal to utter one of the latter's memorable lines from yesteryear blockbuster Irupatham Nootandu .

The climax of the movie was a bit disappointing as it seemed removed from the political drama and relocated to another scene and thread altogether. Prithviraj attempts to reach a crescendo with a final flourish set against the backdrop of an item song and falls short. The song is out of place in the movie and is also very poorly choreographed, without a catchy tune either. The music, in general, seemed jarring and was a letdown from Deepak Dev.

Lucifer is a clichéd plot written cleverly and delivered with aplomb. Prithviraj makes an assured directorial debut with the film that was high on budget and expectation. The movie has lived up to the hype and will set the box office cash registers ringing for long.

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Filming of Lucifer's Telugu remake Godfather starring Nayantara in final stage


Hyderabad: South Indian actress Nayanthara joins the sets of her upcoming Telugu movie 'Godfather', which stars megastar Chiranjeevi. Her latest picture with director Mohan Raja was out on Thursday.

Nayanthara and Mohan Raja, are seen in a picture from the sets of 'Godfather'. Nayan looks gorgeous in a black outfit and director Mohan Raja can be seen beside her in the picture shared by the team.

It is reported that Nayan has mostly wrapped her talkie part for the upcoming movie. The last schedule of shooting is currently happening in Hyderabad, and Nayanthara is working on the final sequences, with some patchwork to be wrapped up soon.

Lucifer Telugu remake: Chiranjeevi film titled Godfather, first look poster out

Lucifer Telugu remake: Chiranjeevi film titled Godfather, first look poster out

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By walking out of Chiranjeevi's Acharya, Trisha is making a profound statement

Sources suggest that Nayanthara's role has much significance in 'Godfather', which is the original remake of Malayalam's super hit movie 'Lucifer'. This Mohan Raja directorial is to feature Chiranjeevi, who would reprise Mohanlal's role.

Touted to be an intense political drama, Thaman S is the music composer for 'Godfather'. Konidela Surekha presents the movie, while Konidela Productions and Super Good Films are producing the movie, which is in its final leg of making.

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Megastar Chiranjeevi’s ‘Acharya’, being directed by Koratala Siva, is in the last leg of shooting. The film will wrap its entire production shortly. So, he can move on to his next project in August.

Director Mohan Raja has now begun work for creating sets for the ‘Lucifer’ remake. Mohan Raja is helming the Telugu remake of this Malayalam blockbuster.

Chiranjeevi is all set to reprise Mohanlal’s role in Telugu.

Suresh Selvarajan, who has created a massive temple town, for ‘Acharya’ is working on this Lucifer remake as well. The Pooja ceremony for erecting the sets was held today. “Anything new gives a sense of happiness. A new day, a new beginning. Starting set work for my new film, with the old jitters which I carried along from the first film to every new film, making sure if I can pull off another miracle,” Suresh Selvarajan wrote.

The film will commence its regular shoot shortly. Produced by NV Prasad, Paras Jain, and Vakada Apparao, the film has music by Thaman. A couple of songs have already been recorded.

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Cinematography NA
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Budget TBA
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Lucifer News

Aadujeevitham Poised To Break First Weekend Box Office Records Set By Lucifer And Bheeshma Parvam?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Lucifer

In this Lucifer film, Mohanlal , Manju Warrier played the primary leads.

The Lucifer was released in theaters on 12 Apr 2019.

The Lucifer was directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran

Movies like Prabhas Hanu , Mechanic Rocky , The Raja Saab and others in a similar vein had the same genre but quite different stories.

The soundtracks and background music were composed by Deepak Dev for the movie Lucifer.

The movie Lucifer belonged to the Action,Thriller, genre.

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Disclaimer: The materials, such as posters, backdrops, and profile pictures, are intended to represent the associated movies and TV shows under fair use guidelines for informational purposes only. We gather information from social media, specifically Twitter. We strive to use only official materials provided publicly by the copyright holders.

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Lucifer Vs Godfather: Threat Of Comparison

Lucifer Vs Godfather: Threat Of Comparison

Chiranjeevi's 'Godfather' is coming up on October 5th. It is known that it is the remake of Malayalam hit Lucifer starring Mohan Lal. 

The lockdowns during the Corona pandemic facilitated many of the audience to watch this on Amazon Primevideo. In fact, majority of audience watch films on this particular OTT platform as it is economical with regard to subscription. Above all, the film Lucifer has been available in Telugu version as well which was watched by many Telugus across the globe. Now they have the remake in Telugu with the title Godfather! 

Lucifer is a classic in its way. There is a wide belief that the classics shouldn't be touched to remake. The film runs on a unique story line that fits in well for Kerala. The two major aspects of the film with regard to nativity are the Christianity and Communism. It is obvious that these two elements might have replaced with other native elements in Telugu. But without the background of communism, Lucifer may hold the conviction. 

Mohan Lal appears for around 10 to 15 mins in the first half and his real drama begins only in the second act.. The audience those come to watch Chiranjeevi's film cannot accept this and so the screenplay might have changed to give more room for megastar. Apart from this songs and comedy are Chiranjeevi's forte. But there is no scope for both in this storyline. 

The song on Chiranjeevi and Salman Khan is only coming up during the rolling titles. 

The comparison between the two films is inevitable and it is really a fingers-crossed situation. 

Lucifer had changed many hands right from VV Vinayak to some top directors but finally Chiranjeevi locked the script given by Mohan Raja. So, it is really curious to see what changes were made to make it tailormade for Chirajeevi. 

Though Ayyappayum Koshiyum was not dubbed into Telugu, many Telugu audience watched it before the release of Bheemla Nayak. But the film was received well though not a profitable venture at the end. Here, Lucifer was available as a Telugu dubbed version and we have to see how the audience receive this Telugu remake in comparison. 

Coming to other key casting, Satya Dev is a versatile actor who is portraying the role of Vivek Oberio here. Can Satya Dev match the stardom of Chiranjeevi? Can he balance the weightage on he screen in the role of Nayantara's husband? We get the answers only after the release. 

The Malayalam version shows a kind of incest cruelty in Vivek Oberoi's character but here in Telugu it's changed to Satya Dev's indecent behavior with Nayantara's sister. Can this change sustain the cruelty of this character? 

On a whole there are many questions and expectations on Godfather. The curtains go down on this suspense only on October 5th.

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Tags: Chiranjeevi Mohanlal Godfather Lucifer

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Lucifer Review – A Lengthy And Massy Fan Fare

Lucifer Movie Review


CENSOR ‘UA’ Certified, 2hr 54mins

Mohanlal - Lucifer Review

How Is Mohanlal’s Performance? Mohan Lal brings his magical aura and intensity to the table to make the maximum out of yet another mass outing. It is a role that he can do by sleepwalking. Well, he doesn’t do that, and that is the reason why the actor is a legend. Mohan Lal always finds a way to keep going energetically even after all these years doing parts that are sometimes highly repetitive and fluffy coming from him. The fights are a treat to watch due to his intensity.

Director Pruthviraj -Lucifer Telugu movie Review

The most vital aspect of this whole homage or fan service is that Prithviraj has the basic sense to use the star well and present him in a complete package with an engaging story fitting the star. Naturally, the political landscape looks fit. Prithviraj does a terrific job in creating a simple narrative, with clear cut characters and avoiding chaos despite so many spaces like political, media, mafia and drugs. The story never feels dense or too cumbersome.

Prithviraj takes his time in establishing the whole set up and characters and only then he proceeds into the core story. It takes more than half an hour for that, and that’s how we arrive at a near three hours movie. But, what makes it tick is the taught narration and grand making. The narrative is relatively straightforward and simple even though there are multiple arcs. Director uses the star presence and aura of Mohan Lal well. In the first half, the screen time of the senior star is less, but his presence is always felt.

The second half is a one-man show by Mohan Lal, and he takes charge as a mass hero. The elevations are perfectly executed, and Mohan Lal plays to the galleries without overdoing any moment. As the narrative moves towards the end, the proceedings get a little predictable and finally, we began to feel weariness, but that is all right as there is a sense of satisfaction.

Overall, Lucifer is a well-made commercial masala fare that, in parts, operates similarly to Raghava Lawrence directed Don that came years ago. It is a fan service movie that more than collections of fan moments. For a neutral viewer, there is a regular commercial fare that is engaging despite the length issues.

Manju Warrier -Lucifer Telugu Movie Review

Apart from the names mentioned above, there is a substantial supporting cast as well that comprises of well-known names like Baiju, Saikumar, and John Vijay etc. They all deliver in the roles given to them and stand out irrespective of length.

Music Director Deepak Dev -Lucifer Telugu movie Review

Drawbacks? Length Gets Predictable In Final Hour

Pruthvi -Lucifer Movie Review

Did I Enjoy It? Yes

Will You Recommend It? Yes for mass movie lovers

Lucifer Review by Siddartha Toleti

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Telugu Movie Evol To Have Its OTT Debut On This Date

Curated By : Entertainment Bureau

Local News Desk

Last Updated: August 14, 2024, 12:52 IST

Hyderabad, India

Evol is directed by Ram Velagapudi.

Evol is directed by Ram Velagapudi.

When read in reverse, Evol spells Love, hinting at its bold and unconventional storyline.

OTT platforms are dominating the entertainment scene. As soon as a new show or movie drops, viewers flock to watch it, often with subtitles, regardless of the language. Weekends have become synonymous with binge-watching and it’s not just movies- web series have also impacted the audiences deeply. Whether it’s a six-hour series or a short film, viewers are eagerly consuming content in one sitting, as long as it’s fresh and engaging.

Among the different genres, horror, thrillers and romantic movies are especially popular. When it comes to bold and daring content, OTTs don’t shy away. The latest buzz is about the Telugu movie Evol, which is set to stream on Aha.

Evol, directed by Ram Velagapudi, has an intriguing title. When read in reverse, Evol spells Love, hinting at its bold and unconventional storyline. This movie has made headlines for another reason—it was banned by the censors. The film’s bold scenes were deemed too intense for a theatrical release, leading to its ban. Despite this, Aha, known for pushing the envelope with bold content, is set to release Evol on their platform.

The movie is scheduled to stream on August 15 and there’s already a lot of curiosity surrounding it. Aha’s decision to release a movie banned by the censors shows their commitment to offering diverse content to their audience. The film’s first-look poster has already created a buzz, with viewers eagerly awaiting its release.

Alongside Evol, other big releases are also lined up in the South. The theatrical release chart includes major films like Double iSmart and Mr. Bachchan. Additionally, ETV Win will stream the Veeranjaneyulu Vihara Yatra starting August 14. With such a variety of content available, OTT viewers are in for an exciting time.

Evol features actors Naresh and Rag Mayur in key roles. The film’s bold theme and striking visuals have caught everyone’s attention. As the release date approaches, anticipation is building. Viewers are eager to see what this bold new project has to offer.

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    Presenting you the Telugu Trailer Of #Lucifer Directed By Prithviraj SukumaranDirector : Prithviraj SukumaranScreenplay : Murali GopyProducer : Antony Perumb...

  5. Lucifer (2019)

    Lucifer: Directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran. With Mohanlal, Vivek Oberoi, Manju Warrier, Tovino Thomas. A political Godfather dies and a lot of thieves dressed up as politicians took over the rule. Question arises regarding the successor of the God, unfolding few names, along with the God's most beloved angel, Lucifer.

  6. Lucifer Telugu remake: Chiranjeevi film titled Godfather, first look

    It is the remake of the 2019 Malayalam action movie 'Lucifer', which was directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran. GodFather Motion Poster - Happy Birthday Mega Star Chiranjeevi | Mohan Raja | Thaman S. Watch on. The film's first poster was also revealed along with the title. In the poster you can see the silhouette of a man dressed in formals and a hat.

  7. Lucifer Telugu remake with Chiranjeevi launched, see pics

    Lucifer Telugu remake was originally supposed to be directed by Saaho fame Sujeeth. ... The movie will be about a middle-aged Naxalite-turned-social reformer who launches a fight against the ...

  8. Prime Video: Lucifer (Telugu)

    Lucifer (Telugu) A political Godfather, who ruled the God's Own Country, dies and a lot of thieves dressed up as politicians took over the rule. When question arises on the replacement of the 'God', just one name emerges; 'Stephen Nedumbally'. IMDb 7.5 2 h 52 min 2019. X-Ray 13+. Drama · Action · Exciting · Edifying. Join Prime. Watch with ...

  9. Lucifer Movie Cast, Review, Wallpapers & Trailer

    Movie: Lucifer. User Rating: 4/5 From 503 User(s) Language: Telugu Cast: Mohanlal, Prithviraj Sukumaran, Vivek Oberoi...View full. Director: Prithviraj Sukumaran

  10. Lucifer (2019)

    Telugu. 2h 54m• Action,Drama• UA• 12 Apr, 2019. Watch online. Share. Lucifer. Watch online. About the movie. In God`s own country, the supreme leader of the ruling party dies, leaving a huge vacuum, not only in the electoral and leadership sphere of the party but also that of the state. In the inevitable succession squabble and the power ...

  11. లూసిఫర్ స్టోరి

    లూసిఫర్ స్టోరి - Read Lucifer Movie Story in Telugu, Lucifer Synopsis, Lucifer movie details, Lucifer movie first look, review and Preview in Telugu and more in the online movie database of Filmibeat Telugu.

  12. Lucifer is a riveting political drama that ticks all the boxes

    The likes of Baiju, Suresh Chandra Menon, Saniya Iyappan, Murugan, Shaun Romy, Aneesh C Menon, John Vijay and Nandhu all make most of their roles. Baiju lends a lighter feel to the drama with his banter throughout the movie. Though the movie is set against a backdrop of State politics, it doesn't really get political beyond the struggle for power.

  13. Watch Lucifer (Telugu)

    Lucifer (Telugu) A political Godfather, who ruled the God's Own Country, dies and a lot of thieves dressed up as politicians took over the rule. When question arises on the replacement of the 'God', just one name emerges; 'Stephen Nedumbally'. 148 IMDb 7.5 2 h 52 min 2019.

  14. Filming of Lucifer's Telugu remake Godfather starring Nayantara in

    The last schedule of shooting is currently happening in Hyderabad, and Nayanthara is working on the final sequences, with some patchwork to be.Godfather. director. Mohan Raja. Nayanthara. Filming. Lucifer. Telugu. remake. Nayantara. movie. cinema

  15. Lucifer Telugu remake: A massive set being created

    Mohan Raja is helming the Telugu remake of this Malayalam blockbuster. Chiranjeevi is all set to reprise Mohanlal's role in Telugu. Suresh Selvarajan, who has created a massive temple town, for 'Acharya' is working on this Lucifer remake as well. The Pooja ceremony for erecting the sets was held today. "Anything new gives a sense of ...

  16. Lucifer Movie Review in Telugu

    Lucifer Telugu Movie Review, Mohanlal Lucifer Movie Review, Lucifer Movie Review, Mohanlal Lucifer Review, Lucifer Review and Rating, Lucifer Telugu Movie Review and Rating Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube

  17. Lucifer Movie (2019): Release Date, Cast, Ott, Review, Trailer, Story

    Lucifer Telugu Movie: Check out Mohanlal's Lucifer movie release date, review, cast & crew, trailer, songs, teaser, story, budget, first day collection, box office collection, ott release date ...

  18. Lucifer Vs Godfather: Threat Of Comparison

    Lucifer Vs Godfather: Threat Of Comparison. Chiranjeevi's 'Godfather' is coming up on October 5th. It is known that it is the remake of Malayalam hit Lucifer starring Mohan Lal. The lockdowns during the Corona pandemic facilitated many of the audience to watch this on Amazon Primevideo. In fact, majority of audience watch films on this ...

  19. Godfather (2022 film)

    Godfather (stylised as GodFather) is a 2022 Indian Telugu-language political action thriller film directed by Mohan Raja.It is a remake of the 2019 Malayalam film Lucifer. [3] The film stars Chiranjeevi in the title role, alongside an ensemble cast including Salman Khan, Nayanthara, Satya Dev, Murali Mohan, Puri Jagannadh, Murali Sharma, Tanya Ravichandran, Sarvadaman D. Banerjee ...

  20. Salman Khan to make his Tollywood debut with Chiranjeevi's Lucifer

    Chiranjeevi's much-awaited Telugu remake of the Malayalam film 'Lucifer' created a buzz on the internet. Bollywood star Salman Khan was not ready to share the screen space with Chiranjeevi ...

  21. Lucifer (2019 Indian film)

    Lucifer is a 2019 Indian Malayalam-language political action thriller film directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran and written by Murali Gopy.Produced by Antony Perumbavoor through the production house Aashirvad Cinemas, the film marks Prithviraj's directorial debut and features Mohanlal in the title role, alongside an ensemble supporting cast including Vivek Oberoi, Manju Warrier, Tovino Thomas ...

  22. Lucifer Review, Lucifer Movie Review, Lucifer Telugu Movie ...

    Lucifer Review, Lucifer Movie Review, Lucifer Telugu Movie Review, Ratings - When the big head of a ruling party, the Chief Minister PK Ramadass, falls, political manoeuver is made to fill a dummy Jathin (Tovino Thomas) in his place, by CM's son-in-law Bobby (Vivek Oberoi). What happens when a trusted aide of the CM, Stephen (Mohan Lal) comes in his way?

  23. Lucifer Telugu Movie Review

    Telugu cinema news, Movie reviews, OTT News, OTT Release dates, Latest Movie reviews in Telugu, telugu movie reviews, Box office collections

  24. Telugu Movie Evol To Have Its OTT Debut On This Date

    The latest buzz is about the Telugu movie Evol, which is set to stream on Aha. Evol, directed by Ram Velagapudi, has an intriguing title. When read in reverse, Evol spells Love, hinting at its bold and unconventional storyline. This movie has made headlines for another reason—it was banned by the censors.

  25. Babygirl (2024)

    Babygirl: Directed by Halina Reijn. With Nicole Kidman, Antonio Banderas, Harris Dickinson, Sophie Wilde. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern.