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Latest commit, file metadata and controls, design a library management system, let's design a library management system.

We'll cover the following:

System Requirements

Use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagrams.

A Library Management System is a software built to handle the primary housekeeping functions of a library. Libraries rely on library management systems to manage asset collections as well as relationships with their members. Library management systems help libraries keep track of the books and their checkouts, as well as members’ subscriptions and profiles.

Library management systems also involve maintaining the database for entering new books and recording books that have been borrowed with their respective due dates.

Library Management System

Always clarify requirements at the beginning of the interview. Be sure to ask questions to find the exact scope of the system that the interviewer has in mind.

We will focus on the following set of requirements while designing the Library Management System:

  • Any library member should be able to search books by their title, author, subject category as well by the publication date.
  • Each book will have a unique identification number and other details including a rack number which will help to physically locate the book.
  • There could be more than one copy of a book, and library members should be able to check-out and reserve any copy. We will call each copy of a book, a book item.
  • The system should be able to retrieve information like who took a particular book or what are the books checked-out by a specific library member.
  • There should be a maximum limit (5) on how many books a member can check-out.
  • There should be a maximum limit (10) on how many days a member can keep a book.
  • The system should be able to collect fines for books returned after the due date.
  • Members should be able to reserve books that are not currently available.
  • The system should be able to send notifications whenever the reserved books become available, as well as when the book is not returned within the due date.
  • Each book and member card will have a unique barcode. The system will be able to read barcodes from books and members’ library cards.

We have three main actors in our system:

  • Librarian: Mainly responsible for adding and modifying books, book items, and users. The Librarian can also issue, reserve, and return book items.
  • Member: All members can search the catalog, as well as check-out, reserve, renew, and return a book.
  • System: Mainly responsible for sending notifications for overdue books, canceled reservations, etc.

Here are the top use cases of the Library Management System:

  • Add/Remove/Edit book: To add, remove or modify a book or book item.
  • Search catalog: To search books by title, author, subject or publication date.
  • Register new account/cancel membership: To add a new member or cancel the membership of an existing member.
  • Check-out book: To borrow a book from the library.
  • Reserve book: To reserve a book which is not currently available.
  • Renew a book: To reborrow an already checked-out book.
  • Return a book: To return a book to the library which was issued to a member.

Here is the use case diagram of our Library Management System:

Library Use Case Diagram

Here are the main classes of our Library Management System:

  • Library: The central part of the organization for which this software has been designed. It has attributes like ‘Name’ to distinguish it from any other libraries and ‘Address’ to describe its location.
  • Book: The basic building block of the system. Every book will have ISBN, Title, Subject, Publishers, etc.
  • BookItem: Any book can have multiple copies, each copy will be considered a book item in our system. Each book item will have a unique barcode.
  • Account: We will have two types of accounts in the system, one will be a general member, and the other will be a librarian.
  • LibraryCard: Each library user will be issued a library card, which will be used to identify users while issuing or returning books.
  • BookReservation: Responsible for managing reservations against book items.
  • BookLending: Manage the checking-out of book items.
  • Catalog: Catalogs contain list of books sorted on certain criteria. Our system will support searching through four catalogs: Title, Author, Subject, and Publish-date.
  • Fine: This class will be responsible for calculating and collecting fines from library members.
  • Author: This class will encapsulate a book author.
  • Rack: Books will be placed on racks. Each rack will be identified by a rack number and will have a location identifier to describe the physical location of the rack in the library.
  • Notification: This class will take care of sending notifications to library members.

Library Class Diagram

Check-out a book: Any library member or librarian can perform this activity. Here are the set of steps to check-out a book:

Return a book: Any library member or librarian can perform this activity. The system will collect fines from members if they return books after the due date. Here are the steps for returning a book:

Return Book Activity Diagram

Renew a book: While renewing (re-issuing) a book, the system will check for fines and see if any other member has not reserved the same book, in that case the book item cannot be renewed. Here are the different steps for renewing a book:

Here is the code for the use cases mentioned above: 1) Check-out a book, 2) Return a book, and 3) Renew a book.

Note: This code only focuses on the design part of the use cases. Since you are not required to write a fully executable code in an interview, you can assume parts of the code to interact with the database, payment system, etc.

Enums and Constants: Here are the required enums, data types, and constants:

Code Snippet:

Account, Member, and Librarian: These classes represent various people that interact with our system:

BookReservation, BookLending, and Fine: These classes represent a book reservation, lending, and fine collection, respectively.

BookItem: Encapsulating a book item, this class will be responsible for processing the reservation, return, and renewal of a book item.

Search interface and Catalog: The Catalog class will implement the Search interface to facilitate searching of books.

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Case Study: Library Management System

Tanmaya Sahu

  • October 18, 2023

library management system case study in software engineering

The Library Management System is a simple Python program that emulates the core functionalities of a library, including adding books, displaying the book catalog, lending books, and returning books. This case study presents a straightforward implementation of a library management system for educational and organizational purposes.


  • To create a text-based library management system for managing a collection of books.
  • To allow users to add books to the library catalog.
  • To provide users with a list of available books.
  • To enable users to borrow and return books.


The Library Management System consists of the following components:

  • Library Class: The Library class serves as the core of the system and contains methods for adding books, displaying the catalog, lending books, and returning books. It uses a dictionary to store book information.
  • Main Function: The main function initiates the library system and presents a menu to users for performing actions like adding books, displaying books, lending books, and returning books.

library management system case study in software engineering

Case Study Steps:

  • Launch the Library Management System.
  • The system displays a welcome message, and the main menu is presented to the user.
  • Add a Book (Option 1): Users can add books to the library catalog by providing the book’s title and author.
  • Display Books (Option 2): Users can view the list of books in the library catalog.
  • Lend a Book (Option 3): Users can borrow a book by specifying the title and their name. The system checks for book availability and records the borrower’s name.
  • Return a Book (Option 4): Users can return a borrowed book by providing the book’s title and their name. The system verifies the book’s status and updates it.
  • Exit (Option 0): Users can exit the library management system.
  • The system processes user inputs, executes the chosen action, and provides appropriate feedback.


The Library Management System presented in this case study offers a simplified way to manage a library’s book catalog. It is suitable for educational purposes and provides the core features necessary for a basic library system, such as adding, displaying, lending, and returning books. Further development could include features like due dates, user authentication, and storing book information in a database for a more comprehensive library management system.

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library management system case study in software engineering

library management system case study in software engineering

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UML diagrams for library management system

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Library Management System

Read the following documents/reports to understand the problem statement, requirements and other necessary things related to the Library Management Application: Doc1 , Doc2 , Doc3 , Doc4 , Doc5 , Doc6

  • 1 Use case diagram
  • 2 Class diagram
  • 3 Sequence diagram
  • 4 Collaboration diagram
  • 5 Statechart diagram
  • 6 Activity diagram
  • 7 Component diagram
  • 8 Deployment diagram

Use case diagram

Email address:

Class diagram

Sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, statechart diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram.

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Suryateja Pericherla

Suryateja Pericherla, at present is a Research Scholar (full-time Ph.D.) in the Dept. of Computer Science & Systems Engineering at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Previously worked as an Associate Professor in the Dept. of CSE at Vishnu Institute of Technology, India.

He has 11+ years of teaching experience and is an individual researcher whose research interests are Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Computer Security, Network Security and Blockchain.

He is a member of professional societies like IEEE, ACM, CSI and ISCA. He published several research papers which are indexed by SCIE, WoS, Scopus, Springer and others.

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This is all diagram super thanks for the content

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yaaaa for for mind blocking it is very helpful

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Hello webmaster, Your posts are always a great source of knowledge.

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May I ask if you can provide the corresponding PlantUML for scientific research

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Dear webmaster, Your posts are always informative.

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from where could i find UML diagrams on the image search engine???

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You have to Google for that. I don’t think they will be available. Better search for search engine diagrams and modify them for image search engine.

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Thank You very very much for the diagrams. They were very helpful and up to the mark.

You are welcome 🙂

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very usefull information

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Thanks for the diagrams. They are very helpful.

You are welcome Hassaan

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yes extremely helpful information

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easy understood for diagram

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Development of an Online Integrated Library Management Information System: Case Study “University of Gitwe”

Profile image of GATETE Marcel

Abstract— Automated Information System is a software application which often provides a major impact on the universities’ social and economic satisfaction as it consists of various aspects of the educational process, automates administrative and business activities and financial management, assists in decision-making by supporting information flow within the university. UG-LMIS (University of Gitwe Library Management Information System) is a library automation web application, a sub-module of the University of Gitwe’s Integrated Management Information System (UGIMIS), a web-based and an online application automating the whole university’s management. UG-LMIS was designed for the University of Gitwe to replace its existing manual record-keeping system. The new system controls the following information; student information, the catalog of books, track of issues and return of books, book searching and tracking, e-mail services, notice about book issue status, reporting capabilities, etc. These services are provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner with the goal of reducing the time and resources currently required for such tasks. UG- LMIS is a UMIS with great user interface designs, more performance enhancements, and many of enriched modules. It works for a big deal to bring value to the words ‘care’ and ‘comfort’ in this higher learning scenario. Besides, UG-LIMS is endowed with an advanced feature as it is a part of the university website, it can be accessed online anywhere at any time.


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CSE Study Material

Case study: library management system.

  • Problem statement 
  • Vision document
  • Glossary 
  • Supplementary specification document
  • The library system is a web-based application which is employed for automating a library 
  • It allows the librarian to maintain the information about 
  • ⃝books 
  • ⃝magazines 
  • ⃝CDs 
  • ⃝its users 
  • Furthermore, it provides the following facilities to its users 
  • ⃝Search for items 
  • ⃝Browse 
  • ⃝Checkout items 
  • Return items 
  • Make reservation 
  • Remove reservation, etc. 
  • For borrowing the item from the library, any user must get registered in the system initially 
  • The users can search for any item in the library by using the 'search option' 
  • If the user finds the item he/she is searching for in the library, he/she can checkout the item from the library 
  • If the study material is not available in the library at the moment, the user can make reservation for that item 
  • The moment the item is available, the user who first reserved for that item is notified first 
  • If the user checks out the item from the library, the reservation gets cancelled automatically. The reservation can also be cancelled through an explicit cancellation procedure 
  • The librarian is an employee of the library who interacts with the borrowers whose work is supported by the system 
  • The system allows the librarian to perform the following functions with a lot of ease 
  • Create 
  • Update 
  • Delete information about titles 
  • Borrowers 
  • Items and reservations in the system 
  • The library system can run on popular web-browser platforms like Windows Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc. It can be easily extended with new functionality
  • The vision document gives a description of the higher level requirements of the system which specifies the scope of the system
  • The vision document for the library system might be a support system 
  • The library system lends the items like books, magazines, CDs to its registered users 
  • This system takes care about the purchases of new titles for the library. The popular titles are brought in many copies 
  • If the items like old books, magazines and CDs are out of date or in poor condition, they are removed 
  • The librarian is employed in the library for interacting with the borrowers whose work is supported by the library system 
  • Any registered user can make reservation for a book, magazine or CD that is currently unavailable in the library so that he/she is notified first when it is available in the library 
  • The moment the book or magazine or CD is checked out by the borrower, the reservation is cancelled. The reservation is also cancelled through an explicit cancellation procedure 
  • The librarian can easily create, update, and delete information about titles, borrowers, items and reservations in the system 
  • The system can run on popular web-browser platforms like Windows Explorer, Netscape navigator etc. 
  • It is easy to extend the system with new functionality
  • Key terms are denoted in italics within the use case specifications. 
  • Item: A tangible copy of a title.
  • Title: The descriptive identifying information for a book or magazine. Includes attributes like name and description.
  • Reservation: Whenever a borrower wishes to checkout an item that is not available due to previous checkout by a different borrower a request can be made (a reservation) that locks the borrower in as the next person able to checkout the item. 
  • Actors: Borrower - Interactive actor who uses the library to search for titles, make reservations, checkout, and return items. 
  • Librarian: Interactive actor responsible for maintenance of the inventory, acting on behalf of the borrowers, and general support of the library (non-automated as well). 
  • Master librarian: Interactive actor, themselves a librarian, who is also responsible for maintaining the set of librarians for the system. 
  • Registered user: Any interactive user for whom the system maintains a system account. This includes borrowers, librarians, and master librarians. Capabilities include basic login, browsing and searching for titles.
  • Objective:   The purpose of this document is to define the requirements of the library system. This document lists the requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use case model. The supplementary specification and use case model together capture a complete set of requirements of the system. 
  • Scope: This supplementary specification defines the non-functional requirements of the system such as reliability, performance, support ability, and security as well as functional requirements that are common across a number of use cases. 
  • Reference: None 
  • Common functionalities: Multiple users must be able to perform their work concurrently. If the reserved item has been purchased or available, the borrower must be notified.
  • Usability: The desktop user interface shall be Widows NT or Windows 2000 compliant. 
  • Reliability: The system shall be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and not more than 10% down time. 
  • Performance: The system shall support up to 2000 simultaneous users against the central database of any given data. The system must be able to complete 80% of all transactions within 5 minutes.

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library management system case study in software engineering

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Library Management System Case Study

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As the name suggests, the library management system project is related to the storage of information regarding the library. Library is the place with the huge collection of books. It is place from where the students and the faculties issue the books for their reference purposes. But the maintenance of keeping the records of issuing and borrowing is difficult if you use a normal book as a registry. To make this task easier, the library management system will be very useful. It helps in maintaining the information regarding the issuing and borrowing of books by the students and the faculties. The library management system case study gives the case study of the library management system.

Library Management System Case Study

The students and the faculty will be able to issue the books from the library. There will be different limitations on the number of days that the books can be renewed for. If the library management system is implemented it will help the librarians in simplifying the work. In the case of libraries with huge collection of books it will be difficult in locating the position of the book. Through this project, the people will be able to locate the exact location of the book that is the row and the column in which the book is present. It will be helpful in simplifying the work at the library. The project can have the following features:

  • Book id : This is a unique id through which the book can be tracked.
  • Borrower: It is the person who will borrow the book from the library.
  • Issuer : The person who issues the book like the librarian.
  • Date of issuing : It is the date that will be recorded on which the book will be issued.
  • Date of return: It is the date on which the particular book will be returned.
  • Fine : Extra amount received for the late return of the book.

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Class Diagram for Library Management System

In Object – Oriented modelling , the main building block generally represents different objects in a system, their attributes, their different functions, and relationships among objects. These building blocks are known as Class Diagram.

Class diagrams are generally used for conceptual modeling of static view of a software application, and for modeling translating models into programming code in a detailed manner. At time of developing or construction software systems, a class diagram is widely used. They are also used for data modeling. It is used to show classes, relationships among them, interface, association, etc. Class in a class diagram simply is a blueprint of an object. It simply describes and explains different type of objects in system, and different types of relationships that exist between them.

Note:   Follow given link to build a Web application on   Library Management System .

Class Diagram for Library Management System :

Aggregation and Multiplicity are two important points that need to take into consideration while designing a Class Diagram. Let us understand in detail.

  • Aggregation – Aggregation simply shows a relationship where one thing can exist independently of other thing. It means to create or compose different abstractions together in defining a class. Aggregation is represented as a part of relationship in class diagram. In diagram given below, we can see that aggregation is represented by an edge with a diamond end pointing towards superclass. The “Library Management System” is superclass that consists of various classes. These classes are User, Book, and Librarian as shown in diagram. Further, for “Account” class, “User” is a superclass. All of these, share a relationship and these relationships are known as aggregate relationships.
  • Multiplicity – Multiplicity means that number of elements of a class is associated with another class. These relations can be one-to-one, many-to-many, and many-to-one or one-to-many. For denoting one element we use 1 , for zero elements we use 0 , and for many elements we use * . We can see in diagram; many users are associated with many books denoted by * and this represents a many-to-many type of relationship. One user has only one account that is denoted by 1 and this represents a one-to-one type of relationship. Many books are associated with one librarian and this represents many-to-one or one-to-many type of relationship. All these relationships are shown in diagram.

Class Diagram for Library Management System simply describes structure of Library Management System class, attributes, methods or operations, relationship among objects.

Classes of Library Management System :

  • Library Management System class – It manages all operations of Library Management System. It is central part of organization for which software is being designed.
  • User Class – It manages all operations of user.
  • Librarian Class – It manages all operations of Librarian.
  • Book Class – It manages all operations of books. It is basic building block of system.
  • Account Class – It manages all operations of account.
  • Library database Class – It manages all operations of library database.
  • Staff Class – It manages all operations of staff.
  • Student Class – It manages all operations of student.

Attributes of Library Management System :

  • Library Management System Attributes – UserType, Username, Password
  • User Attributes – Name, Id
  • Librarian Attributes – Name, Id, Password, SearchString
  • Book Attributes – Title, Author, ISBN, Publication
  • Account Attributes – no_borrowed_books, no_reserved_books, no_returned_books, no_lost_books fine_amount
  • Library database Attributes – List_of_books
  • Staff Class Attributes – Dept
  • Student Class Attributes – Class

Methods of Library Management System :

  • Library Management System Methods – Login(), Register(), Logout()
  • User Methods – Verify(), CheckAccount(), get_book_info()
  • Librarian Methods – Verify_librarian(), Search()
  • Book Methods – Show_duedt(), Reservation_status(), Feedback(), Book_request(), Renew_info()
  • Account Methods – Calculate_fine()
  • Library database Methods – Add(), Delete(), Update(), Display(), Search()

Class Diagram of Library Management System :

library management system case study in software engineering

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