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is assignment work halal

Is My Income From Doing People’s Assignments For Them Haram?

Answered by shaykh abdul-rahim reasat.

Assalamu ‘alaykum. I used to do assignment/ report writing for students. I found out that it’s wrong to do their work for them as the students are using my work as their own to gain marks and such. My question is, now that I have understood and have stopped doing those, what should I do with the pay? Now is it haram for me to use that money?

Wa ‘alaykum assalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

I pray you are well.

Yes, using that money would not be permissible as the act entailed helping others in deception. The best thing to do is to turn to Allah, ask for forgiveness, and repent. You’ll find Allah to be very forgiving and merciful.

Part of the repentance would be to remove that money from your possession. If you still have it, give it to someone who is poor, or to a cause that would be of general benefit to people. If you have spent it you’d need to give the equivalent amount away. That would clear you of the sin and its consequences. (Usmani, Fiqh al Buyu’)

May Allah facilitate a halal income for you, always.

[Shaykh] Abdul-Rahim

Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat began his studies in Arabic Grammar and Morphology in 2005. After graduating with a degree in English and History, he moved to Damascus in 2007, where, for 18 months, he studied with many erudite scholars. In late 2008 he moved to Amman, Jordan, where he continued his studies for the next six years in Sacred Law (fiqh), legal theory (Usul al-fiqh), theology, hadith methodology, hadith commentary, and Logic. He was also given licenses of mastery in the science of Quranic recital. He was able to study an extensive curriculum of Quranic sciences, tafsir, Arabic grammar, and Arabic eloquence.

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Sharing assignments and notes with classmates

is assignment work halal

what is the ruling for a student that refuses to share a difficult subject he knows and unable his fellow student to copy his assignment

All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger. The ruling on the non-cooperation of this student with his fellow students in copying his assignments and sharing his knowledge of the subject differs according to the accompanying circumstances. If helping his colleagues in this regard entails cheating and violating the school regulations or laziness and neglect on part of the other students in taking notes or doing their assignments on time, then this student did well by refusing to share with them because cheating is a reprehensible sin. It incurs grave evils on the individual, community and the nation as a whole. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, forbade cheating in all matters. He, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: " He who cheats us is not one of us. " [Muslim] Another version of the Hadeeth also cited by Imaam Muslim reads: " He who cheats is not of me . " If students cheated on their assignments or exams, then what would be the point of doing them? Cheating makes the lazy unqualified student pass at the expense of the diligent qualified student. Indeed, this is plain injustice and it goes against the common good. The same applies if those students are too lazy and neglectful to take notes during class and then ask the diligent student to share his notes for them to copy them. He should not help them and share his notes with them so that they would exert greater effort in taking their own notes during class and pay greater attention to their studies. On the other hand, if sharing those assignments (and notes) with those students does not involve any cheating and it means merely helping them study this difficult subject and benefit from his better understanding of it, then he is advised to help his classmates. In fact, Islam strongly encourages the Muslim to help those in need of his help. Allaah Knows best.

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is assignment work halal

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Assignment Freelancing

Nowadays, in Pakistan, there is an increasing trend of doing paid assignment or papers using freelancing. Is this right???

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Refer to following thread Discussion 45817

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Talha Mujahid


What should I do with my earnings cuz I’ve earned reasonable amount from that and then I don’t know that this is Haraam

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Faisal Haroon

If you made a haram earning due to lack of knowledge then you can return the money if possible. If it’s not possible to contact your customers then you can give that money in any cause for the benefit of the society or poor individuals. In addition you should sincerely repent to God.

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Is Freelancing Halal?

Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

There is nothing wrong with working on a freelance basis in the fields you mentioned, such as graphic design, creative writing, research and development, or any other kind of creative, artistic or educational work.

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Answering your question, the Fatwa Center at Islam Q & A , states:

Scope of what is permissible is wide

By the grace of Allah (may He be exalted) to all people, and to the Muslim ummah in particular, He has made what is permissible to them broad in scope, and has made permissibility the default. He has restricted the scope of what is prohibited to the narrowest possible, and has made it rare and exceptional. He, may He be glorified and exalted, says in His wise Book:

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{Allah wishes to make clear (what is lawful and what is unlawful) to you, and to show you the ways of those before you, and accept your repentance, and Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise. Allah wishes to accept your repentance, but those who follow their lusts, wish that you (believers) should deviate tremendously away (from the Right Path). Allah wishes to lighten (the burden) for you; and man was created weak.} ( An-Nissa 4:25-27 )

{Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you.} ( Al-Baqarah 2:185 )

{Allah does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favour to you that you may be thankful.}  ( Al-Maidah 5:6 ]

Imam Ash-Shatibi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“The basic principle with regard to interactions , transactions and customs is that they are permitted, unless there is evidence to the contrary.” ( Al-Mawafaqat , 1/440).

Freelance work in Islam

Hence there is nothing wrong with working on a freelance basis in the fields you mentioned, such as graphic design, creative writing, research and development, or any other kind of creative, artistic or educational work.

What matters is that you should have a purpose in your work, whether it is to help people and make life easier for them, or to promote the values of truth, guidance and justice among them, or to teach them and increase their awareness of important issues having to do with their religious or worldly affairs.

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All of these are good and valid purposes that you can undertake in the freelance work that you mentioned and other kinds of work. You may rest assured that if you bear these meanings in mind, the outcome of your work cannot be anything but good, and you will find that what you produce will fall into that praiseworthy category, far removed from the few haram matters that may be involved in such work, such as designing prohibited images, stirring up sexual desire, contributing to the spread of vile practices, selling prohibited things, and so on.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Source:   www.islamqa.info

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Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftionline.co.za » Earning through doing class assignments and exams for people

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Earning through doing class assignments and exams for people

Q: I have a question regarding one domain of modern day freelance work. People contact me through the freelancing website (where I have my profile made that mentions the subjects that I’m expert in) and ask me to do their class assignments and projects. Sometimes, they also require help on their tests and exams both online and inside the class. We decide a price with mutual consent and I get paid once the work is delivered.

Now I have a couple of questions:

1- Is this mode of earning permissible?

2- If not, then what about all the money that I have earned and spent on myself and my family till this time and this amount will turn out to be not so little as I’ve been working in this mode for last 2 years.

3- What about the profits and investments in the property and other traditional businesses that I have done using this money that I have earned from the above mentioned work mode?

4- What about the savings that I have in hand for the time being?


A:  Yes, it is permissible.

And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

This answer was collected from MuftiOnline.co.za, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior lecturer in the science of Hadith and Fiqh at Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa.

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Paid For Doing Homework & Tests: Halal Or Haram?

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By d_rizvi August 12, 2015 in Jurisprudence/Laws

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Salam Everyone,

I am a 27 year old and work in a private organization which pays me enough for me to bear the necessary expenses of life. I am about to get married and plan to go for Umrah immediately after it. The following is really troubling me these days.

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Pretty sure there are multiple threads about this. I'm by no means a scholar, but I would say its makruh. I wouldn't consider assisting others in dishonesty (since they should be doing these assignments themselves...) halal.

  • LeftCoastMom and notme


Freelance work is fine, but if that work involves helping others to cheat, it is certainly unethical at minimum.


Guest silasun

Guest silasun

It's haraam to earn from helping other people to cheat in a test because it involves helping in lying and vreaking an agreement.

What you should do is contact a pious and knowledgeable (i.e. you and many others trust their knowledge and uprightness) Shia scholar/organisation near you or via e-mail to check what your duty is with regard to the money you earned.

  • Veteran Member


I wrote to www.najaf.org with your question and I got this answer: "Nothing is on you".

Though, I have also written to www.sistani.org, and if I get the answer there, I will post it.

Abu'l Khattab

Abu'l Khattab

The narrations state that being self-employed is more desirable than being employed to someone else. So you are actually doing something recommended, keep it up. 



The question is not self-employment vs. working for someone else. 

The question is the nature of the work.

I can be a self-employed drug dealer. Is that recommended?

  • Tonks and LeftCoastMom
The question is not self-employment vs. working for someone else.    The question is the nature of the work.       I can be a self-employed drug dealer. Is that recommended?

The original question was already answered above. I was adding additional information that could be of use to other people who freelance and come across the thread (due to the title). 

Don't think too hard though, it might hurt.  

Could you kindly share these narrations? Jazzakallah khayr.

I am a 26 year old and work in a private organization which pays me enough for me to bear the necessary expenses of life. I am about to get married and plan to go for Umrah immediately after it. The following is really troubling me these days.

I work as a freelancer, which means that I write Essays, articles, research paper , dissertations for people/ students across the globe. I also sometimes do their Mathematics and Physics homework. I get work from a middle party and paid according to the amount of work i do. I do not obligate any copyrights on my work. They give me the topic, and I work from them. They have my permission to use it as they want. 

Also sometimes the students abroad ask me to help them with their tests. Either I solve online tests for them or they send me pictures of questions and I send the solutions to them via internet.

Since my clients forward the work I do for them by their name (which my clients do, I only solve the questions asked from me), Is the work and income generated from it halal for me? I realise it might be unethical, but is it haram aswell?

If it is not halal, then what should i do with the decent amount of money that i have saved from it over past 1 year, and the one that I have already spent on myself? I really put a lot of time and effort on this thing to earn what i have.

I wanted to bear the expenses of my marriage and umrah from this money. 

Thankyou everyone for your answers!

I did try to find similar threads only to find a single one with a very vague question and an indefinite answer.

I know it is unethical, but wasnt quite sure if its haram or not.

I contacted local ulema and they said that cheating is attributed to the person who is doing it. According to them, i'm answering questions based on my skills and its the clients' "fa'el" what they do with it.

I've sent my query to all grand ayatollah's and await their answers.

I wrote to www.najaf.org with your question and I got this answer: "Nothing is on you".   Though, I have also written to www.sistani.org, and if I get the answer there, I will post it.

Jazakallah for doing so brother.

One thing though, did you type in all the details? Can you share the exact answer they gave you?

I did get a reply from Al-sistani that it is halal and that the savings require khums to be taken out minimum.

Although, in my question to him, i did mention of the homework and all, but didnt mention that i solve online tests and exams for them.

I've approached him with yet another question with all the details added.

Thankyou everyone for your answers!   I did try to find similar threads only to find a single one with a very vague question and an indefinite answer.   I know it is unethical, but wasnt quite sure if its haram or not. I contacted local ulema and they said that cheating is attributed to the person who is doing it. According to them, i'm answering questions based on my skills and its the clients' "fa'el" what they do with it.   I've sent my query to all grand ayatollah's and await their answers.   Jazakallah for doing so brother. One thing though, did you type in all the details? Can you share the exact answer they gave you?   I did get a reply from Al-sistani that it is halal and that the savings require khums to be taken out minimum. Although, in my question to him, i did mention of the homework and all, but didnt mention that i solve online tests and exams for them. I've approached him with yet another question with all the details added.

I asked them the exact question which you wrote here, akhi.

Thanks a lot brother.

If you could forward the email to me, which had the answer??

Convenient for you??

Plz forward it to me at [email protected]

Okay, I will do that.

  • 1 month later...

I wrote to www.sistani.org (which is more reliable) and got the following answer (I asked the exact question you had)

In the Name of God, the Most High

Your income is halal in the given case.

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Haji 2003

I've changed the title of the thread. Clearly, freelancing as a mode of employment is not haram at all. But the issue is with the nature of the work. 

I wonder whether it would be correct to use the following analogy. Guns can be use to kill people, they can also be used for defence and as a deterrent. it's up to the user as to how they use guns. Similarly it is up to the buyer of the essay as to whether they submit your work 'as is' or whether they use it for inspiration.

However when you give people the right answer for an online test there is little doubt about what will happen next. IMHO.


There are many things that its stupid to ask any of our Ulema. We are being very dependant on the most stupid things.

It is logical, of course it wouldnt be permissible. Do you think it is ethical in the first place to do that? You are being paid to be a cheat. fullstop. Stop searching for jurisprudential loopholes to make yourself feel better after feeling guilty.

Muhammed Ali

Muhammed Ali

  Update:   I wrote to www.sistani.org (which is more reliable) and got the following answer (I asked the exact question you had)     In the Name of God, the Most High   Your income is halal in the given case.      

They must realise that this doesn't make them look good. I am sure they want to be respected and followed.

Let me ask them and give them reasons for it being haraam.

Islam is meant to be a moral religion. Morality is supposed to be one of the attractive features of the religion.


Is it unethical? Definitely but for the people who are getting the work done.

Like haji 2003 said its up to the user how he uses it.

Some days back there was a thread asking its okay to work in a shop that sells non hijabish clothes and the Marja answered that it was okay.

Just thinking, how wrong or how bad it is to solve exams for someone...it is handed out by the teachers to be solved at home after all, so for example a younger sibling comes to you for help and you do the homework with him, would it be wrong? I guess not.

Salam, Is it unethical? Definitely but for the people who are getting the work done. Like haji 2003 said its up to the user how he uses it. Some days back there was a thread asking its okay to work in a shop that sells non hijabish clothes and the Marja answered that it was okay. Just thinking, how wrong or how bad it is to solve exams for someone...it is handed out by the teachers to be solved at home after all, so for example a younger sibling comes to you for help and you do the homework with him, would it be wrong? I guess not.

Look at the OP. It mentioned things like online tests. Haji did speak about this in his answer. 

If it is known that this is work that is used for accreditation, then it is immoral.

There is also the matter of probability. If someone sends you a specification for a university assignment, then what are the chances that they are using it for inspiration? In this case you may even ask yourself if you really need the money. If you don't, then you might be very averse to doing it because of the high likelihood that it is used for haraam.


Guess I will be visiting this thread sometime next year.

They must realise that this doesn't make them look good. I am sure they want to be respected and followed.   Let me ask them and give them reasons for it being haraam.   Islam is meant to be a moral religion. Morality is supposed to be one of the attractive features of the religion.

It depends on how you ask the Marja and the details you put. You know some people ask in a vague way, trying to keep details out, asking a general question. That changes the fatwa a lot.

Selling non hijabi clothes is different.

A hijab women can wear non hijabi clothes at home or in womens gatherings. So basically you are selling the clothes you don't have to have the niyya for people to wear them in the street. But now that is different. That is you being a cheat directly.

Look at the OP. It mentioned things like online tests. Haji did speak about this in his answer.    If it is known that this is work that is used for accreditation, then it is immoral.   There is also the matter of probability. If someone sends you a specification for a university assignment, then what are the chances that they are using it for inspiration? In this case you may even ask yourself if you really need the money. If you don't, then you might be very averse to doing it because of the high likelihood that it is used for haraam.


I don't see how this is controversial. By aiding someone to cheat you are also hurting those who aren't engaging in this sort of activity. I don't see how any scholar would deem this sort of thing Halal.
  • notme and LeftCoastMom

I think the answer is obvious to anyone with sense and a conscience. I'm sure there was probably a misunderstanding between the asking and the answering of the question.

If you write an essay for someone you cannot assume that they may use it for cheating. In fact such businesses justify their activity in terms of secular morals using exactly this logic.

Islamically, I think the logic is that you cannot automatically assume a bad motivation on the part of someone else.

If you write an essay for someone you cannot assume that they may use it for cheating. In fact such businesses justify their activity in terms of secular morals using exactly this logic.   Islamically, I think the logic is that you cannot automatically assume a bad motivation on the part of someone else.

So Islamic morals tell you to finish someone else educational projects and get money for it?

The evil of knowledge is when you lose your rationality - Imam Ali

If you write an essay for someone you cannot assume that they may use it for cheating. In fact such businesses justify their activity in terms of secular morals using exactly this logic. Islamically, I think the logic is that you cannot automatically assume bad motivation on the part of someone else.

In any case even with assignments if a student is having trouble then he or she should be contacting the educational institution for help, there really is little reason to have your assignments being completed by other people. No educational process works this way. I don't see what room we have left for assuming.

  • Haji 2003 , Al-Hassan and LeftCoastMom

Let me put it in a more sophisticated issue maybe some of you may understand like that.

If he was helping students at school:

If this student got high grades, and another student got a medium grade, and both applied to a university, they might accept the guy who cheated for good grades rather than the one who got an average grade but out of his hard work.

If he was helping university students:

Lets say this guy was studying business, not going to say a doctor or engineer.

If this guy got a good job because he got good grades by cheating, he might get a good job, and then maybe make the company lose money because in the real world he doesn't know [edit] about business.

Who is to blame here? That is Islamically moral?

I don't get how people look at little stupid things and start giving lectures about how it is immoral or Haram. And then at things that is clear that is impermissible and unethical and immoral, they start searching for loopholes to brighten it and make it seem Islamically very moral and permissible and Halal.

Slightly off topic but I found this and thought I would share.

'Don’t Take These 3 Types of Unethical Writing Assignments'



Wow...you can get your homework, research, dissertations,etc. done for you online now? Why don't folks use the money for a tutor and actually learn their subjects? SMH! Leaving the OP out of this , I have to think about being a student these days...Is this what it's come to?

My issue ,in tandem with others here,is that there is cheating of the system going on as well as the fact that I'm thinking many folks are just turning these things in as their own work without study or reflection and are cheating themselves of the perhaps necessary knowledge they should be gaining for their contribution to society.

I'm betting Muhammed Ali, NotMe, and others are absolutely correct in that the religious scholars were asked in an "interesting way". I can't imagine them thinking this is okay.

They likely had to write their own dissertations.

I don't know anything about the use of the money he's gotten so far, but if this gentleman is talented in so many fields, bless him, he should set up a tutoring business or become an educator himself.

So Islamic morals tell you to finish someone else educational projects and get money for it? The evil of knowledge is when you lose your rationality - Imam Ali

It used to amuse me at a state (non-fee-paying) school when I was a teenager when my colleagues used to argue against the existence of private education. However the same people used to engage private tutors.

The reality of education is that you never have a level playing field. I've been writing about my daughter sitting a school entry exam at the age of 10 and some of these schools try and create tutor-proof exams. Such tests don't exist.

So we have a continuum. Outright cheating at one end (like doing someone's exam for them), asking someone for advice at the other. Paying someone to do an assignment falls somewhere in the middle and if you use it completely as is, then it's close to the cheating end of the spectrum.

Who is assuming? He mentioned he completes online tests for some students and live helps them with tests answers. As for homework assignments, it is a bit different as most people will not be able to apply their knowledge on tests if they don't attempt the assignments. Tests which are strictly supposed to be taken alone without help are another matter.  

You argue against my point in your first sentence and then agree with it in the sentence in bold. As you seem to acknowledge, how immoral this activity is depends on the nature of the help being given and the type of work that the freelancer is doing.

This is a fiqh' question and thus they answer based on the Islamic Jurisprudence, and not what morally would be better to do.

The answer may be confusing, indeed, and it's better to further ask them what the reason behind this answers is. 

The medical college I was teaching at last year, our Professor's daughter was taking the same course. This means a student's own mother was setting the exams, homework etc that she was supposed to do!!all except for the finals where Uni rules require that another professor come for the exam in case of the existing professor being a student's parent.

Now even if her Mother didn't help her with the actual exams she did have an advantage, a big one. She had ready access to all the study material, lecture notes, the huge question pool, all the solved assignments from the past 15/20 years...not to mention her mother tutoring her at home. And while doing so its human nature to unconsciously stress on the questions that had been marked out to be asked in the next week's test.

One of her associates started a big ethical/non ethical battle with her which eventually resulted in him leaking out the question pool , which we prefer to keep away from the students.

That made me think what would I do if ten years from now, my daughter, if Allah wills, gets into the medical school where I am teaching. She is in grade 2 and while almost all of her classmates have private tutors for homework,I help her with the homework myself and plan to continue doing so until she..... graduates college...lol. I cannot not go over with her all the ear marked books and bookmarked webpages :P if and when she does become my student.

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She is asking about halaal and haraam with regard to freelance work

Publication : 14-09-2021

Views : 32876

Whats the Islamic ruling regarding free lancing? Whats the haraam and halal sides or it? Specially I wanna about graphic designs, web developments, creative and research writings

Praise be to Allah.

By the grace of Allah, may He be exalted, to all people, and to the Muslim ummah in particular, He has made what is permissible to them broad in scope, and has made permissibility the default; He has restricted the scope of what is prohibited to the narrowest possible, and has made it rare and exceptional. He, may He be glorified and exalted, says in His wise Book (interpretation of the meaning):

“Allâh wishes to make clear (what is lawful and what is unlawful) to you, and to show you the ways of those before you, and accept your repentance, and Allâh is All-Knower, All-Wise.

Allâh wishes to accept your repentance, but those who follow their lusts, wish that you (believers) should deviate tremendously away (from the Right Path).

Allâh wishes to lighten (the burden) for you; and man was created weak” [an-Nisa’ 4:25-27]

“Allâh intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you” [al-Baqarah 2:185]

“Allâh does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favour to you that you may be thankful” [al-Maa’idah 5:6].

Imam ash-Shaatibi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

The basic principle with regard to interactions, transactions and customs is that they are permitted, unless there is evidence to the contrary. End quote from al-Mawaafaqaat (1/440).

Hence there is nothing wrong with you freelancing in the fields you mentioned, such as graphic design, creative writing, research and development, or any other kind of creative, artistic or educational work. What matters is that you should have a purpose in your work, whether it is to help people and make life easier for them, or to promote the values of truth, guidance and justice among them, or to teach them and increase their awareness of important issues having to do with their religious or worldly affairs. All of these are good and valid purposes that you can undertake in the freelance work that you mentioned and other kinds of work. You may rest assured that if you bear these meanings in mind, the outcome of your work cannot be anything but good, and you will find that what you produce will fall into that praiseworthy category, far removed from the few haraam matters that may be involved in such work, such as designing prohibited images, stirring up sexual desire, contributing to the spread of vile practices, selling prohibited things, and so on.

We have previously discussed some of the rulings on design and writing on our website, in the following answers: 105325   and 220161 .

And Allah knows best.

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Source: Islam Q&A

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Is freelancing halal if my job contract prevents from working for any other place?

Currently, I have a Software development job. But I have a lot of free time which I want to spend on freelancing on Odesk/Upwork. I do not plan to work on anything that is Islamic-ally prohibited like work on movies, cartoons etc. Also, do not plan to work on company time, just on the weekends using my own resources.

I just want to earn more money in my spare time. Will what I earn through freelancing be halal-rizq for me?

  • halal-haram

اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar

  • 1 Possible duplicate of Freelancing Haram or Halal? –  Murtaza Commented Jan 6, 2016 at 17:20
  • 1 Nope, I am asking if it is haram because it's violates the contract in my other job. –  Ahmer Sheikh Commented Jan 6, 2016 at 17:31
  • 2 The intent of those clauses it to prevent people from working on two jobs during company time, and to prevent conflict of interest issues. It is not to prevent you from earning extra money. –  Burhan Khalid Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 4:53
  • @BurhanKhalid, I honestly think your comment should be posted as an answer. Very well said brother :) –  Atata Commented Feb 22, 2016 at 18:16
  • Are you really violating your contract? You said it yourself. You work on weekends (outside of your working time) and you use your own resources (not the company's resources). How does that violates the contract? –  Amir Syafrudin Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 22:57

3 Answers 3

We are commanded repetitively by God and his messenger to honour our contracts and not to break them:

Rasul-Allah (saw) was asked what type of earning was the best, to which Rasul-Allah (SAW) answered, ''The work of a man's own hand, and every pious sale''. [Hakim] Rasul-Allah (saw) said, ''A trustworthy and an honest and truthful businessman will rise up with martyrs on the Day of Resurrection.'' [Ibn Majah, Hakim] He (saw) also said, ''A truthful, and trustworthy trader will rise up with the Prophets, the righteous and the martyrs.'' [al-Hamim, Tirmidhi] 'O you who believe! Fulfil all your covenants'' [ 5:1] ''Fulfil (every) engagement, for (every) engagement will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning)'' [17:34]

Therefore I would say that by going against the regulations defined within the contract you will be breaking them and by doing so you will also be going against the commands of God.

No matter what the reason may be, remember that these rules defined within your contract is something which you have agreed upon in the first place, agreeing to something and going against it by will can be a form of deception or hypocrisy.

one choice you can make is leave freelancing for the sake of God and trust in him as he will provide you with what is better:

And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him [Surat At-Talâq: 3] It was reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he said: "Anyone leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah shall compensate him a better one for that."

Another choice would be to consult your employer with this, although they sometimes set these rules and regulations, they tend to make exceptions when you discuss those rules with them.

Forgive me if my answer seems harsh, I am only sharing my understanding!

God knows best! May God guide us all!

Aboudi's user avatar

The reason for a company not allowing to work in a different place can be

  • You can get exhausted from work in other place and that can reflect in your productivity. For example, you may be working late night in week end and when you go to job, you will be sleeply and less productive. Software job is demanding on mind and good rest is required for good work output.
  • Company do not want their ideas or code to be used outside. If you undertake some similar work like what you do in company, you may take their code or ideas in solving the work.

My suggestion is that you openly say to your employer what you plan to do. You can convince them that your freelancing would not anyway effect your day job. If they are ok with what your are doing, you can go ahead with freelancing.

Shafeek's user avatar

If your contract is such that it prevents you from working elsewhere, then you must keep your word and avoid working elsewhere. If you are doubtful regarding the terms of your contract, you should simply ask your employer. If you were to violate your contract to earn money, it would be considered deceptive and as such your earnings wouldn't be pure. If you are unhappy with the terms of your contract, then maybe you should negotiate with your employer for more flexible terms.

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    Outright cheating at one end (like doing someone's exam for them), asking someone for advice at the other. Paying someone to do an assignment falls somewhere in the middle and if you use it completely as is, then it's close to the cheating end of the spectrum. On 10/2/2015 at 4:04 PM, King said:

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    Asalaamualikum warahmatulaahi wabarakaatuh. Brother,as you said that you helped the student in assignment but also taught him what he had to learnt related to the assignment then there is no sin in it because the student himself is trying to understand the assignment and you are just helping him in doing so.So,you can the take the money for your efforts in teaching the student,it is halaal ...

  20. She is asking about halaal and haraam with regard to freelance work

    Allâh wishes to lighten (the burden) for you; and man was created weak" [an-Nisa' 4:25-27] "Allâh intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you" [al-Baqarah 2:185] "Allâh does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favour to you that you may be thankful ...

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    1. Walaikum salammm warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Yes In Shaa Allah your income is halal. And you can use that money. And you should contact them and explain to them what happened and ask them if they would allow you to work on there website even though you don't fulfill the requirement of there policy. And Allah knows best.

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    You can get exhausted from work in other place and that can reflect in your productivity. For example, you may be working late night in week end and when you go to job, you will be sleeply and less productive. Software job is demanding on mind and good rest is required for good work output. Company do not want their ideas or code to be used ...