1. Tense, Direct and Reported Speech

    how to write direct and reported speech

  2. Direct Speech to Reported Speech

    how to write direct and reported speech

  3. Statements

    how to write direct and reported speech

  4. Direct Speech and Reported Speech

    how to write direct and reported speech

  5. "Reported speech схема"

    how to write direct and reported speech

  6. 100 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

    how to write direct and reported speech


  1. Direct and Indirect Narration (Speech)//Reporting Verb Reported Speech//12th English grammar

  2. Reported speech

  3. Reported speech|Direct or indirect speech in English

  4. Reported Speech شرح مفصل لدرس القواعد

  5. Reported Speech Notes and exercise CBSE English Class 10

  6. Reported Speech Direct to indirect speech