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Oct 1, 2016 9:00:00 AM | online class Never Do Homework In Bed: 3 Reasons Why |

Where you decide to do homework plays a role in how much work you get done. And what’s the worst place to try to be productive? Your bed.


Some students will even map out the specific times they’re going to work each day in their planner. That’s a smart move; I’m for it.

However, have you gone so far as to plan where you’re going to get your work done?

Because most people have the mindset that it doesn’t matter where you work, it’s a non-factor.

I’m here to tell you that where you decide to do homework plays a significant role in how much work you get done, especially as an online student. And what’s the worst place to try to be productive? Your bed. 

Here are three reasons why you’d be better off studying anywhere other than your bed : 

1. Studying in bed limits focus.

Think about all the reasons why you love your bed. The comfort of warm covers, soft pillows, and putting off responsibility by pressing “Snooze” are highly persuasive on their own, but even more so when compared to focusing on your homework. 

Because your bed will tempt you to stop working and sleep, it’s best you don’t put yourself in a position to fail from the start. If you don’t change scenery, you may easily allow the comfort of your bed to suck away your focus. Trust me, I’ve been a victim of this before I wised up. 

And if your bed doesn’t make you lose focus, the other things in your room probably will. Your television, smart phone, or laundry will pull for your attention and offer an avenue to procrastinate.

When you’re looking to focus, a chair and desk is the better choice. The wisest choice is a standing desk, but not everyone has one available. Then, after you’ve done your work, you can relax in your bed feeling accomplished. 

2. Studying in bed decreases productivity.

Even if you can manage to focus in your bed, it’s not a productive place to get work done.

First, the lack of space to spread out your research for a paper or study material for an exam is a concern. You’ll waste time and valuable energy going through papers to find what you’re looking for. At a long desk, you can better assemble and organize your materials.

Second, you have no opportunity to get the productivity boost from standing when you’re laying on your bed for hours working. I’m a big supporter of standing when I work because standing sends fresh blood and oxygen to the brain, which promotes optimal brain function. [1] Your body isn’t designed to sit all day.

Before you think you need to spend hundreds of dollars for a standing desk, try putting your laptop on your dresser, propped up on books or a shelf, or get creative by putting your desk on risers (just be sure it’s safe and sturdy!). You now have a “standing desk” without breaking the bank.


3. Studying in bed hurts sleep.

I’ve already discussed how working in a place your body associates with sleep can make you lethargic and unable to focus. But on the flip side, working in your bed makes going to sleep harder. Working in your bed is double trouble! 

Because you’ve trained your body to associate your bed as a place to study or get homework done, once you lay in bed to call it a night your mind will continue to think. Studying in bed earlier in the day can actually rob you of rest.

Your body needs adequate sleep to stay healthy , retain new information, handle stress, and perform at its best each day. I wish sleep deprivation on no one. 

So, to protect your focus, productivity, and sleep, now you know not to study in your bed (or even your bedroom, if possible). Since your study space is important, making an effort to find a quiet place where you’re comfortable—but not too comfortable—can be the secret to success.

And don’t forget to try standing to get the most for your mind and body!

General RFI CTA

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. This article has not been reviewed by the FDA. Always consult with your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a guest blogger for American College of Healthcare Sciences, the Institution that publishes this blog. However, all opinions are my own. This blog may contain affiliate links. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

[1] Behrens, L. (1990). An upright way to improve thinking. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from

Brian Robben

Written By: Brian Robben

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If You Absolutely Must Work From Your Bed, Posture Pros Say This Is a Must-Read

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While any chiropractor, physical therapist, or posture specialist will tell you that working from bed is  not a good idea (in fact, they rank it as one of the worst possible places you can park yourself for hours on end), it's pretty hard to resist the allure of spending your day lounging on top of a plush pillow top. Plus, for anyone without a dedicated workspace, it may be the only option.

  • Kelli Pearson, DC , Spokane, WA-based chiropractic physician and author of Eight Minutes to Ageless
  • Tami Bulmash , Tami Bulmash is a posture pro who specializes in the Alexander Technique, a process that helps to retrain habitual patterns of movement and posture.

Before you take your next Zoom meeting snuggled up with your duvet, there are a few things pros want you to know about why you should maybe think twice about doing it.  “When you're working from the bed, it doesn't offer the same kind of support that a harder surface, like a wooden chair, would offer, so you sink into it,” says  Tami Bulmash , a posture pro. “The further you sink into the softer surface, the less feedback you have about how you're managing your body.” This feedback, she explains, gives you the tools you need to understand what your spine is doing, so you can tell when you start to slouch, tense up, or curve forward. Because of this, you’re more likely to feel aches and pains from spending time sitting on a mattress—meaning that the comfort it offers in the short term tends to be misleading.


But if you, like me, are strictly #teambed (despite what literally every expert says), there are a few things you can do to make your go-to workspace slightly kinder on your body.

1. Firm up your mattress

When it comes to working from a mattress, the general rule is “the firmer, the better,” since softer surfaces offer less support. If you don’t want to swap out your pillow top for something more solid, Bulmash suggests putting a piece of plywood on top (which is uncomfortable, but effective). “If you can create a flatter, harder surface, then that would at least be giving your body more feedback and more support,” she explains.

2. Adjust your sitting position

While leaning up against your throw pillows may be comfortable, it's certainly not the best position for your body in the longterm. "If you can sit criss-cross applesauce, place a small pillow below your low back and snuggle up against the backboard," says Kelli Pearson, DC, a chiropractic physician. "When we sit, we should be able to keep a mild forward curve in the lowest part of the lumbar spine, and when we sit with our legs straight out in front of us in bed, that healthy curve is completely removed, putting the discs at great risk for being irritated."

Crossing your legs and giving your back some support will help mitigate the problem. If that's not an option, you can keep your legs straight, but place a small pillow under your knees to take some of the slack out of your hamstrings. You can also try lying on your stomach with your laptop out in front of you, which can offer your spine some relief.

3. Pile on the pillows

In addition to firming up what's  under your body (by way of your mattress), you'll also want to give yourself enough back support. Be sure to place some steady pillows—or even a partner-style pillow —behind your back so that you have something solid to lean on.

4. Get up and move around

It’s never a good idea to stay seated for hours on end, and if you’re working from your bed it’s extra important to get up and move around every 30 minutes. Aside from taking a walk around the block (or at the very least, the house), Bulmash also recommends spending 15 to 20 minutes a day lying flat on the floor with a book under your head to allow your spine to reset, and counteract some of the negative effects your bed working has had on your posture. You can also break to sit on a stool or coffee table (or any other surface that doesn’t have back support) to work your core strength.

5. Invest in a bed desk

The worst possible way to sit, according to Bulmash, is with your body in a C-shape rounded over your laptop. To combat this, try bringing a bed desk— like this one, which you can get on Amazon —into the mix, which will allow you to raise your computer to eye level and cross your legs underneath it so that your back is straight.

Need a little extra stretch after all those hours in bed? Follow along with the video below. 

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homework in bed

The Science Behind Why We Should Never Work From Bed

Photo of Hailley Griffis

Head of Communications & Content @ Buffer

There is a lot of imagery that comes to mind when someone says “working from home.” A quick Google Search yields results that are anything from someone working on the floor surrounded by pets, to people holding babies during calls, to someone working in pajamas.

homework in bed

Source: Ray Wenderlich

A lot of these things (the pajamas and family at least) are things you can’t always do at a regular office. Sometimes the pets as well, but I know plenty of offices that are becoming dog-friendly recently.

What these images represent isn’t that working from home is like working from a comfortable zoo (although sometimes it is) it means that when people think of remote work they tend to associate it with freedom. The freedom to wear what you want to work, the freedom to spend more time with family, and the freedom to have a zoo at home if that’s your cup of tea.

In a lot of ways, I do think that remote work does allow a lot more freedom than a traditional office. But from another perspective, to work smarter and healthier, it helps to adopt a level of self-control and a set of boundaries when working remotely. This is especially important if you’re working from your own home, versus a coworking space or cafe where you might still have some work and home separation.

Working from your own home means it would be effortless to spend all day in bed (often the comfiest place in the house.) According to one study, that’s precisely what some people do. This study found that 80% of young professional admit to working from bed. Who can blame them, right?

Well, while I agree that beds are the best, working from bed is something I’ve actively avoided throughout my career. When I started working 100% remotely at Buffer, I set the rule for myself that I would never work from bed. In this post, I want to go over the three reasons why let’s dive in!

The Science Behind Why We Should Never Work From Bed Buffer

Photo by Annie Spratt

Three Reasons I Never Work From Bed

1. the bedroom isn’t as relaxing.

There is something about having separate spaces in your home. It’s nice to eat in a place where you don’t relax and sleep in an area that you don’t work. These mental associations can be complicated to maintain, though.

At one point I was living and working from a bachelor apartment. I still managed to create different spaces for eating, working, and sleeping, even though it would have been a lot easier just to work and eat from my bed.

The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard backs up the idea that work shouldn’t happen where you sleep, too. They say , “Keeping computers, TVs, and work materials out of the room will strengthen the mental association between your bedroom and sleep.”

Meaning that if you’re working from bed, it can become more difficult to fall asleep since your brain will think you’re in a place of work.

2. Separation Between Work and Home

Unless you leave home to go to a coffee shop or coworking space, working from home can mean it’s tough to separate work from your regular life because you both relax and work in the same place. It’s easy to start mixing the two, but it’s best not to.

According to the Harvard Business Review’s Guide to Being more Productive, they mention : “Unless you are careful to maintain boundaries, you may start to feel like you’re always at work and losing a place to come home to.”

Being “always at work” doesn’t sound like anyone’s idea of a balanced lifestyle. This is another reason to stay out of bed while working, but also have a space dedicated to work and another dedicated to relaxing.

3. Quality of Sleep will Decrease

If I’m working from bed, it would mean bringing a laptop, or sometimes my cell phone, into bed, and I’m sure the same is true for many others. This can be bad for a person’s quality of sleep, though.

Working right before going to sleep, and looking at a bright screen, reduces the melatonin you need to fall asleep. This means it will be more challenging to get a better quality of sleep, which will affect your productivity the next day. Not only does this not sound relaxing at all, but it seems like something that affects both your work and your relaxation, a lose-lose situation.

Buffer work from bed

Photo by Lauren Mancke

What To Do Instead of Work From Bed

Just like there are plenty of reasons not to work from bed, there are also plenty of things we can all do to avoid working from bed, get a better night’s sleep, feel comfortable in our own homes, and be more productive the next day. Here are the main two:

  • Keep your devices far away from your bed

Creating that space for your bed and bedroom to be primarily for sleep goes a long way. This means not bringing devices into bed so that you can’t work there. Not only will this help you sleep better, but it’ll also help create that divide between home and work, so it doesn’t feel like you’re always working.

  • Create a separate space for work

Since work shouldn’t happen in bed, it should have its own space. A space for work might be a specific table or an area of your home. If that’s tough for you, maybe you can check out a local coffee shop or coworking space to try and create that divide.

More Remote Work Tips

This post was put together in association with Trello’s Guide: How To Embrace Remote Work . Give it a read if you can’t get enough remote work strategies like this one.

Trello Buffer Embrace RemoteWork

Over To You

Getting a good night’s sleep means being more productive and alert the next day, which helps us all do our best work. Plus, for people who want to work remotely from home long term, it’s essential to maintain that physical and mental break between work and rest.

I’d love to hear your take on this! Have you ever worked from bed? Which space do you most enjoy working from in your home?

Cover photo by Mia Baker

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Working From Bed Is Actually Great

A perfect metaphor for a year of giving up and giving in.

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By Taylor Lorenz

For years, sleep experts have held one piece of common wisdom above all else: that devices have no place in the bedroom.

Yet since the pandemic began in March, millions of Americans have defied that guidance and begun working precisely where they sleep. They are drafting legal documents, producing events, holding client calls, coding, emailing, studying and writing, all from under the covers.

This wasn’t always the plan. Early on, many of them invested in desks and other equipment meant to make their homes as ergonomically sound and office-like as possible.

When New York City shut down in March, Vanessa Anderson, 24, set up a small desk for herself in her living room. She was working for an agency that manages private chefs and wanted to keep some semblance of separation between work and sleep. “For a while I was really committed to not working from my bedroom at all,” she said.

In May, Ms. Anderson moved her desk into her bedroom for more light. “My bed was just sitting there, taunting me,” she said. She set ground rules for herself: She’d only get in bed after 2 p.m., but that start time shifted earlier and earlier. Come July, her bed had become her full-time office.

Ms. Anderson has since switched jobs — she works in e-commerce for a spice shop now — and only works remotely part of the week, but still from bed. Talking to others, she’s discovered how commonplace the practice is. “I’ve been on calls with people where we were both in bed,” she said. At the end of the call it’s like, ‘How’s the pandemic going? Oh, you’re in bed right now too? So am I!’”

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Getting Better Sleep While Working Remotely

Headshot of Danielle Pacheco, Staff Writer

Danielle Pacheco

Staff Writer

Danielle is originally from Vancouver, BC, where she has spent many hours staring at her ceiling trying to fall asleep. Danielle studied the science of sleep with a degree in psychology at the University of British Columbia

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  • We only cite reputable sources when researching our guides and articles. These include peer-reviewed journals, government reports, academic and medical associations, and interviews with credentialed medical experts and practitioners.
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Table of Contents

Balancing Remote Work and Personal Life

Creating your home office, tips for better sleep when working from your bedroom.

Remote work has been gaining in popularity for several decades, but the COVID-19 pandemic spurred an even more rapid transition to remote work, when an additional 35% of the population shifted from commuting to working remotely.

Working from home might be here to stay. A survey conducted by Pew Research Center in October 2020 found that among people with a job that could be done from home, more than 50% Trusted Source Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world. View Source said they would like to continue teleworking once the pandemic ends. However, teleworking also challenges the boundary between work and personal life, and bringing work into the bedroom may have serious effects on sleep.

Remote work offers many benefits, including greater flexibility with work hours and less time and money spent commuting – but the transition to a healthy work-life balance may not happen overnight. With some adjustments, you may find you can capitalize on the benefits of both the office and the home while working remotely. Some tips include:

  • Find a Replacement for Your Commute : Adopt some strategies to teach your brain when you are working and when you’re relaxing. For example, at the start of the workday, you might make your bed, take a shower, and change into work clothes. At the end of the workday, it may help to put away your computer and work materials.
  • Make a Schedule : To avoid letting work take over, set clear guidelines and schedule time into your day for exercise, proper meals, and personal time.
  • Keep a Regular Bedtime : If you don’t like the nine-to-five time frame, remote work might present an opportunity to adopt a schedule that feels more natural to you. Just keep in mind that you’ll sleep better if you go to sleep and wake up around the same time every day Trusted Source National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. View Source .
  • Set Work Hours : Explain to your family that you may not be available at certain times because you need to work. Similarly, set limits with coworkers about not encroaching on family time, and try your best not to check emails after work hours.
  • Take Breaks : Similar to when you’re working in the office, take the occasional mini-break to make a cup of tea, chat with your family, or take a short walk. These breaks can help you stay active and give your eyes a rest from the computer screen.
  • Stay Healthy : Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly are beneficial for your sleep and productivity.
  • Practice Self-Care : If you’re feeling lonely or stressed, reach out to your support network and use mindfulness or other relaxation techniques to stay grounded.

If you’re struggling to adapt to remote work, you may find it helps to designate a clear physical distinction between your workspace and your personal space.

When creating a space to work from home, there are several considerations to take into account:

  • Pick a Calm Place : Ideally, you’ll have a workspace that’s comfortable and separated from the rest of the house. If you share a space with other people, consider designating your work area with a curtain or a room divider.
  • Factor in Ergonomics : Adjust your chair, desk, and computer monitor to a comfortable height. Consider investing in a keyboard, mouse, and laptop stand to reduce neck strain from looking at your laptop.
  • Seek Quiet : Minimize distractions by turning off the television, phone notifications, and other sounds. If you’re bothered by noise from other members of the household, you might concentrate better with headphones or earplugs.
  • Keep the Workspace Neat : Reduce stress by clearing clutter and keeping a clean, organized desk.
  • Take Advantage of Natural Light : Having a properly lit workplace can help reduce eye strain and keep you alert. If you have access to a window and sunshine, natural light Trusted Source National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. View Source can boost your mood during the day and help you sleep at night.

Using your bedroom as your office is not generally recommended when working from home. Working in the bedroom establishes unhealthy associations between your bed and work Trusted Source National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. View Source , making it difficult to mentally disconnect when you’re trying to fall asleep. Additionally, the bed isn’t exactly an ergonomic workspace.

However, if you live in a studio apartment or a shared household, you may have to work in your bedroom.

If your bedroom is the only place available for remote work, follow these tips to minimize the impact on your sleep:

  • Don’t Work in Bed : The more time you spend in bed awake, the harder it can be for your brain to shut off at night. If you’re short on space, consider reappropriating a shelf from your closet to make a standing desk. Rearranging your bedroom furniture into a work space and a home space may also help you draw a line between the two.
  • Take Breaks in Another Room : Treat yourself to a change of scenery by taking your breaks in another room or going for a walk.
  • Turn Off Screens One Hour Before Bedtime: Electronic devices with backlit screens give off blue light Trusted Source National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. View Source that interferes with sleep, which is why sleep experts recommend keeping technology out of the bedroom . If you must bring work into the bedroom, try to stop working at least one hour before bed and switch to a non-screen activity, such as reading a book or listening to music.
  • Follow a Bedtime Routine : Wind down with a simple bedtime routine, which could include brushing your teeth, changing into pajamas, and relaxing with a book or music.
  • Practice Healthy Sleep Hygiene : When your bedroom doubles as your office, it’s especially important to optimize your bedroom for sleep at night. Take steps to create a bedroom environment that is calming and comfortable. This may include lowering the thermostat and minimizing any noise or distractions.

Sleep and working from home don’t have to be incompatible. By implementing some creative work-from-home office ideas, you can maintain healthy sleep hygiene and set yourself up to be more productive.

About Our Editorial Team

Headshot of Danielle Pacheco, Staff Writer

Danielle Pacheco, Staff Writer

References 6 sources.

Brynjolfsson, E., Horton, J. J., Ozimek, A., Rock, D., Sharma, G., & TuYe, H.-Y. (2020, June 15). COVID-19 and Remote Work: An Early Look at US Data. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

Parker, K., Horowitz, J. M., & Minkin, R. (2021). How the Coronavirus Outbreak Has – and Hasn’t – Changed the Way Americans Work. Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project.

Kaur, H., Spurling, B. C., & Bollu, P. C. (2020). Chronic Insomnia. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Harb, F., Hidalgo, M. P., & Martau, B. (2015). Lack of exposure to natural light in the workspace is associated with physiological, sleep and depressive symptoms. Chronobiology International, 32(3), 368–375.

Altena, E., Baglioni, C., Espie, C. A., Ellis, J., Gavriloff, D., Holzinger, B., Schlarb, A., Frase, L., Jernelöv, S., & Riemann, D. (2020). Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID-19 outbreak: Practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT-I Academy. Journal of Sleep Research, 29(4), e13052.

Bonmati-Carrion, M. A., Arguelles-Prieto, R., Martinez-Madrid, M. J., Reiter, R., Hardeland, R., Rol, M. A., & Madrid, J. A. (2014). Protecting the melatonin rhythm through circadian healthy light exposure. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15(12), 23448–23500.

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Don’t Study in Bed

November 8, 2017 by Carolina Pinto

Graphic by Nate Barton

It’s very important that students find a good place where they can study and be productive. Some people like the library, others like their rooms. However, research has found that studying in bed can be unhealthy.

Some of the reasons why studying or getting work done in bed could be disadvantageous for college students include: focus limitation, decreased productivity and sleep issues, according to Brian Robben’s article “ Never Do Homework In Bed: 3 Reasons Why, ” published Oct. 1, 2016 by American College of Healthcare Sciences.

Working or doing homework in bed will reduce one’s focus because most people tend to associate their beds with comfort and sleep. Doing such activities in bed can lead to a deviation of the brain to become more lazy and possibly fall asleep. “The comfort of warm covers, soft pillows, and putting off responsibility by pressing ‘Snooze’ are highly persuasive on their own, but even more so when compared to focusing on your homework,” according to Robben’s article.

Avoiding studying in bed could lead to a better and more profound sleep. “Keeping computers, TVs, and work materials out of the room will strengthen the mental association between your bedroom and sleep,” according to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School’s article “ Twelve Simple Tips to Improve Your Sleep, ” published Dec. 18, 2007.

Studying in bed can be detrimental to one’s productivity, because it is not efficient to have paperwork and books on a surface that is not flat and solid. Furthermore, studying in bed does not allow the proper blood flow to the brain, which “sends fresh blood and oxygen to the brain, [promoting] optimal brain function,” according to Robben’s article.

Sitting in bed to do schoolwork can be very harmful to one’s health, especially posture. “Slouching can be bad for your back, due to lack of lumbar support. A neck bent too sharply can also negatively affect your posture and cause pain,” according to Hilary Lebow’s article “ 5 Reasons To Get Your Desk Out Of Your Bedroom, ” published Aug. 5, 2016, by Alternative Daily.

For more focus, productivity and sleep, it is crucial that college students are aware of the disadvantages of studying in bed. Instead, students should find a desk, go to the library, or a classroom. This will allow students to sit up straight and have their thoughts organized, as they are not in the comfort of their beds.


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How to Do Homework in the Morning

Last Updated: June 28, 2021 References

This article was co-authored by Jennifer Kaifesh and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain . Jennifer Kaifesh is the Founder of Great Expectations College Prep, a tutoring and counseling service based in Southern California. Jennifer has over 15 years of experience managing and facilitating academic tutoring and standardized test prep as it relates to the college application process. She takes a personal approach to her tutoring, and focuses on working with students to find their specific mix of pursuits that they both enjoy and excel at. She is a graduate of Northwestern University. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 144,888 times.

If you want to get some homework done in the morning, that's awesome! Just make sure you get everything ready the night before so you can get right to work in the morning. We've created a list to help you do just that! We'll start by walking you through some ways to prepare the night before and then share a few pointers to help you have a stress-free morning.

Figure out how much time you'll need in the morning.

Review your assignments and estimate how long it will take you to finish each one.

  • Don't forget to leave plenty of time for eating breakfast and getting ready!

Leave your homework out so it's ready to go.

Organize your work now so you don't waste any time in the morning.

  • If you think you might need stuff like a dictionary, graph paper, or a ruler, go ahead and grab it now. [3] X Trustworthy Source Child Mind Institute Nonprofit organization providing evidence-based care for children with mental health and learning disorders and their families Go to source

Pack your lunch and set out your clothes at night.

Get everything ready now so you don't have to think about it later.

Set your alarm to wake you up in the morning.

Put your alarm out of reach so you have to get up to turn it off.

  • If you have a family member who wakes up early, ask them to make sure you’re awake in the morning and to wake you up immediately if you’re still snoozing.

Go to bed at a sensible hour so you won't be tired.

Kids need 8-10 hours of sleep to feel rested the next day.

  • Put your phone on a sleep timer if your friends have a habit of calling or texting you late into the night.

Sit at a desk or table to finish your homework in the morning.

It’s hard to focus and get stuff done if you try to do homework in bed.

  • If your bed is starting to look a little too appealing as you’re working at your desk, get up and go work at the kitchen table, just in case!

Do logic-based homework first.

It’s easier to focus on simple, logic-based work in the morning.

Get up and move around if you start to feel sleepy.

Walk around or do a few quick stretches to wake yourself up.

  • Be careful not to get distracted! Limit your break to 1-2 minutes.

Leave enough time to get to school before the first bell.

Wrap up your work on time so you aren't late for school.

Give yourself more than a day for tough assignments.

Waiting until the last minute is stressful, especially if you don't have enough time.

  • If you're procrastinating because you don't understand the assignment, don't be afraid to ask your teacher to clarify! Ask for clear instructions and examples so you can get started. [13] X Trustworthy Source Edutopia Educational nonprofit organization focused on encouraging and celebrating classroom innovation Go to source

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About this article

Jennifer Kaifesh

If you want to do your homework in the morning, prepare the night before by setting out your homework on your desk so you don't waste time the next day. Then, set your alarm so you wake up with enough time to complete your assignments, have breakfast, and get to school. When you wake up in the morning, do stretches to make you feel more alert and drink a glass of cold water to release adrenaline. Finally, sit at a desk or table to do your assignments to help you stay focused. To learn why you should complete logic-based homework first, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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The Art of Doing Homework in Bed

If you search “doing homework in bed” online, you’ll find about a million articles explaining why you shouldn’t. The internet will shower you with studies about everything from not being able to sleep at night to potential psychological problems. However, as a professional bed studier (and fantastic sleeper), I can say with complete certainty: doing homework in bed is the best way to do it! Here’s why.

It’s the comfiest place on campus.

First of all, your bed is your body’s own personal heaven. It’s the comfiest place you can find not just on campus, but anywhere. If you had the choice of sitting in a soft, plush sofa or a hard, wooden chair, why in the world would you sit in the chair? That would be just as crazy as working at a hard desk instead of your cozy bed!

You don’t have to walk up a bajillion flights of stairs just to get to a library.

Boston College has a lot of stairs. That’s a known fact. Why would you put yourself through 30 minutes of a gruesome calf workout and exposure to the freezing wind and snow just so you can study in a library? You could spend those extra 30 minutes of torture studying (or watching an episode of Friends) in your warm, cozy bed.

You can wear anything you want.

You don’t have to worry about putting a bra or pants on when you’re studying in your bed. You could literally wear anything and no one would know or care!

You can play music out loud in the background.

Some people can’t focus with music, but for those who can, working in your bed is perfect for it! You can play whatever you want without having to worry about wearing earphones, your music being too loud, or people judging you for dancing along. It will also prevent you from falling asleep!  

Moral of the story: start doing your homework in bed!

Tips for Doing Homework In Bed:

Invest in a good bedrest pillow so you have the proper back support.

My life was significantly changed for the better after getting on of these. You can find these basically anywhere, in any color, and for pretty cheap. Target has great plush ones for under $20. Some even have little pockets on the sides!

Keep the main light on! And if that isn’t enough, get another one!

Keeping the main light on will keep you focused and awake. Good lighting also reduces eye strain and mental fatigue!

Get some snacks to hold you over.

Before going back to my room to study I ALWAYS grab a snack to hold me over until I finish studying. I would recommend an apple, popcorn, or crackers!

Sit on top of your made bed. If you’re cold, put a blanket over you.

Whatever you do, DO NOT go under the covers. This is the reason lots of people will fall asleep while studying. If you make your bed and work on top of it, you’ll be just as comfy and will stay awake. If you are cold, just put a blanket over you!

Happy studying!………

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How should you study in bed- 4 Tips that can work

how to study in bed effectively

Are you getting bored or feeling sleepy or tired while studying in bed?

If yes and still want to study in bed without facing these problems then make sure you read this article till the end.

Because in this article, I have 4 simple tips and some guides that will make your study easy in bed and you’ll have a better focus while studying in bed.

Is it good to study in bed?

If you think, Is it good to study in bed? Or, Is it healthy to study in bed? then let me first answers your questions.

Well, many blogs or people will recommend you to don’t study in bed and use a study table and chair instead. Somewhere they are right also.

Because some research has found that studying in bed can be unhealthy. Working or doing homework in bed  will reduce one’s focus because most people tend to associate their beds with comfort and sleep.

You must have also realized that studying in bed can make you feel sleepy and lazy and you may want to leave your study.

Well whatever it is you, now you better know what you should do.

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So regardless of the reasons why you want to study in bed, let’s dive into the tips and guides that will surely help you to study in bed in the right way .

The first two tips will be helpful to make a good position and body posture, and it will also give you a healthy way to study in bed. And the last two tips can make your study effectively without getting bored and feeling sleepy in bed.

1: Don’t study while lying

Your position and body posture really matters when you study in bed. And, I will never recommend you to study while lying in bed because when you study like this you must feel sleepy or tired.

So instead of studying like this, use a study desk for your bed or a book stand that will give you a perfect body posture. And if you can afford more then also use a reading pillow that will keep you away from back or neck pain.

Here are the best things that I’m talking about:

  • Study Table for study in bed

study desk

  • A Bookstand for reading in bed

book stand

Read also: 19 Books for College Students that they must read!

  • A reading pillow for a better position in the bed

reading pillow

These all things are necessary to sit and study comfortably in bed or we can say to turn your bed into a perfect study place.

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2: Light for Study

As your position matters while studying in bed similarly light also matters for study. Good light for study not only can reduce your eye strain even it can improve your mood to study.

Read here : How to choose the best lighting for the study desk?

Brief guide: If you study in the daytime then daylight is best for your study. And when you study at night or in a dark room then general lighting (ambient lighting) can provide smooth and radiant illumination to your study area. This type of lighting enhances your sense of well-being, which can increase your productivity and reduce your stress.

homework in bed

Never study in dim light; It can affect your eyes and make you feel sleepy while studying.

You can also use a desk lamp, table lamp, or floor lamp for a better study in bed but make sure, to place the desk lamp on the opposite side of your dominant hand so the light sweeps across the study area without creating shadows.

3: Make your study Interesting

Have you ever tried to make your study interesting?

When you make your study interesting then not only you can retain your focus while studying even you won’t get bored too while studying in bed.

But, how can you make your study interesting while studying in bed?

Well, here I have two tips that you can try while studying:

1: Study with music

homework in bed

Studying with music in bed not only can make your study fun but even give you better concentration.

It’s a scientifically proven fact studying while playing music improves your concentration but the condition is that music (not song) should be different from your genre and have a repetitive pulse.

So while studying in bed, try to listen to music and keep some snacks close to you.

2: Study with flashcards or color-coded notes

To make your study interesting (not bored) in bed, make flashcards or color-coded notes. These two are the best ways to study and learn something quickly and not forget it easily . And when you’ll make flashcards by yourself it will also improve your creativity.

So must try these study techniques when you study in bed.

4: Take breaks

Studying continuously in bed or sitting with one subject is not too good and you can’t stay focused . And that’s why you want to procrastinate your study.

homework in bed

So never study continuously for long hours in bed. And mix up your studies with different subjects.

Try to study in bed for short durations and every half-one hour, take breaks for 10-15 minutes. And don’t use your phone while studying (use in breaks). After a break takes other subjects to enjoy your study.

It’s very important to take breaks with one subject while studying in bed to refresh your mind.

My views and points:

Studying in bed is a challenging thing but possible with proper guidance. And if you have a study desk, bookstand, and a reading pillow then you must be able to study in bed.

I hope you enjoyed my tips and guides on how to study in bed.

Now I want to hear from you:

How did you find this article and are you gonna try all tips from now on?

Tell me in the comment, I am curious.

2 thoughts on “How should you study in bed- 4 Tips that can work”

Thank you so much for answering some of our questions! My mom always told me studying in bed is bad, and I have this to prove it to her.

the data you have provided is productive. it can enhance the study way

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5 Ways to Create a Positive Study Environment

Student Spotlight headshot of Denise Baylor.

Last Updated March 25, 2016

A proper study environment can play a big role when it comes to retaining information. Where you study can be just as important as the study material. Students taking classes online generally have more control over a designated study space compared to on-campus students, but it’s still important to find that one optimal place to study.

Here are five tips to help create a workspace that will be most effective for you during study sessions.

Comfort is Key

Being comfortable in a study space is about finding balance. You don’t want to be so comfortable that you can’t focus or stay awake. Sitting at a desk or table with a comfortable chair is usually the best way to go. Doing homework in bed might be relaxing, but it may send your brain signals associated with nap time instead of study time.

Overall, you know your body better than anyone. Choose a place that best fits your current mood. For example, if you are studying late at night and getting sleepy, try to avoid the big comfy couch, and instead opt for a desk.

Plenty of Personalization

For some people, a little personalization in the study space can go a long way toward proactive studying. Adding some decorations such as family photos or a poster with an inspirational quote can help motivate some people to keep pressing forward.

Adding colors that appeal to the senses can also be helpful. For example, the colors blue, purple and green tend to bring about feelings of peace and balance.

With that being said, don’t go overboard with the decorations because too many can easily affect your study time. Remember, the study space is designed to help you study more effectively, not become an arts and crafts distraction.

Clear Away the Clutter

Keeping your study space clean and organized can also help improve study time. An unorganized or messy study area can be a distraction. Whether it’s not being able to find the right paperwork, or a stinky smell from old food, a study space that is unorganized will also be ineffective.

You’ve heard of spring-cleaning – now, clean up your study space too. Working in a clean space can help improve focus and peace of mind. For starters, try organizing scattered papers at your study area into one stack. Then, divide the paper stack into three piles:

  • Stack 1: Things needing completion
  • Stack 2: Items to file away
  • Stack 3: Trash

When all the items have been collected, throw out all the trash first, and then file the paperwork in stack 2 into a folder or binder for easy access. Then, begin to work on the items in stack 1. Your end goal should be to remove all the clutter in the workspace, except for the necessary study materials, like pens, sticky notes, note cards and a computer.

Forget About Your Phone

Cell phones are great for finding information and staying updated on the latest news, but they can also be big distractors. In general, stay off your cell phone during study time. There is no need for anything dramatic like turning your phone off, unless you feel you won’t be able to resist the urge to use it. If you trust yourself to keep it on, set it aside and let friends and family know that you are studying and will talk to them later.

It’s typically best to stay off social media as well, unless it is absolutely relevant to getting your work accomplished. Keeping these distractions under control while in your study space can help improve focus and information retention.

If you Like Music, Give This a Try

Listening to music while studying often depends on the person, as music can affect people in different ways. A 2010 study from the University of Wales suggested that “listening to background music prior to studying increased cognitive processes, such as attention and memory, through the mechanism of increasing arousal and positive mood.”

Other studies found that the type and tempo of music can increase or decrease information retention. For instance, researchers from the University of Dayton determined that participants performed better at spatial and linguistic processing when Mozart was playing in the background.

When it comes to playing music in your study space, be honest with yourself. Your most effective option may be to listen to country music, white noise, or perhaps no music at all. Be smart about it and choose the way that will help you best absorb the information.

While this is not an all-inclusive list, following these five tips can help transform your study space, improve organization techniques and promote good study habits.

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How to Get Your Homework Done Fast

Last Updated: June 24, 2024 Fact Checked

Staying Focused

Getting organized, staying motivated, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,157,332 times.

Doing homework can be both time-consuming and frustrating, and you probably want to do more with your free time than just homework. When you have a lot of work to do, it can be tough to work efficiently. By staying focused, organizing and planning, and motivating yourself, you can get your homework done in a timely manner and move onto more fun and exciting activities. But you should start with putting away all distractions such as your devices unless you need them.They are normally the main distraction. You should also work in a quiet place so you are not attempted to go and do something else. For example, you should not work near your TV because you will be tempted to go and watch it.

Step 1 Work in a comfortable, well-lit environment.

  • Download website-blocking apps such as Freedom or SelfControl to stay focused while using your computer for homework. Some, such as the Chrome extension Strict Workflow, even have the added bonus of preventing you from cancelling the timer once it has started.

Step 3 Set a timer.

  • If one subject or type of assignment is taking much more time than the others, you may want to ask for a little extra help in that area from your teacher or parent.
  • If you get distracted or go off-task, don't make excuses for yourself. (e.g. "I won't be able to focus until I do this anyway." or "I'm sure it will only take a minute or two."

Step 1 Get your supplies in order.

  • Consider consolidating your multiple different subject folders and notebooks into one big binder separated by tab dividers. This way, all of your schoolwork will be in one place.

Step 2 Make a homework plan for the evening.

  • Decide how much time you want to spend on your homework collectively.
  • Make a list of all the different tasks you need to finish.
  • Estimate how much time you’ll be able to spend on each task to finish your homework when you want to.
  • Work straight through your list and cross tasks off as you go. [7] X Research source

Step 3 Start your homework soon after you get home from school.

  • A ten page essay that’s due in a week that you haven’t started should be labeled an “A” or “B” while a short five question worksheet due in three days may be labeled a “C”.
  • Make sure you don't wait until the last second to get assignments done.

Step 1 Take breaks.

  • Try eating celery sticks and apple slices with peanut butter.

Step 3 Reward yourself with a fun post-homework activity.

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  • Wear something very comfortable while you work. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure to hand in all assignments on time. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Try using a planner to help you remember the tasks that you need to complete. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • If you set a timer, it can motivate you to get your homework done more quickly. Be sure to take a 2-5 minute break in between. For example, if you're going to do an assignment that you expect to take 30 minutes, set a timer for 15 minutes. Take a 2-minute break when the timer goes off, then set your timer again for 15 minutes.
  • It can be good to have friends over if they help motivate you and are interested in getting their homework done quickly as well. They might be a distraction at times but it can also be easier to work when there are people around you who are working too.
  • If you drink something cold during your breaks it can help make you more alert so that you'll finish faster. It might also help to do it at night rather than during the day so you feel more time pressure.
  • Try to get your homework done as much as you can in school. You could do it during a flex or study hall. If your teacher gives you time in class to work on it, use it.

homework in bed

  • Take your time. If you rush through your homework and don’t try your best, you might end up getting a bad grade. Thanks Helpful 177 Not Helpful 19

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  • ↑ Jake Adams. Academic Tutor & Test Prep Specialist. Expert Interview. 20 May 2020.

About This Article

Jake Adams

To get your homework done fast, work in a comfortable, well-lit area that doesn't have any distractions. Also, try setting a timer with however many minutes you want to finish your homework in so you can glance at it as you work and see if you're spending too much time on something. You can also make a to-do list before you get started so you don't waste any time figuring out what you need to be working on. To stay motivated, have a snack and some water nearby, and reward yourself with a fun activity once all your homework is done. To learn how to get organized so it's easier to do your homework, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Couch Naps or Bed Naps: Which is Better?

Couch Naps or Bed Naps: Which is Better?

I think we can all agree that naps are a gift from the Lord. No question there. Hear me out on this one—they’re like a snack but for sleep. Here’s the catch, though: you have to decide where you will get the most refreshing and restful nap—on the couch or on your bed?

Throughout the week, I informally asked how people felt about either option, and the results were well-mixed, inconclusive if you will. The common factor, though, is everyone’s passion for their nap location of choice. Napping is an exact science with factors that are unique to each person.

Let’s start with couch naps, my personal choice. Because the body is not trained to sleep for long periods of time on the couch, as it would be in bed, couch naps are favorable for that quick 30-minute to an hour nap in between classes.

The body will naturally wake up from a nap in a shorter time, feeling more revived. Helen Arango, SNU junior, advocates for the couch nap in most instances. Some of the best naps that she ever had were when she fell asleep watching movies. “The best quality naps have been on the couch because that is where I have the spontaneous naps when I need them the most,” said Arango.

Couch naps are the ones that are not necessarily planned. They just happen out of the blue during the fourth episode of the show you’re binging. Arango argued that, while they might not be as restful and comfortable as a bed nap, couch naps prove just how tired a person is. “If I fall asleep on the couch, it’s because I’m so exhausted that I need to fall asleep,” said Arango.

On the flipside, bed naps are perfect for those after-church Nazarene naps. You know—the ones that last for three to four hours, but you wake up and you’re not sure if you slept for four hours or four days.

These are the kind of naps that SNU junior, Shannon Ashworth, favors. She argues that bed naps are more efficient because it is easier to fall asleep in bed where our bodies are trained to sleep and where there are fewer distractions than there would be in a living room.  

Specifically, for college students, Ashworth recommends the bed nap for more efficiency in falling asleep because, “that is where your body is comfortable and most acclimated to falling asleep in, because you have your certain set up with your pillows and your blankets that allow you to reach your maximum and optimal amount of comfort in the minimum amount of time.”

The main trick to abide is to avoid doing homework in bed so that the brain is trained to believe that the bed is for sleep and not for work. Differentiating the purpose of each location is key to achieving the best possible nap.

The answer to the question of which is better depends on a mixture of where you do homework, the comfort level of the couch or bed, and day-to-day routine. There are simply too many factors to decide which is definitively better. All I know is that as long as I am in college, I will always be in need of a good nap whether it is on the couch, in bed, or right in the middle of class.

(Photo by Rex Pickar on Unsplash )

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Ask away! Disclaimer: This is an anonymous forum so answers may not be correct

Why is it easier for me to do work in bed rather than sitting down at a desk?

I’ve spent the last few years trying to condition myself to do my homework sitting down at a desk or at the library, but I’m never really productive. I feel uncomfortable a lot of the time and wish I could be laying in bed watching YouTube or playing video games.

However, when I lay down in bed with my laptop and worksheets, it’s very easy for me to get everything done in one session. Everyone says it’s bad because you could fall asleep, but I personally get more sleepy sitting in a chair rather than laying in bed.

Is there a reason as to why I work more efficiently in bed?

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Associations of time spent on homework or studying with nocturnal sleep behavior and depression symptoms in adolescents from Singapore

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Measurements, conclusions.

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Participants and methods, participants and data collection, assessment of sleep behavior and time use, assessment of depression symptoms, data analysis and statistics.

 Time spent on activities (h)   
Daily activitiesSchool daysWeekends Cohen's d
Time in bed for sleep6.57 ± 1.238.93 ± 1.49−49.0<0.001−1.73
Lessons/lectures/lab6.46 ± 1.110.07 ± 0.39194.9<0.0017.68
Homework/studying2.87 ± 1.464.47 ± 2.45−30.0<0.001−0.79
Media use2.06 ± 1.273.49 ± 2.09−32.4<0.001−0.83
Transportation1.28 ± 0.650.98 ± 0.7411.4<0.0010.43
Co-curricular activities1.22 ± 1.170.22 ± 0.6928.4<0.0011.04
Family time, face-to-face1.23 ± 0.922.70 ± 1.95−32.5<0.001−0.97
Exercise/sports0.86 ± 0.860.91 ± 0.97−2.20.031−0.06
Hanging out with friends0.59 ± 0.771.24 ± 1.59−15.2<0.001−0.52
Extracurricular activities0.32 ± 0.650.36 ± 0.88−1.90.057−0.06
Part-time job0.01 ± 0.130.03 ± 0.22−2.40.014−0.08
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Fig 1

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Teacher found a lucrative side hustle decorating college kids' dorm rooms

  • Mississippi teacher Shelly Gates, 49, designed her daughter's dorm room at Mississippi State in 2020.
  • After she posted photos of it, other moms started hiring her to design their college kids' dorms.
  • Gates, who runs her dorm business on the side, said over-the-top rooms are part of Southern culture.

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Shelly Gates, 49, whose Jackson, Mississippi-based interior-decor firm Mary Margaret Designs focuses on college dorm rooms. She posts videos of her work on TikTok, where she has over 17,000 followers. The essay has been edited for length and clarity.

I always loved design. And down here in the South, people make kind of a big deal about the dorm rooms.

It started with my daughter's dorm room at Mississippi State in 2020.

I happened to post some pictures on Facebook for my friends, and it kind of caught everybody's eye. There was a little "dorm room of the year" contest in one of my mom Facebook groups , and they happened to pick my daughter's room.

It gave me the confidence to think, "You know what? I can do this." Dorm rooms are easy, small, and pretty uniform compared to bigger design projects.

So I just started dipping my toes in the water.

I've done 20 rooms in total now including every school around here like Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Southern Methodist University, SMU, and the University of Southern Mississippi. I've also done Mizzou, Bama , Belmont, and Arkansas.

I did just one room my first year. Then I did seven, which really got me in over my head. This year, I limited it to just five projects.

There are just so many little details that have to be taken care of, and so much background work, before you even really start to design.

I started with a design fee, and then I charge hourly for installation. I've been able to increase my fee, but it really depends on the project, whether it's for both roommates, or how big the space is. This year it was around $5,000 total a room.

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I'll start months in advance using TikTok to find out the dimensions of rooms

A big part of the initial part of the design is determining which school they're going to and which dorm they're living in.

I have to find the dimensions and layout. The measurements that the university provides are not always to scale.

I walked into a dorm two weeks ago and there was a window seat. That was nowhere in the plan. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but in a 9'x12' dorm room, it really affects the bed and the layout of the room.

I'll scroll through TikTok to find the right layouts from past years.

I always start with the fabric the student wants. From there, I'll scour Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram for inspiration, but I always come up with a lot of ideas myself.

In addition to the furnishings, I handle all the organization and storage . I make sure Mom has a checklist for the batteries, the light bulbs, the trash can, things like that.

I want the process to be streamlined for the parents and for the dorms to feel pretty much turnkey.

I splurge on bedding and art, but always buy a cheap rug

I spend more money on bedding and lamps because they can carry over to new spaces well. I also like the kids to have art because it has a shelf life and stays in good shape.

Their freshman year, they might just have a room with twin beds . But eventually, they'll move into an apartment or the sorority or fraternity house, where they'll need to decorate again. I want the bedding, lamps, and art to easily transition with them.

On the flip side, I always try to get a cheap rug , especially during Amazon Prime Days and super sales like that. Rugs are always gross at the end of the year and you should just throw those away.

I usually find really good deals for rugs around $100. These are 18-year-old kids — they don't need a Persian rug.

One thing that is also a must-have is a really great bed skirt. I get mine custom-made by a fabric store down in Ridgeland, Mississippi. You're lifting the bed 36 inches to get all the storage possible — and all of a sudden have this space exposed underneath.

I like to use one with panels and hook it together with a bungee cord so the under bed storage is still easy to access, but it keeps the room beautiful.

I don't let mean comments on my Tiktok videos get to me

In the South, we kind of do everything over the top. It's just what we want.

I can't speak for everyone, but I just wanted my children to have a place that really felt like home. If they're going to leave the nest and flap their little wings , I want them to have a place that's a refuge for them.

I think a lot of the moms see that, and also just really want to give something nice to their kids. Down here, when you walk into a dorm — and I'm in a lot of them — almost every single room is done to the nines . It's just the way the moms down here do it.

For those who say it's over the top, I say to each their own.

I'm sure that a lot of them choose to spend their money on things that are important to them, but for my clients, this is where they want to spend their money.

I read hate comments sometimes and think, "Well, I don't really tell you where to spend your money, right?"

My end result is that my students are happy and that my moms and dads are happy. That's my ultimate goal — to create a space that they love.

I've been able to segue the business into other avenues as well. In the South, a lot of people will buy condos in whatever town their child goes to school. So I've designed those for the parents of dorm clients.

I teach fourth grade full-time so it started out as a fun summer thing, but I would love to do it full-time. Hopefully soon, I can hire additional designers and grow my business.

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